Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell unavailability faults greatly affect user experience. To ensure the reliability of cell
outage detection, the cell unavailability event and ALM-29240 Cell Unavailable are
reported independently. This way, if this alarm is manually inappropriately masked or
goes unnoticed due to an alarm storm, the event is still reported to the MAE-Access
for cell outage detection. This setting helps you obtain outage cell data and restore
services in cases where ALM-29240 Cell Unavailable is masked. Therefore, you are
advised to select the Generate alarm on cell outage check box on the MAE-Access.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
When the monitoring duration and threshold of the duration of cells in the no-traffic
state are calculated:
The duration of cells in the non-idle and no-traffic state X is calculated based on
the parameter settings and traffic volumes in the previous three weeks. X is from
2 to 168 hours, which depends on historical traffic volumes. A high historical
traffic volume indicates a small X.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
X is the duration (2 to 168 hours) of the no-traffic state of a cell, determined based on
the traffic volume over the last three weeks. A higher traffic volume leads to a smaller
value of X, and a lower traffic volume leads to a larger value of X. The interval for
updating X is determined based on Cell traffic model update period set on the GUI.
The measurement period for a cell is determined based on the traffic volume over the
last three weeks.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
When sleeping cell detection is enabled, the eNodeB automatically performs the
following operations:
Starts the no-traffic detection timer when the no-traffic detection time specified
by the CellNoAccessAlmPara.NoAccessStartDetectTimer parameter arrives.
The no-traffic detection timer specifies the time that the eNodeB
calculates the number of UEs in a cell. The length of the timer can be
set through the CellNoAccessAlmPara.NoAccessDetectTimer
Calculates the number of UEs in the cell.
The eNodeB calculates the number of UEs in the cell within the time
specified by the CellNoAccessAlmPara.NoAccessDetectTimer
Determines whether the timer has expired.
The eNodeB determines whether the timer has expired according to the
value of the CellNoAccessAlmPara.NoAccessDetectTimer parameter.
Determines whether the number of UEs in the cell is 0.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
The MAE-Access lists the KPIs that can be selected on the GUI, and users can select
required KPIs and set KPI rules.
Cell outage detection based on customized KPI is performed once every hour.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Scenarios where internal audit counters are abnormal for outage cell detection
If the MAE-Access determines that a sleeping cell is an outage cell, obtain and
observe the KPIs generated during the most recent 72 or more hours, including the
cell outage period.
If the historical traffic of a cell changes significantly (from service access to
non-service access) at the time around cell outage, the cell is probably a
sleeping cell. In this situation, you are advised to recover the cell.
If the historical traffic of a cell fluctuates sharply, you are advised to delay
recovering the cell. About 2 to 3 hours later, confirm the cell status again. If the
cell outage persists, you are advised to recover the cell.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Enable incoming handover anomaly judgment: If this option is selected, sleeping cells
can be considered outage cells based on abnormal incoming handovers. It is
recommended that this option be selected.
Enable cell unavailability fault detection: If this option is selected, outage cells can be
detected based on cell unavailability.
Enable long-time no-traffic judgment: If this option is selected, a sleeping cell can be
considered an outage cell when it stays in the no-traffic state for a long time. It is
recommended that this option be selected.
Cell traffic model update period: Frequency at which the system updates the sleeping
cell (SLC) algorithm parameters (including the detection period and minimum no-
traffic duration)
Minimum no-traffic period (h): Minimum no-traffic duration of a cell. If the no-traffic
duration calculated by the SLC algorithm is longer than the duration specified by this
parameter, the no-traffic duration calculated by the SLC algorithm is used as a
threshold. Otherwise, the duration specified by this parameter is used as a threshold.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
No-traffic period (h): Used for determining outage cells. If the cumulative no-traffic
duration of a cell exceeds this threshold, the cell is considered an outage cell. Value
range: 1 to 720; default value: 96
Monitoring period(s): Hours during which KPIs are monitored. Default value: 8 to 20
(indicating 8:00 to 20:00)
Generate alarm on cell outage: If this option is selected, the MAE-Access generates
cell outage alarms after determining that a cell is an outage cell based on the
monitored KPIs of the cell, such as the no-traffic duration, RRC setup success rate, E-
RAB setup success rate, and service drop rate, as well as the cell outage notification
reported by the eNodeB.
Outage cell recovery mode:
Three recovery modes are available:
Recover after Manual Acknowledgement: The system waits for manual
selection of a recovery method before recovering an outage cell. Six recovery
methods are involved: Reactive Cell, Reset Base Station, Reset RRU, Reset
RRU Through Powering-off, Reset BBP, and Reset BBP Through
Automatically Recover: The system automatically attempts to recover an
outage cell. Only one recovery method is available: Restart Cell. If an outage
cell is detected based on an alarm, Automatically Recover does not take
No Recover: The system does not recover outage cells.
Auto isolate outage cells: This option determines whether the eNodeB isolates an
outage cell when Outage cell recovery mode is set to No Recover; or when it is set
to Recover after Manual Acknowledgement or Automatically Recover but the cell
does not recover within the duration specified by Estimated recovery duration (h)
after the eNodeB attempts to recover it. After the eNodeB isolates an outage cell, UEs
cannot access or be handed over to this cell.
Estimated recovery duration (h): If a cell cannot be recovered within the duration
specified by this parameter after reactivation, operations for isolating outage cells are
performed again for this cell.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
RRC setup number: Used for the eNodeB to detect outage cells based on abnormal
preset KPIs. Value range: 1 to 4294967295; default value: 20
RRC setup success rate (%): RRC setup success rate = Number of successful RRC
setup attempts/Number of RRC setup attempts; Used for the eNodeB to detect outage
cells based on abnormal preset KPIs. Value range: 1 to 100; default value: 5
E-RAB setup number: Used for the eNodeB to detect outage cells based on abnormal
preset KPIs. Value range: 1 to 4294967295; default value: 20
E-RAB setup success rate (%): E-RAB setup success rate = Number of successful E-
RAB setup attempts/Number of E-RAB setup attempts; Used for the eNodeB to detect
outage cells based on abnormal preset KPIs. Value range: 1 to 100; default value: 5
Service release number: Used for the eNodeB to detect outage cells based on
abnormal preset KPIs. Value range: 1 to 4294967295; default value: 20
Abnormal release rate (%): Used for the eNodeB to detect outage cells based on
abnormal preset KPIs. Value range: 1 to 100; default value: 95
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation
Using the Reset RRU or Reset RRU Through Power-off method will reset all the
RRUs that serve an outage SFN cell.
Using the Reset BBP or Reset BBP Through Power-off method will reset all the
BBPs that serve an outage SFN cell.
Using the Reset BBP and Reset BBP Through Power-off methods may affect
normal cells because a BBP may also serve a normal cell while serving an outage cell
or after deactivation of the outage cell.
Cell Outage Detection and Compensation