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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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IS 9077 (1979): Code of practice for corrosion protection

of steel reinforcement in RB and RCC construction [MTD 24:
Corrosion Protection]

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IS : 9077 - 1979

Indian Standard
Corrosion Protection Sectional Committee, SMDC 29
ChllirmlW Representing
SHRI C. P. DE Naval Chemical & Metallurgical Laboratory,
DR S. N. PANDEY ( Alternate to
Shri C. P. De )
SHRI A. K. BHATTACHARYYA National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI P. K. PAIN ( Alternatc)
SHRI S. BHATTAC~ARYYA The Alkali & Chemical Corporation of ‘ India ’ Ltd,
SHRIV. R. KRISHNAN( Alternate )
SHRI D. D. BHUPTANI Indian Tube Co Ltd, Jamshedpur
SHRI B. N. DAS Tube Products of India, Avadi
SHRI H. R. THILKAN ( Alternate )
SHRI A. D. GUPTA The Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd, Sindri
SHRI A. N. SINDHI( Alternate)
SHRI V. K. JAIN Oil & Natural Gas Commission, Dehra Dun
SHRI K. S. BHATIA ( Alternate)
( Alternate )
SHRI K. K. KHANNA National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI SHASHI KANT ( Alternate )
DR A. K. LAHIRI Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI R. C. MISHRA Heavy Electricals ( India) Ltd,Bhopal
SHRI A. K. BASU ( Alternate )
SHRI K. P. MUKIIERJEE National Metallurgical Lab, Jamshedpur
DR INDER SIN~H ( Alternate )
SHRI R. N. MUKHERJEE Steel Authority of India (Bokaro Steel Ltd ), Bokaro
Steel City
SWRI K. ANNAIAH ( Alternate )
SHRI R. P. NACAR Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay
SHRI L. PU~AZHENTHY Indian Lead/Zinc Information Centre, New Delhi

( Continued on page 2 )

@I Copyright 1979
This publication is protected under the Indian Copvright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or iu part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Aec.

IS : 9077 - 1979

( Cmtinudfrom pagt I )
Members Representing
DRK.S. RAJAOOPALAN Central Electra-chemical Research Institute,
Dn N. S~BRAMANYAN( Altemnte)
SHRI S. RAMAJAYAM Indian Telephone Industries Ltd, Bangalore
SHRI M. S. NANJVNDA RAO ( Alternute )
SHRI G . R AMA~~URTXY Tata Engineering & Locomotive Co Ltd, Jamshedpur
DR N. P. RAO Ministry of Defence ( R & D )
SHRI j. BANERJEE ( Alternate )
SHRI G. H. RODRICKS Fibreglass Pilkington, Bombay
SHRI S. G. PITRE ( Alternate )
SHRKM.B. SATYANARAYANA Addisons Paints & Chemicals Ltd, Madras
SHRI B.N. SEN Hindustan Steel Ltd, Rourkela
SHRI P. C. PRADA ( Alternate )
DR R. SIVA KIJMAR Pvrene-Rai Metal Treatments Ltd, Bombay
SmuY.C. SIJFIRAM~~YA Directorate General, Ordnance Factories, Calcutta
&RID. SEN ( Alternate)
SHRI C. R. RAMA RAO, Director General, IS1 ( &o&o Member )
Director ( Strut & Met )
Deputy Director ( Metals), ISI

Panel for Corrosion Protection of Steel Reinforcement in

RB and RCC Construction, SMDC 29/P-2

SHRI K. K. KHANNA National Buildings Organization, New Delhi

SHRI S. CHANDRASEKARAN Central Electra-Chemical Research Institute,
SWRI S. K. CHAWLA Central Public Works Department. New Delhi
SHRt R. K. DAmA Central Buildings Researdh Instituie, Roorkee
DR R. B. HAJJ~LA( Ahmate )
REPRESENTATIVE Public Works Department, Government of Haryana,

IS : 9077 - 1979

Indian Standard


0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 30 January 1979, after the draft finalized by the Corrosion Protection
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals
Division Council.

0.2 The National Buildings Organization of Government of India had

entrusted a research scheme on Corrosion of Reinforcement in Reinforced
Brick (RB ) and Reinforced Cement Concrete ( RCC ) to the Central
Electra-Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi in order to investigate the
causes leading to corrosion and to evolve suitable preventive measures.
The Institute conducted the research work during the years 1960 to 1967
and also carried out a survey of deteriorated reinforced brick and reinforced
concrete structures at different places in the country.

0.2.1 This code has emerged as a result of the investigations carried out
and the recommendations made by CECRI for Corrosion Prevention of
Steel Reinforcement in their report.

0.3 This code has been prepared to provide a better understanding of the
mechanism of reinforcement corrosion for the benefit of practising
engineers, architects and builders engaged in the planning and execution
of work involving reinforced brick and reinforced cement concrete construc-
tion. Adoption of preventive measures recommended in the code would
enable substantial economies to be achieved by increasing the durability of
the construction.

0.4 Stray current corrosion, which may also contribute to corrosion of~steel
reinforcement has not been considered in this code. It was also decided to
defer recommending the use of galvanized reinforcement rods, until
conclusive data on its use become available.

0.5 This standard should be read in conjunction with IS : 456-1978*.

*Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( third revision).

IS : 9077 - 1979

0.6 For rounding off the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the
result of a test or analysis, IS : 2-1960* should be followed. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same
as that of the value given in this standard.


1.1 This standard deals with the protection of reinforcement from corrosion
in reinforced brick ( RB) and reinforced cement concrete (RCC )


~2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given in IS : 3531-19697
shall apply.



3.0 The tendency of steel reinforcement to corrode or not to corrode in an

environment like concrete may be expressed in terms of the electrical
potential of steel with respect to the environment.

3.1 Effect of Alkalinity of Concrete on Steel - Most cement mortars

and concrete are highly alkaline and the potential of steel in alkaline
solution is positive, the steel being maintained in a passive condition.
3.1.1 Alkalinities of extracts from 1 : 2 cement,sand mortar and Ml50
cement concrete are given in Table 1. The alkalinity ranges between
0.05 N and 0.06 N and is produced by the liberation of free lime and free
alkali during setting of mortar and cement concrete. It is likely to fall with
passage of time due to gradual carbonation of free lime, and the alkalinity
in concrete, brought about by free alkali, may only remain. Therefore, an
alkalinity of 0.04 N is assumed in Ml50 cement concrete, which is
normally used in reinforced concrete construction.

3.1.2 Alkalinity of 0.04 N, obtained in Ml50 cement concrete, is sufficient

to maintain the passivity of the reinforcement, but the immunity may be
lost if the leachate from the concrete contains appreciable amounts of
sulphate and chloride.
3.2 Effect of Chloride and Sulphate on Steel - The potential of steel
in a solution containing sodium chloride or sodium sulphate is negative and

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised).

tGlossary of terms relating to corrosion of metals.

IS : 9077 - 1979

the steel corrodes freely in these solutions. Introduction of these salts in the
alkaline solution breaks down the passivity of steel obtained in alkaline
medium, and the positive potential becomes negative.

3.2.1 In case of steel embedded in Ml50 concrete, the positive potential

of steel is found to become negative in the presence of a few hundred parts
per million of sodium chloride in the water in which concrete is dipped
( see Table 2 ).

3.2.2 The concentration of chlorides and sulphates necessary to make

the alkaline medium obtained in reinforced concrete work corrosive are
given in Table 2. Alkalinity, which is likely to be had in set Ml50 cement
concrete is inhibitive when the maximypl content of chlorides only is
130 ppm and the maximum content of sulphates only is 2750 ppm. In the
presence of 500 ppm of sulphates and 100 ppm of chlorides, the concrete
with 0.04 N alkalinity remains inhibitive. Beyond these limits, the environ-
ment around Ml50 reinforced concrete becomes corrosive.

3.2.3 It is observed that water extracts of fresh cements are corrosive,

whereas water extracts of powdered set cement are mostly non-corrosive.
This is explained by the fact that the chlorides and sulphatcs present in
fresh cement make the extract corrosive and that during setting of cement,
chlorides and sulphates react with aluminate present in the cement and only
a small fraction of the chloride or sulphate is left free. On an average, the
chloride contents decrease to one-fifth and sulphate centents to one-tenth
of their original values.

3.2.4 Simultaneous with the fall in alkalinity due to gradual

carbonation of free lime in set cement concrete, even the same concentra-
tions of chloride and sulphate render the environment more corrosive.
Further, during the course of time as more and more chloride and sulphate
diffuse into the concrete, the environment around steel reinforcement becomes
more and more corrosive. A stage may be reached when the passivity
of steel reinforcement breaks down at points where chloride or sulphate is
able to attack the steel and the steel is gradually covered by corrosion
product. The depth to which the reinforcement is attacked depends
upon the duration for which each point of attack or pit is active, which in
turn shall depend on the alternate wetting or drying of the concrete.


