Round 3-1
Round 3-1
Round 3-1
Round 3: The conservation principle (return at the latest by Thu 29.9. at 13:00 o’clock)
Each problem (1-4) will be assessed on a scale of 0-3. Remember to explain the different stages in the
solution. More detailed information can be found from MyCourses.
1. A rocket is launched to the space by the thrust produced in the process of burning fuel. Consider
a simple situation when the velocity of the exhaust gas is V = 2000 m/s. The amount of exhaust
gas is produced during the process is 300 tons, and the time it takes for a rocket to fly from the
ground to outer space is 8 minutes. Calculate the thrust in this case, include your argument.
Figure 1. Problem 1
2. The four devices shown in Fig. 2 rest on frictionless wheels, are restricted to move in the x-
direction only, and are initially held stationary. The pressure at the inlets and outlets of each is
atmospheric, and the flow is incompressible. The contents of each device are not known. When
released, which devices will move to the right and which to the left ? Explain.
Figure 2. Problem 2.
3. Five liters per second of water enters the rotor shown in the Fig. 3 along the axis of rotation. The
cross-sectional area of each of the three nozzle exits normal to the relative velocity is 18 mm 2.
How fast will the rotor spin steadily if the resisting torque is reduced to zero and (a) 𝜃 = 𝜃 ° , (b)
𝜃 = 30° , or (c) 𝜃 = 60° ?
Figure 3. Problem 3.
4. Using Matlab, plot the following functions to the same figure : sin 𝑥, cos 𝑥 ja 𝑙𝑜𝑔(𝑥). Define x
between -10 and 10, with 0.5 steps.
• Make all the curves with different colors. Use different markers for all the curves (e.g.
square, triangle…). Use also different line types (solid line, dashed line, dotted line) and
line thicknesses. Note: if needed google ’matlab plot’.
• Put also the axis labels (xlabel, ylabel) and data explanations (legend). Define the x- and
y-axis scales between -10 < x < 10 and -2 < y < 3 (axis-command).
Below is an example from the expected outcome (Figure 4). In the answer, show the figure and
also the coding.