NFC Iet Prospectus 2022
NFC Iet Prospectus 2022
NFC Iet Prospectus 2022
1. General
History of IET ................................................................................................................................ 8
Academic Programms ................................................................................................................. 11
Facili es and Services ................................................................................................................. 14
Compu ng and Internet Facili es ............................................................................................... 15
Libraries ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Student Accommoda on ............................................................................................................ 16
Vice Chancellor Secretariat ......................................................................................................... 16
Guest House ............................................................................................................................... 16
Sports .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Laboratories ................................................................................................................................ 16
Mosque ....................................................................................................................................... 16
FM Transmission .......................................................................................................................... 17
Parking Plaza ............................................................................................................................... 17
Metro Service ............................................................................................................................. 18
Solar Power System .................................................................................................................... 18
BS Mathema cs ....................................................................................................................... 120
BS Chemistry ............................................................................................................................ 121
BS Physics ................................................................................................................................. 124
BS Nursing ................................................................................................................................ 128
3. Allied Offices
Registrar Office ........................................................................................................................ 132
Students’ Affairs ...................................................................................................................... 133
Industrial Liaison Commi ee .................................................................................................. 135
Treasurer Office ...................................................................................................................... 137
- Dues & Fee Structure ......................................................................................................... 138
Commercial Department ........................................................................................................ 139
Sports Commi ee ................................................................................................................... 139
Document & IT Sec on ........................................................................................................ 140
Controller Office ...................................................................................................................... 141
- Rules & Regula ons ............................................................................................................ 142
- Students Conduct & Discipline ........................................................................................... 144
4. Admission Rules & Fee
Admission Commi ee ............................................................................................................. 146
- Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................ 147
- Relevant Discipline of DAEs for Admission ......................................................................... 147
- Determina on of Merit ...................................................................................................... 150
- Entry Test ........................................................................................................................... 150
- Seat Break-up ..................................................................................................................... 151
- Calendar of Ac vi es ......................................................................................................... 154
- Terms & Condi ons ............................................................................................................ 154
- Refund Policy ...................................................................................................................... 154
- Academic Schedule ............................................................................................................. 154
- Check List of Documents to be a ached with Applica on Form ........................................ 155
At NFC IET Multan, we have world-class foreign qualified faculty members who are deeply
connected to their students in order to provide them with the best educa on possible,
transfer research skills, and impart life-long skills that will prepare them to become future
leaders and innovators in their fields.
While NFC IET Multan began as a technology ins tute, we have grown into a Federal degree-
gran ng ins tute that not only focuses on engineering, technology, and sciences but also
provides cu ng-edge degree programmes that our country requires. We strive to provide
our students with the flexibility, originality, and professional integrity they require to break
free from tradi onal academic silos and grow naturally at NFC IET Multan.
I am once again delighted to greet you as you embark on your journey into the future, and I
look forward to nurturing young future leaders for our great country.
Engr. Prof. Dr. Akhtar Ali Malik (061) 9220044 Prof. Dr. Tahir Imran Qureshi Ext: 2288
Vice Chancellor 0300-6334429
Head, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering
Engr. Dr. Muhammad Zulkarnain Abbas Ext: 2422
Engr. Nasrullah Khan Babar (061) 9220012-16 0300-6982225
Ext: 4444 Head, Deptt. of Civil Engineering
Engr. Emran Qureshi Ext: 2257
Muhammad Maghfoor Anwar Ext: 5555 0333-6079919
Head, Deptt. of Petroleum & Gas Engineering
Controller of Examinations Engr. Dr. Mian Umar Shafiq Ext: 2342
Engr. Rasool Ahmad Ext: 2249
Head, Deptt. of Computer Science
- History of IET
- Academic Programmes
- Academic Setup
NFC-IET was established in 1985 to meet the Engineering discipline. Since then, IET never looked
technological training needs of produc on units of back and grew with every passing year. In 2001, two
Na onal Fer lizer Corpora on of Pakistan in liaison new disciplines Electronic Engineering and
with the industrial units of NFC with the Computer Systems Engineering were added. A four
collabora on of COSMO, Japan. Ini ally it trained year B.S. Programme in Computer Science was
managers, engineers, supervisors, operators and introduced in 2008. The ins tu on started a four
technicians through mul -dimensional programmes year BS programme in Environmental Science in
a uned to fer lizer and chemical process industry. 2011.
The genesis of the Ins tute can be traced back to the
early 90’s when Dr. Saeed Ahmad Khan (late) In 2012, NFC-IET was awarded the charter of Federal
emerged the idea that a centre of excellence in Degree awarding Ins tute and Prof. Dr. Malik Akhtar
engineering and technology ought to be established Ali Kalrou was appointed as its first Vice Chancellor.
in this region since there was no engineering Under the dynamic leadership of Prof. Dr. Malik
ins tute from Lahore to Nawabshah, Sindh and the Akhtar Ali Kalrou, NFC-IET is galloping at a rapid pace
students hailing from these areas had to face huge and launching new programmes like Mechanical
difficul es to get admission in engineering Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture Design,
universi es as well as to pursue their educa on. The BBA in 2013 and BS Engineering Technologies, in
ac vi es of the ins tute were diversified in 1994 in 2014 and B.Sc. Petroleum & Gas Engineering in
line with the educa on policy of Government of 2015. The Ins tu on has started Environmental
Pakistan and it was upgraded to the first dedicated Engineering and Energy System Engineering in 2017
engineering ins tute in Southern Punjab with and MS Programmes in Electrical Engineering &
engineering degree programmes offered in Chemical Engineering in 2016, and MS Computer
affilia on with Bahauddin Zakariya University, Science in 2017. In 2020, 4 new programmes
Multan. The under-graduate Engineering launched included two post graduate programmes.
programme in NFC-IET was introduced in 1994 when
a batch of 40 students was admi ed in Chemical All our Engineering programmes have been
accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council, the apex knowledge, skills and a tude. We also believe in
body to regulate engineering educa on in the the harmony of academic and personal growth. Our
country. Over the years, the ins tute has produced socie es have been vidily playing their role in
more than 2800 bright, innova ve graduates providing the students with various opportuni es to
employed at some of the most respectable firms all indulge in their aesthe c interests and experience
over the world. We are proud that our graduates are working in a professional environment. Moreover,
not only strengthening the economy of Pakistan but these socie es ins l in their members the priceless
also earning great respect for the ins tute. The quali es of teamwork and leadership.
prac cal engineering educa on facili es which are
available in the Ins tute, Miniature Plant provide Vision:
added benefits to students in learning actual plant
opera on, process control and plant op miza on. “Achieving highest academic ranking at
These facili es are in no parallel with other Na onal level while maintaining self-
engineering ins tu ons/ universi es of Pakistan. sustainability of the Ins tute.”
Another achievement of our ins tute in the field of
engineering and technology is the establishment of Mission:
Coal Research Centre which is a state of the art lab.
The Coal Research Centre, established at a cost of “To pursue incorpora on of acknowledged
Rs.80 Million, caters for coal gasifica on and
academic evalua on standards in all strategic
combus on.
planning and policies of the Ins tute as well as
Solar Power Plant (to be included one paragraph) safeguarding and efficient management of
financial resources of the Ins tute.”
In today’s compe ve marketplace, NFC-IET is not
only envisaged to grow as a modern centre of Goals:
excellence in engineering and technology but also
take heed in provided its students with industrial and Ø To produce graduates of market demand
science exposure since we strongly believe that and social competence.
science and engineering linkage between academic
Ø Sustenance of Ins tute’s employees
ins tu ons, industry and elsewhere plays a cri cal
role in raising our standard of living, quality of
Ø Promo on of individual faculty research
educa on, crea ng jobs and improving right
the Ins tute. Stretched over a land of 320 canals, 18. LLB
NFC-IET is housed in a number of buildings having 19. BS Criminology
graceful exterior and elegant interiors with all the 20. BS Mathema c
necessary ameni es for its users. The loca on of the 21. BS Chemistry
Ins tute offers many advantages. Perhaps the most 22. BS Physics
23. BS Nursing
important advantage is the invaluable opportuni es
it offers for establishing an interac on between The Ins tute offers following postgraduate
industry and ins tute. programmes;
team member, or year in school, will have a clear themselves, by checking to see what outcomes they
understanding of what needs to be accomplished in have in common, and find places where they may need
each class, or at each level, allowing students to improvement, based on the achievement of outcomes
progress. Those designing and planning the at other ins tu ons. The ability to compare easily
curriculum are expected to work backwards once an across ins tu ons allows students to move between
outcome has been decided upon; they must determine ins tu ons with rela ve ease. The ins tu ons can
what knowledge and skills will be required to reach the compare outcomes to determine what credits to award
outcome. the student. The clearly ar culated outcomes should
allow ins tu ons to assess the student’s achievements
Flexibility rapidly, leading to increased movement of students.
With a clear sense of what needs to be accomplished, These outcomes also work for school to work
instructors will be able to structure their lessons transi ons. A poten al employer can look at records of
around the student’s needs. OBE does not specify a the poten al employees to determine what outcomes
specific method of instruc on, leaving instructors free they have achieved. They can then determine if the
to teach their students using any method. Instructors poten al employee has the skills necessary for the job.
will also be able to recognize diversity among students
by using various teaching and assessment techniques Involvement
during their class. OBE is meant to be a student- Student involvement in the classroom is a key part of
centered learning model. Teachers are meant to guide OBE. Students are expected to do their own learning,
and help the students understand the material in any so that they gain a full understanding of the material.
way necessary, study guides, and group work are some Increased student involvement allows students to feel
of the methods instructors can use to facilitate responsible for their own learning, and they should
students learning. learn more through this individual learning. Other
aspects of involvement are parental and community,
Comparison through developing curriculum, or making changes to
OBE can be compared across different ins tu ons. On it. OBE outcomes are meant to be decided upon within
an individual level, ins tu ons can look at what a school system, or at a local level. Parents and
outcomes a student has achieved to decide what level community members are asked to given input in order
the student would be at within a new ins tu on. On an to uphold the standards of educa on within a
ins tu onal level, ins tu ons can compare community.
Students’ Accommoda on
Guest House
FM Radio
The Ins tute is spread over 40 acres of land. NFC IET different Lab Computers, there are 70 Core-i5
include Dr. Akhtar Ali Kalrou Block, Old & new computers in Labs for the purpose of compu ng and
Chemical Engineering Blocks, Mechanical internet facility, in par cular Computer Science
Engineering Block, Civil Engineering Block, Bio- Department has five state of the art computer labs
Medical Block, Architecture Block and Electrical and computer equipped class rooms.
Engineering Block. In addi on, the Ins tute has a
Vice Chancellor Secretariat, Training Block and Libraries
Central Workshop in the Academic premises. These At present, we have three libraries. One of the
buildings, apart from the class rooms and labs, libraries of the Ins tute is situated in Electrical
include three libraries - one each for Chemical Engineering Block. The main hall is well furnished,
Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Basic Sciences, air-condi oned and has independent study cabins.
three Seminar Halls and six Commi ee Rooms. The It has textbooks, reference books, Science &
Ins tute is housed in a number of buildings, which Engineering Encyclopedias, Training Manuals,
have a graceful exterior and an elegant interior with Technical Literature, Magazine and journals to meet
all the necessary ameni es and conveniences for its the needs of the faculty and students. The library at
users. The academic blocks have fully furnished, air- the moment has over twenty five thousand books
condi oned class rooms, lecture theaters, which are under use for study, training and research
laboratories equipped with latest equipment and purpose. In addi on, latest and contemporary
Instruments, Workshop, Faculty Rooms, Seminar issues of interna onal journals and magazines of the
Halls, Commi ee Rooms and a Library. relevant disciplines are also available for the
pursuance of research ac vi es.
Compu ng & Internet Facili es
The Ins tute has high speed network setup for the The library has access to on-line digital library
faculty members and students who have an easy through HEC’s PERN System, which is the flagship
access to the internet services like web surfing, file program of HEC. The Audio-Visual sec on of the
transfer, chat and e-mail. The computer and library has over one hundred videocasse es on
S i m u l a o n L a b s o f C h e m i ca l E n g i n e e r i n g diverse topics like opera on of different machines,
Department have 70 computers while in the pumps, compressors etc. maintenance of these
Electrical Engineering Department, in addi on to machines and other technical and general
engineering issues. A separate library for Chemical accommodate guests for their short stay at the
Engineering students has been created in the old campus. It is lavishly furnished, has ten bed rooms
Chemical Engineering Block and for Civil and is currently used for visitors stay as well as to
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, serve external examiners.
& Environmental Engineering programmes, a library
is established in Dr. Akhtar Ali Kalrou Block. These Sports
libraries have similar facili es as that of Electrical Extensive indoor and outdoor sports facili es are
Engineering Block. available within and around the Ins tute. A
Gymnasium, Badminton courts and a football
Students' Accommoda on ground/cricket field are available in the Ins tute.
Two boys' hostels were constructed in 2007 and Construc on of new sports complex, having Basket
2015 having a capacity of 440 students each. The ball, Lawn Tennis, Squash Courts and a Swimming
hostels are fully equipped with all residen al and pool, will start soon.
sports facili es required for male students. The
hostel mess serves quality food at approved rates Laboratories
and the canteen offers break-fast, snacks, The Ins tute has a number of laboratories having
refreshments and remains open ll late night. latest equipment and a state of the art miniature
plant. Fi een new laboratories have been added to
Girls' Accommoda on the laboratory facili es of the Ins tute to cater the
The girls' hostel can accommodate about 100 female needs of the engineering students. These lab
students. The hostel is fully equipped with all facili es meet the interna onal standards and are
residen al and sports facili es required for female highly ranked among the ins tu ons offering degree
students. In addi on to furnished kitchen, mess in engineering disciplines. Construc on work for the
facility is also available on membership basis. upgrada on of exis ng labs and addi on of new
ones is underway. The labs will not only be u lized at
Vice Chancellor Secretariat under-graduate level but also at post-graduate level
The Vice Chancellor Secretariat of the ins tute for research and studies. Detailed list of the Labs
includes offices of the Vice Chancellor, Registrar, with major equipment is given on subsequent pages.
Controller of Examina ons, Admission,
Administra on, Finance and other allied offices. Mosque
A mosque has been constructed near the boys'
Guest House hostels to facilitate the students to offer their regular
The first building which was constructed right at the prayers.
incep on of the Ins tute was the Guest house to
Engr. Dr. Sadiq Hussain
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Chem. Engg.)
M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)
B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.), P.E.
30 years’ experience in chemical
industry, research & academia
Head Chemical Engineering Department
Engr. Nadeem Hassan Engr. Mujtaba Ashraf Engr. Dr. Sana Saeed
M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) Ph.D. (in progress) Ph.D. (Chem. Engg.)
B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) P.E. M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)
27 years’ experience in chemical B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.), P.E. B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)
industry & academia 15 years’ experience in chemical 14 years’ experience in
industry, research & academia research & academia
Engr. Hidayatullah Mahar Engr. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Engr. Imran Iqbal
Ph.D. (In progress) Ph.D. (Chem. Engg.) South Korea Ph.D. (In Progress)
M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) South Korea M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)
B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)
11 years experience in chemical 09 years’ experience in research 17 years’ experience in research
industry, research & academia & academia & academia
Chemical Engineering
Engr. Shazia Naz Engr. Dr Maham Hussain Engr. Dr. Saad Saeed
Ph.D. (In Progress) Ph.D. (Chem. Engg.) Malaysia Ph.D. (Chem. Engg.)
M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) M.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)
B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.) B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)\ B.Sc. (Chem. Engg.)
14 years’ experience in research 14 years’ experience in research 12 years’ experience in research
& academia. & academia & academia
Chemical Engineering (PEC). As Pakistan has been listed in the Washington
Chemical Engineering focuses on the applica on of Accord Interna onal Accredita on Agreement, the
engineering principles to industrial processing plant Bachelor of Engineering degree graduates of
design, construc on, and opera on. In any industrial NFC(IET) are accredited under Outcome-based
processing plant, such as those dealing with educa on (OBE). Outcome-based educa on (OBE) is
petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceu cals, an educa onal theory that bases each part of an
semiconductors, food processing and other related educa onal system around goals (outcomes).
industries, a chemical engineer typically works. The Pakistan has been declared as "Full Signatory" of the
job includes monitoring the opera on and Washington Accord. The Department of Chemical
maintenance of the plant, troubleshoo ng process- Engineering has adopted Outcome Based Educa on
related opera onal problems, and undertaking plant (OBE). Presently, there are 20 full and 8 provisional
modifica on work for process operability and safety. signatory members making up Washington Accord.
The Bachelor of Chemical Engineering program
emphasizes the need for a strong founda on in Mission
Mathema cs, Physics and Chemistry, followed by a The mission of the department of chemical
thorough coverage of basic engineering courses engineering at NFC IET Multan is to produce
such as Fluid Mechanics, Mass & Heat Transfer and professional engineers for industry, academia and
Thermodynamics. During the later years of study, social sector having strong moral and ethical
students are introduced to Unit Processes, Reac on character, provide leadership skills and inculcate
Engineering, Environment & Safety, Process Control concept and ability to solve industrial problems of
and Process Design. In addi on to the above, at the today and the future.
end of their studies, a student will have the
opportunity to take special subjects in one of the Employability
promising areas of interest. Chemical engineers are The discipline 'chemical engineering' is o en used to
mainly concerned with developing, opera ng, and describe a broad area of engineering. Chemical
maintaining processing systems to turn and upgrade engineers are called universal engineers since they
raw materials into goods that are more socially are involved in construc ng, designing, and
useful and valuable. In the design and opera on of managing chemical processing plants all over the
such facili es, two different considera ons are world. Chemical engineers have a great demand in
typically paramount: the need to minimize both strategic sector as well as bright opportuni es for
costs, and environmental effects. Our programme is higher educa on in advanced countries. The
accredited by the Pakistan Engineering Council
Chemical Engineering
prominent sectors employing chemical engineers t Involve industrial personnel for curriculum
include: development
t Fer lizer industry t Organize visits for ins tute-industry rela onship
t Oil & gas sector t Arrange internship for students every year
t Petroleum refining & Petrochemical sectors t Link ins tute academic staff to industry for
t Synthe c & polymer sector collabora on research and consultancy work
t Cement industry t Obtain opportuni es in industry for prac cal
t Paper & pulp industry experience for NFC-IET students to carry out
t Energy sector their final year project thesis
t Tex le industry t Establish partnership with community based
t Ceramics industry projects and organiza on
t Glass industry t Solve funded industrial-based problems
t Pharmaceu cal industry
t Sugar industry Memorandums of understanding have been signed
t Chemical industry with several industrial and organiza onal en es, to
t Mineral processing offer the technical exper se of the department for
t Food & beverages industry techno-economic growth of industry and social
t Research & development sector. Some of these include,
t Plant design & manufacturing Ÿ Century Paper and Board Mills Limited
t Steel mill industry Ÿ Velosi Interna onal
t Water treatment opera ons Ÿ Water Engineering and Management
t Safety & environment opera ons Services (WEMS)
Ÿ Chemical Kine cs
The Chemical Engineering program at NFC IET equip Ÿ Multan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
the graduates with the technical skillset and cri cal Ÿ BinRasheed Group
thinking that enable them to adapt and succeed in Ÿ Khawaja Mineral Industries
any professional challenge, by iden fying and Ÿ Na onal Cleaner Produc on Center
solving bo lenecks. Ÿ Na onal Produc vity Organiza on
Ÿ Volka Foods Interna onal
Industrial Advisory Board (IAB):
IAB has been established in the chemical Departmental Quality Assurance Commi ee (QAC)
department to achieve the following objec ves: The role of QAC is to provide a comprehensive
t Link the Ins tute to industry for benefit through strategy and planning to ensure, maintain and
memorandum of understanding/agreement implement quality standards in the department. It
t Obtain support from industry for ins tute will make sure that Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)
program and projects is prepared and submi ed to Head of Department
Office for con nuous improvement in quality. The
commi ee will be responsible for defining criteria,
standards and quality monitoring procedures as per
HEC guidelines.
Chemical Engineering
interests and learn about ac vi es. With the slogan our students for blood dona on; and to connect
Touch the sky we give the way; our literary society is needy with volunteer blood donors.
doing a good job for providing be er skills to the
students. Faculty Development
The faculty at the Department of Chemical
Chemical Department Drama c Society (CDDS): Engineering is a blend of qualified professionals rich
CDDS was formed to enhance confidence in the in teaching, training, research, and industrial
upcoming chemical engineers by providing them experience. The faculty comprises of Ph.D. and M.Sc.
with a pla orm to showcase their talent. The society Engineering qualified personnel with vast industrial
has been successful in carrying out events like and engineering design experience.
NFEST, funfair, and Voice of IET etc. in a short me.
With enthusias c team and enthralling ideas, CDDS As a firm believer on the significance of con nuous
shall con nue to achieve its objec ves in the future improvement, Department of Chemical Engineering
as well. has always encouraged the faculty members to
achieve professional and academic milestones. In
Chemical Department Blood Dona on Society the year 2021, two faculty members of the
(CDBDS): Department, Engr. Dr. Sana Saeed and Engr. Dr. Saad
Chemical Department Blood Dona on Society Saeed completed their PhDs from the University of
(CDBDS) NFC IET was established in 2019 under the
supervision of Engr. Dr. Sadiq Hussain, HoD of
Chemical Engineering Department. CDBDS-NFC IET
has a team of highly mo vated faculty members and
students, who maintain a complete database of
blood donors that include volunteers from students
and faculty/staff. This society helps in securing
mely blood dona ons in emergencies as well as in
rou ne requirements. The objec ves of the society
are: to create awareness of dona ng blood and
conduc ng health awareness programs; to mo vate
students to donate blood; to develop a database of
the Punjab, Lahore. They conducted their research in more than three decades of experience, he is
the Coal Research Center within the ins tute and considered a true veteran with remarkable
were able to publish six scien fic research papers in contribu ons to the Ins tute since its incep on. He
high impact factor journals. is working as emeritus at the Department of
C h e m i ca l E n g i n e e r i n g . H e w i l l a l ways b e
Tribute to the Legendary Academicians: remembered and admired for the rich legacy he has
In August 2021, Department of Chemical created over his career.
Engineering was saddened by the un mely demise
of Engr. Dr. Kanwar Saleem Akhtar (B.E., MBA, P.E.). Chemical Engineering Laboratories:
He had an experience of more than two and a half t Par culate Technology Lab
decade in industry and engineering academia. He t Physics Lab
served as Head of Department of Chemical t Chemical Lab
Engineering over at NFC IEFR Faisalabad and NFC IET t Fluid Flow Lab
Multan, as well as the Head of Department of t Fuels & Combus on Lab
Business Administra on at NFC IET Multan. An t Instrumenta on & Process Control Lab
eminent professional engineer, he was awarded t Miniature Plant
posthumously with PhD Chemical Engineering from t Heat & Mass Transfer Lab
University of the Punjab, Lahore. t Thermodynamics Lab
t CPT/Unit Process Lab
t Chemical Reac on Engineering Lab
t Engineering Workshop
t Computer Lab
t Mass Transfer Lab
t Chemical Engineering Plant Design &
Simula on Lab
Engr. Dr. Kanwar Saleem Akhtar Engr. Muhammad Arshad
Coal Research Center
NFC IET has established a Coal Research Center with
In 2021, Engr. Muhammad Arshad (B.E., P.E.) re red the financial assistance of Ministry of Science &
with honors as Assistant Professor from Department Technology (MOST) Govt. of Pakistan by spending
of Chemical Engineering, NFC IET, Multan. With Rs.67.34 million.
Chemical Engineering
The objec ves of this project are to carry out Commission and Pakistan Engineering Council. The
Research Work on Coal Combus on, Coal courses have been designed in consulta on with
Gasifica on and Beneficia on. State-of-the-art the representa ves of academic ins tu ons of Pakistan,
Coal Research Center is equipped with analy cal and representa ves of Chemical industry all over the
experimental research rig facili es. The Research country and needs of foreign Universi es offering
Center is currently providing research support for higher degrees in Chemical Engineering. Therefore,
energy and environmental research programs. In graduates of this department have been accepted
addi on to performing proximate and ul mate for higher studies by universi es all over the world.
analysis, it provides a wide variety of tes ng.
Calorific value of fuel, flue gas analysis, grindability
index of coal, sieve analysis, size reduc on, ash
fusion temperature, analysis of refinery Gas/Natural
Gas/Coal/Biomass Gases and Element Analysis of
Drinking Water.
The Curriculum
Syllabi & Courses of reading in Chemical Engineering
are as per the latest guidelines of Higher Educa on
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HM-101 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2+0 HM-103 Communication Skills 0+1
HM-102 Functional English 3+0 HM-104 Pakistan Studies 1+0
NS-101 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3+0 NS-103 Applied Physics 3+1
NS-102 Inorganic & Organic Chemistry 3+1 NS-104 Applied Mathematics 3+0
ID-101 Engineering Drawing 0+1 NS-105 Physical & Analytical Chemistry 3+1
ChE-101 Chemical Process Calculations-I (CPC-I) 3+0 ChE-102 Chemical Process Technology 3+1
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HM-201 Social Sciences* 2+0 ID-203 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 0+1
ID-201 Workshop Practices 0+1 ID-204 Applied Electrical Engineering 2+1
ID-202 Engineering Mechanics 2+0 ID-205 Process Safety Management 2+0
CS-201 Computer Programming 1+1 ChE-204 Fluid Mechanics-II 2+0
ChE-201 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I 3+1 ChE-205 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-II 2+0
ChE-202 Fluid Mechanics-I 3+1 ChE-206 Particulate Technology 3+1
ChE-203 Chemical Process Principles-II 2+0 ChE-207 Chemical Engineering Mathematics 3+0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
NS-301 Probability and Statistics 2+0 HM-301 Chemical Engineering Economics 2+0
ID-301 Engineering Materials 2+0 HM-302 Technical Report Writing & Presentation Skills 2+0
CS-301 Numerical Methods & Software Applications 2+1 ChE-304 Instrumentation & Process Control 3+1
ChE-301 Fuel & Energy 3+1 ChE-305 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3+1
ChE-302 Mass Transfer 2+1 ChE-306 Separation Process-I 2+1
ChE-303 Heat Transfer 3+1 ChE-307 Transport Phenomena 3+0
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
Mgt-401 Industrial Management 2+0 Mgt-402 Entrepreneurship 2+0
ChE-401 Separation Process-II 2+1 ID-401 Maintenance & Utility Engineering 2+0
ChE-402 Chemical Plant Design 3+0 CS-401 Process Design & Simulation 2+1
ChE-403 Process Analysis and Optimization 3+0 ChE-405 Design Project-II 0+3
ChE-404 Design Project-I 0+3 Elective-II 3+0
Elective-II 3+0 Elective-III 3+0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 16
Electrical Engineering
Dr. Syed Safdar Raza Engr. Abdul Rauf Khan Engr. Abid Hussain Chohan
Ph.D. Power Systems ME (Telecom) MSc (Telecom Engg)
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering BSc (Computer Systems Engg) BSc (Electrical Engg)
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering PE PE
12-years experience in industry 28-years experience in teaching, 33-years experience in telecom
and teaching research and industry industry and teaching
Engr. Muhammad Nawaz Joiya Engr. Makhdoom M Naeem Dr. Abdul Mannan
MSc (Telecom Engg) MS (Communication & Networks) PhD (Electrical Engg.) in progress
BSc (Electrical Engg) BE (Computer Systems Engg) MSc (Electrical Engg)
PE PE BSc (Electrical Engg)
35-years experience in telecom 26-years experience in industry PE
industry and teaching and teaching 20-years experience in research, industry and teaching
Engr. Serosh Karim Noon Engr. Tehreem Awan Engr. Mujahid Hussain
Msc (Electrical Engg), Msc (Electrical Engg) MS Electrical Engineering
BSc (Electronic Engg) BSc (Electronic Engg) B.Sc. Electrical Engineering (Power)
RE RE Power Systems, Renewable Energy
16-years experience in teaching 9-years experience in teaching 12-years experience in teaching
& research
Electrical Engineering
Engr. Dr. Saqib Ali Engr. Furqan Memon Engr. Ameer Abbas
Ph.D. Electrical (Power) Engg. MSc (Mechatronic Engg) ME (Telecom Engg)
M.Sc. Electrical (Power) Engg. BE (Electronics) Bsc (Computer Engg.)
B.Sc. Electronics Engineering RE RE
RE 12-years experience in teaching 16-years experience in teaching
9-years experience in teaching,
industry and research
Engr. Javaria Maqbool Engr. Muhammad Ahsan Javaid Engr. Tahir Mehmood Bhatti
MSc (Electrical Engg), MS (Electrical Engg.) Msc (Electrical Engg), In Progress
BSc (Electrical Engg) B.Sc. (Electronic Engg.) BSc (Electronic Engg)
12-years experience in teaching 6 -years experience in research 10-years experience in teaching
and research and teaching
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
digit indicates the year in which the course is offered, supervisors. students are encouraged to opt
the next digit points out the broad area of the projects in the area of their specializa on. They are
course, and the last, the sequence number of the expected to complete their projects and present
course offered in the same area in the same year. their reports by the end of the 8th semester.
EE Electrical Engineering
Summer Internships
ME Mechanical Engineering
Every student must complete a prac cal training of
HS Humanities
GS General Sciences four to eight weeks during the summer of second or
CS Computer System third professional years and submit a formal wri en
MS Management Sciences report.
PE Power Engineering
Curriculum Components: To fulfil the requirements of the program, the
The major academic components of the department has a number of furnished laboratories
undergraduate degree programme is described which give students an opportunity to have hands on
below: experience on the state of art equipment like field
Programmable Gate Array, Digital Signal Processing
Basic Courses
Courses in Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs and Trainer, Advanced Communica on Trainers,
introductory engineering are common for students Optoelectronics Trainers, Fibre Op c Splicing
of all specializa ons before they move on to the Machines and Satellite Communica on Trainers.
major courses. Laboratories of certain advanced courses meet
industrial/ commercial requirements which enable
Humani es and Management Science Courses our graduates to compete for challenging
Common courses in English language, social sciences employment opportuni es in the country and
and management are required for all students. They abroad just a er gradua on.
are meant to include the student's awareness of
history and culture, to help them cul vate aesthe c Following laboratories of the department are
and moral dimensions of their personali es and to equipped with state of art equipment in sufficient
equip them with interpersonal and managerial skills. quan ty:
Ÿ Power Electronics Lab
Core and Elec ve Courses Ÿ Signal Processing Lab
Students are required to take many core and elec ve Ÿ Electronics Lab
Ÿ Microprocessor & Digital Electronics Lab
courses for their specializa on which are listed in the
Ÿ Computer Lab
curriculum. Ÿ Project Lab
Ÿ Communica on Lab
Interdisciplinary Courses Ÿ General Purpose Computer Lab
Students are required to select some courses offered Ÿ Applied Physics and Electrical Machines Lab
by departments other than Electrical Engineering. Ÿ Instrumenta on & Industrial Electronics Lab
Such courses aim at providing broader base to their Ÿ Computer Network Lab
studies, and widening their knowledge of allied Following Labs are added to further strengthen the
fields, which is mandatory for their areas of department:
Ÿ Power System Protec on Lab
specializa on.
Ÿ Power Transmission & Distribu on Lab
Ÿ Control Lab
Final Year Project
Ÿ ETAP Power Lab
In the final year, students have to take a 6-credit
project. In consulta on with their faculty
Electrical Engineering
PEC Accredita on: developing and strengthening links with the local
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is a legal body industry in order to seek their help in offering useful
meant to accredit engineering programs run by prac cal and industrial skills to our students via regular
seminars and workshops. Moreover, such industrial
various universi es/ins tu ons in the country on
linkages could result in job opportuni es for the
fulfilment of minimum requirement of land, building gradua ng students. Students and faculty members
faculty, curriculum, budget and laboratories etc. are encouraged to conduct projects which are relevant
Right from our first intake in 2001, the department to the current needs of the industry.
got all the batches accredited by PEC which has
helped our students a lot to compete for job The department has established an industrial advisory
opportuni es in public sector and to get enrolled in framework in form of inclusion of professional
e n g i n e e rs w o r k i n g i n v a r i o u s e n g i n e e r i n g
various postgraduate's programs locally and abroad.
organiza ons in IAB of Electrical Engineering. In this
highly experienced engineer from different
Opportuni es for Employment & Higher Studies:
organiza ons which are poten al employers of our
The department has produced more than 800
graduate are members of this IAB. Also, some Alumni
graduates in last six years which are either which are successfully running their career are also
employed, self-employed or enrolled for higher members of the Board.
studies in the country and abroad. Power genera on
& transmission, telecommunica on marke ng & Industrial Feedback for PEOs A ainment
design, instrumenta on & control, teaching at The department of the electrical engineering is striving
hard to develop and strengthen link with the industry
undergraduate level and research & development
in order to get their feedback regarding our graduates
are some of the fields our graduates have excelled in.
working in the industry and improve our program
Organiza ons related to research & development in based on their feedback. For that purpose, an
the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and employer survey form has been developed. The
s o wa re d es ign & d evelo p m ent vis it t h e ques ons have been carefully designed so that
department every year to induct gradua ng feedback is then analyzed to ascertain whether a
students. specific PEO has been a ained or not. The feedback
from employers is planned to gather once a year.
The degree offered by the department has na onal Addi onally, alumni feedback is also gathered in order
to get an assessment regarding their academic
and interna onal acceptability. Many of our
experience at NFC IET. For this purpose, an online
graduates are enrolled in while some of them have alumni feedback form has been developed which
completed their postgraduate studies from reputed covers most of the requirements of PEOs.
public-sector universi es in Punjab, Sindh and
Capital. Moreover, top ranked universi es, in
technologically advanced countries like Canada,
Australia, UK, Germany and South Korea have
accepted our graduates for M.Sc. and PhD degrees
and have awarded postgraduates degrees to many
of them. Our graduates who have completed their
postgraduate studies are employed in reputed
organiza ons related to R&D, services, manu-
facturing, consultancy and teaching both within the
country and abroad.
Electrical Engineering
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HS-211 Pakistan Studies 2+0 MS-221 Engineering Economics & Management 3+0
EE-212 Digital Logic Design 3+1 HS-222 Communication Skills 3+0
EE-213 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1 EE-223 Electronic Devices & Circuits 3+1
CS-214 Data Structure & Algorithm 3+1 CS-224 Microprocessor Based Systems 3+1
NS-215 Differential Equations 3+0 NS-225 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0
Total Credits 14+3 Total Credits 15+2
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CS-311 Data Communication 3+0 CS-321 Computer Comm. Networks 3+1
CS-312 Computer Architecture & Organization 3+0 CS-322 Operating Systems 3+0
CS-313 Object Oriented Programming 2+1 CS-324 Software Engineering 3+1
EE-314 Signals and Systems 3+1 CS-325 Database Management Systems 3+1
NS-315 Probability & Statistics for Engineers 3+0 NS-326 Numerical Analysis 3+0
Total Credits 14+2 Total Credits 15+3
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CS-411 Embedded Systems Design 3+0 CS-421 Artificial Intelligence 3+0
CS-412 Digital Signal Processing 3+1 CS-4** Elective-I 3+1
CS-413 Computer Graphics 3+0 CS-4** Elective-II 3+1
HS-414 Social Science Elective* 3+0 CS-415 Final Year Project-II 0+3
CS-415 Final Year Project-I 0+3
Total Credits 12+4 Total Credits 9+5
CS-422 Relational Database Management Systems 3+1 CS-425 Data Mining 3+1
CS-423 Linear Control Systems 3+1 CS-426 Digital Communication 3+1
CS-424 Digital Image Processing 3+1 CS-427 Parallel & Distributed Processing 3+1
· HS-314 will be electve from Social Science subjects like Psychology, Internaaional Relala ons, Philosophy or
any other course approved by HEC as social science subject.
Total number of Semesters =8
Total number of Courses = 39 Courses + Final Year Project
Total Credit Hours = 133
Electrical Engineering
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HS-211 Pakistan Studies 2+0 MS-221 Engineering Economics & Management 3+0
EE-212 Digital Logic Design 3+1 HS-222 Communication Skills 3+0
EE-213 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1 EE-223 Electronic Devices & Circuits 3+1
CS-214 Data Structure & Algorithm 3+1 CS-224 Microprocessor Based Systems 3+1
NS-215 Differential Equations 3+0 NS-225 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0
Total Credits 14+3 Total Credits 15+2
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
EE-311 Instrumentation and Measurement 3+1 EE-321 Electromagnetic Fields 3+0
EE-312 Electrical Machines 3+1 EE-322 Linear Control Systems 3+1
EE-313 Electronic Circuit Design 3+1 EE-323 VLSI Design 3+1
EE-314 Signals & Systems 3+1 EE-324 Communication Systems 3+1
NS-315 Probability & Statistics for Engineers 3+0 NS-326 Numerical Analysis 3+0
Total Credits 15+4 Total Credits 15+3
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
EE-411 Opto-Electronics 3+1 EE-421 Industrial Electronics 3+1
EE-413 Power Electronics 3+1 EE-4** Elective-I 3+0
HS-414 Social Science Elective* 3+0 EE-4* Elective-II 3+1
EE-415 Final Year Project-I 0+3 EE-415 Final Year Project-II 0+3
Total Credits 9+5 Total Credits 9+5
EE-422 Mobile and Wireless Communication 3+0 EE-425 Solid State Devices 3+1
EE-423 Wave Propagation and Antenna 3+0 EE-426 Digital Control Systems 3+1
EE-424 Introduction to Nano Technology 3+0 EE-427 Digital Electronics 3+1
· HS-314 will be electve from Social Science subjects like Psychology, Internaaional Relala ons, Philosophy or
any other course approved by HEC as social science subject.
Total number of Semesters =8
Total number of Courses = 39 Courses + Final Year Project
Total Credit Hours = 134
Electrical Engineering
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HS-211 Pakistan Studies 2+0 MS-221 Engineering Economics & Management 3+0
EE-212 Digital Logic Design 3+1 HS-222 Communication Skills 3+0
EE-213 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1 EE-223 Electronic Devices & Circuits 3+1
CS-214 Data Structure & Algorithm 3+1 CS-224 Microprocessor Based Systems 3+1
NS-215 Differential Equations 3+0 NS-225 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0
Total Credits 14+3 Total Credits 15+2
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
EE-311 Instrumentation and Measurements 3+1 EE-321 Electromagnetic Fields 3+0
EE-312 Electrical Machines 3+1 EE-322 Linear Control Systems 3+1
EE-313 Power Generation 3+0 EE-323 Power Distribution & Utilization 3+1
EE-314 Signals and Systems 3+1 EE-324 Communication Systems 3+1
NS-315 Probability & Statistics for Engineers 3+0 NS-326 Numerical Analysis 3+0
Total Credits 15+3 Total Credits 15+3
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
PE-411 Electrical Power Transmission 3+1 PE-421 Power System Protection 3+1
PE-412 Power System Analysis 3+1 EE-4** Elective-I 3+0
HS-414 Social Science Elective* 3+0 EE-4* Elective-II 3+1
EE-415 Final Year Project-I 0+3 EE-415 Final Year Project-II 0+3
Total Credits 9+5 Total Credits 9+5
PE-422 Renewable Energy Systems 3+0 PE-425 Advanced Electrical Machine 3+1
PE-423 Power Systems Stability & Control 3+0 PE-426 Digital Control Systems 3+1
PE-424 High Voltage Engineering 3+0 PE-427 PLC and Industrial Drives 3+1
· HS-314 will be electve from Social Science subjects like Psychology, Internaaional Relala ons, Philosophy or
any other course approved by HEC as social science subject.
Total number of Semesters =8
Total number of Courses = 39 Courses + Final Year Project
Total Credit Hours = 133
Engr. Dr. Zulkarnain Abbas
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering)
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering)
B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
7-years’ experience in Research & Teaching
HEC Approved Ph.D. Supervisor
Engr. Muhammad Umais Engr. Mehwish Chishti Engr. Umer Bin Nooman
MS (Mechanical Engineering) MS (Mech. Engg.) In progress MS (Design & Manufacturing Engg.)
BE (Hons) Mech. Engg from UK MS (Project Management) B.Sc. (Mechnical Engg.)
10 years’ experience in Research B.Sc. (Mechanical Engg.) 3 years’ experience in Research
& Teaching 4 years’ experience in Industry, & Teaching Research & Teaching
Engr. Abdul Khaliq Khan Engr. Tayyab Raza Shah Engr. Waqas Ahmad
MS (Mech. Engg.) In progress Ph.D. (In Progress) M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
B.Sc. (Mechanical Engg.) M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
4 years’ experience in Industry B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) 2 years’ experience in Research
& Teaching 2 years’ experience in Research & Teaching & Teaching
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical engineers design other machines inside
Mechanical Engineering is an exci ng/thrilling field buildings, such as elevators and escalators. They also
of Engineering because it encompasses all design material-handling systems, such as conveyor
Engineering aspects of almost everything that systems and automated transfer sta ons.
moves in the universe. Mechanical Engineers are
concerned with the principles at mo on, energy and Like other engineers, mechanical engineers use
force. Generally, a machine converts one form of computers extensively. Mechanical engineers are
energy or movement into another. It is the rou nely responsible for the integra on of sensors,
responsibility of engineers to design machines controllers, and machinery. Computer technology
whose parts and assemblies func on in a safe and helps mechanical engineers create and analyze
reliable, efficient, and predictable fashion. Indeed, designs, run simula ons and test how a machine is
the numerous laws and principles developed by likely to work, interact with connected systems, and
scien sts are the everyday tools of the mechanical generate specifica ons for parts.
engineer. Anything the engineer does that is related
to the mo on and dynamics of heat, gas, air, liquids Mechanical engineers apply scien fic methods to
and solid materials. Smart structures and robo cs the solu on of engineering problems. Mechanical
requires the understanding and applica on of the engineering teaches design, analysis and simula on
underlying basic science. techniques to realize ideas and dreams to improve
life on earth. It also teaches how to create and realize
Mechanical engineering encompasses many next genera on products, systems and
special es. Mechanical engineers analyze problems organiza ons.
to see how mechanical and thermal devices might
help to solve the problems, Design or redesign Department
mechanical and thermal devices or subsystems, NFC-IET's Mechanical Engineering Department
using analysis and computer aided design, which is a new addi on to the upgraded degree
inves gate equipment failures, develop and test awarding ins tute is dedicated to the academic
prototypes of devices they design and oversee the excellence in our course offerings. We intend to
manufacturing process. engage our students in challenging and rewarding
work as soon as they decide to explore Mechanical
Mechanical engineers design power-producing Engineering. The Mechanical Engineering
machines, such as electric generators, internal Department is an ideal environment for students
combus on engines, and steam and gas turbines, as who have proven to be the best and the brightest;
well as power-using machines, such as refrigera on those who are prepared and eager for the challenge.
and air-condi oning systems.
Program equipment, which permits the students to apply his
The Department offers 4 years B.Sc. Mechanical or her theore cal knowledge to test engineering
Engineering program. Its strong and interac ve principles with effec ve test and measuring
curriculum, based on the recommenda ons of HEC techniques. The laboratories are designed to provide
and PEC, and hands on learning will make students hands on experience in basic measurements and
capable of taking their career to the next level, instrumenta on equipment and the applica on of
whether it be in the professional engineering classroom theory. The aim of the laboratory course is
prac ce or in advance study. The Department aim to to conduct experiments in the major areas of
focus on high quality teaching along with integrated MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. The experiments in
laboratory experience. It effec vely connects this laboratory course are tailored towards a specific
teaching of engineering educa on to ac ve research engineering discipline. For this purpose, IET has
in different areas. It provides excellent educa on in established the following labs
the applica on of the tradi onal blend of the core
areas of dynamics, vibra ons, structural analysis, · Engineering Workshop
materials, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and · Engineering Drawing Hall
heat transfer and control theory for the analysis, · Mechanics Lab (Sta cs & Dynamics)
design and manufacturing of a wide variety of · Mechanics of Machines
mechanical system. The students undergo extensive · Mechanics of Materials
course work, project work and laboratory · Refrigera on & Air Condi oning
experience during their studies. · Thermodynamics Lab
· Fluid Mechanics Lab
Mission · Heat& Mass Transfer Lab
To provide Research based educa on that builds
· IC Engine Lab
within students a solid founda on in Mechanical
Engineering Principles having cri cal and crea ve
· Power Plant Lab
thinking, communica on and problem-solving
· Manufacturing Lab
abili es and prepares mo vated graduates
possessing the ability of con nuous social/ · Project Lab
professional growth.
Mechanical Engineering Labs are designed to
supplement the degree program. The department
places utmost importance on laboratory courses,
hence efforts have been made to have the
laboratories equipped with modern state of the art
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MA-101 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3+0 MA-102 Vector & Complex Variables 3+0
WS-101 Workshop Practice 0+2 ME-121 Engineering Dynamics 3+1
IS-101 Islamic Studies 2+0 ME-122 Thermodynamics-I 3+1
HU-101 Functional English 2+0 ME-123 Industrial Materials 2+0
ME-111 Engineering Statics 2+1 ME-124 Engineering Drawing & Graphics 1+1
CS-112 Computer Systems & Programming 2+1 HU-102 Communication Skills 2+0
NS-101 Applied Physics 2+1
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MA-201 Differential Equations 3+0 EE-201 Electrical Engineering 2+1
IS-201 Pakistan Studies 2+0 ME-241 Mechanics of Machines-I 2+1
HU-201 Technical Report Writing 1+1 ME-242 Thermodynamics-II 3+1
ME-231 Mechanics of Materials-I 2+1 ME-243 Fluid Mechanics-II 3+1
ME-232 Manufacturing Processes 2+1 ME-244 Machine Design & CAD-I 2+1
ME-233 Fluid Mechanics-I 3+1
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MA-301 Engineering Statistics 2+0 EE-361 Industrial Electronics 2+1
ME-353 Mechanics of Materials-II 3+1 ME-362 Mechanics of Machines-II 2+1
ME-351 Machine Tools & Machining 2+1 ME-363 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 3+1
ME-352 Machine Design & CAD-II 2+1 ME-364 Metrology & Quality Assurance 3+1
MS-353 Principals Management & Economics 3+0 ME-365 Numerical Methods for Engineers 2+1
ES-354 Environmental Engg. & Pollution Control 2+0 HS-366 Professional Ethics 2+0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 19
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ME-472 Heat & Mass Transfer 3+1 ME-481 Energy Resources & Utilization 2+1
ME-473 IC Engine 3+1 ME-482 Instrumentation & Control 2+1
ME-474 Finite Element Analysis 2+1 MS-483 Power Plants 3+1
ME-475 Mechanical Vibration 3+0 ME-484 Production Management 3+0
ME-499 Project-I 0+3 ME-499 Project-II 0+3
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 16
Engr. Dr. Mansoor Ahmad
Ph.D. Materials Science (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
M.Sc. Environmental Engineering (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
B.Sc. Civil Engineering (UET Lahore)
21 years’ experience in Research, Industry
and Teaching
Engr. Mudassir Abbas Engr. Muhammad Ali Kalroo Engr. M. Nadeem Afzal
MS (Civil Engineering) M.Sc. Structural Engg. (In progress) M.Sc. Structural Engineering (In progress)
B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) B.Sc. (Civil Engineering)
8 years’ experience in Research, 12 years’ experience in Research, 11 years’ experience in Research,
Industry & Teaching Industry & Teaching Industry & Teaching
Introduc on and Overview Outcome-Based Educa on (OBE) System
Civil Engineering stands among the oldest The department adopted the Outcome-Based
engineering disciplines in human history and is Educa on (OBE) system during 2017 as it is
universally recognized as the mother of all significant both for the gradua ng engineers and the
engineering disciplines. It is a broad field that university. Hence, courses were reviewed through
incorporates everything we see around us, built statutory bodies and training for faculty members
using natural or manufactured resources. It widely was arranged.
covers the planning, design, construc on, opera on
and maintenance of buildings, bridges, streets and Further, the seminars for students' awareness of the
highways, railways, airports, industries, and OBE systems were also conducted. As a result, the
infrastructure for water supply, dams, barrages, department completely switched over to the OBE
head-works, sewage, hydraulic structures, irriga on system in fall 2018. The implementa on of this
system and many more. system will provide students with an educa on
compa ble with interna onal standards to compete
The Civil Engineering Department at NFC Ins tute of in the global job market.
Engineering & Technology was established in fall
2013. The B.Sc Civil Engineering program is Mission of Civil Engineering Department
accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). To provide high quality civil engineering and
A er a successful accredita on visit, the 2k17 technology educa on with the help of highly
session is accredited under level-II, substan ally qualified faculty and state-of-the-art laboratories
equivalent to Washington Accord. Accredita on of for the socio-economic development of Pakistan
successive enrolled sessions is under process. especially South Punjab.
Program Educa onal Objec ves (PEOs) 8. Hydrology and Hydraulics Lab
Ø P EO - 1 : Effe c v e ro l e t o w a rd s c i v i l 9. Transporta on Engineering Lab
engineering profession based on technical 10. Computer and I.T. Lab
knowledge and analysis skills 11. Drawing Hall
Ø PEO-2: Capability of inves ga ng, planning,
designing and management of civil
engineering projects through professional
modern tools
Ø PEO-3: Effec ve communica on skills with
ethical values and teamwork to contribute in
mul -disciplinary projects
Ø PEO-4: Passion for con nuous learning in
context of social, environmental and ethical
aspects for the be erment of society
The department has the following well-equipped
laboratories to meet the academic requirements of
students and teachers as well as the professional
needs of the government and private organiza ons:
1. Engineering Mechanics Lab
2. Engineering Surveying Lab
3. Soil Mechanics Lab
4. Concrete & Materials Tes ng Lab
5. Environmental Engineering Lab
6. Structure Engineering Lab
7. Fluid Mechanics Lab
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-111 Civil Engineering Materials 2+1 CE-121 Engineering Surveying 2+1
CE-112 Engineering Drawing 1+2 CE-122 Computer Programming 1+1
CEID-113 Basic Electro-Mechanical Engineering 2+1 CENS-123 Engineering Mechanics 3+1
CENS-114 Applied Calculus 3+0 CENS-124 Applied Differential Equations 3+0
CEHU-115 Functional English 2+0 CENS-125 Engineering Geology 2+0
CEHU-116 Pakistan Studies 2+0 CEHU-126 Islamic Studies/Professional Ethics 2+0
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 16
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-231 Advanced Engineering Surveying 2+1 CE-241 Civil Engineering Drawing & Graphics 1+2
CE-232 Construction Engineering & Practice 2+0 CE-242 Mechanics of Solids-I 2+1
CE-233 Fluid Mechanics 2+1 CE-243 Soil Mechanics 3+1
CENS-234 Numerical Analysis 3+0 CENS-244 Probability & Statistics 3+0
CEHU-235 Organizational Behavior 2+0 CEHU-245 Business Communication 2+0
CEMS-236 Engineering Economics 2+0 CEMS-246 Hazards & Disaster Management 2+0
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-351 Engineering Hydrology 2+1 CE-361 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3+1
CE-352 Structural Analysis-I 3+0 CE-362 Structural Analysis-II 3+0
CE-353 Mechanics of Solids-II 2+1 CE-363 Steel Structures 3+0
CE-354 Geotechnical & Foundation Engineering 3+1 CE-364 Quantity & Cost Estimation 1+2
CEID-355 Architecture & Town Planning 2+0 CENS-365 Geo Informatics 2+1
CEMS-356 Construction Planning & Management 2+1 CEMS-366 Construction Contract Management 2+0
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-471 Hydraulics Engineering 3+1 CE-481 Irrigation Engineering 2+1
CE-472 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 3+1 CE-482 Reinforced Concrete Design-II 3+1
CE-473 Environmental Engineering-I 2+1 CE-483 Environmental Engineering-II 2+1
CE-474 Transportation Engineering-I 3+0 CE-484 Transportation Engineering-II 3+1
CE-475 Repair & Maintenance of Structures 1+0 CEMS-485 Occupational Health & Safety Management 1+0
CEP-498 Civil Engineering Project (Part-A) 0+3 CEP-499 Civil Engineering Project (Part-B) 0+3
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Engr. Dr. Mansoor Ahmad
Ph.D. Materials Science (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
M.Sc. Environmental Engineering (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
B.Sc. Civil Engineering (UET Lahore)
21 years’ experience in Research, Industry
and Teaching
Engr. Mudassir Abbas Engr. Muhammad Ali Kalroo Engr. M. Nadeem Afzal
MS (Civil Engineering) M.Sc. Structural Engg. (In progress) M.Sc. Structural Engineering (In progress)
B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) B.Sc. (Civil Engineering) B.Sc. (Civil Engineering)
8 years’ experience in Research, 12 years’ experience in Research, 11 years’ experience in Research,
Industry & Teaching Industry & Teaching Industry & Teaching
Introduc on and Overview Outcome-Based Educa on (OBE) System
Civil Engineering stands among the oldest The department adopted the Outcome-Based
engineering disciplines in human history and is Educa on (OBE) system during 2017 as it is
universally recognized as the mother of all significant both for the gradua ng engineers and the
engineering disciplines. It is a broad field that university. Hence, courses were reviewed through
incorporates everything we see around us, built statutory bodies and training for faculty members
using natural or manufactured resources. It widely was arranged.
covers the planning, design, construc on, opera on
and maintenance of buildings, bridges, streets and Further, the seminars for students' awareness of the
highways, railways, airports, industries, and OBE systems were also conducted. As a result, the
infrastructure for water supply, dams, barrages, department completely switched over to the OBE
head-works, sewage, hydraulic structures, irriga on system in fall 2018. The implementa on of this
system and many more. system will provide students with an educa on
compa ble with interna onal standards to compete
The Civil Engineering Department at NFC Ins tute of in the global job market.
Engineering & Technology was established in fall
2013. The B.Sc Civil Engineering program is Mission of Civil Engineering Department
accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). To provide high quality civil engineering and
A er a successful accredita on visit, the 2k17 technology educa on with the help of highly
session is accredited under level-II, substan ally qualified faculty and state-of-the-art laboratories
equivalent to Washington Accord. Accredita on of for the socio-economic development of Pakistan
successive enrolled sessions is under process. especially South Punjab.
Program Educa onal Objec ves (PEOs) 8. Hydrology and Hydraulics Lab
Ø P EO - 1 : Effe c v e ro l e t o w a rd s c i v i l 9. Transporta on Engineering Lab
engineering profession based on technical 10. Computer and I.T. Lab
knowledge and analysis skills 11. Drawing Hall
Ø PEO-2: Capability of inves ga ng, planning,
designing and management of civil
engineering projects through professional
modern tools
Ø PEO-3: Effec ve communica on skills with
ethical values and teamwork to contribute in
mul -disciplinary projects
Ø PEO-4: Passion for con nuous learning in
context of social, environmental and ethical
aspects for the be erment of society
The department has the following well-equipped
laboratories to meet the academic requirements of
students and teachers as well as the professional
needs of the government and private organiza ons:
1. Engineering Mechanics Lab
2. Engineering Surveying Lab
3. Soil Mechanics Lab
4. Concrete & Materials Tes ng Lab
5. Environmental Engineering Lab
6. Structure Engineering Lab
7. Fluid Mechanics Lab
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-111 Civil Engineering Materials 2+1 CE-121 Engineering Surveying 2+1
CE-112 Engineering Drawing 1+2 CE-122 Computer Programming 1+1
CEID-113 Basic Electro-Mechanical Engineering 2+1 CENS-123 Engineering Mechanics 3+1
CENS-114 Applied Calculus 3+0 CENS-124 Applied Differential Equations 3+0
CEHU-115 Functional English 2+0 CENS-125 Engineering Geology 2+0
CEHU-116 Pakistan Studies 2+0 CEHU-126 Islamic Studies/Professional Ethics 2+0
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 16
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-231 Advanced Engineering Surveying 2+1 CE-241 Civil Engineering Drawing & Graphics 1+2
CE-232 Construction Engineering & Practice 2+0 CE-242 Mechanics of Solids-I 2+1
CE-233 Fluid Mechanics 2+1 CE-243 Soil Mechanics 3+1
CENS-234 Numerical Analysis 3+0 CENS-244 Probability & Statistics 3+0
CEHU-235 Organizational Behavior 2+0 CEHU-245 Business Communication 2+0
CEMS-236 Engineering Economics 2+0 CEMS-246 Hazards & Disaster Management 2+0
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-351 Engineering Hydrology 2+1 CE-361 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3+1
CE-352 Structural Analysis-I 3+0 CE-362 Structural Analysis-II 3+0
CE-353 Mechanics of Solids-II 2+1 CE-363 Steel Structures 3+0
CE-354 Geotechnical & Foundation Engineering 3+1 CE-364 Quantity & Cost Estimation 1+2
CEID-355 Architecture & Town Planning 2+0 CENS-365 Geo Informatics 2+1
CEMS-356 Construction Planning & Management 2+1 CEMS-366 Construction Contract Management 2+0
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CE-471 Hydraulics Engineering 3+1 CE-481 Irrigation Engineering 2+1
CE-472 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 3+1 CE-482 Reinforced Concrete Design-II 3+1
CE-473 Environmental Engineering-I 2+1 CE-483 Environmental Engineering-II 2+1
CE-474 Transportation Engineering-I 3+0 CE-484 Transportation Engineering-II 3+1
CE-475 Repair & Maintenance of Structures 1+0 CEMS-485 Occupational Health & Safety Management 1+0
CEP-498 Civil Engineering Project (Part-A) 0+3 CEP-499 Civil Engineering Project (Part-B) 0+3
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Engr. Momna Khan Engr. Farzain ud Din Kirmani Engr. Adeem Abbas
M.Sc. (Petroleum & Gas Engg.) M.Sc. (Energy & Environmental Engg.) M.Sc, (Petroleum & Engg.)
B.Sc. (Petroleum & Gas Engg.) B.Sc. (Petroleum & Gas Engg.) B.Sc. (Petroleum & Gas Engg.)
1 year of experience in Industry 3 years’ of experience in Industry 2 years’ of experience in Industry
& Teaching & Teaching & Teaching
Introduc on traveled professionals in the world.
A key source of energy is oil and natural gas. The · Excellent teaching staff, many with extensive
efficient recovery of these resources requires academic and industrial experience and
Petroleum Engineers with a sound knowledge of strong links with the na onal industries and
fundamentals and the latest technological interna onal ins tutes.
developments relevant to this field. Upstream
petroleum engineers are always in demand. Career Opportuni es
Petroleum Engineering involves the produc on of oil Petroleum Engineer as a qualified petroleum
and gas (hydrocarbons) from subsurface reservoirs engineer you will be well rewarded financially in one
which requires engineering to bring it to the surface, of the highest-paid engineering jobs, enjoy extensive
es mate its value and extract it, in other words, travel opportuni es, and, as one of the most
finding oil and gas, drilling, and producing it. The technically challenging jobs, benefit from being part
mission of Petroleum Engineering educa on is to of a pres gious worldwide community of
produce graduates who can not only sa sfy the professionals. Petroleum engineers have a great
current needs of the country's petroleum industry demand at the na onal and interna onal level Oil &
but are also able to develop technologies Gas Companies. The prominent sectors/companies
indigenously. Preparing effec ve and efficient where petroleum engineers can get employment
professionals through research and developing the includes:
methods to u lize all the available natural resources · Oil and Gas Services Companies
to fulfill the energy needs of Pakistan in the coming · Oil & Gas Explora on and Produc on
years. This will contribute to the socio-economic Companies
development of Pakistan and the region. · Oil and Gas Marke ng Companies
· Oil and Gas Distribu on Companies
Why Petroleum Engineering? · Private Contractors
· Lectures are accompanied by the prac cal · Research and Development
study in fluid and reservoir rock laboratories,
geodynamic lab work, and field trips to both Mission
service company offices and drilling sites. The mission is to produce qualified and well-versed
· Petroleum engineers are among the highest- Petroleum Engineers equipped with fundamental
paid engineers in the world. sciences, able to find viable solu ons, and skills to
· Petroleum engineers are amongst the best- enter execu ve technical posi ons in energy and
public sector industry and organiza ons, R & D Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)
Ins tutes, and academia. IAB has been established in Petroleum and Gas
Department to achieve the following objec ves:
Program Objec ves: · To link the department to the industry.
The program emphasizes building a strong base in · To obtain support from the industry for
the Petroleum Engineering discipline and a detailed final year project supervision.
understanding of core areas with prac cal · To arrange internships for students.
k n ow l e d ge t h at co m p re h e n d s t h e u s e o f · To arrange extension lectures of the
professional so ware and laboratory prac ces. The experts.
program is competent to enhance capabili es for · To solve industrial-based problems with the
higher educa on and to fulfill the requirements of help of funds from industry.
the petroleum industry. It is also oriented towards · To arrange industrial tours for the final year
Outcome-Based Educa on (OBE). The main students.
objec ves are to develop:
I) To produce Petroleum engineers with PEC Accredita on:
comprehensive engineering and scien fic Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) is a legal body
knowledge and technical skills to solve meant to accredit engineering programs run by
complex engineering problems. various universi es and ins tu ons. PEC has a
ii) To develop cri cal thinking in graduates so minimum requirement of land, building, faculty,
that they can iden fy, analyze, solve, and curriculum, and laboratories. Right from the first
design new problems using modern tools intake of 2015, the department got all the batches
and simula on techniques. accredited by PEC.
iii) To develop a sense of responsibility, effec ve
communica on skills, and the ability to work
independently as well in a team.
iv) To develop ethical values, management Buildings:
quali es, and innova ve ideas that can The current buildings and facili es were developed
p ro m o t e s e l f- s u s t a i n a b i l i t y a m o n g with financial assistance (Rs. 67.33 million) from the
graduates to con nue life-long learning to Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
meet future challenges. government of Pakistan. The department has a well-
furnished building constructed by spending about C. Petro-Physics Lab
Rs. 12 million. It caters fully to the requirements of · VINCI Liquid & Gas Permeability Meter
students, faculty, and administra on. · VINCI Gas Porosity Meter
· Ar ficial Core Synthesis apparatus
Laboratories: · Soxhlet Extractor
The Petroleum Engineering Department is well · Oven for Core
· Steady-stage Gas Permeameter
equipped with laboratories and facili es that are
· Dean-Stark Apparatus
very conducive to learning and research, which
· Capillary Pressure Tes ng System
allows students and researchers to integrate the · Resis vity Meter
principles of petroleum engineering. Numerous are D. Drilling Engineering Lab
available to apply and prac ce the principles taught · Digital Viscometer
in tradi onal classwork through our specialized · Mud Filter Press & Mud Balance
laboratories. · Marsh Funnel
· Sand Content Kit
A. Geology Lab · pH Meter
· Mohs hardness tester · Retort Kit
· More than 70 rock samples · Core Cu er and Grinder
· Automa c Planimeter · Consistometer and Mul mixer
· Microscopes E. Reservoir Fluids Lab
· Brunton Compass · Aniline Point Tester
· Subsurface Geological Models · Cloud Point and Pour Point
B. Integrated Research · Flash Point
· Thermo-gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) · Vacuum Desiccator
· Differen al Thermal Analyzer (DTA) · Moisture Analyzer
· CHNS Analyzer · Point Load Compressibility
· Induc ve Coupled Plasma · Open and Close Cup Weighing Balance
· Ash Fusion Tester F. Allied Lab Facili es of Chemical and Civil
· RGA-GC & GC Engineering
· Auto Bomb Calorimeter · Workshop Facili es
· Furnace · Fluid mechanics lab
· Oven · Physics/Mechanics Lab
· Micro Digester · Computer simula on Lab
· Flue Gas Analyzer · Instrumenta on and Control Lab
· Electrical Lab
B.Sc. (Petroleum & Gas Engineering) CURRICULUM
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HU-101 Functional English 2+0 HU-106 Pakistan Studies 2+0
HU-102 Islamic Studies 2+0 GEO-107 Applied Geology 3+1
PET-101 Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering 2+0 CH-108 Applied Chemistry 2+1
PHY-103 Applied Physics 3+1 MA-109 Differential Equations 3+0
MA-104 Calculus 3+0 ME-110 Engineering Drawing 0+2
WS-105 Workshop Practice 0+2 HU-111 Communication Skills 2+1
CS-103 Computer Programming & Software Applications 2+1
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
PG-205 Properties of Reservoir Fluids 3+1 PG-202 Drilling Engineering-I 3+1
PG-203 Petroleum Geology & Geophysical Exploration 3+0 PG-204 Petro-Physics 2+1
MA-215 Complex Variables & Linear Transform 3+0 EE-214 Principles of Electrical Engineering 2+1
CE-216 Fluid Mechanics 2+1 MA-218 Statistics 2+0
HU-217 Technical Writing & Presentation Skills 2+0 CE-220 Mechanics of Materials 2+1
CH-218 Applied Thermodynamics 2+1 HU-222 Social Sciences 2+0
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
PG-306 Drilling Engineering-II 3+0 PG-307 Reservoir Simulation 3+1
PG-308 Reservoir Engineering-I 3+1 PG-309 Petroleum Production Engineering-I 3+0
PG-310 Natural Gas Processing & Pipeline Management 3+1 PG-313 Reservoir Engineering-II 3+1
CS-321 Applied Numerical Methods 2+1 CH- Elective-I 2+1
MAN-323 Environmental & Safety Management 3+0 MAN-324 Project Planning & Management 2+1
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
PG-411 Well Testing 3+1 PG-412 Production Engineering-II 3+1
PG-416 Reservoir Simulation 2+1 OG-415 Principles of Enhanced Oil Recovery 3+1
PG- Elective-II 3+0 PG-417 Petroleum Economics 2+0
PG-419 Field Development Planning-I 3+0 PG-420 Field Development Planning-II 2+1
PG-414 Final Year Project (Phase-I) 0+3 PG-418 Final Year Project (Phase-II) 0+3
Code Course Title Code Course Title
CH-326 Petroleum Refinery Engineering PG-410 Unconventional Reservoirs
CH-325 Instrumentation and Process Control PG-413 Reservoir Geomechanics
Dr. Naeem Aslam
Ph.D., MS (Computer Science)
20 years experience in software development,
teaching and research
Mr. Muhammad Naman Ch. Mr. Zahid Hussain Qaiser Dr. Mudassir Khalil
MS (Computer Science) Ph.D. (In progress) Ph.D. (Computer Science)
18 years’ of experience in Industry 15 years’ experience in Academia 5 years’ of experience in Teaching,
and Teaching and Research Research & Software Development
Dr. Sarah Bukhari Dr. Wasif Akbar Mr. Hassan Mahmood Khan
Ph.D. (Computer Science) Ph.D. (Computer Science) Ph.D. (In progress)
4 years’ of experience in Teaching 5 years’ of experience in Industry MS (Software Engineering)
and Research and Teaching 14 years’ of experience in Teaching and Research
BS Computer Science Program should also provide an excellent founda on
A complete detail of BS Program in Computer Science for further formal learning and training. The graduates
involving Semester Structure and distribu on of are expected to provide environments to put into
credits of Program are discussed in the later por ons of prac ce, the principles and techniques learnt during
the sec on. the course of implementa on of academic Program.
Program Mission · Micro-Tech industry Pvt Ltd.
The mission of bachelor of so ware engineering · Descon Engineering
program is to produce competent, technically sound · So ronicx Pvt Ltd
and socially responsible so ware engineering · Pak Elektron limited
professionals and researchers capable of addressing · Safe-city Project
contemporary and future so ware engineering · Nextbridge
challenges and developing innova ve solu ons · App technologies
through impac ul research. To educate students · So ware Technologies
through highly qualified faculty to have strong · Punjab Informa on Technology Board
theore cal and prac cal exper se, team-work, · MEPCO
leadership quali es, ethical values and
· MUX So Tech
entrepreneurship skills. Establish and maintain state-
· Habib Bank
of-the-art laboratories, latest curriculum and industrial
· Defense Housing Authority
linkages. Prepare graduates to pursue higher studies
· TopEdge Technologies
and undertake research at na onal and global levels.
· Speridian Technologies
1- Department Prospects
The undergrad programs are designed and 3- Program Objec ves :
developed with prospects that the degree The department of computer science missions
holder may have gained many technical and by pursuing the following objec ves:
non-technical skills that are highly valued by · To teach students lifelong learning skills,
employers of the domain, from leadership to which will allow them to successfully
programming. The increasing scope of adapt to evolving technologies
compu ng professionals means the graduates throughout their professional career.
have plenty of choices in a wide range of highly · To prepare students for employment and
specialized areas. These include financial advanced studies.
organiza ons, management consultancy · To teach students effec ve teamwork,
firms, so ware houses, communica on communica on, and interpersonal skills
companies, data warehouse centers, · To con nue to pursue a high level of
mul na onal companies, government research produc vity.
agencies, universi es, hospitals, etc.
2- Liaison of Department with local industry 4- Program Learning Outcomes
Department of Computer Science at NFC-IET Graduates of department are expected to have
owns a large number of shining alumni who the following skills and experiences:
are serving at na onal and interna onal level. Knowledge for Solving Compu ng Problems
Few of the local industries are enlisted below. by applying knowledge of compu ng
fundamentals, compu ng specializa on, write effec ve reports, design documenta on,
mathema cs, science, abstrac on, and make effec ve presenta ons, and give and
conceptualiza on of compu ng models from understand clear instruc ons
defined problems and requirements. Compu ng Professionalism and Society:
Skill for Problem Analysis by making the Understand and assess societal, health, safety,
students learn Iden fying, formula ng, legal, and cultural issues within local and
analyzing research literature, and solve global contexts, and the consequen al
complex compu ng problems reaching responsibili es relevant to professional
substan ated conclusions using fundamental compu ng prac ce
principles of mathema cs, compu ng Ethics: Understand and commit to
sciences, and relevant domain disciplines. professional ethics, responsibili es, and
Design/Development of Solu ons for norms of professional compu ng prac ce
complex compu ng problems, design and Life-long Learning: Recognize the need, and
evaluate systems, components, or processes have the ability, to engage in independent
that meet specified needs with appropriate learning for con nual development as a
considera on for public health and safety compu ng professional
keeping in view cultural, societal, and
environmental considera ons. 5- Dura on of the Program at NFC-IET:
Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, adapt and Bachelors in computer science (BSCS) this
apply appropriate techniques, resources, and four–year degree program equips students
m o d e r n co m p u n g to o l s to co m p l ex with fundamental compu ng knowledge and
compu ng ac vi es, with an understanding of the latest technology.
the limita ons The department of computer science offers a
Individual and Team Work: Func on four years program consis ng of eight
effec vely as an individual and as a member or semesters. The program is designed to meet
leader in diverse teams and mul -disciplinary the growing need for computer science
se ngs experts in the rapidly evolving 21 -century
Communica on: Communicate effec vely economy. This degree includes theory papers
with the compu ng community and with and laboratory prac cals based on the
society at large about complex compu ng mathema cal and theore cal founda on of
ac vi es by being able to comprehend and compu ng.
6- STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, department under the Headship of Dr.
and Maths) and Computer Science: Naeem Aslam. The key features of the
Keeping the essen al skills in view, the seminar were to aware the students
department of CS, at NFC-IET tries its best to about the malware, ransomware a acks,
inculcate the use of modern technology in data privacy, Cyber laws, and high-
students through seminars, conferences, and demand emerging technologies in these
workshops that are conducted to boost up the domains.
problems sharing skills. These are: · e-Rozgaar
· Workshop – Graphic Design(by Mr. Noor In collabora on with Govt. of Punjab and
Khan) PITB a State of the art lab of 100 Computer
The workshop was organized by the Head System is established to train students for
of the Department, Dr. Naeem Aslam. In freelancing and new ways of online
which the resource person conducts two earning. The lab is fully equipped with
different sessions keeping the purpose and high-speed internet and a co-working
assigning of the content. The children from e nv i ro n m e nt . T h e v i s i o n fo r t h i s
'SOS village Multan' and inter-university collabora on among PITB and NFCIET is to
students were catered. They came to know re d u c e u n e m p l oy m e nt a n d d r i ve
about advanced features of Adobe e c o n o m i c g ro w t h i n Pa k i s ta n b y
Photoshop and Adobe Illustrate. increasing the inflow of foreign currency.
· FIA - Cyber Crime Seminar by This project is under the e-Rozgaar
Muhammad Ali Hashmi program of Govt. of Punjab.
A seminar was conducted at NFC-IET One of the major objec ves of this project
under the supervision of Dr. Naeem is to provide training opportuni es to
Aslam. The key features of the seminar youth for self-employment using internet-
were to aware the students and faculty based freelancing. Under the e-Rozgaar
about Cyber Crime, Cyber Laws, and how program, our center has graduated
to keep oneself safe among the latest around 800 students in the recent
emerging social pla orms. sessions that are earning handsome
· Huawei - Cyber Security Seminar by amounts through freelancing. Many
Malik Muhammad Jawad events have been organized for the
A seminar was conducted at the CS awareness of e-Rozgaar and freelancing
opportuni es. The students have earned develop the lifelong skills they used to
online more than 36000 USD during and succeed. Giving students a chance to test their
a er e-Rozgaar training since the start of ac vi es before learning to serve is op mum.
this program. The department of CS at NFC-IET organizes
different field trips and industrial tours for the
s t u d e n t s t o b r o a d e n t h e i r p ra c c a l
In collabora on with the Federal knowledge. In addi on to this, students avail
Government under the vision of Prime themselves of the opportuni es to serve as
Minister Kamiyab Nojvaan Program, internees at different renowned ins tutes and
NAVTTC has started its partner training departments, such as PITB, So ware houses,
program with NFC IET. It is free of cost and mul na onal companies.
technical training program for
unemployed and unskilled youth. On-Campus Recruitment Test &
It has three domains of training programs Interviews
The organiza ons (Atrule Technologies, Speridian
designed such that to train the students to
Technologies, Fa ma Group & TopEdge Technologies)
get them self-employed. are in contact with the Department of Computer
DETAIL OF NAVTTC COURSES Science for recrui ng young professionals of Computer
No. of
Science from NFC IET Multan. In the recent past tests
Batch Session Courses Enrolled
Total and interviews were conducted by these organiza ons
Blockchain Programming 50 and many of our graduates were recruited even before
1 2020 Articial Intelligence 60 185
comple on of their degree. Many of our students that
CIT Mobile Application & Web Development 75
have not completed their degrees are doing paid
internships in these organiza ons.
Articial Intelligence 25
2 2021 50
CIT Mobile Application & Web Development 25
Computer Science Labs
CIT Cyber Security 25
Labs of the department are equiped with advanced
Industrial Automation (PLC) 25
3 2022 125
systems and so ware that meet the requirement of
Chemical Supervisor 25 prac cal courses that are taught to students of degree
CIT MobileApplication& Web Development 50 and training programs. All of these labs are well
furnished with Mul media Projector, Sound System,
7- Real-World Experience: Internet and Air-condi ons.
Real-world experience and project-based
learning are crucial for students and help
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CC-111 Programming Fundamentals 3+1 CC-122 Software Engineering 3+0
UE-111 Introduction to ICT 2+1 CC-124 Object Oriented Programming 3+1
HU-111 English Composition & Comprehension 3+0 HU-122 Communication & Presentation Skills 3+0
MT-111 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3+0 MT-122 Probability & Statistics 3+0
NS-111 Applied Physics 3+0 CC-123 Discrete Structures 3+0
MT-110 Basic Mathematics 0+0
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 16
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
SC-211 Software Requirement Engineering 3+0 UE-222 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3+0
CC-211 Data Structures & Algorithms 3+1 SC-223 Software Design & Architecture 2+1
SC-212 Human Computer Interaction 3+0 CC-222 Database Systems 3+1
HU-211 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2+0 MT-221 Linear Algebra 3+0
UE-211 Multi-Variate Calculus 3+0 HU-222 Pakistan Studies 2+0
SS-221 Business Process Engineering 3+0
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
SC-311 Software Construction & Development 2+1 SC-322 Software Quality Engineering 3+0
CC-311 Operating Systems 3+1 CC-322 Computer Networks 3+1
SE-311 Visual Programming 3+1 HU-321 Technical & Business Writing 3+0
SS-311 Formal Methods in Software Engineering 3+0 SC-323 Web Engineering 2+1
SE-312 Computer Graphics 2+1 SS-322 Simulation & Modeling 3+0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 16
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
SE-411 Agent Based Software Engineering 3+0 SC-422 Software Re-Engineering 3+0
SE-412 Mobile Application Development 2+1 CC-422 Information Security 3+0
SE-413 Big Data Analytics 3+0 HU-421 Professional Practices 3+0
SC-411 Software Project Management 3+0 UE-422 Artificial Intelligence 2+1
UE-411 Digital Image Processing 2+1 CC-411 Final Year Project-II 0+3
CC-411 Final Year Project-I 0+3
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 15
Ar. S. Mahwish Zahra (MPCATP)
Assistant Professor
M. Arch. NED UET Karachi, 2014
B. Arch. Karachi University, 2006
14 years’ of experience in Teaching &
7 years of field experience
Ar. Rashid Adil (MPCATP) Ar. Muhammad Ashfaq Ar. Usama Farooq 9MPCATP)
B.Arch. Punjab University Lahore 1973 M. Arch. UET Lahore 2000 B. Arch. Beacon House National
14 years’ of experience in Teaching B Arch. NCA Lahore, 1986 University, Lahore 2015
45 years of field experience 6 years’ of experience in Teaching 5 years of experience in Teaching
34 years of field experience 4 years of field experience
Ar. Anum Aleha Ar. Muhammad Israr Ali Ar. Mohsin Iqbal Deo (MPCATP)
B. Arch. DUET B. Arch. BNU Lahore B. Arch. University of Gujrat,
6 years’ of experience in 3 years’ of experience in Teaching Gujrat 2014
Teaching and field 8 years’ of experience in field and
4 years of teaching
Architecture Design at NFC-IET Architecture graduates are highly valued for their
Multan is a showcase for recent regenera on as well as confidence and crea vity, and benefit from our strong
rich historic context. Its history and age are links with na onal and interna onal architectural
characterized by the various names, rulers, invasions, prac ces.
cultures and religions, which span over a period of
three thousand years. From the pre-Islamic era to Core Topics in Architecture Design
modern mes, culture of Multan has always been rich Architecture educa on needs are different for
with literary and academic knowledge, which has different regions within Pakistan. Our curriculum
caused it to be the center of learning throughout its provides a broad outline and framework of knowledge
history. The city recognizes the value of high-quality areas with a built-in-flexibility. List of core topics are as
design, together with innova ve and pragma c under:
approaches to resolving prac cal issues. Ÿ Architecture Design Studio
The Bachelor’s degree of Architecture at NFC-IET Ÿ History of Architecture
Ÿ Materials & Construc on
Multan, introduces the various sub fields for architects.
Ÿ Structures for Architects
The scope of the program is broad. In five years,
Ÿ Building Conserva on
students will learn all the basic skills and techniques
Ÿ Energy and Environment
combining theory and design with latest technological Ÿ Urban Design
advances. Students’s own crea vity and spa al insight Ÿ Landscape Design
play a major reole in this. Various design projects, both Ÿ Technical Studios
individually and in groups, will help them to learn Ÿ Par cipatory Design
about the way technology, culture and the living Ÿ Internship
environment interact with each other. Students will
develop analy cal and crea vity skills along-with First Year
spa al ap tude and will benefit from the prac cal The first year of B. Arch educa on at NFC-IET
exper se of specialists alongside research-ac ve Department of Architecture is designed to integrate
lectures, who provide a rich and s mula ng our students with a work-intensive, shared space
environment in which to study architecture. We learning environment (architecture design studio
combine tradi onal lecture-based teaching with which is the key component of any architectural
workshop and design studio sessions. pedagogy. Through individual and group projects,
Project learning is the basis of architecture educa on, students are encouraged to enhance their crea vity,
and the studio is where this learning takes place. BA cri cal thinking abili es and communica on skills. The
techniques ensures that our prospec ve graduates
are best suited to take on these complex concerns
and are able to present their designs and research
to mul ple viewers in a didac c and eloquent
We at NFC-IET believe that only when an architect is
able to integrate the abstract with the tangible in a
harmonious manner then architecture is able to
express its values to the fullest. It is with this
thought in mind that we expect our graduates to
envelop their responses to complex philosophical
ques on in well-ar culated buildings that are
founda on and fine arts studios are further though ul in their rela onship with the immediate
supplemented through courses in design theory urban context, the occupant/user and are clear in
linked with how design has historically been their u liza on of structure, material, services and
responsive towards shi s in history, culture and engineering systems.
Departmental Resources
2nd & 3rd Year Forma ve Level:
The basic design skills are further honed in the next Computer Graphics Lab
The computer graphics lab is located in Department
two years of architectural educa on with focus on
of Architecture. The fcility has a total capacity of 50
site, context, solar orienta on, scale, func onal
students and is the best equipped in the NFC-IET.
rela onships and design concept for small to
The lab is u lized for many training programs
medium scale buildings domina ng the discourse
conducted for students. The computers are fully
in the four studios on offer. However, the
op mized to run latest versions of dra ing,
prospec ve architects need to ground their ideas in
rendering, image & video edi ng so ware. Lab is
architectural reality through a sound
further supplemented by the following equipments
understanding of structures, tectonics, materials
such as plo er, mul media podium rostrum, sound
and construc on details which is imparted through
system, internet facility.
lecture courses that complement the architecture
Departmental Library
Departmental library is equipped with
4th & 5th Year Consolida on Level: Architectural books, na onal and interna onal
The later years of architectural educa on at NFC-
IET focus on urban and philosophical issues related
to the field of architecture. Iden ty through
architecture, sense of ownership and properiety,
role of tradi ons in the face of impending
globaliza on, conserva on/adap ve re-use of
historical buildings, urban growth pa erns and
holis c policy making are some of the key ques ons
that future leading professionals must seek an
answer to; and the rigorous course structure
connec ng studios to architecture history,
archeology and preserva on, research,
p a r c i p ato r y d e s i g n a n d d o c u m e nta o n
magazines and journals. The modern collec on is
superbly stocked and it is kept up to date with regular
purchases. We aim to support undergraduate-level
study in all the principal subjects studied by NFC-IET
under graduates.
Extracurricular Ac vi es
Your educa on goes well beyond your coursework.
Extracurricular ac vi es can form a vital part of your
experience here at NFC-IET, crea ng unique
opportuni es for learning.
Industrial tours, site visits and educa onal tours are
organized to enhance the exposure of students.
Ÿ Academia
Workshops on various subjects are also o en
Ÿ Building Projects
conducted in the department. Ÿ Research Ins tutes
Ÿ Conserva on and Rehabilita on Projects
We ac vely seek candidates for the undergraduates Accredita on
Program who share our view that architecture is a NFC-IET is the first ins tute recognized by Pakistan
cultural-and not only professional - form of human Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP) in
ac vity, enquiry and knowledge. Students also need to South Punjab Region. The accredita on is in process.
display cri cal reasoning, holis c thinking, basic
background knowledge and skills pertaining to the Eligibility Criteria
professional as well as genuine willingness to want to Ÿ Intermediate FA, FSC and DAE (Architecture) with
work, learn and grow in a se ng that demands near- 60% aggregate marks.
constant levels of engagement, exchange and Ÿ Minimum 60% Marks in departmental ap tude test
communica on with the world’s most diverse, ac ve (DAT), interview and drawing test. Candidates are
and intelligent architectural community. also advised to bring in their drawing por olio at
the me test & interview.
Employment Prospects Ÿ Port-folio: Student must showcase skills,
Architects can work in different public and private mandatory for Architecture candidates.
sectors. These include:
Ÿ Private prac ce or Design consultancy
Dr. Sana-ur-Rehman
PhD (International Business)
23 years of experience in Teaching
and Industry
Department of Business Administration
Dr. Asad Afzal Humayon Dr. Zohaib Razzaq Dr. Zeeshan Rasool
Ph.D. (Management Science) Ph.D. (Management Science & Ph.D. (Industry Technical Economy
L.L.B. Engineering) & Management)
37 years’ of experience in Industry
and Teaching
Introduc on students to start their career as an industrial
Department of Business Administra on at NFC-IET Produc on Manager, Produc on Manager,
intends to impart broad knowledge of management Opera onal Manager, Purchasing Manager, Public
and business in order to develop decision making Rela on Officer, Quality Assurance Control
capabili es among future managers and execu ves. Manager, Facility Manager, Organiza onal
Core focus of our business programmes is to develop Consultant, Supply Chain Manager or an
cri cal thinking among students enabling them to Entrepreneur.
gain strategic orienta on to ensure organiza onal Moreover, a er BBA programme graduates may
success and compe veness. Students learn at NFC- con nue their further higher educa on at post-
IET essen al management skills and conceptual gradua on level such as MBA offered by NFC-IET.
framework necessary to apply them successfully in Admission Eligibility for BBA
the field of Management and associated areas such An individual holding a Higher Secondary School
as Marke ng, Human Resource Management, and Cer ficate from a Pakistani Board or an equivalent
Finance. cer ficate from any other Pakistani/foreign
Our students choose a specializa on of their own recognized ins tu on is eligible for admission to
interests, which further facilitate them to develop Bachelor of Business Administra on (BBA) Program
managerial skills in a par cular sector. Moreover, the of study at NFC-IET Multan.
internship and industrial tours provide real- me
organiza onal exposures to our students.
Aims and Objec ves
Our business educa on programmes aim at
developing graduates with thorough
understanding of the contemporary business
environment in which the public and private sectors
mainly operates. It helps students to develop
decision making ability in difficult business
situa ons.
Job opportuni es/Future Prospects
As our course structure basically focuses on detailed
study of business administra on's founda onal,
func onal and decisional areas, that's why our
graduates are ready to meet the ever changing
diverse challenges of the organiza ons in the region.
Comple on of four year BBA programme allows
Func onal English-I
Business Mathema cs
Compu ng
BBA-106 Contemporary World
17 17
Ms. Nazish Huma Khan Ms. Fozia Ishaq
Lecturer/HoD Lecturer
BS Communication Design Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)
9 years’ of experience in teaching BS Textile & Apparel Design
6 years’ of experience in Industry & Academia
Note: Admissions will be made a er NOC from
Pakistan Bar Council.
A bachelor of science is a flexible degree that
prepares you for work in a variety of law
enforcement and judicial posi ons. Graduates may
go into law enforcement, working as police officer,
detec ves, and crime scene inves gators. With
addi onal educa on, they may also find work later
Dr. Ahmed Saad
Mr. Haroon Chughtari Ph.D. (Sociology) China in their careers as criminal psychologists, defense
M.Phil (L.L.B.)
a orneys and prosecutors, correc ons counselors,
or judges. They may also focus on criminal profiling,
working for government agencies like the FIA etc.
Prof. Dr. Tahir Imran Qureshi
Ph. D. (Environmental Engineering)
24 years experience in the eld of teaching
& research
Environmental Sciences
BS Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sciences
as to analyze and interpret data requirements, curriculum for BSc Biomedical
· They can layout a system to meet desired Engineering Technology program is being regularly
needs with realis c constraints such as updated right from its commencement in 2016.
environmental ethical, health safety Presently it is as per the latest guidelines of Higher
· Graduates are professional and capable to Educa on Commission. Advanced courses are
func on effec vely on mul disciplinary i n c l u d e d a c co rd i n g to t h e c h a n g i n g fi e l d
teams requirements at both na onal and interna onal
levels. These courses provide quan ta ve training,
Keeping in view the gap between supply and emphases on problem solving and design the
demand of biomedical engineering/technology phenomena from the molecular to the system level.
professionals, BSc (Biomedical Engineering
Technology) program at NFC Ins tute of Engineering Laboratories:
and Technology was commenced in 2016. The Department has recently equipped following 08
program is maiden in Southern Punjab region, state of the art labs with modern equipment:
providing students deep theore cal and prac cal i- Human Physiology & Anatomy lab
understanding of the key areas with the help of ii- Computer lab
qualified teachers from academia & industry and on iii- Biomechanics lab
state of the art biomedical engineering equipment. iv- Biomaterials lab
v- Electrical lab
Mission vi- Bio Physics lab
To provide fundamental and specialized knowledge vii- Bio Chemistry lab
in Biomedical Engineering Technology and its sub-
areas with an aim to develop skills in cri cal thinking, Current Research Areas: Current research in this
communica on, team work, research and field encourages emerging areas by prominently
leadership. discussing a wide range of topics, including but not
limited to Biomechanics, Biomonitoring, Biomaterial
Program Educa on Objec ves (PEOs): engineering, Bioelectrical engineering, Biochemical
· Apply biomedical engineering knowledge to engineering, Tissue engineering, Computa onal
iden fy and address technical and societal genomics and proteomics, Pharmaceu cal
problems engineering, Biophotonics, Medical devices, Novel
· Be able to take ini a ve and/or develop Surgical Instruments, Medical imaging, Implants,
innova ve ideas for technological and Bionics, Clinical engineering, and Rehabilita on
professional growth keeping in view their engineering.
societal and environmental impacts
· Learn con nuously and work effec vely as a
team lead in a mul disciplinary environment
while demonstra ng interpersonal and
managerial skills with ethical responsibili es
Accredita on:
All intakes of the program are accredited with
Na onal Technology Council (NTC), Pakistan.
Accredita on with NTC grants graduates a license to
enter in their professional career either through
employment or with their own relevant business.
Keeping in view the regularly upda ng market
Specialized Tracks in Biomedical new types of imaging, new hardware and computer
Engineering Technology: so ware, and new ways of using, visualizing, and
analyzing medical images.
Neural Engineering:
Cell and Tissue Engineering
This area seeks to understand and a ack biomedical
This area applies fundamental and applied
problems at the microscopic level and use such
engineering techniques to help solve basic and
knowledge to engineer replacement ssues and
clinical problems in neuroscience. At a fundamental
organs from individual cells. Knowledge of anatomy,
l e v e l , n e u ra l e n g i n e e r i n g s e e k s a b e e r
biochemistry and the mechanics of cellular and sub-
understanding of the behavior of individual neurons,
cellular structures is needed to understand disease
their growth, signaling mechanisms between
processes and to target interven ons. Armed with
neurons, and how popula ons of neurons produce
such knowledge, new technologies have been, or are
complex behavior. Obtaining such informa on
being, developed.
improves understanding of the communica on that
occurs between the various parts of the nervous
system and the brain. Such knowledge can lead to
the development of replacement parts and other
treatments for impaired neural systems.
Medical Imaging:
Medical imaging encompasses a wide range of
technologies (including MRI, CT, ultrasound, PET,
etc.) that permit visualiza on of the internal
structure and func on of the human body. Medical
imaging is an essen al part of today's health care,
biomedical research, and drug development, and is
one of the most important contribu ons that
engineering has made to pa ent care. Cu ng-edge
areas of medical imaging include development of
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
Phy-110 Applied Physics 2+1 ET-101 Electrical Technology 2+2
CS-101 Computing Fundamentals 2+1 BMT-121 Human Physiology & Anatomy-I 2+2
CY-100 Applied Chemistry 2+1 CT-114 Electronics Circuit Technology 2+2
BMT-111a/ Basic Biology/Basic Mathematics 2+1 MA-101 Applied Mathematics 3+0
BMT-11b 3+0 IS-102 Islamic & Pak Studies-II 3+0
IS-101 Islamic & Pak Studies-I 3+0
HU-101 Communication Skills-I 0+1
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
BMT-212 Human Physiology & Anatomy-II 2+2 BMT-225 Biomechanics 2+2
ET-212 Digital Systems Technology 2+2 BMT-221 Introduction to Cell Biology 2+2
BMT-222 Biochemistry 2+2 ET-224 Introduction to Signals & Systems 2+2
MT-201 Technical Drawing 0+2 ET-222 Microcontrollers 2+2
ET-213 Electricomechanical Technology 2+2 HU-201 Communication Skills-II 0+1
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
BMT-314 Biomaterials 2+2 BMT-316 Bioinstrumentation-II 2+2
BMT-311 Bioinstrumentation-I 2+2 BMT-321 Health Care Management 3+0
BMT-326 Biostatistics 3+0 BMT-337 Biomedical Imaging Techniques 2+2
MT-302 Workshop Practice 0+2 BMT-312 Industrial Biotechnology 2+2
Mgt-314 Entrepreneurship and Business Management 3+0 BMT-327 Project Based Learning Modules 0+3
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
BMT-421a Industrial Training 16 BMT-421b Industrial Training 16
Civil Engineering Technology qualified faculty and state-of-the-art
laboratories for the socio-economic
An engineering technologist is a specialist development of Pakistan especially South
implemen ng exis ng technologies within an Punjab.
engineering field. Civil Technologists o en work with Program Educa onal Objec ves (PEOs)
engineers in various civil engineering projects(i.e.
construc on, opera on and maintenance) by A er comple ng four years of civil engineering
technology program,
applying basic engineering principles and technical
1. Apply the knowledge and principles of
skills. The work of technologists is usually focused on civil engineering technology to
the por on of the technological spectrum closest to enhance the technical and socio-
the product improvement, construc on and economic growth.
engineering opera onal func ons. The Na onal 2. Ensure the quality of work to reach
Technology Council (NTC) has been established by technical solu ons while implemen ng
the Higher Educa on Commission of Pakistan (HEC) professional exper se and modern
as a statutory autonomous body to ensure the techniques.
competence of graduate Technologists and help 3. Work effec vely as a team or individual to
socio-economic upli of the country. fulfill the technical needs of society in an
The civil engineering department of NFC-IET has ethical, moral and socially responsible
already started the BS Civil Engineering Technology manners.
program since Fall-2014. Accredita on of all sessions
(2k14 to 2k17) of Civil Engineering Technology has
been granted by NTC. NTC has started the
accredita on process of all technology programs
based on the Outcome-Based Educa on (OBE)
system under Sydney Accord to meet the latest
educa onal requirements. The civil engineering
department has already adopted this system and
hosted an NTC visit for accredita on.
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CT-111 Materials & Methods of Construction 2+2 CT-121 Surveying 3+2
CTNS-112 Applied Mechanics 2+1 CT-122 Geology & Earthquake Engineering 2+0
CTCS-113 Computer Applications 1+2 CT-123 Civil Engineering Drawing 1+3
CTNS-114 Applied Mathematics-I 3+0 CTNS-124 Applied Mathematics-II 3+0
CTHU-115 English Language & Communication Skills 1+1 CTHU-125 Technical Report Writing & Presentation Skills 1+1
CTHU-116 Islamic Studies/Professional Ethics 2+0 CTHU-126 Pakistan Studies 2+0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CT-231 Mechanics of Solids 2+1 CT-241 Theory of Structures 2+1
CT-232 Soil Mechanics 3+1 CT-242 Concrete Technology 2+1
CT-233 Fluid Mechanics 2+1 CT-243 Hydraulic Machinery 2+1
CT-234 Quantity Surveying & Contract Documents 1+2 CT-244 Introduction to Architecture & Town Planning 2+0
CTMS-235 Construction Planning & Project Management 2+1 CTMS-245 Water Supply & Waste Water Management 2+2
CTMS-236 Hazards & Disaster Management 2+0 CTCS-246 Computer Aided Building Modeling & Design 1+2
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CT-351 Transportation Engineering 3+1 CT-361 Steel Structures 2+1
CT-352 Reinforced Concrete Structures 3+1 CT-362 Irrigation Engg. & Hydraulics Structures 3+1
CTMS-353 Hydrology & Water Resource Management 3+1 CT-363 Pre-Stressed & Pre-Cast Concrete 2+1
CTMS-354 Environmental Management 2+1 CT-364 Pavement & Foundation Engineering 2+1
CTMS-355 Occupational Health & Safety Management 1+0 CT-365 Repair & Maintenance of Structures 1+1
CTP-398 Civil Technology Project (Part-A) 0+3 CTP-399 Civil Technology Project (Part-B) 0+3
Total Credits 19 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CT-471 Professional Supervised Field Training 0+16 CT-481 Professional Supervised Field Training 0+16
Chemical Engineering requires chemical fer lizers, insec cides, food
supplement ,and disinfectants. Many building
materials have been chemically processed such as
metals, concrete, roofing materials, paints and
plas cs. Clothing u lizes many synthe c fibers and
dyes. Transporta on depends upon gasoline and
Engr. Syed Ifkar Ahsan Naqvi
Head, Chemical Engg. Technology other fuels. Wri en communica on uses paper and
Ph.D. (In Progress)
MS (Chemical Engineering) prin ng ink, and
BS (Chemical Engineering) electronic communica on requires many chemically
25 years experience in Industry, Research
& Development processed insulators and conductors.
The na ons health is maintained by drug and
pharmaceu cals, soaps and detergents, and
insec cide. All of these products are the part of
chemical process industry.
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MA-101 Applied Mathematics-I 3+0 MA-102 Applied Mathematics-II 3+0
CH-101 Applied Chemistry 3+1 MT-101 Technical Drawing 1+1
PHY-101 Applied Physics & Mechanics 3+1 MT-102 Workshop Practice 0+2
CT-101 Introd. to Computer Fundamentals & Apps. 3+1 IS-101 Islamic Study/Ethics 2+0
HU-101 Communication Skills-I 1+1 CH-102 Analytical Chemistry 3+1
PST-101 Pakistan Studies 1+0 ChT-101 Chemical Process Calculation 3+1
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 17
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ChT-201 Chemical Process Technology-I (CPT-I) 2+0 ChT-205 Basic Thermodynamics 3+1
ChT-202 Particulate Technology 3+1 ChT-206 Heat Transfer Operations 3+1
ChT-203 Fluid Flow Operations 3+1 ChT-207 Chemical Process Technology-II (CPT-II) 3+1
ChT-204 Industrial Materials 2+0 ChT-208 Introduction to Fertilizer Technology 2+0
HU-201 Communication Skills-II 0+1 ChT-209 Industrial Instrumentation Technology 2+1
ET-201 Electrical Technology 2+1
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ChT-301 Mechanical Separation Operations 3+0 ChT-307 Mass Transfer Operations 3+1
ChT-302 Process Control Technology 3+1 ChT-308 Chemical Reactor Technology 3+1
ChT-303 Industrial Calculations 3+0 ChT-309 Safety, Health & Environment 2+1
ChT-304 Industrial Management 2+0 ChT-310 Plant Utilities & Power Gen. Technology 2+0
ChT-305 Chemical Process Economics 2+0 ChT-311 Plant Maintenance 2+0
ChT-306 Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology 3+1 ChT-312 Project 0+3
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ChT-401 Industrial Training-I 0+16 ChT-402 Industrial Training-II 16
Electrical Engineering BS Electrical Engineering Technology Curriculum:
NFC IET is offering 4 years' degree program in BS
Technology Electrical Engineering Technology at the department
of Electrical Engineering. The dis nc ve features of
Program Overview Statement:
these programs are illustrated below:
Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) is a unique 1. The program is based on Outcome Based
and extremely demanding field which focuses on Educa on (OBE) system.
realis c aspects of engineering in line with the 2. The program comprises of three years (6
theore cal concepts. NFC has launched an exclusive semesters) of formal classroom educa on.
EET program in terms of prac cal applica ons and 3. In fourth year (7th and 8th semester), a
capability to grasp the employment posi ons in student will register 15 credit hours of
different industrial sectors. Manufacturing industry, Supervised Industrial Training and 03 credit
in Pakistan has strong expecta ons on engineering hours of Industrial Project.
and development. Graduate employability, as a 4. In first three years, more emphasis has been
whole, is a big concern these days. One of the put on lab work than theory classes. For
reasons is the contradic on of curricula with the example, during any semester of BS
exper se skills required for the job. Crea ve (Engineering), a student takes 15-16 credit
adver sing focused on acquiring scien fic hours of theory, and 2-3 credit hours of lab
knowledge, but offers li le prac cal knowledge. courses. However, in BS (Engineering
To avoid this contradic on of theore cal knowledge Technology), a student takes 10-11 credit
with the prac cal skills, NFC IET is now providing an hours of theory and 5-7 credit hours of lab
employment based curriculum. This EET degree has courses.
an equal focus on theory and prac cal knowledge
along with the realis c industrial skills. It will train Program's Mission:
To produce technologists possessing skills, tools and
students for handling different electrical processes,
techniques necessary to solve broadly-defined
their planning and execu on, which would be
electrical engineering problems. The program
equally beneficial for industry.
In 2015, HEC established Na onal Technology enables graduates to develop exper se for
Council (NTC) in order to meet the dire need of a successfully accomplishing the tasks professionally
standardized degree. NTC is a regulatory body to and ethically.
ensure the highest standards of teaching and
Program Educa onal Objec ves:
training with the help of an effec ve curriculum for
Program educa onal objec ves (PEOs) are broad
technologists. Further, it will perform accredita on
statements that describe what graduates are
of all 4 year programs for students who wish to seek
expected to a ain within a few years of gradua on.
higher educa on in technology through HEC&NTC
The following PEO's are proposed for the graduates
recognized ins tu on. A 4-year degree program is a
of Electrical Engineering Technology program:
path way for brighter students to fulfill their dreams
1. Demonstrate excellence in profession through
by advancing their bachelor's degree in technical
knowledge and skills in the field of Electrical
field. It is an interna onally recognized degree,
Engineering Technology.
which is offered in all advanced countries like USA,
2. Engage in con nuous professional development
Canada, Australia, UK, Malaysia, and many more.
and exhibit quest for learning
The NTC is applying for the membership of Sydney
3. Show professional integrity and commitment to
Accord. Sydney accord is global accredita on for
social and ethical responsibili es
engineering technologists of the signatory
countries, whereas, Washington Accord is for global
accredita on for engineers.
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
EH-112 Islamic Studies/Professional Ethics 2+0 EH-123 Communication Skills 3+0
ES-113 Applied Mathematics-I 3+0 EH-132 Pakistan Studies 2+0
ES-123 Applied Physics 2+1 ET-134 Electronics 2+2
ET-114 Linear Circuits Analysis 2+1 ET-143 Basic Mechanical Technology 2+1
ET-123 Engineering Drawing 1+2 ES-143 Applied Mathematics-II 3+0
ES-133 Introduction to Computer Fundamentals 1+2 ET-153 Electrical Machines-I 2+1
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
EH-212 Power Generation Systems 2+0 ET-254 AC Circuits Analysis 2+2
ES-213 Technical Report Writing 3+0 ET-262 Electro-Magnetic Filds 2+0
ET-224 Electrical Instruments & Measurements 2+2 ET-273 Electrical Power Transmission 2+1
ET-234 Electrical Machines-II 2+2 ET-283 Electrical Power Distribution & Utilization 2+1
ET-244 Digital Electronics 2+2 ES-143 Power Electronics 2+2
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 16
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ET-313 Microprocessor Theory & Interfacing 2+1 EM-323 Project Management 3+0
ET-323 Switch Gear & Protective Devices 2+1 ET-362 Power System Analysis 2+0
ET-334 Communications Technology 2+2 ET-374 Data & Computer Communication 2+2
ET-343 Control Technology 2+1 ET-384 Industrial Drives & PLC 2+2
EM-312 Total Quality Management 2+0 ET-353 High Voltage Technology 2+1
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 16
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ET-4116 16 Weeks Supervised Industrial/Field Training 16 ET-4216 16 Weeks Supervised Industrial/Field 16
(8x5=40 Hrs/Week) Training (8x5=40 Hrs/Week)
ET-4103 Industrial Project 03 ET-4103 Industrial Project (Continue) 03
Total Credits 19 Total Credits 19
Mechanical Engineering technologist by his skills meets the demands of
produc on industry, manufacturing industry,
medical field, the nuclear energy, the power plant
equipped with reactor, automobile, aerospace,
outer space, and marine industry. It would be hard to
find an area or object in everyday life that is not in
Engr. Syed Nasir Mehdi Gardezi some way affected by Mechanical technologist.
Ph.D. (Power & Farm Machinery) In Progress
M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) Mechanical technologist is involved in a profession
30 years’ experience in Chemical
Industry, Research & Teaching that requires specific skills acquired through
educa on and training. Mechanical technologist
apply scien fic methods to the solu on of technical
problems. Mechanical technologist also apply
techniques to make BS Technologies and improve
the life on earth. Mechanical technologist is one of
the most responsible person in any industry to solve
different types of problems arising during the
opera on and shutdown of plant with the
Engr. Muhammad Umais
MS (Mechanical Engineering)
Engr. Abdul Khaliq Khan
MS (Mech. Engg.) In progress
coordina on of different departments.
BE (Hons) Mech. Engg from UK B.Sc. (Mechanical Engg.)
10 years’ experience in Research 4 years’ experience in Industry
& Teaching
& Teaching
Manufacturing industries, automobiles, aerospace,
and marine industry, fer lizer industry, cement
industry, oil refinery, fer lizer industry, oil and gas
Mechanical technology is mostly concerned with
sector, thermal and nuclear power plants are the
produc on industry, manufacturing industry,
major fields of mechanical technologists.
automobile industry and power plant sectors
although it finds its applica on in all others fields in Program Educa on Objec ves (PEOs)
which mechanical techniques are involved. At the comple on of four years B.Sc. Mechanical
Mechanical technology increases the skill level of Engg. Technology Degree Program, graduates will be
individual to work as technologist in every kind of able
produc on, manufacturing, automobiles and PEO 1: To solve prac cal and technical problems
marine industry. using acquired knowledge and modern
Mechanical technology encompasses all technology PEO 2: Exhibit sense of responsibility and
aspects of almost everything that moves in the professionalism to get lead roles in their
universe. Mechanical technologist is concerned with technical fields of exper se.
the principles of mo on, energy and force. PEO 3: To communicate adequately and work well
Generally, a machine converts one form of energy or on technical projects.
movement into other. It is the responsibility of PEO 4: Work for con nuous socio-technical
technologist to control the machine in safe and development and sustainability.
reliable, efficient, and predictable fashion. Anything
the technologist does that is related to the mo on
and dynamics of heat, gas, air, fluids and solid
material requires the understanding and applica on
of the underlying basic science. Mechanical
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MA-101 Applied Mathematics-I 3+0 MA-102 Applied Mathematics-II 3+0
HU-101 Communication Skills 2+0 HU-102 Technical Report Writing 2+0
IS/HU-101 Islamic Studies/Ehics 2+0 ET-101 Basic Electrical & Electronics 2+1
Phy-101 Applied Physics 2+1 MT-121 Materials Technology 2+0
CT-101 Computer Fundamentals & Programming 2+2 MT-122 Applied Mechanics 3+1
MT-101 Technical Drawing 1+2 MT-123 Workshop Practice 0+2
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 16
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HU-201 Pakistan Studies 2+0 MA-203 Statistics 2+0
MT-231 Machine Design & CAD-I 2+2 MT-241 Fluid Flow Processes 2+1
MT-232 Mechanics of Materials 2+1 MT-242 Machining Technology-I 2+1
MT-233 Mechanics of Machine 2+1 MT-243 Inspection & Quality Control 2+1
MT-234 Applied Thermodynamics-I 2+1 MT-244 Applied Thermodynamics-II 2+1
MT-235 Manufacturing Technology 2+1 MT-245 Machine Design & CAD-II 2+2
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 18
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
HU-301 Economics 2+0 MS-301 Project Management 2+1
MT-351 Hydraulics Machinery 2+1 MT-361 Power Plant 2+1
MT-352 HVAC Technology 2+1 MT-362 Health Safety & Environment 2+0
MT-353 Instrumentation Technology 2+1 MT-363 Heat and Mass Flow Processes 2+1
MT-354 Machining Technology-II 2+1 MT-364 IC Engine 2+1
MT-355 Condition Monitoring & Maintenance 2+1 MT-365 Project 0+3
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MT-401 Supervised Field Training 0+16 MT-401 Supervised Field Training 0+16
PLOs for all
BS Engineering Technology
PLOs for all
BS Engineering Technology Programs
Engineering Technology Knowledge (SA1): An Engineering Technology prac ce and solu ons to
ability to apply knowledge of mathema cs, broadly defined Engineering Technology
natural science, Engineering Technology problems.
fundamentals and Engineering Technology
specializa on to defined and applied Engineering Environment and Sustainability (SA7): An ability
Technology procedures, processes, systems or to understand and evaluate the sustainability and
methodologies. impact of Engineering Technology work in the
solu on of broadly defined Engineering
Problem Analysis (SA2): An ability to Iden fy, Te c h n o l o g y p r o b l e m s i n s o c i e t a l a n d
formulate, research literature and analyze environmental contexts.
broadly-defined Engineering Technology
problems reaching substan ated conclusions Ethics (SA8): Understand and commit to
using analy cal tools appropriate to the discipline professional ethics and responsibili es and norms
or area of specializa on. of Engineering Technology prac ce
Design/Development of Solu ons (SA3): An Individual and Team Work (SA9): An ability to
ability to design solu ons for broadly- defined Func on effec vely as an individual, and as a
Engineering Technology problems and contribute member or leader in diverse teams.
to the design of systems, components or
processes to meet specified needs with Communica on (SA10): An ability to
appropriate considera on for public health and communicate effec vely on broadly defined
safety, cultural, societal, and environmental Engineering Technology ac vi es with the
considera ons. Engineering Technologist community and with
society at large, by being able to comprehend and
Inves ga on (SA4): An ability to conduct write effec ve reports and design documenta on,
inves ga ons of broadly-defined problems; make effec ve presenta ons, and give and
locate, search and select relevant data from receive clear instruc ons.
codes, data bases and literature, design and
conduct experiments to provide valid conclusions. Project Management (SA11): An ability to
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
Modern Tool Usage (SA5): An ability to Select and Engineering Technology management principles
apply appropriate techniques, resources, and and apply these to one's own work, as a member
modern technology and IT tools, including or leader in a team and to manage projects in
predic on and modeling, to broadly-defined mul disciplinary environments.
Engineering Technology problems, with an
understanding of the limita ons. Lifelong Learning (SA12): An ability to recognize
the need for, and have the ability to engage in
The Engineering Technologist and Society (SA6): independent and life-long learning in specialist
An ability to demonstrate understanding of the Engineering Technologies.
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues
and the consequent responsibili es relevant to
BS Mathematics
Basic BS Chemistry
Sciences BS Physics
Dr. Raheela Naz
Ms. Shahida Rehman Mr. Tahir Mehmood
Ph.D. (Material Science & Engineering) China
M.Phil (Chemistry) Ph.D. (In progress)
M.Phil (Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Chemistry) M.Sc. (Chemistry) M. Phil (Islamic Studies)
05 years of experience in Research & Teaching 16 years experience in Teaching 10-years experience of teaching
BS Chemistry
Introduc on: ranging and cover different aspects of the field etc.
We are living in science of change where chemistry educa on sector, environment, industry, forensic,
is an integral part of everything that teaches every and pharmaceu cal industry.
material in existence is made up of ma er. Department:
Chemistry is some mes called “the central The department of chemistry started regular
science”,it acts as a bridge between different areas func oning in 2020 that assist in understanding
of natural sciences.This field covers chemical the chemistry among students. The department of
forms, the interac on of these chemicals with chemistry offers sugges ve ways to u lize the
each other, define our existence on universe. By conceptual knowledge in all areas of chemical
studying the basic proper es of substances and forms through course work and laboratory
the many transforma ons they undergo, the experiments besides student's research projects in
chemist finds solu ons to scien fic challenges and final semesters. We have qualified faculty,
contributes to the development of new diversified and established chemical laboratories
technologies. and research facili es for our learners.
In modern industrial socie es, chemistry is one of Vision:
the founda ons of the economy. Like other The Department of Chemistry of NFC IET, Multan is
sciences, the advancements in chemistry have determined to excel in chemical educa on,
proven a blessing to the world, and have brought research, and services.
with them challenges to overcome.The s mula ng
· To educate the students to inves gate and
career op ons opened by chemistry are wide-
solve the global environmental problems prac cal concepts of chemistry, that helps the
through the development of chemical students in designing and purifica on techniques
educa on and research. which addresses the needs of industries and
· To prepare compe ve and professional improves research capabili es.
undergraduates within an innova ve, The following is the list of laboratories of
crea ve and, intellectually s mula ng Department of chemistry.
environment. 1. Inorganic and Organic chemistry Lab
· To build proac ve partnerships with industry 2. Analy cal and Physical chemistry Lab
and offer effec ve educa onal and technical 3. Biochemistry Lab
4. Environmental Lab
services to the society.
Eligibility Criteria:
Specializa on: 45 % marks in F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre Engineering),
Department of Chemistry offers BS degree in
General Science (with Chemistry) or DAE (with
Chemistry with specializa on in the following four
· Organic Chemistry
· Inorganic Chemistry
· Analy cal Chemistry
· Biochemistry
The first three years of BS program will be same for
all students where they will be entertained with
knowledge of all the disciplines of Chemistry.
However, from the seventh semester, students will
take courses in specialized areas of chemistry in
accordance with their choice. In eighth semester,
students need to complete a research project
related to his/her specialized areas of chemistry that
helps to enhance the knowledge and to have a
proper understanding of the subject.
Laboratory experience is an essen al part of the
educa onal process and a key factor to prepare
students for real chemist's prac cal life. Hence,
Department of Chemistry have laboratories, which
areunder establishing phase having necessary
instruments and tools in the different chemistry
a re a s l i ke o rga n i c , i n o rga n i c , a n a l y c a l ,
environmental and biochemistry that provides
hands-on prac ce for students. These labs have
secure environment for experimenta on and
research having a privilege enjoyed by our
students.These laboratories provide a pla orm to
the students to understand the basic necessi es and
Dr. Suleman Khan Mr. Sikandar Raza
Ph.D. (Nanotechnology Physics) M. Phil (Mathematics) Dr. Sidra Iram
M.Phil (Material Science & 16-years experience of Ph.D. (Material Science Physics)
Semiconductor Physics teaching M. Phil (Physics)
M.Sc. (Nuclear Physics) 5 years experience in research and
16 years experience in teaching teaching.
and advance research
Ms. Maryam Jameel · Tradi onal Physics: This specializa on is
Ph.D. (In progress)
M.Phil (Physics)
developed with a focus on fundamental physics
4 years experience in research and
combining physics to unlock the physical world around us. It is recommended for students
considering an advanced degree, such as BS/MS
in physics or other STEM-related areas. Courses
BS Physics include Mechanics, Modern Physics, Classical
Mechanics, Mathema cal Physics, Quantum
Introduc on: Mechanics, Op cs, and Sta s cal &
The department of Physics was established in June Thermodynamics.
2020. The department presently offer
· Materials & Nanophysics: Materials science and
undergraduate degree programs in the subject of
nanophysics lead to well-paying careers in the
pure physics. But in near future, we will plan to start
high-technical industry and energy fields. Our
the M.Phil (Physics) program with several inter-
faculty study semiconductors, magnets,
disciplinary areas. During this short span of me,
superconductors, nanosensors, magne c/
special focus is placed on preparing students
photonic devices, and biomaterials which mean
equipped with basic concepts and hands on
you have expert advice readily available when
laboratory training at undergraduate and graduate
you launch your own career focused research.
level. Students are specially exposed to prac cal
Courses include Quantum Mechanics, Electricity
training in the scien fic organiza ons and industry
and Magne sm, Materials Science and
through a meaningful internship program. They are
Nanophysics, Modern physics, Op cs and
fully trained to join the job market as a valuable asset
soon a er comple on of their degree and take up
· Computa onal Physics: Physicists with a solid
further study without any difficulty.
knowledge of compu ng are in high demand for
various jobs, such as quan ta ve analyst and data which they contribute to the scien fic enterprise.
scien st. The curriculum develops cri cal thinking, · Maintain healthy level of external research funds
problem solving, and programming skills through allowing us to provide financial support for
physics and computer science classes. You might undergraduate research and prepare them to
create a flight simulator program, or make academic, research, and industrial carriers.
computa onal models to study the ocean floor or · Built faculty that bring exci ng and current
stock market. research perspec ves to the classroom.
· Biomedical Physics: Medical physicists are · Prepare undergraduate students for graduate
scien sts who work in healthcare to develop new studies and for the technical careers as well.
medical technologies and radia on-based · In future, we will start M.Phil (Physics) program,
treatments. They might help beat cancer, or which helps students to expand their career goals
develop a be er MRI and other medical devices. that would prepare students for rewarding
They may deal directly with pa ents, test and employment in vast field of Physics, related to
maintain equipment. Students learn the physics scien fic research ins tu on, industries and
behind the techniques and devices used in the life research educa onal ins tu ons at na onal and
and medical sciences. The curriculum for this interna onal level.
specializa on includes courses in physics and Aims and Objec ves:
Physical chemistry. The main educa onal objec ves of BS (4-year)
degree programme are:
The Vision and Mission will be accomplished by: § To i m p a r t s t u d e n t s w i t h a c o n c e p t u a l
The physics department has developed following understanding of the fundamental principles of
learning aims for the physics major: physics, natural laws and their interpreta on, as
· Students will develop a solid understanding of the well as mathema cal formula on of the physical
fundamental principles of physics, including: phenomena in nature.
ü A firm conceptual grasp of the central principles of § To develop cri cal skills necessary for solving
physics. unknown problems from our physical
ü An ability to work with the concepts of
experimental physics.
§ To develop the capability of analyzing, addressing
ü Func onal understanding of how these ideas play
and posing solu ons to problems of natural
out in the real world.
importance and to ins ll a deep apprecia on of
Moreover, students will develop
the need for op mum u liza on of natural
· a flexible and crea ve problem solving ability.
resources and environment.
· an integrated understanding of the unity of
physics. § To ins ll in students the habit of independent
· ability to communicate ideas of science. thinking, deep inquiry, and mo va on for self-
· a func onal understanding of symbolic and
numerical computa on.
· rigorous and comprehensive courses that allow
them to perform at a high level
· Fostering curiosity and excitement about the
physical world.
· an exci ng learning opportunity for non-physics
and non-science majors that provides basic
understanding of physics and problem-solving
· an exper se in experimental methodologies
· Maintaining a research environment, in which key
scien fic and technical innova on are generated.
· Undergraduate research experience, through
educa on. About Physics lab:
§ To sharpen our students' mathema cal prowess The Physics labs at NFC-IET are well designed and
making them capable of modeling, analyzing and establish to supplement degree course. The
predic ng the behavior of physical processes. experiments in the Physics lab are providing to
§ To enhance our students skills in scien fic students prac cal perspec ve to the theories and
communica on and the ability to clearly present models that they study in the class. An integral part of
physics and science in simple and clear language. the course is to develop cri cal thinking skills in
§ To introduce students the spirit of working in students as they learn about trouble shoo ng
interac ve groups with the necessary problems in experiments. The lab experience will allow
requirements of scien fic and professional ethics. the students to further develop the ability to
§ To develop hands-on experience in different determine themselves what techniques and
laboratory techniques and modern procedures students have to follow, what ques ons to
instrumenta on. ask, what the acquired data means, how reliable it is
§ To enhance students competence in design, and what to do when things do not work as expected.
conduct of experiments, analysis and presenta on They are con nuously exploi ng the data to derive
of experimental data and results. interes ng informa on from the experiments and
§ To provide an in-depth understanding of some increase scope and capacity. We o en allow students
specialized area of physics through the op on of to perform their own independent study on
experiments if they have interes ng ideas. As a result
elec ve courses.
of these exercises, the Physics lab does not become
§ To equip students with the necessary skills set for
stagnant but rather improves its standard and rigor
pursuing careers in physics educa on, research
a er every semester.
and industry in government.
For this purpose NFC-IET establish following labs:
· Mechanics lab
Content areas:
· Electricity & Magne sm lab
At the simplest level, we have a list of all the topics that
· Thermodynamics lab
are covered somewhere in the major curriculum.
Broadly speaking, the central topics match the · Op cs lab
required courses: classical dynamics, thermal physics, · Modern physics lab
quantum physics, electricity & magne sm, and · Electronics and devices lab
experimental methods. A more highly-specified list of · Electromagne c lab
essen al topics for each course is provided in the
Admission Criteria
appendix. We can then state our learning goals in a
F.Sc (pre engineering & pre medical, general Group
straigh orward manner. Physics majors will have a
with Physics), ICS, DAE or equivalent with minimum
good understanding of the topics included in this list.
Experimental methodologies:
In addi on to an understanding of presentlyknown
results, our students should also know the methods by
which new knowledge is acquired and evaluated.
Thus, along with a deeper understanding of physical
principles, the laboratory component of our
curriculum should also impart methodological
knowledge and skills. For example, an understanding
of how to use basic scien fic equipment (mul meters,
oscilloscopes, power supplies, and so on) and an
understanding of experimental uncertainty analysis
are the learning goals of our curriculum.
Allied Offices
- Registrar Office
- Students’ Affairs
- Industrial Liaison Committee
- Treasurer Office
- Commercial Department
- Controller Office
- Admission Committee
Mr. Muhammad Nadeem Sial Khurhseed Khan Babar Mr. Muhammad Azhar
Assistant Admin. Assistant Admin. PA to Registrar
hostel residence, student socie es and discipline. The
STUDENT’S AFFAIRS Sr. Resident wardens are also available to listen to the
student's problems. Overseen by Director Student
Affairs, this office is a central place for students where
they can express and get help about any problem they
encounter on campus whether it is academic, personal
or emo onal. We assure the students the complete
confiden ality of their discussions. The Student Affairs
Office has two Deputy Student Affairs (one male and
one female), who are readily available to students for
sor ng out problems. The students are encouraged to
have recourse to them for counseling and guidance.
Extracurricular Ac vi es
Everyday student life at an engineering college tends to
be tough as well as dry. Every now and then, extra-
curricular ac vi es act as an escape from the
monotony. The student Affairs Office provides
proac ve support and capacity building services to
promote co- curricular ac vi es in the Ins tute which
Engr. Muhammad Arshad could enrich our graduates at every stage of heir life as
Assistant Professor
Director Student Affairs/
well as they could build strong rela onships with their
Chairman, Admission Committee peers, faculty, administra on and other stakeholders.
It provides forums for cul va on of literary and ar s c
poten ali es and furnishes them healthy outlets in
sports and games, which make their stay on campus, a
rich experience of mul -dimensional growth.
Student Socie es
At NFC-IET, to nurture a student's talent, beyond the
classroom, exists a thriving pla orm of student
socie es. These dynamic socie es, some of which are
Engr. Serosh Karim
Engr. Zeeshan Raza
Assistant Professor
men oned below, encourage leadership and
Assistant Professor
Dy. Director Student Affairs Dy. Director Student affair professional development in the students.
achievements and cultural values. The event is held in Assistance is also available to needy students who
the month of October and April. With tradi onal and excel in studies in their examina ons. In addi on to IET
lips-smacking Pakistani cuisines, it also features a Scholarships, efforts are underway to a ract talent
variety of ac vi es for the students to showcase their Scholarships from the Industry for the top students to
talents like cultural houses, musical concert, cultural be awarded on the basis of their performance in
ramp walk, art exhibi on, T-shirt designing, mehndi engineering examina ons.
compe on, photography compe on, magic shows,
one man shows, instrumental groups, drama c and Other Scholarships
singing talent expo and much more. These scholarships are awarded to such students who
are needy and also show excellent results in their
ICE (Innova ve Compe on for Engineers) Today, it is examina ons. Some of the organiza ons offering
true to say that virtually every aspect of our lives is financial assistance, in addi on to NFC-IET, are;
enabled or aided in some way by engineers. If you are
crea ve, innova ve and enterprising, then you have Ÿ M/s. Punjab Workers Welfare Board, Lahore.
the poten al to be an engineer and to help change the Ÿ M/s. Fauji founda on Welfare division, Rawalpindi
world for the be er. Such is the manifesto of ICE Ÿ M/s. Gurmani Founda on, Lahore
(Innova ve Compe on for Engineers). Event Ÿ Zila Council, Multan
cons tuted of a final year project exhibi on/ Ÿ Zila Council, Muzaffargarh
compe on, between the renowned engineering Ÿ Na onal Bank of Pakistan offers Qarz-e-Hasna to
universi es of Pakistan. The sole purpose for ini a ng deserving students
such a pla orm was to encourage the students of
Southern Punjab to show their unveiled talents to the Some organiza ons are suppor ng needy students of
delegates of leading industries. An industrial expo is NFC-IET, like;
also displayed along with ICE that involves the newest Ÿ
technologies. Each project is assessed on the basis of Ÿ Suncrops Group, Multan
innova on, presenta on and prac cal u lity of the Ÿ Al-Hilal Vegetables, Multan
project. Cash prize is also rewarded to the winners as
well to the runners up. Though, there are some possibili es of Financial
Assistance as men oned above, IET do not guarantee
Financial Assistance any financial aid and the students and their guardians
All the scholarships in the following categories are should note it very clearly that they have to make their
available for the Engineering students. own arrangements for all financial obliga ons.
are the pistons which drive the intellectual heart of the
INDUSTRIAL LIAISON COMMITTEE ins tute. Invi ng eminent personali es who have
achieved some feat in science and technology to take
up some seminars for the students that will greatly
help them interact with present and on-going
advancements in the technical fields. It also gives them
an opportunity to exhibit their skills and
entrepreneurship ideas to their future employers.
Ÿ Industrial Tours
It is evident that Industrial/study tours are an essen al
part of the academic ac vity to help students learn
Engineering ac vi es being carried out in a
commercial site plant Organiza on. Industrial visits are
also essen al in the development of prac cal and
professional skills required by an engineer and an aid to
prospec ve employment. Every year, IET spends a lot
of funds and efforts for organizing industrial tours for
first, second and third year students. Students are
given an exci ng opportunity to par cipate in intensive
Dr. M. Kamran Liaqat Bhatti
Convener, Industrial Liaison Committee 5-7-day industrial visit to visit companies rela ng the
diverse world of engineering whilst making in-depth
discoveries about careers ranging from the
communica on sector to the automo ve industries.
The intellectually s mula ng presenta ons and tours
give students a unique opportunity to observe for
themselves the prac cal aspects of engineering and
witness how the different concepts they had
previously studied are being applied in reality. To see
the outcomes of these visits, an Industrial Tour report is
Mr. Zahid Hussain Qaiser Engr. Tahir Mehmood also prepared by the students.
Ÿ Internships
Services In order to gain prac cal experience in an industrial
organiza on, internships are considered essen al for
A produc ve interface between academia and industry the students.4-8 weeks of training is arranged by the
is a cri cal requirement for inclusive growth. In such a ins tute for the students. The student is required to
quest to develop a strong associa on of ins tute with submit a brief report on the work carried out during
industry and technology, Industrial Liaison Commi ee industrial training and the management is requested
has been formed by the Vice Chancellor. The Industrial to supply a report on the adaptability and progress of
liaison commi ee aims to foster close coopera on each student.
between industry and the ins tute through the
Industrial Liaison Programme. This program will have Ÿ Graduate Hiring Opportuni es
the following scope of work: The ul mate goal of a graduate engineer is to work
as a prac cing engineer. In today's compe ve
Ÿ Seminars market place , NFC-IET is not only geared to develop
To bridge the gap between industry and academia, ILC students in building the necessary skills for
(Industrial Liaison commi ee), organizes monthly
successful careers but also facilitate students with
seminars for students to enrich the student's academic
industry opportuni es that would expose them to
inputs with industry relevant informa on. Seminars
various fields in their specific engineering discipline
prior to gradua on. Whenever Employers submi ed
job pos ngs, the program facilitated the recruitment Our Employers
process by organizing on-campus employer
informa on sessions and interviews & eventually
presen ng job offers to students.
Ÿ Feedback Analysis
Feedback surveys are sta s cally compiled once a year
by the commi ee including graduate exit surveys,
alumni feedback, employer's feedback, tours Kot Addu Power Company Limited
Contact Informa on
1. Mr. Zahid Hussain Qaisar
Tel: 061-9220012-16 Ext:
2. Engr. Mujtaba Ashraf
Tel: 061-9220012-16 Ext:2211
3. Engr. Tahir Mahmood
Tel: 061-9220012-16 Ext: 2343
The Finance Department works under the supervision of
“Treasurer ”. This office is responsible for all Financial
ma ers i.e receipt of fee & dues, payments, internal &
external audit & prepara on of financial Statements & Final
Contact Information
M. Maghfoor Anwer Chughtai 061-9220012-16 Ext: 5555
Treasurer 061-6302799 (Direct)
Ilyas Ahmed
Dues & Fee Structure* Category “K & S” Candidates
An additional amount in Lump sum as overseas/self-supporting fees:
Fees & Funds (for all categories)
Fee with Application Form: - Civil, Mechanical Engineering Rs. 500,000/-
- BS (Computer Science) Rs. 200,000/-
BS Chem. BS Math,
Engg. Program/ BS Computer BBA & Bio- ELE, Mech., Chemistry, - Electrical, Chemical, Petroleum Engineering, BBA, SFE Rs. 100,000/-
Fee Type Architecture Science/ Medical Engg. Civil Engg. Tech., Physics,
Design Software Engg. Technology LLB, Fashion Criminology,
B. Architecture and Bio-Medical Tech.
Design Nursing & - Elect., Mech. & Civil Technologies . Rs. 75,000/-
- BS Chemical Technology & all other programs Rs. 50,000/-
Admission Fee * Rs. 30,000 Rs. 15,000 Rs. 15,000 Rs. 15,000 Rs. 15,000
Processing Fee* Rs. 2,000 Rs. 2,000 Rs. 2,000 Rs. 2,000 Rs. 2,000 Note: (i) This Fee will be paid in 4 installments, 25% at the time of
Sub-Total-I Rs. 32,000 Rs. 17,000 Rs. 17,000 Rs. 17,000 Rs. 17,000 Admission, 25% each at 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters respectively.
(ii) Students admitted in “K & S” category will also pay taxes as per
After confirmation of Admission: Govt,/FBR policies.
BS Chem. BS Math,
Engg. Program/ BS Computer BBA & Bio- ELE, Mech., Chemistry,
Fee Type Architecture
Software Engg.
Medical Engg.
Civil Engg. Tech.,
LLB, Fashion
Dues payable alongwith Application Form*
Design Nursing &
Tuition Fee for three months Rs. 37,170 Rs. 24,066 Rs. 21,885 Rs. 18,225 Rs. 13,230 All categories except “K & S”:
Caution Money (refundable) Rs. 6,000 Rs. 6,000 Rs. 6,000 Rs. 6,000 Rs. 6,000
Registration Fee Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500 - All Engg. & Architecture program except Energy System Rs. 32,000
Alumni Contribution Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,000
and Environmental Engg.
Student Functions Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,500
IET Welfare Trust Fund Rs. 1,100 Rs. 1,100 Rs. 1,100 Rs. 1,100 Rs. 1,100 - All other Programs Rs. 17,000
Annual Dues Rs. 18,500 Rs. 18,500 Rs. 18,500 Rs. 18,500 Rs. 18,500
Sub-Total-II Rs. 66,770 Rs. 53,666 Rs. 51,485 Rs. 47,825 Rs. 42,830 With “K & S” Categories
Grand Total (at the time of Admission) Rs. 98,770 Rs. 70,666 Rs. 68,485 Rs. 64,825 Rs. 59,830
“K & S” Category for Civil and Mechanical Engineering Rs. 157,000
“K & S” Category for Electrical, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Rs. 57,000
* Civil Engineering (after confirmation of Admission) Rs.72,770/- and Total Rs.104,770/-.
and B.Architecture
“K & S” Category for BS (CS) Rs. 67,000
Detail of Annual Dues All Programs
“K & S” Category for Bio-Medical Technology, BBA & SFE Rs. 42,000
Students Fee Rs. 1000 “K & S” Category for BS Elect., Mech., & Civil Technologies Rs. 35,750
Sports Fee Rs. 500 “K & S” Category for Chemical Technology & all other programs Rs. 29,500
Library Membership Rs. 700
Candidates applying all programs (all categories) Rs. 157,000
Transport Fee Rs. 6,000
(Subject to revision any time without notice)
Examinations etc. Rs. 600
Industrial Tours Rs. 3,000 Hostel Charges:
Internet charges Rs. 1,500
Hostel Fee for one year allotment will be 30,000/- PKR as mentioned below:
Student Societies Fee Rs. 500
Magazine Fee Rs. 200 (a) Room Rent (per resident per year) Rs. 14,400
Utilities* Rs. 3,000 (b) Electricity charges (per resident per year) Rs. 9,600
Generator Fuel Charges Rs. 1,000 (C) Housekeeping Charges (per resident per year) Rs. 3,400
Miscellaneous Rs. 500 (d) Maintenance/Breakage Rs. 500
Total: (For All other Programs) Rs. 18,500 (e) Security Rs. 1,400
(f) Hostel Resident Card Rs. 100
Survey Camp Fee only for Civil Engineering Rs. 6,000 (g) Generator Fuel Charges Rs. 600
Total: (Annual Dues for Civil Engineering) Rs. 24,500 Total: Rs. 30,000
Electricity charges for over and above load extension:
* The dues are subject to review from time to time. Tuition Fee will be increased @
5% of its existing rate every year for all students. (a) Room-Coolers (1 May - 30 Sep) Rs. 3,000/month/room
- Fee for all Engineering & B. Architecture is Rs.12,390/- per month. (b) Refrigerator (1 Jan - 30 Dec) Rs. 2,000/month/room
- Fee for BS(CS) & Software Engineering is Rs.8,022/- per month. (c) Dispenser (1 Jan - 30 Dec) Rs. 300/month/room
- Fee for BBA & Bio-Medical Technology Program is Rs.7,295/- per month. (d) Microwave Oven (Non-cooking) Rs. 500/month/room
- Fee for BS Chem., Elect., Mech., & Civil Technologies, LLB, and Fashion Design is (Jan 01 to Dec. 31)
Rs.6,075/- per month
- BS Mathematics, Physics, Nursing, Chemistry, ES and Criminology is Rs.4,410/- Note:
per month I) Mess security and mess dues are in addition to above charges.
- Annual Dues for Civil Engineering are Rs.24,500/- per year. ii) Mess security is Rs.5000/- (refundable)** and Mess dues are roughly
- Annual Dues for all other programs are Rs.18,500/- per year. Rs.4000/- per month for two meals a day.
iii) Maximum stay of a student in the hostel shall be 4-years from the date of
* AC in class room will be allowed for 60 days in season. his/her admission in IET. **Subject to production of original receipt.
* Note: (i) Dues are payable on 1st of every quarter. A fine of Rs.50/-
per day will be charged after 10th of the month of that quarter. Schedule of Fee Payment
Student will have to deposit a fine equal to Admission fee after end of
month otherwise he/she will not be allowed to attend the classes. Quarter Last Date
(ii)The students are expected to clear all their dues before taking any 1st quarter At the time of admission
examination. No student shall be allowed to sit in the Examination 2nd quarter before January 10, 2023
Hall without formal clearance of the Accounts Department.
3rd quarter before April 10, 2023
Note: 4th quarter before July 10, 2023
Dr. Omer Ali
Assistant Professor
Nazar Abbas
Assistant Document Section
RULES & REGULATIONS FOR A Candidate shall be admitted to the Degree if:
UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS a. He has passed all the papers of the degree
program in the relevant discipline, and,
(As adopted by Bahauddin Zakariya University, b. He has attended and satisfactorily completed
at least 04 to 06 weeks Industrial Training
Requirements for Degree where applicable as Certified by the Vice
1. The minimum duration of the B.Sc. Engineering Chancellor NFC Institute of Engineering &
degree programs shall not be less than four Technology, Multan.
academic years. c. A CGPA of 2.20 on scale of 4.00 at the
2. No candidate shall be admitted to an Examination completion of all course work as prescribed by
after the expiry of 07 academic years from the date the department.
of his admission in the Institute.
3. The medium of instructions and examinations shall Provisional Promotion of Higher Semester
be English for all subjects except Islamic Studies a. All the BZU and NFC IET amended rules
and Pakistan Studies for which the medium of
relating to Semester promotion/relegation/
instructions and examinations shall be either Urdu
or English. probation will be followed.
4. The courses of studies, the number of credit hours b. Student will have to submit an affidavit on
allotted to each course and the detailed syllabus provisional promotion to next Semester that if
shall be according to the proposals made by the he fails to fulfill the condition of promotion, he
Board of Studies concerned and approved by the will be relegated/dropped and he will not claim
Syndicate on the recommendations of the Board of any compensation/refund of fee.
Faculties and Academic Council.
Examinations and Grading System
Part-I (Theory Paper):
Ÿ Sessional Marks in Theory Papers may consists of Theory Papers:
attendance, Quiz, Sessional Tests or any other a) Sessional 20 Marks
assignment as determined by the teacher b) Mid Term 30 Marks
concerned and shall carry 20% of the total marks c) End-term Exam 50 Marks
allotted to Part-I of the subject. In each semester
there will be a mid term of 30% marks which will be Practical & Viva-Voce:
conducted by the teacher concerned under the a) Sessional 50 Marks
semester system rules. The remaining 50% of the b) End-Term Exam 50 Marks
marks shall be allocated for the end-term written
examination. Note: Minimum Pass Marks for promotion to next
semester are 50% (C-Grade), both in theory and
Part-II (Practical & Viva-Voce): practicals.
Ÿ Sessional work may consist of attendance,
laboratory, design, quiz, studio work and any other Grading
assignment as determined by the teacher In rating of the students, three passing grades
concerned and shall carry 50% of the total marks
shall be used A,B,C and one failing grade F. In
allocated to Part-II of a subject and the remaining
50% of the marks shall be for end term practical and Terms of their numerical equivalence, the letter
Viva-Voce examinations. grades denote the following:
Final Result of Each Semester a) In rating of the students seven passing grades
Ÿ Final result (GPA, SGPA & CGPA) will be calculated shall be used A+,A,B+,B,B-,C+ and C and one
for each Semester as per Semester System rules. failing grade F. In Terms of their numerical
equivalence, the letter grades denote the
Attendance Requirements following:
Ÿ The attendance requirement for appearing in
Semester examination will be minimum 75% of the Alphabetical Grade Marks G.P.A.
total lectures delivered. A+ 90-100 4.00
A 80-89 3.70
Application for Examination B+ 75-79 3.30
a. A candidate who wishes to seek admission to an B 70-74 3.00
examination shall submit an application in the B- 65-69 2.70
prescribed form to the Controller of Examinations
C+ 60-64 2.30
through the Head of Department.
C 50-59 2.00
b) A cumulative grade point average (CGPA) shall be 51 2.00 C
computed at the end of the course for all students.
50 2.00 C
Ready Reckoner Table Below 50 Fail
90-100 4.00 A+ Incomplete I
89 3.90 A
88 3.90 A Good Standing
i) In order to remain on the rolls of the Department, a
87 3.90 A student has to continuously maintain “Good
86 3.90 A Standing” namely a satisfactory standard of
attendance and academic performance, as well as
85 3.80 A of conduct and discipline.
84 3.80 A ii) To remain in “Good Standing” at the end of first
83 3.80 A semester a student besides meeting attendance
and conduct requirements, must also maintain a
82 3.70 A minimum CGPA of 2.00 on a cumulative basis.
81 3.70 A However, a student having CGPA less than 2.0 but
greater than 1.75 will be on probation. Any student
80 3.70 A with a CGPA of less than 1.75 will be dropped from
79 3.60 B+ the roll of the Department forthwith.
iii) At the end of the first Semester, a student must
78 3.50 B+
obtain a minimum grade point average (SGPA) of
77 3.40 B+ 2.00 to be promoted to the second Semester. In
76 3.30 B+ case a student is able to obtain GPA of 1.75 or
more, but less than 2.00 he will be promoted to the
75 3.30 B+ second semester on probation. This opportunity is
74 3.20 B provided only in Ist Semester.
iv) (a)At the end of each Semester, other than Ist
73 3.10 B semester, a student must obtain a minimum
72 3.10 B cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.00
and must also pass at least 50% of the courses
71 3.00 B
taken by him in the semester in order to be
70 3.00 B promoted to next Semester. If any of the proceeding
69 2.90 B- two conditions is not complied with by a student, he
shall be removed from the rolls of the Department.
68 2.80 B- (b) However, if a student fails to comply with any of
67 2.80 B- the conditions in third & subsequent semesters in
four years program, he will be detained in that
66 2.70 B- semester & he will repeat the semester. He will be
65 2.70 B- promoted to the next semester on attaining a CGPA
64 2.60 C+
of 2.00. The students will have to complete their
courses within the stipulated time (07 academic
63 2.50 C+ years) for completion of degree.
62 2.40 C+ v) A student shall be deemed to have lost his/her
“Good Standing” if his conduct and behaviour is
61 2.40 C+ found objectionable from the disciplinary point of
60 2.30 C+ view.
59 2.20 C Incomplete Grade
58 2.20 C No make up Examination shall be given to a student
57 2.20 C who does not appear in Mid-Term Examination. In case
a student is unable to appear in one or more courses in
56 2.20 C the End-Term Examination of Semester on medical
55 2.10 C ground, he may be allowed to appear in the special final
Examination to be arranged by the Department
54 2.10 C provided:
53 2.10 C i) He/She fulfills the conditions of having attended the
prescribed number of lectures as laid down in the
52 2.00 C
ii) He/She is laid down as an indoor patient of a
recognized hospital, or if he/she is not hospitalized Institute except with the written permission of
as defined above, the candidate shall be examined the Competent Authority,
by the Medical Superintendent of Civil Hospital who (vii) stage, incite, or participate, in a walkout, strike
may certify the inability of the student to appear in or any other form of agitation which might
the examination or otherwise. create or is likely to create law and order
iii) Application of the student must reach the problem for the Institute and affect or is likely to
Department on or before the day of Examination. affect its smooth functioning,
Late application shall not be entertained (viii) indulge in immoral activities, use indecent
iv) Such a student shall be given incomplete grade (“I” language, wear immodest dress, make
Grade). He shall be required to appear in the indecent remarks, jokes or gestures or behave
special End-Term examination of that Semester to in an improper manner,
be held within Four weeks from the (ix) cause disturbance to others,
Commencement of the next Semester. (x) keep or carry weapons, narcotics, immoral or
v) He shall also be required to follow the schedule of subversive literature,
the next Semester. (xi) disturb peace and tranquility of the Institute,
vi) The student shall have to pay prescribed fee per (xii) use insalutary or abusive language or resort to
course for special End-Term examination. violence against a fellow student or employee
of the Institute,
Change of Course (xiii) attend the class work/practical without wearing
i) No student shall change a course except with the prescribed dress / Protective during the course
written approval/reassignment by the Head of of his studies at the Institute.
