Method of Testing Liquid Chillers: ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum A To ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

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The document discusses ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019 and its addendum for testing liquid chillers.

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ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

Method of Testing
Liquid Chillers

Approved by ASHRAE and the American National Standards Institute on May 29, 2020.

This addendum was approved by a Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) for which the Standards Committee has
established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely, docu-
mented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the standard. Instructions for how to submit a change can
be found on the ASHRAE® website (

The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased on the ASHRAE website ( or from
ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: Fax: 678-539-
2129. Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide), or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada). For reprint per-
mission, go to

© 2020 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336

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ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 30
Cognizant TCs: 8.2 (Lead), Centrifugal Machines, and 8.5, Liquid-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchangers
SPLS Liaison: Thomas Cappellin

Justin M. Prosser*, Chair Terrence H. Farrell Jr.* Saunders C. Smith*

Scott A. Shaffer*, Vice-Chair Phillip Johnson Mvuala Suami
Chris Lesnar, Secretary Dan Kemper Kevin Teakell
Mark Baines* Dominic Kolandayan John I. Vucci*
Jacky Dong Biswajit Mitra

* Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication


Wayne H. Stoppelmoor, Jr., Chair Susanna S. Hanson Lawrence J. Schoen

Drury B. Crawley, Vice-Chair Rick M. Heiden Steven C. Sill
Els Baert Jonathan Humble Richard T. Swierczyna
Charles S. Barnaby Srinivas Katipamula Christian R. Taber
Niels Bidstrup Essam E. Khalil Russell C. Tharp
Robert B. Burkhead Kwang Woo Kim Adrienne G. Thomle
Thomas E. Cappellin Larry Kouma Michael W. Woodford
Douglas D. Fick Cesar L. Lim Craig P. Wray
Michael W. Gallagher Karl L. Peterman Jaap Hogeling, BOD ExO
Walter T. Grondzik Erick A. Phelps Malcolm D. Knight, CO

Connor Barbaree, Senior Manager of Standards

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The Senior Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for
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(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain
requirements necessary for conformance to the standard. It has not been processed
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ASHRAE Standard 30 prescribes methods for obtaining performance data relating to liquid-
chilling or liquid-heating equipment using any type of compressor. The intent of this standard
is to provide uniform test methods to measure the performance of this equipment by addressing
the test and instrumentation requirements, test procedures, data to be recorded, and calcula-
tions to generate and confirm valid test results.
Addendum a includes the following major revisions:

• Updated capacity and condenser definitions to align with the rest of the standard.
• Added enthalpy measurement and capacity calculations.
• Updated thermal input power calculations.
• Clarified existing pressure drop correction calculation.
• Added requirement to test based on operating mode set points defined prior to testing.
• Simplified existing test data collection and test report requirements.

Note: In this addendum, changes to the current standard are indicated in the text by under-
lining (for additions) and strikethrough (for deletions) unless the instructions specifically men-
tion some other means of indicating the changes.

Addendum a to Standard 30-2019

Modify Section 3 as shown. The remainder of Section 3 is unchanged.


capacity: a measurable physical quantity, the rate that heat (energy) is added to or removed
from the liquid side of a refrigerating system. Capacity is defined as the mass flow rate of the
liquid multiplied by the difference in enthalpy of liquid entering and leaving the heat
exchanger. For the purposes of this standard, the enthalpy change is approximated as the sensi-
ble heat transfer using specific heat and temperature difference, and in some calculations, also
the energy associated with liquid-side pressure losses.
gross heating capacity: the capacity of the water-cooled condenser as measured by the
total heat transferred from the refrigerant to the liquid in the condenser. This value
includes both the sensible heat transfer and the friction heat losses from pressure drop
effects of the liquid flow through the condenser. This value is used to calculate the energy
balance of a test.
gross coolingrefrigerating capacity: the capacity of the evaporator as measured by the
total heat transferred from the liquid to the refrigerant in the evaporator. This value
includes both the sensible heat transfer and the friction heat losses from pressure drop
effects of the liquid flow through the evaporator. This value is used to calculate the energy
balance of a test.
net heating capacity: the capacity of the condenser available for useful heating of the
thermal load, external to the liquid chilling system, calculated using only the sensible heat
net cooling refrigerating capacity: the capacity of the evaporator available for useful
cooling of the thermal load, external to the liquid chilling system, calculated using only
the sensible heat transfer.
condenser: a refrigerating system component which condenses refrigerant from vapor state to
liquid state by the removal of heat. De-superheating and sub-cooling of the refrigerant may
occur as well.

ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019 1

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air-cooled condenser: a condenser, including condenser fans, that condenses refrigerant vapor
by rejecting heat to air mechanically circulated over a dry heat transfer surface, causing a tem-
perature an enthalpy rise in the air.
evaporatively-cooled condenser: a condenser which condenses refrigerant vapor by rejecting
heat to a water and air mixture mechanically circulated over itsa wetted heat transfer surface,
causing evaporation of the water and an increase in the enthalpy of the air.
liquid-cooled condenser: a condenser that condenses refrigerant vapor by rejecting heat to liq-
uid mechanically circulated over its heat transfer surface, causing a temperaturean enthalpy
rise in the liquid.
liquid-cooled heat reclaim condenser: a liquid-cooled condenser, that may be either a separate
parallel condenser in a refrigerating system using two or more condensers, or a portion of a liq-
uid-cooled condenser with two or more liquid circuits, with the purpose of heat recovery.
Modify Section 5 as shown. The remainder of Section 5 is unchanged.


5.4 Performance Refer to Normative Appendix B for schematics of each system type and the
physical location of measurement instruments.
5.4.1 Capacity. One of the following three methods shall be used depending on the available
measurements and with consideration of the acceptable test uncertainty required by the partiestest
plan. Enthalpy capacity method shall be used for setups with significant distance and pressure drop
between the temperature and pressure measurements on the inlet and/or outlet external piping. The
additional temperature increase due to frictional pressure losses shall be determined by measuring
pressure at a location within ± 2 pipe diameters of each temperature measurement point in the
external piping. The pressure measurements adjacent to the temperature measurements shall be
used when determining the physical properties of enthalpy. The sign convention, positive or nega-
tive, is to show all capacity values as positive whether energy is input into the chiller system or
energy is removed from the chiller system. Adjust the sign for temperature difference or enthalpy
difference accordingly by subtracting the lesser of inlet and outlet from the greater value. For pres-
sure difference, however, the sign is significant with respect to the direction of energy flow.
5.4.2 Power Thermal input power for a gaseous fuel for given fluid volume flow rate and higher
heating value assuming complete combustion:
Delete the following equations from the standard.

Q input = m  HHV

UQ =   m U m  2 +   HHV U HHV  2

 m = HHV

 HHV = m

Replace the deleted equations above with the following new equations as shown.

Q input = V  HHV v   T s  p    T abs  p s 

UQ =   V U V  2 +   HHV  2 +   p U p  2 +   T + U T  2
input v

 V = HHV v   T s  p    T abs  p s 

 HHV = V   T s  p    T abs  p s 

 p = V  HHV v  T s   T abs  p s 

T 2 
= – V  HHV v   T s  p    p s  T abs

2 ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

© ASHRAE. Per international copyright law, additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either
print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
Add new Section, and renumber subsequent sections. Thermal input power for a liquid fuel for a given mass flow rate and higher heating
value assuming complete combustion.
Q input = m  HHV m

UQ =   m U m  2 +   HHV U HHV  2
input m m

 m = HHV m

 HHV = m
m For use in [ . . . ]

5.4.4 Liquid Pressure Drop Correction. Measured liquid pressure-drop values shall be
adjusted to subtract additional static pressure drop due to piping external to the chiller connec-
tion points. The additional static pressure drop shall be the sum of all losses between the unit
connections and the location of static pressure taps. Record the original measured value p test ,
the calculated adjustment value p adj , and the final calculated result for liquid pressure drop
p corrected .

p adj = g   hf i +   hm j
i j The adjustment shall not exceed 10% of the measured liquid pressure drop. The corrected pressure drop shall be calculated as follows:
p corrected = p test – p adj The general form [ . . . ] The head loss [ . . . ]
Loss coefficients shall be from Section, Section, [ . . . ]
Modify Section 6 as shown. The remainder of Section 6 is unchanged.