4.1 Reinforcement corrosion in reinforced brick and reinforced cement,

concrete construction takes place, when corrosive salts, for example
chlorides and sulphates, increase beyond a critical limit and sufficient
alkalinity is not obtained within the concrete to maintain steel in a
passive condition.

IS : 9077 - 1979



( Clause 3.1.1 )



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

9 Cement sand mortar (1 : 2) , 37-7 60.5 0*05N

using river sand
ii) Cement sand mortar (1 : 2) 149 69.4 @06N
using sea sand . ’
iii) Cement sand mortar (1 : 2) 31-l 66.5 0*05N
wing standard sand
iv) Concrete (Ml501 mix using 49.6 51.0 0*06N
river sand
v) Cement concrete (MI 50) 32.7 53.4 0.06N
mix using sea sand
vi) Cement concrete (M150) 37.8 58.6 O-06N
mix using standard sand

4.1.1 Corrosion of reinforcement results in the formation of rust which

occupies a much larger volume than the steel from which it is formed.
This corrosion product exerts large internal pressure resulting in cracks
and spalling in concrete. The formation of cracks in concrete further
leads to quicker rate of corrosion, due to ingress of moisture and air
resulting in failure of structures in due course.

4.2 The following factors are also responsible for corrosion of steel rein-
forcement in reinforced brickwork and reinforced cement concrete work:
a) Qunlity of Concrete - Concrete consists of coarse aggregate, fine
aggregate, cement and water. The right quality of materials
with proper water/cement ratio, correct mixing, adequate
compaction by tamping or vibration and proper curing, results
in good quality concrete. Dense concrete rich in cement content
is impervious to a large degree and generally resists the corrosion
of embedded steel.
b) Cover Thickness of Concrete Over Reinforcement - The reinforcement
is protected by the concrete cover over it. The greater the cover
thickness, more is the degree of protection against the various
climatic and other environmental conditions. For various
structural members, the cover thickness should be different

IS : 9077 - 1979

depending upon their importance and degree of exposure.

Evenness of the cover over the reinforcement is also very import-
ant for its corrosion protection.

4 Condition of the Reinforcement - The surface condition of the steel

reinforcement, at the time of its placing in concrete, affects its
corrosion rate. If the reinforcement is contaminated with salt or
badly corroded, the corrosive action on reinforcement after
placement in concrete is aggrevated and promoted rapidly.



(Clauses 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 ^and Appendix A )


(1) (2) (3)

O.OlN-NaOH 5 ppm Cl 6 ppm Cl
WOlN-NaOH 20 ppm SO, 22’5 ppm SO3
O.O2N-NaOH 60 ppm Cl 65 ppm Cl
0*02N-NaOH 170 ppm SO3 175 ppm SOa
O.O4N-NaOH 130 ppm Cl 150 ppm Cl
0.04N-NaOH 2750 ppm SOS 2900 ppm SO,
O’OGN-NaOH 225 ppm Cl 250 ppm Cl
O.OGN-NaOH 3250 ppm SOS 3300 ppm SOa
0’08N-NaOH 375 ppm Cl 400 ppm Cl
O.O8N-NaOH 7200 ppm SOa 7300 ppm SO3
O.lON-NaOH 575 ppm Cl 600 ppm Cl
@ION-NaOH 13250 ppm SO, 13500 ppm SO,
002N-NaOH 100 ppm SOS 50 ppm Cl 55 ppm Cl
0’04N-NaOH 500 ppm SO, 100 ppm Cl 105 ppm Cl
O.OGN-NaOH 1000 ppm SOS 175 ppm Cl 200 ppm Cl
POGN-NaOH 1250 ppm SO3 24 ppm Cl 27 ppm Cl
O.OGN-NaOH 2500 ppm SO, 12 ppm Cl 15 ppm Cl
O’OGN-NaOH 3000 ppm SOS - 5 ppm Cl



5.1 Controlling the Quality of Concrete and Composition of Raw

Concrete Mix

5.1.1 Quality of Concrete - The grade of cement concrete should be

Ml50 or higher for reinforced concrete work. The concrete should be
properly compacted by tamping or vibration and adequately cured. The
reinforced concrete may be rendered with cement plaster of 1 : 2 or 1 : 3
proportion. The rendering should be done only after the structure is
passed and accepted for quality and finish.

IS t 9077 - 1979 Calcium chloride should not be used as far as possible fm-

accelerating the setting and hardening of cement concrete, as this may
accelerate corrosion of the reinforcement in all mixes of concrete. Sea sand should not he normally used in RCC work. If there
is no alternative, sea sand shall be washed free of chloride and sulphate
before use.
5.1.2 Sulphate and Chloride Content of Raw Concrete Mix - Cement,
sand, stone aggregates and water, should be tested for chloride and sulphate
contents, as corrosion of the reinforcement bar is likely to occur if the
total water soluble chloride and sulphate contents exceed the limits of
50 ppm and 500 ppm respectively in raw Ml50 concrete mix (see
Appendix A ) . If such cases a protective coating on the bars may be

5.2 Provision of Adequate Cover Thickness to Steel Reinforcement

5.2.1 Cover Thickness - The thickness of cover on concrete reinforcement

should be as follows:
a) At each end of reinforcing bar - Not less than 25 mm, nor less than
twice the diameter of the bar.
b) For a longitudinal reirzforcing bar in a column - Not less than 40 mm,
nor less than the diameter of such rod or bar. In the case of
columns of minimum dimension of 20 cm or under, the reinfor-
cing bars of which do not exceed 13 mm, a cover of 25 mm may
be used.
c) For longitudinal reinforcing bars in a beam - Not less than 25 mm
nor less than the diameter of the rod or bar.
d) For tensile, compressive, shear or other reiqforcement in a slab -Not less
than 13 mm nor less than the diameter of such reinforcement.
e) For any other reinforcement - Not less than 13 mm nor less than the
diameter of such reinforcement.
5.2.2 Increased cover thicknesses should be provided when surfaces of
concrete members are exposed to the action of harmful chemicals, acids,
vapours, saline atmosphere, sulphurous smoke ( as in case of steam
operated railways ), etc. The increase in cover thickness may be between
15 mm and 40 mm beyond the figures given in 5.2.1 but the total cover
thickness should not exceed 50 mm.
5.2.3 For reinforced concrete members, totally or periodically immersed
in sea water or subject to salt spray, the cover should be 50 mm. Concrete cover of more than 50 mm is not recommended as it
may’ give rise to increase crack widths which may further allow direct
ingress of~deleterious materials to the reinforcement. It may, however, be

IS t 9077 - 1979

noted that IS : 456-1978* does not impose any such limitation on cover
thickness. In case of reinforced concrete members in areas exposed to the
action of harmful chemicals or sea water, it is desirable to use richer mixes
of concrete, like grade M200 or M250.

5.3 Protective Coatings on Concrete Cover and Reinforcement

5.3.1 Protective Coating on Concrete - Efisting RCC structures may be

protected from reinforcement corrosion in aggressive atmospheres by
applying protective surface coatings to the exposed surfaces of concrete. Cement-sand-asphalt/coal -tar pitch mixture coating - The dry

concrete surface should be roughened by chiselling. A mixture of dry
cement, molten asphalt or coal tar pitch and dry sand in the ratio
1 : 1 : 3 by weight, should be applied on the dry concrete surface by trowel-
ling to a thickness of 6 mm and the surface should be finished by flaming. Cement-sand-mortar with neat cement finish - Dry concrete surface
should be roughened by chiselling and a workable mixture of 1: 3 cement
sand mortar~should be applied on the concrete surface, after water in the
surface properly, by trowelling to a thickness of 6 mm. The surface should
be finished with a neat cement slurry consisting of water and cement in
the ratio 2 : 1. Epoxy coating or epoxy mortar rendering may also be applied

to existing structures for better performance.

5.3.2 Steel reinforcement for RB and RCC work should be free from
loose rust and salts which are likely to be present in marine atmosphere.
Slight rust may be removed by rubbing the rod with gunny cloth. Heavy
rusting of reinforcement should be removed by wire brushing or appli-
c?gtion of commercially produced derusting and phosphating jellies of
approved quality. It should, however, be ensured that no oil or paint is
applied as a protective coating to the reinforcement bar.

5.3.3 Protective Coating of Reinforcement Bars - Since it may not be

possible to restrict the chloride and sulphate content within the tolerable
limits in marine atmospheres or in contact with sea water, the reinforce-
ment bars should be coated with a protective coating of inhibited cement
slurry. One method adopted for application of such type of coating
is given in Appendix ‘B’ for guidance only.

