Astm A 450
Astm A 450
Astm A 450
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
7.1 The calculated weight per foot, based upon a specified Wall Thickness, %
minimum wall thickness, shall be determined by the following 0.095 Over Over 0.150 Over
Outside [2.4] 0.095 to 0.180 0.180,
equation: Diameter, and to 0.150 [3.8 to [4.6]
W 5 C~D 2 t!t (1) in. [mm] Under [2.4 to 4.6], incl
3.8], incl
where: Over Under Over Under Over Under Over Under
C = 10.69 [0.0246615], Seamless, Hot-Finished Tubes
W = weight, lb/ft [kg/m], 4 [101.6] and 40 0 35 0 33 0 28 0
D = specified outside diameter, in. [mm], and under
t = specified minimum wall thickness, in. [mm] Over 4 ... ... 35 0 33 0 28 0
7.2 The permissible variations from the calculated weight [101.6]
per foot [kilogram per metre] shall be as prescribed in Table 1. Seamless, Cold-Finished Tubes
Over Under
8. Permissible Variations in Wall Thickness 11⁄2 [38.1] and 20 0
8.1 Variations from the specified minimum wall thickness Over 11⁄2 [38.1] 22 0
shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 2.
Welded Tubes
8.2 For tubes 2 in. [50.8 mm] and over in outside diameter
All sizes 18 0
and 0.220 in. [5.6 mm] and over in thickness, the variation in
wall thickness in any one cross section of any one tube shall These permissible variations in wall thickness apply only to tubes, except
internal-upset tubes, as rolled or cold-finished, and before swaging, expanding,
not exceed the following percentage of the actual mean wall at bending, polishing, or other fabricating operations.
the section. The actual mean wall is defined as the average of
the thickest and thinnest wall in that section. TABLE 3 Permissible Variations in Outside DiameterA
Seamless tubes 610 %
Outside Diameter, Permissible Variations, in. [mm]
Welded tubes 65 % in. [mm]
Over Under
8.3 When cold-finished tubes as ordered require wall thick-
nesses 3⁄4 in. [19.1 mm] or over, or an inside diameter 60 % or Hot-Finished Seamless Tubes
less of the outside diameter, the permissible variations in wall 4 [101.6] and under ⁄ [0.4]
1 64 ⁄
1 32 [0.8]
Over 4 to 71⁄2 [101.6 to 190.5], incl ⁄ [0.4]
1 64 ⁄
3 64 [1.2]
thickness for hot-finished tubes shall apply. Over 71⁄2 to 9 [190.5 to 228.6], incl 1⁄64 [0.4] ⁄
1 16 [1.6]
Welded Tubes and Cold-Finished Seamless Tubes
9. Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter
Under 1 [25.4] 0.004 [0.1] 0.004 [0.1]
9.1 Except as provided in 9.2 and 9.3, variations from the 1 to 11⁄2 [25.4 to 38.1], incl 0.006 [0.15] 0.006 [0.15]
specified outside diameter shall not exceed the amounts pre- Over 11⁄2 to 2 [38.1 to 50.8], excl 0.008 [0.2] 0.008 [0.2]
scribed in Table 3. 2 to 21⁄2 [50.8 to 63.5], excl 0.010 [0.25] 0.010 [0.25]
21⁄2 to 3 [63.5 to 76.2], excl 0.012 [0.3] 0.012 [0.3]
9.2 Thin-wall tubes usually develop significant ovality (out 3 to 4 [76.2 to 101.6], incl 0.015 [0.38] 0.015 [0.38]
of roundness) during final annealing, or straightening, or both. Over 4 to 71⁄2 [101.6 to 190.5], incl 0.015 [0.38] 0.025 [0.64]
Over 71⁄2 to 9 [190.5 to 228.6], incl 0.015 [0.38] 0.045 [1.14]
The diameter tolerances of Table 3 are not sufficient to provide
for additional ovality expected in thin-wall tubes, and, for such Except as provided in 9.2 and 9.3, these permissible variations include
out-of-roundness. These permissible variations in outside diameter apply to
tubes, are applicable only to the mean of the extreme (maxi- hot-finished seamless, welded and cold-finished seamless tubes before other
mum and minimum) outside diameter readings in any one cross fabricating operations such as upsetting, swaging, expanding, bending, or polish-
section. However, for thin wall tubes the difference in extreme ing.
over 0.135 in. [3.44 mm] in wall thickness, the flash on the ing, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted.
