MMW The Nature of Mathematics

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Study the different pictures

The Nature of below. What do they suggest

Mathematics about how students perceive
Mathematics in our Math as a subject?

“Mathematics reveals its secrets only to those who approach it with pure love, for its own
beauty.” -- Archimedes
Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World
Importance of Mathematics and Its Application
Learning Outcome

 After finishing this module, you are expected to

 identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world,
 articulate the importance of mathematics in your life,
 argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed, represented
and used, and
 express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavor.
What is Mathematics?

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991) in the US provides the following definition of
the nature of mathematics:

Mathematics is a study of patterns and relationships, a way of thinking, an art, a language, and a tool.
Many patterns and Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that
occurrences exist in nature, help us understand the world around us.
in our world, in our life. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) claimed it to
Mathematics helps make be “the mother of all sciences. Without it,
sense of these patterns and our lives would be incomprehensibly
occurrences. pathetic." Someone likewise said: "A
Mathematics is the mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a
science of patterns and maker of patterns. If his patterns are more
relationships. permanent than theirs, it is because they
are made with ideas."
Mathematics is a
way of thinking. It relies Math is an art. Numerous
on logic and creativity and patterns can be found in numbers
it is pursued for a variety and in geometric figures.
of practical purposes and Someone said: "Mathematics,
for its intrinsic interest. rightly viewed, possesses not only
truth, but supreme beauty -- a
beauty cold and austere, like that
of sculpture, without appeal to
any part of our weaker nature,
without the gorgeous trappings of
painting or music, yet sublimely
pure, and capable of a stern
perfection such as only the
greatest art can show."
Mathematics is a
language. It has a language
of its own. It is such a useful
language and tool that it is
considered one of the
"basics" in our formal
educational system.

Mathematics is all around us, in

everything we do. It is the building
block for everything in our daily lives,
including mobile devices,
architecture(ancient and modern), art,
money, engineering, and even sports. –
Elaine J. Hom

 Mathematics helps organize patterns and

regularities in our world.
 Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature
and phenomena in the world.
 Mathematics helps control nature and occurrences
in the world for our own ends.
 Mathematics has numerous applications in the world
making it indispensable.
 Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents
Patterns and Numbers in
Nature and the World

❖Let us look at the things that

surround us.
❖What numbers do we see?
❖Do they establish a pattern?
❖If they do, what is the pattern?
Patterns and Numbers in
Nature and the World
Patterns can be observed even in stars which move in
circles across the sky each day. The weather seasons cycle
each year (e.g. winter,
spring summer, fall). All
snowflakes contain sixfold
symmetry which no two
are exactly the same. There
are evidences presented by
mathematician that
hexagonal snowflakes have
an atomic geometry of ice
Patterns can be seen in
fish patterns like spotted
trunkfish, spotted
puffer, blue spotted
stingray, spotted moral
eel, coral grouper, red
lion fish, yellow boxfish,
and angel fish. These
animals and fish stripes
and spots attest to
regularities in biological
growth and form. These
evolutionary and
functional arguments
explain why these
animals need their
patterns, but it is not
explained how the
patterns are formed.
tigers, cats, and
snakes are
covered in
patterns of
leopards and
hyenas are
covered in
patterns of
spots; and
giraffes are
covered in
patterns of
Natural patterns like the intricate waves across the oceans; sand dunes on
deserts; formation of typhoon; water drop with ripple; and others. These
serve as clues to the rules that govern the flow of water, sand, and air. One
of the most strikingly
mathematical landscapes on
Earth is to be found in the
great ergs, or sand oceans,
of the Arabian and Sahara
deserts. When wind blows
steadily in a fixed direction,
sand dunes form and the
simplest pattern is the
transverse dunes, which
looks like ocean waves. If
the sand is slightly moist, and there is a little vegetation to bind it together,
then you may find parabolic dunes.
Cracks form in materials to
relieve stress: with 120 degree
joints in elastic materials, but at
90 degrees in inelastic
•Thus the pattern of cracks
indicates whether the material
is elastic or not. Cracking
patterns are widespread in
nature, for example in rocks,
mud, tree bark and the glazes
of old paintings and ceramics.
Fibonacci, Leonardo or Leonardo of Pisa (c. 1170-c.1240) was an
Italian mathematician, who compiled and supplemented the mathematical
knowledge of classical European, Arabic,
and Indian cultures, and who made
contributions to the mathematical fields of
algebra and number theory. Fibonacci was
born in Pisa, a commercial city, where he
learned the basics of business calculation.
He is said to have discovered this
sequence as he looked at how a
hypothesized groups of rabbits bred and
reproduced. He noted that the set of
numbers generated from this problems could
be extended by getting the sum of two
previous terms.

 Sequence. A sequence is an ordered list of numbers,

called terms that may have repeated values. The
arrangement of these terms is set by a definite rule.
 Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is
formed by adding the preceding two (2) numbers,
beginning with zero (0) and one (1).
 Ratios of two (2) Fibonacci numbers approximate the
Golden Ratio, which is considered as the most
aesthetically pleasing proportion.
Tabular Representation of
Leonardo’s Rabbits
Starting with 0 and 1, the
succeeding terms in the
sequence can be generated
by adding two numbers that
came before the term:

0+1 = 1 0,1,1
1+1 = 2 0, 1, 1, 2
1+2 = 3 0, 1, 1, 2, 3
2+3 = 5 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
3+5 = 8 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
Leonardo of Pisa also known as Fibonacci discovered a sequence
of numbers that created an interesting pattern the sequence is 1, 1,
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, … each number is
obtained by adding the last two numbers
of the sequence forms what is known as
golden rectangle a perfect rectangle. A
golden rectangle can be broken into
squares the size of the next Fibonacci
number down and below. If we were to
take a golden rectangle, break it down
into smaller squares based from
Fibonacci sequence and divide each with
an arc, the pattern begins to take shapes,
we begin with Fibonacci spiral in which we
can see in nature.
Flower petals
exhibit the
number, white
calla lily contains
1 petal, euphorbia

contains 2 petals,
trillium contains3
petals, columbine
contains 5 petals,
bloodroot contains
8petals, black-eyed
susan contains 13 petals, sasha daisy 21 petals, field
daisies contain 34, and other types of daisies contain
55, and 89 petals.
The sunflower seed conveys the Fibonacci sequence.
The pattern of two spirals goes in opposing directions
(clockwise and
clockwise). The
number of
clockwise spirals
and counter
clockwise spirals
are consecutive
Fibonacci numbers and usually contains 34 and 55
Pineapples have spirals
formed by their hexagonal
nubs. The nubs on many
pineapples form 5 spirals and
8 spirals, or 8 spirals and 13
spirals that rotate
diagonally upward to the
right depending on the size of
the pineapple. The numbers 5,
8, and 13 are Fibonacci
Same in the case of pine cones which contain
spirals from the
center have 5
arms and 8
arms, or 8 arms
and 13 arms,
depending on
the size, which
again two
Fibonacci numbers.
Golden Ratio
 Fibonacci discovery of Fibonacci sequence happened
to approach the ratio asymptotically. The Fibonacci
sequence is a “series of numbers in which each
number (Fibonacci number) is the sum of the two
preceding numbers.
 He found the interesting and mysterious of the
Fibonacci sequence that the series has a deep
relationship with the golden ratio. The golden ratio
was first called as the Divine Proportion in the early
1500s in Leonardo da Vinci's work which was
explored by Luca Pacioli (Italian mathematician)
entitled “De Devina Proportione” in 1509. This
contains the drawings of the five platonic solids and
it was probably da Vinci who first called it the
“section aurea” which is Latin for Golden Section.
Golden Ratio
 In mathematics, two quantities are in the Golden
ratio if their ratio is the same of their sum ta the
larger of the two quantities.
 The Golden Ratio is the relationship between
numbers on the Fibonacci sequence where
plotting the relationships on scales results in a
spiral shape.
 In simple terms, golden ratio is expressed as an
equation, where a is larger than b, (a+b) divided
by a is equal to a divided by b, which is equal to
1.618033987...and represented by a Greek

Golden Rectangle
• These numbers are all successive numbers in the
Fibonacci sequence. These numbers can be applied
to the proportions of a rectangle, called the Golden
• This is known as one of the most visually satisfying
of all geometric forms — hence, the appearance of
the Golden ratio in art.
• The Golden rectangle is also related to the Golden spiral, which is
created by making adjacent squares of Fibonacci dimensions.
• A Fibonacci spiral which
approximates the golden
spiral, using Fibonacci
sequence square sizes up to
• The spiral is drawn starting
from the inner 1 x 1 square
and continues outwards to
successively larger squares.
The golden ratio is the limit of
the ratios of successive terms
of the Fibonacci sequence (or any Fibonacci- like sequence), as
originally shown by Johannes Kepler
(1571- 1630).
Golden Ratio in Nature
 Fibonacci numbers are said to be as one of the
nature's numbering systems, we see
arrangements and structures reflecting
Fibonacci numbers or golden ratio.
 The leaf arrangements in plants to the structures in
outer space elicit golden ratio.
 The special proportional properties of the golden
ratio have a relationship with the Fibonacci
 Whenever we use the number on the series
divided by the previous number continuously, it
is approximately 1.618, near to the value of 𝜑.

Golden Ratio in Nature

 Golden ratio perhaps is the most important part of human beauty
and aesthetics as well as a part of the remarkable proportions of
growth patterns in living things such as plants and animals.
Fibonacci number frequently appears in the numbers of petals in
a flower and in the spirals of plants.
 Plants have distinct characteristics of Golden Ratio where they
establish a Fibonacci sequence in the number of leaves.
 The spiral happens naturally when each new cell is formed after a
turn, as plants grow new cells in spirals format and this pattern is
seen on the seeds arrangement of the beautiful sunflower, rose
petals, comfrey flowers, fern fiddleheads, flower buds, spiral
aloe, and pine cones. Leaves, branches and petals grow in spiral
form in order for the new leaves not to block the older leaves
from the sun ray or the maximum amount of rain or dew gets
directed down to the roots.
 If a plant has spirals, the rotation tends to be a fraction made with
two successive Fibonacci numbers, for example, 1-2, 3-5 or even 3-
8 also common that getting closer to the golden ratio.
Golden Ratio in Nature
 The positions and proportions of the key dimensions
of many animals are based on Phi or 𝜑. Examples
include the horn of ram, the wing dimensions and
location of eye-like spots on moths, body sections of
ants and other insects, body features of animals (e.g.
tiger, fish, penguin, dolphin, etc) and the spirals of sea
shells. The growth pattern on branches of trees is
Fibonacci. Even the human face contains spirals and
the human DNA contains phi proportions.
• The relationship of Golden ratio is observed on the human body
shape and structure. Many parts of the
body are in pairs like arms legs, eyes,
• The human face follows the ratio and
we find people whose faces are truer
to the ratio more attractive.
• Human fingers consist of three
phalanxes, main, mean and nail.
• The length of all phalanxes of each
finger relates to each other according
to the rule of golden ratio.
• Many researchers of the human body
show mathematical regularities, one
example is the inscribed man into a
pentagram model of Leonardo da Vinci.
Patterns and Regularities

 Mathematics is all around us.

 As we discover more about our environment, we can
mathematically describe nature.
 The beauty of a flower, the majestic tree, even the rock
formation exhibits nature’s sense of symmetry.
 There are also examples of microscopic level of nature
such as snowflakes.
 There are different types of pattern such as symmetry,
fractals and spirals.

 Symmetry surrounds you. Look down at your body.

Look at the shapes on the screen. Look at the building
on your street. Look at your
cat or dog.

 Symmetry is variously defined
as “proportion”, perfect, or
harmonious proportions”, and “a structure that allows
an object to be divided into parts of an equal shapes
and size.

Reflection Symmetry
 Also called mirror symmetry or line symmetry,
reflection symmetry is
made with a line going
through an object
which dividesit into
two pieces which are
mirror images of each
other. Often, it is termed
as bilateral symmetry as it
divides theobjects into two (“bi” means two)
mirror images.

Rotational Symmetry
 Also called radial
symmetry in
Biology, this kind of
symmetry is exhibited
by objects when their
similar parts are
regularly arranged
around a central axis
and the pattern looks the same after certain
amount of rotation.

Translational Symmetry
 This kind of symmetry
is exhibited by objects
which do not change in
size and shape
even if it moved to
another location.
Scaling symmetry

 Scaling symmetry which is

theproperty of a pattern
where each part of which is
identical to the whole as
seen at different

 Defined as a pattern
that laws of nature
repeat at different
 Are never- ending
patterns that are similar
across different

 Are patterns that

occur naturally in
plants and natural
system, including the
 Spiralsare curved
patterns made by
series of circular shapes
revolving around a
central point.
 Chaotic patterns are simple
pattern created from
complicated underlying
 It illustrates that underlying
patterns, constant feedback
loops, repetition,
selfsimilarity, fractals,
selforganization and
reliance on programming at
the initial point exists
within the apparent
randomness of chaotic
complex systems and erratic
and turbulent processes.
 Chaotic is often associated with
Behavior of Nature

 Behavior of nature can be observed in our

daily life. Such natural regularities of nature
include symmetry, fractals, spirals, trees,
meanders, waves, foams, tessellations, cracks,
stripes, and spots.
 Nature also shows the relationship in the
existence of the Golden ratio.
Behavior of Nature

