Contemporary World Notes

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● International Organization is an organization

● Internationalists like Bentham and Kant established by a treaty or other instrument
imagined the possibility of a world governed by international law and
government, nothing of the sort exists today; possessing its own international legal
● There is no one organization where states personality, such as the United Nations, the
are accountable to. World Health Organization and NATO.
● No organization can militarily compel a state
to obey predetermined global rules. ● One major fallacies of IO's is that they’re
● There is some regularity in the behavior of merely amalgamations of various state
states though; it becomes a global concern interests.
when they don't. ● In the 1960s and the 1970s scholars
● Global governance refers to various believed IO's are just talk shops.
intersecting processes that create global ● IO's however can take on lives of their own

● Powers of International Organizations

● There are many sources of global (Micahel N. Barnett, Martha Finnemore)
governance--treaties and charters of ● IO's have the power of classifications; they
organizations. can invent and apply categories such as
1. NGO's though not having formal state “refugees.”
power, can lobby individual states to behave ● IO's can fix meanings such as in the
in a certain way. concepts of “security” as referring to safety
2. Transnational corporations can likewise from military violence as well as from
have effects on world governance. environmental harm.
● IO's have the power to diffuse norms, which
● A transnational corporation is an enterprise are accepted codes of conduct that may not
that is involved with the international be strict law, but nevertheless produce
production of goods or services, foreign regularity in behavior.
investments, or income and asset ● IO powers can be sources of great good like
management in more than one country. promote human rights or great harm, such
● Transnational corporations share many as in the IMF's “one-size-fits-all” approach
qualities with multinational corporations, with when its economists make recommendations
the subtle difference being that multinational to developing nations.
corporations consist of a centralized
management structure, whereas The United Nations
transnational corporations generally are Brief History
decentralized, with many bases in various
countries where the corporation operates. ● idea for the UN, elaborated in declarations
signed at the wartime Allied conferences in
1. Non-Governmental Organizations are Moscow and Tehran in 1943.
organizations which are independent of ● US Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt suggested
government involvement. the name "United Nations"
● first official use of the term occurred on
● NGOs are a subgroup of organizations January 1, 1942 with the Declaration by the
founded by citizens, which include clubs and United Nations.
associations that provide services to their ● During WW II, the Allies used the term
members and others. "United Nations" to refer to their alliance.
● From August to October 1944,
● NGOs are usually nonprofit organizations, representatives of the U.S., United Kingdom,
and many of them are active in France, USSR, and China met to elaborate
humanitarianism or the social sciences. the plans at the Dumbarton Oaks Estate in
Washington, D.C.
● Those and later talks produced proposals CHAPTER II: MEMBERSHIP
outlining the purposes of the organization, its Article 3
membership and organs, as well as ● The original Members of the United Nations
arrangements to maintain international shall be the states which, having participated
peace and security and international in the United Nations Conference on
economic and social cooperation. International Organization at San Francisco,
● These proposals were discussed and or having previously signed the Declaration
debated by governments and private citizens by United Nations of 1 January 1942, sign
worldwide. the present Charter and ratify it in
● came into existence on October 24, 1945, accordance with Article 110.
after the Charter had been ratified by the five
permanent members of the Security Council Article 4
- China, France, USSR, UK, and the United ● Membership in the United Nations is open to
States - and by a majority of the other 46 all other peace-loving states which accept
signatories. the obligations contained in the present
● The U.S. Senate, by a vote of 89 to 2, gave Charter and, in the judgment of the
its consent to the ratification of the UN Organization, are able and willing to carry
Charter on July 28, 1945. out these obligations.
● In December 1945, the Senate and the ● The admission of any such state to
House of Representatives, by unanimous membership in the United Nations will be
votes, requested that the UN make its effected by a decision of the General
headquarters in the U.S. Assembly upon the recommendation of the
● The offer was accepted, UN headquarters Security Council.
building was constructed in New York City in ● Currently are 193 members.
1949 and 1950 beside the East River on
land purchased by an 8.5 million dollar
donation from John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Article 5

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental ● A Member of the United Nations against
organization tasked with which preventive or enforcement action has
● maintaining international peace and security, been taken by the Security Council may be
● developing friendly relations among nations, suspended from the exercise of the rights
● achieving international co-operation, and and privileges of membership by the General
● being a centre for harmonizing the actions of Assembly upon the recommendation of the
nations. Security Council. The exercise of these
● It was established after World War II, with rights and privileges may be restored by the
the aim of preventing future wars, and Security Council.
succeeded the ineffective League of Nations.
● Its headquarters, which are subject to Article 6
extraterritoriality, are in Manhattan, New York
City, and it has other main offices in Geneva, ● A Member of the United Nations which has
Nairobi, Vienna and The Hague. persistently violated the Principles contained
in the present Charter may be expelled from
● UN HQ officially opened on January 9, the Organization by the General Assembly
1951. The land is now considered upon the recommendation of the Security
international territory. Council.
● Under special agreement with the U.S.,
certain diplomatic privileges and immunities
have been granted, but generally the laws of
New York City, New York State, and the U.S.
The official languages of the UN are the six languages The Security Council has primary responsibility for
that are used in UN meetings, and in which all official the maintenance of international peace and security.
UN documents are written. In alphabetical order, they ● It has 15 Members, and each Member has
are: one vote. Under the Charter of the United
Nations, all Member States are obligated to
● Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) comply with Council decisions.
● Chinese(Written character: Simplified ● The Security Council takes the lead in
Chinese) determining the existence of a threat to the
● English (British English with Oxford spelling) peace or act of aggression.
● French ● It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle
● Russian it by peaceful means and recommends
● Spanish methods of adjustment or terms of
New proposed languages: ● In some cases, the Security Council can
● Bengali resort to imposing sanctions or even
● Hindi authorize the use of force to maintain or
● Malay restore international peace and security.
● Portuguese
● Swahili
● Turkish The UN Charter established ECOSOC in 1945 as one
of the six main organs of the United Nations.
● The Economic and Social Council is at the
heart of the United Nations system to
The General Assembly (GA) is the main deliberative, advance the three dimensions of sustainable
policymaking and representative organ of the UN. development – economic, social and
● Established in 1945 , the General Assembly environmental.
occupies a central position as the chief ● It is the central platform for fostering debate
deliberative, policymaking and and innovative thinking, forging consensus
representative organ of the United Nations. on ways forward, and coordinating efforts to
● Comprising all 193 Members of the United achieve internationally agreed goals.
Nations, it provides a unique forum for ● It is also responsible for the follow-up to
multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of major UN conferences and summits.
international issues covered by the Charter.
● It also plays a significant role in the process
of standard-setting and the codification of In setting up an International Trusteeship System, the
international law. Charter established the Trusteeship Council as one of
● Each country has one vote. Some Member the main organs of the United Nations.
States in arrear of payment may be granted ● The UN assigned to it the task of
the right to vote. supervising the administration of Trust
● The Assembly has adopted its own rules of Territories placed under the Trusteeship
procedure and elects its President and 21 System.
Vice-Presidents for each session. ● The main goals of the System were to
● Decisions on important questions, such as promote the advancement of the inhabitants
those on peace and security, admission of of Trust Territories and their progressive
new members and budgetary matters, development towards self-government or
require a two-thirds majority. independence.
● Decisions on other questions are by simple
● The Assembly meets from September to
December each year, and thereafter from
January to August, as required.
The Trusteeship Council is made up of the five The UN Secretariat is headed by the
permanent members of the Security Council -- China, Secretary-General, assisted by the Deputy
France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom Secretary-General and a staff of international civil
and the United States. servants worldwide.
● The aims of the Trusteeship System have
been fulfilled to the extent that all Trust ● It provides studies, information, and facilities
Territories have attained self-government or needed by UN bodies for their meetings.
independence, either as separate States or ● It also carries out tasks as directed by the
by joining neighbouring independent Security Council, the General Assembly, the
countries. Economic and Social Council, and other UN
● Under the Charter, the Trusteeship Council bodies.
is authorized to examine and discuss reports
from the Administering Authority on the The Secretary-General acts as the de facto
political, economic, social and educational spokesperson and leader of the UN. The position is
advancement of the peoples of Trust defined in the UN Charter as the organization's "chief
Territories and, in consultation with the administrative officer“
Administering Authority, to examine petitions ● Article 99 of the charter states that the
from and undertake periodic and other Secretary-General can bring to the Security
special missions to Trust Territories. Council's attention
● The Trusteeship Council suspended its ● "any matter which in his opinion may
operations on 1 November 1994, a month threaten the maintenance of international
after the independence of Palau, the last peace and security",
remaining United Nations trust territory. ● a phrase that Secretaries-General since
Trygve Lie have interpreted as giving the
position broad scope for action on the world
The International Court of Justice, which has its seat ● The office has evolved into a dual role of an
in The Hague, is the principal judicial organ of the administrator of the UN organization and a
United Nations. diplomat and mediator addressing disputes
● It is based in the Peace Palace in The between member states and finding
Hague, sharing the building with the Hague consensus to global issues
Academy of International Law, a private ● Secretaries-General serve for five-year
centre for the study of international law. terms that can be renewed indefinitely,
● The ICJ's primary purpose is to adjudicate although none so far has held office for more
disputes among states. The court has heard than two terms; most have served two terms.
cases related to war crimes, illegal state ● The Charter provides for the
interference, ethnic cleansing, and other Secretary-General to be appointed by the
issues. General Assembly upon the nomination of
● The ICJ can also be called upon by other the Security Council.
UN organs to provide advisory opinions. ● Therefore, the selection is subject to the
● It is the only organ that is not located in New veto of any of the five permanent members
York. of the Security Council.
● The ICJ is composed of 15 judges who ● In practice, the Secretary-General cannot be
serve 9-year terms and are appointed by the a national of any of the Permanent Members
General Assembly; every sitting judge must of the Security Council.
be from a different nation. ● An accepted practice of regional
(continental) rotation has also been adopted
in the selection of successive candidates.
● The ability of candidates to converse in both
English and French is also considered an
unofficial qualification for the office.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
● Most Secretaries-General are compromise (UNHCR) is a UN agency mandated to aid and
candidates from middle powers and with little protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and
prior fame. stateless people, and to assist in their voluntary
● High-profile candidates are often touted for repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third
the job, but are almost always rejected as country.
unpalatable to some. ● It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland,
● For instance, figures like Charles de Gaulle, with over 17,300 staff working in 135
Dwight Eisenhower, and Sir Anthony Eden countries.
were considered for the first
Secretary-General position, but were The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
rejected in favor of the uncontroversial is responsible for coordinating responses to
Norwegian Trygve Lie. environmental issues within the United Nations
● Gladwyn Jeb Oct 45-Feb 46, UK ● was established by Maurice Strong, its first
● Javier Pérez de Cuéllar (1982-91), Peru director, after the United Nations Conference
● Trygve Lie, 1946-1952, Norway on the Human Environment in Stockholm in
● Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1992-96), Egypt June 1972.
● Dag Hammarskjöld (1953-61), Sweden ● Its mandate is to provide leadership, deliver
● Kofi Annan (1997-2006), Ghana science and develop solutions on a wide
● U Thant, (1961-19710, Burma range of issues, including climate change,
● Ban Ki-Moon (2007-2016), South Korea the management of marine and terrestrial
● Kurt Waldheim (1972-81), Austria ecosystems, and green economic
● Antonio Guterres (1917-) Portugal development.
● The organization also develops international
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a environmental agreements, publishes and
specialized agency of the United Nations responsible promotes environmental science and helps
for international public health. national governments achieve environmental
● its main objective is "the attainment by all targets.
peoples of the highest possible level of
health.“ The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
● It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, Nations (FAO)
with six semi-autonomous regional offices ● is a specialized agency of the United
and 150 field offices worldwide. Nations that leads international efforts to
defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and ● Its Latin motto, fiat panis, translates to "let
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) there be bread". It was founded in October
● a specialized agency of the United Nations 1945.
aimed at promoting world peace and security
through international cooperation in UNICEF, also known as the United Nations
education, the sciences, and culture. International Children's Emergency Fund,
● has 193 member states and 11 associate ● is a United Nations agency responsible for
members, as well as partners in the providing humanitarian and developmental
nongovernmental, intergovernmental, and aid to children worldwide
private sector. ● UNICEF's activities include providing
● headquartered in Paris, France, UNESCO immunizations and disease prevention,
has 53 regional field offices and 199 national administering treatment for children and
commissions that facilitate its global mothers with HIV, enhancing childhood and
mandate. maternal nutrition, improving sanitation,
promoting education, and providing
emergency relief in response to disasters.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Commission on Human Rights
formerly the United Nations Fund for Population (UNCHR) was a functional commission within the
Activities, is a UN agency aimed at improving overall framework of the United Nations from 1946
reproductive and maternal health worldwide. until it was replaced by the United Nations Human
● Its work includes developing national Rights Council in 2006.
healthcare strategies and protocols, ● It was a subsidiary body of the UN Economic
increasing access to birth control, and and Social Council (ECOSOC), and was also
leading campaigns against child marriage, assisted in its work by the Office of the
gender-based violence, obstetric fistula, and United Nations High Commissioner for
female genital mutilation. Human Rights (UNOHCHR).
● It was the UN's principal mechanism and
international forum concerned with the
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) promotion and protection of human rights.
● is an international organization that seeks to
promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy,
and to inhibit its use for any military purpose,
including nuclear weapons.
International organization - institution drawing
The International Labour Organization (ILO) membership from at least three states, having
● is a United Nations agency whose mandate activities in several states, and whose members are
is to advance social and economic justice held together by a formal agreement.
through setting international labour
Peace Studies

