ComputerSciencePaperI 12th
ComputerSciencePaperI 12th
ComputerSciencePaperI 12th
Question Bank
Standard:- 12th
March 2021
1. फक्त शवद्यार्थ्यांना प्रश्नप्रकारांचा सराव करून
2. सदर प्रश्नसंचातील प्रश्न बोर्डाच्या प्रश्नपशिकेत
येतीलच असे नाही याची नोंद घ्यावी.
MCQ – 1 Mark
Q. Marking
No. scheme
1. Operating system is a __________ 1 mark for
i) hardware correct
ii) software alternative
iii) printer
iv) input device
2. ‘Open files’ is a system call provided under _________ of operating 1 mark for
system. correct
i) Information management alternative
ii) Process management
iii) Memory management
iv) GUI
9. Time taken to adjust the appropriate sector under read /write head in disk 1 mark for
is called as ____________. correct
i) Seek time alternative
ii) Access time
iii) Transmission time
iv) Latency time.
12. ____ is a logical unit of data that operating system defines for its 1 mark for
convenience. correct
i) Track alternative
ii) Sector
iii) Block
iv) Plate
13. In multiprogramming operating system, the number of processes running 1 mark for
simultaneously is known as _______. correct
i) Context alternative
ii) Index number
iii) Threads
iv) Degree of multiprogramming
14. When a process is waiting for an external event like I/O, it is in 1 mark for
___________ state. correct
i) Running alternative
ii) Blocked
iii) Ready
iv) Halted
15. In Non-preemptive philosophy of process scheduling 1 mark for
throughput __________ correct
i) Decreases alternative
ii) Increases
iii) Remains constant
iv) Has no effect
16. _______ process scheduling is most suitable for real time systems. 1 mark for
i) Slow correct
ii) Non preemptive alternative
iii) Preemptive
iv) Single
18. Operating system maintains all the information about each process in a 1 mark for
data structure called ________ correct
i) Process List alternative
ii) Process control block
iii) Process schedule
iv) Process philosophy
19. Memory management service of operating system manages allocations of 1 mark for
_______ correct
i) Disk based memory alternative
ii) Tape based memory
iii) Main memory
iv) Flash memory
20. ________ is a non contiguous real memory management system. 1 mark for
i) Fixed partitioned correct
ii) Variable partitioned alternative
iii) Single contiguous
iv) Paging
21. In ___________ method of memory management system logical divisions 1 mark for
of a program are of variable sizes. correct
i) Segmentation alternative
ii) Paging
iii) Variable partitioned
iv) Fixed partitioned.
22. Wastage of memory space within the partition is called as __________ 1 mark for
i) Compaction correct
ii) Internal fragmentation alternative
iii) External fragmentation
iv) Dirty page
23. If page size of 4MB memory is 2 kb then the number of higher order bits 1 mark for
on address bus, used to denote page numbers is _________ correct
i) 8 alternative
ii) 9
iii) 10
iv) 11
24. When a page which is not in main memory is reference then _________ 1 mark for
occurs. correct
i) Locality of reference alternative
ii) Page fault
iii) Dirty bit
iv) System crash
26. _________ spread more rapidly in computer networks but do not cause 1 mark for
direct harm to computer system. correct
i) Worms alternative
ii) Memory resident virus
iii) Boot sector virus
iv) Bomb
27. ________ control in GUI allows to select only one option from the given 1 mark for
options. correct
i) Check button alternative
ii) Entry box
iii) Push button
iv) Radio button
28. ________ is generally used in GUI to look at the information which is not 1 mark for
currently visible on screen. correct
i) Menu bar alternative
ii) Scroll bar
iii) Push button
iv) Check button
30. _______ is allotted to every process so that a process does not use the 1 mark for
CPU indefinitely. correct
i) Context alternative
ii) Priority
iii) Time slice
iv) Process control block
3 marks Questions.
Q. Marking
No. scheme
1. What is an Operating System? Write various functions of Operating Definition of
System. OS 1 mark
Any 4
functions ½
mark each
2. Write in short about services provided by operating system, divided in 3 Services 1
three different areas. mark each.
Which are the three main areas in which the operating system divides its
3. What is Memory Management? List services provided under it. About MM 2
2 services ½
mark each
4. What is system call? How system calls are used in application program? Definition 1
Use 2
5. Write in short different features of Windows 98. Any 6 features
½ mark each
6. What are features of Windows NT? Any 6 features
½ mark each
7. Write different features of Linux. Any 6 features
½ mark each
8. Write a short note on file system in operating system. File system 1
Or mark
What is file system in operating system? 2 types 1
mark each
9. What are two different modules of Information management system? File system
Write their functions in short. Device Driver
Or 1 ½ marks
What are functions of file system and device management system( or each.
