Curriculun Guide
Curriculun Guide
Curriculun Guide
I. RHYTHM demonstrates creates rhythmic 1. identifies different kinds of MU4RH-Ia-1 MISOSA4-
understanding of concepts patterns in: notes and rests module6,7
1. Musical Symbols and pertaining to rhythm and 1. simple time
Concepts: musical symbols signatures 2. simple MISOSA5-
1.1 Notes and Rests one-measure ostinato module1
1.2 Meters pattern
1.3 Rhythmic Patterns *Manwal ng
1.4 Simple Time Guro Umawit
Signatures at Gumuhit 4.
1.5 Ostinato Valdecantos,
Emelita C.
1999. pp.7-9
II. MELODY recognizes the musical analyzes melodic 1. identifies the pitch name of MU4ME- MISOSA4-
symbols and demonstrates movement and range and each line and space of the IIa-1 module13
1. Musical Symbols and understanding of concepts be able to create and G
Concepts: pertaining to melody perform simple melodies clef staff
1.1 Intervals F
1.2 Scales D
1.3 Melodic Contours B
1.4 Patterns of successive G
pitches of a C Major E
2. identifies the pitch names of MU4ME- MISOSA4-
notes on the ledger lines IIb-2 module13,14
spaces below the G-clef staff
(middle C and D)
*Manwal ng
Guro Umawit
at Gumuhit
Emelita C.
1999. pp.30
III. FORM demonstrates performs similar and 1. identifies aurally and MU4FO- MISOSA4-
understanding of musical contrasting musical visually the IIIa-1 module16,17
1. Phrases in a Musical phrases, and the uses and phrases introduction and coda
Piece 2. Structure of meaning of musical terms in (ending) of a musical *Manwal ng
Musical Sound 2.1 form piece Guro Umawit
Antecedent (Question) at Gumuhit
Phrase 4.
2.2 Consequent (Answer) Valdecantos,
Phrase Emelita C.
2.3 Introduction 1999. pp.38-
2.4 CODA (ending)Phrase 39
IV. TIMBRE demonstrates participates actively in a 6. distinguishes vocal and MU4TB- MISOSA4-
understanding of group performance to instrumental sounds IIIe-1 module18
1. Variations of variations of sound in music demonstrate different
Sound (lightness and vocal and instrumental *Manwal ng
1.1 Vocal heaviness) as applied to vocal and sounds Guro Umawit at
1.2 instrumental music Gumuhit 4.
Instrumental Valdecantos,
Emelita C. 1999.
IV. TIMBRE demonstrates participates actively in a 9. classifies the various MU4TB- MISOSA4-
understanding of group performance to musical instruments IIIf-h module19
1. Variations of Sound variations of sound in music demonstrate different as: 4
1.1 Vocal (lightness and vocal and instrumental 9.1 string *Manwal ng
1.2 Instrumental heaviness) as applied to vocal sounds 9.2 woodwind Guro Umawit
and instrumental music 9.3 brass wind at Gumuhit 4.
9.4 percussion Valdecantos,
Emelita C.
1999. pp.45-
V. DYNAMICS recognizes the musical symbols applies forte and piano to 10. recognizes the use of the MU4DY- MISOSA4-
and demonstrates understanding designate loudness and symbol p (piano) and IIIf-1 module20
1. Volume of Sound in of concepts pertaining to volume softness in a musical f (forte) in a musical
Music in music example score *Manwal ng
1. singing Guro Umawit
2. playing instrument at Gumuhit 4.
Emelita C.
1999. pp.52-
VI. TEMPO demonstrates creates and performs 1. relates body MU4TP- MISOSA4-
understanding of concepts body movements movements to the IVa-1 module21
1. Speed / Flow of Music pertaining to speed/flow of appropriate to a given tempo of a musical
music tempo example *Manwal ng
demonstrates creates and performs Guro Umawit
understanding of concepts body movements at Gumuhit 4.
VII. TEXTURE demonstrates sings two-part rounds 3. identifies aurally the texture MU4TX-
understanding of concepts and partner songs with of a music example IVc-1
1. Simultaneous pertaining to texture in music others
Occurrence of Multiple 4. identifies aurally and MU4TX-
Melodic Lines visually an ostinato or IVd-2
2. Distinction Between descant in a
Thinness and Thickness musical example
in Music
5. recognizes aurally and MU4TX- *Manwal ng
visually, examples of 2- IVe-3 Guro Umawit at
part vocal or Gumuhit 4.
instrumental music Valdecantos,
Emelita C. 1999.
