Chapter 2 Report
Chapter 2 Report
Chapter 2 Report
Market research can give you insight into your market, your competitors,
your products, your marketing and your customers. Research problems range
from simple to complex, depending on the number of variables and the nature of
their relationship.
Problem definition involves stating the general marketing research problem
and identifying its specific components. If you understand the nature of the
problem as a researcher, you will be able to better develop a solution for the
problem. Inadequate problem definition is a leading cause of failure of
marketing research project.
The research problem or the research questions should be formulated in a
sequential tuanner. This will reduce the chances of ambiguities to a
minimum. There is no hard and fast rule for formulating the research
problem. One can adopt a logical manner to reach the desired research
problem, objectives and research questions. Before deciding about the
research area or the research problem in specific the researcher should ask
two questions for himself: does he have the desired knowledge in the
particular research area or not and does he have interest in conducting
research on that particular area. Knowledge is necessary in order to deal with
the research justly and clearly. On the other hand, interest enables the
researcher to give proper concern, time and energy in the accomplishment of
the research.
A good problem formulation is:
1. Interesting — keeps the researcher involved in it throughout the
research process
2. Researchable — can be investigated through the collection and analysis
of data, using case study or other techniques
3. Understandable and logically build up — well formulated and has
logical structure with main question and following sub-questions
understanding the basic source of the problem. Planned change is intended
for the future' while the orientation of unplanned change is toward the
past. Research on planned change tends to be proactive, while research on
unanticipated or unplanned change tends to be reactive. The basic issue in
planned change is how to go about the change that the firm desires to bring
about. The task at this step is to know whether the problem needing
information resulted from planned or unplanned change.
Planned change tuay include development and introduction of new products,
itnpt•oved distribution, Iliore effective pricing and promotion with the intention
of increasing revenues. On the other hand unplanned change can corne as a
response to new technology, new prodtlct introduced by the competitor, misuse of
product, unexpected new idea from customer complaint or a change in
demographic or lifestyle of target customers.
Researchers play a key role in problem formulation because they bring a new
perspective to the problem/opportunity situation. In this step the researcher help
managers get the accurate the heart of the problem. Researchers posed as
consultants in determining together with the manager the root causes and clear paths
of action. The true nature of the problem should be spotted. In order to help find
out the problem the researcher may conduct exploratory research.
Providing different angles on the problem is an important thing the researcher
can do for a manager. Majority of managers, especially those were part of the
company for extended years are afflicted by normal thinking. Normal thinking is
developing routine ways of seeing the business and its environment and
responding to different conditions. Researchers can help them get to the heart of
the problem, Normally this is a positive thing, however sometimes it can be a
barrier to identifying the true nature of a problem.
The decision problem faced by the owner of the laundry shop is a case of
discovery-oriented decision problem. Discovery-oriented decision problems
typically ask "what" or "why" and generate information that can be used by
managers to make important decisions. These problems are frequent with
unplanned changes in the marketing environment for which managers simply
need basic information. In dealing with unplanned changes the researcher is
asked to give facts that decision makers can apply in strategizing.
Information about customer satisfaction, overall awareness of customers or
consumer perceptions can be provided by the researcher. Discovery-oriented
decision problem however, seldom provide actionable solution. The purpose
of discovery-oriented decision problem is to offer insights essential for the
managers to craft better decisions.
Another form of manager's decision problem is strategy oriented decision
problem which is usually directed at "how" planned change should be
implemented and focus on making decisions. For instance, the initial
research for the laundry shop pointed out that awareness level of the
CUStomers among its target market is only 35%. "How to best increase
awareness?" is the appropriate strategy oriented decision problem in this
situation. The researcher may determine effectiveness of two proposed
advertising campaign for increasing •awareness level.
shop, from discovery-oriented decision problem to strategy oriented decision
problem, the question would be "How do I increase the shop traffic?" Some
strategic option could be increasing level of sales promotion, introduction Of
advertising campaigns, rearranging the store layout and others. Perhaps the best
area to consider for research in this example is advertising in the presence of
factors like the manage€s experience, the available budget and the results Of
discovery-oriented research.
Possible research problems can come from the client during the proces s
of clarifying the problem, through exploratory research for new ideas
or th experiences and insights of the researcher. At this step the significant
There are a lot of feasible research problems that would offer useful
information particularly with discovery-oriented decision problems. The technique
is to find out which among the research problems to prioritize given the limited
resources of the managers. The trade-off between benefits of the information to be
acquired, the significance of the decision to be made later and cost of obtaining the
information should be evaluated. The researcher ought to review each possible
research problem with consideration on money, time and effort.
