Meaney Et Al (1988)
Meaney Et Al (1988)
Meaney Et Al (1988)
Treatment group:
-questionable to what extent we can
- Newborns handled daily by researchers, for 3 generalize the findings from rats to
weeks human beings
- Day of birth, until day of weaning -Meany did not yet understand the role of
- During this time, taken away from their mothers epigenetics in explaining the results.
for 15 mins per day -study was artificial - lacking ecological
- Placed in a plastic container lined with a paper
towel validity
- Brushed for an intense 15 minutes --> simulated -to measure hippocampal volume in rats,
grooming of mother rat the animals had to be killed. There are
- Nurtured ethical concerns about the killing of
animals in research.
Control group: - Even though the cause and effect was
- Taken away from mother
- No handling established, it did not explain the exact
- Therefore impoverished process of what was happening