CASI Test Booklet
CASI Test Booklet
CASI Test Booklet
This booklet contains some statements people sometmes make about ther work about the good and bad
feelings, altitudes, and experiences people have from time to time
The stateents are not really "true" or "Talse They are opinion statements that you may teel are more tru
than falseOr more false than true. Although it is sometimes awkward. please indicate whether each statement is
tnue. mostly tue, mostly false, or false. You need not answer any question you prefer to omit, but this inventory
will be inost helpful it you answer every qucstion
Completing this inventony is one step m sorting out your own attitudes about your work and your career plans
You may find that these questions stimulate you to consider aspects of your carecr that you tend to ignore
Describe your current work. If you are unemployed. descube your most recent job, volunteer experience, or
unpand work.
When you have illed in the answer sheet, follow the dircctions on the secomd page of your answer shect to
sCore yOur mventory.
Please mark answers by crcling one letter on the answer sheet to show how you think or teel about each
Mostly false
T Mostly true
For example, if you feel that a statement is mostly rue about you, you would circle the T on your answer
Example: F T)
Press firmly. Your responses are being transterred to a second page that you will use to summarize your
answers. If you nnake a mistake or change your mind, mark an X through the answer you wish to change and circle
another letter.
decide what should
be done. S0. One or more
a person
to daydream about changing my environment
e work
59. It sanes S3. My or special
race, sexual orientation,
Job. my gender,
about being :able to tind another job physical challenge.
o0). I worTy me.
it l quit my current
Fellow workers have
trequently annoyed
1 couldn't find
another job 84
61 touched me in an inap-
job Someone at work has
learn a neW work ou- uninvited way.
(. 1 don't want to have to propriate and
have made crude or
ine. People
The work is too hard. m a r k s about me.
unknowns to seriously one or more other per-
(4. There are too many 87. I have been insulted by
consider changing my job. sons at work.
that is less
0. would like to find a job 8S. I have bcen coerced
or bullied at work.
00. am worricd about my job's unkind remarks
because 90. Sometimes I hear nmean or
Sometimes, you may find a statement in the fol- T14. Tam viewed as a somewhat impulsive and
lowing list that does not apply to you or to your situ- unpredictable worker.
ation. It is fitting to mark F for "False'" to such a 15. T have never done anything at work that was
statement. regarded as reckless.
96. A partner or children would have difficulty if I 6. can cope with uncertainty if the potential
were to take a new job in a different location. rewards are attractive.
97. Family responsibilities limit my carcer oppor 7 . T t is sometimes necessary to Confront work
tunities. problems even when personal risk is involved.
98. Balancing work and family responsibilities T18. I sometimes raise issues at work that others
limits my work performance. find difficult to discuss.
99. Problems and frustrations at work occasionally 19. I try not to rock the boat at work.
reduce mny ability to be a g0od partner or
Part 9
100. I short-change my family or partner by
working too much. 20. I have never seriously considered moving
Too much thinking about work isolates away from where I live now.
101 me
from my family. 121. I would not really want to live anywhere but
102. I would like to have more time for my family where I live now.
or partner. 122. I like moving from one part of the country to
103. I have changed my work schedule to better
meet my family responsibilities. 123. I would like to move to a more desirable loca-
is tion.
104. Juggling home and work responsibilities a
burden for me. 124. Moving from one city to another is rarely
worth it.
105. My family has complained that I spend too
much time at work. 125. Moving across the country does something for
one's personal development, job skills, and
Part 8
126. I would prefer to work in my home town.
106. I am not a risk taker.
127. I see nationwide opportunities in my line of
107. Standing up for my beliefs is more important work.
than keeping my job. 128. I have never lived outside my state.
108. Job security is more important than having a
129. My life is pretty much centered on my local
good job. area.
109. I am seen as a cautious and careful person.
130. Thave a spouse or partner who wants to move.
10. I must have a job where I have clear duties.