Syllabus AML Gasal 21 22
Syllabus AML Gasal 21 22
Syllabus AML Gasal 21 22
ECAM 801204
ODD SEMESTER 2021/2022
Credit Value 3
Pre-requisite/ N/A
Role and Purposes Management Accounting has grown rapidly over the last fifteen years, responding to the
criticism the subject has received over the same period of time. Management Accounting
scholars have developed various techniques and concepts that are expected to revive the
role of Management Accounting in a modern business process. This course is continuation of
the same course in the regular S1 program, emphasizing the application of concepts in the
world of practice. In addition, this course will also discuss the development of the field
occurring to date, such as activity-based costing, quality costing, and target costing. This
course is an advanced level course, and to do well in class, students must already have some
basic knowledge of Management Accounting. Upon the completion of the course, students
are expected to have a broader perspective on Management Accounting, which in turn will
improve their ability in analyzing and presenting accounting information. Such ability is
required in management to support planning, control, coordination, and decision-making.
Subject Learning Upon Completion of the subject:
1.1. ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Students demonstrate an understanding of the
ethical and social responsibility and their impact on decision making process
a.Students are able to explain, analyze, and apply Ethical Principle (T1.1.1 ASM)
b.Students are able to explain and analyze commitments to public interest (T1.1.2 ASM)
Subject Synopsis/
Indicative Syllabus Week Topic Trait Required
# Reading
1 Introduction to Cost Management 5.3.3 HM, Ch.1,2,3
1. Differences between cost accounting & management 1.1.1
accounting 1.1.2 Suggested
2. The role of management accountant Exercises:
3. Different cost for different purposes HM 1.10
4. Code of Ethics HM 2.28
HM 3.32
6 Using cost management system for strategic decision 5.3.3 AKEM Ch.6,
making: AKEM Ch.8
1. Customer Profitability Analysis p.305-315
2. Customer Lifetime Value
3. Target costing HM Ch.18
4. Pricing p.935-945
(LO 1 sd 3)
Assignment: FiberCom Inc.
AKEM 6.27
AKEM 6.30
HM 14.34
HM 14.43
Teaching/Learning Teaching/Learning Methodology will involve active lecturing and problem discussion in
Methodology each of the session.
Weekly assignment is individual assignment that will be discussed in class. Each student
should prepare themselves before the session by reading the materials for each session
before the class.
Suggested exercises, as per the name, can be done voluntarily by students for their own
self study.
Method in % Intended
Alignment with Specific Assessment Methods/Task Weighting Learning
Intended Learning Outcomes to
Outcomes be Assessed
Continuous Assessment 100
Mid Term Exam (25%) 10% 90%
Final Exam (25%) 100%
Parallel Quiz (15%) V V
Participation (20%) V V
Assignment (15%) V V
Details of learning Active lecturing is done in every session. After that, there will be a discussion on the
methods weekly assignment. Active participation in the discussion is required and will determine
the final grade. Students are required to read the material before the class to expedite
the process of discussion.
There will be a parallel quiz each before mid term and final term
Student Study
Effort Expected Class Contacts:
Lectures 20 Hours
Discussion 15 Hours
Other study effort:
Preparation project/assignment/tests 70 Hours
Total 105 Hours
Supplementary Readings:
- Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan , Ella Mae Matsumura, S. Mark Young (2012).
Management Accounting: Information for Decision Making and Strategy Execution,
6th edition. Pearson (AKEM)
- Robert Simons (2000). Performance Measurement and Control Systems for
Implementing Strategy. Prentice-Hall. (Simons)
Statement of Authorship
This paper/assignment has never been presented or used as paper’ assignment for other
courses except if I/we clearly stated otherwise.
I/We fully understand that this assignment can be reproduced and/or communicated for
the purpose of detecting plagiarism.
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Date :
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