Addendum13 07 2018

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Sl. No.14.1-A

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

Refer to Establishment Division’s O.M No. 7/40/2005-E-2, dated 13th

June,2006, O.M No.8/10/2013-E-2, dated 20th October, 2014, O.M No.
8/10/2013-E-2 dated 9th February,2015 and O.M No. 8/10/2013 (E-II) (PT) dated
25th May,2015 including amendments thereof issued from time to time on the
subject noted above and to state that the Prime Minister has been pleased to
approve the following revised Assistance Package for Government employees,
who die in service w.e.f 9th February,2015:—


Lump Sum Grant 300% increase over the a. Upto Rs.10 million according
package-2006 for in service to following scales:—
death of civilian employees.
This increase will be given on
the 2006 package as per
following scales:—
BS Amount BS Amount
1-4 Rs.600,000 1-16 3 Million
5-10 Rs.900,000 17 5 Million
11-15 Rs.1,200,000 18-19 9 Million
16-17 Rs.1,500,000 20 & above 10 Million
18-19 Rs.2,400,000
20 & above Rs.3,000,000 b. Rs.700,000/- to the officers/
officials incapacitated and
released from service for having
become invalid as a result of
injury in encounters/bomb blasts,
riots/ watch and ward duty or
terrorist activity.
c. Rs. 500,000/- to the officers /
officials incapacitated as a result
of the injury in accidents as
stated in para “b” above but who
are still serving in the

Pension 100% pension to the families of 100% pension to the families of a

adeceased Government deceased Government servants
servants as per their length of as per their length of service and
service and last pay drawn. In last pay drawn. In case of less

case of less than 10 years than 10 years service of the
service of the deceased deceased employees, rate of
employees, rate of minimum 10 minimum 10 years service will be
years service will be applicable. applicable.
Accommodation Retention of Government house Retention of Government house
or payment of rent of hired or payment of rent of hired house
house till the age of till the age of superannuation.
Education Free education to all the Free education to all the children
children of the deceased of the deceased government
government employees up to employees up to graduation in
graduation in any anypublic/government
public/government educational educational institution including
institution including expenses of expenses of tuition fee, books
tuition fee, books related related material and living
material and living allowances allowances etc.
Allotment of Plot Discontinuation of the Discontinuation of the entitlement
entitlement of 2% quota for of 2% quota for allotment of plot.
allotment of plot. Payment of Payment of lump sum grant in
lump sum grant in lieu of plot lieu of plot subject to the
subject to the condition that no condition that no plot had been
plot had been allotted in the allotted in the past, as per scale
past, as per scale given given below:—
BS Amount
BS Amount 1-8 2 Million
1-8 2 Million 9-16 5 Million
9-16 5 Million 17 and above 7Million
17 and above 7Million
Employment  *[Employment for posts in BS-01
[Employment for posts in BS-
01 to BS-15 on five (05) years to BS-15 on five (05) years
contractappointment without contract appointment without
advertisement which may advertisement which may further
further be extendable till the age be extendable till the age of
of superannuation or regularize- superannuation or regularization
ation as the case may be]. as the case may be].
Marriage Grant Marriage grant amounting to Marriage grant amounting to Rs.
Rs. 8 lac on wedding of one 8 lac on wedding of one
daughter, may be granted to daughter, may be granted to
family of deceased Government family of deceased Government
employees. employees.
Health Free health facilities as per their Free health facilities as per their
entitlement during service. entitlement during service.
House Building In case of advance against In case of advance against
Advance salaries sanctioned by the salaries sanctioned by the AGPR
AGPR or the provincial AG or the provincial AG Office, the
Office, the unpaid balance to be unpaid balance to be waived.

Amended vide Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/65/2016-E-2 dated 09-09-2016.

Nomination of an An officer of BS-17 or BS-18 An officer of BS-17 or BS-18 may
officer as council may be nominated by each be nominated by each Ministry/
Ministry/Division/Department as Division/Department as council
council who will be responsible who will be responsible for finaliz-
for finalization/provision of all ation/provision of all the facilities
the facilities under the package, under the package, to the
to the families of Govt. families of Govt. employees who
employees who die in service die in service within one month of
within one month of the the incident.
Special Lump A special lump sum grant from
Sum Grant from Benevolent Fund ranging from
Benevolent Fund Rs.200,000 to Rs.500,000

Sr. Pay Scales Lump Sum

# (BS) Grant
1. 1-10 200,000
2. 11-16 300,000
3. 17-19 400,000
4. 20 and above 500,000
Benevolent Grant Sr. Pay Slabs Grant Sr. Pay Slabs Grant
# Minimum Maximum # Minimum Maximum
1 Upto 5,000 4,000 1 Upto 5,000 8,000
2 5,001 5,500 4,150 2 5,001 5,500 8,300
3 5,501 6,000 4,300 3 5,501 6,000 8,600
4 6,001 6,500 4,450 4 6,001 6,500 8,900
5 6,501 7,000 4,600 5 6,501 7,000 9,200
6 7,001 7,500 4,750 6 7,001 7,500 9,500
7 7,501 8,000 4,900 7 7,501 8,000 9,800
8 8,001 8,500 5,050 8 8,001 8,500 10,100
9 8,501 9,000 5,200 9 8,501 9,000 10,400
10 9,001 9,500 5,350 10 9,001 9,500 10,700
11 9,501 11,000 5,600 11 9,501 11,000 11,200
12 11,001 13,000 5,900 12 11,001 13,000 11,800
13 13,001 15,000 6,200 13 13,001 15,000 12,400
14 15,001 17,000 6,500 14 15,001 17,000 13,000
15 17,001 19,000 6,800 15 17,001 19,000 13,600
16 19,001 21,000 7,100 16 19,001 21,000 14,200
17 21,001 23,000 7,400 17 21,001 23,000 14,800
18 23,001 25,000 7,700 18 23,001 25,000 15,400
19 25,001 27,000 8,000 19 25,001 27,000 16,000
20 27,001 29,000 8,300 20 27,001 29,000 16,600
21 29,001 31,000 8,600 21 29,001 31,000 17,200
22 31,001 33,000 8,900 22 31,001 33,000 17,800
23 33,001 35,000 9,200 23 33,001 35,000 18,400
24 35,001 37,000 9,500 24 35,001 37,000 19,000
25 37,001 39,000 9,800 25 37,001 39,000 19,600
26 39,001 10,100 26 39,001 20,200
& &
above above

Prerequisite for In case of in service death of a In case of in service death
facilitation of government employee, the (security related) of a government
family of following pre-requisites must employee, the following pre-
deceased Govt. immediately be fulfilled by the requisites must immediately be
Employees concerned Ministry/Division/ fulfilled by the concerned
Department so that the family of Ministry/Division/ Department so
the deceased government that the family of the deceased
employee may be facilitated government employee may be
without any delay:— facilitated without any delay:—

a. Immediate submission of a. Immediate submission of

family pension case. family pension case.
b. Option form for Direct b. Option form for Direct
Credit Scheme (online Credit Scheme (online
payment of pension). payment of pension).
c. Application forAnticipatory c. Application for Anticipatory
pension (80% of the total pension (80% of the total
pension) pension)
Besides as a pro-active Besides as a pro-active approach
approach each Ministry/Division/ each Ministry/Division/
Department must observe the Department must observe the
following practices regarding following practices regarding their
their employees:— employees:—
d. Up to date list of family d. Up to date list of family
members of each members of each employee
employee for pension for pension purpose be
purpose be maintained maintained before hand.
before hand.
e. Nomination for General e. Nomination for General
Provident Fund must be Provident Fund must be
ensured for each ensured for each employee
employee in his/her life. in his/her life.

GP Fund Only payable amount of GP Only payable amount of GP Fund

Fund shall be paid to the shall be paid to the deceased
deceased family. family.
Payment of The following steps may be The following steps may be taken
Pension through taken by the concerned by the concerned
Direct Credit Ministries/Divisions/Departments Ministries/Divisions/Departments
Scheme (DCS) for payment of pension through for payment of pension through
Direct Credit Scheme (DCS) Direct Credit Scheme (DCS)
(optional):— (optional):—
a. The Direct Credit Scheme a. The Direct Credit Scheme
must be made compulsory must be made compulsory
for all new for all new pensioners/
pensioners/family family pensionersw.e.f 01-
pensionersw.e.f 01-01- 01-2015.
2015. b. The manual both halves
b. The manual both halves would be discontinued w.e.f
would be discontinued 01-01-2015 for all new
w.e.f 01-01-2015 for all pensioners/family
newpensioners/family pensioners.

pensioners. c. The historical pensioners
c. The historical pensioners must be brought into the
must be brought into the stream of DCS phase-wise.
stream of DCS phase-

2. The PRIME Minister has also approved that:—

(i) Relevant recruitment rules may be appropriately amended to

provide for appointments of family members under the instant
package; and

(ii) A death will be deemed to be a “ Security Related death” if it

occurs due to a terrorist act or while combating or confronting
the terrorist(s), irrespective of the fact that the victim was
member of Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) or Civilian
employee. Death of a member of LEA due to a cause, other
than a terrorist act, will be classified as an “In-service death”.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/10/2013-E-2(Pt) dated 04-12-2015.]

Sl.No. 14.1-B



Refer to Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/10//2013-E-2 (Pt) dated 4th

December, 2015 on the above captioned subject. It is informed that the Prime
Minister has been pleased to approve with effect from 11 th May, 2016 that
employees of Provincial Government who are working in the Ministries/Divisions/
Attached Departments/ Sub-ordinate offices etc. at Federal level on deputation
basis and die during service/deputation, the families of the deceased employees
are allowed to exercise the option of either availing the Federal or the Provincial
package subject to completion of all others conditions/instructions issued by
Establishment Division from time to time.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 7/26/2016-E-2 dated 18-05-2016.]

Sl.No. 14.1-C


Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

Refer to the subject cited above and to state that the Prime Minister’s
Assistance Package was revised by the Federal Government as notified by the
Establishment Division vide O.M No. 8/10/2013-E-2 dated 4th December,2015.
After revision of assistance package, number of references have been received
from different Ministries/Divisions/Departments regarding criteria for release of
funds in lieu of plot.

2. It is clarified for information of all concerned that a certificate regarding

non-allotment of plot/house/flat from agencies allotting plot/house/flat such as
Capital Development Authority (CDA). Federal Government Employees Housing
Foundation (FGEHF), Pakistan Housing Authority (PHA) or any other Federal
Government Department/agency or any Provincial Government
Department/agency, as the case may be, be obtained before making any
payment in lieu of plot under the revised Assistance Package. All the
agencies/departments concerned allotting plot/house/flat are supposed to issue
such certificates within a period of six (06) working days on receipt of any

3. As an alternative arrangement and for quick disposal of such cases

Ministries/Divisions/Departments may obtain undertaking/affidavit from the family
of the deceased that the deceased was not allotted any plot/house/flat by any
government owned agency and that they would refund the amount received on
this account if at any later stage it comes to the notice that the deceased
employee was allotted a plot/house or flat by the Government or any agency of
the government while he was in service. The parent department of the deceased
employee would also be required to verify the fact about the deceased about the
allotment of plot to the deceased as per record available with them.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/24/2016-E-2 dated 22-06-2016.]

Sl.No. 14.1-D

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

Refer to the subject cited above and to state that the Prime Minister’s
Assistance Package was revised by the Federal Government as notified by the
Establishment Division vide O.M No. 8/10/2013-E-2 (Pt) dated 4th
December,2015. After revision of Assistance Package, number of references
have been received from different Ministries/Divisions/Departments with regard
to contract appointment under the ITEM of Employment when the deceased
government employee is survived by more than one widow/children.

2. It is informed that the Prime Minister has been pleased to approve that
following addition may further be added in the Revised Assistance Package
referred above under ITEM of employment:

“provided further that in case the deceased government servant is

survived by two or more widows and/or children from these widows, right
of contract appointment shall be decided in the following manner and

a) the first widow or a child (18 years or above in age) from the first widow
or a minor child from the first widow as soon as he/she attains age of 18
years but he/she has to exercise the option within the time period (one
year from date of death) stipulated vide Establishment Division’s O.M
No. 4/1/2005-CP-I dated 13-04-2005 and failing that:

b) the right to contract appointment shall stand transferred to the 2 nd widow

or to a child (18 years or above in age) from the 2 nd widow or to a child
(18 years or above in age) from the 2 nd widow or a minor child from the
2nd widow as soon as he/she attains age of 18 years but he/she has to
exercise the option within two years of death.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 1/39/2013-E-2(Pt) dated 03-08-2016.]

Sl.No. 14.1-E

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

Refer to the subject cited above and to state that the Prime Minister’s Assistance
Package was revised by the Federal Government as notified by the
Establishment Division vide O.M No. 8/10/2013-E-2 (Pt) dated 4th
December,2015. After revision of Assistance Package, number of references
have been received from different Ministries/Divisions/Departments including
AGPR, Islamabad seeking clarifications on 100% pension to families of
deceased Government Servants.

The issue was taken up with Finance Division. Finance Division has clarified that
as policy of the Federal Government, the Government servants who die while in
service, 25% of the gross pension will be allowed as gratuity and rest 75% as
family pension. The above benefits will be equal to full pension.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/24/2016-E-2(Pt) dated 05-08-2016.]

Sl.No. 14.1-F

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

Refer to Establishment Division’s O.M of even number dated 3rd

August,2016 on the above noted subject. It is clarified that Federal Government
employees who died during service w.e.f. 01-07-2005 and survived by two or
more widows and/or children from these widows, the families of such deceased
Federal Government Servants, the right of contract appointment under the
Assistance Package shall be decided on the same analogy/criteria as already
notified by Establishment Division vide O.M of even number dated 3 rd August,
2016 as referred above.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 1/39/2013-E-2(Pt) dated 01-12-2016.]

Sl.No. 14.1-G

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

While disposing a Summary of Establishment Division on the above

subject, the Prime Minister has been pleased to approve that federal government
employees who go missing during service and are not recovered within a period
of twelve months from the date of disappearance, and where there is a
reasonable presumption of their having died shall be treated at par with federal
government employees who die during service to the extent of payment of
compensation and retirement benefits etc. subject to the condition that where
such employee is recovered alive before or after the date of superannuation, the
part of compensation linked to the presumption of death during service shall be
paid back to the government or adjusted against pension payments of the
employee. However, since only few federal government employees have gone
missing during service, the Prime Minister has desired that their cases be
submitted individually, with complete justification, for his orders rather than
seeking a blanket approval.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/08/2016-E.2 dated 08-09-2017.]

Sl.No. 14.1-H

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

Refer to the above noted subject and to state that the Prime Minister has
approved that :—

“The condition to apply for employment within one year under the
Assistance Package as notified by the Establishment Division vide O.M. No.
8/10/2000-CP-I dated 6th August,2004 and O.M No. 4/1/2005-CP-I dated 13th
April,2005 is amended to the extent that : the widow/widower or a child of a civil
servant who dies during service may be entitled to apply for contract appointment
as per maximum age limit prescribed for Initial Appointment to Civil Posts
(Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules,1993”.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/13/2016-E-2 dated 17-04-2018.]

Sl.No. 14.1-I

Revision of Assistance Package for Families of Government Employees

Who Die in Service

Refer to the subject noted above and to say that the Prime Minister has
been pleased to approve that the

“Claims arising during the period between 15-06-2013 and 09-02-2015,

while the assistance package dated 20-10-2014 was in the field, have to
be processed in accordance with the law and rights created under this

2. The cases of Assistance Package falling under the above stated decision
can be submitted to Finance Division for consideration of funds provision through
re-appropriation/ Supplementary grants through respective FAs.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/13/2016-E-2 dated 11-06-2018.]

Sl.No. 14.1-J

Appointment on Employees Son Quota Under Prime Minister’s Assistance


Refer the subject cited aboveand to convey following recommendations/

findings of the Honourable WafaqiMohtasib (Ombudsman)’s Secretariat in case
No. HQR/00050/15, dated 12-02-2014, for strict compliance:—

a. Condolence letters are sent by the heads of department to the next
of kin of the deceased employee on the basis of death report to be
submitted by the heads of office within 24 hours.
b. Copy of Prime Minister’s Assistance Package for families of
government employees who die in service (alongwith its annexures)
are regularly enclosed by the heads of departments with the
condolence letters for knowledge/information of the deceased family.

c. Burial charges are paid to the next of kin by the heads of office
through local arrangements before burial of the deceased and be
adjusted in the claim.

d. Family Pension cases of the widows/widowers, as the case may be,

are processed by the heads of office and sanctioned by the heads of
department within a period of one month in future.

e. Nomination for Fund as well as other nominations are regularly

updated/revised by the employees in their life time after every ten

2. The above instruction may also be brought into the notice of attached
departments/subordinate offices of the Ministries/Divisions.

[Authority:-Establishment Division’s O.M No. 8/16/2014-E.2 dated 24-06-2015.]

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