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B.Tech Degree Course 2008 Scheme
REGULATIONS 1. Conditions for Admission Candidates for admission to the B.Tech degree course shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala or 12th Standard V.H.S.E., C.B.S.E., I.S.C. or any examination accepted by the university as equivalent thereto obtaining not less than 50% in Mathematics and 50% in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/ Bio- technology/ Computer Science/ Biology put together, or a diploma in Engineering awarded by the Board of Technical Education, Kerala or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto after undergoing an institutional course of at least three years securing a minimum of 50 % marks in the final diploma examination subject to the usual concessions allowed for backward classes and other communities as specified from time to time. 2. Duration of the course i) The course for the B.Tech Degree shall extend over a period of four academic years comprising of eight semesters. The first and second semester shall be combined and each semester from third semester onwards shall cover the groups of subjects as given in the curriculum and scheme of examination ii) Each semester shall ordinarily comprise of not less than 400 working periods each of 60 minutes duration iii) A candidate who could not complete the programme and pass all examinations within Ten (10) years since his first admission to the B.Tech programme will not be allowed to continue and he has to quit the Programme. However he can be readmitted to the first year of the programme if he/she satisfies the eligibility norms applicable to the regular candidates prevailing at the time of readmission. 3. Eligibility for the Degree Candidates for admission to the degree of bachelor of technology shall be required to have undergone the prescribed course of study in an institution maintained by or affiliated to the University of Kerala for a period of not less than four academic years and to have passed all the examinations specified in the scheme of study 4. Subjects of Study The subjects of study shall be in accordance with the scheme and syllabi prescribed 5. Evaluation Candidates in each semester will be evaluated both by continuous assessment and end semester University examination. The individual maximum marks allotted for continuous assessment and University examination for each subject is as prescribed by the scheme of study. 5.1 Continuous Assessment (C.A) The marks awarded for the continuous assessment will be on the basis of the day-to-day work, periodic tests (minimum two in a semester) and assignments (minimum of three one each from each module). The faculty member concerned will do the continuous assessment for each semester. The C.A. marks for the individual subjects shall be computed by giving weight age to the following parameters.

Subject Theory Subjects Drawing Practical Project Work



20% 50% 20% 40% 20% 40% Work Assessed by Guide 50% Assessed by a three member committee out of which one member is the guide 50%

Assignments/ Class Work 30% 40% 40%

The C.A. marks for the attendance (20%) for each theory, practical and drawing shall be awarded in full only if the candidate has secured 90% attendance or above in the subject. Proportionate reduction shall be made in the case of subjects in which he/she gets below 90% of the attendance for a subject. The CA marks obtained by the student for all subjects in a semester is to be published at least 5 days before the commencement of the University examinations. Anomalies if any may be scrutinized by the department committee and the final CA marks are forwarded to the university within the stipulated time. 5.2. End Semester University Examinations i) There will be University examinations at the end of the first academic year and at the end of every semester from third semester onwards in subjects as prescribed under the respective scheme of examinations. Semester classes shall be completed at least 10 working days before the commencement of the University examination. The examination will be held twice in an year April/May session (for even semester) and October/November session (for odd semester). The combined 1st and 2nd semester is reckoned as equivalent to an even semester for the purpose of conduct of examination and the University examination will be held during April/May. However VII and VIII Semester examination will be conducted in both the sessions. This schedule will not be changed A student will be permitted to appear for the university examination only if he/she satisfies the following requirements a. He/she must secure not less than 75% attendance in the total number of working periods during the first year and in each semester thereafter and shall be physically present for a minimum of 60% of the total working periods. In addition, he/she also shall be physically present in at least 50% of total working periods for each subject b. He must earn a progress certificate from the head of the institution of having satisfactorily completed the course of study in the semester as prescribed by these regulations c. It shall be open to the Vice-Chancellor to grant condonation of shortage of attendance on the recommendation of the head of the institution in accordance with the following norms d. The attendance shall not be less than 60% of the total working periods e. He/she shall be physically present for a minimum of 50% of the total working periods f. The shortage shall not be condoned more than twice during the entire course g. The condonation shall be granted subject to the rules and procedures prescribed by the university from time to time. h. The condonation for combined 1st and 2nd semesters will be reckoned as a single condonation for attendance purposes. A student who is not permitted to appear for the University examinations for a particular semester due to the shortage of attendance and not permitted by the




v) vi) vii)

authorities for condonation of shortage of attendance shall repeat the semester when it is offered again. This provision is allowed only once for a semester. The university will conduct examinations for all subjects (Theory, Drawing & Practical) The scheme of valuation will be decided by the chief examiner for theory / drawing subjects For practical examinations, the examiners together will decide the marks to be awarded. The student shall produce the certified record of the work done in the laboratory during the examination. The evaluation of the candidate should be as per the guidelines given in the syllabus for the practical subject.

6. Letter Grades For each subject in a semester, based on the total marks obtained by the student in the University examination and Continuous assessment put together a letter grade (S,A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D, E and F) will be awarded. All letter grades except F will be awarded if the marks for the University examination is 40 % or above and the total mark (C.A marks + University Exam mark) is 50 % or above. No absolute mark will be indicated in the grade card. Letter grade corresponding to total marks (C.A marks+ University Exam mark) and the corresponding grade point in a ten-point scale is described below.

% of Total marks (C.A marks + University Exam mark) 90 % and above 85 % and above but less than 90% 80 % and above but less than 85% 75 % and above but less than 80% 70 % and above but less than 75% 65 % and above but less than 70% 60 % and above but less than 65% 55 % and above but less than 60% 50 % and above but less than 55% Below 50% (C.A + U.E) or below 40 % for U.E only

Letter Grade S A+ A B+ B C+ C D E F

Grade (G.P) 10 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 0


Remarks Excellent


7. Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Grade point average is the semester wise average points obtained by each student in a 10point scale. GPA for a particular semester is calculated as per the calculation shown below.


Credit GP obtained for the subject credit for subject

Cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) is the average grade points obtained by the students till the end of any particular semester. CGPA is calculated in a 10-point scale as shown below.


Credits for semester GPA obtained for the semester credits for the semester

GPA and CGPA shall be rounded to two decimal points. The Grade card issued to the students shall contain subject number and subject name, credits for the subject, letter grades obtained, GPA for the semester and CGPA up to that particular semester. In addition to the grade cards for each semester all successful candidate shall also be issued a consolidated statement grades. On specific request from a candidate and after remitting the prescribed fees the University shall issue detailed mark to the individual candidate. 8. Minimum for a pass a) b) c) A candidate shall be declared to have passed a semester examination in full in the first appearance if he/she secures not less than 5.5 GPA with a minimum of E grade for the all individual subject in that semester. A candidate shall be declared to have passed in an individual subject of a semester examination if he/she secures grade E or above. A candidate who does not secure a full pass in a semester examination as per clause (a) above will have to pass in all the subjects of the semester examination as per clause (b) above before he is declared to have passed in that semester examination in full.

9. Improvement of Grades i) A candidate shall be allowed to re-appear for a maximum of two subjects of a semester examination in order to improve the marks and hence the grades already obtained subject to the following conditions a) b) c) d) The candidate shall be permitted to improve the examination only along with next available chance. The candidate shall not be allowed to appear for an improvement examination for the subjects of the VII & VIII semesters The grades obtained by the candidate for each subject in the improvement chance he has appeared for or the already existing grades whichever is better will be reckoned as the grades secured. First & Second semester will be counted as a single chance and they can improve a maximum of three subjects

ii) A candidate shall be allowed to repeat the course work in one or more semesters in order to better the C.A. marks already obtained, subject to the following conditions a) He/she shall repeat the course work in a particular semester only once and that too at the earliest opportunity offered to him/her. b) He/she shall not combine this course work with his/her regular course work c) He/she shall not be allowed to repeat the course work of any semester if he has already passed that semester examination in full d) The C.A marks obtained by the repetition of the course work will be considered for all purposes iii) A candidate shall be allowed to withdraw from the whole examination of a semester in accordance with the rules for cancellation of examination of the University of Kerala. 10. Classification of Successful candidates i) A candidate who qualifies for the degree passing all the subjects of the eight semesters within five academic years ( ten consecutive semesters after the commencement of his/her course of study) and secures not less than 8 CGPA up to and including eighth semester (overall CGPA) shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech degree examination in FIRST CLASS WITH DISTINCTION


ii) A candidate who qualifies for the degree passing all the subjects of the eight semesters within five academic years ( ten consecutive semesters after the commencement of his/her course of study) and secures less than 8 CGPA but not less than 6.5 CGPA up to and including eighth semester shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech degree examination in FIRST CLASS. iii) All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the B.Tech Degree examination in SECOND CLASS iv) Successful candidates who complete the examination in four academic years (Eight consecutive semesters after the commencement of the course of study shall be ranked branch-wise on the basis of the CGPA in all eight semesters put together. In the case of a tie in the CGPA the total marks of the students who have got same CGPA shall be considered for finalizing the rank. Students who pass the examination in supplementary examination are also covered under this clause 11. Educational Tour a) The students may undertake one educational tour preferably after fourth semester of the course and submit a tour report b) The tour may be conducted during the vacation / holidays taking not more than 5 working days, combined with the vacation / holidays if required. Total number of Tour days shall not exceed 15 days. c) The tour period shall be considered as part of the working periods of a semester 12. Revision of Regulations The university may from time to time revise, amend or change the regulations, curriculum, scheme of examinations and syllabi. These changes unless specified otherwise, will have effect from the beginning of the academic year / semester following the notification of the University


SCHEME AND SYLLABUS MECHANICAL - STREAM - PRODUCTION - ENGINEERING Combined I and II Semesters, 2008 scheme (Common for all branches)
Course No 08.101 08.102 08.103 08.104 08.105 08.106 08.107 08.108 08.109 08.110 Weekly load, hours L Engineering Mathematics Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry Engineering Graphics Engineering Mechanics Basic Civil Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Basic Communication and Information Engineering Engineering Workshops Total 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 17 T 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 D/P 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 Max session al marks 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 500 Exa m Dur Hrs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Exam max marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 Cre dits 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 58

Name of subject

The subject 08.109 will be handled by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Semester III

Course No 08.301 08.302 08.303 08.304 08.305 08.306 08.307 08.308

Name of subject Engineering Mathematics II (CMPUNERFHBTA) Humanities (MPUE) Fluid Mechanics and Machines (MPU) Mechanics of Solids (MPU) Mechanical Engineering Engineering Drawing (MPU) Part A- Machine Drawing Part B- Civil Drawing & Estimation Civil Engineering Lab.(MPU) Fluid Mechanics Lab Total

Weekly load, hours L T D/P 3 3 4 3 3 0 1 0 0 17 0 0 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 8

Max sessional marks 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 50 50 400

Exam Dur Hrs 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 -

Exam max marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 (50+5 0) 100 100 800

Cr edi ts 4 3 5 4 4 5 2 2 29


Semester IV Cours e No 08.401 08.402 08.403 08.404 08.405 08.406 08.407 08.408 Weekly load, hours L 3 3 3 2 3 0 0 0 14 T 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 D/P 4 3 3 10 Max sessional marks 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 Exam Dur Hrs 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 Exam max mark s 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 800 Cre dits 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 29

Name of subject Engineering Mathematics III (CMPUNERFHB) Computer Programming & Numerical Methods (MNPU) Metallurgy & Material Science (MP) Production Process-I Machine Tools-I Production Drawing ME Lab Machine Tools lab Total

Semester V Course No Name of subject Weekly load, Max Exam Exam Cre hours session Dur max dits Hrs marks L T D/P al marks 3 3 3 2 3 3 0 0 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6 3 3 6 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 800 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 29

08.501 08.502 08.503 08.504 08.505 08.506 08.507 08.508

Engineering Mathematics IV [CMPU] Electrical Technology [MPU] Theory of Machine [MP] Industrial Electronics [MP] Production Process II Elective I Production Process Lab Electrical and Electronics Lab [MPU] Total

The subject 08.504 will be handled by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,


Semester VI Course No 08.601 08.602 08.603 08.604 08.605 08.606 08.607 08.608 Name of subject Weekly load, hours L T D/P 3 3 2 3 3 3 0 0 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6 3 3 6 Max sessio nal marks 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 Exam Exam Cre Dur max dits Hrs marks 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 800 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 29

Metrology and Instrumentation [MP] Dynamics of Machinery [MP] Computer Aided Design [MPU] Machine Tools II Machines Theory and Design Elective II CAD Lab Metallurgy and Metrology Lab Total

Semester VII Course No 08.701 08.702 08.703 08.704 08.705 08.706 08.707 08.708 08.709 Name of subject Principles of Management and Decision Modeling [MPU] Mechatronics [MPU] Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Theory of Metal cutting Machine Tool Design Elective III Production Tooling Lab CIM Lab Project & Seminar [MPU] Total Weekly load, hours L T D/P 2 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 2 2 2 6 Max Exam Exam Cr sessiona Dur max edi l marks Hrs marks ts 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 500 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 800 3 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 29

Semester VIII Course Name of subject No 08.801 08.802 08.803 08.804 08.805 08.806 08.807 08.808 Energy Management [MPU] Industrial Engineering [MPU] Tool Engineering Product Development and Design Elective IV Elective V Industrial Seminar [MPU] Project & Viva voce [MPU] Total Weekly load, Max Exam hours sessiona Dur L T D/P l marks Hrs 2 1 50 3 2 1 50 3 3 1 50 3 3 1 50 3 3 3 0 0 16 1 1 0 0 6 2 5 7 50 50 50 150 500 3 3 Exam Cre max dits marks 100 3 100 3 100 4 100 4 100 100 100 700 4 4 2 5 29



(Electives are common to Mechanical, Production and Automobile Engineering branches unless otherwise specified in the title)
08. 506 Elective I 1. Communicative English and technical writing 2. Human aspects of management 3. Disaster Management 4. Glimpses of world thought 5. Professional ethics and human values 6. Environmental Science 7. Advanced Welding technology 8. Foundry Technology 9. Environmental Pollution Control 10. Advanced Fluid Mechanics 11. Composite Materials Technology 12. Internet Technologies 13. Non Destructive Testing 14. Powder Metallurgy 15. Vehicle Transport & Fleet Management 16. Automotive Air-conditioning 17. Two And Three Wheeled Vehicles 08.606 Elective II 1. Advanced mechanics of solids 2. New Energy systems 3. Object Oriented Programming 4. Nuclear Engineering 5. Mechanical working Methods 6. Artificial Intelligence Systems 7.System Modeling & Simulation 8. Instrumentation and control 9. Materials Handling 10. Agro Machinery 11. Total Quality Management 12. Precision Engineering 13 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 14. Material Characterisation 15. Micromachining Methods 16. Tool Engineering (MU) 17. Vehicle Body Engineering 18. Vehicle Performance And Testing 19. Automotive Fuels & Alternate Fuels 08.706 Elective III 1. Computer Graphics 2. Advanced Thermodynamics 3. Industrial Heat Transfer 4. Plant Engg & Maintenance 5. Fracture Mechanics 6. Marketing Management. 7. Entrepreneurship Development 8. Industrial Hydraulics 9. Finite Element Methods 10. Metal Forming 11. Machine tool Technology 12. Non-conventional Machining Techniques 13. Turbo Machines 14 Experimental Methods in Engineering 15. Mech. Vibration & Noise Control 16. Failure Analysis 17. Theory of Machining (MU) 18. Bio Materials 19. Concurrent Engineering 20. Industrial Automation 21. Alternate Energy Sources 22. Automotive Pollution and Control 23. Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development


08. 805 Elective IV 1. Experimental Stress Analysis Techniques 2. Aerospace Engineering 3. Facilities Planning 4. Advanced Decision Modeling 5. Non linear Dynamics and Chaos 6. Design of jigs and fixtures 7. Multiphase flow 8. Controls in Machine tools 9. Design of Pressure Vessels & Piping 10. Tribology 11. Value Engineering. 12. Software Engineering 13. Cryogenic Engineering 14. Bio Medical Engineering. 15. Thermal Management of Electronic Systems 16. Continuum Mechanics 17. Product and brand management 18. Research Methodology 19. Nanotechnology 20. Automotive Technology (P) 21. High Temperature Materials 22. Industrial Safety Engineering 23. Engineering Design 24. Tractors & Farm Equipments 25. Embedded System In Automobiles 26. Computer Aided Vehicle Design

08. 806 Elective V 1. Propulsion Engineering 2. Industrial Refrigeration 3. Industrial Quality Control 4. Design of Heat transfer equipment 5. Creativity& Product Development 6. Computerized Materials Management 7. Random vibrations 8. Advanced Kinematics of Machines 9. Financial Management 10. Flexible Manufacturing Methods 11. Computational Fluid Dynamics 12. Technology Forecasting 13. Management Information Systems 14. Production & Operations Management 15. Project Management 16. Design of IC Engines 17. Robotics 18. Logistics and Supply Chain Management 19. Rapid Prototyping 20. Surface Engineering 21. Design of Cellular Manufacturing 22. Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design 23. Automotive Aerodynamics 24. Off- Road Vehicles 25. Computer Simulation of IC Engine Processes.


L-T-P: 2-1-0


Credit: 6

MODULE- 1 Applications of differentiation: Definition of Hyperbolic functions and their derivativesSuccessive differentiation- Leibnitz Theorem(without proof)- CurvatureRadius of curvature- centre of curvature- Evolute ( Cartesian ,polar and parametric forms) Partial differentiation and applications:- Partial derivatives- Eulers theorem on homogeneous functions- Total derivatives- Jacobians- Errors and approximations- Taylors series (one and two variables) - Maxima and minima of functions of two variables Lagranges method- Leibnitz rule on differentiation under integral sign. Vector differentiation and applications :- Scalar and vector functions- differentiation of vector functions-Velocity and acceleration- Scalar and vector fields- Operator - GradientPhysical interpretation of gradient- Directional derivative- Divergence- Curl- Identities involving (no proof) - Irrotational and solenoidal fields Scalar potential. MODULE-II Laplace transforms:- Transforms of elementary functions - shifting property- Inverse transforms- Transforms of derivatives and integrals- Transform functions multiplied by t and divided by t - Convolution theorem(without proof)-Transforms of unit step function, unit impulse function and periodic functions-second shifiting theorem- Solution of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients using Laplace transforms. Differential Equations and Applications:- Linear differential eqations with constant coefficients- Method of variation of parameters - Cauchy and Legendre equations Simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients- Application to orthogonal trajectories (cartisian form only). MODULE-III Matrices:-Rank of a matrix- Elementary transformations- Equivalent matrices- Inverse of a matrix by gauss-Jordan method- Echelon form and normal form- Linear dependence and independence of vectors- Consistency- Solution of a system linear equations-Non homogeneous and homogeneous equations- Eigen values and eigen vectors Properties of eigen values and eigen vectors- Cayley Hamilton theorem(no proof)- DiagonalisationQuadratic forms- Reduction to canonical forms-Nature of quadratic formsDefiniteness,rank,signature and index. REFERENCES 1. Kreyszig; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, Wiley Eastern. 2. Peter O Neil ; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson 3. B.S.Grewal ; Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers 4. B.V.Ramana; Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2006 5. Michel D Greenberg; Advanced Engineering Mathematics,Pearson International 6. Sureshan J, Nazarudeen and Royson; Engineering Mathematics I, Zenith Publications


L-T-P: 2-1-0


Credit: 6

MODULE-I Oscillations and Waves: Basic ideas of harmonic oscillations Differential equation of a SHM and its solution. Theory of damped harmonic oscillations. Quality factor. Theory of forced harmonic oscillations and resonance. Types of waves. One dimensional waves Differential Equation. Harmonic waves. Three dimensional waves - Differential Equation and solution. Plane waves and spherical waves. Energy in wave motion. Velocity of transverse waves along a stretched string. Electromagnetic Theory: Del operator grad, div, curl and their physical significance. Concept of displacement current. Deduction of Maxwells equations. Prediction of electromagnetic waves. Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves. E and H are at right angles. Poyntings theorem (qualitative only) Physics of Solids: Space lattice. Unit cell and lattice parameters. Crystal systems. Coordination number and packing factor with reference to simple cubic, body centered cubic and face centered cubic crystals. Directions and planes. Miller indices. Interplanar spacing in terms of Miller indices. Super conductivity - Meissner effect. Type-I and Type-II superconductors. BCS theory (qualitative). High temperature superconductors. Applications of superconductors. Introduction to new materials (qualitative) -Metallic glasses, Nano materials, Shape memory alloys, Bio materials. MODULE- II Interference of Light: Concept of temporal and spatial coherence. Interference in thin films and wedge shaped films. Newtons rings. Michelsons interferometer. Determination of wave length and thickness. Interference filters. Antireflection coating. Diffraction of Light: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit. Fraunhofer diffraction at a circular aperture (qualitative). Rayleighs criterion for resolution. Resolving power of telescope and microscope. Plane transmission grating. Resolving power of grating. Grating equation. X-ray diffraction. Braggs law. Polarization of Light: Types of polarized light. Double refraction. Nicol Prism. Retardation plates. Theory of plane, circular and elliptically polarized light. Production and analysis of circularly and elliptically polarized light. Polaroids. Induced birefringence. Photo elasticity isoclinic and isochromatic fringes photo elastic bench Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson-Morley experiment. Einsteins postulates. Lorentz transformation equations (no derivation). Simultaneity. Length contraction. Time dilation. Velocity addition. Relativistic mass. Mass energy relation. Mass less particle. MODULE III Quantum Mechanics: Dual nature of matter. Wave function. Uncertainty principle. Energy and momentum operators. Eigen values and functions. Expectation values. Time Dependent and Time Independent Schrodinger equations. Particle in one dimensional box. Tunnelling (qualitative). Statistical Mechanics: Macrostates and Microstates. Phase space. Basic postulates of Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Distribution equations in the three cases (no derivation). Bosons and Fermions. Density of states. Derivation of Plancks


formula. Free electrons in a metal as a Fermi gas. Fermi energy. Laser: Einsteins coefficients. Population inversion and stimulated emission. Optical resonant cavity. Ruby Laser, Helium-Neon Laser, Carbon dioxide Laser (qualitative). Semiconductor Laser (qualitative). Holography. Fiber Optics - Numerical Aperture and acceptance angle. Types of optical fibers. Applications. REFERENCE: 1. Sears & Zemansky ; University Physics. XI Edn.,; Pearson 2. Frank & Leno; Introduction to Optics. III Edn., , Pearson 3. J.C. Upadhyaya; Mechanics., Ram Prasad & Sons 4. David J Griffiths; Introduction to Electrodynamics, III Edn, , Pearson 5. M Ali Omar; Elementary Solid State Physics., Pearson 6. S O Pillai; Solid State Physics., New Age International Publishers 7. John R Taylor, Chris D Zafiratos & Michael A Dubson; Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers. II Edn, Prentice Hall of India 8. Eugene Hecht; Optics. IV Edn, Pearson 9. Robert Resnick ; Introduction to Special Relativity., John Willey and Sons 10. Richard L Libboff; Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. IV Edn, Pearson 11. Donald A Mcquarrie; Statistical Mechanics., Vivo Books 12. Mark Ratner& Daniel Ratner; Nanotechnology. 13. T.A. Hassan et al; A Text Book of Engineering Physics., Aswathy Publishers, Trivandrum 14. B. Premlet; Advanced Engineering Physics , Phasor Books, Kollam. LIST OF DEMONSTRATION EXPERIMENTS 1. Newtons Rings Determination of wave length. 2. Air Wedge Diameter of a thin wire 3. Spectrometer Plane transmission grating wavelength of light. 4. Spectrometer Refractive indices of calcite for the ordinary and extraordinary rays. 5. Laser Diffraction at a narrow slit. 6. Laser Diffraction at a straight wire or circular aperture. 7. Michelsons interferometer Wavelength of light. 8. Michelsons interferometer Thickness of thin transparent film. 9. Polarization by reflection Brewsters law. 10. Computer stimulation superposition of waves. 11. Computer stimulation study of E & H. (Gauss law & Amperes law) Pattern of Question Paper University examination is for a maximum of 100 marks, in 3 hour duration. The syllabus is spread in 3 modules. The question paper will consist of two parts (A and B). Part A contains short answer questions for 40 marks. This part contains 10 questions without any choice, each of 4 marks (uniformly taken from all modules). Part B contains long answer questions for 60 marks. From each module, this part contains 3 questions out of which 2 are to be answered, each of 10 marks. Long answer questions from all the 3 modules will form 60 marks.


L-T-P: 2-1-0


Credit: 6

MODULE-1 Electrochemistry - Electrodes- Electrode potential- Origin of electrode potential- Helmotz double layer- Nernst equation and application- Reference electrodes- Standared hydrogen electrode- Saturated calomel electrode- Quinhydron electrode-Determination of PH using these electrodes- Concentration cells- Fuel cells- Secondary cells- Lead acid cell- Nickel cadmium cell- Lithium-ion cell. - Coductometric and Potentiometric titrations (acid base, oxidation reduction and precipitation titrations). (12hrs) Corrosion and its control- Theories of corrosion (chemical corrosion and electrochemical corrosion)- Galvanic series- Types of corrosion (Concentration cell corrosion, Stress corrosion, Galvanic corrosion) - Factors affecting corrosion (nature of metal and nature of environment) and different methods of corrosion control (corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection). (5hrs) Protective coatings- Metallic coatings- Chemical conversion coatings- paint (4hrs) Nano materials- Introduction-Classification-preparation (laser abrasion technique and sputtering technique)- Chemical method (reduction)-Properties and Applications of nano materials-Nano tubes-Nano wires. (4hrs) MODULE-2 Water treatment- Types of hardness- Degree of hardness- Related problems- Estimation of hardness- by EDTA method- Sludge and scales in boilers- Priming and foaming- Boiler corrosion-Water softening methods, Lime-soda process, Ion exchange methods-Internal treatments (colloidal, carbonate, phosphate and calgon conditioning)- Domestic water treatment- Methods of disinfection of water-Desalination process (Reverse osmosis, electro dialysis- Distillation). (12hrs) Envirnmental damages and prevention- Air pollution- CFCs and ozone depletionAlternative refrigerents-Green house effect-Water pollution- BOD and COD- Waste water treatment- Aerobic - Anaerobic and USAB processes. (3hrs) Thermal methods of analysis-Basic principles involved in Thermo gravimetry, Differential thermal analysis and applications. (2hrs) Spectroscopy- Molecular energy levels-Types of molecular spectra- Electronic spectra (Classification of electronic transitions- Beer Lamberts law, Vibrational spectra (mechanism of interaction and application), Rotational spectra (Determination of bond length and application). NMR spectra (Basic principle, chemical shift, spin-spin splitting) (6hrs) Chromatography- General principles- High performance liquid chromatography- Gas chromatography. (2hrs) MODULE-3 Polymers- Classifications- Mechanism of polymarisation (Addition, free radical, cationic, anionic and coordination polymarisation)- Thermoplastics and thermosetting plasticsCompounding of plastics-Moulding techniques of plastics (Compression, Injection, Transfer and Extrusion moulding)-Preparation, properties and uses of PVC, PVA, PMMA, Nylon, PET, Bakelite, Urea formaldehyde resin- Silicon polymers- Biodegradable plastics. Elastomers- structure of natural rubber- vulcanisation- synthetic rubbers (Buna-S, Butyl rubber and Neoprene) (12hrs) Organo electronic compounds -Super conducting and conducting organic materials like Polyaniline, polyacetylene and [polypyrrol and its applications. (2hrs)


Fuels- Calorific value- HCV and LCV-Experimental determination of calorific valueTheoretical calculation of calorific value by Dulongs formula - Bio fuels -Bio hydrogen and Bio-diesel (5hrs) Lubricants- Introduction-Mechanism of lubrication- solid and liquid lubricant- Properties of lubricants-Viscosity index- flash and fire point- cloud and pour point- aniline value. (4hrs) Cement- Manufacture of Portland cement- Theory of setting and hardening of cement (2hrs) LAB-EXPERIMENTS (DEMONSTRATION ONLY) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Estimation of total hardness in water using EDTA. Estimation of chloride ions in domestic water. Estimation of dissolved oxygen. Estimation of COD in sewage water. Estimation of available chlorine in bleaching powder. Estimation of copper in brass. Estimation of iron in a sample of heamatite. Determination of flash and fire point of a lubricating oil by Pensky Martens apparatus. Potentiometric titrations. Preparation of buffers and standardisation of PH meter. Determination of molarity of HCl solution PH-metrically. Determinations of PH using glass electrode and quinhydron electrode.

REFERENCES 1. H.A. Willard, L.L. Merrit and J.A. Dean ; Instrumental methods of analysis 2. A.K. De ; Environmental Chemistry 3. K.J.Klauhunde; Nanoscale materials in chemistry 4. B.R. Gowariker ; Polymer science 5. B.W.Gonser ; Modern materials 6. V.Raghavan; Material Science and engineering. A first course 7. L.H. Van Vlack ; Elements of Material science and Engineering 8. J.W.Goodby ; Chemistry of liquid crystals 9. S.Glasstone ; A text book of physical chemistry 10. P.C. Jain; Engineering Chemistry 11. Juhaina Ahad ; Engineering Chemistry 12. Shashi Chawla ; A text book of Engineering Chemistry 13. R. Gopalan, D.Venkappayya & S. Nagarajan ; Engineering Chemistry 14. J.C. Kuriakose and J. Rajaram ; Chemistry of Engineering and Technology volume I & II 15. R.N Goyal and Harmendra Goeal; Engineering Chemistry, Ane Students Edition, Thiruvananthapuram


L-T-P: 1-0-2


Credit: 6

INTRODUCTION: Introduction to technical drawing and its language. Lines, lettering, dimensioning, scaling of figures, symbols and drawing instruments. (1 sheet practice) MODULE I PLAIN CURVES: Conic sections by eccentricity method. Construction of ellipse: (i) Arc of circles method (ii) Rectangle method (ii) Concentric circles method. Construction of parabola (i) Rectangle method (ii) Tangent method. Construction of hyperbola (i) Arc of circles method (ii) given ordinate, abscissa and the transverse axis (iii) given the asymptotes and a point on the curve. Construction of Tangent and Normal at any point on these curves MISCELLANEOUS CURVES: Construction of Cycloid, Epicycloid and Hypocycloid, Involute of a circle. Archimedian spiral, Logarithmic spiral and Helix. Construction of Tangent and Normal at any point on these curves Types of projections, Principles of Orthographic PROJECTION OF POINTS AND LINES: projection. Projections of points and lines. Determination of true length, inclination with planes of projection and traces of lines. MODULE II PROJECTION OF SOLIDS: Projection of simple solids such as prisms, pyramids, cone, cylinder, tetrahedron, octahedron, sphere and their auxiliary projections. SECTIONS OF SOLIDS: Types of cutting planes, section of simple solids cut by parallel, perpendicular and inclined cutting planes. Their projections and true shape of cut sections. DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES: Development of surfaces of (i) simple solids like prisms, pyramids, cylinder and cone (ii) Cut regular solids. MODULE III ISOMETRIC PROJECTION: Isometric scale, Isometric view and projections of simple solids like prisms, pyramids, cylinder, cone sphere, frustum of solids and also their combinations. INTERSECTION OF SURFACES: Intersection of surfaces of two solids as given below. (i) Cylinder and cylinder (ii)Prism and prism. (iii) Cone and Cylinder (Only cases where the axes are perpendicular to each other and intersecting with or without offset.) PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION: Principles of perspective projection, definition of perspective terminology. Perspective projection of simple solids like prisms and pyramids in simple positions. CAD: Introduction to CAD systems, Benefits of CAD, Various Soft wares for CAD, Demonstration of any one CAD software. General Note: (i) First angle projection to be followed


(ii) Question paper shall contain 3 questions from each module, except from CAD. Students are required to answer any two questions from each module. (iii) Distribution of marks Module -I 2 x 16 = 32 Module -II 2 x 17 = 34 Module III 2 x 17 = 34


100 REFERENCES 1. Luzadder and Duff ; Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing 2. N. D. Bhatt ; Engineering Drawing 3. K. Venugopal ; Engineering Drawing and Graphics 4. P.S. Gill; Engineering Graphics 5. P.I. Varghese; Engineering Graphics 6. K.R. Gopalakrishnan; Engineering Drawing 7. Thamaraselvi; Engineering Drawing 8. K.C. John; Engineering Graphics 9. K.N. Anil Kumar; Engineering Graphics


L-T-P: 2-1-0


Credit: 6

MODULE I (20 HRS) Idealizations of Mechanics- Elements of vector algebra Statics of rigid bodies-Classification of force systems- principle of transmissibility of a forcecomposition and resolution- Resultant and Equilibrant of coplanar concurrent force systemsvarious analytical methods- - Lamis theorem, method of resolution- Conditions of equilibriumMoment of a force, couple, properties of couple- Varignons theorem- Resultant and equilibrant of coplanar non-concurrent force systems- Conditions of equilibrium. Equilibrium of rigid bodies-free body diagrams.(simple problems) Types of supports - types of beams - types of loading- Support reactions of simply supported and overhanging beams under different types of loading. Forces in space, equations of equilibrium, Vector approach. Friction-Laws of friction-angle of friction- cone of friction- ladder friction- wedge friction. MODULE II (20 HRS) Properties of surfaces- centroid of composite areas- Theorems of Pappus-GouldinusMoment of inertia of areas, Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems- Radius of Gyrationmoment of inertia of composite areas. Dynamics: Kinematics-Combined motion of translation and rotation-instantaneous centre, motion of link, motion of connecting rod and piston, wheel rolling without slipping. Relative velocity - basic concepts-analysis of different types of problems Kinetics- Newtons laws of translatory motion- DAlemberts principle- Motion of lift- Motion of connected bodies. MODULE III (20 HRS) Work, Power and Energy - Work-Energy principle-Impulse, Momentum. Collision of elastic bodies-Law of conservation of momentum-Direct and oblique impact between elastic bodies and impact with fixed plane. Curvilinear motion- DAlemberts principle in curvilinear motion- Mass moment of inertia of rings, solid discs and solid spheres (no derivations required)Angular momentum-Angular impulse. Kinetics of rigid bodies under combined translatory and rotational motion work energy principle for rigid bodies. Centrifugal and centripetal forces motion of vehicles on curved paths in horizontal and vertical planes super elevation stability of vehicles moving in curved paths (qualitative ideas only). Simple harmonic motion vibration of mechanical systems - basic elements of a vibrating system spring mass model undamped free vibrations angular free vibration simple pendulum. REFERENCES: 1. Beer & Johnston, Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2005. 2. Irving. H. Shames, Engineering Mechanics, Prentice Hall Book Company, 1966. 3. Timoshenko S. & Young D. H., Engineering Mechanics, Mc-Graw Hill International Edition 4. Popov, Mechanics of Solids, Pearson Education,2007


5. Kumar K.L., Engineering Mechanics, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1998. 6. Rajasekaran S. & Sankarasubramanian G., Engineering Mechanics, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003. 7. Tayal A K, Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics , Umesh Publications, Delhi,2004 8. Benjamin J., Engineering Mechanics, Pentex Book Publishers and Distributors, Kollam, 2008 Note Question For University Examination:- Part A 8 compulsory questions covering entire syllabus, 5 marks each. (5 x 8 = 40) Part B Three questions of 10 marks from each module, out of which two should be answered (10 x 2 x 3 = 60).


L-T-P: 2-1-0


Credit: 6

MODULE I Surveying: Object and Principles of Surveying. Linear Measurements: Direct measurements - Tape & chain only - Ranging out survey linesTaking measurements of sloping ground - Errors - Tape correction (problems). Levelling: Levelling instruments - Level (Dumpy Level, Tilting Level ) Levelling Staff. Measurements in levelling - Temporary adjustments of a level, holding the staff, reading the staff - Principles of leveling - recording measurements in the field book - reduction of level height of collimation method only (simple examples). Contour maps (Brief description only). Computation of areas - Mid ordinate rule, average ordinate rule, Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons rule (examples)- Introduction to Distomat, Total Station & GPS (Brief description only) MODULE II Building construction: Selection of site for buildings - types of buildings - Components of buildings. Foundation: Different types - Spread footing, Isolated footing, Combined footing, Mat foundation Pile foundation (description only). Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil: Importance of determination of the Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (brief description only). Super structure: Masonry - stone masonry, brick masonry Types- desirable qualities of stone and brick. Partition: Materials used for making partition - plywood, particle boards & glass. Doors, windows & ventilators : Types - materials used for the construction of doors and windows - wood, steel & Aluminium. Plastering: Mortar properties - Preparation of Cement mortar Painting: Preparation of surfaces for painting - plastered, wood and steel surfaces- Types of paint - enamel, emulsion & distemper. Flooring: Types - mosaic tiles, ceramic tiles, marble, granite and synthetic materials. Roofing: Selection of type of roof -flat roof, sloping roof Concrete roof, tiled roof. Selection of roof covering materials. GI Sheet , AC Sheet, PVC Sheet MODULE III Concrete: Ingredients- cement, aggregate, and water. Qualities of ingredients (brief description only). Tests on Cement - consistency, initial and final setting times. Compressive strength -IS Specifications. Aggregates desirable qualities of fine and coarse aggregates Plain Cement Concrete (PCC): preparation-proportioning-mixing of concrete. Steel-common types used in construction- Mild Steel, HYSD Steel and their properties. Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)-advantages of RCC over Plain Cement Concrete. Elementary ideas on pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete constructions. Building services vertical transportation stairs types, escalators and elevators, ramps (brief description only). Plumbing services- brief description of water supply and sewage disposal arrangements for residential buildings.


REFERENCE: 1. Adler R., Vertical Transportation for Buildings, American Elsevier Publishing Company, New York.1970 2. B.C Punmia, Surveying & Leveling Vol. I, Laxmi publications(P) Ltd,N.Delhi, 2004 3. Rangwala., Building Materials,Charotar publishing house, 2001 4. Rangwala, Building Construction , Charotar Publishing House., 2004 5. S.K. Roy, Fundamentals of Surveying Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.2004 6. Rangwala.,Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Charotar Publishing House. 1990 7. Moorthy, Building Construction, Modern Publishing House distributor., 1957 8. Jha and Sinha, Construction and Technology 9. Narayanan and Lalu Mangal ,Introduction to Civil EngineeringPhasor Books,Kollam. 10. Santha Minu, Basic Civil Engineering Karunya Publications,Trivandrum Note: The question paper will consists of two parts. Part I and part II.. Part I is Compulsory covering the entire syllabus, for 40 marks. It contains 8 questions of 5 marks each. Part II is to cover 3 modules. There will be two questions (20 marks each) from each module out of which one from each module is to be answered. (20 X 3 = 60)


L-T-P: 2-1-0


Credit: 6

MODULE I Thermodynamics : Basic concepts and definitions of Zeroth law, First law, Second law of thermodynamics- concept of reversibility and entropy. p-v and T-s diagrams Air cycles: Carnot, Otto and Diesel cycles-Air standard efficiency (simple problems) IC Engines: Working and comparison of two stroke and four stroke petrol and diesel engines - general description of various systems using block diagrams air system, fuel system, ignition system and governing system. A brief description of CRDI, MPFI, GDI and Hybrid Vehicles Steam boilers: Classification Cochran boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Benson boilerfluidized bed combustion, MODULE II Principles and fields of application of - compressors - reciprocating and centrifugal, blower, pumps- reciprocating, centrifugal and jet pumps, steam and hydraulic turbines- impulse and reaction, gas turbine cycles- open and closed Elementary ideas of hydro electric, thermal and nuclear power plants Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Refrigerants, CFC free refrigerants. Vapor compression refrigeration system, Comfort and Industrial air conditioning-typical window air conditioning unit (general description only). MODULE III Mechanical Power transmission systems: Belt, rope and gear drives-types, comparison and fields of application-velocity ratio-slip (simple problems) friction disc, single plate clutch, gear trains (no derivations). Manufacturing processes: Elementary ideas of casting, forging, rolling, welding, soldering and brazing Machining processes- turning, taper turning, thread cutting, shaping, drilling, grinding, milling (simple sketches and short notes). Non conventional machining - Electro discharge machining (EDM) and Electro chemical machining (ECM) Principle, application and advantages of C N C machine REFERENCES 1. Spalding and Cole, Engineering Thermodynamics 2. Gill, Smith and Zuirys, Fundamentals of IC Engines 3. Amstead, Ostwald and Begeman, Manufacturing processes 4. Crouse, Automobile Engineering 5. Roy and Choudhary, Elements of Mechanical Engineering 6. Hajra Choudhary, Workshop Technology 7. R K Bensal, Fluid mechanics and machines 8. J Benjamin, Basic Mechanical Engineering Note: Lectures are to be supplemented by demonstration in laboratories. Note: The question paper will consist of two parts. Part I is to be compulsory for 40 marks. This may contain 10 questions of 4 marks each. Part II is to cover 3 modules. There can be 3 questions from each module (10 marks each) out of which 2 are to be answered.



MODULE I Elementary concepts - Kirchoffs laws - Magnetic Circuits - MMF, field strength, flux density, reluctance problems in series magnetic circuits. Review of electromagnetic induction Faradays laws, Lenz' law - statically induced and dynamically induced emf - self and s mutual induction - inductance. Alternating current fundamentals - generation of alternating currents waveforms frequency - period - average and rms values - form factor. Phasor representation of alternating quantities - rectangular polar and exponential forms. Analysis of simple ac circuits concept of impedance and admittance - phasor representation - j notation - power and power factor in ac circuits - active and reactive components. Solution of RL, RC and RLC series circuits. Three phase systems - generation of three phase voltage - star and delta connection relation between phase and line values of voltage and current - phasor representation three wire and four wire systems. Measurement of power in three phase circuits ( two wattmeter method). Measurement of energy working of 1-phase energy meter. MODULE II Transformers - Principle of operation - EMF equation - constructional details of single phase and three phase transformers Methods of bulk generation of electric power. Block schematic of layout of generating stations - hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear power plants. Renewable energy sources solar, wind, tidal, wave and geothermal energy. Bulk transmission of electric power - typical electrical power transmission scheme - need for high transmission voltage - substations - substation equipments. Primary and secondary transmission and distribution systems Different methods of wiring for LT installations. Schematic layout of LT switchboards. Earthing of installations - necessity of earthing - plate and pipe earthing. Protective fuses, MCBs, ELCBs and switches. Working of incandescent lamps, -fluorescent lamps, energy efficient lamps MODULE III Diodes - PN junction diodes,. V-I characteristics, dynamic & static resistance, principle of working and V-I characteristics of Zener diode, principle of Photo diode, Solar cell, & LED. Rectifiers & power supplies - block diagram description of a dc power supply, circuit diagram & working of half-wave & full wave rectifier, final equations of Vrms, Vdc, ripple factor and peak inverse voltage in each case, principle of working of series inductor and shunt capacitor filters. Working of simple zener voltage regulator. Power devices V I characteristics and applications of SCR and Triac Working principle of UPS and SMPS. Transducers Resistance strain guage, thermistor, LVDT REFERENCES 1. V.N. Mitlle, Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990. 2. DP Kothari, LJ Nagrath, Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, 2000.


3. B.L. Thereja, A Text Book of Electrical Technology, Volume I, S Chand & Co, New Delhi, 1992. 4. Francis M Fernandez, A Basic Course in Electrical Engineering, Rajath Publishers, Ernakulam. 5. TP Imthias Ahmed, B. Premlet, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Phaser Books, Kollam 6. Gopakumar, Introduction To Electronics and Communications, .Phasor Books, Kollam 7. Millman and Halkias, "Integrated Electronics: Analog and digital circuits and systems", McGraw-Hill Book Co 8. Edward Hughes, Electrical and Electronic Technology, Pearson Education, 2002. 9. ML Soni, PU Guptha, US Bhatnagar and A Chakrabarthy, A Text Book on Power System Engineering, Dhanpath Rai & Sons, New Delhi 1997 10. N.N.Bhargava, Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill 11. Rangan C.S., Sarma G.R., and Mani V.S.V., "Instrumentation Devices and Systems", Tata McGraw Hill, 1992. 12. Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and Applications, Pearson education, Asia 2003. Note : The question paper will consist of two parts. Part A is to be compulsory for 40 marks (10 questions of 4 marks each). Part-B is to cover 3 modules for 60 marks. (50% choice- One out of two or two out of four from each module).



MODULE 1(Qualitative Treatment) (a) Bipolar junction transistors: NPN & PNP transistors, structure, typical doping, working of NPN transistor, concepts of common base, common emitter & common collector configurations, current gain of each, input & output characteristics of common emitter configuration, comparison of three configurations with reference to voltage & current gain, input & output resistances and applications. (6 hrs) (b) Field effect Transistors : basic principles of JFET, MESFET and MOSFET, comparison with BJT. (3 hrs) (c) Amplifiers & Oscillators: circuit diagram & working of common emitter amplifier, function of each component in the circuit, need of proper biasing, frequency response, voltage gain and 3dB bandwidth, concepts of class A, B, AB and Class C power amplifiers, circuit diagram & working of push pull amplifiers, concepts of feedback, working principles of oscillators, circuit diagram & working of RC phase shift oscillator (7 hrs) (d) Integrated circuits: advantages of ICs, analog and digital ICs, functional block diagram of operational amplifier, ideal operational amplifier,use as inverting amplifier, non inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, integrator and comparator. (4 hrs) (e) Digital ICs:logic gates, realization of logic functions, principle of combinational and sequential logic circuits, flip flop (JK), logic families: TTL and CMOS Logic (No internal diagram) (4 hrs) (f) IC fabrication: purification of silicon, crystal growth, wafer preparation. unit process: oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, epitaxy, deposition, photolithography. (4 hrs) MODULE 2 (Qualitative Treatment) (a) Measurements: principle and block diagram of analog and digital multimeter, working principle of CRT, block diagram of CRO, measurements using CRO, principle of digital storage oscilloscope, principle and block diagram of function generator. (5hrs) (b) Radio communication: principle of AM & FM, wave forms, bandwidths, block diagrams of AM & FM transmitters, principle of AM &FM demodulation, comparison of AM & FM,principle &block diagram of super heterodyne receiver. (4 hrs) (c) Color television: TV Standards,interlaced scanning, block diagram of PAL TV transmitter & receiver, basic principles of cableTV, CCTV system, basic principles of HDTV, basic principles of LCD & Plasma displays. (5 hrs) (d) Radar and navigation: principle of radar and radar equation, block schematics of pulsed radar, factors affecting range, applications of radar in measurements and navigation. (4 hrs) (e) Satellite communication: microwave frequency bands, concept of geo-stationary satellite, frequency bands used, satellite transponder, block diagram of earth station transmitter & receiver, advantages of satellite communication, principle of Global Positioning System(GPS). (3 hrs) (f) Optical communication: block diagram of the optical communication system, principle of light transmission through fiber, concepts of Single Mode and Multi Mode optical fiber, working principle of source (semiconductor Laser) & detector ( PIN,APD), advantages of optical communication. (5 hrs)

Credits: 6


MODULE 3 (Qualitative Treatment) (a) Computer Architecture: functional units: basic concept of ALU- data path and control, memory hierarchy, caches, main memory, virtual memory, operating systems, microprocessors - functional block diagram of 8085 (9 hrs) (b) Data communication: overview, analog and digital data transmission, transmission media, digitization of wave forms, PCM , digital modulation techniques- ASK, PSK, FSK, basic concepts of error detection , parity checking. (6hrs) (c) Mobile communication: basic principles of cellular communications, concepts of cells, frequency reuse, principle and block diagram of GSM,principle of CDMA, WLL & GPRS technologies. (4hrs) (d) Internet Technology: concepts of networking: client - server computing, IP addresses, domain names, network interface unit - modem, switching technologies- circuit switching and packet switching, LAN,MAN,WAN &World wide web, network topologies, communication protocols- TCP/IP, Introduction to web languages-HTML ,XML, internetworking concepts, network devices- basic principles of router, bridge, switch, network security- Firewall. (7 hrs) REFERENCES 1. Santiram Kal, Basic Electronics Devices, Circuits and IT fundamentals, PHI 2. Louis.E.Frenzel, Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, TMH 3. William Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, Pearson Education. 4. M.Moris Mano, Computer Architecture, PHI 5. Neil H E Weste,Kamran Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI design A system perspective, Pearson Education [Module 1(f)] 6. David A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, PHI .[Module 2(a)] 7. N N Bhargava,D C Kulshreshtha,S C Gupta, Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits, TMH 8. ITL Education Solution Ltd., Introduction to Information Technology, Pearson Education, 5th edition, 2008 9. R.R. Gulati, Monochrome and Colour Television, New Age International [Module 2 (c)] 10. K Gopakumar, Introduction to Electronics & Communication , 3rd edition, 2008,Phasor Publishers,Kollam This subject shall be handled by faculty of Dept.of Electronics and Communication in the Colleges. Question Paper The question paper shall consist of two parts. Part I is to cover the entire syllabus, and carries 40 marks. This shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each. Part II is to cover 3 modules, and carries 60 marks. There shall be 3 questions from each module (10 marks each) out of which 2 are to be answered.



L-T-P/D; 0-0-2 Credits: 6

A. Carpentry: Study of tools and joints. Practice in planning, chiseling, marking and sawing. Joints Cross joint, T joint, Dove tail joint. B. Fitting: Study of tools, Practice in filing, cutting, drilling and tapping. Male and female joints, Stepped joints. C: Sheet Metal Work: Study of tools. Selection of different gauge GI sheets for jobs. Practice on riveted joints. Preparing tube joints, frustums, trays and containers. D. Plumbing: Study of tools. Details of plumbing work in domestic and industrial applications. Study of pipe joints, cutting, threading and laying of pipes with different fittings using PVC pipes. Use of special tools in plumbing work. E: Foundry: Study of tools. Preparation of sand, moulding practice and demonstration of casting. F. Welding: Study of welding machines. Straight line practices, Making of Butt joint, T joint and Lap joint. G: Smithy: Study of tools. Demonstration on forging of square prism, hexagonal bolt, T bolt and Eye bolt. H: Machine Tools: Study and demonstration on working of machine tools. Lathe and Drilling machine. NOTE: For the university examination the student shall be examined in sections A, B, C, D and E only.



Module I Multiple Integrals: Double Integrals (Cartisian only).Change of order of integration. Area enclosed by plane curves.Triple integrals.Volume of solids. Vector integration: Line and surface and volume integrals. Greens theorem in the plane.Stokes theorem and Gauss divergence theorem (no proof). Module II Fourier series: Fourier series of periodic functions of period 2 and 2l. Dirichlets condition for convergence. Odd and even functions. Half range expansions. Fourier Transforms: Fourier integral theorem(no proof)-Fourier transforms- Fourier sine and cosine transforms , inverse Fourier transforms, properties Module III Partial differential equations: Formationof PDE. Solution of Lagranges linear equation. First order nonlinear equations-standard forms -Homogeneous PDE with constant coefficients. Application of PDE: Derivation of one dimensional Wave and Heat equations. solution by seperation of variables. Boundary value problems in one dimensional Wave and Heat equations. References 1. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Wiley Eastern. 2. Peter O Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 3. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers. 4. B.V.Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 5. Michel D Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Note: The question paper shall consists of two parts. Part A ( 40 marks) Ten compulsory questions of 4 marks each. Part B ( 60 marks) Student must answer one out of two from each module .Each question carries 20 marks.

Credits: 4



L-T-P/D; 3-0-0

PART I- ECONOMICS (2 periods per week)

Credits: 3

Module I Definition of Economics Basic Concepts Goods Choice of techniques Production possibility curve National Income concepts - GNP GDP NNP Per Capita Income Three Sectors of the Economy Primary Secondary, Tertiary Sector Significance of Money. Meaning of Demand and Supply Types of demand Determinants of Demand Demand forecasting. Production function Law of Variable proportion Returns to scale Least cost combination of inputs Cost concepts Cost output relationship Module -II Inflation causes of inflation measures to control inflation Demand Pull inflation cost push inflation effects of Inflation effects of inflations comparison between inflation and deflation. Indias Economic crisis in 1991 New economic policy Global Financial meltdown in 2008 Applicability of Keynesian Theory to UDCS. Stock Market and present scenario Industrial sector past and present Industry Analysis Electronics Chemical Automobile FMCG Industry. Environment and Development Basic Issues Sustainable Development and Environmental Accounting Population Resources and the Environment Poverty and the Environment Growth versus the Environment The Global Environment . PART II - ACCOUNTANCY (1 Period per week) Module III Book- Keeping and Accountancy -Elements of Double Entry -Book- Keeping-rules for journalizing -Ledger accounts Cash book-Banking transactions Trial Balance- Method of Balancing accounts- the journal proper (simple problems). Final accounts: Preparation of trading and profit and loss Account- Balance sheet (with simple problems) - Introduction to Accounting packages (Description only) References : 1. K.K Dewett, Modern Economic theory 2. Michael Todaro, Economic Development Addison Wesley Longman Ltd. 3. Mohinder Kumar Sharma _ Business Environment in India 4. D.M. Mithani-Money, Banking, International Trade and Public Finance, Himalaya publishing House, New Delhi. 5. Rudder Dutt and K.P.M Sundaran Indian Economy 6. Hal R. Varian Intermediate Micro Economics 7. Koutsiannis (second Edition) Micro Economics 8. Double Entry book Keeping Batliboi 9. A Systematic approach to Accounting: Dr K.G. Chandrasekharan Nair University question Note: Part I and Part II to be answers in separate answer books. Part I Economics Part A 30 Marks (short answers) covering entire syllabus (3x10=30) Part B 40 marks (50% choice one out of two or two out of four from each module) Part II Accountancy Three questions covering entire syllabus out of which two questions has to be answered (2x15=30)



Module I Properties of fluid - Density, Specific weight, viscosity, surface tension, bulk modulus, compressibility, velocity, rate of shear strain, Newtons law of viscosity, Newtonian and nonNewtonian fluids, real and ideal fluids, incompressible and compressible fluids. Atmospheric pressure, Gauge pressure and Absolute pressure. Pressure at a point in a fluid, Pascals Law. Measurement of pressure - Piezo meter, manometers, pressure gauges. Energies in flowing fluid, head - pressure, dynamic, static and total head, Continuity equation, Eulers equation, Bernoullis equation, Practical applications: Flow rate measurements- Venturi and Orifce meters, Notches and Weirs (description only for notches and weirs).Velocity measurements- Pitot tube and Pitot static tube. Flow through pipes: Reynolds experiment, Reynolds number, Laminar and Turbulent flow, Hagen- Poiseuille equation, Turbulent flow through pipes, head loss due to friction, friction factor, Modys chart, Darcy- weisbach equation, Chezys formula - Losses at entry, exit, sudden expansion and sudden contractions, Compound pipes, branching of pipes, siphon effect, water hammer Transmission of power through pipes (simple problems) Module II Impact of jets: Stationary and moving vanes Flat and curved vanes Series of vanes work done and efficiency. Hydraulic Turbines : Impulse and Reaction Turbines Pelton Wheel Constructional features - Velocity triangles Eulers equation Speed ratio, jet ratio & work done , losses and efficiencies, design of Pelton wheel Inward and outward flow reaction turbines- Francis Turbine Constructional features Velocity triangles, workdone and efficiencies Axial flow turbine (Kaplan ) Constructional features Velocity triangles- work done and efficiencies Characteristic curves of turbines theory of draft tubes surge tanks Cavitation in turbines Governing of turbines Specific speed of turbine , similarity and model testing-selection of water turbines for power plants. Type Number Characteristic curves, scale Laws Unit speed Unit discharge and unit power Module III Positive displacement pumps- reciprocating pump air vessels and their purposes separation and cavitation - slip negative slip and work required and efficiency- indicator diagram- effect of acceleration and friction on indicator diagram multi cylinder pumps. Rotary motion of liquids free, forced and spiral vortex flows- rotodynamic pumpscentrifugal pump impeller, casings manometric head- work, efficiency and losses, priming, specific speed. Performance characteristics-multistage pumps-selection of pumps-pumping devices-hydraulic ram jet pumps, gear pumps, vane pump and lobe pump. Dimensional analysis : Rayleigh method, Buckingham theorem Dimensionless numbers Similarity Laws Shape numbers Impeller shapes based on shape numbers References : 1. J. F. Douglas, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson education. 2. Robert W. Fox, Introduction to fluid dynamics, John Wiley and sons 3. K. Subrahmanya, Theory and applications of fluid mechanics, (TMH) 4. Shames. I. H, Mechanics of fluids 6. Jagadish Lal, Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines 7. R K Bansal, Hydraulic Machines

Credits: 5


8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

R.K.Rajput, Hydraulic Machines D S Kumar, Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines Modi & Seth, Fluid Mechanics & Machines , Standard Publishers. N. S Govinda Rao, Fluid flow mechanics Yunus A Cengel, John M Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill

Note The question paper shall contain two parts. PART- A & PART B Part A shall contain 10 compulsory short answer type questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus ( 10 x 4 = 40 ) Part B shall contain 2 questions from each module. Each question carries 20 marks. Student has to answer three full questions selecting one from each module (3x 20 = 60 ).



L-T-D: 3-1-0

Module I

Credits : 4

Concept of stress normal stress and shear stress, concept of strain, normal strain and shear strain, constitutive relation, Hookes law, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, deformation of axially loaded bars, members with varying cross section, principle of superposition, composite bars, thermal stress. Saint-Venants Principle and stress concentration, lateral strain, Poissons ratio, volumetric strain, bulk modulus of elasticity, relationship between elastic constants. Concept of stress and strain tensor, generalised Hookes law, definition of plane stress, plane strain and examples. Stress transformation (2D only) principal stress and Mohrs circle, Strain energy due to axial loads- gradually and suddenly applied impact loads. Module II Shear force and bending moment diagrams cantilever, simply supported and over hanging beams-concentrated and UD loads, Theory of simple bending-bending stress and shear stress distribution-rectangular, circular and I sections. Slope and deflection of beams, load- deflection differential equation, computation of slope and deflection of simply supported and cantilever beams- Macaulays method. Module III Torsion of circular shafts-solid and hollow shafts-power transmitted by shafts. Thin cylinders and shells subjected to internal and external pressures thick cylinders and spherical shellsLames equation compound cylinders. Direct and bending stress short columns core of section Crippling load-Eulers equation. Analysis of pin-jointed plane perfect frames by the method of joints. References : S.B.Junarkar, Mechanics of structures Vol I & II Egor P Popov, Engineering Mechanics of solids,PHI Timoshenko, Strength of Materials Timoshenko S.P. and J.M. Gere, Mechanics of Materials, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. 5 Singh G. D., Strength of materials, Ane Books India, New Delhi. 6 L.S. Srinath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw-Hill Note: University question paper consists of two parts Part A 40 Marks (8 compulsory questions of 5 marks each to cover the entire syllabus) Part B 60 marks ( 50% Choice, One out of Two from each module) 1 2 3 4



L-T-D: 3-1-0
Module I Heat transfer- Modes of heat transfer- General Heat Conduction Equation in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates. Fourier law of heat conduction, thermal conductivity and thermal resistance. Factors affecting conductivity, One-dimensional conduction through plane wall, hollow cylinder, hollow spheres and their composites. Log mean area, Critical radius and its significance. Convection- Newton law of cooling, heat transfer coefficient, Buckinghams theorem and its application to Natural and forced convection heat transfer, overall heat transfer coefficient,. Radiation-Stefan Boltzman law, emissive power, absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity. Concept of black body, Grey body Kirchoffs law, emissivity. Radiation heat transfer between infinite parallel plates. Heat exchangers-Classification-Parallel flow, counter flow, evaporator, condenser, variation of temperature, Analysis of Heat Exchangers LMTD and NTU methods Module II Compressors-Classifications, reciprocating compressor-p-v diagram, work done, effect of clearance, efficiencies, volumetric efficiency and free air delivered (FAD), two stage compression, optimum pressure ratio, effect of intercooling. Rotary compressors- classifications, working, Fans and Blowers-classification, working and field of applications (description only) Gas turbines- Classifications-open closed and semi closed cycle and working cycles, efficiency, work output, effect of regeneration, intercooling, reheating-. Module III Refrigeration-Definition, Unit, Air cycles-reversed Carnot cycle, Bell Coleman cycle, COP, method of improving COP. Vapour refrigeration cycle-layout, T-s and p-h diagram, simple saturated cycle, wet and superheated cycle, effect of variation in pressure, effect of sub cooling and superheatingLiquid suction heat exchanger, Absorption refrigeration- Layout- Ammonia water system and Electrolex system. Air conditioning- psychrometry-basic definitions, psychometric chart, psychometric processproblems. Load Calculation in air conditioning systems, the factors influencing the load calculation. Reference: Thermal Engineering- P .L Ballaney Refrigeration & Air conditioning- C.P Arora Fundamentals of engineering Heat and Mass Transfer- R. C. Sachdeva Heat Transfer - J P Holman Applied Thermo Dynamics for Engineering, T.D.Eastop and A McConkay, Pearson Education. 6. Thermal Engineering, Rajput. Note The question paper shall contain two parts. PART- A & PART B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Credits : 4


Part A shall contain 10 compulsory short answer type questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus ( 10 x 4 = 40 ) Part B shall contain 2 questions from each module. Each question carries 20 marks. Student has to answer three full questions selecting one from each module (3x 20 = 60 ).



L-T-D: 1-0-4

Machine Drawing 0-0-2

Credits : 5

Conversion of pictorial views into Orthographic views Sectional views, types of sectional views, Conventions-Dimensioning techniques, BIS standards Module-1 Free hand sketching: Screw thread forms and conventional representations, lock nuts, foundation bolts, forms of rivet heads, Riveted Joints Lap (chain and zigzag with multiple rows), butt joints (chain and zigzag with multiple rows, single strap and double strap), different types of keys, Pipe joint-socket and spigot. Module-2 Dimensioned drawing: Hexagonal and square headed bolt with nut, Sectional drawings of Socket and spigot joint, Knuckle Joint, Rigid flange couplings, Bushed Pin flexible coupling, Plummer block, Single plate clutch and Cone friction clutch. Pipe joints: Sectional drawings of Cast Iron Flanged joint, Hydraulic joint and Union Joint. References: 1. N.D. Bhatt, Machine Drawing 2. P.I.Varghese, Machine Drawing, 3. P.S.Gill, Machine Drawing 4. Parkinson, Machine Drawing PART B Civil Engg. Drawing & Estimation Module I Drawing : Principles of building drawing, preparation of drawing of buildings such as office building, residential building (RCC and tiled roof, single storied and two storied), factory building with steel trusses for small scale industries. Module II Estimating: Principles of estimation, quantity estimation and cost estimation of building such as residential building and factory buildings. References: 1. Balagopal.R.S.Prabhu,Vincent Paul, Building drawing and detailing. 2. Dutta B.N., Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering. 3. Chakrabarti M., Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering. University examination duration 4 hours Part A and Part B are to be answered in separate answer books Part A (50 marks) The question paper shall contain 2 questions. The first question is from module-1 which carries 20 marks. It contains 3 sub divisions and any 2 has to be answered, (2x10=20 marks). The second question is from Module 2, Dimensioned drawing which is a compulsory question and carries 30 marks. Part B (50 marks) The question paper shall contain 2 questions from each module and one has to be answered from each. Module I carries 30 marks and module II carries 20 marks. 1-0-2


L-T-D: 0-0-2



Credits : 2

Experiments 1. Test on Mild Steel, High carbon steel and Cast Iron specimens 2. Shear test on MS Rod 3. Torsion test on MS Rod 4. Torsion test using Torsion Pendulum on MS, Aluminium and Brass wire 5. Izod and Charpy Impact tests 6. Hardness test (Brinell Hardness & Rockwell Hardness) 7. Spring test (Open and closed coiled ) 8. Bending test on Wood 9. Determination of Moment of Inertia of Rotating Bodies 10. Chain Surveying and Levelling ( 4hrs only.) Scheme of Examination:Exam. Duration: 3 hrs. No examination for chain surveying and levelling, but viva shall be asked.


L-T-D: 0-0-2 Credits : 2

1. Study of meters, gauges and valves - pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, manometers, flow measuring equipments-water meters-venturi meter-orifice meter-current meter, stop valve, gate valve and foot valve. Study of pumps- centrifugal reciprocating. Study of Turbines- impact and reaction types. 2. Determination of Darcys coefficients. 3. Coefficient of discharge and calibration of Notches, venturi meters and orifice meters. 4. Determination of metacentric height and Centre of pressure of floating bodies. 5. Hydraulic coefficient of a circular orifice. 6. Determination of coefficient and discharge of an orifice by the time of emptying method and Constant head method. 7. Performance test on Rotodynamic and Positive displacement pumps 8. Performance test on Impulse and Reaction turbines



L-T-P/D; 3-1-0

Module I

Credits 4

Complex Differentiation: Limits ,continuity and differentiation of complex functions. Analytic functions-Cauchy Reimann equations in Cartesian form (proof of necessary part only) properties of analytic functions-harmonic functions. Milne Thomson method Conformal mapping:The Transformations w=1/ z , w=z2 , w=z+1/ z , w=sin z ,w=cos z ,Bilinear transformation Module II Complex Integration:Line integral- Cauchys integral theorem-Cauchys integral formula. Power series-radius of convergence-Taylors and Laurents series-zeros and singularities Residues and residue theorem. Evaluation of real definite integrals2

f (sin , cos ) d ,

f (x ) dx with no poles of

f (z )

0 on the real axis (proof of theorems not required) Module III Numerical Techniques:Errors in numerical computation-solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by bisection method, regula false method,Newton- Raphson method. Solution linear systems by Gauss elimination and Gauss-Seidal method. Newtons forward and backward interpolation formula. Lagranges interpolation formula.Numerical integration. Trapezoidal and Simpsons rule.Numerical solutionof ODE Taylor series method, Eulers method,Runge Kutta methods(derivation of formulae not required for the above methods.) References: 1. Peter v. Oneil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Pub. 2. Erwin Kreizig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Weiley Eastern. 3. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson. 4. B.S Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers. 5. B.V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Mc Graw hill. 6. C T.Veerarajan and T.Ramachandran, Numerical Methods with programming. 7. S.S.Sastry, Introductory methods of numerical analysis. Examination Duration: 3 hours Note: The question paper shall consists of two parts. Part A ( 40 marks) Ten compulsory questions of 4 marks each. Part B ( 60 marks) Student must answer one out of two from each module .Each question carries 20 marks.



L-T-P/D; 3-1-0

Credits 4

Module I Introduction to Computer programming concept - Algorithm and flow chart, Basics of procedure oriented and object oriented programming. Introduction to C++: Structure of C++ program; Key words; Identifiers; Data types integer, real, character, string, boolean, enumeration, array and pointer; Constant and Variables; Escape sequences; Operators assignment, arithmetic, relational, logical, increment & decrement, conditional, sizeof, comma and bitwise operators; Statements simple & compound, declaration statements, Control statements -if, if-else, switch, for loop, while, dowhile, break and continue statements, Input and output streams, Arrays one dimensional & two dimensional; Functions- inline functions, function over loading, Functions with default arguments, recursion, pointers. Simple programs using above features. Module II Introduction to Class and Object- definition, data members, member function, private & public member function, member access, friend declaration, class objects, predefined classes, initialization, constructor and destructor; Operator overloading, Inheritance- base class and derived class; Input/output stream libray - ifstream, ofstream , fstream, class flies. Simple problems using the above features. Module-III Errors and approximations floating point arithmetic sources of errors control of errors propagation of errors condition and stability Rate of convergence. Interpolation Newtons Divided difference, Lagrange, Aitken, Hermite and Spline techniques- Inverse interpolation. Curve fitting method of least squares non-linear relationships Correlation and Regression Linear correlation measures of correlation Standard error of estimate coefficient of correlation. Solution of Partial differential equations classification Laplace equation Finite difference methods relaxation methods. Stability and convergence of solution. Numerical problems and preparation of computer programs for the above methods References : 1. Ashok M. Kamthane, Object oriented Programming with ANSI & Turbo C++, Pearson Education. 2. Nagler, Learning C++, A Hands on Approach, Jaico publications. 3. Stanley B. Lippman and Josee Lajoie, C++ Primer, Pearson Education. 4. Balaguruswamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, TataMcgraw Hill. 5. Nabajyothi barkakati, Object Oriented Programming in C++ , Prentice Hall. 6. Balaguruswamy, Numerical Methods, E. TataMcgraw Hill. 7. C.F. Gerald and P.O.Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis , Pearson Education. The question paper shall contain two parts (Part A and Part B). Part A shall contain 10 compulsory short answer type questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus ( 10 x 4 = 40 ), Part B shall contain 2 questions from each module. Each question carries 20 marks. Student has to answer three full questions selecting one each from module. (3x 20 = 60 ).



L-T-P/D : 3-1-0

Module I

Credits : 4

Classification of engineering materials-selection of materials with reference to properties, service and economic considerations. Thermal, Physical Mechanical, Electrical, Magnetic, Dielectric properties, Super conductivity and Super plasticity of materials. Metallic bonds, crystal structure, space lattice, types of unit cells, Miller indices, co-ordination number, atomic packing factor, allotropy and polymorphism, imperfections in crystals. Elastic and Plastic deformation of metals, Factors affecting plastic deformation, deformation temperature. Slip, Twinning, Dislocation, Critical shear stress, Frank-Read source, Strain hardening, De-lamination theory. Module II Diffusion mechanism, Ficks Laws. Theory of alloys, Gibbphase rule, Solid solutions. Hume Rotherys rule. Equilibrium diagrams-Construction and uses-Equilibrium diagram of binary alloys: Eutectic, Eutectoid, Peritectic and peritectoid reactions. Iron-Carbon Equilibrium diagram, Isothermal TTT diagrams, Critical cooling rate. Heat treatment processes, Hardenability tests. Surface treatments, Case Hardening, Carburising, Nitriding, Cynading,Induction hardening, Precipitation hardening, CVD, PVD, Thermal spraying, Plasma spraying, D-Gun spraying, Recovery, Recrystalisation and Grain Growth. Module III Testing of materials-Tensile and Compression test, Impact test, Significance of fracture mechanics, Brittle fracture, Griffiths crack theory, Energy balance approach, Ductile fracture, Factors leading to crack formation, Ductile-brittle transition in steels, Fatigue mechanism, Fatigue crack growth, Creep mechanism. Properties, composition and uses of various types of Cast Iron and Steels - Effect of various alloying elements. Properties, composition and uses of Copper, Aluminum, Titanium and its alloys, Effects of various alloying elements. Introduction to Ceramics, Composites, Smart materials, Nuclear, Nano materials. References : 1. L.W.Van Wlanck, Elements of Materials Science. 2. Wulff-Series, Material Science Vol-I,II,III,IV. 3. B.K.Agrawal, Introduction of Engineering materials, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. C.W.Richards, Engineering Material Science. 5. R.K.Rajput,S.K.Kataria &Sons, Material Science and Engineering. 6. Y.Lakhtin, Engg Physical Metallurgy. 7. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy. 8. Serope Kalpakjain et al., Manufacuring Engg and Technology. 9. R.K.Dogra & A.K.Sharma, Advanced Material Science. 10. William D.Callister, John Wiley, Indroduction to Material Science. Note: Question paper shall consist of 2 parts, Part A Compulsory short answer questions of 4 marks each covering the entire syllabus (10x4=40 marks), Part B 60 Marks (50 % choice, one out of two from each module)


08. 404
L-T-P/D : 2-1-0

Credits : 3

General introduction to classification of production process: Foundry: Pattern making, pattern materials, pattern allowances, types of pattern, pattern design. Sand moulding procedure, types of sand moulding and moulding sand, ingredients and the properties of moulding sand, sand conditioning and reclamation. Core making: types, properties and ingredients of core sand. Sand testing methods. Solidification of castings: mechanism of dentritic growth, solidification rate and time, Chvorinovs rule. Gating and risering: functions of gating and risering system, gating system, design of sprue, gating ratio. Riser design, riser shake, size and location. Casting defects: causes and remedies. Module II Special casting process: Permanent mould casting, shell moulding, CO2 process, Expandable pattern casting (lost form). Precision investment casting, centrifugal casting, die casting, die casting alloys. Rolling: Principles of metal rolling, Rolling mills and their classification, Semi-finished and finished roll products. Roll passes, Defects in rolling special products like tube, wheel and tyre. HERF Explosive forming, Hydro forming, Electromagnetic forming Module III Forging: Classification of forging, smith forging, drop forging, press forging, upset forging, forging process, forging hammer and forging press. Forging dies, characteristic forged products, forging defects. Press working, process involving shearing, bending, drawing and squeezing application. Extrusion: process, methods and applications. Drawing of rods, wires and tubes. Processes and applications of metal spinning and stretch forming processes. Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Principles of manufacturing materials and process, Campbell Production technology, Jain and Gupta Foundry technology, Lal Metal Process engineering, Poulukhin Processes and Materials of Manufacture, Roy A. Lindberg, Pearson Education Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R Schmid, Pearson Education. Manufacturing Technology Foundry, Forming and Welding, P.N.Rao, Tata McGrawHill. ASM metal Hand Book

Note: Question paper shall consist of 2 parts, Part A Compulsory short answer questions of 4 marks each covering the entire syllabus (10x4=40 marks), Part B 60 Marks (50 % choice, one out of two from each module)


08 . 405
L-T-P/D : 3-1-0

Credits : 4
Module- I

Introduction to metal removal process types of machine tools, Lathes: Engine Lathes specification-general study of main parts and tool and work holding devices, lathe operations and cutting tools used, speed and feed for turning, turning time calculations. Types of lathes - Capstan, Turret, Copying. Automatic and semi-automatic lathes - their working principles, applications and essential difference from engine lathe. Module- II Shaping, planning, and slotting machines - specifications, main parts and functions, operations, work and tool holding devices, drives adopted and tools used. Drilling machinestypes and specifications, main parts and functions, operations, work and tool holding devices, drilling tool nomenclature, deep hole drilling, reaming. Boring machines- main parts and functions, boring machines, operations, examples of work done. Module- III Milling machines- types and specifications, main parts and functions, milling operations, types of milling cutters, indexing-simple, compound and differential. Milling of spur and helical gears. Grinding machines- main parts and functions, plain, cylindrical grinding, centreless grinding and surface grinding operations. Honing and lapping. Cutting action of grinding wheels- Cutting speed and feeds- coolants used-Factors governing wheel selectionblocking and dressing. Thread grinding, profile grinding, tool and cutter grinders. Reference : 1. Machine Tools Vol. 2 2. Production Technology 3. Production Technology 4. Processes and material manufacture 5. Work shop Technology Part 3 6. Machine Tool Practices -Hajre Chaudhery -HMT -R. K. Jain -Roy A Lindburg, Pearson Education. -W. A. J. Champonen - Richard R Kibbe, Pearson education

Note: Question paper shall consist of 2 parts, Part A Compulsory short answer questions of 4 marks each covering the entire syllabus (10x4=40 marks), Part B 60 Marks (50 % choice, one out of two from each module)


L-T-P/D : 0-0-4

Credits : 4

Information to be furnished in drawings- Fits and Tolerances, form tolerance and position tolerance, Geometric tolerance and its indications on drawing, Surface texture- indication of surface roughness, indication of production method, surface treatment, IS specifications. Module-2 Assembly and working drawing (Part drawing)- Shaft bearing and supports Pedestal bearings, Plummer block and foot step bearing, I.C. Engine parts Piston and Connecting Rod, Valve - Stop valve for boilers, Ramsbottom safety valve and lever safety valve, Machine parts - Lathe tail stock, spindle, tool post, Tool head for shaping machine, screw jack, Bench vice and Machine vice. Note: The question paper shall contain 2 questions. The first question is from Module-1 and shall contain 3 sub divisions out of which 2 to be answered (2x10=20marks). The second question is from Module-2 carries 80 marks and is a compulsory question. Reference 1. Machine Drawing, N.D. Bhatt 2. Machine Drawing , P.I.Varghese 3. Machine Drawing, P.S.Gill 4. Machine Drawing, Parkinson 5. Machine Drawing, ND Junnarkar, Pearson Education


L-T-D: 0-0-3

08. 407 ME LAB

Credits : 3

1. Study of I.C engines :a) Diesel engines - all systems and parts b) Petrol engines - all systems and parts 2. Study of pollution testing equipment and flue gas analyser 3. Repairing of I C engines tools and accessories used for it 4. Determination of flash and fire points of petroleum products 5. Determination of viscosity of lubricating oil using Redwood Viscometer 6. Determination of calorific value of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels using Bomb calorimeter and Gas Calorimeter 7. Experiment on I C Engines a) Load test to obtain performance curves based on B.P and B.M.E.P b) Heat Balance test i. Heat exchanger method ii. Flue gas analysis method iii. Volumetric efficiency method c) Valve timing diagram d) Economic speed test e) Best cooling water Temperature test f) Retardation test g) Volumetric efficiency and Air-fuel ratio test 8. Morse test on petrol engine.

08. 408
L-T-P/D : 0-0-3


Credits : 3

1. Lathe: Study of tools and accessories, exercise on plane and taper turning, groove (ball and cup) and thread cutting, 2. Shaping Machines: Study of tools and accessories, exercise on shaping flat surfaces and V-groove 3. Drilling machines: - Study of tools and accessories, exercise on drilling machines.


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Discrete and continuous random variables and their probability distributions Probability distribution (density) functions - Distribution functions - Mean and Variance Simple problems. - Binomial, Poisson, uniform and exponential distributions - Mean and Variance of the above distributions - Normal distribution - Properties of normal distribution - Computing probabilities using Binomial, Poisson, uniform, exponential and normal distributions Module II Curve fitting - Principle of least squares - Fitting a straight line - Fitting a parabola - Linear correlation and regression - Karl Pearsons coefficient of correlation - Sampling distributions - Standard error - Estimation - Interval estimation of population mean and proportions ( small and large samples) - Testing of Hypothesis - Hypothesis concerning a mean, Equality of means - Hypothesis concerning one proportion, difference of two proportions. Module III Linear programming - Formation of LPP - graphical solution - General linear programming problem - Slack and surplus variables - Standard form - Solution of LPP basic solution - Basic feasible solution - Degenerate and non-degenerate solutions Optimal solution - Solution by simplex method - Artificial variables - Big-M method Canonical form of LPP - Duality in LPP - Properties of primal and dual optimal solutions solution using duality Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. T. Veerarajan, Probability and Random Processes, TMH Richard A. Johnson, Probability and statistics for engineers, Pearson G. Hadly, Linear Programming, Addison Wesley Ravindran, Philips, Solberg, Operations Research, Wiley

University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module-I DC Machines-principle of operation-emf equation-types of excitations. Separately excited, shunt and series excited DC generators, compound generators. General idea of armature reaction, occ and load characteristics- simple numerical problems. Principles of dc motors-torque and speed equations-torque speed characteristics- variations of speed, torque and power with motor current. Applications of dc shunt series and compound motors. Principles of starting, losses and efficiency load test- simple numerical problems. Module-II Transformers principles of operations emf equation- vector diagrams- losses and efficiency OC and SC tests. Equivalent circuits- efficiency calculations- maximum efficiency allday efficiency simple numerical problems. Auto transformers constant voltage transformer- instrument transformers. Three phase induction motors- slip ring and squirrel cage types- principles of operation rotating magnetic field- torque slip characteristics- no load and blocked rotor tests. Circle diagrams- methods of starting direct online auto transformer star delta and rotor resistance starting Module-III Single phase motors- principle of operation of single phase induction motor split phase motor capacitor start motor- stepper motor- universal motor Synchronous machines- types emf equation of alternator regulation of alternator by emf method. Principles of operation of synchronous motors- methods of starting- V curvessynchronous condenser. Electric traction systems of power supply functional schematic of ac electric locomotivestypes of motors used in traction systems. Methods of speed control methods of braking. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. A text book of electrical technology-- B.L.Theraja, A.K.Theraja Art and utilization of electric energy Partab Principles of electrical and electronics V.K. Metha Fundamentals of electric machines Guptha .B.R & Vandana Singal

University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Introduction: Terminology definitions and assumptions. Degrees of freedom Kutzbach criterion Grashofs Law Kinematic inversions Concepts of mechanical advantage. Transmission angle. Coupler curve. Introduction to graphical and vector approaches. Straight line mechanisms Watt mechanism Peaucellier mechanism Harts mechanism. Steering mechanisms Quick return mechanisms Intermittent motion mechanisms Geneva mechanism. Rachet and pawl mechanisms. Synthesis: Introduction to kinematic synthesis types, number and dimensional synthesis function generation chebyshev spacing Three position synthesis graphical methods Analytical methods- Freudensteins equations. Velocity analysis of mechanisms: Velocity analysis Instantaneous center of velocity. Aronhold & Kennedys theorem locating instantaneous centers (upto 6 link mechanisms) Velocity analysis using instantaneous method Centrodes velocity analysis analytical method. (Slider crank mechasim only) Module II Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms: Relative velocity method -Relative acceleration method Graphical method - Velocity and acceleration diagrams Vector methods - Coriolis component of acceleration Kliens Construction Belt Rope Chain Drives: Introduction Open and ccross belt drive length of belt ratio of belt tensions centrifugal tensions- initial tensions- V belt drive-Rope drive Power tramsmitted Friction Clutches: Plate clutches Conical clutches power tramsmitted Brakes and Dynamometers: Types of brakes: Analysis of shoe , band , band and block brakes-internal expanding shoe brakes. Dynamometers- Description of Absorption and Transmission type dynamometers Module III Gears: Types of gears Terminology- law of gearing gear tooth profiles.- interference and under cutting,- calculation of minimum number of teeth, contact ratio, path of contact, arc of contact,- effect of friction in gears. Gear trains: Types of gear trains-compound, reverted and epicyclic. Torque in epicyclic gear trains. Cams: Classification of cams and followers-Terminology - graphical layout of cam profiles,standard follower motions Disc cam with reciprocating or pivoted type knife edge, flat faced or roller followers-. Description of Tangent cam and circular arc cams (No problems). References 1. Shigley and Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms,McGraw Hill 2. Rao and Dukkipatti, Mechanism and Machine theory,Wiley Eastern 3. P.L. Ballaney, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 4. S.S. Rattan, Theory of machines, THM 5. Amithabha Ghosh and Malik - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 6. V. Ramamoorthi, Mechanics of Machinery, Narosa 7. Kinematics of Machines, Myzka, Pearson Education 8. Charles E Wilson and J Peter Sadler , Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 3rd ed, Pearson Education


University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).



L-T-D: 2-1-0 Credits : 3

Module I Thyristors-Working and characteristics of SCR,TRIAC. Structure and working of power BJT. Working and characteristics of UJT and IGBT. Converters-Single phase half wave and Bridge converters. Dielectric heating and Induction heating - Principle and applications.Resistance welding-sequence timer. Photoelectric devices- principle of operations of APD, Photo transister and Photovoltaic cell. Applications for industrial measurement and control. Module II Data acquisition system-block diagram and explanation of each block. Transducers LED,Laser diode andThermistors .Actuators. Micro controllers Intel 8051 Architecture, memory organization, register banks, special function registers, addressing modes. Instruction set of 8051 Programming examples (addition, subtraction, 8 bit multiplication and 8 bit division, interfacing with 7-segment LED display only). Application of 8051 microcontroller based temperature control system. ADC , DAC. Module III Control systems: Open loop and closed loop control systems, Transfer function-electrical system, mechanical system. Second order systems - response to step input, time domain specifications-rise time, delay time, peak time, peak overshoot and falling time. Frequency response -frequency domain specifications-bandwidth and resonant peak. Stability of a system-definition-stability analysis using Routh hurwitz criterion. Stability analysis in frequency domain using Bode plot. Principle of PD, PI and PID controllers. References 1. Harish C. Rai, Industrial and power electronics, PHI 2. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller 3rd Edn., Thomson India edition 3. Muhammad H Rashid, Power Electronics, 2nd Edn., PHI 4. Ned Mohan, Power Electronics; Converters, application and Design, 2nd Edn., John Wiley and sons 5. Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic cotrol system, 6th Edn, PHI, New Delhi University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40).Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Classification and general consideration of metal joining techniques-Pressure Welding Process; Cold welding & electrical resistance. Types of joints & edge preparation in welding process. Gas welding: Principles of gas welding Oxy Acetylene welding. Principle of operation. Types of welding flames. Joint design, welding technique, filler materials & fluxes, welding equipments. Oxy-Acetylene welding, safety precautions in gas welding .Field of application of gas welding, gas cutting . Module II Electric arc welding: Principle of arc welding, A.C. & D.C. welding equipment. Straight & reverse polarity Principle, equipment, joint design, advantages, disadvantages &application of arc welding, metal arc welding, submerged arc welding. TIG & MIG welding. Atomic Hydrogen welding, welding electrodes-consumable & non consumable, rare and coated, electrode coding. Resistance welding processes-their principle- types - spot, seam, projection, percussion and flash welding. Soldering & brazing: Methods & applications. Module III Electro slag welding, plasma arc welding, electron beam welding, laser beam welding, ultrasonic welding, thermit welding, diffusion welding, under water welding, welding of dissimilar metals, welding of plastics. Thermal effects of welding on welded joints. Microstructure of welded joints, Heat affected zone. Weldability of cast iron, plain steels and aluminum. Testing of welded joints: Destructive testing of weldments Strength, hardness and ductility, Non destructive testing of weldments - ultrasonic dye penetrant, magnetic particle inspection, X ray testing procedures. Residual stresses and stress relieving techniques, Welding symbols, Defects in welding their causes and remedies. Reference: 1. Welding Technology - Little R.L. Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Welding Engineering Handbook - ASME 3. Welding Engineering - Rossi 4. Welding Technology - O.P.Khanna 5. Welding Process and Technology - Partner R.S. Khanna Publishers 6. Welding Technology and Design - Radhakrishnan.V.M. New age International Pub. Ltd. University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).




Refer Elective Section

L-T-D: 0-0-3


Credits : 3

Welding : Preparation of joints, Exercises on different types of welding - Metal arc welding, TIG welding, MIG welding, Gas welding and Resistance welding. Exercises on testing of weld joints destructive and nondestructive. Foundry & Casting: Testing of foundry sand and sand mould- Grain size sieve analysis, Green and Dry strength, (Tensile, Bending, Shear and Compressive strength), Hardness test, Permeability and Moisture content. Exercises in making moulds using single piece, split piece and three piece patterns. Melting & pouring practice. Inspection of castings.

L-T-D: 0-0-3


Credits : 3

1. OCC on a DC shunt generator- determination of critical resistance, critical speed, additional resistance required in the field circuit. 2. Load characteristics of a dc shunt generator. 3. Load characteristics of DC compound generator 4. Load test on DC series motor 5. Load test on DC shunt motor 6. Load test on single phase transformer 7. Starting of three phase squirrel cage induction motor by star delta switch, load test on three phase squirrel cage induction motor 8. Load test on three phase slip ring induction motor 9. V-I characteristics of diodes and zener diode 10. Input and output characteristics of CE and CB configurations of BJTs. Determination of , input resistance and output resistance 11. Drain and transfer characteristics of JFET 12. Static V-I characteristics of SCR 13. Half wave and full wave rectifiers with and with out filters- observe the waveforms on CRO


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module-I General Principles of Measurement: Introduction Concept of Precision, accuracy, sensitivity, calibration. Basic standards of length- Line standard and End standards slip gauges, Angular measurements using bevel protractors, spirit levels, clino-meters, sine bar, Angle gauges, optical dividing head. Limits and Fits:- Systems of limits and fits. Interchangeability & selective assembly. Tolerance- Allowance- Deviation as per BIS (simple problems). Taylors principles- Limit gauges design. Considerations- gauges materials- Gauges tolerance and wear allowance. Classification of Limit gauge- plug, ring, taper, Gap, Snap gauges, position gauges etc merits and demerits. Module II Comparator:- Mechanical, Optical, Pneumatic, Electrical and Electronic comparators. Optical Measuring Instruments:- Principle of Interferometry Optical flat Interferometers angle dekkor Autocollimators, Tool makers- Microscope. Co-ordinate measuring machine. Concepts of machine Vision system CCD, CID cameras. Surface Finish- Surface Texture Evaluation of surface roughness- Simple problems. Surface roughness measuring instruments Different types. Measurement of major elements of Screw threads and Gears. Module III Transducers:- Classification- Static and Dynamic characteristics of Transducers and Dynamometers. Stress- Strain Measurement: Types of strain gauges- Strain measurements by using resistance strain gauges and Mechanical strain gauges-types, application. Basic concept in static and dynamic measurements: Analysis of Experimental errors Gaussian and normal error Distribution- methods of Least Squares- Simple problems. Reference : 1. Measurement system (Application and Design) Ernest O Doebelin. 2. Mechanical and Industrial measurements- R. K. Jain 3. Engineering metrology R. K. Jain 4. Engineering precision metrology R. C. Gupta 5. A text book of engineering of metrology- I. C. Gupta. 6. Hand book of Industrial Metrology ASME University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Force analysis: Static force analysis: Graphical and vector method- Free body diagrams-Conditions for equilibrium- two and three force members,- four force members, Analysis of mechanisms without considering friction, -Analysis with sliding and pin friction- Method of virtual workPrincipal of super position Dynamic force analysis: Inertia force and inertia torque. DAlemberts principle, -Analysis of mechanisms, Equivalent dynamical systems. Shaking forces and moments. Flywheel analysis: Fly wheel- Turning moment diagrams,- fly wheel in different applications like IC engines, -Punching press Dimensions of the fly wheel rim Size of fly wheel. Module II Governors: Types of governors Watt ,Porter, Proell and Hartnell governors Sensitiveness Hunting Isocronism Stability Effort and power of governor Controlling force. Gyroscopes: Principle, -analysis of gyroscopic action on vehicles-two wheelers, four wheelers, air planes and ships. Stability of an automobile stability of a two wheel vehicle Stabilization of ship. Balancing: Static and Dynamic balancing - Balancing of revolving masses in different planes Balancing of reciprocating mass single cylinder engine multi cylinder engine V engines - Balancing machines. Module III Vibration Analysis Types of vibrations Basic elements of a vibrating system - Undamped force vibrations, different methods of analysis,- Free vibrations with viscous damping,- logarithmic decrement, -forced vibrations,- vibration isolation and transmissibility- Force due to unbalance - Force due to support motion Vibration measuring instruments - vibrometers accelerometers. Transverse vibration string, beam. Natural frequency - Dunkerleys method Whirling of shafts critical speed. Torsional vibrations. Free torsional vibrations Single rotor - Two rotor, - three rotor systems Torsionally equivalent shaft - geared systems. References 1. Holowenko, Dynamics of Machinery, John Wiley 2. Shigley and Uicker, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGrawhill 3. Charles E Wilson and J Peter Sadler , Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 3rd ed, Pearson Education 4. Ballaney P.L. , Theory of Machines 5. V. Ramamoorthi, Mechanics of Machinery, Narosa 6. S S Rattan, Theory of Machines,TMH 7. Rao and Dukkipati, Mechanisms and Machine theory 8. Amithabha Ghosh and Malik, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 9. Elementary Mechanical Vibration & Noise Control, Lasithan University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).



L-T-D: 2-1-0 Credits : 3

Module I Computer Aided Design Definition, Necessity for CAD, Benefits of CAD. Design process Application of computers in Design- geometric modeling, engineering analysis, design review and evaluation, automated drafting. Design for Manufacture. Hardware in CADcomponents, Data communications, Design workstation, Interactive display devices- CRT, directed beam refresh, DVST and raster scan displays, LCD and plasma discharge displays. User interaction devices, Design Database, Graphic standards, Data Exchange Formats. Virtual Reality: Introduction, Hardware and software for Virtual Reality environment, Applications of Virtual Reality in product design. Module II Computer graphics. Computer graphics software, functions of CG packages. Methods of defining points, lines, arcs - Bresenhams algorithm. 2D and 3D Transformations translation, scaling, rotation, mirroring, concatenation of transformations. Windowing and ClippingCohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm. Hidden surface removal algorithms z-buffer algorithm. 3D modeling: types of models- wire frame, surface and solid models, CSG and BREP Techniques. Features of Soild Modeling Packages - parametric and features, interfaces to drafting, design Analysis. Module III Introduction to finite element analysis-steps involved in FEM- Preprocessing phasediscretisation-types of elements selection of interpolation functions- Formulation of stiffness matrix - formulation of load vector- Transformation of coordinates- assembly of global equations-solution procedure, post processing phase. Simple problems with Axial element beam element, CST element. Isoparametric formulation. Solution of 1D and 2D structural and solid mechanics problems - linear static analysis. References: 1. Mikell P Groover, CAD/CAM, Prentice Hall 2. D.F. Rogers and J.A.Adams, " Mathematical Elements in Computer Graphics ", McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York 3. Hearn and Baker, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall 4. Ibrahim Zeid, "CAD - CAM Theory and Practice", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 6. Grigore Burdea, Philippe Coiffet, Virtual Reality Technology, John Wiley and son 5. P.Radhakrishnan and S.Subramanyan, " CAD / CAM / CIM ", New Age Int. Ltd 6. Sadhu Singh, " Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing ", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1998 7. Abbott, M. B. and Basco, D. R., Computational fluid dynamics: An introduction for engineers, Harlow, Essex, England: Longman Scientific & Technical; New York, 8. Anderson, J.D., Jr., Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications, McGraw- Hill, Inc., New York, 9. Daryl Logan, A First course in Finite Element Method, Thomson Learning 10. Thirupathi R Chandrupatla and Ashok D. Belagundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Pearson Education. University Examination: The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Broaching machine: Description, types and specifications. Broaching: Broaching machines: push, pull, surface and continuous broaching machines, broach construction, Operations keyway broaching, external and internal spline broaching, surface broaching. Gear manufacturing - methods of manufacturing; moulding, forming and cutting, their merits and demerits. Gear generating- principles of gear hobbing ,gear shaping ,and gear finishing. Finishing operations-lapping, honing, super finishing and burnishing description, methods, and tools employed. Module II Unconventional methods of machining: principle of working ,areas of applications and characteristics of the following operations. EDM, ECM, CHM, LBM, EBM, AJM, USM, PAM, Water jet cutting. Machine tool drives-electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and combination systems - advantages and disadvantages. Materials for machine tool structures. Machine tool rigidity, sources, effects and elimination of vibration in machine tools Module III Hydraulic circuits, fundamentals of hydraulic circuits- type of pumps, valves etc. hydraulic circuits for feed and cutting motion. Hydraulic copying system. . Powder metallurgy Manufacture of metal powders, Powder compaction - Mechanical, thermal and thermomechanical compacting processes, Sintering mechanism, Manufacturing and application of important P/M components. References: 1. Machine tool operation 2. Process Engineering 3. Work shop Technology vol-II 4. Production Technology 5. Production Technology 6. Powder Metallurgy 7. Powder Metallurgy 8. Powder Metallurgy 9. Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools McGraw Hill. Burghardt Carry and Johnson Raghguvanshi R.K Jain HMT ASM Vol. II Gopal S. Upadhayay Sands and Shakespeare Geofrey Boothroyd

University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Definitions-design principles-common engineering materials and their properties-stresses in machine parts-Tension,compression,shear-elastic constants-safe stress-factor of safetybending& Torsion combined stress-theories of failure stress concentration variable stresses-endurance limit-fatigue Factor Combined steady & variable stress-Gerber, Goodman & Soderberg method impact stress& strain energy. Shafts-torsion & bending of shafts- hollow shafts- Design of shafts for strength & stiffness-Effects of -Keyways- Propeller shafts. Module II Design of - pins, keys, splines,cotters, Design of Bolted joints, Design of threaded fasteners & power screws, shaft couplings-design of rigid & flexible couplings. Welded joints- types of joints- strength of welds -fillet welds- stress concentration in welded joints- eccentric loading. Module III Springs- classification and uses of springs - spring materials design of helical springs effect of end turns energy absorbed deflection design for fluctuating loads vibration in springs buckling of springs. Design of leaf springs. Pressure vessels air receivers thin and thick cylinders engine cylinder - Design of pipes and pipe joints. Referances: 1.Mechanical Engg. Design 2.Machine Design 3. Machine Design 4.Machine Design 5. Machine Design 6. Machine Design 7. Design of Machine Elements Jooseph Edward Shigly. P. H. Black Schaums Series R. S. Khurmi & J. K. Gupta Abdulla Sherief R.K Jain M.F Spotts.

University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


Refer Elective section


L-T-D: 0-0-3


Credits: 3

I. II.

Introduction to Solid modeling, Assembly and Finite Element Analysis software. Exercises on modeling and assembly. a. Creation of 3D solid models. b. Creation of assembled views of riveted joints, cotter joints and shaft couplings. Exercises on the application of Finite Element Method to engineering systems:a. Structural analysis. b. Thermal analysis.


University exam pattern: Duration 3 hrs., The question paper shall consist of two parts. Part A 40 marks from modeling, Part B 40 marks from Assembly and/or Analysis. Viva 20 marks.

L-T-D: 0-0-3


Credits : 3

1. Microstructure study: Specimen preparation, microstructure study of Steels, Cast iron and Brass. 2. Grain size measurement. 3. Heat treatment study Effect on Mechanical properties and microstructure of Steels, Cast iron, Brass and Aluminum. 4. Linear measurements using Vernier calipers and external and internal Micrometers, height gauge and depth gauges. 5. Angular measurements using Bevel protractors, angle gauges, sine bar 6. Slip gauges 7. Exercise on comparators: mechanical, pneumatic and electronic comparators 8. Flatness testing of surface plates using auto collimators. 9. Measurement of surface roughness using roughness measuring machines 10. Measurements using Profile projector. 11. Measurements using Universal Measuring Microscope


L-T-D: 2-1-0


Credits : 3

Module I Evolution of Scientific management- Principles and functions of scientific management, Concept of pre modern, modern and post modern management, Levels and skills of management. Organizational structure- Authority, responsibility and span of control - system concept of management Line, Line and staff, project and matrix organization. Formation of companies- Proprietary Partnership and joint stock companies private limited, public limited companies, cooperative organizations and Government organizations. Module II Facilities planning:-Selection of site- factors to be considered plant layout, different types, process, product, fixed group technology layout. Layout planning, computerized planning techniques. Personal managementobjectives and function-recruitment, selection, orientation and training of workers Industrial safety and health-Labour welfare Industrial psychology Labour legislation. Sales management- Objectives and function - forecasting of demand-different methods (simple problems). Marketing: Concepts, marketing environment, -Market segmentation-marketing mix-product life cycle. Module III Quantitative techniques in management- linear programming and its application in management, transportation and assignment problems - Decision making: statistical decision theory, decision tree, Game theory and its applications. Queing theory: Single server models- network theory CPM crashing of networks, PERT probability of completion. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Principles & Practice of Management-T N Chabra, Dhanpat Rai (pub) Industrial Engineering & Production Management, M. Mahajan - Dhanpat Rai Industrial engineering and management: O P Khanna Fundamentals of operation research: Hillier and Lieberman Business Organisation & Management - C.R. Basu - Tata Mc Graw Hill Principles of Management - Tripathi & Reddy - Tata McGraw Hill Engineering Management - Fraidoon Mazda Pearson Edn. Asia Introduction to management science: Bernaud W Taylor III, Pearson Edn.,Asia.

University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Introduction to Mechatronics Sensors and transducers: characteristics. Displacement and position sensors. Resolvers and synchros. Velocity and motion sensors. Principle and types of force, temperature, vibration and acoustic emission sensors. Pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical actuation systems used for mechatronics devices. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS): Fabrication methods - Working and applications of MEMS based accelerometer, pressure sensor and gyroscope Module II Design of modern Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines and mechatronics elements - Machine structure: guide ways, drives. Bearings: anti-friction bearings, hydrostatic bearing and hydrodynamic bearing. Roller and ball screws. Measuring system for NC machines: direct and indirect measuring system. System modeling - Mathematical models and basic building blocks of general mechanical, electrical, fluid and thermal systems. Adaptive control of machine tools. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Architecture, input/output processing, development of simple ladder diagrams. Module III Mechatronics in Robotics-Electrical drives: DC, AC, brushless, servo and stepper motors. Harmonic drive. Force and pressure sensors: piezoelectric sensor and strain gauge. Tactile sensor. Proximity sensors: Magnetic, optical, ultrasonic, inductive, capacitive and eddy current methods. Range finders: ultrasonic and light based range finders. Robotic vision Image acquisition: Vidicom and charge coupled device (CCD) cameras. Image processing techniques: histogram analysis, thresholding and connectivity method.. Case studies of mechatronics systems: Pick and place robot, automatic car park barrier system, automobile engine management system. References 1. W. Bolton, Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Person Education Limited, New Delhi 2007. 2. HMT, Mechatronics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi 2004. 3. K.P. Ramachandran, G.K. Vijayaraghavan, M.S. Balasundaram. Mechatronics: Integrated Mechanical Electronic Systems. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2008. 4. David G. Aldatore, Michael B. Histand, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, McGraw-Hill Inc., USA 2003. 5. Vijay K. Varadan, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, Smart Material Systems and MEMS: Design and Development Methodologies, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England 2006. 6. Saeed B. Niku, Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Systems, Applications, Person Education, Inc., New Delhi 2006. 7. Gordon M. Mair, Industrial Robotics, Prentice Hall International, UK 1998. University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40).Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module 1 Product development cycle-Application of computer for design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM) and integration of CAD/CAM- Elements of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Systems Product design to marketing. Various activities in CIM -- From product design to marketing. Sequential and concurrent engineering Concepts and features. Module II Group Technology Part family, identification, classification and coding OPITZ and MICLASS systems. Benefits of GT - Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) Retrieval and regenerative approaches, benefits; structure of a process planning software. Process capability. Introduction to CAM Numerical Control (NC), CNC, DNC system Definition, types, basic components and principle of operation. Accuracy and repeatability. Features of CNC systems - Absolute and incremental, preparatory and miscellaneous codes, interpolation and canned cycle, tool compensation. Simple turning and drilling programs only. Adaptive control- concept, feasibility and strategies Adaptive Control Constraint (ACC) and Optimization (ACO). Module III Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) Components, types. FMS work stations. Industrial robot Basic elements, classification, physical configuration and applications of industrial robots. Resolution, accuracy and repeatability. Computer Aided Inspection (CAI) and Testing (CAT) Effects of implementing CAI and CAT. Non-contact optical methods for CAI Machine vision, scanning laser beam, photogrammetry. Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Working and configurations of contact and non-contact CMMs. Rapid Prototyping (RP): Concept and methods Stereolithography (SL), Solid Ground Curing (SGC), Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), selective Laser Sintering (SLS), 3D printing. References: 1. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education, Inc., 2001 2. Mikell P. Groover, CAD/CAM, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005. 3. P. Radhakrishnan, S. Subramanian, V. Raju, CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age Int., New Delhi, 2009. 4. Mikell P. Groover, Industrial Robotics, Prentice-Hall of India, 2001. 5. D. T. Pham, S.S. Dimov, Rapid Manufacturing-The Technologies and Applications of Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling, Springer Verlag, London, 2001. 6. John A. Bosch, Coordinate Measuring machine and Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 1995. 7. Xun Xu, Integrating Advanced Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing and Numerical Control: Principles and Implementations, Information Science Reference, USA 2009. 8. Andreas Gebhardt, Rapid Prototyping, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 2003. University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from modules I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Introduction to metal cutting and metal removal processes, classification of cutting tools, geometry of single point and multi point cutting tools, tool nomenclature- ASA and ORS systems-inter relationship. Effect of tool geometry in metal cutting. Mechanism of metal removal-Primary deformation on shear zone and Secondary deformation on rake face- Chip formation, types of chip, BUE formation- Friction in metal cutting-methods to reduce frictionchip breaker. Module II Orthogonal and Oblique cutting- Mechanics of orthogonal cutting-Forces of deformationshear angle, its importance- Stress distribution on rake face- Determination of shear angle and chip thickness ratio-Force relations- Merchants circle diagram-Influence of speed, feed, and depth of cut in cutting-related simple problems. Shear plane theory, Lee and Shaffer principle. Dynamometers- force measurements-Turning, milling, and drilling dynamometers. Heat in metal cutting-Zones of heat generation- variables affecting the tool temperaturestool- work thermo couple, embedded thermocouple, Experimental techniques for measuring tool temperatures. Module III Cutting tool materials-Desirable properties of tool materials-major tool materials- Carbon steels, HSS, Coated tools, Cemented carbide, Ceramics, CBN, and Diamond- their characteristics and applications. Tool wear and tool life- Wear mechanisms, types, tool failure, crater wear , flank wear-Tool life criteria-Taylors tool life equation, modified tool life equation, parameters affecting tool life-problems. Machinability- various criteria for machinability index-Optimum cutting speed. Cutting fluids- Types and applications. Reference:1. Principle of metal cutting - Sen and Bhattacharya 2. Metal cutting principles - Shaw M.C 3. Fundamentals of machining and machine tools - Boothroyd 4. Theory of metal cutting - Black P.H 5. Production technology - HMT 6. Metal cutting - E.M .Trent 7. Tool manufacturing engineers hand book - ASTME 8. Production engineering - P.C Sharma 9. Fundamentals of metal cutting& M/c tools - B.L.Juneja,G.S.Sekhon University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module: I General requirements of machine tool design Design of spindles functions and requirements materials for spindles. Design of Bearings: - Journal bearings-hydro-dynamic lubrication- petroffs equation-Bearing characteristic number-Summerfield number-L/D ratioclearance ratio-minimum film thickness- oil flow through bearings. Ball & roller bearingstypes-static& dynamic load capacity-equivalent dynamic load-bearing life-selection of bearings. Module: II Gears-Nomenclature-Lewis equation Lewis form factor-velocity factor-working stress in gear teeth-dynamic load on gear teeth-design of spur gear, helical gear, bevel gear & worm gear-checking of dynamic tooth load. Wear tooth load, wear tooth load, endurance load.AGMA standards-design of shafts for AP ,GP & LP. Standardization of speed &feedsstructure &ray diagrams for machine tool gear boxes-gear design & analysis. Module: III Design of machine tool structure-functions of machine tool structure and their requirements. Design criteria-materials-static &dynamic stiffeners-profiles of machine tool structures-basic design procedure in machine tool structures design of beds & columns, bases &tables, cross rails,arms,saddles & carriages, rams .model techniques. Design of guide waysfunctions and types-design of slide ways-design criteria and calculations for slide waysdesign of anti-friction guide ways. References: 1. Machine tool design N.K Mehta 2. Principles of machine tools G.C.Sen & A.Bhattacharya 3. Mechanical Engineering design Joseph Edward Shigly University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


Refer Elective section


L-T-D: 0-0-2


Credits : 2

1. Milling machine: Exercise on milling spur gear and helical gear. 2. Grinding machines:-Exercise on grinding machines surface grinding and cylindrical grinding. 3. Tool grinding Exercise on Single point cutting tool grinding. 4. Force measurement: Exercise on force measurement using a) Lathe tool dynamometer b) Drilling tool dynamometer. c) Milling tool dynamometer 5. Exercise on temperature measurement in metal cutting.

L-T-D: 0-0-2

Credits : 2

1. Manual part programming for CNC machines using standard G codes and M codes 2. Study and exercise on CNC Milling Machine for a. Profile milling b. Surface milling c. Drilling and Reaming d. Pocket milling 3. Study and exercise on CNC Lathe for a. Plane turning b. Taper turning c. Thread cutting d. Form turning 4. NC code generation using CAM softwares. 5. Study and exercise on Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) a. Measurement of Flat, Cylindrical and Spherical surfaces 6. Study and Programming on a Pick and Place robot. 7. Study and exercise on Rapid prototyping (RP) Machine a. Making of a simple component.


L-T-D: 0-0-2


Credits : 2

The Students shall do a project work, which can be the preliminary work of final project, and submit a report at the end of semester. The students shall present a seminar on a topic which is of high relevance to Mechanical Engineering. A report on seminar also shall be submitted at the end of the semester. 25% credit should be given for Project, and 75% credit for Seminar.


L-T-D: 2-1-0


Credits : 3

Module I Energy conversion processes and devices Energy conversion plants Conventional ( Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear fission ) and Non conventional ( Biomass, Fuel cells and Magneto Hydrodynamics) Energy storage and Distribution Electrical energy route Load curves Energy conversion plants for Base load , Intermediate load, Peak load and Energy displacement Energy storage plants, Energy from waste, Energy plantation. Module II Energy Management Definitions and significance objectives Characterising of energy usage Energy Management program Energy strategies and energy planning Energy Audit Types and Procedure Optimum performance of existing facilities Energy management control systems Energy policy in India Computer applications in Energy management Module III Energy conservation Principles Energy economics Energy conservation technologies cogeneration Waste heat recovery Combined cycle power generation Heat Recouperators Heat regenerators Heat pipes Heat pumps Pinch Technology. Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECO) Electrical ECOs Thermodynamic ECOs in chemical process industry ECOs in residential and commercial buildings Energy Conservation Measures. References: 1. Energy Efficiency for Engineers & Technologists- T.D.Eastop and D.R. Croft by Longman Group Ltd. 2. Handbook of Energy Audits by Albert Thumann, P.E, C.E.M and Wlliam.J.Younger, C E.M by Fairmont Press Ltd. 3. Energy Management Hand book by Wayne.C.Turner by Fairment Press Ltd. 4. Energy Technology by S.Rao and Dr.B.B.Parulekar, Khanna Publishers. 5. Non conventional Energy Sources by G.D.Rai, Khanna Publishers. University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


L-T-D: 2-1-0


Credits : 3

Module I Introduction to Industrial Engineering Evolution of modern Concepts in Industrial Engineering Functions of Industrial Engineering Field of application of Industrial Engineering Product Development and research- Design function Objectives of design, Manufacturing vs purchase- Economic aspects C-V-P analysis - Development of designsprototype, production and testing Selection of materials and processes- Human factors in design- Value Engineering, Job plan.Introduction to Flexible manufacturing systems, Plant layout and Material handling- principles of material handling, Types of material handling equipments, Selection and application. Preventive and break- down maintenance Replacement of equipments- Method of providing for depreciation- Determination of economic life - Simple problems. Module II Methods engineering: Analysis of work methods using different types of process chart and flow diagrams- Critical examination- Micro motion study and therbligs- SIMO chartPrinciples of motion economy determination of allowances and standard time. - Job evaluation and merit rating Objectives and principles of job evaluation- merit incentive plan Merit rating plans. Wages and Incentives- Primary wage systems- Time rate and piece rate system of wage payment- Incentive plans- essentials of a good wage incentive plan- Non monitory incentives. Industrial relations- Psychological attitudes to work and working conditions - fatigue- Methods of eliminating fatigue- Effect of Communication in Industry, causes effects of industrial disputes- Collective bargaining- Trade union Workers participation in management. Module III Production planning and control- Importance of planning job, batch and mass productionDetermination of economic lot size in batch production- Functions of production control Routing , Scheduling, dispatching and follow up- Gantt charts. Inventory Control, Inventory models -Determination of EOQ and reorder level, selective inventory control techniques. Quality control and Inspection- Destructive and non-destructive testing methods- process capability- Statistical quality control and control charts for X and R. (Simple problems without using SQC table). Acceptance sampling and operation characteristic curves- System reliability- life testing-Bath tub curve. Introduction to concepts of Bench marking, TQM, ISO, Six Sigma and Quality circles (Brief description only). References: 1. Industrial Engineering and Management - O. P. Khanna 2. Time and Motion Study - Ralph and Barien 3. Statistical Quality Control - Grant and Ieven Worth 4. Modern Production management - E. S. Buffa. 5. Industrial Engineering & Production Management - M Mahajan - Dhanpat Rai 6. Industrial Engineering & Production Management - Martand Telsang S. Chand. 7. Industrial Engineering - Dr. B. Kumar, Khanna pub. 8. Introduction to work study - ILO


University Examination The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Jigs and fixtures Necessity for jigs and fixtures - Elements of fixtures, design considerations, locators, types of locators, clamping and guiding devices, swarf disposal methods. Work holding devices for flat, round and irregular surface, - Design of drill jigs, bush specifications. Fixture for lathe operations, milling, broaching and welding fixtures, fixtures for CNC machines, modular fixtures. Module II Press work tools, blanking and piercing tools, load variation during blanking-Calculation of press tonnage for blanking and piercing. Types of dies, simple, compound, combination and progressive dies. Design of compound and progressive dies. Bending and drawing dies: Bending allowances, bending methods. Bending pressure-calculation of blank size and press tonnage for drawing, metal flow during drawing operations. Fine blanking, Embossing and Coining. Module III Tool for forging, Design of drop forging dies- Rolling, strip rolling theory, stress distribution in rolling, Roll separation force and torque. Forces acting on single point and multiple point cutting tools. CAD for tooling: Turret press FMS-Computer applications (CAD / CAM) in short metal press work Quick die change method Single minute exchange of dies- group tooling Design of single point tools Plastic as a tooling materials Fluidized bed fixturing.

References 1. Tool Design Cysil Donaldson TMH 2. Tool Design Cole G.B. 3. Die Design Hand Book ASTME 4. Jigs and Fixtures Calving-Hoose 5. Jig and Fixture Design Hand Book William and Boyes 6. Fundamentals of tool design ASTME & Edward G. Hoffman 7. Fundamentals of Fixture Design V.Koraskove Mir. 8. Metal Hand Book- ASM University Examination: The question paper shall contain two parts. Part A and Part B. Part A shall contain 10 compulsory questions of 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4 = 40). Part B shall contain 2 questions of 20 marks each from module I, II and III. One full question from each module has to be answered (3 x 20 = 60).


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Definition of a product - Types of product- levels of product- New product developmentproduct-market mix-New product development ( NPD ) process- Idea generation methodsCreativity-Creative attitude, creative design process- Morphological analysis- analysis of interconnected decision areas, brain storming, synectics. Product life cycle- The challenges of product development- product analysis- product characteristics- economic considerationsproduction and marketing aspects. Characteristics of successful product development. Phases of a generic product development process Customer need identification. Product development practices and industry-product strategies-time to market-analysis of the product-standardization-simplification and specialization. Module-II Product design- definition-Design by evolution- design by innovation-design by imitation factors affecting product design. Standards of performance and environmental factors. decision making and iteration - Morphology of design (different phases). -role of aesthetics in design. Introduction to optimization in design- economic factors in design-design for safety and reliability. Role of computers in design - modeling and simulation-the role of models in engineering design-mathematical modeling-similitude and scale models. Concurrent design Six sigma and design for six sigma. Introduction to optimization in design-economic factors and financial feasibility in design- Design for manufacturing, Rapid proto typing (RP) application of RP in product design. Product Development versus Design. Module-III Design of simple products dealing with various aspects of product development and design starting from need till the manufacture of the product. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Product Design and Development, Karl T.Ulrich and Steven D.Eppinger, Tata McGraw Hill edition. Engineering Design George E.Dietoer An Introduction to Engineering Design methods Vijay Gupta Merie Crawford : New Product management, McGraw-Hill Irwin Chitale A K and Gupta R C, Product Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India, 2005. Kevin Otto and Kristin wood, Product Design, Tehniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development, Pearson education

University Examination There will be 3 questions of 15 marks from modules I & II .Students have to answer any 2 from each module. From module III, answer 2 out of the 3 questions given which carries 20 marks each.


Refer Elective Section



Refer Elective Section

L-T-D: 0-0-2


Credits : 2

The Student shall present a Seminar based on industrial visits under taken from V-VII semesters. A minimum of four visits are compulsory. A report on industrial visits shall be submitted. The institution shall arrange minimum four Seminars on latest topics by experts from Industry. The student shall be evaluated based on the report on industrial visits, presentation, interaction, performance in the class and general awareness on topics of expert lectures

L-T-D: 0-0-5


Credits : 5

A project work of good quality should be done under the guidance of project guide(s) and a project report should be submitted. For internal assessment, 50% weightage to be given to the assessment of the guide and 50% to the committee assigned to assess the project work. For University examination a Viva-voce examination shall be conducted. Marks of Viva voce examination shall be based on the overall performance, Project report, Seminar reports, Subject knowledge and general awareness in the developments in Mechanical Engineering.


ELECTIVE SECTION LIST OF ELECTIVES (Electives are common to Mechanical, Production and Automobile engineering branches unless otherwise specified in the title) 08. 506 Elective I 1. Communicative English and technical writing 2. Human aspects of management 3. Disaster Management 4. Glimpses of world thought 5. Professional ethics and human values 6. Environmental Science 7. Advanced Welding technology 8. Foundry Technology 9. Environmental Pollution Control 10. Advanced Fluid Mechanics 11. Composite Materials Technology 12. Internet Technologies 13. Non Destructive Testing 14. Powder Metallurgy 15. Vehicle Transport & Fleet Management 16. Automotive Airconditioning 17. Two And Three Wheeled Vehicles 08.606 Elective II 1. Advanced mechanics of solids 2. New Energy systems 3. Object Oriented Programming 4. Nuclear Engineering 5. Mechanical working Methods 6. Artificial Intelligence Systems 7.System Modeling & Simulation 8. Instrumentation and control 9. Materials Handling 10. Agro Machinery 11. Total Quality Management 12. Precision Engineering 13 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 14. Material Characterisation 15. Micromachining Methods 16. Tool Engineering (MU) 17.Vehicle Body Engineering 18.Vehicle Performance And Testing 19.Automotive Fuels & Alternate Fuels 08.706 Elective III 1. Computer Graphics 2. Advanced Thermodynamics 3. Industrial Heat Transfer 4. Plant Engg & Maintenance 5. Fracture Mechanics 6. Marketing Management. 7. Entrepreneurship Development 8. Industrial Hydraulics 9. Finite Element Methods 10. Metal Forming 11. Machine tool Technology 12.Non-conventional Machining Techniques 13. Turbo Machines 14 Experimental Methods in Engineering 15. Mech. Vibration & Noise Control 16. Failure Analysis 17. Theory of Machining (MU) 18. Bio Materials 19. Concurrent Engineering 20. Industrial Automation 21. Alternate Energy Sources 22. Automotive Pollution and Control 23. Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development


08. 805 Elective IV 1. Experimental Stress Analysis Techniques 2. Aerospace Engineering 3. Facilities Planning 4. Advanced Decision Modeling 5. Non linear Dynamics and Chaos 6. Design of jigs and fixtures 7. Multiphase flow 8. Controls in Machine tools 9. Design of Pressure Vessels & Piping 10. Tribology 11. Value Engineering. 12. Software Engineering 13. Cryogenic Engineering 14. Bio Medical Engineering. 15. Thermal Management of Electronic Systems 16. Continuum Mechanics 17. Product and brand management 18. Research Methodology 19. Nanotechnology 20. Automotive Technology (P) 21. High Temperature Materials 22. Industrial Safety Engineering 23. Engineering Design 24. Tractors & Farm Equipments 25. Embedded System In Automobiles 26. Computer Aided Vehicle Design

08. 806 Elective V 1. Propulsion Engineering 2. Industrial Refrigeration 3. Industrial Quality Control 4. Design of Heat transfer equipment 5. Creativity& Product Development 6. Computerized Materials Management 7. Random vibrations 8. Advanced Kinematics of Machines 9. Financial Management 10. Flexible Manufacturing Methods 11. Computational Fluid Dynamics 12. Technology Forecasting 13. Management Information Systems 14. Production & Operations Management 15. Project Management 16. Design of IC Engines 17. Robotics 18. Logistics and Supply Chain Management 19. Rapid Prototyping 20. Surface Engineering 21. Design of Cellular Manufacturing 22. Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design 23. Automotive Aerodynamics 24. Off- Road Vehicles 25. Computer Simulation of IC Engine Processes.



L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module-I Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing skills. Listening Skills: Listening for general content- Intensive listening-Listening for specific information. Speaking Skills: Oral practice-Describing objects/situations/people-Role play-Just A Minute/Group Discussion- informal letters-essentials of telephonic conversation-invitationsminutes of a meeting. Reading Skills: Skimming the text- exposure to a variety of technical articles, essays, graphic representation, and journalistic articles. Writing Skills: Skills to express ideas in sentences, use of appropriate vocabulary -sentence construction-paragraphs development-note making-editing a passage and essay writing. Basics of Technical Communication. Technical communication- features, Distinction between general and technical communication- language as a tool of communication- levels of communicationinterpersonal, organizational, mass communication-the flow of communication: upward, downward and lateral-importance of technical communication- barriers to communication. Module-II Forms of Technical communication. Business letters-sales and credit letters, letter of enquiry, letter of quotation, placing order. Job application and resume. Official letters-govt. letters, letter to authorities. Reports-types, significance, structure and style, writing reports, condensing .Technical proposals-writing a proposal the steps involved. Technical papers- projects- dissertation- thesis writing. Preparing audio-visual aids. Module III A non-detailed study of the autobiography: Wings of Fire-an autobiography by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Students should read the book on their own and selected topics may be discussed in the class. References. 1. Basic Communication Skills for Technology-Andrea J Rutherford. Pearson Education. 2. Business Correspondence and Report Writing- Mohan K and Sharma R C, TMH New Delhi. 3. Effective Technical Communication-Barun K Mitra. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. 4. Everyday Dialogues in English-Robert J Dixson, PHI. 5. English For Technical Communication, Vol. I &II. K R Lakshmi Narayanan-Sci Tech Publications. 6. Wings of Fire-an autobiography APJ Abdul Kalam.- Universities Press (2004) University Examination:. Six short questions to be answered out of 8 questions from Module I. Each answer carries 5 marks. (30 marks). Questions to be limited to the topics Writing Skills& Basics of Technical Communication. 2 questions out of 4 has to be answered from Module II. Each answer carries 15 marks. (30 marks).Two essays out of Four has to be answered from module III.. Each answer carries 20 marks. (40 marks).


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module1 Dimensions of Human Behaviour, Self development, Perception, Motivation and Personality-concepts, theories and applications .Modes of values, beliefs, attitudes and intelligents in determining human behaviour. Group dynamics-nature of groups and group decision making. Leadership nature and significance ,theories and styles.Conflict management ,Transactional Analysis ,Case studies. Module 2 Organizational development, Concepts of QWL-strategies for improved QWL, Organizational change, Resistance to change, Goals of organizational change and organizational development, Concept of organizational climate-health and effectiveness. Organizational culture- nature and characteristics, types, impact of culture in organizational behaviour, Motivation of person across cultures, Managerial leadership across cultures, Case studies. Module 3 Human Resource Management Concepts and objectives. Man power planning, Recruitment and selection, Training and development. Performance appraisal, Wage and salary administration, Grievance handling, Compensation policies, Safety and health maintenance, Labour legislation, Case studies. References: 1. Fred Luthans ,Organizational Behaviour ,McGraw Hill. 2. Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour ,Pearson Education. 3. Uma Sekharan, Organizational Behaviour-Text and Cases ,Tata Mc Graw Hill. 4. Gary Dessler,Human Resource Management ,Pearson Education. 5. Scott ,Personnel Management ,Tata Mc Graw Hill. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3x20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Earth processes and natural disasters-significance of earth processes, natural hazards, risks and disasters. Basic principles of disaster management. Case histories of important natural disasters. Vulnerability assessment for earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and volcanoes. Human induced disasters. Module II Preparedness and mitigation measures for earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and volcanoes with special reference to construction of residential buildings and public utility buildings. Disaster mitigation planning of human settlements and townships for earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and volcanoes. Module III Issues in the prediction of natural disasters, land use practices and disaster mitigation. Integration of rural development programmes with natural disaster mitigation and planning. Information systems and decision making tools in disaster management. Disaster management in India. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Abbott, P.L(2001) Natural Disasters. 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill Company Bryant,E.A(1991) Natural hazards. Cambridge University Press. Murty, C.V.R. Earthquake tips Ramakant Gaur(2008) Disaster management. GNOSIS, New Delhi, P. 172.

University Examination: Duration: 3 hours The question paper consists of Part A and Part B. Part A is for 40 marks. There will be 8 compulsory short answer questions of 5 marks each covering entire syllabus. Part B is for 60 marks. There will be two questions from each module. The candidate has to answer one question of 20 marks from each module.


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Introduction - Ancient Period - The History of ideas - the earliest thinkers - East and West - Ancient Indian texts - Vedas, Sutras, Sastras and Upanishds - some early Greek thinkers Anaxagoras, Ionians - other centres of learning in the ancient world - China, Egypt, South America - Mayars, Incars - Greek and Roman schools of thought Medieval ages &Renaissance - The Dark Ages - Renaissance Thinkers - Leornardo, Copernicus and Kepler - art and literary movements (school of paintings and other forms of reputation) - The Philosophy of science and the development of the Scientific Method - Arts Vs. Science - the flowering of academic disciplines - the science of knowledge - the great intellectual debates - technology and revolutions - industrial and scientific revolution Module II The major schools of thought - positivism, nihilism, dialectical materialism - Marxism and its social, cultural and economic dimensions - revolutions in human perception - theories of human evolution - theories of human betterment theories of social analysis (French Revolution, October Revolution) - the great inventors and discoveries and their relation to human thought (Darwins theory and growth of imperialism) - determinism, modernism and colonial theories. Module III: The modern era - structuralism - definition and implications in the various sciences - poststructuralism, post-modernism, Neo-Marxism and post-colonial theories - new disciplines cognitive science - language, culture and cognition - current trends and issues - semiotics the science of signs. Human values in Engineering. References 1. Will Durrant, The Story of Philosophy, Simon & Schuster 2. Will Durrant, The Pleasures Philosophy, Silmon 3. Bertnard Russell, History of Western Philosophy, George Allen & Unwin 4. Story of Civilisation - Volumes - Life of Grees, (Excerpts) Oriental Heritage 5. Will & Ariel Durrent, The Story of Civilisation, Volume I to XII 6. Edward Gibbon, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire 7. Oswald Spingler, Decline of the West 8. Dr Radhakrishnan S., The Creative Life 9. Dr Radhakrishnan S., The Present Crisis of Faith 10. Dr Radhakrishnan S., Our Heritage 11. Dr Radhakrishnan S., Religion and Culture 12. Dr Radhakrishnan S., Living With A Purpose 13. Dr Radhakrishnan S., True Knowledge 14. Dr Radhakrishnan S., Towards A New World 15. Dr Radhakrishnan S., Recovery of Faith 16. Dialogues of Plato 17. Koide & Sawant, Science & Scientific Method, Prentice Hall 18. Alston, Philosophy of Language, Prentice Hall 19. Shaffer, Philosophy of Mind, Prentice Hall 20. Chisholm, Theory of Knowledge, Prentice Hall University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I HUMAN VALUES: Morals, Values and Ethics Integrity Work Ethic Service Learning Civic Virtue Respect for Others Living Peacefully Caring Sharing Honesty Courage Valuing Time Co-operation Commitment Empathy Self Confidence Character Spirituality. ENGINEERING ETHICS: Senses of Engineering Ethics Variety of moral issues. Types of inquiry Moral dilemmas Moral autonomy Kohlbergs theory Gilligans theory Consensus and Controversy Models of Professionals Roles Theories about right action Self interest Custom and religion Uses of ethical theories. Module II ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION: Engineering as experimentation Engineering as responsible experimenters Codes of ethics A balanced outlook on law The challenger case study. SAFETY, RESPONSIBLITIES AND RIGHTS: Safety and risk Assessment of safety and risk Risk benefit analysis and reducing risk The Three Mile Island and Chernobyl case studies. Collegiality and loyalty Respect for authority collective bargaining Confidentiality Conflicts of interest Occupational crime Professional rights Employee rights Intel lectual property Rights (IPR) Discrimination. Module III GLOBAL ISSUES: Multinational corporation Environmental ethics Computer ethics Weapons development Engineers as managers Consulting engineers and engineers as expert witness and advisor Moral leadership sample code of ethics like ASME, ASCE, IEEE Institution of engineers (India) Indian Institute of Materials Management Institution electronics and telecommunication engineering (IETE) India etc. References: 1. Jayashree Suresh, and B.S. Raghavan, Human Values and Professional Ethics, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi. 2. Mike W Martin and Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, Tata Mcgraw Hill. 3. John Ruth K, International Encyclopedia on Ethics, S.Chand &Co, New Delhi. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3x20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits: 4

Module I Definition, Scope & Importance, Need For Public Awareness- Environment definition, Eco system Balanced ecosystem, Human activities Food, Shelter, Economic and social Security. Effects of human activities on environment-Agriculture, Housing, Industry, Mining and Transportation activities, Basics of Environmental Impact Assessment. Sustainable Development. Module II Natural Resources- Water Resources- Availability and Quality aspects. Water borne diseases, Water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in drinking water. Mineral Resources, Forest Wealth, Material cycles- Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur Cycles. Energy Different types of energy, Electro-magnetic radiation. Conventional and NonConventional sources Hydro Electric, Fossil Fuel based, Nuclear, Solar, Biomass and Biogas. Hydrogen as an alternative future source of Energy. Module III Environmental Pollution and their effects. Water pollution, Land pollution. Noise pollution, Public Health aspects, Air Pollution, Solid waste management. Current Environmental Issues of Importance: Population Growth, Climate Change and Global warming- Effects, Urbanization, Automobile pollution. Acid Rain, Ozone Layer depletion, Animal Husbandry. Environmental Protection- Role of Government, Legal aspects, Initiatives by Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO), Environmental Education, Women Education. 3 REFERENCES: 1. Environmental Studies Benny Joseph Tata McgrawHill-2005 2. Environmental Studies Dr. D.L. Manjunath, Pearson Education-2006. 3. Environmental studies R. Rajagopalan Oxford Publication - 2005. 4. Text book of Environmental Science & Technology M. Anji Reddy BS Publication. 5. Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering P. Venugoplan Rao, Prentice Hall of India. 6. Environmental Science and Engineering Meenakshi, Prentice Hall India. University Examination: Question Paper consists of two parts. In Part A, 10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). In Part B, 2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Radiant energy welding: Electron Beam Welding- Background of the Process, Guns, Weld Environment, Welding in Different Degrees of Vacuum, Equipment and Safety, Joint Design, Applications, Laser Beam Welding, Process Parameters, Applications and Limitations. Plasma arc welding: Plasma Arc Welding- theory and Principles, Transferred arc and NonTransferred arc Techniques, Equipment and Tooling, Joint Design Advantages, Disadvantages, Economics, Materials and Applications. Module II Needle Arc Micro Plasma Welding - Characteristics of Process, Operating Characteristics, Fixturing and Joint Design Shielding, Weld Penetration and Shape, Applications. Explosive Welding- theory and Key Variables, Parameters, Weld Quality, Equipment and Tooling, Advantages and Limitations, Joint Design, Materials and Applications. Adhesive Bonding- theory and Key Parameters, Physical Characteristics, Metal Adhesive, Equipment, Design, Economics of Process, Materials and Applications. Module III Friction and diffusion welding: Friction Welding- Basic Principles, Process Variants, Different Stages of Friction Welding, Mechanism of Bonding, Influence of Process Parameters, Weld Quality and Process Control, Joining of Dissimilar Materials, Advantages, Limitations and Applications. Diffusion Welding- theory and Principle of Process, Key Variables, Intermediate Materials, Deformation Welding, Equipment and Tooling, Joint Design, Economics, Advantages and Limitations, Materials and Applications. Vacuum brazing: Vacuum Brazing- theory, mechanisms and Key Variables, Equipment and Tooling, Stop-Off and Parting Agents, Advantages, Limitations, Economics Materials and Applications. REFERENCES: 1. Schwartz M.M., Metals Joining Manual, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1979. 2. ASM Metals Hand Book Welding and Brazing, Vol. 6,ASM, Ohio, 1988. 3. Amar R.S., Welding Processes and Technology, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 1998. 4. Rossi, Welding Engineering. 5. Udin et al., Metallurgy of Welding. 6. Teo goisky, The electric welder. 7. Welding Engineers Hand Book- ASHE Vol . I ,II , III and IV. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Casting as process of manufacture Its advantages and limitations Pattern making Pattern materials Factor effecting the choice of pattern materials Pattern allowances Types of pattern Line diagram description and use of different types of patterns- colour codes of pattern . Moulding process Hand moulding tools and their uses Different types of moulding boxes Green sand moulds , dry hand moulds , Loan moulds , plaster moulds , cement bonded moulds bench moulding , floor moulding and pit moulding . Module II Moulding sands : Natural sand , synthetic sand , sand mixing General properties of moulding sand testing of moulding sand Ingredients for moulding sand - Special additives Reliability of moulding sands - Maintenance of sand properties for regular use Sand conditioning . Cores and core making Purpose of cores core prints Types of cores Core sand and ingredients Requirements of core sands Core sand mixtures Binding materials Core boxes Types of core boxes Process of core making Core baking , core creating , core reinforcing core venting etc. Gating and Risering Solidification of pure metals and alloys in moulds Factors affecting the nature and type of solidification Gate and gating system Types of gates Deign of gating systems Risering Needs for risering Requirements of a riser . Theoretical considerations Riser shape and directional solidification General considerations for risering Bling riser Use of chills , insulators and exothermic compounds . Module III Melting and pouring : Types of furnaces used for cast irons , steels and non ferrous metals Composition , size and charge calculations Details and calculations in Cupola charging New developments in cupola design. Mechanisation in foundry Elementary ideas of machines used for sand conditioning, sand supply , moulding , core making . knockout and fottling . Special moulding and Casting processes Shell moulding , plaster mould casting Investment casting ,CO2 process Graphite and ceramic moulds Centrifugal casting Continuous castings . References 1. Hine and Resenthal, Principles of Metal Casting. 2. Howard, Modern foundry practice. 3. Camphell, Principles of Manufacturing materials and processes. 4. T.R.Bhanga, Foundry Engineering. 5. Russicof, Foundry practice. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Environmental aspects - Impact of environment - Environmental quality - Role of environmental engineer. Air quantity - Definition, Characteristics and prospective - Types of our air pollutants - effect of air pollution on men and environment - Formation of air pollutants from combustion of fossil fuels and parameters controlling the formation. Module II Water pollution from tanneries and other industries - Engineered systems for waste water treatment and disposal - Control systems and instrumentation for pollution control. Definition, characteristics - Types and sources of solid waste - Solid waste management generation, collection, storage and processing techniques - Solid waste disposal. Module III Methods and equipment' for industrial waste treatment - Pollution thermal power plants and s nuclear power plants - Sources and control methods - Emission from SI and CI engines Evaporative emission control -Exhaust treatment devices - Noise pollution and their control. References: 1. Howard S. Peavy, Donald R.Rowe, and George Tchobanoglous, " Environmental 2. Engineering ", (1985), Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi. 3. A.C.Stern, H.C.Wonter, R.W. Boubce and W.P.Lowry, Fundamental of Air Pollution ", (1973), Academic Press. 4. Ikken P.A. Swart R.J. and Zwerves. S, " Climate and Energy ", (1989). Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi. 5. Metcalf and Eddy Inc, " Waste Water Engineering Treatment and Disposal Second Edition ", (1979), Mc Graw Hill, New York. 6. Wark, Kenneth and Cecil F.Warner, " Air Pollution: its Origin and Control ", (1976), Dun Dunnellers, New York. 7. Tchobanoglous.G, H.Theisan and R.Elaisen, " Solid Water: Engineering Principles and Management Issues ", (1977), Mc Graw Hill, New York. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Description of fluid motion Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches, Velocity, gradient of velocity, rate of strain, stress, Newton' law of viscosity, Stokes hypothesis, acceleration, s temporal acceleration, convective acceleration. Reynolds transport theorem, derivation of continuity and momentum equations using Reynolds transport theorem, Navier-Stokes equation for in-compressible flow, Stream function, rotation, vorticity, stream functionvorticity formulation, equation of potential flow. Module-II Derivation of Hagen Poissule equations for velocity and discharge through a pipe, derivation of friction factor for laminar flow, Couette flow for negative, zero and positive pressure gradients, flow in a rotating annulus, Viscometer based on rotating annulus. Potential flow, theory of complex variables, complex flow potential, complex flow potentials for source, sink, vortex and doublet. Potential flow past a cylinder,conformal mapping,flow over an ellipse, flow over a vertical flat plate, force and moment calculations (derivation of expression not required), Schawartz-Christoffel transformations, potential flow between two parallel plates, potential flow in a sector. Module-III Boundary layer theory,Boundary layer thickness, Displacement thickness and momentum thickness, Prandtl boundary layer equations, Blasius solution for flow over a flat plate,Momentum intergral equations,Pohlhausen approximation solution of boundary layer for non zero pressure gradient flow, favorable and adverse pressure gradients, flow separation, vortex shedding, introduction to turbulent flow, mean and fluctuating components, concept of eddy viscosity, short notes of velocity measurement technique using (a) multi hole probes (b) Hot wire anemometers (c) LDV (d) PIV References: 1. K Muralidhar , G Biswas, Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics 2. H. Schlichting, K. Gersen , Boundary layer theory. 3. V.L.Streetor, Fluid mechanics 4. Vuan, Elements of fluid mechanics. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Composite Materials:- Definition, characteristics, Classifications based on structure and matrices, Structural, functional sensory and smart composites, Advantages and limitations, History, Industrial scene, Applications. Introduction to micro-mechanics-unidirectional lamina laminar stresses inter laminar stresses - static mechanical properties - fatigue properties - impact properties environmental effects - fracture mechanics and toughening mechanisms, damage prediction, failure modes. Failure predictions - design considerations - codes - design examples. Module II Fiber reinforced plastics: Reinforcement fibres:- High strength man made (glass, carbon, aramid) and natural fibres, Structure, characteristics, Properties and applications. Whiskers:- Characteristics, properties and applications Polymer matrix composites (PMC):- Thermo set, thermoplastic and e1astomeric polymers, their properties, characteristics and utilisation as matrices. Manufacturing methods for thermo set thermoplastic and elastomeric PMC. Their characteristic features. Properties of composites made and their applications. Metal Matrix Composites (MMC): Metals. Inter-metallics and alloys used for MMC and their properties, Manufacture of MMC, their properties-characteristics and applications. Module III Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC):- Classification of ceramics and their potential role as matrices. Ultra structure processing of ceramics, Manufacture, properties and applications of CMC using fine ceramics, carbon, glass, cement and gypsum as matrices. Post processing operations:- Machining. cutting. polishing. welding of thermoplastic PMC. bonding. riveting and painting. Advanced post processing methods like ultrasonic welding, plasma coating, waterjet cutting and laser machining. Quality, inspection and nondestructive testing. References 1. P.K.Mallicak, " Fiber-reinforced composites ", Monal Deklar Inc., New York, 1988. 2. B.D. Agarwal and L.J.Broutman, " Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites ", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1980. 3. F.L.Matthews & R.D.Rawlings, " Composite Materials, Engineering and Sciences ", Chapman & hall, London, 1994. 4. "Hand Book of Composites", George Lubin. Van _Nostrand, Reinhold Co. 1982. 5. "Encyclopaedia of Composites (6 volumes)", Ed. by Stuart, M. Lee. International, VCH, New York-1 6. Tasi. S.W., Introduction to Composite Materials, Technomic Publishing Company. 7. Chawla KK., Ceramic Matrix Composites Chapman & Hall 8. Schwartz M.M., Composite Material handbook, McGraw HiIl, Inc. 9. Ronald Gibson, " Principles of Composite Material Mechanics ", TMH, 1994. 10. Micael hyer, " Stress Analysis of Fiber - Reinforced Composite Materials ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1998. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

MODULE I Information Technology Introduction applications The Internet and World wide web the GPS. The Computer Systems Types, CPU Memory Input and Output devices Inputing text and Graphics Printing Devices The foundation of Modern outputs Printers Secondary storage devices and media. MODULE II Software User Interface and Operating systems Types , File management , Utilities Document centric computing , Word Processing & Desktop publishing Entering and Editing documents Other word processing features Formatting documents desktop Publishing for print and for the screen . Spread sheet applications Data base applications Queries Internet connectivity. Programs Programming languages Programming methods Programming Techniques System analysis and design . MODULE III The Electronic web Network applications Fax ,voice and Information services Person to Person and group communication Exchanging files Foundations of modern networks Local area networks Wide area networks Links between networks Device and Media Protocols Dial up Access High bandwidth personal connections- Multimedia Introduction Tools multimedia authoring Tools Presentation device Multimedia on the web. IT in Business Information processing Transaction Processing Computers for Management control , Marketing , Advertising , and sales Design , Production and Manufacturing Business on the Internet Health Issues Associated with the use of computers Computer viruses Intellectual property rights Computer crime Cryptography Issues caused by computers Recent developments in IT. REFERENCES 1. Dennis P. Curtin et al, Information Technology : The Breaking wave, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Pub.Co. 2. William Sawyor & Hutchingson, Using Information Technology, IRWIN Mc.Graw Hill Pub. Ltd. Note :- This course is intended to provide an overview of fundamentals and concepts of IT useful to an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering only. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 Module I Introduction: Visual methods: Optical aids, In-situ metallography, Optical holographic methods, Dynamic inspection. Penetrant flaw detection: Principles: Process: Penetrant systems: Liquid penetrant materials: Emulsifiers: cleaners developers: sensitivity: Advantages: Limitations: Applications. Module II Radiographic methods and Limitations: Principles of radiography: sources of radiation, Ionising radiation - X-rays sources, gama-rays sources Recording of radiation: Radiographic sensitivity: Fluoroscopic methods: special techniques: Radiation safety. Ultrasonic testing of materials: Advantages, disadvantages, Applications, Generation of Ultrasonic waves, general characteristics of ultrasonic waves: methods and instruments for ultrasonic materials testing: special techniques. Module III Magnetic methods: Advantages, Limitations, Methods of generating fields: magnetic particles and suspending liquids Magnetography, field sensitive probes: applications. Measurement of metal properties. Electrical methods: Eddy current methods: potential-drop methods, applications. Electromagnetic testing: Magnetism: Magnetic domains: Magnetization curves: Magnetic Hysteresis: Hysteresis-loop tests: comparator - bridge tests Absolute single-coil system: applications. Other methods: Acoustic Emission methods, Acoustic methods: Leak detection: Thermal inspection. REFERENCES: 1. Non-Destructive Testing by P. Halmshaw 2. Metals Handbook Vol.II, Nondestructive inspection and quality control 3. Non-Destructive Testing by Warren J.Mcgomnagle, McGrawhill. 4. Non-Destructive Testing by Baldev Raj et. al., Narosa Publishing House. University Examination: Question Paper consists of two parts. In Part A, 10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). In Part B, 2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60). L-T-D: 3-1-0



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Manufacture of metal powders : Conventional methods and modern methods of metal powder manufacture. Purity of metal powders. Blending techniques. Powder characterization: problem of size determination. Method of size analysis and surface area assessment. Apparent density and flowability measurement. Module II Powder compaction: Mechanical, thermal and thermomechanical compacting processes. Presses used for transmission. Die design and tooling for consolidation of powders. New methods of consolidation. E.g. Powder rolling, Powder forging, Isostatic pressing. Advantages and limitations of these methods. Module III Theories of sintering: Sintering mechanism, Roll of diffusion, Recrystallization, Pore emigration, Pore-growth and coalescence. Liquid phase sintering and related processes. Effect of compacting pressure, sintering temperature and time on sintered properties. Types of sintering furnaces. Sintering atmospheres. Manufacturing and application of important P/M components : Porous bearing, Electrical contact materials, Metallic filters, Cemented carbides, magnets, Friction materials and Composites. REFERENCES: 1. Powder Metallurgy-ASM Vol. II. 2. Powder Metallurgy-Sands and Shakespeare. 3. Powder Metallurgy-Thumler 4. Powder Metallurgy-Dixtor R.H. and Clayton. 5. Powder Metallurgy-Gopal S. Upadhayay 6. Cemented Tungsten carbide Production, properties and testing,Gopal S.Upadhayay. University Examination: Question Paper consists of two parts. In Part A, 10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). In Part B, 2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60).



Credits 4 Module I Organization and management- Forms of ownership, principle of transport, management, internal organization, centralized & decentralized condition (Engineering, traffic and administration), administration, recruitment and training, welfare, health and safety. Management Training and Operations- Basic principles of supervising, Organising Time and people, Job instruction training - Training devices and techniques - Driver and mechanic hiring - Driver checklist - Lists for driver and mechanic - Trip leasing Module II Route planning and Scheduling: Sources of traffic, town planning, turning points, stopping places, survey of rout, factors affecting frequency, direction of traffic flow, estimated traffic possibility. time table layout, use of flat graph method, preparation of vehicle and crew schedules, duty roaster, use of vehicle running numbers, determination of vehicle efficiency, checking efficiency of crew, duty arrangements, duty of drivers and conductors. Vehicle maintenance, supply management and budget: Scheduled and unscheduled maintenace - Planning and scope - Evaluation of PMI programme Work scheduling Overtime - Breakdown analysis - Control of repair backlogs - Cost of options. Cost of inventory - Balancing inventory cost against downtime - Parts control - Bin tag systems Time management - Time record keeping - Budget activity - Capital expenditures Classification of vehicle expenses Module III Fleet Management, Data Processing And Fare Structure : Fleet management and data processing - Data processing systems - Software Model - Computer controlling of fleet activity - Energy management, Basis of fares, effect of competition and control, calculating average charge, zone systems, straight and tapered scales fare structure - Methods of fare collection - Preparation of fare table. Motor vehicle act: Importance of motor vehicle act, Schedules and sections - Registration of motor vehicles - Licensing of drivers - Control of permits - Limits of speed - traffic signs Constructional regulations - types of driving licenses, procedure for obtaining driving license, registration of vehicle, types of permits, procedure for obtaining permits, third party insurance. References: 1. Rev. W. Faulks -Road and Coach Operation 2. John Dolu, "Fleet management ", McGraw-Hill Co., 1984. 3. Goverment Publication, "The Motor vehicle Act ", 1989. 4. Kitchin.L.D., " Bus operation ", llliffe and Sons Ltd., London, III Edition, 1992. 5. Kadiyali.L.R., " Traffic engineering and Transport Planning ". University Examination: Question Paper consists of two parts. In Part A, 10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). In Part B, 2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60). L-T- D; 3-1-0



L-T- D; 3-1-0 Credits 4

MODULE I Airconditioning Fundamentals: Definition of Air Conditioning, Psychrometry and air composition Adiabatic saturation and Thermodynamic wet bulb temperature Basic air conditioning system - Location of air conditioning components in a car - Schematic layout of a refrigeration system. Compressor components - Condenser and high pressure service ports. Thermostatic expansion value - Expansion value calibration - Controlling evaporator temperature - Evaporator pressure regulator - Evaporator temperature regulator. MODULE II Air Conditioner - Heating System: Automotive heaters - Manually controlled air conditioner Heater system - Ford automatically controlled air conditioner and heater systems - Automatic temperature control - Air conditioning protection Engine protection. Refrigerant: Containers - Handling refrigerants - Tapping into the refrigerant container Refrigeration system diagnosis - Diagnostic procedure - Ambient conditions affecting system pressures. MODULE III Air Routing & Temperature Control: Objectives - Evaporator care air flow through the Dash recirculating unit - Automatic temperature control Duct system - Controlling flow - Vacuum reserve - Testing the air control and handling systems. Air Conditioning Service: Air conditioner maintenance and service - Servicing heater system Removing and replacing components. Trouble shooting of air controlling system Compressor service. References: 1. William H Crouse and Donald L Anglin, " Automotive Air conditioning ", McGraw-Hill Inc., 1990. 2. Mitchell information Services, Inc, " Mitchell Automatic Heating and Air Conditioning Systems ", Prentice Hall Ind., 1989. 3. Paul Weiser, " Automotive Air Conditioning ", Reston Publishing Co Inc., 1990. 4. MacDonald, K.L., " Automotive Air Conditioning ", Theodore Audel series, 1978. 5. Leslie. F. Gamines &Boyce L. Dwiggins - Automotive Air Conditioning 6. Damkundwar - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 7. C.PArora - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning University Examination: Question Paper consists of two parts. In Part A, 10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). In Part B, 2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60).



L-T- D ; 3-1-0 Credits 4

MODULE-I General Introduction: Motor cycles, scooters, mopeds and three wheeled vehicles, classification, different arrangement of cylinders, carburetion system and operation. Power plants: Two stroke and four stroke, arrangements, engine ports, reed valves, valves and valve actuating mechanisms, valve timing, Types of scavenging processes, merits and demerits, scavenging efficiency. Scavenging pump,. Rotary valve engine lubrication and fuel supply systems in two wheelers, constructional features and types of oil seals, mufflers & silencers, Catalytic converters. MODULE-II Power transmission: Clutches, necessities, centrifugal clutch, multiple disc clutch, selective and progressive gear boxes, different types of synchronizers, gear drive, shaft drive and variable drive mechanisms and their constructional aspects. Electrical systems: Magneto ignition system, high tension and low tension magneto ignition, comparison with battery ignition system, electronic ignition systems like CDI, microprocessor controlled ignition system etc, starting motor, accessories horn, lighting system. MODULE-III Body: Constructional details of frames and front fork suspension systems, shock absorber systems, body manufacturer and paints & Painting methods Brakes, Wheels and tyres: Drum brakes, Disc brakes, Front and rear brake links layouts. Spoked wheel, cast wheel. Disc wheel. Disc types. Tyres and tubes - Different types , constructional aspects, bearing system. Case study of two and three wheelers: Salient features of modern two wheelers, Three wheelers different types, layouts, transmission References: 1. Irving.P.E., " Motor cycle Engineering ", Temple Press Book, London, 1992. 2. " The Cycle Motor Manual ", Temple PressLtd., London, 1990. 3. " Encyclopedia of Motor cycling, 20 volumes ", Marshall Cavensih, New York and London, 1989. 4. Bryaut.R.V., " Vespa Maintenance and Repair series ". 5. Raymond Broad, Lambretta - " A practical guide to maintenance and repair ", 1987. 6. Service Manuals of popular Indian two and three wheeled vehicles University Examination: Question Paper consists of two parts. In Part A, 10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). In Part B, 2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60).



L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Analysis of stress; State of stress at a point; Rectangular stress components; stress components on an arbitrary plane; Principal stress and Principal planes; Planes of maximum shear; State of pure shear; Differential equations of equilibrium in rectangular co-ordinates; Analysis of stress in two dimensions; Plane stress and plane strain. Transformation of stresses. Analysis of strain, strain-displacement relationsPrincipal strains and principal axes. Compatibility conditions. Stress-Strain relations. Module II Energy methods; Reciprocal relations; Maxwell-Betti-Rayleigh reciprocal theorem; Castiglianos I theorem; Fictitious load method; Theorem of virtual work; Castiglianos II theorem; Engessers theorem. Bending of beams; Straight beams and asymmetrical bending; shear centre; shear stresses in thin walled open sections; Bending of curved bars (WinklerBach formula) Module III Torsion -Torsion of General prismatic bars; Torsion of circular, elliptic and equilateral triangular bars; Membrane analogy. Torsion of thin- walled tubes. Torsion of bars with narrow rectangular cross-section. Torsion of thin- walled multiple cell closed sections, Torsion of rolled sections, Center of twist and flexural centre. References: 1. L.S Srinath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, T.M.H 2. Timoshenko and Goodier, Theory of Elasticity, Mc Graw Hill. 3. S.M.A Kazimi , Solid Mechanics,T.M.H. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I

Direct Energy Conversion Systems: Basic principles of thermoelectric and thermionic generations- Thermoelectric effects- Design and selection of materials. Principle of MHD Generators Choice of generator parameters Applications. Fuel cells- Thermodynamics of fuel cells- Selection of fuel and operating conditionsPractical fuel cells The Redox cell- Merits and demerits. Photoelectric conversion Conceptual Description of photovoltaic effect Solar cell Materials and prospects . Module II Nuclear fusion- Fusion fuels and reactions- Sustained fusion reaction- Production and containment of plasma Fusion breeder concept. Solar energy Terms and definitions- Applications- Solar collectors and Concentrationsperformance analysis of flat plate collectors- Solar thermal devices Solar power generation- Thermal storage. Ocean Power- Resources- Principle of OTEC systemsOcean wave energy conversion systems- Tidal power. Module III Wind Energy- Fundamentals and Applications- Wind turbine- generator systems- Wind forms- Solar wind hybrid. Geothermal Energy- Energy resources Geothermal electrical power plants Non-electric applications- Biogas energy- Principle of biogas production- Biogas plants- Design and construction- socio- economic relevance. Hydrogen- Introduction and Applications- Production, Storage and Transportation production and application of methanol. References : 1. R. A. Coobme An Introduction to Direct Energy Conversion, Isaac Pitman & Son Ltd. 2. Sheldon S. L. Chang Energy Conversion, Prentice Hall Inc. 3. Rao & Parulekar Energy Technology, Khanna Publishers. 4. G. D. Rai, Non- Conventional Energy Sources 5. Duff ice & Beckman, Solar Energy Thermal Processes, John wiley & Sons, New York. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I OOPS and Java basics - Java virtual machine - Java platform API - extended security model - applet classes - exceptions and abstract classes - Java applet writing basics - GUI building with canvas - applet security - creating window applications - writing console applications utility and math packages Module II Swing programming - working with swing components - using the clipboard - input/output streams - printing - working with 2D and 3D Graphics - using audio and video - creating animations Java beans development kit - developing beans - notable beans - network programming client and server Programs - naming and directory services - working with Java management APIS Module III Distributed application architecture - CORBA - RMI and distributed applications - working with remote objects - object serialization and Java spaces - Java IDL and ORBs, connecting to database - using JDBC - integrating database - support into web applications - Java servlets - JSDK - JAR files - Java native interface References: 1. Campione, Walrath & Huml Tutorial team, The Java Tutorial Continued: The Rest of the JDK, Addison Wesley 2. Jamie Jaworski, Java 2 Platform Unleashed: The Comprehensive Solution, SAMS Teachmedia 3. Holzner S., Java 2, Swings, Servlets, JDBC & Java Beans Programming, IDG Books 4. Campione M. & Walrath K. The Java Tutorial: Object-Oriented Programming for the Internet, Addison Wesley 5. Naughton Patrick & Herbert Schildt, Java 2: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Module I Credits : 4

Review of Elementary nuclear physics: Atomic structure nuclear energy and nuclear forces Nuclear fission. Nuclear reactions and radiations Principles of radio active decay interactions of an ray with matter Neutron cross sections and reactions The fission process Chain reactions Basic principles of controlled fusion . Nuclear reactor principles Reactor classification Critical size Basic diffusion theory Slowing down of neutrons Neutrons Neutron flux and power Four factor formula Criticality condition Basic features of reactor control . Module II Boiling water reactor . Description of reactor system Main components Control and safety features . Materials of reactor construction Fuel , moderator , coolant Structural materials Cladding Radiation damage. Nuclear fuels : Metallurgy of Uranium General principles of solvent extraction Reprocessing of irradiated fuel Separation process fuel enrichment . Module III Reactor heat removal / equations of heat transfer as applied to reactor cooling Reactor heat transfer systems Heat removed in fast reactors . Radiation safety : Reactor shielding Radiation dozes Standards of radiation protection Nuclear waste disposal. References 1. Classtone & Sesonske, Nuclear reactor Engineering D Van Nostrand Co. 2. S Glasstono, Source book on atomic energy . D.Van Nostrand Co University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

MODULE I Introduction : Elements of mechanical processing systems Definition of mechanical working Hot and cold working Comparison with other processing systems . Elastic and plastic behaviour Yielding and yield stress Conventional stress Strain curve and true stress-strain curve Ductile and brittle behaviour The flow curve. Energy and power requirements in plastic deformation Factors affecting plastic deformation. Deformation temperature Rate of deformation Friction and Lubrication. Need for preheating- Need for heat treatments after mechanical working Heat treatment methods Furnaces for pre heating and heat treatment MODULE II Materials for mechanical working - A brief survey of the characteristics and composition of the common ferrous and non ferrous alloys and non metallic materials used for mechanical working .Rolling Metals Fundamental principles of metal rolling classification of rolled products, types and sizes Basic principles of draughting schedule design and roll pass design (simple examples ) Roll load and power required in rolling Problems encountered and defects in rolling practice. MODULE III Forging , Extrusion and Wire drawing Principles of product design and die design in forging Calculation of forging loads and selection of hammers and process for forging Design of extrusion and wire drawing dies Computation of power requirements problems encountered and defects in the above processes . Press working of metals Description and classification of the processes Product and die design for shearing , blanking drawing and bending Compound and progressive dies Computation of capacities and tonnage requirements for blanking ,piercing and drawing operations Process selection and selection of process problems and defects in press working . References: 1. Cambell, Principles of Manufacturing Materials and processing. 2. Alexander Brower, Manufacturing properties of Materials. 3. C B Cole , Tool Design. 4. ASTME, Fundamentals of tool design. 5. Richard Little, Metal Working Technology. 6. ASTME, The Design Handbook. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3x20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Definition - history and applications - propositional calculus - predicate calculus - inference rules - structures and strategies for state space search - heuristic search algorithms heuristics in games - complexity issues - control and implementation of state space search production systems - planning - the blackboard architecture Module II Knowledge intensive problem solving - expert system technology - rule-based expert systems - model based reasoning - case based reasoning - knowledge representation problem - reasoning with uncertain or incomplete information - statistical approach - nonmonotonic systems - fuzzy sets - knowledge representation - languages - issues - network representation - conceptual graphs - structured representation Module III Languages and programming techniques for AI - overview of LISP - search - higher order functions and procedural abstractions - search strategies - pattern matching - recursion interpreters - logic programming in LISP - streams and delayed evaluation - expert system shell in LISP - network representations and inheritance - CLOS Introduction to understanding natural language - introduction to automated reasoning introduction to machine learning References: 1. Luger G.F. & Stubblefield W.A., Artificial Intelligence, Addison Wesley 2. Nilsson N.J., Artificial Intelligence - A New Synthesis, Harcourt Asia Pte. Ltd. 3. Elain Rich & Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill 4. Tanimotto S.L., The Elements of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Press 5. Winston P.H., LISP, Addison Wesley University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I System concepts - components of a system - discrete and continuous systems - types of system study - system analysis - system design and system postulation - system modelling types of models - system simulation - steps in a simulation study - comparison of simulation and analytical models - Monte Carlo simulation - examples of simulation of single server, single queue systems and simple inventory systems - concepts in discrete event system simulation - event scheduling/time advance algorithm - modelling world views Module II Random number generation - techniques for generating random numbers - tests for random numbers - frequency tests - the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the Chi-square test - random variate generation - inverse transformation method - exponential, uniform and empirical discrete and empirical continuous distributions - Input modelling for simulation - data collection - identifying the distribution using histograms - parameter estimation - Chi-square goodness of fit test Verification and validation of simulation models - verification of simulation models - calibration and validation of models - face validity - validation of model assumptions and validating input-output transformations - output analysis for a single model - types of simulations with respect to output analysis. Module III Measures of performance and their estimation - output analysis for terminating simulations confidence interval estimation for a fixed number of replication - confidence intervals with specified precision - output analysis for steady-state simulations - initialization bias replication method - sample size determination for a specified precision - batch means method. Simulation modelling and analysis of manufacturing systems - objectives - performance measures - issues in simulation of manufacturing systems - simulation of simple job shop manufacturing systems - Introduction to simulation software for manufacturing applications salient features of simulation languages such as general purpose simulation system (GPSS) and simulation language for alternative modelling (SLAM) - salient features of simulators such as WITNESS and ARENA References: 1. Banks J., Carson J.S. & Nelson B.L., Discrete-Event System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 2. Askin R.G. & Standridge C.R., Modelling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, John Wiley 3. Deo N., System Simulation with Digital Computer, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited 4. Gordon G., System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 5. Law A.W. & Kelton W.D., Simulation Modelling and Analysis, Third Edition, McGraw Hill International Editions 6. Kelton W.D., Sadowski R.P. & Sadowski D.A., Simulation with ARENA, WCB/McGraw Hill International Editions University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 MODULE- I Measurement: Aims- Fundamental methods- Measurement systems- Functions of Instrument- Static and dynamic Measurements, Terminology, Time element, Errors in measuring Instruments, Sources of error, Error distribution- Sensing element: TypesSensors for motion- Angular motion, Speed, Force, ** Electrical transformation, Simple transducer elements- Types of transducers- Voltage and current generating Analog type, Variable parameter Analog type, Frequency and pulse generating transducers- Specification for transducers. Measurement of Temperature- Temperature scales, Basic fixed point- Measuring devices and their ranges- Electrical type and mechanical type- Measuring system for resistance thermometers and Thermocouples- Bridge circuits- Calibration- Filled system thermometersAmbient temperature compensation. MODULE II Measurement of pressure- Force balance principles- Deformation of elastic members- Ring balance Impulse line layout- Calibration Low pressure measuring devices. Measurement of flow- Head flow meters- Primary elements Secondary elements- Fleat monometers- squire root extraction- Flow transducers- Area flow meters- RotameterMeasurements of liquid level- Direct methods- Inferential methods- Boiler drum- Level indicator. MODULE III Control system- Classification of control system- Block diagram- Rule of Block diagram algebra- Transfer functions, Set point- Identification of plat Characteristics- First order proportional and second order proportional elements- Dynamic response Analogues circuits stability of control systems- Routh Hurvitz criterion- Nyquist criterion. REFERENCES: 1. R.K. Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurements. 2. D. M. Considine, Process Instrument and Control Hand Book. 3. E. O Doeblin, Measurements System, Application and Design. 4. A. E. Pribanco, Industrial Instrumentation. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

MODULE I Importance of Materials Handling- Principles of Materials Handling Principal groups of Materials handling equipments General characteristics and applications of materials handling equipments Modern trends in Materials handling . Lifting equipments hoist Components of hoist Load handling attachments hooks , grabs and clamps Grabbing attachments for bulk materials Wire ropes and chains MODULE II Lifting tackle pulleys for gain of force and speed Tension in drop parts Drums , shears and sprockets - Arresting gear and brakes block brakes , band brakes , thrust brakes Safety and hand cranks .Principle operation of EOT , Gantry and jib cranes Hoisting Mechanisms , travelling mechanisms , luffing mechanisms slewing mechanisms Elevators and lifts . MODULE III Conveying Machines - Belt conveyers Types , principal components of a conveyor and their purpose Conveyor belts tractive elements take up devices Special types of belt conveyors - Metal belt conveyors Apron conveyors Elevators , Passenger conveyors Flight conveyors , Principal types and applications Bucket flight conveyors Cradle conveyors Conveyor elevators .Overhead Conveyors Principal types and applications Overhead pusher conveyor Overhead load towing truck conveyors Load carrying car conveyors Load towing and walking beam conveyors Bucket elevators Cradle conveyors Screw conveyors - Oscillating conveyors Roller conveyors Hydraulic and pneumatic conveyors Chutes bins. REFERENCES 1. Rudanko, Material Handling Equipments. 2. Alexandr V ,Material Handling Equipment. 3. A. Spivakvsky and V. Dyachkov , Conveying Machines University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 MODULE I Tractors Design and Operating principles of Engine transmission and control systems Working details of different types of attachment in the tractor Tillage Soil structure Moisture Temperature and aeration Destruction of weeds and posts Types of tractor plough Life Mechanisms. Pumps and Spraying machinery Types of pumps and their selection Installation and working details Regulating arrangements spraying machinery Spray pumps Nozzles Vibrated broom distribution Spray materials Types of field crop sprayers Aircraft spraying Dusting machines . MODULE II Earth moving equipments Drainage Excavators Ditching equipments trench cutting machines Bull dozers Angle dozers Earth scooper graders tractor winches Road sweepers Slurry scrappers .Working details of machinery like : Cultivators harro weeding equipments land levellers seed drills grass seed drills Ridgers Gapping or thinning machines Manure distributors Speeders Lawn movers Rotary grass cutters Hay leaders - Silage and silage machinery Winnowers - Combined clearing and grading machinery. MODULE III Machinery for milk production Essentials of milking machines Types of milking plane Bucket , direct to churn milking parlours Bulk handing milking bails Milk cooling and serialisation Cream separators .Testing of Machinery H.P. Developed other performance tests and testing equipments wear testing , life testing Tractor draw bar performance curves Characterises curves for pumps Maintenance Engineering Servicing check up sparo parts stand by sparo parts requirements Service workshop Organisation and management Labour and Machinery required References: 1. Rodichev and G.Rodicheva, "Tractor and Automobiles ", MIR Publishers, 1987. 2. Kolchin.A., and V.Demidov "Design of Automotive engines for tractor ", MIR Publishers, 1972. 3. A. Guruvech and B. Sorekin- Tractors, MI1R Publishers Moscow, 1975 4. Geleman and M. Maskovin- Farm tractors, MIR. Publishers, Moscow, 1975 5. Smith , Harris Pearson & Wilkes, Lambert Henry- Farm machinery and equipment, TATA McGraw Hill Publications, 1977 6. Herbert Nicholos- Moving the earth. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module 1 Introduction to the concept of quality - Small q & Big Q- Total quality model internal and external customer -TQM axioms Quality management philosophies: Major contributions of Deming, Juran and Crossby to quality management- Juran Trilogy, PDCA Cycle, 5S, Kaizen Cost of quality- quality and cost-Characteristics of quality cost - Barriers to TQM Implementation. Module II TQM Principles-Customer satisfaction Customer Perception of Quality, Customer Complaints, Service Quality, Customer Retention, Employee Involvement Motivation. Quality planning: SWOT analysis-Strategic planning-strategic grid-organizational culture. Customer orientation: Customer focus-customer satisfaction model-customer retention model-Quality Function Deployment Module III Problem solving process: Steps involved in problem solving-Quality control tools: Brain storming-Histograms-Check sheets- Pareto diagram-Ishikawa diagram-Control chartsScatter diagram- Introduction to seven new management tools. Continuous improvement strategies: Deming wheel- Zero defect concept- Six sigma approach application of six sigma approach to various industrial situations. Quality circles- Benchmarking- Quality standards Need of standardization - ISO 9000 series ISO 14000 series Other contemporary standards. REFERENCES 1. Dale H.Besterfiled, et al., Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, Inc. 2003. (Indian reprint 2004). ISBN 81-297-0260-6. 2 L .Suganthi and Anand A Samuel :Tatal Quality Management, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi. 3. K Sridhara Bhat :Total Quality Management , Text and cases. Himalaya Publishing House. 4. James R.Evans & William M.Lidsay, The Management and Control of Quality, (5th Edition), South-Western (Thomson Learning), 2002 (ISBN 0-324-06680-5). 5. Feigenbaum.A.V. Total Quality Management, McGraw-Hill, 1991. 6. Oakland.J.S. Total Quality Management, Butterworth Hcinemann Ltd., Oxford, 1989. 7. Narayana V. and Sreenivasan, N.S. Quality Management Concepts and Tasks, New Age International 1996. 8. Zeiri. Total Quality Management for Engineers, Wood Head Publishers, 1991 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Concept of accuracy and of machine tools: Part accuracyerrors, accuracy of machine toolsspindle accuracy- displacement accuracy-errors due to numerical interpolation-definition of accuracy of NC system-errors in the NC machines-feed stiffness-zero stability. Module II Static stiffness and its influence and inaccuracy due to thermal effects in the machine tools: Overall stiffness of a lathe-compliance of work piece-errors caused by cutting forces deformation in turning-boring-milling-heat sources-thermal effects-rate of thermal expansion. Dimensioning accuracy and surface finish: Definition of terms dimensional chains dimensional stepped shaft-assigning tolerances in the constituent dimensions-dimensional chains concepts of precision machining-finish turning-boring-grinding. Module III Micro manufacturing process: Micro machining-photo resist process-lithography-optical. Processing of materials-electron beam machining-iron beam machining-micro forming, diamond turning-micro positioning devices. Smart structures, materials and micro actuators: Smart Structures-smart sensors-micro valves-MEMS - micro motors - micro pumps - micro dynamometer - micro machines structures - cooling channels - micro optics - micro nozzles. REFERENCES: 1. Murthy.R.L. Precision Engineering in Manufacturing, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2. Norio Tanigughi, Nano Technology, Oxford University Press, 1996. 3. Stephen A.Campbell, The Science and Engineering of Micro electronic Fabrication, Oxford University Press, 1996. 4. Randy Frank, Understanding Smart Sensors, Artech House, Boston, 1996. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Module I Advances in casting: Newer casting processes - plaster mold and ceramic mold casting vacuum casting Evaporative pattern casting, ceramic shell investment casting, slush casting, squeeze casting and semisolid metal forming-Rapid solidification for Amorphous alloys. Powder metallurgy processes: Methods of Powder production Blending of metal powdersCompaction of metal powders- Sintering hot pressing Isostatic pressing hot and cold (HIP and CIP), selective laser Sintering Other shaping processes Metal Injection moulding, pressureless compaction, ceramic moulds spray deposition - Finishing of sintered parts. Module II Manufacturing processes for plastics: Extrusion, Injection, Blow and rotational moulding of plastics-Thermoforming-Compression moulding Transfer moulding Foam moulding Processing of reinforced plastics and composite Moulding compression, vacuum bag contact resin transfer transfer / injection. Filament winding. Rapid prototyping and rapid tooling: Introduction Stereo lithography Fused deposition moulding selective laser machining Laminated object manufacturing solid base curing Direct manufacturing and rapid tooling. Module III Manufacturing processes for MEMS: Introduction to MEMS semiconductors and silicon crystal growing and wafer preparation Films and film deposition Oxidation- Lithographydiffusion and Ion implementation Etching - wet etching dry etching wire bonding and packaging printed circuit boards Micro machining Bulk micro machining surface micro machining- Single crystal silicon reactive etching (SCREAM) - silicon micro machining by single step plasma etching (SIMPLE) Etching combined with fusion bonding LIGA micro fabrication process Solid free form fabrication. REFERENCES 1. Serope Kalpakjian, Steven R. Schemid, Manufacturing processes for Engineering Materials, Fourth edition, Pearson Education, 2003 2. Serope Kalpakjian, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Third Edition- AddisonWesley Publication Co., 1995. 3. Brahem.T.Smith, Advanced machining, I.F.S., U.K.1989. 4. Amstead B.H., Ostwald Phylips and Bageman.R.L., Manufacturing Processes John Wileys Sons, 1987. 5. Muccic, E.A., Plastic Processing Technology, Materials park, OHIO, ASM Int., 1994. 6. Jaeger R.C., Introduction to microelectronic Fabrication, Addision-Wesley, 1988. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) Credits : 4



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Scope of metallographic studies in materials science. Understanding image formation, resolution of a microscope, numerical aperture, magnification, depth of field and depth of focus. Important lens defects and their correction, principles of phase contrast. Bright field and dark field contrast, sample preparation. Optical microscopy, interference and polarized light microscopy, quantitative analysis using optical microscopy (inclusion analysis, grain size determination volume fraction of phases etc.) Module II Production and properties of X-rays, X-ray diffraction, Braggs law of diffraction, Scattering of an electron by an atom, by a unit cell, structure factor and intensity calculations. Stereographic projection, Effect of texture, particle size, micro and macro strain on diffraction lines. Indexing of powder photographs. Chemical analysis by X-rays, Stress measurement, Particle size determination Module III Construction and working principles of transmission electron microscopes. Image formation, resolving power, magnification, depth of focus, elementary treatment of image contrast. Bright field and dark field images, sample preparation techniques. Selected area diffraction, reciprocal lattice and Ewald sphere construction, indexing of selected area diffraction patterns. Scanning electron microscopy: construction; interaction of electrons with matter, modes of operation, image formation, resolution and magnification. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy. References: 1. Optical microscopy of metals : R.C . Gifkins,Publishers :Sir Isac pitman and Sons LTD ,1970 2. Elements of X-Ray diffraction :B.D Cullity , publishers addition ,Wesley publishing company. 3. Transmission electron microscopy D.B Williams and C.Barry carter ,Planum press Newyork 1996. 4. Electron microscopy and analysis: P.J.Goodhew, J.Humphreys and R. Beanland , Publishers :Taylor and francis, 2001 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 Module I Introduction to Micro System design, Material properties, micro fabrication Technologies. Structural behavior, sensing methods, micro scale transport feed back systems. Micromechanics: Microstructure of materials, its connection to molecular structure and its consequences on macroscopic properties Phase transformations in crystalline solids including marten site, ferroelectric, and diffusional phase transformations, twinning and domain patterns, smart materials. Module II Micro-fabrication: Bulk processes surface processes sacrificial processes and Bonding processes special machining: Laser beam micro machining-Electrical Discharge Machining Ultrasonic Machining- Electro chemical Machining. Electron beam machining. Clean roomyield model Wafer IC manufacturing PSM IC industry-New Materials-Bonding and layer transfer-devices. Mechanical micromachining: Theory of micromachining-Chip formation-size effect in micromachining-microturning, micromilling, microdrilling- Micromachining tool design. Module III Precision Grinding-Partial ductile mode grinding- Ultraprecision grinding- Binderless wheel Free form optics. Micro electro mechanical system fabrication: Introduction Advance in Micro electronics characteristics and Principles of MEMS Design and application of MEMS: Automobile, defence, healthcare, Aerospace, industrial properties etc., - Materials for MEMS MEMS fabrication- Bulk Micro Machining-LIGA Microsystems packaging- Future of MEMS. REFERENCES: 1. Smi Franssila, Introduction to Micro Fabrication, John Wiley and sons Ltd., UK, 2004. 2. Madore J, fundamental of Micro fabrication, CRC Press, 2002. 3. Mark J. Jackson, Micro fabrication and Nanomanufacturing, CRC Press, 2006. 4. Peter Van Zant, Microchip fabrication, McGraw Hill, 2004. 5. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, The MEMS Handbook, CRC Press, 2006. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

MODULE I Jigs and fixtures Necessity for jigs and fixtures Elements of fixtures , Design considerations , locators , Types of locators clamping . Work holding devices different types Design of drill jigs , bush specifications. Fixture for lathe operations, milling fixtures, fixtures for CNC machines , flexible fixtures , modular fixtures . MODULE II Press work tools , Blanking and piercing tools , Load variation during blanking Reduction of cutting load stock step , striper , knecleant plates . Types of dies , simple die , compound die , progressive die , strap layout . Fine blanking , press cycle , advantages sheet metal bending Bending dies , forming , forming dies Embossing , coining , metal flow during drawing operations . MODULE III CAD for tooling :-Turret press FMS Computer applications (CAD /CAM) in short metal press work Quick die change method Single minute exchange of dies group tooling Design of single point tools Plastic as a tooling materials Fluidised bed fixturing. References: 1. Cysil Donaldson, Tool Design,TMH 2. William and Boyes, Jig and Fixture Design Hand Book. 3. Edward G.Hoffman, Fundamentals of tool design. 4. V.Koraskove Mir., Fundamentals of Fixture Design. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T- D; 3-1-0 Credits 4 MODULE-I Modern materials for vehicle design: Introduction, Structure and manufacturing technology of automotive materials, Mechanical and physical properties of automotive materials, Material selection for automotive components, Body design: coach and bus body styles, typical layout of bus and coach bodies, typical layout of commercial vehicle types, passenger car body styles, Chassis design and analysis: chasis type, structural analysis by simple structural surface method, body frame construction, unitized frame and body construction, FR, FF, & MR body structure details MODULE-II Ergonomics method and tool to promote occupant accommodation: standards guidelines and recommendations, Anthropometry, 2-dimentional manikins, package drawing, Quick and dirty mock ups, vehicle seating configuration(based on SAE). Crash testing: Human testing, Crash worthiness, Compliance testing, Component testing, Competitive race testing. The role of endurance and durability studies in the manufacturing of vehicles. :Introduction, Failure and reliability, Testing and failure prediction, importance of avoiding failures MODULE-III Introduction to vehicle safety: Basic concept of vehicle safety-underlying principles, safety factors, warning and instructions, shielding, interlocking. Minor auto body repairs: types of body fillers and its application, repairing rust damage, Painting: Corrosion and anticorrosion method .Paint and painting process Diagnosing major collision damage: impact and its effect on a vehicle, determining the conditions of the collision, Porto power, the dozer technique, operation of conventional Porto power, operation of dozers, body bay systems (flexi-force), general repair techniques. Body alignment- straightening equipment, in-floor systems, chainless anchoring systems References: 1. Pauloski- Vehicle Body Engineering 2. Robert Scharff & James.E.Duffy Motor Auto body repair, Delmar Publishers 3. J. Fairbrother Principles and practice of Vehicle body repair, Hutchinson 4. S.P. Page- Body Engineering 5. Paul Browne- Auto care manual 6. Redesign of bus bodies- Part I and Part H C,I.R,T,, Pune 7. George A Peters & Barbara J. Peters- Automotive vehicle safety-SAE 2002 8. Julian happian-smith An introduction to modern vehicle design-SAE 2004 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits 4 MODULE-I Laboratory testing: Basic engine parameters, Measurement of BHP, IHP, Engine testing on dynamometers, different types of dynamometers- hydraulic, eddy current etc, engine analyzers- for petrol and diesel engines, FIP calibrating and testing, exhaust gas analyzers various types- Orsat apparatus, infrared gas analyzers, smoke meter. Vehicle testing on chassis dynamometers: two wheel & four wheel dynamometers, vehicle testing lanes - side slip testers, wheel alignment testing, wheel balancing, brake testers, head light alignment testing. MODULE- II Noise vibration and Harshness: Review of vibration fundamentals, vibration control, fundamentals of acoustics, human response to sound, automotive noise criteria, Standard noise measurement methods, Noise inside and outside the vehicle, sources of vehicle noiseintake and exhaust noise, combustion noise, mechanical noise, noise from auxiliaries, wind noises, transmission noises, brake squeal, structure noise, noise control methods. MODULE-III Vehicle performance: Methods for evaluating vehicle performance- energy consumption in conventional automobiles, performance, emission and fuel economy, Operation of full load and part conditions, effect of vehicle condition, tyre and road condition and traffic condition and driving habits on fuel economy, CAF standards. Road and track testing: Initial inspection, PDI, Initial free services, engine running in and durability, intensive driving, maximum speed and acceleration, brake testing on the road, hill climbing, handling and ride characteristics, safety, mechanism of corrosion, three chamber corrosion testing, wind tunnel testing, road testing, test tracks. References: 1. J. G. Giles- Vehicle operation and performance, Wildlife Publications, London, 1969 2. W, H. Crouse and L. Anglin- Motor vehicle inspection, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1978 3. Dr. N.K.Giri- Automotive technology Khanna publishers, 2009 4. SAE Transaction papers- 831814,820346,820367,820371 and 820375 5. Julian Happian-Smith An introduction to vehicle design SAE, 2004 6. Advanced automotive technology visions of a super efficient family car- technical paper OTA-ETI-638, 1995 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T- D; 3-1-0


L-T- D; 3-1-0


Credits 4 Module-I Introduction: Physical, chemical & combustion properties of IC engine fuels, structure of petroleum, petroleum refining process-thermal cracking, catalytic cracking, polymerisation, alkylation, Isomerisation, reforming & blending, products of refining process, Indian standard for gasoline, gasoline blends, non- petroleum fuels, fuel additives. Fuels for SI engines: Requirements of an Ideal gasoline, volatility of liquid fuels, effect of volatility on engine performance-ASTM distillation curve, winter and summer gasoline, knock rating of SI engine fuels, octane number and octane number requirement, sensitivity & performance number, numerical examples- volumetric and gravimetric analysis, a/f ratio, air requirement. Module-II Diesel engine fuels: Requirements for diesel fuel, handling & storage-properties of diesel, smooth and efficient burning volatility, ignition quality, cetane number, diesel index, cleanliness, diesel blends, Indian standard for diesel. Gaseous fuels: LPG as an IC engine fuel, natural gas CNG and LNG, advantages of gaseous fuels, biogas, producer gas, engine modifications to run on gaseous fuels, dual fuel and multi fuel application. Module-III Alternate fuels: Alcohols for SI engines- manufacture of methanol, manufacture of ethanol, comparison of properties of alcohols and gasoline as SI engine fuels, engine performance with pure alcohols, alcohol gasoline fuel blends-gasohol- E85 Alternate fuels for Diesel engines: Alcohols as diesel fuels, vegetable oils as diesel fuels, straight vegetable oils and biodiesels, performance properties of engines with biodiesel, Indian specification for biodiesel, References: 1. Mathur & Sharma IC engines, Dhanpatrai publications 2. Dr.N.K.Giri- Automobile technology, khanna publications 3. T. K. Garrett: Automotive fuels system, SAE INC, Warrendale, 1991 4. David Powell and Richard P. Brennan- The Automobile technology and society Printice Hall. 5. Keeith Owen & Trevor Colley - Automotive Fuels reference book, SAE 6. Richard L. Bechtold- Alternate fuels guide book, SAE 7. Energy research group- Alternate liquid fuels Willey Eastern Ltd 8. T.N Vezgirigiu- Alternative energy sources University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)




L-T-D: 3-1-0 ` Credits : 4 Module I Introduction to computer Graphics, Description of graphic devices - Graphic standards. Colour graphic display techniques. Graphic primitives- Circle generation algorithms text generation. Polygons, Polygon filling Module II Transformation: Simple problems on 3D transformations and applications, Viewing transformations, Windowing, Clipping, Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, SutherlandHodgman Algorithm, Clipping of polygons. Projections - Perspective geometry Orthographic and Oblique projections perspective transformations. Module III Mathematical formulations on: Plane curves Non parametric curves space curves Representation of space curves cubic spline Bezier curves , B- Spline curves , Fractals, NURBS etc.. Mathematical formulation on Surface description and generation- Surface of revolution Sweep surfaces, quadric surfaces, Solid modeling techniques etc. Hidden line and hidden surfaces , Z-Buffer algorithm , Scan Line algorithm for curved surfaces. References : 1. David F. Rogers & J.H Adams : Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics ; 2nd Edition; McGraw Hill International Editions. 2. Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker : Computer Graphics, Second Edition; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd 3. Steven Harrington, Computer Graphics, Second Edition, McGraw Hill International Editions. 4. Vera B Anand, Computer Graphics and 3D Modelling for engineers. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 MODULE I Review of the fundamentals of classical thermodynamics Multi phase and multi component systems Free energy functions Applications of free energy functions to phase changes Clausius Clayperon equations Binary systems containing liquid and solid phases. Thermodynamics of reactive mixtures Bond energy , heat of formation , heat of reaction Adiabatic flame temperature entropy changes for reacting mixtures Chemical equilibrium Equilibrium criteria Evaluation of equilibrium constants and equilibrium composition Simple numerical solutions . MODULE II Statistical thermodynamics Fundamentals of statistical inference Probability and frequency stirlings approximation , Expected value , variance , elements of quantum statistics and quantum mechanics The Schrodingar waves equation Heisenburg uncertainty principle Phase space Quantum energy states . Mean free path of molecules Distribution of mean free path Maxwell . Boltzmann law and velocity distribution Maxwells distribution functions , Evaluation of distribution Constants Principle of equipartition of energy Degree of freedom Viscosity , Specific heat and thermal conductivity . MODULE III Bose Einstein Fermi Direct and Maxwell Boltzmann statistics Partition function and its relation to microscopic properties of an ideal gas Translational , rotational and vibrational partition functions Thermodynamic probability and entropy thermodynamic properties of perfect diatomic gases. REFERENCES 1. J.P.Holman, Thermodynamics. 2. Van Wylon, Thermodynamics. 3. Lay, Thermodynamics. 4. Myron Tribus, Thermostatics and Thermodynamics. 5. Kennath Wark,Thermodynamics 6. Warren Giodt , Thermophysics. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0



Credits : 4 MODULE I One-dimensional steady state heat conduction with uniform internal heat generation. Plane wall with heat sources, cylinder with heat sources. Transient and periodic conduction (Onedimensional). Lumped heat capacity system. Simple analytical methods. Use of Heisler charts. Principles of Convection Viscous flow , different hydrodynamic boundary layer flow regimes and flat plates Laminar boundary layer on a flat plate Momentum equation of the laminar boundary layer with constant properties Internal Momentum analysis of laminar boundary layer . Energy Equations Significance of Prandtl Number . Flat plate heat transfer Conduction by integral methods (Simultaneous development of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer only) MODULE II Emission and absorption of radiation by an absorbing medium. Determination of mean beam length Particles in combustion products Large particles, small particles, gases in combustion products Effect of an absorbing medium on the radiative heat transfer within an enclosures Exchange areas for absorbing media. Furnaces Furnace geometry Variation of temperature with time Variation of temperature within the furnace Representation of real gases Heat transfer between real surfaces MODULE III Boiling heat transfer, forced convection boiling curve saturated forced convective boiling in a round tube. The two phase forced convection and nucleate boiling regions. Critical heat flow in forced convective flow Elementary concepts. The basic processes of condensation Liquid formation, nucleation of drops at solid surfaces, droplet growth Film condensation on a vertical flat plate - Nusselt equation for a laminar film Improvements to the original Nusselt theory The influence of turbulence Condensation of horizontal tubes Condensation within a vertical tube - Drop wise condensation. Elementary concepts of : Heat transfer in magneto fluid dynamic ( Transpiration cooling , low density heat transfer and ablation .) (Description only). REFERENCES 1. J.P.Holman, Heat transfer, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. 2. John G Gollier ,Convective Boiling and Condensation, Mc.Graw Hill 3. W.Grey A.Miller, Engineering Calculations in relative heat transfer, .International series on material science and technology , General editor : D.N.Hepking Vol .13 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0



Credits : 4 Module I Wear fundamentals and analysis Classification Theories of wear Analytical treatment of wear - Effect of moisture , gas and liquids on wear Effect of temperature Fatigue. Wear prevention methods. Lubricants Solid , fluid and semi fluid Synthetic General properties and applications Tests and classifications Additives-Testing of lubricants- selection of lubricants-lubricating mechanisms. Module II Reliability Analysis and Concepts Chance failure and wearout failure Application of stochastic model for reliability studies Reliability of series , parallel and stand by systems Estimation of parameters for failure distributions Maintainability -availability. Replacement Analysis of different models - Causes of deterioration and obsolescence Sudden and gradual obsolescence. Deterioration MAPI method simple problems . Module III Maintenance types (corrective, scheduled, preventive, predictive and proactive maintenance). Deterioration and failure analysis planning , scheduling and controlling of maintenance work organisation for maintenance, Safety engineering, accident prevention programme , safety design concepts, fire protection-industrial noise-Legislations on safety in industry . Recent Developments in maintenance methods-RCM- CBM DMS TPM etc. REFERENCES 1. Miller and Blood, Modern maintenance Management, D B Tarapur. 2. Plant Engineers Hand Book - Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co. 3. Industrial Engineering Hand Book - Maynard ,Mill Pub. Co. 4. Reliability Hand Book - W.G.Irason, Mc Graw Hill. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Introduction: Significance of fracture mechanics - Griffith energy balance approach - Irwins modification to the Griffith theory - stress intensity approach - crack tip plasticity - fracture toughness - sub critical crack growth - influence of material behaviour - modes I, II & III mixed mode problems Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM): Elastic stress field approach - mode I elastic stress field equations - expressions for stresses and strains in the crack tip region - finite specimen width - superposition of stress intensity factors (SIF) - SIF solutions for well known problems such as centre cracked plate, single edge notched plate, and embedded elliptical cracks Crack tip plasticity: Irwin plastic zone size - Dugdale approach - shape of plastic zone - state of stress in the crack tip region - influence of stress state on fracture behaviour Module II Energy balance approach: Griffith energy balance approach - relations for practical use determination of SIF from compliance - slow stable crack growth and R-curve concept description of crack resistance LEFM testing: Plane strain and plane stress fracture toughness testing - determination of Rcurves - effects of yield strength and specimen thickness on fracture toughness - practical use of fracture toughness and R-curve data Elastic plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM): Development of EPFM - J-integral - crack opening displacement (COD) approach - COD design curve - relation between J and COD tearing modulus concept - standard JIc test and COD test Module III Fatigue crack growth: Description of fatigue crack growth using stress intensity factor effects of stress ratio and crack tip plasticity - crack closure - prediction of fatigue crack growth under constant amplitude and variable amplitude loading - fatigue crack growth from notches - the short crack problem Sustained load fracture: Time-to-failure (TTF) tests - crack growth rate testing - experimental problems - method of predicting failure of a structural component - practical significance of sustained load fracture testing Practical problems: Through cracks emanating from holes - corner cracks at holes - cracks approaching holes - fracture toughness of weldments - service failure analysis - applications in pressure vessels - pipelines and stiffened sheet structures References: 1. Ewalds H.L. & Wanhill R.J.H., Fracture Mechanics, Edward Arnold Edition 2. Broek D., Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers 3. Kre Hellan, Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Company 4. Prashant Kumar, Elements of Fracture Mechanics, Wheeler Publishing University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Introduction to marketing - concept of market and marketing - marketing environment controllable factors - factors directed by top management - factors directed by marketing uncontrollable factors - demography, economic conditions, competition, social and Marketing planning - marketing planning process - Boston consultancy group model - marketing mix marketing mix variables. Developing, testing and launching of new products. Module II Market segmentation and market targeting - introduction to segmentation - targeting and product positioning. Marketing research - need and scope - marketing research process - research objectives, developing research plan, collecting information, analysis, and findings - consumer behaviour - factors influencing consumer behaviour - perceived risks - product life cycle marketing strategies for different stages of product life cycle Module III Marketing communication - marketing mix variables - steps in developing effective communication - identification of target audience - determination of communication objectives - designing the message - selecting the communication channels - promotion mix evaluation - advertising and sales promotion - factors in advertising - sales promotion tools. New trends in marketing- Brand management - significance of branding to consumers and firms References: 1. Kotler P., Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 2. Ramaswamy V.S. & Namkumari S., Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control, Macmillan India Limited 3. T N Chabra and S K Grover : Marketing management, Dhanapat Rai and Co. (Pvt) Ltd. 4. Stanton W.J., Etzel M.J. & Walker B.J., Fundamentals of Marketing, McGraw Hill International Edition 5. Majumdar R., Marketing Research, Text, Applications and Case Studies, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers 6. Robert, Marketing Research, Prentice Hall of India University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I Entrepreneurial perspectives - understanding of entrepreneurship process - entrepreneurial decision process - entrepreneurship and economic development - characteristics of entrepreneur - entrepreneurial competencies - managerial functions for enterprise Module II Process of business opportunity identification and evaluation - industrial policy - environment - market survey and market assessment - project report preparation - study of feasibility and viability of a project - assessment of risk in the industry. Process and strategies for starting a venture - stages of small business growth Module III Entrepreneurship in international environment - achievement motivation - time management - creativity and innovation structure of the enterprise - planning, implementation and growth. Technology acquisition for small units - formalities to be completed for setting up a small scale unit - forms of organizations for small scale units - financing of project and working capital - venture capital and other equity assistance available - break even analysis and economic ratios technology transfer and business incubation References: 1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill International 2. Hirich R.D. & Peters Irwin M.P., Entrepreneurship, McGraw Hill 3. Rao T.V., Deshpande M.V., Prayag Metha & Nadakarni M.S., Developing Entrepreneurship A Hand Book, Learning Systems 4. Donald Kurado & Richard M Hodgelts, Entrepreneurship A Contemporary Approach, The Dryden Press 5. Dr Patel V.G., Seven Business Crisis, Tata McGraw Hill 6. Timmons J.A., New Venture Creation-Entrepreneurship for 21st Century, McGraw Hill International 7. Patel J.B., Noid S.S., A Manual on Business Opportunity Identification, Selections, EDII 8. Rao C.R., Finance for Small Scale Industries 9. Pandey G.W., A Complete Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship, Vikas Publishing University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 MODULE I Credits : 4

Introduction to fluid power Hydraulics and Pneumatics systems Fluid power systems Fundamentals of fluid mechanics Measurement of physical parameters Hydraulic symbols . Fluid power pumps and motors Types of pumps Characteristics Hydraulic cylinders and rams Fluid power pumping systems and components. MODULE II Pressure accumulators Functions Fluid reservoirs Filter in hydraulic circuits. Loading and replacement of filter elements Materials for filters. Fluid temperature control Fluid pressure control control valves Sequence valve Counterbalance valve-unloading valve Friction control valve Servo systems. MODULE III Industrial hydraulic circuits - Circuit design for shaper, grinder, material-handling equipments processes -Miscellaneous circuits. REFERENCES 1. John pippon and Tylor Hicks, Industrial Hydraulics. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Introduction, historical background, applications, advantages, finite element softwares. Theory of elasticity - stress and equilibrium, stress-strain relationship, strain-displacement relationship, plane stress, plane strain and axi-symmetric approximation. Temperature effects. Potential energy and equilibrium, Principle of minimum potential energy. Discrete and Continuous systems, Rayleigh-Ritz method, Galerkin method. Solution of Algebraic equations, Banded and skyline solutions. Global, Local and Natural coordinates in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions - Area coordinates. Numerical Integration using Gauss quadrature. Finite element modeling - types of elements, Discretization, Mesh generation and numbering. Shape functions - types and properties. Iso parametric formulation. Largrangean and Serendipity elements. Module-II One dimensional elasticity problems - discretisation of domain into elements - generalised coordinates approach - derivation of elements equations - assembly of element equations transformation matrices - global equations, load vector, properties of stiffness matrices, imposition of Boundary conditions - penalty and elimination approach, multi-point constraints. Finite element formulation of plane trusses, beams and beams on elastic supports. Module-III Finite element formulation of 2D problems using constant strain triangle element and isoparametric quadrilateral element. Axi-symmetric solids subjected to axi-symmetric loading. Features of 3D problems in stress analysis. Scalar field problems - one dimensional heat conduction through composite walls and fins, potential flow. Dynamic problemsHamiltons principle, Mass matrices, lumped and consistent formulations. References:1. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Tirupathy. R. Chandrapatla & Ashok D. Belagundu, Pearson. 2. Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Programming, C.S. Krishnamoorthy, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Introduction to the Finite Element Method, J.N. Reddy, McGraw Hill. 4. Finite element Methods, O.C Zienkieviz & R.L.Taylor, Butterworth-heinemann 5. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, R. D. Cook, Wiley. 6. The Finite Element Method in Engineering, S.S.Rao, Butterworth-Heinemann. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Basic laws and theories of plasticity - stress space - yield criterion of metals - Von-Mises yield criterion - Tresca criterion - representation of the criteria in stress space - yield surface - subsequent yield surfaces - experimental investigations of the yield criteria - basic considerations of plasticity theory - simple models of material behavior - Levy-Mises stress strain relations - Prandtl-Reuss stress strain relations - experimental verification - plastic potential theory - plastic work - maximum work hypothesis - stability postulates - isotropic and kinematic hardening - plastic flow - temperature and strain rate effects in plastic flow Module II Processes - drawing and extrusion - process classification - lubrication - temperature effects - analysis of the processes of drawing and extrusion of wire and strip through friction less dies and dies with friction - production of seamless pipe and tubes - analysis - residual stresses in rods - wires - tubes, deep drawing Classification of rolling processes - hot rolling - cold rolling - rolling of bars and shapes analysis of rolling process in conditions of plane strain. Classification of forging process - open die forging - closed die forging - analysis of forging process in conditions of plane stain - forging allowances and tolerances - sheet metal forming, shearing, blanking, bending and stretch forming Module III Slip line field theory - incompressible two-dimensional flow - slip lines - equilibrium equations referred to slip lines - Henkeys theorem - hodographs - simple slip line field analysis in extrusion - compression of block between parallel plates - strip load on semi-infinite body lower and upper bound theorems with proofs and applications References: 1. Oscar Hoffman & George Sachs, Introduction to Theory of Plasticity for Engineers, McGraw Hill 2. Dieter G.E., Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill. 3. Johnson W. & Mellor P.B., Plasticity for Mechanical Engineers, D Van Nostrand Co Ltd. 4. Chen W.F. & Han D.J., Plasticity for Structural Engineers, Springer Verlag University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

MODULE I Principal requirements and specifications Requirements regarding quality of performance (Accuracy and surface finish) Productivity(Rate of motel renewal) Economy and efficiency of machine tools . Design aspects Kinematic principles in machine tools with respect to the basic elements and their design tool , column , frame , slides , guide ways, shafts , spindles , bearings, clutches, rigidity of machine tools structures Sources, effects and elimination of vibration Machine tools drives and their kinematics Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic and combination systems - Design of a stepped gear box. MODULE II Hydraulic power , Transmission systems used in machine tools and their various elements A few common hydraulic circuits used the effect movement of tools slide and work tables. Miscellaneous Copying devices Automates of various kinds feasibility determination for automation Automatics and assembly line layout unit heads and transfer machines Vibration isolated tool holders Friction and lubrication in machine tools . MODULE III Erection and testing of machine tools Location and layout Foundations vibration Isolation Erection process Principles of acceptance tests Measuring equipments and methods Direction of tolerances Maintenance of machine tools Test charts for different machines . Trends in the design of modern machine tools Aims and future development - Design for improved static and dynamic performance Fundamental aspects of numerical control Adaptive control and hydraulic control of machine tools . REFERENCES 1. S.K.Basu, Design of Machine tools, Allied pub. 2. Design principles of metal cutting machine tools Koenisberger 3. Principles of Machine tools G.G.Sen and Bhattacharya 4. The Design and Construction of Machine tools M.C.Town 5. Machine tools design course Central Machine tool Institute 6. Machine tools design Volume 1,2,3,4 N. Acherkan 7. Tool Engineer Hand Book Mc.Graw.Hill University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I The need of the process-classification - Energies employed in the processes- EDM, EC, USM, LBM, PAM, AJM, WJM etc. Electrical Discharge Machining Process, operating principles-Breakdown mechanismDielectric fluid-Electrode material-Tool wear Power generator circuits- Process parameters - Metal removal rate - wire out EDM - Recent Developments in EDM. Applications Module II Electro Chemical Machining Process-principles-Equipment-Analysis of metal removal-tool material-Insulation-Process parameters-ECH,ECG etc. Applications Electron Beam Machining Process, Principle-gun construction - Types of gun - Vacuum and non-vacuum technique Applications Laser Beam Machining Process, principles, pumping processes, emission types-beam control. Applications Module III Ultrasonic Machining Process-working principles-types of transducers-concentrators-nodal point clamping-feed mechanism-metal removal rate-Process parameters. Applications Abrasive Jet Machining Processes-Principle-Equipment-Metal removal rate process parameters. Applications Water Jet Machining Process-Principle-Equipment. Applications References: 1." Non Conventional Machining ", P.K.Mishra, The Institution of Engineers (India) Text Books: Series, 1997. 2. A Text Books: of Production Engineering, P.C.Sharma, 1995. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Energy transfer between fluid and rotor, classification of fluid machinery, dimensionless parameters, specific speed, applications, stage velocity triangles, work and efficiency for compressors and turbines. Module II Centrifugal fans and blowers : Types, stage and design parameters, flow analysis in impeller blades, volute and diffusers, losses, characteristics curves and selection, fan drives and fan noise. Centrifugal Compressors: Construction details, types, impeller flow losses, slip factor, diffuser analysis, losses and performance curves. Module III Axial flow compressors : Stage velocity triangles, enthalpy-entropy diagrams, stage losses and efficiency, work done factor, simple stage design problems and performance characteristics. Axial and radial flow turbines : Stage velocity diagrams, reaction stages, losses and coefficients blade design principles, testing and performance characteristics. References: 1. Yahya, S.H., " Turbines, Compressor and Fans ", Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Publishing Company, 1996. 3. Bruneck, Fans, Pergamom Press, 1973. 4. Earl Logan, Jr., " Hand book of Turbomachinery ", Marcel Dekker Inc., 1992. 5. Dixon, S.I., " Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery ", Pergamom, Press, 1990. 6. Shepherd, D.G., " Principles of Turbomachinery ", Macmillan, 1969. 7. Stepanff, A.J., " Blowers and Pumps ", John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1965. 8. Ganesan .V., " Gas Turbines ", Tata Mcgraw Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi, 1999. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

MODULE I Pressure measurement devices U tube manometer Well type manometer Different types of manometers. Elastic pressure transducers Bourdon tubes Diaphragms Bellows. Capacitance pressure gauge. Diaphragm type strain gauge pressure pickup. LVDT diaphragm differential pressure gauge. High-pressure measurement very high-pressure transducer. Low-pressure measurement Mc Leod-gauge pirani thermal conductivity gauge Knudsen gauge lonization gauge. Dead weight tester for static calibration of pressure gauges. Methods for flow measurement Positive displacement methods rotary vane flow meter Lobed impeller flow meter. Flow obstruction methods Venturi flow nozzle orifice. Practical considerations for obstruction flow meters. Recommended proportions for venturi tubes, flow nozzles and orifices. Flow measurement by drag effects rotameter turbine meter vortex shedding flow meter. Hot wire and hot film anemometers. Thermal mass flow meter. Magnetic flow meter. Pressure probes pitot tube pitot static tube Kiel probe. Yaw angel yaw angle characteristics of various static pressure probes. Fluid factors, application factors and installation factors of different types of flow meters. MODULE II Temperature measurement by mechanical effects mercury in glass thermometer bimetallic strip type fluid expansion thermometers. Temperature measurement by electrical effects electrical resistance thermometer. Methods of correction for lead resistance Siemens three lead arrangement callender four lead arrangement and floating-potential arrangement. Thermostats. Temperature measurement due to thermo-electric effects thermocouples different types and its range law of temperature emf vs temp relationships for different thermocouples sensitivity of thermocouples thermopile and its practical application installation of thermocouple on a metal plate Thin foil thermocouples for rapid transient response. Temperature measurement by radiation optical pyrometer. Thermal conductivity measurement guarded hot plate apparatus measurement of thermal conductivity of metals. Thermal conductivity of liquids and gases guarded hot plate apparatus concentric cylinder method apparatus for determination of thermal conductivity of gases at high temperatures. Measurement of viscosity rotating concentric cylinder apparatus Saybolt viscometer. Gas diffusion measurement of diffusion coefficients in gases. Convection heat transfer measurements forced convection heat transfer coefficients in smooth tubes. Humidity measurements. Heat flux meters. MODULE III Elastic elements for force measurements simple cantilever and thin ring elastic elements Proving ring. Torque measurements hollow cylinder for torque measurement Prony brake hydraulic dynamometer Cradled dynamometer. Strain measurements electrical resistance strain gauges- different types characteristics of strain gauge materials. Temperatures compensation for electrical resistance strain gauges strain gauge rosettes bonded and unbounded resistance strain gauges. Cantilever beam used as a frequency measurement device. Principles of seismic instrument practical considerations for seismic instruments electrical resistance strain gauge seismic instrument piezoelectric transducer type seismic instrument. Sound measurements microphones characteristics of microphones. Psychoacoustics factors sound level meter acoustic properties of materials sound absorption coefficient noise reduction coefficient. Air pollution measurement units for pollution measurement air pollution standards Air sampling train.


REFERENCES: 1. J.P. Holman, Experimental Methods for Engineers. 2. Ernest O. Doebelin, Measurement System application and Design. 3. Donald P. Eckman, Industrial Instrumentation. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 MODULE I Introduction Harmonic motion Beat frequency Equations of motion Concepts of forces and equilibrium Systems with one degree of freedom Free and forced vibrations with undamped and damped systems (Review) Two degrees of freedom systems : Equations of motions for free and forced vibration without and with damping Use of influence coefficients The work and energy approach Solutions to free , forced and damped vibrations and torsional systems Dynamic absorbers periodic and Non periodic . MODULE II Vibration Fourier series representation Unit impulse step , ramp and arbitrary excitation Response spectrum Analog computer set up for solving vibration problems -,Vibration measuring instruments . Solutions to Differential Equations , Laplace Transforms. Jump phenomenon Effect of damping Self excited Oscillations. MODULE III Introduction to sound and vibratic wave motion One dimensional plane waves Characteristics impedance Decibel seats power , density and intensity Sound transmission through one and two intervening media . Measurement of Sound Loud speakers and microphones Their characteristics , Band pass filters , graphic level recorder , Narrow Band Analysers - Measurement in reverberation and Vachaic chamber Hearing mechanism of hearing and perception of sound (Description only) Types of noise : Criteria for evaluation of noise problems Threshold of hearing Hearing loss with age Equal loudness contours loudness and loudness level Perceived noise level N.C. curves Noise and Number index Noise pollution level Noise induced hearing loss Damage risk criteria Criteria for noise and vibration in community buildings General principles of noise control Use of enclosures Wrappings Porous materials Design of Auditorium Acoustical requirements Elimination of room acoustical defects Articulation index Sound reinforce systems Design of time delays (Brief description only) REFERENCES 1. Anderson Roger A, Fundamentals of Vibration. 2. W.T.Thomsom, Theory of Vibrations, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Timosheako, Vibration problem in Engg. 4. Tee. Hinkle and Morse, Mechanical Vibrations. 5. Kinslor and Frey, Fundamentals of Acoustics. 6. Beronek .L.L, Noise and vibration Control, McGraw Hill. 7. Doello ,Deslie L, Environmental Acoustics. 8. C.Harris, Hand Book on Noise control. 9. Hand Book of Noise Measurement General Radio Company .U.S.A University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 Module I Introduction: Objectives of failure investigation, Collection of background data- service history, photographic records, Selection of samples for various conditions, Preliminary examination of the failed part visual inspection and non destructive techniques for failure investigation- Magnetic particle inspection, Liquid penetrant inspection, Eddy current inspection, ultrasonic inspection, radiography, acoustic emission inspection, experimental stress analysis, Mechanical testing, limitations of tensile testing, Selection preservation and cleaning of fracture surfaces- cleaning, sectioning, opening secondary cracks Module II Macroscopic examination of fracture surfaces, Microscopic examination of fracture surfaces optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Selection and preparation of metallographic sections, Examination and analysis of metallographic sections, Determination of fracture type- Failure mechanisms and Fractography of ductile fracture, brittle fracture, transgranular brittle fracture, Intergranular brittle fracture, Fatigue fracture- Mechanisms and general features of fatigue fracture, Stress corrosion cracking, Liquid metal embrittlement, Hydrogen embrittlement, Creep and stress rupture failures, ductile to brittle fracture transition Module III Chemical analysis- Analysis of bulk materials, analysis of surfaces and deposits, spot tests, Applications of fracture mechanics: Fracture mechanics concepts- Linear elastic fracture mechanics, Elastic-Plastic fracture mechanics (basic concepts), plane stress and plane strain, Fatigue crack growth rate their use in failure analysis, fracture toughness testingPlane strain fracture toughness test, COD test, Simulated service testing, Analyzing the evidences formulating conclusions and report writing, Case studies of failures: failures of shafts, failures of heat exchangers References: 1. ASM Handbook Volume 11: Failure analysis and Prevention 2. Fracture Mechanics by Prashant Kumar Wheeler Publishing 3. Mechanical Metallurgy by Dieter, McGraw Hill 4. Electron microscopy and analysis: P.J. Goodhew, J. Humphreys and R. Beanland , Pub: :Taylor and francis, 2001 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 MODULE I General classification of Cutting Tool-single point multi point cutting tools and form toolsCutting tool nomenclature, systems-types of single point cutting tools-Left hand , right hand ,straight shank, bent shank-offset and stepped. Geometry-Cutting tool signature-Effect of cutting tool geometry in metal cutting .Mechanism of metal removal-Mechanism of chip formations-classes of chips Friction in metal cutting Methods of reducing friction Chip control and chip breaker-Primary deformations on shear zone-secondary deformations on rake face. MODULE II Mechanism of metal cutting Forces of deformations at the cutting edge. Shear angle lee and Shaffers solution. Stress distribution on rake face Velocity relationships-Chip thickness Ratio- Merchants circle diagram-Relationship between forces, cutting speed, feed and depth of cut. Problems. Dynamometers principle of cutting force, Measurements. Need and requirement of dynamometers Turning, milling, drilling and grinding dynamometersDeformation studies using quick-stop devices. Heat in metal cutting-zones of heat generation variables affecting the tool temperature- Temperature in metal cutting Tool work thermocouple- Embedded thermocouple Calorimetric method. Surface finishParameters on surface finish. MODULE III Cutting tool materials, major tool material types-HSS, coated HSS, satellite, Cemented Carbides, Titanium Carbides Coated carbides, Ceramics, SIALON, Diamonds, CBN , Ucon, their characteristics and applications. Tool wear and life Types of wear-mechanism of tool wear. Tool wear criteria Tool life Taylors tool life equation. Modified tool life equation and estimation of tool life Machinability. Parameters affecting tool life.- Problems Economics of cutting. Machinability criteria-optimum cutting speed cutting fluids- Selection of cutting fluids-Action of cutting fluids Application of cutting fluids. References:1. Sen and Bhattacharya, Principle of metal cutting. 2. Shaw M.C, Metal cutting principles. 3. Boothroyd, Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools. 4. Black P.H, Theory of metal cutting. 5. Production Technology, HMT 6. Venkitesh.V.G, Experimental methods in metal cutting. 7. Tool Manufacturing Engineers Hand Book, ASTME University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Metallic biomaterials: Introduction, Stainless Steels, Cobalt Chromium Alloys, Titanium Alloys, Dental Materials, Corrosion of Medical Implants, Manufacturing of Implants. Polymeric biomaterials: Polymers used as Biomaterials, Sterilisation, Surface Modification for improving bio compatibility, biodegradable polymeric materials, Tissue derived Biomaterials, Soft Tissue Replacement, Hard Tissue Replacement, Preservation Techniques. Module II Ceramic and composite biomaterials: Introduction, Bio inert Bio Ceramics, Biodegradable ceramics, Bioactive ceramics, deterioration of ceramics, manufacturing techniques, Biocompatibility and Application of Composite Biomaterials. Biomaterial application of smart materials: Introduction, Properties, Biocompatibility, Shape Memory effect, Super Elasticity, Hysteresis, Anti Kinking, Application with examples Orthopedic, Dental, Surgical Instruments, Stent, Artificial Urethral Valves. Module III Biomaterial characterization and selection: Biomaterials surface analysis, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Scanning ion mass Spectroscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis. Function, Biocompatibility, Material Selection for Orthopedic, Blood Contacting and Space Filling applications. REFERENCES 1. Joseph D. Bronzino, The Bio Medical Engineering Handbook, Vol.I, CRC Press, 2000. 2. Mel Schwartz, Encyclopedia of Smart Materials, Vol. I, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2002. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Extensive definition of Concurrent Engineering (CE) - CE design methodologies - Organizing for CE - CE tool box collaborative product development. IT support - Solid modeling Product data management - Collaborative product commerce. Artificial Intelligence- Expert systems - Software hardware co-design. Module II Life-cycle design of products - opportunity for manufacturing enterprises - modality of Concurrent Engineering Design - Automated analysis idealization control - Concurrent engineering in optimal structural design - Real time constraints. Manufacturing competitiveness - Checking the design process - conceptual design mechanism Qualitative physical approach - An intelligent design for manufacturing system. JIT system low inventory - modular - Modeling and reasoning for computer based assembly planning Module III Design of Automated manufacturing. Life Cycle semi realization - design for economics evaluation of design for manufacturing cost concurrent mechanical design - decomposition in concurrent design - negotiation in concurrent engineering design studies - product realization taxonomy - plan for Project Management on new product development bottleneck technology development. REFERENCES 1. Anderson MM and Hein, L. Berlin, "Integrated Product Development", Springer Verlog, 1987. 2. Cleetus, J, "Design for Concurrent Engineering", Concurrent Engg. Research Centre, Morgantown, WV, 1992. 3. Andrew Kusaik, "Concurrent Engineering: Automation Tools and Technology", Wiley, JOhn and Sons Inc., 1992. 4. Prasad, "Concurrent Engineering Fundamentals: Integrated Product Development", Prentice Hall, 1996. 5. Sammy G Sinha, "Successful Implementation of Concurrent Product and Process", Wiley, John and Sons Inc., 1998. 6. Web Reference: University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 Module I Introduction: Basic concept of Automation, Types of Automation, Feasibility etc. Industrial Hydraulics: Introduction, basic concepts, Hydraulic fluids, Classification and properties of hydraulic fluids, Contaminates in hydraulic system, control and cleanliness standards, Fluid power generators, i.e. Gear, Vane, Piston pumps, linear and Rotary Actuators, Direction Control Valves, types, actuation methods, pressure control valves; pressure reducing valves, pressure relief valve, Unloading valve, Sequence valve, Counterbalance valve, Flow control valves simple and pressure compensated type. Module II Pneumatics: Introduction, Basic components, Source, storage and distribution, treatment of compressed air, linear and Rotary actuators, Direction control valves types, actuation methods, pressure control valves, logic devices twin pressure valve, shutter valve, time delay valve, Pneumatic circuit design and analysis, conventional as well as computer aided design. Robotics: Basic concepts, classification based on Geometry, programming, drives, work volume of robots world and joint coordinates various joints, DOF, end effectors Types and uses, Sensors in Robots, programming Teach pendant and Computer programming, Introduction to forward and inverse kinematics, Applications of Robots. Module III Automatic Assembly System: Development of Automatic Assembly process, Transfer devices continuous, Intermittent, synchronous and asynchronous, Vibratory feeders Mechanics, effect of frequency, acceleration, track angle, friction, load sensitivity, orientation of parts active and passive devices, Mechanical feeders computation and operational details, feed tracks, Escapement devices. Product design for high-speed automatic assembly, examples of design modifications. Reference 1. Anthony Esposito, Fluid Power with Application, 5th Edition, Pearson Education (2003). 2. Majumdar S R, Oil Hydraulic System, Tata McGraw Hill (2001). 3. Bolton W, Mechatronics, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi (1999). 4. Necsulelscu Dan, Mechatronics, Pearson Education, New Delhi (2002). 5. Geoffrey Boothroyd, Assembly Automation and Product Design, Marcel Dekker Inc (1991). University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0



Credits 4 MODULE-I Introduction: Need for non-conventional energy sources, energy conservation in transportation sector, alternative energy, alcohol, hydrogen, biomass, and electric energy Alcohol: Methanol and Ethanol production methods, properties of methanol and ethanol as engine fuels, use of alcohols in Sl engines. performance of methanol and gasoline blends. Combustion characteristics of alcohols in S.1 engines, use of alcohols in Cl engines, different methods of use- Alcohol Diesel emulsions, dual fuel systems, Flex fuel Vehicles (FFV) Hydrogen energy: Properties of hydrogen, sources of hydrogen, production of hydrogen, electrolysis of water, thermal decomposition of water, thermo chemical production and biochemical production, storage and transportation methods, applications to engines, modifications necessary, precautions and safety for use, performance characteristics in engines, use in fuel cells. MODULE-II Gaseous fuels: Biogas production, description of biogas plant, application of biogas as a single fuel and dual fuel, performance of LPG, property & its use in Sl engines, fuel metering system, natural gas and producer gas - use in S.I. and C.1 engines. Vegetable oil: Vegetable oil properties, Production of Bio-diesel, esterification of vegetable oil, Soya bean diesel, rapeseed oil, rice bran oil etc., diesel and vegetable oil blends, and engine performance with vegetable oil. MODULE-III Solar power: Collection and storage of solar energy, collection devices, flat plate collectors, concentrating type collectors, principle and working photovoltaic conversion, application to automobiles Electric vehicles: Design considerations, limitations, batteries for electric vehicles, types & capacities, driving requirements, applicability of electric cars, comparative use of fuel and energy recharging, Hybrid vehicles - types and layouts. References: 1. T. K. Garrett: Automotive fuels system, SAE INC, Warrendale, 1991 2. David Powell and Richard P. Brennan- The Automobile technology and society Printice Hall. 3. Keeith Owen & Trevor Colley - Automotive Fuels reference book, SAE 4. Tom Koppel- Powering the future, SAE 5. Richard L. Bechtold- Alternate fuels guide book, SAE 6. Bob Brant.- Build your own Electric Vehicle, SAE 7. SAE papers: 73802, 750121, 750118. 741008 8. Energy research group- Alternate liquid fuels Willey Eastern Ltd, 9. New Delhi, 1990 10. T.N Vezgirigiu- Alternative energy sources 11. Mathur and Sharma- IC. Engines, Dhanpat Rai and Sons. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T- D; 3-1-0



L-T- D; 3-1-0 Credits 4

Module-I Introduction: General Scenario on automotive Pollution, Pollutants-sources-formation-effects on human beings and environment, Green house gases and global warming, transient operational effects on pollution, Engine Combustion and Pollutant Formation: HC, CO, NOx, Particulate Matters, Aldehyde emissions, Effect of operating variables on emission formation. Emission Control Efforts: Supply of fuel establishment of national test centers, construction of road networks. Module-II Emission Standards : Driving Cycles, ECE, EUDC, Bharat Stages & Euro emission standards, Evaluation of Emission Standards Mandatory Tests for Emission measurement Type Approval & Production Conformity Tests Control Techniques for SI and CI: Basics of diesel combustion - Smoke emission in diesel engines - NO emission from diesel engines Particulate emission in diesel engines. Color and Aldehyde emissions from Diesel engines - Effects of operating variables on emission formation. Design changes, optimization of operating factors, Control of Crankcase emission, Evaporative emission, Canisters, Exhaust emission - exhaust gas recirculation, air injector PCV system, thermal reactors, catalytic converters Module-III Test Procedure & Instrumentation for Emission Measurement: Test procedures- Calculation of volume of Exhaust gases, Volume of constituents for perfect combustion, Measurements of invisible emissions -ORSAT apparatus, NDIR analyzer, Flame ionization detectors, Chemiluminescent analyzer, Gas analyzer, Measurements of visible emissions Comparison methods & Obscure methods - Smoke meters, Emission standards. References: 1. B.P. Pundir, Engine Emissions, Narosa Publishing House, 2007. 2. V. Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill Co., 2004. 3. K.K. Ramalingam, Automobile Engineering, Scitech Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2005 4. Amitosh De, Automobile Engineering, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2004 5. Dr. N.K. Giri, Automobile Mechanic, Khanna Publishers, 2006 6. Heywood. J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book Co.,1995. 7. Automobiles and Pollution SAE Transaction, 1995 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits 4 Module-I The process of technological innovation - factors contributing to successful technological innovation - the need for creativity and innovation - creativity and problem solving - brain storming - different techniques. Invention and Creativity - Intellectual Property (IP) - Importance - Protection of IPR - Basic types of property (i. Movable Property ii. Immovable Property and iii. Intellectual Property). Module-II Collection of ideas and purpose of project - Selection criteria - screening ideas for new products (evaluation techniques). Research and new product development - Patents - Patent search - Patent laws - International code for patents - Intellectual property rights (IPR). IP Patents - Copyrights and related rights - Trade Marks and rights arising from Trademark registration Definitions - Industrial Designs and Integrated circuits - Protection of Geographical Indications at national and International levels - Application Procedures Module-III Indian Position Vs WTO and Strategies - Indian IPR legislations - commitments to WTOPatent Ordinance and the Bill - Draft of a national Intellectual Property Policy - Present against unfair competition. Design of proto type - testing - quality standards - marketing research - introducing new products. Creative design - Model Preparation - Testing - cost evaluation - Patent application References: 1. Harry Nystrom, " Creativity and innovation", John Wiley & Sons, 1979. 2. Brain Twiss, " Managing technological innovation", Pitman Publishing Ltd., 1992. 3. Harry B.Watton, " New Product Planning ", Prentice Hall Inc., 1992. 4. P.N.Khandwalla - " Fourth Eye (Excellence through Creativity) - Wheeler Publishing ", Allahabad, 1992. 5. I.P.R. Bulletins, TIFAC, New Delhi, 1997. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T- D; 3-1-0




L-T-D: 3-1-0 MODULE I Basic concepts : The generalized basic systems Definition Stress at a point - Stress equation of equilibrium Principal stress Two dimensional stress systems Strain and stress relations Principal strain Strain compatibility Plane stress Plane stress and strain problems Photoelastic methods : Behaviour of light Polarised light Plane polariser Wave plate Conditioning of light by a series combination of linear polariser and a wave plate Arrangement of optical elements in polariscope . The stress optic law in two dimensions at normal incidence Plane polariscope Circular polariscope - Fringes Moir techniques Photo elastic photography Photo elastic model materials Properties Calibration methods Analysis of photoelastic data Isochromatics Isoclinics Compensation techniques - Application of photo elastic methods . MODULE II Electrical strain gauges Definition of strain and its relation to experimental determination Strain gauge Types Analysis Strain sensitivity Gauge construction Temperature compensation Rosette analysis Rectangular Delta - Delta Stress gauge Strain gauge circuits Wheatstone bridge Null Balance recording instruments Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. MODULE III Non Destructive Tests Need , Types Visual Examinations , penetrate tests, Hammer tests Brittle coating techniques Crack patterns Types of coatings Elementary ideasHolographic non Destructive testing . REFERENCES 1. Photo elasticity - M.M.Frocht 2. Experimental stress analysis J.W.Dally and W.P.Railey 3. Applied stress Analysis Durelli and Philips 4. Experimental stress analysis and Motion Measurement R.C.Dove and B.H.Adams 5. Moire Fringes Strain Analysis Pericles Theocaries University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) Credits : 4


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I The atmosphere-characteristics of troposphere , stratosphere , thermosphere , and ionosphere- pressure, temperature and density variations in the atmosphere. Application of dimensional analysis aerodynamic force model study and similitude. 2D aero foils Nomenclature and classification- pressure distribution in inviscid and real flows- momentum and circulation theory of aerofoil- characteristics. 3D or Finite aero foils effect of releasing the wing tips- wing tip vortices- replacement of finite wing by horse shoe vertex system- the lifting line theory-wing load distribution aspect ratio, induced drag- calculation of induced drag from momentum considerations. Skin friction and from drag- changes in finite wing plan shape. Module II Propellers momentum and blade element theories propeller coefficients and charts. Aircraft performance-straight and level flight power required and power available graphs for propeller and jet aircraft-gliding and climbing rate of climb-service and absolute ceilingsgliding angle and speed of flattest glide- take off and landing performance length of runway required- aircraft ground run- circling flight radius of tightest turn-jet and rocket assisted take off- high lift devices-range and endurance of airplanes-charts for piston and jet engine aircrafts. Module III Flight Instruments-airspeed indicator, calculation of true air speed-altimeter-gyro horizon direction indicator-vertical speed indicator turn and back indicator-air temperature indicator. (Brief description and qualitative ideas only). Ideas on stability-static and dynamic stabilitylongitudinal, lateral and directional stability- controls of an aero plane- aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces- mass balancing (Qualitative ideas only). Principles of wind tunnel testing open and closed type wind tunnels-wind tunnel balances- supersonic wind tunnels. Study of subsonic, Transonic, and supersonic aircraft engines (Description with fig. Only). Elementary ideas on space travel-calculation of earth orbiting and escape velocities ignoring air resistance and assuming circular orbit. References: 1. Mechanics of flight. A. C. Kermode 2. Aerodynamics for Engineering Student Houghton and brock. 3. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Anderson 4. Aircraft Instruments and Integrated systems- EHJ Pallett University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I Design of layout of factories, Office, Storage area etc. on consideration of facilities of working people, Storage facilities and general equipment for amenities of working people Product, Process and combination layout Systematic layout planning Design of Assembly lines, Line balancing methods, Computer applications in layout designs. Module II Environmental aspects like lighting, Ventilation, dust control, humidity. Different type of Plant services like steam compressed air etc. Plant safety, Elements off Industrial safetyCauses and prevention of accidents Pollution and environmental consideration. Module III Material handling system and equipment Material handling in Plants , Stores and warehouses , Receiving and dispatching area Choice of material handling equipment Cost control in material handling. Equipment replacement Repair, replacement depends on technical and economical consideration. Use of DCF techniques. REFERENCE 1. Plant layout and Material Handling- John A Sehbin 2. Plant layout and Material Handling - James A Apple 3. Plant layout and Material Handling - A W Peymberton 4. FF & Control - G Aysan University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 MODULE I Development of operations research as a branch of knowledge since 2nd world war Fields of application of operations. Queuing theory Birth and death processes Basic queuing process Single server and multiple server models Poison input and exponential service Limited source, limited queue etc. Priority disciplines Practical applications. Linear programming Graphical solutions Simplex method Transportation problem Assignment problem solution to transportation, Assignment and trans-shipment problems Post optimality analysis Complications and their resolution Practical applications and examples. MODULE II Network theory Maximal flow problems Travelling salesman problems - network with PERT / CPM. Introduction to dynamic Programming, Stochastic programming and integer programming Inventory theory deterministic inventory models. MODULE III Decision making Statistical decision theory. Decision trees . Replacement replacement in anticipation of failure Group replacement. Scheduling on machines 2 job 2-machine problem Johnsons algorithm graphical solution. Game theory Practical application of game theory 2 person zero Sum games Solving simple games Mixed strategy Graphical solution. REFERENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introductions to operations research Hillier and Lieberman ,Holden day. Introductions to operations research Wagner and Pranti ,Philips and Ravindran Fundamentals of operations research Ackeff and Sasionic, Wiley. Operations research - Churchman ,Ackeff and Arneff, Wiley. Operations research - Taha, Mc graw Hill. L-T-D: 3-1-0

University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Introduction to dynamical systems: discrete time systems - continuous time systems autonomous and non autonomous systems - phase space and flows - attracting sets concepts of stability Equilibrium solutions: fixed points and stability of continuous - time systems - classification and stability of equilibrium solutions - fixed points of maps and their stability - local and global bifurcation of continuous systems - static and dynamic bifurcations - bifurcation of maps Module II Periodic solutions - periodic solutions of continuous - time dynamical systems autonomous and non autonomous systems - limit cycle - floquet theory - poincare'maps bifurcation - symmetry breaking - cyclic fold - period doubling - transcritical and Hopf bifurcations Quasiperiodic solutions: Poincare' maps - circle map - construction of quasiperiodic solutions Chaotic solutions of maps: dynamics of logistic equation - bifurcation diagram of onedimensional maps - feigenbaum number - Henon map Chaotic solutions of continuous systems: Duffing' equation - Rossler equations - period s doubling and intermittency mechanisms Module III Experimental methods in chaotic vibrations: experimental system to measure the Poincare' map of a chaotic physical system Fractals and dynamical systems: Koch curve - cantor set - fractal dimension - measures of fractal dimension - capacity dimension - correlation dimension and Information dimension - fractal dimension of strange attractors Tools to identify and analyze motions: time history - state-space and pseudo state space - embedding dimension and time delay - Fourier spectra, Poincare'sections and maps lyapunov exponents References: 1. Nayfeh A.H. & Balachandran B., Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, John Wiley 2. Thomson J.M.T. & Stewart H B, Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos, John Wiley 3. Moon F.C., Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics, John Wiley 4. Wiggins S., Introduction To Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems And Chaos, Springer Verlag 5. Baker G.L.& Gollub J.P., Chaotic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press 6. Peitgens, Jurgens & Saupe, Chaos and Fractals, Springer Verlag 7. Scheinerman E.R., Invitation to Dynamical Systems, Prentice Hall University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Introduction - purpose of work holding devices - principles of jig and fixture design construction methods and materials used - process planning and typical operation layout product considerations - pre-design analysis - product analysis - operation analysis machine analysis - operator analysis and cost analysis - examples of pre-design analysis principles of locating and positioning - definition of location - basic principles - methods of location - pin and button locators - plane, concentric, spherical, radial and V-locators redundant locators Module II Design and mechanics of clamping devices - principles of clamping - standard fixture components - types of clamps - strap, swing, hinge and two-way (multiple) clamps - wedge, pinch and magnetic clamps - latch and self locking clamps - pneumatic, hydraulic and pneumo-hydraulic clamps - design considerations in work holder design and selection design calculations of lever type clamp - hook type clamp - wedge type clamp - screw clamps - mandrels and collet - chucks - worked examples Module III Fixtures - milling fixtures - slot and key-way milling fixtures - fixture for milling flanges straddle milling fixtures - indexing fixture - face milling fixture with equalizers - profile milling fixtures - universal fixture for profile milling - boring and lather fixtures - fixture design examples of design and drawing of milling fixtures for machining of simple components fixtures for inspection testing and assembly - welding fixtures - economics Drill Jigs -definition - drill guide bushings - jig feet and legs - types of drill jigs -template -vise - leaf box and tumble jigs - indexing jigs - jaw chucks - drive chucks - magnetic chucking devices -mandrels - machine vices - indexing tables and worktables - examples of design and drawing of drill jig for machining of simple components References 1. Kempster M.H.A., "An Introduction to Jig and Tool Design", ELBS 2. ASTME, Fundamentals of Tool Design 3. Grant H.E., "Jigs and Fixtures - Non Standard Clamping Devices", Tata McGraw Hill 4. Goroshkin A.K., "Jigs and Fixtures Hand Book", MIR Publishers 5. Wilson & Holt, "Hand book of Fixture Design", McGraw Hill 6. Colving & Haas, "Jigs and Fixtures - A Reference Book", McGraw Hill 7. Cole B., "Tool Design", Taraporevala 8. Donaldson, Lecain & Goold, "Tool Design", Tata McGraw Hill University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I Basic equations and empirical correlations for multi-phase flow - flow patterns - identification and classification - flow pattern maps and transition - momentum and energy balance homogeneous and separated flow models - correlations for use with homogeneous and separated flow models - two phase flow through inclined pipes and singularities - void fraction and slip ratio correlations - influence of pressure gradient - empirical treatment of two phase flow - drift flux model - correlations for bubble, slug and annular flows - pressure losses through enlargements, contractions, orifices, bends and values Module II Boiling and multiphase heat transfer - vapour-liquid equilibrium mechanisms - pool boiling convective boiling - heat transfer in partial and fully developed sub-cooled boiling - void fraction and pressure drop in sub-cooled boiling - saturated boiling heat transfer - two phase forced convection laminar and turbulent flow solutions for film heat transfer - empirical equations for film boiling and transition boiling - burnout mechanism and correlations - critical coefficient in nucleate and convective boiling Module III Condensation - basic processes of condensation - mechanism of evaporation and condensation - film condensation on a planar surface - dropwise condensation - pressure gradient in condensing systems - methods of improving heat transfer coefficient in condensation. Critical multiphase flows - mathematical models - critical flow criterion - compatibility conditions and their physical interpretation - experimental observations - propagation of small disturbances - pressure drop limitation effect - graphical representation of critical flow conditions

References: 1. Collier J.G., Convective Boiling and Condensation, McGraw Hill 2. Hsu Y.Y. & Graham R.W., Transport Processes in Boiling and Two Phase Systems, Hemisphere 3. Ginoux J.J., Two Phase Flows and Heat Transfer, Hemisphere, McGraw Hill 4. Tong L.S., Boiling Heat Transfer and Two Phase Flow, Wiley 5. Hewitt G., Delhaye J.M. & Zuber N., Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. I., McGraw Hill University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 MODULE-I Hydraulic control- Hydraulic principles- elements of hydraulic systems- pumps filters, seals, valves, accumulators etc. Study of their functional & design characteristic. Analysis and study of typical hydraulic circuits in machine tools. Design of systems for specific requirements- Introduction to servo systems- maintenance of hydraulic systems- Pneumatic and hydro pneumatic circuits. MODULE- II Numerical control: Introduction to numerical control- Application of NC machines Types of Numerical control- Information flow in NC machine tool- Information carriers- tape readerinterpolator Measuring devices- analogue, Digital incremental and digital absolute. MODULE-III Programming- manual and computer aided programming- Programming languages- APT, ADAPT, EXAPT, Economics of numerically controlled machines, adaptive control principles. REFERENCES: 1. Industrial Hydraulics- John Pippinger 2. Machine Tools DesignAcherkan 3. CAD/CAM- Mikel P Groover 4. NC Machines & CAM- Kundra. C. K, P. N. Rao, N. K. Temeri University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I Methods for determining stresses - Terminology and Ligament Efficiency - Applications. Stresses in pressure vessels: Stresses in a circular ring, cyclinder - Membrane stress Analysis of Vessel Shell components - Cylindrical shells, spherical shells, torispherical heads, conical heads - Thermal stresses - Discontinuity stresses in pressure vessels. Module II Design of vessels : Design of tall cyclindrical self supporting process columns - supports for short vertical vessels stress concentration - at a variable thickness transition section in a cylindrical vessel, about a circular hole, elliptical openings. Theory of reinforcement pressure vessel design. Module III Bucking and fracture analysis in vessels : Buckling phenomenon - Elastic Buckling of circular ring and cylinders under external pressure - collapse of thick walled cylinders or tubes under external pressure - effect of supports on Elastic Buckling of cylinders - Buckling under combined External pressure and axial loading - Control and significance of Fracture Mechanics in Vessels - FEM application. Piping : Introduction - Flow diagram - Piping layout and piping stress Analysis. References: 1. John F. Harvey, " Theory and Design of Pressure Vessels ", CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1987. 2. Henry H. Bedner, " Pressure Vessels, Design Hand Book ", CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1987. 3. Stanley, M. Wales, " Chemical Process Equipment, Selection and Design. Buterworths series in Chemical Engineering ", 1988. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

MODULE I Friction : Nature of surfaces Mechanism of friction Laws of friction and friction theories Merits and demerits . Wear : Classification of wear Theories of wear Stages of Cohesive wear Quantitative relationship for abrasive wear Minor types of wear Factors affecting wear . MODULE II Lubrication : Role of lubrication in present day practice Fundamentals of viscosity and viscous flow Flow through capillary tubes Parallel plates Radial flow between parallel circular plates Continuity equation and Raynolds equation . Viscosity and Viscometers Starsor Viscometer Falling sphere viscometer Saybelt Universal Viscometer Viscosity index. MODULE III Analysis of hydrostatic oil pads Load carrying capacity Oil flow Power loss Application to thrust bearing , use of restrict hydro static squeeze films . Analysis and application of Hydrodynamic Lubrication Load carrying capacity , power loss and friction in ideal journal bearings Use of linkage factors Significance of Sommerfeld number Eccentricity ratio Unit load References: 1. Basu, SenGupta and Ahuja, Fundamentals of Tribology, PHI. 2. Sushil Kumar and Srivatsava, Tribology in Industry, S.Chand Co. 3. Majumdar .B.C., Tribology University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I Introduction: History, Basic concepts of value engineering, development and scope of value management, value analysis, functions and value-Basic functions, Secondary functions values-Use value, Esteem value, Cost value and Exchange value Costing Vs Value engineering, principles of costing &cost estimation, benefits. Steps in value engineering process-preparation problem selection, information, evaluation. Creation, selection and presentation, implementation and follow up. Module II Selection of project, team members, general phase, information phase, Creation phase, evaluation phase, investigation and implementation phase, audit. Project work: work sheets, objectives, techniques, guidelines, Checklist, cost worth model, role of creativity. Approaches-job plan, DARSIRI, FAST Diagram as a tool, examples on usage of these tools Module III Value Engineering cases: Value Engineering raises production and productivity, Value Engineering is intensive cost search, Value Engineering prevents unnecessary uses of resources. Methodology, Industrial cases - Product manufacturing, Chemical processing, Automated Production, Semi Automated production. References: 1. S.S. Iyer, Value Engineering, New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2000. 2. A. K. Datta, Materials Management, Inventory Control and Logistics, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 2001. 3. Miles . L. D, Techniques of Value Analysis and Value Engineering, McGraw hill, 2000. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 Module I Introduction - FAQs about software engineering - professional and ethical responsibility system modelling - system engineering process - the software process - life cycle models iteration - specification - design and implementation - validation - evolution - automated process support - software requirements - functional and non-functional requirements - user requirements - system requirements - SRS - requirements engineering processes - feasibility studies - elicitation and analysis - validation - management - system models - context models - behaviour models - data models - object models - CASE workbenches Software prototyping - prototyping in the software process - rapid prototyping techniques formal specification - formal specification in the software process - interface specification behaviour specification - architectural design - system structuring - control models - modular decomposition - domain-specific architectures - distributed systems architecture Module II Object-oriented design - objects and classes - an object oriented design process case study - design evolution - real-time software design - system design - real time executives - design with reuse - component-based development - application families - design patterns - user interface design - design principles - user interaction - information presentation - user support - interface evaluation. Dependability - critical systems - availability and reliability safety - security - critical systems specifications - critical system development - verification and validation - planning - software inspection - automated static analysis - clean room software development - software testing - defect testing - integration testing - object-oriented testing - testing workbenches - critical system validation Module III Software evolution - legacy systems - software change - software maintenance architectural evolution - software re-engineering - data re-engineering Software project management - project planning - scheduling - risk management - managing people - group working - choosing and keeping people - the people capability maturity model - software cost estimation - productivity estimation techniques - algorithmic cost modeling, project duration and staffing quality management - quality assurance and standards - quality planning - quality control - software measurement and metrics - process improvement process and product quality - process analysis and modeling - process measurement process CMM - configuration management - planning - change management - version and release management - system building - CASE tools for configuration management References : 1. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Pearson Education Asia 2. Pressman R.S., Software Engineering, McGraw Hill 3. Mall R., Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India 4. Behferooz A. & Hudson F.J., Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford University Press 5. Jalote P., An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

MODULE I Introduction to Cryogenic Systems, Historical development, Low Temperature properties of Engineering Materials, Mechanical properties- Thermal properties- Electric and magnetic properties Cryogenic fluids and their properties. Applications of Cryogenics: Applications in space, Food Processing, super Conductivity, Electrical Power, Biology, Medicine, Electronics and Cutting Tool Industry. Law temperature properties of engineering materials: MODULE II Liquefaction systems ideal system, Joule Thomson expansion, Adiabatic expansion, Linde Hampson Cycle, Claude & Cascaded System, Magnetic Cooling, Stirling Cycle Cryo Coolers. Gas liquefaction systems: Introduction-Production of low temperatures- General Liquefaction systems- Liquefaction systems for Neon. Hydrogen and Helium Critical components of Liquefaction systems. MODULE III Cryogenic Refrigeration systems: Ideal Refrigeration systems- Refrigeration using liquids and gases as refrigerant- Refrigerators using solids as working media;, cryogenic fluid storage and transfer systems: Cryogenic Storage vessels and Transportation, Thermal insulation and their performance at cryogenic temperatures, Super Insulations, Vacuum insulation, Powder insulation, Cryogenic fluid transfer systems Pressure flow-level and temperature measurements.. Types of heat exchangers used in cryogenic systems. Cryo pumping Applications. References: 1. Klaus D.Timmerhaus and Thomas M.Flynn, " Cryogenic Process Engineering " Plenum Press, New York, 1989. 2. Cryogenic systems Randal F.Barron, McGraw Hill, 1986 3. Cryogenic Engineering , R. B. Scott 4. Cryogenic Engineering, J. H. Boll Jr University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 MODULE I Human Anatomy & physiology: Anatomy & Physiology of major systems of the body. Principle of generation and propagation of Bioelectric potentials. Electrical activity of heart, propagation of action potential through nerves, conduction velocity and latency. Transducers, Leads & Electrodes: Transducers - transducers for biological applications principles, different types - active and passive transducers, implantable transducers. MODULE II Biodynamics:- Mechanics of lower limb during standing and walking, Dynamics and analysis of human locomotion. Orthopaedic mechanics:- Structure, properties and rheology of bone, Cartilage and synovial fluid. Mechanics of lower limb, upper limb and Spine. Introduction (Brief description only) to Diagnosis and Therapeutic equipments: Diagnosis equipments - BP monitors, ECG machine, EEG machine, EMG machine, PH meter. Therapeutic equipments - Pacemakers, Defibrillator, Heart - lung machine. MODULE III Biomaterials:- Different types of biomaterials - metals, polymers, ceramics, glasses, glass ceramics, composites. Material properties, structural mechanics. Reactions to biomaterials inflammation, wound healing & foreign body response, immunology and compliment system, -, prostheses and orthotics. Artificial bio-implants Dental implants, heart valves, kidneys, joints. References 1. Text book of Medical Physiology C., M. D. Guyton. 2. Biomechanics: Motion,Flow stress and Growth, Y.C. Fung, Springer, New York, 1990 3. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J.Weibell and Erich A.Pferffer. Biomedical lnstrumentation and Measurements rentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 4. R.S.Khandpur. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 5. Jacob Kline. Handbook of Biomedical Engineering, Academic Press Inc. 6. B.D.Ratner and Hoffman. An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Academic Press. 7. John G.Webster. Medical instrumentation - Application and Design, Houghton Mifflin company, Boston. 8. John C.Cobbold. Transducers for Biomedical Measurements, John Wiley & Sons. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module 1 Introduction to the modes of heat transfer -Conduction, Convection and Radiation- Steady State Heat Transfer- Transient Heat Transfer -Practical thermal resistances-Theoretical power dissipation in electronic components-Heat generation in active Devices-CMOS Devices- Junction FET- Power MOSFET-Heat generated in passive devices- InterconnectsResistors-Capacitors -Inductors and Transformers-Thermal engineering software. Electronic Equipment for Airplanes, Missiles, Satellites, and Spacecraft - Electronic Equipment for Ships and Submarines -Electronic Equipment for Communication Systems and Ground Support Systems -Personal Computers, Microcomputers, and Microprocessors-Cooling Specifications for Electronics -Specifying the Power Dissipation Module II Conduction cooling for chassis and circuit boards: Concentrated Heat Sources- Steady State Conduction- Mounting Electronic Components on Brackets -Uniformly Distributed Heat Sources- Circuit Board with an Aluminum Heat Sink Core- Warping on PCBs with metal heat sink-Chassis with Non uniform Wall Sections- Two-Dimensional Analog Resistor Networks -Heat Conduction across Interfaces in Air - Heat Conduction across Interfaces at High Altitudes -Outgassing at High Altitudes- Heat Conduction through Sheet Metal Covers. Mounting and cooling techniques for electronic components Various Types of Electronic Components on PCB - Mounting Components on PCBs - Mounting High-Power Transistors on a Heat Sink Plate - Electrically Isolating High-Power Components- Component Lead Wire Strain Relief Natural convection and radiation cooling: Natural Convection for Flat Vertical Plates -Natural Convection for Flat Horizontal Plates -Heat Transferred by Natural Convection -Turbulent Flow with Natural Convection -Finned Surfaces for Natural Convection Cooling - Natural Convection Analog Resistor Networks -Natural Convection Cooling for PCBs -Natural Convection Coefficient for Enclosed Airspace -High-Altitude Effects on Natural Convection. Radiation Cooling of Electronics - Radiation Heat Transfer in Space view factor -Effects of cy/e on Temperatures in Space -Simplified Radiation Heat Transfer Equation Combining Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer -Equivalent Ambient Temperature for Reliability Predictions Module III Forced convection cooling: Forced Cooling Methods -Cooling Airflow Direction for Fans Static Pressure and Velocity Pressure -Losses Expressed in Terms of Velocity Heads. Establishing the Flow Impedance Curve for an Electronic Box-Hollow Core PCBs Cooling Air Fans for Electronic Equipment -Air Filters- Cutoff Switches -High-Altitude Conditions Conditioned Cooling Air from an External Source - air flow direction- flow impedance curve for electronics box- cooling airflow curve-finned cold plates and heat exchangers-fin efficiency factorundesirable airflow reversals- effect of altitude. Static Pressure Losses for Various Altitude Conditions -Total Pressure Drop for Various Altitude Conditions -Finned Cold Plates and Heat Exchangers -Pressure Losses in Multiple-Fin Heat Exchangers -Fin Efficiency Factor -Undesirable Airflow Reversals -High-Power Cabinet Effects of Altitude on Heat Exchanger Performance - Different Altitude and Power Conditions. Transient cooing: Simple Insulated Systems -Thermal Capacitance -Time Constant Heating Cycle Transient Temperature Rise -Temperature Rise for Different Time Constants -Cooling Cycle Transient Temperature Change -Transient Analysis for Temperature Cycling Tests. Cooling : direct cooling and indirect cooling- heat sink, forced liquid system cooling, solid state thermoelectric cooling, heat pipe, jet impingement cooling, spray cooling-Environment stress screening techniques: damage during thermal cycling and vibration, single axis and multi axis vibration, orientation of circuit boards within the chassis.


References: 1. Ralph Remsberg, Thermal design pf electronic equipment, CRC Press LLC 2. Dave S. Steinberg Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 3. Sadik Kakac, H.Yuncu,K,Hijikata, H.Hijikata, Cooling of electronic systems 4. J.P.Bardon,E.Beyna, J.B.Sauliniar, Thermal management of electronic systems 5. Yunus A Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, Tata McGraw Hill Inc., New York 6. Holman J P, Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 7. Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt, Heat and Mass Transfer. John Wiley and sons 8. Nag P K., Heat and Mass Transfer, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module 1 Continuum Theory- The Continuum Concept, Continuum Mechanics Essential Mathematics - Scalars, Vectors, and Cartesian Tensors, Tensor Algebra in Symbolic Notation, Summation Convention, Indicial Notation, Matrices and Determinants, Transformations of Cartesian Tensors, Principal Values and Principal Directions of Symmetric, Second-Order Tensors, Tensor Fields, Tensor Calculus, Integral Theorems of Gauss and Stokes Module 2 Stress Principles - Body and Surface Forces, Mass Density, Cauchy Stress Principle, The Stress Tensor, Force and Moment Equilibrium, Stress, Tensor Symmetry, Stress Transformation Laws, Principal Stresses, Principal Stress Directions, Maximum and Minimum Stress Values, Mohrs Circles for Stress, Plane Stress, Deviator and Spherical Stress States, Octahedral Shear Stress Kinematics of Deformation and Motion - Particles, Configurations, Deformation, and Motion, Material and Spatial Coordinates, Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions, The Displacement Field The Material Derivative, Deformation Gradients, Finite Strain Tensors, Infinitesimal Deformation Theory, Stretch Ratios, Rotation Tensor, Stretch Tensors, Velocity Gradient, Rate of Deformation, Vorticity, Material Derivative of Line Elements, Areas, Volumes Module 3 Fundamental Laws and Equations - Balance Laws, Field Equations, Constitutive Equations, Material Derivatives of Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals, Conservation of Mass, Continuity Equation, Linear Momentum Principle, Equations of Motion, The Piola-Kirchhoff Stress Tensors, Lagrangian Equations of Motion, Moment of Momentum (Angular Momentum) Principle, Law of Conservation of Energy, The Energy Equation, Entropy and the Clausius-Duhem Equation, Restrictions on Elastic Materials by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Invariance, Restrictions on Constitutive Equations from Invariance, Constitutive Equations. Linear Elasticity - Elasticity, Hookes Law, Strain Energy, Hookes Law for Isotropic Media, Elastic Constants, Elastic Symmetry; Hookes Law for Anisotropic Media, Isotropic Elastostatics and Elastodynamics, Superposition Principle, Plane Elasticity, Linear Thermoelasticity, Airy Stress Function, Torsion, Three-Dimensional Elasticity References: 1. G. T. Mase & G. E. Mase, Continuum mechanics for engineers. --2nd ed. 2. J.N. Reddy, An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics. 3. Shaums outline, Continuum_Mechanics. 4. Sudhakar Nair, An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics. 5. J.H. Heinbockel, Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics. 6. Y.C. Fung, First Course in Continuum Mechanics (1993) University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Definition of a product- -product concepts-product mix concepts-product classification Product planning: Marketing plan- portfolio analysis- Market potential and demand forecasting. Product market strategies- product life cycle product lifecycle stages and corresponding strategies Module II New product development-The challenges of product development- Identification of customer needs-Phages in product development- Opportunity identification and selectionconcept generation-concept/project evaluation-Development-Launch (Brief description only) Module III Understanding brands: Brands vs. products-Benefits of branding-brand attributessignificance of branding to consumers and firms- selecting brand name. Brand awareness- types of brand awareness-Brand image-Brand identity-brand personalitybrand positioning-creating core brand values-Bringing brand to life- growing and sustaining brand equity-customer based brand equity- sources of brand equity-managing brandsbuilding branding strategies- brand extensions-branch licensing and franchising-global branding. References: 1.Merie Crawford : New Product management, McGraw-Hill Irwin 2. Donald Lehman: Product management, Tata MacGraw Hill. 3.Keller, Kevin Lane : Strategic Brand management, Building, measuring and managing Brand equity. 4.Karl T Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger : Product Design and development, Tata McGraw-Hill edition 5. Chunnawalla: Product Mmanagement, Himalaya publishing House University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module 1 Introduction meaning of research- objectives of research-motivation in researchtypes of research-research approaches significance of research- research methods Vs methodology criteria for good research Defining research problem- what is a research problem- selecting the problemnecessity of defining the problem- literature review importance of literature review in defining a problem- critical literature review identifying gap areas from literature review Module II Research designmeaning of research design-needfeatures of good design- important concepts relating to research design- different types developing a research plan Method of data collectioncollection of data- observation method- interview methodquestionnaire method processing and analyzing of data- processing options- types of analysis- interpretation of results Module III Report writing types of report research report , research proposal, technical papersignificance- different steps in the preparation lay out, structure and language of typical reports- simple exercises - oral presentation planning, preparation, practice- making presentation answering questions-use of visual aids-quality and proper usage-Importance of effective communication with illustrations. References: 1. Coley.S.M and Scheinberg C.A 1990 , Proposal writing, Newbury-Sage Publications. 2. Leedy.P.D, Practical research planning and Design, 4 th edition ,MW Macmillan publishing company. 3. Day Ra,1989 How to write and publish a scientific paper, Cambridge University Press . 4. Earl Babbie,1994, The practice and Social Research,Wordsworth Publishing Company, 5. J.H. Ansari, Mahavir ITPI Reading Material on Planning Techniques. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Introduction and scope-Classification of nanostructures: Quantum dots, quantum wires, quantum wells, nanoclusters, nanotubes, super lattices, nanocrystalline materials-Effects of nanometer length scale Changes to the system total energy, changes to the system structures- Effect of Nanoscale dimensions on various properties structural, thermal, chemical, mechanical, magnetic, optical and electronic properties.

Module II Fabrication methods: Top down and bottom up approaches-Top down processes: Milling, Lithographics, machining process, pulsed laser methods- Bottom up processes: Vapour phase deposition methods, PVD, CVD, electrodeposition, plasma assisted deposition process, MBE, chemical methods, colloidal and solgel methods Characterisation methods: General classification of characterization methods, Microscopy techniques: Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, Diffraction Techniques-Spectroscopy Techniques Raman Spectroscopy, Surface analysis and depth profiling- Mechanical Properties-Magnetic and Thermal properties. Module III Applications of Nanotechnology (nano materials and devices)-Applications of nanocomposites, nanocrystalline materials, nanolayered structures, nanomagnetic materials-magneto resistance- Carbon nanotubes: SW, MW, nanostructured coatings- nano sensors: order from chaos, characterization, perception, nanosensor based on quantum size effect, Electrochemical sensors, Sensors based on physical properties, Nanobiosensors, smart dust- nanomachines: covalent and non covalent approaches, Molecular motors and machines, molecular devices, single molecular devices, practical problems with molecular device- nanofluids: nanoparticles, preparation of nanofluids, thermophysical properties of nanofluids in comparison with base fluid- nanoswitches - nano computers- nanofilters References: 1. Nano science and Technology, V.S.Muralidharan, A Subramnya, Ane books Pvt Ltd 2 .Nano: The essentials , T Pradeep , McGraw Hill education 3. Nano Technology, John Mongillo, Greenwood Press 4. Nanomaterials, A.K. Bandyopdhyay, New age international publishers 5. Nanotechnology, Jeremy Ramsden 6. Nanoscale Science and Technology,Kelsall Robert. W, Ian Hamley, Mark Geoghegan, , Wiley Eastern 7. Nanotechnology, Gregory Timp, Springer-Verlag, 8. Introduction to Nanotechnology, Charles P Poole, Frank J Owens, John Wiley and Sons. 9 Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, Bharat Bhushan University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Introduction: History and General classification of automobiles, layout of chasis, types of drives of automobile. Engines: Component details engine parts cylinder head cylinder block piston piston rings connecting rod crank shaft valve actuating mechanism combustion chambers. Fuel systems: Fuel pump - fuel filter - simple carburettor modern carburettors. Petrol injection MPFI, CRDI. Ignition system: Classification battery ignition electronic ignition starter mechanism solenoid switch bendix drives. Cooling system: Methods of cooling coolant types. Lubrication system: Pressurised systems SAE classification of lubricating oil oil filter oil pump. Module II Transmission: Clutch single and multi-plate clutches centrifugal clutches fluid couplings. Gear box: Principle and necessity of manual gear box constant mesh, sliding mesh and synchro mesh gear boxes over drives rear wheel and four wheel drives universal joint rear axles. Brakes: Mechanical, hydraulic, vacuum and air brakes antilock braking systems. Module III Steering and suspension: Different steering mechanisms power steering suspension systems front axle, rigid axle and independent suspensions anti-roll bar coil spring and leaf spring torsion bar Macpherson struct shock absorber steering geometry castercamber, toe-in, toe-out. Types of wheel: Integrated rim flat base rim alloy wheel wheel balancing. Tyres: Tubeless tyres ply ratings radial tyres. References: 1. Automotive Mechanics, Joseph Hietner, East- West Press Pvt. Ltd, Madras. 2. Practical Automobile Engineering, Station Abby, (Asia Publishing House). 3. Modern Transmission System., A.W. Judge 4. Automotive Emission Control, W. H. Crouse 5. Internal Combustion Engine and Air Pollution, Edward F. Obert. 6. Automobile Engineering- Vol. I & II, Kirpal Singh, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Creep: Factors influencing functional life of components at elevated temperatures, definition of creep curve, various stages of creep, metallurgical factors influencing various stages, effect of stress, temperature and strain rate. Design for creep resistance: Design of transient creep time, hardening, strain hardening, expressions of rupture life of creep, ductile and brittle materials, Monkman-Grant relationship. Module II Fracture: Various types of fracture, brittle to ductile from low temperature to high temperature, cleavage fracture, ductile fracture due to micro void coalescence-diffusion controlled void growth; fracture maps for different alloys and oxides. Oxidation and hot corrosion: Oxidation, Pilling, Bedworth ratio, kinetic laws of oxidationdefect structure and control of oxidation by alloy additions, hot gas corrosion deposit, modified hot gas corrosion, fluxing mechanisms, effect of alloying elements on hot corrosion, interaction of hot corrosion and creep, methods of combat hot corrosion. Module III Super alloys and other materials: Iron base, Nickel base and Cobalt base super alloys, composition control, solid solution strengthening, precipitation hardening by gamma prime, grain boundary strengthening, TCP phase, embrittlement, solidification of single crystals, Intermetallics, high temperature ceramics. REFERENCES: 1. Raj. R., Flow and Fracture at Elevated Temperatures, American Society for Metals, USA, 1985. 2. Hertzberg R. W., Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering materials, 4th Edition, John Wiley, USA, 1996. 3. Courtney T.H, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, McGraw-Hill, USA, 1990. 4. Boyle J.T, Spencer J, Stress Analysis for Creep, Butterworths, UK, 1983. 5. Bressers. J., Creep and Fatigue in High Temperature Alloys, Applied Science, 1981. 6. McLean D., Directionally Solidified Materials for High Temperature Service, The Metals Society, USA, 1985. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Introduction to the development of industrial safety and management - History and development of Industrial safety implementation of factories Act formation of various council safety and productivity safety organizations- safety committees safety committees structure roll of management and roll of Govt. in industrial safety - safety analysis. Module II Operational safety (Hot Metal Operation): Hot metal operation safety in Cutting safety in welding safety in Boilers- Pressure vessels Furnace (all types) - Heat treatment processes shops electroplating grinding forming processes- rolling forging - surface hardening casting Moulding coiling. Operational safety (cold metal operation): Safety in handling of portable power tools hand grinder - machining shop drilling polishing machine safety in assembly shop material handling dock safety safety in generation and distribution of power distribution and handling of industrial gases safety in inspection safety in chemical laboratories ammonia printing safety in power press safety in sewage disposal and cleaning. Safety in Industrial pollution and control working at height.. Module III Accident prevention and protective equipments: Personal protective equipment survey the plant for locations and hazards part of body to be protected. Education and training in safety prevention causes and cost of accident. House keeping first aid fire fighting equipment Accident reporting investigations. Industrial psychology in accident prevention safety trials. The Acts which deal the safety and industrial hygiene: Features of Factory Act explosive Act boiler Act ESI Act workmans compensation Act industrial hygiene occupational safety diseases prevention ergonomics. Occupational diseases, stress, fatigue. Health, safety and the physical environment. Engineering methods of controlling chemical hazards, safety and the physical environment: Control of industrial noise and protection against it- Code and regulations for worker safety and health. REFERENCES: 1. Ray Asfahl C., Industrial Safety and Health Management, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003 - ISBN: 0131423924 2. Willie Hammer, Occupational Safety Management and Engineering, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall; 5th edition, 2000 - ISBN: 0138965153 3. Occupational safety manual BHEL. 4. N.V. Krishnan, Safety in Industry, Jaico publishers House 1996 5. John Ridley, Industrial safety and the law, P.M.C. Nair Publishers, Trivandrum, 1998. 6. John Channing, Safety Law For Occupational Health and Safety, ButterworthHeinemann; 1999. ISBN: 075064559 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module-I Engineering activities, The Engineering Profession, Ethics in Engineering, Product Life Cycle, The design Process- Steps, Morphology of Design, Design Drawings, simple design examples, review of CAD,FDM,FEM , Creative problem solving and decision making, Modeling and simulation, mathematical modeling and computer simulation, optimization, search methods, linear programming, Methods of optimum design Module-II Material selection, Performance characteristics of materials, Material selection process, Evaluation methods for materials, value analysis, weighted property index, cost versus performance relations, design examples, Role of processing in design, Design for Casting, Design for Machining, Design for welding, residual stresses in design, Design for assembly, Design for brittle fracture and fatigue fracture, design for corrosion resistance, designing with plastics. Module-III Economic decision making, cost comparison, depreciation, profitability, inflation, sensitivity and break even analysis, Cost evaluation, categories of cost, method of developing cost estimates, how to price a product, life cycle costing, cost models Failure analysis, Causes of failures, Failure modes, Techniques for failure analysis, Nondestructive testing methods, Probabilistic approach to design, Reliability theory, Design for reliability, Communicating the design, recording of results and writing technical reports, visual aids and graphics. REFERENCES 1. Engineering Design- A Materials and Processing Approach, George E. Dieter, Mc Graw Hill. 2. Design Engineering Harry Cather, Richard Morris, Mathew Philip, Chris Rose Elsevier Science and Technology books 3. Design Engineering-John R.Dixon 4. Mechanical Engineering Design, Shigley University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 MODULE I General Design of Tractors: Classification of tractors - Main components of tractor - Safety rules. Layout of wheeled tractor, , hydraulic control system, power take off, tractor stability and ride characteristics Layout of crawler tractors, , crawler details , methods of selection of equipments, selection of machines, basic rules for matching machines, selection of equipments including the nature of operating selection based on the type of soil, selection based on haul distance, selection based on weather conditions. MODULE II Power Plant in Tractors: Engine cycles Operation of multicylinder engines - General engine design - Basic engine performance characteristics, Cylinder and pistons - Connecting rods and crankshafts - Engine balancing - Construction and operation of the valve mechanism - Valve mechanism components Cooling system - Classification - Liquid cooling system - Components, Lubricating system servicing and troubles - Air cleaner and turbo charger - Fuel tanks and filters - Fuel pumps. MODULE III Control System of Tractors: Power transmission, steering system, brakes and braking system, wheels, rims and tyres and accessories of wheeled tractors, power transmission, steering clutch and braking system in crawler tractors. Agricultural Implements: Working attachment of tractors - Farm equipment - Classification - Auxiliary equipment Trailers and body tipping mechanism. References: 1. Rodichev and G.Rodicheva, " Tractor and Automobiles ", MIR Publishers, 1987. 2. Kolchin.A., and V.Demidov " Design of Automotive engines for tractor ", MIR Publishers, 1972. 3. A. Guruvech and B. Sorekin- Tractors, MI1R Publishers Moscow, 1975 4. Geleman and M. Maskovin- Farm tractors, MIR. Publishers, Moscow, 1975 5. Smith , Harris Pearson & Wilkes, Lambert Henry- Farm machinery and equipment, TATA McGraw Hill Publications, 1977 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

MODULE - I Architecture general 8 bit micropocessor and its architecture 8085, z-80 and mc 6800 mpu and its pin function - architecture - function of different sections. Instruction set instruction format - addressing modes - instruction set of 8085 mpu-t-state machine cycle and instruction cycles - timing diagrams - different machine cylces - fetch and execute operations - estimation of execution times. MODULE -II Assembly language programmimg construct of the language programming - assembly format of 8085 - assembly directive - multiple precision addition and subtraction - bcd to binary and binary to bcd, multiplication, division, code conversion using look up tables stack and subroutines. Data transfer schemes interrupt structure - programmed i/o - interrupt driven i/o, dma - serial i/o. MODULE - III Interfacing devices types of interfacing devices - input / output ports 8212, 8255, 8251, 8279. octal latches and tristate buffers - a/d and d/a converters - switches, led' rom and ram s interfacing. Applications data acquisitions - temperature control - stepper motor control - automotive applications engine control, suspension system control, driver information systems), development of a high speed, high precision learning control system for the engine control. References: 1. Ramesh, Goankar.S., " Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications", Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1986. 2. Aditya.P.Mathur, " Introduction to Microprocessors ", III Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd., New Delhi, 1989. 3. Ahson.S.I. " Microprocessors with Applications in Process Control ", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1986. 4. SAE Transactions, 1986 Sec 3. 5. Jabez Dhinagar.S., " Microprocessor Application in Automoblies ". 6. L.Bianco and A.Labella., " Automotive Micro Electronics ", Elsevier science publishers. 1986. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



Credits : 4 MODULE - I Vehicle frame and suspension study of loads - moments and stresses on frame members. computer aided design of frame for passenger and commercial vehicle - computer aided design of leaf springs - coil springs and torsion bar springs. Clutch torque capacity of clutch. computer aided design of clutch components, design details of roller and sprag type of clutches. MODULE -II Front axle and steering systems analysis of loads - moments and stresses at different sections of front axle. determination of bearing loads at kingpin bearings. wheel spindle bearings. choice of bearings. determination of optimum dimensions and proportions for steering linkages ensuring minimum error in steering. MODULE - III Gear box computer aided design of three speed and four speed gear boxes. Drive line and read axle computer aided design of propeller shaft. design details of final drive gearing. design details of full floating, .semi-floating and three quarter floating rear shafts and rear axle housings. References: 1. Dean Averns, " Automobile Chassis Design ", llliffe Books Ltd, 1992. 2. Heldt.P.M., " Automotive Chassis ", Chilton Co., New York, 1992. 3. Steeds.W., " Mechanics of Road vehicles ", llliffe Books Ltd., London, 1990. 4. Giles.J.G., Steering, " Suspension and tyres ", llliffe Books Ltd., London, 1988. 5. Newton, Steeds & Garret, " Motor vehicle ", llliffe Books Ltd., London, 1982. 6. Heldt.P.M., " Torque converter ", Chilton Book Co., New York, 1982. 7. Giri.N.K. " Automobile Mechanics ", Khanna Publisher, New Delhi, 1996 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60) L-T-D: 3-1-0




L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module- I Fundamentals of Propulsion- Classification types of propulsive devices- Airscrew, Turbojet, Turboprop, turbofan, Turboshaft, Ramjet, Scramjet, Pulsejet and Rocket engines. Comparative study of performance characteristics applications. Theory of propulsion Thrust, thrust power and efficiencies of turbojet engine. Thermodynamics analysis of turbojet engine cycle. Module II Turbojet engine components- air intakes, Compressors, Combustion chambers, turbines, nozzles turbine and compression matching Thrust- augumentation. Rocket propulsiongeneral operating principles of chemical, electrical nuclear and solar rockets. Module- III Chemical Rockets- Classification. Performance parameters for chemical rockets and their relationship, Energy and efficiencies, simple problems, Solid propellants- Types- burning rate- grain Configurations, Igniters liquid propellants- Classification- Typical fuels and oxidizers, properties and specifications, Selection. Liquid propellant feed systems injectors. Starting and ignition Precautions in propellant handling- Hybrid Rockets combustion processes in SPR and LPR combustion instability- Control of instabilities Cooling of Rocket motors Flight Performance- Velocity and attitude in simplified vertical Refractory staging of rockets. Rocket Testing- Test facilities and safeguards. Measurement System Terminology, Flight Testing. References. 1. Rocket Propulsion elements2. Mechanics and Thermodynamics of propulsion3. Gas Turbines and Jet and Rocket PropulsionG. P. Sutton Hill and Peterson Mathur and Sharma

University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 Module I Brief Review of the methods of refrigeration Air vapor compression and vapor absorption refrigeration systems. Review of the components of a vapor compression system. Methods of Food Preservation :Microbiology of foods. Theories and methods of chilling and freezing. Temperature Time graph of Freezing process. Relation between air velocity and freezing time. Calculation of freezing time. Heat velocity of foods. Relation between moisture content and time. Drying during constant and falling the above periods. Refrigeration load in freezers. Module II Processing, storage and distribution of chilled and frozen foods. Such as Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Dairy products, Beverage Products, Fruits, Vegetables, Fruit Juice Concentrates and Bakery products. Food storage requirement. Cold storage, frozen storages. Design of cold storage and frozen stores . Refrigerated warehouse , Refrigerated trucks, trailers and containers. Railway refrigerated cars, marine refrigeration. Refrigeration in Air transport. Refrigeration in chemical Industry. Module III Industrial Air conditioning for different type of Buildings Hospitals, Computer Centre , Laboratories. Theaters, printing plants, Textile processing etc. Automobile air conditioning Air conditioning for Aircrafts, ships and in space crafts. Heating and cooling loads. System Design Ventilation requirements. Plant air flow design. duct work design variation of air pressure along a duct, Duct sizing. Introduction to Automatic control systems components of control systems. Control systems diagram. Heating and ventilating control. single duct variable air temperature and volume controls. Elementary ideas of the controls used in chilled water plants. References 1. Principles of Refrigeration Dossat 2. ASHRAE Date Book- (3 Volumes) University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Module 1 Credits : 4

Introduction, definition of quality, basic concept of quality, definition of SQC, benefits and limitation of SQC, Quality assurance, Quality cost-Variation in process- factors process capability process capability studies and simple problems Theory of control chart- uses of control chart Control chart for variables X chart, R chart and chart. Control chart for attributes control chart for proportion or fraction defectives p chart and np chart control chart for defects C and U charts, State of control and process out of control identification in charts. Module II The concept of Acceptance sampling, Economics of inspections ,Lot by lot sampling types probability of acceptance in single, double, multiple sampling techniques The Operating characteristic curve producers Risk and consumers Risk. AQL, LTPD, AOQL conceptsstandard sampling plans for AQL and LTPD- uses of standard sampling plans. Minimum inspection per lot, Formulation of Inspection lots and selection of samples. Module III Life testing Objective failure data analysis, Mean failure rate, mean time to failure, mean time between failure, hazard rate, system reliability, series, parallel and mixed configuration simple problems. Maintainability and availability simple problems. Reliability improvements techniques- use of Pareto analysis design for reliability redundancy unit and standby redundancy Optimization in reliability Product design Product analysis Product development Product life cycles. References; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Grant, Eugene .L Statistical Quality Control, McGraw-Hill L.S.Srinath, Reliability Engineering, Affiliated East west press Monohar Mahajan, Statistical Quality Control, Dhanpat Rai & Sons R.C.Gupta, Statistical Quality control, Khanna Publishers Besterfield D.H., Quality Control, Prentice Hall Sharma S.C., Inspection Quality Control and Reliability, Khanna Publishers Danny Samson, Manufacturing & Operations Strategy, Prentice Hall Connor, P.D.T.O., Practical Reliability Engineering, John Wiley

University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Classification and General features of heat Exchangers, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, Regenerators and Recuperators- Industrial Applications. Temperature distribution and its implications, Overall heat transfer co-efficient, Counter flow and parallel flow, Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), Effectiveness. NTU Effectiveness Calculation of heat transfer area by different methods Caloric or average fluid temperature The pipe wall temperature. Effect of Turbulence, Friction factor, Pressure loss, Channel divergence. Computation of total pressure drop of shell side and tube side for both baffled and unbaffled types Pressure drop in pipes and pipe annulus- Thermal Stress in tubes, Types of failures. Module II Design of double pipe Exchanges Shell and tube pipe exchangers The tubular element Tube pitch Shells Tube sheet Baffles Tube sheet layout and tube counts (tube matrix) V-band Exchangers Shell side film coefficients Shell side mean velocity Shell side Equivalent diameter The true temperature difference in 1-2 Exchanger Shell side and tube side pressure drips Fouling factors Design of a shell and type Type 1 Exchangers Extended surface exchangers Design of a Finned type double pipe exchanger Longitudinal Fins and Transverse fin. Module III Design of Evaporators: Design of Shell and Tube, Plate type evaporators. Cooling Towers : Packing, Spray design, Selection of pumps, Fans and Pipes, Testing and Maintenance, Experimental Methods. Condensers Condensation of a single vapour Dropwise and film wise condensation Process applications Condensation on a surface Development of equation for calculation Comparison between horizontal and vertical condensers The allowable pressure drop for a condensing vapour Influence of impurities on condensation Condensation of steam Design of a surface condenser Different types of boiling . References: 1. D.Q.Kern, " Process Heat Transfer ", Tata McGraw Hill, Edition, New Delhi, 1997. 2. Arthur P.Frass, " Heat Exchanger Design ", Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996. 3. T.Taborek, G.F.Hewitt and N.Afgan " Heat Exchangers ", Theory and Pratice, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1980. 4. Walker, " Industrial Heat Exchangers " - A Basic Guide, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1980. 5. Nicholas Cheremisioff, " Cooling Tower ", Ann Arber Science pub., 1981. 6. Holger Martin, " Heat Exchangers ", Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, London, 1992. 7. A Text book on Heat Transfer S.P.Sukatme, TEMA standards University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I The process of technological innovation - factors contributing to successful technological innovation - the need for creativity and innovation - creativity and problem solving - brain storming - different techniques. Module II Collection of ideas and purpose of project - Selection criteria - screening ideas for new products (evaluation techniques). Research and new product development - Patents - Patent search - Patent laws International code for patents - Intellectual property rights (IPR). Module III Design of proto type - testing - quality standards - marketing research - introducing new products. Creative design - Model Preparation - Testing - cost evaluation - Patent application References: 1. Harry Nystrom, " Creativity and innovation", John Wiley & Sons, 1979. 2. Brain Twiss, " Managing technological innovation", Pitman Publishing Ltd., 1992. 3. Harry B.Watton, " New Product Planning ", Prentice Hall Inc., 1992. 4. P.N.Khandwalla - " Fourth Eye (Excellence through Creativity) - Wheeler Publishing ", Allahabad, 1992. 5. I.P.R. Bulletins, TIFAC, New Delhi, 1997. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 MODULE - I Introduction to Materials management Importance of material management and its role in industries. The need for the integrated approach in Material management Demand forecasting Various qualitative and quantitative methods of demand forecasting Different type of averaging, Exponentially weighed smoothening, Correction for fluctuations, Time series analysis, Delphi and other Group techniques. Development of simple Computer Programme for forecasting. MODULE - II Inventory control Basic methods in Inventory Assumptions used in deriving models. Inventory costs and EOQ model. Price breaks and quantities Effects of variations in leadtime and demand. Effects of shortage cost on EOQ. Systems of Inventory control, Design of Inventory control systems. Development of Computer Programme for forecasting. Classification systems and selective Inventory control ABC, VED, FSN, HML, and MUSIC, 3-D approaches, Coverage analysis in Material management. Development of Computer Programme for ABC analysis Codification and standardization Systems and Techniques, Effects in Cost. MODULE -III Vendor rating and source selection. Techniques and materials. Use of Indian Standards for Vendor rating. Make or buy decisions Materials Requirements Planning Concept, methods and illustration examples. Introduction to JIT philosophy Features and impact in Materials Management. Purchasing Purchase organization legal aspects of buying Purchase Procedure. Store and Material control Receipts and issues Stores Record. Methods and principles of Storing and retrieving items. Material handling devices used in stores Application of Computers in Material handling Design of informatic systems for procurement and storage using computer. REFERENCES 1. Scientific Inventory Management 2. Inventory Management 3. Materials Management 4. Integrated Material management 5. Principles of Inventory management - Bnchan & Kbenigsberg - Starr & Miller - R.M .Shah - P.Gopalakrishnan - Tershine

University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Basic probability concepts - events and probability - elements of set theory - simple events and combination of events - Venn diagram - mutually exclusive events and collectively exhaustive events - De Morgans rule - basic axioms of probability - conditional probability statistical independence - theorem of total probability - Bayes theorem - definition of a random variable - probability distribution and probability distribution and probability density of discrete and continuous random variables - main descriptors of a random variable (mean, mode, median, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis) - absolute moments and central moments - moment generating functions, characteristic functions and log characteristic functions. Useful probability distributions - normal distribution - standard normal distribution - lognormal distribution - binomial distribution - geometric distribution - negative binomial distribution - Poisson process and Poisson distribution hypergeometric distribution - beta distribution - gamma distribution - extreme value distributions - joint and conditional probability distributions - covariance and correlation mean and variance - functions of single random variable - single function of multiple random variables - multiple functions of multiple random variables - moments of functions of random variables Module II Random processes - introduction - ensemble averages and correlation functions - time averages and correlation functions - weakly stationary and strongly stationary random processes - ergodic random processes - probability density and distribution functions properties of autocorrelation functions - Fourier transforms - power spectral density functions - Wiener-Khintchine equations - properties of spectral density functions - spectral classification of random processes (narrow band, wide band, white noise) - level crossing expected frequency and amplitude of narrow band Gaussian processes - Rayleigh distribution Module III Response to random excitations - introduction - impulse response and frequency response function as Fourier transform pair - response of a linear system function to stationary random excitation - response of a single degree of freedom system to random excitation - contour integration - joint probability distribution of two random variables - joint properties of stationary random processes - joint properties of ergodic random processes cross-correlation functions for linear systems - response of multi-degree of freedom system to random excitations - response of one -dimensional continuous systems to random excitations References: 1. Ang A.H.S. & Tang W.H., Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design, Vol. I, John Wiley 2. Meirovitch L., Elements of Vibration Analysis, McGraw Hill 3. Lin Y.K., Probability Theory In Structural Dynamics, McGraw Hill 4. Bendat & Piersol, Random Data Analysis And Measurement Procedure, Wiley Inter Science, John Wiley 5. Papoulies A., Probability, Random Variables And Stochastic Processes, McGraw Hill, Kogakusha Ltd. 6. Rice S.G., Mathematical Analysis Of Random Noise, in Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes, Over Publications 7. Crandall S.H. & Mark W.D., Random Vibration in Mechanical Systems, Academic Press 8. Lutes L.D., Shahram Sarkoni, Stochastre Analysis of Structural & Mechanical Vibration, Prentice Hall, Inc. 9. Jullius Solnes, Stochestic Process & Random Vibration, John Wiley


University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 MODULE I Kinematics Pairs : Classifications of kinematics pairs Number of points of support in a plane Subdivision of higher pairs Kinematics chains Classification of Kinematics chains Coupler curves : Definition and Equation Roberts law Cognate linkages Cognate of the slider crank Double points of a coupler curve Coupler curve atlas . Analytical Design of 4 bar Mechanism for co-ordinated motion of the crank: Fneuden Steins equations Sample design Three co-ordinate crank position Co-ordinates of the crank velocities and derivatives Design of a four bar mechanism for constant angular velocity ratio of the cranks Choice of knecesion points . MODULE II The Euler Savarg equation and its graphical representation Determination of the Centre of Curvature of the path of a point Euler savarg equation for points between the instantaneous centre and the inflexion point General form of the Euler Savarg equation Relation between the position of a point in the movable plane and the centre of the curvature of its path The inflection circle Envelops and generation curves Transformation of Euler Savarg equation Graphical construction Construction of the inflexion centre if the centre of the curvature of both centrodes are known . MODULE III Kinematics chains of n-links : Number of lines of centres Kinematics chains with constrained motion Minimum number of hinges in one link in a closed chain with constrained motion General analysis of Kinematics chains Transformation of kinematics chain by the use of higher hinges Replacement of turning pairs by sliding pairs Criterion of constrained motion for Kinematic chain with higher pairs . An Introduction to the Synthesis of mechanism : Two position of link Three position of a link The pole triangle and practical application. REFERENCES 1. Kinematics of Mechanism - Rosenouver and Willis 2. Linkage Design - Jr. Hall University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Introduction - finance and related disciplines scope of financial management - functions objectives of financial management - an overview on Indian financial system Financial analysis - financial statement analysis - ratio analysis Module II Statement of change in financial position - working capital basis only Capital budgeting: nature - evaluation techniques - traditional technique - discounted cash flow techniques (NPV & IRR) Module III Working capital: nature - determinants - computation of working capital Sources of corporate finance - capital market - stock exchanges - equity - debt - other financial instruments - foreign investments and financing sources - Euro currency market, Euro issues, GDR, ADR etc. References: 1. Khan & Jain, "Financial Management", TMH 2. Prasanna Chandra, "Financial Management", TMH 3. Shapiro A.C., "Modern Corporate Finance", Max well Macmillan 4. Brealey & Onyers, "Principles of corporate Finance, McGraw Hill 5. Pandey I.M., "Financial Management", Vikas publisher University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Introduction Computer technology - hardware - types of memory - input/output devices software - mini/micro computers and programmable controllers - computer aided design fundamentals of CAD - the design process - application of computers for design manufacturing data base. Numerical control of machine tools- basic components of NC systems - NC coordinate systems - motion control system - application of numerical control - NC part programming punched tape - tape coding and format - manual part programming - computer assisted part programming - APT language - NC programming with interactive graphics Module II Manufacturing systems - development of manufacturing system - components of FMS - FMS work station - Job coding and classification - group technology - benefits of FMS - tools and tooling - machining centres - head indexers - pallets - fixtures - work handling equipments system storage - automated guided vehicles - industrial robots - programming of robots assembly & inspection Module III Flexible manufacturing system management - FMS control software - manning of FMS - tool management - controlling precision - simulation and analysis of FMS - approaches to modelling for FMS - network simulation - simulation procedure - FMS design - economics of FMS - artificial intelligence References : 1. Groover M.P. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India 2. Groover, Emory & Zimmers, CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India 3. Joseph Talavage & Hannam, Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Practice, Marcel Dekker Inc. 4. Kant Vajpayee, Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India. 5. Yoram Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, McGraw, Hill Book Company. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Introduction to CFD, Historical background, applications, advantages. Basic steps of CFD. Meshes, Structured and unstructured mesh, Classification of structured grids. Governing equations: continuity and momentum equations. Equation of transport of a scalar. Potential, Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. - Steady and unsteady flows. Typical boundary conditions such as Dirichlets and Neumann conditions. TDMA method., Numerical problem up to four unknowns using TDMA. Module II Cell centered finite volume discretisations of terms of governing equations such as time derivative, convective and diffusion. Analytical solution of a one-dimensional convection diffusion equation. Upwind, central and blended difference approximations for convection term, QUICK scheme. Implicit, explicit and Crank-Nicolson schemes. Characteristics of turbulent flow, Eddy diffusivity, Turbulent Kinetic energy and dissipation rate. Turbulence models: Baldwin-Lomax and k- models only. Near wall treatments and wall functions. Module III Pressure-velocity decoupling for incompressible flows - SIMPLE and PISO algorithms. Density based solutions for compressible flow, TVD and Van-leer schemes for compressible flow. Typical results of CFD analysis. Stream lines, method for generating stream line, velocity contours and pressure contours, Method of drawing a velocity vector. Solution of Lagrangian coordinates of a fluid particle. Commerical CFD packages. References: 1. Patankar Suhas V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Taylor & Francis 2. Versteeg H.K. & Malalasekera W., An introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics Longman 3. Fletcher C.A.J., Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics I, Springer Verlag 4. Anderson Dale A., Tannehill John C. & Pletcher Richard H., Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 MODULE I Introduction and Historical Background Examples of notable successes and failures. Epistemology of forecasting : Nature of technological change ontological and teleological views Types of forecasts Exploratory projections Target projections Validity criteria . Dimensions of technological change : Intellectual , Philosophical and cultural factors Political and international factors Military and strategic posture Macro economics Micro economics Communications and social feed back Technological diffusion and innovation . MODULE II Forecasting techniques Morphological analysis : Analysis of functional capabilities Morphological analysis of future words Network methods . Trend extrapolation : Curve fitting Envelops , constraints and scales intensive and extensive micro variables The inertia of trend curves . Heuristic forecasts : Extrapolation of dependant variables and constrained variables analogies ,metaphors and structural models Phenomenological models Operational models and simulations . Intuitive methods Forecasting by experts Structured interactions Man machine interactions. MODULE III Policy and strategic planning : Planning as tool for forecasting Policy Planning methods Strategic planning methods Cast effectiveness PPOS Demand oriented planning Operations analysis and systems analysis . Introduction to technology assessment . TA and its relevance History of TA in Government and Industry Steps in TA The MITRE Methodology Brief review of techniques which can be used in TA including cross impact analysis , systems analysis , cost benefit analysis and formal models Case studies (Suggested projects : To be a TA project relevant to the Kerala context)

REFERENCES 1. Technology forecasting - Rober U Ayres , Mc Graw Hill 2. Selected readings on Technology assessment IIT Bombay and Dept. of Science and Technology, New Delhi. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 MODULE I Introduction to Information Systems - Challenges of Information Systems - Contemporary approach to Information systems - Computer based Information Systems - Types and examples of Information systems. OAS, TPS, MIS,DSS and ESS. Information technology Infrastructure- Hardware, Software, Database, People and Procedures -Data Communication network- Modems, Types of Communication Channels, Channel configurations, Channel sharing devices, Types of networks. System concept: Organisation as a system- The strategic role of information in Organisational Management; Technical foundations of information systems MODULE II System Development system development life cycle structured methodologies Prototyping CASE methodology. System analysis, Need for System analysis, Role of System Analyst in Data processing and User departments. Project selection, Feasibility study. Cost-benefit analysis- System Investigation, Fact finding, Identifying areas for system study, inspection of Documents, Interviewing staff, Tools for determining System requirement, Activities in requirement determination, Identify Data and Information Produced, Development of System Profiles, tools for Documenting procedures and Decisions. Structured analysis, Documentation tools, Flow charts, Data flow diagram, Data dictionary, Data structure diagram, structure chart, System analysis completion report. MODULE III System Design, Structured system design, Input design and control, Output system design, File and data base design, System Development, System control, Documentation, Coding techniques- Detection of errors verification and validating- System Implementation and control - testing Software quality assurance-software metrics- Security. Application of Information Systems: Accounting Information systems and Financial Information System, Marketing Information System, Banking Information Systems. REFERENCES 1. Management Information Systems Managing the digital firm, Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, Pearson education, 2002. 2. Management Information Systems : Conceptual Foundations, structure and Development, Gordon B Davis, McGraw Hill 3. Computers and Information Systems Robert .A.S, Prentice-Hall 4. Information Systems theory And Practice- Burch John.G Jr and Others, John wiley &Sons 5. Management Information Systems-James A OBriean, Tata Mc Graw Hill 6. Information Systems A Management Perspective Steven Alter, Addison Wesley, 1999. 7. Information Systems for Modern management, Murdick and Ross University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Module I Credits : 4

Demand forecasting:- basic models, Long and Short-term demand forecasting methods, Regression analysis and smoothing methods, Estimation of trend, cycle, and seasonality components, Analysis of forecast error and computer control of forecasting systems, multi item forecasting, slow-moving item forecasting. Basic inventory models:- assumptions, performance measures, multi-item joint replacement model. Inventory systems under risk:service levels, safety stock, joint determination of Q and R, time-varying demands. Aggregate inventory management:- Exchange curves, stock out situations, safety stock policies, distribution inventory systems. Module II Design of layout of factories, Office, Storage area etc. on consideration of facilities of working people, Storage facilities and general equipment for amenities of working people Product, Process and combination layout Systematic layout planning Design of Assembly lines, Line balancing methods, Computer applications in layout designs. Routing problems:- algorithms, Dispatching Module III Aggregate planning:- definition, value of decision rules, aggregate planning strategies, methods. Master production schedule:- bill of material, structuring BOM, disaggregation techniques, managing and maintenance of MPS. Material Requirements Planning:- MRP and MRP II, MRP concepts and advantages, implementation. Capacity planning and control, controlling continuous production, batch processing technique, Just-in-time, KANBAN system. Job Shop production activity planning:- scheduling, shop loading, sequencing, priority rules for dispatching jobs, mathematical programming and heuristics. Introduction to Business Process Re-engineering, Enterprise Resource Planning, and software packages. References: 1. Production Planning and Inventory Control Narasimhan et al., PHI 2. Facilities Location and Layout an analytical approach R. L. White and J. A. White PHI 3. Production and Operations Management Buffa John Wiley & Sons 4. Operations Management: Strategy and Analysis Krajewski LJ Pearson Education 5. Production systems James .L. Riggs John Wiley & Sons 6. Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling Silver, Pyke & Peterson John Willey & Sons University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Concept of a project-classification of projects- importance of project management- The project life cycle- establishing project priorities( scope-cost-time)project priority matrix- work break down structure. Capital budgeting process- Planning- Analysis-Selection-Financing-Implementation-Review. Generation and screening of project ideas- market and demand analysis- Demand forecasting techniques. Market planning and marketing research process- Technical analysis. Module II Financial estimates and projections: Cost of projects-means of financing-estimates of sales and production-cost of production-working capital requirement and its financing-profitabilityprojected cash flow statement and balance sheet. Break even analysis. Basic techniques in capital budgeting-non discounting and discounting methods- pay back period- Accounting rate of return-net present value-Benefit cost ratio-internal rate of return. Project risk. Social cost benefit analysis and economic rate of return. Non-financial justification of projects. Module III Project administration- progress payments, expenditure planning, project scheduling and network planning, use of Critical Path Method (CPM), schedule of payments and physical progress, time-cost trade off. Concepts and uses of PERT, cost as a function of time, Project Evaluation and Review Techniques/cost mechanisms. Determination of least cost duration. Post project evaluation. Introduction to various Project management softwares. References: 1. Project planning, analysis, selection, implementation and review Prasannachandra Tata McGraw Hill 2. Project Management the Managerial Process Clifford F. Gray & Erik W. Larson McGraw Hill 3. Project management - David I Cleland - Mcgraw Hill International Edition, 1999 4. Project Management Gopalakrishnan Mcmillan India Ltd. 5. Project Management-Harry-Maylor-Peason Publication University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4 MODULE I Introduction-Basic engine components and nomenclature- First law analysis of engine cycles-engine performance parameters simple problems. Review of Air standard cycle(brief description regarding the concepts)-Fuel air cycle and their analysis-dissociation, effects of operating variables like compression ratio, fuel-air ratio on thermal efficiency and power. Actual cycle and their analysis-time loss factor, heat loss factor, exhaust blow down. Comparison of fuel air cycle and actual cycle.

MODULE II Two stroke engines-introduction-advantages and disadvantages-Scavenging- various methods of scavenging and charge induction. -Terminologies like reference mass, delivery ratio, scavenge ratio, trapping efficiency, scavenging efficiency, and charging efficiency, relative cylinder charge. Scavenging models-perfect displacement and complete mixing model-scavenging efficiency-simple problems. Supercharging, Design of Intake and Exhaust port calculations (with the help of charts) Study of transducers for IC engine application (only brief description about various types) MODULE III Design of IC engines-Basic decisions, Preliminary analysis, Cylinder number, size and arrangement - Detailed design procedure for piston, connecting rod, crank shaft, poppet valves, cylinder and cylinder head- Materials and manufacturing process of main components of engines. Measurement aspects related to IC engines-speed measurement, torque measurement (only dynamometers), airflow measurement, exhaust gas measurement and treatment. References: 1 IC Engine theory and practise C.F Taylor,Vol.1 and Vol.2 2. IC Engines - Lickty 3. IC Engines Heywood 4. IC Engine design Richard James 5. Scavenging of 2 stroke engines Schweitzer 6. Fundamentals of IC Engines- V.Ganesan 7. IC Engines Shyam K Agarwal University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4 Module I Fundamentals of robot: Robot Definition Co-ordinate Systems, Work Envelope, types and classification Specifications Pitch, Yaw, Roll, Joint Notations, Speed of Motion, Pay Load Basic robot motions - Point to point control, Continuous path control. Robot Parts and Their Functions Need for Robots Different Applications. Robot drive systems and end effectors: Pneumatic Drives Hydraulic Drives Mechanical Drives Electrical Drives D.C. Servo Motors, Stepper Motor, A.C. Servo Motors Salient Features, Applications and Comparison of all these Drives. End Effectors Grippers Mechanical Grippers, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Grippers, Magnetic Grippers, Vacuum Grippers; Two Fingered and Three Fingered Grippers; Internal Grippers and External Grippers; Selection and Design Considerations Module II Sensors and machine vision: Requirements of a sensor, Principles and Applications of the following types of sensors Position of sensors (Piezo Electric Sensor, LVDT, Resolvers, Optical Encoders), Range Sensors (Triangulation Principle, Structured, Lighting Approach, Laser Range Meters), Proximity Sensors (Inductive, Capacitive, and Ultrasonic), Touch Sensors, (Binary Sensors, Analog Sensors), Wrist Sensors, Compliance Sensors, Slip Sensors. Camera, Frame Grabber, Sensing and Digitizing Image Data Signal Conversion, Image Storage, Lighting Techniques. Module III Robot kinematics and robot programming: Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics and Differences; Forward Kinematics and Reverse Kinematics of Manipulators with Two Degrees of Freedom (In 2 Dimensional) Deviations and Problems. Teach Pendant Programming, Lead through programming, Robot programming Languages VAL Programming Motion Commands, Sensor Commands, End effecter commands, and Simple programs Industrial Applications: Application of robots in machining, welding, assembly, and material handling. References 1 K.S. Fu., R.C.Gonalez, C.S.G.Lee, " Robotics Control sensing ", Vision and Intelligence, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1987. 2 M.P.Groover, Industrial Robotics Technology, Programming and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 2001 3 Fu.K.S. Gonzalz.R.C., and Lee C.S.G., Robotics Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1987 4 Yoram Koren, Robotics for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1992 5 Janakiraman.P.A., Robotics and Image Processing, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1995 6 Richard D. Klafter, Thomas A. Chmielewski and Michael Negin, " Robotic engineeringAn Integrated Approach ", Prentice Hall Inc, Englewoods Cliffs, NJ, USA, 1989. 7 Industrial Robots, Yu.Kozyrev University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Introduction: Logistics Concepts, definition, approaches - factors affecting logistics. Supply chain: Basic tasks new corporate model. Supply chain management (SCM): The new paradigm- the modular company network relation supply process procurement process Distribution management. Module II Evolution of supply chain models: Strategy and structure Factors of supply chain Manufacturing strategy stages - supply chain progress model for competing through supply chain management PLC grid supply chain redesign Linking SC with customer. Module III Supply chain activity systems: Structuring the SC SC and new products functional roles in SC SC design framework collaborative product commerce. SCM Organization and information system: Management task logistics organization logistics information systems topology of SC application MRP, ERP warehouse management system product data management cases. References: 1. Schraj, P.B. Lasen, T.S, Managing Global Supply Chain, Viva Books, New Delhi 2000. 2. Ayers, J.B., Hand Book of Supply Chain Management, St. Lencie press, 2000 3. Nicolas, J.N, Competitive Manufacturing Management, McGraw-Hill, NY 1998. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Introduction: Need - Development of RP systems RP process chain - Impact of Rapid Prototyping on Product Development Digital prototyping - Virtual prototyping- Rapid Tooling - Benefits- Applications. Reverse engineering and CAD modeling: Basic concept- Digitization techniques Model Reconstruction Data Processing for Rapid Prototyping: CAD model preparation, Data Requirements geometric modeling techniques: Wire frame, surface and solid modeling data formats - Data interfacing, Part orientation and support generation, Support structure design, Model Slicing and contour data organization, direct and adaptive slicing, Tool path generation. Module II Liquid based and solid based rapid prototyping systems: Stereolithography (SLA): Apparatus: Principle, per-build process, part-building, post-build processes, photo polymerization of SL resins, part quality and process planning, recoating issues, materials, advantages, limitations and applications. Solid Ground Curing (SGC): working principle, process, strengths, weaknesses and applications. Fused deposition Modeling (FDM): Principle, details of processes, process variables, types, products, materials and applications. laminated object manufacturing(LOM): Working Principles, details of processes, products, materials, advantages, limitations and applications - Case studies. Module III Powder based rapid prototyping systems: Selective Laser Sintering(SLS): Principle, process, Indirect and direct SLS- powder structures, modeling of SLS, materials, post processing, post curing, surface deviation and accuracy, Applications. Laser Engineered Net Shaping(LENS): Processes, materials, products, advantages, limitations and applications Case Studies. Other rapid prototyping technologies: Three dimensional Printing (3DP):Principle, basic process, Physics of 3DP, types of printing, process capabilities, material system. Solid based, Liquid based and powder based 3DP systems, strength and weakness, Applications and case studies. Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM): Introduction, basic process, shape decomposition, mold SDM and applications. Selective Laser Melting, Electron Beam Melting Rapid manufacturing. REFERENCES: 1. Rapid prototyping: Principles and applications, second edition, Chua C.K., Leong K.F., and Lim C.S., World Scientific Publishers, 2003. 2. Rapid prototyping, Andreas Gebhardt, Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003. 3. Rapid Prototyping and Engineering applications : A tool box for prototype development, Liou W.Liou, Frank W.Liou, CRC Press, 2007. 4. Rapid Prototyping: Theory and practice, Ali K. Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr, Springer, 2006. 5. Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications, Peter D.Hilton, Hilton/Jacobs, Paul F.Jacobs, CRC press, 2000. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0

Credits : 4

Module I Tribology: Introduction to tribology, Wear: Types of wear - adhesive, abrasive, oxidative, corrosive, erosive and fretting wear, roles of friction and lubrication and wear testing. Plating Processes: Fundamentals of electrodeposition, plating of nickel, chromium, tin and copper, pulsed plating, hydrogen embrittlement, plating adhesion, electroless plating, electrochemical conversion coating, selective plating for repair, plating properties, hard anodizing. Module II Hardfacing processes: SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, SAW, PAW, Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Furnace fusing, Thermal -spray, flame spray processes - HVOF, Detonation gun and jet kote processes, hard facing consumables. Special diffusion processes: Principle of diffusion processes Boriding, Aluminising, Siliconising, Chromising, Sursulf - Selection of diffusion processes Characteristics of diffused layer micro structure and micro hardness evaluation properties and applications. Module III Thin film coatings: Physical vapour deposition processes Thermal evaporation - sputter coating - Ion plating Chemical vapour deposition reactive sputtering - TiC, TiN, Alumina, CBN, Diamond and DLC coatings. Structure, properties and applications. High energy modification and special processes: Electron beam hardening/ glazing, Laser beam hardening / glazing ion inplantation, Composite surface created by laser and Electron beam. Surface cements, Wear tiles, Electro spark deposition, fused carbide cloth, thermal / chemical,Ceramic coatings, centrifugal cast wear coatings, Wear sleeves and Wear plates. REFERENCES: 1. Kenneth G.Budinski, Surface Engineering for Wear Resistance, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff, 1990. 2. ASM Metals Handbook, Vol.5, Surface Engineering,Metals Park,Ohio, 1994. 4. Ernest Rabinowicz, Friction and Wear of Materials, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1995. 3. Sudarshan T S, Surface Modification Technologies An Engineers guide, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1989. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


L-T-D: 3-1-0


Credits : 4

Module I Introduction to Group Technology (GT), Limitations of traditional manufacturing systems, characteristics and design of groups, benefits of GT and issues in GT. Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS) planning and design: Problems in GT/CMS. Module II Design of CMS - Models, traditional approaches and non-traditional approaches -Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Neural networks. Implementation of GT/CMS: Inter and Intra cell layout, cost and non-cost based models, establishing a team approach, Managerial structure and groups, batch sequencing and sizing, life cycle issues in GT/CMS. Module III Performance measurement and control: Measuring CMS performance - Parametric analysis - PBC in GT/CMS, cell loading, GT and MRP - framework. Economics of GT/CMS: Conventional Vs group use of computer models in GT/CMS, Human aspects of GT/CMS - cases. REFERENCES 1. Askin, R.G. and Vakharia, A.J., G.T "Planning and Operation, in The automated factoryHand Book: Technology and Management", Cleland.D.I. and Bidananda, B (Eds), TAB Books , NY, 1991. 2. Kamrani, A.K, Parsaei, H.R and Liles, D.H. (Eds), "Planning, design and analysis of cellular manufacturing systems", Elsevier, 1995. 3. Burbidge, J.L. Group "Technology in Engineering Industry", Mechanical Engineering pub.London, 1979. 4. Irani, S.A. "Cellular Manufacturing Systems", Hand Book. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T-D: 3-1-0 Credits : 4

Module I Principles of refrigeration and psychrometry. Psychrometric properties and processes. Air conditioning systems and its applications Psychrometric chart- various process-sensible cooling and heating-adeabate saturation- use &absorbent or adsorbent - Heating and humidification - cooling and dehumidification - mixing of air streams - use of psychrometric chart for air conditioning - various process - S.H.F, G..S.H.F, E.S.H.F Etc. Module II Cooling and heating load calculation - selection of design temperatures - sources of heat load- heat transfer through structures - solar radiation - Infilteration and ventilation- Heat generation inside the conditioned space - heat storage, Diversity and stratification. Design of air conditioning system. Continuty equation, Bernoullis equation, pressure losses, Duct design - pressure drop in ducts, pressure drop by graphical method- method of duct design- Arrangements of ducts, fan design, thermal insulation Module III Heating systems-warm air systems-hot water systems steam heating systems-panel and central heating systems-heat pump circuit. Applications- comfort air conditioning-effective temperature-thermal analysis of human body- Air conditioning systems- evaporate coolinglow humidity applications Automobile and Train car air conditioning. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. P. Arora, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Manohar Prasad, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. W. P. Jones, Air-conditioning Engineering Carriers Handbook system design of Air Conditioning R. G. Jordan, G. B. Priester, Refrigeration and Air conditioning.

University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T- D; 3-1-0 Credits 4 MODULE-I Introduction scope - historical development trends - fundamental of fluid mechanics - flow phenomenon related to vehicles -external & internal flow problem - resistance to vehicle motion - performance - fuel consumption and performance - potential of vehicle aerodynamics. Aerodynamic drag of cars cars as a bluff body - flow field around car - drag force - types of drag force - analysis of aerodynamic drag - drag coefficient of cars - startegies for aerodynamic development - low drag profiles. MODULE-II Shape optimization of cars front end modification - front and rear wind shield angle - boat tailing - hatch back, fast back and square back -dust flow patterns at the rear - effects of gap configuration - effect of fasteners. Wind tunnels for automotive aerodynamic introduction - principle of wind tunnel technology limitation of simulation - stress with scale models full scale wind tunnels - measurement techniques - equipment and transducers - road testing methods numerical MODULE-III Vehicle handling the origin of forces and moments on a vehicle - side wind problems methods to calculate forces and moments - vehicle dynamics under side winds - the effects of forces and moments - characteristics of forces and moments - dirt accumulation on the vehicle - wind noise - drag reduction in commercial vehicles. References: 1. Hucho.W.H., " Aerodynamic of Road vehicles ", Butterworths Co. Ltd., 1997. 2. Pope. A., " Wind Tunnel Testing ", John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edn, New York, 1974. 3. Automotive Aerodynamic : Update SP-706, SAE, 1987. 4. Vehicle Aerodynamic, SP-1145, SAE, 1996 University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T- D; 3-1-0 Credits 4

MODULE I Introduction: Power plants, chassis and transmission, Multiaxle vehicles. Heavy duty petrol engines and high speed diesel engines, air cooled and water cooled engines and air filters as in off highway vehicles. Performance characteristics of vehicles, resistance to digging and motion, tractive effort, power required, number of speeds and gear ratios desirable, double reduction arrangements. (Only theory with out any numerical problems) Land Clearing Machines: Construction and working of Bush cutter, stampers, Tree dozer, Rippers. MODULE II Earth Moving Machines: Bulldozers, cable and hydraulic dozers. Crawler track, running and steering gears, scrapers, drag and self powered types - Dump trucks and dumpers Loaders, single bucket, multi bucket and rotary types - Power and capacity of earth moving machines. Scrapers and Graders: Scrapers, elevating graders, self powered scrapers and graders. MODULE III Shovels and Ditchers: Power shovel, revolving and stripper shovels - drag lines - ditchers Capacity of shovels. Construction & Industrial Equipments: Construction and operational aspects of mobile cranes, road rollers, elevators / Man lifters, Fork Lifters References: 1. K. Abrosimov, A. Bromberg and F. Kaloyer- Road making machinery, MIR Publishers, Moscow 2. Herbert Nicholos- Moving the earth 3. Jagman Singh- On and with the earth University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)



L-T- D; 3-1-0 Credits 4

Module-I Introduction - heat of reaction - measurement of urp - measurement of hrp - adiabatic flame temperature: complete combustion in c/h/o/n systems, constant volume adiabatic combustion, constant pressure adiabatic combustion, calculation of adiabatic flame temperature - isentropic changes of state. Diesel engine simulation multi zone model for combustion, different heat transfer models, equilibrium calculations, simulation of engine performance, simulation for pollution estimation. Module-II SI engine simulation with air as working medium deviation between actual and ideal cycle problems, SI engine simulation with adiabatic combustion, temperature drop due to fuel vaporization, full throttle operation - efficiency calculation, part-throttle operation, super charged operation. Module-III Progressive combustion SI engines simulation with progressive combustion with gas exchange process, heat transfer process, friction calculation, compression of simulated values, validation of the computer code, engine performance simulation, pressure crank angle diagram and other engine performance. SI engine simulation References: 1. Ganesan.V. " Computer Simulation of spark ignition engine process ", Universities Press (I) Ltd, Hyderbad, 1996. 2. Ramoss.A.L., " Modelling of Internal Combustion Engines Processes ", McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 1992. 3. Ashley Campbel, " Thermodynamic analysis of combustion engines ", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986. 4. Benson.R.S., whitehouse.N.D., " Internal Combustion Engines ", Pergamon Press, oxford, 1979. University Examination Question Paper consists of two parts. Part A-10 compulsory short answer questions for 4 marks each, covering the entire syllabus (10 x 4=40). Part B-2 questions of 20 marks each, from each module and student has to answer one from each module (3 x 20=60)


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