VW 60306 3 en
VW 60306 3 en
VW 60306 3 en
Issue 2011-12
Class. No.: 8ME30
Descriptors: single-wire vehicle cable, sheathed line, cable bundle, current capacity, voltage drop, derating, fuse design,
LV 112, LV 112-3
This Standard in the present issue is based on LV 112-3, which was drawn up by representatives of
automobile manufacturers Audi AG, BMW AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG, and Volkswagen AG.
Deviations from the LV 112-3 are listed on the cover sheet of this Standard. If modifications to indi‐
vidual test sections become necessary in individual cases, these must be agreed upon separately
between the appropriate department and the relevant manufacturer.
Test reports will be accepted as long as the tests were performed by an independent testing institute
that is accredited as per DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Acceptance of the test reports does not automatically
result in a release.
NOTE 1 The LV numbers listed in this document will be converted as per table 1.
Table 1
LV 112-1 VW 60306-1
LV 112-2 VW 60306-2
Verify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.
This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature. Page 1 of 21
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.
Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
Content Page
1. Scope ................................................................................................................ 3
2. General information ......................................................................................... 3
3. Basics for single-wire cables .......................................................................... 4
3.1. Current capacity................................................................................................... 4
3.2. Heating by current ............................................................................................... 4
3.2.1 Dynamic transition status ................................................................................. 4
3.2.2 Steady state ..................................................................................................... 4
3.3. Maximum permissible conductor temperature .................................................. 4
3.4. Derating ................................................................................................................ 4
4. Simplified computational method ................................................................... 5
4.1. Definition of parameters ...................................................................................... 5
4.1.1 Characteristic cable parameters ....................................................................... 5
4.1.2 Additional parameters used .............................................................................. 5
4.2. Simplified equations ............................................................................................ 5
4.2.1 Conductor temperature difference ∆T in the steady case in K .......................... 6
4.2.2 Conductor temperature difference ∆T(t) in the dynamic transition status .......... 6
4.2.3 Conductor resistance R'(T) in Ω/m ................................................................... 6
4.2.4 Voltage drop per length E in V/m...................................................................... 6
5. Load cases for the cable comparison ............................................................ 6
6. Measuring methods ......................................................................................... 7
6.1. Recording the calibration curve R(T) ................................................................. 7
6.1.1 Sample length .................................................................................................. 7
6.1.2 Four-point measurement .................................................................................. 7
6.1.3 Temperatures to be adjusted............................................................................ 7
6.1.4 Evaluation, determination of R'20, αρ, and βρ ...................................................... 8
6.2. Current-loading test with determination of conductor temperature T ............. 9
6.2.1 Measuring setup............................................................................................... 9
6.2.2 Measurement of room temperature and initial resistance ............................... 10
6.2.3 Measurement of the resistance change with various current supplies ............ 11
6.2.4 Determining the characteristic cable parameters a and b ............................... 12
6.2.5 Determining the time constant τ , dynamic heating characteristics ................. 12
7. Documentation of the parameters to calculate the current capacity........ 13
8. Application of the simplified description model ......................................... 13
8.1. Calculating the current capacity – steady behavior ........................................ 13
8.1.1 Temperature increase and voltage drop with specified current ....................... 14
8.1.2 Permissible current depending on ambient temperature – derating ................ 14
8.2. Calculating the heating time – unsteady behavior .......................................... 16
8.2.1 Calculating the heating time with specified current ......................................... 16
8.2.2 Short-term behavior with load changes .......................................................... 17
8.2.3 Short-circuit derating ...................................................................................... 17
8.2.4 Selection of fuses ........................................................................................... 18
9. Outlook............................................................................................................ 18
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
1. Scope
This Supply Specification (LV) describes the procedure to be complied with for mathematically
- the current capacity
- the voltage drop
- and the heating time
of single-wire vehicle cables.
The thermal behavior is modeled by a few separate, characteristic cable parameters. This ap-
proach has an advantage, in that thermal behavior can be done through simple calculation pro-
cesses when these parameters are known. This can be done in various ambient conditions.
Starting from known physical parameters (e.g., specific heat capacity, specific electrical conductor
resistance), the characteristic cable parameters can be calculated on the basis of known and
documented procedures. The computation is not presented in detail in this Supply Specification.
However, measuring methods will be indicated, which allow a verification with the aid of several
Caution: The values calculated by means of this Standard are ideal data for cables installed freely
in air. Practice-oriented adaptations for other use conditions must be conducted.
Outlook: As a further consequence, the behavior of multi-wire cables (i.e., of bundles of single-
wire vehicle cables) with and without sheath insulation will be calculable. Therefore, it will be
possible to dimension the cables in a cable set in a practice-oriented manner, without using
complex mathematical models (e.g., finite elements). (Not part of this Supply Specification!)
2. General information
The following is described in this document:
- The definition of the characteristic parameters of single-wire cables
- The measuring methods to verify the calculated characteristic cable parameters of single-
wire cables
- Application examples for using the characteristic parameters
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
3.4. Derating
The connection between the ambient temperature and the permissible current load is described
by derating.
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
∆T = TL − Ta (eq. 2)
ΔT(t) in K describes the chronological sequence of the difference in the latest conductor tempera-
ture as compared to the conductor temperature before the abrupt change of current supply. If the
conductor was previously exposed to the ambient temperature Ta without current and for a suffi-
ciently long time (> ~5τ), the conductor temperature TLmin corresponds to the ambient temperature
6. Measuring methods
Starting from known physical parameters (e.g., specific heat capacity, specific electrical conductor
resistance), the characteristic cable parameters can be calculated on the basis of known and
documented procedures. The computation is not presented in detail in this Supply Specification.
However, measuring methods are indicated, which allow a verification with the aid of the example
measurement at selected cables.
The required length of the sample may either be determined experimentally, or mathematically
using a theoretical computation of the overload current IÜL to be expected as per the following
U max
l max = (eq. 13)
I ÜL ⋅ R' (TO + 25 K )
Imax Largest possible length of the sample, including the
required length up to the external supply points in m
Umax Highest possible supply voltage of the current source in V
R' (TO + 25 K ) Length-related resistance of the sample at
TO + 25 K, calculated as per eq. 6 in Ω/m
The measurement length between the voltage tapping points must, however, not be less than 1 m,
even with small nominal cross sections.
The nominal cross section of both voltage measurement cables must be significantly smaller than
that of the cable to be tested, in order to minimize thermal influence on the measuring point. A
better thermal coupling is achieved e.g., by winding the measuring cable around the test line
before voltage tapping.
In order to retain a uniform temperature over this range, it is important that at least 1,5 m long
cable segments for supplying the current are located on both sides up to the voltage tapping point.
This results in a minimum possible cable length of 4 m.
R ' (Ta )
R '20 = (eq. 15)
1 + α ρ ⋅ (Ta − 20°C ) + β ρ ⋅ (Ta − 20°C )²
As an alternative to this approach, the value for R'20 can also be determined with a temperature-
compensated resistance measuring bridge, which can compensate for the conductor material
used. (Use caution with alloys!)
1 R ' (I )
TL − 20 °C = ∆T = ⋅ − 1 (eq. 17)
α ρ R' 20
- By taking into account both temperature coefficients αρ and βρ:
R ' (I )
− α ρ + α ρ + 4⋅ β ρ ⋅ − 1
R '
TL − 20 °C = ∆T = (eq. 18)
2⋅ β ρ
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
Since (eq. 18) can be too highly influenced by measuring errors due to quotients near zero, the
root is replaced by the first three terms of the Taylor series:
x x2
1+ x ≈ 1+ −
2 8 (eq. 19)
which leads to the following more precise result with a small βρ:
1 R ' (I ) β ρ R ' (I )
TL − 20 °C = ∆T ≈ − 1 ⋅1 − 2 − 1 (eq. 20)
α ρ R' 20 α ρ R ' 20
I zu =
⋅ − a + a ² + 4 ⋅ b ⋅ (TLzu − Ta ) ] (eq. 21)
Note: By solving the quadratic equation (eq. 1), the "+" before the root expression must be used.
Note: This formula yields a correct result only with positive current values!
The associated voltage drop per 1 m results from (eq. 6) (see section 4.2.3) and (eq. 7) (see
section 4.2.4)
E ( I ) = I ⋅ R'20 ⋅ 1 + α ρ ⋅ (TL − 20) + β ρ ⋅ (TL − 20) 2 ] (eq. 23)
In order to take into account the worst-case in voltage drop, the maximum permissible resistance
for R'20 is taken as a basis from LV 112-1 for the respective cable.
Example: FLRY 2,5-B, a = 0,25, b = 0,041, Ta = 65 °C,
R20 = 7,6 mΩ/m, αρ = 3,81∙10-3 1/K, βρ = 6∙10-7 1/K2
Note: This formula yields a correct result only with positive current values!
Example: FLRY 2,5-B, a = 0,25, b = 0,041, TO = 105 °C,
R20 = 7,6 mΩ/m, αρ = 3,81∙10-3 1/K, βρ = 6∙10-7 1/K2
I (Ta , TO ) =
⋅ − a + a ² + 4 ⋅ b ⋅ (TO − Ta ) ] (eq. 25)
Note: By solving the quadratic equation, the "+" before the root expression must be used.
Example: FLRY 2,5-B, a = 0,25, b = 0,041, TO = 105 °C,
R20 = 7,6 mΩ/m, αρ = 3,81∙10-3 1/K, βρ = 6∙10-7 1/K2
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
In the following example, the heating times for various load currents are presented in a diagram,
where the short-term current IKU defined in section 5 is used as the limit current IGr.
The peak current IKu is the current at which exactly the short-term temperature TKu is reached at
the conductor, with specified ambient temperature Ta in the steady borderline case. The curve in
the diagram thus approaches the steady current IKu asymptotically.
One can recognize well in the example, that the error when using the simplified (eq. 27) is only
very low.
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
This example demonstrates the time behavior during short-term overload. Initially, the conductor
has the permissible class temperature of TLmin = TO = 105 °C. This is reached at the selected
ambient temperature Ta = TO –50 K = 55 °C by the derating current ID = 32,0 A. With increase to
the overload current IÜL = 46,4 A, the conductor temperature approaches the short-term tempera-
ture TÜL = TO +50 K = 155 °C with the time constant τ = 68 s. However, the conductor temperature
does not quite reach the short-term temperature, since the lower current is again supplied after
300 s, whereby cooling to TO takes place with the same time constant.
Note: Both currents ID and IÜL can be calculated with (eq. 25) (see section
I (t ) ≈ IÜL ⋅ t
1− e τ (eq. 28)
The overload current IÜL has been defined in the preceding example, at which the temperature for
the thermal overload test TÜL = TO +50 K, defined in LV 213-1, is not exceeded in the steady case.
All cables must withstand this temperature for 6 h without incurring damage.
Starting with this overload current IÜL, it can be calculated using (eq. 28), how long short-circuit
currents must be present at maximum at the initially current-free conductor, to ensure that the
thermal overload temperature TÜL is not exceeded.
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
9. Outlook
In addition to the single-wire cables described in this Standard, the following components are also
used for supplying current to the electrical components in vehicles:
1. Multi-wire cables
2. Harnesses
3. Fuses
4. Current distributor boxes
By using and further developing the simplified mathematical approach described in this document,
standardized computation procedures are planned to be prepared in the future for these areas.
As described in the references (see section 0), it is also possible to arrive at the characteristic
parameters by computation using a few practical control measurements, if the physical material
constants of the materials used are known. There is a computational tool (software package) [6]
for this purpose, which is offered for sale.
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LV 112-3: 2011-12
10. Appendix
12. Literature
[1] VDI Heat Atlas, issuing body: Association of German Engineers (VDI), Berlin (Springer
Verlag), 10th edited and expanded edition, 2006, ISBN 3-540-25504-4
[2] Kabel und Leitungen für Starkstrom (Cables and lines for heavy current – only available in
German), part 1, issuing body Lothar Heinhold, Berlin, Munich (Siemens AG), 4th revised
edition 1987, ISBN 3-8009-1472-7
[3] Bestimmung der Strombelastbarkeit von Fahrzeugleitungen (Determining the current-
loading capacity of vehicle cables – only available in German), H.-D. Ließ, Universität der
Bundeswehr, Munich, 2010
[4] Berechnungswerkzeug (Softwaretool) (Calculation tool (Software tool) – only available in
German), H.-D. Ließ, Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich