ElectronicCircuit IILAB
ElectronicCircuit IILAB
ElectronicCircuit IILAB
1.FEED BACK AMPLIFIER AIM: To design and test the current series and voltage shunt Feedback Amplifier and to calculate the following parameters with and without feedback. 1. Mid band gain. 2. Bandwidth and cutoff frequencies. 3. input and output impedance. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 ITEM TRANSISTOR RESISTOR CAPACITOR CRO RPS FUNCTION GENERATOR RANGE BC 107 Q.TY 1 1 1 1 1
CURRENT SERIES FEEDBACK DESIGN: (Without Feedback ): Given data : Vcc = 15V , = 0.9, fL = 1kHz, Ic=1mA. Stability factor = [2-10], Rs = 680 , Av = 50dB , IE = 1.2mA . Gain formula is given by Av = -hfe RLeff / Z i Assume, VCE = Vcc / 2 RLeff = Rc RL re = 26mV / IE hie = re where re is internal resistance of the transistor. hie = hfe re VE = Vcc / 10
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On applying KVL to output loop, Vcc = IcRc + VCE + IERE VE = IERE Rc = ? Since IB is very small when compared with IC Ic approximately equal to IE RE = VE / IE = ? VB = VBE + VE VB = VCC . RB2 / RB1 + RB2 S = 1+ (RB /RE ) RB = ? RB = RB1 Find Input Impedance , Zi = ( RB hie ) Coupling and bypass capacitors can be thus found out. Input coupling capacitor is given by , Xci = Z i / 10 Xci = 1/ 2 fCi Ci = ? output coupling capacitor is given by , Xco=(Rc RL) / 10 Xc0 = 1/ 2 fCo Co = ? By-pass capacitor is given by ,XCE = 1/ 2 fCE CE = ? Design ( With feedback ) : Remove the emitter capacitance ( CE ) = -1 / RE
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Voltage shunt DESIGN: (Without Feedback ): Given data : Vcc = 15V , fL = 1kHz, Ic=1mA. Stability factor = [2-10], Rs = 680 , Av =40 dB . Gain formula is given by Av = -hfe RLeff / Z i Assume, VCE = Vcc / 2 RLeff = R c | | RL re = 26mV / IE hie = re where re is internal resistance of the transistor. hie = hfe re VE = Vcc / 10 On applying KVL to output loop, Vcc = IcRc + VCE + IERE VE = IERE Rc = ? Since IB is very small when compared with Ic Ic approximately equal to IE RE = VE / IE = ? VB = VBE + VE VB = VCC . RB2 / RB1 + RB2 S = 1+ RB / RE RB =? RB = RB1| | RB2 Find
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Input Impedance, Zi = (RB | | hie ) Coupling and bypass capacitors can be thus found out. Input coupling capacitor is given by , Xci = Z i / 10 Xci = 1/ 2 f Ci Ci = ? output coupling capacitor is given by , X co=(Rc | | RL) / 10 Xc0 = 1/ 2 f Co Co =? By-pass capacitor is given by, XCE = 1/ 2 f CE CE =? Design ( With feedback ) : Connect the feedback resistance (Rf) and feedback capacitor (Cf) as shown in the figure. Xcf = Rf / 10 Cf = Rf / 2f x 10 Assume, Rf = 68 K = -1 / Rf Trans resistance Rm = - hfe (RB| | Rf ) (Rc | | Rf ) / (RB| | Rf ) + hie D = 1+ Rm Avf = Rmf / Rs Zif = Zi / D Zof = Zo / D Rmf = Rm / D
CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Voltage shunt feedback WITHOUT FEEDBACK: +VCC R1 Cin B BC107 E CE Vin F = 1 KHz R2 RE RL
MODEL GRAPH(WITH & WITHOUT FEEDBACK) Without feedback 3 dB GAIN (db) 3dB With feedback