 Recall that the Golden ratio is considered as

the most pleasing to the human visual
sensation and creates a feeling of satisfaction
and harmony within an image.
 Golden ratio can be found in the beauty of
nature, the growth patterns of many plants,
insects, and the universe.
Behavior of Nature
 Honeycombs of the bees show specific regular
repeating hexagons. The design is highly efficient, it
uses the least amount of wax to store the honey
giving a strong structure with no gaps.
 In a zebra’s coat, the alternating pattern of blacks and
white are due to mathematical rules that govern the
pigmentation chemicals of its skin.
 Spider webs illustrate a beautiful pattern. The spider
creates a structure by performing innate steps. The
nautilus shell has natural pattern which contains a
spiral shape called logarithmic spiral.
Behavior of Nature
 Age of the trees can be determined by applying
dendrochronology which is a scientific method of dating
based on the amount of rings found in the core of a tree.
 Turtles have growth rings called “scutes” which are hexagonal
in shape.
 The age of the turtle can be estimated based from its
scutes. The smallest scute is in the center and is the oldest
one, while the largest ones on the outside are the newer
 The hexagonal honeycombs formed by bees and the
spirals formed by spiders are among the wonders of
Behavior of Nature
 Lightning during storms creates fractals.
 Foam bubbles formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or
solid. In most foam, the volume of gas is large, with thin films of
liquid or solid separating the region of gas.
 Cracks create linear openings that form in materials to relieve
stress in the land.
 The pattern of cracks indicates whether the material is elastic or
not. Cracks can also be found on the barks of trees which show
some sort of weakness in the bark.
 The meander is one of a series of regular sinuous curves, bends,
loops, turns, or windings in the channel of the body of water (e.g.
river, stream, or watercourse).
 Meander is produced by a body of water as it erodes the
sediments comprising an outer, concave bank and deposits this
and other sediments downstream on an inner convex bank.

Behavior of Nature

 Hurricanes rotates, the enormous cloud bands form

golden spiral.
 Galaxies form the same way as the golden spiral.
 The waves of the sea also move in golden spiral and even
the fluid dynamics create golden spiral.
Importance of Mathematics and Its
 When we hear the word “mathematics,” the first thing
that floats in our mind is numbers. Numbers serve as the
raw materials which a great deal of mathematics is
 In our daily life, we use mathematics directly or indirectly
in various fields.
 The application of mathematical methods in different
fields such as science, engineering, business, computer
science, and industry is a combination of mathematical
science and specialized knowledge.

Importance of Mathematics and Its


 Other applications of mathematics are in forensic

science, medicine, engineering, information
technology, cryptography, archaeology, social
sciences, political science and other fields.
Importance of Mathematics and Its

 In forensic, mathematics is applied specifically the differential and

integral calculus to clarify the blurred image to clear image. Another
application of calculus is optimization (maximize or minimize)
surface areas, volumes, profit and cost analysis, projectile motion,
 In medical field, much of a function of a protein is determined by its
shape and how the pieces move. Many drugs are designed to
change the shape or motions of a protein by modeling using
geometry and related areas. Mathematics is also being applied in
the development of medicine to cure diseases.
 In fluid dynamics, engineers use numerical analysis in phenomena
involving heat, electricity, and magnetism, relativistic mechanics,
quantum mechanics, and other theoretical constructs.
Importance of Mathematics and Its
 In information technology, modern computers are invented thru the help of
mathematics. An important area of applications of mathematics is in the
development of formal mathematical theories related to the development of
computer science. Computer science development includes, logic, relations,
functions, basic set theory, counting techniques, graph theory,
combinatorics, discrete probability, recursion, recurrence relations, and
number theory, computer-oriented numerical analysis, Operation Research
techniques (Simulation, Monte Carlo Program, Evaluation Research
Technique, Critical Path Method). Just like Google, they use linear algebra to
set itself apart from the other search engines by its ability to quantify
“relevance” with the help of mathematics. On the other hand, Facebook
uses graph theory to create links between individuals.
 Cryptography is a combination of both mathematics and computer science
and is affiliated closely with information theory, computer security and
engineering. It is used in applications present in technologically advanced
Importance of Mathematics and Its
societies; examples include the security of ATM cards, computer passwords
and electronic commerce.
 In archaeology, archaeologists use a variety of mathematical and statistical
techniques to present the data from archaeological surveys and try to find
patterns to shed light on past human behavior and in carbon dating artifacts.

 In Social Sciences such as economics, sociology, psychology, and linguistics all now
make extensive use of mathematical models, using the tools of calculus, probability,
game theory, and network theory. In economics, mathematics such as matrices,
probability and statistics are used. The models may be stochastic or deterministic,
linear or non-linear, static or dynamic, continuous or discrete, and all types of
algebraic, differential, difference and integral equations arise for the solution of these

In Political Science, political analysts study past election results to see changes in
voting patterns and the influence of various factors on voting behavior, on switching
of votes among political parties and mathematical models for Conflict Resolution
using Game Theory and Statistics.
Importance of Mathematics and Its
 In music and arts, the rhythm that we find in all music notes is the result of
innumerable permutations and combinations. Music theorists understand musical
structure and communicate new ways of hearing music by applying set theory,
abstract algebra, and number theory. It is said that the universe is written in the
language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric
figures. New forms of arts were also based in some mathematical structures. The old
Gothic Architecture was based on geometry and even the Egyptian Pyramids
architecture and engineering, were based on mathematics. (Sirug, 2018)

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