CV Arry DR Ari 2
CV Arry DR Ari 2
CV Arry DR Ari 2
Arry Basuseno is the Rector/Cancellor of Matana University a
Matana University, 2018-Present:
new University with a vission. Commited to bring this vission
+ Rector/Chancellor into reality. Under his leadership, Matana University embarks
Heksa Life Insurance, 2016 into long and challenging journey to from a great University in
+ President Director/CEO Indonesia.
Kresna Life Insurance, -2015 President Director/CEO of AXA Mandiri FInancial Services, Arry
Basuseno's led and improved the company's performance. In
+ President Director/CEO
just one year, he increased the key performaces indicator of
AXAMandiri - 2014
AMFS from 20% to 117%, profit was increased to 130% and
+ President Director/CEO
long time problem of customer lapse was solved.
He was the CEO/President DIrector for Heksa Life Insurance, in
BANK MANDIRI, INDONESIA wich he turned the company around from a loser to profitable
1998-2014 enterprise, and achivement of operational excellence.
Arry Basuseno, Bank Mandiri's Senior Vice President for 7
Senior Vice President/Regional CEO, years, was Group Head for Portfolio and Operational Risk. He
Regional III-Jakarta was also Division Head for Credit Audit Division, Regional
Manager for Region IV Jakarta Thamrin, Region IX
Senior Vice President/Regional CEO,
Banjarmasin, Region VI Bandung, Region V Jakarta Sudirman,
Regional V-Jakarta
and Region III Jakarta Kota.
Senior Vice President/Regional CEO,
His professional qualification comes from three most
Regional IX-Kalimantan important aspects of cooperation, it is based in internal audit,
Senior Vice President/Regioanl CEO, enriched by risk management exposure, and battle hardened
Regional VI-Bandung in the line of business.
Senior Vice President/Regional CEO, A Member of Bank Mandiri IT Steering Committee, he was
project owner of the USD 200 milion new technology platform
Regional Head IV-Jakarta
initiatives for the bank. He was a permanent member of Risk
Senior Vice President/GROUP HEAD,
and Capital Committee in wich he lead its biweekly meeting.
Portfolio and Operational Risk
Arry Basuseno utilizes his real world experiences into the real
Management world of eduction to prepare each and every student become an
Division Head/Vice President - execellent human being.
Internal Audit, Credit Audit Division He is an intemationally renowned speaker for seminars,
Sub Division Head/Assistant Vice conferences, and workshops on Risk Management and Basel
Accord. He also teaches Graduate programs in various
President-Credit Risk Management,
Credit Risk Review
Bank Dagang Negara, Indonesia .
November 1985-1998
Global Association for Risk
Professional (GARP)
International Finance Forum (IFF)
Advisory Council, Risk Management Center Indonesia (RCMI)
Indonesian Risk Professional Jakarta - Indonesia
Association (IRPA) First Chairman, the New Basel Capital Accord (Basel II)
Risk Management Center Indonesia Implementation Committee, Bank Indonesia - Jakarta
(RMCI) Deputy Chairman, Indonesian Credit Bureau Team Bank Indonesia -
The Bankers Club Indonesia
Project Sponsor, Bank Mandiri SME Risk Management Project Bank
Phi Beta Delta - International Mandiri - Jakarta
Scholar Honor Society Project Manager, Bank Mandiri's Commercial/SME Rating and
Indonesian Internal Audit Implementation Project with Fair Isaac Bank Madiri - Jakarta
Association (Persatuan Audit
Internal Indonesia/PIAA)