Atomic Bomb Hysteria
Atomic Bomb Hysteria
Atomic Bomb Hysteria
16 min read
As Special Consultant to the Secretary of War, Judge Robert P. Patterson, I spent nearly
eight months intensively studying war destruction in Europe and Asia. I became
thoroughly familiar with every variety of damage – from high explosives, incendiaries,
artillery shells, dynamite, and combinations of these.
In this study, I inspected Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the targets of our atom bomb,
examining the ruins, interrogating eyewitnesses and taking hundreds of pictures.
It was my considered opinion, I told correspondents in Tokyo, that the effects of the atom
bombs – not of future bombs, but of these two – had been wildly exaggerated. If dropped
on New York or Chicago, one of those bombs would have done no more damage than a
ten-ton blockbuster; and the results in Hiroshima and Nagasaki could have been achieved
by about 200 B-29’s loaded with incendiaries, except that fewer Japanese would have
been killed. I did not “underrate” atom bombs or dispute their future potential. I merely
conveyed my professional findings on the physical results of the two bombs – and they
happened to be in startling contrast to the hysterical imaginative versions spread through
the world.
My findings were pounced upon in outraged anger by all sorts of people, in the press, on
the air, at public forums; and by scientists who haven’t been within 5000 miles of
Hiroshima. But the violence of this reaction cannot alter the facts on view in the two
Japanese cities.
I began my study of Japan by flying over Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, and dozens
of other places. Later I visited them all on foot.
All presented the same pattern. The bombed areas looked pinkish – an effect produced
by the piles of ashes and rubble mixed with rusted metal. Modern buildings and factories
still stood. That many of the buildings were gutted by fire was not apparent from the air.
The center of Yokohama, for instance, seemed almost intact when viewed from an
airplane. The long industrial belt stretching from Osaka to Kobe had been laid waste by
fire, but the factories and other concrete structures were still standing. On the whole it
was a picture quite different from what I had seen in German cities subjected to
demolition bombardment. The difference lay in the fact that Japanese destruction was
overwhelmingly incendiary, with comparatively little structural damage to inflammable
In Hiroshima I was prepared for radically different sights. But, to my surprise, Hiroshima
looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities in Japan.There was a familiar pink blot,
about two miles in diameter. It was dotted with charred trees and telephone poles. Only
one of the cities twenty bridges was down. Hiroshima’s clusters of modern buildings in the
downtown section stood upright.
It was obvious that the blast could not have been so powerful as we had been led to
believe. It was extensive blast rather than intensive.
I had heard of buildings instantly consumed by unprecedented heat. Yet here I saw the
buildings structurally intact, and what is more, topped by undamaged flag poles, lightning
rods, painted railings, air raid precaution signs and other comparatively fragile objects.
At the T-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, I looked for the “bald spot” where
everything presumably had been vaporized in the twinkling of an eye. It wasn’t there or
anywhere else. I could find no traces of unusual phenomena.
What I did see was in substance a replica of Yokohama or Osaka, or the Tokyo suburbs –
the familiar residue of an area of wood and brick houses razed by uncontrollable fire.
Everywhere I saw the trunks of charred and leafless trees, burned and unburned chunks
of wood. The fire had been intense enough to bend and twist steel girders and to melt
glass until it ran like lava – just as in other Japanese cities.
The concrete buildings nearest to the center of explosion, some only a few blocks from
the heart of the atom blast, showed no structural damage. Even cornices, canopies and
delicate exterior decorations were intact. Window glass was shattered, of course, but
single-panel frames held firm; only window frames of two or more panels were bent and
buckled. The blast impact therefore could not have been unusual.
Then I questioned a great many people who were inside such buildings when the bomb
exploded. Their descriptions matched the scores of accounts I had heard from people
caught in concrete buildings in areas hit by blockbusters. Hiroshima’s ten-story press
building, about three blocks from the center of the explosion, was badly gutted by the fire
following the explosion, but otherwise unhurt. The people caught in the building did not
suffer any unusual effects.