f2 f1 = Bandwidth of without feedback circuit f4 f3 = Bandwidth of with feedback circuit THEORY: An amplifier whose function fraction of output is fed back to the input is called feed back amplifier. Depending upon whether the input is in phase or out of phase with the feed back signal, they are classified in to positive feed back and negative feed back. If the feed back signal is in phase with the input, then the wave will have positive gain. Then the amplifier is said to have a positive feed back. If the feed back signal is out of phase with the input ,then the wave will have a negative gain. The amplifier is said to have a negative feed back. The values of voltage gain and bandwidth without feed back. PROCEDURE: The connections are made as shown in the circuit. The amplifier is checked for its correct operation .Set the input voltage to a fixed value. Keeping the input voltage Vary the input frequency from 0Hz to 1MHz and note down the corresponding output voltage. plot the graph : gain (dB) vs frequency .Find the input and output impedances. Calculate
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the bandwidth from the graph. Remove RE and follow the same procedure. OBSERVATION: WITH OUT FEEDBACK Vin = ------------ Volts S.NO FREQUNCY O/P Gain voltage Vo Av=20 log Vo/Vi
WITH FEEDBACK S.NO FREQUNCY O/P voltage Av=20 log Vo/Vi RESULT: Theoritical With F/B Input Impedance Output impedance Bandwidth Transconductance (gm) Without F/B Practical With F/B Without F/B
2. WEIN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR Aim : To Design and construct a Wein Bridge Oscillator for a given cut-off frequency . APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 ITEM TRANSISTOR RESISTOR CAPACITOR CRO RPS RANGE BC107 Q.TY 2
DUAL(0-30) V
1 1
RC! R3 + Cc Rc2
R2 R4 RE2 CE
Given : Vcc = 12V , fo = 2 KHz, Ic1= Ic2 = 1mA.; Stability factor = [0-10], fL = 100Hz When the bridge is balanced, fo = 1/ 2RC Assume, Find, C = 0.1F fo = ?
Given data : Vcc = 15V , fL = 50Hz, Ic1= Ic2 = 1mA.; AvT = 3 ; Av1 =2; Av2 = 1; Stability factor = [10] Gain formula is given by Av = -hfe RLeff / Zi RLeff = R c2 | | RL hfe2 = 200 (from multimeter ) re2 = 26mV / IE2 = 26 hie2 = hfe2 re 2 = 200 x 26 = 5.2kW From dc bias analysis , on applying KVL to the outer loop, we get Vcc = Ic2Rc2 + VCE2+VE2 VcE2 = Vcc/2 ; Rc2 = ? Since IB is very small when compared with Ic Ic approximately equal to IE Av2 = -hfe2 RLeff / Zi2 Find RL|| Rc2 from above equation Since Rc2 is known , Calculate RL.
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VE2 = IE2RE2 Calculate RE2 S = 1+ RB2 / RE2 RB 2 =? RB 2 =R3 || R4 VB2 = VCC . R4 / R3 + R4 VB2 = VBE2 + VE2 R3 =? Find R4 Zi2 = (RB2 | | hie2 ) Zi2 = ? Rleff1 = Zi2| | Rc1 Find Rleff1 from the gain formula given above Av1 = -hfe1 RLeff 1/ Zi1 RLeff1 = ? On applying KVL to the first stage, we get Vcc = Ic1 Rc1 + VCE1 +VE1 VCE1 = VCC / 2 ; VE1 = VCC / 10 Rc1 = ? Find Ic1 approximately equal to IE1 R6 = RE1=? S = 1+ RB1 / RE1 RB 1 =? RB 1 =R1 || R2 VB1 = VCC . R2 / R1 + R2 VB1 = VBE2 +VE2 Find R1 = ?
