English TMT
English TMT
English TMT
The Trail Making Test consists of two parts, A and B. The participant will need a
pencil to perform each part. The examiner starts timing both part A and B as soon
as the instructions are completed and the participant is signaled to begin. Do not
stop timing until the participant completes each respective part or the
discontinuation time points have been reached.
Administration of Part A:
Trails A Sample
Say to the participant, “On this page are some numbers (place the Trails A
form sample side up in front of the participant and point to the numbers in
the sample box). Begin at number 1 (point) and draw a line from 1 to 2
(pointing), 2 to 3 (pointing), 3 to 4 and so on, in order, until you reach the end
(point to the circle marked ‘end’). Begin here (point to number 1) and draw
your line as fast as you can. Ready! Go!”
Trails A Test
After the sample is completed and the examiner is sure that the participant
understands the task, turn the paper over to Part A. Say, “On this page there are
numbers from 1 to 25. Do this the same way. Begin at 1 (point to number 1)
and draw a line from 1 to 2 (pointing), 2 to 3 (pointing), 3 to 4 and so on in
order, until you reach the end (point to the circle marked ‘end’). Remember
to work as fast as you can. Ready! Go!”
Errors: When the patient makes an error the examiner should bring the error to
the participant’s attention by saying, “No, where do you want to go from here?”
pointing to the preceding number. The examiner does not stop timing when errors
occur. Part A can be discontinued at 100 seconds.
Administration of Part B:
Trails B Sample
Say to the participant, “On this page are some numbers and letters. (Place
Trails B in front of the participant and point to the sample box) Begin at 1
(point) and draw a line from 1 to A (point) from A to 2 (point), from 2 to B
(point), from B to 3 (point) from 3 to C and so on in order until you reach the
end (point). Remember, first you have a number then a letter, then a number
then a letter and so on. Draw your lines as fast as you can. (If the participant
still seems a little confused add again Remember number-letter, number-
letter). Begin here (Point to 1). Ready. Go!”
Trails B Test
After the examiner is reasonably sure that all possible efforts have been made to
help the participant understand proceed to Part B. Say, “On the page are both
numbers and letters. Connect them in the same way. Begin here (point to 1)
And draw a line from 1 to A (pointing to each number and letter as you
deliver instructions), A to 2, 2 to B, B to 3, 3 to C and so on in order until you
reach the end (point to the circle marked end). Remember, first you have a
number then a letter, then a number and then a letter, and so on. Do not skip
around but go from one circle to the next in the proper order. Draw your
lines as fast as you can. Begin here (point). Ready, go!” Part B can be
discontinued at 300 seconds.
When an error is made the examiner says, “No”, bringing their attention back to
the preceding circle by pointing, and asks them where they would go from there, in
the same fashion as instructed in Part A.
If the patient does not respond correctly the examiner further prompts “What do
you want next, a number or a letter?” If the participant responds correctly, then the
examiner asks, “Which number (or letter)?” If the participant responds to this
question correctly as well, then the test proceeds. If on the other hand the
participant responds incorrectly the examiner says “No”, and then asks the
question again. After the participant successfully answers the first question the
examiner continues by asking, “Which number or letter?” The participant must
figure out which circle to go to next before they go on.
The examiner does not stop timing when an error occurs. Therefore, errors should
be dealt with quickly so as to avoid adding extra time to the participant’s
End 2
7 8
Begin 4
1 3
6 5
17 21
20 19
4 22
13 6
7 1
8 10
11 25
12 23
Trail Making Test
Part B
4 A
1 2
C 3
8 9 I D
2 6
Trail Making Test (TMT)
Time (seconds)
Number of errors
Time (seconds)
Number of errors