Aggregate Durability Index: Standard Test Method For
Aggregate Durability Index: Standard Test Method For
Aggregate Durability Index: Standard Test Method For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 3744 – 03
4. Significance and Use shall be 0.25 to 1.02 mm (0.001 to 0.004 in.). Fig. 2 shows a
4.1 This test method assigns an empirical value to the Tyler portable sieve shaker modified to meet these require-
relative amount, fineness, and character of clay-like material ments.
that may be generated in an aggregate when subjected to 5.4 All equipment required to perform the Test for Sand
mechanical degradation. Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate (Test Method
4.2 The procedure has been used in limited geographical D 2419).
areas of the United States and the results have been correlated 5.5 Sieves—The sieves shall conform to Specification E 11.
with aggregate performance in various construction applica- 5.6 Balance—A balance having a minimum capacity of 500
tions, including: aggregate base, permeable material for back- g and meeting the requirements of Guide D 4753, Class GP5.
fill, fine concrete aggregate, and riprap for rock slope protec-
6. Reagents and Materials
4.3 A minimum durability index is permitted to be specified 6.1 Calcium Chloride Solutions—Use stock and working
to prohibit the use of an aggregate in various construction calcium chloride solutions as specified in the Reagents and
applications that is prone to degradation, resulting in genera- Materials section of Test Method D 2419.
tion of clay-like fines. 6.2 Water—Use distilled or demineralized water for the
4.4 This test method provides a rapid test for evaluation of normal performance of this test method. The test results are
the quality of a new aggregate source. Research has indicated likely to be affected by certain minerals dissolved in water.
it may also be suitable for use instead of the sodium sulfate However, if it is determined that local tap water is of such
soundness test for evaluating the durability characteristics of purity that it does not affect the test results, the use of tap water
fine aggregate for use in portland-cement concrete, thereby is permissable in place of distilled or demineralized water. For
reducing the need for time-consuming and expensive sound- referee purposes, distilled or demineralized water shall be used
ness tests.6 for all steps in the test.
4.5 Although the application of this method has been
7. Temperature Control
limited to aggregates for specific construction uses, the possi-
bility exists for expanding the application of this method to 7.1 This test method is normally performed without strict
control the quality of aggregates used in other areas of temperature control; however, for referee purposes, retest the
construction, such as aggregates for use in bituminous paving material with the temperature of the distilled or demineralized
mixtures, coarse aggregate for use in portland-cement concrete, water and the working calcium chloride solution at 22 6 3°C
and aggregate for use as railroad ballast. (72 6 5°F).
5. Apparatus 8. Sampling
5.1 Mechanical Washing Vessel (Pot)—A flat-bottomed, 8.1 Obtain samples of the aggregate to be tested in accor-
straight-sided cylindrical vessel conforming to the specifica- dance with Practice D 75.
tions and dimensions shown in Fig. 1.
9. Initial Sample Preparation
5.2 Collection Pan—A round pan (at least 230 mm (9 in.) in
diameter and approximately 100 mm (4 in.) deep), suitable to 9.1 Dry aggregate samples sufficiently to permit a complete
collect the wash water from the washed sample. The pan shall separation on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve and to develop a
have vertical or nearly vertical sides and shall be equipped as free-flowing condition in the portion passing the sieve. Perform
necessary to hold the wire mesh of an 203-mm (8-in.) diameter drying by any method that does not heat the aggregate in
sieve at least 75 mm (3 in.) above the bottom. An adaptor that excess of 60°C (140°F) or cause degradation of the particles.
will not allow loss of fines or wash water may be used to nest The use of sunlight, ovens, or forced drafts of warm air are the
the sieve with the container, or the sieve may be nested with a most common drying methods.
blank sieve frame resting in the bottom of the pan. 9.2 If the sample contains an appreciable amount of clay,
5.3 Agitator—A mechanical device designed to hold the turn the aggregate frequently during the drying process to
wash vessel in an upright position while subjecting it to a obtain even drying throughout and prevent the formation of
lateral reciprocating motion at a rate of 285 6 10 complete hard clay lumps.
cycles per minute. The reciprocating motion shall be produced 9.3 Break up any hard clods and remove coatings of fines
by means of an eccentric in the base of the carrier and the from the coarse aggregate particles by any means that will not
length of the stroke shall be 44.5 6 0.6 mm (1.75 6 0.025 in.). appreciably reduce the natural individual particle sizes.
The clearance between the cam and follower of the eccentric 9.4 Determine the sample grading by sieving in accordance
with Test Method C 136 on the 19.0, 12.5, 9.5, 4.75, 2.36, and
1.18-mm (3⁄4 , 1⁄2 , 3⁄8-in. and Nos. 4, 8, and 16) sieves. Discard
any material that is retained on the 19.0-mm (3⁄4-in.) sieve.
Hamilton, R. D., Smith, R. E., and Sherman, G. B., “Factors Influencing the 9.5 Determine the test procedures to be used for establishing
Durability of Aggregates,” Research Report 633476, State of California, Division of the durability index of the aggregate based upon the grading of
Highways, Materials and Research Department, June 1971.
Hveem, F. N., and Smith, T. N., “Durability of Aggregates,” Research Report,
the aggregate as determined in 9.4.
State of California, Division of Highways, Materials and Research Department, 9.5.1 If less than 10 % of the aggregate passes the 4.75-mm
January 1964. (No. 4) sieve, test coarse aggregate (Procedure A) only.
D 3744 – 03
SI Equivalent
in. mm in. mm in. mm
917⁄32 242.1 75⁄8 193.7 ⁄
14 6.4
85⁄8 219.1 31⁄2 88.9 ⁄
1 16 1.6
833⁄64 216.3 21⁄2 64.8 1⁄32 0.79
729⁄32 200.8 3⁄4 19.0 1⁄64 0.40
727⁄32 199.2
NOTE 1—The gasket shall be 1⁄8 in. neoprene rubber, having an inside diameter of 7 27⁄32 6 1⁄64 in. and an outside diameter of 8 33⁄64 6 1⁄64 in.
NOTE 2—The pot shall be a flat bottom, straight-sided, cylindrical vessel with a capacity of approximately 2 gal. The top edge shall be flared outward
to form a seat for the gasket and lid.
NOTE 3—Three trunk clamps are required and shall be placed at one-third intervals. The clamps shall be attached to the pot by rivets or welds so that
the pot remains watertight. When fitted with the 1⁄8-in. gasket and clamped in place, the lid shall form a watertight seal with the flared edge of the pot.
NOTE 4—The vessel shall be 20-gage stainless steel, unless otherwise noted. All dimensions shall be within 61⁄32 in., unless otherwise noted.
FIG. 1 Mechanical Washing Vessel
9.5.2 If less than 10 % of the aggregate is coarser than the PROCEDURE A—COARSE AGGREGATE
4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve, test fine aggregate (Procedure B) only.
9.5.3 When both coarse and fine aggregate fractions are 10. Test Sample Preparation
each present in quantities equal to or greater than 10 % and if 10.1 Prepare a 2550 6 25-g (air-dry) preliminary test
the percent passing the 1.18-mm (No. 16) sieve is greater than sample using the grading given below:
10 %, use both Procedures A and B on the appropriate Aggregate Size Air Dry Mass, g
aggregate sizes. If the percent passing the 1.18-mm (No. 16) 19.0 to 12.5 mm (3⁄4 to 1⁄2 in.) 1070 6 10
sieve is less than or equal to 10 %, use Procedure A or 12.5 to 9.5 mm (1⁄2 to 3⁄8 in.) 570 6 10
9.5 to 4.75 mm (3⁄8 in. to No. 4 ) 910 6 5
Procedure C.
2550 6 25
9.5.4 If most of the aggregate (75 to 80 %) is retained
between the 9.5 and 1.18-mm (3⁄8-in. and No. 16) sieves, use For materials with less than 10 % in any of the size fractions
Procedure C only. given in 10.1, prepare the test sample using the actual
D 3744 – 03
percentage for the deficient fraction and proportionally in- 10.3.2 Determine the bulk, oven-dry specific gravity, and
crease the mass of the remaining fractions to obtain the 2550 g percentage of absorption of the aggregate in accordance with
test sample. Two examples follow. Test Method C 127.
