Datenblatt 300 2 English
Datenblatt 300 2 English
Datenblatt 300 2 English
Version: 001/19-82
For: booster pump
Typ 300/2:
Mechanical data:
Width (with piping) 610 mm
Width (without piping) 610 mm
Depth (without piping) 210 mm
Depth (with piping) 350 mm
Total height 235 mm
Height (with piping) 235 mm
total weight ca. 21 kg
Connections without piping:
Connection thread suction side G 1/4“
Connection thread pressure side G 1/4“
Connection thread air drive G 1/8“
Connections with piping:
Connections suction side 8 S (M16x1,5)
Connections pressure side 8 S (M16x1,5)
Air drive connections NW 7,2
Pneumatic data:
air drive pL (bar) 2-10 bar
medium filtered, oil-free compressed air
Performance data:
transmission ratio 1:30
Gas inlet pressure pA min 15 bar
Gas inlet pressure pA max 300 bar
Max permissible outlet pressure pB 300 bar
Displacement ca. 100 cm3
Delivery rate per stroke 0,05 l
Formula for gas outlet pressure pB 30 x pL + pA
Compressed air consumption 16 l pro Hub at 16 bar
Environmental conditions:
Permissible operating temperatures: + 5°C bis max + 45°C
Permissible storage and transport
temperatures: + 5°C bis + 60°C
Permitted media: gas Inert gases
We are at your disposal for any questions or further information!We reserve the right to make changes to the design and execution of the
products within the framework of the specified technical properties and services. Our general terms and conditions, including product liability,
apply exclusively to all products and services provided
00:50 00:57
= Time in minutes
We are at your disposal for any questions or further information!We reserve the right to make changes to the design and execution of the
products within the framework of the specified technical properties and services. Our general terms and conditions, including product liability,
apply exclusively to all products and services provided