Obrien Julien 1988

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By Jim S. O'Brien1 and Pierre Y. Julien,2 Member, ASCE

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ABSTRACT: A rotational viscometer has been designed for laboratory

measurements of the rheological properties of natural mudflow deposits
in Colorado. The mudflow matrices comprised of silt and clay particles
are sheared under temperature-controlled conditions at volumetric
sediment concentrations ranging from 0.10-0.45. This study stresses the
importance of conducting rheological measurements at low rates of
shear because: 1) Those are the conditions found in natural channels;
and 2) they avoid the slippage problems observed at large sediment
concentrations. At low rates of shear, the Bingham model isfittedto the
measured rheograms, and both the viscosity and yield stress increase
exponentially with the sediment concentration of thefluidmatrix. Both
the yield stress and the viscosity increase by three orders of magnitude
as the volumetric concentration of sediments in thefluidmatrix changes
from 0.10 to 0.40. The addition of sand particles does not significantly
alter the rheological properties of the matrix unless the volumetric
concentration of sands exceeds 0.20.


In the United States, losses from landslides, subsidence, and other

ground failures exceed the losses from all other natural hazards combined.
Indeed, the Committee on Ground Failure Hazards (NRC 1982) reported
that landsliding in the U.S. causes $l-$2 billion in economic losses and
25-50 deaths each year. Individual landslides can be widely scattered in
space and time, but a substantial portion of the annual landslide loss is
associated with a few major catastrophic events such as the mudflows in
the San Francisco Bay area and along the Wasatch Front in Utah. Semiarid
alpine mudflows and debris flows are triggered by the slumping or slipping
of unconsolidated material on steep slopes (Higgins et al. 1983). Such
movement usually occurs following soil saturation due to fairly intense and
short-duration rainfall events, or as a consequence of rapid snowmelt. Mud
and debris flows originate on steep slopes or landslide areas. The zone of
sediment transport typically has a steep channel system, at the end of
which a sudden break in slope on the valley floor induces deposition to
form a conical debris fan.
Several investigations have promulgated various classifications of mud-
flows and hyperconcentrated flows [e.g., Blackwelder (1928), Sharp and
Nobles (1953), Johnson (1965), and O'Brien and Julien (1985)]. An attempt
to delineate hyperconcentrated flows and mass wasting processes was
initiated by the National Research Council Committee on Methodologies
for Predicting Mud Flows (NRC 1982). The committee proposed four main
categories: water floods, mud floods, mudflows, and landslides. The
'Res. Assoc, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, CO 80523.
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, CO 80523.
Note. Discussion open until January 1, 1989. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The
manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on May
6, 1987. This paper is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 114, No. 8,
August, 1988. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9420/88/0008^0877/$ 1.00 + $.15 per page. Paper
No. 22680.

J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

sediment-water mixtures in water floods and mud floods are both unable to
resist shear stress without motion. The large sediment concentrations in
mudflows invalidate the use of existing sediment transport equations such
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as Einstein's and Meyer-Peter and Muller's because the higher viscosity

and shear strength of the mixture reduces the fall velocity of sediment
particles. Mudflows were defined as a division of landslides where: "the
transporting mechanism is that of a flow having sufficient viscosity to
support large boulders within a matrix of smaller sized particles." The
divisions among hyperconcentrated flows, mudflows, and debris flows are
still subject to disagreement, and a comprehensive classification of hyper-
concentrated flows is not yet available (Bradley and McCutcheon 1985).
The objective of this study is to provide a better description of the
physical properties of mudflow material. Laboratory measurements of the
rheological properties of natural mudflow deposits were conducted on
several samples from the central Colorado Rocky Mountains. The mud-
flow matrix, consisting only of silt and clay particles at volumetric
sediment concentrations 0.10 < Cv < 0.45, was sheared in a rotational
viscometer to measure the viscosity and yield stress. The effect of adding
sand particles to the fluid matrix was then documented.


The rheology of fluids and water-sediment mixtures can be analyzed

from measurements of shear stress at various rates of angular deformation,
duldy. With a fluid having low sediment concentrations, this stress-strain
relationship is linear with intercept at the origin. This water-sediment
mixture is called a Newtonian fluid. The viscosity of the mixture, defined
as the slope of the stress-strain relationship, increases with sediment
concentration (Thomas 1963; Happel and Brenner 1965). At higher con-
centrations, the fluid matrix can resist shear stress without motion, owing
to the shear strength provided by cohesion between sediment particles. A
threshold value of shear stress called yield stress TV must be exceeded prior
to fluid motion. A mixture with a finite yield-stress value is a non-
Newtonian fluid. According to the experiments of Fei (1981), the critical
volumetric concentration at which the water-sediment mixture turns into a
non-Newtonian fluid is closely related to the content of fine sediments
(0.01 mm). In this study, the fluid matrix refers to a suspension of fine
sediments with sizes smaller than 0.072 mm (silt and clay particles). A
mixture can behave as a non-Newtonian fluid at a low concentration,
provided the proportion of fine particles is high.
Rheological models for non-Newtonian fluids include the Bingham
plastic model and the yield-pseudoplastic model. Bingham fluids exhibit a
linear stress-strain relationship at shear stresses in excess of the yield
stress. The equation describing Bingham fluids is
^+ T i ^ • w
Hyperconcentrated suspensions of clay and quartz particles in water under
low rates of shear behave as Bingham fluids (Govier and Aziz 1982).
Other materials exhibit a yield stress, as in the case of Bingham fluids,
but the stress-strain relationship is not linear. Commonly, the relationship

J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

shows convexity to the shear stress, and this behavior is referred to as
yield-pseudoplastic. There is no theoretically based equation for yield-
pseudoplastics, but any empirical equation such as the power-law equation
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can be used:

in which a and n = empirical parameters. This model, first proposed by

Herschel and Bulkley (1926), describes the behavior of clay-water suspen-
sions reasonably well at high rates of shear (Govier and Aziz 1982).
Although several investigators have applied the Bingham model to
water-sediment mixtures, most available data were collected for dilute
mixtures of bentonite and kaolin clays under very high shear rates, well in
excess of 100 s"' (Thomas 1963; Plessis and Ansley 1967; Valentik and
Whitmore 1965; Mills et al. 1983). When compared to measurements under
low rates of shear, these analyses led to larger values of yield stress and
lower values of viscosity. It must be considered that typical shear rates for
hyperconcentrated sediment flows in the field are on the order of 5-50 s~' .
Data from Johnson (1970) show this value to be of a magnitude of 10 s"1 or
less. Yano and Daido (1965) report shear rates less than 10 s~' for
open-channel mudflows with concentrations up to 35% by weight. There-
fore, rates of shear in excess of 50 s~' appear to be uncommon in
open-channel mudflows. This corroborates the findings of Qian and Wan
(1986) in that the rate of shear in hyperconcentrated flows rarely exceeds
100 s _ 1 . Thus, not only must the viscometer experiments be conducted at
low shear rates, but the fluid properties must be evaluated at lower shear
rates as well.


The measurement and interpretation of the physical properties of

mudflow mixtures is more complex than the viscosity measurements of
Newtonian fluids. Three different types of apparatus are in common use for
measuring the rheological properties of non-Newtonian fluids; (1) The
capillary viscometer; (2) the rotational viscometer; and (3) the cone-
and-plate viscometer.
A capillary viscometer measures the rate of flow of a fluid in a capillary
tube under a given pressure gradient. The rate of shear varies across the
capillary section; this viscometer is not suitable for time-dependent fluids.
Due to its simplicity, this viscometer can be invaluable at large rates of
In rotational viscometers, the fluid is sheared at a nearly constant rate
between a stationary and a rotating cylinder. The shear stress is obtained
from the torque measured on the stationary cylinder. Precautions must be
taken to ensure laminar flow and constant temperature; end-effect correc-
tions may also be required. Its suitability to a wide range of shear stresses
makes it a versatile and useful instrument to analyze non-Newtonian
The cone-and-plate viscometer shears the fluid in the narrow space
between the flat circular rotating plate and an inverted cone. This viscom-
eter is ideal to study the properties of non-Newtonian fluids at low and

J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

moderate shear rates. Isothermal conditions and an absence of secondary
flows are required.
After considering existing commercial viscometers, a rotational viscom-
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eter was designed especially (O'Brien 1986) to investigate the rheological

properties of natural mudflow material. The design of the concentric
cylindrical viscometer was constrained by low shear rates, sediment size
within the mixture, and stability criteria for laminar flow without second-
ary flow. The flow annulus is sized by the criteria specified by Van Wazer
et al. (1963), and the gap size is at least ten times larger than the coarsest
particle size in the fluid matrix. The stability criteria suggested in Schlich-
ting (1968) must be satisfied to prevent the formation of Taylor vortices in
the annulus. The shear stress contribution at the end of the rotating
cylinder is found to be negligible. Temperature is controlled by inserting
the whole apparatus into a water bath. The torque exerted on the
viscometer bob is measured with strain gages calibrated to provide a
torque versus voltage relationship covering the full range of torque
measurements encountered during the test program. The resulting accu-
racy of the device was checked using glycerol solutions with viscosities
ranging from 0.1-10 poises.


A variety of samples were collected from natural mudflows deposits in

the Colorado Rocky Mountains near the towns of Aspen and Glenwood
Springs. The properties of the mudflow samples in terms of sediment size
distribution and content of clay are given in Table 1. No detailed
information on clay mineralogy is available; however, the samples with
large clay content were tested to determine the liquid limit and the
plasticity index. The plasticity chart indicates inorganic clays with low to
medium plasticity. A fluid matrix comprising fine sediments (only silts and
clays) was prepared for testing in the new viscometer; 10-15 measure-
ments of shear stress versus shear rates were made for each concentration,
as shown in Fig. 1. The volumetric concentration was varied by adding
water after each test. In some tests with very large sediment concentra-
tions, slippage was observed around the annulus at rates of shear as low as

TABLE 1. Properties of Mudflow Matrices (Silts and Clays Only)

Sediment Size Distribution

Clay »H, 050 Aw Liquid Plasticity

Sample (mm) (mm) (mm) limit index
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Glenwood original 4.8 0.010 0.034 0.062 — —
Glenwood sample I 6.8 0.009 0.023 0.050 — —
Glenwood sample 2 .3.0 0.061
0.016 0.035 — —
Glenwood sample 3 4.8 0.011 0.025 0.053 — —
Glenwood sample 4 7.6 0.001 0.018 0.032 — —
Aspen pit 1 31.3 0.001 0.011 0.032 0.32 0.11
Aspen natural soil 27.0 0.001" 0.012 0.028 0.25 0.06
Aspen mine fill 27.8 0.001" 0.013 0.030 0.24 0.06
Aspen natural soil source 31.6 0.001" 0.016 0.039 — —
Aspen mine fill source 25.2 0.001" 0.018 0.061 —
"These values were extrapolated from sieve analysis graphs.


J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

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W 80
-S- 60
M 50
•- 7,0
CO 20


nl i i i i i i—i i—i—i—i—i—i—i—I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Shear Rate du/dr (s~ )

FIG. 1. Aspen Natural Soil Rheogram (C„ = 34.2%; Silts and Clays)

10 s _ 1 , as shown in Fig.l. For this reason, the evaluation of viscosity and

yield stress from the Bingham plastic model was based on the measure-
ments taken at lower shear rates. Of course, when compared to measure-
ments at high rates of shear, this analysis gives slightly lower values of
yield stress and larger viscosity measurements.
In hyperconcentrated flows, the Bingham plastic model (Eq. 1) has been
used by many researchers, e.g., Cao et al. (1983), Hou and Yang (1983),
Higgins et al. (1983), Street (1958), Thomas (1963), Qian et al. (1980),
Govier and Aziz (1982), and Dai et al. (1980). It has been generally
accepted that both the viscosity -n and the yield stress Ty increase
exponentially with the volumetric concentration of fine sediments Cv:
-n = a , e P l C " (3)

jy = a 2 e ^ ... (4)
The values of the four empirical coefficients a, , a 2 > Pi » >d P2 obtained by
regression analysis for each mudflow sample are presented in Table 2; the
results are in reasonable agreement with those found in the literature.
Particularly, the experimental values of the yield stress fall within the
range of values defined by Fei (1981). The dispersion of the points at a
given concentration certainly calls for more fundamental research to
examine possible effects of thixotropy and clay mineralogy. Nevertheless,
the open points (Glenwood) indicating lower percentages of clay in Fig. 2
have lower values of yield stress when compared with the samples with
larger clay contents (Aspen). This trend is not quite apparent when

J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

TABLE 2. Yield Stress and Viscosity of Mudflow Matrices

TV = a2e^c" •q = a , ^ ' c "

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«2 <*i
Source (dynes/cm2) (poises) Pi
d) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(a) Relationships Found in Field
Aspen pit 1 1.81 x 10"' 25.7 3.60 X 10-2 22.1
Aspen pit 4 2.72 10.4 5.38 X 10" 2 14.5
Aspen natural soil 1.52 X 10-' 18.7 1.36 X 10~ 3 28.4
Aspen mine fill 4.73 X 10" 2 21.1 1.28 X 10"' 12.0
Aspen natural soil 3.83 x 10" 2 19.6 4.95 x 10^ 4 27.1
Aspen mine fill 2.91 x 10"' 14.3 2.01 x 10~ 4 33.1
2 3
Glenwood 1 3.45 x 10~ 20.1 2.83 x 10~ 23.0
Glenwood 2 7.65 x 10" 2 16.9 6.48 x KT" 6.2
Glenwood 3 7.07 x 10" 4 29.8 6.32 x 10~ 3 19.9
Glenwood 4 1.72 x 10" 3 29.5 6.02 x 10" 4 33.1
(b) Relationships Found in Literature
Iida (1938) — — 3.73 x 10^ 5 36.6
Dai et al. (1980) 2.60 17.48 7.5 x 10~ 3 14.39
Kang and Zhang 1.75 7.82 4.05 x 10" 2 8.29
Qian et al. (1980) 1.36 X 10" 3 21.2 — —
- 5 . 0 X 10" 2 -15.48 — —
Chien and Ma 5.88 x 10~2 19.1-32.7 — —
Fei (1981) 1.66 X 1 0 - ' 25.6 — —
- 4 . 7 x 10~ 3 -22.2

viscosity measurements are considered as shown in Fig. 3. It is clearly

shown, however, that both the yield stress and viscosity increase by three
orders of magnitude as the volumetric concentration increases from
Since the laboratory analysis of the mudflow deposits dealt primarily
with the finer fractions of the mudflow material, additional tests were
undertaken (O'Brien and Julien 1986) to determine the influence of adding
concentrations of sands to be bentonite clay suspensions. At large con-
centrations, slippage between particle layers occurred at shear rates
exceeding 5 s" 1 , as shown in Fig. 4. Thus, roughness elements consisting
of sand particles ranging from 1-1.6 mm in size were glued to the stainless
steel bob cylinder of the viscometer. These elements did not alter the
viscosity and yield stress measurements at low rates of shear but pre-
vented slippage at higher shear rates. The results shown in Fig. 5 reveal
that with increasing sand concentration, the viscosity remains comparable
to that given from the clay content alone until the sand concentration
exceeds about 20% by volume. Note that with bentonite clay content of
5-6%, the dynamic viscosity shown in Fig. 5 is two orders of magnitude
larger than the viscosity of clear water (iiwater = 0.01 poise). Further
experiments were made with natural mudflow deposits at a larger concen-
tration (shown as dark points on Fig. 5). Similar conclusions were


