Reaction Paper No.1
Reaction Paper No.1
Reaction Paper No.1
ABM 11- A
In our Earth there are 7.8 billion on the total number of the worlds population, and over 7
million species of plants and animals journey together in the vast space. We know that the
earth were moving in our sun in a very nearly circular orbit or elliptical orbit. The earth is the
only planet which is the third on its distance from the sun. this is the only planet that we know
that’s inhabited with living organisms. In The Solar System there were 8 planets named
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. If we compare the four
planets closes to the sun which is also known as an inner planet, Earth is bigger compare to
three inner planet. The name Earth is at least 1000 years old. Some person know that the word
Earth came from English-German “ERDA” or in german equivalent “ERDE” which means ground
or soil. our planet has molten nickle iron core which gave rise to an extensive magnetic field
with the atmosphere who is shield us from the harmful radiation coming from the sun.
What makes our earth special? There were characteristics of the planet earth that makes it
different from all other planets like air, food, water, and other important need to survive. There
were four factors that make a planet habitable, the first one is temperature it influences how
quickly atoms and molecules move. If we experience low temperature it will make the
chemicals to react slowly it will freeze water or some things but if it’s a high temperature its
quickly evaporates a water. The second is atmosphere it is serve as the earth blanket that
shields the surface on the harmful radiation and provides nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The
third is energy it is the capacity to do work, it comes in different types or forms, without energy
the organisms will have no light to use. Light energy can be a problem if it makes a planet too
hot or if there are too many harmful ways like too much uv rays it can damage our skin cell and
it can lead us to skin cancer. The nutrients the fourth factors, this is use to build and maintain
an organisms body, and for us humans we can get nutrients from the food that we eat.
After that we also have The Earth Subsystem, our planet is one large system and each of the
part acts as a subsystem they all work together to make earth habitable place and we call this
part “Spheres” the earth has four subsystem The Hydrosphere, Geosphere, Atmosphere and
Biosphere. It is the part of earth which circulate among the ocean continents is called the
Hydrosphere the word Hydro is the Greek word which means “water” and because of this
earth is sometimes called blue planet or the water planet. An example of Hydrosphere, Maria
Cristina Falls its supply 70 percent of the entire Mindanao’s electricity. The kinetic energy of the
falling water is being converted to mechanical and electrical energy. Geosphere the word Geo is
the Greek word which means “ground”, Geosphere is the solid part of the earth. Atmosphere
Greek word atmos which means “air” it can be found everywhere but we cant hold and see it, it
composed 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases. Biosphere the word bio which means
“life” all human being were part of it its often called the large ecosystem.
Our Earth is the only planet who can be habitability because of its characteristics that makes it
different to other planet. There are four factors who make the earth habitability which is
Temperature, Atmosphere, Energy and Nutrients. We also has a four Earth Subsystem which is
Hydrosphere, Geosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.