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Therefore find R2 = ? Zi1 = (RB1 | | hie1 ) R5 = RL R6 Coupling and bypass capacitors can be thus found out. Input coupling capacitor is given by , Xci = Z i / 10 Xci = 1/ 2 f Ci Ci = ? output coupling capacitor is given by , X co=(Rc2 | | RL2) / 10 Xc0 = 1/ 2 f Co Co =? By-pass capacitor is given by, XCE = RE2 / 10 XCE 1/ 2 f CE2 CE =? THEORY: In wein bridge oscillator, wein bridge circuit is connected between the amplifier input terminals and output terminals. The bridge has a series rc network in one arm and parallel network in the adjoining arm. In the remaining 2 arms of the bridge resistors R1and Rf are connected . To maintain oscillations total phase shift around the circuit must be zero and loop gain unity. First condition occurs only when the bridge is balanced . Assuming that the resistors and capacitors are equal in value, the resonant frequency of balanced bridge is given by Fo = 0.159 RC
PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. The circuit is constructed as per the given circuit diagram. Switch on the power supply and observe the output on the CRO( sine wave) Note down the practical frequency and compare it with the theoretical frequency.
3. TRANSISTOR PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR AIM: To design and construct the transistor Phase shift oscillator. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 ITEM TRANSISTOR RESISTOR CAPACITOR CRO RPS FUNCTION GENERATOR RANGE BC 107 ( 0 30 ) MHz (0-30) V (0-1 )MHz Q.TY 1 1 1 1
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DESIGN: Given : Vcc = 12V , fo = 1 KHz,C = 0.01F; IE = 5mA.; Stability factor = 10 f = 1/ 2RC Find R R1 = (Ri R) R >> Rc eta = -1 / 29 Amplifier Design : Gain formula is given by Av = -hfe RLeff / hie ( Av = 29, design given ) Assume, VCE = Vcc / 2 RLeff = R c | | RL re = 26mV / IE hie = re where re is internal resistance of the transistor. hie = hfe re VE = Vcc / 10 On applying KVL to output loop, Vcc = IcRc + VCE + IERE VE = IERE Rc = ? Since IB is very small when compared with Ic Ic approximately equal to IE RE = VE / IE = ? VB = VBE + VE
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VB = VCC . RB2 / RB1 + RB2 S = 1+ RB / RE RB =? RB = RB1| | RB2 Find RB1 & RB2 Input Impedance, Zi = (RB | | hie ) Coupling and bypass capacitors can be thus found out. Input coupling capacitor is given by , Xci = Z i / 10 Xci = 1/ 2 f Ci Ci = ? output coupling capacitor is given by , Xc0 = 1/ 2 f Co Co =? By-pass capacitor is given by, XCE = 1/ 2 f CE CE =? THEORY: The Transistor Phase Shift Oscillator produces a sine wave of desired designed frequency. The RC combination will give a 60 phase shift totally three combination will give a 180 phase shift. . The BC107 is in the common emitter configuration. Therefore that will give a 180 phase shift totally a 360 phase shift output is produced. The capacitor value is designed in order to get the desired output frequency. Initially the C and R are connected as a feedback with respect to input and output and this will maintain constant sine wave output. CRO is connected at the output. PROCEDURE: 1. The circuit is constructed as per the given circuit diagram. 2. Switch on the power supply and observe the output on the CRO( sine wave)
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3. Note down the practical frequency and compare it with the theoretical frequency. RESULT : Theoritical Practical Frequency f = 1 / 2 RC 6RC 4. LC OSCILLATOR HARTLEY and COLPITT OSCILLATOR AIM : To Design and construct the given Oscillator at the given operating frequency. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO ITEM RANGE Q.TY 1 TRANSISTOR BC 107 1 2 RESISTOR 1 3 4 5 6 CAPACITOR CRO RPS (0 30)MHZ (0-30) V (0- 1 ) MHz 1 1 1 1 +VCC RB1 C Cin B BC107 E RB2 RE CE
RC 0 .01 F C