J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

—• Fei (1981)
•— Qian et al. (1980)
— Dai et al. (1980)
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— Kang and Zhang y

•— Chien an'
100 (1958)

Aspen -
Pit I
Pit 2
Natural Soil
Nat. Soil Source Area
10 Mine Fill
Mine Fill Source Area
Glenwood - 0.01
# I
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
C„ Concentration by Volume of the Fluid Matrix

FIG. 2. Yield Stress of Mudfiow Samples versus Volumetric Concentration

' ' Vcb 1 1
i\uny Qfiu £.nung \iaouj » /
Dai et al. (1980) °/
Iida (1938) ? /Sb ";0.1
v„ '
O » / 4> B a
• ' °m a -
10 / vV^ -
& «, wf B»4) -
- 0.01
° O 91 o / Aspen
* ID ^P/ / & Pit 1
v Pit 2
ra O © / 9 Natural Soil
1 e Nat. Soil Source Area -
/ / / CD Mine Fill
SI Mine Fill Source Area
Glenwood - 0 . 0 0 1 >•
o #1

D #2
.// -
./ & #3
V # 4
n i i i i i -
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
C v Concentration by Volume of the. Fluid Matrix

FIG. 3. Dynamic Viscosity of Mudfiow Samples versus Volumetric Concentration


J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

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Shear Rate du/dr (s )

FIG. 4. Rheogram for Aspen Natural Soil (C„ = 30% Silts and Clays) with Added
Sand Concentration C„ = 14%; C tolal = 44%)




0.02 >


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Concentration by Volume, Cv

FIG. 5. Dynamic Viscosity of Mixtures with Added Sand Particles versus Total
Volumetric Concentration


J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

obtained, which indicates that large concentrations of sand particles are
required in order to significantly alter the physical properties of the
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mudflow matrix. The viscosity of the fluid matrix increases very rapidly at
volumetric concentrations of sand in excess of 20%. Further investigation
is needed with coarser grained slurries.


Two physical properties of the fluid matrix of natural mudflow deposits

in the central Colorado Rocky Mountains have been investigated at
concentrations ranging from 10-45% by volume. The fluid matrix com-
prised of particles finer than 0.07 mm (silts and clays) was sheared in a
special viscometer designed for the analysis of mudflow samples under
temperature-controlled conditions. The viscometer gap size was deter-
mined to provide laboratory measurements of the fluid matrix properties
under laminar flow conditions at low rates of shear without secondary
flows. This study stresses the importance of conducting measurements at
low rates of shear because: (1) those are the conditions found in natural
channels; and (2) they avoid the slippage problems observed at large
sediment concentrations. The Bingham rheological model was applied to
the measured rheograms at low rates of shear. Both the yield stress and
viscosity are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 to increase by three orders of
magnitude as the volumetric concentration of sediments in the fluid matrix
changes from 10-40%. The effect of adding sand particles to either a
bentonite clay suspension or natural mudflow matrix of silts and clays is
negligible, provided that the sand concentration remains less than 20% by
volume. The viscosity of mudflow material with volumetric sand concen-
trations less than 20% simply corresponds to the viscosity of the silt-clay
mixture. The viscosity of the mixture, however, increases rapidly with
volumetric sand concentrations beyond 20%.


We are grateful to Y. Lan, Ph.D. candidate at CSU, for his comprehen-

sive review of the Chinese literature.


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Herschel, W. H., and Bulkley, R. (1926). "Measurement of consistency as applied
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico on 08/03/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

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J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 7,
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The following symbols are used in this paper:

a, n = empirical parameters for pseudo-plastic fluids;

= volumetric concentration of fluid matrix;
D = sediment size;
duldy = velocity gradient;
a, , a 2 , p, , p2 = coefficients;
T| = dynamic viscosity of fluid matrix;
T = total shear stress; and
v = yield stress.


J. Hydraul. Eng., 1988, 114(8): 877-887

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