ACC 102 Reviewer
ACC 102 Reviewer
ACC 102 Reviewer
- A service activity
- Function is to provide quantitative information about economic entities that is intended to be
useful in making economic decisions
- The art a recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of a
money, transactions, and events which are of financial character and interpreting the results
Accounting History
- Study of the evolution in accounting thought, practices and institutions in response to changes
in the environment and societal needs
- Considers the effect that this evolution has work on the environment
ACC 102
(Short Quiz #1)
Primitive Accounting
- 8500 B.C.
- Clay tokens (cones, disks, spheres, and pellets)
- Mesopotamia (Iraq)
Code of Hammurabi
- Requires merchants trading goods to give buyers a sealed memorandum containing the agreed
price before it can be considered enforceable
Middle Ages
- German Philosopher
- Double-entry bookkeeping is not a discovery of science; it is the outcome of continued efforts to
meet the changing necessities of trade
Amatino Manucci
Luca Pacioli
Goethe(German poet and dramatist)- one of the finest discoveries of human intellect
Short Quiz #2
- A government-to-government cooperation
- Example: Vehicle Assembly, Construction, Engineering, Electricity, Water, Food and Drink,
Chemicals, Media, Pharmaceuticals
Raw Materials
- Example: Insurance
Short Quiz #3
Sole Proprietorship
- Financing
- Investing
- Operating
Financing Activities
- The methods an organization uses to obtain financial resources from financial markets and how
it manages this resources
Investing Activities
Operating Activities
- It involves the use of resources to design, produce, distribute, and market goods and services
- Includes researches, production, distribution, marketing and selling, and servicing
Accounting Function
Classified – reduces the effects of numerous transactions into useful groups or categories
Interpreted - evaluate the liquidity, profitability and solvency of the business organization
ACC 102
Recognition Issue - when the transaction occurred
1. Recording
- Journalizing
- Recording the transaction in a chronological order in the books of original entry
- General Journal
- Analyzing and preparing documents
- Special Journals: Sales Journal, Purchases Journal, Cash Receipts Journal, Cash Disbursement
2. Classifying
- Ledger
- Group of accounts
- General Ledger (Book of final entry)
- Footing — addition by position
- Cross-footing — addition and subtraction by position
3. Summarizing
- Trial balance
4. Interpreting
1. Analyzing
2. Journalizing
3. Posting
4. Trial Balance
5. Adjusting Journal Entry
6. Adjusted Worksheet
7. Preparing Financial Statement
8. Closing Journal Entry
9. Post-Closing Trial Balance
10. Reversing Journal Entry
● Has 36 chapters
● Successful Merchant= sufficient cash or credit, a good bookkeeper and an accounting system.
● Three books in Summa: the memorandum, the journal and the ledger
● Every debet dare (should give) there exists a debet habere (should have or received)
ACC 102
● The book where all transactions are recorded, in the currency in which they are conducted, at
the time they are conducted
● Prepared in chronological order
● A narrative description of the business' economic events
● Necessary to support transactions
● It provides an accurate record of what has happened to a business over a specified period of
● Information extracted from the system can help the owner of the manager operate the business
much more effectively
● From owners who wants to know from time to time how the business is doing
● From the managers we need information in order to help plan and control it
● Financial Accounting - concerned with the supply of information to the owners of an entity
ACC 102
● Management Accounting - concerned with the supply of information to the managers of an
Scope of Practice
Entity Concept
Periodicity Concept
● Subdivision of entity life into equal time periods for reporting purposes
● Allows users to obtain timely information to serve as a basis on making decisions
● 1 year is the usual accounting period
ACC 102
Stable Monetary Unit Concept
● Allows accountants to add and subtract peso amounts as though each peso has the same
purchasing power
● Basis for ignoring the effects of inflation in the accounting records
Going concern
● Assumption that the reporting entity will continue in operation for the foreseeable future
● Assumed that the entity has neither the intention or the need to enter liquidation or disease
● Encompass the conventions, rules and procedures necessary to define accepted accounting
practice at a particular time
● Established my humans
● They evolve
● the extent that it results in information that is meaningful and useful to those who need to
know something about the certain organization
● The extent that the resulting information is not influenced by the personal bias or judgment
● Connotes reliability and trustworthiness
● Connotes verifiability - finding out whether the information is incorrect
● Predictive Value
● Confirmatory or Feedback Value
FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION - there is agreement between the description and economic event it
purports to represent
● Completeness – All and only events that occurred in a specific period or presented
ACC 102
● Neutrality - free from bias
● Freedom from error – the system that process information or tried-and-tested
● Comparability - allows comparison of similar information with another entity or with another .
For the same entity
● Consistency - use of the same accounting practice or method from period to period
● Verifiability - supported by documentary evidences
● Timeliness - prompt enough to be useful in decision making
● Understandability - classify and present information clearly and concisely
● Cost and Benefit Analysis of Financial Reporting - different sizes of entities and other factors
justify different reporting requirements in certain situations.
1. Objectivity Principle - accounting records and statements are based on reliable data and
supported by verifiable documentation
2. Historical Cost – acquired assets should be recorded at the actual costs and not at what
management thanks to your worth as at reporting date
3. Revenue Recognition Principle - revenue to be recognized in the accounting period when goods
are delivered or services are rendered or performed.
4. Expense Recognition Principle - expenses should be recognized in the accounting period in
which goods and services are used to produce revenue.
5. Adequate Disclosure - requires all relevant information that would affect the users
understanding and assessment of the accounting entity be disclosed
6. Materiality – dictates that financial reporting should only be concerned with information that is
significant to affect evaluation and decisions
7. Consistency – dictates that firms should use the same accounting method from period to period
to achieve comparability over time within a single enterprise
8. Matching Principle - the costs of doing business or recorded in the same period as the revenue
they help to generate
● Accountancy profession recognized in the Philippines when Act No. 3105 was approved
● Arthur Anderson
ACC 102
● PriceWaterhouseCoopers
● Ernst & Young
● Deloitte Tohmatsu International
● Discharges it's mandate of supervising, controlling in regulating the practice of accountancy with
authority and distinction
● Has taken the lead in raising the standards of the profession to a very high level of excellence
● Act No. 3105 (1923) Three Members: President and two members
● Republic Act No. 5166 (1967) Six Members: Chairman and five members
● Presidential Decree No. 692 (1975) Seven Members: Chairman and Six Members
● Republic Act No. 9298 (2004) Seven Members: Chairman and Six members
● Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) - to ensure compliance of national taxes and some license
requirements of all businesses
- Should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional
or business judgments
- Maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or
employer receives competent professional service
- Confidential information should not be used for the personal advantage of the professional
accountant or third parties
Professional Behavior
Professional Standards
● CPAs are members of a national organization, PICPA, whose role is to ensure the continued
improvement of the accountancy profession to meet the demands of the time
1. Auditing
- External Audit - independent examination that ensures the fairness and reliability the reports
that management submits to users outside the business entity
- External Auditors- job is to protect the interests of the users of the financial statement
- Internal Auditors- appointed by the company's management though they work independently of
the accounting and the other departments
- Ensure the accuracy of business records, uncover internal control problems and
identify operational difficulties
ACC 102
2. Bookkeeping
- Mechanical task involving the collection of basic financial data
- Balance Sheet - lists what the entity owns and what it all as at the end of the period
- Income Statement - shows whether the business has made a profit or loss during the period
- Cash Flows Statement - presents the cash inflows and outflows of the business
- Accounting function takes over when the basic data have been entered in the book of accounts
- Bookkeeping - a routine operation
- Accounting - requires the ability to examine a problem using both financial and non-financial
4. Financial Accounting
- Focused on the recording of business transactions, periodic preparation of reports and results of
- More specific term applied to the preparation and subsequent publication of highly summarized
financial information
5. Financial Management
- Responsible for setting financial adjectives
- Makes plans based on those objectives
- Obtains the finance needed to achieve the plans
- Generally safeguarding all the financial resources of the entity
- Involved in management
- Relies more on non-financial data
6. Management Accounting
- Incorporates cost accounting data and adapts them for specific decisions which management
may be called upon to make
- Information may be financial or non-financial
7. Taxation
- Preparation of tax returns and the consideration of the tax consequences of proposed business
ACC 102
8. Government Accounting
- Identification of the sources and uses of resources consistent the professions of local and
national laws
Assets - a present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events
Liability - a present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a result of past events
Equity - the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities
Income - increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increase in equity, other than those
relating to contributions from holders of equity claims
Expenses - decreases in assets, or increases in liabilities, that results in decrease in equity, other than
those relating to distributions to holders of equity claims
Accounting Event
- An economic occurrence that causes changes in an enterprise’s assets, liabilities, and/or equity
- Internal actions (i.e. use of equipment for the production of goods or services)
- External event (i.e. purchase of raw materials from a supplier)
- Particular kind of event that involves the transfer of something of value between two entities
1. Analyzing
2. Journalizing
3. Posting
4. Trial Balance
5. Adjusting Journal Entry
6. Adjusted Worksheet
7. Preparing Financial Statement
8. Closing Journal Entry
ACC 102
9. Post-Closing Trial Balance
10. Reversing Journal Entry