Design of Feedback Network ( Hartely Oscillator ) : Given : L1 = 1mH ; f = 800kHz; Vcc = 12V ; Av =50 ; fL = 1Khz Av = 1 / = -L1 / L2 F = 1/2(L1 + L2)C; C=? Design of Feedback Network ( Colpitt Oscillator ) : Given : C1 = 0.1F;f =800kHz; Vcc = 12V ; Av = 50 ; S = 10 IE = 5mA; fi = 1kHz Av = Av = 1 / = C2 / C1 f = 1/2(C1 + C2) / LC1C2 L=? Amplifier Design : Gain formula is given by Av = -hfe RLeff / hie ( Av = 29, design given ) Assume, VCE = Vcc / 2 RLeff = R c | | RL re = 26mV / IE hie = re where re is internal resistance of the transistor. hie = hfe re VE = Vcc / 10 On applying KVL to output loop, Vcc = IcRc + VCE + IERE VE = IERE Rc = ?;RL = ? Since IB is very small when compared with Ic Ic approximately equal to IE RE = VE / IE = ? VB = VBE + VE
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VB = VCC . RB2 / RB1 + RB2 S = 1+ RB / RE RB =? RB = RB1| | RB2 Find RB1 & RB2 Input Impedance, Zi = (RB | | hie ) Coupling and bypass capacitors can be thus found out. Input coupling capacitor is given by , Xci = Z i / 10 Xci = 1/ 2 f Ci Ci = ? output coupling capacitor is given by , Xc0 = (Rc RL) / 10 Xc0 = 1/ 2 f Co Co =? By-pass capacitor is given by, XCE = RE / 10 XCE = 1/ 2 f CE CE =? THEORY: LC oscillator consisting of a tank circuit for generating sine wave of required frequency. Rectifying Barkhausen criteria A for a circuit containing reactance A must be positive and greater than or equal to unity. PROCEDURE : 1. The circuit connection is made as per the circuit diagram. 2. Switch on the power supply and observe the output on the CRO(sine wave ). 3. Note down the practical frequency and compare it with the theoretical frequency. THEORETICAL FREQUENCY FOR HARTLEY OSCILLATOR:
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PRACTICAL : Observed Values: Time Period = Frequency = RESULT : Thus the LC oscillator is designed for the given frequency and the output response is verified. Theoritical Practical Frequency Hartley Colpitt Hartley Colpitt
CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 10 F 10K 47K 47 F B BC107 E Vin = 1 V F = 1 KHz 120K 2.2k + 100 F C 100K
The amplifier is said to be class c amplifier if the Q Point and the input signal are selected such that the output signal is obtained for less than a half cycle, for a full input cycle Due to such a selection of the Q point, transistor remains active for less than a half cycle .Hence only that much Part is reproduced at the output for remaining cycle of the input cycle the transistor remains cut off and no signal is produced at the output .the total Angle during which current flows is less than 180..This angle is called the conduction angle, Qc
1.The connections are given as per the circuit diagram. 2. Connect the CRO in the output and trace the waveform. 3.calculate the practical frequency and compare with the theoretical Frequency 4.plot the waveform obtained and calculate the bandwidth
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RESULT: Thus a class c single tuned amplifier was designed and its bandwidth is Calculated.
QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1
THEORY: A simple low pas RC circuit can also work as an integrator when time constant is very large. This requires very large values of R and C.The components R and C cannot be made infinitely large because of practical limitations. However in the op-amp integrator by MILLERs theorem, the effective input capacitance becomes Cf (1-Av), where Av is the gain of the op-amp. The gain Av is the infinite for an ideal op-amp, so the effective time constant of the opamp integrator becomes very large which results perfect integration. PROCEDURE: 1.Connections are given as per the circuit diagram. 2.The resistance Rcomp is also connected to the (+) input terminal to minimize the effect of the input bias circuit. 3.It is noted that the gain of the integrator decreases with increasing frequency. 4.Thus the integrator circuit does not have any high frequency
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t (msec)
7.CLIPPER & CLAMPER CIRCUITS AIM : To observe the clipping waveform in different clipping
S.NO 1 2 ITEM DIODE RESISTOR RANGE IN4001 1K 10 K 0.1F (0-1) MHz Q.TY 1 1 1
3 4 5
1 1 1
1 K O H M
I N 4 0 0 1 V o u t 1 K H z 5 V 2 V
1 K O H M
I N 4 0 0 1 V o u t 1 K H z 5 V 2 V
Procedure :
1. Connections are given as per the circuit . 2. Set input signal voltage (5v,1kHz ) using function generator. 3. Observe the output waveform using CRO. 4. Sketch the observed waveform on the graph sheet.
S.NO 1 2 ITEM DIODE RESISTOR RANGE IN4001 1K 10 K 0.1F (0-1) MHz Q.TY 1 1 1
3 4 5
1 1 1
o/p Vo
o/p Vo
Procedure :
1.Connections are given as per the circuit . 2. Set input signal voltage (5v,1kHz ) using function generator. 3. Observe the output waveform using CRO. 4. Sketch the observed waveform on the graph sheet. Result : Thus the waveforms are observed and traced .for clipper and clamper circuits .
S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 ITEM IC RESISTOR CAPACITOR RPS CRO RANGE NE555 9K 0.01 F 0.1 F (0-30) V Q.TY 1 1 1 1 1 1
A monostable multivibrator has one stable state and a quasistable state. When it is triggered by an external agency it switches from the stable state to quasistable state and returns back to stable state. The time during which it states in quasistable state is determined from the time constant RC. When it is triggered by a continuous pulse it generates a square wave. Monostable multi vibrator can be realized by a pair of regeneratively coupled active devices, resistance devices and op-amps.
Given Vcc = 12V ; VBB = - 2 V; Ic = 2 mA; VCE(sat) = 0.2 V ; h FE = 200 ; f = 1kHz. RC = VCC VCE(sat) / IC = 12 0.2 / 2x 10 3 = 5. 9 K IB 2(min) = Ic2 / hfe = 2mA / 200 = 10 A Select IB 2 > IB 1(min) (say 25 A ) Then R = VCC VBE(sat) / I B 2 = 12 0.7 / 25 x 10 -6 = 452 K T = 0.69 RC 1x10-3 = 0.69 x 452 x 10 C = 3.2 nF VB1 = VBB R1 / R1 + R2 + VCE(sat) R2 / R1+R2 Since Q1 is off state, VB1 less than equal to 0. Then VBB R1 / R1 + R2 = VCE(sat) VBB R1 = VCE(sat) R2 2R1 = 0.2R2 Assume R1 = 10 K . Then R2 = 100 K C1 = 25pF( Commutative capacitor ) procedure : 1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram. 2. Switch on the regulated power supply and observe the output waveform at the collector of Q1 and Q2 and plot it.
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R2 / R1+R2
3. Trigger the monostable multivibrator with a pulse and observe the change in waveform. 4. Plot the waveform and observe the changes before and after triggering the input to the circuit.
+ VCC = +12v
5.9K 3.2nf
452k 10k
22pf C B
The connections are made as per the diagram. The value of R is chosen as 9k . The DCB is set to the designed value. The power supply is switched on and set to +5V. The output of the pulse generator is set to the desired frequency. Here the frequency of triggering should be greater than width of ON period (i.e.) T >W. The output is observed using CRO and the result is compared with the
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theoretical value. The experiment can be repeated for different values of C and the results are tabulated.
C (uf) Theoritical(T=1.095 RC(ms))) Practical T(ms)
RESULT: Thus the monostable multivibrator using IC555 is designed and its output waveform is traced.
To design a astable multivibrator and study the waveform.
