CHN Important Keypoints
CHN Important Keypoints
CHN Important Keypoints
Behavior -
Health Care
Delivery System
1. Political
a. Safety
b. Oppression
c. People empowerment
2. Behavior
- lifestyle of the people
- ex. nutrition
3. Heredity
- genetic, part of DNA ; familial disease
- morbidity and mortality
4. Socio-Economic
a. Education
b. Employment - financial resources
c. Housing
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5. Environment
- infectious and communicable diseases
6. Health Care Delivery System
- services:
a. Promotive**
- health promotion (PRIMARY FOCUS) = by health education
- role: EDUCATOR ‼
- function: GENERALIST ‼
- specific functions: RTPCR MO NURSE
a. Role model
b. Trainer - trains the midwife, etc
c. Planner
d. Coordinator of services
e. Recording
f. Manager
g. Organizer
NURSE - care provider
b. Preventive*
- vaccination, immunization
c. Curative
d. Rehabilitative
‼ John Joseph Hanlon - attainment of total development (highest level of physical, mental,
emotional health using the available resources)
- development of health in ALL ASPECT = HOLISTIC
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‼ Purdom - involves survival of human species, all phases of human development (from
womb to tomb)
Ruth Freeman - service rendered by the professional nurse to the 4 levels of clientele in
different health settings
Araceli Maglaya - one of the prominent community health nurse ; author of INITIAL
DATABASE ; family health nursing
- Mother of Family & Public Health Nursing in the PH
- utilization of the nursing process to benefit the individual, the family, and the
CHN - population focused practice ; entire population or specific population
1. Individuals
- entry point ; ex. asking the head of the family before doing home visit
- approaches:
a. Atomistic - by parts
b. Holistic - as a whole (body, mind, soul)
2. Family
- unit of service and the focus of care
- main care giver in the primary level of care
- ALLEN: people together by birth, marriage, adoption, or choice
- JOHNSON: social unit interacting with a larger society
- FRIEDMAN: two or more persons joined together by bonds of sharing & emotional
closeness and who identify themselves as family
- Functions:
S - socialization
H - health care ; ex. IMCI
A - affection ; love & belongingness
R - reproduction
E - economic function
S - social class / status placement
a. Nuclear
- mother, father, child / children (natural or adopted)
b. Extended
- 3 generations involved ; grandparents, parents, children
c. Dyad
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3. Aggregate
- subgroups or population groups
- roles: “ PAP “
a. Promotion
b. Advocate
c. Partner - with HCT, LGU
- groups:
a. Infants / children
- leading cause of death: PNEUMONIA
- most causes in PH: CALABARZON (Region 4A) ; Cavite, Laguna, Batangas,
Rizal, Quezon
- leading problem in children: MALNUTRITION
> Vitamin A - night blindness, xereophthalmia (no tears = no lubrication
in the eyes)
> Iron - Iron deficiency anemia
> Iodine - Goiter, mental retardation
b. Pregnant Woman
- 1st trimester = organogenesis
- specifically 2nd month = vital organs are formed & developed
- causes of maternal mortality:
1. complications related to pregnancy, labor & delivery, postpartum
2. hypertension (if more specific is asked)
3. post partal hemorrhage - GLOBAL
- most seen in: CALABARZON
c. Adolescents
- stage of exploration
- role: COUNSELOR - they have many questions
- high risk for STIs (worldwide: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphillis, HIV & AIDS),
violence, substance use ( only an addiction - physical dependence )
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- high risk for suicide ; due to coping mechanisms not fully developed
d. Elderly
- aging is a natural process
- 2 types of aging:
1. Chronological Age
- by the number
- older adult: 65 years old and above = (DOH, PSA): 4%
2. Functional Age
- depends on the performance of ADL
- ‼ basis of assessment (elderly) in the community = ADL
- leading cause of death for 65 years old & above (PSA):
1. Heart diseases
2. Cancer
3. Pneumonia
- RA 7432 = Senior Citizen Act ; 60 years old & above
- RA 9257 = Expanded Senior Citizens Act
- RA 9994 = Newest Senior Citizens Act
- RA 7876 = Senior Citizen Center for Every Barangay Act
- RA 7875 = PH Health Insurance Act ; PHILHEALTH launched
- RA 10606 = Amended Philhealth Law
4. Community
- entire client, primary client
- elements:
a. Social
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b. Geographical
c. Psychocultural
There are people living with each other in a certain area practicing culture
- types:
a. Urban
- cities
- 51.2 % of population
b. Rural
- province
- 48.8 & of population
c. Sub-urban
d. Rurban
- ruralized
e. Metropolitan
- center of trade & industry
- classification (Maurer & Smith):
a. Geopolitical
- traditional (natural or man made)
- ex. barangay, sitio, purok, cities, province or state, nation
b. Phenomenological
- relational based on culture, values, interest, and goals
- determinants of health and disease (WHO):
a. Socio & economic environment
- income, education, social status
b. Physical environment
- safe water, clean air, safe workplace, housing
c. Individual behavior
- cultural practices
d. Biology & genetics
- heredity, genes
e. Health services
- access & availability, programs, protocols
Child mortality
Maternal health
Aids, HIV, Malaria, and other diseases
Environmental sustainability
Global partnership
2030 Development Agenda - “ Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development ”
Health and well being ‼ - boards: vaccination
Education ‼ - health promotion ; educators
Gender equality
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Clean water and sanitation ‼ - WHO: Global Wash (water, sanitation, hygiene) Program
clean Energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
reduced Inequalities
Sustainable cities
Responsible consumption
1. Occupational Health Nursing
- setting: work place
- goal: ensure SAFETY of the workers in the workplace
- attend to HAZARDS of the workplace:
a. Safety hazards
- involves unsafe conditions or acts that increase the risk of injury for
b. Health hazards
- elements in the working environment that can cause work related
diseases to the workers
- specific hazards:
> Biological - microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.)
> Chemical - toxic substances, gases
> Mechanical - machines
> Physical - environment (temperature, humidity, ventilation)
> Psychosocial - relationships, salary, contract, tenure
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- RA 1054
- 1 RN - ratio = 1:100
- 100 or more workers
- NO RN - a health care facility is 1 km away from the workplace
- less than 100 workers
- clients: well population
- competencies (according to AAOHN American Association of Occupational Health
a. Clinical and primary care
- Primary: CHN
- Clinical: CBN
b. Case management
c. Work place, work force, environmental health issues
d. Legal and ethical responsibilities
e. Management and administration
- nursing audit
f. Health promotion and disease preventions
g. Health and safety education
h Research
i. Professionalism
= Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Philippines
= 1st president: Ms. Anita Santos
= August 19, 1964
- PD 442
= The Philippine Labor Code
a. Working periods and rest periods
*Article 83
- 8 hrs/day for 5 days/week = 40 hrs
- if there is a demand of work: 6 days/week = 48 hrs ; should be given
additional compensation of at least 30% on the 6th day
*Article 84
- short duration rest periods during working hours
*Article 85
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*Article 157
- employees
> 100 or more = 1 full time nurse, infirmary or clinic with 1 bed capacity
(1 bed : 100 workers)
> 200 - 300 = 1 full time nurse, part time MD & dentist (at least 2 hrs)
> 300 + = full time nurse, MD, dentist (at least 8 hrs/shift)
c. Compensation
*Article 86
- night shift differential ( 10pm to 6am ) = not less than 10% of regular
wage every hour of work
*Article 87
- overtime = at least 25% additional per hour after 8 hours of shift
*Article 91
- rest day = must not be less than 24 hours after 6 consecutive working
- employees = determine the rest days
- exception = religious grounds
*Article 93
- work on scheduled rest days or holidays = additional compensation of
at least 30% from regular wage
- holiday + rest day = work ; additional compensation of at least 50%
2. Visual Acuity
- Snellen’s chart
- Normal: 20/20
- If 20/40 or above = refer to the class adviser for observation if it affects the grade of
the student
3. Hearing Screening
- Ballpen Click Test
- 2-3 cm say from ears
- Physical assessment
- School assessment form
- Pattern:
1. Arms
2. Eyes (V.A)
3. Nose
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4. Mouth (Dental)
5. Ears
6. Neck & chest
7. Hair
8. Lower extremities
- Record
- Rapid class inspection ; unannounced
- School health program focus (WHO)
1. School health services
2. School health education
3. Healthy school environment
4. Health promotion for school personnels
5. School to community projects = Outreach programs
6. Nutrition and food safety = in the cafeteria
7. P.E. & recreation
8. Mental health, counseling, provide social support to the students
8. Delegated functions
9. Educator
10. Counseling
11. Consultation
12. Collaborating - minimum of 2
13. Coalation building
14. Community organizing
15. Advocacy
16. Social marketing
17. Policy development
PHN History in PH
- civilization introduced by the Spanish
- Spanish Era: provincial health officers - medicos titulares
- First course = UST 1888
= Fundamentals only - medical & dental
= Graduates were called: Circujanos ministrantes
> male nurses & sanitary inspectors
- 1901 = Board of Health of the Philippine Islands
= Act 157
= Commissioner - CEO
- 1939 = President Manuel L. Quezon : changed to Department of Health & Public Welfare
(1st name of DOH)
= 1st secretary - Dr. Jose Fabella
- 1947 = President Manuel Roxas : separated DOH from Public Welfare
= Under EO 94, signed Oct, 4, 1947
= Secretary - Dr. Antoni Villarama
- 1978 = President Marcos : changed to Ministry of Health
- 1986 = President C. Aquino : changed back to DOH
= EO 119
- 1915 = PGH (started 1910) started offering Public health nursing service
= PGH was run by American doctors
= 1st Filipino director : Dr. Vicente de Jesus (Jan. 1, 1919)
Public Health:
1. Home Visits ‼
2. Clinic Visits ‼
1. Registration
2. Waiting time
3. Triaging ‼
a. Program based
- there is a protocol to be followed
- ex. a child has a fever, you give paracetamol
b. Non-program based
- need to refer ; referral
- ex. person got bit by a rabid dog, dog must be captured = referral
c. Emergency case based
- first aid
4. Clinical evaluation
- physical assessment
5. Laboratory examination
- rapid tests, usually screening procedures
- for HIV: ELISA can be done bec rapid
6. Dispensing of drugs
- over the counter drugs
- prescribed drugs ; protocol / DOH program
- 8 common drugs:
Co-trimoxazole - antibiotic
Rifampicin / Rifampin - prescribed ; DOTS - anti TB drugs
Isoniazid - prescribed ; DOTS - anti TB drugs
Pyrazinamid - prescribed ; DOTS - anti TB drugs
Oresol / Oral rehydrating solution
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- Purpose
- Principles
- Phases
- Prequency
“ PUSA = CAT “
- To provide nursing Care
- To Assess the living conditions of the family
- To provide health Teachings
“ PM “
- Purpose and objectives
- Prioritization
- Plan of visit
= characteristics:
a. Practical
b. Plexible
c. include Pamily
- Make use of all available information from the client
“ P.I.P “
*Initiation before pre-visit phase is starting to talk with the community
Pre-visit Phase
- must know your purpose
- must have a plan
In-home Phase
1. Initiation
a. knock
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b. non-threatening voice
c. greet
d. introduce
e. observe the environment
f. establish rapport
g. state the purpose
2. Implementation
- nursing process
a. assessment
b. nursing care
c. evaluate
3. Termination
- summarize with the family the activities done
- setting of the next visit or clinic visit
- record your findings
Post-visit Phase
- return to the health facility
- documentation of the visit done
- referral ; if required
- tool that you use during home visit ; NOT the EQUIPMENT
- equipment: CHN / PHN / MCN / OB Bag
- Home visit: bag on LAP
- Bag technique: bag on CLEAN TABLE
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- don’t throw away the paper lining and other contents in the house of the family = throw it
away in the health center
Minimize, if not prevent the spread of contamination - MOST IMPORTANT
Effectiveness of total care
Save time and effort
Avoid contaminations
Hand washing
- most effective way of infection control
- 4 to 5 mL ; 2 pumps of liquid soap
- running water
- most important principle: FRICTION
Community - APIE
- “ DATA ”
1. Data Collection
2. Data Collation
3. Data Presentation
4. Data Analysis
5. Data Utilization
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Primary Data
- first hand
- first hand, most reliable
- types:
a. Informant Interview
b. Key-person Interview
- Barangay captain, Parish priest
- types:
a. Participant Observation
b. Rapid Observation
- aka. Windshield observation
- used during ocular inspection
- used to take a look at the whole community
- where you get bulk of data ‼
- aka. Community Assembly
- “ pagpulong - pulong “ ; Famorca
- open meeting with the members of the community
- smaller group meeting ; 6-12 members only
Secondary Data
- reports, records, documents
- records REVIEW
- official enumeration of the total population
- 2 types:
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- point of origin
- “ taga asa ka? “
- factual / actual location during the time of census
- “ asa ka karon? “
- characteristics of the population
- figures, percent, ratio, proportion
- statistics about health
- health indicators:
a. Morbidity - confirmed diseases / cases
b. Mortality - deaths in relation to diseases
- births and deaths
- PD 651 = registration of births & deaths
= report within 60 days
- PD 766 = amended law on registration of births & deaths
= Section 2 - Births
> Points to remember:
a. without fee
b. done within 30 days
c. registration of birth
d. done by:
hospital - attending physician
maternity clinic / lying in - nurse, midwife
outside the facility / home - parent or any member of
the family
e. done at local civil registrar / municipal health office / city health
f. location: where birth occurred
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= Section 5 - Death
> Points to remember:
a. without fee
b. done within 30 days
c. done by:
Health facility
- last attending physician
- doctor who pronounces the death ; will issue death certificate
- submitted to the Local Health Officer (doctors) within 48 hours
- absence of LHO - report to the mayor
- if both LHO & mayor are absent - report to municipal secretary
Outside the facility
- ex. home, road
- nearest relative = any person who has knowledge
- report to LHO within 48 hrs ; issuing person of death certificate
> location: where you were BORN
= report within 30 days
GOLDEN RULE - To where you are added, that is where you will be subtracted ; if dual -
- RA 3753
= Civil Registration Law
= creation of civil registry system ; NSO
- RA 10625
= PSA ; Philippines Statistics Authority
= Ninoy Aquino, 2013
= Philippine Statistical Act
- PD 856
= Sanitation Code of the PH
= requires death certificate before burial
- PD 825
= Garbage Disposal Law
= working from 8 to 5 - 825
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- Field Health Service Information System
- reporting tool in the community
- EO 352 = official recording & reporting system of the DOH
- Record Keeping = BHS or RHU ; daily basis
- Reporting = BHS or RHU
= Provincial health office
= Regional health office
- Components ‼
1. Treatment Record*
- fundamental building block of FHSIS
> Individual
> Family
4. Summary Report
- 12 columns
- codes:
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* Births
* Deaths = E1
Monthly report
- prepared by the midwife = submitted to the nurse
* M1 - Program Report
* M2 - Morbidity Report
Quarterly report
- prepared by the nurse = submitted to the provincial health office
* Q1 - 3 mos Program Report
* Q2 - 3 mos Morbidity Report
Annual report
- prepared by the nurse
* A1 - demographic, births & deaths report / year
* A2 - morbidity report by age & sex
* A3 - deaths by age & sex
Provincial / City Health Provincial / City FHSIS Quarterly Every 4th week of the
Office Coordinator ( Q1, Q2) 1st month every quarter
- National Epidemic Sentinel Surveillance System
- hospital based information of disease occurrences
- data will show:
Cases by geographic location
Demographic characteristics of the disease
- will also provide supplemental information to the DOH
- diseases under surveillance
Lab Diagnosed Diseases Clinic Diagnosed Disease
- categorization
- types:
1. Descriptive
- narration
2. Numerical
- figures, numbers, percentage, ratio
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a. Line Graph
- trends (peaks & valleys) with a given period of time
b. Bar Graph
- showing comparisons of variables
c. Pie Chart
- percentage distribution or composition
- should not be more than 6 variables
d. Scatter Diagram
- correlation of 2 variables
e. Population Pyramid
- age and sex of the population
- aka. “Age-Sex Pyramid “
- types:
1. Expansive / Expanding ‼
- wider base ; narrow top
- younger population, ⬆ birth rate, ⬆ mortality, ⬆ fertility rate
- ⬇ life expectancy
2. Constrictive
- narrow base
- ⬇ percentage of younger population
- ⬇ birth rate (declining)
- ⬇ fertility rate
3. Stationary
- equal proportion of the population
- population is stable
- standard
- using of the data gathered
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1. Family Structure
a. Surname
b. Address / Contact information
c. Source of information - usually head of the family
d. Data gathered by
e. Household members - age, relationship to the head
> Tools:
*Genogram - outlines family structure by genealogy (min. 3 gen)
*Family Health Tree - family’s medical and health history based on genogram
*Ecomap - linkages to its supra systems
3. Home Management
- usual dynamics in the home
- lifestyle
1. Health Threat
- problems are external ; around self and affects health
2. Health Deficit
- problems are internal ; within self
3. Foreseeable Crisis
- problems in the future
- aka. Community Situational Analysis , Community Diagnosis
- 2 types:
1. Comprehensive Community Diagnosis
- GENERAL assessment
- data collection ➡ problem identification
2. Problem-Oriented Community Diagnosis
- SPECIFIC assessment
- problem ➡ data collection
- Assessment Tool:
> domains and problems:
a. Environmental Domain
- sanitation, neighborhood, resident, income, workplace
b. Psychosocial Domain
- communication ; relationships, parenting style
c. Physiological Domain
- health function and processes
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Problems are always MULTIPLE - must solve each problem one by one ; prioritization
- criteria:
Preventive Potential 1
Highly 3
Moderate 2
Low 1
Salience 1
Needs urgent attention 2
Not urgent attention 1
Not a felt problem 0
Magnitude 3
75-100% of population 4
50-74% of population 3
25-49% of population 2
<25% of population 1
Preventive Potential 1
Highly 3
Moderate 2
Low 1
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Social Concern 1
Needs urgent attention 2
Not urgent attention 1
Not a felt problem 0
1. The score and the weight are fixed and constant.
2. The public health nurse decides the score as well as interprets.
3. The highest score in the family = 5.
4. The highest score in the community = 10.
5. Rule: The higher the score, the more priority it is.
6. Formula: ( Score / Highest Score ) x Weight
Problem A = 2.16 - #3
Problem B = 3.99 - #1 Priority
Problem C = 2.33 - #2
a. Short
- specific ; addresses FACTORS affecting the main problem
- intervention measures are done
- ex. water, toilet, garbage
b. Long
- general ; directly addresses MAIN PROBLEMS
- ex. sanitation
a. Family - FNCP ; family nursing care plan
b. Community - CHP ; community health plan
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- aka. Implementation Phase
- professional stage in the nursing process = performing nursing procedures
> functions:
a. Dependent - more on hospital setting
b. Independent - CHN
c. Interdependent - CHN ; collaboration
- 2 types:
1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative
- both qualitative and quantitative are important but more on QUALI
- components:
Evaluation Parameters
D Problem Identification
Prioritization (activity)
Action I Action
- Independent & Interdependent - Dependent
= Community Organizing Participatory Action Research
- research in the community
- you are the one performing but more on helping
- basic research only
CO = Self reliance
PAR = Social transformation
COPAR = Community development
1. Project director - overall head of the entire COPAR ; school president
2. Project manager - right hand of director ;dean of the college
3. Coordinator for Immersion - responsible for site selection & safety of the team ; community
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4. Health Service Coordinator - goes to the site with you and helps you ; CI
5. Community Organizers - implements the organizing activities ; students
6. Training Officer - trains and implements the training ; internal (yourself) or external (invite
7. Financial Officer - like treasurer
8. Book Keeper - financial activities ; recording
9. Secretary - documentation
- Self Awareness and Leadership Training
- concept of man
- levels of care
- current Phil Health situation
- leadership styles
= “country“ and “self“
- disaster management
- bandaging
- triaging
= “Emergency and Disaster”
RA 8423 - TAMA ; Traditional Alternative Medicine Act
1. Decoction
- boil at least 20 minutes
2. Poultice
- direct application ; pounding and grinding
3. Infusion
- soaking in hot water ; 10 - 15 minutes
- like tea
4. Juice / Syrup
- juice is more concentrated ; pure
- syrup = honey + juice
5. Cream / Ointment
- cream = starch is added
- ointment = starch + oil is added
1. Massage
- pressure to any part of the body
2. Reflexology
- pressure only on the sole and palm
3. Acupressure
- pressure on the body meridians / acupoints
4. Acupuncture
- using fine thin needles
5. Aromatherapy
6. Chiropractic
- proper alignment of the spine and pelvis
7. Reiki
- palm on the head of the person and absorbing negative energy / transferring positive
8. Pranic Healing
- Prana = aura
- healing of the aura of the person
9. Meditation
- peace and relaxation of the mind
10. Yoga
- peace and relaxation of the body and mind
11. Yin-Yang
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- balance of 2 forces ; positive & negative, good & bad, feminine & masculine
- Jimenez
1. Community Consultation / Community Assembly
2. Site Selection
3. Ocular Inspection
4. Preliminary social investigation
5. Networking with LGUs
6. Identify foster family
7. Develop survey tool
Preliminary - Secondary
Deepening - Primary
1. Arrival and Integration - “ RISER ”
Imbibe with the life of the community
Respect the community
2. Information Dissemination
3. Identify potential leaders
- characteristics of leaders: TORPE
4. Core-group formation
5. Deepening social investigation
- getting first hand information from the community
4. Community Validation
5. Presentation of the community study / diagnosis and recommendations
6. Prioritization of Community needs and problems for action
*Validity of Cdx - 6 months
1. Self-reliance
2. Transfer of responsibility to the community
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PE E Co Ca $
X RN Officers CHW
Time (has extra)
Oriented for change
Respected by the people
Poorest sector (member)
Effective communication skills
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❗T ⃝ Regional hospital
Recovery , Terminal , Critical
Anything with health teaching for the well population = always PRIMARY
Any screening or diagnostic done = SECONDARY
Puericulture center is the same as lying-in centers
Vaccination is done even when someone is sick = can become an intervention
Immunization is done before someone gets sick = more GENERAL ; prevention
- Comprehensive 2-way referral system
- Changed by the Marcos: Ministry of Health
- Vision by 2030: To be a global leader for attaining better health outcomes,
competitive & responsive health care system, and equitable health financing
- Mission: Guarantee equitable, sustainable, and quality health for all Filipinos
especially the poor, and to the quest for excellence in health
- Goals:
☼ 1999 - 2004: Erap
⌁ HSRA: Health Sector Reform Agenda
⌁ Dr. Romualdez : 1998 - 2001
⌁ Dr. Dayrit : 2001 - 2005
☼ 2005 - 2010: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
⌁ Fourmula One for Health
⌁ Dr. Duque III : 2005 - 2010
⌁ Dr. Cabral : 2010
⌁ Goals: “BEM”
Better health outcomes
Equitable health care financing
More responsive health system
⌁ 4 Elements:
Health financing → investment
Health service delivery → acceptable & accessible
Health regulation → quality & affordability
Good governance
☼ 2011 - 2016: Aquino
⌁ Universal Health Care
⌁ AO #36
⌁ “Kalusugang Pangkalahatan”
⌁ Dr. Ona : 2010 - 2014
⌁ Dr. Garin : 2014 - 2016 ; issue - Dengvaxia
⌁ Goals: “ BRF ”
Better health outcomes
Responsive health system
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⌘ Deployment Programs:
- Under GMA
- Nurses Assigned in Rural Service Projects
- Just a training ; given a certificate
- Given a stipend of ₱ 8,000
- Contract: 6 months ; non renewable
- Under PNoy
- Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement And Local Service projects
- Combination of training & employment
- Given a certificate of employment & certificate of training
- Salary: ₱ 8,000
- Contract: 12 months ; non renewable
- Under Duterte
- Nurse Deployment Program
- No longer a training program, but an employment opportunity for nurses
- Given a certificate of employment and certificate of completion → PHN II
- Contract: 6 months ; renewable
- Salary grade 15 - ₱ 30,531 ; 16 - ₱ 33,584
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☼ Undersecretary:
- 9 members:
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- National Health Insurance Program = PhilHealth
☼ RA 7875 - Launched on 1995
☼ RA 10606 - National Health Insurance Act of the Philippines of 2013
☼ Oct. 2019 - Circular Order #9 Series of 2019: PhilHealth contribution will
increase 3% by 2020 → increment of 0.5% every year → 5% by 2025
- Guidelines:
☼ Member = Self-earning, sponsor, indigent, retirees, abandoned children, OFW
⌁ RA 10022 = OFW Law ; Migrant Workers Act
⌁ RA 10801 = OWAA Act ; Overseas Welfare
☼ Updated contribution
☼ Senior Citizen = Lifetime membership
⌁ RA 11228 = Mandatory PhilHealth coverage to all PWD
☼ Dependents
⌁ Parents = 60 years old and above, with permanent disability
⌁ Legitimate spouse
⌁ 21 years old and below - legitimate, illegitimate, foster child
RA 10165 = Foster Act of 2012
☼ Cancer patients
⌁ RA 11215 = National Integrated Cancer Control Act
⌁ Signed on Feb. 14, 2019
- Benefits:
☼ Inpatient coverage - subsidy:
⌁ Room
⌁ Drugs and medicines
⌁ Laboratories
⌁ OR
⌁ Professional fees for confinement of less than 24 hours
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Luzon = 38
Visayas = 12
Mindanao = 16
• Consulting specialist
• Emergency & Outpatient
• Isolation facilities
LEVEL 1 • Surgical / Maternity facilities
• Dental clinic
• Laboratory
• Pharmacy
• Everything in Level 1
• Departmentalized clinical services - ex. Stroke unit
• Respiratory unit
• High risk pregnancy unit
☼ Partnership
☼ Health and development
☼ Social mobilization
☼ Decentralization
- Sectors:
☼ Public
☼ Private
- Levels of workers:
☼ BHW / Village worker / Auxiliary worker
☼ Intermediate level health workers
⌁ Health Care Team
⌁ Those with degrees
- Pillars / Cornerstones of PHC
“ I ♡ USA “
⌁ PD 856 = Sanitation Code
⌁ PD 825 = Garbage Disposal
✾ WHO = Global WASH Program ( Water Sanitation Hygiene )
❋ Water Facilities:
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❋ Toilet Facilities:
Level I : Non water carriage toilet or Pour flush
⌁ ex. Pit-Latrines
Level II : Flush type with Septic tank
Level III : Flush type with Septic tank and with Treatment facility
❋ Food Sanitation:
Sanitary Permit - issued by MHO or sanitary engineer / inspector
Health Certificates - necessary for food handlers
Right source
Right preparation
Right cooking
Right storage
Golden Rule: If in doubt - throw it out!
❋ Waste Management:
RA 9003 - Solid Waste Management
Health Care Waste / Biomedical Waste:
⌁ From the DOH manual on health care waste management
Black : General waste
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Essential Drugs
⌁ Botkia ng Baranggay - BNB
⌁ RA 6675 = Generics Act of the PH
= Low priced generic OTC & prescription drugs
⌁ EO 174 = National Drug Policy
⌁ RA 5821 = The Pharmacy Act
Emergency care
Health Education
Communicable Diseases
⌁ RA 3573 = Law on Reporting of CDs ; OLD
⌁ RA 11332 = Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases of 2018
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- Home Based Mother’s Record / HBMR
- Called Pink Card
- Supplements: ‼
☼ Vit. A = 4th month ; 10,000 IU 2x/week
Post-Partum ; 1 dose of 200,000 IU within 4weeks after delivery
☼ Iron & Folate = 2nd trimester ; given for 6 months
Iron: 60 mg/cap OD ; 180 tabs whole pregnancy
Folate: 0.4 mg
☼ Iodine = once 200 mg during entire pregnancy
⌀ BEMOC Facility
- RHU, BHS, Lying-in clinics, Birthing home, Stand-alone facility
- DOH: At least 1 RM or RN in the facility
Physician on call
- WHO: 1 BEMOC Facility in every 125,000 population
- DOH states that the provider (RN or RM) can do the following:
6 Functions
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- Visit:
☼ First: 1st week preferably 3-5 days after delivery
Famorca - within 72 hours
Hospital - within 24 hours
☼ Second: 6th week post delivery
- Supplement:
☼ Iron & Folate = 60 mg/0.4 mg OD for 3 months ; 90 tabs
☼ Vit. A = 200,000 IU within 4 weeks after delivery
Micronutrient Supplementation
- Target population: 6 months - 5 years old
- Garantisadong Pambata = (1st) April, (2nd) October
- Vit. A = < 1 y.o : 100,000 IU, 6 months and 11 months “ONCE”
> 1 y.o : 200,000 IU, every 6 months
- Iron = Syrup, 30 mg/5mL ; 1 tbsp OD for 3 months
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- Tama, Skapat, Eksklusibo
- Guidelines:
☼ Exclusive BF for 6 months
☼ 6 months onward: complementary food
☼ Extend BF up to 2 years and beyond
- Benefits:
Bonding (Maternal & Infant) - abdomen after delivery
Resistance - antibodies ; IgA = GAtas! Passive Natural
Economic - readily available
Allergy free
Family planing
Easy to digest
Error free formula
Diarrhea prevention
Inexhaustible supply
No vitamins needed
- Proper positioning and latchment
Chin Yes ☓ ☓
☼ Football Hold
Non - dominant Hand = hold dominant arm
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- RA 9288
- Earliest: 24 hours ; Latest: 2 weeks
- Most accurate: 48 - 72 hours
- Heel prick method = side of the heel
☼ Blood sample placed on a filter paper / Guthrie Card
☼ Founder: Robert Guthrie
- Who can perform:
☼ MD
☼ RN
☼ Medtech
☼ Midwife
- Disorders checked: Metabolic, congenital disorders
☼ CH / Congenital Hypothyroidism
☼ CAH / Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
☼ GAL / Galactosemia
☼ PKU / Phenylketonuria
☼ G6PDd / Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
7. If All of the above, none of the above, any of the same of the mentioned = In CHN
ONLY, 80% that is the correct answer
8. CHN practice is always attending to the WELL population
9. Always remember the letter P: Promotion, Prevention, Participation, People,
11. Primary goal of CHN: SELF-RELIANCE
12. Nursing care is not individualistic = groups, family, community ; Hospital is
13. Prioritization can be done using the NURSING PROCESS - APIE
P - goal, objectives
I - action, resources, mobilization
E - outcome, parameters
14. If they have the same meaning, usually wrong ; if opposite, it could be one of them
15. CHN = General answer ; Hospital = Specific
16. Laws = recent law have 5 or more numbers ; starts with 10 or 11
17. Always remember you are taking the PHILIPPINE licensure exam ; people and PHN
are always partners
18. The most “Hampas Lupa” answer is the best
19. Community → groups → family
20. NINI