Airbus A350 XWB
Airbus A350 XWB
Airbus A350 XWB
“A350” redirects here. For other uses, see A350 (disam- new project during a private meeting with prospective
biguation). customers.[7] Forgeard did not give a project name, and
he did not state whether it would be an entirely new de-
The Airbus A350 XWB is a family of long-range, twin- sign or a modification of an existing product. The air-
lines were not satisfied, and Airbus committed €4 billion
engine wide-body jet airliners developed by European [7]
aircraft manufacturer Airbus. The A350 is the first Air- to a new airliner design. The original version of the
bus with both fuselage and wing structures made primar- A350 superficially resembled the A330 due to its com-
ily of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer.[1] It can carry 250 mon fuselage cross-section and assembly. A new wing,
to 350 passengers in a typical three-class seating layout, engines and a horizontal stabiliser were to be coupled
or maximum seating of 440 to 550 passengers, depending with new composite materials and production methods
on variant. The A350 is positioned as a successor to the applied to the[7]fuselage to make the A350 an almost all-
A330 and A340, competing with Boeing's 787 Dream- new aircraft. On 10 December 2004, the boards of
liner and 777 series. EADS and BAE Systems, then the shareholders of Air-
bus, gave Airbus an “authorisation to offer (ATO)", and
The A350 was originally conceived in 2004 with new formally named it the A350.[7][8][9]
aerodynamics and engines while having a fuselage based
on the A330. This was rejected by some prospective cus- On 13 June 2005 at the Paris Air Show, Middle Eastern
tomers. In 2006, Airbus redesigned the aircraft and re- carrier Qatar Airways announced that they had placed an
named it the A350 XWB (extra wide body). The launch order for 60 A350s. In September 2006 the airline signed
customer for the A350 is Qatar Airways, which ordered a memorandum of understanding with General Elec-
80 aircraft of all three variants. Development costs tric to launch the GEnx-1A-72 for the aircraft.
are projected to be €12 billion (US$15 billion or £10 Emirates sought a more improved design and decided
against ordering the initial version of the A350,[13][14]
billion).[3] The airliner is scheduled to enter airline ser- [15]
vice in 2014.[4] As of December 2013, Airbus had re- then placed an order for A350 XWBs in 2007.
ceived orders for 812 aircraft from 39 customers around On 6 October 2005, full industrial launch of the pro-
the globe.[2] The prototype A350 first flew on 14 June gramme was announced with an estimated development
2013 from Toulouse, France.[5] The A350 received type cost of around €3.5 billion.[7] This version of the A350
certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency was planned to be a 250- to 300-seat twin-engine wide-
in September 2014 and certification from the FAA two body aircraft derived from the design of the existing
months later. The first A350 is scheduled for delivery to A330. Under this plan, the A350 would have modified
Qatar Airways in December 2014.[6] wings and new engines, while sharing the same fuse-
lage cross-section as its predecessor. As a result of a
controversial design, the fuselage was to consist primar-
ily of aluminium-lithium, rather than the carbon-fiber-
1 Development reinforced polymer (CFRP) fuselage on the 787. It was to
see entry in two versions: the A350-800 capable of flying
1.1 Early designs 8,800 nmi (16,300 km) with typical passenger capacity
of 253 in three-class configuration and the 300-seat (3-
Airbus initially rejected Boeing’s claim that the Boeing class) A350-900 with 7,500 nmi (13,900 km) range. It
787 Dreamliner would be a serious threat to the Airbus was designed[7]to be a direct competitor to the 787-9, and
A330, stating that the 787 was just a reaction to the A330, 777-200ER.
and that no response was needed. When airlines pushed
Airbus faced almost immediate criticism on the A350
Airbus to provide a competitor, Airbus initially proposed
project from the heads of two of their largest customers,
the A330-200Lite, a simple derivative of the A330, which
International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC) and
would feature improved aerodynamics and engines sim-
GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS). On 28 March
ilar to those on the 787.[7] The company planned to an-
2006, in the presence of hundreds of top airline execu-
nounce this version at the 2004 Farnborough Airshow,
tives, ILFC President Steven F. Udvar-Hazy lambasted
but did not proceed.[7] Airbus’s strategy in bringing to market what they saw
On 16 September 2004, then-Airbus president and as “a Band-aid reaction to the 787”, a sentiment that
CEO Noël Forgeard confirmed the consideration of a was echoed by GECAS president Henry Hubschman.
Udvar-Hazy called on Airbus to bring a clean-sheet de- stretched resources.[29][30] However, it was decided pro-
sign to the table, or risk losing most of the market to gramme costs are to be borne mainly from cash-flow.
Boeing.[16][17] Several days later Chew Choon Seng, then First delivery for the A350-900 was scheduled for mid-
CEO of Singapore Airlines (SIA), made a similar com- 2013, with the −800 and −1000 following on 12 and
ment: “Having gone through the trouble of designing a 24 months later, respectively.[26] At a 4 December 2006
new wing, tail, cockpit” and adding advanced new ma- press conference, a few new technical details of the A350
terials, Airbus “should have gone the whole hog and de- XWB design were revealed, but no new customers were
signed a new fuselage.”[18] In April 2006, SIA was re- identified. John Leahy indicated existing A350 contracts
viewing bids for the 787 and A350. Airbus responded by were under re-negotiation due to increases in prices com-
stating they were considering improvements for the A350 pared to the original A350s contracted. On 4 January
to satisfy customer demands.[19] At the same time, Air- 2007, Pegasus Aviation Finance Company placed the first
bus’s then-CEO Gustav Humbert stated that there would firm order for the A350 XWB with an order for two
be no quick solutions: “Our strategy isn't driven by the aircraft.[31]
needs of the next one or two campaigns, but rather by a The change to the XWB design imposed a two-year de-
long-term view of the market and our ability to deliver on
lay into the original timetable and increased develop-
our promises.”[20] ment costs from US$5.3 billion (€5.5B) to approximately
US$10 billion (€9.7B).[32][33] The total development cost
1.2 Redesign and launch for the A350 was estimated at US$15 billion by Reuters
(€12 billion or £10 billion).[34] The original mid-2013
On 14 July 2006, during the Farnborough Airshow, the delivery date of the A350 changed, as longer than antic-
redesigned aircraft was designated A350 XWB (Xtra- ipated development activities for the aircraft forced Air-
Wide-Body).[21] There was some previous speculation bus to delay the final assembly and first flight of the air-
that the revised aircraft would be called the Airbus A370 craft to the third quarter of 2012 and second quarter of
or A280, with Airbus going as far as accidentally pub- 2013 respectively. As as result the flight test schedule was
lishing an advertisement referring to the model as the compressed from the original 15 months to 12 months.
“A280” on the Financial Times 's website. Within four A350 programme chief Didier Evrard stressed that the
days, Singapore Airlines agreed to order 20 A350XWBs delays only affect the A350-900 and that the −800 and
with options for another 20 A350XWBs. CEO Chew −1000 schedules remain unchanged.[35]
Choon Seng said that “it is heartening that Airbus has lis-
tened to customer airlines and has come up with a totally
1.3 Design phase
new design for the A350.”[22]
The proposed new A350 was a new design also includ-
ing a wider fuselage cross-section. The new A350 fuse-
lage allows seating arrangements ranging from an 8-
abreast low-density premium economy layout to a 10-
abreast high-density seating configuration, allowing for
a maximum seating capacity of 440–550 depending on
variant.[23][24] The A330 and previous iterations of the
A350 would only be able to accommodate a maximum
of eight seats per row. The 787 can accommodate 8 to
9 seats per row, while the 777 typically accommodates Illustration of Airbus A350 XWB concept in Etihad Airways liv-
nine seats per row, with some airlines using a ten-abreast ery
seating layout. The A350 cabin is 12.7 cm (5.0 in) wider
at the eye level of a seated passenger than the competing Airbus suggested Boeing’s use of composite materials for
787,[25] and 28 cm (11 in) narrower than the competing the 787 fuselage was premature, and that the new A350
Boeing 777. (See Wide-body aircraft for a comparison XWB will feature large carbon fibre panels for the main
of cabin widths and seating.) All A350 passenger mod- fuselage skin. After facing criticism for maintenance
els will have a range of at least 8,000 nmi (15,000 km). costs,[36] Airbus confirmed in early September 2007 the
The redesigned composite fuselage provides higher cabin adoption of composite fuselage frames for the aircraft
pressure and humidity, and lower maintenance costs. structure.[37][38] The composite frames will feature alu-
On 1 December 2006, the Airbus board of directors ap- minium strips to ensure the electrical continuity [39]
of the
proved the industrial launch of the A350-800, −900, fuselage (for dissipating lightning strikes). Airbus will
and −1000 variants. [26][27]
The delayed decision on for- use a full mock up fuselage to develop the wiring, a dif-
mal launch was a result of delays of the Airbus A380[28] ferent approach from the [40]
A380, on which the wiring was
and discussions about how the development would be all done on computers.
funded. EADS CEO Thomas Enders stated that the A350 Airbus confirmed that it will further develop a full bleed
programme was not a certainty, citing EADS/Airbus’s air system on new airliner’s turbofan engines, rather
1.4 Production, testing, and certification 3
than the partial bleed configuration used on the Boeing would be responsible for the wings.[56] In June 2009, the
787.[41][42][43] Rolls-Royce agreed with Airbus to supply National Assembly for Wales announced provision of a
a new variant of the Trent engine for the A350 XWB, £28 million grant to provide a training centre, production
named Trent XWB. After the low-speed wind tunnel test, jobs and money toward the new production centre.[57]
Airbus froze the static thrust at sea level for all three pro- Another new construction facility was the composite rud-
posed variants in the 330–420 kN (74,000–94,000 lbf) der plant in China, which was opened in early 2011.[58][59]
range in 2010.[44] Airbus planned to introduce new techniques and pro-
General Electric (GE) has stated it will not offer the cedures to cut assembly time in half.[60] Airbus man-
GP7000 engine on the aircraft, and that previous con- ufactured the first structural component in December
tracts for the GEnx on the original A350 did not apply to 2009.[61] Production of the first fuselage barrel began in
the XWB.[45] Engine Alliance partner Pratt & Whitney late 2010 at its production plant in Illescas, Spain.[62][63]
seems to be at odds with GE on this, publicly stating that Construction of the first A350-900 centre wingbox was
it is looking at an advanced derivative of the GP7000.[46] set to start in August 2010.[64]
In April 2007, Airbus former chief executive Louis Gal- The flight-test programme of the Rolls-Royce Trent
lois held face-to-face talks with senior GE management XWB began using the A380 development aircraft in early
over developing a new variant of the GEnx engine for the 2011, ahead of engine certification at the end of 2011.
