Reflective Journal

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Belen, Calabanga, Camarines Sur

1st Semester, S/Y 2022-2023




Read a research or study related to Learner-centered psychological

principles (LCP). Fill out the matrix box below.


This study determined whether there was a
relationship between students’ perceptions of how
 Research Design - A survey
effective course-related interaction was and their level was developed for this
of course satisfaction. The Students’ Perceived
Interaction Survey instrument (SPIS) was developed by particular study called the
the researchers to measure nine variables within the
learner-centered paradigm in distance education. These
Students’ Perceived
variables included: student-instructor personal Interaction Survey (SPIS).
interaction, student-teaching assistant (TA) personal
interaction, student-student personal interaction, The survey was administered
student-content interaction, gender, academic to the participants through
classification, students’ prior experiences with distance
education in a partially online class setting, students’ WebCT during the week of
prior experiences with distance education in an entirely
online class setting, and students’ perceptions on the November 29 to December
effectiveness of particular 7, 2005.
WebCT features in helping Source: (bibliography entry format)
them learn. Based on
these variables, nine Chang, S-H.H., & Smith, R.A. (2008).
hypotheses were Effectiveness of Personal Interaction in a
Learner-Centered Paradigm Distance
Education Class Based on Student Satisfaction.
FINDINGS Journal of Research on Technology in CONCLUSIONS
Education, 40(4), 407-426
This study employed a As distance education has
multiple linear regression. become a more and more
This study employed a multiple linear regression. popular educational practice, it is crucial to
It concluded that student-instructor personal examine online course quality. For students to
interaction, student-student personal interaction, successfully learn, teachers must present clear
and student-content interaction, along with goals and objectives so students do not get
students’ perceptions of WebCT features and frustrated (Porter, 1997). Instructors in the online
gender were predictors of course satisfaction. In environment must focus on learners’ needs and
this study 94% of the participants indicated they plan and execute their lessons clearly and
were satisfied with the course. No significance effectively to help students learn the maximum
was found in the relationships between student amount of information (Barker & Patrick, 1989;
satisfaction and student-teaching assistant (TA) Knowlton, 2000). There are many ways to
personal interaction, the student’s prior partial promote learner achievement in online class
online distance education experience, the environments, but learner satisfaction is one
student’s prior entirely online distance education especially important component in successful
experience, and academic year. distance education courses (Ritchie & Newby,
How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?
In an educational setting, interaction through communication and collaboration is the
most central mechanism educators use to encourage students to become active learners. As the
distance education system evolves, interactive processes, especially those that imitate the interactive
processes in traditional face-to-face classrooms, have been attracting special attention. The insufficient
amount of interactive learning opportunities within the online course environment is considered one of
the major downsides of distance education (Perez, 2001). In response to this lack of interaction,
educators should examine thoroughly the current status of the distance education field and study the
factors that define and influence the current designs and contents of distance education. In a world that
constantly develops new technologies, understanding these factors is important to anticipate and
modify the newest educational methods to correspond with the newest technologies. The internet has
become an invaluable asset to distance education because it allows students to learn through various
technologies, such as two-way video and computer-mediated communication. This enables students to
play an active role in the learning process and provides flexibility and convenience for learners (Willems,
2005). Increased interaction, made possible by utilizing the newer two-way communication
technologies, has immense impact upon distance education. Inadequate faculty training, lack of
knowledge of online course design, and doubt about real-time classroom concepts working in the online
environment determines a need for theoretical and empirical research on course design principles for
online instructors (McCombs & Vakili, 2005). Furthermore, Barrett, Bower, and Donovan (2007)
indicated it is critical for online instructors to shift from the traditional teacher-centered to the learner-
centered teaching style.