Example 1—Less than 10 % in 19.0 to 12.5 mm (3⁄4 to 1⁄2 in.) fraction 10.3.3 Adjust the total mass of the test sample using the
Aggregate Size Percent Calculation Air Dry Mass, g
following equation:
19.0 to 12.5 mm (3⁄4 to 1⁄2 in.) 6 0.06 3 2550 153 6 10 specific gravity of aggregate
12.5 to 9.5 mm (1⁄2 to 3⁄8 in.) 26 570 ~2550 2 153! 923 6 10 Adjusted sample mass, g 5 2.65 3W (1)
570 1 910
9.5 to 4.75 mm (3⁄8 to No. 4) 68 910 ~2550 2 153! 1474 6 5
570 1 910
W = mass of oven-dried test sample, g.
Totals 100 2550 6 25
Example 2—Less than 10 % in two fractions
Adjust the mass of material in each size fraction proportion-
ally to the masses specified in 10.1.
Aggregate Size Percent Calculation Air Dry
Mass, g
10.3.4 Adjust the volume of test water using the following
19.0 to 12.5 mm (3⁄4 to 1⁄2 in.) 4 0.04 3 2550 102 6 10 equation:
12.5 to 9.5 mm (1⁄2 to 3⁄8 in.) 7 0.07 3 2550 179 6 10
Adjusted water 5 1000 1 ~A 3 W! 2 50 (2)
9.5 to 4.75 mm (3⁄8 to No. 4) 89 2550 − (102 + 179) 2269 6 5
Totals 100 2550 6 25 where:
10.2 Place the preliminary test sample in the mechanical A = absorption of aggregate, % (expressed as a decimal
washing vessel and add 1000 6 5 ml of distilled or deminer- fraction), and
alized water. W = mass of oven-dried test sample, g.
10.3 Because of the low specific gravity or high absorption 10.4 Clamp the vessel lid in place, and secure the vessel in
rate, or both, of some aggregates, the proportions of aggregate the sieve shaker. Begin agitation after a time of 60 6 10 s has
to water will not provide the intended interparticle abrasion. elapsed from the introduction of the wash water. Agitate the
Testing of these materials will require adjustment of the test vessel in the sieve shaker for 120 6 5 s.
specimen mass or volume of both wash and test water, or both. 10.5 After the 2-min agitation time is completed, remove
10.3.1 Wash all materials that are not completely inundated the vessel from the shaker, unclamp the lid and pour the
when 1000 ml of water are added to the test sample and test contents onto a 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. Rinse any remaining
with adjusted sample masses and water volumes. fines from the vessel onto the sieve and direct water (from a
D 3744 – 03
flexible hose attached to a faucet) onto the aggregate until the 11.3 Immediately following the agitation period, take the
water passing through the sieve comes out clear. vessel from the sieve shaker and remove the lid. Agitate the
10.6 Dry the fraction retained on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve contents of the vessel by moving the upright vessel vigorously
to constant mass at a temperature of 110 6 5°C (230 6 9°F) in a horizontal circular motion five or six times in order to
and weigh. If the loss in mass due to washing in accordance bring the fines into suspension. Immediately pour the contents
with 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5 is equal to or less than 75 g, a of the vessel into the nested 4.75-mm and 75-µm (Nos. 4 and
test sample suitable for further testing has been prepared and 200) sieves placed in the pan provided to collect the wash
the procedures in 10.7-10.12 are omitted. If the loss in mass water. Discard the material retained on the 4.75-mm (No. 4)
exceeds 75 g, the preliminary test sample is permitted to be sieve. Collect all wash water and passing 75-µm (No. 200)
retained and used if a second sample is washed by the same material in the collecting pan. To ensure that all material finer
procedure and the two samples are combined according to the than 75-µm (No. 200) sieve is washed through the sieve, take
specified masses to provide the desired test sample. the following steps:
10.7 Determine the grading to be used in preparing the 11.3.1 As the wash water is draining through the 75-µm
preliminary test sample as follows: (No. 200) sieve, apply a jarring action to the sieve by lightly
10.7.1 If each of the aggregate sizes listed in the following bumping the side of the sieve frame with the heel of the hand.
table represents 10 % or more of the 19.0-mm to 4.75-mm 11.3.2 When a concentration of the material is retained on
(3⁄4-in. to No. 4) portion, as determined from the masses the 75-µm (No. 200) sieve, rerinse the fine material by pouring
recorded in 9.4, use the oven-dry masses of material specified the wash water through the sieve again. To rerinse the material:
below for preparing the preliminary test sample. Allow the wash water to stand undisturbed in the
Aggregate Size Oven-Dry Mass, collection pan for a few moments to permit the heavier
19.0 to 12.5 mm (3⁄4 to 1⁄2 in.) 1050 6 10
particles to settle to the bottom.
12.5 to 9.5 mm (1⁄2 to 3⁄8 in.) 550 6 10 Pour the upper portion of the wash water into
9.5 to 4.75 mm (3⁄8 in. to No. 4) 900 6 5 another container.
2500 6 25 Pour the wash water back through the 75-µm (No.
10.8 Prepare a 2500-g preliminary test sample using the 200) sieve and again collect all wash water and passing 75-µm
prescribed grading. Dry the test sample to constant mass at a (No. 200) material in the collection pan.
temperature of 110 6 5°C (230 6 9°F). Repeat the rinsing procedure as necessary until all
10.9 Mechanically wash the preliminary sample in the same of the minus 75-µm (No. 200) material has been washed
manner as prescribed in 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5. through the sieve.
10.10 Repeat 10.8 and 10.9, if necessary, to obtain sufficient 11.4 Add distilled or demineralized water to bring the
material to yield a washed test sample of 2500 6 25 g and volume of dirty wash water to 1000 6 5 ml. Then transfer the
contain each size fraction in the quantity specified in 10.7.1. wash water to a vessel suitable for stirring and pouring.
10.11 After allowing the oven-dried material to cool, sepa- 11.5 Place a funnel in the graduated plastic cylinder. Stir the
rate the washed coarse aggregate on the 12.5, 9.5, and 4.75-mm wash water by hand to bring the fines into suspension. While
(1⁄2 , 3⁄8-in., and No. 4) sieves. Discard the material passing the the water is still turbulent, pour enough of the wash water into
4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. the cylinder to bring the level of the liquid to the 380-mm
10.12 Prepare the washed test sample using the masses (15-in.) mark.
specified in 10.7.1 from representative portions of each size of 11.6 Remove the funnel, place the stopper in the end of the
washed material. Occasionally a third preliminary test sample cylinder, and prepare to mix the contents immediately.
is needed to obtain the required mass of material of a specific 11.7 Mix the contents of the cylinder by alternately turning
size. the cylinder upside down and right side up, allowing the bubble
to completely traverse the length of the cylinder 20 times in
11. Procedure for Coarse Aggregate approximately 35 s.
11.1 Place the plastic cylinder (sand equivalent test cylinder 11.8 At the completion of the mixing process, place the
as required in Test Method D 2419) on a work table which will cylinder on the work table and remove the stopper. Allow the
not be subjected to vibrations during the performance of the cylinder to stand undisturbed for 1200 6 15 s. Then immedi-
sedimentation phase of the test. Pour 7 ml (0.24 oz) of the stock ately read and record the height of the sediment column to the
calcium chloride solution into the cylinder. Place a 4.75-mm nearest 2.5 mm (0.1 in.).
and 75 µm (Nos. 4 and 200) sieve on the pan or vessel provided NOTE 1—There are two unusual conditions that may be encountered in
to collect the wash water with the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve on this phase of the test procedure. One is that a clearly defined line of
top. The 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve serves only to protect the 75 demarcation may not form between the sediment and the liquid above it
µm (No. 200) sieve. in the specified 20-min period. If this should occur in a test in which
11.2 Place the washed test sample (as prepared in Section distilled or demineralized water is used, allow the cylinder to stand
10) in the mechanical washing vessel. Then add the amount of undisturbed until the clear demarcation line does form; then immediately
read and record the height of the column of sediment and the total
distilled or demineralized water as determined in 10.3, clamp sedimentation time. If this should occur in a test in which tap water is
the lid in place, and secure the vessel in the sieve shaker. Begin used, discontinue the test and retest using an untested portion of the
agitation after a period of 60 s has elapsed from the introduc- sample with distilled or demineralized water. The second unusual condi-
tion of the wash water. Agitate the vessel for 600 6 15 s. tion is that the liquid immediately above the line of demarcation may still
D 3744 – 03
be darkly clouded at the end of 20 min, and the demarcation line, although PROCEDURE C—AGGREGATES TOO FINE TO BE
distinct, may appear to be in the sediment column itself. As for the first TESTED AS COARSE AGGREGATE AND TOO
case, if tap water was used, rerun the test using a new sample with distilled COARSE TO BE TESTED AS FINE AGGREGATE
or demineralized water; otherwise read and record this line of demarcation
at the end of the specified 20-min sedimentation period as usual.