5.4 Proper Design and Construction of Roofs

5.4.1 Type of Bricks Used in Reinforced Brick Construction - Reinforced

brick work should not be used for roofing of permanent buildings as the
bricks have a greater tendency to gather moisture including salts which

*Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( third revision).

IS t 9977 - 1979

corrode the reinforcement. Roofing with precast RCC battens and brick
filling or hollow clay blocks may be adopted with advantage. The
minimum cover thicknesses should be 25 mm of Ml50 cement concrete. Machine-made or hollow blocks wherever available are

preferable to hand-moulded bricks. Reinforced brick work may be used caution in intermediate slabs of construction which are protected
from water and rain as well as direct approach of moisture. Care should
be taken to see that the reinforcement in reinforced brick work is protected
by a minimum cover thickness of 25 mm of Ml50 cement concrete or 1 : 2
cement mortar. Reinforced brick slab shall not be adopted in marine or other

aggressive atmospheres.

5.4.2 Roof Design - Flat roofs should be designed to have adequate

slope so that rain water flows off quickly without stagnating and penetrating
into roof slab. The top of the roof slab should be finished even and
smooth with a trowel before the concrete begins to set. The exposed
surfaces of RCC work should be rendered smooth with 1 : 3 cement mortar.
Further the tops of the roofs should be painted with a coat of bitumen or
provided with other water-proofing material, such as alkathene film with a
layer of lime concrete or mud-phuska and tiles laid over on top.


( Clause 5.1.2 )

A-l. The maximum permissible chloride content of raw concrete mix is

calculated on the basis of the critical amount of sulphate and chloride in
capillary water, beyond which the passivity of the reinforcement in the .
alkaline medium, obtained in set concrete, is not maintained.

A-2. An alkalinity of 0.04N is likely to be maintained in set grade Ml50

concrete. Therefore, the maximum tolerable values of chloride and
sulphate content for corrosion inhibition would be 100 ppm and 500 ppm
respectively in capillary water ( see Table 2 ).

A-3. Assuming that the average porosity for water permeation of grade
Ml50 cement concrete is 10 percent, the maximum permissible limits of
chloride and sulphate content in set cement concrete work out to 10 ppm
and 50 ppm respectively.

IS : 9077 - 1979

A-4. It has been observed experimentally that on an average, the chloride

content decreases to one-fifth and the sulphate content decreases to one-
tenth of their original values, during setting of the cement concrete. The
maximum permissible limits for raw concrete mix, therefore, works out to
50 ppm of chloride and 500 soluble ppm of sulphate respectively.

( Clause 5.3.3)

B-l. The reinforcement rods should be dipped in the derurting solution

of approved quality and the rods removed as soon as the rust is
satisfactorily removed and a bright surface is obtained. This should be
immediately followed by cleaning the rods with wet waste cloth and
alkaline cleaning powder. The rod should then be brushed with the
phosphating jelly of approved quality by means of a fibre brush. The jelly
should be left on the surface for a period of 45-60 minutes and then
removed by means of wet waste cloth. This should be followed by brushing
the inhibitor solution of approved quality and the first coat of cement
slurry, prepared by mixing 500 cc of inhibitor solution for each 1 000 g of
portland cement. All the above steps should be applied in the same day
and after 12-24 hours of air-drying the sealing solution of approved quality
should be brushed followed by the second coat of cement slurry. It should
then be dried for 12-24 hours followed by a brush coat of the sealing
solution which should be applied again after 4 hours of air-drying.






3531-1968 Glossary of terms relating to corrosion of metals

3618-1966 Phosphate treatment of iron and steel for protection against corrosion
4180-1967 Code of practice for corrosion protection of light gauge steel sections used in
4777-1968 Performance tests for protective schemes used in the protection of light gauge
steel against corrosion
5555-1970 Code of procedure for conducting field studies on atmospheric corrosion of
6005-1970 Code of practice for phosphating of iron and steel
7808-1975 Code of procedure for conducting studies on underground corrosion of metals.
6062 (Part I )-1976 Code of practice for cathodic protection of steel structures: General
( Part II )-I976 Underground pipelines
( Part III )-1977 Ships’ hulls
822 1-1976 Code of practice for corrosion prevention of metal components in packages
8629 ( Parts1 to III )-1977 Code of practice for protection of iron and steel structures
from atmospheric corrosion

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