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United States Patent (19) 11) 4,070,612

McNeill et al. (45) Jan. 24, 1978

(54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR Primary Examiner-Gerard R. Strecker
MEASURING TERRAN RESIST WITY Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ridout & Maybee
75 Inventors: James Duncan McNeill, Mississauga; 57 ABSTRACT
Gary George Black, Bramalea; Apparatus is provided which may be made portable and
Miroslav Bosnar, Don Mills, all of is calibrated to provide direct readings of terrain con
Canada ductivity, Transmitter and receiver coils are separated
73) Assignee: Geonics Limited, Missauga, Canada by less than one tenth of the electrical skin depth in
terrain having a maximum conductivity to be measured,
(21) Appl. No.: 692,057 at the frequency of alternating current signal applied to
the transmitter coil, and the signals picked up by the
22 Filed: June 2, 1976 receiver coil are processed to cancel received signal
51) Int. Cl. ............................................... G01W 3/10 components in phase with the transmitted signal and
52) U.S. C. ........................................................ 324/6 amplify a received quadrature component so as to pro
(58) Field of Search ........................................ 324/3, 6 vide a direct indication of ground conductivity. The
in-phase component received direct from the transmit
(56) References Cited ter coil is cancelled by a preset equal and opposite com
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ponent, and the in-phase component of the secondary
signal received from the terrain is substantially can
3,052,837 9/1962 Arbogast et al. ........................ 324/3 celled by a form of negative feedback, in order to avoid
3,214,686 10/1965 Elliot et al. .............................. 324/6 swamping of the wanted signal. Optionally, the nega
3,259,838 7/1966 Thornsen ................................. 324/6 tive feedback is disabled and the in-phase component is
3,555,409 1/1971 Atwood et al. .......................... 324/6 displayed in order to provide an indication of the mag
3,609,522 9/1971 Hutchins et al. ........................ 324/6 netic susceptibility of the terrain being surveyed.
3,614,600 10/1971 Ronka .................. . 324/6 X
3,758,848 9/1973 Dowling. ... 324/6
3,826,973 7/1974 Pflaum ................................. 324/6X 17 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures

2O 22 26 28
WAFAEA alfalfa AA aga, waAfael sAC1A
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awala atta say/ea SA//ayaay

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U.S. Patent Jan. 24, 1978 4,070,612


4,070,612 2
sumed to have different layers each of different thick
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MEASURING ness and conductivity or resistivity. The interpretation
TERRAN RESISTVTY schemes are usually rather complicated and in some
cases yield little information about the resistivity of the
5 uppermost layer since the curves tend to be rather simi
This invention relates to an instrument for measuring lar in many cases.
terrain conductivity. On reading the above references it is apparent that all
the calculations carried out to date have used a so called
induction number as the independent variable. This
It is known that terrain conductivity measurements 10 induction number is defined as the ratio of the intercoil
provide useful information for the purposes of geologi spacing to the skin depth in the upper layer. It can be
cal mapping, and techniques have been developed for shown that this induction number elegantly groups the
this purpose. For example, electrodes may be implanted various variables such as frequency of the alternating
in the terrain and the necessary measurements made current, conductivity or resistivity of the upper layer,
directly. The electrode technique, although capable of 15 etc., in a very useful normalized form, as discussed in
providing accurate readings of a wide range of terrain "Fields about an Oscillating Magnetic Dipole over a
characteristics, is cumbersome and laborious, as the Two-layer Earth and Application to Ground and Air
electrodes must be reimplanted for each separate mea borne Electromagnetic Surveys (Frischknecht, F. C.,
surement, Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines Vol. 62 No.
It has also been proposed to provide non-contacting 20
electromagnetic devices either airborne or for use on Referring again to the papers referred to above it is
the ground. In one such device a transmitter and re seen that the calculations have been carried out for
ceiver were supported at opposite ends of a carrying values of this induction number within the range 0.1 to
frame, the receiver being equipped with a meter which 10. That is the calculations have been carried out for a
indicated the degree of coupling via the terrain between 25
coil spacing which varies from 1/10 of the skin depth in
the receiver and the transmitter, which was influenced the upper layer to approximately 10 times the skin depth
inter alia by the resistivity of the terrain. However such in the upper layer. The reason for doing this is that the
an instrument could not by itself directly measure ter scattered fields tend to be largest for this range of induc
rain resistivity and merely provided a hybrid output tion number and thus their measurement tends to be
influenced by various terrain parameters of which resis 30 relatively simple. However, measurement over this
tivity was only one. Instruments have also been pro range of induction number results in an intercoil spacing
posed incorporating separately portable search coils, which is of the order of or larger than a skin depth,
but these are difficult to use because the magnitude of leading to a rather confusing intermingling of two sepa
the direct signal received by the receiver coil from the rate effects; vis the power law fall off of the current
transmitter coil is critically dependent on the separation 35 flow in the ground from the transmitting dipole, and the
between the coils, and variations in the direct signal can added modification of this fall off by virtue of propaga
be large compared with the wanted secondary signal tion effects which are represented by the finite skin
received from the terrain. Moreover, the readings of all depth.
these non-ground contacting electromagnetic tech Small coil spacings less than one tenth of the skin
niques are difficult to interpret. depth have been avoided since at such spacings the
In spite of these disadvantages there has over the past direct primary signal received by the receiver coil from
decade been substantially increased interest in the possi the transmitter coil is normally very large compared
bility of measuring terrain resistivity through the use of with the secondary signal received from the terrain,
non-contacting electromagnetic techniques mentioned making it difficult to separate and process this latter
above. Such techniques have been described in the 45 signal and making the instrument extremely susceptible
following articles: to false indications produced by minor changes in the
1. Electromagnetic Fields About a Loop Source of distance between the coil or in the coil geometry.
Current (Rhu, J., Morrison, H. F. & Ward, S. H. Geo Furthermore, instruments of this type have been used
physics Vol. 35 No. 5 p. 862) primarily for the detection of ore bodies which usually
2. Inductive Sounding of a Layered Earth With a 50
exhibit very low resistivities and thus correspondingly
Horizontal Magnetic Dipole (Dey, A. & Ward, S. H. small skin depths. As a result, coil spacings which are
Geophysics Vol. 35 No. 4 p. 660) small compared with the skin depth would result in a
3. Electromagnetic Depth Sounder (Inouye, G. T. very small instrument capable only of detecting ore
Bernstein, H. & Gaal, R. A. IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience Electronics Vol. GE8 No. 4 p. 336). 55 bodies close to the terrain surface. Thus the interpreta
In all of these techniques an alternating current is fed tion of surveys for ore bodies carried out with instru
into a coil which is located either on the surface or ments having large coil spacings necessarily included
above the surface of the earth. The magnetic field from both the in-phase and quadrature phase components of
this alternating current induces eddy currents in the the received signal to extract the maximum information
earth which are in some way related to the resistivity of 60 from the data.
the earth and the resulting magnetic field from these The present invention provides an instrument which
induced eddy currents is subsequently sensed by a sec has the advantage of non-ground-contacting electro
ond coil which acts as a receiver coil. Various proper magnetic techniques of being easy and rapid to use, but
ties of the magnetic field arising from the sub surface which at the same time retains many of the advantages
induced currents can be used as a basis for interpreting 65 of the electrode technique without any necessity for
the terrain conductivity in the case where the ground is ground contacting electrodes. Moreover, the invention
assumed to be homogeneous down to very large depths, can readily be embodied in a portable instrument suit
or indeed to detect layering where the ground is as able for one man operation.
We have found that at coil spacings which are very transmitter coil. This enables the wanted quadrature
small compared to the electrical skin depth, it can be signal to be amplified without the amplifier being over
shown mathematically and confirmed experimentally loaded by the much larger in-phase signal. Since the
that for most non-coaxial coil configurations the terrain secondary signal component received from the terrain
conductivity is closely proportional to the quadrature includes an in-phase component which can vary under
component of the secondary signal, whereas at larger the influence of terrain parameters other than resistivity
spacings this linearity is no longer true and furthermore and can be of large magnitude, means are preferably
the in-phase component is also significant. Since the provided to monitor the signal being processed for the
false indications referred to above primarily involve presence of such an in-phase component, and to provide
in-phase components, we have found it practicable O an additional cancelling signal to minimize this compo
when using measurements only of quadrature phase nent.
components to use coil spacings which are very small Within the relationship of D, F and G specified
compared with the skin depth, although it is preferred above, we have further found that not only is the quad
to include means to cancel the in-phase signals as far as rature component of the received secondary signal
possible so as to reduce the dynamic range required of component proportional to the conductivity of the ter
the signal processing circuits. By this means instrumen rain, but the in-phase component of the received secon
tal sensitivity to small changes in intercoil spacing or dary signal component is proportional to the magnetic
coil orientation is greatly reduced. susceptability of the terrain. Thus by monitoring the
Furthermore, we have found that by not attempting in-phase signal, without providing the additional can
to make accurate measurements of very low resistivi celling signal referred to above, the same instrument
ties, it is possible to provide a simple instrument capable may be used to measure the magnetic susceptibility of
of very rapidly surveying terrain resistivity to useful the terrain. The technique thus employed for this pur
depths and which furthermore can not only readily pose is in fact known, but known instruments for this
provide information as to the resistivities of different purpose have utilized transmitting and receiving coils
layers in the terrain much more readily than known 25 which are close together, usually coaxial. We have
instruments, but can also provide particularly accurate found that these coils may in fact be substantially spaced
resistivity readings except in the case of terrain of very provided so long as that in-phase component of the
low resistivity. secondary signal due to changes in magnetic coupling
According to the invention therefore, a method of between the coils engendered by terrain susceptibility
measuring terrain conductivity comprises generating an 30 remains very large compared to in-phase components
alternating current having a frequency of F Hertz and due to induced currents in the terrain, which latter only
applying the same to a transmitter coil for transmission become significant when D becomes greater than about
to the terrain, receiving signals from the terrain by one tenth of the skin depth of the terrain at frequency F.
means of a receiver coil spaced from the transmitter coil It is of course important in measuring the secondary
by a distance of not more than about 50/VFG meters 35 in-phase signal that the primary signal from the trans
where G is the highest terrain conductivity to be mea mitter be accurately cancelled which entails in turn the
sured in mhos/meter and isolating the quadrature com distance between and relative orientation of the coils be
ponent of the received signal to provide a signal propor maintained very stable which is difficult to achieve in
tional to terrain conductivity. those embodiments where the coils are independently
Preferably, the in-phase components of the received 40 moveable.
signal are substantially cancelled prior to recovery of SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWNGS
the quadrature component.
The expression quoted above to determine the maxi Exemplary embodiments of the invention are de
mum spacing between the coils represents approxi scribed further with reference to the accompanying
mately one tenth of the electrical skin depth at fre 45 drawings, in which:
quency F of terrain having a conductivity G. FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic illustration of the mechani
The invention extends to apparatus for measuring the cal aspects of one preferred form of terrain conductivity
conductivity of terrain comprising a transmitter coil, a meter, and
receiving coil spaced from the transmitter coil, signal FIG. 2 is a block schematic diagram of the electronic
generating means connected to the transmitter coil to aspects of the meter.
supply an alternating current thereto, signal processing DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
means connected to receive signals from the receiver EMBOOMENTS
coil and the signal generating means and compare said
signals so as to isolate from the signal from the receiver Referring to FIG. 1, the meter comprises in one form
any component in quadrature with that from the gener 55 a rigid horizontal boom 2 which may be of any strong,
ating means, and means responsive to said quadrature rigid, light weight, non-ferromagnetic material, mate
component and calibrated to display or record the con rial, for example wood or fibre reinforced synthetic
ductivity of terrain being surveyed, the spacing D of the resin. At the centre of the boom is an enclosure 4 which
coils in meters and the frequency F of the alternating contains the electronic components of the apparatus,
current in Hertz being such that D does not exceed including signal generating means and signal processing
about 50/VFG where G is the maximum terrain con means, with the exception of a transmitter coil assembly
ductivity to be measured, in mhos/meter. 6 and a receiver coil 8 mounted in or on opposite ends
Preferably the meter includes means to apply to the of the boom. Although the coils are shown with their
signal processing equipment together with said signal axes substantially vertical, various alternative orienta
from the receiver coil a cancelling signal derived from 65 tions of the coils are possible as will be understood by
the signal generating means which substantially cancels, those skilled in the art.
that component of the receiver coil signal which is a In use, a person operating the instrument grasps the
primary signal component transmitted directly from the boom (or suitable hand grips, not shown) to either side
4,070,612 6
of the enclosure 4, and carries it over terrain T to be an output signal from buffer amplifier 14 having a fre
surveyed whilst observing conductivity or resistivity quency which in the case of an instrument having a 3.7
readings on a meter M, which may be of a recording meter boom may be 39.2 kHz. Where the coils are inde
pendently portable, the division ratio is preferably ad
type. A visual indication from the meter, if of a record 5 justable
ing type, could be replaced by an audible signal or even so as to provide alternative frequencies, for
theoretically dispensed with, although it is desirable example 492, 1969, 7876 and 31504 Hz for use respec
that the operator should have an indication of the read plifiedtively with each of the alternative coil spacings exem
ings being obtained so that he may relate any anomalies ately lower above. With extended coil spacings, proportion
in resistivity to the location at which they occur. In a frequencies will be appropriate. Neither the
typical case, the boom dimensions are such that the axes 10 frequencies chosen nor the division ratio nor even the
of the coils 6 and 8 are separated by 3.7 meters (12 feet), presence of the divider are critical, subject to the limita
although instruments no more than a quarter of this tions discussed below, but frequency division enables a
length (e.g. about 1 meter) are useful in certain applica suitable l.f. signal to be obtained using a cheaper and
more stable crystal in the oscillator, and also enables a
The instrument thus far described has employed a 15 number readily,
of alternative frequencies to be generated
having predetermined ratios to one another.
fixed separation between the coils. In the event that the The output frequency or frequencies should be selected
underlying terrain can be represented by a homoge
neous half space the instrument will, if the frequency so as not to be a harmonic of the local electricity supply
and coil spacing are chosen as indicated below, accu 20 frequency and so as not to interfere with radio commu
nications. The primary factors influencing selection of
rately indicate the conductivity of the half space.
If on the other hand, the earth is layered, the instru the frequency used are the requirement on the one hand
ment will respond to the conductivity of both of the thatexceed the skin depth of the terrain should be great enough
layers. If the upper layer is very thick the instrument to the separation of the coils by a factor of at
will respond solely to the conductivity of the upper least ten throughout the range of terrain conductivities
layer; as the thickness of the upper layer decreases the 25 to be measured, and a requirement on the other hand
that the amplitude of the quadrature component of the
readings will be monotonically influenced by the lower secondary signal picked up by the receiver coil from the
layer, until in the limit as the upper layer becomes very
terrain should
thin, the instrument will accurately measure the con much larger in-phase be as large as possible compared with the
ductivity of the lower layer. signal received directly from the
Thus a survey carried out with an instrument at fixed 30 transmitter coil. The first factor favours adoption of as
intercoil spacing is completely analogous to a conven low a frequency as possible, whilst the latter factor
tional Wenner spread resistivity survey carried out at isfavours adoption of as high a frequency as possible. As
fixed electrode spacing. Such a survey will be of a re entdiscussedfrequencies
further below, it is preferred to adopt differ
when alternative coil separations are
connaissance type. employed; where the frequency is maintained at a con
If layering is anticipated, and more information is 35 stant ratio to the inverse square of the coil separation,
desired about such layering, the normal technique with the ratio of the quadrature component to the primary
electrode surveys is to expand or contract the interelec signal will, for a given terrain conductivity, remain
trode spacing. In a completely analogous manner it is constant, providing
possible to expand or contract the intercoil spacing, if further below. Whilstanthe important advantage discussed
necessary adjusting the frequency so that the skin depth 40 must necessarily involve anselection of frequencies used
criterion is always fulfilled as described above. In this believe that the best results,element at least
of compromise, we
over the range of
fashion a small intercoil spacing is used to survey essen terrain conductivities from 0.0001 to 0.005 mhos/meter,
tially the uppermost layer, a large spacing the lower
layer, etc. are obtained when the frequency F in Hertz is approxi
Thus in an alternative form of the meter, the transmit 45 mately 106/2D2 where D is the coil separation in meters.
ter coil assembly and the receiver coil are formed as The particular frequencies exemplified meet the above
separately portable units, the signal generating means requirements and have an advantage discussed further
being associated with the transmitter coil assembly and below when used in conjunction with the particular coil
the signal processing means and the meter with the 50 separations exemplified above.
The signal from the buffer amplifier 14 is passed to an
receiver coil. The units are connected by a flexible cable output amplifier 16 and thence via tuning capacitors 17
establishing the necessary electrical interconnections. to a transmitter
In this form of the meter, the spacing between the coils ter coil assemblycoil6, 19 which forms part of the transmit
may be varied, typically to selected distances between 2 The receiver coil 8 picks up a primary signal trans
and 50 meters for normal applications; for example 55 mitted by the transmitter coil 19 and a secondary signal
provision may be made for the coils to be separated by set up by
32, 16, 8 or 4 meters. In certain applications, for example signal. Incurrents
induced in the terrain by the primary
to avoid the secondary signal being
in determination of permafrost depth, where greater swamped by the primary signal, a reference coil 35 also
terrain depths are surveyed, coil separations in an ex forming part of the transmitter coil assembly and tightly
tended range up to 500 meters will be appropriate.
Referring now to FIG. 2, the electronic components coupled with the coil 19 is used to supply a component
in the enclosure 4 comprise signal generating means of a cancellation signal applied to the receiver coil 8
comprising circuit blocks 10, 12, 14, 16, signal process through a summing network 37 or by inductive cou
ing means comprising circuit blocks 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, pling
such that the component is applied in antiphase to
primary signal received by the coil 8 direct from the
28, 30, 32, 34, and unwanted signal cancellation means 65 coil 6. A compensation network 36 provides preset
comprising circuit blocks 36, 38, 40 and 42. coarse and fine adjustments 39 and 41 of the in-phase
The signal generating means comprises a crystal con amplitude, and a preset fine adjustment 43 of the quad
trolled oscillator 10, the frequency of which is selected rature phase of the component applied so that it exactly
to give, when divided down in a frequency divider 12,
7 4,070,612
cancels the primary signal received by the coil 8. A instrument taken to a location where the terrain resistiv
further component of the cancellation signal is supplied ity is known to be very high, so that the secondary
to the network 37 from a multiplier 42, having been signal, and in particular its in-phase component, due to
derived in a manner to be described below so as substan ground currents, is very low, the controls 39, 41 and 43
tially to cancel that component of the secondary signal s can then be adjusted for a null reading on the meter
received by the coil 8 which is in phase with the pri indicating substantial cancellation of the in-phase pri
mary signal. mary signal picked up by the coil 8.
The remaining uncancelled signal from the coil 8, However, it is found that the total in-phase compo
consisting essentially of the quadrature component of nent of the secondary signal was much larger than
the secondary signal received by the coil, is passed 10 would be accounted for by the effect of induced ground
successively to a differential preamplifier 18, a differ currents. The additional in-phase signal is caused by
ence amplifier 20, a further amplifier 22, an attenuator magnetic coupling between the coils, the magnitude of
24, the attenuation of which can be switched to differ the signal being essentially directly proportional to the
ent values, and a buffer amplifier 26. The phase of the magnetic susceptibility of the terrain in the half-space
amplified signal is adjusted by a phase shifter 28 so as to 15 beneath the instrument, assuming this to be uniform.
be exactly in phase with the signal provided by the The magnitude of the signal due to terrain susceptibility
amplifier 16, and its phase is then shifted through 90' by is strongly dependent on the height of the instrument
a further phase shifter 30 whereupon it is applied to a above the terrain surface, and a null will be obtainable
synchronous detector 32 together with a signal from the by raising the instrument to an appropriate height, typi
output amplifier 16. The output signal from the syn 20 cally from about one third of the boom length to one
chronous detector, after passage through a low-pass boom length. This enables the network 36 to be ad
filter 34, provides an output signal proportional to the justed for precise cancellation of the in-phase primary
quadrature component of the secondary signal which signal by substantially eliminating the secondary signal
may be applied to the meter M to provide a direct read component due to terrain susceptibility, which when
ing of terrain conductivity, or, by use of a reciprocal 25 measuring conductivities within the range of the instru
scale, terrain resistivity. Different conductivity or resis ment, will be the only significant component of the
tivity ranges may be obtained by switching the gain of secondary in-phase signal. It follows that, when the
the attenuator 24. Where more than one alternative ground conductivity is sufficiently low to be within the
signal frequency is to be utilized, the phase shifters 28 range of the instrument, the magnitude of the in-phase
and 30 must be provided with appropriate alternative component of the secondary signal is proportional to
characteristics to achieve the required phase shift at the magnetic susceptibility of the terrain. This will be
each frequency utilized, and appropriate alternative discussed further below.
settings must also be provided for other phase or fre Cancellation of the in-phase components of the re
quency sensitive circuit elements. ceived signal has the great advantage that the amplifiers
Alternative settings must also be provided determin 35 18-24 and the detector 32 are not swamped by these
ing the amplitude of the signal applied from the network components, which can be very large compared with
37 to cancel the primary signal from the transmitter coil the wanted quadrature component. Over a range of
19 for each combination of coil spacing and frequency terrain conductivities which for the frequencies and coil
which is to be used. If the coil spacings and frequencies spacing exemplified extends from less than 0.0001
selected are such that the frequency always bears a mho/meter to about 0.005 mho?/meter it can be shown
constant ratio to the inverse square of the spacing, as is that this quadrature component is close to linearly pro
preferred, then for a given terrain conductivity the portional to terrain conductivity, and even at higher
amplitude of the quadrature component of the received conductivities up to 0.05 mho?/meter the degree of cor
secondary signal will bear a constant ratio to the ampli respondence is quite useful. Greater accuracy at the
tude of the received primary signal. Therefore to main 45 higher end of the conductivity range may be obtained
tain the meter calibration for different such frequency by applying a correction factor to the meter reading to
and spacing combinations, it is only necessary to change compensate for the departure from strict linearity or by
the sensitivity of the meter in inverse proportion to the reducing the frequency at the higher conductivities and
changes in the cancellation signal for the different com suitably modifying the instrument gain. Moreover, with
binations. the coil separations and transmitted frequencies exem
The output of the amplifier 22 is also taken to a fur plified above, the product of terrain resistivity and the
ther synchronous detector 38 together with an output amplitude ratio of the quadrature component to the
from the output amplifier 16, the output of the detector primary, in-phase component of the received signal is
38 being proportional to the residual in-phase compo unity, thus simplifying calibration of the instrument.
ment of the secondary signal picked up by the coil 8. The 55 This relationship also holds true for other combinations
output is integrated by means of an integrator 40 to of coil separation and frequency in which the same ratio
provide an error signal which is applied to the multi is maintained between the frequency and the inverse
plier 42 along with the signal from the reference coil 35, square of the coil separation.
the error signal thus controlling the amplitude of the When the instrument has provision for the use of
signal applied to the network 37 substantially to cancel alternative coil spacings as disclosed above, it is possible
the in-phase component except for the small residue to easily investigate the respective conductivity of dif
required to generate the error signal. ferent layers of the terrain. If the changes in coil spacing
To enable the compensation network 36 to be ad are accompanied by frequency steps such that different
justed, a switch 31 is provided enabling the phase shifter frequencies maintain a constant ratio to the inverse
30 to be selectively disabled so that the meter M indi squares of the corresponding coil spacing, the meter
cates the in-phase rather than the quadrature compo reading for a given terrain will remain constant if its
nent of the signal picked up by the coil 8. If the output sensitivity has been adjusted as discussed above and if
of the multiplier 42 is disabled by a switch 33, and the the terrain has a homogeneous resistivity throughout
4,070,612 10
the depth investigated. A change in resistivity as the sents no significant problem since the behaviour of the
spacing is reduced indicates the presence in the terrain apparatus at the boundary of such an area of very high
of layers of different resistivity, and a series of readings conductivity will show a marked and characteristic
at different spacings will normally enable the number, anomaly, which itself provides an indication of the
thickness and individual resistivities of these layers to be presence of a highly conductive body in the terrain. The
ascertained by matching with theoretical curves in a resistivity of such a body once detected can readily be
manner completely analagous with conventional (i.e. determined by conventional techniques.
Wenner) resistivity techniques. The instrument of the present invention can therefore
Whilst the specific embodiments of the invention be used to detect high conductivity ore bodies, but its
described will not provide accurate terrain resistivity 10 primary usefulness resides in its exceptional ability to
readings when conductivities above about 0.005 survey geological structures of comparatively low con
mho/meter are involved and therefore cannot provide ductivity, for which purpose conventional non-contact
accurate resistivity reading for highly conductive ore ing electromagnetic surveying techniques are less than
bodies, such bodies will of course nevertheless be de ideal.
tected as anomalies in the results obtained; and much By not attempting to make the instrument suitable for
more comprehensive data can be obtained concerning measuring very low resistivities, it is possible as de
surrounding strata of lower conductivity than is possi scribed above to construct a simple instrument of di
ble with conventional instruments of the electromag mensions suitable to enable it to be carried by one man,
netic non-contacting type, Indeed, for medium and low which nevertheless is capable of surveying terrain to
conductivity terrains, the readings obtained are compa 20 useful depths. Conventional non-contacting electro
rable to or superior in accuracy and information content magnetic instruments, in which the coil spacing must be
to those obtained using implanted electrodes and direct at least a substantial proportion of the skin depth, would
currents, whilst being capable of being carried out very become too large to be carried by one man if a reason
much more rapidly and easily. able range of resistivities were to be surveyed.
The linear relationship between the quadrature com 25 Moreover, such a portable instrument may also be
ponent of the secondary signal and the conductivity of utilized to measure the magnetic susceptibility of ter
terrain being surveyed is only closely maintained when rain. By throwing the switches 31 and 33, the instru
the coil separation is less than about one tenth of the ment is made responsive to the in-phase component of
skin depth; as the conductivity rises so that the coil the received secondary signal, and if the meter M is
separation becomes more than one tenth of the skin 30 appropriately calibrated, direct readings of terrain sus
depth there is an increasingly rapid departure from ceptibility may be made. When operating in this mode,
linearity. Higher conductivities may be measured by the relationship of the instrument to the terrain surface
decreasing the frequency relative to the inverse square becomes important, and it must be calibrated for a spe
of the coil spacing; for example a reduction of the fre cific height and orientation relative to the surface. The
quency by a factor of ten yields an increase of a factor 35 exact separation and relative orientation of the coils
of ten in the upper limit of the range over which the must also be accurately maintained, since it is very im
quadrature phase component is an accurate measure portant to maintain precise cancellation of the primary
ment of the terrain conductivity. This expedient has the signal received by the coil 8, this signal being very large
disadvantage of reducing the amplitude of the quadra compared with the wanted signal. This mode of opera
ture component and making it difficult to measure con tion is not very practicable with those embodiments of
ductivities at the lower end of the range. the instrument having large coil spacings and no rigid
Alternatively it is still possible to obtain useful infor connection between the coils, both because of the prob
mation as to terrain conductivity when the latter is such lems of maintaining cancellation of the primary signal
and because the wanted secondary in-phase signal be
that the coil separation becomes as high as 1/V10 of the 45 comes
skin depth, by the application of suitable correction very small. For this same reason, it is possible to
factors to the readings obtained. Although these cor dispense, in instruments only intended for use with large
rected readings will necessarily be less accurate than coil spacings, with the secondary cancellation circuitry
those obtained in the normal range of the apparatus, the comprised by the blocks 38, 40 and 42, because the
use of correction factors as discussed above enables the in-phase component of the secondary signal will no
upper limit of conductivity measurable by the apparatus 50 longer be large compared with the quadrature compo
to be extended. In the examples described above, the ent.
extension is from about 0.005 to about 0.05 mho/meter When the instrument is used to measure the magnetic
without any change in the frequency used. However, it susceptibility of terrain, it is important that the primary
should be noted that this extended range is not part of signal be precisely cancelled. When the secondary can
the normal range of the machine, and references in the cellation circuitry is in use while the instrument is used
appended claims and in the introductory portion of the to measure terrain conductivity, the action of this cir
specification to the maximum terrain conductivity to be cuitry will mask any minor errors in cancellation of the
measured, or equivalent terminology, should be re primary signal, but when the circuitry is disabled, this
garded as referring to the normal upper conductivity masking effect disappears.
range limit of the apparatus. 60 What we claim is:
It should also be noted that at very high terrain con 1. A direct reading terrain conductivity meter com
ductivities rising to levels well above both the normal prising a transmitter coil, a receiving coil horizontally
and extended ranges of the apparatus, the quadrature spaced from the transmitter coil above terrain whose
component of the secondary signal will actually fall in conductivity is to be measured, signal generating means
amplitude, resulting in the theoretical possibility of 65 connected to the transmitter coil to supply an alternat
ambiguous readings when a very high conductivity ing current thereto, signal processing means connected
gives rise to a quadrature component within the normal to receive signals from the receiver coil and the signal
metering range of the apparatus. In practice, this pre generating means and compare said signals so as to
11 12
isolate from the signal from the receiver any component it remains proportional to the inverse square of the
in quadrature with that from the generating means, and distance between the coils.
means linearly responsive to the amplitude of said quad 9. Apparatus according to claim 8, wherein the fre
rature component and calibrated to provide a direct quency F is approximately 106/2D2.
read out of the conductivity of terrain being surveyed, 10. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein G is
the spacing D of the coils in meters and the frequency F approximately 0.05.
of the alternating current in Hertz being restricted to 11. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein at least
values such that D does not substantially exceed about one of D & F is adjustable according to the range of
50/VFG where G is the maximum terrain conductivity conductivity to be measured whereby to avoid D sub
to be measured in mhos/meter. O stantially exceeding 50/VFG.
2. Apparatus according to claim 1, including means to 12. A method of measuring terrain conductivity com
apply to the signal processing means together with said prising generating an alternating current having a fre
signal from the receiver coil a cancelling signal derived quency FHertz, and applying the current to a transmit
from the signal generating means which substantially ter coil for transmission to the terrain, receiving signals
cancels that component of the receiver coil signal 15 from the terrain by means of a receiver coil spaced from
which is a primary signal received directly from the the transmitter coil above the terrain by a distance D of
transmitter coil, and wherein means are further pro not more than about 50/VFG where G is the highest
vided to monitor the signal being processed after can terrain conductivity to be measured in mhos/meter,
cellation of the primary signal for the presence of an isolating the quadrature component of the received
in-phase component of a secondary signal received
20 signal, and using the amplitude of said signal as a linear
from the terrain, and to apply a secondary cancelling indicator of terrain conductivity.
signal to the signal processing means to minimize this 13. A method according to claim 12, including the
step of independently cancelling the primary compo
nent of the received signal received direct from the
3. A meter according to claim 2, wherein the moni 25 transmitter coil and the in-phase component of the sec
toring means comprises a feedback loop comprising a ondary signal received from the terrain.
synchronous detector receiving, together with the re 14. A method according to claim 12, comprising
ceived signal modified by addition of the cancelling applying alternating currents at different frequencies F
signals, a first reference signal from the signal generat to the transmitter coil whilst altering the distance D so
ing means of such phase as to detect only an in-phase that F remains in the same relationship to the inverse
component of said modified signal and integrator means square of D, so as to measure the resistivity of different
receiving the output of the synchronous detector to depths of terrain.
provide an error signal, the means to adjust the ampli 15. A method of measuring terrain conductivity up to
tude of the secondary cancelling signal being controlled a maximum of about G mhos/meter, comprising gener
by this error signal. 35 ating a signal at a frequency F Hertz and applying it to
4. A meter according to claim 3, wherein the signal a transmitter coil mounted on a structure portable over
processing means comprise an amplifier receiving the terrain whose resistivity is to be measured, receiving
cancelling signals and the signal from the receiver coil, signals from said transmitter coil by means of a receiver
a synchronous detector receiving both the received coil mounted on said structure at a distance D meters
signal after addition of the cancelling signals and a sec 40 from said transmitting coil, where D is not more than
ond reference signal from the signal generating means, about 50/VFG, generating a cancellation signal and
and phase shifter means to adjust the relative phases of combining it with the signal received by the receiver
the reference and received signals so that only the quad coil, the cancellation signal having a first, preset compo
rature component of the latter is detected, the output of 45 nent equal and opposite to a primary signal received by
the detector being applied to the metering means. the receiver coil directly from the transmitter coil, and
5. Apparatus according to claim 4, further including a second variable component equal and opposite to the
in-phase component of a secondary signal received by
means to change the relative phases of the received and the receiver coil from the terrain as a result of currents
second reference signals by 90', and means to open the induced therein by the primary signal from the transmit
feedback loop comprised by the monitoring means. 50 ter coil, and synchronously detecting the combined
6. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein the re
ceiver and transmitter coils are mounted at opposite signal signal
on a phase axis in quadrature to the transmitted
to provide an output whose amplitude is directly
ends of a portable generally horizontally extending proportional to the conductivity of the ground.
boom of fixed length D and the signal generating means 16. A method according to claim 15, wherein the
has a fixed frequency F, the signal generating means, 55 second, variable component
the signal processing means and the metering means generated by synchronouslyofdetecting the cancellation signal is
the combined
being supported by the boom intermediate its ends, signal on the phase axis of the transmitted signal so as to
7. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the trans derive an error signal which is multiplied with a signal
mitter coil and the signal generating means are formed derived from the transmitted signal to provide said
as a portable unit, the receiver coil and the signal pro variable component.
cessing means and the meter are formed as an indepen 17. A method according to claim 14, including the
dently portable unit, and the units are connected by a further step of measuring the magnetic susceptibility of
flexible cable establishing the electrical connections the terrain, by ceasing to apply the second component
required between the units. of the cancellation signal, and changing the phase axis
8. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the dis 65 on which the combined signal is detected by 90', so that
tance between the transmitter coil and the receiver coil the output is proportional to the magnetic susceptibility
is adjustable, and the frequency generated by the signal of the terrain.
generating means is correspondingly adjustable so that k

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