Device driver)
10. Write advantages of Disk based system over Tape based system. Any 3
advantages 1
mark each
11. Explain in short three different operations carried out while performing (track
read/write (or I/O) operation on disk. selection,
3 operations 1
mark each
12. What is VDU? Explain what is dumb terminal and intelligent terminal? VDU 1 mark
Dumb and
terminal 1
mark each
13. Explain Video RAM and how it is used in terminal hardware. Video RAM
Or and diagram 1
Explain video RAM along with data byte and attribute byte. mark
Data byte 1
Attribute byte
1 mark
14. Why terminal is called memory mapped? Explain the different memories Reason 1 mark
involved in input output operation between keyboard and the monitor. 4 memories ½
mark each.
15. Explain the following terms related to process management: Each term 1
i) Process mark each
ii) Context switching
iii) Degree of multiprogramming
16. Explain context switching in process management with the help of Explanation 2
suitable diagram marks
Diagram 1
17. Explain three basic process states. 3 states 1 mark
18. Explain the following terms related to process scheduling. Each term 1
i) Turnaround time mark each.
ii) Waiting time
iii) Response time
19. Explain the following process scheduling objectives. Each term 1
i) Fairness mark each.
ii) Throughput
iii) Good CPU utilization
20. Explain Time slice, Preemptive and Non-preemptive philosophies of Each term 1
process scheduling. mark each.
21. State names of any six memory management systems. 6 names ½
mark each
22. Explain memory map of single user operating system. Explanation 2
½ marks
Diagram ½
23. Explain single contiguous memory management system Explanation 2
½ marks
Diagram ½
24. Write limitations/ disadvantages of Fixed partition? 3 limitations 1
mark each.
25. Explain in detail paging in memory management Explanation 2
PMT diagram
1 mark
26. Explain the concept of virtual memory. Correct answer
3 marks
27. Explain three elements of security. 3 elements 1
mark each
28. What is security in terms of operating system? Discuss in brief threats to Definition of
security. security 1
Any 3 threats 1
mark each
29. What are computer worms? Explain how worms affect computer systems? Definition 1
Explanation 2
30. What is computer virus? State various types of viruses. Definition 1
Any four types
½ mark each.
31. What is computer virus? How does it operate? Definition 1
Explanation 2
32. Discuss virus detection, prevention and removal philosophies. 3 philosophies
1 mark each.
33. What is GUI? State any four advantages using GUI. Meaning 1
4 advantages
½ mark each.
34. What is GUI? Explain in short any four features of GUI. Meaning of
GUI 1 mark
4 features ½
mark each.
35. Explain following components of GUI.
i) Menu bar Explanation of
ii) Dialogue boxes 3 components
iii) Option button 1 mark each
36. Explain in brief the following programs of MS-Windows.
i) Program manager
ii) File manager 3 programs
iii) Control panel 1mark each
4 marks Questions
Q. Marking
No. scheme
1. What is Information Management? List system calls in it. About IM 2
Any 4 Calls
1/2 mark each
2. What is Process Management? List system calls in it About PM 2
Any 4 Calls
1/2 mark each
3. What are two different modules of Information management system? File system
Write their functions in short. Device Driver
Or 2 marks each.
What are functions of file system and device management system( or
Device driver)
4. Explain in short the following terms related to magnetic disk
i) Track and sector
ii) Seek time Each term 1
iii) Latency time/ Rotational delay mark each.
iv) Transmission time
5. Explain any four file operations on file system of Information Each operation
Management system. 1 mark each.
6. Explain Video RAM and how it is used in terminal hardware. Video RAM
and diagram 2
Data byte 1
Attribute byte
1 mark
7. Explain context switching in process management with the help of Explanation
suitable example. with diagram 2
Example 2
8. What is process scheduling? Explain any three scheduling objectives. Process
scheduling 1
Any 3
explanation 1
mark each
9. What is priority? Explain Internal, External and Purchased priorities. Priority
3 priorities 1
mark each
10. Explain the concept of Multithreading with suitable example. Concept
explanation 3
Example 1
11. Write main functions of Memory management. State names of any four 2 functions 2
memory management systems marks
4 system
names ½ mark
12. What is partitioning of memory? Explain fixed and variable partitioning in Partitioning
memory management. meaning 1
Fixed and
partitioning 1
½ marks each.