Most of the window panels were blown out of the Hiroshima hospital, about a mile from
the heart of the explosion. Because there were no wooden structures nearby, however, it
escaped fire. The people inside the hospital were not seriously affected by the blast. In
general the effects here were analogous to those produced by the blast of a distant TNT
The total death, destruction and horror in Hiroshima were as great as reported. But the
character of the damage was in no sense unique; neither the blast nor the heat was so
tremendous as generally assumed.
In NAGASAKI, concrete buildings were gutted by fire but were still standing upright.
All destruction in Nagasaki has been popularly credited to the atom bomb. Actually, the
city had been heavily bombed six days before. The famous Mitsubishi plant was badly
punished by eight high-explosive direct hits.
What actually happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? There is little evidence of primary
fire; that is to say, fire kindled by the heat of the explosive itself. The bomb presumably
exploded too far above ground for that. If the temperature within the exploding area of an
atom bomb is super high (and the effects in New Mexico tend to indicate that) then the
heat must have been dissipated in space. What struck Hiroshima was the blast.
It was like a great fly swatter two miles broad, slapped down on a city of flimsy, half-rotted
wooden houses and rickety brick buildings. It flattened them out in one blow, burying
perhaps 200,000 people in the debris. Its effectiveness was increased by the incredible
flimsiness of most Japanese structures, built of two-by-fours, termite-eaten and ry-rotted,
and top-heavy with thick tile roofs.
The wooden slats of the collapsed houses were piled like so much kindling wood in your
fireplace. Fires flared simultaneously in thousands of places, from short-circuits, over-
turned stoves, kerosene lamps and broken gas mains. The whole area burst into one
fantastic bonfire.
In incendiary attacks, people have a chance of escape. They run from their houses into
the streets, to open places, to the rivers. In Hiroshima the majority had no such chance.
Thousands of them must have been killed outright by falling walls and roofs; the rest were
pinned down in a burning hell. Some 60,000, it is estimated, were burned to death.
Those who did manage to extricate themselves rushed for the bridges. There is reason to
believe that one of the bridges collapsed under the weight of the frenzied mobs, although
some maintain that it was brought down by the bomb blast. On the other bridges, the
crush of hysterical humanity pushed out the railings, catapulting thousands to death by
drowning. The missing railings were not wrenched out by the bomb blast as widely
On a vast and horrifying scale it was fire, just fire, that took such high toll of life and
property in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The victims did not die instantaneously in a sort of atomic dissolution. They died as
people die in any fire. Quite possibly the blast was strong enough to cause internal
injuries to many of those caught in the center of explosion; particularly lung injuries – a
familiar effect of ordinary high-explosive bombing.
Perhaps there were some deaths from radioactivity. I met people who had heard of
casualties from radio burns and radio poisoning. But I could not obtain direct confirmation.
The doctors and nurses at the hospitals I visited had no such cases under their care,
though some of them had heard of such cases. I also interrogated fire fighters and Red
Cross workers who had rushed to the scene in the first few minutes. They all denied
personal knowledge of any lingering radioactivity.
Such are the facts as I found them – they seem to me tragic enough without
pseudoscientific trimmings. I am not alone in my opinions. Scientific observers on the spot
to whom I talked in general shared my point of view. Nothing official came from the War
Department to justify the wild exaggeration. It simply is not true that matter was vaporized
in the intense heat – if steel had evaporated certainly wood would have done the same,
and undamaged wood abounds everywhere in the rubble. In neither of the bombed cities
was there a bald spot such as was created in the New Mexico experiment, and both
atom-bombed areas have tree trunks and walls with growing vines to disprove the claims
of super heat.
The more painstakingly I analyze my observations, indeed, the more convinced I am that
the same bombs dropped on New York or Chicago, Pittsburgh or Detroit, would have
exacted no more toll on life than one of our big blockbusters, and the property damage
might have been limited to broken window glass over a wide area. Tue, the atom bombs
apparently were released too high for maximum effect. Exploded closer to the ground, the
results of intense heat might have been impressive. But in that case the blast might have
been localized, sharply reducing the area of destruction.
Three scientists at the University of Chicago took me severely to task for saying 200 B-
29’s with incendiaries could have done as much damage. They pointed out “that if 200
Superforts with ordinary bombs could wipe out Hiroshima as a single atomic bomb did,
the same number of planes could wipe 200 cities with atomic bombs.”
These experts merely forgot to mention one detail – that the 200 cities should be as flimsy
as Hiroshima. On a steel-and-concrete city high explosives would have to be added to the
job. One atomic bomb hurled at Hiroshima was equal to 200 Superforts; but in New York
or Chicago a different kind of atomic bomb exploding in different fashion, would be
needed before it could equal one Superfort loaded with high explosives.
It seems to me completely misleading to say that the atomic bomb used on Japan was
“20,000 times more powerful” than a TNT blockbuster. From the view of total energy
generated, this may be correct. But we are not concerned with the energy released into
space. What we are concerned with is the portion which achieves effective demolition.
From that point of view, the 20,000 figure is reduced immediately to 200 for a target like
Hiroshima. For a target like New York, the figure of 20,000 drops to one or less.
However, the comparison of the atom bomb with a TNT bomb, at this stage of
development, is like comparing a flaming torch with a pneumatic drill. Everything depends
on whether you’re trying to burn a wooden fence or demolish a concrete wall. All we can
say with certainty is that the atomic bomb proved supremely effective in destroying a
highly flimsy and inflammable city. It was one of those cases when the right force was
used against the right target at the right time to produce the maximum effect. Those who
made the tactical decision to use it in these cases should be highly complimented.
The bomb dropped on Nagasaki was said to be a great many times more powerful than
the one dropped on Hiroshima. Yet the damage in Nagasaki was much smaller. In
Hiroshima 4.1 square miles were razed; in Nagasaki only one square mile. The improved
atom bomb, in other words, was only about one fourth as effective!
Why? There are various theories, but no one knows for certain. It underlines the fat that
something besides additional mass will be needed to produce greater results on the
target. Eventually, of course, the problem of obtaining maximum results from atom missile
will be solved. Methods will surely be found for dissipating less of the released energy in
space and directing more of it to destruction.
The Chicago scientists reminded me in their statement that “the bombs dropped on Japan
were the first atomic bombs ever made. They are firecrackers compared with what will be
developed ten or 20 years.”
That is exactly the point I am trying to make: that they are as yet in the primitive stage.
Humankind has stampeded into a state of near hysteria at the first exhibits of atomic
destruction. Fantasy is running wild. There are those who think we ought to dispense with
all other national defence. They talk of a dozen suicides who will put on false whiskers,
take compact atomic bombs in suitcases, and blow this country to bits. Such hyperbole is
exciting, but it is a dangerous basis for national thinking.
On the size of the bombs, incidentally, there has been much uninformed rhetoric. How do
so many people know that the atomic bombs weighed only “a few ounces” or “a few
pounds”? After all, our biggest bomber, not a pursuit plane, was chosen to carry it.
The BOMB provided a face saver for or leadership as well. Our leaders were deeply
committed to invasion, insisting that there could be no victory without meeting the
Japanese armies in traditional fashion. We were winning a victory over Japan through air
power, but I am personally convinced that we would have gone through with the invasion
anyway and paid the tragic and unnecessary cost in life. The momentum of the old
assumptions was too great to be arrested.
The atom bomb instantly released everybody from past commitments. The nightmare of
an invasion was cancelled, a miracle saving perhaps half a million American and several
million Japanese lives. Though the Hiroshima and Nagasaki episodes added less than
three percent to the material devastation already visited on Japan by air power, its
psychological value was incalculable – for both the defeated and the victors.
The atom bomb fitted propaganda purposes. To isolationists it seemed final proof that we
could let the rest of the world stew in its own juices – with our head start in atomic energy
and our superior know-how, we were safe. The internationalists, on the other hand, tried
to intimidate us by reminding us that we had no monopoly on science. Everyone could
manufacture the atomic bomb, they said, and if we didn’t play ball we would be destroyed.
I am one of those who fought against inertia in the domain of air power. Consequently I
am gratified that in relation to atomic energy the public is alert, that we are planning well
ahead. But there is no call for the kind of frenzy that paralyzes understanding. Our only
safety is in a calm confrontation of the truth.