The World Food Programme[a] (WFP) is the Peace

food-assistance branch of the United Nations. ● ⪢is a concept of societal friendship and
● It is the world's largest humanitarian harmony in the absence of hostility and
organization, the largest one focused on violence.
hunger and food security, and the largest ● ⪢In a social sense, peace is commonly
provider of school meals. used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war)
and freedom from fear of violence between
The United Nations Development Programme individuals or groups.
(UNDP) is the United Nations' global development
network. ⪢Negative peace
● It promotes technical and investment ● refers to the absence of direct, or "hot"
cooperation among nations and advocates violence, which refers to acts that impose
for change and connects countries to immediate harm on a given subject or group.
knowledge, experience and resources to
help people build a better life for themselves. ⪢Positive peace
● The UNDP provides expert advice, training ● refers to the absence of both direct violence
and grants support to developing countries, as well as structural violence.
with increasing emphasis on assistance to
the least developed countries. ⪢Structural violence
● UNDP works with nations on their own ● refers to the ways that systems & institutions
solutions to global and national development in society cause, reinforce, or perpetuate
challenges. As they develop local capacity, direct violence.
they draw on the people of UNDP and its
wide range of partners. ⪢Just peace
● However UNDP offers to help only if the ● refers to the absence of all three types of
different nations request it to do so. violence enumerated above: direct,
structural, & cultural.
⪢Cultural violence
● refers to aspects of culture that can be used Peacemaking
to justify or legitimize direct or structural ● generally includes measures to address
violence—the ways in which direct or conflicts in progress and usually involves
structural violence look or feel "right" diplomatic action to bring hostile parties to a
according to the moral fabric of society. negotiated agreement.
● US President Jimmy Carter brokering peace
Peacekeeping between Anwar Sadat of Egypt (first Arab
● one among a range of activities undertaken country to recognize Israel) and Israeli PM
by the United Nations to maintain Menachem Begin
international peace and security throughout ● The UN Secretary-General may exercise his
the world. or her “good offices” to facilitate the
resolution of the conflict.
The other activities are: ● Peacemakers may also be envoys,
● ⪢conflict prevention & mediation governments, groups of states, regional
● ⪢peacemaking organizations or the United Nations.
● ⪢peace enforcement ● Peace-making efforts may also be
● ⪢peacebuilding undertaken by unofficial and
non-governmental groups, or by a prominent
personality working independently.
● Peacekeeping prevents the resumption of
fighting following a conflict Peace enforcement
● Conflict prevention, peacemaking, ● involves the application of a range of
peacekeeping and peace enforcement rarely coercive measures, including the use of
occur in a linear or sequential way. military force.
● Experience has shown that they should be ● It requires the explicit authorization of the
seen as mutually reinforcing. Security Council.
● If they are used piecemeal or in isolation, ● It is used to restore international peace and
they fail to provide the comprehensive security in situations where the Security
approach required to address the root Council has decided to act in the face of a
causes of conflict and hence reduce the risk threat to the peace, breach of the peace or
of conflict recurring. act of aggression.
● The Council may utilize, where appropriate,
UN Peacekeeping Operations regional organizations and agencies for
● Peacekeeping prevents the resumption of enforcement action under its authority and in
fighting following a conflict. accordance with the UN Charter.

Peacebuilding happens before a conflict starts or

once it ends.
Conflict prevention ● Peacebuilding aims to reduce the risk of
● involves diplomatic measures to keep lapsing or relapsing into conflict by
intra-state or inter-state tensions and strengthening national capacities at all levels
disputes from escalating into violent conflict. for conflict management, and to lay the
● It includes early warning, information foundation for sustainable peace and
gathering and a careful analysis of the development.
factors driving the conflict. ● It is a complex, long-term process of
● Conflict prevention activities may include the creating the necessary conditions for
use of the Secretary-General’s “good sustainable peace.
offices,” preventive deployment of UN
missions or conflict mediation led by the ● Peacebuilding measures address core
Department of Political Affairs. issues that effect the functioning of society
and the State, and seek to enhance the
capacity of the State to effectively and
legitimately carry out its core functions.
⪢There are many different approaches to ● While UN peacekeeping operations are, in
categorization of forms of peacebuilding among the principle, deployed to support the
peacebuilding field's many scholars. implementation of a ceasefire or peace
agreement, they are often required to play
⪢Barnett et al. divide post-conflict peacebuilding into an active role in peacemaking efforts and
three dimensions: may also be involved in early peacebuilding
1. stabilizing the post-conflict zone, activities.
2. restoring state institutions, and
3. dealing with social and economic issues. ● Today's multidimensional peacekeeping
operations facilitate the political process,
protect civilians, assist in the disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration of former
1st Dimension combatants; support the organization of
● ⪢Taking away weapons elections, protect and promote human rights
● ⪢Re-integrating former combatants into and assist in restoring the rule of law.
civilian society
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be
2nd Dimension achieved by understanding.” “Darkness cannot drive
● ⪢Rebuilding basic facilities, transportation out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive
and communication networks, utilities. out hate; only love can do that.”
● ⪢Developing rule of law systems and public ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
● ⪢Building educational and health
● ⪢Providing technical and capacity-building
assistance for institutions The North-South Divide
● ⪢Creating legitimate (democratic,
accountable) state institutions The North–South divide
● socio-economic and political divide.
3rd Dimension
● ⪢Trauma counseling Global North:
● ⪢Transitional justice and restoration ● the US, Canada, Europe, Israel, Japan,
● ⪢Community dialogue Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan as well as
● ⪢Building bridges between different Australia and New Zealand.
communities Global South:
● ⪢Increasing human rights ● Africa, Latin America, and developing Asia
● ⪢Gender empowerment including the Middle East.
● ⪢Raising environmental awareness North:
● ⪢Promoting economic development ● home to the G8 and to four of the five
● ⪢Developing a civil society and private permanent members of the United Nations
sector that can represent diverse interests Security Council. The North mostly covers
and challenge the state peacefully the West and the First World, along with
much of the Second World, while the South
largely corresponds With the Third World.
Role of peacekeeping
● The boundaries between conflict prevention, The Cold War
peace-making, peacekeeping, peacebuilding ● a period of ideological and geopolitical
and peace enforcement have become tension between the US and the USSR, and
increasingly blurred. their respective allies, after World War II; the
● Peace operations are rarely limited to one period is generally considered to span the
type of activity. 1947 Truman Doctrine (12 March 1947) To
the 1991 Dissolution of the Soviet Union (26
December 1991).
First World
● the West; definition has largely shifted to any ● in 1973, the oil embargo by Arab OPEC
country with little political risk and a well countries (the Yom Kippur) increased world
functioning democracy, rule of law, capitalist oil prices;
economy, economic stability and high ● Led to a worldwide recession, industrialized
standard of living nations increasing economically protectionist
policies; contributing less aid to the less
Second World developed countries of the South;
● used during the Cold War to refer to the
industrial socialist states that were under the ● Western banks, provided loans to Third
influence of the USSR.; World countries which were not able to pay
back their debt; led the IMF to extend further
Third World loans, if they undertake certain liberalizing
● during the Cold War, Third World referred to reforms; came to be known as structural
the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and adjustment, and was institutionalized by
Latin America, the nations not aligned with International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and
either the First World or the Second World. Western governments
following the fall of the USSR and the end of
the Cold War in 1991, the term Third World ● a break from the Keynesian approach to
was used interchangeably with developing foreign aid which had been the norm from
countries; Is now outdated. the end of the Second World War; After
1987, reports on the negative social impacts
History of structural adjustment policies on affected
● idea of categorizing countries by their developing nations led IFIs to supplement
economic and developmental status began structural adjustment policies with targeted
during the Cold War (East and West); anti-poverty projects; at the end of the Cold
● The USSR and China represented the East, War and the break-up of the USSR, some
and the US and its allies represented the Second World countries joined the First
West; World, and others joined the Third World.
● 'Third World' came into parlance in the
second half of the 20th century, originated in ● A new and simpler classification was
a 1952 article by Alfred Sauvy entitled "Trois needed; use of the terms "North" and
Mondes, Une Planète; "South" became more widespread.
● Early definitions of Third World emphasized
its exclusion from the East-West conflict as
well as the ex-colonial status and poverty of The Brandt Line
the nations it comprised. ● visual depiction of the north–south divide,
● 1955 Bandung Conference, meeting of ● proposed by West German former
Third World states, alternative to alignment Chancellor Willy Brandt in the 1980s.
was promoted. ● encircles the world at a latitude of
approximately 30° North, passing between
● the first Non-Aligned Summit was organized North and Central America, north of Africa
in 1961; a mode of economic criticism which and the Middle East, climbing north over
separated the world economy into "core" and China and Mongolia, but dipping south so as
"periphery" was developed; given expression to include Australia and New Zealand in the
in a project for political reform, "moved the "Rich North".
terms 'North' and 'South' into the
international political lexicon.“

