CRM2 SP Intel
CRM2 SP Intel
CRM2 SP Intel
• Scalable. The Internet Contact Center companies will deliver services and information Enabling customer service employees to gener-
must not only do the heavy lifting of con- to customers when, where and how the cus- ate 40% more orders in the same amount of
time and increase the time spend on high-value
tent and transaction-intensive CRM appli- tomer wants it. They’ll also deliver information
tasks by 240%.
cations, but also weather large and unpre- directly to customer systems, providing data in
Intel’s Customer Relationship Management and
dictable spikes in the workload. The formats that can flow into customers’ business
other e-Business services run in an Internet data
best-equipped Contact Centers are built applications without human intervention. The
center of more than 700 scalable, flexible Intel
from hundreds of affordable, mix-and- winning companies will use this emerging architecture-based servers that run 24x7x365.
match multiprocessor servers, with a multi- machine-to-machine capability to accelerate,
tier architecture to deliver performance automate and optimize not just their own busi-
and flexibility. ness systems and decision-making environments,
☎ Bob Kelly
Phone 973.967.6978
pertinent to CRM, supply chain automation, security that encourage efficient partner Craig R. Barret
and other e-business deployments. and client networking. President and CEO
For more information: • The Intel Business Marketplace, a Michael R. Splinter global matchmaking service designed to Executive Vice President and
forge successful e-business solutions by Director, Sales and Marketing
Intel Developer Services bringing the providers, applications and
Deborah S. Conrad
Intel works closely with software and Internet solutions together. Vice President, Sales and Marketing Group and
developers worldwide, providing extensive For more information: General Manager, Solutions Market
resources and tools to aid in developing solu- cgi-bin/ids.dll/topic.jsp?catOID=-8317 Development Group
giant or a niche player. tools, resources and expertise to help you meet Howard G. Bubb
Intel’s premier, twice-yearly event for hard- your business goals. For example, the Intel® Vice President and General Manager,
ware and software developers is the Intel® Premier Provider Program offers selected eBN Telecommunications and Embedded Group
Developer Forum (IDF). Attendees hear members special marketing campaigns and Intel Corporation
keynote addresses from top Intel executives tools help you reach new customers, enhanced 2200 Mission College Blvd.
and can participate in more than 250 in-depth financial incentives to add real dollars to your Santa Clara, CA 95052-8119
Phone 408.765.8080
sessions and hands-on labs. They receive such bottom line, and advanced training that helps
Fax 408.765.6284
essential technology information as the latest you develop your technical staff and allows you Toll Free 800.628.8686
on Intel® Pentium® 4- and Intel® Itanium™ to service your customers more effectively.
processor-based platforms, the new Intel® For more information:
Internet Exchange Architecture and Intel®
Personal Internet Client Architecture. Other
highlights include the Demo Showcase and An Industry to Support You
Innovative PC Awards. For more information: Intel works hard to develop state-of-the-art prod- ucts and to move the industry forward. But
when you base your Internet Contact Center –
Other Developer-Oriented or when you develop products and services –
Programs include: on the Intel architecture, your progress isn’t lim-
• The Intel® Early Access Service, which ited by a single vendor’s decisions. It’s driven
allows developers to securely test, opti- instead by the efforts of an entire industry – an
mize, and debug software applications open, horizontal community where hundreds if
remotely on Intel’s latest processors, not thousands of companies compete to deliver
including online code development for the compelling solutions, practical tools and robust
Itanium processor. platforms, each more powerful and cost-effec-
• The Intel® Developer Exchange (IDE), tive than the next. Building your Internet Contact
which promotes developer interaction Center on the Intel architecture is a strategic
across company lines within a targeted business choice to achieve the flexibility, per-
solutions development program. A pro- formance and scalability needed for successful
tected, online resource for collaboration CRM implementations.
and innovation, IDE provides powerful To learn more, visit,
service features and several layers of or contact your Intel representative.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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