Course Description:
This course is designed to assist students to develop a broad understanding of Principles, concepts,
trends and issues related to nursing management. Further, it would provide opportunity to students to
understand, appreciate and acquire skills in planning, supervision and management of nursing
services at different levels to provide quality nursing service.
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1.Describe the philosophy and objective of the health care institutions at various levels.
2.Identify trends and issues in nursing.
3.Discuss the public administration, health care administration vis a vis nursing administration.
4.Describe the principles of administration applied to nursing.
5.Explain the organization of health and nursing services at the various levels / institutions.
6.Collaborate and co-ordinate with various agencies by using multisectoral approach.
7.Discuss the planning, supervision and management of nursing workforce for various health care
8.Discuss various collaborative models between nursing education and nursing service to improve
the quality of nursing care.
9.Identify and analyse legal and enthical issues in nursing administration.
10.Describe the process of quality assurance in nursing services.
11.Demonstrate leadership in nursing at various levels.
I 10 Philosophy, purpose, elements, principles & scope of administration.
Indian Administrative system vis a vis health care delivery system: National, State
and Local, Indian Constitution.
Planning Processes: Five year plans, various committee reports on Health State and
National Health Policies, National Population Policy on AYUSH & plans.
Functions of administration.
Planning and control.
Co- ordination and delegation
Decision making – decentralization
basic goals of decentralization
Concept of management.
Concept, types and principles.
Vision and mission statements.
Philosophy, aims and objectives
Current trends and issues in Nursing administration
Theories and models.
Ap application to nursing service and
Planning process: concept, principles.
Mission, philosophy, objectives.
Strategic planning
Operational plans.
Management plans
Programme evaluation and review technique (PERT), Gantt chart, management by
objectives (MBO).
Planning new venture.
Planning for change
Application to nursing service and education
Concept, principles, objectives, types and theories, minimum requirements for
organization, developing an organizational structure, levels, organizational
effectiveness and organizational climate
Organizing nursing services and patient care : methods of patient assignment –
advantages and disadvantages, primary nursing care.
Planning and organizing : hospital, unit and ancillary services ( specially central
sterile supply department, laundry, kitchen, lab. Services, emergency etc.)
Disaster management : plan, resources, drill., etc.
Application to nursing service
and education
Recruitment : credentialing, selection, placement, promotion
Retention .
Personnel policies
Staff development programme.
Duties and responsibilities of various category of nursing personnel.
Roles And Functions
Motivation : Intrinsic, extrinsic, creating motivating climate, motivational
Communication : process, types, strategies, interpersonal communication,
channels,barriers,problems, confidentiality, public relations
Delegation; common delegation errors
Managing conflicts: process, management, negotiation, consensus
Collective bargaining: health care labour laws, unions, professional
associations, role of nurse manager
Occupational health and safety.
Application to nursing service
and education
VII 10 • Material Management
• Concepts, principles and procedures : Specifications
• ABC analysis
• VED (very important and essential daily use) analysis
• Planning equipments and supplies for nursing care : unit and hospital
• Inventory control
• Condemnation
1. Prepare prototype personal files for staff nurses, faculty and cumulative records
2. Preparation of budget estimate, Revised estimate and performance budget
3. Plan and conduct staff development programme
4. Preparation of Organization Chart
5. Developing nursing standards / protocols for various units
6. Design a layout plan for speciality units / hospital, community and educational institutions
7. Preparation of job description of various categories of nursing personnel
8. Prepare a list of equipments and supplies for speciality units
9. Assess and prepare staffing requirement for hospitals, community and educational institutions
10. Plan of action for recruitment process
11. Prepare a vision and mission statement for hospital, community and educational institutions
12. Prepare a plan pf action for performance appraisal
13. Identify the problems of the speciality units and develop plan of action by using problem solving
14. Plan a duty roster for speciality units / hospital, community and educational institutions
15. Prepare : anecdotes, incident reports, day and night reports, handing and taking over reports,
enquiry, nurses notes, official letters, curriculum vitae, presentation etc.
16. Prepare a plan for disaster management
17. Group work
18. Field appraisal report.
• Cumulative Record
• Personal Appraisal
• Various evaluation performe
• Organizational charts
• Job description
• Recruitment Process
• Vision-Mission statement
• Standing orders/protocol
• Staff development programme
• Model budget
Practical Experience:-Observational Study Report Preparation.
Hosptial Administration: -
• Account Section
• Dietary Section
• Waste Disposal etc.
Method of Teaching: -
• Lecture Discussion
• Group Discussion
• Field Visit
• Project work
• Seminar Presentation
1. Mid Term - 50
2. Pre- term - 75
3. Seminar / Presentation 100
4. Evaluation for Performance appraisal 50
Practical Experience Evaluation
Topic Date
Name of student Time
Group Maximum Marks : 100
SN. Criteria Remarks
1 2 3 4 5
1 Introduction
2 Organization of Content
3 Presentation of topic
4 Relevant examples
5 Relevant statistical data
6 Group participation
7 Control of group
8 Conclusion
AV Aids
9 Appropriate to subject
10 Proper use of A/V Aids
11 Self explanatory
12 Attractive
13 Planning and preparation
14 Use of Modern technology
Physical facilities
15 Environment
16 Classroom preparation
17 Over lay out
Personal Appearance
18 Voice & clarity
19 Mannerisms
20 References
Signature of student
Date :
DECECTION :- To facilitate the use of the clinical evaluation performs, typical activities
behavior are described on a five point scale. The direction of all scale is from lowest (1) to
highest (5). Mark your evaluation by placing a tick mark in the column, describing the student’s
standing in relation to other students in the general level experiences :-
Signature of student
Date :
Experience in Administration
Write the job description of each of the categories of the above employees in the hospital
under Administrative, Supervisory, Clinical, Teaching, Records, Reports & Returns and
other duties such as staff welfare, committee procedures ….
Signature of student
Date :
Bibliography & Reference:
Jean Barret - Ward Management
Govt.of MAH. – Hospital Administration
Koontz – Principal of Management, IVth edition, 1968.
Ann Morriene – Guide to Nursing Management.
Keith Davis – Human Relation at Work, the dynamics of organisational behaviour.
R.D. Agrawal – Organisational Management.
R.A.Sharma. – Technological Foundation Of Education.
1. Registered nurses.
2. Nursing times.
3. Nursing journal of India.
4. Nurses of India
5. Indian journal of medical ethics.
6. Indian journal of holistic nursing.
7. Journal of nursing practice and research.
8. Journal of advance nursing practice.
9. Herald of health
10. Health screen.
11. Health action
Course Description
This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in-depth understanding
in the filed of Pediatric Nursing. It will help students to develop advanced skills for nursing
intervention in various pediatric medical and surgical conditions. It will enable the student to
function as pediatric nurse practitioner / specialist. It will further enable the student to function as
educator, manager, and researcher in the filed of Pediatric nursing.
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
1. Apply the nursing process in the care of ill infants to pre adolescents in hospital and community
2. Demonstrate advanced skills/competence in nursing management of children with medical and
surgical problems
3. Recognize and manage emergencies in children
4. Provide nursing care to critically ill children
5. Utilize the recent technology and various treatment modalities in the management of high risk
6. Prepare a design for layout and describe standards for management of pediatric units / hospitals
7. Identify area of research in the filed of pediatric nursing.
Unit Hours Content
I 5 Introduction
• Current principles, practices and trends in Pediatric Nursing
• Role of pediatric nurse in various setting-Expanded and extended
• Legal aspects of child care
II 40 Medical Disorders among children :
• Pathophysiology, assessment (including interpretation of various
invasive and non-invasive diagnostic procedures) treatment
modalities, recent advances and nursing process in selected pediatric
medical disorders.
• Child with respiratory disorders :
- Upper respiratory tract : Acute Resp Tract Infection
choanal atresia, tonsillitis, epistaxis, aspiration.
- Lower respiratory tract : Bronchiolitis, Bronchopneumonia,
Bronchial Asthma, Tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis
• Child with gastro-intestinal disorders :
- Diarrhoeal diseases, gastro-esophageal reflux.
- Hepatic disorders: Hepatitis, Indian childhood Cirrhosis, liver
transplantation. Malabsorption syndrome,
• Child with renal / urinary tract disorders: Nephrotic syndrome,
Nephritis, Hydronephrosis, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, kidney
• Child with cardio-vascular disorders :
- Acquired : Rheumatic fever, Rheumatic heart disease,
- Congenital : Cynotic and acynotic
• Child with endocrine / metabolic disorders : Diabetes insipidus,
Diabetes Mellitus – IDDM, NIDDM, hyper and hypo thyroidism,
phenylketonuria, galactosemia’
• Child with Neurological disorders : Convulsions, Meningitis,
encephalitis, guillian – Barre Syndrome,
• Child with oncological disorders : Leukemias, Lymphomas, Wilm’s
tumor, nephrobalstomas, neuroblastomas, Rhabdomyosarcoma,
retinoblastoma hepatoblastoma, bone tumors
• Child with blood disorders : Anemias, thalassemias, hemophilia,
polycythemia, ITP, thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular
• Child with skin disorders
• Communicable diseases
Diphtheria, Whooping cough
Measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella
• AIDS in children
• Nutritional disorders
Protein Energy malnutrition
Vitamin deficiencies
Unit Hours Content
III 40 Common Surgical Disorders among children
(In relation to pathophysiology and management)
• Gastrointestinal system : Cleft lip, cleft palate and conditions requiring
plastic surgery, Tracheo esophageal fistula / atresia, Diaphragmatic
Hernia, Hirschsprungs’ disease / megacolon, , intestinal obstruction,
duodenal atresia, gastrochisis, exomphalus, anorectal malformation,
omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernia
• Anomalies of the nervous system : Spina bifida, Neningocele,
Myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus
• Anomalies of the genito-urinary system : Hypospadias, Epispadias,
Phimosis Torsion of testis, Undescended testes, Extrophy bladder
• Anomalies of the skeletal system
• Nursing management of with traumatic injuries
• General principles of managing Pediatric, abdominal injury, poisoning,
foreign body obstruction, burns & Bites, accidents
• Child with oncological disorders : Solid tumors of childhood,
Nephroblastoma, Neuro blastoma, Hodgkin’s / Non Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma, Hepatoblastoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma
• Management of stomas, catheters and tubes
• Management of wounds and drainages
IV 20 Intensive care/critical care for pediatric clients
• Principles for critical care nursing
• Planning and organization of Critical care nursing
• Assessment, Resuscitation, & monitoring of pediatric patients in
critical care unit
• Anatomical & physiological basis of critical illness in infancy and
• Care of child requiring long-term ventilation
• Fluid and Nutritional management of critically ill child
• Total parenteral nutrition
• Legal and ethical issues in pediatric intensive care
• Intensive care procedures, equipment and techniques
• Management of pediatric emergencies
Resp conditions, Status asthmaticus
Shock, Severe dehydration
Status epilepticus
CCF, Endocarditis
Encephalopathy, Poisoning
Trauma, Head injury
Burns, accidents
• Documentation
V 5 Developmental disturbances and implications for nursing
• Adjustment reaction to school,
• Learning disabilities
• Habit disorders, speech disorders,
• Conduct disorders,
• Early infantile autism, Attention deficit hyperactive disorders
(ADHD), depression and childhood schizophrenia.
Unit Hours Content
VI 5 Challenged child and implications for nursing
• Physically challenged causes, features, early detection and management
• Cerebral palsied child,
• Mentally challenged child.
• Training & rehabilitation of challenged children.
VII 5 Crisis and nursing intervention
• Terminally ill children and death during childhood
• Nursing intervention – counseling
VIII 5 Drugs used in Pediatrics
• Criteria for dose calculation
• Administration of drugs, oxygen and blood
• Drug interactions
• Adverse effects and their management
IX 10 Administration and management of pediatric care unit
• Design & layout
• Staffing,
• Equipment, supplies,
• Norms, policies and protocols
• Practice standards for pediatric care unit
• Documentation
X 10 Education and training in Pediatric Care
• Staff orientation, training and development,
• In-service education program,
• Clinical teaching programs.
Int assessment Midterm & Prefinal Exam 125 (50 & 75 resp.)
Seminar 1
Journal presentation 5
I. Procedures Observed :
• Echo cardiogram
• Ultrasound head
• ROP screening (Retinopathy of prematurity)
I] Identification D a t a
Name of the child :
Age :
Sex :
Date of admission :
Diagnosis :
Type of delivery : Normal/ Instrumental/LSCS
Place of delivery : Hospital/ Home
Any problem during birth : Yes/ No
If yes, give details :
Order of birth :
V] Pl ay h a bit s 02 M a r k s
Child’s favourite toy and play:
Does he play alone or with other children?
VII] Nutrition 02 M a r k s
• Breast feeding (as relevant to age)
• Weaning Has weaning started for the child: Yes/No If yes, at what age &
specify the weaning diet. Any problems observed during weaning:
Meal pattern at home 02 M a r k s
Sample of a day’s meal: Daily requirements of chief nutrients :
Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks:
VIII] I m m u ni z a tion s t atu s & sc h edule of completion of im m u ni z a tion. 02 M a r k s
I X] Sleep P attern 02 M a r k s
How many hours does the child sleep during day and night?
Any sleep problems observed & how it is handled:
X] S c h ooling 02 M a r k s
Does the child attend school?
If Yes, which grade and report of school performance:
X I] P a rent child relations hip
How much time do the parents spend with the child?
Observation of parent-child interaction:
X II] Expl a i n p arent a l re action to illnes s a nd ho s pit aliz ation
X III] C hild’s re action to the illnes s & ho s pit al tea m
X I V ] Identification of needs on priority
X V ] Co nclusion
XVI] Bibliography
Ev alu ation Criteria :A s s e s s m e nt of Gro wt h
X II] Nur s i ng m a n a g e m e nt ( U s e Nur sing Proces s )(Short Term & Long Term
Plans)Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Objective Plan of care Rationale Implementation
X III] Co m plic a tion s
Prognosis of the patient
X I V ] D a y to da y progres s report of the p a tient
X V ] Di sc h a r ge plan ning
X V I ] Reference s:
(Maximum Marks – 50)
SN. Item Marks
01. Introduction. 03
02. History and assessment. 05
03. Comparative finding with patients. 10
04. Theoretical knowledge and understanding of diagnosis. 05
05. Nursing Process. 15
06. Follow up care. 05
07. Summary and conclusion. 05
08. Bibliography. 02
Total 50
Note :- One Medical and One Surgical Pediatrics Case study. 50 Marks each.
I] P atient Biod a t a
Name, Age, Sex, Religion, Marital status, Occupation, Source of health
care, Date of admission, Provisional Diagnosis, Date of surgery if any.
II] Presenting complaints
Describe the complaints with which the child has been brought to the
III] C hild’s Per son al da t a:
• Obstetrical history of mother
• Prenatal & natal history
• Growth & Development, compare with normal (Refer Assessment
• Immunization status
• Dietary pattern including weaning(Breast feeding relevant to age)
• Play habits
• Toilet training
• Sleep pattern
• Schooling
IV] S ocio-econo mic s t atu s of the f a m ily: Monthly income, expenditure on health, food, education etc.
V] History of Illness
i) History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration,
precipitating/aggravating factors
ii) History of past illness – Illnesses, surgeries, allergies, medications
iii) Family history – Family tree, history of illness in the family members,
risk factors, congenital problems, psychological problems.
VI] Di a g no si s: (Provisional & confirmed).
Description of disease: Includes the followings
2. Definition.
3. Related anatomy and physiology
4. Etiology & risk factors
5. Path physiology
6. Clinical features.
VII] P hy sic a l Ex a m i n a tion of P atient (D ate & Ti me)
Physical examination: with date and time.
Clinical features present in the book
Present in the patient
VIII] Investigations
Date Investigation done Results Normal value Inference
I X] M a n a g e m e nt - ( M edic al / Surgic al)
• Aims of management
• Objectives of Nursing Care Plan
X] Tre at m e nt:
Drug(Pharmacologica l name)
Dose Frequency/ Time
Action Side effects & drug interaction
Nurse’s responsibility
• Surgical management
• Nursing management
X I] Nur s i ng C a r e Pl a n: Short Term & Long Term plan.
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Objective Plan of care Rationale Implementation Evaluation
XII] Di sc h a r ge pla n ning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to
the patient.
XIII] Progno s i s of the patient:
XI V ] S u m m a r y of the ca s e:
X V ] References:
(Maximum Marks – 50)
Criteria Total M a r k s
1. Content S u bjective & objective dat a . 08
2. Problem s & need Identified & N s g. C are Plan. 15
3. E f fectivenes s of pres e ntation. 05
4. Co- relation w it h patient & book. 10
5. U s e of A. V. Aid s. 05
6. P hy sic al arr a nge ment. 02
7. Group pa rticipation. 03
8. Bibliogra p hy & references. 02
Total 50
Area :- Paed. Medical & Surgical Nursing. Maximum Marks –100
Name of the Student
Year: Nursing Duration of Experience
S.No Criteria 1 2 3 4
1. Possess sound knowledge of principles of Paed Nsg
2. Has an understanding of the modern trends and current issues in paed nsg practice
3. Has knowledge of normal growth and development of children
4. Has adequate knowledge of paed nutrition and applies principles of normal therapeutic diet
5. Able to elicit health history of child and family accurately
6. Identifies need/problems of Children with Medical & Surgical problems
7. Able to plan, implement and evaluate care both preoperatively and post operatively
8. Able to calculate and administer medications to children accurately
9. Recognizes the role of play in children & facilitates play therapy for hospitalized children
10. Acts promptly in paediatric emergencies
11. Makes relevant observations, maintain records & reports promptly & effectively.
12. Skilful in carrying out physical examination, developmental screening and detecting deviations
from normal
13. Able to carry out therapeutic regime related to children in accordance with principles of
paediatric Nsg
14. Identifies opportunities for health education & rehabilitation and encourages parent participation
in the care of the child
15. Demonstrates evidence of self learning by reading of current literature/seeking help from
Personality aspects
16. Professional grooming & turn-out
17. Able to think logically, alert, attentive and well informed
18. Communicates effectively
19. Enthusiastic & takes interest in clinical setting
20. Trust worthy and reliable
21. Courteous, tactful & considerate in all her dealings with colleagues, seniors, patients & family
22. Displays emotional maturity and leader ship qualities.
23. Follows instructions & exhibits positive behavioral changes as and when required
24. Practices economy in relation to time, effort & material in all aspects of care
25. Complete assignments in time with self motivation and efforts.
Positive & Negative aspects. Signature of Student Signature of Clinical supervisor
Topic Selected :-
1. Name of the Student Teacher.
2. Name of the Supervisor.
3. Venue.
4. Date.
5. Time
6. Group.
7. Previous knowledge group.
8. General objectives.
9. Specific objectives.
10. A. V. Aids. used.
Signature of Student
A the end of the course the students will be able to :
1. Appreciate trends and issues related to cardio vascular and thoracic Nursing.
2. Describe the epidemiology, etiology, pathophydiology and diagnostic assessment of cardio vascular and
thoracic conditions
3. Participate in national health programs for health promotion prevention and rehabilitation of patients
with cardio vascular and thoracic conditions
4. Perform physical, psychosocial and spiritual assessment
5. Assist in various diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical procedures
6. Apply nursing process in providing comprehensive care to patients with cardio vascular and thoracic
7. Demonstrate advance skills / competence in managing patients with cardio vascular and thoracic
conditions including Advance Cardiac Life Support.
8. Describe the various drugs used in cardio vascular and thoracic conditions and nurses responsibility.
9. Demonstrate skill in handling various equipments / gadgets used for critical care of cardio vascular and
thoracic patients
10. Appreciate team work & co-ordinate activities related to patient care.
11. Practice infection control measures
12. Identify emergencies and complications and take appropriate measures
13. Discuss the legal and ethical issues in cardio vascular and thoracic nursing
14. Assist patient and their family to cope with emotional distress, grief anxiety and spiritual needs
15. Appreciate the role of alternative system of medicine in care of patient
16. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of cardio
vascular and thoracic nursing.
17. Identify the sources of stress and manage burnout syndrome among health care providers.
18. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
19.Design a layout of ICCU and ICTU and develop standards for cardio vascular and thoracic nursing
Unit Hrs Content
I 5 2. Introduction
Trends and recent development in the field of cardiology and CVT Nursing
Health problems related to CVT field
Concepts, principles and Nursing perspectives
Ethical and legal implications
Recent Research studies in the field of CVT Nursing and Evidence based nursing
and its application in cardio vascular and thoracic nursing (to be incorporated in all
the units)
II 5 3. Epidemiology
Hereditary psycho social factors, hypertension, smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus
Health promotion, disease prevention, Life style modification conditions.
National health programs related to cardio vascular and thoracic conditions
Alternate system of medicine
Complementary therapies
III 5 Review of anatomy and physiology of cardio vascular and respiratory system
Review of anatomy and physiology of heart, lung, thoracic cavity and blood
vessels. Embryology of heart and lung.
Coronary circulation, Pulmonary circulation, Systemic circulation
Hemodynamics and electro physiology of heart.
Bio-chemistry of blood in relation to cardio pulmonary function.
IV 20 Assessment and Diagnostic Measures
• Radiologic examination of the chest:
• interpretation, chest film findings
•Electro cardiography (ECG): electrical conduction through the heart, basic
electrocardiograhy, 12 lead electrocardiography determination
-EGC changes in: intraventricular conduction abnormalities Arrhythmias,
ischemia and Infarction, atrial and ventricular enlargement, electrolyte
• Echocardiography: echocardiography of cardiac structures in health and disease,
newer techniques – indication, procedure, normal and deviation
• Nuclear and other imaging studies of the heart: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
• Stress test (TMT): indications and objectives, safety and pre intra and post care
• Cardio electrophysiology procedures : diagnostic studies, interventional and
catheter ablation, nursing care
• Cardiac catheterization: indications, contraindications, preparation, procedure,
interpretation of data, After care spirometry, Blood gases analysis, X-Ray chest
electrophysiology procedures : diagnostic studies, interventional and catheter
ablation, nursing care
• Pulmonary function test : Bronchoscope and graphies.
• Interpretation of diagnostic measures
• Nurse’s role in diagnostic test
Blood test: Blood specimen collection, Cardiac markers, Blood lipids,
Hematologic studies, Blood cultures, Coagulation studies, Arterial blood gases,
Blood Chemistries, cardiac enzyme studies, Serum Concentration of Selected
Interpretation and role of nurse
Heart rate variability Mechanisms, measurements, pattern, factors, impact of
intervention HRV.
V 10 Congenital Heart Diseases,
Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prognosis related pathophysiology
and nursing management of :
• Embryological development of heart.
• Classification – cyanotic and acyanotic heart disease.
• Tetralogy of Fallots.
• Atrial Septal Defect, Ventricular Septal Defect., Eisenmenger’s complex.
• Patent ductus arteriousus, AP window
• Truncus Arteriosus
• Transposition of great arteries.
• Total Anomaly of Pulmonary Venous Connection.
• Pulmonary stenosia, atresia.
• Coarctation pf aprta
• Ebsein’s anomly
Double outlet right ventricle, Single
ventricle, Hypoplastic left heart
Chest physiotherapy
Nursing interventions, complimentary therapy/ alternative systems of medicine.
Intermediate and late post operative care after CABG, valve surgery, others.
Follow up care
XIII 5 Cardiac rehabilitation and preventive measures
Physical evaluation
Physical conditioning for cardiovascular efficiency through exercise
Follow up care
Preventive Measures
5 Intensive Coronary Care Unit/intensive cardio thoracic unit:
Quality assurance
• Standards, Policies, Procedure protocol
• Infection control; Standard safety measures
• Nursing audit
• Design of ICCU/ IRCU
• Staffing; cardiac team (Respiratory team)
• Burn out syndrome
Nurse’s role in the management of I.C.C.U. and IRCU
Mobile coronary care unity
Planning inservice educational programme and teaching
Clinical practice in medical surgical cardio thoracic wards, intensive care units, cardio
thoracic OPD, community preventive cardiology and operation theatres.
I. Practicals
Total – 960 Hours
1. 1 Weeks = 30 Hours
6 hrs per day x 5 days
SN Deptt/ Unit No. of Week Total Hours
1 Cardio thoracic - Medical 4 120 Hours
- Surgical 4 120 Hours
2 OTs (Cardiac and thoracic) 4 120 Hours
3 Casualty 2 60 Hours
4 Diagnostic labs including cath lab 2 60 Hours
5 ICCU 4 120 Hours
6 ICU 4 120 Hours
7 CCU 4 120 Hours
8 Paediatric Intensive 2 60 Hours
9 OPD 2 60 Hours
Total 32 Weeks 960 Hours
6. Essential Nursing Skills
7. Procedures Observed
1. Echo Cardiogram
2. Ultrasound
3. Monitoring JVP, CVP
5. MRI
6. Pet SCAN
7. Angiography
8. Cardiac cathetrisation
9. Angioplasty
10. Various Surgeries
11. Any other
I. Procedures Assisted
1. Arterial blood gas analysis
2. Thoracentesis
3. Lung biopsy
4. Computer assisted tomography (CAT Scan)
5. M.R.I.
6. Pulmonary angiography
7. Bronchoscopy
8. Pulmonary function test
9. ET tube insertion
10. Tracheostomy tube insertion
11. Cardiac catheterization
12. Angiogram
13. Defibrillation
14. Treadmill test
15. Echo cardiography
16. Doppler ultrasound
17. Cardiac Surgery
18. Insertion of chest tube
19. CVP Monitoring
20. Measuring pulmonary artery pressure by Swan-Ganz Catheter
21. Cardiac Pacing
Final Examinations :
Internal : 25
External : 75
Total : 100
Internal : 100
External : 100
Total : 200
SN Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
A. A p pro a c h.
1. Rapport with patient/ family members.
2. Collects significant information.
B. U nder s t a nding of p a tient’s he a lth problem s .
1. Knowledge about disease condition.
2. Knowledge about investigations.
3. Knowledge about treatment.
4. Knowledge about progress of the patient.
Date : __________
Name of the Student Nurse:
Date: Time:
Grade Given: Name of evaluator :
Evaluator’s Comments:
Course Description:
IV 15 International Health
• Global burden of disease and
Global health rules to
disease spread
• Global health priorities and programmes
• International quarantine and Health tourism.
• International cooperation and assistance,
International trade and travel.
• Health and food legislation, laws, adulteration of
• Disaster management
• Migration
• International health agencies-World health
• International health issue and problems
• International nursing practice standards
• International health vis-a- vis national health
• International health celebration days and their
• Visit to UNICEF Office etc.,
V 15 Education and administration
• Quality assurance
• Standards, protocols, Policies, Procedures
• Infection control, standard safety measures
• Nursing audit
• Design of Sub-Centre/Primary Health
Centre/Community health Centre
• Staffing, Supervision and monitoring –
Performance appraisal
• Budgeting
• Material management
• Role and responsibilities of different categories of
personnel in community health
• Referral chain-community outreach services
• Transportation
• Public relations
• Planning in-service educational programme and
• Training of various categories of health workers
and preparation of manuals
• Visit to subcentre, PHC, CHC, hospital Infection
Control Centre, Quality Control Centre if any, &
Inservice Education Department
VI 10 Geriatric
1 week=30hours
SN Deptt./Unit No. of Week Total hours
1 National Health and Family Welfare 17 510 hrs
programmes(community health
2. School health 3 90 hrs
3. International health (Celebration of 2 60hrs
4. Administrative (SC/PHC/CHC) 2 60hrs
5. Occupational health 2 60hrs
6. Community Mental Health 2 60 hrs
7. Geriatric 2 60 hrs
8. Rehabilitation 2 60 hrs
Total 32 weeks 960 hrs
Laparoscopic sterilization
All clinics related to RCH
Monitoring of national and family welfare programems
• Conduct various clinics
• Participate in baseline and specific surveys in urban and rural community
• School health assessment
• Health survey and Statistical analysis of data of surveys conducted.
• Home visiting and family health care
• Health assessment
• Imparting incidental and planned health teachings.
• Drug administration as per the protocols
• Treatment of minor ailments
• Investigating outbreak of epidemic
• Screening for leprosy. TB and non communicable disease
• Presumptive and radical treatment for Malaria
• Counselling
• Report writing
• Referrals
• Writing a project proposal
• Material management-requisition for indent, condemnation, inventory,
• Training and Supervision of various categories of personnel at urban and
rural setting.
• Evaluation of health programme
• Visits: Industry, NGO, rural hospital, DHO and BDO.
• Karon Saucier Lundy; Sharyn James; “Caring for the Public Health”
Jones & Barlett Publishers –2001
Internal assessment (theory): Max Marks
Periodical Exams-2
(Mid-term-50 & Pre-fnal-75 marks) Marks: 125
Seminar-2 Marks: 50
For Internal assessment marks 175 be converted out of 25
SN Assignments Marks
1 Family Care Study Urban-1 50
2 Family Care Study Rural-1 50
3 Family Health Care Plan - 2 50
4 Home Procedure Evaluation-2 100
6 Training of different categories of health 100
7 School health Programme 100
8 Health Talk-2 200
9 Clinical evaluation in different areas of 100
SN Assignments Marks
1 Organization for school / checkup programme 08
2 Assessment to find out any deviation 10
3 Knowledge and application of scientific practice 08
(Head to foot examination of child)
4 Communication skill with child, parent & 04
6 Action taken including Health Teaching & 08
7 Reporting to supervisor, parents and teacher 06
8 Recording on assessment proforma 06
Total 50
The students will acquire the knowledge in relation to -
a) To conduct simple family health survey in the community.
b) To be able to use survey card as a tool to collect survey data.
c) To prepare various tables for the tabulation of collected data.
d) To be able to interprets and present the data with the help of graphs and charts and
compare with the national norms.
e) To evaluate the continuity of family oriented health care based on survey.
f) To maintain records and reports allowed by survey.
Course Description:
This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in- depth knowledge in the field
of Critical Care Nursing. Students are able to develop advanced skills in caring for critically ill patients using
nursing process. It enables them to function as critical care nurse practitioner/ specialist. It further enables
them to function as educator, manager and researcher in the field of Critical Care Nursing.
Clinical practice in critical care units like coronary care unit, cardio thoracic intensive care units, Medical,
Surgical and Neuro/ neurosurgical ICUs, Emergency Department, Operating Room, Dialysis unit, Transplant
room. Trauma care units.
1. Airway management
a. Application of oropharyngeal airway
b. Oxygen therapy
c. CPAP ( Continuous Positive Airway pressure)
d. Care of tracheostomy
e. Endo tracheal extubation
f. Suctioning - Oral - Naso tracheal
2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Basic cardiac life support ,ECG
3. Monitoring of critically ill patients – clinically with monitors, capillary refill time (CRT) assessment
of jaundice, ECG
4. Gastric lavage
5. Assessment of critically ill patients
Identification and assessment of risk factors, Glasgow coma scale, and dolls eye movement, arterial
pressure monitoring, cardiac output/ pulmonary artery pressure monitoring, and detection of life
threatening abnormalities.
6. Admission and discharge of critically ill patients
7. Nutritional needs- gastrostomy feeds, jejunostomy feeds, TPN, formula preparation and patient
8. Assessment of patient for alteration in blood sugar levels monitoring blood sugar levels periodically
and administrating insulin periodically.
9. Administration of drugs: IM, IV injection, IV cannulation and fixation of infusion pump, calculation
of dosages, use of insulin syringes/ tuberculin, monitoring fluid therapy, blood administration.
10. Setting up dialysis machine and starting, monitoring and closing dialysis.
11. Procedures for prevention of infection – hand washing, disinfection and Sterlization surveillance,
fumigation and universal precautions.
12. Collection of specimen.
13. Setting, use and maintenance of basic equipment, ventilator, O2 analyzer, monitoring equipment,
transducers, defibrillator, infusion and syringe pumps, centrifuge machine.
IV other Procedures:
Seminar 25
Assignment on Planning of
a critical care Unit 25
Total = 175
(Out of 25)
Final Examinations :
Internal : 25
External : 75
Total : 100
Internal : 100
External : 100
Total : 200
b. I] Patient Biodata
Name, Age, Sex, Religion, Marital status, Occupation, Source of health
care, Date of admission, Provisional Diagnosis, Date of surgery if any.
II] Presenting complaints
Describe the complaints with which the child has been brought to the hospital
III] Socio-economic status of the family: Monthly income, expenditure on health, food,
education etc.
IV] History of Illness (Medical & Surgical)
i) History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration,
precipitating/aggravating factors
ii) History of past illness surgery, allergies, medications etc.
iii) Family history – Family tree, history of illness in the family members,
risk factors, congenital problems, psychological problems etc.
V] Diagnosis: (Provisional & confirmed).
Description of disease: Includes the followings
1. Definition.
2. Related anatomy and physiology
2. Etiology & risk factors
3. Path physiology
5. Clinical features.
VI] Physical Examination of Patient (Date & Time)
Physical examination: with date and time.
Clinical features present in the book Present in the patient
c. VII] Investigations
Date Investigation done Results Normal value Inferences
VIII] Management - (Medical /Surgical)
a) Aims of management
b) Objectives of Nursing Care Plan
IX] Treatment:
Drug (Pharmacological name)
Dose Frequency/ Time
Action Side effects & drug reaction
Nurse’s responsibility
• Medical or Surgical Management.
• Nursing management
X] Nursing Care Plan: Short Term & Long Term plan.
Assessment Nursing
Objective Plan of
Rationale Implementation Evaluation
XI] Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to the
XII] Prognosis of the patient:
XIII] Summary of the case:
IVX] References:
Maximum Marks – 50)
SN Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
A. Approach.
1. Rapport with patient/ family members.
2. Collects significant information.
B. Understanding of patient’s health problems.
1. Knowledge about disease condition.
2. Knowledge about investigations.
3. Knowledge about treatment.
4. Knowledge about progress of the patient.
Date : __________
Name of the Student Nurse:
Date: Time:
Grade Given: Name of evaluator :
Evaluator’s Comments:
6. Sheree Comer: Delmar’s Critical Care- Nursing Care plans; 2nd ed.,
Thomson, 2005
1.Critical Care Nursing : AACN
2.Critical Care Nursing Clinic
Clinical Speciality – II
Placement : II Year
Hours of instruction
Theory : 150 hrs.
Practical : 950 hrs.
Total : 1100 hrs.
Course Description
This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in depth
understanding in the field of gastor enterology Nursing .It will help students to develop
advanced skills for nursing intervention in various gastro enterology conditions. It will
enable the student to function as gastro further enable the student to function as educator
,manager and researcher in the field of gastro enterology nursing .
At the end of the course the student will be able to
1. Appreciate trends and issues related to gastro enterology nursing .
2. Describe the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiolgy and diagnostic assessment of
gastrointestinal conditions.
3. Participate in national health programs for health promotion ,prevention and
rehabilitation of patients with gastrointestinal conditions.
4. Perform physical ,psychosocial & spiritual assessment.
5. Assist in various diagnostic ,therapeutic and surgical procedures.
6. Provide comprehensive care to patients with gastrointestinal conditions.
7. Describe the various drugs used in gastrointestinal conditions and nurses
8. Demonstrate skill in handling various equipments / gadgets used for patients with
gastrointestinal conditions.
9. Appreciate team work & coordinate activities related to patients care.
10. Practice infection control measures.
11. Identify emergencies and complications & take appropriate measures.
12. Assist patients and their family to cope with emotional distress, grief, anxiety and
spiritual needs.
13. Discuss the legal and ethical issue in GE nursing.
14. Identify the sources of stress and manage burnout syndrome among health care
15. Appreciate the role of alternative system of medicine in care of patients.
16. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the
field of gastrointestinal nursing.
17. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
18. Design a layout of Gastro enterology intensive care unit (GEICU), liver care /
transplant unit.
Course Content
Unit Hours Content
I 5 Introduction.
• Historical development: trends and issues in the field of gastro
enterology .
• Gastro enterological problems.
• Concepts, principles and nursing perspective.
• Ethical and legal issues.
• Evidence based nursing and its application in gastrointestinal
nursing (to be incorporated in all the units)
II 5 Epidemiology.
• Risk factors associated with GE conditions Hereditary ,
Psychosocial factors ,smoking ,alcoholism ,dietary habits
,cultural and ethnic considerations.
• Health promotion ,disease prevention ,life style modification and
its implications to nursing.
• National health programmes related to gastro enterology.
• Alternate system of medicine / complementary therapies.
• Hirschsprung’s disease
IX 15 Pharmo Kinetics
Drugs used in GIT
Principles of administration
Roles responsibilities of nurses
Drugs in Peptic ulcer disease
Proton Pump inhibitors
H2 Receptor Antagonists
Cytoprotective Agents :
Drugs used in Diarrhea
Drugs used in constipation
Drugs used in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Antiemetics :
Vitamin Supplements
X 10 Nutrition and nutritional problems related to GI system
• Nutritional assessment and nursing interventions
• Therapeutic diets
• Adverse reactions between drugs and various foods
• Malnutrition – etiology, clinical manifestations and
• Tube feeding, parenteral nutrition, total parenteral nutrition
• Obesity- etiology, clinical manifestations and management
• Eating disorders- anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa
• Recent advances in nutrition
XI 15 Malignant disorders of gastro intestinal system
• Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prognosis,
related pathophysiology, medical, surgical, other modalities
and nursing management of :
Malignancy of oral cavity, Lip, Tongue, buccal
mucosa oropharynx, Salivary gland
Esophageal, Gastric, Carcinoma of bowel – Small
bowel, Colorectal and Anal carcinoma,
Liver, biliary tract and Pancreatic carcinoma
XII 5 Administration and management of GE unit
• Design & layout
• Staffing,
• Equipment, supplies,
• Infection control ; Standard satety measures
• Quality Assurance :- Nursing audit – records / reports,
Norms, policies and protocols
• Practice standards
XIII 5 Education and training in GE care
• Staff orientation, training and development,
• In- service education program,
Clinical teaching programs
Total = 960 Hours
1 Week = 30 Hours
Sr.No Dept / Unit No. of Week Total Hours
1 Diagnostic labs 2 60 Hours
2 Emergency and 3 90 Hours
3 Liver transplant unit 1 30 Hours
4 GE Medical Ward 6 180 Hours
5 GE Surgical Ward 8 240 Hours
6 OT 2 60 Hours
7 ICU 4 120 Hours
8 Pediatric 2 60 Hours
9 Oncology 2 60 Hours
10 GE OPD 2 60 Hours
Total 32 Weeks 960 Hours
Procedures Assisted
Procedures performed
1. Ostomy clinic.
2. National Nutrition Institute.
3. Institute Manufacturing Commercial food products.
4. Whole sell market for grain and food storage.
Internal Assessment:-
Test- (2 tests)
Mid term Examination - 50 marks theory + 50 practical
Pre final examination - 75 marks theory + 100 practical
Total 125 marks + 150 marks
Practical Experience Assignments
Case study : 02 (50 marks each) 50 x 2 = 100
Case Presentation : 02 (50 marks each) 50 x 2 = 100
Care Plan : 03 (50 marks each) 50 x 3 = 150
Clinical Performance Evaluation: 03 (100 marks each) 100 x 3 = 300
Practical Examination Mid Term 50
Pre Term 100
Internal Assessment Total marks out of 100
External Assessment Total marks out of 100
Final Examinations :
Internal : 25
External : 75
Total : 100
Internal : 100
External : 100
Total : 200
SN Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
A. Approach.
1. Rapport with patient/ family members.
2. Collects significant information.
B. Understanding of patient’s health problems.
1. Knowledge about disease condition.
2. Knowledge about investigations.
3. Knowledge about treatment.
4. Knowledge about progress of the patient.
Name of College
Date : __________
Name of the Student Nurse:
Date: Time:
Grade Given: Name of evaluator :
I Knowledge of subject matter
a. Organisation of subject matter
b. Classification of ideas with
appropriate and interesting
c. Depth and mastery of subject
d. Anticipated question and has
prepared for answer
e. Selection and organisation of
A. V. aids
f. Integration and co-relation with
other subjects.
g. Submitted in time for
II Oragnisation and management of
a. Budgeting of time
b. Asked questions for
c. Class room participation
III Effectiveness of Seminar
a. Introduction of topic
b. Ability to hold students
c. Stimulate student participation
IV Effectiveness of Seminar
a. Questioning clear and
b. Maintaining learning
c. Use of black board
V Personal appearance
a. Neatness and Professional
b. Degree of self confidence
c. Language (Appropriate correct,
clear, tone mannerism)
d. Punctuality (Starting lesson,
completing lesson)
6. Sheree Comer: Delmar’s Critical Care- Nursing Care plans; 2nd ed.,
Thomson, 2005
1.Critical Care Nursing : AACN
2.Critical Care Nursing Clinics
1. P.G.Mortan “Critical care NSG” 8th edition, 2005 Lippincott williams and nel kins.
2. Sheree Comer Delumar’s “Critical care NSG care plan” 2nd edition ,2005 Thomson .
R.J.Vakil “Gastrontorolgy Dennis Kason”.
3. Marvynsinger “OxFord Haudbook of Critical Care” 2nd edition , 2005 Oxford
University press . “M.S.Baird Manual of Critical Care” NSG 5th edition 2005 Elsevier.
4. Janeb HGicks Keen “Critical Care Nursey Consultant Mosby” 1997.
Jaya Kurvella “Essentials of oritical NSG Jaypee Brothers Number 2007.
5. Thresyamma,C.P “Operating Room Technique and Anesthesia for General Nursing
Course “ 2nd edition , Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher.
6. Kuruvilla, Jaya “Essentials of Critical Care Nursing” ,1st edition ,Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publisher.
7. Davidson “Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine”,20th edition ,Churchill
8. Dennis ,L.K “Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine .Vol . – 2,16th edition ,
McGraw – Hill Medical Publishing.
9. Marion ,Paul “The I.C.U.Book” 3rd edition Lippincott Williams.
10. Taylor, Carol “Fundamentals of Nursing : The art and Science of Nursing Care”
5th edition With CD – ROM ,Lippincott Williams.
11. Potter, P “Fundamentals of Nursing” 6th edition With CD – ROM, Mosby.
12. Potter, P “Basic Nursing : Essentials fro Practice” 6th edition With CD – ROM,
13. Joshi,Y.K.“Basic of Clinical Nutrition” 1st edition, Jaypee Brothers Med.Publishers.
14. Black,J “Medical Surgical Nursing : Clinical Management for Positive outcomes”,
Vol – 1 ,7th edition , Saunders ,Elsevier.
15. Black,J “Medical Surgical Nursing : Clinical Management for Positive outcomes”,
Vol – 2 ,7th edition With CD - ROM, Saunders ,Elsevier.
16. Behram,R “Nelson Textbook of Pediatric” 17th edition ,Saunders.
17. Rang, H.P “Pharamcology” 5th edition ,Churchill Livingstone.
19. Smelter’s “Brunner and Suddarths Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing” 10th
edition, With CD – ROM , Lippincott Williams.
19. White ,L.Duncan “Medical Surgical Nursing : An Integrated Approach ,2nd edition,
Placement :IInd year Hours of Instruction
Theory :150 hours
Practical : 950 hours
Total :1100 hours
Course Description
The course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in depth understanding
in the field of Psychiatric nursing. It will help students to appreciate the clients as a holistic
individual and develop skill to function psychiatric nurse specialist. It Will further enable the student
to function as educator, manager and researcher in the field of psychiatric nursing.
1. Apply the nursing process in the care of mentally ill patients in hospital and community.
2. Demonstrate advanced skills/competence in nursing management of patients with mental
3. Recognize and manage emergencies in children
4. Providing nursing care to critically ill children
5. Utilize the recent technology and various treatment modalities in the management of high
risk children
6. Identify and manage psychiatric emergencies.
7. Demonstrate skills in carrying out crisis intervention
8. Appreciate the legal and ethical issues pertaining to psychiatric nursing.
9. Identify areas of research in the field of psychiatric nursing.
10. Prepare a design layout and describe standards for management of psychiatric units/
11. Teach psychiatric nursing to undergraduate students & in-service nurses.
Procedures Observed
1. Psychometric tests
2. Personality tests
3. Family therapy
4. CT
5. MRI
6. Behavioral therapy
Procedure Performed
1. Mental status examination
2. Participating in various therapies-Physical ECT.
3. Administration of Oral, IM, IV psychotherapy drugs
4. Interviewing Skills
5. Communication Skills
6. Counseling Skills
7. Psycho education
8. Interpersonal relationship skills.
9. Community Survey for identifying mental health problems
10. Rehabilitation therapy
11. Health education and life skills training
12. Supportive psycho therapic skills
13. Group therapy
14. Milieu therapy
15. Social/Recreational therapy
16. Occupational therapy
17. Journal Presentations -5
18. Family burden assessment
Field Visits
School for Mentally Challenged, Destitute Home, Old Age Home, Remand Home,
Orphanage, HIV/AIDS Rehabilitation Programme, Suicide Prevention Programme,
Dist./State Mental Hosp, Child Guidance Clinic, Crisis Intervention Programme,
Deaddiction Centre
1 Indian journal of psychiatry.
2 Journal of psychosocial nursing.
3 British journal of psychiatric nursing.
I Internal Assessment (theory) Periodical Exams - 2 Maximum Marks : 25
(Practical) Maximum Marks : 50
1. History taking : 50 marks each
2. MSE: 50 marks each
3. Process Recording: 25 marks each
4. Clinical performance evaluation Marks: 100
5. Case Study: Marks: 50
6. Case Presentation: Marks: 50
7. Drugs study Marks : 50
9. Health Education: Marks: 25
Practical Exam :
1. 1st Perodical viva Marks: 25
2. Midterm Exam Marks 50
3. Prelims Exam Marks 50
External Assessment - University Exam :Theory Marks Marks 75
Practical Marks Marks 50
4.Clinical Manifestation – 04
In general / in book
In Patient -
5.Differential diagnosis 04
6.Prognosis 04
7.Management – 08
a) Pharmaco therapy and Somatic therapies
b) Psychosocial approaches
8.Nursing Management – 08+2
a) General approaches
b) Nursing Process
c) Rehabilitation/ long term care
Drugs Study 04
Bibliography 04 Total 50
Name of the student :
Batch : Ward :………..
Period: From ------------------ to ----------------- Maximum Marks 100
Excellent 5 V. Good 4 Good 3Average 2
1. Elicit the comprehensive history of the patient.
2. Understands the disease aspect
3. Examines the mental status of the patient
4. Participates in the management of patient, in relation to drug and psychosocial
5. Carries out Nursing process with emphasis on: Meeting physical needs of
6. Attends to psycho social needs
7. Identifies and meets the family needs.
1. Utilizes therapeutic communication techniques while interacting with patients
& family members.
2. Improve therapeutic communication skills by process recording.
3. Maintains professional relationship with health team members.
1. Accepts the patient as he is Maintains consistency in behavior and attitude
2. Structures time of the patient
3. Provides a safe environment.
1. Records & Reports MSE daily (assigned patients)
2. Applies the principles of recording and reporting (accuracy, apprehensiveness,
V. Health Teaching Incidental and planned teaching.
VI. Personality
1. Professional appearance
2. Sincerely Sense responsibility
3. Punctuality
1 Tests 2
Midterm (50 marks) 50
Prefinal (75 marks) 75
2 Other Assignment
Seminar (100 marks) 100
Project Work 100
The course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in depth understanding in
the field of Nephro and Urological Nursing. It will help students to develop advanced skills for nursing
intervention in various nephro and urological conditions. It will enable the students to function as a
nephro and urology nurse practitioner / specialist and provide quality care. It will further enable the
students to function as educator, manager and researcher in the field of nephro and urology nursing.
I Procedures observed
1. CT scan
2. MRI
3. Radiographic studies
4. Urodynamics
5. Haemodialysis & Peritoneal dialysis
6. Renal surgeries
7. Lithotripsy (Extra corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy)
1. Be posted in Nephrology and Urology wards, emergency wards(ICU), dialysis center, Kidney
transplant unit, Paediatric ward, Operation theatre, Nephro and urology OPDs.
2. Care for patients undergoing dialysis and kidney transplant and write one case study and one
case presentation in Nephrology ward.
3. Care for paediatric cases with Nephro and Urological disorder and write one case study.
4. Care for patients with urological disorders and write atleast one case study & one case
5. Present the report of experience at dialysis and transplant unit. And procedures observed /
assisted in OPDs.
6. Practice the following nursing procedures -
1. Mid Term Exam. Marks – 50
2. Pre Final Exam. Marks – 100
SN Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
A. Approach.
1. Rapport with patient/ family members.
2. Collects significant information.
B. Understanding of patient’s health problems.
1. Knowledge about disease condition.
2. Knowledge about investigations.
3. Knowledge about treatment.
4. Knowledge about progress of the patient.
Placement: II Years Hours of Instruction
Theory – 150 Hours
Practical – 950 Hours
Total : 1100 Hours
Course Description
This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in-depth knowledge in
the field of neurology and neurosurgical Nursing. It will help students to develop advanced skills for
nursing intervention in caring for patients with neurological and neurosurgical disorders. It will
enable the student to function as neuroscience nurse practitioner / specialist. It will further enable the
student to function as educator, manger and researcher in the field of neurology and neurosurgical
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Appreciate trends and issues related to neurology and neurosurgical Nursing.
2. Review the anatomy and physiology of nervous system.
3. Describe the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology and diagnostic assessment of patients
with neurological and neurosurgical and neurosurgical disorders.
4. Perform neurological assessment and assist in diagnostic procedures.
5. Describe the concepts and principles of neuroscience nursing.
6. Describe the various drugs used in neurosciences and nurses responsibility.
7. Assist in various therapeutic and surgical procedures in neuroscience nursing.
8. Demonstrate advance skills/competence in managing patients with neurological
and neurosurgical disorder following nursing process approach.
9. Identify psychosocial problems of patients with disabilities and assist patients and
their family to cope with emotional distress, spiritual, grief and anxiety.
10. Participate in preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services for neurological
and neurosurgical patients.
11. Explain the legal and ethical issues related to brain death, organ transplantation
and practice of neuroscience nursing.
12. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in
the field of neuroscience nursing.
13. Organise and conduct in-service education program for nursing personnel.
14. Develop standards of care for quality assurance in neuroscience nursing practice.
15. Identify the sources of stress and manage burnout syndrome among health care providers.
16. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers.
17. Plan and develop physical layout of neuro intensive care unit.
Course Content
Unit Hours Content
I 5 Introduction
Introduction to neuroscience (neurological and neurosurgical) nursing
• History – Development in neurological and neurosurgical nursing, Service
& education.
• Emerging trends and issues in neurology and neuro surgery and its
implication to nursing.
• Neurological and neurosurgical problems –
• Concepts, principles and nursing perspectives
• Ethical and legal issues
• Evidence based nursing and its application in neurological and
neurosurgical nursing.
II 5 Epidemiology
Major health problems-
Risk factors associated with neurological conditions- Hereditary,
Psychosocial factors, smoking, alcoholism, dietary habits, cultural and ethnic
consideration, occupational and infections.
Health promotion, disease prevention, life style modification and its
implications to nursing.
Alternative system of medicine / complementary therapies
III 10 Review of Anatomy and physiology
Embry physiology
Structure and functions of Nervous system-CNS, ANS, cereberal circulating,
cranial and spinal nerves and reflexes, motor and sensory functions.
Sensory organs
IV 15 Assessment and diagnostic measures
• History taking
• Physical assessment, psychosocial assessment
• Neurological assessments, Glasgow coma scale interpretation & its
relevance to nursing.
Common assessment abnormalities.
Unit Hours Content
Diagnostic measures
• Cerebro spinal fluid analysis
• Radiological studies-Skull and spine X-ray Cerebral Angiography, CT
Scan, Single Photon Emission Computer tomography (SPECT), MRI
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), MRA, MRS, Functional MRI,
Myelography, PET (Positron Emission Test), Interventional radiology.
• Electrographic studies- Electro encephalo graphy, MEG, EMG, video
• Nerve conduction studies-Evoked potentials, visual evoked potentials,
brain stem auditory evoked potentials, somatosensory evoked potentials.
• Ultrasound studies-Carotid duplex, transcranial Doppler sonography,
• Immunological studies
• Biopsies – muscle, nerve and Brain.
Interpretation of diagnostic measures
Nurse’s role in diagnostic tests.
V 5 Meeting Nutritional needs of neurological patients
Basic nutritional requirements
Metabolic changes following injury and starvation
Nutritional assessment
Common neurological problems that interfere with nutrition and strategies
for meeting their nutritional needs.
Special metabolic and electrolyte imbalances
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
VI 5 Drugs used in neurological and neurosurgical disorders
Indications, contraindications, actions and effects, toxic effects Role of nurse
VII 10 Traumatic conditions
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Cranio cerebral injuries.
• Spinal & spinal cord injuries
• Peripheral nerve injuries.
• unconsciousness
Unit Hours Content
VIII 10 Cerebro vascular disorders.
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Stroke & arterio venous thrombosis.
• Haemorrhagic embolus.
• Cerebro vascular accidents.
• Intracranial aneurysm.
• Subarchnoid Haemorrhage
• Arterio venous fistula
• Brain tumours
Diseases of cranial nerves;trigeminal neuralgia, Facial palsy, Bulbar palsy.
IX 10 Degenerating and demyelinating disorders
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Motor neuron diseases.
• Movement disorders- Tics, dystonia, chorea, wilson’s disease, essential
• Dementia
• Parkinson’s disease
• Multiple sclerosis.
• Alzemier’s
X 10 Neuro infections
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
Neuro infections
• Meningitis-types
• Encephalitis.
• Poliomyelitis.
• Parasitic infections.
• Bacterial infections.
• Neurosyphilis.
• Brain abscess
Unit Hours Content
XI 10 Paroxysmal disorders.
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Epilepsy and seizures.
• Status epilepticus.
• Syncope.
• Menier’s syndrome.
• Cephalgia.
XII 10 Developmental disorders.
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnostic,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Hydrocephalus
• Craniosynostosis
• Spina bifida-Meningocele, Meningomyelocele encephalocele
• Syringomyelia
• Cerebro vascular system anomalies
• Cerebral palsies
• Down’s syndrome
XIII 10 Neuro muscular disorders.
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Polyneuritis – G B Syndrome.
• Muscular dystrophy.
• Myasthenia gravis.
• Trigeminal neuralgia.
• Bell’s palsy.
• Menier’s disease
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Peripheral neuropathies
XIV 5 Neoplasms – surgical conditions.
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Space occupying lesions – types
• Common tumors of CNS
Unit Hours Content
XV 5 Others disorders
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
Metabolic disorders- diabetes, insipidus, metabolic encephalopathy
Sleep disorders.
Auto immune disorders- multiple sclerosis, inflammatory myopathies
XVI 10 Neuro emergencies
Causes, pathophysiology, Clinical types, Clinical features, diagnosis,
Prognosis, Management: medical, surgical and Nursing management of
• Increased intracranial pressure
• Unconscious
• Herniation syndrome
• Seizures
• Several head injuries
• Spinal injuries
• Cerebro vascular accidents
XVII 5 Rehabilitation
Concept and Principles of Rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation in acute care setting, and following stroke, heald injury and
degenerative disorders of brain.
Speech & Language – Neurogenic communication disorders.
XVII 5 Ethical and legal issues in neuroscience nursing
I Brain death and organ transplantation
Negligence and malpractice
Nosocomial infections
XIX 5 Quality assurance in neurological nursing practice
Role of advance practitioner in neurological nursing
Professional practice standards
Quality control in neurologic nursing
Nursing audit
Neuro ICU
• Philosophy, aims and objectives
• Policies, staffing pattern, design and physical plan of neuro ICU
• Team approach, functions
• Psychosocial aspects in relation to staff and clients of neuro ICU,
• In-service education
Total = 960 Hours
1 week = 30 Hours
SN. Area of posting No. of Week Total Hours
1 OPD 2 60
2 Casualty 2 60
3 Diagnosis 2 60
4 Neuro psychiatry 1 30
5 Neuro Medical wards 4 120
6 Paediatric Neuro ward 2 60
7 Neuro surgical wards 4 120
8 Head injury ward 4 120
9 ICU – neuro medicine 4 120
10 ICU – neuro surgical 4 120
11 Rehabilitation 2 60
12 Operation Theatre 1 30
Total 32 Weeks 960 Hours
1. Neuro Science Nursing A Spectum of care 2nd Edition, 2002 , Ellen Barker by Mosby
4. Brunner & Suddarth’s Text book of Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition, 2004, Smeltzer Bare,
Lippincott Williams
5. principles of Pediatrics and Neonatal Emergencies, 1st Edition, 1996, Sachadeva, Puri, Bagga &
7. Text book of Human Neuroanatomy, 5th Edition, 1997, Inderbir Singh, T.P. Brothers.
8. Primary Prevention of Mental, Neurological and Psychosocial disorders, WHO, Geneva, AITBS
publications, India.
Calculate of out of 25
Final Examinations :
Internal : 25
External : 75
Total : 100
Internal : 100
External : 100
Total : 200
I] Patient Biodata
Name, Age, Sex, Religion, Marital status, Occupation, Source of health
care, Date of admission, Provisional Diagnosis, Date of surgery if any.
II] Presenting complaints
Describe the complaints with which the child has been brought to the hospital
III] Socio-economic status of the family: Monthly income, expenditure on health, food,
education etc.
IV] History of Illness (Medical & Surgical)
i) History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration,
precipitating/aggravating factors
ii) History of past illness surgery, allergies, medications etc.
iii) Family history – Family tree, history of illness in the family members,
risk factors, congenital problems, psychological problems
V] Diagnosis: (Provisional & confirmed).
Description of disease: Includes the followings
1. Definition.
2. Related anatomy and physiology
3. Etiology & risk factors
4. Path physiology
5. Clinical features.
VI] Physical Examination of Patient (Date & Time)
Physical examination: with date and time.
Clinical features present in the book Present in the patient
VII] Investigations
Date Investigation done Results Normal value Inferences
VIII] Management - (Medical /Surgical)
a) Aims of management
b) Objectives of Nursing Care Plan
IX] Treatment:
Drug (Pharmacological name)
Dose Frequency/ Time
Action Side effects & drug reaction
• Medical or Surgical Management.
• Nursing management
X] Nursing Care Plan: Short Term & Long Term plan.
Assessment Nursing
Objective Plan of
Rationale Implementation Evaluation
XI] Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to the
XII] Prognosis of the patient:
XIII] Summary of the case:
IVX] References:
Medical Surgical
1. Brunner and Suddarth’s, Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing, 9 th edition, 2005, Lippincott
Raven Publishers.
2. John Luckmann, Medical Surgical Nursing, 3rd edition, 1987, Saunders Company, Philadelphia,
3. Jayce M. Black, Jane Hokanson Hawks, Medical Surgical Nursing- Clinical Mangement for
positive outcomes, 7th edition, 2005, Elsevier, India.
4. Brunner S. B., Suddarth D. S., The Lippincott Manual of Nursing practice J. B. Lippincott.
5. Medical Surgical Nursing: an integrated approach, White, L, Delmar Thomson learning (2002)
2nd ed, United States
6. Lewis, Heitkemper & Dirksen Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problem (6th ed) (2000) Mosby.
7. Colmer R. M., Moroney’s Surgery for Nurses (16th ed) (1995) ELBS.
8. Shah N. S., A P I textbook of Medicine, The Association of Physicians of India Mumbai (2003).
9. Satoskar R. S., Bhandarkar S. D. & Rege N. N., Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, 19 th
ed, 2003 Popular Prakashan, Mumbai.
10. Phipps W.J., Long C. B. & Wood N. F., Shaffer’s Medical Surgical Nursing B. T. Publication
Pvt. Ltd. (2001) New Delhi.
11. Datta T. K. fundamentals of Operation Theatre Services, Paypee, (2003), New Delhi.
12. Maheswari J , Essentials of Orthopedics (3rd ed) Mehta Publication, New Delhi.
13. Pasricha J. S., Gupta R., Illustrated Text book of Dermatology , 2 nd ed, 2001 Jaypee brothers
New Delhi.
14. Haslett C., Chilvers E. R., Hunder J.A.A. & Boon, N. A. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of
Medicine, 18th ed, (1999) Churchill living stone. Edinburgh.
15. Walsh M., Watson’s Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences, 6th ed, (2002) Bailliere Tindall
16. Mmedical Surgical Nursing: A Nursing process approach Col. I & II, Ignatacicius, Donna and
Workman, Linda, W. B. Saunders company, Philadelphia , 1995
17. Nettina, Sandra, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, The Lippincott Manuel of Nursing practice, 7th
ed, 2001, Philadelphia
Name of College
Date : __________
Name of the Student Nurse:
Date: Time:
Grade Given: Name of evaluator :
Evaluator’s Comments:
Signature of the Student
Name of the College
6. Sheree Comer: Delmar’s Critical Care- Nursing Care plans; 2nd ed.,
Thomson, 2005
1.Critical Care Nursing : AACN
2.Critical Care Nursing Clinics
Placement – II year Hours of instruction
Theory: 150
Practical: 950
Total: 1100
Course description
This course is designed to assist the student in developing expertise and in-depth
understanding in the field of obstetric and gynecological Nursing. It will help the student to develop
advance-nursing skill for nursing interventions in various obstetrical and gynecological conditions. It
will further enable the students to functions as midwifery nurse practitioner / specialist, educator,
manager and researcher in the field of obstetric and gynecological nursing.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology and diagnostic assessment of women
with obstetric and gynecological conditions
2. Perform physical, psychological, cultural and spiritual assessment
3. Demonstrate competence in caring for women with obstetrical and gynecological conditions
4. Demonstrate competence in caring for high risk newborn
5. Identify and manage obstetrical and neonatal emergencies as per protocol
6. Practice infection control measures
7. Utilize recent technology and various diagnostic, therapeutic modalities in the management
of obstetrical, gynecological and neonatal care
8. Demonstrate skill in handling various equipments / gadgets used for obstetrical,
gynecological and neonatal care
9. Teach and supervise nurses and allied health workers
10. Design a layout of specialty units of obstetrics and gynecology
11. Develop standards for obstetrical and gynecological nursing practice
12. Counsel women and families
13. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identity the areas of research in the field of
obstetrical and gynecological nursing
14. Function as independent midwifery nurse practitioner
I Management of problems of women during pregnancy 25
Risk approach of obstetrical nursing care, concept & goals
Screening of high –risk pregnancy, newer modalities of
Nursing management of pregnancies at risk-due to
obstetrical complication
Pernicious vomiting
Bleeding in early pregnancy, abortion, ectopic pregnancy,
and gestational trophoblostic diseases
Hemorrhage during late pregnancy, ante partum,
hemorrhage, placenta praevia, abruptio placenta
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, pre –eclampsia,
eclampsia, heomolysis elevated liver enzyme, Low
platelet count (HELLP)
I so –immune diseases. Rh and abo incompatibility
Hematological problems in pregnancy
Hydramnios –oligoydramnios
Prolonged pregnancy post term, post maturity
Multiple pregnancies
Intra uterine infection & pains during pregnancy.
Intra uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR), premature rupture of
Membrane (PROM), intra uterine death
II Pregnancies at risk-due to pre existing health problems 15
Metabolic conditions
Anemia and nutritional deficiencies
Cardio-vascular disease
Thyroid disease
Essentials hypertensions
Chronic renal failure
Tropical diseases
Psychiatric disorders
Infections Toxoplasmosis rubella cytomegalo virus
Herpes (TORCH): Reproductive Tract infections (RTI):
STD: HIV/AIDS, vaginal infections; Leprosy,
Other risk factors: Age-Adolescents, elderly; unwed
mothers, sexual abuse, substance use
Pregnancies complicating with tumors, uterine anomalies,
prolapse, ovarian cyst
III Abnormal labour, pre-term labour & obstetrical emergencies 15 + 2
Etiology, pathopyhsiology and nursing management of
o Uncoordinated uterine actions, Antony of uterus,
precipitate labour, prolonged labour
o Abnormal lie, presentation, position compound
o Contracted pelvis –CPD; dystocia
o Obstetrical emergencies Obstetrical shock, vasa praevia,
inversion of uterus, amniotic fluid embolism, rupture
uterus, presentations and prolapse cord
o Augmentation of labour Medical and surgical induction
o Version
o Manual removal of placenta
o Obstetrical operation: Forceps delivery, Ventouse,
Caesarian section, Destructive operations
o Genital tract injuries –Third degree perinea tear
Complications of third stage of labour:
o Post partum Hemorrhage
o Retained Placenta
IV Post partum complications 10
Nursing management of
oPuerperal infections, puerperal sepsis, urinary
complications, puerperal venous thrombosis and pulmonary
oSub involution of uterus, breast conditions,
Thrombophlebitis Psychological complications, post partum
blues, depression, psychosis
V High Risk Newborn 25
Concept, goals, assessment, principles.
Nursing management of
• Pre-term, small for gestational age, post –mature infant, and
baby of diabetic and substance use mothers
• Respiratory conditions, asphyxia neonatorum, neonatal
apnea meconium aspiration syndrome, pneumo thorax,
• Icterus neonatorum
• Birth injuries
• Hypoxic alchemic encephelopathy
• Congenital anomalies
• Neonatal hypocalcaemia, hypoglycemia, Hypomagnesaemia
• Neonatal heart diseases
• Neonatal hemolytic disease
• Neonatal infections, neonatal sepsis, opthalmia neonatorum,
congenital syphilis, HIV/AIDS
• Advanced neonatal procedures
• Calculation of fluid requirements
• Hematological conditions - erythblastosis fetalis,
hemorrhagic disorder in the newborn
• Organization of neonatal care, services (Levels), transport,
neonatal intensive care unit, organization and management
of nursing services in NICU
HIV positive mother and her baby
Parent to child transmission (PTCT)
Prophylaxis for mother and baby
Slandered safety measures
Breast feeding issues
National policies and guidelines
Issues: Legal, ethical, Psychosocial and rehabilitation role of nurse
VII Gynecological problems and nursing management 25
Gynecological assessment
Gynecological procedures
Etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and nursing
o Menstrual irregularities
o Disease of genital tract
o Genital tract infection
o Uterine displacement
o Genital prolepses
o Genital injuries
o Uterine malformation
Uterine fibroid, ovarian tumors, Breast carcinoma, pelvic
inflammatory diseases, reproductive tract malignancies,
hysterectomy-vaginal and abdominal
VIII Infertility 5
• Primary and secondary causes
• Diagnostic procedures
• Counseling : ethical and legal aspects of assisted
reproductive technology (ART)
• Recent advancement in infertility management
• Adoption procedures
Role of nurses in infertility management
IX Menopause 5
• Physiological , Psychological and social aspects
• Hormone Replacement Therapy
• Surgical Menopause
• Counseling and guidance
Role of midwifery nurse practitioner
X Administration and management of obstetrical and 5
gynecological unit
Design &layout
Equipment, supplies
Infection control: Slandered safety measures
Quality Assurance :obstetric auditing –records /reports
.Norms ,policies and protocols
Practice standards for obstetrical and gynecological unit
XI Education and training in obstetrical and 2 3
gynecological care
Staff orientation, Training and development
In-services education programs
Clinical teaching programs
Planning Midwifery programme – GNM, B Sc,
XII International & National agencies –ICM ,SOMI 1
Clinical practice in Obstetrical and Gynecological setting i.e., Antenatal Out Patient Department,
Labor room, Pot natal / MCH clinic, NICU, Obstetrical and gynecological Operation Theatres,
Gynecological ward, Post partum . MTP clinic, Infertility centers Community Health center /
Primary health center.
Procedure observed
o ART procedures
o Infertility management : artificial reproduction : artificial insemination, invirto fertilization,
and related procedures
o Ultra sonography
o Specific laboratory tests
o Amniocentesis
o Cervical & vaginal cytology
o Fetoscopy
o Hysteroscopy
o Surgical diathermy
o Cryosurgery
Procedure Assisted
o Operative delivery
o Abnormal deliveries –Forceps application, Ventouse,Breech
o Exchange blood transfusion
o Culdoscopy
o Cystoscopy
o Tuboscopy
o Laparoscopy
o Endometrical Biopsy
o Tubal Patency test
o Chemotherapy
o Radiation therapy
o Medical termination of Pregnancy
o Dilation and Curettage
Procedures performed
o Relevant history taking obstetric/Gyn
o Complete General physical Examination
o Antenatal assessment - 20
o Assessment of risk status
o Health education, counseling and mother craft classes
o Antenatal immunization
o Assessment of intra uterine fetal well-being
o Universal precautions –effective infection control methods
o Assessment of women in abnormal pregnancy
o Vaginal examination and interpretation (early pregnancy, labour, post partum)
o Utilization of partograph, Cervicograph
o Medical & surgical induction
o Conduction of safe delivery
o Application of outlet forceps, delivery of breach –Burns Marshall, Loveset maneuvers
o Episiotomies suturing
o Manual removal of placenta, placental examination
o Postnatal assessment – 20
o Management of breast engorgement, while leg
o Postnatal counseling
o Reposition of inversion of uterus
o Breast care, breast exam, and drainage breast abcess
o Postnatal exercise
o Newborn assessment –Ruling out congenital anomalies
o Assessment of high risk newborn
o Neonatal resuscitation
o Apgar score
o Monitoring neonates
With monitor
Capillary refill time
Assessment of jaundice
o Gastric lavage
o Gastric gavages
o Care of child in multi channel monitor and ventilator
o Care of child in radiant, warmer and incubutator
o Kangaroo care
o Anthropometrics measurement
o Neonatal reflexes
o Breast feeding
o Parental nutrition & fluid balance /infusion pump
o Feeding technique
o Medication
o Capillary blood sample collection
o Oxygen therapy
o Phototherpy
o Chest physiotherapy
o Parental counseling –bereaved parents
o Setting of operation theatre
o Trolley and table set up for Obstetrical & gynecological operations
o Pap smear preparation
o Taking vaginal test for ovulation
o Vaginal pessaries
o Gynecological therapy
o Insertion of IUD and removal
o Counseling infertile couple
1 Tests 2
Midterm (50 marks) 50
Prefinal (75 marks) 75
2 Other Assignment
Seminar (100 marks) 100
Journal Presentation (50 marks) 50
1. 1 50
4. Care Plan NEWBORN 1 50
Postnatal 1 50
7. CLINICAL EVALUATION Antnatal, Postnatal 2 200 (100x2)
10. Mid term Practical Examination 1 50
11. Prefinal Practical Examination 1 100
Possess sound knowledge of principles of obstetric Nursing
12 Has understanding of the modern trends & current issuses in obstetric
Nursing practices.
13 Has knowledge of physiological changes during pregnancy, labour &
14 Has adequate knowledge of diet
15 Demonstrate evidence of self learning by current literature & seeking
help from experts in the field.
Unit Content
I 4 Introduction
• Epidemiology- incidence,
Prevalence- Global,
National, State and Local
• Disease burden, concept of
cancer, risk factors
• Historical perspectives
• Trends and issues
• Principles of cancer
• Roles and responsibilities
of oncology nurse
II 5 The Nature of Cancer
• Normal cell biology
• The Immune system
• Pathological and
• pathophysiological
changes in tissues
o Biology of the cancer cell
o Clone formation Transformation
o Tumors stem lines
o Structure of a solid tumor
o Products produced by the tumor
Systemic effects of tumor growth
• Principles and
classification of
• Pharmacology of
antineoplastic drugs
-Mechanism of action,
Absorption, protein
binding, Biotrans-
formation, excretion
common side effects, drug
• Calculating drug doses,
• Therapeutic response to
variables, drug
• Safety precautions
Radiation Therapy
• Physics of radiotherapy
• Types of ionizing rays
• Radiation equipments :
Linear accelerator,
cobalt, Implants,
• Types of therapies: Oral,
Brachytherapy, tele-
therapy, selection
Unit Content
• Effects of radiation on
the body Tissue.
• Radiation biology-cell
damage hypoxic cells,
alteration of tumor
• Approaches to radiation
• External radiotherapy
• Internal radiotherapy-
• Sealed sources.
• Effectiveness of
treatment effects
• Complications of
• Radiation safety :
Standards of
Bhaba Atomic Research
Centre (BARC)
Gene Therapy
• Current Concepts and
Assessment of pain
• Principles of cancer pain
• Pharmacological: Opioid
and nonopioid analgesic
• Patient controlled
analgesia (PCA)
• Other invasive techniques
of pain control
• Recent developments in
Cancer pain
Role of nurse
VIII 5 Palliative care
• Definition an scope,
• Concept and elements of
palliative care
• Global and Indian
perspective of
palliative care
• Quality of life issues
• Communication skill
• Nursing perspective of
palliative care and its
• Home care
• Hospice care
1 Oncology nursing news letter.
Procedures Observed
1. CT Scan
2. MRI
3. Ultra sound
4. Mammography
5. Radio Nuclide Imaging
6. Bone Scan
7. Thyroid Function Test
8. Functional and Metabolic Imaging
9. Transportation of radioactive materials
10. Others
Procedures Assisted
Other procedures
1. Alternative therapies
Clinical Experience
SN Department/Unit No. of Week
1 Medical Oncology Ward 6 180
2 Surgical Oncology Ward 6 180
3 Bone marrow transplantation 2 60
4 Operation Theatre 2 60
5 Radiotherapy Unit 2 60
6 Chemotherapy Unit 4 120
7 Out patient department and pain clinic 2 60
8 Pediatric Oncology Ward 2 60
9 Palliative Care Ward 2 60
10 Community Oncology 2 60
11 Hospice 1 30
12 Other field visits 1 30
Total 32 960
1. Introduction
2. Patient’s Profile
3. Health History
a. Chief complaints on admission
b. Present & Past illness (Medical surgical, Obstetrics, pediatric, psychiatric, Oncology)
c. Family History
d. Specific information of the patient
4. Health Assessment
a. Physical examination (head to foot & system assessment)
b. Investigation
c. Health information from other sources
5. Provisional Medical diagnosis
6. Treatment
7. Correlation of clinical and book picture
a. Definition
b. Clinical features
c. Prognosis
d. Etiology
e. Investigation
f. Complication
g. Pathophysiology
h. Treatment
8. Nursing Management – Nursing process
9. Plan of discharge & rehabilitation
10. Conclusion
11. Bibliography
Practical Experience Assignments
Case study : 02 (50 marks each) 50 x 2 = 100
Case Presentation : 02 (50 marks each) 50 x 2 = 100
Care Plan : 03 (50 marks each) 50 x 3 = 150
Clinical Performance Evaluation: 03 (100 marks each) 100 x 3 = 300
Practical Examination Mid Term 50
Pre Term 100
Internal Assessment Total marks out of 100
External Assessment Total marks out of 100
Midterm Exam 50
Prefinal Exam 75
Seminar 50
Project work on planning oncology unit 75
I] Patient Biodata
Name, Age, Sex, Religion, Marital status, Occupation, Source of health
care, Date of admission, Provisional Diagnosis, Date of surgery if any.
II] Presenting complaints
Describe the complaints with which the child has been brought to the hospital
III] Socio-economic status of the family: Monthly income, expenditure on health, food,
education etc.
IV] History of Illness (Medical & Surgical)
i) History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating /
aggravating factors
ii) History of past illness surgery, allergies, medications etc.
iii) Family history – Family tree, history of illness in the family members, risk
factors, congenital problems, psychological problems etc.
V] Diagnosis: (Provisional & confirmed).
Description of disease: Includes the followings
1. Definition.
2. Related anatomy and physiology
3. Etiology & risk factors
4. Path physiology
5. Clinical features.
VI] Physical Examination of Patient (Date & Time)
Physical examination: with date and time.
Clinical features present in the book Present in the patient
VII] Investigations
Date Investigation done Results Normal value Inferences
VIII] Management - (Medical /Surgical)
a) Aims of management
b) Objectives of Nursing Care Plan
IX] Treatment:
S.No Drug (Pharmacological name) Dose Frequency/ Time Action Side
effects & drug reaction
• Medical or Surgical Management.
• Nursing management
X] Nursing Care Plan: Short Term & Long Term plan.
Assessment Nursing
Objective Plan of
Rationale Implementation Evaluation
XI] Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to the
XII] Prognosis of the patient:
XIII] Summary of the case:
IVX] References:
Maximum Marks – 50)
Marks Marks
SN Criteria Total
Allotted Obtained
1 Content Subjective & objective 08
2 Problems & need Identified & 15
Nsg. Care Plan
3 Effectiveness of presentation 5
4 Co-relation with patient & 10
Book i. e. research evidence.
5 Use of A. V. Aids 5
6 Physical arrangement 2
7 Group participation 3
8 Bibliography & references 2
Total 50
(Maximum Marks – 100 each area.)
Name of the Student
Year: II Year M.Sc Nursing Duration of Experience:
SN Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
A. Approach.
1. Rapport with patient/ family members.
2. Collects significant information.
B. Understanding of patient’s health problems.
1. Knowledge about disease condition.
2. Knowledge about investigations.
3. Knowledge about treatment.
4. Knowledge about progress of the patient.
Field Visits:
Clinical Experience
Total: 960 hrs
1 week =30hrs
Procedures performed
1. Interpretation of X-ray films.
2. Application and removal of splints, casts and braces.
3. Care of tractions- skin and skeletal traction, pin site care.
4. Cold therapy.
5. Heat therapy.
6. Hydrotherapy.
7. Therapeutic exercises.
8. Use of TENS ( Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
9. Techniques of transportation
10. Crutch walking, walkers, wheel chair.
11. Use of devices for activities of daily living and prevention of deformities.
12. Administration of drugs: IV injection, IV cannulation, and Blood transfusion.
13. Procedures for prevention of infections: disinfection and sterilization, surveillance, fumigation.
14. Special skin/ part preparations for Orthopedic Surgeries.
15. Surgical dressings- Debridement.
16. Bladder and bowel training.
References: -
1. B.T. Basavanthappa(2005); Orthopedic for Nurses;1st ed;Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi
2. David Dandy, Dennis Edwards(1998); Essential Orthopedic and Trauma;3rd ed;Langman Singapore
3. David Evans(1993); Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery; 1st ed,Blackwell Publications,London
4. Ebnezar’s John - Text book of Orthopedics’ 3rd Edition J.P. Brother, New Delhi.
5. Mary Powell(1976); Orthopedic Nursing;7th ed.;Churchill Livingstone
6. Maheshwari J., ‘Essential Orthopedic’ 3rd Edition 2005, Mehta Publications , New Delhi.
7. Natrajan Mayilvahan “ Natrajan’s Text Book of Orthopedic and Traumatology, with multiple choice
questions” , 6th Edition, All India Publications and Distributors, New Delhi.
8. Roger Dee &et al (1997); Principles of orthopedic Practice; 2nd ed; Mcgraw Hill
9. Ronald MaRae ‘Clinical Orthopedic Examination’ 5th edition, Churchill Livingstone, 2004.
10. Segelov’s Philip M. ‘Complications of Fractures and Dislocations’ , 1st Edition 1990, champion and
Hall Publications.
11. S.Perrycanale ed; (2003); Cambell’s Operative Orthopedics; 10th ed; Mosby
12. Wood Lovell and Robert Winter(1978); Pediatric Orthopedics; Vol. I ⅈ J.B.Lippincott Co.
1. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – British
- American
2. Clinical Orthopedic and Related Research
3. The Journal of Trauma , Injury, Infection and Critical Care
4. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopedics
5. Journal of orthopedic nursing
Scheme of examination:
Theory Practical
Clinical Internal External Internal External
Speciality-II 25 75 100 100
Internal Assessment:-
Test- (2 tests)
Mid term Examination - 50 marks theory
Pre final examination - 75 marks theory
Seminar -50 marks
Project work -75 marks
Total 375 marks
Final Examinations :
Internal : 25
External : 75
Total : 100
Internal : 100
External : 100
Total : 200
I] Patient Biodata
Name, Age, Sex, Religion, Marital status, Occupation, Source of health
care, Date of admission, Provisional Diagnosis, Date of surgery if any.
II] Presenting complaints
Describe the complaints with which the child has been brought to the hospital
III] Socio-economic status of the family: Monthly income, expenditure on health, food,
education etc.
IV] History of Illness (Medical & Surgical)
i) History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration,
precipitating/aggravating factors
ii) History of past illness surgery, allergies, medications etc.
iii) Family history – Family tree, history of illness in the family members,
risk factors, congenital problems, psychological problems
V] Diagnosis: (Provisional & confirmed).
Description of disease: Includes the followings
1. Definition.
2. Related anatomy and physiology
2. Etiology & risk factors
3. Path physiology
5. Clinical features.
VI] Physical Examination of Patient (Date & Time)
Physical examination: with date and time.
Clinical features present in the book Present in the patient
VII] Investigations
Date Investigation done Results Normal value Inferences
VIII] Management - (Medical /Surgical)
a) Aims of management
b) Objectives of Nursing Care Plan
IX] Treatment:
S.No Drug (Pharmacological name)
Dose Frequency/ Time
Action Side effects & drug reaction
Nurse’s responsibility
• Medical or Surgical Management.
• Nursing management
X] Nursing Care Plan: Short Term & Long Term plan.
Assessment Nursing
Objective Plan of
Rationale Implementation Evaluation
XI] Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to the
XII] Prognosis of the patient:
XIII] Summary of the case:
IVX] References:
Maximum Marks – 50)
SN Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
A. Approach.
1. Rapport with patient/ family members.
2. Collects significant information.
B. Understanding of patient’s health problems.
1. Knowledge about disease condition.
2. Knowledge about investigations.
3. Knowledge about treatment.
4. Knowledge about progress of the patient.
Date : __________
Name of the Student Nurse:
Date: Time:
Grade Given: Name of evaluator :
Evaluator’s Comments:
6. Sheree Comer: Delmar’s Critical Care- Nursing Care plans; 2nd ed.,
Thomson, 2005
1.Critical Care Nursing : AACN
2.Critical Care Nursing Clinics