MMW The Nature of Mathematics
MMW The Nature of Mathematics
MMW The Nature of Mathematics
“Mathematics reveals its secrets only to those who approach it with pure love, for its own
beauty.” -- Archimedes
Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World
Importance of Mathematics and Its Application
Learning Outcome
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991) in the US provides the following definition of
the nature of mathematics:
Mathematics is a study of patterns and relationships, a way of thinking, an art, a language, and a tool.
Many patterns and Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that
occurrences exist in nature, help us understand the world around us.
in our world, in our life. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) claimed it to
Mathematics helps make be “the mother of all sciences. Without it,
sense of these patterns and our lives would be incomprehensibly
occurrences. pathetic." Someone likewise said: "A
Mathematics is the mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a
science of patterns and maker of patterns. If his patterns are more
relationships. permanent than theirs, it is because they
are made with ideas."
Mathematics is a
way of thinking. It relies Math is an art. Numerous
on logic and creativity and patterns can be found in numbers
it is pursued for a variety and in geometric figures.
of practical purposes and Someone said: "Mathematics,
for its intrinsic interest. rightly viewed, possesses not only
truth, but supreme beauty -- a
beauty cold and austere, like that
of sculpture, without appeal to
any part of our weaker nature,
without the gorgeous trappings of
painting or music, yet sublimely
pure, and capable of a stern
perfection such as only the
greatest art can show."
Mathematics is a
language. It has a language
of its own. It is such a useful
language and tool that it is
considered one of the
"basics" in our formal
educational system.
0+1 = 1 0,1,1
1+1 = 2 0, 1, 1, 2
1+2 = 3 0, 1, 1, 2, 3
2+3 = 5 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
3+5 = 8 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
Leonardo of Pisa also known as Fibonacci discovered a sequence
of numbers that created an interesting pattern the sequence is 1, 1,
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, … each number is
obtained by adding the last two numbers
of the sequence forms what is known as
golden rectangle a perfect rectangle. A
golden rectangle can be broken into
squares the size of the next Fibonacci
number down and below. If we were to
take a golden rectangle, break it down
into smaller squares based from
Fibonacci sequence and divide each with
an arc, the pattern begins to take shapes,
we begin with Fibonacci spiral in which we
can see in nature.
Flower petals
exhibit the
number, white
calla lily contains
1 petal, euphorbia
contains 2 petals,
trillium contains3
petals, columbine
contains 5 petals,
bloodroot contains
8petals, black-eyed
susan contains 13 petals, sasha daisy 21 petals, field
daisies contain 34, and other types of daisies contain
55, and 89 petals.
The sunflower seed conveys the Fibonacci sequence.
The pattern of two spirals goes in opposing directions
(clockwise and
clockwise). The
number of
clockwise spirals
and counter
clockwise spirals
are consecutive
Fibonacci numbers and usually contains 34 and 55
Pineapples have spirals
formed by their hexagonal
nubs. The nubs on many
pineapples form 5 spirals and
8 spirals, or 8 spirals and 13
spirals that rotate
diagonally upward to the
right depending on the size of
the pineapple. The numbers 5,
8, and 13 are Fibonacci
Same in the case of pine cones which contain
spirals from the
center have 5
arms and 8
arms, or 8 arms
and 13 arms,
depending on
the size, which
again two
Fibonacci numbers.
Golden Ratio
Fibonacci discovery of Fibonacci sequence happened
to approach the ratio asymptotically. The Fibonacci
sequence is a “series of numbers in which each
number (Fibonacci number) is the sum of the two
preceding numbers.
He found the interesting and mysterious of the
Fibonacci sequence that the series has a deep
relationship with the golden ratio. The golden ratio
was first called as the Divine Proportion in the early
1500s in Leonardo da Vinci's work which was
explored by Luca Pacioli (Italian mathematician)
entitled “De Devina Proportione” in 1509. This
contains the drawings of the five platonic solids and
it was probably da Vinci who first called it the
“section aurea” which is Latin for Golden Section.
Golden Ratio
In mathematics, two quantities are in the Golden
ratio if their ratio is the same of their sum ta the
larger of the two quantities.
The Golden Ratio is the relationship between
numbers on the Fibonacci sequence where
plotting the relationships on scales results in a
spiral shape.
In simple terms, golden ratio is expressed as an
equation, where a is larger than b, (a+b) divided
by a is equal to a divided by b, which is equal to
1.618033987...and represented by a Greek
Golden Rectangle
• These numbers are all successive numbers in the
Fibonacci sequence. These numbers can be applied
to the proportions of a rectangle, called the Golden
• This is known as one of the most visually satisfying
of all geometric forms — hence, the appearance of
the Golden ratio in art.
• The Golden rectangle is also related to the Golden spiral, which is
created by making adjacent squares of Fibonacci dimensions.
• A Fibonacci spiral which
approximates the golden
spiral, using Fibonacci
sequence square sizes up to
• The spiral is drawn starting
from the inner 1 x 1 square
and continues outwards to
successively larger squares.
The golden ratio is the limit of
the ratios of successive terms
of the Fibonacci sequence (or any Fibonacci- like sequence), as
originally shown by Johannes Kepler
(1571- 1630).
Golden Ratio in Nature
Fibonacci numbers are said to be as one of the
nature's numbering systems, we see
arrangements and structures reflecting
Fibonacci numbers or golden ratio.
The leaf arrangements in plants to the structures in
outer space elicit golden ratio.
The special proportional properties of the golden
ratio have a relationship with the Fibonacci
Whenever we use the number on the series
divided by the previous number continuously, it
is approximately 1.618, near to the value of 𝜑.
Symmetry is variously defined
as “proportion”, perfect, or
harmonious proportions”, and “a structure that allows
an object to be divided into parts of an equal shapes
and size.
Reflection Symmetry
Also called mirror symmetry or line symmetry,
reflection symmetry is
made with a line going
through an object
which dividesit into
two pieces which are
mirror images of each
other. Often, it is termed
as bilateral symmetry as it
divides theobjects into two (“bi” means two)
mirror images.
Rotational Symmetry
Also called radial
symmetry in
Biology, this kind of
symmetry is exhibited
by objects when their
similar parts are
regularly arranged
around a central axis
and the pattern looks the same after certain
amount of rotation.
Translational Symmetry
This kind of symmetry
is exhibited by objects
which do not change in
size and shape
even if it moved to
another location.
Scaling symmetry
Defined as a pattern
that laws of nature
repeat at different
Are never- ending
patterns that are similar
across different
Behavior of Nature
In Social Sciences such as economics, sociology, psychology, and linguistics all now
make extensive use of mathematical models, using the tools of calculus, probability,
game theory, and network theory. In economics, mathematics such as matrices,
probability and statistics are used. The models may be stochastic or deterministic,
linear or non-linear, static or dynamic, continuous or discrete, and all types of
algebraic, differential, difference and integral equations arise for the solution of these
In Political Science, political analysts study past election results to see changes in
voting patterns and the influence of various factors on voting behavior, on switching
of votes among political parties and mathematical models for Conflict Resolution
using Game Theory and Statistics.
Importance of Mathematics and Its
In music and arts, the rhythm that we find in all music notes is the result of
innumerable permutations and combinations. Music theorists understand musical
structure and communicate new ways of hearing music by applying set theory,
abstract algebra, and number theory. It is said that the universe is written in the
language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric
figures. New forms of arts were also based in some mathematical structures. The old
Gothic Architecture was based on geometry and even the Egyptian Pyramids
architecture and engineering, were based on mathematics. (Sirug, 2018)