● In 1973, the pursuit of a New International

Economic Order, to be negotiated between
the North and South was initiated at the
Non-Aligned Summit held in Algiers.
The World’s Largest States Roman Catholics (over 1 billion strong). It is
surrounded by Rome, Italy.
1. Russia ● “Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum:
● Area 17,098,242 sq km habemus papam.” I announce to you a great
● Population 145,478,097 joy: We have a Pope
● Density 8.4/km2
2. Canada 2. Monaco
● 7 square miles - lies along the French
● Area 9,984,670 sq km Riviera on the French Mediterranean coast
● Population 38,526,760 near Nice. An impressive 38,100 people live
● Density 3.41/km2 in this state known for its Monte Carlo
3. People’s Republic of China casinos. It has been independent off-and-on
● Area 9,596,960 sq km since the 13th century.
● Population 1,412,600,000
● Density 145/km2 3. Nauru
● ● 8.5 square miles - The 11,000 residents of
4. United States of America the Pacific island Nauru rely on diminishing
● Area 9,147,593 km2 phosphate deposits. The state became
● Population 331,893,745 independent in 1968 and was formerly
● Density 34.2/km2 known as Pleasant Island.
5. Brazil
● Area 8,515,767 km2 4. Tuvalu
● Population 212,688,125 ● 9 square miles - composed of 9 coral atolls
● Density 23.8 km2 along a 360 mile chain in Polynesia. Gained
6. Australia independence in 1978. The former Ellice
● Area 7,692,700 sq km Islands are home to 10,507 people.
● Population 25,986,700
● Density 2.8/sq km 5. San Marino
7. India ● 24 square miles - Located on Mt. Titano in
● Area 3,287,590 sq km north central Italy, San Marino has 33,630
● Population 1,369,957,614 residents. The country claims to be the
● Density 382.2/km2 oldest state in Europe, having been founded
8. Argentina in the fourth century.
● Area 2,780,400 sq km
● Population 45,605,826[ 6. Liechtenstein
● Density 14.4/sq km ● 62 square miles - This microstate of 38,749
9. Kazakhstan people is located on the Rhine River
● Area 2,717,300 sq km between Switzerland and Austria in the Alps.
● Population 19,082,467
● Density 5.94/sq km 7. Marshall Islands
10. Algeria ● 70 square miles - The atolls (including the
● Area 2,381,741 sq km world's largest, Kwajalein), reefs, and 34
● Population 44,700,000 islands (population 55,500) gained
● Density 15.9/sq km independence in 1986.

8. St. Kitts & Nevis

THE SMALLEST STATES IN THE WORLD ● 104 square miles - This Caribbean country of
52,823 residents gained independence in
1. Vatican City 1983. Nevis is the smaller island of the two
● 0.2 square miles - The world's smallest state, and is guaranteed the right to secede.
the Vatican has a population of 825, none of
whom are permanent residents. The tiny
country is the spiritual center for the world's
9. Seychelles gained independence on June 3, 2006 after
● 107 square miles - The 98,462 residents of a referendum.
this Indian Ocean island group have been
independent of the UK since 1976. 5. East Timor (Timor-Leste) declared
independence from Portugal in 1975 but did
10. Maldives not became independent from Indonesia
● 115 square miles - Only 200 of the 2000 until May 20, 2002.
Indian Ocean islands which make up this
country are occupied by 383,135 residents. 6. Palau was part of the Trust Territory of
The islands gained independence from the Pacific Islands (administered by the United
U.K. in 1965. States) and gained independence October 1,
1994 as a former colony.

7. Eritrea was a part of Ethiopia but seceded

and gained independence on May 25, 1993 .
The World
8. (and 9.) The Czech Republic and Slovakia
THE MOST POPULOUS STATES IN THE WORLD became independent states on January 1,
State Population Capital City 1993 when Czechoslovakia dissolved.
1. China 1,412,600,000 Beijing
2. India 1,369,957,614 New Delhi 9. Micronesia, previously known as the
3. USA 331,893,745 Washington Caroline Islands, became independent from
4. Indonesia 273.879.750 Jakarta the United States on September 17, 1991.
5. Pakistan 226,992,332 Islamabad
6. Brazil 212,688,125 Brasilia 10. The Marshall Islands was part of the Trust
7. Nigeria 211,400,708[ Abuja Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by
8. Bangladesh 169,688,404 Dacca the United States) and gained independence
9. Russia 145,478,097 Moscow as a former colony on September 17, 1991 .
10. Mexico 126,014,024[ Mexico City
11. Japan 125,502,000 Tokyo 11. Germany unified (from East Germany and
12. Philippines 109,991,095 Manila West Germany) on October 3, 1990 after
13. Egypt 102,674,145 Cairo the fall of the Iron Curtain.
14. Democratic Rep. of Congo 101,935,800
Kinshasa 12. Yemen was formed when North and South
15. Vietnam 96,483,981 Hanoi Yemen merged on May 22, 1990 .

