Paper Chromatography-1
Paper Chromatography-1
Paper Chromatography-1
(b) Specific methods (Chemical methods) or Spraying
method - examples,
• Evaluation of chromatogram:
• Qualitative analysis: The simple measurement of Rf
value of sample is done by compared with the reference
substance or the standard values from literature.
• Quantitative analysis: The quantitative method can be
done by either estimation of the amount of substances
in the spot on the paper or by removal of the
substances from the paper and analysis of the separate
fractions by conventional quantitative techniques. The
Methods can be divided into two main groups.
➢ Evaluation of substance on the paper directly
➢ Removal of substance from the paper (Elution method)
• Evaluation of substance on paper
• Visual Comparison of spots: In this number of
chromatograms are run on same sheet with the
reference solution containing known amount of
substance. The spot is compared for its size and intensity
of color.
• Measurement of Area of spot: There is linear
relationship between the amount of substance and area
of the spot. The area can be measured by planimeter or
a graph paper.
• Radiotracer analysis: The radioactive element is used to
locate the quantity of material on the chromatogram.
The compound is identified by subjecting to neutron
bombardment. The location is measured by passing the
paper either in gas flow counting chamber or a thin
window Geiger Muller tube.
• Removal of substance from the paper: The
substance is removed by elution from paper.
The procedure is to cut out the part of filter
paper and soak it in minimum amount of
solvent. Extraction can be made by shaking or
warming. The elute so obtained diluted or
concentrated and then analyzed.