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The Evaluation of Resin Infiltration For Masking Labial Enamel White Spot Lesions

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DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2011.01126.

The evaluation of resin infiltration for masking labial enamel

white spot lesions


Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea, and 2Department of
Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2011; 21: 241– DE values. The results were classified into three
248 groups: completely masked, partially masked, and
Results. Among the 20 teeth with DDE, five teeth
Objective. The aim of this study was to clinically (25%) were classified as completely masked,
assess the effectiveness of masking white spot whereas seven (35%) and eight teeth (40%) were
enamel lesions using a resin infiltration technique partially masked and unchanged, respectively.
that was recently developed to arrest incipient Among the 18 teeth with POD, 11 teeth (61%)
caries in a micro-invasive concept. were completely masked, six teeth (33%) were par-
Methods. Twenty teeth with a Developmental tially masked, and one tooth (6%) was unchanged.
Defect of Enamel (DDE) and 18 teeth with Post- In some teeth, the result was more improved after
orthodontic Decalcification (POD) were selected 1 week than immediately after infiltration.
and treated with resin infiltration. Standardized Conclusion. The masking effect was dramatic in
photographs were taken before, immediately after, some cases but not in others. The long-term col-
and 1 week after treatment and were analysed our stability of the result should be followed up
using image analysing software to calculate the through continuous clinical and scientific studies.

might be remineralized partially after debond-

ing, white enamel lesions are often irrevers-
It is not difficult to observe white spot lesions ible4–6. These lesions may present aesthetic
because of dental caries, Developmental problems even more than 5 years after treat-
Defect of Enamel (DDE), or post-orthodontic ment7.
decalcification (POD) in the dental clinics of Up to now, there are four methods avail-
children and adolescents. The prevalence of able for treating white spot lesions. First,
molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) to several studies have shown that white
describe a more specific pattern of DDE spot lesions may regress as a result of the
ranges from 3.6 to 25%1 and that of POD remineralization by fluorides or casein phos-
varies from 2 to 96% depending on the phopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate
methods used to assess and score the extent (CPP–ACP)5,8. Remineralization techniques
of decalcification, the presence of decalcifica- are to some degree effective, but their aes-
tion before treatment, and the use of fluoride thetic effect is limited because remineraliza-
supplements during treatment2. tion often is limited to the lesion surface9,10.
These lesions may present aesthetic prob- Moreover, it takes considerable time and
lems as well as the progression of demineral- needs to be implemented at the very early
ization3. Although white spot lesions after stages of the lesion development. Further-
orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances more, it strongly relies on the patient’s com-
pliance10. Second, the bleaching therapy with
hydrogen peroxide for masking white fluoro-
Correspondence to:
sis blemishes has been reported11,12, but its
Dr S. Kim, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of
Dentistry, Pusan National University, Beomeo-Ri, aesthetic effect is also limited, and side effects
Mulgeum-Eup, Yangsan-Si, Gyeongsangnamdo, 626-770 such as post-treatment sensitivity are com-
Korea. E-mail: shinkim@pusan.ac.kr monly encountered. The microhardness of

 2011 The Authors

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry  2011 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd 241
242 S. Kim et al.

sound enamel surfaces as well as demineral- teeth were selected at the time of their regu-
ized enamel surfaces after bleaching might be lar dental visits in the Pediatric Dental Clinic
reduced13–15. Third, microabrasion is a com- at Pusan National University Dental Hospital
monly used approach for improving the aes- from July 2009 to September 2009. Twenty
thetics of white spot lesions16–19. This teeth with DDE from 12 children (mean
technique, however, may cause the aggressive age = 12.5 year) and eighteen teeth with
reduction of enamel as a function of the POD from nine children (mean age = 15.1
duration, intensity, and number of applica- year) were decided as subjects. For the teeth
tions20. In addition, microabrasion is an effec- with DDE in our experiment, only the inci-
tive treatment only in shallow defects21. sors with MIH of hypomineralization type
Finally, restorations with tooth reduction, were selected1. Hypomineralization was in-
which is quite invasive, have been used con- dentified visually as an abnormality in the
siderably22,23. The problem with an invasive translucency of the enamel and also denomi-
treatment is that most patients demanding nated as opacity of the enamel. For the
treatment for white spots are children, adoles- teeth with POD, only the teeth longer than
cents, or young adults. The invasive proce- 3 months elapsed after debonding were
dures usually result in excessive sacrifice of selected to exclude those in active lesion
tooth material, which accelerate the destruc- state, and average time elapsed was 21
tion of the tooth at an earlier age. months (9  38 months). These teeth met
The resin infiltration concept, which was the following criteria: inactive lesions with
developed recently, aims at arresting the smooth, hard, and shiny surface, white
incipient enamel caries lesions by penetrating spots, and ICDAS code 2.
the low-viscosity resin into the enamel and
obstructing the diffusion pathways for acids
Resin infiltration
and dissolved minerals in the enamel24. In
addition, the resin matrix can strengthen the For the maximum protection of patients dur-
enamel structure mechanically, thereby pre- ing the infiltration procedure, the patients
venting breakdown of the enamel surface25. were made to wear the eye glasses, and rub-
In several laboratory studies, resin penetra- ber dam and separating rings were applied.
tion into artificial caries has been shown with The tooth surface was cleaned with a rubber
commercially available adhesives and fissure cup and prophylaxis paste. The surface layer
sealants26,27, but these materials only result was eroded by the application of 15% hydro-
in a diffusion barrier on the lesion sur- chloric acid gel (ICON-Etch; DMG, Ham-
face owing to only superficial penetration28. burg, Germany) for 120 s to expose the layer
Recently, a low-viscosity resin with a high of lesion body. Subsequently, the etching gel
penetration coefficient was developed spe- was washed away thoroughly for 30 s using a
cially for this purpose. As an additional effect water spray and dried. The lesions were desic-
of this method, the resin-infiltrated enamel cated using ethanol (ICON-Dry; DMG) for
lesions have been reported to lose their whit- 30 s followed by air drying. An infiltrant resin
ish opaque colour and recover the healthy (ICON-Infiltrant; DMG) was applied to the
enamel colour and translucency29. This study surface and allowed to penetrate inside for
was performed for the purpose of assessing 3 min. Excessive material was wiped away
the masking effects of resin infiltration tech- using a cotton roll from the surface before
nique in white spot enamel lesions. light curing. Excessive resin in the proximal
spaces was cleaned using dental floss. After
light curing for 40 s, the application of infil-
Materials and methods
trant resin was repeated once for 1 min and
light cured for 40 s. Finally, the roughened
enamel surface was polished using a compos-
Twenty-one healthy patients with white spot ite resin polishing discs (Sof-lex disk; 3M
enamel lesions on their maxillary anterior ESPE, Saint Paul, MN, USA).

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Resin infiltration for labial masking 243

units is considered a clinical indicator for mis-

Standardized clinical photography
matching colours or colour change31. That is,
Standardized clinical photographs were taken white spot lesions are clinically invisible
before (T1), immediately after (T2), and when the DE unit between the sound enamel
1 week after (T3) infiltration. A standardized and white spot lesions is lower than 3.7, and
cephalometric head frame was used, and a the lesion is clinically visible when DE unit
camera was fixed at the same distance from between sound enamel and white spot lesions
the subject to standardize the photographic is higher than 3.7.
conditions. To exclude the influence of mois- According to degrees of colour changes
ture on tooth colour, the tooth surfaces were evaluated 1 week after treatment, the teeth
dried with compressed air for 30 s. Clinical were divided into the following three types:
photographs were taken using a digital cam- Type 1 : the whitish opaque colours are com-
era (EOS 450d camera; Canon, Tokyo, pletely masked (tooth with DE £ 3.7 units in
Japan), macrolens (SP AF90 mm F ⁄ 2.8 Di 1:1 the area of the white spot vs. the area of
Macrolens; Tamron, Saitama, Japan), and sound enamel after 1 week); Type 2 : whitish
flash (MT 24-EX twinlight; Canon). The cam- opaque colours are partially masked but not
era settings were as follows: shutter speed completely (tooth with DE > 3.7 units in the
1 ⁄ 200, F29, ISO 400, and Auto white balance. area of the white spot versus the areas of
The photographs were taken in a darkroom sound enamel after 1 week, and with
to cut off the external light sources, and a DE > 3.7 between before and 1 week after
photometer was used to maintain the inten- treatment); Type 3 : the whitish opaque col-
sity of light. The twinlight and polarizing fil- ours show little change (tooth with DE > 3.7
ters were equipped to minimize the light units in the area of the white spots versus
reflection. The part with reflected light was areas of sound enamel after 1 week, with
excluded from the analysis. DE £ 3.7 between before and 1 week after
treatment). To evaluate intrarater reproduc-
ibility, ten randomly selected images were
Evaluation of colour changes
re-examined by the same examiner after
The measurement was performed by an 2-week interval.
examiner after photographs were randomly
labelled to avoid unwanted measuring bias.
Statistical analysis
The sound enamel and white spot lesions
were outlined on the screen, and the colours Intrarater reliability was evaluated with scale
of the sound enamel and white spot lesions reliability analysis. A Wilcoxon’s signed rank
were measured using an image analysing soft- test was performed to determine the statistical
ware (I-solution; IMT technology, Seoul, significances (using P < 0.05) of the colour
Korea). The colour of the teeth in the same difference between those taken before, imme-
site was analysed by transferring the outlined diately after, and 1 week after treatment.
layer of the T1 photograph to the T2 and T3
photographs. The RGB values of the sound
enamel and lesions were obtained from each
tooth, which were transformed into CIELAB There was no loss of subject from the begin-
space. ning to the follow-up or exclusion. All partici-
The CIELAB space applied in this study is pants (12 children with DDE and nine
an international system used in many stan- children with POD) attended the check-up
dards for colour measurements. The differ- examination after 1 week. Intrarater reliabil-
ence (DE) in colour between the sound ity coefficient was 0.91 (P < 0.05), showing
enamel and lesions at each time was calcu- no significant difference between the two
lated with the measured CIE L*a*b* values30. measurements. Among the 20 subject teeth
DE is a value for quantifying the discrepancy with DDE, five teeth (25%) were classified as
between two colours. A DE difference of 3.7 completely masked whereas seven (35%) and

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244 S. Kim et al.

eight (40%) were partially masked and un-

changed, respectively (Table 1, Figs 1 and 2).
Among the 18 subject teeth with POD, 11
teeth (61%) were completely masked, six
teeth (33%) were partially masked, and one
tooth (6%) was unchanged (Table 1, Figs 3
and 4).
Overall, the colour differences between the Fig. 3. Type 1 colour changes in a maxillary left lateral
sound and white spot enamel decreased signif- incisor with an orthodontic decalcified lesion. Compared to
T1 (before treatment), the enamel colour had recovered
icantly after infiltration in both DDE and POD
considerably in T2 (immediately after treatment) and further
in T3 (1 week after treatment), appearing almost normal.

Table 1. Colour changes of white spot lesions.

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Sum

(completely (partially (unchanged %)
masked %) masked %)

DDE 5 (25) 7 (35) 8 (40) 20

POD 11 (61) 6 (33) 1 (6) 18

DDE, developmental defects of enamel; POD, post-orthodontic


Fig. 4. Type 3 colour changes in a maxillary right canine

with an orthodontic decalcified lesion. Compared to T1
(before treatment), no change in enamel colour was
observed either in T2 (immediately after treatment) or T3
(1 week after treatment).

Table 2. Statistical analysis of the colour changes.

T1–T2* T1–T3** T2–T3***

Fig. 1. Type 1 colour changes in a maxillary left central DDE P < 0.05 P < 0.05 P < 0.05
incisor with developmental defect of enamel. Compared to POD P < 0.05 P < 0.05 P = 0.09
the T1 images (before treatment), enamel colour had
DDE, developmental defects of enamel; POD, post-orthodontic
recovered considerably in T2 (immediately after treatment)
and further in T3 (1 week after treatment) appearing almost *
T1–T2: colour change between T1 (before the treatment) and T2
normal. (after the treatment).
T1–T3: colour change between T1 and T3 (1 week after the
T2–T3: colour change between T2 and T3.

(P < 0.05) group. In DDE, the colour difference

decreased significantly 1 week after infiltration
compared to that immediately after infiltration
(Table 2). There was no harm or adverse effect
to participants.

Fig. 2. Type 2 colour changes in a maxillary left lateral

incisor with developmental defect of enamel. Although the Discussion
enamel colour had recovered slightly in T2 (immediately
after treatment) and further in T3 (1 week after treatment)
The white spot appearance of initial caries
compared to T1 (before treatment), the white spot and DDE is caused by subsurface porosity in
remained. the enamel below a well-mineralized surface

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Resin infiltration for labial masking 245

layer32,33. White spot lesions are more obvi- contrast, microabrasion, which has been com-
ous when the teeth are dry because of the monly used in white spots, removes up to
different refractive indices of enamel, water, 360 lm of enamel36. The purpose of using
and air. Sound enamel has a refractive index 99% ethanol is to remove the water that is
of 1.62. Enamel becomes porous when stored inside the microporosity of the lesion
demineralized. If the pores within the lesion body and allow the resin to penetrate into
are filled with water (refractive index: 1.33), the lesion body driven by capillary forces39.
the lesions will appear opaque compared to Because the infiltration technique aims to
the sound tissue. If dried, the water in the construct a diffusion barrier inside the lesion
pores is replaced with air (refractive index and rather than on lesion surface, the over-
1.0), and the lesion becomes more appar- laying resin is wiped away prior to light cur-
ent34. On the other hand, when the micropo- ing. A resin layer on lesion surface is not
rosities are filled with infiltrant resin, the required if the lesion body is infiltrated
refractive indices increase to 1.52, the differ- homogeneously with the resin. Rather, clean-
ence in refractive index between the infil- ing of the overlaying material from the sur-
trated lesion and enamel is negligible, and the face is advantageous because the ideal form
lesions appear similar to the surrounding of the surface can be retained27. The reason
sound enamel. for applying the resin twice is because of the
In contrast to remineralization using fluoride shrinkage of materials after the first applica-
or CPP–ACP, infiltrant resin can improve the tion resulting in the generation of space that
colour, even in deeper lesions, because it pen- can then be occluded by a second applica-
etrates deeper lesions and the effect appears tion26.
immediately after treatment9,10,35. In addition, Standardized clinical photography used in
resin infiltration is much less invasive than this study is simple and clinically relevant
microabrasion or restoration22,23,36,37. approach for quantifying the lesion size and
The resin infiltration concept aims to arrest colour. Many studies have reported this to be
the incipient enamel caries lesions instead of an objective, reproducible, and reliable
removing the lesion and obstruct the diffu- method if the camera and light sources are
sion pathways for acids and dissolved miner- positioned in the same orientation40–43. The
als in the enamel24. The resin matrix can also present study evaluated the results from stan-
strengthen the enamel structure mechani- dardized clinical photography and image anal-
cally26. An infiltrant resin shows very low ysing software using the DE unit, which
viscosity, high surface tension, and low con- quantifies the discrepancy between the two
tact angle with the enamel38. These properties colours. It was reported that human observers
are important for penetrating the resin into can be expected to detect colour differences
the layer of lesion body of enamel caries. The of one DE unit under standardized laboratory
hypermineralized surface layer impedes pene- conditions. In the oral cavity, where the light
tration of the resin into the lesion body, how- source cannot be standardized, DE £ 3.7 units
ever. Therefore, complete erosion of the was considered to be a match for compared
surface layer and exposure of the lesion body teeth. Although some authors report DE = 3.0
is the aim of a conditioning procedure28. units as an indicator for mismatching colours,
Removal of the surface layer might also most studies consider DE > 3.7 units to be
weaken the lesion structure, but Meyer-Luec- clinically visible in any site31,44,45.
kel et al.37 reported that 15% HCl is most The selected patients with POD had elapsed
suitable for removing approximately 40 lm of time after debonding more than 3 months
the hypermineralized surface layer. Moreover, because after 3 months with careful oral
in this study, no cavitation occurred after hygiene, the active lesion decreases spontane-
etching, even when the surface layer ously because of the remineralization by oral
had been eroded completely. In practice, fluids. Some white spot lesions disappear
subsequent resin infiltration should ensure within several weeks, and most lesions
restrengthening of the lesion structure. In decrease with time until 3 months46,47.

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246 S. Kim et al.

Therefore, lesions remaining after 3 months some cases, the result improved after 1 week
were selected. This period is enough for post- compared to that observed immediately after
orthodontic white spot lesions to improve treatment, and further study will be needed
spontaneously. to explain these optical characteristics.
Among the 38 subject teeth, the masking
effect was observed in 12 of the 20 DDE
(60%) teeth and 17 of the 18 POD (94%)
teeth. Among the 20 teeth with DDE, five The masking effect of resin infiltration was
teeth (25%) were classified as completely dramatic in some cases but not in others. The
masked, whereas 11 of the 18 teeth (61%) long-term colour stability of this technique
with POD were completely masked. There- should be followed up through continuous
fore, the masking effect was better in POD clinical and scientific studies.
lesions than DDE lesions. Forty percentage of
DDE teeth and 6% of POD teeth were classi-
fied as unchanged. The masking effect was What this paper adds
dramatic in some cases but not in others. The • This study demonstrates that resin infiltration can be
effect was believed to be dependent on the used not only to arrest the incipient caries lesions in
smooth surfaces but also to improve the enamel col-
lesion depth and activity. There might be lit- ours in aesthetic purpose in lesions with developmen-
tle or no masking effect in lesions deeper tal defects or post-orthodontic decalcification
than the infiltration range and ⁄ or the inac- frequently found in upper anterior teeth in children
and adolescents.
tive, rather old lesions with thicker surface
• The result, however, showed that aesthetic improve-
layers. Incomplete removal of surface layer by ment cannot be expected in some lesions probably
single erosion in inactive lesions with thicker due to the lesion depth and activity, and any method
surface layer might lead to incomplete pene- to measure the lesion depths was highly desirable.

tration. Thus, the masking effect might be Why this paper is important for paediatric
better for the lesions in more active and dentists
• This paper provides the better understanding about
younger state when the lesion is not so deep resin infiltration concept especially when it is used for
and surface layer is relatively thin. aesthetic purpose in minimal invasive philosophy
As the surface layer becomes quite thicker which is strongly required for children and adoles-
in inactive lesions, it was proposed to repeat
eroding the surface layer several times to
completely remove it and consequently to
ensure the deep penetration of infiltrants29. Acknowledgements
But, as resin infiltration concept was devel-
oped from the basis of micro-invasive con- DMG (Hamburg, Germany) and Shinhung
cept, repetition of HCl erosion was thought to (Seoul, Korea) Co. are thanked for providing
have something to be studied further, and we the materials.
strictly followed the manufacturer’s recom-
mendation in this study. References
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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy