Godel Proof
Godel Proof
Godel Proof
ON FORMALLY UNDECIDABLE PROPOSITIONS OF PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA AND RELATED SYSTEMS 11 by Kurt Gdel, Vienna 1 The development of mathematics in the direction of greater exactness hasas is well knownled to large tracts of it becoming formalized, so that proofs can be carried out according to a few mechanical rules. The most comprehensive formal systems yet set up are, on the one hand, the system of Principia Mathematica (PM)2 and, on the other, the axiom system for set theory of Zermelo-Fraenkel (later extended by J. v. Neumann).3 These two systems are so extensive that all methods of proof used in mathematics today have been formalized in them, i.e. reduced to a few axioms and 27. rules of inference. It may therefore be [($u,v)u,v & x = u * R(b Gl rules & Su x(n|y) ez {z [Pr(l(x)+l(y))]x+y & surmised thatxthese axioms and x) * v of inference are & n = l(u)+1]} to decide all mathematical questions which can in any z = u * y * v also sufficient way at all be expressed formally in the systems concerned. It is shown below that this is x(n|y) derivesand thaton both the systems mentioned n-th term of fact relatively Su not the case, from x in substituting y in place of the there are in x (it simple problems in l(x)). being assumed that 0 < n the theory of ordinary whole numbers4 which [174] 28. cannot be decided from v Fr n,x & not ($p)[n < p is not due in p,x]} 0 St v,x en {n l(x) & the axioms. This situation l(x) & v Fr some way to the specialSt v,x of the systems set up, but holds for a < p <extensive& v Fr of formal (k+1) nature en {n < k St v,x & v Fr n,x & ($p)[n very k St v,x class p,x]}2 systems, including, in particular, all those arising from
The essence
First theorem of undecidability: If axiomatic theory is consistent, there exist theorems which can neither be proved or disproved
The essence
Second theorem of undecidability: There is no constructive procedure which will prove axiomatic theory to be consistent.
Euclids Elements
23 definitions 5 postulates
465 propositions
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
Euclids Elements
The axioms
It is possible to draw a straight line from any point to any point. to produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line. to describe a circle with any centre and radius. That all right angles equal one another. Parallel lines dont cross
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
Euclids Elements
Can mutually inconsistent statements be derive from a set of axioms. Say in Euclids geometry
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
Euclids Elements
In other words
Can we be sure no one some day derives a proposition which contradicts another proposition.
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
Russells paradox:
Normal set:
Question: Is N normal?
Assume N is Normal then N is member of itself, since N contains all Normal Sets per its definition i.e., N N. But if N N then N is non-Normal
Assume N is non-Normal then N is member of itself per definition of non-Normal. But if N is non-Normal it is a member of itself, and N contains per definition Normal sets, i.e., N is Normal .
The problem is
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
I am a liar!
Epimenides paradox
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
mb del nu G er
1 2 3 4
= 0 s
5 6 7
( x )( x = sy )
28 34 L
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
ber l num de G
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
The crunch
Gdel constructed a formula G for which he showed that:
G is demonstrable
non G is demonstrable
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
More crunch
The meta-mathematical content of G is:
The Conclusion
All axiomatic systems will contain true propositions which cannot be proved within the system And contain propositions which cannot be determined whether true of false
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
Some consequences:
The continuum hypothesis:
No set can have a number of elements between the cardinality of the natural numbers and the cardinality of the real numbers
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
The real numbers cannot be countered
Proof: assume the opposite
So clearly: # reals > # integers
But: is there a set with a number of elements in between? Cantor said: No - but could not prove it.
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
Consequences continued:
The continuum hypothesis:
Was the first problem in Hilberts list of 23 unsolved important problems.
More consequences:
Truth cannot be identified with provability
Roger Penrose: Creative mathematicians do not think in a mechanistic way. They often have a kind of insight into the Platonic realm which exists independently of us.
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
More consequences:
We cannot build one all embracing explanation of everything based on one finite set of axioms. There exist more true statements than the countable number of truths that can be recursively deduced from a finite set of axioms.
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC
H.J. Jensen, Dept. of Math., IC