v68 - Cat 3

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Table of Contents
Part 1: 78s
Acoustic Recordings ...................................................... 1 Personality, Comedy & Novelty ........................................... 50
Gem Quality Acoustic .................................................. 8 Sacred & Sermons .............................................................. 55
Uncommon US Record Labels ...................................... 8 Country & Hillbilly ................................................................ 57
Uncommon Foreign Record Labels ............................. 10 Blues ................................................................................... 58
Gem Quality Pathé Vertical Recordings ................... 11 Jazz, Dance Bands & Bop................................................... 64
Flexible Records .......................................................... 11 Gem Quality 78s ................................................................ 81
Picture Records ........................................................... 12 Rock & Roll, R&B and Post-War Pop .................................. 84
Children's Records ...................................................... 12
Bing Crosby Decca Tests & Special Pressings ............ 13 Part 2: Edison Diamond Discs .......................................... 90
Movie Promos.............................................................. 14
Music Library Radio Transcriptions .............................. 15 Part 3: Cylinders
Gem Quality V-Discs.................................................. 18 Brown Wax.......................................................................... 96
Foreign & Ethnic .......................................................... 19 Concert Cylinders ................................................................ 96
Operatic & Classical .................................................... 23 Two Minute Cylinders .......................................................... 96
Popular Album Sets ..................................................... 46 Four Minute Cylinders ....................................................... 103
Choral Music................................................................ 47 Gem Quality Edison Blue Amberols .............................. 104
Christmas Music .......................................................... 47 Part 4: Paper
Organ Music ................................................................ 48 Books ................................................................................ 109
Salon, Concert & Popular Instrumental ........................ 48 Periodicals ........................................................................ 111
Band Music .................................................................. 48
Historical...................................................................... 49 Resource Catalog ................................................................ 115


As before, we will be giving away an auction credit up to $500! To be eligible for the drawing, all you have to do is submit 50 or more bids in
this auction. It is not necessary that you have 50 winning bids, nor is the dollar amount of your bids important. In fact, all 50 bids can be $3
bids on $3 minimum bid records. The winners of the VRA 67 drawing were Charles Smith (his 2nd time as a winner!) and Steven Beal,
who collectively had $500 knocked off their bills.


Record collecting is a community sport and much more enjoyable when shared with others. So we have developed Nauck's Buddy System - a
way for us to grow the community of collectors and foster new friendships.
What's in it for us? We get new bidders and the 78rpm fraternity grows (which it desperately needs to do; no one's interests are
served if we don't find younger collectors to pick up where us old farts leave off!)
What's in it for you? For every new collector you refer, you will receive $10 in Buddy Credit, which will be subtracted from your auction
invoice. There is no limit to the number of names you can submit, but they must be people we don't already have in
our database, and they must make bids of their own in this auction. (The first person making a referral will get
the credit.) If your Buddy Credit exceeds your auction total, the unused portion will roll over to the next auction.
Credit applies to auction wins only. It may not be used for Resource Catalog orders, shipping costs or sales tax.
What's in it for them? They get introduced to the exciting world of Nauck's: collector's resources, Bidder Request Shows, Disc-O-Files,
bidder contests and, of course, Nauctions. But that's not all. If their VRA 64 auction winnings meet or exceed...
$50, they will receive a free copy of Note the Notes - an Illustrated History of the Columbia Record Label
$100, they will receive a copy of The Advertising History of the Berliner & Victor Talking Machine
$250, they will receive a copy of The Collector's Guide to Victor Records
$500, they will receive all three!
To participate, simply forward your names with full contact info: mailing address, email and phone number. Remember, only one bidder can
be credited with a referral, so don't let the spring wind down on this offer. Nauck's Buddy System: where Everybuddy's a winner!


The show will be broadcast the weekend of September 12-13 and again on Saturday, September 19. Lots in the catalog that are noted
Bidder Request Show or BRS will be played, plus your requests. Details may be found on our website by clicking the LISTEN HERE button.
Please make your requests as soon as possible by leaving a message on Nauck's 24-Hour Bidder Request Show Hotline: 281-742-0597
This Nauction closes


Late bids will be accepted up until the point that we have finished entering
all bidsheets and the auction is finalized (usually the following Thursday).
The high bidder on any given lot will be awarded that lot either for the amount of his written bid or an amount equal to 10% over the next highest bid,
whichever is lower. If this is confusing to you, please examine the following four examples:
1) Say you were the high bidder on Lot #1 with a bid if $100.00. However, the second highest bid was $50.00. This means that you would receive
the record for only $55.00, not $100.00.
2) On the other hand, let's say the second highest bid was $95.00. If we add 10% ($9.50) to that amount, we get $104.50, so you would win the lot
at your bid of $100.00.
3) Now let's say that you were the only bidder on this item. If, for instance, this lot had a minimum bid of $20.00, you would receive the lot for
4) Finally, let's suppose that Weltin B. Blix also sent in a bid of $100.00. In cases of a tie, the bidsheet with the earliest postmark prevails.

If you cannot afford to win over a certain amount, please indicate your limit when submitting your bids!
You are encouraged to use the Online Bidsheet at www.78rpm.com, but a bid sheet has been included at the end of this catalog as well. Be sure to PRINT
LEGIBLY & DOUBLE-CHECK, as you are responsible for the accuracy of your bids! Persons who win records in error will be subject to a $5/lot relisting
fee. Bids received on or before the closing date will be considered valid. Bids received after the closing date may or may not be entered, depending on
how long it takes us to finalize the auction. Please do not delay in submitting your bids as there is no advantage to submitting them at the last minute.
Bids may be placed by fax, phone, mail or e-mail, though we strongly recommend using our Online Bidsheet. Since faxes often don't go through or are
not legible, it's a good idea to mail a copy as well. The Prices Realized List for this auction is available for $5, and will be sent six weeks after the close of
the auction.
The minimum bid (MB) for any given lot will be found at the beginning of that lot's particular section, or it may be given within the description of the lot itself.
MBs serve to protect the seller and guide the bidder. Bear in mind, however, that many lots will sell for much more than their posted minimums. We reserve
the right to accept or reject any bid at our discretion. Though you are welcome to change or cancel any bid up to the close of the auction, we will not
disclose high bids. Our auction protocol allows you to submit your highest possible bid to begin with, since there is a good chance you may win it for less.
Bids may not be withdrawn once the auction has closed.
New bidders are required to submit a deposit amounting to 10% of their total bids, or two references from major record dealers (deposits or references
are only required from new bidders submitting over $500 in bids). Deposits will be credited to auction winnings. If your deposit is greater than your total
bill, then your balance will be refunded in full or applied to your auction account, as you prefer.
Though the posted auction deadline always falls on a Saturday six weeks following the mailing of the catalog, we will accept bids up until the auction is
finalized (generally the following Thursday). As always, we reserve the right to change the closing date or to cancel the auction at any time, for any reason.
Invoices will be mailed to successful bidders after a sufficient period of time has elapsed to allow for the delivery of all bids postmarked by the deadline
(roughly 10 days). Packages will then be mailed out approximately three to five weeks later, assuming payment has been received. If you wish to pay for
your winnings over a period of time, we are happy to oblige (within reason, of course).
Payment may be made by postal money orders, cash or checks drawn on American banks. Credit cards and Paypal are also accepted, but subject to the
following "convenience fees:" $5 if your total is $100-200; $10 if $200-499; $25 if $500-999; $50 if $1,000-1,999; $100 if $2,000-4,999; $250 if $5,000-9,999
and $500 if your invoice is $10,000 or more. There is no fee for totals under $100. Texas residents will be charged 8.25% in sales tax.
Domestic orders will be shipped via Media Mail; foreign orders will be shipped by air. Due to the erratic nature of my traveling schedule, we are unable to
guarantee delivery within a specified time frame; however, we do our best to process all paid orders as soon as possible. We cannot hold domestic orders,
but will retain foreign winnings (on request) to combine with future purchases. A $5/auction holding fee will be charged for this service. Any problems with
your merchandise must be brought to our attention within 30 days of receipt of your order. Mistakes do happen, and refunds will be given on records
incorrectly described or graded. Please contact us before returning items.
As always, trades are eagerly solicited, and may take precedence over cash offers. If you have something of unusual rarity or interest, let me know, and
we'll see what we can work out!
Participation in this auction constitutes acceptance of these terms on the part of the bidder!

M- Just this side of mint. Few things in this world are perfect, V+ Obviously well played, but still enjoyable. Noticeable
so we don't use M. In fact, we very seldom use M- graying in the grooves.
E+ A choice copy with no wear whatsoever. V Very well worn, but listenable. Expect the surface
E Excellent. Virtually no trace of groove wear with only noise to be significant. There may be some stressed grooves.
minimal traces of use and handling. V- Wiped out. Played with the right equipment, however, you may still
E- An above average record with a slight degree of groove wear, derive a certain degree of pleasure from a record in this condition.
but not enough to seriously detract from its audio quality. P Possibly unplayable.
M-, E+, E, E-, E--, V++, V+, V, V-, V--, P
Note that grading is visual! Double pluses and minuses are used when needed to more accurately describe a record's condition (i.e., E-- falls between E- and
V++). If the two sides differ, the lower grade is used. If they differ markedly, a combination grade such as V+/E-- may be employed. Please note that visible
graininess will always be described on any record grading E or better, even if the record in question might be expected to exhibit such surfaces (Victor Scrolls, HMVs
and Deccas, for instance). Graininess will also be described on lower grade records when the condition is more pronounced. Brown wax cylinders are graded audibly
(unlike any other records in this catalog). Each cylinder is assigned a numerical value between 1 and 9, with 1 being totally inaudible and 9 being as new.
The abbreviation DNS stands for "does not sound," which means that the listed defect is silent when played on modern equipment using a properly sized stylus. The
abbreviation TOK stands for "tracks OK" and is used to describe a defect that appears to be serious but which does not cause the record to skip or repeat (again,
when played using the right equipment and stylus). The abbreviation NAP stands for "not affecting play," is used in the same way, but for less serious defects. You
should expect such defects to sound, though they may not depending on your audio equipment.
ab at beginning dsol dealer sticker on label jbr jukebox lbl ring npd natural pressing defect PW post WW-II ssh small spindle hole
ablac alum-based lacquer dwrp dish warp Jp Japanese nr needle run qnt quintet st stain
ac aircheck eb edge bump lam lamination ntg not to grooves qrt quartet stp stamper
acc accordion ec edge chip lat lateral ntpg not to playing groove ras rough area swishes sxt sextet
ae at end ef edge flake lbbl label bubble o/w otherwise re rounded edge Swe Swedish
ann announced (by) ehdm edge heat damage lbl label OA original album rec record(ed) Swi Swiss
Arg Argentine el etched label lc lam/lacquer crack OB original box rep repair(ed) sws swishes
Aus Australian emb embossed ldm label damage OBA original box album rev reverse sym symphony
bbl bubble Eng English lg large OBL original box & lid ria run-in area before gvs tb trombone
bd band or track ens ensemble ll lacquered label ocp off-center pressing rlbl raised lbl te taped edge
beg beginning es edge split l(s)msg label(s) missing OCR orig cast recording roa run-out area after gvs tok tracks ok
bjo banjo esep edge separation ln long oct octet rpr reproduction tol tape on label/lid
bl blue esh enlarged spindle hole lnr label needle run ODS orig dealer sleeve rpt repeat tpt trumpet
blk black ewrp edge warp lscf label scuff OGA orig gatefold album rs rough start tr tear
bls blister fd faded lscr label scratch OMS orig mailing sleeve rst rusty staples tsp taped spine
br brown fdl fiddle lspt label spot oop out of print rtl retouched label ttl title
Brz Brazilian flbl faded lbl lss label states OPS orig picture sleeve Rus Russian twa tracks with adjustments
bw blue wax flt flute lst label stain orc orchestra rx reviewer's X on lbl ucal uncoated aluminum
Can Canadian fmg foreign matter in gvs lt light(ly) org orange, organ s1, s2 side 1 or 2 uke ukelele
cbi cardboard imprints Fr French ltr label tear ORS orig record slip SA South African ulc under label crack
cc corner crease fs from (album) set lwdm label water damage OS orig sleeve sax saxophone Ur Uruguayan
Ch Chilean fw few lwrp lateral warp OSTR orig soundtrack rec Sca Scandinavian us uneven surface
Chi Chinese g groove ma mold area OSTP orig shellac test press scf scuff v very
cho chorus gblac glass-based lacquer maj major ox oxidized scr scratch vc vocal
cla clarinet gdm groove damage mar maroon pat patent sdp solvent drop vert vertical
cnd conductor/ing Ger German MB minimum bid pb picture on back sel selection vfw very few
cnr corner gld gold mbw moulded brown wax pblac paper-based lacquer sep separated/separation vla viola
cnt cornet gr grainy MC master of ceremonies pc plaster chip sf spindle flake vlc 'cello
cond condition gra grainy area md medium/moderate pdef pressing defect sg stressed groove vln violin
cr crack grn green Mex Mexican pec potential edge chip sh spindle hole vnl vinyl/plastic
cs center start gtr guitar mgv microgroove pef potential edge flake shd ½" spindle hole drilled wdm water damage
csol collector sticker on lbl hc hairline crack min minor pg playing grooves shg spindle hole grommet whi whistling
ctl crack to label hdm heat damage mk mark pgm program sil silver wmk water mark
cvr cover hmc half moon crack mld mold Phl philharmonic (-onia) sis skips in source wnt will not track
Cz Czech hmks heat marks mn many pic piccolo sit sleeve ink transfer woc writing on cover
d1, d2 disc 1 or 2 hmlc half moon lam crack mnt may not track pig pencil in grooves siw signature(s) in the wax wol writing on label/lid
Dan Danish hv heavy mol marker on label/lid pinc pressing inclusion skp skip wop writing on pages
def defaced ic internal crack ms mold spot pl picture on label slt slight wpg wax pencil in gvs
dep depression ilc internal lam crack msg missing pmk pressure mark sm small wrp warp
dir directed (by) ill illustrated mvt movement pno piano sn serial number wss wax states
dj disc jockey/dust jacket In Indian mx matrix pnt paint so songs only wt white
dm damage inc incomplete NA no album pom pressed from orig mx sol sticker on label/lid wx wax
dns does not sound inst instrumental nap not affecting play pp pages Sp Spanish ydl yodel
DO dance orchestra Ir Irish narr narrator ppr paper sp spine yel yellow
dob dog on back isd inherent stp defect nat natural pr pressure spns sponsor(ed)
ds dull surface isol ink stamp on label nd needle drop psf potential spindle flake spt spot
dscg discography iss issued NG no guest pt part ss single-sided
dsclr discolored It Italian NOS new old stock pur purple sscr spiral scratch
Lots with the comment, BRS will be played on the Bidder Request Show, time permitting. Of course, there will be many others, including your requests.
Lot numbers in this catalog preceded by an asterisk * may be seen in the Auction Highlights section of our website, www.78rpm.com.
78Q < 5 indicates that there were less than 5 copies thought to exist by the editor of 78 Quarterly magazine at the time it was published.

Apr Aprelevka (Soviet) LAS L'Anthologie Sonore Brunswick pressings OKeh pressings Canadian Victor pressings
ARC American Record Corp. LC Leeds & Catlin BrW Wing OkI Indian CaViIB1 Improved Berliner (scroll)
ARCo American Record Co. Lin Lincoln BrF Filigree OkTT Truetone Lozenge CaViIB2 Improved Berliner
Atl Atlantic LMS Liberty Music Shop BrS Silver print OkE Large Electric Lozenge (arched mf'd by)
Bb Bluebird LoC Library of Congress BrLB Lightning Bolt OkEs Small Electric Lozenge CaViIB3 Improved Berliner
BbBf / S buff / staff lbl LoL L'Oiseau Lyre (straight mf'd by)
Ba Banner Lon London Columbia pressings Victor pressings CaViBCG Berliner Concert Grand
Bwy Broadway Mad Madison CoE Embossed (Climax) ViCo Consolidated CaViGR Gram-O-Phone Record
BS Black Swan Me Melotone CoGR Gold Ring (Climax) ViLI Improved Lease CaViCR1 Concert Record
Ca Cameo Merc Mercury CoBR Broken Ring (Climax) ViLV Victor Lease (at top)
Cap Capitol MW Montgomery Ward CoSR Silver Ring ViLTI "Ten Inch Record" CaViCR2 Concert Record
Cet Cetra NF Nation's Forum CoNR No Ring ViLMJ Eldridge Johnson (across middle)
CetSor Cetra Soria Od Odeon CoGO Grand Opera ViLMV Victor Talk. Mach. CaViDR Deluxe Record
Chg Challenge ODC Opera Disc Company CoC Conditions ViED Early Dog Victor
Ch Champion Or Oriole CoGP Grand Prize ViEDM Early Dog Monarch Gramophone Co. pressings
Cl Clarion Ox Oxford CoMN Magic Notes ViTV Trademark Victor G&T Gramophone
Com Commodore M&I MacGregor & Ingram CoGB Gold Band ViTM Trademark Monarch & Typewriter Co.
Cq Conqueror Pm Paramount CoF Flag ViTD Trademark Deluxe PD Pre-Dog (Recording
Cr Crown Pa Parlophone CoV Viva-Tonal ViGP Grand Prize Angel logo)
De Decca PaMC (multicolor) CoV2 COLUMBIA (all caps) ViP Patents Gram Gramophone
DeSB (sunburst) Pat Pathé CoM Microphone ViW Bat Wing GCR Gram Concert Record
Do Domino PatA Pathé Actuelle CoSy Banner ViS Scroll GMR Gram Monarch Record
Em Emerson PatArt Pathé Art CoFL Fleur-de-Lis ViSC Swing Classic (G, C, M & R may also appear
Fav Favorite Pe Perfect CoS Statue ViC Circular in other combinations)
Fe Federal Poly Polydor ViR RCA Victor Am Amour
Fono Fonotipia PolyMC (multicolor) Edison pressings ViRW RCA Victor Wing DscG Disco Gram
Ge Gennett Pu Puritan EdNT Needle Type 78 ViRC Color Nipper DsqG Disque (Pour) Gram
GeNE (New Electrobeam) Re Regal EdDE Diamond Disc (engraved) ViSO White Special Order DG Deutsche Gram
GG Grey Gull Ro Romeo EdDP Diamond Disc (paper) (Gesellschaft)
Gpt Grammplastrest (Soviet) Rx Radiex US Zonophone pressings Elec Electrola
GS Gold Star Sil Silvertone Vocalion pressings ZonB Blank Gmla Gramola
Ha Harmony SoP Speak-O-Phone VoA Aeolian Vocalion ZonU Engraved Universal HMV His Master's Voice
Her Herwin Spec Specialty VoW White Logo & Title Box ZonS Engraved Shield HMVhc(2) Historical Catalog (2)
Hom Homocord Spt Supertone VoG Gold Logo & Title Box ZonA Engraved Arch SG Schallplatte Gram
HOW Hit-of-the-Week Tele Telefunken VoBlk Black Logo & Title Box ZonPU Paper Universal KSG Künstler Schal Gram
Imp Imperial Ult Ultraphone VoS Scroll Title Box ZonPZ Paper Zon (lyre) VDP La Voce del Padrone
IRC International Rec. Co. Vr Variety VoB Blue lbl ZonPP Paper Patents (phono) VDM La Voix de son Maitre
Jub Jubilee VT VelvetTone ZonD Disco Zonofono VDA La Voz de su Amo
Part 1: 78s

7" American Berliners, MB $25

1. Ber 192-Y George J. Gaskin: Gwine Back To Dixie 10/31/95; no Berliner lbl info MB 50 ISD V

*2. Ber 224 Ellis Pugh, Trumpeter of 1st Troop: Cavalry Drill in Extended Order Phil, 3/31/96; upside down lbl info! MB 100 V
3. Ber 404-XX J. Yorke AtLee [sic]: Laughing Song 10/1/98; plays ok V
4. Ber 443 Handorgan: IV MB 50 V++
5. Ber 608 John Terrell: Casey's Address To The G.A.R. 6/98; plays ok LT RS V
6. Ber 624-W George Graham: Washington Police Court Scene 9/24/96; plays well V
7. Ber 648 George Graham: Drinking 6/2/96; plays ok RS V-
8. Ber 685 W.O. Beckenbaugh: Auction Sale Of New York Dime Museum Wash, 5/6/97 MB 50 ND V++
9. Ber 709-U George Graham: Colored Preacher plays very well! V+
10. Ber 8010 Sousa's Band: Sylvan Dream's [sic] MB 200 FW SCFS E-

 This next Berliner has a 2¾" gold label which may have been applied by its original owner. The label covers the extra Zonophone drive pin hole and appears to have been
printed or rubber stamped at the top with the following words (now faded and difficult to make out). "AFTER(?) TEN DAYS RETURN TO JOSIA(?) BAEHR, (?) AVE SO,
MINNEAPOLIS, MN" Handwritten in ink, we see the number 4040 at 12 o'clock, 075 at 6 o'clock, 1 at 3 o'clock and "Hands Across the Sea. Sousa" beneath the spindle hole.
Scratched in the run-out area between the grooves and the gold label is "April 4, 1900 Mrs. Baehr," and scratched on the back is "4/4/00." Were these folks operating their own
neighborhood sound archive? A very curious artifact indeed!
*12. Ber 075-A, tk 2? Sousa's Band: Hands Across The Sea March 4/22/99; + at 6 o'clock; Zono hole MB 50 V++
13. Ber 0166-J Dan W. Quinn: Hey Flangan, Hello [sic] 5/26/99; plays well, but faint V-
*14. Ber 0172-W Chime Bells: Blue Bells Of Scotland 6/1/99; lbl & artist/title info reversed; you gotta love Berliners! MB 50 HC V
15. Ber 0774-O Arthur Collins: My Josephine 11/25/99; sounds good! ND TOK V
16. Ber 0861-J S.H. Dudley: Listen To My Tale Of Woe 1/6/00; Bidder Request Show MB 100 LT SCFS V++

7" Foreign Berliners, MB $25

17. Ber 4759 Church Choir: Abide With Me London, 8/22/00 ISDS, ND E
18. Ber 2-2091 Ben Albert: Make Yourself At Home London V+

19. Ber E-501 Hotel Cecil Orc: Washington Post March Waxed on 8/18/98, just a week and a half after Gramophone
recording began in London! MB 250 ND, ISDS V

7", MB $3
20. Em 751 Baritone Solo: Hesitating Blues//Tenor Solo: Luana Lou E--
21. Melodisc 760 George Beaver: Old Pal//Broadway Rose LSCFS V+
22. Melodisc 787 D. Bud Bernie: Angels//My Budding Rose V+
23. ZonS C-9402 tk 1 Fred Blodgett, tb: Tres Aimable V
24. Harvard 320 tk 9 Henry Burr: My Old Kentucky Home V
25. Harvard 1523 tk 4 Henry Burr: On A Moonlight Night V+
26. Harvard 3022 tk 1 Henry Burr: Ninety And Nine Even wear V
27. CoBR 82 [shg] Climax Band: Tell Me, Pretty Maiden "VTM" stamp under label MB 25 V+
28. Harvard 378 tk 1 Arthur Collins: Ain't Dat A Shame - Coon Song MB 25 V++
29. Ox 16025 Arthur Collins: When The Coons Have A Dreamland Of Their Own L&C press; plays pretty well V-
30. Ox 16108 Arthur Collins: Woodchuck Song L&C press; Bidder Request Show MB 25 V++
31. ZonA 1859 Arthur Collins: The Sons Of Ham Plays fair FW CRS V-
32. ZonPU P-5399 Arthur Collins: Susie Woosie RS V
33. ZonPU P-5411 Arthur Collins: Uncle Jefferson V
34. ZonPZ 5878 Arthur Collins: He Done Me Wrong On The Death Of Bill Bailey
Small portion of stamper info on edge; plays well! MB 15 V+
35. CoSR 674 [shg] Columbia Band: The Turkish Patrol MB 15 V++
36. Harvard 79 tk 1 Columbia Band: Mosquito Parade Co press; tk 1 only iss on Harvard; plays well V
37. Harvard 406 tk 1 Columbia Band: At A Georgia Camp Meeting Co press V+
38. Harvard 595 tk 8 Columbia Band: Circus Galop Co press; plays ok V
39. CoSR 38 [10"; shg] Columbia Orc: Artists' Life Waltz Sounds good! US TWW V
40. CoSR 41 [10"; shg] Columbia Orc: Riding Thro' The Glen Announced as "Hager's Orc" V-
41. CoSR 232 Columbia Orc: Yorke Mazourka Plays ok V
42. Harvard 716 tk 6 Columbia Qrt: Annie Laurie ND TOK, SSH V+
43. ViEDM 1211 [10"] Charles D'Almaine, vln: Scenes That Are The Brightest MB 25 V+
44. Em 7517 Emerson Dance Orc: The Vamp//Frisco Five: Church Street Sobbin' Blues 40¢ price sols MB 15 E--
45. Em 7395 Emerson Military Band: Hello Central Give Me No Man's Land//Howdy! V+
46. Em 7439 Emerson Military Band: Arabian Nights//Parisian Rag MB 15 E--
47. Em 7162 Emerson Sym Orc: Rooster Rag//Banjo Wallace's Orc: Down Honolulu Way LSCRS S1 V++
48. Em 7224 Emerson Sym Orc: Them Doggon'd Triflin' Blues//Emerson Military Band: Indiana SM EFS NTG E--
49. Em 7262 Harry Evans: Send Me Away With A Smile//Jack Warner: If You Had All The World And Its Gold V++
50. Em 7308 Harry Evans: We're Going To Hang The Kaiser Under The Linden Tree//Jack Warner:
There's A Green Hill Out In Flanders V+/V++
51. ViLV A-179 tk 4 Edward M. Favor: What Do You Think Of O'Hoolahan Plays well MB 15 V
52. ZonS 9552 J.J. Fisher: Stand Up For Jesus DS AREA V+
53. ZonS 9559 J.J. Fisher: Charity A bit noisy V
54. Ox 140 tk 5 Flute Solo: I'll Follow Thee Co press LT LNR V++
55. Melodisc 7101 Forbes' Society Orc: Mimi//Rose Of Old Seville E-
56. Melodisc 790 Charles Foster: Ain't We Got Fun//Sims & Belmar: Down Yonder Plays well V
57. ZonS J-9167 Edward Franklin: Brown October Ale Plays very well V
58. ZonS J-9331 Edward Franklin: I'll Sing Thee Songs Of Araby Plays well V+
59. ZonS J-9370 Edward Franklin: Beauties Eyes Plays well V-
60. Em 7519 Frisco Five: Rainy Day Blues//Yama Yama Blues FW LCS S1 V++

61. ZonS 9817 George J. Gaskin: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder MB 15 V++
62. ViLV A-507 Georgia Minstrels: Minstrel First Part, No 2 MB 15 V
63. ViLV A-508 Georgia Minstrels: Minstrel First Part, No 3 Nice early factory notice sticker on rev; a little noisy CTL V-
64. ViLV A-510 Georgia Minstrels: Minstrel First Part, No 5 Plays ok V-
65. Melodisc 771 Green Bros Novelty Band: Sweet Mamma//Carolina Syncopators: Home Again Blues LSCFS V+
66. Melodisc 727 Green's Xyl Orc: Fast Asleep In Poppyland//Fluffy Ruffles PMKS, HMKS TOK V++
67. DscZon Blk 10715 Prof Guarino, cnt: Rigoletto-Tutte le feste el tempio MB 15 V+
68. ZonU 5101 tk 2 Hager's Orc: Ameer March V+
69. ZonS G-9066 tk 1 Fred Hager, vln: Hungarian Dance (Brahms) MB 15 V++
70. ZonS G-9076 tk 3 Fred Hager, vln: Pilgrim's Chorus V+
71. ViTM 1792 Haydn Qrt: Church Scene, from "The Old Homestead" Very clean lbl V+
72. G&T Blk 3348 Edith Helena: Comin' Thro The Rye HMC V++
73. ViTV 2388 Edith Helena: Melba Waltz Song MB 15 SCRS V++
74. ZonS A-9273 tk 2 Victor Herbert's Band: Man Behind The Gun Plays ok V
75. ZonPU P-5040 Victor Herbert's Band: Hands Across The Sea March NR, ND TOK V
76. ZonPU P-5086 Victor Herbert's Band: Home Sweet Home MB 15 LN SCR TOK V++
77. ARCo 157 Frank Howard: In Dear Old Georgia MB 15 MSS, LT DSCLR V+
78. ZonS G-9409 tk 5 Frank Isenbarth, zither: Alpine Reverie MB 15 V++
79. ZonS 1627 John Kaiser: Casey As A Physician Sounds amazing with a 2.0 mil stylus! MB 25 V++
80. ZonS H-9508 tk 1 Keneke & Blodgett, cnt & tb: The Two Brass Men - Polka A bit noisy V
81. ViED 1124 Silas Leachman: Ain't That A Shame Plays well MB 15 V
82. Ox 16081 Leeds Orc: Hiawatha L&C press V+
83. CaViIB3 951 [shg; dob] Jules Levy, cnt: The Last Rose Of Summer MB 15 PMKS TWW, NDS V+
84. CaViIB1 611 London Municipal Orc: Belle Of New York, Lancers - 3rd & 4th Figure Plays well ISDS V
85. ZonS 1520 Harry MacDonough: Rock Of Ages Plays pretty well V+
86. ViED 949 Harry MacDonough: He Laid Away A Suit Of Gray To Wear The Union Blue Plays well V
87. ZonS 9935 Frank Mazziotta, flt: Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms V+
88. Melodisc 785 Melodisc Novelty Orc: I Found A Rose//Dixie Entertainers: San SCFS E-
89. Melodisc 797 Melodisc Novelty Orc: Rebecca//Gotham's Favorites: All By Myself V+
90. Melodisc 758 Merry Melody Men: Biddy//Melodisc Dance Orc: Let The Rest Of The Wold Go By E--
91. ViLV A-289 Metropolitan Orc: Who Dat Say Chicken MB 15 V+
92. ViLV A-537 Metropolitan Orc: National Guard Two-Step Plays ok V
93. CaViIB2 677 [shg; dob] John Morton: John Morton On Pals Gramophone Co ann MB 25 LT NR AB, SCRS, LT IC TOK V+
94. ARCo 158 Billy Murray: Just A Little Rocking Chair And You MB 25 LST V+
95. CoNR 1250 [ss] J.W. Myers: Since I First Met You MB 15 V++
96. Harvard 149 tk 1 J.W. Myers: The Holy City Co press; plays well VLT 1" CR V+
97. Harvard 1119 tk 2 J.W. Myers: My Own United States Co press; plays well V
98. ZonPU P-5215 National Guard Drum & Fife Corps: Recollections Of 1861 V+
99. ZonB 6140 tk II Joseph Natus: A Thorn In The Garden Of Life V+
100. ZonS J-9424 tk 1 Joseph Natus: I Used To Know Her Years Ago V+
101. Harvard 292 Vess L. Ossman, bjo: Coon Songs Co press CTL, SKPS, VRS V+
102. Nicole 599 [Eng] Steve Porter: Everybody's Loved By Someone MB 25 V++
103. ViLMJ A-863 Steve Porter: Parody on "The Blue And The Gray" MB 15 V+
104. ViTV 2593 Pryor's Band w/Rogers & Pryor, tbs: Cheerfulness ESH V++
105. ZonS E-9488 Theodor Pusinelli, cla: Dance California Very nice copy MB 25 V++
106. CaViIB2 Blk 264 [shg; dob] Dan W. Quinn: We Won't Go Home Until Morning V
107. CoC 136 tk 3 George Schweinfest, pic: Goldfinch Polka MB 15 V++
108. ViTV 883 tk 4 Burt Shepard: Has Anybody Seen Our Cat? MB 15 V+
109. ViTV 1694 Burt Shepard: O! Mr. Soldier Man Plays ok V-
110. ViLV A-888 Burt Shepard: Is There Anything Else You'd Like Plays well V
111. ViLV A-903 Burt Shepard: Experience As A Dry Goods Clerk Lss "Burt Shephark" PDEF AB RPTS V
112. CoSR 855 [shg] Harry Spencer: How I Got To Morrow Extra Zono hole V
113. ZonS 9946 Al R. Stewart: My Elinore Nice MB 25 V++
114. CoNR 1408 tk 2 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh At A Camp Meeting V
115. Harvard 70 tk 1 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh's Arrival In New York Co press; plays clearly MB 15 V++
116. Harvard 1868 tk 1 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh And The Insurance Company Co press V+
117. ViLV A-667 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh Weathersby And The Lightning Rod Sales Agent Plays ok V-
118. ViTV 669 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh's Arrival In New York City Plays fair V-
119. CaViIB2 135 [shg; dob] Cal Stewart: I'm Old But I'm Awfully Tough V+
120. ZonS 9887 tk 1 Dick Thomas: Katie's Birthday Party MB 15 V+
121. Em 7251 George L. Thompson: Where Do We Go From Here?//Henry Burr: Good-Bye Broadway, Hello France V++
122. CoSR 636 tk 1 Vienna Orc: Life In Vienna Plays ok V
123. Em 7219 Jack Warner: Keep The Home Fires Burning//Harry Evans: We'll Never Let Our Old Flag Fail E--
124. Em 7310 Jack Warner: Send Back Dear Daddy To Me//Arthur Burdin: Liberty Bell E--
125. CoGR 706 [shg] George P. Watson, ydl: Life In The Alps V+
126. Melodisc 7123 Bob White: My Sunny Tennessee//William Sloane: In A Baby's Hands V+
127. Em 7246 Nat M. Wills: B.P.O.E.//Parody On "Stars And Stripes Forever" MB 15 V++
128. Em 7294 Marion Wilson: Hello, My Dearie//George Beaver: Chu Chin Chow LSTS V+
129. ZonS BB-9520 tk 1 Zonophone Reed Orc: Hurrah Boy March GR, FMG V-

8", MB $5
130. ViGP 5267 Edward Ables, whi: Love Me And The World Is Mine V++
131. ViGP 4666 Dudley & Macdonough: Dreaming Love Of You V++
132. ViGP 5341 Frederic C. Freemantel: The Ninety And Nine E--
133. ViGP 4751 Morgan & Macdonough: Songs My Mother Used To Sing SCFS E--
134. ViGP 4721 Billy Murray: Nothing Like That In Our Family LT LNRS V+
135. ViGP 4898 Billy Murray w/the Haydn Qrt: When Tommy Atkins Marries Dolly Gray V+
136. ViGP 5066 Billy Murray: Parodies on Popular Songs - Why Don't You Try; Dearie & Waltz Me Around Again, Willie LTR V+
137. ViGP 2745 tk 2 Pryor's Orc: Hiawatha V++
138. ViGP 5139 Harry Tally: Deutschland Nice E--
139. ViGP 4807 Victor Orc: Flying Arrow Medley V++
140. ViGP 4727 Frank Wilson: Everybody Works But Father V

10", MB $3
141. ViW 18651 All Star Trio: Swanee//Venetian Moon V++
142. ViW 18787 All Star Trio: Vamping Rose//Paul Whiteman's Orc: You're The Sweetest Girl V++

143. ViW 18932 All Star Trio & their Orc: The French Trot//Zez Confrey's Orc: Struttin' At The Strutter's Ball V++
144. CoGB A-2099 Fred Allen, sax: The Sunshine Of Your Smile//Somewhere A Voice Is Calling ND TOK V++
145. ViP 17028 American Qrt: Marry A Yiddish Boy//Maurice Burkhart: Yiddisha Nightingale V+
146. ViP 17196 American Qrt: Hitchy Koo//Billy Murray: Everything's At Home Except Your Wife SM LTRS V++
147. ViW 17972 American Qrt: That Soothing Symphony//Those Good Old Days Back Home E--
148. ViW 18957 American Qrt: Nellie Kelly I Love You//Henry Burr: You Remind Me Of My Mother HMLC S2, BLS S2 E
149. ViW 17691 Felix Arndt, celeste: Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes//To A Wild Rose E
150. CoGB A-2492 Samuel Ash: Blue Bird//George Wilson: Forever Is A Long, Long Time GR E-
151. CoGB A-2700 Samuel Ash: Tears//You Don't Know E--
152. CoGB A-2692 Avon Comedy Four: Oh! What A Time For The Girlies When The Boys Come Marching Home//Come On Papa GR, SCR E-
153. VoW 14224 Frank Bacon: The Bee Story//In The Reno Divorce Court E--
154. ViW 19173 Della Baker: Kiss Me With Your Eyes//James & Brookhurst: Indiana Moon SCRS, LSCRS E--
155. ViW 17474 Elsie Baker: Silver Threads Among The Gold//Charles Harrison: When You And I Were Young, Maggie E
156. VoW 14681 Bar Harbor Society Orc: I Love You//Ambassadors: What Do You Do Sunday, Mary LT SCRS, FW SCFS E-
157. Ok 40469 Barnum with Bailey (The Globe Trotters): Oh, Lady Be Good//Fascinating Rhythm MB 15 V++
158. CoGB A-2687 Nora Bayes: How'ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm?//
When Yankee Doodle Sails Upon The Good Ship Home, Sweet Home NRS TOK S1 E--
159. CoGB A-2816 Nora Bayes: Freckles//Ev'rybody Calls Me Honey SCFS E--
160. CoGB A-2852 Nora Bayes: Oh! How I Laughed When I Think How I Cried Over You//Snoops, The Lawyer E--
161. Beka-Grand 40229/30 Beka London Orc: Ballet Music from "Faust," Pt 1//Pt 2 LWDM V++
162. ViGP 2449 Joseph Belmont, whi: Anvil Chorus from "Il Trovatore" FLBL V++
163. ViP 16052 Joseph Belmont, whi: The Birds And The Brook//Alice J. Shaw, whi: In Venice PEF NTPG S1, LNR S1 E-
164. ViW 18833 Benson Orc of Chicago: No One's Fool//June Moon From Albert Von Tilzer estate FW SCRS E-
165. ViW 18871 Benson Orc of Chicago w/Sue Ernest Hewling, whi: In Bluebird Land//BOC w/Bargy & Straight, pnos:
Ten Little Fingers And Ten Little Toes SM HV SCF S1, FW SCRS E-
166. ViW 18029 Barney Bernard: Cohen At The Telephone//Goldstein Goes In The Railroad Business E--
167. CoMN A-1386 Mike Bernard, pno: Tantalizing Tingles//Medley of Irving Berlin Songs MB 15 V+
168. ViW 18023 Rhoda Bernard: Cohen Owes Me Ninety-Seven Dollars//Nat'an SCFS, LT SCRS E-
169. ViW 17818 Ralph Bingham: Jests From Georgia//Mrs Rastus At The Telephone E--
170. ViW 18587 Ralph Bingham: Brother Jones' Sermon//Mrs Rastus Johnson's Joy Ride WOL E--
171. Em 10434 Eubie Blake, pno: Baltimore Buzz//Sounds Of Africa MB 15 E--
172. CoGB A-2097 Blue & White Marimba Band: Hula Hula Medley//When Cupid Calls LT GR E-
173. VoW 14493 Boardwalk Orc: The Lovelight In Your Eyes//Down In Maryland SM SCRS, LT LNRS E-
174. ViW 45263 Fanny Brice: My Man//Second Hand Rose MB 25 SM WOL S2 E
175. CoGB A-2320 Fred H. Brown, sax: Love Here Is My Heart//Kiss Me Again V++
176. CoGB A-2252 Harry C. Browne: She Stopped To Powder Her Nose//Harlan, Porter & Knight:
All Aboard For The County Fair GR, LNR E
177. CoGB A-2869 Marjorie Brundage: Fancies & A Funny Story//In Shadowtown, The Owl & Sleeping Snowdrops All selections from the
"New Educational Music Course-First Reader" originally published in Boston, ca 1906; applies to
Lots 178 & 179 as well GR E--
178. CoGB A-2870 Marjorie Brundage: The Passing Soldiers & O Tiny Boat//Light And Shadow, Lullaby & A Story GR E-
179. CoGB A-2872 Marjorie Brundage: The Dream Pedler, An Ill Wind That Blew & Somebody Good//Slumber Song &
The American Flag HV GR, LWDM E-
180. Ok 4339 Tim Brymn's Black Devil Orc: Memphis Blues//Campmeeting Blues V++
181. CoGB A-2530 Eugene Buckley w/the Peerless Qrt s1: Good Morning Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip//K-K-K-Katy dsol E--
182. CoMN A-1106 Maurice Burkhart: The Ragtime Violin//Ed Morton: Bill From Louisville MB 15 SM EF NTG E-
183. CoMN A-1799 Henry Burr: Ye Banks And Brays O' Bonnie Doon//Bonnie Wee Thing LT GR, VLT SCF S2 E
184. Ox 4358 Henry Burr: Where The River Shannon Flows Co press SCRS, LT GR E-
185. ViW 17697 Henry Burr: There's A Little Spark Of Love Still Burning//Campbell, Burr & Oakland:
Everything Reminds Me Of That Old Sweetheart Of Mine E-
186. ViW 45265 Marie Cahill: Shopping//Washing Baby LT LSCRS E-
187. ViW 45370 Marie Cahill: The Symphony Concert//In A Shoe Store SM BLS S2 E
188. ViW 45482 Marie Cahill: Neighbors//At The Theatre MB 25 E+
189. CoGB A-3979 California Ramblers: That Big Blond Mamma//Louisville E
190. CoGB A-2263 Campbell & Burr: Lookout Mountain//Hugh Donovan: Because You're Irish LT LSCFS E-
191. CoGB A-2585 Campbell & Burr: So Long Sal - The Best Of Friends Must Part//Sweetness GR, LWDM S2 E--
192. CoGP A-2781 Campbell & Burr: Dreamy Alabama//Hawaiian Lullaby E--
193. ViW 18708 Campbell & Burr: Feather Your Nest//Henry Burr: Old Pal Why Don't You Answer Me? SM BLS S1 E-
194. ViW 16546 Charles Capper, whi: Kiss Waltz//Herbert L. Clarke & Emil Keneke, cnts: See The Pale Moon FLBLS, LT SCFS S2 E-
*195. CoC 1763 Emma Carus: In Zanzibar (My Little Chimpanzee), from "The Medal and the Maid" 1904 OCR;
the first of only three recordings by vaudevillian Carus; plays great; BRS MB 50 V
196. ViP 16547 Charley Case: How Mother Made The Soup//Golden & Hughes:
The Liars, Or My Uncle's Farm SM LTRS, SCFS, FW SCRS E--
197. CoV A-1908 Michael Casey: Casey's Description Of His Fight//Casey Taking The Census Nice example! LT LSPTS, VLT GR E
198. Ge 5303 Celestian Trio: Longing For Home//The Flatterer FLBL S2 V++
199. Br 10158 Mario Chamlee: Dream On//Me Neenyah LT SCRS, GR E
200. ViGP 4847 Chris Chapman, bells: Bewitching Beauty LNR E--
201. ViGP 5188 tk 4 Chris Chapman, bells: Medley Dance V++
202. CoGB A-1585 Chautauqua Preacher's Qrt: Hold The Fort//The Wayside Cross Nice E
203. ViP 17173 Clark & Van Brunt: Rose Of Pyramid Land//Henry Burr: That's How I Need You E--
204. ViP 17294 Helen Clark & Walter Van Brunt: I'll Sit Right On The Moon And Keep My Eye On You//Walter Van Brunt:
Oh What A Beautiful Dream Of You E--
205. ViTM 1753 Clarke's Providence Band: Hunting Scene V+
206. ViP 16194 Herbert L. Clarke, cnt: The Bride Of The Waves V++
207. ViW 16296 [Can] Herbert L. Clarke, cnt: Ah! Cupid//Rattay, Levy & Lyons, vlns & flt: Birds In The Forest LT LNR E--/V++
208. ViP 17153 Herbert Clarke, cnt: Showers Of Gold//Clark & Barone, cnt & flt: Gondolier And Nightengale E--
209. ViGP 4716 Clarke & Zimmerman, cnt & tb: Cousins V++
210. ViP 16312 Clarke & Keneke, cnts: The Friendly Rivals//Victor Orc: College Life March V+
211. CoMN A-1005 Arthur Collins: Steamboat Bill//Collins & Harlan: Mississippi Dippy Dip MB 15 E
212. ViP 16841 Arthur Collins: Below The Mason-Dixon Line//Monroe Silver:
Abie, Take An Example From Your Fader SCFS, ND S2, LT LNRS E--
213. ZonPP 5319 [9"] Arthur Collins: I'm Getting Awful Lazy Plays well! V
214. CoMN A-1918 Collins & Harlan: With Her Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si-And-Do//Peerless Qrt: Schmaltz's German Band SM LTR E--
215. CoGB A-2599 Collins & Harlan: When Uncle Joe Steps Into France//Farber Sisters: Goodbye Alexander dsol E--
216. ViGP 5312 Collins & Harlan: Come On And Kiss Yo' Baby V++

217. ViP 5736 Collins & Harlan: My Wife's Gone To The Country VLT 1" HC TWW , LT LSCR, VLT SCR E
218. ViW 17221 Collins & Harlan: Bake Dat Chicken Pie//Arthur Collins: The Preacher And The Bear V++
219. ZonPZ 291 Collins & Harlan: In Timbuctoo V+
220. ZonPP 5450 [9"] Collins & Harlan: They Were All Doing The Same RS V
221. Ox 38316 Columbia Mixed Cho: Auld Lang Syne Lss "Vocal Qrt" E--
222. CoGB A-1891 Columbia Mixed Qrt: Crossing The Bar//Columbia Stellar Qrt: Absent GR, LNR E-
223. CoSR 622 [shg] Columbia Orc: The Nightingale And The Frog V
224. CoC 510 tk 3 Columbia Qrt: Lead Kindly Light ROA CRS NAP V+
225. CoGB A-2730 Columbia Saxophone Sxt: Chong//Waiting V+
226. ZonPZ 13053 A. Colombo: La Paloma V+
227. ViW 18900 Zez Confrey's Orc: Kitten On The Keys//Club Royal Orc: Pick Me Up And Lay Me Down In Dear Old Dixieland E--
228. ViP 17396 Conway's Band: Whistling Johnnies//The Whistlers E-
229. ViW 18241 Conway's Band: Baltimore Centennial March//Patrol Of The Scouts E-
230. ARCo 031260 Cornet Solo: The Rosary MB 15 E--
231. ViGP 4737 Eugene Cowles: Robin Hood-Armorer's Song OCR V++
232. Pu 15038 Creatore's Band: American Aviation March//Stars And Stripes Clean early Puritan lbls RAS S2, SCFS E--
233. PatA 022439 Crescent Trio: Whispering//Lewis James & Charles Hart: Let Your Sadness Turn To Gladness FW LT SGS S1 V++
234. CoGP 3749 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Medley of Jigs & Reels V+
235. ViP 16260 Edgar L. Davenport: The Chicken//Billy Murray: Jeannie V++
236. PD Blk GC-3-2310 [Eng] Peter Dawson: Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind V+
237. HMV 4-2228 Harry Dearth: Drinking Song from "Rose of Persia" E-
238. CoGB A-1568 Guido Deiro, acc: Unrequited Love//Happenstance dsol SM HV SCR S2 E--
239. BS 2009 Harry A. Delmore: Morning//Macushla MB 15 V+
240. ZonPZ 5934 [9"] Will F. Denny: Meet Me In St. Louis, Loius Noisy MN BLSS V-
241. ViW 18981 Clyde Doerr: Swanee Smiles//Zez Confrey's Orc: I'm Goin' To Plant Myself In My Old Plantation Home E--
242. ViEDM 1246 Dudley & Macdonough: The Wedding Of The Reuben And The Maid Noisy V-
243. Ge 5279 Ellerman & Errole: Just To Hide Away With You//The West, A Nest And You LT 2" CR E--
244. CoMN A-1368 Ellery Band: Danse Annamite//Samson and Delilah-Softly awakes my heart E
245. CoMN A-1388 Ellery Band w/sax solo, s2: The Dragon Fly//Spring Song VLT GR E+
246. Em 941 [9"] Emerson Military Band: Our Allies (National Hymns of the Allies)//Liberty Chorus: Star Spangled Banner V
247. ViP 16562 Estudiantina Trio: Santiago Waltz//William H. Reitz: The Turkish Patrol E--
248. Ge 4537 [Can] Sybil Sanderson Fagan, whi: The Little Whistler//The Boy And The Bird V++
249. CoSy A-2716 Amparito Farrar: When Johnny Comes Marching Home//Madelon LT SCRS, LT GR E-
250. CoGB A-2040 Marguerite Farrell: If I Knock The "L" Out Of Kelly//Irving Kaufman: The Greatest Battle Song Of All E--
251. CoNR 55 tk 3 Edward M. Favor: In The House Of Too Much Trouble Take 3 not listed by Sutton or DAHR V+
252. Br 2079 Carl Fenton's Orc w/Rudy Wiedoeft, sax s2: Honolulu Eyes//Bright Eyes V++
253. CoGB A-1754 Arthur Fields: The Little Ford Rambled Right Along//Collins & Harlan: Si's Been Drinking Cider V++
254. CoGB A-2688 Arthur Fields: Your Boy Is On The Coal Pile Now//Irving Kaufman: Look What My Boy Got In France GR, SM LTRS E--
255. ViW 18510 Arthur Fields: Good Morning, Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip!//Billy Murray: When Tony Goes Over The Top V++
256. ViW 18604 Arthur Fields: And That Ain't All//Billy Murray: I've Got My Captain Working For Me Now LSCFS E-
257. CoGB A-2592 Fife, Drum & Bugle Corps: On To Victory March, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
258. Ok 40148 Finzel's Arcadia Orc of Detroit: Lots O' Mama//Mandalay V++
259. CoGB A-2803 Fisk Univ Male Qrt: Steal Away To Jesus//Little David Play On Your Harp Fresno dsol s2 LT SCRS, GR E-
260. ViW 17472 Florentine Qrt: Narcissus//Neopolitan Trio: La Serenata BLS S2 E-
261. ViP 16695 Lois Fox: Honey Love Me All The Time//That Girl Qrt: Silver Bell V+
262. Br 2279 Fredric Fradkin, vln: Kiss Me Again//Roses Of Picardy CBI, SCFS E--
263. ViW 4643 Carlos Francisco: Serenata (Schubert) E
264. Ge 4521 Harry Frankel: Bring Back Those Wonderful Days//How Are You Going To Wet Your Whistle EC NTG, LTR S2 V++
265. ViP 16434 P. Frosini, acc: Amoureusse Waltz//Mosè Tapiero: Swiss Shepherd E--/V++
266. CoGB A-2722 Earl Fuller's Rector Novelty Orc: Mummy Mine//Egyptland GR E-
267. ViW 18394 Earl Fuller's Famous Jazz Band: Coon Band Contest//Li'l' Liza Jane LT SGS S2 V++
268. CoGB A-3445 Furman & Nash: Ma//Oh! They're Such Nice People V++
269. ViW 18941 Gallagher & Shean: Positively Mr. Gallagher?//Absolutely Mr. Shean! MB 15 E-
270. ViW 19404 Jan Garber's Orc: I Never Care About Tomorrow//I Want To Be Happy V++
271. Eagle 14284 Garde Republicaine Band: The Regiment In March L&C press SEP CTL V
272. ViW 17871 Samuel Gardner, vln: Last Rose Of Summer//Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms E-
273. CoC 696 tk 7 George J. Gaskin: Little Alabama Coon Take 7 listed as "unknown" in Sutton/DAHR MB 15 V++
274. Leeds 4113 George J. Gaskin: Hurrah For A Holiday Gold foil lbl HV NR RPTS V
275. Leeds 4305 Louis Gaudard, oboe: The Shepherd Green foil lbl V
276. CoF 62-D Georgians: Dancin' Dan//Lovey Came Back LNR S1 V++
277. Favorite 1-10315/318 Guido Gialdini, whi: Alexander Two Step//Temptation Rag LTRS S1 V
278. ViW 16757 Guido Gialdini, whi: Joys Of Spring//Albert Müller, xyl: Carnival Of Venice SM HV SCR S2 TOK E--
279. ViW 18083 Guido Gialdini, whi: Tout Passe Waltz//Frank Haffort, whi: The Mocking Bird E
280. PatA 021043 Nathan Glantz' Orc: Chick-A-Dee//Casino Dance Orc: I'd Rather Fox Trot Than Waltz SCR S2, LSCRS E--
281. Em 10291 Billy Golden: Mocking Bird//Cal Stewart & Company: Uncle Josh's Birthday SCFS V++
282. ViP 16547 Golden & Hughes: The Liars, or My Uncle's Farm//Charley Case: How Mother Made The Soup V++
283. ViW 18019 Charles Gorst Orc w/bird calls: Spring Song//The Robin's Return MN LT SCRS S2 E
284. ViTM 2165 George Graham: Woman V
285. ZonPZ C-5515 [9"] George Graham: The Unlucky Man A bit noisy LT RS V+
286. ViW 19036 Great White Way Orc: Caroline//Troubadors: The Man In The Moon V++/E--
287. ViW 19125 Great White Way Orc: Oh Susannah//Troubadors: Southern Melodies V++
288. ViGP 5478 Signor Grinderino, street pno: Harrigan Medley E--
289. ViW 45258 Edgar A. Guest: Ma And The Auto//It Couldn't Be Done & Wait Till Your Pa Comes Home E--
290. CoSy 80673 Charles Hackett: I Shall Know No grain! VSM SCF E+
291. ViW 18083 Frank Haffort, whi: The Mocking Bird//Guido Gialdini: Tout Passe Waltz E-
292. CoSR 282 [shg] Hager's Orc: Whoa! Bill US SKPS 1G V+
293. ViW 19171 Wendell Hall: It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo'//Red Headed Music Maker E--
294. ViW 18222 Edward Hamilton: Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag And Smile, Smile, Smile!//Alice Green: Home Again E--
295. VoA 14000 Ernest Hare: You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet//Billy Murray: Come On And Play Wiz Me My Sweetheart Baby E--
296. VoA 14109 Ernest Hare: Kentucky//Avalon E-
297. Ge 4505 Byron G. Harlan: How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm//Arthur Collins:
Oh! Death Where Is Thy Sting PEF NTPG V++
298. Br 2539 Marion Harris: Nashville Nightingale//Before You Go V++
299. ViW 18343 Marion Harris: Some Sweet Day//They Go Wild, Simply Wild, Over Me MB 15 LT SCR, LN LT NR S1 E-
300. ViW 18509 Marion Harris: After You've Gone//Henry Burr: I'm Glad I Can Make You Cry NRS E--

301. ViW 18593 Marion Harris: Take Me To That Land Of Jazz//Murray & Smalle: I Ain't 'En Got 'En No Time To Have The Blues V++
302. CoGB A-2357 Charles Harrison w/the Columbia Stellar Qrt: Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, The Boys Are Marching//The Battle Cry Of Freedom E--
303. CoGB A-2631 Charles Harrison: The Fields O' Ballyclare//My Irish Song Of Songs GR, LT LSCRS E-
304. ViP 17321 Charles Harrison: A Dream//I Hear You Calling Me E--
305. ViW 17412 Charles Harrison: Peg O' My Heart//Arthur Clough: When I Dream Of Old Erin LT SCRS S1 E
306. CoMN A-1831 Harrison & Reed: My Sweet Adair//Stuart & Burton: That's The Song Of Songs For Me SOL S2 V++
307. ViW 18455 Charles Hart: The Last Long Mile//Billy Murray: K-K-K-Katy E--
308. ViP 17288 Sue Harvard: My Laddie//Alan Turner: Forever And Forever E-
309. ViGP 87 Haydn Qrt: The Owl And The Pussy Cat Noisy V
310. ViTM 2677 Haydn Qrt: Sweet Little Rosey Posey Medley Noisy MN BLSS V--
311. ViLMJ 3183 Haydn Qrt: Old Black Joe Plays fair 1" CR, LG HV RAS V
312. ViGP 4246 Haydn Qrt: God Be With You Till We Meet Again V+
313. ViW 16105 Haydn Qrt: Bring Back My Bonnie To Me//Owl And The Pussycat SM CR NTG, LSCR S2 E-
314. CoMN A-1863 Joe Hayman: Cohen Telephones The Health Department//Prince's Orc: Serenade E--
315. CoMN A-1885 Joe Hayman: Cohen Telephones From Brighton//Prince's Orc: Serenade LN NR S2, LT RAS E-
316. ViP 17360 Heidelberg Qnt w/Will Oakland: Ragtime Regiment Band//Floatin' Down The River On The Alabam' V++
317. ViW 17599 Heidelberg Qnt & Will Oakland: Across The Rio Grande//They're On Their Way To Mexico HV SCR S2 E--
318. ViTM 1674 Alex Heindl, vlc: Hungarian Rhapsody V+
319. ViLMJ 3031 Alex Heindl, vlc: Cavalleria Rusticana-Intermezzo MB 15 LSCFS V+
320. HMV 2-3051 Ruby Helder, lady tenor: Courage (Heuvel) MN LT SCRS E--
321. ViTM 2396 Edith Helena: Ah! non giunge (Bellini) FLBL V++
322. ViGP 5663 Edith Helena, vln imitation: Cavalleria Rusticana-Intermezzo RS, SM LTR V+
323. ViP 16192 Edith Helena: Manon-Laughing song//Samson and Delilah-My heart at thy sweet voice LNR S2 E-
324. ViP 60051 Victor Herbert's Orc: Melody in F (Rubenstein) E-
325. CoGB A-3334 Art Hickman's Orc: Missy//Darling GR E-
326. ViP 16321 Harvey Hindermeyer: Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares//Edward Hamilton: If I Had A Thousand Lives To Live SCFS E-
327. ViW 45073 Taylor Holmes: I Couldn't Distinguish The Words//If I Could Be By Her E--
328. ViW 19154 Eddie Hunter: Complainin'//I Got SCFS, SCRS S2 E--
329. Ge 5093 Harry A. James: Is Marriage A Failure//When Knighthood Blooms V+
330. CoGB A-2843 Lewis James: Now I Know//Campbell & Burr: All I Have Are Sunny Weather Friends GR, LT PMKS E-
331. CoGB A-2576 Jazarimba Orc: Goulash//Jazzie Addie GR V++
332. CoMN A-385 Joseph Jefferson: Scene in the Mountains, from "Rip Van Winkle"//Columbia Qrt:
You're The Flower Of My Heart, Sweet Adeline Jefferson adapted Washington Irving's story
for this stage play & performed as Rip for decades MB 25 E-
333. ViGP 584 George W. Johnson: The Laughing Coon MB 15 V+
334. CoGB A-2884 Al Jolson: Swanee//Frank Crumit: My Gal Fresno dsol MB 25 SM BLS, LT GR E
335. ViW 17915 Al Jolson: Asleep In The Deep//Nat Wills: A New Cure For Drinking SCRS S2 E--
336. CoGP 3473 tk 3 Ada Jones: It's All Right In The Summer-Time, or The Artist's Model MB 15 SM HV SCR V++
337. CoGP 3604 tk 3 Ada Jones: Poor John MB 15 V++
338. ViGP 5473 Ada Jones: I Want To Be A Merry Merry Widow MB 25 LT SCFS E
339. ViP 16896 Ada Jones: It's Got To Be Someone I Love//American Qrt: In The Land Of Harmony 1" CR E--
340. CoGP 3325 tk 3 Jones & Spencer: Fritz And Louisa LT IC V++
341. CoGP 3729 Jones & Murray: I Could Learn To Love You When You Smile, Smile, Smile GR E--
342. ViGP 4363 Jones & Spencer: Pals LN LNR V++
343. ViGP 5456 Jones & Murray: Cat Duet Bidder Request Show MB 15 SCFS E--
344. ViP 16284 Jones & Spencer: You've Got To Love 'Em A Lot//Eddie Morton:
Just A Friend Of The Family MB 15 LT SCR, LNR E-
345. ViW 18224 Jones & Murray: What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For?//American Qrt: If You Ever Get Lonely V++
346. Br 2425 Billy Jones: I Love Me//Jones & Hare: Barney Google E--
347. ViGP 2633 Richard Jose: Abide With Me E--
348. Rx 2342 Jack Kaufman: No Girl Is Perfect//Ryan & Mary: She's Got "It" V++
349. ViW 45061 Charles Kellogg (The Nature Singer): Humoresque (Dvorák)//Amoureuse Valse (Berger) LT LSCR E-
350. ViTM 639 Kendle's 1st Regt Band: Mendelssohn's Wedding March V+
351. ViP 16088 Keneke & Lyons, cnt & flt: Titl's Serenade//Herbert C. Clarke, cnt: Carnival Of Venice LNRS E--
352. Winner 2896 Stanley Kirkby: Somewhere In France, Dear Mother//My Heart Is In The Trenches dsol V+
353. ViP 17157 Olive Kline: Creole Cradle Song//Vernon Archibald: Thou Art Unto A Lovely Flower E-
354. CoGB A-2151 Knickerbocker Orc: Yaddie Kaddie Kiddie Kaddie Koo//Empire Trio: 'Twas Only An Irishman's Dream GR E-
355. CoMN A-1888 Howard Kopp, xyl: Little Beauty Mazurka//Intermezzo Russe dsol E--
356. Br 2667 Bennie Krueger's Orc: Pleasure Mad//Billy Jones, vc: Charley, My Boy LN NRS, GR, FW BLSS E-
357. ZonPZ 111 Bohumir Kryl, cnt: Sing Smile Slumber LG ND V++
358. ViW 60000 Harry Lauder: I've Something In The Bottle For The Morning First record in the 60000 series LT SCRS, LT SCFS E-
359. ViW 60001 Harry Lauder: I Love A Lassie E
360. ViP 60021 Harry Lauder: Jean MacNeill V++
361. ViTM 1129 Silas Leachman: Quit That Tickling Me Plays very well! MB 15 V
362. CoMN C-2691 Charles Leggett, cnt: Asthore//Alexander Prince, concertina: Toda Pasa SM HV SCR V++
363. ViLMV 1062 Jules Levy, cnt: Medley of National Airs Plays ok MB 15 V-
364. ViTM 2105 Jules Levy, cnt: Killarney Great V+ w/even wear & super clean lbls! MB 25 V+
365. CoGB A-2945 Ted Lewis' Jazz Band: Number One//Morrison's Jazz Band: I Know Why HV GR E--
366. ViTM 2462 Marshall Lufsky, pic: Kinloch O' Kinloch V+
367. ViP 60060 Christie MacDonald & Reinald Werrenrath: Two Little Love Bees LSCR V++
368. ViMLJ 3080 Harry MacDonough: For Freedom And Ireland Plays ok MB 15 V
369. ViP 17000 Harry Macdonough: Down By The Old Mill Stream//Billy Murray w/the American Qrt: Oh That Navajo Rag V+
370. CoSy 79454 Tandy Mackenzie: I Hear You Calling Me GR E-
371. CoMN A-251 Male Qrt: Funeral Service Over President McKinley//H. Kronold, vlc:
Tannhauser-To the evening star MB 15 V++
372. ViW 19183 Manhattan Merrymakers: Bonnie//Benson Orc of Chicago: March Of The Mannikins E-
373. CoGB A-2489 Marconi Brothers, acc trio: Over There//It's A Long Way To Berlin LT SCRS E--
374. CoGB A-3435 Howard Marsh: Molly Brannigan//The Ould Plaid Shawl E-
375. ViW 45179 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: Pickaninny Sleep-Song//Damon LT SCRS E
376. ViP 60012 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: My Hero, from "A Chocolate Soldier" SCRS E--
377. ViP 60031 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: Italian Street Song, from "Naughty Marietta" E
378. PatA 027519 Margarethe Matzenauer: Home, Sweet Home//In The Sweet Bye And Bye SM SCR S1, PEF NTG E
379. ViTM 2904 Frank Mazziotta, pic: Heidelberg Medley V+
380. ViW 19506 Mrs Guy Stewart McCabe: Does A Small Boy Like Cake?//George Washington's Hatchet SCFS S1 E-
381. ViW 64117 John McCormack: The Minstrel Boy E

382. 18268 McKee Trio: Serenade Badine//Serenade Coquette FW SCRS, LT GR E
383. ViW 18755 Margaret McKee, whi: Invitation Waltz//Salut D'Amour E--
384. CoGB A-3519 Ray Miller's Black & White Melody Boys: The Sheik//Weep No More From Albert Von Tilzer estate LT GR E-
385. ViP 16407 Morgan & Macdonough: Il Trovatore-Home to our mountains//Alan Turner:
The Heart Bowed Down, from "The Bohemian Girl" LG LT SCF S1 E-
386. VoW 14234 Maria Dawson Morrell, vln: Gypsy Serenade//To A Wild Rose VLT SCRS E
387. ViP 17048 Elida Morris: Play Me A Good Old Fashioned Melody//Trolley Car Swing MB 15 V++
388. ViW 17973 Joseph Moskowitz, cembalom: Hungarian Czardas//Hungarian Dance #5 (Brahms) SCRS, LST E-
389. G&T Blk GC-217 Municipal Military Band: Jolly Brothers Waltz LT 1" CR V++
390. CoMN A-902 Emilio Murillo, pno: Leonor//High Life E--
391. CoC 1649 Billy Murray: General Hardtack On Guard MB 15 V+
392. CoGP 3544 Billy Murray: The Streets Of New York Dealer ink stamp on rev V
393. CoGB A-2727 Billy Murray: Heart Breaking Baby Doll//Arthur Fields: Frenchy Come To Yankee Land MB 15 LT GR E
394. Leeds 4107 Billy Murray: Your Dad Gave His Life For His Country Gold foil lbl; plays fair V-
395. Manhattan 1647 Billy Murray: It Takes The Irish To Beat The Dutch Manhattan paste-over LTR, REV LCS E--
396. ViGP 2639 Billy Murray: Under The Anheuser Bush V+
397. ViGP 4508 Billy Murray: Put Me In My Little Cell Plays ok V
398. ViGP 5195 Billy Murray: I Think I Oughtn't Auto Any More MB 15 V++
399. ViGP 5196 Billy Murray: In The Land Of The Buffalo Plays ok LTR V
400. ViGP 5216 Billy Murray & the Haydn Qrt: Take Me Where There's A Big Brass Band MB 15 RS NTPG, LN LNR E--
401. ViP 5732 Billy Murray & the Haydn Qrt: Take Me Out For A Joy Ride Plays well V
402. ViW 16102 Billy Murray: Cheyenne//Jones & Spencer: Peaches And Cream LNR, LSPTS E--
403. ViW 16851 Billy Murray: That's Why I Never Married//Jones & Porter: The Piano Tuner BLS S2 E--
404. ViP 17119 Billy Murray & Vaudeville Qrt: Lucia Sextette Burlesque//Al Jolson: That Lovin' Traumerei MB 15 EC NTPG S2 E--
405. ViW 17715 Billy Murray: Ragtime Temple Bells//Raymond Dixon: Goodbye Girls, I'm Through MB 15 SM SCRS E-
406. ViW 18433 Billy Murray: The Further It Is From Tipperary//Spencer & Burr:
I'm Going To Follow The Boys MB 15 SM NR, SM WMK S1 E-
407. ViW 18652 Billy Murray: That's Worth Waiting For//I'll See You In C-U-B-A E--
408. ViW 18810 Billy Murray: In The Old Town Hall//Murray & Smalle: Humpty Dumpty E--
409. ZonPP 5717 Billy Murray: That's Why I Never Married//Gee But It's Great To Meet A Friend From Your Home Town Bit noisy V
410. ViW 18918 Murray & Smalle: A Sleepy Little Village//Kicky-Koo, Kicky-Koo E-
411. ViW 19490 Murray & Smalle: Oh You Can't Fool An Old Hoss Fly//How Do You Do V++
412. ViEDM 1234 J.W. Myers: Bashful Betsy Brown Plays ok MB 15 V
413. ViW 17134 Neopolitan Trio: Serenata//Clement Barone, pic: Chant Du Rossignol E
414. CoGB A-2481 George H. O'Connor: Everybody's Crazy 'Bout The Doggone Blues But I'm Happy//I Ain't Got Nobody GR E-
415. ViW 18451 Geoffrey O'Hara: A Soldier's Day//Parodies of the Camp E
416. VoA 24001 Colin O'More: The Bard Of Armagh//Norah O'Neal E--
417. VoW 24023 Colin O'More: Bells Of Shandon//In The Wee Little Home I Love E+
418. VoW 24035 Colin O'More: Mary Of Argyle//The Old Refrain LT SCRS E
419. CoGB A-1308 Chauncey Olcott: My Wild Irish Rose (Olcott)//I Used To Believe In Fairies MB 15 E--
420. CoMN A-1337 Chauncey Olcott: My Beautiful Irish Maid//Mother Machree V++
421. ViGP 4599 Olden Time Minstrels: Record G - Get Happy - Darky Shout Plays well V-
422. ViW 19457 George Olsen's Music: Beale Street Blues//International Novelty Orc w/Ed Smalle & Vernon Dalhart, vcs:
Boll Weevil Blues Oakland pressing MN LSCRS V++
423. ViW 19049 Original Pennsylvania Serenaders: You Tell Her-I Stutter//Collegians: That Red Head Gal E
424. Br 2580 Oriole Orc: Where The Lazy Dasies Grow//Don't Mind The Rain SCR S2 E--
425. Br 2752 Oriole Orc: Copenhagen//My Rose Marie SCRS E-
426. Co-Rena 1366 Vess L. Ossman, bjo: Sunflower Dance//Moose March V++
427. ViGP 1291 Vess L. Ossman, bjo: Creole Belles MB 15 V+
428. ViP 17417 Vess L. Ossman, bjo: Old Folks At Home//Michele Rinaldi: Cradle Song SCFS E--
429. ViW 18967 Isabelle Patricola: All For The Love Of Mike//Hot Lips MB 15 FW SCRS, LNR S2 E-
430. CoMN A-1847 Peerless Qrt: Bounce Me John, I've Rubber Heels On//Dan Quinn: Beatrice Fairfax, Tell Me What To Do V++
431. CoGB A-2626 Peerless Qrt: The Battle In The Air//The Submarine Attack Somewhere At Sea V++
432. ViW 17514 Peerless Qrt: At The Bully Wooly Wild West Show//Peerless Qrt w/Ada Jones: Pussy Cat Rag V++
433. ViW 18469 Peerless Qrt: I May Stay Away A Little Longer//Just Like Washington Crossed The Delaware E--
434. ViW 18540 Peerless Qrt: By The Campfire//Hart & Shaw: I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles E+
435. VoW 14401 Claire Lillian Peteler: Coming Home//Nannette Flack: Lullaby FW SCRS E+
436. ViW 17876 Master William Pickels, boy soprano of Trinity Church, Pittsburgh: Love In Springtime//Boheme-Musetta Waltz Bidder Request Show E--
437. Ge 5305 Porter's Blue Devils w/Jack Kaufman, vc s2: I'm Sittin Pretty In A Pretty Little City//
When It's Night Time In Italy It's Wednesday Over Here V+
438. CoMN A-912 Prince's Orc: Honeysuckle - Intermezzo (Von Tilzer)//Narcissus From Albert Von Tilzer estate MB 25 E-
439. CoGB A-1738 Prince's Orc: Spring Blossoms//The Birds And The Brook LT GR E-
440. CoGB A-2552 Prince's Band: 'A Frangesa//French National Defile LT GR, SM LTRS E-
441. ViGP 2472 Arthur Pryor, tb w/Sousa's Band: Stabat Mater-Cujus animam V+
442. ViTM 2652 Pryor's Orc: The Gondolier-Intermezzo LT SGS V++
443. ViGP 2774 Pryor's Band: William Tell Overture, Pt 1, At Dawn GR, FW BLSS E-
444. ViGP 2775 Pryor's Band: William Tell Overture, Pt 2, The Storm E--
445. ViGP 2776 Pryor's Band: William Tell Overture, Pt 3, The Calm E--
446. ViTM 2777 Pryor's Band: William Tell Overture, Pt 4, Finale V++
447. Use this number to bid on Lots 443-446 as a set MB 25 -
448. ViGP 2895 Pryor's Dance Orc: Vice Admiral Quadrille - 2nd Figure Pryor uncredited on lbl V++
449. ViEDM 3425 Arthur Pryor, tb: In The Shade Of The Palm, from "Floradora" Plays ok V-
450. ViP 4357 Arthur Pryor, tb: The Holy City E--
451. ViGP 4582 Arthur Pryor, tb: Dearie E--
452. ViGP 5309 Arthur Pryor, tb: Love Me And The World Is Mine MB 15 LT GR E-
453. ViP 5685 Pryor's Band: Amina V++
454. ViP 5802 Pryor's Band: Grizzly Bear E--
455. ViP 16000 Pryor's Band: Strains From Stern's//Centennial March 1st issue in the famed 16000 series! MB 25 E--
456. ViP 16537 Pryor's Band: Tannhauser-Pilgrim's Chorus//La Scala Cho: Lohengrin-Coro delle nozze EF NTPG S2, LT LNR S2 E-
457. ViTM 1466 tk 2 Dan W. Quinn: Mister Dooley Plays fair HV SG RPTS V-
458. VoW 14280 Patrolman Frank Quinn, acc: The Cherry Blossom//The Swallow's Tail MB 15 E--
459. ViGP 5480 Howard Rattay, vln: Serenade (Moszkowski) SCRS, LN LNR E--
460. ARCo 031283 Regt Band of the Republic: Lustspiel Overture V++
461. ViW 64161 Reich Aviary: Song of a Nightingale E
462. ViW 18460 William J. "Sailor" Reilly: What'll We Do With Him Boys?//Any Old Place The Gang Goes E--

463. ViW 17015 William H. Reitz, xyl: Southern Melodies//Guido Gialdini, whi: Fascination Waltz E-
464. Apex 4367 John Riley: Clancy Takes The Census//Casey As Judge FW HV SCR AREAS E--
465. ViW 17216 Michele Rinaldi, cnt w/Vessella's Italian Band: Samson and Delilah-My heart at thy sweet voice//Victor Brass Qrt:
Farewell To The Forest & Spring Song SCR S1, BBL S2, LT LSCRS S1 E-
466. ViP 17272 Michele Rinaldi, cnt w/Vessella's Italian Band: Traumerei//Victor Brass Qrt: On The Sea E--
467. ViTM 2691 Bob Roberts: Wouldn't It Make You Hungry Plays ok V-
468. Br 2474 Gene Rodemich's Orc: Oh! Sister! Ain't That Hot!//On The Isle Of Wicki Wacki Woo SM LTRS V++
469. CoSy A-3312 Margaret Romaine w/Stellar Qrt: In The Evening By The Moonlight//Little Bunch O' Honeyness V++
470. CoGB A-2820 Adele Rowland: Granny//Van & Schenck: Open Up The Golden Gates To Dixieland GR E--
471. ViTM 2528 Royal Marine Band of Italy w/Emilio Protevi, tb: Carmen-Habanera V++
472. ViP 5702 Josie Sadler: He Falls For The Ladies Every Time FLBL V++
473. ViP 60034 Ada Sassoli, harp: Menuett (Hassleman) SCRS E-
474. CoGB A-2902 Patrick Scanlon, acc: Swallow Tail & Green Fields Of America//Liverpool & O'Neil's Favorite GR E--
475. CoGB A-3382 Blossom Seeley: Funeral Blues//Al Jolson: Scandinavia E--
476. CoGB A-3731 Blossom Seeley: 'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans//Mississippi Choo Choo MB 25 E-
477. VoW 14591 Selvin's Orc: Barney Google//Emil Coleman's Montmartre Orc: Stella FMG S2 E--
478. ViW 19544 Seven Musical Magpies: Calliope Song//Laughing Song ULCS, LNR S1 E--
479. ViW 18428 Shannon Four: There's A Vacant Chair In Every Home To-Night//Charles Hart: The Dream Of A Soldier Boy E--
480. ViTM 2992 Burt Shepard: The Plumber Plays ok V
481. ViGP 4991 Burt Shepard: What A Mouth! MB 15 V++
482. ViP 16108 Burt Shepard: A Talk On Trousers//The Boy And The Cheese LNR E--
483. VoA 14114 Monroe Silver: Cohen At The Telephone//Cohen, The Politician E--
484. ViW 17799 Six Brown Brothers: Chicken Reel Comedy Medley//Van Eps Trio: I Wonder What Will William Tell VLT RS S1 E
485. ViW 18531 Joseph C. Smith's Orc: Mammy's Lullaby//Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight V++
486. ViTM 316 Sousa's Band: A Hot Time In The Old Town MB 15 V++
487. ViEDM 1168 tk 3 Sousa's Band: The Warblers MB 15 V+
488. ViTM 2484 Sousa's Band: A Dream Of The Ballet Plays well HDM AB V
489. ViLV 3260 tk 2 Sousa's Band: The Blue And The Gray Patrol Plays ok LT HDM V
*490. ViLMJ 3261 Sousa's Band: Zamona - Arabian Intermezzo MB 50 V++
491. ARCo 031355 Len Spencer: Arkansas Traveller MB 15 SCFS V++
492. CoC 1730 Len Spencer: Ruben Haskins' Trip 'Round The World In His Airship "Luna" Plays ok V-
493. ViTM 1383 Len Spencer: Independence Bell V+
494. CoC 1548 tk 3 Spencer & Prince: Cheyenne Joe's Cow-Boy Tavern V+
495. Excelsior X-2504 Spencer & Hunter: Auction Sale Of Musical Instruments MB 15 LTR V++
496. ViTM 2995 Spencer & Ossman: The Nigger And The Bee LAT WRP SKPS AB V
497. ViGP 5367 Spencer & Mozarto: Sim And Sam V++
498. ZonPU C-5481 Spencer & Girard: Chinese Song Noisy LTR, RS IN ANN V+
499. ARCo 031328 Stanley & Burr: On Calvary's Brow 1" CR V+
500. CoGB A-3362 Grant Stephens: Springtime//With The Coming Of Tomorrow V++
501. CoGB A-2546 Sterling Trio: I Want Him Back Again//Robert Lewis: I'm Sorry I Made You Cry GR E-
502. CoGB A-2655 Sterling Trio: A Little Birch Canoe And You//Cambell & Burr:
Light Your Little Lamp Of Love For Me WMKS S2, LWDM S2, GR E--
503. CoGB A-3333 Sterling Trio: Mother's Lullaby//Peerless Qrt: Broadway Rose LN NR S2 E--
504. Em 10253 Cal Stewart: Evening Time At Pun'kin Centre//The Wedding Of Uncle Josh And Aunt Nancy E--
505. Em 10291 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh's Birthday//Billy Golden: The Mocking Bird Plays ok BLSS V
506. ViGP 2350 Cal Stewart: Jim Lawson's Hogs LN LNR V+
507. Berliner Concert Grand 5407 [Can; shg] Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh Weathersby's Troubles In A Hotel Noisy; orange shellac Canadian pressing of
Victor 1636 w/Berliner Gram-O-Phone bp V-
508. ViP 16225 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh's Arrival In New York City LNRS V++
509. ViW 16520 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh's Second Visit To The Metropolis//Uncle Josh In A Department Store SM SCR, VLT LNRS E-
510. ViW 18793 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh Buys A Victrola//Opera At Pun'kin Centre MN SCRS E--
511. Br 2123 Strand Qrt: Peck's Bad Boy//Frieda Peycke: Annual Protest E-
512. CoMN A-1676 Herbert Stuart: Daughters Of Erin//William Thomas: The Wearing Of The Green GR E-
513. VoW 14805 Francis Sutherland & his 7th Regt Band: The World's Progress March//Baltimore Centennial March E-
514. CoGB A-2596 Wilbur C. Sweatman's Original Jazz Band: Good-Bye Alexander//Darktown Strutters' Ball V++
515. CoGB A-2818 Wilbur C. Sweatman's Original Jazz Band: Hello, Hello!//I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None Of This Jellyroll MB 15 VLT LCS NAP E-
516. CoGB A-2783 Synco Jazz Band: Breeze//Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orc w/Irving Kaufman, vc: Tell Me V+
517. CoMN E-1251 Mosé Tapiero, ocarina: Barbiere di Siviglia//Traviata MN SCRS S2 V++
518. ViP 52017 Mosé Tapiero, ocarina: Carnival Of Venice E-
519. CoSy A-1472 Maggie Teyte: When Love Is Kind//Little Grey Home In The West LT GR E
520. ViP 5827 That Girl Qrt: Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey E--
521. VoA 20002 John Charles Thomas & Lucille René: You Are Free, from "Apple Blossoms" SCF, WOL E--
522. Br 5133 Marie Tiffany: Little Alabama Coon//Such A Li'l' Fellow SCFS E-
523. ViP 5690 US Marine Band: Marsovia Waltzes V++
524. ViP 16692 Fred Van Eps, bjo: The Burglar Buck//William Reitz, xyl: Zallah - Egyptian Intermezzo HMV paste-over lbls MN SCRS E--
525. ViP 16855 Fred Van Eps, bjo: Cupid's Arrow//William Reitz: Polish Dance #1 LSCR S1 E-
526. ViW 17417 Fred Van Eps, bjo: Old Folks At Home//Michele Rinaldi, cnt: Cradle Song VLT WOL S1, LSTS S2 E
527. Br 5192 Vessella's Italian Band: Mignon Overture//Mignon Overture Pt 2 SM SCR S1 E/E-
528. ViP 16899 Vessella's Italian Band: Funiculi-Funicula//Michele Rinaldi, cnt: O Sole Mio E--
529. ViW 17909 Victor Concert Orc: Mignon Overture, Pt 1//Pt 2 FW SCFS E-
530. ViP 17006 Victor Military Band: Alexander's Ragtime Band//Slippery Place Rag LTRS V+
531. ViP 17319 Victor Military Band: Haunting Rag//Sunshine Girl Tango LG LT SCFS E--
532. ViW 18534 Victor Military Band w/Marcel Journet, vc s1: Madelon//March Francaise! HV GR AREAS E-
533. ViP 16311 Victor Minstrels: No 16 - Camp Meeting Time & L-O-V-E Spells Trouble For Me//Billy Murray: A Good Old Dollar Bill V++
534. ViP 16696 Victor Orc: Lullaby from "Jocelyn"//Melody in F (Rubenstein) V++
535. ViP 16545 Vienna Qrt: Calm As The Night//Victor Sorlin, vlc: Serenade E--
536. Ok 4330 Banjo Wallace's Orc: Madeline (Von Tilzer)//Green Bros Novelty Band: My Man
From Albert Von Tilzer estate MB 25 E--/V++
537. Ox 39329 Billy Watkins: Who Paid The Rent For Mrs. Rip Van Winkle? Co press V++
538. CoGR 590 [shg] George P. Watson, ydl: Emmet's Lullaby Plays ok; recorded very fast; VTM stamp in roa V-
539. CoMN A-1203 [siw] Weber & Fields: Race Horse Scene//Etiquette Scene V++
540. CoMN A-1219 [siw] Weber & Fields: Contract Scene//Stock Exchange Scene E--
541. ViW 45121 Reinald Werrenrath: Battle Hymn Of The Republic//Lambert Murphy: Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean LT SCRS E
542. ViW 45157 Reinald Werrenrath: The Americans Come! (An Episode in France in the Year 1918)//Lambert Murphy:
I Can Always Find A Little Sunshine In The Y.M.C.A. WOL, NR S1 E--

543. ViW 18233 Willie Weston: Rolling In His Little Rolling Chair//Billy Murray: Everything Is Going Up E--
544. CoSy A-1376 [siw] Carolina White: The Lass With The Delicate Air//At Parting E
545. CoGB A-2348 Malachy White: The Minstrel Boy//The Harp That Once Through Tara's Hall V++
546. ViW 18787 Paul Whiteman's Orc: You're The Sweetest Girl//All Star Trio: Vamping Rose V++
547. ViW 19030 Paul Whiteman's Orc: 'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans//Dearest LT LNR, LT GR E
548. Br 2015 Rudy Wiedoeft, sax: Saxophobia//All Star Trio: My Cairo Love LNR V++
549. Br 2415 Wiedoeft Ens: Narcissus//Rudy Wiedoeft, sax: Valse Vanitè SCFS, LT WOL E-
550. CoSR 65 Holly Wilder, cnt: Arbucklenian Polka The first of at least 4 artists who recorded this catalog number LN IC V-
551. CoMN A-915 Bert Williams: I'll Lend You Anything//Constantly GR, LSTS E-
552. CoGB A-1289 Bert Williams: Nobody//My Landlady GR E-
553. CoGB A-2078 Bert Williams: The Lee Family//I'm Gone Before I Go SCRS E--
554. CoGB A-2710 Bert Williams: Oh! Lawdy//Bring Back Those Wonderful Days V+
555. CoV A-2849 Bert Williams: The Moon Shines On The Moonshine//Somebody V++/E--
556. CoGB A-2877 Bert Williams: I'm Sorry I Ain't Got It You Could Have It If I Had It Blues//Checkers E--
557. CoGB A-2941 Bert Williams: Ten Little Bottles//Unlucky Blues MB 15 LT GR E
558. CoGB A-2979 Bert Williams: Save A Little Dram For Me//Lonesome Alimony Blues V+
559. ViW 64092 Evan Williams: Lead, Kindly Light VLT SCR, VSM LTR E+
560. ViP 5612 Nat M. Wills: No News, or What Killed The Dog V++
561. ViGP 5613 Nat M. Wills: Are You Sincere - Parody MB 15 V++
562. ViP 5614 Nat M. Wills: B.P.O.E. (Elk's Song) E-
563. HMV 2-3062 Flora Woodman: Oh, Tell Me Nightingale E--
564. HMV 2-3124 Flora Woodman: Shepherd Thy Demeanour Vary E--
565. VoW 14272 Yerkes' SS Flotilla Orc: Arkansas Blues//Stop! Rest Awhile MB 15 VLT SCR DNS S2 E+
566. ViW 18666 Margaret Young: Oh! By Jingo!//Billy Murray: Profiteering Blues E--
567. ZonPZ 355 Zonophone Concert Band: My Maryland March Plays well! V


The following Victor recordings are in exceptionally nice condition. A few of them are not quite gem quality, but they all came together and are in crisp, super-clean Victor sleeves;
amongst the nicest examples of sleeves from this era I have seen.
10", MB $5
568. ViW 16008 Haydn Qrt: Christ Arose//Harold Jarvis: Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere OS LT SCR, LT LST E
569. ViW 16044 Arthur Pryor's Band: Cotton Breakdown//Old Faithful March OS E-
570. ViP 16064 Herbert Goddard: Bohemian Girl-The heart bow'd down//Good Bye, Sweetheart, Good Bye (Hatton) OS SM SCFS E
571. ViW 16085 Arthur Pryor's Band: American Beauties March//Gitano Waltz OS E-
572. ViP 16194 Herbert Clarke, cnt w/Sousa's Band: Bride Of The Waves//Darius Lyons, pic: Nightingale And The Frog OS E-
573. ViW 16523 Sousa's Band: La Sorella March (Gallini)//American Patrol OS EF NTPG E--
574. ViP 16546 Charles Capper, whi: Kiss Waltz//Herbert Clarke & Emil Keneke: See The Pale Moon OS CBI S2 E-
575. ViW 16677 US Marine Band: Salute To Mexico March//German Calvary Band: Parade Post & Kaiser Friedrich March OS E
576. ViP 16919 Arthur Pryor's Band: Prince Of Pilsen - Heidelberg//Robin Hood Medley OS SM LT WOL E
577. ViP 16993 Arthur Pryor's Band: Mascotte Selections//Sousa's Band: Olivette Selections OS E
578. ViW 17227 Arthur Pryor's Band: In Lover's Lane//Victor Orc: Glow Worm Intermezzo OS ULC E--
579. ViW 17311 Victor Concert Orc: Cavalleria Rusticana - Intermezzo//Tales of Hoffman - Barcarolle OS LT SCRS E-
580. ViW 17364 Neapolitan Trio: Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming//Thou'rt Like Unto A Lovely Flower OS E-
581. ViP 17368 Victor Military Band: Military Escort March//On The Wing Galop OS E--
582. ViW 17475 Harry McClaskey: Somewhere A Voice Is Calling//Baker & Wheeler: The Maiden In Grey OS E
583. ViW 17520 Victor Military Band: Leg Of Mutton//Some Smoke OS LT LNR E
584. ViW 17524 Victor Military Band: Admiration Waltz//Machaquito - Toreador One Step OS E
585. ViW 17526 Victor Military Band: Brazilian Dreams Tango//Irresistable Tango OS LT LSTS E
586. ViW 17577 US Marine Band: German Fidelity March//National Emblem March OS E-
587. ViW 17602 Campbell & Burr: On The Shores Of Italy//Heidelberg Qnt: Harmony Bay OS E
588. ViW 17648 Conway's Band: First Brigade March//Southerner March OS LSTS E-
589. ViW 17672 Victor Military Band: The Victors March//Varsity March OS E-
590. ViW 17689 Victor Concert Orc: Sylvia Ballet//Vessella's Italian Band: Le Secret OS E
591. ViW 17865 Pietro Deiro, acc: Estudiantina Waltz//Wedding Of The Winds OS LG CBI E-
592. ViW 18217 Six Brown Brothers: Rigoletto Quartet//Passion Dance Clarence M. Jones composition s2; OS E
593. ViW 18231 Ralph Bingham: Goldstein Behind The Bars//Mrs Rastus Johnson At The Wedding OS LT SCR S2 E
594. ViW 18498 US Marine Band: National Emblem March//Arthur Pryor's Band: Lights Out March OS E-
595. ViP 60040 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: Beautiful Lady, from "The Pink Lady" OS E
596. ViW 63813 Nebe Qrt: Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht//Ehre Sei Gott In Der Höhe! OS HV CBI S2 E
597. ViW 64257 John McCormack: The Rosary (Nevin) OS E
598. ViW 64260 John McCormack: Silver Threads Among The Gold OS ULC E
599. ViW 64405 John McCormack: Somewhere A Voice Is Calling OS E-
600. ViW 64566 Alma Gluck: Nightingale Song (Zeller) OS E-
601. ViW 64633 Sophie Braslau: I Love You Truly OS LT SCR, BBL E
602. ViW 64641 Mabel Garrison: The Bohemian Girl-I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls OS E-
603. ViW 67326 Banda Rodriguez: Caridad//Adiós OS LT SCRS E-
604. ViW 67349 Banda Rodriguez: Alejandra//Adela OS E--
605. ViW 67395 Banda Rodriguez: Lindas Poblanas//Hortencia Vals OS E--
606. ViW 87182 Alma Gluck & Paul Reimers: You Live In My Heart OS E+
607. ViW 87198 Gluck & Homer: Rock Of Ages OS CBI, LT SCR E-
608. ViW 87200 Gluck & Homer: Jesus, Lover Of My Soul OS E
609. ViW 87237 Alma Gluck w/Efrem Zimbalist, vln: The Rosary (Nevin) OS E-


10" US labels, MB $3
610. Ajax 17098 [Can] Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Where The Dreamy Wabash Flows//Six Black Diamonds: Hard Heart Hannah
Pressed in Canada for sale in the US MB 15 LT LNR S2 V++
611. Apollo (2-blk) 5000 Tremont Dance Orc: Cherie//Apollo Dance Orc: My Man Rare lbl, great example MB 25 V+
612. Banner (1) L-4927 Descriptive: Closing Time In The Country Grocery L&C press V++
613. Bell (1-III.blk) 504 Johnnie Johnson's Club Mirador Orc: Hoosier Sweetheart//Lanin's Melody Orc: Nesting Time MB 15 LT SCFS E
614. Bell (1-I.red) S-50 Henry Burr & Peerless Qrt: Adeste Fideles//Mme Del Sarto: Agnus Dei (Mozart) V++

*615. Black Swan (II.buff) 2026 Fletcher Henderson, pno: Unknown Blues//James P. Johnson, pno: The Harlem Strut
Johnson's 1st issued solo piano recording MB 150 LT SCRS, VSM LSCFS S2 E-

616. Black Swan (III.blk) 2046 Harrod's Jubilee Singers: Rise And Shine//Way Over Jordan Very nice lbl MB 50 EF NTPG V++
617. Black Swan (III.red) 2124 A.E. Greenlaw: His Eye Is On The Sparrow//Open The Gates Of The Temple MB 25 SFS V++
618. Black Swan (III.blk) 14134 Etta Mooney: Cootie For Your Tootie//Harmony Blues MB 50 V+
619. Broadway (II.B.bl) 1028 Newport Society Orc w/Irving Kaufman, vc: Cherie I Love You//Sam Lanin's Orc w/IK, vc:
I'm Walking Around In Circles Great labels! SCFS E--
620. Cardinal (II) 515 First National Jazz Boys: On The Alamo//Old Fashioned Girl V++
*621. Carnival 11428 Irving Post & the Carolinians: Follow The Swallow//Put Away A Little Ray Of Sunshine SM HV SCRS E--
622. Clarion (1-II) 1597 Band: Anona Co press V++
623. Claxtonola (B) 40337 Claxtonola Orc: Oriental Love Dream//Maytime SCFS, FW SCRS E--
*624. Clover 1756 Ace Palmer's Orc: Don't Take That Black Bottom Away//Bristol's White City Orc: Paradise Of Jazz MB 15 E/E--
*625. Concert (3) 1006 Concert Jazz Orc: You'd Be Surprised//All Star Trio: Beale Street Blues
Nice lbl w/"Jan 1921 Philip B. Lewis" rubber stamp MB 15 SCRS S2 V++
626. Dandy (A) 5068 Georgia Melody Makers: Rabbit Hop//Carter & his Orc: Yes Sir, That's My Baby Good labels LT ULCS S2 E--
*627. Davega 5001 Handy's Memphis Blues Band: Muscle Shoals Blues//Golden Gate Orc:
Little Grey Sweetheart Of Mine MB 15 MN SCRS, LT LNR S2 E--
628. EdNT 11049 tk A/C Campus Cut-Ups: Farewell Blues//Wabash Blues MB 100 ½" EC NTG E
629. EdNT 14051 Jack Stillman's Orc w/Walter Scanlan, vc: Pagan Love Song//Theme Song Waltzettes MB 75 LT SCFS E-
630. EdNT 14053 New Yorkers: Here We Are//The Wedding Of The Painted Doll MB 50 SCFS E--/E-
631. EdNT 14060 Edison All-Star Ensemble: Gems from "On With the Show," Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 100 E--
632. Electradisk 1925 Peter De Rose Orc: My River Home//Singhi Breen & PDR, vcs: A Boy And A Girl Were Dancing MB 15 V++/V+
633. Everybodys 1061 Moonlight Merrymakers: Dinah//Summer Nights GR E--
634. Famous (1) 3142 Spechts Society Orc: Hot Lips//You Can Have Him I Don't Want Him Nice labels! E--
635. Gennett (III.blk) 6182 George Osborn's Orc: By The Waters Of The Minnetonka//Hymn To The Sun MB 15 E--
636. Gennett (II.B.gr) 10083 Henry Moeller: All Through The Night//Silver Threads Among The Gold E--
637. Globe (1-I.B.bl) 7115 Golden Gate Orchestra: Play That 'Song Of India' Again//Globe Syncopators: Why Don't You Smile Flawless lbls FMG AREA E-/E--
638. Gospel Trumpet (II) 17 Arthur Lynn: Mother//Where Is My Boy Tonight? Ge press V+
639. Harmograph (III) 893 Wades Moulin Rouge Orc: Someday Sweetheart//Mobile Blues Lss "Moulin Rough" MB 50 SCRS, SM RTL V++
*640. Helvetia 300 Chas. Schoenenberger: Swiss Yodel Song//The Boy From Emmenthal Lss "Prize Yodler" MB 25 V++
641. Hollywood (2) H-506 Sterling Young's Orc w/Billy Mozet, vc: Who's Afraid Of Love?//Donna Lee, vc: One In A Million
Scarce ARC lbl produced for the Sam Fox Publishing Co.; good labels MB 15 V++
642. Imperial (1-I.B) 45010 Joseph Ramirez: Cavalleria Rusticana-Intermezzo L&C press; nice label MB 25 E-
643. Jewel (2-A.2) 5276 Roy Smeck, octochorda: My Ohio Home//RS, gtr & Art Kahn, pno: Itching Fingers V++
*644. Kalamazoo Record (V) 6716 Orchestra Bells: American Beauty Mazurka Co press MB 50 E--
645. La Belle (A) AL-5092 Orchestra: Midnight Fire Alarm//Band: Burning Of Rome LT LNRS S2, FW SM LBBLS V++
646. Lyratone 11402 Chic Winters' Orc: I Must Have Company//Harry Voltaire's Voice of Central Park Orc: In A Rendezvous
Rare BD&M label MB 25 V++
647. Majestic (2-C.red) 1519 Arthur Hall w/Original Georgia Five: Yes We Have No Bananas//Maggie! Yes Ma'am! Come Right Up Stairs HV NR TOK S2 V+
648. Medallion (B.3) 8211 Monroe Silver: Cohen Talks About The Ladies//Cohen On Prohibiton E--
649. Melva (red) 8002 St. Louis Jazz Orc: Canadian Capers//Sallee's Novelty Orc: Moon River Waltz MB 15 V++
650. Montgomery Ward (II.A.pur) M-6056 Paul Robeson: Were You There?//Steal Away VLT WOL E
651. Music of the Orient 7-H/G Maloof's Oriental Orc: Fateema//Bagdad LN SCR S2, HMC V+
652. New Comfort 5004 [Orchestra]: Cuban Moon//Avalon Nice lbls MB 15 EC NTPG V
*653. Nightingale Parlor Grand 789 Baritone Solo: When The Golden Sunset Fades Beyond The Hills IRC press MB 50 V+
*654. Nordskog (B.gld) 3024 Margaret Messer Morris w/Chas. Wakefield Cadman, pno: At Dawning//I, A Nightingale (both by Cadman)
Lss "Gold Seal Exclusive"; very nice labels! MB 50 BBL S2 E--
655. Olympic (B.bl) 1441 Dan Gregory's Orc: My Sweetie Went Away//Dirty Hands, Dirty Face V+
656. Olympic (A.blk) 15127 Irving Weiss' Ritz-Carlton Orc: Who Believed In You?//Say It With Music V++
657. Operaphone (IV.pur) 41108 William MacDonnell: Sleep, Baby Sleep//Marion Castello: O Sole Mio (Di Capua) SGS V
658. Paramount (II.A.Black Swan) 12100 Revella E. Hughes: Thank God For A Garden//At Dawning Lss "Formerly Number 2001" MB 15 SM LTRS V++
659. Paramount (I.B.1.bl) 30045 Samuel Gardner, vln: Souvenir (Drdla)//Edmund Thiele, vln: Serenade (Drigo) Off-center label s2 V++
660. Paramount (II.A.red) 50040 Creatore & his Band: Blue Danube Waltz//Tales of Hofman-Barcarolle SM LTR E--
661. Parlophone PNY-34021 Flamingo Melodians: Singin' In The Bathtub//Richard Hampton's Orc:
Hangin' On The Garden Gate MB 25 SM SCRS, LT SCFS E-
662. Pennington 1434 Frisco Syncopators: All Alone//Honest And Truly SCRS, SCRS S2 E--
*663. Polk P-9037 Connie's Inn Orc: Singin' The Blues//I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby MB 100 PMKS, SCFS, SCRS E--
664. Polonia 304 [Anonymous]: Dziaduniu//Przez Fale Wód V++
665. Puritan (II) 9029 Billy Murray: Freckles//Arthur Fields: Wait 'Till You Get Them Up In The Air, Boys Nice label s2 VSM LTR S1 E-/E
666. Puritan (IV.A.1) 11036 Vernon Trio: Grieving For You//Any Time, Any Day, Anywhere E-
667. Puritan (IV.C.1.red) 70023 Opera Chorus w/Orc & Bells: O Tannenbaum//Von Himmel Hoch V+
668. QRS (2-II) Q-1043 Mildred Grizzelle: Under The Spell Of The Moon//So Sympathetic
Mildred was married to Ferde Grofe from 1916-28; Bidder Request Show SCFS E--
*669. RMC 1001 Berkshire Trio: Kiss Me Again//The Old Refrain Rare lbl MB 25 SM LSCRS, SCRS V++
670. Regal (red) 9609 Rudolph Polk, vln: Roses Of Picardy//A Kiss In The Dark Clean labels SCFS, BLSS E-
671. Rich-Tone 7009 Rich-Tone Dance Orc: That Haunting Waltz//Say It With Music V++
672. Silvertone (III) 5050 Billy Golden, whi: Turkey In The Straw//The Mocking Bird FW SM LSCRS V++
673. Star Record (2-III) 25 Saxophone Solo: Morceau D'Elevation E--
674. Starck 313 Virginia Creepers: Normandy//Lenox Dance Orc: Walking The Rails Good labels LT SCRS E-
675. Starck 504 Mike Markel's Orc: Deep Henderson//Who'd Be Blue MB 15 V++
676. Strong (A.blk) 10001 Famous Rosemont Dance Orc w/Small's Melodian Men: Come My Sweetheart, We'll Drink A Glass Of Liqueur//
Last Night I Saw Marie Home MB 15 FW SCRS V++
*677. Sunrise (1) 30055 Rhythm Revelers: Stein Song//Manhattan Players: Lazy Lou'siana Moon MB 15 V+
678. Supertone (2-III.A) 32321 Jay C. Flippen & his Gang: Is She My Girl Friend?//I Told Them All About You LT WOL V++
679. Symphony (2-I) 21632 Harold Eisenberg, vln: Reverie (Wood) L&C press MB 15 V++
680. Tremont 487 Musical Comrades: Hard Hearted Hannah//Senators: Pretty As A Picture Perfect lbls V++
681. Variety (2-pur) VA-505 Paul Ash's Orc w/Roy Campbell's Royalists, vc s1: Jamboree//Tiger Rag SCFS V+
682. Vim (A) X-1570 Frank C. Stanley: Send Papa Home To-Night IRC press MB 15 LT NR, SM LTR V++
683. Wallin's Svenska Records (red) 110 Ebba Frederickson, vln: Maria - Vals//Tonerna LT LNRS S1 V+
684. World (II) 21138 Peerless Qrt: Fast Asleep In Poppyland//Henry Burr: Swannee Shore V

In the following listing, the designation BDSS refers to the five volume German Record Label Encyclopedia, Das Bilderlexikon der Deutschen Schellack-Schallplatten by Rainer
Lotz. The numbers which follow indicate the volume and page number where the label variety is pictured in full color. E78PB refers to the The English 78 Picture Book by Don
Taylor; that designation will also be followed by the page number where the variety is illustrated (in black and white). The Taylor volume is no longer in print, but the Bilderlexikon
is available from Nauck's.
I have attempted to indicate the countries where these records were produced, and where they were eventually sold. Lot 687, for instance, was produced in Germany for sale in
England. Bear in mind that any given side could have been recorded at a studio in Country A, licensed and/or distributed by a company in Country B, pressed by a manufacturer in
Country C (often Germany), and sold by a label in Country D to an ethnic group from Country E! So please understand that these comments are fairly general and may not reflect
the entire story.
 We will be doing another Nauction Highlights Reel on YouTube to show you these labels, as well as some of the other interesting items in this auction. You are welcome to
subscribe to the Nauck's Vintage Records YouTube Channel if you would like to receive automatic notifications when new videos are posted.
10" Foreign labels, MB $5
685. Amfonola 9668 [US->Eng] Fletcher Henderson's Orc: You Know Me, Alabam'//Nathan Glantz' Orc: Where Is That Old Girl Of Mine
AMFONOLA stickers pasted over US Regal labels; sticker on sd 2 poorly removed
686. New Electrobeam Angelus 3334 [Aus; pur lbl] Oriole Salon Orc: Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone//Paul's Novelty Orc:
Whistling In The Dark SCFS V++
687. Ariel Grand Rec 4483 [Ger->Eng] Ariel Dance Orc: Turn On The Heat//Sunny Side Up BDSS 1-164 MB 15 E--
688. Artiphon Rec 911/912 [Ger] Original Bayrische Bauernkapelle: Hirtenbübl Schottisch//Der Alte Peter - Ländler BDSS 1-176 V++
*689. Beeda Rec 108 [Aus] California Ramblers w/Arthur Fields, vc: I Miss My Swiss//Sam Lanin's Dance Orc w/Arthur Hall, vc: Marguerite SCRS V++
690. Eupa Beka Spezial Rec 1008/1013 [Ger Export] Salon Orc: Am Lagerfeuer//Orc: Eupa Schmetterlings - Two-Step Not pict in BDSS MB 15 V+
691. Beltona De Luxe 1607 [Eng] Bob Smith's Ideal Band: Big Reason Blues//Why Worry E78PB 18 (not pict); OS MB 15 2" SCR S2, EF NTG E-
692. Bon Marché 219 [Eng->Aus] John Porter's Harmony Troupe: In A Shady Nook By A Babbling Brook//One Summer Night E78PB 25 SM SCRS E-
693. Cameo 588 [Swe] Cameo Ork w/Herbert Welander, vc: Boogy Boogy Boo//Ragnar Wiberg, vc: Jeepers Creepers BDSS 1-341; lss
recorded & produced in Sweden; pronounced "Budgy Boo" in the song MB 15 V++
694. Champion 1403 [Fr] Orc-Jazz Hot Melodic Band w/Geo Linat, vc: My Love//Julien Porret, vc: Great Fun V
695. Citizen Rec 693 [Eng] Erco Dance Orc: Dancing Time//Three O'Clock In The Morning E78PB 45 SCR S2, SG S1 E--
696. Clifford 5289 [Aus] Rah-Rah Boys' Band: Betty Coed//All Star Collegians' Band: The Victors' March
Lss "An Electrobeam Recording" E--
697. Columbia D-4878 Zaffaroni & Poggianti: Sonnambula-D'un pensiero//Toninello & Onori: Norma-Mira Norma V++
698. Diadal Rec D-476 [Hun] Maximovits Joca Trndina Tamburaska Druzina u Zomboru: Sinoc Prodjo Ja//Vetar Piri A Zima Se Siri BDSS 1-477,
5-327; great lbl featuring a woman astride 2 horses carrying a Diadal 78 and an
outside horn machine with her outstretched arm; Akron, OH dsol MB 15 V++
699. The Duophone B-5037 [Eng] Madame Lloyd Trevor, pno: Liebestraume, No 3 (Liszt)//Valse in E Minor (Chopin) E78PB 66 MB 15 LSCRS S2 V++
*700. Velvet-VF-Face Edison Bell 1039 [Eng] Michael Zacharewitsch, vln: Barcarolle from "Tales of Hoffman"//Intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rusticana"
E78PB 232 (not pictured); green lbl MB 15 E
*701. Electron 5053 [Aus] Frank Doyle's Marigold Orc: Dancing Tambourine//Paul Cliquot's Eskimeaux: Dear On A Night Like This
Black, gold & white LNR S1, SM LST S2 V++
702. The New Embassy 8017 [Aus] Lee Earl's Songsters: Walking With Susie//Broadway Syncopators: That's You Baby
Red lbl MB 15 LT GR E-
703. Empiro Rec 2008 [It or Rus?] M. Tiarufo (Titta Ruffo): La Traviata-Di provenza il mar//Il Trovatore-Il balen del suo sorriso
BDSS 5-332; pirate lbl MB 15 RSS V++
704. Franceco 1015 [Fr] M. Capitaine: A l'Infidèle//Viard, sax; Vaissade, acc & Grigaut, pno w/René Juyn, vc:
A Santa Lucia - Tango Rigid cardboard-based disc GR E--
705. Globophon Rec 114/582 [Ger] Orchestra: Campmeeting - Cake Walk//March from "The Chaste Susan"
*706. Gracelon 4003 [Aus] Ray Perkins' Orc: Angela Mia//Jeannine I Dream Of Lilac Time V
707. Grand Pree Rec 18263 [Eng->Aus] Meyers Dance Orc: Sittin' In A Corner//Easy Melody E78PB 97 V+
708. Guardsman Rec 599 [Eng] Dale Fortie: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder//Tell Mother I'll Be There
E78PB 99; pur lbl MN HV SCRS V+
*709. Harmonium Rec H-803 [Ger->Swe] Michailow, vln: Serenade (Schubert)//Träumerei (Schumann) BDSS 2-332; Petrograd HC SCRS S2 TOK V++
710. ISI 1093 [Ger->Eng] Orchestra: That Mysterious Rag//The Detective Dance BDSS 2-499 MB 15 BLS V++
711. Il Fonodisco Italiano 1112 [It] Giuseppe Costa: La Bohème-Che gelida manina//Cavalleria Rusticana-Addio alla madre V++
712. Kismet K-708 [Aus] Charles Haddon: Coquette//Louise MB 15 SM WOLS E--
713. Levaphone L-106 [Eng] Ukelele Ike: You're So Cute//Charley, My Boy! E78PB 127; mauve & pur LBL TR S2 E--
714. Lyrophon 1860/1122 [Ger] Lyrophon Orc: Neger Und Kanarienvogel//Dixie Girl Marsch BDSS 3-203 MB 15 V++
715. Melodisc Rec 1103 [Eng] Sidney Bechet w/Humphrey Lyttelton's Band: Black And Blue//Some Of These Days
Lss "Rec in London, Nov 13, 1949" LT SCFS E
716. Metafon 15123727 [Bohemia] Pintér Imre: Két Gyöngye Volt A Falunak//Fecském, Fecksém, Édes Fecském
BDSS 3-252, 5-346 SOL S1, LTR S2 V+
717. Musola Rec 405 [Ger->Net] Musola Orc: Dixieland - Two-Step//Ballsirenen, from "Die Lustige Witwe"
BDSS 3-309; Musola phono pictured on lbl MB 15 LT FLBL S2 V++
718. Nicole Rec 5211 [Eng; ss] Chas. Leggett, cnt: The Flight Of Ages Stiff cardboard core disc MB 15 MN LT NRS E--
719. Opera-Phone 654 [Can] Van Eps Novelty Trio: No So Long Ago [sic]//Westchester Biltmore Country Club Orc w/Arthur Grant, vc:
It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' Flawless lbls MB 15 V++
720. Paramount 2522 [Aus] Western Wanderers: Hallelujah//Sometimes I'm Happy MB 15 GR E-
721. Phœnix 087 [Eng] Sam Vincent, bjo: Whipped Cream (and other delights?)//The Whitewash Man E78PB 173 NR AB TOK V++
722. Pilot Record 5693 [Ger->Eng] Haydn Instrumental Qrt: Barcarole from "The Tales of Hoffmann"//Ave Maria (Gounod)
BDSS 4-95; lss "Formerly called Polyphon Record" MB 15 E-
723. Regal Rec 3019 [Eng->Sp?] Happy Six: Now And Then//Art Hickman's Orc: Anytime, Anyday, Anywhere Perfect lbls VLT PMK E
*724. Rolf Winner Success 519 [Swe] Rolf's Cabaret Ork: Lis(z)t To The Rhapsody Rag//Jä Rnvägsstep
BDSS 5-357 (this lbl variety not pictured); private lbl MB 25 SOL S2 V
725. Nouveaux Disques Francis Salabert 1065 [Fr] Robert Marino: Si Tu M'Aimais//Je Ne Veux Que Des Fleurs Very attractive lbl E-
726. Savana 1585 [Eng] Savana Serenaders: Just A Cottage Small//Breezin' Along With The Breeze E78PB 202 SM LTR S2 E--
727. Scala Ideal Rec 7008 [Eng] Jacq. Benavénte, vln: Sonia//Scala Qrt w/JB, vln: Somewhere A Voice Is Calling E78PB 205 E-
*728. Sociedade Fabricante de Discos -Disco Simplex CB 48515/50 [Ger->Portugal] Reynaldo Varella:Fado De Peniche//D. Isabel Costa & the Coro dos Marinheiros
Portuguezes: Da Revista Peço a Palavra BDSS 4-335; nice bicycle themed lbl V+/V
729. Special Rekord 9064 [Hun] Bauernkapelle: Dachstein Ländler//Der Lachende Bass BDSS 4-358 V+
730. The New Electrophonic Starr 705 [Aus] Al Hall's Band: Song Of The Vagabonds//Only A Rose E--
731. Summit 211 [Aus] Jack Payne's Band: Day By Day//Jay Whidden's Band: I'll See You Again
Brown wax MB 15 VSM SCR S1, SM BLS E+
732. Tip Top 624 [Ger] Willy Schüller: Freischütz-Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen//Undine-Vater, Mutter BDSS 5-102 V++

*733. Usiba 1001 [Ger->Pol] F. Raymond Ork: Ich Habe Mein Herz In Heidelberg//Falja Ork: August, Wo Sind Deine Haare MB 15 V+
734. Vox 30048 [Ger] Ohio Jazz Orc: Bor Du Hemma Hos Din Mamma Eller Följer Du Med Mej?//
Ett Shinglat Hjärta, both from "Hela Stockholm" MB 25 LT SCRS E-
*735. The Winner 2156 [Eng] Wm. Ditcham, xyl: Alabama Skedaddle//Len Ward, bells: Baby's Lullaby E78PB 245 MB 15 E--
736. Worth 7001 [Aus] Southern Syncopators: Sometimes I'm Happy//Hallelujah V++


The following 10" US Pathés are in exceptionally fine condition. New collectors should be advised that these records (as well as the Edison Diamond Discs found on pages 90-96)
are vertically recorded, which means that the stylus moves up-and-down in the groove rather than from side-to-side, as is the case with most records. Because modern phono
cartridges are designed to track laterally instead of vertically, it is not possible to play vertical recordings on most turntables without rewiring the cartridge leads. However, Nauck's
sells the Esoteric Sound Re-equalizer III which not only has a vertical/lateral switch, but enables proper equalization to be set for whatever 78 you happen to be playing. This
amazing device is probably the single best investment you can make to improve the sound of your vintage records. Go to the Resource Catalog section at www.78rpm.com for
more information or to place an order. And yes, we do ship overseas!
10", MB $6
737. Pat 20246 Louise & Ferera Waikiki Orc: O Mari!//Ciribiribin E-
738. Pat 20479 Jules Levy Jr.'s Brass Qrt: Jerusalem//The Holy City SM BBL S2 E
739. Pat 20503 American Regimental Band: Gladiator March//Picadore March E-
740. Pat 20504 Virgilio Ranzato, vln (Concert Master of Toscanini's La Scala Orc): Humoresque (Dvorak)//Minuet No 13 (Mozart) E/E-
741. Pat 20538 Casino Dance Orc: Would You?//Moonlight E
742. Pat 20540 Joseph Samuels' Music Masters: Lips//Mon Homme E
743. Pat 20559 Casino Dance Orc: Crooning//Good As Gold E
744. Pat 20561 Hazay Natzy's Orc: A Baby In Love//Merry Melody Men: All By Myself E-
745. Pat 20566 Boudini Bros, accs: Carnival Of Venice//Cradle Smiles E-
746. Pat 20634 Lanin's Southern Serenaders: Shake It And Break It//Seven Black Dots: Wang Wang Blues MB 15 E-
747. Pat 20678 Warren Mitchell: Hawaiian Rainbow//Ferera & Franchini, Hawaiian gtrs: Hawaiian Eyes VLT SCRS S2 E
748. Pat 20734 Elliot Shaw: Tell Her At Midnight//Hart & Shaw: Alabamy Mammy M-
749. Pat 20765 Billy Jones: Gee! But I Hate To Go Home Alone//K-K-K-Kiss Me Again FW SM BLSS E
750. Pat 20769 Don Parker Trio: Nola//I Love Her, She Loves Me E-
751. Pat 20781 Piedmont Dance Orc: List'ning On Some Radio//'Neath The South Sea Moon E
752. Pat 20796 Charles Harrison: Mary, Dear//Crescent Trio: My Cradle Melody E+
753. Pat 20798 James & Shaw: Old Kentucky Moonlight//Sweet Indiana Home LBL CREASES S2 E+
754. Pat 20802 California Ramblers: Dancing Fool//Pharaoh Land MB 15 E+
755. Pat 20804 Casino Dance Orc: Georgette//Soothing E
756. Pat 20805 Barth's Mississippi Six: Rose Of Bombay//Blue Eyed Blues VSM BLS S2 E
757. Pat 20807 Vaughn De Leath: Oh, Is He Dumb?//Cow Bells MB 25 BLS S2 E+
758. Pat 20810 Max Terr's Orc: Truly//Murmuring E
759. Pat 20811 Max Terr's Orc: Susie//Southern Moon E
760. Pat 20812 Synco Jazz Band: Chicago//Clover Blossom Blues Nice! MB 15 E+
761. Pat 20814 California Ramblers: Blue//Joseph Samuels' Orc: I Wish I Knew E-
762. Pat 20820 Nathan Glantz's Orc: Tricks//Coal Black Mammy LBBLS E-
763. Pat 20828 Max Terr's Orc: I Found A Four Leaf Clover//I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise E-
764. Pat 20846 Nathan Glantz's Orc: Good Mornin'//Nicholas Orlando's Dance Orc: Dixie Highway MB 15 E+
765. Pat 22218 Isabelle Patricola: Alexander's Band Is Back In Dixieland//When Mariutch Shake A Da Shimmie Sha Wob
766. Pat 22260 Eddie Cantor: Don't Put A Tax On The Beautiful Girls//At The High Brown Babies' Ball MB 25 LT SCRS E-
767. Pat 22279 Henry Burr: Out Of A Clear Sky//James & Hart: Hand In Hand Again VLT WMKS E
768. Pat 22289 Tuxedo Syncopaters: I Might Be Your Once In Awhile//You'd Be Surprised E+
769. Pat 22309 Joseph Samuels' Orc: Irene O'Dare//That Naughty Waltz E
770. Pat 22310 Jacobs' Dance Orc: Little Girls Good-Bye//What A Day That'll Be E-
771. Pat 22320 Tuxedo Syncopaters: Afghanistan//When My Baby Smiles At Me E+
772. Pat 22321 Wiedoeft's Palace Trio: Desert Dreams//Please VSM BLSS E
773. Pat 22349 Royal Waikiki Hawaiian Orc: Lonesome, That's All//Our Yesterdays E/E-
774. Pat 22397 Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orc: Korinthia//When Shadows Fall I Hear You Calling California E-
775. Pat 22408 Henry Burr: Little Town In The Ould Country Down//Burr & Meyer: Sweet Little Mary Ann E-
776. Pat 22428 Ferera & Franchini, Hawaiian gtrs: Sweet Luana//On Hilo Bay E-
777. Pat 22429 Rosalie Miller: Song Of The Chimes//Dance The Romaika E-
778. Pat 22440 Hazay Natzy's Orc: Avalon//Nicholas Orlando's Dance Orc: Will You Remember Lss "Hatzy" E-
779. Pat 22445 Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orc: Dear Little Rose Girl//Didn't You E-
780. Pat 22454 Ernest Davis: Sunrise And You//Shamrock Leaves E
781. Pat 22477 Margaret McKee, whi: The Star//Spring Song E-
782. Pat 22481 Shannon Four: Colleen//Hart & Shaw: Mandalay E-
783. Pat 22487 Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orc: I Love To Fox Trot//Green Bros. Novelty Band: Granada MB 15 E-
784. Pat 22491 Joseph Samuels, vln: Witch Of The Waves//Miss Johnson's Party E+
785. Pat 22492 Rudy Weidoeft, sax: Velna//Van Eps-Banta Trio: Marriage Bells E+
786. Pat 22495 Crescent Trio: The Arabian Yogi Man//Carlton Williams: My Mammy Very nice! MB 15 VVSM PDEF S2 E+


10", MB $3
787. Diva 2416/2756 [Ger] Trio (vln, vlc & pno): Solvijg's Lied//Marcella Roeseler: Ave Maria (Bach-Gounod) Heavy cardboard-based pressing E--
788. Duophone UB-105 [Eng] Jack Payne & his Hotel Cecil Band: Chinese Moon//No Sir, That's Not My Girl Label features a lion chewing on a record -
so that's how 78s get edge bites! SM ND, HV CRAZING TOK E--
*789. Filmophone 189 Regency Dance Orc: Would You Like To Take A Walk//Valeta Orc: Siboney Royal Blue MB 15 VLT SCRS E-
790. Filmophone 262 Al Dollar & his Ten Cents: Love Is Like That//I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby Green MB 15 SCFS, ESH, US TWW E--
791. Filmophone 287 Arthur Lally's Orc: Two Heads In The Moonlight//It Must Be True Dark blue ¼" AB S2 PLAYED W /BAD STYLUS, NOISY E--
792. Filmophone 303 Al Dollar & his Ten Cents: I Found A Million Dollar Baby//You Are My Heart's Delight Yellow MB 15 SM SH CRS E-
793. Goodson 129 Broadway Merrymakers: The Shoes We Have Left Are All Right//Sleepy Valley
Won't track using conventional tricks STS, HV WRPS WNT E-
794. Pathé Cellodisc C-3442 [Fr] Emma Luart w/Jeffry's Jazz: Parade d'Amour-Marche des grenadiers//Rêve d'amour Will track at 33rpm w/4gms MN WRPS E--
795. Pathé Cellodisc C-3923 [Fr] Germaine Martinelli: Les Amours du Poète-Quand mal, Mes larmes & L'aurore, la rose, le lys//J'ai pardonnè &
Si je vous parlais de ma peine Beautiful copy; tracks w/o added weight or record clamp;
original Cellodisc OS! MB 15 LT WRPS TOK E
*796. Pathé Cellodisc C-3924 [Fr] Germaine Martinelli: Les Amours du Poète-O grace enchanteresse//O chanson douce et tendre Beautiful copy;
original Cellodisc OS! MB 15 WRPS TWW E+
797. Phonycord 105 [Ger] Tommy Kinsman's London Frivolities: Sitting On A Five Barr'd Gate//Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
Translucent red HDM, WRPS WNT E--
798. Tri-Ergon Colorit 3021 [Ger] Lud Gluskin Ambassadonions: Dream Kisses//My Surpressed Desire Lt aqua SM CR TO 4PGS, WRPS TWW E-
799. Tri-Ergon Colorit 3049 [Ger] Tanzorchestar Mario Elki: The Wedding Of The Painted Doll//Harry Jackson's Tanzorchester:
My Little Dream Girl Lt royal blue LN NR, WRPS WNT E-
800. Unity 402 MacDowell Sisters: In The Garden//God Is Love Flexo press; translucent blue LT US TOK V+

10" Marconis (all w/Original Sleeves), MB $5

801. Marconi 027 Columbia Band: Royal Italian March OS SCFS E--
802. Marconi 0121 Curti's Orc: The Queen Of The Ball OS WOL E--
803. Marconi 0232 Mme. Pasquale: Good Bye OS E--
804. Marconi 0371 Male Qrt: My Bonnie Rose OS V+
805. Marconi 0375 Vocal Qnt: Parson Pinkney Discourses On Adam And Eve OS EF NTG V
806. Marconi 08890/8892 Ángel Villoldo: Batifondo En Um Café Cantante//Contrapunto Entre Un Gallego Y Un Napolitano
Spanish OS; scarce Mexican double-sided issue MB 25 V++


10" Vogues, MB $25

807. R-707 [blk logo; bl bkgd] Clyde McCoy: Basin Street Blues//Sugar Blues E--
808. R-710 Don Large Chorus: Star Dust//The Bells Of St. Mary's SCRS V++
809. R-718 [blk logo] Lulu Belle & Scotty: Some Sunday Morning//In The Doghouse Now "Vogue Second" stamp SCR EDGE TO EDGE S1 E--
810. R-719 Lulu Belle & Scotty: I Get A Kick Out Of Corn//Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? E-/E--
811. R-720 Lulu Belle & Scotty: Time Will Tell//Grandpa's Gettin' Younger Every Day E--
812. R-721 [wt logo s1; yel logo s2] Patsy Montana: When I Gets To Where I'm Goin'//You're Only In My Arms E--
813. R-726 Phil Spitalny & the Hour of Charm All Girl Orc: Blue Skies//Rhapsody In Blue, Pt 2 V++
814. R-730 Art Mooney: Piper's Junction//All Through The Day V++
815. R-732 Art Mooney: In The Moonmist//I Don't Know Why E--/E-
816. R-733 Hour of Charm All Girl Orc: Seville//Blue Skies INT LCS, LT WRP E--
817. R-734 Art Kassel: A Little Consideration//Sweetheart SCFS, FW SCRS E-
818. R-736 Kenny Roberts: Out Where The West Winds Blow//Who's Gonna Kiss You When I'm Gone? V++
819. R-744 Nancy Lee & the Hilltoppers: Don't Tetch It//Judy & Jen: Flat River, Missouri V++
820. R-745 James Jewell: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Pt 1//The Trial Of Bumble The Bee, Pt 1 V+
821. R-750 King's Jesters: Shoo Fly Pie And Apple Pan Dowdy//Who's Got A Tent For Rent E--
822. R-752 Clyde McCoy: There's Good Blues Tonight//Baby, What You Do To Me V++
823. R-753 [bl swallow] Clyde McCoy: At Sundown//'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans RAS S1, LT WRP E-/E
824. R-755 Charlie Shavers Qnt: Serenade To A Pair Of Nylons//Broadjump V+
825. R-760 Enric Madriguera: So It Goes//The Minute Samba "Factory Reject" due to milky surface & photo tear E
826. R-761 Joan Edwards: More Than You Know//Go West, Young Man E--
827. R-764 Shep Fields: I Guess I'll Get The Papers//Whatta Ya Gonna Do! E--
828. R-767 Joan Edwards: This Is Always//Love Means The Same Old Thing V++
829. R-770 Art Kassel: The Whiffenpoof Song//If That Phone Ever Rings E--
830. R-771 Art Kassel: If I Could Be With You//Jeannine V++
831. R-772 Frankie Masters: All By Myself//Sniffle Song V++
832. R-774 Sonny Dunham: Save Me A Dream//Desert Fantasy V++
833. R-777 Enric Madriguera: La Rumbita Tropical//Tiqui Tiqui Tan SGS TOK V+
834. R-780 Art Kassel: Let's Get Married//Touch Me Not SM HV SCR S2, SCFS S1 E--
835. R-781 Art Kassel: I Love You//Sooner Or Later E--
836. R-782 [bl logo] Joan Edwards: What Am I Gonna Do About You//Maybe You'll Be There MN SCRS, SCFS E--
837. V-100 [2 recs] Phil Spitalny & the Hour of Charm All Girl Orc: Study In Blue OA MB 50 E+

RCA Victors, MBs as noted

*838. Vi 224 [7"] Frank Luther: Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?, from "The Three Little Pigs", Pt 1//Pt 2 E
Vi 225 [7"] Frank Luther: In A Silly Symphony//Mickey Mouse And Minnie's In Town ¼" LC S2 TOK E
Vi 226 [7"] Frank Luther: Lullaby Land Of Nowhere//Dance Of The Bogey Man BRS VSM LC S1 TOK, SM LT ST S1 E-
This complete set of Silly Symphony Songs includes both inner & outer Original Sleeves MB 2000 -

839. Vi 2000 [10"] Leopold Stokowski & the Philadelphia Orc w/Benjamin de Loach, Reader: The Raven, Pt 1//Pt 2
Stokowski pictured on s1; words for parts 1 & 2 on s2 MB 250 M-
840. Vi 17-4000 [10"] Leo Reisman: Adorable Waltz//My First Love To Last, from "Adorable" MB 100 FW SM NDS S2, SCR IN ROA S2 E


10", MB $3
844. Bb BC-17 [3 recs] Paul Wing: Little Black Sambo's Jungle Band MB 25 FW LT SGS E--
845. Bb BC-23 [3 recs] Craig McDonnell: Songs & Scenes from Gulliver's Travels OA w/Bluebird childrens' sleeves inside E/E-
847. Cap CBX-3058 [2 recs] Bill Boyd: Hopalong Cassidy and the Singing Bandit OA w/booklet E--
848. Cap CC-64 [3 recs] Mel Blanc: Bugs Bunny OA MB 15 V++
849. De K-29 [3 recs] Tarzan Players: Tarzan and the Little Black Boy MB 15 MN LG SCFS, LG EC NTG D1 V++
*850. HMV BD-358, 370, 375, 386, 382 & 387 [6 recs] - Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphonies OA (taped sleeves); nice picture lbls w/Mickey Mouse, Peter
Pig & Donald Duck; all discs in E range except for d4; nice Disney artwork throughout MB 75 E/V-
851. HMV BD-514-16 [3 recs] - Songs from Walt Disney's "Snow White"
Nice picture lbl w/Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs MB 25 LG MSS, SM SOLS E--
852. Monarch MO-1 [2 recs] Dan Seymour: Fala Fictionalized story of FDR's dog Scottie E--

*853. ViS 20522-23 [2 recs] Instruments of the Orchestra Includes 20 (14" X 22") charts for classroom w/instruments pictured, all in beautiful condition;
a stunning set seldom found intact MB 300 SM LT SCRS E

854. ViC 26477 [fs] Jiminy Cricket: When You Wish Upon A Star//Geppetto: Little Wooden Head LT BBL, FW LT SCFS E
855. ViC 26478 [fs] Jiminy Cricket & Pinocchio: Give A Little Whistle//J. Worthington Foulfellow & Pinocchio: Hi Diddle Dee Dee FW LT SCFS E
856. ViC 26479 [fs] Pinocchio & Marionettes: I've Got No Strings//Gepetto & Jiminy Cricket: Turn On The Old Music Box &
When You Wish Upon A Star VSM ND S2 E+
10" Album Sets (number of records given in brackets; OAs where noted), MB $5
857. Cap DBX-118 [2] Pinto Colvig: Bozo and his Rocket Ship OA ½" DS AB S4 V++
858. Cap DBX-3165 [2] Stan Freberg: Mickey Mouse's Birthday Party OA (loose pages) V++
859. Cap DC-115 [3] Henry Blair & Billy Bletcher: Rusty in Orchestraville OA V++
860. Cap DC-119 [3] Henry Blair: Sparky and the Talking Train OA E--
861. CoM J-25 [1] Gene Kelly: The King Who Couldn't Dance OA (sp trs) E--
862. Cosmo DMR-101 [2] Victor Jory: Tubby the Tuba OA SCRS V++
863. De A-309 [3] Sterling Holloway: 3 Funny Stories Everyone Will Like OA V++/V+
864. ViR Y-350 [3] - Disney's "Dumbo" E--
865. ViR Y-382 [3] Shirley Temple: Dumbo OA V++


Years ago we purchased the Jack Souther collection in San Francisco's Sunset district. Included was a significant Bing Crosby collection which contained the Decca recordings
listed here. It is likely that these records came from Crosby's personal collection, as Jack purchased a quantity of his records from the Butterfield's estate auction held in May 1982.
10" Bing Crosby Decca Tests & Special Pressings, MB $5
866. - mx 362187 (4920 stamped in roa & rev) [12"; ss] Bing Crosby: Jimmy Valentine & Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams Dubs of studio fluffs;
1st song an outtake from the soundtrack of "The Star Maker;" 2nd is uniss De mx LA-1767-C V++
867. mx DLA-66-A/1296-A [vnl] Bing Crosby: Two Cigarettes In The Dark//Don't Let That Moon Get Away
Sd 1 iss tk (De 245), 10-5-34, LA; s2 uniss mx 5-23-38 LA; dubs; later white De test lbl E-
868. mx DLA-70-A [ss; vnl] Bing Crosby: Love Is Just Around The Corner
Iss tk (De 310), 11-9-34, LA; pressed with a V-Disc 528-B lbl of Machito & his Afro-Cubans! MB 25 E-
869. mx DLA-72-A [ss; vnl] Bing Crosby: With Every Breath I Take
Iss tk (De 309), 11-9-34, LA; also pressed with a V-Disc 528-B lbl MB 25 E--
870. mx DLA-94-A/B-2095 [vnl] Bing Crosby: Down By The River//Lullaby Of Broadway
Sd 1 iss tk (De 11002), 2-21-35, LA; s2 uniss, source unknown; dubs E-
871. mx DLA-95-A/B-2095 [vnl] Bing Crosby: It's Easy To Remember//Lullaby Of Broadway
Sd 1 uniss tk (tk B iss on De 391), 2-21-35, LA; s2 uniss, source unknown; dubs E-
872. mx DLA-97-B [11½"; ss] Bing Crosby: Silent Night Green Recordings Inc, Hollywood lbl;
Uniss tk (tk A iss as a special for the St. Columban Missionary Society), 2-21-35, LA MB 15 V++
873. mx DLA-146-A [11½"; ss] Bing Crosby: She Reminds Me Of You
Iss tk (Br 6853), 3-13-34, LA; white Columbia test lbl E-
874. mx DLA-1311 (P-5002-H)/LA-1767-C Bing Crosby: A Blues Serenade//Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams Famous blow-up recordings;
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 1933), 7-8-38, LA; uniss tk (tk A iss on De 2948), 6-9-39, LA; blank white lbl (dubs) GR E-
875. mx DLA-1314-A/1316-A [fs; vnl] Bing Crosby: Silver On The Sage//Mexicali Rose
Marbled red, white & black late vinyl pressing w/normal black De lbls, 7-11-38, LA MB 25 HV FLBL S2 E--
876. mx DLA-1608-B [11½"; ss] BC w/Victor Young's Orc: Thine Alone
Iss tk (De 2680), 12-2-38, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate EC 4GS V
877. mx DLA-1724-C [11½"; ss] Bing Crosby: Down By The Old Mill Stream
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 2447 & tk B iss on De 25492), 3-15-39, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate E-
878. mx DLA-1767-C (AMB-1) Bing Crosby: Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams//Frequency Test
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 2948), 6-9-39, LA; dubs; famous blow-up recording; blank white lbl (dub) GR E-
879. mx DLA-1767-C (EM-101?)/(CMR-100) [vnl] Bing Crosby: Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams//BC & Al Jolsen: Philco Radio Show radio promo fluff
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 2948), 6-9-39, LA; dubs; famous blow-up recording; blank white lbl (dubs) FW SCRS E--
880. mx DLA-1986-E [11½"; ss] BC & Johnny Mercer: On Behalf Of The Visiting Firemen
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 3182), 4-15-40, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 15 E-
881. mx DLA-2058-A/1778-A Bing Crosby: Where The Blue Of The Night Meets The Gold Of The Day//Home On The Range
White special lbl states "Souvenir Record Celebrating the Production of 20 Millionth Radio" E-
*882. mx DLA-3025-AA/3026-A [vnl] Bing Crosby: Adeste Fideles//Silent Night
Marbled red & black vinyl pressing w/normal black De lbls, 6-8-42, LA MB 25 FLBL S2 E--
883. mx DLA-3197-AA [11½"; ss] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Pistol Packin' Mama
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 23277), 9-27-43, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 15 E--
884. mx DLA-3198-BB [11½"; ss] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Vict'ry Polka
Uniss tk (tk A iss on Eng Coral & tk B iss on De 23277), 9-27-43, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 15 E-
885. mx DLA-3199-AA [11½"; ss] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Jingle Bells
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 23281), 9-29-43, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 15 EFS NTG V++
886. mx DLA-3200-AA [11½"; ss] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 23281), 9-29-43, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 15 E--
887. mx L-3464-B [ss] Bing Crosby: Would You?
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 18790), 7-19-44, LA; blank white lbl MB 15 SCRS E--
888. mx L-3478-A [11½"; ss] BC w/Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five: My Baby Said Yes
Uniss on 78, 7-26-44, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 25 E--
889. mx L-3685-A [11½"; ss] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Ac-cent-tchu-ate The Positive
Iss tk (De 23379), 12-8-44, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate E
890. mx L-3686-A [11½"; ss] BC & Bob Hope: Put It There, Pal Iss tk (De 40000), 12-8-44, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate E--
891. mx L-3687-AA [11½"; ss] BC & Bob Hope: Road To Morocco Iss tk (De 40000), 12-8-44, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate E--
892. mx L-3694-BB [11½"; ss] Bing Crosby: More And More
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 18649), 12-11-44, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 15 SCFS E--
893. mx L-3731-A [11½"; ss] BC w/Xavier Cugat & his Waldorf-Astoria Orc: Baia
Uniss mx, 1-28-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate MB 25 E--
894. mx L-3732-A [11½"; ss] BC w/Xavier Cugat & his Waldorf-Astoria Orc: You Belong To My Heart
Uniss mx, 1-28-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate; BRS MB 25 LG REP PEC NTG E
895. mx L-3736-A [11½"; ss] BC w/Xavier Cugat & his Waldorf-Astoria Orc: Baia
Iss tk (De 23413), 2-11-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate V++
896. mx L-3747-A [11½"; ss] Bing Crosby: Temptation Iss tk (De 23754), 3-3-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate V++
897. mx L-3750-A [11½"; ss] BC & Judy Garland: Connecticut Iss tk (De 23804), 3-9-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate EF NTG E-
898. mx L-3751-A [11½"; ss] BC & Judy Garland: Yah-Ta-Ta, Yah-Ta-Ta
Iss tk (De 23410), 3-9-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate VLG PEC ¾" INTO GS, SCFS E-
899. mx L-3887-A/4449-A [vnl] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Wedding Day//Bing Crosby: You Took Advantage Of Me
Uniss mxs, 7-3-45; 6-12-47, LA; dubs; later white test lbl E-
900. mx L-3910-A [11½"; ss] BC w/Eddie Heywood's Orc: Save Your Sorrows For Tomorrow
Iss tk (De 24595), 8-9-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate V++
901. mx L-3962-BB [ss] Bing Crosby: The Bells Of St Mary's
Uniss tk (tk A iss on De 18721), 9-10-45, LA; white De test lbl MB 15 DS SWS E-

902. mx L-3966-A [ss] BC w/Mel Torme & the Mel-Tones & the Les Paul Trio: Prove It By The Things You Do
Iss tk (De 18746), 9-13-45, LA; white De test lbl; Decca backplate V+
903. mx L-6044/45 [11½"; ablac] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Forsaking All Others//Sparrow In The Treetop
Iss tks (De 27477), 2-8-51, LA; white De test lbl SCRS, TOL E--

On this unissued private single-faced recording, Bing intros the song as follows: "Mr. James Van Heusen and Mr. John Burke have written a song which I have the privilege of
singing and dedicating to the Fifth Marines, and to their Commanding Officer, General Rockey." General Keller E. Rockey commanded the Fifth Division in the Battle of Iwo Jima.
As one might expect, personal recordings by established artists tend to be both rare and pricey. It is unlikely that more than a handful (if that many) of these were pressed.
*904. mx TL-152-A [11½"; ss] BC w/Jimmy Van Heusen, pno: The Fifth Marines White De test lbl; Decca bp MB 250 LN HC E-

905. mx TLX-205 [11½"] BC & Joe Frisco: Edited "Philco Radio Time" skits//Agnes Morehead: Sorry, Wrong Number; Pt 3
Side 2 a seemingly random selection; white De test lbl; BRS MB 50 E--
*906. mx TLX-73927-A [11½"; dk red vnl] BC & the Andrews Sisters: The Freedom Train (Berlin)
Iss tk (De 23999), 5-29-47, NYC; special red, white & blue lbl says
"For the Personal Use of the Honorable Tom C. Clark, Attorney General of the U.S." MB 50 LT WRP NAP E-

907. mx W-73940-A/41-A [11½"; vnl] BC w/Fred Waring's Orc & Glee Club: The Whiffenpoof Song//Kentucky Babe
Iss tk (De 23990), 6-5-47, NYC; blank white lbl HV SCR S2 V++
908. mx W-83728/29 BC w/Fred Waring & the Pennsylvanians: Mother Darlin'//Hush-a-Bye
Iss tk (De 28581), 12-15-52, NYC; white De test lbl E-
909. mx WL-4377-A/78-A [11½"; vnl] BC, Dick Haymes & the Andrews Sisters: Anything You Can Do//There's No Business Like Show Business
Iss tks (De 40039), 3-19-47, LA; blank white lbl E-
910. mx WL-4396-A/97-A [11½"; vnl] BC & the Andrews Sisters: Go West, Young Man!//Tallahassee
Iss tks (De 23885), 3-26-47, LA; blank white lbl FW SCRS E-

*911. mx - Rhythm Boys & Paul Whiteman: Introduction & dialogue//Mississippi Mud Crosby, Al Rinker & Harry Barris
reunite on the "Paul Whiteman Presents" radio program of July 4, 1943; white De test lbl; BRS MB 100 V++

912. Use this number to bid on Lots 866-911 as a group MB 750 -


These Columbia promo records feature songs from current motion pictures and were sold in theater lobbies to the general public. They are not original cast or soundtrack recordings;
rather, they are performed by Columbia recording artists (though the names are often pseudonymous). Some of the same selections appear on different -P series issues.
10" Columbia Lobby Promos, MB $5
913. Special Rec 1001-P Bar Harbor Society Orc: One Alone//The Desert Song, both from "Desert Song" FW LT SCRS E
914. Special Rec 1002-P Musical Comedy Orc: You Took Advantage Of Me//Do I Hear You Saying "I Love You",
both from "Present Arms" HV SCR S2 V++
915. Special Rec 1004-P Musical Comedy Orc w/Robert Wood, vc: You Alone//Once In A Lifetime, both from "Earl Carroll Vanities" (7th Edition) V+
916. Special Rec 1005-P Annette Hanshaw & her Sizzlin' Syncopators: I Can't Give You Anything But Love//I Must Have That Man,
both from "Lew Leslie's Blackbirds of 1928" V+
917. Special Rec 1006-P Rudy Vallee & his Yale Collegians w/Sleepy Ward, vc: Right Out Of Heaven//George Morrow, vc:
Lady Whippoorwill, both from "Cross My Heart" V+
918. Special Rec 1008-P Jerome Conrad's Orc w/Edmund Ruffner, vc: Billie//Where Were You, Where Was I, both from "Billie" E--
*919. MGM 1010-P Sam Lanin's Orc w/Jack Hart, vc: Broadway Melody//You Were Meant For Me, both from "The Broadway Melody" LT INT LCS E-
920. Special Rec 1011-P Buddy Golden & his Michigan Wolverines w/Marvin Young, vc: I Want To Be Bad//Irving Kaufman, vc: Button Up Your Overcoat,
both from "Follow Thru" MB 3 VHV SCRS, HV NDS SKP S2 V
921. Special Rec 1012-P Arthur Ross' Westerners w/Irving Kaufman, vc: My Lucky Star//You Wouldn't Fool Me, Would You?, both from "Follow Thru" SM LTRS E--
922. Special Rec 1013-P Harmonians w/Robert Wood, vc: Fioretta//Bar Harbor Society Orc w/RW, vc: Dream Boat, both from "Fioretta" LT LCS, FW SCFS E-
923. Publix 1019-P Jack Miller & the New Englanders: Louise//I'm Just A Vagabond Lover, both from "Innocents of Paris" V++
924. Publix 1022-P Annette Hanshaw w/the New Englanders: Am I Blue? from "On With the Show"//Harmonians w/Arthur Seelig, vc:
When My Dreams Come True, from "Cocoanuts" V+
925. Special Rec 1024-P Rudy Vallée & his Connecticut Yankees: Lover, Come Back To Me! from "The New Moon"//Arthur Ross' Westerners
w/Jim Andrews, vc: Or What Have You?, from "The Little Show" LT SCFS E-
926. Publix 1029-P Marvin Young's Collegians: The Flippity Flop, from "The Dance of Life"//Publix Ten w/Ted Smith, vc:
Baby, Oh Where Can You Be? HV SCRS V+
927. MGM 1030-P Sam Lanin's Orc w/George Kay, vc: At Close Of Day//Barney Trimble's Oklahomans w/George Kay, vc: Ich Liebe Dich,
both from "Wonder of Women" LT LCS E-
928. MGM 1032-P Jack Miller & the New Englanders: Singin' In The Rain//Capitolians w/Robert Wood, vc: Orange Blossom Time,
both from "Hollywood Review of 1929" LTRS E--/E
929. MGM 1033-P Capitolians w/Robert Wood, vc: Nobody But You//Your Mother And Mine, both from "Hollywood Review of 1929" E--
930. MGM 1034-P Annette Hanshaw w/Ferera's Hawaiian Trio: Pagan Love Song, from "The Pagan"//Capitolians w/Tom Frawley, vc:
The Wedding Of The Painted Doll, from "Broadway Melody" LT SCFS E-
931. Special Rec 1036-P Rudy Vallée & his Connecticut Yankees: Lover, Come Back To Me!//Golden Gate Orc: One Kiss,
both from "The New Moon" LG LTR, EF NTG E-
932. MGM 1038-P Annette Hanshaw & the New Englanders: Am I Blue? from "On With the Show"//Capitolians: I've Waited A Lifetime For You,
from "Our Modern Maidens" MB 3 V
933. Publix 1039-P Jack Miller & the Paramounteers: Singin' In The Rain, from "Hollywood Review of 1929"//Marvin Young's Collegiates
w/Jim Andrews, vc: The Dream Of My Heart, from "Theme of Love" E--
934. Publix 1041-P Walter Cummins: Used To You//Little Pal, both from "Say It with Songs" FW LT SCFS E
935. Publix 1043-P Sammy Fain: Why Can't You//Kate Smith: Maybe, Who Knows?,
both from "Say It with Songs" MB 3 LG EC 6GS, LC E--
*936. Publix 1047-P Paramounteers w/Jim Andrews, vc: Painting The Clouds With Sunshine//Tip-Toe Through The Tulips With Me,
both from "The Gold Diggers of Broadway" V++
937. Publix 1048-P Lew Barker's Orc w/Tom Frawley, vc: Revolutionary Rhythm//When The Real Thing Comes Your Way, both from "Illusion" FMG S2 V++
938. Publix 1050-P Kate Smith: Moanin' Low, from "The Little Show"//Annette Hanshaw: What Wouldn't I Do For That Man,
from "Applause" E--
939. Publix 1051-P Paramounteers: Love, from "The Trespasser"//How Am I To Know? from "Dynamite" SCFS, LT LCS V++
940. Publix 1055-P Paramounteers: My Sweeter Than Sweet//Alma Mammy, both from "Sweetie" FW SM HV SCRS V+
941. Publix 1058-P Paramounteers: My Love Parade//Dream Lover, both from "The Love Parade" FW LT SCFS E
942. Publix 1059-P Publix Ten: H'lo Baby//I'll Close My Eyes, both from "The Forward Pass" V+
943. Publix 1060-P Paramounteers: Rio Rita//If You're In Love You'll Waltz, both from "Rio Rita" V++

944. Publix 1063-P Paramounteers: If I Can't Have You, from "Footlights and Fools"//I May Be Wrong,
from "Murray Anderson's Almanac" SCFS, SCRS V++
945. Special Rec 1077-P Rudy Marlow's Orc: Sunny Side Up//Georgians w/Jim Andrews, vc: If I Had A Talking Picture Of You,
both from "Sunny Side Up" EC NTPG V+
946. MGM 1078-P Capitolians w/Marvin Young, vc: Hang On To Me//Jack Miller & his State-O-Nians: Just You, Just Me, both from "Marianne" V++
947. MGM 1079-P Capitolians: Marianne//Blondy, both from "Marianne" SCFS E-
*948. MGM 1081-P Capitolians: My Sweeter Than Sweet//Alma Mammy, both from "Sweetie" E-
949. MGM 1082-P Capitolians: Sophomore Prom//Campus Capers, both from "So This Is College" V++
950. MGM 1084-P Capitolians: That Wonderful Something//Chant Of The Jungle, both from "Untamed" LT SCFS, SM FMG E-
951. MGM 1088-P Capitolians: Take Everything But You, from Song of Love"//Love, from "The Trespasser" MB 3 LBL STS V
952. MGM 1091-P Capitolians: If I Can't Have You//I'm Following You!, both from "Footlights and Fools" V++
953. Uncle Don Radio Club 1095-P Uncle Don: Etiquette In Rhyme, from "Uncle Don's Radio Club," Pt 3//Pt 4
1st 1½" unplayable MB 3 VVLG EC -
954. Publix 2002-P Paramounteers: I'm Following You, from "It's a Great Life"//A Year From Today,
from "New York Nights" MB 3 DANGEROUS 2" HMC 20GS E-
955. Publix 2017-P Publix Ten: Anytime's The Time To Fall In Love//Sweepin' The Clouds Away,
both from "Paramount on Parade" V++
956. Publix 2019-P Paramounteers: In My Little Hope Chest//Stein Song, both from "Honey" MB 3 V
957. Publix 2020-P Paramounteers: Livin' In The Sunlight, Lovin' In The Moonlight//You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me,
both from "The Big Pond" V+

958. Use this number to bid on Lots 913-957 as a group MB 250 -

16" Movie Radio Promos (33 rpm), MB $5

960. United Artists for Radio Broadcasting mx 4288 [ss] The Corsican Brothers Douglas Fairbanks Jr & Ruth Warrick: Radio Dramatization 1941 V+
961. Paramount Movie Parade Transcription 14 [ss] Four Frightened People Cecil B. DeMille "Broadcast Release Week of Jan 21st, 1934" V++
962. RCA mx PMS-9745 [ss] I Met Him in Paris Musical number & scenes featuring Claudette Colbert, Lee Bowman, etc
Paramount; 1937; Victrolac E--
963. Co YTNY-11628 [ss] Jolson Sings Again Al Jolson: Song Snippets V++
964. RCA mx 21390 [ss] Mutiny on the Bounty Scenes featuring Clark Gable, Franchot Tone, Charles Laughton, etc
MGM; 1935; Victrolac V++
965. Paramount Movie Parade Transcription 17 [ss] No More Women Scenes featuring Edmund Lowe, Victor MacLaglen; Leo Robin w/Ralph
Ranger, pno (show composers) play "Good Dame"
"Broadcast Release Week of Feb 11th, 1934" V++
966. Warner Bros 4254 [ss] One Foot in Heaven Exploitation Disc w/intro by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
(Fredric March, Martha Scott, Jean Lockhart) WB; 1941 FW SM SCRS E
967. Paramount Movie Parade Transcription 16 [ss] Six of a Kind Scenes featuring Burns & Allen, Charlie Ruggles, Mary Boland & W.C. Fields
"Broadcast Release Week of Feb 4th, 1934" E--
968. RCA mx 21403 [ss] The Voice of Bugle Ann Scenes featuring Lionel Barrymore, Maureen O'Sullivan & Eric Linden
MGM; 1936; Victrolac E
969. RCA mx 21396 [ss] Whipsaw Musical number & scene featuring Spencer Tracy & Myrna Loy
MGM; 1935; Victrolac LG EC NTG, WOL V++


8" Langworth Transcriptions (33 rpm), MB $3

970. CI-46 Sonny Dunham Blue vinyl E--
971. DS-63 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E-- 976. DS-71 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E-
972. DS-64 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E- 977. DS-76 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E--
973. DS-66 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E- 978. DS-79 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E-
974. DS-67 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E-- 979. DS-85 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E--
975. DS-68 Red Nichols & his Five Pennies OS E 980. Use this number to bid on Lots 971-979 as a group MB 25 -

12" Standard Music Library Transcriptions (78 rpm), MB $4

981. 100 Openers//Closers E- 986. 105 Neutral//Neutral LT SCFS E
982. 101 Miscellaneous//Comedy E- 987. 106 Neutral//Neutral E-
983. 102 Comedy//Comedy E- 988. 107 Romantic//Romantic LT SCFS E
984. 103 Mysterioso//Mysterioso LT SCFS E 989. 108 Dramatic//Dramatic E-
985. 104 Dramatic & Mysterioso//Neutral E- 990. Use this number to bid on Lots 981-989 as a group MB 25 -

16" Standard Music Library Transcriptions (33 rpm), MB $4

991. P-156 Jack Teagarden's Orc LT SCRS E 1013. R-177 Connie Haines LBL MSS S1 V++
992. P-169 Duke Ellington's Orc w/Ivy Anderson & 1014. R-189 Bachelors SCFS E-
Herb Jeffries, vcs MN SCRS E-- 1015. R-191 Margaret Lenhart E-
993. P-177 Jack Teagarden's Orc SCRS, SM HV SCRS TRACK 2 E 1016. R-192 Elm City Four FW LT SCRS E+
994. P-183 Duke Ellington's Orc w/Herb Jeffries, vc MN SCRS E-- 1017. R-193 Jeri Sullivan w/the Mel-Tones & Johnny White Qnt E
995. P-188 Jack Teagarden's Orc w/Kitty Kallen, Dave Allen & Jt, vcs E- 1018. R-194 Elm City Four E
996. Q-180 Matty Malneck's Orc E-- 1019. R-195 Elm City Four SCRS E--
997. Q-208 All Star Sxt (Wilson, Powell, Norvo, Shavers, Hall & Palmieri) V++ 1020. R-196 Elm City Four SCR E-
998. Q-222 Matty Malneck's Orc SCRS V++ 1021. R-197 Jeri Sullivan & the Johnny White Qnt//Anita Ellis SM SCFS E
999. Q-226 Matty Malneck's Orc V++ 1022. R-198 Anita Ellis FW SCRS E
1000. Q-229 Joe Schirmer Trio E 1023. R-199 Anita Ellis FW SCRS, HV SCR SEL 4 E
1001. Q-242 Joe Reichman, pno LT SCRS E 1024. R-202 Anita Ellis LT SCFS E
1002. Q-255 Carl Fischer's Orc LT EWRP TWW , FW SCRS E 1025. R-207 Bachelors FW SCRS E
1003. Q-259 Dell Staton Trio LT SCFS E 1026. R-208 Frankie Laine E
1004. Q-263 Frank Yankovic & his Yanks E 1027. R-209 New Yorkers FW LT SCRS E
1005. Q-264 Frank Yankovic & his Yanks E+ 1028. R-210 New Yorkers E-
1006. Q-265 Dell Staton Trio E 1029. R-211 Ewing Sisters w/the Van Alexander Trio SM SCR E
1007. R-141 Spike Jones & his City Slickers SCRS E-- 1030. R-212 New Yorkers LT SCFS E
1008. R-151 Spike Jones & his City Slickers E- 1031. R-213 Whippoorwills w/Georgia Brown SCRS E-
1009. R-152 Cass Daley SM SCR S2 E+ 1032. R-215 Ewing Sisters w/the Van Alexander Trio SCRS E-
1010. R-153 Delmonico Four E 1033. R-216 New Yorkers SCRS E
1011. R-154 The Four Tones E-- 1034. R-217 Whippoorwills w/Georgia Brown FW SCRS E
1012. R-155 Delmonico Four E- 1035. R-218 Ewing Sisters w/the Van Alexander Trio FW LT SCRS E

1036. R-219 Jo Ann Greer w/Gene DePaul & Group SCRS E 1118. U-178 Wade Lane SCF S1, SCR S1 E+
1037. R-220 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers LT SCRS S1 E+ 1119. U-197 Songfellows Qrt SCRS E-
1038. R-221 Jo Ann Greer w/Gene De Paul & Group SM SCRS E+ 1120. U-198 Donald Novis w/Paul Martin's Velvetones FW SCRS E-
1039. R-222 Oscar Moore Trio LT SCRS E 1121. U-202 Cadets//Robert Childe Choir SCFS E-
1040. R-223 Jo Ann Greer w/Gene De Paul & Group E+ 1122. U-216 James Newill E-
1041. R-224 Doris Day SM SCRS E 1123. U-217 Charioteers WOLS E--
1042. R-225 New Yorkers SM LT SCRS E+ 1124. U-218 Dennis Day E-
1043. R-226 Three Dons w/Jinny James SCRS E 1125. U-219 Dennis Day E+
1044. R-227 Oscar Moore Trio SCRS E 1126. U-220 Dennis Day E--
1045. R-228 Doris Day M- 1127. U-221 Chapel Singers w/Paul Carson, org LT SCRS E+
1046. R-229 Three Dons w/Jinny James LT SCR E+ 1128. U-222 Kay Starr w/Novelty Orc (Joe Venuti, vln & Les Paul, gtr) E+
1047. S-141 Glory Pleasants Trio SCRS E- 1129. U-223 Curt Massey E--
1048. S-188 Edwin Le Mar, pipe org E 1130. U-224 Curt Massey E+
1049. T-137 Standard String Ens SCFS E- 1131. U-225 Jack Smith SCRS E+
1050. T-191 Earl Towner's Concert Orc FW SCRS E 1132. U-226 Jack Smith M-
1051. T-202 Symphonic String Orc//Windsor String Qrt WOL E-- 1133. U-227 Robert Mitchell Boychoir LT SCRS E
1052. T-203 Windsor String Qrt SCRS, WOL E- 1134. U-228 Chapel Singers w/Paul Carson, pipe org SCRS E-
1053. T-206 Earl Towner's Concert Orc E-- 1135. U-229 Jack Smith M-
1054. T-207 Windsor String Qrt SCRS, WOL E- 1136. U-230 Jack Smith SCRS E-
1055. T-208 Harry Bluestone, vln WOL E-- 1137. U-231 Curt Massey FW SCFS E-
1056. T-209 Earl Towner's Concert Orc E-- 1138. U-233 Jack Smith E+
1057. T-210 Earl Towner's Orc FW SCRS E+ 1139. U-234 Chapel Singers w/Paul Carson, pipe org E+
1058. T-211 Earl Towner's Concert Orc LT SCRS E 1140. U-235 Curt Massey E-
1059. T-212 Edna Gunnar Peterson, pno E 1141. U-236 David Street & Lucille Norman E+
1060. T-213 Edna Gunnar Peterson, pno E+ 1142. U-237 David Street & Lucille Norman M-
1061. T-214 Earl Towner's Concert Orc E- 1143. U-238 David Street & Lucille Norman LT SCRS E
1062. T-215 Earl Towner's Concert Orc WOL E-- 1144. U-239 David Street & Lucille Norman E
1063. T-216 Edna Gunnar Peterson, pno E- 1145. U-240 David Street & Lucille Norman LT SCRS E
1064. T-217 Earl Towner's Concert Orc WOL E- 1146. U-241 David Street SCRS E
1065. T-218 Gypsy String Ensemble MN SCRS E-- 1147. U-242 David Street LT SCFS E+
1066. T-219 Gypsy String Ensemble SCRS E-- 1148. U-243 Lucille Norman SM SCRS E
1067. T-220 Philharmonic String Qrt MN LT SCRS E- 1149. U-244 Lucille Norman E
1068. T-221 Musical Impressions by Walter Kelsey E-- 1150. U-245 Curt Massey E--
1069. T-222 Philharmonic String Qrt E- 1151. U-246 Lucille Norman SCRS E
1070. T-223 Musical Impressions by Walter Kelsey E 1152. U-247 Vesper Singers FW SCRS E
1071. T-224 Edna Gunnar Peterson, pno E- 1153. U-248 David Street E+
1072. T-225 Thomas Peluso's Orc SCRS E- 1154. U-249 Lucille Norman E-
1073. T-226 Musical Impressions by Walter Kelsey E+ 1155. U-250 Vesper Singers E
1074. T-227 René Savard's Orc E- 1156. U-251 David Street LT SCRS E
1075. T-228 René Savard's Orc E- 1157. U-252 David Street E-
1076. T-229 Musical Impressions by Walter Kelsey E- 1158. U-253 Curt Massey E
1077. T-231 Thomas Peluso's Orc E-- 1159. U-254 Lucille Norman LT SCRS E
1078. T-232 Philharmonic String Qrt SCRS E 1160. U-255 Curt Massey E-
1079. T-233 René Savard's Orc E- 1161. U-256 Vesper Singers E-
1080. T-235 René Savard's Orc SCFS E- 1162. U-258 Lucille Norman E
1081. T-236 Thomas Peluso's Orc SCRS E- 1163. U-259 Curt Massey E
1082. T-237 Musical Impressions by Walter Kelsey LT SCRS E 1164. U-260 Jubalaires E
1083. T-238 Thomas Peluso's Orc LG SCF, SCRS E- 1165. U-261 Jubalaires LT SCRS E
1084. T-240 Hollywood Salon Orc E- 1166. U-262 Jubalaires E-
1085. T-245 René Savard's Orc E 1167. U-263 Jubalaires E
1086. T-246 René Savard's Orc LT SCRS E 1168. U-264 Jubalaires E--
1087. T-247 René Savard's Orc SCR S1 E 1169. U-265 Michael Douglas E
1088. T-248 Musical Impressions by Walter Kelsey LT SCRS E+ 1170. U-266 Linda Stevens E
1089. T-250 Thomas Peluso's Orc LT SCRS E 1171. U-267 Curt Massey E
1090. T-252 Hollywood Salon Orc E 1172. U-268 Kay Starr E
1091. T-254 René Savard's Orc E- 1173. U-269 Michael Douglas E+
1092. T-255 René Savard's Orc LT SCRS E 1174. U-270 Michael Douglas E+
1093. T-256 René Savard's Orc FW SCRS E 1175. U-271 Artie Wayne E-
1094. T-257 Thomas Peluso's Orc LT SCRS E 1176. U-272 Kay Starr E
1095. T-258 Thomas Peluso's Orc E- 1177. U-273 The Bob Crosby Show w/BC, Jerry Gray's Orc &
1096. T-259 Mischa Novy & his Velvet Strings E the Modernaires LT SCRS E
1097. U-115 Standard Male Cho Christmas selections SCRS E-- 1178. U-274 The Bob Crosby Show w/BC, Jerry Gray's Orc &
1098. U-116/W-104 Standard Mixed Cho//Hollywood American Legion Band E the Modernaires E
1099. U-117 Standard Mixed Cho Christmas selections E-- 1179. U-275 David Street & Lucille Norman SCF S1 E
1100. U-125 Standard Male Cho Christmas selections SCRS E- 1180. U-276 Artie Wayne E-
1101. U-127 Standard Male Cho Christmas selections SCRS E- 1181. U-277 The Bob Crosby Show w/BC, Jerry Gray's Orc &
1102. U-129 Standard Male Qrt Christmas selections SCRS E- the Modernaires E
1103. U-132 Robert Royce Christmas selections SCFS E- 1182. U-278 Michael Douglas E+
1104. U-135 Chapel Singers Christmas selections LT SCRS E- 1183. U-279 Kay Starr SCRS E-
1105. U-138 Bronzemen Christmas selections; 1184. U-280 The Bob Crosby Show E+
lss "Colored male quartet" SCFS E- 1185. U-281 Kay Starr w/Billy Butterfield's Qnt SCRS E-
1106. U-141 Robert Royce Christmas selections E-- 1186. U-282 Michael Douglas & the Skylarks FW SCRS E
1107. U-143 Bronzemen Christmas selections; 1187. U-283 St. Olaf Choir E
lss "Colored quartet" SCFS, SCRS E- 1188. U-284 The Bob Crosby Show w/Jerry Gray's Orc &
1108. U-165 Charioteers (Male Qrt) MN LT SCRS E- the Modernaires FW SCRS E+
1109. U-166 Charioteers (Male Qrt) E-- 1189. U-285 Robert Clay SCF E
1110. U-167 Wade Lane SCRS S1 E 1190. U-286 The Bob Crosby Show w/the Bobcats &
1111. U-169 Charioteers (Male Qrt) E- the Bob-O-Links SCR S2 E+
1112. U-171 King's Men LT SCR S1 E 1191. U-287 Jubalaires E+
1113. U-172 Charioteers (Male Qrt) FW SCRS E- 1192. U-288 Jubalaires E
1114. U-173 Charioteers (Male Qrt) SCRS E- 1193. U-289 Cathedral Choir E--
1115. U-174 Wade Lane SCRS E- 1194. U-290 David Street E+
1116. U-176 Chapel Singers SCRS E- 1195. U-291 The Bob Crosby Show w/BC, Jerry Gray's Orc &
1117. U-177 Robert Mitchell Boychoir of St. Brendan's E the Modernaires E--

1196. U-292 Kay Starr E- 1278. W-121 Songs of American Colleges E-
1197. U-293 William Hampton White E-- 1279. W-122 Songs of American Colleges SCFS E
1198. U-294 The Bob Crosby Show w/BC, Jerry Gray's Orc & 1280. W-123 Songs of American Colleges E-
the Modernaires E 1281. W-124 Songs of American Colleges E--
1199. U-295 St. Olaf Choir E 1282. W-125 Victory Military Band E+
1200. U-296 The Bob Crosby Show w/Jerry Gray's Orc & the Modernaires E- 1283. W-126 Victory Military Band E+
1201. U-297 David Street E 1284. W-127 Victory Military Band E+
1202. U-298 Michael Douglas FW SCRS E- 1285. X-118 Ozzie Nelson's Orc//Slide Music of Will Osborne's Orc SCRS E-
1203. U-299 David Street E+ 1286. X-124 Phil Ohman's Orc Scratched-out outtake s2 SOLS E--
1204. U-300 The Bob Crosby Show w/BC & Jerry Gray's Orc SM WPG E 1287. X-125 Edwin La Mar's Novachord Qrt WOLS E--
1205. U-301 Fred Darian E 1288. X-127 Four Vagabonds SCRS E
1206. U-302 Fred Darian E- 1289. X-128 Patti Clayton & the Four Vagabonds SCRS E-
1207. U-303 The Bob Crosby Show (Jerry Gray's Orc w/Bob Crosby, vc & 1290. X-130 Escorts & Betty SCRS E-
the Modernaires) E+ 1291. X-131 Janette & the Four Vagabonds//Four Vagabonds SCRS E-
1208. U-304 Michael Douglas E+ 1292. X-133 Song Makers//Janette & the Four Vagabonds E--
1209. U-305 Cathedral Choir (Christmas Songs) E+ 1293. X-134 Song Makers//Four Vagabonds SCRS E-
1210. U-306 Fred Darian LT SCRS E+ 1294. X-135 Janette & the Song Makers//Song Makers SCRS E-
1211. U-307 King's Men LT SCRS E 1295. X-141 King's Men w/Billy Mills' Orc SCRS E-
1212. U-308 Jon Dodson w/Edwin Le Mar, org E- 1296. X-150 Vern Buck's Orc WOLS E-
1213. V-101 Al Clauser & his Oklahoma Outlaws LT SCFS E 1297. X-151 King's Men w/Billy Mills' Orc E-
1214. V-102 Al Clauser & his Oklahoma Outlaws E 1298. X-152 Rhythm Masters MN LT SCRS, WOLS E-
1215. V-103 Al Clauser & his Oklahoma Outlaws E 1299. X-155 Hal McIntyre's Orc MN LT SCRS, WOLS E-
1216. V-106 Texas "Jim" Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E 1300. X-157 Joe Reichman's Orc E+
1217. V-107 Texas "Jim" Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E-- 1301. X-158 Garwood Van's Orc WOLS E-
1218. V-108 Texas "Jim" Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E-- 1302. X-160 Hal McIntyre's Orc E--
1219. V-109 Texas "Jim" Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E-- 1303. X-162 California Harmonies MN LT SCRS, WOLS E-
1220. V-110 Texas "Jim" Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E-- 1304. X-163 Hal McIntyre's Orc WOLS E--
1221. V-111 Zeke Clements SCRS E-- 1305. X-164 Dick Winslow's Music MN LT SCRS E-
1222. V-112 Rudy Sooter's Californians E-- 1306. X-165 Henry Busse's Orc WOLS E--
1223. V-113 Rudy Sooter's Californians E-- 1307. X-168 Henry Busse's Orc WOLS E-
1224. V-114 Rudy Sooter's Californians E-- 1308. X-170 Paul Martin's Orc E-
1225. V-115 Rudy Sooter's Mountain Boys E-- 1309. X-171 California Harmonies E
1226. V-116 Rudy Sooter's Mountain Boys 1310. X-172 Hal McIntyre's Orc E
Scratched outtake track sel 6; Bidder Request Show E-- 1311. X-173 Dick Winslow's Music E--
1227. V-117 Al Clauser & his Oklahoma Outlaws "Deleted" isols E-- 1312. X-174 Carl Ravazza's Orc E--
1228. V-120 Rough Riders E-- 1313. X-175 Freddy Martin, his Singing Saxophone & his Orc E--
1229. V-121 Rough Riders E-- 1314. X-176 Joe Reichman's Orc SCRS E--
1230. V-122 Rough Riders E-- 1315. X-177 Emile Petti's Orc "Feb 11 1946" isol E-
1231. V-125 Eddie Dean & the Pals of the Golden West E-- 1316. X-178 Freddy Martin's Orc SCRS E--
1232. V-126 Pals of the Golden West E-- 1317. X-179 Emile Petti's Orc E--
1233. V-127 Pals of the Golden West SCRS E- 1318. X-180 Hal McIntyre's Orc SCRS E--
1234. V-128 Pals of the Golden West E-- 1319. X-181 California Harmonies E
1235. V-129 Pals of the Golden West SCRS E- 1320. X-183 Eddie Oliver's Orc SCRS E-
1236. V-130 Rough Riders SOLS E-- 1321. X-185 Emile Petti's Orc SCRS, WOLS E-
1237. V-131 Rough Riders E-- 1322. X-186 California Harmonies SCFS E-
1238. V-132 Rough Riders E-- 1323. X-187 Shorty Sherock's Orc E-
1239. V-133 Rudy Sooter's Californians HV SCRS T8 E- 1324. X-188 Leighton Noble's Orc SCFS E-
1240. V-134 Rudy Sooter's Californians E-- 1325. X-190 Freddy Martin's Orc SCRS E-
1241. V-135 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys MN SCRS E-- 1326. X-191 California Harmonies E-
1242. V-136 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys LN SCRS E-- 1327. X-192 Leighton Noble's Orc LT SCRS, WOLS E
1243. V-137 Skeeter Hubbert & his Cowboys E+ 1328. X-193 Eddie Miller's Orc w/Penny Parker, vc E-
1244. V-138 Skeeter Hubbert & his Cowboys E- 1329. X-194 Shorty Sherock's Orc SCRS, WOLS E
1245. V-139 Skeeter Hubbert & his Cowboys E- 1330. X-195 Leighton Noble's Orc WOLS E-
1246. V-140 Skeeter Hubbert & his Cowboys E- 1331. X-196 Shorty Sherock's Orc WOLS E-
1247. V-141 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys WOLS E-- 1332. X-197 Eddie Miller's Orc SCRS E-
1248. V-142 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys SCRS E-- 1333. X-198 Californians SCRS E
1249. V-143 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E+ 1334. X-199 Eddie Miller's Orc E-
1250. V-144 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E-- 1335. X-200 Boyd Raeburn's Orc E--
1251. V-145 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys SCRS E- 1336. X-201 Californians E--
1252. V-146 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E- 1337. X-202 Boyd Raeburn's Orc E-
1253. V-147 Harmoneers WOL S1 E-- 1338. X-203 Californians E-
1254. V-148 Harmoneers w/Curley Bradley WOL S1 E-- 1339. X-206 Hal McIntyre's Orc SCRS E--
1255. V-149 Harmoneers E-- 1340. X-207 Boyd Raeburn's Orc E--
1256. V-150 Rudy Sooter's Californians SCRS E- 1341. X-208 Hal McIntyre's Orc LN SCRS E-
1257. V-151 Rudy Sooter's Californians E 1342. X-211 Californians E--
1258. V-152 Colorado Hillbillies E- 1343. X-212 Garwood Van's Orc E
1259. V-153 Johnny Bond & his Red River Valley Boys E- 1344. X-213 Freddy Martin, his Singing Saxophone & his Orc SCRS E-
1260. V-154 Milo Twins SCRS E-- 1345. X-214 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music E-
1261. V-155 Milo Twins E- 1346. X-215 Freddy Martin SCRS E-
1262. V-156 Johnny Bond & his Red River Valley Boys E+ 1347. X-216 Dick Jurgens' Orc SCRS E-
1263. V-157 Red River Trio E-- 1348. X-217 Dick Jurgens' Orc SCRS E
1264. V-158 Novelty Aces FW SCRS E 1349. X-218 Joe Reichman's Orc E-
1265. V-159 Novelty Aces VLT SCR S2 E+ 1350. X-219 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SCRS E-
1266. V-160 Johnny Bond & his Red River Valley Boys E- 1351. X-220 Boyd Raeburn's Orc SCRS E-
1267. V-161 Novelty Aces LT SCRS E+ 1352. X-221 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SCRS E
1268. V-162 Scotty Harrell, the Plainsmen & Orchette E-- 1353. X-222 Dick Jurgens' Orc SCRS E-
1269. V-163 Prairie Ramblers SCR S2 E+ 1354. X-223 Dick Jurgens' Orc E-
1270. V-164 Prairie Ramblers LT SCRS E 1355. X-224 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SCRS E-
1271. V-172 Novelty Aces E-- 1356. X-225 Joe Reichman's Orc SCRS E-
1272. V-173 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys E-- 1357. X-226 Leighton Noble's Orc SCRS E-
1273. V-174 Rudy Sooter's Californians E- 1358. X-227 Leighton Noble's Orc E--
1274. V-175 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys LT SCRS E- 1359. X-228 Bob Crosby's Orc E+
1275. V-176 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys MN LT SCRS E- 1360. X-229 Bob Crosby's Orc E-
1276. V-177 Jack Rivers & his Boys MN LT SCRS E- 1361. X-230 Joe Reichman's Orc E-
1277. V-178 Texas Jim Lewis & his Lone Star Cowboys LT SCRS E 1362. X-236 Jack Fina's Orc E-

1363. X-237 Leighton Noble's Orc E- 1418. X-302 Bob Chester's Orc LT SCRS E-
1364. X-238 Freddy Martin's Orc E-- 1419. X-303 Tommy Dorsey's Orc SCFS, SCRS E-
1365. X-239 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music E- 1420. X-305 David Le Winter & the Pump Room Orc E
1366. X-240 Ike Carpenter's Orc E-- 1421. X-306 Bob Chester's Orc LT SCR E
1367. X-241 Leighton Noble's Orc SCRS E-- 1422. X-307 Cocoanut Grove Orc E
1368. X-242 Ike Carpenter's Orc E- 1423. X-309 Jerry Gray's Orc E
1369. X-243 Skinnay Ennis' Orc E-- 1424. X-310 Bob Chester's Orc WPG S2 E+
1370. X-244 Skinnay Ennis' Orc E-- 1425. X-311 Jerry Gray's Orc LT SCR E+
1371. X-246 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music E- 1426. X-312 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SM HV SCR TRACK 1 E+
1372. X-247 Leighton Noble's Orc SCR S1 E- 1427. X-313 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music LT SCRS E+
1373. X-248 Jack Fina's Orc SG TRACK 1 E- 1428. X-314 Tommy Dorsey's Orc LT SCRS E
1374. X-249 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music E- 1429. X-315 Tommy Dorsey's Orc LT SCRS E
1375. X-253 Joe Reichman's Orc E-- 1430. X-316 Cocoanut Grove Orc E-
1376. X-254 Dick Jurgens' Orc FW SCRS E- 1431. X-317 Bob Chester's Orc E+
1377. X-255 Dick Jurgens' Orc SCFS E- 1432. X-318 David Le Winter & the Pump Room Orc E
1378. X-256 David LeWinter & the Pump Room Orc E- 1433. X-320 Joe Reichman's Orc LT SCRS E
1379. X-257 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music E- 1434. X-321 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music E-
1380. X-258 David LeWinter & the Pump Room Orc E-- 1435. X-323 Sonny Burke's Orc E-
1381. X-259 Joe Reichman's Orc E- 1436. X-324 Jerry Gray's Orc E-
1382. X-260 Jack Fina's Orc LT SCRS E- 1437. X-325 Cocoanut Grove Orc SM SCR E-
1383. X-261 Horace Heidt's Musical Knights MN SCRS E-- 1438. X-326 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SCRS E-
1384. X-262 Jimmy Zito, tpt & his Orc E- 1439. X-327 Billy May's Orc E+
1385. X-263 Freddy Martin, his Singing Saxophone & his Orc E 1440. X-328 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music E-
1386. X-264 Jimmy Zito, tpt & his Orc E-- 1441. X-329 Cocoanut Grove Orc SCR E+
1387. X-265 Freddy Martin, his Singing Saxophone & his Orc SCRS E-- 1442. X-331 Jerry Fielding's Orc E+
1388. X-266 Horace Heidt & his Musical Knights E 1443. X-332 Tommy Dorsey's Orc E-
1389. X-267 Freddy Martin, his Singing Saxophone & his Orc E 1444. X-333 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music LT SCFS E
1390. X-268 Isham Jones' Orc w/Marilyn Thorne, Curt Massey & 1445. X-334 Tommy Dorsey's Orc SCRS E-
Bob Allen, vcs E 1446. X-335 Bob Crosby's Orc SCRS E
1391. X-269 Serenaders FW SCRS E- 1447. X-336 Jerry Fielding's Orc E-
1392. X-270 Serenaders FW SCRS E- 1448. Y-100 Carlos Molina & his Music of the Americas E--
1393. X-271 Rene Durant's Orc SCR S2 E- 1449. Y-105 Carlos Molina & his Music of the Americas E--
1394. X-272 Rene Durant's Orc E- 1450. Y-106 Carlos Molina & his Music of the Americas E-
1395. X-273 David LeWinter & the Pump Room Orc 1451. Y-107 Carlos Molina & his Music of the Americas E-
Cole Porter Medleys s2 LT SCR S2 E 1452. Y-108 Carlos Molina & his Music of the Americas E
1396. X-274 Lawrence Welk & his Champagne Music E- 1453. Y-109 Carlos Molina & his Music of the Americas E--
1397. X-275 Lawrence Welk & his Champagne Music SCFS E 1454. Y-110 De Castro Sisters SCFS E
1398. X-276 Californians SCRS E 1455. Y-111 De Castro Sisters E
1399. X-277 Robert Clary//Rene Durant's Orc MN LT SCRS E- 1456. Y-112 Carlos Molina & his Music of the Americas SCRS E-
1400. X-278 Jimmy Dorsey's Orc E 1457. Y-113 Ray Martinez' Orc SCRS E
1401. X-279 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SCR S2 E 1458. Y-115 Llaneros Trio LT SCRS E
1402. X-280 David LeWinter & the Pump Room Orc SCRS E- 1459. Y-116 Lorraine Cugat's Orc SCR TRACK 1 E
1403. X-282 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SCRS E- 1460. Y-128 Jimmy Walsh's Orc//Harry Bluestone E-
1404. X-283 Jerry Gray's Orc E+ 1461. Y-130 Harry Bluestone's Salon Swing Qnt//
1405. X-284 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music SCRS E Jimmy Walsh's Orc LT SCRS E-
1406. X-285 Lawrence Welk's Champagne Music LT SCRS E- 1462. Y-131 Chuck Foster's Orc SCRS E-
1407. X-286 Tommy Dorsey's Orc SCRS, SCFS E- 1463. Y-143 Pinky Tomlin's Orc SCR S1 E
1408. X-287 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/Johnny Armoroso, vc FW LN SCRS E 1464. Y-147 Pinky Tomlin's Orc//Toppers E--
1409. X-288 Jerry Gray's Orc SCRS S2 E 1465. Z-162 Dave Rose's Orc SCRS E
1410. X-289 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/Jack Duffy & Johnny Armoroso, vcs E 1466. Z-165 Dave Rose's Orc FW SCRS E
1411. X-293 Jerry Gray's Orc SCRS E 1467. Z-177 Billy Mills' Orc MN LT SCRS E-
1412. X-294 Tommy Dorsey's Orc SCRS E- 1468. Z-185 Music by (Claude) Sweeten SCFS, SCRS E-
1413. X-295 David LeWinter & the Pump Room Orc SCRS E 1469. Z-192 Jack Teagarden's Orc BBLS, PDEFS E
1414. X-297 Skinnay Ennis' Orc SCRS E- 1470. Z-192 Jack Teagarden's Orc SCRS E--
1415. X-298 Joe Reichman's Orc SCRS, WPG E 1471. Z-201 Jack Teagarden's Orc w/Sally Long, vc SCRS E
1416. X-299 Jerry Gray's Orc SCFS, LT LST E 1472. Z-267 Leith Stevens' Orc SCRS E-
1417. X-301 David LeWinter & the Pump Room Orc LT SCRS E 1473. Use this number to bid on Lots 991-1472 as a group MB 1000


V-Discs were produced for the entertainment of American military personnel stationed overseas. They are not uncommon, but given the fact that they were (illegally) brought back
to the states by servicemen returning from duty, they tend to be a bit on the rough side. Additionally, most V-Discs are vinyl, which means that they are more prone to wear and
scuffing than shellac 78s. This group, however, is exceptionally nice, and so presents a great opportunity to upgrade your collection.
12", MB $15
1474. 307 Charlie Barnet's Orc: Cherokee & Pompton Turnpike//Muggsy Spanier's Ragtime Band: Riverboat Shuffle &
I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate E
1475. 322 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/the Sentimentalists, vc: Melody In A & Chicago//Benny Goodman's V-Disc All-Star Band: After You've Gone E-
1476. 404 Lionel Hampton's Orc: Vibe Boogie//Yank Lawson's V-Disc All Stars: Davenport Blues MB 25 E
1477. 428 Lionel Hampton's Orc: Screamin' Boogie//V-Disc All Stars w/Hot Lips Page, tpt & vc: Miss Martingale SM WOLS E-
1478. 516 Duke Ellington's Orc: Perfume Suite, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 FW LT SCRS E
1479. 517 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Oscar Levant, pno: Gershwin Piano Concerto-1st & 3rd Mvts//Oscar Levant, pno:
Gershwin Piano Preludes, Nos 2 & 3 MB 25 E
1480. 551 Spike Jones' City Slickers w/Carl Grayson & Red Ingle, vcs: You Always Hurt The One You Love & SP's CS w/CG, RI & Del Porter, vcs: Siam//
Dick Liebert, org: Thine Alone & Clock Shop Lss "At Radio City Music Hall Organ" s2 E-
1481. 553 Sam Donahue & the Navy Dance Band: Moten Swing & Just You, Just Me//George Paxton's Orc w/Allan Dale, vc cut 2:
The Touch Of Your Lips; My Devotion & You've Got Me Crying Again LT WMKS E
1482. 554 Bob Crosby & his V-Disc Bob-Cats w/BC, vc: It's A Long Way To Tipperary//Louis Prima's Orc w/LP, vc: Just A Gigolo E+
1483. 555 [shellac] Gene Krupa's Orc w/Anita O'Day, vc: Opus 1 & Eight Squares and a Critic: The Lastest Thing In Hot Jazz//Connie Boswell's
V-Disc Music Men: Way Down Yonder In New Orleans MB 25 E+
1484. 568 [shellac] Jimmie Lunceford's Orc: The Jimmies & I Need A Lift//Mal Hallett's Orc: After All That Gin E-
1485. 570 Spike Jones & his City Slickers: Minka & McNamara's Band//Andrews Sisters: The Blond Sailor & Put That Ring On My Finger E-
1486. 581 Bing Crosby & Risë Stevens: Medley from "Dixie," Pt 1-Sunday, Monday Or Always & Last Rose Of Summer//
Pt 2-She's From Missouri & Swing Low, Sweet Chariot MB 25 E+
1487. 599 Three Jesters: The Pants That Pappy Gave To Me & I Had A Hat//Three Suns: By The Waters Of Minnetonka;
What Would Annie Say & Busy Holiday VSM SCF S1 E
1488. 601 Maj. Glenn Miller & the AAF Overseas Orc w/Johnny Desmond, vc: Symphony//Benny Goodman's Sxt: I Got Rhythm MB 25 VSM LTR E+
1489. 619 Bill Heathcock's V-Disc West Coasters w/Anita Boyer, vc s2: Late At Night//My Silent Love E
1490. 632 Bing Crosby: Dear Old Girl & These Foolish Things//Harry Cool's Orc: Are Ya' Kiddin' & Do You Love Me LTRS E+
1491. 776 Quinto Maganini & the Norwalk Sym Orc: A V-Disc Pops Concert - Satirical Dance from “The Bolt” (Shostakovitch) &
Poem No 2, Op 32 (Scriabiane)//Zamboanga E-
1492. 778 Dr Fritz Reiner & the NBC Sym Orc: A Night On Bald Mountain (Moussorgsky), Pt 1//Pt 2 FW SCRS E
1493. 779 Benny Goodman: Ten Days With Baby & Rachel's Dream//Buddy Rich: What Is This Thing Called Love SM SCRS S1 E
1494. 780 Al Jolson: Lazy & Bing Crosby: Country Style & Irving Berlin: Oh, How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning//
Ray Eberle's Orc: Stella By Starlight & It's The Same Old Dream E
1495. 783 Buddy Weed Trio: Weedin' The Rhapsody//Clark Terry's Section Eights: Phalanges MB 25 E
1496. 785 Dick Haymes: I'll Forget You & Mother Machree//The Three Suns w/Artie Dunn, vc: Good-Bye Girls I'm Through E
1497. Navy 88 Fats Waller & his Rhythm w/FW, vc: Your Feet's Too Big & All That Meat And No Potatoes//Earl Hines' Orc w/Billy Eckstein, vc:
Jelly Jelly E-
1498. Navy 136 Freddy Martin's Orc w/the Martin Men, vc: Cuddle Up A Little Closer//Clyde Rogers, Stuart Wade & MM, vcs cut 2: My Gal Sal &
On The Banks Of The Wabash E
1499. Navy 157 Muggsy Spaniers' Ragtime Band: Relaxin' At The Touro & Dipper Mouth Blues//Will Bradley's Orc w/Ray McKinley, vc:
Scrub Me Mama With A Boogie Beat Nice! MB 25 E+
1500. Navy 158 Artie Shaw's Orc: Adios, Marquita Linda//Moonglow E
1501. Navy 234 Harry James' Orc w/Buddy DiVito, vc: All Of My Life & Kitty Kallen, vc: I Don't Care Who Knows It//Yank Lawson's Orc:
Sugar & Sensation MB 25 LT SCR S2 E+


10" African, MB $25

1502. Gallotone CO-194 Mwenda Jean Bosco: Turudi Nyumbani//Kulia Stephanie (both Swahili) V++
1503. Gallotone GB-1672 Lusaka Radio Band w/Alick Nkhata's Qrt: Kapata Mukaya//Imbote (both Bantu) LT SCFS E
1504. Gallotone GB-1780 Jean Bosco Mwenda: Babawata//Furai Va Katanga Swahili; BRS SCRS E-
1505. Gallotone GB-1783 Jean Bosco Mwenda: Kwaleza//Basanga Bonso (both Luba/Songe) SM LTR E--
1506. Gallotone GB-1806 Anaeli Eliapenda: Lilyendi Mbeluoe//Kongiringia Na Raba (both Ghaga/Marangu) SCFS, BLSS E-
1507. Gallotone GB-1973 George Sibanda: Izwe Lenja Bulo//Gijima Mfana (both Ndebele) SCFS, LT DWRP E--
1508. Gallotone GB-2205 Kimambo Bros: Afrika Njikukundi//Ndenyi Owinyi (both Chaga) LT LST E
1509. Gallotone GE-891 Asenga Choir: Amalupenga//Nyenyezi (both Bantu) Lss "Chinyanja Nyasa" EFS NTG, SM BLSS E--
1510. HMV AMC-152 François Pascal: Natafuta Bibi Yangu//Mukwe Kijana Ni Mubaya Sana (both Swahili)
Lss "Ki-Congo"; Bidder Request Show CBI V+
1511. Jua LUX-2 [Tanzania] Kohanger & Nazeer: Mama Zetu//Mshimiwa Nyerere (both Swahili) E--
1512. Ngoma 1887 Léon Bukasa: Louise Mungambule//Kobeta Mwasi Te Lingala BLSS S2 E--
*1513. Salaam CC 120 Edward Nandwa & Peter Muleli: Peter Matolo//Usidanganywe Na Maneno (both Swahili) LTRS S2 E--
1514. Troubadour BZ-1233 Ali Msego & Co: Lale//Richa Ni Lale (both Giriama) LG SCFS, EF NTG, SM LTR S2 E--

10" Cajun, MB $25

1515. CoV 15325-D Joseph Falcon & Clemo Breaux: La Marche De La Noce//Vieux Airs MB 50 BLSS V++
1516. DeSB 5116 Leo Soileau's Four Aces: Arcadia County Breakdown//Louisiana Blues V++
1517. Gold Star 1313/14 Harry Choates: Basile Waltz//Jole Blon MB 50 FW BBLS, LT WMKS E
*1518. Goldband 1041 Iry Le June: Duraldo Waltz//Grande Bosco Bidder Request Show MB 50 SCRS S1 E
1519. Khoury's 648 Lawrence Walker & his Wandering Aces: Waltz Of Regret//Brunette Two Step SM LTR S2 E+
1520. Macy's 124 [vnl] Harry Choates & his Fiddle: Gra Mamou//Catn' Around Houston lbl LT LSTS E--
1521. Southern 101 J.B. Frusliers & his Merry Makers: Chere Petite File//La Valse De Iowa Sulphur, LA lbl MB 5 VLT HMC E
1522. Starday 212 Harry Choates: Poor Hobo//Opelousas Waltz E-
1523. VoW 5281 Blind Uncle Gaspard: Mercredi Soir Passé//BUG & Delma Lachney: Riviere Rouge Plays fair V-
 Be sure to check out Lot 6194 for a real Gem!

10" French, MB $3
1524. Choudens 1066 Van Hoorebeke: Un Soir Avec Toi//G 7 Fox E-
1525. CoV 234-M [bw] Lucienne Boyer: Quand Tu Seras Dans Mes Bras//L'Amour Vient Et S'Enfuit SM SCFS E-
1526. CoV2 239-M Lucienne Boyer: Beaucoup//Un Amour Comme Le Notre LT LST S2 E--
1527. CoV2 290-M Marianne Oswald: L'Enigrante//Le Bateau Ivre SM LST E
1528. CoM 38912 Edith Piaf: Un Refrain Courait Dans La Rue//La Vie En Rose SM LTRS S2 E--/E
1529. Co BF-128 Edith Piaf: Bal Dans Ma Rue//Le Prisonnier De La Tour MN SM LT SCRS, VSM LTR, LT IC E-
1530. Co BF-189 Edith Piaf: Les Amants De Paris//T'as Pas Profité De Ta Chance dsol V++
1531. Co BF-265 Edith Piaf: L'Orgue Des Amoureux//Pleure Pas SM SFS, SM WOL E
1532. Co DF-44 Edmond Rambaud: Les Millions d'Arlequin//Celebre Serenata E-
1533. Co DF-86 Marcelle Denya: Air du Sabre//Little Great Army, both from "Le Chant du Desert" GR E-
1534. Co DF-228 Josephine Baker: Dis-Moi Josephine?//Josephine Baker & Adrien Lamy:
Voulez-Vous De La Canne A Sucre? MB 15 E--
1535. Co DF-229 Josephine Baker: La Petite Tonkinoise//Baker & Lamy: J'Ai Deux Amours
Throat clearing 1" in on "Petite" side; Bidder Request Show MB 25 SCFS S2 E
1536. Co DF-689 Feyrou, Huberdeau & Myral: Barbe Bleue - Le Retour//Le Départ E
1537. Co DF-1438 Marie Dubas: Croyez-vous, Ma Chère!//Les Chansons Du Monsieur Bleu VLT SCRS E+
1538. CoMN E-487 Wéber & Boyer: La Mascotte-Air//Boyer & Piccaluga: Miss Helvett-Air E--
1539. CoGB E-7027 Le Maire's French String Orc: Manon's Letter//Under The Bridges Of Paris V++
1540. Co LF-254 Madeleine Martinetti: Manou Filradoue//Berceuse Du Grillon LT RAS E
1541. Co RF-34 Edmond Rambaud: Chanson Du Coeur Brise//Toujours Je Vous Entends SM PMK E-
1542. Co RF-74 Georges Thill: El Pampero//Sur Le Flot Berceur E-
1543. Cristal 5333 Charles Richard: Lorsque Le Mercredi//C'est Pour Toi GR E-
1544. DsqG 239278/272 Mosé Tapiero: La Lune De Miel//Guido Gialdini: Valse De Dollars V
1545. DsqG DA-5012 Jacques Jansen: Air de Maurice//Berceuse, both from "A l'Aimable Sabine" LT LSCR, VLT SCRS E
1546. DsqG DA-5013 Germaine Roger: L'Amour Cet Inconnu//Un Moment Un Regard, both from "A l'Aimable Sabine" E+
1547. HMVhc E-326 Sarah Bernhardt: La Samaritaine//Phèdre MB 25 E
1548. Elec EW-54 Yvette Guilbert: Pourquoi Me Bat Mon Mari?//Dites Moi Si Je Suis Belle E+
1549. G&T Blk GC-2-32504 stp 1 Mr Mercadier: L'Etoile d'Amour E--
1550. G&T Blk GC-2-32537 stp 2 Mr Mercadier: Marjolaine E--
1551. G&T Blk GC-2-32548 stp 2 Mr Mercadier: Ma Ninette E-
1552. G&T Blk GC-2-32549 stp 1 Mr Mercadier: C'était Un Rêve E--
1553. DsqG K-5882 Marcel Claudel: O Ma Bien Aimée//Lettre d'Une Amante, both from "Frederique" Lyon dsol HV LSCR E-
1554. DsqG K-5947 Jean Sorbier: Adieu Mes Amours//Le Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin LSCRS E
1555. DsqG K-6102 Marcel Claudel: Toujours Je Vous Entends//Romance SM SCRS E

1556. DsqG K-6144 Emile Rousseau: Le Coeur & La Main-Me Micaëla, Ma Chère//Chanson du Casque E
1557. DsqG K-6440 Armand Crabbe: Roses De Picardie//Alma Mia E-
1558. DsqG K-6678 Dauty & Sorbier: Tout Bleu, Tout Bleu//Bregis & Sorbier: L'Auberge Du Cheval Blanc LT NR S2 E-
1559. DsqG K-7372 Vanni-Marcoux: Les Loups//Ma Lola SCFS E
1560. DsqG SG-16 Deprince, acc w/son Orchestre: Dos Maracas//Brillante Large dsol s2 WOL S2, FW SCRS E--
1561. Od 49212 Raquel Meller: La Violetera//Diguili Que Vingui VLT RS S1 E
1562. Od 165570 Sim Viva: Qui Je Regrette mon Village//Un Jour Un Brave Capitalne, both from "La Mascott" E-
1563. Od 165658 Micheletti: Majorquina//Un Autre Baiser E+
1564. Od 188712 Micheletti: L'Ajaccienne//Vocero LT SPTS E
1565. Od 188768 Roger Bourdin: Pastourelles de Weckerlin-Lison dormait//Menuet d exaudet E+
1566. Od 238421 Marie Therese Gauley: Le Voyage De Noces//Gauley & Bourdin: Marguerite, both from "Moineau" VLT SCF E+
1567. Od 238832 Pierre Dupree: Aupres De Ma Blonde//Celui Que Mon Coeur Aime Tant LT SCRS E
1568. Pa 85143 Georges Villier: Rondeau De l'lnconnue//Chanson De Cocarde, both from "La Cocarde de Mimi Pinson" E-
1569. Pat PA-395 André Bauge: On Sait Ce Que c'Est Qu'Une Femme//Ah! Non, Tu Ne Peux Pas Savoir,
both from "Fragonard" EF NTG, SM SOL E-
1570. Pat PA-446 George Jouatte: Chanson De Route//Le Yeux De Femme, both from "Mandrin" SOL E
1571. Pat PA-448 Solange Renaux: Eh! Bien, n'Avais Je Pas Raison?//Par Cet Espoir d'Un Jour Vous Avoir, both from "Mandrin" E
1572. Pat PA-456 Germaine Feraldy: On Dit Que l'Amour Est Roi//Vers To! Mon Amour s'Envole,
both from "Au Temps des Merveilleuses" LT SCRS E-
1573. Pat PD-139 Claude Devos: Si Tu Le Veux//L'Appel Du Printemps E-
1574. Pat PG-15 Jean Planel: L'Ane Blanc//Sunnez Les Matines SCFS E
1575. Pat X-90032 Ninon Vallin: Jaids Habitait Dans Es Grands, from "La Veuve Joyeuse"//Romance de Suzanne,
from "Le Comte de Luxembourg" E+
1576. Pat X-91002 Robert Brunier: Chaque Souvenir d'Amour//Couplets de l'Escarpolette, both from "Moineau" E--
1577. Pat X-91026 Bauge & Viva: Un Seal Regard//C'est Moz Premier Amour, both from "Nina Rosa" SOL E-
1578. Pat X-91031 Jean Planel: La Derniere Valse//La Veuve Joyeuse E-
1579. Pat X-93099 Jean Planel: A Trianon//Ouvre Tes Yeux Bleus E
1580. Pat X-94107 Lucien Muratore: Puisque Je T'Aime//Quand Je Suis Loin De Toi LT SCRS, LT SCFS E
1581. Pat X-94396 Villabella: Mademoiselle//Dis Moi Je T'aime! E+
1582. Poly 521603 Robert Couzinou: Pourquoi Vouloir Poursaivre Un Rêve, from "L'Ombre Rouge"//Le Chant du Désert,
from "Le Chant du Désert" E+
1583. Poly 521945 Lemichel Du Roy: Jamais Je Ne Fus Plus Heureuse//La Danse des Libellules, both from "Rêve de Valse" E+
1584. Poly 521994 Lemichel Du Roy: Ciboulette-C'est sa banlleue//Dans Une Charrette Qu'on Est Blen, both from "Ciboulette" E-
1585. Poly 522530 Stello: Auprés De Ma Blonde//Pandore E
1586. Poly 524206 Hélène Sadoven: Pourquoi?//Ven! BLSS, FW SCRS E-
1587. Poly 561042 Germaine Corney: Les Cigales//Colloque Sentimental E-
1588. Ult AP-1022 Supervia & Arnoult: Frasquita-Duo final du 1st acte, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT GR E-
1589. Vois de Notres 4975/4998 Adéodat Compère-Morel: Socialisme et Paysans//Paul Faure: Au Parti, Camarades! Compère-Morel was a French
Socialist publisher who helped found the Socialist Party of France; Faure was a French
Socialist politician from the inter war period MB 25 E
1590. DsqZon X-1261 Garde Républicaine: Retraite Aux Flambeaux Plays well V
*1591. DsqZon Bl X-2003 M. Coquelin Ainé: Le Corbeau Et Le Renard Zon circle backplate MB 150 FW LT SCRS E--

10" German, MB $3
1592. Br 10118 Sigrid Onegin: Herdegossen//Vaggvisa FW SCRS E
1593. De F-43529 Karl Terkal: Da Draußen Im Duftenden Garten//Ich Bin Nur Ein Armer Wandergesell LSCR E
1594. Em 19048 Carl Fischer: Der Janitor//Das Fidele Begrabnis Meiner Schwiegermutter ULC E--
1595. Gram 23632 Fritz Wolff: Lieb' Mich Und Die Velt Ist Mein//Du Sollst Der Kaiser Meiner Seele Sein E
1596. Gram 24016 Elsner & Niemar: Du Bist Mein Traumbild//Marie Elsner: Hülle Mich In Liebe Ein, both from "Der Studentenprinz" E--
1597. HMV BA-282 Marcel Wittrisch: O Madonna//Ninon LT SCRS E-
1598. Elec DA-4446 Dusolina Giannini & Marcel Wittrisch: Lippen Schweigen//Dusolina Giannini: Vilja LT SCFS E
1599. Elec EG-3427 Walther Ludwig: Ob Blond, Ob Braun, Ich Liebe Alle Frau'n//Schenk' Mir Dein Herz Heute Nacht E-
1600. Elec EG-3664 Marcel Wittrisch: Herz, Du Kennst Meine Sehnsucht//Hajoh! Wer Fährt Mit? E
1601. Elec EG-7167 Martin Kremer: Ich Träume Mit Offenen Augen//Liebliche Frau, Herrliche Frau E
1602. Elec EG-7289 Willy Treffner: Ich Such' In Jeder Frau Manina//Kurz Is Der Mai LT WOL E-
1603. G&T Blk GC-41380/379 stp 3 Adolf Ritter von Sonnenthal: Scene from "Wallenstein"//Scene from Der Ringerzählung from
"Nathan der Weise" MB 25 ND S1, LNRS V++
1604. Hom 4-3982 Richard Bitterauf: Im Krug Zum Grünen Kranze//Es Ritten Drei Reiter Zum Tore Hinaus E-
1605. Od O-4636 Richard Tauber: Schonst Der Frauen//So Wie Um Den Sonnen Ball, both from "Giuditta" E
1606. Od O-25266 Herbert Ernst Groh: Lucia-Fürdich allein Lucia//Gondoliere-Du singst mir süße E
1607. Pa B-48810 Joseph Schmidt: Ja, Du Allein//Was Wär' Mein Lied, Könnt' Ich's Die Nicht Singen E-
1608. Pa PO-167 Jarmila Novotna: My Lips Are Made For Kissing//Lovely As A Night In June E
1609. Poly 10809 Günther Treptow: Frasquita//Der Zarewitsch LT SCRS, LN LT NR E
1610. Poly 90082 Fritz Wolff: Der Letzte Gruß//Mädele Guck' Raus LT SCFS E+
1611. ViW 67894 Carl Schlegel: Ich Grolle Nicht//Der Gute Kamerad LT SCFS, SM WOL E

10" German (Weimar Republic & Third Reich Band Recordings), MB $50
1612. Co DW-5179 Musikkorps der Schutzpolizei Berlin: Steinmetz - Marsch//Kaiser Friedrich Marsch MB 15 SCRS S2, SM SCF S1 E
1613. HMV EG-1604 Berliner Fanfaren Blaeser Korps: Kavallerie-Parademarsch Nr. 1//Fehrbelliner Reitermarsch MB 15 E
1614. HMV EG-2361 9th Prussian Infantry Spandau Regiment: Marsch Des Yorck'schen Korps 1813//
Regimentsmarsch Der Fünfundfünfziger MB 15 SCFS, WOL S1 E
1615. HMV EG-2762 Adolf Berdien & Musikkorps III Batl. 9 Inf. Regt., Spandau: Hoch Heidecksburg//Treu Vereint SM WOL E-
1616. HMV EG-3069 Adolf Berdien & Musikkorps III Batl. 9 Inf. Regt., Spandau: König Karl//Paul Hellmann's Orc:
Ulmer Fischermarsch. Althistorischer SM WOL E-
1617. Gram 1416 Stahlhelm-Bundeskapelle Groß-Berlin: Hakenkreuz Am Stahlhelm//Kapelle der Standarte XII: Badenweiler Marsch MB 25 V+
1618. Poly 10778 Reichsmusikzug Des Reichsarbeitsdienstes: Der Mai Ist Gekommen//Musikkorps Des Inf. Lehr Regt.:
Freut Euch Des Lebens VLT SCR S2 E+
1619. Poly 48248 Hanns Steinkopf Blasorchester: Amboß//Galopp Im D Zug Ca 1954 MB 15 E
1620. Tele A-1698 Blas-Orchester Kurmark: Hacketäuer Marsch//Erwin Hartung: O Du Schönes Sauerland E
1621. Tele A-1757 Blas-Orchester Kurmark: San Marino//Deutschmeister Regimentsmarsch E-

10" Hawaiian, MB $3
1629. Br 2078 Frank Ferera & Anthony Franchini: My Isle Of Golden Dreams//Tripoli SOL S1 E--
1630. Br 2251 Frank Ferera & Anthony Franchini: Rio Nights//My Hawaiian Rainbow LST S1, SM SOL S2 E--

1631. Br 55032 Johnny Noble's Hawaiians w/Sam Kahanamoku, vc: Rose Of Honolulu//What Aloha Means E--
1632. Br 55039 Johnny Noble's Hawaiian Music w/Emma Bush, vc: Alekoki//Kolopa E--
1633. Br 55049 Johnny Noble's Hawaiian Music w/Danny Stewert, Joe Guerrero & Sol Bright, vcs: Hualalai//Maunawili Hula LG SCFS, LSCFS E-
1634. Ca S-288 Ferera & Franchini: Aloha Oe//One-Two-Three-Four Slightly noisy FMG E--
1635. Ch 15605 King, Queen & Jack, Hawaiian gtrs: Stack-O-Lee Blues//Hawaiian Rose MB 15 LST V++
1636. CoV 1942-D Ferera's Golden Hawaiians: My Song Of The Nile//Singin' In The Rain V++
1637. CoV 2076-D King Nawahi's Hawaiians: Hawaiian Capers//Malia MB 50 EF NTG, LT LSCFS E-
1638. Electradisk 2010 Master's Hawaiians: Hawaiian Hurricane//I'm Drifting Back To Dreamland MB 25 V++
1639. MW M-4424 Jim & Bob (the Genial Hawaiians), gtrs: Song Of The Range//St. Louis Blues MB 25 E--
1640. OkE 41054 Kalama's Qrt w/Bob Nawahine, vc: Wai O Minehaha//Mike Hanapi, ydl: Na Pua Eha Nice MB 25 E--
1641. Pa R-1614 Kanui & Lula: Oua, Oua//Tomi, Tomi BRS MB 25 E--/V++
1642. Superior 2516 Honolulu Harmony Boys: Ellis March//Hawaiian Love Est 395 copies sold; plays ok MB 15 V-
1643. ViW 18572 Hawaiian Qnt: Honolulu Tom Boy//E.K. Rose: Sweet Lei Lehua E--
1644. ViW 18577 Hawaiian Qnt: Aloha Oe//S.M. Kaiawe: Kuu Home E--
1645. ViS 21120 Honolulu Serenaders: Honolulu Stomp//Mele Of Hawaii E--
1646. ViP 65343 E.K. Rose & Hawaiian Qnt: Sweet Lei Lehua//Hawaiian Qnt: Honolulu Tom Boy SCF 1, LT FLBL S2 E-
1647. ViS 79999 [Arg] Les Loups: Flores Negras//Estoy Que Me Muero MB 25 GR V++
1648. ViS 80950 [Arg] Les Loups: Que Vachache//Ramona Montevideo dsol MB 25 V+

10" Hebrew & Yiddish, MB $3

1649. Apollo 138 Barton Brothers: Joe & Paul, Pt 1//Pt 2 V++
1650. Asch H-6005 Harry Lubin Qnt w/Dave Tarras, cla: Lebedig Und Freilach//Erinerungen MB 15 E-
1651. Asch H-6018 Chaim Tauber: Motl The Operator//Mein Shtetele Moliff SCFS E--
1652. Banner B-583 [vnl] Miriam Kressyn: Licht Benchen//Seymour Rechtzeit: Shpait By Nacht HC DNS, LT DS E-
1653. Banner B-2072 Pincus Lawenda w/Abe Ellstein's Orc: Natasha//Dri Shvester V++
1654. Banner B-2110 Feigele Panitz: Di Zun Is Fargang'n//Ch'lieb A Shain Yingele E--
1655. Banner B-2587 Seymour Rechtzeit: My Heart Cries For You//Good Night (Oy Vay), Irene SCFS E--
1656. Besa 801 Sidor Belarsky w/Buffalo Jewish Choral Soc: Yigdal, Pt 1//Pt 2 OS (fw trs) E+
1657. Br 40047 Isa Kremer: Schein Bin Ich Schein//Mlava Malke E-
1658. Br 40081 Cantor Savel Kwartin: En Kumoche//Kadish From Nila SCFS, FW SCRS, ND E-
1659. Cap 2456 Mickey Katz: Wild Corsets//That Pickle In The Window E--
1660. CoV 8003-F Nellie Casman: Yoineh//Yosel FW LT LCS V++
1661. CoF 8007-F David Medoff: Folk Song No 1//Abraham Fosenstein: No 2 E--
1662. CoF 8058-F William Schwartz: Ich Beink Noch Mein Shtedtele//Rosa, Mein Rosa V++
1663. CoV 8118-F Molly Picon: Macht Dos Chosid' I Bim-Bom//Vie Azoi Trinkt A Kaizer Tei? MB 25 SM SCR E
1664. CoV 8134-F Alexander Olshanetsky's Orc: Voil Iz Der Mamen//Potpurri Fun In Gorten Fun Liebe V++
1665. CoM 8242-F Aaron Lebedeff w/Sholem Secunda's Orc: Far Neela, Noch Neela//Gib Mir Bessarabia E-
1666. CoGB E-1281 Rosenstein: Das Talesel//Moritz Weitz: Reb Nuchim A Knaker 1" LC DNS E-
1667. CoMN E-2363 M. Kanewsky: O Ifn Pripetshok//Mi Ka Mashmelon EB NTPG E--
1668. CoGB E-3333 May Simon: Das Leben Fin A Fran//Der Volf In Das Shefele LSTS, SCFS E--
1669. CoGB E-4170 Louis Birnbaum: Wen Die Boys Welen Komen Zurick//Scholem E--
1670. CoGB E-7122 Joseph Felman: Bet's Ihm, Vet Er Ach Geben//Der Dales E--
1671. CoGB E-7656 Clara Gold, Gus Goldstein & Co: A Kaleh Bezetzen//Der Mesader Kedushen E--/V++
1672. Deluxe 8140 Jennie Goldstein w/Hymie Jacobson's Orc: Here Is The Bride//The Baby Sitter LT SCRS E-
1673. Em 13180 Simon Paskal: Ich Beink Nuch Mein Shteitele//Oifin Pripetchik V++
1674. International D-174/175 Maxim Brodyn: A Tane Tzu Got//In Der Finster FW SCFS S2 E-
1675. Israel 116 [vnl] Israel Folk Dance Orc w/Mort Freeman, vc: Im Hoopalnu//Eli Gamliel, vc: Cherkassiya E
1676. Israel 118 [vnl] Israel Folk Dance Orc w/Martha Schlamme, vc: Lech Lamidbar//Mort Freeman, vc: Ken Yovdu E
1677. Israel 119 [vnl] Israel Folk Dance Orc w/Martha Schlamme & Mort Freeman, vcs: Bo Dodi//MF, vc: Souvevuni LT SCFS S1 E
1678. Kolzion KZ-1002/1001 Bracha Zefira: Ghozu Ghez//Ein Adir Kaonai WOLS, SCFS E--
1679. Metro 100-1 [fs] A Ning'dl: Carol Rothman//Mary Feldman & Rhoda Cohn: Taiere Malke E-
1680. Metro 100-4 [fs] Dvoire Mandell: Mechutonim//Rita Wolf: Muzikantn & A Fidler E-
1681. Od O-2452 Kantor Fraenkel w/Verstärker Synagogen-Chor vom Friedenstempel, Berlin: Sabbat-Eingang, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
1682. PatA 03529 Josef Feldman: Sheinkt Mir Mein Mame//Shichelach SM LTRS E--
1683. PatA 03683 Jennie Goldstein: Mentsh Die Shvache Chayele//Fun Kevar Kumt Men Nit Zurick E--
1684. ODC 211636/37 Oberkantor Sawel Kwartin: L'el Orech Din//Bzes Isruel V++
1685. Reena S-10004 [2 recs; vnl] Heidy Mayer, narr w/Ben Parrish: Let's Play Maccabees FW SCRS, LT SCFS E
1686. Spiro S-1501 Diana Blumenfeld: Zmires//Surele E-
1687. Standard F-8001 Dave Tarras' Orc: Mozl-Tov Zelda//Ich Bin Deiner MB 15 FW SCFS E-
1688. Stinson 6034 Maxim Brodyn & Zelda Zlatin: Mariasha//MB: Tzum Klezmer LT SCFS S2 E
1689. Stinson 6089 Bernard Potock's Orc: Yosel Ber//Riwka Ben Zabes E+
1690. ViTM 2947 Goldin Hebrew Qrt: Die Fier Mekablim, from "David's Violin" MB 25 WOL V++
1691. ViP 16602 Solomon Small: Das Kiduschen Ring//Frances Simonoff: Die Toire E-
1692. ViP 17449 Josef Rosenblatt: Jehi Rozon, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
1693. ViTV 61082 Cantor Gerson Sirota: Schlosch Esrei Midoisch Recording Angel on back V++
1694. ViP 63833 Kalisch & Lorescu: Jiskor, aus "Col Nidrei"//Herman Sierodzki: Rosinkes Mit Mandlen, aus "Sulamitta" V++
1695. ViP 65156 Prager & Juivler: Die Schwie//Von Die Zweigen Die Fidelach V++
1696. ViW 72054 Kandel's Orc: Kolomeyka//Der Stiller Bulgarish MB 25 SCF E--
1697. ViW 72234 William Schwartz: Shma Yisroel//In Hinderd Juhr Arim LT LSPTS E--
1698. ViW 72701 Anna Hoffman & Jacob Jacobs: Chana Pesel Bam Doctor//Der Chusid Un De Datchki V++
1699. ViW 72890 Anna Hoffman & Jacob Jacobs: Peerim//Jacob Jacobs: Messiach Kimmt E--
1700. ViW 73116 Anna Hoffman & Jacob Jacobs: Folk Songs from "The Rabbi's Melody"//Joseph Rumshinsky's Orc:
Selection from "Stepchild of the World" SM SCRS E--
1701. ViW 73431 Jacob Jacobs: Ich Bin A Border By Mein Veib//Anna Hoffman: Chicken E--
1702. ViW 77163 Jacob Hoffman: Doina And Hora//Simchas Toirah In Der Alter Haim LTR S1 E--
1703. ViW 77326 Molly Picon: Oh, Will The Rabbi Spank Me!//I Have A Cold MB 15 LSCRS E-
1704. ViW 77440 Yetta Zwerling: Yankele Karmanshtshik//Nellie Casman: Der Shlisel LSPTS V++
1705. ViW 77721 Jacob Jacobs: Dus Redele Dreit Zich//Moonshine E--
1706. ViR 25-5028 Molly Picon: Yidel Mit 'N Fidel//Oy Sis Git E--
1707. ViR 25-5055 Seymour Rechtzeit: Keinmool//A Frelich Land E--
1708. ViR 25-5084 Mickey Katz & his Kosher-Jammers: Tzatski Kozatski//The Draidel Song EF NTG, SCFS E-
1709. ViR 25-5106 Leo Fuchs: Die Zach//Uncle Sam Un Reb Isruel SCFS S1 E-
1710. ViRC 25-5148 Cantor Kapov-Kagen: Sheiboneh Beis Hamikdosh, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
1711. ViC V-9057 Abe Ellstein's Orc: Lomer Frelach Zain//Freilichs E-
1712. ViC V-9084 Jewish Orc: Lechayim//In Vain Keller E--

1713. VoW 13023 Aaron Lebedeff: Oy Gewald Vi Derlebt Men Dus//Naches Fin Kinder E--
1714. VoW 13059 Aaron Lebedeff: Gewalt! Wie Ken Dus Sein//A Gite Woch Fun Der Alter Heim SCRS, NRS V++
1715. VoW 14365 Madam Rose Kraus: A Mames Trehren//Dos Elende Kind E--
1716. VoW 67140 Aaron Lebedeff: What Can You Mach! S' Is America//Chasene In Tchijeve SCFS E--
1717. Zamir 903 R. David: Imri Li//Ga'Aguey Moledeth Lss "Recorded in Tel Aviv" V++
1718. Zimra 1004 Uri Zifroni: El Hof Hamoledeth//Hora Hahalila Lss "Recorded in Tel Aviv" E-

10" Indonesian/Malaysian, MB $25

1719. Co D-33001 [12"] Gamelan Pelok Poesaka: Anglir Mendoeng//Sri Kraton VLT GR E
1720. Co DB-30192 [In] Ninja & Victor Tobing w/the Sweet Java Islanders: Terang Boelan//Gitaar Berboenji Hawaiian tunes E--
1721. HMV NT-35 Loerah Panajagan Abah Doerahim, Nji Tikok: Gorompol//Paron Sundanese E-
1722. HMV P-16287 Che Norlia: Dong Dang Sayang Ka, Pt 1//Pt 2 Malay E-
1723. Pa 246 Salim Halali: Bine El'Bareh Oua L'Youm, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-

10" Italian, MB $3
1724. Cet AA-395 Antonore Reali: Caruli//Tarantulla E+
1725. Cet AT-0116 Ferruccio Tagliavini: Ninna Nanna Grigioverde//Tu Non Me Lascerai VLT SCF E
1726. Cet AT-0165 Ferruccio Tagliavini: Dolce Sera//Amuri, Amuri LT SCF S2, VLT LSTE
1727. Cet AT-0294 Ferruccio Tagliavini: O Paese D' O Sole//Scalinatella E-
1728. DscG DA-863 Toti Dal Monte: Le Lucciole//Vidalita M-
1729. VDP DA-5358 Tito Schipa: Malia//L'alba Separa Dall Luce L'ombra E
1730. VDP DA-2077 Beniamino Gigli: Rosi', Rosi'//'O Pittore 'E Tutto 'O Munno LT SCFS E
1731. VDP DA-11323 Tito Schipa: Non Ti Scordar Di Napoli//Rondini Del Gesù E+
1732. VDP DA-11343 Tito Schipa: Fiammata//Ma Che Sarrà? E+
1733. VDP DA-11347 Giuseppe Di Stefano: 'O Sole Mio!//I'te Vurria Vasa'i SM SCRS S2, VLT LSPTS E
1734. Lon P-18219 Fernando Corena: Pulecenella//Io Te Vurria Vasa SM BLS E
1735. Od 188872 Luca Micheletti: Lamento Di U Castagnu, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCFS E
1736. Pa A-6950 [Aus] Joseph Schmidt: La Danza//L'Ariatella SM SCFS E
1737. Pa B-11250 Joseph Schmidt: Tiritomba//May, May & Schmidt: Wenn Du Jung Bist Gehört Dir WOL E-
1738. Phonotype 1125/1126 Giuseppe Godono: Nun Lassa Napule//F. Rondinella: Saluto E' Primmavera V++
1739. Phonotype 3808/3810 [pl] Giuseppe Godono: Addio, Signera!//Salotto Blù GR, FLBL S1 V++
1740. ViS 1202 Toti Dal Monte: La Lucciole//Vidalita LT SCR S1 E
1741. ViR 10-3268 Giuseppe De Stefano: Muttetti Di Lu Paliu//Abballati VLT SCFS E
1742. ViR 25-7164 Ferruccio Tagviavini: Scalinatella//'O Paese D' 'O Sole E
1743. ViC V-12536 Laura Boccia: Ritorna A Napoli//Forse Mai Piu E-

10" Portuguese/Brazilian, MB $3
1744. Antar P-6129 Agostinho Dos Santos: Cançao Do Amor//Felicidade, both from film "Orfeo Negro" WOLS, SCFS E--
1745. Co 3202 [vnl] Emilinha Borba: Castigo, Meu Amour//Filhinho Querido FW SCFS, LT LSTS E+
1746. Continental 15806 Emilinha Borba: Se Queres Saber//EB & Ruy Rey: Tico Tico Na Rumba Rio De Janiero dsol s2 V++
1747. Continental 20006 Amalia Rodrigues: Mouraria//Carmencita V++
1748. Copacabana 5997 Moacyr Silva: Mistura Fina//Vocé Passou Dsol s2 E-
1749. Melodia 15016 Deolinda Rodrigues & Ercilia Costa: Madragôa//Corridinho Da Madragôa SCFS E-
1750. Od 8519 [Brz] Aldo Sanders, gtr: Às Três Da Manhã//O Sole Mio MN SM SCRS V++
1751. Od 10021 Americo Jacomino, gtr: Marcha Dos Marinheiros//Abysmo De Rosas MB 15 WMKS E--
1752. Od 11850 Dorival Caymmi: Noite De Temporal//Navio Negreiro - Samba SGS, SOL V+
1753. Od 136812 Antonio Menano: Fado Serenata//Fado Da Mentira E--
1754. Od UR-1235 [Ur] Demonios da Garoa: Harem Do Maomé//Joel De Almeida: Madureira Chorou
S1 autographed by De Almeida; Bidder Request Show V+
1755. Philips 61015 [Brz; vnl] Silvinha Telles: Samba De Uma Nota Só//Se É Tarde, Me Peroda 1960 release LT SCFS & LDM S1 E+
1756. Regal C-8908 [Sp] Amalia Rodrigues: Margarita Pequeña//Una Casa Portuguesa TAPE IN ROA E--
1757. Sinter 00-00075 Os Copacabana: Granada//Veludo WOLS V+
1758. Sondor 9004 [Ur] Dick Farney: Esquece//Somos Dois SOL, ULCS V++
1759. Sondor 9035 [Ur] Waldyr Azevedo, cavaquinho: Pedacito De Cielo//Cachopa No Frevo E--
1760. Sondor 9042 [Ur] Dick Farney: Nick Bar//Cancion Del Vaquero V
1761. Sondor 9059 [Ur] Dick Farney: Perdido De Amor//Mi Sueño, both from film "Perdido de amor" LST S1, LT GR E--
1762. Sondor 9101 [Ur] Lucio Alves & Dick Farney: Tereza De La Playa//Casinha Pequena V+
1763. TK SC-597 [Arg] Bola Sete, gtr: Viejos Tiempos//Baion En Bagdad Bidder Request Show MB 15 SCFS, WOL E--
1764. ViR 80-0602 [Brz] Jacob, mandolin: Lingua De Preto//Despertar Da Montanha E--

10" Russian, MB $3
1765. Co D-31225 Russian Balalaika Orc: Over Sight//Cossack Song Small German goil foil dsols EBS NAP V++
1766. CoMN E-2860 Russian Balalaika Orc: Song Of The Volga Boatmen//Longing For Our Country E-
1767. Disc 6035 Adia Kuznetzoff: Why Worry//Do Not Torment Me GR E-
1768. RU Noginsk 5116/17 Mikhail Grishko: Noise Over the Oak Grove//Brother Falcon E--
1769. RU Aprelevka 14377/382 Maxim Michailov: Hello, Russia//Wide Open Spaces E
1770. RU Aprelevka 15774/775 E. Katulskaya: The Night (Rubinstein)//Twilight (Rachmaninoff) SSH E-
1771. RU Riga 17109/110 Orchestra: On The Hills Of Manchuria//The Broken Life EFS 10GS S1 V++
1772. RU Riga 22197/198 USSR Naval Song & Dance Ens: Love Waves//Above The Waves OS V++
1773. RU Aprelevka 27362/363 Pavel Gofman: Quiet Water//Louis Markovich: Tyrolean Song SSH E-
1774. RU Aprelevka 45811/812 Polad Bülbüloglu: You And Me//Call Russian-Azerbaijani; OS E
1775. RU Aprelevka 47401/402 Vasily Vasilyev: My Life//Yashka-Gypsy, both from film "Elusive Avengers" OCR; 1967 LT SCR S2, VSM LC NAP E
1776. Am Blk 2-23859/60 N. Lidarskaya: To Play And Then Stop//You Ask Me For Songs, But I Have None E--
1777. HMV EK-6 Bim-Bom: A Clean Shirt//A Conversation Between Beggars E--
1778. NKMP RSFSR Moscow 355/358 Vadim Kozin: Looking Down A Beam//Friendship Very thin transparent flexible disc! HV US WNT AB E--
1779. SovSong 763/764 Leonid Utesov: A Heart//He Who Walks With The Song, both from film "Jolly Fellows" OCR; nice labels; plays fair V-
1780. Stinson 5115/121 Oksana Petrusenko: Oi, Dzhigune, Dzhigune//I Do Not Want to Sleep Ukrainian; 1939 NY Fair lbls SSM ND, SSH E-
1781. Stinson 5199/215 Ivan Patorzhinsky: I Would Take Bandura//Grechanyki Ukranian folk songs; 1939 New York Fair lbls; OS E-
1782. Stinson 5860 Red Banner Ensemble of the USSR: Caucasus Mountains//Stallions Of Steel SM PMKS, GR AREA E-
1783. Stinson 6330/331 Red Banner Ensemble of the USSR: Tachanka//If War Breaks Out Tomorrow SOLS E--
1784. Stinson 6691/692 Shara Talyan: Anush-Bartsr sarer, Pt 1//Pt 2 1939 New York Fair lbls LT NR S1 E-
1785. Stinson 7698 Red Banner Ensemble of the USSR: Cossack's Song//From Border To Border SOLS, FW SCRS E-
1786. RU Syrena Grand 9893/9905 Bim-Bom: Heaven, Hell And Purgatory//Before The Examinations CTL V+
1787. ViS 20358 Russian Symphonic Choir: Song Of The Cherubim (Glinka)//Church Scene, from "Christmas Eve" (Kimsky-Korsakov) LT MSS E-
1788. ViW 67815 Nina Dimitrieff: Vostochnii//Matushka Golubushka LT SCRS E-

10" Spanish/Latin, MB $3
1789. Br 1608 [Arg] Agustín Magaldi: Os Beso La Mano, Madame//AM & Noda: Mariposa De Colores E--
1790. CoV 3171-X Guillermo Gómez, gtr: Fantasia Sobre Temas De Peteneras, Pt 1//Pt 2 Bidder Request Show LSTS, SM HV SCRS E--
1791. Co R-24127 [Sp] Bebo Valdes y sus Havana All Stars: Aprende Cha-Cha-Cha//Mambo Caliente VLT SCFS E+
1792. HMV BD-5693 Don Marino Barreto's Cuban Orc w/DM, vc: Siboney//Maria La O LT LST E--
1793. Od 998 Andres Chazarreta, gtr: La Saladina//Siete De April MB 15 V++
1794. Disc Nac 6971 [Arg] Orq Jazz Band Canaro: La Sulamita//La Garçoniere V++
1795. Od 13264 Niña de los Peines: Soleá//Bulería Del Castillito V++
1796. Od 30358 [Arg] Astor Piazzola & his Orc: En La Huella Del Adios - Tango//La Rayuela - Tango GR, BLSS V++
1797. Od 45973 [Arg] Oscar Aleman y su Qnt de Swing: Eu Vi Um Leão//Scartunas LG LTRS V+
1798. Od 193908 [Arg] Orq Cubana Rivera: La Diñara//Agua Mineral - Rumba PMKS TOK V+
1799. Od 196521 [Arg] Maria Luisa Anido y Miguel Llobet, gtrs: Evocacion, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 WMKS E--
1800. Od UR-1205 [Ur] Astor Piazzolla, bandoneón: Marron Y Azul//Vanguardista Bandoneón is an accordian-like instrument BBLS, SCFS, WOLS V++
1801. Poly P-30059 Guillermo Gomez, gtr: Minueto//Nocturno LTRS V++
1802. Regal DK-8714 Alfredo Brito y su Orq Siboney: En El Silencio De La Noche//Dichosa Suegra E-/E--
1803. TK S-5026 [Arg] Astor Piazzolla y su Orq: Triste - Tango//Chique - Tango V++
1804. ViS 32366 [Arg] Trio Matamoros: La Gata De Wenceslao//Pin Pon LG EF 30GS S1 V++

*1805. ViS 46402 Trio Matamoros: Demonstración//La Mujer De Antonio MB 100 LT SCR S2, LT LSCR E

1806. ViS 47018 [Arg] Trio Matamoros: Un Beso//Mi Novio Triste Plays well V
1807. ViS 47657 [Arg] Troupe Oxford: Black Melody//La Viudita - Ranchera Bidder Request Show V++
1808. ViW 77389 Dúo de Guitarras Aguilar: La Roncadora//El Escondido LSTS, 1" SCR S2 TOK E--
1809. ViS 79927 [Arg] Adolfo Carabelli y su Orc: Voce Que Tem//Ay Negrita Quero Mas V+
1810. ViR 82500 Orq Casino de la Playa: La Negra Leonó//El Plato Roto FW SCRS E--
1811. ViR 23-0270 Lecuona Cuban Boys: Ay! Mama Inés - Rumba//Invocando A Changó - Rumba V++

10" Swedish, MB $3
1812. CoS 41347 G.A. Lund: Om Dagen Vid Mitt Arbete V+
1813. Co DY-26 Stella Donner: Demanten På Marssnön//Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen EB NTG, SM SCR E
1814. CRG 289281/286003 Carl Borgwald: Den Gamla Brumbjörnen//Souvenir De Carnaval V++/E--
1815. G&T Blk GC-82708 Aug. Svenson: Sångaren På Vandring Stockholm; plays very well FLBL V
1816. HMV X-2548 Folke Andersson: Romans//Land Du Välsignade E-
1817. HMV X-3622 Jussi Björling: Violer//Mattinata E
1818. HMV X-3724 Jussi Björling: Bliv Min Sa Är Världen Min//Sag Mig Godnatt VLT SCR E
1819. HMV X-3993 Jussi Björling: Slut Dina Ogon//Jag Drömmer Varje Natt Om Dig E+
1820. HMV X-4108 Jussi Björling: Serenad Ur "Den Fagra Fregona"//Cavatina Ur "Furst Igor" LTR S2 E+
1821. HMV X-4354 Joel Berglund: Julmorgon//Julsang SM SCRS E
1822. HMV X-4777 Jussi Björling: Sverige//Land, Du Valsignade E--
1823. HMV X-7255 Jussi Björling: Sjung Om Studentens Lyckliga Da'r//Studenter Sangforeningen: Hellige FLamme E
1824. Od 19029 William Beck: Rallaren//Havd Skall Jag Göra? E--
1825. Od 162241 Hertzberg & Beyron: Ljuvlige Natt, Ljusa Och Klara//Ack, Hur Vackert, Hur Förklarat LTR S1 E
1826. Parad 5016 Hjalmar Elwings Cecilorkester: Elskede, Jeg Sakner Dig//I Dalen, Hvor Lykken Bor LT SCRS E-
1827. Poly XS-50397 Erik Tuxen's Orc w/Ib Schønberg, vc: Jeg Elsker En Pige//Æh Bæh Buh, both from film "Kidnapped" 1935 film; OCR V++
1828. ViW 69016 John Forsell: Julsång, Af Adam//Corne Kvartet: Glade Jul, Dejlige Jul E--
1829. ViW 73850 Marie S. Zendt: Fågelns Visa//När Jag Blev Sjutton År LT LSCR E-
1830. Wallin's Svenska Records 102 Harry Swanson: Olle I Skratthult, Part 1//Part 2 Ge press SCFS E--

10" Albums (number of records given in brackets; OAs & booklets where noted), MB $5
1831. Bowmar 1614-17 [4; vnl] Rosita McManus & Ben Cruz: Latin American Folk Songs OA w/notes E+/M-
1832. CoM C-84 [4] Leopold Stokowski w/Grupa Do Rae Alufá, Guarda Vilha Orc & Regionale Orc: Native Brazillian Music, Vol 2
Stokowski w/various orchestras from his South American tour; OA MB 25 FW SCFS E
1833. CoM F-1 [3] Paderewski Polish Choral Society OA SCFS E-
1834. CoM F-5 [4] Edith Piaf: Chansons Parisiennes OA MB 15 SCFS E
1835. Disc 628 [3] Duke of Iron, MacBeth & Lord Invader: Calypso, Vol 2 David Stone Martin cvr; OA MB 25 E
1836. GramShop 2-6 (Od 188681-686) [5] La Argentina, dancer w/castanets: Spanish Dances OA MB 25 SM LTRS S5 E/E-
1837. GramShop 2-67 (Od O-49079-80 & O-11360) [3] Tauber & Alpar: Schön Ist Die Welt OA (sm toc) E/E-
1838. Pa MO-100-111 [12] Native Artists: Music of the Orient (China, Bali, Japan, Lower India, Java, Persia, Egypt, Tunis & Siam)
OA (sp trs) MB 100 FW LT SCRS E+/E-

1839. Pat PG-56-57 [2] Lydia Chaliapine: Four Popular Songs from Asian Russia Nice OA w/notes MB 15 M-/E+
1840. ViC M-851 [6] Lauritz Melchior: Scandinavian Songs OA w/notes FW SCFS E
1841. ViRW mx D9-CB-5, 8, 9, 11, 14 & 16 [3] Shoshana Damari: Voice of Israel OA (sp tr) MB 15 FW SCRS E-


7" Vocal pressings, MB $15

1842. DsqZon Blk 11677 Paul Aumonier: Sigard-Le chant du barde V++

*1843. DsqZon Org 12264 Marlus Chambon: Lakmé-Stances Getty collection; amazing Zonophone OS MB 2500 E-

1844. G&T Blk 2-32040 Paul Daraux: Les Myrtes Sont Flétries (Fauré) V+
1845. DsqZon Blk 1159 M. Delcroix: Les Noces de Jeannette CH. & J.U. backplate V+
1846. DsqZon 82187/188 Alexis Ghasne: Lakme-Stances//Bonjour Suzon (both by Delibes) MB 25 VLT RS E--
1847. CoGP 3126 Taurino Parvis: Rigoletto-Deh non parlare al misero SM HV SCRS V++
1848. DscZon 12353 Rapisardi & Ottolini: Rigoletto-E' il sol dell'anima Plays well V-
1849. DsqZon 82039 M. Riddez: Pauvres Fous (Tagliafico) V+
1850. ZonS 9676 Eva Rombro: Solovy Self announced MB 75 E-

10" Vocal pressings, MB $3

1851. G&T Blk GC-2-32595 Agustarello Affre: Faust-Salut, demeure chaste et pure E--
1852. G&T Blk GC-2-32973 Agustarello Affre: Lucie de Lammermoor-Beintôt l'herbe des champs NR TOK E-
1853. G&T Blk GC-34004 Affre & Agussol: Romeo et Juliette-Duo de la Chambre V++
1854. ViW 45055 Paul Althouse: Tosca-E lucevan le stelle//Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba SM EF NTG E
1855. HMV VA-56 [pom] Sigrid Arnoldson: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Una voce poco fa//Carmen-L'amour est un oiseau rebelle E-

1856. HMV VA-51 [pom] George Baklanoff: Don Giovanni-Deh! vieni alla finestra//Eugen Onegin-Alas! There is no doubt E+
1857. Co LF-54 Suzanne Balguerie: Alceste-Non! Ce n est pas un sacrifice, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT LST E
1858. Poly 561071 Suzanne Balguerie: Sigurd-Salut splendeur du jour, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E-
1859. Co LF-50 Jane Bathori: Trois Chansons de Bilitis-Le Tombeau des Naïades//C'est l'Extase-Ariettes oubliées
(both by Debussy) Self accompanied SOL S1 E
1860. G&T Red GC-52664 Mattia Battistini: Tannhäuser-Aria della Stella Nice OS w/photo attached (upper corners clipped,
taped edge upper right) MB 15 SCR, ND E--
1861. Co LF-10 Marise Beaujon: Guillaume Tell-Sombre forêt, désert triste, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT FLBL, LT SCFS E
1862. DsqG SK-101 Leila Ben-Sedira: Aria (Caldara)//Canzonetta (Pasquini) MSS E-
1863. Pa 29518 Leila Ben-Sedira: Les Contes d'Hoffmann-Les oiseaux dans la charmille//Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour E-
1864. Pa 29533 Leila Ben-Sedira: Mireille-Non jamais, jamais//Trahir Vincent VLT SCFS E
1865. Salabert 3326 Leila Ben-Sedira: Manon Lescaut-L'éclat de Rire//Les Noces de Jeanette-Air des Meubles LT GR E
1866. Ult BP-1537 Leila Ben-Sedira: Thème Varié//Le Bonheur Est Chose Légère (both by Saint-Saëns) E+
1867. Ult BP-1555 Ben-Sedira & Bernac: El Desdichado (Saint-Saëns)//La Nuit (Chausson) LT CBI E
1868. DsqG DA-4890 Pierre Bernac w/Francis Poulenc, pno: Trois Chansons de France-La Grotte//Duex Rondels (both by Dubussy) E+
1869. DsqG DA-4892 Pierre Bernac w/Francis Poulenc, pno: Ballade Des Gros Dindons//L'Ile Heureuse (both by Chabrier) E
1870. DsqG DA-4918 Pierre Bernac w/Francis Poulenc, pno: Coeur En Péril//Le Jardin Mouillé (both by Roussel) E+
1871. Ult BP-1434 Pierre Bernac w/Jean Doyen, pno: Le Colibri (Chausson)//Les Cloches & Mandoline (both by Debussy) E
1872. Ult BP-1493 Pierre Bernac w/Jean Doyen, pno: Apres Un Rêve//Soir (both by Fauré) SCFS E-
1873. Ult BP-1556 Pierre Bernac w/Jean Doyen, pno: Les Yeux (Aubert)//Chanson Pour Le Petit Cheval (De Séverac) E
1874. CoFL 10544 Romeo Berti: Aida-Celeste Aida 2 HV SCRS TOK, HV GR E--
1875. G&T Blk GC-3-32201 Léon Beyle: Mireille-Anges du Paradis V++
1876. G&T Blk GC-34106 Beyle & Daffetye: La Traviata-Loin de Paris (Verdi) LSCF E-
1877. Od 188527 Etienne Billot: Manon-Épouse quelque brave fille//Hérodiade-Vision fugitive E+
1878. Od 188530 Etienne Billot: La Traviata-Lorsqu'a de folles amours//La Damnation de Faust-Sérénade FW VSM SCRS S1 E
1879. Od 188676 Etienne Billot: Guillaume Tell-Prière//Rigoletto-Prière Torn dsol E+/M-
1880. Od 188680 Etienne Billot: Romance d'Ariodant (Méhul)//Cimetiere de Campagne (Hahn) WOL E/E-
1881. HMV DA-1841 Jussi Björling: Turandot-Nessun dorna//La Mattinata (Leoncavallo) E-
1882. HMV X-4436 Jussi Björling: Fanal-I männer över lag och rätt//Flickan från vilda Västern-Låt henne tro Creator record sd 1 E-
1883. HMV X-6090 Jussi Björling: Den Sköna Helene-Paris' Entresång//Tiggerstudenten-Nu är jag pank och fågelfri E-
1884. Br 15074 Michael Bohnen: If Power Devine For Once Were Mine (Binder)//Freischutz (Weber) E-
1885. PD Red GC-53416 Celestina Boninsegna: La Forza del Destino-La vergine degli angeli E
1886. G&T Red GC-54266 Boninsegna & Cigada: Il Trovatore-Vivrà, contende il giubilo Nice handwritten OS MB 25 E--
1887. G&T Red GC-53349 Olimpia Boronat: Mireille-Valse St Petersburg MB 25 ISOL V++
1888. G&T Red GC-53354 Olimpia Boronat: Martha-Air de la Rose St Petersburg MB 25 LSCF E--
1889. Kalliope 3399/3424 Ernesto Botteghelli: Pagliacci-Serenata d"Arlecchino//Aristodemo Sillich: Faust-Dio dell'or MB 15 WOL, MN SCRS V++
1890. Od 188947 Georgette Geori-Boué: C'est Moi//En Arles & Un Cri (all by Beydts) LT PMKS, SCRS S2 E
1891. Od 188551 Roger Bourdin: Pensée d'Automne (Massenet), Pt 1//Pt 2 VSM BLS E+
1892. Od 188564 Roger Bourdin: Les Berceaux (Fauré)//Les Vieilles De Chez Nous (Levadé) VSM SCR E+
1893. Od 188635 Roger Bourdin: D'Une Prison//L'Incredule (both by Hahn) SM RAS E
1894. G&T Blk GC-53258 stp 1 Luisa Bresonier: Traviata-Addio del passato VLT 1" HC V++
1895. DsqG K-7128 Yvonne Brothier: Au Printemps//Sérénade (both by Gounod) E+
1896. G&T Red GC-53227 stp 1 Elisa Bruno: Il Trovatore-Stride la vampa MB 15 FLBL V++
1897. CoS 40467 Franz Burkraf: Lohengrin-Lohengrin's Abschied V++
1898. HMV AGSA-27 Enrico Caruso: Amadis de Gaule-Bois épais//Première Caresse (De Crescenzo) E+
1899. HMV DL-100 Enrico Caruso: La Boheme-Vecchia zimarra (The Coat Song)//Frances Alda & Wally Butterworth:
Why Caruso Recorded the "Coat Song" MB 15 E+
1900. G&T Red GC-52348-X mx 2871 [remaster] Enrico Caruso: Mefistofele-Dai campi dai prati MB 25 E-
*1901. G&T Red GC-52368 mx 1791 stp 3 [rlbl] Enrico Caruso: Iris-Serenata Exceptional OS w/photo attached (sm tape upper rt edge) MB 50 V
1902. G&T Red GC-52439 Enrico Caruso w/Umberto Giordano, pno acc: Fedora-Amor ti vieta (Giordano) MB 100 SM WOL E-
1903. G&T Red GC-52441 mx 2877-W2 stp 2 Enrico Caruso: Non T'Amo Piu! (Denza) MB 50 V++
1904. PD Pnk GC-2-52641 Enrico Caruso: Rigoletto-Comme la plume au vent LSPTS E--
1905. PD Pnk GC-2-52641 Enrico Caruso: Rigoletto-La donna é mobile V++
1906. HMV VA-9 [pom] Enrico Caruso: Hantise d'Amour (Roige-Szulc)//Luna Fedel (Tosti) FW LT SCRS E
1907. HMV VA-37 [pom] Enrico Caruso: Germania-Studenti, udite//No, non chiuder gli occhi vaghi EF NTG E-
1908. ViW 958 Enrico Caruso: Tu, Ca Nun Chiange! (De Curtis)//Noche Feliz (Posadas) E-
1909. ViTM 81032 stp B Enrico Caruso: I Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba MB 15 V++
1910. ViP 87070 Enrico Caruso: For You Alone VLT SCFS E
1911. ViW 87242 Enrico Caruso: Luna d'Estate (Tosti) E-
1912. ViW 87269 Enrico Caruso: Les Pêcheurs de Perles-De mon amie E--
1913. ViW 87304 Enrico Caruso: 'A Vucchella E
1914. ViW 87335 Enrico Caruso: Messe Solennelle-Crucifixus E
1915. ViW 87511 Caruso & Gluck: Traviata- Brindisi-Libiam nei lieti calici E-
1916. DsqG P-436 M. Cazette: Grisélidis-Je suis l'oiseau//Fortunio-J'aimias la vieille maison grise E
1917. Od 188647 Germaine Cernay: Werther-Air des Lettres, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
1918. Od 188752 Cernay & Delmas: Lakmé-Sous la Dôme epais//Duetto de Lakmé et Mallika E
1919. Od 188805 Cernay & Bourdin: Don Quichotte-Quand apparaissent les étoiles//J'ai bien assez de mes tristesses LT NR, LT LST E
1920. Od 188628 Suzanne Cesbron-Viseur: Les Noces de Figaro-O nuit enchanteresse//Ne tarde plus, je t'aime, je t'adore E+
1921. RU Aprelevka 9273/9703 Theodore Chaliapine: Song Of The Volga Boatmen//Oh You, Vanya BBLS E
1922. CoSy A-680 Florencio Constantino: Rigoletto-La donna è mobile//Questa o quella LT GR E
1923. CoSy A-692 Florencio Constantino: Lucia di Lammermoor-Tu che a Dio spiegasti l'ali//Carmen-La fleur que tu m'avais jetée NR S2 E--
1924. G&T Blk GC-2-52403 Florencio Constantino: Favorita-Spirto gentile MN BBLS, BLSS, ½" CR V++
1925. VDP DA-1076 Antonio Cortis: Werther-Ah! non mi ridestar//Iris-April la tua finestra SCF S2 E-
1926. HMV P-783 Armand Crabbé: L'Angélus De La Mer (Goublier)//Les Cloches De Corneville-J'ai fait trois fois le tour du monde E-
1927. DsqG P-822 Armand Crabbé: Sur L'Eau (Pedrell)//Je T'Aime (Serrano) E
1928. SG 70531 Julia Culp: Ave Maria (Schubert) E
1929. Co DF-315 André D'Arkor: Jocelyn-Berceuse//Si Vous L'aviez Compris (Denza-Borese) SM SCRS S2 E+
1930. Co RF-63 André D'Arkor: Le Roi d'Ys-Aubade//Manon-Le reve de Desgrieux E
1931. PD Blk GC-3-32856/58 Pierre D'Assy: Le Cor (Flégier)//Romeo et Juliette-Allons jeunes gens V++
1932. HMV DA-1351 Dal Monte & Schipa: Don Pascale-Tornami a dir che m'ami//La Sonnambula-Prendi, l'anel ti dono E+
1933. HMV AGSA-15 [pom] Charles Dalmores: Le Prophete-Roi du ciel et des anges//Samson et Dalila-Arrêtez, o mes frères E
1934. ViW 87088 Charles Dalmores: Lohengrin-Athmest du nicht mit mir die süssen Düfte E
1935. G&T Blk GC-33440 Marié De L'Isle: Mignon-Styrienne MB 15 E--
1936. VDP DA-1169 Giuseppe De Luca: Il Trovatore-Per me ora fatale//I Gioielli Della Madonna-Apri, bella, la finestrella E
1937. G&T Red GC-52081 stp 2 Fernando De Lucia: La Favorita-Una vergin, un angel divino MB 15 V++
1938. G&T Red GC-52416 stp 1 [rlbl] Fernando De Lucia: Manon-Il sogno MB 15 SM SF V++
1939. GCR GC-2-52701 Fernando De Lucia: O Solo Mio (Di Capua) E-
1940. ViTM 81008 Zelie De Lussan: Rosy Morn (Ronald) MB 25 V+
1941. De M-682 Mario Del Monaco: Rigoletto-La donna e mobile//Questa o quella LT SCRS E
1942. G&T Blk GC-2-32623 Jean François Delmas: Prière De La Symphonie Légendaire MB 15 V+
1943. G&T Blk GC-2-32624 Jean François Delmas: Faust-Scene de l'Eglise MB 15 V++
1944. Co LF-115 Delprat & Cernay: Le Roi d'Ys-Margared, ô ma soeur, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
1945. G&T Blk GC-2-32837 stp 1 M. Delvoye: Les Cloches de Corneville-J'ai fait trois fois le tour du monde ND TOK V+
1946. G&T Blk GC-3-42300 Leopold Demuth: Rigoletto-Ja, ich weine SCFS S1 E-
1947. Od 188524 David Devries: Le Barbier de Séville-Des Rayons de l'Auore//Silence à sa fenetre
Odeon artist sols MB 15 LNR S1 E-
1948. Od 188525 David Devries: Fortunio-Si vous croyes que je vais dire//Ma veille maison grise
Odeon artist sols MB 15 BLSS, SM SCRS E-
1949. Od 188751 David Devries: Rigoletto-Comme la plume au vent//Ah! viens dans la forét profonde MB 25 LT SCRS E
1950. Od 196028 [Arg] David Devries: Nuit Persane-Cimetiere//Song d'opium MB 25 LT LST S2 E-
1951. GCR GC-54400 Domar, Badini, Giovanelli, Salvatore, Nicolicchia & Mansueto: Boheme-Quintetto E--
1952. DsqZon Blk X-386 M. Dutreux: Le Rieur V++
1953. Br 10251 [Eng] Claire Dux: Ständchen (Strauss)//Maria Wiegenlied (Reger) E
1954. Ult A-401 Eisinger & Leonard: Figaros Hochzeit-Briefduett//Eisinger & Reinmar: Don Juan-Reich mit die Hand mein Leben! E
1955. Pat PA-1986 Arthur Endrèze: Automne, Op 18//Les Berceaux, Op 23 (both by Fauré) FW BLSS E
1956. Pat X-90060 Arthur Endrèze: Samson et Dalila-Maudito à jamais soit la race//Guillaume Tell-Sois immobile SM SOL E-
1957. Pat X-90073 Arthur Endrèze: Tannhäuser-Récit de Wolfram//La Damnation de Faust-Voici des roses LT SCRS E
1958. ViGP 87004 Geraldine Farrar: Madama Butterfly-Entrance of Butterfly SCFS, SCRS E--
1959. PatA X-2183 Edmée Favart: La Lettere De Jean Pierre (Leroux)//Chanson politique E-
1960. Co D-15096 Germaine Feraldy: La Boheme-Ou m'appelle Mimi//Je comptais vous trouyer ici E+
1961. Pat PD-13 Feraldy & Villabella: Lakmé - D'où viens-tu, que veux-tu?//Ah! c'est le Dieu de la jounesse VLT ICS E
1962. ViW 948 Miguel Fleta: Rigoletto-La donna è mobile//Puritani-O te, o cara, amor talora E
1963. ViW 993 Miguel Fleta: Mi Tierra (Muzas - Media-Villa)//Adios Trigueña! (Vigil-Robles) E
1964. Co DF-253 Paul Franz: Noël-Minuit Chrétien//Paroles de Georges Montorgueil E-
1965. Od 188502 [Fr] Charles Friant: Werther-Lorsque l'enfant revient d'un voyage//J'aurais sur ma poitrine E+
1966. Od 188503 [Fr] Charles Friant: Werther-Pourquoi me réveilier?//Lakmé-Ah! viens dans la forét profonde Paris dsol E+
1967. Od 188668 Charles Friant: Manon-Le Rêve de Des Grieux//Marouf-Dans le jardin fleuri VSM BLS S2 E+
1968. Od 188798 Charles Friant: Le Jongleur de Notre Dame-Personee...allons, courage//Il fait beau voir ces hommes d'armes E+
1969. Od 188800 Friant, Bourdin & Dupré: Le Jongleur de Notre Dame-Spectacle radieux, je vois s'ourvrir les cieux//Je ne vois rien E+
1970. Co D-13043 Lucien Fugere: Le Vielles De Chez Nous (Levadé)//Le Vieux Ruban (Henrion) E-
1971. Co D-13092 Lucien Fugere: La Flute Enchantee-Chanson de l'Oiseleur//Couplets E-
1972. ViW 1047 Amelita Galli-Curci: Memory Lane//Mah Lindy Lou (Strickland) E
1973. G&T Red GC-53483 Maria Galvany: Mirella-Oh d'amore Nice OS w/photo attached (probable reproduction) MB 15 SM LTR V++
1974. ViP 87059 Maria Galvany: Il Flauto Magico-Aria della Regina VLT LSCR E+
1975. ViS 1216 Mary Garden: At Dawning (Cadman)//At Parting (Rogers) SM LBBL E
1976. ViS 1439 Mary Garden: Beau Soir (Debussy)//Clair De Lune (Szulc) LT LSCF E
1977. Od 238421 Marie Thérèse Gauley: Moineau-Le voyage de noces//Ou Fleur d'oranger E+
1978. DscG GC-53516 Maria Gay: Carmen-Seguidilla E
1979. Od SD-6080 Nicolai Gedda: Furst Igor-Cavatina//Trollflojten-Taminos aria Autographed copy (fdd) MB 15 E--
1980. VDP DA-223 Beniamino Gigli: Tosca-E lucean le stelle//Gigli & Scattola: Mefistofele-Se tu mi doni un'ora E-
1981. HMV DA-1925 Beniamino Gigli: Marcella-Non conosciuto vo con gli amici o pur co' sogni miei//Serenata Malinconica (Giordano) E+
1982. HMV DA-1937 Beniamino Gigli: L'Amico Fritz-Ed anche beppe amo, o amore, o bella luce del cor//
Don Juan de Manara-Tu vedi in bel ciel SCFS, LT SCRS E-
1983. ViW 1096 Beniamino Gigli: Come, Love, With Me (Falbo)//Good-bye Marie (Mannella) E+
1984. ViS 1243 Beniamino Gigli: Rondini Al Nido//Torna Amore E
1985. ViS 1292 Beniamino Gigli: Addio A Napoli (Cottrau)//O Bei Nidi D'Amore (Donaudy) E-
1986. ViW 64933 Beniamino Gigli: Mefistofele-Dai campi, dai prati E
1987. ViW 66102 Beniamino Gigli: Serenade (Toselli) E+
1988. VDP DA-5411 Gigli & Noto: Manon Lescaut-Ah! Non v'avvioinate & No! pazzo son! guardate//Beniamino Gigli:
Ah! Manon, mi tradisce il tuo folle pensiero! E
1989. ViW 659 Alma Gluck w/Charles Gilbert Spross, pno s1: Will-O-The-Wisp (Spross)//From The Land Of The Sky Blue Water (Eberhart-Cadman) E
1990. ViP 64267 Alma Gluck: Lo, Here The Gentle Lark (Bishop) E-
1991. ViW 64392 Alma Gluck: The Swallows (Bingham-Cowan) E
1992. ViW 64589 Alma Gluck: Still Wie Die Nacht E+
1993. ViW 64625 Alma Gluck: Such A Li'l Fellow (Lowell-Dichmont) E
1994. ViW 3012 Gluck & Reimers: Hans Und Liesel//Es Steht Ein' Lind' (arr. Berger) E
1995. ViW 3013 Gluck & Reimers: Drunten Im Unterland (Weigle)//Das Steierland (Seidel) E+
1996. ViW 87182 Gluck & Reimers: Du, Du Liegst Mir In Herzen (Berger) VLT SCF E+
1997. CoMN E-701 I. Goncharov: Eugene Onegin-Onegin's aria//Demon-Do not weep, my child LT WOL V++
1998. Co BF-1 [Fr] Reynaldo Hahn, self accompanied: Le Retour Du Marin//La Pauvre Laboureur (both arr. Tiersot) SOL, SM HV SCR S2 E
1999. Co D-2022 Reynaldo Hahn: La Boulangere a des Ecus-Charbonniers et fariniers & Que voulez-vous faire//
Air Du Devin De Village (Rousseau) E-
2000. DsqG GC-4-32074/075 Reynaldo Hahn: La Cimetiere De Campagne (Hahn)//L'Ile Heureuse (Chabriel) MB 15 LT SCRS E-
2001. DsqG GC-4-32239/240 Reynaldo Hahn: Le Devin Du Village (Rousseau)//Boris Epais (Lully) MB 15 SCR S1 E-
2002. DsqG P-371 Reynaldo Hahn: Venezia//Offrande (both by Hahn) MB 50 E
2003. DsqG P-405 Reynaldo Hahn: Les Cigales (Chabrier)//Chanson de Printemps (Gounod) MB 15 E--
2004. Tele 5340 Karl-Axel Hallgren: Hundratussen Lärkor (Valentin)//Carmen-Öppna din famm E
2005. Co DB-2052 Joan Hammond: La Tosca-Vissi d'arte//Gianni Schicchi-O mio babbino caro E+
2006. HMV VA-47 [pom] Fanny Heldy: Thaïs-O messager de Dieu//Heldy & Journet: Baigne d'eau mes mains et mes lèvres LT SCFS E
2007. Poly 21374 Roland Hell: Schwanengesang-Der Doppelgänger//Das Fischermädchen (both by Schubert)
Small thread in pressing LT PDEF NAP E
2008. ViW 87235 Frieda Hempel: Ballo in Maschera-Volta la terrea LT SCFS, LT WOL E+
2009. Co D-1621 Sir George Henschel: Der Leiermann//Das Wandern (both by Schubert) LST, SM LTR E+
2010. Co LB-3 Dr George Henschel w/self acc pno: By The Waters Of Babylon, Op 99, No 7 (Dvorak)//Wait Thou Still (Franck) LT SCFS E
2011. Nico 337/338 Marguerite Herleroy: Plaisir D'Amour (Martini)//Le Temps Des Cerises (Renard)
Appears to be a custom label for Herleroy; OS MB 25 FW SM HV SCFS E
2012. Nico 339/340 Marguerite Herleroy: Quand L'Oiseau Chante (Tagliafico)//Ivresse D'Oiseaux (Dante-Bosch) OS MB 25 LT SCFS E
2013. Nico 341/342 Marguerite Herleroy: La Perichole//La Chanson De Fortunio (both by Offenbach) OS MB 25 FW SCRS E-
2014. G&T Blk GC-43693 stp 1 Emilie Herzog: Barbier von Sevilla-Arie der Rosine, Pt 1 V+
2015. G&T Blk GC-43694 Emilie Herzog: Barbier von Sevilla-Arie der Rosine, Pt 2 MB 15 V++
2016. ViTM 81013 Louise Homer: Faust-Faites lui mes aveux MB 25 LT SCFS E-
2017. Pa 521894 Albert Huberty: Patrie-Pauvre martyr//La Damnation de Faust-Voici des roses MB 15 E

2018. RU Aprelevka 12732/33 Andrew Ivanov: Kovashina-The Strelets’ camp is sleeping, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCR S1 E
2019. RU Aprelevka 15969/970 Ivanov & Lemeshev: The Snow Maiden-Kupava and Berendey duet, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E
2020. ViW 990 Maria Jeritza: Fedora-Son gente risoluta//Dio di giustizia FW LT SCRS E
2021. ViS 1214 Maria Jeritza: Thaïs - Dis-moi que je suis belle//L'amour est une vertu rare FW LT SCFS, VLT WOL E
2022. Od 188793 Georges Jouatte: La Walkyrie-Chanson de Printemps//Chanson De La Pruce (Moussorgsky) E-
2023. HMV VA-71 Marcel Journet: Les Maitres Chanteurs-Rêve, rêve, tout n'est que rêve//Un elfe a tout fait E-
2024. HMV EG-3795 Hedwig Jungkurth: Venetianisches Wiegenlied//Und Gestern Hat Er Mir Rosen Gebrach (both by Marx) E+
2025. DsqG CG-34282/283 Karl & Payan: La Fauvette Du Temple (Massager)//Rey & Jean Duez: Les Mousquetaires Au Couvent SM LTR S1 E-
2026. CoV 2125-D Alexander Kipnis: Zueignung//Traum Durch Die Dämmerung (both by Strauss) SM SCRS S1 E/E-
2027. HMV EW-89 Alexander Kipnis: Don Juan-Register Arie, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
2028. Pat X-3488 Walter Kirchhoff: Douleur//Rêve (both by Wagner) LT SCRS, LST S1 E
2029. Br 10137 Nina Koshetz: None But The Lonely Heart//At The Ball (both by Tchaikovsky) MB 15 E-
2030. Br 15031 Nina Koshetz: Eastern Romance (Rimsky-Korsakov)//Humoresque (Moussorgsky) MB 15 VLT GR, SM LTR E
2031. RU Aprelevka 4913/5968 Ivan Kozlovsky: Winter Evening (Yakovlev)//Antonina Nezhdanova: I Loved You (Alyabyev) ND S1 E
2032. RU Aprelevka 9178/79 Ivan Kozlovsky: La Bohême-Rudolf's Aria, Pt 1//Pt 2 GR, LTRS E
2033. RU Aprelevka 10709/720 Kozlovsky, Sapovalova & Lyubimov: Pagliacci-Scene//Harlequin-Minuet and serenade SM SH E-
2034. G&T Blk GC-23190 stp 3 [rlbl] Emilia Kristmann: Ave Maria (Gounod) St Petersburg; plays well after rough start RS, SM HV SCR TOK V+
2035. Co 7020 Maria Kurenko: Sadko-Indischer gesang//Elegie (Massenet) E-
2036. G&T Blk GC-43253 stp 1 [rlbl] Selma Kurz: Mignon-Styrienne About a 20 second trill w/a little show of appreciation at the conclusion! LTRS V++
2037. G&T Red GC-53431 Selma Kurz: Rigoletto-Gilda arie MB 15 E--
2038. CRG GC-2-43381 Selma Kurz: Manon-Gavotte MB 15 LST E-
2039. HMV VA-2 [pom] Selma Kurz: Sandmännchen (Brahms)//Die Königin von Saba-Lockruf E+
2040. ViR 10-3208 [dj; vnl] Mario Lanza: La Tosca-Recondita armonia//My Song, My Love (Beelby) E+
2041. CoF 30022-D Ulysses Lappas: Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba//Tosca-E lucevan le stelle E
2042. OkFono 63005 Giacomo Lauri-Volpi: I Puritani-A te o cara SCFS E-
2043. VDP DA-5427 Giacomo Lauri-Volpi: Turandot-Nessun dorma//La Fanciulla del West- Ch'ella me creda libero SM SCRS E
2044. Od B-3733 [siw] Giacomo Lauri-Volpi: Werther-Ah! non mi ridestar//Mefistofele-Giunto sul passo estremo E
2045. Fav 1-9081/82 Laute & Carbelly: Hamlet-Doute se la lumière//Sigurd-Echangeons nos serments MB 15 LNR E-
2046. Co LF-18 Jane Laval: Castor et Pollux-Tristes apprets//Thésée-Revenez, amours, revenez! E
2047. Od Br O-4813 [Ger] Lotte Lehmann: Tannhäuser-Dich teure Halle grüßlich wieder//Allmächtige Jungfrau LT LST E+
2048. Od Br O-4819 [Ger] Lotte Lehmann: Lohengrin-Euch Lüften, die mein Klagen//Einsam in trüben Tagen E
2049. Od Br O-4829 [Ger] Lotte Lehmann: Die Mainacht-Wann der silberne Mond, Op 43, No 2//Vergebliches Ständchen-
Guten Abend mein Schatz, Op 84, No 4 (both by Brahms) "Unsaleable" stamped into lbl E--
2050. Pa PO-157 Lotte Lehmann: Madame Butterfly-Entrance of Butterfly//The Magic Flute-Ach ich fühl's, es ist Verschwunden E
2051. Pa PO-158 Lotte Lehmann: Die Toten Augen-Psyche wandelt durch säulenhallen//Marriage of Figaro-O, why so long delay E-
2052. RU Aprelevka 8467/68 Sergei Lemeshev: On the Eve of My Obscure Youth//The Little Bell (both by Gurilev) E
2053. RU Aprelevka 8469/70 Sergei Lemeshev: Cherevichki-Arioso of Vakula (Tchaikovsky)//Song of Vakula E
2054. RU Tashkent 10630/31 Sergei Lemeshev: O, Marì! (Di Capua)//Come Back To Sorrento (De Curtis) E-
2055. RU Aprelevka 14397/98 Sergei Lemeshev: In My Blood The Fire Of Passion Burns (Glinka) & My Naughty Child (Rimsky-Korsakov)//
Come To The Kingdom Of Roses And Wine, Op 8, No 5 (Rimsky-Korsakov) LT SCFS E
2056. RU Aprelevka 16086/41 Sergei Lemeshev: The Snow Maiden-Berendei's Cavantina//Liel's third song E-
2057. RU Aprelevka 18217/18 Sergei Lemeshev: Elegy (Yakoviev)//Lone Sail Show White (Varlamov) M-
2058. RU Aprelevka 19453/54 Sergei Lemeshev: Not A Word In Reply (Tchaikovsky)//How Painful! (Rachmaninov) E+
2059. RU Aprelevka 20166/67 Sergei Lemeshev: Dubrovsky-Romance of Vladimir, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT LSCR E
2060. RU Aprelevka 23756/57 Sergei Lemeshev: Spanish Song (Melio)//Serenade (Toselli) VLT SCF S2 E+
2061. Supraphon 10156/157 [Cz] Sergei Lemeshev: When I Was A Postal Coachman (arr Semenov), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2062. HMV DA-1872 Gjurgja Leppée: La Flûte De Pan (Loüys-Debussy)//Caro Mio Ben (Giordani) WOL E+
2063. CoV 2043-M Arnoldo Lindi: Tosca-E lucevan le stelle//Recondita armonia E+
2064. DGG 36051 Wilma Lipp: Die Entführung aus dem Serail-Marten aller arten, Pt 1//Pt 2
Variable Micrograde MB 15 SCFS E
2065. Od 188696 Germaine Lubin: Tristan et Isolde-La Mort d'Isolde, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2066. Od 188724 Germaine Lubin: Sigurd-Salut, splendeur du jour//Sigurd Suite SM BLSS S2 E-
2067. ViP 60069 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: The Maids Of Cadiz (Delibes) E
2068. Pat X-3923 Germaine Martinelli: Les Amours du Poète-Quand mai; Mes larmes & L'aurore, la rose, le lys; Op 48, Nos 1-3
(Schumann)//J'ai pardonné & Si je vous parlais de ma peine, Op 48, Nos 7-8 MB 15 E
2069. Pat X-3924 Germaine Martinelli: Les Amours du Poète-Des flûtes sue la pelouse & O chanson douce et tender,
Op 48 Nos 9-10 (Schumann)//O grâce enchanteresse, Op 48 No 15 MB 15 LT LST E
2070. Poly 522702 Germaine Martinelli: Eva-Hélas corps et âme//La Veuve Joyeuse-Chanson de Vilya (both by Léhàr) LT SCF, LT GR E
2071. ViW 736 Giovanni Martinelli: Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba//Zazá-È un riso gentil E+
2072. ViW 64420 Giovanni Martinelli: Tosca-Recondita armonia SM SCR E-
2073. ViW 64574 Giovanni Martinelli: Ouvre Ton Coeur (Bizet) SCRS E--
2074. Co LF-252 Madeleine Martinelli: La Chanson De Tessa (Jaubert)//L'Esclave (Lalo) E+
2075. Pat X-3925 Madeleine Martinelli: La Vie Antérieure (Duparc), Pt 1//Pt 2 SM SOLS E-
2076. HMV IR-299 John McCormack: The White Peace//Our Finest Hour E+
2077. HMV IR-1011 John McCormack: Sospiri Miei-Andate ove x Vi Mando (Bimboni)//Feldeinsamkeit (Brahms) E
2078. HMV IR-1015 John McCormack: Music Of The Night//A Song Remembered Dublin dsol E
2079. HMV IR-1019 John McCormack: Anacreons Grab (Wolf)//Allerseelen, Op 10, No 8 (R. Strauss) SM SCFS E
2080. HMV IR-1020 John McCormack: A Life Lesson//A Necklace Of Love VSM BLS S1 E+
2081. HMV IR-1024 John McCormack: Minnelied//Komm Bald, Op 97, No 5 (Brahms) E
2082. HMV IR-1025 John McCormack: Somewhere//Luoghi Sereni E Cari SM SCRS E
2083. HMV IR-1026 John McCormack: Schlafendes Jesuskind (Wolf)//I Pescatori di Perle-Del tempio al limitar E
2084. HMV IR-1029 John McCormack: Because I Love You (Berlin)//Love Me And I'll Live Forever (Bryan-Snyder) E
2085. HMV IR-1032 John McCormack: There Is A Green Hill Far Away (Alexander-Gounod)//Jesus Christ, the Son of God-
Christ lay in the bonds of death (England-Bach) E
2086. HMV IR-1033 John McCormack: When You Wish Upon A Star//Little Wooden Head, both from the film "Pinocchio"
Dublin dsol; Bidder Request Show E+
2087. HMV IR-1036 John McCormack: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling (Ball)//Is She Not Passing Fair (Elgar) Dublin dsol LT SCFS E
2088. HMV IR-1039 John McCormack: Candle Light (Cadman-Shippey)//An Old Sacred Lullaby (Corner)
Lss "Dedicated by both author and composer to 'Everybody's Mother'" s1 E+
2089. HMV IR-1040 John McCormack: Cradle Song (Colum-Harty)//Little Child Of Mary (Burley) E+
2090. ViW 763 John McCormack: The Minstrel Boy (Moore)//The Foggy Dew (Clay) VSM WOL E+
2091. ViW 968 John McCormack: Somewhere In The World//Where The Rainbow Ends (both by Ayer) VSM WOL E
2092. ViW 983 John McCormack: The Bard Of Armagh (Hughes)//Would God I Were The Tender Apple Blossom (Hinkson-Page) E
2093. ViW 1133 John McCormack: Just A Cottage Small//Through All The Days To Be LT SCFS E
2094. ViS 1272 John McCormack: Mannelied (trad)//Schlafendes Jesuskind (Morike) LT SCRS S2, LTR S2 E
2095. ViS 1288 John McCormack: To The Children (Rachmaninoff-Khomaikoff)//Luoghi Sereni E Cari (Donaudy) E-

2096. ViS 1700 John McCormack: Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair//Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair (Foster) SM BLSS, LT SCR S2 E
2097. ViW 64860 John McCormack: Your Eyes Have Told Me So (Kahn) E
2098. ViW 66096 John McCormack: Semele-Oh, sleep! Why dost thou leave me? E

In place of the Recording Angel trademark, the following notice appears, "Made for Madame Melba - The profits on the sale of this record are devoted to the fund for the unemployed
inaugurated by H.M. Queen Alexandra - Nov. 1905." The disc comes with its original Gramophone Co. sleeve bearing a nice full-length photo of Melba. (Unfortunately, the gold
printing has oxidized making the words difficult to read on the black paper.) A very special and rare recording!
*2099. G&T Special GC-3625 Nellie Melba: God Save The King Special OS MB 500 E--

2100. G&T Blk GC-23170 stp 3 Maria Michailowa: Perle du Brésil-Charmant oiseau St Petersburg V+
2101. G&T Blk GC-23477 Maria Michailowa: Ave Maria (Gounod) St Petersburg MN BBLS E--
2102. G&T Blk GC-24376 stp 3 Michailowa & Tugarinoff: Pigue Dame-It is evening MB 15 E--
2103. G&T Blk GC-24395 stp 3 Michailowa & Davidov: Les Huguenots-Beauté divine, enchanteresse St Petersburg MN SCRS E--
2104. Od 188574 Micheletti & Luart: Les Contes d'Hoffmann-C'est une chanson d'amour, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT NR, SM EB NAP E
2105. RU Aprelevka 11610/611 Maxim Mikhailov: Ivan Susanin-Susanin's aria, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2106. RU Aprelevka 12223/224 Maxim Mikhailov: Prince Igor-Konchaka's aria, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM SCRS, GR E-
2107. ViW 45060 Christine Miller: Der Schmeid (Brahms) & Frühlingsnacht, Op 39, No 12 (Schumann)//
Du Bist Wie Eine Blume, Op 25, No 24 (Schumann) E
2108. Fav Blk 1-5284/85 Lucien Muratore: O Sole Mio//Mirelle-Anges du paradis E-
2109. PatA X-3390 Lucien Muratore: Chanson de Barberine (Loret)//Magali-Chanson provençale E--
2110. Pat X-3478 Lucien Muratore: Les Myrtes Sont Flétris! (Faure-Nadaud)//Bonsoir, Madame La Lune (Marinier-Bessiére) E-
2111. Co RF-10 M. Narcon: Le Caid-L'amour ce dieu profane//Le Chalet-L'amour et le tabac E+
2112. HMV B-9412 Heddle Nash: Diaphenia (Constable-Moeran) & The Sweet O' The Year (Shakespeare-Moeran)//
Serenade, Op 17, No 2 (R. Strauss) VLT GR E
2113. HMV B-9719 Heddle Nash: Silent Worship-Ptolemy (Handel)//Linden Lea (V. Williams) FW SM SCRS E
2114. RU Aprelevka 8960/16033 Antonina Nezhdanova: Masquerade-Nina's romance//The Tsar's Bride-Look over your head MB 15 E-
2115. HMV VA-19 Antonina Neshdanova: The Nightingale (Alabiev)//Martha-Last rose of summer LT SCRS E
2116. Od 188631 Eidé Norena: Carmen-Air de Micaela, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2117. G&T Blk GC-2-32597 stp 1 Jean Noté: Benvenuto-De l'art, splendeur immortelle SM LTR, LT NR V++
2118. Pa 29523 Pierre Nougaro: Paillasse-Prologue, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCFS E
2119. CoFL 3138 Francisco Nuibo: Mireille-Cavatina LSCFS V++
2120. ViW 64506 Margarete Ober: Trovatore-Stride la vampa! E+
2121. RU Aprelevka 10931/932 Nadezhda Obukhova: Khovantschina-Marfa's aria, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E
2122. RU Aprelevka 14201/202 Nadezhda Obukhova: Speak Not, Oh Beloved//Serenade (both by Tchaikovsky) E
2123. RU Aprelevka 15339/357 Nadezhda Obukhova: Weeping Willows Are Sleeping//Misty Morning (Abaza) E-
2124. Br 15073 Sigrid Onégin: Herdegossen (Berg)//Vaggvisa (Swedish trad) LT GR E+
2125. Br 15093 Onégin & Chamlee: Trovatore-Ai nostri monti//Mal reggende all' aspro assalto E
2126. HMV EK-48 Varya Panina: We Were Young - Gypsy Romance//You Jokingly Said I Love You (Mirsky) E
2127. DsqG DA-4809 Charles Panzéra: Au Loin//Le Noyer (both by Schumann) E+
2128. DsqG DA-4880 Charles Panzéra: Chansons Triste//Soupir (both by Duparc) isol E+
2129. DsqG DA-4909 Charles Panzéra: Les Berceaux//Chanson Du Pêcheur (both by Fauré) E-
2130. DsqG GC-4-32095/32243 Paul Payan: La Boheme-O défroque si chère//La Flute Enchantee-Isis c'est l'heure LT SCRS, LT GR E
2131. Od 188715 [Fr] André Pernet: Les Contes d'Hoffmann-J'ai des yeux//Sointille diamant E+
2132. Od 188851 [Fr] André Pernet: Philémon et Baucis-Au bruit des lourds marteaux d'airain//Que les songes heureux E+
2133. Co GQ-7177 Aureliano Pertile: Fedora-Vedi, io piango//Amor ti vieta EF NTG E-
2134. Co GQ-7178 Aureliano Pertile: Adriana Lecouvreur-L'anima ho stanca//La dolcissima affige LT GR E
2135. DsqG DA-5008 Noemie Perugia: Le Don Silencieux, Op 92//Dans La Foret De Septembre, Op 85, No 1 (Fauré) FW SCRS, LT SCFS E
2136. Am Blk 2-23149/172 Vera Petrova-Zvantseva: Carmen-Les tringles des sistres//Eugenia Zbrueva: L'amour est un oiseau rebelle MB 15 E--
2137. Poly 90150 Alfred Piccaver: Torna A Sorriento (DeCurtis)//Di-Te (Tirindelli) E--
2138. G&T Red GC-2-2664 stp 2 [rlbl] Pol Plançon: Le Caïd-Air du Tambour Major MB 15 SM CR, SM WOL E-
2139. ViS 1098 Rosa Ponselle: The Rosary//A Perfect Day Z-type shellac E
2140. VoW 60036 Rosa Raisa: Kalinka//Night SCRS S1 E
2141. Co DF-97 Edmond Rambaud: Paysage-Mélodie//Chansons Grises-L'heure exquise E-
2142. ViW 45065 Paul Reimers: Auf Flügeln Des Gesanges (Mendelssohn)//Wohin? (Schubert) E-
2143. DsqG GC-3-32669/676 Maurice Renaud: Rondel De L'Adieu (De Lara)//Noel Paien (Massenet) E--
2144. DsqG K-7364 Fanély Revoil: Véronique-C'est Estelle et Véronique//Petite dinde LTRS S1 E+
2145. VoW 60012 Giacomo Rimini: El Relicario (Padilla)//Jewels of the Madonna-Aprila, o bella E
2146. Pat X-0676 Gabriele Ritter-Ciampi: Mireille-Valse//La Vie de Boheme-Valse de Musette E--
2147. PatA X-2503 Ritter-Ciampi & Bauge: Le Barbier de Seville-Je suis donc celle qu'il aime, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM LTR S1 E-
2148. G&T Blk GC-53427 Adelina Rizzini: La Traviata-Alfredo, Alfredo di questo core SGS 1, NR S2 V+/E--
2149. HMV DA-4417 Helge Roswänge: Oberon-Vater, hör mich fleh'n zu dir//Die Entführung aus dem Serail-Hier soll ich dich denn sehen E+
2150. Elec DA-4472 Helge Roswänge: Bajazzi-Lache, Bajazzo//Scherzet immer SCRS E
2151. HMV EG-6165 Helge Roswänge: Balkanliebe-Barcorole (Kahr)//Heimat, mit der seele grüss ich sich LT SCFS E
2152. HMV EG-6200 Helge Roswänge: Der Prinz von Thule-Juble, mein herz (Walleck)//Küss Die Hand, Schöne Frau (Wille) VLT SCFS E+
2153. ViC 1841 Helge Roswänge: Ach, Lieb', Ich Muss Nun Scheiden//Freundliche Vision (both by Strauss) E-
2154. DsqG P-451 M. Rouard: Hamlet-Il nous fait signe//L'adultère a souillé ma royale demeure LT LSTS E
2155. G&T Blk GC-2-32919 Charles Rousselière: Mon Gentil Pierrot-Sérénade (Léoncavallo) E--
2156. G&T Blk GC-2-32975 Charles Rousselière: La Vie de Bohême-Air du ler acte Plays fair to ok HV LWDM V-
2157. Poly 561011 Charles Rousselière: Le Crépuscule Des Dieux-La mort de Siefried//Siegfried-Air de la Forge MB 15 LT RAS E-
2158. HMV AGSA-16 [pom] Titta Ruffo: Amleto-Spettro infernal//Spettro santo E
2159. VDP DA-164 Titta Ruffo: L'Africana-All'erta marinar//La Dannazione di Faust-E che fai tu qui? E+
2160. DscG DA-1049 Titta Ruffo: Visione Veneziana (Brogi)//Suonno 'E Fantasia VSM SCR E+
2161. PD Pnk GC-2-52622 Titta Ruffo: Amleto-Spettro infernal E-
2162. PD Pnk GC-2-52625 Titta Ruffo: Don Giovanni-Serenata LSPTS, VHV SCR, LN NR, VLT CR E--
2163. ViW 817 Titta Ruffo: Andrea Chénier-Son sessant' anni//L'Africana-All 'erta, marinar SM SCFS E
2164. ViW 820 Titta Ruffo: Novembre (Bourget-Trémisot)//El Guitarrico (Soriano) VLT SCFS E
2165. ViS 1460 Titta Ruffo: Sei Morta Ne La Vita Mia (Costa)//Tizianello-E canta il grillo LTR S2 E
2166. ViW 87223 Titta Ruffo: L'Africana-All 'erta marinar! E-
2167. ViW 87323 Titta Ruffo: Munasterio (Costa) VLT SCR E+
2168. ViW 87331 Titta Ruffo: Querida (Doda) WOL, LT LSCF E
2169. ViW 87336 Titta Ruffo: Ernani-Lo vedremo, o veglio audace VSM SCR, SM WOL E+
2170. ViW 87360 Titta Ruffo: Falstaff-Quand' ero paggio E+
2171. VDP DA-564 Ruffo & Galvany: Rigoletto-Veglia, o donna//Si vendetta SCFS E-
2172. Co D-13001 Mathilda Saiman: Sapho-Ce que j'appelle beau//La Tosca-Prière MB 15 E
2173. PatA X-3426 Henri Saint-Cricq: La Messe Solennelle-Panis angelicus//Le Ciel A Visité La Terre (Gounod) E-

