CCQC Brochure2021
CCQC Brochure2021
CCQC Brochure2021
Hyderabad Chapter
(CCQC – 2021)
35 Annual Chapter Convention
on Quality Concepts
“ Involving People
Through Quality Concepts
to Make India Global
Leader ”
Convention is being
Organized Digitally
Case Study Presentation Date : 16th to 25th Oct. 2021
We all have experienced tough times due to the world wide pandemic which had
created havoc in our lives in some form or other. This has caused a global shift in
conduct of meetings, conventions, and events from "in person" gatherings to
adaptation of "virtual platform". Keeping the existing situation in mind and the
safety of participants, QCFI Hyderabad Chapter has decided to conduct CCQC
2021 on the "virtual platform". Details of conduct of the event is detailed in the
Total Employee involvement through Quality team concepts is the mission
The theme for this year's convention is "Involving People through Quality
Concepts to Make India Global Leader". The theme, you will appreciate, is in
line with the current situation where our country is grappling to recover
economically from the impact of the pandemic and become a global player once
again. This has been very well demonstrated by the swiftness in which Indian
scientists and manufactures have come out with vaccines to combat the pandemic
domestically and globally. The theme also indicates the efforts to be made
for improvements and innovations.
Our Chapter Conventions gives an opportunity to all member organizations and
its employees to showcase their achievements. With this objective in mind we
request all institutional members and practitioners of Quality Circle to actively
participate and avail great benet from this year's convention and make it a grand
Thanking you for your continued support and patronage.
Ÿ Allied concepts of QC case studies relating to other concepts like 5-S, Kaizen, TPM, QIT,
Bench marking, SMED, 6 Sigma & Lean Quality Circle. etc. can also be presented.
System of Presentation
Ÿ All the Case Study presentations will be held from 16th to 25th October 2021 from 09.30am
to 05.30pm. Presentations can be done virtually as per the time slot allotted by QCFI -
Hyderabad Chapter for which link will be sent well in advance. Please specify your weekly off
day to send case study presentation slot accordingly.
Ÿ Presentation slot can be allotted after making the payment. Maximum time of
presentation will be 15 minutes. Presentations to be done by the group.
Ÿ Alternate, Presentations can be pre-recorded by QC Teams (who do not opt for virtual
presentation) and share the recorded video by means of uploading at QCFI - Hyderabad
Chapter. Mail ID which will be provided after registration.
Note: For those opting to send Pre Recorded Videos, the same should be uploaded
latest by 5th October 2021 to enable Judges to forward their questions pertaining
to the case studies which has to be answered. This exercise carries 10 Marks.
Questionnaire will be sent to Facilitator’s E-mail ID.
Ÿ Last date for registration and slot allotment of virtual presentation 16th October 2021.
Participation Fees :
Ÿ Rs.7500/- inclusive of GST per team for Organizations up to 5 members. For
additional member Rs.1500/- inclusive of GST will be charged.
Eligibility to Participate
Ÿ Only QCFI member organization can participate. If any organization’s membership is due
for renewal or want to apply for new membership please visit QCFI web site for
online registration of membership.
Evaluation Criteria for Online
Team Mementos,
Team Certificates,
Participation GIFTS