13. Namibia became independent of South

The World’s Newest States Africa on March 21, 1990 .

1. South Sudan peacefully seceded from

Sudan on July 9, 2011 following a January
2011 referendum. Sudan itself was the first ● Bosnia and Herzegovina, February 29, 1992
to recognize South Sudan and did so one ● Croatia, June 25, 1991
day early.
● Macedonia (officially The Former Yugoslav
2. Kosovo unilaterally declared independence Republic of Macedonia) declared
from Serbia on February 17, 2008. independence on September 8, 1991 but
wasn't recognized by the United Nations until
3. Serbia became its own entity on June 5, 1993 and the United States and Russia in
2006 after Montenegro split. February of 1994
● Serbia and Montenegro, (also known as the
4. Montenegro was part of Serbia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), April 17,
Montenegro (also known as Yugoslavia) but 1992 Slovenia, June 25, 1991
Fifteen new countries became independent with the ● The data used to rank countries in each
dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Most of these report is drawn from the Gallup World Poll,
countries declared independence a few months as well as other sources such as the World
preceding the fall of the Soviet Union in late 1991. Values Survey, in some of the reports. The
Gallup World Poll questionnaire measures
1. Armenia 14 areas within its core questions: (1)
2. Azerbaijan business & economics, (2) citizen
3. Belarus engagement, (3) communications &
4. Estonia technology, (4) diversity (social issues), (5)
5. Georgia education & families, (6) emotions
6. Kazakhstan (well-being), (7) environment & energy, (8)
7. Kyrgyzstan food & shelter, (9) government and politics,
8. Latvia (10) law & order (safety), (11) health, (12)
9. Lithuania religion and ethics, (13) transportation, and
10. Moldova (14) work.
11. Russia
12. Tajikistan 1. FINLAND
13. Turkmenistan 2. DENMARK
14. Ukraine 3. ICELAND
15. Uzbekistan 4. SWITZERLAND
The Ten Most Corrupt Countries in the World 7. SWEDEN
2021 9. ISRAEL
1. South Sudan 10. NEW ZEALAND
2. Somalia 11. AUSTRIA
3. Syria 12. AUSTRALIA
4. Venezuela 13. IRELAND
5. Afghanistan 14. GERMANY
6. North Korea 15. CANADA
7. Yemen
8. Equatorial Guinea Ten Strongest Military Powers
9. Libya
10. Burundi 1. USA
Defense Budget: $601 billion
2022 Active frontline personnel: 1,400,000
1. South Sudan Tanks: 8,848
2. Syria Total aircraft: 13,892
3. Somalia Submarines: 72
4. Venezuela
5. Afghanistan 2. Russia
6. North Korea Defense Budget: $84.5 billion
7. Libya Active frontline personnel: 766,055
8. Equatorial Guinea Tanks: 15,398
9. DR Comgo Total aircraft: 3,429
10. Burundi Submarines: 55

Happiest Countries 3. China

● World Happiness Report Update 2022, by Defense Budget: $216 billion
the Sustainable Development Solutions Active frontline personnel: 2,333,000
Network for the United Nations. Tanks: 9,150
Total aircraft: 2,860
Submarines: 67
4. Japan Global Migration
Defense Budget: $41.6 billion
Active frontline personnel: 247,173 Human migration
Tanks: 678 ● involves the movement of people from one
Total aircraft: 1,613 place to another with intentions of settling,
Submarines: 16 permanently or temporarily, at a new location
or geographic region.
5. India
Defense Budget: $50 billion Internal migration
Active frontline personnel: 1,325,000 ● people moving from one area to another
Tanks: 6,464 within one country
Total aircraft: 1,905
Submarines: 15 International migration
● people cross borders of one country to
6. France another
Defense Budget: $62.3 billion
Active frontline personnel: 202,761 Immigrants
Tanks: 423 ● moved to another country permanently
Total aircraft: 1,264 ● Workers who stay in another country for a
Submarines: 10 fixed period

7. South Korea Illegal immigrants

● Migrants who were “petitioned” by their
Defense Budget: $62.3 billion families
Active frontline personnel: 624,465
Tanks: 2,381 Refugees
Total aircraft: 1,412 ● (Asylum seekers) unable or unwilling to
Submarines: 13 return due to fear of persecution on account
of race, religion, nationality, belonging to a
8. Italy certain group or political persuasion.
Defense Budget: $34 billion
Active frontline personnel: 320,000 ● 247 million people are living outside their
Tanks: 586 country of origin
Total aircraft: 760 ● 90% moved due to economic reasons
Submarines: 6 ● 10% are asylum-seekers

9. United Kingdom Top Three Regions of Origin

Defense Budget: $60.5 billion ● Latin America 18%
Active frontline personnel: 146,980 ● Eastern Europe & Central Asia 16%
Tanks: 407 ● Middle East and Africa 14%
Total aircraft: 936
Submarines: 10 Country of Origin
● India, Mexico, China, Philippines,
10. Turkey Afghanistan
Defense Budget: $18.2 billion 1. Destination:
Active frontline personnel: 410,500 ● US, the West, Middle East
Tanks: 3,778 ● 50% of migrants moved from developing
Total aircraft: 1,020 countries to developed world
Submarines: 13 ● Contributing 40-80% of their labor force
Their growth outstripped the populations of their host ● The fiscal impact of immigration on social
countries (3% vs 0.6%) welfare, “very small”
● McKinsey Global Institute: ● Government spending in OECD countries
● first generation immigrants constitute 13% (2013) still higher on native-born citizens
of population of Western Europe than immigrants
● 15% of North America
● 48% of GCC countries Massive inflow of refugees from Syria and Iraq raised
alarm bells but has not proved to be as damaging as
Majority of migrants remained in cities ● IMF predicted that flow of refugees from
● 92% of migrants in US live in cities Syria and Iraq would grow Europe’s GDP
● 95% in the UK “modestly”
● 99% in Australia ● Flow of refugees from Middle East to
Germany has not affected welfare programs
● Little impact on wages and employment
● Brought much-needed labor to the economy
Contribute enormously to productivity of their host
● Country Contribution % of GDP Benefits and Detriments for the Sending Countries:
● USA $ 2 trillion 11% ● Remittances (2014) $580 billion (10% of
● UK $390 billion 14% value generated by migrants)
● Germany $550 billion 17% ● India $70 billion
● Canada $320 billion 21% ● China $62 billion
● Australia $330 billion 25% ● Philippines $28 billion
● Mexico $25 billion
● Made significant contributions to the
development of small and medium-term
Debate: industries that help generate jobs
● Remittances change economic and social
Migrants, assets or liabilities? standing of migrants,
● Anti-immigrants, Nationalist call for control ● Homes, access to consumer goods
of legal immigration and a stop to illegal ● Purchasing power of migrant families
immigration doubles
● They gain influence through leaders who ● Send their kids to school
support their cause (Trump, May etc),
reversing pro-immigration and ADB, notes serious concerns on economic
refugee-sympathetic policies of their sustainability
governments ● Do not have significant influence on other
key items of consumption or investment e.g.,
Trump education and health care
● Ban on people from Muslim-majority ● May lift households out of poverty but not
countries (even those with proper rebalancing growth
documentation) ● Migration siphoning qualified personnel,
● Promised to build a wall along border with removing dynamic young workers
Mexico ● Brain drain