6.4 Plan. A test plan shall document all requirements for conducting the test. This includes a
list of the required full-load and part-load test points and associated operating conditions,
including adjusted liquid temperature targets based on the rated fouling factor allowance. In
addition to the requirements specifically listed in this standard the test plan shall include all
other input signals or controls positions necessary to place the chiller in the operating mode for
each test to be performed.
Modify Section 7 as shown. The remainder of Section 7 is unchanged.

7.1 General. For each test point, at a specific load and set of operating conditions report the
test time period and number of data point measurements. Include the sample mean and sample
standard deviation for each measurement value (temperature, flow, pressure drop, power, etc.)
as calculated per Section 5.2.
7.17.2 Primary Data. [ . . . ]
7.27.3 Auxiliary Data. [ . . . ]
7.37.4Auxiliary Data. Table 7-2 summarizes the auxiliary data that shall be recorded for the
Modify Section 9 as shown. The remainder of Section 9 is unchanged.

9.1 General. Table 9-1 summarizes the results to be reported for each test type.
9.1.1 Refrigerant designation shall be in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34.

ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019 3

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Table 7-1 Data to be Recorded During the Test

Type Data Item

All types General Date and tTime of day for each data point sample

Atmospheric pressure

Evaporator Tin


mw or Vw


Evaporatively cooled condenser Condenser Spatial average dry-bulb temperature of entering air

Spatial average wet-bulb temperature of entering air

Make-up water flow rate

Make-up water temperature

Table 7-2 Auxiliary Data to Be Recorded

Type Data Item

All Date, place, and time of test.

Names of test supervisor and witnessing personnel.

Ambient temperature at test site.

Nameplate data, including make, model, size, serial number, voltage, frequency, and refrigerant designation
number (in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 34), sufficient to completely identify the liquid chiller. Unit
voltage and frequency shall be recorded.

Prime mover nameplate data (motor, engine, or turbine).

Nonelectric Drive Fuel specification (if applicable) and calorific value.

9.1.2 Report shall identify net refrigerating capacity or net heating capacity (equations in Section
5.4.1) (W [Btu/h or tonR]).
9.1.3 Total input power to chiller (W, kW, or MW) shall be identified. Excluding power input to integrated liquid pumps when present (refer to Section
9.1.4 Report shall identify energy efficiency, expressed as energy efficiency ratio (EER), coeffi-
cient of performance (COP), or power input per capacity, with qualifier to indicate operating mode
(cooling, heating, simultaneous heating and cooling, or heat recovery), Btu/W·h or W/W or kW/kW
or kW/tonR.
Informative Note: It is important to note that pump energy associated with pressure drop
through the chiller heat exchangers is not included in the chiller input power. This is because any
adjustment to the chiller performance would confuse the overall system analysis for capacity and
efficiency. It is therefore important for any system analysis to account for the cooling loads associ-
ated with the system pump energy and to include the pump power into the overall equations for sys-
tem efficiency.
9.1.5 Chilled-liquid entering and leaving temperatures (°C [°F]) or leaving liquid temperature
and temperature difference (°C [°F]). Chillers with an integral pump: evaporator heat exchanger liquid pressure drop as rated
water temperatures, kPa (ft of water [at 60°F] or psid). Chillers without an integral pump: chilled-liquid pressure drop at rated water tempera-
ture (customer inlet to customer outlet), kPa (ft of water [at 60°F] or psid).
Informative Note: Due to typical industry practice, liquid pressure drop is often reported in head
(kPa [ft of water]); however, test data are acquired in pressure (psid) for use in calculations.

4 ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

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Table 9-1 Results to be Reported

Units of Measure
Item SI IP
Net capacity (heating and/or cooling as applicable; corrected if applicable) kW or W tonR or Btu/h
Gross capacity (heating and cooling only for liquid-cooled condenser type) kW or W tonR or Btu/h
Input power (Winput and Wrefrig , as applicable) kW or W kW or W
Efficiency (corrected if applicable) COP kW/tonR, EER, or COP
pcorrected kPa ft of water (at 60°F)
Energy balance % %
Voltage balance % %

Table 9-1 Data to be Reported a

Type Report Item

General Name and address of the chiller test facility
Report identification number
Chiller Operation Operating mode (cooling, heating, simultaneous heating and cooling, or heat recovery)
All inputs necessary to ensure that the equipment under test runs in the operating mode tested b
Capacity Net capacity
Gross capacity values as used for energy balance
Heat reclaim capacity c
Input power Total input power
List of components that utilize auxiliary power
Energy efficiencyd One or more of the energy efficiency metrics per Section 5.4.3
Liquid pressure drope Liquid corrected pressure drop at water temperatures per the test plan, measured per Section 8.4 and
corrected per Section 5.4.4
Test validation Energy Balance when required per Sections 5.5.1 and
Voltage Balance per Section 5.5.2
Correction values padj per Section 5.4.4
Any other correction values required by the test plan
Test plan Attach a copy of the test plan in accordance with Section 6.4 or provide target operating condition values
such as capacity, temperature, and flow.
Test data All data recorded in accordance with Section 7
Uncertainty Results of the uncertainty analysis in accordance with Section 6.7.3.
a. Test Results shall be rounded to the number of significant figures identified in Section 5.7, using the definitions in Section 3, and rounding rules and formats in Section 5.7.
b. Example: In the case that a unit operates in “Heating” mode only when the ambient temperature is below 12.8°C (55.0°F) the report shall state the temperature and how the ambient
temperature signal is provided to the equipment under test.
c. Required for liquid-cooled heat reclaim condenser only.
d. Pump energy associated with pressure drop through the chiller heat exchangers is not included in the total input power. This is done because any adjustment to the chiller perfor-
mance would confuse the overall system analysis for capacity and efficiency. It is therefore important for any system analysis to account for the cooling loads associated with the
system pump energy and to include the pump power into the overall equations for system efficiency.
e. Liquid pressure drop shall be reported in units of pressure differential, not in head or liquid column height. Note: Due to industry typical practice, Liquid Pressure Drop is often
reported in head (ft H2O) and corrected to a reference temperature (e.g. 60 °F); however, test data is acquired in pressure, psid, for use in calculations.

ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019 5

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9.1.6 Chilled-liquid flow rate (L/s or m /h [gpm]) at entering heat exchanger conditions.
9.1.7 Nominal voltage (V or kV) and frequency (Hz) for which ratings are valid. For units with a
dual nameplate voltage rating, testing shall be performed at the lower of the two voltages.
9.1.8 Components that use auxiliary power shall be listed.
9.1.9 Part-load weighted efficiency metric IPLV.IP or NPLV.IP, expressed as energy efficiency
ratio, coefficient of performance, or power input per capacity (Btu/W·h or W/W or kW/kW or kW/
tonR) for cooling operating mode only.
9.1.10 Test Results. Test Results shall be rounded to the number of significant figures identified
in Section 5.7 using the definitions in Section 3 and rounding rules and formats in Section 5.7. A
written test report shall be generated that contains the data included in Section 7 for each test point
at a specific load and set of operating conditions.
9.2 Data. For each test point, at a specific load and set of operating conditions, report the test time
period and number of data-point measurements. Include the sample mean and sample standard
deviation for each measurement value (temperature, flow, pressure drop, power, etc.).
9.3 Calculations. Report the correction adjustment values padj and Tadj, correction factors CFQ
and CF when applicable, and associated input data used for the correction calculations. Report the
density, specific heat capacity, and mass flow values used for capacity calculations. Report all val-
ues of Q used in energy balance calculations.
9.4 Results. Report the test results following calculations and procedures identified in Sections 5
and 8. Table 9-1 provides a generic summary.
9.4.1 Test Results Reporting Requirements. Tests shall report calculated results in accordance
with methods and procedures described in this method of test, Sections 5 and 8. The final test report
shall include the following:
a. Name and address of the chiller test facility
b. Report identification number and disclaimer
c. Description of test chiller, including model and serial numbers
d. Date and time of tests
e. Instrumentation and calibration list from test facility
f. Chilled-water capacity
g. Total input power
h. Efficiency
i. Chilled-water pressure drop
j. Water-cooled condenser
1. Total heat rejection
2. Condenser water pressure drop
3. Energy balance
k. Air-cooled condenser
1. Total input power
2. Condenser entering air temperature
l. Evaporatively cooled condenser
1. Total input power
2. Condenser entering air temperature dry bulb
3. Condenser entering air temperature wet bulb
4. Make-up water flow rate
5. Make-up water temperature
m. Water-cooled condenser with heat reclaim
1. Heat rejection of condenser
2. Heat reclaim rejection
Modify Section 10 as shown. The remainder of Section 10 is unchanged.

Some symbols use a subscript suffix; multiple subscripts are separated by a comma. Equations in
this standard use the following units of measure for dimensional consistency. See Section 5.6 for
converting to or from other units of measure.

6 ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

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Table 10-1 Nomenclature

Group Symbol Description Unit Name Unit Symbol Unit Name Unit Symbol
ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

HHV higher heating value (mass or volume basis) at a specified kilojoule per cubic metre kJ/m3 British thermal unit (IT) per cubic foot Btu/ft3
reference temperature (Ts) and pressure (Ps) or kilojoule per kilogram or kJ/kg or British thermal unit (IT) per pound or Btu/lb

Tabs absolute temperature Kelvin K degree Rankin °R

Table 10-2 Subscripts

Subscripts Description

abs absolute

fuel fuel for combustion as a thermal input power source

m mass or mass basis

s specified reference condition for use with HHVv or HHVm values

v volume basis

V volume
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Modify Normative Appendix B, including replacing Figures B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4, as shown.


Figure B-1 Electrically driven liquid-cooled chiller (with or without heat recovery) or heat pump.
ID Description of Measurement
FT-11 Evaporator liquid flow
TT-12 Evaporator inlet temperature
PDT-13 Evaporator pressure difference
TT-14 Evaporator outlet temperature
PDT-15 1 Evaporator pressure difference at temperature measurement location
FT-21 Condenser liquid flow
TT-22 Condenser inlet temperature
PDT-23 Condenser pressure difference
TT-24 Condenser outlet temperature
PDT-25 1 Condenser pressure difference at temperature measurement location
FT-81 Heat recovery condenser (when included) liquid flow
TT-82 Heat recovery condenser (when included) inlet temperature
PDT-83 Heat recovery condenser (when included) difference
TT-84 Heat recovery condenser (when included) outlet temperature
Not identified Power consumption for the chiller, including any auxiliary systems contained in the test boundary, includes voltage
balance measurement
1. Optional pressure measurement used for enthalpy capacity calculation method.

8 ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

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Figure B-2 Electrically driven air-cooled chiller.

ID Description of Measurement
FT-11a, b Evaporator liquid flow (redundant measurements)
TT-12a, b Evaporator inlet temperature (redundant measurements)
PDT-13a, b Evaporator pressure difference (redundant measurements)
PDT-15 1 Evaporator pressure difference at temperature measurement location
TT-14a, b Evaporator outlet temperature (redundant measurements)
TT-90a to n Ambient air temperature (one or more aspirating psychrometers)
WBT-90m Entering wet-bulb temperature for evaporatively cooled or air-cooled in heating mode
Not identified Power consumption for the chiller, including any auxiliary systems contained in the test boundary; includes voltage
balance measurement.
1. Optional pressure measurement used for enthalpy capacity calculation method.

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Figure B-3 Steam-turbine-driven liquid-cooled chiller.

ID Description of Measurement
FT-11 Evaporator liquid flow
TT-12 Evaporator inlet temperature
PDT-13 Evaporator pressure difference
TT-14 Evaporator outlet temperature
PDT-15 1 Evaporator pressure difference at temperature measurement location
FT-21 Condenser liquid flow
TT-22 Condenser inlet temperature
PDT-23 Condenser pressure difference
TT-24 Condenser outlet temperature
PDT-25 1 Condenser pressure difference at temperature measurement location
PT-51 Steam supply pressure
TT-52 Steam supply inlet temperature
TT-53 Steam condensate temperature
FT-54 Steam condensate flow
Not identified Power consumption for the chiller, including any auxiliary systems contained in the test boundary; includes voltage balance
a. Optional pressure measurement used for enthalpy capacity calculation method.

10 ANSI/ASHRAE Addendum a to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019

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Figure B-4 Engine-driven liquid-cooled chiller.

ID Description of Measurement
FT-11 Evaporator liquid flow
TT-12 Evaporator inlet temperature
PDT-13 Evaporator pressure difference
TT-14 Evaporator outlet temperature
PDT-15 Evaporator pressure difference at temperature measurement location
FT-21 Condenser liquid flow
TT-22 Condenser inlet temperature
PDT-23 Condenser pressure difference
TT-24 Condenser outlet temperature
PDT-25 1 Condenser pressure difference at temperature measurement location
FT-41 Cooling system liquid flow
TT-22 Cooling system liquid inlet temperature
TT-23 Cooling system liquid outlet temperature
PT-51 Fuel supply flow
TT-52 Fuel supply inlet pressure
TT-53 Exhaust temperature
Not identified Power consumption for the chiller, including any auxiliary systems contained in the test boundary; includes voltage balance
a. Optional pressure measurement used for enthalpy capacity calculation method.

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ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment.
ASHRAE’s members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of
the systems and components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide,
consistent with accepted Standards and the practical state of the art.
ASHRAE’s short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the
indoor and outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the Standards and Guidelines as established by
itself and other responsible bodies.
As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive Technical Committee structure,
continue to generate up-to-date Standards and Guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote
those new and revised Standards developed by other responsible organizations.
Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date Standards and design considerations as the
material is systematically revised.
ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and
will seek out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating
Standards and Guidelines.
The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the
system’s intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.
ASHRAE’s primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAE’s scope
operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and
energy transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection
should be made by its members.
© ASHRAE. Per international copyright law, additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either
print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.

ASHRAE · 1791 Tullie Circle NE · Atlanta, GA 30329 ·


Founded in 1894, ASHRAE is a global professional society committed to serve humanity by advancing the arts and
sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, and their allied fields.

As an industry leader in research, standards writing, publishing, certification, and continuing education, ASHRAE
and its members are dedicated to promoting a healthy and sustainable built environment for all, through strategic
partnerships with organizations in the HVAC&R community and across related industries.

To stay current with this and other ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines, visit, and
connect on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Visit the ASHRAE Bookstore

ASHRAE offers its Standards and Guidelines in print, as immediately downloadable PDFs, and via ASHRAE Digital
Collections, which provides online access with automatic updates as well as historical versions of publications.
Selected Standards and Guidelines are also offered in redline versions that indicate the changes made between the
active Standard or Guideline and its previous version. For more information, visit the Standards and Guidelines
section of the ASHRAE Bookstore at


To ensure that you have all of the approved addenda, errata, and interpretations for this
Standard, visit to download them free of charge.

Addenda, errata, and interpretations for ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are no longer
distributed with copies of the Standards and Guidelines. ASHRAE provides these addenda,
errata, and interpretations only in electronic form to promote more sustainable use of


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