14. Test Sample Preparation
PROCEDURE B—FINE AGGREGATE 14.1 Procedure C has been developed to test aggregates,
such as pea gravel, and other aggregates contained primarily
12. Test Sample Preparation between the 9.5 and 1.18-mm (3⁄8 in. and No. 16) sieves. Such
aggregates are too fine to be tested as coarse aggregate and too
12.1 Split or quarter a representative portion from the
coarse to be tested as sand.
material passing the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve of sufficient mass
14.2 Prepare a test sample using the procedure in Section
to obtain an oven-dry mass of 500 6 25 g.
12, except eliminate the procedure of sieving and recombining
12.2 Dry the preliminary test sample to constant mass at a the dry material as required in 12.7.
temperature of 110 6 5°C (230 6 9°F). Cool to room
temperature. 15. Procedure
12.3 Place the preliminary test sample in the mechanical 15.1 Fill the plastic cylinder to the 102 6 2.5-mm (4 6
washing vessel, add 1000 6 5 ml of distilled or demineralized 0.1-in.) level with distilled or demineralized water. Pour the
water, and clamp the vessel lid in place. Secure the vessel in the prepared test specimen into the cylinder using a funnel to avoid
sieve shaker in sufficient time to begin agitation after 600 6 30 spillage. Tap the bottom of the cylinder sharply with the heel of
s have elapsed from the introduction of the wash water. Agitate the hand, as necessary, to release air bubbles and promote
the vessel for a period of 120 6 5 s. thorough wetting. Allow to stand undisturbed for 10 6 1 min.
12.4 After the 2-min agitation period is completed, remove 15.2 Stopper the cylinder, loosen the material from the
the vessel from the shaker, unclamp the lid, and carefully pour bottom, and place the cylinder in the mechanical sand equiva-
the contents into the protected 75-µm (No. 200) sieve described lent shaker. Start the timer and allow the machine to shake the
in 11.1. Rinse any remaining fines from the vessel onto the cylinder and contents for 30 6 1 min.
sieve. Direct the water (from flexible hose attached to a faucet) 15.3 At the end of the shaking period, remove the cylinder
onto the aggregate until the water passing through the sieve from the shaker and transfer the water and passing 75-µm (No.
comes out clear. 200) material to another cylinder containing 7 mL (0.24 oz) of
12.5 If necessary, flood clayey or silty samples prior to stock calcium chloride solution, as follows:
pouring them over the sieve to prevent clogging the 75-µm 15.3.1 Nest the 2.36-mm and 75-µm (Nos. 8 and 200) sieves
(No. 200) sieve. Flood by adding water to the vessel following into a funnel that empties into the second cylinder. Hold the
the agitation period. Use repeated flooding as necessary before mouth of the inverted cylinder over the nested sieves and
all of the contents of the vessel can be poured over the sieve. remove the stopper, permitting the sample and water to pour
12.6 Following the rinsing, transfer the material from the onto the sieves. Rinse the remaining fines from the inverted
sieve to a drying pan, and dry to constant mass at a temperature cylinder onto the sieves with a small amount of fresh water.
of 110 6 5°C (230 6 9°F). It is necessary to wash the material Rinse the material retained on the sieves with additional fresh
from the 75-µm (No. 200) sieve in order to transfer the retained water to ensure that all minus 75-µm (No. 200) material passes
material to a drying pan. Leave the pan in a slanting position through the sieve. Take care not to fill the cylinder above the
until the free water that drains to the lower side becomes clear; 380-mm (15-in.) mark. Allow time for the water to drain
then pour off this clear water. Use large shallow pans and through the sieves and then add enough fresh distilled water to
spread the sample as thin as possible to speed drying. bring the level of the liquid to the 380-mm (15-in.) mark.
12.7 Split or quarter the washed and dried material to Stopper the cylinder and mix the contents by inverting 20 times
provide a test sample of sufficient size to fill the 85 mL (3 oz) in 35 s.
tin to level full. Predetermine the exact amount of material to 15.4 Allow the cylinder to stand undisturbed for 1200 6 15
be split using the following procedures. s from the time of completion of mixing, then read the top of
12.7.1 Fill the measuring tin to overflowing with the pre- the clay suspension to the nearest 2.5 mm (0.1 in.).
pared material.
12.7.2 Consolidate the material in the tin by tapping the CALCULATION
bottom edge with a hard object.
16. Procedure A—Coarse Aggregate
12.7.3 Strike off to level full using a straight edge and
determine the weight of the material. 16.1 Compute the durability index of the coarse aggregate
to the nearest whole number using the following equation:
NOTE 2—The use of a sample splitter meeting the requirements of
Dc 5 30.3 1 20.8 cot ~0.29 1 0.15 H! (3)
Practice C 702 is considered preferable.
13. Procedure for Fine Aggregate Dc = durability index,
13.1 Conduct a sand equivalent test in accordance with Test H = height of sediment, in., and the quantity (0.29 + 0.15
Method D 2419, except use a mechanical shaker to continu- H) is in radians.
ously shake the cylinder and contents for 600 6 15 s. 16.2 Solutions of Eq 3 are given in Table 1.
D 3744 – 03
TABLE 1 Durability Index of Coarse Aggregate
D 3744 – 03
Difference Two-Sigma
21. Precision and Bias Durability Index Standard Deviation
21.1 Criteria for judging the acceptability of the durability Coarse Aggregate:B
index values determined by this test method are very limited. Single-Operator Precision:
60 3.58 10.1
The data that are tabulated herein were developed by one state 65 3.07 8.7
agency in the western United States on materials common to 70 2.56 7.2
that geographical area. The criteria were established by per- 75 2.04 5.8
80 1.53 4.3
forming 48 individual tests on each of six different aggregates, 85 1.01 2.9
two of which were coarse aggregates and four of which were Multilaboratory Precision:
fine aggregates. Two tests by two operators in twelve labora- 60 4.35 12.3
65 3.72 10.5
tories were performed on each material. 70 3.10 8.8
21.2 An indication of the precision of this test method is 75 2.47 7.0
presented in Table 2. The single-operator standard deviation 80 1.85 5.2
85 1.22 3.5
and the multilaboratory standard deviation for both the dura- Fine Aggregate:C
bility index of coarse aggregate (Dc) and the durability index of Single-Operator Precision:
fine aggregate (Df) increases as the index decreases. 50 2.40 6.8
55 2.24 6.3
21.3 The maximum single-operator standard deviation has 60 2.08 5.9
been found to be 3.58. Therefore, the results of two properly 65 1.92 5.4
conducted tests by the same operator on the same material are 70 1.76 5.0
75 1.61 4.5
not expected to differ by more than 10.1. Multilaboratory Precision:
21.4 The maximum multilaboratory standard deviation has 50 5.11 14.4
been found to be 5.11. Therefore, the results of two properly 55 4.77 13.5
60 4.43 12.5
conducted tests from two different laboratories on samples of 65 4.10 11.6
the same aggregate are not expected to differ by more than 70 3.76 10.6
14.4. 75 3.42 9.7
21.5 Bias—No information is presented on the bias of the Preliminary analyses of data from California Transportation Laboratory study
“Precision of Selected Aggregate Test Methods,” 48 individual tests per material, 2
procedure in this test method for measuring the durability tests by 2 operators in 12 laboratories.
index, because no material having an accepted reference value B
Data for two materials.
is available. Data for four materials.
22. Keywords
22.1 aggregate degradation; aggregate durability
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