Reflective Journal
Reflective Journal
Reflective Journal
Now the question is how does this characteristics of human development from a
life-span perspective helpful to the child care, education, and parenting? The first
characteristic is Development is lifelong. Lifelong development means that development is
not completed in infancy or childhood or at any specific age; it encompasses the entire
lifespan, from conception to death. In child care, an individual in its childhood is mostly a
curious one, this curiosity is brought is brought until its educational starts. As children
grow, their education leads them to development, even until they are in parenthood.
Development occurs as long as person lives.
Second is the development is plastic. Plasticity denotes intrapersonal variability
and focuses heavily on the potentials and limits of the nature of human development. The
notion of plasticity emphasizes that there are many possible developmental outcomes and
that the nature of human development is much more open and pluralistic than originally
implied by traditional views; there is no single pathway that must be taken in an
individual’s development across the lifespan. Plasticity is imperative to current research
because the potential for intervention is derived from the notion of plasticity in
development. Undesired development or behaviors could potentially be prevented or
changed. In child care, children undergo drastic changes, and of course that includes their
needs. Those needs must be provided for a child’s welfare. In education, learning means
being subjected to change. However small the change is, development takes place, so
regardless of age, changes through development occurs. With that said, education should
not be discriminating. In parenting, improvement due to any deliberate effort to help
parents be more effective in caring for children is development. As the child grows, one’s
parenting style should develop and match with the child’s needs.
Third, development is multidimensional. Multidimensionality refers to the fact
that development cannot be described by a single criterion such as increases or decreases
in a behavior. It occurs in the biological, cognitive and social emotional domains. When we
say biological, it is a process where changes in the individual will develop. He/she will gain
weight and height. He/ she will also experience hormonal changes when he/she reach the
period of puberty, and cardiovascular decline as they approach late adulthood. Then in
cognitive, these are the changes in the individual’s thought, intelligence, and language. An
example for a cognitive process is when a baby or individual develop from mere sounds to
a word becoming two words and two words become a sentence. And in socioemotional
process includes changes in the individual relationship with other people, changes in
emotions, and changes in personality. For example, a baby will respond with a sweet smile
when affectionately touched and frowned when displeased and even showed temper
tantrum when they could not get or do what they wanted. In child care, to promote
children’s physical development, external forces should be done such as provision of
healthy foods to eat and inauguration of exercises. For the mental development, they
should be exposed in improvement to be the best parent.
Next, development in contextual. n Baltes’ theory, the paradigm of
contextualism refers to the idea that three systems of biological and environmental
influences work together to influence development. Development occurs in context and
varies from person to person, depending on factors such as a person’s biology, family,
school, church, profession, nationality, and ethnicity. Baltes identified three types of
influences that operate throughout the life course: normative age-graded influences,
normative history-graded influences, and non-normative influences. Baltes wrote that
these three influences operate throughout the life course, their effects accumulate with
time, and, as a dynamic package, they are responsible for how lives develop. In child care,
for example, most of the time when a guardian is strict, the child responds to them with
fear. The child then will probably develop into a parent who will do the same to his or her
children. See that child care reflects on what we experienced while being a child. In
education, we respond to challenges of it differently. Some who lives with many riches will
probably not have the motivation to study, and the someone who lived without fortune
maybe more motivated to study. In parenting, just like in child care, parents are plausible to
practice their response to what they have had experienced when they were in the position
of being a child.
And last, development involves growth, maintenance and regulation. This characteristic of
lifespan perspective implies that development consists of growth, maintenance and
regulation, wherein child care growth is mostly seen through physical changes, so the
maintaining and regulating the act of consuming healthy foods should be implemented. In
education, growth is symbolized because of knowledge one has acquired, so maintaining
good study habits and regulating the knowledge input is established. In parenting, growth
becomes obvious as one feels the need to become a better parent, so maintenance in
terms of physical fitness and regulation for the mindset becomes a necessity.
3. Present your interpretation by way of a Power Point. In the light of researchers on human
development, which of two approaches is closer to the truth – traditional or lifespan? Why?
a. First of all, I would substitute “human” for “man.” This is a statement which applies
to women also. As I get older, I’m astounded by both the similarities and the
differences between people. As the statement says, all of us are the same in some
ways—we all have emotions or have had them at one time. We may have buried
them due to depression/mental illness. But if we’re human we know about
emotions. We all have brains so we have all known what it is to think—maybe not
deep thought—but we’ve all entertained ideas of some sort. Some of us are like
some other people but not all. For example, some of us have horrible tempers. We
become irrational. We go crazy when we get angry. But obviously not all of us.
Some of us hold our anger in and give a person the silent treatment or hold a
grudge for years. Some of us love material things.
They may not be the same things, but they’re material. Cars,
clothes, houses. But not all people love material things. Some people enjoy
minimalism. They want to travel light. Then there may be something completely
different about each one of us. Something unique. This is harder to imagine. We
would have to interview people, and it’s possible that we would find something
weird, wonderful, quirky about each one. For me it would be my loss of religious
faith when I encountered the power of what I believe to be the supernatural force
responsible for everything. This seems to be about as unique as it gets. So basically
this statement is saying that all people have something in common, some people
have things in common with some others but not all, and all people probably have
something unique—something different from anyone else. Maybe we can all think
about what this may be. I’ve got mine already.
a. The direction of growth following the cephalocaudal pattern is from the top to the
1. Do the following to ensure mastery of the big ideas presented in this Module .
b. The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from the center of
the body to the outward.
3. Differences between the traditional and life-span approaches to human development.
4. Characteristic of human development from aOFlife-span
HUMAN perspective.
a. Give the meaning of human development
All the world's a stage by William Shakespeare depicts the seven stages in human life. We
humans, have different role that we play in each stages. It is not about being the main character
in the stage of life but more on adapting and accomplishing you goal. This also proves that we
are progressing. For me this is like a reminder that it's okay if I slow down a little bit, that I
shouldn't rush things and force myself to grow when it is not yet appropriate in my current
5. In one sentence, write the characteristics of human development expressed in this Venn
stage. I am developing, others may not notice it and it may seem like it is slow yet it's good to
know that we human beings are naturally progressing.
The characteristics of human development is divided into two: traditional and life-span
perspective, these two are contradicting each other because traditional states that there is little
to no change when a person reaches old age while life-span perspective argues that
development is continuous until old age and that the development includes socioemotional,
cognitive and biological process.
6. Discuss the meaning of the quotation written beneath the title of this Unit and Module.
Relate the quotation to your life. Child care, education and parenting.
7. Put a check before a correct statement and X before a wrong one. If you put X, explain
Science journalist Helen Pearson shared
some important findings and simple
truths about life and good parenting
based on the data collected as part of this
How The study
are the reveals
findings thatresearch
of this children useful to teachers?
born into poverty or into disadvantage are
far more likely to walk a difficult path in
life. Many children in this study were born
Guide Questions:
into poor families or into working-class
families that had1. cramped
You are a homes
bundle of or possibilities.
other You are meant to develop like any other living thing or
problems, and it’s else
now that those
will rut. Remember “Growth is an evidence of life.” If you are alive, then you
disadvantaged children
must be have beenand
growing more
developing. Are you on your way to development?
likely to struggle
2. on almost
Like every
you, each of score.
your future student is also a bundle of possibilities. How should you
look at them in terms of development? Write down your reflections. There’s no wrong
answers, remember
1. Answer this question with a learning partner. What are the implications of these
developmental tasks to your role as a teacher and or parent? Let's pay particular attention to
each of the developmental stages prenatal period, infancy, early childhood, middle and late
childhood and adolescence.
Preschool period – what are pregnant others supposed to do to ensure the birth of a
normal and healthy baby?
Infancy – what should mother and baby sitters do and not do to help infants develop normally
and healthily?
Let's do #1. Early
High Childhood
school teachersWhat aretopreschool
ought help theirteachers
by creatingto learning
do with environments
preschoolers? that
them develop
reinforce readiness
the view for school
that students canand not toacademic
master be too academic
subjects. in teaching
Students areapproach.
motivatedThey ought to
to compete
give much time for preschoolers to play. Or perhaps help preschoolers develop school
with themselves to meet higher and higher self-determined goals. The result of such learning readiness by
integrating children's
environments, games
according in school isactivities.
to Bandura, an increased sense of self-efficacy that promotes academic
Parents can help their children who are now young adults by parental guidance. Every
Parents should guide their children even young or old, since they know much better than them.
Parents can help their children by decision making and any other actions, because parents are
everything, parents know what is best.
Middle adulthood
What should adults do to obtain satisfaction in their career? What should school teach for
student to be prepared for middle adulthood? In their retirement, adults should In their
knowledgeable about what their career is, and teachers must teach to the students how your career
and schooling is importance to their lives because at the end of the day students will be successful in
there career.
Late adulthood
How should children relate to their parents in their late adulthood stag? What should
teachers teach to students on how they should treat and relate to parent, grand-parents in their late
The children should understand or relate to the parents during this period because they are now
able to understand the problems that the family are facing. They should try to be with them during
seasons of hardship or during happy times.
2. Allow small groups to do each of the following:
3. Discus the meaning of the quotation beneath the title of the lesson. Relate it to the stages of
2. As a group, show the development stages by means of a Power Point presentation or a video clip
that you work inclusive of the ages. Write also the outstanding characteristic trait and developmental
task of each developmental stage.