13. Write various steps involved in the allocation of partition in case of fixed All correct
partitioned memory management. steps 3 marks
Diagram 1
14. Explain in detail segmentation in memory management system. Give Explanation 3
suitable example. marks
Example 1
15. Explain the following terms related to virtual memory management
i) Locality of reference
ii) Page replacement policy 1 mark
iii) Working set 1 mark
iv) Page fault 1 mark
1 mark
16. Explain security aspect of operating system. And explain three main Security 1
elements of security. mark
3 elements 1
mark each.
17. Explain in short any four ways in which a system can be attacked in Any four ways
computing environment. 1 mark each
18. Explain any four methods by which computer virus can infect the Four methods
programs. with
explanation 1
mark each
19. Differentiate between computer virus and worm. Any four
points 1 mark
20. List essential components of GUI. Explain in brief any three components. List of 5
components 1
with diagram 1
mark each(one
diagram with 3
components is
21. Explain following controls of GUI.
i) Push button 1 mark
ii) Radio button 1 mark
iii) Check button 1 mark
iv) Box control 2 box controls
½ mark each
22. In terms of GUI, what is window? Explain in short various operations Explanation
performed on a window. for window
with diagram 1
3 operations 1
mark each.
1 ____ is the Non – linear data structure.
1 Mark for correct
i) Linked List alternative
ii) Array
iii) Tree
iv) Stack
2 Maximum number of nodes of symmetric binary tree with depth n
is _____ . 1 Mark for correct
i) n alternative
ii) log n
iii) n2
iv) 2 n-1
4 The number of comparisons required for bubble sorting of an array 1 mark for correct
of n elements are ______. alternative
i) n (n-1)/2
ii) n/2
iii) log2 n
iv) log10 n
5 In ______ data structure, an element can be inserted or deleted only 1 mark for correct
at one end called top. alternative
i) Tree
ii) Stack
iii) Queue
iv) Array
6 The stack is called as _______ type of data structure. 1 mark for correct
i) LIFO alternative
ii) FIFO
iii) SIFO
iv) FISO
7 The stack is called as _______ type of data structure. 1 Mark for correct
i) LIFO alternative
ii) FIFO
iii) SIFO
iv) FISO
8 The Queue is called as ________ type of data structure. 1 Mark for correct
i) LIFO alternative
ii) FIFO
iii) QIFO
iv) QISO
9 In a linked list, the link part contains ________. 1 Mark for correct
i) Data of the next node alternative
ii) Address of the last node
iii) Address of the next node
iv) Array
10 The most efficient search algorithm is _____. 1 mark for correct
i) Linear alternative
ii) Binary
iii) Pointer
iv) Bubble
3 Marks Questions
Array – 1 mark
1 What is an array? How it is represented in memory? Memory
Representation – 2
Record – 1
2 What is a record? How it is represented in memory using array? mark
using array with
example – 2
Link list – 1
3 What is a linked list ? Draw a labelled diagram of a linked list with mark
at least six nodes. Labelled diagram –
2 marks
Link List – 1
4 What is linked list ? State its advantages over array. mark
Any 4 advantages
2 marks
5 How linked lists are represented in memory ? representation of
link list with
diagram – 3
Insertion – 1½
6 Explain insertion and deletion of element from linked list with marks
example. Deletion –
1 ½ marks
Stack / LIFO 1 ½
7 Explain Stack and Queue with suitable example. marks
OR Queue / FIFO
Explain LIFO and FIFO systems with suitable example 1 ½ marks
Each Term – 1
8 Explain the following terms related with tree. mark
a) Level Of Tree b) Depth / Height c) Degree
Binary tree
9 What is a binary tree ? With suitable example show the relationship definition – 1
between the total number of nodes and depth of the tree. mark
Relationship with
diagram – 2 marks
4 Marks Questions
Inserting – 1
1 What is inserting ? Explain insertion of an element in an array with marks
algorithm and example. Algorithm with
example – 2
Deletion – 1
2 What is deleting ? Explain deletion of an element in an array with marks
algorithm and example. Algorithm with
example – 2
3 Explain bubble sort algorithm with suitable example. 2 marks
2 marks
4 Explain linear search algorithm with suitable example. 2 marks
2 marks
5 Explain binary search algorithm with suitable example 2 marks
2 marks
Tree diagram with
6 What is a tree ? Define the terms root , leaf , child , siblings related explanation of
to tree. terms – 4 marks
Binary tree – 1
7 What is binary tree ? Draw a binary tree structure for the following mark
expression. Correct Tree
E = (x + y ) / [ (p * q ) - r ] structure –
3 marks
Complete Binary
8 What is a complete binary tree ? Draw a binary tree structure for tree – 1 mark