2174. Pat X-3471 Henri Saint-Cricq: La Légende De Saint-Nicolas (Gouzien)//Le Roi A Fait Battre Tambour (De Séverac) SM SCRS E-
2175. PatArt X-7221 Henri Saint-Cricq: L'Attaque du Moulin-Les adieux a la Forêt//La Damnation de Faust-Invocation a la nature E-
2176. Pat X-93035 Henri Saint-Cricq: Adieu//Serenade (both by Schubert) E+
2177. Cet AT-0131 Antonio Salvarezza: Il Trovatore-Di quella pira//Turandot-Nessun dorma E
2178. DscZon Grn X-1866 Sambo & Mieli: Tosca-Qual occhio al mondo MB 15 V++
2179. DscZon Blk X-2552 Sambo & Mieli: Il Trovatore-Miserere Zon cross backplate SCRS V++
2180. DscZon Blk X-1850 Sambo, Mieli, Reschiglian & Mattiuzzi: Rigoletto-Quartetto AICC backplate E--
2181. HMV ER-288 Ada Sari: Zal-Etude Op 10, No 3 (Chopin)//Cudne Oczy (Friemann) In Polish MB 15 SM SCRS E
2182. Poly 90043 Theodor Scheidl: Tom Der Reimer (Loewe), Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
2183. VDP DA-366 Tito Schipa: Rigoletto-Ella mi fu rapita//Parmi veder le lacrime LT SCRS E
2184. HMV DA-1088 Tito Schipa: Ninna-Nanna (Benelli)//Fa La Nana, Bambin' (Sadero) E
2185. VDP DA-1408 Tito Schipa: La Serenata//Ave Maria (both by Schubert), from the film "Angeli Senza Paradiso" LT SCFS E+
2186. VDP DA-5352 Tito Schipa: Marcella-Dolce notte misteriosa//Andrea Cenier-Come un bel di maggio LTR S1, SM SCR E
2187. ViS 1415 Tito Schipa: Napulitanata (Giocomo-Costa)//Chi Se Nne Scorda Cchiu! (Marvasi-Barthelemy) E--
2188. ViR 10-0027 Tito Schipa: Don Pasquale-Sogno soave e casto//Rigoletto-Questa o quella VLT SCFS E
2189. ViR 10-0030 Tito Schipa: Nina (Pergolesi)//'A Vucchella (Tosti) E+
2190. ViR 10-0033 Tito Schipa: Son Tutta Duolo (Sarlatti)//Vieni Sul Mar! (Vergine) E
2191. Br 85000 Heinrich Schlusnus: Biterolf//Der Tambour (both by Wolf) GR, LT SCFS E
2192. Br 85009 Heinrich Schlusnus: Am See//Der Zurnende Barde (both by Schubert) LT FMG S1 E--
2193. PolyMC 62560 Heinrich Schlusnus: Don Juan-Champagnerlied//Horch auf den Klang der Zither MB 25 E-
2194. G&T Blk GC-44432 Schmedes, Weidemann, Preuss, Mayr, Elizza & Lukschic: Lucia von Lammermoor-Sextett LT SCR, LT NRS E-
2195. Tele A-1885 Karl Schmitt-Walter: An Die Musik (Schubert)//Ich Liebe Dich (Beethoven) E
2196. Tele A-1919 Karl Schmitt-Walter: Mondnacht, Op 39//Stille Tränen, Op 35 (both by Schumann) GR E+
2197. Tele A-1946 Karl Schmitt-Walter: Ständchen, Op 17, No 2 (R. Strauss)//Heimweh (Wolf) M-
2198. Tele A-2147 Karl Schmitt-Walter: Den Lenz, Op 19, No 5 (Hildach)//Liebesfeier, Op 16, No 2 (Weingartner) E
2199. Tele A-2539 Karl Schmitt-Walter: Ständchen-Der Mond steht über dem Berge, Op 106, No 1//Minnelied-Holder klingt der Vogelsang,
Op 71, No 5 (both by Brahms) E+
2200. Tele A-2633 Karl Schmitt-Walter: Es Muß Ein Wunderbares Sein (Liszt)//Still Wie Die Nacht (Bohm) E+
2201. HMV B-9868 Rudolf Schock: Tosca-E lucevan le stelle//Manon-En fermant les yeux SM SCRS E
2202. HMV E-503 Lotte Schoene: Turandot-Tu che di gel sei cinta//Signore, ascolta! E+
2203. HMV EG-2166 Schöne & Wittrisch: Annina! Caramello!//Hör Mich An Annina!, from "Eine Nacht in Venedig" VSM SCF E
2204. HMV DA-1417 Elisabeth Schumann: Nachtigall, Op 97, No 1 & Der Jäger, Op 95, No 4 (Brahms)//Wiegenlied, Op 49, No 4 &
Vergebliches Ständchen, Op 84, No 4 (all by Brahms) E
2205. HMV DA-1439 Elisabeth Schumann: Hansel und Gretel-Abendsegen//Folk Lied & Lied des Sandmännchens LT SCFS E
2206. HMV DA-1457 Elisabeth Schumann: Last Night (Marzials)//Down In The Forest (Ronald) FW LT SCFS E
2207. VDM DA-1521 Elisabeth Schumann: Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen, Op 72 (Von Stollberg-Schubert)//Der Jüngling An Der Quelle
(Schubert) & Geheimes, Op 14, No 2 (Goethe-Schubert) VLT SCFS E
2208. HMV DA-1526 Elisabeth Schumann: Horch! Horch! Die Lerch (Schubert)//Sandmännchen (Brahms) SCFS S2 E
2209. HMV DA-1544 Elisabeth Schumann: Peer Gynt-Solveigs lied//Der Kuß-Wiegenlied VLT SCFS E
2210. HMV DA-1620 Elisabeth Schumann: Das Mädchen Spricht, Op 107, No 3 & Der Mond Steht Über Dem Berge, Op 106, No 1 (Brahms)//
O Ihr Herren, O Ihr Werten, Op 37, No 3 & Röselein, Röselein, Op 89, No 6 (Schumann) LT SCFS E
2211. HMV DA-1651 Elisabeth Schumann: Der Opernball-Im Chambre Séparée (Heuberger)//Ich Muss Wieder Einmal In Grinzing Sein! E+
2212. HMV DA-1850 Elisabeth Schumann: She Never Told Her Love//The Sailor's Song (both by Haydn) E
2213. HMV DA-1852 Elisabeth Schumann: Die Forelle, Op 32//Rosamunde-Vollmond strahlt aus Bergeshöhen (both by Schubert) E+
2214. HMV DA-1854 Elisabeth Schumann: Dass Sie Hier Gewesen!, Op 59, No 2 (Schubert)//Das Veilchen, K. 476 (Mozart) SM VLT SCR S2 E+
2215. HMV DA-1860 Elisabeth Schumann: Auch Kleine Dinge (Heyse-Wolf)//Und Willst Du Deinen liebsten Sterben Sehen? LT SCFS E
2216. HMV DA-1862 Elisabeth Schumann: In Dem Schatten Meiner Locken & Mausfallen//In Der Frühe (all by Wolf) E-
2217. HMV DA-1864 Elisabeth Schumann: An Mein Clavier (Schubart-Schubert)//Das Mädchen (Schlegel-Schubert) SM SCR S1 E
2218. HMV E-552 Elisabeth Schumann: Der Obersteiger-Sei nicht bös//Nightingale Song (Zeller) E-
2219. HMV E-555 Elisabeth Schumann: Warnung (Mozart) & Wer Hat Das Liedlein Erdacht (Mahler)//Wiegenlied (Mozart) E+
2220. ViS 1431 Elisabeth Schumann: Le Nozze di Figaro-Non so più cosa son//Venite, inginocchiatevi WOL E
2221. ViS 1756 Elisabeth Schumann: Nachtigall, Op 97, No 1 & Der Jäger, Op 95, No 4//Wiegenlied, Op 49, No 4 &
Vergebliches Standchen, Op 84, No 4 (all by Brahms) FW SCFS E
2222. ViW 969 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Dreamin' Time (Strickland)//Sweetheart (Stewart) LT SCFS E
2223. ViW 996 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Mondnacht (Schumann)//Der Tod Und Das Mädchen (Schubert) E-
2224. ViS 1464 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Danny Boy (Weatherly)//The Kerry Dance (Molloy) Z shellac E
2225. ViP 87129 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: When The Roses Bloom (Reichardt) LT WOL, LT SCF E
2226. HMV VA-3 [pom] Leo Slezak: Die Weisse Dame-Komm', o holde Dame aus//Meistersinger-Fanget an, so rief der Lenz E
2227. ViW-IRCC 99 [pom] Leo Slezak: Die Königin von Saba-Magische töne//Die Weisse Dame-Komm o holde Dame
Autographed MB 25 LT SCR S2 E
2228. DGG 21692 Leo Slezak: Ständchen (Brahms)//Der Lenz (Hildach) E
2229. Poly 21849 Leo Slezak: Freundliche Vision//Traum Durch Die Dämmerung (both by R. Strauss) E
2230. CoM 17241-D Suzanne Sten: Ich Atmet' Einen Linden Duft//Hans Und Grete (both by Mahler) E
2231. HMV EG-6139 Wilhelm Strienz: Der Waffenschmied-Auch ich war ein Jüngling//Strienz & Machula: Der Wildschütz-A B C D SIT NAP E
2232. Od 188746 [Fr] Conchita Supervia: La Presumida (Delgado)//Romanç De Santa Lucia (Sagarra) E-
2233. Pa RO-20180 Conchita Supervia: La Bohème-Musetta's Waltz//Faust-Gentle flower in the dew E
2234. G&T Red GC-52678 stp 2 Francesco Tamagno: Trovatore-Di quella pira MB 15 V++
*2235. ViTM 95003 Francesco Tamagno: Otello-Ora e per sempre addio sante memorie
Original Tamagno picture sleeve MB 100 ULC, LT WOL E--

2236. ViRW 95007 Francesco Tamagno: Le Prophete-Sopra Berta l'amor mio REP CR TO SH V++
2237. Pa RO-20188 Richard Tauber: Manon, Op 200 (Engel-Berger)//Vilja, from "The Merry Widow" E-
2238. Pa RO-20329 Richard Tauber: Pagliacci-Prologue, Pt 1//Pt 2 VLT SCFS E
2239. Pa RO-20551 Richard Tauber: Der Freischütz-Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2240. HMV DA-1790 Maggie Teyte: King Arthur-Fairest isle of all isles excelling//The Libertine-Nymphs and shepherds E
2241. HMV DA-1819 Maggie Teyte: Les Roses d'Ispahan//Soir (both by Fauré) E
2242. HMV DA-1833 Maggie Teyte: Le Colibri, Op 2, No 7 (Chausson)//Chanson D'Avril, Op 21, No 1 (Bizet) E+
2243. Co LF-66 Lucienne Tragin: Les Puritains-Air d'Elvire, Pt 1//Pt 2 Dsol s2 LSTS E
2244. G&T Blk GC-54065 stp 1 Trentini & Martinez-Patti: Lucia di Lammermoor-Verranno a te sull'aure Ornate "EG" stamped in roa V+
2245. Co D-1631 Eva Turner: Turandot-O principi che a lunghe carovane//In questa reggia LT SCFS E
2246. HMV B-2458 Alessandro Valente: Turandot-Nessun dorma!//Non piangere, Liù! LG TORN SOLS E-
2247. Co G-9058-M Ninon Vallin: Mefistofele-Air de Marguerite//Norma-Casta diva VLT ULC E+
2248. Od 166667 Ninon Vallin: Les Deux Coeurs (Lucas)//L'ile Heureuse (Mikhael) SM SCR S1 E+
2249. Od 188595 Ninon Vallin: Aquarelles, from "Ariettes Oubliées (Debussy)//Fêtes Galantes, from "Mandoline" (Fantoches) E--
2250. Od 188735 Ninon Vallin: Reve Crepusculaire//Serenade (both by R. Strauss) E--
2251. Od 281030 Ninon Vallin: Elégie (Massenet)//Sérénade (Toselli) E+
2252. Od XX-123709 Ninon Vallin: La Norma-Cavatine//Mephistophele-Air de Marguerite E-
2253. Pa AR-121 [Aus] Ninon Vallin: Si Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes//L'Heure Exquise (both by Hahn) E
2254. Pa RO-20068 Ninon Vallin: L'Heure Exquise (Verlaine-Hahn)//Se Mes Vers Avaient Des Ailes (Hahn-Hugo) SM EC NTG E
2255. Pat PD-46 Ninon Vallin w/Maurice Fauré, pno: Aurore, Op 39//En Sourdine, Op 58 (both by G. Fauré) SM LTRS S2 E/E+
2256. Pat PG-6 Ninon Vallin: Rencontre & Toujours//Adieu (both by Gabriel) E
2257. Pat PG-38 Ninon Vallin: Mélodies Populaires Indiennes-Ama pisko mikunkicu & Mariposacay, ninacay//Aa sumak &
De aquel cerro verde M-
2258. Pat PG-62 Ninon Vallin: Nuits d'Été-Villanelle, Op 7 (Berlioz)//Les Roses De Saadi (Canal) LT SCRS E+
2259. Pat PG-71 Ninon Vallin: Jota//Nana & Seguedille Nurcienne (all by De Falla) E
2260. Pat X-3465 Ninon Vallin: Clair De Lune (Verlaine-Faurè)//Les Roses D'Ispahan (De Lisle-Fauré) E-
2261. Pat X-93046 Ninon Vallin: Célèbre Sérénade//Ave Maria (both by Gounod) LTR E-
2262. Pat X-93081 Ninon Vallin: Au Bord De L'Eau//Après Un Rêve (both by G. Fauré) LT PDEFS TOK E
2263. Pat X-93109 Ninon Vallin: Angoisse d'Amour (Benatzky)//Valse Chantée, from "La Vie Athénienne" (Broqua) E-
2264. Pat X-93134 Ninon Vallin: Dolores//Les Sirènes (both by Waldreufel) E
2265. Pat X-93135 Ninon Vallin: La Contrebandière//Si Je N'Avais Plus L'Amour (both by Ackermans) E+
2266. Pat X-0625 Ninon Vallin: Tosca-Prière de Tosca//Chanson de Solveig-Tirée de Peer Gynt Beautiful copy! E+
2267. Pat PD-4 Vallin & Baugé: La Mascotte (Audran)//La Fille De Madame Angot (Lecocq) E
2268. PatArt X-2617 Vallin & Balbon: Faust-Tête folle//Marguerite!!! LT GR E
2269. Pat X-2622 Vallin & Baugé: Les Contes d'Hoffmann-Belle nuit o nuit d'amour//Au Bord De L'Eau (Fauré) E-
2270. Elec EG-919 Elisabeth Van Endert: Waldeinsamkeit (Reger)//Es Muss Ein Wunderbares Sein (Liszt) HV LSCR S1 E-
2271. DsqG DA-631 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Don Quichotte-Quand apparaissent les etoiles//L'Étoile! E+
2272. DsqG DA-935 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Don Quichotte-Sancho je t'ai promis//Ecoute mon ami E
2273. DsqG DA-936 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Don Quichotte-Seigneur reçois mon âme//Je suis le Chevalier errant E+
2274. DsqG DA-988 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: The Cryin' Blues//Jazz Boys (both by Carpenter) Sung in English MB 25 E
2275. DsqG DA-990 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Romance Orientale (Glazounoff)//Soupir (Mallarmé-Coppola) E
2276. DsqG DA-1123 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Le Manoir De Rosemonde (Duparc)//Le Noyer (Schumann) LT SCRS E
2277. DsqG DA-1159 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Le Jongleur de Notre Dame-Legende de la Sauge, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2278. DsqG DA-1201 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Je Me Mets En Votre Mercy//Offrande (both by Hahn) SOL E
2279. DsqG DA-4804 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Cantatille (Lancel)//Chanson Normande (Wekerlin)
Lss "Dédié à Madame de Pompadour" s1 LT ISOL E+
2280. DsqG DA-4813 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Mes Belles Amourettes//Un Doux Baiser, Lisette (both by Wekerlin) E
2281. DsqG DA-4814 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Chanson De L'Adieu (Tosti)//Le Secret, Op 23, No 3 (Fauré) E
2282. DsqG DA-4818 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: La Habanera-Le sort m'a désigné//Et c'est à moi que l'on dit: Chante! ISOL E
2283. DsqG DA-4867 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Mignon-Berceuse//Air de Lothario LT SCF E+
2284. DsqG K-7076 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Chanson Libertine & Fermons Nos Rideaux//Fanfreluches & Petit Chagrin (all by Delmet) SCRS, LTR E
2285. DsqG K-7148 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Chanson Des Heures (Privas)//Le Temps Des Cerises (Clément-Renard) E+
2286. DsqG K-7183 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Envoi De Fleurs & Charme D'Amour//Stances A Manon (all by Delmet) E
2287. DsqG K-7326 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Quand Les Lilas Refleuriront (Auriol-Dihaie)//Reviens (Fragson-Christiné) E+
2288. Od 188033 René Verdiere: L'Africaine-O paradis, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E+
2289. Od 188891 Paul-Henri Vergnes: Lakmé-Ah, viens dans la forêt profonde//Mireille-Anges du paradis E--
2290. Od 188899 Paul-Henri Vergnes: Lakmé-Fantasie, aux divins mensonges, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 SM SCR S2 E+
2291. DsqG P-727 César Vezzani: Cavalleria Rusticana-O Lola blanche fleur//Paillasse-Me grimer E--
2292. DsqG P-753 César Vezzani: Sigurd-Esprits gardiens//J'ai garde mon ame ingenue E
2293. DsqG P-801 César Vezzani: Rigoletto-Qu'une belle//Comme la plume au vent E--
2294. HMV EK-16 Anastasia Vialtseva: Drive, Coachman (Semenov)//I Got Dead Tired (folk song) E-
2295. G&T Red GC-23126 stp 1 [fl lbl] Anastasia Vialtseva: Let This Be A Dream (Zubov) St Petersburg MB 25 FLBL, LNR, MN LT SCRS V++
2296. Pat PG-7 Miguel Villabella: La Dame Blanche-Viens gentille dame, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
2297. Pat PG-26 Miguel Villabella: Si J'Etais Roi-Elle est Princesse!//La Dame Blanche-Rêverie de Georges Brown E+
2298. Pat X-90059 Miguel Villabella: Mireille-Ange du Paradis//Maitre Pathelin-Je pense à vous quand je m'éveille LT LST E
2299. Co DH-132 Jo Vincent: Bist Du Bei Mir//Ich Halte Treulich Still (both by Bach) E+
2300. RU Aprelevka 12769/770 Georgy Vinogradov: Eugene Onegin-Lensky's aria, Pt 1//Pt 2 MN SCRS, LT WOL, SM SH V++
2301. Poly 23468 Franz Völker: Die Lotosblume (Schumann)//Das Veilchen (Mozart) E
2302. PD Blk GC-2-44099/100 Selma & Julius Vom Scheidt: Zauberflöte-Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen//Das klinget so herrlich MB 15 E-
2303. ViW 64096 Evan Williams: Queen of Sheba-Lend me your aid E+
2304. PatA 025067 Helen Yorke: Barber of Seville-Una voce poco fà//Lucia di Lammermoor-Mad Scene SCFS E-
2305. ViW 64834 Renato Zanelli: La Spagnola (Dole-Di Chiara) Zanelli autograph E-
2306. ViS 1399 Giovanni Zenatello: Tosca-O dolci mani//Manon Lescaut-Ah! Manon, mi tradisce E-
2307. VDP DA-1423 Alessandro Ziliani: Manon Lescaut-Donna non vidi mai//Turandot-Nessun dorma! E
2308. HMV DA-1450 Alessandro Ziliani: Funiculi-Funicula (Zenardini-Denza)//La Dama Blanca-Vieni, o divina donna E+

10½" Vocal pressings, MB $10

2309. Fono 62164/165 Giuseppe Anselmi: Fedora-Amor ti vieta//Manon-Chiudo gli occhi LT GR E--
2310. Fono 39240/242 Alessandro Bonci: Carmen-Il fior che avevi//La Violetta-Nel praticello, timida HV WOL S2 E
2311. Fono 92331 [ss] Bonci & Corradetti: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Numero quindice V+
2312. Od Br 34353/357 Oskar Braun: Mignon-Leb' whol, Mignon, ich scheide//Winterlied (Koss) V++
2313. Fono 39181/39225 Georgette Bréjean-Silver: La Bohème-On m' apple Mimi//Manon-Fabliau SOL E--
2314. Fono 39665/666 Eugenia Burzio: Un Ballo in Maschera-Non sai tu//Oh qual soave brivido E--
2315. Od Br 111289/360 Charbonnel & Sens: Carmen-Le partie, Pt 1//Pt 2 Carmen No 6 SCRS V++
2316. Phonotype M-1760/1787 Fernando De Lucia: Tosca-E lucean le stelle//Recondita armonia MB 100 E--

2317. APGA 1574/75 Alexis Ghasne: La Jolie Fille de Perth//Le Carillonneur de Bruges US TWW E-
2318. APGA 1735/36 Alexis Ghasne: Lakmé-Stances//Les Noces de Jeanette-Grand Air E--
*2319. Od Br & Lt Bl 56219/220 Fèlia Litvinne: Samson et Dalila-Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix//La Favorite-On mon Fernand MB 150 LT SCFS E-

*2320. Pantophone 1788/1915 Geneviève Mathieu [-Lutz]: Lakmé-Air des Clochettes//Manon-Air (Massenet) Fabulous rarity, well recorded,
lovely condition, signed in the matrix by Mathieu with exquisite labels in the shape of a
five-pointed star; Bidder Request Show MB 2500 SM LSCR S2 E--

2321. Fono 39232/238 Regina Pacini: Variazioni (Proch)//I Puritani-Qui la voce sua soave LT GR E-
2322. Fono 39819/820 Parsi-Pettinella & Zenatello: Il Trovatore-Ai nostri monti//Coristi della Scala: Chi del Gitano MB 25 E
2323. APGA 1522/23 M. Paty: Le Carillonneur (De Bruges)//Patrie-Pauvre martyr (Paladihle) Nice copy! MB 50 E
2324. APGA 1526/29 M. Paty: Le Châlet (Valions)//Tannhauser-Air du Landgrave OS MB 15 E--

*2325. Fono 39172/175 Emile Scaramberg: Romeo et Juliette-Grand Air//Cavalleria Rusticana-Sicilienne Purple star isols MB 250 E-
2326. Fono 39173/179 Emile Scaramberg: Fedora-Air de Loris//Werther-Grand Air OS w/photo attached (trs at bottom) MB 100 GR E
2327. Fono 39186/189 Emile Scaramberg: Werther-Lied d'Ossian//Mireille-Anges du Paradis MB 100 LTRS E/E--
2328. Fono 56048/049 Emile Scaramberg: Manon-Grand Air//Lakme-Fantaisie aux divins mensonges MB 250 VSM LTRS E+

2329. Fono 39400/401 Rosina Storchio: Don Pasquale-Quel guardo il cavalier//So anch' io la virtù magica MB 25 SCFS E-
2330. Fono 92428/429 Riccardo Stracciari: La Favorita-Vien Leonora//A tanto amor E--
2331. DscZon Blk 10000 Luisa Tetrazzini: Lucia di Lammermoor-Rondo V
2332. Fono 39973/856 Giovanni Zenatello: Otello-Niun mi tema//Coristi della Scala: Fuoco di gioia E--
2333. Fono 62012/013 Zenatello & Amato: La Gioconda-Enzo Grimaldo//O grido di quest'anima E-
2334. Fono 92817/818 Zenatello & Cannetti: La Bohème-Sono andati//Tornò al nido E--

12" Vocal pressings, MB $4

2335. CoM 69489-D Lina Aimaro: Lucia-Ardon gl'incense//Rigoletto-Caro nome E+
2336. ViW 6353 Frances Alda: Mefistofele-L'altra notte//Panis Angelicus E
2337. ViW 74400 Frances Alda: Tosca-Vissi d'arte LT SCF E
2338. ViW 74448 Frances Alda: La Bohême-Mi chiamano Mimi E-
2339. ViW 74449 Frances Alda: Chanson Provençale (Dell' Acqua) E+
2340. ViW 10002 Alda, Jacoby, Caruso & Journet: Martha-Siam giunti, o giovinette//Che vuol dir cìo LT LSCRS E+
2341. ViP 95209 Alda, Jacoby, Caruso & Journet: Martha-Presto, presto Notes on reverse E+
2342. Hom 4-9001 Gitta Alpàr: Il Re Pastore//Figaros Hochzeit-Sagt, holde Dame MB 15 ISOL, LT NR E-
2343. Od O-6800 Gitta Alpar: Dinorah-Du leichter Schatten bleib' mir zur Seite//Doch du bist verschwunden SOLS E-
2344. ViW 88438 Pasquale Amato: I Due Foscari-O vecchio cor, che batti E
2345. ViW 88489 Pasquale Amato: Tosca-Te Deum E-
2346. Poly 66778 Rosette Anday: Götterdämmerung-Seit er von dir geschieden//So sitzt er, sagt kein Wort SCFS E-
2347. Poly 95165 Rosette Anday: Befreit//Cäcilie (both by R. Strauss) E--
2348. Tele E-1761 Peter Anders: Carmen-Blumenarie//Eugen Onegin-Wohin seid ihr entschwunden SCR S1 E
2349. ViR 12-1250 Marian Anderson w/Franz Rupp, pno: Dem Unendlichen//Thekla, Op 88, No 2 (both by Schubert) MB 15 E+
2350. CoV2 7230-M Ivar Andresen w/Dr Franz Hallasch, pno: Der Selt'ne Beter (Loewe), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2351. VDM DB-11184 Martha Angelici: Mireille-Non, non, je ne mourrai pas//Voici la paste plaine SCRS S2 E+/E
2352. VDM DB-11247 Martha Angelici: L'Absence, Op 7, No 4 (Berlioz)//Chanson De Printemps (Gounod) E-
2353. HMV DB-1085 Fernand Ansseau: Werther-O nature, pleine de grâce//J'Aurais sur ma poitrine VSM SCRS E
2354. HMV DB-1263 Fernand Ansseau: Samson et Dalila-Arrêtez, ô mes frères//Pt 2 E-
2355. ViW 6104 Fernand Ansseau: Hérodiade-Ne pouvant réprimer les élans de la foi//Werther-O Nature, pleine de grâce E
2356. HMV DB-1098 Ansseau & Journet: Carmen-Je suis Escamillo//Fernand Ansseau: Le fleur que tu m'avais jetée E-
2357. DsqG DB-1384 Ansseau & Orens: Carmen-Mais moi, Carmen, je t'aime encore, Pt 1//C'est toi! C'est moi! I'on m'avait avertie! E-
2358. ViS 8185 Ansseau & Journet: Faust - Mais ce Dieu que peut-il pour moi?//Ici je suis a ton service VLT SCR S1 E
2359. Co LF-130 Jean Anzani: Mignon-Elle ne croyait pas, dans sa candeur naïve//Mireille-Anges du Paradis LT NR S1, SOL S2 E
2360. PatArt X-7177 Jean Aquistapace: Don Quichotte-La mort de Don Quichotte, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2361. Co 52084-X Arangi-Lombardi & Molinari: La Gioconda-Cosi mantieni il patto//Arangi-Lombardi & Zinetti: O cor dono funesto E-
2362. Co GQX-10220 Giannina Arangi-Lombardi: La Forza del Destino-La vergine degli angeli//Madre pietosa vergine LST E
2363. Vo K-05196 [Eng] Phyllis Archibald: Le Prophète-Ah! Mon fils//Carmen-Habanera LT GR E-
2364. Lon mx AR-13396 [ss] Raphael Arié: Ideale (Tosti) SCFS, EF NTG E
2365. ViP 74151 Blanche Arral: Romeo et Juliette-Valse E-
2366. HMV D-1032 Florence Austral: Elijah-Hear ye, Israel//Judas Maccabaeus-From mighty kings he took the spoil LST, WOL E-
2367. HMV C-1842 Fernando Autori: Barber of Seville-Slander song//Faust-Mephistofeles' serenade E
2368. Od N-6568 Fernando Autori: Ernani-Infelice e tuo credevi//Mignon-Del suo cor calmai le pene LT GR E
2369. DsqG W-149 Louis Azema: Le Chalet-Arrêtons-nous ici (Adam)//Les Deux Grenadiers (Schumann)
"Special Record" pasteover lbls E-
2370. Co CQX-16451 Salvatore Baccaloni: Elisir d'Amore-Udite o rustici (Donizetti)//Crispino e la Comare-Dapprima... figuratevi (Ricci) E
2371. Od N-6647 Ernesto Badini: L'Elisir d'Amore-Cavatina di Dulcamara, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2372. Co 9697 Isobel Baillie: Theodora-Angels ever bright and fair//Joshua-Oh! had I Jubal's lyre VSM SCRS S2 E
2373. GMR 034070 Marthe Bakkers & Suzanne Brohly: Werther-Bonjour Grande sœur//Va laisse couler mes larmes E--
2374. Pa E-11014 George Baklanoff: Prince Igor-And in restless mood//In vain the sad and heavy heart seeks after peace E-
2375. Poly 566104 Suzanne Balguerie: Lohengrin-Rève d'Elsa//Tannhäuser-Prière d'Elisabeth MB 25 LT SCFS, LT LST E
2376. VDP DB-11319 Fedora Barbieri: La Gioconda-Voce di donna o d'angelo//Barbieri & Caruso:
Il Trovatore-Condotta ell'era in ceppi FW SM HV SCFS S2 E-
2377. VDP DB-11336 Fedora Barbieri: Carmen-Habañera//Il Trovatore-Stride la Vampa E
2378. VDP S-5442 Wanda Bardone: Norma-Casta diva//Iris-Inno al sole E
2379. CoSy 48627 Maria Barrientos: Lucia di Lammermoor-Ardon gl'incensi E-
2380. CoRegal RKX-7003 [Sp] Maria Barrientos w/Manuel da Falla, pno: Siete Canciones Españolas-Canción del fuego fatuo//
Nana & Asturiana MB 15 LSCFS E-
2381. CoSy 49612 Barrientos & Stracciari: Barbiere di Siviglia-Dunque io son E-
2382. CoV 7180-M Barrientos, Hackett, Stracciari & Gordon: Rigoletto-Bella figlia dell' amore//Barrientos, Hackett, Stracciari, Mardones, Noe & Meader:
Lucia di Lammermoor-Qui raffrena il mio furore E
2383. CoV2 69602-D Mario Basiola: Il Figliuol Prodigo-Raccogli e calma//L'Arlesiana-Racconto del Pastore WOL E
2384. CoM 70093-D Mario Basiola: Le Roi de Lahore-Promesse de mon avenir//Hérodiade-Vision fugitive E+
2385. Melotone [ss] Francis Batcheller: Margitta-Canzonetta (Meyer-Helmund) LTRS E--
2386. MRG 052309 Mattia Battistini: Amleto-Come il romito fior SCFS, WOL, SM LTRS E-
2387. Gram 052371 Mattia Battistini: Occhi Di Fata (Denza) White lbl advance copy E--
2388. HMV DB-190 Mattia Battistini: O Ma Charmaine (Quaranta)//Culto (Denza) E--
2389. HMV DB-195 Mattia Battistini: I Puritani-Ah! per sempre io ti perdei//Bel songo beato di pace E-
2390. HMV DB-196 Mattia Battistini: Tannhäuser-Allor che tu coll'estro//Faust-O santa medaglia SCFS E-
2391. HMV DB-731 Mattia Battistini: Paride ed Elena-O del mio dolce ardor//Si Vous L'Aviez Compris (Denza) LT WMKS E-
2392. DG 85061 Mattia Battistini: Ein Maskenball-Für dein Glück//Ja, du warst's ISOL, LT LSCFS E
2393. KSG 85063 Mattia Battistini: Pagliacci-Prologo, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2394. ViW 6046 Mattia Battistini: Re di Lahore-O casto fior//Maria di Rudenz-Ah! non avea più lagrime E-
2395. ViP 88354 Mattia Battistini: Werther-Ah! non mi ridestar! SCFS E-
2396. DsqG W-411 André Baugé: Les Noces de Jeannette-Oui, ma Jeannette//Enfin me voilà seul E-
2397. PatArt X-7118 [11½"] André Baugé: Le Barbier de Séville-Air de Figaro, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM LTR S2 E-
2398. PatArt X-7142 [11½"] André Baugé: Marouf, Savetier du Caire-La caravane//Il est des musulmans VSM SCR, VLT NR E
2399. Co D-15045 Beaujon & Bordon: Faust-Church scene, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
2400. VDP DB-11353 Gino Bechi: Si Vous L'Aviez Compris! (Denza-Bordèse)//Falstaff-L'onore! Ladrí! E-
2401. VDP DA-11306 Bechi & Pasero: Rigoletto-Quel vecchio maledivami//Bernelli & Pasero: La Sonnambula-Oh! Ciel!... Che tento? E-
2402. Elec DB-7653 Friedel Beckmann: Atalanta-Labende Wälder//Julius Cäsar-Es blaut die Nacht (both by Händel) SOL E

2403. DsqG W-1507 Leila Ben-Sedira: Hippolyte et Aricie-Rossignols amoureux (Rameau)//Psychè (De Falla) MB 25 LT SCR E
2404. Pa 59510 Leila Ben-Sedira: Les Noces de Figaro-Je ne saïs quelle ardeur//Mon cœur soupire VLT LST E
2405. Pa 59513 Leila Ben-Sedira: Lakmé-Air des Clochettes, Pt 1//Pt 2 NR S1 E+
2406. IRCC 5016 Sarah Bernhardt: Les Bouffons-Le souffle qui remue imperceptiblement//
Phèdre-Qui, Prince, je languis, je brûle pour Thésée VLT SCR, LT LSCR E+
2407. DsqG DB-4920 [2 recs] Berthon & Vezzani: Lohengrin-Duo du 3rd Acte E+
2408. OdE 5117 Bettendorf & Melchior: Lohengrin-Hörtest du nicht, vernahmst du kein Kommen//Bettendorf, Bohnen, Oehmann,
Gombert & Lüders: Meistersinger-Quintet, Act 3 E
2409. Pa P-1370 Bettendorf, Arndt-Ober & Henke: Der Barbier von Bagdad-Er kommt, Er kommt//Ja, frohe Kunde bring' ich &
Muezzinrur LT SCRS, WOLS, LST S1 E-
2410. VDM S-5368 V. Bettoni: Isabeau-Finestre cieche//Noli & Lopez-Nunes: O Reginotta, gli angioli dal Cielo
"Special Record" pasteover lbls LSTS, WOLS E--
2411. DsqG W-179 Léon Beyle: Le Jongleur de Notre Dame-Liberté o liberté m'aimie//Alleluia du Vin E--
2412. DsqG W-186 Léon Beyle: Castor et Pollux-Séjour de l'éternelle paix//Iphigenie en Tauride-
Unis dès la plus tendre enfance SOLS, SM LTRS E--
2413. GMR 034083/062 Beyle & Brohly: La Favorite-Vois mes pleurs//Beyle & Sylvain: Sais-tu que devant et Balthazar SM WOL E--
2414. Tele SK-1144 Gertrud Bindernagel: Oberon-Ozean, du Ungeheuer, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2415. CoGP 30037 tk 1 David Bispham: Faust-Dio possente Handwritten lbl info MB 15 WOL E-
2416. CoSy A-5132 David Bispham: Mary Of Argyle//Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes E--
2417. HMV DB-21602 Jussi Björling: La Boheme-Che gelida manina//I Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba E-
2418. HMV DB-21426 Björling & Merrill: Otello-Oh! Mostruosa colpa!//De Perles-Au fond du temple saint LTR S1 E
2419. Ult G-12388 [Cz] Jindrich Blazicek: Rusalka-Vidino divná presladká//Karel Kalaš: Celý svét nedá ti MSS E--
2420. DeOd G-25810 Michael Bohnen: The Bartered Bride-Wer in Lieb' entbrannt//La Juive-Si la rigeur E-
2421. DsqG W-517 Gaby Boissy: Ciboulette-Amour qui passe//Ragon & Valiès: Comm' la via vous semble avoir d' la douceur E--
2422. ViR 15-1006 [red vnl] Celestina Boninsegna: Aida-O cieli azzurri//Un Ballo in Maschera-Ma dall' Arido stelo divulsa E-
2423. DG 72381 Kim Borg: Prometheus//Grenzen Der Menschheit (both by Schubert) Variable Micrograde E
2424. ViRW 6561 Lucrezia Bori: Bohême-Addio!//Louise-Depuis le jour Z shellac; nice! E+
2425. ViW 88647 Lucrezia Bori: Secret of Suzanne-Oh gioia, la nube leggera E-
2426. HMV DM-104 Bori & McCormack: La Traviata-Parigi, o cara, noi lasceremo//Bori, Jacoby, McCormack & Werrenrath:
Rigoletto-Bella figlia dell' amore SCF S2 E-
2427. Od Bl AA-79041/042 Bosetti, Ober, Braun & Henke: Martha-Was soll ich dazu sagen//Hält das Mädel sich versteckt VLT IC DNS, LST S2 V++
2428. DeOd G-25945 Roger Bourdin: Le Promenoir des Deux Amants (Debussy), Pt 1//Pt 2 LT GR E
2429. Od 123518 Roger Bourdin: Don Quichotte-Mort de Don Quichotte//Bourdin, Lafont & Cernay: Pt 2 SM SOL E
2430. Od 123670 Roger Bourdin: Le Promenoir des Deux Amants (Debussy), Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS, SCRS E-
2431. Od 123682 Bourdin & Luart: Le Roi Malgré Lui-Barcarolle (Chabrier), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2432. Od 123691 Bourdin & Luart: Paillasse-Non, tu ne m'aimes pas//Il m'aime, il l'a dit à l'instant E
2433. Co LFX-36 Jane Bourguignon: Sapho-O ma lyre immortelle, Pt 1//Pt 2 Torn Paris dsol s1 LST E
2434. SG 65626 Karin Branzell: Samson und Dalila-O Liebe! Meinem Hass steh' zur Seite!//Rheingold-Erda's Warnung LT LSCRS S2 E-
2435. Od Bl AA-79304/305 Carl Braun: Die Walküre-Was keinem in Worten ich künde//Mit acht Schwestern zog ich dich auf LST, WOLS E-
2436. DsqG W-463 Suzanne Brohly: Sigurd-J'avais lu//Faust-Il était un roi de Thulé E-
2437. PaMC P-327 Cornelius Bronsgeest: Margarethe-Valentine's tod//Undine-Neapels Abgesandter WOLS, LST S1, SM LTR S2 E-
2438. PaMC P-329 Cornelius Bronsgeest: Das Nachtlager von Granada-Arie Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 WOLS, LST S1 E-
2439. Co A-5210 Eugenie Bronskaja: Mignon-Io son Titania//Dinorah-Ombra leggera LSTS E-
2440. DsqG L-918 Yvonne Brothier: Le Pré aux Clercs-Jours de mon enfance//Oui Marguerite en qui j'espère SM VLT SCRS, VLT LSCR E+
2441. DsqG L-922 Yvonne Brothier: Les Noces de Jeannette-Au bord du chemin//'Cette nuit sur ma croisée VSM SCR S2 E+
2442. DsqG L-917 Brothier & Rousseau: Le Pré aux Clercs-Les Rendez-vous de noble campagnie//Tout à coup un autre tableau LT SCRS E
2443. DsqG Y-66 Brothier & Marcelin: Carmen - Parlez-moi de ma mére//Qui sait de quel démon E-
2444. Od Bl AA-53026/79037 Robert Burg: Margarethe-Valentins gebet//Lilly Hafgren-Waag: Es war ein König in Thule MB 50 E--
2445. Imp Z-128 [Eng] Tom Burke: Student Prince-Serenade//Lover Come Back to Me, from "The New Moon" "Not for sale" isols E-
2446. DsqG L-690 Robert Burnier: Coups de Roulis-Ce n'est pas la première fois//En amour il n'est pas de grade E--
2447. ViW 55073 Carl Burrian: Götterdämmerung-Zu den Wipfeln lauscht' ich//Mime hiess ein mürrischer Zwerg VLT LSTS E+
2448. Co 7320 Clara Butt: Kashmiri Song, from "Indian Love Lyrics" (Woodforde-Finden)//
Where Corals Lie, from "Sea Pictures" E-
2449. Co 7376 Clara Butt: The Better Land//The Promise Of Life (both by Cowen) E
2450. ViW 18300 [Can] Butt & Rumford: The Keys Of Heaven (Trad.) LT WMK E-
*2451. SocFrGram AFG-2 Emma Calvé: Où Voulez-Vous Aller?//Le Message Suprême d'Emma Calvé Lss "Recorded on her
death bed, January 4th, 1942 in Montpellier"; serial no 191 MB 50 SM SCRS E
2452. VDM DB-11204 Charles Cambon: Othello-Vous avez vu sans doute//Va-t'en, Je vois où vont tes pas E+
2453. VDM DB-11238 Charles Cambon: Thaïs-Voici la terrible cité//Herodiade-Vision fugitive LT WOL E+
2454. DsqG 032257/34154 Leon Campagnola: Werther-Invocation à la nature//Cesar, Campagnola & Payan: Faust-Agnes purs LSTS E-
2455. DsqG W-656 Leon Campagnola: Faust-Salut, demeure chaste et pure//Roméo et Juliette-Ah! lève-toi, Soleil! E--
2456. DsqG W-657 Leon Campagnola: Mignon-Adieu Mignon, courage//Elle ne croyait pas E
2457. DsqG W-663 Leon Campagnola: Aïda-O celeste Aïda!//César, Campagnola & Payan: Faust-Divine pureté E-
2458. DsqG Y-48 Leon Campagnola: Mireille-Anges du paradis//O Magali-Chanson provencale tirée de Mireille E-
2459. CoSy A-5126 Giuseppe Campanari: I Pagliacci-Prologo//Myosotis-Melodia (Trindelli) E--
2460. ViTD 85001 Giuseppe Campanari: Ballo in Maschera-Eri tu Plays ok V
2461. ViTD 85027 Giuseppe Campanari: Recitative and Ballad (Meyerbeer) MB 50 V+
2462. ViP 85080 Giuseppe Campanari: Ballo in Maschera-Eri tu che macchiavi MB 15 E
2463. VDP DB-6343 Margherita Carosio: La Boheme-Si, mi chiamano Mimi//La Traviata-Addio del passato VLT SCFS E+
2464. VDP DB-6858 Margherita Carosio: I Puritani-Quì la voce//Don Pasquale-Quel guardo E
2465. Pa 59509 Margherita Carosio: Gorgheggi Bell' Alba (N. Carosio)//La Somnambule-Ah! non credea mirarti Nice, FR dsol SM SCRS E
2466. VDP DB-118 Enrico Caruso: Cavalleria Rusticana-Mamma, quel vino è generoso//Macbeth-Ah! La paterna mano E
2467. VDP DB-122 Enrico Caruso: La Boheme-Io non ho che una povera stanzetta//Testa adorata ROA SCRS NAP E
2468. VDP DB-134 Enrico Caruso: Pieta, Signori (Stradella)//Campane A Sera (Billi-Malfetti) E
2469. VDP DB-138 Enrico Caruso: Ingemisco (Verdi)//Stabat Mater-Cujus animam LT SCFS E
2470. VDP DB-140 Enrico Caruso: Fenesta Che Lucive//Triste Ritorno (Barthèlemy) SM SCFS E
2471. VDP DB-1386 Enrico Caruso: Addio (Tosti)//L'Africana-Deh! ch'io ritorni E+
2472. HMV VB-55 [pom] Enrico Caruso: La Partida (Alvarez)//Don Pasquale-Com' è gentil LT SCF E
2473. HMV VB-57 [pom] Enrico Caruso: Carmen-Il fior che avevi a me tu dato//Gli Ugonotti-Bianca al 'par di neve alpina LT SCR S1 E
2474. HMV VB-61 [pom] Enrico Caruso: Manella Mia (Valente)//Tiempo Antico (Caruso) E+
2475. HMV VB-62 [pom] Enrico Caruso: T'm' Arricordo 'E Napule (Gioe)//Serenata (Bracco) E
2476. KSG 85010 Enrico Caruso: Favoritin-Engel so rein//Don Sebastiano-In terra solo LT LST E-
2477. ViR 6001 Enrico Caruso: Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba//No, Pagliaccio non son! E-
2478. ViW 6004 Enrico Caruso: Carmen-Air de la fleur//Faust-Salut, demure FW LT SCRS E
2479. ViW 6008 Enrico Caruso: Andrea Chenier-Un di all azzurro spazio//Cavalleria Rusticana-Addio all madre E

2480. ViW 6012 Enrico Caruso: Bohême-Io non ho che una povera stanzetta//Testa adorata E-
2481. ViW 6013 Enrico Caruso: La Juive-Rachel! quand du Seigneur la grâce tutélaire//Le Cid-O souverain, o juge, o père! SCRS E-
2482. ViW 6022 Enrico Caruso: Hosanna (Granier)//Les Rameaux (Faure) LT ULCS, VLT LSCR E
2483. ViW 6035 Enrico Caruso: La Reine de Saba-Prete-moi ton aide//La Procession (Franck) E
2484. ViW 6355 Enrico Caruso: Il Duca d'Alba-Angelo casto e bel//Destinn & Caruso: Il Guarany-Sento una forza indomita E+
2485. ViGP 85056 Enrico Caruso: Les Huguenots-Gli Ugonotti E-
2486. ViGP 88049 Enrico Caruso: Ideale (Tosti) E--
2487. ViW 88061 Enrico Caruso: I Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba E
2488. ViW 88210 Enrico Caruso: Huguenots-Bianca al par di neve Alpina E
2489. ViP 88348 Enrico Caruso: Manon-Ah! fuyez douce image! E-
2490. ViP 88403 Enrico Caruso: Hosanna (Granier) Notes on rev LT LNR E
2491. ViW 88558 Enrico Caruso: Macbeth-Ah, la paterna mano E-
2492. ViW 88561 Enrico Caruso: Cantique De Noel (Adam) LT SCRS E-
2493. ViW 88580 Enrico Caruso: Pêcheurs de Perles-Je crois entendre encore E-
2494. ViW 88587 Enrico Caruso: Uocchie Celeste E
2495. ViW 88616 Enrico Caruso: Love Me Or Not (Secchi) E
2496. ViW 88625 Enrico Caruso: La Juive-Rachel! quand du Seigneur la grace tutélaire E--
2497. ViW 88638 Enrico Caruso: Salvator Rosa-Mia piccirella E-
2498. ODC 78513 Caruso & Ancona: Pescatori di Perle-Del tempio al limitar SM LTR, SM SCR E-
2499. ViW 8006 Caruso & de Luca: L'Elisir d'Amore-Venti scudi!//Forza del Destino-Il segreto fu dungue violato E
2500. ViW 8014 Caruso & Scotti: Madama Butterfly-Ve lo dissi?//Amore o grillo E
2501. ViW 89083 Caruso & De Gogorza: A La Luz De La Luna (Anton-Michelena) SCFS E-
2502. ViW 10005 Caruso, Hempel, Duchene, Rothier & De Segurola: Ballo in Maschera-È scherzo, od è folia//
Caruso, Hempel, Rothier & De Segurola: La rivedrà nell' estasi E
2504. VDP DB-11302 Carla Castellani: La Wally-Ebben? N'andro lontana//Trovatore-D'amor sull'ali rosee E+
2505. Elec DB-6914 Maria Cebotari: Ariadne auf Naxos-Es gibt ein Reich//In den schonen Feierkleidern SM SCFS E
2506. Co LFX-262 Germaine Cernay: Samson et Dalila-Printemps qui commence//La Cloche (Saint-Saëns) E
2507. Co LFX-316 Germaine Cernay: Marine (Lalo-Theuriet)//Le Roi d'Ys-De tous côtés, j'aperçois dans la plaine E+
2508. LOL OL-137-138 [2 recs] Germaine Cernay: La Voyante (Sauguet) LT SCFS, FW SCRS E
2509. Od 123692 Germaine Cernay: L'Absence (Berlioz)//Le Cid-Pleurez mes yeux LT LSCF E
2510. Od 123568 Cernay & Lebard: Werther-Va, laissecouler mes lermes//Bounour grande Sœur E
2511. Od 123755 Cernay & Bourdin: Don Quichotte-Marchez dans mon chemen//Oui je souffre voitre tristesse E
2512. ViW 55085 Cesar & Campagnola: Roméo et Juliette-O nuit divine//Ne fuis pas encore E
2513. ViW 55089 Cesar & Campagnola: Manon-Toi vous//N'est ce plus ma main E
2514. DsqG Y-33 Cesar, Campagnola & Payan: Faust-Le jour va luire//Oui c'est toi je t'aime E-
2515. Od 171020 Suzanne Cesbron-Viseur: Madame Butterfly-Sur la mer calmée//Ah l'cher petit dieu E-
2516. DsqG Y-80 Cesbron-Viseur & Marcelin: Roméo et Juliette-Ange adorable//Le Trouvière-Exile sur la terre E--
2517. DsqG DB-1352 Theodore Chaliapine: Chant Du Prisonnier Siberien (Karategen)//Elle Riait (Lishin) LT SCFS E-
2518. ViW 88665 Feodor Chaliapin: Don Carlos-Ella giammai m'amò! VSM BLS E+
2519. Br 30110 Mario Chamlee: Hosanna (Granier)//Open The Gates Of The Temple (Knapp) SCR E-
2520. HMV DB-6935 [fs] Boris Christoff: Boris Godounov-Farewell of Boris, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT LBBLS S2 E
2521. HMV DB-21207 [fs] Boris Christoff: Khovantschina-Dositheu's Aria, Pt 1//Pt 2 LST E-
2522. HMV DB-21262 [fs] Boris Christoff: Prince Igor-How are you prince?//Is it my valiant steed you desire? E-
2523. HMV DB-21592 Boris Christoff: She Mocked (Pushkin-Lishkin)//Come Raggio Del Sol (Caldara) LT SCFS E
2524. Poly 66842 Ritter Ciampi: Le Barbier de Séville-Air de Rosine, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2525. Cet BB-25029 Cigna & Elmo: Adriana Lecouvreur-Io son sua per l'amore//La Gioconda-L'amo come il fulgor del creato E
2526. Poly 66917 Clara Clairbert: Manon-Fabiau de Manon//Voyons, Manon, plus de Chimères E-
2527. Poly 566064 Marcel Claudel: Sapho-Ou'il est loin ton pays//Les Pêcheurs de Perles-Je crois encore entendre E--
2528. ViP 74258 Edmond Clément: Manon-Le Rêve LT LSCRS E
2529. HMV VB-30 Clément & Journet: Robert le Diable-Du rendezvous//Le bonheur est dans l'inconstance E
2530. CoMN S-5025 [Brz] Florencio Constantino: La Gioconda-Cielo e mar//La Favorita-Spirito gentil SCR S1, LCS V++
2531. GMR 02159 Peter Cornelius: Götterdämmerung-Hammer Song White lbl advance copy MB 15 WOL, SOL, LTRS E-
2532. Poly 566137 Germaine Corney: Le Roi d'Ys-Tais tol, tais tol Margared//Corney & Claudel:
Mireille-La brise est douce et parfumee LT CBI E
2533. VDP DB-1363 Antonio Cortis: Carmen-Il fior che avevi a me tu dato//Manon-Ah! dispar, vision! E-
2534. ViS 7401 Antonio Cortis: Faust-Salve, dimora, casta e pura//La Boheme-Che gelida manina E
2535. Poly 566023 Robert Couzinou: Roméo et Juliette-Ballade de la reine Mab//Griseldis-Oiseau qui pars â tire d'aile E-
2536. HMV DB-1043 Armand Crabbé: Hamlet-O vin dissipe la tristesse//Le Barbier de Seville-Place au factotum FW SCRS E
2537. DsqG DB-1128 Armand Crabbé: Paillasse-Un jour dans son coeur meme//Pardon, puis-je entrer? E--
2538. HMV DB-1305 Armand Crabbé: La Fête d'Alexandra-Chant de guerre, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2539. Elec EH-388 Hilda Crevenna: Madame Butterfly-Eines tages sehen wir//Don Giovanni-Wenn du fein fromm bist E--
2540. Lumen 32045 Claire Croiza: Les Cloches & Les Angelus//Ballade A Nostre Dame (all by Debussy) SM SCRS, SM LTR E
2541. ViS 7745 Richard Crooks: Neapolitan Love Song (Herbert)//In My Garden (O'Keefe) E-
2542. ViW 55287 Richard Crooks: Open The Gates Of The Temple (Crosby)//The Star Of Bethlehem (Weatherly) GR, VLT SCRS, RX E
2543. VoW A-0-203 Marguerite D'Alvarez: Silent Night, Holy Night (Gruber)//Elijah-O rest in the Lord LT SCFS E
2544. Co BFX-2 André D'Arkor: Ave Verum Corpus (Chausson)//Panis Angelicus (Franck) E
2545. Co RFX-26 André D'Arkor: La Dame Blanche-Ah! quel plaisir d'être soldat//Viens, gentille dame LT LST S2, SM SCF E
2546. Co RFX-37 André D'Arkor: Mignon-Elle ne croyait par//Lucienne Tragin: Je suis Titania la blonde E
2547. VDP DB-1317 Toti Dal Monte: Falstaff-Sul fil d'un soffio etesio//La Sonnombula-Ah! non creda mirarti SM SCR S1 E+
2548. VDP DB-5396 Toti Dal Monte: Lodoletta-Flammen, perdonami!//Don Pasquale-Quel sguardo, il cavalier E--
2549. ViS 7198 Toti Dal Monte: Falstaff-Sul fin d'un soffio etesio//La Sonnambula-Ah! Non credea mirarti ULC E-
2550. ViC 36285 Toti Dal Monte: Lucia di Lammermoor-Mad Scene, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCRS S2, SCFS S2 E-
2551. Od 5174 Dalla Rizza & Fregosi: La Traviata-Puro si come un angelo//È gravo il sacrificio E-
2552. Zon Z-82007 M. Dambrine: La Grande Duchesse de Gérolstein-Le jour et la muit//Dambrine & Tariol-Bauge:
Le Fille de Madame Angot-Pour ètre fort on se rassemble SM LTRS V++
2553. Br 30116 Giuseppe Danise: Pietà Signore! (att Stradella)//Panis Angelicus (Franck) E
2554. Br 50004 Giuseppe Danise: Andrea Chenier-Nemico della patria//Otello-Credo E-
2555. Br 50011 Giuseppe Danise: La Partida (Alverez)//La Danza (Rossini) LT SCRS, LT LST E-
2556. HMV D-777 Tudor Davies: Comfort Ye, My People//Every Valley Shall Be Exalted (both by Handel)
Lg "Special Record" paste-overs SOLS E
2557. De X-469 Ellabelle Davis: Don Carlos-Tu che le vanita conoscesti del mundo, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2558. HMV C-1169 Peter Dawson: Siege of Rochelle-Travellers all of ever station//To The Forest (Tchaikovsky) E
2559. HMV C-2096 Peter Dawson: A Lover In Damascus-In the great bazaars & Where the Abana flows//Far across desert lands &
Beloved, in your absence SM WOLS, LST E
2560. HMV C-2097 Peter Dawson: A Lover In Damascus-Allah be with us & How many a lonely caravan//
To The Forest (Tchaikovsky) LST E-

2561. CoV 52086-X Nazareno De Angelis: Mosé-Invocazione//Perghiora dal tuo stellato soglio E
2562. ViW 6069 Emilio De Gogorza: Faust-Dio possente//Trovatore-Il balen E-
2563. ViGP 74118 Emilio De Gogorza: Mother O' Mine (Tours) & The Lark Now Leaves Its Wat'ry Nest (Parker) LT GR E-
2564. ViW 74379 Emilio De Gogorza: La Paloma (Yradier) E-
2565. ViW 74421 Emilio De Gogorza: Non É Ver E+
2566. ViW 74422 Emilio De Gogorza: Mong The Green Irish Hills E
2567. ViP 88177 Emilio De Gogorza: Seven Last Words of Christ-God, my Father E
2568. HMV DB-21069 Victoria De Los Angeles: Goyescas-La Maja y el Ruiseñor, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
2569. Philips A-1085 Victoria De Los Angeles: Lucia di Lammermoor-Mad scene aria, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2570. HMV VB-6 [pom] Giuseppe De Luca: Dinorah-Sei vendicata assai//Benvenuto Cellini-De l'art splendeur immortelle E+
2571. ViW 74526 Giuseppe De Luca: Ballo in Maschera-Eri tu Reviewer's "X" on blank s2 LT SCR E-
2572. ViW 74787 Giuseppe De Luca: Puritani-Ah per sempre E
2573. G&T Red 054081 De Lucia & Huguet: La Traviata-Parigi o cara Nice OS w/photo attached MB 25 SG V++
2574. G&T Red 054082 De Lucia & Huguet: I Pescatori di Perle-Non hai compreso un cor fedel EF NTG, LNR V++
2575. DsqG W-241 De Montalant & Beyle: Herodiade-Jean je te revois//Pour moi tout autre est le destin V++
2576. ViW 74373 Bernardo De Muro: Isabeau-Dormivi? sognavo Never listed in US catalogs MB 25 SM LSCF E
2577. ViW 74715 Bernardo De Muro: Fanciulla del West-Sono Ramerrez Never listed in US catalogs MB 25 E+
2578. ViS 9206 Sofia Del Campo: Romeo and Juliet-Juliet's waltz song//Villanelle (Acqua) RX S2 E+
2579. De X-573 Mario Del Monaco: La Forza del Destino-O tu che in seno agli angeli//La Juive-Rachel, quand du seigneur E
2580. VDP DB-11343 Mario Del Monaco: Otello-Morte di Otello//Aida-Celeste Aida E-
2581. VDP DB-11344 Mario Del Monaco: I Pagliacci-No Pagliacci, non son//Ridi Pagliaccio VSM EF E-
2582. Pat PDT-277 Michel Dens: Le Pays du Squire-Toujours sourire//Dans l'ombre des pommiers en fleurs E
2583. Co D-15007 Marcelle Denya: Faust-I'l était un roi de Thule//Le Roi d'Ys-Tais Toi Marcared LT MSS E
2584. ViW 88469 Emmy Destinn: Aïda-O patria mia E
2585. ViW 88488 Emmy Destinn: Tannhäuser-Elisabeth's Ghost E-
2586. ViW 88557 Emmy Destinn: Il Trovatore-D'amor sull' all rosee LT LST E-
2587. ViW 88636 Emmy Destinn: Masked Ball-Morro ma prima in grazia ODS w/notes E+
*2588. Allied mx NBN-1 [ss] Arturo Di Filippi: Elisir d'Amore-Una furtiva lagrima Di Filippi founded the Florida Grand Opera in 1941;
he was a vocal teacher at the University of Miami & a charismatic patron of the arts for
many years MB 15 LT GR E-
2589. PD Blk 044065/66 Dietrich & Philipp: Evangelimann-Salve Regina//Scheele-Mille & Philipp: Habt dank auch E--
2590. Co D-14248 Louis Dister: Lakme-O divia mensonge//Talifert & Dister: D'où viens tu? LT LST, VSM SCRS S2 E
2591. Poly 66710 Carlo Drago-Hrzic: Andres Chénier-Monolog di Gerard//Die Tote Stadt-Mein Schmen, mein Wähnen MB 15 E-
2592. CoSy A-5444 [siw] Hector Dufranne: Tales of Hoffmann-Tourne, tourne, miroir//Lakmé-Lakmé, ton doux regard SM WOLS E--
2593. Philips A-56503-G Todd Duncan: Danse Macabre (Saint-Saëns)//Seminarist LSCFS E-
2594. DsqG W-148 M. Dupouy: Les Dragons de Villars-Quand le dragon a bien trotté//Eh bien Sylvain
Special Record paste-over lbls LST S1, WOL S1 V++
2595. DsqG 033157/32276 Lily Dupré: Roma-Le soleil se couchait//Leon Beyle: Soir admirable MB 25 E--
2596. PolyMC 72894 Claire Dux: Wiegenlied (Humperdinck)//Célèbre Serenata (Toselli) LT LST S1, SM LTR S2 E
2597. SG 76549 Claire Dux: Figaros Hochzeit-Nur zu flüchtig bist du eutschwunden E
2598. SG 76565 Claire Dux: Der Gärtnerin aus Liebe-Ferne von ihrem neste E-
2599. SG 77531 Dux & Schwarz: Rigoletto-Sprich nie mit einem Armen WOL, VLT DWRP E-
2600. SG 77532 Dux & Schwarz: Rigoletto-Ach, Gott, nur für mich erfleht ich von dir LT WOL, LT LST E-
2601. HMV AGSB-60 [pom] Emma Eames: Carmen-Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante//Si Tu Le Veux (Marsan-Koechlin) &
Aubade Cherubin (Massenet) LT LSTS S2 E-
2602. ViP 88005 Emma Eames: Still Wie Die Nacht (Bohm) E
2603. ViRW 88006 tk 1 Emma Eames w/pno: Faust-Air des Bijoux SM WOL E
2604. ViP 88009 Emma Eames: Good Bye (Tosti) E
2605. HMV C-2906 Irene Eisinger: Aquarellen Waltz//Annen Polka (both by Strauss-Martyn) E-
2606. Ult E-158 Irene Eisinger: Figaros Hochzeit-O säume länger nicht//Komm näher knie hin vor mir "Unverkauflich" heat stamp E
2607. Cet BB-25033 Cloe Elmo: Fedora-O grandi occhi lucenti//Adriana Lecouvreur-O vagabonda stell d'Oriente E-
2608. Co L-1234 Gervase Elwes: So Sweet Love Seemed That April Morn & Jenny Kissed Me (Piggot & Brougham)//
A Pastoral (Gale) E-
2609. Od 123021 Arthur Endrèze: La Traviata-Lorsqu'a de folles amours//Le Roi de Lahore-Promesse de mon avenir E
2610. Od 123023 Arthur Endrèze: Les Pecheurs de Perles-Nadir dort expirer au lever du jour//
Rigoletto-La viellard m'a maudit LG LSTS, LTRS E-
2611. Od XX-123720 Arthur Endrèze: Romeo et Juliette-Ballade de la reine mab//Que l'humne nuptlai succede aux cris d'alarme LTR S2 E
2612. Pat X-90040 Arthur Endrèze: Tannhauser-En contemplant cette assemblee immense SM SCRS E
2613. Od Bl & Blk AA-79124/125 Karl Erb: Die Zauberflöte-Wie stark ist doch der zauberton//Bildnis arie V++
2614. ViW 6394 Geraldine Farrar: Mefistofele-L'altra notte//Mignon-Styrienne, "Je connais" Never listed in US catalogs VSM SCR S2 E
2615. ViGP 88152 Geraldine Farrar: Mignon-Io conosco E--
2616. ViP 88356 Geraldine Farrar: La Donne Curiose-Tutta per te uno bene LT SCFS E
2617. ViP 88406 Geraldine Farrar w/Mme Rossini, harp: Boheme-Addio LT ULC E-
2618. ViW 88512 Geraldine Farrar: Carmen-Chanson Bohême LST E
2619. ViW 88534 Geraldine Farrar: Carmen-Voyons que j'essaie VLT LST E
2620. ViP 88421 Farrar & Clement: Romeo and Juliet-Ange adorable Notes on rev SM LSCF E
2621. ViGP 89008 Farrar & Homer: Madama Butterfly-Duet of the Flowers E--
2622. ViP 89031 Farrar & Caruso: Faust-Eternelle E
2623. ViP 89033 Farrar & Caruso: Faust-Mon coeur est pénétré d'epouvante! WOL, SM SCF E-
2624. ViP 89034 Farrar & Caruso: Faust-Attends! voici la rue VLT SCF, LT LST E
2625. ViP 89038 Farrar & Journet: Mignon-Les hirondelles E--
2626. ViSO 89057 Farrar & Amato: Il Segreto di Susanna-Il dolce idillio E-
2627. ViSO 89071 Farrar & Homer: Der Engel (Rubenstein) E
2628. ViP 89114 Farrar & Clement: Mefistofele-Lontano, lontano 89114 pasteover catalog # E
2629. ViSO 89115 Farrar & Jadlowker: Le Donne Curiose-Il cor uel contento SM NR E
2630. ViW 10007 Farrar, Caruso, Viafora & Scotti: Bohême-Addio, dolce svegliare//Mimi, io son! SCFS, FW SCRS E-
2631. VDP DB-3200 Mafalda Favero: La Boheme-Si, me chiamano Mimi//Manon Lescaut-In quelle trine morbide E
2632. HMV C-1786 Arthur Fear: Messiah-The trumpet shall sound//Elijah-Lord God of Abraham E-
2633. HMV C-2072 Arthur Fear: Elijah-Is it enough//Meistersinger-The elders' scent grows round me LT LSCRS E
2634. DG 68151 Fehenberger, Löbel & Böhme: Die Kluge-Als di Treue ward geboren//O hätt' ich meiner Tochter nur geglaubt SCFS E-
2635. ViW 68484 Fritz Feinhals: Fliegender Holländer-Die Frist ist um, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2636. VDP S-10602 Mario Filippeschi: Aida-Celeste Aida//Andrea Chenier-Un di all'azzurro spazio MB 15 E-
2637. Cet BB-25193 Onelia Fineschi: Suor Angelica-Senza mamma//Traviata-Addio del passato LT GR E-
2638. VDP S-10429 Chiarina Fino Savio: Il Libro Santo (Errico)//Carlo Tagliabue: Mistica (Tirindelli) MB 15 E-
2639. HMV DB-3392 Kirsten Flagstad: Blonde Naetter (Krag-Hurum)//Med En Primulaveris (Paulsen-Grieg) &
Og Jeg Vil Ha' Mig En Hjertenskjaer (Krag-Grieg) E+

2640. HMV DB-6791 Kirsten Flagstad: Agnus Dei (Bizet)//Xerxes-Ombra mai fu E
2641. VDP DB-524 Miguel Fleta: Giulietta e Romeo-Giulietta, son il//Carmen-Il fior che avevi E-
2642. HMV DB-1483 Miguel Fleta: Ay, Ay, Ay (Perez-Freire)//La Dolores-Madrigale LT SCFS, SM LST E+
2643. ViS 6668 Miguel Fleta: Nostalgia Andaluza (Colón-Martinez)//De Mi Aragón (Castañeda-Forns) VLT GR E
2644. VDP DB-580 Fleta, Austral & Thornton: Aïda-O terra addio!//Fleta & Austral: Presago il core VLT GR E
2645. HMV M-9 John Forsell: Tannhauser-Sången till aftonstjärnan//Faust-Valentins bön E+
2646. HMV M-71 John Forsell: Toreador-Kupletten//Tannhauser-Ser jag mig om uti i den alda ringen FW SCRS E-
2647. Pat X-7235 Paul Franz: Siegfried-Les murmures de la forêt, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E+
2648. PatArt X-7238 Paul Franz: Parsifal-Hagards, mes yeux voient!//Une arme seule est sure! MB 25 E-
2649. Pat X-90047 Paul Franz: Le Prophete-Hymne triomphal//Otello-Tout m'abandonne MB 50 LT LSCF, SCF S1 E
2650. HMV M-107 Tenna Frederiksen: Tosca-Aria Act 1//Toscas Bøn E-
2651. ViGP 31691 Frederic C. Freemantel: Ave Maria (Abt) E--
2652. CoSy A-5521 Olive Fremstad: Don Carlos-O don fatale//Tristan Und Isolde-Isolde's Liebestod E-
2653. CoM AF-2 (30635/644) [pom] Olive Fremstad: Tannhauser-Dich, teure Halle//Tosca-Vissi d'arte e d'amore Historical Series E
2654. DsqG W-516 Charles Friant: L'Arraque du Moulin-Le jour tombe//La Vie de Bohème-La chambre qu'autrefois j'avais quittèe E-
2655. Od 123549 [Fr] Charles Friant: Le Jongleur de Notre Dame-Liberté ô liberté ma mie//L'attaque du Moulin-Les adieux a la Foret E--
2656. HMV FKX-174 Friedrich, Hüsch & Strienz: Das Nachtlager von Grenada-Schon die Abendglocken klangen//
Trenne nich das Band der Liebe LT SCFS E
2657. HMV DB-1923 Povla Frijsh: L'Albatros (Kricka)//La Fontaine De Czarskoë Selo (Cui);
Liebe Schwarmt Auf Allen Wegen (Schubert) & Jeg Elsker Dig (Grieg) E
2658. HMV C-3711 Anni Frind: Nuns' Chorus//Orchestra: Spanish Romance, both from "Casanova" E/E--
2659. Elec EH-963 Frind, Armhold, Ludwig & Strienz: Boccaccio-Potpourri, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM SCF E
2660. HMV EH-1006 Frind, Wittrisch & Strienz: Der Bettelstudent-Potpourri, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2661. PaMC P-1582 Zita Fumagalli Riva: La Boheme-Donde lieta usci//Madame Butterfly-Un bel di vedremo MB 25 E--
2662. HMV VB-52 Johanna Gadski: Un Ballo in Maschera-Morrò, ma prima in grazia//Ma dall' arido stelo divulsa E
2663. ViC-IRCC 164 Johanna Gadski: Oberon-Ozean! du ungeheuer!//Wolkenlos strahlt jetzt die sonne VLT SCFS E
2664. ViTD 85013 Johanna Gadski: Tannhauser-Dich theure halle MB 15 LNRS V+
2665. ViGP 88136 Johanna Gadski: Cavalleria Rusticana-Voi lo sapete SM LTRS E
2666. ViP 88186 Johanna Gadski: Siegfried-Ewig war ich WOL, LNR E+
2667. ViW 88496 Johanna Gadski: Ballo in Maschera-Ma dall' arido stelo divulsa E-
2668. ViW 88497 Johanna Gadski: Ballo in Maschera-Morro am prima in grazia E
2669. ViW 88566 Johanna Gadski: Haidenröslein (Werner) E
2670. ViW 8015 Gadski & Caruso: Aïda-La fatal pietra//O terra addio E
2671. ViP 89068 Gadski & Amato: Aida-Su dunque! E-
2672. ViSO 95201 Gadski, Mattfeld, Van Hoose, Journet & Reiss: Meistersinger-Selig, wie die Sonne MN LT SCRS E-
2673. CoV 7130-M Carlo Galeffi: Ernani-O sommo Carlo//Un Ballo in Maschera-Eri tu E
2674. CoV 52807-D Carlo Galeffi: Rigoletto-Cortigiani vil razza//Gentile & Galeffi: Compiuto pur anco VLT INT LCS E-
2675. CoV2 9117-M Yvonne Gall: La Damnation de Faust-Romance de Marguerite, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
2676. VDM DB-1144 Amelita Galli-Curci: Zemire et Azor-La fauvette//Air et Variations (Proch) VSM SOL S2 E+
2677. ViW 6124 Amelita Galli-Curci: Perle du Brésil-Charmant oiseau//Le Pêcheurs de Perles-Comme autrefois E-
2678. ViW 6129 Amelita Galli-Curci: Lucia-Mad Scene, Pt 1//Dinorah-Ombra Ieggiera E
2679. ViW 6130 Amelita Galli-Curci: Madama Butterfly-Un bel di vedremo//Barbiere di Siviglia-Una voce poco fa E
2680. ViS 6784 Amelita Galli-Curci: Proch's Air and Variations//Zemire et Azor-La fauvette E-
2681. ViR 7655 Amelita Galli-Curci: Rigoletto-Caro nome//Etoile du Nord-Aria E-
2682. ViW 74509 Amelita Galli-Curci: Lucia-Il dolce suono 1" SCR E-
2683. ViW 74510 Amelita Galli-Curci: Lakmé-Dov'è L'indiana bruna E-
2684. ViW 74512 Amelita Galli-Curci: Romeo e Giulietta-Juliet's waltz song E+
2685. ViW 74558 Amelita Galli-Curci: I Puritani-Qui la voce E
2686. ViW 74639 Amelita Galli-Curci: Villanelle (Dell' Acqua) SM SF E
2687. HMV DB-1165 Galli-Curci & De Luca: La Traviata-Dite alla giovine//Imponete! E
2688. ViW 8067 Galli-Curci & Schipa: Lucia-Verranno a te sull' aura//La Sonnambula-Son geloso del zefiro E-
2689. ViW 10000 Galli-Curci, Egener, Caruso, De Luca, Journet & Bada: Lucia-Chi mi frena//Galli-Curci, Perini, Caruso & De Luca:
Rigoletto-Bella figlia dell' amore E
2690. ViW 89045 Galvany & De Lucia: La Sonnambula-Prendi, l'anel ti dono E
2691. ViS 7254 Mary Garden: In The Gloaming (Orred-Harrison)//Jock O' Hazeldean (Folk song)
Rec in NYC Wannamaker store auditorium E-
2692. ViW 74482 Mabel Garrison: Tales of Hoffmann-Doll song E-
2693. CoSy A-5911 Lucy Gates: The Garden Of Sleep (De Lara)//Come, My Beloved (Handel) E--
2694. Cet BB-25142 Gabriella Gatti: La Nozze di Figaro-Porgi amor//Un Ballo in Maschera-Morrò ma prima in grazia E
2695. Od 123889 Georgette Geori-Boue: Chanson Perpetuelle, Pt 1 (Chausson)//Pt 2 MB 15 VLT LST E
2696. HMV ES-640 [Cz] Elena Gerhardt: Vergebliches Ständchen & Das Mädchen Spricht, Op 107, No 3//
Auf Dem Kirchhofe, Op 105, No 4 (all by Brahms) ULC E
2697. ViP 88166 Jeanne Gerville-Réache: Sapho-O ma lyre immortelle ULC E--
2698. ViSO 88205 Jeanne Gerville-Réache: Reine de Saba-Plus grand dans MB 25 E
2699. ViW 88244 Jeanne Gerville-Réache: Samson et Delilah-Printemps qui commence E--
2700. ViP 88278 Jeanne Gerville-Réache: Carmen-Habenera E-
2701. Co D-16434 Emilio Ghirardini: La Forza del Destino-Predica di fra meiltone//Ghirardini & Baccaloni:
Auf! Pazienza non va che bastil SOLS E--
2702. HMV DB-1264 Dusolina Giannini: Madama Butterfly-Un bel di vedremo//Manon Lescaut-In quelle trine morbide LT GR E-
2703. HMV DB-1792 Dusolina Giannini: Carmen-Karten monolog//Ja, die Liebe hat bunte Flügel E
2704. ViC 17503 Dusolina Giannini: Norma-Casta Diva//Ah! bello a me ritorna LT SCRS E-
2705. VDP DB-273 Beniamino Gigli: La Favorita-Spirito gentil//Faust-Salve dimora V++
2706. HMV DB-1222 Beniamino Gigli: Lucia di Lammermoor-Tombe degl' avi miei//La Traviata-Dei miei bollenti spiriti E-
2707. HMV DB-1526 Beniamino Gigli: Goodbye (Tosti)//The Lost Chord (Sullivan) E
2708. VDP DB-5353 Beniamino Gigli: Pagliacci-Prologo//Valzer della Felicità E--
2709. HMV DB-21138 Beniamino Gigli: L'Elisir d'Amore-Quanto è bella//Turandot-Nessun dorma! E
2710. ViR 6610 Beniamino Gigli: Serenade (Rimpianto)//Love's Nocturne E-
2711. ViS 6876 Beniamino Gigli: Traviata-Dei miei bollenti spirit//Lucia-Tombe degl' avi miei E-
2712. ViW 74793 Beniamino Gigli: Andrea Chenier-Un di all' azzurro spazio E+
2713. ViW 74804 Beniamino Gigli: Africana-O paradiso E+
2714. HMV VB-46 Gigli & Baldisseri: L'Amico Fritz-Suzel, buon dì//Tutto tace E+
2715. Hom 4-8958 Ria Ginster: Die Schöpfung-Nun beut die flur das frische grün//Die Jahreszeiten-
Welche labung für die sinne MB 25 SM SCFS, WOL E
2716. Cet PE-146 Muzio Giovagnoli: Werther-Ah mon mi ridestar//Mignon-Ah non credevi tu LT LT CBI S2 E-
2717. ViW 55043 Giovanelli, Dianna, Lussardi & Bettoni: Lucia di Lammermoor-Chi mi frena//E. Badini:
Cristoforo Colombo-Aman lassu le stelle LT SCRS E

2718. ViW 74249 Alma Gluck: Hippolyte et Aricie-Rossignols amoureux E-
2719. ViW 74274 Alma Gluck: Natoma-Spring song SM LTR E-
2720. ViW 74423 Alma Gluck: Semele-Oh sleep! Why dost thou leave me? E
2721. ViW 74559 Alma Gluck: Theodora-Angels ever bright and fair SCFS E
2722. ViW 89100 Gluck & Homer: Hansel und Gretel-Der kleine Sandmann bin ich LT LST E
2723. ViW 89102 Gluck & Homer: Crucifix (Faure) E
2724. PatArt X-7105 [11½"] M. Goavec: Paillasse-Pauvre paillasse//Carmen-La fleur que tu m'avais jetée E--/E-
2725. VDP DB-5447 Tito Gobbi: Don Carlos-Per me giunto e il di Supremo//Io morro, ma lieto in core SM SCFS E
2726. HMV DB-6876 Tito Gobbi: Torna (Valente)//Dicitencello Vuje (Falvo) Bidder Request Show E
2727. ViP 74212 Otto Goritz: Trompeter von Sackingen-Werner's Abschied WOL E-
2728. ViP 74287 Otto Goritz: Königskinder-Ihr Kindlein, sie sind gefunden MB 15 E+
2729. ViW 74322 Otto Goritz: Fliegende Hollander-Wie aus der Ferne E+
2730. DsqG 032139/34086 Georges Granal: Samson et Dalila-Vois ma misere helas//Ja viens celebrer la victoire Purple lbl s1, red s2 LSTS S2 E-
2731. VDP DB-1453 Apollo Granforte: Andrea Chenier-Un di m'era di gioia//Granforte & Rosza: La Traviata-Dite alla giovine SCFS E-
2732. VDP DB-1475 Apollo Granforte: Rigoletto-Pari siamo//Granforte & Zaccarini: Signor?... Va, non ho niente E
2733. DsqG DB-4872 Jeanne Guyla: Les Pècheurs de Perles-Cavatina de Leila//Louise-Depuis le jour MB 15 E-
2734. ViGP 74111 George Hamlin: Walküre-Siegmund's liebeslied E--
2735. ViP 74310 George Hamlin: Good Night, Little Girl, Good Night FW LT SCRS E
2736. HMV C-3493 Joan Hammond: Oberon-Ocean, thou mighty monster, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS S2 E-
2737. HMV DB-21451 Joan Hammond: Pique Dame-'Twill soon be midnight now//Rusalka-O silver moon E
2738. HMV DB-21625 Joan Hammond: Mefistofele-L'altra notte in fondo al mare//Die Tote Stadt-Glück, das mir verblieb E
2739. HMV DB-21098 Hammond & Schock: L'Amico Fritz-Suzel, boun di//Tutto Tace SCRS E
2740. ViW 6150 Orville Harrold: The Living God! (Johnstone-O'Hara)//Ride On! Ride On In Majesty! (Milman-Eville) LT SCRS E
2741. ViW 74813 Orville Harrold: Lohengrin-Mein lieber Schwan! E
2742. ViW 74716 Harrold & Gauthier: Louise-Depuis longtemps j'havitais cette chambre E
2743. DsqG DB-1115 Heldy & Ansseau: Carmen-Parle moi de ma mère//Qui sait de quel demon E-
2744. HMV DB-1410 Heldy & Ansseau: Manon-Toi! Vous!//N'est-ce plus ma main? E
2745. HMV VB-71 [pom] Heldy, Ansseau & Journet: Faust-Alerte! alerte!//Heldy & Journet: Hamlet-Doute de la lumiere E-
2746. HMV DB-814 Frieda Hempel w/John Amadio, flt s2: Should He Upbraid (Bishop)//Birdling, Why Sing In The Forest Wild? (Taubert) LT SCRS E+
2747. ODC 76036 Frieda Hempel: Lucia di Lammermoor-Wahnsinns V++
2748. ViW 88476 Frieda Hempel: Il Bacio (Arditi) E
2749. ViW 88540 Frieda Hempel: Blue Danube Waltz (Strauss) LT SCRS E
2750. ViW 89079 Hempel & Amato: La Traviata-Dite alla giovine E
2751. ViW 89082 Hempel & Amato: Rigoletto-Figlia! Mio padre! SCFS E-
2752. Vo K-05205 Roy Henderson: Falstaff-Act 2, Scene 1, Pt 1//Pt 2 All three roles sung by Mr Henderson!; Bidder Request Show E--
2753. HMV M-75 Wilhelm Herold: Carmen-Blosterarie//Afrikanerinden-Paradis aria In Danish E
2754. CoV 50034-D Carrie Herwin: Messiah-He Was Despised//O Thou That Tellest God Tidings To Zion NR S1 E
2755. HMV C-2729 Joseph Hislop: The English Rose (German)//For Love Alone (Sievier-Thayer) E
2756. HMV DB-1189 Joseph Hislop: Faust-Salut, demeure chaste et pure//Eugene Goossens & Covent Garden Cho & Orc: Nous nous
retrouverons Rec during actual performance at Royal Opera House, London, June 22, 1928 LSPTS E--
2757. HMV DB-743 Hislop, Gilly & Parnis: Madama Butterfly-Dovunque al mondo//Hislop & Gilly: Amore o grillo
Special Record paste-over lbls LT SCFS, SOLS E

*2758. PaMC P-1158/1159 Baptist Hoffmann: Margarethe-Valentins Gebet//Carmen-Torero MB 150 E--

2759. ViW 6167 Louise Homer: Stabat Mater-Fac ut portem//Xerxes-Largo E

2760. ViW 6168 Louise Homer: Elijah-Oh rest in the Lord//St. Paul-But the Lord is mindful of his own E
2761. ViW 6171 Louise Homer: Die Lorelei (Liszt)//My Heart Ever Faithful (Bach) E-
2762. ViP 88088 Louise Homer: The Lost Chord (Sullivan) E-
2763. ViP 88201 Louise Homer: Samson et Dalila-Amour, viens aider E-
2764. ViW 88288 Louise Homer: Elijah-O rest in the Lord E
2765. ViW 88584 Louise Homer: Largo (Handel) E-
2766. ViW 88585 Louise Homer: Love's Old Sweet Song (Bingham-Molloy) VLT SCFS E
2767. ViW 88614 Louise Homer: Messiah-Oh thou that tellest good tidings to Zion SM SCF E
2768. ViW 88627 Louise Homer: Samson et Dalila-Printemps qui commence SM SCRS E
2769. ViW 89049 Homer & Caruso: Trovatore-Mal reggendo all' aspro asselto SOL E
2770. ViW 89088 Homer, Caruso & Journet: Samson et Dalila-Je viens célébrer la victoire E-
2771. ViP 35172 Giuseppina Huguet: Pagliacci-Che volo d'angelli//La Scala Cho: Coro della campane LNR E-
2772. ViW 92055 Huguet & De Lucia: Lohengrin-Cessaro i canti alfin E-
2773. ViSO 68067 Huguet, Salvador, Paoli & Cigada: Carmen-Mia tu sei E-
2774. DG 66861 Hüni-Mihacsek & Domgraf-Fassbaender: Figaros Hochzeit-So lang' hab' ich geschmachtet//Same, plus Witting:
Die Zauberflöte-Das klingt so herrlich LT SCFS E+
2775. Poly 95451 Hüni-Mihacsek & Domgraf-Fassbaender: Carmen-Diese Menge im Gedränge//Von Debicka & Roswange: Ich seh' die Mutter dort E
2776. HMV DB-2594-98 [5 recs] Gerhard Hüsch w/Margaret Kilpinen, pno: Songs of Yrjö Kilpinen Multiple bands all sides except disc 8 MB 15 E+
2777. HMV DB-4669 Gerhard Hüsch w/Hanns Udo Müller, pno: Archibald Douglas (Loewe), Pt 1//Pt 2 SM SCR S2, LT SCFS E
2778. HMV EH-1069 Gerhard Hüsch: Zar und Zimmermann-Auf gesellen//Einst spielt' ich mit Szepter E
2779. Co LCX-138 Luigi Infantino: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Ecco ridente in cielo//Se il mio nome saper E-
2780. HMV DB-5268 Islandi & Skjær: Skæbnens Magt-Nu døden sig nærmer//Perlefiskerne-I templets lyse hal E
2781. HMV DB-4405 Maria Ivogun: Ariadne auf Naxos-Recitative & Aria of Zerbinetta, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCFS E
2782. PatArt X-7180 Izarié-Gallyot & Villabella: Mireille-Chanson de magali//Vincenette a votre age VSM ND E
2783. ViP 76025 Herman Jadlowker: Romeo et Juliette-Ah leve toi soleil LT SCRS, LT LST E
2784. ViW 6375 Maria Jeritza: Gioconda-Suicidio//Alceste-Divinites du Styx E
2785. ViW 6536 Maria Jeritza: Cid-Pleurez, pleurez mes yeux!//Arioso E-
2786. ViW 6577 Maria Jeritza: Träume (Wagner)//Flying Dutchman-Senta's ballad E-
2787. ViW 74776 Maria Jeritza: Flying Dutchman-Traft ihr das Schiff LT SCR E
2788. ViW 6176 Marcel Journet: Robert Le Diable-Valse infernal//Trovatore-Abbietta zingara E+
2789. ViS 6557 Marcel Journet: La Marseillaise (De Lisle)//Les Deux Grenadiers (Schumann) E--
2790. ViS 6559 Marcel Journet: Noël (Adams)//O Salutaris (Luce) SCF S2 E-
2791. ViW 74038 Marcel Journet: Les Deux Grenadiers (Schumann) E
2792. ViW 74104 Marcel Journet: Barbiere di Siviglia-La calunnia E
2793. ViP 74104 Marcel Journet: Barbiere-La calunnia E+
2794. ViW 74156 Marcel Journet: Huguenots-Piff! Paff! E
2795. ViP 74268 Marcel Journet: Das Rheingold-Abendlich strahlt der sonne auge E+
2796. ViW 74269 Marcel Journet: Le Reine de Saba-Sous les pieds E-
2797. ViW 74275 Marcel Journet: Gli Ugonotti-Benedizione de' Pugnali E-
2798. ViSO 74276 Marcel Journet: Götterdämmerung-Hier sitz' ich zur wacht E-
2799. ViP 74281 Marcel Journet: Le Chalet-Chanson militaire MB 25 E
2800. ViP 74282 Marcel Journet: Robert le Diable-Valse Infernal, "Ecco una nuova preda" E-
2801. ViW 74472 Marcel Journet: O Salutaris (Luce) SM LTR E
2802. ViR 15-1003 [red vnl] Marcel Journet: Huguenots-Piff! Paff!//Philémon et Baucis-Au bruit lourd de Marteaux Gold lbl E
2803. ViR 15-1026 [red vnl] Marcel Journet: La Châlet-Chanson militaire//La Favorita-Anathèma de Balthazar LT SCFS, LT SCRS E
2804. ViP 74014 Emma Juch: Lohengrin-Elsa's Traum WOL E-
2805. ViTD 85034 Emma Juch: Serenata (Tosti) 2 3" CRS V+
2806. Vox 02040 Helene Jung: Prophet-Ach mein Sohn//O gebt errettet einen Armen MB 25 SCFS E-
2807. VDM DB-11203 Suzanne Juyol: Le Roi d'Ys-Lorsque je t'ai vu//La Tosca-D'art et d'amour E+
2808. CoV 7204-M Alexander Kipnis: Feldeinsamkeit//Immer Leiser Wird Mein Schlummer (both by Brahms) E-
2809. CoM 7224-M Alexander Kipnis: Ariodante-Al sen ti stringo e parto//Se, Tra I Ceppi (Handel) E-
2810. ViS 8684 Alexander Kipnis: Simon Boccanegra-Il lacerato spirito//Die Zauberflote-In diesen heiligen hallen VSM LTR S2, LT SCRS E
2811. ViC 15894 Alexander Kipnis: The Captive, Op 20, No 4 (Gretchaninoff)//O, Could I But Express In Song (Malashkin) &
No 1 of "Historie Pour Infants" (Stravinsky) E
2812. ViR 11-8595 Alexander Kipnis: Over The Steppe, Op 5, No 1 (Gretchaninoff)//Harvest Of Sorrow, Op 4, No 5
(Rachmaninoff) SM BLS S2 E-
2813. ViW-CRS CRS-100 Alexander Kipnis: Die Walküre-Wotan's Abschied, Pt 1//Pt 2 Collectors' Record Shop press MB 25 SOL S2 E
2814. ViR 11-9792 Dorothy Kirsten: Manon Lescaut-In quelle trine morbide//Kirsten & Merrill: Thaïs-Mort de Thaïs E
2815. ViR 12-0999 Dorothy Kirsten: Madama Butterfly-Un bel di vedremo//La Rondine-Chi il bel sogno di Doretta E
2816. HMV DB-4532 Margarete Klose: Paris und Helena-O del mio dolce ardor//Alcesta-Ihr götter ew'ger Nacht E
2817. MRG E-42514 Paul Knüpfer: Parsifal-He! Ho! Waldhüter ihr! E--
2818. DG 65144 Paul Knüpfer: Archibald Douglass (Loewe), Pt 1//Van Endert, Arndt-Ober, Knüpfer, Pruess, Sommer, Sächs &
Habich: Pt 2 E--
2819. Schirmer 5513 Nina Koshetz: Amuri, Amuri (Sadero)//Dark Eyes MB 50 E-
2820. ViC 9233 Nina Koshetz: Prince Igor-Arioso de Jaroslavna//Sadko-Berceuse WMKS E-
2821. SG 65123 Ernst Kraus: Meistersinger-Preislied//Tristan und Isolde-Wie sie selig E--
2822. PD Blk 044086/87 Kraus & Bachman: Meistersinger-Grüss Gott, mein Junker!//Mein Freund, in holder Jugendzeit V++
2823. SG 65245 Kraus & Von Scheele-Müller: Evangellmann-Lasset die kleinen zu mir kommen!//Wer kann sie wiedergeben? LTR S1 E--
2824. GR 65462 Kraus & Lieban: Siegfried-Er sinnt und er wägt//Sieh' du bist müde WOLS, LST, FW SCRS E-
2825. Od O-6703 Fritz Kraus: Freischütz-Neln länger trag' ich nacht die qualen//Jeizt is wohl ihr fenster offen E--
2826. CoM 9099-M Charles Kullman: Eugene Onegin-Wohin seid irh entschwunden//Prince Igor-Tageslicht langsam erlischt E+
2827. SG 65554 Melanie Kurt: Maskenball-Der tod is mir willkommen//Wenn das kraut MB 15 E--
2828. HMV DB-677 Selma Kurz: Nocturne (Chopin)//Serenade (Gounod) SCRS E--
2829. Od 123507 Lafont & Vallin: Louise-Berceuse//L'enfant serait sage SM NR AB TOK S1 E
2830. DsqG DB-4833 Lambert & Segond-Weber: Polyeucte-Je dois ma vie au peuple, au prince//Dans mon étonnement, je suis confus pour lui E-
2831. HMV C-4201 John Langstaff w/Hirsch String Qrt: Dover Beach, Pt 1 (Arnold)//Pt 2 LT SCRS E
2832. PatArt X-7138 Paul Lantéri: Hérodiade-Vision fugitive//Henri VIII-Qui donc commande E--
2833. Pat 25 Joseph Lanzone: Ronde Des Compagnons//La Chanon Du Chemin (both by Charpentier) E+
2834. DsqG W-424 M. Lapelletrie: Maître Pathelin-Je pense à vous//Le Dame Blanche-Viens gentille dame E--
2835. PaMC P-359 Theodor Lattermann: Martha-Porterlied//Fidelio-Hat man nicht auch gold heineben MB 25 E-
2836. Electrola EJ-340 Rudolf Laubenthal: Siegfried-Dann der mein Vater nicht ist//Nothung! Nothung! MB 15 E-
2837. Hom 8135 Rudolf Laubenthal: Bajazzo-Rezitativ und Arie//Die Afrikanerin-Arie des Vasco MB 15 E--
2838. HMV DB-6352 Giacomo Lauri-Volpi: Turandot-Non piangere, Liú//La Gioconda-Cielo e mar! E
2839. VDP DB-5417 Lauri-Volpi & Caniglia: Otello-Ed io vedea//Gia nella notte densa E-
2840. Co BFX-3 Jane Laval: Le Sommeil De L'Enfant Jésus (Busser-Raffali)//Pie Jesu (Fauré) E-
2841. Co LFX-4 Jane Laval: Les Huguenots-Cavatine du page//Le Cid-Pleurez pleurez mes yeux E-
2842. ViW 6351 Bianca Lavin De Casas: Aida-Ohime! morir mi sento//Celestina Boninsegna: Forza del Destino-Madre pietosa vergine E-
2843. ViC 8682 Marjorie Lawrence: Salomé-Tu n'as pas voulu//Et ta langue, elle ne remue plus E
2844. CoSy 48740 Hipolito Lazaro: Tosca-E lucevan le stelle E--
2845. CoSy 49350 Hipolito Lazaro: Ave Maria (Gounod) E
2846. Co D-18002 Hipolito Lazaro: La Fanciulla del West-Or son sei mesi//Ch'ella mi creda E-
2847. ViW 74496 Hipolito Lazaro: La Favorita-Spirto gentil E--
2848. VoW 52038 Virgilio Lazzari: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-La calunnia e un venticello E
2849. De PG-25806 Lotte Lehmann: Von Ewider Leibe, Op 43, No 1 (Brahms)//Auf Flügeln Des Gesanges, Op 34, No 2 (Mendelssohn) E-
2850. Od O-8731 [Ger] Lotte Lehmann: Ariadne auf Naxos-Sie atment leicht, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2851. Elec EJ-339 Frida Leider: Don Giovanni-Du kennst den verräter//Armide-Ach, kampft der freiheit stolz E-
2852. ViC 7523 Frida Leider: Tristan und Isolde-Isolde's Liebestod//Parsifal-Ich sah' das Kind LT SCFS E
2853. Gram 66734 Emmi Leisner: Samson und Dalila-Die Sonne, sie lachte//Sieh', mein Herz erschließt sich VLT SCFS E
2854. DG 67791 Emmi Leisner: Matthäus Passion-Erbarme dich mein Gott, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E
2855. HMV DB-3462 Tiana Lemnitz: Le Nozze di Figaro-Porgi amor//Dove Song E
2856. Elec DB-5549 Tiana Lemnitz: Der Freischutz-Wie nahte mir der Schlummer, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
2857. Poly 57028 Tiana Lemnitz: Im Treibhaus//Träume (both by Wagner) E
2858. Poly 57084 Tiana Lemnitz: Stehe Still//Der Engel (both by Wagner) E+
2859. Poly 57085 Tiana Lemnitz: Schmerzen (Wagner-Wesendonk)//Am Grabe Anselmos (Schubert-Claudius) SM SCR S1, LT SCFS E
2860. Poly 57411 Lemnitz & Roswänge: Die Große Sünderin-Das Leid vom Leben des Schrenk//
Immerzu singt dein Herz meinem Herzen zu LTR S2 E
2861. Tele SK-1341 Eva Liebenberg: Sapphische Ode (Brahms-Schmidt)//Von Ewiger Liebe (Brahms-Wentzig) SOL E-
2862. Od 85200 Josef Lindlar: Das Herz Am Rhein (Hill)//Das Grab Auf Der Haide (Heiser) E--
2863. Od 123760 Emma Luart: Paillasse-Ah de soleil la nature est pleine//La Traviata-J'attends I'attends VSM SCR S2 E
2864. Od 123613 Germaine Lubin: Lohengrin-Air d'Elsa//Tannhauser-Air d'eatrée d'Elisabeth; acte 2 SM LST E
2865. Od 123634-35 [2 recs] Germaine Lubin: Le Crepuscule des Dieux-Finale dsol MB 15 SM SCRS E
2866. DsqG DB-5036 Jose Luccioni: Manon-Ah l fuyez douce image//Hérodiade-Ne pouvant reprimer LSCR E--
2867. Fonit 35005 Lucini & Ferrara: Cavalleria Rusticana-Seguito del duetto//Lucini, Ceccherini & Ferrara: Duetto e stornelle E-
2868. Fono 5058 Giovanni Manuritta: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Ecco ridente in cielo//L'Elisir d'Amore-Una furtiva lacrima LT GR, LT LSTS E-
2869. Fono E-120035 Giovanni Manuritta: L'Amico Fritz-Duetto delle ciliegie, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
2870. DsqG Y-70 Emile Marcelin: Madame Chrysanthème-Oui c'est bien lui//L'Arraque du Moulin-Adieu Foret E--
2871. CoRegal A-5216 José Mardones: Mefistofele-Son lo Spirito che nega//Ecco il mondo E-
2872. ViS 9104 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: Messiah-I know that my Redeemer liveth//Elijah-Hear ye Israel VLT WOL E
2873. ViW 55107 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: Parla Waltz (Arditi)//Traviata-Ah, fors' è lui E-
2874. ViW 55178 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: Creation-With Verdure Clad//Elijah-Hear Ye Isreal E
2875. DsqG 033115/116 Alix Martell: La Fille de Mme. Angot-Tournez, tournez//Madame Favart-Ma mère aux vignes m'envoyit E--
2876. Poly 566040 Germaine Martinelli: Damnation of Faust-Chanson Gothique, Pt 1//Pt 2 LNR S2, L LST S1 E
2877. Poly 566056 Germaine Martinelli: Cavalleria Rusticana-Vous le savez me mère//Salammbo-Air des Colombes E-
2878. ViW 6545 Giovanni Martinelli: La Juive-Rachel, quand du Seigneur//Que ma voix tremblante ULC E
2879. ViC 6595 s1 tk 6 Giovanni Martinelli: Aïda-Céleste Aïda//Bohême-Racconto di Rodolfo E
2880. ViC 6595 s1 tk 7 Giovanni Martinelli: Aïda-Céleste Aïda//Bohême-Racconto di Rodolfo E
2881. ViS 6707 Giovanni Martinelli: Andrea Chenier-Un di all' azzurro spazio//Come un dì di maggio SM SCRS, LT SCRS E

2882. ViW 74391 Giovanni Martinelli: Carmen-Air de la fleur E-
2883. ViW 74426 Giovanni Martinelli: Serenata (Mascagni) WOL E-
2884. ViW 74469 Giovanni Martinelli: Martha-M'appari E
2885. ViW 74517 [Can] Giovanni Martinelli: L'Ultima Canzone (Tosti) Berliner Gram-O-Phone, HMV & Victor all on lbl E--
2886. ViW 74573 Giovanni Martinelli: Faust-Salut, demure LT LSCRS E-
2887. ViW 74683 Giovanni Martinelli: Zazà-O mio piccolo tavolo ingombrato Two Martinelli autographs on lbl MB 15 E--
2888. ViW 74712 Giovanni Martinelli: Eugene Onégin-Air di lenski WMKS E
2889. ViW 74800 Giovanni Martinelli: William Tell-O muto asil del pianto LT FLBL E
2890. VDM DB-1172 Martinelli & De Luca: Forza del Destino-Invano Alvaro!//Le minaccie, i fieri accenti SCFS S2 E-
2891. ViW 76032 Martinelli & Journet: William Tell-Ah, Matilde, io t'amo e amore LT LSCR E
2892. ViW 89160 Martinelli & De Luca: Don Carlos-Dio, che nell' alma infondere E
2893. ViW 95213 Martinelli, De Luca & Mardones: William Tell-Troncar suoi di E-
2894. CoSy A-5698 [siw] Margarete Matzenauer: Aprile//Kiss Me, Love (both by Tosti) LT SCFS E
2895. ViW 6471 Margarete Matzenauer: Gioconda-Voci di donna//Huguenots-Nobil signori, salute! VLT LST, VLT SCR S2 E+
2896. ViW 6531 Margarete Matzenauer: Samson et Delila-Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix//Il Prophète-Ah, mon fils! E-
2897. ViS 6618 Margarete Matzenauer: Don Carlos-O don fatale//Faust-Le parlate d'amore E-
2898. ViP 88430 Margarete Matzenauer: Cavaileria Rusticana-Voi lo sapete E-
2899. ViR 12-0186 Dorothy Maynor w/David Oppenheim, cla: Der Hirt Auf Dem Felsen (Schubert), Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
2900. ViR 12-1078 Dorothy Maynor: Rusalka-O lovely moon//The Maiden's Lament & Tune Thy Fiddle Gypsy (both by Dvorak) E
2901. HMV AGSB-3 [pom] John McCormack: La Traviata-De' miei bollenti spiriti//Natoma-No country can my own outvie E
2902. HMV DB-421 John McCormack: The Kerry Dance//Come Into The Garden, Maud E-
2903. HMV DB-1095 John McCormack: La Procession//Panis Angelicus (both by Franck) E--
2904. HMV DB-1830 John McCormack w/Edwin Schneider, pno: Ganymed//Beherzigung (Both by Wolf) Hugo Wolf Society SM SCRS E-
2905. HMV DB-2848 John McCormack: The Kerry Dance (Molloy)//Green Isle Of Erin (Bingham-Roeckel) SM SCFS E
2906. HMV DB-2849 John McCormack: Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes//She Is Far From The Land (Moore) LT SCFS E
2907. HMV DB-2867 John McCormack: Semele-Where'er you walk//Caro Amore (Both by Händel) FW SCRS, LT SCFS E
2908. HMV IRX-1003 John McCormack: Lucia di Lammermoor-Tu, che a dio spiegasti l'ali//Fra poco a me ricovero SCFS E
2909. HMV IRX-1011 John McCormack: Carmen-Il fior che avevi a me tu dato//Non E Ver (Mattei) E--
2910. HMV IRX-1012 John McCormack: Joseph-Champs paternels//Le Nil (Leroux) FW SCRS, SCFS E-
2911. HMV IRX-1014 John McCormack: Figlia del Reggimento-Per viver vicino//Schlafendes Jesuskind (Wolf) E-
2912. ViR 6607 John McCormack: Adeste Fideles (Portugal)//The Palms (Faure) E-
2913. ViC 6708 John McCormack: Christ Went Up Into The Hills (Hageman)//Panis Angelicus (Franck) SM SCF E
2914. ViC 6926 John McCormack: Hark! Hark! The Lark; Hedge-Roses & Who Is Sylvia?//Holy Night; The Trout; Impromptu &
To The Lyre (all by Schubert) E-
2915. ViP 74157 John McCormack: Killarney (Balfe) LG LT LSCF E-
2916. ViW 74218 John McCormack: Carmen-Il fior che a vevi a me E
2917. ViW 74221 John McCormack: Figlia del Reggimento-Per viver vicino a Maria E
2918. ViW 74232 John McCormack: In a Persian Garden-Ah! Moon of my delight E-
2919. ViP 74295 John McCormack: Natoma-Paul's Address LT SCR E
2920. ViW 74346 John McCormack: Good-bye (Tosti) E-
2921. ViW 74432 John McCormack: The Trumpeter (Barron-Dix) E-
2922. ViW 74436 John McCormack: Adeste Fideles SM SCF E
2923. ViW 74479 John McCormack: Meistersinger-Prize Song SM SCRS E-
2924. ViW 74484 John McCormack: Don Giovanni-Il mio tesoro E-
2925. HMV VB-33 [pom] McCormack & Sammarco: La Gioconda-O grido di quest' anima//Il Barbiere di Siviglia-All' idea di quel metallo portentoso E+
2926. ViW 88484 McCormack & Kreisler, vln: Ave Maria (Schubert) LT LSCR E
2927. HMV D-973 Leila Megane: Samson et Dalila-Amour, viens aider//Songs of Egypt-Invocation to the Nile &
Lament of Isis WOL, LST E
2928. HMV 03188 Nellie Melba: Bid Me Discourse (Bishop) V++
2929. HMV 033028 Nellie Melba: Hamlet-Mad scene, pt 1 E
2930. HMVhc2 DB-711 Nellie Melba: Le Cid-Pleurez mes yeux//Don Cesar de Bazan-A Séville, belles senoras SM WOL E--
2931. HMV VB-40 Nellie Melba: Le Nozze di Figaro-Porgi amor//Adelina Patti: La Calasera (Yradier) E
2932. ViW 6213 Nellie Melba: Rigoletto-Caro Nome//Traviata-Ah, fors' è lui E-
2933. ViGP 88149 Nellie Melba: Otello-Ave Maria E-
2934. ViW 88485 Nellie Melba: Songs My Mother Taught Me (Dvorák) E
2935. ViMelba 95015 Nellie Melba: Traviata-Ah fors' è lui Ink stamp on lbl sez "Recorded in 1904" MB 25 LTR V++
2936. ViMelba 95021 Nellie Melba: Hamlet-Mad Scene, Pt 2 MB 15 1½" CR V++
2937. CoM 71389-D Lauritz Melchior: Othello-Dio! mi potevi scagliar//Niun mi tema E--
2938. Elec EJ-582 Lauritz Melchior: Die Afrikanerin-Land so wonderbar//Der Bajazzo-Jetzt spielen E+
2939. ViS 6627 Luella Melius: Mignon-Je suis Titania//Mireille-Gentle bird of the morning E
2940. ViR 12-1354 Robert Merrill: Gounod-Avant de quitter ces lieux//Tales of Hoffmann-Scintille diamant SCFS, LT WMK E
2941. DsqG W-1592 Janine Micheau: Hamlet-Air de la Folie, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 E+
2942. Od 123500 Micheletti & Cesbron-Viseur: Cavalleria Rusticana-C'est toi Santuzza?//Micheletti & Cesbron-Viseur: O mon Torrido E-
2943. HMV DB-1448 Minghini-Catteneo, Masini, Basi & Lucini: La Gioconda-Voce di donna o D'angelo//Figlia, che reggi il tremuto plè E+
2944. CoSy 49260 Tamaki Miura: Madam Butterfly-Un bel di vedremo SM SCRS E--
2945. PaMC 391 Rudolf Moest: Der Barbier von Bagdad-Salem aleikum//Margarethe-Rondo MB 50 WOL, LST E-
2946. ViC 17189 Grace Moore: La Boheme-Mi chiamano Mimi//Louise-Depuis le jour LT SCFS E
2947. DsqG W-889 Louis Morturier: Le Chalet-Arrêtons nous ici//Le Cor (Flegier) E-
2948. Co BQX-2500 Claudia Muzio: Cecilia-L'annuncio, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCFS E
2949. Pa E-11423 Oscar Natzke: The Magic Flute-O Isis and Osiris//The Barber of Seville-La Calunnia E-
2950. ViW 74121 Alice Nielsen: Martha-The last rose of summer SM SOL, WOL E-
2951. VDP DB-5350 Augusta Oltrabella: Suor Angelica-Senza mamma, o bimbo, tu sei morto!//Oltrabella & Ziliani:
Fedora-Vedi, io piango LT SCR S2 E-
2952. Co D-14477 Iva Pacetti: Ernani-Ernani, Ernani involami//Il Trovatore-D'amor sull'ali rosee SCFS E-
2953. Co GQX-10282 Pampanini & Borgioll: Amico Fritz-Duetto delle ciliege, Pt 1//Pt 2 VLT CBI E-
2954. DsqG DB-4906 Charles Panzéra: Tannhauser-En contemplant cette assemblées//Mortel présage ISOL E
2955. DsqG DB-4971 Charles Panzéra: Le Temps Des Lilas (Boucher)//Le Soir (Lamartine) ISOL E
2956. ViW 6400 Graziella Pareto: Voci Di Primavera (Strauss)//Il Bacio (Arditi) Never listed in US Victor cats E
2957. Cet BB-25065 Tancredi Pasero: La Sonnambula-Vi ravviso o luoghi ameni//I Vespri Siciliani-O tu Palermo terra adorata SCF E-
2958. Co D-14706 Tancredi Pasero: Gli Ugonotti-Piff Paff//La Gioconda-Si morir ella dee SM SCRS E
2959. VDP DB-5440 Tancredi Pasero: Luisa Miller-Il mio sangue, la vita darei//Nabucco-Tu sul labbro de veggenti LT WOL E-
2960. Co GQX-10248 Pasero & Vanelli: I Puritani-Suoni la tromba//Il rival salvar tu puoi E--
2961. VDP S-03051 Adelina Patti: Nozze di Figaro-Voi che sapete LT LST E-
2962. ViW-IRCC 17 [pom] Adelina Patti: La Calesera (Yradier)//Nellie Melba: Elaine-L'amour est pur MB 25 E
2963. DG 35029 Julius Patzak: Die Entführung aus dem Serail-Wenn der Freude Tränen fließen//
Konstanze, Konstanze dich wiederzushen VLT SCF E

2964. DG 95268 Julius Patzak: La Traviata-Ach, ihres Auges Zauberblick//Die verkaufte Braut-Es muss gelingen LT WOL E-
2965. Pa E-11356 Rose Pauly-Dreesen: The Egyptian Helen-Bei jener Nacht//Zweite Brautnacht! Zaubernacht! E
2966. DsqG W-254 Payan, Cosset & Boussagol: La Juive-Si la rigueur et la vengeance//Chorus: Romeo et Juliette-Bals das Capulets
Special Record paste-over lbls WOL, LST E-
2967. HMV DB-6763 Peter Pears w/Benjamin Britten, pno: The Queen' Epicedium (Purcell-Britten), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E+
2968. HMV DB-21423 Peter Pears w/Benjamin Britten, pno: Im Frühling//Auf Der Bruck (both by Schubert) LT SCRS E
2969. DscG W-764 Perelli & Marcelin: Carmen-C'est toi... c'est moi//Mais moi Carmen, je t'aime encore E-
2970. DsqG DB-5044 André Pernet: Les Huguenots-Bénediction des Poignards//Des troubles renaissants E+
2971. HMV DB-10094 Margherita Perras: Höchsterm Was Ich Habe//Ich Folge Dir Gleichfalls (both by Bach) SM SOLS E+
2972. HMV DB-10096 Margherita Perras: Cantata No 151-Süsser Trost, mein Jesus kömmt, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM SOLS E+
2973. HMV DB-10112 Margherita Perras: Peer Gynt-Wiegenlied//Solveighs lied SM SCR E
2974. ViS 12007 Margherita Perras: Die Entführung aus dem Serail-Martern aller arten//Ach, ich liebte E-
2975. HMV DB-4498 Perras & Ludwig: Carmen-Wie, du kommst von der mutter?//Wer weiss es welcher dämon SM SCRS E
2976. VDP DB-1118 Aureliano Pertile: Andrea Chénier-Un dì all'azzurro spazio//Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba SCRS, FW SCFS E-
2977. VDP DB-1412 Aureliano Pertile: Lucia di Lammermoor-Fra poco a me ricovero//Tombe degli avi miei LT WMKS E
2978. Od F-5541 [siw] Aureliano Pertile: Nerone-Queste a un lido fatal//Ecco la Dea si china E
2979. Pa V-2017 Aureliano Pertile: Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba//Non Pagliaccio non son E
2980. VDP DB-1481 Pertile & Rozsa: Lucia di Lammermoor-Sulla tomba che rinserra//Verranno a te sull'aura SM SCRS E-
2981. Pa R-20007 Pertile, Ferraris, Righetti & Baromeo: Un Ballo in Maschera-E scherzo od e follia//La rivedro nell 'estasi E--
2982. Od LXX-76987/76991 [siw] Alfred Piccaver: Pour Un Baiser (Tosti)//Je T'aime (Massenet) MB 15 SCRS S2 E-
2983. Co LFX-873 Marguerite Pifteau: Le Paon//Le Martin Pécheur-La Fintade (Both by Ravel) E-
2984. CoM 71687-D Ezio Pinza: Serenata//L'Ultima Canzone (both by Tosti) E-
2985. CoM 72528-D Ezio Pinza: Barber of Seville-La calunnia é un venticello//La Boheme-Vecchia zimarra senti SM SCRS E-
2986. CoM 72751-D Ezio Pinza: Au Pays (Holmes)//Le Cor (Flegier) E
2987. VDP DB-1087 Ezio Pinza: Don Carlos-Dormirò sol nel manto mio regal//I Vespri Siciliani-O tu, Palermo SM PM AB, SM BLS E
2988. HMV DB-1203 Ezio Pinza: Norma-Ite sul colle, o Druidi//La Forza del Destino-Il santo nome di Dio E
2989. ViW 6515 Ezio Pinza: Il Trovatore-Di due figli//L'Ebrea-Voi che del Dio vivente Never listed in US catalogs FW SM SCRS S1 E-
2990. Pa P-9228 [Ger] Gotthelf Pistor: Tiefland-Zwischenspiel//Schau her, das is ein Taller (d'Albert) Composer conducting E
2991. ViW 6371 Pol Plançon: Magic Flute-Invocation//Robert le Diable-Nonnes, qui reposez SM WOL E-
2992. ViP 85065 Pol Plançon: Jesus De Nazareth E-
2993. ViGP 85077 Pol Plançon: Magic Flute-Qui sdegno non s'accende SM EF, LT SCFS E
2994. ViGP 85124 stp A Pol Plançon: Etoile du Nord-O jours heureux MB 15 E-
2995. ViGP 85125 Pol Plançon: Robert le Diable-Nonnes qui reposez E-
2996. DscG DB-181 Tina Poli-Randaccio: Madama Butterfly-Un bel di vedremo//Suor Angelica-Senza mamma SM PDEF NAP E
2997. CoM AF-1 [vnl] Rosa Ponselle: La Juive-Il va venir//Lohengrin-Elsas traum E--
2998. ViW 6453 Rosa Ponselle: Good Bye//Serenade (both by Tosti) SM LTR, LT LSTS E
2999. ViS 6599 Rosa Ponselle: Ave Maria (Gounod)//Elegie (Massenet) Z shellac E-
3000. ViS 6711 Rosa Ponselle: Good-Bye//Serenade (both by Tosti) E-
3001. ViS 6875 Rosa Ponselle: Forza del Destino-Pace, pace mio Dio//Ernani-Ernani involami E
3002. ViC 16451 Rosa Ponselle: The Nightingale And The Rose (Rimsky-Korsakov)//On Wings Of Dream SOL E-
3003. HMV DB-1202 Ponselle, Martinelli & Pinza: La Forza del Destino-Io muojo!//Non imprecare, umiliati a lui E-
3004. ViS 8104 Ponselle, Martinelli & Pinza: Forza del Destino-Finale, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS E-
3005. HMV DB-1607 Yvonne Printemps: S.A.D.M.P.-Sourire aux levres//Air des cartes de visite S.A.D.M.P. is an acronym for Société
Anonyme Des Messieurs Prudents, however the title of the opera is simply S.A.D.M.P. LT SCFS E
3006. DsqG DB-5114 Yvonne Printemps: Selections from "L'Amour Masqué"//Selections from "Véronique" SM SCRS E
3007. DsqG W-1175 Yvonne Printemps: Le Pot-Pourri d'Alain Gerbault, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3008. DsqG W-691 Prinvot & Friant: Manon-Jécris a mon pére//Mireille-Voici la saison, mignonne
Special Record paste-over lbls WOL, LTRS E-
3009. ViR 12-1000 Florence Quartararo: Andrea Chènier-La mamma morta//Atalanta-Care selve FW SCRS E-
3010. HMV D-967 Radford & Dawson: Israel in Egypt-The Lord is a man of war//I Puritani-Sound, sound the trumpet E
3011. DsqG W-578 Marcelle Ragon: Lohengrin-Vous que troublait//Suzanne Brohly: Réves de Wagner, No 5 des 5 poèmes E
3012. VoW 55007 Raisa & Crimi: Il Trovatore-Miserere E
3013. Nordiska S-62010 Oscar Ralf: Lohengrin-Avskedet//Gralsberättelsen Both in Swedish MB 15 WOL E-
3014. PatArt X-7119 [11½"] Edmond Rambaud: Hérodiade-Air de Jean, Pt 1//Pt 2 Both sides double labeled; ltrs on top lbls MB 15 SM LTRS E-
3015. ViR 38-5000 Carlos Ramirez: Barbiere di Siviglia-Largo al Factotum//Granada (Lara) LTRS S1 E
3016. De 29001 Sydney Rayner: Manon-Ah! Fuyez douce image//Werther-Desolation de Werther LT GR E-
3017. De 29002 Sydney Rayner: Carmen-La fleur que tu m'avais jetée//Romeo and Juliet-Ah! lève toi, soleil VLT RAS S2 E
3018. Poly 27186 Heinrich Rehkemper: Der Feuerreiter//Storchenbotschaft (both by Wolf) SOLS E-
3019. PD Blk 032097 Maurice Renaud: Don Juan-Sérénade MB 15 V++
3020. VDP DB-1461 Elisabeth Rethberg: Un Ballo in Maschera-Ma dall'arido stelo divulsa//Morrò, ma prima in grazia E-
3021. VDP DB-1455 Rethberg & De Luca: Aida-Su dunque!//Ciel! mio padre! E
3022. ViS 8160 Rethberg & Lauri-Volpi: Aïda-Pur ti riveggo//Làtra foresti vergini LT WOL, WRITING IN ROA E-
3023. PatArt X-7190 Gabriele Ritter-Ciampi: Cosi Fan Tutti-El parte senti ah no!, Pt 1//Pt 2 MN SM LT SCRS, SOLS E-
3024. HMV DB-9780 Nicola Rossi-Lemeni: La Forza del Destino-Il santo speco//La vergine degli angeli E
3025. HMV DB-4522 Helge Roswänge: Fidelio-Gott, welch' Dunkel hier, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3026. Od 123009 Edouard Rouard: Thaïs-Voila donc la terrible cite//Tannhauser-Romance de l'etoile E-
3027. G&T Red 052132 Titta Ruffo: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Largo al factotum
Nice OS w/photo attached (probable reproduction) MB 15 V++
3028. PD Pnk 052191 Titta Ruffo: Rigoletto-Pari siamo E--
3029. VDP DB-464 Titta Ruffo: Pagliacci-Si pùo?//Un nido di memorie LT SCFS E
3030. VDP DB-569 Titta Ruffo: Amleto-Come il Romito fior//O vin, discaccia la tristezza E
3031. ViW 6266 Titta Ruffo: Hamlet-Brindisi//Ballo in Maschera-Eri tu LT SCR S2 E
3032. ViW 6268 Titta Ruffo: Pagliacci-Si può!, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3033. ViW 88622 Titta Ruffo: Africana-Adamastor, re dell' onde profonde E
3034. ViW 88660 Titta Ruffo: Ernani-O de' verd' anni miei E
3035. PatArt X-7175 Elsa Ruhlmann: Hamlet-Air de la folie, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E--
3036. ViW 55147 Emilio Sagi-Barba: Rigoletto-Cortigiani, vil razza//La Viuda Alegre (Lehar) MB 25 E-
3037. ODC 75212 Mario Sammarco: L'Africana-Figlia di regi FW NRS E-
3038. HMV 2-052073 Mario Sammarco: I Giojelli Della Madonna-Aprila bella la fenestrella V++
3039. Pa PXO-90 [pom; siw] Mario Sammarco: Rigoletto-Pari siamo//Riccardo Stracciari: Zaza-Zaza, piccola Zingara
Sd 2 cond by composer NR TOK E-
3040. HMV AN-679 [Cz] Ada Sari: Rusalka-Mésicku na kebi//Prodana Nevesta-Ten lásky sen FW SCRS E-
3041. ViC 11561 Bidú Sayão: Il Guarany-Gentil di cuore//C'era una volta un Principe E
3042. Co LFX-690 Eliette Schenneberg w/Arthur Honegger, pno: Trois Psaumes, Pt 1//Pt 2 (all by Honegger) MB 15 E-
3043. HMV DB-5271 Aksel Schiøtz: Mit Würd Und Hoheit//Nun Beut' Die Flur (both by Haydn) E+
3044. HMV DB-10523 Aksel Schiøtz: Faust-Vær hilset plet//Eugen Onegin-Fremtid har liv og dod i eje VLT WOLS E+

3045. VDP DB-843 Tito Schipa: Mignon-Ah! Non credevi Tu...//Addio Mignon E
3046. VDP DB-1038 Tito Schipa: Le Campane Di San Guisto (Arona)//Mama Mia, Che Vo' Sapè (Nutile) E
3047. VDP DB-1723 Tito Schipa: Orfeo ed Euridice-Che faro senza Euridice//Sento Nel Cor (Scarlatti) E-
3048. HMV DB-2131 Tito Schipa: O Del Mio Amato Ben (Donaudy)//Plaisir d'Amour (De Florian-Martini) FW VSM HV SCFS E-
3049. ViW 6423 Tito Schipa: Ay-Ay-Ay (Freire)//Canción Andaluza (Palacios) E-
3050. ViW 6543 Tito Schipa: Liebestraum (Liszt-Schipa)//Ave Maria (Schipa) E-
3051. ViR 11-0028 Tito Schipa: Cancion Andaluza//Ay-Ay-Ay E
3052. Elec EJ-435 Emil Schipper: Lohengrin-Dank König dir//O König trugbeturte fürsten! E-
3053. Gram EJ-490 Emil Schipper: Iphigenie In Aulis-O du, die ich so innig liebe//O Artemis! MB 25 SOL E
3054. Br 90104 Heinrich Schlusnus: Adelaide (Beethoven), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3055. BrPoly 95054 Heinrich Schlusnus: Tannhauser-Lied an den abendstern//Blick' ich umher E+
3056. SG 65490 Heinrich Schlusnus: Rigoletto-Feile sklaven//Troubadour-Ihres auges himmlisch strahlen SCFS E-
3057. SG 65578 Heinrich Schlusnus: Carmen-Torerolied//Tannhäuser-Lied an den Abendstern E--
3058. Poly 67181 Heinrich Schlusnus: Ständchen-Leise flehen meine Leider//Sei mir Gegrüßt-O du entriss' ne mir VSM IC E-
3059. DG 68131 Heinrich Schlusnus: Liebeshymnus//Traum Durch Die Dämmerung (both by R. Strauss) E+
3060. Elec DB-11500 Rudolf Schock: Hoffmans Erzählungen-Es war einmal am Hofe von Elsenack//Ho, wie in meiner Seel' LT SCFS E
3061. Elec DB-11520 Rudolf Schock: Eugen Onegin-Wohin seid ihr entschwundon?//Sadko-Hindulied LG LTR S1 E
3062. Elec EH-1421 Rudolf Schock: Eine Nacht in Vendig-Komm in die gondel//Die Zigeunerbaron-Als flotter geist LT SCF, SM LTR E
3063. De 25229 Lotte Schöne: Die Forelle (Schubert)//Wie Melodien Zieht Es Mir (Brahms) E
3064. HMV DB-1562 Lotte Schoene: Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor-Nun eilt herbei, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3065. HMV DB-1546 Schöne & Domgraf-Fassbaender: Don Pasquale-Pronta io son, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3066. HMV D-2017 Friedrich Schorr: Elijah-Ist nicht des herrn wort wie feuer//Es ist genug SCFS, LSPTS E-
3067. HMV DB-1564 Friedrich Schorr: Die Jahreszeiten-Schon eilet froh der Ackersmann//Elijah-Herr Gott Abrahams VLT SCRS E-
3068. HMV DB-1829 Friedrich Schorr: Prometheus (Goethe-Wolf), Pt 1//Pt 2 Hugo Wolf Soc E+
3069. ViS 9285 Friedrich Schorr: Die Meistersinger-Was deutsch und echt//Verachtet mir die Meister nicht E-
3070. Pa P-317 Hermann Schramm: Der Waffenschmied-Man wird ja einmal nur geboren//Das kommt davon,
wenn Man auf Reisen geht MB 15 WOLS, LST S1 E
3071. PaMC 65592 Richard Schubert: Boheme-Ach geliebte, nie kehrst du mir wieder//Die Mach des Geschickes-
In dieser feierlichen stunde E--
3072. HMV DB-3185 Elisabeth Schumann: Frühlingstraum (Müller-Schubert)//Der Einsame (Lappe-Schubert) E+
3073. HMV DB-21605 Elisabeth Schumann: Schwesterlein & Och Moder, Ich Well En Ding Han//Mein Mäde! Hat Einen Rosenmund &
Da Unten Im Tale (all by Schubert) E
3074. ViS 7707 Elisabeth Schumann: Schlechtes Wetter & Ständchen//All Mein Gedanken &
Hat Gesagt Bleibt's Nich Dabei (all by Strauss) LT NR S1 E
3075. ODC 78532 Schumann & Caruso: Trovotore-Ai nostri mont! LNR V++
3076. ViC 7682 Schumann, Melchior, Schorr, Parr & Williams: Die Meistersinger-Selig, wie die Sonne meines gluckes lacht//Friedrich Schorr:
Euch macht ihr's leicht E-
3077. ViRW 6273 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Lorelei (Silcher)//Erlkönig (Schubert) VSM LTRS S1 E
3078. ViS 7388 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: My Heart Ever Faithful (Bach)//St Paul-But the Lord is mindful of his own E
3079. ViP 88091 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Orfeo-Ach ich habe sie verloren E--
3080. ViW 88108 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: The Rosary (Nevin) E--
3081. ViW 88118 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: His Lullaby (Jacobs-Bond) E-
3082. ViP 88337 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Sei Still (Raff) E-
3083. ViP 88343 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Träume (Wagner) E
3084. ViP 88381 Ernestine Schumann-Heink: Vom Himmel Hoch Da Komm' Ich Her (Luther) VLT SCRS E
3085. Tele E-197 Leo Schützendorf: Der Barbier von Sevilla-Die Verleumdung, sie ist ein Lüftchen//Einer Doktor meinesgleichen SOL S2 E
3086. Od A-4630 [Aus] Vera Schwarz: Il Trovotore-D'amor sull' eli rosee//Miserere SOL, VSM LTR E
3087. Co LX-1010 Elisabeth Schwarzkopf: Il Penseroso-Sweet Bird, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT GR E
3088. Co LX-1079 Elisabeth Schwarzkopf: La Traviata-Follie! Follie! & Sempre libera//E strano & Ah fors' è lui E-
3089. Co LX-1096 Elisabeth Schwarzkopf: Il Re Pastore-L'amero saro costanta, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
3090. Co LX-1577 Elisabeth Schwarzkopf: Hat Gesagt, Bleibt's Nicht Dabei & Schlechtes Wetter (R. Strauss)//Wiegenlied Im Sommer &
Mausfallen - Sprüchlein (Wolf) E
3091. Tele E-3041 Schwarzkopf & Glawitsch: Paganini-Selections, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCFS E+
3092. HMV AGSB-24 Antonio Scotti: Rigoletto-Deh non parlare al misero//Elisir d'Amore-Come paride vezzoso E
3093. ViW 6283 Antonio Scotti: Otello-Inaffia l'ugola//Don Giovanni-Serenata & Falstaff-Quand' ero paggio E
3094. ViGP 85068 Antonio Scotti: Elisire d'Amor-Aria E--
3095. DG 72252 Irmgard Seefried w/Erik Werba, pno: Weihnachtslieder-Zyklus, Op 8 (Cornelius)-Christbaum; Die Hirten, & Die Könige//Simeon;
Christus Der Kinderfreund & Christkind Variable Micrograde LT SCFS E
3096. DG 72351 Irmgard Seefried: Non Temer, Amato Bene//L'amero Saro Costanto (both by Mozart) Variable Grade (not Micro) E-
3097. Pa 58021 Seinemeyer & Pattiera: Othello-Gia nella notte densa//Eddio vedea fra le tuc temple oscure E
3098. Pa P-9866 Seinemeyer & Burg: Manon Lescaut-Ach in den kalten räumen hier//Ich grüß dich kleine schwester E--
3099. ViW 6285 Marcella Sembrich: Lucia-Mad Scene//Barbiere di Siviglia-Una voce poco fa ULC E
3100. ViW 6290 Marcella Sembrich: Norma-Casta Diva//Puritani-Qui la voce sua E+
3101. ViW 6291 Marcella Sembrich: Parla Valse (Arditi)//Voce Di Primavera (Strauss) E
3102. ViP 88388 Marcella Sembrich: Tales From The Vienna Forest (arr. La Forge) WOL E--
3103. ViW 95202 Sembrich & Eames: Nozze di Figaro-Che soave zeffiretto E-
3104. ViS 7178 Sheridan & Pertile: Andrea Chénier-Vicino a te//La nostra morte WOLS E-
3105. RU Aprelevka 019615/616 Shumskaya & Kozlovsky: Traviata-Duet of Violetta & Alfredo//Pt 2 FW SCRS E
3106. Pa R-30007 Cesare Siepi: Mefistofele-Son lo spirito che nega//I Vespiri Siciliani-O tu Palermo, terra adorata E+
3107. Co GQX-11222 Paolo Silveri: Andrea Chenier-Nemico della Patria?//Don Carlos-O Carlo, ascolta LT SCFS E
3108. DG 95162 Leo Slezak: Bajazzo-Hüll' dich in Tand//Othello-Othellos Tod E+
3109. HMV DB-581 Dmitri Smirnoff: Dubrovsky-O give me oblivion//Aleko-Romance of the young gypsy LT SCR E
3110. HMV DB-581 Dmitri Smirnoff: Eugène Onégin-Echo lointain de ma jeunesse//Sadko-Chanson Hindoue E+
3111. HMV VB-39 [pom] Dmitri Smirnoff: Eugen Onégin-Whither, whither have you gone?//A May Night-Sleep, my beauty E
3112. ViW 6105 Dmitri Smirnov: Sadko-Chanson indoue//I Pescatori di Perle-Mi par d'udir ancora E
*3113. PD Pnk 022199 Leonid Sobinov: Snow Maiden-The joyous joy departs Autographed by Sobinov MB 50 SOL E--
3114. Poly 566151 Cecile Sorel: Sapho-Aprés un réve, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 FW SCRS E-
3115. ViW 6298 Sothern & Marlowe: Romeo and Juliet-Balcony scene, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3116. ViS 7206 Hina Spani: La Wally-Ebben? ne andro da lontana//Fausto-El m'ama LT GR, SM SCF E+
3117. ViP 74231 Janet Spencer: Gae To Sleep (Randall-Fisher) E
3118. Co D-14718 Mariano Stabile: Francesca da Rimini-Giangiotto, Malatestino, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3119. CoSy A-5912 Helen Stanley: Don Giovanni-In quali eccessi o numi//Carmen-Micaela's Air E--
3120. Od Rxx-80181 Paul Stiebler-Walter: Walkure-Winterstürme wichen dem wonnemond//Der Fliegende Holländer-
Willst jenes tag's du dich nich nehr entsinnen MB 15 V++
3121. Pa P-1147 Hertha Stolzenberg: Figaros Hochzeit-Nur zu flüchtig bist du verschwunden//Orpheus in der Underwelt-
Der Tod will mir als Freund erscheinen WOLS, LST E-

3122. Co D-18035 Riccardo Stracciari: Un Ballo in Maschera-Eri tu//La Traviata-Di provenza E+
3123. Co D-18038 Riccardo Stracciari: Tosca-Te Deum//Ernani-O sommo Carlo E+
3124. HMV EH-1051 Wilhelm Strienz: Für Mein Gebrochenes Vaterherz (Werfel-Verdi)//Eugen Onegin-
Ein jeder kennt die Lieb' auf Erden SM SCRS E
3125. PolyMC 95014 Elisa Stünzner: Otello-Ave Maria//Salce, salce MB 15 SM BLS S2, SM SCFS S2 E
3126. ViR 12-1345 Set Svanholm: Die Walküre-Ein Schwert verhiess mir der Vater//Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond E
3127. CoSy A-5438 [siw] Jeska Swartz: Faust-Le parlate d'amor//Joan of Arc-Farewell, ye hills SOLS E
3128. VDP DB-11303 Carlo Tagliabue: Ernani-Oh de' verd'anui miei//I Puritani-Or dove fuggo io mai LT SCRS, LSCFS E-
3129. Cet BB-25021 Ferruccio Tagliavini: La Boheme-Che gelida manina//L'Arlesiana-E la solita storia LG LTR E-
3130. Cet BB-25022 Ferruccio Tagliavini: La Sonnambula-Prendi l'anel ti dono//Falstaff-Del labbro il canto E
3131. Cet BB-25026 Ferruccio Tagliavini: I Lombardi-La mia letizia infondere//L'Amico Fritz-Ed anche beppe amò E
3132. Cet BB-25040 Ferruccio Tagliavini: Tosca-Recondita armonia//E lucean le stelle E
3133. Cet BB-25056 Ferruccio Tagliavini: I Quattro Rusteghi-Luceta un bel nome//L'Arlesiana-E la solita storia Nice Napoli dsol SM SCRS, SOL E
3134. Cet BB-25058 Ferruccio Tagliavini: L'Elisir d'Amore-Una furtiva lagrima//Rigoletto-Parmi veder le lagrime E
3135. Cet BB-25181 Ferruccio Tagliavini: Tosca-O dolci mani//Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Ecco ridente in cielo E-
3136. ViR 12-0659 Ferrucio Tagliavini: Manon-Le rêve//Werther-Pourquoi me réveiller? E
3137. Vox 07002 Talén & Iwanzoff: Othello-Ha, daß er tausend Leben hätt empfangen//Die Mach des Geschickes-
In dieser feierlichen Stunde MB 15 E--
3138. ViS 6919 Marion Talley: The Holy City (Adams)//How Beautiful Upon The Mountains (Harker) LT SCFS E-
3139. CoV G-9039-M [bw] Richard Tauber: Tales of Hoffmann-Ha wie in meiner seele entbrennet//Es war einmal ein hofe FW SCRS E
3140. De 29011 Richard Tauber: Im Prater Blühn Wider Die Bäume (Stolz)//Wien, Du Stadt Meiner Träume (Sieczynski) E--
3141. PaOd R-20543 Richard Tauber: The Creation-In native worth//Joseph-Mein Vaterland E
3142. Ult G-12653 Maria Tauberova: Rusalka-Mesíck Na Nebi//Curymuryfuk-Jel Mlady Lovec E--
3143. Elec DB-5568 Margarete Teschemacher: Oberon-Ozean, du ungehruer, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM SCFS E
3144. Elec DB-5574 Margarete Teschemacher: Ein Maskenball-Wenn das kraut, wie dis seherin kündet//Lie Macht des Schicksais-Frieden, frieden E-
3145. HMV DB-4410 Teschemacher & Klose: Hoffmanns Erzählungen-Barcarole//Antonie! Himmel! SM ISOL E
3146. HMV EH-909 Teschemacher & Ludwig: Die Macht des Schicksals-Ach, für immer teurer engel//Ein Maskenball-Weisst du nicht E
3147. GMR 053197 Luisa Tetrazzini: Frühlingsstimmen (Strauss) E--
3148. GMR 053225 Luisa Tetrazzini: Carnevale Di Venezie (Benedict), Pt 1 E--
3149. HMV 2-053093 Luisa Tetrazzini: Crispino e la Comare-Io non sono più l'Anetta E--
3150. HMVhc2 DB-537 Luisa Tetrazzini: Semiramide-Bel raggio lusinghier//Don Giovanni-Batti, batti, o bel Masetto ISOL E
3151. ViW 6336 Luisa Tetrazzini: Proch's Air And Variations//Aprile (Tosti) LT SCRS S2 E
3152. ViW 6337 Luisa Tetrazzini: Lucia-Mad Scene//Barbiere di Siviglia-Una voce poco fa E
3153. ViW 6338 Luisa Tetrazzini: The Swallows (Bingham-Cowen)//Bonnie Sweet Bessie (Root-Gilbert) E
3154. ViW 6340 Luisa Tetrazzini: Lakmé-Bell Song//Dinorah-Shadow Song E
3155. ViW 6342 Luisa Tetrazzini: Swiss Echo Song (Eckert)//Mignon-Lo son Titania! E
3156. ViW 6345 Luisa Tetrazzini: Roméo et Juliette-Valse//Sonnambula-Ah, non giunge E-
3157. ViW 88293 Luisa Tetrazzini: La Traviata-Ah, fors è lui & Sempre libera E
3158. ViW 88301 Luisa Tetrazzini: Barbiere di Siviglia-Una voce poco fa E
3159. ViW 88311 Luisa Tetrazzini: Swiss Echo Song (Eckert) E-
3160. ViP 88428 Luisa Tetrazzini: Bonnie Sweet Bessie (Root-Gilbert) E+
3161. ViW 88508 Luisa Tetrazzini: Solvejg-Canzona, Op 23, No 1 (Grieg) SM LTRS E-
3162. ViP 92018 Luisa Tetrazzini: Lucia-Mad Scene LST E-
3163. HMV DB-21494 Blanche Thebom: Don Carlos-Nei giardin del bello saracin//O Don fatale LT LST E
3164. CoV 50330-D Georges Thill: L'Attaque du Moulin-Adieux à la forêt//Georges Thill w/Maurice Faure, pno: Ninon (Tosti) E-
3165. Co LFX-37 Georges Thill: Pensee d'Autumne-Melodie//Ninon-Melodie SM SCR S2 E
3166. Co LFX-275 Georges Thill: Noël (Adam)//Agnus Dei (Bizet) LT SCRS E
3167. ViR 18223 John Charles Thomas: When I Was A Lad, from "Pinafore"//There Is No Death (O'Hara) E-
3168. HMV D-533 Edna Thornton: The Gleaner's Slumber Song (Walthew)//Dido and Aeneas-When I am laid in earth E-
3169. ViS 6587 Lawrence Tibbett: Pagliacci-Prologue, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3170. ViS 7959 Lawrence Tibbett: Emperor Jones-Standin' In De Need Of Prayer//Merry Mount-'Tis An Earth Defiled E-
3171. Co A-5141 Kirk Towns: Birthday Of The King (Neidlinger)//Nazereth (Gounod) E--
3172. Co L-2156 Eva Turner: Il Trovatore-D'amor sull' ali rosee//Aida-O patria mia LT SCFS, TORN SOL S2 E
3173. Od 123583 Ninon Vallin: Le Bonheur Est Chose Légère (Saint-Saëns)//Chère Nuit (Bachelet) E
3174. Od 171032 Ninon Vallin: Mignon-Connais-tu le pays//Elle est aimée SM PMK, SM LTR S1 E
3175. Pat PDT-82 Ninon Vallin: Le Promenoir des Deux Amants-Je tremble en voyant ton visage & Mandoline//
Auprès de cette grotte sombre & Crois mon conseil, chère Climène Unfinished edge E+
3177. PatArt X-7165 Ninon Vallin: Manon-Je suis encore tout étourdie//A nous les amours et les roses E
3178. PatArt X-7166 Ninon Vallin: Manon-Voyons Manon//Adieu, notre petite table HMLC TOK E
3179. PatArt X-7167 Ninon Vallin: Les Noces de Figaro-Recit et air de Suzanne//Don Juan-Air de Zerline E-
3180. PatArt X-7168 Ninon Vallin: La Tosca-Priere de Tosca//Notre doux nid NR E-
3181. PatArt X-7228 Ninon Vallin: Faust-Ballade du roi de thulé//Air des bijoux E-
3182. PatArt X-7230 Ninon Vallin: Chanson Triste//L'Invitation Au Voyage (both by Duparc) E-
3183. Pat X-90028 Ninon Vallin: La Vie de Bohème-O m'appelle Mimi//Le chambre qu'autrefois SCR E--
3184. Pat X-90029 Ninon Vallin: Louise-Depuis le jour ou je me suis donnée//Madame Butterfly-Sur la mer calmée E-
3185. Pat X-90030 Ninon Vallin: Carmen-L'amour est enfant de Boheme//Près des rempaits de Séville LT NR S2 E-
3186. Pat X-90031 Ninon Vallin: Carmen-Les Tringles des sistres tiotaient//Air des Cartes VLT SCRS S2 E
3187. Pat X-90034 Ninon Vallin: Manon-Gavotte//Vallin & Villabella: Duo de la Lettre E
3188. Pat X-90053 Ninon Vallin: Manon - Suis-je gentille ainsi//Adieu notre petite table E+
3189. Pat X-90056 Vallin & Villabella: Le Vie de Bohème-Ils sont partis//Vallin, Sibille, Villabella & Bauge: Quartet from act 3 E+
3190. Pat X-90082 Ninon Vallin: Les Contes d'Hoffmann-Elle a fui la tourterelle//Manon-A nous les amours et les roses E+/E-
3191. Pat X-90084 Ninon Vallin: Faust-Ballade du Roi de Thule//Air des Bijoux E
3192. Pat X-93044 Ninon Vallin: Chandon Indoue (Rimsky-Korsakoff)//Le Nil (Leroux) E
3193. Pat X-7233 Vallin & Sibille: Le Roy d'Ys-Margared, o ma sceur, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3194. Pat X-90061 Vallin & Villabella: Carmen-Tu ne m'aimes done plus//C'est toi, c'est moi E+
3195. Pat X-90081 Vallin & Villabella: Manon-Duo de St Sulpice, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3196. Hom 50658/59 Emile Van Bosch: De Huzaren van Villars-Entrée Belamy//De Koningin van Montamarte-Ik wil jou alleen MB 15 E--
3197. HMV DB-1112 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Boris Godunow-J'ai le pouvoir supreme//Scene du Carillon E-
3198. DsqG DB-1515 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Ninon (Tosti)//Chant Hindou (Bemberg) E-
3199. DsqG DB-4821 Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux: Le Tilleul//Les Myosotis (both by Schubert) SM SCRS S1 E
3200. Od 123020 René Verdiere: Lohengrin-Recit du Graal//Siegfried-Nothung, nothung LT LST E
3201. Od 123035 René Verdiere: Samson & Dalila-Voir ma misiere helas!//L'attaque du Moulin-Le jour tombe E-
3202. GMR 2-033003 Alice Verlet: Le Filles De Cadiz (Delibes) Heavy 596 gram pressing! E--
3203. DsqG W-804 César Vezzani: La Walkyrie-O glaive//Hérodiade-Air de Jean E-
3204. Pat X-90041 Miguel Villabella: Roméo Et Juliette-Ah! lève toi, soleil//Salut, tombeau MB 15 E
3205. Gram 19791 Franz Völker: Der Zigeunerbaron-Ja, das alles auf ehr'//Die Fledermaus-Glücklich ist, wer vergißt E-

3206. DG 67159 Franz Völker: Aida-Holde Aida//Der Bejazzo-Jenen Namen muss ich wissen jetzt E
3207. ViW 6322 Evan Williams: Carmen-Flower song//Martha-Like a dream LT FLBL E
3208. ViW 6368 Evan Williams: Samson-No sun! No moon!//Prodigal Son-How many hired servants E
3209. HMV DB-4408 Marcel Wittrisch: Die Boheme-Wie eiskalt ist dies Händchen//Carmen-Hier an dem Herzen SCFS, LT SCRS E
3210. HMV DB-1007 Giovanni Zenatello: Otello-Una vela//Zenatello & Granforte: Si, pel ciel marmereo giuro! E-