A350 XWB.[47][48] In June 2007, Airbus’s chief operat- The first engine test on the Trent was made on 14 June
ing officer John Leahy indicated that the A350 XWB will 2010.[65] The forward fuselage of the first A350 aircraft
not feature the GEnx engine, saying that Airbus wants was delivered to the factory on 29 December 2011.[66]
GE to offer a more efficient version for the new Air- Final assembly of the first A350 static test model was
bus airliner.[49] Since then, largest GE engines operators started on 5 April 2012.[67] Final assembly of the first
Emirates, US Airways, Hawaiian Airlines and ILFC have flight-test A350 was completed in December 2012.[68]
selected the Trent XWB for their A350 orders. In May The fifth and final test aircraft is expected to fly in June
2009, GE said that if it reaches a deal with Airbus to of- 2014.[69]
fer the current 787-optimised GEnx for the A350, it will
only power the −800 and −900 variants. GE believes it On 2 June 2013, Airbus powered up the Rolls-Royce
can offer a product that outperforms the Trent 1000 and Trent XWB engines on the A350 aircraft for the first
Trent XWB, but has been reluctant to support an airframe time. Airbus also confirmed that flight test programme
that competes directly with its GE90-115B-powered 777 is to last 12 months and use five test aircraft.[70] The
variants.[50] A350’s maiden flight took place on 14 June 2013 from
the Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, near the company’s air-
In January 2008, French-based Thales Group won the craft delivery centre.[71] Airbus’s chief test pilot said, “it
US$2.9 billion (€2 billion) 20-year contract to sup- just seemed really happy in the air” and that “all the things
ply avionics and navigation equipment for the A350 we were testing had no major issues at all.”[72]
XWB. Thales competed against Honeywell and Rockwell
Collins for the flight deck supply contract.[51] US-based In June 2011, the A350-900 was scheduled to enter ser-
Rockwell Collins and Moog Inc were chosen to supply vice in the first half of 2014, with the −800 to enter
the horizontal stabiliser actuator and primary flight con- service in mid-2016, and the −1000 in 2017. In July
trol actuation, respectively. The flight management sys- 2012, Airbus delayed the −900’s entry date by three
tem will include several new safety features.[52] months into the second half of 2014.[74] Launch customer
Qatar Airways is to receive its first aircraft in the second
Regarding cabin ergonomics and entertainment, in 2006 half of 2014,[70] with commercial flights to begin in Jan-
Airbus had signed a firm contract with BMW for develop- uary 2015.[75]
ment of an interior concept for the original A350.[53] On
4 February 2010, Airbus signed a contract with Panasonic On 11 June 2014, Emirates cancelled an order for 70
Avionics Corporation to deliver in-flight entertainment A350s (50 A350-900s and 20 A350-1000s), which rep-
and communication (IFEC) systems for the Airbus A350 resented 9% of the A350 production backlog.
XWB. [54] Emirates president Tim Clark said that the airline was
frustrated with the development of the A350-1000, in-
cluding changes to the A350-1000 engines which were
1.4 Production, testing, and certification previously shared with the A350-900.[79]
The A350 received type certification from the European
The A350 XWB production programme sees extensive Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) on 30 September
international collaboration and investments in new facil- 2014.[80][81] On 15 October 2014 EASA approved the
ities. According to Flight Global, Airbus constructed 10 A350-900 for ETOPS 370, allowing it to fly more than six
new factories in Western Europe and the US, with exten- hours on one engine and making it the first airliner to be
sions carried out on 3 further sites.[55] Among the new approved for “ETOPS Beyond 180 minutes” before entry
buildings was a £570 million (US$760 million or €745 into service.[82][83][84] Later that month Airbus received
million) composite facility in Broughton, Wales, which regulatory approval for a Common Type Rating for pilot
training between the A350 XWB and A330.[85] On 12 pared with 5.49 m (18.0 ft) in the Boeing 787[98] and
November 2014, the A350 received certification from the 5.87 m (19.3 ft) in the Boeing 777. It allows for an eight-
FAA.[86][87] The first delivery to launch customer, Qatar abreast 2–4–2 arrangement in a premium economy lay-
Airways is expected on 22 December 2014; the first com- out, with the seats being 49.5 cm (19.5 in) wide between
mercial flight is scheduled for 15 January 2015 between 5 cm (2.0 in) wide arm rests. Airbus says that the seat
Doha and Frankfurt.[88][89] width will be 1.3 cm (0.5 in) greater than a 787 seat in
the equivalent configuration. In the nine-abreast, 3–3–
3 standard economy layout, the XWB’s seat width will
2 Design be 45 cm (18 in) which will be 1.27 cm (0.5 in) wider
than the equivalent seat layout for the 787,[99] and 3.9 cm
(1.5 in) wider than the equivalent A330 layout.[100] How-
ever, the current 777 and future derivatives, have 1.27
cm (0.5 in) greater seat width than the A350 in a nine-
abreast configuration.[101][102] The upcoming 777X in a
10-abreast configuration is to have a greater seat width
of up to 45.72 cm (18.0 in) equal to the nine-abreast
XWB due to its wider interior cabin.[103][104][105] The
10-abreast seating on the A350 is similar to a 9-abreast
configuration on the A330, with a seat width of 41.65
cm (16.4 in).[23][106] Overall, Airbus promises passengers
more headroom, larger overhead storage space and wider
panoramic windows than current Airbus models.
2.3 Nose The revised design of the cockpit dropped the A380-sized
display and adopted 38 cm (15 in) LCD screens. The
new six-screen configuration will have two central dis-
plays mounted one above the other (the lower one above
the thrust levers) and a single (for each pilot) primary
flight/navigation display, with an adjacent on-board in-
formation system screen.[117] Airbus says the new cockpit
will allow advances in navigation technology to be placed
on the displays in the future plus flexibility and capacity
to upload new software and to combine data from multi-
ple sources and sensors for flight management and aircraft
systems control.[118] The A350 XWB will also feature a
head-up display.
The avionics will be a further development of the
integrated modular avionics (IMA) concept found on the
A380. The A350’s IMA will manage up to 40 func-
tions (versus 23 functions for the A380) such as under-
carriage, fuel, pneumatics, cabin environmental systems,
and fire detection.[115][119] Airbus says benefits will in-
clude reduced maintenance and lower weight because
A350 XWB new nose and general arrangement inside forward IMA replaces multiple processors and LRUs with around
fuselage 50% fewer standard computer modules known as line-
replaceable modules. The IMA runs on a 100-Mbit/s net-
work based on the avionics full-duplex (AFDX) standard,
The XWB’s nose section will adopt a configuration de- already employed in the A380 instead of the architecture
rived from the A380 with a forward-mounted nosegear used on the A330/A340.
bay and a six-panel flightdeck windscreen.[114] This dif-
fers substantially from the four-window arrangement in
the original design.[115] The new nose will improve aero- 2.5 Powerplant
dynamics and enable overhead crew rest areas to be in-
stalled further forward and eliminate any encroachment The Trent XWB family has two basic engines to power
in the passenger cabin. The new windscreen has been the three A350 variants. The baseline 370 kN (83,000
revised to improve vision by reducing the width of the lbf) thrust version for the A350-900 will be derated to
centre post. The upper shell radius of the nose section 330 kN (74,000 lbf) and 350 kN (79,000 lbf) for the
has been increased. The nose is likely to be constructed −800, while an upgraded 432 kN (97,000 lbf) thrust ver-
from aluminium but Airbus is currently running trade- sion will power the A350-1000. The higher-thrust ver-
off studies considering a one-piece carbon fibre structure. sion will have some modifications to the fan module—
According to Gordon McConnell, A350 Chief Engineer, it will be the same diameter but will run slightly faster
a carbon fibre structure would need titanium reinforce- and have a new fan blade design—and run at increased
ments for birdstrike protection, thus the aluminium struc- temperatures allowed by new materials technologies from
ture is the best cost-wise.[116] Rolls-Royce’s research.[120] The basic 248 t MTOW −800
3.2 A350-900
AIRBUS A350-1000
73.8 meters
3.1 A350-800
The A350-800 is to seat 270 passengers in a three-class Airbus A350-900 cabin in economy-class configuration
configuration with a 9-abreast seating, and have a range
of 15,400 km (8,300 nmi).[108] It is designed to compete The A350-900 is the first A350 model and seats 314 pas-
with the Boeing 787-9 and to directly replace the Airbus sengers in a three-class cabin and 9-abreast layout. It has
A330-200. In January 2010 Airbus announced that the a standard design range target of 15,000 km (8,100 nmi).
−800 would be developed as a simple shrink of the −900, Airbus says that the A350-900 will have a decrease of
incorporating minor changes to the systems and structure 16% MWE per seat, a 30% decrease in block fuel per
and share more hardware with the −900 rather than as seat and 25% better cash operating cost than the Boeing
an optimised variant as was previously planned. This in- 777-200ER.[142] The −900 is designed to compete with
creased commonality will allow a higher maximum take- the Boeing 777-200ER and replace the Airbus A340-
off weight, which will increase the range (or payload) of 300.[143]
the A350-800 compared to initial plans. The change will
The A350−900R extended-range variant has been pro-
increase fuel burn by “a few per cent”, according to the
posed but not yet launched. It would feature the higher
programme’s marketing head, Sophie Pendaries.[132]
engine thrust, strengthened structure and undercarriage
The −800’s fuselage is 10 frames shorter (six forward of the −1000.[144] Range of the −900R was estimated
and four aft) than the −900 aircraft. The baseline −800 at 17,600 km (9,500 nmi), which would be boosted
will be offered with an MTOW of 248 t (547,000 lb), to about 19,100 km (10,315 nmi) by these design im-
MLW of 190 t (420,000 lb), MZFW of 178 t (392,000 provements to compete with the Boeing 777-200LR and
lb), and 330 kN (74,000 lb ) thrust engines. An op- be capable of non-stop flight from London-Heathrow to
tional 11-tonne (24,000 lb) increase in MTOW, to 259 Auckland. The A350−900F freighter variant has also
t (571,000 lb) with a corresponding increase of MZFW been proposed.[145][146] In July 2013, Aviation Week re-
to 181 t (399,000 lb), MLW to 193 t (425,000 lb), and a ported that Airbus has been discussing with airlines a pos-
higher thrust 370 kN (83,000 lb ) engine (common with sible −900 Regional version. This version would be for
−900 engine thrust) is available to customers as an op- airlines that fly short to medium routes that do not need
tion. While the increased weights compensate for the in- the extra range, maximum fuel capacity and weight of the
creased empty weight of the aircraft and associated minor baseline A350-900.[147] Etihad Airways has expressed in-
fuel burn penalty due to maintaining commonality with terest in the regional variant.[148]
−900, it also resulted in an increase in the aircraft maxi-
mum structural payload capability by 3 t (6,600 lb), or
459 km (248 nmi) of additional range.[133][134][135] As 3.3 A350-1000
development continues, Airbus plans to decrease struc-
tural weight in the −800, which should be around airframe The A350-1000 has an 11-frame stretch over the
20.[136] −900[129] and will enter service after the −800. It is
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8 External links
• A350 page on the Airbus site
9.2 Images
• File:A350XWB-941_ETIHAD_AIRWAYS.png Source:
ETIHAD_AIRWAYS.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Luis Contreras Acevedo
• File:A350_variant_sizes.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work Original artist: Aborisov
• File:A350xwb_nose_2009B.png Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Luis E. Contreras (Hloutweg at en.wikipedia)
• File:Airbus_A-350_XWB_F-WWYB_Economy_Class.jpg Source:
A-350_XWB_F-WWYB_Economy_Class.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors:
Original artist: Joao Carlos Medau (
• File:Airbus_A-350_XWB_F-WWYB_cockpit_view.jpg Source:
A-350_XWB_F-WWYB_cockpit_view.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors:
Original artist: Joao Carlos Medau (
• File:Airbus_A350_Nose_Landing_Gear_Mock-up.jpg Source:
A350_Nose_Landing_Gear_Mock-up.jpg License: GFDL Contributors: Own work Original artist: Julian Herzog • [more photography on
my website]