McKinsey Global Institute:

Wisdom of these governments belied by data ● Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
● Harvard Business School (2011) “likelihood lost 1/3 of their graduates
and magnitude of adverse labor market ● 60% of those who moved to OECD
effects for natives from immigration are countries were college graduates, compared
substantially weaker than perceived.” to 9% of over-all population in the country
● 52% of Filipinos moving abroad have tertiary ● In US and Singapore, white-collar OFWs
education compared to 23% of overall have been integrated easier than their
Filipino population blue-collar counterparts

Democratic states assimilate immigrants by granting

Loss of professionals (doctors) detrimental to home them citizenship (and the rights that go with it)
countries ● Linguistic difficulty, customs from “old
● 15% of locally-trained doctors (2006) of 21 country”, and religion may create cleavages
Sub-Saharan African countries emigrated to between immigrants and native-born citizens
US or Canada ● Native-born citizens accuse immigrants of
● 43% of Liberian doctors left bringing in the culture from their home
● 30% Ghana countries, amplifying differences in linguistic
● 20% Uganda and ethnic customs
● Governments continue practice, impact of
● Equally “concerned with generating jobs for Xenophobia
an under-utilized workforce and in getting the ● fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or
maximum inflow of worker remittances.” of anything that is strange or foreign
● Governments are actively involved in ● Lack of integration creates xenophobic and
recruitment and deployment of workers anti-immigrant groups more reason to reject
abroad (POEA) anything foreign
● Migrants unwittingly reinforce the tension by
Human Trafficking “keeping among themselves.”
● FBI lists trafficking as 3rd largest criminal ● Anxiety of first-time migrants of coming into
activity worldwide a new and “strange” place is mitigated by
● ILO (2012), 21 million men, women and “local networks of fellow citizens” that serve
children as victims of “forced labor” as the migrant’s safety net from dislocation
● 3 out of 1000 persons worldwide
● 90% of victims (18.7 million) exploited by ● Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
private enterprises and entrepreneurs Association of California (find work, set up
● 22% (4.5 million) sexually-abused businesses).
● 68% (14.2 million) work under compulsion in ● Networks exacerbate differences and
agricultural, manufacturing, infrastructure discrimination instead of facilitation
and domestic activities integration
● Human trafficking is profitable, earning
syndicates, smugglers, and corrupt state ● Government/businesses made policy
officials profits as high as $150 billion a year changes e.g. use of multiple languages in
(2014) state documents
● Governments, private sector, civil society ● Training programs, counselling also helped
groups have worked together to combat migrant integration
human trafficking yet the results remain ● Whether these will succeed or not remains
uneven an open question.

● Migrants contribute to GDP but their access Discrimination
to housing, health care and education not
easy Discrimination
● Migrants from China, India and Western ● the act of making unjustified distinctions
Europe have more success while those from between human beings based on the
the Middle East, North Africa and groups, classes, or other categories to which
sub-Saharan Africa face difficulties in they belong or are perceived to belong.
securing jobs
● People may be discriminated on the basis of Types of discrimination
race, gender, age, religion, or sexual
orientation, as well as other categories. Age
● occurs when individuals or groups are ● Ageism or age discrimination is
unfairly treated in a way which is worse than discrimination and stereotyping based on the
other people are treated, on the basis of their grounds of someone's age.
actual or perceived membership in certain ● Ageism is most often directed toward elderly
groups or social categories. people, or adolescents and children.
● involves restricting members of one group ● Joanna Lahey, professor at The Bush School
from opportunities or privileges that are of Government and Public Service at Texas
available to members of another group. A&M, firms are more than 40% more likely to
interview a young adult job applicant than an
● Discriminatory traditions, policies, ideas, older job applicant.
practices and laws exist in many countries
and institutions in all parts of the world;
● In some places, attempts such as quotas ● In a survey for the University of Kent,
have been used to benefit those who are England, 29% of respondents stated that
believed to be current or past victims of they had suffered from age discrimination.
discrimination. ● is a higher proportion than for gender or
racial discrimination.
● Dominic Abrams, social psychology
Normative Approach professor at the university, concluded that
● discrimination is defined as wrongfully ageism is the most pervasive form of
imposed disadvantageous treatment or prejudice experienced in the UK population.
● Caste
Comparative approach ● UNICEF and Human Rights Watch,:
● An individual need not be actually harmed in ● “caste discrimination affects an estimated
order to be discriminated against. 250 million people worldwide and is mainly
● They just need to be treated worse than prevalent in parts of Asia (India, Sri Lanka,
others for some arbitrary reason. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Japan) and
Example: Africa.”
● If someone decides to donate to help ● As of 2011, there were 200 million Dalits or
orphan children, but decides to donate less, Scheduled Castes (formerly known as
say, to Black children out of a racist attitude, "untouchables") in India.
then they would be acting in a discriminatory
way despite the fact that the people they Disability
discriminate against actually benefit by ● Discrimination against people with
receiving a donation. disabilities in favor of people who are not is
● In addition to this, discrimination develops called ableism or disablism.
into a source of oppression. ● treats non-disabled individuals as the
● It is similar to the action of recognizing standard of 'normal living’,
someone as 'different' so much that they are ● results in public and private places and
treated inhumanely and degraded. services, educational settings, and social
services that are built to serve 'standard'
● The United Nations’ stance on discrimination people, thereby excluding those with various
includes the statement: "Discriminatory disabilities.
behaviors take many forms, but they all
involve some form of exclusion or rejection."
● International bodies, United Nations Human
Rights Council work towards helping ending
discrimination around the world.
● Studies, disabled people not only need Name
employment in order to be provided with the ● researchers suggest this form of
opportunity to earn a living discrimination is present based on a name's
● they also need employment in order to meaning, its pronunciation, its uniqueness,
sustain their mental health and well-being. its gender affiliation, and its racial affiliation.
● Work fulfils a number of basic needs for an ● Research has further shown that real world
individual such as collective purpose, social recruiters spend an average of just six
contact, status, and activity. seconds reviewing each résumé before
● A person with a disability is often found to be making their initial "fit/no fit" screen-out
socially isolated and work is one way to decision and that a person's name is one of
reduce his or her isolation. the six things they focus on most.
● In the United States, the Americans with ● France has made it illegal to view a person's
Disabilities Act mandates the provision of name on a résumé when screening for the
equality of access to both buildings and initial list of most qualified candidates.
services and is paralleled by similar acts in ● Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, and the
other countries, such as the Equality Act Netherlands have also experimented with
2010 in the UK. name-blind summary processes.
● Some apparent discrimination may be
● Language explained by other factors such as name
● people are sometimes subjected to different frequency.
treatment because their preferred language ● The effects of name discrimination based on
is associated with a particular group, class or a name's fluency is subtle, small and subject
category. to significantly changing norms.
1. Ex: Anti-French sentiment in the
US; Anti-Quebec sentiment in Nationality
Canada. ● sometimes referred to as bound together
2. Ex: Wayúu Native Colombians, with racial discrimination
given derisive names and the same ● is usually included in employment laws
birth date, by government officials, ● In the GCC states, preferential treatment is
during a campaign to provide them given to full citizens (workplace), even
with identification cards.issue was though many of them lack experience or
not discovered until many years motivation to do the job.
later. ● State benefits are also generally available for
citizens only. Westerners might also get paid
more than other expatriates
In 1948, Mohammad Ali Jinnah declared Urdu as the
national language of Pakistan and branded those Race or ethnicity
supporting the use of Bengali, the most widely spoken ● Racial and ethnic discrimination
language in the state, as enemies of the state. differentiates individuals on the basis of real
and perceived racial and ethnic differences
● Language discrimination is suggested to be and leads to various forms of the ethnic
labeled linguicism or logocism. penalty.
● Anti-discriminatory and inclusive efforts to ● also refer to the belief that groups of humans
accommodate persons who speak different possess different behavioral traits
languages or cannot have fluency in the corresponding to physical appearance and
country's predominant or "official" language, can be divided based on the superiority of
is bilingualism such as official documents in one race over another.
two languages, and multiculturalism in more ● may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or
than two languages. antagonism directed against other people
because they are of a different race or
● Modern variants of racism are often based in ● In a 1979 consultation on the issue, the US
social perceptions of biological differences commission on civil rights defined religious
between peoples. discrimination in relation to the civil rights
● These views can take the form of social which are guaranteed by the Fourteenth
actions, practices or beliefs, or political Amendment.
systems in which different races are ranked ● religious discrimination occurs:
as inherently superior or inferior to each ● when someone is denied "equal protection
other, based on presumed shared inheritable under the law,
traits, abilities, or qualities. ● equality of status under the law,
Ex: ● equal treatment in the administration of
South Africa during the apartheid era. justice,
● race-based discrimination against ethnic ● and equality of opportunity and access to
Indians and Chinese in Malaysia employment, education, housing, public
● Vietnamese refugees moved to Australia services and facilities, and public
and the United States, accommodation because of their exercise of
their right to religious freedom".
● Regional or geographic discrimination is a Sex, sex characteristics, gender, and gender identity
form of discrimination that is based on the ● Sexism is a form of discrimination based on
region in which a person lives or the region a person's sex or gender.
in which a person was born. ● has been linked to stereotypes and gender
● It differs from national discrimination roles,
because it may not be based on national ● and may include the belief that one sex or
borders or the country in which the victim gender is intrinsically superior to another.
lives, ● Gender discrimination may encompass
● it is based on prejudices against a specific sexism, is discrimination toward people
region of one or more countries. based on their gender identity or their gender
or sex differences.
● Gender discrimination is especially defined
Religious beliefs in terms of workplace inequality.
● Religious discrimination is valuing or treating ● may arise from social or cultural customs
people or groups differently because of what and norms
they do or do not believe in or because of ● Australia, first country to add an independent
their feelings towards a given religion. attribute, of 'intersex status’.
● the Jewish population of Germany, and ● Malta, the first to adopt a broader framework
indeed a large portion of Europe, was of 'sex characteristics', through legislation
subjected to discrimination under Adolf Hitler that also ended modifications to the sex
and his Nazi party between 1933 and 1945. characteristics of minors undertaken for
● forced to live in ghettos, social and cultural reasons.
● wear an identifying star of David on their ● Global efforts such as the UN Sustainable
clothes, Development Goal 5, aimed at ending all
● and sent to concentration and death camps forms of discrimination on the basis of
in rural Germany and Poland, where they gender and sex.
were to be tortured and killed,
● Many laws (most prominently the Nuremberg
Laws of 1935) separated those of Jewish
faith as supposedly inferior to the Christian
● In Saudi Arabia, non-Muslims are not
allowed to publicly practice their religions
and they cannot enter Mecca and Medina.
● private non-Muslim religious gatherings
might be raided by the religious police.
Sexual orientation ● Although gay marriage has been legal in
● One's sexual orientation is a "predilection for South Africa since 2006, same-sex unions
homosexuality, heterosexuality, or are often condemned as "un-African".
bisexuality". ● Research conducted in 2009 shows 86% of
● homosexuals and bisexuals are vulnerable Black lesbians from the Western Cape live in
to prejudice and discrimination from the fear of sexual assault.
majority group. ● A number of countries, (Western world)
● may experience hatred from others because passed measures to alleviate discrimination
of their sexuality; against sexual minorities,
● term for such hatred based upon one's ● including laws against anti-gay hate crimes
sexual orientation is often called ● workplace discrimination.
homophobia. ● Some have also legalized same-sex
● Many continue to hold negative feelings marriage or civil unions in order to grant
towards those with non-heterosexual same-sex couples the same protections and
orientations and will discriminate against benefits as opposite-sex couples.
people who have them or are thought to ● In 2011, the United Nations passed its first
have them. resolution recognizing LGBT rights.
● People of other uncommon sexual
orientations also experience discrimination. Reverse discrimination
● One study found its sample of heterosexuals ● discrimination against members of a
to be more prejudiced against asexual dominant or majority group, in favor of
people than to homosexual or bisexual members of a minority or historically
people disadvantaged group.
● Employment discrimination based on sexual ● Groups may be defined in terms of disability,
orientation varies by country. ethnicity, family status, gender identity,
● Revealing a lesbian sexual orientation nationality, race, religion, sex, and sexual
lowers employment opportunities in Cyprus orientation, or other factors
and Greece but overall, it has no negative ● seek to redress social inequalities under
effect in Sweden and Belgium. which minority groups have had less access
● 2009, ILGA published a report based on to privileges enjoyed by the majority group.
research carried out by Daniel Ottosson at ● it is intended to remove discrimination that
Södertörn University College, Stockholm, minority groups may already face.
Sweden: 80 countries around the world that ● can be defined as the unequal treatment of
continue to consider homosexuality illegal, members of the majority groups resulting
five carry the death penalty for homosexual from preferential policies, as in college
activity, two do in some regions of the admissions or employment, intended to
country. remedy earlier discrimination against
● happens in Islamic states, or in two cases minorities.
regions under Islamic authority.
● February 5, 2005, the IRIN issued a reported Discrimination against refugees, asylum seekers,
titled "Iraq: Male homosexuality still a taboo". migrants and internally displaced persons
● honor killings by Iraqis against a gay family ● refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and
member are common and given some legal internally displaced persons have been the
protection. victims of racial discrimination, racist attacks,
● August 2009, Human Rights Watch: torture xenophobia and ethnic and religious
of men accused of being gay in Iraq, intolerance.
(blocking of men's anuses with glue, giving
the men laxatives).
● Human Right Watch, "racism is both a cause 4. REPORT RACIST OR DISCRIMINATORY
and a product of forced displacement, and CONTENT ONLINE
an obstacle to its solution." ● Many social media platforms want their
platforms to be safe and empowering for
people of all backgrounds. If you see content
● the influx of refugees to Europe (2010), that you think violates their guidelines, report
media coverage shaped public opinion and it to the platform.
created hostility towards refugees. ● If you see content in a newspaper or other
● Prior to that the European Union had started traditional media that reflects prejudice,
implementing the hotspot system, which leave a comment or send a letter to the
categorized people as either asylum seekers editor to let others know that intolerant
or economic migrants, remarks are unkind and uncalled for.
● Europe’s patrolling of its southern borders
between 2010 and 2016 intensified, 5. IS YOUR SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY AGAINST
● Schools and universities should be safe
•Five actions you can take against racism and places for children and young people of all
discrimination races and ethnicities.
● Find out whether your school or university
1. LISTEN AND EDUCATE YOURSELF has a policy on non-discrimination and
● Pay attention to the voices of people who racism, safe ways to report incidents,
experience racism every day – listen to support services, and programmes or
friends, classmates, neighbors, and initiatives to promote tolerance, diversity and
community leaders. inclusion.
● There are also a lot of articles, books, ● If not, work with other students and
documentaries, films and podcasts on issues school/university management to start a
of racism, discrimination and privilege. discussion and identify ways in which your
● Listen to what the people in them have to place of learning can become a safer and
say. Understand and confront your own more empowering environment for all
privilege. Be prepared to feel uncomfortable students.
at times. Many of us absorb biases and
prejudices at an early age, so they are not ● No one is born hating another person
easy to unlearn. because of the color of his skin, or his
background, or his religion. People must
2. RAISE AWARENESS learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate,
● Share the resources that you have found they can be taught to love, for love comes
useful with your community to help them more naturally to the human heart than its
learn how they can play a role in ending opposite.
racism and discrimination. If you have --Nelson Mandela
younger siblings or family members, set a ● “I have a dream that my four little children
good example for them. will one day live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the color of their skin, but
3. CHALLENGE EVERYDAY DISCRIMINATION AND by the content of their character.”
RACISM -Martin Luther King, Jr.
● Racism and discrimination happen around
us all the time. Often it is in the form of jokes,
stereotypes or insensitive comments and
questions from our friends, family members
or colleagues.
● If you witness a friend or family member
saying racist or discriminatory things, you
should talk to them, if you feel safe to do so.
Approach them privately first – in person or
via direct message.
Quizzes 22. Migrants are proven to siphon-off much of the
resources of the countries they go to. False
1. A provision for membership withdrawal is explicitly 23. Studies show migrants do not contribute to the
included in the UN Charter. False economies of their host countries. Fasle
2. UN members have the option of solving disputes 24. There is a big chance migrants would outnumber
through armed force if necessary. False the native populations of many countries they
3. The war between Russia and Ukraine is an migrate to. True
example of an inter-state conflict. True 25. A great majority of migrants live in the rural areas
4. Permanent members of the Security Council could of their adoptive countries. False
block Resolutions deemed unacceptable to them. 26. Nationalist politicians are usually pro-immigration
True and have called for open borders to allow more
5. Candidates for UN Secretary-General are selected immigrants in. False
from the five permanent members of the Security 27. Data show government spending in OECD
Council. False countries is still higher on native-born citizens than
6. When voting on substantive matters the nine immigrants. True
affirmative votes of Security Council members are 28. The IMF predicted that the influx to Europe of
required and must include those of the five refugees from Iraq and Syria will ruin Europe's
permanent members. True economy. False
7. Envoys and governments may also serve as 29. The loss of professionals such as doctors, has
peacemakers between warring parties. True been detrimental to the migrants' home countries.
8. This aims to reduce the risk of warring parties True
lapsing or relapsing into conflict by strengthening 30. Studies show Africa is losing its professionals to
national capacities at all levels for conflict the First World in great numbers. True
management, and to lay the foundation for 31. The Asian Development Bank has expressed
sustainable peace and development. concern that remittances from migrant workers
Peacebuilding don't have significant influence on key items of
9. This is the main deliberative organ of the United consumption or investment such as education and
Nations. General Assembly health care. True
10. Membership in the UN is open to all states, which 32. It is defined as fear and hatred of strangers or
bear this quality. peace-loving foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.
11. This involves diplomatic measures to keep Xenophobia
tensions and disputes from escalating into violent 33. The FBI lists this as the 3rd largest criminal activity
conflict. Conflict prevention worldwide. Human trafficking
12. He brokered peace between Israel and the 34. This problem of countries of destinations' failing to
Palestinian Authority in 1994. Bill Clinton assimilate immigrants into society is referred to as
13. He brokered the peace talks between Israel and this. Failure to integrate migrants
Egypt in 1979. President Jimmy Carter 35. Majority of people who migrate do so in search of
14. He was assassinated for making peace with PLO this. A better living condition
leader Yasser Arafat. Yitzhak Rabin 36. These migrants are unable or are unwilling to
15. This generally includes measures to address return to their country of origin due to fear of
conflicts in progress. Peacemaking persecution. REFUGEES
16. He was assassinated for signing a peace treaty 37. It is a type of migration where people are moving
with Israel in 1979 and recognizing Israel's right to from one area to another within one country.
17. This involves the application of a range of coercive 38. It is referred to as migration that siphons off
measures to force conflicting parties to resort to qualified personnel, removing dynamic young
peaceful means in resolving conflicts. Peace workers from their home countries to wealthier
enforcement countries. BRAIN DRAIN
18. The US enforcing a "No Fly Zone" in southern Iraq 39. These places are the top regions of destination for
to prevent the Shia and Sunni forces apart is an migrants. the Developed world
example of this. Peace enforcement
19. This organ which has its seat in The Hague, is the
principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The
International Court of Justice
20. Around half the number of migrants moved from
developing countries to developed world. True
21. The percentage of Filipino professionals leaving
the country is greater than the percentage of those
who stay behind compared to the total population.

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Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy