Ifr 1510
Ifr 1510
Ifr 1510
TURNûISûhHELPFULûTOû coming tax U-turn, pushing the active sales of Gilts. “We’ve seen
CHRISTOPHER WHITTALL the market and could also lessen 30-year yield down to as low as from the second quarter that the
pressure on the BoE to support 4.2% on Friday morning before it Gilt market was buckling under
A growing number of investors Gilts”, said Antoine Bouvet, rose back to 4.8% in choppy the prospect of QT. The end of
and economists are convinced senior rates strategist at ING. afternoon trading. the month is way too short, they
the Bank of England should “We aren’t out of the woods yet, need to postpone until at least
delay sales of its Gilts portfolio however, and now isn’t a time COMMUNICATION ISSUE 2023. They need to reduce
that are currently scheduled to for complacency. It will take $ESPITEûWHATûHADûBRIEmYû uncertainty and buy some time,”
begin at the end of the month time to restore trading appeared to be a more positive he added.
amid ongoing volatility in UK conditions in the Gilt market tone in the markets towards the
government bond markets. that look even remotely normal. end of the week, investors BALANCING ACT
Such a move would mark a The BoE has a chance to get the remained unimpressed by the There is no denying that the BoE
climb down for the BoE, which situation under control; let’s "O%SûPLANSûTOûlNISHû'ILTû HASûBEENûFORCEDûINTOûAûDIFlCULTû
has so far appeared determined hope they seize it.” purchases on October 14 only to balancing act in recent weeks,
to proceed with its plans to start Orla Garvey, senior start Gilt sales on October 31. caught between the need to
selling Gilts on October 31. The lXED
INCOMEûPORTFOLIOûMANAGERû “The Bank of England has a shore up febrile UK bond
central bank has already had to at Federated Hermes, said “the communication issue. It makes markets (without looking like it
postpone the start of this “active MARKETûFOCUSûSHOULDûlRMLYûSHIFTû no sense to say you’ll buy bonds ISûlNANCINGûTHEûGOVERNMENTSû
quantitative tightening” from its from the BoE to the one week and sell them the lSCALûLARGESSE ûANDûREMAININGû
original start date of early government”. Still, she believes next,” said David Zahn, head of credible in its battle to tame
October, after it announced it’s “highly unlikely” that active %UROPEANûlXEDûINCOMEûATû INmATIONûTHATûHASûBEENûRUNNINGû
emergency Gilt purchases on QT will begin at the end of Franklin Templeton. at multi-decade highs.
September 28 in an effort to October “given the fragility of “They need to stabilise the The Gilt market had become
calm bond markets upended by the market and the upcoming market, remove the stress that’s dysfunctional following the UK
the UK’s so-called mini-budget. risk events” including a series of there, get it working again and government’s mini-budget on
That emergency purchase important central bank then talk about QT. They should September 23, which promised
programme was due to stop on meetings around the turn of the wait several months, maybe large, unfunded tax cuts along
Friday, but many analysts doubted month. until early next year. The market with a huge energy bailout for
that it would with bond markets is getting confused by [their consumers and businesses. Bond
remaining febrile. Analysts are CRAZY WEEK mixed messages]. As a result, we yields jerked higher in response,
even less convinced that the BoE It was certainly another topsy- are going to get more volatility. triggering unmanageable
will be able to start to sell Gilts at turvy week in Gilt markets amid “They need to get the Gilt margin calls for pension funds
the end of the month. They note AûmURRYûOFûNEWSûFROMûBOTHûTHEû market working properly given that had deployed “liability-
the market outlook remains BoE and the government. that the Gilt market is how they driven investment” strategies
hugely uncertain amid fast- Long-dated yields jumped transmit their monetary policy,” using derivatives.
moving political events. earlier in the week despite the he added. The announcement of the
Gilts had staged a rally in the BoE unveiling a series of new Bouvet said the BoE had made BoE’s emergency purchase
latter half of a roller-coaster measures aimed at alleviating a mistake in committing to programme on September 28
week following media reports market stress. The 30-year yield sent long-dated Gilt yields
that the government was set to rose above 5% on Wednesday – 30-YEAR GILT YIELDS ON FRIDAY tumbling lower, creating some
make an extraordinary U-turn perilously close to the level at % much-needed breathing room
OVERûITSûlSCALûPLANSû4HATû which the BoE originally for pension schemes to
culminated in prime minister announced its emergency 4.65 replenish liquidity reserves. The
Liz Truss sacking chancellor purchases – as many doubted 4.60 danger for the BoE was that a
Kwasi Kwarteng on Friday and markets could cope with the BoE more prolonged commitment to
scrapping a cut in corporation ending its emergency purchases underpin Gilt markets could
tax that the government had on Friday. lessen the pressure both on
pledged in the mini-budget. But Gilts rallied as the week 4.45 pension funds to delever – and
But the rally faded on Friday wore on, bringing much-needed 4.40 on the UK government to
afternoon, when the BoE breathing room for pension 4.35
reassess its proposed tax cuts.
completed the last of its funds, which have found Neil Shearing, group chief
scheduled Gilt purchases, raising themselves at the centre of the economist at Capital Economics,
questions over how stable market turmoil. A rebound that said markets needed reassuring.
markets would remain even began on Wednesday afternoon 4.20 “In every conceivable
07:30 09:30 11:30 13:30
after the government’s partial accelerated on Thursday 08:30 10:30 12:30 14:30 scenario, the BoE will have to
policy reversal. following the reports of the Source: Refinitiv backstop the market for a long
Pension funds mull loans 07 Kanzhun out of shadows 08 Working out underwriting emissions 10
“We’ll see which ones want to bid in the secondary market at RElNANCEûWHENûTHEûMARKETûISûOFF
listen and which ones want to 79.8% of face value. The UK’s risk amid a weak economic
gamble on a better outcome by FLORA FOOD GROUP’s euro TLB, also environment, that doesn’t bode
Note: weekly data
Source: TRAX, MarketAxess waiting,” said the banker. “It will maturing in 2025, is at 78%. particularly well.”
BY ROBERT HOGG, SUDIP ROY so they don’t have a huge need “We feel at these levels and “We have had such a dearth of
for new debt in the near future.” with the liquidity that’s built up primary activity in sterling these
The forced selling by UK pension The sterling investment-grade there will be a meeting of last few months, I would expect
funds has sent a shudder not just corporate primary market has minds,” he said. “Things could a new deal, priced attractively
through the Gilt market but has been shut for over a month, with be worse in January and from a well-liked credit, would
also embroiled UK corporates. nothing printed since Danish February. Issuers may say ‘I hate actually do quite well,” said
Even the best credits have utility Orsted sold two sterling 7% but the direction of travel is James Vokins, global head of
seen their yields soar. In one notes as part of a dual-currency not in my favour’.” investment-grade credit at Aviva
example of how rampant selling triple-tranche trade in early Higher yields could tempt Investors.
has swept up liquid names, a September. Those notes are now cash-rich investors into activity. “It may even add some
£500m 1.5% July 2026 bond trading 10–15 points below stability to the market and
issued by consumer goods reoffer. demonstrate the depth of the
COMPANYû5NILEVERû!!! ûWASû WHICH WAY NEXT? demand. Having said that, there
trading at 6% at one stage last WHO’S FIRST? NON-FINANCIALS SENIOR INDEX
would need to be a high level of
WEEKûACCORDINGûTOû2ElNITIVû Bankers still hope there will be spread compensation to tempt
before recovering to 5.64% by more supply in the coming 7.5 investors to part with their cash
Thursday – though that’s still weeks, though that would and this would likely push the
100bp higher than where it was require a company to get over 7.0 secondary curve wider.”
quoted before the UK’s mini- lRST
Paola Binns, head of sterling
budget on September 23. deals in the pipeline and you credit at Royal London Asset
“If you get a margin call, then need one to go to open up that 6.0 Management, said market stability
YOUûSELLûWHATSûMOSTûLIQUIDûlRSTû supply, but nobody wants to be was needed before any further
which after Gilts is corporates,” THEûlRSTvûSAIDûONEû$#-ûBANKERû issuance could be contemplated,
said David Zhan, head of “Unless that one goes, there 5.0 despite the attractive yields for
%UROPEANûlXEDûINCOMEûATû might be zero deals this year.” investors. She said, though, with so
Franklin Templeton. “For Yet at the same time, he was much up in the air, such as the
companies that need to hopeful that a “constructive” 4.0 Bank of England’s strategy, “it
RElNANCEûTHATûWILLûBEûEXPENSIVEû sterling market “will offer access looks unlikely to happen in the
Having said that, a lot of if issuers are willing to be 01/08 15/08 29/08 12/09 26/09 10/10
short term”.
corporates have spent the last pragmatic about absolute 2022 The Bank of England’s efforts
decade extending out maturities, levels”. Source: Markit/Refinitiv to stabilise markets in recent
BY RICHARD METCALF latest tally from Bank of America, product made it a particularly it’s one of the few instruments
while an earlier report from JP attractive option to sell. still around par, while Gilts and
Since the UK government’s not so -ORGANûPUTûTHEûlGUREûFORû!"3ûONLYû other things are trading at a
mini-budget sent markets reeling at the equivalent of €2.4bn – 11.6 “Even though levels SIGNIlCANTûDISCOUNTvûSAIDûANû
in the last week of September, times the average weekly volumes haven’t been great, ABS syndicate banker.
the European ABS market has for the year up to that point. (Lists and clearly pricing has
absorbed as much as 11 times the of bonds for sale known as BWICs TIP OF THE ICEBERG
moved down sharply
usual weekly amount of paper are the main mechanism for The elevated pace of selling was
being put up for sale. But as selling securitised products in the
because of the selling SUSTAINEDûINTOûTHEûlRSTûWEEKûOFû
volumes remained elevated for a SECONDARYûMARKET pressure, sellers have October, though at a slightly
third week running, observers The selling was prompted by a been getting bids, and lower level, bringing year-to-
say the market has held up sharp spike in Gilt yields, which because they’ve had to date ABS BWIC volumes to
remarkably well. forced UK pension fund managers sell, they’ve been trading €11.7bn, well above the €7.86bn
The volume of bids wanted in TOûOFmOADûBONDSûTOûRAISEûCASHûTOû put on sale by the same time last
competition hitting the European meet margin calls. And while the
them. A lot of paper has year, according to JP Morgan’s
ABS and CLO markets reached sell-off has affected the full gamut actually traded” lGURES
€5.3bn-equivalent in the week OFûlXEDûINCOMEû!"3ûMARKETû And that, say market
immediately following the tax cut participants say the short-dated, “It’s a natural go-to product to participants, may have been just
announcement, according to the mOATING
RATEûNATUREûOFûTHEIRû sell in a volatile market, because the tip of the iceberg, with
days have included a temporary some immediate liquidity. For sterling. There have only been three-month Euribor by 120bp
pause on sales of its corporate example, ANGLIAN WATER, which four high-yield deals executed since August 1, the ratings
bond portfolio, which had has been sitting on a nine-year in the currency since the start of agency said Morrisons’ interest
started last month. It has also sterling sustainability-linked the year, three of them in expense would increase to
put in place a repo facility bond since holding calls on January. about £335m a year from
aimed at allowing pension September 6, is also exploring a Still, high-yield investors are around £300m, excluding lease
funds to borrow money £150m 15-year private relatively sanguine. “From a interest.
against assets including Gilts placement. public market or bond
and corporate bonds, though perspective, I’m less concerned “A lot of UK names
the effect on the corporate PLAYING AWAY because the big issuers are all have hedged and mix
market has been limited The picture is less clear for pretty much okay from a
fixed and floating-rate
because of the cost involved corporates lower down the liquidity perspective and don’t
to access it. ratings spectrum. Two UK- really have any maturities
debt. Unless they have
RELATEDûISSUERSûENERGYûlRMû coming due in the next two a near-term maturity,
“From a public market ENQUEST and entertainment years,” said one high-yield I don’t see a rising rate
or bond perspective,
company ODEON CINEMAS via investor. environment pushing
ODEON FINCO, did announce deals UK-domiciled high-yield
I’m less concerned them into defaults”
last week but in the US dollar corporates have £2.4bn-
because the big issuers market – a natural home for EQUIVALENTûOFûlXED
are all pretty much both, given their particular maturing before the end of the
okay from a liquidity characteristics. year, according to IFR data, with
UK-domiciled EnQuest, which roughly £15bn-equivalent But even with interest rates
perspective and SOLDûAû53MûlVE
maturing in 2023 and £12bn- ramping up, and a deep
don’t really have any call two note at 12%, is an oil equivalent in 2024. recession in the UK a possibility,
maturities coming due and gas company with a highly More concerning could be a second high-yield investor
in the next two years” international business, while ISSUERSûWITHûLARGEûmOATING
RATEû thought most issuers will
UK brand Odeon Cinemas is a debt exposure like Morrisons, muddle through. “A lot of UK
In the meantime, certain UK SUBSIDIARYûOFû53ûOUTlTû!-#û given servicing costs will names have hedged and mix
corporates are considering Entertainment. Odeon’s become more expensive as lXEDûANDûmOATING
other funding avenues, 53MûlVE
CALLûTWOû interest rates rise. said. “Unless they have a near-
including other currency note was due to price on Friday Over half of the term maturity, I don’t see a
markets or private placements. SEEû4OPû.EWSûFORûMORE supermarket’s funded debt is rising rate environment
Private markets, in particular, For most UK high-yield mOATING
RATEûANDûITûHASûNOû pushing them into defaults.”
HAVEûOFFEREDûDIVERSIlCATIONûANDû issuers, however, market access interest hedging in place, Additional reporting by Eleanor
a less volatile arena for APPEARSûAûMOREûDIFlCULTû according to Moody’s. With the Duncan, Helene Durand, Jihye
corporates seeking to lock down prospect, particularly in Sonia rate up by 100bp and Hwang and Lorena Ruibal
frantic bilateral trading also and because they’ve had to funds, sensing an opportunity in Australian investors,” he said.
taking place. sell, they’ve been trading them. the forced selling of high quality “European prime resi is
“There are very, very big A lot of paper has actually paper, have also stepped in. going back to European
trades going on behind the traded.” investors and treasuries.
scenes,” said an ABS portfolio “A lot of the Australian UK RMBS prime STS is
manager. “Banks have talked RANGE OF APPETITES paper getting sold is getting recycled back to UK
about the volumes they did [in The relatively orderly sell-off being recycled back treasuries who have been
the last week of September] and may have been helped by the stepping in and picking this
onshore to domestic
they don’t tally with the BWICs fact that, as the days have worn up in size.”
that we saw.” on, the types of bonds hitting
Australian investors. For issuers, this resilience in
Given the sheer amount of the market have varied, European prime the face of prolonged, heavy
bonds for sale and the extended appealing to investors with a resi is going back to selling has even allowed the
duration of the sell-off, traders range of risk appetites, European investors primary ABS market to remain
and investors are surprised at according to another syndicate and treasuries. UK open – for some.
how well the market has coped. banker. Irish specialist mortgage
Of the bonds put up for sale “The initial part of the
RMBS prime STS is lender FINANCE IRELAND priced an
through BWICs in the last week SELLINGûWASûEASIER
mIPûRISKvû getting recycled back RMBS on Wednesday and
of September, 82% were traded, he said, giving senior UK prime to UK treasuries” VOLKSWAGEN LEASING was expected
according to JP Morgan. RMBS as an example. “Now to price a German auto ABS on
“To me, it’s actually amazing we’re seeing a bit more mezz, a A third portfolio manager noted Friday. But it was far from plain
that the market’s absorbed it,” bit of non-bank paper coming that, as the bonds have changed sailing. In a sign that conditions
said another buyside source. out as well, so there are still bids hands, they have often ended up were treacherous even for
“Even though levels haven’t for that.” with investors whose domicile non-UK issuers, CA CONSUMER
been great, and clearly pricing The market has been matches the country of risk. FINANCE pulled a French auto ABS
has moved down sharply supported, as it has been “A lot of the Australian paper offering from the market on
because of the selling pressure, throughout the year, by bank getting sold is being recycled Monday, citing extreme
[sellers] have been getting bids, treasuries. But credit and hedge back onshore to domestic volatility.
BY LUKE ACTON developed market sovereign in wasn’t really a good idea to by appearing on the same day as
2022 after Luxembourg and compete. On the EU 20-year, it’s another major issuer. In an
A head-to-head contest between Greece, IFR data show. almost a 3.5% yield – or 3.4%. On emailed answer to IFR’s questions,
the EUROPEAN UNION and GERMANY “It really seems it has been the Bund, it’s 2.3% or something an EC spokesperson said: “The
at the long-end of the euro quite a bad idea to go head-to- like that for 10 years longer … If European capital market is strong
market saw the supranational head with the EU,” said a banker you have that on the same day – enough to absorb the supply of
win the upper hand on Tuesday, away from the deal. the numbers are right in front of two highly rated and liquid issuers
helped by pricing dynamics that “It’s understandable from you – then an investor might on different parts of the yield
played in its favour. their point of view that they decide, well I’d rather go for the curve. Therefore we decided to
Large public sector issuers don’t want to back away because EU.” continue showing reliability to
typically try to steer clear of it’s Germany [the safest SSA in The EU offered 3.026% yield our investor base and to execute
each other when bringing deals the euro market]. But, on its short tranche and 3.404% our transaction as expected by
in primary, but it appeared that nevertheless, in the end it just on the longer line. In relative markets.”
neither the EU nor Germany terms, it paid 88.3bp more than For Germany, the €5.9bn book
were prepared to back down and Bunds with the December 2029 was far smaller than the €21bn
stuck to their expected issuance % tap and 101.9bp more with the book it gathered in March, when
calendar. 3.5 20-year. it last came with a €4bn 30-year
7ITHûlNALûBOOKSûCOMINGûINûATû 3.3 That meant that the EU’s leads offering, a tap of its 0% August
over €26bn (including €1.85bn Barclays, Bank of America, Deutsche 2052 line. Given the relatively
OFûJOINTûLEADûMANAGERûDEMAND û Bank, JP Morgan and NatWest were modest interest, the sovereign
for the EU’s €6bn 20-year able to tighten pricing on the STAYEDûmATûTOûGUIDANCEûOFûTHEû
tranche, versus €5.9bn 2.7 short line by 1bp to mid-swaps 2.5bp area above Bunds. Barclays,
(including €850m from the lead 2.5 minus 21bp and the longer BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Goldman
paper by 2bp to mid-swaps plus Sachs, and JP Morgan were leads.
August 2053 trade, the EU was a 32bp, both offering around 2bp The deal was seen offering 1bp to
clear winner when it came to of concession, according to the 2bp of new issue concession.
investor demand. The EU’s 20- 1.9 lRSTûBANKERû!ûSECONDûBANKERû Nothing about the Bund’s
year was launched alongside a 1.7 put the premium at 2.5bp for pricing looked incorrect,
€5bn December 2029 tap that 1.5 both the bonds. HOWEVERûTHEûlRSTûBANKERûSAID
BY MICHAEL HALEY, LORENA RUIBAL call two senior unsecured In a report ahead of pricing, Scotland-based Harbour Energy’s
RATEûNOTEûONû/CTOBERûû S&P said “supportive oil market 53MûûlVE
Rattled UK junk-rated companies The issue came at a yield of 12%, conditions will result in lower call two senior secured sold in
looked to the US last week for the tight end of price talk that leverage and strong operating October last year at par has
RElNANCINGSûASûTURMOILûROCKEDû went out to 12.25%. One CASHmOWvûFORû%N1UESTû)Nû “massively underperformed US
the Gilt market. comparable was US dollar notes addition, it noted the names”, he said.
The UK has seen severe due 2026 from Energean Israel. RElNANCINGûWOULDûSUBSTANTIALLYû
market ructions over the past The Ba3/BB– notes from improve the company’s liquidity BIG PICTURE
few weeks caused by the Energean’s opco were quoted at position. London-headquartered Odeon
government’s unfunded growth 8.39% on Wednesday, according A European high-yield Cinemas, meanwhile, was due to
plans. The US junk market, in TOû2ElNITIVû!û53
BASEDûINVESTORû investor agreed that E&P oil and PRICEûAû53MûlVE
contrast, has been relatively said any difference in yield gas companies are in “probably call two senior secured note on
placid, with mostly buyout deals WOULDûREmECTûAû5+ûPREMIUMûFORû one of the few sectors that, at Friday. The fundraising would
peppering its landscape. And it EnQuest. least fundamentally, is quite help repay its term loans.
proved to be a haven for ENQUEST, BNP Paribas, Bank of America, good right now”, though Citigroup is lead-left on the deal
a UK-domiciled oil and gas DNB Markets and Goldman Sachs stressed that alone would not be while Barclays is a joint
company, and ODEON CINEMAS, a were active bookrunners on the enough to drive demand. bookrunner.
5+ûSUBSIDIARYûOFû53ûOUTlTû!-#û B3/B+ rated deal. Proceeds from He said there was a lot of “They have the advantage
Entertainment. EnQuest’s bond, along with its reticence from European high- there’s a US parent company
EnQuest, which last issued a reserve-based lending facility yield accounts to buy energy behind [them] and the US
US high-yield bond in 2014, and cash, will be used to names due to the ESG angle. market would know it,” said the
RElNANCEûITSûûSENIORûNOTES Also, performance is not a given. European high-yield investor
BY FIONA LAU TRUCK ALLIANCE, had illegally raise funds. We expect FTA to capitalisation of US$6.77bn. The
collected users’ personal data. It push ahead with its Hong Kong stock is down 55% this year.
Nasdaq-listed Chinese job listing ordered their apps to be removed listing soon given Kanzhun now
portal KANZHUNûLASTûWEEKûlLEDûFORû from app stores in China. seems to have obtained blessings LONG ROAD
a Hong Kong listing, signalling After a year of investigation, from regulators to do so,” said In contrast, Didi’s road to a Hong
that some Chinese technology the regulator allowed Kanzhun one of the bankers. Kong listing may take longer even
companies that were previously and FTA to resume new user &4!ûAIMSûTOûlLEûASûEARLYûASûLATEû THOUGHûITûHASûALREADYûBEENûlNED
under a regulatory cloud are registrations at the end of June October for a dual primary lising “Didi is much bigger and the
now in the clear to list in the as both companies were deemed in Hong Kong, according to regulatory issues it involves are
city. TOûHAVEûRECTIlEDûTHEûBREACHESû)Nû people familiar with the much more complicated. The
Tencent-backed Kanzhun, *ULYûTHEûREGULATORûlNEDû$IDIû situation. Morgan Stanley, Goldman company is keen to restart its
which operates the Boss Zhipin 2MBBNû53BN ûFORû Sachs, UBS and Huatai International Hong Kong listing process but it
app, was one of three US-listed violating data security laws. are working on the transaction. will take some time before they
companies targeted by China’s With Kanzhun moving ahead Goldman Sachs and Morgan can go public again,” said
cyberspace regulator when it to list in Hong Kong, bankers Stanley are the sponsors for another banker.
started cracking down on the believe FTA will follow suit soon, Kanzhun’s dual primary listing CCB International, CMB
COUNTRYSûGIANTûTECHNOLOGYûlRMSû while Didi may revisit the Hong in Hong Kong, which is expected International and Goldman Sachs
in July last year. Kong listing option after to raise several hundred million are working on Didi’s potential
The Cyberspace delisting in the US in June. US dollars, subject to share price Hong Kong listing.
Administration of China said at h+ANZHUNSûlLINGûISûAûPOSITIVEû performance.
the time the company, together sign as it means the Shares in Kanzhun closed at NO CONFIDENCE
with ride hailing giant DIDI GLOBAL cybersecurity probe is largely US$15.57 on Nasdaq on Kanzhun is joining an increasing
and truck service provider FULL behind it and it can move on to Thursday for a market number of US-listed Chinese
BY ANTHONY HUGHES, RHYS ADAMS 20 nations have announced in Eastern Europe from reactors "ROOKlELDû2ENEWABLEûANDûITSû
plans to expand their previously served by Russia’s institutional partners will own
Backers of nuclear power as one nuclear investments. Rosatom. 51% of Westinghouse, including
potential answer to the world’s "ROOKlELDûANDû#AMECOûALSOû The headline price includes a US$750m investment by
ENERGYûCHALLENGESûmEXEDûTHEIRû see opportunities for US$3.4bn of assumed debt that "ROOKlELDûFORûAûûSTAKE
lNANCIALûMUSCLEûWITHûTHEû Westinghouse to snare business will remain in place. Cameco, which will own the
purchase of equipment and other 49%, moved quickly to
services provider Westinghouse NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE
Electric for an enterprise value SPOT PRICES FOR URANIUM equity, raising US$650m from a
of US$7.9bn. US$/lb deeply discounted stock sale and
BROOKFIELD RENEWABLE PARTNERS securing commitments for
and Canadian uranium miner US$1.6bn of loans.
CAMECO joined forces on Tuesday
with an offer to buy the 50 CONCERNS
company that provides services Yet the acquisition drew mixed
to half the world’s nuclear reviews.
reactors. Some analysts raised concerns
“This is arguably the most 40 about the high price of 11 times’
SIGNIlCANTûTRANSACTIONû Westinghouse’s trailing Ebitda,
announced in the nuclear THEûSIGNIlCANTûOUTLAYûREQUIREDû
industry in over a decade,” 30
by Cameco, and the latter’s
Canaccord Genuity analysts surprising shift away from a
wrote in a note to clients. pure-play exposure to the rising
Though the 2011 Fukushima spot uranium price.
disaster markedly slowed the 20 Still, a banker said the stock
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 21
Oct 22
Jan 18
Apr 18
Jul 18
Jan 19
Apr 19
Jul 19
Oct 20
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Apr 21
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Apr 22
Jul 22
Jan 20
Apr 20
Jul 20
BY TESSA WALSH we need a more complete includes co-chairs Barclays and sell to as they are using different
picture. The work that is going Morgan Stanley and members methodologies,” Bowley said.
The Partnership for Carbon ONûISûCOMPLEXûANDûDIFlCULTûnû Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Another option is to use a 17%
Accounting Financials is close to emissions data requires a Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, weighting to determine an
lNALISINGûAûSYSTEMûTHATûWILLûHELPû lot of modelling,” said HSBC, NatWest and Standard underwriter’s share of a deal’s
banks calculate “facilitated Andrew Bowley, wholesale Chartered. emissions relative to those of
emissions” that include GOVERNANCEûOFlCERûATû.OMURAû The proposed methodology investors, a number derived
underwriting and other capital in London. suggests splitting responsibility from the weighting that the
market activities, as well as Banks have so far focused on for emissions between Basel Committee ascribes to
EMISSIONSûTHATûTHEYûlNANCEû lNANCEDûEMISSIONSûWHICHûISû arrangers by using league tables underwriting activities as a
directly. lNANCINGûTHATûTHEYûHAVEû from third-party data providers proportion of banks’ total
The ability to calculate provided directly to issuers and that assign credit to arrangers lNANCINGûACTIVITY
facilitated emissions will allow hold on their balance sheets depending on their roles, “That produces a weighting
banks to calculate more SUCHûASûLOANS û4HISûISûMOSTû although this does not capture that we felt was viable and
accurate Scope 3 emission suited to commercial banking every tier of banks involved in defensible for underwriting
footprints and produce more and has allowed banks to set deals, such as co-managers. activity of about 17%,” said Clark
transparent and detailed plans emissions-reduction targets on Some banks are querying why Anderson, head of climate
on how they aim to reach net- high-emitting energy portfolios. PCAF is not using the model change risk management at
zero emissions by 2050. Calculating facilitated that the Principles for Morgan Stanley.
PCAF, an initiative created in emissions has proved harder as Responsible Banking have Some bankers are concerned
ûBYû$UTCHûlNANCIALû these are off-balance-sheet DElNEDûWHICHûDIVIDESûTHEû that using a 17% weighting
institutions to improve services that are more typically amount raised by the number of could make banks look greener
TRANSPARENCYûINûlNANCIALû provided by investment banks lead managers. than they are, and that adding
services, is emerging as the ANDûINCLUDEûmOWûACTIVITIESûANDû Another ticklish subject is facilitated emissions into the
standard in carbon accounting what PCAF calls “temporary how responsibility for emissions mix could potentially increase
and emissions calculation for associations” with transactions is divided between the sellside EMISSIONSûANDûCONmICTûWITHû
THEûlNANCEûINDUSTRY rather than assets held on and buyside. Banks taking 100% banks’ previously announced
(OWEVERûSIGNIlCANTû books. PCAF believes that this of a transaction is the simplest targets.
questions remain about how to type of business deserves special option and avoids the potential Timing is also a consideration.
calculate facilitated emissions – treatment. criticism that they are not PCAF recommends that
particularly underwriting – and “PCAF views facilitation as a taking full responsibility for facilitated emissions are
PCAF is asking for feedback on SEPARATEûANDûSIGNIlCANTûMETRICû their actions. It is already being CALCULATEDûASûTHEûmOWûOVERûAû
its proposed methodology, and one that exerts material used by some market year and aggregated to give the
which it is aiming to publish in impact on the direction of participants. But it would lead total activity that banks
mid-November. capital towards economic to volatility as capital market underwrite, but this is
Questions include how to activities that will enable the activity went through booms complicated by a potential
allocate responsibility for transition to net-zero no later and busts and to double- timing mismatch.
facilitated emissions between than 2050,” it said in a report counting of emissions, as both “A key challenge for banks is
arranging banks, the amount of seeking feedback. arrangers and investors would that emissions for loan books
each deal that arrangers and report 100% of a transaction’s AREûBASEDûAROUNDûTHEûlNANCIALû
investors will take responsibility OUTSTANDING QUESTIONS emissions. year-end and their position at
for, as well as the time periods PCAF formed a working group “Banks are calculating their this date whereas if you’re
concerned. on capital market activities in lNANCEDûEMISSIONSûBUTûWEûAREû looking at underwriting it’s
“Most banks are adopting March 2021 to address currently unable to reconcile SENSIBLEûTOûLOOKûATûTHEûlSCALû
PCAF’s accounting system, but facilitated emissions. The group these with the investors that we year,” Bowley said.
Cowen’s top
six executives
15 Lazard hires
for a new 17 Japan’s
attempts to
will share US$223m geopolitical advisory transition to more
from “golden group to advise on green finance have hit
parachutes” and global risks and a speed bump in more
retention awards opportunities difficult markets
under TD’s takeover
Avg 3 US
JP Morgan
conditions contributed to lower issuances,
“DIVERGENT VIEWS” the bank said, while ECM revenue tumbled
Rival Citi faced tougher sledding in ûTOû53MûREmECTINGûTHEûSUBSTANTIALû
JFICC JEquities JAdv/Underwriting investment banking and its revenues slumped decline in global equity volumes.
Source: Bank results, IFR calculations 64% to US$631m on steep declines in DCM and Philip Scipio
Dominic Emery has managing director WELLS FARGO than a decade, most
joined US boutique in M&A advisory. He has hired Sesh recently as an MD in
investment bank previously worked at Raghavan as head of its power, utilities and
WILLIAM BLAIR Investec for nine years, power, utilities and renewables group. He
as a managing at Close Brothers renewables M&A. He previously worked at
director in London to for a year and at will be a managing Lexicon Partners and
advise clients in the Robson Rhodes for director and work from JP Morgan.
technology sector, three years. Emery New York, reporting
part of its expansion in has experience to global head of
Europe. Emery joined across M&A and M&A David DeNunzio.
from Raymond James, financial advisory with Raghavan joined
where he has worked public and private from Evercore, where
for five years as a companies. he worked for more
GOLDMAN SACHS Antoine Thibaud MORGAN STANLEY SOCIETE has relocated from ANZ BANK has
has appointed Cristina has joined MUFG has named Rikhit GENERALE has Singapore to head appointed Michael
Estrada, current COO SECURITIES as a Badalia as M&A head made several senior the energy+ group for Isaacs as co-head of
of Latin America director in its credit for South-East Asia, appointments Australia in Sydney. origination, leveraged
financing group, as trading team, based in Reuters reported. in Australia and Aaron Borg has been and acquisition
co-head of investment Hong Kong. Thibaud Hong Kong-based Singapore. Tom appointed co-head of finance for Australia.
banking in Brazil, was previously co- Badalia takes over Lukic has been mining, metals and Isaacs was previously
Reuters reported. founder and portfolio from Jonathan Pflug, hired from Westpac industries finance for executive director of
Estrada will be manager at 1020 who is joining US to head corporate Asia-Pacific, based in loan syndications at
transferred from New Capital Management, investment bank client coverage for Sydney. Eugene Tan ANZ in Sydney.
York to Brazil and will and before that was Raine Group. Australia and New has joined as director
work alongside co- a trader at Citic CLSA Zealand, based in for TMT in Singapore.
head Ricardo Bellissi. and UBS. Sydney. Ben Arnott
3&RMû4HISûINCLUDEDûJUSTûUNDERû bond at a yield of 0.14%. This was 5bp
SFr300m of non-competitive bids that the through its conventional twin.
FFA allocated at the issue price of 100.50. )NûTHEûABSENCEûOFûAû#ONFEDERATIONûTWINûOFû Source: Refinitiv
The outcome met the Triple A borrower’s IDENTICALûTENORûANDûCOUPONûTHEû&&!ûOFlCIALû
hopes for greater participation than usual in would say only that pricing on its green
the green bond. The volume of bids
The sovereign opted for the shortest
maturity available to it for the deal. This
in September. These were for the May 2058 All nearer years were already taken. INTENTIONS OVER ITS MINI-BUDGET
and June 2045 benchmarks, respectively. The strength of Switzerland’s environmental %
It did achieve SFr1bn-plus of bids in June commitments and legislation may have been a
2021 and December 2016, though the last factor in the deal’s take-up. The sovereign’s
time it issued in a size greater than SFr766m green bond framework references the
was all the way back in November 2012. European Union’s taxonomy of sustainable
Then nearly SFr2bn of bids led it to sell activities, though it does not claim alignment
SFr836m of the April 2042 line. since Switzerland is not an EU member. But it 2.0
Until now the SFr510m of the June 2045 embeds domestic standards that are more 1.5
that it issued last month had ranked as its stringent than the EU’s in some cases.
largest single deal this year. The framework is also notable for its high
proportion of spending on biodiversity, an Source: Refinitiv
MARKETING MUSCLE increasing focus for many ESG investors.
Switzerland cleared the decks for the new Including sustainable agriculture and
issue. The FFA usually auctions two
sometimes three. But it offered no
landscape management, this area accounts
for as much as 20% of eligible expenditures. 2
conventional bonds as part of Wednesday’s SFr1.2bn TO GO HIGH-YIELD ISSUERS RAISING FUNDS
offering. Switzerland will retain SFr300m of the green LAST WEEK, THOUGH BOTH IN THE US
“It is important to us that market bond for future market operations. This DOLLAR MARKET
OFlCIALûSAIDûLASTûWEEKûBEFOREûTHEûAUCTION approach to new issues, as well as some taps.
It also held a global investor call and an For example, it retained SFr300m each of
investor roundtable in Berne on Tuesday as
part of its marketing effort. This included
the seasoned June 2064 and June 2045
benchmarks in its June and September
one-on-one meetings too. International auctions, respectively. €6bn 20-YEAR TRANCHE LAST WEEK
appetite for these was strong despite limited “If needed, proprietary holdings can be AS PART OF A DUAL-TRANCHE OFFERING
OWNERSHIPûOFû#ONFEDERATIONûBONDSûOUTSIDEû sold directly on the market between the ON TUESDAY
Foreign buyers held some 17% of This approach could help Switzerland
outstandings last year, though their share reach its SFr6bn 2022 funding target. It has
has been as high as 31% in recent years.
The sovereign did not give preferential
more than SFr1.2bn still to source from two
scheduled auctions remaining this year.
allocations to dedicated ESG investors, Previous auctions since January have raised FOR ITS €4bn AUGUST 2053 TRADE
unlike some top-rated peers such as the between SFr425m and SFr650m across their LAST TUESDAY, AS INVESTORS SHOWED
Netherlands. “We treat every investor the multiple tranches, according to FFA data. THEIR PREFERENCE FOR THE EU’S
Corporate borrowers, faced with unpalatable BALANCING ACT dropping as low as 94 heading into the call
cost of funding on their hybrid bonds, are Naturgy’s decision was seen as positive for announcement, according to Tradeweb.
looking to reduce their overall stack of such bondholders and brought some relief to the “It is worth noting that given [the company’s]
debt, another nail in the coffin for the market, market that has been fretting about extension current leverage, [it] will probably avoid a
which has seen volumes plummet in 2022. risk. downgrade even if [it does] lose that equity
NATURGY said on Thursday that it would “It’s a good signal for the sector as it’s been treatment. I think the motivation for this call
redeem one of its subordinated bonds at 50:50 [as to] whether the company was going to was reducing ongoing interest costs rather than
the first call date in November with cash, call its hybrid,” said Gordon Shannon, portfolio maintaining access to the hybrid market,” said
suggesting its intention to give up on hybrids manager at TwentyFour Asset Management. Shannon before S&P’s announcement.
as a permanent part of its capital structure. “It shows that calls are certainly not impossible
This comes as a handful of companies, such even in this market.” CREATIVE SOLUTIONS
as Merck and Balder, have conducted tender Still, it has ramifications for the rest of the Some bankers expect further liability
offers on their hybrids without a concurrent issuer’s subordinated debt stack given that S&P management activity ahead in this corner of the
new issue. ENGIE is also conducting a tender removes equity credit on all of a company’s market as not just tenders but also exchange
on three tranches of hybrid debt, an offer remaining hybrids, if a borrower chooses to call offers or consent solicitations could take place
that concludes on Wednesday. The French a subordinated bond without replacing it with with companies seeking creative ways to
utility did not follow up with a new offering a new one. The agency does give borrowers a manage their hybrid exposure.
announcement. little bit of wiggle room with redemptions in line Partial buybacks work well for companies
High-grade corporate issuers opting to let with 10% of total hybrids outstanding over a 12- juggling to protect their investment-grade
their stock of hybrid roll off is the latest body month period considered to be immaterial. credit ratings and maintain relationships with
blow to an already moribund euro hybrid “There’s a divide in the sector between issuers bondholders as well as equity investors.
market where sales have dropped more than with big quantitative hybrid curves that will “We expect some companies will look at
52% to €9.9bn versus the same period last want to play by the rules – so would be limited liability management tools such as exchange
year, according to IFR data. to reducing the hybrid stock by S&P’s 10% transactions as we’ve already seen in the FIG
“Many companies will still say they like annual threshold – and issuers with only a few market,” said Damani, citing the most recent
hybrids, but given the new credit environment, outstanding hybrids that may well be prepared trade from Shawbrook Group that launched an
they will reduce the overall amount by looking to upset S&P and lose equity credit in those Additional Tier 1 exchange offer on Monday.
at alternative sources of equity content,” said bonds if they don’t make a huge difference to “Companies are able to provide a new
Kapil Damani, head of capital products at BNP their credit metrics,” said James Sparrow, head instrument that can offer better value than the old
Paribas. of investment grade desk analysts, BNP Paribas bonds and this is also in the interest of the issuer
The euro corporate subordinated bond iBoxx Credit 360. as it can avoid the execution risk of a new issue.”
closed at 7.3% on Thursday, up from 1.8% at Spanish gas company Naturgy has two other Another capital solutions banker said,
the start of the year. outstanding hybrids, a €500m 3.375% perpetual however, that such transactions were essentially
Corporates have used hybrids as a way non-call 2024 and a €500m 2.374% perpetual extending the call date with a bit of premium
of strengthening their balance sheets and non-call 2026, apart from the €500m 4.125% as the economics of the exchange have to be
protecting their credit ratings without diluting perpetual non-call eight hybrids issued in 2014. attractive enough for investors.
their shareholders. Ultra-low rates over the past S&P revised the equity content on all the bonds “It’s only a temporary cure to the extension
decade made these deals particularly attractive. to minimal, although it affirmed the company’s risk,” he said. “Whether a company decides to
“2022 was a relatively light redemption BBB rating. amend terms through a consent solicitation or
year, but looking at the next four years, there’s A financing official at Naturgy told IFR go through an exchange offer – such trades are
around €115bn that needs to be refinanced that the decision was an optimal alternative, happening because there is no alternative to
[in the euro IG corporate hybrid space],” said considering cost efficiency, investor-friendliness prevent a non-call event. It’s an untested market
Damani, adding that corporate treasurers faced and the company’s strong trading and cashflow. yet in the corporate space, so I’m also unsure of
a difficult decision on how to best manage their The cash price of Naturgy’s November hybrids how investors would take it.”
stakeholders. recovered on the day to be touching par after Jihye Hwang
“Whether in sterling, euros or dollars, the SHORT
TERMûTECHNICALû;ISSUE=ûWILLûACTûASû The improved investment case, coming
all-in yields are certainly historically very something of a headwind, although on the back of a rising interest rate
high, and will start to look attractive to ultimately we believe that the valuation ENVIRONMENTûWASûREmECTEDûINûEUROûDEALSûINû
insurance community, particularly in terms Maria Staeheli, senior portfolio manager window opened up with the tightening of
OFûNEWûISSUESûONûOFFERvûSAIDû)AINû"UCKLEû at Fisch Asset Management, wrote that spreads. Even in the face of Gilts market
head of credit UK, at Aegon Asset investment-grade bonds offer an attractive volatility, euro issuance remained largely
Management. opportunity to choose a defensive unscathed, with 10 borrowers, including
degree given the extent to which LDI h(IGH
accounts are being forced to build up investment-grade credit have seen their “We can sail through rates volatility and
liquidity in the UK to meet margin calls. This WORST
that there aren’t many days left for this year,
that means there’s not much done in terms
Thermo Fisher debuts
of funding, while things to do are piling up
successfully in yen
Today, we have market access and we can’t
TAKEûTHATûFORûGRANTEDv CORPORATES Rarity of US corporates helps medical equipment firm draw good
Markets volatility over the past couple of demand even at 30 years
weeks has seen euro investment-grade
corporate new issue premiums jump to THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC has made a successful Initial price guidance at the start of marketing
BPûVERSUSûBPûSEENûINûTHEûlRSTûHALFûOFû debut in the yen bond market with a ¥110.1bn on Wednesday was 65bp–70bp over Tonar mid-
this year, according to IFR data. (US$747m) six-tranche offering as the rarity of a swaps for the three-year tranche, 75bp–80bp
h;4HE=ûCYCLICALûPREMIUMûISûNOTûATûRECESSIONû US corporate name drew strong demand from for the five-year, 85bp–90bp for the seven-year,
levels and spreads still look compressed, Japanese investors. 90bp–95bp for the 10-year, 100bp–105bp for the
although that depends on what kind of The medical equipment manufacturer, rated 20-year, and 110bp–115bp for the 30-year.
RECESSIONûWEREûEXPECTINGû#ORPORATESû A3/A–/BBB+, initially planned to sell yen bonds Guidance was finalised on Thursday at 70bp,
balance sheets are in relatively good shape in 2018 when it mandated Goldman Sachs 80bp, 90bp, 95bp, 105bp, and 115bp, the wide
but they are likely to weaken as we see and three Japanese banks to arrange investor ends of all the respective initial guidance ranges.
third-quarter earnings that are expected to meetings in Tokyo, but an actual deal did not The company marketed a 15-year tranche at
BEûAFFECTEDûBYûHIGHERûENERGYûPRICESvûSAIDû materialise. 95bp–100bp on Wednesday and then at 100bp
Rochus Baumgartner, head of IG credit at The company persisted and hired Citigroup yesterday, but decided to drop it.
UBS Global Wealth Management. and the same three Japanese arrangers – Bankers on the deal declined to comment
“Market technicals are also weak – why Mizuho, MUFG and SMBC Nikko – to set up on investor statistics, but life insurers are said
would investors return to corporate bonds virtual meetings with Japanese investors in to have bought the long-dated tranches. There
now when they can get similar yields in the September, before making an SEC filing for the were also decent orders from foreign accounts.
SOVEREIGNûSPACEû4HEû%#"ûWILLûALSOûSTARTû deal on Tuesday night with the four banks as As has been the case in the domestic market, the
selling down its asset purchase programme joint bookrunners. 10-year tranche failed to attract strong demand.
ATûSOMEûPOINTûINûTHEûFUTUREv “We saw strong interest from investors even The JGB yield curve has been distorted at the 10-
at the meetings,” said a banker on the deal, who year point because of large bond purchases by
VATTENFALL SECURES SHORT-TERM thought the transaction would be successful the Bank of Japan to cap the yield at 0.25%. As a
LIQUIDITY because yen bonds from US corporates are rare result, market participants are unable to reach a
and the issuer is well recognised in Japan. consensus as to where the fair value is for 10-year
VATTENFALL tapped the euro market on Tuesday Still, some investors were sceptical whether JGBs and have been reluctant to buy corporate
with an unusually short tenor for a utility as it the company would be able to draw more than bonds and even municipal bonds at that tenor.
sought to build a liquidity cushion. ¥100bn of demand given the recent market Even though Thermo Fisher’s 10-year tranche
The €1.65bn triple-tranche offering volatility. was priced relative to Tonar swaps, not JGBs,
included two 18-month tranches – one of “I didn’t expect the size would be bigger than investors’ caution about the 10-year segment
RATEûNOTESûnû ¥100bn, but demand for Thermo turned out to be was evident in this deal.
RATEû very strong,” a Japanese fund manager said, also The issuer will use the proceeds for general
securities. The Swedish state-owned energy surprised by the fact that the company raised corporate purposes, which may include the
lRMûRATEDû!"""ûWASûTARGETINGûTHEûSAMEû more than ¥30bn in the 30-year tranche in its acquisition of companies, repayment and
money market fund investor base through debut deal. refinancing of debt, capital expenditure or the
the two 18-month note tranches, but The SEC-registered senior unsecured deal repurchase of outstanding equity securities.
wanted to offer a choice to encourage comprised a ¥22.3bn 0.853% three-year tranche, Bankers hope the successful debut will give an
greater interest. a ¥28.9bn 1.054% five-year, a ¥4.7bn 1.279% incentive for the issuer to come back to the yen market.
“There are dedicated pockets of demand seven-year, a ¥6.3bn 1.49% 10-year, a ¥14.6bn “We think Thermo Fisher will become a frequent issuer
for up to three-year tenor bonds, but we’ve 2.069% 20-year, and a ¥33.3bn 2.382% 30-year. in yen like Prologis and Corning,” said the banker.
seen in previous trades with multiple All priced at par. Takahiro Okamoto
tranches, as in the EDF and Enel deals, that
the shorter-end had slightly less bid, while
investors are getting comfortable buying While issuers tend to use private WITHû6ATTENFALLSûNEWûOFFERINGûMARKINGûTHEû
ENDvûSAIDûAûLEAD placements when funding for as short as 18 lRSTû
EDF’s €3bn three-tranche transaction on MONTHSû6ATTENFALLûWASûABLEûTOûTESTûDEMANDû company, according to IFR data.
October 5, for example, saw the 12-year in the public arena. By doing so, it was able The €650m April 2024 FRN tranche
green notes get 2-1/2 times more orders to complement its funding in the landed at three-month Euribor plus 50bp,
than the conventional long four-year commercial paper and bank loan markets, WHILEûTHEûõMûOFûlXED
tranche, at €2.55bn compared with €1.05bn. said the banker. bonds came at 50bp over mid-swaps. The
“What investors are closely monitoring The last transaction in the euro €500m of four-year bonds landed at 65bp.
right now is rates volatility and hence investment-grade corporate market with an Initial price thoughts were 75bp area,
there’s so much focus on the wording from 18-month tenor came from Daimler Truck 70bp area and 85bp area, respectively, via
central banks and what the trajectory of the !""" ûINû-ARCHû67ûSUBSIDIARYû4RATONû BNP Paribas, Danske Bank, ING and Societe
global economy is going to be. So there is a "AA""" ûPRINTEDûAû
MONTHûmOATERûINû Generale.
ENDvûTHEû May, but bonds with such short tenors are The deal was covered more than two
work, that’s for sure not the case. We can do CAFFIL COVERED IN FOCUS AFTER bankers indicated a new issue concession of
such short-dated maturities and why not test BDF ABSENCE 5bp–7bp.
THEûWATERSûFORûAû;DEALûIN=ûDEEPLYûNEGATIVEû The leads set pricing at 13bp, on the back
Bankers said the best reference point for (CAFFIL ûLANDEDûANûASSUREDûõBNûLONGûSIX
YEARû tally stood at €1.5bn, including €45m of lead
THEûNEWûISSUEûWASûTHEREFOREû"ERLINû(YPSû covered on Monday in spite of the surprise interest.
€1bn 1.25% August 2025 green Pfandbrief. absence of an order from the French central #OMPARINGûTHEûRESULTSûBANKERSûSAIDûTHEû
That deal was quoted at minus 23bp, mid, bank. lack of an order from the Banque de France
to around minus 18bp by midday, according market participants after it became IMPACTûONû#AFlLSûTRADEû
to Tradeweb. apparent that the leads had not received La Banque Postale’s distribution statistics
h4HEûMAINûCOMPARABLEûISûTHEûTRADEû"((û an order from the Banque de France, showed a 34% allocation to French investors
DIDûTHISûYEARûINû!UGUSTû;4HISû,""7ûTRADE=ûISû according to sources. and a 27% allocation to central banks and
a bit shorter and not green, but we are While net purchases under the OFlCIALûINSTITUTIONS
We will leave a bit of cushion, of new issue order of around 20% of the deal’s size from !ûBANKERûSAIDûTHATû#AFlLSûDEALûSERVEDûASûAû
CONCESSIONûFORûINVESTORSv the Eurosystem, via national central marker when gauging the relative demand
While the new issue was expected to be banks, as it continues to reinvest maturing on offer and new issue concession required.
priced with a negative spread versus mid- holdings. “La Banque Postale does hold some
swaps, bankers said it should offer an (OWEVERûBANKERSûSAIDûTHEû"ANQUEûDEû scarcity value; a relatively new issuer that
attractive pick-up versus alternatives in the France’s absence did not appear to augur a hasn’t got as many lines outstanding and
SSA market. Bankers at the leads cited bonds change in the eurosystem’s strategy. doesn’t tend to do large transactions either.
dated 2024 and 2025 from German agency #AFlLSûõBNû&EBRUARYûûTRANSACTIONû %XECUTIONûWENTûASûEXPECTEDvûHEûADDEDû
KfW that were trading at mid-swaps minus was launched at 11bp over mid-swaps, “There’s a deeper pocket of demand
68bp and minus 54bp, respectively. inside initial guidance of the 13bp area, FURTHERûDOWNûTHEûCURVEûnûlVEûYEARSûORûLOWERû
They also said the yield on offer should be through Barclays, Commerzbank, JP Morgan, – but we can certainly see some orders in
appealing for such a defensively dated Santander and Societe Generale. this trade that we wouldn’t have seen in that
instrument. Such short-dated covered bonds Demand for the deal came in at around maturity bracket; so in parts, some investors
largely because of the prevailing negative Bankers saw fair value at about 8bp.
yield environment, with many issuers As more supply came in over the course
preferring to push out the curve. But in of the week, bankers said the central ALL SAMURAI BONDS
today’s very different environment, with bank’s no-show appeared to be an isolated BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2022 TO DATE
YEARûEUROûSWAPSûATûûONû-ONDAYû incident and noted European central Managing No of Total Share
morning, bankers said shorter tenors are banks were still active in other trades, bank or group issues ¥(m) (%)
back on the menu. including another French offering from LA 1 Sumitomo Mitsui 17 204,316.67 22.6
“Maybe it will see slightly less demand from BANQUE POSTALE. 2 Mizuho 27 172,933.33 19.1
THEûASSETûMANAGERûCOMMUNITYû;THANûAûTYPICALû La Banque Postale was pushing slightly =2 Nomura 27 172,933.33 19.1
COVEREDûBOND=ûBUTûTHEûTYPICALûRATESûBUYERSûTHEû further out the curve with a €1bn soft 4 Mitsubishi UFJ MS 19 171,583.33 19.0
bank treasuries and the usual suspects in the bullet long seven-year. 5 Daiwa Securities 26 134,566.67 14.9
supra and central bank space – I would expect Danske, HSBC, LBBW, La Banque Postale, 6 Natixis 5 28,600.00 3.2
THEMûTOûCAREvûSAIDûAûFOURTHûBANKER Natixis and UniCredit began marketing the 7 HSBC 4 18,666.67 2.1
Total 37 903,600.00
Natixis opened the books at 6bp through swaps plus 15bp area. At that initial stage, Excluding equity-related debt.
mid-swaps. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: K11
“ It was quite obvious that it would go
well: it’s an unusual maturity; it’s got a good
Managing No of Total Share BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2022 TO DATE
bank or group issues €(m) (%) Managing No of Total Share
1 BNP Paribas 63 16,265.87 9.9 bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
reasonable spread in comparison to where
2 Credit Agricole 44 11,692.18 7.1 1 JP Morgan 27 7,104.01 8.6
Bunds, Laender and SSAs are in secondary
3 Deutsche Bank 52 10,259.39 6.2 2 Barclays 24 6,937.18 8.4
4 HSBC 49 10,232.14 6.2 3 Bank of America 26 6,569.52 7.9
Market participants said fair value was
5 Societe Generale 55 9,106.46 5.5 4 BNP Paribas 24 5,891.10 7.1
hard to gauge owing to the secondary
6 JP Morgan 44 7,948.03 4.8 5 Citigroup 38 5,788.47 7.0
market being highly illiquid. The leads
7 Citigroup 42 7,354.13 4.5 6 HSBC 27 5,660.51 6.8
landed the trade at 12bp through and books
8 Natixis 33 6,936.66 4.2 7 Morgan Stanley 31 4,550.33 5.5
9 Barclays 41 6,473.71 3.9 8 Deutsche Bank 17 4,522.81 5.5
10 Morgan Stanley 30 5,409.77 3.3 9 UBS 19 3,768.37 4.5
“Great book, €1bn size, they’ve done
Total 238 164,897.95 10 Credit Suisse 14 3,300.58 4.0
everything right, it’s the biggest tightening
Including banks, insurance companies and finance companies. Excluding Total 124 82,932.52
they’ve achieved on a covered trade; so equity-related and covered bonds. Excluding publicly owned institutions.
EVERYûBOXûISûTICKEDvûTHEûlRSTûBANKERûSAID Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N11 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J3a
SHAWBROOK GROUP launched an Additional Tier 1 December call date, meaning that any holder The Italian lender last month launched an
exchange offer on Monday as it seeks to replace that does not take up the exchange will continue exchange offer seeking to switch at least €200m
its old capital notes, in a type of exercise that to hold the notes and that the deal’s coupon will of its €400m of 4.5% October 2027 non-call
bankers say will become increasingly valuable reset on December 8. 2022 Tier 2 notes for a 8.25% December 2032
for issuers over the coming months. In its stead, Shawbrook is offering investors a non-call 2027 transaction, ahead of the old
Bankers said it made sense for the UK lender new perpetual AT1 instrument with a minimum size notes’ one-time call date on October 17. While
to use an exchange rather than attempting to of £100m, which will be callable in June 2028. the old notes have a 425.1bp reset, the new one
refinance the notes with a new issue given recent To encourage investors to swap, the new would have had a 577.4bp reset.
volatility, particularly surrounding Gilts and UK instrument will have a reset that is 100bp IFIS ultimately withdrew the exchange after
institutions. UK banks underperformed amid the higher than on the old notes, at 809.9bp versus receiving insufficient interest, even after cutting
fallout from the recent mini budget, but issuance 709.9bp over Gilts. the minimum size to €125m.
of bank capital has dried up from all jurisdictions Bankers said, however, that the likely Some bankers suggested the economics
over recent weeks as market conditions turned cost required to clear a new issue would be of the exchange were insufficiently attractive
for the worse. substantially higher. “This is a great middle for investors from the outset, while others
That is forcing smaller issuers such as ground to effectively refinance the transaction in suggested that volatility in rates during the
Shawbrook, which have refinancing needs, to a way that keeps investors onboard and happy,” exchange offer period was more to blame.
consider different strategies to circumvent the said Kapil Damani, head of capital solutions, All agreed, however, that AT1 and Tier
risks and costs of braving the primary market, DCM, at BNP Paribas. 2 exchanges are fundamentally different
while also keeping investors onside and getting Shawbrook said that prior to the propositions for investors due to the differing
regulatory approval to redeem existing capital. announcement of the exchange, it had discussed levels of extension risk in perpetual AT1s, where
The use of an exchange can allow an issuer to the potential transaction with bondholders the frequency of call dates can vary, and dated
fulfil each of those objectives, said bankers. that collectively own 89% of the old notes and Tier 2s, which typically have one-time calls five
“There is an intention to prove to the regulator have indicated they are supportive of the 100bp years ahead of their final maturity.
that there is going to be no leakage of capital premium offered and intend to exchange their There are, however, other more successful
when they go through the transaction,” said full holding into the new securities. It said the examples for issuers to turn to in the AT1 market.
Vaibhav Garg, head of capital advisory and transaction was structured to take into account Bankers drew a parallel between Shawbrook’s
liability management at Nomura. “They could “the long-term support” of its AT1 investor base. exercise and Coventry Building Society’s move
have done a tender and new issue, but with that in 2019 to repurchase some of its old £400m
there is a possibility that investors take the cash CAUTIONARY TALE 6.375% AT1 offering while issuing new notes in the
and walk away and the bank is not able to do a With market access expected to remain primary market – a move welcomed by investors.
new issue.” challenging for smaller or lower-rated issuers In another more recent example from the UK,
“In the case of an exchange, the capital is with more limited investor bases, bankers Virgin Money UK was able to repurchase £377m
reinstated in all aspects and conditions. It ticks said such LMEs – while not a one-size-fits-all of its £450m 8% AT1 issue in a tender offer in
the boxes for the regulator given there will be no solution – are becoming increasingly important. June. It announced last week that it would call
reduction in capital.” “For all issuers that may be trying to hedge the remainder of the notes at their first call
The any-and-all exchange offer, led by new issues or may not have proper market date, which like Shawbrook’s transaction is on
Barclays, NatWest Markets and UBS, is targeting access, having access to LMEs, whether December 8.
Shawbrook’s £125m of 7.099% perpetual AT1s, exchanges or tender offers, can help them “These tools will be really valuable for
which will reach their first call date on December through these conditions,” said Garg. refinancing AT1 instruments or Tier 2s issued
8 2022. However, a failed exchange offer in the by non-national champions or smaller credits,”
Shawbrook said that after “considering Tier 2 space from Banca IFIS offered a recent said Damani. “Being open to these ideas will be
potential options”, it does not intend to exercise reminder that such transactions are not always critical.”
the call option of the existing notes at their straightforward. Tom Revell
OP DOUBLES BACK TO EURO SENIOR 2OCKYûMARKETSûANDûAûFOCUSûONûINmATIONû 115bp area. The leads got about €750m in
MARKET data meant there was only limited appetite orders and were able to print the trade at
for riskier paper, as was evident in the 105bp.
OP CORPORATE BANK stood alone in the euro response to OP’s deal. “The fact that pricing is being tightened
bank senior sector last week, gaining “Size-wise it’s probably a little bit on the low these days is a relative success, to put it in a
limited traction for a €500m April 2027 side of what they would probably be looking nice way. The order book is not particularly
senior preferred transaction. for these days but the order book couldn’t OVERWHELMINGûBUTûTHISûISûWHATûTHEû;SENIOR=û
4HEû&INNISHûISSUERûWASûTHEûONLYûlNANCIALû deliver it; that’s been the case for other issuers MARKETûISûLIKEûRIGHTûNOWvûSAIDûTHEûBANKER
institution to attempt a euro-denominated TOOvûSAIDûAûBANKERûAWAYûFROMûTHEûDEALû Suggesting another reason behind the
unsecured issue last week, as covered bonds Bank of America, Barclays, OP and Societe muted appetite for the deal, bankers noted
DOMINATEDûTHEûmOWûOFûSUPPLY Generale opened books at mid-swaps plus OP had issued a €1.25bn long three-year
senior preferred offering just over a month Bankers credited the deal’s outperformance Bankers also said it was positive that the
ago, drawing almost €2bn of demand on to the relative rarity of BayernLB as an issuer books for both trades were reported to
that occasion. and the quality of its covered bond collateral, HAVEûGROWNûAFTERûlNALûTERMSûWEREûSETû
Bankers calculated that the deal offered a as well as the issue’s green label. from €600m-plus to €700m-plus for
lNALûNEWûISSUEûPREMIUMûOFûABOUTûBPn Argenta and, more modestly, from €700m
30bp. “It is a bit lacklustre, despite offering a GERMANY WINS EXCLUDINGûLEADS ûTOûõMûINCLUDINGû
“Yesterday was easier to properly analyse, LB BERLIN SEALS BENCHMARK PRICE
PREMIUMS year in a very long time and still offering a LANDESBANK BERLIN on Thursday capitalised
good yield and a triple-digit spread over on strong support from domestic investors
BAYERNLB bucked the trend of rising Bunds. Today, the closest to that success is for a €250m long four-year Pfandbrief issue
concessions in the euro covered bond space BayernLB, again with a high quality cover to price the sub-benchmark offering at a
TIMESû pool. Being green also normally saves you similar level to recent benchmark-sized
YEARûGREENû0FANDBRIEFûDEBUTû 1bp–2bp, so those are probably the reasons trades from its compatriots.
on Wednesday, the busiest day for euro FORûITSûSUCCESSv Bookrunners DZ Bank and NordLB
covered bond supply in over a month. Bankers described COMMONWEALTH BANK OF marketed the April 2027 transaction with
The covered bond market was the only AUSTRALIA as the day’s other clear winner in initial guidance of mid-swaps plus 1bp
show in town for FIG issuers on Wednesday, the euro covered bond primary market. area.
with four issuers bringing €2.5bn of supply Demand was more modest for its three-year The level was subsequently revised to
– the most in a single day since September OFFERINGûTOPPINGûõBNûBUTûSTILLûSUFlCIENTû MINUSûBPûnBPû70)2 ûWITHûBOOKSû
12, according to IFR data. In contrast, the for the Australian lender to print a €1bn ABOVEûõMûEXCLUDINGûLEADS
senior unsecured market drew a blank, after trade. Demand fell slightly to above €500m
/0û#ORPORATEû"ANKûGATHEREDûJUSTûOVERû Elsewhere on Wednesday, transactions EXCLUDINGûLEADSûPRE
€685m of demand for a €500m 4.5-year from ARGENTA SPAARBANK and HYPO VORARLBERG lXEDûATûMINUSûBPû
senior preferred transaction on Tuesday. 6ORHYP ûINûTHEûFOUR
YEARûPARTûOFûTHEûCURVEûGOTû A syndicate banker at one of the leads
“Issuance has clearly pivoted to covered more limited demand, an outcome that said the deal, while domestically-focused
bonds, which is probably not a huge bankers attributed to both being relatively and driven almost entirely by German
After LBBW secured a blowout €1bn two- some saturation in the Austrian covered bond ALL COVERED BONDS (ALL CURRENCIES)
year Pfandbrief on Tuesday, getting more market after €15.6bn of supply year-to-date. BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2022 TO DATE
than €5.1bn of demand (see separate Both were deemed to have paid Managing No of Total Share
ARTICLE ûBANKERSûREITERATEDûTHATûSHORTERû concessions of 4bp–5bp after tightening 2bp bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
tenors are the name of the game in the from initial guidance. 1 LBBW 80 12,701.59 5.5
covered bond space. !RGENTASûõMûNO
2 DZ Bank 67 11,499.82 5.0
Demand is said to be deepest at the short- year was priced at 14bp, through Barclays, 3 Natixis 60 10,557.36 4.6
end, where rising rates mean that even a "ELlUSû,""7ûand Natixis. 4 UniCredit 68 10,368.30 4.5
two-year trade can now offer an attractive 6ORHYPSûõMûNO
YEARû 5 Credit Agricole 53 9,905.84 4.3
yield, and where covered bonds’ relative – with a February 2027 maturity – was 6 HSBC 44 9,593.21 4.2
value versus SSAs is most compelling. priced at 16bp, via Commerzbank, DekaBank, 7 BNP Paribas 44 9,561.18 4.2
Investor nervousness given the choppy Deutsche Bank, Erste Group and LBBW. 8 Commerzbank 53 9,426.76 4.1
market backdrop is also pushing people to “They did not get a lot of momentum but 9 UBS 31 8,502.50 3.7
favour more defensive tenors. they were still able to move 2bp, which is 10 ING 44 7,955.87 3.5
No issuers kept tenors as short as LBBW PROBABLYûGOODûENOUGHvûSAIDûAûTHIRDû Total 264 229,623.10
on Wednesday, but none pushed further out syndicate banker. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J15a
Despite market participants’ insistence
that shorter is better, BayernLB garnered the
YEARû Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues ¥(m) (%) bank or group issues ¥(m) (%)
inaugural green Pfandbrief, pulling in more
than €2.4bn of orders. 1 Nomura 13 174,600.00 21.9 1 Nomura 40 347,533.33 20.4
That demand allowed leads BayernLB, Erste 2 Societe Generale 4 162,500.00 20.3 2 Sumitomo Mitsui 23 281,391.67 16.5
Group, Natixis, Santander and Societe Generale 3 Mizuho 4 87,408.33 10.9 3 Mizuho 31 260,341.67 15.3
4 Sumitomo Mitsui 6 77,075.00 9.6 4 Mitsubishi UFJ MS 23 221,158.33 13.0
swaps minus 3bp, inside initial guidance of 5 JP Morgan 4 57,833.33 7.2 5 Societe Generale 4 162,500.00 9.5
the plus 2bp area. 6 Bank of America 2 52,833.33 6.6 6 Daiwa Securities 27 147,066.67 8.6
!TûTHEûlNALûLEVELûTHEûTRANSACTIONûWASû 7 HSBC 1 50,000.00 6.3 7 HSBC 5 68,666.67 4.0
deemed to have offered the smallest new issue 8 Mitsubishi UFJ MS 4 49,575.00 6.2 8 JP Morgan 4 57,833.33 3.4
concession of the day, at around 2bp at most. 9 Goldman Sachs 3 27,600.00 3.5 9 Bank of America 2 52,833.33 3.1
XPO Logistics was last in the high-yield On Wednesday, EnQuest sold a US$305m
primary market in April 2020, pricing EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/ lVE
YEARûSENIORûNOTESûATûû AFRICA offering. The UK oil and gas company priced
and tapping the market for a US$300m the bond issue at with an 11.625% coupon
add-on a month later. BLUEWATER PLANS DOLLAR and increased its size by US$5m. There are
XPO’s 6.25% 2025 notes were trading on REFINANCING BONDS also deals pending for Italian paper
Thursday at a price of 100.50 to yield company FEDRIGONI and London-
ûACCORDINGûTOû-ARKET!XESS BLUEWATER HOLDING unveiled plans on headquartered ODEON CINEMAS, a subsidiary of
Moody’s and S&P rates RXO’s notes Baa3/ Thursday to issue US$240m of four-year !-#û%NTERTAINMENTû
""û30ûASSIGNEDûAû""ûISSUERûRATINGûTOû SENIORûUNSECUREDûNOTESûTOûRElNANCEûAû While Bluewater’s core business hinges
RXO with a positive outlook saying it maturing Oslo-listed bond offering. on oil and gas, the Dutch company has
expects the company’s credit metrics to 4HEû.ETHERLANDS
BASEDûmOATINGû drafted an energy transition strategy. Its
improve following the spin-off. PRODUCTIONûANDûOFmOADINGû&03/ ûVESSELû selected renewable energy projects include
“Although we expect spot market owner will use the net proceeds from mOATINGûWINDûmOATINGûSOLARûANDûOFFSHOREû
pricing for trucking will decline the new bonds to repay in full the charging vessels.
over the next 12 months, we believe outstanding US$200m October 2023 note Norweigian investment banks DNB
28/ûWILLûBENElTûFROMûITSûABILITYûTOû issue, pay back any amounts outstanding Markets and Pareto Securities are set to arrange
procure capacity at competitive rates and under the existing senior secured AûSERIESûOFûlXED
continue to increase market share within revolving credit facility and for general from Friday to sound out the market. A
ITSûCOREûBROKERAGEûSEGMENTvûSAIDû30û corporate purposes. global investor call will take place on
in its note. On Thursday, the 10% October 2023 dollar October 17.
The new issue would be the fourth bond TO TACKLE LEGACY DEBT
The US$16bn leveraged buyout deal to offering from Bluewater, a fully-owned
closed, according to a statement last week, high-yield market since 2007. It is part of a ARZNEIMITTEL launched on Thursday an
with banks providing more than US$10bn MINIûmURRYûOFûBONDûDEALSûBYû%UROPEANûHIGH
exchange offer to roll over maturing
INûDEBTûlNANCING yield issuers. legacy debt, as a dysfunctional new issue
consortium for the LBO that will see BOOKRUNNERS – 1/1/2022 TO DATE 1/1/2022 TO DATE
Nielsen shareholders receive US$28 Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
per share. The deal was announced bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
in March.
1 Goldman Sachs 56 9,083.15 9.7 1 JP Morgan 3 1,537.50 18.5
Banks providing more than US$10bn in 2 Credit Suisse 3 497.42 6.0
2 JP Morgan 60 8,762.85 9.4
DEBTûlNANCINGûFORûTHEûDEALûAREûSITTINGûONûAû 3 Citigroup 54 6,863.43 7.4 3 Societe Generale 2 475.00 5.7
US$2.5bn term loan A, a US$3.35bn term 4 Bank of America 67 6,769.89 7.3 =3 Citigroup 2 475.00 5.7
LOANû"ûAûõMû53M ûTERMûLOANû"û 5 Morgan Stanley 40 6,249.78 6.7 5 Deutsche Bank 4 416.52 5.0
a US$650m revolving credit facility, a 6 Wells Fargo 47 4,557.63 4.9 6 Morgan Stanley 2 385.39 4.6
US$2.15bn second lien term facility, and a 7 Barclays 43 4,212.18 4.5 7 HSBC 6 374.33 4.5
53BNûBRIDGEûTERMûFACILITYûACCORDINGû 8 Credit Suisse 34 3,823.27 4.1 8 Barclays 4 306.10 3.7
TOûANû/CTOBERûû3%#ûlLING 9 Deutsche Bank 27 2,797.12 3.0 9 Goldman Sachs 3 258.21 3.1
Firms including Bank of America, 10 RBC 30 2,522.67 2.7 10 Credit Agricole 2 233.31 2.8
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, KKR Capital Markets Total 131 93,309.58 Total 17 8,327.28
and Ares Capital provided the debt Including US domestics, Euro, foreign, globals. Excluding equity-related debt. Excluding equity-related debt.
commitments. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B5 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B06d
Nielsen’s buyout was delayed after
initially opposed it, saying the price per 1/1/2022 TO DATE 1/1/2022 TO DATE
share was too low. In August, WindAcre Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
agreed to join the buyout shops as part of bank or group issues €(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
the consortium. 1 Goldman Sachs 21 6,024.90 21.1
1 Goldman Sachs 15 1,942.08 10.8
Meanwhile, volatile debt market 2 Deutsche Bank 19 1,965.80 6.9
2 Deutsche Bank 17 1,576.92 8.8
conditions have delayed a number of other 3 Credit Suisse 9 1,284.22 7.1 3 Credit Suisse 11 1,753.34 6.1
LBO deals, including for auto parts maker 4 JP Morgan 13 1,278.84 7.1 4 JP Morgan 14 1,674.21 5.9
TENNECO and broadcast and media company
5 BNP Paribas 14 987.22 5.5 5 Bank of America 12 1,613.65 5.7
TEGNA. 6 BNP Paribas 15 1,268.96 4.4
6 Barclays 10 863.82 4.8
Last month, the bonds and loans 7 UniCredit 8 808.31 4.5 7 Morgan Stanley 12 1,194.27 4.2
backing Apollo’s US$7.5bn LBO of 8 Morgan Stanley 10 808.11 4.5 8 Barclays 12 1,142.76 4.0
Brightspeed were withdrawn, with the 9 Credit Agricole 7 599.30 3.3 9 UniCredit 8 903.97 3.2
internet provider citing market conditions. 10 Citigroup 6 577.07 3.2 10 Citigroup 8 876.28 3.1
Banks that are underwriting LBO deals Total 47 18,007.22 Total 54 28,528.08
in the pipeline are sitting on more than Excluding equity-related debt. Excluding equity-related debt.
US$20bn in debt commitments. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B6 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B06c
#LASSû"ûTRANCHEûBPûFORûTHEû3INGLEû!û The leads had announced the mandate UCI RETAINS PORTUGUESE
RATEDû#LASSû#ûTRANCHEûBPûFORûTHEû4RIPLEû for Finance Ireland RMBS No. 5 on October RMBS BELEM NO 2
"ûRATEDû#LASSû$ûTRANCHEûANDûBPûFORûTHEû 6 before opening books on Monday. By
tranches were priced at cash prices below times covered and initial price thoughts )MOBILIARIOS ûHASûISSUEDûANDûRETAINEDûAû
ûSEEûTABLEûBELOWûFORûDETAILS were set in the area of 100bp. Investors €331.2m STS Portuguese RMBS called BELEM
The initial option holder for the were invited to call desks to inquire about NO 2 through co-arrangers BNP Paribas and
transaction is M&G Investments. Finance the rated mezzanine tranches and the Santander.
Ireland is the risk retention holder. #LASSû8ûNOTES 4HEûTRANSACTIONûISûBACKEDûBYûlRST
a good result for the issuer in the present Wednesday afternoon, when the spread 0ORTUGALûFORûlNANCINGûTHEûPURCHASEûOFû
market conditions. “Pricing Irish resi inside WASûSETûATûBPû4HEûMEZZANINEûTRANCHESû THEIRûlRSTûRESIDENCEûûOWNER
Another banker at one of the deal’s four Given the jittery market conditions, 5#)û0ORTUGALûISûAûSUBSIDIARYûOFû3PANISHû
joint lead managers, Bank of America the bookrunners had been keen to specialist mortgage lender Union de
ARRANGER ûBNP Paribas, Citigroup and Standard close the books and price the transaction #REDITOSû)NMOBILIARIOSûAûJOINTûVENTUREû
Chartered, said he had seen secondary ahead of the release of the latest US between Santander and BNP Paribas. Late
market covers for similar RMBS paper from consumer price data on Thursday. “We last year, the two banks injected €167m of
Finance Ireland in the low 100s. didn’t want to leave it in the market any fresh capital into the business in the form
“You have all this paper coming out in LONGERûTHANûWEûNEEDEDûTOvûSAIDûTHEû of equity, contingent convertible bonds
secondary and some of it is trading more at banker. and subordinated debt.
AûCASHûPRICEvûHEûSAIDûh)TSûPRODUCINGûQUITEû The transaction is backed by loans 5#)û0ORTUGALûISSUEDûITSûlRSTû2-"3û
spurious secondary levels in terms of your originated by Finance Ireland and PEPPER GreenBelem No 1, in May 2020. That deal
DISCOUNTûMARGINSv FINANCE. Pepper is also the servicer. was also retained.
BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2022 TO DATE BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2022 TO DATE consumer lender formerly known as
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Lending Works, could bring a deal to the
bank or group issues £(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%) public ABS market as early as next year
1 Bank of America 9 3,955.65 20.5 after signing a £200m private warehouse
1 Bank of America 10 3,404.12 25.3
2 BNP Paribas 17 2,350.40 12.2 facility with BNP PARIBAS.
2 Barclays 6 1,760.11 13.1
3 Citigroup 13 1,441.99 10.7 3 Citigroup 15 2,073.64 10.7 h4HEûINTENTIONûWOULDûBEûTOûRElNANCEû
4 BNP Paribas 12 1,328.14 9.9 4 Standard Chartered 12 1,608.55 8.3 THROUGHûPUBLICûSECURITISATIONûASû;THEû
5 Standard Chartered 8 923.97 6.9 5 Credit Agricole 2 1,304.00 6.8 PORTFOLIO=ûREACHESûSUFlCIENTûSCALEûBUTû
6 NAB 6 702.47 5.2 6 Barclays 7 1,083.95 5.6 THATSûDEPENDENTûONûMARKETSûATûTHEûTIMEvû
7 Santander 5 700.20 5.2 7 Santander 5 1,020.65 5.3 THEûCOMPANYSûCHIEFûOPERATINGûOFlCERû
8 Lloyds Bank 6 696.63 5.2 8 Natixis 8 839.61 4.3 Jonathan Kramer, told IFR. “Our
9 Natixis 5 464.10 3.4 9 Morgan Stanley 2 838.44 4.3 expectation would be – subject to market
10 NatWest Markets 5 449.08 3.3 10 NAB 6 836.16 4.3 conditions – at some point next year
Total 35 13,470.94 Total 41 19,316.43 LOOKINGûTOûTARGETûPUBLICûMARKETSv
Including Euro, foreign, global and domestics, excluding CDOs. Including Euro, foreign, global and domestics, excluding CDOs Founded in 2014, Fluro extends loans of
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B16i Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B10a £1,000 to £25,000 with tenors of two to
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
1 Bank of America 16 5,557.71 12.6 1 Credit Agricole 8 3,828.68 15.4 1 Bank of America 92 24,330.08 10.9
2 BNP Paribas 27 5,258.50 11.9 2 BNP Paribas 15 3,330.31 13.4 2 Barclays 131 21,434.17 9.6
3 Credit Agricole 8 4,145.86 9.4 3 Societe Generale 9 2,611.62 10.5 3 Credit Suisse 108 18,470.67 8.3
4 Citigroup 22 3,256.53 7.4 4 Santander 5 2,100.47 8.5 4 Citigroup 77 15,836.21 7.1
5 Santander 10 3,060.23 6.9 5 UniCredit 5 1,490.60 6.0 5 Morgan Stanley 75 14,296.61 6.4
6 Barclays 11 3,056.91 6.9 6 Citigroup 9 1,208.92 4.9 6 JP Morgan 68 12,864.63 5.8
7 Societe Generale 11 2,836.23 6.4 7 Banca Akros 2 1,092.05 4.4 7 Goldman Sachs 73 12,341.76 5.5
8 Standard Chartered 12 1,718.37 3.9 8 Bank of America 6 1,090.89 4.4 8 Wells Fargo 54 10,532.55 4.7
9 UniCredit 5 1,568.69 3.5 9 Morgan Stanley 2 838.44 3.4 9 Deutsche Bank 85 10,341.85 4.6
10 Natixis 10 1,349.39 3.0 10 LBBW 2 762.46 3.1 10 Nomura 46 9,806.30 4.4
Total 85 44,244.86 Total 48 24,832.28 Total 463 223,346.98
Includes securitisations, credit-linked notes (Euro, foreign, global and Includes securitisations, credit-linked notes (Euro, foreign, global and Includes securitisations, PFI bonds and credit-linked notes. Excludes US
domestics) and excludes CDOs. domestics) and excludes CDOs. global ABS/MBS, CDOs and self funded issues.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B16n Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B16g Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J10d
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues A$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
1 Bank of America 27 10,161.70 12.6 1 JP Morgan 22 9,028.58 13.7
1 RBC 34 4,037.79 12.7
2 JP Morgan 24 9,688.76 12.0 2 Jefferies 17 6,792.92 10.3
2 TD Securities 30 3,726.92 11.8
3 Goldman Sachs 21 6,980.01 8.6 3 Goldman Sachs 18 6,399.17 9.7
3 ANZ 18 3,439.29 10.9
4 Jefferies 19 6,953.29 8.6 4 Credit Suisse 15 6,314.38 9.6
4 Nomura 24 3,241.48 10.2
5 Wells Fargo 25 6,542.62 8.1 5 Morgan Stanley 18 5,457.35 8.3
5 CBA 12 2,881.56 9.1
6 Credit Suisse 16 6,477.37 8.0 6 Bank of America 13 5,202.74 7.9
6 JP Morgan 24 2,355.20 7.4
7 Morgan Stanley 21 6,129.61 7.6 7 Barclays 15 4,901.46 7.5
7 Westpac 9 1,881.04 5.9
8 Barclays 16 5,078.18 6.3 8 Citigroup 12 4,620.18 7.0
8 Deutsche Bank 11 1,480.79 4.7
9 Deutsche Bank 12 4,890.39 6.1 9 Wells Fargo 14 3,142.15 4.8
9 Daiwa Securities 16 1,377.00 4.3
10 Citigroup 12 4,620.18 5.7 10 BNP Paribas 8 2,957.32 4.5
10 NAB 8 1,336.98 4.2
Total 171 80,755.31 Total 135 65,768.00
Total 135 31,675.88
Including preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt. Including Euro, foreign, global, US domestics. Excludes global and domestic.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: K1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B12 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J11
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
1 JP Morgan 102 28,817.32 10.1 1 JP Morgan 200 74,065.77 11.5 1 Bank of America 92 24,330.08 9.8
2 Bank of America 95 22,991.48 8.1 2 Bank of America 196 65,153.24 10.1 2 Barclays 134 22,109.67 8.9
3 Barclays 87 21,564.98 7.6 3 Citigroup 174 59,501.14 9.2 3 Citigroup 86 20,272.61 8.2
4 Wells Fargo 93 21,115.06 7.4 4 Goldman Sachs 176 58,986.95 9.1 4 Credit Suisse 115 19,594.90 7.9
5 Citigroup 81 20,534.36 7.2 5 Wells Fargo 176 53,001.72 8.2 5 Goldman Sachs 81 16,469.56 6.7
6 RBC 73 18,478.44 6.5 6 Credit Suisse 182 46,702.53 7.2 6 Morgan Stanley 76 14,592.56 5.9
7 Credit Suisse 75 17,796.19 6.2 7 Morgan Stanley 152 43,540.67 6.7 7 JP Morgan 68 12,864.63 5.2
8 Goldman Sachs 62 15,938.89 5.6 8 Barclays 187 39,678.72 6.1 8 Wells Fargo 58 11,963.60 4.8
9 Deutsche Bank 74 13,518.11 4.7 9 Deutsche Bank 124 21,163.66 3.3 9 Deutsche Bank 86 10,524.34 4.3
10 Morgan Stanley 36 10,661.86 3.7 10 Mizuho 57 18,661.94 2.9 10 Nomura 46 9,806.30 4.0
Total 477 284,976.12 Total 1,147 645,912.82 Total 509 247,513.76
Excludes MBS. Including securitisations (Euro, foreign, global and domestics, excluding Includes securitisations, PFI bonds, self-funded issues and credit-linked
CDOs) and PFI bonds. notes. Excludes US global ABS/MBS and CDOs.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: F14 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B16b Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J10c
Oct 11 2022 European Union €5bn incr Dec 4 2029 1.625 91.137 MS-21 3.026
Oct 11 2022 European Union €6bn Nov 4 2042 3.375 99.581 MS+32 3.404
Oct 11 2022 Germany €4bn Aug 15 2053 1.8 88.051 B+2.5 2.349
Oct 12 2022 AFD sustainable €1.2bn Feb 25 2033 3.5 99.434 OAT+55 3.568
Oct 12 2022 CDC sustainable €500m Nov 25 2027 3 99.748 OAT+57 3.053
Oct 11 2022 Victoria A$2.25bn Sep 15 2036 4.75 97.658 EFP+94 4.985
Oct 12 2022 LGFA NZ$600m incr Apr 15 2025 2.75 94.522 MS+28 5.124
Oct 12 2022 LGFA NZ$200m incr Apr 20 2029 1.5 79.688 MS+56 5.219
Oct 11 2022 Vattenfall €500m Apr 18 2024 3.25 99.842 MS+50 3.369
Oct 11 2022 Vattenfall €500m Oct 18 2026 3.75 99.982 MS+65 3.755
Oct 14 2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific ¥22.3bn Oct 20 2025 0.853 100 ToMS+70 -
Oct 14 2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific ¥28.9bn Oct 20 2027 1.054 100 ToMS+80 -
Oct 14 2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific ¥4.7bn Oct 19 2029 1.279 100 ToMS+90 -
Oct 14 2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific ¥6.3bn Oct 20 2032 1.49 100 ToMS+95 -
2022-1,is expected to be rated Aaa/AAA by The Daimler offering drew interest from
US ABS Moody’s and Fitch. The deal also included a INVESTORSûSEEKINGûDIVERSIlCATIONûANDûMOREû
US$178.88m money market tranche, spread than prime auto and credit card ABS,
DAIMLER TRUCK ISSUES FIRST ABS which was retained, a person familiar with the person familiar with the deal said
AFTER ITS SPIN-OFF the deal said. before it priced. Daimler deals’ low levels of
4HEû53Mû#LASSû!ûNOTEûPRICEDûLASTû delinquencies and defaults also appealed to
dollar asset-backed offering since being 53Mû#LASSû!ûPAPERûATû4REASURIESûPLUSû credit deterioration, the person said.
spun off from its parent Daimler last BPûANDûTHEû53Mû#LASSû!ûTRANCHEû “This paper is very high-quality and has
The US$800m deal is supported by loans WEIGHTED
AVERAGEûLIFEûISûûYEARSû!ûû manager familiar with the deal said.
on tractors, trucks and trailers originated YEARSûANDû!ûûYEARSûACCORDINGûTOûAû Moody’s projected the cumulative net
FROMûmEETûOPERATORSûINûTHEûTRANSPORTATIONû portfolio manager familiar with the deal. loss for the deal at 1.50%, similar to
and logistics industries. The three-part JP Morgan, Bank of America and SMBC were Daimler’s previous truck ABS issued in
offering, called DAIMLER TRUCKS RETAIL TRUST joint lead underwriters for the deal. 2020.
MS-20 area, MS-21 2 €16.5bn Aaa/AA+/AAA/NR/ Barc/BofA/DB/JPM/NatWest UK 27%, Fr 15%, RoEur 12%, It 11%,
Scope:AAA Iberia 10%, Ger 7%, Nordics 6%, Switz
6%, Benelux 3%, Asia 3%. Tsy 54%, FM
26%, CB/OI 8%, Ins/PF 5%, Bks 6%,
HF 1%.
MS+34 area, MS+32 2 €27bn Aaa/AA+/AAA/NR/ Barc/BofA/DB/JPM/NatWest Fr 20%, RoW 15%, Ger 13%, RoEur 12%,
Scope:AAA It 9%, Benelux 9%, UK 8%, Iberia 8%,
Nordics 4%, Switz 2%. FM 39%, Tsy 31%,
Ins/PF 18%, Bks 6%, CB/OI 5%, HF 1%.
B+2.5 area, B+2.5 1.5 €5.9bn Aaa/AAA/AAA Barc/BNPP/DB/GS/JPM UK 46%, Neth 23%, Greece 7%, Ger 6%,
Fr 3%, It 2%, RoEur 13%. HF 33%, FM
29%, Bks 20%, CB/OI 10%, Tsy 8%.
OAT+55 area, 15 €1.3bn NR/AA/AA CMZ/CA-CIB/MS/NatWest/SG Fr 40.1%, Benelux 14.2%, Ger/Aus/Switz
OAT+55 12.4%, UK 11.8%, RoEur 9%, N.Amer
8.4%, Asia 4.2%. AM 56.4%, CB/OI
25.8%, Bks/PB 8.7%, Ins 8.4%, Other
OAT+58 area, 30 €775m Aa2/AA/- CA-CIB/JPM/LBP/Natx/NatWest/SG Fr 32.2%, N.Amer 13.4%, Benelux 12.5%,
OAT+57 Asia 12%, Ger 11.3%, UK/Ire 7%, S.Eur
6.6%, Switz 5%. CB/OI 48.5%, Ins
19.3%, Tsy 17.9%, AM 12%, Corp 2.3%
6mE+5 - - -/-/- LBBW -
MS+1 area,MS-2 (+/- 0 €500m Aaa/-/- DZ/NordLB -
1 WPIR),MS-3
EFP+91/+95, - - Aa2/AA/- CBA/DB/NAB/UBS Oz 92%, Asia 3%, UK 2%, Amers 2%, Eur
EFP+94 1%. Bks 58%, AM 34%, Trading 4%, OI
3%, HF 2%.
MS+27/+30, MS+28 - - -/AAA/AA+ ANZ/BNZ/WBC/CBA -
Oct 14 2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific ¥14.6bn Oct 20 2042 2.069 100 ToMS+105 -
Oct 14 2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific ¥33.3bn Oct 18 2052 2.382 100 ToMS+115 -
Oct 5 2022 Rikshem SKr250m Oct 13 2026 4.533 100 MS+145 4.533
Oct 11 2022 Kraftringen Energi SKr600m Oct 21 2025 3mS+125 100 3mS+125 -
Oct 11 2022 Kraftringen Energi SKr300m Oct 21 2027 3mS+165 100 3mS+165 -
Oct 14 2022 Specialfastigheter Sverige SKr750m Oct 25 2027 3mS+93 100 3mS+93 -
Oct 11 2022 OP Corporate Bank €500m Apr 18 2027 4.125 99.687 MS+105 4.208
Oct 14 2022 Societe Generale SNP ¥8.5bn Oct 20 2026 (Oct 2025) 1.553 100 ToMS+140 1.553
Oct 14 2022 Societe Generale SNP ¥6.1bn Oct 20 2028 (Oct 2027) 1.954 100 ToMS+170 1.954
Oct 14 2022 Societe Generale SNP ¥9bn Oct 20 2032 (Oct 2031) 2.289 100 ToMS+180 2.289
Oct 14 2022 Societe Generale T2 ¥10bn Oct 20 2032 (Oct 2027) 3.2 100 - 3.2
Oct 12 2022 Kiwibank NZ$650m Oct 19 2027 5.737 100 MS+110 5.737
Oct 14 2022 Nykredit Realkredit green T2 DKr950m Oct 26 2032 (Oct 2027) 3mC+390 100 3mC+390 -
Oct 10 2022 Caffil €1bn Feb 19 2029 3.25 99.995 MS+11 3.26
Oct 11 2022 Belfius Bank €500m Oct 18 2027 3.25 99.991 MS+7 3.252
Oct 11 2022 La Banque Postale €1bn Jan 23 2030 3.25 99.217 MS+13 3.375
Oct 11 2022 LBBW €1bn Oct 18 2024 2.75 99.763 MS-12 2.874
Oct 12 2022 Argenta Spaarbank €500m Oct 20 2026 3.25 99.874 MS+14 3.284
Oct 12 2022 BayernLB green €500m Oct 19 2027 3.125 99.913 MS-3 3.144
Oct 12 2022 CBA €1bn Oct 24 2025 3.246 100 MS+18 3.246
Oct 12 2022 Hypo Vorarlberg Bank €500m Feb 19 2027 3.25 99.84 MS+16 3.293
Oct 11 2022 Suncorp A$200m Oct 17 2025 4.85 99.928 ASW+88 4.876
Oct 12 2022 EnQuest US$305m Nov 1 2027 (Nov 2024) 11.625 98.611 T+780 12
- - - A3/NR/-/ Danske -
3mS+125 - - NR/A-/- HCM -
3mS+165 - - -/A-/- HCM -
- - - NR/AA+ Danske -
MS+13 area, MS+11 4 €1.3bn Aaa/AA+/NR/AAA Barc/CMZ/JPM/Santan/SG Ger/Aus 42%, Fr 28%, Benelux 12%, UK/
Ire 8%, It 5%, Nordics 4%, Other 1%. Bks
63%, CB 20%, AM 12%, Ins 5%.
MS+10 area, MS+7 2 €1.25bn NR/AAA/AAA Belfius/CA-CIB/DZ/Erste/Rabo -
MS+15 area, MS+13 4 €1.5bn, 50acs NR/AAA/- Danske/HSBC/LBBW/LBP/Natx/Uni Fr 34%, Ger/Aus 32%, Benelux 13%,
Switz 8%, It 3%, UK/Ire 2%, Other 8%.
Bks/PB 49%, CB/OI 27%, AM/FM 19%,
Ins/PF 5%.
MS-6 area, MS-12 0 €5.1bn Aaa/NR/NR ABN/Citi/DZ/LBBW/Natx -
MS+16 area, MS+14 5 €700m NR/AAA/- Barc/Belfius/LBBW/Natx -
MS+2 area, MS-3 0 €2.4bn, 76acs Aaa/NR/NR BayernLB /Erste/Natx/Santan/SG Ger 73%, Benelux 11%, Nordics 6%, Aus/
Switz 3%, UK 3%, Fr 2%, Other 2%. Bks
64%, AM 23%, CB/OI 12%, Other 1%.
ESG 72%.
MS+20 area, MS+18 6 €1.35bn Aaa/NR/AAA Barc/BNPP/CBA/DB -
MS+18 area, MS+16 7 €750m Aaa/-/- CMZ/Deka/DB/Erste/LBBW -
ASW+93 area, 0 A$525m Aaa/NR/AAA ANZ/CBA/Citi/NAB/RBC Oz/NZ 97.5%, EMEA 2%, Other 0.5%.
ASW+88 AM/Ins 86%, MM 9%, Bks 5%, Other 1%.
3mBBSW+93 area, 0 A$1.15bn Aaa/NR/AAA ANZ/CBA/Citi/NAB/RBC Oz/NZ 88%, EMEA 11%, Other 1%. AM/
3mBBSW+88 area, Ins 38%, Bks 37%, MM 15%, OI 10%.
- - - Aaa/-/- Nordea -
- - - Aaa/NR/NR Nordea -
The 2022 IFR Bank Capital Conference takes place as an in-person event on the
morning of Wednesday 9th November 2022 at Level39, Canary Wharf, London.
Hosted by Keith Mullin of KM Capital Markets, this essential annual conference will
consist of four content-rich panels, followed by a networking lunch.
The conference is free to attend, and you can secure your place at
Sponsored by
EMERGING MARKETS China 42 Philippines 42 Chad 43 Georgia 44 Nigeria 44 Slovakia 44
South Africa 45 Turkey 45 Ukraine 45 Chile 46
Asia-Pacific Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
Managing No of Total Share bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
1 Citigroup 131 25,744.31 8.6 1 HSBC 9 3,145.34 17.2
1 HSBC 125 12,112.68 6.9
2 JP Morgan 110 22,633.47 7.6 2 Dubai Islamic Bank 10 2,744.22 15.0
2 Citigroup 81 10,161.69 5.8
3 HSBC 154 19,408.63 6.5 3 Citigroup 5 1,705.05 9.3
3 Standard Chartered 99 9,738.32 5.6
4 BNP Paribas 80 12,262.35 4.1 4 Standard Chartered 10 1,629.05 8.9
4 JP Morgan 52 8,492.05 4.9
5 Standard Chartered 115 11,248.80 3.8 5 Kuwait Finance 6 1,150.88 6.3
5 Credit Agricole 97 7,032.88 4.0
6 Bank of America 70 10,581.21 3.6 6 Emirates NBD 8 1,057.72 5.8
6 BNP Paribas 55 6,320.19 3.6
7 Deutsche Bank 46 9,283.16 3.1 7 Deutsche Bank 3 949.61 5.2
7 Bank of America 46 5,569.00 3.2
8 Credit Agricole 104 8,318.71 2.8 8 Gulf Finance House 1 900.00 4.9
8 Bank of China 109 5,132.55 2.9
9 Goldman Sachs 37 8,000.26 2.7 9 Saudi National Bank 4 884.74 4.8
9 Mizuho 61 4,956.76 2.8
10 Societe Generale 53 7,686.56 2.6 10 CIMB Grp Hldgs Bhd 1 650.00 3.5
10 Citic 159 4,582.93 2.6
Total 682 297,916.34 Total 16 18,335.80
Total 524 174,744.69
Excluding equity-related debt. Excluding equity-related debt.
Excluding equity-related debt.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: L4 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: L1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J27
structure with longer debt,” said Consing. At the end of the second quarter, ICTSI experts say both government and private
“It just so happened that the pandemic hit had US$76.57m in total interest expenses sector creditors must be ready to act in
us at a time when we were already and cumulative distribution for its case debt servicing conditions become
deleveraging.” interest-bearing debt and perps. As of the MOREûDIFlCULTûFORûTHEûCOUNTRY
ICTSI made a tender offer for a 5.5% lRSTûHALFûOFûûITûHADû53M That could happen in 2024, the source
perpetual note issue in 2020, and more said, when Chad will face a high level of
recently in November 2021, another debt service payments.
tender for US$183.762m of its US$400m of Chad’s creditor committee, co-chaired
5.875% senior guaranteed perpetual issue by France and Saudi Arabia, met virtually
and US$85.222m of its US$375m 4.875% EUROPE/AFRICA on September 13 and 27, together with
perp. At the same time, it sold a US$300m staff from the International Monetary
of 3.5% 10-year bonds at par. Fund and the World Bank.
“In the company’s perspective it was a CHAD .OûDEBTûRELIEFûFROMûOFlCIALûBILATERALû
cost saving,” said a banker close to the creditors was currently needed given the
deal. “They effectively pushed out the CREDITORS SAY COUNTRY DOES surge in oil prices since the approval of an
maturity by a few years. They were pretty NOT NEED DEBT RELIEF IMF lending programme on December 10,
happy to move from some of those perps, the committee said. However, it agreed to
which tend to be more illiquid.” CHAD’s creditors on Thursday said they had reconvene if needed.
The timing of the tender and new agreed that the African country did not “The creditor committee committed to
money offer proved perfect, as investors need debt relief at the moment given a reconvene and address the need for a debt
were still comfortable with longer tenors surge in oil prices, but committed to TREATMENTûIFûAûlNANCINGûGAPûISûIDENTIlEDvû
at the time. Such a deal would be less likely RECONVENEûIFûAûlNANCINGûGAPûWASû it said, adding that Chadian authorities
to succeed this year as the sweet spot for IDENTIlEDû2EUTERSûREPORTED would be expected to seek comparable
new bond tenors would be closer to three In a statement released by the Paris Club debt treatments from all private and other
“This is one of the better and sought- THEYûWEREûlNALISINGûAûMEMORANDUMûOFû needed.
after names from the Philippines,” he said. understanding on a deal, which marks the It also urged Glencore, Chad’s largest
“They have been doing bonds for quite a outcome under a debt treatment PRIVATEûEXTERNALûCREDITORûhTOûREAFlRMûITSû
few years now. It is one of the key names framework agreed by the Group of 20 commitment to provide a debt treatment
from the region.” major economies and the Paris Club in late during the IMF programme should a
ICTSI plans to continue its deleveraging 2020. lNANCINGûGAPûBEûIDENTIlEDvûANDûTOûADDRESSû
over the next few years. Assuming the Together with Ethiopia and Zambia, the remaining debt vulnerabilities that result
company does not make any large Chad was one of three initial countries to from its acceleration repayment mechanism.
acquisitions, it should be net cash positive seek a debt restructuring under a G20 A spokesperson for Glencore declined to
by 2026, said Consing. initiative, but progress has been glacial. comment.
But the movement in rates globally will The deal makes clear that Chad’s #HADSûlNANCEûMINISTERûWELCOMEDûTHEû
hold ICTSI back from doing any more liability bilateral creditors – China, France, India cooperation with the G20, Paris Club and
management exercises in the near future. and Saudi Arabia – would act to offer Chad )-&ûDURINGûAûMEETINGûOFû!FRICANûlNANCEû
“Rates have already gone up, and the carrying debt relief if needed, a source familiar with MINISTERSûANDû'ROUPûOFû3EVENûOFlCIALSûONû
coupons of these bonds that we have are the matter told Reuters. Wednesday, the source said.
quite low,” said Consing. The company has The agreement also includes The source said discussions were
about US$2bn of outstanding bonds, Switzerland-based mining and commodity continuing with ZAMBIAûWHOSEûlNANCEû
including a US$400m 4.625% note issue due in lRMû'LENCOREûAûMAJORûCREDITORûWHICHûWASû minister also participated in the G7
Consing believes the market has not yet !LTHOUGHû#HADûISûCURRENTLYûBENElTINGû event coordinated by current G7 president
SEENûTHEûPEAKûOFûINmATIONûASûLENDERSûAREû from high oil prices, economists and Germany.
Still, ICTSI feels it is on stable footing BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2022 TO DATE BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2022 TO DATE
going into the end of the year. Europe/Africa Middle East
“The company has navigated itself Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
through the pandemic very well,” said bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
#ONSINGûh7EûHAVEûAûSIGNIlCANTLYûSTRONGERû 1 Citigroup 24 8,349.31 16.3 1 HSBC 19 3,100.81 11.5
balance sheet now than when we entered 2 JP Morgan 24 6,265.07 12.3 2 Standard Chartered 16 2,100.34 7.8
the pandemic.” 3 Deutsche Bank 10 4,340.86 8.5 3 Citigroup 10 1,923.81 7.1
ICTSI reported in August that its revenues 4 BNP Paribas 13 3,960.06 7.8 4 JP Morgan 12 1,844.83 6.9
FROMûGLOBALûPORTûOPERATIONSûINûTHEûlRSTûHALFû 5 Goldman Sachs 10 3,942.88 7.7 5 First Abu Dhabi Bk 11 1,340.08 5.0
of 2022 reached US$1.06bn, a 20% increase 6 HSBC 9 2,979.46 5.8 6 Barclays 6 1,147.64 4.3
year-on-year. The company reported 7 Erste Group 15 2,572.26 5.0 7 Robert W Baird 5 979.12 3.6
revenues of US$1.51bn for all of 2020. 8 ING 7 1,967.97 3.9 =7 Cantor Fitzgerald 5 979.12 3.6
%BITDAûWASû53MûINûTHEûlRSTûHALFû 9 Societe Generale 10 1,927.91 3.8 9 Credit Suisse 5 977.78 3.6
showing 26% annual growth. 10 Dubai Islamic Bank 2 1,375.00 2.7 10 Saudi National Bank 4 879.53 3.3
The borrower’s asset to liability ratio Total 55 51,088.76 Total 48 26,915.89
dropped to 0.69 at the end of June from Excluding equity-related debt. Excluding equity-related debt.
1.81 at the end of December 2021. Source: Refinitiv SDC code: L2 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: L5
Oct 12 2022 Syngenta Group Co US$500m Apr 19 2026 5 99.544 T+80 5.144
Oct 12 2022 Liupanshui Minsheng US$100m Oct 12 2023 6.4 100 - 6.4
Industrial Investment Group
Oct 14 2022 Shinhan Bank ¥14bn Oct 18 2024 0.87 100 ToMS+77 -
Oct 14 2022 Shinhan Bank ¥11.5bn Oct 20 2025 0.98 100 ToMS+82 -
Oct 14 2022 Shinhan Bank ¥6.5bn Oct 20 2027 1.33 100 ToMS+107 -
Oct 12 2022 Slovak Republic €1bn Oct 19 2032 4 99.322 MS+70 4.084
Oct 11 2022 LATAM Airlines Group US$450m Oct 15 2027 (Oct 2024) 13.375 94.423 T+1085 15
Oct 11 2022 LATAM Airlines Group US$700m Oct 15 2029 (Oct 2025) 13.375 93.103 T+1094 15
The cost of servicing that debt surpassed The reoffer yield was 4.084%. “It does not
GEORGIA REVENUESûINûTHEûlRSTûFOURûMONTHSûOFûTHISû look overly attractive even though it seems
year, worrying many observers. to be priced above the local euro-
GEORGIA CAPITAL SOAKS UP MATURITY Nigeria’s international dollar bonds had denominated yield curve,” said Kasparas
suffered sharp declines in recent days, Subacius, fund manager at CEE investment
GEORGIA CAPITAL is looking at buying back with longer-dated issues dropping more lRMû).6,û!SSETû-ANAGEMENTûWHOû
some of its 2024 notes to reduce debt on its than 2 cents in the dollar on Thursday, compared the offering with a €1bn 10-year
balance sheet. MarketAxess data showed. from the higher rated Estonia (A1/AA–) the
This issuer is seeking to buy back US$60m Many of the country’s bonds trade in previous week.
of its US$365m 6.125% notes issue due 2024 distressed territory below 70 cents in the “Estonia has the lowest public debt to
through cash, as it works to deleverage its dollar with the 2047 bond being bid at 55 GDP ratio in the European Union – less
balance sheet after it said its liquidity cents. THANûûnûANDûTHEûlSCALûDElCITûISûVERYû
position had been improved by the sale of an moderate. Slovakia, on the other hand, has
80% stake in its water utility business. higher leverage with public debt standing
The purchase price has been set in a SLOVAKIA ATûûASûOFûTHEûENDûOFûûANDûTHEûlSCALû
range of between 88 and 95. The bonds are balance is more strained. However, in the
quoted at 92.75–94.61, according to Trade. SOVEREIGN RACES THROUGH bond market Estonia’s 2032 issue seems to
JP Morgan is dealer-manager. THE GEARS be trading at a yield of around 4.2%.
Therefore, Slovakia’s 4% does not seem so
SLOVAKIA made swift work of a €1bn inspiring.”
NIGERIA 10-year bond on Wednesday, shutting Both Slovakia and Estonia are at the
up books within three hours of their forefront of Vladimir Putin’s energy war
DMO RULES OUT DEBT opening but still seeing demand almost with Europe and are suffering from high
The sovereign, rated A2/A+/A, set the over 13%, is much lower than that in
NIGERIA is not restructuring its debt, the spread at swaps plus 70bp, which was 15bp Estonia.
COUNTRYSû$EBTû-ANAGEMENTû/FlCEûSAIDûINû inside guidance. Bankers put the new issue The energy crisis is also affecting the
a statement on Thursday, Reuters reported. premium at 20bp–25bp, in a sign that the country’s GDP. Last month Fitch, in
The country is exploring bond buy-back days of low single-digit concessions or lowering its 2023 GDP growth projections
and bond exchanges to manage its debt PRINTSûmATûTOûTHEûCURVEûWEREûFADINGûFROMû across the CEE and Balkans, made its
LIABILITYûTHEûOFlCEûSAIDûINûTHEûSTATEMENTû memory. largest cuts to Slovakia and the Czech
and it assured investors and creditors that “When you are looking at credit, then 2EPUBLICûhSOVEREIGNSûWEûHADûIDENTIlEDûASû
it would “meet all its debt obligations”. you have names like OP Corporate Bank, being most exposed to a shutdown of
Instead, the DMO said Nigeria is which is Double A rated and one of Russian gas imports to the EU, which is
spreading out debt maturities and Finland’s biggest lenders, doing a €500m now our baseline assumption”.
senior preferred, and they are getting a The lead said “this was a bit more liquid
term debt instruments. €750m book and paying a 30bp than some of the smaller trades we’ve
Nigeria’s total public debt rose 3% to concession,” said a lead. “Credit per se is been seeing from the Baltics”. He added
US$103.3bn in the second quarter of this DIFlCULTûANDûTHEûNEWûISSUEûPREMIUMSûAREû that the investor composition was made
year, driven largely by burdensome fuel higher. For CEE sovereigns you need to up of domestic treasuries and asset
subsidies and falling oil revenues due to provide a decent concession or the trade managers, international treasuries and a
crude theft. just doesn’t work.” few international asset managers.
Further CEE sovereign supply could be The outstanding Tier 2 has a one-time
on its way, with talk around the likes of TURKEY call coming up on November 24 this year,
Latvia and Lithuania. and the bank said it did not intend to
“The number of issuers is perhaps FIBABANKA STRIVES TO KEEP exercise it.
more than you would think although INVESTORS ENGAGED “Tier 2s can create a two-way problem,
it is not incredible,” said the lead. “But where on one side the issuer has an
the question is whether all will have Turkey’s FIBABANKA is hoping to stay on the amortising Tier 2, while investors would
access.” right side of investors by inviting holders BEûSTUCKûWITHûTHEûINSTRUMENTûFORûlVEûMOREû
Citigroup, JP Morgan, Slovenska sporitelna of its Tier 2 notes due 2027 to switch into a years as there is no regular call,” said the
(Erste Group) and Tatra banka (Raiffeisen Bank new US dollar Tier 2 maturing in 2033 and dealer manager.
International Group) were lead managers and callable from 2027. “Fibabanka had a comfortable total
bookrunners. The exchange is targeting up to US$75m capital adequacy position at 24% in the
of the existing US$300m 7.75% bonds. The second quarter of 2022, and even with an
bank already holds just under US$62m in amortising Tier 2, on a pro forma basis it
SOUTH AFRICA nominal amount of the bonds, and those would be 1.5%–2% lower, but still offer
notes are excluded from the exchange. SUFlCIENTûHEADROOMûOVERûTHEûMINIMUMû
SAPPI EATS INTO 2026s “The incentive and rationale for each capital requirements.”
issuer behind an exchange offer differs, The exchange offer deadline falls on
South African paper company SAPPI has but these kinds of offers are structured to October 20.
accepted a touch under €210m of its let issuers keep fully recognised Tier 2 Nomura and Standard Chartered are the
3.125% senior notes due 2026 for a capital and also keep investors happy dealer managers.
buyback. given there is a very low likelihood of a call
The purchase is being completed with with the market in this state,” said one of
cash, and the buyback size is above the the dealer managers on the exchange. UKRAINE
company’s initial target of €150m. “This offer gives investors a one
Sappi was taking advantage of the bond percentage point upside for showing some OSCHADBANK CLEARS CONSENTS
trading below par, using its strong cash faith and loyalty to the credit, which will
balance position to decrease its overall help when the market conditions are such Ukrainian state-owned OSCHADBANK has
level of gross debt. that the issuer would like to access them.” successfully passed its consent solicitations
The purchase spread offered was The exchange offer is on a par for par in regards to its 2023s and 2025 issues. The
swaps plus 250bp. The bonds were quoted basis, with the coupon based on an process had been delayed after the
around 350bp the day before the tender aggregate of the initial CMT rate and the resolution was initially passed in regards
offer was announced, according to new notes margin. The minimum new to its 2023s but the meeting for the 2025s
was inquorate and had to be adjourned.
“Every euro we purchase now is a euro year US Treasury yield on Friday was Unlike the sovereign and some other
WEûDONTûHAVEûTOûRElNANCEvûSAIDû*ORGû around 4.18%. state-owned entities, which also made
Passler, group treasurer at Sappi, had told The existing notes have a reset rate of consent offers to their bondholders
IFR, adding that a much higher coupon lVE
SWAPSûQUOTEDûATûû recently, Oschad had not been seeking a
would have been needed to replace the on Friday, plus 5.758%. The bonds were bid debt deferral.
bond targeted in the offer. at a cash price of around 90 ahead of the Instead, it was requesting a temporary
ING and JP Morgan were dealer exchange offer announcement, before suspension of the application of a clause
managers. climbing to about 92.50. on the maintenance of capital adequacy
The plans to fundraise follow telecoms Jio is considering a loan of around -ULTINATIONALûBUILDINGûSYSTEMSûGROUPû
INû)NDIASû'ûSPECTRUMûAUCTIONûINû!UGUSTû4HEû years, according to local media reports, cBNû53M ûlVE
company could also tap export credit agencies WHILEû2),ûISûINûDISCUSSIONSûFORûAû53BNû RElNANCINGûATTRACTINGûûLENDERSûINû
YEARûBORROWING syndication.
Vietnamese conglomerate MASAN has closed its for a refinancing, with launch slated for “Vietnam is the only country in Asia-Pacific
largest, longest and cheapest syndicated loan year-end. to have ratings upgraded by Moody’s since early
following a stellar response from lenders eyeing “We still have appetite to lend to Military Bank this year,” said a third senior loan banker. “We
high-quality assets. due to its government-related background and are optimistic about the economic growth of
The US$600m five-year transaction attracted supportive economic environment, and we also Vietnam due to its foreign direct investment
37 lenders in general syndication, with Taiwanese welcome new names to expand our investment inflows and the increase in supply chain
lenders accounting for the bulk of the retail pools,” said another senior loan banker. diversification from China.
liquidity. The 20 Taiwanese banks that joined the Military Bank, rated Ba3/B+ (Moody’s/ “Vietnam’s upbeat growth outlook is poised
deal took about 54.7% of the final size. Fitch), counts large state-owned enterprises, to buck the slowing trend elsewhere in Asia, and
Lenders were keen to join Masan’s deal as including Viettel Group, Vietnam’s largest we believe it will continue to place itself firmly on
the borrower is considered a top-tier corporate telecommunications company, among its the radar of foreign investors.”
and provides diversification away from the shareholders.
financial institution sector, which has dominated Also, some Vietnamese borrowers have DEAL DETAILED
Vietnam’s loan activity in recent years. repaid their loans, freeing up Taiwanese lenders’ BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, HSBC and Standard
“It’s a rare corporate borrowing from Vietnam liquidity. This includes the US$1bn one-year Chartered were the mandated lead arrangers
and the pricing is attractive in terms of Masan’s loan raised last year for Vietnam Joint Stock and bookrunners of Masan’s facility, which has a
strong credit profile,” said a Taiwanese loan Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade base size of US$375m and carries a greenshoe
banker. “In addition, Masan, as a borrower, is not (VietinBank) that was repaid last month. option of up to US$225m.
as frequent as other Vietnamese conglomerates “We faced country limit issues in the first half, Masan is the borrower on a US$250m
such as Vingroup.” but we are not too concerned now as some big- tranche, while its subsidiary The Sherpa is the
Another loan for Vietnamese retailer MOBILE ticket one-year loans raised last year have been borrower on a US$350m portion.
WORLD INVESTMENT met a strong response last repaid,” said the first loan banker. Mandated lead arrangers are Bank of Taiwan,
month. Sixteen banks joined the US$250m three- Rabobank, DBS Bank, Kiatnakin Phatra Bank,
year facility in what is also the borrower’s largest, OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK Mizuho, MUFG, OCBC, SMBC and Union Bank
longest-tenor and tightest-priced syndicated loan. Lenders are still optimistic about Vietnam’s of Taiwan. Lead arrangers are Bangkok Bank,
Masan’s five-year loan offered top-level all-in economic growth on the back of solid exports BDO Unibank, Cathay United Bank, Chang Hwa
pricing of 305bp based on an interest margin of and consumer spending. The economy is Commercial Bank, Mega International Commercial
290bp over SOFR and an average life of 4.175 expected to grow by 8% this year, beating the Bank, ANZ, Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial
years, while Mobile World’s three-year facility official target of 6%–6.5%. Bank of Industry and Trade, CTBC Bank, First
offered a top-level all-in of 183.3bp based on a Last month, Moody’s upgraded Vietnam’s Commercial Bank, Hua Nan Commercial Bank,
margin of 170bp over compounded SOFR. rating from Ba3 to Ba2 thanks to its growing LBBW, Shinhan Bank, Taichung Commercial
Vietnamese FIs also continue to ramp up exports and manufacturing sector. Bank, Taiwan Business Bank, Taiwan Cooperative
fundraising in the offshore loan market on the back The upgrade reflects Vietnam’s growing Bank, Taiwan Shin Kong Commercial Bank and
of strong lender appetite for the country. MILITARY economic strengths relative to its peers and Woori Bank.
COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK has launched a greater resilience to external macroeconomic Arrangers are Banque Internationale de
debut three-year borrowing of up to US$460m into shocks that are indicative of improved policy Commerce - BRED, KGI Bank, AfrAsia Bank,
general syndication, while TECHCOM SECURITIES, a effectiveness, said the rating agency. Bank of Kaohsiung, Bank of Panhsin, E. Sun
subsidiary of Vietnam Technological & Commercial Worried about intensifying US-China Commercial Bank, KEB Hana Bank, Taipei Fubon
Joint Stock Bank (Techcombank), has launched a geopolitical rivalry and stung by China’s zero- Commercial Bank, Taishin International Bank,
364-day financing of up to US$150m. Covid lockdowns, tech giants such as Google and Export-Import Bank of the Republic of China and
Meanwhile, car maker VINFAST TRADING AND Apple are shifting some production locations O-Bank.
PRODUCTION is in talks with relationship banks from China to Vietnam to offset business risks. Evelynn Lin
FREEû Real estate company MITSUBISHI ESTATE has
Bank of Iwate, Bank of Kyoto, Chiba Bank, Norinchukin Bank is the sole lender on the
Gunma Bank, Hyakugo Bank, Iyo Bank, Japan Post transaction, which is equally split into a six- APEX INTL LIFTS PRICING
Bank, Joyo Bank, Keiyo Bank, Minato Bank, San-in year piece and an 11-year SLL.
Godo Bank, Shiga Bank and Shinkin Central Bank Funds are for working capital. Taiwan-listed APEX INTERNATIONAL has
3EPTEMBERû ratio to 25% over the same period. INCREASEDûBYûBPûTOûAûBPnBPûRANGEûOVERû
4HEûBORROWERûRATEDû"""û30 ûISû JCR provided a third-party opinion for the 4!)&8ûBASEDûONûTHEûBORROWERSûPRE
term loan tranche A and a US$80m 4ECHCOMBANKûHASûLAUNCHEDûAû
revolving credit tranche B. The two tranches lNANCINGûOFûUPûTOû53MûRETURNINGûTOû INCREASEûINûTHEûSHAREûOFûRENEWABLEû
Tranche B is further split into a US$60m OFûRAISINGûAûBIGGERûBORROWING of patients reached with donations in low
tranche B1 and a US$60m tranche B2. CTBC Bank, Maybank, SMBC and Taishin and middle-income countries.
Tranches B1 and B2 cannot exceed US$80m International Bank are the mandated lead BNP ParibasûWASûSOLEûSUSTAINABILITYû
COMBINED ARRANGERSûANDûBOOKRUNNERSûOFûTHEû coordinator on the converted RCF, which is
4HEûMARGINûWILLûDECREASEûBYûBPûIFû!PEXû TRANSACTIONûWHICHûHASûAûBASEûSIZEûOFûUPûTOû aligned with the guidelines set out in the
The metrics are related to the company’s MARGINûOFûBPûOVERû3/&2 ,UNDBECKûWILLûEARMARKûANYûINTERESTû
water usage or waste-water volume, green VIAûAûBPûPARTICIPATIONûFEEûWHILEûLEADû BETWEENûûANDûû4HESEûINCLUDEû
energy power generation, electricity arrangers participating with US$10m–$14m action to address discriminatory, physical,
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. WILLûRECEIVEûANûALL
-,!SûJOININGûWITHû53MûORûMOREûWILLû Arrangers taking US$5m–$9m are offered a MAKEûSAFEûANDûEFlCACIOUSûBRAINûDISEASEû
DAYû low and middle-income countries.
OFFEREDûBP general corporate purposes. environmental and social targets as it looks
THEûBORROWERûONûTRANCHESû!ûANDû"ûWHILEû loan market was in April for an increased 'OALSûINCLUDINGû3$'ûû'OODû(EALTHûANDû
The parent and its chairman Wang û2EDUCEDû)NEQUALITIES
Shu-mu are the guarantors on tranches A The four-year RCF was originally arranged
and B1, while Wang is the guarantor on INû*UNEûûANDûSUBSEQUENTLYûEXTENDEDûINû
tranche B2. 2020, 2021 and 2022 to mature in 2026.
ABRDN INCREASES LOAN and Wells Fargo that will support its ratio to 3 times and its maximum net
APPROXIMATELYû53BNûACQUISITIONûOFû leverage ratio to 3.75 times.
London-listed ABRDN PRIVATE EQUITY OPPORTUNITIES PEERû!LBERTSONS Bank of America is the administrative agent.
TRUSTûPREVIOUSLYû3TANDARDû,IFEû0RIVATEû%QUITYû The two companies together operate Additional lenders are JP Morgan, SMBC,
Trust, has increased its existing syndicated almost 5,000 stores across the US, and in Wells Fargo, MUFG, PNC Bank, TD Bank, Truist
LOANûBYûaMûTOûaM ûACHIEVEDûAûCOMBINEDû53BNûINû Bank, Capital One, US Bank, Citigroup, City
2OYALû"ANKûOFû3COTLANDû)NTERNATIONALû The transaction will provide a welcome
-ARKETSûREPLACEDû#ITIGROUPûASûAGENTûINûTHEû investment-grade loan market. At the end of
syndicate, alongside current providers 3EPTEMBERûBRIDGEûLOANûVOLUMEûFORûTHEûYEARû FEDERAL REALTY INVESTMENT TRUST has signed
BPûOVERû3ONIAûDEPENDINGûONûUTILISATIONû period in 2021. US$600m term loan.
undrawn funds, reducing depending on share. The transaction includes the COMPANYSû53BNû2#&ûFROMû*ULYûûWILLû
3,0%4ûINCREASEDûTHEûSIZEûOFûTHEûLOANûBYûaMû 4HEûACQUISITIONûWILLûBEûlNANCEDûUSINGû remains unchanged at April 16 2024.
3OCIETEû'ENERALEûONûTHEûlNANCING forma capital structure and rank pari passu PRICINGûADJUSTMENTSûATûAûLATERûDATEû)TSûSIZEû
investment-grade status. month periods.
three-year syndicated term loan and a immediately prior to the closing of the merger. WHILEûTHEûTERMûLOANûPAYSûBPûFORû"AA
US$250m increase to the company’s !NûUPûTOû53BNûPAYMENTûWILLû """ûPRICINGûISûBPûANDûBPûANDûBPû
EXISTINGû53BNûSYNDICATEDûREVOLVINGû accompany the spinoff. That payment will FORû"AA"""ûITûISûBPûANDûBPûANDûBPû
CREDITûFACILITYû4HEûAMENDEDû53BNû2#&û dilute the per-share payment stockholders FORû"AA"""nûITûISûBPûANDûBPûANDû
MATURESûINû-ARCHû will receive at the close of the merger. BPûANDûFORûLOWERûTHANû"AA"""nûITûISû
DAYû The transaction is expected to close in BPûANDûBPûANDûBP
The company has also increased its +ROGERûTOûNEGATIVEûFROMûSTABLEûDUEûTOûTHEû maximum leverage ratio to 0.6 times, its
/CTOBERû BYû30û!LBERTSONSûISûRATEDû"A"" 0.35 times, and its maximum
Although Ferguson is headquartered in UNENCUMBEREDûLEVERAGEûRATIOûTOûûTIMES
the UK, its operations are solely focused on OLIN RAISES US$1.55bn
listing in London. revolving credit facility and a US$350m Managing No of Total Share
YEARûTENOR bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
The deal replaces the company’s credit 1 Bank of America 1070 316,985.98 13.3
agreement from July 2019. The term loan 2 JP Morgan 888 249,452.16 10.5
was fully drawn at close. 3 Wells Fargo 861 217,124.38 9.1
NORTH AMERICA The senior unsecured credit agreement’s 4 Citigroup 434 158,455.68 6.6
SIZEûMAYûBEûINCREASEDûBYûUPûTOû53MûORû 5 RBC 367 77,462.42 3.2
an amount equivalent to 15% of 6 Scotiabank 299 75,387.90 3.2
RATIOûRANGINGûFROMûBPûTOûBPû4HEû 10 US Bancorp 380 67,520.30 2.8
Supermarket chain KROGER has received a 2#&ûHASûAûBPnBPûCOMMITMENTûFEE Total 3,759 2,386,118.33
SENIORûUNSECUREDûBRIDGEûLOANûFROMûCitigroup minimum consolidated interest coverage Source: Refinitiv SDC code: R7
Five cornerstone investors invested Ambit, BNP Paribas, BoB Capital Markets, MITSUBISHI ESTATE LAUNCHES
Rmb167.3m (US$23.2m) in total: Anji Guorong HSBC, ICICI Securities, Jefferies and JM Financial PLACEMENT
Construction (Rmb50m), Anji Qicai Lingfeng are the banks on the transaction.