inside of the tubes shall be mechanically removed by cutting to
a maximum height of 0.010 in. [0.25 mm] at any point on the 17. Method of Mechanical Testing
11.2 For tubes 2 in. [50.8 mm] and under in outside 17.1 The specimens and mechanical tests required shall be
diameter and 0.135 in. [3.4 mm] and under in wall thickness, made in accordance with Annex A2 of Test Methods and
the flash on the inside of the tube shall be mechanically Definitions A 370.
removed by cutting to a maximum height of 0.006 in. [0.15 17.2 Specimens shall be tested at room temperature.
mm] at any point on the tube. 17.3 Small or subsize specimens as described in Test
Methods and Definitions A 370 may be used only when there
12. Straightness and Finish is insufficient material to prepare one of the standard speci-
mens. When using small or subsize specimens, the largest one
12.1 Finished tubes shall be reasonably straight and have possible shall be used.
smooth ends free of burrs. They shall have a workmanlike
finish. Surface imperfections (see Note 1) may be removed by
18. Flattening Test
grinding, provided that a smooth curved surface is maintained,
and the wall thickness is not decreased to less than that 18.1 A section of tube not less than 2 1⁄2 in. [63 mm] in
permitted by this or the product specification. The outside length for seamless and not less than 4 in. [100 mm] in length
diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount for welded shall be flattened cold between parallel plates in two
so removed. steps. For welded tubes, the weld shall be placed 90° from the
direction of the applied force (at a point of maximum bending).
NOTE 1—An imperfection is any discontinuity or irregularity found in During the first step, which is a test for ductility, no cracks or
the tube.
breaks, except as provided for in 18.4, on the inside, outside, or
13. Repair by Welding end surfaces shall occur in seamless tubes, or on the inside or
outside surfaces of welded tubes, until the distance between the
13.1 Repair welding of base metal defects in tubing is
plates is less than the value of H calculated by the following
permissible only with the approval of the purchaser and with
the further understanding that the tube shall be marked “WR”
and the composition of the deposited filler metal shall be ~1 1 e!t
H 5 e 1 t/D (2)
suitable for the composition being welded. Defects shall be
thoroughly chipped or ground out before welding and each where:
repaired length shall be reheat treated or stress relieved as H = distance between flattening plates, in. [mm],
required by the applicable specification. Each length of re- t = specified wall thickness of the tube, in. [mm],
paired tube shall be tested hydrostatically as required by the D = specified outside diameter of the tube, in. [mm], and
product specification. e = deformation per unit length (constant for a given
13.2 Repair welding shall be performed using procedures grade of steel: 0.07 for medium-carbon steel (maxi-
and welders or welding operators that have been qualified in mum specified carbon 0.19 % or greater), 0.08 for
accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ferritic alloy steel, 0.09 for austenitic steel, and 0.09
Section IX. for low-carbon steel (maximum specified carbon
0.18 % or less)).
14. Retests
14.1 If the results of the mechanical tests of any group or lot During the second step, which is a test for soundness, the
do not conform to the requirements specified in the individual flattening shall be continued until the specimen breaks or the
specification, retests may be made on additional tubes of opposite walls of the tube meet. Evidence of laminated or
contain, at the option of the manufacturer, any one of the any change in test system settings, change of operator, equip-
following discontinuities: ment repair, or interruption due to power loss or shutdown. Drilled Hole—The reference standard shall contain 25.9.3 The reference standard shall be passed through the
three or more holes, equally spaced circumferentially around test apparatus at the same speed and test system settings as the
the tube and longitudinally separated by a sufficient distance to tube to be tested, except that, at the manufacturer’s discretion,
allow distinct identification of the signal from each hole. The the tubes may be tested at a higher sensitivity.
holes shall be drilled radially and completely through the tube 25.9.4 The signal-to-noise ratio for the reference standard
wall, with care being taken to avoid distortion of the tube while shall be 2.5:1 or greater, and the reference signal amplitude for
drilling. The holes shall not be larger than 0.031 in. (0.8 mm) each discontinuity shall be at least 50 % of full scale of the
in diameter. As an alternative, the producer may choose to drill display. In establishing the noise level, extraneous signals from
one hole and run the calibration standard through the test coil identifiable surface imperfections on the reference standard
three times, rotating the tube approximately 120° each time. may be ignored. When reject filtering is used during UT
More passes with smaller angular increments may be used, testing, linearity must be demonstrated.
provided testing of the full 360° of the coil is obtained. For 25.9.5 If, upon any standardization, the reference signal
welded tubing, if the weld is visible, one of the multiple holes amplitude has decreased by 29 % (3.0 dB), the test apparatus
or the single hole shall be drilled in the weld. shall be considered out of standardization. The test system Transverse Tangential Notch—Using a round tool settings may be changed, or the transducer(s), coil(s), or
or file with a 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm) diameter, a notch shall be milled sensor(s) adjusted, and the unit restandardized, but all tubes
or filed tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitu- tested since the last acceptable standardization must be re-
dinal axis of the tube. Said notch shall have a depth not tested.
exceeding 121⁄2 % of the specified wall thickness of the tube or 25.10 Evaluation of Imperfections:
0.004 in. (0.1 mm), whichever is greater. 25.10.1 Tubing producing a test signal to or greater than the Longitudinal Notch—A notch 0.031 in. (0.8 mm) lowest signal produced by the reference standard shall be
or less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to designated suspect, shall be clearly marked or identified, and
the tube axis on the outside surface of the tube, to have a depth shall be separated from the acceptable tubing.
not exceeding 121⁄2 % of the specified wall thickness of the 25.10.2 Such suspect tubing shall be subject to one of the
tube or 0.004 in. (0.1 mm), whichever is greater. The length of following three dispositions:
the notch shall be compatible with the testing method. The tubes may be rejected without further exami-
25.8.3 For ultrasonic testing, the reference ID and OD nation, at the discretion of the manufacturer.
notches shall be any one of the three common notch shapes If the test signal was produced by imperfections
shown in Practice E 213, at the option of the manufacturer. The such as scratches, surface roughness, dings, straightener marks,
depth of the notches shall not exceed 121⁄2 % of the specified loose ID bead and cutting chips, steel die stamps, stop marks,
wall thickness of the tube or 0.004 in. (0.1 mm), whichever is tube reducer ripple, or chattered flash trim, the tubing may be
greater. The width of the notch shall not exceed two times the accepted or rejected depending on visual observation of the
depth. For welded tubing, the notches shall be placed in the severity of the imperfection, the type of signal it produces on
weld, if the weld is visible. the testing equipment used, or both.
certify that all requirements of the specification have been nation of specification requirements to be completed is pro-
completed before removal of the letter (that is, X, Y, or Z). vided in Section 26.
requirements unless disapproved by the purchaser at the time indication from the calibration standard shall be rejected.
the order is placed. The purchaser shall have the right to 31.1.12 The tube shall be free from repair welds, welded
perform any of the inspections and tests set forth when such joints, laps, laminations, seams, visible cracks, tears, grooves,
inspections and tests are deemed necessary to ensure that the slivers, pits, and other imperfections detrimental to the tube as
material conforms to the prescribed requirements. determined by visual and ultrasonic examination, or alternate
31.1.4 Sampling for Flattening and Flaring Test and for tests, as specified.
Visual and Dimensional Examination—Minimum sampling for 31.1.13 Tube shall be uniform in quality and condition and
flattening and flaring tests and visual and dimensional exami- have a finish conforming to the best practice for standard
nation shall be as follows: quality tubing. Surface imperfections such as handling marks,
Lot Size (pieces per Sample Size
straightening marks, light mandrel and die marks, shallow pits,
lot) and scale pattern will not be considered injurious if the
2 to 8 Entire lot imperfections are removable within the tolerances specified for
9 to 90 8
91 to 150 12
151 to 280 19
281 to 500 21 TABLE 8 Straightness Tolerances
501 to 1200 27
1201 to 3200 35 Maximum Maximum
Specified Wall
3201 to 10 000 38 Specified OD (in.) Curvature in Any 3 Curvature in Total
Thickness (in.)
10 001 to 35 000 46 ft (in.) Length (in.)
Up to 5.0, incl Over 3 % OD to 0.030 0.010 3 length, ft
0.5, incl
In all cases, the acceptance number is zero and the rejection Over 5.0 to 8.0, Over 4 % OD to 0.045 0.015 3 length, ft
number is one. Rejected lots may be screened and resubmitted incl 0.75, incl
Over 8.0 to 12.75, Over 4 % OD to 0.060 0.020 3 length, ft
for visual and dimensional examination. All defective items incl. 1.0, incl
shall be replaced with acceptable items prior to lot acceptance
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 450/A 450M – 04, which may impact the use of this standard. (Approved October 1, 2004)
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 450/A 450M – 03, which may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 1, 2004)
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 450/A 450M – 02, which may impact the use of this standard. (Approved September 10, 2003)
(1) Added Terminology A 941 to Sections 3 and 8 as well as (2) Added Section 3, Terminology. Renumbered subsequent
Referenced Documents. sections accordingly.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website