Construction Engineer Learning Development Guide
Construction Engineer Learning Development Guide
Construction Engineer Learning Development Guide
Introduction 4
Career stage 5
Acronyms defined 44
This guide has been developed with the significant contribution of the following Australian Constructors Association
member representatives.
With more than 100,000 individual members, Engineers The Australian Constructors Association represents
Australia is the profession’s peak body. We are the voice leading construction and infrastructure contracting
of the profession and exist to advance the science companies.
and practice of engineering for the benefit of the
community. We collaborate extensively across the sector and
represent the views of industry leaders to help shape
Founded in 1919 as the Institution of Engineers government policies to ensure Australian communities
Australia, our work has underpinned the progress of receive high-performing assets and services from
our nation for more than a century. the infrastructure, building, resources and energy
We support engineers in the pivotal role they play in
shaping the future of Australia, creating safe, successful Our goal is to create a more sustainable construction
and sustainable communities. industry for the benefit of all.
Engineers Australia is resourced and strategically We believe that a sustainable construction industry is
positioned to achieve its purpose by: built on the three key pillars of equitable and aligned
commercial frameworks, a positive industry culture, and
• Educating its members and the community sufficient capability, capacity and skills to execute the
• Facilitating the exchange of ideas and information projects it is called upon to deliver.
This guide has been developed by the Australian Constructors Association in partnership with Engineers Australia for
Construction Engineers as a guide to career stages and competency requirements that support career progression.
Career stage
The experience bands described below are indicative of the typical experience required to develop the skills and
knowledge required to perform effectively in the role and to upskill sufficiently to progress to the next level.
These descriptions and titles are not mandatory nor are they universal. Individual organisations may have different
titles. They are provided here as a reference and a guide for users and employers.
It should be noted that external bodies (such as Engineers Australia) would include the term ‘construction’ to all of
these titles. That is, Construction Project Engineer, however in the context of this document this sector specific
nomination has not been included.
Years of
Senior Project
Competencies for
construction engineers
The following competencies have been developed to support the construction industry and engineers working
within it. They are not meant to be prescriptive nor are they exhaustive.
These competencies are to be used as guides and examples of the typical skills and knowledge required to progress
your career.
Organisations are expected to use these to benchmark existing competenices, supplement existing frameworks and
provide additional guidance to engineers.
Develop project methods Develop a methodology for the effective execution of a project. 08
Manage project cost Forecast and control project quantities, costs and expenditure. 09
Manage project schedule Monitor and manage project schedule and time requirements. 09
Manage construction
Control project engineering activities throughout the project lifecycle. 10
engineering activities
Apply digital tools Use digital tools to support construction engineering work. 10
Manage environmental
Ensure that environmental protections requirements are met for project work. 11
Provide for the sustainability of the project using environmental, social and
Promote sustainability 12
economic measures.
Control project quality Manage and control quality aspects for project deliverables. 12
Communicate effectively Communicate information and ideas clearly and effectively in a workplace setting. 13
Professionalism Demonstrate competent performance in the role and develop effective work practices. 14
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Manage tenders and bids Prepare, evaluate and Contribute towards a bid and Review the design and Estimate a scope of works for Develop presentations as Analyse new opportunities
coordinate tenders and bids tendering processes accurately produce a quantity a project or deliverable part of client interactive that align with the
for contracted work within take-off workshops organisational business
formal tender processes Contribute to the Develop project delivery strategy
communication of tender Prepare work packages and options, review and evaluate Formulate strategic questions
information send out for pricing different options and make that exposes valuable Analyse and evaluate direct
judgement on best value information in formulating costs to ensure they are
Develop a plan (quantities, outcome a bid accurate and achievable
materials, program) of how to
build a scope of works Develop a program for the Incorporate client’s objectives Contribute to commercial
scope of works including with tender offer risk analysis and develop the
Read and understand the staging strategy for mitigation
Tender Advice Notices (TANs) Evaluate risks and
and the impact it has to Ensure designs are produced opportunities, and Facilitate transitions between
scope of works on time and align with the incorporate into overall price pre-contract stage to project
construction methodology estimate delivery
Participate in identifying and Develop a set-up and
classifying risks associated delivery plan for the project
with health and safety, incorporating staffing and
quality, environment, labour histograms and pricing
community or commercial for
a construction project tender/
Prepare submission
documentation that clearly
addresses project or client
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Develop project methods Develop methodology for Follow a developed Identify scope items or areas Create (or review) a crane Write a construction method Articulate a construction
the effective execution of a methodology to coordinate that require more detail and lifting plan including any statement (CMS) as part of a methodology and plan as part
project construction work write appropriate requests for temporary works associated technical submission of a technical submission to
information (RFIs) with ground conditions and asset owners
Identify engineering principles Engage relevant teams and
lifting beams
used in construction Formulate a methodology experts on methods to plan Ensure design meets the
plan with the site team using Develop drawings or sketches construction of an element budget and constructability
knowledge of engineering which illustrate the steps or of works requirements
principles and practices methods required to Identify all temporary
complete a task Initiate identification of
Identify design management works and responsibilities risk in design which could
requirements including TANs Review designs and input into for designing, checking, be eliminated, mitigated or
efficient construction methods inspecting and maintaining managed during construction
Ensure development of less Manage quantity tracking
experienced engineers is
throughout the design phase
actively undertaken
to enable accurate tracking of
Participate in industry budget costs
knowledge transfer events
Actively seek and engage with
new innovative contractors
Contract management Manage contract obligations Identify different contract Identify various sections Demonstrate awareness of Identify, analyse and resolve Ensure project team are
and performance types, such as short form and and appendices within the rights and obligations of disputed items according to aware of their contractual
requirements major contract/deeds subcontracts and be able to various entities within a contract requirements rights and obligations
retrieve information used to contract, including individual’s
Develop understanding of manage the subcontractors roles and responsibilities and Identify key suppliers, longer Demonstrate confident
contract terms and functions how this relates to other lead items and analyse impact management of the contract
Review tender submissions entities on schedule to optimise return
and ensure comparable prices
are being reviewed Use contract clauses and Ensure completion Develop a project start-up
conditions to progress claims, documentation is received plan
Use fundamental contractor extension of time (EOT), from subcontractors so the
negotiation techniques Head Contract can also be Ensure the use of an ethical
liquidated damages, variations
closed out procurement strategy in order
and close out
Identify and use contractual to meet contractual Key
terms that apply to the Use basic commercial rights Assess and return retention Performance Indicators (KPIs)
construction industry under the contract to identify values with consideration to
and raise issues quickly and any warranties
Identify procurement avoid time bars
processes and have an Ensure completion of project
awareness of procurement Develop a scope of work to scope for handover and close
requirements for suppliers of procure subcontractors out the project
goods and services Identify appropriate suppliers
and companies to execute
Follow established
procedures for procurement
of goods and services
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Manage project cost Manage and track project Understand importance Identify and monitor costs in Review project budget and Analyse the cost position of Utilise understanding of
costs and forecast and of project cost codes and order to manage budgets and break up the elements a scope of works and assess revenue claimed vs. costs
manage project budgets correctly allocate site costs to assess productivities risks, opportunities and spent
appropriate codes Complete quantity take-offs, contingency
Identify the difference forecast and track the total Identify entitlements under
between direct costs and cost of scope Analyse project progress and the contract and issue claims
indirect costs actual costs and compare
Calculate the cost of with forecasted progress and Analyse risks in the project
Read forecast sheets and undertaking a task and costs forecast and appropriately
identify available budget evaluate against the resultant allocate global project risks
benefits Identify and analyse emerging and contingency
Use key units of measure trends based on progress
associated with cost Evaluate different options to or performance and make Analyse and forecast all
forecasting to feed into earnt achieve project outcomes and adjustments on future works indirect costs
value calculations determine most beneficial based on analysis
solution Evaluate rise/fall calculations
provided in contracts
applicable to market
Evaluate escalation impacts
to contracts and budgets
(particularly labour)
Manage project schedule Monitor and manage Identify project schedule Accurately plan and program Analyse the project schedule Manage resources, risks and Manage cost plans and
project schedule and time activities over a 3-4 week to determine which tasks scope along critical path to project cash flow effectively
requirements Read and use project lookahead program have float and which are ensure delays do not affect
schedules to guide own work on the critical path, and the the project Manage EOT where
Review works complete/not sequence of works to build required under the contract
complete in the lookahead the scope Allocate and manage entitlements
plan and allocate a cause time (schedule) risk and
category to any incomplete Develop a scope of works contingencies appropriately Develop a contract program
works in a logical work breakdown to project that identifies all obligations
structure to be able to plan under the contract to ensure
Review and assess progress lower level activities which Analyse the logistics of that any delays are accurately
against planned activities will require monitoring procuring and delivering captured and claims assessed
site items and managing
Assess design packages constraints
between multiple projects/
sub-projects and track Manage critical path items
progress and adjust resources or
sequencing in order to
mitigate delays or gain float
Set key dates for program
review and analyse progress
Develop key milestones to
align team to a common goal
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Manage construction Control project engineering Coordinate works on site in Identify scope items and Apply a crane lifting plan Ensure construction method Develop and maintain
engineering activities activities throughout the conjunction with site staff out of scope activities or including any temporary statements provided as part systematic collaboration
project lifecycle requirements works associated with ground of a technical submission are across teams and ensure
Arrange for delivery of conditions and lifting beams implemented feedback is provided in a
materials to align with site Apply knowledge of timely manner
requirements engineering principles and Apply planned steps or Engage relevant teams on
practices to site works and methods required to methods to construct an Ensure construction
project activities complete a project task element of works meets the budget and
constructability requirements
Apply design management Apply designs and input Ensure all temporary
requirements, including TANs into efficient construction works and responsibilities Manage identified risks
methods for designing, checking, throughout construction
Develop specialised inspecting and maintaining
knowledge of construction Apply specialised knowledge are followed Manage quantity tracking
e.g. high-rise, tunnelling, etc. of construction techniques throughout the construction
e.g. high-rise, tunnelling etc. Document any re-planning phase to enable accurate
and ensure everyone involved tracking of budget costs
has an awareness of the
current plan
Apply digital tools Use digital tools to support Learn and understand digital Use geographic information Use digital models to provide Use digital models to assist in Champion digital record
construction engineering tools used within the industry system (GIS) tools to plan better spatial awareness the planning and coordination keeping
work works or review designs to aid in the planning and of overall site activities
Encourage the up-take of development of methods of Actively drive adoption of
digital tools and help the Use industry tools to perform construction, logistics and Identify utilities above/below innovative technology on a
wider team understand design reviews staging ground and live or redundant project site
benefits to the project services
Operate Building Information Use digital and spatial models
Modelling (BIM) viewer to to assist in detecting and
review models resolving clashes before
Use interactive technologies construction commences
on site such as augmented Use digital software to aid in
reality (AR) programs on a quantity take-offs
device or AR goggles
Improve project outcomes Identify improvements and Develop site awareness Identify changes of project Use established controls for Contribute to innovation Deliver key messages of
evaluate project outcomes conditions, including site design and construction/ and improvement of work corporate change to project
conditions, design, and change management and practices teams
variations decision modelling
Conduct action reviews Showing leadership and
Suggest alternative courses of Conduct critical analysis and capture evidence of empathy to support teams
action and work with changes of current facts, data, and assessment and continuous through difficult periods
to projects research on a specific issue, improvement
evaluate information and
applying judgement Incorporate recommendations
and learning into future
Appropriately challenge projects
decisions on design or
strategy and support position
with appropriate information
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Work safely Work within and support a Identify hazards, raise them, Develop safety risk Contribute to Safety in Manage and review incident Champion a safety culture
safe working environment and take appropriate action assessments and manage Design (SiD) activities and investigations across all project activities
to mitigate high risk activities with regard reviews for safer construction
to the scope and method of outcomes Ensure organisational policies, Assess data and trends to
construction procedures and rules are identify areas of improvement
Select contractors and followed by the project team
Work in accordance with manage onboarding and Ensure project compliance to
organisational work health safety briefings Identify high risk works and WHS/OHS Act and Codes of
and safety policy and ensure works are planned Practice
requirements Identify hazards and put appropriately to ensure they
controls in place to mitigate are safely executed Demonstrate leadership
Access resources to establish risks present and management of critical
and maintain compliance Present an incident incidents
i.e. Safe Work Australia investigation or outcome to
a team Drive continuous
or national/state-based improvement across all
regulators safety requirements and
Plan and execute activities performance
in compliance with Work
Health and Safety (WHS)
or Occupational Health
and Safety (OHS) Act and
Onboard subcontractors
in accordance with
organisational requirements
Manage environmental Understand how works Identify and comply with the Practice accurate tracing of Integrate approvals and Develop emergency response Ensure the team are
requirements impact the environment and environmental requirements contaminated material permit requirements into measures for managing an undertaking works in
use appropriate controls to when undertaking works planning and execution, and environmental incident accordance with relevant
minimise harm Develop progressive identify any program impact legislation and regulatory
environmental control plans Ensure project reporting permitting/planning approvals
with regards to the scope Have an awareness of the requirements are met and
being undertaken relevant environmental compliance with approvals is Create reports to prove
legislation (state, local or maintained compliance to conditions and
Define the aspects and federal) legislation
impacts of planned works and Develop a project
identify mitigations measures Interpret environmental Construction Environment Initiate consistency
requirements for a project Management Plan (CEMP), assessments (or equivalent
Identify potential heritage using relevant project plans, or equivalent, and ensure planning approval changes)
impacts, verification and approvals or assessments activities are completed in if the project is operating
reporting accordance with the plan outside of its environmental
Apply understanding of conditions of approval
Review the Environmental waste legislation to manage Manage interactions with
Work Method Statement movement of waste material key stakeholders, regulatory
(EWMS) and apply controls or government agencies e.g.
