CRM2 SP Intel

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Solution Provider

Intel, the world’s largest chip maker, is also a

leading manufacturer of computer, networking
and communications products.

Intel: Agile Internet Solutions are Key to

Maintaining Successful Customer Relationships

I t’s a cliché, but it’s true: the Internet changes

everything. It changes the rules of the game,
creating opportunities to compress cycle times,
• Open. When it comes to getting multiple
enterprises to work together efficiently, no
single vendor or application can do it all.
but also those of their customers. For those
customers who prefer to speak, Voice Portal
Platforms can still allow you to interact with hem
squeeze costs and inefficiencies, increase cus- The trick is to use industry standards and automatically, reliably and efficiently using the
tomer loyalty, and boost revenues. open platform architectures to create a human voice interface for transactions.
The Internet also changes the demands horizontally integrated Internet Contact This transformation requires a new architec-
on the data center and makes the choice of Center – then use that foundation to tural framework for creating next-generation,
Contact Center architecture a strategic rather deploy best-of-breed solutions that pre- loosely coupled machine-to-machine Internet
than a tactical decision. That’s because the rap- cisely match the company’s needs and solutions. Intel has developed a Solutions
idly emerging world of Customer Relationship provide ample room to grow and change. Framework Architecture (SFA), a set of layered
Management (CRM) is continually evolving services that provide an integrated, yet dynamic
more effective ways to obtain, delight, and Intel Accelerates Your Customer set of e-business services to applications. The
retain customers. Relationship Management Success SFA offers practical guidance to companies
Deploying these new solutions requires an As a building block supplier to the worldwide developing platform-independent, interoperable
agile solutions environment benefiting from an Internet economy, Intel® Corporation develops Internet business products and services for next-
industry of innovation. If you’re automating your the technologies that underlie today’s computer generation solutions.
CRM capabilities today – let alone planning for and Internet revolution and lay the foundation
even more customer-centric solutions – the for tomorrow’s integrated CRM systems. Intel Customer Relationship Management
vertically integrated data center that handled chips, boards, systems, software, networking and from the Inside Out
your centralized, Call Center-oriented business is communications equipment and services are As one of the world’s leading manufacturers and
going to hold you back. If you expect to reap the the “ingredients” of computer architecture and new economy players, Intel knows CRM from the
rewards continually evolving your CRM offerings, the Internet. Intel also influences the future of inside out. Intel moved its customer order entry
you need an Internet Contact Center that’s agile, the industry through its leadership in industry ini- system onto the web in July, 1998, and was
scalable, and open. tiatives and its services to software developers, quickly handling $1 billion per month in supplier-
side orders. By the end of 2000, that figure had
• Agile. No matter how fast you move, cus- application service providers (ASPs), Internet
reached $2 billion monthly. Intel also expanded
tomer expectations are probably running service providers (ISPs), e-business solution
its channel reach via more than 18,000 individu-
ahead of you. Increasingly, customers providers (eBSPs), original equipment manufac- alized sites. Among the quantifiable benefits Intel
expect their vendors to deliver the same turers (OEMs), and more. has achieved through its CRM activities: Cutting
high degree of customization for B2C Whether your company is developing its own the time needed to deliver confidential docu-
interactions that they’ve come to count on CRM solutions, or creating, integrating, or selling ments to customers from weeks to minutes.
from their consumer-oriented Web experi- customer-oriented products and services, Intel Adding direct support for 75,000 dealers around
ences. To keep up with rising expectations, offers world-class products and an extensive the world without adding a single sales person.
your Internet Contact Center must be range of technical and marketing services to Shaving a week or more off our customers’
highly modular and flexible – the better promote your success. Here’s a sampling. product development cycles.
to add new capabilities, exploit new Increased flexibility with 28% of customer
trends, and keep pace with a breathtaking Solutions Framework Architecture transactions to occurring outside normal business
rate of change. In next-generation customer-focused applications, hours.

• Scalable. The Internet Contact Center companies will deliver services and information Enabling customer service employees to gener-
must not only do the heavy lifting of con- to customers when, where and how the cus- ate 40% more orders in the same amount of
time and increase the time spend on high-value
tent and transaction-intensive CRM appli- tomer wants it. They’ll also deliver information
tasks by 240%.
cations, but also weather large and unpre- directly to customer systems, providing data in
Intel’s Customer Relationship Management and
dictable spikes in the workload. The formats that can flow into customers’ business
other e-Business services run in an Internet data
best-equipped Contact Centers are built applications without human intervention. The
center of more than 700 scalable, flexible Intel
from hundreds of affordable, mix-and- winning companies will use this emerging architecture-based servers that run 24x7x365.
match multiprocessor servers, with a multi- machine-to-machine capability to accelerate,

tier architecture to deliver performance automate and optimize not just their own busi-
and flexibility. ness systems and decision-making environments,

Defying the Limits • 63

Solution Provider

➤➤ Contact Center Building Blocks

Intel can help you build a solid foundation for
to allow you to receive telephone calls from your
customers and smoothly route them into your
your development teams to profile, tune,
and optimize applications to run most
the Contact Centers of your CRM initiatives. Contact Center. CT Connect™ CTI software facili- efficiently on Intel architecture systems.
Through the acquisition of companies like tates communication with your CRM applications. • Proof of Concept Centers that can help
Dialogic, VTG, and Parity over the past several Sharing information between your voice and data you investigate solutions for specific tasks
years, Intel has assembled a wide range of prod- worlds allows seamless customer service tech- or capabilities. Intel engineers assemble
ucts that support the creation of agile, open, niques from simple screen pops to cutting edge key technology components and create a
scalable, and flexible Contact Center solutions. multi-media queuing. For more information: comprehensive, end-to-end solution, test it
Intel provides toolkits, products, and services for interoperability, availability and scalabil-
ity, and document and publish step-by-
step instruction lists, sizing guides and
Intel Internal Support
best-known methods.
• Solution Integration Labs for integrat-
OEM/Distribution Channel Business ing, configuring and optimizing solutions.
• Intel Developer Site • • Intel Business center For more information:
• Intel OEM Customer internetservices/intelsolutionservices
Web Site Making
the Internet Intel Online Services
As e-business demands surge, more companies
are turning to fully managed application hosting
Suppliers Consumers services. Intel® Online Services offers world-
class application hosting through a global net-
• Intel-Supplier Link • Personal Technology work of Internet Data Centers that emphasize
• Support
technologically superior solutions and mission-
critical reliability. IOS provides a range of
Figure 1: The Solutions Framework Architecture services, from co-location to high-value fully
managed hosting services. All deliver maximum
that enable development of functions ranging Intel Solution Services flexibility, performance, and reliability.
from PBX integration and call termination to Companies that base their CRM solutions on the For more information:
multimedia queuing and call flow design. Intel architecture can choose from a wealth of
Intel products help to ease the development available building blocks, technologies, applica-
and deployment of the full range of CTI-enabled tions and other products and services. Intel® Intel e-Business Center
Contact Center solutions – Automatic Call Solution Services (ISS) assist companies in inte- What are other companies doing in CRM and
Distribution (ACD), Integrated Voice Response grating these hardware and software compo- how are products and services from the Intel
(IVR), CTI enablement, and multimedia queuing, nents to create best-of-breed solutions tailored e-Business Network making a difference for
just to name a few. Intel’s Parity Software toolkits to the system and application requirements. them? Case studies on Intel’s e-Business
allow for rapid development, Intel’s Dialogic Working with a broad-based group of industry Center (IeBC) website answer those questions
voice interface boards enable easy connections leaders, ISS bridges the gaps between diverse and more. IeBC is designed to serve as a
to public telephone networks and PBXs world- technology building blocks and the software and comprehensive, trusted source where compa-
wide, and our jump start services can help to hardware layers in e-Business applications. nies worldwide can research, evaluate and
teach you how to easily integrate CTI capabilities Under the Solution Services umbrella are: implement proven e-business solutions. Along
into your solution. Solutions include voice inter- • More than two dozen Application with case studies, IeBC provides an extensive
face boards and speech recognition capabilities Solution Centers, where Intel works with collection of white papers and briefs on topics

64 • Defying the Limits

Solution Provider

☎ Bob Kelly
Phone 973.967.6978

pertinent to CRM, supply chain automation, security that encourage efficient partner Craig R. Barret
and other e-business deployments. and client networking. President and CEO
For more information: • The Intel Business Marketplace, a Michael R. Splinter global matchmaking service designed to Executive Vice President and
forge successful e-business solutions by Director, Sales and Marketing
Intel Developer Services bringing the providers, applications and
Deborah S. Conrad
Intel works closely with software and Internet solutions together. Vice President, Sales and Marketing Group and
developers worldwide, providing extensive For more information: General Manager, Solutions Market
resources and tools to aid in developing solu- cgi-bin/ids.dll/topic.jsp?catOID=-8317 Development Group

tions based on the Intel architecture. If you’re John E. Davies

developing or selling CRM solutions based on Intel e-Business Network Vice President Intel Architecture Group and
the Intel architecture, Intel initiatives, programs The Intel e-Business Network (ieBN) offers Director, Solutions Market Development Group
and services can help you get up to speed resellers, service providers, system builders, net-
William A. Swope
quickly, connect with others in the industry, opti- work and system integrators, and channel organ- Vice President, Intel Architecture Group and
mize your time and effort, and develop com- izations a strategic blueprint for success in the General Manager, Intel Architecture Solutions
pelling solutions, whether you’re an industry Internet economy. Initiatives provide valuable Enabling Group

giant or a niche player. tools, resources and expertise to help you meet Howard G. Bubb
Intel’s premier, twice-yearly event for hard- your business goals. For example, the Intel® Vice President and General Manager,
ware and software developers is the Intel® Premier Provider Program offers selected eBN Telecommunications and Embedded Group

Developer Forum (IDF). Attendees hear members special marketing campaigns and Intel Corporation
keynote addresses from top Intel executives tools help you reach new customers, enhanced 2200 Mission College Blvd.
and can participate in more than 250 in-depth financial incentives to add real dollars to your Santa Clara, CA 95052-8119
Phone 408.765.8080
sessions and hands-on labs. They receive such bottom line, and advanced training that helps
Fax 408.765.6284
essential technology information as the latest you develop your technical staff and allows you Toll Free 800.628.8686
on Intel® Pentium® 4- and Intel® Itanium™ to service your customers more effectively.
processor-based platforms, the new Intel® For more information:
Internet Exchange Architecture and Intel®
Personal Internet Client Architecture. Other
highlights include the Demo Showcase and An Industry to Support You
Innovative PC Awards. For more information: Intel works hard to develop state-of-the-art prod- ucts and to move the industry forward. But
when you base your Internet Contact Center –
Other Developer-Oriented or when you develop products and services –
Programs include: on the Intel architecture, your progress isn’t lim-
• The Intel® Early Access Service, which ited by a single vendor’s decisions. It’s driven
allows developers to securely test, opti- instead by the efforts of an entire industry – an
mize, and debug software applications open, horizontal community where hundreds if
remotely on Intel’s latest processors, not thousands of companies compete to deliver
including online code development for the compelling solutions, practical tools and robust
Itanium processor. platforms, each more powerful and cost-effec-
• The Intel® Developer Exchange (IDE), tive than the next. Building your Internet Contact
which promotes developer interaction Center on the Intel architecture is a strategic
across company lines within a targeted business choice to achieve the flexibility, per-
solutions development program. A pro- formance and scalability needed for successful
tected, online resource for collaboration CRM implementations.
and innovation, IDE provides powerful To learn more, visit,

service features and several layers of or contact your Intel representative.

Defying the Limits • 65

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