the following expression. Correct Tree
E = (2a + b ) / (a + b )2 structure –
3 marks
Extended Binary
9 What is extended binary tree ? Draw a binary tree structure for the tree – 1 mark
following expression. Correct Tree
E = ( ( p – q ) + (m + n) ) / p structure –
3 marks
MCQ - 1 Mark
Q. Question Marking Scheme.
1. _____________ is not a derived data type in C++. 1 mark for correct
i. Functions
ii. Array
iii. Pointer
iv. Class
2. ______________ is not the feature of Object Oriented programming. 1 mark for correct
i. Polymorphism alternative
ii. Data abstraction
iii. Operator Overloading
iv. Top down approach.
3. If all the visibility labels are missing, then by default members of a 1 mark for correct
class are. alternative
i. Public
ii. Private
iii. Protected
iv. Void
4. In C++, ____________ is an extraction operator 1 mark for correct
i. << alternative
ii. >>
iii. ++
iv. &&
6. To access the data members of one class in another class we must use 1 mark for correct
_________ between the two classes. alternative
i. Friend function
ii. Inline function
iii. Operator function
iv. Constructor function.
7. __________ is not a keyword in C++ 1 mark for correct
i. main alternative
ii. void
iii. int
iv. case
7. When a class is made __________, it takes all the necessary care to see 1 mark for correct
that only one copy of that class is inherited in the derived class. alternative
i. Abstract
ii. Base
iii. Derived
iv. Virtual
8. _____________ is not a floating data type in C++ 1 mark for correct
i. float
ii. double
iii. none of the above
iv. both i and ii.
10. In public derivation, protected members remain ___________ in the 1 mark for correct
derived class. alternative
i. public
ii. protected
iii. private
iv. Not-inherited.
13. Early or static binding in C++ is supported by ____________ 1 mark for correct
i. Operator overloading alternative
ii. Function overloading
iii. Both i and ii
iv. None of the above.
14. In C++ ___________ is an exit control loop. 1 mark for correct
i. While alternative
ii. Do…. While
iii. For
iv. If
15. __________________ is used to give an additional task to an already 1 mark for correct
existing operator. alternative
i. Constructor function
ii. Operator function
iii. Default constructor
iv. Parameterized constructor.
16. ________________ is not built in data type in C++. 1 mark for correct
i. int alternative
ii. void
iii. class
iv. double
17. ______________ is not a visibility label 1 mark for correct
i. public alternative
ii. private
iii. protected
iv. virtual
18. Size of an int data type in C++ is ______ 1 mark for correct
i. 1 Byte alternative
ii. 2 Byte
iii. 4 Byte
iv. 8 Byte
19. When we want read data from a file, we must open the file in 1 mark for correct
_____________ mode. alternative
i. output
ii. input
iii. trunc.
iv. append.
20. ______________ is not an operator in C++ 1 mark for correct
i. sizeof
ii. new
iii. delete
iv. MOD
21. In C++, (* ptr)++ implies __________________( where ptr is a pointer 1 mark for correct
) alternative
i. Content of memory location are incremented by one
ii. Memory location in incremented by one.
iii. None of the above
iv. Both i and ii.
3 Mark Question
Q. Question Marking Scheme.
1 Draw a chart diagram showing the different data types in C++. Proper Chart
5 Marks Programs
Q. Question Marking Scheme.
1. Write a program in C++, to find max of two numbers using if else Program with
control structure proper logic and
correct syntax.
2. Write a program in C++, to find maximum and minimum of two Program with
numbers using conditional operator. proper logic and
correct syntax.
3 Write a program in C++, to find if the given year is leap year or not Program with
using if else control structure proper logic and
correct syntax.
4. Write a program in C++, to find factorial of a given number using for Program with
loop. proper logic and
correct syntax.
5. Write a program in C++, to print the sum of first 100 natural numbers Program with
using for control structure proper logic and
correct syntax.
6. Write a program in C++, to print first 15 terms of Fibonacci series Program with
proper logic and
correct syntax.
7. Write a program in C++, to read array of 10 elements and print its sum. Program with
proper logic and
correct syntax.
8. Write a program in C++, to find factorial of a given number using Program with
function proper logic and
void fact (int); correct syntax.
9. Write an Object Oriented Program in C++, to implement inventory Program with
class to calculate total price of number of items purchased. proper logic and
correct syntax.
10. Write an Object Oriented Program in C++, to find the GCD of two Program with
given numbers proper logic and
correct syntax.
11. Implement a class fact, to find the factorial of a given number. Program with
proper logic and
correct syntax.
12. Write an Object Oriented Program in C++, to implement circle class to Program with
find area and circumference of a circle using functions void area(), proper logic and
void circum(). correct syntax.
13. Write a program in C++ to find the no of occurrences of character ‘a’ Program with
in the given string. proper logic and
correct syntax.
14. Write a Program in C++, to reverse a given string. Program with
proper logic and
correct syntax.
15. Implement class temperature to convert degree Fahrenheit (F) to Program with
degree Celsius (C). proper logic and
Using formulae C =( F -32/9)*5. correct syntax.
16. Write a program in C++, to find the largest number in an array of 10 Program with
integers. proper logic and
correct syntax.
17. Write a program in C++, to check if the given number is a prime Program with
number . proper logic and
correct syntax.
18. Write a program in C++, to calculate xy , using the function Program with
void power (int, int); proper logic and
correct syntax.
19. Write a program in C++, to count the number of words in a line of text. Program with
proper logic and
correct syntax.
20. Write a program in C++, to swap two integers using function Program with
void swap (int &, int&); proper logic and
correct syntax.
9 ______ HTML tag is used to insert horizontal rule on Web page. 1 mark for correct
i) <HR> alternative
ii) <RULE>
iii) <P>
iv) <TR>
10 Border attribute is used in ______ HTML tag. 1 mark for correct
i) <P> alternative
ii) <TABLE>
iii) <ALT>
iv) <TITLE>
11 ____ attribute of <BODY> tag is used to place image as background of 1 mark for correct
Web page. alternative
i) <BGIMG>
ii) <IMG>
12 ____ attribute of <BODY> tag is used to ser background color of Web 1 mark for correct
page. alternative
i) <BCLOR>>
ii) <COLOR>
3 Marks Questions
1 Explain in short the general structure of HTML web page. Document
structure tags
<HTML> ,
<HEAD> ,
With page payout
3 Explain the use of following HTLM tags with example. For each tag Use -
a) <SMALL> b) <TT> c) <STRIKE> ½ mark
Example – ½ mark
4 Explain the use of following HTLM tags with example. For each tag Use -
a) <SUB> b) <SUP> c) <PRE> ½ mark
Example – ½ mark
5 Explain the use of following HTLM tags with example. For each tag Use -
a) <P> b) <BR> c) <HR> ½ mark
Example – ½ mark
6 Explain the use of following HTLM tags with example. For each tag Use -
a) <STRONG> b) <EM> c) <BIG> ½ mark
Example – ½ mark
7 Explain the use of following HTLM tags with example. For each tag Use -
a) <FONT> b) <IMG> c) <A> ½ mark
Example – ½ mark
8 Explain the use of following HTLM tags with example. For each tag Use -
a) <TH> b) <ROWSPAN> c) <COLSPAN> ½ mark
Example – ½ mark
9 Explain the use of <OL> tag ? Use of tag -1mark
How ordered lists are created in HTML ? Example HTML
code – 1 mark
Show Output – 1
Show Output – 1
11 What are nested lists ? How nested lists are created in HTML ? Nested lists and
their creation with
example – 3 marks
5 Marks Questions
1 Write output of the following HTML code. Correct output
5 Marks
<h2> Programming Languages </h2>
<ol type=”A”>
<li> Low Level
<li> Machine Language
<li> Assembly Language
<li> High Level
<li> Procedural Language
<li> Object Oriented language
</body> </html>
<html> 5 Marks
<center> <h1> H.S.C. Exam </h1> </center>
<p align=”center”> <i> Subject :- Computer Science
<p align=”center”> <b> Theory & Practical Exam </b>
<p align=”center”> <u> 200 Marks </u>
3 Write output of the following HTML code. Correct output
<html> 5 Marks
<head> <title> Computer Shop </title></head>
<h2> Megastar Company </h2>
<p align=”center”> Address : Surya Complex , Delhi
<h4> Deals in </h4>
<li> Software
<li> Hardware
<li> Peripherals
<html> 5 Marks
<table border=”2”>
<td colspan=”2”> <h2>H.S.C. Exams </h2></td>
<td> <u> Paper 1 </u>
<td> <u> Paper 2 </u>
<td> 50 Marks
<td> 50 Marks
</table> </body> </html>
5 Write HTML code to obtain the following output. Correct HTML
5 Marks
5 Marks
5 Marks
8 Write HTML code to obtain the following output. Correct HTML
5 Marks
5 Marks
5 Marks