Interview For Mohss-1

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What are the general principles of the Public Service Charter?

 Standards
 Information
 Courtesy and helpfulness
 Consultation and choice
 Openness
 Non- discrimination
 Quality of service
 Value for money

For what post did you apply and why

 Clerk post gr 2A c, at stores and procurement division

 Because I met the requirement
 I am committed , team player who want to exchange my experience
thus why im looking for challenges giving position who will give me
more responsibilities.

Who is the chairperson of the Economizing committee?

 The Regional Director or in his absence the Head of Finance division

after approval in writing from the Permanent secretary

What is the difference between an internal and external requisition?

 Internal – It is when one request items from stores within your

institution after the approval of your supervisor (signature)
 External- Three quotation from private supplies is need
 The cheapest one is selected then the request is prepared
for submission to the economizing committee for approval
, after approval request for purchase order from creditors
section and submit it to supplier for items delivery and
then forward invoice to salary office for issuing of a

What guides the Ministry towards achieving vision 2030

 Strategic plan

What would you do to ensure that Health facilities are properly


 Have regular inspections, meetings with the DCC,S/MS and works

ministry. Draw up a program to visit all health facilities and to ensure
proper maintenance and cleanliness.

Explain the stock taking procedures

 Members are appointed by the Accounting Officer (PS) in writing. They

do physical stock taking, compile inventory sheet, stock verification
sheets, issue and receipt vouchers. Compile the stock taking report
and submit is to treasury and Auditor General through the Director.
The report is done according to the approval stock control points and
is done annually.

What are the leadership qualities that you possess that will enable
you to perform your duties with outstanding outcomes or what types
of skills are required form a good leader?

 Honesty and loyalty

 Impartilaity
 Self discipline
 Role model
 Be respectful
 Be knowledgeable
 Good listerner
 Visionally
 Compassionate
 Be exemplary
 Communicable
 Be efficient

Name three categories of offences and give an example of each

 Major offence = Theft, fraud, Racism, Bribery

 Serious offence= Drunk, abusive of sick leave, Drive GRN
Without authority, sleeping on duty
 Minor offence= Poor time control, carelessness, tidy manner

Gossiping, rumours, cliques are very bad in an organisation. How

will you prevent this among your subordinates?

 Hold regular meetings

 Give feedback
 Adopt an open door policy
 Avoid reprimanding in public
 Provide training

Who is the Deputy Permanent Secretary of MOHSS

= Dr. Norbert Foster

Name six types of registers used in transport, stores, procurement


 Key control register

 Trip authority issue and receipt voucher
 Transport application forms
 Handing and taking over logbook
 Items control sheet
 Vehicle master list
 Internal requisition forms
 Remittance register
 Item control sheet

Define the term economizing?

 Is to keep record of all expenditures for controlling purpose.

Define the term petty cash

 Cash on hand approved by treasury to buy out emergency items

Define the term cash float

 Cash on hand approved by treasury to help change money at revenue


Name any five forms that you will use in the transport office?

 Handing and taking over logbook

 Trip authority issue and receipt voucher

Name all legislations that are used in governing the public service

 Public Service Act

 Public Service staff rules (PSSR)
 Personnel administration measures (PAM)
 Labour act
 State finance act
 Treasury instructions
 Tender Board Act
 Transport policy
 Stock control system

Name the clinics in Engela District

 Edudja, Ohangwena, Ohaingu, Onekwaya, Ohalushu, Ongha,etc

Name all health district in Ohangwena regions

 .
 .
 .

How would you handle an angry and difficulty client

 Try to remain calm

 Listern to clients problem
 Try to solve to the best of your ability
 Remain objective
 Show interest
 Empathy
 Don’t get excited

What personal goals do you have which will be a beneficiary to the


 Talk about what motivates you in life, your short term and long term
goals eg possible career , advancement prospects after probation

Short term goal = to impress the panes by showing my utmost interest in

being recommended for the post by selling my skills and experience to the
benefit of the Ministry and public at large.

Mention your personnel characteristics (describe yourself in three


 Self reliant, resilient and ambitious also tell the panel that you are
passionate about managers that motivates their subordinates about
managers that motivate their subordinates through career
advancement prospects by providing in the scope of your job

Which systems will you put in place to ensure that the
administrative services functions efficiently and effectively

 Provide s with their respective job descriptions

 Have regular meetings with surbo
 Delegate properly
 Follow up on job performance
 Recruit suitable s/ms
 Maintain discipline
 Send s/ns to workshop in line with their duties for motivation
 Praise someone’s for job well done or give incentive if possible

How would you organize / plans your daily work

 Ensure that you are familiar with the work on your table
 Determine priorities
 Differentiate between NB and less NB work

Name the three divisions of logistics?

 Physical facility management

 Procurement and supplies
 Transport and fleet management

What is the tools of Finance Division?

 Tender Board Act

 Tender Board regulations
 State finance act
 Revenue regulations
 Treasury instructions

What is social security?

 An act who provide us payment of maternity and sick leave as well as

death benefits to all registered employees.

What is Public Service Act

 These act provide for the establishment, management and efficiency of

the public service regulation of the employment, condition of services,
discipline, retirement and discharge of someones in the public service.

What is State Finance Act?

 Provide for the regulation of the receipt, custody and banking control
and disposal of state moneys, stamp and securities from having face
value, stores and other movable goods owned by the state.

What is an exemption

 Is to be excuse from the normal tender board procedures e.g medical

gasses or phamarceutical suppliers.

What is management

 It is a setting of objectives and planning it how you are going to

achieve them. By doing all these you are going to involve others and
then to implement it.

What is Resource Management

 Completing monthly transport costs and getting such reports from

other directorates
 Accompanying the artisan foreman in the process of writing off of
vehicles and assisting in compiling appropriate technical report.

Rather use the underneath functions for transport, stores and

procurement division for Clerk 2AL/ Job description

 Assist with compilation of divisional budget

 Assist with the expenditure by monitoring transactions regarding to
furniture’s, accommodation and catering
 Supervise sub-ordinates eg. Laborers, drives and cleaner
 There for 3 quotation for each requisition for expenditure
 Write requisition or purchase order for GRN stores monthly for
stationery, cleaning material, official accommodation/
 Collect cleaning material and stationeries in town or whk for the region
 Record all stock in main register and counter book after receipt thereof
 Distribute cleaning materials and stationeries to someone’s
 Update counter book daily and inventory sheet
 Filling of internal requisition forms
 Ensure safe custody of movable and unmovable state property
 Write report of disposal for out-dated file to treasury
 Responsible for the services for PC and labour saving device
 Assist district with recommendation of stock control
 Assist with annual stock taking exercise in the region
 Assist the management of the building / facility
 Undertake the supportive visits to disctricts
 To liase with suppliers on any queries
 To type reports, make copies and send faxes
 Write reports of disposal for unservisable tyres and redundant tyre.
 IFMS Payment on PC
 Verification of payments with HQ and suppliers
 Verification of Erongo Red and municipality cheque with files for
account numbers.
 Booking of someone’s for accommodation that has to attend workshop.

Explain what you understand under the term redundant tyres

 Something that is redundant is no longer needed because it has been

replaced by something else.

Explain the following abbreviations

FDC = Financial Distribution Certificate

FCS = Financial Control System

TAW= Treasury Authorisation Warrant

ICN = Item Control number

IFMS = Intergrated Financial Management system

What are obsolete items?

 Those are items that are beyond their life span

What is confidentiality?

 It is an act of keeping a secret –not to divulge information to

unauthorized persons

How many constituencies do we have in Ohangwena region? Name


 .
 .
 .
 .

What is a contract?

 Agreement between my work department and the contractor or

responsibility for work to be done.

Why do you need internal control in any organisation

 To encourage compliance with laid down regulations, policies etc.

 To promote operational efficiency
 To ensure that the system do provide reliable data
 To detect and prevent fraud
 To safe guard assets and records.
 To ensure that risk are minimized

How do you motivate subordinates within your division?

 Delegate tasks- subordinates feel that they are trusted and part of the
 Regular feedback on meetings concerning staff matters
 Advice surbodinate about circulars, inform subordinate about new
development within organisation
 Praising subordinate for job well done
 Be a good listeners and be understanding
 In service training

Differentiate between Interpersonal , informational and decisional

Interpersonal role: Its someone who’s a leader, listerner and figure head

Informational role: It’s a monitor, spokesperson and discriminator

Decisional role: It’s a negotiator, resources allocator and disturbance


Other leadership skills

 Ability to meet unpleasant situations

 Ability to understand others
 Ability to adopt and quickly to charge based on specific environment
 Ability to spot the opportunities

What are the procedures followed in handling donations to the GRN,

which body is responsible for granting approval

 Donor has to write a letter for the donation

 The district co-coordinating committte (DCC) has to write a submission
to the next level to obtain treasury approval and acceptance i.t.o
section 19 of the state finance act. (Act 31 of 1991)

What are the factors that lead to job satisfaction in a working


 Personal interest
 Challenging the work
 Helpful supervisor and colleagues
 Good communication and feedback
 Enough recognition and appreciation

What is the important tool that you will use to ensure that
subordinated are productive

 Show subordinates his job description and explain his duties and
 Technical supervisor should always be around for any clalrity
 Held regular meetings with your staff
 Delegate properly
 Regular spot checks is of utmost importance
 Recruit suitable staff
 Maintain discipline

Kindily explain the difference between computer hard and software

 Hard ware : Any physical piece of a computer e.g the computer

itself, a monitor, printer, DRAM, video card etc. Input or output
 Software=

What is cashbook and the importance therefors

 It is a register where a sub-receiver of revenue record or enters daily

transactions and its purpose is to balance each transactions made
during every end of the month to discover discrepancies or
irregularities during that specific period.

Name types of face value forms used in Revenue section

 Receipts
 Coupons
 Transfer vouchers
 Bank deposit slips
 Hospital accounts

Name forms used for the compilation of the monthly statement

 Stock account
 Summar of receipts
 Check list
 List of prisoners
 Statement for collections of revenue
 Summary of bank deposit slips
 Outstanding revenue reports
 Miscellaneuous forms

Who appoints the sub-receiver of revenue at district level

 The PMO with authorization of the PS

Who is the accounting officer in MOHSS

 Honourable Andrew Ndishishi

Name any means of payment

 Cash, Cheque, Postal, or monery orders

Explain briefly how you collect revenue at the collecting points

 Check and signs the cashbook in correspondence with in and out

patients register
 Calculate or verify receipts and coupons based with the cash on hand
 Checked whether the face value forms used are stamped and signed
 Issue transfer voucher in the name of collecting point
 Sign off the last coupons used.

Name six sources from where the ministry is collecting income/

sources of revenue for MOHSS

 Health services
 Ambulance
 Inspection fees
 Mortuary fees
 Board and lodging
 Miscellaneous items

Explain how you issue face value forms to the sub- receiver

 Issue face value forms in numerical orders

 Make sure that all pages are printed accordingly before issuing
 Record face value forms in stock register
 Issuing and receiving officers must sign for the transaction

What is the enabling act for revenue instructions?

 State finance act

What details need to be filled in a vehicle trip authority

 Distance to be travelled and destination

 Name of the receiver of GRN vehicle
 Purpose of trip
 Cost of fuel per km travelled

What is your strengths and weakness

Streghths – I have the ability to be flexible and I am capable of adopting to

any new working environment and adjust my job approach easily no matter
working with diverse group of people.

Weakness- my weakness point is that I don’t know how to respond to a

person who is questioning me while he/she is angry.

What is a trip authority

 Is a term used in GRN to authorize the driver to go on a trip

Who is the under secretary of MOHSS

 Dr Taandi Ithindi – Shipanga

Who is the chairperson of PSC – Public Service Commision and how

many additional members are there?

 Mr. Eddie Amkongo and additional members are 6

Name the four heads of the DCC at district level by their ranks.

 The PMO
 The matron
 The Co and PHC supervisor

Differentiate between Receiver of revenue and sub-receiver of

 Receiver – Subordinate appointed in writing to collect or receive

money direct from customers / patients
 Sub receiver – subordinate appointed in writing for safe keeping and
banking of state revenue

When can occasional stocktaking be conducted. Name two

 During suspicion of irregularities

 When handing and taking over take place

Who is the first PS for the Health ministry

 Dr Kalumbi Shangula

Explain or draw up a stock account

 Stock account consists of two parts eg. Part A and part B

 Part A have it columns and used for coupons only eg. Columns
 Part B have 10 columns and used for open face value forms

What do you understand by the term strategic planning

 It is a road map to lead an organisation from where it is now to where

it would like to be in 5 years to 10 years.

What are the strategic themes which are contained in the MOHSS
strategic plan

 Service provision
 Human resource management
 Financial management
 Governance
 Infrastructure development

What is the vision of MOHSS

 To be the leading public provider of quality health and social welfare

services in Africa.

What is the mission of MOHSS

 To provide an intergrated, affordable, accessible , quality health and

social welfare services that is responsive to the need of the population

What are the key issues that will be taken into consideration during
your support visits?

 Ensure quality of data

 Availability of resources
 Identifying training needs and
 Problem solving

Explain the procedures when a subordinate charged with

misconducts denies guilt’s to charges against him

 Section 26(1) states when someone denies a charge , PS shall within 7

days from receipt of written charge establish a disciplinary committee.
 Chairperson to determine venue and time
 S/m to be given reasonable notice in writing
 Hearing to be conducted within 21 days after appointment of
disciplinary committee.

The code of conduct is based on three main principles. name them

1. Subordinates are to perform duties with professionalism and integrity

and serve the GRN of the day efficiently
2. Fairness and equality are to be deserved in official dealing with
colleagues and members of the public
3. Real or apparent conflicts of interest are to be avoided

Explain the purpose of charging subordinates with misconduct

 Maintain good standard of work

 Ensure the conduct required from the subordinate as well as
rules and regulations of public service are complied with

Explain the difference between substantive and procedural


Substantive unfairness

 Subordinate was unaware of rule which was broken

 Reason for disciplinary action not clear
 Expectation of employer were unreasonable or unlawful
 Insufficient proof of misconduct
 No consideration of special circumstances eg. Record of accused
 Penalty more severe than offence warrants (punishment doesn’t fit
 Penalty contradicts a law of contract of employment


 Inquiry covered, guilty established before punitive measures are

 Right to interpreter not given
 Subordinate not given timeouts hearing (21 day after establishing
 Right denied to attend hearing.
 No charge was served on subordinate
 Subordinate is sick while in hearing
 Substantive reasons must not over ride procedural fairness
 Denied witness the right to testify or cross questions

What does “Affirmative Action” means and identify the designated
groups i.t.o the affirmative action act

 Affirmative action means set of measures designed to ensure persons

in designated groups enjoy equal employment opportunities at all
levels or employment are equitably represented in the workforce of
employment. They are racially disadvantage persons, women and
person with disability.

What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

Leader guide, influence and inspire their people while managers implement
ideas and get things done through people.

What is the difference (primary objective) between the Public Sector

and private sector procurement?

Public sector procurement

 Deliver services to the population in a timely and efficient

manner as part of a nat, reg or local policy adopts in accordance
to the ruling political system.

Private sector procurement

 Supply the bus entity with inputs into its manufacturing or

commercial activities in a manner which serves the entity’s
interest in making a profit.

What is the Tender Board Act of Namibia

 Act 16 of 1991

Name the two types of tender and differentiate between them

Formal tender for goods/services exceeding 10 000-00

 Normally invited by a line ministry for a specific need and specific

period against a financial certificate that indicates the budgetary
provision as entailed in an appropriation act.

Annual tender for goods/ service exceeding 10 000-00

 Awarded for periods between 1-3 years and may be utilized by all line
ministries for the continous apply of goods and services where
financial implications are not known.

Name the functions and duties of the economizing committee

 They consider requisitions i.o each catergory of procurement letting or

hiring of goods and services
 Provide reasons and advice to the procurement office in case of matter
referred back
 Report to the Accounting officer on matters in contradictions with the
procurement of goods/ services
 Obtain clear policy guidelines from the accounting officer regarding the
procurement of certain goods and services e.g furniture, luxury
material, cell phones, workshops etc.
 Proper record keeping of requests for expenditure considered by the
economizing committee.
 Verification os the commitment register

Why do you think planning and budgeting are important and what is
the role of this exercise

 Planning is necessary cost it enables managers to set priorities and

make informed decisions
 Organizational planning has the main objective of allocating and using
limited resources efficient and appropriately now and in the future. It
ensures optional of resource, work within the basket limits, and
ensures activities are realistic and achievable. Allows managers to
implement and monitor activities according to the plan.

How would you update yourself with new development in your

 Go for training
 Attend workshops
 Further my studies
 Read or browse the internet on issues per training management

It has come under your attention one subordinated came late

several times or stay away for one week without authorization.
Explain how you will handle such problem?

 Conduct preliminary investigation

 Call Subordinate
 Hold an interview
 Interview witnesses if any.
 Ask model questions like, how, where , when , who was involved, who
witness, any prove etc.
 Get statements from complainant and witnesses
 Secrutinize statements
 Make summary
 Is recommendation
 Act according

Name the general right functions which are NB in your day to day
night of your subordinate

 Decision making
 Communication
 Motivation
 Cordinations
 Delegation
 Planning
 Organizing
 Budgeting and
 Supervising

How would you ensure effective transport management of your

 Ensure that vehicles are regularly serviced

 All trips are authorized
 Log books are completed daily and regularly inspected
 Keeping master list upto date
 Periodic training of transport clerks and drivers
 Keeping registers and stannic fuel cards / books

What measures needs to be put in place which ensure proper

management of stores

 Regular occasional stock taking (spot checks) to be conducted

 Verify stock registers by physically checking that the stock on hand
balances with the stock register
 Subordinates need to be trained to operate the stock control system
 Conduct annual stock taking and compile stock taking reports
 Stock taking reports comparisons needed to see whether
recommendations of previous stock taking board was carried out and

What do you understand by the term logistics.

 It is the planning, calculating, provisioning and execution of stores and

equipment in the most efficient way

How will you manage the resources entrusted to you

 By carrying out regular inspections, audit and spot checks

 By holding regular meetings with staff concerned to make sure that
everybody is on track and to promote responsibility among them

What is the purpose of disciplinary procedures in an organisation

 It is to maintain a good standard of work and maintain the proper

conduct required form a subordinate
 Ensure that rules and regulations of the public service are complied
 To maintain a goal image of the organisation

Why is delegation of task necessary at a work place
 To allow subordinates the opportunity to develop their skills
through exposure to higher responsibility
 To develop a sense of belonging and ownership among

What is the aim of public service charter

 To provide greater value for money in delivery the public services

 To improve the quality of services provided to their customers,
citizens, tourists etc.

The public service charter . Name four heading s and explained

Value for money

- Providing efficient and economic public services within the affordable


Non- discrimination

- Ensuring that services are available and applied equally to all


- Providing information about public services in a straight forward and

open manner


- Disclosing how the public services are managed

What measures would you put in place to curb the overspending n a

given budget

- Minimize trips by co-coordinating

- Monitor log books daily
- Anyone authorized to drive a GRN vehicle should comply with the
Transport policy
- Application for transport should be handed in one week in advance

When can you claim S &T

 When going for duty trip to do some official duties away from his/her
duty station

Which journal is being used to deduct form subordinate salary

 Journal ss

Difference between Auditor General and Treasury

Auditor General- Main responsible is to audit the financial statement that

responsible to make sure that GRN money are not overspend.

Treasury- is the watchdog of the GRN as far as the financial discipline are
concerned or financial authority in the public serviced invested in the
ministry of finance whose powers is in relation to any matter anad is
exercise by the minster of official in that ministry.

Tender board- responsible for the assessment and awarding of government


Name five human rights protectors in Namibia

 Anti- corruption commission

 Office of the ombudsman
 Women and child protection unit
 Legal assistance centre (LAC)
 Ministry of Justice (MOJ)

Name five qualities required of a person with a person with a good

customer care

 Be polite
 Be a good listener
 Be honest
 Be friendly
 Don’t discriminate

Name three types of stock tacking

 Annual stock taking

 Occasionally stock taking
 Continuous stock taking
Who is appointing the stock taking board

 The accounting officer eg. The PS, Mr. Ndishishi Andrew

Name nine different forms that are used for proper management of
transport in the district

 Vehicle application form

 Vehicle issue and receipt voucher
 Daily task completion form
 Log book /sheet
 Trip authority
 Accident report
 Incident form
 Key control and stannic fuel card control
 Authorization to drive GRN vehicle

List five different benefits which you found in Public services

 Housing allowances,
 Housing subsidies
 Transport allowance
 Medical aid

What is the commitment register and the purpose thereof

 It is a register where you enter the monthly expenditure recording to

what you have spend and its purpose is to monitor the trend of
expenditure for funds allocated according to your votes.

What is veriment

 It is when you pay money over form one vote to another

A driver of USAKOS hospital was involved in an accident on 20
August 2012 with GRN No. 5738 on the road to swakop. Write a
report to your supervisor (cc) mention the document to be attached

 Explain what exactly happened (start handing like a formal letter,

including heading) Time, when, where, who witnessed
 Documents – police statement (report) include CR number in your
report to supervisor, statement of driver involved and possible eye
witnesses. Also attach trip authority and log book figures in your
report as well as drivers licence and ID copy documents together with
preliminary investigations (if available) by supervisor.

Define the word budget

 It’s is an action plan translated into monetary terms which is normally

budgeted for one financial year to O/MIA . plan of action for achieving
a state function.

Name two vouchers used in stores

 Issue and receipt vouchers

Which document is needed for driving GRN vehicle for the first time?

 Authorization to drive GRN vehicle

What is the purpose of a log book

 It is purpose is to indicate and control the km;s


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