Going back to the laundry shop example with the discovery-oriented decision
problem of "Why are my shop's revenues so low?" there could be quite a few
potential research problems. Collecting information from present customers, the
researcher can determine customer satisfaction. Gathering information from target
market even those are not yet the customers of the shop could reveal perception of
the target market about the shop as well as the perceptions of competitors. It be
costly though to address these three problems in market research. The researcher
closely with the owner of the laundry shop should attempt to answer too many
research problems or it may lead both of them to half-baked results. Enthusiasm
alone will not do good jobs.
Budget limitation makes it impossible to do all things so the best choice must
be considered.
research uses the scientific method in that data are collected and analyzed to
test prior notions or hypotheses.
A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a
worthwhile research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature
and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound. Generally, a
research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research
process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the
proposed study.
Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all
research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to
accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.
The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of
your proposed study, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good
research study may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is
poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and
compelling. The following are the common elements of a research proposal in
marketing research:
The introduction part is aimed at giving the readers an overall idea of the marketing
research. The introduction must include the information needed to carry out the
research in a smooth and effective manner.
For instance, if the purpose of research is to study the impact of television
viewing habits on young generation, then the first information required is the kind of
television programs and channels, which are influencing the youngsters in a positive
or negative way.
Research Design
The researcher must give a complete description of the research design he will be
following in his work. The research design can be exploratory, casual, descriptive or
Cost Analysis
Estimated costs for marketing research make an important part of the
proposal. The decision making authorities must be given a succinct idea of the
cost which will be incurred on the research. This part must include a complete
breakdown of cost in relation to the research tools.
If more research analysis tools are being employed by the researcher, then a
comparison of tools and their cost must be presented to the research committee. This
section also emphasizes on validity and reliability.
Name: Date:
Year/ Grade/Score:
DIRECTION: Read the Surf Super-concentrate story below and answer the questions
below it using the lessons from this chapter.
1. What are some possible marketing decision problems? State whether the decision
problems are discovery- or strategy-oriented.
Name: Date:
Year/ Grade/Score:
Imagine that you have a friend who is the Decision Maker (DM) for a local soft-drink
company which is considering the introduction of a calamansi-lime soft-drink. The idea is
to position this product as an alternative for heavy cola drinkers to be consumed by all
soft-drink drinkers. This DM requested you to be the researcher for the company for this
particular project. First, identify the management decision problem. Then translate this
management decision problem into a research problem. The space below is provided for
Management Decision Problem:
Name: Date:
Year/ Grade/Score:
Kellogg's is the world's leading producer of cereal and a leading producer of
convenience foods. including cookies, crackers, toaster pastries, cereal bars, frozen
waffles, meat alternatives, pie crusts, and cones, with 2007 annual sales of Sll.776 billion
and a market share of more than 30 percent. David Mackay, chairman and CEO of
Kellogg's, takes pride in being a part of the Kellogg Company because of the consistency
of the decisions that are made- within the company to promote the long-term growth of
their business as well as serve the needs of their people and communities.
With such a large share of the market, one would think that Kellogg's is untouchable.
However, Kellogg's faced a slump in the market. Its cereal sales were declining and it
had to face the challenge of getting out of its slump. Kellogg's therefore turned to
marketing research to identify the problem and develop several solutions to increase
cereal sales.
State the management decision problem and research problem for the situation below:
(Source: Marketing Research 3rd ed. by Malhotra, Hall Shaw & Oppenheim)
Management Decision Problem:
Research Problem:
Name: Date:
Year/ Grade/Score:
Direction: On the space provided before each number, write the word or words that
will make the statement correct.
3. The abstract must include the information needed to carry out the research in a smooth
and effective manner,
4. Estimated costs for marketing research make an important part of the proposal.
5. The proposal must include the duration of the marketing research project.
6. The researcher should avoid defining the marketing research problem either too
broadly or too narrowly.
7. The research problem or the research questions should be formulated in a
sequential manner.
8. Marketing research is at the heart ofaddressing the four P's of marketing: product,
price, place and promotion.
9. Planned change is intended for the future, while the orientation of unplanned change is
toward the past.
10. A good research study may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is
poorly written.
5 Characteristics of a good problem formulation
5 sections
2. 3.
2. 3.