11½" Vertical pressings (center start), MB $10

3211. Pat 793/798 Henri Albers: L'Aigle-Ah! mes fidèles//Samson et Dalila-Maudite a jamais Pigment msg SCR S1 E-
3212. Pat 241/244 Albert Alvarez: Faust-Salut, demeure chaste//Salut, ô mon dernier matin SM ECS NTG E--
3213. Pat 1621/1632 Albert Alvarez: Noël d'Amour (Luigini)//Chanson De Marin (Delmet) SCRS, REP EC NTG E--
3214. Pat 1628/1644 Albert Alvarez: Martha-Lorsqu'à mes yeux//Carmen-La fleur que tu m'avais jetée E-
3215. Pat 1632 [ss] Albert Alvarez: Chanson De Marin (Delmet) E-
3216. Pat 1634/1651 Albert Alvarez: La Walkyrie-Chanson du Printemps//Sigurd-Un souvenir poignant E--
3217. Pat 1655 [ss] Albert Alvarez: L'Africaine-Air de Vasco de Gama E
3218. Pat 86446/447 Giovanni Bardi: La Dannazione di Faust-Canzone delle rose//I Puritani-Cinta di fiori Pigment msg VLT INT HCS NAP E
3219. Pat 80362/83059 Baritone Solo: I Pescatori di Perle-O Nadir//I Promessi Sposi (Ponchielli) V+
3220. Pat 39297/298 Környei Béla: Sötet Erdö//Házam Elött Nyiladozik MB 15 LT INT ½" HC S2 E--
3221. Pat 379/383 Hippolyte Belhomme: Le Caïd-La Diane//Le Pardon de Ploërmel-Air du chasseurLe Caïd-La Diane V+
*3222. Pat 4392/4395 Gemma Bellincioni: Carmen-Habanera//Aria delle Carte
Loud hammering at end of sd 2! Bidder Request Show MB 100 E--
3223. Pat 4177/4178 Celestina Boninsegna: La Forza del Destino-Pace mio Dio!//Aida-Ritorna vincitor SCRS V++
3224. Pat 84520/521 Celestina Boninsegna: Norma-Casta diva//Semiramide-Bel raggio lusinghiero SCRS E--
3225. Pat 4511/4513 Mary Boyer: Grisélidis-Prière//Mignon-Connais-tu le pays? Yellow pigment E--
3226. Pat 55750/59 Brodersen & Tordek: Undine-O kehr zurück//Otto Wolf: Meistersinger-Am stillen Herd Pigment msg MB 15 SCFS E-
3227. Pat 15664/669 Cornelius Bronsgeest: Aida-Ich habe gekämpft//Troubadour-Ihres Auges himmlisch strahlen E-/V++
3228. Pat 4335/4336 Brussa & Grassi: Cavalleria Rusticana-No, no Turiddu//Tosca-O dolci mani V++
3229. Pat 84003 [ss] Enrico Caruso: Tu Non Mi Vuoi Più Bene MB 25 V+
3230. Pat 2872/2878 Marguerite Charpantier: Les Noces de Figaro-Je ne sais//Robert le Diable-Robert, Robert toi que j'aime MB 15 E-
3231. Pat 50293/294 Ada Crossley: The Lost Chord//Nearer, My God To Thee REP CTL TOK V++
3232. Pat 2494/2497 Jean Delmas: Patrie-Pauvre martyr obscur//Pauvres Fous (Tagliafico) E-
3233. Pat 3500/3515 Marie Delna: Le Prophète-Ah! mon fils//Jocelyn-Berceuse VLT SCR E
3234. Pat 3503/3516 Marie Delna: Les Enfants (Massenet)//La Vierge Á La Crêche (Clérice) 2 SM BLSS S2, SOL S1 E
3235. Pat 3516 Marie Delna: La Vierge Á La Crêche (Clérice) E
3236. Pat 4871/4873 Marie Delna: Cavalleria Rusticana-Romance de Santuzza//La Vivandière-Hymne à la Liberté! E--
3237. Pat 4872/4874 Marie Delna: L'Attaque du Moulin-Ah, la guerre//Miarka-Hymne au Soliel Creator record E-
3238. Pat 4876/4877 Marie Delna: Samson et Dalila-Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix//Printemps qui commence FW SM SCRS E
3239. Pat 235/236 Delna & Alvarez: Le Prophète-Duet from the 5th Act//La Favorite-Duet from the 4th Act V++
3240. Pat 30203/04 Cato Engelen-Sewing: Faust-Ballade//Juweelen Aria MN SCRS, LSCFS V++
3241. Pat 4118/4119 Maria Galvany: Rigoletto-Aria di Gilda//La Traviata-Sempre libera E--/V++
3242. Pat 4120/4132 Maria Galvany: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Andante della Cavatina//Allegretto della Cavatina V++
3243. Pat 4121/4122 Maria Galvany: Variazioni (Proch)//Lakmè-Aria dei Campanelli FW BBLS E
3244. Pat 15529/648 Marie Götze: Rheingold-Weiche Wotan, weiche//Schmerzen E--
3245. Pat 269 [ss] Georges Imbart De La Tour: Manon-Ah! fuyez douce image V+
3246. Pat 273/4581 Georges Imbart De La Tour: Tannhauser-Hymne à Venus//Lohengrin-Récit du Graal LT CTL V+/E--
3247. Pat 4800/4803 Valentin Jaume: Sigurd-Esprits gardiens//Le Trouvère-Supplice infâme MB 25 LT SCRS E
3248. Pat 4801/4804 Valentin Jaume: L'Africaine-Air de Vasco//Les Huguenots-Plus blanche LT 1" CR V+
3249. Pat 50112/114 Louise Kirkby-Lunn: Vanika's Song//In Sweet September E--
3250. Pat 76504/506 Kirkby-Lunn & Davies: The Sailor Sighs As Sinks His Native Shore//Oh That We Two Were Maying E--
3251. Pat 76505/506 Kirkby-Lunn & Davies: Il Trovatore-Home to our mountains//Oh That We Two Were Maying (Nevin) E-
3252. Pat 4218/4221 Pietro Lara: Rigoletto-Parmi veder le lagrime//L'Elisir d'Amore-Une furtiva lagrima LT HDM E--
*3253. Pat 3905 Jean Lassalle: Pensée d'Automne (Massenet), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 100 E--
3254. Pat 84198/359 Bianca Lenzi: Otello-Preghiera di Desdemona//Il Libro Santo (Pinsuti) Pigment msg MB 25 VSM BLS S1 E+/E
3255. Pat 84171/172 Elvira Magliulo: Andrea Chenier-La mamma morta//Gioconda-Suicidio Pigment msg MB 15 E-
3256. Pat 84173/174 Elvira Magliulo: Iris-La Piovra//S'era malata Pigment msg MB 25 E
3257. Pat 323/329 Adolphe Maréchal: Manon-Ah! fuyez, douce image//Le Jongleur de Notre Dame-Air du ténor MB 50 E--
3258. Pat 1005/1014 Jane Marignan: Faust-Ballade du Roi de Thulé//Ah! je ris de me voir si belle MB 15 SM SCRS S2 E-/E
3259. Pat 534/535 Marignan & Belhomme: Le Pré aux Clercs-Les rendezvous//Cendrillon-Duet from the 3rd Act E--
3260. Pat 539/540 Marignan & Belhomme: La Petite Mariée-Duo de la lecture//Le Caïd-O ma Gazelle, ma Tourterelle E--
3261. Pat 4612/4662 Marignan & Nuibo: L'Attaque de Moulin-Te le rappelles toi?//Augustin Nuibo: Fortunio-Si vous croyez E-
3262. Pat 86365/364 Edvige Medugno: I Pescatori di Perle-Temer non soper me//Bianca Lenzi: Faust-Scena della Finestra
Pigment msg MB 25 E
3263. Pat 1838/1977 Jane Mérey: Mignon-Connais-tu le pays//Air de Titania E-
3264. Pat 1960/1962 Jane Mérey: La Fille du Régiment-Salut à la France//Le Barbier de Séville-Allegro du grand air de Rosine E-
3265. Pat 1965/2032 Jane Mérey: Le Barbier de Séville-Air de Rosine//Carmen-Air de Micaëla E-
3266. Pat 1983/2047 Jane Mérey: La Flûte Enchantée-Air de Pamina//Les Noces de Figaro-Mon coeur E-
3267. Pat 2005/2076 Jane Mérey: La Bohème-On m'appelle Mimi//Manon-Je suis encore toute étourdie SCFS E-
3268. Pat 3762/3763 Mérey & Vaguet: Roméo et Juliette-Fragment from the 4th Act//Faust-Fragment from the 2nd Act E--
3269. Pat/AICC 80335/637 Mezzo-Soprano: Jone-Abbandonata ed orfana//Lohengrin-Or Dei profani MB 15 E-
3270. Pat 4865/4682 Lalla Miranda: Lakmé-Air des Clochettes//Franz Gautier: Les Dragons de Villars-Ne parle pas MB 15 E--
3271. Pat 4568 Augustin Nuibo: Manon-Ah! fuyez douce image V++
3272. Pat 4569/4660 Augustin Nuibo: Lakmé-Fantaisie, ô divin mensonge//La Vie de Bohême-Eh bien! je suis poête EF NTPG S2 E--
3273. Pat 4570 Augustin Nuibo: Cavalleria Rusticana-O! Lola blanche fleur E--
3274. Pat 3382/236 Maurice Renaud: Le Roi de Lahore-Promesse//Delna & Alvarez: La Favorite-Duet from the 4th Act V+
3275. Pat 3386/3387 Maurice Renaud: Sigurd-Et toi Freia//Tannhauser-Romance de l'Etoile MB 15 V++/E--
3276. Pat 4200/4201 Titta Ruffo: Zazà-Buona Zazà//Zazà piccola zingara V++
3277. Pat 4207/4208 Titta Ruffo: La Traviata-Di provenza il mare//Faust-Morte di Valentino MB 25 SCR, SM ND S1 E-
3278. Pat 86177/190 Tina Scognamiglio: La Traviata-Ah forse è lui//Addio del passat LT SCR, BBL E-
3279. Pat 86180/187 Scognamiglio & Venerandi: La Traviata-Brindisi//Un dì felice V++
3280. Pat 24277/280 Lev Sibiryakov: Juive-Cavatina//Faust-Sérénade de Méfisto Pigment msg V
3281. Pat 81057/064 Quartet: La Bohême-Quartet//Rigoletto-Bella figlia dell 'amore SCRS, VHV SCR S2 E-
3282. Pat 3723/3724 Gabriel Soulacroix: Rip-Couplets de la Paresse//Romance des enfants E--
3283. Pat 81106/115 Tenor Solo: Quando Cadran Le Foglie//Quando Tu Sarai Vecchia (both by Tosti) MB 15 E--
3284. Pat 4542/4543 Albert Vaguet: Mignon-Elle ne croyait pas//Adieu Mignon VSM BLS S1 E

3285. Pat 791/860 Vaguet, Albers, Marignan & Berzia: Rigoletto-Quatuor//Vaguet & Vallandri: Le Trouvère-Scène du Misérère V+
3286. Pat 795/797 Ernest Van Dyck: La Walkyrie-Chant d'amour//Werther-Pourquoi me réveiller Creator s2 E-
3287. Pat 4654/4655 Jean-Daniel Vigneau: Hérodiade-Vision fugitive//Le Barbier de Séville-Air de Figaro E-
3288. Pat 54553/874 Robert Vom Scheidt: Tannhäuser-Wohl wusst' ich sie hier//Fliegender Holländer-Weit komm ich hier LT 1" IC E-
3289. Pat 19122/123 Friederich Weidemann: Der Trompeter von Säckingen-Ihr heisset//Gesang Weylas (Wolf) MB 25 E-
3290. Pat 1422/4862 Mme X: Petits Bambins d'Amour (Delabre)//Rigoletto-Air de Gilda E--
3291. Pat 4861/4864 Mme X: Les Huguenots-O beau pays de la Touraine//Hamlet-Air de la Folie E-

10" Classical pressings (number of records given in brackets), MB $3

3292. DsqG K-5336 M.G. Balay & Musique de la Garde Républicane: Dionysiaques (Schmitt), Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3293. RU Aprelevka 12916/917 Grigory Ginzburg, pno: Rhapsody No 10 (Liszt), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 E-
3294. RU Aprelevka 16967/968 Grigory Ginzburg, pno: Rhapsody No 11 (Liszt), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 E-
3295. Lon R-10024 Georg Hoeberg & the Royal Sym Orc of Copenhagen: Indiansk Krigdans//Jernbane Galop (both by Lumbye) LT SCRS E
3296. CoV 2460-D Evlyn Howard-Jones, pno: Waltz & Toccata//Mazurka & Waltz, all from "Five Piano Pieces" (Delius) VLT WOL E+
3297. CoMN A-208 Jaroslav Kocian, vln: Canzonette (d'Ambrosio)//Xylo Solo: I Have Grown So Used To You MB 15 HV GR SWS V+
3298. ViS 1428 Fritz Kreisler, vln: Ruralia Hungarica-Presto, Op 32, No 1//Molto Vivace, No 3 (both by Donhányi) LT SCFS E
3299. ViW 66104 Fritz Kreisler, vln: Aucassin And Nicolette (Kreisler) MB 15 E+

Recorded October 26, 1902, this private matrix was not intended for commercial release. The luxuriantly textured maroon card-stock sleeve with gold printing features a stunning
image of the distinguished young artist and says, " Romance - D'Ambrosio, Private Record Specially Made for Mons. Kubelik. Dedicated to Herrn H. Klinker. With Compliments of
the Gramophone & Typewriter Ld. 21. City Road, London. E.C." (Hermann Klinker was Kubelik's agent.) The label itself bears no catalog number and also states, "Made specially
for Mons. Kubelik." An indistinct comment can be heard immediately following the selection.
Kubelik had a long and successful career both as a violinist and a composer. He began his career with a Guarneri instrument and was gifted a Stradivarius in 1901 (now known as
the "Kubelik" Strad). He played that violin for a number of years before acquiring his final instrument, the "Emperor" Strad. It is probable that the "Kubelik" was used for this recording.
This session was the 22 year old's first trip to the recording studio, and seven selections were taken. Matrix 2700 was the earliest, making this the first recording of his career. It is
also his rarest.
*3300. G&T Blk mx 2700-w stp 1 Jan Kubelik, vln: Romance (D'Ambrosio) Original Presentation Sleeve (scuffing) MB 2500 VLT NR AB E

3301. Br 15024 Elly Ney, pno: Soirées De Vienne//Ständchen Von Shakespeare (both by Schubert-Liszt) LT WOL, LSCR E-
3302. RU Aprelevka 12984/85 David Oistrakh, vln w/Kirill Kondrashin & the Bolshoi Theater Orc: Melancholic Serenade (Tchaikovsky), Pt 2//Pt 3 INT HC, LT SCFS E-
3303. RU Aprelevka 12084/85 Alexander Orlov & Sym Orc: Serbian Fantasy (Rimsky-Korsakov), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3304. CoV2 5476-X Julio Martinez Oyanguren, gtr: Danza En La (Bobri)//La Cumparsita (Rodriguez) LG TORN SOL E--
3305. Orfeo 107 [Ur] Julio Martinez Oyanguren, gtr: Pericon//Vidalita (both by Sinópolis) ISOL S2 E--
3306. Orfeo 1005 [Ur] Julio Martinez Oyanguren, gtr: Danza Española, No 5//No 6 (both by Granados) E--
3307. Orfeo 1007 [Ur] Julio Martinez Oyanguren, gtr: Cadiz//Rumores De La Caleta (both by Albéniz) E--
3308. ViC 37072 [Arg] Julio Martinez Oyanguren, gtr: Un Momento (Alais)//Jota Composer perf s2 FLBLS, FW SCRS E--
*3309. Allied mx A-21103 [ss; vnl] Anita Priest, pno: Tilimbom (Stravinsky) Priest served as organist with the Los Angeles Phil &
Hollywood Bowl Orcs MB 25 LT SCFS E
3310. RU Aprelevka D-2542/43 [33rpm; mgv] Sviatoslav Richter, pno w/Kurt Zanderling & the All-Union Radio Sym Orc: Piano Concerto No 1 in
F Sharp Minor, Op 1 (Rachmaninoff), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 LT SCRS E
3311. DscG AA-126 Andrés Segovia, gtr: Courante (Bach)//Sonatina En La Mayor (Torroba) SM NR, LSCR V++
3312. HMV DA-1552 Andrés Segovia, gtr: Mazurka//Petite Valse (both by Ponce) MB 25 E+
3313. ViS 4151 Fabien Sevitzky & the Phila Chamber String Simfonietta: Elégie (Tchaikovsky), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3314. RU Aprelevka 13093/094 Vladimir Sofronitsky, pno: Etude, Op 10, No 8//Etudes, Op 11, No 14 & Op 17, No 4 (all by Scriabin) SM SCF S2 E--
3315. ViW 64952 Arturo Toscanini & the La Scala Orc: La Pisanelle-Le quai du port de Famagouste LT GR E
3316. DsqG 30587/88 La Musique du Vatican: Les Trompetts D'Argent//Hymne Pontificial Special Gregorian lbls MB 25 E-
3317. ViS 20104 Alfred Wallenstein, vlc: Serenade (Pierné)//Simple Confession (Thomé) Oakland pressing E--

10½" Classical pressings, MB $10

*3318. Od Br 116046/47 Fini Henriques, vln: Romance (Sivori)//Gavotte (Gossec)
Getty collection; Bidder Request Show MB 150 LT GR, VSM LTR E-

3319. CoFono 39164/194 Jan Kubelik, vln: Faust-Ballata di Mefistofele//Réverie (Schumann) LNRS V++
3320. Od Br Rx-98112/113 Jan Kubelik, vln: Souvenir//Serenade (both by Drdla) SCFS, LT LSTS E-
3321. Fono 92755/56 Orc del Teatro alla Scala: Loreley-La Danza delle Ondine, Pt 1//Pt 2 Serial Nos 37/28 SCFS, FW SCRS E--
3322. Fono 39222/231 Jacques Thibaud, vln: Scherzando (Marsick)//Le Cygne (Saint-Saëns) MB 25 V++

12" Classical pressings (number of records given in brackets), MB $4

3323. VoW 35028 Aeolian Concert Orc: A Hunt In The Black Forest (Voelker)//In A Clock Store (Orth) SCRS E-
3324. Od F-5638 [It] M. Albergoni & Grande Sym Orc: Le Maschere-Sinfonia, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3325. CoSy A-5931 Ernest Ansermet & Serge de Diaghileff's Russian Ballet Orc: Danse Des Bouffons (Rimsky-Korsakov)//
Le Pavillion d'Armide-Waltz (Tscherspnine) E-
3326. CoSy A-7548 Ernest Ansermet & Serge de Diaghileff's Russian Ballet Orc: Carnaval (Schumann), Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS E-
3327. CoV 67607-D Enrique Fernandez Arbos & Madrid Sym Orc: Noche de Arabia-Intermezzo (Arbos), Pt 1//Pt 2 Composer performance;
Arbos autograph s1 MB 15 LSTS E
3328. Poly 566288 [Fr] Yvonne Astruc, vln: Concerto De Printemps (Milhaud), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 LT GR E
3329. Star 5705 [ss] Band: Zampa-Overture Co press V+
3330. CoSy 5694 [ss] Banda Española: The Prophet-Coronation march E--
3331. CoSy 5703 [ss] Banda Española: Morning, Noon and Night in Vienna-Overture (Suppé) E--
3332. CoSy 5705 [ss] Banda Española: Zampa-Overture SM LSCF E-
3333. CoSy 5706 [ss] Banda Española: Selection from "Tosca" E--
3334. CoSy 5710 [ss] Banda Española: Selection from "Traviata" HMLC TOK E--
3335. CoSy 5722 [ss] Banda Española: Merry Wives of Windsor-Overture LC NAP S2 E--
3336. CoSy 5725 [ss] Banda Española: Rigoletto-Quartette E-
3337. Cet CB-20371 Arturo Basile & the Radio Italiano Sym Orc: Polifemo-Impressione sinfonica, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
3338. ViR 11-9113 Harold Bauer: Etude in D Flat//Waldesrauschen (both by Liszt) E+
3339. ViC 8162 Harold Bauer & Ossip Gabrilowitsch, pnos: Valse, Op 15 (Arensky)//Impromptu-Rococco, Op 58, No 2 (Schütt) E
3340. ViR 11-8567 Alexander Brailowsky, pno: Lesghinka, Op 11 (Liapounoff), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3341. CoF A-6057 Eddy Brown, vln: Paraphrase on Paderewski's Minuet (Kreisler)//Polish Dance (Wieniaski) V++
3342. Poly 66430 Fritz Busch & the Dresden State Opera Orc: La Forza del Destino-Battaglia & tarantella//Turandot-Marcia del Ministri e Mandarini E-

*3343. Photo & Sound mx APS-188/189-CHI Cage, Cage, Jansen & Dennison: 13th Simfony (Harrison), Pt 1//Pt 2 Cornell Univ sol s1;
notes from composer; Bidder Request Show MB 250 LT SCRS E

3344. CoM 71831-D Robert & Gaby Casadesus, pnos: Le Bal Martiniquais (Milhaud), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E
3345. CoV2 68853-D Robert Casadesus, pno: Prelude in D Minor, No 5 & 5th Impromptu in F Sharp Minor (both Faure)//
Cerdana-No 5, Le Retour Des Muletiers (De Severac) LT ULC E+
3346. Elec DB-1067 Pablo Casals, vlc: Toccata in G Major (Bach)//Goyescas-Intermezzo (Granados) SCFS, LT SCRS, SOLS E
3347. Elec DB-1392 Pablo Casals, vlc: Allegro in A Major//Adagio in A Major (both by Boccherini) MB 15 E
3348. ViS 7193 Pablo Casals, vlc: Songs My Mother Taught Me (Dvorak) & Flight Of The Bumble Bee (Korsakov)//
Song Without Words in D, Op 109 (Mendelssohn) LT SCFS, LT GR E
3349. Co GQX-10524-25 [2 recs] Casella, Poltronieri & Bonucci; pno, vln & vlc: Trio in Do Diesis, Op 87 (Brahms) E+/E
3350. Co L-1396-97 [2 recs] Catterall & Murdoch, vln & pno: Sonata in D Minor, Op 28 (Taylor) WOLS, LSTS E/E+
3351. HMV DB-4966 [fs] Gustave Charpentier & Pasdeloup Orc: La Vie Du Poète (Charpentier), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 VLT SCR S2 E
3352. Od 170125-27 [3 recs] Gustave Charpentier & Grand Orc Odeon: Couronnement De La Muse De Peuple-Marche (Charpentier) MB 15 SM LTRS E
3353. ViW 6349 René Chemet, vln: Sonata in G Minor (Tartini), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3354. ViC 9006 Albert Coates & Sym Orc: The Valkyrie-Fire Music, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
3355. Co 9369-70 [2 recs] Eric Coates & the New Queen's Hall Light Orc: Summer Days Suite//Wood Nymphs (both by Coates)
Lss "Recorded in the Wigmore Hall" E-
3356. DsqG DB-4843 Piero Coppola & the Soc des Concerts du Conservatoire: Gwendoline-Overture (Chabrier), Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCR S1 E
3357. DsqG W-1029-30 [2 recs] Piero Coppola & Le Grand Orc Sym: Rapsodie Espangole (Ravel) MB 15 E
3358. DsqG W-1172-1173 [2 recs] Piero Coppola & the Soc des Concerts du Conservatoire: Namouna Suite (Lalo) MB 15 LT SCFS D2 E
3359. ViS 11150-51 [2 recs] Piero Coppola & the Soc des Concerts du Conservatoire: Le Tombeau De Couperin (Ravel) FW SCRS, SM LTR E-/E
3360. ViC 11426 Pierre Coppola & Sym Orc w/M. Viard, sax: Rhapsody for Orchestra & Saxophone (Debussy), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3361. Elec DB-1321 Alfred Cortot, pno: Nocturne in E Flat Major, Op 9, No 2//Waltz in C Sharp Minor, Op 64, No 2 (Chopin) LT SCFS E
3362. Elec DB-1346 Alfred Cortot, pno: Ballad in F Minor, Op 52 (Chopin), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3363. De K-1117-18 [2 recs] Benjamin Britten & Clifford Curzon, pnos: Introduction & Rondo alla Burlesca, Op 23, No 1//
Mazurka Elegiaca, Op 23, No 2 (both by Britten) MB 15 E+
3364. CoSy A-6230 Walter Damrosch & the New York Sym Orc: Symphony in G Minor, 1st Mvt (Mozart)//3rd Mvt E-
3365. HMV DB-861 Vladimir De Pachmann, pno: Mazurka in A Flat Major, Op 50, No 2//Mazurka in B Flat Minor, Op 24, No 4 (Chopin) WOLS, LST E-
3366. ViC 6879 Vladimir De Pachmann, pno: Nocturne in E Minor, Op 72//Mazurka in C Sharp Minor, Op 63, No 3 &
Mazurka in A Minor, Op 67, No 4 (all by Chopin) LT SCRS E
3367. ViW 74260 Vladimir De Pachmann, pno: Prélude Op 28, No 24 & Etude Op 10, No 5 (both by Chopin) E
3368. ViS 9121 Marcel Dupré, org: Pièce Heroïque (Franck), Pt 1//Pt 2 Z shellac MB 15 SM SCFS S1 E
3369. HMV D-2132-33 [2 recs] Sir Edward Elgar & the London Sym Orc: Serenade in E Minor for Strings, Op 20//Contrasts, Op 10, No 3 (both by Elgar)
Composer conducts SCRS, SCFS E
3370. ViP 74165 Mischa Elman, vln: Rondo Capriccioso (Saint-Saëns) E
3371. ViW 74176 Mischa Elman, vln: Caprice Basque (De Sarasate) LT WMK E
3372. ViW 74455 Mischa Elman, vln: Spanish Dance (Sarasate) E
3373. ViW 74590 Mischa Elman, vln: Nocturne in D Flat, Op 27 No 2 (Chopin) LN LT SCR E
3374. CoV2 69001-D Emanuel Feuermann, vlc: Sonata, Op 25, No 3 (Hindemith), Pt 1//Pt 2 VLT SCRS E
3375. Co LX-472-75 [4 recs] Emanuel Feuermann, vlc: Concerto in D Major for Cello & Orchestra (Haydn) MB 15 LT LSTS E/E-
3376. Co LX-331 Feuermann & Van Der Pas, vlc & pno: Magic Flute-Seven variations on "The Manly Heart" duet, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT LST E-
3377. Br 20019 Fredric Fradkin, vln: Humoresque (Dvorák)//Thaïs-Méditation SCFS E--
3378. Co LFX-43 Zino Francescatti, vln: Zigeunerweisen (De Sarasate), Pt 1//Pt 2 SOL 2 E
3379. ViC 9009 Rudolph Ganz & the St Louis Sym Orc: Country Dance No 1//Pastoral Dance No 2 &
The Merrymaker's Dance No 3 (all by German) FW SCRS E
3380. CoV2 69335-36-D [2 recs; bw] Philippe Gaubert & Paris Sym Orc: Les Chants De La Mer (Gaubert) MB 15 E
3381. Br 30004 Leopold Godowsky, pno: Marche Militaire (Schubert) E--
3382. Br 30025 Leopold Godowsky, pno: Kamennoi-Ostrow, Op 10 (Rubinstein) E--
3383. HMV ED-1193-94 [2 recs; Aus] Eugene Goosens & A.B.C. Sydney Sym Orc: Corroboree-Ballet suite (Antill) Notes SM EFS, LT LSTS, LT LC D2 E-
3384. Pat 9578 [11½"] Gil Graven, vln: Célèbre Menuet (Mozart)//Célèbre Serenata (Toselli) E-
3385. DsqG L-990-91 [2 recs] Reynaldo Hahn & Orc: La Bal De Beatrice D'Este (Hahn) MB 15 LN LSCR E-
3386. ViS 9106 Mark Hambourg, pno: The Harmonious Blacksmith (Handel)//La Cathédrale Engloutie-Prelude (Debussy) LT LST E+
3387. ViW 6550 Cecilia Hansen, vln: Kujawiak (Wieniawski)//Hejre Kati, Op 32, No 4 (Hubay) E
3388. ViP 70048 Victor Herbert's Orc: March Of The Toys, from "Babes in Toyland" E-
3389. ViP 70067 Victor Herbert's Orc: Carmen Suite (Bizet) E
3390. Od AA-210212 Hertzberg & Björck: Kavaljerena pa Ekeby-Moder, moder, förbarma dig//Brita Hertzberg:
Gâ din väg, jag levde lycklig SCFS E-
3391. Friends of Recorded Music 7 Katherine Ruth Heyman, pno: Sonata No 4 in F Sharp Major, Op 30 (Scriabine), Pt 1//Pt 2 Co-ARC press E--
3392. Br 50045 Josef Hofmann, pno: Prelude in G Minor, Op 23 (Rachmaninoff)//My Joys (Chopin-Liszt) E--
3393. CoSy A-6211 Josef Hofmann, pno: Maiden's Wish (Chopin)//Butterfly (Grieg) & Spinning Song (Mendelssohn) FW SM SRS E-
3394. Poly 95296 Jascha Horenstein & the Berlin Phl Orc: Titus-Overture//Le Nozze di Figaro-Overture E-
3395. ViR 12-427 Vladimir Horowitz, pno: Carmen-Variaciones Sobre El Tema//Mazurka en F Minor (Chopin) E
3396. Artiphone Z-2008 [Fr] Jacques Ibert & Orc: Donogoo (Ibert), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E-
3397. CoV2 P-69339-D D.E. Inghelbrecht & Grand Orc Phl of Paris: Derniers Nurseries (Inghelbrecht), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E+
3398. ViC 15366 José & Amparo Iturbi, pnos: Caprice Arabe, Op 96 (Saint-Saëns), Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCRS E
3399. DsqG L-1053 Maurice Jaubert & Sym Orc: Le Paradis d'Amitabha (Vellones), Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCRS E
3400. ViC 11-8608 Hans Kindler & the Nat Sym Orc: Stars (Howe)//Batique (Fernandez) SM SCRS E
3401. Co DFX-5 Kindler & Harsanyi, vlc & pno: Sonate pour Violoncelle et Piano (Harsanyi), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 SM EF NTG E
3402. Vox 08190 Erich Kleiber & the Berlin State Opera Orc: Der Freischütz-Overture, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS E--
3403. PolyMC 66463 Otto Klemperer & the Berlin State Opera Orc: Alborada Del Gaciosa (Ravel), Pt 1//Pt 2 WOL, LST S1 E-
3404. PolyMC 66464-65 [2 recs] Otto Klemperer & the Berlin State Opera Orc: Nocturnes (Debussy) ND S2, NRS DNS E--
3405. ViW 6187 Fritz Kreisler, vln: Scherzo (Dittersdorf)//Viennese Waltz (Godowsky) E+
3406. ViW 6188 Fritz Kreisler, vln: Chanson Méditation (Cottenet)//Bohemian Fantasie (Smetana) E+
3407. ViS 6692 Fritz Kreisler, vln: Humoresque (Dvorak)//Caprice Viennois (Kreisler) Z-type shellac E+
3408. ViS 6712 Fritz Kreisler, vln: Gypsy Caprice//Shepherd's Madrigal (both by Kreisler) E
3409. ViR 11-9952 Fritz Kreisler, vln: Viennese Rhapsodic Fantasietta (Kreisler), Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
3410. Ult G-11385 Jan Kubelik, vln: Burleska (Kubelik)//Ave Maria (Schubert) MB 15 E-
3411. ViW 74368 Jan Kubelik, vln: Sixth Sonata-Adagio & Allegro (Handel) LT SCFS E
3412. ViW 74370 Jan Kubelik, vln: Second Concerto-Finale, Op 22 (Wienawski) SM LSCFS E
3413. Tri-Ergon TE-10028 Enrst Kunwald & Berlin Sym Orc: Der Fliegende Holländer-Overture, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 SCFS, SCR S1 E-
3414. Co DX-1076-77 [2 recs] Constant Lambert & the Halle Orc: Comus-Ballet Suite (Purcell) LT SCFS E
3415. HMV EH-1300-01 [2 recs] Franz Lehár & the Wiener Phl: Musikalische Memoiren (Lehár) Bidder Request Show MB 25 2 VSM LT LSCRS E+
3416. Co LFX-567 Marguerite Long, pno: Nocturne No 4 (Fauré), Pt 1//Pt 2 M-
3417. BBC mx 12RM-20415 [vnl; ss] Harold Lowe w/the BBC Theatre Orc: Canzonetta (Bridge) Lss "23rd February 1944"; textured backplate LT WPG E-
3418. Co LX-1269-70 [2 recs] Witold Malcuzynski, pno: Prelude, Chorale & Fugue (Franck) MB 15 E-
3419. Co D-15176 Maurice Marechal, vlc: Elegie, Op 24 (Fauré), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 LT LSTS E
3420. DsqG DB-5071 Igor Markevitch & the Belgian National Orc: L'Envol d'Icare (Markevitch), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 VSM LTRS E

3421. Siemens-Poly 57316 Ludwig Mayer & the Städtisches Orc Berlin: Sinfonischer Marsch (Uhl)//Militärmarsch, Op 57, No 1 (Strauss)
"Information Control Unit" sol s2 E-
3422. ViS 14324 Yehudi Menuhin, vln: Partita No 1 in B Minor-Sarabande//Sonata No 2 in A Minor-Andante (both by Bach)
Z-type shellac MB 15 E
3423. ViS 14352 Yehudi Menuhin, vln: Souvenir De Moscow, Op 6 (Wieniawski), Pt 1//Pt 2
Z-type shellac MB 15 SM BLS S1, LT LSCF E+
3424. HMV DB-1365-67 [3 recs] Menuhin & Giesen, vln & pno: Sonata in D Major, Op 12, No 1 (Beethoven)//Sonata in C Major, K. 296 (Mozart) MB 15 E-
3425. HMV DB-6441-43 [3 recs] Hephzibah & Yehudi Menuhin, pno & vln: Sonata No 3 in D Minor, Op 108 (Brahms) E--
3426. CoSy A-6122 Andre Messager & the French Sym Orc: Cappricio Espagnole (Rimsky-Korsakov)//Samson and Delilah-Danse Bacchanale E-
3427. Ult E-182 Selmar Meyrowitz & the Berlin State Opera Orc: Carmen-Preludes, Pt 1//Pt 2 V++
3428. HMV CS-7648-50 [3 recs] Benno Moiseivitch, pno & Phl Orc: Concerto for Pianoforte & Orc (Delius) E
3429. Co GQX-10241 [It] Lorenzo Molajoli & the Grande Orc : Sinfonica di Milano:Guglielmo Ratcliff-Intermezzo//Il sogno de Ratcliff E--
3430. ViC 11-8849 Ricardo Odnoposoff, vln: Peter And The Wolf - Theme and Procession (Prokofieff)//La Campanella (Paganini)
Autographed by Odnoposoff both sds MB 15 E
3431. ViC 8629 Eugene Ormandy & the Minn Sym Orc: When Johnny Comes Marching Home-An American Overture (Harris), Pt 1//Pt 2 Notes E+
3432. ViW 6230 Ignace Jan Paderewski, pno: Valse in A Flat, Op 42 (Chopin)//Cracovienne Fantastique, Op 14, No 6 (Paderewski) E
3433. ViRW 6234 Ignace Jan Paderewski, pno: Polonaise Militaire, Op 40, No 2//Waltz in C Sharp Minor, Op 64, No 2 (both by Chopin) E
3434. ViW 6470 Ignace Jan Paderewski, pno: Funeral March (Chopin)//Hark, Hark, The Lark (Schubert/Liszt) LT LSTS, SM LTRS E
3435. ViS 6633 Ignace Jan Paderewski, pno: Reflections On The Water (Debussy)//Chant d'Amour, Op 26, No 3 (Stokowski) SCFS E-
3436. ViW 74765 Ignace Jan Paderewski, pno: Nocturne in B Flat, Op 16, No 4 (Paderewski) MB 15 E-
3437. ViP 88357 Ignace Jan Paderewski, pno: Hark, Hark, The Lark (Schubert-Liszt) E
3438. CoV2 68504-D Egon Petri, pno: Soirée De Vienne (Schubert, arr. Liszt), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3439. CoM 11830-D Gregor Piatigorsky, vlc: Divertimento (Haydn), Pt 1//Pt 2 SM LTRS E-
3440. CoM 71889-D Gregor Piatigorsky, vlc: Introduction & Polonaise Brillante in C Major, Op 3 (Chopin), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3441. CoV 68035-036-D [2 recs] Gabriel Pierné & the Orc of the Concerts Colonne: Cydalise et le Chévre-Pied (Pierné) MB 15 LT PDEF TOK S1 E/E+
3442. Co LFX-337 Gabriel Pierné & the Colonne Orc: Giration (Pierné) Written expressly for the phonograph!
Recorded Jan 12, 1934; Bidder Request Show MB 15 VLT SCFS E
3443. Od 123574 Gabriel Pierné & L'Assoc Artistique des Conc Pierné: Ramuntcho (Pierné), Pt 1//Pt 2 SM LTRS S1 E--
3444. PaOd R-20109 Gabriel Pierné & L'Assoc Artistique des Conc Pierné: Fireworks//Polka and Galop (all by Stravinksy) FW SCFS E-
3445. Co D-14633-35 [3 recs] Poltronieri Qrt: Quartetto in D (Borodine) MB 25 FW LT SCFS E
3446. NGS 103-04 [2 recs] Poltronieri String Qrt: Malipiero (Stornelli-Ballate) SM SCR S3 E
3447. SG 69848 [fs] Vaša Prihoda, vln: Türkischer Marsch//Richard Strauss & the Orc der Staatsoper Berlin:
Symphonie No 41, K 551 (both by Mozart) MB 75 SM HV NR TOK S2 E
3448. Pa A-4220 [Aus] Emil Prill, flt: Russian Carnival (Ciardi), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3449. ViC 17513 William Primrose, vla: Sonata No 6 in A Major (Boccherini), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3450. ViC 11-8947 William Primrose, vla: Cookie & From San Domingo//Jamaican Rumba & Matty Rag (all by Benjamin) LSCR E-
3451. ViR 11-9615-17 [3 recs] William Primrose, vla: Concerto in B Minor (Handel)//Praeludium and Allegro (Kreisler) LT SCFS E
3452. CoMN E-5050 Prince's Military Band: Wedding March (Mendelssohn)//Hugo Hultèn: Trollflöjten LSCFS, RTL E-
3453. DsqG DB-1463-64 [2 recs] Rachmaninoff & Kreisler, pno & vln: Sonata in G Major (Beethoven) LT SCRS D2 E-
3454. ViC 18032 Ossy Renardy, vln: Adagio in E Major, K. 261 (Mozart)//Allegro Movement in C Minor (Brahms-Schumann-Dietrich) E
3455. HMV D-159 Landon Ronald & the Royal Albert Hall Orc: Shepherd's Hey (Grainger)//Shepherd Fennel's Dance (Gardiner) LTR S1, SCFS E-
3456. PatArt X-5426 [11½"] François Ruhlmann & Sym Orc: La Damnation de Faust-Chanson de Brander & Fugue//Marche Hongroise LNRS S2 E--
3457. PatArt X-5468 François Ruhlmann & Grand Sym Orc: Messidor (Bruneau), Pt 2//Pt 2 V++
3458. PatArt X-5531 François Ruhlmann & Grand Sym Orc: L'Invitation A La Valse (Berlioz), Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3459. Pat X-96206-07 [2 recs] François Ruhlmann & Orc: Ballet d'Isoline (Messager) FW SCRS E/E-
3460. DscG S-8126 Carlo Sabajno & the Scala Theatre Orc: Jone-Marcia lugubre (Petrella)//Sinfonia
Large "Special Record" pasteover lbls from V.T.M. Co. WOL, LST E-
3461. ViW 55141 Alberto Salvi, harp: Fantasie Impromptu, Op 66 (Chopin)//Fantasie in B Flat (Parish) E-
3462. Co L-1071 Albert Sammons, vln: Concerto in B Minor for Violin & Orc (Elgar), Pt 1//Pt 2 VLT SCR, WOL, LST E
3463. ViW 55111 Sassoli & Lemmoné, harp & flt: Concerto for Harp & Flute-1st Mvt (Mozart)//John Lemmoné, flt: By The Brook (Wetzger) VSM LTR E
3464. CoSy 49454 Toscha Seidel, vln: Humoreske (Dvorak) V++
3465. VDM S-10517 Tullio Serafin & the Rome Radio Italiana Sym Orc: Anna Karenina-Gli amanti del duetto//Prelude E-
3466. Concert Hall mx 1200/1201 [vnl] Leo Smit, pno: Scherzo a la Russe (Tchaikovsky), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
*3467. Pat PAT-10 Denise Soriano, vln: Andante, Op 75 (Fauré)//Praeludium (Bach)
Lss "Grand Prix du Disque 1934" MB 50 SM SCR S2 E
3468. ViC 15355 Albert Spalding, vln w/Eugene Ormandy & the Phila Orc: Concerto No 8 in A Minor, Op 47 (Spohr), Pt 1//Pt 2 VLT SCF E
3469. De 25379 Tossy Spiwakowsky, vln: Slavonic Dance in E Minor (Dvorak)//Zapatedo, Op 23, No 2 (Sarasate) E-
3470. Pa P-9486 Fritz Stiedry & the Berlin State Grande Sym Orc: Italian Serenade (Wolf), Pt 1//Pt 2 BLSS S2 E
3471. CoM 11665-D Frederick Stock & the Chicago Sym Orc: Pinocchio-Overture (Toch), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3472. ViS 6505 Leopold Stokowski & the Phil Orc: Danse Macabre (Saint-Saëns), Pt 1//Pt 2 Z shellac LT SCFS, ULC E
3473. CoV 67952-D [2 recs] Walther Straram & the Orc des Concerts Straram: Le Festin De L'Araignée (Roussel) E
3474. Br 90120 Richard Strauss & the Berlin State Opera Orc: The Flying Dutchman-Overture, Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3475. Elec EJ-35 Richard Strauss & Tivoli Orc: Der Rosenkavalier (R. Strauss), Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3476. DsqG W-1160 Magda Tagliafero, pno: Suite pour le Piano-Sarabande (Debussy)//Prélude LT ISOL E
3477. CoV 50151-D Lionel Tertis, vla: Sonata in A Major (Mozart), Pt 1//Pt 2 VLT SCRS E
3478. ViC 7272 Jacques Thibaud, vln: La Vida Breve, No 1 (De Falla)//Le Deluge-Prelude (Saint-Saëns) VLT LSCR E+
3479. Polyphon 50031 Tonkünstier Orc: Margarthe-Waltz//Introduction SM LTRS, SM WOL, SF S2 E-
3480. Br 50074 Arturo Toscanini & the NY Phl Orc w/John Amans, flt: Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn)-Scherzo//
Bruno Jaenicke, horn: Nocturne E-
3481. DsqG L-548 Francis Touche & Concert Orc: L'Enfant Prodique (Debussy)//Panvane pour une Infante défunte (Ravel) LSTS, WOLS E--
3482. Co LX-404 [3 recs] Van Der Pas & Feuermann, pno & vlc: Sonata No 1 in E Minor for Piano and Cello, Op 22 (Brahms)//Emanuel Feuermann, vlc:
Orphée-Melodie (tran. Gluck) University of Birmingham-Barber Institute sols LG SOLS, LTRS E-/E--
3483. Co LFX-73 Ricardo Viñes, pno: Granada-Albeniz//Le Parc D'Attractions (Blancafort) SM SCFS E-
3484. Poly 19768 Luben Vladigerov, vln: Paraphrase of National Bulgarian Dance, Op 18, No 1 (P. Vladigerov), Pt 1//Pt 2 WOL S1, LT LST E
3485. Poly 95201 Raoul Von Koczalski, pno: Waltz, Op 18//Waltz, Op 34, No 2 (both by Chopin) E--
3486. OdE 3274 Frederick Weissmann & the Berlin Grand Sym Orc: Marinarella-Overture, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3487. Poly 566144 Albert Wolff & the Orc de l'Assoc des Concerts Lamoureux: Castor et Pollux-Extrait du ballet & Gavotte//
Extrait du ballet & Menuet LT SCFS E
3488. Co L-1423 Sir Henry J. Wood & the New Queen's Hall Orc: The Accursed Hunter (Frank), Pt 1//Pt 2 WOL, LST E
3489. Co L-1463 Sir Henry J. Wood & the New Queen's Hall Orc: The Pierrot of the Minute-Overture (Bantock), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3490. De K-768 Sir Henry J. Wood & the Queen's Hall Orc: Toccata & Fugue in D Minor (Bach), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3491. Royale 593-94 [2 recs] York String Qrt: Quartet in A Major, Op 33, No 6 (Boccherini) E
3492. CoSy 36513 Eugene Ysaye, vln: Die Meistersinger-Preislied LT GR, LSTS E-
3493. CoSy 36519 Eugene Ysaye, vln: Berceuse (Faure) SM BLSS E
3494. ViGP 74303 [Can] Efrem Zimbalist, vln: Hungarian Dances Nos 20 & 21 (Brahms) WOL E-

11½" Vertical Classical pressings, MB $5
3495. Pat 59089 Rudolph Ganz, pno: Liebeswalzer (Moszkowski)//Mazurka No 2 (Godard) OS E+
3496. Pat 40116 Josef Hollman, vlc: Nocturne No 2 (Chopin)//Romance Sans Paroles (Faure) E--
3497. Pat 30138 Virgilio Ranzato, vln: Celebre Menuet (Mozart)//Scherzo in D Minor (Ranzato) V++
3498. DsqPat 9598 Rosé Qrt: Orientale, Op 15 (Glazounoff)//Nocturno (Borodine) MB 25 E--
3499. Pat 60047 Jacques Thibaud, vln: Introduction & Ronde Capriccioso (Saint-Saens), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 RAS S1 E--
3500. Pat 9800 M. Viard, sax: Sérénade (Drigo)//Pièce En Forme De Habanera SM SOL, VSM LTR E-

10" Album Sets (number of records given in brackets; OAs & booklets where noted), MB $10
3501. Asch DM-102 [4] Erno Balogh, pno: Two Part Inventions (J.S. Bach) OA (sp tr) FW SCRS E/E-
3502. CoM M-660 [3] Zino Francescatti, vln: Violin Recital MB 15 E/E-
3503. CoM MX-341 [2] Madeleine Milhaud w/Darius Milhaud & the Julliard String Qrt: Cantate de l'Enfant et de la Mère (Milhaud) MB 50 E--
3504. De 166 [4] Yoichi Hiraoka, xyl: A Xylophone Recital of Classical Music MB 25 E-
3505. Hargail HN-650 [2] Verna Osborne w/Lukas Foss, pno: Cinq Chansons for Children (Milhaud) OA E--
3506. Od 188798-800 [3] Friant, Bourdin & Dupré: Le Jongleur de Notre Dame FW LT SCRS E/E+
3507. DePa P-58 [12] Various Artists: Two Thousand Years of Music MB 25 E/E-
3508. Philharmonic FR-33-36 [4] Salon Orc: Musical Favorites - Firestone Presents Music by the Masters E-
3509. Timely 1-K [9] Max Goberman & the New York Simfonietta: The Eight Symphonies of William Boyce
Green buckram screwback OA (writing on cvr) MB 15 SCFS, FW NRS E/E--
3510. ViC M-8 [4] Flonzaley Qrt: Quartet No 16 in F Major (Beethoven) Screwback OA w/notes; Z-type shellac LT SCFS E+
3511. ViS M-56 [3] Alfred Hertz cnd the San Francisco Sym Orc: Le Cid (Massenet) E/E--
3512. ViS M-95 [4] Sergei Rachmaninoff, pno: Sonata in B Flat Minor, Op 35//Waltz in E Minor (both by Chopin)
Maroon buckram OA (sp dm) LT SCFS, WOLS, LSTS E
3513. ViC P-57 [3] Collins Driggs, novachord: The Magic of the Novachord E--
3514. ViC SP-8 [2] Jan Peerce: Golden Moments of Song LT SCFS E

12" Album Sets (number of records given in brackets; OAs & booklets where noted), MB $10
3515. Alco AC-204 [2] Milton Thomas, vla d'amour & Sara Compinsky, pno: Sonata for Viola d'Amour & Piano, Op 25, No 2 (Hindemith) OA MB 25 E-
3516. CoV 58 [3] Lener String Qrt: Quartet in F Major, Op 18, No 1 (Beethoven) LSTS, WOL E-
3517. CoV 74 [3] Walter Damrosch & the NY Sym Orc: Ma Mère l'Oye - Mother Goose Suite (Ravel)//Entrance of the Little Fauns (Pierné) OA E/E-
3518. CoV 91 [4; bw] Hess, D'Aranyi & Salmond: Trio in B Flat Major, Op 99 (Schubert) Blue buckram OA MB 25 FW SCFS E+
3519. CoV 176 [3; bw] Marguerite Long, pno w/Maurice Ravel & Sym Orc: Concerto for Piano & Orc (Ravel) MB 15 E/E+
3520. CoV 242 [2] Gordon String Qrt: String Quartet No 3 (Porter) Screwback OA (sp tr) MB 15 E
3521. CoV2 258 [3] Bronislaw Huberman w/the Vienna Phil Orc: Concerto No 3 in G Major (Mozart) Screwback OA w/notes (sp tr) FW SCFS E
3522. CoM MM-185 [3] Maurice Marechal, vlc w/Philippe Gaubert & Sym Orc: Concerto in D Minor (Lalo) OA FW SM SCRS E
3523. CoM M-312 [3] Emanuel Feuermann, vlc & Myra Hess, pno: Sonata in A Major for 'Cello and Piano (Beethoven) OA FW LT SCFS E
3524. CoM MM-327 [5] Richard Odnoposoff, Stefan Auber & Angelica Morales w/the Vienna Phil Orc: Triple Concerto in C Major for Violin, Cello, Piano & Orc
OA (tape on cvr) E--
3525. CoM M-380 [4] Joseph Szigeti, vln, w/Charles Munch & the Orc de la Soc des Concerts: Concerto for Violin & Orc (Bloch) OA w/notes LN NRS, SM LCS E--
3526. CoM MM-551 [3] Gregor Piatigorsky, vlc & Valentin Pavlovsky, pno: Sonata for 'Cello & Piano, Op 40 (Shostakovitch) OA E
3527. CoM MM-553 [4] Rudolf Serkin, pno w/the Busch Qrt: Quintet in E Flat Major, Op 44 (Schumann) OA E-
3528. CoM MM-620 [3] Joseph Szigeti, vln & Leonid Hambro, pno: Sonata in D Major (Prokofiev) OA E-
3529. CoM MM-672 [3] Albert Sammons, vln w/Malcolm Sargent & the Liverpool Phl Orc: Concerto for Violin & Orc (Delius) OA SM EFS E-
3530. CoM MM-854 [3] Gregor Piatigorsky, vlc & Ralph Berkowitz, pno: Sonata in G Minor for 'Cello & Piano, Op 65 (Chopin) OA E-
3531. CoV OP-1-A & B [15; 2 vols] Nespoulous, Guenot, Visconte, Thill, Vavon, Bernadet, Roussell & Mathyl: Carmen (Bizet)
Screwback OAs (sp tr alb 2); wpg radio station cueing marks MB 25 WPGS E/E-
3532. CoV2 AM OP-12 [8] Vallin, Pernet, Thill & Gaudel: Louise, abridged (Charpentier) Screwback OA (scfs) MB 25 E-/E
3533. CoV MX-9 [2; bw] Manuel de Falla, harpsichord w/Moyse, Bonneau, Godeau, Darrieux & Cruque: Concerto for Harpsichord (de Falla)
OA (scfs) MB 15 E-
3534. CoM X-90 [2] Joseph Szigeti & Carl Flesch, vlns w/Walter Goehr & Orc: Concerto in D Minor (Bach) OA; Brown Univ sticker inside cvr LT SCFS, WOLS E
3535. Co MX-111 [2] Ernst Victor Wolff & Janos Scholz, harpsichord & vla da gamba: Sonata No 2 in D Major (Bach) OA E
3536. CoM X-136 [2] Egon Petri, pno w/the London Phl Orc: Fantasia on Beethoven's "Ruins of Athens" (Liszt)//Der Lindenbaum (Schubert) OA LT SCRS S3 E+
3537. CoM X-178 [2] Béla Bartok, pno; Joseph Szigeti, vln & Benny Goodman, cla: Contrasts for Violin, Clarinet & Piano (Bartók) OA w/notes ICS D2 E
3538. CoM X-255 [2] Virgil Thomson & the Phila Orc: Five Portraits (Thomson) OA LT IC NAP E+
3539. Co-Art 101 [3] Raderman, Levienne & Saidenberg: Trio in F Sharp Minor (Franck) Notes FW SCRS E-
3540. EnCo DX-1167-69 [3] Denis Matthews, pno w/the Liverpool Phil Orc: Concerto in A Major (Mozart)
Brown buckram OA (sm sts, woc); 1 black lbl, 2 white promo lbls E--
3541. EnCo DX-8272-74 [3] G.D. Cunningham, org w/the City of Birmingham Orc: Organ Concerto No 2 in B Flat (Handel) E+
3542. Concert Hall A-2 [4; red vnl] Leo Smit, pno: Piano Sonata & Our Town Suite (both by Copland) OA (taped sp trs) SCRS E-
3543. Concert Hall A-10 [2] Garbousova & Balsam, vlc & pno: Sonata for 'Cello and Piano (Debussy) OA (sp trs) MB 15 E
3544. Concert Hall B-9 [4; red vnl] Blitzstein, Cowell, Dello Joio, Foss & Smit, pnos: American Composers at the Piano OA (sp trs) MB 25 E+
3545. EnDe EDA-98 [2] Ernest Ansermet & L'Orc de la Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire de Paris: Petit Suite (Debussy) OA w/original box LT SCFS E
3546. EnDe X-272-226 [5] David Oistrakh, vln w/the USSR State Orc: Concerto for Violin and Orc, Op 44 (Miaskovsky) MB 25 E-
3547. HMV 107 [4] Willem Mengelberg & the NY Phl Sym Orc: Symphony No 1 in C Major (Beethoven) OA w/notes; set w/2 manual discs & 2 auto discs E-
3548. HMV 121 [4] Budapest String Qrt: Quartet in F Major, Op 59, No 1 (Beethoven) OA E
3549. HMV C-7635-37 [3] Phyllis Sellick, pno w/the City of Birmingham Orc: Sinfonia Concertante (Walton) E
3550. HMV DB-6196-99 [4] Solomon, pno w/the BBC Sym Orc: Concerto No 9 in C Minor, Op 37 (Beethoven) LT CBI D1 E+
3551. DsqG DB-11158-59 [2] Pierre Bernac w/the Orc Society des Concerts du Conservatoire: Les Trois Complaintes du Soldat (Jolivet) E-
3552. HMV H-320 [4] Yehudi Menuhin, vln w/the Orc des Concerts Colonne: Concerto in E Minor, Op 64 (Mendelssohn) OA w/notes (sm sp trs) E
3553. Pa AP-60 [3] Simon Goldberg, vln w/Walter Susskind & Phil Orc: Concerto in C Major for Violin & Orc (Haydn) OA MB 15 E-
3554. Schirmer 16 [4] Nina Koshetz: Eleven Songs by Rachmaninoff MB 50 E-
3555. ViS 9050-54 [5] Albert Coates w/Sym Orc: Symphony Pathétique, Op 74 (Tchaikovsky) Blue buckram OA (lg sp tr) ULC D5 E/E-
3556. ViS C-8 [5; 2-10"] Printemps & Guitry: Selections from "Mozart," "L'Amour Masque," "Mariette" & "Deburau"
Screwback OA w/notes FW SCRS E
3557. ViS C-9 [5] Rudolf Friml, pno: The Music of Rudolf Friml Brown buckram OA MB 15 E+/E-
3558. ViC C-18 [4] Paul Whiteman & his Concert Orc: Grand Canyon Suite (Grofé) OA E-
3559. ViS M-20 [4] Alfred Cortot, pno: Twenty-Four Preludes (Chopin) OA w/notes SCR S1 E
3560. ViS M-22 [6] Leopold Stokowski & the Phila Sym Orc: Symphony in D Minor (Franck)
On the first record, Stokowski discusses the themes; OA MB 15 SCFS D3 E
3561. ViC/S M-41 [5] Widdop, Fry, McKenna, Victor, Ljungberg, Andresen, Habich, Noe & Guszlawewicz: Tristan and Isolde, Act 3 (Wagner)
OA; Z & Z-type shellac FW SCRS E
3562. ViC M-67 [8] Pistor, Hofmann & Bronsgeest: Parsifal, Act 3 (Wagner) OA w/notes E
3563. ViS M-69 [2] Piux X Choir, Gregorian chant: Ordinary of the Mass Red buckram OA (sp tr) MB 15 E--
3564. ViC DM-75 [3] Sergei Rachmaninoff, pno w/the Phila Orc: The Isle Of The Dead (Rachmaninoff) OA FW SCRS E-

3565. ViS M-82 [6] Leopold Stokowski & the Phl Orc: Symphony No 2 in D Major (Brahms) Screwback OA FW SM LTRS, SCFS E--
3566. ViS M-109 [3] Frederick Stock & the Chicago Sym Orc: Symphony No 40 in G Minor (Mozart) Screwback OA (sp dmg) E--
3567. ViS AM-114 [3] Benno Moisévitch, pno: Variations & Fugue on a Theme by Handel, Op 24 (Brahms) OA, Z-shellac MB 50 E
3568. ViS M-115 [7] William Mengeberg & the Phl Sym Orc of New York: Symphony No 3 in E Flat Major-Eroica (Beethoven)
Blue buckram HMV album (sm sp tr) E/E+
3569. ViS AM-116 [4] Leopold Stokowski & the Phila Orc: Nuages; La Cathédrale Engloutie & Three Danses (Debussy) OA (tos); disc 1 ViC LT WPG E-
3570. ViS M-120 [5] Orfeo Catala of Barcelona: Cantata No 4 - Christ Lay in Death's Dark Prison (Bach)
Brown buckram HMV album w/notes (sp tr) LT SCFS E
3571. ViS M-122 [3] Alfred Cortot, pno: Études Symphoniques, Op 13 (Schumann) OA (woc, sp tr) SCRS, LSCFS E-
3572. ViC DM-124 [3] Yehudi Menuhin, vln w/Landon Ronald & the London Sym Orc: Concerto No 1 in G Major (Bruch) OA (scfs) E--
3573. ViC DM-160 [4] Leopold Stokowski & the Phila Orc: Symphony No 4 in A Minor (Sebelius) OA w/notes (cvr tr) E--
3574. ViC M-167 [4] Easton & Melchior: Siegfried-Act 3 (Wagner) OA (sp tr) SCRS E-
3575. ViC M-176 [3] Serge Prokofieff, pno w/Pierre Coppola & the London Sym Orc: Concerto No 3 in C Major, Op 26 (Prokofieff)
3576. ViS M-178 [4; 2-10"] George Copeland, pno: Spanish Music for Pianoforte OA SCFS, SCRS D3 E/E-
3577. ViC DM-227 [4] Busch Qrt: Quartet in C Minor, Op 51, No 1 (Brahms) OA (sm trs) SCRS E/E-
3578. ViS M-334 [7] Edwin Fischer, pno: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Preludes & Fugues Nos 35-43 (Bach)
Notes; Z-type shellac MB 15 E+/E
3579. ViC M-422 [3] William Primrose, vlc & Gerald Moore, pno: Sonata in E Flat Major, Op 120, No 2 (Brahms) OA w/notes E
3580. ViC AM-451 [4] Yehudi Menuhin, vln w/John Barbirolli & the Phl-Sym Orc of NY: Concerto in D Minor (Schumann) OA BLS S7 E
3581. ViC AM-536 [5] Fritz Stiedry & Orc of the New Friends of Music: Symphony No 67 in F Major & Symphony No 80 in D Minor (both by Haydn) OA E-
3582. ViR DM-547 [2] Primrose, vla & Sanroma, pno: Sonata for Viola & Piano, Op 11, No 4 (Hindemith) OA E-
3583. ViC M-575 [4] William Primrose, vla & Fritz Kitzinger, pno: Suite for Viola & Piano (Bloch) OA w/notes E
3584. ViC DM-607 [5] Rudolf Serkin, pno w/the Busch Qrt: Quintet in F Minor, Op 34 (Brahms) OA w/notes E--
3585. ViC M-767 [2] Piero Coppola & the Paris Conservatory Orc: Le Martyre de Saint Sebastien-Symphonic Fragments (Debussy) OA w/notes E-
3586. ViR M-789 [4; 2-10" ] Povla Frijsh: Art Songs, Vol 2 OA w/notes WMK S5 E+
3587. ViC DM-807 [2] William Primrose & Yella Pessl, vla & harpsichord: Sonata in C Minor (W.F. Bach) SCFS S4 E
3588. ViC M-862 [3] Maria Kurenko w/Alexander Gretchaninoff, pno: Gretchaninoff Songs OA w/notes; autographed MB 15 LT SCRS E
3589. ViC M-901 [2] Yehudi & Hephzibah Menuhin, vln & pno: Rondo in B Minor, Op 70 (Schubert) OA E
3590. ViC M-936 [3] Jarmila Novotna w/Jan Masaryk, pno: Songs of Lidice-Czech Folk Songs A skilled pianist, Masaryk here accompanies Novotná in a
recital of Czech folk songs to commemorate the victims of the Nazi eradication of Lidice; OA D3 CTL E-
3591. ViC DM-987 [4] Yehudi Menuhin & Hephzibah Menuhin, vln & pno: Sonata No 1 in G, Op 78 (Brahms) NR S3 E-
3592. ViR DM-1061 [4] William Primrose, vln: Elegy, Waltz and Toccata (Benjamin) & Soliloquy and Dance (Harris) OA (scfs) MB 15 E--
3593. ViR DM-1089 [3] Nan Merriman w/Leopold Stokowski & the Hollywood Bowl Sym Orc: El Amor Brujo (de Falla) OA SCFS E-
3594. ViR DM-1156 [2] Peerce & Warren: Italian Operatic Duets OA E-
3595. ViR DM-1209 [3] Leonard Berstein, pno & the Phl Orc of London: Concerto for Piano & Orc (Ravel) OA E-
3596. ViR DM-1253 [3] Paganini Qrt: Quartet No 16 in F, Op 135 (Beethoven) OA MB 25 E
3597. ViR DM-1350 [3] Yehudi Menuhin, vln: Sonota for Solo Violin (Bartok) OA E
3598. ViR DM-1423 [3] Erna Berger: Sings Mozart & Schubert OA MB 25 FW SM SCRS E
3599. ViR MO-1245 [3] Leonard Warren: Dramatic Scenes from Verdi Operas OA w/notes E


10" (number of records given in brackets; OAs & booklets where noted), MB $5
3600. Asch 352 [3] Meade Lux Lewis, pno: Blues Boogie Woogie Ruth Gikow cvr; OA (sp tr) FW SCRS, LG BBL D2 E-
3601. Blue Note 103 [3] Art Hodes' Hot Five: Hot Jazz at the Blue Note OA MB 15 ROA TAPE, ISOLS E
3602. Br B-1001 [4] Red Nichols & his Five Pennies: Red Nichols Classics, Vol 1 Good OA w/notes E--
3603. Br B-1016 [4] Louis Armstrong: Jazz Classics OA (sm sp tr) FW SCRS E-
3604. Br B-1021 [2] Eddie Lang & Joe Venuti w/their All Star Orc OA E/E-
3605. Cap CC-113 [3] Stan Kenton: Encores Chris Kealy cvr; OA E--
3606. CoM C-28 [4] Louis Armstrong: Hot Jazz Classics, No 1 OA SM ROA TAPE, LT DWRP E/E+
3607. CoM C-38 [4] Duke Ellington's Orc: Hot Jazz Classics, No 5 OA LG SOLS, LSCRS S2 E+/E-
3608. CoM C-41 [4] Earl Hines, pno: Hot Jazz Classics, No 6 OA E/E+
3609. CoM C-43 [5*] Frank Teschemacher, cla: Hot Jazz Classics, No 7 OA; *Originally released w/disc 1 that included a Tesch-less side;
a substitute disc 1 replaced it that featured Tesch performances on both sides.
Both C-43 disc 1 issues are included w/this set. E+
3610. CoM C-46 [4] Hot Trombones: Hot Jazz Classics, No 8 OA ROA TAPE E
3611. CoM C-51 [4] Dorsey Brothers: Hot Jazz Classics, No 9 Nice OA ROA TAPE, LG SOL S1, SM WOLS E
3612. CoM C-57 [4] Louis Armstrong's Hot 5: Hot Jazz Classics, No 10 OA E
3613. CoM C-73 [4] Louis Armstrong & Earl Hines: Hot Jazz Classics, No 13 OA LG SOL S3, ROA TAPE E+/E-
3614. CoM C-130 [4] Pete Johnson, Meade Lewis, Mary Lou Williams, Jimmy Yancey & Charlie Spand: Hot Jazz Classics, No 15 - Boogie Woogie
OA (sp trs) SCRS S1, FW LT SCFS E
3615. CoM C-135 [4] Billie Holiday: Hot Jazz Classics, No 17 OA ISOLS, ROA TAPE E+/E-
3616. CoM C-139 [4] Louis Armstrong's Hot Five: Hot Jazz Classics, No 18 - Vol 2 OA ROA TAPE E
3617. CoM C-142 [4] Bessie Smith: Hot Jazz Classics, No 19 - Empress of the Blues, Vol 2 Nice OA ROA TAPE, FW LT SCRS E
3618. CoM C-144 [4] Bix Beiderbecke w/Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Hot Jazz Classics, No 20 Jim Flora cvr; nice OA SM WOL, SCR D2, LCS D4 E/E+
3619. Use this number to bid on Lots 3606-3618 as a group MB 100 -
3620. CoM C-164 [4] Duke Ellington's Orc: Mood Ellington OA LG SOLS E
3621. Co S-10001-10 [10; Jp] Various Artists: History of Jazz OA (sp trs) MB 50 E+
3622. De A-283 [3] Members of the Original & Current New York Productions: Porgy and Bess, Vol 2 OCR; OA w/notes ULC D1 E-
3623. Disc 701 [3] Joe Sullivan Qrt David Stone Martin cvr; good OA w/notes ISOLS, SM ROA TAPE E
3624. HRS 2 [5] Bix Beiderbecke w/the Wolverines: Young Man With a Horn OA ROA TAPE E/E-
3625. London LA-40 [4] George Chisholm's Jive Eight: Midnight in Piccadilly OA (sm sp tr) E+/E
3626. MGM 7-A [4] Kate Smith: Between Americans OA (ln sp tr) MB 15 LT GR E/E-
3627. MGM 16-A [4] Lionel Barrymore: A Christmas Carol OA E-
3628. Metro A-2 [4] Miklos Rozsa & Sym Orc: Music from Alfred Hitchcock's "Spellbound" OA; ARA release with Metro lbls ROA TAPE, LT FMG S8 E+/E-
3629. Sonora MS-462 [4] Eddy Brown's String Ensemble: Lullabies E--
3630. ViC P-12 [3] Barnabas von Geczy's Orc: Dinner Music - Serenades by Toselli, Drdli, Drigo, Heykens, Jungherr & Haydn LT SCFS E-
3631. ViC P-56 [3] Henry Levine's Barefooted Dixieland Phl & Paul Laval's Woodwindy Ten w/Dinah Shore & Sidney Bechet, vc & sax:
NBC's Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street OA w/notes FW LT SCRS E
3632. ViR P-134 [4] Bunny Berigan: Memorial Album OA E+/E--
3633. ViR P-138 [4] Duke Ellington: A Duke Ellington Panorama OA ROA TAPE, SM SOLS E+/E


10", MB $3
3634. CoF 348-D Associated Glee Clubs of America: A Plainsman's Song//Discovery
Lss "Recorded at their performance at Metropolitan Opera House, N.Y." E-
3635. Zon Celebrity GO-70 Associated Glee Clubs of America: John Peel//The Bells Of St. Mary's
2500 male voices; lss "Rec at their performance, Sesquicentennial Auditorium, Philadelphia" V++
3636. ViGP 61111 [Can] Augustinian Fathers: Introito Messa Dell'Assunzione - Gregorian Chant MB 15 E--
3637. Columbia Univ Bookstore 107 Columbia University Choir: Cantate Domino & O Lamm Gottes Unschuldig//O Lord, In Thy Wrath E
3638. ViS 4025 Florentine Choir: Barcarola (Allegri)//Marcia Vocale & La Canzone Del Tamburo LT LBBL S2 E-
3639. HMV B-2423 John Goss w/10,000 Voices "Daily Express" Community Singing Concert (Feb 19, 1927): Fire Down Below//Marching Through Georgia E-
3640. Le Chant du Monde 507 Gouverne Cho & Orc: La Fille Du Maréchal De France (trad)//La Pauvre Laboureur (Savoie) SCFS E
3641. Le Chant du Monde 521 Gouverne Cho & Orc w/Ertaud & Peyron, soloists: Jeanne d'Ayme (Quercy)//Les Filles De La Rochelle (Saintonge) SCRS S2 E
3642. Le Chant du Monde 526 Gouverne Cho & Orc: En Passant Par La Lorraine//Marthe Brega: Fanfarneto LT SCFS E
3643. CoV 17044-D [bw] Leeds Festival Choir w/Sir Thomas Beecham & London Phl: Israel In Egypt, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3644. ViW 19829 Mormon Tabernacle Choir: Devotion//By The Waters Of Minnetonka
Lss "Recorded in the Tabernacle at Salt Lake City" LN LT SCRS S1, LSTS S2 E-
3645. G&T Blk GC-34618 Opera Chorus: Si Canté FLBL V
3646. ViW 61116 Prof. Moreschi & the Sistine Chapel Choir: Laudamus Te MB 50 E-
3647. ViW 61125 Baron Kanzler & the Sistine Chapel Choir: Improperia (Vittoria) LT SCR E
3648. Od TW-3354 Tidentine Mountaineers Society: Il Fiore Di Teresina//La Montanara HV WMKS, LT LCS V++
3649. Od TW-3410 Tidentine Mountaineers Society: Inno Al Trentino//Dove Sei Stato Mio Bell'Alpino V++
3650. Fav 1-39048 Giovanni Zenatello Veronese Choral Society: Ernani-Si ridesti il Leon di Castiglia//Faust-Gloria immortale LG PEF 7 PGS TOK S2 E--


10", MB $3
3651. Anker 393 Anker Orchester: Ihr Kinderlein Kommet & O Tannenbaum//Vom Himmel Hoch
Despite scuffy appearance, still a great Christmas-themed lbl variety NR TOK, LSTS V
3652. CoM 38610 Gene Autry: Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Raindeer//If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas LT PMKS E--
3653. Coral 60880 [dj] Eileen Barton: The Night Before Christmas//Little Match Girl SCR S2, VSM LTR E-
3654. Cap 2619 [dj] Mel Blanc: Yah, Das Ist Ein Christmas Tree//I Tant Wait Till Quithmuth MB 25 SOL S1 E-
3655. CoM 39871 Jimmy Boyd: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus//Thumbelina SCRS S1 V++
3656. CoM 40080 Jimmy Boyd: Santa Claus Got Stuck In The Chimney//I Said A Prayer For Santa Claus SM LTRS E-
3657. Ge 5226 William Jennings Bryan: The 23rd Psalm//Westminster Qrt: Lead Kindly Light Christmas Greetings label V++
3658. Vo S-39 [Eng] Benny Carter's Swing Qnt: Jingle Bells//Carry Me Back To Old Virginny Beautiful Gold & Red Swing Series lbl E--
3659. Connorized 3032 Chimes w/Sterling Brass Qnt: Adeste Fideles//O Sanctissima LN SCR, FW SCFS E-
3660. VoA B-3117 [Eng] John Coates: Knight Of Bethlehem//Voici Noël LT GR E
3661. Cap 90036 King Cole Trio: The Christmas Song//My Two Front Teeth E-/E--
3662. CoGB A-2993 Columbia Stellar Qrt: Ye Olden Yuletide Hymns, Pt 1//Pt 2 GR E
3663. BrLB 7119 Cotton Top Mountain Sanctified Singers: Christ Was Born On Christmas Morn//She's Coming 'Round The Mountain
Rockin' side; Bidder Request Show MB 50 FLBLS V+
3664. De 27229 Bing Crosby & Carol Richards: Silver Bells//Bing Crosby: That Christmas Feeling LT PMK E--
3665. MGM 10525 Billy Eckstine: Oh, Holy Night//Oh Come, All Ye Faithful LT WMKS, LT WRP E-
3666. Dot 15434 Fontane Sisters: Nuttin' For Christmas//Silver Bells V++
3667. Cap 2671 Stan Freberg: Christmas Dragnet, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3668. Cap 3280 Stan Freberg: The Night Before Christmas//Nuttin' For Christmas Bidder Request Show MB 15 E-
3669. OkTT 8413 Rev J.M. Gates: Death Might Be Your Santa Claus//Paul And Silas In Jail
Lss "Recorded in Atlanta"; s1 plays ok, noisy s2 V--
3670. OkE 8508 Rev J.M. Gates w/Deacon Leon Davis, Sisters Jordan & Norman, vcs: Will The Coffin Be Your Santa Claus?//
Where Will You Be Christmas Day? Plays fair FW LCS, FW HV SGS V-
3671. ViS 25195 Benny Goodman's Orc w/Joe Harris, vc: Santa Claus Came In The Spring//Helen Ward, vc: Eeny Meeny Miney Mo E--
3672. GG 4146 Westell Gordon: Silent Night//Christmas Chimes V+
3673. Pu 9069 Hackel-Berge Trio: Silent Night, Holy Night//Holy Night LT SCRS, LBBL S2, LT LSTS E-
3674. Br 2333 Ernest Hare: Santa Claus Hides In The Phonograph//Steve Porter:
Christmas Morning At Clancey's MB 15 LSCFS V++
3675. Ch 50045 Mary Harris: No Christmas Blues//Happy New Years Blues MB 50 FW SM SCRS S2 E-
3676. De 18629 Dick Haymes: The First Nowell//Cradle Song Of The Virgin SM PDEF E-
3677. ViS 25480 Homer Hall Glee Club: Oh! Little Town Of Bethlehem//Silent Night E--
3678. ViR 20-3934 [dj; vnl] Spike Jones & his City Slickers w/George Rock & Mitchell Boychoir, vcs s1: Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer//
Mommy, Won't You Buy A Baby Brother E--
3679. Cap 2618 [dj] Harry Kari & his Six Saki Sippers: The Night Before Christmas//Oh! Oh! Don't Ever Go WOL, SCFS, VSM LTR E-
3680. ViRC 20-5914 Eartha Kitt: This Year's Santa Baby//Hey Jacque WMKS, SM BLS S1 E+
3681. ViC 1748 Lashanska & Reimers: Silent Night, Holy Night//Der Tannenbaum E+
3682. CoV2 321-M Madrigal Singers: Sing We Noel Once More//Mid-Winter E--
3683. ViW 45145 Lucy Isabelle Marsh: Holy Night//Trinity Choir: Silent Night SM WOL S2 E
3684. ViC 27946 Freddie Martin's Orc w/Clyde Rogers, vc: White Christmas//Glenn Hughes, vc: Abraham WMKS, LT SIT E-
3685. Br 2744 Val McLaughlin: A True Christmas Story//Playroom Jingles V++
3686. ViW 60083 Lambert Murphy: The Birthday Of A King E-
3687. Br 7544 Ozzie Nelson's Orc w/ON & Harriet Hilliard, vcs: Jingle Bells//Joe Moss' Society Dance Orc w/Dick Robertson, vc:
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town ULC, PMKS TOK S1, SCR S2 E/E-
3688. Ge 5229 Wilbur D. Nesbit: God Bless Us All//Sterling Brass Qnt: Adeste Fideles Christmas Greetings label LT WRP E--
3689. VoW 1431 Rev A.W. Nix: That Little Thing May Kill You Yet (Christmas Sermon)//Love Is A Thing Of The Past
3690. Cap 1881 Les Paul: Jingle Bells//LP & Mary Ford: Silent Night V++/E--
3691. ViS 20299 Steve Porter: Christmas Morning At Clancey's//Clancey's Wooden Wedding V++
3692. VoS 3376 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang w/LP, vc: What Will Santa Claus Say?//Pennies From Heaven E--
3693. De 1031 Riley-Farley's Orc: Jingle Bells//Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town V++
3694. Exclusive 75-x Mabel Scott: Boogie Woogie Santa Claus//Every Little Doggie Has Its Day V++
3695. CoV 1576-D Shannon Qrt: Jingle Bells//The Quilting Party SM LTRS E
3696. CoM 37152 Frank Sinatra: White Christmas//Jingle Bells V++/E-
3697. De 24142 Ethel Smith, org: White Christmas//Jingle Bells LBL PDEF V++
3698. CoM 36649 Charlie Spivak's Orc w/Garry Stevens, vc: White Christmas//Yesterday's Gardenias VLT GR E-
3699. Ox 3288 Mr & Mrs Cal Stewart: Christmas Time At Pumpkin Center Co press SM HV SCR TOK E--
3700. De 48119 Sister Rosetta Tharp: White Christmas//Silent Night MB 25 LT PMKS, SIT E
3701. ViW 16996 Trinity Choir: Joy To The World//O Come All Ye Faithful NRS, SCRS E-
3702. Savoy 4021 Ward Singers: Silent Night//Glory, Glory, Hallelujah MB 15 FW SCRS, VLT WMK E

*3703. ViS 21777 Ozie Ware w/the Hot Five: Santa Claus, Bring My Man Back To Me//I Done Caught You Blues MB 150 E-

3704. Ok 8254 Clarence Williams (Trio): Santa Claus Blues//CW's Blue Five w/Eva Taylor, vc: Squeeze Me 78Q <25 MB 50 V+
3705. Cap 57-781 Yogi Yorgesson: Yingle Bells//I Yust Go Nuts At Christmas E--


10", MB $3
3706. ViS 21629 W.G. Alcock, org: Fugue in D Major (Bach), Pt 1//Pt 2 Lss "Organist of the Salisbury Cathedral, England" E--
3707. CoV 1079-D Milton Charles, org: At Sundown//Russian Lullaby Lss "Gunn School Studio Organ, Chicago, Ill." SM HV SCR TOK S2 E-
3708. Pm 4003 Milton Charles, org: Moonlight And Roses//Just A-Wearyin' For You Chicago Tivoli Theatre Organ LT SGS S2 E-/E--
3709. Pm 4004 Milton Charles, org: The Prisoners Song//Deep In My Heart Chicago Tivoli Theatre Organ EF NTG V++
3710. CoV2 293-M Edouard Commette, org: Das Alte Jahr Vergangen Ist//Christ Lag In Todesbanden (both by Bach)
Lss "Lyons Cathedral Organ" VLT SCFS E
3711. ViW 20075 Jesse Crawford, org: Valencia//At Peace With The World Oakland pressing V++
3712. ViS 20458 Jesse Crawford, org w/Carson Robison, gtr & whi: Just A Bird's Eye View Of My Old Kentucky Home//In A Little Spanish Town SM LSS E
3713. ViS 20586 Jesse Crawford, org: Estrellita//La Paloma SCFS, LSCRS S1, GR E-
3714. ViS 22242 Jesse Crawford, org: Tip Toe Thru' The Tulips With Me//Chant Of The Jungle E-
3715. ViS 22875 Jesse Crawford, org: Cuban Love Song//Save The Last Dance For Me E--
3716. Bwy 8027 Edmund Cromwell, org: Christ The Lord Is Risen Today//Hosanna Lss "Royal Theatre, Bloomfield, N.J." V++
3717. Pat PA-907 Reginald Dixon, org: Grande Sélection Classique, Pt 1//Pt 2 Lss "interprétée aux Grandes Orgues De Cinéma" LT LST S1 E
3718. Br 4148 Eddie Dunstedter, org: Neapolitan Nights//Sonny Boy SCFS, SCRS E--
3719. ViS 4086 Reginald Goss-Custard, F.R.C.O., org: Fugue À La Gigue (Bach)//Toccata (Widor) Lss "Grand Organ at Kingsway Hall, London" E+
3720. Lon 1200 [dj; vnl] Chris Hamalton, org: Saturday Rag//Dizzy Fingers E
3721. GeNE 6252 Cornelius Maffie, org: Deep In My Heart//Kiss Me Again Lss "Wurlitzer Organ in Studios of WENR-Chicago" MB 15 V++
3722. Jewel 5719 Ed Roberts, org w/Roy Powell, vc: Am I Blue?//Wm. Stanley, vc: Not For A Day But Forever SM LTR S2 V++
3723. Chg 344 Theodore Robinson, org: Humoresque (Dvorak)//Hungarian Dance No 5 (Brahms) SM LTR S1, SM SOLS V++
3724. Zon 2726 Spencer Shaw, org: Melody In A (Shaw)//Land Of Hope And Glory (Elgar) Composer perf s1; lss "Kingsway Hall, London" E-/E--
3725. ViS 20470 Thomas Waller, org: Soothin' Syrup Stomp//Loveless Love V+
3726. Br 3618 Lew White, org: Broken Hearted//Just Like A Butterfly Lss "Recorded at Roxy Theatre, New York" BLS, LT GR E
3727. Br 3956 Lew White, org: Just Like A Melody Out Of The Sky//My Angel Lss "Recorded at White Studio, New York" LT GR E-


10", MB $3
3728. De 24137 Larry Adler, harmonica: Maleguena//Creole Love Call LST E--
3729. Zon 5474 Sylvester Ahola, cnt: Until//Somewhere A Voice Is Calling SCFS, LT RAS E-
3730. De 40201 Leroy Anderson's Pops Concert Orc: Snycopated Clock//Waltzing Cat E--
3731. "X" 0026 [dj; vnl] Frankie Avalon, tpt: Dormi, Dormi//Trumpet Tarantella 11 year old Frankie Avalon! MB 15 VLT SCF S1, ISOL E
3732. ViS 20426 Clement Barone, pic: Song Of The Nightingale//Francis J. Lupino, harp: Autumn Oakland pressing V++
3733. OdE 3560 Dajos Bela's Orc: Echoes From Russia, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCRS, FW BLSS, SM SCFS E-
3734. Br 3127 Brunswick Concert Orc & Cho: Goin' Home//Song Of The Volga Boatmen E--
3735. Br 4462 Brunswick Concert Orc: Badinage//La Danseuse E--
3736. Br 2793 Capitol Grand Orc: Melodies from Herbert Operas, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS E-
3737. Pe 11189 Cathedral Trumpeters: Jerusalem//The Holy City E-
3738. CoV 2779-D [bw] Columbia Orc: In The Mystic Land Of Egypt, Pt 1//Pt 2 VSM BLSS S2, WOL S1 E
3739. ViP 16093 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Waltz from Faust//Scenes That Are The Brightest LT SCR S1, VSM NRS S2 E
3740. Br 2322 Fredric Fradkin, vln: Lovely Lucerne//Three O'Clock In The Morning E-
3741. Br 4097 Fredric Fradkin, vln: Orientale//Valse Bluette LT SCFS, VVSM ND E
3742. Vo 14353 A. Palet Gallarini, acc: Light Cavalry Overture//Lorraine Marche FW SCRS, VSM LTR S1 E-
3743. ViS 22949 Mathilde & Irene Harding, pno & org: By The Waters Of Minnetonka//Oh Suzanne & Old Black Joe E--
3744. ViP 60054 Victor Herbert's Orc: Yesterthoughts (Herbert) SCFS E--
3745. Br 4098 Ignace Hilsberg, pno: Love's Delight//Music Box SCFS E-
3746. ViS 21972 Thurow Lieurance & Clement Barone, flt & pno: By The Waters Of Minnetonka//Winnebago Love Song; Love With Tears;
Pueblo Lullaby & Omaha Ceremonial LT SCFS, LT LST, LT GR E
3747. CoV 1318-D Constance Mering, pno: Londonderry Air//Blue Bells Of Scotland E--
3748. ViW 19872 Neapolitan Trio: Happy Days//Herd Girl's Dream Oakland pressing E--
3749. Ca 746 Eugene Ormandy & the Capitol Theatre Orch, NY: Kiss Me Again//In Shadowland MB 15 LT SGS S1 E--
3750. CoV 1537-D Harry Reser, bjo: The Cat And The Dog//Fair And Warmer SCRS S1, VHV SCF AB S1 E-
3751. ViS 20439 Harry Reser, bjo: Lolly Pops//The Clock And The Banjo E--
3752. BrS 8511 Wladimir Selinsky, vln: A Little Love, A Little Kiss//Intermezzo LT LSTS E--
3753. ViS 22495 Lennington Shewell, Victor Theremin w/Ed. Harsch, pno: Lover, Come Back To Me!//Dancing With Tears In My Eyes MB 15 E--


 See Lots 1612-28 for German military band recordings.

10", MB $3
3754. ViC 22191 Del Staigers, cnt w/the Goldman Band: Napoli//Carnival Of Venice SCFS, SCRS E-
3755. CoV 938-D Johnnie Sylvester, acc: The Skater's Waltz//The Wallabies Waltz Bidder Request Show E--
3756. Cap 10082 [fs] Theremin w/Vocal Group & Orc: Radar Blues//Mist O' the Moon SCFS, SCRS E--
3757. ViS 19730 Victor Concert Orc: March Of The Little Lead Soldiers//Petite Suite EF NTG, LT SCRS E-
3758. ViS 20011 Victor Concert Orc: Cavalleria Rusticana-Intermezzo//Tales of Hoffman-Barcarolle E--
3759. ViS 22513 Victor Concert Orc: Dragon Fly//Thunder And Lightning LSTS, LN NR, BLSS E-
3760. ViS 21253 Victor Salon Orc: Serenade (Schubert)//Serenade (Toselli) LNR E--
3761. ViW 19874 Victor Salon Trio: Mother Machree//Perfect Day E-
3762. ViW 19854 Victor String Ens: Träumerei//Evening Song SCFS, LSCRS E--
3763. Zon 5018 Black Diamonds Band: Naval Cadets//St. Julien FW SCRS E+
3764. Decca F-1534 [Eng] Chenil Military Band: Air, from Bach's 3rd Suite//Album Leaf White lbl reviewer copy E--
3765. Cq 9136 Columbia Band: National Emblem March//Washington Post March E--
3766. CoV 2686-D Columbia Military Band: On The Quarter Deck - March//The Liberators - March E--
3767. ViW 19844 Creatore's Band: American Army March//Electric March LSPTS E
3768. De M-67 [Eng] Decca Military Band: Folk Song Suite, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3769. De M-68 [Eng] Decca Military Band: Toccata Marziale//Folk Song Suite, Pt 3 White lbl reviewer copy ISOL E--

3770. ReZon G-24648 [Aus] Fodens' Motor Works Band: On The Barrack Square//Under Allied Banners VLT SCF E
3771. EdNT 11017 Goldman Band: Stars And Stripes Forever March//Third Alarm March SEP CTL E--
3772. ViW 19763 Goldman Band: On The Campus//On The Go E--
3773. ReZon G-21376 [Aus] Grand Massed Brass Bands: Rimington//Deep Harmony E-
3774. ReZon MR-3150 Grand Massed Brass Bands: Centenary//Marston E
3775. Co DO-2204 [Aus] Regt Band of HM Grenadier Guards: Marching//H.M. Queen Elizabeth March LSCRS S2 V++
3776. Co DO-2865 [Aus] Regt Band of HM Grenadier Guards: National Anthems of Allied Nations, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3777. ReZon G-23801 HM Irish Guard Band: Nautical Moments, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3778. Ge 9137 [Can] Knights of Columbus Band: Overture, from "Poet and Peasant," Pt 1//Pt 2 V+
3779. Ge 5480 Lt Matt's 106th Infantry Band: Selected Airs From Grand Opera, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3780. Fono 62244/45 Milan Municipal Band: Toreador Et Analuse//Danze Ungheresi SCRS S2 V++
3781. Zon 5102 National Military Band: Gladiator's Farewell March//Bells Of Saint Malo VLT IC DNS E-
3782. ViC 20192 John P. Sousa w/Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co Cooperative Band: March Of The Mitten Men//The Thunderer - March E--
3783. Poly 24189 Polydor Brass Band Orc: Gode Save The King//Costituzionali E
3784. Poly 24199 Polydor Brass Band Orc: Sans-Souci Marsch//Venezia Marcia Militare E
3785. Poly 24244 Polydor Brass Band Orc: Vorwärts, Marsch!!, Pt 1//Pt 2 E/E+
3786. ViW 19869 Arthur Pryor's Band w/Margaret McKee & Billy Murray, whi: The Whistler And His Dog//MM & BM, bird interpolations:
The Warbler's Serenade E
3787. ViS 19895 Arthur Pryor's Band: King Cotton March//Pryor's Band: Officer Of The Day E--
3788. ViS 20311 Arthur Pryor's Band: Chimes Of Liberty March//Sagamore March Oakland pressing GR E-
3789. ViS 20559 Arthur Pryor's Band: On The Mall//The Pioneer VLT WOL S1 E--
3790. ViS 22438 Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey's Band: Circus Echoes//Entry Of The Gladiators E--
3791. ViS 22474 Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey's Band: Colossus Of Columbia//Pageantry E--
3792. Co 5166 Band of the Royal Air Force: Our Director//Naila SM SCRS E
3793. CoV 16048-D Band of the Royal Air Force: The Japs' Tattoo//Funeral March Of A Bumble Bee LT SCR S1 E
3794. Co G-9080 Band of the Royal Air Force: Royal Air Force March Past//"R.A.F." Grand March E-
3795. Co G-20165 Band of the Royal Air Force: Sons Of New Zealand//Sons Of Australia LT LSCFS, VLT LC NAP E
3796. Re G-20066 [Eng] International Staff Band of the Salvation Army: The Liberator - March//Flag Of Freedom - March E+
3797. ViW 19741 Sousa's Band: Black Horse Troop//National Game March Oakland pressing E--
3798. ViS 20276 Sousa's Band: Gridiron Club March//Pride Of The Wolverines Oakland pressing LT WOL E-
3799. ViS 22020 Sousa's Band: Riders Of The Flag//Golden Jubilee E--
3800. Re G-8690 St Hilda Colliery Prize Band: An Epic Symphony (Fletcher), Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3801. Re G-9206 St Hilda Colliery Prize Band: Gill Bridge//Flying Squad LT NR E-
3802. Co 5139 Trumpet Fanfare: Le Vieux Grenadier//Marche Des Boucliers E-
3803. ViS 21843 US Army Band: American Spirit//Army And Marine Oakland pressing SCFS, LSCRS S1, SCR S2 E-
3804. ViW 18768 US Marine Band: President Harding March//National Capital Centennial E--
3805. ViC 20979 US Marine Band: Second Connecticut March//Semper Fidelis March LT SCFS E
3806. BekaGrand 49005 Band: Björneborgarnes Marsch//Finksa Rytteriets Marsch PDEF S1 E--

10½", MB $5
3807. Fono 39474/75 Italian Royal Navy Band: Marcia del Ballo Messalina//Marcia D'Ordinanza Della R. Nave Sicilia E--
3808. Fono 39700/01 Italian Royal Navy Band: El Capitan//Stars And Stripes Forever E--
3809. Fono 39712/13 Italian Royal Navy Band: Serenata Spagnola//Bella V++
3810. Fono 39752/53 Italian Royal Navy Band: Pattuglia Turca//Mañana E/E-
3811. Fono 62208/09 Italian Royal Navy Band: Grand March, from ballet "La Fata delle Bambole"//Grand March, from "Un Viaggio in Africa" BLS S1 E/E--
3812. Fono 62454/55 Italian Royal Navy Band: Aïda-Ballabile dei Moretti e danza delle Sacerdotesse//Marcia egiziana e ballabili atto II LT RS S2 E-
3813. Fono 62464/65 Italian Royal Navy Band: Funiculi Funiculà//O' Sole Mio! E-
3814. Fono 62480/81 Italian Royal Navy Band: Il Barbiere di Siviglia-Fantasia, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
3815. Fono 62511/12 Italian Royal Navy Band: Waltz Song (Strauss), Pt 1//Pt 2 LT NRS E--
3816. Fono 62519/20 Italian Royal Navy Band: L'Oro del Reno-Entrada degli Dei nel Walhalla, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT NRS, SM SCF S1 E-
3817. Fono 62549/50 Italian Royal Navy Band: Scene Arabe//Oscaleeta SCR S2 E-
3818. Fono 62551/52 Italian Royal Navy Band: Cocktail//Bebe OS w/performer photographs E-
3819. Fono 62557/58 Italian Royal Navy Band: Luna Di Miele//Mandolinomania LT SCFS E-
3820. Fono 62567/68 Italian Royal Navy Band: Aubade Printaniére//Sogno D'Un Boston OS w/performer photographs GR, SM SCRS E-
3821. Fono 62581/82 Italian Royal Navy Band: I Lancieri (Bohlmann), No 1//No 2 OS w/performer photographs LT NRS E-
3822. Fono 62593/94 Italian Royal Navy Band: Danza Ungherese//Danza Polacca Serial No 77 E-
3823. Fono 62599/600 Italian Royal Navy Band: Sigurd-Overture, Pt 3//Carmen-Coro dei bambini Serial No 23 LT SCF S1 E-


10", MB $10
3824. Co DB-807 HH the Aga Khan: From One Sportsman to Another, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 LDM, VLT WPG E-
3825. HMV JO-202 Winston Churchill: End of the War in Europe (May 8, 1945), Pt 1//Pt 2 Lss "Announcement Broadcast by the
Prime Minister"; Bidder Request Show MB 25 SM SCRS E
3826. HMV IP-365 Eamon De Valera: The Ireland We Desire - English//An Coallge - Gaelic (both rec St. Patrick's Day, 1943) MB 50 E
3827. HMV RB-8417 HM King Edward VIII: A Message to the Empire (Mar 1, 1936), Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
3828. HMV RB-3669 HM King Emperor George V: Speech at the Opening of the Indian Round-Table Conference
(Nov 12, 1930 in the Royal Gallery of the House of Lords), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3829. HMV RB-4468 HM King George V: Speech at the Opening of the World Monetary and Economic Conference, London
(June 12, 1933), Pt 1//Pt 2 E
3830. ViS 22338 [pl] HM King George V: Speech at the Opening of the Five-Power Naval Conference
(Jan 21, 1930 in the Royal Gallery of the House of Lords), Pt 1//Pt 2 LT SCFS E
3831. HMV RE-284 [pl] HM King George V & Queen Mary: Empire Day Messages//Band of HM Coldstream Guards: Home, Sweet Home &
God Save The King Multi-colored picture lbl HV LNRS S1 E--
3832. RU Aprelevka 56-48/110-48 Vladimir Lenin: Speech to the Army (3/23/19; Moscow), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 50 E--
3833. RU Noginsky mx CL-116/125 Vladimir Lenin: Yakov Sverdlov Commemorative Speech//Speech on Jewish Pogroms (both rec 3/23/19)
Moscow MB 50 V++
3834. CoMN E-2951 [pl] Robert Leonhardt: Gott Erhalte - German-Austrian National Hymn//Andreas Hofer - Patriotic Song LN LT NR S2 E-
3835. - mx GR-101 [33rpm; pl; red vnl] Rosa Ponselle & John Charles Thomas: Excerpts from Baltimore, MD Republican Convention (Sept 25, 1952), Pt 1//
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower & Rosa Ponselle: Pt 2 MB 25 E
3836. Co AC-1 HRH Prince Arthur of Connaught: A Talk on Voluntary Hospitals, Pt 1//Pt 2 Lss "Chairman of The Middlesex Hospital;"
orange lbl w/Middlesex Hospital coat of arms at 12 o'clock position MB 25 E-
3837. HMV RB-9560 HRH Princess Elizabeth: Broadcasting from Cape Town on the Occasion of her Twenty-First Birthday
(April 21, 1947), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 VLT SCF E
3838. Solitaire ER-2 [Can] Queen Elizabeth II: Coronation Speech (June 2, 1953), Pt 1//Pt 2 Very nice OPS MB 50 FW SM SCRS E

3839. -mx A-916/917 Franklin D. Roosevelt: President Roosevelt's Declaration of War, Dec 8, 1941, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
3840. ViW 16106 Leonard Spencer: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address//Talmage on Infidelity RAS, LNR S1, FW SCRS E-
3841. ViGP 5558 William Howard Taft: Irish Humor MB 25 V+
3842. ViP 16143 William Howard Taft: Our Army and Navy//Foreign Missions MN LT SCRS, SCFS V++

12", MB $25
3843. National Vocarium TNV-124 William Jennings Bryan: Immortality (Preceded by Ira D. Sankey singing one of his famous hymns) Notes on rev E-
3844. NF 14 Homer S. Cummings: President Wilson//Summons to Duty OS GR, FW SCRS E-
3845. World Book 101 [3 recs] Elmer Davis, narr: Then Came War: 1939 OA E/E-
3846. NF mx 49783/37294 [pl] Eamonn DeValera: Recognition of the Republic of Ireland//Orchestra: Irish Waltz V++
3847. WOR 98984 [vnl] Maj. Gen. John R. Deane: With Harriman in Moscow (Jun 16, 1956; Denver, CO)//Averell Harriman:
A Message to R.O. Luter SCFS, SCRS E--
3848. ViP 35317 Edward M.L. Ehlers (Grand Sec. of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of NY): Free Masonry//Masonic Charity MB 15 SCR S1, LT LSTS S2 E-
3849. - mx M-10-141/142 [vnl] Cardinal John Glennon: Speech delivered via overseas broadcast from the Basilica of St. Clement
(Feb 28, 1946; Rome), Pt 1//Pt 2 Lss "Compliments of St. Louis Globe Democrat" LT NR E-
3850. NF 23 [pl] Warren G. Harding: An Association of Nations//Prince's Band: March (Vessella) SCRS S2 V++
3851. ViW 35718 [pl] Warren G. Harding: International Conference for Limitation of Armament//Address at Hoboken on return for burial of
5212 American Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Nurses MB 10 SM LTRS E--
3852. Vi CVE-70537/38 Herbert Clark Hoover: Address on Welfare and Relief Mobilization
(Broadcast from Fortress Monroe, VA; Oct 18, 1931), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 150 PMKS, SM SCRS E--
3853. - International Singers: Hold The Fort, Please Mr. Boss & March Of The Toilers//The Song Of Local 91,
The Song Of The Neckwear, Bread And Roses & The Uprising Of The Twenty Thousand
Lss "Issued by International Ladies' Garment Workers Union" MB 5 PMKS TWW E--
3854. ViS 35834-36 [3 recs] Calvin Coolidge & Charles Lindbergh: Colonel Lindbergh's Address Before the Press Club; Calvin Coolidge Welcomes
Lindbergh; Lindbergh's Response//Actual Moments in the Reception to Lindbergh at
Washington, DC MB 50 FW SCFS D1 E-/V++
3855. Keynote 1200 Paul Robeson: The United Nations//Anthems of the U.S.S.R. MB 5 E--

3856. HMV 09308 [ss] Royal Garrison Artillery: Gas Shell Bombardment Lss "Actual record taken on the front line - France, near Lille -
Oct 1918"; an historically significant disc which we play and discuss on
Bidder Request Show 39 MB 250 SCRS E--

3857. ViW 35252 Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Farmers//Democratic Principles LT SCRS E--
3858. ViP 35253 Woodrow Wilson: Labor//The Tariff MB 50 E--

10" Ku Klux Klan recordings, MB $15

3859. Windles Special mx 415/416 (Anonymous): The Mystic City//Uncle Sammy's Melting Pot RS S1 V-/V+
3860. KKK 75003 100% Americans: Why I Am A Klansman//The Cross In The Wildwood Plays ok V-
3861. KKK 75004 100% Americans: America, Our Nobleland//Dr. Hiram Wesley Evans: America's Task
Lss "Ol Klan Song of the Sixties" s1 CTL V
3862. Our Song mx 11462/63-a 100% Americans: The Bright Fiery Cross//The Jolly Old Klansman V
3863. Ok 4642 Billy Frisch: Ku Ku (The Klucking of the Ku Klux Klan)//Markel's Orc: Same selection Even wear V
3864. 100% K-5/6 W.R. Rhinehart: The Klansman's Friend//Rhinehart Bros.: We Belong To The Ku Klux Klan
Different label varieties each sd LT WOLS V
3865. 100% K-29/30 W.R. Rhinehart: Klucker And The Rain//Long Klucker V+


10", MB $3
3866. Enterprise Records 501 [pl] Abbott & Costello: Who's On First?, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E--
3867. ViS 21608 Amos 'n' Andy: The Presidental Election, Pt 1//Pt 2 Oakland pressing SCFS V++
3868. ViS 22234 Amos 'n' Andy: The Dairy//At The Bull-Fight LT WMKS AE, GR E-
3869. ViW 19560 Marian Anderson: My Lord, What A Mornin'//Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen WOLS E--
3870. ViS 24579 Harold Arlen w/Eddy Duchin's Orc: Ill Wind//As Long As I Live (both by Arlen) MB 15 V++
3871. DeSB 1092 Lil Armstrong & her Swing Orc w/LA, vc: Brown Gal//Or Leave Me Alone LTR S1 V++
3872. BbBf B-5086 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc s2: Mahogany Hall Stomp//He's A Son Of The South 1" CR E-
3873. BbBf B-6644 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: I Wonder Who//That's My Home V++
3874. BbS B-7506 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Sittin' In The Dark//Hustlin' And Bustlin' For Baby SM LTR S2 E-
3875. DeSB 579 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: I'm In The Mood For Love//Got A Bran' New Suit V++
3876. DeSB 622 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Old Man Mose//Falling In Love With You NRS, WOL E--
3877. DeSB 797 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: I Come From A Musical Family//Somebody Stole My Break SCFS, GR E-
3878. De 949 Louis Armstrong w/Jimmy Dorsey's Orc: The Skeleton In The Closet//Hurdy Gurdy Man GR E-
3879. DeSB 1049 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Red Nose//LA w/Jimmy Dorsey's Orc: When Ruben Swings the Cuban E-
3880. DeSB 1347 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Public Melody Number One//Red Cap V++
3881. De 1661 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Let That Be A Lesson To You//Struttin' With Some Barbecue E--
3882. De 1822 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Mexican Swing//So Little Time LT GR, SM BLS E
3883. De 1913 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Shadrack//Jonah And The Whale SCRS E-
3884. De 2729 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Shanty Boat On The Mississippi//Baby Won't You Please Come Home SM EFS NTG E
3885. De 3011 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Bye And Bye//Poor Old Joe V++
3886. De 80107 Louis Armstrong's Orc: You Are My Lucky Star//I'm In The Mood For Love LST S1, SM SCRS E-
3887. ViS 24204 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: I Hate To Leave You Now//You'll Wish You'd Never Been Born GR E--
3888. ViS 24245 [Arg] Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Sittin' In The Dark//I've Got The World On A String ULC, SOLS V++
3889. ViS 24425 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Don't Play Me Cheap//I Wonder Who LST V++
3890. ViR 20-2612 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA vc: Joseph And His Brudders//Louis Armstrong's Hot Six w/LA vc: I Want A Little Girl E
3891. DeSB 1245 Louis Armstrong & the Mills Brothers w/LA, vc & tpt: Darling Nellie Gray//Carry Me Back To Old Virginny MN SCRS V++
3892. De 3151 Louis Armstrong & the Mills Brothers: Marie//WPA VLT SCFS, LT GR E
3893. ViS 22317 Perry Askam: Lover Come Back To Me//Stout Hearted Men Oakland pressing V++
3894. Br 7609 Fred Astaire w/Johnny Green's Orc: We Saw The Sea//I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket E--
3895. MGM 50016 [fs] Fred Astaire: You'd Be Hard To Replace//Astaire & Rogers: My One And Only Highland Fling V++
3896. ViS 20561 Gene Austin: Forgive Me//Someday Sweetheart LT SCFS, LSCR E-
3897. ViS 21779 Gene Austin: Sonny Boy//She's Funny That Way E--
3898. Br 80109 Mildred Bailey: Lover, Come Back To Me!//MB & the Delta Rhythm Boys: It's So Peaceful In The Country E--
3899. Br 01564 [Eng] Mildred Bailey w/the Dorsey Brothers' Orc: There's A Cabin In The Pines//Lazy Bones LT SCRS S1 E
3900. CoM 35943 Mildred Bailey: Rockin' Chair//There'll Be Some Changes Made E+

3901. De 3755 Mildred Bailey w/the Delta Rhythm Boys: Sometimes I'm Happy//Rockin' Chair VLT SCF, LNR S1 E
3902. VoS 3378 Mildred Bailey & her Orc w/MB, vc: More Than You Know//'Long About Midnight E--
3903. VoB 3712 Mildred Bailey & her Orc w/MB, vc: Just A Stone's Throw From Heaven//Bob White E--
3904. CoM 38028 Pearl Bailey: I Need Ya Like I Need A Hole In The Head//But, What Are These! E
3905. HMV B-2396 George Baker: Ho! Jolly Jenkin, from "Ivanhoe"//Linden Lea E
3906. Re 8119 Franklyn Baur: California Chimes//Vernon Dalhart: There's A New Star In Heaven Tonight, Rudolph Valentino E--
3907. ViS 20758 Franklyn Baur: Just Like A Butterfly//Marvin & Smalle: Just Another Day Wasted Away LT SCRS E-
3908. Ha 52-H Franklyn Baur & Billy Travers: Let Me Call You Sweetheart//Franklyn Baur: Don't Wait Too Long V++
3909. GG 4211 Baxley & Thompson: Andy Gets Learnin'//Andy Goes A'Hunting LG LTR S2 E--
3910. De 40157 Mr. Beebe: Today I'm Thinking, Pt 1//Pt 2 Bidder Request Show E-
3911. Ca 496 Al Bernard: You Better Get Rid Of That Cat//Bernard & Ferera: Me No Speak-a Good English FW SCRS, GR E-
3912. PatA 032027 Al Bernard w/Frank Ferrera, uke: Twenty-Five Years From Now//De Ducks Done Got Me E--
3913. CoV 275-D Bernard & Robinson (The Dixie Stars): Blue Eyed Sally//Let Me Be The First To Kiss You Good Morning SCFS, SM LTRS, SOLS E--
3914. VoW 15211 Bernard & Kamplain: Prancin' Dancin' Yodelin' Man//Yeedle-Deedle Lena V++
3915. PatA 025107 David Bispham: Tommy Lad!//Dixie LN LT SCF S2 E-
3916. Pe 12091 Harry Blake: Sittin' In A Corner//Blake & Judson: Last Night On The Back Porch E--
3917. Cap 1360 Mel Blanc: Yosemite Sam//I Taut I Taw A Puddy Tat LSCRS V++
3918. HMV B-8947 Webster Booth: The English Rose//The Faery Song E+
3919. ViW 19199 Irene Bordoni: So This Is Love//I Won't Say I Will (Gershwin) E--
3920. Br 6151 Boswell Sisters w/the Dorsey Bros' Orc: It's The Girl//It's You V++
3921. Br 80012 [fs] Boswell Sisters: Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On//Shout, Sister, Shout! GR, LT SCRS, FW SCFS E-
3922. Br 80013 [fs] Boswell Sisters: Heebie Jeebies//Shine On Harvest Moon E--
3923. Br 80014 [fs] Boswell Sisters: River, Stay 'Way From My Door//It's The Girl! SCFS, SCRS S2 E--
3924. VoB 4239 Boswell Sisters: Alexander's Ragtime Band//Dinah LT SCRS, LT GR E
3925. DeSB 829 Connie Boswell w/Bob Crosby's Orc: On The Beach At Bali Bali//I Met My Waterloo LSTS S1, SM SCRS E-/E
3926. DeSB 840 Connie Boswell w/Bob Crosby's Orc: Swing Me A Lullaby//You Can Call It Swing LT WOL, EF NTG E--
3927. De 1678 Connie Boswell w/Bob Crosby's Bob Cats: Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life//Gypsy Love Song SCFS E-
3928. CoV 2971-D [bw] Luciene Boyer: Hands Across The Table//Is It The Singer Or Is It The Song? MB 15 SCFS, FW SM PMKS E-
3929. BbS B-7168 Bobby Breen w/the St Luke Choristers s1: My Campfire Dreams//Gee! But It's Great To Meet A Friend E--
3930. ViS 21168 Fanny Brice: My Man//The Song Of The Sewing-Machine E--
3931. ViW 45263 Fanny Brice: My Man//Second Hand Rose E--
3932. ViW 45303 Fanny Brice: I'm An Indian//Oh, How I Hate That Fellow Nathan LSCRS E-
3933. Ok 4996 Shelton Brooks & Co: The New Darktown Judge//The I'll Go In That Lion's Cage V++
3934. Tono L-28022 [Dan] Anne Brown: Adventures Of Isabel//Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening E-
3935. Tono L-28036 [Dan] Anne Brown: His Name So Sweet//The Nightingale E
3936. BrLB 415 Brunswick Players featuring Sterling Melvin: The Shooting of Dan McGrew, Pt 1//Pt 2 GR E--
3937. ARC-Me 6-02-01 Chick Bullock & his Levee Loungers w/CB, vc: Twenty-Four Hours A Day//Don't Give Up The Ship E--
3938. ARC-Me 6-06-10 Chick Bullock & his Levee Loungers w/CB, vc: Ace In The Hole//My Gal Sal V++
3939. ARC-Me 6-06-13 Chick Bullock & his Levee Loungers w/CB, vc: You've Got To Get High To Sing//Don't Get Sentimental V+
3940. ARC-Pe 6-10-02 Chick Bullock & his Levee Loungers w/CB, vc: You Dropped Me Like A Red Hot Penny//You're Not The Kind E--
3941. CoV 0911 Tom Burke: Thank God For A Garden//The Minstrel Boy E-
3942. BbS B-5334 Blanche Calloway's Joy Boys w/BC, vc: I Need Lovin'//William Massey, vc: Sugar Blues LSCR S2 E/E--
3943. Br 6292 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Strictly Cullud Affair//Aw, You Dawg! V
3944. Br 6992 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Chinese Rhythm//Weakness SM IC E-/E--
3945. Br 7639 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Keep That Hi-De-Hi In Your Soul//You're The Cure For What Ails Me MB 15 SCFS E--
3946. Me M-12488 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Swanee Lullaby//How Come You Do Me Like You Do? V++
3947. Me M-12489 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: I'm Now Prepared To Tell The World It's You//Dinah V+
3948. Me M-12887 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Reefer Man//Minnie The Moocher MB 25 E--
3949. Ok 6147 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc s1: Geechy Joe//Special Delivery V++
3950. Ok 6305 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc s1: Chattanooga Choo Choo//Take The "A" Train VLT PMK E
3951. Ok 6422 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Blues In The Night//Says Who? Says You, Says I! E--
3952. Ok 6616 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: I Want To Rock//Tain't No Good V++
3953. Pe 15531 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Stardust//You Can't Stop Me From Lovin' You PMKS S2, VLT RS S2 E/E-
3954. Pe 15825 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: Bugle Call Rag//The Man From Harlem FW SCRS E-
3955. ViS 24451 Cab Calloway & his Cotton Club Orc w/CC, vc: Lady With The Fan//Father's Got His Glasses On GR V++
3956. Vr VA-501 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: That Man Is Here Again//Swing, Swing, Swing E/E--
3957. Vr VA-643 Cab Calloway & his Orc w/CC, vc: I'm Always In The Mood For You//She's Tall, She's Tan, She's Terrific E--
3958. ViS 21831 Eddie Cantor: Makin' Whoopee!//Hungry Women E--
3959. CoV 176-M Anna Case: My Pretty Jane//My Laddie LT SCFS E
3960. Br 10018 Mario Chamlee: Your Eyes Have Told Me LT GR, LT LSPTS E
3961. ViS 22007 Maurice Chevalier: It's A Habit Of Mine//On Top Of The World, Alone E--
3962. ViS 22093 Maurice Chevalier: Les Ananas//Valentine Oakland pressing LT LSCF S1 E-
3963. Cap 891 Robert Clary: Alouette//You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby SCF S1, SCR S2 E
3964. Cap 2624 Al "Jazzbo" Collins: The Discovery Of America//The Invention Of The Airplane MB 15 MN SM SCRS, SCFS E-
3965. Special Editions 5001-S Russ Columbo: I See Two Lovers//Too Beautiful For Words E--
3966. ViW 19986 Correll & Gosden assisted by Sam 'n' Henry s1: Let's Talk About My Sweetie//All I Want To Do FW LT SCRS E-
3967. ViR 10-1467 Marilyn Cotlow: Sleep, Now//At The Well SCFS E
3968. Dot 15135 Cousin Almer: The Basketball Game, Pt 1//Pt 2 Bidder Request Show V+
3969. ViS 22819 Noel Coward: Half Caste Woman//Any Little Fish E--
3970. ViS 24332 Noel Coward: Mad Dogs And Englishmen//Lover Of My Dreams V++
3971. De 23010 Armand Crabbé: Ich Liebe Dich, My Dear//Amoreuse E-
3972. Br 6140 Bing Crosby: I Found A Million Dollar Baby//I'm Through With Love MB 15 E--
3973. CoV 1773-D Bing Crosby: My Kinda Love//Till We Meet EDGE WDM, WMKS, MN LT LCS AB E-
3974. CoV 1851-D Bing Crosby: I Kiss Your Hand, Madame//Baby, Oh Where Can You Be? LT SCRS S1, MN SM LT LCS NTG E/E--
3975. DeSB 948 Bing Crosby: So Do I//One, Two, Button Your Shoe LT SCFS, LT GR E-
3976. Me M-13128 Bing Crosby: We'll Make Hay While The Sun Shines//Blue Prelude E--
3977. De 18564 Bing Crosby & Trudy Erwin: People Will Say We're In Love//Oh! What A Beautiful Mornin' E--
3978. De 27577 Bing & Gary Crosby: When You And I Were Young Maggie Blues//Moonlight Bay E--
3979. ViW 19739 Frank Crumit w/Frank Banta, pno: I Married The Bootlegger's Daughter//Happiness Boys: How's Your Folks And My Folks V++
3980. ViS 20715 Frank Crumit: Abdul Abulbul Amir//Frankie And Johnnie E--
3981. ViS 22482 Frank Crumit: The Return Of Abdul Abulbul Amir//I'm Bettin' The Roll On Roamer V++
3982. Pu 11320 Charles Dale: Since Ma Is Playing Mah Jong//Earl Randolph's Orc w/CD, vc: Why Did I Kiss That Girl V++
3983. CoV 1175-D Vernon Dalhart: Our American Girl//The Whole World Is Waiting Bidder Request Show LT INT LCS, SCFS S1 E-
3984. CoV 1488-D Vernon Dalhart: Hallelujah! I'm A Bum//The Bum Song LSCRS, LT SCRS E-
3985. CoV 1585-D Vernon Dalhart: Who Said I Was A Bum?//Wanderin' MN BBLS E-
3986. PatA 032039 Dalhart & Smalle: Turn On Your Radio//Home In Pasadena LT CBI E-

3987. HMV B-1375 Peter Dawson: O Falmouth Is A Fine Town//The Roadside Fire SM BLSS, LT NRS E-
3988. HMV B-1785 Peter Dawson: The Wanderer's Song//Mother Carey Lg "Special Record" sols LT SCFS, WOL S1 E
3989. HMV B-2238 Peter Dawson: Love, Could I Only Tell Thee//She Is Far From The Land LT SCRS E
3990. HMV B-2297 Peter Dawson: The Gay Highway//The Vagabond SM SCFS E
3991. HMV B-2425 Peter Dawson: Oh, Could I But Express In Song//Sincerity E
3992. HMV B-3691 Peter Dawson: The Blind Ploughman//The Menin Gate E+
3993. HMV B-4194 Peter Dawson: There's Something At The Yardarm//Give Me The Rolling Sea E
3994. HMV B-4320 Peter Dawson: Till I Wake//Kashmiri Love Song E
3995. HMV B-8515 Peter Dawson: With My Shillelagh Under My Arm//Phil The Fluter's Ball SCR S2 E
3996. CoF 309-D Dixie Stars (Bernard & Robinson): Birmingham Papa, Your Memphis Mamma's Comin' To Town//Never Gettin' No Place Blues V+
3997. Em 10344 Hugh Donovan: Wrap The Green Flag 'Round Me, Boys//County Kerry Mary MB 15 SCFS, LT SCRS E--
3998. ViS 21958 Morton Downey: The World Is Yours And Mine//There's A Place In The Sun For You SCFS, LT SCRS E-
3999. Br 3874 Jessica Dragonette: Mem'ries//Shepherd Of The Hills V++
4000. ViC 2141 Jessica Dragonette: Lullaby For A Doll//The Owl And The Pussy Cat LT SCRS, SM LTR S1 E
4001. ViW 19050 Duncan Sisters: The Music Lesson//Baby Sister Blues Oakland pressing V++
4002. DeSB 1097 Deanna Durbin: Someone To Care For Me//Il Bacio Lss "14 Years Old" SCF S1, SM ND S2 E-
4003. Bell 461 Gertrude Dwyer: Six Feet Of Papa//A Too Tame Papa V++/V+
4004. CoV 1523-D Cliff Edwards (Ukelele Ike): It Goes Like This//Half-Way To Heaven E-/V++
4005. CoV 2235-D Cliff Edwards (Ukelele Ike): Sing//Singing A Song To The Stars EC NTPG V++
4006. Pe 11634 Cliff Edwards (Ukelele Ike) & his Hot Combination: I Never Knew What The Moonlight Could Do//
I'm Tellin' The Birds, Tellin' The Bees How I Love You MB 15 FW VSM BLSS, VSM SCF S2 E
4007. Pe 12134 Cliff Edwards (Ukelele Ike): You're So Cute//I Can't Get The One I Want E--
4008. Co D-1556 [Eng] Hubert Eisdell: Bird Song At Eventide//Dusk In The Valley LST S1, LG LT SCF S2 E
4009. Co DB-1113 [Eng] Hubert Eisdell: A House Love Made For You And Me//Stars And A Crescent Moon E
4010. CoV 1494-D Seger Ellis: When You Said Goodnight//When You're Smiling SCRS S2 E
4011. DeSB 1275 Seger Ellis & his Orc w/SE, vc s1: Three Little Words//Shivery Stomp E-
4012. DeSB 1350 Seger Ellis & his Orc w/SE, vc s1: Sometimes I'm Happy//Bees Knees VSM BBL S1 E
4013. CoV 692-D Ruth Etting: I Ain't Got Nobody//That's Why I Love You dsol sez "open evenings" FW LT SCRS E-
4014. CoV 1563-D Ruth Etting: Sonny Boy//I Still Keep Dreaming Of You LT SCFS, MN SM SCRS E
4015. CoV 2955-D [bw] Ruth Etting w/Jimmie Grier's Orc: Out In The Cold Again//What About Me MB 15 V++
4016. DeSB 1259 Ruth Etting w/Frank Signorelli & Harold Solomon, pnos: A Message From The Man In The Moon//On A Little Dream Ranch MN SCRS, SCFS E--
4017. BrS 7876 Alice Faye: There's A Lull In My Life//Wake Up And Live Marconi Bros, NYC dsol V++
4018. GG 4200 Arthur Fields: The Drunkard's Lone Child//Frank Luther: Wreck Of The Royal Palm GR, BBLS, SM BLSS E-
4019. DeSB 849 Benny Fields: These Foolish Things Remind Me Of You//Heaven In My Heart MN SCRS, LTRS, GR E-
4020. Gala 100 Dwight Fiske: Ida, The Wayward Sturgeon//Clarissa The Flea SM SCRS E-
4021. DeSB 1123 Ella Fitzgerald w/Chick Webb's Orc: Take Another Guess//When I Get Low I Get High MB 15 E--
4022. DeSB 1339 Ella Fitzgerald & her Savoy Eight: All Over Nothing At All//Deep In The Heart Of The South V++
4023. De 1716 Ella Fitzgerald w/Chick Webb's Orc: If Dreams Come True//CW's Orc: Squeeze Me E-/E--
4024. De 2231 Ella Fitzgerald w/Chick Webb's Orc: Gotta Pebble In My Shoe//CW's Orc: Who Ya Hunchin' V++
4025. De 27680 [dj; vnl] Ella Fitzgerald w/Ray Charles' Singers, vcs s2: Come On-A My House//Mixed Emotions LG SOL S2 E-
4026. Co 4595 [Eng] Flotsam & Jetsam: Move Into My House//The Village Blacksmith Up-To-Date Bidder Request Show SCFS E--
4027. Co 5709 [Eng] Mr. Flotsam & Mr. Jetsam: Song Of The Air//Simon The Boolegger SM HV SCF S2 V++
4028. CoV 1699-D Ford & Glenn: Sweethearts On Parade//Avalon Town MN SM SCRS E--
4029. Br 2638 Senator [Edward] Ford: Visiting The Old Home Town, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 VLT GR E
4030. De 27987 Four Aces: Perfidia//You Brought Me Love V++
4031. Cap 2279 Stan Freberg: The Boogie-Woogie Banjo Man From Birmingham//The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise E--/E-
4032. Cap 2596 Stan Freberg: Little Blue Riding Hood//St. George And The Dragonet E--
4033. Cap 2677 Stan Freberg: C'est Si Bon//A Dear John And Marsha Letter SM SCFS E-
4034. CoV 533-D Rudolf Friml, pno: Chansonette//Song Of The Vagabonds (both by Friml) V++
4035. ViS 22540 Rudolf Friml, pno: Huguette Waltz//Indian Love Call (both by Friml) MB 15 E--
4036. ViW 959 Amelita Galli-Curci: A Kiss In The Dark//Kiss Me Again LTR S1 E
4037. ViS 1412 Amelita Galli-Curci: My Old Kentucky Home//Love's Old Sweet Song E
4038. De 2672 [fs] Judy Garland: Over The Rainbow//The Jitterbug V++
4039. PatA 32482 Sid Garry: Tip-Toe Thru' The Tulips With Me//Painting The Clouds With Sunshine E--
4040. Merc 70685 Georgia Gibbs: I Want You To Be My Baby//Come Rain Or Come Shine E--
4041. CoV 328-D Art Gillham (The Whispering Pianist): I Had Someone Else Before I Had You//You May Be Lonesome LTRS V++
4042. CoV 343-D Art Gillham (The Whispering Pianist): Second Hand Love//Hesitation Blues SCR S2, SM EF NTG E-
4043. HMV B-4045 Walter Glynne: Drinking Song, from "Rose of Persia" (Sullivan)//The Song That Reached My Heart E
4044. CoM 38721 Arthur Godfrey w/the Chordettes: Candy And Cake//AG w/the Mariners: Dear Old Girl EF NTG E
4045. CoV 1294-D Goodrich Silvertown Qrt: Thou Swell//James Melton: My Heart Stood Still 1" SCR S1 E
4046. ViR 10-1201 Igor Gorin: Through The Years//Thine Alone VSM SCFS E
4047. ViS 20609 Louise Groody & Charles King: Sometimes I'm Happy//Revelers: Hallelujah! SCFS, LT FMG S1, LTRS E-
4048. CoV 4040-M Charles Hackett: A Brown Bird Singing//Duna M-
4049. Ge 5271 Wendell Hall: Red Headed Music Maker//It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' V+
4050. Cl 5079-C Annette Hanshaw w/Ferera's Hawaiian Trio: Forget-Me-Not//Four Aces: Moonlight On The Colorado MB 15 E--
4051. PatA 32267 Annette Hanshaw: Just Like A Butterfly//Aw Gee, Don't Be That Way Now Splatter wax MB 25 E-
4052. VT 1785-V Annette Hanshaw & her Sizzlin' Syncopators: You're The Cream In My Coffee//My Inspiration Is You MB 15 E--
4053. ViW 19865 Happiness Boys: Why Aren't Yez Eatin' More Oranges?//That Certain Party V++
4054. ARA RM-104 Phil Harris' Orc w/PH, vc: Brazen Little Raisin//That What I Like About The South E--
4055. CoV 369-D Charles Hart: Rose-Marie//Serenade, from "The Student Prince" E--
4056. ViR 10-1426 Thomas Hayward: Sylvia//Pale Moon LT SCFS DNS E+
4057. Boosey & Hawkes V-2187 Michael Head: A Sea Burthen//The Songs Of Arcady LN SCR E
4058. Co 3683 [Eng] William Heseltine: Mary Of Allendale//All For You SCFS, SCRS E-
4059. CoV2 269-M Hildegarde: For Sentimental Reasons//Pennies From Heaven HV SCR TOK S2 V++
4060. DeSB 216 Fred Hillebrand w/the Cavaliers: The Drunkard Song, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
4061. HMV B-3590 Joseph Hislop: Oh Maiden, My Maiden//A Heart As Pure As Gold, both from "Frederica" E
4062. HMV B-3816 Joseph Hislop: When I Am Dead, My Dearest//A Pair Well Matched LT SCFS E
4063. Aladdin 3102 Billie Holiday w/Tiny Grimes' Sxt: Blue Turning Gray Over You//Rocky Mountain Blues V++
4064. Br 7511 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: It's Too Hot For Words//What A Night, What A Moon, What A Girl E--
4065. Br 7520 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: I'm Painting The Town Red//TW's Orc: Sweet Lorraine EF NTG E--
4066. BrS 7729 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: I Cried For You//Ella Fitzgerald w/TW's Orc: My Melancholy Baby LTR, SCFS, LT SCRS E-
4067. BrS 7844 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: The Mood That I'm In//Sentimental And Melancholy MB 15 FW SCFS E-
4068. BrS 7867 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: Carelessly//How Could You? V++/E-
4069. BrS 7903 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: Mean To Me//I'll Get By HV SCR S2, MN LT SCRS E-
4070. BrS 7917 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: Sun Showers//Yours And Mine TAPE IN ROA E--
4071. BrS 8265 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: I'll Never Fail You//April In My Heart V++

4072. BrS 8314 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: It's Easy To Blame The Weather//What Shall I Say? SCRS E-
4073. Com 553 Billie Holiday: I'll Be Seeing You//I'll Get By E--
4074. Com 569 Billie Holiday: She's Funny That Way//How Am I To Know MB 15 LT GR E-
4075. De 23565 Billie Holiday: Don't Explain//What Is This Thing Called Love LN LT LAT HC NAP E
4076. De 24138 Billie Holiday: Deep Song//Easy Living VVSM EF S1 E-
4077. Ok 5719 Billie Holiday: Tell Me More//Laughing At Life TOL E--
4078. VoB 3440 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: If My Heart Could Only Talk//Please Keep Me In Your Dreams GR, WMKS E--
4079. VoB 4126 Billie Holiday & her Orc: You Go To My Head//The Moon Looks Down And Laughs E--
4080. VoB 4238 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: I'm Gonna Lock My Heart//I Wish I Had You V++
4081. VoB 4786 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: Everything Happens For The Best//Under A Blue Jungle Moon V++
4082. VoB 5129 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: Swing! Brother, Swing!//Our Love Is Different E--
4083. VoB 5609 Billie Holiday: Falling In Love Again//Ghost Of Yesterday E--
4084. ViR 20-4936 Homer & Jethro: The Billboard Song//Child Psychology E/E-
4085. ViRC 20-6029 Homer & Jethro: Mister Sandman//The Nutty Lady Of Shady Lane Bidder Request Show MB 15 LBBL S2 E
4086. De 2219 [dj; vnl] Bob Hope & Shirley Ross: New Thanks For The Memories//Two Sleepy People WOLS, SM SCFS E-
4087. CoM 38500 [dj] Marjorie Hughes: You Told A Lie//You're Mine LT FMG, LST S1, E--
4088. Br 3654 Jimmy Hussey: Since Henry Ford Apologized To Me//Rose Of The Studios V+
4089. CoM 38745 [dj] Burl Ives: The Bachelor's Life//River Of Smoke E
4090. CRS 5 Joseph Jefferson: Return Scene//Mountain Scene, both from "Rip Van Winkle"
Lss "Re-recorded from cylinder made about 1900" LT SCFS, LT RAS S2, SM BLS E
4091. ViS 4088 Edward Johnson: Sunrise And You//Lassie O' Mine E
4092. Pe 12408 Paul Johnson: Ice Cream//Henry's Made A Lady Out Of Lizzie LG SCFS, SCRS, TOL, EF NTG E--
4093. Br 2569 Al Jolson w/Isham Jones' Orc: California, Here I Come//I'm Goin' South MB 15 E--
4094. Br 3719 Al Jolson w/William F. Wirges' Orc: Mother Of Mine, I Still Have You//Blue River E--
4095. CoF 79-D Al Jolson: Twelve O'Clock At Night//Lewis James: Mr. Radio Man MB 25 E-/E
4096. CoGB A-2478 Al Jolson: I'm All Bound 'Round With The Mason Dixon Line//Collins & Harlan: Darktown Strutters' Ball LT GR E
4097. ViP 17037 Al Jolson: Rum Tum Tiddle//That Haunting Melody MB 25 E-
4098. ViP 17119 Al Jolson: That Lovin' Traumerei//Billy Murray: Lucia Sextette Burlesque MB 15 E--
4099. DeSB 1439 Jones Boys Sing Band: Pickin' A Rib//Otis Rene w/the JBSB: Sleepy Time In Hawaii V++
4100. Ok 4456 Billy Jones & Ernest Hare: Ten Little Fingers And Ten Little Toes//Shannon Four: Plantation Lullaby LT IC, FW SCRS E--
4101. CoV2 318-M Parry Jones: The Fox//Sleep E+
4102. CoM 39205 [dj; vnl] Helen Kane: Hug Me! Kiss Me! Love Me!//The Aba Daba Honeymoon SCRS, LT FLBLS E--
4103. ViS 22080 Helen Kane: I'd Do Anything For You//He's So Unusual MB 25 LT WSPTS, SCRS S1 E-
4104. Do 3845 Irving Kaufman: I'd Love To Call You My Sweetheart//Hall & Ryan: Humming Bird GR, LT ICS E-
4105. VoW 15092 Irving Kaufman: Yes Sir, That's My Baby//New York Ain't New York Anymore E--/E-
4106. ViW 19897 Dennis King: Song Of The Vagabonds//Carolyn Thomson: Only A Rose V++
4107. Co D-1450 [Eng] Dora Labbette: Trot Here And There//DL & Harold Williams: John SCRS, LT LST, LG SOL S1 E
4108. Merc 1178 Frankie Laine: I'm In The Mood For Love//Cherie I Love You E--
4109. Merc 5332 Frankie Laine: Waiting At The End Of The Road//Don't Do Something To Someone Else E-
4110. BrS 8291 Dorothy Lamour: Let's Dream In The Moonlight//I Go For That E-
4111. ViR 10-3738 Mario Lanza: Temptation//Lygia SM EF NTG E
4112. ViRC 20-6915 [vnl] Mario Lanza: A Night To Remember//Behold! E-
4113. CoV 24-M Hulda Lashanska: Mighty Lak' A Rose//Sing Me To Sleep E
4114. CoV 33-M Hulda Lashanska: Last Night//Kiss Me Again E
4115. HMV B-2563 Gertrude Lawrence: Someone To Watch Over Me//Do-Do-Do E
4116. Cap 308 Julia Lee & her Boy Friends: Gotta Gimmie Whatcha Got//Lies E--
4117. Cap 15144 Julia Lee & her Boy Friends: Tell Me, Daddy//Until The Real Thing Comes Along E
4118. ViS 1345 Mary Lewis: Old Folks At Home//Dixie LT SCFS E
4119. Cap 2576 [dj] Patti & Jerry Lewis: Give Me A Little Kiss//Jerry Lewis: Y-Y-Y-Yup! WOL S2 E-
4120. CoM 38947 Robert Q. Lewis: If I Give Up The Saxophone//Ain't You Coming Out, Malinda? Bidder Request Show SM SCRS E-
4121. LMS L-189 Beatrice Lillie: Mother Told Me So//Paree SCFS, BLS S2 E-
4122. CoV 1122-D Little Jack Little: Miss Annabelle Lee//Who Is Your Who? LTRS, 1" LC E--
4123. HMV B-2770 Master E. Lough & R. Mallett w/Capel Dixon & Frank Hastwell: Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes//Matthew, Mark, Luke And John &
Bless You, Bonnie Bee VLT GR E
4124. Br 2906 Nick Lucas (The Crooning Troubadour): By The Light Of The Stars//Isn't She The Sweetest Thing? V++
4125. Br 3684 Nick Lucas (The Crooning Troubadour): Blue Heaven//Among My Souvenirs E--
4126. Br 6104 Nick Lucas & his Crooning Troubadours: Can't You Read Between The Lines//Now You're In My Arms MB 15 E--
4127. HMV B-3633 Jeannette MacDonald: Always In All Ways//Beyond The Blue Horizon E-
4128. CoV 40-M Tandy MacKenzie: Roses Of Picardy//I'll Sing Thee Songs Of Araby LT LSCR E+
4129. CoM 38744 Mary Martin & Arthur Godfrey: But Me, I Love You//Go To Sleep, Go To Sleep, Go To Sleep E--
4130. ViS 21650 Johnny Marvin: Heartbroken And Lonely//Crazy Rhythm SCFS, LTR E-
4131. CoV 124-M Barbara Maurel: A Perfect Day//The Sweetest Story Ever Told LT LSCFS E
4132. CoV 733-D Ed McConnell: Elder Bigby's Discourse, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS, FW SCRS S2, ROA ND E-
4133. HMV DA-1390 John McCormack: Music Of The Night//A Song Remembered ISOL E
4134. HMV IR-256 John McCormack: I Hear You Calling Me//My Treasure E
4135. HMV IR-260 John McCormack: Ye Banks And Braes O' Bonnie Doon//Annie Laurie E
4136. HMV IR-1005 John McCormack: There Is A Flower That Bloometh//Goodbye, Sweetheart, Goodbye E
4137. HMV IR-1020 John McCormack: A Life Lesson//A Necklace Of Love LT SCR S1 E
4138. HMV IR-1021 John McCormack: God Bless America//Battle Hymn Of The Republic SM SCFS E
4139. HMV IR-1029 John McCormack: Love Me And I'll Live For Ever//Because I Love You E
4140. HMV IR-1030 John McCormack: A Garden In The Rain//The Far-Away Bells E
4141. HMV IR-1036 John McCormack: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling//Is She Not Passing Fair E
4142. ViW 1133 John McCormack: Just A Cottage Small//Through All The Days To Be E-
4143. ViC 1173 John McCormack: Silver Threads Among The Gold//When You And I Were Young, Maggie SM BLS S1 E+
4144. ViR 1293 John McCormack: Mother Machree//I Hear You Calling Me E
4145. ViC 1305 John McCormack: Annie Laurie//The Auld Scotch Sangs E
4146. ViC 1306 John McCormack: Who Is Sylvia?//None But A Lonely Heart E
4147. ViC 1321 John McCormack: Dear Old Pal Of Mine (Rice)//Roses Of Picardy (Wood) LT SCRS E
4148. ViC 1458 John McCormack: The Rosary (Rogers-Nevin)//Little Boy Blue, from the Fox film "Song O' My Heart" LT SCRS E
4149. ViC 1700 John McCormack: Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair//Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair E-
4150. ViC 2169 John McCormack: Kashmiri Song//Till I Wake E
4151. ViW 64423 John McCormack: Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming LT SCF E
4152. ViW 64559 John McCormack: The Old Refrain (Mattullath-Kreisler) SM WOL E
4153. Co DB-132 [Eng] Malcolm McEachern: Aylesbury Ducks//Driver Of The 8.15 SM SCRS E
4154. Co DB-1438 [Eng] Malcolm McEachern: In Praise Of Ale//Gentlemen, Goodnight SOL S1 E/M-
4155. MGM 30005 [Eng] Lauritz Melchior: For You Alone//Without A Song E

4156. Br 15223 James Melton: Short'nin' Bread//Carry Me Back To The Lone Prairie WOLS E--
4157. LMS L-207 Ethel Merman: Red, Hot And Blue//Ridin' High Bidder Request Show MB 25 SCFS E-
4158. De 27865 [dj] Ethel Merman & Jimmy Durante: You Say The Nicest Things//If You Catch A Little Cold LST, SM LTR S1 V++
4159. ViR 10-1313 Robert Merrill: The Whiffenpoof Song//The Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi E--
4160. ViR 20-5656 [dj; vnl] Robert Merrill: The Matador's Prayer//A Red, Red Rose LT SCFS, WOLS E+
4161. ViC 10-1175 Nan Merriman: What's The Use Of Wond'rin'//You'll Never Walk Alone E-
4162. Br 6197 Mills Brothers: Tiger Rag//Nobody's Sweetheart MB 15 E--
4163. Br 6519 Mills Brothers w/Duke Ellington & his Famous Orc s1: Diga Diga Doo//I Can't Give You Anything But Love MB 15 LT NRS E--
4164. De 23863 Mills Brothers: Dream, Dream, Dream//Across The Alley From The Alamo E--
4165. Od 284310 [Arg] Mills Brothers & Louis Armstrong: In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree//Mills Brothers: The Old Folks At Home E-
4166. ViR 20-4271 [dj] Vaughn Monroe & his Orc: They Call The Wind Maria//Meanderin' FW SCRS E
4167. Br 6994 Grace Moore: One Night Of Love//Ciribiribin E--
4168. Br 10277 [Eng] Grace Moore: For You//Elisabeth Rethberg: A Spring Fancy LT GR E
4169. ViW 19613 Grace Moore: Listening//Tell Her In The Springtime Oakland pressing E
4170. CoV 935-D Moran & Mack: Two Black Crows, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
4171. CoV 1094-D Moran & Mack: Two Black Crows, Pt 3//Pt 4 LT SCR S1 E-
4172. CoV 1198-D Moran & Mack: Two Black Crows, Pt 5//Pt 6 E--/E-
4173. CoV 1350-D Moran & Mack: Two Black Crows, Pt 7//Pt 8 SM LTR E-
4174. CoV 1560-D Moran & Mack: Two Black Crows In The Jail House, Pt 1//Pt 2 LN HMLC S2 E--
4175. CoV 1652-D Moran & Mack: Two Black Crows In Hades, Pt 1//Pt 2 V++
4176. ViS 22149 Helen Morgan: What Wouldn't I Do For That Man!//More Than You Know SCRS, SCFS E-
4177. CoV 1063-D Lee Morse's Southern Serenaders: I Hate To Say Goodbye//Somebody Said? SCRS E--
4178. PatA 32304 Moss & Frye: A Couple of Black Birds, Pt 1//Pt 2 FW SGS E--
4179. Co 4817 [Eng] Frank Mullings: Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind//O Mistress Mine E
4180. ViR 20-4255 Patrice Munsel: Bela Bimba//Look Me Over Once LT SCRS E
4181. Br 4611 Billy Murray & Walter Scanlan: Shut The Door//Sergeant Flagg And Sergeant Quirt Bidder Request Show MB 25 E--
4182. ViS 25418 Ken Murray & Oswald: Mama That Man's Here Again, Pt 1//Pt 2 SCFS E-
4183. Br 6372 Ozzie Nelson's Orc w/ON, vc: Say It Isn't So//ON & Harriet Hilliard, vcs: Got You Where I Want You E--
4184. Br 6413 Ozzie Nelson's Orc w/ON, vc: This Is No Dream//Take Me In Your Arms V++
4185. CoM 40449 Fess Parker: Ballad Of Davy Crockett//I Gave My Love Lss "As originally performed on TV" WMKS AB, LT JBRS E--
4186. ViR 10-3391 Ezio Pinza & Fran Warren: Andiamo//Ezio Pinza: Let Me Look At You SCR S2 E
4187. ViR 10-3856 David Poleri: One Night Of Love//Some Day My Heart Will Awake SM HV SCF, SCR S1 E
4188. ViS 24859 Cole Porter: The Physician//The Cocotte MB 15 V++
4189. Br 7469 Dick Powell: Lulu's Back In Town//The Rose In Her Hair V+
4190. ViS 25173 Eleanor Powell, vc & tap w/Tommy Dorsey's Orc: Got A Bran' New Suit//That's Not Cricket Bidder Request Show SM SCRS E--
4191. Br 7499 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang w/LP, vc: Plain Old Me//Weather Man V++
4192. Br 7596 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang w/LP, vc: Sweet Sue-Just You//I Love You Truly LG LT SCF E-
4193. BrS 7740 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang (w/the Three Stafford Sisters, vc): Let's Get Together And Swing//LP, vc: The Stars Know
Jo Stafford's 1st record MB 50 LT SCR, LG LTR S2 E
4194. VoB 3921 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang w/LP, vc: Rhythm On The Radio//I Just Can't Believe You're Gone E--
4195. ViW 18418 Princess Watahwaso: Aooah & Her Blanket//By The Weeping Waters SCRS E-
4196. ViW 18431 Princess Watahwaso (w/composer T. Lieurance, pno): A Sioux Serenade//By The Waters Of Minnetonka (Lieurance) E-
4197. Merc 2028 Dave Pritchard's Korny Klowns: We Left Our Wives At Home//Take Your Girlie To The Movies LG SOLS V++
4198. ViS 4015 Virginia Rea: Indian Love Call//Lambert Murphy: Rose-Marie E
4199. CoM 35696 Emile Renan: Love's Old Sweet Song//Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes E-
4200. ViS 20380 Revelers: I Know, That You Know//Mary Lou LSCRS E-
4201. ViW 18405 Lt Gitz Rice & Henry Burr: Fun In Flanders, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM BLS S1 E-
4202. Br 4799 Harry Richman: Thank Your Father//Without Love MB 25 SCFS S2 E-
4203. DsqG K-7571 Paul Robeson: Congo Lullaby//The Killing Song E--
4204. Br 6520 Bill Robinson w/Don Redman's Orc: Doin' The New Low Down//Don Redman's Orc w/Harry & Donald Mills, vcs:
Shuffle Your Feet & Bandanna Babies Bidder Request Show MB 25 SCFS E--
4205. ViW 45347 Will Rogers: Timely Topics//A New Slant On War SCFS, SCRS E-
4206. ViW 45369 Will Rogers: Nominates Henry Ford For President//Tells Traffic Chiefs How To Direct Traffic E--
4207. ViW 45374 Will Rogers: Talks To The Bankers//First Political Speech MB 15 E-
4208. Br 7557 Lanny Ross w/Russ Morgan's Orc: If You Were Mine//Red Sails In The Sunset SCFS, SCRS E-
4209. ViS 20032 Sam 'n' Henry: Sam 'Phoning His Sweetheart' Liza//Sam 'n' Henry At The Dentist Lss "Ten P.M.-W G N" V++
4210. ViS 20093 Sam 'n' Henry: Sam's Speech At The Colored Lodge//Sam 'n' Henry At The Fortune Tellers
Lss "Ten P.M.-W G N"; Oakland pressing SCRS E--
4211. ViS 20375 Sam 'n' Henry: Sam 'N' Henry Buying Insurance//Sam 'N' Henry Rollin' The Bones
Lss "Ten P.M.-W G N" SCFS, VLT INT HC E--
4212. HMV E-82 Charles Santley: Simon The Cellarer//Vicar Of Bray Several seconds of studio chatter at end!;
s1 lbl on both sides WOLS, SOL S2 V++
4213. CoM 37840 Dinah Shore: It Takes A Long Long Train With A Red Caboose//Do A Little Business On The Side E+
4214. Vo 14282 Monroe Silver & Steve Porter: Cohen Takes His Friend To The Opera, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 SM LSTS E/E-
4215. VoB 4549 Ginny Simms & her Orc w/GS, vc: Please Come Out Of Your Dream//Get Out Of Town E--
4216. Cap 2450 [dj] Frank Sinatra: Lean Baby//I'm Walking Behind You SM SCRS, LT SCFS, WOLS E
4217. Cap 2816 [dj; vnl] Frank Sinatra: Three Coins In The Fountain//Rain SCFS, WOL S2, SOL S1 E--
4218. CoM 35587 Frank Sinatra w/Harry James' Orc: All Or Nothing At All//Harry James' Orc: Flash LT SCR S1, LT GR S2 E
4219. CoM 36678 Frank Sinatra: Close To You//You'll Never Know SM SCRS S2 E/E-
4220. CoV 897-D Singing Sophomores: Mother//Columbia Male Chorus: Your Land And My Land VLT LSCR E+
4221. CoV 1203-D Singing Sophomores: My Blue Heaven//SS & Vaughn De Leath:
When Honey Sings An Old-Time Song HV PMK AE, VLT INT LCS S2, SCFS E-
4222. Castle 1260 [vnl] Cyril Smith: How Fights Start In Bars//She Was Poor But She Was Honest BRS MB 15 LT RAS S2 M-/E
4223. ViW 19978 Jack Smith (The Whispering Pianist): "Gimme" A Little Kiss//Pretty Little Baby LSPTS E--
4224. ViS 20069 Jack Smith: Tonight's My Night With Baby//When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' LSTS E--
4225. CoV 2516-D Kate Smith: When The Moon Comes Over The Mountain//If I Have To Go On Without You
4226. De 18553 Song Spinners: Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer//Johnny Zero E--
4227. Cap 181 Jo Stafford: Let's Take The Long Way Home//I Promise You E--
4228. Cap 2569 Johnny Standley w/Horace Heidt's Musical Knights: Proud New Father//Clap Your Hands E
4229. Damon 11133 Sondra & Jon Steele: They All Recorded To Beat The Ban//My Happiness E-
4230. HMV B-3212 Elsie Suddaby: By The Banks, Gentle Stour//The Lass With The Delicate Air E
4231. VoB 3885 Maxine Sullivan w/Claude Thornhill's Orc: Darling Nellie Grey//The Folks Who Live On The Hill FW SM SCRS E
4232. Cap 7-15780 [fs] Yma Sumac: Lament//Suray Surita LT SCFS E
4233. ViS 1146 Marion Talley: Comin' Thro' The Rye//Home, Sweet Home Z-type shellac E
4234. ViS 21115 Julius Tannen: The Human Chatterbox Plays Golf//More Chatter SCFS, SCRS, LSCRS E--

4235. Br 6780 Jack Teagarden w/Hilton Lamare & Orc: Fare-Thee-Well To Harlem//Ol' Pappy GR, LG BBL DNS V++
4236. HMV EA-2537 [Aus] Alec Templeton: A Man With A New Radio//Three Little Fishes Bidder Request Show MB 15 LG LT SCFS E
4237. GramShopVar 1006 [fs] Alec Templeton: Old Fashioned Italian Grand Opera//A Trip Through A Music Conservatory LT SCRS, SCFS E-
4238. GramShopVar 1008 [fs] Alec Templeton: The Lost Chord//His Impression of an Amateur Performance of "HMS Pinafore" FW SCRS E--
4239. CoV 1404-D Edna Thomas: I Been Buked And I Been Scorned & Gwine-a Lay Down Mah Life For Mah Lawd//
Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door! Stunner! MB 15 E+
4240. Br 15200 John Charles Thomas: Nichavo!//Rolling Down To Rio E
4241. ViS 1525 John Charles Thomas: Home On The Range//Trees Z shellac SCFS, SCRS E
4242. VoW 30136 John Charles Thomas: Will You Remember E
4243. VoW 60038 John Charles Thomas: Canzonetta, from "The Love Letter"//Will You Remember, from "Maytime" E+
4244. ViS 1172 Lawrence Tibbett: Thy Beaming Eyes//Oh, That We Two Were Maying Z shellac LT GR E
4245. Br 6216 Arthur Tracy (The Street Singer): Marta//Call Me Darling V++
4246. HMV BD-318 The Vagabond Lover: Just A Vagabond Lover//As Long As Our Hearts Are Young HV SCRS S2 E--
4247. Celebrity Rec Co mx L-843/842 [pl] Rudolph Valentino: El Relicario//Kashmiri Song Picture of Valentino wearing a turban on lbl MB 25 V++
4248. ViS 21868 Rudy Vallée & his Connecticut Yankees: Weary River//Deep Night GR, FW SCRS, FLBL E
4249. CoV 114-M Cyrena Van Gordon: Bonnie Sweet Bessie//Carry Me Back To Old Virginny LT LCS, ULC, LT SCRS E
4250. Broadcast Twelve 5122 Arthur Vivian: Stonecracker John//Wheeltapper's Song VLT PMKS E
4251. ViS 25359 Fats Waller & his Rhythm w/FW, vc: Black Raspberry Jam//Paswonky E--
4252. ViS 25537 Fats Waller & his Rhythm w/FW, vc: When Love Is Young//Did Anyone Ever Tell You? V++
4253. Bb B-10025 Ethel Waters: They Say//Jeepers Creepers V++
4254. Br 80146 Ethel Waters: You're A Sweetheart//I'll Get Along Somehow SM BLS S2 E-
4255. CoV 561-D Ethel Waters: I've Found A New Baby//Tell 'Em About Me LTRS V++
4256. CoV 1871-D Ethel Waters: Second Handed Man//True Blue Lou V++
4257. CoV 1905-D Ethel Waters: Do I Know What I'm Doing//Shoe Shoo Bogie Boo, both from
Moran & Mack film "Why Bring That Up" V+
4258. CoV 2826-D Ethel Waters: Harlem On My Mind//Heat Wave V++
4259. CoV 14116-D Ethel Waters w/Pearl Wright, pno: Shake That Thing//EW & her Ebony Four: No Man's Mamma Plays well LSCRS V
4260. CoV 14153-D Ethel Waters & her Jazz Band: Heebie Jeebies//Ev'rybody Mess Aroun' MB 25 E--
4261. CoV 14170-D Ethel Waters & her Singing Orc: I'm Coming Virginia//EW & her Ebony Four: He Brought Joy To My Soul
Bidder Request Show MB 50 LT CBI E-
4262. Intro 6056 Doodles Weaver & his Doodlebugs w/Prof Feetlebaum: The Presidential Handicap//April Showers MB 15 E--
4263. De 27515 Weavers w/Pete Seeger, vc s1: On Top Of Old Smoky//Across The Wide Missouri SCF E-
4264. ViC 26570 Reinald Werrenrath: Rose In The Bud//The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise LT SCFS E
4265. Br 6495 Mae West: Easy Rider//I Like A Guy What Takes His Time MB 75 FW SCFS E-
4266. Br 6675 Mae West: I Found A New Way To Go To Town//I'm No Angel MB 15 V+
4267. Do 3823 Whispering Ed: Susie's Feller//Radio Imps: Me Too GR, LT SGS S2 E-/E--
4268. ViC 1275 Clarence Whitehill: I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen (Westendorf)//In The Gloaming (Orred-Harrison) SCFS E-
4269. CoV 1629-D Paul Whiteman's Rhythm Boys: My Suppressed Desire//Rhythm King V++
4270. CoV 1819-D Paul Whiteman's Rhythm Boys: So The Bluebirds And The Blackbirds Got Together//Louise E--
4271. Cap 410 [vnl] Margaret Whiting: Old Devil Moon//Ask Anyone Who Knows E--
4272. ViW 18248 Robert J. Wildhack: Unnatural History, Pt 1//Pt 2 V++
4273. Majestic 7258 Lee Wiley: Sugar//Woman Alone With The Blues MB 15 LT SCFS, LT SCRS E
4274. De F-3122 [Eng] Steuart Wilson: Mowing The Barley//Spanish Ladies E
4275. CoV 821-D Dale Wimbrow (The Del-Mar-Va Songster) & his Rubeville Tuners: It Takes A Good Woman//Country Bred And Chicken Fed V++
4276. Cap 2135 [dj] Yogi Yorgesson: I'm Gonna Vote Republican//I'm Gonna Vote For A Democrat MB 25 SCFS E-
4277. ViC 10-1049 Anne Ziegler & Webster Booth: So Deep Is The Night//My Paradise E-


10", MB $3
4278. GeNE 6482 Allison's Sacred Harp Singers: Bound For Cannan//Heaven's My Home Noisy LT WRP TWW V-
4279. Modern 4002 Anderson Singers: Walk In The Beautiful Light//Oh Lord Remember Me MB 15 E-
4280. HMV DA-1560 Marian Anderson: My Soul's Been Anchored In The Lord (arr. Price)//Go Down Moses SOL E
4281. ViR 10-1040 Marian Anderson: Oh! What A Beautiful City//Let Us Break Bread Together E
4282. Gotham 609 Angelic Gospel Singers: Jesus//There Is No Friend Plays ok V
4283. Gotham 649 Angelic Gospel Singers: Do Lord, Remember Me//Almost Persuaded LT LNR S2 E
4284. Gotham 743 Angelic Gospel Singers: God's Roll//If It Wasn't For The Lord E-
4285. ViW 16649 Anthony & Harrison: Hiding In Thee//Edward Davenport: Little Boy Blue V++
4286. Bb B-8317 Elder Charles Beck: Dry Bones//Gabriel MB 25 E--
4287. Peacock 1738 Bells of Joy: It Will Soon Be Over//Since Jesus Changed This Heart Of Mine V++
4288. ViW 19289 Bethel Jubilee Qrt: Ain't It A Shame To Work On Sunday//Hard Trials LSCRS E--
4289. QRS R-7070 Biddleville Qnt: Wasn't That A Mighty Day//I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say Very clean lbls MB 25 V+
4290. CoV 14140-D Birmingham Jubilee Singers: Crying To The Lord//He Took My Sins Away V++
4291. Blackwood Bros 1157 Blackwood Bros Qrt: Lead Me To That Rock//He'll Understand And Say Well Done VLT HMK E
4292. Blackwood Bros 1171 Blackwood Bros Qrt: He Bought My Soul At Calvary//I'm Bound For The Kingdom VSM SCRS E
4293. Christian Educational Serv 1053 [pl] Blackwood Bros: When He Calls I'll Fly Away//Old Rugged Cross SCFS, WOL E--
4294. ViR 20-5019 Blackwood Bros Qrt: My God Is Real//Oh, What A Time LT SCFS E
4295. ViRC 20-5878 Blackwood Bros Qrt: Brush The Dust Off The Bible//Jesus The Way Maker SM SCRS E
4296. Gotham 410 Blue Ridge Qrt: Bound For The Kingdom//Jesus Is A Friend V+
4297. Gold Star 114 [pl] Elder Bonds: Prayer For The Sick//Can't Make The Journey By Myself Plays well V-
4298. Vee-Jay 109 Brother Isaiah's Church of God in Christ Choir: Old Camp Ground//All Night, All Day V
4299. Gotham 120 Brother Joshua: When The Roll Be Called In Heaven//Make Me Strong As Samson Noisy HV GR, LBL CREASE E-
4300. VoG 25019 Bryant's Jubilee Singers: When The World's On Fire//King Jesus Is Listening Plays ok V
4301. ViS 21694 Elder Bryant: A Wild Man In Town//A Lie Was Told But God Know'd It MB 25 E--
4302. JVB 37 Miss Sammy Bryant w/New Bethel Baptist Church Choir: I've Got A Home, Pt 1//Pt 2 Detroit lbl; appears to be a live recording;
Bidder Request Show V+
4303. CoV 14180-D Rev J.C. Burnett w/Sisters Grainger & Jackson, vcs: Lord Help Me//The Gospel Train Is Leaving Plays very well V
4304. Her 93006 Carolina Sacred Singers: In The Garden Of Gethsemane//Prodigal Son Pseudonym for the Biddleville Qrt; plays fair LTRS V-
4305. Spec 826 Sister Wynona Carr: Did He Die In Vain?//Conversation With Jesus SCFS V++
4306. BbBf B-5817 Carter Family: It'll Aggrivate Your Soul//Away Out On the Old Saint Sabbeth LT SG S1 V+
4307. Cq 8529 Carter Family: Glory To The Lamb//Can The Circle Be Unbroken V++
4308. De 5494 Carter Family: Lord I'm In Your Care//Hold Fast To The Right MN LT BLSS, LT CBI E
4309. Duke 206 [dj; vnl] Chariettes: Prop Me Jesus//Step By Step MB 25 LT LST S2 E+
4310. Spec 864 [dj] Chosen Gospel Singers: I'm Goin' Back With Him//No Room In The Hotel SCRS V++
4311. Rainbow 1029 Francis E. Clarke: Wherewithall Shall A Young Man Cleanse His Ways//A Plea For Fellowship SCFS, SCRS E--

4312. Rainbow 1027 Dr Russell H. Conwell: Acres Of Diamonds, Pt 1//Pt 2 MN LT SCRS, ULCS E--
4313. Nashboro 574 Edna Gallmon Cooke: Hallelujah//My Journey Home MB 15 SM WOL E-
4314. VoW 1001 Cotton Belt Qrt w/Perry Bradford, pno: I'm Gonna Shout All Over God's Heaven//
We'll Be Ready When The Great Day Comes CTL, HV ND S2 TOK, BLSS E--
4315. Pm 12691 Rev Frank Cotton: Born Again//Prayer For Sinners MN SCRS V
4316. Gotham 739 Ethel Davenport w/the E.D. Singers: Show Me The Way//Something Has Happened To Me V+
4317. CoV 15176-D Deal Family: Working And Singing//Be A Daniel dsol SCRS E--
4318. Regent 1029 Mary Deloach: I Really Believe//I Want To Die Easy V+
4319. Peacock 1722 Dixie Humming Birds: I'll Keep On Living After I Die//Let's Go Out To The Programs E--
4320. Peacock 1773 Dixie Humming Birds: Just Trusting//Live On Forever MB 15 SM BBL E
4321. Br 2773 Dixie Jubilee Singers: I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray//Roll, Jordan, Roll VVSM BLS S1, VLT GR E
4322. ViS 20295 Rev Mose Doolittle: Get On Board//Testimonial Meeting Bidder Request Show MB 15 E--
4323. OkTT 8352 Arizona Dranes, pno: My Soul Is A Witness For The Lord//John Said He Saw A Number 78Q ~30 MB 50 V+

4324. GeNE 6625 Dunham Jubilee Singers: You Can Tell The World//Holy Is Thy Name MB 100 FLBLS V++
4325. Modern 20-739 Echoes of Zion: Those Chiming Bells//Charge To Keep I Have WMKS E--
4326. Bwy 8196 Emory's Male Qrt: There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today//Everybody Will Be Happy Plays well ULC V
4327. Savoy 4373 Famous Davis Sisters: Plant My Feet On Higher Ground//Lord Don't Leave Me VLT SCFS E+
4328. Savoy 4076 Famous Ward Singers: He Knows//Great Is The Lord WMKS, SCFS, SM SCRS E-
4329. CoV 818-D Fisk Univ Jubilee Singers: Ezekiel Saw The Wheel//Little David LTRS, INT LC E--
4330. CoGB A-2901 Fisk Univ Jubilee Singers: Most Done Travelling//Oh! Reign Massa Jesus Reign GR E--
4331. ViW 16448 Fisk Univ Jubilee Qrt: Little David, Play Yo' Harp & Shout All Over God's Heaven//I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray V++
4332. Savoy 4060 Five Trumpets: Lord, I Want To Be A Christian//Amazing Grace E
4333. CoM 21370 Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs w/the Foggy Mountain Boys: You Can Feel It In Your Soul//The Old Fashioned Preacher SCR S1, LT LSCRS E--
4334. Anchor 381 Blind Mamie Forehand: Wouldn't Mind Dying If Dying Was All//Honey In The Rock V/V++
4335. Bullet 145 Wally Fowler & the Oak Ridge Qrt: Bound For The Kingdom//Jesus' Love Just Bubbles Over In My Heart SCFS, SCRS E--
4336. JVB 75 Aretha Franklin: Precious Lord, Pt 1//Pt 2 Bidder Request Show MB 15 V+
4337. Sacred 5225 Emma Lou Franklin: I Don't Know What Jesus Means To Me//Holy Spirit E--
4338. CoV 14145-D Rev J.M. Gates: Death's Black Train Is Coming//Need Of Prayer SCFS E-
4339. Pm 12416 Rev J.M. Gates: Baptize Me//After A While V+
4340. Sil 5019 Rev J.M. Gates: Waiting At The Beautiful Gate//I'll Be Satisfied MB 15 E--
4341. Bwy 5047 Georgia Sacred Singers: He Just Hung His Head And Died//Lord I Don't Care Where They Bury My Body LST, LT PMKS V++
4342. Elko 824 Golden Star: The Gospel Train Is Coming//All You Need Is That True Religion MB 15 E-
4343. VoW 1283 Gospel Camp Meeting Singers: Come And Go To That Land//Hold To His Hand BRS MB 50 LT GR, SM LTR S1 E
4344. Chess 1656 Gospel Wonders: I Want To Live, Live, Live//He's My All And All E-
4345. Coral 65055 Guiding Light Gospel Singers: I've Got The Holy Ghost//Just Like Jesus Did MB 15 E-

Paramount issued records with three different picture labels: 12098 by Ma Rainey, 12650 by Blind Lemon Jefferson, and 3056, 3057, 3058 & 3069 by the Rev. J.O. Hanes of
Birmngham, Alabama. In my experience, I would rank the Hanes records as the rarest and the Rainey as most common.
*4346. Pm 3058 [pl] Rev J.O. Hanes: Sin And The Remedy//The Great Transaction's Done MB 100 V+
4347. Spec 876 Happyland Singers: God's Promise//There Is A Fountain Lss "also known as Original Five Blind Boys of Alabama" E--
4348. Gotham 753 Harmonizing Four: Watch Over Me//You Ought To Know The Lord LT WOL E--
4349. VoW 14758 Charles Harrison: King Ever Glorious//The Resurrection LSCR E
4350. ViW 16532 Haydn Qrt: In The Sweet Bye And Bye//Harry McClaskey: The Ninety And Nine VLT NR S2 E
4351. Town & Country 512 Goldia Haynes: Go Ahead//This Train Sounds good V
4352. Vee-Jay 883 Highway Q.C.'s: Behold Thy Mother//Child Of God MN SCRS, LSCRS V++
4353. ViC 4556 Charles Holland: Talk About A Child That Do Love Jesus//Honor! Honor! SM SCR S2 E
4354. ViS 1304 Louise Homer: Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling//It Is Well With My Soul E
4355. Ok 6866 [dj] Jackson Gospel Singers: Count Your Blessings//Jesus, Lover Of My Soul LST E-
4356. Apollo 164 Mahalia Jackson: Move On Up A Little Higher, Pt 1//Pt 2 Plays well V
4357. Apollo 229 Mahalia Jackson: Shall I Meet You Over Yonder//I Do, Don't You E--
4358. Apollo 235 Mahalia Jackson: Go Tell It On The Mountain//Silent Night E--
4359. Apollo 246 Mahalia Jackson: It Is No Secret//His Eye Is On The Sparrow E--
4360. Apollo 269 Mahalia Jackson: God Spoke To Me//Said He Would E--
4361. Apollo 291 [dj; vnl] Mahalia Jackson: I'm Going To Tell God//I Walked Into The Garden E--
4362. Apollo 298 Mahalia Jackson: Nobody Knows//Run All The Way LT LSTS E-
4363. Coral 65001 Mahalia Jackson: God's Gonna Separate The Wheat From The Tares//Keep Me Every Day VLT GR E+
4364. Bibletone 2302 Jacobs Singers: King Jesus Is Looking For Me//I Prayed PMKS, GR E-
4365. CoV 14391-D Blind Willie Johnson: I'm Gonna Run To The City Of Refuge//Jesus Is Coming MB 50 V++
4366. CoV 14537-D Blind Willie Johnson: My Trouble Will Soon Be Over//The Rain Don't Fall On Me MB 75 V+
4367. CoV 14556-D Blind Willie Johnson: Can't Nobody Hide From God//If It Had Not Been For Jesus Plays well MB 50 HV LSCRS V/V++
4368. QRS R-7015 Jubilee Gospel Team: Oh Lord, Remember Me//Lower My Dying Head MB 25 V+
4369. BrLB 205 Kanawha Singers: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot//Climbing Up De Golden Stairs V++
4370. Hy-Tone 502 R.L. Knowles: It's Real//Amen Different lbl styles LT SCFS E
4371. Br 84005 [dj; vnl] Little Joe w/the Southern Bells of Atlanta: Let Us Pray//Will You Be Glad To See Your Son Home
Lss "13 yr. old Gospel Singer" Bidder Request Show WOLS E-
4372. Octive 707 Macedonians: Stop The War//Old Blind Bartmaeus (sic) V+/E--
4373. Fe 10021 Tommy Magness & his Tennessee Buddies: Little Country Preacher//Wings Of Faith E--
4374. Pm 12702 Moses Mason: Go Wash In The Beautiful Stream//John The Baptist MB 15 V
4375. Spec 860 Brother Joe May (Thunderbolt of the Middle West): Just Call His Name//Lead Me! Guide Me! E-
4376. Wings Over Jordan 1/2 George Ronald McCantz & Cho: Rock'a My Soul In The Bosom Of Abraham//Sweet Little Jesus Boy St Louis lbl BLSS, WMKS E-
4377. VoW 1532 McCollum's Sanctified Singers: I Want To See Him//Mother McCollum: When I Take My Vacation In Heaven
Plays ok MB 15 V
4378. BrLB 194 Frank & James McCravy: When They Ring The Golden Bells//Will The Circle Be Unbroken E--/E-
4379. ViS V-38028 Rev F.W. McGee: Crucifixion Of Jesus//Resurection Of Jesus MB 15 V++
4380. OkE 8647 Elders McIntosh & Edwards w/Sisters Johnson & Taylor: The 1927 Flood//What Kind Of Man Jesus Is 78Q <15; plays ok V
4381. Spec 866 Meditation Singers: I'm Determined To Run This Race//Promise To Meet Me There E--

*4382. ViS V-38559 Memphis Sanctified Singers: Great Reaping Day//He Got Better Things For You 78Q <10;
jug band record! Bidder Request Show MB 250 MN SM BLSS E--

4383. ViS 24675 Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux: Because He Remembers Me//We've Got The Devil On The Run Lss "as presented over the
line of the Columbia Broadcasting System" MB 15 GR, LT ½" CR, HV NR S2 V++
4384. Ok 4887 Morehouse College Qrt: Down By The Riverside//Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Lss "Recorded in Atlanta, Ga." LT NR, SM LTR E--

4385. Modern 838 Rev Louis Narcisse & the Celestial Tones: Why Should I Worry//He Will Know Me V++
4386. BrLB 166 Old Southern Sacred Singers: Going Down The Valley One By One//Onward Christian Soldiers GR, SM SCF S2, LT LSCFS E
4387. Peacock 1536 Original Five Blind Boys: Amazing Grace//Jesus Gave Me Water V+
4388. Vee-Jay 849 Original Five Blind Boys: I'm Willing To Run//It's A Wonder Lss "Jackson Harmoneers" MB 15 E
4389. Spec 846 [dj] Original Gospel Harmonettes: Where Shall I Be?//The Railroad LT LST E--
4390. Spec 881 Original Gospel Harmonettes: Jesus Laid His Hand On Me//I'll Be With Thee E--
4391. ViS 20226 Pace Jubilee Singers: I Do, Don't You//My Lord Is Writin' All The Time V+
4392. ViS 20310 Pace Jubilee Singers: Everybody Got To Walk This Lonesome Valley//
You Gonna Reap Just What You Sow LNR S2, HV GR S1, LT LWDM S1 E--
4393. Pm 12073 Paramount Jubilee Singers: That Old Time Religion//When The Saints Come Marching In MB 15 ULCS V++
4394. ViS V-38503 Blind Benny Paris & Wife: Hide Me In The Blood Of Jesus//I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
78Q ~20; est 2641 copies sold; self ann MB 15 1½" REP CR V+
4395. Sacred 5240 Pearly Gate Singers: Good News//Oh Lord Won't You Wait And Hear Me Pray V++
4396. Ok 18031 Pearly Gates Spiritual Singers: Blessed Be The Name//I Know The Lord Laid His Hands On Me MN LT SCRS, SOL S2, WOL 1 E-
4397. Andex 4-5009 Pilgrim Travelers: Motherless Child//Walk Around Late 1958 release LT SCR S2 E
4398. Spec 800 Pilgrim Travelers: Peace Of Mind//Jesus Is The First Line Of Defense SM SIT E-
4399. Spec 812 Pilgrim Travelers: Angels Tell Mother//I'll Trust His Hand MB 15 E+
4400. Spec 877 [dj] Pilgrim Travelers: Straight Street//Did You Stop To Pray This Morning E--
4401. Spec 883 Pilgrim Travelers: Every Prayer//Troubled In Mind E--
4402. Bibletone 8869 Rebels Qrt: The Gentle Stranger//If To Gain The World LT SCRS E
4403. ViS 20836 Blind Alfred Reed: Walking In The Way With Jesus//The Wreck Of The Virginian MB 25 V+
4404. Savoy 4111 Lawrence Roberts Singers: I'm A Rollin'//When The Lord Saved Me SCFS, LT NR E-
4405. Rainbow 1014 Homer Rodeheaver: Great Judgement Morning//I Shall See The King E--
4406. ViW 17988 Homer Rodeheaver: Molly And The Baby, Don't You Know - Prohibition Song//My Wonderful Dream Acoustic E--
4407. ViS 20794 Homer Rodeheaver: Molly And The Baby, Don't You Know - Prohibition Song//My Wonderful Dream Electric V++
4408. Rainbow 1043 Homer Rodeheaver w/the Wood Bros Qrt: I Know The Lord//View De Land SCFS, SCRS E-
4409. Savoy 4069 Rev Otis Sampson: Gospel Train//Selah Jubilee Singers: Who So Ever Will WOLS E-
4410. Gospel 1025 Selah Singers: Wicked Race//Don't Blame The Children WMKS E
4411. VoW 1265 Shands Superior Jubilee Singers: Silver Slippers//True Religion V++
4412. Imperial 5298 [vnl] Bro Cecil L. Shaw w/the Silverlight Qrt: Livin' My Life For Jesus//A Christian's Plea SM HV PMK TOK S1, SCF AB S2 E-
4413. Excello 2043 Silvertone Singers of Cincinnati: Rescue The Perishing//Jesus My Saviour 1954 Easter Seals sol WOLS E--
4414. Imp 5271 [vnl] Dorothy Simmons: Meet Me In The Glory Land//Doris Akers: Lead Me, Guide Me SCRS, SCFS E-
4415. CoV 15110-D Smith's Sacred Singers: Shouting On The Hills//The Eastern Gate V+
4416. Savoy 4035 Sons of David: The Old Gospel Ship//When MB 15 E+
4417. Excello 2040 Sons of the South: In My Savior's Care//Didn't It Rain Children MB 15 E/E-
4418. Spec 835 Soul Stirrers: Just Another Day//Let Me Go Home WOLS E-
4419. QRS R-7012 South Carolina Qrt: Paul And Silas//I Heard My Mother Call My Name In Prayer MB 25 V+
4420. Trumpet 165 Southern Sons Qrt: Live So God Can Use You//I Love The Lord LT DWRP E-
*4421. Oklahoma D-12211 Southern Travelers: I Can See Everybody's Mother//Jesus Will Save You Kansas City lbl MB 100 VLT SCRS E

4422. Ok 4390 Southland Jubilee Singers: Shout All Over God's Heaven//My Lord's Writing All The Time MN SM SCRS, SCFS V++
4423. Vee-Jay 847 Spiritualaires: Pressing On//Family Prayer V-/V
4424. Apollo 271 [dj] St Peter's Gospel Singers: The Battle Done Got Started Again//Lord Hold My Hand FMG S2, WMKS E--
4425. CoM 21245 [dj; vnl] Stamps Qrt: Oh, When I Meet You//Paradise Is Waiting SM SCFS E
4426. Vee-Jay 856 Staple Singers: Help Me Jesus//I Had A Dream V+
4427. Bwy 8127 Star Sacred Singers (Paramount Sacred Four): There Is No Disappointment In Heaven//Where We'll Never Grow Old V+
4428. Statesmen 1027 Statesman Qrt: Get Away Jordan//I Bowed On My Knees And Cried, Holy SM LST S1 E--
4429. Statesmen 1031 Statesman Qrt: Crying In The Chapel//Somebody Bigger SCFS, SCRS E--
4430. ViS 20844 Ernest Stoneman's Dixie Mountaineers: Are You Washed In The Blood?//Sweeping Through The Gates V++
4431. Spec 829 [dj] Swan Silvertone Singers: Jesus Changed This Heart Of Mine//The Day Will Surely Come E--
4432. VoW 1062 Blind Joe & Emma Taggart: I Will Not Be Removed//Everybody's Got To Be Tried MB 50 V+

*4433. CoM 21092-R Sister O.M. Terrell & her Guitar: The Gambling Man//I'm Going To That City MB 100 E+
4434. Newzette OP-206 Texarkana Spiritual Harmonizers: Get On Board Little Chillun'//My Record Bidder Request Show MB 15 VLT CBI, VLT LST E+
4435. Her 75543 Thursday Evening Prayer Meeters: Don't Let It Be Said Too Late//Brown & Bradshaw: Tell Mother I'll Be There
Good lbl s2 MB 15 SM HDM AB V++
4436. Wynne CP-105 Trylas Sisters: Jesus//TS & Gladys Harrison: Touch Me Lord Jesus V++
4437. ViW 18237 Tuskegee Institute Singers: Roll, Jordan Roll & I Want God's Heaven To Be Mine//Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen E--
4438. Savoy 4058 Unique Gospel Singers: Strength And Courage//Jesus, Wonderful Jesus E-
4439. CoV 76 Cyrena Van Gordon: I Need Thee Every Hour//Lead, Kindly Light E-
4440. Ok 4430 Virginia Female Jubilee Singers: Lover Of The Lord//O Mary, Don't You Weep, Don't You Mourn LT SGS S1 V++/E-
4441. Savoy 4038 Ward Singers: This Little Light Of Mine//Clara Ward: Just A Little While
Side 2 is an overdubbed trio of Clara Ward E--
4442. CoV 14431-D Williams Jubilee Singers: Oh! Didn't It Rain//Angels Roll The Stone Away MB 25 SM LTR S1 E-/E--
4443. Sil 5172 Rabbits Foot Williams (Jay Bird Coleman): I'm Gonna Cross That River Of Jordan//Some O' These Days
78Q ~6 MB 50 LT RSS, FLBLS V+
4444. International 7 J.E. Wilson w/the Revivalaires Qrt: Bound For The Kingdom//Working On The Building Bidder Request Show LG SCFS E--
4445. Pm 12075 Wiseman Sxt: Witness//You Better Run MN SCRS V++
4446. Vee-Jay 885 Maceo Woods, org: Sunday Morning//I Will Trust In The Lord E--
4447. VoW 1071 Rev S.J. "Steamboat Bill" Worell: Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone?//Go Thou And Preach My Gospel
Plays well SM VHV SCF TOK S1, SGS V+
4448. Pm 3026 X.C. Sacred Qrt: When They Ring Those Golden Bells//Is It Well With Your Soul Nice Charleston, WV dsol LT WDM V++
4449. Avant 034 Zion Harmonizers: Lord I'll Go//Lord Don't Leave Me New Orleans group; Dallas lbl MB 25 VLT WMK E


10", MB $3
4450. VoB 04376 Roy Acuff & his Crazy Tennesseeans: Steel Guitar Chimes//Steel Guitar Blues GR E--
4451. Imp 8117 Weldon Allard: Too Late You Say//I'm Tired Of Taking Chances E+
4452. CoV 15175-D Allen Brothers: Bow Wow Blues//Salty Dog Blues Allen Bros first issued sides MB 50 V++
4453. Merc 6203 Rex Allen & the Arizona Wranglers: Tell Me Little Darlin'//Arizona Waltz VLT SCR E
4454. Trumpet 233 Lucky Joe Almond: Every Day Of The Week//Tanglewood Waltz Jackson, MS lbl LG LT SCFS, LT SCRS E-
4455. ViR 20-2700 [dj; vnl] Eddy Arnold (The Tennessee Plowboy): Anytime//What A Fool I Was E
4456. ViR 20-3013 [dj] Eddy Arnold (The Tennessee Plowboy): Just A Little Lovin'//My Daddy Is Only A Picture E

4457. ViR 21-0382 Eddy Arnold (The Tennessee Plowboy): The Lovebug Itch//A Prison Without Walls E
4458. Ch 15688 Asparagus Joe: When The Work's All Done This Fall//Hand Me Down My Walking Cane V++
4459. Cq 8193 Gene Autry: The Dying Cowgirl//'Way Out West In Texas E--
4460. Ok 6680 Gene Autry: Take Me Back Into Your Heart//Tweedle-O-Twill GR, HV WMK, LSTS E--
4461. Rex 9459 [Eng] Gene Autry: Money Ain't No Use Anyway//Blue Days Lss "The most popular Cowboy Film Star"; Gennett sides E
This appears to be a factory miscoupling (or recoupling). Side 2 of Velvet Tone 7063-V should be "St. James' Infirmary" by Chick Bullock, and we have sold several copies of that
record. However, I can find no indication that the coupling listed here has ever been documented. "No One To Call Me Darling" was actually issued on VT 7061-V; both that release
and the side listed here are take 2.
*4462. VT 7063-V Gene Autry: Frankie And Johnny//No One To Call Me Darling MB 50 V++

 Well folks, I don't quite know what happened – somehow the rest of the Country category didn't get imported from the database. Trying to fix it at this stage would be a
nightmare, so we're just going to move forward and pretend it didn't happen. I would suggest you focus on the Blues category for now, and we'll return to your regularly scheduled
hillbilly section in VRA 69. (You’ll find some country items in this auction scattered amongst the Gem Quality 78s, Sacred, Radio Transcriptions and Edison Diamond Discs.)


10", MB $3
4463. Savoy 5553 Alabama Slim: Boar Hog Blues//Eloise MB 100 E+

*4464. OkE 8563 Texas Alexander: Boe Hog Blues//Bell Cow Blues MB 250 LSCFS E-

4465. OkE 8591 Texas Alexander: Bantam Rooster Blues//Deep Blue Sea Blues Plays ok V-
4466. OkE 8688 Texas Alexander: St Louis Fair Blues//Evil Woman Blues MB 50 LT SGS S2 V++/V+
4467. OkEs 8813 Texas Alexander w/the Mississippi Sheiks: She's So Far//Rolling And Stumbling Blues Rough V-
4468. OkEs 8835 Texas Alexander w/the Mississippi Sheiks: Days Is Lonesome//Stealing To Her Man MB 100 V+
4469. OkEs 8890 Texas Alexander w/the Mississippi Sheiks: Seen Better Days//Frost Texas Tornado Blues S2 noisy w/distortion MB 25 LDM V++/V-
4470. VoG 02743 Texas Alexander & his Sax Black Tams: Blues In My Mind//Mistreatin' Woman MB 75 BLSS S1 E--
4471. BbBf B-5964 Amos: Guilty Woman Blues//Everybody's Fishin' MB 15 HV SCFS TOK V++
4472. CoV 14274-D "Talking" Billy Anderson: Married Man Blues//Cow Cow Blues Bidder Request Show MB 75 WOLS E-
4473. DeSB 7070 Kokomo Arnold: Things 'Bout Coming My Way//How Long How Long Blues MB 25 EFS NTG V++
4474. DeSB 7133 Kokomo Arnold: You Should Not A' Done It//Monday Morning Blues HV SCFS V+
4475. DeSB 7147 Kokomo Arnold: Policy Wheel Blues//Traveling Rambler Blues ULCS, HV NR SKPS AB 10GS S2 V++/V
4476. DeSB 7212 Kokomo Arnold: Shake That Thing//Bull Headed Woman Blues MB 25 BLS S2 E--
4477. DeSB 7261 Kokomo Arnold: Mister Charlie//Lonesome Road Blues MB 50 E--
4478. DeSB 7275 Kokomo Arnold: Cool Man Blues//Sister Jane Cross The Hall MB 15 GR, PMKS E-
4479. DeSB 7319 Kokomo Arnold: Grandpa Got Drunk//Black Mattie MB 15 V++
4480. DeSB 7390 Kokomo Arnold: Shine On Moon//Back On The Job MB 25 SCFS, WOLS E--
4481. De 7449 Kokomo Arnold: Rocky Road Blues//Buddie Brown Blues MB 15 V++

4482. DeSB 7080 Dorothy Baker: Steady Grinding Blues//Dolly Martin: All Men Blues MB 100 SCFS E-

*4483. GeNE 6766 Willie Baker: Mamma, Don't Rush Me Blues//No, No Blues 78Q <5 MB 250 V+

4484. CoV 14299-D Barbecue Bob: Motherless Chile Blues//Thinkin' Funny Blues Plays ok V-
4485. CoV 14350-D Barbecue Bob: How Long Pretty Mama//My Mistake Blues MB 100 V++
4486. CoV 14558-D Barbecue Bob: The Spider & The Fly//We Sure Got Hard Times MB 100 MN SCRS V++

4487. CoV 14510-D Barefoot Bill from Alabama: My Crime Blues//Snigglin' Blues Est 1425 copies sold HMC TOK W /TRACK ADJ V+
4488. DeSB 7013 Barrel House Buck: Lamp Post Blues//I Got To Go Blues MB 50 V++
4489. VoG 02531 Will Batts: Highway No 61 Blues//Country Woman 78Q <10; noisy V--
4490. Pm 12518 Beale Street Sheiks (Stokes & Sane): You Shall//It's A Good Thing MB 100 LT 1" CR, EC NTG V++
4491. Pm 12201 Lottie Beaman w/the Pruett Twins: Honey Blues//Red River Blues Kimbrough's 1st issued record MB 50 LT WMK AB, LT SWS E--
4492. Ge 5594 Josephine Beatty w/the Red Onion Jazz Babies: Everybody Loves My Baby//Texas Moaner Blues MB 50 GR, LG LTR S2 V++
4493. ARC-Me 6-06-56 Big Bill: Low Down Woman Blues//You Know I Need Lovin' LT DWRP E-/V++
4494. ARC-Pe 7-01-57 Big Bill: These Ants Keep Biting Me//Black Mare Blues Noisy V-
4495. BbBf B-5476 Big Bill: Milk Cow Blues//Bull Cow Blues, Pt 2 Plays ok V
4496. Chess 1546 Big Bill: Little City Woman//Lonesome LT PMKS V++
4497. CoM 37088 Big Bill & his Chicago Five: Tell Me Baby//I Feel So Good V++
4498. CoM 37196 Big Bill & his Chicago Five: I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town//Hard Hearted Woman E
4499. CoM 37314 Big Bill & his Rhythm Band: What Can I Do//Saturday Evening Blues E
4500. CoM 37782 Big Bill: New Shake-Em On Down//Night Time Is The Right Time No 2 LCS, VHV SCF TOK S1 V+
4501. Ok 06303 Big Bill: When I Been Drinking//Shine On, Shine On LT LSTS E--
4502. Ok 6651 Big Bill & his Chicago Five: I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town//Hard Hearted Woman SM SCRS, LT LSCF E
4503. Ok 6724 Big Bill & his Chicago Five: I'm Woke Up Now//Bad Acting Woman LT LSTS E--
4504. VoB 03400 Big Bill: Play Your Hand//Somebody's Got To Go Plays ok V
4505. VoB 04149 Big Bill: New Shake-Em On Down//Night Time Is The Right Time, No. 2 LT PMKS, ULC E-
4506. VoB 05096 Big Bill: Too Many Drivers//Preachin' The Blues E--
4507. Pm 12656 Big Bill & Thomps: House Rent Stomp//Big Bill Blues 78Q ~3;
Broonzy's first record!; very large St Louis dsol s2; plays well; BRS MB 50 V
4508. Bb 34-0723 Big Joe's Rhythm: Your Money Can't Buy Me//I'm All Right Now E--/V+
4509. ViR 20-2173 Big Maceo: Detroit Jump//Come On Home E--

*4510. Her 92019 Birmingham Bluetette (Jones' Paramount Charleston Four): Old Man Blues//Back Home Blues
78Q ~3; Bidder Request Show MB 1000 V++

4511. Ch 50049 Frankie Black: No Good Woman Blues//Alley Sally Blues MB 100 E--/V++
*4512. Cr 3357 Blind Blake: Depression's Gone From Me Blues//Champagne Charlie Is My Name
78Q <10; pressed with Pm 13137 masters MB 250 VLT 2" HC V+
4513. Pm 12565 Blind Blake: Southern Rag//He's In The Jail House Now Nice lbls; plays well! MB 100 HV PMKS TOK V++

4514. Pm 12634 Blind Blake: Goodbye Mama Moan//C.C. Pill Blues Plays ok MB 25 LT ULC S1 V

4515. Pm 12737 Blind Blake: Search Warrant Blues//Sweet Papa Low Down MB 250 LT LSCF, LT GR E--

*4516. Pm 12810 Blind Blake: Poker Woman Blues//Doing A Stretch Nice copy! MB 500 LT GR E-

4517. OkE 8704 Blue Belle: Death Valley Moan//Mean Bloodhound Blues HV LSCF S2, WRPS TWW V
*4518. OkEs 8824 Blues Birdhead: Mean Low Blues//Harmonica Blues MB 200 V++

*4519. ViS 21349 Ishman Bracey: Left Alone Blues//Saturday Blues Strong V++! MB 1000 V++

4520. Ge 5003 Gabriel Brown & his Guitar: You Ain't No Good//I Get Evil When My Love Comes Down LST S1, LT GR E-/V++
4521. Ge 5004 Gabriel Brown & his Guitar: Going My Way//Black Jack Blues E--
4522. Joe Davis 5003 Gabriel Brown & his Guitar: You Ain't No Good//I Get Evil When My Love Comes Down V+
4523. Joe Davis 5006 Gabriel Brown & his Guitar: Bad Love//Down In The Bottom SM PINC E--
4524. OkE 8491 Joe Brown: Superstitious Blues//Cotton Patch Blues MB 25 V++
4525. Em 10384 Lillyn Brown & her Jazz-Bo Syncopators: Bad-Land Blues//Jazz-Me Blues MB 15 SM LTR S2 E-
4526. Her 92404 [vnl; mgv] Willie Brown: Make Me A Pallet On The Floor//Son House: Shetland Pony Blues
Library of Congress recording MB 25 VLN NR, SCR S2, LT LST E
4527. ARC-Me 6-02-56 Bull City Red: Black Woman And Poison Blues//I Won't Be Dogged Around Est 968 copies sold MB 25 V++
4528. VoS 03242 Bumble Bee Slim: Back In Jail Again//New Policy Dream Blues MB 25 V++

*4529. ViS V-38617 Teddy Bunn & Spencer Williams: Blow It Up//New Goose And Gander Est 996 copies sold;
Bidder Request Show MB 250 LT FLBL S1 E-

4530. VoB 05192 Charlie Burse's Memphis Mudcats w/CB, vc: Scared To Death//It's Against The Rule MB 25 E--
4531. Ok 8163 Butterbeans & Susie w/Clarence Williams, pno: A to Z Blues//B&S w/CW & Joe Oliver, pno & cnt: Construction Gang MB 15 V++
4532. BrLB 7197 Gene Campbell: Lonesome Nights Blues//Wedding Day Blues MB 150 SCFS, MN SM SCRS S2, FLBLS E-

4533. ViS 21267 Cannon's Jug Stompers w/Gus Cannon, vc: Madison Street Rag//Ashley Thompson, vc: Minglewood Blues
Plays ok MB 25 VLT DWRP V

*4534. ViS V-38515 Cannon's Jug Stompers: Feather Bed//Riley's Wagon Est 4039 copies sold MB 500 ICS DNS E--

4535. Acorn 323 Carolina Slim: Blues Knockin' At My Door//Worry You Off My Mind WOL S1 V++
4536. BbBf B-5963 Leroy Carr: Six Cold Feet In The Ground//Going Back Home Carr's last record MB 25 V++
4537. VoW 1214 Leroy Carr: Low Down Dirty Blues//Mean Old Train Blues MB 15 VVSM CR NAP V++/V+
4538. VoW 1241 Leroy Carr: Prison Bound Blues//How Long, How Long Blues, Pt 2 Sounds good after noisy starts V
4539. VoG 02657 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell: Mean Mistreater Mama//Blues Before Sunrise NR SKPS 1G S2 V-
4540. VoG 02820 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell: Barrel House Woman, No 2//I Believe I'll Make A Change MB 100 V++

*4541. Pm 12769 George Carter: Weeping Willow Blues//Ghost Woman Blues 78Q ~2;
the catalog numbers on both sides have been rubbed off - the gold is mostly gone, but the
black field is fine - no idea why! MB 500 V+

4542. BbBf B-6519 Casey Bill: Casey Blues//I'se Just A Bad Luck Man MB 100 SM LTRS E-
4543. VoS 03373 Casey Bill: Gonna Take My Time//We Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town
Lss "Hawaiian Guitar Wizard" MB 50 PMKS, ULCS E--
4544. Ok 05908 Peter Chatman's Washboard Band: Jive Blues//Blues At Midnight MB 25 LST E--/E-
4545. OkTT 8356 Lillie Delk Christian w/Johnny St Cyr & Jimmie Noone, bjo & cla: Lonesome And Sorry//Baby O' Mine MB 50 V++
4546. Bb B-8938 Doctor Clayton: Cheating And Lying Blues//Watch Out, Mama Chicago dsol s1; plays ok V
4547. Ok 8269 Clifford's Louisville Jug Band: Get It Fixed Blues//Bennie Washington's Six Aces: Compton Ave. Blues
Lss "Rec in Chicago"//"Recorded in St. Louis, Mo."; plays well MB 50 V

4548. DeSB 7157 Walter Coleman: Mama Let Me Lay It On You//Smack That Thing MB 100 V+
4549. ARC-Me 7-04-78 Dipper Boy Council: I'm Grievin' And I'm Worryin'//Poor And Ain't Got A Dime
Lss "Blind Boy Fuller's Buddy" MB 50 V++
4550. King 4532 [dj; vnl] Country Paul: One More Time//Since I Seen Your Smiling Face MB 15 LT SCRS, LT HDM AB, LT WOL S1 E+

*4551. BrLB 7121 Blind Ben Covington: Boodle-De-Bum-Bum//It's A Fight Like That Bidder Request Show MB 250 E--

4552. Pm 12325 Ida Cox w/Lovie Austin's Serenaders: One Time Woman Blues//Charlie Jackson, bjo: How Long Daddy, How Long Plays ok V
4553. VoB 05336 Ida Cox & her All-Star Band: Death Letter Blues//Deep Sea Blues MB 15 E--
4554. Bb 34-0725 Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup: Rock Me Mama//Who's Been Foolin' You SM BLSS E
4555. ViR 20-3261 Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup: Hey Mama-Everything's All Right//Chicago Blues MB 25 E+

*4556. BbBf B-6023 Daddy Stove Pipe & Mississippi Sarah: Strewin' It Out//'35 Depression 78Q <5; clean! MB 500 E--

4557. Pm 12439 Cow Cow Davenport, pno & vc w/B.T. Wingfield, cnt: Goin' Home Blues//Jim Crow Blues MB 50 HMC 15GS TOK E-
4558. VoW 1227 Cow Cow Davenport: Dirty Ground Hog Blues//Alabama Mistreater MB 25 GR, PEF NTG, FW SCRS E-
4559. VoW 1504 Jed Davenport & his Beale Street Jug Band: Piccolo Blues//Jug Blues MB 50 V
4560. BbBf B-6410 Walter Davis: Fallin' Rain//Just Wondering MB 25 SCRS E--
4561. BbS B-7375 Walter Davis: Big Jack Engine Blues//My Babe MB 25 SCRS E--
4562. Bb B-9027 Walter Davis: Don't You Want To Go?//Goodbye PMK S1 V++

*4563. ViS 23291 Walter Davis: Railroad Man Blues//You Don't Worry My Mind Est 1263 copies sold MB 300 LSTS, LTRS E-

4564. Regent 1001 Delta John (John Lee Hooker): Goin' Mad Blues//Helpless Blues MB 50 WMKS, SM SCRS, SM EF NTG E

*4565. Sunshine 3001 Roberta Dudley: Krooked Blues//When You're Alone With The Blues
78Q ~3; very nice lbl s2 MB 250 LT 2" CR, LTR S1 V+

4566. Ok 05656 Champion Jack Dupree: Warehouse Man Blues//Chain Gang Blues MB 25 E
4567. Ok 06597 Champion Jack Dupree: Big Time Mama//Heavy Heart Blues LT LSPTS E--
4568. Pm 12713 Moanin' Bernice Edwards: Two Way Mind Blues//Jack Of All Trades MB 100 GR, LT SGS, LSCR S1 E--
4569. BbBf B-5826 "Big Boy" Teddy Edwards: I'm Gonna Tell My Mama On You//Louise V++
4570. DeSB 7289 Sleepy John Estes: Drop Down Mama//Married Woman Blues MB 50 PMKS E--/V++
4571. DeSB 7342 Sleepy John Estes: Vernita Blues//I Wanta Tear It All The Time MB 25 V++
4572. DeSB 7365 Sleepy John Estes: Jack And Jill Blues//Need More Blues MB 50 E--/V++
4573. De 7491 Sleepy John Estes: Liquor Store Blues//Special Agent MB 25 V+
4574. De 7766 Sleepy John Estes: Tell Me How About It//Drop Down MB 15 E--
4575. Ge 4881 Excelsior Qrt: Kitchen Mechanic Blues//Jelly Roll Blues ND S1 V+
4576. CoV 14387-D Frenchy's String Band: Sunshine Special//Texas And Pacific Blues 78Q ~20; plays well! MB 50 V
4577. ARC-Me 7-07-63 Blind Boy Fuller: Trucking My Blues Away No 2//Boots And Shoes MB 15 LN SCR S2 V+
4578. ARC-Me 8-02-66 Blind Boy Fuller: Careless Love//I'm Goin' To Move To The Edge Of Town MB 25 V++
4579. Ok 05657 Blind Boy Fuller: Thousand Woman Blues//BBF & Sonny Terry:
I Don't Want No Skinney Woman MB 75 LT LST S2 E
4580. VoB 04519 Blind Boy Fuller: What's That Smells Like Fish//Get Your Yas Yas Out MB 15 V++
4581. Gilt-Edge 510 Pvt Cecil Gant: Blues In L.A.//When I Wanted You SCFS E

*4582. VoW 1740 Georgia Browns: Tampa Strut//Decatur Street 81 Bidder Request Show MB 1000 E--

4583. GeNE 6919 Georgia Tom: Eagle Ridin' Papa//My Texas Blues MB 100 LN SCRS V
4584. Jewel 20009 Georgia Tom: You Got Me In This Mess//Six Shooter Blues MB 25 SCRS V++
4585. CoV 14362-D Irene Gibbons w/Clarence Williams Jazz Band: I'm Busy And You Can't Come In//Jeannine MB 25 V++
4586. Bb 34-0707 Jazz Gillum: Tell Me, Mama//My Big Money RTL E-
4587. De 7763 Gene Gilmore: The Natchez Fire//Baby Doo: The Death Of Walter Barnes V++
4588. CoV 14300-D Lillian Glinn: Come Home Daddy//All Alone And Blue MB 50 E--
4589. CoV 14360-D Lillian Glinn: Lost Letter Blues//Packing House Blues MB 25 NR V++
4590. Pm 12859 Blind Roosevelt Graves & his Brother: Bustin' The Jug//Crazy About My Baby 78Q >10; plays pretty well! MB 50 V-
4591. Bb B-8895 Lil Green: I'm Going To Start A Racket//Let's Be Friends RX S2 V++
4592. BS 2049 Lucille Hegamin & her Blue Flame Syncopators: He May Be Your Man//I've Got The Wonder Where He Went Plays ok V-

*4593. Pm 12697 Bertha Henderson w/Blind Blake, gtr: That Lonesome Rave//Leavin' Gal Blues MB 250 SCFS, FW SCRS, LT FLBL S2 E--
4594. QRS R-7032 Katherine Henderson w/Clarence Williams' Orc: Have You Ever Felt That Way?//Lonesome Lovesick Blues MB 150 V++

4595. ViW 19157 Rosa Henderson w/Fletcher Henderson, pno s2: Struttin' Blues//Low-Down Papa LT LSCRS E--
4596. VoW 14708 Rosa Henderson w/Fletcher Henderson, pno: He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar//
I Want My Sweet Daddy Now MB 15 V++
4597. VoW 15215 Rosa Henderson w/the Three Jolly Miners: An' I Don't Mean If!//You Can't Be Like My Last Man Was MB 100 LT GR E

4598. VoW 14650 Edna Hicks w/Henderson's Orc: You've Got Everything A Sweet Mama Needs But Me//EH w/Clarence Johnson, pno:
Walking And Talking Blues MB 15 E--
4599. Circle J-1003 Bertha "Chippie" Hill w/Baby Dodds' Stompers: How Long Blues//BCH w/Lovie Austin's Blues Serenaders: Trouble In Mind E--
4600. BbS B-6963 Robert Hill: You Gonna Look Like A Monkey When You Get Old//Richard M. Jones: Trouble In Mind V++/E--
4601. Modern 833 Smokey Hogg: Little Car Blues//Country Gal MB 15 SM LTR, LT DWRP E-
4602. Sensation 30 John Lee Hooker & his Guitar: Goin' On Highway #51//Let Your Daddy Ride MB 75 LT SCRS, VLT LST, LT GR E-
4603. Sensation 33 John Lee Hooker & his Guitar: Decoration Day Blues//My Baby's Got Somethin' S1 plays ok V-/V+
4604. Sensation 34 John Lee Hooker & his Guitar: Miss Eloise//Boogie Chillen' #2 S2 plays ok E--/V
4605. Aladdin 167 Lightnin' Hopkins: That Mean Old Twister//Katie Mae Blues V
4606. Aladdin 204 Lightnin' Hopkins: Fast-Mail Rambler//Thinkin' And Worryin' MB 25 E-
4607. Aladdin 3052 Lightnin' Hopkins: Baby Child//Changing Weather Blues MB 50 LT GR, LT WMK E
4608. Aladdin 3117 Lightnin' Hopkins: Daddy Will Be Home One Day//You're Not Going To Worry My Life Anymore
4609. Aladdin 3262 Lightnin' Hopkins: So Long//My California WMKS, LT FMG, LTR E--
4610. Gold Star 616 Lightning Hopkins: Mercy//What Can It Be MB 50 LT GR, FW BLSS E-
4611. Gold Star 640 Lightning Hopkins: Tim Moore's Farm//You Don't Know HV SCR TOK S1 V-
4612. Gold Star 664 Lightnin' Hopkins: Unkind Blues//Lightnin' Boogie Nice! MB 75 VLT WMKS NAP E
4613. Gold Star 665 Lightnin' Hopkins: European Blues//Fast Life Woman Plays great V-
4614. Harlem 2336 Lightnin' Hopkins & his Guitar: Good Old Woman//Untrue MN SCRS V+
4615. Herald 428 Lightnin' Hopkins & his Guitar: Lightnin's Special//Life I Used To Live V++
4616. Herald 443 Lightnin' Hopkins & his Guitar: Nothing But The Blues//Early Morning Boogie MN SCFS, SCRS V++
4617. Herald 471 Lightnin Hopkins: Hopkins' Sky Hop//Lonesome In Your Home MB 25 E--
4618. Herald 520 Lightnin' Hopkins: Lightnin' Don't Feel Well//My Little Kewpie Doll V++
4619. Jax 318 Lightnin' Hopkins & his Guitar: Automobile Blues//Organ Blues V++
4620. Jax 642 Lightnin' Hopkins: You Caused My Heart To Weep//Tap Dance Boogie PMKS V/V++
4621. Merc 8293 Lightening Hopkins: She's Almost Dead//Gone With The Wind LG LT WMKS E-
4622. Modern 20-529 Sam "Lightning" Hopkins: Big Mamma Jump//Short Haired Woman V/V++
4623. Modern 20-568 Sam "Lightning" Hopkins: Lonesome Home//Appetite Blues MB 25 SM SCF S1 E-
4624. RPM 337 Lightning Hopkins: Bad Luck And Trouble//Beggin' You To Stay V+
4625. RPM 378 Lightning Hopkins: Another Fool In Town//Candy Kitchen MB 15 E--
4626. RPM 388 Lightning Hopkins: Black Cat//Mistreated Blues V+
4627. Sittin in With 621 Lightnin' Hopkins: Give Me Central 209//New York Boogie V+
4628. Aladdin 165 Lightnin' Hopkins & Thunder Smith: West Coast Blues//Can't Do Like You Used To Do Ink stamp in roa MB 75 LT WMKS E
4629. Atl 916 Lawyer Houston: Lawyer Houston Blues//Dallas Be-Bop Blues LT WMK E+

4630. CoV 14270-D "Peg Leg" Howell & his Gang: Moanin' And Groanin' Blues//Hobo Blues MB 100 V++

*4631. CoV 14426-D Peg Leg Howell & Jim Hill: Monkey Man Blues//Chittlin' Supper MB 500 EF NTG S1, LT SCFS E

4632. OkE 8467 Helen Humes: A Worried Woman's Blues//Black Cat Blues MB 100 VLT SCR & VSM LTR S2 E-
4633. OkTT 8268 Alberta Hunter w/Perry Bradford's Mean Four: Your Jelly Roll Is Good//Take That Thing Away Plays ok MB 15 V

4634. Me M-13021 Bessie Jackson & Walter Scott: Baking Powder Blues//Mean Twister MB 100 GR, LT SCFS E
4635. Pm 12281 Papa Charlie Jackson: Shake That Thing//The Faking Blues MB 25 V+
4636. VoW 1144 Jim Jackson: Jim Jackson's Kansas City Blues, Pt 1//Pt 2 V
4637. Imp 5108 Lil' Son Jackson: Tough Luck Blues//Evening Blues Unfinished edge MB 25 E
4638. VoW 1193 Lulu Jackson: Careless Love Blues//You're Going To Leave The Old Home, Jim! Clean MB 50 E--
4639. CoV 14284-D Willie Jackson: Kansas City Blues//T.B. Blues Plays well MB 15 V/V-
4640. OkEs 45468 Walter Jacobs & the Carter Brothers: Sheiks Special//Dear Little Girl MB 150 E--
4641. Varsity 6002 Billy James & his Guitar (Blind Blake): Depression Gone From Me Blues//Champagne Charlie Is My Name MB 25 V++
4642. Ch 50076 Springback James: Lonesome Love Blues//Poor Coal Loader MB 50 WMKS, GR AB E-
4643. VoG 2603 Frankie "Half Pint" Jaxon's Hot Shots w/JHPJ, vc: Fifteen Cents//Mama Don't Allow It MB 50 PMKS S1, LT SCFS S1 E-/V+
4644. Pm 12354 Blind Lemon Jefferson: Got The Blues//Long Lonesome Blues
Marsh recording; lss "Jeffesron;" torn dsol s2 MB 100 V+
4645. Pm 12373 Blind Lemon Jefferson: Chock House Blues//Jack O' Diamond Blues Plays ok V
*4646. Pm 12487 Blind Lemon Jefferson w/George Perkins, pno: Rising High Water Blues//Teddy Bear Blues Bidder Request Show MB 150 V++

4647. Pm 12679 Blind Lemon Jefferson: Lockstep Blues//Hangman's Blues SEP 2" CR, SGS, LST V+
4648. Pm 12692 Blind Lemon Jefferson: Christmas Eve Blues//Happy New Year Blues MB 150 V++/V+
4649. Chess 1565 Bobo Jenkins: Democrat Blues//Bad Luck And Trouble MB 25 E-
4650. Pe 103 Caroline Johnson: Georgia Grind//Mamma Stayed Out The Whole Night Long CTL V+

4651. Pm 12864 Edith Johnson: Can't Make Another Day//Good Chib Blues Quiet surface for a Pm! MB 150 E--/V++

4652. Bb B-8779 Lonnie Johnson: I Did All I Could//Chicago Blues V++

4653. DeSB 7388 Lonnie Johnson: Something Fishy//Hard Times Ain't Gone No Where V++
4654. De 7445 Lonnie Johnson: Got The Blues For The West End//Man Killing Broad SCRS, LSCRS, LG LT SCFS E--
4655. King 4245 Lonnie Johnson: Feel So Lonesome//Pleasing You EF NTG E--
4656. King 4346 Lonnie Johnson: Troubles Ain't Nothin' But The Blues//I'm So Afraid VLT SCFS E
4657. Ok 8253 Lonnie Johnson w/John Arnold, pno: Falling Rain Blues//Mr Johnson's Blues LJ's first solo record; lss "Recorded in St. Louis"; plays fair V-
4658. OkTT 8291 Lonnie Johnson w/James Johnson, pno: Sun To Sun Blues//Bed Of Sand V
4659. OkTT 8391 Lonnie Johnson: I'm Gonna Dodge The Blues Just Watch And See//Oh! Doctor The Blues MB 25 V++
4660. Ok 8435 Lonnie Johnson: Ball And Chain Blues//Sweet Woman, See For Yourself MB 75 LT ICS, LT LSCFS E-
4661. OkE 8497 Lonnie Johnson: Mean Old Bed Bug Blues//Roaming Rambler Blues ULCS NTG, LT LSCFS E-
4662. OkE 8557 Lonnie Johnson: Blue Ghost Blues//Life Saver Blues NR TOK V+
4663. OkE 8575 Lonnie Johnson, gtr: Away Down In The Alley Blues//Blues In G LT LWDM V++
4664. OkE 8618 Lonnie Johnson: Stay Out Of Walnut Street Alley//Broken Levee Blues V+/V++

4665. OkEs 8875 Lonnie Johnson: Just A Roaming Man//Blues Is Only A Ghost MB 100 SM NR E--/E-

4666. OkE 8664 Lonnie Johnson & Spencer Williams: It Feels So Good, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 25 LT LCS, SCR S2 E--
4667. OkEs 8744 Lonnie Johnson & Victoria Spivey w/Clarence Williams, pno: Toothache Blues, Pt 1//Pt 2 S1 plays ok V/V++
4668. OkEs 8802 Lonnie Johnson & Spencer Williams: Bull Frog And The Toad//Monkey And The Baboon, Pt 2 V++
4669. Ok 8162 Margaret Johnson w/Clarence Williams' Harmonizers: Absent Minded Blues//Nobody Knows The Way I Feel This Mornin' MB 15 V++
4670. ViS 20178 Margaret Johnson: My Man's Done Done Me Dirty//
Folks In New York City Ain't Like Folks Down South MB 50 LTRS S2, FW SCRS S1 E-/E
4671. DeSB 7305 Signifying Mary Johnson: I Just Can't Take It//Delmar Avenue MB 15 PMKS, SM HV SCRS E--

*4672. OkEs 8794 Little Hat Jones: Little Hat Blues//Rolled From Side To Side Blues MB 500 ND AB TOK S1 V++

4673. CoV 14063-D Maggie Jones: Anybody Here Want To Try My Cabbage//
You May Go But You'll Come Back Some Day TOL, LSTS, MN INT LCS E-
4674. VoW 1600 Kansas City Kitty & Georgia Tom: Close Made Papa//Root Man Blues MB 50 V++
4675. VoW 1500 Kansas Joe & Memphis Minnie: What Fault You Find Of Me?, Pt 1//Pt 2 78Q <15; plays fair V--

*4676. OkE 8583 Keghouse: Shiftin' My Gear Blues//Keghouse Blues MB 250 E-/E--
4677. BrLB 7135 Sylvester Kimbrough w/Paul Banks, pno: Garbage Can Blues//Bird Liver Blues MB 200 LT FLBL E--

4678. Ch 50071 Jimmy La Rue (Roosevelt Sykes): Two Old Maids In A Folding Bed//St. Louis Johnny: Sister Kelly Blues MB 15 V++
4679. Savoy 854 Lazy Slim Jim: Money Blues//Georgia Woman SM SCRS E-
4680. Bb B-8791 Huddie Leadbelly: Good Morning Blues//Leaving Blues V++
4681. Me M-13327 Lead Belly: Four Day Worry Blues//New Black Snake Moan MB 25 WOLS, RAS, SM NR TOK V++
4682. Pe 109 Mandy Lee: Wandering Papa Blues//Rounders Blues MB 15 MN SCRS, SM LTRS V++
*4683. Parrot 791 Ernest Lewis: West Coast Blues//No More Lovin' MB 100 E--
4684. Excello 2066 Lightnin' Slim: Lightnin' Blues//I Can't Be Successful V++/E-
4685. Feature 3012 Lightning Slim: Ethel Mae//Bugger Bugger Boy NRS SKP S1 V--/E--
4686. CoV 14475-D Charlie Lincoln: Mojoe Blues//Country Breakdown MB 15 MN SM SCRS, 3" CR V++
4687. BbS B-7806 Little Brother: Misled Blues//One Arm Slim: Howling Man Blues E-/V++
4688. ARC-Me 6-11-66 Cripple Clarence Lofton: Brown Skin Girls//You Done Tore Your Playhouse Down MB 25 LT SGS V++
4689. DeSB 7010 Poor Boy Lofton: Poor Boy Blues//It's Killin' Me 78Q <30 MB 50 V++
4690. CoM 30182 Joe Hill Louis: A'Jumpin' And A'Shufflin'//Railroad Blues MB 15 V+/E--
4691. DeSB 7114 Carl Martin: Let's Have A New Deal//Joe Louis Blues V+
4692. Ok 8099 Sara Martin w/Clarence Williams' Harmonizing Four: A Green Gal Can't Catch On//Graveyard Dream Blues Plays ok V
4693. Ok 8104 Sara Martin w/Sylvester Weaver, gtr: Roamin' Blues//I've Got To Go And Leave My Daddy Behind MB 15 E--
4694. Ok 8146 Sara Martin w/Sylvester Weaver, gtr: Got To Leave My Home Blues//Every Woman Needs A Man Plays well LT DWRP, US, LG SCFS V+
4695. Ok 8214 Sara Martin: Can't Find Nobody To Do Like My Old Daddy Do//Strange Lovin' Blues Lss "Recorded in St. Louis" V+
4696. Ok 8067 Sara Martin & Clarence Williams: Monkey Man Blues//SM & Eva Taylor w/Clarence Williams, pno & Thomas Morris, cnt:
Yodeling Blues Plays well V

4697. BrLB 7118 Charlie McCoy w/Chatman's Mississippi Hot Footers: It Ain't No Good, Pt 1//Pt 2 Heat damage barely audible MB 25 HV HDM AB V++
4698. VoW 15245 Viola McCoy: Stomp Your Blues Away//Shake That Thing MB 25 V+
4699. CoV 14302-D William McCoy, harmonica: Mama Blues//Train Imitations & The Fox Chase MB 50 SCRS, LT INT LC NAP E--
4700. Alert 401 Brownie McGhee: Mean Ol' Frisco//Sportin Life Blues MB 25 SM SCF S2 E

*4701. De 7810 Blind Willie McTell: Cold Winter Day//Lay Some Flowers On My Grave MB 500 E

4702. ViS V-38032 Blind Willie McTell: Dark Night Blues//Loving Talking Blues Plays well! MB 25 MN SM PITS V--
4703. OkEs 8963 Memphis Jug Band: She Done Sold It Out//My Love Is Cold Plays ok MB 25 V/V++
4704. ViS 21412 Memphis Jug Band: Bob Lee Junior Blues//I Packed My Suitcase, Started To The Train MB 100 LSCF S1 V++/V+
4705. ViS 21524 Memphis Jug Band: She Stays Out All Night Long//Snitchin' Gambler Blues Plays well MB 15 V
4706. ViS 21740 Memphis Jug Band: Lindbergh Hop (Overseas Stomp)//Sugar Pudding S1 mentions the Victrola; noisy V--
4707. ViS V-38504 Memphis Jug Band: Stealin', Stealin'//Whitewash Station Blues MB 100 SM PEF NTG S2 V+

*4708. ViS V-38620 Memphis Jug Band: Cocaine Habit Blues//It Won't Act Right 78Q ~15; est 1558 copies sold MB 500 LT LSTS E--

4709. CoM 38099 [dj] Memphis Minnie: Three Times Seven Blues//Shout The Boogie MB 25 FW SM SCRS E
4710. DeSB 7084 Memphis Minnie: Sylvester And His Mule Blues//When You're Asleep MB 150 E--

4711. Ok 6733 Memphis Minnie: Love Come And Go//When You Love Me V
4712. VoW 1512 Memphis Minnie: Mister Tango Blues//I'm Gonna Bake My Biscuits 78Q <10; plays well MB 50 V
4713. VoG 03046 Memphis Minnie: He's In The Ring//MM, Black Bob & Bill Settles: Joe Louis Strut MB 25 WMKS S2 V++/E-
4714. VoS 03222 [bw] Memphis Minnie: Ice Man//Hoodoo Lady S1 noisy; s2 plays ok HV LNRS S2 V-
4715. VoB 03768 Memphis Minnie: Wants Cake When I'm Hungry//Living The Best I Can MB 15 E--/E-

*4716. BrLB 7134 Memphis Mose: Tomorrow Blues//Blue Moanin' Blues MB 250 SCFS S1 E/E-

4717. Re 9796 Josie Miles & Jazz Casper: Let's Agree To Disagree//It's The Last Time I'll Be A Pastime For You HV SCR TOK S1 V+
4718. ViS V-38607 Lizzie Miles: Good Time Papa//Lee & Smith: One Hour Tonight Large dsol s2 E--
4719. BbBf B-5659 Mississippi Sheiks: Baby Please Make A Change//Somebody's Got To Help Me MB 150 LST E-/E--

4720. OkEs 8773 Mississippi Sheiks: Winter Time Blues//Alberta Blues Plays well w/some distortion V-
4721. OkEs 8834 Mississippi Sheiks: Jail Bird Love Song//Yodeling Fiddling Blues A bit faint & noisy LTRS, 2" CR V--

4722. OkEs 8947 Mississippi Sheiks: Kitty Cat Blues//Show Me What You Got Plays great MB 100 SM SCRS S1 E+/V

*4723. OkEs 8951 Mississippi Sheiks w/Bo Carter: We Are Both Feeling Good Right Now//
Shake Hands And Tell Me Goodbye MB 300 LT PMKS, LT LBL CREASES E-

4724. OkEs 8810 Mississippi Sheiks & Bo Carter: Back To Mississippi//Cracking Them Things Plays well MB 15 ECS NTG V-
4725. BbBf B-6072 Little Brother Montgomery: Mama You Don't Mean Me No Good//Vicksburg Blues, No 2 MB 15 LSCRS S2 V++
4726. ARC-Me 6-04-56 Buddy Moss: Oh Lordy Mama, No 2//Undertaker Blues MB 15 V
*4727. Pm 12401 "Dad" Nelson: Red River Blues//Cotton Field Blues MB 150 V++

4728. Ok 4318 Norfolk Jazz Qrt: Jelly Roll Blues//Southern Jack V++
4729. VoB 04676 One Arm Slim: Where Did You Stay Last Night?//Crap Shootin' Blues MB 15 LTRS, LT SGS S2 V++/V+
4730. De 7488 Shorty Bob Parker: Ridin' Dirty Motorsickle//Tired Of Being Drug Around Plays well MN LNRS V
4731. Bb B-9008 Robert Petway: In The Evening//Bertha Lee Blues V/E--
4732. CoV 14333-D Washington Phillips: Denomination Blues, Pt 1//Pt 2 78Q ~40; very noisy V--

4733. Gotham 201 Dan Pickett: Laughing Rag//That's Grieving Me MB 100 GR E-

*4734. CoV 14640-D Pigmeat Pete & Catjuice Charlie: Rockin' Chair Mary//You'se My Friend Bidder Request Show MB 250 V++

4735. Me M-13356 Pinewood Tom: D.B.A. Blues//New Mean Mistreater Blues MB 25 V++
4736. Pm 12059 tk 4/1 Ollie Powers' Harmony Syncopators: Play That Thing//Jazzbo Jenkins 78Q <10 HV LSCR S1, LTRS S2 V
4737. Bb 34-0715 Yank Rachell: Katy Lee Blues//Bye Bye Blues MB 25 FW SCFS S2 E-
4738. Pm 12083 Madame Ma Rainey w/Lovie Austin's Blues Serenaders: Moonshine Blues//Southern Blues MB 100 SCRS S2 E--
4739. Pm 12252 Ma Rainey & her Georgia Jazz Band: Jealous Hearted Blues//See See Rider Blues MB 100 LT LST, LSCF S1 E--
4740. Pm 12284 Ma Rainey & her Georgia Band: Explaining The Blues//Army Camp Harmony Blues MB 25 V
4741. Pm 12303 Ma Rainey & her Georgia Band: Four Day Honory Scat//Night Time Blues LTR S1 V
4742. Pm 12357 Ma Rainey & her Georgia Band: Yonder Come The Blues//Stack O' Lee Blues MB 150 GR, SCRS S1, NR S2 E/E-
4743. Pm 12419 Ma Rainey: Little Low Mamma Blues//Grievin Hearted Blues S1 noisy, s2 plays ok V-
4744. Pm 12438 Ma Rainey & her Georgia Band: Soon This Morning//MR w/James Blythe, pno: Don't Fish In My Sea
Plays pretty well LT LNRS, WOLS V/V+

*4745. Pm 12668 Ma Rainey w/the Tub Jug Washboard Band: Prove It On Me Blues//Hear Me Talking To You 78Q ~30; clean! MB 500 E--

4746. Pm 12706 Ma Rainey: Traveling Blues//Deep Moaning Blues 78Q <20; very nice labels! MB 150 V+/V++
4747. Pm 12722 Ramblin' Thomas: Poor Boy Blues//Ramblin' Man MB 200 LG EF NTG V+
4748. VoB 03965 Red & his Washboard Band: Prowling Groundhog No 2//Don't Tear My Clothes No 3 MB 25 E-
4749. Pe 127 Uncle Charley Richards (Blind Richard Yates): Sore Bunion Blues//I'm Gonna Moan My Blues Away MB 75 V++

*4750. Ok 8259 Robinson & Mack w/Clarence Williams, pno: I Beg To Be Excused//Don't You Lose Your Head And Put Your Hands On Me
Bidder Request Show MB 250 SM LTR S1 E--

4751. Pe 0203 Salty Dog Sam (Collins): I'm Still Sitting On Top Of The World//Signifying Blues 78Q ~20; plays well! MB 25 V-
*4752. Feature 3013 Schoolboy Cleve (Cleveland White): She's Gone//Strange Letter Blues MB 100 E--

4753. CoM 3172-D [fs] Bessie Smith: Weeping Willow Blues//Careless Love Blues E--
4754. CoV2 3175-D Bessie Smith & her Blue Boys: Trombone Cholly//Yellow Dog Blues MB 15 E-/E--
4755. CoF 13005-D Bessie Smith w/Irving Johns, pno: Sam Jones' Blues//BS w/Jimmy Jones, pno: St. Louis Gal CTL TOK V
4756. CoF 14010-D Bessie Smith: Eavesdropper's Blues//Haunted House Blues V+
4757. CoF 14023-D Bessie Smith: Frankie Blues//Hateful Blues SCRS V++
4758. CoV 14032-D Bessie Smith: Work House Blues//House Rent Blues MB 15 E--
4759. CoV 14042-D Bessie Smith: Weeping Willow Blues//The Bye Bye Blues MB 100 FW SCRS S2, LT SCFS S1 E
4760. CoF 14052-D Bessie Smith w/Fred Longshaw, pno: Sinful Blues//Follow The Deal On Down Plays fair V-
4761. CoF 14060-D Bessie Smith: Love Me Daddy Blues//Woman's Trouble Blues MB 15 ULC V++
4762. CoV 14095-D Bessie Smith & her Band: J.C. Holmes Blues//I Ain't Got Nobody MB 75 V++
4763. CoV 14147-D Bessie Smith w/Clarence Williams, pno s1: Them "Has Been Blues"//Baby Doll MB 50 VHV 1" SCR TOK S2 E-/E--

*4764. CoV 14195-D Bessie Smith w/Jimmy Johnson, pno: Preachin' The Blues//Back Water Blues MB 250 VLT SCR S2 E

4765. CoV 14260-D Bessie Smith: Homeless Blues//Sweet Mistreater MB 100 LT LCS, LSCR S2 E-

4766. CoV 14375-D Bessie Smith: Please Help Me Get Him Off My Mind//Washwoman's Blues MB 15 SM EFS NTG V++
4767. CoV 14427-D [bw; bl lbl] Bessie Smith: You've Got To Give Me Some//I'm Wild About That Thing SCRS V+

4768. CoV 14476-D Bessie Smith w/James P. Johnson, pno: Wasted Life Blues//Dirty No-Gooder's Blues MB 150 PMKS, SCF E-
*4769. CoV 14538-D Bessie Smith & the Bessemer Singers: Moan Mourners//On Revival Day Est 2095 copies sold; clean!
Bidder Request Show MB 250 E--

4770. CoGB A-3844 Bessie Smith w/Clarence Williams, pno: Down Hearted Blues//Gulf Coast Blues Bessie's first issued record LTRS V+
4771. CoGB A-3877 Bessie Smith & her Down Home Trio: Beale Street Mamma//Aggravatin' Papa Plays well V-
4772. CoGB A-3942 Bessie Smith w/Fletcher Henderson, pno: Nobody In Town Can Bake A Sweet Jelly Roll Like Mine//
If You Don't I Know Who Will MB 25 FLBL S1 E-
4773. CoGB A-4001 Bessie Smith w/Irving Johns, pno: Jail-House Blues//BS w/Jimmy Jones, pno: Graveyard Dream Blues V
4774. CoV 14126-D Clara Smith: Disappointed Blues//You Get Mad MB 25 E--
4775. CoV 14202-D Clara Smith: Percolatin' Blues//Ease It MB 50 LT SCRS S2, LSTS E-
4776. CoGB A-3943 Clara Smith w/Fletcher Henderson, pno: Every Woman's Blues//I Got Everything A Woman Needs MB 15 E--
4777. CoGB A-3991 Clara Smith w/Fletcher Henderson, pno: I Want My Sweet Daddy Now//Irresistible Blues V++
4778. CoF A-4000 Clara Smith w/Fletcher Henderson, pno: I Never Miss The Sunshine//Awful Moanin' Blues Plays ok V-
4779. Pm 12806 Guy Smith (John Erby): Sad Story Blues//Southland Blues Noisy MB 15 SCRS, SCFS, GR V++
4780. Pm 12472 Iva Smith: Cincinnati Southern Blues//Barrel House Mojo Plays ok MB 15 PMKS V
4781. Pe 120 Laura Smith w/the Wildcats: When A 'Gator Holler//I'm Goin' To Have Seven Years Bad Luck MB 25 V+
4782. Ok 4113 Mamie Smith: That Thing Called Love//You Can't Keep A Good Man Down Plays pretty well V
4783. Ok 4254 Mamie Smith & her Jazz Hounds: Shim-Me-King's Blues//Royal Garden Blues GR E-/E--
4784. Ok 4926 Mamie Smith w/the Harlem Trio: Kansas City Man Blues//Lady Luck Blues MB 25 V++
4785. BS 2039 Trixie Smith: Trixie's Blues//Desperate Blues
Trixie's first record; lss "Winner of 15th Reg. Blues Contest"; plays ok V

4786. BS 14132 Trixie Smith & her Down Home Syncopators: Take It Daddy, It's All Yours//I'm Through With You Good labels MB 100 E-
4787. Pm 12211 Trixie Smith & her Down Home Syncopaters: Freight Train Blues//Don't Shake It No More MB 25 V++
4788. Pm 12790 Charlie Spand: Fetch Your Water//Soon This Morning Blues Plays ok MB 50 V
4789. BbBf B-6096 Milton Sparks: Grinder Blues//Peter J. Clayton: Yo Yo Jive MB 50 E--
4790. BbS B-8113 Speckled Red: What Makes You Treat Me Mean?//Down On The Levee LT GR, LG WMKS E-
4791. OkTT 8338 Victoria Spivey w/De Lloyd Barnes, pno & Pierce Gist, cnt s1: No More Jelly Bean Blues//Black Snake Blues
Lss "Recorded in St. Louis"; plays ok LTRS V-
4792. OkTT 8410 Victoria Spivey: It's Evil Hearted Me//Santa Fe Blues Nice! MB 100 LT GR E-

4793. Bb B-8889 St Louis Jimmy: Going Down Slow//Monkey Face Blues E--
4794. VoS 03364 State Street Swingers w/Washboard Sam, vc: Swing Cat Swings//Oh Red!, No 2 Plays ok EF 3PGS S2 V
4795. ViS 21356 Vol Stevens: Baby Got The Rickets//Vol Stevens' Blues MB 100 V+
4796. Pm 12740 Priscilla Stewart: I Want To See My Baby//A Little Bit Closer Beautiful labels MB 100 LT GR E--

*4797. ViS V-38500 tk 2/2 Frank Stokes: 'Tain't Nobody's Business If I Do, Pt 1//Pt 2
78Q <10; est 4507 copies sold MB 2000 FW SM LTRS, FLBL, GR E-
*4798. ViS V-38512 Frank Stokes: How Long//I Got Mine 78Q <10 MB 500 HV GR, LTRS E--

*4799. OkE 8732 Swan & Lee: It Sure Is Nice//Fishy Little Thing MB 250 LT LSCRS, LT SCRS S2 E-

4800. Bullet 319 Roosevelt Sykes: Candy Man Blues//Why Should I Cry VHV GR AREA, BLSS E-
4801. OkEs 8787 Roosevelt Sykes: Poor Boy Blues//Black River Blues Plays well MB 100 MN INT LCS, ULCS E-

4802. BbBf B-6037 Tampa Red: I Could Learn To Love You So Good//My Baby Said Yes MB 25 LT SCRS E-
4803. BbBf B-7091 Tampa Red & the Chicago Five w/TR, vc: When Love Comes In//Sonny Boy Nelson: Low Down MB 100 E-

4804. ViR 20-2432 Tampa Red: New Bad Luck Blues//Corrine Blues MB 15 VLT SCFS, SCR S2 E
4805. VoW 1228 Tampa Red's Hokum Jug Band w/Half Pint Jaxon, vc: It's Tight Like That//How Long How Long Blues BRS MB 50 E--
4806. VoW 1216 Tampa Red & Georgia Tom: It's Tight Like That//Grievin' Me Blues Nice dsol; plays ok V-

*4807. Pm 13062 Slim Tarpley w/Will Ezell, pno: Alabama Hustler//Try Some Of That MB 500 V++

4808. Ok 8049 Eva Taylor w/Clarence Williams, pno: 12th Street Rag//Lizzie Miles w/Ricketts' Stars: Trixie Blues LT LBL CREASE S2 V++
4809. Ok 8267 Eva Taylor w/Clarence Williams' Blue Five: Shake That Thing//Get It Fixed MB 50 E--

4810. Spt 9646 Walter Taylor: You Rascal You//Corrine, Corrina 78Q <10 MB 200 V++
4811. CoV2 417-M Sanders Terry, harmonica: Train Whistle Blues//New Love Blues 2½" LC S2 E-
4812. Ok 05538 Sonny Terry & Oh Red: Harmonica And Washboard Blues//Harmonica Stomp MB 15 LT LSTS, WOLS E-
4813. King 4315 Texas Slim: The Numbers//Devil's Jump V+
4814. King 4329 Texas Slim: Heart Trouble Blues//Slim's Stomp MB 25 E
4815. BrLB 7198 Sam Theard (Lovin' Sam from Down in 'Bam): She Can Love So Good//Three Sixes Collector stamp in roa MB 50 FLBLS E--
4816. Ok 8258 Hociel Thomas w/Louis Armstrong's Jazz Four: Adam And Eve Had The Blues//Put It Where I Can Get It MB 25 MN SCRS, 1" CR E--
4817. BbS B-7156 Annie Turner: Black Pony Blues//Hard On You V+
4818. Pe 12034 Lavinia Turner w/Jas P. Johnson's Harmony Seven: He Took It Away From Me//If I Were Your Daddy V++
4819. DeSB 7169 Walter Vincent: When The Breath Bids The Body Goodbye//Losin' Blues MB 100 LT SCRS, VSM LTR E
4820. CoV 14578-D tk 1/2 Willie Walker: Dupree Blues//South Carolina Rag 78Q <5; est 750 copies sold; plays very well MB 50 V-

*4821. ViS V-38547 Minnie Wallace: Dirty Butter//The Old Folks Started It 78Q <15 MB 300 V++

4822. Ok 8168 Sippie Wallace w/Clarence Williams, pno: Leaving Me, Daddy, Is Hard To Do//Mama's Gone, Good-bye MB 25 V++
4823. Ok 8232 Sippie Wallace w/Perry Bradford's Jazz Phools: Parlor Social De Luxe//Section Hand Blues Plays ok MB 15 V
4824. OkE 8499 Sippie Wallace: Dead Drunk Blues//Have You Ever Been Down? MB 100 LT PDEFS S2 E-/E--

4825. BbBf B-6355 Washboard Sam's Band: You Done Tore Your Playhouse Down//Don't 'Low MB 15 SM LTRS V++
4826. Her 92013 Lizzie Washington: Working Man Blues//East Coast Blues MB 75 V+
4827. BS 2010 Ethel Waters w/Cordy Williams' Jazz Masters: Oh Daddy//Down Home Blues Waters' 2nd record MB 15 SCRS S2 V++
4828. CoV 379-D Ethel Waters & her Ebony Four: No One Can Love Me//Sweet Georgia Brown MB 15 E--
4829. CoV 14112-D Ethel Waters & her Ebony Four: Maybe Not At All//You Can't Do What My Last Man Did Plays well V
4830. CoV 14146-D Ethel Waters: Sugar//You'll Want Me Back MB 15 V++
4831. CoV 14214-D Ethel Waters: Take Your Black Bottom Outside//Weary Feet MB 50 SM LT SCF, WOL S2 E
4832. CoV 14411-D Ethel Waters w/James P. Johnson, pno s2: My Baby Sure Knows How To Love//Lonesome Swallow MB 25 INT LCS, PMKS, LSCRS E-
4833. Pm 12313 Ethel Waters w/Lovie Austin's Blues Serenaders: Craving Blues//LA's BS: Too Sweet For Words Plays ok MB 15 V
4834. VoW 14860 Ethel Waters: Back-Bitin' Mamma//Pleasure Mad MB 15 SCR S2 E--

4835. Ch 50065 Curly Weaver (w/Blind Willie McTell, gtr): Sometime Mama//Two Faced Woman MB 100 E--
4836. Sittin in With 547 Curly Weaver (w/Willie McTell, gtr): My Baby's Gone//Ticket Agent MB 50 V++/V+
4837. OkE 8504 Sylvester Weaver: Can't Be Trusted Blues//Penitentiary Bound Blues MB 25 V+
4838. OkE 8530 Weaver & Beasley, gtrs: Bottle Neck Blues//St Louis Blues 78Q <20 MB 75 MN SCRS V++
4839. BbBf B-7033 Charley West: Rollin' Stone Blues//Ethel May Plays ok//fair ISOLS V/V-
4840. DeSB 7187 Peetie Wheatstraw (The Devil's Son-In-Law): Meat Cutter Blues//Old Good Whiskey Blues MB 25 GR, SM LTR E-
4841. DeSB 7216 Georgia White: Was I Drunk?//No Second Hand Woman Lss "George White" V+
4842. DeSB 7277 Georgia White: Walking The Street//You Don't Know My Mind V++

*4843. ViS 21741 Robert Wilkins: Rolling Stone, Pt 1//Pt 2 78Q ~30 MB 1000 FW SCRS V++/E--

4844. Bb B-9025 Joe Williams: Someday, Baby//Highway 49 S1 a bit noisy, s2 plays ok V-/V
4845. Trumpet 169 Joe Lee Williams & his 12 String Guitar: Whistling Pines//Over Hauling Blues MB 15 E-
4846. Trumpet 171 Joe Williams & his 9 String Guitar: Bad Heart Blues//She Left Me A Mule MB 15 E-/E--
4847. Gotham 509 Johnny Williams (John Lee Hooker): Questionnaire Blues//Real Gone Gal MB 50 SM LT SCFS, VLT LST E
4848. Staff 718 Johnny Williams (John Lee Hooker): Prison Bound//Bumble Bee Blues MB 15 SCRS V++/V+
4849. Jax 640 L.C. Williams: So Sorry//Baby Child LG EC NTG V+
4850. CoGB A-3835 Leona Williams & her Dixie Band: That Teasin', Squeezin' Man Of Mine//If Your Man Is Like My Man E-
4851. Bb 34-0701 Sonny Boy Williamson: She Don't Love Me That Way//Black Panther Blues ULCS, LTRS S2 V+
4852. Bb 34-0744 Sonny Boy Williamson: Sonny Boy's Jump//Elevator Woman VSM LSCR S1 E-
4853. BbS B-7665 Sonny Boy Williamson: Decoration Blues//Down South MB 15 PMKS E-
4854. Bb B-8766 Sonny Boy Williamson: My Baby Made A Change//Big Apple Blues V
4855. Bb B-9031 Sonny Boy Williamson: Broken Heart Blues//Ground-Hog Blues MB 15 SM PMK E--
4856. ViR 20-2369 Sonny Boy Williamson: Mellow Chick Swing//G.M. & O. Blues Plays well V
4857. ViR 20-3047 Sonny Boy Williamson: Rub A Dub//Stop Breaking Down MB 15 E--
4858. CoGB A-3506 Edith Wilson w/Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds: Old Time Blues//Frankie E--/V++
4859. CoGB A-3674 Edith Wilson w/Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds: What Do You Care//Lonesome Mama Blues EB NAP, SM LCS E--
4860. Pm 12392 Leola Wilson w/Blind Blake, gtr: Ashley St Blues//Dying Blues Plays well V
4861. VoB 04604 Buddy Woods w/the Wampus Cats: Token Blues//Jam Session Blues MB 50 GR, PMKS TOK E-
4862. De 7904 Oscar Woods (The Lone Wolf): Evil Hearted Woman Blues//Peetie Wheatstraw: Southern Girl Blues BBLS, BLSS V++/V+


10", MB $3
4863. GG 1718 (Anonymous): Close Fit Blues//Mean To Me S1 is a Clarence Williams unit MB 25 SCRS E--
4864. Co DB-5037 Larry Adler, harmonica w/Grappelly, Reinhardt, et al: I Got Rhythm//Lover, Come Back To Me E
4865. Pe 0205 Alabama Rascals: Rukus Juice Shuffle//Georgia Grind Washboard band; BRS MB 15 SCRS S2 V+
4866. Ca 8109 Alabama Red Peppers w/Arthur Fields, vc: San//Sam Lanin's Troubadours: My Ohio Home LN SCRS S2 E--
4867. VoW 1630 Alabama Washboard Stompers w/Jake Fenderson, vc: The Porter's Love Song//Corrine Corrina MN HV SCRS SKP S2 V+
4868. VoB 3491 Don Albert's Orc w/Merle Turner, vc s2: Liza//Tomorrow MB 15 LT IC E--
4869. Od 22301 [Arg] Oscar Aleman's Swing Qnt: Improvisations On Boogie Woogie//Doin' The New Low Down V++
4870. Od 23309 [Arg] Oscar Aleman's Swing Qnt: Blue Skies//Vaidosa LTRS V++
4871. Od 55712 [Arg] Oscar Aleman's Swing Qnt: Tico Tico No Fubá//Darktown Strutter's Ball V++/E--
4872. Od 55805 [Arg] Oscar Aleman's Swing Qnt: Goin' To The County Fair//I Never Knew LG LTRS, SOLS E--
4873. Od 74233 [Arg] Oscar Aleman's Orc: Cherie//Blacksmith Blues LG LTRS, SOLS V++
4874. HMV EA-2908 Henry Allen's Orc: Feeling Drowsy//Swing Out MN SM SCRS E-
4875. Me M-13016 Henry Allen's Orc w/HA, vc: Why Don't You Practice What You Preach?//Don't Let Your Love Go Wrong E--
4876. Pa R-2597 [Eng] Henry "Red" Allen: I Was Born To Swing//After Last Night With You LST E--
4877. Ro 2461 Henry Allen's Orc: It's Written All Over Your Face//Believe It, Beloved SCRS V++
4878. Vo 29 [Eng] Henry Allen's Orc w/HA, vc s1: Roll Along, Prairie Moon//Algiers Stomp SCFS E-
4879. VoS 3215 Henry Allen's Orc w/HA, vc: Every Minute Of The Hour//The Touch Of Your Lips E--
4880. VoB 3594 Henry Allen's Orc w/HA, vc: You'll Never Go To Heaven//The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down E-/E
4881. DeSB 1337 Ambrose's Orc w/Sam Browne, vc s1: Don't Play With Fire//My Lost Love GR, SCFS, SCRS E

4882. De F-41002 Ambrose's Orc: The Night Ride//Wood And Ivory E
4883. De F-41003 Ambrose's Orc: B'wanga//Copenhagen SCFS, FW SCRS E-
4884. De F-41005 Ambrose's Orc: Midnight In Mayfair//Nocturne LT SCRS S1 E
4885. Prestige 754 Gene Ammons, ten sax: When The Saints Go Marching In//Hot Stuff V++
4886. United 137 Gene Ammons' Orc: The Beat//Street Of Dreams E
4887. Prestige 877 [dj] Gene Ammons & Sonny Stitt: New Blues Up And Down, Pt 1//Pt 2 S1 lbl both sds WMKS, WOLS E
4888. GeNE 6279 Walt Anderson & his Golden Pheasant Hoodlums w/Les Backer, vc s2: Rain//What'll We Do For Dough MB 15 LTR S2 V+/V++
4889. Ok 40372 Arcadia Peacock Orc of St Louis: I Wouldn't Be Crying Now//Waitin' For The Moon MB 25 V++
4890. ViS 22558 Arden & Ohman's Orc w/Frank Luther, vc: I Got Rhythm//Embraceable You E--
4891. Ha 421-H Arkansas Travellers: Sensation//Ja-Da E--
4892. Bb B-10225 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc s1: Snowball//Swing You Cats FW SCFS E
4893. CoV 2631-D Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Love, You Funny Thing!//New Tiger Rag V+
4894. De 28803 [dj; vnl] Louis Armstrong & his Orc w/LA, vc: Sittin' In The Sun//Dummy Song LWDM E--
4895. OkTT 8300 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five w/LA, vc s2: Muskrat Ramble//Heebie Jeebies Lss "Recorded in Chicago, Ill." E--
4896. OkEs 8318 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five w/LA & Lillian Armstrong, vcs s1: Georgia Grind//Come Back Sweet Papa LTRS, LT INT LC S2 E-
4897. OkTT 8320 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five: My Heart//Corney Shop Suey Lss "Recorded in Chicago" V-
4898. Ok 8396 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five w/Clarence Babcock, vc: King Of The Zulu's//LA, vc: Lonesome Blues V+
4899. Ok 8423 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five w/LA & May Alix, vcs: Sunset Cafe Stomp//Big Butter And Egg Man From The West Plays ok V-
4900. OkEs 8436 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five w/LA, vc s1: Skid-Dat-De-Dat//Jazz Lips LT LST, VSM LTRS S1 E--
4901. OkE 8474 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Seven: Gully Low Blues//Wild Man Blues V+
4902. OkE 8482 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Seven: Willie The Weeper//Alligator Crawl V++
4903. OkE 8535 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five: Hotter Than That//Savoy Blues EF NTG, LST S1 V+
4904. OkE 8566 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five: Struttin' With Some Barbecue//Once In A While MB 50 SCFS V++
4905. OkE 8609 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five: Sugar Foot Strut//A Monday Date MB 25 LST V+
4906. OkE 8657 Louis Armstrong & his Savoy Ballroom Five: Save It Pretty Mamma//St James Infirmary MB 25 V++
4907. OkE 8669 Louis Armstrong & his Savoy Ballroom Five w/LA, vc: No One Else But You//I Can't Give You Anything But Love MB 15 V+
4908. OkE 8680 Louis Armstrong & his Savoy Ballroom Five: Beau Koo Jack//Mahogany Hall Stomp Plays well V
4909. OkEs 8703 Louis Armstrong's Orc: Muggles//Knockin' A Jug MB 15 V+
4910. OkE 8714 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Black And Blue//Ain't Misbehavin' MN LT INT LCS V++
4911. OkE 41157 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five: Knee Drops//Skip The Gutter MB 15 E--
4912. OkE 41241 Louis Armstrong's Orc: Basin Street Blues//No V+
4913. OkEs 41350 [bl lbl] Louis Armstrong's Orc: St Louis Blues//After You've Gone Noisy s2 V+/V-
4914. OkEs 41375 Louis Armstrong's Orc: Blue, Turning Grey Over You//Song Of The Islands SM HV NR S1 E--
4915. OkEs 41415 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: My Sweet//I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me V++
4916. OkEs 41497 Louis Armstrong's Orc: Walkin' My Baby Back Home//I Surrender, Dear LN EC NTG V+
4917. OkEs 41498 Louis Armstrong's Orc: When Your Lover Is Gone//Blue Again V++
4918. OkEs 41538 Louis Armstrong's Orc: The Lonesome Road//You Can Depend On Me Even wear, sounds good V
4919. ViS 22056 Gus Arnheim's Orc w/Buster Dees, vc: Now I'm In Love//One Sweet Kiss V++
4920. ViS 22770 Gus Arnheim's Cocoanut Grove Orc w/Donald Novis, vc: Sweet And Lovely//Dave Marshall, vc: Red, Red Roses SCFS, SM LTRS E-
4921. Od ND-3782 [Dan] Sven Asmussen Skandia Trio: June Night//Tea For Two E+
4922. Od O-28548 [Ger] Sven Asmussen Sxt: St. Louis Blues//Lonesome Road LT SCF E
4923. Sil 242 Astorites: Black Bottom//Paul Hagan, vc: Hugs And Kisses EF NTG, LSCRS, SM LCS E--
4924. Pm 12391 Lovie Austin's Serenaders: In The Alley Blues//Merry Maker's Twine 78Q ~7; plays ok CTL V
4925. Ge 3009 Bailey's Lucky Seven: Susie//Harry Reser's Orc: When You Do What You Do LT GR, SCR S2 E-
4926. Vo V-1021 [Eng] Billy Banks & his Rhythmakers: Yellow Dog Blues//Mean Old Bedbug Blues Origins of Jazz series E
4927. Rythme D-2120 [Belgian] Eddie Barclay's Rhythmes: Medley No 1//No 2 Brussels dsol s2; plays well VHV GR V++
4928. Milton G Wolf 1219 [pl] George Barnes & Ernie Varner, electric Spanish gtrs: Swoon Of A Goon//G Minor Spin
Lss "Kimball Hall-Chicago" MB 15 E-
4929. BbBf B-6432 Charlie Barnet's Glen Island Casino Orc w/CB, vc: Long Ago And Far Away//Joe Hoste, vc: Where Is My Heart E--
4930. BbBf B-6433 Charlie Barnet's Glen Island Casino Orc w/Laura Deane, vc: But Definitely//Bobby Parks, vc: When I'm With You E--
4931. VoB 4409 Dick Barrie's Orc w/Anita Boyer, vc: Love Doesn't Grow On Trees//Alan Sims, vc: Let This Be A Warning To You, Baby LN NR E--
4932. ViS 24056 Alex Bartha's Orc w/Carl White, vc: There's Oceans Of Love By The Beautiful Sea//On The Merry-Go-Round
Est 4000 sold MB 25 V++
4933. DeSB 1228 Count Basie's Orc w/James Rushing, vc s1: Boo-Hoo//The Glory Of Love GR E--
4934. DeSB 1379 Count Basie's Orc w/James Rushing, vc s1: Listen My Children And You Shall Hear//Smarty E--
4935. De 1538 Count Basie's Orc w/Earl Wilson, vc s2: Time Out//Let Me Dream E--
4936. DeSB 1581 Count Basie's Orc w/James Rushing, vc s2: Out The Window//I Keep Remembering E--
4937. De 2030 Count Basie's Orc w/James Rushing, vc s2: Mama Don't Want No Peas An' Rice An' Cocoanut Oil//Texas Shuffle E--
4938. Ok 40522 Phil Baxter's Orc: Waiting//Something Tells Me MB 25 SCFS, PMKS E-
4939. Savoy 900 Be Bop Boys: Webb City, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
4940. Savoy 902 Be Bop Boys: Smokey Hollow Jump//Moody Speaks V+
4941. Blue Note 502 Sidney Bechet's Blue Note Qrt: Saturday Night Blues//Bechet's Steady Rider LT SCF S2, GR E
4942. Blue Note 566 Sidney Bechet w/Claude Luter's Band: Struttin' With Some Barbecue//See See Rider E-
4943. Blue Note 572 Sidney Bechet's Blue Note Jazz Men: Copenhagen//Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble LG LT SCFS, LSTS, WOL E-
4944. HMV EA-3007 [Aus] Sidney Bechet's New Orleans Feetwarmers: Wild Man Blues//Blues In Thirds EF NTG E--
4945. HMV EA-3740 [Aus] Sidney Bechet w/Dr. Henry Levine's Barefooted Dixieland Phl Dance Orc: Muskrat Ramble//Dicky Wells, tb: Dicky Wells Blues E--
4946. ViC 27337 Sidney Bechet's New Orleans Feetwarmers: Slippin' And Slidin'//Egyptian Fantasy FW SCFS V++
4947. ViC 27386 Sidney Bechet's New Orleans Feetwarmers: Baby Won't You Please Come Home//Coal Black Shine E-
4948. ViC 27447 Sidney Bechet's New Orleans Feetwarmers: I Ain't Gone Give Nobody None Of This Jelly Roll//When It's Sleepy Time Down South LTR S2 E--
4949. ViC 27663 Sidney Bechet's New Orleans Feetwarmers w/Henry Goodwin, vc: Laughin' In Rhythm//Victor Dickenson, vc: Rip Up The Joint E
4950. OkE 41001 Bix Beiderbecke & his Gang: Sorry//Since My Best Girl Turned Me Down MB 25 V+
4951. OkEs 41030 Bix Beiderbecke & his Gang: Thou Swell//Somebody Stole My Gal V+/V
4952. ViS 23008 Bix Beiderbecke & his Orc w/Ray Lodwig, dir: I'll Be A Friend "With Pleasure"//Joe Venuti, dir: I Don't Mind Walkin' In The Rain ND S1, LN HC V+
4953. ViC 26415 Bix Beiderbecke's Orc w/Wes Vaughn, vc: I'll Be A Friend "With Pleasure"//Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Bing Crosby, vc: Mary E-
4954. VoB 3149 Bix Beiderbecke & his Gang: Sorry//Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down ICS TOK V++
4955. Ampersand 5 [Aus; vnl] Bell-Monsbourgh Melbourne Jazzmen: Georgia Camp Meeting//Back Home LT SCRS E-
4956. Supraphon C-23174 [Cz] Graeme Bell's Dixieland Jazz Band: I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate//Dallas Blues VLT SCFS E+
4957. BrS 7823 Bunny Berigan's Orc w/Art Gentry, vc: Who's Afraid Of Love?//One In A Million SOL S1, FW ULCS S2 E--
4958. BrS 7949 Bunny Berigan's Boys w/BB, vc: I Can't Get Started//Chick Bullock, vc: Rhythm Saved The World SCRS E--
4959. ViS 25609 Bunny Berigan's Orc w/Ruth Bradley, vc: All God's Chillun Got Rhythm//The Lady From Fifth Avenue LTRS V++
4960. ViS 25613 Bunny Berigan's Orc w/Ruth Bradley, vc: Roses In December//Let's Have Another Cigarette E--
4961. ViSC 25622 Bunny Berigan's Orc: Mahogany Hall Stomp//Bert Shefter's Rhythm Oct: Chopin's Ghost LT HMK S2 E-
4962. VoW 15887 Bunny Berigan's Orc w/Chick Bullock, vc: Pettin' In The Park//George Beuchler, vc: Sweetheart Darlin' V++
4963. Dial 1006 Sonny Berman's Big Eight: Curbstone Scuffle//Charlie Parker Sept: Bird Lore LT RS AB S2 E--
4964. Dial 1029 Sonny Berman's Big Eight: Nocturne//Curbstone Scuffle MB 15 E
4965. VoB 5072 Ben Bernie's Orc w/Don Saxon, vc: Tomorrow Night//Goodnight, My Beautiful FW SCRS V++

4966. VoW V-1032 [Eng] Jimmy Bertrand's Washboard Wizards: If You Want To Be My Sugar Papa//I'm Goin' Huntin' Origins of Jazz series E
4967. Pa R-365 [Eng] Big Chocolate Dandies: Cherry//Little Chocolate Dandies: Four Or Five Times E--
4968. ViS 22799 Ted Black's Orc w/Tom Brown, vc: Love Letters In The Sand//It's A Long Time Between Kisses LT SCFS S2, LT SCRS S1, SM LTRS E
4969. Em 10450 Eubie Blake, pno: Ma//EB w/Irving Kaufman, vc: Sweet Lady - Medley 78Q ~1 MB 25 V++
4970. ViW 18791 Eubie Blake's Shuffle Along Orc: Bandana Days//Baltimore Buzz SM SCFS S2 E-
4971. Pe 15694 Jack Bland's Rhythmakers: Who Stole The Lock?//Someone Stole Gabriel's Horn SCRS E--
4972. Do 144 Blue Rhythm Band: Feeling Gay//Jazz Martini E--/V++
4973. Me M-12793 Blue Rhythm Band: Jazz Martini//Feeling Gay V++
4974. Vo 6 Blue Rhythm Band: Harlem After Midnight//Joe Haymes' Orc: Christopher Columbus Swing Series LG SOL S2, WOL E--

*4975. CoV 14235-D Blue Ribbon Syncopators: Blue Ribbon Blues//Whale Dip MB 300 SM LSCRS E-

4976. Pe 14428 Blues Chasers: Sweet Georgia Brown//Lou Gold's Orc: Rose Of The Moonlight BLSS E--
4977. Ch 15615 Blythe's Blue Boys: Endurance Stomp//Someday You'll Know Side 1 fair, side 2 good
4978. Ch 40062 Blythe's Blue Boys: Some Do And Some Don't//Take It Down MB 15 V++
4979. VoB 03540 Bogan's Birmingham Busters: She Caught The Boat//Everything Is Rhythm Now Bidder Request Show MB 50 E--/V++
4980. Do 3439 Booker's Jazz Band: Hot Sax//Rialto Dance Orc: Oh Mabel MB 15 V++
4981. Gotham 503 Earl Bostic's Orc w/EB, vc: Let's Ball Tonight, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
4982. Aladdin 3110 Calvin Boze & his All-Stars: I'm Gonna Steam Off The Stamp//Fish-Tail E
4983. Ok 8416 Perry Bradford's Gang w/PB, vc: Kansas City Blues//Original Black Bottom Dance MB 25 V+
4984. Vo V-1030 [Eng] Perry Bradford's Jazz Phools: Lucy Long//I Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle Origins of Jazz series FW SCFS S2 E
4985. VoS 3060 J.H. Bragg & his Rhythm Five: Ethiopian Stomp//Pleading MB 25 V++
4986. Pat PG-466 [Fr] Arthur Briggs' Society Dance Orc: Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy//Where In The World Spiral print on lbl LT SCRS E
4987. Poly 41855 Arthur Briggs' Savoy Syncop's Orc: Ain't She Sweet?//Yale Blues SM BLS S1 E--
4988. Ha 504-H Broadway Bell-Hops (w/Bix): There's A Cradle In Caroline//There Ain't No Land Like Dixieland To Me MB 75 SCFS E--
4989. QRS Q-1025 Broadway Players w/Tommy Weir, vc: With You//Jack Montrose's Orc: I'm So Tired Of It All. MN SCRS, LSCFS, GR E--
4990. De 23935 Randy Brooks' Orc w/Eddie Caine, sax s1: Harlem Nocturne//A Night At The Deuces SCF S1 E-
4991. Signature 909 Henry Brown, pno: Henry Brown Blues//Twenty First St. Stomp Dub of Pm 12825 E-
4992. CoM 36977 Les Brown's Orc w/Doris Day, vc: I Got The Sun In The Morning//Jack Haskell, vc: It Couldn't Be True E-
4993. De 1231 Les Brown's Duke Blue Devils: Swamp Fire//Dance Of The Blue Devils SM HV SCRS S1, GR E-
4994. DeSB 1296 Les Brown's Duke Blue Devils w/Herb Muse, vc s2: Ramona//Don't You Care What Anyone Says E--
4995. CoV 1741-D Brownagle & his Orc: Helen//A Night Of Memories V+
4996. Coronet 103 [vnl] Dave Brubeck Trio: Laura//Indiana MB 15 E+
4997. Fantasy 506 [dj] Dave Brubeck Trio: That Old Black Magic//Undecided E-
4998. Fantasy 517 Dave Brubeck Qrt: Somebody Loves Me//Crazy Chris MN LT SCRS E
4999. Fantasy 521 Dave Brubeck Qrt: This Can't Be Love//Look For The Silver Lining MB 15 LT SCF & LT LSCR S2 E
5000. Fantasy 523 Dave Brubeck Qrt: Just One Of Those Things//DB, pno: My Romance SCFS E-
5001. CoV 1542-D Albert Brunies' Halfway House Orc w/Johnnie Saba, vc s2: Love Dreams//Tell Me Who VLN NR TOK S2 E-
5002. OkTT 40576 Merritt Brunies' Friar's Inn Orc w/Lew King, vc: I'm As Blue As The Blue Grass Of Kentucky//
When The Autumn Leaves Are Falling Lss "Rec in Chicago, Ill." MB 15 V+
5003. Lon 1491 Bulawayo Sweet Rhythms Band: In The Mood//Skokiaan MB 15 E--
5004. Blue Note 504 Teddy Bunn, gtr: Guitar In High//Blues Without Words MB 25 E
5005. DeSB 198 Henry Busse's Orc: Hot Lips//The Wang Wang Blues GR E--
5006. DeSB 1207 Henry Busse's Orc: Aunt Hagar's Blues//Changes E--
5007. CoF 236-D California Ramblers: Copenhagen//Gotta Getta Girl PEF NTPG S1 V++
5008. OkEs 41491 Buddy Campbell's Orc (Ben Selvin): Hello! Beautiful!//It's A Lonesome Old Town MB 15 SM LTR, SM EF NTG E--
5009. Tele A-2378 Fud Candrix's Orc: Cotton Picker's Congregation//Love Is In The Air Tonight MB 15 V++

*5010. GeNE 6474 Carmichael's Collegians: March Of The Hoodlums//Walkin' The Dog 78Q <10 MB 100 V+

5011. 4 Star 1106 Lady Will Carr Trio: After Hour//LWC w/Baron Mingus' Oct: Pipe Dream LT SCFS E+
5012. Br 81313 [Fr] Benny Carter's Orc: My Buddy//Lazy Afternoon E-
5013. Br 02074 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc: Dream Lullaby//Casa Loma Orc: I Got Rhythm LST S2, VLT ULC E
5014. Co DB-5019 Benny Carter, tpt w/Willie Lewis' Orc: Just A Mood//Claude Hopkins' Orc: Minor Mania E+
5015. DeLuxe 1012 Benny Carter's All Star Orc w/Maxine Sullivan, vc s2: Some Of These Days//I'm The Caring Kind LT SCRS, GR E
5016. OkEs 41567 Benny Carter's Orc: Blue Lou//Lonesome Nights MB 15 HV LSCR S2, MN LT LCS E-
5017. Vo 5 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc: These Foolish Things//Swingin' The Blues Beautiful gold & red Swing Series lbl SM SCF, LT LST S1 E-
5018. Vo 16 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc w/Elizabeth Welch, vc: When The Lights Are Low//I Gotta Go Swing Series lbl FW SCFS E
5019. VoB 5112 Benny Carter's Orc: Savoy Stampede//Scandal In A Flat E--
5020. Vo S-46 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc: Royal Garden Blues//There'll Be Some Changes Made VLT SCR S1 E
5021. Vo S-58 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc w/BC, vc: There's A Small Hotel//Gin And Jive Swing Series lbl SM SCFS E
5022. Vo S-69 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc: Nagasaki//I'm In The Mood For Swing LSCRS E--
5023. Vo S-104 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc: Blues In My Heart//BC's Orc w/Coleman Hawkins, tenor sax: Somebody Loves Me SCRS, SOL E--
5024. Vo S-126 [Eng] Benny Carter's Orc: Pardon Me, Pretty Baby//Skip It Swing Series lbl SOL E--
5025. Br 6187 Casa Loma Orc: Can't You See?//Blue Kentucky Moon V++
5026. Br 6256 Casa Loma Orc: One Of Us Was Wrong//Kiss By Kiss HV NR S2 TOK E-/E--
5027. Br 6584 Casa Loma Orc w/Kenneth Sargent, vc: Under A Blanket Of Blue//Love Is The Thing V++
5028. Br 6588 Casa Loma Orc: Wild Goose Chase//Buji SCFS E-
5029. OkEs 41403 Casa Loma Orc: China Girl//San Sue Strut MB 15 V++/E--

5030. CoV 14323-D Celestin's Original Tuxedo Jazz Orc: It's Jam Up//When I'm With You MB 100 LG EC NTPG E-
5031. Melford 259 Ray Chambers Trio: Last Train From Mississippi Blues//Rockin' With The Music SOL V++
5032. CoV 909-D Charleston Chasers: Wabash Blues//Davenport Blues SM LSCRS V++
5033. CoV 1989-D Charleston Chasers w/Eva Taylor, vc: Turn On The Heat//What Wouldn't I Do For That Man MB 50 SCFS, LT LSCRS E-
5034. CoV 2219-D Charleston Chasers w/Eddie Walters, vc: Here Comes Emily Brown//Wasn't It Nice? A beautiful copy! MB 25 E--
5035. Cupol 9022 Francios Charpin Trio: Flamingo//The Man I Love Cocktail lounge trio (actually a quartet); BRS MB 15 WOL E-
*5036. OkEs 8792 Chicago Footwarmers: Sweep 'Em Clean//My Girl MB 200 LSCRS & PMKS S2 E-

5037. Od 165618 Chicago Rhythm Kings w/Jack Teagarden, vc s2: I'm Sorry I Made You Cry//Makin' Friends E+
5038. Br 0-1847 Herman Chittison, pno: Honeysuckle Rose//Bugle Call Rag E
5039. OkE 8627 Chocolate Dandies: Paducah//Five Little Chocolate Dandies: Four Or Five Times MB 25 V++
5040. Ok 40107 Chubb-Steinberg Orc of Cincinnati: Blue Evening Blues//Horsey! Keep Your Tail Up MB 15 LTRS S1 V++
5041. Ge 5060 Ted Claire's Snappy Bits Band: Laughin' Cryin' Blues//Mandy Lee & Ladd's Black Aces: Aggravatin' Papa MB 15 E--

5042. ViS 22684 Sunny Clapp's Band O' Sunshine w/Tom Howell, vc: When My Baby Smiles At Me//
Snooks' Memphis Ramblers w/Wally Ashby, vc: Bon Soir E--
5043. VoW 15254 Sonny Clay's Plantation Orc: Plantation Blues//Chicago Breakdown MB 100 V++

5044. ViS 25399 Jolly Coburn's Orc w/Harold Richards, vc: Fancy Meeting You//It Can Happen To You E--
5045. Continental C-6004 Cozy Cole's All Stars: Comes The Don//Memories Of You SCFS E-
5046. Od PO-66 [Eng] Eddie Condon's Orc w/Jack Teagarden, vc: I'm Sorry I Made You Cry//Makin' Friends LTRS E+
5047. Pa DPE-86 [Ind] Eddie Condon's Qrt: Indiana//Oh Baby E+
5048. Me M-12239 Connie's Inn Orc: Just Blues//Sugar Foot Stomp E--
5049. ViS 22698 [Arg] Connie's Inn Orc: Moan, You Moaners//Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On GR, LT LST S2 E
5050. Ge 5360 Cook's Dreamland Orc: So This Is Venice//The One I Love Plays ok MB 50 V

*5051. Ge 5373 Cook's Dreamland Orc: Moanful Man//Lonely Little Wall Flower MB 250 V++

5052. ViS 21397 Coon-Sanders Orc: Hallucinations//Red & Miff's Stompers: Slippin' Around LT CBI E-
5053. Keynote K-621 Corky Corcoran's Orc: Minor Blues//What Is This Thing Called Love E--
5054. Br 2766 Cotton Pickers: Prince Of Wails//Jimtown Blues E--

*5055. OkE 8477 Chas Creath's Jazz-O-Maniacs: Crazy Quilt//Butter-Finger Blues 78Q <25 MB 150 V++/V+

5056. DeSB 502 Bob Crosby's Orc w/Frank Tenille, vc: East Of The Sun//BC, vc: And Then Some LTRSE-
5057. DeSB 633 Bob Crosby's Orc w/BC, vc: One Night In Monte Carlo//Eeny Meeny Miney Mo LT SCFS, LT NR S2E
5058. DeSB 825 Bob Crosby's Orc: Dixieland Shuffle//Muskrat Ramble E--
5059. DeSB 1094 Bob Crosby's Orc: Sugar Foot Strut//Savoy Blues SCRS S2, LG LT SCFS S1 E
5060. De 2825 Bob Crosby & his Bob Cats: Till We Meet Again//The Love Nest E-
5061. ViS 25389 Xavier Cugat's Waldorf-Astoria Orc w/Dorothy Miller, vc s1: La Bomba//Mi Sombrero SCFS, LT SCRS E-
5062. VoA 14031 Dabney's Band: When My Baby Smiles//Wedding And Shimmie And Jazz MB 15 V++
5063. BbBf B-6664 Frank Dailey's Meadowbrook Orc w/Ann Lee Davies, vc: With Plenty Of Money And You//Michael Jay, vc:
Let's Put Our Heads Together Bidder Request Show SCRS E--
5064. CoV 14410-D Dallas String Band w/Coley Jones, vc: Chasin' Rainbows//I Used To Call Her Baby MB 50 LN LCS, INT LCS V+
5065. VoS 3252 Putney Dandridge's Orc w/PD, vc: All My Life//It's A Sin To Tell A Lie E--
5066. VoS 3269 Putney Dandridge's Orc w/PD, vc: Why Was I Born?//Ol' Man River LT SCRS E-
5067. Prestige 866 [dj] Eddie Davis' Band: Squattin'//Sweet And Lovely E-
5068. Royal Roost 599 Eddie Davis, ten sax: Nightingale//Secret Love WOLS E--
5069. Cap 57-60005 Miles Davis' Orc: Jeru//Godchild E--/V++
5070. Prestige 734 Miles Davis' Band: Blue Room//Morpheus 2 LT ULCS S2 E-
5071. Prestige 868 Miles Davis' Band: Bluing, Pt 3//Conception LN CR TOK E--
5072. Prestige 898 Miles Davis Qrt: That Ole Devil Moon//Four LT WMKS E+
5073. Bwy 1142 Devine's Wisconsin Roof Orc: River Boat Blues//Lovely Lady MB 15 V+
5074. Do 328 Dixie Jazz Hounds: 31st Street Blues//Oh Baby, Don't Say No, Say Maybe MB 15 V++

*5075. BrLB 7127 Dixie Rhythm Kings: Easy Rider//Story Book Ball MB 250 SM EC NTG E--

5076. Diva 2353-G Dixie Stompers: Snag It//Ain't She Sweet MB 15 V++
5077. Ha 299-H Dixie Stompers: Brotherly Love//Off To Buffalo LTR S2 E--
5078. Elec EG-7853 Dixieland Jug Blowers: Memphis Shake//Dave Nelson's Orc w/King Oliver, tpt: Stealing Love
Side 2 only 78 issue MB 25 SCF S1 E-

5079. ViS 20403 Dixieland Jug Blowers: Florida Blues//Louisville Stomp MB 75 SM LTRS E--
5080. ViS 20770 Dixieland Jug Blowers: If You Can't Make It Easy, Get A Job And Go To Work//
When I Stopped Runnin' I Was At Home MB 100 E--
*5081. ViS 21126 Dixieland Jug Blowers: Garden Of Joy//You Better Leave Me Alone, Sweet Papa MB 250 GR, LT SCFS E

5082. Br 3568 Johnny Dodds' Black Bottom Stompers: Come On And Stomp, Stomp, Stomp//After You've Gone WOLS V+
5083. British Rhythm Soc 13 Johnny Dodds' Hot Six: Goober Dance//Too Tight LT PDEF S2 E
5084. British Rhythm Soc 20 Johnny Dodds' Washboard Six: Blue Washboard Stomp//Bucktown Stomp LT SCRS E-
5085. British Rhythm Soc 21 Johnny Dodds' Washboard Six: Weary City Stomp//Bull Fiddle Blues LT SCF E
5086. British Rhythm Soc 22 Johnny Dodds' Hot Six: Heah' Me Talkin' To Ya//My Little Isabel SOL E-
5087. De 1676 Johnny Dodds' Chicago Boys w/O'Neil Spencer, vc s2: Melancholy//O'Neil Spencer, vc: Stack O'Lee Blues EF NTG, SM SF S2 E-
5088. HMV JK-2137 [Fr] Johnny Dodds' Hot Six: Heah' Me Talking//My Little Isabel E
5089. ViS V-38004 Johnny Dodds' Washboard Band: Weary City//Bucktown Stomp MB 50 E--
5090. Vo V-1025 Johnny Dodds' Trio: Clarinet Wobble//Oh Lizzie English Origins of Jazz lbl LTR S2 E-
5091. DeSB 599 Al Donahue's Orc w/Dick Robertson, vc: Twenty-Four Hours A Day//Tommy Norato, vc: Love Makes The World Go 'Round RAS S2 E--
5092. Blue Note 1594 Lou Donaldson, alto sax w/Milt Jackson's Qnt: On The Scene//Don't Get Around Much Any More SM LTR E--
5093. Blue Note 1610 Lou Donaldson Qnt: If I Love Again//Down Home MB 25 SM SCRS E+
5094. Br 6624 Dorsey Brothers' Orc: By Heck//Old Man Harlem E--
5095. DeSB 115 Dorsey Brothers' Orc w/Bob Crosby, vc: I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You//Kay Weber, vc: Long May We Love GR, BLS S2 E-
5096. DeSB 297 Dorsey Brothers' Orc w/Bob Crosby, vc: Missouri Misery//Kay Weber, vc: Sandman E--
5097. DeSB 476 Dorsey Brothers' Orc w/Kay Weber, vc: Ev'ry Single Little Tingle Of My Heart//Bob Eberle, vc: Chasing Shadows LT SCFS, SCRS E-
5098. Pa R-426 Dorsey Brothers' Orc: Am I Blue?//Baby, Oh Where Can You Be? E--
5099. DeSB 901 Jimmy Dorsey's Orc w/Don Matteson, vc: It Ain't Right//The Boston Tea Party E--
5100. ViS 25284 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/Joe Dixon, vc: You Started Me Dreaming//Edythe Wright, vc: Robins And Roses SCFS, SCRS E-
5101. ViS 25447 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/the Three Esquires, vc: A High Hat, A Piccolo And A Cane//Jack Leonard, vc: Close To Me E--
5102. ViS 25553 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/Jack Leonard, vc: Turn Off The Moon//Edythe Wright, vc: Jammin' Hollywood press SM TOLS, VLT SCFS E
5103. ViS 25557 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/Jack Leonard, vc: Wanted//Bunny Berigan's Orc w/Ford Leary, vc: All Dark People Are Light On Their Feet E--
5104. ViS 25577 Tommy Dorsey's Clambake Seven w/Edythe Wright, vc: Alibi Baby//He's A Gypsy From Poughkeepsie V++
5105. ViS 25581 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/Edythe Wright, vc: Mountain Music//Good Mornin' Hollywood press E--
5106. ViS 25623 Tommy Dorsey's Orc w/Edythe Wright, vc: The Things I Want//Allegheny Al E--
5107. ViC 25676 Tommy Dorsey's Clambake Seven w/Jack Leonard, vc: If The Man In The Moon Were A Coon//Josephine LT SCFS E-
5108. BrS 8155 Eddy Duchin's Orc w/Patricia Norman, vc: Ol' Man Mose//Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Banned by 1930s British radio LT SCRS E-
5109. ViS 24666 Eddy Duchin's Orc w/Lew Sherwood, vc: Dames//Rolling In Love E--
5110. ViS 25517 Eddy Duchin's Orc w/Jerry Cooper, vc: Too Marvelous For Words//Just A Quiet Evening Hollywood press SCFS E--
5111. ViS 20723 Louis Dumaine's Jazzola Eight: To-Wa-Bac-A-Wa - Creole Blues//Pretty Audrey MB 50 ULCS, SCRS & LG SCFS S1 E--
5112. De 8529 Eddie Durham's Band w/Lem Johnson, vc s2: Magic Carpet//Fare Thee Honey Fare Thee Well V++
5113. Pa E-5231 Willie Eckstein, pno: Fine Feathers//Dizzy Fingers E--
5114. Dial 1033 Teddy Edwards, ten sax: Blues In Teddy's Flat//Fats Navarro Qnt: Move E-
5115. Br 4620 Bob Effros, tpt w/Artie Schutt, pno: Tin-Ear//BE, tpt w/Frank Signorelli, pno: Sweet And Hot E-
5116. VoB 3479 Roy Eldridge's Orc: Wabash Stomp//Florida Stomp LT WMKS E-
5117. Kildare B-214 Fred Elizalde's Orc: Paree//Rhythm Step Kildare paste-over of Vocalion V++
5118. Pa R-1201 [Eng] Fred Elizalde's Music: Nobody's Sweetheart//Singapore Sorrows V++
5119. BbBf B-6269 Duke Ellington's Orc: The Dicty Glide//High Life LT LSPTS E-
5120. BbBf B-6305 Duke Ellington's Orc: Keep A Song In Your Soul//Diga Diga Doo SM SCRS, LT HDM AB V++
5121. BbBf B-6614 Duke Ellington's Orc: Swanee Shuffles//The Mystery Song E--
5122. BrS 6638 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ivie Anderson, vc s2: Jive Stomp//I'm Satisfied VSM LTR E-
5123. Br 6646 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree//Harlem Speaks E--
5124. BrS 6682 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Mood Indigo//Black And Tan Fantasy LT WSPTS E-
5125. Br 6809 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Black And Blue//Jungle Jamboree MB 15 SM LT SCRS E-
5126. Br 7440 Duke Ellington's Orc: Merry-Go-Round//Admiration LST S2 E-
5127. Br 7526 Duke Ellington's Orc w/Ivie Anderson, vc s1: Cotton//Margie V++/E-
5128. Br 7625 Duke Ellington's Orc w/Ivy Anderson, vc s1: Isn't Love The Strangest Thing//No Greater Love LG LT SCF S2 E-
5129. BrS 7650 Duke Ellington's Orc: Clarinet Lament//Echoes Of Harlem E--
5130. BrS 7752 Duke Ellington's Orc: Trumpet In Spades//Yearning For Love E--
5131. BrS m-7990 Duke Ellington, pno: Sophisticated Lady & In A Sentimental Mood//Mood Indigo & Solitude FW SM SCFS E-
5132. BrS m-8029 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Dusk In The Desert//Chatter-Box GR E-
5133. BrS m-8169 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ivy Anderson, vc s2: Dinah's In A Jam//You Gave Me The Gate EB NTG E--
5134. BrS m-8174 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ivie Anderson, vc s2: The Stevedore's Serenade//La De Doody Doo SCFS S2 V++/E-
5135. BrS m-8231 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Buffet Flat//Mighty Like The Blues E--
5136. BrS m-8380 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Smorgasbord And Schnapps//Solid Old Man E-
5137. BrS m-8405 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ivy Anderson, vc s1: In A Mizz//Cotton Club Stomp E-/E--
5138. CoM 36108 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: The Gal From Joe's//I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart Dsol s2 LT MSS E
5139. DeSB 323 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Hyde Park//Ain't Misbehavin' LT HDM AB V+
5140. HJCA 83 Duke Ellington's Orc: Who Said, It's Tight Like That//Goin' To Town FW LT SCRS E
5141. Jazz Classics 505 [vnl] Duke Ellington's Orc: Double Check Stomp No 1//Down In Our Alley Blues SM SCR, VLT SCF E
5142. Master MA-101 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: I've Got To Be A Rug Cutter//The New East St. Louis Toodle-O V++
5143. Master MA-124 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: You Can't Run Away From Love Tonight//The Lady Who Couldn't Be Kissed V++
5144. Musicraft 461 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Happy Go Lucky Local, Pt 1//Pt 2 White lbl shellac test V++
5145. Musicraft 484 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Albert Hibbler, vc s2: Blue Skies//It Shouldn't Happen To A Dream GR, LTR S2 E/E--
5146. Musicraft 511 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Diminuendo In Blue//Jam-A-Ditty GR, SM BLSS, SM EFS NTG E
5147. OkE 41013 Duke Ellington's Orc: Jubilee Stomp//Take It Easy MB 15 V++/V+
5148. ViS 22587 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc w/Bennie Payne, vc s1: When A Black Man's Blue//Mood Indigo E-/E--
5149. ViS 22614 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc w/Chick Bullock, vc: Keep A Song In Your Soul//The River And Me V++
5150. ViS 22743 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: Echoes Of The Jungle//Limehouse Blues MB 25 2 SM EFS NTG E-
5151. ViS 22800 Duke Ellington's Orc: The Mystery Song//Mills' Blue Rhythm Band w/George Morton, vc: Moanin' SCFS, LG LTR S1 E--
5152. ViS 23022 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: Old Man Blues, "from Amos and Andy picture, 'Check and Double Check'"//
Jungle Nights In Harlem MB 15 E--
5153. ViS 23041 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc w/Billy Smith, vc s1: I'm So In Love With You//Shout 'Em Aunt Tillie E--
5154. ViC 24486 Duke Ellington's Orc: The Mooche//Mood Indigo SM SCFS S2 E
5155. ViS 24617 Duke Ellington's Orc: Cocktails For Two//Live And Love Tonight TOL S2 E--
5156. ViS 24755 Duke Ellington's Orc: Delta Serenade//Solitude V++
5157. ViC 26719 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ivy Anderson, vc s1: At A Dixie Roadside Diner//My Greatest Mistake E--
5158. ViC 26748 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ivy Anderson, vc: Five O'Clock Whistle//Herb Jeffries, vc: There Shall Be No Night E
5159. ViC 26796 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Flaming Sword//Warm Valley E--
5160. ViC 27247 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Herb Jeffries, vc s2: All Too Soon//I Never Felt This Way Before LT ULCS, LT GR, LT LST E
5161. ViC 27356 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Blue Serge//Jumpin' Punkins WMKS, FLBLS E-
5162. ViC 27531 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ivie Anderson, vc: I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good//Chocolate Shake GR, WMKS E
5163. ViC 27639 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ray Nance, vc: Bli-Blip//Ivie Anderson, vc: Rocks In My Bed LST S1, LT SCR S2 E
5164. ViC 20-1528 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Ray Nance, vc: A Slip Of The Lip//Johnny Hodges, sax: Sentimental Lady VLT HMK AB NAP E-
5165. ViC 20-1584 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: My Little Brown Book//Someone LT SCFS E
5166. ViC 20-1748 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Joya Sherrill, vc: Come To Baby, Do!//Tell Ya What I'm Gonna Do E
5167. ViS V-38007 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: Bandanna Babies//I Must Have That Man Crisp lbls MB 15 LT SCRS E-
5168. ViS V-38008 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: Diga Diga Doo//I Can't Give You Anything But Love MB 15 V++/E--
5169. ViS V-38079 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: Cotton Club Stomp//Arabian Lover V+
5170. ViS V-38089 Duke Ellington's Orc: Mississippi//Swanee Shuffles MB 15 E--
5171. ViS V-38092 Duke Ellington's Orc: Haunted Nights//The Duke Steps Out MB 25 V++
5172. ViS V-38130 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: My Gal Is Good For Nothing But Love//I Was Made To Love You MB 15 V++
5173. Prestige 875 [dj] Art Farmer Spt: Mau Mau, Pt 1//Pt 2 WOLS E
5174. QRS Q-1005 Carl Fenton's Orc: That Wonderful Something Is Love//Bless Her Little Heart MN SCRS, GR V++
5175. BbBf B-6747 Shep Fields' Rippling Rhythm Orc: Serenade In The Night//Little Old Lady E--
5176. BbBf B-6839 Shep Fields' Rippling Rhythm Orc w/Bobby Goday, vc: In A Little Hula Heaven//Sweet Is The Word For You V++
5177. Br 7379 Ted Fio Rito's Orc w/Muzzy Marcellino & the Debutantes, vcs: Roll Along, Prairie Moon//Fare-Thee-Well, Annabelle LT GR, LT SCRS E-
5178. DeSB 679 Ted Fio Rito's Orc w/Stanley Hickman, vc: Alone At A Table For Two//Debutantes, vc: Cling To Me SM LTRS, LT PMKS E--
5179. DeSB 925 Ted Fio Rito's Orc w/Muzzy Marcellino, vc: Let's Make A Wish//Debutantes, vc: Cabin On A Hilltop LG LT SCF E-
5180. DeSB 1193 Ted Fio Rito's Orc w/Muzzy Marcellino, vc: Did Anyone Ever Tell You?//Stanley Hickman, vc: When Love Is Young E--
5181. DeSB 1561 Ted Fio Rito's Orc w/Muzzy Marcellino & the Debutantes, vcs: How Many Rhymes Can You Get//
The Cross-Eyed Cowboy On The Cross-Eyed Horse E--
5182. OkE 8719 Troy Floyd's Shadowland Orc: Dreamland Blues, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 100 MN LT LCS, ND AB TOK S2 E
5183. Ge 4968 Friars Society Orc: Tiger Rag//Panama MB 25 V++
5184. Atomic 231 Slim Gaillard's Qrt w/SG & Tiny Brown, vc s1: Tee Say Malee//Novachord Boogie WOLS E--
5185. DeSB 739 Jan Garber's Orc w/Lee Bennett, vc: The Touch Of Your Lips//Lost E--
5186. DeSB 851 Jan Garber's Orc w/Russ Brown, vc: Afterglow//Take My Heart LT SCFS E-
5187. Dial 1026 Erroll Garner, pno: Play Piano Play//Fantasy E--
5188. Dial 1031 Erroll Garner, pno: Love For Sale//Sloe Gin Fizz E-
5189. Dial 1041 [vnl] Erroll Garner, pno: Love Is The Strangest Game//Loose Nut E
5190. Melodisc 1003 George's Dukes & Duchess w/Karl George, tpt: The Hour Of Parting//Marian Abernathy, vc: Abernathy's Boogie V++
5191. BbBf B-5092 Georgia Washboard Stompers w/Dave Page, vc s1: Nobody's Sweetheart//Bug-A-Boo WOL S1 V++
5192. Birdland 6001 Stan Getz Qrt: I've Got You Under My Skin//There's A Small Hotel E--
5193. New Jazz 805 Stan Getz' Qrt: Mar-Cia//Long Island Sound E--
5194. New Jazz 811 Stan Getz' Qrt: Crazy Chords//Speedway SCFS, LT HMK S2 E
5195. Prestige 708 Stan Getz, ten sax: There's A Small Hotel//I've Got You Under My Skin E--
5196. Prestige 740 Stan Getz' Qrt: Indian Summer//What's New VLN SCR & SM LTRS S2 E-
5197. Royal Roost 516 Stan Getz' Qrt: Gone With The Wind//Hershey Bar Lss "Gtez" E--
5198. Savoy 967 Stan Getz All Stars: Slow//Charlie Parker All Stars: Klaunstance E--
5199. Sittin in With 532 Stan Getz Qrt: Diaper Pin//Pardon My Bop E-
5200. Atl 1011 Dizzie Gillespie's Orc: Diz's Tune//Grooving The Nursery Rhymes V++
5201. CoM 30147 [dj] Dizzie Gillespie's Sxt: I Can't Get Started//Good Bait E-
5202. DeeGee 3605 Dizzie Gillespie's Qnt w/Joe Carroll, vc: Blue Skies//DG & JC, tpt & vc: Pop's Confessin' LT WMKS, VSM LTR S2 E-
5203. DeeGee 3607 [dj] Dizzie Gillespie's Qnt w/Joe Carroll, vc: Umbrella Man//DG Sxt: Stardust JBR, SCRS, WMKS V++
5204. Guild 1002 Dizzy Gillespie's Qnt w/Sarah Vaughn, vc s1: Lover Man//Shaw 'Nuff E-
5205. Manor 5000 Dizzie Gillespie's Sxt: Be-Bop//Salted Peanuts GR E-
5206. Musicraft 383 Dizzie Gillespie's Sxt: Oop Bop Sh' Bam//That's Earl Brother SM LTR S2 V++
5207. Musicraft 447 Dizzy Gillespie's Orc w/Milt Jackson, vibes s1: Things To Come//Emanon GR E
5208. ViR 20-2480 Dizzy Gillespie's Orc w/DG & Kenneth Hagood, vcs s1: Oopapada//Ow! V++
5209. Pe 14275 Golden Gate Orc: Frankie And Johnny//Original Memphis Five: Shine V++
5210. Pe 14318 Golden Gate Orc: Sing A Little Song//Too Tired LT SCFS, GR E
5211. ViS 20469 Jean Goldkette's Orc w/the Keller Sisters & Lynch, vcs: Proud Of A Baby Like You//Nat Shilkret's Victor Orc w/Franklyn Baur, vc:
I Love You, But I Don't Know Why MB 50 V++
5212. ViS 20588 Jean Goldkette's Orc w/Frank Bessinger, vc s2: My Pretty Girl//Cover Me Up With Sunshine E--
5213. BRS 26 Benny Goodman's Qrt: I'm A Ding Dong Daddy From Dumas//BG Trio: Where Or When SOL E
5214. Br 1264 [Eng] Bennie Goodman's Boys: After Awhile//Muskrat Scramble E-
5215. CoV 2867-D Benny Goodman's Orc w/Jack Teagarden, vc: Keep On Doin' What You're Doin'//Billie Holiday, vc: Riffin' The Scotch
Lss "Halliday" s2 MB 75 LT SCRS E-
5216. CoV 2958-D [bw] Benny Goodman's Music Hall Orc: Bugle Call Rag//Nitwit Serenade MB 15 FW LCS & INT LC S2 E/E-
5217. CoM 36755 Benny Goodman's Orc w/Cootie Williams, tpt: Fiesta In Blue//BG's Sxt: I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby VLT SCR S2 M-/E+
5218. Ok 6544 Benny Goodman's Orc w/Peggy Lee, vc s2: Clarinet A La King//How Long Has This Been Going On? E--
5219. ViS 25024 Benny Goodman's Orc: Always//Japanese Sandman E--
5220. ViS 25345 Benny Goodman Trio: Nobody's Sweetheart//More Than You Know E--
5221. ViSC 25350 Benny Goodman's Orc: House Hop//Anything For You ULC E--
5222. ViS 25461 (2nd pairing) Benny Goodman's Orc w/Frances Hunt, vc: Goodnight My Love//BG, vc: 'Taint No Use Bidder Request Show E--
5223. ViS 25481 Benny Goodman Qrt: Whispering//Tiger Rag E--
5224. ViS 25510 Benny Goodman's Orc: I Want To Be Happy//Rosetta E--
5225. ViS 25529 Benny Goodman Qrt: Runnin' Wild//Tea For Two LT LST E--
5226. ViS 25621 Benny Goodman's Orc: Can't We Be Friends?//Peckin' E--
5227. ViS 25627 Benny Goodman's Orc w/Betty Van, vc s1: Afraid To Dream//Roll 'Em SCRS E-
5228. ViSC 25634 Benny Goodman's Orc: Changes//When It's Sleepy Time Down South V++
5229. Vo 3 Benny Goodman & the Modernists: Solitude//Harlem Hot Shots: March Winds And April Showers English Swing Series lbl SCRS E-
5230. OkE 40817 Goofus Five: The Wang Wang Blues//Arkansas Blues MB 25 MN LT LCS E-
5231. Dial 1018 Dexter Gordon, ten sax: Ghost Of A Chance//Dexter Gordon Qnt: Mischievous Lady GR, WMKS, FLBLS E-
5232. Dial 1022 Dexter Gordon's Qrt: Bikini//Charlie Parker All Stars: Stupendous E--
5233. Dial 1038 Dexter Gordon's Qnt: Lullaby In Rhythm//Dexter Gordon Qrt: Talk Of The Town E-
5234. Savoy 576 Dexter Gordon, ten sax: Blow Mr. Dexter//Dexter's Deck LT GR, FW SCFS E-
5235. Savoy 603 Dexter Gordon Qnt: Long, Tall Dexter//Dexter Digs In E--
5236. De F-5824 [Eng] Stephane Grappelly's Hot Four w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: St Louis Blues//China Boy MB 15 SM SCRS, VLT SCFS E
5237. DeSB 1048 Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orc: Jungle Jitters//Copenhagen LT GR, SCFS E-
5238. DeSB 1158 Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orc w/Ken Sargent, vc: Too Marvelous For Words//Sentimental And Melancholy E--
5239. DeSB 1179 Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orc w/Kenny Sargent, vc: You're Here, You're There//I'd Be A Fool Again SCFS, GR E-
5240. DeSB 1519 Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orc w/Kenny Sargent, vc: Farewell My Love//In The Mission By The Sea E--
5241. DeSB 1541 Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orc w/Kenny Sargent, vc: Thanks For The Memory//Pee Wee Hunt, vc: Mama, That Moon Is Here Again E-
5242. Dawn 204 Wardell Grey Qnt: It's The Talk Of The Town//Stan Getz Qnt: Pennies From Heaven MB 15 E-
5243. Prestige 723 Wardell Gray, ten sax w/Phil Hill, pno: A Sinner Kissed An Angel//Grayhound E-/E--
5244. Sittin in With 506 Wardell Gray, ten sax: Stoned//Matter And Mind MB 15 GR V++
5245. Wardell Gray mx WG-1/2 Wardell Gray Qrt: The Great Lie, Pt 1//Pt 2 Lss "Lee" MB 50 SCFS E-
5246. Co DB-1262 John W. Green, pno: He Wrote Body And Soul-Medley, Pt 1//Pt 2 BRS CTL E--
5247. Br 7519 Jimmie Grier's Orc w/Larry Cotton, vc: Lovely Little Y-O-U//LC & Joy Hodges, vcs: I Love You I Think E--
5248. BrS 7901 Jimmie Grier's Orc w/Joy Hodges, vc: In Your Own Little Way//You're Looking For Romance SCR S1, SM LTRS E--
5249. Atl 854 Tiny Grimes' Qnt: Boogie Woogie Barbecue//Blue Harlem GR E-
5250. Savoy 613 Tiny Grimes' Qnt w/TG, vc: I'll Always Love You Just The Same//Romance Without Finance SCFS, LT GR E-
5251. GeNE 6645 Elmer Grosso's Mt Royal Orc: The Spell Of The Blues//Joe Coleman's Orc: Doin' the Raccoon MB 15 V++
5252. Savoy 509 Johnny Guarnieri's All Star Orc: Basie English//Exercise In Swing E-
5253. CoV 541-D Halfway House Dance Orc: New Orleans Shuffle//Squeeze Me MB 25 V++
5254. BbBf B-6172 George Hall's Hotel Taft Orc w/Johnny McKeever, vc: Alone//Dolly Dawn, vc: Santa, Bring My Mommy Back To Me E--
5255. DeSB 993 Mal Hallett's Orc w/Buddy Welcome, vc: There's Something In The Air//Where The Lazy River Goes By SM HV SCF S1 E-
5256. DeSB 1047 Mal Hallett's Orc w/Jerry Perkins, vc: Good-Night My Love//One Never Knows, Does One? SCFS E-
5257. DeSB 1167 Mal Hallett's Orc w/Teddy Grace, vc: The Trouble With Me Is You//I've Got Rain In My Eyes E--
5258. DeSB 1190 Mal Hallett's Orc w/Teddy Grace, vc: Rockin' Chair Swing//Frankie Carle, pno: Humoresque WOL, LT GR, SCR S1 E-
5259. DeSB 1281 Mal Hallett's Orc w/Buddy Welcome, vc: Cause My Baby Says It's So//Teddy Grace, vc: The You And Me That Used To Be V++
5260. ARC-Me 5-11-09 Johnny Hamp's Orc w/Johnny MacAfee, vc: Thanks A Million//I'm Sittin' High On A Hill Top WOL V++
5261. ViC 25535 Lionel Hampton's Orc w/LH, vibes & drums: Jivin' The Vibres [sic]//Stomp SOL E--
5262. CoGB A-2420 Handy's Orc of Memphis: Ole Miss Rag//The Hooking Cow Blues MB 15 V++
5263. Ok 4789 Handy's Orc: Louisville Blues//Aunt Hagar's Blues MB 15 LT LNR S2 V++
5264. Ok 4880 Handy's Orc: Farewell Blues//Gulf Coast Blues MB 25 SOLS V+
5265. Ok 4896 Handy's Orc: St Louis Blues//Memphis Blues MB 50 SM EC NTG V++
5266. Ok 8066 Handy's Orc: My Pillow And Me//Mama's Got The Blues MB 50 ULC E--/V++
5267. Varsity 8162 W.C. Handy's Orc w/WCH, vc: Loveless Love//Way Down South Where The Blues Begin MB 15 LT GR E
5268. Vo 17 Harlem Hot Shots w/Wingy Manone, vc: The Blues Have Got Me//Breeze English Swing Series lbl LT GR E
5269. Dial 1009 Bill Harris, valve tb: Somebody Loves Me//Bill Harris' Big Eight w/Sonny Berman, tpt: Woodchopper's Holiday E
5270. Apollo 753 Coleman Hawkins' Orc: Disorder At The Border//Feeling Zero FW SCRS V++
5271. Bb B-10477 Coleman Hawkins' Orc w/Thelma Carpenter, vc s2: Meet Doctor Foo//She's Funny That Way E-
5272. Bb B-10693 Coleman Hawkins' All Star Oct: Bouncing With Bean//When Day Is Done LT WMK, LN SCRS S2 E-
5273. Circle R-3010 Coleman Hawkins, sax w/Leo Mathisen's Orc: It's The Talk Of The Town//The Man I Love E
5274. Joe Davis 8250 Coleman Hawkins Qrt: Drifting On A Reed//Flyin' Hawk E
5275. Joe Davis 8251 Coleman Hawkins Qrt: Recollections//On The "Bean" SCFS E
5276. Ok 6284 Coleman Hawkins' Orc: Passin' It Around//Rocky Comfort SM LT SCRS E
5277. Pa R-2041 Coleman Hawkins, sax: Lost In A Fog//Honeysuckle Rose Rec London, 11/18/34.; only iss in Europe E-
5278. Panachord H-1045 Coleman Hawkins w/Freddy Johnson, sax & pno: Well All-Right Then//Star Dust E
5279. Royal Roost 519 Coleman Hawkins, ten sax: You've Got Me Crying Again//I'll Know Sd1 label on both sides FW SCRS, LST S2 E+
5280. Swing Society SS-1046 Coleman Hawkins' Trio: Way Down Yonder In New Orleans//When Budda Smiles VLT SCF, LT GR E+
5281. Bb 30-0819 Erskine Hawkins' Orc w/Jimmy Mitchelle, vc s2: Country Boy//Cherry LT SCF S1 E
5282. Bb B-10287 Erskine Hawkins' Orc w/Jimmy Mitchelle, vc: Polka Dotty//Ida James, vc: Big-Wig In The Wigwam E--
5283. BbBf B-10292 [Can] Erskine Hawkins' Orc: Swingin' On Lenox Avenue//No Soap WOL E--
5284. ViR 20-2470 Erskine Hawkins' Orc w/Laura Washington, vc s2: Wiggle Worm//Fool That I Am LT SCFS E
5285. ViR 20-2963 Erskine Hawkins' Orc w/Laura Washington, vc s2: Feelin' Low//Sad Eyes SM LTR S1 E
5286. DeSB 1416 Edgar Hayes' Orc w/Bernard Flood, vc s2: Stompin' At The Renny//Laughing At Life SCFS, SCRS V++
5287. De 1748 Edgar Hayes' Orc: Sophisticated Swing//Fugitive From A Harem HOLE DRILLED IN LBL V++
5288. ARC-Me 6-02-07 Joe Haymes' Orc w/Cliff Weston & the Headliners, vcs: The Music Goes 'Round And Around//Rhythm In My Nursery Rhymes E-/V++
5289. DeSB 1267 Lennie Hayton's Orc w/Paul Berry, vc: I Know Now//You Can't Run Away From Love Tonight MN SCRS E--
5290. Bb B-10246 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Variety Stomp//St. Louis Shuffle VLT SCF S2 E
5291. Br 3026 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Let Me Introduce You To My Rosie//
I Want To See A Little More Of What I Saw In Arkansas MN SCRS, HV SCR S1, SCFS E--
5292. Br 3521 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Fidgety Feet//Sensation LT GR E--
5293. Br 4119 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Hop Off//Broadway Broadcasters: I Must Have That Man! HV LSCRS S2, VLT ½" HC S1 E--
5294. Br 01212 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Just Blues//Sugar Foot Stomp VSM BLS, VLT LST E
5295. Bwy 1441 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Star Dust//Oriole Salon Orc w/Henry Large, vc: That Little Boy Of Mine PMKS TOK V++/E--
5296. Bwy 11247 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Beale Street Mama//Don't Think You'll Be Missed V+
5297. CoF 126-D Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Somebody Stole My Gal//My Papa Doesn't Two-Time No Time FW LT LCS NAP V++
5298. CoF 209-D Fletcher Henderson's Orc: He's The Hottest Man In Town//I Never Care 'Bout To-Morrow MB 15 E--
5299. CoF 292-D Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Play Me Slow//Bye And Bye MB 15 SCFS E--
5300. CoV 1543-D Fletcher Henderson's Orc: King Porter Stomp//"D" Natural Blues Berlin dsol s2 MB 25 E-
5301. CoV 2732-D [bw] Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Honeysuckle Rose//Underneath The Harlem Moon V++
5302. CoV 2825-D [bw] Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Henry Allen Jr, vc & tpt s1: Nagasaki//Coleman Hawkins, ten sax: It's The Talk Of The Town MB 15 E--
5303. CoM 35670 [fs] Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Hop Off//Snag It Original issue s1 E-
5304. CoM 36214 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Helen Young, vc s2: Let's Go Home//I Like My Sugar Sweet WPG E--
5305. Pm 14005 Fletcher Henderson, pno: I Want To//Chimes Blues LT GR, FW BBLS, FW SCFS E-
5306. Pu 11226 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Beale Street Mamma//Don't Think You'll Be Missed V/V+
5307. Re 9775 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: I'll See You In My Dreams//Araby V++
5308. Sil 3021 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Charleston Crazy//You've Got To Get Hot V++
5309. Sil 3024 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Stutter's Drag//I Don't Know And I Don't Care V++
5310. VoG 2710 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Sensation//Fidgety Feet V++
5311. VoS 3213 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Grand Terrace Swing//Stealin' Apples FW SCRS E-
5312. VoS 3360 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Wang Wang Blues//My Gal Sal SM SCRS E--
5313. VoB 3534 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Great Caesar's Ghost//Stampede V+
5314. VoB 3627 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Chuck Richards, vc: Posin'//If You Ever Should Leave ULCS E/E--
5315. VoB 3713 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Jerry Blake, vc: Let 'Er Go//Chuck Richards, vc: Worried Over You V+/E--
5316. VoB 3760 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Jerry Blake, vc: What's Your Story//Chuck Richards, vc: Trees E--
5317. VoB 3850 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Chuck Richards, vc: If It's The Last Thing I Do//You're In Love With Love E--/V++
5318. VoB 4154 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Chuck Richards, vc: Saving Myself For You//It's The Little Things That Count E--
5319. VoW 14800 Fletcher Henderson's Club Alabam Orc: Mobile Blues//Tea Pot Dome Blues E--
5320. VoW 14926 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Words//Copenhagen MB 25 E-
5321. VoW 14935 Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Naughty Man//Shanghai Shuffle HV LNR S1 V++
5322. Vo S-86 [Eng] Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Back In Your Own Backyard//Great Cæsar's Ghost Mole Jazz dsol LT SCFS E+
5323. DeSB 1288 Woody Herman's Orc w/WH, vc: Dupree Blues//It Happened Down In Dixieland GR E--
5324. De 2582 Woody Herman's Orc: Farewell Blues//Casbah Blues LT GR, LT SCF S1 E-
5325. De 3889 Woody Herman's Orc w/Muriel Lane, vc s1: Hey Doc//Night Watchman E--
5326. Blue Note 501 J.C. Higginbotham's Qnt: Weary Land Blues//Frank Newton's Qnt: Daybreak Blues E--
5327. VoG 2826 Alex Hill's Hollywood Sepians: Ain't It Nice?//Functionizin' MB 15 MN LT SCRS, LN SCR S1 E--
5328. BbBf B-6897 Teddy Hill's NBC Orc w/Beatrice Douglas, vc s2: The Love Bug Will Bite You//Would You Like To Buy A Dream? SCFS V++
5329. VoS 3294 Teddy Hill's Orc: Passionette//Uptown Rhapsody V+
5330. ViS 25299 Richard Himber's Ritz-Carlton Orc w/Stuart Allen, vc: Celebratin'//When You Love FW SCRS S2, LT SCFS E
5331. ViC 26007 Richard Himber's Essex House Orc: The Parade of Bands, Pt 3//Pt 4 E-
5332. BbBf B-6744 Earl Hines' Orc: Grand Piano Blues//Blue Nights MB 15 SCR S1 E-
5333. BbBf B-7040 Earl Hines' Orc: Beau-Koo Jack//Everybody Loves My Baby TOL, FW SCFS E
5334. Bb B-10674 Earl Hines' Orc: Boogie Woogie On St Louis Blues//Number 19 V++
5335. Bb B-11065 Earl Hines' Orc w/Billy Eckstein, vc: Jelly, Jelly//I'm Falling For You SM SCFS, LSPTS S2 E
5336. Bb B-11126 Earl Hines' Orc w/Madeline Green & Three Varities, vcs s2: Jersey Bounce//Sally Won't You Please Come Back GR, LT WMKS, SM LTR E-
5337. Bb B-11199 Earl Hines' Orc w/Billy Eckstein, vc s1: Julia//Comin' In Home LT SCFS, SCRS E
5338. Br 6345 Earl Hines' Orc: Blue Drag//Oh You Sweet Thing Plays fine HDM, PMKS E
5339. Br 6403 Earl Hines, pno: Down Among The Sheltering Palms//Love Me Tonight E--
5340. CoV 2800-D [bw] Earl Hines, pno: A Monday Date//57 Varieties V++
5341. DeSB 337 Earl Hines' Orc w/Walter Fuller, vc s1: Rosetta//Copenhagen V++
5342. DeSB 389 Earl Hines' Orc w/Palmer Bros Trio, vc: Rhythm Lullaby//Disappointed In Love E--
5343. DeSB 577 Earl Hines' Orc: Wolverine Blues//Rock and Rye V++
5344. DeSB 714 Earl Hines' Orc: Blue//Bubbling Over SCFS E-
5345. MGM 10382 [dj; vnl] Earl Hines' Swingtette: Keyboard Kapers//Lazy Mornin' E-

*5346. QRS R-7037 Earl Hines, pno: Monday Date//Chicago High Life 78Q >10 MB 500 V++
*5347. QRS R-7038 Earl Hines, pno: Stowaway//Chimes In Blues 78Q ~5; nice! MB 1000 LT LSCRS E--/E-

5348. Vo S-83 [Eng] Earl Hines' Orc: Flany Doodle Swing//Inspiration Swing Series E-
5349. Blue Note 507 Art Hodes & his Chicagoans: Doctor Jazz//Shoe Shiner's Drag LT SCFS E+
5350. Blue Note 508 Art Hodes & his Chicagoans: Clark And Randolph//There'll Be Some Changes Made E/M-
5351. Solo Art 12007 Art Hodes, pno: Ross Tavern Boogie//South Side Shuffle MB 15 E
5352. Bb 30-0817 Johnny Hodges' Orc: Passion Flower//Going Out The Back Way E--
5353. Sunrise 2005 Johnny Hodges' Orc: Longhorn Blues//A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing SM LTRS, VLT SCR E
5354. VoB v-4849 Johnny Hodges' Orc w/Jean Eldridge, vc s1: Mississippi Dreamboat//Dooji Wooji GR, SM NRS TOK S2 E-/E--
5355. VoB 5533 Johnny Hodges' Orc: Tired Socks//Skunk Hollow Blues LT SCFS, SM SOL S2 E
5356. Vr VA-586 Johnny Hodges' Orc: A Sailboat In The Moonlight//Manhattan Jam V
5357. Prestige 897 Joe Holiday, ten sax: I Love You So Much//Tea For Two Mambos both sds LT SCFS E--/E
5358. ViS 21120 Honolulu Serenaders: Honolulu Stomp//Mele Of Hawaii V+
5359. CoV 2747-D [bw] Claude Hopkins' Roseland Orc: He's A Son Of The South//Canadian Capers LT LNR S2 E--
5360. DeSB 1316 Claude Hopkins' Orc w/Baby White, vc: My Kinda Love//Honey E--
5361. De F-41010 [Eng] Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Liza//Belleville MB 15 SM LT SCFS, LT GR E

5362. HMV B-8463 Qnt of the Hot Club of France w/Freddie Taylor, vc s1: I Can't Give You Anything But Love//Limehouse Blues MB 100 E+
5363. HMV B-8479 Qnt of the Hot Club of France w/Freddie Taylor, vc s2: Oriental Shuffle//After You've Gone MB 15 SOLS, SCFSE--
5364. HMV B-8518 Qnt of the Hot Club of France w/Freddie Taylor, vc s1: Nagasaki//Sweet Chorus MB 50 FW SCFS, SM LTRS E
5365. HMV B-8532 Qnt of the Hot Club of France w/Freddie Taylor, vc s1: Georgia On My Mind//Swing Guitars MB 50 SM LTR, LT SCFS E
5366. HMV B-8534 [Aus] Qnt of the Hot Club of France w/Freddie Taylor, vc s1: Shine//In The Still Of The Night MB 25 LTR S1 E-
5367. HMV B-8598 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Body And Soul//A Little Love, A Little Kiss MB 25 E-
5368. HMV B-8614 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Runnin' Wild//Miss Annabelle Lee MB 15 E--
5369. HMV B-8629 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: In A Sentimental Mood//Exactly Like You MB 15 SCFS E--
5370. HMV B-8669 [Aus] Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Solitude//When Day Is Done MB 25 SM SCRS, LT LSTS E-

5371. HMV B-8690 [Aus] Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Hot Lips//Ain't Misbehavin' MB 100 E
5372. HMV B-8718 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Rose Room//Tears PMKS, LT WRP TOK, HV PIT TOK E-
5373. HMV B-8737 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: The Sheik Of Araby//Liebestraum No 3 MB 25 LT NR S2 E-
5374. DeSB 689 Bob Howard's Orc w/BH, vc: You Hit The Spot//Whose Big Baby Are You? V++
5375. DeSB 839 Bob Howard's Orc w/BH, vc: Let's Not Fall In Love//The Best Things Happen At Night E--
5376. ViS V-38070 Paul Howard's Quality Serenaders: Charlie's Idea//Over Night Blues MB 25 V+
5377. CoV 1920-D Ipana Troubadours: Hang On To Me//Just You, Just Me VSM NR, LSCRS E-
5378. DeeGee 3700 Milt Jackson Qrt w/Ray Brown, bass: Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea//Milt Meets Sid WMKS, LSTS E-
5379. Hi-Lo 1412 Milt Jackson's Qrt: True Blues//Softly As In A Morning Sunrise E-
5380. Aladdin 3001 Illinois Jacquet's All Stars: Blow Illinois Blow//Illinois Blows The Blues E--
5381. Apollo 756 Illinois Jacquet's All Stars: Bottoms Up//Ghost Of A Chance V+
5382. Apollo 766 Illinois Jacquet's All Stars: Jacquet Bounce//Jumpin' At Apollo VLT SCFS E
5383. CoM 37351 Harry James' Orc: Moten Swing, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
5384. CoM 38059 Harry James's Orc: I Understand//East Coast Blues SM SCRS S1 E
5385. CoM 38526 Harry James' Septet: Tuxedo Junction, Pt 1//Pt 2 E+
5386. CoM 38557 Harry James' Orc w/Marion Morgan, vc s2: Ultra//Someone Loves Someone E-
5387. CoM 38902 [dj; vnl] Harry James' Orc: In A Mist (Beiderbecke)//Brazilian Sleigh Bells SCRS E-
5388. Jazz Club JC-121 [Fr] Jazz Club Mystery Hot Band w/Django Reinhardt, gtr s2: Blue Skies//If Dreams Come True
Players from Glenn Miller's AAF band, rec Paris, 1/28 & 1/25/45 MB 25 E--
5389. VoB 3715 Jeter-Pillars Club Plantation Orc w/Hayes Pillars, vc s1: I Like Pie, I Like Cake//Lazy Rhythm LT SCFS E-

5390. ViS V-38059 Charlie Johnson's Orc: Hot Bones And Rice//Harlem Drag MB 100 LT GR V++

*5391. QRS R-7064 J.C. Johnson & his Five Hot Sparks: Crying For You//Red Hot Hottentot 78Q <10 MB 250 V++

5392. Br 4762 Jimmy Johnson, pno: You've Got To Be Modernistic//Jingles Clean! E--
5393. CoV 14247-D Johnson's Jazzers: Can I Get It Now?//Skiddle De Scow MB 50 V++
5394. CoGB A-3950 James P. Johnson, pno: Weeping Blues//Worried And Lonesome Blues MB 25 SM SCR S2 E
5395. ViW 19123 James P. Johnson, pno: Bleeding Heart Blues//You Can't Do What My Last Man Did RTL V++
5396. ViS V-38099 Jimmie Johnson's Orc w/the Keep Shufflin' Trio: You Don't Understand//You've Got To Be Modernistic MB 25 SCRS, LSCRS, GR E--
5397. VoB 4768 Jimmy Johnson's Orc w/Anna Robinson, vc s2: After Tonight//Harlem Woogie E--
5398. OkE 8558 Lonnie Johnson, gtr: Strompin' 'Em Along Slow//Playing With The Strings MB 50 SCFS, LST S1 E--

5399. OkE 8637 Lonnie Johnson & Blind Willie Dunn, gtrs: Have To Change Keys To Play These Blues//Two Tone Stomp MB 100 LST S2 E-
5400. Solo Art 12005 Pete Johnson, pno: Pete's Blues//Let 'Em Jump WMKS, LSPTS E
5401. Solo Art 12006 Pete Johnson, pno: B. And O. Blues//Buss Robinson Blues GR, LT LCS E-
5402. DeSB 262 Isham Jones' Orc: I've Found A New Baby//Tiger Rag GR E
5403. DeSB 569 Isham Jones' Orc: Dallas Blues//Blue Lament GR E
5404. DeSB 770 Isham Jones' Juniors w/Woody Herman, vc: I've Had The Blues So Long//Virginia Verrill, vc: Tormented MSS, HV SCR S1 E
5405. ViS 24421 Isham Jones' Orc: I Want You, I Need You//That Dallas Man V++

*5406. Ok 8260 Richard M. Jones' Jazz Wizards w/Albert Nicholas, cla: Spanish Shawl//29th And Dearborn
Lss "Recorded in Chicago, Ill." MB 250 E--

5407. ViS 21203 Richard M. Jones' Jazz Wizards: Jazzin' Baby Blues//Boar Hog Blues Extra hole in lbl MB 15 V++
5408. ViS V-38040 Richard M. Jones' Jazz Wizards: Novelty Blues//Tickle Britches Blues MB 25 V++
5409. VoB 3459 Jones-Smith, Incorporated (Count Basie) w/James Rushing, vc s2: Lady, Be Good//JR, vc: Boogie Woogie ULCS, VLT ICS NAP V++
5410. Ba 1821 tk 1/3 Joe Jordan's Ten Sharp & Flats: Old Folks Shuffle//Morocco Blues 78Q <15 MB 50 GR, SCFS E-
5411. Vo 15 [Eng] Taft Jordan & the Mob: Devil In The Moon//Louisiana Fairy Tale Swing Series E
5412. ViS 22467 Leonard Joy's All String Orc w/Frank Luther, vc: Where Can You Be?//I'm Needin' You E--
5413. Br 1016 [Fr] Jungle Band: Harlem Flat Blues//Paducah "Made in USA" heat stamped into lbl E
5414. Br 1145 [Eng] Jungle Band: Creole Rhapsody, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
5415. Br 1235 [Eng] Jungle Band: Dog Bottom//Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: The Moochie E--
5416. Br 4309 Jungle Band: Harlem Flat Blues//Paducah E--
5417. Br 4492 Jungle Band: Black And Blue//Jungle Jamboree V++
5418. Br 4705 Jungle Band: Jazz Convulsions//Jolly Wog LTR, SM CR NTPG, GR E-
5419. Br 4776 Jungle Band: Maori (A Samoan Dance)//Admiration "Blue Network Record Library" sol s2 LG LTR & SOL S2 E--
5420. Br 4783 Jungle Band: Accordion Joe//Double Check Stomp LT DWRP V++

5421. BrLB 7062 Kansas City Frank, pno: Pass The Jug//Jelly Roll Stomp 78Q <20 MB 100 GR, LT LSCFS E-
*5422. Pm 12898 Kansas City Frank's Footwarmers: Wailing Blues//St James Infirmary Blues 78Q ~10; nice copy MB 250 LT RAS S1 E--

5423. Pm 14026 Kansas City Frank's Footwarmers: Blue Slug, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
*5424. BrLB 7066 Kansas City Tin Roof Stompers: Aunt Jemima Stomp//St Louis Bound MB 150 LG SCFS S2 E--
5425. BrLB 7091 Kansas City Stompers: Good Feelin' Blues//Shanghai Honeymoon MB 150 LG LT SCFS, LT SCRS E--
5426. ViS 21885 Kassels in the Air w/Frank Sylvano, vc: I Wish I Knew//Art Kassel, vc: He, She And Me SM LTRS S2, EC NTPG E--
5427. Br 7319 Hal Kemp's Orc w/John Trotter, pno: Serenade For A Wealthy Widow//Skinny Ennis, vc: Got A Date With An Angel E-
5428. Br 7369 Hal Kemp's Orc w/Bob Allen, vc: Lullaby Of Broadway//The Words Are In My Heart SM LTRS E--
5429. Cap 159 Stan Kenton's Orc: Artistry In Rhythm//Eager Beaver E--
5430. Atomic 210 Barney Kessel & his All Stars: Slick Chick//Man I Love Extra lbl s2 E--

5431. BbBf B-6563 Tempo King's Kings of Tempo w/TK, vc: Sweet Adeline//We Can Huddle At Home V++
5432. Vo S-220 [Eng] John Kirby's Onyx Club Boys: From A Flat To C//Undecided V++/E--
5433. Br A-82077 [Ger] Andy Kirk's Twelve Clouds of Joy: Mary's Idea//Little Joe From Chicago E-
5434. DeSB 744 Andy Kirk's Twelve Clouds of Joy w/Ben Thigpen, vc: I'se A Muggin'//Pha Terrell, vc: All The Jive Is Gone GR, LST S1 V++
5435. DeSB 809 Andy Kirk's Clouds of Joy w/Pha Terrell, vc s1: Until The Real Thing Comes Along//Walkin' And Swingin' GR, LT SCFS E-
5436. DeSB 1046 Andy Kirk's Twelve Clouds of Joy: Lotta Sax Appeal//Bearcat Shuffle E--
5437. DeSB 1146 Andy Kirk's Clouds of Joy w/Pha Terrell, vc s2: Fifty-Second Street//Dedicated To You E--
5438. DeSB 1303 Andy Kirk's Clouds of Joy w/Pha Terrell, vc s1: Wednesday Night Hop//Worried Over You E--
5439. De 2127 Andy Kirk's Clouds of Joy w/Pha Terrell, vc: I Won't Tell A Soul//Ben Thigpen, vc: Toadie Toddle E--
5440. De 2483 Andy Kirk's Clouds of Joy w/Floyd Smith, electric gtr s2: Twinklin'//Floyd's Guitar Blues Bidder Request Show FW SM SCRS, LT GR E
5441. VoS 3255 Andy Kirk's Twelve Clouds of Joy: Mess-A-Stomp//Blue Clarinet Stomp CBI, LSCF S2 E--/V++
5442. Ok 6222 Gene Krupa's Orc w/Anita O'Day & Howard Du Lany, vcs: Green Eyes//HDL, vc: Throwing Pebbles In The Millstream LT LSTS E-
5443. Ok 6438 Gene Krupa's Orc w/Howard Du Lany, vc: Come Be My Love//Anita O'Day & Ray Eldridge, vcs: The Walls Keep Talking LT WMKS, LSPTS E-
5444. Vr VA-617 Billy Kyle's Swing Club Band w/Leon LaFell, vc: All You Want To Do Is Dance//Can I Forget You E--
5445. Br 7449 Kay Kyser's Orc w/Bill Stoker, vc: Thinking Of You//Arthur Wright, vc: If My Love Could Talk SM LTRS E/E-
5446. ViS 25420 Nick La Rocca's Original Dixieland Band w/Chris Fletcher, vc: Who Loves You?//Did You Mean It? E+/E--
5447. Ge 4762 Ladd's Black Aces (w/Jimmy Durante, pno): Shake It And Break It//Aunt Hagar's Children's Blues LBBLS S2 E--/V++
5448. Com 108 Eddie Lang & Joe Venuti: After You've Gone//Beale Street Blues V++
5449. Ba 1015 Lanin's Southern Orc: Aunt Hagar's Children's Blues//Shake It And Break It V+
5450. Ba 1150 Lanin's Roseland Orc: Down In Maryland//Joe Samuels Orc w/Arthur Fields, vc: November Rose E--
5451. Van Dyke 81880 Sam Lanin's Orc: Dancing With Tears In My Eyes//Newport Syncopators: Waiting Though The Night E--/E
5452. Signature 28107 Yank Lawson's Jazz Band: Too Many Times//Stumbling E--
5453. Piccadilly 242 Jack Leon's Symphonic Dance Band: Me And The Man In The Moon//Rhapsody Russe E-
5454. Piccadilly 319 Jack Leon's Symphonic Dance Band: The Wedding Of The Painted Doll//A Thousand Maidens Fair V++
5455. Piccadilly 824 Jack Leon's Band: Dream A Little Dream Of Me//The Little Old Church In The Valley E--
5456. Piccadilly 853 Jack Leon's Band: Tie A Little String Around Your Finger//For You LT NRS, SCRS E-
5457. Br 4030 Lew Leslie's Blackbirds Orc: Bandanna Babies//Magnolia's Wedding Day,
both from Leslie's "Blackbirds of 1928" MB 25 LT SCR S2 E-
5458. Queen 4133 Lennie Lewis' Orc w/Harold Tinsley, vc s1: Mean, Bad And Evil Blues//Blue Flame V++
5459. CoV 826-D [pl] Ted Lewis' Band: Some Of These Days//Bugle Call Rag E--
5460. CoV 844-D Ted Lewis' Band: Wistful And Blue//If You See Sally E--
5461. CoV 1346-D Ted Lewis' Band: Hello Montreal!//Laugh! Clown! Laugh! SM LTRS E--
5462. CoV 1485-D Ted Lewis' Band: Moonlight Madness//King For A Day E--
5463. CoV 1656-D Ted Lewis' Band w/TL, vc: She's Funny That Way//Wear A Hat With A Silver Lining E--
5464. CoV 2144-D [pl] Ted Lewis' Band w/TL, vc: On The Sunny Side Of The Street//Singing A Vagabond Song E--
5465. Pat PA-803 Willie Lewis' Entertainers: Rythm [sic] Is Our Business//I've Got A Feelin' You're Foolin' E
5466. Pat PA-816 Willie Lewis' Entertainers: Just A Mood//WL, vc: Stay Out Of Love dsol E+/E
5467. Pat PA-817 Willie Lewis' Entertainers w/Benny Carter, tpt: Stardust//All Of Me E-
5468. Pat PA-1296 Willie Lewis' Orc: Swingin' For A Swiss Miss//Doin' The New Low Down dsol E
5469. Bb B-10177 Little Brother, pno: Farish Street Jive//Pinetop & Lindberg: East Chicago Blues E--
5470. Circle J-1050 [fs] Cripple Clarence Lofton, pno: Had A Dream//Albert Ammons, pno: St Louis Blues VLT GR E
5471. Br 6509 Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians w/Carmen Lombardo, vc: I Wake Up Smiling//You're Mine, You! V++
5472. ViS 25204 Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians: It Ain't Necessarily So//I Got Plenty O' Nuttin' E--
5473. ViS 25372 Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians w/Carmen Lombardo, vc: A Fine Romance//The Way You Look To-Night ULC, LT SCFS E
5474. ViS 22612 Bert Lown's Hotel Biltmore Orc w/Elmer Feldkamp, vc: Say "Hello" To The Folks Back Home//Biltmore Trio, vc: Heartaches SCFS, SCRS E--
5475. ViS 22689 Bert Lown's Hotel Biltmore Orc w/Elmer Feldkamp, vc s1: Now You're In My Arms//I "Wanna" Sing About You E--
5476. CoM 35567 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc: Monotony In Four Flats//I Ain't Gonna Study War No More E
5477. DeSB 131 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc: Rose Room//Mood Indigo E--
5478. DeSB 299 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Henry Wells, vc s2: Stratosphere//Solitude E--
5479. DeSB 682 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Willie Smith, vc: I'm Nuts About Screwy Music//Henry Wells, vc: I'm Walking Through Heaven With You SCFS V++
5480. DeSB 1128 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Joe Thomas, vc: He Ain't Got Rhythm//Lunceford Trio, vc: Slumming On Park Avenue E--
5481. DeSB 1219 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Lunceford Trio, vc: Muddy Water//Dan Grissom, vc: Honest And Truly E--
5482. DeSB 1229 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Dan Grissom, vc: Count Me Out//Linger Awhile GR E--
5483. DeSB 1364 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Dan Grissom, vc s1: The First Time I Saw You//Ragging The Scale SM LTRS S1 E--
5484. DeSB 1569 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc: 'Frisco Fog//Annie Laurie E--
5485. De 3807 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc: Chocolate//Battle Axe LT GR E
5486. De mx 38533 [ss; vnl] Jimmie Lunceford's Orc: Rose Room Iss tk (De 131); 9/4/34; NYC E
5487. ViS 24586 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc: White Heat//Leaving Me LSCRS E-
5488. ViS 24669 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Henry Wells, vc s2: Swingin' Uptown//Remember When ULCS, LT SCR DNS E
5489. ViS V-38141 Jimmie Lunceford & his Chickasaw Syncopaters w/preaching by Moses Allen s1: In Dat Mornin'//
Sweet Rhythm MB 25 SGS S1, GR V++
5490. VoB 4831 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Jimmy Young, vc s2: Mandy//The Lonesome Road E--
5491. VoB 5033 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Jimmy Young, vc: I Want The Waiter//Dan Grissom, vc: You Let Me Down E--/E
5492. VoB 5116 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Willie Smith, vc: Sassin' The Boss//Dan Grissom, vc: Who Did You Meet Last Night E-
5493. VoB 5207 Jimmie Lunceford's Orc w/Jimmy Young, vc s2: Belgium Stomp (Dedicated to Jazz Clubs of Belgium)//Think Of Me Little Daddy LT SCFS E-
5494. BRS 1000 [vnl] Wingy Mannone's Dixielanders: Stop The War//Mama's Gone Goodbye E
5495. BbBf B-6375 Wingy Mannone's Orc w/WM, vc: Dallas Blues//Swingin' At The Hickory House SOLS E-
5496. BbBf B-7002 Wingy Mannone's Orc w/WM, vc: Don't Ever Change//You're Precious To Me E/V++
5497. BbBf B-7003 Wingy Mannone's Orc w/WM, vc: Life Without You//The Image Of You E--
5498. Bb B-10401 Wingy Mannone's Orc w/WM, vc s2: Farewell Blues//Beale Street Blues E--
5499. Coral 60854 Wingy Mannone's Orc: Just A Gigolo//Hello Out There Hello E-
5500. OkEs 41569 Wingy Mannone's Orc: Just One Girl//She's Crying For Me MB 15 SOL E--
5501. VoG 2933 Wingy Mannone's Orc: I'm In Love All Over Again//You're An Angel GR, LT WMKS E--
5502. VoS 3134 Wingy Mannone's Orc w/WM, vc: I'm Shooting High//The Music Goes 'Round And Around SCFS, SCRS E-
5503. B&W 18 Joe Marsala's Sxt: Cherokee//My Melancholy Baby Lss "Recorded N.Y.C. 1-12-45" E--/V++
5504. Br 7409 Freddie Martin's Orc w/Vivien Ruth, vc: Lost My Rhythm, Lost My Music, Lost My Man//Elmer Feldkamp, vc:
Then You Walked Into The Room V++
5505. Br 7439 Freddie Martin's Orc w/Elmer Feldkamp, vc: Give A Broken Heart A Break//Reckless SM LTR S1 E--
5506. Blue Note 1572 Howard McGhee's All Stars w/Kenny Drew, pno: I'll Remember April//Fuguetta E-
5507. Blue Note 1573 Howard McGhee's All Stars: Fluid Drive//Donnellon Square MB 15 E/E+
5508. Blue Star 90 [Fr] Howard McGhee Sxt: Punkins//Etoile V++
5509. Dial 1007 Howard McGhee Qnt: Be-Bop//Charlie Parker, sax: Lover Man E--
5510. Dial 1010 Howard McGhee Sxt w/Dodo Marmarosa, pno: High Wind In Hollywood//Up In Dodo's Room E-
5511. Philo 117 Howard McGhee's Band w/HM, tpt: Intersection//Leonard Feather's Hiptet w/"Cousin Joe," vc: Just Another Woman V++
5512. DeSB 721 Red McKenzie's Rhythm Kings w/RM, vc: I Don't Know Your Name//Don't Count Your Kisses SCFS E-
5513. DeSB 734 Red McKenzie's Rhythm Kings w/RM, vc: When Love Has Gone//Moon Rose E-

5514. VoW 14977 McKenzie's Candy Kids: When My Sugar Walks Down The Street//Panama SG S1 V++/E--
5515. VoW 15166 McKenzie's Candy Kids: Hot Honey//If You Never Come Back V+
5516. DeSB 1019 Ray McKinley's Jazz Band: Love In The First Degree//New Orleans Parade LT SCFS, SM SCR S2 E
5517. DeSB 1020 Ray McKinley's Jazz Band: Fingerwave//Shack In The Back SCFS E-
5518. HMV B-9228 McKinney's Cotton Pickers: Milenburg Joys//Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble E+
5519. ViS 21611 McKinney's Cotton Pickers: Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble//Milenberg Joys Oakland pressing E--
5520. ViS 21730 McKinney's Cotton Pickers: Some Sweet Day//Cherry MB 15 LT SCR S2 E--/E
5521. ViS 23000 McKinney's Cotton Pickers w/George Thomas, vc: Okay, Baby//I Want A Little Girl V++
5522. ViS 23035 McKinney's Cotton Pickers w/Lois Deppe, vc: To Whom It May Concern//Quentin Jackson, vc: Come A Little Closer MB 15 E-/E--
5523. ViS V-38061 McKinney's Cotton Pickers: I've Found A New Baby//Save It Pretty Mama MB 15 V++
5524. ViS V-38118 McKinney's Cotton Pickers w/George Thomas, vc: If I Could Be With You One Hour Tonight//Dave Wilborn, vc: Zonky MB 15 E--
5525. ViS V-38142 McKinney's Cotton Pickers w/George Thomas, vc: I'll Make Fun For You//Then Someone's In Love Sd 2 their only waltz MB 25 V++
5526. Ge 4904 McMurray's California Thumpers: Haunting Blues//Just Because You're You That's Why I Love You V++
5527. De 3363 Jimmy McPartland: Panama//Eccentric LSTS E-
5528. CoF 7-D Memphis Five w/Billy Jones, vc: Walk, Jenny, Walk!//Last Night On The Back Porch V+

*5529. OkEs 8958 Memphis Jug Band: My Business Ain't Right//Gator Wobble MB 250 V++
*5530. ViS 20552 Memphis Jug Band: Stingy Woman//Sun Brimmers Clean MB 200 E--

*5531. ViS 23347 Memphis Jug Band: Aunt Caroline Dyer Blues//Taking Your Place 78Q <5; est 166 copies sold;
lightly distorts on loud jug blows; actually a very nice copy MB 500 SGS E--

5532. VoS 03081 Memphis Jug Band: My Love Is Cold//She Done Sold It Out MB 150 V++
5533. VoG 1736 Memphis Night Hawks: Jockey Stomp//Sweet Feet Plays ok MB 15 LT DWRP V
5534. ARC-Pe 5-12-09 Dick Messner's Orc w/Irene Collins, vc: When The Leaves Bid The Trees Good-Bye//Peter Schipper, vc: On Treasure Island SCFS, FW SCRS E-
5535. BbBf B-6319 Mezz Mezzrow's Swing Band: Mutiny In The Parlor//The Panic Is On E--
5536. Br 6778 Mezz Mezzrow's Orc w/Benny Carter, vc s2: Swingin' With Mezz//Love, You're Not The One For Me LTR S1 E-/E
5537. ViS 25019 Mezz Mezzrow's Orc: Apologies//Sendin' The Vipers Bidder Request Show V++
5538. ViSC 25612 Mezz Mezzrow's Orc: Hot Club Stomp//The Swing Session's Called To Order LTRS, SCR S1 E
5539. ViSC 25636 Mezz Mezzrow's Orc: Blues In Disguise//That's How I Feel Today Lss "Rec under supervision of Hot Clubs of America" E-
5540. CoF 33-D Midway Dance Orc: Black Sheep Blues//Lots O'Mamma MB 15 E--
5541. ViS V-38146 Bubber Miley's Mileage Makers w/George Bias, vc: Black Maria//Chinnin' And Chattin' With May
Last disc in the V-38000 hot dance series MB 15 V+
5542. DeSB 1284 Glenn Miller's Orc w/Doris Kerr, vc: Wistful And Blue//Sterling Bose, vc: Anytime, Anyday, Anywhere E--
5543. DeSB 1342 Glenn Miller's Orc: I'm Sitting On Top Of The World//Peg O' My Heart E--
5544. BbBf B-5688 Mills' Blue Rhythm Band: The Stuff Is Here//The Growl V++/E--
5545. CoV2 3134-D Mills' Blue Rhythm Band w/Chuck Richardson, vc: Everything Is Still Okay//Richards & Washington, vcs: Jes' Natch'ully Lazy MN SCRS V++
5546. CoV2 3148-D Mills' Blue Rhythm Band w/Chuck Richardson, vc: In A Sentimental Mood//Carry Me Back To Green Pastures LT LC, LT PMKS E-
5547. CoV2 3162-D Mills' Blue Rhythm Band: Big John's Special//Callin' Your Bluff MB 25 LT US, LT SCR S2 E
5548. Br 1023 [Eng] Irving Mills' Hotsy Totsy Gang: High And Dry//Barbaric E--
5549. Br 4998 Irving Mills' Hotsy Totsy Gang: I Wonder What My Gal Is Doin' Now//What A Night SM SCRS S1, LTRS E
5550. Debut M-101 Charles Mingus Qnt w/Jackie Paris, vc s2: Precognition//Portrait MB 75 E+/E-
5551. Dolphin's 200 Baron (Charlie) Mingus' Rhythm: Mingus Finger's//These Foolish Things Remind Me Of You MB 75 SCR S1, SCFS S2 E
5552. OkE 40758 Miff Mole's Little Molers: Some Sweet Day//Alexander's Ragtime Band V+
5553. OkE 40984 Miff Mole's Little Molers: The New Twister//Honolulu Blues MB 15 V++
5554. OkEs 41445 Miff Mole's Little Molers: After You've Gone//Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble EB TOK V++
5555. Blue Note 1589 Thelonious Monk Qnt: Straight No Chaser//Four In One MB 15 E
5556. Blue Note 1603 Thelonious Monk Sxt: Hornin' In//Carolina Moon MB 15 VLT NR S2 E
5557. Prestige 838 Thelonious Monk Trio: Trinkle Tinkle//These Foolish Things E-
5558. Blue Note 553 James Moody's Bop Men: Tropicana//The Fuller Bop Man FW SCFS E
5559. Blue Note 1570 James Moody Qrt: Just Moody//Maximum Lss "Recorded in Paris" MB 15 FW VLT SCRS E+/E
5560. Blue Note 1586 James Moody, alto sax: September Serenade//So Very Pretty Lss "Jazz Disques, Paris" E-
5561. Dial 1039 James Moody Orc: Coolie-Rini//Surrender SCF S1, LT WMKS E-
5562. Dial 1042 [vnl] James Moody's Qnt: Oh, Well!//Dexter Gordon Qrt: Sweet And Lovely MB 15 E
5563. Prestige 703 James Moody's Band w/JM, sax: I'm In The Mood For Love//James Moody's Qrt w/JM, ten sax: The Flight DS E-
5564. Prestige 841 James Moody Qrt: Stardust//Moody And Soul E
5565. Prestige 885 [dj] James Moody's Band w/Eddie Jefferson, vc: Workshop//JM, ten sax: Keepin' Up With Jonesy WOLS E+
5566. Prestige 899 [dj] James Moody's Band w/JM, saxes: Moody's Mood For Blues, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT FMG AB S1 E--
5567. Br 86000 [vnl] Moondog, drums: Improvisation in 7/4//Rimshot & Improvisation in 4/4 OS; Bidder Request Show MB 75 E-

*5568. CoV 14539-D Sam Morgan's Jazz Band: Over In Glory Land//Sing On Bidder Request Show MB 500 E--

5569. BbBf B-5109 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Georgia Swing//Kansas City Stomps WMKS, LT NRS S2 E--/V++
5570. Bb B-10252 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: The Pearls//Beale Street Blues VSM SCRS E+
5571. Ge 5218 Jelly Roll Morton, pno: Grandpa's Spells//Kansas City Stomp A little noisy V-
*5572. Ge 5552 Jelly Roll Morton, pno: Jelly Roll Blues//Big Foot Ham MB 200 E--
5573. General 1704 Jelly Roll Morton's Seven: Big Lip Blues//Good Old New York VSM LTRS E-
5574. HMV EA-3419 [Aus] Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Blue Blood Blues//Georgia Swing E--
5575. HMV EA-3680 [Aus] Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Little Lawrence//Ponchatrain E--
5576. DsqG K-8742 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Kansas City Stomp//Georgia Swing Lss "Anthologie du Hot Club de France" VLT ½" CR DNS V++

5577. ViS 20252 tk 1/3 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Dead Man Blues//Sidewalk Blues MB 100 E--
5578. ViS 20431 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Grandpa's Spells//Canon Ball Blues MB 25 V++
5579. ViS 23019 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: That'll Never Do//Fickle Fay Creep Last release by the Red Hot Peppers s2 MB 25 V++/V+
5580. ViS V-38024 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Mournful Serenade//Georgia Swing MB 15 E--
5581. ViS V-38078 Jelly Roll Morton's Orc: Pretty Lil//New Orleans Bump Plays ok SFS S2 V+/V
5582. ViS V-38093 Jelly Roll Morton's Orc: Courthouse Bump//Sweet Anita Mine MB 50 LSCF S1 E--
5583. ViS V-38113 Jelly Roll Morton's Orc: Down My Way//Try Me Out MB 50 GR, FLBL E--

*5584. ViS V-38135 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Harmony Blues//Little Lawrence MB 200 RTL E-

5585. VoW 1019 Jelly Roll Morton, pno: Fat Meat And Greens//Sweetheart O' Mine 78Q <25 MB 50 EF NTPG S2 V+
5586. Vo V-1010 Jelly Roll Morton's Levee Serenaders w/Frances Hereford, vc: Mr Jelly Lord//Midnight Mama Origins of Jazz series E-
5587. Bb B-5585 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: Blue Room//Milenberg Joys LT SCRS, SM LTRS S2 E
5588. ViS 20485 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: Yazoo Blues//Kansas City Shuffle Bidder Request Show V++
5589. ViS 21199 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: Pass Out Lightly//Ding-Dong Blues MB 50 LT PMK, VSM LTR S1 E-
5590. ViS 21693 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc w/Lewis, vc s1: Get Low-Down Blues//Kansas City Breakdown FW LT SGS E--
5591. ViS V-38012 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: Slow Motion//Hot Water Blues MB 50 E--
5592. ViS V-38021 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: South//She's No Trouble MB 25 V++
5593. ViS V-38091 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: Kansas City Squabble//Now Goofy Dust MB 25 LT SGS, LSPTS E--/V++
5594. Ch 40099 Mound City Blue Blowers w/Billy Wilson, vc: Wah-Hoo!//Saddle Your Blues To A wild Mustang SCFS, EF 1PG TOK V++
5595. ViS V-38087 Mound City Blue Blowers: Tailspin Blues//Never Had A Reason To Believe In You MB 15 SM LST V++
5596. Fantasy 522 Gerry Mulligan Qrt: Carioca//Line For Lyons LT SCRS, LT WMKS E-
5597. Pacific Jazz 601 Gerry Mulligan Qrt: Bernie's Tune//Lullaby Of The Leaves E--
5598. Pacific Jazz 607 Gerry Mulligan Qrt: Freeway//Aren't You Glad You're You V++
5599. Pacific Jazz 611 Gerry Mulligan Qrt w/Chet Baker, tpt: Cherry//Carson City Stage V++

5600. CoV 14406-D Musical Stevedores: Happy Rhythm//Honeycomb Harmony Bidder Request Show MB 100 E-/E--
5601. BbBf B-6574 Phil Napoleon's Emperors: My Kinda Love//Mean To Me FW SCRS E-
5602. Savoy 906 Fats Navarro's Thin Men: Fat Girl//Serge's Be Bop Buddies: A Bar A Second E-
5603. Savoy 951 Fats Navarro & Leo Parker, tpt & bari sax: Goin To Mintons//Miles Davis & Charlie Parker, tpt & ten sax: Half-Nelson GR, FW SCFS E-
5604. Ge 5643 Naylor's Seven Aces: You And I//Bye Bye Baby MB 15 REP ¼" CR, LT SCFS, LT GR E
5605. ARC-Me 6-12-69 Arnett Nelson's Hot Four: You Waited Too Long//Oh, Red! MB 15 V+
5606. ViS 22639 Dave Nelson & the King's Men w/DN, vc: When Day Is Done//I Ain't Got Nobody And Nobody Cares For Me Est 3847 copies sold GR E--
5607. CoV 862-D New Orleans Owls: White Ghost Shivers//Cook's Dreamland Orc: Sidewalk Blues MB 100 V++
5608. Br 02208 New Orleans Rhythm Kings: Tin Roof Blues//That's A Plenty LT SCFS, LT GR E
5609. Ge 5102 tk B/A New Orleans Rhythm Kings: Weary Blues//Wolverine Blues MB 25 V++
5610. Ge 5219 tk A/- New Orleans Rhythm Kings (w/Jelly Roll Morton, pno s1): Sobbin' Blues//Angry MB 25 MN SM BLSS V++
5611. Ge 5220 tk A/A New Orleans Rhythm Kings (w/Jelly Roll Morton, pno): Clarinet Marmalade//Mr Jelly Lord MB 25 VLT SGS V++
5612. GeNE 6382 New Yorkers w/Jerry Macy, vc: I Just Roll Along Havin' My Ups And Downs//Moonlight On The Danube MB 15 BLSS V++
5613. Vr VA-647 Frankie Newton's Uptown Serenaders w/FN & Pete Brown, vcs s1: The Onyx Hop//Who's Sorry Now FW VLT SCFS, FW LT SCRS E
5614. BbBf B-5547 Red Nichols' World Famous Pennies w/Songcopators, vc s2: Rockin' In Rhythm//Jungle Fever E--
5615. BbBf B-5549 Red Nichols' World Famous Pennies w/Songcopators, vc: Let Me Call You Mine//King Harvey, vc: The Prize Waltz V++
5616. Bb B-10179 Red Nichols' Orc w/Bill Darnell, vc: You're So Desirable//Our Love E--
5617. Bb B-10408 Red Nichols' Orc: Davenport Blues//Wail Of The Winds Lss "Theme Song of Red Nichols" s2 WMKS E--
5618. Br 3989 Red Nichols' Five Pennies: Original Dixieland One Step//Imagination LT CBI E-
5619. Br 4695 Red Nichols' "Strike Up the Band" Orc: Strike Up The Band!//Soon LSCRS E--
5620. Br 4839 Red Nichols' Five Pennies w/Jimmy Dorsey, sax s2: After You've Gone//I'm Just Wild About Harry Bidder Request Show E-/E--
5621. Br 4944 Red Nichols' Five Pennies: By The Shalimar//Sweet Georgia Brown E--
5622. Br 6012 Red Nichols' Five Pennies: My Honey's Lovin' Arms//Rockin' Chair GR, FW SCRS E
5623. Br 6029 Loring "Red" Nichols' Orc: You Said It//Sweet And Hot V+
5624. Br 6149 Red Nichols' Five Pennies: How Come You Do Me Like You Do//Moan, You Moaners! V+
5625. Br 6767 Red Nichols' Five Pennies w/Johnny Davis, vc: Slow And Easy//Waitin' For The Evening Mail LG SOL S1, SM LTR, NR S2 E-
5627. PatA 11134 Red Nichols' Orc: Poor Papa//Jig Walk FW SCRS E--
5628. ViS 24577 Ray Noble's Orc: Tiger Rag//Japanese Sandman FW SCRS E
5629. ViS 25082 Ray Noble's Orc w/Al Bowlly, vc s1: St. Louis Blues//'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans E-
5630. VoG 2619 Jimmie Noone's Orc w/Ed Pollock, vc: Inka Dinka Doo//Like Me A Little Bit Less, both from "Joe Palooka"
S1 is the first recording of Durante's famous tune; BRS V+
5631. VoW 15823 Jimmie Noone's Apex Club Orc w/May Alix, vc s1: That Rhythm Man//Anything You Want 78Q <10 MB 150 E--
5632. BrS 8227 Red Norvo's Orc w/Terry Allen, vc: I Have Eyes//You're A Sweet Little Headache E--
5633. Br 01568 [Eng] Red Norvo, xyl: Hole In The Wall//Knockin' On Wood EF NTG E-
5634. DeSB 691 Red Norvo's Swing Sxt: Decca Stomp//Gramercy Square V++
5635. Vo S-91 [Eng] Red Norvo's Orc: Remember//Jivin' The Jeep E-
5636. Pm 12294 Jimmy O'Bryant's Famous Original Washboard Band: Steppin' On The Gas//Three J Blues MB 75 V++
5637. BbBf B-6778 King Oliver's Orc: Mule Face Blues//Boogie Woogie E--
5638. Br 4028 King Oliver's Dixie Syncopators: Got Everything//Four Or Five Times MB 15 GR, SM PMKS E--
5639. Co DF-3079 [Fr] King Oliver's Jazz Band: Chattanooga Stomp//New Orleans Stomp LT LST E

*5640. Ge 5134 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band: Mandy Lee Blues//I'm Going Away To Wear You Off My Mind MB 750 E--
*5641. Ge 5274 King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band: Krooked Blues//Alligator Hop 78Q <25 MB 500 V+

5642. Ok 4906 King Oliver's Jazz Band: Sweet Lovin' Man//Sobbin' Blues MB 100 V++
5643. Ok 4918 King Oliver's Jazz Band: Where Did You Stay Last Night?//Dipper Mouth Blues MB 100 V+
5644. ViS 23001 King Oliver's Orc: Struggle Buggy//Don't You Think I Love You MB 75 LSCFS E-
5645. ViS 23029 King Oliver's Orc: I Can't Stop Loving You//I'm Lonesome, Sweetheart MB 25 V++
5646. ViS V-38090 King Oliver's Orc: Too Late//What You Want Me To Do? Edge chip included MB 15 LG EC 2PGS S2, SOL S2 E

5647. ViS V-38137 King Oliver's Orc: Edna//Rhythm Club Stomp Nice copy! MB 200 E--
5648. VoW 1007 King Oliver's Jazz Band: Too Bad//Snag It MB 25 V+
5649. VoW 1059 King Oliver's Dixie Syncopators: Someday Sweetheart//Dead Man Blues MB 15 V+/V++
5650. VoW 1114 King Oliver's Dixie Syncopators: Showboat Shuffle//Every Tub MB 75 SCFS V++
5651. VoW 1189 King Oliver's Dixie Syncopators: West End Blues//Tin Roof Blues MB 75 V++/V+
5652. VoW 1225 King Oliver's Dixie Syncopators: Speakeasy Blues//Aunt Hagar's Blues MB 75 V++
5653. ViW 19507 George Olsen's Music w/Lewis James, vc: Nancy//Jack Shilkret's Orc: No One Knows What It's All About Oakland pressing E--
5654. ViW 19761 George Olsen's Music: I'm Knee Deep In Daisies//Hot Aire E--
5655. ViS 20112 George Olsen's Music w/Fran Frey, vc s2: Hi-Diddle-Diddle//Where'd You Get Those Eyes E--
5656. ViS 21832 George Olsen's Music: I Faw Down An' Go Boom!//A Precious Little Thing Called Love LT GR E-
5657. ViS 21927 George Olsen's Music w/Erwin Magee, vc: That's You, Baby//Fran Frey, vc: Walking With Susie Oakland pressing E--
5658. ViS 21954 George Olsen's Music w/Fran Frey, vc: Little Pal//I'm In Seventh Heaven LT ULC E
5659. ViS 24138 George Olsen's Music w/Fran Frey, vc: Pu-leeze! Mister Hemingway!//Pink Elephants Oakland pressing V++

5660. Br 02500 [fs] Original Dixieland Jazz Band: Reisenweber Rag//Tiger Rag LT WMKS, SM LTRS S2 E
5661. Ok 4841 Original Dixieland Jazz Band: Barnyard Blues//Tiger Rag MB 50 SOL S1 V++
5662. ViW 18472 Original Dixieland Jass Band: Tiger Rag//Skeleton Jangle E--
5663. ViW 18564 Original Dixieland Jazz Band: Fidgety Feet//Lazy Daddy SCFS V++
5664. ViW 18717 Original Dixieland Jazz Band: Margie//Palesteena E--
5665. ViW 18772 Original Dixieland Jazz Band w/Al Bernard, vc s1: St Louis Blues//Jazz Me Blues FW NRS V++
5666. VoS 3099 Original Dixieland Jazz Band w/Terry Shand, vc s1: You Stayed Away Too Long//Slipping Thru My Fingers PMKS, LSTS, FW SCRS E-
5667. Ge 3112 Original Indiana Five: Red Hot Henry Brown//Indiana Stomp V+
5668. PatA 036019 Original Indiana Five: St. Louis Gal//Tin Roof Blues V+
5669. Sil 4002 Original Indiana Five: I'm Goin' Out If Lizzie Comes In//Red Sanders' Orc: On The Bam Bam Bamy Shore LT RS V++
5670. CoV 14086-D Original Jazz Hounds: 1620 To 1865 (Uncle Eph's Dream)//Fo' Day Blues Bidder Request Show MB 50 E--
5671. CoV 2577-D Original Memphis Five: My Honey's Loving Arms//St Louis Gal V++
5672. PatA 020842 Original Memphis Five: Ji-Ji-Boo//You Can Have Him, I Don't Want Him, Didn't Love Him Anyhow Blues V++
5673. PatA 020939 Original Memphis Five w/George White, vc: I Never Miss The Sunshine//That Red Head Gal V++
5674. Pe 14349 Original Memphis Five: Mama's Boy//Five Birmingham Babies: Go, Emmaline E--
5675. Pe 15465 Original Memphis Five: Throw Down Blues//Red Heads: Fallen Arches LT GR, LT LST S1 E--/E
5676. Re 9301 Original Memphis Five: Those Longing For You Blues//Lonesome Mama Blues E--
5677. Re 9407 Original Memphis Five: Running Wild//Loose Feet E--
5678. ViW 20039 Original Memphis Five: Static Strut//Tampeekoe LG LTR S1 E--
5679. Ok 8198 Original Tuxedo Jazz Orc: Careless Love//Black Rag 78Q <15;
Lss "(Playing at Spanish Fort) Recorded in New Orleans" MB 50 1" EC NTPG V+
5680. VoW 15634 Original Wolverines: Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble//The New Twister 78Q <20 MB 15 V+
5681. De 7186 Oscar's Chicago Swingers w/Lovin' Sam Theard, vc: I Wonder Who's Boogiein' My Woogie//New Rubbing On The Darned Old Thing V+
5682. Merc 8263 Johnny Otis' Orc w/JO, vc s1: Oopy-Doo//Ben Webster, ten sax: Stardust WMKS E-
5683. BbS B-7569 Hot Lips Page's Orc w/HLP, vc: Feelin' High And Happy//At Your Beck And Call LT WMKS E-

*5684. ViS 23386 Tiny Parham's Musicians: Nervous Tension//Memphis Mamie 78Q <10 MB 250 V++
5685. ViS V-38060 Tiny Parham's Musicians: Tiny's Stomp//Stompin' On Down MB 100 E--
5686. ViS V-38111 Tiny Parham's Musicians: Dixieland Doin's//Cathedral Blues MB 100 SCFS, LT SCRS, LT LSCFS E--

5687. Clef 11101 [dj; vnl] Charlie Parker's Orc: She Rote//K C Blues MB 25 VLT SCF, LT LST S1, SM LTR S2E+
5688. Dial 1003 Charlie Parker Septet: Yardbird Suite//Moose The Mooche MB 50 FW SCFS E-
5689. Dial 1015 [vnl] Charlie Parker Sxt: Quasimado//CP Qrt: Cool Blues MB 75 E
5690. Dial 1024 Charlie Parker's Qnt: Bongo Bop//CP, sax: Embraceable You SCRS V++
5691. Merc 11091 [fs] Charlie Parker Plays South of the Border: Tico Tico//La Paloma LG SCFS E-
5692. Merc 11092 [fs] Charlie Parker Plays South of the Border: Un Poquito De Tu Amor//Mama Inez E--
5693. Savoy 918 Charlie Parker, sax: Billies Bounce//Now's The Time MB 25 ULCS, SM LTR, LT SCFS E
5694. Savoy 937 Charlie Parker's All Stars: Merry Go-Round//Steeplechase MB 25 E-
5695. Savoy 938 Charlie Parker's All Stars: Marmaduke//Perhaps MB 50 1" SCR S1 E+
5696. Savoy 945 Charlie Parker & the Be Bop Boys: Warming Up A Riff//Thriving On A Riff MB 50 E
5697. Savoy 967 Charlie Parker All Stars: Klaunstance//Stan Getz All Stars: Slow V++
5698. Merc 8940 Oscar Peterson, pno w/Ray Brown, bass: Salute To Garner//Squatty Roo E-
5699. OkEs 41410 Jack Pettis' Orc: Bag O' Blues//Ed Lang's Orc: Bugle Call Rag MB 25 E--

5700. Ok 40189 Piron's New Orleans Orc: Sittin' On The Curbstone Blues//Lou'siana Swing 78Q <15 MB 100 SCRS E--

5701. ViW 19233 Piron's New Orleans Orc: Mamma's Gone, Good-Bye//New Orleans Wiggle LT SCRS E-
5702. CoV 14664-D Pods of Pepper w/Ikey Robinson, vc: Gee, I Hate To Lose That Girl//Ralph Anderson, vc:
I Was A Good Loser Until I Lost You 78Q <5; est 400 copies sold MB 50 V++
5703. DeSB 1458 Ben Pollack's Pick a Rib Boys w/Peggy Mann, vc s1: Can't You Hear Me Calling, Caroline//My Wild Irish Rose SCRS S1, SCR S2 E-
5704. Pe 15328 Ben Pollack's Orc w/BP, vc: Rollin' Down The River//Willie Creager's Orc w/Chick Bullock, vc: Ten Cents A Dance E--
5705. ViS 21858 Ben Pollack's Park Central Orc w/Burt Lorin, vc: Let's Sit And Talk About You//BP, vc: Futuristic Rhythm E--
5706. Ge 5305 Porter's Blue Devils w/Jack Kaufman, vc s2: I'm Sittin Pretty In A Pretty Little City//
When It's Night Time In Italy It's Wednesday Over Here GR, SM MOL E-
5707. Blue Note 1576 Bud Powell Trio: A Night In Tunisia//BP, pno: Over The Rainbow SCRS E--
5708. Roost 509 Bud Powell Trio: Somebody Loves Me//Bud's Bubble VLT ½" HC, EC NTG E-
5709. Royal Roost 513 Bud Powell Trio: Off Minor//I'll Remember April SCFS E-
5710. Br 7419 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang w/LP, vc: I'm Livin' In A Great Big Way//Put On An Old Pair Of Shoes SCRS, LT SCFS E
5711. Br 7456 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang w/LP, vc: Chinatown, My Chinatown//Basin Street Blues V++
5712. VoS 3376 Louis Prima's New Orleans Gang w/LP, vc: What Will Santa Claus Say?//Pennies From Heaven V++
5713. OkEs 8808 Jack Purvis' Orc: Be Bo Bo//Dismal Dan MB 100 FW SCRS, LT LSCFS, LT GR E-
5714. OkE 41404 Jack Purvis, cnt w/Orc: Mental Strain At Dawn//Copyin' Louis MB 100 E--
5715. Blue Note 539 Ike Quebec's Swing Seven: The Masquerade Is Over//Basically Blue Nice! MB 15 LT GR, SM LT SCR S1 E+
5716. Savoy 570 Ike Quebec, ten sax: Jim Dawgs//I Q Blues V++
5717. Wiggs 7/10 Snoozer Quinn, gtr: You Took Advantage Of Me//SQ & Johnny Wiggs, cnt: Singin The Blues
New Orleans lbl; Johnny Wiggs autograph s1 MB 25 E--
5718. PatA X-6213 Red Heads: Baltimore//Lee & Bergere: I'm Like To Know Where You're Gonna Go E+
5719. Br 6354 Don Redman's Orc w/Harlan Lattimore, vc s2: I Got Rhythm//Tea For Two LN HV SCR TOK S2 V++
5720. Br 6368 Don Redman's Orc w/Harlan Lattimore, vc s2: Hot And Anxious//If It's True MN SCFS, SCRS E--
5721. Br 6412 Don Redman's Orc w/Harlan Lattimore, vc: Pagan Paradise//DR, vc: Two Time Man MN SM SCRS E--
5722. Br 6622 Don Redman's Orc w/DR, vc: Watching The Knife And Fork Spoon//Harlan Lattimore, vc: Lazybones SCRS, SCFS E--
5723. Br 6745 Don Redman's Orc w/Harlan Lattimore, vc: I Wanna Be Loved//DR, vc: Got The Jitters GR V+
5724. Br 01541 [Eng] Don Redman's Orc: Sophisticated Lady//That Blue Eyed Baby From Memphis LT SCR S1 E
5725. ViC 26206 Don Redman's Orc w/Laurel Watson, vc: Class Will Tell//LW & DR, vcs: Jump Session E/E--
5726. ViC 26266 Don Redman's Orc w/DR, vc: Ain't I Good To You?//Quenton Jackson, vc: Baby, Won't You Please Come Home? E
5727. Vo C-2 [Eng] Don Redman's Orc w/Harlan Lattimore, vc: Moonrise On The Lowlands//Blue Rhythm Band: Doin' The Shake E-
5728. Vr VA-580 Don Redman's Orc w/Swing Choir, vc: On The Sunny Side Of The Street//Exactly Like You 2 HV LSCRS S2 E
5729. VoG 2723 Ruben "River" Reeves' River Boys: Mazie//Zuddan MB 15 MN SCRS V++
5730. VoW 15836 Ruben "River" Reeves' River Boys w/Blanche Calloway, vc s1: Have You Ever Felt That Way?//Head Low
78Q <10 MB 75 SCFS, SM RAS AB S1 E--
5731. Blue Star 38 [Fr] Django Reinhardt & the Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Django's Blues//Danse Norvegienne WOL S2 V
5732. Blue Star 46 [Fr] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: New York City//September Song MB 15 E--
5733. Blue Star 53 [Fr; dj] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Topsy//Blues Primitie LSTS V++

5734. Blue Star 55 [Fr] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Gipsy With A Song, Pt 1//Pt 2 HV SCR S2, LSTS E--
5735. Co RF-17016 [Sp; pl] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Sueño De Otoño//Duke And Dukie MB 15 LT LST S2 E-
5736. De 9243 [Fr; pl] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Just One Of Those Things//Delsalle SOLS V++
5737. De MF-36125 [Fr; pl] Django Reinhardt's Qnt: Fine And Dandy//DR, gtr: D.R. Blues MB 15 LT GR, LT SCFS E-
5738. Dial 754 Django Reinhardt's Band: Blues Barbizon//Swing 49 MB 50 LT WMKS, LT PMKS S2 E-
5739. Or LB-1001 [Eng] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Tiger Rag//I Saw Stars E-
5740. Or LB-1003 [Eng] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF w/Stephane Grappelly, vln: Blue Drag//Swanee River E-
5741. Or LV-100 [Eng] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Dinah//Lady Be Good MB 25 E--
5742. Or LV-104 [Eng] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF w/Stephane Grappelly, vln: Sweet Sue, Just You//
The Sunshine Of Your Smile MB 25 LN SCR, SM HV NRS TOK S2 E
5743. Rythme D-5017 [Belgian] Django Reinhardt, gtr w/Ivon de Bie, pno: Studio 24//Blues En Mineur V
5744. Rythme D-5018 [Belgian] Django Reinhardt's Orc: Bei Dir War Es Immer So Schön//Mixture Nice Belgian dsol s2 SCFS, SCRS V++
5747. De F-41010 [Eng] Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grapelly, gtr & vln: Liza//Belleville V
5748. Rythme D-5024 [Belgian] Django Reinhardt & Stan Brenders, gtr & pno: Éclats De Cuivre//Tons D'Ébène SOL S2 V
5749. Rythme D-5026 [Belgian] Django Reinhardt & Stan Brenders, gtr & pno: Divine Biguine//Chez Moi A Six Heures GR V++
5750. ViS 22221 Leo Reisman's Orc: Happy Days Are Here Again//Lucky Me - Lovable You Oakland pressing SCFS S2 V++/E-
5751. ViS 22282 Leo Reisman's Orc: What Is This Thing Called Love?//She's Such A Comfort To Me Oakland pressing MN SCRS, SCFS E--
5752. ViS 22849 Leo Reisman's Orc: Call Me Darling//Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Jack Fulton, vc: When The World Was New E--
5753. ViS 22856 Leo Reisman's Orc: That's Why Darkies Were Born//Peter Van Steeden's Orc: Hiding In The Shadows Of The Moon V++
5754. ViS 22869 Leo Reisman's Orc: The Night Was Made For Love//She Didn't Say "Yes" VLN NR S1 V++
5755. ViS 24157 Leo Reisman's Orc w/Clifton Webb, vc: A Rainy Day//Arthur Schwartz, vc: Louisiana Hayride E/E--
5756. ViS 24193 Leo Reisman's Orc w/Fred Astaire, vc: Night And Day//I've Got You On My Mind E--
5757. ViC 24716 Leo Reisman's Orc w/Harold Arlen, vc: Stormy Weather (Arlen-Koehler)//Fred Astaire, vc: Night And Day LTRS E-
5758. CoV 594-D Harry Reser's Syncopators: Say It Again//Behind The Clouds V++
5759. Co 3797 [Eng] Harry Reser, bjo: Ukulele Lady//Heebe Jeebes FW SCRS E--
5760. ViS 23279 Rhythm Kings w/Jake Fenderson, vc s1: You Rascal You//Call Of The Freaks MB 25 V+
5761. Ge 5156 Bob Ricketts' Band: If You Want To Keep Your Daddy Home//Mean Mean Mamma E--/V++
5762. DeSB 578 Riley-Farley's Onyx Club Boys w/Mike Riley, vc s2: Lookin' For Love//The Music Goes 'Round And 'Round V++
5763. DeSB 578 Reilly-Farley's Onyx Club Boys w/Mike Reilly, vc s1: The Music Goes 'Round And Around//Lookin' For Love V++
5764. Debut M-109 [dj] Max Roach Qrt: Cou-Manchi-Cou//I'm A Fool To Want You MB 25 FW BBLS, VLT WMKS E+
5765. VoG 2610 Joseph Robechaux's New Orleans Rhythm Boys: After Me The Sun Goes Down//Why Should I Cry For You? Sd 1 plays fair, sd 2 noisy V/V-
5766. Br 6786 Adrian's (Rollini) Ramblers w/Chick Bullock, vc: Keep On Doin' What You're Doin'//Get Goin' ULCS V+
5767. DeSB 359 Adrian Rollini's Orc: Davenport Blues//Somebody Loves Me GR, PMK, LT SCRS E-
5768. DeSB 1132 Adrian Rollini Trio: Vibrollini//Jitters E--
5769. Me M-12788 Adrian Rollini's Orc w/Herbert Weil, vc: By A Waterfall//Sittin' On A Backyard Fence SCFS S2, EF NTG E-
5770. Me M-12829 Adrian Rollini's Orc w/Herbert Weil, vc: Sweet Madness//Clay Bryson, vc: Savage Serenade SCRS, SM EF NTG E--
5771. Me M-13366 Luis Russell's Orc w/Sonny Wade, vc s2: Primitive//My Blue Heaven E--
5772. Od A-286079 Luis Russell's Orc: New Call Of The Freaks//Chocolate Dandies: Bugle Call Rag LT LST E-
5773. Od O-28397 Luis Russell's Orc: Muggin' Lightly//Jersey Lightning MB 15 E
5774. OkE 8656 Luis Russell's Burning Eight: Call Of The Freaks//It's Tight Like That MB 25 V+
5775. ViS 22789 Luis Russell w/Chick Bullock, vc: Say The Word//Goin' To Town WPG S1 V++
5776. Ch 40079 Ted Russell's Orc: Quicker Than You Can Say Jack Robinson//I Feel Like A Feather In The Breeze SCFS, LT SCRS E-
5777. Br 3245 Savannah Syncopators (King Oliver): Jackass Blues//Deep Henderson Luis Russell called out by name s2 MB 50 E--
5778. OkEs 41400 Arthur Schutt's Orc: 'Leven-Thirty Saturday Night//Mountaineer Serenaders: When It's Springtime In The Rockies Nice V++
5779. Gotham 105 Tony Scott's Down Beat Club Sept w/Sarah Vaughn, vc s2: Ten Lessons With Timothy//All Too Soon E-

*5780. OkTT 8360 Searcy Trio: Kansas Avenue Blues//East St Louis Stomp
78Q <15; Lss "Recorded in St. Louis" MB 250 E--

5781. ViS 21912 Boyd Senter's Senterpedes w/Paul Small, vc: Doin' You Good//Shine LSCR S1 E-/V++
5782. Vo S-61 Sharkey's Sharks of Rhythm w/SB, vc: Wash It Clean//Blowin' Off Steam E-
5783. Signature 28118 Shorty Sherock's Orc w/SS, tpt: Snafu//Willie Smith, sax: The Willies GR, ULC E-
5784. ViS 20503 Nat Shilkret's Victor Orc: The Doll Dance//Flapperette E--
5785. ViS 21432 Nat Shilkret's Victor Orc w/Johnny & Frankie Marvin, vcs: Get Out And Get Under The Moon//Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Tom Waring, vc:
In The Evening Nice Cleveland dsol E--
5786. ViS 21859 Nat Shilkret's Victor Orc w/Belle Mann, vc: I Want To Be Bad//Johnny Marvin, vc: You Wouldn't Fool Me Would You E--
5787. BrLB 7109 Omer Simeon, cla: Smokehouse Blues//Beau-Koo-Jack MB 50 LT WOL V++
5788. Discovery 150 Zoot Sims' Qrt: Crystals//Don't Worry About Me MN SCRS S2 E--
5789. Prestige 732 Zoot Sims' Qrt: Memories Of You//Jane-O Lss "Tenor Sax Solo in Echo Chamber" s1; BRS WMKS, SM SCR S2 E-
5790. Prestige 837 Zoot Sims' Band: Yellow Duck//ZS Qrt: Which Way? LG SCFS, FW SCRS V++
*5791. Ge 5569 Sioux City Six w/Bix: I'm Glad//SCS w/Miff Mole: Flock O' Blues 78Q <25; Lss "Miff Moe" MB 200 HV GR AB E

5792. DeSB 154 Noble Sissle's Orc w/Billy Banks, vc: The Old Ark Is Moverin'//Lavada Carter, vc: Loveless Love SCRS E--
5793. DeSB 778 Noble Sissle's Orc w/Lena Horne, vc: That's What Love Did To Me//Billy Banks, vc: You Can't Live In Harlem E--
5794. Vo V-1041 Six Jolly Jesters: Goin' Nuts//Oklahoma Stomp Origins of Jazz series SM BLS 1 E

5795. BrLB 7071 Jabbo Smith's Rhythm Aces w/JS, vc s2: Ace Of Rhythms//Take Me To The River MB 100 V++

5796. De 1712 Jabbo Smith's Orc w/JS, vc: How Can Cupid Be So Stupid//Absolutely FW SCRS, VSM EFS NTG E-
5797. De 1980 Jabbo Smith's Orc w/JS, vc s1: More Rain More Rest//Rhythm In Spain GR E
5798. Royal Roost 547 Johnny Smith's Qnt: Moonlight In Vermont//Tabu LT SCFS, SM WOL S2 E-
5799. Royal Roost 581 Johnny Smith's Qnt: I'll Be Around//Cavu E-
5800. Royal Roost 594 Johnny Smith, electric gtr: Easy To Love//Sophisticated Lady WOLS, LSCFS E
5801. Ok 8024 Mamie Smith's Jazz Hounds: Cubanita//Rambling Blues MB 25 BLS S1, NR S2 E--
5802. DeSB 1279 Stuff Smith's Onyx Club Boys w/SS, vc s2: Twilight In Turkey//Onyx Club Spree GR E--
5803. Vo 28 [Eng] Stuff Smith's Onyx Club Boys w/Jonah Jones, vc: You'se A Viper//SS, vc: Tain't No Use E-
5804. VoS 3270 Stuff Smith's Onyx Club Boys: It Ain't Right//Old Joe's Hittin' The Jug E--
5805. Vo S-72 [Eng] Stuff Smith's Onyx Club Boys w/SS, vc: Old Joe's Hittin' The Jug//It Ain't Right EF NTG E--
5806. DeSB 1503 Willie "The Lion" Smith's Cubs w/O'Neil Spencer, vc: Honeymooning On A Dime//Achin' Hearted Blues LTR S2 E--
5807. Triangle 11145 Society Syncopators: You Can't Have Him I Don't Want Him//Hot Lips SCFS E--
5808. ViS 21249 South Street Trio: Suitcase Breakdown//Cold Mornin' Shout MB 50 LSCRS V++
5809. HMV B-8778 Eddie South, vln w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: Eddie's Blues//ES, DR & Wilson Meyers, vln, gtr & bass: Sweet Georgia Brown MB 15 E--
5810. ViS 21151 Eddie South's Alabamians: By The Waters Of Minnetonka//La Rosita E--
5811. Bb B-10532 Muggsy Spanier's Ragtime Band: Relaxin' At The Touro//Riverboat Shuffle SM LTRS E--
5812. Ch 40009 State Street Ramblers: Georgia Grind//Richmond Stomp MB 25 E--/V++

5813. Blue Star 64 [Fr] Rex Stewart's Orc: Jug Blues//At The Barclay's Club SCFS, SOL S1 E-
5814. Blue Star 73 [Fr] Rex Stewart Qnt w/Django Reinhardt & Hubert Rostraing, gtr & sax: Confessin'//Night And Day FW LT SCRS E
5815. VoB v-3844 Rex Stewart's 52nd Street Stompers: Love In My Heart//Sugar Hill Shim Sham SM WOL E
5816. Vr VA-618 Rex Stewart's 52nd Street Stompers: Tea And Trumpets//The Back Room Romp E--
5817. Pm 20359 Sammy Stewart's Orc: Copenhagen//St Louis Low Downs w/Arthur Hall, vc: Eliza MB 25 V++
5818. Prestige 706 Sonny Stitt's Qrt: Fine And Dandy//Fine And Dandy Different recording each side E+
5819. Prestige 787 Sonny Stitt's Band: Stitt's It//SS, ten sax: Confessin' V++
5820. Royal Roost 571 Sonny Stitt, saxes: If I Could Be With You One Hour Tonight//Sancho Panza V++
5821. Royal Roost 576 Sonny Stitt, saxes: Hooke's Tours//Sweet And Lovely E-
5822. Br 3516 Charley Straight's Orc w/Keller Sisters & Lynch, vcs: Nesting Time//Side By Side V++

*5823. Ge 5584 Wilbur Sweatman's Acme Syncopaters: Battleship Kate//Lange-McKay Orc: Leaky Roof Blues 78Q <15 MB 250 V++

5824. BS 2042 Sammy Swift's Jazz Band: Have You Forgotten//Blue Danube Blues MB 50 E--
5825. DeSB 468 Art Tatum, pno: After You've Gone//The Shout SCFS, FW SCRS S1 E-
5826. DeSB 1197 Art Tatum's Swingsters: Body And Soul//What Will I Tell My Heart E--
5827. Od 284465 Art Tatum, pno: Anything For You//Boots And Saddle LST E--

*5828. ViS 23277 Taylor's Dixie Orc: Wabash Blues//Everybody Loves My Baby
78Q ~25; est 1631 copies sold MB 150 SF S1, LSCRS V+/V++

5829. Me M-13228 Eva Taylor's Boy Friends: Crazy Blues//The Stuff Is Here And It's Mellow V++
5830. BrS 8373 Jack Teagarden's Orc w/JT, vc: Class Will Tell//If It's Good E--
5831. BrS 8378 Jack Teagarden's Orc w/Jean Arnold, vc: That's Right, I'm Wrong//JT, vc: Cinderella, Stay In My Arms E--
5832. BrS 8454 Jack Teagarden's Orc w/JT, vc s2: Blues To The Dole//Puttin' And Talkin' FW SCFS E-
5833. VoW 15388 Tennessee Tooters: Minor Gaff//Hobo's Prayer MB 15 V++
5834. CoV 1532-D Thelma Terry's Playboys: Starlight And Tulips//Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians: I Love You Truly V++
5835. BrLB 7064 Thomas' Devils w/Dave Cross, vc: Sho' Is Hot//Boot It, Boy 78Q <25; partial Mills Novelty Co. dsol s1 MB 50 V+
5836. Ajax 17045 [Can] Millard Thomas' Chicago Novelty Orc: Page Your Puppies//Lazy Drag Plays ok 1" CR V-
5837. VoW 15164 Three Jolly Miners: Grand Opera Blues//House Party Stomp MB 15 E--
5838. Savoy 1117 Cal Tjader, vibes: Love Me Or Leave Me//Tangerine Sample copy; Bidder Request Show MN LT SCRS E--
5839. CoV 2200-D Paul Tremaine's Orc: Rockin' Chair//Anchors Aweigh E--
5840. Cap 57-60013 Lennie Tristano's Sxt: Marionette//Sax Of A Kind VLT WMKS E+
5841. Jazz Records 101 Lennie Tristano Trio: Ju-Ju//Pastime SCF AREA S1, SM SCRS E-
5842. New Jazz 80001 Lennie Tristano Qrt: Judy//LT Qnt: Subconscious-Lee SM EF NTG E
5843. OkE 40822 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Ostrich Walk//Riverboat Shuffle Clean! MB 50 E--
5844. OkE 40879 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc w/Seger Ellis, vc: Blue River//There's A Cradle In Caroline MB 15 V++
5845. OkE 40903 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc w/Bix & Lang: Krazy Kat//Three Blind Mice Bidder Request Show MB 15 V++
5846. OkE 40926 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Baltimore//Humpty Dumpty MB 25 E--
5847. OkE 41019 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Lila//Our Bungalow Of Dreams MB 15 V++
5848. OkE 41100 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Bless You! Sister//Dusky Stevedore MB 25 LSCF S1 E--
5849. OkE 41145 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Take Your Tomorrow//Love Affairs MB 15 V++
5850. OkE 41209 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Raisin' The Roof//Futuristic Rhythm MB 15 LT 1" LC S2 V++
5851. ViS 24812 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Blue Moon//Down T' Uncle Bill's "Passed" roa ink stamp s1 LT SCRS, LSCRS E-
5852. VoB 4412 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Clarinet Marmalade//'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans SM BLS, LSTS E--
5853. VoB 4241 Orrin Tucker's Orc w/Bonnie Baker, vc: Especially For You//OT, vc: I Need Lovin' E-
5854. Cameo 2003 [Eng] Madame Tussard's Dance Orc: Rockin' In Rhythm//Howard Flynn's Orc: Shadow Waltz E
5855. Ha 71-H University Six: Then I'll Be Happy//Smile A Little Bit V++
5856. Ha 155-H University Six w/Arthur Fields, vc: Georgianna//Manhattan Dance Makers w/Irving Kaufman, vc: Horses V++
5857. Ha 224-H University Six: Tiger Rag//San V++
5858. DeSB 625 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: Tap Room Blues//Mystery E--
5859. OkE 40853 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: Kickin' The Cat//Beatin' The Dog MB 15 E--
5860. OkE 40947 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: Penn Beach Blues//Four String Joe MB 15 E--
5861. OkE 41076 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: The Man From The South//Pretty Trix MB 15 LT SCRS, TOL, LT LST E-
5862. OkE 41133 Joe Venuti's New Yorkers w/Eddie Lang, gtr: Doin' Things//I Must Have That Man! SM LTRS V++
5863. OkE 41263 Joe Venuti's New Yorkers w/Smith Ballew, vc: Seventh Heaven//Little Pal MB 25 VSM LTR, LT SCR S2 E-
5864. OkEs 41432 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: Put And Take//Ragging The Scale MB 25 LT LNRS E/E-
5865. OkEs 41451 Joe Venuti's New Yorkers: Out Of Breath//I Am Only Human After All MB 15 E--
5866. CoV 914-D Joe Venuti & Eddie Lang, vln & gtr: Stringing The Blues//Black And Blue Bottom MB 25 VLT SCFS, LT SCR IN ROAS NAP E
5867. OkE 40825 Joe Venuti & Eddie Lang, vln & gtr w/Arthur Schutt, pno: Doin' Things//Goin' Places SM LCS, INT LC V++
5868. Bb B-10098 Fats Waller, pno: Alligator Crawl//Clothes-Line Ballet E-
5869. Ok 4757 Fats Waller, pno: Muscle Shoals Blues//Birmingham Blues Waller's first sides! MB 25 V++
5870. ViS 20492 Thomas Waller, org: Sloppy Water//The Rusty Pail MB 15 SM LTR S2, SM EF NTG E--
5871. ViS 22092 Thomas Waller, pno: Love Me Or Leave Me//I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling MB 15 E-
5872. ViS 24826 Fats Waller & his Rhythm: Breakin' The Ice//Honeysuckle Rose V++
5873. ViC 20-1595 Fats Waller & his Rhythm: Oh! Frenchy//It's A Sin To Tell A Lie E--
5874. ViS 20194 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Tom Waring, vc: Moonlight And Roses//Nat Shilkret's Victor Orc w/Lewis James, vc:
Let Me Call You Sweetheart FW SCRS E-
5875. ViS 21206 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Tom Waring, vc s2: Maybe I'll Baybe You//If I Can't Have You LT SCRS, ULC E
5876. ViS 21308 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Tom Waring, vc s1: Dance Of The Blue Danube//Laugh! Clown, Laugh! E--
5877. ViS 21333 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Tom Waring, vc: Lila//Fred Waring, vc: Hello Montreal! E--
5878. ViS 21788 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Fred Waring, vc s1: Maybe This Is Love//Pompanola SCR S2, LT SCFS E-
5879. ViS 21810 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Clare Hanlon, vc: I Can't Make Her Happy//Fred Waring, vc: The Song I Love Oakland pressing E--
5880. ViS 21977 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Clare Hanlon, vc s2: When My Dreams Come True//My Sin E--
5881. ViS 22326 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Wilbert Morgan & Three Girl Friends, vcs: Thank Your Father//TGF, vc: Good For You, Bad For Me V++
5882. ViS 22486 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Stewart Churchill & Three Girl Friends, vcs: So Beats My Heart For You//Tom Waring, vc: Without Love SCR S2 E-
5883. ViS 22655 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Clare Hanlon, vc: Oh, Donna Clara//CH & Three Waring Girls, vcs: Elizabeth GR AREA E-
5884. ViS 22706 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Clare Hanlon, vc: You Forgot Your Gloves//Falling In Love SCFS E--
5885. ViS 22708 Waring's Pennsylvanians w/Three Waring Girls, vc: High And Low//Dancing In The Dark Bidder Request Show SM SCRS, VSM LTRS E-

5886. Poly 512737 [Fr] Michel Warlop's Orc: Crazy Strings//Sweet Serenade MB 100 V++
5887. BbBf B-6186 Washboard Rhythm Kings w/C. Williams, vc: Please Come On Down To My House//Street Walkin' Blues V+/V++
5888. ViS 22814 Washboard Rhythm Kings: Shoot 'Em//Many Happy Returns Of The Day MB 25 E--
5889. ViS 23283 Washboard Rhythm Kings w/Jake Fenderson, vc: Who Stole The Lock//Please Tell Me Rough s1 LG LTR S1 V-/V+

5890. ViS 23380 Washboard Rhythm Kings: Sloppy Drunk Blues//Ikey & Mikey MB 100 LST S1 E-/E--

5891. BbBf B-6970 Washboard Sam & his Washboard Band: Easy Ridin' Mama//The Big Boat MB 50 E-
5892. Pa F-428 Washboard Serenaders: The Sheik Of Araby//St Louis Blues E--
5893. VoG 2598 Steve Washington's Orc w/SW, vc: We Were The Best Of Friends//Sing A Little Low Down Tune E--/V++
5894. Br 4009 Washingtonians: Take It Easy//Black Beauty MB 50 SM SCR, SM LSCR E
5895. Pennington 1437 Washingtonians: Rainy Nights//Majestic Dance Orc: Then You Know That Your In Love [sic]
Sd 1 from one of Ellington's earliest sessions in 1924; BD&M press MB 25 EF NTPG S1 V
5896. Br A-9969 [Fr] Chick Webb's Orc: Blue Lou//What A Shuffle E-
5897. DeSB 1114 Chick Webb's Orc w/Ella Fitzgerald, vc s2: There's Frost On The Moon//Love You're Just A Laugh SM HV SCRS S1 E--
5898. DeSB 1115 Chick Webb's Orc w/Charles Linton, vc: Love Marches On//Louis Jordan, vc: Gee! But You're Swell E--
5899. DeSB 1273 Chick Webb's Orc w/Ella Fitzgerald, vc: Cryin' Mood//Louis Jordan, vc: Rusty Hinge E--
5900. DeSB 1513 Chick Webb's Little Chicks: I Ain't Got Nobody//In A Little Spanish Town LT GR, NR E-
5901. De 1587 Chick Webb's Orc w/Ella Fitzgerald, vc s2: Midnite In A Madhouse//The Dipsy Doodle E--
5902. CoV 1409-D Anson Weeks' Orc: Dream House//Wob-A-Ly Walk V+
5903. DeSB 895 Ted Weems' Orc w/Perry Como, vc: Until Today//Parker Gibbs, vc: Bye Bye Baby E--
5904. DeSB 959 Ted Weems' Orc w/Perry Como, vc: Darling, Not Without You//Out Where The Blue Begins LT RAS AB S1 E--
5905. ViS 20196 Ted Weems' Orc: That's My Girl//Philip Spitalny's Orc: Someone Is Losin' Susan LG LT SCFS E-
5906. ViS 20829 Ted Weems' Orc w/Parker Gibbs, vc: She's Got "It"//Johnny Hamp's Kentucky Serenaders:
I'm Afraid You Sing That Song To Somebody Else SM LT ULC, LT GR E-
5907. ViS 21809 Ted Weems' Orc w/Parker Gibbs, vc: My Troubles Are Over//Arthur Jarrett, vc: Me And The Man In The Moon SCFS E-
5908. HMV B-8799 Dickie Wells' Orc: Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea//Bugle Call Rag E--
5909. HMV B-8826 Dickie Wells' Orc: Japanese Sandman//Bill Dillard, Bill Coleman & "Shad" Collins, tpts: I Got Rhythm SM LSCR S2 E-
5910. OkEs 8816 Whistler's Jug Band: Jug Band Special//Pig Meat Blues 78Q <10 MB 25 NR AE SKPS, RPTS S1 V+
5911. Piccadilly 579 [Eng] White Star Syncopators: Crying For The Carolines//When It's Springtime In The Rockies LT NR S2, SCFS S1 E--
5912. CoV 1444-D [pl] Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Bing Crosby, vc: 'Tain't So, Honey, 'Tain't So//Rhythm Boys, vc: That's My Weakness Now V++
5913. De 2145 Paul Whiteman's Swing Wing w/the Four Modernaires, vc: I'm Comin' Virginia//Aunt Hagar's Blues E--
5914. De 2222 Paul Whiteman's Swing Wing w/Four Modernaires, Joan Edwards & Jack Teagarden, vcs: Mutiny In The Nursery//FM & JT, vcs:
Jeepers Creepers E-/V++
5915. ViW 18899 Paul Whiteman's Orc: Georgia//Stumbling E--
5916. ViW 19267 Paul Whiteman's Orc: California, Here I Come//Why Did I Kiss That Girl? E--
5917. ViS 20570 Paul Whiteman's Orc: Song Of The Wanderer//So Blue E--
5918. ViS 20679 Paul Whiteman's Orc: Magnolia//Love And Kisses Nichols, J. Dorsey, Rhythm Boys s1 LSTS & LT SCR S1 E-
5919. ViS 20828 Paul Whiteman's Orc: My Blue Heaven//Roger Wolfe Kahn's Orc w/Franklyn Baur, vc: All By My Ownsome E--
5920. ViS 21103 Paul Whiteman's Orc: Mary//Changes V+
5921. ViS 21214 Paul Whiteman's Orc: Lonely Melody//Ramona Oakland pressing LT SCFS, LTR S2 E-
5922. ViS 21218 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Bing Crosby, vc: Make Believe//Ol' Man River E--/V++
5923. ViS 21389 Paul Whiteman's Orc: I'm Afraid Of You//My Pet E--
5924. ViS 21599 Paul Whiteman's Orc: Three O'Clock In The Morning//Oriental E--
5925. ViS 22834 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Jack Fulton & Romancers, vcs: Cuban Love Song//JF, vc: Tell Me With A Love Song FW LT SCRS, LT SCFS E
5926. ViS 24089 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Red McKenzie, vc: Three On A Match//Jack Fulton, vc: Here's Hoping REP EC NTPG V++
5927. ViS 24096 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Jack Fulton, vc: Nightfall//Something In The Night LT SCR S2 E-
5928. ViS 24097 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Ramona, vc: I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan//Jack Fulton, vc:
You'll Always Be The Same Sweetheart LSCFS, LT WPG E--
5929. ViS 24236 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Jack Fulton, vc: Farewell To Arms//A White House Of Our Own EF NTPG E--
5930. ViS 24769 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Peggy Healey & John Hauser, vcs: You're The Top//Ramona, vc: I Get A Kick Out Of You E--
5931. ViS 25269 Paul Whiteman's Orc w/Donald Novis & Gloria Grafton, vcs: My Romance//GG, vc: Little Girl Blue V++

*5932. VoW 15763 Whoopee Makers w/Jim Bracken, vc: Dardanella//Rhythm Makers: Wabash Blues
78Q <10; Bidder Request Show MB 500 ISOL S2 E--/V++

5933. Br 3580 Clarence Williams' Bottomland Orc: Zulu Wail//Slow River MB 50 SCFS, LT SCRS E-
5934. CoV 1735-D Clarence Williams' Jazz Kings: Have You Ever Felt That Way//If You Like Me Like I Like You E--
5935. CoV 2863-D [bw] (Clarence) Williams' Jug Band: You Ain't Too Old//Organ Grinder MB 15 SCRS, NDS, LCS, LTRS V++
5936. CoV 14287-D Clarence Williams' Jazz Kings: Close Fit Blues//Dreaming The Hours Away MB 50 V++
5937. CoV 14447-D Clarence Williams' Jazz Kings w/CW, vc: I'm Not Worrying//Whoop It Up MB 50 SCFS, EF NTG E--
5938. Od O-28077 Clarence Williams' Jug Band: Wipe 'Em Off//In The House Blues E
5939. Ok 4925 Clarence Williams' Blue Five: Wild Cat Blues//Kansas City Man Blues MB 25 HV GR V++
5940. OkE 8510 Clarence Williams' Blue Seven: Baby Won't You Please Come Home//Close Fit Blues MB 15 E--/V+
5941. OkEs 8525 Clarence Williams' Washboard Four: Yama Yama Blues//Church Street Sobbin' Blues MB 50 E--
5942. OkEs 8572 Clarence Williams' Washboard Five: Sweet Emaline//Log Cabin Blues MB 50 E-/E--
5943. OkE 8584 Clarence Williams' Washboard Five: Red River Blues//Shake It Down MB 50 E--

5944. OkE 8592 Clarence Williams' Orc: Lazy Mama//Mountain City Blues MB 100 LT FLBLS E-
5945. Ok 40006 Clarence Williams' Blue Five: Mean Blues//Shreveport Blues A tad noisy MB 15 V+
5946. VoG 2584 Clarence Williams: Chocolate Avenue//Dispossessin' Me SM PMKS, LT SCRS S1 E-/V++
5947. VoG 2676 Clarence Williams' Orc: Mister, Will You Serenade?//St. Louis Blues V++/V
5948. VoG 2736 Clarence Williams' Orc: After Tonight//Old Street Sweeper V+
5949. VoG 2854 Clarence Williams' Orc w/CW, vc: Chizzlin' Sam//Jerry The Junker V++
5950. VoG 2871 Clarence Williams w/Eva Taylor, vc: Organ Grinder Blues//Chick Bullock, vc: Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do SCFS, WMKS E--
5951. VoG 2938 Clarence Williams' Orc w/CW, vc s2: Black Gal//A Foolish Little Girl Like You Clean s2 EF NTG, LT DWRP V++
5952. VoBlk 2958 Clarence Williams' Orc w/CW, vc: I Can See You All Over The Place//I Can't Think Of Anything But You Label looks good V+
5953. VoW 25010 Clarence Williams' Orc: I Like To Go Back In The Evening//High Society V++
5954. Vo V-1034 [Eng] Clarence Williams' Washboard Band: P.D.Q. Blues//Cushion Foot Stomp VSM EFS NTG E+
5955. VoB v-3960 Cootie Williams' Rug Cutters: Echoes Of Harlem//Have A Heart FW SCRS E-
5956. VoB v-4636 Cootie Williams' Rug Cutters: Mobile Blues//Gal-Avantin' LT SCR S2 E-
5957. ViS 21269 Douglas Williams, cla: Slow Death//Roadhouse Stomp Plays fair NR SKPS 1G S1, LTRS V-

5958. ViS 23264 Douglas Williams' Orc: Darktown Jubilee//The Beale Street Sheik 78Q ~10; est 811 copies sold MB 150 LST S1 E--
5959. Ha 189-H Fess Williams' Royal Flush Savoy Orc w/FW, vc s1: Make Me Know It//My Mamma's In Town NR TOK V+
5960. ViS 23003 Fess Williams' Royal Flush Orc: Just To Be With You Tonight//Everything's O.K. With Me ULCS, ESH, LTRS V++
5961. Gotham 506 Johnny Williams & his Guitar (John Lee Hooker): House Rent Boogie//Wandering Blues MB 50 PMKS E--

5962. De 2796 Mary Lou Williams, pno: The Pearls//The Rocks GR E-
5963. De 8643 Sonny Boy Williams' Orc w/SBW, vc: Honey It Must Be Love//Savoy Is Jumpin' Plays ok V-
*5964. ViS 21410 Williamson Beale Street Frolic Orc: Midnight Frolic Drag//Scandinavian Stomp MB 200 LT GR, LSCFS E-

5965. Pe 15632 Duke Wilson's Ten Blackberries (Dick Robertson's Orc): Bull Fiddle Blues//(Redman's Orc): Got The South In My Soul V++
5966. Br 7520 Teddy Wilson's Orc w/Billie Holiday, vc s1: I'm Painting The Town Red//Sweet Lorraine LN INT LC, LG HMLCE-
5967. Br 7599 Teddy Wilson, pno: I Feel Like A Feather In The Breeze//Breakin' In A Pair Of Shoes SCFSE--
5968. BrS 7940 Teddy Wilson's Orc w/Boots Castle, vc: You're My Desire//Remember Me E--
5969. BrS 8112 Teddy Wilson's Orc w/Nan Wynn, vc: I Can't Face The Music//Moments Like This LG LTRS S2, SCFS S2 E
5970. BrS 8438 Teddy Wilson's Orc: Jumpin' For Joy//The Man I Love V++
5971. CoM 36117 Teddy Wilson's Orc w/Billie Holiday, vc: Sugar//More Than You Know E--
5972. Vo 23 Teddy Wilson's Orc: Sugar Plum//Too Good To Be True E-
5973. Vo S-183 Teddy Wilson's Orc: Rhythm In My Nursery Rhymes//TW, pno: I Feel Like A Feather In The Breeze VSM SCRS E

5974. Ge 5408 Wolverine Orc: Fidgety Feet//Jazz Me Blues MB 100 LTRS S1 V++
5975. Ge 5454 Wolverine Orc: Riverboat Shuffle//Susie MB 100 V++
5976. Ge 5620 Wolverine Orc w/Dave Harman, vc s2: Prince Of Wails//When My Sugar Walks Down The Street 78Q ~15 MB 100 V++

5977. VoW 1220 (Albert) Wynn's Creole Jazz Band w/"Punch," vc: Down By The Levee//AW's Gut Bucket Five: Parkway Stomp
78Q <15; Lss "Skee Da Vocal" s2 MB 50 V/V+
5978. ViC 26589 [fs] Jimmy Yancey, pno: State Street Special//Yancey Stomp LT SCFS E-
5979. Clef 11048 [fs] Lester Young Trio: I've Found A New Baby//Back To The Land SCFS, WMKS E-
5980. Keynote 603 [fs] Lester Young Qrt: I Never Knew//Just You, Just Me V++
5981. Merc 8927 Lester Young Qrt: Polka Dots And Moonbeams//Up 'N Adam E--
5982. Merc 8963 Lester Young's Orc: Let's Fall In Love//Thou Swell WMK, LT SWS E-
5983. Merc 8992 Lester Young's Orc: In A Little Spanish Town//'Deed I Do V++
5984. Merc 89027 [dj] Lester Young Qnt: There'll Never Be Another You//Almost Like Being In Love E--
5985. Merc 89045 [dj] Lester Young Qnt: On The Sunny Side Of The Street//I Can't Get Started WOLS, WMKS E
5986. Philo 124 Lester Young's Band: Jumping At Mesners'//These Foolish Things E-
5987. Philo 127 Lester Young's Band: It's Only A Paper Moon//After You've Gone V++/V+
5988. Philo 128 Lester Young's Band: Jamming With Lester//Lover Come Back To Me V+
5989. Savoy 551 Lester Young, ten sax: Lester's Savoy Jump//I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance E--
5990. Savoy 581 Lester Young, ten sax: Lester's Blues//Back Home Again In Indiana MB 15 E-
5991. Savoy 786 Lester Young, ten sax: Ding Dong//Blues 'N Bells E--
5992. DeSB 459 Victor Young's Orc w/Milton Watson, vc: In The Middle Of A Kiss//Someone I Love E--

 The French Swing label was founded by famed jazz critic Hugues Panassié (see Lot 8266) and discographer/writer Charles Delaunay (see Lot 8291) in 1937. (Delauney had
published the first edition of his seminal work, [New] Hot Discography the previous year.) Along with Panassié, Delauney was also involved in the formation of the Quintette du
Hot Club de France in 1934, a group prominently featured on their label.
10" Swing label, MB $10
5993. SW-1 Coleman Hawkins' All Star Jam Band: Crazy Rhythm//Honeysuckle Rose E--
5994. SW-2 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Charleston//Chicago V++
5995. SW-3 Dickie Wells' Orc: Hot Club Blues//I've Found A New Baby E
5996. SW-4 Andre Ekyan & Django Reinhardt, alto sax & gtr: Tiger Rag//Pennies From Heaven VVSM EF S2 E-
5997. SW-6 Dickie Wells' Orc: Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea//Bugle Call Rag MN SM EFS NTG E-
5998. SW-7 Django Reinhardt Trio: Saint-Louis Blues//Bouncin' Around MB 50 LT NRS S1, LT WMKS S2 E-/E+
5999. SW-8 Eddie South, vln w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: Eddie's Blues//ES w/DJ & Wilson Meyers, bass:
Sweet Georgia Brown MB 50 LBBL, EB NTG E
6000. SW-9 Bill Coleman's Orc (w/Django Reinhardt, gtr): Rose Room//The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down VSM LTRS S2 E
6001. SW-10 Dickie Wells' Qrt: Dicky Wells Blues//Lady Be Good LT LNR E
6002. SW-11 Alix Combelle's Orc: Alexander's Ragtime Band//Hang Over Blues FLBL S1 E--
6003. SW-12 Eddie South & Stephane Grappelly: Dinah//Daphné MB 25 WMKS, FLBL S1 E-
6004. SW-13 Michel Warlop, vln w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: Tea For Two//Christmas Swing MB 50 VSM SCFS E+
6005. SW-15 Philippe Brun's Swing Band: College Stomp//Harlem Swing MB 5 2" LC S1 V++
6006. SW-16 Dickie Wells' Orc: Sweet Sue//Hangin' Around Boudon E-
*6007. SW-18 South, Grappelly & Reinhardt, vlns & gtr: Improvisations on Bach's Concerto In D Minor, Mvt 1, Pt 1//Pt 2 BRS MB 50 LT EB NAP E-
6008. SW-20 Benny Carter's Orc: I'm Coming Virginia//Blue Light Blues LT LSCFS E-
6009. SW-21 Stephane Grappelly, vln w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: I've Found A New Baby//Alabamy Bound MB 50 VVSM SCR S1 E+/M-
6010. SW-22 Bill Coleman's Orc: After You've Gone//Bill Street Blues LST S2 E
6011. SW-23 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Minor's Swing//Viper's Dream Bidder Request Show MB 50 LT FLBL S1 E+
6012. SW-25 Philippe Brun's Swing Band: Gabriel's Swing//Easy Going MB 5 SOL S2 V++
6013. SW-27 Dickie Wells' Orc: Japanese Sandman//Bill Dillard, Bill Coleman & "Shad" Collins, tpts: I Got Rhythm E-
6014. SW-28 Michel Warlop's Orc: Serenade For A Wealthy Widow//Tajmahal Paris dsol s1 VLT WOLS E--/V++
6015. SW-31 Eddie South, vln w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me//Somebody Loves Me MB 50 E-/E
6016. SW-32 Bill Coleman's Orc: Big Boy Blues//Swing Guitars LTR S2 E--
6017. SW-36 Fletcher Allen's Orc: What'll I Do//Benny Carter's Orc: Farewell Blues MB 5 V+
6018. SW-40 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Paramount Stomp//Swinging With Django E--
6019. SW-42 Bill Coleman's Orc: Bill Coleman Blues//Indiana E
6020. SW-43 Michel Warlop, vln w/Django Reinhardt & Louis Vola, gtr & bass: Sweet Sue//MW's Orc: Organ Grinder's Swing E--
6021. SW-54 Philippe Brun's Swing Band: Bouncin' Around//PB, tpt w/Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelly, gtr & celeste: Blues V+/E--
6022. SW-56 Rex Stewart's Feetwarmers: Solid Old Man//Montmartre E--
6023. SW-65 [dj] Django Reinhardt, gtr: Naguine//Echoes Of Spain LT WMKS, LSTS E-
6024. SW-67 André Ekyan, sax w/Reinhardt & Simoens, gtr & bass sax: I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me//Dream Ship V++
6025. SW-70 Rex Stewart's Footwarmers: Finesse//I Know That You Know WOL E--
6026. SW-72 Arthur Briggs' Orc: My Melancholy Baby//Scatter Brain SM SCF E+
6027. SW-73 Alix Combelle's Swing Band: Week-End Stomp//Rockabye Basie SCR TOK S2 V++
6028. SW-74 Stephane Grappelly's Hot Four: You Took Advantage Of Me//Michel Warlop w/Garland Wilson, pno:
You Showed Me The Way MB 50 VLT LSCF E+
6029. SW-77 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: My Serenade//Younger Generation MB 25 E-
6030. SW-79 Django's Music: At The Jimmy's Bar//Tears E--
6031. SW-80 Philippe Brun's Jam Band: Boogie-Woogie, Pt 1//Pt 2 V++
6032. SW-81 Alix Combelle's Orc: Fast Slow Medium Tempo//Panassie Stomp E--
6033. SW-82 Django's Music: Limehouse Blue//Daphne MB 25 E
6034. SW-84 Alex Combelle's Orc: Quatre Tickets//Tiger Rag V++
6035. SW-85 Alex Combelle's Orc: Deux Pieds Gauches//Joyeuse Fumée E--

6036. SW-86 Noël Chiboust's Orc: Le Sheik//Sérénade D'Hiver SOLS V++
6037. SW-87 Rostaing & Barelli's Orc: Oui, C'Est Ça//Hubert Rostaing, ten sax: Indécision MB 25 SOL S2 E+
6038. SW-88 Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Les Yeux Noirs//Nuages Clean V++
6039. SW-89 Pierre Allier's Orc: Swinging The Blues//Begin The Beguine Paris dsol s1 MB 5 V+
6040. SW-93 Alix Combelle's Orc: Tel Quel//Jumpin' At The Woodside E+
6041. SW-95 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: 1941//Stockholm MB 25 E-
6042. SW-96 Alix Combelle's Sax Trio: Onze Heures Vingt//Sur Les Bords De L'Alamo Dsol s2 V++
6043. SW-97 Noel Chiboust's Orc: Noel Blues//Margie E+
6044. SW-98 André Ekyan, sax w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: Rosetta//Sugar E-
6045. SW-101 [dj] Hubert Rostaing's Orc: Fa Majeur//Irene WOLS E--
6046. SW-102 Christian Wagner's Orc w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: Pour Terminer//Pour Commencer LT SCR S1 E
6047. SW-103 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Petits Mensonges//Oiseaux Des Iles LT SCFS E
6048. SW-107 Noel Chiboust's Orc: Gounet//Toujours VLT 2" LC S2 E
6049. SW-108 Pierre Allier's Orc: Les Yeux Noirs//Ninouche MB 5 LT 1½" LC S1 V++
6050. SW-117 Alix Combelle's Sax Trio: Reflets//Cascades MB 5 V+
6051. SW-118 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Pour Vous//Sweet Sue MB 50 VSM PMK E
6052. SW-119 [dj] Noël Chiboust's Orc: Bijou//Vite Et Fort LT NRS S2, LT LC S1 E--
6053. SW-122 Alex Renard's Orc: Rue Blanche//En Descendant E--
6054. SW-126 Pierre Allier's Orc: Petite Lili, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT LWDM V++
6055. SW-128 Pierre Fouad's Orc: 42//Stockholm Dsol s1 MB 50 E--
6056. SW-132 Aimé Barelli's Orc: Bébé D'Amour (Some Of These Days)//Lucienne S2 written for Barelli's wife V++
6057. SW-135 Leo Chauliac, pno: Micheline//Blues Blanc MB 5 HV LSCRS S2 V++
6058. SW-137 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: 42//Mabel MB 5 LT SGS, VHV LSCRS V+
6059. SW-146 [dj] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Lentement Mademoiselle//Dinette SCRS E--
6060. SW-147 [dj] Armand Molinetti's Orc: En Forêt//Elia MB 5 GR E-
6061. SW-149 [dj] Pierre Fouad's Orc: Palm Beach//Divertissement BBC Swing Club isols LT LST E-
6062. SW-151 [dj] Hubert Rostaing's Orc: Eddie's Idea, Pt 1//Pt 2 E-
6063. SW-158 [dj] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Oui//Manoir De Mes Rêves EC NTG, SOL S2 V++
6064. SW-162 [dj] Django Reinhardt's Orc: Belleville//DR & the QHCF: Belleville MB 50 WOLS E-
6065. SW-166 [dj] Django Reinhardt's Orc: Mélodie Au Crépuscule//Place De Brouckere MB 50 WOL S1 E-/E+
6066. SW-171 [dj] Alix Combelle's Orc: Riff En Diminuendo//Riff En Crescendo LG HV WMKS, LT LWDM E-
6067. SW-176 [dj] Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: De Paris//Fleur D'Ennui MB 50 LT MSS E
6068. SW-180 [dj] Django Reinhardt's Orc: A.B.C.//Zuidersee Blues Bordeaux dsols V++
6069. SW-183 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Douce Ambiance//Cavalerie MB 50 LT FLBL E-
6070. SW-187 Jerry Mengo's Orc: Blues Du Matin!, Pt 1//Pt 2 WOLS E--
6071. SW-189 Alex Combelle's Orc: Encore//Ma Chanson Triste V++
6072. SW-190 Philippe Brun's Jam Band: Stomp//Blue Skies Bidder Request Show V++
6073. SW-194 André Ekyan, sax w/Django Reinhardt, gtr, et al: Margie//A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody MB 25 E
6074. SW-197 Noel Chiboust's Big Band: Welcome, Pt 1//Pt 2 LG EC NTG V++
6075. SW-199 Stephane Grappelly, vln w/Django Reinhardt, gtr: Out Of Nowhere//Baby MB 50 E-
6076. SW-201 Benny Carter's Orc: Farewell Blues//I'm Coming Virginia E--
6077. SW-202 Andre Ekyan, alto sax: Margie//Sugar SOL S2 E--
6078. SW-203 Leo Chauliac's Orc: Hot Club Parade//Rex Stewart's Footwarmers: Low Cotton E--
6079. SW-204 Noël Chiboust's Orc: Gout Du Jour//Nuit Blanche E-
6080. SW-205 Arthur Briggs' Orc: Braggin' The Briggs, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT FLBL E--
6081. SW-208 Django Reinhardt's American Swing Band: Swing Guitar//Are You In The Mood? MB 50 E+/E
6082. SW-211 Django Reinhardt, gtr: I'll See You In My Dreams//Tea For Two MB 50 E
6083. SW-214 Bill Coleman's Orc: Sister Kate//Way Down In New Orleans E
6084. SW-215 Django Reinhardt's Orc: Blues D'Autrefois//Oubli MB 25 E--
6085. SW-216 Aimé Barelli's Orc: Comment Allez-Vous?//Trompette Plaintive VSM SCFS, LT LST E-
6086. SW-218 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF w/Stephane Grappelly, vln: Swingtime In Springtime//All Of Me MB 25 EC NTG E-
6087. SW-221 Django Reinhardt's American Swing Band: Manoir De Mes Rêves//Djangology LN HMLC TOK E
6088. SW-224 Kenny Clark's 52nd Street Boys: Epistrophy//Oop-Bop-Sh-Bam E--
6089. SW-225 Django Reinhardt, gtr: Improvisation No 3, Première Version//Deuxième Version MB 50 LT SCR E
6090. SW-229 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF w/Stephane Grappelly, vln: Echos De France//Embraceable You MB 50 E-
6091. SW-230 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: Esquire Swank//Midriff E-
6092. SW-232 Don Byas' Orc: Gloria//Tyree Glenn's Orc: Working Eyes LTRS, LSTS V++
6093. SW-234 Billy Taylor, pno: Stridin' Down Champs-Élsées//The Very Thought Of You Bidder Request Show SM EB NAP E-
6094. SW-240 Big Boy Trio: Big Boy Boogie//Dizzy Boogie LNR S2 V++
6095. SW-242 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF w/Stephane Grappelly, vln: Coquette//Django's Tiger MB 50 E-
6096. SW-249 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF w/Hubert Rostaing, also sax: On The Sunny Side Of The Street//I Won't Dance MB 50 E
6097. SW-250 Barelli, Rostaing, Foucault, Petit, Giaccardo & Jourdan: Riffin In Paris//Combelle, Bellest, De Villers, Dieval, Chaput, Bouchetti & Mengo:
Bring That Bottle Pops SOL S1 E-
6098. SW-252 Big Boy Trio: Blue Drag//What Is This Thing Called Love LT NR S2 E-
6099. SW-253 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF w/Stephane Grappelly, vln: How High The Moon//Lover Man MB 50 LT SCFS S2 E-
6100. SW-254 Django Reinhardt, gtr: Blues Chair//Django's Music: I Can't Give You Anything But Love MB 50 E
6101. SW-259 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Blue Lou//Vingt Six MB 50 LT LSCRS S1 E
6102. SW-266 Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelly w/the QHCF: Blues//DR & QHCF: Yours And Mine MB 25 SCRS S2 E
6103. SW-267 Don Byas Qrt: Blue And Sentimental//Ain't Misbehavin' E-
6104. SW-270 [dj] Qnt of the Hot Club of France: Ol' Man River//Si Tu Savais MB 50 E
6105. SW-271 Stephane Grappelly's Hot Four: Oui Pour Vous Revoir//SG, pno: Tea For Two V++
6106. SW-274 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Diminushing//Eveline MB 50 E
6107. SW-280 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Festival 48//Fantaisie MB 50 E
6108. SW-283 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Brick Top//What Is This Thing Called Love? MB 50 E
6109. SW-287 Django Reinhardt & the QHCF: Lady Be Good//Mike MB 50 MSS S2 E+/E
6110. SW-292 Bernard Peiffer, harpsichord: Garni Blues//BP, pno: Lullaby For A Be-Bop Baby SCFS, SCRS, LTRS S2 E--
6111. SW-307 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: A Gypsy Without A Song//Protrait Of The Lion LT MSS E
6112. SW-312 Barney Bigard's Orc: Honey Hush//Just Another Dream V++
6113. SW-314 Sidney Bechet's Orc: Sugar//Festival Blues SCFS, LSCFS, SOL S2 E--
6114. SW-319 Sidney Bechet's Orc: Indiana//Coquette SCR S1 E
6115. SW-320 Jack Dieval's Orc w/Bill Coleman, tpt: Tea For Two//Don't Blame Me SM LTRS, FW SM NDS S1 E--
6116. SW-330 Hubert Fol's Be-Bop Minstrels: Assy Pan Assy//Love In The Sun SM LTR S2, EB NTG E-
6117. SW-334 Jack Dieval's Trio: The Man I Love//JD's Qrt: Jumpin' In C LT SCRS E-
6118. SW-337 Johnny Hodges' Orc: Good Gal Blues//Savoy Strut E-/E--

6119. Use this number to bid on Lots 5993-6118 as a group MB 2500 -


 This auction catalog contains several categories of Gem Quality recordings. Check out the Acoustics (pg 8), Pathés (pg 11), V-Discs (pg 18) & Blue Amberols (pg 104).
10", MB $15
6120. BS 14120 Ethel Waters & her Jazz Masters: Georgia Blues//That Da Da Strain MB 50 E-
6121. BbBf B-5363 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Laughin' Louie//Tomorrow Night MB 25 VSM SCF E

*6122. BbBf B-5474 Mississippi Sheiks: Hitting The Numbers//It's Done Gone Wet MB 750 E

6123. BbBf B-5589 Delmore Brothers: Girls Don't Worry My Mind//Smoky Mountain Bill And His Song MB 25 E
6124. BbBf B-6067 Riley Puckett: My Buddy//Don't Let Your Deal Go Down MB 25 E
6125. BbBf B-6074 Walter Davis: What Have I Done Wrong?//Pearly May MB 50 VLT DWRP E-
6126. BbBf B-6429 Trixie Butler: You Got The Right Key//Texas Tessie (Memphis Minnie):
You Wrecked My Happy Home MB 50 E

6127. BbBf B-6673 Walter Jacobs: How Did It Happen//Rats Been On My Cheese MB 150 LT GR E-

6128. BbBf B-6686 Frank Tanner's Rhythm Kings: Time For One More//Wrappin' It Up MB 25 VLT SCR S1 E+/E
6129. BbBf B-6787 Tampa Red & the Chicago Five: My Za Zu Girl//If It Wasn't For You MB 50 VLT SCRS E
6130. BbBf B-6829 Monroe Brothers: Watermelon Hangin' On That Vine//Forgotten Soldier Boy MB 25 E-
6131. BbBf B-6990 Tampa Red & the Chicago Five: I See You Can't Take It//She Said It MB 25 E-
6132. BbBf B-6996 Walter Davis: Good Gal//Shady Lane MB 50 VLT DWRP E
6133. BbS B-7182 Duke Ellington's Orc: I Must Have That Man//Bandanna Babies E
6134. Bb B-8684 Lonnie Johnson: She Ain't Right//Somebody's Got To Go E-
6135. Bb B-8715 Tampa Red: She Loves Just Right//I Want To Swing E-
6136. Bb B-8750 Huddie Leadbelly: New York City//You Can't Lose-A Me Cholly MB 50 E-
6137. Br 344 Kessinger Bros: Black Hawk Waltz//Over The Waves Waltz FW SM LT SCRS, LT LSCF E

6138. Br 4469 King Oliver's Dixie Syncopaters: I'm Watching The Clock//Slow And Steady MB 150 E
6139. Br 4887 Jungle Band: Cotton Club Stomp//Wall Street Wail MB 50 LT GR, LT LSCR E
6140. Br 6265 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: It Don't Mean A Thing//Rose Room E-
6141. Br 6336 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: The Sheik//Blue Ramble MB 25 VLT SCFS E
6142. Br 6917 Dick McDonough & Carl Kress, gtrs: Stage Fright//Danzon MB 25 EF NTG, VLT LSCFS E

*6143. BrLB 7164 Speckled Red: Speckled Red Blues//Lonesome Mind Blues MB 500 E+/E

6144. Br 7629 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Flight Of A Hay-Bag//Announcers' Blues E-

6145. BrS 7710 Duke Ellington's Orc w/Ivy Anderson, vc: It Was A Sad Night In Harlem//Shoe Shine Boy VLT PMK E
6146. BrS 7729 Teddy Wilson's Orc w/Billie Holiday, vc: I Cried For You//Ella Fitzgerald, vc: My Melancholy Baby MB 25 VLT SCRS E+
6147. BrS 7859 Billie Holiday w/Teddy Wilson's Orc: I Must Have That Man!//Why Was I Born? VVSM EB NAP E
6148. BrS m-8365 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc w/Jean Eldridge, vc s2: Portrait Of The Lion//Something To Live For E
6149. Ch 50062 Mary Johnson: Rattlesnake Blues//Mary Johnson Blues MB 100 E
6150. CoF 37-D Original Memphis Five: She Wouldn't Do What I Asked Her To//More VLT LSTE+
6151. CoV 797-D [bw] Sol Hoopii's Novelty Trio: Stack O' Lee Blues//Farewell Blues E-
6152. CoV 1539-D Charleston Chasers: Farewell Blues//My Gal Sal MB 50 VLT SCFS S1 E+
6153. CoV 1668-D Waikiki Stone-Wall Boys: Hilo Hawaii//Jack Heleluhe & Kaimana Qrt: Kuu Iini
Lss "Recorded in Honolulu, Hawaii" MB 50 E-
6154. CoV 1946-D Mound City Blue Blowers: Fire House Blues//Indiana MB 25 E-
6155. CoV 2449-D Baltimore Bell Hops (Henderson): Comin' And Going//Hot And Anxious MB 50 LT LST S2 E-
6156. CoV 2586-D Fletcher Henderson's Orc: My Pretty Girl//My Gal Sal MB 50 E/E-
6157. CoV 2913-D [bw] Jack Teagarden's Orc: Plantation Moods//I've Got "It" MB 25 VLT LBL CREASES E/E-
6158. CoV 2963-D Mills' Blue Rhythm Band w/Chuck Richards, vc s2: Let's Have A Jubilee//Out Of A Dream MB 50 E
6159. CoF 14044-D Maggie Jones: Four Flushing Papa//Jealous Mamma Blues MB 100 LT LST E
6160. CoF 14059-D Maggie Jones: If I Lose, Let Me Lose//Early Every Morn' MB 150 SM LT SCR S1 E+
6161. CoV 14109-D Bessie Smith: New Gulf Coast Blues//Florida Bound Blues Nice MB 100 E
6162. CoV 14129-D Bessie Smith: I Want Ev'ry Bit Of It//What's The Matter Now? MB 150 VLT LSCF E
6163. CoV 14137-D Bessie Smith w/Fletcher Henderson, pno & Joe Smith, cnt: Money Blues//Hard Driving Papa MB 100 E
6164. CoV 14228-D Golden Echo Qrt: Golden Slippers//Good News - The Chariot's Coming
Lss "Station WSM, Nashville, Tenn." MB 50 LT SPTS E+/E

6165. CoV 14250-D Bessie Smith: A Good Man Is Hard To Find//Mean Old Bed Bug Blues MB 150 E-
6166. CoV 14304-D Bessie Smith: I'd Rather Be Dead And Buried In My Grave//Pickpocket Blues MB 150 E-
6167. CoV 14306-D Johnny Dunn's Band: Sergeant Dunn's Bugle Call Blues//Buffalo Blues MB 250 LT SCFS E

6168. CoV 14308-D Barrel-House Pete: Rollin' Stone//Pussy MB 25 SM PMKS E

6169. CoV 14312-D Bessie Smith: Empty Bed Blues, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 75 LT SCR S2 M-/E+

*6170. CoV 14326-D Clarence Williams' Jazz Kings: Red River Blues//I Need You MB 200 E
*6171. CoV 14358-D Johnny Dunn's Band: Ham And Eggs//You Need Some Loving MB 250 LT US DNS E+
*6172. CoV 14372-D Barbecue Bob: Blind Pig Blues//Hurry And Bring It Back Home MB 250 VLT LCS NAP E-

*6173. CoV 14374-D Too Tight Henry: Charleston Contest, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 500 E

*6174. CoV 14397-D Jackson Blue Boys: Sweet Alberta//Hidin' On Me Nice MB 250 SM LCS NTG, LSCR S1, LT LSPTS S2 E-
6175. CoV 14409-D Clara Smith: Empty House Blues//Tell Me When MB 100 E-*
6176. CoV 14416-D Alec Johnson: Toodle Doo//Next Week Sometime MB 250 E+

*6177. CoV 14436-D Barbecue Bob: Honey, You're Going Too Fast//It's A Funny Little Thing MB 500 E

*6178. CoV 14438-D Peg Leg Howell: Broke And Hungry Blues//Rolling Mill Blues MB 500 VLT SCFS E

6179. CoV 14445-D Texas Jubilee Singers: He's Coming Soon//He's The Lily Of The Valley
Possibly Arizona Dranes on piano MB 150 VLT INT HC DNS S1 E
*6180. CoV 14456-D Peg Leg Howell: Walkin' Blues//Turtle Dove Blues MB 300 SM PMK E-
6181. CoV 14469-D Rev W.M. Mosley: If You Follow Jesus//Rev T.E. Weems & Members of his Congregation:
You Better Let That Liar Alone MB 50 E

*6182. CoV 14492-D Sylvester Palmer: Lonesome Man Blues//Mean Blues MB 250 VLT LSCF, SM SCF S2 E
*6183. CoV 14494-D Texas Bill Day: Don't Let Love In Your Mind//Goin' Back To My Baby MB 300 FW VLT SCRS E
*6184. CoV 14502-D Jimmy Johnson & Clarence Williams, pnos: How Could I Be Blue//I've Found A New Baby MB 300 VVSM PMK E

6185. CoV 14521-D Rev Joe Lenley: Lord Who Shall Abide In Thy Tabernacle//
Let Us Therefore Come MB 75 VLT SCR S2 E

*6186. CoV 14524-D Sylvester Palmer: Broke Man Blues//Do It Sloppy MB 250 VVSM LTR S1 E
*6187. CoV 14655-D Jimmy Jordan (Lonnie Johnson): There Is No Justice//Winnie The Wailer Est 400 copies sold MB 300 LT FLBL S2 E
*6188. CoV 14670-D [bw] Harlem Footwarmers: Big House Blues//Sweet Chariot MB 300 SM LTR S1 E-

6189. CoV 15057-D Dock Walsh: Educated Man//Bull Dog Down In Sunny Tennessee MB 25 E
6190. CoV 15122-D Burnett & Rutherford: Lost John//I'll Be With You When The Roses Bloom Again MB 25 E
6191. CoV 15160-D Charlie Poole w/the North Carolina Ramblers: Hungry Hash House//The Highwayman MB 50 E-
6192. CoV 15219-D Young Brothers' Tennessee Band: Are You From Dixie?//Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home MB 25 E-
6193. CoV 15271-D Rev M.L. Thrasher & his Gospel Singers: When I See The Blood Of The Lamb//Where The Soul Never Dies VLT WMK, LT LSCR S2 E

*6194. CoV 15275-D Joseph F. Falcon: Lafayette//The Waltz That Carried Me To My Grave The first issued Cajun record;
featured in the PBS "American Epic" series; Bidder Request Show MB 500 E-

6195. CoV 15319-D Darby & Tarlton: Alto Waltz//Mexican Rag MB 50 VLT SCR S2, VLT LSCF E
6196. CoV 15342-D Charlie Poole w/the North Carolina Ramblers: Jealous Mary//Husband And Wife Were Angry One Night MB 75 E

*6197. CoV 15486-D Lowe Stokes & Mike Whitten: Katy Did//Take Me Back To Georgia Bidder Request Show MB 250 LT LSCF S1 E+

*6198. CoV 15496-D Byrd Moore & his Hot Shots: Careless Love//Three Men Went A Hunting MB 500 VLT SCR S2 E+

6199. CoGB A-3657 Fisk Univ Jubilee Singers: Roll Jordan Roll//I Know The Lord Laid His Hand On Me Beautiful! MB 25 M-
6200. DeSB 7001 Alabama Jug Band w/Hambone Jackson, vc: I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate//Gulf Coast Blues MB 150 LT SCRS E+/E
6201. DeSB 7028 Alice Moore: Riverside Blues//Black Evil Blues MB 25 E-

6202. DeSB 7059 Kokomo Arnold: Biscuit Roller Blues//Milk Cow Blues, No 2 MB 150 LT SCRS S2 E
6203. MW M-4437 Carter Family: Sweet Fern//Lulu Wall MB 25 LT LSCF S2 E-
6204. MW M-7020 Carter Family: A Distant Land To Roam//Bury Me Under The Weeping Willow MB 25 E-
6205. Master MA-123 Duke Ellington's Famous Orc: The New Birmingham Breakdown//Scattin' At The Kit Kat E
6206. Ok 5831 Billie Holiday: I'm All For You//I Hear Music VLT LST E

*6207. Ok 8213 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: Baby Dear//As I Like It MB 500 E-

6208. OkEs 8343 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five w/LA, vc: I'm Gonna Gitcha//Don't Forget To Mess Around MB 150 E-
6209. OkEs 8357 Louis Armstrong & his Hot Five w/LA, vc s1: Dropping Shucks//Who' Sit MB 150 E-
*6210. Ok 8376 Lonnie Johnson: There's No Use Of Lovin'//Baby, Please Tell Me MB 250 VSM EF, VSM SCF S2 E+
*6211. OkE 8549 Sylvester Weaver: Rock Pile Blues//Chittlin Rag Blues MB 300 E-
6212. OkEs 8594 Silver Leaf Qrt: I Can Tell The World//I Am A Pilgrim MB 100 VLT LSCFS E

*6213. OkE 8603 Texas Alexander: Don't You Wish Your Baby Was Built Up Like Mine?//West Texas Blues MB 500 E/E-

*6214. OkE 8607 Lillie Delk Christian w/Louis Armstrong & his Hot Four: You're A Real Sweetheart//
Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me MB 250 LT SCFS E+
6215. OkE 8638 Lonnie Johnson's Harlem Footwarmers (Ellington): Harlem Twist//Move Over Bidder Request Show MB 150 E/E-

6216. OkEs 8662 Duke Ellington's Orc: The Blues With A Feelin'//Misty Mornin' MB 25 E-

*6217. OkE 8668 Chocolate Dandies: Star Dust//Birmingham Breakdown MB 250 E-

6218. OkE 8697 Lonnie Johnson & Spencer Williams: It Feels So Good, Pt 3//Pt 4 MB 100 SM PMKS, VLT LSCF S2 E+
*6219. OkE 8711 Blind Willie Dunn's Gin Bottle Four: Blue Guitars//Guitar Blues MB 300 E

*6220. OkE 8731 Texas Alexander: Awful Moaning Blues, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 750 E

6221. OkE 8741 Sparkling Four: They Won't Believe Me//Hold The Wind MB 75 E-

*6222. OkE 8747 Hokum Boys: Gin Mill Blues//The Folks Down Stairs MB 500 LT LSCFS E-

6223. OkEs 8774 Louis Armstrong's Orc w/LA, vc: Dallas Blues//Bessie Couldn't Help It MB 200 LT SCFS E+/E
6224. OkE 8779 Rev J.M. Gates: Manish Women//You Gonna Need This Man Jesus On Your Bond
Bidder Request Show MB 100 E+

*6225. OkEs 8811 tk C/A Luis Russell's Orc w/Andy Razaf, vc s1: On Revival Day (Razaf)//Louisiana Swing Rust sez Side 1 Take C was only issued on
Co KG-32338 - but here it is on a domestic OKeh! MB 250 E-
6226. OkEs 8832 Earl Hines, pno: A Monday Date//Caution Blues MB 100 M-
6227. OkEs 8946 Lonnie Johnson: I'm Nuts About That Gal//Racketeers Blues MB 200 E/E-

6228. OkE 41025 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: The Wild Dog//Dinah MB 25 LT LSCFS E-
6229. OkE 41056 Joe Venuti's New Yorkers: Because My Baby Don't Mean "Maybe" Now!//
Just Like A Melody Out Of The Sky MB 50 VLT SCRS, VLT LSCF, SM LTR S2 E+
6230. OkE 41251 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: Goin' Home//My Honey's Lovin' Arms MB 50 VSM INT LC DNS E+/E

6231. OkEs 41431 Frankie Trumbauer's Orc: Get Happy//Deep Harlem MB 100 VLT LSCFS S2 E+
6232. OkEs 41469 Joe Venuti's Blue Four: I've Found A New Baby//Sweet Sue, Just You Nice! MB 50 E/E-

6233. OkEs 41574 Paul Mares' Friar's Society Orc: Nagasaki//Maple Leaf Rag MB 100 E+
6234. OkE 45297 North Carolina Hawaiians: Bully Of The Town//Hand Me Down My Walking Cane MB 150 LT LSCFS E-

6235. Pe 175 Famous Garland Jubilee Singers: Who Stole De Lock?//South Bound Passenger Train E

*6236. Pm 12384 Ma Rainey & her Georgia Band: Broken Soul Blues//Sissy Blues MB 500 E

*6237. Pm 12417 Elzadie Robinson w/Will Ezell, pno: Barrel House Man//Sawmill Blues Nice! MB 250 E-
*6238. Pm 12573 Elzadie Robinson w/Bob Call, pno: That Santa Claus Crave//St Louis Cyclone Blues BRS MB 200 LT PMKS NAP E

*6239. Pm 12663 Daniel Brown w/Blind Blake, gtr*: Now Is The Needy Time//DB w/Tiny Parham, pno: Beulah Land
*Actually Parham on pno acc both sds; beauty! Bidder Request Show MB 500 E-

*6240. QRS R-7014 Jubilee Gospel Team: Let Jesus Lead You//Station Will Be Changed
Nice! Bidder Request Show MB 250 VLT GR, VLT WOL S2 E+
*6241. Sil 3548 Washboard Wonders (Jimmy O'Bryant): Shake That Thing//Midnight Strutters
Pm mxs; this copy noted as NOS by previous owner MB 250 LT PMKS, LT DWRP E+

6242. Solo Art 12000 Albert Ammons, pno: Bass Goin' Crazy//Monday Struggle MB 25 VSM LTR E
6243. Solo Art 12008 Jimmy Yancey, pno: Jimmy's Stuff//The Fives MB 50 VVSM EF NTG E
6244. Solo Art 12009 Cripple Clarence Lofton, pno: Pine Top's Boogie Woogie//I Don't Know MB 50 LT LST S2 E+/E
6245. ViW 18457 Original Dixieland Jazz Band: At The Jazz Band Ball//Ostrich Walk E-
6246. ViW 19111 Ethel Ridley w/Bradford's Jazz Phools: Memphis, Tennessee//If Anybody Here Wants A Real Kind Mamma MB 25 VVSM BLS E
6247. ViW 19594 Original Memphis Five: Sob Sister Sadie//Throw Down Blues E-
6248. ViS 19947 Jean Goldkette's Orc: Dinah//After I Say I'm Sorry First jazz slap bass solo s1!; Oakland pressing; Bidder Request Show E+
6249. ViS 20043 Hopi Indian Chanters: Chant Of The Eagle Dance//Chant Of The Snake Dance MB 25 VLT GR E
6250. ViS 20217 Rev J.M. Gates: Funeral Train//I Know I Got Religion MB 25 E
6251. ViS 20332 Rev J.M. Gates: Dying Gambler//One Thing I Know MB 25 VLT GR E
6252. ViS 20565 Sadie McKinney: Brownskin Flapper//Rock Away MB 50 E-
6253. ViS 20778 Red & Miff's Stompers: Delirium//Davenport Blues E
6254. ViS 20813 Pace Jubilee Singers: Oh Death//Shouting On S1 same as in "O Brother, Where Art Thou,"
but w/different arrangement MB 50 E
6255. ViS 20856 Meggison Female Qrt: My Road Is Rough And Rocky All The Way//
Oh What A Change Took Place In My Heart MB 150 E+
6256. ViS 20948 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Beale Street Blues//The Pearls MB 150 E-/E

*6257. ViS 21066 Memphis Jug Band: I'll See You In The Spring When The Birds Sing//
Beale Street Mess Around MB 500 VLT LSPTS E+

6258. ViS 21135 South Street Trio: Dallas Blues//Mean Old Bed Bug Blues MB 150 E/E-
6259. ViS 21137 Duke Ellington's Orc: Black And Tan Fantasie//Creole Love Call MB 75 E+

6260. ViS 21187 Piedmont Log Rollers: Don't Forget Me Lil Darling//My Sweetheart Is Shy Oakland pressing MB 100 E-
6261. ViS 21485 Willard Hodgin (Banjo Joe): A Red-Headed Widow Was The Cause Of It All//Don't Get One Woman On Your Mind MB 50 E
6262. ViS 21636 Jimmie Rodgers: Lullaby Yodel//Memphis Yodel Oakland pressing MB 25 E-

*6263. ViS 21657 Memphis Jug Band: Peaches In The Springtime//Evergreen Money Blues MB 500 E
*6264. ViS 21671 Jim Jackson: I'm Gonna Move To Louisiana, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 500 VLT SCFS E
*6265. ViS 21712 Charlie Johnson's Paradise Band Dance Orc: Walk That Thing//The Boy In The Boat MB 500 E

6266. ViS 21729 Ted Weems' Orc: Come On, Baby!//Nat Shilkret's Victor Orc: Here's That Party Now In Person MB 25 E
6267. ViS 21759 Walter Jenkins & the Memphis, Tennessee First Methodist Church Cho: The Evening Hour//Lift Up Your Heads E-/E
6268. ViS 22511 McKinney's Cotton Pickers w/Dave Wilborn, vc: Hullabaloo//George Thomas, vc: Baby Won't You Please Come Home MB 25 LT FLBL E

6269. ViS 22932 McKinney's Cotton Pickers w/Don Redman, vc s1: Rocky Road//Will You, Won't You, Be My Babe? MB 100 E-
*6270. ViS 23007 Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orc: New Vine Street Blues//Band Box Shuffle MB 250 E+

6271. ViS 23011 King Oliver's Orc w/George Bias, vc: Passing Time With Me//What's The Use Of Living Without Love MB 50 E-

*6272. ViS 23027 Tiny Parham's Musicians: Doing The Jug-Jug//Blue Moon Blues Nice! MB 250 E+/M-

*6273. ViS 23321 Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers: Oil Well//If Someone Would Only Love Me 78Q <15; est 1211 copies sold MB 1000 E+

*6274. ViS 23325 Walter Davis: Lonesome Hill Blues//Mama Why Don't You Be Yourself Est 558 copies MB 250 VLT FLBL E-

6275. ViS 23509 Fleming & Townsend: She's Always On My Mind//What Makes You That Way? E-

*6276. ViS 23640 Georgia Wildcats: Goin' Down That Lonesome 'Frisco Line//She's Waiting For Me
Est 523 copies sold MB 500 E

*6277. ViS 23721 Jimmie Rodgers: Mother Queen Of My Heart//Rock All Our Babies To Sleep
A stunning Oakland pressing MB 250 E+

6278. ViS 25015 Fats Waller, pno: Viper's Drag//Clothes-Line Ballet VLT SCR E
6279. ViS 25033 Royal Hawaiian Band: Hapa Haole March//Hilo March Lss "Recorded in Hawaii"; Hollywood pressing MB 25 E-
6280. ViS 25373 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Roy Eldridge & Ed Cuffee, vcs s2: Until Today//Knock, Knock, Who's There? VSM LTR S2 E-
6281. ViS 25525 Original Dixieland Five: Clarinet Marmalade//Bluin' The Blues VLT SCR S1 E
6282. ViS V-38036 Duke Ellington's Cotton Club Orc: High Life//Saturday Night Function MB 50 E-

6283. ViS V-38047 Tiny Parham's Musicians: Blue Melody Blues//That Kind Of Love MB 100 E
*6284. ViS V-38067 Missourians: Market Street Stomp//Missouri Moan MB 250 E
*6285. ViS V-38088 Henry Allen's Orc w/Victoria Spivey, vc: Funny Feathers Blues//How Do They Do It That Way MB 250 E
*6286. ViS V-38108 Jelly Roll Morton Trio: Turtle Twist//Smilin' The Blues Away MB 250 E

6287. ViS V-38568 Thomas 'Fats' Waller, pno: My Fate Is In Your Hands//Turn On The Heat MB 50 LT GR E
6288. ViS V-40024 Carolina Tar Heels w/Doc Walsh & Garley Foster, vcs: Lay Down Baby, Take Your Rest//
Thomas C. Ashley, vc: Roll On, Boys MB 100 E
6289. ViS V-40217 Bud Billings & Carson Robison: Cross Eyed Sue//Smokey Mountain Bill MB 25 LT GR E+

*6290. ViS V-40225 [Big Chief] Henry's String Band: Choctaw Waltz//Bluebird Waltz Bidder Request Show MB 250 LT GR, VLT SCFS E-

*6291. VoW 1485 Lee Green: Death Bell Blues//Running Drunk Blues Lovely! MB 500 E+

6292. VoG 2616 Clarence Williams' Orc: Looka-There, Ain't She Pretty//Swaller-Tail Coat E
6293. VoS 3276 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: No Regrets//Did I Remember E-
6294. VoS 03284 State Street Swingers: I Kept On Rubbing That Thing//Chicago Rhythm MB 25 E
6295. VoS 3334 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: One, Two, Button Your Shoe//Let's Call A Heart A Heart MB 25 E
6296. VoS 03412 W. Lee O'Daniel's Hillbilly Boys: Everybody Kiss Your Partner//Rhythm And Romance MB 25 VLT LSPTS E
6297. VoB 3487 Fletcher Henderson's Orc w/Dorothy Derrick, vc s2: Rhythm Of The Tambourine//It's Wearin' Me Down E-
6298. VoB 3593 Billie Holiday: Without Your Love//Me, Myself And I E-
6299. VoB 3748 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: He's Funny That Way//Trav'lin' All Alone E-
6300. VoB 4126 Billie Holiday & her Orc: You Got To My Head//The Moon Looks Down And Laughs MB 25 E+
6301. VoB 4208 Billie Holiday & her Orc w/BH, vc: Says My Heart//Havin' Myself A Time E-
6302. VoW 14461 Original Memphis Five: That Barking Dog, Woof! Woof!//Stop Your Kidding E
6303. VoW 14952 Tennessee Tooters: Prince Of Wails//I Ain't Got Nobody To Love E
6304. Vr VA-629 Gotham Stompers (Ellington): My Honey's Lovin' Arms//Alabamy Home MB 25 VLT SCF E+


10", MB $3
6305. King 4179 Marion Abernathy: You Ain't Got Nothin' For Me//Stormy Mood V++
6306. Duke 136 Johnny Ace: Pledging My Love//No Money V++
6307. Spec 560 Tony Allen & the Champs: I//Nite Owl MB 15 E-/E--
6308. Savoy 1122 [dj] Baby Face: Red Headed Woman//Moonshine Baby MB 50 WMKS, LT LST E-

6309. States 141 [dj] James Banister: Blues And Trouble//Gold Digger MB 200 SCR E--

6310. Cap 3055 Les Baxter w/Cho & Orc: Unchained Melody//Medic E--
6311. ViR 20-6830 Harry Belafonte: Mama Look At Bubu//Don't Ever Love Me LT WMKS E
6312. CoM 40667 Tony Bennett: Can You Find It In Your Heart//Forget Her VLT SCF E
6313. Chess 1610 Chuck Berry & his Combo: Thirty Days//Together MB 25 LT GR, LT LSCFS E-
6314. Chess 1653 Chuck Berry: School Day//Deep Feeling MB 50 E
6315. Chess 1729 Chuck Berry: Memphis, Tennessee//Back In The U.S.A. MB 25 JBR V++
6316. Excello 2064 Larry Birdsong: You Won't Be Needin' Me No More//It Won't Be This Way, Always V+
6317. Jay-Dee 784 Otis Blackwell: Tears! Tears! Tears!//Daddy Rollin' Stone SCFS E--
6318. Duke 185 Bobby Blue Bland: Loan A Helping Hand//You Got Me V+
6319. Chess 1522 Blue Smitty & his String Men: Crying//Sad Story MB 150 E-

6320. Crest 1014 Boogaloo & his Gallant Crew: Big Fat Lie//Talk About A Party E-
6321. Chance 1108 John Lee Booker (Hooker): Talkin' Boogie//Miss Lorraine Plays ok MB 15 V-
6322. DeLuxe 6004 John Lee Booker (Hooker): Lovin' Guitar Man//Blue Monday MB 50 E-/V++
6323. Rockin' 525 John Lee Booker (Hooker): Pouring Down Rain//Stuttering Blues V+
6324. Dot 15422 Pat Boone: At My Front Door//No Other Arms E--/E
6325. Dot 15443 Pat Boone: Tutti Frutti//I'll Be Home V++
6326. Dot 15570 Pat Boone: Love Letters In The Sand//Bernardine SM SFS E-
6327. Dot 15602 Pat Boone: There's A Gold Mine In The Sky//Remembering You're Mine SM EF NTG E-
6328. JOB 1009 Eddie Boyd: It's Miserable To Be Alone//I'm Pleading MB 50 WMKS E
6329. Aladdin 3079 Calvin Boze: Choo, Choo's Bringing My Baby Home//Beal Street On A Saturday Night MB 15 LT WMKS NAP E+
6330. Coral 61776 Teresa Brewer: I'm Drowning My Sorrows//How Lonely Can One Be SCFS E-

6331. Parrot 799 John Brim & his Stompers: Tough Times//Gary Stomp MB 150 MN SM LT SCRS E
6332. Gotham 293 Benny Brown: Slick Baby//Pappa! E--
6333. Aladdin 3116 Charles Brown: Tender Heart//Hard Times E-
6334. Peacock 1607 Clarence Gatemouth Brown: Dirty Work At The Crossroad//You Got Money V-

6335. Fe 12337 James Brown & the Famous Flames: Tell Me What I Did Wrong//Try Me MB 25 SM SCRS E-
6336. Savoy 1162 Nappy Brown: There'll Come A Day//Pitter Patter SOL V++
6337. United 183 Tommy Brown: Remember Me//Southern Women MB 15 E-
6338. Queen 4170 Walter Brown: Gonna Open Up A Business//New Four Day Rider MB 15 E-
6339. Selective 105 Teddy Bunn, gtr: One A.M. Blues//Irritatin' Blues MB 15 SM LTR S2 E+
6340. Starday 118 Sonny Burns: Too Hot To Handle//Powder And Paint Beamont, TX lbl LT SCFS E
6341. Chief 7003 Frank Butler: I Can't Believe It//Girl In My Dreams Plays fair V
6342. Hub 3003 Don Byas Qrt w/Little Sam, vc: Why Did You Do That To Me//Please Believe Me WMKS, SCFS, SM LTRS E--
6343. Fe 12061 [dj] Roy "Bald Head" Byrd (Professor Longhair): Curly Haired Baby//K.C. Blues MB 75 LT HMKS, LT LST, WOLS E
6344. Modern 971 Cadets: If It Is Wrong//Do You Wanna Rock E--
6345. DeLuxe 1054 Bill Campbell's Harlem Eight w/Laura Petaway, vc: I Love To Ride//No One Man MB 15 SCFS S2 E-
6346. Fraternity 734 Cathy Carr: Please, Please Believe Me//Ivory Tower WMKS E-
6347. Cap 3418 Joe "Fingers" Carr: Portuguese Washerwoman//Lucky Pierre LT WMKS E
6348. Modern 865 Benny Carter's Orc: You Are Too Beautiful//Surf Board E-
6349. Sun 295 Johnny Cash & the Tennessee Two: Come In Stranger//Guess Things Happen That Way MB 25 E--
6350. Sun 316 Johnny Cash & the Tennessee Two: Luther Played The Boogie//Thanks A Lot MB 50 V++/E--
6351. Merc 70501 [dj] Cashmeres: Yes, Yes, Yes//My Sentimental Heart LST E--
6352. Tuxedo 891 [vnl] Charioteers: I'm A Stranger//Thanks For Yesterday SM SCRS E-
6353. Atl 1008 Ray Charles: Heartbreaker//Feelin' Sad SCF S1, ULCS E-
6354. DeLuxe 6062 Charms: Hearts Of Stone//Who Knows SOL V+
6355. DeLuxe 6087 Charms: Let The Happenings Happen//When We Get Together SCFS, SCRS E-
6356. Cadence 1247 Chordettes: Mr. Sandman//I Don't Wanna See You Cryin' E--
6357. Cadence 1291 Chordettes: Born To Be With You//Love Never Changes E--
6358. Cadence 1299 Chordettes: Teen Age Goodnight//Lay Down Your Arms SM HV SCR S2 E-
6359. Ace 546 Jimmy Clanton & his Rockets: Just A Dream//You Aim To Please V
6360. Atl 977 Clovers: I Played The Fool//Hey, Miss Fannie V++
6361. Atl 1000 Clovers: Here Goes A Fool//Good Lovin' SOL V++
6362. Atl 1035 Clovers: I've Got My Eyes On You//Your Cash Ain't Nothin' But Trash SOL V++
6363. Atl 1083 Clovers: Hey, Baby Doll//Devil Or Angel MB 15 E-
6364. Atlas KC-102 King Cole Trio: Got A Penny//Don Swan & his Music w/Eileen Watson, vc: Don't You Notice Anything New E-
6365. Excelsior 103/100 King Cole Trio: All For You//Eddie Beal Trio w/Herb "Flamingo" Jeffries, vc: At Least You Could Save Me A Dream E--
6366. De 29323 Commanders: The Elephant's Tango//Commanders Overture V++
6367. ViRC 20-6904 Perry Como: My Little Baby//The Girl With The Golden Braids WMKS E
6368. Keen 4-4009 Sam Cooke: You Were Made For Me//Lonely Island Nice rainbow label MB 25 FW SCRS E
6369. DeLuxe 6036 [dj] Country Homes: I Want You To Use Me//Come On And Put Me In The Alley E
6370. Signature 1013 Cousin Joe w/Dickie Wells' Blue Seven: Come Down Baby//Don't Pay Me No Mind FW SCRS E
6371. Hollywood 426 Pee Wee Crayton: Baby, Pat The Floor//I'm Your Prisoner MB 15 E
6372. Vee-Jay 214 Pee Wee Crayton: A Frosty Night//The Telephone Is Ringing FW SCFS E-

*6373. Br 55035 [Can] Crickets: Not Fade Away//Oh, Boy! MB 250 E-

6374. ViR 20-4753 Big Boy Crudup: Worried 'Bout You Baby//Late In The Evening E
6375. Sparton 540-R [Can] Danny & the Juniors: Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay//School Boy Romance 1958 release MB 15 SM BLSS E--
6376. Sittin in With 600 Julian Dash's Sxt: Hot Rod//Preachin' V+
6377. Duke 192 Larry Davis: Texas Flood//I Tried Bidder Request Show VLT WMKS E+
6378. CoM 40483 Doris Day: Two Hearts, Two Kisses//Foolishly Yours LT SCRS, LT LST E
6379. De 29596 Lenny Dee, org: Little Brown Jug//The World Is Waiting For Sunrise E--
6380. Cap 362 [vnl] Matt Dennis w/Paul Weston & his Orc: Linda//Roses In The Rain E--
6381. Merc 70835 [Can] Diamonds: Little Girl Of Mine//The Church Bells May Ring MB 15 E-
6382. Checker 814 Bo Diddley: Bo Diddley//I'm A Man Diddley's 1st record MB 15 V++
6383. Checker 827 Bo Diddley: Bring It To Jerome//Pretty Thing WMKS, GR, JBR, SM LTRS E--
6384. Checker 832 Bo Diddley: Diddy Wah Diddy//I Am Looking For A Woman MB 15 LT JBR V++
6385. Checker 850 Bo Diddley: Cops & Robbers//Down Home Special MB 25 E--
6386. Checker 878 Bo Diddley: Say!//Before You Accuse Me LG WMKS LT SWS, JBR E-
6387. Checker 924 Bo Diddley: Crackin' Up//The Great Grandfather MB 15 E--
6388. Checker 931 Bo Diddley: The Clock Strikes Twelve//Say Man MB 50 E-
6389. Aladdin 3101 Floyd Dixon w/Johnny Moore's Three Blazers: Time And Place//Do I Love You MB 15 E
6390. Modern 20-700 Floyd Dixon's Trio: Mississippi Blues//Drafting Blues SCFS E-
6391. Modern 20-725 Floyd Dixon's Trio: Forever And Ever//Cow Town MN SCRS E--
6392. Spec 477 Floyd Dixon: Old Memories//Hole In The Wall E/E-
6393. King 5001 Bill Doggett: Honky Tonk//Peacock Alley E--
6394. Imp 5123 Fats Domino: Sometimes I Wonder//Don't You Lie To Me V
6395. Imp 5348 Fats Domino: Ain't It A Shame//La-La SOL V++
6396. Imp 5386 Fats Domino: My Blue Heaven//I'm In Love Again V++
6397. Imp 5407 Fats Domino: Blueberry Hill//Honey Chile V++
6398. Fe 12072 Dominoes: Love, Love, Love//That's What You're Doing To Me LTRS V++
6399. Shade 1000 Don & Dewey: Miss Sue//My Heart Is Aching LT LST E--
*6400. Down Town 2004 K.C. Douglas Trio: Mercury Boogie//Eclipse Of The Sun MB 100 LT GR E+/E

6401. Atl 1043 Drifters: Bip Bam//Someday You'll Want Me To Want You SOL V++
6402. Joe Davis 5108 Champion Jack Dupree: Love Strike Blues//Wet Deck Mama E-
6403. Sun 240 Jack Earls & the Jimbos: A Fool For Lovin' You//Slow Down Bidder Request Show MB 50 E--
6404. MGM 10368 Billy Eckstine: A Senorita's Bouquet//Caravan SCFS E-
6405. Jamie 1122 Duane Eddy & the Rebels: Yep!//Three-Thirty Blues Late 1959 issue MB 50 E-/E
6406. DeLuxe 6125 Donnie Elbert: What Can I Do//Hear My Plea E-

6407. Sun 219 Billy "The Kid" Emerson: Red Hot//No Greater Love MB 100 E-/E--
6408. Fabor 2001 Larry Evans: I'll Follow You//Patricia E-
6409. Chart 605 Evergreens: Guitar Player//Very Truly Yours MB 15 LT SCFS, LST S2 E
6410. Cadence 1315 [vnl] Everly Brothers: Bye Bye Love//I Wonder If I Care As Much SCRS V++
6411. HMV B-10362 Eddie Fisher: Outside Of Heaven//Lady Of Spain V++
6412. Sabre 103 Five Blue Notes: My Gal Is Gone//Ooh Baby MB 50 SM SCFS E
6413. Aladdin 3085 Five Keys: Too Late//With A Broken Heart MB 15 LT DWRP E

6414. Aladdin 3265 Five Pearls: Real Humdinger//Please Let Me Know SOLV++
6415. Apollo 446 Five Royales: Crazy, Crazy, Crazy//Help Me Somebody E--
6416. Checker 821 [vnl] Flamingos: Please Come Back Home//I Want To Love You V+
6417. Cobra 5011 Little Willy Foster: Crying The Blues//Little Girl MB 25 E--
6418. De 28927 Four Aces: The Gang That Sang "Heart Of My Heart"//Stranger In Paradise E--
6419. Epic 9129 Four Coins: Tear Down The Fence//Memories Of You E-
6420. CoM 40629 Four Lads: No, Not Much//I'll Never Know SM LTR, FW SCFS E-
6421. CoM 40736 Four Lads: A House With Love In It//The Bus Stop Song E--
6422. RPM 357 Jay Franks & his Rockets of Rhythm: Fish Tail//Stripped Gears V++
6423. Jubilee 835 [Can; vnl] Bobby Freeman: Do You Want To Dance//Big Fat Woman MB 15 LT SCRS, SCF S1 E-
6424. Aladdin 3278 Johnny Fuller: Johnny Ace's Last Letter//Fool's Paradise V++

*6425. Checker 753 Rocky Fuller & his Guitar: Soon One Morning//Come On Baby, Now MB 1500 E

6426. Checker 820 Lowell Fulson: Do Me Right//Lonely Hours LT SIT, SOLE

6427. Checker 854 Lowell Fulson: Please Don't Go//Blues Rhumba MB 15 E+
6428. Gilt-Edge 5043 Lowell Fulson: Total Eclipse//Mercury Blues V+/E+
6429. Swing Time 227 Lowell Fulson: Baby Won't You Jump With Me//Back Home Blues MB 15 LT WMKS E
6430. Swing Time 320 Lowell Fulson: Christmas Party Shuffle//Ride Until The Sun Goes Down MB 15 LT WMKS S2 E+/E
6431. Swing Time 335 Lowell Fulson: Cash Box Boogie//My Daily Prayer MN SM SCRS E-
6432. Bullet 258 Cecil Gant's Trio: Ninth Street Jive//It's The Girl GR, SM SCRS, ND TOK S2 E
6433. Gilt-Edge 515 Pvt Cecil Gant: Make Believable Girl//Watch that Stuff LT WMKS, SCFS IN ROA E-
6434. Macy's 5001 Clarence Garlow: Blues As You Like It//She's So Fine Houston lbl MB 50 E-/V++
6435. Fe 12265 Billy Gayles w/Ike Turner's Rhythm Rockers: If I Had Never Known You//I'm Tore Up LG SCFS V++
6436. Merc 70572 Georgia Gibbs: Dance With Me Henry//Every Road Must Have A Turning E--
6437. Checker 848 Daddyo Gibson: Night Train//Behind The Sun MB 15 E-
6438. Duke 129 Roscoe Gordon: Three Cent Love//You Figure It Out MB 15 E-

*6439. Dot 1128 L.C. Green: Little School Girl//Remember Way Back MB 250 LT HDM SWS S2 E

6440. ViR 20-4348 John Greer & the Rhythm Rockers: Woman Is A Five Letter Word//Got You On My Mind MB 15 E--
6441. Imp 5278 Guitar Slim: Woman Troubles//Cryin' In The Mornin' LT WMKS E-
6442. Spec 542 Guitar Slim: Stand By Me//Our Only Child V++
6443. Excello 2053 Arthur Gunter: She's Mine, All Mine//You Are Doin' Me Wrong E
6444. Excello 2125 Arthur Gunter: Baby You Can't See//You're Always On My Mind LT WMK, SM LTR E-
6445. De 29791 Bill Haley & his Comets: See You Later, Alligator//The Paper Boy E--
6446. De 30085 Bill Haley & his Comets: Blue Comet Blues//Rudy's Rock V++
6447. Spec 618 René Hall's Orc: Flippin'//Twitchy GR E-
6448. ViRC 20-6714 Stuart Hamblen's Orc: Desert Sunrise//The Whistler's Dream LT WMKS E
6449. Kapp 184 Russ Hamilton: Rainbow//We Will Make Love LT SCFS E

*6450. Sun 254 Ray Harris: Come On Little Mama//Where'd You Stay Last Nite MB 500 LT SCF, FW LT SCRS E

6451. Apollo 362 Wynonie "Blues" Harris: Wynonie's Blues//Somebody Changed The Lock On My Door V++
6452. Checker 863 Dale Hawkins: Susie-Q//Don't Treat Me This Way MB 15 V++
6453. Merc 70445 Richard Hayman's Orc: The Touch//Mr. Pogo E--
6454. Argo 5259 Clarence "Frogman" Henry: Ain't Got No Home//Troubles Troubles
Rush Limbaugh's old "Homeless Update" theme song MB 50 E-
6455. De 29441 Al Hibbler: Unchained Melody//Daybreak LTR S1 V++
6456. Miracle 501 Al Hibbler: Lover, Come Back To Me//Trees E--
6457. Fe 12030 Henry Hill: Wandering Blues//Sunday Morning Blues MB 15 E--
6458. Fe 12127 Smokey Hogg: I Ain't Got Over It Yet//Gone, Gone, Gone MB 15 LT SCR S2 E
6459. Modern 20-783 Smokey Hogg: Let's Get Together And Drink Some Gin//Possum Hunt MB 15 E/V++
6460. Modern 20-802 Smokey Hogg: Smokey's In Town//Late Prowlin' Girl V++
6461. Chess 1482 John Lee Hooker: Ground Hog Blues//Louise HV LWDM, FMG V+
6462. Chess 1513 John Lee Hooker: Walking The Boogie//Sugar Mama Plays ok V
6463. Modern 847 John Lee Hooker: Turn Over A New Leaf//Anybody Seen My Baby Even wear SM LTRS V+
6464. Modern 876 John Lee Hooker w/Little Eddie Kirkland: I've Got Eyes For You//It Hurts Me So Even wear but noisy PMKS TWW V-
6465. Modern 901 John Lee Hooker: Ride 'Til I Die//It's Stormin' And Rainin' S1 plays very well! V-/E--
6466. Modern 916 John Lee Hooker: Too Much Boogie//Need Somebody Plays well LT SGS V+
6467. Modern 931 John Lee Hooker: Jump Me//I Wonder Little Darling SM LTRS V+
6468. Modern 942 John Lee Hooker: Bad Boy//Cool Little Car MB 25 V++/E-
6469. Modern 20-663 John Lee Hooker: Hobo Blues//Hoogie Boogie V+
6470. Modern 20-790 John Lee Hooker: One More Time//Let Your Daddy Ride MB 15 GR E-
6471. Vee-Jay 164 John Lee Hooker: Mambo Chillun//Time Is Marching MB 25 LT JBR S2 E--
6472. Vee-Jay 255 John Lee Hooker: Little Wheel//Rosie Me MB 15 LT FMG, JBR S2 E--
6473. Vee-Jay 293 John Lee Hooker: You've Taken My Woman//I Love You Honey MB 25 E--
6474. Sittin in With 652 Lightnin' Hopkins: Papa Bones Boogie//Everything Happens To Me V+/V++
6475. Modern 830 Joe Houston: Blow Joe Blow//Come Back Baby E--
6476. Spec 307 Camille Howard, pno: X-Temperaneous Boogie//You Don't Love Me E--
6477. Chess 1479 Howlin' Wolf: How Many More Years//Moanin' At Midnight Plays ok V+/V-
6478. Chess 1515 Howlin' Wolf: Saddle My Pony//Worried All The Time MB 15 V++
6479. Chess 1593 Howlin' Wolf: Who Will Be Next//I Have A Little Girl V/V++
6480. Chess 1668 Howlin' Wolf: Somebody In My Home//Nature HV WMK, LT SWS E-
6481. Chess 1726 Howlin' Wolf: Howlin' Blues//I Better Go Now MB 15 LTR S2 V++
6482. RPM 333 Howlin' Wolf: Riding In The Moonlight//Morning At Midnight MB 50 V++
6483. Trumpet 132 Luther Huff: 1951 Blues//Dirty Disposition CTL E-
6484. DeLuxe 3228 Pee Wee Hughes w/the Delta Duo: Santa Fe Blues//Country Boy Blues Noisy MB 15 V
6485. Merc 70676 Hugo & Luigi w/their Family Singers: A Satisfied Mind//The Goodbye Song E--

*6486. Chance 1165 J.B. Hutto & his Hawks: Things Are So Slow//Dim Lights Blk & wt lbl MB 500 SM LBBL, VLT LST E-

6487. MGM 12296 Dick Hyman's Orc: One Finger Piano//DH Trio: The Blue Whistler E--

6488. Cobra 5007 Lee Jackson: I'll Just Keep Walkin'//Fishin' In My Pond MB 15 E--
6489. Imp 5131 Lil' Son Jackson: Mr Blues//Time Changes Things E--
6490. Imp 5156 Lil' Son Jackson: Travelin' Woman//Everybody's Blues Plays well V
6491. Imp 5286 Lil' Son Jackson: Blues By The Hour//Trouble Don't Last Always E-
6492. Gotham 626 Otis Jackson: Tell Me Why You Like Roosevelt, Pt 1//Pt 2 V
6493. Chief 7004 Elmore James & his Broom Dusters: Elmore's Contribution To Jazz//It Hurts Me Too MB 25 V
6494. Flair 1022 Elmore James & the Broom Dusters: Please Find My Baby//Strange Kinda' Feeling MB 25 V++
6495. Flair 1031 Elmore James & his Broom Dusters: Hand In Hand//Make My Dreams Come True Plays ok V
6496. Meteor 5000 Elmore James: I Held My Baby Last Night//I Believe MB 100 BBLS, FW BLSS E-
6497. Modern 983 Elmore James & his Broom Dusters: Wild About You//Long Tall Woman MB 50 E--
6498. Vee-Jay 269 Elmore James & his Broom Dusters: Take Me Where You Go//Cry For Me Baby Even wear V++
6499. Modern 957 Etta James: Be Mine//Hey! Henry Lss "Original 'Henry' Series" s2 E--
6500. Cap 3674 Sonny James: First Date, First Kiss, First Love//Speak To Me E
6501. Modern 921 Young Jessie: I Smell A Rat//Lonesome Desert SCRS E--/V++
6502. Merc 70251 Buddy Johnson's Orc w/Ella Johnson, vc s1: I'm Just Your Fool//A-12 LTR V++
6503. Ok 6813 Leroy Johnson: Unlucky Blues//Home Town Woman E-
6504. Rama 20 Lonnie Johnson: This Love Of Mine//I Found A Dream E-
6505. Imp 5134 Eddie "Guitar Slim" Jones: New Arrival//Bad Luck Is On Me V
6506. Prestige 880 [dj] King Pleasure: Parker's Mood//What Can I Say Dear After I Say I'm Sorry BBLS, SCF S1 E
6507. RPM 318 B.B. King: Don't You Want A Man Like Me//My Baby's Gone V+/E--
6508. RPM 339 B.B. King: That Ain't The Way To Do It//3 O'Clock Blues V++
6509. RPM 430 B.B. King: Shut Your Mouth//I'm In Love E--/V++
6510. RPM 435 B.B. King: Boogie Rock//Talkin' The Blues E--
6511. RPM 479 B.B. King: Bim Bam//On My Word Of Honor MB 15 E-
6512. King 4180 Robie Kirk: I Don't Want To Play In The Kitchen//Roebie's Blues E--
6513. King 4659 [dj] Eddie Kirkland: No Shoes//Time For My Lovin' To Be Done
Lss "Introducing Eddie Kirkland Singing His First King Release" MB 25 LTR S1, WOLS E-
6514. ViR 20-5442 Eartha Kitt: I Want To Be Evil//Annie Doesn't Live Here Anymore MB 25 SCFS S2 E-
6515. Roulette 4002 Buddy Knox w/the Rhythm Orchids: Party Doll//My Baby's Gone Clean! MB 25 E-

*6516. Talent 806 Willie Lane (Little Brother): Black Cat Rag//Howling Wolf Blues Dallas lbl MB 250 LT WMK NAP E+

6517. DeLuxe 6107 Annie Laurie: It Hurts To Be In Love//Hand In Hand E--

6518. Coral 61792 Steve Lawrence: Party Doll//Pum-Pa-Lum E--
6519. Fe 12054 John Lee: Alabama Boogie//Down At The Depot MB 50 GR E-
6520. DeLuxe 6009 Johnny Lee: I'm A Boogie Man//I Came To See You Baby E+
6521. Cap 15367 Julia Lee & her Boy Friends: I Didn't Like It The First Time//Sit Down And Drink It Over LT WMKS E-
6522. Cap 218 Peggy Lee: Waitin' For The Train To Come In//I'm Glad I Waited For You SM BLS E
6523. Br 55000 Lennon Sisters: Young And In Love//Teen Age Waltz WMKS E
6524. Checker 901 J.B. Lenoir: She Don't Know//Daddy Talk To Your Son MB 50 E-
6525. Parrot 802 J.B. Lenoir: Eisenhower Blues//I'm In Korea Plays well V

*6526. Sun 281 Jerry Lee Lewis: Great Balls Of Fire//You Win Again MB 100 FMG, SCRS E--
6527. Imp 5067 Smiley Lewis: Lowdown//Tee-Nah-Nah MB 15 LT WMKS E--/E
6528. Imp 5372 Smiley Lewis: Come On//Queen Of Hearts SOL V++
6529. Spec 470 Jimmy Liggins & his 3-D Music: Drunk//I'll Never Let You Go MB 15 E-
6530. Exclusive 207 Joe Liggins & his Honeydrippers: The Honeydripper, Pt 1//Pt 2 LT GR E-
6531. Savoy 1161 Papa Lightfoot w/Guitar Red's Orc: Wild Fire//Mean Old Train MB 15 LN NR, SM SCFS, VSM LTR E
6532. Ace 505 Lightning Slim: Bad Feeling Blues//Lightning Slim Boogie MB 25 E--
6533. Excello 2106 Lightnin' Slim: Mean Ole Lonesome Train//I'm Grown MB 50 VLT WMKS, SM LTR S2 E
6534. Excello 2116 Lightnin' Slim: I'm A Rollin' Stone//Love Me Mama S1 plays fair V-/E--
6535. Excello 2160 Lightnin' Slim: Sweet Little Woman//Lightnin's Troubles MB 50 SM LTRS E-
6536. Savoy 759 Little Esther w/Johnny Otis' Orc: Lost Dream Blues//LE & Mel Walker w/JO's Orc: Deceivin' Blues E--
6537. Bobbin 101 Little Milton: I'm A Lonely Man//That Will Never Do MB 100 VLT WMK, SM LTRS S2 E+
6538. Sun 200 Little Milton: Alone And Blue//If You Love Me MB 100 LT JBR S1 E--

6539. Peacock 1673 Little Richard: Maybe I'm Right//I Love My Baby MB 50 E
6540. Spec 611 Little Richard: Keep A Knockin'//Can't Believe You Wanna Leave MB 50 LT SCFS E
6541. Checker 770 Little Walter & his Jukes: Off The Wall//Tell Me Mama FMG S2, JBR V++
6542. Checker 793 Little Walter & his Jukes: Rocker//Oh Baby LG SCFS, SM HV SCR S2 E--
6543. Checker 799 Little Walter & his Jukes: You'd Better Watch Yourself//Blue Light MB 15 E--
6544. Checker 805 Little Walter & his Jukes: Last Night//Mellow Down Easy V+
6545. Checker 817 Little Walter & his Jukes: I Got To Go//Roller Coaster MB 50 E
6546. Checker 845 Little Walter: Teenage Beat//Just A Feeling V++
6547. Checker 859 Little Walter & his Jukes: Nobody But You//Everybody Needs Somebody WMK S1 E-/V+
6548. Checker 930 Little Walter: Everything Gonna Be Alright//Back Track MB 15 JBR V++
6549. Bullseye 1005 Little Willie Littlefield: Ruby-Ruby//Easy Go LSCFS S2 E--
6550. Liberty 55006 Julie London w/Barney Kessell & Ray Leatherwood, gtr & bass: Cry Me A River//S'Wonderful ECS NTG, FMG V++

6551. Big Town H-401 Joe Hill Louis: Hydramatic Woman//Bad Woman Blues MB 100 V++
6552. Modern 839 Joe Hill Louis, the One Man Band: Big Legged Woman//Gotta Go Baby MB 50 E--
6553. Holiday 2605 Love Notes: United//Tonight MB 25 E
6554. Spin 103 Preston Love's Orc w/Beverly Wright, vc s1: Feel So Good//Huckleboogie MB 15 E
6555. Apex 76088 [Can] Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers: I Want You To Be My Girl//I'm Not A Know It All MB 15 LSTS E
6556. Fury 1003 Lewis Lymon & the Teenchords: Please Tell The Angels//Honey, Honey Bidder Request Show MB 15 LT SCRS S1 E/E--
6557. Chess 1608 Willie Mabon: The Seventh Son//Lucinda V/E--
6558. Dot 15020 Johnny Maddox's Rhythmasters: Cocoanut Grove//Little Grass Shack E--
6559. King 4665 Magic-Tones: Good Googa Mooga//When I Kneel Down To Pray MB 25 E--
6560. Flash CR-101 Sidney Maiden: Hurry, Hurry Baby//Everything Is Wrong MB 50 E+
6561. Cap 3295 Dean Martin: Memories Are Made Of This//Change Of Heart LT SCFS E
6562. Cap 3352 Dean Martin: Innamorata//The Lady With The Big Umbrella WMKS E

6563. CoM 40784 Johnny Mathis: Wonderful! Wonderful!//When Sunny Gets Blue Bidder Request Show MB 15 V++/E-
6564. Down Beat 171 Maxin Trio w/Ray Charles, vc: I Love You, I Love You//Confession Blues Ray Charles 1st record V++
6565. Pyramid E-199 [dj] Marian May w/Joe Reisman's Orc: Gotta Find Somebody To Love//Gotta Find Somebody To Love LST S2 E-
6566. Excello 2103 Jerry McCain & his Upstarts: My Next Door Neighbor//Trying To Please E-
6567. Jax 310 Brownie McGhee: Stranger's Blues//Dissatisfied Woman E--
6568. Savoy 835 Brownie McGhee: So Much Trouble//Diamond Ring E-
6569. Imp 5075 Howard McGhee's Sxt: Harlem Bop, Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 VSM LTR S1 E/E-
6570. Atl 973 Stick McGhee & his Buddies: Blue Barrelhouse//One Monkey Don't Stop The Show E--
6571. Coral 61627 McGuire Sisters: Picnic//Delilah Jones E--
6572. Coral 61703 McGuire Sisters: Endless//Ev'ry Day Of My Life E--
6573. Universal-Fox 1003 Big Jay McNeely: Blow Big Jay//Willie The Cool Cat MB 15 LT WMK E+
6574. Atl 1055 Clyde McPhatter & the Drifters: Gone//What'cha Gonna Do LTRS S2 E--
6575. Premium 867 Memphis Slim & the House Rockers: Mother Earth//Really Got The Blues E-
6576. United 186 Memphis Slim & his House Rockers: Memphis Slim U.S.A.//Blues All Around My Head V+
6577. Flair 1073 Mercy Dee: Romp & Stomp Blues//Oh, Oh, Please E/E-
6578. Spec 458 Mercy Dee: My Woman Knows The Score//One Room Country Shack LT WRP TWW E-
6579. Fortune 137 Big Maceo Merriweather: Leaving Blues//Have You Heard About It? MB 50 LT GR, SM PMK E+
6580. Groove G-0175 Mickey & Sylvia: Love Is Strange//I'm Going Home V++
6581. Fe 12299 Midnighters: Oh So Happy//Is Your Love For Real MB 25 E-
6582. Fe 12305 Midnighters: Let 'Em Roll//What Made You Change Your Mind E-
6583. Aladdin 3038 Amos Milburn & his Aladdin Chickenshackers: Drifting Blues//Real Pretty Mama Blues E--
6584. Aladdin 3105 Amos Milburn & his Aladdin Chickenshackers: Boogie-Woogie//She's Gone Again LT DWRP E
6585. CoM 40575 Mitch Miller's Orc & Cho: The Bonnie Blue Gal//Bel Sante LT LCS E-
6586. Roy Milton Records 1-11 Roy Milton: Blues In My Heart//Grooving With Joe White lbl s1, silver lbl s2 E-
6587. Chess 1649 Stanley Mitchell & the Tornados: Four O'Clock In The Morning//Would You, Could You V++
6588. ViR 20-6619 Vaughn Monroe: Rollin' Heart//In The Middle Of The House E-

*6589. Ebony 1005 Little Brother Montgomery & his Bogalusa Boys w/George Blunt, vc s1: Pinetops Boogie//Arkansas Blues MB 200 E+
6590. Chess 1589 Moonglows: She's Gone//Most Of All MB 25 E
6591. Chess 1619 Moonglows: We Go Together//Chickie Um Bah Very clean! E--
6592. Exclusive 240 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers w/Charles Brown, vc: I Surrender Dear//New Orleans Blues SCFS E--
6593. Cash 1058 Rudy Ray Moore w/Carl Otis' Castel Rockers: Josephine//Hurts Me To My Heart V++
6594. RPM 325 Jimmy Nelson: "T" 99 Blues//Rain Drop Blues V+
*6595. United 105 Robert Nighthawk: Feel So Bad//Take It Easy Baby MB 150 VSM WOL S1 E-

6596. Merc 70821 Nick Noble: You Are My Only Love//To You My Love Also released on Wing 90045 WMKS E+
6597. Vee-Jay 196 Orioles: Happy 'Till The Letter//I Just Got Lucky E--
6598. Peacock 1648 Johnny Otis' Orc: You Got Me Crying//Sittin' Here Drinkin' SOL V++
6599. Vito 112/113 Bobby Page's Musical Pages: Deejay Mambo//Carioca HV SCFS S1 E-
6600. Merc 70713 Patti Page: Search My Heart//Croce Di Oro LT SCF S1 E
6601. Cap 1592 Les Paul: Josephine//LP & Mary Ford: I Wish I Had Never Seen Sunshine V++
6602. Sittin in With 543 Peppermint Harris: Raining In My Heart//My Blues Have Rolled Away MB 15 E
6603. Sun 249 Carl Perkins: I'm Sorry, I'm Not Sorry//Dixie Fried MB 100 LT SCRS, SCF S2 E
6604. Sun 274 Carl Perkins: That's Right//Forever Yours MB 25 E--
6605. Gotham 516 Dan Pickett: Number Writer//Lemon Man MB 50 SM LTR V++
6606. ViRC 20-6420 Elvis Presley: Heartbreak Hotel//I Was The One MB 15 SOL S1, LBBL S2 E--
6607. ViRC 20-6604 Elvis Presley: Hound Dog//Don't Be Cruel MB 15 E--
6608. ViRC 20-6643 Elvis Presley: Love Me Tender//Anyway You Want Me MB 15 LTRS S2 E--
6609. Cap 15138 Jesse Price & his Blues Band: My Baby Done Left Me//Baby, Let's Be Friends LBBLS E
6610. Spec 428 Lloyd Price: Mailman Blues//Lawdy Miss Clawdy E
6611. Ebb 106 Professor Longhair: Look What You're Doin' To Me//Misery 6" LAT CR TOK E--

*6612. Ron 329 Professor Longhair: Go To The Mardi Gras//Everyday, Everynight

1959 release almost unheard of on 78 MB 500 E

*6613. Parrot 807 Snooky Pryor: Crosstown Blues//I Want You For Myself MB 150 E

6614. Gotham 519 Doug Quattlebaum: Lizzie Lou//Don't Be Funny, Baby! MB 50 E--
6615. National 9040 Ravens: Fool That I Am//Be I Bumblebee Or Not LTR V++
6616. Vee-Jay 119 Jimmy Reed: You Don't Have To Go//Boogie In The Dark E--/V+
6617. Vee-Jay 153 Jimmy Reed: She Don't Want Me No More//I Don't Go For That SCFS V++
6618. Vee-Jay 237 Jimmy Reed: Little Rain//Honey, Where You Going? JBR V++
6619. Vee-Jay 248 Jimmy Reed: Baby, What's On Your Mind?//The Sun Is Shining RAS & FMG S2, JBR E--
6620. Vee-Jay 253 Jimmy Reed: Honest I Do//Signals Of Love S1 plays ok WMKS S2 V/E-
6621. Vee-Jay 304 Jimmy Reed: I Told You Baby//Ends & Odds LNR S1 V+/E--
6622. King 4767 Lula Reed: Rock Love//I'm Gone, Yes I'm Gone SOL V++
6623. ViRC 20-6740 Joe Reisman's Orc w/Tony Mottola, gtr s1: Armen's Theme//I'll Take You Dancing E
6624. Sun 238 Slim Rhodes: Gonna Romp And Stomp//Bad Girl MB 50 SM SCRS E-
6625. Imp 5198 Tommy Ridgley: I Live My Life//Lavinia MB 25 VLT WMKS E+

*6626. Sun 277 Billy Riley & the Little Green Men: Pearly Lee//Red Hot MB 250 E-

6627. CoM 40864 Marty Robbins: A White Sport Coat//Grown Up Tears E-

6628. Chess 1543 Jimmy Rogers & his Rocking Four: Left Me With A Broken Heart//Act Like You Love Me MB 15 V++
6629. Chess 1616 Jimmy Rogers & his Rocking Four: Blues All Day Long//You're The One Plays fair V-
6630. Jub 5288 Don Rondo: Stars Fell On Alabama//White Silver Sands E--
6631. Epic 9027 [dj; vnl] Lee Roy's Band: Indian Giver//Rollin' Rock SCFS, FW SCRS, WOLS E-
6632. Fe 12160 Royals: Someone Like You//That's It ½" HC E--
6633. Cobra 5005 Otis Rush & his Band: Violent Love//My Love Will Never Die MB 25 E-/V++

6634. Cobra 5027 Otis Rush: It Takes Time//Checking On My Baby MB 150 E/E-

6635. Macy's 1000 Buddy Ryland's Orc: I Ain't Mad At You//Wild Cherry V++
6636. Spec 469 Sylvester Saunders: I Want You//My Dreams Are All In Vain LT WMKS E-
6637. Lance 1039 Marylin Scott & her Guitar: Let's Do The Boogie Woogie//I Got What My Daddy Likes MB 25 E-
6638. Gilt-Edge 5021 [vnl] Arkie Shibley & his Mountain Dew Boys: Hot Rod Race//I'm Living Alone With An Old Love SCFS, SCRS E--
6639. Ace 527 Frankie Lee Sims: Walking With Frankie//Hey Little Girl LG RAS S1 V+
6640. Spec 524 Frankie Lee Sims: What Will Lucy Do?//Misery Blues V++
6641. Spec 527 Frankie Lee Sims: Walking With Frankie//Hey Little Girl MB 25 E-
6642. Cap 3260 Frank Sinatra: The Impatient Years//Love And Marriage VLT SCFS E
6643. Ruby 101 Bobby Smith's Orc: Tread Lightly//Night Watch E-
6644. Ace 530 Huey Smith: Rocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu, Pt 1//Pt 2 Bidder Request Show MB 15 V++
6645. RPM 434 Little George Smith: Blues In The Dark//Telephone Blues E--
6646. United 174 [dj] Tab Smith, sax: Rock City//My Baby WMKS E-
6647. Aladdin 166 Thunder Smith, pno: Little Mama Boogie//L.A. Blues MB 15 VLT PMK DNS E
6648. Vee-Jay 107 [vnl] Spaniels: Goodnite Sweetheart, Goodnite//You Don't Move Me V+

*6649. Chance 1137 Big Boy Spires: Which One Do I Love//About To Lose My Mind MB 1000 E

6650. Cap 1039 Jo Stafford: Play A Simple Melody//Pagan Love Song E--
6651. Cap 980 Kay Starr: Hoop-Dee-Doo//A Woman Likes To Be Told E-
6652. Sittin in With 512 Buddy Stewart's Qrt: Laughing Boy//Shawn SM EF NTG E+
6653. Abco G-107 Arbee Stidham: When I Find My Baby//Please Let It Be Me V+
6654. Hollywood 173 Joe Swanson's Orc: Thrust//East Of The Sun Lss "The supersonic sound of tomorrow" LT SCF, LT NR E-
6655. Imp 5367 Roosevelt Sykes: Hush Oh Hush//Crazy Fox E-
6656. Clif 103 T.V. Slim & his Heartbreakers: Flatfoot Sam//Darling Remember Shreveport, LA label MB 75 E+/E
6657. Checker 791 Leon D. Tarver: Ooh-Wee What's Wrong With Me?//I'm A Young Rooster MB 15 GR E--

6658. Carver 1400 Billy Tate: Ooh Ooh Baby//Crying In The Morning MB 100 E-

6659. Buddy F08B-0153/154 Al Tercek: Annabelle//Oom-Pa-Dee-Aye-Ay E-

6660. Jackson 2302 Sonny "Hootin'" Terry's Night Owls: Harmonica Train//Women Is Killin' Me MB 15 V++
6661. Red Robin 110 Sonny (Hootin) Terry & his Night Owls: Harmonica Hop//Doggin' My Heart Around MB 25 SM HV SCR AB, VLT PMK E
6662. Chart 645 Sonny Thompson: Day Break Blues//Hi-Ho V++
6663. X X-0066 Three Chuckles: Runaround//At Last You Understand OS EF NTG E--
6664. Aristocrat 1104 Andrew Tibbs w/Tom Archia's All Stars: Same Old Story//Going Down Fast MB 25 SIT E-
6665. Reserve 110 Tracey Twins: Picking Sweethearts//Tonight You Belong To Me Spelled "Tracy" on lbl E
6666. Chess 1459 Ike Turner & his Kings of Rhythm: I'm Lonesome Baby//Heartbroken And Worried MB 25 V+
6667. Aladdin 3070 Joe Turner: Back-Breaking Blues//Empty Pocket Blues MB 15 LT WMKS, VLT DWRP E
6668. Atl 1016 Joe Turner & his Blues Kings: Oke-She-Moke-She-Pop//TV Mama V+
6669. Atl 1026 Joe Turner & his Blues Kings: Shake, Rattle And Roll//You Know I Love You E-
6670. Atl 1088 Joe Turner: Corrine Corrina//Boogie Woogie Country Girl E--
6671. RPM 345 Joe Turner: Riding Blues//Playful Baby E--
6672. De 11001 Big Joe Turner & Pete Johnson Trio: Rebecca//It's The Same Old Story GR E-
6673. RPM 331 Joe Turner & Pete Johnson: Kansas City Blues//Roll 'Em Boys V/V++
6674. CoM 40710 Jerry Vale: You Don't Know Me//Enchanted LT LSCF, SM SCRS E-
6675. Dot 15661 [vnl] Billy Vaughn: Raunchy//Sail Along Silvery Moon E-
6676. Cap 3450 Gene Vincent & his Blue Caps: Be-Bop-A-Lula//Woman Love MB 75 E+
6677. Cap 3617 Gene Vincent & his Blue Caps: Crazy Legs//Important Words MB 50 E
6678. Cap 3763 Gene Vincent & his Blue Caps: Lotta Lovin'//Wear My Ring MB 15 SOL S1 V++
6679. Merc 2030 Eddie "Mr Cleanhead" Vinson: I've Been So Good//It's A Groovy Affair Bidder Request Show E-
6680. Merc 8076 Eddie Vinson: Some Women Do//Alimony Blues V++
6681. Red Robin 132 Vocaleers: Lovin' Baby//Angel Face MB 25 WOLS, LT SCRS E-
6682. B&W 111 T-Bone Walker w/Jack McVea's All Stars: No Worry Blues//Don't Leave Me Baby SCFS, SCRS V
6683. Cap 57-70014 T-Bone Walker: Call It Stormy Monday//I Know Your Wig Is Gone MB 25 VLT SCF E+
6684. Cap 57-70023 T-Bone Walker: Long Lost Lover Blues//You're My Best Poker Hand MB 15 LT SCRS E
6685. Imp 5103 T-Bone Walker: Too Lazy//I Walked Away V++/E-
6686. Imp 5274 T-Bone Walker: Vida Lee//My Baby Is Now On My Mind LT SCRS S1, SCRS S2 E/E-
6687. Rhumboogie 4002 T-Bone Walker w/Marl Young's Orc: Evening//T-Bone Boogie MB 15 SM SCFS, WMKS E
6688. Swing Master 11 T-Bone Walker: She Is Going To Ruin Me//My Baby Left Me V
6689. Rockin' 508 Roosevelt Wardell w/Ed Wiley's Orc: So Undecided//Lost My Woman MB 75 SM LTR E-
6690. Chess 1480 Muddy Waters & his Guitar: My Fault//Still A Fool MB 15 E-/V++
6691. Chess 1490 Muddy Waters & his Guitar: Early Morning Blues//She Moves Me MB 15 V+
6692. Chess 1550 Muddy Waters & his Guitar: Mad Love//Blow Wind, Blow V++
6693. Chess 1585 Muddy Waters & his Guitar: I'm A Natural Born Lover//Loving Man V++
6694. Chess 1602 Muddy Waters & his Guitar: Young Fashion Ways//Manish Boy MB 25 E--/E-
6695. Chess 1620 Muddy Waters & his Guitar: All Aboard//Forty Days And Forty Nights Plays ok V-
6696. Chess 1692 Muddy Waters: She's Got It//I Won't Go On MB 15 V++
6697. Chess 1733 Muddy Waters: Take The Bitter With The Sweet//She's Into Somethin' MB 25 LT JBR V++
6698. Chess 1739 Muddy Waters: Tell Me Baby//Recipe For Love MB 15 LG HV SDRPS S2, PDEF E
6699. Quality 1485 [Can] Muddy Waters & his Guitar: Forty Days And Forty Nights//All Aboard MB 50 WOLS V++
6700. Fe 12183 Young John Watson: Gettin' Drunk//You Can't Take It With You S1 noisy V-/E--
6701. Imp 5355 Wee Willie Wayne: Travelin' Mood//I Remember E-
6702. Chief 7008 Junior Wells: Cha Cha Cha In Blue//I Could Cry 1958 release MB 50 V+
6703. Trumpet 182 Beverly White's Trio: I Waited Too Long//I Don't Care Beverly was one of Josh White's daughters;
Bidder Request Show MB 15 LT SCF S2 E+
6704. Cadence 1303 Andy Williams: Baby Doll//Since I've Found My Baby LT WMKS E
6705. Checker 762 Joe Williams w/King Kolax & his Orc: Every Day I Have The Blues//They Don't Believe Me V+

6706. Gold Star 667 L.C. Williams: Strike Blues//You Can't Take It With You Baby MB 100 FW SCRS, SM LTR S1 E+
6707. Spec 450 [dj] Lester Williams: Brand New Baby//If You Knew How Much I Love You V++
6708. Kapp 116 Roger Williams, pno: Autumn Leaves//Take Care E--
6709. Continental 6020 Rubber Legs Williams w/Clyde Hart's All Stars: I Want Every Bit Of It//4-F Blues
Byas, Gillespie & Parker in the band! MB 25 LT GR, FW SCRS E
6710. Ace 511 Sonny Boy Williamson: Boppin' With Sonny//No Nights By Myself MB 15 V++
6711. Checker 834 Sonny Boy Williamson: Let Me Explain//Your Imagination VLT WMK V

6712. Trumpet 145 Sonny Boy Williamson: Sonny Boy's Christmas Blues//Pontiac Blues MB 50 LT LSCR S1 E-
6713. Trumpet 168 Sonny Boy Williamson's House Rockers: Stop Now Baby//Mr Down Child MB 100 E
6714. Swing Time 304 [dj] Little Son Willis: Operator Blues//Back Luck And Trouble SM ECS NTG V++
6715. Lucky 7 5001 Milton Willis Combo: Little Joe's Boogie//Three O'Clock Blues Houston lbl MB 25 GR, SCRS S2 E-
6716. Br 55024 Jackie Wilson: Reet Petite//By The Light Of The Silvery Moon V++/E-
6717. King 4707 [dj] Anna Mae Winburn's Sweethearts of Rhythm: Hank's Pranks//That Knocks Me Out E-
6718. ViRC 20-6775 Hugo Winterhalter's Orc & Chorus: A New-Fangled Tango//Bundle Of Joy LT WMKS, LT LBBLS E+
6719. Modern 20-699 Jimmy Witherspoon: When I Had My Money//Sweet Lovin' Baby LT WMKS, LT DWRP E
6720. Cadence 1347 Link Wray & his Ray Men: The Swag//Rumble MB 25 V++

*6721. Ora Nelle 712 Johnny Young, mandolin w/Johnny William, vc s2: Money Taking Woman//Worried Man Blues BRS MB 250 E

Part 2: Edison Diamond Discs

50000 Series (Popular), MB $3
6722. EdDP 50070 tk C/B Royal Fish: Where The Water Lilies Grow//Marguerite LSCRS E-
6723. EdDE 50091 tk B/A American Symphony Orc: Jolly Fellows Waltz//Edison Concert Band: Second Valse Brilliante WOLS E-
6724. EdDE 50166 tk C/A New York Military Band: Seconde Valse Brillante//Monterey E--
6725. EdDP 50200 tk A/B André Benoist, pno: Arabesque & Butterfly//Two Larks E--
6726. EdDE 50224 tk B/A Frank X. Doyle: Irish Eyes Of Love//A Little Bit Of Heaven E-
6727. EdDE 50349 tk C/C National Promenade Band: Memphis Blues//Vess L. Ossman's Banjo Orc: Merry Whirl V++
6728. EdDE 50381 tk C/B Peerless Orc: Christmas Morning With The Kiddies//Toy Shop Symphony E/E-
6729. EdDE 50382 tk A/C Robert Gayler, celeste: Christmas Eve//Edna Bailey: Why The Chimes Rang NR E--
6730. EdDE 50383 tk A/A George P. Watson: The Santa Claus Song//Du Du & Doctor Eisenbart SGS S2 E--/V+
6731. EdDE 50386 tk C/C Elizabeth Spencer: Poor Butterfly//Gladys Rice: Flora Bella E--
6732. EdDE 50388 tk C/C Jaudas' Society Orc: Listen To This//Old Virginny LT WOLS E
6733. EdDE 50389 tk C/C Rice & Van Brunt: A Little Bid For Sympathy//Rice & Wheeler: In The Garden Of Romance E
6734. EdDE 50390 tk C/B Clark & Phillips: So Long Letty//Helen Clark: On The South Sea Isle E/E--
6735. EdDE 50391 tk C/C Walter Van Brunt: She Is The Sunshine Of Virginia//George Ballard:
Turn Back The Universe And Give Me Yesterday E-
6736. EdDE 50393 tk C/C Peerless Orc: The Dragon's Eye//William Dorn, xyl: Valse Danseuse E--
6737. EdDE 50394 tk C/C Gladys Rice: There's A Little Bit Of Bad In Every Good Little Girl//Mayo & Tally:
I Was Never Nearer Heaven In My Life V++/E-
6738. EdDE 50397 tk A/C Jaudas' Society Orc: Waters Of Venice Waltz//Mighty Lak' A Rose E--
6739. EdDE 50398 tk C/C Grant & Murray: I'll Make You Want Me//Ada Jones: Put On Your Slippers And Fill Up Your Pipe
(You're Not Going Bye-Bye To-Night) EF NTG V++
6740. EdDE 50400 tk B/A Alice Goddard: The First Woodpecker//Raggylug V++
6741. EdDE 50402 tk C/C Ada Jones: O'Brien Is Tryin' To Learn To Talk Hawaiian//Collins & Harlan: Dancing Down In Dixie Land SCRS E--
6742. EdDP 50448 tk C/C Robert Gayler, celeste: Christmas Memories//Pietro Capodiferro, cnt: The Birthday Of A King VLT SCFS E
6743. EdDE 50464 tk C/C Lou Chiha "Frisco", xyl: Buzzin' The Bee//Frisco Jass Band: Pozzo E--
6744. EdDE 50468 tk H/C Premier Qrt: The Darktown Strutters' Ball//Billy Murray: They Go Wild, Simply Wild, Over Me MB 15 E
6745. EdDE 50470 tk C/C Frisco Jass Band: Umbrellas To Mend//Johnson "Jass" Blues V+
6746. EdDP 50473 tk C/C Jones & Murray: I'll Take You Back To Italy//Vernon Dalhart: The Tickle Toe RTL E--
6747. EdDE 50474 tk C/C Premier Qrt: The Dixie Volunteers//Grant & Murray: I'm Going To Follow The Boys SCFS S2 E/E--
6748. EdDE 50480 tk C/C Jaudas' Society Orc: Old Timer's Waltz//Molly Dear Waltz SM EF NTG E--
6749. EdDE 50482 tk C/C New York Military Band: Invincible America March//Wisconsin Forward Forever March WOLS E-
6750. EdDE 50488 tk C/C Jazzarimba Orc: Rag-A-Minor//George Hamilton Green, xyl: Watermelon Whispers LT SCRS, LSCFS E-
6751. EdDE 50505 tk C/C George Hamilton Green, xyl: Frivolity One Step//Earl Fuller's Famous Jazz Band: Jazbo Jazz V++
6752. EdDE 50509 tk A/C Thomas A. Edison: Let Us Not Forget//New York Military Band: National Airs of the Allies MB 50 LT SWS S1 E-/V
6753. EdDE 50524 tk C/C Al Bernard: Hesitation Blues//Irving Kaufman: Don't Cry, Little Girl, Don't Cry E--
6754. EdDE 50542 tk A/C Al Bernard: Nigger Blues//Ernest Hare: Satan, I'm Here (I Couldn't Stand For A Triflin' Man) MB 15 E-
6755. EdDE 50550 tk C/A Lou Chiha "Frisco", xyl: Honest Injun//Tuxedo Dance Orc: Sweet Siamese E--
6756. EdDE 50558 tk B/A Bernard & Hare: I Want To Hold You In My Arms//Ada Jones: Oh Lawdy
(Something's Done Got Between Ebecaneezer And Me) MB 15 E
6757. EdDE 50569 tk C/C Louisiana Five: B-Hap-E//Foot Warmer E--
6758. EdDE 50591 tk C/C Robert Gayler, celeste: Celestial Chimes//Christmas Bells E
6759. EdDE 50634 tk C/C Al Bernard: He Went In Like A Lion And Came Out Like A Lamb//Ernest Hare:
A Bullfrog Am No Nightingale MB 15 VSM EF NTG E-
6760. EdDP 50636 tk C/H New York Military Band: Liberty Bell March//At A Georgia Camp Meeting LST S1 E--
6761. EdDE 50649 tk C/C Lopez & Hamilton's Kings of Harmony Orc: Bo-La-Bo//Tuxedo Dance Orc: My Isle Of Golden Dreams E
6762. EdDE 50671 tk B/A New York Military Band: Semper Fidelis March//Trumpeter's Carnival E-
6763. EdDE 50679 tk C/C Lenzberg's Riverside Orc: A Young Man's Fancy//Lassie Waltz SCFS E-
6764. EdDE 50687 tk F/C Billy Murray: I've Got The Profiteering Blues//Grant & Murray:
Oh How I Laugh When I Think How I Cried About You E--
6765. EdDE 50688 tk C/C New York Military Band: U.S. Field Artillery March//Creatore & his Band: Piccolo Pic E--
6766. EdDE 50694 tk A/C Kitty Berger, harp-zither: The Ring And The Rose//Pietro J. Frosini, acc: The Four Jacks March E-
6767. EdDE 50701 tk A/G Rice & Lennox: Sweet Luana//Waikiki Hawaiian Orc: Beautiful Hawaii Waltz EFS NTG E--
6768. EdDE 50726 tk A/B Orlando's Orc: Bright Eyes//Harry Raderman's Jazz Orc: Broadway Rose E--
6769. EdDE 50729 tk C/A Ernest Hare: No Wonder I'm Blue//Aileen Stanley: She Walks In Her Husband's Sleep E-
6770. EdDE 50732 tk G/H Conway's Band: Washington Greys March//New York Military Band: Battle Song Of Liberty March E-
6771. EdDE 50745 tk B/C Jones & Porter: Flanagan's Night Off//Edward Meeker & the Empire Vaudeville Co: Laughing Song E--
6772. EdDE 50750 tk A/C Premier Qrt: Land Of Minstrelsy//Ward Barton: My Pretty Lena E--
6773. EdDE 50756 tk B/A Harry Raderman's Jazz Orc: All For You//Lenzberg's Riverside Orc: I Like It E-
6774. EdDE 50760 tk B/B Harry Raderman's Jazz Orc: Make Believe//Green Bros. Novelty Band: Siren Of A Southern Sea E-
6775. EdDE 50763 tk A/B Harvey Hindermeyer: Margie//Metropolitan Qrt: In The Heart Of Dear Old Italy E--
6776. EdDE 50765 tk A/C Empire Vaudeville Co: A Scene On The Levee//Down At Finnegan's E-
6777. EdDE 50793 tk A/A Lenzberg's Riverside Orc: Wait Until You See My Madeline//Tea Cup Girl E--
6778. EdDE 50812 tk A/F Peerless Orc: In A Monastery Garden//New York Military Band: March Religioso V++
6779. EdDP Blk 50813 tk B/A Shepherd & James: The Last Waltz//Betsy Lane Shepherd: 'Neath The Autumn Moon RTL E--
6780. EdDE 50821 tk C/B Orlando's Orc: Ilo//Sleepy Head E-
6781. EdDP 50831 tk B/C Bartram & Saxton: In A Dreamland Of Yore//Crescent Trio: Jane SM LTRS E-
6782. EdDE 50840 tk C/B Roy Cropper: Tuck Me To Sleep//Walter Scanlan: I Wonder If You Still Care For Me SM SFS E

6783. EdDP 50852 tk C/B Ada Jones & Billy Jones: On A Little Side Street//When Francis Dances With Me ESEP, LSTS, EFS NTG E--
6784. EdDP 50855 tk B/C Crescent Trio: Plantation Lullaby//Jones & Hare: Ten Little Fingers And Ten Little Toes EF NTG E--
6785. EdDP 50861 tk B/B Creatore & his Band: Creatore's Band March//New York Military Band: Pep E-
6786. EdDP 50863 tk A/B Walter Scanlan: With All Her Faults, I Love Her Still//Spencer & Hart: Silver Sands Of Love SM EF NTG E+
6787. EdDP Blk 50869 tk C/B Isabelle Patricola: Little Min-Nee-Ha! Ha! (Be My Little Injun Squaw)//I Ain't Gonna Be Nobody's Fool E--
6788. EdDP 50884 tk B/B Stellario Cambria, mandolin: Faust-Invocation//Kitty Berger, harp-zither: L'Eclair-Romance LSCF E-
6789. EdDP 50902 tk F/C Crescent Trio: Rose Of Virginia//Vernon Dalhart: Indian Moon NR S1, EF NTG S2, LTRS S2 E--
6790. EdDP 50904 tk C/C United States Marine Band: Yorktown's Centennial March//New York Military Band: Boy Scouts Of America March SM LTRS E-
6791. EdDP 50911 tk B/B Phil Ohman's Dance Orc: Gypsy Rose//Imperial Marimba Band: Lalawana Lullaby E-
6792. EdDP 50921 tk B/B Al Bernard: Brother Low Down//Billy Murray: Spagoni's Wedding Jubilee E--
6793. EdDP 50936 tk B/B Weltzin B. Blix: When The Bell In The Lighthouse Rings Ding, Dong//Glen Ellison: Out Where The West Begins
Blix appears to have been a fruit auctioneer, working for the Philadelphia Terminal Auction
Company for 35 years. Or maybe I just have the wrong Weltzin B. Blix. SM LTRS V++
6794. EdDP 50949 tk C/C Cox & Young: Do You Sometimes Think Of Me?//Young & Reardon: On The Road To Home Sweet Home RTL E-
6795. EdDP 50954 tk B/C Lanin's Orc: Old Fashioned Girl//Broadway Dance Orc: Blue Birds SM WOLS E-
6796. EdDP 50959 tk B/B Ernest L. Stevens, pno: Swaying//Henry W. Lange, pno: Who E--
6797. EdDP 50963 tk B/C Don Parker Trio: Pick Me Up And Lay Me Down In Dear Old Dixieland//Harry Raderman's Jazz Orc: On The Alamo E
6798. EdDP 50972 tk A/C Club de Vingt Orc: By The Sapphire Sea//Every Day LTRS E-
6799. EdDP 50984 tk A/B Ernest Stevens' Trio: Suppose The Rose Were You//Natzy's Orc: Idola E+
6800. EdDP 51001 tk B/B Charles R. Taggart: A Country Fiddler At Home//A Country Fiddler At The Hotel E--
6801. EdDP 51008 tk B/A Atlantic Dance Orc: 'Neath The South Sea Moon//Broadway Dance Orc: J' En Ai Marre SCFS E-
6802. EdDP 51020 tk A/C Broadway Dance Orc: Say It While Dancing//Rudy Wiedoeft's Californians: Rose Of Bombay E--
6803. EdDP 51027 tk C/A Victor Young, pno: Valse Caprice (Newland)//Fifth Nocturne (Leybach) LST S1 E--
6804. EdDP 51034 tk C/A Ernest L. Stevens, pno: Red Moon//Huston Ray: On A Woodland Glade RTL E
6805. EdDP 51044 tk C/B Scanlan & Clark: Down Old Virginia Way//Bernard & Kamplain: When The Moon Is Shinin' Down In Alabam' E--
6806. EdDP 51051 tk B/A Spencer & James: While The Years Roll By//Joseph A. Phillips: Pal Of All Pals E-
6807. EdDP 51060 tk A/A Kaplan's Melodists: When Will The Sun Shine For Me?//What's Your Hurry? E--
6808. EdDP 51061 tk A/A Edith Gaile: At Dawning//William Bonner: Rose, My Rose LT SCRS, LT DWRP E-
6809. EdDP 51078 tk A/C Spencer & Hart: Delaware//Walter Scanlan: Picture Without A Frame E+
6810. EdDP 51092 tk C/B Harry Raderman's Orc: Do I Love Her//Joseph Knecht's Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orc: All Muddled Up V++
6811. EdDP 51100 tk A/B Broadway Dance Orc: Lady Of The Evening//Crinoline Days LSCFS E-
6812. EdDP 51109 tk C/C Jim Doherty: Just Before The Battle, Mother//Walter Van Brunt: When I Dream Of That Mother Of Mine E
6813. EdDP 51122 tk A/C Frank Craft's Strand Dance Orc: When Will I Know//Kaplan's Melodists: Sunny Jim SM LTRS E-
6814. EdDP 51132 tk C/C Kaplan's Melodists: The Pelican//Broadway Dance Orc: Hot Dog! E-
6815. EdDP 51133 tk B/C Broadway Dance Orc: The Natchez And The Robert E. Lee//Anuschka E--
6816. EdDP 51149 tk A/B Broadway Dance Orc: Bambalina//La Mome Tango EF NTG E-
6817. EdDP 51165 tk C/C Broadway Dance Orc: Blue Hoosier Blues//Jazz-O-Harmonists: Long Lost Mamma, Daddy Misses You LT LTRS S1 E-
6818. EdDP 51167 tk B/C Joe Thomas' Sax-O-Tette: A Song Of India//Charlie Kerr's Orc: Mad ('Cause You Treat Me This Way) LT SCF, VSM LTRS E
6819. EdDP 51176 tk C/A Broadway Dance Orc: Carolina In The Morning//Aggravatin' Papa SM LTRS E-
6820. EdDP 51187 tk B/B Lewis James: Daddy's Wonderful Pal//Walter Scanlan: Carolina Mammy LTR S1 E-
6821. EdDP 51204 tk A/A [re] Original Memphis Five: Shufflin' Mose//The Great White Way Blues MB 50 SM LTRS E-
6822. EdDP 51212 tk C/C Green Bros. Novelty Band: Last Night On The Back Porch//Polly-Olly-Oo E
6823. EdDP 51213 tk A/B Sodero's Band: Marche Slave//Chicago Tribune March E-/V++
6824. EdDP 51219 tk A/B Walter Scanlan: Marcheta//Bailey & Bent: Say It With A Ukelele RTL E--
6825. EdDP 51225 tk A/C McNalpak's Dance Orc: Marchéta//Willie Creager's Dance Orc: Pretty Peggy LTRS S2 E-
6826. EdDP 51236 tk A/C John Baltzell, vln: Durang Hornpipe Medley//The Old Red Barn Medley Quadrille SM BLSS S1 E-
6827. EdDP 51243 tk A/B Harry Barth's Mississippians: Drigo's Serenade//Indiana Moon E--
6828. EdDP 51244 tk G/A Lewis James: The Life Of A Rose//James Morton: Midnight Rose VVSM BLS E
6829. EdDP 51247 tk C/B Jazz-O-Harmonists: Darktown Reveille//Salt Your Sugar MB 50 E
6830. EdDP 51253 tk A/A Ernest Stevens' Dance Orc: When You Walked Out, Someone Else Walked Right In//Kaplan's Melodists: Love Tales RTL V++
6831. EdDP 51254 tk A/A Ferdinand Himmelreich, pno: 'O Sole Mio//Victor Young, pno: Frühlingscregen RTL E--
6832. EdDP 51255 tk A/C Ernest Stevens' Trio: Melancholy//McNalpak's Dance Orc: What Do You Do Sunday, Mary? RTL E-
6833. EdDP 51256 tk A/A Ernest Stevens' Trio: When You Dance With A Wonderful Girl//McNalpak's Dance Orc: Dreamy Melody RTL, LSCFS E
6834. EdDP 51258 tk A/C Ernest Stevens' Trio: Love, My Heart Is Calling You//Are You Lonely? RTL E--
6835. EdDP 51259 tk B/L Walter Scanlan: Kitty//A Bit O' Pink And White RTL E--
6836. EdDP 51260 tk A/A Kaplan's Melodists: Sweet Butter//You've Simply Got Me Cuckoo Nice! MB 50 VSM RTL E+
6837. EdDP 51261 tk A/B Wendell Hall: It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo'//Bernard & Hare: Samuel Johnson (Get Thee Gone From Here) E--
6838. EdDP 51262 tk A/A Ernest Stevens' Trio: Moonlight Kisses//Ernest Stevens' Dance Orc: Little Butterfly RTL, VLT SCR S2 E
6839. EdDP 51263 tk A/A Vernon Dalhart: The Old Folks At Home//Charles Hart: Just For Remembrance E--
6840. EdDP 51265 tk A/B Nathan Glantz & his Orc: Sittin' In A Corner//Kerr's Orc: Open Your Heart RTL E--
6841. EdDP 51276 tk C/A Fletcher Henderson's Orc: Shake Your Feet//Ernest Stevens' Trio: Along The Rainbow Trail MB 25 E--
6842. EdDP 51305 tk A/A Atlantic Dance Orc: Limehouse Blues//Kaplan's Melodists: La Java E--
6843. EdDP 51306 tk B/A Walter Scanlan: Memory's Garden//Maid Of The West E--
6844. EdDP 51313 tk C/C Broadway Dance Orc: There's Nobody Else But You//Merry Sparklers: Every Day I Hear My Daddy Say
(Riddle Dum Bum) SM LTR S2 E-
6845. EdDP 51315 tk B/C Olga Steeb, pno: Scherzo in E Minor (Mendelssohn) & Mazurka in B Flat (Chopin)//Carlos Valderrama, pno:
Inca Rhapsodie, No 3 (arr Valderrama) LT SCFS E-
6846. EdDP 51327 tk C/C Merry Sparklers: Take A Little One Step//Atlantic Dance Orc: From One Till Two MB 15 E+
6847. EdDP 51333 tk B/A Jones & Hare: Down Where The South Begins//Ernest Hare: It Looks Like Rain LSTS E--
6848. EdDP 51336 tk A/C Georgia Melodians: The Wop Blues//Nathan Glantz's Orc: I'm Worried Over You
Unfinished edge; lbl stamped "Test" s2 MB 15 MN SCRS V++
6849. EdDP 51338 tk C/C Georgia Melodians: Wait'll You See My Gal//Atlantic Dance Orc: That's The Tune V++
6850. EdDP 51344 tk A/A MacDowell Sisters: Hawaiian Twilight//Dear Evelina, Sweet Evelina SCFS E--
6851. EdDP 51353 tk F/B James Doherty: Any Old Time At All//Immigration Rose E--
6852. EdDP 51363 tk B/A Empire Vaudeville & Minstrel Co: Minstrelsy of Other Days, Pt 1//Pt 2 E--
6853. EdDP 51378 tk C/B Harry Raderman's Dance Orc: Louise//Georgia Melodians: Why Did You Do It? MB 25 E-
6854. EdDP 51402 tk C/B Clark & Hart: Georgia Lullaby//James Doherty: Wasted Tears V++
6855. EdDP 51422 tk C/A Blue Ridge Duo: Little Brown Jug//Arkansas Traveler NR S2 V++/E-
6856. EdDP 51425 tk A/B Green Bros Novelty Band: Some Other Day (Some Other Girl)//Georgia Melodians: I'm Satisfied MN LT SCRS E--
6857. EdDP 51435 tk A/C Fry's Million Dollar Pier Orc: Tessie//Dear One RTL V++
6858. EdDP 51436 tk C/A Waikiki Hawaiian Orc: Moana Chimes//Under The South Sea Palms RTL, SCRS E--
6859. EdDP 51442 tk A/B Frank Silver's Dance Orc: Underneath A Sunny Sky//Take Me E-
6860. EdDP 51444 tk H/L Franz Falkenberg, pno: Thine Own, Op 54 (G. Lange)//Valse Russe, Op 43 (De Bottari) RPR LBL S2, RTL E--
6861. EdDP 51447 tk C/A Alessios Mandolin Qrt: Estudiantina (Graziani)//Alessios-De Filippis Mandolin Orc: Sinfonia in Sol (Domenico) RTL E--

6862. EdDP 51448 tk A/A Cal Stewart: Moving Day At Pun'kin Center//Charles R. Taggart:
Sister Sorrowful Entertains The Minister RPR LBL, EF NTG S1, RTL S2 E--
6863. EdDP 51449 tk B/B Walter Scanlan: My Garden Of Memory//Tonight A Dream Tomorrow A Memory SM RTL E
6864. EdDP 51452 tk B/A Billy Wynne's Greenwich Village Inn Orc: Not Now, Not Yet, But Soon//Peter Pan (I Love You) VSM RTL E
6865. EdDP 51454 tk C/C Jones & Hare: No One Knows What It's All About//Ernest Hare: Big Bad Bill RTL E--
6866. EdDP 51456 tk A/C Polla's Clover Gardens Orc w/Will Prevost, vc s1: Traveling Blues//All Alone With You In A Little Rendezvous SM RTL E--
6867. EdDP 51464 tk A/A Sodero's Band: Vesper Bells At Eve//United States Marine Band: Monastery Bells FW SCRS S2, RTL E--
6868. EdDP 51465 tk C/B Arthur Hall: Songs for Little Boys, No 1//No 2 "Edison Shop" isols E--
6869. EdDP 51467 tk A/A Kaplan's Melodists: Oh, Joseph!//Madame Pompadour V++
6870. EdDP 51469 tk A/A Fry's Million Dollar Pier Orc: Gotta Getta Girl//Bye Bye Baby V++
6871. EdDP 51473 tk H/C Hall & Ryan: I'm Some-One Who's No-One To You//Hawaiian Love Nest SM RTL E
6872. EdDP 51475 tk A/B Barney Ward: Barney's Wedding, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM LTR S1, LST S2 E
6873. EdDP 51479 tk B/A Dave Harman's Orc: Hot-Hot-Hottentot//Somebody Like You SCRS, RTL, RPR LBL S2 V++
6874. EdDP 51480 tk A/A Fred Van Eps, bjo: Dancing On The House Top//On The Village Green VLT SCRS, SM RTL E
6875. EdDP 51489 tk B/C Scottish Military Band: Eightsome Reel//Foursome Reel MB 15 LC NTPG S1 E
6876. EdDP 51491 tk B/A Golden Gate Orc: Keep Smiling At Trouble//Oh! Mabel V+
6877. EdDP 51512 tk C/C Ernie Golden's Hotel McAlpin Orc: Love Me//I'll Take Her Back If She Wants To Come Back MB 15 M-
6878. EdDP 51515 tk B/C The Blue Ridge Duo: Blue Ridge Blues//Lonesome Road Blues E--
6879. EdDP 51527 tk C/C George Hamilton Green, xyl: Log Cabin Blues//Chromatic MB 15 E
6880. EdDP 51539 tk C/B Aristocrats: Egyptian Echoes//Hungaria WOL E
6881. EdDP 51549 tk B/B Billy Wynne's Greenwich Village Inn Orc: When My Sugar Walks Down The Street//Lenore MB 15 E--
6882. EdDP 51552 tk B/A Bud Birmingham: Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter//We're Gonna Have Weather E--
6883. EdDP 51554 tk A/C Polla's Clover Gardens Orc: Tell Me More!//The Time Will Come V++/E-
6884. EdDP 51562 tk A/B Golden Gate Orc w/Vernon Dalhart, vc: Cheatin' On Me//Charles Hart, vc: When The Moon Shines In Coral Gables Plays ok V
6885. EdDP 51568 tk B/B Ernie Golden's Hotel McAlpin Orc: Honey, I'm In Love With You//Jack Stillman's Orc: Wait Till The Morning After MB 15 V++/E--
6886. EdDP 51569 tk A/A Jack Stillman's Orc: Wondering//Polla's Clover Gardens Orc w/James Doherty, vc:
The Melody That Made You Mine HV LSCFS S2 E
6887. EdDP 51571 tk C/A Polla's Clover Gardens Orc w/Vernon Dalhart, vc: Silver Head//Nat Martin's Orc: Marguerite E-
6888. EdDP 51576 tk C/C Hall & Ryan: Let It Rain, Let It Pour//Just A Bundle Of Sunshine E-
6889. EdDP 51587 tk B/B Tennessee Happy Boys w/Arthur Hall, vc: I Miss My Swiss//Bud Kennedy, vc: Just A Little Drink E--
6890. EdDP 51612 tk A/C Mike Speciale's Hotel Carlton Terrace Orc w/Arthur Hall, vc s1: When The Dear Old Summer Goes//Kinky Kids Parade MB 15 E-
6891. EdDP 51617 tk B/A Anthony Monde, acc: Tranquillo Overture//Repasz Band March LT SCFS E
6892. EdDP 51628 tk A/B Elsie Clark: I'm Happy Go Lucky There's Nothing On My Mind//Loud Speakin' Papa
(You'd Better Speak Easy To Me) MB 25 E-
6893. EdDP 51645 tk C/B Phil Baker's Bad Boys: How Can You Look So Good//Pretty Little Baby WOL S2 E-
6894. EdDP 51654 tk B/B Joseph Knecht's Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orc: Let's Wander Away//Moonlight In Mandalay E
6895. EdDP 51677 tk C/B Jones & Hare: Hokey Pokey Diddle-Dee-Rum//I Wish I Was In Peoria SCRS E--
6896. EdDP 51678 tk A/B Georgia Melodians: Spanish Shawl//Charleston Ball V/E--
6897. EdDP 51717 tk C/A Carl Seville & Jack Derr, Hawaiian gtrs: Ka Maia O Ka Maoli//Ferera & Franchini, Hawaiian gtrs: Palakiko Blues VLT WOLS E
6898. EdDP 51725 tk A/A Golden Gate Orc: After I Say I'm Sorry//Here Comes Malinda ½" CR, SM LTR S2 V++
6899. EdDP 51726 tk C/C Jack Stillman's Orc: For Heaven's Sake//Burgundy MB 15 E+
6900. EdDP 51737 tk A/C Golden Gate Orc w/Arthur Fields, vc s2: Shake (Papa Charlie Jackson)//What A Man! MB 75 SM RTL E
6901. EdDP 51762 tk A/C Earl Oliver's Jazz Babies w/Tom Howard, vc: Lulu Lou//Golden Gate Orc: Hard-To-Get Gertie MB 15 LBL MSG S1 V++
6902. EdDP 51771 tk B/A Donald Lindley, Arthur Schutt & David Grupp; tpt, pno & traps: Hot As A Summer's Day//
Trumpet Blues MB 100 LST S1, SM WOL S2 E--
6903. EdDP 51775 tk A/C Charley Skeete's Orc: Deep Henderson//Tampeekoo 78Q <10 MB 75 LTRS V++
6904. EdDP 51777 tk B/B Sodero's Band: Sesqui-Centennial Exposition March//Gridiron Club March LT SCF, LT LSTS, SM LTRS E-
6905. EdDP 51784 tk B/C Tennessee Happy Boys w/Arthur Hall, vc s2: Here I Am//Katinka E
6906. EdDP 51797 tk B/B Golden Gate Orc: To Be With You//B.A. Rolfe's Palais d'Or Orc: Wond'ring Why E/E-
6907. EdDP 51806 tk C/C Duke Yellman's Orc: Mary Lou//Oh! If I Only Had You MB 15 EFS NTG E-
6908. EdDP 51820 tk A/B Golden Gate Orc: Up And At 'Em//Me Too NRS, EFS NTG, LBL MSG S2 V++
6909. EdDP 51823 tk A/B Blue Ridge Mountaineer: Sinking Of The Titanic//Wreck Of The C. & O. MB 50 LT SCRS E-
6910. EdDP 51824 tk A/A Golden Gate Orc w/Arthur Fields, vc s1: You Need Someone To Love//Would-Ja? SCRS, LTR S2 E--
6911. EdDP 51833 tk C/C Ernie Anderson, bjo: Nola//Marionette V++
6912. EdDP 51840 tk B/C Duke Yellman's Orc: Moonlight On The Ganges//B.A. Rolfe's Palais d'Or Orc: Zoubeeda VLT WOL S1 E--
6913. EdDP 51845 tk B/B Constance Mering, pno: Crazy Quilt//Trail Of Dreams SM LTR E--
6914. EdDP 51860 tk C/C Golden Gate Orc: Pretty Cinderella//Sweet Thing MB 25 EF NTG E
6915. EdDP 51891 tk B/B Gus Reed: Big Bass Viol//Any Old Port In A Storm SM WOL E-
6916. EdDP 51908 tk C/B Phil Napoleon's Orc: Tiger Rag//Go Joe Go MB 100 E--
6917. EdDP 51909 tk C/B Ernest Stoneman: My Little German Home Across The Sea//
Bury Me Beneath The Weeping Willow Tree MB 25 SCRS S2 E--
6918. EdDP 51924 tk C/C Frederick Kinsley, org: The Little White House//Roses Remind Me Of You E-
6919. EdDP 51931 tk A/C Peerless Concert Orc: Selections from "The Desert Song"//My Sweetheart Waltz MB 25 RTL, SM WOLS E
6920. EdDP 51935 tk C/C Ernest Stoneman & his Dixie Mountaineers: Two Little Orphans//Once I Had A Fortune MB 75 EF NTG, RTL E
6921. EdDP 51988 tk B/A Clyde Doerr's Orc: Ain't She Sweet?//Oreste's Queensland Orc: Coronado Nights MB 100 LT SCF E
6922. EdDP 52002 tk C/A B.A. Rolfe's Palais d'Or Orc w/J. Donald Parker, vc: One Summer Night//There's Everything Nice About You MB 15 E
6923. EdDP 52015 tk C/C B.A. Rolfe's Palais d'Or Orc: The More We Are Together//Oh! Isabella FW SCRS E-
6924. EdDP 52023 tk C/A Joe Green's Novelty Marimba Band: Dawn Of To-Morrow//Charmaine! E--
6925. EdDP 52044 tk B/B Vaughn De Leath: It's A Million To One You're In Love//Are You Lonesome To-Night? MB 15 LT SCRS E--
6926. EdDP 52050 tk A/B Happiness Boys: Oh Ya! Ya!//Just A Little Old School House E--
6927. EdDP 52058 tk A/B Oreste's Queensland Orc w/Arthur Fields, vc: She's Got It!//Kaplan's Melodists w/AF, vc: Sweet Marie MB 15 E+
6928. EdDP 52062 tk B/A Jack Kaufman: Oh How I Love My Boatman//I Walked Back From The Buggy Ride MB 15 NR S2 E+/E-

Electric Recording begins here, MB $10

6929. EdDP 52089 tk G/F J. Donald Parker: Here Am I, Broken Hearted//I'm Gonna Settle Up (Then I'm Gonna Settle Down) FW SCRS E
6930. EdDP 52101 tk F/G Golden Gate Orc: Dawning//Al Lynn's Music Masters w/Arthur Fields, vc: Who Gives You All Your Kisses? V++
6931. EdDP 52107 tk C/A Irwin Abrams' Orc w/the Manger Musical Messenger: Are You Happy?//B.A. Rolfe's Palais d'Or Orc: Just A Memory EF NTG, SCRS E--
6932. EdDP 52114 tk A/B Irwin Abrams' Orc w/the Manger Musical Messenger: Baby Feet Go Pitter Patter//Heartaches And Dreams RTL E--
6933. EdDP 52138 tk C/A Ernie Golden's Hotel McAlpin Orc w/Theo Alban, vc s2: Dancing Shadows//Rose Of Monterey
Lss "Ernie Spanking the Ivories" MB 25 LST S1 E

6934. EdDP 52147 tk C/C Dave Kaplan's Happiness Orc w/Billy Jones, vc: My New York//Phil Napoleon's Orc: Five Pennies MB 150 E+

6935. EdDP 52155 tk A/A B.A. Rolfe's Palais d'Or Orc: Among My Souvenirs//Al Friedman's Yoeng's Orc w/Ernest Hare, vc: Rain E
6936. EdDP 52157 tk A/C Parker & Donaldson: Dear, On A Night Like This//Nothin' E+
6937. EdDP 52206 tk C/C Golden Gate Orc: I Ain't Got Nobody (And Nobody Cares For Me)//Third Rail LN LC S1 TOK V+
6938. EdDP 52213 tk C/C Rollickers: Rain//Auf Wiederseh'n MB 25 E-
6939. EdDP 52229 tk G/C Vernon Dalhart & Co: Old Plantation Melody//A Memory That Time Cannot Erase E--
6940. EdDP 52235 tk A/A Arthur Hall: Sweet Elaine//Harrison & Archibald: Memories Of The Past WMK S2, EFS NTG E--
6941. EdDP 52240 tk C/C J. Donald Parker: Was It A Dream?//You'd Rather Forget Than Forgive RTL E+
6942. EdDP 52255 tk A/A Winegar's Pennsylvania Boys: Say So!//There's Something About A Rose MB 50 SM RTL E
6943. EdDP 52273 tk A/C Piccadilly Players: That's What I Call Keen//Oreste's Queensland Orc w/Bert Dixon, vc: Lila MB 25 E--
6944. EdDP 52283 tk A/B Arthur Fields: They Landed Over Here From Over There//Well, The Irish And The Germans Got Together V++
6945. EdDP 52322 tk A/B Victor Hall: My Angel//Needing You E--
6946. EdDP 52376 tk A/A Henrietta Kamern, org: Come Back Chiquita//Theo Alban, vc: Girl Of My Dreams
Lss "On the Möller Organ at Loew's Rio Theatre, New York City" MB 25 E-
6947. EdDP 52407 tk F/B J. Donald Parker: Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me//Dear When I Met You EFS NTG E--
6948. EdDP 52456 tk B/B Frank Munn: Love Dreams//Motherhood LSCFS E--

*6949. EdDP 52463 tk A/A Sizzlers: Diga Diga Doo//Somebody Stole My Gal MB 250 E

6950. EdDP 52490 tk B/B Frankie Marvin: My Dreaming Of You//Poor Man's Blues S1 plays fair, s2 well MB 3 LG LTRS, SGS S2 V-
6951. EdDP 52530 tk A/B Edison Concert Orc: Aïda-Egyptian Ballet//Fantasy On Aïda SM WOL E-
6952. EdDP 52558 tk B/B Vernon Dalhart & Co: Plucky Lindy's Lucky Day//Summertime In Old Kentucky MB 75 LTRS S1 E+
6953. EdDP 52562 tk B/B Golden Gate Orc: Lover, Come Back To Me!//Piccadilly Players: My Lucky Star MB 100 LT SCFS, VLT WOL S2 E-
6954. EdDP 52598 tk B/A Jones & Hare: She Has A Little Dimple On Her Chin//It Ain't No Fault Of Mine MB 50 E-
6955. EdDP 52644 tk B/A New Yorkers: The Wedding Of The Painted Doll//Sweetheart's Holiday MB 100 E--
6956. EdDP 52649 tk B/B Campus Cut-Ups: I'm The Medicine Man For The Blues//Campus Rush MB 25 LT LTR S1 V+

Spanish & Cuban Series, MB $10

6957. EdDE 60018 tk C/B Luz Amelia Aviles: Las Bribonas//Emilia B. Vergeri: Jugar Con Fuego MB 25 E
6958. EdDE 60022 tk A/C Vergeri & Villarias: La Paloma//Carlos Villarias: Madrigal & Clavelitos SCR, MN SM EFS E--
6959. EdDE 60023 tk G/C Claudia Albright: La Partida//Clavelitos MB 25 E
6960. EdDE 60027 tk C/C Pilade Sinagra: La Noche De Reyes//La Alegria Del Batallon MB 25 E-

*6961. EdDP 60048 tk A/A José Mojica: Te He De Querer//Morena Mia MB 100 SM EF, NR IN ROA E-
6962. EdDP 60067 tk C/C Rondalla Uzandizaga: Rosita//Sonriente MB 25 SM LT LC S1 E
6963. EdDP 60068 tk H/F Juan Pulido: Estrellita//El Rosal Enfermo HV SCRS TOK S1 V++
6964. EdDP 60070 tk B/B Milla Dominguez: Mi Guitarra//Se Fue E--
6965. EdDP 60076 tk B/A Rondalla Uzandizaga: Ramona//Ojos De Juventud E--

6966. Use this number to bid on Lots 6957-65 as a group MB 250 -

Polish Series, MB $5
6967. EdDE 65301 tk B/A Michael Zazulak: Krakusy//Maciek SHG V++
6968. EdDE 65302 tk C/A Michael Zazulak: Bog Sie Redzi//Anoit Pasternzom Mówit LT DWRP V++/V
6969. EdDP 65305 tk B/B Leon Wyszatycki: Dumka (Moniuszko)//Mòw Do Mnie Jeszcze MB 25 LT LSCFS E
6970. EdDP 65306 tk A/A Leon Wyszatycki: Matulu Kochana!//Dumka (Kratzer) MB 25 E-
6971. EdDP 65307 tk C/C Leon Wyszatycki: Chrysantem//Kozak LC SKPS 1PG, EB, WOL E--
6972. EdDP 65308 tk B/B Polska Kapela Warszawa: Polka Warszawska//Kokos Polka V+
6973. EdDP 65310 tk C/B Polska Kapela Warszawa: Waryst Oberek//Aleksander Iwanowski: Narodowe Melodye MSS, LT NR S1 E--
6974. EdDP 65312 tk A/C Polska Kapela Warszawa: Krziezye Nad Jeziorem//Okoboji Waltz RTL, LTRS V++
6975. EdDP 65313 tk A/C Polska Kapela Warszawa: Kwiecisty I Wonny Maj//Mazur Namyslowskiego V+
6976. EdDP 65315 tk C/B Bedzinsky Polska Orkiesta: Monopol//Cieszmy Sie V++
6977. EdDP 65316 tk C/B Wladyslaw Ochrymowicz: W Posród Brzew Gestych W Altanie//Za Ebru Fala E--
6978. EdDP 65317 tk A/C Wladyslaw Ochrymowicz: Uciekla Mi Przepióreczka W Proso//Tam Na Bloniu Blyszczy Kwiecie E--
6979. EdDP 65320 tk C/A Polska Orkiestra Hochmana: Moja Kochana//Do Siliubu E--
6980. EdDP 65321 tk C/B Polska Orkiestra Hochmana: Wesola Wiesniaczka//Pan Pietrowsky V++
6981. EdDP 65322 tk B/B Wladyslaw Ochrymowicz: Kwiecisty I Wonny Maj//Ach! Te Oczy MB 25 LT SCRS, SM LTR S1 E

6982. Use this number to bid on Lots 6967-81 as a group MB 150 -

80000 Series (Light Classical), MB $3

6983. EdDP 80064 tk B/B Young & Wheeler w/the Edison Mixed Qrt: Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere//Thomas Chalmers: Kathleen Mavourneen SCFS E-
6984. EdDE 80088 tk A/B Kaiser & Fish: Roses, Roses Everywhere//Clementine De Vere:
Maritana-Scenes that are brightest LC NTPG, SM BLS E--
6985. EdDE 80096 tk A/C Edison Concert Band: Light Cavalry Overture//American Symphony Orc: La Danseuse V++
6986. EdDE 80105 tk A/A Charles W. Harrison: Funiculi, Funicula (Denza)//Marie Kaiser: Italian Street Song, from "Naughty Marietta" E--
6987. EdDE 80108 tk C/B Reed Orc: A Summer Girl//Whispering Flowers SCRS E--
6988. EdDP 80116 tk A/A Albert Weston: Maritana-Scenes that are brightest//Venetian Inst Qrt:
Martha-The last rose of summer SM LTRS, WOL S2, SF S2 E-
6989. EdDE 80120 tk B/B Anna Case: La Perle du Brésil-Charmant oiseau//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk LCS, NTPGS E--/V++
6990. EdDE 80196 tk A/B Frederick Wheeler: Tell Mother I'll Be There//Vernon Archibald: I'm Longing For My Home, Sweet Home E--
6991. EdDE 80222 tk C/A T. Foster Why: Philemon et Baucis-Vulcan's Song//Christine Miller: Night And Dawn E--
6992. EdDP 80242 tk A/A American Sym Orc: Introduction to 3rd Act//Lohengrin-Bridal Chorus E--
6993. EdDP 80254 tk A/A Reed Miller: The Drummer Boy//Elizabeth Spencer: Somebody's Boy E-
6994. EdDP 80292 tk C/C Oratorio Mixed Chorus: The Messiah-Hallelujah Chorus//Gregorian Choir: The Twelfth Mass-Gloria (Mozart) WOL, SM LTRS E--
6995. EdDE 80305 tk A/A Orphee Langevin: L'Africaine-Fille des rois//Benvenuto-De l' art splendeur immortelle LT DWRP, LT SCFS E-
6996. EdDE 80329 tk C/C Ida Gardner: Bendemeer's Stream//Marie Kaiser: Song Of The Soul E
6997. EdDP 80332 tk C/B Betsy Lane Shepherd: L' Ete (Chaminade)//Orphee Langevin: Carillon D' Armour (Lambert) E--/E-
6998. EdDE 80413 tk B/C Rice & Cox: Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight//Metropolitan Qrt: Silver Bay E--
6999. EdDE 80463 tk C/C Rice & Dalhart: Waters Of Venice (Floating Down The Sleepy Lagoon)//Shepherd & Cox:
Somebody's Waiting For Someone FMG S1 E--
7000. EdDE 80481 tk A/A Claire Lillian Peteler: Il Bacio//Morenita (The Brown-Haired Maid) E--
7001. EdDP 80487 tk A/C Reed Miller: Go Down, Moses (Let My People Go!)//By And By SM WOL E-
7002. EdDP 80512 tk A/C Thomas Chalmers: Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean//Albert Lindquest: Farewell Marguerite E-
7003. EdDE 80524 tk C/C Karl Jorn: Singing To You//Virginia Rea: La Zingarilla E
7004. EdDE 80563 tk B/A Elvira Leveroni: The Twelfth Mass-Ave Maria//Mignon-Gavotte MB 15 EF NTG, DWRP E-
7005. EdDE 80566 tk G/A Cecil Arden: Mattinata (Tosti)//Lucrezia Borgia-Il segreto per esser felici E-
7006. EdDE 80572 tk C/B Cecil Arden w/Isidore Moskowitz, vln: Ye Who Have Yearn'd, Alone (Tchaikovsky)//Sing, Smile, Slumber (Gounod) MN SM LCS NTG E-
7007. EdDP 80578 tk C/A Bohumir Kryl, cnt: Where The River Shannon Flows//Rudy Wiedoeft, sax: Velma LBL MSG S1 E--
7008. EdDP 80599 tk C/B Betsy Lane Shepherd: Were My Song With Wings Provided & I Wait Beneath Thy Window//Thomas Chalmers: Parted E
7009. EdDP 80605 tk A/A Armand Vecsey & his Hungarian Orc: Voci Di Primavera, Op 140 (J. Strauss)//Louis Katzman: The Sunshine Of Your Smile E-
7010. EdDE 80614 tk A/B Maurice Maréchal, vlc: La Cinquantaine//Chants Russes, from Concerto Op 29 (Lalo) LDM S2, EF NTG, LT DWRP E-
7011. EdDP 80664 tk C/C Torcom Bezazian: Dear Heart//Who Knows SM WOL E
7012. EdDP 80667 tk B/C Lewis James: Love Sends A Little Gift Of Roses//Edward Allen: The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise LT MSS E+
7013. EdDP 80691 tk C/B Paul Reimers: Love Me Or Not//Christine Miller: Flow Gently, Sweet Afton LT SCFS, SM LTRS S2 E+/E
7014. EdDP 80698 tk C/B Thomas Chalmers: A Warrior Bold//In The Wee Little Home I Love LT DWRP E
7015. EdDP 80701 tk C/C George Hamlin: Love's Sorrow//Sally In Our Alley E-
7016. EdDP 80704 tk B/C Elias Breeskin, vln: Canzonetta, Op 6 (D'Ambrosio)//Vladimir Dubinsky, vlc: Chant Du Menestrel (Glazounow) EF NTG E-
7017. EdDP 80718 tk B/C Bohumir Kryl, cnt: Carnival Of Venice//Vladimir Dubinsky, vlc: As Once In Happier Days
Kryl autograph both sds MB 15 E-
7018. EdDP 80751 tk B/B Mario Laurenti: L'Africana-Figlia dei re//Sulla Laguna (Buzzi-Peccia) MB 15 VVSM LTRS E+
7019. EdDP 80759 tk A/G Charles Hart: A Dream//Elizabeth Spencer: I Hear You Calling Me LT SCFS, SM LTR S1 E
7020. EdDP 80761 tk B/B Anita Rio: Madame Butterfly-Un bel di vedremo//Orphee Langevin: Tannhäuser-Romance de l'etoile LT SCFS E
7021. EdDP 80763 tk A/A Céline Chais-Bonheur: La Favorita-Ah! mon Fernando//Mignon-Connais-tu le pays? MB 25 E
7022. EdDP 80852 tk C/A Ernest Davis: Because//Friend Of Mine LT SCRS E
7023. EdDP 80872 tk A/B Anna Case: Only A Rose, from "The Vagabond King"//A Night Of Love E+
7024. EdDP 80877 tk B/B Arthur Middleton: Captain Mac!//Dear Heart Of Mine SM LTR S1, SM SCR S2 E
7025. EdDP 80879 tk C/C Alma Peterson: I Love Thee//When I Was Seventeen E+
7026. EdDP 80883 tk A/A Alma Peterson: A Birthday//Without Thee Nice! E+

*7027. EdDP 80891-92; tk A/C, A/C [2 recs] Phil String Qrt of NY: Quartet in F Major, "American" (Dvorak) Electric MB 250 VLT SCRS S3 DNS E

82000 Series (Classical & Operatic), MB $3

7028. EdDE 82007 tk -/- Lucette Korsoff: Manon Lescaut-Eclat de rire//String Orc: Wedding Of The Winds Waltzes
MB 100 WOL, SM LC S2 E--
7029. EdDE 82019 tk -/- Maria Labia: Manon Lescaut-In quelle trine morbide//Isidore Moskowitz, vln:
Romanza Andaluza MB 100 E--
7030. EdDE 82035 tk -/- Maria Labia: I Pagliacci-Ballatella, stridono lassu//Celestina Boninsegna:
Il Trovatore-Tacea la notte placida Crimp marks on edge MB 100 E--/V++
7031. EdDE 82037 tk B/D Maria Labia: Tre Giorni Son Che Nina (Pergolesi)//Mattinata (Tosti) MB 50 LT WOLS, LT DWRP E--
7032. EdDE 82042 tk A/- Elizabeth Spencer: La Gioconda-Voce di Donna//Reed Miller: Cavalleria Rusticana-Siciliana MSS E-
7033. EdDE 82043 tk K/H Albert Spalding, vln: Rondo Capriccioso (Saint-Saens)//Thais-Meditation LT DWRP E--
7034. EdDE 82044 tk A/A Albert Quesnel: Sweet Form That In My Dreamy Gaze//Kaiser & Archibald:
Your Pardon, Darling, Forgive Me LT ESEP, LCS NTPG E--
7035. EdDE 82050 tk A/ [ss] Carmen Melis: Torna 'A Surriento MB 25 WOL V++
7036. EdDE 82055 tk C/B Thomas Chalmers: O Holy Night (Adam)//The Palms (Faure) E--
7037. EdDP 82063 tk A/F Carl Flesch, vln: Ave Maria (Schubert)//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk WOLS E--
7038. EdDE 82072 tk A/A Carl Flesch, vln: Le Ménétrier (Wieniawski)//Rondino (Vieuxtemps) MB 25 LT WOL E-
7039. EdDE 82080 tk B/B Alice Verlet: Rigoletto-Caro nome//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk E--
7040. EdDE 82082 tk C/A Elizabeth Schumann: Der Freischutz-Kommt ein schlanker Bursh' gegangen//Harry E. Humphrey: Exp Talk LT FMG E-
7041. EdDE 82090 tk C/A Alice Verlet: The Huguenots-O beau pays//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk E-
7042. EdDP 82096 tk B/C Paul Althouse: Faust-All hail, thou dwelling lowly!//Margaret Keyes: Carmen-Habanera LT SCFS, SM LTRS E
7043. EdDP 82101 tk B/B Marie Rappold: Stabat Mater-Inflammatus//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk E+
7044. EdDP 82107 tk B/B Marie Rappold: La Tosca-Vissi d'arte//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk E+/E-
7045. EdDP 82115 tk C/A Marie Rappold: Aida-Ritorna vincitor//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk SM LTRS, SCRS S2 E
7046. EdDP 82130 tk C/C Carolina Lazzari: Two Roses//The Captive & Until E-/E+
7047. EdDP 82137 tk B/A Marie Tiffany: The Blue Bells Of Scotland//Florian's Song VLT LC S1, WOLS E-
7048. EdDP 82140 tk A/B Marie Tiffany: My Redeemer And My Lord//Sing Me To Sleep VSM SCF S1 E
7049. EdDP 82144 tk C/B Marie Morrisey: Happy Days//La Favorita-O mio Fernando LT WOL E
7050. EdDE 82147 tk C/C Henri Scott: Don Carlos-Dormirò sol nel manto mio regal//Faust-Serenade Mephistopheles EF NTG E--
7051. EdDE 82149 tk C/H Homestead Trio: Keep The Home Fires Burning//Laddie In Khaki (Girl Who Waits At Home) EFS NTG E--
7052. EdDP 82150 tk A/A Marie Rappold: Smiles//Marie Morrisey: Waiting E
7053. EdDP 82159 tk H/A Maggie Teyte: I'se Gwine Back To Dixie//Ma Curly-Headed Babby LN NRS, SM LTRS E--
7054. EdDP 82164 tk A/C Julia Heinrich: A May Morning (Denza) & At Parting (Rogers)//I Dreamt That I Dwelt In Marble Halls E
7055. EdDE 82169 tk C/C Sergei Rachmaninoff, pno: Second Rhapsodie (Liszt), Pt 1//Pt 2 MB 15 E-
7056. EdDE 82170 tk A/A Sergei Rachmaninoff, pno: Second Rhapsodie (Liszt), Pt 3//Pastorale (Scarlatti-Tausig) LT DWRP E--
7057. EdDP 82170 tk A/C Sergei Rachmaninoff, pno: Second Rhapsodie (Liszt), Pt 3//Pastorale (Scarlatti-Tausig) MN SCRS E--
7058. EdDP 82173 tk D/A Mario Laurenti: I Did Not Know (Vanderpool)//My Dreams (Tosti) LT SCFS S2, VSM EF E
7059. EdDP 82174 tk C/C Frieda Hempel: From The Land Of Sky-Blue Water & Dixie//Erminie-Lullaby E-
7060. EdDP 82176 tk F/C Eleonora De Cisneros: Samson and Delila-Mon coeur s' omre a la voix//Taurino Parvis: La Favorita-Vien Leonora WOL E-
7061. EdDE 82177 tk B/C Consuelo Escobar De Castro: Lakmé-Dov'e l'indiana bruna//I Puritani-Vien, diletto E-
7062. EdDP 82178 tk C/C Alice Verlet: Chanson D' Amour (Hollman)//Tiffany & Laurenti: Don Giovanni-La ci darem la mano LT SCFS S2 E
7063. EdDP 82180 tk B/C Cyrena Van Gordon: La Favorita-O mio Fernando//Il Trovatore-Stride la vampa VSM LTR S1 E-
7064. EdDP 82182 tk C/A Cyrena Van Gordon: All Through The Night//Love's Garden Of Roses LT SCRS, LT WOLS E
7065. EdDP 82183 tk B/C Guido Ciccolini: Funiculi, Funicula (Denza)//Lazzari & Laurenti: La Favorita-In questo suolo SM LTRS E
7066. EdDP 82186 tk B/C Marie Sundelius: Vallåt & Fjorton År - Folk Songs//On Wings Of Music (Mendelssohn) SM LTR S1 E-
7067. EdDP 82189 tk C/B Frieda Hempel: Kentucky Babe//By The Waters Of Minnetonka & Lullaby E-
7068. EdDP 82195 tk H/B Carolina Lazzari: Love's Sorrow//Ma Little Sun Flow'r, Good Night LT SCRS E
7069. EdDP 82196 tk C/C Anna Case: Good-Bye, Beloved, Good-Bye (Sampson)//
Mario Laurenti: Calm As The Night (Bohm) LT WOL, SM LTRS E
7070. EdDE 82197 tk A/C Sergei Rachmaninoff, pno: Sonata No 9-Theme & Variations (Mozart)//Valse in A Flat, Op 42, No 3 (Chopin) LT SG S2 V++
7071. EdDP 82198 tk F/B Frieda Hempel: Waves Of The Danube (Ivanovici)//Arthur Middleton: Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes WOL E-/E
7072. EdDP 82200 tk B/C Guido Ciccolini: Il Trovatore-Ah! si, ben mio//Mario Laurenti: Atilla-Dagl' immortali vertici LT WOL E-
7073. EdDP 82201 tk A/C Giovanni Zenatello: Un Ballo in Maschera-Di' tu se fedele//Rappold & Zenatello:
Aida-Fuggiam gli ardori MB 15 LST E
7074. EdDE 82203 tk A/A Ciccolini & Middleton: I Pescatori di Perle-Del tempio al limitar//Torcom Bézazian: Hamlet-Chanson bachique ISOLS E--

7075. EdDP 82204 tk B/F Frieda Hempel: Hush, Little Baby, Don't You Cry//Henri Scott: On The Road To Mandalay VVSM EF E+
7076. EdDP 82210 tk B/A Torcom Bézazian: Lakmé-Stances//Guido Ciccolini: Manon Lescaut-Donna non vidi mai SM LTRS E-
7077. EdDP 82211 tk B/B Verlet & Errolle: Romeo et Juliette-Ange adorable//Alice Verlet: Mignon-Je suis Titania E
7078. EdDE 82213 tk A/C Rappold & Lazzari: Madama Butterfly-Tutti i fior//Mario Laurenti: Povera Mamma! (Tosti) E
7079. EdDP 82219 tk B/C Marie Rappold: Sing Me Love's Lullaby//Mario Laurenti: Love Is Mine LT SCFS E
7080. EdDP 82227 tk A/A Váša Príhoda, vln: Caprice Viennois, Op 2 (Kreisler)//La Ronde Des Lutins, Op 25 (Bazzini) MB 15 SM LTR, WOL E-
7081. EdDP 82230 tk A/A Frieda Hempel: The Herdsman's Song (Thrane)//Marie Tiffany: Solveig's Vise (Grieg) E
7082. EdDP 82231 tk F/B Anna Case: To You & Song Of The Robin//Boats Of Mine LT SCR S2, LT WOLS E
7083. EdDP 82238 tk A/B Alice Verlet: Thaïs-Scène du miroir//Verlet & Middleton: Duo de l'Oasis SCRS S2, LTRS S1 E-
7084. EdDP 82240 tk C/C Hempel & Spalding: The Angel's Serenade (Brago)//Frieda Hempel: The Merry Widow Waltz WOLS, SCR S2 E-
7085. EdDP 82241 tk B/B Le Fontenay, Spencer, Bloch & Middleton: Rigoletto-Bella figlia dell' amore//Arthur Middleton: Falstaff-Quand' ero paggio &
Don Giovanni-Deh vieni alla finestra SCFS E
7086. EdDP 82242 tk B/C Rappold & Laurenti: Il Flauto Magico-La dove prende amor ricetto//Marie Rappold: Otello-Ave Maria E/E-
7087. EdDP 82249 tk C/B Mario Laurenti: 'Tis Not True//Anna Case: Dearie V++
7088. EdDP 82252 tk C/B Jacques Urlus: Traum Durch Die Dämmerung, Op 29, No 1 (R. Strauss)//
Die Allmacht, Op 79, No 2 (Schubert) LTR S2 E
7089. EdDP 82254 tk C/C Mario Laurenti: Vision Vénitienne (Brogi)//Comme Se Canta A Napule (Mario) SM LTRS E--
7090. EdDP 82255 tk A/C Váša Príhoda, vln: Gypsy Serenade (Valdez)//Spanish Dance (Rehfeld) SM EF E
7091. EdDP 82258 tk B/C Marie Rappold w/Albert Spalding, vln: Ave Maria (Schubert)//Henri Scott: Pilgrim's Song (Tchaikovsky) SM LTR S1 E-
7092. EdDP 82259 tk B/B Mario Laurenti: Le Jongleur de Notre Dame-Légende de la Sauge//Marie Rappold:
Manon Lescaut-In quelle trine morbide SM WOL E
7093. EdDP 82260 tk A/A Jacques Urlus: Die Jüden-Recha, Als Gott dich einst zur Tochter mir gegeben//The Magic Flute-
Dies Bildnes ist bezaubernd schön Factory discard copy; no lbls MB 15 LSCR, WOL E-
7094. EdDP 82272 tk A/C Thomas Chalmers: Tannhäuser-Evening star//Arthur Lindquest: La Favorita-Angel of light SM LTRS E-
7095. EdDP 82275 tk C/A Marie Rappold: Der Fliegende Hollander-Senta's ballade//Jacques Urlus:
Rienzi-Erstehe, höhe Roma, neu! MB 15 LG EF NTG S2 E-
7096. EdDP 82276 tk A/A Margarete Matzenauer: Fidelio-Abscheulicher! wo eilst du hin?//Jacques Urlus: Meistersinger-Prieslied MB 15 E-
7097. EdDP 82280 tk C/B Arthur Middleton: Der Trompeter von Säkkingen-Es hat nicht sollen sein//Jacques Urlus:
Das Zauberlied MB 25 LTRS S2, LT SCFS E
7098. EdDP 82285 tk C/B Marie Rappold: Queen of Sheba-Cavatine//Starry Night (Densmore) VVSM LTR S2 E+
7099. EdDP 82292 tk D/B Frieda Hempel: Home Sweet Home (Payne)//Vesper Hymn (Bortniansky) Side 1 lss
"Recorded by Hempel on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the first singing of this beloved song" E
7100. EdDP 82294 tk A/A Verlet & Zenatello: Faust-Laisses-moi//Giovanni Zenatello: Carmen-Romanza del Fiore SM LTR S1 E
7101. EdDP 82295 tk A/C Anna Case: The Valley Of Laughter//Amoureuse Waltz E
7102. EdDP 82298 tk B/A Anna Case: Dear Land Of Home//Villanelle E+
7103. EdDP 82301 tk B/B Rio & Middleton: Don Pasquale-Pronta io son//Anita Rio: I Pagliacci-Ballatella SM LTRS, LT SCFS, SM EF E
7104. EdDP 82303 tk B/B Mario Laurenti: Voice Of The Mountain Land (Thomas)//Henri Scott: Nita Gitana (de Koven) E-
7105. EdDP 82304 tk C/B Ciccolini & Chalmers: Madame Butterfly-Amore o grillo//Guido Ciccolini: La Campana Di San Giusto (Arona) LT SCFS E
7106. EdDP 82306 tk B/A Carolina Lazzari & Lyric Male Qrt: Some Day I'll Wander Back Again//Paul Althouse: Dream Faces E-
7107. EdDP 82312 tk C/B Verlet & Middleton: Lucia di Lammermoor-Se tradirmi tu potrai//Alice Verlet: La Serenata (Tosti) LT SCFS E
7108. EdDP 82317 tk B/B Claudia Muzio: A Kiss In The Dark (Herbert)//Shepherd's Love (Manahan) MB 15 SM LTRS E
7109. EdDP 82324 tk C/C Claudia Muzio: Carmen-Je dis, que rien ne m' epouvante//Les Contes d'Hoffmann-
Elle a fui, la tourterelle MB 15 SM LTRS E
7110. EdDP 82335 tk A/B Giovanni Zenatello: I Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba//La Traviata-De miei bollenti spiriti MB 25 E+
7111. EdDP 82337 tk B/A Anna Case: Indian Love Call, from "Rose Marie"//Indian Dawn (Roos-Zamecnik) E+
7112. EdDP 82339 tk A/A Claudia Muzio: Guardami//Se Tu M' Ami MB 25 RTL, LT LSCFS E+

82500 Series (Operatic), MB $3

7113. EdDE 82502 tk -/- Lucrezia Bori: Nozze di Figaro-Voi che sapete//String Orc: Spring Song LT ESEP, SCRS, MN EFS NTPGS, MN LCS AB E--
7114. EdDE 82510 tk A/C Spencer & Charles: O That We Two Were Maying//Harvey Hindermeyer:
In The Evening By The Moonlight, Dear Louise EFS, SOLS E--
7115. EdDE 82515 tk C/A Giovanni Martinelli: Rigoletto-La donna e mobile//La Boheme-Racconto di Rodolfo MB 50 LSCRS E--
7116. EdDE 82516 tk A/C New York Light Opera Co: Il Trovatore-Anvil Chorus//Kimball & Harrison: Miserere HMLC NTPG S2 E
7117. EdDP 82516 tk F/C New York Light Opera Co: Il Trovatore-Anvil Chorus//Kimball & Harrison: Miserere SM SCR S2, LT LSCF E
7118. EdDP 82516 tk J/B New York Light Opera Co: Il Trovatore-Anvil Chorus//Kimball & Harrison: Miserere SM LTR S2 E
7119. EdDP 82517 tk A/A Lucrezia Bori: Romeo et Juliette-Valse//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk NRS S1, LT LSTS E-
7120. EdDE 82518 tk A/-[ss] Eleonora De Cisneros: Samson and Delila-Mon coeur s' omre a la voix MB 50 WOL E-
7121. EdDE 82521 tk B/B Eleonora De Cisneros: Semiramide-Ah! Quel giorno//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk MB 15 E--
7122. EdDE 82525 tk B/B Emmy Destinn: La Gioconda-Suicidio//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk ESEP, SGS S2, ULC V++
7123. EdDE 82526 tk B/B Lucrezia Bori: The Marriage of Figaro-Voi che sapete//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk LT WOL, MSS, LC S2 E--
7124. EdDE 82528 tk B/B Lucrezia Bori: Guardami-Valzer cantabile//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk WOL E--
7125. EdDE 82539 tk B/B Lucrezia Bori: La Traviata-Ah! fors'è lui//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk WOL, LT DWRP E--
7126. EdDP 82543 tk B/G Rappold & Miller: Whispering Hope//Christine Miller: Just For Today E
7127. EdDP 82544 tk B/A Christine Miller: Die Lorelei (Liszt)//Julia Heinrich: Nur, Wer Die Sehnsucht Kennt (Tchaikovsky) E+
7128. EdDE 82545 tk H/B Arthur Middleton: The Barber of Seville-Largo al factotum//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk ISOL S1 E--
7129. EdDP 82550 tk G/H Frieda Hempel & the Criterion Qrt: Emmet's Lullaby//Frieda Hempel: Long, Long Ago LT MSS, SM LTRS E--
7130. EdDP 82551 tk G/G Frieda Hempel: Aloha Oe//My Old Kentucky Home RTL E-
7131. EdDE 82553 tk B/C Eric Coates: Our Little Home//J.L. Molloy: Love's Old Sweet Song SF E
7132. EdDP 82569 tk A/A Carolina Lazzari: When The Roses Bloom//Gallie & Mighty Lak' A Rose E+

83000 & 84000 Series (Operatic), MB $5

7133. EdDE 83002 tk B/C Giovanni Martinelli: La Gioconda-Cielo e mar//Carmen Melis: Zaza-Dir che ci sono al mondo MB 25 LN LC S2 E
7134. EdDE 83003 tk B/A Lucrezia Bori: Don Pasquale-So anch' io la virtu magica//Alessandro Bonci: Aida-Celeste Aida
Small crimp marks on edge WOLS E--
7135. EdDE 83007 tk B/C Giuseppe Anselmi: La Favorita-Spirito gentil//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk LCS NTG V++
7136. EdDE 83008 tk A/A Giuseppe Anselmi: I Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk V++
7137. EdDE 83008 tk B/A Giuseppe Anselmi: I Pagliacci-Vesti la giubba//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk V++
7138. EdDE 83010 tk A/-[ss] Alessandro Bonci: Martha-M'appari MB 75 WOL E--
7139. EdDE 83013 tk A/B Alessandro Bonci: Rigoletto-La donna e mobile//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk MB 15 ESEP E--
7140. EdDE 83016 tk A/-[ss] Jacques Urlus: Standchen MB 15 LN LCS TOK E--
7141. EdDP 83017 tk A/B Jacques Urlus: Lohengrin-Mein lieber Schwan!//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk V++
7142. EdDE 83017 tk B/B Jacques Urlus: Lohengrin-Mein lieber Schwan!//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk LSCR E--
7143. EdDE 83023 tk B/B Alessandro Bonci: Serenade (Gounod)//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk MSS, LN LC S2, LCS NTPG V++/E-
7144. EdDE 83024 tk B/B Marie Delna: Samson and Delila-Mon coeur s' omre a la voix//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk LT WOL E--
7145. EdDE 83025 tk A/B Giuseppe Anselmi: L'Africaine-O paradiso//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk ESEP E--

7146. EdDE 83028 tk B/B Jacques Urlus: Der Freischütz-Durch die Wälder//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk SCF S1 E
7147. EdDE 83033 tk B/B Jacques Urlus: Die Afrikanerin-O paradies//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk ESEP V++
7148. EdDE 83035 tk C/C Marie Rappold & Giovanni Zenatello: Aida-Le fatal pietra//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk EFS NTPGS S2 E
7149. EdDE 83043 tk C/B Giovanni Zenatello: Otello-Dio' mi potevi scagliare//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk SM SCR S1 E-
7150. EdDP 83052 tk A/B Giovanni Zenatello: Andrea Chenier-Improvviso di Chénier//Harry E. Humphrey: Exp Talk MB 25 LBBLS, LST S2 E
7151. EdDP 83053 tk A/F Jorn & Middleton: La Forza del Destino-Solenne in quest' ora//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk SM WOLS E
7152. EdDP 83062 tk B/C Marie Rappold: Lenz, Op 19, No 5 (Hildach) & Ich Liebe Dich (Grieg)//Julia Heinrich:
Ständchen (Schubert) EF NTG, SM LTR, SM WOL E-
7153. EdDP 83063 tk A/A Marie Rappold: Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht!//Arthur Middleton: The Bandolero V++
7154. EdDE 83066 tk A/C Rappold & Zenatello: Aida-O terra addio//Harry E. Humphrey: Explanatory Talk LT SCF S1 E
7155. EdDP 83070 tk C/A Alice Verlet: Carnival of Venice, Pt 1//Pt 2 SM LTR S1 E
7156. EdDP 83072 tk C/C Thomas Chalmers: La Marseillaise//Alice Verlet: La Brabanconne (Belgian National Anthem) SM WOL E
7157. EdDP 83077 tk A/A Anna Case: Will O' The Wisp & That's The World In June//Synnöve's Song (Kjerulf) VLT SCFS E
7158. EdDP 83079 tk A/A Carolina Lazzari: Samson et Dalila-Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix//Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse LTR S1 E
7159. EdDP 83080 tk C/B Anna Case: Mireille-Mon coeur ne peut changer//Les Contes d'Hoffmann-
Les oiseaux dans la Charmille LT SCFS, LT WOL, SOL S1 E
7160. EdDP 83081 tk B/B Margaret Matzenauer: Il Trovatore-Stride la vampa//Lucrezia Borgia-Il segreto per esser felici SOLS E-
7161. EdDE 83082 tk A/G Verlet & Matzenauer: Stabat Mater-Quis est homo?//Jacques Urlus: Cujus animam E--
7162. EdDP 83084 tk F/C Anna Case: Somewhere A Voice Is Calling//Perfect Day VSM LTRS E

10" Special Pressings, MB $25

*7163. EdDE mx 3342 tk B [ss] Tuning Record No label as issued, stamped "Tuning Record" DWRP V++
7164. EdDP mx 9883 tk A/9884 tk F String Qrt: Varsovienne//String Qrt w/Arthur Hall, vc: Varsovienne Label states
"Special Record for Mr. Henry Ford" E+
7165. EdDP mx 9913 tk C/9959 tk B String Qrt: Heel And Toe Polka//Seaside Polka Lss "Special Record for Mr. Henry Ford" E+

10" Long Plays, MB $100

7166. EdLP 10001 tk L/L American Concert Orc: Carmen-Selections//Aida-Selections SCFS, SM LTR S1 E-
7167. EdLP 10002 tk F/J Herbert Soman's Salon Orc: Recollections of Gilbert & Sullivan//Memories of Victor Herbert SM WOLS E-/E
*7168. EdLP 10006 tk A/B Kaplan's Melodists: Hello Bluebird; Ross Gorman: The Sphinx; Hotel Commodore Dance Orc:
In A Little Spanish Town//Hotel Commodore Dance Orc: Clap Yo' Hands; Ernie Golden:
Oriental Moonlight; Harold Veo: Rhapsodie Russe MB 150 LSTS S1 E--/E-

Part 3: Cylinders

Various makes (all in non-original boxes), MB $250

7169. [AICC?] 273 Tenor Solo w/pno acc: Ruy Blas-Ah ei non viene ancor OBL; ann 8-9

*7170. Co2 59 "'Honeymoon March,' played by the United States Marine Band of Washington, DC" Great sound MB 1000 8
*7171. North American "Waltz, 'Pleasant Memories,' played by the Gilmore Band of New York City" ORS appears to say says "1st time;" ca 1893-94
excellent channel rim recording w/little surface noise MB 1500 FW VSM MLD SPTS 8-9

*7172. North American 870 "Edison Record 870, Grand March 'Germany and America,' by A.D. Fohs, selection played by the 23rd Regiment Band"
Channel rim ca 1893; sounds great! MB 3000 EC NTG, VLT SCRS 8

7173. US Phono Co. of NJ Issler's Orc: Marguerite Waltz from "Faust" ETMC box SM ND 8

 Be sure to watch for our Nauction 68 Highlights Reel video to be posted on YouTube around September 1. We'll show each of these cylinders, boxes & record slips.


5" diameter (boxes where noted), MBs as noted

*7176. - Mandolin Solo: Sérènade de Bragga Very nice Phonogrammes Exclusifs, Louvre, Paris OBL MB 250 7

*7177. Bettini 801 Orchestre Tzigane: Fleurs Printanières OBL (sm lid tr) w/ORS attached & an extra (different) ORS as well!
Due to the crack, the cylinder will need to be restored in order to play it; figure that you're
bidding on the box alone; ex John Paul Getty, Jr. collection MB 500 VLG -
*7178. Lam2C 5090 [LR; blk] American Parlor Orc: Hiawatha OBL MB 500 V++


Lamberts (boxes where noted), MB $50

*7180. Lam2 140-H [pink] S. Smulewitz: A. Waib Very rare Hebrew series; ann sounds like "Standard Record"
Bidder Request Show MB 500 E

7181. Lam2 631 [pink] American Qrt: In The Sweet Bye And Bye OB MB 100 E-

7182. Lam2 778 [blk] Harry Macdonough: Dear Old Girl OB E--
7183. Lam2 925 [blk] Dan W. Quinn: Father, Won't You Speak To Sister Mary? OB E--

Edison 2 Minute Wax (all w/OBs), MB $6

7184. Ed2 2 Edison Concert Band: America OBL (wol) LG LT MS E--
7185. Ed2 14 Edison Concert Band: Bridal March from "Lohengrin" ANN SKPS 1G E--
7186. Ed2 30 Edison Concert Band: Hallelujah Chorus from "The Messiah" Plays great! V+
7187. Ed2 35 Edison Concert Band: Ireland's Well Known Melodies, No 1 E--
7188. Ed2 134 Edison Concert Band: Loin Du Bal - Waltz E-
7189. Ed2 504 Edison Symphony Orc: Trovatore-Anvil Chorus OBL E--
7190. Ed2 625 Edison Military Band: Till We Meet Again Waltz Plays pretty well V+

7191. Ed2 699 [re] Peerless Orc: Medley Overture MLD AB, LT MLD E--
7192. Ed2 1084 S.H. Dudley: Put Me Off At Buffalo ORS,
Dudley not listed in Sutton's book as having recorded Edison 1084 V+
7193. Ed2 1539 [re] Harry Macdonough: Safe In The Arms Of Jesus OBL (sol) VLT MLD E-
7194. Ed2 1559 Harry Macdonough: Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight OBL (wol) E--
7195. Ed2 2018 Irving Gillette: The Holy City OBL (soiled) E--
7196. Ed2 2202 Edison Qrt: Auld Lang Syne MB 25 E
7197. Ed2 2216 Edison Male Qrt: The Old Oaken Bucket RS NTG E--
7198. Ed2 2233 Edison Qrt: Steamboat Leaving The Wharf At New Orleans V++
7199. Ed2 2635 Vess Ossman, bjo: Yankee Doodle SM HV PITS, LT MLD E--
7200. Ed2 3203 Chimes: Chimes Of Trinity ORS (sm tr) LG LT MA E--
7201. Ed2 3615 William Tuson, cla: Nellie Gray LG MA V++
7202. Ed2 4005 George W. Johnson: The Laughing Coon 1905 recording MB 25 LT SGS V++
7203. Ed2 4013 S.H. Dudley: The Whistling Girl E--
7204. Ed2 5004 Frank C. Stanley: The Star Spangled Banner OBL MB 25 E-
7205. Ed2 5018 Frank C. Stanley: Hosanna 1902 recording V++
7206. Ed2 6913 Dan W. Quinn: His Little Wife Was With Him All The Way MB 15 MSS V++
7207. Ed2 7001 [re] J.J. Fisher: All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name OBL, 1902 recording w/organ E--
7208. Ed2 7010 Alan Turner: Love's Old Sweet Song OBL (wol) E-
7209. Ed2 7118 James F. Harrison: Just As The Sun Went Down V++
7210. Ed2 7126 [re] Will F. Denny: You Never Told Me That Before We Married V++
7211. Ed2 7434 Frank Kennedy: Schultz On How To Bring Up Children MB 15 LT MLD AE V++
7212. Ed2 7540 Harlan & Stanley: Baby's Prayer OBL E--
7213. Ed2 7590 [re] Charles D'Almaine, vln: The Holy City OBL (wol) LT MSS E-
7214. Ed2 7603 [re] Harlan & Madeira: Sweet Antoinette 1902 recording w/pno LG LT MSS E--
7215. Ed2 7616 Peerless Orc: Ripple Dance MB 15 E
7216. Ed2 7659 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Waltz from "Faust" OBL (trs); 1902 recording w/pno VSM MSS E
7217. Ed2 7731 Byron G. Harlan: In The House Of Too Much Trouble A bit noisy V++
7218. Ed2 7756 [re] Dan W. Quinn: I Want To Be A Military Man MB 15 V++
7219. Ed2 7852 Byron G. Harlan: Hello Central, Give Me Heaven OBL (soiled); 1902 recording w/orc, self-ann SM PITS E
7220. Ed2 7900 [re] Peerless Orc: Frau Luna Walzer MB 15 VSM EF NTG E
7221. Ed2 8089 Len Spencer & Gilbert Girard: Auction Sale Of Furniture And Household Goods 1902 recording ECS NTG E--
7222. Ed2 8096 Harlan & Stanley: The First Rehearsal For The Huskin' Bee MLD AE V++
7223. Ed2 8099 [re] Charles D'Almaine, vln: The Mocking Bird 1902 recording w/pno E--
7224. Ed2 8100 [re] Edison Male Qrt: Trip To The County Fair V++
7225. Ed2 8102 [re] Len Spencer: Ingersoll At The Tomb Of Napoleon OBL MB 50 E-
7226. Ed2 8103 John Kaiser: Michael Casey Courting His Girl MB 15 LT SCF E-
7227. Ed2 8106 [re] Peerless Orc: Frolic Of The Coons Very nice early OBL MB 25 E
7228. Ed2 8118 Billy Murray: In The Good Old Summer Time OBL (soiled) MB 15 SM HV SCR E-
7229. Ed2 8129 Edison Military Band: Roosevelt's Rough Rider March LG LT MA V++
7230. Ed2 8139 Edison Military Band: Jolly Coppersmith V++
7231. Ed2 8141 Peerless Orc: The Midnight Alarm V++
7232. Ed2 8154 Len Spencer: Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg V++
7233. Ed2 8155 Len Spencer: Twenty Third Psalm & The Lord's Prayer E--
7234. Ed2 8169 [re] Edison Concert Band: Lazarre Waltzes PITS, MLD AE V++
7235. Ed2 8189 Joe Belmont, whi: Bird Imitations LT MLD E--
7236. Ed2 8202 Len Spencer: The Arkansas Traveler SM PITS, LT SCRS E-
7237. Ed2 8222 [re] Edison Concert Band: Rule Britannia LG LT MLD AE, HV EDGE MLD NAP V++
7238. Ed2 8254 Bohumir Kryl, cnt: Answer OBL E
7239. Ed2 8255 Collins & Harlan: They Were All Doing The Same MB 15 E-
7240. Ed2 8256 [re] Morgan & Stanley: O That We Two Were Maying V++
7241. Ed2 8259 Byron G. Harlan: I'll Wed You In The Golden Summer Time V++
7242. Ed2 8268 [re] Morgan & Stanley: Oh Tell Us Merry Birds LT MAS E--
7243. Ed2 8270 George Watson: Santa Claus Song SM HV MSS V++
7244. Ed2 8275 [re] Arthur Collins: Just Kiss Yourself Goodbye 1902 recording w/pno V++
7245. Ed2 8279 Len Spencer: Con Clancy's Christening LT MLD E--
7246. Ed2 8303 D. Wormser, zither: Heimweh OBL (wol) VSM PITS E-
7247. Ed2 8337 Edison Concert Band: 2nd Regiment Connecticut National Guard March ECS NTG, MSS E--
7248. Ed2 8353 [re] Edison Mixed Qrt: Two Eyes Of Blue LG LT MA E--
7249. Ed2 8373 [re] Harlan & Stanley: Larboard Watch 1902 recording w/pno only E-
7250. Ed2 8375 Harlan & Belmont: Cuckoo Song V++
7251. Ed2 8383 Julian Rose: Parody on "Rip Van Winkle Was A Lucky Man" - Hebrew Specialty ORS (trs) V++
7252. Ed2 8394 Frank Banta, pno: Violets 1903 recording VLT MLD E-
7253. Ed2 8394 Albert Benzler, pno: Violets 1905 recording EC NTG E-
7254. Ed2 8410 Edison Male Qrt: My Country 'Tis Of Thee SM ECS V++
7255. Ed2 8425 Harry Macdonough: Hiawatha LT SGS V++
7256. Ed2 8436 Edison Male Qrt: Massa's In The Cold, Cold Ground OBL MA V++
7257. Ed2 8454 [re] Edison Modern Minstrels: Up-To-Date Minstrelsy, No 1 MB 25 E-
7258. Ed2 8455 William Tuson, cla: Heart Bowed Down, from "Bohemian Girl" E--
7259. Ed2 8468 [re] Harlan & Stanley: There's A Mother Always Waiting For You At Home, Sweet Home MLD PITS E--
7260. Ed2 8474 [re] Edison Concert Band: Anona-Intermezzo E-
7261. Ed2 8484 Harlan & Stanley: Two Rubes In An Eating House OBL E--
7262. Ed2 8501 [re] Byron G. Harlan: Always In The Way OBL SWS E-
7263. Ed2 8511 Harlan & Stanley: Waiting For The Dinner Horn
Sutton lists 2 recordings; one w/pno & one w/organ; this is vocal only MN SM MSS E-
7264. Ed2 8530 [re] Francklyn Wallace: When The Fields Are White With Cotton LG LT MA E--
7265. Ed2 8535 Byron G. Harlan w/the Edison Military Band: The Vacant Chair LG LT MA E--
7266. Ed2 8575 Billy Murray: Under The Anheuser Bush MB 15 V++
7267. Ed2 8577 [re] Morgan & Stanley: Nobody's Looking But The Owl And The Moon MB 25 V++
7268. Ed2 8609 [re] Bohumir Kryl, cnt: Cary Waltz (Kryl) ORS LT MLD E--
7269. Ed2 8619 Len Spencer: Reuben Haskin's Ride On A Cyclone Auto MLD AE V++
7270. Ed2 8626 Byron G. Harlan: For Sale - A Baby V++
7271. Ed2 8630 [re] Bohumir Kryl, cnt: Du, Du MN LT MAS E--
7272. Ed2 8632 Edison Military Band w/Harry Anthony: Uncle Sammy March E--
7273. Ed2 8637 Arthur Collins: Hannah, Won't You Open That Door? V++
7274. Ed2 8641 Edison Military Band: Swedish Garde March OBL (soiled) MB 15 E

7275. Ed2 8642 [re] Collins & Harlan: Over The Pilsener Foam MB 25 E-
7276. Ed2 8650 Collins & Harlan: The Man Behind V++
7277. Ed2 8655 [re] Harlan & Stanley: Blue Bell FW PITS E-
7278. Ed2 8672 Minstrels: Georgia Minstrels V++
7279. Ed2 8673 [re] Edison Military Band: Navajo Medley V++
7280. Ed2 8700 [re] Byron G. Harlan: All Aboard For Dreamland E--
7281. Ed2 8713 Albert Benzler, bells: The Prettiest Little Song Of All V++
7282. Ed2 8717 [re] Edison Military Band: Noisy Bill Plays very well V+
7283. Ed2 8730 [re] Arthur Collins: Oysters And Clams MB 15 V++
7284. Ed2 8748 Edison Military Band: Down On The Brandywine Medley OBL V++
7285. Ed2 8755 Byron G. Harlan: I Want To Be A Soldier OBL LT MLD E--
7286. Ed2 8763 Arthur Collins: A Great Big Chickapoo Chief V++
7287. Ed2 8769 William Tuson, cla: The Minstrel Boy E--
7288. Ed2 8776 Morgan & Stanley: How Can I Leave Thee LG LT MA V++
7289. Ed2 8781 William H. Thompson & the Edison Military Band: Old Folks At Home V++
7290. Ed2 8782 Arthur Collins: Why Hello, Bill, Who's Your Friend? V++
7291. Ed2 8784 Harlan & Stanley: Dixie V++
7292. Ed2 8787 J.F. Harrison: Back Among The Clover And The Corn V++
7293. Ed2 8788 Harry Macdonough: Down In The Vale Of Shenandoah LT MLD E--
7294. Ed2 8789 Frank S. Mazziotta, pic: Bluette E--
7295. Ed2 8795 Edison Military Band: Yale College Life March V++
7296. Ed2 8809 Edison Military Band: Wilhelmena Waltzes V++
7297. Ed2 8810 Collins & Harlan: Down Where The Sweet Potatoes Grow LT MSS V++
7298. Ed2 8823 Edison Qrt: Old Black Joe E-
7299. Ed2 8834 Edison Mixed Qrt: What Shall The Harvest Be MN LT MSS E--
7300. Ed2 8839 Campbell & Harrison: Rock Of Ages OBL (lt wol) E--
7301. Ed2 8855 Edison Concert Band: A Deed Of The Pen Handwritten OBL; plays well V+
7302. Ed2 8856 Edison Concert Band: The Auto Race FW PITS V++
7303. Ed2 8860 Collins & Harlan: Back, Back, Back To Baltimore 1 SG RPTS E--
7304. Ed2 8865 Edison Military Band: The Royal Trumpeter's March V++
7305. Ed2 8870 Harlan & Stanley: I'm Trying So Hard To Forget You MLD AB, SM HV SCR E--
7306. Ed2 8874 Billy Murray: Come Take A Trip In My Air-Ship LG MAS V++
7307. Ed2 8878 Edison Military Band: The Darkies Dream E--
7308. Ed2 8892 Edison Military Band: Impassioned Dream - Waltz E--
7309. Ed2 8896 Edison Military Band: High Pride - Two Step OBL E--
7310. Ed2 8900 Edison Military Band: My Little Sweetheart - Schottische E--
7311. Ed2 8903 Edison Military Band: Hunting Scene V++
7312. Ed2 8906 Jaudas & Rose, vln & flute: Dreamy Moments 1905 recording w/pno V++
7313. Ed2 8907 Collins & Harlan: Coax Me MB 15 E-
7314. Ed2 8910 Billy Murray: Yankee Doodle Boy MB 15 V++
7315. Ed2 8911 Fred G. Rover: Those Songs My Mother Used To Sing E--
7316. Ed2 8919 Byron G. Harlan: I've Got My Fingers Crossed, You Can't Touch Me E--
7317. Ed2 8925 Bob Roberts: A Rare Old Bird V++
7318. Ed2 8926 Edison Male Qrt: When The Bees Are In The Hive LT MS E-
7319. Ed2 8931 Albert Benzler, xyl: Come Take A Trip In My Airship - Medley E--
7320. Ed2 8932 Byron G. Harlan: It Makes Me Think Of Home Sweet Home OBL V++
7321. Ed2 8936 Harry Macdonough: Mexico V++
7322. Ed2 8939 Arthur Collins: The Bingville Band V++
7323. Ed2 8940 Hans Kronold, vlc: Evening Star, from "Tannhäuser" SM SCR E
7324. Ed2 8941 Spencer & Meeker: Hans Krausmeyer And His Dog Schneider E--
7325. Ed2 8943 Frank S. Mazziotta, pic: The Wren Polka MLD AB E-
7326. Ed2 8954 Billy Murray: If Mr. Boston Lawson Has His Way MB 25 E--
7327. Ed2 8955 Collins & Harlan: Jasper, Don't You Hear Me Calling You SM PITS E--
7328. Ed2 8961 Byron G. Harlan: Longing For You SM LT MSS E-
7329. Ed2 8966 Harlan & Stanley: Bunker Hill LG LT MA V++
7330. Ed2 8971 Edison Concert Band: Yankee Patrol OBL (wol) V++
7331. Ed2 8976 Edison Male Qrt: Where The Southern Roses Grow LG LT MSS E-
7332. Ed2 8979 Collins & Harlan: Tammany V++
7333. Ed2 8982 Jones & Spencer: Heinie - Vaudeville Specialty LT MA E-
7334. Ed2 8988 Harlan & Stanley: Two Rubes And The Tramp Fiddler V++
7335. Ed2 8992 Edward M. Favor: Murphy LT MSS E--
7336. Ed2 8993 Eugene Jaudas, vln: Garry Owen - Medley OBL (wol) E--
7337. Ed2 8998 Billy Murray: When Father Laid The Carpet On The Stairs V++
7338. Ed2 9001 Edison Military Band: Oh, Oh, Sallie Medley V++
7339. Ed2 9025 Edison Military Band: Bunker Hill Medley SCR AB V++
7340. Ed2 9030 Cyrus Pippins (Byron G. Harlan): Courting Malinda V++
7341. Ed2 9031 Anthony & Harrison: The Glory Song E--
7342. Ed2 9032 Edison Military Band: Flag Of Victory March V++
7343. Ed2 9055 Collins & Harlan: Take A Car V++
7344. Ed2 9069 Edison Qrt: In The Evening By The Moonlight V++
7345. Ed2 9078 Harry Macdonough: Waltzing With The Girl You Love VLT SGS E--
7346. Ed2 9079 Jones & Spencer: Chimmie And Maggie At The Hippodrome MN LT MSS E-
7347. Ed2 9080 Hans Kronold, vlc: Melody in F (Rubinstein) PITS E--
7348. Ed2 9087 Edgar L. Davenport: Lasca LT MS E-
7349. Ed2 9091 Tascott (The White Coon): You Must Think I'm Santa Claus OBL (soiled) V++
7350. Ed2 9095 Billy Murray: Give My Regards To Broadway V++
7351. Ed2 9097 Edison Military Band: Keep A Little Cozy Corner Medley MLD AB E-
7352. Ed2 9099 Irving Gillette: In Dear Old Georgia LG LT MA E-
7353. Ed2 9100 Bob Roberts: Everybody Works But Father OBL V++
7354. Ed2 9103 Elene Foster: The Village Seamstress Her only cylinder for Edison; OBL LT MA E-
7355. Ed2 9106 Jones & Spencer: Fishing V++
7356. Ed2 9113 Samuel Siegel, mandolin: Evening On The Plaza MB 15 LT SCRS E
7357. Ed2 9117 Marie Narelle: Wearing Of The Green LT MAS E--
7358. Ed2 9120 Edison Qrt: Hard Times Come Again No More OBL (soiled) E--
7359. Ed2 9125 Clarke & Hazel, cnts: The Friendly Rivals V++
7360. Ed2 9133 Edison Symphony Orc: Roses And Thorns OBL V++

7361. Ed2 9136 Harlan & Stanley: Pretty Mary SM MSS AB E--
7362. Ed2 9141 Albert Benzler, bells: Sweet Little Daisies OBL LT SCR, LT MLD AE E--
7363. Ed2 9142 Edward M. Favor: Fol-The-Rol-Lol LT MSS E--
7364. Ed2 9144 Edison Qrt: When The Evening Breeze Is Sighing Home Sweet Home V++
7365. Ed2 9145 Edison Military Band: Everybody Works But Father Medley V++
7366. Ed2 9148 Jones & Spencer: The Golden Wedding LT MLD AE E--
7367. Ed2 9149 Hans Kronold, vlc: Traumerei LT MS E--
7368. Ed2 9152 Andrew Keefe: I'm Old But I'm Awfully Tough V++
7369. Ed2 9158 Ada Jones: Can't You See I'm Lonely E--
7370. Ed2 9159 Edward M. Favor: Call Again, Calligan OBL LT MLD E--
7371. Ed2 9160 Collins & Harlan: Nigger Loves His Possum OBL (soiled) MN SM PITS V++
7372. Ed2 9161 Edison Concert Band: With Flying Colors March LG LT MA SWS V++
7373. Ed2 9162 Marie Narelle: Silver Threads Among The Gold OBL (wol) E--
7374. Ed2 9165 Albert Benzler, xyl: Killarney, from "In Ireland" E-
7375. Ed2 9172 Jones & Spencer: Fritzy And Louisa - Vaudeville Sketch V++
7376. Ed2 9173 Albert Benzler, bells: A Lovely Night In June E--
7377. Ed2 9178 Irving Gillette: Miss Mary E--
7378. Ed2 9180 Anthony & Harrison: Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour OBL (soiled) V++
7379. Ed2 9183 Edward M. Favor: La-Tydley-Tydley-Um FW SGS AB V++
7380. Ed2 9187 Macdonough & Bieling: Good-Bye, "Dixie" Dear OBL (soiled) V++
7381. Ed2 9189 Vess L. Ossman, bjo: A Gay Gossoon E--
7382. Ed2 9192 Edison Qrt: The Jolly Blacksmiths FW MSS E--
7383. Ed2 9195 Ada Jones: Henny Klein OBL (edge tr) FW PITS E--
7384. Ed2 9196 Collins & Harlan: I'm A-Dreaming Of You OBL E--
7385. Ed2 9199 Anthony & Harrison: God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again SM LT MSS, PITS IN ANN E-
7386. Ed2 9212 Macdonough & Bieling: My Mother's Old Red Shawl LT MA AE E--
7387. Ed2 9213 Albert Benzler, xyl: The Chaser March V++
7388. Ed2 9214 Clarice Vance: Save Your Money 'Cause The Winter Am Coming On MB 15 MA E--
7389. Ed2 9215 Jones & Spencer: The Original Cohens HV SG AB E--
7390. Ed2 9217 Edison Military Band: Silver Heels-Indian Intermezzo V++
7391. Ed2 9218 Edison Concert Band: Gleaming Star OBL (wol) LT MAS V++
7392. Ed2 9221 Andrew Keefe: Uncle Josh In A Department Store E-
7393. Ed2 9222 Ada Jones: Just A Little Rocking Chair And You LT MLD E--
7394. Ed2 9224 Irving Gillette: Some One Thinks Of Some One FW PITS E--
7395. Ed2 9227 Bob Roberts: My Name Is Morgan, But It Ain't J.P. - Coon Song OBL (sol) MB 25 E-
7396. Ed2 9228 Anthony & Harrison: I Love To Tell The Story SM MSS E-
7397. Ed2 9230 Harry Macdonough: I Lost My Heart 'Way Down In Alabama E--
7398. Ed2 9236 Jones & Spencer: Mandy And Her Man LT MA V++
7399. Ed2 9240 Edison Qrt: Only A Message From Home Sweet Home E--
7400. Ed2 9243 Irving Gillette: When The Whip-Poor-Will Sings, Marguerite LG LT MSS E--
7401. Ed2 9248 Hoy & Anthony: I Would Like To Marry You E--
7402. Ed2 9249 Edison Miltary Band: Target Practice March E--
7403. Ed2 9250 Byron G. Harlan: Let Me Write What I Never Dared To Tell V++
7404. Ed2 9252 Anthony & Harrison: I Am Praying For You E--
7405. Ed2 9253 Albert Benzler, xyl: Ching Chang - Chinese Galop E--
7406. Ed2 9254 Marie Narelle: Comin' Thro The Rye SCF E--
7407. Ed2 9255 Harlan & Stanley: In The Golden Autumn Time, My Sweet Elaine OBL V++
7408. Ed2 9257 Edison Concert Band: Feather Queen V++
7409. Ed2 9258 William H. Thompson: We Parted As The Sun Went Down LG LT MA E--
7410. Ed2 9260 Collins & Harlan: When Mose With His Nose Leads The Band MA V++
7411. Ed2 9264 Edison Qrt: Eilleen Allanna MS AB V++
7412. Ed2 9265 Edison Military Band: Is Everybody Happy - Medley E--
7413. Ed2 9270 Eugene Rose, flute: La Traviata - Concert Waltz MB 15 E
7414. Ed2 9276 Edison Minstrels w/Collins & Harlan: At The Minstrel Show, No 2 V++
7415. Ed2 9277 Edison Minstrels w/Spencer & Murray: At The Minstrel Show, No 3 Handwritten OBL V+
7416. Ed2 9278 Edison Minstrels w/Will F. Denny: At The Minstrel Show, No 4 Plays ok V+
7417. Ed2 9280 Edison Minstrels w/Collins & Harlan: At The Minstrel Show, No 6 Plays ok V+
7418. Ed2 9285 Irving Gillette: When The Mocking Birds Are Singing E--
7419. Ed2 9288 Ada Jones: So Long, Mary SM HV MSS V++
7420. Ed2 9292 Collins & Harlan: It's Up To You To Move E--
7421. Ed2 9296 Byron G. Harlan: Here's To Our Absent Brothers V++
7422. Ed2 9304 Anthony & Harrison: Is My Name Written There? E--
7423. Ed2 9305 Edison Concert Band: Dance Of The Nile Maidens Clean OBL LT MA E-
7424. Ed2 9306 Will F. Denny: Nothing Like That In Our Family MB 15 E--
7425. Ed2 9312 Edison Qrt: Where The Morning Glories Twine Around The Door MLD AB E--
7426. Ed2 9316 Collins & Harlan: Afloat On A Five Dollar Note FW PITS E--
7427. Ed2 9317 Vess Ossman, bjo: St Louis Tickle MB 15 E--
7428. Ed2 9321 Edison Military Band: General Mixup U.S.A. V++
7429. Ed2 9324 Albert Benzler, bells: Bell Solo from "The Magic Flute" EC NTG E--
7430. Ed2 9331 Bob Roberts: The Poor Old Man ND V++
7431. Ed2 9332 Harry Anthony: While The Old Mill Wheel Is Turning OBL MAS E--
7432. Ed2 9333 Ed Meeker: Clancy's Wooden Wedding E--
7433. Ed2 9334 Leopold Moeslin: Fisher's Hornpipe Medley OBL (trs) VLT MSS E-
7434. Ed2 9335 Jones & Spencer: Bashful Henry And His Lovin' Lucy OBL (soiled) LT MSS E--
7435. Ed2 9340 Billy Murray: Waltz Me Around Again Willie OBL E--
7436. Ed2 9342 Harry Anthony: Is There Any Room In Heaven For A Little Girl Like Me SM HV PITS AB E--
7437. Ed2 9345 Edison Military Band: Manhattan Beach March E--
7438. Ed2 9348 Albert Benzler, xyl: Spoontime V++
7439. Ed2 9353 Edison Mixed Qrt: I Surrender All OBL (fd) MSS AB E-
7440. Ed2 9354 Edison Concert Band: Old Heidelberg March Ragtime selection; OBL MN ECS NTG E-
7441. Ed2 9356 Anthony & Harrison: Shall We Meet Beyond The River V++
7442. Ed2 9365 Helen Trix: Is Your Mother In, Molly Malone OBL MB 15 VLT MS, EC NTG E-
7443. Ed2 9372 Ada Jones: If The Man In The Moon Were A Coon MB 25 MN LT MSS E--
7444. Ed2 9377 Collins & Harlan: Susan, Kiss Me Good And Hard OBL (sm wol) MB 15 FW LT SCRS E
7445. Ed2 9379 Irving Gillette: Somewhere V++
7446. Ed2 9384 Edison Male Qrt: Good Old Songs SM PITS E--

7447. Ed2 9389 John J. Kimmble, acc: Medley of Reels V++
7448. Ed2 9390 Harry Anthony: Face To Face V++
7449. Ed2 9402 Edward Meeker: Song Of The Nations SM MSS V++
7450. Ed2 9404 Edward M. Favor: Jingles, Jokes And Rhymes OBL (nice) MB 15 MM LT MSS E
7451. Ed2 9406 Arthur Collins: Everybody Have A Good Old Time - Coon Song V++
7452. Ed2 9412 Bob Roberts: He's A Cousin Of Mine - Coon Song MB 15 E--
7453. Ed2 9419 Irving Gillette: Norma Darling LG LT MAS E--
7454. Ed2 9421 Edison Symphony Orc: Danube Waves Waltz OBL E--
7455. Ed2 9426 Helen Trix: A Chip Of The Block HV MLD AB V++
7456. Ed2 9428 Byron G. Harlan: In The Evening By The Moonlight, Dear Louise OBL E--
7457. Ed2 9430 Billy Murray: My Mariuccia Take-A Steamboat E--
7458. Ed2 9432 Edison Qrt: Stop That Knocking At The Door OBL MB 15 VLT MS E
7459. Ed2 9437 Albert Benzler, pno: Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms E--
7460. Ed2 9440 Bob Roberts: I'm Getting Ready For My Mother-In-Law OBL (wol) MB 15 E--
7461. Ed2 9443 Edison Mixed Qrt: It Is Well With My Soul MN SM MSS V++
7462. Ed2 9445 Edison Symphony Orc: Hermosillo OBL (wol) V++
7463. Ed2 9447 Collins & Harlan: Arrah Wanna OBL (wol) V++
7464. Ed2 9455 Jones & Spencer: Jealous Julie E--
7465. Ed2 9456 Edison Qrt: When Daddy Sings The Little Ones To Sleep LT MSS E--
7466. Ed2 9457 Edison Military Band: On The Rocky Road To Dublin OBL MSS, LG MA AE V++
7467. Ed2 9460 Vassar Girls' Qrt: Kentucky Babe SM HV MSS E-
7468. Ed2 9465 Edison Military Band: Regimental Pride March V++
7469. Ed2 9467 Hinkle & Keyes: Looking This Way MN SM MSS E--
7470. Ed2 9472 Byron G. Harlan: And A Little Child Shall Lead Them LG LT MA E--
7471. Ed2 9480 Edison Qrt: Flower From Home Sweet Home OBL (soiled) E-
7472. Ed2 9483 Frank C. Stanley: The Mountain King OBL (wol) LT SCRS E-
7473. Ed2 9485 Edison Venetian Trio: Memories Of Home E-
7474. Ed2 9487 Len Spencer: Pedro, The Hand Organ Man - Street Scene OBL (wol) MB 15 LT SCFS E-
7475. Ed2 9491 Anthony & Harrison: Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown OBL E--
7476. Ed2 9492 Arthur Collins: All In, Down And Out - Coon Song MSS V++
7477. Ed2 9493 Albert Benzler, bells: Not Because Your Hair Is Curly - Medley Plays great FW LT SGS V++
7478. Ed2 9501 Edison Symphony Orc: The Guardmount Patrol E-
7479. Ed2 9507 Ada Jones: Let It Alone - Coon Song OB w/lid MB 15 SN EC NTG, SM SCR E-
7480. Ed2 9511 Edison Mixed Qrt: Precious Name E--
7481. Ed2 9514 Harry Anthony: Far Away OBL (trs) V++
7482. Ed2 9515 Harlan & Stanley: When Bob White Is Whistling In The Meadow OBL (wol) MSS V++
7483. Ed2 9524 J. W. Myers: The Bowery Grenadiers OBL (trs) E--
7484. Ed2 9525 Albert Benzler, bells: Sunbeam Dance OBL (wol) E
7485. Ed2 9526 Edward Meeker: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do V++
7486. Ed2 9527 Steve Porter: Flanagan On A Broadway Car OBL (wol) MB 15 E-
7487. Ed2 9549 Edison Venetian Trio: Love's Serenade E--
7488. Ed2 9552 Jones & Spencer: Meet Me Down At The Corner FW SCRS, LT ND E-
7489. Ed2 9554 Edison Concert Band: Golden Rod Intermezzo E-
7490. Ed2 9570 Arthur Collins: Ephraham Johnson SM HV PITS V++
7491. Ed2 9573 Albert Benzler, bells: Dainty Dames V++
7492. Ed2 9575 Steve Porter: Flanagan's Married Life OBL LG MA V++
7493. Ed2 9576 J.W. Myers: The Land League Band SM PIT E--
7494. Ed2 9587 Edison Mixed Qrt: Speed Away OBL (wol, trs) LG MA AE E--
7495. Ed2 9599 Jones & Spencer: Blondy And Johnny - Dance Hall Scene LT MAS V++
7496. Ed2 9605 Edison Venetian Trio: Sonoma V++
7497. Ed2 9611 Collins & Harlan: Ev'ry Little Bit Added To What You've Got Makes Just OBL V++
7498. Ed2 9616 Edward Meeker: Harrigan OBL (st) V++
7499. Ed2 9622 Frederick H. Potter: Red Wing OBL (soiled) MLD AE V++
7500. Ed2 9635 Edison Vaudeville Co: An Amateur Minstrel Rehearsal MD MSS V++
7501. Ed2 9639 Edison Mixed Qrt: Tell Mother I'll Be There LT MSS E-
7502. Ed2 9647 Steve Porter: Flanagan At The Barber's OBL (soiled) V++
7503. Ed2 9648 Harlan & Belmont: The Blue Jay And The Thrush V++
7504. Ed2 9649 Edison Military Band: The 74th Regiment March OBL V++
7505. Ed2 9653 Albert Benzler, pno: The Chapel In The Woods E--
7506. Ed2 9655 Anthony & Harrison: My Mother's Bible E--
7507. Ed2 9659 Jones & Murray: Will You Be My Teddy Bear MN LT MSS, LT RS E--
7508. Ed2 9663 Collins & Harlan: Just Help Yourself - Coon Duet LT MLD V++
7509. Ed2 9665 John J. Kimmble, acc: Medley of Straight Jigs OBL (soiled) V++
7510. Ed2 9666 Lillian Doreen: Take Me Back To New York Town Appears to be her only recording; OBL MB 25 E--
7511. Ed2 9669 Edison Hungarian Orc: Esthetic Galop V++
7512. Ed2 9675 Manuel Romain: When Summer Tells Autumn Good-Bye E
7513. Ed2 9679 Miller & Werrenrath: Honey Boy E-
7514. Ed2 9683 Jones & Murray: Kiss, Kiss, Kiss OBL MB 15 E
7515. Ed2 9688 Byron G. Harlan: 'Neath The Old Cherry Tree, Sweet Marie OBL (soiled) V++
7516. Ed2 9691 Edison Mixed Qrt: The King's Business OBL E--
7517. Ed2 9696 Edward Meeker: When The Band Plays "Yankee Doodle" V++
7518. Ed2 9702 Irving Gillette: Some Day When Dreams Come True LT MSS E--
7519. Ed2 9708 Arthur Collins: I Get Dippy When I Do That Two-Step Dance - Coon Song MB 15 E-
7520. Ed2 9710 Byron G. Harlan: Won't You Waltz "Home, Sweet Home" With Me For Old Time's Sake FW SM HV PITS E-
7521. Ed2 9720 Jones & Spencer: Bronco Bob And His Little Cheyenne V++
7522. Ed2 9730 James Brockman: Mariutch V++
7523. Ed2 9734 Ada Jones: When The Hammer On The Anvil Rings V++
7524. Ed2 9735 Edison Mixed Qrt: Some Blessed Day E--
7525. Ed2 9744 Steve Porter: Thim Were The Happy Days E--
7526. Ed2 9755 Collins & Harlan: Rain-In-The-Face LT MLD E--
7527. Ed2 9761 John J. Kimmel, acc: American Polka LG LT MSS E--
7528. Ed2 9763 Edison Qrt: The Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane OBL (wol) E--
7529. Ed2 9771 Manuel Romain: When The Springtime Brings The Roses, Jessie Dear LT MLD AE E--
7530. Ed2 9772 Collins & Harlan: Sahara OBL (soiled) FW NDS E--
7531. Ed2 9777 Edison Symphony Orc: The Teddy Bears' Picnic E--
7532. Ed2 9780 Billy Murray: I'm Afraid To Come Home In The Dark V++

7533. Ed2 9790 Steve Porter: Flanagan's St Patrick's Day V++
7534. Ed2 9802 Manuel Romain: When We Listened To The Chiming Of The Old Church Bell E
7535. Ed2 9808 Ada Jones: See-Saw LT MSS E--
7536. Ed2 9811 Anthony & Harrison: Lord, I'm Coming Home VLT MLD E
7537. Ed2 9827 Edison Mixed Qrt: My Mother's Prayer V++
7538. Ed2 9828 Irving Gillette: Just One Word Of Consolation MN LT MSS E--
7539. Ed2 9838 Ada Jones: Pass It Along To Father FW PITS V++
7540. Ed2 9850 Byron G. Harlan: When It's Moonlight On The Prairie MSS E--
7541. Ed2 9865 Edison Military Band: The Harry Lauder Medley MB 15 E--
7542. Ed2 9867 Edward M. Favor: Needles And Pins FW MAS E--
7543. Ed2 9869 Albert Benzler, bells: Cupid's Wedding Bells E--
7544. Ed2 9872 Ada Jones: Smarty NDS E-
7545. Ed2 9877 Edison Military Band: Whistle - Intermezzo E--
7546. Ed2 9879 Edison Mixed Qrt: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder E--
7547. Ed2 9882 Frederick Potter: Topeka Clean OBL MB 15 E+
7548. Ed2 9885 Edison Symphony Orc: Rose Of Mexico Waltz OBL MSS V++
7549. Ed2 9893 William Craig, vln: Lady Binnie & Shores Of Lake Erie FW MAS E--
7550. Ed2 9899 Edison Mixed Qrt: The Home Over There SM MS E-
7551. Ed2 9902 Will Oakland: When The Autumn Moon Is Creeping Through The Woodlands OBL (wol) MN MSS V++
7552. Ed2 9919 William Jennings Bryan: Popular Election Of Senators MB 100 E--
7553. Ed2 9924 Edison Concert Band: Mexican Kisses E--
7554. Ed2 9926 Edward Meeker: Take Me Out To The Ball Game MB 50 V++
7555. Ed2 9930 Byron G. Harlan: Childhood OBL (wol) E--
7556. Ed2 9934 Arthur Collins: Cohan's Rag Babe MB 25 E--
7557. Ed2 9937 Edison Mixed Qrt: Throw Out The Life Line V++
7558. Ed2 9939 Albert Benzler, bells: Beau Brummel LG LT MA V++
7559. Ed2 9944 Frederick Rose: Your Picture Says "Remember," Though Your Letter Says "Forget" MSS E--
7560. Ed2 9953 Edison Minstrels: Jubilee Minstrels LT SGS V++
7561. Ed2 9959 Anthony & Harrison: Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere OBL E--
7562. Ed2 9961 J.F. Harrison: When It's Moonlight On The Silvery Rio Grande E-
7563. Ed2 9980 Will Oakland: When You And I Were Young, Maggie OBL (tr) MS AB, VLT MLD E--
7564. Ed2 9984 Edward Meeker: I'm A Yiddish Cowboy V++
7565. Ed2 9985 Collins & Harlan: It Looks Like A Big Night To-Night V++
7566. Ed2 9991 Albert Benzler, bells: Dancing Spirits V++
7567. Ed2 9994 Knickerbocker Qrt: Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming E-

*7568. Ed2 10007 William Howard Taft: Rights And Progress Of The Negro MB 500 E+

7569. Ed2 10008 Edison Concert Band w/Anthony & Harrison: Christ Is Come E--
7570. Ed2 10013 Collins & Harlan: My Brudda Sylvest MS AREA E--
7571. Ed2 10014 Edward M. Favor: Everybody Knows It's There FW LT SGS AB E--
7572. Ed2 10020 Edward Meeker: Sons Of Uncle Sam OBL V++
7573. Ed2 10027 Venetian Instrumental Trio: Song Of The Mermaids 2 VSM PITS E+
7574. Ed2 10033 Ada Jones: Mandy Lane MB 25 E
7575. Ed2 10045 Knickerbocker Qrt: Memories Of Galilee OBL E-
7576. Ed2 10049 Jones & Murray: Rainbow OBL (soiled) E--
7577. Ed2 10051 Albert Benzler, bells: Love's Magic Spell E-
7578. Ed2 10054 Steve Porter: Flanagan's New Year's Call MN SM MSS E--
7579. Ed2 10057 Ada Jones: Willie's Got Another Girl Now OBL (soiled) E--
7580. Ed2 10059 Harlan & Stanley: Sweetheart Town E--
7581. Ed2 10061 Arthur Collins: Schooners That Pass In The Night V++
7582. Ed2 10063 Edison Mixed Qrt: Blessed Assurance OBL MSS E--
7583. Ed2 10068 Manuel Romain: I Wish I Had A Girl E--
7584. Ed2 10071 John J. Kimmbel, acc: Miner March E--
7585. Ed2 10072 Frederick Rose: There's A Warm Spot In My Heart For Tennessee OBL (trs) V++
7586. Ed2 10078 Ada Jones: Arab Love Song OBL E--
7587. Ed2 10079 Harlan & Stanley: Meet Me In Rosetime, Rosie OBL (soiled) E--
7588. Ed2 10087 Ed Meeker: The Sweetest Girl In Town - Coon Song OBL MB 15 E--
7589. Ed2 10098 Manuel Romain: What Might Have Been OBL LT MA E--
7590. Ed2 10102 Jack Lorimer: Hello There! MacIntyre E--
7591. Ed2 10112 Vess Ossman, bjo: Moon Winks OBL (soiled) V++
7592. Ed2 10123 Ada Jones: Beautiful Eyes OBL FW LT SGS E--
7593. Ed2 10124 Albert Benzler, bells: Golden Trumpets V++
7594. Ed2 10135 Edison (Modern) Minstrels: Model Minstrels OBL (wol) MB 15 E--
7595. Ed2 10137 United States Marine Band: Brooke's Triumphal March OBL (soiled) E--
7596. Ed2 10164 New York Military Band: Braham's Medley Jig E--
7597. Ed2 10166 Edison Mixed Qrt: Sweet Peace, The Gift of God's Love OBL (soiled) E-
7598. Ed2 10208 New York Military Band: Frozen Bill OBL (soiled) E--
7599. Ed2 10213 Billy Murray: Take Me Up With You, Dearie Aeroplane song; Bidder Request Show MB 50 E-
7600. Ed2 10218 Edward M. Favor: My Wife's Gone To The Country MB 15 E--
7601. Ed2 10258 Manuel Romain: You Can't Stop Me From Loving You E--
7602. Ed2 10291 Ed Meeker: Wild Cherries - A Coony, Spoony Rag - Coon Song
OBL; Bidder Request Show MB 25 ECS NTG E--
7603. Ed2 10293 Jack Pleasants: I Said "Hooray" OBL (soiled) MB 50 SM HV PIT E-
7604. Ed2 10298 Stella Mayhew: I'm Looking For Something To Eat OBL MB 100 E--

7605. Ed2 10315 Manhattan Mixed Trio: Long, Long Ago E--
7606. Ed2 10321 Manuel Romain: When I Am Away From You OBL EF NTG E--
7607. Ed2 10332 Polk Miller & his Old South Qrt: Rise And Shine OBL MB 50 EF NTG V++
7608. Ed2 10364 New York Military Band: En Route To Camp March OBL (soiled) V++
7609. Ed2 10375 Murray K. Hill: Don't Go Up In That Big Balloon Dad OBL; Bidder Request Show MB 50 E--
7610. Ed2 10390 Steve Porter: Flanagan In Central Park OBL (soiled) E--

7611. Ed2 10433 Edward Meeker: Play That Barber Shop Chord OBL (trs) HV MS AB V++
7612. Ed2 10448 Jones & Spencer: Honor Bright I Loves Yer Right OBL (soiled) V++
7613. Ed2 10459 Steve Porter: Flanagan's Courtship HV MA AB V++
7614. Ed2 10510 Whitney Brothers Qrt: Forsaken E-
7615. Ed2 10530 Premier Qrt: The Washington [DC] Waddle OBL (soiled) MB 50 E
7616. Ed2 10557 Elizabeth Spencer: Absent OBL DMG AB NTG E
7617. Ed2 10562 Billy Williams: My Father Was Born In Killarney MB 15 V++

Edison 2 Minute Wax Bohemian Series (boxes where noted), MB $25

7618. Ed2 12613 Frantisek Purkrabek: Hej Slovane! E--
7619. Ed2 12614 Frantisek Purkrabek: Siciliana, Z Op. Sedlák Ka Valír OBL (trs) E
7620. Ed2 12618 Frantisek Purkrabek: Bývali Cechové E
7621. Ed2 12619 Frantisek Purkrabek: Moravo, Moravo OBL E
7622. Ed2 12678 Frantisek Purkrabek: Kdyz Jsem Plela Len Bidder Request Show MB 50 E+
7623. Ed2 12715 Frantisek Purkrabek: Vcera Nedele Byla Handwritten OBL MB 50 E+
7624. Ed2 12716 Frantisek Purkrabek: Uz Mou Milou Do Kostela Vezu E
7625. Ed2 16507 Alois Tichý: Uplakaný Zenich OBL (trs) MB 50 E+
7626. Ed2 16510 Bohumil Benoni: Kdyz Jsem Já Byl Maly Chlapee E
7627. Ed2 16539 Frances Masopust: Ztracené Štesti OBL (trs) E

Edison 2 Minute Blue Amberol, MB $500

*7628. Ed2BA 2M-1221 M. Rosales: Los Amores De Un Charro Bidder Request Show E

2 Minute Albany Indestructibles (boxes where noted), MB $8

7629. Ind2 604 Military Band: Manhattan Beach March E-
7630. Ind2 605 Military Band: La Sorella March V++
7631. Ind2 648 Peerless Qrt: Kentucky Babe MB 25 E
7632. Ind2 667 Arthur Collins: Somebody's Been Around Here MB 15 E
7633. Ind2 692 Byron G. Harlan: School Days MB 15 E-
7634. Ind2 697 Frank C. Stanley: Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep V++
7635. Ind2 706 Concert Band: Medley from "The Merry Widow" E--
7636. Ind2 707 Ada Jones: I Want To Be A Merry, Merry Widow E--
7637. Ind2 725 Joseph Belmont, whi: The Mocking Bird E--
7638. Ind2 728 Billy Murray: I'd Rather Be A Lobster Than A Wise Guy MB 15 E
7639. Ind2 730 Band: Powhatan's Daughter E--
7640. Ind2 735 Arthur Collins: I'd Rather Have Nuthin' All The Time E-
7641. Ind2 737 George P. Watson: Hi-Le-Hi-Lo E
7642. Ind2 743 Bob Roberts: I'm Afraid To Come Home In The Dark V++
7643. Ind2 763 Ada Jones: Pass It Along To Father MB 15 E
7644. Ind2 767 Frank C. Stanley: For The Red, White And Blue E--
7645. Ind2 769 John J. Kimmel, acc: Kimmel March E
7646. Ind2 770 Band: With Sword And Lance V++
7647. Ind2 771 Byron G. Harlan: True Heart MB 15 E
7648. Ind2 790 Quartet: Nearer My God To Thee V++
7649. Ind2 802 Bob Roberts: That's Why I Never Married E--
7650. Ind2 812 Ada Jones: Will He Answer Goo, Goo MB 15 E
7651. Ind2 813 John J. Kimmel, acc: Buck And Reel Medley E--
7652. Ind2 819 Billy Murray: Yankee Doodle's Come To Town OBL MB 25 E+
7653. Ind2 822 Murray & Belmont: Walk, Walk, Walk E--
7654. Ind2 823 Fred Van Eps, bjo: Maple Leaf Rag OBL (wol) MB 50 E-
7655. Ind2 837 Lacalle's Band: United States Forever - March E--
7656. Ind2 846 Steve Porter: Every Mother's Son There Sang E--
7657. Ind2 847 Billy Murray: Tipperary MB 15 E+
7658. Ind2 848 Collins & Harlan: Wishes MB 15 E
7659. Ind2 853 Dorothy Kingsley: It's Only Me In My Nightie SCF E-
7660. Ind2 856 Billy Murray: My Starlight Maid MB 25 E-
7661. Ind2 862 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Medley of Jigs & Reels OBL (wol) E-
7662. Ind2 876 [bw] Jones & Murray: Cuddle Up A Little Closer MB 15 E
7663. Ind2 885 Male Qrt: A Coon Wedding In Southern Georgia E--
7664. Ind2 887 Orchestra: Minerva - Intermezzo OBL E
7665. Ind2 895 John J. Kimmel, acc: Medley of Schottisches LT SCRS E--
7666. Ind2 916 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh And Aunt Nancy's Visit To New York E--
7667. Ind2 941 Billy Golden: Turkey In The Straw E-
7668. Ind2 958 Male Qrt: If You Were Mine E-
7669. Ind2 978 August Schmehl, bells: Friendship Gavotte SCFS V++
7670. Ind2 987 Ada Jones: Arab Love Song MB 15 E
7671. Ind2 995 John J. Kimmel, acc: Medley of German Waltzes E
7672. Ind2 1006 Bob Roberts: That Was Me MB 25 E
7673. Ind2 1008 Fred Duprez: I Looked Just Once MB 15 E
7674. Ind2 1010 Billy Murray: Over On The Jersey Side MB 25 E
7675. Ind2 1017 Jane Elwot: Somebody Ought To Tell Her Husband MB 15 E-
7676. Ind2 1026 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Buck And Reel Dance OBL E--
7677. Ind2 1045 Military Band: To Our Glorious Country - March V++
7678. Ind2 1053 Byron G. Harlan: Schoolmates E-
7679. Ind2 1060 Jane Elwot: Situation E--
7680. Ind2 1080 Male Qrt: Steamboat Leaving The Wharf At New Orleans E--
7681. Ind2 1087 Arthur Collins: The Preacher And The Bear US E-
7682. Ind2 1094 Military Band: Policeman's March E--
7683. Ind2 1102 August Schmehl, xyl: Medley of Popular Songs V++
7684. Ind2 1108 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Sailor's Hornpipe Medley E--
7685. Ind2 1109 Male Qrt: Onward Christian Soldiers E-
7686. Ind2 1119 Harry A. Ellis: I'm Tired Of Living Without You E--
7687. Ind2 1132 Choir: Rock Of Ages V++
7688. Ind2 1139 Steve Porter: Flanagan And His Money E-
7689. Ind2 1145 Bob Roberts: My Wife's Gone To The Country MB 15 E+
7690. Ind2 1170 August Schmehl, bells: Little Charmer E--
7691. Ind2 1183 Duprez & Roberts: Blitz And Blatz's Discussion E-
7692. Ind2 1191 Harry Ellis: I Never Knew I Loved You 'Till You Said Good-Bye E
7693. Ind2 1201 Metropolitan Trio: My Faith Looks Up To Thee V++
7694. Ind2 1211 Edward Favor: Sadie Salome (Go Home) MB 15 E+
7695. Ind2 1213 Military Band: The Whistlers E
7696. Ind2 1226 Arthur Collins: What's What And Who's Who MB 15 E-
7697. Ind2 1237 Military Band: A Coon Band Contest V++
7698. Ind2 1239 Elizabeth Wheeler: The Last Rose Of Summer E-
7699. Ind2 1255 Male Qrt: Annie Laurie E
7700. Ind2 1263 Harry Ellis: Silver Threads Among The Gold E-
7701. Ind2 1266 John J. Kimmel, acc: Medley of Hornpipes E-
7702. Ind2 1267 Frank C. Stanley: Auld Lang Syne MB 15 E-
7703. Ind2 1280 Walter Van Brunt: Norah McNamara E
7704. Ind2 1284 Male Qrt: Camp Meeting Jubilee MB 15 E
7705. Ind2 1293 Band: Red Wing V++
7706. Ind2 1295 Byron G. Harlan: I'd Like To Be A Soldier Boy In Blue E
7707. Ind2 1299 Miss Francis: Man, Man, Man MB 25 E
7708. Ind2 1302 Military Band: Boston Commandery March E+
7709. Ind2 1303 Byron G. Harlan & Chorus: Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet V++
7710. Ind2 1308 John Fletcher, bugle: Infantry Calls, No 1 E-
7711. Ind2 1313 Ada Jones: Just Plain Folks E-
7712. Ind2 1318 Walter Van Brunt: My Southern Rose E+
7713. Ind2 1329 Anthony & Harrison: Let The Lower Lights Be Burning OBL E
7714. Ind2 1330 Ada Jones: By The Light Of The Silvery Moon V++
7715. Ind2 1332 [bw] Stanley Kirkby: In The Evening By The Moonlight Dear Louise E-
7716. Ind2 1341 Military Band: 1863 Medley E
7717. Ind2 1363 Symphony Orc: Narcissus OBL (lt wol) E
7718. Ind2 1365 Fritz Karl: Where The River Shannon Flows VLT SCR E
7719. Ind2 1379 Stanley Kirkby: In Old Madrid E
7720. Ind2 1380 Stanley & Burr: Singing Bird E
7721. Ind2 1397 Symphony Orc: Loin Du Bal E
7722. Ind2 1399 Male Qrt: Tenting On The Old Camp Ground E-
7723. Ind2 1406 George P. Watson: Life In The Alps - Yodel E-
7724. Ind2 1419 Henry Burr: All That I Ask Of You Is Love Nice E
7725. Ind2 1429 Anthony & Harrison: Softly Now The Light Of Day E
7726. Ind2 1440 [bw] Military Band: Around The Christmas Tree E
7727. Ind2 1450 Charles Schuetze, harp: Last Rose Of Summer E-
7728. Ind2 1500 Guido Gialdini, whi: Birds Of The Forest E
7729. Ind2 1525 Stanley Kirkby: It's A Long Way To Tipperary E--
7730. Ind2 1556 Male Qrt: Over There MB 15 E--
7731. Ind2 1560 [bw] Henry Burr: Joan Of Arc, They Are Calling You LT US E--


Edison 4 Minute Wax Amberols (all w/OBs), MB $4

7732. Ed4 29 Edward Morton: A Singer Sang A Song E
7733. Ed4 32 Collins & Harlan: Nigger Loves His Possum - Coon Song MB 25 E
7734. Ed4 38 Edison Concert Band: Semiramide Overture OBL V++
7735. Ed4 59 Cal Stewart: The County Fair At Pumpkin Center E--
7736. Ed4 67 Edith Chapman & H. Anthony: Sing Me To Sleep OBL (tr) E
7737. Ed4 100 New York Military Band: Dance Of The Hours from "La Gioconda" OBL (tr) MB 15 E
7738. Ed4 108 Jones & Spencer: Little Arrow And Big Chief Greasepaint OBL E-
7739. Ed4 146 American Symphony Orc: Wedding March from "Midsummer Night's Dream" OBL (soiled) MB 15 E
7740. Ed4 170 Will Oakland & Chorus: Only A Pansy Blossom OBL (soiled) E-
7741. Ed4 183 Arthur S. Witcomb, cnt: Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms OBL E
7742. Ed4 185 Murray Hill: There's A Woman In The Case OBL (soiled) MB 25 E--
7743. Ed4 205 Jones & Spencer: Herman And Minnie At Dreamland OBL E-
7744. Ed4 221 Ada Jones & Chorus: My Pony Boy OBL (soiled) E--
7745. Ed4 224 James Harrison: I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go, etc OBL (soiled) E--
7746. Ed4 247 American Symphony Orc: Woodland Whispers OBL (sm tr) E--
7747. Ed4 271 New York Military Band: To The Front Two-Step ECS NTG E--
7748. Ed4 276 New York Military Band: Animation Schottische OBL (sm wol) E
7749. Ed4 289 Porter & Meeker: Flanagan And Harrigan E-
7750. Ed4 292 Anthony & Harrison: Waiting And Watching For Me OBL E
7751. Ed4 298 Edison Mixed Qrt: He Leadeth Me E
7752. Ed4 321 Jones & Murray: He Was A Wonderful Man (Cohan) OBL (soiled) MB 15 E
7753. Ed4 333 Jorda-Rocabruna Inst Qnt: Monte Cristo OBL E+
7754. Ed4 338 Metropolitan Qrt: Flow Gently, Sweet Afton E-
7755. Ed4 339 Jean Schwiller, vlc: Jocelyn-Berceuse E
7756. Ed4 346 Bessie Wynn: My Pretty Little Piece Of Dresden China OBL (soiled) MB 50 E
7757. Ed4 379 Knickerbocker Qrt: Nearer My God To Thee OBL E-
7758. Ed4 400 H. Benne Henton, sax: Cavatina from "La Favorita" OBL (soiled); Vineyard Haven, MA dsol E
7759. Ed4 405 Fred Potter: Betsy Ross OBL MB 15 E
7760. Ed4 432 New York Military Band w/Collins & Harlan: The Cubanola Glide OBL (soiled) EC NTG E-
7761. Ed4 454 Will Oakland: When You And I Were Young, Maggie OBL E--
7762. Ed4 468 Ada Jones & Billy Murray: Come Along, My Mandy OBL (soiled) E-
7763. Ed4 471 Empire Vaudeville Co: Mrs Clancy's Boarding House E-
7764. Ed4 483 Edison Mixed Qrt: Sunshine In My Soul E-
7765. Ed4 484 Victor Herbert's Orc: Ballet Music from "Le Cid" OBL MB 15 E
7766. Ed4 485 Ada Jones: Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon E
7767. Ed4 498 Charles Daab: Irish & Scotch Melodies - Fantasia E--
7768. Ed4 509 Knickerbocker Qrt: One Sweetly Solemn Thought OBL (soiled) E-
7769. Ed4 523 Jere Sanford: Jere Sanford's Yodeling & Whistling Specialty E--

7770. Ed4 529 Len Spencer & Co: Mamma's Boy E-
7771. Ed4 547 Victor Herbert's Orc: Fantasy from "The Fortune Teller" OBL MB 15 E
7772. Ed4 555 Edison Mixed Qrt: Coronation & Doxology E-
7773. Ed4 561 Marie Narelle: Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer OBL E
7774. Ed4 564 Charles Daab, xyl: The Mocking Bird Fantasia E--

7775. Ed4 566 Sophie Tucker: Phoebe Jane MB 100 LT SCFS E-

7776. Ed4 603 Edgar L. Davenport: Barbara Frietchie E
7777. Ed4 608 Byron G. Harlan & Chorus: When A Boy From Old New Hampshire Loves A Girl From Tennessee E--
7778. Ed4 619 New York Military Band: Porcupine Rag MB 15 E
7779. Ed4 626 Premier Qrt: Down On The Mississippi OBL (soiled) E-
7780. Ed4 631 Billy Murray: Gee! But It's Great To Meet A Friend From Your Home Town OBL (tr) E-
7781. Ed4 655 Jones & Murray: Come Josephine In My Flying Machine OBL (soiled) MB 25 E
7782. Ed4 666 Elizabeth Spencer: My Southern Rose E--
7783. Ed4 667 Frank X. Doyle: I Love The Name Of Mary OBL (soiled) LT MSS E--
7784. Ed4 670 Jones & Spencer: The Crushed Tragedian OBL (soiled) E
7785. Ed4 671 National Promenade Band: Officer Of The Day & The Hurricane OBL (soiled) V++
7786. Ed4 675 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Larry O'Gaff - Medley E--
7787. Ed4 679 Sousa's Band: Three Quotations Suite No 1 OBL E
7788. Ed4 706 Edison Mixed Qrt: What A Friend We Have In Jesus E
7789. Ed4 710 Will Oakland: Wait Till The Clouds Roll By OBL E-
7790. Ed4 727 National Promenade Band: Huskin' Bee Medley-Virginia Reel OBL E-
7791. Ed4 731 Edison Mixed Qrt: Jesu, Lover Of My Soul OBL E
7792. Ed4 732 Vienna Instrumental Trio: Dear Heart OBL E
7793. Ed4 753 Billy Murray: Hannah, Won't You Smile Awhile On Me? MB 15 SM EC E
7794. Ed4 759 Edison Mixed Qrt: God Be With You Till We Meet Again OBL (soiled) E
7795. Ed4 774 Irving Gillette: When You're In Love With More Than One E--
7796. Ed4 794 Billy Murray: You'll Do The Same Thing Over Again LT SWS E-
7797. Ed4 821 Manuel Romain: I'll Love You When The Silver Threads OBL E-
7798. Ed4 860 Ethel Hepburn: Will The Roses Bloom In Heaven? OBL E
7799. Ed4 865 Edison Concert Band: Masaniello Overture OBL E+
7800. Ed4 875 Billy Murray: Any Old Place The Flag Flies, from "The Little Millionaire" LG SWS E-
7801. Ed4 910 Walter Van Brunt: I Want A Regular Pal For A Gal E
7802. Ed4 913 Edison Mixed Qrt: I Love To Tell The Story E
7803. Ed4 940 Jones & Murray: Silver Star OBL (sols) E-
7804. Ed4 944 Walter Van Brunt: Driving Home The Cows From Pasture E--
7805. Ed4 947 Peerless Qrt: In The Golden Afterwhile OBL E--
7806. Ed4 959 James F Harrison w/the Edison Mixed Qrt: The Old Church Hymns And Bells OBL E
7807. Ed4 978 Fisk University Jubillee Qrt: Peter On The Sea & The Old Ark OBL (soiled) MB 25 E
7808. Ed4 986 Fisk University Jubillee Qrt: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot MB 25 SCF E-
7809. Ed4 1000 Campbell & Gillette: Goodnight, Mr Moon OBL E
7810. Ed4 1027 Metropolitan Qrt: Golden Deer RAS E-
7811. Ed4 1044 Demetrius Dounis, mandolin: Souvenir OBL (soiled) MB 15 VVSM EF E

Edison 4 Minute Wax Specials (all w/OBLs), MB $4

7812. Ed4 Special A New York Military Band: The Four Jacks March OBL E--
7813. Ed4 Special B Murry Hill: Father's Eccentricities OBL E-
7814. Ed4 Special C Manuel Romain: If I Must Say Farewell Kate, Let Me Kiss Your Lips Good-bye OBL (soiled) E--
7815. Ed4 Special D Edison Mixed Qrt: The Ninety And Nine OBL (tr) LT MLD SPTS E--
7816. Ed4 Special E H. Benne Henton, sax: Scenes That Are Brightest OBL (tr) E--
7817. Ed4 Special F Porter & Meeker: Two Rubes Swapping Horses Nice OBL E--
7818. Ed4 Special G Jones & Murray: I'm Looking For A Sweetheart, And I Think You'll Do OBL (soiled) E--
7819. Ed4 Special H Harlan & Stanley: Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! OBL (soiled) E--
7820. Ed4 Special K Peerless Qrt: The Peerless Minstrels OBL (soiled) E--
7821. Use this number to bid on Lots 7812-7820 as a group MB 25 -


It has been awhile since we've run a section of Gem Quality cylinders, but the following selection of pristine Blue Amberols (many with original boxes and lids) should make up for
it. Another terrific opportunity to upgrade your collection!
Edison Blue Amberols (boxes where noted), MB $6
7822. Ed4BA 1502 tk 1 Kimball, Miller & Croxton: Trio from "Faust" E
7823. Ed4BA 1510 tk 1 Edward Favor: My Best Girl And Me OBL (soiled) E+
7824. Ed4BA 1516 tk 1 Will Oakland & Chorus: Just Before The Battle, Mother OBL E+
7825. Ed4BA 1517 tk 2 Frank Croxton: Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep E
7826. Ed4BA 1523 tk 2 Porter & Harlan: Hi And Si Of Jaytown OBL (sm trs) E+
7827. Ed4BA 1525 tk 1 Elizabeth Spencer & the Knickerbocker Qrt: The Rosary OBL VSM ES NTG E+
7828. Ed4BA 1527 tk 1 Florentine Instrumental Trio: Serenade (Titl) OBL E
7829. Ed4BA 1530 tk 1 Spencer & Hindermeyer: A Little Girl At Home E
7830. Ed4BA 1531 tk 1 Heidelberg Qnt: Way Down South OBL E
7831. Ed4BA 1532 tk 2 Fred Van Eps, bjo: Dixie Medley E
7832. Ed4BA 1535 tk 2 Maurice Burkhart: Music Vot's Music Must Come From Berlin E
7833. Ed4BA 1538 tk 2 Manuel Romain: I Will Love You When The Silver Threads, etc OBL E
7834. Ed4BA 1545 tk 1 Frank Croxton Qrt: Abide With Me LT SCFS E
7835. Ed4BA 1547 tk 5 Will Oakland: Silver Threads Among The Gold OBL E+
7837. Ed4BA 1560 tk 2 Arthur Collins: The Preacher And The Bear - Coon Song
Announced; originally issued as 4M-18; ORS MB 50 E
7838. Ed4BA 1560 tk 6 Arthur Collins: The Preacher And The Bear - Coon Song OBL MB 15 VLT SCRS E
7839. Ed4BA 1563 tk 2 Empire Vaudeville Co: Aunt Dinah's Golden Wedding OBL M-
7840. Ed4BA 1570 tk 1 Tollefsen Trio: Serenade (Kotzschmar) E
7841. Ed4BA 1571 tk 1 Golden & Hughes: Darktown Eccentricities E
7842. Ed4BA 1572 tk 1 Manuel Romain: She Was Bred In Old Kentucky E
7843. Ed4BA 1573 tk 1 Edison Concert Band: Lustspiel Overture E
7844. Ed4BA 1574 tk 1 New York Military Band: Medley of War Songs OBL E+

7845. Ed4BA 1578 tk 1 Venetian Instrumental Trio: The Shepherd Boy E
7846. Ed4BA 1580 tk 2 Will Oakland: Dear Robin I'll Be True SM ES NTG E
7847. Ed4BA 1581 tk 1 Venetian Instrumental Trio: Edelweiss And Almenrausch E+
7848. Ed4BA 1583 tk 1 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh Buys An Automobile OBL E
7849. Ed4BA 1584 tk 1 Byron G. Harlan: On A Good Old Time Straw Ride OBL (tr) E
7850. Ed4BA 1587 tk 2 Billy Murray: Everybody Two-Step - Coon Song OBL (soiled) MB 25 E+
7851. Ed4BA 1588 tk 1 Anna Chandler: That Mellow Melody MB 15 E
7852. Ed4BA 1593 tk 1 Mary Carson: O Dry Those Tears E
7853. Ed4BA 1595 tk 1 Charles Daab, xyl: Mystic Dreams - Waltz E
7854. Ed4BA 1597 tk 1 Billy Murray: Kentucky Days MB 15 E+
7855. Ed4BA 1599 tk 1 Elizabeth Spencer & Irving Gillette: Where The Edelweiss Is Blooming OBL E+
7856. Ed4BA 1601 tk 1 Edwin Skedden & the Edison Mixed Qrt: The Holy City OBL (soiled) E+
7857. Ed4BA 1606 tk 2 Spencer, Young & Wheeler: Silent Night MB 50 E+
7858. Ed4BA 1608 tk 1 Harry Humphrey: Luke (Recitation) OBL E
7859. Ed4BA 1610 tk 2 Elizabeth Spencer: Say Not Love Is A Dream, from "The Count of Luxembourg" E
7860. Ed4BA 1612 tk 2 New York Military Band: Spirit Of Independence March OBL (soiled) M-
7861. Ed4BA 1613 tk 1 Joseph Phillips: At The Gate Of The Palace Of Dreams E+
7862. Ed4BA 1614 tk 1 Metropolitan Qrt: Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin" MB 25 E+
7863. Ed4BA 1616 tk 1 Spindler, Santangelo & Giammatteo, flute, oboe & cla: Dialogue For Three MB 15 M-
7864. Ed4BA 1619 tk 2 Charles Harrison: Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still OBL MB 15 M-
7865. Ed4BA 1621 tk 2 Walter Van Brunt: Everything's At Home Except Your Wife, from "Oh! Oh! Delphine" E
7866. Ed4BA 1626 tk 1 Premier Qrt w/the New York Military Band: Patriotic Songs of America OBL E
7867. Ed4BA 1633 tk 1 Edison Mixed Qrt: Rock Of Ages E
7868. Ed4BA 1635 tk 2 Helen Clark: A Day Dream E+
7869. Ed4BA 1639 tk 1 Venetian Instrumental Qrt: Waltzing Doll OBL (soiled) E+
7870. Ed4BA 1644 tk 1 Golden & Hughes: Unlucky Mose E
7871. Ed4BA 1645 tk 2 Premier Qrt: Down In Dear Old New Orleans MB 15 E
7872. Ed4BA 1646 tk 1 Premier Qrt: That Syncopated Boogie-Boo MB 25 E
7873. Ed4BA 1647 tk 1 Ferdinand Himmelreich, pno: Nearer, My God To Thee ORS M-
7874. Ed4BA 1648 tk 1 New York Military Band: Dixie MB 15 E
7875. Ed4BA 1653 tk 1 Harry Humphrey: Finch's Poem, "The Blue And The Gray" OBL MB 15 E
7876. Ed4BA 1715 tk 3 Edison Mixed Qrt: I Will Sing Of My Redeemer E
7877. Ed4BA 1716 tk 1 Eugene Jaudas, vln: Medley of Country Dances OBL E
7878. Ed4BA 1717 tk 1 Kirwan & Hindermeyer: Sympathy, from "The Firefly" E+
7879. Ed4BA 1719 tk 2 Collins & Harlan: When The Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves For Alabam' MB 15 E+
7880. Ed4BA 1726 tk 2 Ferdinand Himmelreich, pno: Annie Laurie E
7881. Ed4BA 1731 tk 2 Selection from "The Doll's Eye": Victor Herbert's Orc MB 15 E
7882. Ed4BA 1739 tk 1 Anna Chandler: All Night Long MB 15 E
7883. Ed4BA 1742 tk 2 Young & Wheeler: Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere E
7884. Ed4BA 1743 tk 2 Manuel Romain: The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine OBL (tr) MB 15 E+
7885. Ed4BA 1750 tk 1 American Standard Orc: Blue Danube Waltz E
7886. Ed4BA 1758 tk 1 Donald Chalmers: Till The Sands Of The Desert Grow Cold OBL (trs) w/ORS ES NTPG E+
7887. Ed4BA 1761 tk 1 Edward Meeker: Low Bridge! Everybody Down OBL (tr) MB 15 E+
7888. Ed4BA 1766 tk 1 US Marine Band: Old Comrades - March OBL (trs) w/nice ORS E
7889. Ed4BA 1775 tk 1 Victor Herbert's Orc: Dream Melody Intermezzo from "Naughty Marietta" OBL MB 15 E+
7890. Ed4BA 1776 tk 1 Edison Mixed Qrt: God Be With You Till We Meet Again OBL (soiled) E
7891. Ed4BA 1787 tk 2 Will Oakland & Chorus: As I Sat Upon My Dear Old Mother's Knee OBL E+
7892. Ed4BA 1790 tk 1 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Jim Lawson's Medley of Reels E
7893. Ed4BA 1795 tk 1 Venetian Inst Qrt: Dream Of The Tyrolienne E
7894. Ed4BA 1797 tk 1 Walter Van Brunt: Famous Songs in Irish Plays E
7895. Ed4BA 1798 tk 1 Will Oakland: Where The River Shannon Flows OBL (soiled) E
7896. Ed4BA 1802 tk 2 National Promenade Band: My Little Persian Rose - Medley Two-Step OBL (trs, sol) E
7897. Ed4BA 1810 tk 1 New York Military Band: Invercargill March OBL E+
7898. Ed4BA 1811 tk 4 Edison Mixed Qrt: When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder E
7899. Ed4BA 1812 tk 1 Toots Paka's Hawaiians: Aloha Oe ORS E
7900. Ed4BA 1821 tk 1 Harry Lauder: I Love A Lassie E
7901. Ed4BA 1829 tk 1 Marie Kaiser & Vernon Archibald: Down By The Old Mill Stream E
7902. Ed4BA 1852 tk 1 Cal Stewart: I Laughed At The Wrong Time E
7903. Ed4BA 1857 tk 1 Venetian Instrumental Trio: Memories Of Home OBL w/ORS M-
7904. Ed4BA 1866 tk 1 Cal Stewart & Co: Uncle Josh's Huskin' Bee E
7905. Ed4BA 1870 tk 1 Rose & Rubel, flt & cla: The Butterfly E
7906. Ed4BA 1879 tk 1 Ada Jones: Put On Your Slippers, You're In For The Night OBL (trs) E
7907. Ed4BA 1881 tk 1 Knickerbocker Qrt: We're Tenting To-Night E
7908. Ed4BA 1899 tk 4 Venetian Inst Trio: Angel's Serenade OBL E+
7909. Ed4BA 1903 tk 1 George P. Watson: Sauerkraut Is Bully - Medley E
7910. Ed4BA 1943 tk 1 Walter Van Brunt: There's A Girl In The Heart Of Maryland E
7911. Ed4BA 1951 tk 2 Male Qrt: Entered Apprentice Degree Hymn E
7912. Ed4BA 1953 tk 2 Male Qrt: Master Mason Degree Dirge E
7913. Ed4BA 1958 tk 1 Frank X. Doyle & Chorus: Killarney, My Home O'er The Sea E
7914. Ed4BA 1960 tk 1 Edison Concert Band: Boston Commandery March E
7915. Ed4BA 1964 tk 1 Charles D'Almaine, vln: Sailor's Hornpipe Medley OBL (trs) E+
7916. Ed4BA 1981 tk 1 Male Qrt: I.O.O.F Opening & Closing Odes 2 separate tracks VLT SCFS E+
7917. Ed4BA 2006 tk 2 Golden & Hughes: Comic Epitaphs E
7918. Ed4BA 2017 tk 1 Irving Gillette: When It's Apple Blossom Time In Normandy E+
7919. Ed4BA 2019 tk 1 National Promenade Band: Here Comes My Daddy Now - Medley E
7920. Ed4BA 2022 tk 1 Will Oakland: The Curse Of An Aching Heart OBL (soiled) E
7921. Ed4BA 2028 tk 1 Campbell & Gillette: Let Us See Your Rainbow Smile E+
7922. Ed4BA 2030 tk 1 Oakland & Chorus: There's A Mother Always Waiting You E
7923. Ed4BA 2036 tk 1 Walter Van Brunt: Peg O' My Heart OBL (soiled) w/ORS (sm tr) MB 15 E
7924. Ed4BA 2039 tk 2 Premier Qrt: Sailing Down The Chesapeake Bay OBL (tr) E
7925. Ed4BA 2042 tk 1 Helen Clark: Face To Face OBL E+
7926. Ed4BA 2043 tk 1 Edward Meeker: The Pullman Porters On Parade E
7927. Ed4BA 2045 tk 3 Golden & Hughes: The Shipmates OBL w/ORS E+
7928. Ed4BA 2063 tk 2 National Promenade Band: Virginia Reel OBL w/ORS E
7929. Ed4BA 2090 tk 3 Edison Concert Band & Chorus: Bells Of Christmas OBL MB 25 E+
7930. Ed4BA 2097 tk 1 Elsie Baker: Cradle Song OBL (soiled) E+

7931. Ed4BA 2101 tk 1 Golden & Hughes: The Two Poets OBL (soiled) E+
7932. Ed4BA 2104 tk 1 Sousa's Band: Stars And Stripes Forever March MB 15 E
7933. Ed4BA 2105 tk 1 Ada Jones: The Bird On Nellie's Hat MB 15 E
7934. Ed4BA 2108 tk 1 Cal Stewart: Uncle Josh In A Photograph Gallery E
7935. Ed4BA 2114 tk 1 New York Military Band: Southern Dream Patrol OBL (trs) MB 15 E
7936. Ed4BA 2117 tk 1 Charlotte Kirwan & Kathryn Hall Staats: The Lord Is My Shepherd E
7937. Ed4BA 2122 tk 2 Ada Jones: If You Only Knew What I Know, Says The Moon MB 15 E
7938. Ed4BA 2129 tk 1 Jones & Murray: On The Old Front Porch OBL w/ORS E
7939. Ed4BA 2130 tk 1 Collins & Harlan: On The Honeymoon Express OBL (trs) MB 15 E+
7940. Ed4BA 2133 tk 1 Premier Qrt: Floating Down The River E+
7941. Ed4BA 2139 tk 1 National Promenade Band: The International Rag Medley OBL (sm wol) MB 15 E
7942. Ed4BA 2144 tk 2 New York Military Band: From Maine To Oregon March E
7943. Ed4BA 2145 tk 1 Edison Concert Band: Aïda-March ORS (trs) E
7944. Ed4BA 2162 tk 2 Billy Murray: How Long Have You Been Married? MB 15 E+
7945. Ed4BA 2168 tk 2 Owen McCormack: When It's Springtime In Virginia OBL (soiled) w/ORS E
7946. Ed4BA 2169 tk 2 New York Military Band: Under The Double Eagle March MB 15 E+
7947. Ed4BA 2173 tk 1 Stella Mayhew: Lead Me To That Beautiful Band OBL MB 25 E
7948. Ed4BA 2176 tk 1 Polk Miller & his Old South Qrt: Laughing Song OBL MB 25 E
7949. Ed4BA 2178 tk 1 Polk Miller's Old South Qrt: Watermelon Party ORS MB 25 E
7950. Ed4BA 2183 tk 1 Gustav Heim, cnt: Stabat Mater-Inflammatus E
7951. Ed4BA 2191 tk 1 United States Marine Band: Fein Und Chic Gavotte OBL E+
7952. Ed4BA 2192 tk 1 Golden & Hughes: Aunt Mandy OBL w/ORS E
7953. Ed4BA 2199 tk 1 New York Military Band: G.A.R. Patrol OBL w/ORS E
7954. Ed4BA 2201 tk 2 Owen McCormack & Chorus: Dixie Days E
7955. Ed4BA 2204 tk 1 Edison Mixed Qrt: Dreams Of Galilee E
7956. Ed4BA 2206 tk 1 National Promenade Band: Dreaming - Waltz Hesitation E
7957. Ed4BA 2208 tk 1 National Promenade Band: When It's Apple Blossom Time In Normandy E
7958. Ed4BA 2210 tk 1 Edison Mixed Qrt: Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen! OBL (soiled) w/ORS (trs) E+
7959. Ed4BA 2215 tk 1 Edison Light Opera Co: Favorite Airs from "The Pirates of Penzance" OBL (soiled) E+
7960. Ed4BA 2224 tk 1 Jones & Murray: I'm Crying Just For You E
7961. Ed4BA 2230 tk 1 Edward Meeker: I'm Crazy 'Bout A Ragtime Minstrel Band OBL MB 25 E+
7962. Ed4BA 2233 tk 2 Campbell & Gillette: I'm On My Way To Mandalay E
7963. Ed4BA 2239 tk 2 Edison Concert Band: My Old Kentucky Home - Fantasia E
7964. Ed4BA 2242 tk 1 National Promenade Band: The Carrousel - Swedish Folk Song E+
7965. Ed4BA 2254 tk 1 Clark & Randolph: In The Candle Light E+
7966. Ed4BA 2272 tk 1 Murray & Belmont: An Afternoon In June E+
7967. Ed4BA 2278 tk 1 Knickerbocker Qrt: Moonlight On The Lake OBL (wol) w/ORS E
7968. Ed4BA 2280 tk 1 Jones & Spencer: Si Perkins' Barn Dance OBL E
7969. Ed4BA 2289 tk 1 Marie Narelle: Jessie, The Flower O' Dunblane MB 15 E
7970. Ed4BA 2296 tk 2 National Promenade Band: Rye Waltzes E
7971. Ed4BA 2305 tk 1 Charles Harrison: While The Rivers Of Love Flow On OBL (sts) E
7972. Ed4BA 2309 tk 1 Young & Wheeler: Lord, I'm Coming Home OBL (tr) E+
7973. Ed4BA 2317 Knickerbocker Qrt: Elk's Opening & Closing Odes Take not discernable E
7974. Ed4BA 2327 tk 2 Edison Light Opera Co: Favorite Airs from "Ernani" OBL (sts, sm trs) E+
7975. Ed4BA 2336 tk 1 Irving Gillette: In The Heart Of The City That Has No Heart OBL (soiled) w/ORS E+
7976. Ed4BA 2337 tk 1 American Standard Orc: The Wedding Of The Rose E+
7977. Ed4BA 2346 tk 1 National Promenade Band: He'd Have To Get Under, Get Out And Get Under - Medley E+
7978. Ed4BA 2372 tk 1 Campbell & Gillette: Harmony Bay E
7979. Ed4BA 2377 tk 2 Van Eps' Trio: Down Home Rag - One-Step OBL (soiled) MB 15 E
7981. Ed4BA 2396 tk 1 Harlan & Belmont: The Blue Jay And The Thrush OBL (tr) w/ORS E+
7982. Ed4BA 2400 tk 1 Metropolitan Qrt: Lorena OBL (soiled) w/ORS E+
7983. Ed4BA 2405 tk 1 Samuel Gardner, vln: Humoreske (Dvorak) E+
7984. Ed4BA 2409 tk 3 Ada Jones: Bedtime At The Zoo MB 15 E
7985. Ed4BA 2411 tk 1 American Standard Orc: Patrol Comique OBL E+
7986. Ed4BA 2413 tk 2 Liberati's Band: Suffragettes March MB 15 E+
7987. Ed4BA 2420 tk 1 Edison Mixed Qrt: Trust And Obey E
7988. Ed4BA 2423 tk 2 National Promenade Band: Valse June E
7989. Ed4BA 2425 tk 1 Manuel Romain: You're More Than The World To Me E
7990. Ed4BA 2428 tk 1 Irving Gillette: When The Angelus Is Ringing OBL E+
7991. Ed4BA 2439 tk 2 New York Military Band: La Marseillaise OBL MB 15 E+
7992. Ed4BA 2449 tk 2 Manuel Romain: Let's Grow Old Together, Honey OBL E
7993. Ed4BA 2457 tk 1 Harvey Hindermeyer: In The Evening By The Moonlight, Dear Louise OBL E+
7994. Ed4BA 2461 tk 2 Joseph A. Phillips: The Soldiers Of The King OBL (soiled) E
7995. Ed4BA 2464 tk 2 Harry Humphrey: The Night Before Christmas OBL MB 100 M-
7996. Ed4BA 2475 tk 3 Richard Czerwonky, vln: Adoration E
7997. Ed4BA 2476 tk 2 Thomas Chalmers & Chorus: The Birthday Of A King - Christmas Song OBL MB 15 E+
7998. Ed4BA 2478 tk 1 Edison Mixed Qrt: O Come, All Ye Faithful OBL MB 50 E+
7999. Ed4BA 2482 tk 3 Edison Mixed Qrt: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing OBL (tr) MB 50 M-
8000. Ed4BA 2487 tk 1 Albert Farrington & Male Chorus: It's A Long, Long Way To Tipperary OBL w/ORS (trs) MB 25 E
8001. Ed4BA 2488 tk 2 Walter Van Brunt: By The Setting Of The Sun E
8002. Ed4BA 2497 tk 1 Spencer & Randolph: When The Roses Bloom E+
8003. Ed4BA 2498 tk 2 Reed Miller: Messiah-Comfort ye, my people E
8004. Ed4BA 2526 Clark & Brunt: Grandfather's Clock OBL (soiled) MB 25 E+
8005. Ed4BA 2531 P. Frosini, acc: Echoes From The Movies OBL E
8006. Ed4BA 2535 Kaiser & Randolph: One Wonderful Night E
8007. Ed4BA 2543 Edison Concert Band: Huguenots-Benediction of the Poignards OBL E+
8008. Ed4BA 2544 Owen J. McCormack: Way Down On Tampa Bay OBL E
8009. Ed4BA 2545 National Promenade Band: Cecile - Waltz Hesitation OBL (wol) E
8010. Ed4BA 2547 Walter Van Brunt: When You Wore A Tulip E
8011. Ed4BA 2554 Collins & Harlan: My Orchard Is Short Of A Peach Like You E
8012. Ed4BA 2556 Billy Murray: The Little Ford Rambled Right Along OBL MB 25 E
8013. Ed4BA 2561 Pete Murray: On The 5.15 MB 15 E
8014. Ed4BA 2564 New York Military Band: The Jolly Coppersmith E
8015. Ed4BA 2574 Jaudas' Society Orc: Millicent - Waltz Hesitation E

8016. Ed4BA 2575 Clark & Phillips: After The Roses Have Faded Away OBL E
8017. Ed4BA 2579 Edison Mixed Qrt: Day Of Resurrection E
8018. Ed4BA 2591 Spencer & Van Brunt: The Same Sort Of Girl E
8019. Ed4BA 2592 Clark & Randolph: Love's Golden Dream E+
8020. Ed4BA 2609 Sodero's Band: Lucia di Lammermoor-Sextette E+
8021. Ed4BA 2616 Knickerbocker Qrt: Alone In The Deep OBL E
8022. Ed4BA 2617 Thomas Chalmers: My Old Kentucky Home E
8023. Ed4BA 2623 Morton Harvey: In The Hills Of Old Kentucky E
8024. Ed4BA 2626 Metropolitan Mixed Chorus: Tannhäuser-Pilgrims' Chorus E
8025. Ed4BA 2631 Metropolitan Qrt: America (My Country 'Tis Of Thee) MB 15 E+
8026. Ed4BA 2653 Charles Daab, xyl: King Of The Air March OBL E+
8027. Ed4BA 2695 Irving Kaufman & Chorus: We'll Build A Little Home In The U.S.A. E
8028. Ed4BA 2697 Edna Bailey: The Three Bears - Bedtime Story MB 50 E
8029. Ed4BA 2701 W. Smith & W. Kolomoku, Hawaiian gtrs: Aloha Oe - Waltz Medley E
8030. Ed4BA 2706 Mary Carson: Spring's Awakening - Waltz Song E
8031. Ed4BA 2707 Arthur Lichty: It's Tulip Time In Holland E
8032. Ed4BA 2708 New York Military Band: The Gladiator March E
8033. Ed4BA 2723 Golden & Marlowe: The Relic Hunters OBL (lg tr) E+
8034. Ed4BA 2740 Emory Randolph: Ah, Could I But Once More So Love, Dear E
8035. Ed4BA 2757 Jaudas' Society Orc: Whistling Rufus E
8036. Ed4BA 2761 Harlan Knight & Co: All Aboard For The County Fair MB 15 E
8037. Ed4BA 2764 Sisty & Seitz's Banjo Orc: Auntie Skinner's Chicken Dinner - Medley MB 15 E
8038. Ed4BA 2768 Carol Singers: Once In Royal David's City OBL (tr) MB 25 E+
8039. Ed4BA 2776 Billy Murray: When Old Bill Bailey Plays The Ukelele MB 15 E
8040. Ed4BA 2789 George Watson: Lauterback & Hi-Le-Hi Lo E
8041. Ed4BA 2804 Golden & Marlowe: Henry Gibson's Narrow Escape E
8042. Ed4BA 2806 Irving Kaufman & Chorus: Young America, We're Strong For You E
8043. Ed4BA 2815 George Thompson: Cohen At The Telephone E
8044. Ed4BA 2817 Premier Qrt: Along The Rocky Road To Dublin E+
8045. Ed4BA 2838 Collins & Harlan: And The Great Big World Went Round OBL (trs, sts) E
8046. Ed4BA 2840 Burton Lenihan: In Monterey E
8047. Ed4BA 2842 Billy Murray: I've Been Floating Down The Old Green River MB 15 E
8048. Ed4BA 2853 Fred Bacon, bjo: Massa's In De Cold Cold Ground OBL E+
8049. Ed4BA 2866 Jaudas' Society Orc: Around The Map OBL (wol) E
8050. Ed4BA 2872 Criterion Qrt: Little Cotton Dolly OBL (trs) E
8051. Ed4BA 2885 Metropolitan Mixed Chorus: Songs of Other Days, No 1 OBL (fd) E+
8052. Ed4BA 2892 Marie Sundelius: The Creation-With verdure clad MB 15 E+
8053. Ed4BA 2904 Walter Van Brunt: Battle Cry Of Freedom OBL MB 15 E
8054. Ed4BA 2906 Vecsey's Hungarian Orc: Serenade from "Les Millions d'Arlequin" E+
8055. Ed4BA 2915 New York Military Band: American Fantasie E
8056. Ed4BA 2916 Walter Van Brunt: Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula OBL E+
8057. Ed4BA 2919 Joseph Phillips: Wake Up, America! E
8058. Ed4BA 2921 Walter Van Brunt: Are You Half The Man Your Mother Thought You'd Be E
8059. Ed4BA 2950 Jaudas' Society Orc: The Missouri Waltz E
8060. Ed4BA 2954 Walter Van Brunt: She Sang Aloha To Me OBL (trs) E
8061. Ed4BA 2959 Walter Van Brunt: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling MB 15 E
8062. Ed4BA 2971 Waikiki Hawaiian Orc: On The Beach - Medley OBL (fd) E
8063. Ed4BA 2975 Spencer & Van Brunt: Shades Of Night OBL (soiled) E
8064. Ed4BA 2989 Collins & Harlan: When That Little Yellow Fellow Plays Piano OBL (fd) MB 15 E
8065. Ed4BA 2996 Walter Van Brunt: In A Dusty Caravan OBL (soiled) E
8066. Ed4BA 3001 Metropolitan Qrt: I Surrender All E
8067. Ed4BA 3013 Walter Van Brunt: Ireland Must Be Heaven E
8068. Ed4BA 3019 Gladys Rice: Pretty Baby E
8069. Ed4BA 3020 Charles W. Harrison: For Killarney And You E
8070. Ed4BA 3022 Carolina Lazzari: Ben Bolt OBL (soiled) E
8071. Ed4BA 3026 Jaudas' Society Orc: Mighty Lak' A Rose E
8072. Ed4BA 3031 Shepherd & Clark: O Sing To God M-
8073. Ed4BA 3034 George P. Watson, yodle: Santa Claus Song OBL (trs) MB 25 E
8074. Ed4BA 3036 Robert Gayler, celeste: Christmas Eve MB 25 E
8075. Ed4BA 3041 Collins & Harlan: Mississippi Days E
8076. Ed4BA 3051 Walter Van Brunt: In Florida Among The Palms E
8077. Ed4BA 3055 New York Military Band: The Whistler And His Dog MB 15 E
8078. Ed4BA 3073 M. Nagy, zimbalon: The Last Rose Of Summer & Old Folks At Home MB 15 M-
8079. Ed4BA 3083 Dave Martin: Goldberg's Automobile Troubles MB 15 E
8080. Ed4BA 3084 Jaudas' Society Orc: A Broken Doll - London Taps E
8081. Ed4BA 3088 Jaudas' Society Orc: Go Get 'Em E
8082. Ed4BA 3090 F.J. Wheeler: When The Boys Come Home E+
8083. Ed4BA 3113 Billy Murray: Way Down In Iowa MB 15 E
8084. Ed4BA 3114 Premier Qrt: Keep Your Eye On The Girlie You Love OBL (soiled) E
8085. Ed4BA 3121 Grant & Murray: What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For MB 15 E
8086. Ed4BA 3123 Ada Jones: Put On Your Slippers And Fill Up Your Pipe E
8087. Ed4BA 3129 Ford Hawaiians: Kawaihau Waltz E
8088. Ed4BA 3134 George Ballard: I'm Going Back To California E
8089. Ed4BA 3136 Imperial Marimba Band: Blue Danube Waltz E
8090. Ed4BA 3145 Calvary Choir: Angels, Roll The Rock Away - Easter Hymn E+
8091. Ed4BA 3146 Jaudas' Band: Poor Butterfly E
8092. Ed4BA 3147 Billy Murray: Little By Little And Bit By Bit, from "Go To It" MB 15 E+
8093. Ed4BA 3150 George Wilton Ballard: One Kiss And All Is O'er E+
8094. Ed4BA 3152 Jones, Porter & Harlan: The Band Festival At Plum Center E
8095. Ed4BA 3155 G.H. Green, xyl: Caprice Viennois E
8096. Ed4BA 3165 M.J. O'Connell: The Hot Dog's Fancy Ball MB 25 E+
8097. Ed4BA 3175 Metropolitan Mixed Chorus: Songs of Other Days, No 6 M-
8098. Ed4BA 3184 Apollo Qrt of Boston: In The Garden OBL (tr) E+
8099. Ed4BA 3191 New York Military Band: King Cotton March E
8100. Ed4BA 3201 Adolph Hahl: Let's All Be Americans Now OBL (soiled) MB 15 E
8101. Ed4BA 3205 George Wilton Ballard: 'Twas Only An Irishman's Dream E

8102. Ed4BA 3219 National Guard Fife & Drum Corps: Uncle Sam Medley, No 2 E
8103. Ed4BA 3222 Billy Murray: For Me And My Gal MB 25 E
8104. Ed4BA 3226 Robert Clark: Why I Love Him E
8105. Ed4BA 3227 Waikiki Hawaiian Orc: My Waikiki Mermaid - Hula Medley E
8106. Ed4BA 3239 George Ballard: America, Here's My Boy OBL (trs) E
8107. Ed4BA 3247 Jaudas' Society Orc: Oh Boy! MB 15 E
8108. Ed4BA 3252 Helen Clark: What Kind Of An American Are You? OBL (trs) MB 15 E
8109. Ed4BA 3259 Jaudas' Society Orc: The Sunshine Of Your Smile E
8110. Ed4BA 3261 Jones & Spencer: Sweet Peggy Magee E
8111. Ed4BA 3273 M. Nagy, zimbalom: Kathleen Mavourneen OBL (soiled) E
8112. Ed4BA 3275 Billy Murray: Over There OBL MB 50 E
8113. Ed4BA 3277 Metropolitan Qrt: Blest Be The Tie That Binds E
8114. Ed4BA 3285 Ford Hawaiians: Akahi Hoi OBL (tr) E
8115. Ed4BA 3315 Apollo Qrt of Boston: When I Dream Of Old Erin E
8116. Ed4BA 3317 Golden & Heins: Bill's Visit To St. Peter E
8117. Ed4BA 3324 Arthur Fields: Send Me Away With A Smile OBL (soiled) MB 15 E
8118. Ed4BA 3330 Robert Gayler, celeste: Christmas Memories OBL (soiled) MB 50 E+
8119. Ed4BA 3332 S.W. Smith, USN, & Bugle Squad: U.S. Army Bugle Calls, No 2 E
8120. Ed4BA 3342 Irving Kaufman: Pull The Cork Out Of Erin MB 15 E
8121. Ed4BA 3347 Edward Allen: Old Jim's Christmas Hymn MB 15 E
8122. Ed4BA 3358 New York Military Band: The Spirit Of America - A Patriotic Patrol E
8123. Ed4BA 3361 Pat Scanlon, acc: Medley of Irish Jigs E
8124. Ed4BA 3372 New York Military Band: Royal Italian March OBL (soiled) E
8125. Ed4BA 3388 Vernon Dalhart: Sweet Emalina, My Gal E
8126. Ed4BA 3391 Rachel Grant & Billy Murray: Bungalow In Quogue, from "The Riviera Girl" MB 15 E
8127. Ed4BA 3421 Rudy Wiedoeft, sax: Saxophone Sobs OBL MB 15 E+
8128. Ed4BA 3431 Calvary Choir: Favorite Hymns of Fanny Crosby, No 1 E
8129. Ed4BA 3435 Shannon Qrt: Katy Mahone E
8130. Ed4BA 3452 Harmony Four: Just As Your Mother Was E
8131. Ed4BA 3457 Glen Ellison: The Laddie In Khaki E
8132. Ed4BA 3483 Ada Jones & Billy Murray: I'll Take You Back To Italy MB 15 E
8133. Ed4BA 3492 New York Military Band: The Nation's Awakening March OBL E+
8134. Ed4BA 3512 New York Military Band: The Volunteers March E
8135. Ed4BA 3516 Young & Reardon: On The Road To Home Sweet Home SM SCR E
8136. Ed4BA 3518 Collins & Harlan: Three Pickaninnies MB 15 E
8137. Ed4BA 3522 Metropolitan Qrt: He Lifted Me OBL (tr) E
8138. Ed4BA 3546 Golden & Heins: The Colored Recruits E
8139. Ed4BA 3549 R. Jones: Bring Me A Letter From My Old Home Town OBL (wol) E
8140. Ed4BA 3560 Vernon Dalhart: Alice, I'm In Wonderland E
8141. Ed4BA 3563 Imperial Marimba Band: Clover Club E
8142. Ed4BA 3576 Collins & Harlan: Down In Jungle Land MB 15 E
8143. Ed4BA 3616 Waikiki Hawaiian Orc: Hawaiian Breezes E
8144. Ed4BA 3621 Metropolitan Qrt: The Song Of Ages - Christmas Song MB 15 E
8145. Ed4BA 3640 Collins & Harlan: Everything Is Hunky Dory Down In Honky Tonky Town from "Everything,"
NY Hippodrome MB 15 E
8146. Ed4BA 3648 Willem Willeke, vlc: Concerto No 2 in D Minor-Andante (Goltermann) OBL (soiled) MB 15 E
8147. Ed4BA 3670 Rice & Dalhart: Till We Meet Again E+
8148. Ed4BA 3677 Moonlight Trio: The Rose Of No Man's Land E
8149. Ed4BA 3682 Charles Hart: Mollie Darling E
8150. Ed4BA 3703 Jaudas' Society Orc: This Is The Time MB 15 E
8151. Ed4BA 3733 Jaudas' Society Orc: Beautiful Ohio OBL (trs) E
8152. Ed4BA 3745 Len Spencer: The Arkansas Traveler OBL E+
8153. Ed4BA 3746 Ernest Hare: Satan, I'm Here MB 15 E
8155. Ed4BA 3774 Sibyl Fagan, whi: Serenata - Narcissus E
8156. Ed4BA 3790 Al Bernard: Everybody Wants A Key To My Cellar MB 15 E
8157. Ed4BA 3798 Clark & Ballard: I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles MB 15 E
8158. Ed4BA 3810 Tuxedo Dance Orc: Ruspana - One-Step E
8159. Ed4BA 3817 Betty Barrett: That Soothing Serenade OBL E
8160. Ed4BA 3854 Al Bernard: Shake, Rattle And Roll MB 25 E
8161. Ed4BA 3855 Arthur Fields: I'm True To Them All, from "The Girl Behind the Gun" E
8162. Ed4BA 3872 Edward Allen: Oh! What A Pal Was Mary E
8163. Ed4BA 3885 Clark & Phillips: I've Made Up My Mind To Mind A Maid E
8164. Ed4BA 3898 Len Spencer & Co: A Cowboy Romance E
8165. Ed4BA 3906 Lewis James: 'Twas An Old-Fashioned Song He Was Singing E
8166. Ed4BA 3933 Lewis James & Louise Ferrell: Golden Gate, Open For Me E
8167. Ed4BA 3937 Ernest Hare: A Bullfrog Am No Nightingale MB 15 E
8168. Ed4BA 3949 Al Bernard: Chasin' The Blues MB 15 E+
8169. Ed4BA 3957 Golden & Hughes: A Matrimonial Mixup E
8170. Ed4BA 3963 Harvey Hindermeyer: Sunny Weather Friends E
8171. Ed4BA 3969 Steve Porter: Flanagan's Troubles In A Restaurant E
8172. Ed4BA 3980 Bernard & Hare: I Come From Get-It-Land E
8173. Ed4BA 3985 John J. Kimmel, acc: Oh, Gee! - Medley of Irish Reels E+
8174. Ed4BA 3988 Bernard & Kamplain: Swanee E
8175. Ed4BA 3990 Tuxedo Dance Orc: My Isle Of Golden Dreams E
8176. Ed4BA 4000 Joseph Samuels, vln: The Devil's Dream - Medley Reels E
8177. Ed4BA 4031 Toots Paka's Hawaiians, gtr duet: Kaiwi Waltz E+
8178. Ed4BA 4036 Max Fells' Della Robbia Orc: Miami - Waltz E
8179. Ed4BA 4047 Lewis James: Everybody's Buddy OBL (sm trs) E+
8180. Ed4BA 4056 Max Fell's Della Robbia Orc: La Veeda E
8181. Ed4BA 4081 Lewis James: You've Been The Sunshine In My Life E
8182. Ed4BA 4121 Toots Paka's Hawaiians: Wailana Waltz LT SCF E
8183. Ed4BA 4125 Caso & Giamatteo, flute & cla: Fantasia from "Simon Boccanegra" E+
8184. Ed4BA 4135 Green Bros. Novelty Band: In Sweet September E
8185. Ed4BA 4154 Conway's Band: Bonnie Brier Bush March OBL (sts) E
8186. Ed4BA 4156 Raderman's Jazz Orc: Railroad Blues MB 15 E

8187. Ed4BA 4165 Bernard & Hare: Slide, Kelly, Slide MB 25 E+
8188. Ed4BA 4167 Pietro Frosini, acc: The Four Jacks March E+
8189. Ed4BA 4169 William Cahill: Dinnie Donahue On Prohibition MB 25 E+
8190. Ed4BA 4182 Harry Raderman's Jazz Orc: Avalon E
8191. Ed4BA 4255 Green Bros. Novelty Band: Arabia E
8192. Ed4BA 4267 Lenzberg's Riverside Orc: I Like It E
8193. Ed4BA 4272 Green Bros. Novelty Band: Siren Of A Southern Sea E+
8194. Ed4BA 4291 Harry Raderman's Jazz Orc: I Call You Sunshine - Medley E
8195. Ed4BA 4340 Lewis James: The Last Little Mile Is The Longest OBL (soiled) E+
8196. Ed4BA 4384 Bernard & Hare: Ain't You Comin' Out Malinda? OBL MB 15 E
8197. Ed4BA 4435 Julian Rose: Sadie's Birthday Party OBL (soiled); edge says "Made in U.S.A." E
8198. Ed4BA 4436 Metropolitan Qrt: O Happy Day E
8199. Ed4BA 4440 Rae Eleanor Ball, vln: Carolina Lullaby E+
8200. Ed4BA 4465 Lenzberg's Riverside Orc: Tea Cup Girl E+
8201. Ed4BA 4547 Shepherd & Hart: Toreador Of Mine OBL E+
8202. Ed4BA 4631 Atlantic Dance Orc: Lovable Eyes E
8203. Ed4BA 4649 Palakiko's Hawaiian Orc: My Old Hawaiian Home OBL (fd) E+
8204. Ed4BA 4660 Wiedoeft's Californians: Rose Of Bombay - Fox-Trot E
8205. Ed4BA 4730 That Girl Qrt: I'm Yours With Love And Kisses OBL E
8206. Ed4BA 4764 Kerr's Orchestra: No One LovesYou Better Than Your M-A-M-M-Y OBL (tr) E
8207. Ed4BA 4766 E.L. Stevens, pno: Love Cure - Valse Intermezzo OBL (soiled) E
8208. Ed4BA 4793 James Stevens: If You're The Same Tomorrow E
8209. Ed4BA 4841 Jones & Hare: You're In Kentucky Sure As You're Born OBL (scfs) MB 25 E
8210. Ed4BA 4860 Billy Jones: The Little Wooden Whistle Wouldn't Whistle E
8211. Ed4BA 4898 Vernon Dalhart: The Wreck On The Southern Old 97 MB 15 E
8212. Ed4BA 4914 John Baltzell, Champion Old Time Fiddler: The Old Red Barn Medley MB 15 E
8213. Ed4BA 4973 Austin & Reneau, harmonica & gtr: Little Brown Jug MB 50 E+

Gem Quality continues, 5000 Block Blue Amberols (boxes where noted), MB $25
8214. Ed4BA 5059 Vernon Dalhart: The John T. Scopes Trial OBL; Bidder Request Show MB 50 E
8215. Ed4BA 5065 Fred Van Eps, bjo: The New Gaiety E
8216. Ed4BA 5066 Fred Van Eps, bjo: Persiflage E
8217. Ed4BA 5088 Vernon Dalhart: The Letter Edged In Black E
8218. Ed4BA 5164 Jack Stillman's Orc w/Charles Harrison, vc: Valencia OBL E+
8219. Ed4BA 5349 Sam Patterson Trio: In The Land Where We'll Never Grow Old OBL E+
8220. Ed4BA 5350 Victor Herbert's Orc: The Tattooed Man - Selections E+

Gem Quality continues, Edison 28000 Classical & Operatic Series Blue Amberols (boxes where noted), MB $8
8221. Ed4BA 28103 tk 2 Eleanora De Cisneros: Ben Bolt OBL E
8222. Ed4BA 28106 tk 1 Rappold & Spalding, vln: Ave Maria (Gounod) OBL E
8223. Ed4BA 28107 tk 1 Christine Miller: Love's Old Sweet Song OBL E
8224. Ed4BA 28125 tk 1 Blanche Arral: Mignon-Je suis Titania OBL w/ORS MB 50 E
8225. Ed4BA 28126 tk 1 Marie Delna: Prophete-Ah! mon fils! OBL MB 25 E
8226. Ed4BA 28127 tk 1 Carlo Albani: L'Africana-O Paradiso! OBL MB 25 E+
8227. Ed4BA 28129 tk 2 Orville Harrold: Mary Repro BL E+
8228. Ed4BA 28136 tk 1 Gaston Du Bois: Romeo et Juliette-Ah, leve toi soleil OBL MB 50 E+
8229. Ed4BA 28145 tk 1 Eleonora De Cisneros: Home, Sweet Home VLT SCFS E
8230. Ed4BA 28151 tk 1 Marie Delna: Samson et Dalila-Mon coeur s'oeuvre Repro BL w/ORS (trs) MB 25 M-
8231. Ed4BA 28154 tk 2 Fr. Egenieff: Tannhäuser-O kehr' zurück Repro BL MB 50 E
8232. Ed4BA 28155 tk 4 Hackett & Chalmers: Martha-Lost, proscribed OBL w/ORS E
8233. Ed4BA 28156 tk 1 Armand Vecsey's Hungarian Orc: The Flowers That We Love & Marlette E
8234. Ed4BA 28158 tk 1 Riccardo Martin: Cavalleria Rusticana-Siciliana OBL (tr) MB 15 E
8235. Ed4BA 28161 tk 2 Florencio Constantino: Aida-Celeste Aida OBL MB 50 E+
8236. Ed4BA 28162 tk 2 Selma Kurz: Lucia di Lammermoor-Aria del follia OBL MB 50 E
8237. Ed4BA 28172 tk 2 Christine Miller: Good Bye, Sweet Day OBL w/ORS E
8238. Ed4BA 28194 tk 1 Christine Miller: The Lawn Swing OBL w/ORS M-
8239. Ed4BA 28197 tk 1 Case & Althouse: Trovatore-Miserere Repro BL MB 15 E
8240. Ed4BA 28203 tk 1 Keyes & Beddoe: Il Trovatore-Home to our mountains Repro BL VLT SCF E+
8241. Ed4BA 28210 tk 2 Marie Rappold: O Lord, Be Merciful Repro BL E+
8242. Ed4BA 28228 tk 3 Karl Jorn: Mad'le, Ruck, Ruck, Ruck E
8243. Ed4BA 28275 tk 2 Henri Scott: On The Road To Mandalay Repro BL MB 50 M-

Gem Quality continues, Edison Blue Amberol Specials (boxes where noted), MB $6
8244. Ed4BA Special B Murry K. Hill: Father's Eccentricities E+
8245. Ed4BA Special D Edison Mixed Qrt: The Ninety And Nine OBL E+
8246. Ed4BA Special E H. Benne Henton, sax: Scenes That Are Brightest Fantasia OBL E+
8247. Ed4BA Special G Porter & Meeker: Two Rubes Swapping Horses OBL E+
8248. Ed4BA Special H Harlan & Stanley: Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! E+
8249. Ed4BA Special J American Symphony Orc: Hermit's Bell Overture OBL E
8250. Ed4BA Special K Peerless Qrt: Peerless Minstrels E+

Part 4: Paper

MB $3
8252. Robert Baumbach Look for the Dog - an Illustrated Guide to Victor Talking Machines 1981 ed, hardback, 326 pp w/ill; autographed E+
8253. David Dachs American Pop (A survey of the development of popular music for juvenile readers)
1969 ed, paperback, 160 pp w/ill; appropriately psychadelic cover art E
8254. Jules Delini Nos Vedettes - 300 Biographies Anecdotiques d'Artistes Dramatiques et Lyriques
1922 ed, hardback, 360 pp w/ill MB 50 E-

8255. David Ewen American Popular Songs - From the Revolutionary War to the Present 1966 ed, hardback, 507 pp w/dj STS E
8256. Leonard Feather The Encyclopedia of Jazz 1955 ed, hardback, 360 pp w/ill & dj (fw sm trs) E-
8257. Fred W. Gaisberg The Music Goes Round - an Autobiography 1977 reprint, hardback, 273 pp w/ill MB 15 E-
8258. Roland Gelatt The Fabulous Phonograph, 1877-1977 1977 ed, paperback, 349 pp w/ill CREASES, BK CVR TR V++
8259. P.G. Hurst The Golden Age Recorded: A Collector's Survey (a classic guide to collecting with an emphasis on operatic recordings)
1946 1st ed, hard cover, 175 pp (rebound?) LT STS E--
8260. Irving Kolodin The New Guide to Recorded Music 1947 ed, hardback, 382 pp w/dj (trs) E-
8261. George Clark Leslie, ed The Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music 1942 ed, hardback, 558 pp w/dj V++
8262. Compton Mackenzie My Record of Music 1955 ed, hardback, 280 pp w/dj (trs); by the founder of "The Gramophone" magazine E--
8263. Guy A. Marco Encyclopedia of Recorded Sound in the United States 1993 ed, hardback, 910 pp MB 50 E
8264. Dennis McGovern & Deborah Grace Winer I Remember Too Much - 89 Opera Stars Speak Candidly of their Work, their Lives and their Colleagues
1990 ed, hardback, 415 pp w/ill & dj E
8265. Jerrold Northrop Moore A Voice in Time - The Gramophone of Fred Gaisberg, 1873-1951 (same book as A Matter of Records)
1976 ed, hardback, 248 pp w/ill & dj (st) MB 15 LT WMKS E-
8266. Hugues Panassié The Real Jazz 1942 ed, hardback, 326 pp MB 25 E-
8267. Oliver Read & Walter Welch From Tin Foil to Stereo - Evolution of the Phonograph 1977 2nd ed, paperback, 550 pp w/ill E
8268. Robert H. Reid (supervising editor) The Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music 1948 ed, hardback, 639 pp E--
8269. Edward Sackville-West & Desmond Shawe-Taylor The Record Guide 1955 ed, hardback, 957 pp w/dj (trs) E-
8270. Michael Scott The Record of Singing, 1914-1925 - Volume 2 1979 ed, paperback, 262 pp w/ill E
8271. Boris Semeonoff Record Collecting (A classic volume which discusses labels, condition, value & more from a classical
collector's point of view) 1951 2nd ed hardback, 106 pp w/ill & dj V++
8272. Steinway & Sons Portraits of Musical Celebrities - A Book of Notable Testimonials
1929 ed, hardback, 107 pp w/ill; a promo book for Steinway Pianos featuring letters from notable musicians CVR SPLITS V++

Artist Bios & Discographies, MB $3

8275. Louis Armstrong Satchmo - My Life in New Orleans 1954 ed, hardback, 240 pp w/ill & dj (sm tr); first printing MB 15 E+
8276. Darrell Baker & Larry F. Kiner The Sir Harry Lauder Discography 1990 ed, hardback, 198 pp w/ill MB 15 E+
8277. Morrie Berger, Edward Berger & James Patrick Benny Carter - A Life in American Music (2 vol) 1982 ed, hardback, 840 pp w/ill MB 25 E+
8278. Eddie Condon & Thomas Sugure We Called It Music - A Generation of Jazz 1947 ed, hardback, 341 pp w/ill & dj (trs) MB 15 E-
8279. D. Russell Connor & Warren Hicks BG On the Record - A Bio-Discography of Benny Goodman
1969 ed, hardback, 691 pp w/ill & dj (sp fdd) MB 15 LT SPTS E-
8280. Ted Crosby The Story of Bing Crosby 1946 ed, hardback, 239 pp w/ill & dj (sm trs) E-
8281. Charles Nielson Gattey Luisa Tetrazzini - The Florentine Nightingale 1995 ed, hardback, 379 pp w/ill MB 15 E
8283. Max Kaminsky w/V.E. Hughes My Life in Jazz 1965 ed, hardback, 242 pp E

Clocking in at a mind-boggling 7,000 pages of condensed type, this is an essential reference work for anyone with an interest in operatic singers and recordings. Though the text is
in German, it is fairly easy to understand as most entries follow the same general format and present the same sort of information. (Birth and death dates and places, professional
debut, career path, creator roles, venues played, labels recorded for, etc.)
8284. K.J. Kutsch & Leo Riemens Großes Sängerlexikon (4 Vols, in German) 1st (1887-1994) ed, hardback, 7052 pp MB 250 E

8285. Rosa Ponselle & James A. Drake Ponselle - A Singer's Life 1982 ed, hardback, 328 pp w/ill & dj (sm tr) E
8286. Michael Scott The Great Caruso - A Biography 1988 ed, paperback, 322 pp w/ill & dj (lt scfs) E+
8287. Allan Sutton A Guide to Pseudonyms on American Records, 1892-1942 1993 ed, hardback, 148 pp E

Discographies, MB $3
8288. Claude Graveley Arnold, C.S.B. A Discography of the Orchestra, 1898-1925/26 - An Encyclopedia of Orchestral Recordings
Made by the Acoustical Process 1983 ed, hardback, 688 pp; autographed MB 25 E-
8289. Francis Clough & G.J. Cuming The World's Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music w/1st Supplement 1966 ed reprint, hardback, 890 pp MB 25 E--
8290. Francis Clough & G.J. Cuming The World's Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music, 3rd Supplement - 1953-March 1956
1957 ed, hardback, 564 pp w/dj (sm trs) MB 15 E--
8291. Charles DeLauney New Hot Discography 1948 ed, hardback, 608 pp MB 15 BROKEN SP E--
8292. Michael Gray Classical Music Discographies, 1925-1975 - a Bibliography, Vol 1 1977 ed, hardback, 164 pp E--
8293. Susan Nelson The Flute on Record - The 78rpm Era 2006 ed, hardback, 633 pp MB 25 E+
8294. Tom Peel & John Stratton Seventy Years of Issues - Historical Vocal 78 RPM Pressings from Original Masters, 1931-2001
2001 ed, hardback, 128 pp w/color ill & dj MB 25 M-
8296. Tony Russell Country Music: A Discography, 1921-1942 2004 ed, hardback, 1183 pp w/dj MB 50 E
8297. Brian Rust Jazz Records, 1897-1942 (2 Vols) 1970 ed, hardback, 1968 pp MB 15 SP TR VOL 2 E--/V++
8298. Brian Rust & Allen Debus The Complete Entertainment Discography, 1897-1942
1989 (2nd) ed, hardback, 794 pp; includes artists & recordings not found in the 1st edition MB 50 E+
8299. Allan Sutton The American Stage Performers Discography, Vol 1, 1891-1932 2007 ed, hardback, 430 pp MB 25 E+

Label Discographies & Histories, MB $3

8300. John R. Bennett Voices of the Past, Vol 1 - Vocal Recordings, 1898-1925, the Gramophone Company, Ltd, English Catalog
1955 ed, hardback, 285 pp E-
8301. John R. Bennett Voices of the Past, Vol 2 - Vocal Recordings, 1898-1925, the Gramophone Company, Ltd, Italian Catalog
1957 ed, hardback, 183 pp w/dj (sm trs) E
8302. John R. Bennett Voices of the Past, Vol 3 - Dischi Fonotipia w/Supplement & Addenda 1964 ed, hardback, 165 pp w/dj E-
8303. Michael Smith Voices of the Past, Vol 5 - HMV D & E Catalog 1971 ed, hardback, 156 pp w/dj (mld spts) E-
8304. Michael Smith & Ian Cosens Voices of the Past, Vol 8 - Columbia Catalog, English Celebrity Series Hardback, 240 pp w/dj (sts) E-
8305. John R. Bennett Voices of the Past, Vol 9 - The 1898-1925 French Catalogs of the Gramophone Co, Ltd Hardback, 308 pp w/dj E
8306. Tim Brooks The Columbia Master Book Discography, Vol 1 - US Matrix Series 1-4999 (1901-1910) with a
History of the Columbia Phonograph Company to 1934 1999 ed, hardback, 529 pp MB 100 M-

8307. Sydney Carter Edison Blue Amberol Cylinders (Complete listing of all Blue Amberol series, including foreign issues, listed by number)
Ca 1960 ed, stapled, 150 pp E--
8308. Ted Fagan & William Moran The Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings, Pre-Matrix Series 1983 ed, hardback, 394 pp MB 50 E
8309. Ted Fagan & William Moran The Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings, Matrix Series 1-4999 1986 ed, hardback, 648 pp MB 50 E-

8310. Charles Gregory Edison Diamond Disc Record Labels & Discography (4 Vols + supplement of lbls found after publication)
2003 ed, spiralbound, 1402 pp w/ill; this set pictures both sides of each paper-labeled issue in the
50,000-52651 popular series MB 200 E+

8311. Dan Mahony Columbia 13/14000-D Series Numerical Listing (w/Viva-Tonal label history & photos)
1973 ed, paperback, 80 pp MB 15 SM LT SCFS E-

8313. Allan Sutton & Kurt Nauck American Record Labels and Companies - an Encyclopedia, 1891-1943 2000 ed, hardback, 417 pp w/dj &
CD-ROM containing 1000+ color label images MB 25 E+
8314. Stephen A. Sylvester An Illustrated Guide to Edison Disc Record Labels 1985 ed, paperback, 27 pp w/ill MB 15 E
8315. Raymond Wile The Edison Discography (1926-29, both Discs & Cylinders) 2008 ed, hardback, 442 pp MB 25 E-

Victor Talking Machine Co. Publications, MB $5

8316. Victor Book of the Opera 1st (1912) ed, 1st printing, hardback, 375 pp E- 8318. Victrola Book of the Opera 4th (1917) ed., hardback, 553 pp E-
8317. Victor Book of the Opera 2nd (1913) ed, hardback, 480 pp E 8319. Victrola Book of the Opera 5th (1919) ed, hardback, 436 pp E--


The Gramophone News, MB $3

8324. Special Issue Dec 1976 Little Wonder Machines; Collector Tom Pollard
8325. Vol 1 No 1 Jan 1977 100 Years of the Phonograph
8326. Vol 1 No 2 Feb 1977 Beware of Worn Needles!; Period Phonograph Repair Tools; Political Cylinders
8327. Vol 1 No 3 Mar 1977 Orthophonic Victrolas: How to Hear it at it's Best
8328. Vol 1 No 4 Apr 1977 Tips on Wax Records; An Experimental Tin-Foil Machine
8329. Vol 1 No 5 May 1977 The Victor VI; Rare Uncle Josh Records
8330. Vol 1 No 6 Jun 1977 Unusual Labels; More 100 Years of the Phonograph; Edison Artists give Performance at LC
8331. Use this number to bid on Lots 8324-30 as a complete run of this short-lived periodical MB 25

International Opera Collector, MB $10

8332. No 3 Spring 1997 Forza del Destino recordings
8333. No 4 Summer 1997 Rosa Ponselle remembered; Bjorling: the third great tenor?; Flagstad's Isolde
8334. No 5 Autumn 1997 Toscanini's 1947 Otello; Tito Schipa, tenore Di Grazia; Reynaldo Hahn bio
8335. No 6 Winter 1997 Desormière's Pelléas et Mélisande; Sir Georg Solti remembered
8336. No 7 Spring 1998 Salome at the Met in 1949; Operas of Handel
8337. No 8 Summer 1998 Hugues Cuénod interview; Bastianini's Rigoletto; Hugh Canning's desert island discs
8338. No 9 Autumn 1998 Helga Dernesch interview; Translating opera into English; History of Boris Godunov recordings; The first Ring Cycle in English;
8339. No 10 Winter 1998 Veronique Gens on Baroque music; Reissue of Die Entführung aus dem Serail; Lisa della Casa interview; The role of Lady Macbeth
8340. No 11 Spring 1999 Strauss's Marschallin; Astrid Varnay's 1951 Bayreuth recordings; Ludwig Weber at 100
8341. No 12 Summer 1999 Bidú Sayão's career and recordings; Bernstein's Fidelio; Transfer techniques of the Prima Voce reissues; Else Brem's recordings
8342. No 13 Autumn 1999 Operas of Thomas Arne; Knappertsbusch's 1951 Götterdämmerung on Bayreuth; The golden age of English opera

8343. Use this number to bid on Lots 8332-42 as a group MB 100

Noteworthy News, MB $2
8345. Apr 1992 Edison talking dolls 8354. Apr 1998 Early print sources of recording industry information
8346. Apr 1993 Phonographs at the Chicago Exposition of 1893; Political records 8355. Sep 1998 Victor advertising
8347. Sep 1993 Amber and early talking machines 8356. Apr 1999 Origins of early recording base materials
8348. Apr 1994 Identification guide to rear-mount Columbia disc phonographs 8357. Sep 1999 Victrola imitators, 1912-1914
8349. Sep 1994 Uses of animal iconography in early phonograh advertisment 8358. Apr 2000 Trial and error in late acoustic recording studios
8350. Apr 1996 Day to day life of early phonograph dealers 8359. Sep 2000 A (difficult) quiz about early recording artists and executives
8351. Sep 1996 Edward Easton and other early Columbia inventors 8360. Apr 2001 Biographies and information about dealers at the 2001
8352. Apr 1997 Fun facts about early record executives and recording artists Automated Music Show
8353. Sep 1997 Hawthorne & Sheble history 8361. Sep 2001 Jumeau talking dolls; Edison's partner Charles Batchelor
8362. Use this number to bid on Lots 8345-61 as a group MB 50

The Phonographic Record (Journal of the Vintage Phonograph Society of New Zealand), MB $2
8365. Vol 1 No 2 Jan 1966 Guide to Record Collecting; Early Record Duplicating Systems, pt 1
8366. Vol 1 No 3 Feb 1966 The Bettini Cylinder; Early Record Duplicating Systems, pt 2; The Edison Cylinder Portable Phonograph
8367. Vol 1 No 4 Mar 1966 Melodia Motor Control; Tips for budding music box collectors; Hector Grant; Talking Machine Needles
8368. Vol 1 No 5 Apr 1966 Mainspring Troubles-Cause & Cure; Talking Machine Needles, pt 2; Collecting Caruso
8369. Vol 1 No 6 Jun 1966 Opera Records to Watch For; Cylinder Record Slips; Which Reproducer Should I Use?, pt 1; The Klingsor Gramophone;
Why Do You Collect?; Talking Machine Needles. pt 3; Repairing an Edison Amberola Reproducer
8370. Vol 1 No 7 Jul 1966 Talking Machine Needles, pt 4; Cleaning the Motor & Metalwork of a Phonograph, pt 1
8371. Vol 1 No 8 Aug 1966 Cataloging Records; More on Reproducers; Cleaning the Motor & Metalwork of a Phonograph, pt 2
8372. Vol 1 No 9 Sep 1966 Cylinder Grooves; Aboomah & her Giant Phonograph
8373. Vol 2 No 1 Oct 1966 Announcements on 4 Minute Cylinders; The Edison Company in New Zealand, pt 1; The Story of Sound Recording, pt 1;
More About Reproducers; Repairing the Shaft Gear of a "Home" Phonograph
8374. Vol 2 No 2 Dec 1966 Edison Diamond Discs; Berliner Records; Music Boxes-Hints for New Collectors; The Edison Company in New Zealand, pt 2
8375. Vol 2 No 3 Feb 1967 Edison Diamond Disc Reproducer; The Edison Company in New Zealand, pt 3; George Robey bio; The Story of Sound Recording, pt 2
8376. Vol 2 No 4 Apr 1967 The Edison Company in New Zealand, pt 4; The Edison Diamond Disc; How the Phonograph was Discovered
8377. Vol 2 No 5 May 1967 Edison Tone Tests; Herald & Minstrel lbls; Suggestions for the Care of the Amberola 50
8378. Vol 2 No 6 Aug 1967 Replacing the stylus on a Model C Reproducer; The Electrola lbl; The Pathé Company; Edison Diamond Disc Artists;
Reproducer Outlet Size; Edison Needle Cut Records; Pathé Phonograph in New Zealand
8379. Vol 3 No 1 Oct 1967 Reproducer minutia; Edison Needle Cut Recordings, pt 1; Franz Lehar bio; Bettini; Captain Scott and Dame Clara Butt; Gerald Moore;
Funeral parlor recordings
8380. Vol 3 No 2 Dec 1967 Phonograph horns; Edison Needle Cut Recordings, pt 2; Reproducer minutia, pt 2; Phonograph restoration tips;
Edison cylinder phonograph models; Bubble Books, pt 1; Woldege phonographs
8381. Vol 3 No 3 Feb 1968 Mr. Rapke's phonographs and horns; Pathe records, pt 1; Reproducer minutia, pt 3; Bettini in New Zealand;
Phonographs and spiritualism, pt 1; Frank Crumit; Cylinder do's and don'ts
8382. Vol 3 No 4 Apr 1968 Pathe records, pt 2; Planet phonograph motors; Phonographs and spiritualism, pt 2; Phono and record transaction do's and don'ts
8383. Vol 3 No 5 Jun 1968 Zora phono reproducer; Charmophone phono reproducer; Ernest Hunt recalls seeing a phono for first time in 1898;
Nellie Melba & Eli Hudson; Opera Disc record label; acoustic vs. modern electrical 78 playback, pt 1; Stereograms
8384. Vol 3 No 6 Aug 1968 Vicsonia Manufacturing Company, pt 1; Herophon; Royal record label; Mini gramophones, pt 1
8385. Vol 4 No 1 Oct 1968 Jan Kubelik; Encore banjos; Alma Gluck; Acoustic vs. modern electrical 78 playback, pt 2; Edison Blue Amberol number enigmas, pt 1;
Grand Pree record label
8386. Vol 4 No 2 Dec 1968 Which [Edison] Reproducer Should I Use?, pt 2; 1947 Edison stamps; Alick Lauder; Dan Leno, pt 1;
Acoustic vs. modern electrical 78 playback, pt 3; Mini gramophones, pt 2; Cleaning 78's
8387. Vol 4 No 3 Feb 1969 Which [Edison] Reproducer Should I Use?, pt 3; Origin of H.M.V. label; Dan Leno, pt 2
8388. Vol 4 No 4 Apr 1969 Muybridge & Motion Pictures; H.M.V. needle tins; First Separate Edison Reproducer; Gramophone motor overhaul, pt 1;
Phonograph dolls; Edison Blue Amberol number enigmas, pt 2

8389. Vol 4 No 5 Jun 1969 Edison and Motion Pictures; Gramophone motor overhaul, pt 2; How records are made; Edison's iron ore and concrete inventions, pt 1;
Melba and Australian art
8390. Vol 4 No 6 Aug 1969 Early Phonograph in New Zealand, pt 1; Edison's concrete houses, pt 2; Fibre needles
8391. Vol 5 No 1 Oct 1969 Edison's concrete phonographs, pt 3; Early phonograph in New Zealand, pt 2; Edison reproducers; Cleaning records
8392. Vol 5 No 2 Dec 1969 Victor W. Emerson, pt 1; Edison speakers; Polishing phonograph cabinets; Polishing nickel phonograph parts; Marie Lloyd
8393. Vol 5 No 3 Feb 1970 Musicians of the Talking Machine Era; Marconi Velvet Tone Record; Vitaphone; Emerson, pt 2; Wooden horn care
8394. Vol 5 No 4 Apr 1970 Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 1; Pathé "pull-start" motor; Phonocones; Hank Snow; Gramophone & Typewriting, Ltd.
8395. Vol 5 No 5 Jun 1970 Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 2; Aeolian company, pt 1; Panphonetic reproducer; Record collections of Western Australia;
Percy Grainger
8396. Vol 5 No 6 Aug 1970 Collecting radios; Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 3; Alfredo Campoli; Allessandro Moreschi; B.C.N. needles//Lillie Lehmann
8397. Vol 6 No 1 Oct 1970 Sonora phonograph company; Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 3; Collecting radios, pt 2; Edison "M" phonograph;
Aeolian company, pt 2; Edison recorder to "C" reproducer conversion
8398. Vol 6 No 2 Dec 1970 Ernest Lough's "Hear My Prayer;" Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 4; Beta record label; Joyce Grenfell; Ora-Tone Company, pt 1;
Collecting radios, pt 3; Vicsonia Company, pt 2; Fritz Kreisler; Elisabeth Schumann; Ernestine Schumann-Heink;
8399. Vol 6 No 3 Feb 1971 Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 5; Collecting radios, pt 4; Ora-Tone Company, pt 2; Edison Spark Plugs; Monia Liter;
Charles Gilibert
8400. Vol 6 No 4 Apr 1971 Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 6; Golden Pyramind Needles; Bi-Chromate Cell; Neophone Disc Machine;
Triola mechanical zither, pt 1; Harry Reser; The Kodisk and home recording
8401. Vol 6 No 5 Jun 1971 Needle containers; Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 7; Edison Model C reproducers; Blue Amberol cylinders; Puzzle records;
Early recordings of Gilbert & Sullivan, pt 1; Gramophone spring repair; Billy Mayerl
8402. Vol 6 No 6 Aug 1971 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 1; Emile Berliner, pt 1; Early Slow Speed Discs
8403. Vol 7 No 1 Oct 1971 Early recordings of Gilbert & Sullivan, pt 2; Wood restoration. pt 1; Gianni Bettini, pt 1; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 2;
Ebonoid Cylinders, pt 1
8404. Vol 7 No 2 Dec 1971 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 3; Wood restoration, pt 2; Edison Cylinder Records
8405. Vol 7 No 3 Feb 1972 Three Rare Edison Phonographs; Columbia "AR" Graphophone; Wood restoration, pt 3
8406. Vol 7 No 4 Apr 1972 Edison phonograph encyclopedia, pt 8; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 4; Early recordings of Gilbert & Sullivan, pt 3;
Ebonoid Cylinders, pt 2; Wood restoration, pt 4
8407. Vol 7 No 5 Jun 1972 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 5; Vernon Dalhart; Gramophone restoration; Rare Caruso recordings; Alex F. Lithgow
8408. Vol 7 No 6 Aug 1972 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 6; Collecting radios, pt 5; Caring for cylinder recordings
8409. Vol 8 No 1 Oct 1972 Edison phonograph motors; Gianni Bettini, pt 2; Orpheus disc piano; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 7; Rex Harrison
8410. Vol 8 No 2 Dec 1972 Rococo Symphonion; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 8; Pathé Gem model; Alex Lithgow
8411. Vol 8 No 3 Feb 1973 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 9; Collecting radios, pt 6; Neophone sound box construction; "Love's Old Sweet Song;"
"I'm Getting Ready For My Mother-in-law;" Bettini Black Gem reproducer
8412. Vol 8 No 4 Apr 1973 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 10; Edison bottles, pt 1; Stroh violins, pt 1; Gianni Bettini, pt 3; Edison phonograph identification;
Removing Blue Amberols from mandrels; "In The Sweet Bye-And-Bye"
8413. Vol 8 No 5 Jun 1973 Boris Moisewitsch; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 11; "Unter Den Linden;" Stroh violins, pt 2; Wellington carillon
8414. Vol 8 No 6 Aug 1973 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 12; Selectaphon; Zonophone record label; Edison horn cranes; Edison bottles, pt 2;
Triolia mechanical zither, pt 2; "The Rosary"
8415. Vol 9 No 1 Oct 1973 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 13; Emerson records and sleeves; Diamond Disc machine maintenance; Rolmonica;
Russian singers; "Casey Jones"
8416. Vol 9 No 2 Dec 1973 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 14; Noel Coward; Judy Garland; Vocalion record label, pt 1; Patrotic airs on Edison cylinders, pt 1
8417. Vol 9 No 3 Feb 1974 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pts 15 & 16; Maria Jeritza; Marilyn Monroe; Gennett record label, pt 1; Phonograph belt maintenance;
"We're Tenting To-night;" Patriotic airs on Edison cylinders, pt 2//1914 Edison phonograph prices
8418. Vol 9 No 4 Apr 1974 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pts 17, 18 & 19; Cortina cylinders; Massani & Edison phonograph paintings; Gennett record label, pt 2
8419. Vol 9 No 5 Jun 1974 Edison bottles, pt 3; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pts 20 & 21; Gennett record label, pt 3; Makings one's own phonograph needles
8420. Vol 9 No 6 Aug 1974 Triola mechanical zither, pt 3; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 22; Jean De Reszke; Gennett record label, pt 4;
Vocalion record label, pt 2
8421. Vol 10 No 1 Oct 1974 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 23; Berliner puzzle record; Gennett record label, pt 5; Vocalion record label, pt 3
8422. Vol 10 No 2 Dec 1974 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 24; Gennett record label, pt 6; Vox record label; Sound-on-film; Cameo record label;
Vocalion record label, pt 4
8423. Vol 10 No 3 Feb 1975 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 25; Berliner disc trademark information, pt 1; Broadcast record label; Vocalion record label, pt 5;
Gennett record label, pt 7
8424. Vol 10 No 4 Apr 1975 Gramophone company labels; Vocalion record label, pt 6; Gennett record label, pt 8
8425. Vol 10 No 5 & No 6 Jun & Aug 1975 Berliner phono encyclopedia, pt 26; Gennett record label, pt 9; Sir Ernest Shackleton; Edison Gold Moulded records Both issues
8426. Vol 11 No 1 Oct 1975 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 27; Stephen Foster, pt 2; Gennett record label, pt 11
8427. Vol 11 No 2 Dec 1975 Peter Dawson; Gennett record label; pt 12
8428. Vol 11 No 3 Feb 1976 Edison Diamond Disc reproducers; Paul Robeson; "Augmented" German 78's; John Peel; Origins of the telegraph
8429. Vol 11 No 4 Apr 1976 Talk-o-Phone phonographs, pt 2; Vitavox phonographs; Samuel Sommering's telegraph, pt 1
8430. Vol 11 No 5 Jun 1976 "The Long, Long Trail;" Museum of Transport & Technology's "Recorded Sound" section; Samuel Sommering's telegraph, pt 2;
Dance bands of 1931, pt 1
8431. Vol 11 No 6 Aug 1976 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 28; Marcella Sembrich, pt 1; Dance bands of 1931, pt 2; Samuel Morse's telegraph
8432. Vol 12 No 1 Oct 1976 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 29 (pt 1); Rex record label; Marcella Sembrich, pt 2; Dance bands of 1931, pt 3
8433. Vol 12 No 2 Dec 1976 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 29 (pt 2); Pathé record label, pt 1; Batteries, electromagnets and telegraphs, pt 1
8434. Vol 12 No 3 Feb 1977 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 30; Collecting radios, pt 7; Talk-o-Phone, pt 3; John McCormack on Edison;
Pathé etched-label records; Batteries, electromagnets and telegraphs, pt 2; Dance bands of 1931, pt 4
8435. Vol 12 No 4 Apr 1977 Thomas Edison on Diamond Disc; "And That's That" by George Robey; Marie Roze; Charles Cros; John Coates, pt 1;
Edison's account of the tin foil phonograph, pt 1
8436. Vol 12 No 5 Jun 1977 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 31; Edison's account of the tin foil phonograph, pt 2; Edison timeline
8437. Vol 12 No 6 Aug 1977 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 32; John P. Sousa, pt 1; Maestrophone hot-air phonograph; Sir Charles Wheatstone's telegraph;
Pathé record label, pt 2
8438. Vol 13 No 1 Oct 1977 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 33; Early electric loud speakers
8439. Vol 13 No 2 Dec 1977 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 34; Stewart phonographs, pt 1; John P. Sousa, pt 2
8440. Vol 13 No 3 Feb 1978 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 35; Fabricating phonograph nameplates; Excerpt from "Edison Phonograph Monthly," pt 1
8441. Vol 13 No 4 Apr 1978 Wizard/Champion phonograph enigma, pt 1; Stewart phonograph, pt 2; Excerpt from "Edison Phonograph Monthly," pt 2;
Theodore Roosevelt on record, pt 1; Telegraph giving way to telephone, pt 1
8442. Vol 13 No 5 Jun 1978 Wizard/Champion phonograph enigma, pt 2; Edison mainspring replacement; Telegraph giving way to telephone, pt 2
8443. Vol 13 No 6 Aug 1978 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 36 (pt 1); Edison Model D repeating attachment; Theodore Roosevelt on record, pt 2;
Edison interchangeable motor parts
8444. Vol 14 No 1 Oct 1978 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pts 36 (pt 2) & 37; Kurtzmann phonograph
8445. Vol 14 No 2 Dec 1978 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 38; Phonograph troubleshooting and maintenance
8446. Vol 14 No 3 Feb 1979 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 39
8447. Vol 14 Nos 4-5 Apr/Jun 1979 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 40; Frank Holland's piano museum; Hupfeld Phonolist-Violina; Mills Violano;
Gramophone spring replacement, pt 1; Phonograph and gramophone needles; Antique Phonograph Society
8448. Vol 14 No 6 Aug 1979 William McEwan; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 41; Charles Santley's Columbia-Rena record;
Gramophone spring replacement, pt 2

8449. Vol 15 Nos 1-2 Oct/Dec 1979 Collector Bill Dini obituary; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 42; Methods of cataloging recordings; Hall fibre needles;
Blake transmitters, pt 1; Phonograph mainspring repair; Gramophone motor cleaning, pt 1; "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen;"
Phonograph history timeline; 1880 telephone; Harry Lauder, pt 1
8450. Vol 15 Nos 3-4 Feb/Apr 1980 Gramophone motor cleaning, pt 2; Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 43; Edison Bell Picture Gram; Billy Williams;
Gem combination attachments; Harry Lauder, pt 2; Edison Grand Opera artists; Edison makes benzol; Foundation of New Zealand
Vintage Radio Society; Edison shaver; Anna Case; Successful Australian singers; Gramophone horn cranes
8451. Vol 15 Nos 5-6 Jun/Aug 1980 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pt 43; Fred Gaisberg; Jewel tone arm; Record labels, pt 1; Harry Lauder, pt 3;
Removing a Gem's mainspring; Alice Verlet; Mr. Edison's visit to Europe
8452. Vol 16 Nos 1-2 Sep/Dec 1980 Berliner phonograph encyclopedia, pts 45 & 46; Record labels, pt 2; "Home, Sweet Home;" Thomas Chalmers; Bubble Books, pt 2
8453. Vol 16 Nos 3-4 Feb/Apr 1981 Record labels, pt 3; Billy Golden & Joe Hughes; A review of the history of recorded sound
8454. Vol 42 No 3 May/Jul 2007 Perfect record label; Marconi-Stille magnetic recorder; Alexander Graham Bell; Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
8455. Vol 44 No 1 Oct-Dec 2008 Blake Microphone & Crossley Transmitter, pt 2; Emile Berliner, pt 2; Edison Projecting Kinetoscopes; Standard Speaker of 1889;
Daniell cell batteries; Clement Ader and the telephone
8456. Vol 44 No 3 May-Jul 2009 Thomas Edison's Life and Inventions; Yodellers; Polyphon phonograph; Harry Lauder, pt 4; Converting LP's to digital
8457. Vol 45 No 1 Oct-Dec 2009 Edison telephone; Record dusters; Queen Mary's doll house phonograph and record
8458. Vol 45 No 2 Feb-Apr 2010 Telegraphone; Charlie Chaplin; Billy Williams
8459. Vol 45 No 3 May-Jul 2010 Speakeasy Home Recorder; Magnasonic disc to CD transfer; Blue-Ray vs DVD; Edison motion picture timeline
8460. Vol 46 No 1 Oct-Dec 2010 1902 Edward VII coronation plate by Berliner; Peter Dawson's gramophone; Emile Berliner, pt 3; Edison Diamond Discs
8461. Vol 46 No 2 Feb-Apr 2011 Early music box motors; Emile Berliner, pt 4
8462. Vol 46 No 3 May-Jul 2011 H.M.V. Melba & Tasman phonographs; World record controllers; History of Edison's phonographs
8463. Vol 47 No 1 Oct-Dec 2011 Overview of cylinder records
8464. Vol 48 No 3 Jun-Aug 2013 Victor-Victrola motor maintenance
8465. Vol 49 No 2 Feb-Apr 2014 Berliner coin-op gramophone
8466. Vol 49 No 3 Jun-Aug 2014 G&T Model 3a phonograph
8467. Vol 51 No 2 Feb-Apr 2016 New Zealand's oldest phonograph restored
8468. Use this number to bid on Lots 8365-8467 as a group MB 200

 Note that RR Bulletins were a research supplement to Colton & Kunstadt's popular Record Research magazine.
Record Research Bulletins, MB $5
8469. 2 Mar 58 8471. 4 Jul 58 8473. 6 Dec 58
8470. 3 May 58 8472. 5 Oct 58 8474. Use this number to bid on Lots 8469-73 as a group MB 25

 Texas Music History is a fine scholarly magazine published by the Texas Center for Music History.
Texas Music History, MB $5
8475. Vol 2 No 2 Fall 2002 The Bob Bullock Museum; Bob Wills; Prairie View Co-Eds
8476. Vol 3 No 1 Spring 2003 Elvis in Texas - 1955; New Braunfels Museum of Art & Music; Overview of Texas music history; Border radio
8477. Vol 3 No 2 Fall 2003 New songs of Blind Lemon Jefferson; German songs in Texas; The Dixie Hummingbirds
8478. Vol 4 No 1 Spring 2004 The Wisconsin-Texas jazz nexus; A history of the Texas recording industry
8479. Vol 4 No 2 Fall 2004 History of early bluegrass in Texas
8480. Vol 5 No 1 Spring 2005 Kent Finlay's Cheatham Street Warehouse; San Antonio's West side sound
8481. Vol 6 2006 Texas influences on the development of Kansas City jazz; Oral histories of Texas jazz veterans; Abiline Texas in songs; Texas Zydeco
8482. Vol 7 2007 Woody Guthrie and the Christian left; The "Chitlin Circuit" in San Antonio; Jazz mavericks of the Lone Star State
8483. Vol 8 2008 Texas Musicians in medicine shows; Johnny Cuviello: Drummer for Wills & the Texas Playboys
8484. Vol 9 2009 Tary Owens retrospective; Slim Willet's "Don't Let the Stars Get in your Eyes"
8485. Vol 10 2010 The Armadillo in Austin's music scene; Gene Autry in "The Phantom Empire"
8486. Vol 12 2012 The creation of "Texas Music"; The many faces of "Milk Cow Blues"
8487. Use this number to bid on Lots 8475-86 as a group MB 50


MB $5
8489. Brunswick 1923 January 124 pp; NYC ink stamp on cvr E-
8490. Brunswick 1927 220 pp; Bridgeport, CT sticker on cvr E--
8491. Capitol 1946 96 pp E--

Columbia Catalogs, MB $5
8492. 1915 December App 400 pp TSP V++ 8499. 1929 400 pp V++
8493. 1916 December 424 pp; Oneota, NY ink stamp back cvr SP TR E- 8500. 1934 November 160 pp; Philadelphia sticker on cvr E
8494. 1919 September 488 pp; Pottstown ink stamp on cvr CVR STS E-- 8501. 1940 October 317 pp E--
8495. 1921 October 488 pp SP TRS E-- 8502. 1944 462 pp E-
8496. 1922 368 pp E- 8503. 1945 468 pp; Pasadena, CA ink stamp cvr V+
8497. 1923 416 pp V+ 8504. 1946 499 pp V++
8498. 1925 512 pp; Hardback bound by collector E- 8505. 1949 692 pp 2 LOOSE PPS V++
8506. Use this number to bid on Lots 8492-8505 as a group MB 75 -

English Columbia Catalogs, MB $10

8507. 1925 Complete to Supplement 97 165 pp E- 8509. 1940-41 336 pp; Dealer sticker p1 E-
8508. 1935 435 pp CVR TR E-- 8510. 1947-48 Includes thru Supplement 432 306 pp SM SP TR E--

Decca Catalogs, MB $5
8511. 1938 Popular records 48 pp V++ 8514. 1944 Popular records 128 pp E-
8512. 1939 Popular records 82 pp LT WDM V++ 8515. 1948 Popular records 364 pp E-
8513. 1942 Popular records 226 pp E-- 8516. 1951 Selected listings of pop genre LPs, 45s & 78s 82 pp SM SOL E--
8517. Use this number to bid on Lots 8511-16 as a group MB 25 -

MB $5
8518. English Decca 1951 240 pp; Essex ink stamp on cvr E-
8519. Edison 1912 March Grand Opera, Amberols, Standard, British Amberols, Foreign Amberols 144 pp CVR STS V++
8520. Edison 1924 Diamond Discs 495 pp LT WMKS, FW TRS V+

Gramophone Co./HMV Catalogs $10

8521. 1925 440 pp V++ 8523. 1928 380 pp LOOSE CVR V++
8522. 1927 380 pp LOOSE CVR E- 8524. 1930 332 pp SEP CVR V++

8525. 1931 372 pp E- 8534. 1947-48 Includes International Supplement 336 pp FD CVR E--
8526. 1932 428 pp V++ 8535. 1948-49 Includes International Supplement 328 pp E--
8527. 1933 384 pp LOOSE CVR E-- 8536. 1949 German recordings; overseas edition 108 pp SEP CVR E--
8528. 1934 416 pp SM CVR TRS V++ 8537. 1949-50 Overseas edition 352 pp E--
8529. 1935 Jubilee Edition 416 pp E-- 8538. 1950-51 352 pp E-
8530. 1937-38 478 pp E-- 8539. 1950-51 Overseas edition 400 pp SM SP TR E--
8531. 1938-39 480 pp E-- 8540. 1951-52 Overseas edition 452 pp E-
8532. 1939-40 480 pp V++ 8541. 1952-53 Overseas edition 524 pp E-
8533. 1940 Complete to supplement 4006 416 pp E- 8542. 1956-57 Export edition 752 pp E--
8543. Use this number to bid on Lots 8521-42 as a group MB 200 -

French Gramophone Catalogs $10

8544. 1927 296 pp; American & French import keys inside cvr 8546. 1931 311 pp E-
LOOSE CVR E- 8547. 1934 382 pp; American import key inside cvr SP TRS V++
8545. 1930 356 pp; American import key inside cvr E-- 8548. 1950 250 pp CVR TR E-
8549. Use this number to bid on Lots 8544-48 as a group MB 50 -

Italian Gramophone Catalogs $10

8550. 1930 April 428 pp CVR MSG E-- 8555. 1950 241 pp SP TR E-
8551. 1933-34 428 pp E-- 8556. 1951 288 pp CVR CREASES E-
8552. 1934-35 447 pp V++ 8557. 1952 316 pp SM SP TR E-
8553. 1937 January 392 pp SEP CVR E- 8558. 1953 380 pp CVR TR E-
8554. 1948 264 pp LOOSE CVR V+ 8559. 1954 548 pp E-

8560. Use this number to bid on Lots 8550-59 as a group MB 100 -

MB $10
8561. Gramophone Shop 1930 214 pp E-
8562. French Odeon 1932 June 243 pp E--
8563. German Odeon 1930-31 228 pp; New York Pub Lib hardbound copy FW LOOSE PP V+
8564. Italian Odeon 1932 363 pp CVR SCFS E--
8565. Spanish Odeon 1931 231 pp LOOSE CVR V+
8566. Okeh 1941 Popular records 102 pp E-
8567. English Parlophone 1930-31 137 pp E-
8568. English Parlophone 1934-35 149 pp E-
8569. English Parlophone & Odeon 1937-38 157 pp E--
8570. English Parlophone & Odeon 1940-41 181 pp LOOSE CVR, SM WOC E--
8574. French Pathé 1932 September 304 pp LOOSE CVR V++
8575. French Pathé 1937 258 pp E--
8576. Polydor 1926-27 256 pp E-
8578. Telefunken 1939 320 pp CVR TRS V
8579. Telefunken 1942 260 pp E-

Victor Catalogs, MB $5
8581. 1907 January 120 pp REPRO CVR, INK STAINS ON PAGE EDGES E-- 8601. 1936 ~400 pp E-
8582. 1912 November ~350 pp E- 8602. 1938 468 pp WOC E-
8583. 1915 Red Seal Catalog 64 pp E- 8603. 1938 Includes Dec 1938 Supp in back 487 pp E-
8584. 1915 May ~425 pp E- 8604. 1938 Includes June 1939 Supp in back 501 pp E--
8585. 1917 November ~425 pp LOOSE CVR V++ 8605. 1939-40 Includes Nov-Dec 1939 Supp 568 pp E--
8586. 1920 ~425 pp E- 8606. 1940-41 612 pp E--
8587. 1922 ~425 pp V++ 8607. 1941 Victor & Bluebird Popular records 116 pp E-
8588. 1923 ~400 pp V++ 8608. 1943 May Victor & Bluebird 526 pp; large format E-
8589. 1923 Red Seals ~105 pp V++ 8609. 1948 Classical & Popular series 550 pp; large format V++
8590. 1924 Black & Blue labels ~200 pp E- 8610. 1950 September Music America Loves 240 pp E--
8591. 1924 Red Seals ~112 pp E 8611. 1950 September Request Catalog - Demand recordings, for which
8592. 1925 ~400 pp; New York City dealer cvr sticker TSP E- Victor maintains a Special Order service 200 pp E-
8593. 1926 October ~150 pp E- 8612. 1951 Music America Loves 280 pp E-
8594. 1927 ~150 pp SP TR E-- 8613. 1951 Request Catalog - Demand recordings, for which
8595. 1928 ~175 pp E-- Victor maintains a Special Order service 136 pp STICKER ON CVR E--
8596. 1929 ~200 pp E-- 8614. 1952 February Music America Loves Best 304 pp E-
8597. 1930 ~200 pp E-- 8615. 1952 August Music America Loves Best 352 pp E--
8598. 1930 Numerical listing 329 pp MB 25 CVR TRS E-- 8616. 1953 March Music America Loves Best 488 pp E--
8599. 1932 ~200 pp E- 8617. 1953 September Music America Loves Best 192 pp E--
8600. 1934 ~350 pp V++ 8618. 1954 Music America Loves Best 240 pp CVR TRS E-

8619. Use this number to bid on Lots 8581-8618 as a group MB 200 -

MB $5
8621. Canadian Victor 1940 241 pp SM WOC E--
8622. Canadian Victor 1945 316 pp E--
8624. Aeolian-Vocalion 1920 71 pp SEP CVRS V++
8625. Vocalion 1924 128 pp CVR TR E--
8626. Vocalion 1927-28 75 pp TSP E--
8627. Vocalion 1940 Country Folk & Sacred Songs, Novelty Dance, String Bands, Hot Dance and Spiritual 35 pp SM WRITING E-

8628. Use this number to bid on Lots 8489-8627, all record catalogs as a group MB 1000 -

 No room to list used record sleeves, so if you are in need of some, let us know the size and quantity desired and we'll shoot you a price. Quantities must be in multiples of 100;
the more you order, the cheaper they get. Blank, printed and green/tan stock are available. If you prefer brand new Disc-O-Files, the minimum quantity is 50, and you may mix &
match sizes.



The Blackface Minstrel Show in Mass Media - 20th Century Performances on Radio, Records, Film and Television, by Tim Brooks
Soft cover; 7"x10"; 290 pp w/70 illustrations Price $35 plus shipping
The minstrel show occupies a complex and controversial space in the history of American popular culture, and Brooks does justice and lends context to the topic as only he can.
Today considered a shameful relic of America’s racist past, it nonetheless offered many black performers of the 19th and early 20th centuries their only opportunity to succeed in a
white-dominated entertainment world, where white performers in blackface had by the 1830s established minstrelsy as an enduringly popular national art form.
This book traces the often overlooked history of the “modern” minstrel show through the advent of 20th century mass media—when stars like Al Jolson, Bing Crosby and Mickey
Rooney continued a long tradition of affecting black music, dance and theatrical styles for mainly white audiences—to its abrupt end in the 1950s. A companion two-CD reissue of
recordings discussed in the book is available from Archeophone Records at www.archeophone.com.

The Vintage Record Auction 68 Bidder Request Show, hosted by Kurt, Mark & Jack
CD-ROM w/mp3 files Price $20
This is the full Nauck/Dismuke Internet broadcast plus several Bonus Hours, which means you'll receive anywhere from 10-15 hours of entertainment. Most of the records you see
in this catalog noted Bidder Request Show or simply BRS will be played, along with bidder requests and many others selected based on their interest, rarity, value and/or overall
musical excellence (or lack thereof). We'll spin the records and discuss the labels, artists and music along with playback tips and interesting anecdotes. Be advised that the audio
quality of the CD-ROM will be much higher than the compressed files played over the Internet. The CDs will operate on your computer or any device that can play mp3s. Earlier
shows from VRA 39-67 are also available at $20 each. The entire set may be purchased for $450 postpaid (a 25% discount).

Greetings Discophiles,

No doubt you are surprised to see a fall catalog arriving so early. That makes several of us, as this is probably the earliest fall auction we've ever conducted. There were a number
of reasons it seemed prudent to advance the closing date this time around, so let’s begin with the most obvious.

The global ramifications of the Covid virus extend to every sector of society, and though we have – most thankfully – not been touched by the virus itself, it has kicked our collective
butts as far as VRA 67 international shipments are concerned. We mailed our first consignment of 180 foreign parcels in early May. Though some bidders received their boxes
within a reasonable period of time, others still have yet to arrive. Most all of those errant boxes were destined for bidders in the UK and EU, and we are currently in the process of
filing claims and reimbursing those customers. Nevertheless, hope remains that the missing parcels will eventually make it to their final destinations.

So what happened? Here is at least a partial answer. First of all, we know that the virus spreads most easily where large groups of people congregate and there is inadequate
ventilation. This means that mail processing facilities in all countries had to cut staff, enforce social distancing rules and cope with the loss of employees (both sorters and mail
carriers) who either became infected or simply chose not to show up for work. Even some of the parcels we've shipped within the States have taken over a month to arrive. Our
mailman here at Ft. Naucks has been working seven days a week for months in order to cover for the loss of manpower. Just today he was telling Jack that the local station is down
by twelve carriers. Fortunately for us, Julio is one of the best mailmen we've ever had!

Another factor has to do with transportation. As you know, at various times and in various places, airplanes have been grounded, flights cancelled and travel restricted. Personal air
travel (both domestic, and especially international) dried up to a trickle. Since most transcontinental mail is transported by air, tons of mail and parcels began piling up in the US
awaiting available flights out of the country. Much of that backlog was ultimately shipped by sea, further adding to delays. A related problem was that the skids and containers of
mail piling up in stateside holding facilities were not processed in a first-in, first-out manner as would normally be the case. Mail pieces were being moved by the pallet-load into
areas not designed to hold such volume at one time. Therefore, as space became available on airplanes or ships departing the US, the pallets shipped first were the ones closest to
the loading dock (that is, the ones that the fork lift operators could get to.) So the time it took for a parcel to arrive at its overseas destination had less to do with when it was initially
mailed, and more to do with it's positioning relative to all the other mail pieces in the system. This resulted in a totally random situation that neither the shipper nor recipient could
have mitigated, or that the carriers could have controlled.

Because of the mail volume, confusion and shortage of manpower, many pieces missed being scanned at critical steps in the process. This resulted in parcels completely
disappearing from the system, many of which have yet to pop back up.

Now take all of this mess and add to it the fact that as the ability to ship, track and deliver parcels was being severely hampered, the number of parcels being shipped greatly
increased. Why? Because people began ordering things online since they could no longer go to the store. And many collectors sitting at home had little else to do than to bid in
Nauck catalogs, order Disc-O-Files and reorganize their collections.

So what does all of this have to do with closing the fall auction earlier than normal? It is because we want to ship as many parcels as possible before the US elections, Thanksgiving
and Christmas. As we draw closer to the end of the year, mail volume will naturally increase and the likelihood of problems is likely to rise commensurately. All that being said, it is
my understanding that the various postal systems and parcel agencies around the world have been implementing policies and procedures to streamline the process, guarantee
timely intercontinental transit and expedite final mile delivery.

For those of you uncomfortable entrusting your precious records to the vagaries of national postal systems and parcel carriers, we can always ship your winnings via FedEx.
Because they are a private courier with their own fleet of airplanes and infrastructure, FedEx has proven to be much more reliable and timely in their deliveries. However, this higher
level of service does come at a cost. First of all, shipping charges will be two to three times greater depending on package weight and destination; and second, you will most likely
be billed for duties and taxes. (Shipments made using our current freight forwarder are much less expensive and often seem to escape the attention of customs agents.)

There is yet another factor dictating our earlier closing date. Most of you are aware of our sister company, Texas Ready (www.TexasReady.net). We sell seed banks to persons
wishing to grow their own food, and business has exploded since March. Seed orders will begin to accelerate as we approach the election, and will increase throughout the holiday
season. It is imperative that we have the packing room cleared of boxes in October so that we can reconfigure it for seed bank fulfillment. Therefore, we hope to invoice, pack and
ship as many parcels as possible before November 1.

People often wonder how Ft. Nauck’s operates and what it’s like to live and work here. Well, now your wondering days are over! Search for the Nauck’s Vintage Records Virtual
Tour on YouTube, and you’ll pull up a video we put together a couple of months ago that takes you through our facility as if you were a record making its way through the auction
process. You’ll be introduced to our staff, learn how the auction process works and see (and hear) some of the treasures held within our heavily guarded walls. And while you’re on
YouTube, you might as well check out our VRA 68 Auction Highlights Reel, where we’ll be showing many of the rare and interesting items up for sale in this catalog. (The
Highlights video won’t be posted until Jack finishes lotting the auction, so be looking for it around the beginning of September.)

Speaking of Jack, he got married to the lovely and delightful Kelsie last month, so be sure to congratulate him when you get a chance. If things work out with her schedule, she may
even wind up packing some of your auction boxes!

Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Be well, my friends!


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