Student Handbook 2023 24 v2

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Version 2_Published October 2023

Kariba Opoku, Division of Medical Education

Table of Contents
Content s

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................. 2

About Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar ........................................................................................... 4
Message from the Dean ....................................................................................................................... 5
About the Institution .......................................................................................................................... 6
Our Mission ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Partnerships ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Important Numbers ......................................................................................................................... 10
Emergencies, Safety and Security ..................................................................................................... 11
Academic Policies and Procedures............................................................................................ 12
Academic Policies and Procedures Applicable to All Students .......................................................... 13
Academic Regulations, Policy and Procedures ................................................................................ 14
Technical Standards: Admission and Retention .............................................................................. 15
Parent Contact ................................................................................................................................. 17
Health and Immunization Policy ..................................................................................................... 18
Disability Accommodation Policy .................................................................................................. 21
Academic Policies and Procedures Applicable to Students in the Pre-Medical Curriculum and the
Foundation Program ................................................................................................................. 23
Academic Advancement and Promotion from the Foundation Program to the Six-Year Medical
Program ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Academic Advancement and Promotion from the Pre-Medical Curriculum to the Medical
Curriculum ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Standards of Conduct and Academic Integrity ............................................................................... 26
Grading System ................................................................................................................................. 36
Class Attendance and Absences ........................................................................................................ 39
Withdrawal from the Medical College ............................................................................................... 39
Academic Policies and Procedures Applicable to Students in the Medical Curriculum .......................... 40
Mission Statement of the Division .................................................................................................. 41
Preparation to Learn ........................................................................................................................ 42
Honor Code ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Teacher Learner Environment Policy .............................................................................................. 45
Standards of Conduct in the Medical Curriculum Policy ............................................................. 47
Medical Student Dress Code Policy ................................................................................................. 51
Assessment and Remediation of Professionalism Policy ................................................................. 52
Procedures for Handling Lapses in Attendance, Late Submission of Reports and Missed AOC
Deadlines .......................................................................................................................................... 55
Procedures for Handling Attendance Lapses in Mandatory Activities .......................................... 59
Procedures for Handling Late Submission of Reports ................................................................... 60
Procedures for Handling Missed Major AOC Deadlines ............................................................... 61
Medical Education Student Assessment Policy ............................................................................... 62
Calculation of Grade Point Average ................................................................................................. 64
Faculty Evaluators and Potentional Conflicts of Interest Policy .................................................. 66
Promotion and Graduation Standards and Procedures .................................................................. 67
Attendance Standards Policy ........................................................................................................... 83
Student Visa/Residency Guidelines .................................................................................................. 93
Registration Continuity Policy ........................................................................................................ 93
Leaves of Absence Policy ................................................................................................................... 95
Extended Curriculum for Research ................................................................................................ 98
Conducting the AOC Scholarly Project During an Extended Curriculum for Research .............. 100
Academic Enrichment Policy ......................................................................................................... 102

Remediation Policy........................................................................................................................ 104
A c a d e m i c Advising Policy ....................................................................................................... 106
Student Representation Policy ...................................................................................................... 107
Student Course and Duty Hours Policy .......................................................................................... 109
Formative Feedback Policy ............................................................................................................ 111
Add/Drop Policy for All Clerkships, Sub-Internships and Electives ......................................... 112
HIPAA and Electronic Health Record (EHR) Guidelines ................................................................ 114
Clinical Supervision Policy ............................................................................................................ 116
Mid-Clerkship Feedback Policy ..................................................................................................... 118
Clerkship Grading Policy................................................................................................................ 119
Medical School Performance Evaluation Policy ............................................................................ 121
Policy and Procedures for collecting Students’ and Alumni Feedback Policy .......................... 123
Elective Evaluation Policy ............................................................................................................. 128
Commencement Participation Policy ............................................................................................ 129
Academic Information ........................................................................................................... 130
General Academic Information Applicable to All Students .............................................................. 131
Research at WCM-Q......................................................................................................................... 132
Office of Educational Development .............................................................................................. 134
Academic information Applicable to Students in the Pre-Medical and Foundation Programs ................ 135
Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................................ 136
Academic Calendars ...................................................................................................................... 137
Objectives and Courses Descriptions ............................................................................................. 138
Academic Information Applicable to Students in the Medical Curriculum ......................................... 140
Program Core Competencies and Constituent Learning Objectives ........................................... 141
Academic Calendars ...................................................................................................................... 142
Office of Curriculum Support ........................................................................................................ 143
Required Courses in Curriculum - ................................................................................................ 144
Classes 2024 and earlier................................................................................................................... 144
Required Courses in Curriculum –................................................................................................. 145
Classes 2025 onwards ..................................................................................................................... 145
Additional Course Requirements ................................................................................................... 146
International Electives ................................................................................................................. 150
Awards and Prizes ........................................................................................................................... 151
Institutional Policies and Procedures ...................................................................................... 153
Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment Policy ..................................................................... 154
Student Conduct ............................................................................................................................ 157
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy ..................................................................................................... 159
Smoking and Vaping Rules Policy .................................................................................................... 162
Health and Safety Policies and Procedures ................................................................................... 163
Procedures for Needlestick and Human Blood/Secretion Exposure at HMC or other affiliated
healthcare centers ......................................................................................................................... 164
Student Records and Privacy (FERPA) ............................................................................................ 165
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) ................................................. 165
Student Representation and Participation in the Elected Student Council ............................ 167
Student Participation in Clubs and Organizations ....................................................................... 168
Computers, Network Systems and Electronic Communications Guidelines ............................ 169
ID Cards and Badges ........................................................................................................................ 170
Student Support .................................................................................................................. 171
Academic Counseling and Career Advising ................................................................................. 172
Financial Aid ................................................................................................................................... 172
Health Sciences Library ............................................................................................................... 173

About Weill Cornell

Message from the Dean
Dear Students,

The WCM-Q Student Handbook outlines

the policies, regulations, programs, and
practices you need to become familiar
with as a student. It is important that you
read this handbook in its entirety and
become familiar with its contents.

Every member of the WCM-Q family is

committed to providing you with
academic, administrative, social, cultural,
and recreational support to help you
succeed in your endeavors.

We wish you the best for your continued



Javaid I. Sheikh, M.D., M.B.A.

Dean and Professor
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar

About the Institution
Welcome to Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar Through the generous support of Qatar
(WCM-Q). We invite you to discover how Foundation, we are becoming a
WCM-Q is contributing to Qatar’s significant contributor to the renaissance
objective to become a knowledge-based of education, research and state-of-the-art
society by advancing our mission of patient care in Qatar and the region.
excellence in education, research and
patient care. We have graduated eleven classes of
physicians who have continued their
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q) graduate medical training in residencies
is an international campus of Cornell and clinical research at outstanding
University and was established in 2001 as institutions in the United States and Qatar.
a groundbreaking partnership between Many of these young physicians have
Cornell University and Qatar begun to return to become leaders and
Foundation. WCM-Q admits students in innovators in the planning and delivery of
accordance with the admissions standards medical care in Qatar and the region.
of Weill Cornell Medicine in New York,
delivers a similar curriculum, and uses the We have a world-class biomedical
same student assessment methods. WCM- research team who are conducting basic,
Q offers an integrated program of pre- translational and clinical research that
medical and medical studies leading to the focuses on diseases and disorders that are
Doctor of Medicine degree conferred by among the most frequent and challenging
Cornell University. issues for patient care in Qatar.

Our Mission
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, a • Develop outstanding physicians,
pioneering joint venture between Qatar scientists, and future healthcare
Foundation and Cornell University, is a leaders,
research-intensive, academic medical • Generate significant discoveries
institution. We leverage our unique that transform healthcare, and
programs, progressive partnerships, and • Promote population health
strategic location to: through deeply-rooted community

hospitals simultaneously.
Ministry of Public Health
Hamad has an active program of medical
The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) education, and HMC physicians appointed
was given the responsibility to guide to WCM-Q faculty positions make a
reform in Qatar in order to establish one of major contribution to the students’ clinical
the world’s most admired and renowned education. Through an affiliation
health systems. The role is to create a clear agreement signed in 2004, educational
vision for the nation’s health direction, set activities at HMC were extended to
goals and objectives for the country, include medical students of WCM-Q.
design policies to achieve the vision, Since 2006-, third- and fourth-year
regulate the medical landscape, protect students have joined HMC teams to do
the public’s health, set the health research their clinical clerkships and some
agenda, and monitor and evaluate electives.
progress towards achieving those
objectives. HMC is also the first hospital system in
the Middle East to achieve institutional
Previously known as the Supreme Council accreditation from the Accreditation
of Health, the MoPH is also embarking on Council of Graduate Medical Education -
an ambitious program to enhance the International (ACGME-I).
wellness of the people of Qatar so that a
vibrant, healthy, and productive society In 2011, a joint initiative was launched
can be established for today and for the between WCM-Q and HMC to transform
future. The essence of that program is HMC into an Academic Health System
’Caring for the Future’. (AHS). Implementation of this new
healthcare, education and research system
Caring for the Future means promoting was completed in 2016.
public health, encouraging healthy
lifestyles, providing community-based A growing number of WCM-Q clinical
primary care, and ensuring that, when faculty see patients as part of their
needed, some of the world’s most teaching activities at HMC. Weill Cornell
advanced and highest quality care is Medicine faculty in New York and Qatar
available in tertiary medical facilities. are also collaborating with HMC in
These tertiary facilities will not only biomedical research activities.
provide quality care but also are expected
to be research leaders on the frontiers of
Sidra Medicine
Sidra Medicine is a state-of-the-art
WCM-Q Affiliations facility committed to providing women
and children in Qatar with world-class
tertiary health care services. Located in
Hamad Medical Corporation Education City, Sidra Medicine is
emblematic of Qatar Foundation’s
Established by Emiri decree in 1979, interest in health and well- being of
Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) is Qatar’s community and it is poised to
the principal public healthcare provider in raise the standard of healthcare in Qatar
Qatar. The corporation manages three through academic and research
community hospitals and nine specialist partnerships.
hospitals. HMC was the first public
healthcare system outside the United
In collaboration with WCM-Q, leading research
States to achieve Joint Commission
institutions worldwide, and Qatar’s health sector,
International (JCI) accreditation for all

Sidra provide a diversity and quality of medical services (preventive and curative).
care conducive to training medical
students and highly skilled clinicians and Currently, the Primary Health Care
highly skilled clinicians and will deliver Corporation (PHCC) is operating through
leading clinical and translational research 31 primary healthcare centers. WCM-Q
of value to the population of Qatar and the students have received clinical training at
world. the various PHCC centers since
The state-of-the-art building includes an
outpatient clinic and a main hospital and a Feto Maternal Medical Centre
research institution. Sidra opened its
Outpatient Clinic on 1 May 2016 with the The Feto Maternal Medical Centre is a
launch of three clinics – Dermatology, private outpatient medical centre
Pediatric General Surgery Consultation specializing in the care of women, babies
and Obstetrics. The main hospital opened and children.
on January 14, 2018.
The Centre uses the latest technologies to
provide care for both normal and
Aspetar abnormal pregnancies. The Centre is also
proud to provide family planning services,
Aspetar is the first specialized Orthopedic well woman consultations and pre-
and Sports Medicine Hospital in the Gulf pregnancy care.
region. It provides the highest possible
medical treatment for sports-related Through this affiliation agreement, the
injuries in a state-of-the-art facility, Feto Maternal Medical Centre provides
staffed by some of the world’s leading WCM-Q students with clinical training
sports medicine practitioners and and education in obstetrics and
researchers. The hospital provides a gynecology.
comprehensive range of services, from
injury prevention to injury management Al Ahli Heart Center
and performance improvement. The
agreement signed between Aspetar and The Al Ahli Heart Center is a tertiary care
WCM-Q in 2009 allows WCM-Q students facility which specializes in the diagnosis
to receive clinical training at Aspetar and and treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases.
grants our students access to their The center provides latest, cutting-edge
facilities during primary care rotations. technology in the diagnosis and treatment
in all fields of Cardiology ranging from
This agreement helps promote medical preventive, clinical, non-invasive and
education in primary care, utilizing interventional Cardiology. It also offers
Aspetar’s exemplary credentials in comprehensive state-of-the art surgical
musculo-skeletal understanding and therapy for all adult cardiac and thoracic
treatment, and facilitates further diseases.
collaborative research. Through an affiliation agreement signed
in 2018, the Al Ahli Heart Centre provides
Primary Health Care Corporation WCM-Q students with clinical training
and education in cardiology.
In 1978 the MoPH (previously Ministry
of Health) developed a comprehensive art-care-center
scheme for building a primary health care
system. This scheme, submitted to the
Council of Ministers, included the launch
of primary health care services through Alfardan with Northwestern Medicine
nine health centers covering different
parts of the country and capable of Alfardan Medical with Northwestern Medicine
providing basic and essential health and (AMNM) is a premium healthcare facility that

draws upon its unique partnership with
Northwestern Medicine Chicago, one of
the most highly ranked healthcare
institutions in the US, to provide elite
levels of care for patients in Qatar.

Through an affiliation agreement signed

in 2023, AMNM and WCM-Q will work
together to leverage their joint expertise
and the state-of-the-art healthcare and
training facilities to reach new levels of
excellence in patient care in the State of
This agreement will provide clinical
training sites for a number of WCM-Q

Important Numbers
Dean’s Office ................................................................................................... 974-4492-8000
Office of Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs ............................... 974-4492-8329
Office of Curriculum Support (OCS) Reception Desk .................................... 974-4492-8336
OCS - Foundational Sciences Courses............................................................. 974-4492-8347
OCS - Clinical Courses and Clerkships ........................................................... 974-4492-8367
OCS – Areas of Concentration Course/Program ............................................. 974-4492-8397
Office of Admissions ....................................................................................... 974-4492-8500
Office of Student Affairs.................................................................................. 974-4492-8529
Office of the Registrar ..................................................................................... 974-4492-8512
Information Technology Services Help Desk ................................................. 974-4492-8711
Distributed eLibrary......................................................................................... 974-4492-8100
Human Resources ............................................................................................ 974-4492-8600
WCM-Q Security Office .................................................................................. 974-4492-8150
WCM-Q Security – North Hall ........................................................................ 974-4492-8175
WCM-Q Security - South Hall......................................................................... 974-4492-8176
Qatar Foundation Security ............................................................................... 974-4454-0999
QF Primary Healthcare Clinic.......................................................................... 974-4454-1244
Hamad Medical Corporation Emergency Department ..... 974-4439-7803 ICAS International
Counselors ...................................................................................................... 00-800-100-250

Emergency Numbers

Emergencies, Safety and Security
Safety & Security Handbook Emergency Alerting

Every student is issued with a copy of the In an emergency, WCM-Q will notify
WCM-Q Safety & Security Handbook students using the Emergency
during orientation, which includes Notification System (ENS) – see Section
information on procedures for reporting 4 of the Safety & Security Handbook. All
crimes and emergencies, policies and students are responsible for ensuring that
procedures for emergency response and their contact information held by the
evacuation, including fire and for Office of the Registrar is accurate.
addressing crimes on the WCM-Q
campus. The handbook is updated Campus Security Report
periodically. The annual Campus Security Report
which also has information on procedures
WCM-Q Safety and Security Handbook for reporting crimes and emergencies;
policies and procedures for emergency
Reporting Crimes, Emergencies, response and evacuation; as well as
and Suspicious Behavior information on addressing crimes on the
WCM-Q campus can be found at:
Incidents of crime and other emergencies Campus Security Report
occurring on the WCM-Q campus should
be reported as soon as possible to QF Crime statistics from local law
Security at 4454-0999, and to the enforcement authorities and QF is also
Director, Facilities, Health, Safety and available.
Security at 7741-9218. The Medical
College encourages its students and Fire Safety
employees to call QF Security in the event Please refer to the Safety & Security
of any crime, emergency or non- Handbook, Sections 8.9 for information
emergency security related matter. on fire safety. Remember your “CARE”
Procedures: If you discover a fire or
smoke condition: Contain the fire by
closing all doors as you leave; Activate
the nearest alarm point; Report the fire by
calling 4454-0999 from a safe location;
Evacuate the building via the nearest exit.

Emergency Phone Numbers

QF Security Control Centre .................................................................................. 4454-0999
Qatar Emergency Services ............................................................................................... 999
WCM-Q Security Control Room .......................................................................... 4492-8150

Academic Policies and

Academic Policies and
Procedures Applicable to All

Academic Regulations, Policy and
Applicability: All Students

Students at the Medical College are be complex and multifaceted so that from
required to complete a rigorous academic one vantage point the conduct affects the
program that will enable them to academic standards, while from a
demonstrate a mastery of the substantive different perspective it is viewed as
fields of study, the technical skills of a pertaining to standards of professional
medical practitioner and the personal conduct. The Dean of the Medical
demeanor and character suitable to the College, in such instances, will make the
practice of medicine. The Medical final decision as to which of the relevant
College has developed a set of procedures is applicable for adjudicating
regulations to govern academic the matter.
achievement and fitness to be a doctor. It
is the responsibility of each medical In many cases, and to the extent
student to be fully familiar with the feasible, the initial approach with a
Medical College’s academic student may be a direct conversation
requirements and standards, the between the student and an appropriate
regulations in this document and the administrator or faculty member, with the
procedures that guide the application of goal of achieving agreement on a course
these policies to students. of action to resolve the situation. When
an informal approach satisfactorily
The faculty of the Medical College is resolves a problem, it may be possible to
vested with the primary responsibility for conclude the matter at that stage. The
developing, interpreting, and applying Medical College will invoke formal
these policies and procedures to medical procedures to address unresolved matters
students. In conjunction with the Medical and, in those circumstances, where an
College’s administrators, the faculty informal process is not realistic.
considers how to assist a student who is
not meeting the academic standards and These are the general standards applicable
the manner in which the policies of the to study at the Medical College and for
Medical College will be enforced. professional preparation; they do not and
cannot anticipate every issue that may
The policies and procedures apply to arise, either substantively or procedurally.
students while matriculated as a student The Medical College reserves the right to
in the Medical College, when at the interpret how these policies and
campus and when engaged in programs or procedures shall apply in specific
activities related to Medical College situations, has the authority to adjust time
studies and professional experiences even frames as needed, shall determine the
if away from campus. Certain conduct by staffing of committees, shall designate
the students and by members of the which bodies will consider a matter, and
Medical College community may be will provide guidance on how the review
closely connected to academic integrity is to be conducted, in accordance with
and/or fitness for professional duties and these rules, the complexity of a case and
may involve more than one of the the resources available.
established policies; these crossovers can

Technical Standards: Admission and
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students

Technical Standards
• Observation. The candidate must
The WCM-Q faculty believes that our be able to observe required
educational mission is to graduate demonstrations in the curriculum.
physicians who are broadly capable and The candidate must also be able
skilled in general medicine and ready to to observe patients accurately and
start residency training. This principle to perform a complete medical
applies irrespective of any future plans for interview and physical
specialization or non-clinical careers. To examination. These skills require
this end, graduates of WCM-Q must the use or functional equivalent of
demonstrate certain essential abilities, vision, hearing, and touch.
attributes and characteristics in order to • Communication. The candidate
fulfill our overall program learning must be able to communicate
objectives. As medical education differs effectively with all persons,
from many other forms of higher including faculty, staff,
education in that graduates must be able colleagues, patients and families.
to practice medicine and to care for The candidate must be able to
patients; candidates for admission, speak, listen, read and write
retention, promotion and graduation must effectively in English, and to
possess not only intellectual but also interpret non-verbal
physical, emotional and interpersonal communication.
abilities. • Motor Function. The candidate
must be able, after appropriate
For the purpose of this document, the training, to perform anatomic
term “candidate” applies both to dissection, a complete physical
applicants to medical school and to examination and basic clinical
matriculated students who are under procedures. The candidate must
consideration for retention, promotion or be able to respond promptly to
graduation. The faculty has identified five clinical situations. These skills
essential domains in which candidates require a degree of physical
must demonstrate ability. A student may mobility and neuromuscular
receive reasonable accommodation to coordination.
demonstrate these abilities. However, the • Cognitive, Intellectual and
use of an intermediary, a person Quantitative Abilities. The
performing a task on the candidate’s candidate must be able to
behalf in a manner that compromises the assimilate the vast knowledge
candidate’s independent judgment, is not required of physicians, to solve
permitted. complex problems and to analyze
and integrate information.
• Behavioral and Social Attributes.
The candidate must demonstrate
the maturity and emotional
stability required for scientific

learning, capable and Q to provide reasonable accommodations
compassionate patient care and for students with diagnosed and
interaction with the healthcare documented disabilities. These acts cover
team. The candidate must be able applicants, students with disabilities and
to contribute to collaborative students who develop disabilities
learning environments, to accept throughout their education at WCM-Q.
constructive feedback and to take
responsibility for learning and Candidates with disabilities are reviewed
improvement. The candidate individually on a case-by-case basis in
must also be able to tolerate order to determine whether they satisfy
demanding workloads, to function the technical standards with or without
effectively under stress, to display reasonable accommodation.
flexibility and to adapt to
changing environments.
Accommodation Process
The candidate must also possess the
general physical and mental health See Disability Accomodation Policy
necessary for performing the duties of a
physician-in-training capably and safely. Admission and promotion at WCM-Q is
conditional on the candidate’s willingness
All candidates must meet the goals and and ability to satisfy the technical
objectives of WCM-Q, with or without standards, either with or without
accommodations. reasonable accommodation. Candidates
are required to accept ongoing
responsibilities for planning, managing
Ability to Meet Technical and expressing accommodation needs.
They must immediately contact the
Division of Student Affairs if they wish to
All candidates are informed of WCM-Q’s
request accommodations.
technical standards and policies. Before
matriculation, every candidate must sign a
It is the responsibility of the candidate to
document indicating that he or she has
provide current documentation of the
read the technical standards policy and
general nature and extent of the disability
meets WCM-Q’s technical standards.
as well as the specific functional
WCM-Q students must continue to meet
limitations that may require
the Medical College’s technical standards
accommodation. WCM-Q reserves the
throughout their enrollment.
right to request new or additional
Equal Access to the Educational Once the Division of Student Affairs
Program gathers the appropriate documentation, it
WCM-Q has a history of providing equal will work in consultation with Student
educational opportunities to qualified Health and Wellness Services and the
applicants and enrolled medical students Promotions and Graduation Committee to
with disabilities. WCM-Q is committed to determine whether the candidate meets
complying with the Rehabilitation Act of WCM-Q’s technical standards, with or
1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act without accommodations.
of 1990, and federal and state regulations,
which require institutions such as WCM-

Parent Contact
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students

Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar obtains three or more non-

reserves the right to contact students’ passing grades for
parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) in courses/clerkships (Medical
cases including, but not limited to: 1) Program) they may be given a
excessive course failures which might letter from the Chair of the
jeopardize their enrollment in the relevant Promotion and
college, their scholarship, or their Graduation (P&G) committee
sponsorship; 2) in the case of to inform their parents of their
repeatedly violating WCM-Q honor academic situation. This would
code, rules and regulations; 3) the be after being previously
student poses an imminent threat to offered all means of support
himself/herself or others. provided by Foundation/Pre-
Medical Education or Medical
Education and Student Affairs.
Purpose • Contact with a student’s
parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
may be initiated when a student
This policy outlines the situations in receives the letter from the
which WCM-Q administrators may Chair of the relevant (P&G)
choose to contact a student’s parent(s) committee described in 1. and
and/or guardian(s) to discuss the refuses to inform their parents
student’s educational/professional about their academic situation.
performance. Generally, these measures
will be taken only after a significant
• Contact with a student’s
number of unsuccessful interventions
parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
have escalated the issue, but WCM-Q
may be initiated when a student
administrators may contact the
receives warning letters from
parent(s)/guardian(s) on a case-by-case
basis depending on the severity and
Education or Medical Education
urgency of the issue.
and/or Student Affairs for
violating the WCM-Q standards
of conduct, policies, rules, or
Administration regulations as outlined in the
Student Handbook.
Foundational, Pre-Medical and
Medical • The contact with student's
parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
• When a student earns two or described in 2. and 3. will only
more ineligible course grades, occur after such contact has been
or has a GPA <2.0 and does not discussed with thestudent.
improve satisfactorily in the
following semester, or refuses • Contact with a student’s parent(s)
to attend a mandatory advising and/or guardian(s) may be
meeting due to poor initiated when a student poses an
performance (Foundation/Pre- imminent threat to
Medical Curriculum) or himself/herself or others.

Health and Immunization Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students

The Medical College is dedicated to workers. If there is a contraindication

providing medical care to its students to any of the vaccines or vaccine
through its affiliated hospital and health components, you will need to
centers. All students have comprehensive provide documentation from a
health care coverage and WCM-Q physician not related to you
provides national health cards for all confirming such a contraindication to
international students. Local students the vaccine or vaccine component.
should receive the national health card • Students who do not comply with the
from their parents or guardians. above stated health and
immunization requirements will not
Student Pre-Registration be allowed to register for classes.
Requirements: • Students will not be allowed to
• Completed Student Identification register for classes if they fail to
Form. submit their health and immunization
• Completed Health and Immunization records by the end of the orientation
Form signed and stamped by a week.
licensed physician prior to entry. • We will notify you of any additional
• Completed Immunization History changes in WCM-Q’s health and
Form signed and stamped by a immunization requirements.
licensed physician.
If you have any questions, contact the
• Copies of childhood immunization
Office of the Registrar.
records and most recent
immunizations should be attached to
the Immunization History Form as
supporting documentation.
All students are required to have
• Copies of all laboratory results the following immunizations /
documenting titers (namely for titers / screening:
Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella,
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody). Measles, Mumps and Rubella
WCM-Q/WCM-NY requires proof of
Health and Immunization Form immunity by serologic titer for Measles,
Mumps and Rubella (Student should be
IgG positive for Measles, Mumps and
Important: Rubella). Any student who is non-immune
• WCM-Q does not provide to any of the three above by titer (e.g.
immunizations for students. negative, inconclusive or equivocal) will
• It is each student’s professional require boosters. If you have had titers
responsibility to verify that all drawn previously, please provide copies
required documentation is received of the lab reports to the Assistant
by WCM-Q no later than the Registrar, in addition to your
deadline date provided on their immunization records.
admission letter.
• There is no “moral objection”
Hepatitis B:
permissible for vaccination of health WCM-Q/WCM-NY requires antibody
titer results for Hepatitis B (Anti-HbS).
Students who have no immunity for

Hepatitis B or who have never been booster within the last 10 years (e.g. Age 14-15
vaccinated for it must receive 3 injection years).
series of the vaccine at 0, 1, 6 months
apart. A titer should be not less than one Hepatitis C:
month and no later than three months after Clinical Students are required to submit Hepatitis
the final injection. C antibody titer results proving immunity within 6
months of their scheduled rotations in the US.
New York State Public Health Law TB Screening
requires all college and university WCM-NY has mandated the requirement of the
students to complete a meningitis Quantiferon Gold Test as part of their TB
information response form. It screening. Accordingly, WCM-Q requires
acknowledges that you have received students to take this test prior to joining WCM-Q.
information about meningococcal In case of a positive test, a chest X-ray will be
meningitis and the availability of a necessary as well.
vaccination. While WCM-Q strongly
recommends meningitis vaccination, it is In countries where the Quantiferon Gold Test is
not mandatory. Please note the current unavailable, students are recommended to take the
advice from the CDC states that the 2-step PPD skin test. If the PPD result is positive,
conjugate vaccine with immunity lasting i.e., over 10 mm, and up to 15 mm in diameter, a
5 years, is preferable to the chest X-ray must be carried out to exclude any
polysaccharide vaccine whose immunity active TB infection. In such circumstances, if the
only lasts for up to 3 years. The former chest x-ray report is positive, the report must be
meningitis vaccine is more protective forwarded to the Assistant Registrar in Student
and cost effective. Affairs before the stipulated deadline of
WCM-Q/WCM-NY requires proof of If the previous 2-step PPD skin test was less than
Immunity by serologic titer for Varicella. 10 mm in diameter, another test is required one
Any student who is non-immune by titer year later. This regime continues annually if the
(e.g. negative, inconclusive or equivocal) reaction is less than 10 mm.. Students able to
will require 2 doses of the vaccine at least obtain the Quantiferon Gold Test should also
1 month apart and a repeat of the blood repeat the test annually to meet compliance with
titer after another month. NOTE: Clinical WCM-Q immunization requirements. Any
history of disease is not sufficient proof of previous history of BCG vaccination is not a
immunity for our campus. contraindication to completing a PPD test.

Tetanus–diphtheria (Td) or tetanus Please note that WCM-Q will accept PPD test
toxoid–diphtheria–acellular pertussis results in place of a Quantiferon Gold Test for
students resident in Qatar. However, it will be the
student’s responsibility to obtain the Quantiferon
Completion of the childhood series and a
Gold Test before traveling to New York for
booster within the last 10 years (e.g. Age
Clinical Electives and Sub-Internships.
14-15 years). Tdap is recommended at
least once in 10 years, particularly for
clinical students. The above stated immunization s/titer/PPD tests
meet the WCM-Q, and WCM-NY/CPM
Influenza Vaccination: requirements. Students are responsible for
completing all necessary vaccination titers, and
It is strongly encouraged for students in the submit proof of immunity to the Assistant
health professions to take the influenza Registrar’s Office to be deemed compliant.
vaccine annually and preferably by Please note that all students must have serological
October / November. titer proof of immunity for Measles, Mumps,
Rubella, Varicella, and Hepatitis B surface
Polio Vaccine: antibody (HbsAg) prior to the start of their clinical
Completion of the childhood series and a studies.

Covid-19 vaccination private management company, and requires
WCM-Q highly recommends all medical and dental insurance for all consultations.
students, including new admissions to be It is not classified as part of the Government
vaccinated against Covid-19 in PHCC system anymore, as of May 2023.
accordance with the laws and
regulations, as directed by the MoPH, Vaccinations are given on Sundays and
and currently in force in the State of Wednesdays only. PPD tests, when required in the
Qatar. absence of Quantiferon testing ability, are only
carried out on the first Sunday of every month.
All students undertaking electives or
Sub-Internships (Sub-Is), must follow
WCM-NY immunization rules for the
duration of their stay in the United States.

Useful Information
Students may contact their allocated
PHCC health facility for vaccinations,
titers, and healthcare related services. All
eligible students are issued with a Qatar
Health Card. However, you can only
access the PHCC allocated to you. Look
for the PHC number on the back of the
card. All PHCC facilities have a
Communicable Disease and Travel
Vaccination clinic (CDC). You need to
make an appointment with a physician
first, who then authorizes your
vaccination or titers according to need.
The recommended hours for vaccinations
are from 7.00 am to 1.00 pm. All
investigations and results are available to
each student by means of confidential
password access to My Health portal.
For first time access, students need to
register online and set up their personal
account. PHCC’s have two shifts of
medical service, from 7.00 am to 2.00
pm, and from 4.00 pm until 11.00 pm
daily except Fridays when limited clinics
are open.

Dental services are provided at most

PHCC clinics with a co-pay charge,
usually QAR 50. Private dental centers
accept most health insurance policies, but
you may have to pay in full and seek
reimbursement yourself from the
insurance company you belong to.
Estimates are usually given for the cost
of dental treatment ahead of the

The former QF health clinic, located at

the Multaqa Center, is now under a new

Disability Accommodation Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students

Disability is defined by The Americans mailto:disabilityaccommodation

with Disabilities Act of 1990 as "… a
physical or mental impairment that 2) After submitting the appropriate
substantially limits one or more major life paperwork, the student will meet
activities." Such impairments may include with the Director of Student
physical, sensory, and cognitive or Affairs. The purpose of this
intellectual impairments. Mental disorders meeting is to understand the
(also known as psychiatric or challenges the student has faced,
psychosocial disability) and various types to review the documentation the
of chronic diseases may also be student has submitted, and to
considered disabilities. A disability may discuss the desired
arise during a person's lifetime or may be accommodations.
present from birth. 3) The Disability Services
Committee will review the
Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar (WCM- request and make a formal
Q) is dedicated to assisting all students determination of the need for
achieve their full potential and succeed in accommodation.
the WCM-Q learning environment by 4) Accommodation requests will be
providing equal educational opportunities. reviewed within 2 weeks;
In accordance with United States federal however, there may be delays
law, "No otherwise qualified individual before a final decision may be
with a disability…shall, solely by reason made (i.e. the need for additional
of her or his disability, be excluded from information).
the participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or be subjected to discrimination under Accommodation Process
any program.” Once a request for accommodation has
been approved:
The WCM-Q Division of Student Affairs
coordinates student requests for 1) Notification of accommodation
reasonable accommodation and is will be sent to the student.
committed to protecting the privacy of all 2) A student’s diagnosis(es) and/or
students. The Division of Student Affairs disability will not be disclosed in
is also committed to collaborative the notification of
dialogue with students throughout the accommodation. Also, a student’s
entire process of evaluation and diagnosis(es) and/or disability
implementation of approved will not be disclosed without
accommodation. signed consent from the student.
3) It is the student’s responsibility to
meet with the individual faculty
Making an Accommodation for the course where
Request: accommodations are being sought
to discuss the implementation of
1) Students who would like to
the approved accommodation(s).
request an academic
In the case of centralized NBME
accommodation must begin the
exams during the clerkship years,
process by submitting a
the student should meet with the
completed Accommodation
Director of Medical Education
Request Form and all supporting
and Continuing Professional
documents to
Development. Meetings with

the appropriate faculty and/or iii. Description of the current
staff must take place at least functional limitation
seven business days in advance of iv. Description of the expected
needed accommodations. duration and progression of
4) At least seven business days the condition
before any subsequent activity v. Rationale and justification for
requiring accommodation, the all requested accommodations
student should reconfirm 4) WCM-Q maintains the right not
arrangements for accommodation to accept documentation that does
with the appropriate faculty or not meet the criteria stated above
staff. and may seek a confidential third-
5) If any concerns or questions arise, party professional opinion
the student should contact the regarding documentation or
Director of Student Affairs for implementation of requested
assistance. accommodations.
5) Documentation of disability
Documentation accepted by WCM-Q is valid as
1) A student must provide long as a student is continuously
documentation of disability. enrolled at the school. However,
Documentation must be sufficient if there is a break in the student's
to establish that the requested enrollment, the student may be
accommodation is appropriate for required to present updated
the student's condition. If a documentation to the Disability
student previously received Services Committee prior to
accommodations from other receiving accommodation.
academic institutions or testing Additional documentation may be
agencies, then the student should necessary to support requests for
submit this information. changes to existing
2) Forms for requesting and accommodations or to support
verifying disability are available accommodations if the
on the Student Affairs website. educational context has
3) The completed WCM-Q substantially changed.
verification of disability form and 6) All documentation of disabilities
supporting documentation from a is received and held solely by the
licensed, credentialed examiner Director of Student Affairs.
must include all of the following: Documentation of disability is
i. Diagnostic statement treated as confidential
identifying the disability information and is protected as
(Note, a condition by itself per Family Educational Rights
may not automatically qualify and Privacy Act (FERPA)
as a disability) guidelines. Documentation is
ii. Description of the diagnostic destroyed six years after the last
methodology semester the student is enrolled.

Academic Policies and
Procedures Applicable to
Students in the Pre-Medical
Curriculum and the
Foundation Program

Academic Advancement and Promotion
from the Foundation Program to the
Six-Year Medical Program
Applicability: Students who complete the Foundation Program

The Premedical Promotion and Program.

Graduation Committee reviews the
Foundation Program students at the end of The students who do not fulfill these
the academic year. The students satisfying requirements will be thoroughly reviewed
all of the following three criteria: by the Promotion and Graduation
Committee who will recommend, or not,
− they have obtained a cumulative their promotion to the Six-Year Medical
GPA of 3.20 or above, and Program after considering detailed reports
− they have passed all the required of the faculty on student performance,
courses with a grade of C or professionalism, and commitment.
better, and
− have taken the TOEFL test as The recommendations of the Promotion
required by the Foundation and Graduation Committee will be
Program, reviewed by the Executive Committee on
Admissions, who will make the final
will be recommended for automatic decision on each student.
promotion to the Six-Year Medical

Academic Advancement and

Promotion from the Pre-Medical
Curriculum to the Medical
Applicability: Students in Pre-Medical Curriculum

The Promotion and Graduation meets the following criteria:

Committee (P&G) evaluates the
performance of each student who has • The student has received no grade
completed the Pre-Medical Curriculum. below C in any course
At the end of the Pre-Medical Curriculum, • The student has obtained a
a student will be automatically promoted cumulative GPA of 3.30 or higher
to the Medical Curriculum if the student

• The student has obtained an Organic Chemistry (Lab)
MCAT score of 500 or higher • Principles of Biochemistry:
(50% percentile or higher) Structure and Function of
• The student does not have Biomolecules
violations of the Code of • Principles of Biochemistry
Academic Integrity • Fundamentals of Physics for
Premedical Students
If a student does not meet the criteria for • Physiology and Physics
automatic promotion, the P&G • Capstone Lab Experience
Committee will evaluate the student. The
P&G Committee may recommend a A grade of "C-" or lower in any required
promotion or remediation path. course will mean that the student will
Remediation may include completion of have to repeat the course or its equivalent
targeted reviews of appropriate in order to be eligible for promotion to the
coursework and relevant tests, Medical Curriculum. Remediation plans
deceleration, or other activities. or course substitutions are reviewed on an
individual basis by the P&G Committee.
All students are encouraged to avail
themselves of the resources provided to I adition, in order to be eligible for
them, including faculty, teaching promotion to the Medical Curriculum,
specialists, the writing center, peer tutors, students must take the Medical College
and the support of the Office of Student Admissions Test (MCAT).
Each student’s academic performance in
It is important to recognize that the the Pre-Medical curriculum is reviewed
primary goal of the Pre-Medical by the P&G Committee regularly. The
Curriculum is to prepare students for the Committee reviews each student’s record
Medical Curriculum. WCM-Q does not and, when a student has had difficulties in
offer a degree to students at the end of the one or more courses, recommends an
Pre-Medical Curriculum. For that reason, appropriate course of action or curricular
students who are not likely to be change.
competitive for the Medical Curriculum
should re-think their career plans as soon Students often ask, “How am I doing in
as possible. WCM-Q will do everything it the Pre-Medical Curriculum? Am I
can to help every student achieve success. making sufficient progress that I am likely
to be promoted to the Medical
NOTE: Although grades of “C-“ and “D” Curriculum?” These are two very
are considered passing grades in many different questions. At the very minimum,
undergraduate academic programs, they students are allowed to continue taking
are NOT acceptable grades in certain key Pre-Medical courses at WCM-Q as long
courses required for eligibility to the as they have a cumulative GPA of above
Medical Curriculum. To be eligible to the 2.0. However, experience has shown that
Medical Curriculum, students MUST earn a cumulative GPA anywhere near this
grades of "C" or better in all required level is not competitive for promotion to
courses. These are: the Medical Curriculum. Listen carefully
to the advice you receive from your
• Introduction to Biology I and II faculty advisor and from the counselors in
with lab Student Affairs. They are experienced
• General Chemistry II professionals who are able to give you a
• First-Year Writing Seminars (two realistic view of your academic status, and
semesters) will advise you on how to make
• Organic Chemistry for the Life alternative plans, if necessary. Please do
Sciences (Lectures) I not hesitate to reach out to your Pre-
Medical Deans as well.
• Introduction to Experimental

Standards of Conduct and Academic
Applicability: Students in Pre-Medical Curriculum and the Foundation Program

range of responsible conduct cannot be set

Standards of Conduct forth in any policy document.

The Medical College requires that faculty, Accordingly, students and faculty should
students, and staff abide by fundamental view these enumerated responsibilities as
standards of conduct expected of the an illustration and should strive to comply
members of the Medical college with both the letter and the spirit of these
community in their interactions with each standards of conduct.
other. Membership in the Medical College
community for students is more than an
academic commitment; it connotes a Student Responsibilities
willingness by the student to act as a
responsible medical professional. In order for students to be permitted to
Participation in the Medical college continue their studies at the Medical
community by faculty is more than College, students must demonstrate a
instructing the next generation of medical range of skills and abilities, such as, good
professionals; it is a commitment to serve judgment, a sense of responsibility and
as mentor and role model of the standards morality, sensitivity and compassion for
of the medical profession. Inherent in the individual needs, the ability to synthesize
concept of a medical professional is an and apply knowledge, and evidence that
underlying integrity and ethical they are capable of becoming safe and
foundation that defines the tone and effective physicians. Two values of
culture of the teacher-learner environment particular importance that must be upheld
at the Medical College. by the entire Medical college community
are professionalism and academic
The Medical College’s standards of integrity. Although these terms are often
conduct also enable students to begin to used interchangeably, they are distinct in
encounter and wrestle with the difficult nature and have broad application. For the
moral and ethical questions that arise purposes of this document,
continuously throughout one’s medical professionalism covers expected attitudes,
career. In this capacity, the standards of behaviors and characteristics. Academic
conduct promote expected behaviors, integrity includes the quality and honesty
challenge unprofessional behaviors, and of all academic course submissions.
educate students, as well as faculty, to
confront these challenges.
The following are examples of conduct
It shall be the responsibility of the that is not suitable for students at the
students and faculty of the Medical Medical college. The list below includes
School to uphold the integrity and ethical examples of breaches in professionalism
standards of the community to the fullest and academic integrity. It is the student’s
extent possible. The standards of conduct responsibility to know what is expected
listed below set forth general and when in doubt, to discuss the concern
responsibilities of students and faculty in with the faculty, academic advisor, or
a teacher-learner environment. The full education deans.

examinee, or bringing
unauthorized materials into the
Examples of unprofessional exam room.
conduct include: • Failing to provide information or
complete the necessary
paperwork required for courses or
• Repeatedly or egregiously failing on any other curricular activity.
to fulfill the professional • Committing an act of verbal or
requirements and responsibilities physical abuse of any kind.
of a course such as, but not
• Failing to maintain high ethical
limited to:
and moral standards of conduct.
o Being repeatedly absent
• Failing to maintain a professional
or unexcused from
required course activities. boundary with peers, staff,
o Failing to attend any faculty, healthcare staff and
other assigned activity. patients.
o Failing to report absences
in a timely manner
(excused or unexcused Code of Academic Integrity
that could potentially
affect course activities). The WCM-Q policy has been excerpted
o Being consistently late and adapted from the Cornell University
for scheduled course Code of Academic Integrity
activities and exams.
o Failing to submit
assignments on time.
o Failing to adhere to the
appropriate dress code.
Absolute integrity is expected of every
• Failing to respond in a timely way
Cornell student in all academic
to communications (phone calls,
undertakings. Integrity entails a firm
emails or other correspondence)
adherence to a set of values, and the
from the administration, faculty,
values most essential to an academic
course leadership or their
community are grounded on the concept
of honesty with respect to the intellectual
• Breaking patients’ confidentiality
efforts of oneself and others. Academic
or posting of confidential or
integrity is expected not only in formal
inappropriate information
coursework situations, but in all
(including but not limited to
University relationships and interactions
photos, images, text or video) on
connected to the educational process,
the internet (including but not
including the use of University resources.
limited to Facebook, blogs,
While both Cornell faculty and students
LinkedIn and other social media),
assume the responsibility of maintaining
including any breach of Health
and furthering these values, this document
Insurance Portability and
is concerned specifically with the conduct
Accountability Act (HIPAA),
of students.
FERPA or other applicable U.S. and
Qatar laws and regulations on
A Cornell student's submission of work
privacy and confidentiality.
for academic credit indicates that the
• Being disruptive in class, work is the student's own. All outside
especially if repeated. assistance should be acknowledged, and
• Breaching exam conditions, the student's academic position truthfully
which includes failing to respond reported at all times. In addition, Cornell
to an examiner’s or proctor’s students have a right to expect academic
instructions, being disruptive, integrity from each of their peers.
communicating with another

1) GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS C. Specific Guidelines for Courses

1. Examinations. During in-class

A. General Responsibilities examinations no student may use,
give, or receive any assistance or
a. A student shall in no way information not given in the
misrepresent his or her work. examination or by the proctor. No
b. A student shall in no way student may take an examination
fraudulently or unfairly for another student. Between the
advance his or her academic time a take-home examination is
position. distributed and the time it is
c. A student shall refuse to be a submitted by the student for
party to another student's grading, the student may not
failure to maintain academic consult with any persons other
integrity. than the course professor and
d. A student shall not in any teaching specialists regarding the
other manner violate the examination. The student is
principle of academic responsible for understanding the
integrity. conditions under which the
examination will be taken.

B. Examples of Violation
2. Course Assignments. Students
are encouraged to discuss the
The following actions are content of a course among them
examples of activities that violate and to help each other to master
the Code of Academic Integrity it, but no student should seek or
and subject their actors to receive help in doing a course
proceedings under the Code. This assignment that is meant to test
is not a definitive list. what he or she can do without
help from others. Representing
a. Knowingly representing the another's work as one's own is
work of others as one's own. plagiarism and a violation of
b. Using, obtaining, or this Code. If materials are taken
providing unauthorized from published sources the
assistance on examinations, student must clearly and
papers, or any other completely cite the source of such
academic work. materials. Work submitted by a
c. Fabricating data in support of student and used by a faculty
laboratory or field work. member in the determination of a
d. Forging a signature to certify grade in a course may not be
completion of a course submitted by that student in a
assignment or a second course, unless such
recommendation to graduate submission is approved in
school. advance by the faculty member in
e. Unfairly advancing one's the second course. If a student is
academic position by submitting all or part of the same
hoarding or damaging library work simultaneously for the
materials. determination of a grade in two
f. Misrepresenting one's or more different courses, all
academic accomplishments. faculty members in the courses
involved must approve such

3. Online Curriculum - Camera his or her grade will be affected.
Policy. In exceptional
circumstances, online delivery of b. Classroom misconduct is
components of the curriculum not a violation of
may become a necessity. Most academic integrity. The
online activities will be live and student may, however,
interactive. The students are seek review by the WCM-
required to turn on the camera on Q Academic Integrity
their computer or other device at Hearing Board on the
all times, and a professional and basis either that the
ethical behavior is expected finding of guilt is
throughout. The Code of arbitrary and capricious or
Academic Integrity applies to all that the penalty for
such activities. Please note that it misconduct is excessive
is forbidden to take pictures, or inappropriate to the
screenshots, or other recordings circumstances involved.
of these online activities, unless ("Arbitrary and
with prior approval from the capricious" describes
instructor. actions which have no
sound basis in law, fact,
or reason or are grounded
4. Classroom Misconduct and solely in bad faith or
Other Behavior Disruptive to personal desires. A
the Educational Process. A determination is arbitrary
faculty member may impose a and capricious only if it is
grade penalty for any one no reasonable mind
misconduct. Students are not could reach.)
authorized to replicate,
reproduce, copy, or transmit c. This section does not limit
lectures and course materials a faculty member’s
presented, or “derivative” prerogative to remove a
materials including class disruptive student from
notes, for sale or general classroom under
distribution to others without appropriate
the written consent of the circumstances.
faculty or academic staff
member or class participant
who is the original source of 5. Academic Misconduct.
such materials. Other examples Academic misconduct related to
of classroom misconduct integrity in the conduct of
include, but are not limited to, scholarly and scientific research
talking during an examination, and communication is
bringing unauthorized addressed in Cornell University
materials into the examination Policy 1.2
room, using unauthorized
electronic technology during
an examination, and disruptive Policy 1.2 applies to faculty, staff,
behavior in the classroom. and students.

a. The faculty member must D. Principles for Computer Use and

promptly notify the Network Systems
student of the reason for
the imposition of a penalty The use of computers and
for classroom misconduct network systems in no way
and the degree to which exempts students from the

normal requirements
of ethical behavior in
the Cornell
community. Use of a
computer and E. Variances
network system that
is shared by many A faculty member is
users imposes certain responsible for informing his
additional or her students and teaching
obligations. specialists of variances from
In particular, data, software this Code that apply to work
and computer capacity have in his or her course. These
value and must be treated variances should be clearly
accordingly. stated in writing at the
Although some rules are built beginning of the course or
into computer and network activity to which they apply.
systems, such restrictions
cannot limit completely what
students can do. In any event F. Jurisdiction and Penalties
students are responsible for
their actions whether or not The authority to determine whether a
rules are built in, and whether specific action shall be treated as a
or not they can circumvent violation of the Code of Academic
them. Integrity lies with the WCM-Q Academic
Integrity Hearing Board (the Hearing
Standards of behavior include: Board).

1. Respect for the privacy Those who violate the Code of Academic
of other users’ Integrity will be subject to penalties under
information, even when this Code and may also be subject to
that information is not applicable penalties under state and federal
securely protected. and Qatar laws.
2. Respect for the
ownership of proprietary
software. For example, 2). ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE
unauthorized copies of
such software for one’s A. Students and staff members discovering an
own use, even when that apparent violation should report the matter
software is not protected to the faculty member in charge of the
against copying is course or to the chairperson of the WCM-Q
inappropriate. Academic Integrity Hearing Board who
shall then inform the faculty member in
3. Respect for the finite charge of the course. The chairperson is
capacity of the system responsible for ensuring that all members
and limitation of use so of WCM-Q know to whom the report
as not to interfere should be made.
unreasonably with the
activity of other users.
B. Primary Hearing
4. Respect for the
procedures established 1. Primary hearings are to be held by the
to manage the use of the faculty member unless the penalties
system. available to him or her are inadequate, in

which case, she or he may refer the student may also bring to the
case directly to the Hearing Board. hearing an advisor and
additional witnesses to testify
2. Notification to his or her innocence.
If after preliminary
investigation, possibly 4. Procedure
including discussion a. At the primary hearing, the
with the student, a faculty member shall
faculty member present evidence in support
believes that a student of the charge against the
has violated the Code student. The student shall be
of Academic Integrity, given the opportunity to
the faculty member respond and, if he or she
shall present the wishes, to present evidence
student with the refuting the charge.
charge. The charge b. The function of the
shall include independent witness is to
notification of a observe the proceedings
primary hearing to be impartially, and in the event
held as soon as of an appeal from the
practical after the judgment of the faculty
alleged infraction has member, be prepared to
come to the attention testify as to the procedures
of the faculty followed.
member, but with at c. After hearing the student,
least one week's notice the faculty member may
to the student. This either dismiss the charge or
notification period if there is clear and
may be shortened by convincing evidence that
the agreement of both the student has violated this
parties. The charge Code, find the student
shall also include guilty. (“Clear and
notice of the convincing” as a standard of
availability of the proof refers to a quantum of
Judicial Codes evidence beyond a mere
Counselor. preponderance but below
that characterized as
3. Composition “beyond a reasonable
At the primary doubt” and as such that it
hearing the following will produce in the mind of
shall be present: the the tier of fact a firm belief
faculty member as to the facts sought to be
concerned, the student established.) If the student
in question, and a is found guilty, the faculty
third- party member may impose any
independent witness. suitable grade punishment
The independent including failure in the
witness shall be a course.
faculty member or a d. A student wishing to seek review of
student appointed by the decision may bring the case before
the Hearing Board the WCM-Q Academic Integrity
Chairperson or the Hearing Board.
Associate Dean for e. A faculty member who gives a penalty
Premedical for a violation of academic integrity
Education. The shall immediately report this action

and the nature of the violation WCM-Q Dean for
in writing to the student and three-year terms.
to the record c. Three students elected
keeper of WCM-Q Academic by the student body of
Integrity Hearing Board. the college or appointed
This record-keeper shall then by the WCM-Q Dean
be responsible for its for at least one year, and
communication to the preferably two-year
record-keeper in the student's terms. When possible,
college. student terms should be
f. If the student fails to attend staggered.
the primary hearing without d. A nonvoting
a compelling excuse, the record- keeper
hearing may proceed in his responsible for
or her absence. keeping clear and
g. A student charged with complete records
violating the Code of of the
Academic Integrity in a proceedings.
course may not drop that
course without the consent 2. Jurisdiction
of the instructor unless the a. The student may seek
student has subsequently review of the decision of
been cleared of the charges. the primary hearing if:
i. He/she believes
the procedure was
C. WCM-Q improper or unfair
ii. He/she contests
the finding of
Integrity Hearing the faculty
Board member.
iii. He/she believes
the penalty was
1. Composition too strict
The WCM-Q considering the
Committee on offense.
Academic Integrity b. After holding a primary
consists of the hearing, the faculty
following: member may bring the
case to the Hearing
a. A Board if she or he
chairperson believes a failing grade
who is a is too lenient
member of considering the
the faculty offense.A student found
and guilty of more than one
appointed violation of the Code
by the may be summoned
WCM-Q before the Hearing
Dean for a Board by the Senior
two-year Associate Dean for Pre-
term. Medical Education. The
b. Three Hearing Board may
faculty impose an additional
members penalty for such
appointed repeated offenses.
by the
c. If the WCM-Q Dean a request for review,
receives a report that a although seven days’ notice
student has committed should be given to all parties
a violation of academic if possible. If a grade for the
integrity while student in the course must
attending another be submitted before a case
academic institution or can be decided, the faculty
while enrolled in a member shall record a grade
Cornell-sponsored off- of incomplete, pending a
campus program, she or decision by the Hearing
he may, if she or he Board.
feels the situation b. Those present at the hearing
warrants, summon the shall be:
student to appear before i. The student, who has
the Hearing Board. The the right to be
Hearing Board may accompanied by an
impose any penalty, advisor and/or relevant
including an additional witnesses
penalty, it feels ii. The faculty member,
appropriate for the who has the right to
violation involved. bring relevant witnesses
d. The WCM-Q Hearing iii. The third-party
Board shall hear all independent witness, if
cases that come before a primary hearing was
it de novo. While the held
Hearing Board may iv. Any other person called
recommend an increase by the chairperson
in any penalty imposed c. Should the student or faculty
at the primary hearing, member fail to appear before
it should consider the Hearing Board, the
raising the penalty, if it Board shall have full
is the student seeking authority to proceed in his or
review, only in the her absence.
exceptional case. d. The Board members shall
e. The individual seeking hear all available parties to
review shall notify the the dispute and examine all
chairperson of the the evidence presented. The
Hearing Board within Board may solicit outside
ten working days of advice at the discretion of
the primary hearing. the chairperson. The
An exception to this chairperson shall preside
deadline may be over the hearing to ensure
granted at the that no party threatens,
discretion of the intimidates, or coerces any
chairperson of the of the participants.
Hearing Board on a e. The student shall have the
showing of good right to present her or his
cause. case and to challenge the
charges or the evidence. The
3. Procedures student's advisor may assist
a. The WCM-Q the student in the
Hearing Board presentation and
shall convene as questioning.
soon as practical f. At least two-thirds of the
after notification of voting Board members shall

be present at every transcript
hearing, including iv. Recommend to the WCM-Q
two students and Dean that the student be placed
two faculty on probation
members. Both v. Recommend to the WCM-Q
parties may agree Dean that the student be
in writing to waive suspended from the University
this quorum. Of for a period of time
those present, a Recommend to the
simple majority WCM-Q Dean that the
shall decide the words "declared guilty
issue. The of violation of the Code
chairperson shall of Academic Integrity"
vote only in the be recorded on the
case of a tie vote. student's transcript. The
The Board shall Hearing Board may set
find the student a date after which the
guilty only if there student may petition
is clear and the Board to have
convincing (see the these words deleted
explanation of this from the transcript
terminology at vi. Recommend to the
section II.B.4.c.) WCM-Q Dean that the
evidence indicating student be expelled from
that the student has the University
violated this Code. vii. Recommend to the
g. The chairperson shall notify WCM-Q Dean any
each party to the dispute, in other suitable action,
writing, of the Board's including counseling,
decision and, if appropriate, community service, or
the penalty imposed. If the reprimand
judgment of the faculty c. The WCM-Q Dean shall be
member is affirmed by the notified of the decision of the
Board, or if the Board WCM-Q Hearing Board
decides a different penalty is within seven days. Unless an
warranted, the WCM-Q appeal is filed under the
Dean shall also receive the guidelines established below,
report. the WCM-Q Dean shall
ensure that the decision of the
4. The Board may act in one or Hearing Board is carried out
more of the following ways: and shall notify all parties of
a. Find the student innocent of the implementation and the
the charge decision.
b. Find the student guilty of the
charge and: 5. Review of Decision.
i. Recommend to the The student may appeal a
faculty that she or he decision of the Hearing Board.
reduce the penalty given The appeal must be directed to
ii. Affirm the faculty the WCM-Q Dean, in writing,
member’s decision and shall be constructed
iii. Recommend that the according to one or both of the
faculty member record a guidelines established below.
failing grade for the The appeal shall normally be
course, or for some submitted within four weeks of
portion of it from the notification of the Board’s

decision, but exceptions penalty be reduced.
to this deadline may be ii. If another penalty has been exacted
granted by the Dean on (2.C.4.b.iv-viii), the Dean may
showing of good cause. modify or decline to carry out the
recommended penalty.
a. Appeal of a In all but the most unusual circumstances,
finding of guilt. it is the expectation that the findings and
A student who recommendations of the Hearing Board
has received a will be upheld by the Dean. The Dean’s
finding of guilt decision cannot be appealed.
from the Board,
or whose finding 6. Annual Reports. The WCM-Q
of guilt in a Academic Integrity Hearing
Primary Hearing Board shall submit a summary
was upheld by report of its proceedings (without
the Board, may identifying any particular student)
appeal on one or to the Dean of WCM-Q at the end
both of the of the academic year. The names
following of the members of the Board and
grounds: any significant departures in
i. Additional evidence procedure should be reported as
that might have well.
affected the outcome
of the hearing 7. Records of Action. If the
became available student is found guilty, a record
following the of the outcome of the case and
hearing. the nature of the violation shall
ii. A violation be kept by the Hearing Board,
procedure by the and copies shall be placed in
Hearing Board the student's file. The record
that might have keeper shall disclose this record
prejudiced the to Hearing Boards considering
outcome of the other charges against the same
hearing. student, to deans or associate
deans of colleges in furtherance
The Dean may deny the appeal or of legitimate educational
send the case back to the Hearing interests, to the WCM-Q
Board for reconsideration. Registrar for notation on the
transcript when provided by the
b. Appeal of a penalty. The decision of the Hearing Board
student may appeal the and the Dean, but to no one else
findings of the Hearing unless specifically directed by the
Board regarding penalties. student.
The appeal shall specify the
reasons why the student If the student is found not
believes the penalty is guilty by the Hearing Board,
inappropriate. After all records of the case,
consultation with the including the report of the
Hearing Board, the Dean primary hearing, shall be
may take one of the expunged from the files of the
following actions: record keeper.
i. If a grade has been exacted
(2.C4.b.i-iii), the Dean may
recommend to the faculty
member that the grade

Grading System
Applicability: Students in the Pre-Medical Curriculum and the Foundation Program

The course instructor determines the final Letter Grades and Grade
grade for each student after evaluation of
the student’s performance in all aspects of Points
the course work.
Every letter grade from A+ to D-is
The official university grading system assigned points that are used in
uses letter grades with pluses (+) and calculating a student’s Grade Point
minuses (-). Passing grades range from Average (GPA; see below). Failing grades
A+ to D-; F is failing and earns no credit. (F) have no point value. Letter grades
have the following point values:

A+= 4.3 points B+= 3.3 points C+= 2.3 points D+= 1.3 points
A = 4.0 points B = 3.0 points C = 2.0 points D = 1.0 point F = 0.0 points
A-= 3.7 points B-= 2.7 points C-= 1.7 points D-= 0.7 point

Calculating a Grade Point

Average (GPA)
GPAs are calculated in this manner: Divide the sum of Total Grade Points
Earned by the sum of the credits
Multiply the Grade Points earned for each attempted. The result is the GPA. For
letter grade by the number of credits example:
earned in the course. The result is “Total
Grade Points Earned”. Student: Name ID: 001-02-0003

Course Grade Grade Points Credits Total Grade Points Earned

Biology C 2.0 3 6.0
Math A 4.0 3 12.0
Chemistry B 2.7 3 8.1
SUM: 9 26.1

GPA: 26.1 divided by 9 equals 2.90.

being in good academic standing,

Special Categories of Student two special categories of student
Status status are recognized. They are
“Dean’s List” (for a high GPA) and
Aside from the normal status of “Probation” (for a low GPA).

Dean’s Honor List Special Grade Categories
Full-time students whose GPA for the
semester is 3.75 or above are placed on Incomplete (INC)
the Dean’s Honor List for that semester. A grade of “INC” (Incomplete) may be
The Dean’s Honor List is kept by the recorded on a student’s transcript when a
Office of the Registrar. student has performed substantial work
(as determined by the instructor) at a
On occasion, students may be ahead of passing level in the course, but is
their course schedule, for instance by prevented by circumstances such as
having taken courses in the summer illness or family emergency from
session. As a result, they might not be completing all of the course requirements
registered as full-time students in the on time.
semester. In such cases, it is the prerogative
of the committee to still nominate the A grade of Incomplete will not be given
students to the Dean’s Honor List if their merely because a student does not
semester GPA is 3.75 or higher. complete all course requirements on time
or is unprepared to take the final exam.
Students who are behind their course The purpose of an Incomplete is to protect
schedule and are not registered as full-time the student who truly cannot fulfill all
students are not eligible to be on the of the course requirements through no
Dean’s Honor List. fault of his/her own. Although it is the
student’s responsibility to request an
If in the semester a student is cross- Incomplete, it is up to the instructor to
registered at an Education City institution, approve the request and to establish
the credits thus received will count towards specific makeup requirements and
full-time status for the purpose of the deadlines.
Dean’s List, and the grades received in
cross-registration courses will be included It is WCM-Q policy that incomplete
in the calculation of the semester GPA. coursework must be made up by the start
of the next full semester. Failure on the
Being placed on the Dean’s Honor List is part of the student to do so will result in
a mark of distinction. Students and faculty conversion of the “INC” to an “F”. If a
alike regard it as a sign of exemplary student needs more time than is allowed
academic achievement. by the agreement with his or her
instructor or by WCM-Q policy, he or she
must inform the instructor prior to the
Academic Probation expiration of the allocated time. The
instructor, in consultation with the
A student is automatically placed on Associate Dean for Pre-medical
Academic Probation when the student’s Education, will make a determination.
o v e r a l l (cumulative) GPA falls below
2.0. The Promotion and Graduation Withdrawal from a Course (W)
Committee may also place a student on Students may withdraw from most
probation when the student fails a course courses until the end of the 12th week
or violates a WCM-Q policy. Academic of the semester. Withdrawal requires the
probation is a warning to the student. approval and signatures of the course
Failure to comply with the conditions set instructor, the student’s academic advisor,
forth by the P & G Committee for and the Associate Dean for Pre-Medical
removal of probationary status can (and Education.
typically does) result in dismissal from
the Medical College. If the student withdraws before the end
of the 7th week of the term (the half-
way point), the course will not appear on

the student’s transcript. Transcripts and Grade
If the student withdraws between the Reports
beginning of the 8th week and the end of
the 12th week, a “W” will be recorded
on the student’s official transcript. A Official University Transcripts
“W” indicates only that a student was Official Cornell University Transcripts
initially enrolled in the course but then will be issued upon request or at the end
withdrew. It does not affect either credit of the academic year. A Transcript
earned or Grade Point Average. Request Form can be found on the
website of The Office of the Registrar.
After the 12th week a student cannot
withdraw from a course. Students should complete the form and
return to the WCM-Q Registrar Office.
For courses taught for only a half of a The official transcript will be given to
regular academic term, the withdrawal the student in a sealed envelope. The
dates are also reduced by half. That is, the Registrar’s seal and signature will be on
last date to withdraw with no record of the the back of the envelope.
course on the transcript is at four (4)
weeks, and the last date to withdraw with Note: If the envelope is opened by
a “W” is at six (6) weeks. anyone other than the intended
recipient, it ceases to be official.
Changing a Course Grade Official transcripts may also be sent
Changes in a grade may be made only to directly from the university to other
assign a grade to previously incomplete schools and agencies at the student’s
coursework or if the instructor made an request. Since official transcripts are
error in assigning the original grade. A sent from Cornell University in Ithaca,
Change of Grade Form should be New York, please allow a minimum of
completed and signed by the instructor, two weeks for delivery. Should a
then submitted to the Office of the transcript be needed sooner, the Registrar
Registrar. The Registrar will amend the will assist the student in expediting the
student’s record to reflect the change and request.
issue the student a revised “Grade
Report”. In the event that a grade change Student Grade Reports
results in a change of student status Foundation and Pre-medical Students
(example: the student’s GPA falls below are able to check their grades and the
2.0), then the Registrar will advise the “unofficial grade reports” at the end of
Chairperson of the Promotion and each term by accessing their accounts on
Graduation Committee for committee the WCM-Q Student Information System
review. “QLearn”.

Class Attendance and Absences
Applicability: Students in the Pre-Medical Curriculum and the Foundation Program

Students are expected to attend all classes, classes require attendance and include it
seminars and labs in which they are as a component of the course grade;
officially registered. The right to excuse a others may only take attendance and then
student from class rests with the faculty make the attendance records available to
member in charge of that class. Except in the P&G Committee. For students who
the case of acute injury or illness for are not performing well in the
which advance notice cannot be given, program, the P&G Committee is likely
students should notify the course to view a poor attendance record as an
instructor as soon as they can. If the indication of a lack of professionalism
course instructor is not available, a and/or a lack of commitment to the
request for an excused absence should at educational program.
least be reported to the Student Academic
Counselors. Students are required to be present at the
time of a regularly scheduled test in
Students should read each course order to pass the course unless they have
syllabus carefully so that they fully made previous arrangements with the
understand the consequences of course instructor.
unexcused absences from class. Some

Withdrawal from the Medical College

Applicability: Students in the Pre-Medical Curriculum and the Foundation Program

Students may withdraw from the College

at any time by filling the appropriate form In addition, WCM-Q may dismiss a
available on The Office of the Registrar student who:
Webpage Fails to return at the end of an authorized
Leave of Absence, or
Students must submit the form to the Fails to enroll in classes at the beginning
Office of the Registrar on time to ensure of a regular term and
that all their academic and financial Does not have an approved Leave of
records are updated and settled Absence.

Academic Policies and
Procedures Applicable to
Students in the Medical

Mission Statement of the Division
of Medical Education
In alignment with the tripartite mission of Weill Cornell Medicine–Qatar, the Division of
Medical Education, aims to promote excellence in education, patient care and research. To
this end, the mission is to1:

• Inspire and graduate a diverse, • Contribute to biomedical and

inclusive, and socially competent population-based research that
community of outstanding physicians addresses the needs of our local
dedicated to life-long learning and community and the region, and
leadership in caring for patients and aligns with developments in global
alleviating suffering, health,
• Provide a robust foundation for our • Contribute to the advancement of the
graduates that equips them with the healthcare sector and the
knowledge and skills to enter development of healthcare policies.
graduate medical education, and
allows them to succeed in any branch
of medicine,

In seeking to attain the mission, the Division of Medical Education works in close collaboration with: The
Division of Student Affairs, which serves to support and enrich the holistic growth and development of our
students; The Institute for Population Health, which seeks to advance health care in the State of Qatar through
education, research and community care programs; The Division of Continuing Professional Development, which
aims to provide high quality professional development opportunities for healthcare professionals leading to
improved healthcare for patients, and The Division of Research, which undertakes biomedical research at basic,
translational and community levels, with the aim of tackling the most pressing health needs in Qatar and the

Preparation to Learn
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

All students in the medical curriculum at curriculum learning objectives; feedback

Weill Cornell Medical Medicine-Qatar and grading policies; student course and
(WCM-Q) must be aware of key duty hours; and safety in the clinical
institutional and medical curriculum environment. For a few selected policies,
policies, learning objectives and important there are a small number of associated
information relating to the learning multiple-choice questions to reinforce
environment and health and safety; understanding. Content is reviewed and
particularly in the clinical setting. This updated annually. Compliance is reviewed
policy ensures students are aware of their by the Division of Medical Education and
rights and responsibilities as medical the Division of Student Affairs.

The overall Preparation to Learn process is
All students in the medical curriculum are monitored by the Division of Medical
required to participate in the online course, Education and the Division of Student
Preparation to Learn, that is administered Affairs. Students’ individual scores in
and monitored centrally by the Division of components of the course are not
Medical Education. Students will be recorded, however, completion of the
expected to complete the course twice in entire course is mandatory and a record is
their four-year medical curriculum kept for compliance purposes.
program; once as part of their initial
orientation to the medical curriculum and Should students fail to complete the course
once just prior to commencing the clinical in the required timeframe their records
clerkships. Content of the course will be placed on academic hold by the
includes: the student honor code; conduct Office of the Registrar until such time as
and professionalism policies; medical they complete the course.

Honor Code
The Qatar Student Honor Code was adapted from the New York Honor Code. It was reviewed and
approved by Medical Students in Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar in March 2018. The code sets the
professionalism expectations from Medical Students detailing situations that account for a breach of
the Honor Code. The Honor Code serves as a guideline of the dos and don’ts in line with Weill Cornell
Medicine–Qatar’s professionalism standard.

As the next generation of medical without proper

professionals, students are expected to acknowledgement (see
maintain the highest integrity and ethical Student Handbook)
standards that are associated with their future
profession and that are representative of our
school. Students are entrusted to assume Exams and Practice Based
responsibility for upholding the school's Learning (PBLs)
culture of integrity by being honest, Students are responsible for
respectful, and accountable in their academic understanding the specific
and non- academic endeavors. They are conditions for individual course
expected to follow the school's standards of quizzes and examinations
conduct (see Student Handbook) - to adhere (including triple jump exams), both
to an "unwritten" honor code of absolute in-class and take-home. For
academic integrity. example, some TJEs have policies
that allow students to collaborate at
certain points during the exam
Below are just some examples of common
period. However, unless otherwise
scenarios that illustrate activities in which a
stated, the following examples
student would be violating the honor code.
would involve a violation of the
honor code:
Writing Papers, Reports, Patient
• For an in-class exam, using,
Write-ups giving, or receiving any
• Forging an attending's or resident's assistance or information
signature on your patient write- ups (voluntary or otherwise)
• "Inventing" a patient to include as a from any source (e.g.,
patient write-up classmate, previous "test-
• On a patient write-up, stating you taker," notes, textbooks,
conducted a complete physical exam electronic devices, or any
when you actually did not; stating the other unauthorized
patient is "fine" but, in effect, you materials) other than
cannot be sure since you did not do information provided by the
the full exam, e.g., saying pulse is course director or in the
normal, but never checked the examination itself
patient's pulse; lying about • Copying or
respiratory rate when you never even photographing or
listened to the patient's lungs - just memorizing the content
cutting and pasting a normal patient and/or answers of posted
exam results when you only did a exams in courses and
limited exam on this patient. passing them on to future
• Ghostwriting - having someone write test-takers
your paper for you or you writing a • Consulting with persons
paper for a colleague other than the course
• Plagiarism - knowingly director (e.g., experts in
representing the work of the field) between the
someone else as your own, time a take-home exam is

distributed and the time it images etc., are provided for use by
is submitted by the students and faculty enrolled in
student specific courses. These materials are
• PBL: telling the next not to be shared with others,
year’s class details of including students or faculty at
PBL cases or triple jump other institutions, or uploaded onto
exams that might be websites or social networking sites.
repeated, including These materials are copyrighted and
diagnosis and treatment may contain sensitive information.
• OSCE: sharing with the next class the Failure to adhere to this policy
details of the OSCE cases that might constitutes a violation of the honor
be repeated, including diagnosis and code and may constitute an
the details of the examination infringement of copyright law. In
addition, taking extra course packets
Research and lecture notes or taking bone
• Falsifying or fabricating data in boxes or other anatomy resources
support of laboratory or field and not returning them so that other
work students may use them, will also be
• Not giving proper credit to considered a violation of the honor
research collaborators on an code.
abstract, poster, presentation, or
Patient Confidentiality
False Statements to Faculty, Staff, or Students should familiarize
Other Students themselves with the laws governing
• Telling faculty you had an excused patient confidentiality found in the
absence (e.g., illness or religious Health Insurance portability and
observance) when, in fact, that was Accountability Act (HIPAA), a
not the case U.S. federal law, and laws and
• telling a course director you saw a regulations of the State of Qatar on
patient or went to a preceptor's office privacy and confidentiality.
when you actually did not Students are expected to abide by
• signing a colleague's name on an these policies fully. Misuse of
attendance sheet or asking a patient confidential information or
colleague to sign your name to an unauthorized access to patient
attendance sheet records constitute a violation of the
• purposely telling other students honor code and applicable laws of
incorrect content/concept the State of Qatar and U.S.
explanations in order to lower the
average exam scores
• suspending evaluation questions
just to get through them quickly ITS (Computing, E-mail,
Software) Policies
Curricular Materials Including
Manuals, Lecture Transcripts, Students are expected to follow all
policies as outlined by Information
Slides, Videos, Podcasts etc Technologies and Services
regarding the use of computers, e-
Curricular materials including mail, iPads, software etc.
slides, manuals, case scenarios, ITS Policies
videos, on-line modules or self-
assessment programs, podcasts,

Teacher Learner Environment Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

The Medical College is committed to student for arbitrary or selective

providing an environment that fosters treatment;
mutual respect and the values of • Pressuring a student to perform
professionalism, ethics, and humanism in medical procedures for which the
the practice of medicine. An environment student is insufficiently trained;
conducive to learning requires that • Interfering with a student’s need
faculty, students and administrative and to attend properly to a potentially
support staff treat each other with civility. serious health problem, including
Faculty must treat students fairly and with not permitting a student to leave a
respect in all settings where students are hospital unit or operating room to
educated and maintain an academic seek attention for a needle stick
environment conducive to the pursuit of injury or a splash with bodily
free inquiry, academic integrity and the fluids; or
advancement of patient care. The • Committing an act of physical
standards of conduct set forth below are abuse or violence of any kind.
intended to prohibit teaching and other
practices that are discriminatory, generally Faculty shall educate and advise students
offensive and that undermine about the specific standards that govern
professionalism, without limiting professional conduct in a clerkship, a
appropriate teaching techniques and styles course or in a hospital setting, and, by his
that advance and stimulate the educational or her own conduct, set an example of the
environment. standards expected of the student.

Examples of conduct that is not If a student believes that a faculty member

has violated the standards of conduct, the
appropriate include: student may file a written request for an
investigation with the Vice Dean for
• Verbally abusing a student, Academic and Curricular Affairs. The
including belittling and/or Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular
humiliating a student, or speaking Affairs will notify the Associate Dean for
disparagingly about a student’s Student Affairs, who shall serve as the
economic or cultural background, student’s advocate. The Director for
gender, sexual orientation or Medical Education at Hamad Medical
preference, race or religion; Corporation (HMC) or the WCM-Q Dean,
• Exploiting students in any as well as the appropriate Assistant Dean
manner, including requesting that for Curriculum together with the
students perform personal errands Associate Dean for Student Affairs will
or directing students to perform a investigate any such complaints. The
large number of routine hospital Director for Medical Education at HMC
procedures on patients not or the WCM-Q Dean and the Vice Dean
assigned to the student, for Academic and Curricular Affairs are
particularly where performing the committed to establishing the facts fairly
procedures interferes with a and promptly and will respect the rights
student’s attendance at and confidentiality of the involved parties.
educational activities such as Students who wish to come forward and
teaching rounds and classes; report inappropriate behavior on the part
• Intentionally singling out a of a faculty member may do so without

fear of retaliation or reprisal. The Vice Faculty members are also required to
Dean for Academic and Curricular inform the Vice Dean for Academic and
Affairs, appropriate Assistant Dean for Curricular Affairs, in writing, of any
Curriculum, Director for Medical alleged violation by a faculty member of
Education at HMC or the WCM-Q Dean, the standards of conduct outlined above.
and the Associate Dean for Student Faculty members, upon appointment to
Affairs will take prompt action, normally the Faculty, shall be bound by the
within ten days from the written request standards of conduct set forth in this
for an investigation, in resolving the section and shall be presumed to be
matter. familiar with its provisions.

