List of Vacant Positions in The Central Office
List of Vacant Positions in The Central Office
List of Vacant Positions in The Central Office
Sup€rvl3ing Statistlcal Sp.clalist 22 l sso,ssss-Eoso PSA-SVSTATS-103-2015 Bachelois degree prelerably in Four (4) y€ars demonstrated Thirty-two (32) hours training Carcar Servic€ (Prol€ssional)/ Prelslablywith ai least eig hou6of
Staristics. Mathematics. ability in dala analysis and preferably on statislical Second Level Eligibility procur€ment trainings or member ot
'Assists in planning. o.ganizing, drrecling. Economics, Engineerinq, projecr managem€nl, dala methods tools, project Technical Working Grcup on Bids
coordinating and conlrolling. prcgrams. policies. Computer Sci€rce. Sociology visualizalion and slalistical manageme,rt. pro€esses and Awads or Se€rctariai
standards guidelines and systems relative lo the or oth€r ralated courses surv6ys and has wortirE and/or oth€r relalsd field
conduci of statistical surveys/stud ies on krlowlodg€ in Offics sofrwars
(e.g spreadsheel, word
Prccessing and prosontation)
- Monilors the activilios arld deliverables of lhe
division ard makes Gcommerdations for
4 lnformalion Systems Analyst ll l6 1 PRO-StSS DCRPTO PSA-rNFOSA2,62-2021 Sachelo/s degree r€l€vant to 1 year of relevant experience 4 hours of relev3nl lrain ng Career Service (ProlessionalY Preferablywith al least eighl hou.s of
Second Level Eligibility procuremed lrainings or member of
- Assrsts ihe devrce cerlricairon and reryrng pany Technical Working Group on Bids
inlegralion programs: and and Awards or Secrelariei
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Referencs No 22FAS02-POV,CO-09-27
Lrsr oF vacitNhPotrr?Ns
POSTTNG PERTOO r u uLr "trff"'rm?
{wilh maior tasks/functaons) VACANCIES (Pl€as€ see atlached EOUCATION EXPERIENCE TRAINING ELIGIBILITY
5 lnform.tlon Syrl.n. Analyrt ll 16 l PRO,SISS-ICD PSA-lNFOSA2,67-2021 Bach€lo/s degree relevant to 1 yearof relevart expe ence 4 holrs ofrelevant kaining Car€er SeMce (Pofessioml)/ Preferablywith al l€asl eight hours of
the iob Second Level Eligibility pro€urcmeot tlainings or member of
- Develops plans and pedom VAPT: and Technica I Working Goup on Bids
and Awards or Secrclaial
- oraffs repodson th€ conduct olVAPT
Ple,erablywith al leasl eigtn houlsof
management of Cyber secunty
incidenl, creates proc6ss€s,
assess6s incident raports, and
develops and implsments cyber
crisis communication plans
6 Slatistical Specialist ll 16 l SSO,ESSS,PSD PSA-SS2-1 1 6-201 5 Bach€lo/s degre€ prefembly in Two (2) years demonstrated Sixleen (16) hourstGining Career SeMce (Pmfessioml)/ Preterablywith at least eighl hourc ol
Statistics, Math€matics, abiliiy in data analysis and pr€f€rably on sialistical Se€ond Level Eligibility Procuremenl tlainings or m€mber of
- Genorates, compil6s, consolidaies and updat€s Economacs, Engin6ering, project management, dala meihods, lools. project Technical Working Group on Bids
slalisticyindicatoE on the assigned subi€ct matrer. Compuler Scierlce. Sociology visU3lizalion and slalistical management, processes and Awards or Sec.etariai
or oth€. .slaled courses suNeys and has worting and/o, olher relaled field
knowlodg€ in Ofrice sofrware
- Prepa16s statisiical repods/arlict€s, (e.g sproadsheel. word
memoranda, resolulions, lelters arld othor olfciat processing and pres€rtation)
documents relalod to the output of the division.
Adminislrative Officer lV 15 1 cRcso-FAS ao PSA,AOOF4-535-2015 Bach€lo/s degrse relevani io 1 year of relevanl exp€rience 4 hours of relevanl lrcini.g Caresr Service (Prcfossional)/ Preferablywith al l€asi eighr hours ol
Second Level Eligibility procurcment ilainings or member ol
- Prepares ard issues quarterty funding altocation lo Technica I Worting Group on aids
Field Oflic€s by poiecl and objscr of exp6nse; and Awards or Secrelarial
I Administrative Officer lll 14 l cRcso-FAs,Gso PSA-AOOF3-581 -201 5 Bachelofs degre€ relevar( to 1 yearot relevant erperience 4 ho!rc of relevani irainrng Career SeNice (Professional)/ Preferablywith at least eight hours of
thejob Second Level Eligibilily procurement trainings or memb€r of
- Assrsts in suFr€tuis'nglhe requ'9lion'ng.
Technical Wo ina Group on Bids
canvassing. rssu'ng and rocodrng. sioreke€prng of and Awards or Sec.etadat
eq{ripm€rt supplios and matenats. and
revi€ws/checks involc€s and other supporting
papers required for the payment ofitems detiveredi
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Reference No 22FAS02-POV-CO{9-27
Statistical Speciatisl I 13 CICO.SS.SPPO PSA-SS1-129-2015 Bach€lols degree€rably in One (1) year demonstrated Eight (8) hours training Career S6rvics (ProfesgonalY Prcferably with at least eight hou6 ot
statislics Mathematics. abilily in data a.alysrs and preferably on statistical Second Level Eligibility prc'curement trainings or member ol
- Coordinates the garhenng of materiats as inpuls
E€onomics Engineering, proj€cl management dara methods, tools prciecl Technical Wod<ing Group on Bids
forlhe preparation ofguideiines and criteria on lh€ CompLner Scienc6, Sociology visualizalion and stalistical manag€m€rt, processes and Awards or Secretadat
formulation of the Philippine Statislicat Oevetopmenr or olher relalod courses surveys and has working and/or other relaled lield
ktowledg€ in Office sofrware
(e 9 sprsadsh€61. word
Pmvdes the administrative and togistcs processing and pres€ntation)
requir€merls for the ovatuation of statistics to be
designared including th€ agency responsibte for irs
10 Stalistical Speciatist I 13 SSO.ESSS,CSO PSA SS1 125 20r5 gachelois degree prefelably in On€ (1) yeardemonslrated Eight (8) houls llaining
Career Service (PrcIessional)/ Preferably with at least erghl hours ot
Sratisiics. Mathematics. ability in data analysis and preferably on slatistical Second Level Eliqibility Pmcurement trainings or member ol
- Assists in the prepa€lion of statisli€at r€pods for
Economics, Engine6rinq, project managemenl, data melhods, lools. proj€.t Technical Wo*ing Grcup on Bids
Crops Surveyt ard Comp'iler Sci€nce. So€iology visualization and slalislical managemenl. processes and Awards or Se.relarial
or olh€r .elated cours€s suNeys and has worling afd/or olher rclaled freld
- Process€s and tabutates suryey data on Cops knowledge in Ofl5€e soffware
(e g spreadsheer, word
proc€ssing and presernalion)
11 Sl.tastical Sp€ciatisl I 13 2 SSO-ESSS-LPSO PSA-SS1-144-2015 Bach6lols degree pr€f€rably in One (1) year demonstrated Eight (8) houls training Carcer Service (ProfessionalY Prcferably \^,ith ar leasl eight hours of
PSA-SS1-156-2015 Statislics, Malhematics. abilily in dala analysrs and pr€ferably on statistical S€€ond Level Eligibility Procuremert tlainings or member oI
- Compi16s, organizes. anatrzes and mairraans projact managemern. daia
Economics, Engin€6ring, melhods, tools, prcject TechnicalWo ing Group on Bids
primaryand secondary statistics and other retevanr Comp(er Scienm, Sociology visualization and slalistical managem€nl, proc€sses and Awads or Secrelariat
information on tivestocks and poufiry;and or oth6r relatod courses surveys and has working and/or other rslaled lield
knowledge in Oftce sofrware
- Preparos dratis of statislicat repo(s (eg sp.eadsheet \Nord
Procossing and presentation)
12 Stati sticalSpeciatist I 13 l sso-Esss-ssD PSA,SSll32-2015 Bacheloas degrce prof€rably in One (1) year demonstrated Eight (8) hours training Career Setulce (Professional)/ Prcfemblywith ar leasr €ight hours of
Slalistics, Mathematcs. abilily in data analysis and prcf€rably on sialislical Secord Level Eligibilily prccuremsnt tra inings or member of
- Assists in th€ preparation ofsuNey instruments Economics. Engineenng. poiecl managem€nl, data meihods. lools. poject TechnicalWo*ing Grcup on Bids
and slatislical reports for estabtishm6nt-bas€d Compder Scierre Sociology vasualizalion and stalisticai managemed, process€s and Awards or Secrola.iai
or oiher related coursos surv€ys and has worting and/or olhe. related lield
knowledge in Ollice soliware
- Proc€sses and tabutatss surveydata, and (e g spreadsheel, wod
organizes and uodates databas€s otrhe division prccessing and prsseniation)
13 Statistical Speciatisi 13
I 1 SSO.ESSS.TSO PSA-SS1-131-2015 Bachelois degree preferably in On€ (1) yeardemonstGled Eqhl (8)hou6iraining Career Seryi€e (Protessioml)/ Prcferably wiih at leasl eigin hou6ot
Slalistics, Mathsmalics. ability in data analysis and proferably on slatistical Second L6v6l Eligibility procurcm€nr rrainingsor member ol
- Processes expo(, import and any oiher projoct manag€m6nl, data
Economics. Engineering, melhods, lools, projecl Tschnical Worting Grcup on Eids
administrative-based documents Compuler Science, Socioloqy visualization and siatisrical managemenl, process€s and Awards or Secrstariat
or oth€r related cou6€s suNeys and has wofiing and/or oth€r rclaled lield
- Validal€s PSCC commodly codss vis-a-vis
knowiedge in Oflice softw6r€
descdption ofcommodity, verities oultiors in terms (€ g sprcadsheel. word
ofFOB value and derived unit prjce (6xport)i prccassing and prsssntation)
16 Adminislratave Ofltc€rI 11 2 CRCSO.FAS.GSO PSA-ADOF2-109-2015 Bach€lo,'s degr€e r€levant to Career Serllce (Professional/ Prcferably wilh ai leastlour hor.rrs of
PSA-ADOFz-r15 2015 the job Second Lev€l Eligibility procurcment kainings or member of
- Assisls in supervising th€ requisjtioning,
Tschnica I Working Grcup on Bids
c€nvassing, issuing and r€cording, slo.stseping of
and Awards or Secrelarial
equipment. supplios and materiats. and
revjel ,ych€cts imoices aod other supportirE
pape6 rcquired fctr th€ paymenl ofitsms d6tr\,€r€d,
17 Administrative Officer 1l l CRCSO.FAS.HRD PSA-ADOF2- 1 23-201 5 Bacholo/s degree relsvart to Career Service (Professionai)/ Prele€bly with at least fourhours of
Second Level Elioibility procurcmenl lrainings or member of
- Assists inlh€ moniloring and evatuation of
Technical Working Group on Eids
atterdanae reports. compulation of t6avs credits,
and Awads or Secretadal
processing of apptications for teav€, r€tirsment and
various p€rsonn€t documontsi
Prelorably with lT oesdence
- Coll€crs usefut infomarion retated to porsonnel
11 1 PSA-SA-411-2015 Bachelo/s degree preferably in Carcar SoMce (Professional)/ Prcturablywith at least four hou6 of
Stataslacs. Math€malics. Second L€vel Eligibility procuremerl lrainirEs or member of
- Assists in the gath€nng ofmatonals as inDuts for
Economics, Engirteedng. Technica I Worting Group on Bids
the preparalion otguidetines and crireria on the Compule. S€isnc€, Sociology and Awards or Secretanat
formulation of lhe Phitippine Sralisticat Oevetopmert or oth€r related €ourses
Pmsram (PSOP). and
21 11 2 sso-Esss-csD PSA-S4n95,2015 Eachelois degrce p.eferably in Career Service (Professional)/ Prelerably w(h at least four hours oI
PSA,SA,265-2015 Slatistics, Math€mali€s, Second Level Eligibility procuremert trainings or member of
- Collocls and compites slatisticat data on crops
Ecommics, Engin€€ring. Technica I Working Group on Alds
Compdar S.ierlc€. Sociology and Awards or Secretarial
or olher relaled courses
- Assists in the organization a.d updating of
databas€s of lhe division
22 ? SSO,ESSS.FSD PSA-SA-187-2015
11 Bachelor s degree prelerably in Carcer Setuice (ProlessionalY Prsfembly wilh al least four rours of
PSA-SA-188-2015 Siatisrics. Mathematics. SecoM Le!€l Eligibility procuremenl lrainings or member oI
- Collecls and compit€s statislicatdata on FSOiand
Economics, Engineering, Technical Worting Group on Bids
Computer Science, Sociology and Awards or Secrclariat
- Mairtainsthe statisticatdata tit€s ofthe FSO or oiher related courses
Reference No 22FAS02-POV-CO{9-27
(with maior tasks/functions) VACANCIES {Pleas€ see attached EOUCAT!ON EXPERIENCE TRAINING ELIGIBILITY
23 tl 1 SSO.ESSS.SSO PSA-SA,336-2015 Bachelor s d€g€€ prel€rably in Career Service (Professional)/ Preferably wilh al leastfour hours ol
Slalistics. Maihematics. Second Level Eligibilily prccurcm€nt trainings or member of
-assisls in rhe processing of surv€y data irEludirE Economics. Engineering. Technical Woriing Group on Aids
ch€cking ofcomplelen€ss and consistsncy of the Com put6r Science, Sociolooy and Awards or Secretariat
data. mrinteMnce of nalisiical dataMses ollhe or olher related courses
24 11 l SSO-ESSS-ISD PSA-SA,197-2015 Sacheror s d€grc€ prefelably rn Carcer SeNice (Prclessonar)/ Preferablywith ai leastfour hours of
Slatislics Math6matics Second Level ElEibilily procureme trainings or member of
- Processes oxpo( and any other ad ministralive- Economics, Engineering. Technica I Workinq Group on Bids
based docum€nls including ch€cking of Compder Science Sociology and awads or s€crctaiat
complstsness and consistencyl or olher related cours€s
tl 1 SSO'MAS.EAD PSA-SA-261-2015 Aachelor's degreo prcIe€bly in Care€r SeNico (Prcl€ssionalY Prelerably wilh at leasl four hours ot
Statisrics. l,lathematics. Second Level Eligibiliiy procurement trainings or member of
- Collecls organizes ard revi€ws data for th€ Economics Engineering, Technical Wo ing Group on Eids
goneration of eslimales of lhe assign€d s€clor Compdar Sci60ce. Socloloqy and Awards or Secretariat
and/or subjecl matlerol Nationaland Regional or other related courses
Accounls and olher rclaled accounls and indicatorsr
11 1 PRO-PCI\,4S.PPCO PSA-PLO1-4-2021 Bachelors dogree relevanl lo Care6r SeNic6 (PoiessionalY Preferablywith al leasl four hours of
Second L€wl Eligibility procurcmo trainingsor member of
- Assists in th€ research Technical Worting Group on Bids
aM formulation ofpoli€i6s
and Awards or Sscretarial
and guid€lin€s rclaled lo the suslainability of
29 Comput.r Technologi3l I 1l 2 PRO,SISS.ISMD PSA-CTMT1€2-2021 Bech6lois degr€€ relovant lo Career SeMc€ (ProfessromlY Prefemblywilh at leasl four hours of
PSA-CTMT1-83-2021 the iob Second Level Eligibility procuremeat ira inings or memb€r of
- Prcvides l€€hnical helpdesk support lo the Philsys Technical Working Group on Bids
and Awerds or Se.e-hnal
implementation including lechnical support to field
ofticss for the oporations of rcgislElion client
nelwoft. arld system op€Gtionsr and
30 Project Dovelopment Officor I l1 1 PRO,UCOI\,4S.FPSUCO PSA PDOl-84-2021 Bacholo/s dsgree l€lovant to Career Service (Professional)/ Preferablywilh at least four hours of
th€ job Second Level Eligibilily procur6menl irainings or memberof
- Assrsrs in the consordalion ol relevani mo^rlonng
Technical Wo(ing Group on Bids
and Awards or Se.FJanal
and evalualion (M&E) and dsk management dala
necessary for r€rcrting in coordinalion wilh lhe
olher PRO *tuices field oftces ard
implem€ntalion patuersi and