S.NO 1 2 ITEM TRANSISTOR RESISTOR RANGE BC107 980K 4.9K 0.74nF (0-30) V Q.TY 2 2 2
3 4 5
2 1 1
Astable multivibrator has no stable state, but has two quasi stable states. The circuit oscillates between the states (Q1 ON , Q2 OFF) and (Q2 ON , Q! OFF). The output at the collector of each transistor is a square wave. Therefore this circuit is applied as a square wave generator. Refer to the fig each transistor has a bias resistance RB and each base is capacitor coupled to the collector of other transistor. When Q1 is ON and Q2 is OFF, C1 is charged to ( Vcc VBE1) positive on the right side. For Q2 ON and Q! OFF, C2 is charged to (Vcc VBE2) positive on the left side.
+ VCC = +10v
4.9K 0.74nF
4.9K 0.74nF
C B BC107 VO2 E E
Design Given Vcc = 10V ; Ic = 2 mA; h FE = 200 ; f = 1 kHz R h FE Rc RC = VCC VC2(sat) / IC = 10 0.2 / 2x 10 3 =4. 9 K R 200 x 4.9 x 103 = 980 K T = 1.38 RC 1 x 10-3 = 1.38 x 980 x 103 x C C =0.74 nF
Waveforms :
1. The connections are given as per the circuit diagram. 2. Switch on the power supply. 3. Observe the waveform both at bases andcollectors of Q1 and Q2.
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4. Connect the CRO in the output of Q1 and Q2 and trace the square waveform.
Thus the square wave forms are generated using astable multivibrator.
AIM: To design a bistable multivibrator and study the output waveform. Apparatus Required: S.NO 1 2 ITEM TRANSISTOR RESISTOR RANGE BC 107 4.7K 22K 0.022 f 10 f 100Pf (0-30) V Q.TY 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
4 5 6
THEORY: The bistable multivibrator is a switching circuit with a two stable state either Q1 is on and Q2 is off (or)Q2 is on and Q1 is off. The circuit is completely symmetrical. load resistors RC1 and RC2 all equal and potential Divider (R1,R2)and (R1 and R2 ) from identical bias Network at the transistor bases. Each transistor is biased from the collector of the other
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Device when either transistor is ON and the other transistor is biased OFF.C1andC2 operate as speed up capacitors or memory capacitors.
Design : Given Vcc = 12V ; VBB = -12v; Ic = 2mA; VC(sat) = 0.2 V VBE(sat) = 0.7V Assume Q1 is cut-off Vc1 = VCC(+12V) Q2 is in saturation (ON) Vc2 = Vc(sat) (0.2 V) Using superposition principle, VB1 = VBB[ R1 / R1 + R2 ] + Vc2[ R2 / R1+R2 ] << 0 .7 Let us consider VB1 = -1V Then -1 = [-12R1/R1+R2 ] + [ 0.2R2 / R1+R2 ] Assume R1 = 10K such that it ensures a loop gain in excess of unity during the transition between states. The inequality R1 < hfe Rc R2 = 91.67 K Test for conditions : Q1 = cut-off (Vc1 = 12V ) Q2 = Saturation / (ON) (VC2 = 0.2V) Minimum base current, IB (min) must be less than the base current (IB) i.e., IB (min) < IB Calculate hfe from multimeter (say = 200) IB 2(min) = Ic2 / hfe Ic2 = Ic I3
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Ic2 = ( 2 0.12 )mA = 1.88 mA IB 2(min) = 1.88mA / 200 = 9.4 A IB 2 = I1 I2 IB 2 = (0.71 0.14 )mA = 0.57 mA Since IB 2 > IB 2(min) ,Q2 is ON C1 = 25 pF ( Commutative capacitor ) IC = VCC Vc2 / RC RC = VCC Vc2 / IC = 12 0.2 / 2x 10 3 = 5.9 K I3 = Vc2 - VBB / R1 + R2 = 0.2 + 12 / ( 10 + 91.6 )K = 0.12mA I1 = Vc1 - VBE / RC + R1 Procedure : 1. Connect the cir cuit as per circuit diagram. 2. Switch on the regulated power supply and observe the output waveform at the collector of Q1 and Q2. 3. Sketch the waveform. 4. Apply a threshold voltage and observe the change of states of Q1 and Q2. 5. Sketch the waveform. = 12 0.7 / ( 5.9 + 10 ) K = 0.71mA I2 = VBE - VBB / R2 = 0.7 + 12 / 91.6K = 0.14 mA
+ Vcc = +12 V 5.9K I1 10 K 50pF I3 10K 50pF 5.9K
C BC107 E I2 91.67k 10 F
Thus the bistable multivibrator is designed and the square waveforms are generated at the output.
1. Differential Amplifier
output resistance of a differential amplifier with a transistor current source. Specifications: The input voltage is 0.1v. The model parameters of the bipolar transistors are BF = 50,RB = 70, RC = 40. Circuit Diagram :
2 1 0 K Q
3 1 0 K V 1 2 v R 7 2 0 K 2
1 1 . 5 k
1 A
6 1 . 5 K
4 1 5 0 K
5 1 5 0 K
0 0
Q 1 A 1 2 v V 3
1 A
Program : Vcc VEE VIN RC1 RC2 RE1 RE2 RS1 RS2 Rx Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 11 0 1 11 11 4 7 1 6 11 3 5 12 9 8 0 10 0 3 5 12 12 2 0 8 2 6 8 9 9 12v 12v DC 0.25v 10k 10k 150 150 1.5k 1.5k 20k 4 7 9 10 10 QN QN QN QN QN
. TF V (3,5) VIN END The results of the transfer function analysis by the .TF commands are given below
1 k
1RK 2 R
3 2 A 7
V+ 4 V-
1 V
0 V
C 1 1 n
u 2 1 n
4 1 V E
2 V D C
PROGRAM: LOW PASS FILTER VCC 6 0 DC 12V VEE 0 7 DC 12V VIN 1 0 AC 1V R1 4 0 1K R2 1 2 1K R3 2 3 1K RF 4 5 0.586K C2 2 5 0.079 UF C3 3 0 0.079UF X1 4 3 6 7 5 UA 741 .LIB NOB .LIB .AC DEC 10HZ 100HZ 1MEGHZ .PROBE .END
1 0
0 K
V V+ 3 1 0 0 K R 1 2 A D 7 U + 2 7 O
C 1 2 5 S 2 U S 6 T 1 1
O O V4 V E
4 1 E - 1
2 V
1 0 . 1
0 K U F
3 C 1
A CMOS INVERTER VDD 2 0 5V VIN 1 0 DC 5V PULSE (0 5V 0 1NS 1NS RL 3 0 100k M1 3 1 2 2 PMOD L=1U W= 20U M2 3 1 0 0 NMOD L=1U W= 5U .TRAN 1US 80US .TF V(3) VIN .OP .PLOT TRAN V(3) V(1) .PROBE .END 2 VDD = 5 20US 40US)
V1 V2 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 1 0 1V 4 0 1V 1 2 1K 4 5 1K 3 7 1K 6 7 1K 7 8 1K R6 10 0 1K D1 2 3 DA D2 5 6 DA D3 8 9 DA .MODEL DA D X1 2 0 3 IOP X2 5 0 6 IOP X3 7 0 8 IOP X4 9 0 10 IOP .SUBCKT IOP M P V0 RI M P 1G E V0 0 P M 2E5 .ENDS .DC V1 -1 1 0.1 .PROBE .END
R V 0 V 1 8 k
1 7
U +
5 2 6 T 1 1 3 U +
R 1 2 k
6 R 5 2 6 T 1 1 1 D 1 1 N 1 2 4 3 7 3 6 2 A U + 2 k 7 O S U S 1 5 2 6 T 1 1 R 2 1 k 7 V+ 7 4 4 V2 6
O V2
D 7
4 1
7 O S U S O VO
2 A
D 7
4 1
R V 0 V 1 8 k
1 7
U +
5 2 6 T 1 1
0 0 0
4 1