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From the Module on Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, I

realized that these principles are intended to deal holistically with learners
in the context of real-world learning situations. The Learner-Centered
principles are consistent with more than a century of research on teaching
and learning. Learner-centered psychological principles provide a
framework for developing and incorporating the components of new
designs for schooling. These principles emphasize the active and reflective
nature of learning and learners. I also learned that there are 14 Learner-
Centered principles, these are the 6 principles in Cognitive and
Metacognitive Factors, 3 principles in Motivational and Affective Factors, 2
principles in Developmental and Social Factors, and last is 3 principles in
Individual Difference Factor.
The principles in Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors are the
Nature of learning Process, Goals of the Learning Process, Construction of
Knowledge, Strategic Thinking, thinking about thinking and last is Context
of learning. First, In the Nature of Learning Process, the learning of
complex subject matter is most effective when it is an intentional process
of constructing meaning from information and experience. Learning in
schools emphasizes the use of intentional processes that students can use
to construct meaning from information, experiences and their own
thoughts and beliefs. Successful learners are active, goal-directed, self-
regulating and assume personal responsibility for contributing to their own
learning. Second, in the Goals of the learning
process, the successful learner, over time and with support and instructional
guidance, can create meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge. – The
strategic nature of learning requires students to be goal directed. To construct
useful representations of knowledge and to acquire the thinking and learning
strategies necessary for continued learning success across the life span, students
must generate and pursue personally relevant goals. Initially, students' short-term
goals and learning may be sketchy in an area, but over time their understanding
can be refined by filling gaps, resolving inconsistencies, and deepening their
understanding of the subject matter so that they can reach longer-term goals.
Educators can assist learners in creating meaningful learning goals that are
consistent with both personal and educational aspirations and interests. Third is
Construction of Knowledge. Knowledge widens and deepens as students continue
to build links between new information and experiences and their existing
knowledge base. The nature of these links can take a variety of forms, such as
adding to, modifying, or reorganizing existing knowledge or skills. How these links
are made or develop may vary in different subject areas, and among students with
varying talents, interests, and abilities. However, unless new knowledge becomes
integrated with the learner's prior knowledge and understanding, this new
knowledge remains isolated, cannot be used most effectively in new tasks, and
does not transfer readily to new situations. Educators can assist learners in
acquiring and integrating knowledge by a number of strategies that have been
shown to be effective with learners of varying abilities, such as concept mapping
and thematic organization or categorizing. Fourth is the Strategic Thinking, the
successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning
strategies to achieve complex learning goals. Successful learners use strategic
thinking in their approach to learning, reasoning, problem solving and concept
learning. Learners also continue to expand their repertoire of strategies by
reflecting on the methods they use to see which work well for them, by receiving
guided instruction and feedback, and by observing. Fifth is Thinking about thinking,
it is the higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations
facilitate creative and critical thinking. Successful learners can reflect on how they
think and learn, set reasonable learning or performance goals, select potentially
appropriate learning strategies or methods, and monitor their progress toward
these goals. In addition, successful learners know what to do if a problem occurs
or if they are not making sufficient or timely progress toward a goal. They can
generate alternative methods to reach their goal (or reassess the appropriateness
and utility of the goal). Now, the sixth and the last is Context of learning. Learning
is influenced by environmental factors, including culture, technology, and
instructional practices. Learning does not occur in a vacuum. Teachers a major
interactive role with both the learner and the learning environment. Cultural or
group influences on students can impact many educationally relevant variables,
such as motivation, orientation toward learning, and ways of thinking.
Technologies and instructional practices must be appropriate for learners' level of
prior knowledge, cognitive abilities, and their learning and thinking strategies. The
classroom environment, particularly the degree to which it is nurturing or not, can
also have significant impacts on student learning.
There are only three principles in Motivational and
Affective Factors. First is the Motivational and emotional Influences
of learning. I realized that motivational and emotional influences on
learning. What and how much is learned is influenced by the
learner’s motivation. Motivation to learn, in turn, is influenced by the
individual’s emotional states, beliefs, interest and goals, and habits
of thinking. Students’ belief about themselves as learners and the
nature of learning have a marked influence on motivation;
motivational and emotional factors also influence both the quality of
thinking and information processing as well as an individual’s
motivation to learn. For example, Positive emotions such as curiosity,
generally enhance motivation and facilitate learning and
performance. Mild anxiety can also enhance learning and
performance by focusing the learner’s attention on a particular task.
Intense negative emotions such as anxiety, panic, insecurity and
related thoughts generally detract from motivation, interfere with
learning and contribute to low performance. Second is Intrinsic
motivation to learn and its motivation is facilitated on tasks that
learners perceive as interesting and personally relevant and
meaningful, appropriate in complexity and difficulty to the learners’
abilities and on which they believe they can succeed. Educators can
encourage and support learners’ natural curiosity and motivation to
learn by attending to individual differences in learners’ perceptions
of optimal novelty and difficulty, relevance and personal choice and
control 9. Effects of motivation on effort. Acquisition of complex
knowledge and skills requires extended learner effort and guided
practice. Without learner’s motivation to learn, the willingness to
exert this effort is unlikely without coercion. And third is Effects of
motivation on effort. The acquisition of complex knowledge and skills
demands educators need to be concerned with facilitating
motivation by strategies that enhance learner effort and
commitment to learning and to achieving high standards of
comprehension and understanding effective strategies include
purposeful learning activities, guided by practices that enhance
emotions and intrinsic motivation to learn and methods that increase
learners’ perceptions that a is interesting and personally relevant.
There are also two Development and Social Factors. First
is Development Influences on Learning. Learning is most effective
when differential development within and across physical,
intellectual, emotions and social domains is taken into account. Individuals
learn best when material is appropriate to their development level and is
presented in an enjoyable and interesting way. Why? because individual
development varies across intellectual, social, emotional and physical
domains, achievement in different instructional domains may also vary
overemphasis on one type of developmental readiness – such as reading
readiness – may preclude learners from demonstrating that they are more
capable in other areas of performance the cognitive, emotional and social
development of individual learners and how they interpret life experiences
are affected by prior schooling, home, culture and community factors,
early and continuing parental involvement in schooling, and the quality of
language interactions and two-way. Communications between adults and
children can influence these developmental areas awareness and
understanding of developmental differences among children with and
without emotional, physical or intellectual disabilities, can facilitate the
creation of optimal learning contexts. Second is the Social influenced on
learning. Learning is influenced by social interactions, interpersonal
relations and communications with others. Learning settings that allow for
social interactions and respect for diversity encourage flexible and social
competence. In interactive and collaborative instructional contexts,
individuals have an opportunity for perspective taking and reflective
thinking that may lead to higher levels of cognitive, social and moral
development, as well as self-esteem quality personal relationships that
provide stability, trust and caring can increase learners’ sense of
belonging, self-respect and self-acceptance and provide a positive climate
for learning. Positive learning climates can also help to establish the
context for healthier levels of thinking, feeling and behaving; such contexts
help learners feel safe to share ideas, actively participate in the learning
process, and create a learning community.
Now the last factor which is the Individual Differences have
three principles. First is the Individual differences in learning. Individuals
are born with and develop their own capabilities and talents through
learning and social acculturation. They have acquired their own
preferences for how they like to learn and the pace at which they learn.
However, these preferences are not always. Educators need to help
students examine their learning preferences and expand or modify them,
if necessary educators need to be sensitive to individual differences. In
general, they also need to attend to learner perceptions of the degree to
which these differences are accepted to by varying instructional methods
and materials. Second is Learning and diversity. I realized that careful
attention to the above-mentioned factors in the instructional setting
enhances the possibilities for designing and implementing appropriate
learning environment - when learners perceive that their individual
differences in abilities backgrounds, cultures and experiences are valued,
respected and accommodated in learning tasks and contexts, levels of
motivation and achievement are enhanced. Third and the last is Standards
and assessment. Including diagnostic process and outcome assessment are
integral parts of the learning process. Effective learning takes place when
learners feel challenged to work towards appropriately high goals,
therefore, appraisal of the learner’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses, as
well as current knowledge and skills, is important for the selection of
instructional materials of an optimal degree of difficulty.


1. State five characteristics of human development from a life-span perspective

and their implications to the child care, education, and parenting.

Before I state the five characteristics of human development, let me Define

first what is human development. Human development refers to the physical, cognitive,
and psychosocial development of humans throughout the lifespan. What types of
development are involved in each of these three domains or areas of life? Physical
development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills,
and health and wellness. Cognitive development involves learning, attention, memory,
language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity. Psychosocial development involves
emotions, personality, and social relationships. Now, the life-span perspective involves the
exploration of biological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes and constancies that occur
throughout the entire course of life. It has been presented as a theoretical perspective,
proposing several fundamental, theoretical, and methodological principles about the
nature of human development. An attempt by researchers has been made to examine
whether research on the nature of development suggests a specific metatheoretical
worldview. Several beliefs, taken together, form the “family of perspectives” that
contribute to this particular view. There are 2 approaches to human development. First is
the traditional and second is life-span. Traditional emphasizes extensive change from birth
to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood, and decline in late old age. Life-span
emphasizes development change during adulthood as well as childhood. As described by
the American Psychological Association, human lifespan development studies how human
learn, mature, and adapt from infancy to adulthood to elderly phases of life.
The following are the characteristics of life-span perspective;

Now the question is how does this characteristics of human development from a
life-span perspective helpful to the child care, education, and parenting? The first
characteristic is Development is lifelong. Lifelong development means that development is
not completed in infancy or childhood or at any specific age; it encompasses the entire
lifespan, from conception to death. In child care, an individual in its childhood is mostly a
curious one, this curiosity is brought is brought until its educational starts. As children
grow, their education leads them to development, even until they are in parenthood.
Development occurs as long as person lives.
Second is the development is plastic. Plasticity denotes intrapersonal variability
and focuses heavily on the potentials and limits of the nature of human development. The
notion of plasticity emphasizes that there are many possible developmental outcomes and
that the nature of human development is much more open and pluralistic than originally
implied by traditional views; there is no single pathway that must be taken in an
individual’s development across the lifespan. Plasticity is imperative to current research
because the potential for intervention is derived from the notion of plasticity in
development. Undesired development or behaviors could potentially be prevented or
changed. In child care, children undergo drastic changes, and of course that includes their
needs. Those needs must be provided for a child’s welfare. In education, learning means
being subjected to change. However small the change is, development takes place, so
regardless of age, changes through development occurs. With that said, education should
not be discriminating. In parenting, improvement due to any deliberate effort to help
parents be more effective in caring for children is development. As the child grows, one’s
parenting style should develop and match with the child’s needs.
Third, development is multidimensional. Multidimensionality refers to the fact
that development cannot be described by a single criterion such as increases or decreases
in a behavior. It occurs in the biological, cognitive and social emotional domains. When we
say biological, it is a process where changes in the individual will develop. He/she will gain
weight and height. He/ she will also experience hormonal changes when he/she reach the
period of puberty, and cardiovascular decline as they approach late adulthood. Then in
cognitive, these are the changes in the individual’s thought, intelligence, and language. An
example for a cognitive process is when a baby or individual develop from mere sounds to
a word becoming two words and two words become a sentence. And in socioemotional
process includes changes in the individual relationship with other people, changes in
emotions, and changes in personality. For example, a baby will respond with a sweet smile
when affectionately touched and frowned when displeased and even showed temper
tantrum when they could not get or do what they wanted. In child care, to promote
children’s physical development, external forces should be done such as provision of
healthy foods to eat and inauguration of exercises. For the mental development, they
should be exposed in improvement to be the best parent.
Next, development in contextual. n Baltes’ theory, the paradigm of
contextualism refers to the idea that three systems of biological and environmental
influences work together to influence development. Development occurs in context and
varies from person to person, depending on factors such as a person’s biology, family,
school, church, profession, nationality, and ethnicity. Baltes identified three types of
influences that operate throughout the life course: normative age-graded influences,
normative history-graded influences, and non-normative influences. Baltes wrote that
these three influences operate throughout the life course, their effects accumulate with
time, and, as a dynamic package, they are responsible for how lives develop. In child care,
for example, most of the time when a guardian is strict, the child responds to them with
fear. The child then will probably develop into a parent who will do the same to his or her
children. See that child care reflects on what we experienced while being a child. In
education, we respond to challenges of it differently. Some who lives with many riches will
probably not have the motivation to study, and the someone who lived without fortune
maybe more motivated to study. In parenting, just like in child care, parents are plausible to
practice their response to what they have had experienced when they were in the position
of being a child.
And last, development involves growth, maintenance and regulation. This characteristic of
lifespan perspective implies that development consists of growth, maintenance and
regulation, wherein child care growth is mostly seen through physical changes, so the
maintaining and regulating the act of consuming healthy foods should be implemented. In
education, growth is symbolized because of knowledge one has acquired, so maintaining
good study habits and regulating the knowledge input is established. In parenting, growth
becomes obvious as one feels the need to become a better parent, so maintenance in
terms of physical fitness and regulation for the mindset becomes a necessity.

Characteristic of human development Educational Implication to Child Care

from a life-span perspective Education, and Parenting.
In child care, an individual in its childhood is
1. Development is lifelong mostly a curious one, this curiosity is brought
is brought until its educational starts. As
children grow, their education leads them to
development, even until they are in
parenthood. Development occurs as long as
person lives.

2. Development is plastic In child care, children undergo drastic changes,

and of course that includes their needs. Those
needs must be provided for a child’s welfare. In
education, learning means being subjected to
change. However small the change is,
development takes place, so regardless of age,
changes through development occurs. With
that said, education should not be
discriminating. In parenting, improvement due
to any deliberate effort to help parents be
more effective in caring for children is
development. As the child grows, one’s
parenting style should develop and match with
the child’s needs.

3. Development is multidimensional In child care, to promote children’s physical

development, external forces should be done
such as provision of healthy foods to eat and
inauguration of exercises. For the mental
development, they should be exposed in
improvement to be the best parent.
4. Development is contextual In child care, for example, most of the time
when a guardian is strict, the child responds
to them with fear. The child then will
probably develop into a parent who will do
the same to his or her children. See that child
care reflects on what we experienced while
being a child. In education, we respond to
challenges of it differently. Some who lives
with many riches will probably not have the
motivation to study, and the someone who
lived without fortune maybe more motivated
to study. In parenting, just like in child care,
parents are plausible to practice their
response to what they have had experienced
when they were in the position of being a

This characteristic of lifespan perspective

5. Development involves growth, implies that development consists of growth,
maintenance and regulation maintenance and regulation, wherein child
care growth is mostly seen through physical
changes, so the maintaining and regulating
the act of consuming healthy foods should be
implemented. In education, growth is
symbolized because of knowledge one has
acquired, so maintaining good study habits
and regulating the knowledge input is
established. In parenting, growth becomes
obvious as one feels the need to become a
better parent, so maintenance in terms of
physical fitness and regulation for the mindset
becomes a necessity.

2. “Growth is an evidence of life” or “development is an evidence of life.” What

does this mean? What does this imply to a person’s development?
You can’t be living unless you’re growing. Our bones, muscles, tissues,
and cells are all developed as we grow. Furthermore, growth can ensure sufficient
nourishment; if it does not, it indicates that you are not growing properly,
demonstrating that if you grow, you have life. This indicates that we must value
ourselves in this world in order to adapt with environmental changes and survive.
Growth, improvement, and adversity will always be present; all you have to do is
take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, and live in the now. Learning is
about growth, and unlike our bodies, our minds may continue to expand as long as
we live. The only sign of life is growth. We are all human, and we all make
mistakes. As a result of our mistakes, we learn and grow. That is the reason we
live: to learn, grow, and develop our character.

a. All the domain of e.g. Development is

3. If your approach to human
development and learning – development is traditional, ate the characteristics of
human development
physical, social,fromandlife-span
cognitive perspective acceptable? Explain yor answer.
– are important, and they are
No, because
closely these two approaches
interrelated. Children’scontradict each other, if my approach to
human development
developmentisand traditional
learning approach
in then the life-span perspective is not
influence states that there is little or no change in adulthood,
and are
meaning traditional
influenced approach
by what takesmeans
place that a person's development remains
in other domains. stagnant until old age.
b. Many aspects of children’s Development is
learning and development Multidimensional
4. Below are the principles
follow of children development
well documented and learning which are the
bases of developmentally
sequence, with later appropriate
abilities,practice (DAP) in early childhood program for
children from birth
skills, andthrough
knowledge age building
8, which were stated in the position paper of the
National Association
on those already acquired. of Young Children (2009). They affirm the
for the Education
characteristics of life-span
c. Development anddevelopment
learning approach we just discussed.
Development is lifelongFind out which
proceed at varying
one is a re-statement rates fromof human development by stating the
of the principles
characteristics well asdevelopment
at uneven from a life-span perspective in the second
column. rates across different areas of
a child’s individual functioning.
d. Development and learning Development is
result from a dynamic and multidimensional
continuous interaction of
biological maturation and
e. Early experiences have Development is plastic
profound effects, both
cumulative and delayed, on a
child’s development and
learning; and optimal periods
exist for certain types of
development and learning
f. Development proceeds Development involves growth,
toward greater complexity, maintenance, and regulation
self-regulation, and symbolic
or representational capacities.
g. Children develop best when Development is
they have secure, consistent multidimensional
relationships with responsive
adults and opportunities for
positive relationships with
h. Development and learning Development is contextual
occur in and are influenced by
multiple social and cultural
i. Always mentally active in Development is
seeking to understand the multidimensional
world around them, children
learn in a variety of way; a
wide range of teaching
strategies and interactions are
effective in supporting all
these kinds of learning.
j. Play is an important vehicle for Development is
developing self-regulation as multidimensional
well as for promoting
language, cognition, and social
k. Developing and learning Development is
advance when children are multidimensional


1. Research further on the cephalocaudal and proximadistal patterns of development.
Cephalocaudal development or pattern refers to growth and development that occurs
from the headboth
Illustrate down.patterns by a of
It consists drawing or diagram
development starting at the top of the body and working its
b. How do you apply your knowledge of cephalocaudal
way down, i.e., from the head to the feet. What this means andisproximodistal patterns of
that the development of the
and in yourtends
brain teaching?
to be Hint:
morethe pencils(in
advanced of the
pre-K, Kindergartners
sense that it occursand Grade
first) than1the
restare bigger
of the than
patternpupils in thecomplete
is largely higher Grade levels.
by the Does this
beginning practice have
of adulthood, something
though to other
of course do withaspects of
proximodistal patterns of development?
development continues throughout life.
2. Interpret the following quotations
Proximodistal in relation
development occurs to human
from development:
the center or core of the body in an outward
a. “EveryItman
is in in the tendency
certain respects for
likegrowth tomen,
all other start like
at the center
some of men,
other the body and work
no other men.”its
outward, toward the extremities.
& C. Kluckhohn) This is called the proximodistal pattern. Thus, the spine
develops first in the
b. “man is an unfinished uterus,project.
followedHeby the extremities
is always and finally
in the process the fingers and toes.
of becoming.”

3. Present your interpretation by way of a Power Point. In the light of researchers on human
development, which of two approaches is closer to the truth – traditional or lifespan? Why?


Cephalocaudal pattern is from head to toe development. In teaching, it is

important to start first with the head meaning to say you have to supply
knowledge first to you students before you let them engage in a certain
activitie. In proximodistal, you have to help the child develop his/her inner
talent, attitude, values since it will be his/her foundation in exploring the
The reason why the pencils of pre-K, Kindergartners and Grade 1 Pupils are bigger
than those pupils in the higher Grade levels, it helps in proximodistal development
and the reason behind that is because the thicker pencils they are easier to hold, and
also it is easierSTRENGTHENERS
SYNAPSE to hold. Violon, writing and children are able to put their fingers
around because they have very small fingers and hold on to so by this, what happens
is the fine motor scales are still developing and something smaller is going to be
harder to manipulate. So this is why very young children have really big legos. So in
the young children they have big legos, whereas and as they get older, they use a
small pencil, so older ones have small legos. So in this what happens is younger is the
child. Younger is the child, the bigger are the things to hold bigger arthens, because
their development is less fine. Motor scales, developed, less fine motor scale.
Development is that's why the things are bigger and its opposite is older. Is the child
lesser or smaller the things because the fine motor scales are well developed? Fine
motor scales are increased or well develop.

a. First of all, I would substitute “human” for “man.” This is a statement which applies
to women also. As I get older, I’m astounded by both the similarities and the
differences between people. As the statement says, all of us are the same in some
ways—we all have emotions or have had them at one time. We may have buried
them due to depression/mental illness. But if we’re human we know about
emotions. We all have brains so we have all known what it is to think—maybe not
deep thought—but we’ve all entertained ideas of some sort. Some of us are like
some other people but not all. For example, some of us have horrible tempers. We
become irrational. We go crazy when we get angry. But obviously not all of us.
Some of us hold our anger in and give a person the silent treatment or hold a
grudge for years. Some of us love material things.
They may not be the same things, but they’re material. Cars,
clothes, houses. But not all people love material things. Some people enjoy
minimalism. They want to travel light. Then there may be something completely
different about each one of us. Something unique. This is harder to imagine. We
would have to interview people, and it’s possible that we would find something
weird, wonderful, quirky about each one. For me it would be my loss of religious
faith when I encountered the power of what I believe to be the supernatural force
responsible for everything. This seems to be about as unique as it gets. So basically
this statement is saying that all people have something in common, some people
have things in common with some others but not all, and all people probably have
something unique—something different from anyone else. Maybe we can all think
about what this may be. I’ve got mine already.

b. “Man is an unfinished project. He is always in the process of becoming.” From the

time we were born, we did not stay the same, in fact we have changed and is
continuously changing. This fact supports that we are truly an unfinished project,
and we are always in the process of becoming. In other words, since we are an
unfinished project, every day is a day to complete ourselves and achieve the
wholeness of us. We have proven already this one every time that we wake up in
the morning and go to work or school or whatever endeavors we do. The things
that we do every day are part of the process that we, and like an unfinished project
should go through in order to become someone we wanted to be.
Patterns of development

a. The direction of growth following the cephalocaudal pattern is from the top to the
1. Do the following to ensure mastery of the big ideas presented in this Module .
b. The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from the center of
the body to the outward.

• Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people’s freedoms and

opportunities and improving their well-being. Human development is about the real
freedom ordinary people have to decide who to be, what to do, and how to live.
Human development, the process of growth and change that takes place between
The traditional approach emphasizes extensive change from birth to adolescence,
birth and maturity.
little or no change in adulthood, and decline in late old age while the life-span
approach emphasizes developmental change during adulthood as well as

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

3. Differences between the traditional and life-span approaches to human development.


4. Characteristic of human development from aOFlife-span
HUMAN perspective.


a. Give the meaning of human development
All the world's a stage by William Shakespeare depicts the seven stages in human life. We
humans, have different role that we play in each stages. It is not about being the main character
in the stage of life but more on adapting and accomplishing you goal. This also proves that we
are progressing. For me this is like a reminder that it's okay if I slow down a little bit, that I
shouldn't rush things and force myself to grow when it is not yet appropriate in my current
5. In one sentence, write the characteristics of human development expressed in this Venn
stage. I am developing, others may not notice it and it may seem like it is slow yet it's good to
know that we human beings are naturally progressing.

The characteristics of human development is divided into two: traditional and life-span
perspective, these two are contradicting each other because traditional states that there is little
to no change when a person reaches old age while life-span perspective argues that
development is continuous until old age and that the development includes socioemotional,
cognitive and biological process.

6. Discuss the meaning of the quotation written beneath the title of this Unit and Module.
Relate the quotation to your life. Child care, education and parenting.

7. Put a check before a correct statement and X before a wrong one. If you put X, explain

1. Development is a pattern of change.

2. Development is either growth or decline
3. From both traditional and life-span perspectives development is lifelong
– from life-span perspective only
4. In the development process, there are things that hold true to all people.
5. Individuals develop uniformly. – development is plastic
6. Development is predictable because it follows an orderly process.
7. Development is unidimensional – development is multidimensional
8. Development takes place in a vacuum. - development does not take
place in a vacuum, it is embedded in a particular socio-cultural context.
9. The effect of biological process on development is isolated from the
effect of cognitive and socioemotional processes. – because these three are
interconnected, for example a girl entered puberty stage and she noticed that
there is a bad odor in her armpit caused by the sudden change in her biological
process then one of her classmate noticed this change so she bullied her for
having a bad odor, this caused the girl to be distant to her friends and
classmates (socioemotional process) and with being insecure, it affected her
way of thinking because of the trauma of being bullied (cognitive process).
View on YouTube of Helen Pearson: lesson from the longest study on human development. Fill out the
matrix given below.


Science journalist Helen Pearson shared
some important findings and simple
truths about life and good parenting
based on the data collected as part of this
How The study
are the reveals
findings thatresearch
of this children useful to teachers?
born into poverty or into disadvantage are
far more likely to walk a difficult path in
life. Many children in this study were born
Guide Questions:
into poor families or into working-class
families that had1. cramped
You are a homes
bundle of or possibilities.
other You are meant to develop like any other living thing or
problems, and it’s else
now that those
will rut. Remember “Growth is an evidence of life.” If you are alive, then you
disadvantaged children
must be have beenand
growing more
developing. Are you on your way to development?
likely to struggle
2. on almost
Like every
you, each of score.
your future student is also a bundle of possibilities. How should you
look at them in terms of development? Write down your reflections. There’s no wrong
answers, remember

5-Minute Non-Stop Writing begins…. NOW!


Perhaps the biggest

message from this
remarkable study is this:
don't be born into poverty
or into disadvantage,
because if you are, you're
far more likely to walk a
difficult path in life.

1. Answer this question with a learning partner. What are the implications of these
developmental tasks to your role as a teacher and or parent? Let's pay particular attention to
each of the developmental stages prenatal period, infancy, early childhood, middle and late
childhood and adolescence.
Preschool period – what are pregnant others supposed to do to ensure the birth of a
normal and healthy baby?
Infancy – what should mother and baby sitters do and not do to help infants develop normally
and healthily?
Let's do #1. Early
High Childhood
school teachersWhat aretopreschool
ought help theirteachers
by creatingto learning
do with environments
preschoolers? that
them develop
reinforce readiness
the view for school
that students canand not toacademic
master be too academic
subjects. in teaching
Students areapproach.
motivatedThey ought to
to compete
give much time for preschoolers to play. Or perhaps help preschoolers develop school
with themselves to meet higher and higher self-determined goals. The result of such learning readiness by
integrating children's
environments, games
according in school isactivities.
to Bandura, an increased sense of self-efficacy that promotes academic

Middle and Late childhood

Parents ought
Elementary to help
school their teenage
teachers ought tochildren bypupils
help their acknowledging their achievements
by encouraging and
and establishing
supporting them through mistakes and challenges. Encouraging them and listening without judgment
behavioral rules and procedures to ensure children learn and maintain order. They give student updates
toand seeking or
guardians to parents
understand their
on the concerns
child's and challenges.
progress, special needs, or improvements. An elementary school
teacher motivates students and encourages them to overcome challenges in learning.

Early adulthood College

Parents ought
Teachers to help
ought theirtheir
to help children by actively
student by havingencouraging them toof
high expectations dothem
best with school,
of their
their hobbies
previous and interests.
academic listening
performance, without
helping judgment
them feel likeand seeking
a part of thetoschool
understand their concerns and
and educational
community, acknowledging theirenvironments
creating learning achievementsthat andreinforce
supporting thethem
view through mistakes
that students can and challenges.
master academic
subjects, seeking out and praising any effort of all students make toward learning, assessing the
learning styles of their students and encouraging students to ask questions when they don't
understand something or need further clarification.

Parents can help their children who are now young adults by parental guidance. Every
Parents should guide their children even young or old, since they know much better than them.
Parents can help their children by decision making and any other actions, because parents are
everything, parents know what is best.

Middle adulthood

What should adults do to obtain satisfaction in their career? What should school teach for
student to be prepared for middle adulthood? In their retirement, adults should In their
knowledgeable about what their career is, and teachers must teach to the students how your career
and schooling is importance to their lives because at the end of the day students will be successful in
there career.

Late adulthood

In their retirement, adults should

How should children relate to their parents in their late adulthood stag? What should
teachers teach to students on how they should treat and relate to parent, grand-parents in their late

The children should understand or relate to the parents during this period because they are now
able to understand the problems that the family are facing. They should try to be with them during
seasons of hardship or during happy times.
2. Allow small groups to do each of the following:

a. Come up with an object to symbolize each period or stage of development.

b. Do a multimedia presentation of the outstanding characteristics and developmental tasks of
each developmental stage. You may use the text of Santrock found under each of the collage
of pictures in the ACTIVITY PHASSE of this lesson.
c. Sing an appropriate song for each developmental stage.

3. Discus the meaning of the quotation beneath the title of the lesson. Relate it to the stages of


Developmental task are _______.

2. As a group, show the development stages by means of a Power Point presentation or a video clip
that you work inclusive of the ages. Write also the outstanding characteristic trait and developmental
task of each developmental stage.

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