Zi) Ibabwe: School
Zi) Ibabwe: School
Zi) Ibabwe: School
P.\PER. ]
Additional materials:
Answer paper
TIME 2 hours
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the ans\,ver
paper/answer booklet.
The number of marks is given in brackets ] at the encl of each question or part question.
You are permitted to draw on material from your own country.
(a) What is the difference between indirect and direct production? [10]
(ii) ownership;
(iii) objective;
(a) Describe any five factors that could affect the location of an industry. [10]
(b) How r.vould the government of your country influence the location of an
industry? [1 s]
(b) Explain the factors that affect the supply of a commodity. [ 1s]
2283/2 N20 I 5
2281/2 N2015