Iodometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide: Sample Preparation and Procedures
Iodometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide: Sample Preparation and Procedures
Iodometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide: Sample Preparation and Procedures
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a strong oxidant. Add 40 mL deionized water into the
It has the benefit of being able to oxidize titration beaker.
organic substances while decomposing into Weigh in approx. 0.4 g of aq. hydrogen
harmless water (H2O). peroxide solution.
Add 2 drops of molybdate catalyst using
Low concentrated aqueous solutions a Pasteur pipette and place the beakers
(e.g. 3%) are widely used as disinfectant e.g. on the InMotion rack
in dentistry, in hand sanitizers and for contact Start method M860
lenses. Higher concentrated solutions are Note: Potassium iodide and sulfuric acid are
used in the food and beverage industry to automatically added via pumps.
clean production lines (e.g. PET bottles) or for
water treatment. Chemistry
Herein we describe a titration method to H2O2 + 2 KI + H2SO4 → I2 + K2SO4 + 2 H2O
determine the hydrogen peroxide content in Titration
aqueous solutions. With the help of a I2 + 2 Na2S2O3 → Na2S4O6 + 2 NaI
molybdate catalyst, hydrogen peroxide
oxidizes iodide to iodine that is subsequently Solutions and Chemicals
titrated with a 0.1 mol/L aq. sodium thiosulfate Titrant: aq. Na2S2O3, c = 0.1 mol/L.
solution. Sample: Hydrogen peroxide in water
(approx. 3% w/w).
This method serves as an alternative to the Analyte: Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2,
direct titration of hydrogen peroxide with M = 34.01 g/mol, z = 2.
potassium permanganate (M410). The Standard: Potassium iodate, KIO3,
iodometric method is more time consuming M = 213.99 g/mol.
and requires more additional equipment and Additional reagents: Aq. potassium iodide
chemicals. However, as the molybdate- solution (KI, 1 M); aq. sulfuric acid solution
catalyzed generation of iodine is very specific, (H2SO4, 25% v/v); aq. ammonium molybdate
it is less susceptible to interferences giving solution ((NH4)6Mo7O24, dissolve 9 g in 25 mL
more accurate results in some cases. dest. Water); distilled water.
determined as 2.67(6)% with a precision of organic residues in the empty titration beaker,
srel = 2.0%. deionized water is added prior to weighing in
the sample.
H2O2 content [% w/w]
1 2.765
Waste Disposal and Safety Measures
After the titration, discard the content of the
2 2.688
beakers into the aq. acidic waste.
3 2.620
4 2.649
Wear safety goggles, a lab coat and gloves
5 2.617 during the sample preparation, titration and
6 2.688 waste disposal.
Mean 2.67
s Further Information
srel 2.0%
Remarks Browse_titrators_main/Titration_Excellence.
The titer of 0.1 mol/L aq. sodium thiosulfate html
was determined using potassium iodate as
the primary standard according to method
Titration curve and first derivative of the titration curve of sample 1/6.
005 Pump
Aux. reagent H2SO2
Volume 5 mL
Pump property 1-way
006 Stir
Speed 30%
Duration 60 s