to appropriately manage fisheries, to ensure relevant
nuisance impacts e.g. dust, obligations are met
noise, vibration or odour
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Promote sustainability Provide for the sustainability Identify the whole-of-life Identify how the Conduct option assessments Demonstrate decision- Proactively contribute
of the project using aspects of infrastructure infrastructure being delivered and project appraisals to making informed by planned to the development and
environmental, social and being delivered can impact on the quality of consider economic, social sustainability outcomes communication of the
economic measures life within the community and environmental impacts or project’s sustainability
benefits Integrate sustainability targets and strategy and
Identify United Nations’ procurement requirements facilitate contributions into
Sustainable Development Provide input into within commercial terms for sustainability assessment
Goals and how they relate to sustainability assessment subcontractors and suppliers schemes as required
construction work schemes to achieve project
sustainability objectives and Communicate the project’s Conduct project appraisals
Identify the environmental targets sustainability objectives and and consider economic, social
impact of the infrastructure targets, and coordinate input and environmental impacts or
being delivered e.g. into sustainability assessment benefits
carbon footprint, pollution schemes
(water, light, air, etc), dust Develop sustainability
suppression, existing Analyse sustainability reporting across a project or
contamination disposal assessments and whole-of- programme
life assessments and use
information in project planning
Incorporate supplier diversity
practices through the use
of social enterprises and
Indigenous engagement
Control project quality Manage and control Identify project specifications Raise hold points and witness Track productivities and Prepare a commissioning Assess the project’s
quality aspects for project and draft inspection and points, and develop work lots maintain accurate records plan to ensure testing and conformance against the
deliverables test plans (ITPs) to ensure in a timely manner of lot quantities for works verification performance organisation’s QMS
verification of compliance undertaken requirements are validated
with the contract Undertake testing prior to commissioning of the Promote timely completion
requirements in order to Prepare annotated as- asset of quality documentation
Create verification verify that the works comply constructed drawings and/or following the works
checklists and demonstrate to the specifications and the redline mark-up drawings Develop training manuals and
understanding of how they contract warranties Set the quality metrics and
are relevant to delivery and Identify requirements of the targets on the project or
the process control procedure Identify when works have not Quality Management System Plan for completion and apply the organisational
they relate to complied with the contract or (QMS) and relevant site handover by developing a minimum standards
other testing obligations and quality management plan and completions plan
Track test results and compile identify non-conformance or implement accordingly
compliance registers rectification requirements Mitigate and reduce re-work
Prepare and issue RFIs through management and
control of project quality
Coordinate the conformance
of lots raised
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Manage stakeholders Manage stakeholder interests Identify relevant stakeholders Maintain an awareness Contribute to the Professionally manage Respond to questions from
and deal ethically and fairly for construction projects of the role of unions and development of a stakeholder enquiries and complaints the media appropriately to
with stakeholder groups right of entry requirements, engagement plan (or from stakeholders to resolve enhance company reputation
workplace agreements, and equivalent) and support its issues
any site conditions relevant implementation Develop a strategic plan to
to direct workforce and Maintain a positive and deliver works that are aligned
Identify and actively manage healthy relationship with the with client objectives
key stakeholders and maintain client
Establish trustworthy professionalism at all times Identify and align common
relationships Develop a stakeholder objectives with the project
Arrange regular briefings to engagement plan (or
Identify key stakeholders keep internal and external equivalent) Present project messaging to
who have an interest in the stakeholders informed key stakeholders to positively
work scope and manage the Escalate issues when required position the project
Seek feedback to improve to relevant manager or team
relationship relationships Effectively manage union
Plan works which impact Share milestone officials by setting up and
Respond to questions in a achievements and project managing agreements
or influence external timely manner
stakeholders ahead of time progress with internal and
Attend community forums external stakeholders
Communicate effectively and present on scope with
when there are issues on the appropriate language
job site
Communicate effectively Communicate information Participate in routine Participate in meetings by Prepare and run a prestart Effectively listen to and Use feedback to improve
and ideas clearly and workplace communications raising issues, documenting understand issues performance across a project
Present a SWMS to group of
effectively in a workplace actions and responding team
Send and receive clear people Give and receive feedback
setting appropriately
messages Develop and communicate Prepare and compile various
Compile information to Articulate a clear message at reports including audit,
construction methodologies pre-start or toolbox
ensure scope is clearly status, progress and review
identified and nothing is Lead and chair meetings Recognise when a documents
omitted conversation needs to be had
Progress reporting/team Prepare high quality written
Create appropriate update and how to prepare for it communication for internal
communication and present it Produce simple reports Initiate difficult conversations and external audiences
to a group of people and hold people accountable
Respond to an issue without Prepare relevant presentation
Draw on information, for work performance material and present in an
consolidate data and create Listen effectively and be able effective way to various
reports to show progress in a Consider alternative stakeholder groups
to resolve any disputes before
simple and succinct way perspectives
they escalate Use a structured format for
Consider alternative Summarise technical meetings to achieve effective
information so that all Manage contract commercial
perspectives departures and negotiate an outcomes
audiences can understand
Recognise both good and outcome
Provide direct reports with
constructive feedback and Create appropriate
direction through effective
provide it to others documents and presentation
material for the audience
Competency title Definition Graduate Engineer Site Engineer Project Engineer Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Professionalism Demonstrate competent Produce accurate records Prioritise work tasks Use delegation to effectively Deal effectively with conflict Manage onboarding of new
performance in the role capturing daily site activities achieve project outcomes within teams team members
and develop effective work Develop own personal
practices development plan Manage own career Set clear long-term and short- Interview and secure key talent
development and maintain term goals and align the team
Collate evidence of project professional development with the delivery strategy Develop and use histograms
progress and submit for personnel resource
documents as required Guide direct reports and Manage team through planning
provide opportunities for learning stages when setting
Take responsibility for the upskilling tasks Coordinate and advise
successful execution of scope priorities for multiple teams
through development of Use resource planning tools Use various leadership styles across a project
discrete packages of work effectively and coordinate to accommodate different
materials and personnel team members Maintain visible leadership,
Communicate requirements site presence and site
to all relevant parties Identify team dynamics and Use forecasting to allocate awareness
work with their strengths to resources appropriately
get the best behaviours Set and create a positive
Develop a map of team team culture
Undertake frontline competencies and skills gaps
leadership training Maintain overall
accountability for project
outcomes including project
plans, business protocols and
compliance obligations
Note, in this professional development plan competencies for a Graduate have been incorporated into the requirements of a Site Engineer.
Identify the difference between direct costs Direct costs are costs built up to undertake a specific scope of
and indirect costs works (concrete, reinforcement, plant, subcontract).
Indirect costs can be fixed, variable or recurring and typically
Read forecast sheets and identify available include costs not directly related to specific tasks (e.g. staff, rent,
budget mobile phones, applications, sheds).
Review works complete/not complete in the On some sites, last planner technique is used to review works
lookahead plan and allocate a cause category complete/not complete and generates a quantitative analysis
to any incomplete works to any incomplete works. It allows the project team to identify
focus areas to mitigate further delays due to interfaces with
Review and assess progress against planned other trades or disciplines.
activities Monitoring and controlling activities
Reviewing and assessing progress ensures overall targets in
the program are met and that you will meet productivities and
Use interactive technologies on site such as AR Basic BIM modelling and training
programs on a device or AR goggles BIM is a 3D (or more dimensional) model of the design. Software
like Ravitzo or Navisworks allows a more in-depth review of the
future job scope. Being able to navigate and work within this
software provides an additional viewpoint to the end product.
Adopting these technologies on site can allow teams to picture
the end product in the field.
Work in accordance with organisational work SWMS are required as part of legislation for prescribed high
health and safety policy and requirements risk works, but also reduces risk in the industry. All works
need to be planned with a risk assessment performed prior to
Access suitable resources to establish and commencement.
maintain compliance i.e. Safe Work Australia or
national/state-based regulators Company policy and procedures
Plan and execute construction activities in Knowing, complying and promoting your companies policies and
compliance with WHS/Occupational Health procedures creates shared understanding of safety requirements.
and Safety (OHS) Act and Regulation/s Understanding the role of regulators
Onboard subcontractors in accordance with Regulators ensure laws are complied with, incidents are
organisational requirements investigated, and advice is provided on safety in the workplace.
WHS/OHS (Act and Regulation/s)
Site Engineers should develop a working knowledge of relevant
laws and regulations.
Safety in procurement
Engaging competent subcontractors to complete works ensures
your project will meet WHS requirements.
Control project Identify project specifications and develop ITPs Use of certified systems
quality to ensure verification of compliance with the
contract Understand the International Organisation for Standardization
ISO 9001 Quality Management obligations for your company
Create verification checklists and demonstrate and project.
understanding of how they are relevant to
delivery and process control procedure they IPTs
relate to Develop ITPs and verification checklists that are relevant to the
Track test results and compile compliance scope of your works and ensure they are reviewed by senior
registers engineers.
Raise hold points and witness points, and Hold points/work lots
develop work lots in a timely manner Following the requirements of the contract or relevant
Undertake testing requirements in order specification and allowing the client (or verifier) to witness
to verify that the works comply to the nominated hold points during the works.
specifications and the contract. Lots are the mechanism for compiling completed work. It forms
Identify when works have not complied with part of the supporting documentation to demonstrate execution
the contract or other testing obligations and of the works and ITP.
identify non-conformance or rectification Non-conformance process and obligations
Construction contracts require the main contractor to have
a system of recognising, identifying and reporting on non-
conforming works. This will also include learning from those
errors and developing further processes to prevent re-occurrence.
Primary testing
Testing and verification of the product (e.g. geotech or concrete
tests) is critical to the handover of documentation and payment
for works complete.
Developing progressive environmental Legislation requires you to track contaminated material and
control plans with regards to the scope being dispose of it lawfully.
Erosion and sediment control techniques
Identifying potential heritage impacts, Planning works to minimise the amount of erosion and sediment
verification and reporting loss through effective controls.
Review the EWMS and apply controls to Heritage
appropriately manage nuisance impacts e.g.
dust, noise, vibration or odour Construction projects may disturb Indigenous and European
heritage artefacts that need to be managed in accordance with
Promote Identify the whole-of-life aspects of Sustainability objectives and targets
sustainability infrastructure being delivered
Site Engineers need awareness of the project’s sustainability
Identify how the infrastructure being delivered objectives and targets and understanding of sustainability
can impact on the quality of life within the assessment schemes used by the industry. Some government
community contracts stipulate the requirement to meet a certain
sustainability rating.
Identify UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Economic
and how they relate to construction work
Understand the whole-of-life aspects of infrastructure being
Identify the environmental impact of the delivered - TOTEX = CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) + OPEX
infrastructure being delivered e.g. carbon (Operational Expenditure over life of asset).
footprint, pollution (water, light, air, etc.), dust
Social impact
suppression, existing contamination disposal
Understand UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and how they
relate to infrastructure being delivered. Site Engineers should
also demonstrate understanding of how construction can impact
quality of life within the community.
Environmental impact
Understanding of the environmental impact of the infrastructure
being delivered e.g. carbon footprint, pollution (water, light, air,
etc.), dust suppression, existing contamination disposal and ways
to pursue reduced impact.
Professionalism Produce accurate records capturing daily site Time management
Organising your workload sets priority and effective use of time.
Prioritise work tasks
Self development and career
Develop own personal development plan In order to develop your career, use a personal development plan
to identify your weaknesses and ways to enhance your strengths.
Collate evidence of project progress and
submit documents as required Coordinate, collate and track site information
It is important to track the daily progress of works, including
Take responsibility for the successful execution
how many workers/plant are on site and records of deliveries for
of scope through development of discrete
accurate recording of costs, adjudication of subcontractor claims
packages of work
and client progress claims. It can also be useful in communicating
information between teams, e.g. shift handover reports between
Communicate requirements to all relevant
a day and night shift team.
Management of discrete packages of works
Construction projects will always break down the scope into
smaller discrete elements of work that are planned and executed.
Speak up when things are not right or incorrect on site
Be empowered to speak up against incorrect works, unsafe
practices or unfavourable results.
Create appropriate communication and present Construction requires briefing others on the works scope using
it to a group of people short presentations.
Consults and reports on progress
Draw on information, consolidate data and
create reports to show progress in a simple Identifying what is required to be reported on, by when, and
and succinct way how is it important, to ensure people are kept informed of the
progress of your works.
Consider alternative perspectives in order to
collate and appropriately answer Listens and understands others
Use effective listening skills in order to understand what others
Recognise both good and constructive are saying and consider alternative perspectives.
feedback and provide it to others
Seeks feedback
Feedback provides clarity on the performance of a task, including
the need to correct or to keep on the right track. It is also just as
important to provide positive feedback to reinforce good work.
Manage Identify relevant stakeholders for construction Industrial relations
stakeholders projects
Right of entry refers to Commonwealth workplace laws which
Maintain an awareness of the role of unions, regulate the rights of organisation employees and their elected
right of entry requirements, workplace officers (such as trade union officials) to enter premises. The
agreements and any site conditions relevant to site team need to be clear on the process and responsibilities of
direct workforce and subcontractors. these officials to enter the site.
Establish trustworthy relationships A Site Engineer may educate site teams of what minimum
standards are to be met for requirements of the workforce (e.g.
Identify key stakeholders who have an interest amenities or access and egress minimum standards etc.).
in the work scope and manage the relationship Understanding stakeholders
Plan works which impact or influence external Identifying key stakeholders associated with an interest in the
stakeholders ahead of time scope of work helps to effectively manage any interfaces.
Communicating works information
Communicate effectively when there are
issues on the job site By planning works which impact stakeholders ahead of time, it
allows sufficient notice to be provided or consultation to occur
e.g. for out of hours notifications etc.
Knowing who you need to keep informed when carrying out
your scope of works is important to ensure that the expectations
are clearly met, and issues can be resolved in a timely manner.
Review designs and input into efficient Developing drawings or sketches helps to define the steps
construction methods or methods to complete a task. This may include staged
drawings for erecting a bridge, developing traffic stages for road
alignments or site access.
Constructability reviews
It is important that construction engineers are able to review and
have input into a design to make sure that what is being specified
is able to be constructed.
Contract Demonstrate awareness of the rights and Development of scope of works documentation
management obligations of various entities within a contract,
including individual’s roles and responsibilities There are many different interfaces in construction, especially
and how this relates to other entities between trades. Understanding the full scope of works and
getting accurate prices helps eliminate variations and gaps in
Use contract clauses and conditions to costs.
progress claims, EOT, liquidated damages,
variations and close out Awareness of contract law
Use basic commercial rights under the contract The form of contract will inform an engineer about their role
to identify and raise issues quickly and avoid and responsibility on a project. It will also be specific about
time bars entitlements or departures in performing a scope. Being able
to identify these and report back to senior team members will
Develop a scope of work to procure ensure risks and opportunities are managed appropriately.
Contractor selection and tenders process management
Identify appropriate suppliers and companies
to execute works The market will demand different prices and a competitive tender
process will determine value-for-money.
Follow established procedures for procurement
of goods and services Subcontract management
Understanding of how to manage a subcontractor also includes
knowledge of contract clauses and conditions for progress claims,
EOTs, liquidated damages, variations and close out.
Head Contract management principles
Head Contracts have defined timeframes for notification.
Identifying issues early will ensure that timely formal
correspondence can be issued and the client can assist in
mitigating their costs.
Obligation matrix - contractual responsibilities
Compiling all obligations into a simplified matrix is a helpful tool
to clarify responsibilities and ensure compliance.
Manage project Review project budget, break up the elements Cost forecasting
Complete quantity take-offs, forecast and track Engineers are required to create a cost forecast for all aspects
the total cost of scope of the works. This is used to plan resources and productivities
required to perform the works. It is also a important tool
Calculate the cost of undertaking a task and to communicate the financial position of the project to the
evaluate against the resultant benefits commercial team and project leaders.
Value engineering
Identifying various options and scenarios for delivering the works
to derive the best solution for the project.
Guide direct reports and provide opportunities Looking at opportunities to develop yourself and others.
for upskilling Resource planning
Use resource planning tools effectively and Making sure that you have the right resources and the number of
coordinate materials and personnel resources identified to successfully execute your scope of works.
Identify team dynamics and work with their Setting team culture
strengths to get the best behaviours
You will work with a multitude of people from an array of areas
Undertake frontline leadership training in construction, each job will pull together a different team of
people. To ensure you get the best for the project and the team,
you will need to adjust and set the culture as the team changes.
Frontline leadership
Frontline leadership training is often provided in organisations
to assist and equip managers with the knowledge to effectively
manage and support their teams.
Senior Project
Competency indicators Key topics and relevance
Manage tenders Develop presentations as part of client Interactive presentations
and bids interactive workshops
It is important to be able to present or pitch an idea to a client,
Formulate strategic questions that exposes judge their reaction and then move forward with a decision.
valuable information in formulating a bid
Establishing client key drivers
Incorporate client’s objectives with tender Strategic questions during tendering can expose valuable
offer information and assist in establishing the client’s objectives.
Senior Project
Competency indicators Key topics and relevance
Develop project Write a CMS as part of a technical submission Method statement
Engage relevant teams and experts on A CMS is an important tool to set the plan for the works.
methods to plan construction of an element Constructability reviews and designing to cost plan
of works
Being involved in constructability reviews early ensures design
Identify all temporary works and solutions are delivered to the cost plan and constructability
responsibilities for designing, checking, requirements are incorporated.
inspecting and maintaining
Temporary works accountability
Ensure development of less experienced
Temporary works are equally important as permanent works as
engineers is actively undertaken
it poses similar high risks. Temporary works requires discipline in
the way it is developed, checked and maintained.
Participate in industry knowledge transfer
events Knowledge transfer and technical coaching
Actively seek and engage with new innovative Being able to upskill and coach the team not only motivates
contractors engineers but also increases capability to deliver complex works.
Research best practice methods in industry
Technology is constantly evolving and identifying new
opportunities in the market may provide returns for delivery.
Contract Identify, analyse and resolve disputed items Contract dispute resolution and negotiation
management according to contract requirements
Contractual disputes may arise and need to be resolved. Develop
Identify key suppliers, longer lead items and the skill to negotiate to find a mutually beneficial outcome.
analyse impact on schedule Supply chain management
Ensure completion documentation is received The volume of construction projects being delivered can cause
from subcontractors so the Head Contract can pressure on the supply chain. Understanding market conditions
also be closed out enables key decisions to be made on availability of labour,
materials, and other supply items required to deliver the project.
Assess and return retention values with
Subcontract close out
consideration to any warranties
Ensuring you receive all documentation from subcontractors
Ensure completion of project scope for enables you to submit the required information to the client so
handover and close out the project you can achieve completion.
Commissioning/warranty/hand over and defects
Construction projects require warranties and asset registers to
be filled out and quality assurance verification documents to be
submitted to ensure the scope has been built in accordance with
the contract requirements.
Manage project Analyse the cost position of a scope of Risk and contingency management
cost works and assess risks, opportunities, and
contingency to the scope of works It is important to have an understanding of the accurate cost
of the works, and have the ability to apply a calculated risk/
Analyse project progress and actual costs and opportunity or contingency that may eventuate. By identifying
compare with forecast progress and costs these items, it will assist in mitigating risks and maximising
Identify and analyse emerging trends based
on progress or performance and make Earned value management
adjustments on future works based on analysis By reviewing the ratios derived from effective earned value
management, better understanding of the commercial position of
a project is known. A Senior Project Engineer generates the units
to ensure the ratios provide usable information.
Trend analysis
Identifying emerging trends based on progress or performance
can assist in making timely adjustments on future works to
mitigate or rectify.
Senior Project
Competency indicators Key topics and relevance
Manage project Manage resources, risks and scope along Critical path management
schedule critical path to ensure delays do not affect the
project Knowledge and management of own critical path and knowledge
and support of the site or overall critical path.
Allocate and managing time (schedule) risk and Contingency and program risk planning
contingencies appropriately to project
It is important to understand the amount of contingency and risk
Analyse the logistics of procuring and in the program so that you can understand the impact time on
delivering site items and managing constraints indirect costs.
Long lead time procurement and high risk constraints
Manage critical path items and adjust
resources or front areas to mitigate delays or Items may take longer to produce off-site (sometimes overseas)
gain float or due to supply chain constraints in periods of high demand.
Knowing lead times for procuring for these items ensures the
Set key dates for program review and analyse project is not delayed.
Float management
Develop key milestones to align team to a Construction sites are typically a multidisciplinary environment
common goal where complex coordination is required. Managing delays and
float is key to the overall success of the project.
Critical review of programs (including EOT or delays)
Projects and initial plans will change and ongoing coordination is
required to assess change and adapt with revised strategies.
Setting milestones
Breaking down steps and items to achieve milestones and
communicating them to the team ensures alignment on priorities.
Manage Ensure construction method statements Responsibility for constructability reviews
construction provided as part of a technical submission are
engineering implemented Coordinate constructability reviews between relevant teams and
activities experts to determine how to construct an element of works.
Engage relevant teams and experts on
methods to plan construction of an element Temporary works accountability
of works Identify all temporary works and determine responsibilities for
Engage relevant teams on methods to designing, checking, inspecting and maintaining.
construct an element of works Change management
Ensure all temporary works and responsibilities Change occurs often on site. This might be because of
for designing, checking, inspecting and environmental, ground conditions, or simply a better way of
maintaining are followed doing things. Making sure everyone is working on the current
scope is important.
Document any re-planning and ensure
everyone involved has an awareness of the Knowledge transfer to junior team members
current plan
Ensure junior team members have opportunities to learn through
experience and knowledge transfer.
Improve project Contribute to innovation and improvement of Courageous thinking
outcomes work practices
Using the skills and experience of a Senior Project Engineer, ideas
Conduct action reviews and capture evidence and concepts (the norm) must be challenged regularly to ensure
of assessment and continuous improvement there is no better method or product in which to complete tasks.
Action reviews
Incorporate recommendations and learning
into future projects What went well and what could we do better?
A simple, but powerful method for rapid post-project assessment
and identifying successful strategies and opportunities for
continuous improvement .
Implementing lessons learnt
Construction projects provide a source of expert know-how and
organisational knowledge, but lessons-learned and knowledge
from site may not be systematically incorporated into subsequent
projects. Adopting a learning culture ensures lessons learnt are
shared for future projects.
Senior Project
Competency indicators Key topics and relevance
Apply digital tools Use digital models to assist in the planning and Site-wide application of model
coordination of overall site activities
Develop an understanding of the various digital engineering tools
Identify utilities above/below ground, including including usage, benefits and limitations.
live or redundant services Site-wide combined utility drawings (AS:5488)
Construction projects may need to relocate, remove or protect
utilities, old and new. It is important to understand where these
utilities are and what is live and what is redundant to assist in
managing the risks of working in and around them.
Record capture
Documenting what was constructed is important to then be able
to hand the asset over to the client. Digital tools may assist in
record keeping.
Work safely Manage and review incident investigation Incident investigation
Present an incident investigation or outcome Being able to objectively investigate and assess evidence derived
to a team from an investigation is important for identifying the root cause
of an incident.
Ensure organisational policies, procedures and
rules are followed by the project team Administering company standards within team
Identify high risk works and ensure works are Making sure that the entire team promoting a culture of high
planned appropriately to ensure they are safely safety performance and utilising the organisational frameworks.
executed High risk works forward planning
It is important to start planning discussions around high risk
works early to ensure works are planned and executed in a safe
Delivering safety messages to team
Keeping people informed of safety outcomes or upcoming high
risks works is important to make sure everyone is on the same
page with regards to safety.
Control project Prepare a commissioning plan to ensure testing Project commissioning
quality and verification performance requirements are
validated prior to commissioning of the asset Some construction projects involve building individual
components that are all interconnected to form an operating
Develop training manuals and warranties asset e.g., a sewage treatment plant or a new rail transport,
substation. These assets require a commissioning and testing
Plan for completion and handover by plan, including warranties, training, and handover prior to
developing a completions plan operation.
Practical completion and hand over
Mitigate and reduce re-work through
management and control of project quality Construction contracts have specific handover requirements that
must be completed before Practical Completion can be granted.
Mitigating re-work
The act of re-doing or correcting work that was not done
correctly the first time is re-work and mitigation is usually
through quality management. Minimising re-work is important as
it can affect a project’s productivity and profitability.
Senior Project
Competency indicators Key topics and relevance
Manage Develop emergency response measures for Incident preparedness and management
environmental managing an environmental incident
requirements Being prepared for managing an environmental incident is
Ensure project reporting requirements are met important to ensure the response is timely and environmental
and compliance with approvals is maintained harm is minimised.
Compliance and reporting to legislation
Develop a project CEMP (or equivalent) and
ensure activities are completed in accordance Each construction project, depending on its size will be governed
with the plan by planning assessments which require compliance reporting.
Understanding the requirements of planning approvals is
Manage interactions with key stakeholders, important to make sure that reports are appropriately prepared
regulatory or government agencies e.g. and submitted on time.
fisheries, to ensure relevant obligations are
Administering the CEMP
Each CEMP is uniquely developed for a construction project and
it shows how the organisation will adhere to the environmental
requirements through process and procedures.
High risk stakeholder management
Depending on the location of the construction project there may
be other key stakeholders, regulators or government agencies
that may have further requirements. Engagement with these
stakeholders can identify and confirm relevant obligations.
Promote Demonstrate decision making informed by Decision-making informed by sustainable outcomes
sustainability planned sustainable outcomes
A Senior Project Engineer makes key decisions that impact
Integrate sustainability procurement project outcomes in relation to suppliers, product selection
requirements within commercial terms for and methodology. Sustainability outcomes should be actively
subcontractors and suppliers considered as part of decision-making.
Achieving sustainability targets through procurement and
Communicate the project’s sustainability delivery
objectives and targets, and coordinate input
into sustainability assessment schemes Understanding sustainability targets helps ensure opportunities
to contribute to achieving targets during procurement and
Analyse sustainability assessments and whole- delivery are not missed. In procurement, this may involve
of-life assessments and use information in including non-price assessment criteria. For example, there might
project planning be opportunity to use recycled/rain water in site ablutions or use
recycled aggregates for imported fill etc.
Incorporate supplier diversity practices through
Sustainability assessments
the use of social enterprise and Indigenous
engagement Proactively contribute to the communication of the project’s
sustainability objectives and targets to create shared
understanding and ownership. Senior Project Engineers may
be required to coordinate contributions and evidence for
sustainability assessments.
Senior Project
Competency indicators Key topics and relevance
Professionalism Deal effectively with conflict within working Conflict resolution
Disputes may arise where people will have differing views on a
Set clear long-term and short-term goals and situation. Being able to resolve conflict is important so that the
align the team with the delivery strategy team and project can move forward.
Manage team through learning stages when Team time management
setting tasks
Managing large teams is challenging and you must ensure that
Use various leadership stales to accommodate you are setting goals and disciplined meetings to ensure your
different team members team is completing tasks on time whilst allowing for autonomy.
Use forecasting to allocate resources Coaching and management
Individuals go through different stages of learning and
Develop a map of team competencies and understanding a Senior Project Engineer must recognise these
skills gaps stages and respond accordingly using coaching and management
styles. Some people respond well to management being direct,
others the opposite. Being able to understand your team when
managing people will ensure the best results from them.
Forward planning
Project timelines move along quickly and different scopes
will require specialty expertise or experience. Being able to
plan ahead for these skills is important for allocating the right
Mapping of team and individual competency to project needs
By identifying knowledge and skills gaps of a team for the project
allows training plans to be in place for development.
Communicate Effectively listen to understand issues Communicating with teams
Give and receive feedback Knowing how much communication is required and when to give
feedback is important to keeping a team engaged and performing
Articulate a clear message at pre-start or well. Using effective listening techniques helps to understand
toolbox issues, give clarity of messages or feedback.
Recognise when a conversation needs to be Difficult conversations
had and how to prepare for it
Recognise when a conversation needs to be had and how
Initiate difficult conversations and hold people to prepare for it is an important aspect for resolving conflict,
accountable for work performance managing performance and understanding alternative
Effectively listen to and resolve any disputes perspectives.
before they escalate Understanding audiences
Manage contract commercial departures and Preparing information relevant to your audience is important
negotiate an outcome for effective communication. It can help you to articulate a
Create appropriate documents and clear message to the workforce at pre-start or toolbox, in
presentation material for the audience presentations to the client, or during commercial negotiations.