Rural Tourism Investment (Rmb50m), Both primary and secondary shares are MITSUBISHI ESTATE LOGISTICS REIT INVESTMENT has
Zhejiang Tianzihu Industry Investment likely to be sold. launched a ¥21.4bn (US$145.4m) primary
(Rmb50m), SensePower (Rmb13.86m) and Bank of Baroda owns a 65% stake in the follow-on, based on a minimum 2.5%
TradeGo FinTech (Rmb3.46m). life insurer, Union Bank of India 9% and discount to Friday’s close of ¥431,000 per
The shares are scheduled to start trading Carmel Point Investments India, a Warburg unit.
4HEûCOMPANYûPOSTEDûAûNETûPROlTûOFû industry and invests in logistics facilities, is
2MBMûFORûTHEûlRSTûTHREEûMONTHSûOFû ELECTRONICS MART PRICES IPO AT TOP offering 51,000 units in an indicative
2022, up 315% from Rmb9.2m a year earlier. discount range of 2.5%–5% to the market
Shenwan Hongyuan was the sponsor. ELECTRONICS MART INDIA has priced an IPO at the close on pricing day, of which 2,200 units
top of the Rs56–Rs59 range to raise Rs5bn will be sold to the sponsor, Mitsubishi
INDIA The IPO was 71.93 times covered when There is a 2,550-units greenshoe.
books closed on October 7. There is a 90-day lock-up for the issuer
FABINDIA IPO FACES RESISTANCE Stock exchange data show the and a 180-day lock-up for the sponsor.
institutional tranche was covered 169.54 The offer will be sold to international and
Traditional wear and furniture retailer times, the high-net-worth-investor segment Japanese investors with a 35%/65% split.
FABINDIA is facing resistance from investors 63.59 times and retail 19.72 times. Bookbuilding runs from October 14 to 18
on the valuation for its IPO of up to Rs50bn Only primary shares were offered. and pricing is slated for October 19 at the
(US$607m), people with knowledge of the Proceeds will be used for capital earliest.
transaction said. expenditure and debt repayment. Proceeds will be used to part pay eight
It was targeting a market capitalisation of The top of the price range translates to a additional properties that the company
Rs250bn but demand is coming in at around 0%ûOFûûFORûTHEûlNANCIALûYEARûTHATûENDEDûINû anticipates acquiring.
Rs150bn, one of the people said. March. Morgan Stanley and SMBC Nikko are the joint
Volatile stock markets and uncertainty Anand Rathi Advisors, IIFL Securities and JM global coordinators. They are also Japanese
over global and local economic growth have Financial a re the lead managers. joint lead managers with Daiwa.
pushed down the valuation expectations. The electronics retailer’s revenue in FY2022
In a preliminary prospectus, the company was Rs43bn, up 34% from Rs32bn in FY2021. ADVANCE LOGISTICS PRICES FOLLOW-ON
said Rs5bn of primary shares and 25m .ETûPROlTûROSEûûTOû2SBNûFROMû2SM
secondary shares will be on offer. ADVANCE LOGISTICS INVESTMENT hasraised
The company was aiming to launch the ¥9.88bn (US$67.7m) from a follow-on
IPO this year. JAPAN offering of units priced at ¥139,620 each.
The vendors include controlling 4HEû2%)4ûSOLDûûUNITSûATûAûû
shareholders Bimal Nanda Bissell and other GLP J-REIT SEEKS FOLLOW-ON discount to October 12’s market close of
members of the Bissell family, as well as ¥143,200. This was at the tight end of the
investor shareholders PI Opportunities GLP J-REIT plans to raise ¥32.7bn 2.5%–5% discount range.
Fund, Prazim Trading, Bajaj Holdings and (US$223.9m) from a primary follow-on, There is a 3,500-units greenshoe.
Kotak India Advantage Fund. based on a minimum 2% discount to the Daiwa and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley
FabIndia is planning a pre-IPO placement market close of ¥158,100 on October 12. were the joint lead managers.
of Rs1bn and if completed the primary 4HEû2%)4ûWHICHûMAINLYûINVESTSûINû
component of the IPO will be reduced logistic facilities and related real estate
accordingly. properties in Japan, is looking to offer SOUTH KOREA
2EVENUEûINûTHEûûlNANCIALûYEARûFELLû 211,210 units in an indicative discount
30% to Rs10.6bn from Rs15.1bn. It reported range of 2%–4.5% to the market close on LIONHEART, GOLFZON POSTPONE FLOATS
a net loss of Rs1.17bn compared with a pricing day.
PROlTûOFû2SMûINû There is a 10,561 units greenshoe. Online games developer LIONHEART STUDIO and
Credit Suisse, Equirus, ICICI Securities, JP There is a 90-day lock-up for the issuer golf equipment distributor GOLFZON COMMERCE
Morgan, Nomura and SBI Capital are the lead and a 180-day lock-up for GLP Capital Japan HAVEûPOSTPONEDû+OREAû%XCHANGEû)0/SûOFûAû
managers. 2 Private Limited and GLP Capital GK. combined W704bn (US$491.7m), saying that
FabIndia is one of India’s largest private The offer was being sold to international MARKETûCONDITIONSûHAVEûMADEûITûDIFlCULTûFORû
platforms for products that use traditional and domestic investors with a 45%/55% investors to value the companies properly.
techniques and fabric. It links more than split. Lionheart Studio planned to sell 11.4m
55,000 craft based rural producers to urban Bookbuilding closed on October 14 and shares (87.7% primary/12.3% secondary) in a
markets and has over 300 stores in India and pricing is slated for October 17 at the W36,000–W53,000 range. It had started pre-
overseas. earliest. marketing on October 4 and was due to
0ROCEEDSûWILLûBEûUSEDûTOûPARTûPAYûlVEû complete the exercise on Friday, with
INDIAFIRST TO FILE FOR IPO THIS MONTH additional properties and the remaining international bookbuilding scheduled for
30% co-ownership interest in GLP Zama. October 17–31.
INDIAFIRST LIFE INSURANCE PLANSûTOûlLEûFORûAû Nomura, Mizuho, SMBC Nikko and Morgan The IPO of up to W604.2bn would have
US$200m–$250m domestic IPO as early as Stanley were joint lead managers and been the second-largest this year on KRX
this month, people with knowledge of the international joint lead managers with behind electric vehicle battery maker LG
transaction said. Citigroup. %NERGYû3OLUTIONSû7TRNûmOATûINû*ANUARYû
rises to 37.5% from 33.3%, with another 1.5% Books closed on October 7 for the £200m
SWEDEN held by the Canton and the City of Zurich. deal, with Monday’s announcement
MCH Group had previously expressed referring to a “pause” in the IPO.
SECURITAS SECURES BROAD BACKING pessimism about the capital raise, referring to The trust blamed deteriorating market
the potential for the deal to be fully subscribed conditions since launch and the board said it
SECURITAS’ SKr9.6bn (US$853m) rights issue the board said it was delighted with the result. later date.
with 99% of rights exercised for a total of Proceeds will go towards repayment of a Chair Andy Crossley described it as a
206.2m new shares. SFr100m bond due in May. “challenging time for institutional investors
Demand without rights for a further No rump placing is planned and the new to make new investments, no matter how
203.7m shares left the deal just shy of twice shares will begin trading on October 13. attractive the offering”.
covered in total. On Friday they remained above issue, 4HEû,ONDONûmOATûWOULDûHAVEûGIVENû
The deal was announced alongside the trading at €4.83 shortly before 12.30pm in investors exposure to US farming, with the
acquisition of Stanley Black & Decker’s London. trust investing in a portfolio of more than
electronic security arm in December so had US$2.2bn of assets managed by
a very long lead time to engage investors. International Farming Investment
New shares were offered on a 4-for-7 basis UAE Management across 18 US states as well as
at SKr46 each, a hefty 38.7% discount to Australia and Chile.
4%20ûOFû3+RûBASEDûONûTHEû3EPTEMBERû BURJEEL RISES 15.5% AFTER Good feedback had been received from
12 close of SKr91.62. A banker on the deal US$300m IPO investors, but a banker involved said things
said, when terms were set, that the higher were tough for investment trust funds and the
THANûAVERAGEû4%20ûDISCOUNTûFORûANû BURJEEL HOLDINGS shares closed up 15.5% on their deal would need to return in calmer conditions.
ACQUISITIONûlNANCINGûREmECTEDûTHEûVOLATILITYû trading debut on Monday on the Abu Dhabi Liberum was bookrunner.
Shares closed at SKr81.84 on October 11, company’s Dh1.1bn (US$300m) IPO. HARMONY MANAGES SMALL FUNDRAISE
when subscription ended, and were trading The shares opened at Dh2.31 after pricing
around SKr84.30 on Friday afternoon, well at the bottom of the Dh2–Dh2.45 IPO range. HARMONY ENERGY INCOME TRUST raised just £15m
ABOVEûTHEû4%20ûCitigroup and SEB were joint They hit a high of Dh2.40, before returning in a follow-on offer after originally targeting
bookrunners with Carnegie as co-bookrunner. to Dh2.31 at the close. up to £130m to fund acquisitions but it still
More than 147m units changed hands, marks a rare success amid several cancelled
more than a quarter of the 550.73m shares capital-raisings by UK-listed funds.
SWITZERLAND placed in the IPO. The shares were offered at 100p each, a
On Thursday, the shares closed at Dh2.41. 5.2% discount to the close before launch and
MCH COMPLETES RIGHTS ISSUE Dubai Islamic Bank was lead manager and First a 14% discount to NAV of 116.2p per share
Abu Dhabi Bank was lead receiving bank. on August 22.
Marketing and events company MCH GROUP International Securities WASûlNANCIALûADVISERû $ESPITEûTHEûlNALûSIZEûAûBANKERûINVOLVEDû
has raised SFr76.9m (US$77.8m) through its BHM Capital Financial Services was listing adviser described the successful completion as “a
rights issue that was heavily backed by its and JP Morgan was capital markets adviser. little win”, adding: “It’s a big positive in the
major shareholders. current market given how many are being
The offer saw 87% take-up with 16.18m pulled.”
new shares subscribed at SFr4.75 each from UK On Monday The Sustainable Farmland
18.58m offered on a 5-for-4 basis, increasing Trust postponed its London IPO citing
shares. PULLS IPO Despite typically being seen as more
The deal saw backing of SFr34m each STABLEû2%)4SûHAVEûALSOûSTRUGGLEDûINûRECENTû
from Lupa Systems and the Canton of Basel- SUSTAINABLE FARMLAND TRUST has postponed its WEEKSû,8Iû2%)4ûCANCELLEDûANûEQUITYûRAISEûTOû
Stadt. Lupa has increased its holding to London listing due to market volatility, with the fund acquisitions of stores from Sainsbury’s
38.5% from 32.3% and Basel-Stadt’s holding company to return subscriptions to investors. ANDû)NDEPENDENTû,IVINGû2%)4ûCANCELLEDûAû
NOG taps into dry CB market sale to help fund a Phase II trial it expects to
launch early next year.
US Oil explorer funds M&A with HY alternative BUSINESS FIRST BANCSHARES, the parent of Baton
Rouge, Louisiana-based b1Bank, raised
NORTHERN OIL & GAS raised US$435m last week from a credit spread of L+500bp and a low-40s vol. US$50m late on Wednesday from an
the sale of 6.5-year convertible bonds, significantly That implies straight-debt equivalent pricing in overnight stock sale.
more than the US$350m sum it initially sought to the 8% range and compares with a 9% current Stephens led the sale of 2.5m Business First
fund a series of small acquisitions. yield on NOG’s shorter-dated 8.125% HY notes SHARESûORûABOUTûûOFûOUTSTANDINGûATûAûlXEDû
NOG has standalone appeal because of the maturing in March 2028. price of US$20.00, a 9% discount to
high cashflow it generates from high oil prices, Highly rated issuers have been reluctant Wednesday’s close.
something that shows no signs of moderating. to embrace CBs because of accounting In Thursday’s aftermarket, the shares
Even if oil prices were to falter, its hedged complexities. And there has been no need to do were trading at US$21.52, comfortably
production at US$75.00 over the next two years so in the low interest rate environment of the above the offering price.
provides CB investors with downside protection. past decade. The bank could use the proceeds to boost its
From a broader perspective, NOG benefited However, the financial crisis did see IG- capital, support organic growth, fund
from scarcity value. Issuers have raised just rated industrials such as Johnson Controls and acquisitions, and/or redeem subordinated debt.
US$16.2bn in the US CB market so far this year. Ingersoll Rand issue CBs in 2009, noted bankers. In early September, Business First also
At this time last year, CB issuance stood at Most companies are flush with cash so the raised US$72m from a self-managed private
US$63.5bn. need to fund is less acute than was the case in placement of preferred stock.
“I do think we will see a pick-up in issuance,” 2009, they said. Focused on commercial lending in
said one banker involved in the NOG CB issue. NOG’s shares gained 4.7% on Wednesday to Louisiana and Texas, Business First carries
“It’s not going to be an explosion, but I do think US$31.21, the CBs were wrapped at 105 by the US$5bn of assets.
converts offer a compelling alternative to straight close of trading, and its 8.125% HY notes shed 25 The bank has grown its lending book at a
debt. Companies are going to be looking for ways cents to 95.75. This was despite WTI oil easing 36% annualised rate so far this year and also
to reduce their funding costs. As interest rates 2.3% to US$87.27. purchased Texas Citizens Bank in March to
continue to rise, convertible bonds offer a way to “The CB opened up about 2.5-points on add US$534m of assets.
lower their funding costs.” a dollar-neutral basis and didn’t expand or Shares of Business First are down 24% this
NOG’s CBs were priced late on Tuesday at contract from there, tracking the stock price up year but have still more than doubled from
a coupon of 3.625% and conversion premium into the close,” said one CB trader. their lows at the start of the pandemic in
of 27.5%, the midpoint of 3.375%–3.875% and NOG generated second-quarter adjusted March 2020.
25%–30% price talk, after one day of marketing. Ebitda of US$272.5m on sales of US$549.6m,
A capped call funded with a portion of the despite realising a below-market US$58.55 per
proceeds offsets earnings dilution up to a 75% barrel after factoring in hedges. BRAZIL
premium, making the CB akin to high-yield. Cashflow is projected to grow to US$1.5bn in
Yet unlike the halcyon days of early 2021 when 2023 before moderating to US$1.45bn in 2024, THREE GORGES POWERS UP BRAZIL IPO
tech companies employed 50%–125% capped based on analyst consensus forecasts.
calls purely to communicate confidence their That provides a reasonable chance that CB China Three Gorges, China’s state-owned
equity valuations weren’t inflated, this is a real- holders will be able to convert at US$38.01, the RENEWABLEûENERGYûPROVIDERûEXPECTSûTOûlLEûLATERû
world application of the financing tool. conversion price, at some point. The upper strike this month to spin off its Brazilian operations
Joint bookrunners Citigroup, Wells Fargo and on the capped call is US$52.17. via a B3 IPO, according to a Reuters report.
RBC Capital Markets guided accounts toward Stephen Lacey Citigroup is leading a syndicate including Bank
of America, Itau, Banco Bradesco and BTG Pactual
for an estimated US$1bn IPO of CTG BRASIL.
per share) and owned a 13.6% stake ahead of The results suggest Dice’s drug is safer and CTG Brasil could go public in December,
the follow-on, has a reputation for more effective than approved treatments though, as for most IPO aspirants in the
controlling allocations in biotech follow-ons. from Amgen and Bristol Myers Squibb. queue, early 2023 is more likely.
/THERûRECENTûEXAMPLESûINCLUDEû%DGEWISEû “We believe the results demonstrate proof of It operates 17 hydropower plants and 11
Therapeutics, Wave Life Sciences and CONCEPTûANDûESTABLISHû;$ICESûDRUG=ûASûAûCONTENDERû wind farms with 8.3GW of installed capacity.
Concert Pharmaceuticals. FORûBESTûORALûTHERAPYû;FORûTREATINGûPSORIASIS=vû(#û Brazilian stocks have jumped 9% this year,
Dice reported Phase I trial results early on Wainwright analysts wrote in a research note. bolstered by a 4% gain since the beginning of
Tuesday that showed proof of concept for an oral HC Wainwright estimates potential sales /CTOBERûAFTERûTHEûlRSTûROUNDûOFûTHEûCOUNTRYSû
psoriasis drug with blockbuster potential, of Dice’s psoriasis drug at US$1.8bn in 2035 presidential election proved closer than expected.
sending its shares soaring 62.3% in open trading. with peak sales hitting US$4bn. A run-off vote will be held on October 30.
Issuer Country Date Amount Greenshoe Tenor Coupon/YTM % Premium (%) Bookrunner(s)
Northern Oil & Gas US 11/10/2022 US$435.0m US$65.0m 6.5y 3.63 27.50 Citigroup, Wells Fargo, RBC CM
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Brightspeed 47 Fortune Real Estate Investment Trust 48 Mitsubishi Estate Logistics Tendam 54
Business First Bancshares 68 General Electric 23 Mobile World Investment 50 Thai Credit Retail Bank 63
Caisse des Depots et Consignations 21 GIB Asset Management 18 Nidda Healthcare Holding 32 UCI Portugal 33
China Water Affairs Group 48 Harmony Energy Income Trust 66 Olin 55 Verisure 3
CIFI Holdings 48, 59 Harum Energy 49 OP Corporate Bank 28, 30 Vinfast Trading and Production 50
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