FSE Project
FSE Project
FSE Project
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the
transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business
transactions occur either as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-
to-consumer or consumer-to-business.
E-commerce is powered by the internet. Customers access an online store to browse through
and place orders for products or services via their own devices. As the order is placed, the
customer's web browser will communicate back and forth with the server hosting the e-
commerce website. Data pertaining to the order will be relayed to a central computer known as
the order manager. It will then be forwarded to databases that manage inventory levels; a
merchant system that manages payment information, using applications such as PayPal; and a
bank computer. Finally, it will circle back to the order manager. This is to make sure that store
inventory and customer funds are sufficient for the order to be processed.
Habesha e-commerce allows us to change our product offerings, display, and marketing
materials almost instantly on an e-commerce site. The existing systems lacks data collection
method in which sellers are not bound to know costumers needs. Habesha e commerce will use
features like data, to collect tons of information about how people surf the web, what sorts of
sites they visit, and what kinds of things they purchase and the sellers use that
information to improve the shopping experience and improve the likelihood that their
site’s visitors will turn into customers.
The main reason we want to implement Habesha e-commerce is to provide a flexible and fast
online marketplace without physically moving things around and also without consuming a lot
of time.
The existing system lacks inventory management in which inventory is monitored and
managed, ensuring re-orders are place as inventory runs low to always be in stock. It also lacks
a delivery system that is available in a wide range of environment. So we want to improve the
existing systems by implementing those services.
Another problem in the existing system is unavailability of the delivery service . There is only a
delivery service within a bounded km Radius of the seller. In most cases the seller is in charge of
the delivery service not the company. The company only advertises sellers product attaching
their contact or address information after that company won’t get any information regarding
the product whether it is sold or not.
Sellers can do their businesses despite holidays, events, day-night cycles, and geographic
boundaries affecting them. Building an online store with ecommerce platforms can help sellers
streamline their business operations. They can manage sellers inventory, orders, customers,
sales channels, plan & implement marketing strategies to align all the business operations
centrally to attain sellers end goal.
The consumers can also get the right details of the products sellers have at online store. With
online chat, email, telephone sellers can resolve customer queries in real-time to strengthen
their relations with them.
1.5 Objective
1.5.1 General Objective
The general objective of this project is to provide an online area that is convenient both for
sellers and customers in a marketing system. It is a business that implements flexible and
fast services. Sellers can work from anywhere with an Internet connection. They may not
even need to have office space; can work from home.
Feasibility study helps in identifying risk factors involved in developing and deploying system
and planning for risk analysis also narrows the business alternatives and enhance success rate
analyzing different parameters associated with proposed project development and The
following are major feasibly concerns.
Technical Feasibility study is about evaluating if the current technology has a potential to
develop or unable to support our proposed system. Implementation of the proposed system
will use windows operating system scripting programming language.
The proposed system can use software and hardware tools and other resources that are
accessible by low cost and available for the development and implementation of proposed
system. Therefore, the system is technically feasible.
The team has the ability to develop this system without any difficulty since the team has
studied the required methodologies and tools. So the system will be technically feasible. The
project members also have knowledge about Java, CSS, MYSQL database and Enterprise
architect to design the system.
Besides, the group members have enough capability to develop the project. So the system is
technically feasible. In general using the different techniques, we can perform the work up to
the desire of the organization, even though fulfilling human being’s needs in all directions may
be difficult.
1.6.2 Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility test is making sure if the system works with less difficulties when
developed and installed. Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether
the system will be used if it is developed and implemented. During the installation of the
system, it is easy, likely that the installer can easily install to the environment of the system.
This project is surely operationally feasible because the proposed online system is a good
solution maker of the existing problem or specific solution will work in the existing system and
create a good environment towards both sellers and customers or users in all.
Users can use the system using their hand phones and laptop computer only by connecting it to
the internet since the system is not complicated (simple) and easy to use. The system will be
available only on mobile and laptop computer system therefor users able to run the system on
their devices. Users won’t need much time to adapt the system because the system is much
user friendly and adaptable. And finally, the project is operationally feasible.
Economic feasibility evaluates the cost of the system development against the ultimate income,
or a benefit gets from the developed system. For any system if the expected benefits equal or
exceed the expected costs, the system can be judged to be economically feasible. In economic
feasibility, cost benefit analysis is done in which expected costs and benefits are evaluated.
This is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a proposed system and
compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and
implement the system. The proposed system is economically feasible because the proposed
system uses software and hardware tools that are available by low cost and open source
software except for few major hardware components of the central system like the central data
server on but that’s not a problem because the hosting organization that is going to
implement the system is a big governmental organization that can obtain such hardware
components easily and it is going to get by implementing the system that will eliminate the
time and cost consuming process
So, the project is economically feasible because the proposed system can use software and
hardware tools that are accessible by low cost with a limited time.
Late delivery
Difficulty to buy some products online
Lack of privacy. A customer has to provide his personal details before making a purchase
like address, name, and phone number and so on.
Fear People fear the unknown. E-commerce transactions are mostly faceless and
paperless without any due proof.
Credit card fraud- what if the site is hacked by cyber criminals.
Dependency on the website
An e-commerce site is heavily dependent on its website. If it is not properly projected or
the software is not implemented the site can face technology hiccups .
Sellers can use that information to improve the shopping experience and improve the likelihood
that their site’s visitors will turn into customers. It’s much harder to get that information in a
brick-and-mortar store. There’s no record of what every single customer looked at or how long
they spent with a particular product before buying it.
1.9 Methodology
1.9.1 Fact finding methodology
Fact finding is process of collection of data and information based on techniques which contain
sampling of existing documents, research, observation, questionnaires, interviews, prototyping
and joint requirements planning.
In our case we do some researches or we collect data by visiting some sites with less paper
work .It can save the time if the problem is already solved. We can know how different
person previously solved the same problems and the detailed information about the current
development system.
Since the time given to finish the project is limited or since it is time-boxed we use Rapid
Application Model to develop the system.
2. Chapter Two
2.1 Major functionality of the current system
Currently e commerce’s available in Ethiopia are used only as an advertising site. As said earlier
the company only advertises sellers product attaching their contact or address information
after that company won’t get any information regarding the product whether it is sold or not.
It gives unsatisfying delivery service and in some cases the sellers himself is in charge of the
delivering service.
Sell products
Trade products
Organize and run businesses
The current system has many drawbacks which includes availability problems in which the
system is not available 24/7 and it is not also widely available. The system also lacks
recommendations of personalized product since the sites can’t track visitor’s browse; so they
have no idea which item the visitor viewed. It lacks data governance.
There is no updated information for products which are already sold out so consumers still
think the product is available which is not. This leads to loosing of customers. The current
system lacks inventory management in which inventory is monitored and managed, ensuring
re-orders are place as inventory runs low to always be in stock. It also lacks a delivery system
that is available in a wide range of environment.
1. The admin is the one that updates and posts product related information for the consumer to
2. The admin is the only user allowed to manage users and any activity related with the system
3. The user should have an internet connection and a computer or smart phone
4. The consumers and the sellers should be registered to access the system
5. Consumers need valid trade warrant to register
6. The seller and buyer could perform the transaction, without shipping service
3 Chapter Three
3.1 Overview
To overcome the limitations of the existing system Habesha e commerce provides many
services. On Habesha e-commerce site, you can change your product offerings, display, and
marketing materials almost instantly. In a brick-and-mortar store, you’ll have to physically move
things around and it just takes longer. Habesha e-commerce site is extremely flexible and lets
you adapt to the changes needs of your customers and the changing demands of the business
Finally, Habesha e-commerce business is flexible. As the owner, you can work from anywhere
with an Internet connection. You may not even need to have office space; you can work from
3.2 Non Functional Requirement:- are requirements that specify criteria that can be
used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behavior. They define how a
system is supposed to be.
1, usability:-includes
how easily a user can achieve their goal in a single page visit;
how quickly they perform the tasks in the store;
how memorable and intuitive the design is; number and time of errors users make.
2, security:-is about different admin roles allowing you to control who can create, see, copy,
change, or delete information. Depending on your business location, security also means
complying with the customer data protection rules. The website must be resilient to any kind of
Flow event:
j. selects the delete tab if he/she want to delete the price of the current system or if the available
product is no longer available
2 seller/businesses
Post the available product they have
View the current price
Make connection to the consumers
3 Consumer
Sign in if they have account
Register for new account
Order what they want to buy and with their price
Give comment for the admins
4 employee
in charge of delivery service
manage the warehouse
track where items are located
keep record of products when they arrived
how long products have been in stock
the quantity on hand at any given time
Actor consumer
Description User must login with a valid id and password in order to buy
products online
Precondition The user is a valid user and has entered his login credentials in
the fields provided
Use case id 2
Actor Administration
Description this feature will authenticate weather the user is a valid user or
not by validating if he has already registered or not.
Post condition The system are either accept or reject the user’s credentials if
user input is wrong the system give a message “your information
is not available”
Use case id 3
Actor seller
Use case id 4
Actor consumers
Precondition User click on the price button to see the price of the product they
Post condition The system summit all the result details in the database
Sequence diagrams in the UML are primarily used to model the interactions between the actors
and the objects in a system and the interactions between the objects themselves. As the name
implies, a sequence diagram shows the sequence of interactions that take place during a
particular use case or use case instance.
The objects and actors involved are listed along the top of the diagram, with a dotted line
drawn vertically from these. Interactions between objects are indicated by annotated arrows.
The rectangle on the dotted lines indicates the lifeline of the object concerned. The annotations
on the arrows indicate the calls to the objects, their parameters, and the return values.
3.9 Activity Diagram
An activity diagram is used to understand the flow of work that an object or component
performs. It can also be used to visualize the interaction between different use cases. One of the
strengths of activity diagrams is the representation of concurrent activities.They are graphical
representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice,
iteration and concurrency. And show the overall flow of control.
Activity diagrams are constructed from a limited number of shapes, connected with arrows. The
most important shape types: