First Slide Examples of Velocities by Resolution and Composition Example 1
First Slide Examples of Velocities by Resolution and Composition Example 1
First Slide Examples of Velocities by Resolution and Composition Example 1
Example 1.
Slide 2
The instantaneous angular velocity of the crank Q2A is 24 in long and the other
members are drawn to the same scale as Q2A. KS: 1 in.=1 ft. Kv =10fps.
2 π x Q2 A x N 1 ft 1m
va= ( in x rev/min x 12∈¿ ¿ X 60 s )
12 X 60
2 π x 24 x 100
= 12 X 60
2 ( 3.14 ) x 24 x 100
= 20.94 fps
Va ᴝ 21 fps
Slide 3
Slide 4
Bb1, Dd1 =Aa1
V of B (perpendicular to Q4B)
Vb=1.3fps x 10fps
Vb =13fps
Slide 4
Draw proportional line abd.
From d1 draw the component of Vd perpendicular to ABD cutiing the proportional line
at d. Then
Vd= Dd x Kv=14.2 fps
Slide 5
Then Vc= Cc x Kv
Since E is a point on the cramk Q4B, its velocity is proportional to the velocity of B as then
distances are from Q4, (Vb:Ve=Q4B: Q4E).
Ve= Ee x Kv
Example no.2
In the figure 3-12 the linear velocity of A is represented by the line Aa. Find the
linear velocity of D
Lay off Bb1 and Cc1 equal to Aa1, the component along ABC. Since the sliding
block is constrained to move along QX, the velocity of B is along QB
Velocity of A
Absolute velocity
Resolve the velocity of A on the link 2(Va on 2 ) into components along and
perpendicular to link 3
Then Aa1 is the absolute velocity of A on link 3 (Va on 3 ) and a1a is the
sliding velocity of the block A on the link 3
Perpendicular to BC