Senior Project
Competency indicators Key topics and relevance
Manage Professionally manage enquiries and Enquiries and complaints management
stakeholders complaints from stakeholders to resolve issues
Construction work affects many people directly and indirectly.
Maintain a positive and healthy relationship When managing enquiries and complaints, being able to respond
with the client quickly and appropriately is important to making sure that they
are managed effectively and resolved without escalation.
Develop a stakeholder engagement plan (or
equivalent) Client relationships
The client the most important external stakeholder for a project
Escalate issues when required to relevant and being able to successfully manage a healthy relationship with
manager or team the client is important to project success.
Share milestone achievements and project Identifying key stakeholders and managing their expectations
progress with internal and external
Developing a plan to identify stakeholder interests and preferred
methods of communicating can help ensure expectations are
being met.
Escalate appropriately
Being able to understand when and how to escalate issues will
ensure conflicts are resolved promptly.
Updates on key project milestones and achievements
Celebrating key milestones and achievements is important to
show stakeholders the progress that is being made.
Initiate identification of risk in design which Ensuring construction meets the budget and constructability
could be eliminated, mitigated or managed requirements is important for maintaining project budget.
during construction
Technical risks and opportunities
Manage quantity tracking throughout the Risks identified during design require active management during
construction phase to enable accurate tracking the construction phase. A Project Manager assumes overall
of budget costs responsibility for mitigation and management of risk.
Scope growth
Working within the design quantities submitted at tender is
critical to the success of the project. In some cases you need to
ensure the client and other stakeholders are not increasing scope
without variations. In other cases you must allow for innovations
to deliver the scope in a more cost-effective or efficient way.
Improve project Delivering key messages of corporate change Change management
outcomes to project teams
Change management refers to the preparation and support
Showing leadership and empathy to support that is required in the process of organisational change. During
teams through difficult periods construction projects, the team is likely to go through significant
change at different stages of construction.
The Project Manager is expected to lead the project team
through these changes and ensure calm and support is provided
Apply digital tools Champion digital recordkeeping Digital transformation
Actively drive adoption of innovative The Project Manager should be a champion for the digital
technology on a project site transformation on site, including digital record keeping.
Cultural champion for digital systems
Digital innovation has great opportunity for use in construction.
A Project Manager should be an advocate for these changes on
Work safely Champion a safety culture across all project Culture champion/developing safety culture
The importance you place on safety will be reflected in your
Assess data and trends to identify areas of team. Having the ability to lead by example will develop a great
improvement safety culture on the project.
Ensure project compliance to WHS/OHS Act Data and trend analysis
and Regulation/s, and Codes of Practice
Reviewing safety trends and data (e.g. lead and lag indicators)
Demonstrate leadership and management of can be useful to inform the Project Manager on how safety
critical incidents performance on the project is tracking.
Drive continuous improvement across all General compliance
safety requirements and performance
The Project Manager has to ensure the project is complying with
relevant laws and regulations.
Emergency response/crisis management
Project Managers hold a critical role in emergency responses
and crisis management. This may also involve responding to the
incident and undertaking reporting.
Continuous improvement
Project Managers need to be aware of developments in the
industry, including nationally or internationally, to identify areas
of improvement or new ways to keep people safe and to improve
the mental health and wellbeing of construction workers.
Note: Elements 1, 2, 4, 6 and 13 are used for registration applications (Shown as orange).
That you anticipate the consequences of your intended action or inaction and understand how
1 Deal with ethical issues the consequences are managed collectively by your organisation, project or team; and that you
demonstrate an ability to identify ethical issues when they arise and to act appropriately.
That you assess, acquire and apply the competencies and resources appropriate to
2 Practise competently
engineering activities.
That you display a personal sense of responsibility for your work; and that you clearly
Responsibility for
3 acknowledge your own contributions and the contributions from others and distinguish
engineering activities
contributions you may have made as a result of discussions or collaboration with other people.
That you apply and implement current workplace health and safety requirements. That you
Develop safe and
4 identify the economic, social and environmental impacts of engineering activities, and that you
sustainable solutions
anticipate and manage the short and long-term effects of engineering activities.
That you identify stakeholders, individuals or groups of people who could be affected by the
short, medium and long-term outcomes of engineering activities, or could exert influence
Engage with the over the engineered outcomes, including the local and wider community; and that you
5 relevant community and identify stakeholder interests, values, requirements and expectations using the terminology
stakeholders of the stakeholder through consultation and accurate listening; and that you work ethically to
influence perceptions and expectations of stakeholders and negotiate acceptable outcomes in
the best overall interest of relevant communities.
Identify, assess and That you develop and operate within a hazard and risk framework appropriate to engineering
manage risks activities.
Meet legal and regulatory That you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the laws, regulations, codes and
requirements other instruments which you are legally bound to apply, and apply these in your work.
That you can communicate in a variety of different ways to collaborate with other people,
including accurate listening, reading and comprehension, based on dialogue when appropriate;
8 Communication
and that you can speak and write, taking into account the knowledge, expectations,
requirements, interests, terminology and language of the intended audience.
That you demonstrate an ability to apply appropriate tools or processes to achieve corporate
9 Performance
objectives while accounting for personal obligations to the profession.
10 Taking action That you initiate, plan, lead or manage engineering activities.
Advanced engineering That you comprehend and apply advanced theory-based understanding of engineering
knowledge fundamentals to predict the effect of engineering activities.
That you acquire and apply local engineering knowledge; and that, where appropriate, you
Local engineering
13 apply engineering knowledge contributed by other people including suppliers, consultants,
contractors and independent experts.
14 Problem analysis That you define, investigate and analyse engineering problems and opportunities.
15 Creativity and innovation That you develop creative and innovative solutions to engineering problems.
16 Evaluation That you evaluate the outcomes and impacts of engineering activities.
Acronyms defined
AR Augmented reality
IR Industrial relations
Contact us
Australian Constructors Association
51 Walker Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Engineers Australia
Engineering House
11 National Circuit
Barton ACT 2600