Standards of Conduct in the Medical
Curriculum Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Standards of Conduct in the students and faculty in a teacher-

learner environment. The full range
Medical Curriculum of responsible conduct cannot be set
forth in any policy document.
The Medical College requires that faculty, Accordingly, students and faculty
students, and staff abide by fundamental should view these enumerated
standards of conduct expected of the responsibilities as an illustration and
members of the Medical College community should strive to comply with both
in their interactions with each other. the letter and the spirit of these
Membership in the Medical College standards of conduct.
community for students is more than an
academic commitment; it connotes a This section also describes the
willingness by the student to act as a guidelines and policies that will
responsible medical professional. apply when there has been a failure
Participation in the Medical College to comply with the standards.
community by faculty is more than
instructing the next generation of medical
professionals; it is a commitment to serve as
mentor and role model of the standards of the
Student Responsibilities
medical profession. Inherent in the concept
of a medical professional is an underlying In order for students to be
integrity and ethical foundation that defines permitted to continue their studies
the tone and culture of the teacher-learner at the Medical College, students
environment at the Medical College. must demonstrate a range of skills
and abilities, such as, good
judgment, a sense of responsibility
The Medical College’s standards of conduct and morality, sensitivity and
also enable students to begin to encounter compassion for individual needs,
and wrestle with the difficult moral and the ability to synthesize and apply
ethical questions that arise continuously knowledge, and evidence that they
throughout one’s medical career. In this are capable of becoming safe and
capacity, the standards of conduct promote effective physicians. Students must
expected behaviors, challenge also assume responsibility for the
unprofessional behaviors, and educate integrity of the content of academic
students, as well as faculty, to confront these work performed and submitted,
challenges. including papers, examinations and
It shall be the responsibility of the
students and faculty of the Medical The following are examples of
College to uphold the integrity and conduct that is not suitable for
ethical standards of the community students at the Medical College. It
to the fullest extent possible. The is the student’s responsibility to
standards of conduct listed below know what is expected and when in
set forth general responsibilities of doubt, to discuss the concern with
the course/clerkship director or with another examinee, or bringing
curriculum dean. Examples include, unauthorized materials into the
but are not limited to: exam room.
• Failing to provide information or
• Repeatedly or egregiously complete the necessary paperwork
failing to fulfill the required for courses, clerkships on
professional any curricular activity.
requirements and responsibilities of • Committing an act of
a course or clerkship such as, but not verbal or physical abuse
limited to: of any kind.
o Being repeatedly absent or • Failing to maintain high
unexcused from required ethical and moral
courses, clerkships, sub- standards of conduct.
internships and related • Failing to maintain a
activities. professional boundary with
o Failing to attend any peers, staff, faculty,
assigned clinical activity. healthcare professionals
o Failing to report absences in a and patients.
timely manner (excused or • Knowingly or carelessly
unexcused that could representing the work of
potentially affect others as one’s own;
course/clerkship schedules). examples include copying
o Being consistently late for text, graphs, PowerPoint
scheduled course/clerkship presentations or other
activities and exams. materials from a reference
o Failing to submit book, the internet, solution
assignments on time. manuals, and fellow
o Failing to adhere to the students, as well as using
appropriate dress code. any sources without proper
o Failing to respond in a timely citation (plagiarism).
way to communications (phone • Submitting the same
calls, emails or other work for a different
correspondence) from the course without
administration, faculty, permission from all
course/clerkship leadership or faculty involved (self-
their representatives. plagiarism).
o Failingto complete the relevant
• Receiving or giving
unauthorized assistance in
• Breaking patients’ confidentiality or any academic work.
posting of confidential or
• Cheating in an exam or
inappropriate information (including
course assignment by any
but not limited to photos, images,
means, including but not
text or video) on the internet
limited to purposely
(including but not limited to
copying answers from a
Facebook, blogs, LinkedIn and other
co-examinee or using
social media), including any breach
unauthorized material.
of HIPAA or FERPA or applicable U.S
• Restricting the use of
and Qatar laws regulations on privacy
material used to study in a
and confidentiality.
manner prejudicial to the
• Being disruptive in class,
interest of other students.
especially if repeated.
• Purposely misleading or
• Breaching exam conditions, which
giving false information.
includes failing to respond to an
• Fabricating data in
examiner’s or proctor’s instructions,
support of laboratory,
being disruptive, communicating
coursework or hoc committee will determine the scope,
fieldwork. manner and extent of its review, consistent
• Forging a signature, for with the information provided by the Vice
example, to certify Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs
completion of a course and the Committee on Promotion and
assignment or signing an Graduation. The committee conducts a
attendance sheet on behalf thorough investigation of the facts of the case
of another student. with the assistance of the relevant WCM-Q
• Providing assistance for administrative office and prepares a report
any of the above. with its findings and recommendations.
• Otherwise committing a
breach of academic The student involved shall receive,
integrity. in writing, notice of the Committee
• Failing to report or take on Promotion and Graduation’s
action in the case of a request for the appointment of the
breach of academic ad hoc committee, the membership
integrity by others in your of the ad hoc committee once
academic community. constituted, and the details of the
concerns under consideration by the
ad hoc committee regarding the
student’s suitability for the practice
Reporting of medicine.

A student or a group of students, knowing of The student shall have the right to
any situation in which a violation of any of appear before the ad hoc committee
the standards of conduct set forth above may in order to present his or her
have occurred is responsible for providing position on the claims raised and his
any such information in writing to the Vice or her continued suitability. The
Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs or student may be accompanied by an
Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Faculty advisor/support person (such as a
is required to report a violation to the Vice family member, faculty member
Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs. and/or counsel) who may assist the
Each student matriculated at the Medical student but will not be a participant
College shall be bound by the standards of in the proceeding before the ad hoc
conduct described above and shall be committee; the student will remain
presumed to be familiar with the above responsible for acting on his or her
provisions. behalf in the process.

The ad hoc committee provides the

Review Process Vice Dean for Academic and
Curricular Affairs with a report of
When a student’s conduct while matriculated
its findings and recommendations.
at the Medical College raises a question about
These recommendations are
his or her suitability for the practice of
reviewed and acted on by the
medicine, the matter is directed to the
Promotion and Graduation
Committee on Promotion and Graduation for
Committee which may adopt, reject
consideration. On a request by the Committee
or modify the Committee’s
on Promotion and Graduation, the Vice Dean
recommendations, or request that
for Academic and Curricular Affairs, shall
the Committee conduct further
appoint an ad hoc committee of faculty,
review. The Vice Dean for
composed of not less than two faculty
Academic and Curricular Affairs
members, to review the matter. The ad hoc
informs the student of the decision
committee is charged and briefed on the
of the Promotion and Graduation
circumstances of the case by the Vice Dean
Committee. The student has the
for Academic and Curricular Affairs. The ad
right to appeal the decision, and the

appeal would be heard by an the Committee meeting and may be
Appeals Committee as outlined in accompanied by an advisor or
the Appeals Process set out below. counsel. Any such advisor or
counsel shall be an observer of the
proceeding but may not expect to be
Appeals Process and able to participate in or speak at the
Committee meeting. The student or
Related Procedures the Committee may invite other
persons to appear and provide
When a student’s conduct is under information. The student will have
review, the Medical College is access, upon request, to the written
committed to providing a fair minutes of the meeting with the
process of review and, when Appeals Committee that pertain to
requested, appeal. Determinations the student appeal.
are based on the record as a whole
before the decision-making entity The Appeals Committee will decide
and the standard of proof that if the prior decision is to be upheld
underlies a decision is a or overturned and will report its
preponderance of the credible decision within fourteen (14) days
information or evidence. A decision of the last Committee meeting to
regarding a student’s dismissal, the Dean of the Medical College
required leave of absence or who will make a final determination
repetition of a course or year is final in the matter. Prompt written notice
unless overturned after an appeal. of the final decision will be sent to
the student.
A student may appeal a decision that has a
serious adverse effect such as a required
leave of absence, repetition of a course or
year, or dismissal. The student must make the
appeal in writing within fourteen (14)
calendar days from written notification to the
student of the decision that the student is
appealing and deliver it by hand or email to
the office of the Vice Dean for Academic and
Curricular Affairs. If the appeal is submitted
by Qatar mail, U.S. mail, or a delivery
company (such as Federal Express), it must
be postmarked by the date it is due to be
submitted by hand to the Office of the
Associate Dean.

The appeal is heard by the Appeals

Committee within thirty (30) days
of receipt of the appeal statement.
The Appeals Committee will
provide the student with at least
seven (7) calendar days’ advance
written notice of the date, time, and
place of the meeting of the Appeals
Committee, which will consider the
appeal. Prior to the meeting, the
student may submit a written
response and evidence to the
Committee. The student may attend

Medical Student Dress Code Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

Background • Students must wear a short white

WCM-Q is a multicultural community coat (unless otherwise specified)
and it is important that each of us with their name badge and
demonstrates at all times, the highest appropriate identification, as
professional image, respect for others, and required by the university or
tolerance for different cultural beliefs and hospital, visible at all times.
practices. • Students must maintain personal
hygiene and a professional
Purpose appearance at all times, to include
The purpose of this policy is to ensure clean white coats.
that WCM-Q provides a suitable and • In environments that include
comfortable working and educational contact with patients, the
environment for its diverse multicultural following are NOT appropriate
community, while respecting Qatar’s local for the workplace: jeans, overalls,
culture. sweat shirts, sweat pants, shorts,
leggings, halter or tank tops, non-
Applicability collared T-shirts, workout clothes,
Applies to all students in the medical sandals or open-toe shoes, caps,
curriculum. bandanas, baseball hats, or body
or facial piercings other than ears
General Guidelines and those required by a student’s
• Dress code for males is religious or cultural beliefs.
conservative, avoiding sleeveless • Students must follow the local
shirts, shorts and tight/revealing hospital/site policy and
clothing. procedures for scrubs including
• Dress code for females is wearing of scrubs outside the
conservative, avoiding short designated/restricted areas.
skirts, shorts, low-necked • When in the OR, students must
garments, sleeveless dresses and follow the local hospital/site
tight/revealing clothing. policy and procedures with
• Clothes including prints of racist, regards to attire, which may
vulgar, political symbols/words include no long-sleeved
are not permitted. undershirts or nail polish, and the
use of all protective gear to
Formal Dress Code follow universal precautions.
• Students are expected to be clean,
well groomed, and dressed in a If clothing fails to meet these standards
manner appropriate to their the student may be sent home to change
academic and clinical and will be asked not to wear the
responsibilities. inappropriate item again. A continued
• Recommended acceptable attire pattern of incidents, despite specific
includes: collared shirts, ties, intervention, may result in the Course or
slacks, skirts, blouses, sweaters, Clerkship Director completing a
and dresses. professionalism assessment.

Assessment and Remediation of
Professionalism Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Background Relationships with faculty and staff,

Professionalism is essential for medical colleagues, the healthcare team and
students and physicians. At WCM-Q systems
assessment and remediation of • Respect for, and cooperation with,
professionalism is based on the growing all colleagues
international experience and literature. • Appropriate use of medical

Defining Professionalism Refer to the WCM-Q Student Conduct

WCM-Q defines Professionalism as Policy and Standards of Conduct in the
demonstrated competency in the Medical Curriculum Policy
following four domains. for examples of conduct that is not
suitable for students at the Medical
Responsibility, Integrity and Ethics
• Attendance at required classes or Assessing Professionalism
clinical encounters WCM-Q expects that all medical students
• Reliable, timely performance of will demonstrate professional behavior in
educational and clinical all four domains at all times. The faculty
responsibilities will evaluate student professionalism in
• Accurate honest reporting of each of the four domains at every course
information or clerkship assessment, as pertinent to
• Personal demeanor: dress, the course goals and objectives.
grooming, hygiene, conduct
Identifying Lapses in
Self-improvement A lapse in professionalism is defined as:
• Accepting constructive criticism 1. A breach of professional conduct;
• Modifying behaviors OR
appropriately 2. Insufficient demonstration of
professional attributes.

Relationships with patients A lapse in professionalism might be

• Establishing rapport observed or suspected by anyone in the
• Sensitivity to patient needs and WCM-Q community. This could include
perspectives a faculty member, resident, staff,
• Advocacy administrator, other health professional,
• Confidentiality and decorum patient, or fellow student.

While any single incident may have

greater or lesser importance, WCM-Q also
identifies four levels of lapses in
professionalism, with increasing degrees
of significance: CD will complete the
‘Professionalism Assessment
Form’ (PAF).
• Isolated incident
6. The CD decides the nature of
• Pattern of incidents
the remedial action and this is
• Continued pattern of incidents recorded on the PAF.
despite specific intervention Remedial action could
• Continued pattern of incidents; include:
unable to correct behavior a. Monitoring the
reliably student’s future
behavior more
Students with an observed or suspected closely
lapse in professionalism in a course or b. Input into the
clerkship will be referred to the Course student’s course
Director for assessment. Students with an assessment and grade
observed or suspected lapse in c. Direct observation of
professionalism outside a course or the student
clerkship will be referred to the Associate d. Standardized patient
Dean Student Affairs. If necessary, the assessment
student will be asked to remediate. If the e. Requiring a written
student does not remediate the Promotion reflection essay or
and Graduation (P&G) Committee will be literature review
notified. The Promotion and Graduation f. Assignment to a
Committee has the discretion to decide faculty coach
whether or not the lapse in g. Referring the student
professionalism should be noted on the to the Vice Dean for
student’s permanent record. Academic and
Curricular Affairs
h. Referring the student
Protocol for student with an to medical or mental
observed or suspected lapse in health services
professionalism 7. The CD sends the PAF to the
Manager, Office of
A. If a lapse is observed or suspected Curriculum Support to upload
within a course or clerkship: to a secure repository. The
student is notified and will
1. The Course or Clerkship have continuous access to the
Director (CD) (as PAF.
appropriate) assesses the 8. If after a defined period of
incident. time, the student is deemed
2. The CD determines whether by the CD to have
or not a lapse has occurred. satisfactorily remediated, no
3. If lapse has occurred, the CD further action is taken.
meets with the student to 9. If the student does not
discuss. remediate the CD sends a
4. Depending on the level of the copy of the PAF to the P&G
incident the CD may discuss Committee.
informally with the student 10. If the student repeats the
and the matter is agreed to be lapse in professionalism
resolved. whilst the remediation period
5. If the matter is not resolved is still active, a copy of the
and/or if the lapse is defined PAF will be forwarded to the
as being of a high level or of P&G Committee.
frequent re-occurrence the 11. The P&G Committee

determines whether or not the g. Referring the student
lapse is of such magnitude to the P&G
that it should be sent to the Committee
Office of the Registrar to be h. Referring the student
placed as a permanent, formal to the Vice Dean for
record on the student’s file. Academic and
Curricular Affairs
B. If a lapse is observed or suspected Referring the student
outside a course: to medical or mental
health services
1. The Associate Dean for 7. The PAF is sent to the
Student Affairs (ADSA) Manager, Office of
assesses the incident. Curriculum Support to be
2. The ADSA determines uploaded to a secure
whether or not a lapse has repository. The student is
occurred. notified and will have
3. If lapse has occurred, the continuous access to the PAF.
ADSA meets with the 8. If after a defined period of
student to discuss. time, the student is deemed
4. Depending on the level of the by the ADSA to have
incident the ADSA may satisfactorily remediated, no
discuss informally with the further action is taken.
student and the matter is 9. If the student does not
agreed to be resolved. remediate the ADSA sends a
5. If the matter is not resolved copy of the PAF to the P&G
and/or if the lapse is defined Committee.
as being of a high level or of 10. If the student repeats the
frequent re-occurrence the lapse in professionalism
ADSA will complete the whilst the remediation period
‘Professionalism Assessment is still active, a copy of the
Form’ (PAF). PAF will be forwarded to the
6. The ADSA decides the P&G Committee.
nature of the remedial action 11. The P&G Committee
and this is recorded on the determines whether or not the
PAF. Remedial action could lapse is of such magnitude
include: that it should be sent to the
a. Monitoring the Office of the Registrar to be
student’s future placed as a permanent, formal
behavior more record on the student’s file.
b. Input into the C. If a student accumulates three
student’s course or more PAFs during enrolment
assessment and grade in the medical curriculum then:
c. Direct observation of
the student 1. A marginal grade is awarded
d. Standardized patient in the course in which the
assessment student is currently enrolled,
e. Requiring a written and
reflection essay or 2. The student is referred to the
literature review. P&G Committee for remedial
f. Assignment to a action
faculty coach
and/or student

Procedures for Handling Lapses in
Attendance, Late Submission of
Reports and Missed AOC Deadlines
Approved as an addendum to the Assessment and Remediation of Professionalism Policy by the
WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Attendance Lapses in Mandatory Sessions2

Note: Phase 1 = includes EPOM and HID I and II
Phase 2 = clinical clerkships
Phase 3 = AOC, ACE, TS, HCP, TTR, electives
PAF = Professionalism Assessment Form

Phase 1 or 3 Course Phase 2 as a Whole3 Sub-Internship

FIRST Content must be made Content must be made As per Weill Cornell
Unexcused up to satisfaction of up to satisfaction of Medicine New York
Absence4 course or AOC director course director processes
Warning email from If involves didactic Professionalism report
course or AOC seminar/tutor group, e- issued (signed by
director or AOC mail warning from student and director)
Course/Program clerkship director
Meeting with course
If involves patient director to discuss
care, PAF (including remedial assignment
remedial action) and and consequences for
meeting with clerkship subsequent unexcused
director absences
Marginal grade
assigned (removed
upon successful
Associate Dean,
Academic Affairs
issues letter

Accounts for length of course and direct care of patients (Sub-I) in sanctions
Absences accrue across Phase 2, i.e., are not “reset to zero” for each clerkship. The sanction(s) relevant to the
accrued number of absences are issued by the clerkship director in which that absence occurs (e.g., if a student
incurs a first unexcused absence in pediatrics, a second in neurology, and a third in surgery then the sanctions for a
third unexcused absence would be administered by the surgery director.
Unexcused absences from multiple required activities on the same day count as one absence

Phase 1 or 3 Course Phase 2 as a Whole3 Sub-Internship
SECOND Content must be made Content must be made
Unexcused up to satisfaction of up to satisfaction of
Absence course or AOC course director
PAF (including
PAF (including remedial action) and
remedial action) and meeting with director
meeting with course or of clerkship where
AOC director second absence
Warning email from occurred
assistant dean5 or AOC Warning email from
director assistant dean
Reduction in grade,
according to syllabus,
in unit where second
unexcused absence
occurs (Phase 1 only)
THIRD Content must be made Content must be made
Unexcused up to satisfaction of up to satisfaction of
Absence course or AOC course director
PAF (including
PAF (including remedial action) and
remedial action) and meeting with director
meeting with course or of clerkship involved
AOC director
Required meeting with
Required meeting with assistant dean with
assistant dean or AOC outcomes documented
director with outcomes and sent to student
documented and sent
Marginal grade in
to student
clerkship where third
Marginal grade in unit unexcused absence
where third unexcused occurs
absence occurs (Phase
Referral to P&G
1 only)
Referral to P&G
Letter of notification
to student from P&G
Letter of notification chair
to student from P&G

See also Attendance Standards Policy

The Assistant Dean responsible for ACE, TS, HCP, TTR and Electives is the Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning

Late Submission of Reports
Missed major deadlines for submission of reports (all curricular phases) – e.g. essays, case
write-ups, required self-assessment quizzes or modules, or other written assignments OR 3
major AOC milestones 6 (i.e., 1. mentor/AOC declaration; 2. submission of proposal; 3.
submission of final report)

All curricular phases7

FIRST PAF (including remedial action) and meeting with course director
Course director sends email notification of 72-hour automatic deadline
Student must upload assignment onto CANVAS within 72 hours of
deadline extension
SECOND PAF (including remedial action) and meeting with course director to
Missed discuss new deadline

THIRD PAF (including remedial action) and meeting with course director
Marginal grade assigned
Required meeting with assistant dean to discuss new deadline, with
outcomes documented and sent to student
Referral to P&G committee
Letter of notification to student from P&G chair

Missed minor AOC deadline (such as Progress Reports and AOC

Missed AOC Course/Program Coordinator contacts student to inquire

Non- AOC Director contacts to inquire/remind

to Program
Non- Meeting with AOC director to complete PAF and discuss remedial action
to AOC

6 AOC Director handles AOC related deadlines

7 Excepting the AOC

Missed major AOC deadline (i.e. 1. AOC Declaration/Mentor, 2.
Submission of Proposal, 3. Submission of Final Report)
FIRST Meeting with AOC Director to complete PAF and discuss remedial action
AOC Director sends email notification of 72-hour automatic deadline
Student must submit in QLearn within 72 hours of deadline extension
SECOND Meeting with AOC Director to complete PAF and discuss remedial action
R (Remediation) grade assigned
THIRD Meeting with AOC Director to complete PAF and discuss new deadline and
Missed remedial action, with outcomes documented and sent to student
“Marginal” grade assigned
Referral to P&G committee
Letter of notification to student from P&G chair

See also Promotion and Graduation Standards and Procedures

Procedures for Handling Attendance
Lapses in Mandatory Activities
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

See also Consequences of Unexcused Absences

Procedures for Handling Late
Submission of Reports
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Procedures for Handling Missed Major
AOC Deadlines
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Medical Education Student Assessment
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

The Medical Executive Curriculum and

Policy Committee (MECPC) and its Administration
subcommittees ensure a comprehensive,
systematic, fair, and uniform approach to Principles
student formative and summative
assessment is used, and that it is based on Assessment methods should be
well-established principles and practices. appropriate for assessing the learning
objectives and seven core competencies:
The curriculum governance committees Knowledge, Patient Care, Interpersonal
(i.e., Foundational Science Curriculum and Communication Skills,
Committee — FSCC, Clinical Curriculum Professionalism, Practice-based Learning
Committee — CCC, and Scholarship and and Improvement, Healthcare Systems,
Science Committee —SSC) ensure that a and Scholarship. All courses should
multimodal assessment strategy is used in utilize the following as guideline for its
each phase of the curriculum. The strategy assessment(s):
must use a broad range of principles and
methods, where possible, to support 2.1 Each assessment should be
students’ acquisition of the key suitable for the intended learning
knowledge, skills, and attitudes required objectives.
to meet the program competencies and
objectives. 2.2 A course-level assessment map (a
document outlining the linkage
between learning objectives and
assessment methods) should be
Purpose used to ensure congruence
between the assessment activities.
The purpose of this Medical Education This map should also be reviewed
Student Assessment Policy is to establish periodically to maintain
students’ assessment principles within the concordance.
MD program of studies at Weill Cornell
Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q). Specific 2.3 All courses must have a
procedural details for courses and transparent mechanism for
clerkships are outlined in the relevant publishing and disseminating its
policy, procedure, and or syllabi assessment plan and rubric, for
documents. These documents are guided example via course syllabi, which
by this overarching policy, while at the should be available to both
same time accommodating the specific students and the curriculum
needs of the courses and curricula governance committee(s).
elements. 2.4 Multimodal assessments (e.g.,
quiz, mini-CEX, case
presentation, etc.) should be
utilized, where feasible, as part of
formative and summative

2.5 Assessment validity and integrity and under-performing student(s)
should be maintained using should be closely monitored and
multiple methods such as pre-quiz offered support per the Academic
review of concepts, random Enrichment in the Medical
selection of relevant questions Curriculum and Remediation in
from item bank, use of multi- the Medical Curriculum Policies.
raters and proctors, student 2.9 Timely formative and summative
feedback on test item, plagiarism feedback should be provided to
detection, and post-assessment the students on their performance
analysis. In addition to these and progress in relation to the
processes, students’ adherence to intended learning objectives.
the honor code should be
monitored. 2.10 The Course Director in
consultation with the Assistant
2.6 Assessment data such as item Dean should periodically review
bank, quiz instrument, student the passing grade (i.e., cut score)
performance profile, system for their assessments to determine
access-logs, and various minimal competence.
analytical reports should only be
accessible by the 2.11 Cohort course-level performance
appropriate/authorized should be shared with the relevant
individual(s). curriculum governance
2.7 Assessment instruments (e.g.,
quiz) that contribute towards the 2.12 Course leadership in their annual
final grade of the course may not review should report the relevant
be released to students outside of information about students’
the examination venue, unless assessment performance,
required for formative purposes. assessment-related feedback, and
action plan for the next
2.8 Students’ performance should be administration of course.
monitored throughout the course,

Calculation of Grade Point Average
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

In the Foundational Sciences, a weighted year-1 calculated annually, and term GPAs are not
and year-2 Grade Point Average (GPA) is applicable. Furthermore, WCM-Q does not
calculated, taking the length of each course unit calculate a cumulative GPA due to the nature of
into account. The GPA in year-3 and year-4 is the curriculum.
based on a grade value which is derived from the
Final Grade in the Clerkship. The GPA will be Administration
computed on the scale of 4.30. The GPA will be
kept with the Office of the Registrar and shared The GPA will be calculated using the duration
with external entities for the purpose of weighted average of all units in Year-1 / Year-2
scholarships, sponsorship, and financial aid, of the Foundational Sciences. The formulas and
while students are enrolled at WCM-Q. GPAs are year-wise courses are listed below:

Year 1
1. Essential Principles of Medicine (EPOM), Part A
2. Essential Principles of Medicine (EPOM), Part B
3. Health, Illness, and Disease I (HID), Part A
4. Health, Illness, and Disease I (HID), Part B

Year 2
1. Health, Illness, and Disease II (HID), Part A
2. Health, Illness, and Disease II (HID), Part B

Year 3 and 4
Grade values are assigned based on the final grade in a clerkship and correspond as follows:
• Final grade of Fail = 0
• Final grade of Pass = 2
• Final grade of High Pass = 3
• Final grade of Honors = 4
The Year 3 and 4 GPA will be calculated as:

(𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 𝑣𝑣𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 𝑥𝑥 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖1 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤) + ⋯ + (𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 𝑥𝑥 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑎𝑎 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤)

� � × 𝟒𝟒. 𝟑𝟑

a = Number of clerkships completed

Faculty Evaluators and Potentional
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

A conflict of interest (COI) is defined as a they must notify the course or clerkship director for
relationship in which an individual has reassignment at the earliest opportunity.
competing interests or loyalties that have
the potential to undermine their ability to Faculty participating in standing or ad hoc
act in an impartial manner. committees related to academic standing
or advancement must recuse themselves
Medical school faculty must disclose and from discussions and assessments of a
recuse themselves from participating in student’s academic performance if they
activities which involve any assessment of have a conflict of interest, including a
a student’s academic performance if they financial or familial/personal relationship
have a conflict of interest, including a or if they are currently treating or have
financial relationship, a familial/personal previously served as that student’s
relationship, or if they have previously physician.
treated or are currently treating that
student as a patient. Students who perceive a conflict with a
faculty member serving in an instructional
All faculty are required to attest capacity with whom there is conflict of
knowledge of this policy when interest, including a financial or
undergoing their periodic teaching familial/personal relationship, or from
credentialing. whom they have received or are receiving
treatment, should report this conflict at the
earliest opportunity to the course or
clerkship director or the Associate Dean
Purpose for Student Affairs/Assistant Dean for
Medical Student Affairs.
Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar is
committed to promoting a positive If a student perceives a conflict with a
learning environment and to managing faculty member serving on an ad hoc
and avoiding actual or potential conflicts committee the student should report that
which may arise in supervisory conflict at the earliest opportunity to the
relationships that could unduly impact Associate Dean for Student
student grading, academic promotion, or Affairs/Assistant Dean for Medical
the awarding of special awards such as Student Affairs.
special recognition.
Should a conflict be reported to Student
Affairs, the Associate Dean for Student
Affairs/ Assistant Dean for Medical
Administration Student Affairs or their delegate will
consult with the Vice Dean for Academic
If faculty are assigned to serve as a small and Curricular Affairs or delegate to
group facilitator, clinical preceptor or oral decide the appropriate action.
examiner for a student with whom they
have a conflict of interest, including a
financial or familial/personal relationship
or are treating or have previously treated,

Promotion and Graduation Standards
and Procedures
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

The Medical College curriculum Clerkships), and the final courses of the
represents the academic standards program including sub-internships,
students are required to achieve. In electives and the Areas of Concentration
addition, it is important to note that (collectively Phase III – Scholarship and
students are also assessed on and must Advanced Clinical Skills).
satisfactorily demonstrate professionalism
as set forth in the Standards of Conduct, A student is expected to exhibit mastery
adherence to the Attendance Standards, of learning unit or course objectives set by
and compliance with all policies set forth the faculty and to complete required
in the Student Handbook to complete the clerkships and rotations as determined by
educational program for the M.D. degree. faculty. A student’s progress is assessed
and monitored on an on-going basis. If a
Compliance with all policies of the student does not demonstrate an
Medical College is expected throughout acceptable level of proficiency or has not
the duration of the educational program. made timely progress toward the
Failure to meet academic standards, satisfactory completion of the curricular
professional standards of conduct, and requirements, the faculty body
compliance with Medical College policies represented in the Committee on
may be grounds for disciplinary action, Promotion and Graduation will determine
including dismissal, from the Medical a student’s continued status in the
College. Compliance with all policies of Medical College.
the Medical College, and where relevant,
with affiliated hospitals of the Medical Phase 1 of the curriculum consists of six
College, is expected across all courses (EPOM A and B, HID-1 A and B
instructional sites and throughout the and HID-2 A and B), each of which is
duration of the educational program and is further comprised of sequential integrated
a requirement for advancement and learning units. Phase II largely consists of
graduation. required clinical clerkship rotations of
varying lengths. Upon the completion of
each course and clerkship, a student’s
Administration performance and professionalism are
reviewed with the purpose of making
recommendations for improving student
The curriculum is divided into successive
performance during each course, and
academic courses across four years, each
determining if remediation of a course or
course building on the subject material
portion of a course is necessary. Progress
and experiences of preceding years. The
in meeting milestones for the longitudinal
courses are: Essential Principles of
Area of Concentration (AOC) course is
Medicine A and B (EPOM A and B),
monitored across all four years by the
Health Illness and Disease Part 1 A and B
AOC Director. In addition, several times
(HID-1 A and B), Health, Illness, and
each year, the Committee on Promotion
Disease Part 2 A and B (HID-2 A and B)
and Graduation convenes scheduled
(collectively Phase I – Foundational
meetings to review the ongoing progress
Science), the Clerkships (Phase II -
of each student.

A student must successfully complete all
The following general principles guide of the foundational course work
faculty during consideration of a student’s (curricular Phase I) before he or she can
status: A student must successfully advance to the next phase of the
complete all of the learning units or curriculum, ie, the clerkships, except as
course work of the current year before he otherwise specified in these standards.
or she can be approved for promotion to
the next year, except as otherwise Remedial work and re-examination may
specified in these standards. In addition, be offered to a student who fails a course,
all students must satisfactorily complete as provided for in these standards.
EPOM A and B, HID-1 A and B and HID-
2 A and B before beginning the A student will have access to a review
Clerkships. The Medicine, Surgery and process, and an appeal, in cases where a
Pediatrics clerkships, which are pre- denial of academic advancement or
requisites to many advanced courses, dismissal from the Medical College is at
must be taken during the clerkship year issue.
and cannot be deferred to curricular Phase
III Post-Clerkship. Students must Any student who, in the judgment of a
satisfactorily complete all required faculty member, lacks suitability to enter
clerkships prior to beginning the initial the medical profession, can, pursuant to
Area of Concentration (AOC) Scholarly an applicable policy or procedure, be
Project (SP) Block I. dismissed from the Medical College.

The P&G Committee reviews students’

final course performance and academic Academic Advancement
progress longitudinally across all courses
of the curriculum to determine if students (Progression through the
may advance to the next course of the Curriculum) and Graduation
curriculum. The P&G Committee will
identify patterns of poor performance
Students must achieve a passing grade,
across courses of the curriculum, and
(defined as either “Pass”, “High Pass”, or
make decisions regarding global
“Honors”) in all required courses prior to
remediation or learning interventions. If
graduation. Any student who is unsure
the issues regarding a student’s
how this policy applies in a given
performance are sufficiently serious as to
situation should contact the Assistant
potentially result in suspension or
Dean for Foundational Sciences or the
dismissal, the P&G committee may
Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning for
recommend to the Vice Dean for
clarity. Any adjustments made in the
Academic and Curricular Affairs the
academic advancement of students must
appointment of an ad hoc committee to
be approved by the appropriate Assistant
review the student’s suitability for the
Dean(s) and the Vice Dean for Academic
practice of medicine. In addition, the
and Curricular Affairs.
P&G Committee will review cumulative
student performance to nominate the
Foundational Courses
candidates for graduation to the Dean.
Students must satisfactorily complete, i.e.
receive a grade of “Pass”, in each of the
foundational phase courses, EPOM Parts
Faculty Principles A and B, HID-1 Parts A and B, and HID-2
Parts A and B prior to beginning the
The following general principles guide the clerkship year. Students are expected to
faculty during consideration of a student’s complete the foundational courses
status: sequentially.

Students must pass each learning unit

within each of the foundational courses during Year 4).
(described above) in order to achieve a
“Pass” grade for the course. Students ordinarily are not permitted to
advance to curricular Phase II
If a student receives a non-passing grade (Clerkships), until the AOC milestones
of either “Marginal” (M), “Incomplete” within Phase I (Foundational Sciences),
(I), or “Fail” (F) in EPOM A or B, the have been completed. Students ordinarily
student is permitted to progress to HID-1 are not permitted to advance to curricular
A and B. A student who receives a grade Phase III (Post-Clerkships), which
of “Marginal”, “Incomplete” or “Fail” in includes the AOC Scholarly Project (SP)
HID-1 A is permitted to progress into Block I, until the AOC milestones within
HID-1 B. the curricular Phase II (Clerkships), have
been completed.
If a student has a grade of “Fail” in
EPOM A, EPOM B, or HID-1 A, they are Clerkships
not permitted to progress to HID-2 A and Students will complete all required
B. If a student has a grade of “Fail” in clerkships prior to beginning the initial
HID-1 B, they are permitted to enter HID- Area of Concentration (AOC) Scholarly
2 A and B and can remediate HID-1 B Project (SP) Block I. The Medicine,
after HID-2 B has been completed. Surgery and Pediatrics clerkships, which
are pre-requisites to many advanced
In the event that a student has a grade of courses, must be taken during the
“Fail” in a foundational course, the clerkship year and cannot be deferred to
student will have to retake that course curricular Phase III (Post-Clerkship).
when it is next offered again.
There may be individual circumstances in
Remediation of units and courses will be which a student does not complete all
at a time agreed upon by the Assistant clerkships (i.e., achieve a passing grade)
Dean (FS) and the Course Director. This prior to the initial AOC Block, but is
is to ensure that a student’s education is allowed, with Assistant Dean level
not unduly interrupted or extended since permission, to progress to the AOC Block.
each foundational course is held only For compelling academic reasons,
once a year and there is the potential typically involving remediation of
opportunity for remediation between the academic encumbrances, these
first and second year of medical school. circumstances need to be discussed and
approved by the Assistant Dean for
Students are ineligible to participate in the Clinical Learning and the Vice Dean for
Summer Extended Curriculum for Academic and Curricular Affairs. For
Research between Year 1 and 2 if they compelling personal/medical reasons, the
have not yet passed EPOM A and B and circumstances need to be discussed and
HID-1 A and B prior to the start date of approved by the Assistant Dean for
the Summer Extended Curriculum for Medical Student Affairs in consultation
Research. This is to ensure ample with the Associate Dean for Student
remediation time prior to the HID-2 start Affairs.
date so that a student’s education is not
unduly interrupted or extended. A student who has not yet taken, or who
has taken but has not achieved a passing
Area of Concentration (AOC) grade in a clerkship or clerkships
Milestones (including “Marginal”, “Fail” and
The AOC is a single longitudinal course “Incomplete” grades), may be permitted
with interim required milestones to progress to curricular Phase III,
throughout the curriculum. A final grade beginning with the AOC SP Block 1/
is given after the end of the six-month Translational Science (TS) and Advanced
Scholarly Project (typically completed Clinical Ethics (ACE) Courses, as

permitted by the Assistant Dean for Electives
Clinical Learning and the Vice Dean for Students who have a non-passing
Academic and Curricular Affairs with the (“Marginal”, “Fail” or “Incomplete”)
expectation that the student will achieve a grade in an elective course may be
passing grade at a future opportunity to do permitted to progress in the curriculum,
so. based on the approval of the Assistant
Dean for Clinical Learning and the Vice
Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs
Area of Concentration, or in cases of personal/medical reasons, in
consultation with the Assistant Dean for
Translational Science (TS), and
Medical Student Affairs. However,
Advanced Clinical Ethics (ACE) students need to achieve a passing grade
Courses in the elective course prior to graduation.
Based on individual circumstances, the
AOC, Translational Science (TS) and Students who have non-passing grades in
Advanced Clinical Ethics (ACE) Course any required course may be permitted to
Directors, in consultation with the enroll in WCM-Q-sponsored electives, in
Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning, may order to enhance specific knowledge and
permit a student to make minor alterations skills to address academic deficiencies.
in the time during which the student may The elective enrollment requires the
take these courses. This is to ensure that a approval of the Assistant Dean for
student’s education is not unduly Clinical Learning and the Vice Dean for
interrupted or extended since the AOC SP Academic and Curricular Affairs.
Block I and the TS and ACE courses are Students must meet any elective pre-
held only once a year. requisites in order to enroll in the course.
Students who have non-passing grades in
Students may fulfill the AOC SP during a any course are not permitted to enroll in
subsequent year of training (for example, international electives or non-WCM-Q-
due to an approved Extended Curriculum sponsored electives until a passing grade
for Research), based on the approval of in that course is obtained.
the AOC Course/Program leadership.
These students are permitted to complete Required Sub-Internship and
Phase II courses or take other Phase III Transition to Residency Course
courses during their original AOC SP Students who have non-passing
Block in consultation with the Assistant “Marginal” or “Fail” grades in any prior
Dean for Clinical Learning for academic course will not be allowed to progress to
reasons or the Assistant Dean for Medical the required sub-internship. Students who
Student Affairs for personal/medical have an “Incomplete” grade in any prior
reasons. course may be allowed to progress to the
required sub-internship, based on the
Students who have non-passing approval and recommendation of the
(“Marginal”, “Fail” or “Incomplete”) Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning and
grades in the AOC, TS, and ACE courses the Vice Dean for Academic and
may be permitted to progress in the Curricular Affairs.
curriculum, based on the approval of the
Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning and Students who have any prior non-passing
the Vice Dean for Academic and grades or who fail to otherwise meet
Curricular Affairs or in cases of graduation requirements, will generally
personal/medical reasons, in consultation not be permitted to progress to the Public
with the Assistant Dean for Medical Health Clerkship and the capstone
Student Affairs. However, students need Transition to Residency Course.
to achieve a passing grade in these Exceptions may be made by the Vice
course(s) prior to graduation. Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs
for instances in which, for example, the

MD degree is anticipated to be conferred or clerkship unless they have made
off-cycle. previous arrangements with the learning
unit, course director or clerkship director,
as detailed in the Attendance Standards.
Registering a Score for USMLE
Time Frame for Grade Reporting
Step 1 and Step 2 CK or IFOM
Basic and Clinical Science Exams Course and Clerkship Directors set the
timeframe for grade submission within
Students in the Class of 2025 and their own course/clerkships. However, in
following, who enter the medical order to meet accreditation benchmarks
curriculum in 2021 or later, are required that final grades are available to students
to register a score for either the United within six weeks of course completion,
States Medical Licensing Exams WCM-Q encourages grade submission for
(USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2 CK, or the all courses and clerkships as soon as
International Foundations of Medicine possible and requires that grades must be
(IFOM) Basic Science and Clinical submitted and available to students no
Science Exams prior to March 1 of the later than six weeks from the end of a
year in which they are graduating. Note: course or clerkship. The Office of
passing these exams is not a graduation Curriculum Support regularly monitors
requirement. the timeliness of final grade submissions
and reminds all Course or Clerkship
Conferral of M.D. Degree Directors if they have not submitted
grades after five weeks, informing the
Satisfactory completion of all courses and Assistant Dean for Foundational Sciences
required academic milestones must be for Phase I Foundational Courses and the
achieved prior to the conferral of the M.D. Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning for
degree. Phase II Clerkship Courses and Phase III
Post-Clerkship Courses. Any foundational
course or clerkship not submitting grades
Grades and Grade Review after five weeks after a course ends has
individual centralized meetings with the
Student Assessment and Grades pertinent Assistant Dean to discuss the
situation. Any outstanding grades at post-
Each course or clerkship director course week 5.5 may be brought to the
determines the final grade of a student attention of the Vice Dean for Academic
after evaluation of the student’s and Curricular Affairs.
performance in all aspects of the course
work or clerkship. This should include Clinical Grade Reporting
results of examinations, if applicable, as Guidelines
well as narrative descriptions of student
performance and non-cognitive Narrative comments, in the form of
achievement in all required learning units, official summative assessment, should be
courses and clerkships where teacher – included as part of the final grade for each
student interaction permits this form of clinical course. Additional narrative
assessment. comments as formative, constructive
feedback should be provided to students
Faculty members are also expected to for core clinical clerkships of more than
evaluate each student early enough during two weeks in length as outlined in the
a course to allow time for remediation. Mid-Clerkship Feedback Policy.
Students will be required to be present at
the time of regularly scheduled All clinical courses should adopt a
examinations or other course activities in consistent narrative format. This is to
order to complete the learning unit, course ensure consistency in grading information

and feedback to students across all five weeks after the course ends.
clinical courses. In addition, official,
summative comments from core In the first year and a half of the
clerkships are used for the Medical curriculum students may receive the
School Performance Evaluation (MSPE), following grades: “Pass” (satisfactory
also known as “the Dean’s Letter.” performance), “Marginal” (a non-passing,
Consistency in the narrative summative interim grade based on less than
comments portion of the final grade gives satisfactory performance in one or more
the MSPE a more professional and components and/or activities comprising
uniform look, making it a more effective the final grade), or “Fail” (below
document in the residency application satisfactory performance in all or a
process. preponderance of the components and/or
activities comprising the final grade). In
Narrative Assessment Guidelines: the evaluation of clinical clerkships, an
1. For the official, summative additional grade of “Honors” (outstanding
comments section, write 1-2 performance) and “High Pass” (excellent
paragraphs, synthesizing the performance) can be assigned. Certain
feedback. courses are graded only on a “Pass/Fail”
2. Use whole sentences in proper basis. In addition, the temporary grade
English in the same tense (past) “Incomplete” may be assigned to a
with correct spelling. student in any course in which the student
3. Write in the third, not first, has been unable, due to an emergent event
person. or a planned and excused activity, to
4. Do not number sections. attend and/or complete a required
5. Use the student’s formal first component or activity that the course
name; do not use nicknames. director has agreed may be completed at a
6. Do not enter grading rubrics in subsequent agreed-upon date. The grade
the summative assessment “Incomplete” is not available in the event
section. These should be that the failure to attend and/or complete a
delineated on the course site. required component or activity results
7. For courses with exams, do not from unexcused absences or activities.
routinely report the exam score.
8. If discussing a student’s If a student receives a non-passing interim
outstanding written exam score, grade of “Marginal” or “Incomplete,” the
use the correct phrase “NBME learning unit leader, course director or
clinical subject exam” instead of clerkship director will discuss the
“shelf exam”. If referencing that a performance with the student and will
score is above a mean, make sure notify the relevant Assistant Dean (see
to state what the reference mean Section below entitled “Faculty
is. Determinations Regarding Unsatisfactory
9. Constructive/formative comments Academic Performance”). The
section: Enter helpful and opportunity to do remedial work, or
constructive suggestions for areas complete necessary work, generally will
of improvement. be presented to the student, in accordance
10. For students who fail the NBME with the procedures described in these
clinical subject exam, report to regulations. The work that is necessary to
the Assistant Dean Clinical address an “Incomplete”, “Marginal” or
Learning and the student: the “Fail” grade should be undertaken before
failed grade, the minimum progressing to the next course of the
passing grade, and the curriculum. It should take place at the first
remediation recommendation. available opportunity (as determined by
11. Grades (Final Grade including the learning unit leader, course director or
narrative comments) are due to be clerkship director in consultation with the
submitted to the Office of student and Assistant Dean for
Curriculum Support no later than

Foundational Sciences or the Assistant b. Clerkship and other
Dean for Clinical Learning), but may not courses: clerkship/course
conflict with any other scheduled directors should obtain
academic activity. In the case of a and keep on file Student
“Marginal” grade, if a student completes Performance Evaluations
the remedial or missing work (SPEs) and any other
satisfactorily, a “Marginal” interim grade grading forms for that
will revert to a grade of “Pass”; if not, the portion of the
grade will convert to “Fail.” In the case of clerkship/course the
an “Incomplete” grade, if a student student has completed
completes the missing work satisfactorily 3. Please discuss the plan for
within the time extension period specified completion, including timing and
a priori, the “Incomplete” interim grade scheduling with:
can convert to either a “Pass,” “High a. the Assistant Dean for
Pass” (if available) or “Honors” (if Medical Student Affairs
available) grade; if not, the grade may for “Incomplete” grades
convert to either a “Marginal” or a “Fail” due to personal/medical
grade. If a student receives a grade of issues
“Fail,” the learning unit leader, course b. the Assistant Dean for
director or clerkship director will notify Foundational Sciences or
the relevant Assistant Dean and will the Assistant Dean for
discuss with the student the need to repeat Clinical Learning, for
the course or other remediation if “Incomplete” grades due
appropriate. In the event a student’s to academic issues
performance is deemed unsatisfactory, the 4. Once a student has completed the
Medical College may follow other course, in addition to submitting
procedures, also described in these the final grade, the
regulations, to assess continued clerkship/course director should
participation in the M.D. program. update all narrative comments,
eliminating any mention of the
“Incomplete” Grade Reporting initial “Incomplete” grade in the
summative comments section.
1. The course director should submit Student Request for a Course
in the narrative comments a
description of what portion of the Evaluation/Grade Review
course: If a student believes that there is a
a. has already been credible basis to assert that a course
completed evaluation, including examination and
b. is left to complete upon narrative assessment, or grade awarded
return, including the does not reflect the student’s objective
number of weeks needed course performance, the student must first
2. In order for coursework credit to seek the guidance of the course director.
be given up to the time prior to This must be done within 30 days of the
the student’s leaving the course posting of the grade. If a discussion with
and to assess the final course the course director does not resolve the
grade when completed, there issue within 15 days, the student must
needs to be documentation of the present the concerns in writing to the Vice
quality of the work the student Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs
has already completed. for a request for review of the grade or
a. Foundational courses: evaluation no later than 45 calendar days
course directors should following the posting of the grade. Grades
keep on file any may not be appealed after this 45-day
completed Unit grades deadline has passed. The student should
and quiz scores set forth the reasons for his or her request

for review of the grade. In consultation director shall make an effort to notify the
with the faculty involved, the Vice Dean student and the Assistant Dean for
for Academic and Curricular Affairs, or Foundational Sciences or the Assistant
his/her representative, has discretion to Dean for Clinical Learning. Faculty in the
request documents and relevant learning unit, course or clerkship may
information that would be needed to meet with the student and outline a
conduct a full and fair assessment of the program to address deficiencies in the
evaluation or grade under review. The student’s performance. The Assistant
Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular Dean for Foundational Sciences or the
Affairs shall determine a final resolution, Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning also
and communicate this to the student and may make an effort to address this with
to the appropriate course director within the student.
30 days of the request for course
evaluation/grade review. The decision of Submission of Assignments After
the Vice Dean for Academic and the Designated Deadline (“Late
Curricular Affairs shall be considered Submissions”)
final and is not subject to further appeal. All written assignments are due on the
date and time as specified by the faculty.
Written assignments typically include
Unsatisfactory Academic essays, papers, case write-ups, problem
sets, required self-assessment quizzes or
Performance in a Course web-based modules, mentor declarations
and research proposals or reports.
Actions During a Course / Students who incur personal emergencies
Clerkship or illnesses that would preclude their
Any student who is having academic timely submission of a written assignment
difficulty with a learning unit, course or should notify the course director
clerkship (or his or her overall academic immediately to describe the nature of the
performance) should consult with faculty situation and request a reasonable time
or administrators at the Medical College. extension. Students who submit a report
Depending upon the problem, a student past the deadline who have not received
may wish to seek advice or assistance an extension will fall under the following
from a learning unit leader, course operational protocol with the relevant
director or clerkship director, the relevant sanctions. In addition, in some courses,
assistant Dean, a member, the Division of students may have their scoring of their
Student Affairs, the Office of Curriculum assignment adjusted for late submission,
Support or the Learning Enrichment which may be reflected in the final grade
Office (LEO). Early intervention with assigned to the student for that course.
academic difficulties may provide a wider
range of solutions and is in the student’s Late Submission of Reports
best interest. It is the responsibility of a Missed major deadlines for submission of
student to seek advice or assistance when reports (all curricular phases) – e.g.
such student is having difficulty with a essays, case write-ups, required self-
learning unit, course or clerkship (or his assessment quizzes or modules, or other
or her overall academic performance). If a written assignments OR 3 major AOC
student exhibits unsatisfactory milestones9 (i.e., 1. mentor/AOC
performance during a learning unit or declaration; 2. submission of proposal; 3.
course, and generally before a non- submission of final report).
passing grade is assigned, the learning
unit leader, course director or clerkship

9 AOC Director handles AOC related deadlines

All curricular phases10
FIRST Missed Professionalism Assessment Form completed (including remedial
Deadline action, if required) and meeting with course director
Course director or delegate sends email notification of 72-hour
automatic deadline extension
Student must upload assignment onto Elentra / CANVAS within 72 hours
of deadline extension
SECOND Missed Professionalism Assessment Form completed (including remedial
Deadline action, if required) and meeting with course director to discuss new
R grade assigned11
THIRD Missed Professionalism Assessment Form completed (including remedial
Deadline action, if required) and meeting with course director
Marginal grade assigned
Required meeting with assistant dean to discuss new deadline, with
outcomes documented and sent to student
Referral to P&G committee
Letter of notification to student from P&G chair

Missed minor AOC deadline (such as Progress Reports and

AOC Encounters)
Missed initial deadline AOC Course/Program Coordinator contacts student to inquire
Non-responsive to AOC Director contacts to inquire/remind
Program Co-ordinator
Non-responsive to Meeting with AOC director to complete Professionalism Assessment
AOC Director Form and discuss remedial action

Missed major AOC deadline (i.e. 1. AOC

Declaration/Mentor, 2. Submission of Proposal, 3.
Submission of Final Report)
FIRST Missed Meeting with AOC Director to complete Professionalism Assessment
Deadline Form and discuss remedial action
AOC Director sends email notification of 72-hour automatic deadline
Student must submit in QLearn within 72 hours of deadline extension
SECOND Missed Meeting with AOC Director to complete Professionalism Assessment
Deadline Form and discuss remedial action
R (Remediation) grade assigned
THIRD Missed Meeting with AOC Director to complete Professionalism Assessment
Deadline Form and discuss new deadline and remedial action, with outcomes
documented and sent to student
“Marginal” grade assigned
Referral to P&G committee
Letter of notification to student from P&G chair

10 Excepting the AOC

11 Phase I and III courses

the learning unit leader, course director or
Actions upon Completion of a clerkship director, about an opportunity
for remedial work within a course. When
Course / Clerkship there is a pattern of poor performance
The Committee on Promotion and longitudinally across courses or failure of
Graduation (the “Committee”) is remediation, the Committee on Promotion
responsible for assessing the overall and Graduation will make decisions about
performance of students in the Medical whether to permit a student to have an
College on an ongoing basis. In the event opportunity for remedial work, re-
of unsatisfactory work (Marginal, examination, repetition of a course, or
Incomplete or Failure), the grade will be other appropriate alternatives.
reported in writing to the Office of the
Registrar upon the completion of a course.
At his or her discretion, the Vice Dean for Good Academic Standing
Academic and Curricular Affairs, or his or
her designee, will meet with a student A student with a “Marginal,” “Fail,” or
who has earned non-passing grades to “Incomplete” course grade is not
discuss the reasons for the student’s considered to be a student in good
unsatisfactory work. The Registrar shall academic standing, and is ineligible to go
assemble and present information to the on an academic or research leave of
Committee about the students with non- absence, a WCM-Q-sponsored
passing grades to assist the Committee in extracurricular trip outside Qatar, an
its deliberations. If time permits, a student international elective or a Sub-Internship,
will have the option of submitting, until a passing grade is obtained in the
through the Vice Dean for Academic and pertinent course(s).
Curricular Affairs, or designee, his or her
own independent written information to
the Committee. Generally, a student will Remedial Course Work
not have an opportunity to appear before
the Committee during this stage of the Remedial work, including re-examination,
process, unless requested by the for courses in which a student has not
Committee. received a passing grade will ordinarily be
offered at times which do not conflict
with regularly scheduled academic
activities. Generally, remedial work,
Faculty Determinations including re-examination, will be
Regarding Unsatisfactory available only if the student has
successfully completed the majority of
Academic Performance course work required for a passing grade
in the course. Remedial work and any re-
Remedial work, re-examination or examination needed in first year courses
repetition of a course or clerkship are not generally will be scheduled during winter
to be regarded as a right for a student who or spring break or during the following
has an unsatisfactory record in a course or summer. Re-examination in the
clerkship, but are options which may be foundational sciences courses will be
offered to individual students, in the scheduled to occur prior to beginning
judgment of the faculty, based on the clerkships. A course failure in a
student’s academic record and designated foundational science course
consideration of circumstances related to will have to be remediated prior to the
completion of the course or clerkship. The beginning of the clerkships. A clerkship
Assistant Deans for Foundational that is failed usually will, if applicable, be
Sciences and Clinical Learning will repeated as soon as possible.
review each student’s performance, and
will make decisions, in consultation with

In the case of a “Marginal” grade, the grade for the relevant course and must
remedial work may be targeted in scope, then undergo a more structured
as determined at the discretion of the remediation program, as prescribed by the
learning unit leader, course director or course leadership. Failure of the
clerkship director in consultation with the structured remediation program of one or
learning unit leader or course/clerkship more units results in the student receiving
faculty. A student who successfully a “Fail” grade for the course. The failed
completes remediation for a “Marginal” unit(s) ordinarily must be retaken in class
grade is eligible only for a grade of when those units are offered again or at a
“Pass.” However, if the first attempt by a time specified by the Assistant Dean for
student at remediation of a “Marginal” Foundational Sciences. Failure of any
grade is not satisfactory, the course grade one unit when it is retaken results in a
converts to a “Fail” and remediation for a second “Fail” grade in that course, and
grade of “Fail” must ensue. In the case of results in automatic dismissal from the
an “Incomplete” grade, completion within Medical College, subject to confirmation
the period specified by the faculty can by the Committee on Promotion and
result in a grade of “Honors, (if Graduation.
available)” “High Pass” (if available),
“Pass,” “Marginal” or “Failure.” An Students who fail multiple units such that
“Incomplete” grade not successfully their overall course score is considered
addressed within the specified period shall failing according to the syllabus will
revert to either a “Marginal” or “Fail” receive a “Fail” grade in that course. The
grade, and appropriate remediation must student must successfully complete a
be undertaken. In the case of a “Fail” structured remediation program for each
grade, the remediation will be broad in of the failed units. Failure of any unit
scope and must result in the satisfactory within the unit remediation program
demonstration of competence in all means the failed unit(s) must be retaken in
aspects of the course. The nature of the class when that unit is offered again or at
remediation lies solely in the province of a time specified by the Assistant Dean for
the learning unit or course director in Foundational Sciences. Failure of any one
consultation with the learning unit or unit when it is retaken results in a second
course faculty. The grade of “Honors” or “Fail” grade in that course, and results in
“High Pass” (where applicable) is not automatic dismissal from the Medical
awarded when a student has repeated a College, subject to confirmation by the
course or clerkship. Committee on Promotion and Graduation.

Students must satisfactorily complete all

Criteria for Continuation in the required clerkships, which use several
methods to assess performance. A student
Academic Program who receives a “Marginal” grade in a
required clerkship will ordinarily be given
In the Foundational Years (first 1.5 years an opportunity for remediation, as
of the curriculum) faculty use a wide arranged by the clerkship leadership and
array of formats to assess a student's the Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning.
performance including quizzes, essay If the remediation is successful, the
exams, laboratory practicals, clinical “Marginal” grade will convert to a “Pass”
write-ups, and case analyses. Students grade. If the remediation is unsuccessful,
must complete satisfactorily all required the “Marginal” grade will convert to a
learning units of the major foundational “Fail” grade and will require that the
year courses (Essential Principles of student re-take the entire clerkship. A
Medicine and Health, Illness and Disease student who receives a “Fail” grade in a
parts 1 and 2), before advancing to the required clerkship will not be offered
Clinical Clerkships. Ordinarily, students remediation and must re-take the failed
who fail the first offering of remediation clerkship. Any student who must repeat a
for a failed unit will receive a “Marginal” clerkship and does not initially achieve a

passing grade, will receive a second Graduation to determine if a formal
“Fail” grade in that clerkship, without review of the student’s suitability for the
opportunity for remediation, and will practice of medicine for continued study
automatically be dismissed from the in the Medical College. The Committee
Medical College, subject to confirmation on Promotion and Graduation reserves the
by the Committee on Promotion and right to specify the nature of the
Graduation. intervention(s) recommended based on its
evaluation of the student’s performance.
A student who accumulates a “Fail” grade
in three of the required clerkships will not Students may repeat no more than the
be given an opportunity for additional equivalent of two academic years and
remediation for the third failed clerkship, students must complete the academic
and will be automatically dismissed from work of the first three years in five
the Medical College. academic years. Students must complete
the entire Medical College curriculum in
Students are required to consult the six academic years (4-in-6 rule). Students
specifics of assessment/remediation who are in good academic standing and
processes and policies for their individual who are seeking to engage in a unique or
foundational years courses, clerkships, exceptionally enriching experience that
and other core curriculum activities (e.g., may prolong the length of time it will take
AOC) on the Learning Management to complete the M.D. degree may petition
System. the Vice Dean for Academic and
Curricular Affairs for an exemption from
Students are also required to complete a the 4-in-6 rule. In these rare cases, the
series of elective courses, a sub- petition must be submitted in writing no
internship, and for students who have later than three months prior to the
been enrolled in the curriculum, the planned experience. The Vice Dean for
advanced biomedical science requirement, Academic and Curricular Affairs will
Students in the Class of 2020 and beyond review the petition. If the petition is
are required to complete the Area of granted, the rules of notification
Concentration. Successful completion of pertaining to leaves of absence will
16 weeks of elective courses is necessary remain in effect.
for graduation from the Medical College.
Students who fail an elective course may Students in good academic standing who
repeat that course or, with the approval of wish to postpone graduation, either to take
the Vice Dean for Academic and a personal leave of absence or to
Curricular Affairs, substitute another undertake additional electives or
course(s). A student may not take elective academic courses related to their studies,
courses concurrently with any other must obtain permission from the Vice
courses to satisfy the 16-week Dean for Academic and Curricular
requirement. Affairs. An application form and
guidelines are available from the Office of
Students who accumulate three or more the Registrar.
grades of “Marginal” or “Fail” in different
courses may be at risk for further
“Marginal” or “Fail” grades which could Unsatisfactory Academic Progress
result in unsatisfactory overall academic and Dismissal
performance as defined in the section
below. The performance of students who In addition to the academic performance
receive three or more grades of “Fail” or standards that lead to dismissal from the
“Marginal” in different courses over the Medical College described in the previous
course of their study, even if those grades section, unsatisfactory overall academic
have been successfully remediated, shall performance will also be grounds for
be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting dismissal from the Medical College.
of the Committee on Promotion and

Unsatisfactory overall performance is to take a leave of absence for up to one
defined as a combination of multiple year, due to unsatisfactory academic
“Fail”, “Marginal”, “Incomplete” or performance, depending upon the needs
“Withdrawal” grades in a significant of the student and the demands of the
number of courses, clerkships, electives or curriculum, or recommend dismissal of a
the sub-internship (even if non-passing student. The Vice Dean for Academic and
grades are remedied). Generally, a total of Curricular Affairs may renew an
six non-passing grades will result in involuntary leave of absence for a total
dismissal. Similarly, failure to complete leave of absence not longer than two
the curriculum within six years will be years. The Vice Dean for Academic and
deemed unsatisfactory performance, Curricular Affairs shall specify the terms
resulting in dismissal. for re-entry to the Medical College.

The faculty of the Medical College takes If the Vice Dean for Academic and
the position that an overall failing Curricular Affairs recommends dismissal,
performance as described above a student objects to a required leave of
documents a quality of work absence or the Vice Dean for Academic
unsatisfactory for admission to the and Curricular Affairs decides against re-
medical profession. entry after a required leave, the student
can appeal to the Committee on
Promotion and Graduation through the
Administrative Hold process outlined in these Standards.

When a student is being considered for

dismissal from the Medical College, the Involuntary Student Leave of
Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular Absence for Reasons of
Affairs will place that student on an Community Safety
Administrative Hold from all activities
involving patient care while the dismissal When there is an actual, or the threat of,
decision is being adjudicated by the community disruption of the Medical
Promotions and Graduation Committee. College or learning environment,
including for example risk of harm to
patients, the Medical College may place a
Leave from Academic student on an involuntary leave of
absence. The Medical College is
Program committed to protecting the learning
environment. Separation of a student from
the Medical College and its facilities may
Involuntary Student Leave for be necessary, if there is sufficient
Unsatisfactory Academic evidence that the student is engaging in,
Performance or is likely to engage in, conduct and
behavior that disrupts the learning
environment of others.
Consequences of unsatisfactory academic
performance can include, but need not
necessarily be limited to, dismissal from
the M.D. program, involuntary leave of
Placing a Student on Involuntary
absence, and/or other remedial work, at Leave of Absence due to Reasons
the discretion of the Vice Dean for of Community Safety
Academic and Curricular Affairs and/or
the Committee on Promotion and The Vice Dean for Academic and
Graduation. Curricular Affairs may be alerted to a
student’s disruptive or unsafe behavior
A student may be required by the Vice from a variety of sources on campus. The
Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs

Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular a more informed decision.
Affairs can identify a designee to act on 6. Following these consultations, the
his/her behalf under this policy. If the Vice Dean for Academic and
Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular Curricular Affairs will make a
Affairs deems it appropriate, these decision regarding the involuntary
procedures will be initiated: leave of absence, and must
provide written notice of this
1. The Vice Dean for Academic and decision to the student.
Curricular Affairs will notify the 7. Within five days of receiving the
student that an involuntary leave decision of the Vice Dean for
is under consideration and the Academic and Curricular Affairs,
reason(s) why an involuntary the student may submit an appeal
leave is under consideration. The of the decision in writing to the
student will have the opportunity Associate Dean for Student
to respond. Affairs. After reviewing the
2. The Vice Dean for Academic and matter fully, the Associate Dean
Curricular Affairs will discuss for Student Affairs will issue a
with the student the implications written decision, which shall be
of and procedures relating to an final.
involuntary leave of absence. 8. When safety is an immediate
3. The Vice Dean for Academic and concern, the Vice Dean for
Curricular Affairs will gather Academic and Curricular Affairs
information necessary to make an or designee may remove a student
individualized and or assessment from the Medical College
of the student’s ability to safely pending final decision on
participate in the Medical College involuntary leave. If this action is
program and to meet the Medical deemed necessary, the student
College’s requirements for will be given notice of removal.
professionalism and adherence to An opportunity to be heard by the
technical standards. The Vice Vice Dean for Academic and
Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs and appeal the
Curricular Affairs may confer as decision will be provided at a
feasible and when appropriate in a later time.
particular matter with other
administrative units regarding the
need for a leave of absence. If Involuntary Leave is Imposed
4. During these consultations, these
individuals will pay particular The Vice Dean for Academic and
attention to the criteria for Curricular Affairs will inform the student,
invoking an involuntary leave, along with the notice of the decision, as to
specifically whether the student’s the steps that must be taken when the
behavior is disruptive of the student wishes to re-enroll (see “Request
Medical College’s learning for Re-enrollment”).
environment and whether the
behavior poses a direct threat to
the safety of others. Consideration If Involuntary Leave is Not
will also be given to Imposed
accommodations that may
reasonably be provided that will The Vice Dean for Academic and
mitigate the need for the Curricular Affairs may impose other
involuntary leave. conditions and/or requirements under
5. The Vice Dean for Academic and which the student is allowed to remain at
Curricular Affairs may require a the Medical College.
mental or physical evaluation if
he or she believes it will facilitate

in consultation with the Dean of the
Implications of an Involuntary Medical College, must approve the re-
Student Leave of Absence for enrollment.
Reasons of Personal or
Community Safety The Vice Dean for Academic and
Curricular Affairs may consult with other
Leave in effect - Until the student units or individuals as appropriate
complies with the pre-requisites to regarding the re-enrollment decision and
enrollment mandated by the Vice Dean for may impose such conditions as they may
Academic and Curricular Affairs. An recommend to help ensure the student’s
individualized assessment will be made successful return to Medical college.
for the student to determine if the pre-
requisites have been satisfied.
Appeals Process and
Duration of leave - To be determined by
the Vice Dean for Academic and
Related Procedures
Curricular Affairs based on the facts and
circumstances leading to the imposition of When a student’s academic performance
the involuntary leave. Student must leave and progress is under review, the Medical
campus within the time frame set forth by College is committed to providing a fair
the Vice Dean for Academic and process of review and, when requested,
Curricular Affairs. Student may visit appeal. Determinations are based on the
campus only as authorized in writing by record as a whole before the decision-
the Vice Dean for Academic and making entity and the standard of proof
Curricular Affairs, for the duration of the that underlies a decision is a
leave. preponderance of the credible information
or evidence. A student may appeal a
Notification - The Vice Dean for decision by the P&G Committee and
Academic and Curricular Affairs reserves decisions by the Vice Dean for Academic
the right to notify a parent, guardian, or and Curricular Affairs that have serious
other person, if notification is deemed adverse action such as a required leave of
appropriate. In addition, the parent, absence, repetition of a course or year, or
guardian, or other person may be asked to dismissal. A decision regarding a
make arrangements for the safe removal student’s dismissal, required leave of
of the student from the university absence or repetition of a course or year is
environment. final unless overturned after an appeal.

Transcript Notation would read “Leave of The student must make the appeal in
Absence.” writing within fourteen (14) calendar days
from written notification to the student, of
Financial Obligations - A student taking a the decision that the student is appealing,
leave of absence will continue to have and deliver it by hand or email to the
certain financial obligations. office of the Vice Dean for Academic and
Curricular Affairs. If the appeal is
submitted by Qatar mail, U.S. mail, or a
Request for Re-enrollment delivery company (such as Federal
Express), it must be postmarked by the
A formal request for re-enrollment must date it is due to be submitted by hand to
be submitted to the Dean of the Medical the Office of the Vice Dean for Academic
College, with a copy sent to the Vice and Curricular Affairs.
Dean for Academic and Curricular
Affairs. The student’s re-enrollment The appeal is heard by the Appeals
request will be reviewed by the Vice Dean Committee within thirty (30) days of
for Academic and Curricular Affairs, who, receipt of the appeal statement. The
Appeals Committee will provide the

student with at least seven (7) calendar Medical College who will make a final
days’ advance written notice of the date, determination in the matter. Prompt
time, and place of the meeting of the written notice of the final decision will be
Appeals Committee which will consider sent to the student.
the appeal. Prior to the meeting, the
student may submit a written response
and evidence to the Committee. The Reserved Rights/Changes to
student may attend the Committee
meeting and may be accompanied by an
advisor or counsel. Any such advisor or
counsel shall be an observer of the The Medical College reserves the right to
proceeding but may not expect to be able determine whether existing policies and
to participate in or speak at the Committee procedures address a particular situation.
meeting. The student or the Committee It is recognized that the Executive
may invite other persons to appear and Committee reserves the authority to
provide information. The student will intervene in the application of these
have access, upon request in writing, to standards and procedures, although it is
the written minutes of the meeting with not anticipated that the Executive
the Appeals Committee that pertain to the Committee will exercise this inherent
student appeal. authority unless the Executive Committee
determines that existing policies and
The Appeals Committee will decide if the procedures do not address the situation; or
prior decision is to be upheld or circumstances are of such magnitude as to
overturned and will report their decision require the action of the Executive
within fourteen (14) days of the last Committee.
Committee meeting to the Dean of the

Attendance Standards Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Students at the Medical College are engaging, collegial interchange of ideas

physicians-in-training who are expected among students and faculty in all sessions
to carry out all academic responsibilities including large group formats such as
in a professional manner. Professional lectures. Students are expected to attend
demeanor is an essential and required all sessions and to participate. In some
component of becoming an effective formats that involve collaborative work,
physician. Students must handle absences attendance and participation will be
from required Medical College activities assessed and both comprise an important
in a manner that reflects a standard of element in the satisfactory demonstration
professional responsibility for practicing of competence. The faculty have
physicians. At the same time the faculty identified small groups that meet one or
of the Medical College recognize that more of the following rationales as those
students learn in different ways that learning formats in which attendance and
include in-class and clinical experiences, participation will be assessed: 1) sessions
independent study, digital media, that involve collaborative teamwork (e.g.,
scientific investigation and presentations, anatomy dissection, case-based formats
to name a few - many of which may such as PBL or its equivalent, etc.) 2)
compete for a student’s time. A central sessions that involve interactive
concept to the attendance policy is that discussion (e.g., seminars that depend on
students provide the faculty with a timely student analysis, presentations, or
and valid request and/or notification for discussion such as PBL, journal club,
absences from any required curricular problem-solving, clinical case or ethics
activities. The faculty considers a case analysis, etc.) or 3) demonstration of
student’s honesty in presenting a reason a skill (e.g., microbiology or physiology
for an absence to be the core principle that lab activities, interviewing, patient
underlies all professional communication examination, OSCEs, simulations, first
regarding the absence policy. Likewise, responder training etc.). Because respect
the student can expect that the faculty will for patients’ time and participation in the
apply the attendance policy in a way that learning process are paramount,
is both fair and consistent, but which also attendance will be assessed at all sessions,
considers a student’s individual situation. in large groups or small group formats
When a student does not attend a required that involve patients. In addition, students
session, and has not provided in advance shall attend, on time, all sessions that
an appropriate request for permission or specifically involve written or oral
explanation of the absence, as described examinations. A student who arrives late
below, the student is in violation of the will not ordinarily be allowed additional
standards of conduct required for students time on an examination. The faculty
at the Medical College. This policy on leadership of each foundational course
student absences sets out the criteria and (i.e., Essential Principles of Medicine;
process for handling absences from Health, Illness, and Disease 1 and 2) will
academic duties; it also applies to students inform students in advance of which
taking courses at the Medical College sessions meet the above rationale and
who are from other medical schools. involve the assessment of student
attendance and participation.
The integrated curriculum of the Medical
College in the foundational years (first The clinical phase of the curriculum
year and half) is designed to promote an mandates the full-time commitment of the

student in all patient-care and didactic Responsibilities of Students
activities. The student’s presence on the Regarding the Attendance Policy
clinical floors of the hospital, clinics and Students are expected to have read the
physician offices is critical to the learning attendance policy, to abide by it, inquire
experience because it provides in advance of the course leaders if they
opportunities to observe and to participate are uncertain how it might apply in their
in medical management decisions. situation, handle all inquiries and
Students are required to attend lectures, evaluations by the faculty in a timely and
rounds, case presentations, conferences, honest manner, and follow through with
clinics, on-call periods, and other counseling and/or satisfactory completion
experiences as designated by the course of missed course work. Attendance is
director. expected unless excused.

The AOC Scholarly Project block time

requires that students engage full-time in Responsibilities of the Faculty
work related to their scholarly project at Regarding the Attendance Policy
an officially approved primary site. Faculty course and clerkship leaders are
During the total duration of this AOC expected to implement the attendance
Scholarly Project block time, the student’s policy as described above in way that is
schedule will be largely shaped by the
fair, transparent, consistent and measured
needs of their research project, including
in consequences for any violations.
the requirement that they attend all
Faculty are expected, a priori, to indicate
activities (e.g., lab or research meetings)
to students enrolled in their units how the
directed by their research mentor. In
policy will be implemented in their units.
addition, students are required to attend
This should be done by a clear statement
all required AOC-related sessions and
in the course, clerkship or AOC website
activities throughout the years of their
and supplemented, if necessary, through
medical curriculum as specified by the
class orientations, email clarifications, or
AOC Course/Program leadership.
other means.

Similarly, during the Translational

Faculty leaders responsible for
Science, Advanced Clinical Ethics, and
implementing the policy are expected to
Transition to Residency Courses,
respond to student inquiries about the
attendance will be assessed in small
policy in a timely manner, consult with
groups that involve collaborative
education deans as needed for advice, and
teamwork, interactive discussion or
evaluate student absences fairly and
demonstration of a skill, and in large
without preconceived assumptions or
group or small group formats that involve
patients, and in any session as specified
by the course director.

Types of Absences
Operational Issues
Students have the right to speak with the Excused absences: Emergent
Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular
Affairs or delegate at any time about Generally, the Medical College recognizes
questions they may have about the that emergent absences due to illness,
attendance policy itself or the concerns personal emergency, or family emergency
about the fairness in the application of the are not under the control of students and
attendance policy. that it may be impossible for students to
consult with course leaders prior to being
absent for these reasons (“unplanned
absences”). Nevertheless, it is incumbent

upon the student to notify the designated request to be excused for scheduled
faculty or course leader or the Associate medical appointments and to observe
Dean (Student Affairs) as soon as these religious holidays. Since religious holiday
events occur or are known and no later dates are well known in advance, students
than 24 hours after the missed session so should request an excused absence for
that the Medical College may be assured religious observances at least 30 days in
of the student’s well-being and may make advance of the beginning of the clerkship
plans with the student regarding the or sub-internship. In the case of scheduled
resumption of regular activities. medical appointments, students should
request an excused absence as soon as the
date of the event is known.
Students with emergent absences must
notify course directors as soon as the During the AOC Scholarly Project block
event is known. The “no later than 24 time, students are expected to work full-
hours” clause does not mean that a student time during weekdays on their scholarly
routinely has up to 24 hours after an projects at the primary site. Students must
emergent missed activity to notify the notify and/or request permission of the
course director; rather it allows a feasible AOC Course/Program director for all
time frame for those students who are in a emergent (“unplanned”) and planned
serious emergency that precludes absences from work on their scholarly
immediate notification. projects. Notification/request of the
faculty mentor alone is NOT sufficient. In
In addition, students with a recurrent the rare case that a student needs to work
pattern of excused absences, whether for on his or her project away from the
illness or personal emergencies, will be primary site, he or she must obtain
referred to the Associate Dean for Student permission from the AOC
Affairs by the Clerkship Director for Course/Program Director in advance.
evaluation and/or counseling

Emergent events are not to be confused

Unexcused Absences
with other absences that can be
anticipated and planned for in advance. Absences without proper notification,
including planned absences without prior
These include: request for permission or unplanned
(emergent) absences without proper
notification within 24 hours of the missed
1. Major family events or required session are considered
celebrations such as weddings “unexcused absences.” In the clinical
involving immediate family, curriculum, requests for permission for
graduations, other family events planned absences must be made a
of significance minimum of 30 days in advance of the
2. Professional events and academic beginning clerkship or sub-internship or
activities- presenting at a as soon as the event is known. Unexcused
professional meeting, remediation absences will result in sanctions that may
of an academic encumbrance, include, but are not limited to, receiving a
NBME exam, residency zero grade for the activity missed,
interviews receiving an official citation for
3. Scheduled medical appointments unprofessionalism, receiving a “Marginal”
4. Religious holidays grade in the learning unit or course or in
serious cases, such as those affecting or
In the clinical curriculum, there should be interfering with patient care, receiving a
a request for permission a minimum of 30 “Fail” grade. Some voluntary absences
days in advance of the beginning of the are not considered reasonable by the
clerkship or sub-internship or as soon as Medical College. Actions such as
the event is known. Students may also

purchasing tickets for travel to leave early and consistently, students must notify and
or return later, or solely to obtain request permission of the course director
discounted fares or engaging in other or his/her designee (small group leader,
elective activities on course instruction preceptor, curriculum office staff, etc. are
days are not acceptable practice. Students not sufficient). In the clinical curriculum,
who engage in such conduct must assume this means that students must notify and
full responsibility for whatever request permission of the Clerkship
ramifications in their performance Director (e.g., Site Director, Clerkship
assessment result from their actions, as Coordinator are not sufficient) or Sub-
described above, since these actions result Internship Director. Students may not
in unexcused absences. Course leaders are negotiate an absence with the teaching
not required to administer make-up faculty (e.g., a small group facilitator,
examinations, equivalent or extra sessions office preceptor, ward attending, etc.), nor
to accommodate these voluntary are the teaching faculty permitted by the
unexcused absences. policy to negotiate or arrange such
absences (see “Faculty Observation and
Reporting of Absences” below).
Students who will be absent emergently
(or are absent for reasons beyond the
Generally, the time frame for an absence
student’s control), i.e., “unplanned
is expected to be no more than two
absences,” are expected to notify the
consecutive days (including a Thursday-
course director or his/her designee before
Sunday sequence). Emergent absences
missing the required activity and no later
expected to last more than two days
than 24 hours of the missed session. In the
require that the student notify the
case of planned or voluntary absences,
Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
students are expected to request
Planned absences of more than two days
permission of the designated faculty or
require that the student first obtain the
course director at least 30 days in advance
permission of the Vice Dean for Academic
of start of course or as soon as the date of
and Curricular Affairs or delegate before
the event is known in order to have the
requesting permission of the designated
absence up for consideration as an
faculty or course leader. When a student is
excused absence. In the notification or
uncertain about whether an absence will
permission discussion with the student,
be considered potentially excusable, he or
the course director will determine how the
she should consult one of the Associate
appropriate faculty or administrators are
Dean (Student Affairs) or Vice Dean for
to be notified and the role of the student in
Academic and Curricular Affairs or their
this process.
delegates for advice.

In any discussion of a requested absence,

Request and Notification the student must include an explicit
discussion of:
Permission to be excused from a
scheduled activity is to be sought by the 1. The reason for the absence;
student in writing (e-mail is acceptable). 2. The student’s plan to acquire the
Students must ask for permission information missed;
individually for themselves; they may not 3. The arrangement by the student
request permission for absences on behalf for coverage of all clinical or
of other students. Emergent absences course responsibilities;
require written notification and planned 4. The student’s arrangements to
absences require both permission and identify and notify all teaching
written notification in order to be and clinical faculty, house staff,
considered excused. To ensure that the and students affected by the
attendance policy is implemented fairly

absence (typically those involved treatment for serious illness. Making up
in a team effort or presentation); the missed work to the satisfaction of the
and learning unit or course leadership is
5. The duration of the absence. mandatory.

If the course director or their designees to Students should make every effort to
be notified are not available in a timely schedule non-emergent medical
fashion, are on vacation, or are away from appointments for times that do not
the Medical College for other professional conflict with class sessions or required
duties, the student should notify the clinical activities. The Medical College
Office of Curriculum Support in writing recognizes that this may not always be
(e-mail). possible. For scheduled non-emergent
medical appointments, students must
notify the course director or his/her
Once a student has received an excused designee as soon as the student is aware
absence from the designated course of the appointment date in order for this to
directors, he or she should inform all qualify as an excused absence. Course
teaching and clinical faculty, house staff, directors and faculty are not permitted to
and students affected by the absence penalize students who miss class or
(typically students involved in a joint required clinical activities as a result of
presentation). In the case of unplanned, attending to medical appointments.
emergent absences, notification of all
affected faculty and students may not be
possible in advance.
Personal/family emergency

In the case of personal or family

Categories of Absences emergency, the student must notify the
designated faculty or course director(s) as
Illness/Medical issues: Emergent soon as the student is aware of the
and Non-Emergent emergency and no later than 24 hours
after the missed session. The student must
In the case of an individual’s emergent discuss the anticipated length of the
illness, the student must notify the absence as fully as possible with the
designated faculty or course director as designated faculty or course director, and
soon as the student feels the illness will must arrange for a way to be in
interfere with attendance ideally before communication with the Medical College
the required activity and no later than 24 to monitor the course of events. As noted
hours after the missed session. The above, if the absence exceeds or is
student must discuss the points included expected to exceed two days the student
under Request and Notification. If the must notify the Associate Dean for
student is unable to reach the course Student Affairs. In cases where the time
director or designated faculty member, the frame is not clear, the student must
student must notify the Associate Dean discuss a plan to provide periodic updates
for Student Affairs. If the student is too ill on the situation. Making up the missed
to attend scheduled educational activities, work to the satisfaction of the designated
the faculty member may recommend that faculty or course leadership is mandatory.
the student consult with the Associate
Dean for Student Affairs, or be seen by an
appropriate healthcare practitioner. Major family events
Students should see an appropriate
healthcare practitioner for evaluation after
Absences from class to attend major
2 consecutive days of illness. This is to
family events (which are scheduled by
ensure proper diagnosis and treatment and
others without consideration of the
to avoid cases of under-

student’s schedule) require permission of extends for more than two days, the
the designated faculty or course leader(s). student must consult with the Vice Dean
In the clinical curriculum, there should be for Academic and Curricular Affairs or
a request for permission a minimum of 30 delegate. Making up the missed work to
days in advance of the beginning of the the satisfaction of the course leadership is
clerkship or as soon as the event is mandatory and the course leadership
known. If the activity extends for more decision is final.
than two days, the student must consult
with the Vice Dean for Academic and
Curricular Affairs or delegate. Making up Other off-campus events
the missed work to the satisfaction of the
course leadership is mandatory and the The Medical College recognizes that
course director’s decision is final. students may wish to participate in many
off-campus events such as charity
fundraisers, political campaigns, athletic
Professional off-campus events competitions, etc. The faculty
understands that these activities may be
Academic activities (professional rewarding and valuable, but considers
meetings, paper/research presentations) that a student's first priority is his or her
that interfere with course instruction days immediate scholarly preparation to
must be discussed with the designated become a competent physician.
faculty or course leader(s). In the clinical Accordingly, whether or
curriculum, there should be a request for not attendance at events such as these on
permission a minimum of 30 days in instructional days in which attendance and
advance of the beginning of the clerkship participation is assessed (e.g. specified
or as soon as the event is known. The small groups, clinical work, exams
discussion, which is a request for etc.) will be considered excused or
permission to attend the academic unexcused absences will be at the
activity, must include a statement of the discretion of the Course Leadership and
student’s exact role in the academic will depend on the nature of the event, the
activity, the mechanism for making up level of the student’s participation and the
missed course content, the student’s plan attendance or assessment activity that
for covering all responsibilities, and would be missed. Making up the missed
notifications as discussed above. With work to the satisfaction of the course
timely notification and permission, a leadership is mandatory.
student will ordinarily be excused if he or
she is presenting a poster or oral session. Residency interviews
Students generally are not excused to
allow simply attending the conference. In It is not recommended that students
the case of professional conferences, the schedule required course work during the
student should describe how the time that they will be interviewing for
conference would provide added value residency programs. There should be a
above that of the required curriculum to request for permission as soon as the
the student’s learning and/or career plans. interview event is known, and any
In the foundational science curriculum, absences attributed to interviews for
discussion with the designated faculty or residency programs must be discussed
course leader(s), the student must also with and approved by the course/clerkship
obtain permission from any learning unit director prior to their occurrence.
leaders or small group leaders that will be
impacted by the absence. The course
leadership may take into account the
student’s academic standing in the course Sub-internships
in the decision to grant permission for
these types of absences. If the activity Because of the high level of responsibility

on sub-internships, sub-interns are assignment deadline missed. No fees of
expected to work each day for the entire any kind shall be charged by the Medical
rotation. They are not excused on Medical College for making available an
College holidays. If the student must miss opportunity to make up an examination or
clinical responsibilities for any reason, the assignment.
request for permission or notification
should be made as soon as the event is No adverse or prejudicial effect shall
known and the student must help in result to any student who takes advantage
making coverage arrangements. The sub- of the provisions of this policy. If a
internship director has full discretion to student believes that he or she is not being
determine if the work performed by the granted the full benefits of the policy, and
student satisfies the course requirements. has not been successful resolving the
matter with the course director, the
student may confer with the Vice Dean for
Religious Holidays Academic and Curricular Affairs or
delegate. In the event a student continues
The Medical College recognizes that the to believe that he or she is not receiving
members of its community, including the benefits of this policy, the student may
students, observe a variety of religious file an appeal under the appeal provision
faiths and practices. Few of the various of the policy on Promotion and
religious days of observance are part of Graduation.
the Medical College’s holiday calendar.
However, the Medical College recognizes
and respects the religious beliefs and Time Conflicts between
practices of its students and will
accommodate them reasonably within the
Classroom and Clinical
requirements of the academic schedule. Activities
As a result, the Medical College will not
penalize a student who must be absent In the foundational years (first 1.5 years
from a class, examination, study, or work of the curriculum) classroom sessions and
requirement for religious observance. clinical activities are usually not
Students who anticipate being absent scheduled simultaneously.
because of religious observance must, as
early as possible and in advance of an
anticipated absence of a day, days or In the clinical years (clerkships and sub-
portion of a day, request permission for internships) when students are part of a
the absence from the designated faculty or patient care team, as a general rule, the
course leader(s). care of one’s patient takes precedence
over attendance at in-class didactic
sessions or conferences. However,
Whenever feasible, faculty will attempt to because these conflicts can never be
avoid scheduling examinations and totally free of ambiguity, students are
assignment deadlines on religious advised to follow the directives of the
holidays. A student absent from a class clerkship directors and their faculty
because of religious observance shall not supervisors.
be penalized for any class, examination,
or assignment deadline missed on that day
or days.
Faculty Observation and
In the event an examination or assignment Reporting of Student
deadline is scheduled on a day of religious Absences
observance, a student unable to attend
class shall be permitted the opportunity to
make up an examination or to extend any To ensure that the attendance policy is

fairly and consistently implemented, the activities at the discretion of the unit
teaching faculty in learning units and and/or course director. If there is an issue
clerkships are not allowed to excuse with resolving an absence or with the
students from class or clinical sessions. process for making up missed course
All requests for an absence should be work that is not resolved with the learning
referred to the course directors or their unit or course leadership, the student may
designee for evaluation. Faculty members confer with the Vice Dean for Academic
who note that a student is absent from a and Curricular Affairs or delegate.
session in which attendance is being
assessed and is not known to have the In the clinical curriculum, for emergent
permission of the course director should absences and excused absences related to
notify either the course director directly or professional events or academic activities,
the curriculum office in the foundational students will be responsible only for
years, the clerkship director in the clinical making up required coursework. For any
years, the AOC Course/Program director, excused absence related to major family
or the course director of the required events, any unexcused absence, and when
courses in the AOC Scholarly Project total time for excused absences exceeds
block time (i.e., Advanced Clinical Ethics 10% of the total time of the clerkship,
and Translational Science). Faculty both required coursework and clinical
mentors of students in the AOC Scholarly time must be made up. The clinical
Project should notify the AOC activities that constitute the make-up time
Course/Program director of any mentees are at the discretion of the clerkship
who are absent from required activities directors and should be scheduled during
specified by the research mentor (e.g., lab the timeframe of the clerkship.
meetings, team research presentations,
etc.). These course directors, in turn,
should notify the Office of Curriculum
Support of any unexcused absences of
Consequences of
more than one day’s duration. In order to Unexcused Absences
track absences longitudinally and for
potential P&G purposes, both excused In the foundational years, and in phase 3
and unexcused absences should be courses12 (with the exception of the Areas
reported by the course and clerkship of Concentration Course/Program),
directors to the Office of Curriculum students who incur an unexcused absence
Support ( will receive an email warning from the
Course Director advising them of their
violation of the attendance standards. A
Making up Absences and second unexcused absence in a
Reporting foundational sciences, or phase 3, course
will result in a meeting with the Course
Director where a Professionalism
The work or activities that are missed Assessment Form (PAF), including a
from academic programs, regardless of remedial action, is completed, followed by
the reason for the absence, must be made a written or email warning from the
up. In the foundational science Assistant Dean13. The student’s grade will
curriculum, the student is required to be reduced, according to the syllabus, in
make up all course assignments, and may the unit where the second unexcused
be required to make up additional

13 The Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning is

12 Advanced Clinical Ethics, Translational
Science, Health Care and Public Health, responsible for Phase 3 courses (with the
Transition to Residency exception of the Areas of Concentration)

absence occurred. A third unexcused circumstances of unexcused absences and
absence in a foundational sciences or clinical activities missed, a student may
phase 3 course will result in the student also receive a “Marginal” or “Fail” in
receiving a grade of “Marginal” for that either a clerkship or sub-internship. This is
course. In addition to the Course Director at the discretion of the Assistant Dean for
completing a PAF, the student will be Clinical Learning in consultation with the
required to meet with the appropriate Clerkship Director. For all unexcused
Assistant Dean for further evaluation of absences, content must be made up to the
the reasons for persistent absences. The satisfaction of the Clerkship Director.
student will also be referred to the P&G
Committee for review of his or her The course directors of electives that
professionalism. For all unexcused students take as part of the required course
absences, content must be made up to the for the completion of the MD degree
satisfaction of the Course Director. program, after appropriate determination
that an absence is unexcused, should
In the clinical years, where patient care report such absences to the Assistant Dean
responsibilities are the primary focus of for Clinical Learning for further
the student, any unexcused absence will evaluation and/or measures.
result in immediate evaluation and
investigation by the clerkship director. If Students who incur an unexcused absence
the first unexcused absence occurs in a from required sessions/activities in the
non-patient setting, for example, didactic Areas of Concentration (AOC)
seminar or tutor group session, the student Course/Program will receive an email
will receive an email warning from the warning from the AOC Director or AOC
Clerkship Director. If the first unexcused Course/Program Coordinator advising
absence occurs in a patient-care setting, them of their violation of the attendance
the student will be required to meet with standards. A second unexcused absence in
the Clerkship Director where a the AOC Course/Program will result in a
Professionalism Assessment Form (PAF), warning email from the AOC Director
including a remedial action, is completed. followed by a meeting where a PAF,
Each unexcused absence will be reported including a remedial action, is completed.
to the Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning A third unexcused absence in the AOC
who will track these across clerkships. In Course/Program may result in the student
keeping with the policy for the receiving a grade of “Marginal” for that
foundational science curriculum, two course. The AOC Director will complete a
unexcused absences across clerkships (i.e. PAF and the student will be required to
during the clerkship years) will result in a meet with the AOC Director for further
PAF being completed by the Clerkship evaluation of the reasons for persistent
Director, followed by a written or email absences. The outcomes of this meeting
warning from the Assistant Dean for will be documented and sent to the
Clinical Learning. A third unexcused student. The student will also be referred
absence in a clinical curriculum course to the P&G Committee for review of his
will result in the student receiving a grade or her professionalism. For all unexcused
of “Marginal” in the course where the absences, content must be made up to the
third unexcused absence occurred. In satisfaction of the AOC Director.
addition to the Course Director completing
a PAF, the student will be required to meet Remediation may include reflective
with the Assistant Dean for Clinical writing, increased monitoring of the
Learning for further evaluation of the student, meetings and/or counseling by
reasons for persistent absences. The one or more of the Vice Dean for
student will also be referred to the P&G Academic and Curricular Affairs, the
Committee for review of his or her Associate Dean for Student Affairs, the
professionalism. Assistant Dean for Medical Student
Depending on the scope and

Affairs, the Assistant Dean for
Foundational Sciences, the Assistant Dean
for Clinical Learning, the AOC Director
and the Student Academic Counsellors, or
any other action that the Course, Clerkship
or AOC Director deems appropriate. All
missed assignments and clinical activities
will be made up, and may include the
possibility of repeating a clerkship or sub-
internship in part or in its entirety and this
plan will be at the discretion of the
Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning in
consultation with other relevant deans and
the Clerkship Director.

Students who take electives or pursue

degree programs at institutions other than
WCM-Q are expected to comply fully
with the absence policy as set forth by that
institution and to incur consequences of its
violation as determined by that institution.
Evaluations/grades received from the
institution will become part of the
student’s official academic record at

These consequences are also set out in the

policy on Assessment and Remediation of

These consequences are also set out in the

policy on Assessment and Remediation of

Student Visa/Residency Guidelines
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum who are not Qatari nationals

To study in the medical curriculum at 2. Possesses a valid residency

Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, students visa/permit, and
must meet residency requirements of the 3. Is compliant with other Qatari
State of Qatar. governmental regulations and
This includes that the student:
Failure to do so will result in automatic
1. Meets and maintains all eligibility withdrawal from the Medical College.
requirements to possess a visa, as
set by the Government of Qatar,

Registration Continuity Policy

Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

The registration status of every student Definitions

enrolled in the medical curriculum will be
monitored by the Office of the Registrar.
Any student who is not registered in a
course15 or clerkship16 for a period of The process of being enrolled as a student
at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-
more than six weeks, excluding scheduled
Q) in the Doctor of Medicine degree
breaks, will be placed on an involuntary
conferred by Cornell University
leave of absence, except in exceptional
circumstances, conditional on the
approval of the relevant associate dean, or
The process of registering for a specific
his or her designee.
course or clerkship


15 Including a Extended Curriculum for Research

16 Excluding the Areas of Concentration Course/Program,

periods of extended remediation and approved leaves of absence
for academic, medical or personal reasons.

As outlined in the Add/Drop Policy for
Administration All Clerkships, Sub-Internships and
Electives, the Medicine and Surgery
Foundational Sciences Curriculum clerkships are pre-requisites to many
Students enrolled in the Foundational advanced course (SubI and Electives) and
Sciences Curriculum are pre-registered in need to be completed during the regularly
the requisite courses at the beginning of scheduled clerkship phase and not
the academic year. Students must remain deferred beyond this period. Deferral of
registered in these courses for the the Medicine and Surgery clerkships
academic year unless approval is given beyond this phase may only be made upon
for a Leave of Absence. the approval of the Vice Dean for
Academic and Curricular Affairs, or his or
her designee.
Clinical Curriculum
Students enrolled in the Clinical During the fourth year, students must
Curriculum and undertaking the clerkship maintain their enrolment status at WCM-
year should be registered in the following Q by being registered in a clerkship, SubI,
clerkships: offered elective or an independent elective
(including an Extended Curriculum for
• Ambulatory Care Research). A student in the fourth year
• Anesthesia and Critical Care who is not registered in a course for a
• Medicine period of more than six weeks will be
• Neurology placed on an involuntary leave of absence.
• Obstetrics and Gynecology
• Pediatrics
• Primary Care Withdrawal
• Psychiatry
• Surgery In exceptional circumstances, students
may be permitted to withdraw from a
Clerkship deferrals may only be made for course or clerkship, or from the program
compelling personal/medical reasons as a whole. Applications to withdraw will
upon recommendation of the Associate be considered on a case-by-case basis by
Dean for Student Affairs, or his or her the Vice Dean for Academic and
designee, or for compelling academic Curricular Affairs or his or her designee.
reasons upon the
recommendation/approval of the Vice
Dean for Academic and Curricular
Affairs, or his or her designee.

Leaves of Absence Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

A leave of absence is defined as “a services. Some types or duration of leave

temporary period of non-enrollment,” and may require the consent of the WCM-Q
may take three forms: academic, personal, Dean.
and medical. Students may apply for a
leave of absence as detailed below. The
leave of absence does not relieve the Administration
student of obligation to comply with the
policies and procedures of the Medical
Duration of Leave
College, including but not limited to, those
Leaves generally are granted for a defined
standards governing course remediation
period. Students who wish to change the
and repetition, completion of academic
leave dates or request an extension of their
work and time frames for completion of
leave of absence must seek approval from
the Medical College curriculum. All leaves
the relevant Associate Dean. Students
of absence will be entered on the transcript
who do not return to full-time status at the
as “Leave of Absence” with no distinction
end of an approved leave, and who have
among the different types of leave.
not applied for and been approved for
continuation of their leave of absence
status, will be considered to have
Purpose withdrawn from the Medical College.
Under certain circumstances, a student
Taking a leave of absence may have who wishes to return from a leave may
implications for scholarship or student have to satisfy conditions for reentry that
loan deferment/repayment status, housing, were established prior to taking the leave.
health coverage, or financial aid eligibility.
Prior to applying for a leave of absence, Types of Leave
students must investigate these
implications as they may pertain to their Academic Leave of Absence
personal situations. The Associate Dean Students who have been granted
for Student Affairs has discretion admission to pursue a different course of
regarding a leave status and the study or degree at another institution may
continuation of Medical College benefits request an academic leave of absence for
or services, such as housing, medical the period they are matriculated at the
coverage, and utilization of Medical institution for the course of study (for
College facilities. The Vice Dean for example, one academic year). A student
Academic and Curricular Affairs is with a “Marginal,” “Fail,” or “Incomplete”
responsible for reviewing and approving course grade is not considered to be a
the requests for academic leaves of student in good academic standing, and is
absence. The Associate Dean for Student ineligible to go on an academic leave of
Affairs is responsible for reviewing and absence until a passing grade is obtained
approving the requests for medical and in the pertinent course(s).To apply for an
personal leaves of absence. All students academic leave, a student must submit a
who are approved for any type of leave of copy of the letter of admission to the
absence will be charged a fee in order to degree program, along with a written
continue their student status with the request for a leave, to the Vice Dean for
Medical College. Students on leave may Academic and Curricular Affairs. The
also be charged other fees to continue to request must include the beginning and
receive Medical College benefits or ending dates of the program to which the

student has been admitted. At the time of to outline the steps needed to successfully
application, students must complete a re- re-enter the curriculum.
entry plan which is intended to outline the
steps needed to successfully re-enter the To return from a medical leave, the student
curriculum. Students are expected to must provide the Associate Dean for
return to the medical school curriculum as Student Affairs with a letter from the
full-time students after the end date of the treating physician confirming that the
academic leave. Academic leaves will not student is able to resume the curriculum
exceed two academic years. requirements. Student medical issues are
confidential and not maintained as a part
Students who are in the pre-clinical phase of the academic record. Details of medical
of the medical curriculum and who wish to history are never disclosed to the
pursue a bachelor’s degree at another administration, faculty or members of the
institution may request an academic leave P&G committee.
of absence for the period of matriculation
at the other institution. To apply for such Personal Leave of Absence
leave, a student must submit a copy of the The Associate Dean for Student Affairs
letter of admission to the degree program, grants a personal leave of absence. A
along with a written request for leave, to personal leave enables a student to take
the Vice Dean for Academic and time off, in extenuating circumstances, to
Curricular Affairs. The request must address issues of a personal nature,
include the beginning and ending dates of including those related to the health and
the program to which the student has been well-being of a family member or partner.
admitted. On return to the medical Ordinarily, personal leaves may not
curriculum, the student will resume study exceed one year; however, requests by
at the entry point of the pre-clinical students to extend their personal leave into
curriculum. a second year will be considered under
exceptional circumstances. To apply for a
Medical Leave of Absence personal leave of absence, students are
A medical leave of absence is granted by required to discuss their needs with the
the Associate Dean for Student Affairs Associate Dean for Student Affairs. At the
upon the recommendation of the student’s time of application, students must
treating physician and/or an administrative complete a re-entry plan which is intended
physician consultant appointed by the to outline the steps needed to successfully
Medical College. The purpose of the re-enter the curriculum.
medical leave is to enable students to seek
treatment for a health-related condition Leaves Initiated by the Medical
that interferes with the student’s ability to College
undertake the curriculum or that poses a Under certain circumstances, a student
threat to the health and safety of the experiencing difficulty in the medical
student or others. The term of the leave is curriculum may be permitted, or required,
for a period up to one year, based upon the to take a leave of absence. The process for
recommendation of the treating physician the leave is explained in the Promotion
and/or administrative physician consultant. and Graduation Standards and Procedures.
The leave may be extended for up to a
second and final year based upon the
recommendation of the treating physician Return to Medical Studies from
and/or an administrative physician Leaves of Absence
consultant. To apply for a medical leave, a At the time a leave of absence is granted,
student must meet with the Associate Dean the Medical College determines the length
for Student Affairs who can provide the of the leave and the conditions, if any, for
student with the name of an administrative a return from the leave of absence.
physician consultant if needed. At the Extensions of a leave of absence are not
time of application, students must automatic, even if within the time frame
complete a re-entry plan which is intended

permitted for the category of leave. A If a student does not return from a leave at
student who determines that he or she is the conclusion of the set time period, and
not returning at the time scheduled for a has not received an extension in writing,
leave to end should consult with the the individual will be deemed to have
relevant Associate Dean as early as withdrawn from the Medical College.
possible before the scheduled return date. Similarly, if a student has not satisfied the
This will enable a student to learn whether criteria to return, if any, and has not
or not an extension of the leave of absence received an extension in writing, he or she
can be granted, or if the student needs to will be deemed to have withdrawn. No
make other arrangements. Similarly, if further action will be necessary to finalize
conditions have been set for a student’s the withdrawal. A student who has been
eligibility to return from a leave, the classified as withdrawn after a leave of
student should demonstrate, in a timely absence generally may apply for
fashion to the relevant Associate Dean, readmission.
that he or she has satisfied the readmission

Extended Curriculum for Research
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum
“Marginal,” “Fail,” or “Incomplete”
An Extended Curriculum for Research is course grade is not considered to be a
a defined period in which students may student in good academic standing, and is
pursue an approved research project. ineligible to participate in an Extended
Students are considered enrolled in the Curriculum for Research until a passing
Medical College during this time as long grade is obtained in the pertinent
as they are enrolled in the Extended course(s).
Curriculum for Research and making
degree progress. Participating in an The procedure for securing an Extended
Extended Curriculum for Research does Curriculum for Research is by formal
not relieve the student of their obligation application, which may be obtained in the
to comply with the policies and Office of the Registrar. The application
procedures of the Medical College, requires the student to submit an outline
including but not limited to those of the proposed research project that will
standards governing course remediation be completed during the course of the
and repetition, completion of academic Extended Curriculum and supportive
work and time frames for completion of correspondence from the faculty member
the Medical College curriculum. who will be overseeing the project.
Applications for an Extended Curriculum
for Research are ordinarily restricted to
Purpose students who have completed Phase 2 of
the curriculum. Exceptional requests may
be reviewed on a case-to-case basis.
Undertaking an Extended Curriculum for
Applications for an Extended Curriculum
Research may have implications for
for Research must be submitted at least 2
scholarship or student loan
months before the Research is due to
deferment/repayment status, housing,
begin. Students who wish to change the
health coverage, or financial aid
dates or request an extension of their
eligibility. Prior to applying for an
Extended Curriculum must seek approval
Extended Curriculum for Research,
from the Assistant Dean for Student
students must investigate these
implications as they may pertain to their
personal situations. All students who are
At the time of application, students must
approved for an Extended Curriculum for
complete a re-entry plan which is
Research will be charged a fee in order to
intended to outline the steps needed to
continue their student status with the
successfully enter the next phase of the
Medical College. Other fees may also be
charged to continue to receive Medical
College benefits or services.
If students wish to engage in research
prior to the submission of their formal
application for an Extended Curriculum
Administration for Research, this work must be done
either in accordance with elective
Applying for an Extended guidelines or, if the student has
Curriculum for Research unscheduled time, on a not-for-credit
The Assistant Dean for Student Research basis. If work is begun before the
approves participation in an Extended application is submitted, approval of the
Curriculum for Research. A student with a Extended Curriculum for Research will

recognize the date that the application was rules and visa requirements) that may not
submitted as the start date of the Extended exceed two academic years.
Curriculum for Research.
Duration If for any reason, the research is
While the terms of the Extended terminated during the Extended
Curriculum for Research are generally for Curriculum, the student is obligated to
one academic year, approval may be notify the Assistant Dean for Student
given for a longer period of time Research, and the Office of the Registrar
(dependent on applicable immigration immediately.

Conducting the AOC Scholarly Project
During an Extended Curriculum for
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

To obtain a more extensive opportunity Curriculum for Research on an

for research, students may conduct part or independent topic, unrelated to the
all of their required AOC Scholarly student’s AOC SP and with a
Project (SP) during a year-long Extended different mentor.
Curriculum for Research, provided the 6. All students contemplating an
necessary approvals are obtained in Extended Curriculum for
advance. The SP begins at the usual time Research with AOC implications
(SP block 1) and then continues into an at any time are strongly
Extended Curriculum for Research. The encouraged to discuss their plans
student would be exempt from the other as far in advance as possible with
SP blocks requirement since the student the Director of the AOC
would have conducted the SP research for Course/Program, Associate Dean
sufficient additional time during the for Student Affairs and the
Extended Curriculum for Research. Assistant Dean for Student
Research. Note that all required
Administration paperwork must be submitted no
less than 2 months in advance of
General Policy the start of the first SP block.
7. Any exceptions to this policy must
1. An Extended Curriculum for be approved by the Director of the
Research extending or replacing AOC Course/Program, Assistant
the AOC SP research must usually Dean for Student Research and
be at least 10 months in duration Vice Dean for Academic and
and no more than 12 months. Curricular Affairs.
2. The Extended Curriculum for
Research will not start until after
the end of SP Block 1. Specific Requirements and Timeline
3. In order to graduate, all students
must take the Translational The SP is conducted during Block 1 and
Science (TS) and Advanced continues into an Extended Curriculum
Clinical Ethics (ACE) courses at for Research
their usual time, normally during
the SP Block 1 period. 1. Standard deadlines apply for both
4. Similarly, all students must the SP proposal and Extended
participate in the AOC Work-in- Curriculum for Research
Progress (WIP) discussion groups, application:
and the Poster Session in the • Mentor-approved SP
standard time frame. proposal is submitted in
5. Unrelated to the AOC January of year 3 for
Course/Program, it remains review, feedback, and
possible to conduct an Extended approval by AOC

• At least 60 days in contain text already used
advance of the proposed in the SP proposal,
Extended Curriculum for although it may be more
Research, the student extensive in scope.
submits a Letter of Intent Student must notify the
(LOI) to the Registrar’s Registrar’s office and
office indicating the AOC administration of
proposal title, mentor’s the change of timeline for
contact details, and length completion of SP
and duration of the research.
anticipated Extended 2. Students participate in the AOC
Curriculum for Research. Work-in-Progress (WIP)
If approval of the discussion groups, and the poster
Extended Curriculum for session, as per their normal
Research plan is granted schedule.
by the Registrar’s office, 3. A final written report of the
the mentor approved research conducted must be
Extended Curriculum for submitted to the AOC
Research Application administration, with approval
form should be submitted from the SP/Extended Curriculum
to the AOC administration for Research mentor, no later than
at least 1 month before the the last day of the approved
projected start date of the Extended Curriculum for
Extended Curriculum for Research and should be in the
Research. The research required format of the AOC
description required in Scholarly Project Written Report.
this application can

Academic Enrichment Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

On entering the medical curriculum, some identified as having difficulty with clinical skills
students cope well with the academic demands of (e.g., communicating with patients, writing notes,
coursework and may wish to enhance their organization, and time-management) may also be
learning experience through academic enrichment assigned a tutor.
during their education. Some students may have
difficulty adjusting to the academic demands of
the medical curriculum and may struggle for a LEO Service Initiation
number of reasons: gaps in prior knowledge;
difficulty understanding how knowledge is Once a referral is made, LEO will assign a peer
structured in a particular subject area; difficulty tutor for the relevant content area and
identifying relationships between major concepts; communicate this to the tutored student and tutor.
sense of being lost in the details; having problems In some instances, the student may have an initial
imposing meaningful organization of the material; meeting with LEO faculty who may provide basic
test anxiety; poor test-taking strategies; time study, guidance and strategies pertaining to the
demands, especially during clinical service; or needs of the student.
simply inadequate study skills.
During the subsequent peer tutoring sessions,
tutors may provide content review, as well as basic
study, test-taking, and time-management
Administration strategies, as appropriate. Students may also be
referred to the Clinical Skills and Simulation
Referring Students to Learning Center for additional help.
Enrichment Office (LEO)
Students under LEO guidance may have an
A student may self-identify him/herself as individualized Learning Plan (ILP) that will be
benefiting from LEO services and can make a self- developed in conjunction with the student and/or
referral to LEO. In addition, the following other relevant faculty to best meet identified
individuals may identify and refer students: a learning needs.
member of faculty, academic advisors, Learning plans may have specific goals, a defined
course/clerkship directors and unit leaders, the timeframe, and plan for evaluation. Learning plans
promotion and graduation (P&G) committee, may include various elements such as regular
student affairs deans and officers, and academic meetings with faculty, tutoring sessions, or
deans. referral to student affairs. Learning plans may
span fixed support periods or, in some cases, may
Criteria for referral of students with academic be in place for longitudinal support. Learning
difficulty may include the following: students with plans may be shared with academic advisors if
course averages more than 1.0 standard deviation deemed appropriate.
below the class mean in a foundational sciences
course; remediation of a unit in a foundational Students who are identified as possibly having
science course; students whose performance learning disabilities or other special needs will be
during the foundational science courses causes referred to the Division of Student Affairs for
concern regarding performance on upcoming shelf further support.
exams; failure of a USMLE or IFOM exam; or a
non-passing grade in a clerkship due to failure of
a shelf exam or poor clinical skills such as critical
reasoning or oral presentation skills. Students
Responsibilities of the Tutored Student
Tutors are required to provide a summary of the
If a student accepts a tutor, he/she must adhere to sessions (e.g., content areas, teaching materials)
the following: and a signed log of content hours spent tutoring
the assigned student.
The tutored student is responsible for contacting
the assigned tutor via email to set up the initial Outcome Measures
tutoring session.
Outcomes will be measured using student
The tutored student should identify the specific satisfaction feedback and self-assessment of
content areas and skills on which he/she would perceived improvement.
like to focus and explain that to the tutor during
the initial session. LEO Faculty can also assist the Confidentiality and Academic
student in assessing those need. Standing

Students are expected to show a commitment to Tutors are expected to maintain confidentiality
the learning process by coming prepared to each and not share any information about whom they
session (e.g., bringing any assignments, questions, tutor or the content of the tutoring sessions with
or materials agreed upon by the tutor/faculty and anyone other than LEO. Tutors may reach out to
tutored student). course leadership for advice on specific content
areas on which to focus but without reference to
If students anticipate arriving late for a tutoring the specific student being tutored.
session or need to cancel/reschedule, they must
contact the tutor/faculty as soon as possible. LEO Faculty will ensure that there is no conflict
of interest or bias in the formal assessment of
Students are under no obligation to continue student performance or promotion decisions.
tutoring or to continue with the same tutor. Tutoring sessions or any other contact with LEO
Students who find the tutoring session(s) not are not recorded on the student’s transcript.
helpful and wish to discontinue tutoring or be
matched with another tutor should contact LEO.

At the end of the tutoring block, tutored students

will provide feedback about the tutoring

Responsibilities of the Tutor

Whenever possible, tutors should be more senior

students and not in the same class as the students
they tutor. Tutors typically are in high academic
standing, have excelled in the content area, have a
strong interest in teaching, and have good study
habits and time-management skills.

If tutors anticipate arriving late for a tutoring

session or need to cancel/reschedule, they are
expected to contact their tutoring student as soon
as possible.

Tutors are expected to contact LEO with any

concerns that may arise regarding the tutored
student’s progress or behavior.

Remediation Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

There are clear assessment and evaluation

guidelines for each course and clerkship
in the medical curriculum. Students are Administration
made aware of these guidelines at the
onset of each course and clerkship. Guiding Principles
1. Remediation should be
Early identification of academic considered as an additional
difficulties is a key component of the component supporting the
support offered to medical curriculum learning pathways of students,
students. Students who are identified as when necessary, rather than as a
potentially being at risk of needing formal punitive or disciplinary activity.
remediation, for example by failing 2. Students who accumulate one or
several quizzes or achieving course more non-passing grades in their
averages more than one standard clerkships may be required, at the
deviation below the class mean are discretion of the Assistant Dean
encouraged to seek support from the for Clinical Learning, to drop
Learning Enrichment Office (see Policy further clerkships until the
on Academic Enrichment) and the student appropriate academic assessment
academic counsellors. is provided and successful
clerkship remediations are
Students may require formal academic completed.
remediation for a variety of reasons which 3. Students are offered remediation
may be short-term, for example, specific and supplemental assessment at
difficulties with one particular topic or the discretion of the
component of a course or missing classes Course/Clerkship director and in
and falling behind in course work due to accordance with the Promotion
illness or other personal reasons, or occur and Graduation standards.
over a longer period for reasons such as; 4. The Course/Clerkship director,
low motivation, poor study skills, exam co- director or associate director
anxiety, an under-developed ability to will develop the remediation plan,
synthesize and apply theoretical which should be individualized,
knowledge, or an inability to act as a self- interactive, and able to be
learner. delivered in a meaningful context,
and will include a timeline for
This policy is solely concerned with the completing the remediation and
remediation of academic difficulties. assessment process. The
Lapses in professionalism and the remediation plan will be agreed
remediation of professionalism are upon by the Course/Clerkship
covered in the Assessment and director and the student.
Remediation of Professionalism policy. 5. The Course/Clerkship director
retains the right to specify the
nature of any supplemental
Purpose assessment, which may not be in
This policy outlines a consistent approach the same form as the original
and set of expectations for students who assessment.
fail a unit, course or clerkship. 6. Where the assessment is in the
form of a subjective assessment

(e.g. oral exam), where possible exam is offered. Students who do
the assessor will be a different not take the exam on the date
individual from the original offered, without prior approval
assessor. from the Course/Clerkship
7. Remediation cannot occur whilst Director or Assistant Dean, will
a student is enrolled in an receive no credit and no
ongoing unit or course, so as not opportunity for make-up. Times
to compromise performance in will be selected that do not
the current or subsequent conflict with formal curriculum
units/courses. That is, events.
remediation should take place in 9. A student who fails a course or
designated periods. (During a clerkship will be required to
designated time as per the agreed repeat it at a time when it is
upon remediation plan). regularly offered.
8. Students must undertake 10. All students who require
remediation in the specified time- remediation will be referred to the
frame and sit for examination on P&G Committee for discussion.
campus at the designated time the

Academic Advising Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

The Academic Advising Program has two advisor who is able to provide individualized specialty-
components, Longitudinal Advising and specific guidance on career planning from career
Career Advising, that extend across the four choice through matching to a residency program. If the
years of instruction. student does not have a clear preference at this point, a
Longitudinal advisors are WCM-Q faculty clinical advisor will be assigned. Specialty career
who are responsible for facilitating the advisors and academic counsellors provide mentorship
transition of students into the medical and assistance with fourth year planning, the residency
curriculum. They provide guidance and application process, an assessment of a student’s
support to students on a personal, academic relative competitiveness in the specialty, and a
and professional level, beginning in phase 1 recommended individualized list of “good fit”
of the medical curriculum and continuing programs.
longitudinally throughout phases 2 and 3.
Mid-way through phase 2, students are
assigned a career advisor based on the The plan of study summarizes the student’s academic
student’s choice of specialty. performance to date and outlines the student’s
proposed coursework for the fourth year, including
career-appropriate intramural and “audition” away -
Purpose elective courses, elective courses outside the primary
specialty, the required sub-internship, and remaining
graduation course requirements.
The purpose of academic advising policy is to
support students as they develop their Students are required to have a 1:1 meeting with their
professional, academic and career identities career advisor(s) who review and approve the fourth-
as physicians-in-training. year plan of study. The plan of study is then reviewed
and approved by the Director for Student Advising for
career specialty appropriateness, electives within and
Administration outside a student’s specialty, and for overall graduation
Longitudinal advisors are given an To bolster advising, and to ensure that students are
orientation to the program by the Director well-informed, a series of class meetings are held
for Student Advising with roadmaps of throughout all four years of the medical curriculum.
milestones and common stress points in
order to provide specific guidance and
Should a conflict arise, a student may request an
resources based on individual student need.
alternate longitudinal or career advisor with the
Students are required to meet with their
Director for Student Advising.
advisor at least once a semester Outside the
one formal meeting per semester, faculty
and/or students may initiate meetings if and
when a need arises.

Students are encouraged to explore specialties

throughout their first and second years in the
medical curriculum. Half-way through their
third year, students are encouraged to declare
their specialty preferences. Based on their
declared specialty, the Director for Student
Advising, will assign a dedicated specialty

Student Representation Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

Weill Cornell Medicine Qatar (WCM-Q) Administration

is committed to working in partnership
with students to develop its teaching and
learning environment. Student
representation on medical curriculum Students will be represented on medical
committees allows students to participate curriculum committees in accordance
in and contribute to decision-making with the charge of each:
processes and enhances their learning
experience. Student representation forms Representative roles are for one full
one element of WCM-Q’s approach to academic year. If a student wishes to
student engagement. There are a range of continue the role into the next academic
other mechanisms through which students year then he/she will need to stand for
can engage and give feedback, such as election again.
completing course evaluations, attending
student meetings and forums, getting
If during the term of office, a student
involved with the Medical Students’
representative steps down then every
Executive Committee-Qatar (MSEC-Q) or
effort should be made to secure a new
other student organizations and taking
representative from the same class for the
part in focus groups. Regular informal
remainder of the term.
meetings between course leadership and
representatives of all year levels
complement formal student representation
on committees and allow for more in- Student Selection
depth exploration of student concerns and Student representatives should be elected
ideas. This policy focuses solely on the by their fellow students.
student representation aspect of
engagement and sets out the formal To allow for a transparent and fair
processes and structures that facilitate and process, the voting will be coordinated by
support student representation in the Student Affairs, and to ensure that there is
governance of the medical curriculum. broad representation of the medical
student body, no student should represent
their peers on more than one committee.
In some cases, it may not be feasible for
To promote robust student representation student representatives to be elected and
in the governance of the medical an alternative system may need to be put
curriculum and ensure appropriate student in place, for instance, a system of open
participation in the design, management nomination. Where this is the case the
and evaluation of the curriculum. process of nomination should be
publicized as widely as possible to ensure
all students are aware of the opportunity
to participate. Student representatives
should not be selected by faculty or staff.

Information about the student

representation system and the opportunity progress.
to participate should be promulgated by
the student body and included in the
student handbook. Responsibilities of the Committee
A student who wishes to put his/her name The Committee Chair or his/her delegate
forward to act as a student representative should:
should be in good academic and
professional standing. • Ensure that committee meetings
are a safe space for ideas and
issues to be discussed broadly and
Responsibilities of the Student that there is no discussion of
individual faculty, staff or
Representatives students nor of personal
The role of a student representative is a complaints, grievances or appeals.
responsible and prestigious one. Student • Provide training to student
representatives should ensure that the representatives, should this be
issues and concerns of the students they necessary.
represent are addressed appropriately, and
• Ensure that student
that actions and subsequent outcomes are
representatives have appropriate
communicated to the wider student body.
and timely access to resources
and information to support their
Student representatives should: role including access to all
relevant meeting information such
as agendas, papers and minutes
• Attend and contribute, as far as
and information on actions taken
possible, to any scheduled
in response to feedback.
• Ensure student representatives
• If unable to attend notify the
have the capacity to add agenda
committee secretary and ask their
items to relevant meetings.
substitute to represent them.
• Provide access to photocopying
• Ensure that they are prepared for
or printing facilities, should
meetings by reading papers and
student representatives wish to
consulting with the students they
print papers, discussion
represent on the issues to be
documents etc.
• Monitor and evaluate student
• Provide feedback to the students
representation on an on-going
they represent on the outcomes.
• Maintain appropriate levels of
• Provide appropriate recognition
of the contribution of the student
• Ensure participation in
committees does not have an
adverse effect on their academic

Student Course and Duty Hours Policy
Approved by the Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Background • In the foundational phase, course
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical directors are expected to schedule
Education (ACGME) has established limits most required in-class activities to
on the work hours of interns and residents. occur before 3:00pm, Sunday
In addition, the Institute of Medicine through Thursday.
(IOM), acting at the request of Congress, • Some clinical activities and
has issued a slightly more restrictive laboratory exercises will be
report regarding intern and resident work scheduled after 3:00pm, Sunday
hours. The report, entitled Resident Duty through Thursday.
Hours: Enhancing Sleep, Supervision, and • The curriculum also requires
Safety, was published in December 2008. students to complete certain
assignments in preparation for
The Liaison Committee on Medical subsequent in-class activities
Education (LCME) established the (e.g., vodcasts and online
following standard for all medical modules).
schools: "The committee responsible for • The maximum number of hours
the curriculum, along with medical school that a student is required to spend
administration and educational program in classroom, clinical, laboratory,
leadership, must develop and implement or required vodcast/online
policies regarding the amount of time modules should ideally be less
students spend in required activities, than 30 hours and not exceed 35
including the total required hours spent in hours per week, on average, over
clinical and educational activities during the duration of a course.
clinical clerkships." • Although scheduled time in
required activities is limited by
this policy, students are expected
In keeping with the WCM Policy on
to spend considerable additional
Student Duty Hours, WCM-Q adopts the
time studying, reviewing material,
following policy, adapted only with
preparing for class and engaging
regards to the local organizational
in a scholarly pursuit of
extracurricular activities that
contribute to the formation of
Policy for Hours in Required their professional identity as
Activities in the Foundational physicians.
• "Required Activities” in Policy for Student Duty Hours
foundational and scholarship During the Clerkships, Sub-
phases refers to time spent in Internships, and Clinical Electives
classroom, clinical, laboratory, or
• "Duty Hours" refers to time when
required preparatory activities. It
a student is scheduled to
does not include time needed to
participate in patient care or
complete homework assignments,
educational events, such as
papers, case write-ups, optional
seminars, lectures, and rounds. It
reading or self-assessment

does not refer to academic survey is reviewed by course leaders and
reading, study time, off-site skills will allow them to identify whether a
practice, off-site preparation time, potential violation may be occurring
or travel time. during the course.
• The maximum number of hours
that a student may be on duty in If a student reports the violation directly
one week is 80 hours, averaged to the course or clerkship director, the
over 4 weeks. Course or Clerkship director is required to
• The maximum frequency of in- investigate the situation and attempt to
hospital call is every third night. remedy it. If the situation is not remedied,
• In the ED, the maximum number the student must report the situation to an
of shift hours per week is 60 Assistant Dean. Evidence of violation of
hours, with an additional 12 hours the Student Duty Hours policy by direct
permitted for education. student report to an Assistant Dean will be
• The maximum continuous on-site brought to the attention of the course or
shift length is 16 hours. clerkship director. The course or clerkship
• Work in any ED is limited to 12 director will be required to investigate the
continuous hours followed by a situation and provide a report to the
minimum of 12 continuous hours Assistant Dean who filed the report of the
off duty. violation with a copy to the Vice Dean for
• Students may not be scheduled Academic and Curricular Affairs
for more than 6 consecutive night indicating how the situation has been
shifts. remedied.
• The minimum time off between
scheduled shifts is 10 hours after Monitoring and Enforcement of
a day shift and 12 hours after a the Duty and Course Hours Policy
night shift, The Course and Clerkship directors are
• As a minimum, a student must responsible for disseminating the policy to
have off duty 1 day (24 course faculty, residents, and students,
consecutive hours) per week. and regularly monitoring time spent in
required activities as outlined above. The
Student Role in Monitoring Duty monitoring will be done by the review of
Hours schedules and required preparatory
Students are asked to report violations of activities, direct input from student course
the Student Duty Hours policy, and such surveys and student course representatives
reporting may be done in several ways. In and in the case of duty hours, reports of
the case of clerkships, where residents, violations by students themselves. Course
attending physicians, or other hospital and Clerkship directors are expected to
team members create the violation of the regularly review the number of required
Student Duty Hours policy, students may assignments in their courses including
make a direct report to the write-ups, required readings, essays,
Course/Clerkship director. Students may preparing for formal in-class presentations
also make a direct report to an Assistant etc. The subcommittees of the Medical
Dean (Foundational Sciences, Clinical Executive Curriculum and Policy
Learning). In addition, all students will be Committee will report their findings
asked about course or clerkship annually. Based on the findings, the
compliance with the Student Course and Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy
Duty Hours Policy via a question on the Committee will make a determination as
course/clerkship evaluation form. to the ongoing effectiveness of the policy
Although student reporting on the course and its enforcement, and take appropriate
evaluation is anonymous, the evaluation action.

Formative Feedback Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

It is the expectation of the Medical individualized feedback is provided from

College that faculty will provide students the course director by email, telephone, or
with formative feedback on their overall an in-person meeting and may also
performance during required courses and include referral for additional academic
clerkships. The content of the feedback support.
should align with areas that are included
in summative assessments. At a minimum, During the clerkships, mid-clerkship
feedback should include an assessment feedback is provided at a scheduled
and/or discussion of medical knowledge meeting between the student and the
and where relevant clinical, research, Clerkship director, Associate director or
participation, teamwork, and
relevant clerkship faculty. The student and
professionalism. relevant faculty member document
successful completion of the feedback
Similarly, during the AOCs, the AOC
The purpose of the feedback is to provide
faculty, pathway advisers, research
the student with a sense of relative mentor and/or designee provide feedback
strengths and areas needing improvement
at scheduled meetings as well as
in meeting the learning objectives of the documented progress reports. In the
course. AOC/SP required block time, both the
student and relevant faculty
member/mentor will document the
Administration feedback that has been provided.

Formative feedback may include quizzes,

case analysis exams, self-assessment Monitoring
questions, narrative written feedback from
small group sessions, “practice” non-
The provision of feedback to students is
graded write-ups, formative patient
monitored during each course or rotation
simulation sessions, and/or one-on-one
by course leadership and curriculum
meetings with course faculty, as needed.
coordinators and annually by the Medical
Overall student performance is also
Executive Curriculum and Policy
monitored on an ongoing basis by the
Committee, its relevant subcommittees,
course directors. For students whose
and by the medical education deans.
course performance is not satisfactory,

Add/Drop Policy for All Clerkships, Sub-
Internships and Electives
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

In the clinical curriculum, students are an clerkships, which are pre-requisites to

integral part of the patient care team, and many advanced courses, need to be
this makes the scheduling process completed during the regularly scheduled
complex. In order to ensure both optimal clerkship phase and not deferred beyond
learning and patient care environments, this period.
clinical courses have minimum and
maximum enrollment numbers, and
Students may switch (DROP/ADD) the
clerkship directors require advanced
order of their clerkships, sub-I’s and
planning to appropriately assign students electives provided that:
to specific clinical teams.
1. Changes do not affect course
Clerkships minimum/maximum enrollment
During the clerkship phase, clerkship numbers.
students should remain enrolled in the 2. The Clerkship Add/Drop form is
following core clerkships: submitted to the Registrar’s
Office 45 days prior to the start of
the clerkship.
• Anesthesia and Critical Care
• Medicine It is highly unlikely that a request past the
• Neurology deadline will be considered except in
• Obstetrics & Gynecology extraordinary extenuating circumstances
• Pediatrics at the discretion of the Vice Dean for
• Primary Care Academic and Curricular Affairs or his or
• Psychiatry her delegate.
• Surgery
Required Sub-Internship
Students enrolled in a required sub-
Clerkship deferrals may only be internship may DROP or ADD the sub-
made for: internship provided that:

Changes do not affect the sub-

1. Compelling personal/medical internship minimum/maximum
reasons. enrollment numbers.
2. Compelling academic reasons - The Sub-I Add/Drop written request
typically remediation of academic is submitted to the Registrar’s Office
encumbrances. 60 days prior to the start of theSub-I.

Students must seek advice from Faculty, Any adjustment to sub-internship

advisors or staff in Medical Education enrollment that occurs within 60 days of
and/or Student Affairs before applying to the start of the course requires permission
defer a clerkship. and approval from the Vice Dean for
Academic and Curricular Affairs or his or
Of note, the Medicine and Surgery herdelegate.

days prior to the start of the Sub-I to the
Registrar Office.
After verification by the Office of the
Registrar, sign-off is required from the
In order to receive academic credit for an
Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning
elective, students must be officially
and/or the Vice Dean for Academic and
enrolled prior to the course start date.
Curricular Affairs or his or her delegate.
Retroactive academic credit will not be
The Office of the Registrar will advise
granted for any elective work that the
whether or not additional review and
student has not enrolled in prior to the
approval by the Assistant Dean for
course start date. This applies to all
Clinical Learning and/or the Vice Dean
for Academic and Curricular Affairs is
required. If required, the student must
Students enrolled in an elective may arrange the meeting as soon as possible in
DROP or ADD an elective up to 45 days order to give the Assistant Dean for
prior to the start date of the elective. ClinicalLearning and/or the Vice Dean
for Academic and Curricular Affairs or
his or her delegate adequate time to
Process to Apply for consider the application. Once required
signatures have been obtained, the
Dropping and Adding completed Add/Drop form (for
Clerkships, Sub-I, and clerkships) should be submitted to the
Office of the Registrar. Students may not
Electives contact Clerkship Directors directly to
discuss a request to add or drop a clinical
In order to meet the Add/Drop rotation.
requirements, any changes must be made
45 days prior to the start of the NOTE:
Clerkship or Elective (and 60 days
prior to the start of the Sub-I). 1. Students will not be allowed to
drop an elective after the start
A completed Clerkship Add/Drop Form date, without documented
must be submitted for verification to the exceptional circumstances
Office of the Registrar at least 45 days reviewed and approved by the
prior to the start of a Clerkship. Assistant Dean for Clinical
A written request (email) to Add/Drop an Learning
Elective must be submitted at least 45
days prior to the start of the elective to
Any questions about dropping or adding
the Registrar Office
clinical courses should be directed to the
A written request (email) to Add/Drop a
Office of the Registrar. See also FAQs.
Sub-I must be submitted at least 60

HIPAA and Electronic Health Record
(EHR) Guidelines
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

WCM-Q requires all its members, including results, medical bills, health histories, discharge,
students, to safeguard Protected Health admittance, and death dates are just a few
Information (PHI) that is entrusted to them and, examples of PHI. All health information is
as an institution, understands its responsibility to considered PHI when it includes individual
adhee to all applicable provisions of the Health identifiers.
Insurance Portability and accountability Act
(HIPAA) and the laws and regulations of the Qatar has also promulgated several laws and
State of Qatar. regulations that protect the privacy and
confidentiality of personal data, including
HIPAA is a USA federal law that provides health, physical and psychological conditions.
protection for PHI from being disclosed without Law no. 13 of 2016 on Personal Data Privacy
the patient’s or research subject’s consent or Protection, Law No. 2 of 1983 with respect to
knowledge. the Practice of the Profession of Medicine and
Dental Medicine and Surgery, and the Patient’s
There are three rules for protecting patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities established
health information under HIPAA: by the Ministry of Public Health of Qatar are
• The Privacy Rule – protects an some of those regulations.
individual’s personal health information
and gives patients certain rights with Purpose
respect to that information.
Concurrently, the Privacy Rule permits
the disclosure of PHI needed for patient WCM-Q medical students and faculty may
care and other important purposes. have access to PHI during the course of their
• The Security Rule – set standards for medical education and provision of patient
safeguarding electronic PHI. care at the affiliated hospitals.
• The Breach Notification Rule – requires The affiliated hospitals use various systems to
notification to patients when their maintain Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
unsecured protected health information for their patients.
was disclosed, used or breached. Accordingly, WCM-Q students must learn
effective and appropriate use of EHRs in order
The law sets rules and limitations on who can to assume roles of increasing responsibility.
view and receive a patient’s PHI whether it is The following constitute guidelines for the
verbal, electronic, or written. PHI includes any appropriate use of EHRs by WCM-Q medical
information that is created or received and made students.
part of a patient’s medical record by doctors,
nurses, public health authorities, health insurers,
or other health care providers, employers, Students can access and use the EHRs
schools or university; and also includes the past, of the following patient groups:
present, or future physical or mental health or
condition of a patient; any conversations a. Patients in the care of the
between a patient and his/her doctor and nurses student’s assigned team, for
in regard to treatment or care and the provision the purposes of patient care
of health care to a patient; or the past, present or (e.g., documentation, review
future payment or billing information for the of pertinent history,
provision of health care to the patient. Lab preparation for rounds) and
educational assignments

(e.g., case write-ups). for which the student participated in the
b. Patients in the care of patient’s medical care.
another medical team on
the same unit or ward as the For EHRs access beyond 90 days,
student, if directed by their permission from the attending physician
attending or resident for should be obtained, followed by direct
patient care needs (e.g., informed consent from the patient. These
cross- coverage on should be documented in the medical
weekends). record.
c. Patients who are not in the
student’s care or the care
of the student’s assigned
team but who have
medical findings of high Additional EHR guidelines
educational value as and best practices for
determined by a senior
medical students:
member (e.g., chief
resident, attending) of the
Causes for privacy and/or confidentiality
patient’s medical team. In
breach incidents include, but are not limited to,
this case, the student
unauthorized access to or disclosure of patient
should access only the
PHI pertaining to the medical record of a
minimum necessary
fellow student, staff, faculty, friend, spouse, or
components of the EHR
other family members without their written
and always under the
authorization in the patient’s record; sharing
supervision of the senior
EHRs passwords and working or enabling
member of the team.
others to work under the same user ID.
d. For research purposes in
accordance with an IRB-
Potential WCM-Q sanctions for breaching
approved protocol.
privacy and/or confidentiality rules or failing
to abide by WCM-Q and the affiliated
Students should recuse themselves from
institutions EHRs policies may include, in
accessing the EHRs, or participating in the care
order of ascending severity: verbal/written
of the following patient groups:
warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal
from WCM-Q.
a. Faculty members, residents, or fellows
who are known to the student or who
have had or may potentially have a
professional or supervisory relationship
to the student in the future.
b. Fellow students or their family members.
c. Friends or family members of the

For educational purposes, a student may access

the EHRs of a patient in his or her care for up to
90 days following completion of the student’s
involvement in the patient’s medical care. This
access is limited to:

a. Academic or educational use (e.g.,

completion of assigned case write-ups,
follow-up on diagnostic tests).
b. The minimum necessary components of
the EHRs, pertaining only to conditions

Clinical Supervision Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

In accordance with WCM-Q’s clinical

supervision policy, during required Activities:
clinical experiences students require • History and Physical exams.
supervision for all activities as defined • Discussion with Patients
below. In order to align expectations of regarding conditions and plans
the students and clinical teams, this policy
is explained as part of annual and course Direct Supervision
level orientations (i.e., live sessions and Definition: Direct supervision means that
required online educational modules) for the supervisor is physically present with
teaching faculty and students and is the student and patient, and can observe
posted on the Canvas learning and direct the care.
management system for each clinical
Dissemination and orientation to expected • Advanced patient care discussions
clinical experiences and associated levels • Sensitive parts of the physical
of responsibility for any given clerkship exam, e.g. pelvic exam
are included as part of orientation to the • Consents for procedures
“Clinical Supervision” policy. • Invasive procedures

All orders are co-signed by a supervisor

Purpose prior to them being active and available to
This policy defines the role of supervisor be acted upon.
during clinical experiences and outlines
the activities students may undertake if Access to Supervisors
they are under direct or indirect (with The chain of command for patient care
direct immediate available) supervision. decisions should be clear to the student
and the attending physician for each
Students must be aware of who direct
Definition of Supervisor supervisors are for every clinical
• Credentialed Attending at site experience and understand how to contact
where clinical activity or rotation them
is occurring
• Credentialed Resident or Fellow Supervisors must ensure that students are
at site where rotation is occurring aware how to contact them. If the
supervisor is not available, alternative
supervisors should be designated and
Indirect Supervision with Direct made known to the students.
Immediate Available
Definition: Supervisor is physically
within the location of the patient and
student (i.e., the hospital or off-site
location) and is immediately available to
provide direct supervision.

mechanisms, i.e., anonymous
Reporting and Monitoring course evaluations.
Related to Clinical • Students must be provided with
contact information for the site
Supervision director of the clinical experience,
as well as the course director. In
• Students are expected to seek addition, students may reach out
immediate consultation or to the Associate Dean for Student
supervision from their clinical Affairs to confidentially discuss
team or clerkship leadership in issues of supervision.
any situation where they feel they • All concerns about clinical
have a lack of knowledge or supervision are reviewed by
experience. course leaders, relevant education
• Students may discuss issues deans and clinical departmental
related to and/or give feedback on leadership. Individual feedback
supervision to course leadership and/or remediation, if needed,
or the Assistant Dean for Clinical occurs at the level of the clinical
Learning, through direct, i.e., department.
face-to-face, and indirect

Mid-Clerkship Feedback Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

Mid-clerkship feedback is a scheduled, related to clinical skills (i.e. additional

individual, face-to-face discussion with practice at the CSSC, Near-Peer or other
clerkship leadership or designated tutoring) they may reach out to course
clerkship faculty. leadership and/or the Learning
Enrichment Office to discuss.
The purpose of mid-clerkship feedback is
purely formative: a discussion about In order to ensure that each student
overall areas of strength and areas of receives formal mid-clerkship feedback
improvement at the mid-point of the and to monitor this in “real time”,
rotation, intended to guide student students will also need to complete the
performance during the remainder of the following 2-question acknowledgement
clerkship. Although the content of the survey after their session:
feedback discussion is aligned with the
components of student performance
1. I have completed the mid-
assessed to determine the final grade, the
clerkship feedback session
mid-clerkship feedback discussion is not
2. I submitted my clinical
meant to provide students with a formal
experience (case, procedure) log
to-date at the mid-clerkship
feedback session.
A key component of effective mid-
clerkship feedback is student reflection
Students and the clerkship leadership or
and self-assessment prior to the meeting
designated clerkship faculty to sign the
with the faculty and students will be asked
form at the completion of the feedback
to complete a brief self-assessment form
in addition to bringing their clinical
experience (case, procedure, and direct
observation of Hx and PE) logs. The completed mid-clerkship feedback
Additionally, if students feel they would forms are to be collated and retained by
benefit from additional academic support the Office of Curriculum Support.

Clerkship Grading Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

All clerkships use “competency-based” that requires remediation. If

grading, which means grades are criterion- remediation is successful,the grade beco
based and determined according to the mes Pass. If remediation is not successful,
degree to which an individual student has the grade becomes Fail.
fulfilled the goals and objectives of the • Incomplete: The student has not yet
clerkship. There is no completed all of the clerkship
predetermined proportion of students who will requirements (but completed > 50% of
receive each grade. the clerkship duration). This would
ordinarily apply to a student who
missed parts of the clerkship due to
personal or family emergency. In
Clerkship Final Grades contrast, a student who did not submit
written assignments by the specified
Final grades in each clerkship represent a due date might receive a grade of
summary evaluation of competencies in the Marginal or Fail, but not Incomplete.
following broad areas: However, once the emergency
circumstance has ended, if a student’s
1. Fund of knowledge and application work is not completed by the time
of knowledge in clinical reasoning specified by the clerkship director, the
and patient care grade of Incomplete is changed to Fail.
2. Clinical performance in all settings Students who complete less than 50%
(hospital floors, outpatient offices, of the clerkship duration will receive W
operating and procedure areas). This (withdrawal) from the Registrar’s
includes direct patient care and Office.
functioning as an effective member • Fail: A failing grade in a clerkship
of the core clinical team. requires the student to repeat the entire
3. Overall professionalism defined as clerkship.
demonstrated competency in the
domains of responsibility, self-
improvement, relationships with Non-Passing Grades
patients, and relationships with
healthcare teams and systems. If a student receives a grade of Marginal,
Incomplete, or Fail, the student must arrange
Once all of the assessments related to the to meet immediately with the clerkship
components above have been assembled, director. Further action depends on the grade
clerkship leadership reviews each student’s received (additional details may be found in
performance and assigns a grade. the Promotion and Graduation Standards
section of the Student Handbook):

• Marginal: The student must complete

Grades and Grade Interpretations remediation. The remediation and its
timeframe are individualized for each
• Honors (Outstanding performance), High student and are determined by the
Pass (excellent performance) and Pass clerkship director. If the student
(satisfactory performance) – refer to the successfully completes the remediation,
standardized Clerkship Grading System the grade becomes Pass. If the student
in the Clerkship Syllabi. does not successfully complete the
• Marginal: Marginal is a temporary grade remediation, the grade becomes Fail.

• Incomplete: The student must complete student’s overall performance in the
any work that remains outstanding. The clerkship. If the student does not
timeframe is individualized for each successfully submit the incomplete work
student and is determined by the in the specified timeframe, the grade
clerkship director. If the student becomes Fail.
successfully submits the incomplete • Fail: The student must repeat the entire
work, the grade is determined by the clerkship.

Medical School Performance Evaluation
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in the Medical Curriculum

The Medical School Performance compilation of the MSPE since the

Evaluation (MSPE), also known as the Division of Student Affairs is responsible
“Dean’s Letter” is provided to students for assisting students with confidential
who are applying for residency. medical and personal issues. The MSPE
writing process begins in the Spring
semester prior to the student’s final year
The MSPE is a narrative compilation of
of medical school and ordinarily the
the medical student’s academic
request should take place during this
performance. It is provided as one
timeframe. The Associate Dean for
component of the student’s application to
Student Affairs then informs the Vice
residency programs and/or other post-
Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs
graduate programs. MSPE letters are
that an alternate writer is needed. The
released to the Electronic Residency
alternate writer is then assigned by the
Application Service® (ERAS) on October
Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular
1 of the student’s final year in medical
Affairs and will have access to the
student’s full academic record.
Sections include:
The Identifying Information section
1. Identifying Information includes the student’s name and the
2. Noteworthy Characteristics graduating Class year.
3. Academic History
4. Academic Progress, Professional The Noteworthy Characteristics section
Performance includes a bulleted list of noteworthy
5. Academic Progress, Foundational characteristics and achievements.
Sciences Challenges during medical school may be
6. Academic Progress, Clinical listed.
7. Academic Progress, Area of
8. Academic Enrichment The Academic History section includes
9. Summary Paragraph date of matriculation to medical school,
10. Appendices date of expected graduation from medical
school, and dates of research and
The MSPE is written in a collaborative academic Leaves of Absences. In order to
manner between the student and the Vice protect student confidentiality, medical
Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs and personal Leaves of Absence are not
and/or his/her designees. If a student has listed. Courses which required repetition
concerns about issues such as confidential or remediation are also not listed. Failed
or sensitive information being reflected in courses are represented on the student
the MSPE, the student may make a transcript and in the pertinent Academic
request to the Associate Dean for Student Progress section of the MSPE
Affairs for an alternate MSPE writer. The
Associate Dean for Student Affairs and The Academic Progress, Professional
Student Affairs staff are not involved in Performance section includes WCM-Q’s
the writing or definition of professionalism and what is

assessed in students. Egregious breaches academic performance including
of standards of conduct may be listed professionalism.
based on assessment by the MSPE
Committee. Appendices A, B and C include graphical
representations of the student’s
comparative performance in the
The Academic Progress, Foundational preclinical/foundational sciences
Sciences section includes narrative coursework (A), the core clinical
information related to overall, rather than clerkships (B), and overall comparative
course-specific performance. If a performance in medical School (C).
foundational science course required Appendix D contains information about
repetition, that information is included. the medical school.
The Academic Progress, Clinical section
includes the final course grade as well as
a narrative of overall performance for MSPE Committee
each of the core clinical clerkships taken
to date. Clerkships are listed in The MSPE Committee is comprised of the
chronological order taken, including any Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular
repeated courses. Affairs, the Assistant Dean for Clinical
Learning and two faculty representatives
The Academic Progress, Area of appointed by the Vice Dean for Academic
Concentration (AOC) section includes a and Curricular Affairs.
description of the Area of Concentration,
the title of the Scholarly Project, the name
of the mentor(s), and performance to date, Requests for Changes
if available.
Students will have the opportunity to
The Academic Enrichment section review the final draft of the MSPE for
includes experiences such as community accuracy prior to its release for residency
service, voluntary curricular activities, applications. The Division of Medical
leadership roles, awards, and additional Education notifies students to arrange a
research undertaken during medical meeting to review the draft. Requests for
school. Individual papers are only listed if content change in the course narrative
accepted for publication. must be directed to the respective course
director. Other requests for change should
The Summary Paragraph is an overall be directed to the Vice Dean for Academic
summative assessment of the student’s and Curricular Affairs. If there is further
performance while in medical school. In concern by the student, the student may
the last sentence, one of four descriptors discuss this with the Vice Dean for
is used to indicate the overall strength of Academic and Curricular Affairs, or
the student’s academic record compared his/her designee, who will adjudicate the
to peers: “outstanding,” “excellent,” “very final decision about content. Changes, if
good,” and “good”. This descriptor is approved, will be reflected in the MSPE.
based on a composite assessment by the
MSPE Committee of the student’s

Policy and Procedures for collecting
Students’ and Alumni Feedback Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students and Alumni in Medical Curriculum

Course evaluations will be gathered from This policy and procedure document is organized
students and alumni and will be used to into four sections:
monitor and enhance the quality of instruction
and curriculum delivery. The Office of 1) Contains the regular end-of-course
Educational Development (OED) is evaluations,
responsible for handling the course evaluation 2) Covers the class-representative meetings
process. and focus-groups in foundational
3) Outlines the instantaneous feedback
process, and
Purpose 4) Presents the milestone evaluations.
The primary purpose of collecting student and
alumni feedback is to enhance the learning
experience and provide them with the best 1—REGULAR COURSE
resources to excel as physicians. The feedback
also encourages self-reflection by instructors as EVALUATION
both mentors and educators. It also enables the
curriculum leadership to take steps to improve Initiation and Development:
the students’ learning experience. This is
achieved by identifying and improving various OED will develop and modify the current course
components of learning and teaching as evaluation forms in consultation with the
identified via the evaluative mechanisms that are Curriculum Dean (i.e., Assistant Dean for
positioned throughout the program. In sum, the Foundational Sciences, or Assistant Dean for
overarching purpose of the evaluation processes Clinical Learning) and or the Course Director(s).
are to enhance the quality of the medical These forms will contain the questions for
education program. collecting students’ feedback on the course 1. The
respective Curriculum Dean and or Course
Director(s) — including co-directors, and
associate course directors — will be encouraged
Data Privacy to propose, refine, and modify existing course
evaluation questionnaires that are intended to
For all data collection processes, OED assures capture the effectiveness of course instruction
respondents/participants that any personal and curriculum delivery. Every attempt will be
identifier (e.g., name, ID) is not collected, made to maintain clarity and the use of inclusive
thereby ensuring anonymity at all stages of the language, when developing questionnaires.
administration and reporting process. All data Where necessary, the instructions will be
collected throughout is stored in secure appended to elaborate on expectations from the
databases and filing systems. respondents. Lengthy questionnaires will be
avoided and content will be screened for
redundancy. In sum, the evaluation forms
succinctly collect students’ views on aspects of
Administration the course instruction process, including faculty

The course is defined as any foundational sciences unit,
course, or clerkships in the medical curriculum.

and teaching evaluation. Appendices A1 and A2, respectively.

Implementation: Surveys will be available for students to complete

until: i) one week after the unit, course, or
OED utilizes an online course evaluation system clerkship completion. Subsequently, the
to confidentially and anonymously gather the evaluation survey will be marked closed. Upon
students’ feedback data, and are responsible for responding to the evaluation survey, the system
managing the operations of the online software will show a thank you notification on the
system. The electronic database of students’ respondent’s screen; an email-acknowledgement
feedback will be kept in perpetuity. OED will will not be sent.
coordinate with the Office of Curriculum Support
(OCS) in the Division of Medical Education, for
defining the roster of online course evaluation. Summarizing and Reviewing:
The roster will be based on course-instruction
and final-grade release schedules. OED will After the release of course/clerkship final grades,
look-up the faculty in the database, and OCS will the online students’ summary feedback reports
provide any missing details (full name, position for unit, course, clerkship, and instructor
title, and official email-address) of new/existing evaluations will be shared with the relevant
faculty member(s). curriculum leaders and faculty (i.e., Vice Dean
for Academic and Curricular Affairs, Assistant
Using the timetable, the evaluation process is Dean, Course Director, Co-Director, Associate-
initiated by distributing invitations via the online Director, and/or Instructors). The summary
course evaluation system. Students have a reports will be generated using the online system,
specified period to respond to the evaluation verbatim, without any human/offline tabulation.
surveys. Weekly reminders will be sent to However, prior to releasing the reports, the
unanswered invitations. Invitation and reminder students’ comments will be read and screened by
emails will encourage the students to volunteer the Education Assessment Manager or designee.
their constructive feedback. This screening-step is referred to as a sensitivity-
check. The purpose of screening is to: i) ensure
Mandatory course evaluation: the concealment of students’ identity in case the
identifiable instance/information is quoted, and
Contributing feedback for course and clerkship ii) prevent personal attacks, insulting remarks
evaluation is mandatory, and a course about peer-students, faculty, and/or instructors.
requirement. Students who do not respond to the
invitations and reminders by the deadline, will As a result of the sensitivity-check, if a typed
receive an email notice from the Office of the response requires an edit, the feedback will be
Assistant Dean for Foundational edited, but in the event of a theme, the feedback
Sciences/Clinical Learning. Failure to respond to will be preserved, and both the edited and
the notice will trigger a meeting between the verbatim response will be stored in the online
student and the relevant Assistant Dean, and system, but only the edited response will be
potential issuance of a Professionalism released as part of the course evaluation report.
Assessment Form. Students who do not complete
the evaluation by the time final course grades are The Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular
released could receive an ‘I’ grade (incomplete Affairs and/or Assistant Deans can request
grade) until the evaluation is completed. Course- further analysis (e.g., thematic analysis,
specific processes and guidelines regarding sentiments-analysis, verbatim summary report,
deadlines will be included in the syllabi. longitudinal analysis) of the feedback.

All evaluation-related communication with Dissemination of Evaluation Reports:

students will emphasize the respondent’s
confidentiality and anonymity. It will also The course, clerkship, and faculty evaluation
highlight that their feedback will be a reports are privileged communication and as such
contributing factor to decisions taken related to must be circulated and treated as a confidential
curriculum enhancements. The templates for document. These reports will be distributed
invitation and reminder emails are presented in within the WCM-Q academic community, such

as the Dean, Vice Dean, Associate Deans, • Other instructors will have access to their
Assistant Deans, Course Directors, Faculty, individual report(s) in the courses/clerkship
Administrators and other decision-makers on a in which they participated.
need-to-know basis. The evaluation reports may
also be provided to governing boards, accrediting External Faculty Evaluation-reports
bodies and other external agencies, on the
directives of the Dean and/or the Vice Dean for • Qatar-based external faculty members (e.g.,
Academic and Curricular Affairs. At all times faculty at Hamad Medical Centre, Sidra
unnecessary copying/archiving/printing of these Medical Research Centre, or Aspetar) who
documents will be avoided, and online access to are involved in the instruction of courses,
these report(s) will be promoted. will receive their feedback reports by email,
after the end of academic year. These reports
Access Matrix for the Online System: will be sent as PDF attachment(s) via the
email from OED. The Course and Clerkship
The following matrix outline the access rights for Directors will be notified about the release of
the students’ feedback reports. Access to the the reports.
evaluation reports will be provided electronically
to the relevant WCM-Q faculty and Medical • For clerkships, the Program Director can
Education leadership, after release of final forward their request via the Clerkship
grades. Whereas, the relevant external-faculty Director to receive the evaluation reports,
(e.g., faculty at Hamad Medical Centre, Sidra only for the relevant Residents and Fellows.
Medical Research Centre, Aspetar) will receive
their report(s) annually at the end of academic- • A standard cover letter will be used for the
year in PDF format. release of evaluation reports to the
“recipient’s institutional/official email
address”. In the event the official email
WCM-Q: Course, Clerkship, and Faculty address is invalid, or the email bounces back,
evaluation reports OCS will be notified and requested to
provide the updated information.
• The Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular
Affairs will have access to all feedback • Once the reports are released via email, they
reports collected from students in the will be batch-copied to:
Medical Curriculum.
a) The Vice Dean for Academic and
• The Assistant Dean for Foundational Curricular Affairs
Sciences will have access to all Foundational
Science unit and course reports. b) The Assistant Dean for Foundational
Sciences/Clinical Learning
• The Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning
will have access to all clerkship evaluation c) The Course Director
Special Cases
• The Course Director and Clerkship Director
(including Associate- and Co-Directors), will After consultation with the Vice Dean for
have access to their relevant course, Academic and Curricular Affairs, the WCM-Q
clerkship and faculty-evaluation reports, Course Director(s) or respective Assistant Deans
respectively. may share a copy of specific course, clerkship,
and or faculty evaluations with:
• Course Directors (including Associate- and
Co-Directors) will also receive additional a) WCM-NY Course Director
evaluations of their course/clerkship (e.g.,
Director and Site evaluations). b) WCM-NY visiting (and video-
lecture) faculty

Acquiring approval for modifying and or Focus Group: The last-five minutes are dedicated
including new questions in the existing survey for the open-discussion without faculty members
present. During this segment, the OED
• Requests to modify the existing evaluation representative conducts a semi-structured group-
form(s) should be initiated by the Course interview with the Class Representatives
Director, or by the responsible faculty. encouraging them to provide anonymous
feedback relating to topics including faculty,
• The modified evaluation form should be unit, course, or non-curriculum aspects of their
reviewed and approved by the experience, in which they would like the Medical
Course/Clerkship Director, or by the College to enact.
responsible faculty, before it can be
released to the students. Reports from both the Meeting and Focus Group
will then be developed by the OED, and
• Minor revisions will be incorporated by disseminated as per the following matrix. At the
the OED staff. end of academic year, all reports will be compiled
at course-level and shared with the Vice Dean for
• Major revisions (e.g., adding, deleting Academic and Curricular Affairs and the
questions) in the survey will be Assistant Dean for Foundational Sciences.
incorporated after they are approved by the
OED and the respective curriculum Deans.
• If the course/clerkship director, or a
faculty member, wishes to propose a new
survey form, the proposal should be
forwarded by the curriculum deans to the Student Comment Corner:
Curriculum and Program Evaluation
Committee (CPEC) for approval. A A mechanism was introduced to enable students
notification, highlighting the decision of to relay instantaneous feedback for any unit,
CPEC will be sent to the relevant course, clerkship, and or non-instructional aspect
curriculum leadership. of their experience at WCM-Q. The process is
known as the 24/7 Student Comment Corner
(SCC). The SCC is an online feedback-form that
2— CLASS REPRESENTATIVES allows students to channel their anonymous
FEEDBACK feedback to Vice Dean for Academic and
Curricular Affairs, Assistant Dean,
For Foundational Sciences Courses, Class Course/Clerkship Director, or to OED. SSC also
Representative Meetings are organized at unit- allows to attach one Document (PDF, DOC,
level by the Course Director(s). These meeting DOCX, TXT, ODT), Spreadsheet (CSV, XLS,
are held approximately every two weeks (with XLSX, ODS), or Graphic (JPG, PNG, GIF) file
longer units having more than one meeting). of up to 100MB. The respondent can provide
Each meeting is attended by the Class their name and email address if they wish to
Representatives, Course Director(s), Unit-Leads receive a reply on their submitted comment(s).
of both the regular-unit (e.g., Pharmacology) and The SCC form is appended in Appendix A5.
the longitudinal-unit(s) (e.g., Anatomy), and an
OED representative. Each meeting is organized At the beginning of each academic-year, an email
in two time-segments: Meeting and Focus Group. message will be sent to all students in the medical
curriculum —with the web link—
Meeting: This segment enables discussion among introducing/reminding them about the SCC. The
the curriculum-faculty and Class Representatives SCC link will also be included in the top-section
who bring up any unit/course-level issues raised of the resource-page of each unit, course, and
to them by their fellow class-mates. Course clerkship, in the learning management system
directors and Unit-Leads provide explanation, (e.g., Elentra). It will be emphasized in all
insights, and possible action-plans on concerns communication that the SCC does not replace the
and suggestions raised by the students. regular unit/course/clerkship evaluations.

learning experience in the i) sub-I and electives,
and ii) sciences fundamental to medicine.
Graduation Questionnaire (GQ):
This section outline the policy and procedures for Administration time: Towards end of M4
the milestone feedback gather from the students instruction
and alumni. Each milestone feedback will be Adapted from the AAMC’s Graduation
published as a report, which will reflect the Questionnaire, the GQ covers numerous topics
aggregated-feedback and/or themes (where on which M4 students reflect and contribute to
applicable). This information is used to inform the improvement of the MD program of studies
WCMQ’s continuous quality improvement for future cohorts. Prior to administration,
(CQI) efforts. The report will be shared with the sections of the GQ are sent to the appropriate
Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs, curriculum leadership for their review & input.
and to other WCM-Q Leadership, as directed by The GQ prompts students to share their views
the Vice Dean for Academic and Curricular and experiences on aspects of MD program, such
Affairs. as: i) medical program and curriculum overall, ii)
skills acquisition for residency training, iii)
career choice, planning, support, and iv)
4a— During MD-program educational environment and well-being.

During the MD program of studies, three 4b— Post MD-program

milestone surveys are administered. These
surveys are adapted from those created by the Graduation Reflection: Each year, M4 students
Association of American Medical Colleges are invited to volunteer their time for the
(AAMC). Each survey is conducted as a graduation-interview. This process captures their
mandatory in-class session, and reflected in the perspective and experiences of the MD program,
timetable as such. An overview of each survey is from the unique vantage-point of having
provided below: completed it. It consists of a 20-minutes one-on-
one semi-structured interview, conducted during
Med-Ed Entrance Questionnaire (MEQ): WCM-Q business hours (flexibility is allowed
Administration time: First week of M1 for students opting to conduct the session via
instruction Zoom, Skype, or phone). The interview will be
Adapted from the AAMC’s Matriculating led by an OED representative who will encourage
Student Questionnaire, the purpose of the MEQ the graduates to share their thoughts on program-
is to understand the needs of the entering M1 level experiences. Specifically, the objective of
students in areas such as well-being, personal the interview is to obtain in-depth feedback on
characteristics, career plans, and research their experiences with the aspects of medical
interests. curriculum at WCM-Q.
M2 Questionnaire (M2Q): Each interview will be voice-recorded to enable
Administration time: Towards end of M2 a free-flowing discussion in a comfortable
instruction environment. However, consent will be acquired
Adapted from the AAMC’s Medical School Year prior to commencing recording. During the
Two Questionnaire, the purpose of the M2Q is to interview, graduates will be posed a series of
gather students’ feedback on the Pre-Medical questions and are encouraged to share their
program,as well as capture their perception and constructive criticism on the program of studies
experiences about topics such as educational and resources. Probing questions will be asked to
environment, well-being, career inspirations, and seek clarity and/or expand on their thoughts.
research interests.
After the interviews, the recorded data will be
Sub-I and Elective evaluation: transcribed and anonymized (any identifiable
Administration time: October prior to the information will be masked). The final report will
graduation of M4 reflect the aggregated-feedback and themes will
The purpose of this milestone evaluation be highlighted. In addition to student
evaluation is to gather feedback relating to the suggestions, OED will append their own

suggestions from the thematic analysis anonymous survey is to collect the perspectives
conducted, identifying possible avenues in which of alumni on how well the MD program prepared
enhancements can be made. them for their residency training. Specifically,
the survey will capture their views on the medical
Alumni Survey: Biennially, WCM-Q alumni education curriculum and their preparedness for
who have completed at least one year in the six ACGME (Accreditation Council for
residency will be invited to participate in the Graduate Medical Education) competencies. The
Alumni Survey (also known as the Residency invitation for survey-participation is released in
Preparedness Survey). The objective of this late-summer and remains open until fall.

Elective Evaluation Policy

Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

Each student who takes a fourth-year Administration

elective is required to complete an
evaluation of that elective.
While each elective evaluation should be
completed no later than two weeks after
Purpose the course ends, evaluations will not be
released to faculty until the student has
received his/her final grade. Completion
These evaluations help ensure the quality of all elective course evaluations for
of elective offerings and also provide which students are issued course credit is
valuable guidance to future students in a required academic milestone, and
elective selection. therefore required in order to
academically advance from Phase 3-Post-
Clerkship to Graduation. All elective
course evaluations must be completed
before the first day of the last required
course of the curriculum, Transition to

Commencement Participation Policy
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

For a variety of reasons, students in their all other graduation requirements

senior year may not be able to complete are met.
all graduation requirements by the
deadline specified by the Office of the 2. Any student projected to complete
Registrar. Such students may wish to outstanding program/graduation
participate in the commencement requirements, such as electives, or
ceremony with their class and receive the submission of elective
their certificate of graduation with the evaluations, after the May
Doctor of Medicine degree at a later date graduation date, but no later than
when all requirements have been met. August 31 in that year, and who
wishes to participate in the
commencement ceremony, must
Purpose petition the Medical College for
permission. The petition must be
submitted to the Office of the
This policy outlines the criteria and Registrar, no later than the last day
timeframe for student participation in the of February, preceding the May
annual commencement ceremony, usually commencement. The diploma
held in May of each year. conferral date will be determined
by one of the conferral dates used
Administration by Cornell University. The
WCM-Q Registrar will choose the
date depending on when a student
1. Any student projected to complete completes graduation
all program/graduation requirements. The Promotion and
requirements by mid-April of Graduation Committee will
his/her senior year, will review applications and decide
automatically be eligible to whether or not permission is
graduate in the commencement granted.
ceremony of that year, usually
held in the month of May. The 3. Students who complete
diploma conferral date for a class program/graduation requirements
is determined by the next day of after August 31 of their senior
the last day of the academic year year are eligible to participate in
for the fourth medical year, given the next appropriate
commencement ceremony.

Academic Information

General Academic Information
Applicable to All Students

Research at WCM-Q
Applicability: All Students

In line with the national vision of Qatar Program (SRMP) is an opportunity

and Qatar Foundation, the goal of the offered by the Research division at Weill
research program at WCM-Q is to Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q) to pre-
establish a Center of Excellence in Basic, medical students. The award aims to train
Translational and Clinical biomedical students in securing labs and writing
research with a world-class infrastructure research proposals, and to give the
and outstanding scientists to target the students the tools needed to seek out
most pressing health needs in Qatar and research opportunities. The SRMP
the region. provides funding for yearlong research
projects in any of WCM-Q’s research
WCM-Q offers excellent research
opportunities for students who are
completing the Advanced Biomedical Researchers commit significant time,
Sciences Research (ABSR) elective effort and resources to their work.
course, wishing to graduate with Honors Students wishing to gain research
in Research or who are otherwise experience should carefully consider their
interested in developing their scientific ability to commit their own time and
investigation and clinical research skills. effort.
These experiences introduce students to
approaches and tools used in research. It is also important to remember that
students are bound by WCM-Q’s
commitment to the principles of truth,
Students may engage with individual
integrity and credibility in research.
faculty members to develop or assist with
projects. The Qatar National Research Adherence to these principles is essential
for scientific progress, fostering public
Fund’s (QNRF) Undergraduate Research
Experience Program (UREP) offers trust in science and complying with the
funding for students who are interested in laws and regulations of Qatar and the
working on a yearlong research project in United States.
Qatar. Additionally, medical students may
apply to the Medical Student Research WCM-Q designates a faculty member as
Award (MSRA). Through the MSRA, the Assistant Dean for Student Research
WCM-Q offers funding to medical to help students explore research
students who are interested in doing opportunities and understand and meet
research in any part of the world for 8 their responsibilities.
continuous weeks between the summer of
the first and second year of the medical
While student research is highly
curriculum. This award offers up to
recommended by WCM-Q, it is important
$10,000, which covers a stipend in
to know that only students with good
addition to the awarded students’ housing
academic standing are allowed to
and travel expenses. Finally, the WCM-Q
participate in research activities.
Presentation Award offers up to $3,000
Therefore, pre-medical students are
stipend to students to present their
required to obtain approval from their
research data at conferences and
advisor indicating that their participation
professional meetings.
in research will not impact their academic
progress. The following are required to
The Student Research Mentorship consult with and obtain approval from the
Division of Student Affairs and the

Assistant Dean for Student Research All other students interested in research
before engaging in research activity are strongly encouraged to consult with
Dr. Nayef Mazloum, Assistant Professor
• Medical students planning to of Microbiology and Immunology and
undertake the Advanced Assistant Dean for Student Research,
Biomedical Sciences Research +974 4492-8477
(ABSR) elective course
• Medical students planning to For more information about the research
undertake an independent program, please see the provided links:
Extended Curriculum for
Research WCM-Q Research Division
• Medical Students intending to
apply to graduate with Honors in WCM-Q Office of Research Compliance
WCM-Q Research Training Programs

Office of Educational Development
Applicability: All Students

The Office of Educational Development Deans. Relevant sections of the report are
(OED) has the mandate to gather students’ also shared with the course/clerkship
feedback for improving the curriculum director(s) and instructor(s).
and instruction for courses and
clerkships. Participation in course How is your feedback used? The
evaluation is manadatory as constructive actionable major themes from the
feedback is an integral input into feedback are discussed in curriculum and
WCM_Q’s quality improvement evaluation committees and plans are
processes. Every efforts has been taken to devised for enhancements and or reforms,
ensure that surveys are short and easy to before the next administration of the
complete (5-10 min). course/clerkship rotation.

One of the special-purpose software used Student’s participation in course

by OED is CoursEval. Through this, evaluation is mandatory as constructive
student feedback is collected while feedback is an integral input into WCM-
respondent anonymity and confidentiality Q’s quality improvement processes.
is maintained. The following diagram represents the
five-stages of course evaluation.
To further ensure confidentiality, a
member of OED screens the evaluation
summary reports for any identifiable
information only after final grades are
released to the students. The summary
reports are shared with the curriculum

MECPC — Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee, FSCC — Foundational Sciences Curriculum Committee, CCC —
Clinical Curriculum Committee, SSC — Scholarship and Science Committee, CPEC — Curriculum and Program Evaluation Committee.

Academic information
Applicable to Students in the
Pre-Medical and Foundation

Learning Outcomes
Applicability: Students in the Pre-Medical Curriculum and Foundation Program

Through the Pre-Medical Curriculum, you setting, library, or field

should attain proficiency in: environment

• Disciplinary Knowledge: In addition, the Weill Cornell

demonstrate a systematic or environment strives to foster collegiality,
coherent understanding of the civility, and responsible stewardship.
subjects studied Through academic studies, and through
• Critical Thinking: apply analytic broader experiences and activities in the
thought to a body of knowledge; university community on and off
evaluate arguments, identify campus, Cornell graduates should
relevant assumptions or develop a deeper understanding of:
implications; formulate coherent
arguments • Multi-Cultural Competence: for
• Communication Skills: express example, express an understanding
ideas clearly in writing; speak of the values and beliefs of multiple
articulately; communicate with cultures; effectively engage in a
others using media as appropriate; multicultural society; interact
work effectively with others respectfully with diverse others;
• Scientific and Quantitative develop a global perspective
Reasoning: demonstrate the ability • Moral and Ethical Awareness:
to understand cause and effect embrace moral/ethical values in
relationships; define problems; use conducting one's life; formulate a
symbolic thought; apply scientific position/argument about an ethical
principles; solve problems with no issue from multiple perspectives;
single correct answer use ethical practices in all work
• Self-Directed Learning: work • Self-management: care for oneself
independently; identify appropriate responsibly, demonstrate awareness
resources; take initiative; manage a of one's self in relation to others
project through to completion • Community Engagement:
• Information Literacy: access, demonstrate responsible behavior;
evaluate, and use a variety of engage in the intellectual life of the
relevant information sources university outside the classroom;
• Engagement in the Process of participate in community and civic
Discovery or Creation: for affairs
example, demonstrate the ability to
work productively in a laboratory

Academic Calendars
Applicability: Students in the Pre-Medical Curriculum and Foundation Program

Academic calendars can be accessed on the WCM-Q website using this link:
Current year academic calender

Objectives and Courses Descriptions
Applicability: Students in the Pre-Medical Curriculum and the Foundation Program

Pre-Medical Curriculum
Objectives and Course
The courses are rigorous and challenging,
The Pre-Medical Curriculum has been and the standards are high.
designed to prepare students for
promotion to the Medical Curriculum. It
provides instruction in subjects that meet Sessions in the laboratory form an
the eligibility requirements of Weill integral part of pre-medical education at
Cornell Medicine. Students receive WCM-Q. Students develop an
transcripts from Cornell University understanding of how information in
identifying the courses and grades science is generated and how to
received. accurately record and analyze findings.
Laboratory work also encourages
students to take a questioning approach
The initial focus is on the sciences that to academic studies in preparation for
are basic to medicine – biology, the mode of education of the Medical
chemistry, statistics and physics – plus a Program.
seminar course, which explores issues in
global and public health. In addition, Problem-solving exercises are part of
courses are given the focus on written the learning experience from the
and oral communication. In the second outset. Students are guided by Teaching
year, the emphasis is closer to the Specialists who help with laboratory
study of medicine with subjects such work, offer review sessions and give
as organic chemistry, biochemistry, individual tutoring.
genetics, psychology, physiology, human
development and structure and medical For the detailed list of courses, please refer to
ethics. the Pre-Medical Curriculum Website.

Foundation Program
Objectives and Courses
Among the many advantages of the
The Foundation Program is a one-year Foundation Program:
program intended to be a pathway to
entry to the Six-Year Medical Program. 1. Small classes with Cornell faculty
It allows students to study the relevant 2. Participation in Cornell's unique
subjects they will need to help them community of scholars
develop the study skills, habits, critical 3. Access to Cornell laboratories,
thinking, and knowledge application to Distributed eLibrary, and support
help prepare them for the Pre-Medical resources
Curriculum. 4. Introduction to research, study
skills, and test preparation
Foundation students study biology, 5. Numerous co-curricular and
physics, chemistry, calculus, English. leadership activities such as field
Foundation faculty are Cornell trips, sports teams, faculty
University faculty who know how to mentorship, theater productions,
best prepare students for the challenges and distinguished guest lectures
of our intensive Pre-Medical
Curriculum. For the detailed list of courses, please
refer to the Foundation Program website

Academic Information
Applicable to Students in the
Medical Curriculum

Program Core Competencies and
Constituent Learning Objectives
Approved by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

procedures, as would be expected

Knowledge (K) of a beginning intern, and
describe their indications,
K-1. Describe the basic scientific contraindications, and potential
principles underlying normal complications.
development, structure and
function of genes, cells, organs PC-3. Recognize acute, life-threatening
and the body as a whole conditions and perform measures
throughout the life cycle. to stabilize the patient.

K-2. Describe the etiology and

pathophysiology of major
Interpersonal and Communication
diseases and disorders, and their
clinical, laboratory, radiographic Skills (ICS)
and pathologic manifestations.
ICS-1. Communicate with patients and
their families; counsel them in an
K-3. Describe the epidemiology of
effective, caring, and culturally
disorders in populations and
competent manner.
approaches designed to screen,
detect, prevent, and treat disease
in populations. ICS-2. Communicate, consult,
collaborate, and work effectively
as a member or leader of
K-4. Describe the spectrum of
healthcare teams.
therapies of common physical and
mental disorders and recognize
the relative efficacies and
common adverse effects of those Professionalism (P)
therapies, and their variations
among different patients and P-1. Maintain a professional
populations. demeanor, while demonstrating
responsibility, integrity, empathy,
reliability, and attention to
Patient Care (PC) personal wellness.

PC-1. Perform both a focused and P-2. Demonstrate the ethical principles
comprehensive history and that govern the doctor-patient
physical examination, develop relationship, medical decision-
diagnostic hypotheses, order and making, and healthcare delivery.
evaluate diagnostic tests, and
formulate an appropriate plan of
care. P-3. Provide compassionate, unbiased
care to patients from diverse
PC-2. Perform core technical

financing, and delivery of
healthcare services with particular
awareness of healthcare
Practice-Based Learning and
disparities, the needs of the
Improvement (PBLI) underserved, and the medical
consequences of common societal
PBLI-1.Utilize appropriate information problems.
technology for scientific and
clinical problem-solving and
HCS-2. Define the core principles of
decision- making.
healthcare quality, patient safety,
and interprofessionalism.
PBLI-2.Analyze and critically appraise
the medical literature.
Scholarship (S)
PBLI-3.Apply principles of evidence-
based medicine, medical ethics, S-1. Define the scientific and ethical
and cost-effectiveness to principles of biomedical research,
diagnosis, prognosis, and including basic, translational,
therapeutics. clinical, and population studies.

PBLI-4. Demonstrate the ability for S-2. Identify a scholarly area of

lifelong self-directed learning. interest, formulate an
investigative question, develop
and implement methods to assess
Healthcare Systems (HCS) it, and communicate the results.

HCS-1. Discuss the organization,

Academic Calendars
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

Academic calendars can be accessed on the WCM-Q website using this link:

Link to Current Year Academic Calenders

Office of Curriculum Support
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

The Office of Curriculum Support (OCS) check their WCM-Q e-mail on a

serves as the primary curriculum resource for regular basis to ensure that they
the foundational sciences courses, the clinical have the latest updates with regard
courses/clerkships, and the areas of to schedule changes, room
concerntation curriculum in the medical assignments, exam information, and
education program. other course announcements.

Access to Grades, and

OCS staff members work collaboratively
with the curriculum deans, course/clerkship Student Assessment Forms
directors, unit leaders, library, ITS and
others, to provide students with the necessary Unless otherwise notified, results of
support and resources needed to succeed. weekly quizzes are posted on
This includes working in liaison with the Elentra usually within 48-72 hours
Office of Curriculum and Educational after the quiz date. Students will
Development at Weill Cornell Medicine receive an individualized strengths
(WCM), and clinical affiliated health care and opportunities report.
sites in Qatar to plan and deliver the
curriculum. Students are encouraged to contact
their faculty members or course and
In addition to the provision of clerkship directors directly should
course/clerkship resources, OCS is they have any questions about their
responsible for administrative aspects of grades and/or narrative assessments.
exams as well as collating student assessment
data. OCS also assists in planning for and
preparing the students for their clinical work Refer to: Student Request for a
at affiliate healthcare sites, WCM in NYC, Course Evaluation/Grade Review
and Weill Bugando Medical College in (as per the Promotion and
Tanzania. Graduation Standards)

Course/Clerkship Materials
At the end of each course/clerkship, final
The majority of student course/clerkship grade forms are released to students via
material such as the schedules and lecture Elentra.
handouts is available via the Learning
Management System (LMS), Elentra.
Students receive instructions about how to
Student Transportation
access this on-line resource during
orientation week. However, at the start of OCS coordinates the transport to
each course/clerkship, students are expected off- campus locations through
to collect course material from OCS. shuttle buses and/or car services, if
Delivery of materials is also shared via required by students. Students are
Elentra and students will be notified when strongly encouraged to use public
any new information is available to access. transportation when possible.
Transportation arrangements for
Methods of Communication travel to clinical sites will only be
with Students made where public transport is not
It is very important that students

Required Courses in Curriculum -
Classes 2024 and earlier
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

Phase 1 – • Essential Principles of Medicine Course

Sciences • Health, Illness and Disease, Part I Course

• Health, Illness and Disease, Part II Course

Phase 2 -
Clerkships • Anesthesia and Critical Care Clerkship

• Medicine Clerkship

• Neurology Clerkship

• Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship

• Pediatrics Clerkship

• Primary Care Clerkship

• Psychiatry Clerkship

• Surgery Clerkship

• Clinical Skills Course

Phase 3 –
Scholarship and • Areas of Concentration Course/Program
Advanced Clinical (longitudinal program – runs over the four
years of the curriculum)
• Clinical Skills Course

• Translational Science Course

• Advanced Clinical Ethics Course

• Clinical Electives (16 weeks)

• Sub-internship (Medicine, Pediatrics or
other specialties)
• Health Care and Public Health Clerkship

• Transition to Residency Clerkship

Required Courses in Curriculum –
Classes 2025 onwards
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

Phase 1 – • Essential Principles of Medicine Course – A

Foundational • Essential Principles of Medicine Course – B
• Health, Illness and Disease, Part I Course – A

• Health, Illness and Disease, Part I Course – B

• Health, Illness and Disease, Part II Course – A

• Health, Illness and Disease, Part II Course – B

• Anesthesia and Critical Care Clerkship

Phase 2 -
Clerkships • Emergency Medicine Clerkship

• Medicine Clerkship

• Neurology Clerkship

• Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship

• Pediatrics Clerkship

• Ambulatory Care Clerkship

• Psychiatry Clerkship

• Surgery Clerkship

• Clinical Skills Course

Phase 3 – • Areas of Concentration Course/Program (longitudinal
Scholarship and program – runs over the four years of the curriculum)
Advanced Clinical • Translational Science Course
• Advance Clinical Ethics course

• Clinical Electives (16 weeks)

• Sub-internship (Medicine, Pediatrics or other specialties)

• Health Care Policy and Public Population Health Clerkship

• Transition to Residency Clerkship

Additional Course Requirements
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum
• Your Proposal will be
forwarded for review and
Advanced Biomedical approval first by your
mentor, and then by the
Sciences Research (ABSR) Assistant Dean for Student
elective course Research, Dr. Nayef A.
• Once the Proposal is
The Advanced Biomedical Sciences Research
approved, you can proceed
(ABSR) elective course is designed to give
with your research
each medical student the opportunity to pursue
experience as planned as
a personal scholarly experience in biomedical
long as you maintain good
sciences (broadly defined) and to develop
academic standing
fundamental understanding in new areas of
• After finishing your
biomedical science relevant to clinical
research experience, you
medicine. The research experience gives the
can proceed with Step 2:
student additional experience in understanding
Research Report
the principles of biomedical research. The
research opportunities include clinical • Step 2: Complete the
research, laboratory research, social science, Research Report online
public health projects, and other translational form
projects. By conducting a small research • Your report will be
project, the student gains critical judgement in forwarded for review and
evaluating research evidence and its approval first by your
application to patient care. mentor, and then by the
Assistant Dean for Student
Completing the 8 weeks of ABS research Research, Dr. Nayef A.
experience will contribute to 4 weeks of Mazloum.
clinical electives of the 3 graduation • The deadline to submit the
requirements. report is April 30 of the
following year. A grade of
Requirements: Incomplete will be
assigned after April 30 for
• 8 weeks or more (at least 8 weeks students with unsubmitted
must be continuous) of mentored reports.
biomedical science research done • Course is completed and
during the summer between first and credits are awarded only
second year of the medical after the final approval
curriculum. from the Assistant Dean for
Student Research, Dr.
How to apply: A. Mazloum, by July 31 of the
following year
• Go to Extended Curriculum for
Researchs Online Application
• Step 1: Complete the Research Extended Curriculum for
Proposal online form
Research Course
Students in their clinical years have

an opportunity to participate in an online form
Extended Curriculum for Research. • Your Report will be forwarded for
Students can opt to complete up to 12 review and approval first by your
consecutive months of research in mentor, and then by the Assistant
Doha or elsewhere if approved. Dean for Student Research, Dr.
During this time, students are not Nayef A. Mazloum
involved with clerkships or other • Course is completed and graded only
clinical electives. Students must after the final approval by the
secure sponsorship with a primary Assistant Dean for Student Research,
investigator in an area of interest to Dr. Nayef A. Mazloum

Completing at least 8 weeks of

Extended Curriculum for Research
will count towards 4 weeks of Areas of Concentration
Clinical elective credits to meet the Course/Program
graduation requirements provided
that: The Areas of Concentration (AOC)
• the student did not complete the Course/Program provides students with
Advanced Biomedical Sciences dedicated time designed to enrich their
Research courses and claimed 4 medical school experience. Each student
weeks of Clinical elective credits; and selects an area of interest in which to obtain
• the Extended Curriculum for in-depth knowledge, develops a research skill
Research is not completed as an set, and conducts a scholarly project. A
extended period to work on the student is able to choose from a menu of topic
AOC project. areas or customize a unique topic area tailored
to his or her individual interest. Once a
student decides on an AOC, he/she will
engage in a program of activities and research
How to apply: experiences typically within one of four
methodologically-based pathways: laboratory
• Go to Extended Curriculum for sciences, clinical sciences, population
Researchs Online Application sciences and medical education. These
• Step 1: Complete the Letter of Intent activities may include journal clubs, lecture
(LOI) online form series, site visits, field trips, online courses,
• The Letter of Intent (LOI) will be grand rounds or lab meetings among others,
forwarded to Student Affairs for and will bring together small communities of
approval faculty and students with similar interests.
• After approval from Student Affairs,
you can proceed with Step 2:
Research Proposal The AOC Course/Program unfolds
over the four years of medical
• Step 2: Complete the Research
school. In the Exploratory Phase, in
Proposal online form
the first year of medical school, the
• Your Proposal will be forwarded
student explores his or her interests
for review and approval first by
with the guidance of the AOC
your mentor, and then by the
leadership. In the Planning Phase,
Assistant Dean for Student
which occurs in the second and third
Research, Dr. Nayef A. Mazloum
years of medical school, the student
• Once the Proposal is approved, identifies a faculty mentor within an
you can proceed with your AOC and works with the mentor to
research experience as planned formulate a suitable research project
• After finishing your research proposal. In the Scholarly Project
experience, you can proceed with Phase, which consists of six months
Step 3: Research Report of dedicated block time in the fourth
• Step 3: Complete the Research Report year of medical school, the student

conducts and completes the interns are fully integrated into the medical
Scholarly Project. The Scholarly team, and work under the direct supervision
Project is considered the capstone of a Junior Resident. They carry out the same
requirement of the AOC responsibilities as an intern, actively caring
Course/Program and results in a for patients from the time of admission to
written work report that could discharge. They serve as front line care
potentially be suitable for providers for their patients: writing admitting
publication (although actual notes and orders, facilitating continued
publication is not a requirement). medical workup, monitoring and charting
daily progress, formulating and implementing
management plans as part of the team, and
arranging for discharge and follow-up plans.
Students also work with consulting
subspecialists and ancillary/supportive
Clinical Electives services, and attend all learning activities
available to house staff. As the primary
Students are required to complete 16 weeks liaison between patients/families and the
of clinical electives to meet their medical team, students fulfill an important
graduation requirements. Clinical electives advocacy role.
can be completed at New Presbyterian
Hospital, WCM-NY affiliate hospitals, by All requests to add or drop a sub- internship
special arrangement at various other U.S. must be to the submitted to the registrar’s office
institutions, HMC and other global at least 60
international electives offered by GEMx® days prior to the start of the sub-internship.
and VSLO®.
See Add/Drop Policy for All Clerkships /
Sub-Internships and Electives and form:
All requests to add or drop an elective or Clinical Course Add/Drop Form.
clerkship must be submitted to the registrar's
office at least 45 days prior to the start of the
elective or clerkship. All requests to add or
drop a Sub-I must be submitted to the Transition to Residency
registrar’s office at least 60 days prior to the
start of the Sub-I. Transition to Residency (TTR) is an immersive
course for graduating medical students aimed at
See: Add/Drop Policy for All Clerkships / preparing them for residency training, and
Sub-Internships and Electives and Clinical provides them with the last opportunity to
Course Add/Drop Form. practice certain key skills.

The rotation focuses on three key areas:

• Practical Clinical Learning
Sub-internship(s) • Interpersonal Communication
• Implicit Curriculum Made Explicit
Fourth year medical students have a myriad
of opportunities to complete their 4-week Practical Clinical Learning entails students
sub-internship graduation requirement in being exposed to skills they were taught and
either medicine, surgery, pediatrics, which they may have forgotten or not had a
neurology, or emergency medicine. Students chance to learn during their clinical rotation.
may choose to rotate through their sub- Emphasis is made on key clinical skills that may
internship at either New York Presbyterian be lifesaving and that they may be expected to
Hospital/Weill Cornell or other WCM-NY perform at the start of intern year with minimal
affiliated hospitals (depending on slot supervision. Students get to review and practice
availability). The sub- internship is graded their teamwork, clinical reasoning and medical
on a Pass/Fail basis; final grades take into decision-making skills via a series of immersive
account performance evaluations from simulations of commonly encountered patient
supervising house staff and faculty. Sub- complaints, where they learn to recognize

emergent conditions and provide their first 10
minutes of care while waiting for expert help to
arrive. A series of hands-on procedural skills
station allows them to review procedures such
as placing IV lines, central lines, performing
LPs, etc. A POCUS refresher session allows for
review of such bedside skills.

Interpersonal Communication aims to help the

students improve their communication skills by
exposing them to some of the common
communication challenges they are expected to
face in residency (e.g., leading a team, calling a
consult, giving and receiving sign out).

Implicit Curriculum Made Explicit serves to

discuss topics that are often overlooked in the
medical curriculum but nevertheless are
important to residency success. These include
sessions on end-of-life discussions, financial
planning and career guidance.

The teaching happens at WCM-Q, and the

simulations occur in the Clinical Skills and
Simulation Lab.

International Electives
Applicability: Students in Medical Curriculum

International electives are considered a students pursuing electives outside their

privilege and only students in good home countries.
academic standing can participate in an
international elective. Courses that result The AAMC recognizes that with ever-
in a failing or marginal grade must be increasing globalization in medicine there
repeated or remediated prior to travel. is growing interest on the part of medical
Students who take required clerkships late students and medical schools to
in the fourth-year and receive the grade incorporate international electives into
"Fail" or "Marginal" will not have time to their educational curriculum. Cross-
remediate or repeat the course before their border exchanges in the health professions
international travel. enable students to work with different
patient populations, develop cross-cultural
All international electives must be pre- understanding, and learn about health
approved by the Assistant Dean for systems and approaches to wellness and
Clinical Learning and the Associate illness in other nations.
Dean for Student Affairs.
WCM-Q is a VSLO® participating
institution offering elective opportunities
Global Elective in a host capacity for international
medical students, and home capacity to
Opportunities support WCM-Q students who wish to
take up an elective in another
VSLO® participating institution. Further
Visiting Student Learning information about elective opportunities
Opportunities (VSLO®) at participating VSLO® institutions can
be found at
VSLO® is an international program of the
Association of American Medical
Colleges (AAMC), comprised of a Students who are interested in taking up a
network of collaborating institutions in VSLO® elective, should contact the
over 43 countries, with nearly 2,000 Office of the Registrar.
clinical, public health and research
opportunities. See International Elective Application
Form available at Office of The Registrar
VSLO® facilitates global mobility for Forms.
final year medical and public health

Awards and Prizes
undertaken at any time during the
student’s tenure in the Medical College.
Academic Distinction The student's time commitment to the
research may vary from elective periods
undertaken during the academic years, to
Academic distinction is awarded at the
research performed during summer
discretion of the Vice Dean for Academic
vacations, to full-time involvement in
and Curricular Affairs to students who
research undertaken during a one or two-
have consistently shown outstanding
year Extended Curriculum for Research
academic performance. This generally
(ECR). The project must have approval of
equates to an overall academic
a faculty mentor, as well as the WCM-Q
performance commensurate with the top
Coordinator of Student Research.
20% of the graduating class and will
Research performed to satisfy the
appear on the student’s transcript.
requirements of the summer Extended
Curriculum for Research, also known as
the Advanced Biomedical Science
Convocation Awards Extended Curriculum for Research should
be considered for this award.
Students who have excelled in one or
more areas during their course of study in
The M.D. with Honors in Research
the medical curriculum are recognized at
program will be administered by the
the convocation ceremony usually held
WCM-Q Graduation Research Award
each year ahead of graduation. Awards are
Committee, which is appointed by the
presented for academic excellence in each
WCM-Q Dean. The Committee will have
course in the three phases of the
final authority in recommending students
curriculum, as well as an overall award for
to the Dean for the degree of M.D. with
excellence in the Foundational Sciences
Honors in Research. The determination of
Curriculum and excellence in the Clinical
the WCM-Q Graduation Research Award
Curriculum. When merited, awards may
Committee in recommending students to
also be made for Excellence in
the WCM-Q Dean for this award is final.
Professionalism in Phase I and Phase II of
the curriculum and The Mark Pecker
Award for Clinical Excellence. Awarding of the degree of M.D. with
Honors in Research will be based upon
the quality of the research project
Honors Designation completed by the student. The student
should complete a body of work that will
comprise a scientific paper of quality
Honors in Research
suitable for publication in a peer reviewed
major scientific journal. The student will
The goal of the M.D. with Honors in submit their application for the
Research Program is to encourage and Biomedical Research Award & Honors
recognize achievements in biomedical Designation to the Office of Student
research by medical students of the Affairs by January of the year of the
Medical College. To obtain the honors expected degree. The faculty mentor
designation, the student must complete and/or supervisor of the research project
successfully a clinical or laboratory must endorse the student’s application.
research project undertaken at WCM-Q, Student Affairs will then submit the
one of its affiliates, or another approved application and supporting documents to
site. The research project may be the chair of the WCM-Q Graduation
Research Award Committee. If awarded,

the student's diploma and transcript will Recognizing Excellence in
indicate that the student achieved an
“M.D. with Honors in Research.” the Areas of Concentration
Honors in Service
All students in a graduating class will
The goal of M.D. with Honors in Service conduct individual Scholarly Project (SP)
designation encourages students with an research during a six-month dedicated
interest in, and commitment to, time block and will produce a written
community service to develop their report of that research as part of the Areas
interest and abilities in service to the of Concentration Course/Program. In
community and to recognize excellence in order to recognize exceptional
their achievement. The Honors achievements within the AOC curriculum
designation will appear on the student’s specifically, a select number of students
diploma and transcript. The requirement will receive a “Certificate of Excellence”
for the designation of MD with Honors in for their AOC research work and SP
Service has two components including a report.
time and commitment component and an
original scholarly paper component. The
time commitment component is based on
The AOC leadership committee, based on
the student’s activity as a volunteer in the
their evaluations of all SP reports,
community service program. The paper
associated faculty reviews, and the
must be intellectually rigorous and of
student performance throughout the four
similar length to a scientific paper
years of the AOC Course/Program will
submitted for publication.
make a recommendation to the Vice Dean
for Academic and Curricular Affairs as to
The M.D. with Honors in Service which students should receive the awards.
program will be administered by the The Vice Dean shall make the final
WCM-Q Graduation Service Award determination. The evaluation will be
Committee, which is appointed by the based on specific categories that include
WCM-Q Dean. The Committee will have originality, scholarship, rigor, clarity of
final authority in recommending students presentation and professionalism.
to the Dean for the degree of M.D. with
Honors in Service. The determination of The mechanism to recognize excellence in
the WCM-Q Graduation Service Award scholarship in the AOC Course/Program
Committee in recommending students to is independent of the “MD with Honors in
the WCM-Q Dean for this award is final. Research” designation, which is awarded
by the WCM-Q Graduation Research
Students who wish to be considered for Award Committee. Students are permitted
the M.D. with Honor in Service should to submit work they conducted during the
apply to the Office of Student Affairs by AOC Course/Program to apply for the
January 1 of the year of the expected “MD with Honors in Research”
degree. The Office of Student Affairs will designation, irrespective of whether or not
then forward the application to the this work was awarded an AOC
Graduation Service Award Committee. If “Certificate of Excellence.” Likewise,
awarded, the student's diploma and students may be eligible to receive other
transcript will indicate that the student specialized research awards from the
achieved an “M.D. with Honors in College or its academic departments
Service.” based on work they conducted as part of
their AOC/SP.

Institutional Policies
and Procedures

Prohibited Discrimination and
Harassment Policy
Endorsed by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students
occurs when an individual is targeted
Policy because of his or her protected status that
WCM-Q does not discriminate against or unreasonably interferes with their
permit harassment of its students, academics or work and creates an
employees or applicants for employment intimidating, hostile or offensive learning
on the basis of their protected status. or working environment. Examples of
Accordingly, WCM-Q will not accept, such misconduct can be found in
tolerate or condone actions of Appendix D of Cornell University Policy
discrimination and/or harassment by any 6.4.
employee, student, patient, vendor, or
visitor. In compliance with applicable All students and employees must comply
U.S. federal, New York state laws, and with this policy and take appropriate
college policy, WCM-Q maintains measures to ensure that such conduct does
processes for individuals or groups to not occur. Violations of this policy will be
seek redress and remediation if they deemed gross misconduct.
believe they have been the victims of
these acts.
Students and employees of WCM-Q must
Purpose also familiarize themselves with Cornell
WCM-Q’s commitment to diversity and University’s Policy 6.4 on Prohibited
inclusiveness is grounded in providing an Discrimination, Protected Status
environment that is free from all Harassment, Sexual Harassment and
prohibited discrimination, protected status Sexual Assault and Violence. The
harassment, sexual assault/violence, and principles stated in University Policy 6.4
bias activity, in particular when such apply to WCM-Q.
actions are directed at a member or group
of the WCM-Q community because of Acts of prohibited discrimination and
that individual's or group's actual or protected-status including sexual
perceived age, color, creed, disability, harassment and sexual violence constitute
ethnicity, gender, gender identity or violations of U.S. federal and New York
expression, marital status, national origin, state laws. In addition, WCM-Q will not
race, religion, sexual orientation, tolerate sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault,
pregnancy or recovery from childbirth or domestic violence, intimate-partner
any combination of these or related violence, stalking, sexual coercion, or
factors protected by law. other forms of sexual violence by or
against students, staff members, faculty,
Applicability alumni, or visitors.
Applies to all members of the faculty,
staff, and students of WCM-Q.
Sexual harassment is discrimination and is
Definitions therefore illegal under U.S. federal and
New York state laws. Sexual harassment
Prohibited discrimination occurs when an
is unwelcome unsolicited conduct of a
academic or employment decision results
sexual nature or because of one’s sex that
in negative and/or different treatment of
is offensive and undesirable to the
an individual based upon his or her
receiver. It includes unwelcome sexual
protected status. Prohibited harassment

advances, requests for sexual favors, and reported to the proper authorities.
other verbal, non-verbal or physical Immediate action will be taken by WCM-
conduct of a sexual nature. Q to protect the safety of victims of
sexual assault.

Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature or

related to one’s sex can unreasonably Acts of prohibited discrimination or
interfere with work and learning harassment undermine WCM-Q’s
performance and creates an intimidating, commitment to inclusion and diversity
hostile, and offensive work and/or and threaten the careers, educational
academic environment, which has no experience, patient services and well-
place at WCM-Q. No one should tolerate being of all associated with WCM-Q.
such behavior in the course of his or her
employment or academic status. Reporting of Allegations
Employment or academic decisions If a student, employee or other member of
cannot be based on either submission to, the WCM-Q community believes that
or rejection of such behavior. he/she has experienced such prohibited
treatment at WCM-Q, the individual
should report this to any of the following:
Forms of Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment can take many forms Assistant/Associate Dean, Student 4492
including, but not limited to the Affairs (Students only) 8504/4492
following: 8311
Director, Student Affairs (Students 4492-8518
• Verbal - sexual innuendo, only)
suggestive comments, humor or Director, Human Resources 4492-8625
jokes about sex or gender related (Faculty & Staff)
traits, sexual propositions, insults
or threats;
Complainants are assured that problems
• Nonverbal - suggestive or
of this nature will be treated in a
insulting sounds, gestures, or
confidential manner.
looks that convey an
inappropriate sexual innuendo,
act or threat;
Investigation and Corrective
• Physical - touching of the body Action
(i.e. brushing, patting, pinching, All complaints of harassment or
grabbing), coerced sexual discrimination reported to the Director of
intercourse or other sexual acts; Student Affairs, or to the Director of
• Visual - displaying or attributing Human Resources, will be treated
non work-related materials that seriously and thoroughly investigated by
depict or describe a sexual act or WCM-Q. Complaints may or may not be
sexually provocative image. made in writing.

Any person, male or female may be The investigation may include individual
subject to sexual harassment. Sex-based interviews with parties involved and,
harassment - that is, harassment not where necessary, with individuals who
involving sexual activity or language (i.e. may have observed the alleged conduct or
if a male supervisor regularly berates only may have other relevant knowledge. The
female employees) - may also constitute investigation will proceed with
discrimination if it is severe or pervasive appropriate consideration given to the
and directed at employees because of their privacy of all involved. It must be
sex. recognized that WCM-Q will take
reasonable measures to protect the
Sexual Assault - Sexual harassment, confidentiality of the complaint,
which constitutes sexual assault, will be

testimony and witnesses throughout the Failure to immediately notify any of the
investigatory process. However, WCM-Q above listed persons may impede the
cannot and does not guarantee that ability of the investigators to conduct an
confidentiality will be maintained. If a impartial, timely, and thorough review of
complaint is substantiated, employees or the complaint and inhibit the Medical
students who engage in such inappropriate College’s ability to adhere to their
behavior will be dealt with promptly and obligations under the law.
appropriately. Responsive action may
include, for example, training, referral to Investigative Process
counseling, monitoring of the offender Complaints brought forward by a student
and/or a corrective action, or other or an employee will be thoroughly
discipline up to and including termination reviewed by one of the offices noted
of affiliation with WCM-Q. At the above. All complaints that implicate the
conclusion of the investigation, the prohibited acts under this policy,
complainant and respondent will be including complaints of retaliation, will
provided with a general overview of be investigated. The investigation will
findings. include interviews of the complainant, the
accused, and all others involved or may
Responsibility of Employees and have knowledge of the facts and
circumstances. The investigation will
Students proceed with appropriate consideration
In order for WCM-Q to ensure that it given to the privacy of all involved. At the
provides a working and learning conclusion of the investigation, the
environment free from harassment and complainant and accused will
discrimination, it is imperative that each simultaneously receive a written summary
person who believes he/she has been of findings. Any employee found to have
subject to or witnessed harassment or engaged in illegal harassment and/or
discrimination immediately notify any of discrimination will be subject to
the offices above so that an investigation remediation, which may include retraining
can be conducted. It is expected that all and/or corrective action, up to and
employees of WCM will cooperate fully including termination of their
with WCM-Q investigating complaints of employment or dismissal from WCM-Q
harassment or discrimination. The mere enrollment.
fact that an investigation is being
conducted by WCM-Q does not suggest Retaliation
that WCM-Q has ground to substantiate
Retaliation and/or threats of retaliation or
the allegations of the complaint.
retribution against employees who raise
concerns or make complaints or assist in
Responsibility of Supervisors,
providing information (e.g., as witnesses)
Administrators, and Faculty about discriminatory practices, including
Members harassment, is prohibited and must be
Supervisors, administrators and faculty reported to Human Resources Division.
members are expected to maintain a work Retaliation may also violate New York
environment that does not tolerate or State and U.S. federal laws as well as
condone any form of harassment or WCM-Q policies.
discrimination. If a supervisor,
administrator, faculty member, or False Claims
counselor receives a complaint or inquiry Deliberately false or malicious
about illegal harassment or discrimination accusations of harassment or other
that is alleged to have occurred on WCM- discriminatory conduct – as opposed to
Q property or involves a WCM-Q complaints that, even if erroneous, are
employee or student, he/she is to made in good faith - may be subject to
immediately contact WCM-Q’s Director appropriate disciplinary action.
of Human Resources, or any of the others
listed above, and report that action.

Student Conduct
Endorsed by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students
Curriculum in the Student
Policy • Violation of the WCM-Q Dress
WCM-Q expects all students to act Code policy, refer to the WCM-Q
professionally at all times, including and dress code in the Student
not limited to, in the WCM-Q building, Handbook;
Education City, Qatar Foundation • Use and/or possession of alcohol,
Residence Halls, any affiliated hospitals drugs or narcotics, refer to the
and clinics where they may be assigned WCM-Q Drug and Alcohol Abuse
to, from time to time, for educational Policy in the Student Handbook;
and/or employment purpose, WCM-NY • Creating unsafe or unsanitary
and Ithaca campuses, extracurricular or conditions for other students, staff
academic travel and/or any other instance and faculty; or
in which students are representatives of • Theft, fraud, unauthorized
the MedicalCollege. destruction or misappropriation of
property belonging to WCM-Q,
Purpose another student, staff or a patient.
To define and protect the rights and
safeguard the environment for all students The above violations should be reported
during their enrollment at the College. to any of the following:
Violations Assistant/Associate 4492
Dean, Student Affairs 8504/4492
The following are examples of behaviors 8311
which may generally violate the rules of Director, Student 4492-8625
conduct even though they may not be Affairs
directly outlined in the Academic Policies
and Standards applicable to students in Complainants/reporters are assured that
the premedical and medical curriculum all violations, as well as the investigation
and may result in disciplinary action: process will be treated in a confidential
• Failure to comply with the
instructions provided by “faculty Investigation and Corrective
and/or staff in charge” in a team,
task, trip or project setting; Action
• Engagement in any act of • All violations reported to the
intimidation, fighting, violence Student Affairs Deans or Director
and/or abuse of students, staff and under this policy will be treated
other individuals. Refer to seriously and thoroughly
Harassment Policy in the Student investigated by WCM-Q.
Handbook; Reporting of these violations may
or may not be made in writing.
• Engagement in fraternization
and/or physical affection with • The investigation may include individual
another individual and/or any interviews with parties involved and,
behavior that might be perceived where necessary, with individuals who
as culturally inappropriate by the may have observed the alleged conduct or
State of Qatar, refer to Standards may have other relevant knowledge. The
of Conduct in the Medical investigation will proceed with appropriate
consideration given to the privacy of all

involved. It must be recognized Responsibility of Administrators,
that WCM-Q will take reasonable and Faculty Members
measures to protect the Administrators and faculty members are
confidentiality of the expected to maintain a work environment
complainant, testimony and that does not tolerate or condone any
witnesses throughout the misconduct or unprofessional behavior. If
investigatory process. However, the administrator, faculty member, or
WCM-Q cannot and does not
counselor receives a complaint or inquiry
guarantee that confidentiality will
about misconduct that is alleged to have
be maintained. If a complaint is
occurred on WCM-Q property or involves
substantiated, students, staff and
a WCM-Q student or staff, he/she is to
faculty who engage in such
immediately contact any of the above
inappropriate behavior will be
WCM-Q officials, and report that action.
dealt with promptly and
Failure to immediately notify any of the
appropriately. Responsive action
above listed persons may impede the
may include, for example,
ability of the investigators to conduct an
training, referral to counseling, a
impartial, timely, and thorough review of
professionalism citation,
the complaint and inhibit the Medical
monitoring of the offender and/or
College’s ability to adhere to its
a corrective action, or up to a
obligations under the law.
referral to the Promotion and
Graduation Committee (P&G)
Investigative Process
with a possible recommendation
Complaints brought forward by a student
of dismissal of the student from
or an employee will be thoroughly
WCM-Q. At the conclusion of the
reviewed by one of the offices noted
investigation, the complainant
above. All complaints that implicate the
and respondent will be provided
prohibited acts under this policy,
with a general overview of
including complaints of retaliation, will
be investigated. The investigation will
include interviews of the complainant, the
Responsibility of Staff, Faculty and
accused, and all others involved or who
Students may have knowledge of the facts and
• In order for WCM-Q to ensure circumstances. The investigation will
that it provides a positive and proceed with appropriate consideration
effective learning environment to given to the privacy of all involved. At the
its students and employees, it is conclusion of the investigation, the
imperative that each person who complainant (if any) and accused will
has been involved or witnessed simultaneously receive a written summary
any of the above violations of findings. Any student found to have
immediately notify any of the engaged in a misconduct/violation will be
officials above so that an subject to a verbal/written warning,
investigation may be conducted. referral to counseling and/or up to referral
• It is expected that all students, to the P&G Committee which will decide
staff and faculty of WCM-Q will the proper action to be taken against the
cooperate fully with WCM-Q student.
investigating those violations. The
mere fact that an investigation is False Claims
being conducted by WCM-Q does Deliberately false or malicious
not suggest that WCM-Q has accusations of misconduct/violation - as
grounds to substantiate the opposed to complaints that, even if
allegations of the complaint. erroneous, are made in good faith - may
be subject to appropriate disciplinary

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
Endorsed by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students
such conviction.
U.S. Federal, New York State, and Qatar Weill Cornell Medicine shall, within thirty
laws as well as Cornell University (30) days after receipt of notice, take
policies prohibit the illegal possession, appropriate action against such person up
use and distribution of illicit drugs and to and including termination or dismissal,
alcohol. and/or require such person to
satisfactorily participate in a drug
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, assistance or rehabilitation program.
dispensation, possession, or use of an
illicit drug or alcohol by any member of Purpose
the Weill Cornell Medicine Qatar (WCM- WCM-Q will not condone criminal
Q) community, including employees, conduct on its property, or at WCM-Q or
faculty members, students and visitors, is student sponsored activities, and will take
prohibited at all WCM-Q, Qatar appropriate action whenever such conduct
Foundation, and Cornell facilities is discovered to enforce the law and its
(including student residences) and own internal regulations. Violators of U.S.
activities. Appropriate action, including Federal, New York State and Qatar laws
termination and/or dismissal, will be may also be referred to appropriate
taken for violations of the foregoing authorities for prosecution.
Applies to all members of the faculty,
Drug-Free Workplace Policy and staff, and students.
The Drug-Free Work Place Act of 1988 Sanctions
requires Weill Cornell Medicine, as a U.S. Violations of WCM-Q policies can result
Federal grant recipient and contractor, to in termination, suspension or expulsion
certify that it will provide a drug-free from the Medical College.
workplace by, among other actions,
requiring that each person engaged in a Faculty and non-academic staff can be
U.S. Federal grant or contract (including subject to disciplinary action up to and
persons and consultants) be given a copy including termination of employment.
of this Statement and notifying such
person that as a condition of participation
in such grant or contract, the person will: Student violators can be subject to
• Abide by the terms of disciplinary action up to and including
this Statement; and dismissal. Any drug or alcohol abuse
• Notify the person’s violation may become part of a student’s
supervisor, department permanent record and may impact on a
chairperson, or dean of student’s fitness or suitability for
any criminal drug advancement.
statute conviction
(including acceptance
of a guilty plea by a Qatar Laws Related to
judicial authority) for a Drugs and Alcohol Use
violation occurring in
the workplace no later
than five (5) days after Legal sanctions include severe criminal penalties

such as capital punishment, corporal capital punishment or life
punishment, imprisonment, deportation imprisonment and a fine between
and fines. The severity of the penalty QAR 300,000 to QAR 500,000.
depends on the nature of the criminal act.

Examples of Legal Sanctions under Health Risks

Qatar Laws:
• Anyone convicted of consuming WCM-Q recognizes the convincing
alcohol in public, public medical evidence that alcohol abuse and
intoxication or disturbing others the use of illegal drugs and substances
while intoxicated will be subject pose a significant threat to health and
to imprisonment for up to 6 condemns alcohol abuse and the use of
months and/or a fine of up to such drugs and substances as harmful to
QAR 3,000. the physical and psychological well-being
• Anyone who gives a person under of the user and the well-being of the
16 an alcoholic beverage or Cornell community.
incites them to drink alcohol, the
penalty for conviction is no more
than three years imprisonment The following list by category is only a
and/or a fine up to QAR 10,000. short sampling of potential risks involved
with using alcohol or drugs:
• Anyone convicted of importing,
exporting, making, extracting or
producing alcohol or alcoholic • Narcotics: Slow and shallow
beverages will be imprisoned for respiration, clammy skin,
no more than three years and convulsions, coma, and death.
fined up to QAR 10,000. • Stimulants: Increased pulse rate,
• Anyone who is convicted of blood pressure and body
selling or buying, delivering or temperature, insomnia, agitation,
receiving, transporting or convulsions, possible death.
possessing alcohol or alcoholic • Cannabis: Disorientated
beverages, or deals with alcohol behavior, fatigue, paranoia,
in any way for the purpose of possible psychosis.
trading or promoting alcohol will • Alcohol: Drowsiness, impairment
be imprisoned for no more than of judgment and coordination,
three years and/or subject to fine liver and heart damage,
of up to QAR 10,000. respiratory depression and death.
Anyone convicted of acquiring, Mothers who drink during
receiving, purchasing or pregnancy risk giving birth to
producing narcotics and mind infants with fetal alcohol
affecting agents or growing plants syndrome, which can include
such as cannabis with the irreversible physical
intention of taking them or for abnormalities and mental
personal use (unless licensed) retardation.
shall be imprisoned for not more
than five years and fined QAR Counseling and Treatment
50,000 to QAR 100,000.
• Anyone, without a The Employee Wellbeing Program (EWP) is a
license, convicted of short-term counseling and referral service for drug
importing or exporting, and alcohol abuse as well as other concerns.
manufacturing or Through the contracted counseling company
growing Drugs for the “ICAS”, eligible employees and their dependents,
purpose trade as well as students, may obtain free counseling
(smuggling/trafficking) (five sessions) for substance and alcohol abuse
will be subject to issues that affect them and their families. EWP

counselors will assess each case and may
make a referral to an appropriate program
or outside agency best suited to address
the rehabilitation needs.

An ICAS counselor can be

contacted in Doha by calling 00
800 100 250 or +44 203 006
6217 (from out-of-country, call
backs will be arranged); contact
via email:

Institutional Review
Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar
will conduct a biennial review
of its drug and alcohol abuse
policies and programs to
determine the effectiveness of
such policies and programs,
implement any necessary
changes, and ensure consistent
enforcement of required

Smoking and Vaping Rules Policy
Endorsed by the WCM-Q Medical Executive Curriculum and Policy Committee
Applicability: All Students

Smoking and vaping* are prohibited ii. West end of the WCM-Q
anywhere on the premises of Weill building, under the bridge to
Cornell Medicine-Qatar, other than those Lecture Halls 3 and 4 (against the
outdoor areas that are specifically South Hall wall).
designated for smoking.
Employees and/or students who observe
Purpose anyone smoking/vaping on campus
To protect and enhance our indoor air outside of the designated smoking areas
quality and to contribute to the health and should courteously notify the person
well-being of all employees and students. smoking that smoking/vaping is
prohibited or alert security officers or
Applicability FHSS (Facilities, Health, Safety and
Security) to the infraction.
This policy applies to all employees,
students, contractors, consultants,
Employees or students seeking to quit
vendors, visitors, and guests.
smoking may contact the Employee
Wellness Program (ICAS) to receive
information about smoking cessation
Smoking and vaping are prohibited on the
programs. - Email:
WCM-Q campus, other than those
outdoor areas that are specifically
designated for smoking and vaping. The
areas in which smoking/vaping is not An employee or student who does not
permitted includes anywhere in the comply with this policy will be subject to
building, on the terraces or in the corrective action. Any employee reporting
courtyards, or any other area in the a violation of this policy is protected from
immediate vicinity of the WCM-Q retaliatory adverse employment action.
building, including the loading docks and
the underground parking garage.
* Inhaling or exhaling the vapor produced by an
electronic cigarette or similar
WCM-Q, in consultation with Qatar
Foundation, has designated two areas
where smoking/vaping is permitted:
i. East end of the WCM-Q building,
under the bridge to Lecture Hall 1
(against the North Hall wall)

Health and Safety Policies and
Applicability: All Students

WCM-Q strives to maintain a safe work • Being prepared for emergencies

environment for all students, employees, that may occur at the Medical
and visitors. Facilities, Health, Safety and College.
Security (FHSS) establishes and monitors
programs and activities to ensure that Safety in the Teaching
adequate environmental and safety Laboratories
measures are practiced at WCM-Q, and
strives to comply with applicable U.S. Teaching laboratories are potentially
regulations, Qatar laws, and best dangerous environments and although
practices. It responds to various accidents can happen in ways that cannot
emergencies, conducts inspections and be foreseen, there are certain forms of
fire drills, and provides education and behavior that are necessary to minimize
training in safety precautions. It monitors the risk. The laboratories are provided
the use of potentially harmful substances with fume hoods and emergency irrigation
and storage and disposal of hazardous systems but there is a need to wear
waste. It maintains appropriate working protective clothing whenever participating
relationships with Qatar Foundation, in laboratory experiments.
Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell
University safety officials and with At a minimum, lab coats (or comparable
official environmental health and safety covering) must be worn while performing
regulatory agencies. WCM-Q laboratory laboratory related work. This cover
safety policies and procedures are should be removed before exiting the
available on the FHSS web page: building, entering food serving areas,
restrooms, or any public area. Lab coats
Laboratory Safety and other coverings must be laundered
using WCM-Q provided service to avoid
At WCM-Q, safety is everyone’s carrying contamination outside of the
responsibility. All students should be workplace.
thoroughly familiar with their safety
responsibilities, which include: Goggles must be worn at all times while
in the laboratory. This includes clean up
• Striving to learn and follow safety times and by any visitors to the
practices at all times; laboratories.
• Attending laboratory
safety training; Application of contacts, cosmetics and
• Preparing for laboratory sessions lotions is prohibited in labs with
in advance; chemicals. Confine long hair and loose
• Behaving responsibly and act clothing.
proactively to prevent accidents
and injuries; following For women in traditional dress, the abaya
instructions of professors, should be removed so that its long sleeves
instructors and TA’s; do not drag on the bench and its length
• Communicating hazards to faculty does not drag on the floor. The Shayla
supervisors and Facilities, Health must be tucked into the laboratory coat so
Safety and Security (FHSS); and that it will not hang or drop into a
chemical, open flame or equipment. A

face veil cannot be worn due to potential Wear shoes at all times in the laboratory.
dangers from chemicals or open flames. A Do not wear sandals, open toe, or
surgical mask may be worn in place of the perforated shoes or sneakers in
veil. For men in traditional dress, the laboratories. Only closed-toed shoes
ghutra must be removed so that there is no should be worn in the laboratory in order
danger of it dropping into a chemical, to protect feet from potential spills.
open flame or equipment.
Accident and Injury Report Form.

Procedures for Needlestick and

Human Blood/Secretion Exposure at
HMC or other affiliated healthcare
Applicability: All Students

Refer to Facilities/Environmental Health and Safety policy 2.2.4 – Occupational Exposure to

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Guidelines

A. Cleanse the wound and from 7:00am-3:00pm (ground

surrounding area with soap and floor of Outpatient Department
water (for a Needlestick), or flush across from Cardiology Clinic),
eyes, noses or mouth with phone 4439-5888
copious amounts of tap water (for D. If HMC Staff Clinic is shut or
a splash to the face). there is no available Staff Clinic
B. Inform your supervisor or clinical at an affiliated healthcare center
instructor of the incident and go to HMC Emergency
obtain source individual’s identity Department.
and HBV/HIV status (if known). E. Report to WCM-Q Student
C. Go to HMC or other affiliated Affairs and fill out incident report
healthcare center Staff Clinic (if as soon as possible following the
available). HMC Staff Clinic is incident.
open Sunday through Thursday

Student Records and Privacy (FERPA)
Applicability: All Students

WCM-Q complies with The Family Cornell University Student Record Privacy
Educational Rights and Privacy Act Statement
(FERPA). It is a US Federal law that
protects the privacy of student education Students at WCM-Q may choose to
records. prevent the release of their directory
information by contacting the Office of the
It is important for students to familiarize Registrar in person at the Division of
themselves with how this policy protects Student Affairs, via phone at 44928514, or
educational records and directory via email at registrar@qatar-
information. Students may revoke
their no-release request at any time by
To understand how FERPA is contacting the Office of the Registrar.
implemented at WCM-Q please visit the
following web links:
Cornell University Policy 4.5 - Access to
Student Information

Health Insurance Portability &

Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Applicability: All Students

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & participate in the clinical observership program.
Accountability Act) is a United States law This training addresses the fundamentals of
which establishes uniform standards for HIPAA and other applicable laws and regulations
the use of all protected health information. on patient privacy and confidentiality.

All medical students should be aware that First year medical students are required to
as a member of the WCM-Q medical complete and pass the HIPAA online
community you will be required to training program. This four-module
become familiar with and adhere to training program includes Privacy,
HIPAA and other applicable privacy and Security, Breach Notification rules, and
confidentiality laws and regultions of the the signing of a Confidentiality
United States and the State of Qatar Agreement. Students must submit the
HIPAA training program completion
Foundation and Premedical students certificate to the WCM-Q Dean’s Office
participating in the clinical observership within the stipulated number of days of
program are required to complete the commencement of studies (refer to
online Respect for Patient Privacy and WCM-Q Policy 4.3 - HIPAA Compliance
Confidentiality Training prior to the Training and Confidentiality Agreement).
deadline for application submission to

Third year Medical students are
required to complete and pass
the HIPAA Refresher course
prior to the commencement of
the clerkships.

Additional HIPAA training may

be required for Students in
response to new processes,
procedures or technologies.
Students will be notified of changes to
training requirements .

Student Representation and
Participation in the Elected Student
Approved by the Division of Student Affairs MSEC-Q membership followed by class voting
for their preferred MSEC-Q representatives
Applicability: All Students
MSEC-Q members will then elect an Executive
Policy Council which will consist of a President, Vice
WCM-Q supports students’ representation President, Treasurer and Secretary.
and participation in the elected student
Council entitled the Medical Student Relationships
Executive Council (MSEC-Q). • MSEC-Q Executive Council reports to the
Director of Student Affairs
Purpose • The Events and Student
To enhance student active representation Development Specialist in
and participation in student related issues Student Affairs will act as a
and provide a venue where WCM-Q Special Advisor to MSEC-Q to
administration seeks students’ input on provide advice and guidance
matters that are applicable to the general • Student Affairs will allocate an
student population. annual budget for MSEC-Q’s
Eligibility • Student Affairs will act as liaison
• Students applying for MSEC-Q’s between MSEC-Q and the
membership should be in good different divisions in WCM-Q
academic and professional • Student Affairs will facilitate
standing services provided to MSEC-Q
• MSEC-Q members who lose activities
their good academic or • MSEC-Q programs and activities
professional standing during must be reviewed and approved
their membership, should notify by the Director of Student Affairs.
the Director of Students Affairs
immediately. A meeting with the Expectations
Associate Dean of Student • MSEC-Q members must act as
Affairs will be held to discuss liaisons between their classmates
their MSEC-Q’s membership and Student Affairs
• MSEC-Q members must act as
representatives of WCM-Q.
Membership In case of any alleged violations of
MSEC-Q shall consist of twenty-six WCM-Q policies and regulations, Student
members: Affairs reserves the right to appoint an ad
• 4 class representatives from each hoc committee formed by Student Affairs
class in the Premedical and faculty and staff to investigate these
Medical program allegations to stop any activities including
• 2 class representatives from the funding until matters /allegations under
Foundation program investigation have been resolved.

The membership starts by interested Related Policies/Documents

students nominating themselves for • MSEC-Q’s constitution

Student Participation in Clubs and
Approved by the Division of Student Affairs
• Any changes made by MSEC-Q
Applicability: All Students should be sent back to Student
Affairs for its final approval
Policy • Student Affairs in consultation
WCM-Q encourages students to with MSEC-Q dedicates an
participate in extracurricular activities by annual budget for approved clubs
forming clubs and organizations and organizations to be used for
according to interests and specialties. events, activities and travel
Purpose Expectations
Clubs and organization enhance students’ • Clubs’ members have to approach
personal and professional development, Student Affairs for all logistical
enhance their organizational and and administrative support for
leadership skills and help them to serve their different activities
the local community.
• Clubs’ members have to approach
MSEC-Q to seek funding for their
Administration activities
Club Formation Eligibility • Clubs’ members have to act as
representatives of WCM-Q
Clubs should have:
• Clubs’ members have to notify
• At least five active WCM-Q
Student Affairs in case of any
changes they incur to their
• An advisor (WCM-Q Faculty or constitution or leadership
Staff) structure
• A written constitution is required
for the application Violations
• Complete a minimal of two In case of any alleged violations of
events during the academic year WCM-Q policies and regulations, Student
• Complete a renewal process, if Affairs reserves the right to appoint an ad
requested hoc committee formed by Student Affairs
faculty and staff to investigate these
Approval and Budget allegations and to stop any activities
• Student Affairs reviews and including funding until matters
approves clubs’ applications to /allegations under investigation have been
ensure eligibility, its scope and to resolved.
avoid duplication
• MSEC-Q reviews and approves
new clubs’ applications

Computers, Network Systems and
Electronic Communications Guidelines
Applicability: All Students

The Medical College’s computers, • The ownership and intellectual

network systems equipment, data, and property rights of proprietary and
software are a critical portion of the commercial software, including
Medical College’s infrastructure and are not using unauthorized copies of
to be treated accordingly. software even where the software
may not be copy protected;
Students and faculty are responsible for • The finite capacity of a computer
their actions when using the Medical system and limitations of use so
College’s computers, electronic as not to interfere unreasonably
communications and network systems, with the activity of other users;
whether or not their transgressions are • Procedures (posted in computer
intentional, accidental and/or can be facilities and/or online)
corrected. established to manage use of the
computer system;
• The rights of others not to be
Every student is allocated a Campus-Wide harassed, intimidated, or
Identifier (CWID) upon enrollment. otherwise receive intrusive or
CWIDs are unique and are assigned to inflammatory information
allow and/or control access to some through the computer system; and
computing resources.
• The Medical College’s policies
regarding the use of computers as
CWIDs are unique and must not be shared specified by the Information
between individual users. Technologies Services (ITS).
These can be viewed under the
Please do not use WCM-Q CWID/email “Policies and Forms” page of
and password to create an account on any WCM-Q SharePoint filtered by
external website and application “Information Technology
including but not limited to social media. Services” division. In the
In the event any of those external absence of a specific WCM-Q
websites or applications are hacked, your policy, the policies of Weill
WCM-Q access may be accessible by Cornell Medicine of Cornell
external threat actors. The cybercriminals University will apply.
can use your CWID credentials to
impersonate you and launch an attack on
WCM-Q, WCM, and Cornell university Piracy
technology resources.
Piracy, or unauthorized distribution of
Users of Medical College computers, copyright materials, including by means
networks and systems shall respect: of peer-to-peer file sharing programs, is
• The privacy of other users' illegal, and may subject students to civil
information, whether or not the and criminal penalties. At the Medical
information is securely protected; College, piracy is also a violation of the
standards of conduct and may result in
disciplinary action up to and including

ID Cards and Badges
Applicability: All Students

ID cards are the property of WCM-Q. The enrollment. Facilities, Health, Safety and
ID badges are to be worn at all times Security (FHSS) division should be
while on Medical College premises or on notified immediately in case the badge is
official Medical College outings. The ID lost or stolen. Students must request a
badge may not be loaned to anyone else. new Proximity ID Card Replacement
The cards must be returned at the end of from FHSS.
the program of

Student Support

Academic Counseling and Career
Applicability: All Students

Academic Counselors provide academic well-informed decisions to help them be

counseling and career advising to successful. Students may request these
students. Through presentations, services by contacting the Academic
information sharing, and one-on-one Counseling Office in the Student Affairs
academic counseling, the academic Division.
counselors are available to provide Academic Counseling Office
students with what they need to make

Financial Aid
Applicability: All Students

WCM-Q admits students on merit only, or they may also have the option to
according to the principle of ‘needs-blind provide a period of service to Qatar.
admissions’. The Committee on
Admission screens, evaluates, and accepts Sponsorship may be available for Qatari
students without knowledge of their citizens from the Higher Education
ability to pay. Students who require Institute, Sidra, Qatar Armed Forces or
financial assistance may apply directly to Hamad Medical Corporation.
the Qatar Foundation Financial Aid
program. For more information see:

After assessment of need, students are Financial Aid

provided with loans that must be repaid,

Health Sciences Library
The Health Sciences Reading Room is course resources, how-to guides, and
located in the North Entrance of the other library support materials.
WCM-Q building, behind the security
desk. InterLibrary Loan
If the library does not have access to a
For library hours, please refer to the book, book chapter, or journal article you
library website to find the most up-to-date are looking for, you can use our
Reading Room schedule. InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service to obtain
the item on loan free of charge. Allow ten
More information about our services and days for requested books to be received,
policies regarding borrowing privileges unless the item is available in Qatar;
and fines can be found on our website: however, journal articles can usually be obtained within four working days.
You can access our guide on placing an
To access our online collection from off- ILL request.
campus, please use your WCM-Q email
address and password. Desktops
The Reading Room has eight Apple iMac
Reading Room computers that are fully networked and
The Reading Room houses all physical have EndNote, and Microsoft Word,
resources that may be borrowed, including PowerPoint, and Excel installed.
books and multimedia materials. You can
be issued with a barcode by providing Printing, photocopying & scanning
your CWID to staff and use the self- Color printing, photocopying and
checkout machine to quickly and easily scanning are available during regular
take out items. Reading Room opening hours.

Assistance from librarians can be Library etiquette

requested: Mobile phones should be switched to
• In person at the Reading Room silent, and calls taken outside the Reading
desk Room as a courtesy to fellow users.
• Via Chat
• email at reflib@qatar- Bibliographic Management Tools; or
• phone 4492-8100. The Distributed eLibrary provides support
and instruction for the following
SEARCH bibliographic management software:
The SEARCH tool is an online search • EndNote (on the desktop
service for the entire library collection. computers in the Reading Room)
This tool lists not only print and • RefWorks (can be used on any
multimedia resources, but also provides computer anywhere after the user
direct links to electronic books, articles, creates an account
and journals that we subscribe to.

Library guides
The Distributed eLibrary library guides
provide access to a range of databases,


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