MAKSI Syllabus Pengauditan Sistem Informasi Odd 2122
MAKSI Syllabus Pengauditan Sistem Informasi Odd 2122
MAKSI Syllabus Pengauditan Sistem Informasi Odd 2122
ODD SEMESTER 2021/2022
Subject Synopsis/
Indicative Week Topic LO Required
Syllabus # Reading
1 IT Audit Overview L1 HBB Chap. 1
RW Chap. 1
PHG Chap. 1
DLC Chap. 1
IT Governance and Risk Management L1 HBB Chap. 3
PHG Chap. 2
DLC Chap. 3
JC Chap. 4
Universitas Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business
Department of Accounting
Master of Accounting
Universitas Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business
Department of Accounting
Master of Accounting
WT Chap
PP Chap 8
13 Conducting and Managing IT Audit L3 RW Chap 24
HBB Chap 9
JC Chap. 3
Case 3
14 Conducting and Managing IT Audit L3 RW Chap. 24
HBB Chap. 9
JC Chap. 3
Case 4
Teaching/Learning Students are expected to read the material/chapters that will be discussed in the classroom
Methodology before the class begins.
Plagiarism and autoplagiarism are strictly forbidden, as stated in the Decree of Fakultas
Ekonomi UI No. 352/H2.F6.D1/HKP.02.04.SKD/2013 about the provisions of academic
sanctions for plagiarism and fraud in the writing of the Final Work/the Assignment.
Method in Specific Assessment Methods/Task % Weighting Intended Learning
Alignment with Outcomes to be Assessed
Intended Learning L1, L2, L3, L4
Outcomes Continuous Assessment 100 V
Mid-Term Exam (35%) V
Final Exam (35%) V
Quizzes, Paper, and Lab (30%) V
Jack J. Champlain, Auditing Information System, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2003 (JC)
IT Governance Institute, COBIT, 4.1. 2007 (COBIT 4.1)
Donald A. Watne and Peter B.B Turney, Auditing EDP Systems, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1990. (WT)
Ron Weber, Information Systems Control and Audit, Prentice Hall, 1999.(RW)
Porter dan Perry, EDP: Pengendalian dan Auditing, 5 t h edition. (PP)
Additional Books:
Albert J. Harnois, EDP Auditing, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1991.
James R. Hickman, Practical IT Auditing, Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1999.
Handbook of IT Auditing, Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1999