Department. The time period for such a change (xiv) indulge himself/herself in copying during the
shall be 07 days from the commencement of the Examination/Tests and unlawful help to any
course. other person during the Examinations/Tests.
ii) The Department may switch the courses of
different Semester according to needs or the Disciplinary Action
availability of teaching facilities. Disciplinary action by the Vice Chancellor of the
Institute/ Disciplinary Committee against the students
Semester Break may be taken in one or more of the following forms
In case a student (other than first semester student) due depending upon the severity of the offence;
to some unavoidable circumstances (prolonged illness (i) A written warning may be issued to the students
or such other genuine reason) is unable to continue his concerned and a copy of the same may be
studies, he/she may apply for a semester break. The displayed on the Notice Board.
case will be put up to the departmental examination (ii) The matter may be reported to the Parents/
committee for consideration. In case, the committee Guardians and they may be called, if necessary.
recommends it, semester break will be allowed. The (iii) A student may be fined. The fine imposed shall
semester break will be allowed for a maximum period of have to be deposited with the Treasurer under
one year. The total time period for completion of the intimation to the Vice Chancellor/Chairman
programme will however, remain the same as already Disciplinary Committee (constituted by the Vice
provided in rules. Chancellor) as the case may be.
(iv) A student may be placed on probation for a fixed
STUDENTS CONDUCT & DISCIPLINE period not exceeding 6 months. If during the period
of probation he/she fails to improve his/her conduct,
Rules Relating to Discipline he/she may be rusticated or expelled.
No student shall;
(i) utter, do, or propagate anything repugnant to Rustication and Expulsion
Islam within and outside the precincts of the Institute, Rustication, whenever, imposed on a student, shall
(ii) say or do anything which might adversely affect always mean the loss of one academic year in so far as
the honour and prestige of Pakistan or Institute his/her appearance at a University examination is
and Teachers, concerned. the period of absence from the Institute will,
(iii) smoke in the Classroom, Laboratory, however, depend upon the time of the year when the
Workshop, Library and Examination Hall. penalty is imposed. The student under rustication may
(iv) form, or associate with an organization/ at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor of the Institute be
Society/Club, or any other body, promoting cast permitted to rejoin the class in the beginning of the next
distinctions and inciting parochial/linguistic/ academic year.
regional feeling, Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
(v) organise, or hold any function within the the regulations above, a student shall continue to be
precincts of the Institute except with prior under the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice Chancellor
approval of the Competent Authority, of the Institute till the completion of his final year
(vi) collect money or receive donations or examination including the practicals and submission of
pecuniary assistance for or on behalf of the the thesis research report, design project etc. and final
clearance from the Institute. record of class attendance. However, in case of
emergency/ sickness, students may take leave from the
Cancellation of Admission Head of the department by submitting an application
Ÿ If a student fails to attend classes for one week supported by Medical Certificate in case of sickness,
continuously after the start of the session, his/her and by requesting him/her in writing in case of urgent
admission shall stand cancelled automatically work. Any unauthorized absence from class work may
without any notice, and his/her seat will be offered to attract a fine of Rs.20/= per period.
candidate next in merit.
Ÿ If a student is unable to attend classes for ten days or Abbreviation/Definitions
more during the session without getting prior (a) 'BZU' is an abbreviation for the Bahauddin
permission from the head of department, his/her Zakariya University, Multan.
admission shall also stand cancelled. (b) 'IET' is an abbreviation for the NFC Institute of
Ÿ The NFC-IET Management reserves the right to Engineering & Technology, Multan.
cancel the admission of any student if he fails to (c) 'VC' is an abbreviation for the Vice-Chancellor of
abide by the disciplinary rules and regulations of the IET.
Institute issued by the Institute's Management from (d) 'Faculty' means the academic staff of the IET.
time to time. (e) 'Subject' means a course of studies as prescribed
in the detailed Syllabi, whose successful
Code of Honour completion shall be the requirement of B.Sc.
1. All Muslim Students must show, in words and in Engineering degree in the relevant discipline. It
deeds, their full faith in Islam. shall consist of Part-I (Theory) and/or Part-II
2. All students must have faith in and respect for the (Sessional Work, Practical and Viva-Voce). Each
deology of Pakistan. part shall be considered a separate paper for the
3. All students must in matters of religion, respect the purpose of Examination.
convictions of others. (f) 'internal examiner ’ normally means the
4. Every student is expected to; teacher/person appointed by the Competent
(i) be loyal to Pakistan, Authority who has been teaching the subject to
(ii) obey the law of the Land as well as the Rules the class/section during the semester for which
and Regulations of the Institute. the examination is being conducted.
(iii) maintain law and order as well as the dignity (g) 'External Examiner' means a person appointed by
and prestige of the Alma Mater, the Competent Authority, holding suitable
(iv) have respect for morality and personal qualifications in the relevant discipline who is
honour and rights of others. neither a teacher in the IET nor has taught the
(v) practice honesty and integrity in dealings with subject to the class/section during the semester
fellow students, teachers and all others both for which the examination is being held.
(h) The person 'he' and its derivatives are used for
on and off the Institute.
both male and female persons.
(vi) help in protecting the life, dignity, honour and
the property of the Institute and that of the
employees and fellow students,
(vii) respect teachers, all elders and persons in
authority in the Institute.
(viii) work hard and complete the course of study
within the prescribed period, and
(ix) endeavour to positively contribute towards
creating an atmosphere conducive to healthy
academic pursuit.
All the students from session 2015 onward should come
to the Institute in approved uniform. During practical in
laboratories students of B.Sc. Chemical Engineering
are required to wear white cotton overalls. The students
are expected to wear white Safety Helmets while
working at Miniature Plant and Safety Goggles while
working at Engineering Workshop. Overalls, Helmets
and Goggles are available at prescribed stores in
Multan city.
The Institute expects its students to keep excellent
Dr. Omer Ali
Assistant Professor
Chairman, Admission Committee
, BS So ware Engineering
Choice of Disciplines Overseas Fee for Engineering & BS programs are as
Candidate will have to mention his/ her preference for follows:
different programs. In case candidate is interested in B.Sc. Civil & Mechanical Engg Rs. 500,000
only one or two of the programs then he/ she should B.Sc. Electrical, Chemical Engineering Rs. 300,000
indicate on the application form accordingly. B.Sc. Energy Systems, Petroleum Rs. 200,000
Preference once given will not be ordinarily changed Engineering and BSCS
except in inevitable cases provided merit is not B. Architecture, B.Sc. Environment Rs. 100,000
Engg. & Biomedical Engg. Tech.
disturbed. A re-processing fee of PKR. 1000 will have to
B.S. Chemical Technology Rs. 50,000
be paid in each case. Please put a cross (X) against All other programs Rs. 75,000
discipline in which you are not interested.
Category "A" through "J” 1. Candidate in this category will pay above mention
It is based on comparative merit against domicile of fee plus Normal Fee of the programs and Govt.
candidate. The candidates applying on these Taxes as per FBR policies.
categories must submit an attested copy of their
domicile certificate along with the application form; Category "L" Candidates holding DAE
otherwise their application form will be rejected. For Candidates with qualification in respective technology
Category-H (Balochistan) candidates who are under 21 with at least 60% marks are eligible to apply against this
years of age must submit an attested copy of domicile seat only. However for Technologies and Sciences
certificate of their father showing the candidates name programs DAE holder may apply against any seat.
and age along with the application form, failing which
their application form will be rejected. Those applying Category "N" (Professional Engineers)
against B categories must also apply against category It is also based on comparative merit within the category.
'A'. Valid registration of Pakistan Engineering Council is
required from father/Mother in order of priority of
Category "K" (Foreigners/Overseas Pakistanis) candidate applying against category "N".
It is based on comparative merit irrespective of
Nationality or domicile. Foreign Nationals can also Category "O "
apply against this category and are required to provide These seats are reserved for real sons/daughters, real
proof of equivalence of their qualifications and also brothers/sisters, real nephew/nieces (son and
clearance from Economic Affair Division, Govt. of Daughter of real brother and sister) and nephew/nieces
Pakistan. (son and daughter of first cousins) in order of priority of
Candidate with Pakistani nationality applying on NFC IET regular/Deputation/ Contract basis,
overseas category (K) shall have to provide copy of working/ex-Employees in order of priority. Minimum
Passport with valid working visa of his/her Service for in service employee/Ex-employee is 5 years
parents/Guardian or real brother/sister and submit it of service at NFC IET Multan. Candidates must fill in a
along with the application form failing which he/she not Performa (available at Admission Cell of NFC IET) and
be considered for admission on category “K” overseas. submit it along with the application form. Also such
application should be duly signed by the IET Employee Application Procedure
and verified by Registrar. The application form for all programs are enclosed as in
a prospectus. The candidate may apply against many
Category "P” categories as he/she desires. In such case he/she must
Reserved for nominee of children of employee of armed indicate preference on the application form.
forces. GHQ shall nominate the candidates for
admission after verification of their credentials which Un-Utilized Seats
shall be sent to admission committee for final approval Decision regarding un-utilized seats in each category
two weeks before commencement of class work. shall be made by the admission committee.
B.S. Technology) marks shall be multiplied by 0.85 to calculate the marks for
the merit list. Candidate who submit their CGPA's without
Employee Candidates getting them converted to %age marks shall not be
Employed candidates shall have to take full leave from considered for admission on B.Tech (Hons) basis.
their organization and provide NOC for confirmation of
admission. Credit for Hafiz-e-Quran
A Hafiz-e-Quran will be credited 20 marks for determining
Medical Fitness the overall merits. A certificate from recognized institution
All candidates will furnish a certificate from a registered and passing oral test arranged by NFC IET Multan is
medical practitioner, declaring that they do not have any required.
serious disease with may be harmful to them or others
Determination of merits in case of equal
during the course of their studies at IET. percentage of admission marks
If two or more applicant have equal percentage of marks
DETERMINATION OF MERITS (upto three places of decimal) in the comparative merit, the
order of merit between them shall be determined in
Examination Treated Par
following preferences:
for purposes of admission to the bachelor degree
1) Matriculation marks
courses and the determination of merit the following 2) Age (candidate older in age being treated as
examination are treated at par; Higher in merit)
a) F.Sc. (pre-engineering)
b) Cambridge overseas Higher School Certificate with Entry Test
physics, chemistry and mathematics Ÿ NFC-IET will organize its own Entry Test. Schedule of
c) British General Certificate of Education (advance Entry Test see at the end.
level physics, chemistry and mathematics). The
comparative merits of the applicant are determined Ÿ For all programmes, ECAT (conducted by UET, Lahore)
on the basis of marks obtained by them in these or NAT (conducted by NTS).
examinations plus marks obtained in entry test.
Ÿ B-Architechture Program department aptitude test
conducted in NFC-IET.
Highest percentage of marks counted
If an applicant has passed more than one of the above
Ÿ For LLB program LAT test conducted by HEC.
examinations/Entry Test, his position on the merit list is
determined on the basis of the examination in which he has Ÿ If a student attempted more than one Entry Test, highest
the highest Percentage of the marks %age will be counted to merit determination.
Deduction of marks For examination passed by
part/subject improved
If an applicant has passed an examination by parts or
subject improve, (10) marks has deducted from his
aggregate marks. While determining his/her merit Merits of
F.Sc.'s (Pre-Medical) with Mathematics in determining the
merit of an applicant having F.Sc. (Pre Medical) with
mathematic as an additional subject;
a) It is deemed that he has passed the examination by
parts as such 10 marks shall be detected from his/her
aggregate marks for the determination of his/her
b) The marks obtained in the subject of biology are
replaced by those obtained in the Mathematics
Nursing Soft.Engg.
1. The candidates who are not overage and are seeking
Admission Schedule admission in Engineering Program and scoring 60%
marks or more in F.Sc., Pre-Engineering/DAE/ B.Tech
(Hons) or equivalent examinations and appeared in
* Last date for Entry Test Registration 27.07.2022 ECAT/NTS/ NFC-IET Test becomes eligible for
admission. As such, the eligible candidate should
P Entry Test 30.07.2022 deposit the dues alongwith his application form on
time. No application form shall be accepted without
the dues.
LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS 2. A candidate seeking admission in engineering program
and securing less than 60% in F.Sc./DAE etc. becomes
WITH DUES ineligible. Applications of ineligible candidates shall not
be accepted.
3. A candidate seeking admission in LLB program and
securing 45% or more in Intermediate and passed in LAT
Note: Test conducted by HEC becomes eligible for admission.
1. The schedule can be revised on sole description of 4. The candidates seeking admission in BS Engineering
IET Admission Committee, if so required Technologies, BS(CS), BS Criminology, BS Sciences,
2. A merit list will be display after submission of and BBA programs and scoring 45% or more in F.Sc. Pre-
2nd year result. Date will be announced later. Engineering/Pre-Medical/ DAE/Intermediate with
Computer Science/General Science/Commerce or
equivalent and appeared in ECAT/NAT (NTS) becomes
eligible for admission. The eligible candidate should
deposit the dues alongwith the application form on time.
ACADEMIC SCHEDULE Application forms shall not be accepted without the dues.
5. Overseas candidates may send their Application Forms
October 2022 - March 20213 through online/e-mail till last date and provide
photocopies of the draft and testimonials besides
* Second Semester March - July 2023 showing original certificates at the time of admission.
* Summer Semester/ July - August 2023 6. All Candidates should bring their original testimonials for
submission on or before 21.09.2020 also deposits
remaining dues for admission.
CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES MS PROGRAM 7. Erroneous admission due to typographical/
computer error will be corrected accordingly and
Admission Schedule candidate is bound to accept the decision.
8. It should be clearly understood that the dues
* Last date for receipt of applications 23.09.2022 deposited shall be refunded strictly in accordance
with dues with refund policy under lined below.
9. It will be candidate’s own responsibility to get
P Entry Test 07.10.2022 registered in relevant Entry Test.
P Interview 17.10.2022 10. Candidates applying in engineering as well as non-
to 19.10.2022 engineering programme could give NFC-IET Entry
P Display of Merit List 26.10.2022
Documents to be attached with the Application Form
Post Graduate
Post Graduate Studies Program
Post Graduate Studies Program was started at
the Institute in the year 2016. The program has
been asserting very encouraging response from
aspirants since its inception. All the MS
programs at the Institute are running with prior
approval from Higher Education Commission
(HEC) of Pakistan and IET is firmly maintaining
all the necessary requirements of HEC to keep
validity of the program at all time.
knowledge central to multidisciplinary careers.
MS Chemical Engineering ● instill strong sense of humanistic values and
professionalism in students such that they can
Introduction: conduct ethically and knowledgeably
regarding technological impact in societal
Chemical Engineering involves and comprehends issues
design and maintenance of chemical plants and
brings out capabilities of chemical processes for ● enable graduates to assume leader positions
transforming raw materials into valuables. This in defining the social, intellectual, business and
includes union of knowledge from applied technical dimensions of the professional
chemistry and engineering for the production of organizations the belong to
useful products. This branch of engineering is
versatile discipline comprehending areas from ● enable graduates to continue their life-long
biotechnology and nanotechnology to mineral learning process and participate in graduate
processing. It covers various areas in mineral education to remain as effective professionals
based industries, petrochemical plants, in the work place of the future.
pharmaceuticals, synthetic fibers and petroleum
refining plans etc. Because of industrial expansion Outcomes:
and scarcity of resources, the scope of chemical
engineering is stretched out. The institute is Graduates with MS (Chemical Engineering)
envisioned to furnish human asset thereof which degree from the Institute are desired to possess:
may be demanded for exertion of creating
synthetic replacement for limited natural materials ● An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
and resources. Overall chemical engineers make science and engineering to design and
very important contributions to make life easy for conduct experiments and to analyze and
everyone. interpret data to solve engineering problems.
● An ability to design components, systems and
After serving the southern Punjab region for more processes to meet desired needs within
than two decades through undergraduate program realistic constraints such as economic,
in Chemical Engineering and enjoying continued environmental, social, political, ethical, health
alumni's and employer's satisfaction, department and safety, manufacturability, and sustain-
of Chemical Engineering at the institute ability.
commenced postgraduate engineering program in ● The necessary ability to understand the impact
Chemical Engineering in 2016. The program was of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
long awaited and its need was manifested by a environmental, societal context with
large inflow of applicants all over the country. The professional and ethical responsibility.
program aims at producing professionals with ● An ability to use the techniques, skills, and
postgraduate qualification equipped to work in modern engineering tools necessary for
design, operation, academics and research in engineering practice.
Chemical Engineering and allied fields. ● Potential to enter in both private and public
sectors as chemical engineers and to pursue
Objectives: further education.
Objectives of the MS (Chemical Engineering)
program offered at the institute are to: Research Facilities:
● amalgamate key science and engineering Coal Research Center
principles to address the technological Advanced Separation Lab
challenges of the process industry. Advanced Reaction Engineering's Lab
● disseminate advanced engineering concepts Simulation Lab
and skills in addition to improving students'
communication skills to enable them to work in
versatile industrial and processional
● prepare professionals for rapidly changing
technological environments with the core
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ChE-501 Advance Engineering Mathematics 3+0 ChE-503 Advance Transport Phenomena 3+0
ChE-502 Advance Separation Process 3+1 ChE-504 Advance Chemical Reaction Engineering 3+1
Specialization-1 2+0 Specialization-2 2+0
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
Specialization-3 2+1 Research Thesis 06
Specialization-4 2+1
Total Credits 06 Total Credits 06
MS Electrical Power Engineering
wide boundaries of the engineering profession,
MS Mechanical Engineering there are thousands of challenging ac vi es in areas
such as research, development, design,
Mission manufacture and opera on of products and
The mission of the MS program in Mechanical services. Students can tailor courses to suit them
Engineering is to impart knowledge in the art and with specialist modules that allow them a deeper
science of mechanical engineering through a understanding of par cular areas of engineering
comprehensive and advanced curriculum that that interest them. The wide spectrum of courses
produces specialized mechanical engineers of high enables student crea vity not only results in a more
ethics and skill, fully prepared for entry into industry, exci ng and engaging learning experience, it also
government, graduate school and private prepares students fully for the prac cal demands of
enterprise. The program curriculum major discipline the post-graduate studies and workplace.
of mechanical engineering with introduc on to
advanced mathema cs and use of computers in Note: Program will be start subject to award of
engineering. The program is expected to enable the NOC from HEC.
students to research, design, develop, test, evaluate
and implement engineering solu ons to problems
that are of a complexity encountered in professional
prac ce.
Objec ve
The most important purpose of the MS program at
NFC Ins tute of Engineering & Technology is to train
engineers for professional prac ce in the field of
major discipline of mechanical engineering. This
program is surely going to develop autonomy, impart
knowledge as well as the capacity for progressing
professional growth. The graduate program of
Mechanical engineering will iden fy, formulate and
solve mechanical design engineering problems.
In today's fast developing technology, growing
industrializa on and moderniza on, “Mechanical
Engineering” holds a prominent place. Within the
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ME- Core Course-I 3+0 ME- Core Course-III 3+0
ME- Core Course-II 3+0 ME- Core Course-IV 3+0
ME- Elective-I 3+0 ME- Elective-II 3+0
Total Credits 09 Total Credits 09
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
ME- Elective Course-III 3+0 ME- Thesis/Two Elective Courses 6+0
ME- Elective Course-IV 3+0
Total Credits 06 Total Credits 06
managerial skills through an appropriate blending of
Masters of Business business and general educa on. The MBA
curriculum provides students with a comprehensive
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MBA- Core Course-1 3 MBA- Core Course-6 3
MBA- Core Course-2 3 MBA- Core Course-7 3
MBA- Core Course-3 3 MBA- Core Course-8 3
MBA- Core Course-4 3 MBA- Core Course-9 3
MBA- Core Course-5 3 MBA- Core Course-10 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MBA- Core Course-11 3 MBA- Core Course-14 3
MBA- Core Course-12 3 MBA- Elective-3 3
MBA- Core Course-13 3 MBA- Elective-4 3
MBA- Elective-1 3 MBA- Research Thesis/Project/ 6
MBA- Elective-2 3 General Elective Two Courses
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15
Specialization/Elective Courses
Marketing specialization
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MBA-601 Mathematical & Statistical Applications for Business 3 MKT-706 Seminar in Marketing 3
MBA-602 Business Economics 3 MKT-707 Integrated Marketing Communication 3
MKT-708 Sales Management 3
MBA-603 Strategic Management 3
MKT-709 Internet Marketing 3
MBA-604 Advance Financial Accounting 3
MKT-710 Retail Marketing 3
MBA-605 Corporate Governance 3
MKT-711 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing 3
MBA-606 Strategic Finance 3 MKT-712 Strategic Brand Management 3
MBA-607 Financial Reporting & Analysis 3 MKT-713 Topics in Consumer Behavior 3
MBA-608 Strategic Marketing 3
MBA-609 Strategic Human Resource Management 3 SEMESTER-3
Human Resource Management Specialization
MBA-610 Advanced Research Methods 3 Code Course Title Credit
MBA-611 Global Marketing 3 Hrs.
MBA-612 Analysis of Pakistan Industries 3 HR-721 Advance Topics in Compensation Management 3
MBA-613 Banking Operation 3 HR-722 Conict and Negotiation Management 3
HR-723 Art of Leadership and Motivation 3
MBA-614 Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 3
HR-724 Managing Employee Relations 3
MBA-615 Consumer Behavior 3
HR-725 Seminar in Management 3
HR-726 HRM in Public Sector of Pakistan 3
Finance Specialization
Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Code Course Title Credit
GE-701 Research Thesis/Project 3
FNC-731 Financial Risk Management 3
GE-702 Knowledge Management 3
FNC-732 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 3
GE-703 Change Management 3
FNC-733 Central Banking and Regulations 3
GE-704 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 3
FNC-734 Treasury & Insurance Management 3
FNC-735 Financial Markets and Institutions 3
Note: Business Elec ves & Core shall be offered subject to the availability
FNC-736 Islamic Banking & Finance 3
of faculty.
FNC-737 International Finance
MBA PROGRAMME FOR NON-BUSINESS comprehensive management educa on of globally
UNDERGRADUATES recognized best prac ces with flexibility of
adapta on to indigenous entrepreneurial and
(Weekend Programme)
societal context.
Introduc on:
Admission Eligibility:
This MBA 2 years programme at Department of
The programme is open to the students having 16
Business Administra on has been developed to
years of educa on with minimum 2.50/4.00 CGPA or
impart business educa on to candidates with non-
60% marks. Candidate must appear in Ins tute
business 16 years educa on at undergraduate level.
Admission Test or NTS-GAT (Gen) and secure at least
This programme will cater the needs of students to
50% marks. Candidates will appear in an interview
develop the comprehensive knowledge in various
for the purpose of final selec on.
disciplines of the business such as Entrepreneurship,
Marke ng, Finance, Research and Human Resource
Management. Moreover, this programme will
enable the students to build and maintain balance
between the targets of economic success and the
limita ons of increasing social and environmental
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MBA- Core Course-1 3 MBA- Core Course-6 3
MBA- Core Course-2 3 MBA- Core Course-7 3
MBA- Core Course-3 3 MBA- Core Course-8 3
MBA- Core Course-4 3 MBA- Core Course-9 3
MBA- Core Course-5 3 MBA- Core Course-10 3
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MBA- Core Course-11 3 MBA- Core Course-14 3
MBA- Core Course-12 3 MBA- Elective-3 3
MBA- Core Course-13 3 MBA- Elective-4 3
MBA- Elective-1 3 MBA- Research Thesis/Project/ 6
MBA- Elective-2 3 General Elective Two Courses
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15
Specialization/Elective Courses
Marketing specialization
Code Course Title Credit Code Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
MBA-501 Business Math & Statistics 3 MKT-706 Seminar in Marketing 3
MBA-502 Business Communication 3 MKT-707 Integrated Marketing Communication 3
MBA-503 Principles of Management 3 MKT-708 Sales Management 3
MBA-504 Fundamental of Financial Accounting 3 MKT-709 Internet Marketing 3
MBA-505 Principles of Marketing 3 MKT-710 Retail Marketing 3
MBA-506 Business Finance 3 MKT-711 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing 3
MBA-507 Management Information System 3 MKT-712 Strategic Brand Management 3
MBA-508 Marketing Management 3 MKT-713 Topics in Consumer Behavior 3
MBA-509 Human Resource Management 3 SEMESTER-3
MBA-510 Managerial Economics 3
Human Resource Management Specialization
MBA-511 Business Research Methods 3 Code Course Title Credit
MBA-512 Financial Management 3
MBA-513 Organizational Behavior 3 HR-721 Advance Topics in Compensation Management 3
MBA-514 Strategic Management 3 HR-722 Conict and Negotiation Management 3
MBA-515 Business Law 3 HR-723 Art of Leadership and Motivation 3
MBA-516 Entrepreneurship 3 HR-724 Managing Employee Relations 3
MBA-517 Operation Management 3 HR-725 Seminar in Management 3
MBA-518 Theory and Practice of Management 3 HR-726 HRM in Public Sector of Pakistan 3
Finance Specialization
ELECTIVE COURSES Code Course Title Credit
Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
Hrs. FNC-731 Financial Risk Management 3
GE-701 Research Thesis/Project 3 FNC-732 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 3
GE-702 Knowledge Management 3 FNC-733 Central Banking and Regulations 3
GE-703 Total Quality Management 3
GE-704 Project Management 3 FNC-734 Treasury & Insurance Management 3
GE-705 Contemporary Issues in Management 3 FNC-735 Financial Markets and Institutions 3
FNC-736 Islamic Banking & Finance 3
Note: Business Elec ves & Core shall be offered subject to the availability
of faculty. FNC-737 International Finance
Computer science graduates start their professional
MS Computer Science careers just a er the comple on of their bachelor's
degrees. However, a er serving 2-3 years in the
Introduc on: industry, most of them want a higher degree to take
Department of Computer Science at NFC-Ins tute of their career to the next higher level. In order to enter
Engineering & Technology is dedicated to train and in the field of academia, MS, and Ph.D. in the
produce graduates possessing comprehensive relevant field are required. A limited number of
knowledge in various areas of the field. With this u n i v e rs i e s i n Pa k i s t a n o ffe r a c c r e d i t e d
vision, the undergraduate program in computer postgraduate degrees in computer science which is
science was launched in 2008 and has achieved far less than the demand. The ins tute aims to fill
excellent acceptance of graduates in the local and this gap by commencing MS (Computer Science)
interna onal markets. We have been on the move program in 2017.
for the last many years. To further enhance the
knowledge and skills of students and to fill the gap of This program is ideally designed for students who
higher educa on in the field in the Southern Punjab want to broaden and enhance their knowledge in
region, the Department of Computer Science at the the field of computer science. Today, with the rapidly
ins tute commenced the MS program in Computer increasing market demand, students are found
Science in 2017. This degree program is aimed to interested in the field of computer science and the
improve theore cal and in-depth knowledge, requirement is well sa sfied by the MS (CS) program
enabling students to add produc ve research offered by the ins tute. The program aims to
contribu ons in the emerging area of computer dispense necessary and important skills to the
science. The expected outcome is well-rounded students, useful for construc ng reliable and
computer scien sts ready to fulfill the demand for advanced so ware systems.
the industry, research, and academics in the country
and abroad. MS (CS) graduates are very well accepted in the field
of computer science both within the country &
Program Objec ves: abroad.
Objec ves of the postgraduate program are to:
Career Op ons:
· enlighten students with advanced theore cal and
There are many career op ons available for MS (CS).
prac cal computer science knowledge
The degree is specifically designed to sharpen
· impart research skills in students
student's skills according to market requirements
· enable students to add useful research contri-
and to prepare them for a compe ve future.
bu ons in the field of So ware Engineering,
Bioinforma cs, Telecommunica on, Data Science, Research is considered to be the most important and
Cloud Compu ng, Scien fic Visualiza on, and advanced career op on in the field of CS. Moreover,
computer vision. numerous job opportuni es available for the
· fill the requirement of trained computer science students who complete their degree within the me
professionals in the relevant industry within the & with honor. Some employment opportuni es are
country & abroad as follows:
· produce professionals with knowledge of
emerging subfields like bioinforma cs (a newer · Computer and Informa on Researchers
field with a lot of room for research directly related · Computer and Informa on Scien sts
to serving humanity), computer vision and · Computer Programmers
computer networks, etc. · Computer Engineers
· Computer Supports Specialist
Scope: · Computer Analysts
Informa on Technology (IT) field has the poten al to · Database Administrator
play a major role in boos ng Pakistan's economy as · Computer System Administrators
prac ced by other Asian countries. · Data Communica on Analysts
Eligibility: Ÿ Candidate must have at least CGPA 2.50 out of 4
Ÿ 16-year of educa on, i.e., BS in Computer or first division
Science/ BS in Informa on Technology/ Bachelor Ÿ The candidate is required to pass the entry test
of Computer Science (Hons)/ Master of conducted by the ins tute/GAT (with minimum
Computer Science/ Master of Informa on 50% marks).
Technology/ M.Sc. (Computer Science) from a
recognized ins tu on. However, candidates
having Computer Engineering/ Bachelor of
Science in So ware Engineering/ Bachelor of
Engineering in Informa on Technology/ Bachelor
of Engineering (Computer & Informa on
System)/B.Sc. Computer System Engineering (16-
year educa on) from a recognized ins tu on are
also eligible but have to qualify a deficiency
Code Category Course Title Credit Code Category Course Title Credit
Hrs. Hrs.
CS-5XX CS Elective Elective-II 3 CS-601 Thesis Thesis-II 6
CS-5XX CS Elective Elective-III 3
List of Elec ve Course
Computer Graphics and Image Processing Articial Intelligence & Intelligent System
Sr. Course Title Credit Sr. Course Title Credit
No. Code Hrs. No. Code Hrs.
1 CS-504 Advanced Computer Graphics 3 1 CS-524 Articial Intelligence 3
2 CS-505 Visualization in Medicine 3 2 CS-525 Articial Neural Networks 3
3 CS-506 Advanced Image Processing 3 3 CS-526 Robotics 3
4 CS-507 Computer Vision 3 4 CS-527 Machine Learning 3
Sr. Course Title Credit Programming Languages
No. Code Hrs. Sr. Course Title Credit
1 CS-512 Advanced Database Systems 3 No. Code Hrs.
2 CS-513 Advanced Data Mining 3 1 CS-535 Advanced Compiler Design-I 3
3 CS-514 Data Warehousing 3 2 CS-536 Advanced Compiler Design-II 3
4 CS-515 Distributed Database 3
5 CS-516 Multimedia Databases 3
Computer Networks
Sr. Course Title Credit
No. Code Hrs.
1 CS-521 Advanced Computer Networks 3
2 CS-522 Network Security 3
3 CS-523 Network Performance Evaluation 3
4 CS-541 Securing the Internet of Things 3
MS Engineering Rules and Regulations or interview.
1 General Ÿ Incomplete applications are not
· There are two regular semesters (i.e. spring and entertained.
fall) and one optional summer semester in each
academic year. 1.5 Test and Interview
Ÿ Duration of spring and fall semesters is 18 A written test is conducted by the
weeks each including midterm and end term concerned department on the proposed
examinations. date followed by the interviews of short
Ÿ Summer semester is nine weeks long including listed candidates. For admission, a
midterm and end term examinations. candidate must qualify both the test and
the interview.
1.1 Eligibility for Admissions
Candidates who have passed an 1.6 Determination of Merit
undergraduate (16 years or equivalent) Admissions are granted strictly on merit
degree in the relevant area by securing a and the following criterion is followed to
minimum 60% marks or a CGPA of 2.5 on a determine the merit:
scale of 4.0 are eligible for admission. BSc (16 years degree) 40%
Other scales are converted accordingly. FSc (or equivalent) 10%
The applicant is also required to pass an Matriculation 10%
entry test arranged by the institute on a Written Test 30%
specified date or NTS Graduate Interview 10%
Assessment Test (GAT) by securing 50%
marks or any other examination specified 1.7 Pre-Requisite Courses
by HEC/PEC for admission to On identification of a deficiency in the
postgraduate program. courses an applicant studied at
undergraduate level, he/she may be
1.2 Age Limit directed by the BASR to pass a certain
There is no age limit for admission in post number of pre-requisite under-graduate
graduate Program. courses before taking any post-graduate
1.3 Maximum Time Limit
Ÿ Duration of MS Program is 2 years 1.8 Displaying List of Successful
(minimum) and 4 years (maximum), Candidates
where the duration is counted from the List of successful candidates is displayed
date of candidate’s registration. in the concerned department with the
Ÿ Vice Chancellor is authorized to grant approval of the head and the same is
extensions up to one year based on the forwarded to the Registrar office for the
recommendation of Board of Advanced registration of newly admitted candidates.
Studies and Research (BASR). No student is admitted after 15 days of the
commencement of first semester.
1.4 Application Process
Ÿ Applications on prescribed form along 1.9 Migration
with first semester/ quarter dues (bank Students migrating from other universities/
draft/ page order/ bank chalan) in favor institutes are not entertained.
of the treasurer, NFC IET and required
documents complete in all respects 1.10 No Objection Certificate (NOC)
should be submitted to the convener, A No Objection Certificate (NOC) is
admission committee, NFC IET on or required from the students who have
before the due date completed their B.Sc. (undergraduate)
Ÿ The admission of foreign qualified from other universities/ institutes. In
students is made on the assessment addition, all admitted students are required
made by HEC/ BASR on the basis of to submit an affidavit stating that neither he/
candidate's academic records and she is not enrolled in any graduate program
English proficiency. BASR may also ask in Pakistan or abroad nor will do so until the
the candidate to appear for a test and/ completion of the degree.
1.11 Credit Hours Requirements quizzes, presentations and assignments.
To earn MS Engineering degree, a Student's performance in all these class activities
candidate must complete 30 credits with a contributes towards his/ her grade. To register for
mandatory 24 credits course work and a 6 midterm and end term examinations, a student
credits thesis. must fulfill the following conditions:
Ÿ The student is enrolled in the department, has
1.12 Contact Hours paid all the necessary dues and has fulfilled all
Following table describes how 1 credit is other conditions laid down from time to time
translated into contact hours for theory,
practical and thesis: The student has not been debarred for
examination under any other rule or regulation
Credit Contact hours per week
Ÿ The student has applied to the controller of
Theory Practical examination on a prescribed proforma through
1 1 3 concerned head.
Ÿ Teacher and the concerned head are 2.5 Home Assignments and Term Papers
responsible for the correctness of the Each course carries at least:
comprehensive award list sent to the controller Ÿ Three home assignments at least one per 5
of examinations. weeks or One term paper or
Ÿ Grade point (GP), Grade Point Average (GPA) Ÿ Three quizzes, at least 5 weeks apart
and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
are calculated by the controller of 2.6 Evaluation and Time Frame for Theory
examinations at the end of each semester. Ÿ Before end term examination, teacher
Ÿ Letter grade i.e. Grade Point (GP) in a subject prepares and displays the interim
is allocated as per the following criterion: award list (IAL) according to the depend
Grade A+ A B+ B B- C+ C F W WF I
Grade Point (GP) 4 3.7 3.3 3 2.7 2.3 <
-2 0 - - - Ÿ Te a c h e r m a r k s t h e e n d t e r m
examination scripts and submits
Ÿ Grade Point Average (GPA) of a student in comprehensive award list (CAL) to the
semester Sk is calculated as follows: controller of examinations within
∑sЄ s GPs x CHs stipulated time frame.
GPAs =
∑sЄ s CHs k Ÿ Te a c h e r s c h e d u l e s a d d i t i o n a l
where s is a subject offered in semester Sk assessment instrument such as
and 1 < k < 4 assignments, quizzes, presentations,
Ÿ Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of a seminars, group discussion, field study
student at the end of semester Sk is calculated and reports etc which carries 20 percent
as follows: weightage of each subject.
∑sЄ s s GPs x CHs
1........ K
CGPAs = k
∑sЄ s s CHs 1........ K
2.7 Evaluation and Time Frame for Practical
where s is a subject offered in semester Sk and Ÿ Teacher keeps all his/ her students
1<k<4 informed regarding their performance in
each class activity
Ÿ A student failing to maintain a GPA of 2.0 at the Ÿ At the end of each semester and before
end of first semester is put on probation. In the end term exam, teacher prepares
case he/she fails to improve his/her CGPA to the displays IAL
2.0 at the end of second semester he/she is Ÿ Teacher submits CAL to the controller
dropped. examinations within stipulated course
Ÿ A student has the option to repeat a subject in of time
order to improve his/ her CGPA. In that case, Ÿ For each experiment, jury presentation,
the new grade (higher or lower) replaces the design report, project or assignment are
previous grades. considered independent assessment
Ÿ A minimum 2.0 CGPA, with no F grade, is instruments. Relative weight of each
required for the award of degree these assessment types is determined
Ÿ Scripts of both midterm and end term by the teacher.
examinations are stored with the controller of
examination for two years and then are wasted 2.8 Question Paper
Ÿ A list of registered students is forwarded to the Ÿ Questions papers is set by the
controller of examination within 15 days of the concerned teacher.
commencement of each semester Ÿ Teacher is solely responsible for
Ÿ To pass a course, a student must obtain at least maintaining confidentiality of the
2.0 GP on a scale of 4 question paper.
Ÿ A departmental exam committee, constituted
by the vice chancellor for a period of three year, 2.9 Reference Material
looks into all matters related to examinations. Teacher should announce before hand all
Decisions taken by the committee are final. the books, handouts and/ or other material
that students can refer to during the
2.4 Duration of Examinations examination.
Duration of examinations for all courses is
as follows: 2.10 Schedule
Mid Term 1.5 hours Controller examinations announces the
End Term 2.5 hours schedule of midterm and end term
examinations one week before the start of awarded 'WF' grade. He /she, on successful
examination. The same is done in repetition, are warded 'R' grade.
consultation with concerned head/
coordinator. 2.14 Incomplete Grade
Ÿ Students are awarded 'I' grade in
2.11 Conduct of Examination unfinished subjects
Ÿ Concerned teacher conducts the Ÿ If a student with 'I' grade does not
examination as superintendent. improve it in one calendar year, the
Ÿ Concerned head deputes staff such as same is automatically converted
deputy superintendent and invigilator. Ÿ to 'F' grade
Ÿ Superintendent ensures the following:
Ÿ All answer sheets are signed by the 2.15 Repeating Subjects
superintendent/ deputy superintendent. Ÿ In case of failure, a students has to earn
Ÿ Answer sheets are issued to the a passing grade in that subject within
invigilator 10 minutes before the start stipulated time if it is a core course
of examination and retrieved at the
Ÿ In case of an elective subject, a student
end of the examination
may take some other elective subject
Ÿ A report regarding absent students is
forwarded to the concerned head Ÿ A student failing a core course has to
Ÿ Invigilator staff performs the following wait until it is offered again
duties: Ÿ The department offers courses as per
Ÿ Students taking the examination are the availability of teachers and other
identified through their institutional legal implications
identity cards and roll number slips
Ÿ Students are warned against the use 2.16 Dropping Students
of unfair means A student is dropped if he/ she:
Ÿ Mobile phones and all other items not Ÿ fails to register two courses in first
allowed during the examination are semester
removed Ÿ fails to register four courses in first two
Ÿ No student joins after 30 minutes of
commencement of the examination.
Ÿ obtains a CGPA less than 2.0 in at the
Ÿ Student found using unfair means or
assisting other students can no longer end of second semester
continue. All such cases are taken the Ÿ fails to register for two consecutive
departmental examination committee semesters All such cases are taken to
whose decision is final. BASR whose decision is final.
finalized and dispatched to the supervisor, if required.
controller of examination within fifteen Ÿ Title of research and name of supervisor is
days of the commencement of each approved by BASR on the recommendation of
semester concerned head
Ÿ Students need to pay dues twice a year Ÿ A student can take thesis after passing four
until the completion of degree. These courses. However, he/ she can apply for thesis
evaluation only after completing his/ her course
are in addition to the dues of summer
semesters (if applicable). Ÿ A student needs to submit 4 hard copies of his/
Ÿ Deferment seeking students have to her thesis for evaluation. A copy of the thesis
pay full dues for the period of deferment after evaluation is returned to the student
Ÿ If a candidate is recommended to revise his/ her
A student carrying outstanding dues for a thesis, he/ she must submit the revised thesis
period of six months are automatically dropped. for re-evaluation within six months
He/ she can, however, apply to the vice chancellor
to be reinstated after paying all outstanding dues. 3.1 Thesis Evaluation
Decision taken by the vice chancellor in all such Ÿ Thesis report being submitted for
cases is final. evaluation must contain plagiarism
2.19 Re-admission Policy Ÿ Thesis report is evaluated by both
Ÿ Dropped students can apply for re- internal and external examiners.
admission but the maximum degree Supervisor acts as internal examiner
completion period is counted from the and the external examiner is appointed
date of registration by the vice chancellor on the
Ÿ A student once dismissed due to recommendation of BASR
disciplinary violation is never red- Ÿ External examiner is picked by the vice
admitted chancellor from a list of three proposed
examiners submitted by the concerned
2.20 Special Provisions department
Ÿ For situations not addressed by the set Ÿ Final report on thesis and viva voce
rules and regulations, decision of BASR examination is submitted by the
is final examiners on a prescribed proforma
Ÿ Interpretation of set rules and Ÿ In case of difference of opinion, a third
regulations done by the authorized examiner is appointed by the vice
officers/ committees is final chancellor on the recommendation of
Ÿ The institute reserves the right to BASR
change rules, regulations, fee structure Ÿ Theses are evaluated strictly in
and contents of courses without any accordance with the set rules and
prior notice regulations
Ÿ No student is allowed to be
simultaneously enrolled in any 3.2 Changing Supervisor
university within the country or abroad Due to valid reasons and after having
except exchange students written consent of present supervisor, a student
Ÿ Ignorance of set rules and regulations may change his/ her supervisor with the approval
doesn't absolve students of their of Board of Studies (BoS) of the department. After
responsibilities and is never treated as that, he/ she has to get himself/ herself registered a
an excuse fresh with new research proposal/ synopsis
prepared in consultation with the new supervisor.
3 Thesis/ Dissertation However, the candidate can continue his/her
Ÿ In addition to the regular course wok, a student previous work in consultation with the new and\old
needs to submit a dissertation/ thesis. Each supervisors.
candidate is assigned a supervisor for his/ her
research work. The supervisor must hold a PhD 4 Awarding Degree
degree in respective discipline. However, an A student is awarded MS Engineering
MS qualified teacher can act as a co- degree if he/she has:
Ÿ CGPA 2.0 on a scale of 4 Ÿ Treasure' means the treasurer of the institute
Ÿ No 'F' grade in any subject Vice Chancellor' means the vice chancellor of
Ÿ Completed the credit hours requirements the institute
Ÿ Completed thesis as per requirements
Ÿ At least one research paper submitted to an Orientation classes
HEC recognized journal Students eligible for Orientation classes held for the session of MSCS
the award of degree are required to submit a 2018 for 2-3 weeks to overcome the Deficiencies
degree requirements completion form to their of DBMS, OOP, Data Structures and Algorithms,
concerned head for onward submission on to Operating System, Software Engineering and
the controller of examinations. Web Development
Glossary of Terms
Ÿ Academic Year' means the span containing
consecutive fall, summer (optional) and spring
Ÿ BASR' means Board of Advanced Studies and
Ÿ BoS' means Board of Studies CAL' means
Comprehensive Award List Competent
Authority' means the vice chancellor of the
Ÿ Controller of Examinations' means the
controller of examinations of the institute
Ÿ External Examiner' means a person holding
higher qualification in the relevant discipline
and is appointed by the competent authority for Shield Presented to Director Post Graduate Studies
an examination. Neither a teacher of the
institute nor any visiting teacher teaching at the
institute can act as external examiner
Ÿ Faculty' means the concerned faculty of the
institute HEC' means Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan
Descrip on 1st Semester A er Admission
2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester Total
At the me of Admission
Admission 15,000.00 - 15,000.00
Processing Fee 2,000.00 - 2,000.00
Registra on Fee 1,500.00 - 1,500.00
Cau on Money 5,000.00 - 5,000.00
Library Security 5,000.00 - 5,000.00
Tui on Fee 45,000.00 - 45,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 150,000.00
U li es 3,000.00 - - 3,000.00 - 6,000.00
Internet Charges 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
Students Socie es FEE 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 - 2,000.00
Students Func on 1,500.00 - - - - 1,500.00
Alumni Contribu on 500.00 - - - - 500.00
Sports Fee 500.00 - - 500.00 - 1,000.00
Magazine Fee 250.00 - - 250.00 - 500.00
Total 81,250.00 - -45,000.00 35,750.00 30,000.00 192,000.00
Examina on Fee - 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 6,000.00
Thesis Evalua on Fee - - - 10,000.00 10,000.00
Grand Total 208,000.00
From 5th Semester and onward Rs.10,000/- per semester will be charged as Semester Registra on Fee.
Students op ng course work instead of thesis in sixth semester pay addi onal fee for these courses.
Hostel Charges for MS Students CHECK LIST OF
Documents to be attached with the Application Form
Hostel Fee for one year allotment will be 22,250/- PKR as mentioned below: 1. Attested photocopy of Matric/Equivalent
(a) Room Rent (per resident per year) Rs. 14,400 Certificate
2. Attested photocopy of F.Sc./Equivalent
(b) Electricity charges (per resident per year) Rs. 4,800
(C) Housekeeping Charges (per resident per year) Rs. 1,700 3. Attested photocopy of B.Sc./Equivalent
(d) Maintenance/Breakage Rs. 250 Certificate.
(e) Security Rs. 700 4. Recent Passport Size Photograph (3 Nos.) with
(f) Hostel Resident Card Rs. 100 your name and Form No. on the back of photo.
5. Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical
(g) Generator Fuel Charges Rs. 300
Practitioner declaring the Candidate Fit
Total: Rs. 22,250 (physically & mentally) for the course.
6. Attested photocopy of Hafiz-e-Quran Certificate
7. NOC from employer/organization in case of
any employment.
8. Attested copy of Entry Test Result
9. Attested copy of PEC Registration (applicable
only for Engineer)
10. Attested copy of GAT(General)/(Subject)
11. Original Migration Certificate
12. Undertaking on Stamp Paper of worth Rs.50/-
13. Two Academic Reference Letters
NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology, Multan
P.O. Fertilizers project, khanewal road, Multan, Pakistan.
+92-61-9220012 |