VIII. HARMONY demonstrates performs examples of 6. identifies harmonic interval MU4HA- *Manwal ng
1. Simultaneous understanding of harmonic interval with (2 pitches) in a musical IVf-1 Guro Umawit at
Sounding of harmonic intervals others example Gumuhit 4.
two Tones /Pitches Valdecantos,
Emelita C. 1999.
Assessment of The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . . PE4PF-Ia-
physical activities and 1. describes the physical 16
physical fitness demonstrates participates and activity pyramid
understanding of assesses performance in
participation and physical activities. 2. explains the indicators for PE4PF-Ia-
Target games assessment of fitness 17
(Tumbangpreso, physical activities and assesses physical
tamaang-tao/batuhang bola, physical fitness fitness 3. assesses regularly PE4PF-Ib-
tatsing), participation in physical h-18
striking/fielding activities based on
games (syato, basagang physical activity pyramid
palayok, kickball)
4. explains the PE4GS-Ib- EASE PE - module
Note: Games are not nature/background of 1 2. pp. 6-7, 12- 13.
limited to the above the games
listed activities
5. describes the skills PE4GS-Ib- EASE PE - module
involved in the games 2 2.
Assessment of The learner . . . The learner . . . 12. describes the Philippines PE4PF-
physical activities and physical activity pyramid IIa-16
physical fitness demonstrates participates and
understanding of assesses performance in 13. explains the indicators PE4PF-
Invasion games participation in and physical activities. for fitness IIa-17
(agawan base, lawin at assessment of
sisiw, agawanpanyo) physical activities and assesses physical 14. assesses regularly PE4PF-
physical fitness fitness participation in physical IIb-h-18
Note: Games are not activities based on
limited to the above physical activity pyramid
listed activities
15. explains the PE4GS-
nature/background of the IIb-1
Assessment of The learner . . . The learner . . . 23. describes the Philippines PE4PF-
physical activities and physical activity pyramid IIIa-16
physical fitness demonstrates participates and
understanding of assesses performance in 24. explains the indicators for PE4PF-
Folk (Liki/Ba-Ingles), participation and physical activities. fitness IIIa-17
indigenous, ethnic, assessment of
25. assesses regularly PE4PF-
participation in physical IIIb-h
traditional and physical activity and assesses physical activities based on
creative dances physical fitness fitness physical activity pyramid
Assessment of The learner . . . The learner . . . 34. describes the Philippines PE4PF-
physical activities and physical activity pyramid IVa-16
physical fitness demonstrates participates and
understanding of assesses performance in 35. explains the indicators for PE4PF-
Folk (Liki/Ba-Ingles), participation and physical activities. fitness IVa-17
indigenous, ethnic, assessment of
traditional and physical activity and assesses physical 36. assesses regularly PE4PF-
creative dances physical fitness fitness participation in physical IVb-h-18
activities based on
Note: Dances available in Philippines physical
the area can be activity pyramid
37. explains the PE4RD-
nature/background of the IVb-1
Assessment of The learner . . . The learner . . . 38. describes the skills PE4RD-
physical activities and involved in the dance IVb-2
physical fitness demonstrates participates and
understanding of assesses performance in 39. observes safety PE4RD-
participation and physical activities. precautions IVb-h-3
Folk (Liki/Ba-Ingles), assessment of
indigenous, ethnic, physical activity and assesses physical 40. executes the different PE4RD-
traditional and physical fitness fitness skills involved in the IVc-h-4
creative dances dance
Note: Dances available in 41. recognizes the value of PE4PF-
the area can be participation in physical IVb-h-19
selected. activities
B. Food Safety Principles 5. describes ways to keep food H4N-Ifg Edukasyong
1. Keep clean clean and 26 Pangkatawan,
2. Wash hands properly safe Kalusugan, at Musika
before preparing and I. DepED. Abejo,
eating food Mary Placid Sr.
1991. pp.221- 222
3. Separate raw from The learner... The learner... 6. discusses the H4N-Ihi Edukasyong
cooked foods importance of 27 Pangkatawan,
4. Cook food thoroughly 1. understands the 1. Understands the significance keeping food clean Kalusugan, at Musika
particularly chicken importance of reading of and safe to avoid I. DepED. Sr Abejo,
5. Keep food at safe food labels in selecting reading and disease Mary Placid Sr.
temperature healthier and interpreting food label in 1991. pp.221-222
6. Use clean and safe safer food selecting healthier and safer
water in washing food
foods and 2. understands the
cooking/eating utensils importance of following 2. practices daily
7. Protect food from flies food safety principles appropriate food safety
and pests that can in preventing habits to
transmit disease common food prevent food
borne diseases borne disease
C. Food-borne Diseases 7. identifies common food-borne H4N-Ij-26
1. Diarrhea 3. understands the diseases
2. Typhoid Fever nature and
3. Dysentery prevention of
4. Cholera food borne 8. describes general signs H4N-Ij-27
5. Amoebiasis diseases and symptoms of food-
6. Food poisoning borne
7. Hepatitis A
A. Communicable diseases The learner… The learner… The learner… H4DD- Pilot School
1. Characteristics of 1. describes IIa 7 MTB_MLE Health
Communicable Disease understands the consistently communicable Grade 3. Q2 W1&2
2. Germs or Disease nature and practices personal and diseases
Agents(pathogen) prevention of environmental measures to
2.1. Bacteria common prevent and control common 2. identifies the H4DD- Iwasan ang
2.2. Virus communicable communicable various disease IIb 9 Mikrobyo. A&E. NFE
2.3. Fungi diseases diseases agents of Accreditation and
2.4. Parasites communicable Equivalency
3. Elements of the Chain The learner… diseases Learning Material.
of Infection DepED. 1998. pp.6-
3.2. Disease Agent understands the 3. enumerates the different H4DD Iwasan ang
(pathogen) nature and elements IIcd-10 Mikrobyo. A&E. NFE
3.3. Reservoir prevention of in the chain of Accreditation and
3.4. Portal of Exit common infection Equivalency
3.5. Mode of communicable Learning Material.
Transmission diseases DepED. 1998. pp.6-
3.6. Portal of Entry 9
3.7. Susceptible Host
4. Transmission of
4. describes how H4DD Pilot School
communicable IIef-11 MTB_MLE Health
diseases(routes for
diseases can be Grade 3. Q1 W1&2
spread of infectious
transmitted from pp.27
one person to
4.1 direct transmission
e.g. skin to skin
4.2 indirect
transmission such as
airborne e.g. common
colds, influenza,
tuberculosis vector
borne e.g. malaria,
dengue, rabies,
A. Uses of Medicines The learner… The learner… The learner… H4S-IIIa- Edukasyong
1. Protection 1 Pangkatawan,
2. Prevention Demonstrates Practices the 1. Describes uses of Kalusugan, at
3. Cure understanding of the proper use of medicines Musika I.
proper use of medicines medicines DepED.
to Abejo, Mary
prevent misuse and Placid Sr.
harm to the body 1991.
3. Consult with physician The learner… The learner… 6. explains the H4S-IIIij- Edukasyong
4. Follow instructions and importance of 6 Pangkatawan,
medical prescription Demonstrates Practices the reading drug Kalusugan, at
5. Check expiration date understanding of the proper use of information and Musika I. DepED.
6. Observe proper proper use of medicines medicines labels, and other Abejo, Mary Placid
storage to ways to ensure Sr. 1991.
7. Buy from reliable prevent misuse and proper use of pp.288-289
source harm to the body medicines
A. Safety guidelines during The learner… The learner… The learner… H4IS-IVa 1.
disasters and other 28 Headways
emergency situations demonstrates practices safety 1. recognizes disasters or in Science
1. Typhoon understanding of safety measures during disasters emergency and Health
2. Storm Surge guidelines during and situations Today 5.
3. Flood disasters, emergency emergency Apolinario,
4. Landslide and situations. Nenita.
5. Volcanic eruption other high-risk 2000
6. Earthquake situations pp.232-
7. Tsunami 234.*
2. Science for Daily
Use 5. Teacher’s
Manual. Tan,
1997 pp.138-
2. demonstrates H4IS-IVb 1.
proper response d-29 Headways
before, during, and in Science
after a disaster or and Health
an emergency Today 5.
situation Apolinario,
2. Science for Daily
Use 5. Teacher’s
Manual. Tan,
Conchita. 2000.
1997 pp.138-
B. Safety guidelines for other The learner… The learner… 4. describes H4IS-
situations or events that appropriate safety IVfg 31
may lead to injury or demonstrates practices safety measures during
emergency understanding of safety measures during disasters special events or
1. Firecrackers during guidelines during and situations that may
holidays especially disasters, emergency emergency put people at risk
New Year other high-risk situations. 5. describes the H4IS
2. Alcohol drinking and situations dangers of IVhij-32
rowdy crowds during engaging in risky
fiestas, parties, behaviors such as
holidays and other use of firecrackers,
special events guns, alcohol