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What are the Numerical Sacred Codes? ........................................................... ........................................... 13
How to activate and use the Numerical Sacred Codes? ........................................................... ........... 14
Human body and health ........................................... ........................................................... .................... 17
The Person and his circumstances, animals and plants ......................................... .......................... 56
Color energy ........................................................... ........................................................... ................... 56
Weekdays .............................................. ........................................................... ......................... 56
Months of the year. Received at the Etheric Retreat of Catalina. ........................................................... ........ 56
Houses ................................................. ........................................................... ........................................... 57
Business ................................................. ........................................................... ........................................... 58
Success, abundance and prosperity ........................................... ........................................................... ... 59
Decrees ................................................ ........................................................... ................................ 62
Human relations ................................................ ........................................................... ...................... 62
Inner Healing ................................................ ........................................................... ......................... 64
Cloak Energy ........................................................... ........................................................... .................. 67
Portal Energy ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................... 68
Energy Of The Crosses ................................................ ........................................................... ................... 68
Lightning Energy ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................... 68
Ship Power ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................... 69
Receiving Special Graces .................................................. ........................................................... ............70
The Violet Flame Aspects or Frequencies ........................................... ......................................... 71
Power Lights ........................................... ........................................................... .......................... 72
Energy of the Symbols .................................................. ........................................................... ................ 72
Heal Karma ................................................ ........................................................... .......................... 73
Protection ................................................ ........................................................... ........................................... 76
Spiritual and Personal Growth .................................................. ........................................................... ..... 85
Destined to favorably influence the lives and needs of those who invoke them ...................... 93
Past and Present Lives of Self and Family ......................................... ........................................... 93
Increasing Our Capacity for Manifestation .................................................. ............................ 96
Merkabah ................................................ ........................................................... ........................................... 96
Spiritual Gifts and Help with Holistic Therapies ................................................ .......................... 97
Aura .................................................. ........................................................... ........................................... 99
The 7 layers of the aura ........................................... ........................................................... ..................100
Etheric Retreat of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández ........................................... ........................... 258
San Cayetano Etheric Retreat ................................................ ........................................................... ... 258
Etheric Retreat of San Roque ............................................. ........................................................... .... 259
Etheric Retreat of Marta, the friend of Jesus ......................................... ................................... 259
Etheric Retreats of San Expedito and the angel Carona ........................................... ....................... 260
Etheric Retreats Isama Kamura of Ageón together with the Teachers of the Parallel World Eby, Hassy
and Lany ................................................ ........................................................... ................................... 260
Etheric Retreat of Archangel Cassiel .................................................. ............................................ 260
Master Kuthumi's Etheric Retreat ............................................ ........................................... 261
Etheric Retreats of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Ascended Master of the Green Ray, San Judas
Tadeo, illumination of Kwan Yin ........................................... ................................................ 261
Etheric Retreat of the Elohim Arcturus ............................................ ............................................ 261
Etheric Retreat of Mother Mary in her invocation or aspect of Our Lady of the Medal
Miraculous ................................................ ........................................................... ............................. 262
Etheric Retreat of Mother Mary in her Advocation or Aspect of ........................................... .. 263
Our Lady of Guadalupe .............................................. ........................................................... 263
Etheric Retreats of the Holy Child Jesus of Atocha and Gurú Gobinda .................................. 263
Etheric Retreats of Mother Mary in her Invocations of Our Lady of Lourdes, and
Our Lady of Consolation .................................................. ............................................ 263
Etheric Retreat of the angel Roel Haipar .............................................. ........................................... 264
Merlin ...................................................... .......................................... Mistake! Bookmark not defined.
Etheric Retreat of the Angel of Mercy ................................................ .............................................. 264
Etheric Retreat of the prophet Elisha .................................................. ................................................ 264
Etheric Retreat of Queen Esther ................................................ ................................................ 265
Etheric Retreat of Santa Catalina Labouré ............................................ ................................... 265
Exercises, decrees and invocations .................................................. ........................................................... .265
Erimihala Exercise .................................................. ........................................................... ................265
Exercise of Saint Martin de Porres ........................................... ........................................................... 266
Exercise of Saint Expeditus ................................................ ........................................................... ...........266
Exercise of Saint Expeditus .................................................. ........................................................... ............267
Exercises of Mother Mary .................................................. ........................................................... .......267
Our Lady of Mercy ........................................................... ........................................................... ......268
Guru Gobinda exercise .................................................. ........................................................... .......... 268
Exercises of the Archangel Faith .................................................. ........................................................... .... 269
Muruga exercise .................................................. ........................................................... ................... 269
Prayer for urgent cases given by the Beings of Light ............................................ .................... 269
Ritual to work with the energy of beings of light ........................................... .................... 269
Thanks to María Lucía Torres Londoño, who kindly offered to compare and review several of the
existing listings to compile and create this latest updated version.
Thanks to all the people who selflessly share this gift in
its pages and blogs, of which Mentor U Latino has made use to update and complement this
great listing.
You can find the search App by number or by word on our page
Or purchase the free course on the Sacred Code at www.mentorulatino.com
Who is Agesta and how to use their Codes?
Agesta is the name by which the channeler José Gabriel Uribe is known. Through him
diverse beings of Light and Cosmic Beings deliver Codes for the help of Humanity,
to be distributed for FREE.
The Agesta Codes are characterized by the fact that they are attached, they can be from a single digit
up to 8 digits, with 3 or 4 being the most common. It also has Codes that carry
letters that are used for animals and others separated by hyphens (very few) and only one
with spaces. You can use as many as you like throughout the day. It is normal that some
Codes are repeated with different meanings.
Each Code is repeated 45 times, as this number has the power of manifestation. Are
personal, that is, they must be used for a specific person and not in a group. We have
found and verified that they also work by writing on the pulse so I
can do as an alternative way.
To activate it: if it's for you, say "activate XXX Code" and then repeat it 45 times. For
another person, you say “activate XXX Code” for “name of person” and then repeat it
45 times. On the sites they have added other words to this simple form of activation, but
there are no rules and this is just a suggestion. You just have to have faith and repeat Code 45
times. All trust is placed in the Beings of Light. There are Codes for the most diverse
situations, from parts of the body, illnesses and more common life situations,
even the most spiritually elevated. Has Codes for a large number of Beings of Light
from various cultures. It also covers animals, countries, continents and planets.
He has also channeled Agesta a large number of Exercises recommended by the Beings
of Light and by himself, which are very useful in addition to the Codes. The Codes and the Exercises
you can find them in this compilation as well.
It is recommended to use a counter with 45 counts, to have more concentration on the Code
and increase its effectiveness.
What are the Numerical Sacred Codes?
Galileo said: "the Universe is written in a mathematical code", currently it is being
demonstrating how we live in a fractal reality (the golden ratio Phi and the relationships
numeric/geometric). Numbers are energy, they vibrate and balance, in the same way
than words, letters, and symbols. We are in a process of planetary ascension and
vibrational elevation and the Numerical Sacred Code are energies that facilitate this
process. They are the language of the Higher Dimensions and it is a resource used by the
As Agesta has channeled, "the numerical Sacred Codes are fine pearls that
the Beings of Light send from their Etheric Retreats. The Soul awakens, takes them and makes use
of them, because he knows that in the Universe nothing is accidental. Codes are glimpses of the realm
promised by Master Jesus and other beings from the Stars. Codes are doors
magical dimensions that open to receive those who aspire to a just world and
solidary. The Codes are new resources for souls who are tired of
procedures that no longer work. They are a Divine promise: cry out to me and I will
I will answer, and I will teach you great and hidden things that you do not know. Dear Souls:
I am knocking on the door of your hearts, to give you the possibility of understanding something of
what is hidden. No one can escape the Numbers, they are Law in the Universe. With these
Sacred Code you access vibrations that you could not otherwise capture. By
that we are transmitting them. They came to you by The Law of Attraction, not by
chance. God is the mathematician par excellence, we are only his creatures. Who
censor the wisdom of Divine mathematics is denying God, for He is the creator of
this vibration and these numbers. God is multifaceted and expresses himself in thousands of ways. The
closed minds do not see alternatives, and remain attached to the old concepts that
they have arrived distorted to the common people. Nothing is what it seems, investigate, and no
blindly believe in the things that have been transmitted to them. The Divine Seeds of The Codes
Sacred Numericals spread to the Four Winds as signs, to collect fruits of
Hope, Justice and Divine Love. The purification and transition that the Planet is experiencing is
more bearable with the use of these numbers loaded with the energy of the beings of the
stars. Through the Sacred Numerical Codes, the Beings of Light do Justice and
Divinity is present. Thus those ancient words are fulfilled: "The Lord is near,
to save (heal) those whose hearts are broken and have lost hope.
Remember that the Codes belong to the Kingdom of the Heart and are gifts from other
Dimensions. To an old energy person, the Codes are a threat to their lives.
interests and narrow belief systems. Because? because these people live
submerged in the world of the ego. Rather, do the Codes for your loved ones who
They haven't woken up yet. It is incredible how much good I can do for a Loved One with a
Code, it can save you several incarnations, ease your karma, and comfort your Soul. The
Sacred Numerical Codes are a gift from the Higher Dimensions, an energy
that comes to answer the call of thousands of souls thirsty for light and justice.
Numerology is a sacred science that creates a magical connection with us. That's why
many of you feel the pressing need to nurture yourself with the Sacred Codes,
they know that they are a heavenly food that comes to satisfy the hunger of the Soul. some voices
hostile to density, enslaved by fear, doubt, ignorance and hate, launch their
arrows trying to hurt these sweet Divine Energies, but their attempts are powerless,
because density cannot defeat the Light that is shining victoriously in thousands of Souls.
The Numerical Sacred Codes are connecting you with the Celestial Source so that
can fulfill their life missions. Give me your fears and your worries and
trust that these Sacred Codes will help you change your beliefs, so that you come out
from the
needs, illusions
that is why of disease
there and lack.
is a Code The situation,
for each Sacred Codes want to
no matter satisfy
how their
it may seem. Yes
you believe in this path and in good faith you think that it is the Divine Path that corresponds to you,
be prepared to receive in unexpected ways. If you do not believe in the Sacred Codes, or feel
that this is not your route, then find what works for you and move on to other
alternatives. The Universe is full of possibilities.”
How to activate and use the Numerical Sacred Codes?
1-‐ Every time you use them you must do it with faith and with your heart.
2-‐ The Codes must be repeated 45 times, you can use all the Codes you need and
do them as many times as you want until you deem convenient. 45 is a manifesting number,
crystallizer, that's why the Codes are repeated 45 times. Repeat it more or less times, it is already altering
the instruction of the Beings of Light.
3-‐ Recite the Code as you feel better. Use them as you want, repeat it as you like
easy, you can repeat the number 45 times, an example: I will use the Code for pain which is 911, which
you can say all together, 911 (nine hundred and eleven) or separate (nine one one).
4-‐ Very important! there are no norms, there are no rules. These Codes save a lot of road.
It is enough for the person to close their eyes and serenely repeat the Code 45 times. once i do
it is already located there. There are no rituals or prayers to do. Use them wherever you want, at any
place where you feel it is best for you, recite them, no matter what time you do it. will depend
of you how many times you do it, you can use them until your intention is manifested, always use them
that you need it
5-‐ Write them down in a notebook so that you have the information at hand and so you can share it
with kindred souls.
6-‐ You can make a necklace or a rope with 45 balls or knots. Can you tell the code
mentally or using the voice. If you get used to the vibration of these numbers, you will tune in
with Higher Dimensions and you will develop psychic faculties such as telepathy,
clairvoyance, clairaudience and intuition.
7-‐ From time to time you will find repeated Codes, this is not an error; What happens is that
there are Codes with various functions.
8-‐ Important! Codes can be made by other people. It's just using the intention and
say, for example: "I apply the Code for PAIN 911 for... (Name and surnames)". the soul of
Receiver will receive the vibration and apply it as appropriate. Remember it's not the same
make a Code for one person than for several people at the same time, if you do this
they disperse the energy and the Code or the Prayer to will not be as important. A bottle with a medicine
It benefits you more, if you take it by yourself, than if you distribute the content among 5 people
including you.
9-‐ We all have several personal or own Codes. Our guides make an effort trying
of transmitting them to us, through dreams, repetitive messages, thoughts, feelings,
intuitions, impulses, license plates etc. When this happens we must adopt those
Numbers as OWN CODES and repeat them 45 times, knowing that we will receive blessings
by means of these numerical sequences.
10-‐ The Sacred Codes do NOT have contraindications. It is possible to present
some isolated case that is logically the exception, where someone has a "negative" reaction.
But this reaction is not because of the Code itself, but because of its powerful action that is stirring
blockages that come not only from this, but from other existences.
The Codes are powerful and produce visible changes in those who use them. Other codes are
slower and others seem to have no echo, but all act according to the Divine Plan.
The Protection Codes also act very quickly. The Codes of the Goddesses,
such as Mother Mary or Kwan Yin are of visible and almost instantaneous action.
Ultimately, in people's lives there is the soul plan and karmic factors. There are
circumstances that people have chosen before incarnating. The easiest way to define
these Codes would be to say that they are "an urgent supplication to the Divine" and a supplication cannot
be bad for no one. On the contrary, it is a prayer that is always heard. That each one
listen to your heart and decide what is best for you. Nobody is being imposed
The Codes are one path among many, but the advantage they have is that they are a path
short, a shortcut to reach the truth of each one.
Do not be discouraged and persist in the Codes, sooner or later they will work for you!
Insist on the Codes that the Karmic Tribunal delivered through the Archangel Mary,
for they are the promised dispensations
IMPORTANT: I want to tell those who are using the Numerical Sacred Codes, that
these work, even if you don't feel anything. The Codes are always working and generating
a state of mind that will attract benefits for you.
A favorable wind blows, do not waste it. He expects miracles, and he watches for signs.
Do not destroy the Gifts of the Creator by giving rise to fear or giving credence to criticism
destructive that do not come from Love. These Codes are specialists in giving back the
hope to the soul. If you find that these Numbers are your "melody", do not stop singing it,
although it bothers other people who prefer the comfort of what is already known, and they don't even know
It crosses their minds to listen to their hearts.
If you aspire to Higher Dimensions these Codes will be your resources. don't underestimate them
because they are free, and don't forget: they have no contraindications. The Codes are the voice of
the Angels, and the voice of the Angels is always sweet and constructive. It is a voice that speaks
from love, never from fear.
Each Code, as I have said, must always be repeated 45 times. A day has 24 hours, and
reciting a Holy Code takes one minute and 30 seconds. So in the day and in the night
there are many spaces to use them. When there is more than one Code for the same
disease, use the one that most resonates with them.
José Gabriel Uribe-‐Agesta
-‐Activation Of The Bone Marrow To Generate More Red Blood Cells….Sacred Code
Activation of physical and sexual attractiveness: 904. Stem cells are cells found
in all multicellular organisms and that have the ability to divide and differentiate
into various types of specialized cells and self-renew to produce more cells
-‐Activate Growth Hormone...Sacred Code 52611
-‐Activate telomerase...Sacred Code 80119
-‐Compulsive Hoarders …….. Sacred Code 358.
-‐Adenoids….Sacred Code 11260
-‐Cooking Addiction…Sacred Code 93
-‐Food Addiction….Sacred Code 72469
-‐Control Addiction….Sacred Code 271
-‐Sex Addiction…Sacred Code 93
-‐Addicts to Cleanliness……… Sacred Code 956.
-‐DNA reconnect the twelve strands….Sacred Code 50. (From Dr. David Stone). this is basic
to accelerate evolution and has a powerful effect on the healing and resurrection of the
physical vehicle. Invoke the Ascended masters of your choice and the Mighty Presence
I Am, and ask them to reconnect the twelve strands of DNA in your etheric body. These
were disconnected in some past age of humanity. has always been possible
for us to ask that they (the Masters) reconnect them, but nobody knew enough
how to ask for it."
-‐ DNA restore….Sacred Code 81621.
-‐Numbness in Arms and Fingers ……..Sacred Code 36.
-‐Aphasia: . ..Sacred Code 10028 / 120.
-‐Aphonic (Stay)...Sacred Code 1570
-‐ Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum….Sacred Code 1179
-‐Agoraphobia …….. Sacred Code 601, 923.
-‐Extremist Savers ………. Sacred Code 935.
-‐Alcoholism….Sacred Code 71566
-‐Food Allergy…..Sacred Code 129.
-‐Allergy to the Heat of the Stove (Kitchen)…….. Sacred Code 738.
-‐Allergy to Heat ……….Sacred Code 201
-‐Allergy To Smoke….Sacred Code 37
-‐Allergy to the Sun…… Sacred Code 299.
-‐Dust Allergies….Sacred Code 68
-‐Allergies….Sacred Code 572 and 1815
-‐Alopecia (baldness)...Sacred Code 2574
-‐Alzheimer (people who suffer from it)…Sacred Code 42913
-‐Alzheimer (prevent disease)…Sacred Code 5947
-‐Bitterness (eliminate) ……….. Sacred Code 100.
-‐Amblyopia…….. Sacred Code 3894. Lazy Eye (decreased vision due to lack of
retinal sensitivity that has no organic cause)
-‐Hepatic Amebiasis ………Sacred Code 694.
-‐Amenorrhea….Sacred Code 754
-‐Amibas….Sacred Code 25
-‐Tonsils and Adenoids: 291.
-‐Tonsillitis….Sacred Code 696
-‐Amyloidosis...Sacred Code 790
-‐Stubborn Elders………….Holy Code 688.
-‐Anemia Falcemia … Sacred Code 3110
-‐Megaloblastic Anemia …… Sacred Code 727. Alteration of the bone marrow in the
severe anemias; which coincides with the appearance of megaloblasts in the blood.
-‐Pernicious Anemia …….Sacred Code 495. Decrease in red blood cells when the
body cannot absorb enough vitamin B12.
-‐Anemia Thalassemia….Sacred Code 3110
-‐Anemia….Sacred Code 1111171 and 71521
-‐Aneurysm….Sacred Code 2978
-‐Aneurysms in the Stomach….Sacred Code 82
-‐Appendix (Problems of)... Sacred Code 511
-‐Anxiety or Panic Disorder (Crisis)...Sacred Code 1113
-‐ Distress and disturbance ……….Sacred Code 1021.
--Year…. Sacred Code 927
-‐Anorexia….Sacred Code 27600
-‐Social anxiety ………….Sacred Code 25.
-‐Anxiety….Sacred Code 363
-‐Apathy………… Sacred Code 27600.
-‐Appendix (Problems of)...Sacred Code 511
--Appetite. Decrease excessive...Holy Code 551
-‐Appetite Lack of ………..Sacred Code 316.
-‐Appetite Get it back………….Sacred Code 65.
-‐ Sleep Apnea….Sacred Code 208
-‐Arch of the Foot…. Holy Code 526
-‐Cardiac Arrhythmia...Sacred Code 2613
-‐Wrinkles...Sacred Code 11112
-‐Clogged Coronary Arteries… Sacred Code 54
-‐ Amyotrophic Lateral Atherosclerosis ……….Sacred Code 650.
-‐Rheumatoid Arthritis ……………Sacred Code 62915.
-‐Arthritis…..Sacred Code 551.
-‐Osteoarthritis …….Sacred Code 621.
-‐Assertiveness …………. Sacred Code 464.
-‐Assimilate strength (muscle development)...Sacred Code 58154
-‐Asthma …….Sacred Code 2539.
-‐Astigmatism … Sacred Code 028 and 14243
-‐Panic Attacks ………..Sacred Code 525700.
-‐Ataraxia….. Sacred Code 8128. Ataraxia is the inability of the human being to feel
frustration. Although this may seem positive, it is a disorder.
-‐Circulation (circulatory problems) Sacred Code 52311
--Cirrhosis…. Sacred Code 88818
-‐Cysticercosis….Sacred Code 221
-‐Cystitis….Sacred Code 044
-‐ Intermittent Claudication In The Legs….Sacred Code 25
-‐ Claustrophobia ………Sacred Code 378.
-‐Clitoris ……… Sacred Code 715.
-‐Clots After A Surgical Intervention….Sacred Code 718
-‐Codependence to destructive relationships….Sacred Code 852
-‐Codependency….Sacred Code 554
--Right elbow…. Holy Code 7123
-‐Left elbow…. Holy Code 7124
-‐Painful intercourse (female dyspareunia): …Sacred Code 808
-‐Body collagen (restore): …Sacred Code 2831.
-‐Cholesterol and triglycerides….Sacred Code 900 and 72911
-‐Menstrual Cramps….Sacred Code 82552
-‐Ulcerative Colitis….Sacred Code 18
-‐ Ulcerative Colitis...Sacred Code 81421 / 18 / 573. (Cuci's Disease).
-‐Colitis….Sacred Code 81420
-‐Coloboma In Iris...Sacred Code 3851
-‐Irritable Colon….Sacred Code 429
-‐Spondylolisthesis grade 2 spine: …Sacred Code 616.
--Spine…. Holy Code 304
-‐Induced Coma….Sacred Code 811
-‐Biting Nails….Sacred Code 67120
-‐Compulsive shoppers….Sacred Code 25
-‐Patent Arterial Duct….Sacred Code 94
-‐Contractions….Sacred Code 304 / 1820.
-‐Conjunctivitis ……Sacred Code 82115
-‐Control the Bad Character ……….Sacred Code 31.
-‐Seizures….Sacred Code 380
--Heart…. Holy Code 123
-‐Chordoma In The Brainstem...Sacred Code 7021
- Heart (dilated ischemic heart disease or dilated cardiomyopathy): …Sacred Code
-‐Correct body postures…Sacred Code 679.
-‐Back at the height of the shoulder blades ……… Sacred Code 93.
-‐Splenomegaly….Sacred Code 62316. Spleen
-‐ Calcaneal Spur….Sacred Code 44956
-‐Stomach aneurysms…Sacred Code 82.
-‐Ankylosing Spondylitis ……….Sacred Code 1511.
-‐Spondylolisthesis Grade 2….Sacred Code 616. Vertebral column
-‐Schizophrenia….Sacred Code 2913
-‐Critical Health States………….. Sacred Code 1258912.
-‐ Stimulate psychomotricity in children… .Sacred Code 2080
-‐Stomach (Discomfort)….Sacred Code 62139
-‐Stomach ulcers: …Sacred Code 62315 / 3726.
-‐Strabismus…Sacred Code 52190
-‐Vaginal Narrowing….Sacred Code 332
-‐Constipation….Sacred Code 1501
-‐Beta hemolytic streptococcus: …Sacred Code 738.
-‐Stress….Sacred Code 52579
-‐Excess of Beauty (Hair)….Sacred Code 1594
-‐Success in Dermatological Treatments...Sacred Code 524
-‐Successful Surgery….Sacred Code 42716
-‐ Exophoria…. Holy Code 386
-‐Exophthalmia (bulging eyes)….Sacred Code 501
-‐Exophthalmia ………… Sacred Code 501
-‐Extend Life Time………….. Sacred Code 29.
-‐Cold Limbs….Holy Code 521
-‐Orgasmic difficulty: …Sacred Code 1524.
-‐Premature ejaculation….Sacred Code 673
-‐Facilitate Childbirth….Sacred Code 351, 826, 12
-‐Silkemia … Sacred Code 3110
-‐Lack of Appetite….Sacred Code 316
-‐Phantosmia (Olfactive Hallucination)….. Sacred Code 106.
--Pharynx…. Sacred Code 27
-‐Pharyngioma ………….Sacred Code 1199.
-‐Pharyngitis….Sacred Code 28
-‐Plantar Fasciitis...Sacred Code 3336. Foot damage from walking too much.
-‐Chronic Fatigue……… Sacred Code 504.
-‐Fibroma….Sacred Code 62711
-‐Fibromyalgia …………Sacred Code 871 / 72951. Chronic and complex condition that causes
-‐Breast Fibrosis (Breasts)…. Holy Code 1570.
-‐Pulmonary Fibrosis….Sacred Code 62511
-‐Cystic Fibrosis ……….Sacred Code 1086.
-‐Typhoid Fever….Sacred Code 622
-‐Fever….Sacred Code 771
-‐Flatulence….Sacred Code 556
-‐Phobias….Sacred Code 66 or 32
-‐Folliculitis….Sacred Code 69
-‐Phonetics in children (Problems of) ...Sacred Code 1529
-‐Strengthen Muscles …………Sacred Code 2710.
-‐Strengthen weak tissues….Sacred Code 62070
-‐Strength For Patient Caregivers….Sacred Code 69
-‐Boils...Sacred Code 82913
-‐Photophobia….Sacred Code 1190. Abnormal intolerance to light due to the discomfort or pain that
produces, mainly caused by eye diseases; also appears as
symptom of some neurological conditions.
-‐Fracture Hips….Sacred Code 528
-‐Skull Fracture….Sacred Code 8006
-‐Ankle Fracture ……… Sacred Code 1190.
-‐Fractures (That Do Not Weld)….Sacred Code 1370.
-‐Intense Cold (Normalize Temperature)….Sacred Code 211. As a symptom of Ascension
-‐Smoking (to quit smoking)...Sacred Code 25543 / 811.
-‐Ganglios… Sacred Code 37600
-‐Gangrene….Sacred Code 62014
--Throat…. Holy Code 52088
-‐Gases….Sacred Code 511
-‐Atrophic Gastritis ……….Sacred Code 804
-‐Gastritis… Sacred Code 44351
-‐Gastroenteritis….Sacred Code 0839
-‐Gastroenterocolitis….Sacred Code 6128
-‐Gephirophobia…..Sacred Code 92. Fear of bridges
-‐ Thymus gland…. Holy Code 59981
-‐Parathyroid gland…. Sacred Code 63
-‐Parotid Gland …….Sacred Code 820.
-‐ Bone marrow (activation of bone marrow to generate more red blood cells)…. Code
holy 206
-‐Spinal cord injury…Sacred Code 2115.
-‐Melasma (regulation) …Sacred Code 101.
-‐Memory (loss of)…. Holy Code 574
-‐ Meningitis...Sacred Code 2599
-‐Menisci….Sacred Code 754
-‐Menopause (postmenopause) ……… Sacred Code 1122.
-‐Menopause….Sacred Code 279/525.
-‐Menstruation Cramps ……… Sacred Code 82552.
-‐Menstruation Pains ……… Sacred Code 82550.
-‐Menstruation-‐Profuse Uterine Bleeding ……… Sacred Code 31121.
-‐Spiritual Mentor at the service of the planetary genius….Sacred Code 55533 and 929.
-‐Cancer Metastases…Sacred Code 690
-‐Chronic Metatarsalgia….Sacred Code 821
-‐Myasthenia Gravis …Sacred Code 2113
-‐Myasthenia…Sacred Code 1129
-‐Microcephaly…Sacred Code 204.
-‐Fear of death (Get Rid of)….Sacred Code 928
-‐Fear of driving cars….Sacred Code 88
-‐Fear of Sexual Performance ……. Sacred Code 680.
-‐ Fear of failure….Sacred Code 91
-‐ Fear….Sacred Code 680
-‐Irrational fears….Sacred Code 681
-‐Myelin…. Holy Code 20
-‐Transverse Myelitis…Sacred Code 2231. Spinal cord
-‐Virile Member (penis)…. Holy Code 333
-‐Migraines….Sacred Code 67918
-‐Myoma (Uterine)…….Sacred Code 03518 a benign growth of smooth muscle in
the wall of the uterus, alternative names uterine fibroids, fibroids, fibromyoma,
leiomyoma, leiomyoma. Uterine fibroids: These are benign, noncancerous growths in the
uterus wall. You can combine with the Fibroid Code: 62711
-‐Myopia….Sacred Code 315
-‐Misophonia Sacred Code 2570. Disease characterized by intolerance and
profound aversion to sound or noise
-‐Misogyny…Sacred Code 891. Hate or aversion towards women
-‐Diplopia eyes: caused by pressure of brain tumor to the optic nerve….Sacred Code
-‐Eyes spill…Holy Code 420.
-‐Eyes hereditary retinal dystrophy…Sacred Code 94.
-‐Eyes retinal dystrophy…Sacred Code 7113.
-‐Eyes visual pain…Sacred Code 44415.
-‐Coats disease eyes…Sacred Code 52060.
-‐Eyes disease or Cohen Syndrome…Sacred Code 1615
-‐Eyes exophthalmia: 501. Eyes photophobia…Sacred Code 1190.
-‐Eyes neovascular glaucoma…Sacred Code 80120.
-‐Glaucoma eyes…Sacred Code 991.
-‐Farsighted eyes…Sacred Code 825.
-‐Eyes luminous spots…Sacred Code 281.
-‐Myopic eyes…Sacred Code 315.
-‐Eyes Neuromyelitis optica…Sacred Code 389.
-‐Sty eyes…Sacred Code 458.
-‐Eyes eyelids … Sacred Code 114.
-‐Ocular prefixoid scarring eyes…Sacred Code 285.
-‐Presbyopic eyes…Sacred Code 61579.
-‐Eyes burns… Sacred Code 25914.
-‐Keratitis eyes…Sacred Code 723.
-‐Keratoglobus eyes…Sacred Code 26.
-‐Eyes vasculopathy…Sacred Code 380.
-‐Dry eyes…Sacred Code 2017.
-‐Eyes retinitis pigmentosa…Sacred Code 16500.
-‐Retinoblastoma eyes…Sacred Code 615.
-‐Eyes diabetic retinopathy…Sacred Code 15700.
-‐Duane Syndrome Eyes…Sacred Code 26.
-‐Eyes cornea transplant…Sacred Code 101.
-‐Eyes sight: …Sacred Code 385 / 591.
-‐Smell (To Recover it)….Sacred Code 429
-‐Shoulder blades (back at height…Sacred Code 93.
-‐Organs (accept the transplant on a physical and mental level): …Sacred Code 82.
-‐Respiratory Oppressions….Sacred Code 814
-‐Mutilated or atrophied organs (Development and growth): In this case we can use the
mentor numbers Joseph Murphy 55533 and Alexis Carrel 929. They were witnesses at
his passage through the land of amazing experiences related to this topic. Jorge
-‐Organs ……..Sacred Code 82. Accepting the transplant on a physical and mental level
-‐Styes…. Sacred Code 458. Lumps on the eyelid
Four. Five
reaches 20% of normal. The cornea bulges, protrudes outward, and increases
curvature that it usually has.
-‐Keratosis Pilaris ……..Sacred Code 52983. Condition that causes rough areas on the
skin and small acne-like bumps. It appears when the skin produces
too much of a protein called keratin, which can clog the follicles
hairy and cause bumps to appear.
-‐ Arachnoid Cyst…Sacred Code 454
-‐ Thyroglossal Cyst….Sacred Code 670
-‐Cysts in breasts….Sacred Code 82
-‐Ovarian cysts….Sacred Code 29800
-‐ Sebaceous Cysts….Sacred Code 1211
-‐Rage….Holy Code 201
-‐Harmful Radiation…Sacred Code 333444
-‐Corporal Itch (Piquiña) ….Sacred Code 119
-‐Firming the body after losing weight…Sacred Code 99.
-‐Reconnection of the 12 strands of DNA…..Sacred Code 50. (Dr. David Stone). That is
basic to speed up evolution and has a powerful effect on healing and resurrection
of the physical vehicle. Invoke the Ascended Masters of your choice and the Mighty
Be I AM Presence, and ask for the reconnection of the twelve strands of DNA in your etheric body.
These were disconnected in some past time of humanity. Always has been
possible for us to ask that they (the Masters) reconnect them, but no one knew what
enough to ask."
-‐ Recognize or accept a real addiction ……… Sacred Code 108.
-‐Cesarean section recovery...Sacred Code 579
-‐Recovery from Surgery…Sacred Code 614
-‐Regain Appetite…..Sacred Code 65
-‐Retrieve Smell…Sacred Code 429
-‐Regain Strength In The Hands After An Operation….Sacred Code 801
-‐Reduction Of The Dimensions Of The Skull….Sacred Code 2139
-‐Gastric Reflux….Sacred Code 26700
-‐Gastroesophageal reflux: …Sacred Code 801.
-‐Regenerate Cartilage in Joints….Sacred Code 2929
-‐Regulation of Insulin…Sacred Code 22573
-‐Regulation of estrogen levels….Sacred Code 352
-‐Regulation of Leptin Hormone Levels …….Sacred Code 604.
-‐Regulation of progesterone levels….Sacred Code 351
-‐Regulation of testosterone levels… .Sacred Code 350
-‐Regular Metabolism…Sacred Code 211
-‐Serotonin …….Sacred Code 604. Substance that is present in neurons and performs
neurotransmitter functions. Balance levels.
-‐Dental Sensitivity ……..Sacred Code 2179.
-‐Multiple Chemical Sensitivity….Sacred Code 721
-‐Abdominal Sepsis ……… Sacred Code 480
-‐Septicemia….Sacred Code 6152
-‐Sexuality Problems (these Codes can be used as General Medicine) ……….. Code
Sacred 111 / 222 / 739 / 434. Trauma related to sexual abuse, dysfunctions,
physical pain, feelings of guilt and shame, complex.
-‐Sexuality healing: …Sacred Code 843.
--Sexuality. Erimihala Can Help Us To Work It ……….. Sacred Code 3337.
-‐AIDS….Sacred Code 41188
-‐Black Sigatoka …….. …Holy Code 801.
-‐Cold Synarthrosis of the Hands and Feet ……………..Sacred Code 521.
-‐Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome…..Sacred Code 20. Term to refer to the
group of problems experienced by an infant when removed from exposure to
-‐Parental Alienation Syndrome…Sacred Code 62637
-‐Alstrom Hallgren Syndrome….Sacred Code 630
Angelman syndrome: 94.
-‐Asperger Syndrome….Sacred Code 50310
-‐Meconium Aspiration Syndrome….. Sacred Code 389.
-‐Cohen's Syndrome…. Sacred Code 1615. Disease of the eyes.
-‐Cushing's Syndrome…..Sacred Code 802.
-‐Diogenes Syndrome…Sacred Code 890
-‐Dorian Gray Syndrome: Sacred Code 110. Resistance to aging and a fear
extreme to the body becoming deformed over the years. This type of resistance is
considered pathological as long as it generates a series of negative effects on the
-‐Down Syndrome….Sacred Code 418
-‐ Dress Syndrome ……… Sacred Code 94
-‐Duane Syndrome …………Sacred Code 26.
-‐ Fowler's Syndrome..... Sacred Code 46. Obstruction Of The Lower Urinary Tract In The
--Polycystic ovary syndrome …. Holy Code 2915
-‐Gilbert Syndrome….Sacred Code 26
-‐Guillan Barré syndrome (autoimmune disorder in which the immune system itself
body's immune system attacks itself)...Sacred Code 72080
-‐Job Syndrome...Sacred Code 71950 -‐ -‐
-‐Munchausen Syndrome….Sacred Code 643.
-‐Meniere's Syndrome...Sacred Code 80808.
-‐Empty Nest Syndrome…Sacred Code 86
-‐Stiff Person Syndrome….Sacred Code 820
-‐Restless Legs Syndrome...Sacred Code 6818
-‐Procrustes Syndrome……………Sacred Code 202. Damastes is also known as
Procrustes (“drawer” in ancient Greek); and the expression "bed or couch of Procrustes" makes
reference to an arbitrary standard or model to which one is constrained to conform
-‐Rendu Osler syndrome (inherited condition resulting from a problem in one of the
several genes….Sacred Code 27500
-‐San Filippo Syndrome: …Sacred Code 2812.
-‐Sjogren's Syndrome…Sacred Code 52179
-‐Steiner Syndrome…Sacred Code 1814
-‐Turner Syndrome: …Sacred Code 480.
-‐Tourette Syndrome….Sacred Code 624
-‐Vacterl Syndrome: …Sacred Code 36.
-‐ Wolf Syndrome-‐ Hirsch-‐ Horn ……… Sacred Code 302.
-‐Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ……… Sacred Code 1570. Hand
-‐Sturge Weber Syndrome….Sacred Code 11
-‐Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome….Sacred Code 279
Symptoms in which the fear of aging and the obsession with the perfection of the
-‐Sinusitis….Sacred Code 72120
-‐Syringomyelia ………Sacred Code 604. Disorder in which a cyst forms within the
spinal cord. This cyst, known as a syrinx, over time expands and lengthens,
destroying a portion of the spinal cord from its center, expanding towards
-‐Circulatory System ………Sacred Code 163
--Digestive system…. Holy Code 1520
--Endocrine system…. Holy Code 112
-‐Immune System…Sacred Code 616
--Immune system…. Sacred Code 616 and 765
--Lymphatic system…. Holy Code 2190
-‐Muscular System …………Sacred Code 1515
-‐Nervous System …….Sacred Code 820
--Osseous system…. Sacred Code 88 and 513
color energy
-‐ Discover And Set Your Own Color ………. Sacred Code 12579.
Monday…….. Sacred Code 47
Tuesday…..Sacred Code 69
Wednesday….Sacred Code 104
Thursday……. Holy Code 25
Friday……Sacred Code 71
Saturday …….Sacred Code 93
Sunday….Sacred Code 156
Months of the year. Received at the Etheric Retreat of Catalina.
January ………. Sacred Code 6
-‐Lighten Legal Procedures ……….. Sacred Code 627
-‐Soul Kindred For Business….Sacred Code 0799. There are many people to whom it makes them
they lack a good company to help them manage their business. It's not about a partner
Merlin refers to a Kindred Soul that, in addition to loving us, helps us to make
each day's load. Between two things are made more bearable. Merlin offers the Code
so that he will come soon to help us.
-‐Angel Anauel...Sacred Code 379. He is the Angel of business and men of
-‐Angel of Business...Sacred Code 494.
-‐Corporate Guardian Angels…Sacred Code 204.
-‐Attract Students...Sacred Code 920. This Number is useful for those who have Academies,
Gyms, Institutes, etc.
-‐Attract Customers To A Business... Sacred Code 71588
-‐Unfair charges…..Sacred Code 188. (This applies in case they are charging us
"an unfair charge".
When you feel that torturous anguish caused by not having enough money,
call me.
-‐Angel of Justice ………….Sacred Code 98.
-‐Angel of Wealth...Sacred Code 88829. It is an Entity that wishes to help you
solve your financial problems. His energy is very close to that of Archangel Gabriel
and Mother Mary.
-‐Angel of Miracles …………Sacred Code 488 / 636.
-‐Ángel Giria….Sacred Code 1191. Expert in everything related to money
-‐Angel Parasiel...Sacred Code 515. This Angel prepares the way to abundance.
-‐Angel Sandra The Protector….Sacred Code 844. One of Mother Kwan's escorts
Yin. Open the path of abundance, give you peace around you and watch over us so that we don't
Let's do jobs.
-‐Accelerating Angels….Sacred Code 2080.
-‐Angels Of Abundance (To Ask Favors) ...Sacred Code 1929. Offered by
San Roque.
-‐Angels of Abundance (Receive Your Energy)...Sacred Code 379 / 824.
-‐Angels of Abundance...Sacred Code 4972. We are the messengers of the
Flame of the sun, a bridge between the Divine and the earthly and we are at the service of Archangel Uriel.
-‐Angels of Welfare….Sacred Code 607
-‐Archangel Uriel...Sacred Code 4 / 411.
-‐Athor From Planet Ageon...Sacred Code 55611. Prosperity and economic well-being.
-‐Help From Erimihala In Abundance Meditation ….Sacred Code 194. Calm but
Firmly start repeating Holy Code 194. If you remain attentive you will notice my
energy, and you will perceive that I AM THINKING THROUGH YOU. This will make it easier for them
great visualization. His quota of work consists of repeating the Sacred Code and
focus on IMAGES OF ABUNDANCE that I myself will inspire you. If they work with
Above code, you will see very fast changes. For a moment, imagine that you drop
on a table a bag full of coins, listen to the sound of them,
concentrate, and know that I am with my energy making things easier for you. your mentor
spiritual Neville Goddard told them that IMAGINATION CREATES REALITY. I tell them: THE
you and I will renew your minds. Now do you understand why these Holy Codes are
so special? They are tables of salvation (healing) for the Souls of good Will.
-‐Closing Cycles….Sacred Code 10845.
-‐ Start Over….Sacred Code 0447.
-‐Connection With The Elemental Of Money…. Holy Code 47620
-‐ Correct Management of Money ………….Sacred Code 212. Ascended Master Mateo
-‐When someone owes you money and doesn't want to pay you…. Sacred Code 858. This invokes
the energy of San Antonio de Padua, who is the recoverer of lost assets.
-‐Clear Paths...Sacred Code 75139. Through Our Lady of the Medal
-‐Money (for urgent cases and the money arrives)………. Holy Code 897
-‐Money (To Flow To Us)…………. Sacred Code 1122 / 5701
-‐ Money (If they use this Number, the money they need will come to them smoothly)…….. Code
Holy 42170
-‐God Of Gold ………….Sacred Code 101.
-‐Goddess Lakshmi...Sacred Code 2918. The Goddess of wealth and beauty. It is believed that all
those who worship her know immediate happiness.
-‐Dissolve and root out implants that prevent the connection with the Energy of the
Money….Sacred Code 61316, 541280, and 73016. When there is an implant, no matter how good
will you have, the result of the visualizations and the decrees is deficient. So
that the key is to remove these implants so that the situation is favorable. mother mary
in her Advocation or Aspect of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and Master Kwan
Yin, offer these three Codes.
-‐Economic Emergencies (Paseracura. Earth Deity) ………….Sacred Code
-‐Avoid thoughts of crisis and scarcity ………Sacred Code 79.
-‐Success At Work….Sacred Code 643
-‐Success In Life ……….. Sacred Code 2190
-‐Additional Sources of Income….Sacred Code 904. Sacred Code of Mother Mary
in its Aspect
-‐Generate or Advocation
thoughts of Ourand
of prosperity Ladyabundance
of Loreto
Code 87.
-‐Planetary Genius OCH... Sacred Code 1016. Governs the affairs of the Sun.
medicine, wisdom, and gives money. He has 36,536 Spirits at his service, and he sends them from
according to the needs of each. It is done on Sunday.
-‐Gratitude ………….Sacred Code 3333.
-‐Kuan Kung ………….Sacred Code 708. God of wealth, business and war.
-‐Clear Ground for Prosperity………. Holy Code 773
-‐Get rid of implants on money ………….Sacred Code 575 / 26 / 104 / 1679. Sometimes
we do, recite and pray properly, but we do not achieve our goals correctly.
-‐Get Rid Of Misfortune ………….Sacred Code 2000. (By Mother Kwan Yin).
-‐Improvement of Economic Situation ………….Sacred Code 5701.
-‐For When Someone Owes Us Or To Recover Money ………….Sacred Code 858.
-‐To Find Employment (Specify Which)... Sacred Code 454545, 16700 and 5600
(any of the 3).
-‐Economic Problems (Deliver Worries To God)………….. Sacred Code 608
-‐Prosperity ………Sacred Code 79
-‐Gifts from the Universe (receive)... Sacred Code 545 and 32300
-‐ Number 19 Etheric Retreat Beloved Number 19 Energy, I salute you, I love you, I give you
thank you, I ask you to cheer up my existence with (ask for desired grace). Please I ask you
send me strong signals that allow me to feel you, but above all give me the peace that
I require. I communicate with you from heart to heart and ask you to hurry in my
petition. So be it, it's done, here and now, thank you (X3).
-‐Know what the next step is…………..Sacred Code 114. (It will be revealed what the next step is
step we must take).
-‐Remove the spirits of ruin and misery from your energy field… ISUMI TALASI.
Word of the Sacred language of Ageon to combine with the Sacred Code 773.
-‐San Cono ………….Sacred Code 199. He is invoked for games of chance)
-‐Heal The Relationship With Money At The Subconscious Level….Sacred Code 4000000
-‐Healing Fear of Money Energy ……….Sacred Code 300.
-‐Every day, I bathe in the fresh and warm waters of the river of opulence, and my life
full of immense happiness. (Repeat 45 times).
-‐"An extraordinary formula for prosperity is to affirm frequently and with feeling: God
multiply my good in excess, wonders will happen with this affirmation."
Human relations
-‐Soul Mate (To Facilitate This Connection)... Sacred Code 571
-‐Friendships (New and Good)...Sacred Code 1129
-‐Love In Couple (Strengthen it)...Sacred Code 541
-‐Universal Love...Sacred Code 35133
-‐Stubborn Elders…………..Sacred Code 688.
-‐ Family Support in Case of Illness...Sacred Code 333.
-‐Learn To Listen To Other People…..Sacred Code 63.
-Learn to say "NO" when we feel like it…. Sacred Code 100.
-‐Opening to Sex Education at Home and Schools at an Early Age….Sacred Code 904.
-‐ Hasten the Arrival of a Soulmate or Kindred… .Sacred Code 2026, 3019 and 8018.
-‐Attract Kindred Souls (As Friendship)...Sacred Code 12000
-‐Attract Kindred Souls (As a Life Partner)... Sacred Code 715400
-‐Attract Love….Sacred Code 2526
-‐Attract The Love Of Your Life….Sacred Code 11550. By using this number many will be
healed of their loneliness, and they will know that enjoying a beautiful company benefits their health
physical and mental.
-‐ Quickly Attract Your Life Partner….Sacred Code 191919. A
good company brings joy and prosperity, and many of you are in need of it. This
it means that your Soul longs to experience this healthy union.
-‐ Kindred soul come soon to help us ………….Sacred Code 0799. There are many people to
those who need a good company to help them run their business. I don't know
It is about a partner, it is about the kindred soul that in addition to loving us helps us to do more
ease the burden of each day. Between two things are made more bearable. special contribution of
-‐Soul (Communicate with her and listen to her)... Sacred Code 4500000.
-‐Jealousy... Sacred Code 1015
-‐Codependence To Destructive Relationships... Sacred Code 852.
Inner Healing
It is important first to make friends with our subconscious, talk to it, tell it our
things, tell him what we are going to do or just ask him to remind us of something
want to do, we have infinite situations with which to work with our
-‐Souls in Purgatory………….. Sacred Code 44197. Each person is assigned 3
souls in purgatory As is known, these souls left unfinished business in their last
incarnation and, so to speak, there was a delay in its progress. Is
This situation has them stagnant in what are called Purgatorial Lakes. By law of attraction,
they are the same ones that each of us have pending. Example: a soul of which
called from Purgatory had Clairvoyance abilities and in his last incarnation
did not develop them. This Soul suffers from not taking advantage of her Clairvoyant talent by not
use it properly. The Soul in Purgatory wants to help those who go through it
that that she experienced.
you disincarnate It's as with
and fill yourself if I were telling
remorse him:
for notlook, don't
having usedfallyour
the same mistake
the soul of
as mine, don't be
Purgatorio wants to open the eyes of the one who is incarnated to save him suffering. Other
example: a soul in Purgatory in his last incarnation was very shy. Is
circumstance prevented him from achieving personal and professional success and the fulfillment of his
life mission. The Soul says: I could have tried harder and acted with more energy,
but I did not. It is my turn to repeat the lesson. This Soul is assigned to a person
shy incarnate who is also undecided to fulfill her mission. If the embodied person
accepts the help, the Soul in Purgatory will become a Mentor to her and send her his
attendance. Logically receiving the 3 Souls is not mandatory. It's only for whoever wants
make use of them. With the cited Code, they will go into action.
-‐Mike, Joel, and Elizabeth ("Souls in Purgatory")………… Sacred Code 744. Our mission
is to tirelessly contribute with our resources, so that Divine Justice shines on
you in this life, in your present incarnation. There is a great legion of disembodied souls,
known to you by the name of "Souls in Purgatory". We are part of this
legion and currently in your time, we have joined your cause. we see with indignation
as for reasons, the majority, alien to you, many plans that you had
conceived for your personal progress. Did you think you were alone and abandoned? That's not
possible. The situation we live in our plane makes us supportive and very understanding.
We are your lawyers here on earth.
Cloak Energy
-‐Mantle of Invisibility of the Archangel Gabriel….. …………Sacred Code 882.
-‐Golden Mystic Mantle of Master Kuthumi …………Sacred Code 626.
-‐Blue Mantle of Grace of Mother Mary …………Sacred Code 174.
Portal Energy
-‐Open Multidimensional Portals…………Sacred Code 1212 / 717.
-‐Open Ageon Portal …………Sacred Code 1929216. Cradle of great beings of light and
close to the planet Andromeda.
-‐Open Oasibeth Portal …………Holy Code 147-‐62. To receive help from all
beings of light existing in all Universes.
-‐Open Pleiades Portal …………Sacred Code 1216 / 219. (The latter through the Angel
Negani). Called the portal of the golden feather. When they open it they will go into action and in favor of
we the accelerator angels. These beings of light will "accelerate", they will speed things up
so that we can achieve our goals in the shortest possible time.
-‐Open Andromeda Portal…………Sacred Code 615. Through Angel Negani.
-‐Doors to the Fifth Dimension …………Sacred Code 14720. Attracts lights and a
superior knowledge to be applied to their lives.
Lightning Energy
-‐The 7 Rays...Sacred Code 2620 / 929.
-‐Platinum Silver Ray (Divine Mother)...Sacred Code 3333.
-‐White Gold Ray (Divine father)...Sacred Code 1111.
-‐Opalescent Ray...Sacred Code 1919. Coherence is a divine principle that
symbolizes the union between the heart-‐spirit and the ego. And the opalescent ray arrives to lay
the inner
Of bridges
The Secret
Star Of for
this union to
the angel
Alsemiyat). You will be guided by your inner self and make your dreams come true.
Ship Power
-‐Mothership Anais...Sacred Code 928.
-‐Alpha Lightship-‐18 ...Sacred Code 440. They offer us the ability to remain the
most of the time in the fifth dimension and be isolated from the density even though
doing work on it.
-‐Nave of Supreme Light...Sacred Code 19 / 447. (Nave of Catalina and San Expedito)
-‐Ship of Light Sacred Liberty...Sacred Code 525. This Ship is in charge of the Master
Saint-Germain. They will attract the Effluxes of Violet Flame coming from this ship.
-‐Nave Leen...Sacred Code 1919. Commanders Saer (male) and Ayat (female).
Many of you have worked hard on canceling karmic contracts.
that they have
They have been tied to other entities and have not been able to get rid of those ties completely.
Whoever calls us can be certain that we will eliminate any aggression from
of those beings who are not respecting the freedom to which you have a right, yes
additionally, they use the Sacred Code 017 and 018, they will see how the beings that have not
respected their decision to cancel the agreements of wills, they will lose their power, and not
they will be able to continue mistreating them or subtracting their vital energy.
-‐Purple Ship of the Sea...Sacred Code 10028. In charge of Master Kwan Yin. here we
frees us from pending karma and helps us in all our needs. If you use this Code,
she will take you inside her ship where she will radiate for you violet light of the highest
-‐Nave Tuly...Sacred Code 526.
-‐ Phoenix Bird Nebula...Sacred Code 444 / 97 / 114. Each Code is individual and they are
effective and powerful.
-‐ Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine...Sacred Code 33377. Those of us who await
lovingly your requests for help.
-‐Nave Luna de Oro...Sacred Code 754. (In charge of San Judas Tadeo) After the visit
we can receive visible help, in the form of Earthly Angels or financially.
-‐Nave Mesime...Sacred Code 717. (SHIP Of the Divine Mother).
-‐Advisors Who Work In My Ship Of Light. Divine Mother Lightship
-‐ Advisors in the Protection Area...Sacred Code 697.
-‐Advisors in the Health Area...Sacred Code 398.
-‐Advisors In The Area Of The Mind...Sacred Code 574.
-‐Advisors In The Labor Area...Sacred Code 897.
-‐Advisors In The Finance Area...Sacred Code 700.
-‐Advisors In The Area Of Relationships...Sacred Code 283.
-‐Advisors in the Nutrition Area...Sacred Code 954.
-‐Advisors In The Area Of Sexuality...Sacred Code 720.
-‐Advisors In The Area Of Love...Sacred Code 111.
-‐Advisors In The Area Of Wellbeing...Sacred Code 726.
-‐Advisors In The Rest Area...Sacred Code 820.
-‐Advisors In The Business Area...Sacred Code 726.
-‐Receive Emergency Help (By Ruth De Andrómeda )...Sacred Code 594 / 677 / 925
/ 437.
-‐Receive Speed (By Cristina De Andrómeda)...Sacred Code 699 / 101 / 313.
-‐Moon (Receive Favorable Energies)...Sacred Code 112.
power lights
Energies, Assuming that everything is energy:
-‐Soul Light of the Pleiades ………..Sacred Code 26.
-‐Etheric Ring of Power of San Expedito ………..Sacred Code 44422.
-‐Antahkarana...Sacred Code 4610179.
-‐Attract Lights Of The Fifth Dimension ………..Sacred Code 14720. Each time it is used
this Code opens doors to the Fifth Dimension, allowing you to attract lights and a
superior knowledge to be applied to their lives.
-‐Blessing Water Through Divine Mercy ………Sacred Code 98.
-‐Cosmic Crystal Cup ………..Sacred Code 26.
-‐Energy Of Compassion ………..Sacred Code 444 / 333 / 777 / 999 / 1111. The energy
that we were all waiting for. After her there is nothing except God.
-‐Energy of the Beings of Light in our Favor ………..Sacred Code 62079.
-‐Undines…..Sacred Code 104.
-‐Sylphs…..Sacred Code 306.
Symbol Energy
-‐Starlight Energy Of The Angels………..Sacred Code 471.
-‐Energy From The Heart Of The Planet Oasibeth ………..Sacred Code 71292538. Through this
healing number will reach their goals. There live the Angels of the day and the Angels
Dorados, and the beloved master Jesus lends his service in his invocation of the Divine
Mercy with your Etheric Retreat.
-‐Energy From Mount Shasta…………..Sacred Code 523. Known as one of the greatest
Sacred places on Earth and is called by some as the magic mountain.
-‐Sirius Diamond Energy ………..Sacred Code 48815. You can make this energy conscious
vibration decreeing: I am the diamond energy of sirius, manifesting now in my life
and affairs.
-‐Mahatma Energy ………..Sacred Code 12. It is an energy that comes from The Source,
according to David Stone's research we can send it wherever we want. to one
personal situation, a country, etc.
-‐5 Pointed Star ………..Sacred Code 100735. Follow The Instructions Of The Angel
Kinaya Sakwa: Get One You Like, Preferably Small, And Do It
Next: Take the Chosen Star With the Hand You Usually Use (POINT Focused
Up), and draw 33 circles in the air in a clockwise direction. Is
Simple Action That I Suggest Is Fatal For The Entities Of Darkness.
-‐Flower of Life ………..Sacred Code 3366. (It has multiple uses. It is recommended as
protection and to heal diseases; also to energize water and stones
semiprecious. It produces the same effects as the crystal ball, that is, it is a vehicle
of communication with the Universal Mind and the Subconscious. By repeating the Code a lot
we will attract the Energy of this prodigy of Divine Mathematics).
-‐Divine Justice………..Sacred Code 898 / 1645 / 729 / 11.
-‐Light Blessing The Darkness In This Dual World………..Sacred Code 52574.
-‐White Light of the Akasha ………..Sacred Code 1550.
-‐Light Of Andromeda ………..Sacred Code 101 / 5600.
-‐Light From The Planet Sirius ………..Sacred Code 1446. Call “the light” to action. Affirm with
conviction: with all the power of my intention and activating: “the Sacred Code 1446, I call
now to action in the light of deepening coming from the planet Sirius, so that it is directed
a ………. (They can send her to a painful memory, a block, a situation that is
disturbing, or a particular person you want to send light to).”
-‐Divine Light of the Planet Ageon ………..Sacred Code 19-‐9-‐1913. Seal their auras against
work they have done on you, your loved ones and your benefactors the Asintryons
(beings of the dark).
-‐Pyramid of Power (5th dimension) Archangel Michael ………..Sacred Code 1515.
-‐Etheric Rosary of Mother Mary…..Sacred Code 18.
-‐Urn Of Light Of Archangel Uriel ………..Sacred Code 438.
-‐Instant Victory ………..Sacred Code 884. Offers vitality, confidence, decision and
Heal Karma
-‐Angel Astriel….Sacred Code 2430. To send you the Divine Mercy, and with its light
show them the way. It is one of the greatest aids against karmic enemies
disembodied. A person with whom you had a "bad" relationship in life, can at
disincarnate, ally with negative entities from other spheres or from the lower astral, and cause harm
who was left on earth.
Psychic protection is essential today. Many people are tense and somehow
way they have to unload that tension. This discharge is an energy that comes out in the form of
“arrows” affecting everything around. If we do not cover ourselves with a "protective aura"
Those arrows will enter our energy field causing us various problems.
What I am telling you was thoroughly investigated by Osho and Judy Hall, to mention two names. use
the Codes that I have shared with you for the aura, but also help yourself with the visualization
and the feeling. These two elements increase faith. Now how do you do the
display? I'm going to share my method:
Imagine that you are encased in some sort of egg of Golden Light. sometimes yes
they want, they can see themselves wrapped in a violet-colored egg. Why do I use gold and
purple? because they are colors or tones of very high vibration. Before falling asleep at night,
let sleep surprise you enveloped in the Golden Light. The subconscious will work on
the night with this and it will strengthen the image. In a month you will notice that field of
protective energy and feel empowered. When they go out on the street and in their daily life,
be ready to use protection when it's convenient. If they wrap themselves in the Light
golden, the situation is complicated for vampires who want to steal their energy. I know
They will meet a barrier. Likewise, over time, they will see that they are much less
sensitive to the words and actions of these individuals.
The Beings of Light have already spoken about the convenience of protection. It's a theme for me
too important. Many people write to me saying that they get up very well, but
that when they meet these energy thieves, they feel bad because they leave them
exhausted or nervous. Who has an impaired energy field, usually
sucks the energy out of the people it sees as most vulnerable, instead of taking the energy out of
The Infinite Source that is always available. It is healthy to get away from these toxic people and
learn to identify them. There are vampires who act consciously and others
unconsciously. Whatever the case, keep a safe distance from them.
We are Energy and we have to take care of it. Traumatic experiences, stress and
Negativity in general affect the aura. When it comes to intimate relationships, in “the
orgasm” the two auras merge into one for a while. Hence it is very important
keep in mind with whom we are sharing these intimate energies. as Judy says
Hall, after the sexual interaction, we are left with a part of the energy field of
the other person. You have to be careful about this. The Beings of light that can help us in
the theme of the Aura are:
Sheila from Sirius, Athena, Dr. Lorphan, El Morya and Saint Germain.
Success for everyone. Jose Gabriel Agesta.
-‐Accidents (Break free) ...Sacred Code 41404 / 748 / 628.
-‐Accidents (Protection) ….Sacred Code 628, 804
--Sexual harassment …. Holy Code 22211
-‐Physical aggression……… Sacred Code 1025
-‐ Getting away soon from a place where we no longer want to be….Sacred Code 188
-‐ Lighten Procedures … Sacred Code 91
-‐Lighten Legal Procedures...Sacred Code 627
-‐Alternatives When The Landscape Is Confused….Sacred Code 718. To bring forth
alternatives. Offered by Ruth and Cristina de Andrómeda.
-‐Harmful or Harmful Friendships….Sacred Code 314. With this Code we avoid or
we're done with them.
-‐Annul Harmful Energies …….Sacred Code 618. (offered by Teresita de Lisieiux).
-‐Annul implants …….Sacred Code 575, 26, 104 and 1679. There is a type of "implant" that
It can only be annulled by means of the Sacred Code that I will give you below. I
I mean a vibratory barrier that I would call "failure", to put it in some way
and accommodating myself to your language. Bestowed by Merlin and his divine complement
Maria Magdalena.
-‐Harmonize Or Divert Negative Energies Of The Days Tuesday …….Sacred Code 306. (For
-‐Assaults (Get rid)...Sacred Code 697
--Aid………. Holy Code 1211
-‐Bulling (bullying)………… Sacred Code 52031
-‐Bass astral (remove interference)…….. Sacred Code 237
-‐Cancer (To Preventively Protect Yourself From This Disease And Prevent
Scope)...Holy Code 1188
-‐House Sana….Sacred Code 715
-‐Unfair Charge ...Sacred Code 125512. This is applied in case they are making us
"an unfair charge". It can be a sum of money that someone, whoever it is, is
charging. For example, a tax that has been settled in a state entity and not
we must
-‐Accidents ……. Sacred Code 41404 revealed by Kwan Yin
-‐Control Greed And Greed ………. Sacred Code 86
-‐Corruption of Justice…. Sacred Code 99
-‐ Cutting Telepathic Ties...Sacred Code 577. There are ties that tie us to other
people and from which it is necessary to free ourselves. These ties come from other lives and
they continue to influence us today. Through this Code we
we free ourselves from the telepathic influence that such entities exert on us and
we eliminate any trace or record that may remain in our psyche.
--Cockroaches…. Sacred Code 28
-‐Take care of our belongings ………..Sacred Code 1198. Here I am not referring to heritage
whose Code I already delivered. It alludes to the things and objects that we appreciate and that accompany us
in daily life. Home decorations, objects for personal use that we like, beautiful
memories we keep.
-‐Guilts (Feeling Free Of) ...Sacred Code 339
-‐Decrees For Protection By The Ascended Master White Eagle. Say Daily:
1. Decree: With all the power of my intention, I now electrify the ends of my
aura. Any negative entity, visible or invisible, that tries to invade my field
energetically, he will pay the price of his own daring, and receive a withering impact.
2. Decree: With all the power of my intention, and with the help of all the Beings of Light
existing in all the Universes, I now break all the negative cords that bind me
to any visible or invisible entity, and who are in any way disturbing the peace and
welfare to which I am entitled.
-‐Stop being a vampire…….Sacred Code 09.
-‐Clear paths…. Sacred Code 75139. This is a Master number through which
They will crush the serpent's head, and their paths will be made clear.
-‐Egregores (Protection) ….Sacred Code 1611. The energies of the egregores intoxicate
people who have weak minds.
-‐Eliminate from my existence, all the negative entities stored in my being….Code
Sacred 52, 919, 59, and 94. Those entities that prevent the development of my gifts and the
fully enjoy my existence especially from the period of my conception to this
-‐Emergency….Sacred Code 594, 677, 525 and 437. Pressing problems of all kinds
that need to be solved and they do not find a way to do it. Offered by Ruth's
Andromeda for emergency help.
-‐Competent And Honest Domestic Service Employees….Sacred Code 16700
-‐Find Lost Things...Sacred Code 858 and 725
-‐Disembodied Enemies ……..Sacred Code 608 and 609
-‐Karmic Enemies (Get Rid Of Them) …………. Holy Code 299
-‐Hidden Enemies………… Sacred Code 051
-‐Contagious Diseases….Sacred Code 908
-‐Deceptions (Getting rid) ….Sacred Code 3351, 1690
-‐Anger (Ignore) ...Sacred Code 11139. (Generally people use the
anger toward others as a means of manipulation, intimidation, or provocation. With this
Code we ignore those energies preventing them from affecting us).
-‐Negative Energy Protection Against ……..Sacred Code 33716.
-‐ Negative Entities attached to the body of people, which causes them a lot
suffering...Sacred Code 1221 / 316.
-‐Envy (Protection)…………..Sacred Code 615
-‐Mocking spirits (Break free)………. Holy Code 314
-‐Spirits of ruin and misery (Break free)……. Sacred Code 773. This is how they will clean and prepare
the ground, so that angels Gabriel, Parasiel and Abundia, can sow seeds of
-‐Evil spirits ……….Sacred Code 12900 / 505
-‐To be at peace in a temporary place that one does not want to be……..Sacred Code 1679. A
good number of you are in places you don't want to be, and your staying in
them is temporary. By means of this Number they will be able to live in peace there, while the
time to leave
-‐Avoid Damage From Neighbors …….Sacred Code 530.
-‐Avoid Pressure ……..Sacred Code 654, 258 and 36. There are people who in the form of
They insistently try to pressure others to make a decision.
-‐To prevent a person or situation from taking us out of our center…… Sacred Code 981
-‐Avoid Being Manipulated………Holy Code 1111
-‐Avoid Being Harmed By Others' Decisions …………Sacred Code 93
-‐Avoid or End Harmful Friendships………….Sacred Code 314
-‐Avoid Others’ Unexplained Hostility To Us………….Sacred Code 65.
-‐Dating Success………Sacred Code 615. This Number is effective, and you can use it in dating
medical, dental, business, or romantic.
-‐Frustration (Break free)………..Sacred Code 6279
-‐Source Of Energy Against Karmic Rivals ………Sacred Code 419. (Offered by Marta
of Bethany).
-‐Sinister Forces (Protection)…………Holy Code 455
-‐Great Misfortunes (Getting rid)……………Sacred Code 339
-‐Facing Harmful Actions From Incarnated Negative Entities and
disembodied ……….. Sacred Code 133. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart makes them
front. These act on the physical plane, causing damage to people. Most of
the problems that overwhelm the human being are caused by negative entities visible or
-‐Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity …………..Sacred Code 1000.
-‐Hostility……….. Sacred Code 501 Code to not be hostile with oneself and self
support positively. We understand by hostility that way of acting that can
be circumstantial before an event or permanent regardless of the situations that
implies different forms of aggressiveness, lack of patience, intolerance, discrimination and
always some kind of physical and verbal violence. Hostility can arise in a
particular moment in which the person is altered in his behavior due to
circumstantial causes. However, we can also talk about hostile personalities
which are far more problematic as they demonstrate a lack of tolerance, inability
to accept the ways of thinking of others, as well as demonstrate the use of
violence as the only means to resolve all conflicts.
-‐Humidity and Fungi in Homes...Sacred Code 1.
-‐Identify Some Physical Pains Due to Manifestations of Implants ……….Code
Sacred 490. These barriers are hidden and can be identified with the help of Master
-‐ Prevent Anyone From Harming You Or Taking Advantage Of You…. Code
Sacred 11129. Be it family, friends, or any other kind of relationship.
-‐Astral Implants and Larvae….Sacred Code 1118. Through the Angel Urirón
-‐Misfortune (Getting rid)…. Sacred Code 2000
-‐Invoke the Spirit of the Home…Sacred Code 715
-‐Aggressive Young People With Their Parents (Ángel Alsemiyat)…. Holy Code 72599
-‐Justice (when you feel that an injustice is being committed)…. Sacred Code 3128, 32328,
33319, 33486, 33529, 33657 and 33894. These numbers are applicable to situations where in
conscience we believe that there is an injustice. Not everything is karma, there are cases where other
People misuse their free will to harm others or affect their interests. Me
I have stated that love cannot exist without the dimension of justice, and that love and
justice go hand in hand. The action of these Codes is forceful, although in some cases
act gradually: Sources: Ruth and Cristina de Andrómeda.
--Divine justice…..…. Sacred Code 125. Offered By Babaji.
-‐Thieves (against)…. Holy Code 781
-‐Break Free From ET's Actions...Sacred Code 401
-‐Free From Family Conspiracies…..Sacred Code 343 / 218 / 613.
-‐ Free themselves from any natural or legal person that is hindering them in any way.
form………Holy Code 42 and 892. They will be free from it.
-‐Free yourself from Implants….Sacred Code 575, 26, 104 and 1679. There is a type of "implant"
that can only be nullified by means of the Holy Code, I mean a barrier
vibratory that I would call "of failure", to put it in some way and accommodating myself to the
your language. Many feel disappointed, sad, and bewildered, because
they are stagnant and unable to free themselves from their visible and invisible oppressors. Despite their
valiant efforts, there is something that does not allow them to be free, although they feel the consolation and
beneficial breeze from your Angels and Guides.
-‐Freeing yourself from the feeling of being in a hurry or anxious….Sacred Code 52579
-‐Free People From Black Magic ………..Sacred Code 8585. This Code is to free
to the people of Black Magic. I use this term for lack of a better one. the beings of light
attach great importance to these psychic attacks because they can wreak havoc on
Unsuspecting souls. Sacred Code offered by Mother Mary in the Aspect of her or
Advocation of Our Lady of Loreto.
-Get Rid Of Harmful Actions Of Incarnated Negative Entities and
disembodied …….Sacred Code 133. Offered by Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
-‐Getting rid of disembodied Karmic Enemies (actions) …….Sacred Code 323. This
number is powerful. Through it you will be able to get rid of the actions of karmic enemies
disembodied. In my professional experience I have verified that in many cases, these
entities after leaving the physical plane, continue to act negatively on
who were their targets on earth. In simple words. They continue their work from
other planes, these oppressors often make pacts with beings from the lower astral or people
incarnated to continue mistreating individuals, most of the times innocent of what
what is happening to them
-‐Get Rid Of Enemies Who Want To Subdue Them…….Holy Code 889. Mataji
-‐Get Rid Of Contagious Diseases……..Sacred Code 25300
-‐Get rid of deceit ………….Sacred Code 1690. (By Our Lady of Loreto).
-‐Get rid of deceptions ………….Sacred Code 3351. (By Kwan Yin).
-‐Get Rid Of Negative Entities …….Sacred Code 1221 / 316. These People
adhere to the body of other people causing them suffering.
-‐Get Rid Of Evil Spirits …….Sacred Code 430. (ESTHER, from the old testament).
-‐Get Rid Of Evil Spirits …………. Sacred Code 12900. It is a useful Number for
rid them of the entities that my Son called "Evil Spirits".
-‐Getting rid of great misfortunes ………. Holy Code 339
-‐Bring Repressed Material From Other Lives To The Surface….Sacred Code 442.
-‐Leave a place where you don't want to be...Sacred Code 72988
-‐Healings (Restore Protect)…. Holy Code 33351
-‐Code of the Ascended Master Kwan Yin, in case of damage… . Sacred Code 286. Starting
August the decrease in Beneficial Energies increased notably, which has generated
in the “darkness” bewilderment. Because of this, there have been a few cases where
these entities have tried to harm the cures that the beings of Light have performed. For
that is the Mother Kwan Yin Code, to restore and protect healings.
-‐Sacred Healer...Sacred Code 44. Acts effectively and powerfully, in all its
bodies, root out sequels captive by attacks of "black magic" in the past and in the
present. It acts effectively and powerfully on all bodies. Through it they can
get rid of unhealthy energies that are contaminating your being, and even of many of the
symptoms that they currently suffer due to the planetary change. Uproot shapes
of thought, entities, unredeemed forces, remnants of dense energy that have
remained inside by actions of energy vampires and entities of the lower astral.
It also expels captive sequelae produced by "black magic" attacks that have
run in the past and today. Many of you will see all this noxious flow come out
which I mean, in the form of unpleasant figures like "scaled reptiles", or
represented in the form of animals that by nature dislike them. You will see all this
in your minds, and it will be the sign that these discordant forces have come out of you.
-‐Security….Sacred Code 0000000
-‐Feeling terror of the future…………. Sacred Code 378. This Number helps people
who are terrified of the future. The Code exerts a calming action on the person who
He uses it.
-‐Disembodied beings that need help (Lost Souls)….Sacred Code 250. These
people don't know they "are dead". Through Code 250, they can be illuminated
to follow the path to the Light. Sometimes these Souls are used by subjects
embodied to harm another living being. I know of several concrete cases.
-‐To be free from deception……….. Sacred Code 1690 . Sacred Code of Mother Mary in her
Appearance or Advocation of Our Lady of Loreto.
-‐Be careful in case of tremors….Sacred Code 10894. Whoever recites this Code will be
watch out along with your house in case of earth tremors.
-‐Being Immune to Curses….Sacred Code 2579
-‐Be Freed From Karmic Oppressors Who Have As Neighbors…Sacred Code 119.
Those who use this Code will be freed from karmic oppressors who have as neighbors,
and that with their noise and rudeness alter their quality of life.
-‐To be Free from a Bad Hour …………. Holy Code 413
-‐Seal their auras...Sacred Code 19-‐9-‐1913. Coming from the divine Light of the Planet
AGEON, and that seals their auras against the work that the Asintriones (Beings of the
Darkness) in you, your loved ones, and your benefactors. In this Code, in addition to
me, Mother Mary and Master Saint Germain participate.
-‐Desperate Situations …………. Sacred Code 19
-‐Unfair Situations …………. Sacred Code 2812 / 6631.
-‐Development of the Power of Conviction (always oriented towards good) ….Sacred Code
-‐Unlock The Inner Voice ………….Sacred Code 563 There are many Souls that despite
achieve inner silence they do not hear anything, this Code is for them.
-‐Discover And Set Your Own Color ………….Sacred Code 12579
-‐Despair…………..Sacred Code 19
-‐Awakening Generosity...Sacred Code 78
-‐Awakening the Sleeping and Blocked Imagination….Sacred Code 899
-‐Discernment …………….Sacred Code 555
-‐Dysorthography….Sacred Code 828
-‐Double Quantum…… Sacred Code 682.
-‐The Intimate Self …………. Sacred Code 628. It is that part of you that can never be
-‐Eliminate the Inferiority Complex …….Sacred Code 389 /292.
-‐Eliminate the Superiority Complex……Holy Code 293
-‐Eliminate Sedentary Lifestyle …………….Sacred Code 606
-‐Eliminate Arrogance…….Sacred Code 8.
-‐Develop empathy ………….Sacred Code 39. Affective participation of a person in
a reality alien to her, usually in the feelings of another person.
-‐Start and finish a project ………. Holy Code 211
-‐Find Lost Things...Sacred Code 858 and 725
-‐Anger…Holy Code 11139. To ignore the anger of others,
Generally people use anger towards others as a means of manipulation,
intimidation, or provocation. With this Code we ignore those energies
preventing them from affecting us.
-‐Balance………… Sacred Code 897.
--Balance. Keep It Between The Spiritual And The Material ……….. Sacred Code 69. It is
necessary harmony and contact with the two worlds.
-‐ Listen to the True Inner Voice...Sacred Code 431 and 1155
-‐Listen to Our Interior ………… Sacred Code 113
-‐Establish Priorities ………….. Sacred Code 556
-‐Avoid Entering Chaos …………. Holy Code 111
--Avoid confusions …………. Sacred Code 808.
-‐Avoid Running From Oneself ………….. Sacred Code 91
-‐Avoid overreaction ………… Sacred Code 520. Sometimes we react in a way
reckless in the face of difficulties.
-‐Avoid being critical………….. Sacred Code 204
-‐Dating success of all kinds ………. Sacred Code 615.
-‐Success….Holy Code 2190
-‐Express Emotions Freely ……… Sacred Code 45333
-‐ Ease of speech……Sacred Code 38.
-‐Facilitate the Learning of New Languages….Sacred Code 529
-‐Faith Offered By Saint Expeditus ..…Sacred Code 32, 414, and 907
-‐Faith…Sacred Code 527. Offered by Martha the friend of Jesus. She bestows the gift of
Faith. Whoever has a weak mind, do not hesitate to turn to me. Who wants to attract good
friendships. find me I can make you feel the closeness of Master Jesus to
who I love with all my soul.
-‐Faith ….Sacred Code 504. Contributed by Mother Mary in her dedication to Our Lady
of Loretto. You are at a key moment where faith is decisive. As Babaji says, "everything
It depends on your FAITH.”
-‐Faith ………Sacred Code 1404. Offered by the Archangel Raphael has revealed to me a Code
additional to increase faith, it is a very powerful number.
-‐Faith…….. Sacred Code 728. Angel Jasael. My role and mission is very important. Me
I belong to the Divine Army of the Angels of Faith. Whoever invokes me will be sustained, and
In addition to helping you believe, I will increase your Faith so that you can achieve your goals. Without
Faith is very little that can be done and in your world there is a crisis of Faith.
is associated with a decision, with a mental state that is cultivated above all through
autosuggestion. But it is also a gift that Beings of Light like me can help you
to cultivate and awaken.
-‐Faith, Courage, Consolation, And Total Help (To Have)...Sacred Code 780. Sent by The Mother
Mary inand
--Faith herhope…….
Advocation of Our
Sacred Lady
Code of theIfMiraculous
62511. you keep itMedal
in your
heart, there will be nothing
impossible or end in your way.
-‐Phobias …………..Sacred Code 66 /32
-‐Strengthen the Mind ………….Sacred Code 1297. Grants peace, and helps to manage and
control the ego.
-‐Flow……..Sacred Code 109.
-‐Intense Cold as a Symptom of Ascension ………….Sacred Code 211
-‐Frustrations (Getting free)………. Sacred Code 6279
--Gratitude…………. Holy Code 3333
-‐Rude…………Holy Code 725.
-‐Taste for Life and Nature…. Sacred Code 3333.
-‐Make Our Destiny More Bearable….Sacred Code 37. If you do this Code you will notice
peace and relaxation.
-‐Befriending the Subconscious ……Sacred Code 29.
--Modesty …………. Sacred Code 11
-‐Relieve Uncertainty …………Sacred Code 27
-‐Independence …………..Sacred Code 694.
-‐Action Initiative …………..Sacred Code 56.
-‐Action Initiative…………. Sacred Code 811
-‐Intelligence (Increase)………. Holy Code 1523
-‐Interpret Unknown Scriptures, Symbols and Languages ……… Sacred Code 19996
-‐Interpreting The Signs…………..Sacred Code 2615. There are subtle, camouflaged signs.
The more difficult a situation seems, the more you must insist. With the Sacred Code
you are drilling rocks from the past, events somehow petrified that your
will will win. The same goes for positive affirmations. It is until they achieve
impose your wishes. Do not fall into the negative attitude of people who say: I repeated
an affirmation five times and it didn't work for me. This is not how the mind works, beloved. The new
mental state is produced by suggestion (repetition) until they set the desired models.
The keywords here are FAITH AND WILL. Stand firm on the promises
we have done, despite what seems to be happening. ARCH ANGEL RAFAEL.
-‐Interest In Studies …………Sacred Code 220.
-‐Intuition …………Sacred Code 811
-‐Release From Confusion….Sacred Code 808. There are many people who feel
confused in many areas, and do not know what decision to make. Through this Number
the whole picture becomes clear.
-‐Getting Rid of Frustration…………Sacred Code 6279.
-‐Get rid of the feeling of being rushed or rushed…………Sacred Code 52579.
-‐Getting Rid of Penalties…………Sacred Code 605.
-‐Getting Rid of the Fear of Driving Vehicles …………Sacred Code 88.
-‐Getting Rid of the Fear of Failure…………Sacred Code 91.
-‐Maintaining the balance between the spiritual and the material…. Sacred Code 69. There is
people who ignore the spiritual world, and others who ignore the material world. It is
need to be in tune with both. You have to have contact with both worlds.
-‐Improve Singing Ability…………………. Holy Code 52088
--Memory……………. Holy Code 574
-‐Open Mind….. Sacred Code 300.
-‐Fear (Overcome)………………. Holy Code 680
-‐Irrational Fears……. Sacred Code 681
-‐Miracles (Offered By Merlin To Obtain Miracles)……….. Sacred Code 4418 / 1913
-‐Positive Interior Monologue……. Sacred Code 527. The monologue is a river of expressions
constant positives, which spring from the heart. They don't have to consciously build them
as they do with positive affirmations. It's something you hear inside and
-‐Multiply Signals (Sharpens Inner Vision and Can See Things Others Can't)
Come)………… Holy Code 62413
-‐Inner Child (Reconcile .)…………Sacred Code 89 and 344. For a long time
we have been separated from the inner child and we have not taken care of it properly. For this
reason, this child is reluctant to hand over his treasures to us, and blocks our activities. The boy
it is light and shadow. It is light, because it contains wisdom, and it is shadow because it keeps pain.
of childhood. Although the child has had happy moments in his childhood, he has very
present the painful circumstances that have accompanied it due to its sensitivity.
This Code can be combined with 344, which also points to the virtues of the child
internal. The inner child knows what our mission is, and can be an excellent partner.
-‐Inner Child (Heal)…. Sacred Code 3740 / 991
-‐Inner Child (Communication With The Healthy Part)…. Sacred Code 879. This is vital, because
the inner child knows our truth, and knows what our mission is.
-‐Inner Child Virtues………. Holy Code 344
-‐Not Being Happy With The Body: …..Sacred Code 505
-‐Feeling Of Unworthiness (Healing)…………. Sacred Code 94, 736 and 12. Awarded
by our Lady of Loreto
-‐Feeling Of Unworthiness (Healing)…. Sacred Code 593 and 294. This state of mind
it is fatal for success, because whoever suffers from it is imprisoned in the false belief of "not deserving
nothing". The above sensation acts at a subconscious level and is firmly rooted in
many people.
-‐Be Coherent………….. Sacred Code 801
--To be more sociable……. Sacred Code 84.
-‐To be Ordained……Holy Code 125.
-‐ Synchronicity…..Sacred Code 320.
-‐Overreaction (Avoid)…. Sacred Code 520. Sometimes you react in a way
disproportionate in the face of difficulties, and this is somewhat exhausting.
-‐Solitude………… Sacred Code 11136
-‐Request The Literal Signs…. Sacred Code 373 and 418. These are forceful and
average The LITERAL
daily activity.
signal can be received in the dream while we sleep, or in
-‐Subconscious (Become friends with)…. Sacred Code 29
-‐Subconscious…………… Sacred Code 1021 (calm, appease. 90% of the functions
minds are subconscious, this means that the subconscious governs 90% of the
mental activity; only 10% are aware. In the subconscious are stored the
painful events of this and other lives, in such a way that when an event occurs
that contains some discomfort or sadness, similar repressed material is precipitated, giving
place to anguish and restlessness. Then “the inner child” appears, which is a part
ours that thinks with terror, magnifying situations and overreacting to
Situations of the life. This is where this magic number makes its appearance, landing
over the restless ocean of the mind until it calms down and well-being appears. Each
whenever you feel bad, with obsessive ideas, sad or too sensitive, let yourself be lulled
by the magic of this Code and you will experience serenity of mind, it is a balm for
the mind).
-‐Overcome Obstacles…..Sacred Code 390.
-‐Have a Beautiful Day…..Sacred Code 89.
-‐Fear of Being Rejected……… Sacred Code 821, 937, 252.
-‐Have a good attitude…… Sacred Code 600.
-‐Tolerance... Sacred Code 665
-‐Tranquillity………… Sacred Code 0129
-‐Sadness………… Sacred Code 770
-‐Conscious astral travel………… Sacred Code 729
-‐Travel... Sacred Code 681
-‐Will (strengthen)…………. Holy Code 574
-‐Firm Will, Develop it ……….Sacred Code 73. Call Dr. Paul Jagot
-‐Eliminate subconscious patterns ……. Sacred Code 839. The negative events that
appear in life are usually attracted by subconscious patterns that are
strongly rooted in the interior of the being.
-‐Facing Emotional Pain And Getting Out Of It …………Sacred Code 34
-‐Episodes of Previous Lives….Sacred Code 623. Through this number Elyasim
it shows us fragments of previous existences that need to be healed.
-‐Listening to the Past Selves...Sacred Code 000
-‐Holy Spirit...Sacred Code 443355. Release of many karmic ties and
oppressors who have made your life difficult during various incarnations including the current one.
This liberation is possible thanks to the presence of the one you know as the Holy Spirit.
-‐Painful Experiences With People Close To You In The Present (Heal)…. Code
Sacred 812. You have been disturbed in some way in the past. negative feelings
towards someone are not "gratuitous". They have a reason for being, and it is usually a matter of
other lives. There are beings that cause them discomfort, stress, and sometimes fear. This is because
to unresolved experiences with them, unfinished business, or karmic contracts. many of
you have been mistreated in other existences by these people, and that is why you feel
fear or anxiety when seeing them. The presence of these entities brings to your awareness
hidden memories that lie alive in their subconscious minds.
-‐Befriending the Subconscious ……Sacred Code 29
-‐Having Suffered Some Trauma In Childhood Or Adolescence ……….. Sacred Code 288
-‐Genetic Inheritance (Negative Factors)...Sacred Code 314
-‐Wound Of Abandonment…Sacred Code 154
-‐Humiliation Wound….Sacred Code 314
-‐Wound Of Injustice….Sacred Code 907
-‐Rejection Wound….Sacred Code 260
-‐Wound Of Betrayal….Sacred Code 218
-‐Identify Repressed Subconscious Material That Prevents Manifestation….Code
Sacred 819. By means of this Code you will be able to identify this material and annul its effects.
-‐Favorable Influence On A Future Event ………..Sacred Code 462. On a
9 cm cardboard. long by 5 wide, briefly write the event. For example,
an important meeting for you. On another similar card cover the card with your hands
letting the Reiki Energy flow while reciting the Code.
-‐Release of Karmic Contracts….Sacred Code 288 and 1118
-‐Release Trapped Emotions ………… Sacred Code 604
-‐Get Rid Of The Actions Of Disembodied Karmic Enemies…Sacred Code 323
-‐The Lords of Karma...Sacred Code 95138
-‐Not Having Been Desired By Their Parents ………….Sacred Code 354
-‐Fathers and Disembodied Relatives ………….Sacred Code 301 / 302.
-‐Protection Against Karmic Vengeance...Sacred Code 212. There are several people who
they want revenge on many of you for karmic reasons, if they haven't
Already. Make use of the Code so you won't be caught unawares.
-‐To Give Light And Relief To Your Loved Ones...Sacred Code 025
-‐People Who Were Not Desired By Their Parents….Sacred Code 224. So that
Get Your Healing.
-‐Receive All That Their Parents Couldn't Give Them While They Were
Incarnate...Sacred Code 18000. This Code is great, because it allows parents to
from The Unity of the Spirit, pour out a torrent of blessings on those who were his
children in this incarnation. When I speak of blessings, they are aids of all kinds,
including material needs. The parents of these Souls yearn with all their
forces to be able to act on their children, because there are no longer contracts that limit them, and love
they can offer you is overflowing, without shores.
-‐Painful Memories During the 9 Months of Permanence in the Maternal Womb
(Heal)….Holy Code 52
-‐Overwhelming Memories Between 9 Months And 7 Years Of Age
(Heal)….Sacred Code 919
-‐Negative Memories From Age 7 To Age 18 (Heal)….Sacred Code 59
-Regain Lost Time... Sacred Code 822. They are going to reap the harvest of their
efforts of so many years.
-‐Regressions To The Near And Remote Past….Sacred Code 427. We can enter into
hypnotic trance and ask Archangel Raziel to be our Guide in these regressions.
-‐Knowing What Happened Next...Sacred Code 114. By means of this Code we are
will clearly reveal the next step we need to take. This is excellent, because
in advance we will know in which scenario we are going to move.
-‐Heal The Pain Caused By Having Killed Someone In An Existence
Past….Sacred Code 434. Suffering can prevail in this incarnation and
generate various kinds of problems.
-‐Bring Repressed Material From Other Lives To The Surface...Sacred Code 442
-‐Healing of a traumatic event from the past…………… Sacred Code 461 . Over one
cardboard 9 cm long by 5 wide, write briefly the event. Next
Cover the card with your hands letting the Vital Energy flow while reciting the
-‐Secrets and hidden things are revealed to us. It's The Speed Code. Will Manifest Very
Quick What They Dream ... Sacred Code 2020.
-‐Disembodied Loved Ones...Sacred Code 21315. Think of the Loved One
disembodied person you have loved most in this life. Through this Code, he will return
to assist you and be by your side in this last stretch. Even if you don't see him, he will be your most
great help. Listen to him, because he will speak to you, he will comfort you and tell you what to do
every moment.
-‐Living The Present Moment...Sacred Code 789. We must never lose hope
for God can change our luck in a fraction of a second. the universe can
arrive at the last minute, but always arrive on time. Living in the Present is the key. For the
We generally have a tendency to be in the past or in the future. Through this Code
we will anchor ourselves in the moment, abandoning our heads, and immersing ourselves in the world of
the senses.
-‐Intimate Self...Sacred Code 628. It is that part of you that can never be defeated.
Imagine it as a double of yours. It has your same physical body, but without flaws or ego. Tea
you can train creating that other perfect figure. Imagine him next to you, sitting next to
you, or walking next to you. It is another you, identical to the same figure you see when you look at yourself.
a mirror. He tries to familiarize you with that double of yours and activate it. When they use the Code he
it will begin to speak to you and come to life. This will reinforce your grounding and physical identity,
which will eliminate fear and insecurity.
-‐Higher Self...Sacred Code 864.
-‐I am...Sacred Code 636 / 464.
What does "merkaba" mean? The word MERKABA is a composition of three other words
MERKA-‐BA from ancient Egypt.
MER was seen as two counter-rotating fields of light rotating in the same space. These
fields are generated when a person performs breathing patterns
KA Refers to the individual spirit of a person.
BA Is generally defined as the body or physical reality. In other realities where
spirits do not have bodies.
Therefore: Mer is the Spirit, Ka is the soul and Ba is the Word. And Mer-‐Ka-‐Ba, the representation
global, complete and cosmogonic of Creation.
Therefore, the Mer-‐Ka-‐Ba describes each person as a vortex or center of energy that,
being one, it harmoniously brings together three energy modalities, vibrational and
electromagnetic: Spirit, infinite vibration; material corporeality, finite vibration and
dense; and soul, whose gradation will oscillate between that of the Spirit and corporeal materiality.
The Merkaba allows us to experience the potentials and expansion of consciousness, restores
access and memory of our being leading us to infinite possibilities.
If the Merkaba
feminine meditation
aspects (intuitive,isreceptive)
done correctly,
and initthe
integrates us aspects
masculine together (active,
in the
dynamic) of our mind and spirit.
-‐Angel Anaphaxeton …….Sacred Code 1913.Helps manage your Merkaba and manifest
your desires, together with the Angels Primeumatón and Tetragramatón.
-‐Angel Primeumatón….Sacred Code 443319. Helps manage your Merkaba and manifest
your wishes together with the Angels Anaphaxeton and Tetragrammaton.
-‐Angel Tetragrammaton...Sacred Code 28720. Activate Your Body Of Light, And Open The
Ability to manifest.
-‐Ángel Nascela ...Sacred Code 62174. Helps Everyone Who Has Their Creativity
Blocked And Cannot Display Properly. Offers invaluable help in
Rapid Development Of Talents.
-‐The 7 Angels That Govern The Law Of Attraction...Sacred Code 87949. They Will Attract
The Special Graces Of These 7 Spirits Will Enormously Facilitate Your Power Of
Demonstration, So They Can Achieve Their Goals. The Fee You Will Offer
It is the intention to remain positive.) The Angels are: Imael, Orael, Saniel, Urael,
Minael, Somael and Arsiel.
-‐Merkaba…. Sacred Code 360.
-‐Spiritual Mentoring Program………… Sacred Code Neville Goddard (1905-‐
1972)...Sacred Code 61571. Neville Can Help Us Visualize Successfully. Was a
Master on this topic. Most People Have Their Power Of Visualization Blocked,
And it is difficult for him to build mental images. We must be certain that
if we work with Neville, he will help us and listen.
-‐Merkaba vehicle (activate)…. Sacred Code 360
-‐Connect With Your Quantum Double …………Sacred Code 682. You are yourself, but in another
-‐Contact The Orbs …………Sacred Code 75820. They are a legion of consciousnesses of light.
They come from many stellar constellations, and are present in vibrations related to their
-‐Develop Medium Skills...Sacred Code 58829
-‐Develop Creative Writing ………….Sacred Code 901, 850 and 17. Through our
lady of loretto
-‐Develop Synchronicity …………Sacred Code 320
-‐Develop Telepathy And Be Able To Make Contact With Beings Of Light ……… Code
821, 716, 961, 648, 727 and 219
-‐Development of Telepathy... Sacred Code 19813
-‐Unlock Creativity …………Sacred Code 18357 .
-‐Desire to be healed….Sacred Code 111500. It is used in people who have a disease
considers that it brings benefits and block any conscious help or
-‐Natural Gifts (Ruth De Andromeda)...Sacred Code 49816
-‐Flower of Life ……Sacred Code 3366. Whoever wants to develop clairaudience and
clairvoyance, quickly use the mandala form called The Flower Of Life. look with
pay attention to that figure, as if wanting to submerge in its vibratory field, and the faculties
aforesaid will be opened to them. Those who work in the field of Dowsing, do your readings
having under the pendulum the flower of life. No doubt your diagnoses will be more
-‐Laying On Of Hands (Potential Effects Of Reiki)... Sacred Code 1515
-‐Interpret Scriptures, Symbols and Unknown Languages...Sacred Code 19996
-‐Interpret The Signs……. Sacred Code 2615.
-‐ Intuition (Develop it)....Sacred Code 2639.
-‐Intuition... Sacred Code 811.
-‐Cleaning Pendulums …………. Sacred Code 480 AND 26
-‐ Cleaning Talismans …………Sacred Code 24 and 68.
-‐Improve Singing Skills…………Sacred Code 52088.
-‐Miracles...Sacred Code 4418 and 1913. Offered by Merlin to obtain miracles.
-‐Multiply The Signs…………Sacred Code 62413.
-‐Mysterious World …………Sacred Code 280. They are opening a door for us to enter
in a mysterious but real world.
-‐ To Promote The Interpretation Of Tarot cards, crystal ball, pendulum...Code
holy 1133
-‐For Conscious Astral Travel...Sacred Code 729
-‐ Asking for and receiving signs.....Sacred Code 484.
-‐Thought Of Distant Healing (Important)...Sacred Code 580. It must be
respect the freedom of the person****** It is a proposal, not an imposition. (Speaks with
the soul of the individual whom we wish to contact and through him they can free themselves from ties
telepaths and karmic oppressors.
-‐Psychometrics...Sacred Code 251212. Develop psychic ability They will learn to
capture the energy of people, places and objects.
-‐Radiesthesia (Get Correct Answers)... Sacred Code 579
-‐ Receive Exact And Literal Signs..... Sacred Code 373/418.
-‐Remember Dreams Quickly .....Sacred Code 2020.
-‐Remember Dreams …………Sacred Code 2137.
-‐Past Life Regression …….Sacred Code 427.
-‐Conscious Breathing...Sacred Code 2500. This single action will anchor you in the present,
You will be in constant contact with us.
-‐Breaking Telepathic Ties …………Sacred Code 151515. (Through the victory angel)
they will end up breaking uncomfortable telepathic ties, which the soul no longer desires.
-‐Distance Healing….Sacred Code 110834
-‐Secrets….Sacred Code 878
-‐Beings of Light, Communication …………Sacred Code 554. Sometimes we are afraid of
"listen", this Code cancels the resistances that prevent us from receiving the messages of a
simple and easy way.
-‐Beings of Light, Telepathic Contact ……..Sacred Code 1000.
-‐Talisman (Recharge) …………. Sacred Code 62079.
-‐Telekinesis….Sacred Code 680
-‐Third Eye….Sacred Code 524
-‐Hypnotic Trance (Master Merlin) ………Sacred Code 427.
-‐Live A More Sensorial Life ……..Sacred Code 363 / 789. Stop for a moment in
colors, objects, lights and sounds. Work with visual, auditory sensations,
and tactile. Think about what you do, and try to live in the present. This will help them win
the anxiety. Visualization facilitate it. If it is difficult for you to visualize, observe the being of light with the
you want to work, in the form of a number. If you cannot create the image of the Archangel Raphael,
imagine the number 29 and he will be present. The same with the Archangel Uriel, imagine the
number 4 and will also be present.
around any theliving
is a luminous energyafield
be it a person, of various
vegetable, colors that
an object. are located
It is invisible in
the vast majority to the perfection of the human eye. All our feelings, emotions,
thoughts and experiences are reflected in our aura. The aura is divided into seven parts
main, although apparently there are some more; we will focus on the
It contains the energies that generate the capacity of our higher mind. is ours
link with our origin. It is the abode of our higher selves and provides us with a
broader information than our brain is capable of creating from the
daily experience. The sum total of Universal Knowledge is also concentrated. Is
Cloak is used by people with psychic powers.
*Spiritual Aura
Contained in the higher mental layer, it is the core of the higher aura. Its color is like a
radiant white light. Only through inner vision is it possible to know that it is there. East
bond that unites us to THE ORIGIN. It is here that the highest form of energy of the
physical world. All the Universal Energy that we use in our life is sent from this
POWERFUL PHRASE: "I close my Aura to everything that is not my Higher Self"
Each of us has a different, special nature, we have more strength and
resources that we believe in our interior. We just need to communicate
with them and this is something that we will achieve through spiritual messages, channeling
spiritual or messages of light.
Therefore, a spiritual or light message is one that indicates the path that we must follow.
walk and continue offered by beings of light and the Universe, whether they are angels, teachers
ascended, spiritual mentors, etc., until reaching the liberation of our body and
mind, to ascend in this way to be clean and pure souls, worthy of the Grace of
The Soul feels free when we feel at peace, therefore, it would be great for us
know the meaning and significance of being free and apply it to our lives.
Our feelings and thoughts are manifested in us, because we have
requested, we have decreed it, therefore, sooner or later they appear in our lives,
EYE, both for better and for worse, let's not forget this, so be careful what you
we feel and think.
life mission
The mission of life is simply the purpose that our Soul has to carry out here in the
Earth, the difficulty is that we do not remember and we have to find out for the advance
spiritual of our soul. It's a proposal we made to ourselves before we were born
on earth.
We all have a special Gift. One of the ways to know your mission in life is in
knowing you, in knowing what it is that you enjoy doing so much, in what you are exceptional, not
necessarily has to be something important outwardly, it must be extremely
important internally, something that cheers and makes your heart happy and therefore your soul.
Culturally we are not educated to be free, genuine and develop ourselves in that
that we love, sometimes from childhood we are trained to do what society asks of us, or the
family imposes on us, but they rarely teach us to listen to our hearts and begin
a relationship with that inner wisdom that we all have and that will grow throughout
Really going through our life mission is as simple as learning to listen in
every moment what our heart tells us and act and react on those things
that we love from the depths of our essence.
It is essential to find some phrases that we will make our own Decree, for
example, we can say:
“I have a happy feeling in my life with everything I do and say and my current mission
is to share with others what I discover that is good for me, for others too
it is. I achieve this by following my passion, which is to discover and invent whatever it is that
allows spiritual evolution towards a common good”.
Another example, ie:
“I ask my Higher Self with all the power of my intention to help me find the
mission for which I came here to Earth. It is done, So be it, Here and now, Thank you.”
-‐Beloved Number 1 Energy: I thank you infinitely for healing my Aura and guiding me
towards the unit.
I thank you for helping me to accept Divine gifts and to know my true worth.
Thank you for teaching me to set priorities and take back what belongs to me for
Divine right.
Thank you for connecting me with the Source, with the Sun, and with inner peace.
Thank you because you represent the I AM, and you open a Path of infinite possibilities for me.
Thank you for choosing the Path of the Numerical Sacred Codes.
Thank you for manifesting yourself now with power in my life and affairs.
That's how it is.
-‐Angels...Sacred Code 44. Attract their help to achieve quick and effective solutions.
ingenious and to be able to get rid of low entities that try to stick to the aura.
-‐Cleanse The Aura...Sacred Code 26700.
-‐Divine Light of Planet Ageon: 19-‐9-‐1913. Seal their auras against the jobs they've done
in you, your loved ones and your benefactors the asintryons (beings of darkness).
-‐Repair Damage To The Aura...Sacred Code 811.
-‐Heal the Aura...Sacred Code 72599.Through the Angel Alsemiyat.
-‐Sei Hei Ki ……..Sacred Code 465. It is a Symbol of Healing at all levels. As the
Heart is the Source of the New Energy, you can put the Symbol there, and from this Space
Sacred order affectionately to attract the action of the Archangel Raphael, Dr. José
Gregorio Hernández, or Dr. Lorphan. The Sei Hei Ki, is an ally to work the
Subconscious, and heal Aura damage.
-‐Seal The Aura : 19-‐9-‐1913.
-‐ Swami Panchadasi ……..Sacred Code 1594. These 3 Masters serve to protect us from
embodied and disembodied karmic enemies, they are protectors against revenge
karmic. They are also an effective aid against energy vampires. They help us to
heal the Aura and strengthen it. They are Masters in the Art of psychic influence, Telepathy,
Clairvoyance and many other Psychic phenomena. This Mentor, very close to the Yogi
Ramacharaca, will be able to teach us all the art of visualization, concentration, Yoga,
and the knowledge of our Inner Faculties.
-See The Aura...Sacred Code 93. Coming from the Divine Light of the Planet AGEON and that
seals their auras against the work that the ANSTIRONS (beings of darkness) have done, in
you, your loved ones and your benefactors. In addition to Merlin, the Mother acts in this Code
Mary and Master Saint Germain.
Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are the memories of the Soul.
Imagine a great library where each book collects the thoughts, actions and experiences
of each Being on the Planet, from the point of origin to the present moment. potentials
of future development, the limitations, the patterns that prevent you from following your Divine path,
and also the resources and talents to resolve everything that arises.
The term Akashic comes from the Sanskrit "akasha", which translates as ether or fifth
element, that which is in everything and contains everything. In this place of the cosmos is where
all our soul history is recorded; our past, present and possible lives
future, since the free will of each Being is a function.
Accessing our "book" is like opening a window to the Soul, to acquire a new
compression and growth of very deep levels, release and heal blockages, many
times recorded in our cellular memory.
I ask God to place his shield of love and truth around ________ (name
name and two surnames) permanently, so that only the love and truth of God
exist between me and me
I ask my Teachers, Guides and Loved Ones of _______ (full name and two
surnames), to channel through me from the Kingdom where they are to say everything
what they want.
I ask the Lords of the Akashic Records for permission to open the files
________ (full name and surname) and get all the information that I need
I ask God to place his shield of love and truth around ________ (name
name and two surnames) permanently, so that only the love and truth of God
exist between me and me
I ask my Teachers, Guides and Loved Ones of _______ (full name and two
surnames), to channel through me from the Kingdom where they are to say everything
what they want.
I ask the Lords of the Akashic Records for permission to open the files
________ (full name and surname) and get all the information that I need
My records are now open (3 times)
I thank my Teachers, Guides and Loved Ones, for all the love and information
that I have received and request that the Records of ________ (full name) be now
Amen, Amen, Amen
Extracted from: lunar nature
-‐Akashic Records (Enter) ...Sacred Code 9871
-‐Cut Telepathic Ties...Sacred Code 577. There are ties that tie us to other people
and from which it is necessary to free ourselves. These ties come from other lives and continue
influencing us today. Through this Code we free ourselves from the
telepathic influence that such entities exert on us and we eliminate any
imprint or records that may remain in our psychic.
-‐Destiny Make it More Bearable ……..Sacred Code 37. By applying this Code you will notice peace
and relaxation.
-‐Eliminate Negative Hereditary Factors ……..Sacred Code 314.
-‐Episodes of Previous Lives ……..Sacred Code 623. Through this number Elyasim
it shows us fragments of previous existences that need to be healed. Like you
know the repetition of a traumatic experience in the mind, removes the emotional burden
of the painful event.
-‐Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen ……..Holy Code 464. This Symbol is useful to heal the past
(childhood trauma). With this Symbol you can change the future and access the
-‐ Enter the Akashic Records ……..Sacred Code 9871.
-‐White Light of the Akasha ……..Sacred Code 1550.
-‐Mother Akasha ……..Sacred Code 527 / 933. Through Babaji. "I Akasha, am the Flame
of love from the Heavenly Father's Heart, and I come to offer you shelter. Mother Mary has
been emanating its healing Flame within your hearts. Lean on me."
-‐Past Life Regression ……..Sacred Code 427.
-‐Bring Repressed Material From Other Lives To The Surface ……..Sacred Code 442.
-‐Remove Repressed Material From the Subconscious ……..Sacred Code 819. (Offered by Santa
Therese of Lisieux). We can help each other with the numerical Sacred Code
-‐Heal Painful Experiences ……..Sacred Code 812. With people close to
us in the present, who have somehow disturbed us in the past, for matters
of other lives.
-‐Heal Painful Memories From 7 Years To 18 Years Of Age ……..Sacred Code 59.
-‐Heal Painful Memories From 9 Months To 7 Years Of Age ……..Code
Holy 919.
-‐Heal Painful Memories In The 9 Months Of Permanence In The Womb
Maternal ……..Sacred Code 52.
-‐Sexuality (Memories) ……..Sacred Code 3337. Erimihala acts on sexuality. East
Code works on and vows of poverty, chastity and obedience made in the past.
It also releases guilt and allows Erimihala to heal painful memories of this
and other lives.
The Tree of Life is represented in the well-known Sephirotic Tree. It is composed of
ten spiritual emanations from God, through which he gave rise to everything
existing. These ten emanations, to form the Tree of Life, intercommunicate with
the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Therefore, it is believed that from the study of the Hebrew alphabet
further knowledge of kabbalah descends and thus enlightenment.
It is possible to appreciate the detail of the development of this tree, in books such as Sefer Yetzira. I know
It is a very deep compendium, which requires adequate instruction, and a guide
-‐Sefirot ……..Sacred Code 81. The Divine Emanations of God -‐ The Ten Sefirot -‐ Tree
of the life. According to Kabbalah, the Sefirot 'numbering' in the Hebrew language, plural of Sefira,
they are the Ten Emanations of God through which the world was created. What are the
Sefirot of the Tree of Life?
The Tree of Life is one of the best known symbols of Sacred Geometry. The
structure of the Tree of Life is connected with the sacred teachings of Kabbalah
Jewish, but can be found 3,000 years earlier in Egypt.
It is possible to observe the structure of the Tree of Life in many places around the
known universe. The structure is represented in nature and is related to the Flower
Of the life.
The Tree of Life is one of the most important Kabbalistic symbols in Judaism. This
composed of 10 spheres (Sefirot) and 22 paths, each of which represents a
state (sephirah) that brings us closer to understanding God and how he created the world.
The 22 paths of the tree: Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Heh, Vav, Zayin, Cheth, Teth, Yod,
Kaph Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Peh, Tzaddi, Qoph, Resh, Shin, Tau.
The Kabbalah developed this concept as a realistic model representing a "map" of
the creation. He is considered the cosmology of Kabbalah.
Some believe that this Kabbalah "Tree of Life" corresponds to the Tree of Life
mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 2, 9). This metaphysical concept (beyond physics) more
It was later adopted by some Christians, Hermetists and even pagans.
The Tree of Life is represented in the well-known Sephirotic Tree. It is composed of
ten spiritual emanations from God, through which he gave rise to everything
existing. These ten emanations, to form the Tree of Life, intercommunicate with
the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It is possible to appreciate the detail of the development of this tree,
in books like Sefer Yetzira. It is a very deep compendium, which requires
proper instruction, and scholarly guidance.
The 10 Sephirot
A sefirah (pl. "Sefirot") is a channel of Divine energy or life force. They are described in
kabbalistic literature a total of 11 sefirot, but being that two of them (Keter and Daat),
represent different dimensions of the same force, tradition generally speaks
of only 10.
The sefirot sequentially represent the different stages of the creative process, for
through which God generated from the very core of His infinite being the progression of kingdoms,
which culminate in our finite physical universe. As a coexisting group, the sefirot
constitute the interacting components of a single metaphysical or spiritual structure,
whose "genetic" expression can be recognized at all levels, and within all
aspects of creation.
Underlying the purely structural-functional aspect of the sefirah, there is a force
hidden motivational, which is best understood through its comparison with some
psycho-spiritual states of the human soul. The way in which Hasidism (interpretation
Orthodox and mystical religious within the Mosaic religion or Judaism that stands out for the
detail of the commandments that regulate it) exposes the sefirot, basically consists
in the articulation of these states, and the exploration of the role they play in the service
from man to God in this world.
The configuration of the sefirot is graphically described in kabbalistic texts with a
scheme of three parallel axes (kavim) vertically, representing each of them,
a mode of Divine influence within Creation. The literature refers variously
to this configuration: as sulam (ladder), etz (tree), or tzelem Elokim (supreme "image
of God"). According to this last designation, the configuration of the sefirot suggests the
of the human body, since as it is written in the Bible, man was made in the image and
likeness of God. In this way, each sefirah is associated with a limb or organ.
particular, coinciding with its position in the anatomical structure of the sefirot.
The 22 paths of the tree: Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Heh, Vav, Zayin, Cheth, Teth, Yod,
Lamed, Mem, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Peh, Tzaddi, Qoph, Resh, Shin, Tau.
The order and meaning of the sefirot is as follows:
Keter (the crown)
The first numeration is called the admirable or hidden intelligence because it is the light that
it gives the power of understanding of the first principle, which has no beginning. And it's the glory
primary, because no created being can reach its essence.
Magical image: an old bearded king, in profile.
Name of Yahweh: Eheyé.
Archangel: Metatron.
Order of angels: Jayot ha-‐Qadesh (holy living creatures).
Mundane chakra: primum móbile (the first eddies), spiral nebula in the sky
Virtue: achievement. Completion of the great work.
Titles: Existence of Existences, Hidden of the Hidden, Ancient of the Ancients, Ancient
of days, the smooth point, the primordial point, the highest, the vast face, the white head,
the head that is not, macroposopos.
Spiritual experience: union with the god Yahweh.
Atsylutic color: (archetypal world): brilliance.
Briatic Color: (Creative World): Pure white brilliance.
Yetsiratic color: (formative world): pure white brilliance.
Asian color: (material world): white, flecked with gold.
Symbol: The dot, the dot within a circle, the crown, the swastika.
chochmah (wisdom)
The second numbering is called the illuminating intelligence. It is the crown of creation,
the splendor of unity, equaling it. She is exalted above all heads, and
Kabbalists call it "the second glory."
Magical image: a bearded male figure.
Yahveh's name: Yahveh, or Ja.
Archangel: Raziel.
Order of angels: Aufanim.
Mundane Chakra: the Zodiac.
Virtue: devotion.
Titles: power of Yetsirah, Ab, Abba, the supreme father, Tetragrammaton, yod of the
Spiritual experience: the vision of God face to face.
Atsylutic color: pure soft blue.
Briatic Color: Grey.
Yetsiratic color: iridescent pearl gray.
Asian color: white mottled with red, blue and yellow.
Vice: (none).
Symbol: the phallus, yod, the inner robe of glory, the Standing Stone, the tower, the rod of power
raised, straight line.
Bina (the understanding)
The third numeration is called the sanctifying intelligence, the foundation of wisdom
primordial; he is also called the creator of faith, and his roots are in the amen. he is the author
of faith, from which faith emanates.
Magical image: a mature woman.
Name of Yahweh: Jehovah Elohim.
Archangel: Zadkiel.
Order of angels: Arelim, thrones.
Mundane chakra: Saturn.
Virtue: silence.
Titles: Ama (the dark barren mother), Aima (the bright fertile mother), Jorsia (the throne), Mara
(the great sea). Wisdom
Spiritual experience: vision of sorrow.
Atsylutic color: crimson.
Briatic Color: Black.
Yetsiratic color: dark brown.
Asian colour: grey, mottled with pink.
Vice: greed.
Symbol: the vulva and vagina, the kteis, the vesica piscis, the cup or chalice, the outer tunic of
Daat (knowledge)
Magic image: a head with two faces, looking to both sides.
Ho oponopono
-‐Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona ...Sacred Code 1570. Creator of the process of
ho'oponopono self-identity. Can be invoked to release all memories
misconceptions and healing of ancestors through the practice of Ho'oponopono.
--Thank you……. Sacred Code 3333. For being here for me.
--I am sorry……. Sacred Code 877. For the memories of pain that I share with you.
--Forgive me ……. Sacred Code 888. For joining my path to yours to heal.
--Love you……. Sacred Code 35133. For being who you are.
-‐Mikao Usui ……Holy Code 1515. He was the founder of a supposed system of
natural harmonization called Reiki.
-‐Laying On Of Hands (Enhance Effects)………. Holy Code.1515
-‐Promote Reiki...Sacred Code 1515
-‐Cho Ku Rei ………… Sacred Code 461. This symbol is useful to combat depression and
fear. As far as possible, when repeating affirmations, place the Symbol on
the Heart, this will multiply the power of your spoken word.
Cho ku rei, is a shortcut that will allow them to achieve their desires in the short term. Therefore it is
synonymous with urgency and speed. Ascension is speed. All Symbols are Beings
Alive, so they can talk to Them. With the Cho Ku Rei they can clean their surroundings.
They can take a quick tour of the place they want to clean by holding the
Symbol in one of his hands and lovingly ordering him to free the space of energies
-‐Dai Ko Myo………….. Sacred Code 462. With this Symbol you access the Rooms of the
Heart and you can ask for self-love and the healing of the Soul.
The Sei Hei Ki, is an ally to work the Subconscious, and heal the damage of the Aura.
-‐Hon Sha Zen Sho Nen ………….. Sacred Code 464. This Symbol is useful to heal the past
(childhood trauma). With this Symbol you can change the future and access the
Akashic Records.
-‐Sei Hei Ki …………….. Sacred Code 465. It is a symbol of Healing at all levels. As the
Heart is the Source of the New Energy, you can put the Symbol there and from this Space
Sacred order affectionately to attract the action of the Archangel Raphael, Dr. José
Gregorio Hernández, or Dr. Lorphan.
-‐Raku …………… Sacred Code 463. This Symbol leads to Inner Peace and dissolution
of the ego.
The chakras (wheels or discs) are energetic vortexes located in the subtle bodies of the being.
human. His task is the reception, accumulation, transformation and distribution of energy
called prana.
Each of these centers resembles an open flower and has certain colors that are more
or less bright depending on the evolutionary state of the person. The ancient treatises speak of
seven main chakras, located along the spine.
The chakras are described as aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine.
towards the top of the head.
In contemporary practices, each chakra is assigned a color and they are visualized as
lotus flowers with different amount of petals in each chakra.
The Chakras vitalize the body by being associated with the physical, emotional and
mental. The function of the chakras is to maintain spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health.
(Written by www.oasibeth.com PLANET OASIBETH)
-‐ Angels Of The Chakras …………. Sacred Code. 996
-‐Archangel Uzziel …………. Sacred Code 94. It helps us make the transition from the seven
rays to the realm of the five secret rays. He brings the light of the eighth ray chakra, the
secret chamber of eight petals of the heart.
-‐Chakra Estrella del Cielo (located above the head, in the etheric body, where the
with the palms of the hands )…………… Sacred Code 56
-‐Chakras of the Hands …………. Sacred Code 26
-‐Earth Star Chakra (Located Below The Feet, Internal In The Earth)…..Code
holy 264
-‐Chakra 1: Muladhara Or Root, Color Red (Perineus Or Coccyx And Legs)………….. Code
Sacred 760. Archangel Uriel-‐ I HAVE
-‐Chakra 2: Swadhisthana O Sexual, Orange Color (Three Fingers Below The Navel or
Sacrum)………. Sacred Code 451. Archangel Gabriel-‐I WISH
-‐Chakra 3: Manipura or Solar Plexus Color Yellow, (Between the Ribs and the Navel or Mouth
From the Stomach) ………… Sacred Code 293. Archangel Jophiel-‐I CAN.
-‐Chakra 4: Anahata or Green Heart (At Heart Height)…………… Code
Sacred 741. Archangel Raphael-‐I LOVE
-‐Chakra 5: Visuddha Or Throat Color Blue….. Sacred Code 986. Archangel Michael-‐
-‐Chakra 6: Visuddha Or Third Eye, Violet Color (Centre Forehead Or Between Eyebrows)………..
Sacred Code 505. Archangel Raziel-‐I UNDERSTAND
-‐Chakra 7: Shahasrara
Sacred Code or Crown,
204. Archangel White Color
Zadquiel-‐I AM
Part of the Head or Crown)….
-‐Chakra of the Thymus ……….Sacred Code 40.
Life and death
-‐Shorten the Time of Permanence on the Planet...Sacred Code 72718. Whoever uses this
number, by a special grace, his life on the planet will be shortened. There are souls who wish
leave, with this number they will reduce your time here.
-‐Angel of life...Sacred Code 887
-‐Assign souls from purgatory for help…. Sacred Code 44197. Each person has
assigned 3 "Souls in Purgatory". As is known, these Souls left unfinished business
in his last incarnation, and so to speak there was a delay in his
Advance. This situation has them stuck in what are called "Purgatorial Lakes". By
Law of Attraction, these Souls can help us, because the issues they left
earrings are the same as each of us have earrings. logically
receiving the 3 Souls is not mandatory. It is only for those who want to use them.
-‐Help For Loved Ones, Friends, Or Souls Who Are In "The Lakes
Purgatorial"…. Sacred Code 527, 777, 888, 444 and 333
-‐Communication With Their Disembodied Parents And Relatives…..Sacred Code 301 and 302
-‐Connection with the 3 Angels assigned to us……Sacred Code 525.
-‐Connecting With Parents On Another Plane…………. Holy Code 18000. They can receive everything
what their parents could not give them while they were incarnated. This code is
great because it allows parents from The Unity of the Spirit to pour out a torrent of
blessings on those who were your children in this incarnation. when i talk about
blessings, are help of all kinds, including material needs. Parents
of these Souls, yearn with all their might to be able to act on their children, since there is no
contracts that limit them, and the love they can offer them is overflowing, without shores.
-‐ Give Light And Relief To Your Loved Ones...Sacred Code 025. For those of your loved ones
loved ones who have not awakened, for whatever reason. These loved ones will be
comforted and enlightened.
-‐Grief And Losses….Sacred Code 1962.. It is an invaluable tool for
people who have suffered "the loss" of a loved one. To find relief and
-‐Extend the life time……Sacred Code 29.
-‐Date of death...Sacred Code 62116. Whoever uses this number will be revealed the
Date of death". In reality death does not exist, which means that you will be told
clearly when he is going to disincarnate. -‐Dates of “birth” and “death”. These dates are
gateways to unseen realms of light. Think for a moment about the beings that most
love. His father, his mother, a guide, a "saint", a friend, a friend, a brother, or someone
that has meaning for you, that you yearn for in your heart. start repeating
quietly but firmly the date of the “birth” or “death” of the loved one; this them
tune in with its vibratory frequency, and automatically this being will begin to communicate
with you and to transmit its vibration to you. They will receive extra help while feeling
the help of a loved one.
-‐ Identity: Put your day, month, and year of birth on a piece of paper. Then convert
the result in a Code. Example: a person was born on July 7 (seventh month), 1977.
The resulting Code would be: 771977. This Code attracts like a magnet extraordinary thanks
of divine mercy. Because? Because the day, month and year of birth have a
very special vibration because they are like the seal of birth. hence some
ascended masters like Kuthumi for example, recommend making special requests
the day of our birthday. Because? Because the date of our birth does not pass
unseen in the universe. It is like the number with which we are identified.
-‐Death...Sacred Code 72718. Whoever uses this number, by a special grace, will be
will shorten the time spent on the planet. There are souls who want to leave, with this
number will reduce your time here.
-‐Cosmic Name...Sacred Code 76129. It is the one that identifies them in the universe. East
name can be revealed just like our Agesta channel does. the being that you
known as José Gabriel here on earth, he is identified as Agesta in other
-‐Secret Name: It is a sound that your most intimate being will reveal to you and that, in turn, you
they will not reveal to anyone. It is a tool of inner transformation that will connect you with
its multidimensionality. The repetition of the confidential name will awaken in you
dormant faculties and will be a defense against the storms of the external world. One time
receive the secret name, ask Saint Germain for a sign of confirmation, and he will give it to you.
To get access to these treasures, you can call us. Before using it you can
say something like this: powers of the angelic realm of the thirteenth dimension, lighten our
ascension process, and let us experience here and now, your guidance and your protection.
You can visualize a golden cord that comes out of your hearts and is lost in the immensity
of the firmament.
-‐Earthly Name: The one they chose when incarnating. Their names have a vibe
that will cleanse your inner channels, so that your soul can speak to you. To the
repeating the name daily (always all 45 times, like the Codes) will be connected to the
mother earth, and you will attract the life you deserve.
-‐Get a quiet death….Holy Code 6215
-‐Inner Peace...Sacred Code 1. Help someone who is dying
-‐To Manage Grief And The Loss Of A Loved One….Sacred Code 1962
-‐Ask for Souls in Purgatory...Sacred Code 44197
-‐People Who Have Committed Suicide….Sacred Code 72952 / 74321.
-‐Receive All That Their Parents Couldn't Give Them While They Were
Incarnate...Sacred Code 18000. This Code is great, because it allows parents to
from The Unity of the Spirit, pour out a torrent of blessings on those who were his
children in this incarnation. When I speak of blessings, they are aids of all kinds,
including material needs. The parents of these Souls yearn with all their
forces to be able to act on their children, because there are no longer contracts that limit them, and love
they can offer you is overflowing, without shores.
-‐Know If A Person Is Alive Or Died...Sacred Code 33020
-‐Feeling The Abandonment (Death) Of Parents At An Early Age …………… Code
holy 604
-‐Disembodied Beings...Sacred Code 100. Connect with Our
Disembodied loved ones.
-‐Disembodied Beings Who Need Help (Lost Souls)….Sacred Code 250. These
people don't know they "are dead". Through the Code, they can be enlightened to
May they follow the path to the Light. Sometimes these Souls are used by embodied subjects
to harm another living being.
-‐Loved Disembodied Beings...Sacred Code 21315 and 718. You will feel the
presence and help of his disembodied loved ones, who will guide him even in the most
minute details of daily life and they will give you signs.
Animals General
-‐Animals (Low Energy Protection)……… Sacred Code 415
-‐Abandoned Animals ………….Sacred Code 2008 and 3050, attraction of tutors for
For Animals………….Sacred Code 2008.
-‐Helping Animals That Die In Fires And Natural Disasters ……..Code
Holy 4418.
-‐Find Lost Animals……..Sacred Code 858.
-‐Immunity to Diseases (this assumes on the part of the owner of the animal
optimal conditions and correct hygiene)…………… Sacred Code 313
-‐Animal Abuse…………… Sacred Code 86. Animal abuse includes
behaviors that cause unnecessary pain or stress to the animal. They range from
negligence in basic care to malicious murder.
-‐Protection for Animals San Roque …………..Sacred Code 52798 / 556.
-‐Protect, preserve and heal animal nature ……..Sacred Code 290 / 720 / 316.
-‐Fleas on Animals ……..Sacred Code 1520.
-‐That pet owners pick up their feces when they are taken for a walk …….Code
Holy 201.
-‐ Kidney Stones in Cats………… Sacred Code 6931
-‐Anemia in Cats …………Sacred Code F-‐145
-‐ Cancer In Cats ……………Sacred Code L-‐120
-‐Cataracts in Cats ………….Sacred Code 3120.
-‐Cystitis In Cats ……………….Sacred Code 21400
-‐Connection With The Soul Of Cats…………Sacred Code 66925
-‐Joint Pain in Cats …………..Sacred Code 1613.
-‐Allergy in Dogs ……………Sacred Code 579
-‐Anemia in Dogs ………….Sacred Code 801
-‐Anxiety in Dogs ……………..Sacred Code F-‐24.
-‐Hips Of Dogs By Age…………..Sacred Code F-‐715
-‐Calming Aggressive Dogs …………….Sacred Code 282
-‐Cancer in Dogs …………….Sacred Code 2412
-‐ Cataracts in Dogs …………….Sacred Code 6053
-‐Cystitis In Dogs …………Sacred Code 1190
-‐Descent In Testicles In Dogs ……………….Sacred Code 320
-‐Joint Pain in Dogs ……………Sacred Code 1181
-‐ Pulmonary Emphysema…………..Sacred Code F-‐306
-‐Epilepsy and Seizures in Dogs …………Sacred Code F-‐744
-‐Facilitate Dog Adoption …………..Sacred Code 2115
-‐Strengthen The Immune System Of Dogs ………… Sacred Code 8987
-‐Ticks on Dogs …………….Sacred Code 1639
-‐Gastroenteritis In Dogs …………..Sacred Code 2115
-‐Hemorrhoids in Dogs …………..Sacred Code F-‐231
-‐Liver In Dogs ……………Sacred Code F-‐728
-‐Mushrooms in Dogs ………….Sacred Code 102
-‐Heart Failure In Dogs ……Sacred Code 1218.
-‐Lipomas in Dogs …………….Sacred Code 1318
-‐Canine Distemper…………. Holy Code 670
-‐Nodules or Adenomas Liver Dogs …………Sacred Code 2750
-‐Otitis In Dogs ……………..Sacred Code 6256
-‐Paralysis In Dogs ……………Sacred Code 180
-‐Canine Parasitosis ………Sacred Code 266.
-‐Parvovirus In Dogs………Sacred Code F-‐214
Power Animals
Each of us can access the medicine of the Power Animals. they embody
the qualities that we need to include in our life. The spirit of an animal
with which we tune in can grant us, in addition to protection, services
very defined according to the particular medicine offered by the animal. We can have
many power animals and change and use them according to our
needs and circumstances. In Ancestral Shamanism, a Power Animal fulfills a
function similar to that of a Guardian Angel.
Next, I give you the Sacred Numerical Code of some animals so that you can
incorporate them into your life, with the certainty that they will be of great use. All that
improve our relationships with God, with the Universe, and with all creation, is a
-‐ To contact the Animals of Power….Sacred Code 13 13 13 13. Granted by the
Ascended Master White Eagle.
-‐Bees …………Sacred Code 861. Connection to Goddess Diana Understanding of energy
female warrior Reincarnation Communication with the dead Helping the spirits
clinging to the earth to continue to their proper place Concentration Prosperity.
-‐Eagle …………..Sacred Code 179. Spirit / Bravery / Tenacity / It is the gift of vision
clear, with which you truly see the things you look at. It's the patience to wait
the right time. It is living in balance with the earth and the heavens.
-‐Armadillo………… Sacred Code 729. Borders, protection, Empathy. The Armadillo carries
his armor on his back, his power is part of his body. Your safety limits are a
part of your total being. Armadillo teaches us how to protect ourselves and when to drop defenses
-‐Ave Woodpecker ………..Sacred Code 3070. Communication, Opportunity, Attention,
Protection, Rhythm.
-‐Whale as a Power Animal ………Sacred Code 615. Guardian of the memory of all
the eternity. All the knowledge associated with the voice. Psychic and telepathic abilities.
All aspects of the sea. Beauty of movement.
-‐Buffalo ………………Sacred Code 821. Abundance / Gratitude. Earth creativity. Worth
feminine. Abundance. Knowledge. Generosity. Hospitality Share the work.
and challenge. Survival. Give for the greater good. formulate plans
-‐White Owl …………..Sacred Code 01. Whoever uses this Number will feel the tremendous
protection of the White Owl and its ability to override the plans of third parties who want
hurt you in some way. Keep in mind that in Ancestral Shamanism
Spirits of Animals exercise a medicinal and protective function.
-‐Owl….Sacred Code 21. Intuition / Clairvoyance. Silent and fast. see behind the
More expensive. Insightful view. Messenger of secrets and omens. Change of form. link between
the dark, the unseen world and the world of light. Comfort with one's own shadow. Magic
of the moon. Freedom. Whoever has him as an ally listens to the invisible world and receives
constantly signs. Whoever wants to make up for lost time will do so quickly
with his magic. Her presence is beneficial and she feels it. She transmits messages in dreams, and reveals
the mysteries of the Parallel World. Warns of dangers, and grants the ability to know
hearts of beings. Whoever accepts the friendship of the owl will be free from traps, tricks and
bad companies. He accompanies those who love Telepathy and Clairvoyance, two treasures that
We all have to a greater or lesser degree. Also, it awakens the intuitive powers.
-‐Horse ………………Sacred Code 315. Power / Resistance.
-‐Camel ……………Sacred Code 63. Survival, positives, achievements. camel is a
unique animal that demands respect.
-‐Kangaroo ……………Sacred Code 159. It grants protection and is a powerful aid in the
making important decisions. Help couples in everything related to sex.
Intuitive and decisive movement, Adventure, Strength, Agility and Balance. kangaroo us
They will help us move towards everything we need. His power can help us shed
that is no longer beneficial, and will provide us with the stamina and energy needed to
achieve our greatest desires.
-‐Snail ……..Sacred Code 854. Perseverance, Determination, Protection, Aware
of isolation.
-‐Zebra as a Totem or Animal of Power ………….. Sacred Code 384. Those who need
integrate into a group without losing their personality. The totem of good companions, of
friends and groups where the bond that unites them is strengthened. It is a Protective Totem that
makes the wisdom of the past conscious, and reminds us of the urgency of reuniting with our
Galactic Family, our Soulmates, and our disembodied Loved Ones. study
the characteristics of these animals, or others that they like. Find out what your
favorite animals and work with them.
-‐Deer ……..Sacred Code 54. Represents strength and community. If you hear the moo
deer or elk is the time to ask yourself if you are willing to recognize a
co-worker. "Invoke my Spirit, so you don't lose control over your thoughts.
Express your negative emotions in moderation. If you overdo it, you will lose the well-being that
They can bring you the little things and the present moment. If you are unable to access
nature, evoke it in your moments of rest, and its vibration will reach you. If you raise
You will often experience the coming together of the Realms. If you align with me, your attention
voluntary will increase. I am the Spirit of the Deer, an energy that will allow you
find the answers you've been looking for so long."
-‐Swan Totem…….. Sacred Code 654. Grace, beauty, Self-esteem. They are waterfowl
closely associated with water, even nesting near it. Water is a symbol of:
Fluency, intuition, dreams, emotions, creativity. The Swan is one of the most
powerful and ancient.
-‐Silver Cobra…………. Sacred Code 616. Soul guide. Memory of the world of the soul.
Transmutation of the soul. Memories of past lives. Wisdom of the Goddess. freedom of the
religious persecution.
-‐Hummingbird ………….Sacred Code 620. Love and/or Joy. Ability to heal using light as
a laser from the mouth. Patience during long hours. Ability to fly towards
small places to heal. Joy Happiness. Love.
-‐Condor as Totem ………..Sacred Code 27. The wisdom of the vulture/condor includes:
Death and rebirth. Prophecy. Love of the Mother Goddess Knowledge about the
death of someone loved. New Vision. Purification.
-‐White Dolphins …………Sacred Code 159. Nobility. Balance. Happiness of living.
Communication skills. Understanding the power of rhythm. Play. Use of the
breathing to release intense emotions.
-‐Dolphins …………Sacred Code 701. Communication Knowledge of the sea. protector of the
sailors. Change. Wisdom. Balance. Harmony. Communication skills. Freedom.
Confidence. Understanding the power of rhythm in your life. Using the breath to release
intense emotions. Magic element of water.
-‐Dragon (fire) ……..Sacred Code 020. Dragon's wisdom includes: Born of Fire.
Protective. Exist among thoughts. Ability to move between worlds.
Connection to the birth of the Universe. The Red Dragon sleeps in the center of the Earth.
-‐Elephant ……Sacred Code 21. As you can see the elephant and the owl have the same
Code. This is not a mistake, as I have already said that there are Codes with various functions.
Strength. Royalty. Connection with ancient wisdom. Remove obstacles and barriers.
Trust Patience. Use educational opportunities.
-‐Cat …………….Sacred Code 94. Independence. See the unseen. Protection. Love.
It allows us to dream your dreams. Meditation assistance. Ability to fight when
-‐Cricket ……………Sacred Code 734. This animal brings messages from our Loved Ones
Disembodied, and sometimes they take the form of crickets to visit us. omen of good
luck. When you hear the song of the crickets, it indicates that an opening or reopening of your
inner voice will happen. If you listen to it in your bed at night, it announces a love relationship
happy. When you hear a cricket chirping nearby, it's a signal. Stay tuned because I sing
It comes with a message. Whoever is awake grasps it with total clarity.
-‐Falcon…….. Sacred Code 30. The wisdom of the falcon includes: Clairvoyance. To be alert.
distant memory. Spirit messages. Protection. Memory of past lives. Worth
Wisdom. Lightning. See the bigger picture. Creativity. TRUE. Experience. Wise
use of opportunities. Overcome problems. (Hawk medicine is very
important because it is the fastest spirit and that helps us reach goals faster.
It also helps us make plans and devise tactics to materialize dreams. use everything
what benefits them and helps them evolve.
-‐Ant ………………Sacred Code 28. The wisdom of the ant includes: Patience. Strength
vital. Planning energy and patience needed to complete the job. Saving. Life
in community. Teamwork. Store reserves for the future.
-‐Giraffe …………….Sacred Code 374. The giraffe totem is inventiveness, ingenuity and strategy, gift
of communication, and above all a great vision of the future, open-mindedness, open mind and
perceptive. The totem giraffe brings these values with protection to his chosen ones, and gives them a certain
elegance and grace in their behavior.
-‐Lion ……………….Sacred Code 350 / 89. As an Animal of Power this Spirit represents
Divine Justice, protection and triumph. Brotherhood. Let go of tension. strong ties
relatives. Strength. Worth. Energy. Self fullness.
-‐Leopard ……………Sacred Code 757. Gives extra courage and strength in times of chaos
and crises, or so that they do not occur because the totem panther is capable of neutralizing the
negative forces that lie in wait for us and protect ourselves from them.
-‐White Wolf ……….Sacred Code 664. Facing the end of our own cycle with dignity
and value. Death and rebirth. Teaching spirit. Guide in dreams and meditations. The
Instinct combined with intelligence. Social and family values. Outwit enemies. Ability
to go unnoticed. Constancy Ability to protect oneself and family. Take
advantage of change.
-‐Firefly as a Power Animal ……..Sacred Code 86. Communication, Illumination.
-‐Mandril ……………….Sacred Code 515
-‐Butterfly………….Sacred Code 33. The power of the whirlwind. Reincarnation.
Transformation. Transmutation. Magic.
-‐Phoenix Medicine as a Power Animal………….Sacred Code 4412.
-‐Blackbird …………….Sacred Code 526. The wisdom of the blackbird includes: Comfort in groups
large. Attack from behind. Face the blowing winds in this world. Achievement. Use of the
voice as protection. Dauntless nomadic life. Go against the tide.
-‐Bear…………Sacred Code 88
-‐Shark as a Power Animal ……….Sacred Code 451. The wisdom of the shark includes:
A sea god Guardian of the family. Constant movement ability. Savior.
Protective. Connection to knowledge of the past. Change of form. Lack of
regrets. He is never caught off guard. Ability to defend yourself.
-‐ White Tiger …….Sacred Code 681. Regulates the fall season and is the governor of
metal elementals.
-‐Tiger ……..Sacred Code 596. The tiger is power, energy, generosity, illumination, but
he also has the gift of unpredictability and surprise.
Black Tiger: regulates the winter season and is the governor of the water elementals
Blue Tiger: Regulates the spring season and is the governor of the Earth elementals,
Red Tiger: regulates the summer season and is the governor of the elementals of the
Yellow tiger tiger: He is the supreme ruler of all these tigers and represents
symbolically to the Sun.
-‐ Turtle ………Sacred Code 089 and 101. The wisdom of the turtle includes: Symbol of the
Earth. Connection with the center. Navigation skills. Patience. Self limits.
Association with the feminine. Power to heal female diseases. respect the
limits of others. Develop new ideas. psychic protection of oneself.
Self-confidence. Tenacity. Nonviolent defense.
-‐Unicorn ……….Sacred Code 7 and 14147. The wisdom of the unicorn includes: Purity
Innocence. Virginity. Connection to heal patterns. Connection to the spirits of the forest.
Related to Pegasus. Connection with the fairies. They often make contact under the
flowering fruit trees
-‐Europe ……… Sacred Code 620
-‐Asia ………. Holy Code 30
-‐Africa ……… Sacred Code 94
-‐America ……….. Sacred Code 45
-‐Oceania ……….. Sacred Code 116
-‐Pacific Ocean …….. Sacred Code 200
-‐Atlantic Ocean …….. Sacred Code 250
--Indian Ocean …………. Holy Code 300
-‐Antarctic Ocean …….. Sacred Code 350
-‐Arctic Ocean ………….. Sacred Code 400
Planet earth and its environment
-‐ Trees ……..Sacred Code 620.
-‐Aerocura ……..Sacred Code 1919191. Earth Deity
-‐Water and Food…..Sacred Code 091 Offered by Kwan Yin. Make this Code a
once a day before breakfast.
-‐Angel of the Earth ………………..Sacred Code 331
Codes Of The Elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire.
The Elementals are also known by the name of Nature Spirits. And how
live in a dimension different from ours are not perceived on a physical level, nor should they be
disturbed in their daily work. They are beings that help in the creative processes, for the
support, order and continuity of all species, in all Natural Kingdoms.
There are 4 basic elements of Nature: fire, air, earth and water. Within
each of the four elements of nature there are some entities or spirits that
they configure the spiritual essence of that element. These Beings have connected with the
4 elements, and they work helping us and the Planet. In this time of Ascension,
They wish to revive their friendship with us, just as it was in the past.
-‐Elemental of the Body….Sacred Code 97.
-‐Communicate with the Elementals of the trees….Sacred Code 84.
-‐Earth Element….Sacred Code 664. The members of this Element can
help us to connect with the Earth, and to acquire material goods and abundance. This is not
a fantasy, because they are the guardians of the treasures, we can ask them to
teach the art of discipline, order and persistence.
*Earth Elemental … Gnomes And Fairies
*Angel of the Earth element….Sacred Code 331.
-‐Air Element: 1690. We can ask its members for faith and hope, protection and
consolation in sorrow.
* Air Elemental…. Sylphs
*Angel of the air element….Sacred Code 640.
-‐Water Element….Sacred Code 1810. The beings of this Element if we request them,
They will improve our intuition and our ability to visualize. They also make us
aware of our power.
*Water Elemental …… Undines
*Angel of the water element….Sacred Code 1190.
-‐ Fire Element….Sacred Code 2140. They can help us develop daring and be
free. They love that you have a lit candle in your house.
*Fire Elemental…..Salamanders
*Angel of the fire element….Sacred Code 787.
*Angel of life….Sacred Code 887.
-‐Oromasis ……..Sacred Code 528. The solution of the eighth ray of the violet flame for the
economy, Saint Germain. Prince Oromasis and Diana, hierarchs of the Fire Element who,
together with the four cosmic forces, it maintains the balance for the evolution of the Earth.
There are also the elementals of the Ether or also called Electric Elementals that
they work around the Fifth Element and are in charge of moving energies that man
He doesn't see but he perceives.
They are made of etheric substances unique and specific to their element. They are entities that
they inhabit a world parallel to ours without interacting normally with humans, and
although there are those who can, for most eyes they are invisible.
Beings in the Elemental Kingdom work primarily on the etheric plane and are known
as "Builders of Form". His specialty is vitalizing nature. create shapes
etheric that activate that kingdom to which they belong.
Elementals can vary in size from very small to very large, and like
angels are beings that begin their evolution being very small and as they
evolve grow in size and power. The Devas are the ones who direct the kingdom of the
Helios and Vesta represent the solar logos of our solar system. They are the director gods
of the fire element. It is the divine beings who govern the salamanders (heat, light and
energy), are the sun god and goddess of planet earth, whose fire of creation makes and
maintains life on earth, Helios (male) and Vesta (female).
-‐Helios….Holy Code 504
-‐Vesta….Sacred Code 209
Aries and Thor, directors of the Air element.
-‐Aries….Sacred Code 612 The Service of Aries consists in supplying the essence of the air.
She has had to lower the vibratory action of the electrons that make up the element
air so that the human lungs can absorb it, use it, and benefit from its
-‐Thor….Sacred Code 2751 The Service of Thor consists of moving the air with delicacy and
wisdom under God's guidance wherever it is needed to give you the greatest
possible blessing to the earth and its evolution.
Pelleur And Virgo Directors Of The Earth Element
-‐Pelleur….Sacred Code 315. Director of the earth element.
-‐Virgo….Sacred Code 412. Directors of the Earth Element.
-‐Angel Carona……..Sacred Code 52137. This angel teaches you to protect yourself in case of
storms and tempests.
-‐Angel Who Takes Care of the Crops: Angel of Shambala ………. Holy Code 14721
-‐Angel Raschiel ……. Sacred Code 65. It is used in cases of earthquake
-‐ Angels of Natural Phenomena...Sacred Code 775
-‐Trees………… Sacred Code 620
-‐Increase Size In Fruits And Vegetables ……….. Sacred Code 069
-‐Chemtrails Y Haarp ...Holy Code 457. In theory, they are meteorological weapons of
wireless transmission of low-frequency electromagnetic waves.
--Environmental pollution …………. Holy Code 25450
-‐Control of Worms in Plantations ……….. Sacred Code 1412
-‐Weed and Pest Control ……… Sacred Code 379 / 434 / 643
-‐Oil Spill………….. Sacred Code 818
-‐ Pond Decontamination ……. Holy Code 82031
-‐Decontamination Of Lakes ……… Sacred Code 52127
-‐ Decontamination Of Seas ……… Sacred Code 7521
-‐Decontamination Of Rivers ……. Sacred Code 82030
-‐Soil Decontamination and PH Balance ……… Sacred Code 15027
-‐Pest Elimination ……..Sacred Code 1618.
-‐Stop the Impact of Hurricanes…………. Sacred Code 901
-‐Floods and Overflowing of Rivers ………. Sacred Code 280.
-‐To Help Animals That "Die" In Fires And Disasters
Natural ……..Sacred Code 4418
-‐To Positively Enlighten The Rulers ……..Sacred Code 4972. May our
countries can develop in peace and harmony for all its inhabitants. that the
rulers do not do it for their own interest but in pursuit of the common good.
-‐Indoor Plants ……..Sacred Code 1901
-‐Garden Plants ……..Sacred Code 2114
-‐ Plantations or Plantations (Protection Against Frost) ……..Sacred Code 84
-‐Producing a benefit to any plant or crop ……..Sacred Code 1616. It is like
if we pay it
-‐ Reprogramming of Genetically Treated Seeds ……..Sacred Code 191329
-‐Black Sigatoka …………Sacred Code 801. This disease produces necrosis and death
acceleration of the leaves, causing premature maturity, reduction in the size of the fruit and
low bunch weight, causing a significant reduction in production volume.
-‐Connecting With The Gems……..Sacred Code 2080
-‐Mossy Agate ……..Sacred Code 526 and 215. I recommend it for its properties. One
of the necklaces that I have to pass the accounts of the Codes is precisely Agate
mossy This Gem connects us with the Energy of Venus. Free from the “chains”
spiritual, brings inspiration and always makes it possible to start over again,
emotionally releases pressure and stress, stimulating confidence and hope,
mentally stimulates the ability to communicate and activates the mind. It is a stone of
wealth that attracts abundance, improves self-esteem, releases fear and helps develop
the ability to get along with other people. It is a Stone to free yourself from
depression as moss agate brings optimism. CHACRAS: Sacrum, solar plexus. SIGN
ZODIAC: Virgo.
-‐Amethyst ……..Sacred Code 52318. It physically represents the alchemical violet ray of
The transformation. It is a Stone for the sixth and seventh chakra. Open the chakras of the
head, basal and spleen. Protects psychic attack, transmuting energy into love. Their
serenity enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation has great powers
curatives and cleansers. CHACRAS: Sacral, between the eyebrows. ZODIAC SIGN: Aries, Sagittarius,
aquarius, pisces
-‐Angelita ……..Sacred Code 75334. Powerful stone for healers, deepens the
attunes and elevates perception, offers protection for the environment and for the body, helps to
be honest, compassionate and accept situations that we cannot change. The little angel helps
to feel peace and tranquility. CHACRAS: Throat, between the eyebrows. ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio.
-‐Citrine ……..Sacred Code 8814. It is known as the guide to wealth and abundance.
It stimulates self-confidence, brings joy of living, helps to overcome
depressions, makes you outgoing and stimulate self-expression. CHACRAS: Throat,
solar plexus, spleen. ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius.
-‐Carnelian ……..Sacred Code 2190. Stimulates creativity and motivation. Dilute the
Fear of death instills courage, encourages positive life choices. The minerals
reds make you more impulsive and extroverted, intensify elemental emotions (love
or hate), strengthens willpower and endurance. Red stimulates
inner fire. It favors the learning processes. Pink minerals stimulate
compassion. CHACRAS: Base, sacrum. ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio.
-‐Crystal Quartz ……..Sacred Code 219. It is the best cleanser and neutralizer of energies
negative, the best option for meditation. It is a mineral that helps us think
positively. It has a wide magnetic field with which our
energy field, it is also a magnificent balancer of all our faculties
absorbing all negative energies. Feng Shui and quartz: This mineral due to the
positive energy and good vibrations that they bring to the home, favors everything related to the
sentimental frame. CHACRAS: Spleen, throat, crown. ZODIAC SIGN: It is related to all
the signs of the zodiac.
-‐Rose Quartz ……..Sacred Code 1718. Encourages openness and the desire to create a
atmosphere of well-being, frees us from worries and helps us discern between what
good and bad, helps us direct our attention to meeting our most
elementary, enhances our self-esteem, the strength of the heart, romanticism and
capacity to love, it is an excellent Stone to overcome the mid-life crisis,
attracts love, trust and harmony. CHACRAS: Heart. ZODIAC: It is related to all
the signs of the zodiac.
Stone we can get rid of unwanted karmic contracts and obtain protection and
healing. Ideal for treating respiratory problems. Promotes a sense of aesthetics
sensuality, and beauty, friendship and justice. Removes inhibitions and stimulates
expression of feelings, it is an important protective stone, it easily absorbs
negative energies, it is a Stone of transformation, it encourages us to be more adventurous,
to take risks, favors imagination and determination. CHACRAS: Spleen, heart
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius.
-‐ Black Obsidian ……..Sacred Code 8228. It has a reviving effect, it helps us against
obsession, it is a protective mineral against negative energies, it helps to change patterns
of belief, behavior and communication. It makes shocks, traumas and
locks. Mentally it eliminates tensions, the black minerals provide security and
stability and keeps mental deviations away and concentrates our attention on
the essential. CHACRAS: Sacral. ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio.
-‐Silver Obsidian ……..Sacred Code 6. Like all obsidian it is a powerful
protective talisman, and absorbs bad energies, attracting negativity towards itself and
preventing it from contaminating us, being able to store large quantities of
energy for a long time without disturbing its stability. It enhances meditation and is the
perfect crystal to contemplate, since its beauty is hypnotic and attractive, and encourages us to
lose ourselves in that silver tide that runs through it. Like all her sisters, she offers a
mirror of the inner being and is a perfect crystal for reflection and introspection. help us
to assimilate and internalize, to assume the things that are difficult or that squeak us, but
so that they make sense in our life and our world, to learn to live with them.
It gives advantages in life, it gives us those little external pushes that sometimes
we need to keep going, and it imparts patience and perseverance when
require. It is useful when traveling out of the body, as it connects the astral body with the physical.
and brings the soul back to incarnation, acting as a safety cord so as not to
get lost or get dangerously far away while walking through the astral plane. Healing
Detoxifying and filtering bad energy, it also helps our metabolism and
our filtering organs such as the kidneys or the liver. He is closely related to
eyes, headaches and bad dreams.
-‐Golden Obsidian ……..Sacred Code 335. Very effective as a crystal ball.
Psychologically it removes any sense of futility or ego conflict. At the level of
Healing balances the energy fields. A great revealer of profound truths,
of the roots of those shadows and of our problems. In its golden sparkles you can
look and see clearly the heart of the shadow. It will light our way through the
Darkness and will help us to see clearly in all the cracks where we cannot see.
She is a great friend, who helps you accept your mistakes and learn from them. she has the force
to encourage you not to continue committing them; a time with this Stone will be definitive for
leave behind a whole series of blind spots and selfishness that does not allow me to really
-‐Green Obsidian ……..Sacred Code 571. It is effective to remember dreams, and deepen
the inner vision. It is known as the gem of sorcerers, for its energy capacity in
the paranormal. Remove snags and ties from others.
-‐Rainbow Obsidian ……..Sacred Code 604. It is a very delicate obsidian but very
protective. Absorbs negative energy from the aura and removes stress from the body. it is a mineral
with strong protective properties, it teaches you about your spiritual nature, the
rainbow obsidian cuts the bonds of old love relationships and gently releases
the hooks of the heart, filling it with energy again, when wearing a rainbow obsidian
As a pendant, it absorbs the negative energy of the aura and eliminates body stress -‐CHAKRAS:
Sacral. ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius.
-‐Ojo de Buey ……..Sacred Code 2715. It is said that the ox eye provides life force,
helps to overcome difficulties, it is an ideal crystal to strengthen willpower and to
help us admit our responsibilities, the porthole brings an energy
powerful, dense and very deep; therefore, it is fabulous for anything related
with Mother Earth. Great protection against hexes, curses, black magic, or
any negative energy you want to send them. CHACRAS: Sacral, solar plexus, throat.
-‐Tiger Eye ……..Sacred Code 690. This Stone attracts prosperity and grants security and
self esteem. Like malachite, it acts against the evil eye, envy, and vampires.
energetic. This Stone attracts prosperity and gives security and self-esteem. As the
malachite, acts against the evil eye, envy, and energy vampires. Ideal for
treat respiratory problems. Tiger eye is said to help overcome difficult stages
of our life, helps us maintain perspective in complex situations, the eye of
tiger is a protective stone, it shows the correct use of power and makes us draw our
integrity, helps to achieve our goals, tiger's eye remedy problems of
self-esteem blocked creativity, self-criticism. Differentiate idle thoughts
about what you want from what you really need. CHACRAS: Solar Plexus ZODIAC SIGN:
-‐Onyx ……..Sacred Code 715. It represents the Zero Point, the Great Universal silence, the Great
God's dream. It is under the rulership of Pluto, which is in charge of the life and death of
all processes. She is the Great Protector of the Stones, she will absorb as in a hole
black any negative energy that is within us or that comes to us from
outside, any psychological or psychic attack. It is good to use it once a week to
cleanse one's own aura and it is good to use it when we know that we are going to meet
negative people or situations; also when we visit hospitals or funeral homes. She
It will also take care of cleaning your house if you leave it in certain corners. It corresponds to
first Chakra or Root Chakra and will help you to settle the energy, to anchor you, to land in this
physical plane and everyday reality and is fantastic for getting rid of fears.
-‐White Opal ……..Sacred Code 620. White opal is a magical gem. attracts like
a magnet the help of the Beings of Light. Through it we can connect with the Soul
and discover his wisdom. The opal emits an energy of hope, and amplifies our
prayers It is the Stone that most helps to have a high frequency. when this gem
appears in our life, it is because the Soul has led us towards it. The opal increases
intuition, and aligns us with the Merkaba Vehicle. Facilitate communication with our
Disembodied Loved Ones. It grants serenity and confidence to those who wear it. Influences
on the respiratory system and improves vision, both internal and external. It helps us to
Rafael, just imagine the number 29 and he will be present. If you can't imagine the
Archangel Uriel, it is enough that in your imagination you see the number 4, and he will be there in the form
of number.
By means of these Codes, a wisdom that is not of the earth will be transmitted to them, so that
you apply it in your day to day.
Those who still do not know to which planet they belong, make the request to me, and I will
I will illuminate
Almost all of the non-incarnated Twin Souls are on the planet of origin to which they
you belong. Luckily, if any of those who read this message is from
Sirius, your soul mate will be there. With the respective Code they will communicate easily with
your Galactic Families, especially with your Soulmate.
The inhabitants of their planets of origin know them very well and will offer them help.
invaluable; Do not despise her children. By daily repeating the Code of your planets,
begin to receive information through THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, IMPULSES,
coming from Beings of Light and Animals of Power (for those who work with the latter).
The planet of origin is your House, and many of those who will read this message will not
They belong to this reality. Some live their last life here on earth. so my
loves that I invite you to take advantage of every minute, these Codes WILL DO FOR YOU,
THAT THEY COULD NOT DO IN YEARS OF STRUGGLE AND EFFORT, and they will transform them in short
weather; Believe me, because it's true.
These Codes appropriate the energies of your homes and make contact with your
villagers, especially with their non-incarnated soulmates. The codes
They will also allow you to capture your beautiful planets in vision, knowing details that
They will fill you with emotion. Your experience will be unforgettable when I reveal it to you,
You will feel a lot of strength and hope.
How to contact my home planet?
-‐Mother Mary ……..Sacred Code 27 or 927 (In her invocation of Our Lady of La
Miraculous Medal). By means of these Codes, a wisdom will be transmitted to you that is not
of the Earth, so that you apply it in your day to day. Those who do not yet know what
planet belong, make the request to me, and I will enlighten you. How to contact me
Planet of Origin? ask Mother Mary with her Code to send you the message that
Planet belongs to your Soul, an Example of how the answer will come to you can be in a
Sleep. Mother Mary in her devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Code
sacred 27
-‐Ageon ……..Holy Code 001
-‐Arcturus ……..Holy Code 007
-‐Andromeda ……..Sacred Code 004
-‐The Pleiades ……..Sacred Code 003
-‐Mars ……..Sacred Code 006
--Sun . 444……..Sacred Code connect with the sun, will allow you to receive beneficial energies
of the Star King. They have tried to make you believe that the sun is dangerous. the sun is actually
who warms them and loves them. Fear him not. He is a great friend.
star beings
Note: There are more beings of light that belong to these planets, here I indicate those that are beings
From Ageon
-‐Dwarf Athor from the planet Ageon ……..Sacred Code 55611. It offers us abundance
-‐Llama Yamashi ……..Sacred Code 28. Commander of Squad 28 of consciousnesses
of light that you call "orbs." We can favorably alter the vibrations of the
places for your own convenience. Every time you have an important meeting or have
some activity that produces tension, call me, and I will be there in fractions of a second
to put the circumstances in your favor. Where faith is absent, there is no magic.
I can help you believe, and I will spend with my Squad cleaning up the spaces that you
they indicate me I come from Ageon, the planet of silence.
-‐Ishao Kamata ……..Sacred Code 688 / 604. I come from the planet Ageon. I am the one
reveals to them the secrets of numbers, colors, and the words vibrating colors.
They radiate an energy.
-‐Leen of Ageon ……..Sacred Code 571. Listen to the leen in the midst of silence and abide by what
that she wants to reveal to you, she keeps magnificent secrets and speaks to your heart without hesitation.
-‐Wersaba ……..Sacred Code 584. Ruler of the planet Ageon.
-‐Amilec ……..Sacred Code 585. Ruler of the planet Ageon.
-‐Samantha of Ageon ……..Holy Code 234. She will open your ears when you summon her.
From Andromeda
-‐Cristina, from Andromeda ……..Sacred Code 699,101 and 313. A bridge to the mansions
eternal, a prodigious energy that embraces the poor and the afflicted.
-‐Light of Andromeda ……..Sacred Code 101 and 5600
-‐Ruth of Andromeda ……..Sacred Code 5600. I will wipe the tears from her eyes and
I will comfort their souls. I am a faithful messenger of Mother Mary for this hour.
Hailing from Antares
-‐Alsemiyat : AMARAYAMA
-‐Saint Expeditus: AYAMASARU
-‐Therese of Lisieux : OROYAMASI
-‐Holy Spirit: ISALUYAMA
-‐San Judas Tadeo : ARIMARY
Other Dimensions
-‐Fourth Dimension ……..Sacred Code 26700.
-‐Fifth Dimension ……..Sacred Code 45800.
-‐Sixth Dimension ……..Sacred Code 1821.
-‐ Seventh Dimension ……..Sacred Code 3620.
-‐Eighth Dimension ……..Sacred Code 67080.
-‐Ninth Dimension ……..Sacred Code 2123.
-‐Tenth Dimension ……..Sacred Code 1820.
-‐ Eleventh Dimension ……..Sacred Code 7755.
-‐Twelfth Dimension ……..Sacred Code 1212.
-‐Thirteenth Dimension……..Sacred Code 15020.
Beings of the Divine Realm
The source (The creator father of everything)
-‐ Beloved I AM Presence ……..Sacred Code 636 and 464. The Presence that introduces you to
that world you always dreamed of, I AM the end of suffering and the fulfillment of
the desires of Your Heart.
-‐Christ Consciousness ……..Sacred Code 8-‐16-‐32-‐0.
-‐Father God……Sacred Code 888.
--The fountain…. Sacred Code 111 and 883. Revealed through The Inner Voice
-‐Mother Uhane ……..Sacred Code 3527. (Consciousness)
-‐Child-‐ Unihipili ……..Sacred Code 344 / 849. (Subconscious)
-‐Father Aumakua ……..Sacred Code 113355. (Supra consciousness)
-‐ White Gold Ray of the Divine Father….Sacred Code 1111
-‐Silver Platinum Ray of the Divine Mother……..Sacred Code
-‐Holy Trinity ……..Sacred Code 4972.
-‐Holy Grail...Sacred Code 114. You will connect with the energy of the holy grail and know
the true story of Jesus the Christ and his closest servants. The aforementioned Code
will also allow you to experience a very close relationship with the Master Jesus, and receive
your endless blessings. They will also know who Mary Magdalene was and is, and the role that
performs with The Ascended Souls.
-‐Higher Self……..Sacred Code 864
Jesus and his invocations
-‐Divine Mercy….Sacred Code 7 and 2033. Advocation of the beloved Master Jesus. Their
Etheric retreat is on the planet Oasibeth where God is autonomous and the laws of the
Universe. A Supreme Intelligence that shines for you.
-‐Divine Providence ……..Sacred Code 95.
-‐Softening Great Pains...Sacred Code 515. This number springs from the greatest love
Holy Spirit. It is to sweeten great sorrows, to comfort the souls that suffer
for whatever reason. Whoever uses it will feel that he is comforted in the most intimate of his being.
-‐Cosmic Holy Spirit ……..Sacred Code 468.
-‐Holy Spirit…….. Sacred Code 515. This number serves to sweeten great pains and
comfort souls who suffer for whatever reason.
-‐Holy Spirit ……..Sacred Code 443355. The ascension process heralds liberation
of many karmic ties and oppressors that have made life difficult for several
incarnations, including the current one. This deliverance is made possible by the holy spirit.
-‐Extension of Divine Mercy….Sacred Code 18
-‐Wounds (Wounds) of Christ….Sacred Code 950
-‐Childhood of Jesus (receiving graces)... Sacred Code 144
-‐Immunity to Any Disease….Sacred Code 72249. As the most
close followers of Master Jesus.
-‐Jesus...Sacred Code 41933. Jesus, like Mother Mary, has a general Code,
but it uses other Codes in its dedications or aspects.
-‐Jesus of Good Hope ………….Sacred Code 306
-‐Child Jesus of Atocha...Sacred Code 701
-‐Star Child...Sacred Code 720.
-‐Infant Jesus of Prague...Sacred Code 689, 2733 and 1189. Every 25th of each month offers
Special thanks to whoever invokes you.
-‐Child Jesus...Sacred Code 144. Childhood, receiving the graces of the childhood of Jesus, serves
For desperate situations and to apply it to children.
-‐Sacred Heart of Jesus .…Sacred Code 85 / 720.
-‐Blood of Christ….Sacred Code 111
-‐Holy Grail .…Sacred Code 114. Through this Code we will learn the life that
Jesus passed.
--Holy Trinity…. Holy Code 4972
-‐Jaime (Brother of Jesus)... Sacred Code 68114
-‐José (Husband of Mother Mary)...Sacred Code 389, 418, 927, and 167. You can call me
with these Sacred Code. José is a Being of great power before God, and like Babaji and
Mataji, act in silence. I recommend you keep it in mind because it is a gift for the Soul.
I am José, a powerful Energy that assists you from the Great Silence."
-‐John the Baptist…..Sacred Code 538
-‐Manuel (Son of Jesus)…. Sacred Code 644, I am the answer to your prayers and your
questions. Rejoice because Divine Mercy made me appear in this
time, in this now. With me you will defeat the assassins of the invisible world who ruined
your life and your dreams. Rest in me and celebrate your victory. Call me with the Holy Code
644, and every time you see a Rainbow you will know that this is my sign for you. I am Manuel, the son
of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Sarah's brother."
-‐Marta Ruth... Sacred Code 68115. Sister of Jesus the Christ, the one who comes to comfort
their souls and to reveal to them their true and eternal truth
-‐Sara (daughter of Jesus)... Sacred Code 61124, 61125 and 61126. I am one of the expressions
purest of Divine Love, I was chosen to appear at this time I have come so that
you, especially those who do not feel loved, perceive the love to all
Followers of Jesus
-‐Elisha ………. Sacred Code 844. He will do for you what you have not been able to do for yourself.
-‐ Legrashogua... Sacred Code 1596. One of the teachers of Jesus the Christ. that he started it
in the wisdom of the arcana. Turn to him, and ask him to pass on the knowledge of him.
It is an entity in the Phoenix Nebula. Helps eliminate “symptoms” that entities
negative causes, such as diseases, illnesses, and desperate situations,
respiratory problems, intense cold, pain, fear, guilt, psychological aggression,
sexual dysfunctions, hostility of others towards you.
-‐Marta (friend of Jesus, sister of Lazarus)... Sacred Code 527. Gives the gift of
faith, the ability to dare, to take risks. Gives the gift of faith, the ability to
to dare, to take risks. Whoever invokes her will feel her friendship and her sweetness.
-‐Simón...Sacred Code 68116. A tutelary spirit, a lamp that illuminates his steps. Me
I am the father who reaches down to his children to give them support and rewards.
-‐ Divine Mother…. Sacred Code 26, 5, and 18. Before starting our daily activities
It is vitally important to ask questions of the Divine Mother, either with the pendulum, for
written or whatever you prefer, she likes this immensely.
-‐Infancy of Mother Mary...Sacred Code 521. Through this number you can
get special and unique gifts from Ella.
-‐Mother Mary...Sacred Code 333. Mother of Jesus, Cosmic Mother. patron saint of healing
member of the karmic board. Power of the ascended masters. The mother has a
Sacred Code that brings down to earth all the power of the ascended masters.
Fortunate is he who remembers to recite this Code in his day to day life. who wants
enter the heart of Mother Mary, your future will be assured and you will receive benefits that
the world of the third dimension cannot offer you.
-‐Mother Mary (reveal secrets)….Sacred Code 212019. Whoever uses this number
will reveal useful and important secrets. He wants to reveal secrets to you and get closer to you
Form So Special That Its Closeness Will Surprise You, You Will Feel It
-‐Mother Mary, feel her love or we want her to smile at us...Sacred Code 17
-‐Divine Mercy….Sacred Code 7 and 2033. A Supreme Intelligence that shines for
up and downSequence given
and for each by Our Lady
repetition, passofaMercy: the Numbers
bead from are repeated
the necklace. They will continue like this until
repeat it 45 times.
-‐Divine Providence...Sacred Code 95.
-‐Etheric Rosary of the Divine Mother...Sacred Code 18. The Ascended Master Dr. David
Stone speaks of a Golden Key to Ascension and healing. This Key is the Rosary of the
Divine Mother. In the Etheric Planes there is a rosary of pink color that the Mother carries.
Divine. If we invoke this Rosary, the necklace is placed around the neck of those who wear it.
invoke. This is great because it grants protection and healing. In the words of Dr Stone
it is "a wonderful blessing."
-‐Extend Divine Mercy…Sacred Code 18
-‐Mother Mary (reveals secrets and is close to you) ...Sacred Code 212019
-‐Mother Mary in her Advocation (Divine Shepherdess)…. Holy Code 2070
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of Our Lady of Consolation….Sacred Code
-‐Mother Mary in her Advocation of Our Lady of the Assumption...Sacred Code 91.
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of Candelaria…. Sacred Code 603 and 63
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of the Immaculate Conception...Sacred Code 2614
-‐Mother Mary in her role as Mary Help of Christians...Sacred Code 115
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of our lady of Caacupé...Sacred Code 52190
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel….Sacred Code 1516
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of our lady of Coromoto...Sacred Code 1615
-‐Bless water in honor of the Divine Mercy …….Sacred Code 98. Use it according to your
-‐Mother Mary in her Aspect or Advocation of Our Lady of Monserrat …Code
Holy 32010.
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of Mary Immaculate….Sacred Code 824, 716, 659 and
-‐Mother Mary In Her Invocation Of Our Lady Of The Navigators….Sacred Code
-‐Mother Mary In Her Invocation Of Our Lady of Light….Sacred Code 26.
-‐Mother Mary In Her Invocation Of Our Lady of El Paso….Sacred Code 201.
-‐Mother Mary in her invocation of Our Lady of the Pillar….Sacred Code 415
-‐Mother Mary in her aspect or invocation of San Juan de Los Lagos….Sacred Code 122
-‐Mother Mary State of reverie...Sacred Code 27. Mother Mary: It is optimal in two
moments: in the morning, when they are still in their beds becoming aware of the
wake up, they are neither asleep nor awake; This is where you should repeat my Code
mentally or as a whisper. Going back to the idea, there is a moment in the morning when
they are neither asleep nor awake, they are about to wake up and open their eyes. that's where
They must repeat the code. Dreaming, if you will, is a hypnotic state where your
subconscious obeys them and is highly receptive. In the morning (it's what I just gave you
explain), and at night. There is a moment when they are ready to rest, when they are
about to fall asleep; They are not yet asleep, nor are they awake. In that
intermediate state must recite my Code as a whisper or mentally. what is it
wonderful of this my loves? that throughout the night the Code will be working
for you. Falling asleep, his last thought is the Holy Code. this is magnificent
because they can change quickly and visibly. Over time, they will rise fresh and
happy, full of vitality. They will sleep more peacefully and see remarkable changes in their lives.
-‐Blue Mantle Of Grace ……..Sacred Code 174. It is the space of the last Vibration and the
time of the last Vibration of the Consciousness that comes to close the ephemeral time, the
illusion time. That Blue Mantle has the peculiarity and the virtue of making you pass (in
consciousness from now on) from the time of the action/reaction of the Duality to the
Thanksgiving of the Unit. That Cloak has effects from the densest layers of
your Presence on this world, to the unknown layers above the Self, of the
Unlimited, of Samadhi and access to Truth.
-‐Rosa Mystica ……..Sacred Code 6843. “Our heavenly nurse. On July 13 of each
year, it is dedicated in honor of Rosa Mystica (Mysterious Rose) " Our heavenly nurse.
We can call her. The significance of the Roses. The white rose symbolizes the spirit of prayer.
The red rose, the spirit of sacrifice (to repair). The golden or yellow rose, the spirit of
penance. “It is the confirmation and rebirth of faith, that faith that we have sometimes forgotten or
put aside
-‐ Virgin Undoing Knots ………Sacred Code 38.
-‐Virgin of Betania….Sacred Code 230
-‐Virgin of Copacabana (Lake Titicaca)…. Holy Code 615
-‐Virgin of Peace….Sacred Code 1710
-‐Army of the Hidden Saints….Sacred Code 654. These people led a life
pleasing in the eyes of God, but they chose to act from anonymity, far from vanity
and wishes for recognition. Through them you will get rid of many dangers and
bad times.
-‐Father Mario Pantaleo….Sacred Code 94. He was well known as a healing priest and
for his work in favor of the poor and dispossessed of González Catán being popularly
known as Father Mario. He was also a graduate in Psychology and Philosophy.
-‐ Santo Domingo de Guzmán….Sacred Code 86.
-‐Saint Augustine of Hippo….Sacred Code 100. The greatest of the fathers of the church and
Patron philosopher of those who seek God. Late I loved you, beauty so old and so new,
late I loved you! And you were inside me and I was outside, and so on the outside I was looking for you; and, misshapen
As it was, I would throw myself on these beautiful things that you created. you were with me, but
I wasn't with you. They kept me away from you those things that, if they were not in you, would not
they would exist You called me and cried out, and broke my deafness; you shone and sparkled,
you cured my blindness; you exhaled your perfume, and inhales it, and now I long for you: I liked you, and now
I feel hungry and thirsty for you; you touched me, and I longed for the peace that comes from you.
-‐San Antonio Abbot…. Sacred Code 815. Monk of the desert, illustrious father of the
monasticism and radical witness to the gospel.
--Saint Anthony of padua …. Sacred Code 858. The one that frees them from the condemnations
arbitrary and protects them from harmful companies, is the recoverer of lost assets
-‐San Benito Abad….Sacred Code 26123. ” I wish that the souls who do not see turn to me
no outlet for their problems, and they are desperate for whatever reason. The spirits
of darkness tremble before me, so that they can rely on my assistance. ask me
signs and I will give them to you. I come to strengthen and defend them.” "Dear Brothers: God
It has conferred the power to heal many diseases of the body and mind.
It has also given me the ability to subdue the most rebellious spirits of the
darkness. These entities seek to create an environment of despair among the Souls,
because they feed on the energy of anxiety and fear that they generate in them. the power of
thought is very important, and these tyrants are frozen in negativity. They carry
many lives cultivating and attracting harmful thoughts, which makes them extremely
cruel. As you can see, the force of thought is cumulative both for the "good" and for the
"evil. We have already told you in these messages that not everything is what it seems. You can
happen that you have an efficient employee at your service. Take for example, a
lady at home, she has a domestic service worker who helps her with the chores
daily. At the end of the day said employee leaves the clothes that she arranged ready and says goodbye. The owner
of the house when proceeding to put it away, he observes that the collar of a recently bought shirt
it's broken. Surprised and with some anger, she makes the claim to the employee the next day. Is
surprised, she does not understand the situation, because she has been in the house for several years doing the job
with diligence and care. He tells the lady that her activities have been responsible
and does not understand what has happened. Situations like this, on a small and large scale, are the
that these spirits cause, to create discord between souls. people are unfairly
accused of things they did not do, money mysteriously disappears, property is damaged
both movable and immovable, and responsibility is attributed to innocent people who
They have no way of proving that they were not the ones who caused the damage. This privilege is
also extends to their animals. They just have to put the medal in the water and recite
my Sacred Code 26123. I wish that the Souls who do not see any way out turn to me
for their problems, and they're desperate for whatever reason. the spirits of darkness
they tremble before me, so they can rely on my assistance. Ask me for signs and I will
I will give. I am Benito, the one who comes to strengthen and defend them.”
-‐ San Blas….Sacred Code 36. Physician and Bishop of Sebaste, Armenia, was known for
obtain miraculous cures with his intercession.
-‐San Cayetano…..Sacred Code 817. Entity of light that guarantees material sustenance and
spiritual San Ceferino Namancura….Sacred Code 1615
-‐ Saint Charbel….Sacred Code 799. Great Imitator of Christ, he is a great intercessor for
find work and also to recover health.
-‐San Cipriano….Sacred Code 202. He was considered the unofficial patron saint of pagans,
wizards and necromancers for many centuries. Saint Cyprian of Antioch is considered one
of the greatest wizards in the world, for which he was considered the patron saint of witches and
sorcerers, practiced white magic invoking God, so their actions many
Sometimes they were not considered spells, binding practices, or witchcraft, but miracles.
-‐ San Cono….Sacred Code 199. Help in games of chance
-‐San Cosme….Sacred Code 16. The brothers (twins) San Cosme and San Damián,
born in the Roman province of Arabia Petrea around the 3rd century AD, were famed
physicians in his time, so after his execution at the hands of the Roman governor
of Silicia for propagating the Christian faith among the most humble layers of society were
considered together with the evangelist Saint Luke as the patron saints of the doctors,
surgeons, apothecaries,… of all Christianity.
-‐ San Cristóbal….Sacred Code 918. Patron of yore of the muleteers, later of the truckers
and today of all drivers in general, San Cristóbal has become the image
common to many cars and trucks, staging the awareness of responsibility of
all drivers. It is like a kind of "guardian angel" that advises prudence
to everyone who gets in front of a steering wheel.
-‐San Damián….Sacred Code 18. Brother of San Cosme.
-‐Santo Domingo De Guzmán….Sacred Code 86. The Virgin appeared to him in the chapel. In
all handthe
held a rosary
world, and she
promising himtaught Domingo
that many to recite
sinners wouldit.convert
He saidand
to preach
it for-‐
abundant thanks.
-‐ San Lázaro …….Sacred Code528 Patron saint of the poor and sick. Martha's brother
friend of Jesus
-‐ San Lorenzo….Sacred Code 201. Legend says that among the treasures of the Church
entrusted to Lorenzo was the Holy Grail. This martyr offers us a value
impressive to endure sufferings for your love, and a total generosity in favor of
those in need.
-‐San Lucas….Sacred Code 84. Author of the third gospel and the acts of the apostles.
-‐Saint Martin de Porres….Sacred Code 994. This Soul is prodigious. The entities of the
dying darkness have tried to harm healings done by Archangel Raphael, and
this wonderful being has prevented it. I recommend visiting his Etheric Retreat. who does not
will leave empty handed.
-‐San Martín Caballero….Sacred Code 16. San Martín Caballero also known as
Saint Martin of Tours is the patron saint of those in need. They request it, to play luck,
be financially successful, improve their businesses, for those looking for a new home or
for any endeavor that involves travel. He is the patron saint of horsemen and divers
long distance trucks.
-‐Saint Nicholas of Bari….Sacred Code 46. Famous for his holiness and for his intercession before
the throne of divine grace. Her image is presented every year by merchants dressed
of "Santa Claus" (Nikolaus in Germany and Santa Claus in Anglo-Saxon countries.
-‐San Pascual Bailón ….Sacred Code 11. Patron Saint of Eucharistic Congresses and
Eucharistic Associations. San Pascual grants you everything you ask of him and he is capable of acting
amazing miracles. In return, he only demands one thing: that you do not forget to keep the promise
What did you do.
-‐ Saint Peregrine….Sacred Code 570. Patron saint of cancer patients.
-‐San Pancracio….Sacred Code 1670. Patron saint of young people looking for work. He was a
young Roman convert to Catholicism, who later suffered martyrdom at age 14 on the day
of his baptism. He is considered-‐as the saint of the poverty-stricken.
-‐Saint Patrick….Sacred Code 39. Considered the One Who Introduced the Christian Religion in
-‐San Ramón Nonato….Sacred Code 424 (invokes the energy of San Ramón Nonato, and that
It helps us not to walk again along inconvenient routes in which on some occasion we already
We experiment without success. There is a Ranchera song that says: "I have already traveled the road
walk again." This Code helps us to be acutely aware of the terrain ahead.
We stepped on it, and I recommend it in a special way. As the Beings of Light say: "Not everything is
what does it look like.”):
-‐San Roque….Sacred Code 556 (any contagious disease, dangers, pests, is
a faithful and compassionate Being of Light. Protector of animals, Message from San Roque: "Good
days: I am going to reveal something to you that you must experience for yourself, to test your
beneficial effect from today. Hypnosis is a powerful resource that they have tried to
discredit the followers of the old energy. However, I tell you that, through
hypnosis will heal their souls and their bodies. The fanatical mentalities of the old
paradigm affirm that hypnotism is dangerous, I tell them that it does not have any danger.
I am going to teach you to make use of this therapy in your conscious life, so that you are not prey
of the fear and confusion of the moment they live. They are ready? In the moment in which
When you open your eyes in the morning, make a statement like this: "With the help of God, and the strength of
my inner power, I now enter a hypnotic trance that will be very beneficial for me. The
Infinite Intelligence that dwells in my subconscious mind is now producing in me
a conscious trance, which will allow me to have a successful day, and a positive state of mind
to 100%. I know that now my mind becomes receptive to everything I tell it, and it will obey it
faithfully. I have no fear, because God in person directs me in this practice.
Now, I get up from my bed, and I am ready to happily fulfill all my
daily activities. All day, I will maintain a loving dialogue with myself, trusting
in which a Higher Intelligence takes care of me and all my affairs. I know that faith is my
own thought. Therefore, I will only speak and think positive things. I am immune to
any negative influence trying to disturb my mental health. I will defend myself when
I have to, but as far as possible, I will not get caught up in useless discussions, and I will
I will separate myself from those who try to harm me. I now have complete confidence in my powers."
They will continue like this all day, talking to themselves, through autosuggestions.
reasoned, and reinforcing their conscious trance. If they have to face people or environments
unpleasant, they will say: "I preserve in the presence of whatever, a perfect tranquility.
I deny anyone and everyone the power to influence my will, for I am my own
master." Are you clear about the procedure? The infinite intelligence that inhabits your
subconsciously, it will put them in a trance and keep them that way. You will use the
autosuggestion all day constantly. Your daily actions will be fully
conscious, and they will no longer fall easy prey to the psychological automatism and madness of the
false self. What I propose to you is effective and healthy for your bodies and your souls. I am
San Roque a doctor at the service of the Light and your well-being.")
-‐San Sebastian … Sacred Code 06
-‐Santa Ana….Sacred Code 025333. (Mother of Mary). Patron saint of all educators.
-‐Santa Bárbara….Sacred Code 34 Patron of the professions that handle explosives,
His faithful ask the virgin for protection against injustice, envy and evil eyes and
strength to undertake dangerous actions and win over enemies.
-‐Saint Bernadette….Sacred Code 185. Patron saint of bodily illnesses, sick people,
Lourdes (France), people ridiculed for their piety, poor and shepherds.
-‐ Saint Catherine of Bologna….Sacred Code 26700. Italian nun, mystic and artist. I know
He considers her the patron saint of the liberal arts.
-‐Saint Catherine Labouré …….Sacred Code 53716. It can grant you many blessings:
Trust, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, signs and silence.
-‐Saint Catherine of Siena….Sacred Code 108. Doctor of the Church and Patron Saint of Europe.
-‐Santa Cecilia….Sacred Code 903. Patron saint of music and musicians.
Clara….Sacred Code
-‐Santa Elena….Sacred Code 294.
134. Patron
Patron saint
saint of
of television and telecommunications.
and discoverer of Vera
Cross. (Relic of the Cross on which Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem)
-‐Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska ….Sacred Code 421. Fr. JOSHEP BART -‐-‐"Saint Faustina
received this mission from Our Lord Jesus: "I send you to all Humanity with my
mercy. You have to reach all people, without excluding anyone, to remind them
the evangelical truth: That God is a Father rich in Mercy"".
-‐Saint Filomena …….Sacred Code 127 / 59942 / 1998. The power it has is so great and
the wonders that it works, that it has three Codes. Also, she is beautiful.
-‐Holy Gem Galgani ....Sacred Code 665. Pretend that you have great faith, and act as if
so out.
-‐ Saint Hildegarde De Bringen….Sacred Code 1679. She was Abbess, monastic leader, mystic,
prophetess, doctor, composer and writer. She predicted the arrival of the antichrist and the end of the
-‐Santa Inés….Sacred Code 366. Patron Saint of adolescents.
-‐Saint Joan of Arc….Sacred Code 2021. It is celebrated in May. He was an incarnation of
the ascended mistress Lotus.
-‐ Saint Laura Montoya….Sacred Code 445. Patron saint of those who suffer discrimination.
-‐ Saint Lucia….Sacred Code 98 Patron Saint of sight. To heal problems with vision.
Thanks to your help my eyes and those of the whole world are physically and spiritually healthy.
Festivity December 13.
-‐Saint Margaret Parigot….Sacred Code 17 and 19
-‐Santa María de la Rábida: 1122. Also called Virgin of miracles.
-‐Santa Rita Casia (lawyer of the impossible)….Sacred Code 52550
-‐ Santa Rosa de Lima….Sacred Code 25. Several gifts were attributed to Santa Rosa among
which emphasizes precognition. And it is that she herself predicted her death.
-‐Saint Teresa of Ávila….Sacred Code 54. Patron Saint of Catholic Writers and First
Doctor of the Church.
-‐Saint Therese of the Child Jesus (Therese of Lisieux)….Sacred Code 2 and 2020 (She has said
who wants to spend his Heaven doing good to Earth, and Roses are his Symbol. She has me
communicated that your Code can be used for all kinds of situations. suggest to himself,
that while we are repeating the Code, we visualize Roses in the affected organ or
situation to deal with. I insist that your Code is for EVERYTHING we can think of): 2. Santa
Therese of Lisieux. Who wants to fly high and fast, seek the protection of my Beloved Daughter
Therese of Lisieux, she is an expert in speed. She has said that she wants to spend her heaven
doing good to the earth, and roses are its Symbol. She has informed me that her Code
It can be used for all kinds of situations. He suggests to himself, that as long as we are
Repeating the Code, let us visualize roses in the affected organ or situation to be treated. I insist
in that your Code is for everything we can think of.
-‐ Therese of Lisieux….Sacred Code 04 . When they feel that a decision is going to be made
in which you will be harmed. It is a special number that she gives us to
specific cases.
-‐Santo Domingo de Guzmán….Sacred Code 86
-‐Saint Dominic Wise….Sacred Code 21300
-‐Holy Trinity….Sacred Code 4972
angelic realm
Angelic Realm of the Thirteenth Dimension….Sacred Code 76129. Before using it you can
say something like this: powers of the angelic realm of the thirteenth dimension, lighten our
ascension process, and let us experience here and now, your guidance and your protection.
-‐Angel of the water element….Sacred Code 1190.
-‐Angel of the air element….Sacred Code 640.
-‐Angel of the fire element….Sacred Code 787.
-‐Angel of the Earth element….Sacred Code 331.
-‐Rainbow Angel: ….Sacred Code 750.
-‐Angel of aromas….Sacred Code 93.
-‐Angel of food….Sacred Code 105/209.
-‐Angel of friendship….Sacred Code 173.
-‐Angel of now….Sacred Code 726.
-‐Angel of well-being….Sacred Code 504.
-‐Angel of the field….Sacred Code 194.
-‐Angel of channeling….Sacred Code 185.
-‐Angel of Collaboration….Sacred Code 208 .
-‐Angel of detachment….Sacred Code 725.
-‐Angel of Sweetness….Sacred Code 73.
-‐Angel of Right….Sacred Code 154.
-‐Angel of rest….Sacred Code 901.
-‐Angel of decisions….Sacred Code 606.
-‐Angel of hope….Sacred Code 558.
-‐Angel of creative writing….Sacred Code 93 .
-‐Angel of the family….Sacred Code 630.
-‐Angel of faith….Sacred Code 54.
-‐Angel of intuition….Sacred Code 105 .
-‐Angel of inspiration….Sacred Code 106.
-‐Angel of intelligence….Sacred Code 604.
-‐Angel of imagination….Sacred Code 606.
-‐Angel of Justice….Sacred Code 98.
-‐Angel of freedom….Sacred Code 705.
-‐Angel of Light….Sacred Code 1000 .
-‐Angels of magic….Sacred Code 689.
-‐Angel of mercy….Sacred Code 906.
-‐Angel of miracles….Sacred Code 488 / 636.
-‐Angel of fortune….Sacred Code 204 .
-‐Angel of the move….Sacred Code 301.
-‐Angel of Christmas….Sacred Code 77521.
-‐Angel of the night….Sacred Code 880.
-‐Angel of business….Sacred Code 494.
-‐Angel of opportunity….Sacred Code 286.
-‐Ángel Amiel….Sacred Code 339. You can ask him to make our character more flexible
and prevent us from being jealous and domineering.
-‐Angel Anaphaxeton….Sacred Code 1913. Helps manage your Merkaba and manifest
your desires, together with the Angels Primeumatón and Tetragramatón.
-‐Angel Anauel….Sacred Code 379. He is the Angel of business and men of
-‐Ángel Andel….Sacred Code 447. Divine Messenger of the Kingdom of the dolphins. The one who
open the golden door of an unknown kingdom.
-‐Angel Anichiel….Sacred Code 844. It is precisely a defense against attacks
of their karmic enemies who already glimpsed their defeat.
-‐Ángel Areniel….Sacred Code 411. He is an advisor in the field of accounts and
numbers. You can ask for help when you need to do some accounting, or you want to
some fluency and familiarity with mathematics. There are people who are scared with
accounts and everything that has to do with numbers. These people have memories
childhood negatives, when at school they had difficulties with these subjects.
-‐Angel Asinel….Sacred Code 53728. He is an Angel of happiness. He rules happiness.
-‐Angel Astriel….Sacred Code 2430. To send you the Divine Mercy, and with his
light shows them the way. It is one of the greatest aids against enemies
disembodied karmic. A person with whom you had a "bad" relationship in life,
when disincarnating, he can ally himself with negative entities from other spheres or from the lower astral, and
harm the one left on earth.
-‐Angel Aurora….Sacred Code 774. Go to this great being of light so that he keeps in you
those lights on, and your life changes significantly.
-‐Angel Áurica sea or sea of gold….Sacred Code 444. Counselor and magnet for the
abundance, Angel of the Pleiades and gift of Athena.
-‐Angel Bagoloni….Sacred Code 2194. This Angel sends telepathy, transmission of
thought at this time.
-‐Ángel Barachel….Sacred Code 311. He is an excellent help in legal problems.
-‐Angel Bath Kol….Sacred Code 62030. Female angel that helps in prophecy. Which
invites them to put into practice what they have learned, the one that teaches them to discover the
-‐Ángel Carona….Sacred Code 52137. It teaches them to protect themselves in case of storms,
storms and heavy downpours. By calling him, they will see how the storm subsides
visibly. We may ask you to protect the computer, television, or devices that
may be affected by these actions.
-‐Angel Cerviel….Sacred Code 489. The one that grants strength and daring. His name means:
god defend.
-‐Angel Colopatirón….Sacred Code 615. Grants the gift of independence. Be
independent, is to be free. Whoever depends on someone cannot be "himself".
-‐Angel Cumael…. Sacred Code 1122. Angel of hope. Work at the service of
Archangel Uriel.
-‐Angel Devos….Sacred Code 14. Earth healing angel. A
-‐Angel Elyasim….Sacred Code 123 / 215. The angel who reveals secrets and opens doors
unknown. He is one of the guardians of our heart who is unknown to
us, and this angel makes it known to us.
-‐Angel Erimihala….Sacred Code 41. I am the healer of your subconscious mind. say
my name as a theme song throughout the day. This will allow them to feel my presence
so clearly, that their confidence will be restored, and they will begin to make wise choices.
-‐Feminine Angel Love….Sacred Code 863. Divine complement of Merlin. feel the
closeness and enjoy the energy of this angel: 70-‐27. I am love, a feminine angel of
sweetness, an energy that is not governed by human laws.
-‐Ángel Giria….Sacred Code 1191. Expert in everything related to money.
-‐Angel Granona….Sacred Code 12179. This angel together with the angel Mennolika
they belong to the belt zone of the earth, and they are, if you will, the telephones for
communicate with other dimensions.
-‐Angel Mennolika….Sacred Code 02412. This angel together with the angel Granona
they belong to the belt zone of the earth, and they are, if you will, the telephones for
communicate with other dimensions.
-‐Angel Haziel….Sacred Code 425. He belongs to the Cherubim Choir. Grant the
God's mercy and protection against hatred and deception.
-‐Angel Horomor….Sacred Code 880.
-‐Angel Imamiah….Sacred Code 501. It helps us to abandon vices and bad
-‐Angel Inael….Sacred Code 55511. The host of the "angels of one". my mission is
connect them with the collective consciousness of the fifth dimension.
-‐Ángel Jachil….Sacred Code 219. Teaches the laws of attraction and love.
-‐Angel Jasaiel….Sacred Code 1122. A gift from the lords of karma. They can
invoke it when they want to communicate with us (the beings of light) at a group level or
individual. The one who wants to guide his every step.
-‐Angel Jasel….Sacred Code 8914. Specialized in planetary ascension.
-‐Angel Jesael….Sacred Code 728. I belong to the Divine army of the angels of faith.
In addition to helping them believe, I will increase their faith so that they can achieve their goals. Am
a treasure for souls tired and thirsty for light.
-‐Angel Justinio: ….Sacred Code 80438. Commander of the Seraphim. an intelligence
superior ready to guide us.
-‐Ángel Katzachiel: ….Sacred Code 824. It helps to surround yourself with silence, with recollection.
-‐Ángel Kiliosa: ….Sacred Code 7248. Helps in the most serious emergencies.
-‐Angel Kinaya Sakwa: 339716 / 99. She is a warrior who belongs to the group of "angels
powers". It has great power to subdue negative entities, visible or invisible. It is
of the planet Ageon.
-‐Angel Laksmi: ….Sacred Code 777. Develop clairaudience.
-‐Angel Maggid : ….Sacred Code 711. An angel of justice that reveals secrets to them while
He is in a hypnotic trance.
-‐Angel Malekiel: ….Sacred Code 65124. It offers self-confidence.
-‐Ángel Manuel: ….Sacred Code 721. This Angel brings large doses of faith.
-‐Angel Melina Massari: ….Sacred Code 821. This angel grants self-confidence.
-‐Ángel Miranda….Sacred Code 672 / 712. His name means the miraculous, the
wonderful, the one that is prosperous and has vision. This Messenger breaks chains, fills
shortcomings, and heals hearts.
-‐Ángel Opilón….Sacred Code 294. He is an ally to put the circumstances to our
-‐Angel Orphiel….Sacred Code 639. It can be invoked in places where there is a lot of
noise. He contributes to pacifying the environment.
-‐Angel Pakal….Sacred Code 19. The last angel.
-‐Angel Parasiel….Sacred Code 515. Prepares the way to abundance.
-‐Angel Pliroki….Sacred Code 899. Through me, you can get out of the labyrinth of
anguish in which they have been buried for lifetimes. pronounce my name with
frequently and I will send them messages. I can bring magic into your lives if you let me.
I am the one who knows the mysteries and transmits the messages immediately.
-‐Angel Primeumatón….Sacred Code 443319. Helps manage your Merkaba and
manifest your desires together with the angels Anaphaxeton and Tetragrammaton.
-‐Angel Raschiel….Sacred Code 65. He takes care of them in case of tremors or earthquakes.
-‐Angel Ranar….Sacred Code 84. When you think the darkness is after you, call
this angel, you will feel a lot of relief.
-‐Angel Raziel….Sacred Code 679. He is the guardian of the divine secrets.
-‐Ángel Redel….Sacred Code 127. Every time you need wise advice, give it to
will reveal.
-‐Angel Remiel….Sacred Code 21700. Anchors us on earth and helps us connect
with the body.
-‐Angel Restorer 1. Restore everything imaginable if your faith is strong.
-‐Angel Roel Haipar….Sacred Code 72951. It will free you from horrible things. I also know
It can be applied to unborn babies, pregnant women and also to combat
-‐Angel Infinite Clarity (divine complement of Angel roel Haipar): ….Holy Code 480
/ 911.
-‐Angel Samandiriel….Sacred Code 11921. The angel of imagination.
-‐Angel Samaral….Sacred Code 7293. Specialized in planetary ascension. Threshold
lion gate.
-‐Angel Samuel….Sacred Code 2019. This Being of Light is in charge of the Year 2019,
SAMUEL brings well-being, a lot of awareness and balance, confidence, to those who invoke him.
ability to materialize dreams, protection, self-esteem, justice, and inner healing.
SAMUEL means (to whom God listens). Whoever approaches this Angel will learn to
value time and be very selective in every way. SAMUEL bestows will, reveals
secrets, grants joie de vivre, and grounding. It will free you from the curse of guilt,
from fake relationships, and from people who lie and don't keep their promises.
-‐ Angel Sandra the protector….Sacred Code 844. One of the escorts of Mother Kwan
Yin. Open the path of abundance, give you peace around you and watch over us so that we don't
Let's do jobs.
-‐ Ángel Schaluach….Sacred Code 2821. He sustains us, gives us faith and trust.
-‐Angel Shambala….Sacred Code 14721. Has an army of specialized servers
in multiple areas. Whenever you need his services, ask him to send a specialist angel
to where you need it. You will see how effective it is.
-‐Angel Shateiel….Sacred Code 12459. Angel of silence.
-‐ Ángel Somi: ….Sacred Code 88827. The one that reveals secrets of the invisible world.
-‐ Angel Tetragrammaton….Sacred Code 28720. Helps manage your Merkaba and
manifest your desires together with the angels Anaphaxeton and Primeumaton. Ask them to activate
your Light Body, and open up the ability to manifest.
-‐ Ángel Tmiti….Sacred Code 28904. Specialist in divine magic. He has transmitted Wizard
Merlin all his magical knowledge. The one who teaches us the secrets of light. he gives us
exercise of the flower of life and 5-pointed star.
-‐ Angel Tzizhet….Sacred Code 11214. He sends us the light of inspiration and intuition.
-‐ Ángel Urirón:….Sacred Code 712754. It grants protection and will help them to be free in
case of sorcery, black magic and free souls from sudden death.
-‐Angel Victoria….Sacred Code 821. It helps us to cancel karmic contracts.
-‐ Angel Wotariel….Sacred Code 2190. It is a great relief for those who suffer, for any reason.
-‐Ángel Yruel….Sacred Code 820. Eliminate fear in your lives.
-‐Seraphim….Sacred Code 211. These Beings can be called in case of earthquakes,
accidents, or any kind of natural disaster. They can bring a lot of relief to people
who suffer these calamities. Any of us can call them with the Number
cited, and they will go where we send them.
-‐Cherubim….Sacred Code 315. They are very helpful in cases of exhaustion and
fatigue. This circumstance makes people easy prey to anxiety. The
Cherubs can restore mental peace and harmony.
-‐Thrones….Sacred Code 809. They can help us find good friends and
solve problems with people. They heal painful memories caused by
conflicting relationships.
-‐Dominations….Sacred Code 2510. These Angels are experts in helping us to
listen to the heart, and distinguish the voices that flutter in the mind.
-‐Virtues….Sacred Code 901. They are in charge of healing the earth. Can
send them to places that man destroys, especially those related to
nature. Any work we do in this regard is useful.
-‐Powers….Sacred Code 457. These beings are prodigious and can alter
world events favorably. Its function is to eliminate negativity, bad
vibration, combat against the "dark" forces. To this Choir belongs Kinaya Sakwa of
-‐Principalities….Sacred Code 670. They are in charge of the urban part. we can ask them
concrete help for the place where we live, including for our neighborhood.
-‐Archangels….Sacred Code 999. I have already talked about them in detail, they are many.
There are currently 999 on the Planet, and they are in charge of making Divine Justice shine.
-‐Angels….Sacred Code 294. Here are the Guardian Angels, and the millions of
Angels who work daily for all Human Beings. We can give you tasks
-‐Angel Asinel...Sacred Code 53728. Angel of happiness/Governs happiness and whoever does
connection with it will perceive its beneficial influence. It reveals to us the secrets of faith, and teaches us
to discover hidden enemies.
-‐Angel Astriel….Sacred Code 2430. To send you the Divine Mercy, and with its light
show them the way. It is one of the greatest aids against karmic enemies
disembodied. A Being of Light specialized in this Field. A person with whom he had
a "bad" relationship in life, can when disembodied ally with negative entities of other
spheres or the lower astral, and cause damage to the one who remained on earth.
-‐Ángel Áurica Mar or Mar De Oro….Sacred Code 444. Counselor and magnet for the
abundance, Angel of the Pleiades and gift of Athena.
-‐Angel Aurora... Sacred Code 774 Go to this great being of light So that he keeps in you
those lights on, and your life changes significantly.
-‐Angel Aziel…..Sacred Code 454. It is associated with the Moon.
-‐Ángel Baraquiel….Sacred Code 17.
-‐ Ángel Bagoloni ... Sacred Code 2194. Send telepathy, transmission of thought in this
-‐Ángel Barachel... Sacred Code 311. Help with legal problems.
-‐Ángel Barchiel….Sacred Code 69. Angel of the Month of February.
-‐Angel Bath Kol...Sacred Code 62030. Female angel that helps in prophecy. Which
invites them to put into practice what they have learned, the one that teaches them to discover the
-‐Angel Cambriel….Sacred Code 286. Angel of the Month of January
-‐Ángel Carona ...Sacred Code 52137. It teaches them to protect themselves from storms and
storms and heavy downpours. By calling him, they will see how the storm subsides
visibly. We may ask you to protect the computer, television, or devices that
may be affected by these actions.
-‐Angel Cerviel...Sacred Code 489. The Guardian Angel of King David, the one who with my
powerful help defeated the giant Goliath. The one who grants strength and daring. Your name
means: god defends.
-‐Angel Colopatirón….Sacred Code 615. This Angel grants the gift of independence.
Being independent is being free. Whoever depends on someone cannot be "the same".
-‐Angel Cumael…. Sacred Code 1122. Angel of hope. Work at the service of
-‐Angel Danijel...Sacred Code 62515 and 903. Angel of Divine Justice. Go to him if you know
feel unfairly treated in any area.
-‐ Angel Devos...Sacred Code 14. Healing angel of the Earth.
-‐Weather Angel…Sacred Code 757
-‐Angel of Abundance (Abundia)...Sacred Code 71269. This Angel is affectionate and
rescue Souls from poverty. He gives us messages in dreams and takes care of what we have of
worth. I want to help you discover your hidden treasures, I want to help you so that
Prosperity and joy flow into your lives. When they feel that torturous anguish because
of not having enough money.
-‐ Angel of Food…Sacred Code 105 and 209.
-‐Angel of Friendship …….Sacred Code 173
-‐Angel of Channeling….Sacred Code 185
-‐Angel of Collaboration ……Sacred Code 208.
-‐Angel of Sweetness…..Sacred Code 73.
-‐Angel of Listening…..Sacred Code 457. This Angel is powerful and is in charge
million servers. This Angel greatly accelerates the advent of solutions
that you require, especially Divine Justice. I love this Beloved Angel because
listen to absolutely everything with mathematical accuracy, not only on Earth but in other
worlds. She is a wonderful confidant. She hears everything you say, and the Masters
Ascended call it The Ear of God.
-‐Angel of Hope….Sacred Code 558.
-‐Angel Of The Family …….Sacred Code 630
-‐Christmas Angel ……Sacred Code 77521.
-‐Angel of Light …….Sacred Code 1000.
-‐Angel of Peace…..Sacred Code 206.
-‐Angel of Mercy ………Sacred Code 854.
-‐Angel of Solidarity ……Sacred Code 94.
-‐Angel of Wealth ……Sacred Code 88829. He is a being of light who wishes to help you
solve your financial problems. His energy is very close to that of Archangel Gabriel
and Mother Mary.
-‐Angel Of The Last Hour...Sacred Code 1777. The energies that descended the past
August 23, settled many agreements of wills that you had with other
entities, not only from this one, but from other lives. The people with whom they had
aforementioned agreements can disappear from their lives, or they will start a new one with them.
different relationship based on the new energy. So stay tuned, and you'll find out.
what will happen.
-‐Angel of Truth…..Sacred Code 255 and 306.
-‐Angel of Decisions…Sacred Code 606
-‐Angel of Aromas…..Sacred Code 93.
-‐Angel of Projects…..Sacred Code 100.
-‐Rainbow Angel…..Sacred Code 750.
-‐Angel of the Field… Sacred Code. 194
-‐Angel of Right…Sacred Code 154
-‐Angel of Detachment….Sacred Code 725.
-‐Angel of Rest … Sacred Code 901
-‐Angel of the Chakras…..Sacred Code 996
-‐Ángel Dorado Agustín,... Sacred Code 335 connect with my energy
-‐Angel Elyasim... Sacred Code 123 and 215. The Angel that reveals secrets and opens doors
unknown. He is one of the Guardians of Our Heart. the heart is unknown
for us, and this Angel makes it known to us.
-‐Angel Erimihala... Sacred Code 41. I am the healer of your subconscious mind. say
my name as a theme song throughout the day. This will allow them to feel my presence
so clearly, that their confidence will be restored, and they will begin to make wise choices.
-‐Feminine Angel Love... Sacred Code 863. Divine complement of Merlin. feel the
proximity and enjoy the energy of this angel... Sacred Code 70-‐27. I am love, a
feminine angel of sweetness, an energy that is not governed by human laws.
-‐Ángel Giria... Sacred Code 1191. Expert in everything related to money.
-‐Angel Hanael...Sacred Code 23715. The Angel of the Month of December His Energy is very
related to the Goddess ISHTAR. This month is definitive in the Ascension process
Planetary, hence it is a priority to call Hanael, whose main mission is to grant
protection against darkness. This Angel comes as soon as he is invoked and quickly carries
our petitions to God.
-‐Angel Haziel….Sacred Code 425 Belongs to the Cherubim Choir. Grant the
God's mercy and protection against hatred and deception.
-‐Angel Horomor….Holy Code 880
-‐Angel Imamiah….Sacred Code 501. It helps us to abandon vices and bad
-‐Angel Inael...Sacred Code 55511. Host of the angels of the one. my mission is
connect them with the collective consciousness of the fifth dimension.
-‐Angel Irín...Sacred Code 1214. The one who comforts us in our sorrows
-‐Angel Jachil….Sacred Code 219. I am the Angel JACHIL, and I teach the Laws of the
Attraction and Love."
-‐Angel Jasaiel of Mother Mary...Sacred Code 1122. Telepathic angel, a gift from the
Lords of Karma. They can invoke it when they want to communicate with us (beings
of light) at the group or individual level. The one who wants to guide his every step.
-‐Angel Jasel...Sacred Code 8914 / 728. Specialized in planetary ascension.
Whoever invokes me will be supported and I, in addition to helping him believe, will increase his faith to
that you can achieve your goals. I belong to the Divine army of the angels of faith. I am a
treasure for weary souls thirsty for light.
-‐Angel Justinio….Sacred Code 80438. Commander of the Seraphim. an intelligence
superior ready to guide us.
-‐Angel Katzachiel...Sacred Code 824. To surround yourself with silence, recollection.
-‐Angel Kiliosa….Sacred Code 7248. Helps in the most serious emergencies. This being is capable
of rescuing people from their personal "chaos", if they ask him for help. I am Kiliosa a
gift of the Child Jesus for whoever receives me.
-‐Angel Kinaya Sakwa….Sacred Code 339716 / 99. She is a warrior who belongs to the group
of the "power angels". It has great power to subdue negative entities, visible
or invisible. He is from the planet Ageon.
-‐Angel Laksmi….Sacred Code 777. Develop clairaudience.
-‐Angel Maggid ...Sacred Code 711. An Angel of Justice who reveals secrets to them while
They are in a hypnotic trance.
-‐Angel Manuel….Sacred Code 721. This Angel brings large doses of faith.
-‐Angel Malekiel...Sacred Code 65124. The angel of security
-‐Angel Meher...Sacred Code 72130. He is the Angel of compassion, and helps all those who
They are going through difficult situations.
-‐Angel Melina Massari….Sacred Code 821. This Angel grants self-confidence.
-‐Angel Mennolika…..Sacred Code 02412
-‐Honey Angel...Sacred Code 254. This Angel greatly facilitates communication with
-‐Angel Muriel…. Sacred Code 82010. Angel of the month of June.
-‐Angel Nahumiel … Sacred Code 904.
-‐Ángel Nascela ...Sacred Code 62174. Help everyone who has their creativity
blocked and cannot visualize properly and helps develop talents.
-‐ Angel Negani...Sacred Code 28500. Opens up immense possibilities
-‐ Angel Opilón….Sacred Code 294. This Angel is an ally to put the circumstances
in our favour.
-‐Angel Orphiel….Sacred Code 639. This Angel can be invoked in places where there are
noisy. He contributes to pacifying the environment.
-‐ Angel Pakal….Sacred Code 19. The last Angel
-‐Angel Parasiel... Sacred Code 515. Prepares the way for abundance
-‐Angel Pliroki... Sacred Code 899. Through me, you can get out of the labyrinth of anguish
in which they have been buried for lifetimes. Say my name often and I
I will send you messages. I can bring magic into your lives if you let me. I am the one who knows
the mysteries and transmits the messages immediately.
-‐Angel Primeumatón….Sacred Code 443319. Helps manage your Merkaba and manifest
your wishes together with the angels Anaphaxeton and Tetragrammaton.
-‐Angel Raziel….Sacred Code 679. He is the guardian of the divine secrets.
-‐Angel Raschiel ...Sacred Code 65. It is used in case of earthquakes
-‐Angel Ranar….Sacred Code 84. They will feel a lot of relief if they invoke it, when you feel that
the darkness follows you
-‐Angel Redel...Sacred Code 127 and 350. When you need wise advice, he will reveal it to you
-‐Angel Remiel….Sacred Code 21700. It helps us to anchor ourselves on earth, and to connect
with the body.
-‐Angel Roel Haipar ……..Sacred Code 72951. Ask him for difficult things and he will grant them. Their
presence is very healing and reassuring. We can rest in him with confidence. Roel
Haipar takes away fear, and negativism, and in its place establishes hope and
tranquility. His Energy is mobilized in this month of April in a special way. will deliver them from
horrible things. It can also be applied to unborn babies, pregnant women and
also to combat fibromyalgia.
-‐Angel Sandra the Protector ……….Sacred Code 844. Female angel escort of Kwan Yin
you can invoke her, she will open for you the path of abundance, she will give you peace around you, and
He will ensure that you do not pass work.
-‐Angel Sachiel….Sacred Code 44311. I am Sachiel, the one who travels with you to meet
of true self-worth. I work on Jupiter affairs, and my energy is aligned with
that of the Planetary Genius Bethor.
-‐Angel Samandiriel...Sacred Code 11921. The angel of imagination
take a great weight off your shoulders, you will feel freedom, ease, and you will see that God and the universe
They are for you, not against you.
-‐Amelee Angels...Sacred Code 8887. These Angels can be invoked in cases of
intense fear and hopelessness.
-‐Apocalyptic Angels….Sacred Code 4. They transmit revelations, grant visions, and
manifest in dreams.
-‐ White Angels of the Planet Sirius….Sacred Code 559. They can attract our vibration
also through Psalm 91.
-‐ Attraction of Earthly Angels….Sacred Code 627 and 919
-‐Angels of Babaji….Sacred Code 333
-‐Angels of Florián….Sacred Code 1615. They appear in the most urgent moments, and
they fervently wish to prepare us to receive the energies, especially the flow that
It will come on June 20, 21, and 22. This energy will be intense and transformative, and
these angels want to strengthen our "systems" in order to make us successful
reception of divine light.
-‐ Angels of Abundance…. Sacred Code 1929, 4972, 379 and 824. Numerous Group of
Angels. They are waiting for your requests to take action. We are the
messengers of the Flame of the sun, a bridge between the Divine and the earthly we are at the service
of the Archangel Uriel.
-‐ Angels of Joy…..Sacred Code 91.
-‐ Angels of Creative Writing…Sacred Code 93
-‐Guardian Angels...Sacred Code 525 Have you thought about your Guardian Angel? he is a being
much like you, you attracted him by the action of that Law. If any of you
is introverted, his Angel is too. If any of you are outgoing, your Angel
it is too. If any of you are sensitive, your Angel is too. yes to any of
you like music, your Angel likes it too.
-‐Corporate Guardian Angels ……..Sacred Code 204.
Angels of Mother Mary...Sacred Code 901. There are very sensitive souls who suffer
much in these events, and tend to see the future with hopelessness. To counter
these feelings, you can call these .
-‐Angels of magic….Sacred Code 689. We work at the service of the Angel of Shambala.
-‐Angels Of The Most Extreme And Delicate Compassion...Sacred Code 78631. They will make you
company at the very moment they pronounce their Code.
-‐Angels of the Phoenix Bird Nebula...Sacred Code 0447. By repeating this Code, an angel
of light descends to serve you. If you repeat it 45 times, 45 angels descend. you will recover
your power and you will be reborn from its ashes, you will feel the company of heaven, and you will know that there is nothing
more extraordinary than the love of God. You will never feel alone again, because always
You will be accompanied by many beings of light that will serve you at every moment. Are
defenders par excellence, protective and invincible warriors. that on our lips
always be number.
-‐Angels of the legions of the Archangel Jophiel:
• Angel Cosmoel...Sacred Code 812. Gives you the gift of happiness. If you know
feel happy, they will automatically want to help others.
-‐Angel of Mercy….Sacred Code 73. He is considered one of the strongest angels in the world.
darling. It is recommended to be called out loud and is the most powerful presence for
difficult moments. His power is superior to that of the Archangels.
-‐Angel of Premonition….Sacred Code 276.
-‐Angel of Protection….Sacred Code 298.
-‐Angel of Radiesthesia….Sacred Code 184.
-‐Angel Of Restoration ...Sacred Code 1 Restore everything imaginable if your faith is strong.
-‐Angel of Wisdom...Sacred Code 7000000. I make my call to the 4 winds and who
listen to me you will have the Holy Spirit of Wisdom, you will see the glory of God, and you will shine with my light
intense. I invoke courage to whoever sincerely invokes me. I will transform your lives more
faster than you think. I am a justice-loving spirit who knows best
way to the light.
-‐Angel of health….Sacred Code 901
-‐Angel of Serenity….Sacred Code 920.
-‐Angel of the Earth...Sacred Code 331. An essential angel to be connected to the Earth.
-‐Angel Of The Last Hour...Sacred Code 1777. I am part of the group of angels
called powers, and my mission is to help them make plans so that they can achieve their goals.
goals. It helps to make plans so that we can achieve our goals, it makes the way for us
more bearable.
-‐Angel of Life...Sacred Code 887
-‐Angel of Virtue….Sacred Code 804
-‐Angel of Decisions….Sacred Code 606.
-‐Sales Angel….Sacred Code 726.
-‐Angel of Miracles……… Sacred Code 488 and 636. There is nothing impossible for this angel;
turns everything into a miracle, our simple life, our sadness, our fears
they can change just by invoking it.
-‐Angel of Business….Sacred Code 494.
-‐Angel of Shambala...Sacred Code 14721. This Angel has an army of servants
specialized in multiple areas. Every time you need his services, ask him to send a
Specialist angel where you require it. You will see how effective it is.
-‐Angel of Wellbeing….Sacred Code 504.
-‐Angel of the Field….Sacred Code 194.
-‐Angel of Law….Sacred Code 154.
-‐Angel of Rest….Sacred Code 901.
-‐Angel of Sex….Sacred Code 108.
-‐Angel of the Subconscious….Sacred Code 86.
-‐Angel of Valor….Sacred Code 706.
-‐Corporate Guardian Angels…Sacred Code 204.
-‐Angels Of The Most Extreme And Delicate Compassion...Sacred Code 78631.
Company at the Same Moment in which they Pronounce their Code.
-‐Angels of Bonding: Sacred Code 84.
-‐Angels of Welfare….Sacred Code 607
-‐Weather Angels...Sacred Code 757
my hope at all times. With all the power of my intention I declare that I am free
now from negative influences. With all the power of my intention I declare that, from the
tomorrow night, and the next day, everything will be fine by divine order. With all the power of
my intention, I declare that I am always open to communication with the divine, so
It will be very easy for me to listen to my inner voice. With all the power of my intention I declare that
Today I will remain serene and I will maintain a loving attitude towards everything created. Their
divine complement is the Archangel Charity….Sacred Code 28700)
--Archangel Gabriel. ….Sacred Code 881, 986 and 581. Guidance, Purification, Vision, Expression,
Mercy. Wednesday. The one who gives them messages and helps them interpret dreams.
I can be of great help when you are depressed, desperate, want to work your child
inside, want to know what the future holds. Also when they feel that they are
sabotaging yourselves, I can teach you to discover hidden truths (your
divine complement is the Archangel Hope….Sacred Code 584)
-‐Mantle of Invisibility of the Archangel Gabriel….Sacred Code 882. My name means
God's gift, and I am the one who comes to help you change drastically and quickly. Such
Perhaps my way of acting and my energy shakes them, but it is time for them to locate themselves in their
real places and let your talents shine. They will gain the stamina and skill necessary
to get out ofNathaniel
-‐Archangel your comfort zone and
…….Sacred face
Code new
334. horizons.
may seem terrifying,
many this
because the unknown produces fear. When they see the color red, they will know that I am present.
Although divine plans change at times, stay true to what your Gods have revealed to you.
Angels and Guides. Know that if your Angels have given you certain guidelines, they
they continue with them and do not change them from one day to the next. I clarify this: if your Angels have
said that they have the gift of clairvoyance, they will do their best to help them cultivate it, and
they will not change their minds from one moment to the next, telling you that this is not their gift. If your
Angels tell them that a kindred soul is going to come to keep them company, they will be faithful in this,
so that if you are late out of fear you say that perhaps that soul will not arrive or it is not convenient for you,
look at that thought as something of the ego that is afraid to make a commitment and
wants to escape. There are souls who left their lives abruptly, disengaged by
surprise and this has filled you with sadness, leaving a great void in you. be safe
that if you loved these souls, they stepped forward to help you with your future.
Keep your faith with affirmations that nurture you and leave duties like beggars.
Say, “God is looking out for my well-being and always helps me. My financial future is
in his hands and I am calm”. He is an archangel who will help you uproot all the
situations that do not allow you to live to your highest potential.
-‐Archangel Raphael …….Sacred Code 29, 125, 2129 and 1577. Health, Transformation, Loyalty,
Success, Leadership. Thursday. The one who presents our prayers to God so that he may have them
consider. (Divine Complement of Mother Mary: 333), he is the healer par excellence.
Whoever makes a sincere request to this wonderful being will always be cared for and healed.
Whoever says that God or this Archangel does not want him or cannot heal him, needs to work the
forgiveness at very deep levels. This archangel heals without medication or surgery to whom
trust him and his love without shore. For me he is a magical being, have him as his best friend.
It is one of the seven spirits that are in the presence of the Lord).
Angel Groups
Angels of Abundance: …Sacred Code 4972 / 1929. (To receive your requests).
We are the messengers of the Sun's flame, a bridge between the divine and the earthly, we are
at the service of Archangel Uriel.
Angels of Joy: …Sacred Code 91.
Angels that lead us to our freedom: …Sacred Code 468.
Angels (attract their help for quick fixes): …Sacred Code 44.
solutions and ingenious and can rid us of low entities that try to stick to the
Accelerator Angels: …Sacred Code 2080. These beings of light from the portal of "the Feather
Dorada" in the Pleiades, they will "accelerate", they will speed things up so that we can achieve
our objectives in the shortest possible time. The soul has a plan, and if it can't
performing harms their evolutionary process. These angels deliver the soul from ruin, and remove
karmic, personal, and cosmic obstacles.
Amelee Angels: 8887. They serve the Holy Spirit. They can be invoked in cases of fear
intense and hopeless.
Assigned Angels: …Sacred Code 525. Connection with the three angels we have
assigned each soul.
White Angels of the planet Sirius: …Sacred Code 559 or Psalm 91.
Babaji's Angels: …Sacred Code 333.
Wellness Angels: …Sacred Code 607.
Weather Angels: …Sacred Code 757.
Angels of the Chakras: …Sacred Code 996. You have to invoke them because amounts of
pathologies are due to the malfunction of these energy centers.
Angels of the Circle: …Sacred Code 17. They belong to the 7th dimension. The function of these
messengers is to grant help and protection to those who aspire to the 5th dimension.
Unknown Angels: …Sacred Code 854. They are 144,000 and they like to be asked for things
Golden Angels: …Sacred Code 744. They solve extreme situations, cases where
has lost all hope. They also dissolve oppressions, heal the wounds that prevent
the advent of prosperity, protect and undo works of black magic.
Angels of the day: …Sacred Code 55.
Angels of Divine Mercy: …Sacred Code 7160. If they are invoked they will receive
great favors.
Angels of the Holy Spirit: …Sacred Code 8887.
Angels of natural phenomena: …Sacred Code 775. It is very important to tune in
with these beings, because they can warn and alert us about these phenomena to know how
proceed at a given time, if these events were to occur.
Florián's Angels: 1615. They appear in the most urgent moments, and they want
fervently prepare ourselves to receive the energies, especially the flow that
It will come on June 20, 21, and 22. This energy will be intense and transformative, and
these angels want to strengthen our "systems" in order to make us successful
reception of divine light.
-‐Angels governing the law of attraction: …Sacred Code 87949. They are 7 spirits,
that will greatly facilitate their power of manifestation, so that they can reach their
objectives. The quota that you will offer is the intention to remain positive. The
angels are: Imael, Orael, Saniel, Urael, Minael, Somael, and Arsiel.
-‐Guardian Angels: …Sacred Code 525.
-‐Warrior Angels the Arelim: …Sacred Code 614. The most powerful Squad of the
heavenly army of the Archangel Gabriel. It will be very useful for you, because they will defend you
of the last throes of darkness. Through them you will get rid of many evils.
-‐Moon Angels (army): …Sacred Code 986.
-‐Ángeles de Pallas: …Sacred Code 2639. Faculty, you already have someone to teach it to you.
-‐Angels of the seventh heaven: …Sacred Code 8819618.
-‐Angels of silence: …Sacred Code 777777.
-‐Earthly Angels: …Sacred Code 627 / 919.
-‐Angels of romance: …Sacred Code 904. They facilitate encounters with life partner
-‐Angels of the most extreme and delicate compassion: …Sacred Code 78631. They will make you
company at the very moment they pronounce their Code.
-‐Angels of the Phoenix Bird Nebula: …Sacred Code 0447. By repeating this Code, an angel
of light descends to serve you. If you repeat it 45 times, 45 angels descend. you will recover
your power and you will be reborn from its ashes, you will feel the company of heaven, and you will know that there is nothing
more extraordinary than the love of God. You will never feel alone again, because always
You will be accompanied by many beings of light that will serve you at every moment. Are
defenders par excellence, protective and invincible warriors. that on our lips
always be number.
-‐Angels of Mother Mary: …Sacred Code 901. There are very sensitive souls who suffer
a lot, and they tend to see the future with despair. To counteract these feelings.
-‐Angels escorting Mother Mary: …Sacred Code 553.
-‐Healing Angels of the Violet Fire: …Sacred Code 5293.
Archangel Zadquiel has offered to send 7 angels of violet fire to whoever requests them.
We can call these 7 messengers and put them to work wherever we want.
-‐Healing Angels of the Sun: …Sacred Code 12543. We are a Group of Angels
Healers, at the service of Archangel Raphael.
-‐Angels of bonding: …Sacred Code 84.
-‐Angels of Archangel Raphael:
-‐Ángel Asinel: …Sacred Code 53728. Governs happiness and whoever makes a connection with it
You will feel its beneficial influence.
-‐Angel Danijel:
anyone …Sacred
who feels Code
they are 62515.
being Heunfairly
treated is the angel
in anyofarea.
you can go to him
-‐Ángel Irín: …Sacred Code 1214. The one that consoles the souls in their sorrows.
-‐Angel Meher: …Sacred Code 72130. He is the angel of compassion and the one who shakes hands
in difficult times.
-‐Angel Honey: …Sacred Code 254. It greatly facilitates communication with beings of
-‐Ángel Nascela: …Sacred Code 62174. It helps everyone who has their creativity
blocked and cannot display properly. It offers invaluable help in the
rapid development of talents.
-‐Angel Negani: …Sacred Code 28500. It opens immense possibilities to whoever calls it.
Ask him to help us tune in to our double.
-‐the 7 escorts of the Angel Alsemiyat: Koel: 857. Armael: 721. Uriel: 4411. same name as
the Archangel. Lunael: 2. Marael: 800. Oroel: 777. Abael: 771.
-‐Angels of Mother Mary in her dedication to Our Lady of Guadalupe: Arimiel:
…Sacred Code 814. Mesinel: 364. Yumael: 981. Zachiel: 902. Somael: 1. Iridiel: 615.
Mixiel: 471. Jarael: 290. Trisael: 301. Morael: 81. Asinel: 700. Usael: 601.
-‐Angels of Archangel Jophiel's legions: Angel Cosmoel: …Sacred Code 812.
bestows the gift of happiness. If you feel happy, you will automatically wish
help others.
-‐Angel Dina: …Sacred Code 568. To give you wisdom.
-‐Angel escorts of Divine Mercy: …Sacred Code 7160.
-‐Angels escorting San Judas Tadeo: …Sacred Code 794. There are 28 angels and they can be
call in critical situations.
-‐Angels of the Seventh Heaven: …Sacred Code 8819618.
-‐Angelic Realm of the Thirteenth Dimension: …Sacred Code 76129. Before using it
may say something like this: powers of the angelic realm of the thirteenth dimension, lighten
our ascension process, and let us experience here and now, your guidance and your
planetary, knowing that it is a unique process, which does not occur every day. A king
magician is one who loves himself, and stays close to the Source. A wizard king is
who abandons the ways of the ego, and pays homage to his Higher Self. I am Grace, the
Divine Complement of Archangel Uriel, the one that helps them materialize their dreams.”
-‐The Roses of Grace …….Sacred Code 9981. With all the power of your intention deposit
there your most urgent desires and recite the aforementioned Code. You will surprise with the results.
This beautiful Archangel is closely linked to your material reality. commend all
your material needs and you will see its action in your daily life. The Roses, the same as the
Gold, they are universal symbols of healing. Divine Complement of Archangel Uriel.
-‐Archangelina María…Sacred Code 333 and 17. It is the one that makes La Arcangelina smile
Maria. Divine complement of the Archangel Raphael.
-‐ Archangel Natalia … Sacred Code 553. She is one of the 999 Archangels of Justice
Divine. Together with the Archangel Catalina, they come to execute the Divine plan for the Earth. Their
soulmate is San Judas Tadeo.
-‐Archangelina Paula … Sacred Code 80427. Divine Complement of San Roque. Form
part of the Archangels of Divine Justice.
Other Archangels
-‐Archangel Amalia….Sacred Code 25701. One of the archangels of divine justice,
Divine complement of Saint Martin de Porres.
-‐Archangel Amelia….Sacred Code 683 (DO NOT CONFUSE IT WITH Amalia, already published). It is
one of the 999 Archangels of Divine Justice. Offers special help to those who have
eye problems. Provides energy, and frees from passivity. can also be
called when you want to enter the Parallel World that I have already told you about.
-‐Archangel Ariel….Sacred Code 29701. Ariel means "Lion of God". He is in charge of the
protection of nature, animals and the Earth. It also takes care of the 4 elements.
-‐Archangel Azrael….Sacred Code 17. He is an Archangel who can help you when you have
a loved one or friend who is about to disincarnate. Azrael helps him make contact
with "the other Side" so that "death" is not traumatic. At the same time this Archangel
it is a great relief when a loved one is gone. If someone in your family has died,
calling Azrael is quite positive. In addition, it helps to achieve communication with Los
Loved ones who have "departed". In short, he is the Archangel to call in moments of
-‐Arcángel Catalina….Sacred Code 444444 and 169. One of the archangels of justice
Divine complement of san expedito.
-‐Archangel Cassiel….Sacred Code 781. He is the prince of the Power Angels and is part
of the Seventh Heaven. It can help us to push adversity away, vibrate at higher levels
superiors of the Universe, achieve the impossible, get rid of debts, not only monetary
but also karmic, to achieve independence, acquire security, connect with the
Divine Mother and Merlin, get what we want in the shortest possible time. Cassiel
means speed of God, resolve conflicts and have hope, make decisions
successful, live with security and confidence, solve doubts and confusing cases, strengthen the
brain, knowing how to take the right steps as far as our destiny is concerned. Do more
light karma to those who have it, and manages the law of cause and effect. also breaks
promptly the blockages that prevent the advent of the soul mate.
-‐Archangel Haniel….Sacred Code 991. It attracts the energy of the Moon, and helps those who
want to develop clairvoyance. Provides security and ability to make decisions.
It teaches us to figure out what the next step is. I will give them the strength to live their
talents. You are great and valuable. Bring before me those wishes that have not been given to you.
compliment. What is difficult for you is not difficult for me. If they feel insecure and have
lost confidence, come to me and you will leave refreshed. I offer you calm and joy.
-‐Archangel Jeremiel….Sacred Code 21700. The one who sharpens your intuition and gives you the key
of clairvoyance.
Archangel Metatron... Holy Code 331. Serves behind the Throne of God. save the book
of life, also called Akashic records. Monitor the flow of energy in a cube
mystic known as Metatron's Cube, which contains all geometric shapes in
God's creation. It represents the patterns that make up everything God has made. The
lord of light
-‐Archangel Natalia….Sacred Code 553. Archangel of divine justice. Divine Complement
of San Judas Tadeo.
-‐Archangel Nathaniel (Gift of God)….Sacred Code 334. I am a specialist in making
short-term changes, especially in relation to their life missions. many are
stuck, confused, living in toxic places with people who steal their
energy, and without money to make profound changes. My name means GIFT FROM GOD,
and I am the one who comes to help them change drastically and quickly. maybe my way
to act and my energy shakes them, but it is time for them to be located in their true places
and let your talents shine. They will gain the stamina and skill necessary to get out of their zone
of comfort and face new horizons. To many, this may seem terrifying.
the unknown produces fear. When they see the color red, they will know that I am present.
Although divine plans change at times, stay true to what your Gods have revealed to you.
Angels and Guides. Know that if your angels have given you certain guidelines, they
they continue with them, and they will not change them overnight. I clarify this: if your angels
have said that they have the gift of clairvoyance, they will do their best to help them cultivate it,
and they will not change their minds from one moment to the next, telling you that this is not their gift. If your
angels tell them that a kindred Soul is going to come to keep them company, they will be faithful in this,
so that if later you, out of fear, say that perhaps that soul will not arrive or will not
agree, look at that thought as something of the ego that is afraid to assume a
commitment and wants to escape. There are souls who left their lives abruptly,
disincarnated by surprise and this has filled you with sadness, leaving in you a great
empty. Be sure that if you loved these souls, they came forward to
help them with their future. Keep your faith with affirmations that nurture you and stop seeing each other
Archangel Raguel... Sacred Code 2129 and 136. Like Maat, Raguel embodies the
Justice. I recommend to people who suffer some kind of abuse, that they
take refuge in him. Like Athena, he is very skilled at conflict resolution, and teaches
people to assert themselves. Give courage.
-‐Archangel Raziel ...Sacred Code 679. If We Made Vows Of Poverty, Chastity And Obedience
In Other Existences, This May Be Blocking The Achievement Of Our Goals In This
Incarnation. In the same way, if in the past we worked with specific talents,
we must identify them to continue using them for our benefit and that of humanity.
This is where Raziel's game comes in. He can help us undo those limiting vows,
and to discover hidden talents that we use in other lives. He is Very Powerful and Very Wise.
Imagine him as an old man who has accumulated a lot of experience and
knowledge. He knows all the secrets of the Universe and can help us a lot with his
understanding to live a fuller life, in happiness and joy. His name means "secrets"
of God".
His energy is masculine. Archangel Raziel helps us understand the secrets of the universe
and teaches us esoteric knowledge such as the interpretation of dreams, among many
other things. He is a very mystical Archangel. Together with him you will learn a lot of spirituality and
will give you advice that will change your life by healing it from the root. Within all her wisdom is
helping us remember and heal past lives. And it also helps us remove blockages
spiritual. And finally, it helps us develop our psychic powers.
-‐Archangel Sandalphon….Sacred Code 820. Brother of Metatron. hold the frequencies
of the crystalline grid of the Earth so that we can anchor it and become familiar with the system
energy of the 5th dimension, also determines the sex of newborns, it is called
also the Angel of glory and prayer. Master of heavenly song, who weaves
garlands with the prayers of the faithful to adorn the head of God. He is one of the
great angelic princes who fight together with the Archangel Michael against the forces
-‐ Archangel Uzziel…..Sacred Code 94. It helps us to make the transition from the seven rays to the
mastery of the five secret rays. He brings the light of the eighth ray chakra, the camera
secret of eight petals of the heart.
-‐Archangels of Divine Justice….Sacred Code 999. The function of these Archangels is
execute God's plan in the lives of those who avail themselves of them. His symbol is a scale
of gold.
-‐Archangelina of Divine Justice Natalia …….Sacred Code 553. Soulmate of Saint
Judas Thaddeus
-‐Archangelina Paula….Sacred Code 80427. One of the archangels of divine justice,
Divine complements of San Roque.
wellness Pauline
for your …….Sacred
future. Code
Part of the 610.
Choir SheArchangels
of the who frees from
of thenegativity,
Pleiades, and creates
I perform
together with
the Energies of WHITE EAGLE.
-‐Archangelina Samantha De Ageón …….Sacred Code 234. Look for her in the silence, and she will
will reveal everything you need to know. I take this opportunity to tell you that the "Names" are very
important. Do you know what the name Samantha means? She means "the one she knows
hear." Trust that she will give you the gift of Clairaudience so that you can hear your
Beings of light.
-‐Archangelina Silvia …….Sacred Code 711. Archangel of Divine Justice. Complement
divine of Saint Anthony of Padua. It acts together with the energies of the Animals of Power,
Owl and Black Panther. Silvia empowers all the gems you have, and it can be
called in very difficult situations. It is a balm for the soul that suffers.
-‐Alsemiyat...Sacred Code 72599. Commander of the Fire Warriors. angel who
relieves people who are oppressed and suffering from any cause, belongs to the group
of the angels Powers)
-‐Angel of the last hour...Sacred Code 1777. The energies that descended the past
On August 23, many agreements of wills that you had with other
entities, not only from this one, but from other lives. The people with whom they had
aforementioned agreements can disappear from their lives, or they will start a new one with them.
different relationship based on the new energy. Stay tuned and you'll find out
it will happen I am part of the group of angels called Powers, and my mission is to help them
to make plans so that they can achieve their goals. I come to make the way more
-‐Angel Kinaya Sakwa ...Sacred Code 339716 or 99. (Female Angel) I belong to the Group
of Angels called Powers and my home planet is Ageon. It has great power to
subdue visible or invisible negative entities.
-‐For Kinaya Sakwa to Lower His Power on a Container with Water….Code
Sacred 684. That we can use to drink or sprinkle it wherever we want.
-‐Accelerator Angels….Sacred Code 2080. The Soul has a plan, and if it cannot
performing harms their evolutionary process. These Angels deliver the Soul from ruin, and remove
karmic, personal, and cosmic obstacles. Whoever invokes these beings will notice that
take a great weight off your shoulders, you will feel freedom, ease, and you will see that God and the universe
They are for you, not against you.
-‐Angels of the Day ……Sacred Code 55 (Dr. Paul Jagot alluded to them in the message).
It is particularly powerful in those 24 hours allotted to it. My suggestion is that
The first thing you do each day is call this Angel to help and serve you.
-‐ Angeles Los Arelim….. Sacred Code 614. The Archangel Michael has called THE ARELIM,
the most powerful Squad of their Celestial Army, The Warriors have gone into action
of the White Fire.
-‐Powerful Angels... Sacred Code 457. They are prodigious and can favorably alter
world events.
-‐Archangel Cassiel….Sacred Code 781. He is the Prince of Los Angeles Powers and makes
part of the Seventh Heaven. To get what we want in the shortest possible time. Cassiel
means GOD SPEED. What can this powerful Archangel be useful for:
1) To remove adversity.
2) To vibrate in the Higher Levels of the Universe.
3) To achieve the impossible.
4) To get rid of debts, not only monetary but also karmic.
5) To achieve independence.
6) To acquire security.
7) To connect with The Divine Mother and Merlin.
8) To get what we want in the shortest possible time. Cassiel means speed
of God.
9) To resolve conflicts and have hope.
10) To make the right decisions.
11) To live safely and confidently.
12) To solve doubts and confusing cases.
13) To strengthen the brain.
14) To know how to take the right steps as far as our destiny is concerned.
-‐Archangelina Catalina ……Sacred Code 444444. She is one of the 999 Archangels of the
Divine Justice, and the Divine Complement of Saint Expeditus. Who wants to start with her a
New path, you will feel its protection and above all its speed, because Catalina is speed,
acceleration, prompt and visible help.
-‐Archangelina Catalina ……Sacred Code 37 Code to make our
destiny. If you do this last Code you will notice peace and relaxation.
-‐Cristina De Andrómeda ……Sacred Code 1221 and 316. Codes for people who have
negative entities attached to his body and causes a lot of suffering.
-‐Cristina De Andrómeda ……Sacred Code 699 and 101. code to call her
-‐Daikini Cristina ...Sacred Code 568. The one that indicates the path to the Mystic Kingdom of
Shambhala. We offer you protection and defense here and now. through us
easily access the Magic of The Divine Mother, and materialize those things that
they have been so elusive for so long. We have the power of
manifestation and we will accelerate it for those who invoke us. Look for inspiration and
direction in us.
-‐Goddess White Tara...Sacred Code 518. She is an enlightened female being whose function is
impart long life, wisdom and good fortune. If we trust her with faith, she will protect us
from contagious diseases, fire hazards and other disasters. Beings are said to
sentient beings receive the blessings of Tara as fast as the movement of the
wind as she is the manifestation of the wind element of all the Buddhas.
-‐Goddess Green Tara...Sacred Codes 517 and 659. I am Green Tara, the Star that delivers from
dangers, the one that answers their prayers instantly, and takes action to favor them.
-‐Violet Flame of the Holy Spirit….Sacred Code 571. I especially recommend this
aspect of the Violet Flame, it is indeed fast. Apply it to everything: diseases,
inner child, recover parts of yourself that others have taken, etc.
-‐For Kinaya Sakwa to Lower His Power on a Container With Water….
Sacred Code 684. That we can use to drink or sprinkle it wherever we want. Who
they do not know what their next step is, I tell them it is to call this Archangel and he will clarify
all. He makes karma lighter for those who have it, and handles the Law of Cause and Effect.
It also promptly breaks down the blockages that prevent the coming of the Soul.
-‐San Expedito... .Sacred Code 454545 or 92. He attends to our most urgent cases and
They need an immediate resolution and that their delay would cause great damage.
-‐Saint Therese of Lisieux ...Sacred Code 2. Who wants to fly high and fast, look for the
protection of my Beloved Daughter Therese of Lisieux, she is an expert in speed. I tell you this
because the time for miracles and transformation is NOW, whoever wants to receive this
intense vibration and ascend, you cannot afford to walk at a slow pace, because you stay
lagging. He suggests that while we are repeating the Code, we visualize Roses in the
affected organ or situation to treat. Your Code is for EVERYTHING we can think of.
-‐Instant Victory……Holy Code 884. My vibration will “positively shake” them and
it will produce in their lives the maximum acceleration that they are in a position to resist. Time
They run fast, and they can't afford to act like they have a lifetime to go.
in front of. Ascension in the strict sense is "acceleration", it is necessary to crystallize in this
incarnation the goals of the Soul. If they don't, it's their turn to continue incarnating here, and that's not
the idea. Many of you are living your last existence on earth, that's why I make myself
present to encourage and encourage them. Use my Sacred Code continuously and
you will begin to feel vitality and confidence, decision and courage. This in a very short time
it will become well-being, because they will be vibrating in another frequency of abundance and success. The
Time is running out, and it's time to act smart, but also fast. many of
you have worked on countless things and you feel disappointed because the issues
They have not gone according to their wishes. They rightly believe they deserve more than what they got
and they can't quite get rid of karmic contracts that take away their energy and initiative.
It is vital to experience oneness with your Soulmate. Working divided only brings anxiety
and relative achievements. Unity is strength, you say. This is very reasonable. what is
divided does not win. Visit Etheric Retreats daily for guidance, and above all
listen very often. When you receive any useful information, ask for confirmation with
Sometimes the Guides you have chosen will make recommendations that are out of the question.
routine, and that for you are a bit strange. Follow them anyway, they know that
is the best for you.
Dear Souls: I have come to speed up your personal processes, so that you are not left without
have lived. In a very short time I will send you an amazing Being of immense power,
so theyofwill
are paralyzed
that theyand
take action.
their Furthermore,
they are influenced
negatively by living dead beings wandering through density. These entities
they are hopeless and full of envy and ignorance. His weapon is destructive criticism.
They are easy to identify because they do not love themselves.
I am going to show you the victory of God, you will live to see it. Keep aspiring to the Fifth
Dimension and don't get distracted.
Seek the assistance of Sathya Sai Baba. He is a Being with power who has been wronged
unfairly by some sectors of the density. In the same way that she assisted the Master
Ascended David Stone, he can favor you.
I am Instant Victory who lovingly tells you: It is now or never.
-‐Justinio, Commander of the seraphim...Sacred Code 82438/ 80438. To those who
request, they will be assigned an angel from my army, a being related to their personalities, their
functions: it will clear the way for them, so that they can advance without so many obstacles. it will help them
heal any ailment, and will propel them strongly toward their goals, including feeling the
proximity of god. It will strengthen intuition, unlock creativity.
-‐Elim ………. Sacred Code 62034. Guardian Angel of San Judas Tadeo
-‐Seraph, Shining Sun…... Sacred Code 457. My Light will help you overcome the
adversities. Some time ago you were told that when you put into action a Sacred Code
Numerical, the Energy of the Being of Light that you called merged with yours. Do you remember that?
Well, Beloved Son of God, that is what will happen if you invoke me. I am Sol
Resplendent, the one that helps you to know your Guardian angels, and to value everything
What's wrong.
-‐Angel Seraphim Om-‐ Kar…. Sacred Code 0486.
-‐Supernaphim .…….Sacred Code 618, 6631 and 2812. They are in charge of making the desires
of our hearts are fulfilled. They are the guardians of our dreams and the protectors of
our wishes. NOTE: Not to be confused with other beings such as Alexa, Ruth and Merlin.
-‐Supernafin Alexa….Sacred Code is 528. It is a protection against vampirism
energetic or psychological
-‐Supernafin Earax...Sacred Code 1821, 6631 and 2812. I am EARAX, the one who
lovingly calls you to have as top priority, the ascent to the Fifth Dimension.
-‐Supernafin Ileon….Sacred Code is 786. Libra from the nefarious influence of entities
disembodied negatives.
-‐Supernafin Isuarán….Sacred Code is 854. Grants peace around
-‐Supernafin Ixal… Sacred Code is 894. Libra from the spirits of ruin and misery
-‐Supernafin Merlin….Sacred Code 525. Take care of our Heritage
-‐Supernafin Ruth….Sacred Code is 756. Grants prosperity
-‐Supernafin Wara…. Sacred Code is 591. Wara is an Energy of Light related to the angel
Redel, Lord Dattatreya, and the Owl as Power Animal. Wara is the energy that
you require to materialize your dreams, Wara relieves the suffering of your loved ones
disembodied. Some of the Beings we love left unfinished business and
they need help. Wara is the healing energy of trust and courage. wara keeps you
in the here and now. Wara heals your vision. Wara take care of your goods. His awesome presence
feel once you invoke it, if you feel exhausted, confused and powerless Wara will
will rise
karmic board
-‐Karmic board ……Sacred Code 481 and 262. The karmic board is made up of beings
divine gods with much light, goodness and mercy, are found in the lower etheric realm, in
a white building, called a temple of great mercy and love, to which souls flock
before incarnating and when they disincarnate.
-‐Lords of karma ……Sacred Code 95138. They meet at the Royal Teton retreat two
times a year, at the beginning of the year and at the summer solstice, to review requests for
unascended humanity and grant dispensations for its help, traditionally, the
students of the ascended masters write personal petitions to the karmic board
soliciting gifts of energy, dispensations and patronage in constructive causes,
projects and initiatives, the letters are sealed, written and burned, the angels carry them
to the Royal Teton retreat, where they are read by the lords of karma.
-‐Karmic Court 1 ……Sacred Code 95138
-‐Karmic Tribunal 2…..Sacred Code 3157
-‐Alexa….Sacred Code 344, Goddess of Liberty Beloved Lady Alexa.
-‐Angel Jasaiel … Sacred Code 1122, to whom in the Superior Spheres we say
affectionately "The Telepathic Angel". And they can invoke it whenever they want to communicate with
the Karmic Board at the group or individual level.
-‐Elohim Vista ° the all-seeing eye ° of God….Sacred Code 52911
-‐Kwan Yin….Sacred Code 286 Beloved Kwan Yin: Goddess of Mercy, Forgiveness and
-‐Lady Nada….Sacred Code 771, Goddess of Transfiguration
-‐Lady Portia…..Sacred Code 871 Beloved Lady Portia: Goddess of Justice
-‐Mother Mary… Sacred Code 333, Virgin Mary Beloved Mother Mary: Mother of Jesus,
Cosmic Mother. Patron of Healing.
-‐Pallas Athena….Sacred Code 515. Goddess of Truth Beloved Pallas Athena.
-‐Lord Sainthrhu … Sacred Code 51679 Lord Saithrhu Beloved Lord Saithrhu: Manu of
the Seventh Root Race. Member of the Karmic Board.
-‐Shiri Magra….Sacred Code 2626 Beloved Shri Magra: served as Lord of
Mundo, member of the Karmic Board.
-‐Pablo The Venetian ……Sacred Code 232. Chohan of the third ray, exponent of love
divine, beauty, dignity perfection of the ascended masters through all
expressions of life.
-‐Serapis Bey (Ascended Master)…… Sacred Code 68120, Chohan of the 4th Ray, the Ray
White. Wednesday. Focus the Christ Consciousness of the ray. Serapis Bey is here to
help us with the healing of the mental body. He is here to help us keep and
repair connections with people in our lives. He is also helping us with other
connections, soul connections and our connections to our own Christ. Their lives
past, have been as: priest in the Ascension Temple of Atlantis, Amenhotep
III, Leonidas, a Spartan King and Phidias the sculptor. One of the words of wisdom
Serapis Bey is: "Clairvoyance is expanding the illusion." Ascended Master Serapis
Bey is working at this time with Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess of Japan. the aura of
Bey has energy spirals. The spirals are intertwining gold and white. Almost always
it always manifests itself with long white robes.
-‐Hilarión….. Sacred Code 2631, (Chohan of the fifth Ray of Concrete Intelligence or Ray
of Science, Emerald Green Ray, and Orange. Day Thursday, with you always on duty.
Whoever calls me will find me. Healing green ray in all aspects of being). What
Chohan of the ray, focuses the Christ Consciousness of the ray. He is here to help with the
true knowledge, through all dimensions, is also in the
dimensions of fairies, angelic and magical knowledge. He also works with the
communication – communicating what comes from your heart. Hilarion is also a healer,
inviting him into your healing sessions with yourself or others. He is a kind Master
full of generosity of spirit. In previous lives, He is best known as Saul of
Tarsus, but it was as Sant Hilarion that he achieved his ascension. The Ascended Master Hilarion,
is working with Lumina, Elohim of the 2nd ray, at this time. He has a Forest aura
-‐Lady Nada …… Sacred Code 771, Member of the Karmic Board. Chohan of the 6th Ray, the
Ruby, Gold and Purple Lightning. Day Friday. Lady Nada is here to work with the children,
all children, not just crystals and indigos. She is here too, to work with
everyone to heal their own inner child, the wounded child that exists in each of us.
Not only in this dimension, but in all time, space, dimensions, planes and
realities. Ascended Master Lady Nada has the most beautiful soft energy. If you have
emotionally, call Lady Nada, She will take you in her arms to help you
heal your pain In her last life in India she was unable to have children, overcoming this made her the
mother of all mankind. She works with those who cannot have children. She is
working with the Cosmic Master, Krishna, at this time. The Lady Teacher
Ascended Nada, has an aura of white (may be lavender in hue) and gold.
-‐Lanto ……Sacred Code 111. He is a Chohan of the Second Ray. Master of sages and
philosophers, represents the divine qualities of illumination, discernment and understanding.
He firmly fixed the Threefold Flame in Him to teach us to achieve freedom through
-‐Saint Germain ……Sacred Code 523.
-‐Saint Germain…. Sacred Code 4444444. For greater comfort you can say: "Code
seven fours”. Code to receive special protection from the (Ascended Master, known
also as Prince Rakoczi, Chohan of the seventh Ray of Organized Magic and
Occult Ceremonial that creatively unifies the spiritual purpose with the forms
expressive of Nature, the Violet Ray. Saturday. Who takes refuge in his
merciful heart, you will have nothing to fear. He is your father here in the
Land. It can be called in case of psychic aggression and advises those who wish to know
what is your mission).
-‐Adama of Telos….Sacred Code 1576 (Ascended Master, ask the guides and this
teacher that while we sleep take us to Telos, and the next day recite his Code and he
disclose to us information received during our stay there)
-‐Aeracura.….Sacred Code 191919. Deity of the earth. She will always give a basket
full of prosperity to those who give consciously and who are willing to receive.
Call her when you have financial emergencies and she will come running to your rescue.
-‐Agate….Sacred Code 526. My presence is a call for you to be receptive
to the energies of Venus.
-‐Agleen….Sacred Code 40 (loving messenger of the Source, the one who helps you hear
the wise voices of their ancestors)
-‐White Eagle….Sacred Code 610 (Ascended Master, I suggest you visit your retreat
etheric, those who do it prepare for nice surprises. Maybe a beautiful one will appear
feather in a mysterious way, he loves to give these kinds of gifts.)
-‐Alana Queen of the Parallel World….Sacred Code 2306. The one that helps them to undertake the
flight to their true homes, and fills them with serenity. there is a door
Interdimensional through which they can access my Energy. This gate consists of
visualize a railway (Train Cheek) that runs through a solitary place. If they call me
I will help you create the image. My mission is to free them from all kinds of abuse.
-‐Soul Of The World….Sacred Code 650. They will know what to do at all times, and they will take
the right decisions.
-‐Amilec…..Sacred Code 585. Governors of Planet Ageon
-‐Ana (Reveal Secrets)….Sacred Code 681
-‐Ana….Sacred Code 025333. the Mother of the Archangel Mary. She is powerful and her
presence is consoling. Reveals secrets and is a sure lifeline, help
who are in a dead end or do not know how to resolve their situation, or are
experiencing desperate times. Make a list of the things that are for you
impossible, but they want with all their hearts. Then, recite the Code of Ana and
present your list. This Being of Light is a balm for the Soul. Miracles and Grace are his
-‐Andel (connect with your Energy) ….Sacred Code 447
-‐Violet Torch of Master Alexa….Sacred Code 334. It can be requested that this
torch is lit in our homes, or in a public place in our city, to
blessings of all those who live there or pass through that place and that all
destructive and non-beneficial energy.
-‐ Arcturians ……. Sacred Code 736. If You Want To Develop Telepathy And Even Boost
Plus The Ears Of The Soul, Look For The ARCTURIANS.
-‐Advisor of Telos….Sacred Code 456. Recommended by Master Adama (Visit the
Etheric Retreats of the Beings of Light with which we vibrate, is an intelligent decision and
profitable. This action frees from many psychic aggressions, and if these have already been
presented, the visit to the Retreat lessens its effect. I highly recommend visiting Dr. Lorphan, from whom
I have already spoken to them, and to the Telos Advisor recommended by Master Adama. It's amazing the
speed with which this Advisor responds when we have visited him. The next day he reveals to us
everything he taught us in Telos during the night)
-‐Advisors who work in the Ship of Light of The Divine Mother. My Ship is colossal and there
I have Advisors focused on important areas for your personal development. Each one of
these advisers is specialized and can be invoked by you with a Holy Code
• Advisors in the area of the Mind…….Sacred Code 574.
• Advisors in the area of Nutrition…………Sacred Code 954.
• Advisors in the area of relationships………Sacred Code 283.
• Advisors in the area of Health………………Sacred Code 398.
• Advisors in the area of Sexuality…….Sacred Code720.
• Advisors in the area of Finance……….Sacred Code700.
• Advisors in the Business area…….Sacred Code 726.
• Advisors in the area of Protection…….. Sacred Code 697.
• Advisors in the area of Love….Sacred Code 111.
• Advisors in the area of Wellbeing……Sacred Code726.
• Advisors in the Rest area…….Sacred Code 820. �
• Advisors in the Labor area………. Sacred Code 897.
-‐Ashram of Babaji and Mataji….Sacred Code 883. Whoever uses this Number will be instructed
for Babaji and I, who will take him there while he sleeps.
-‐Aurica Mar (Sea of Gold) ….Sacred Code 444 . She is a wonderful counselor. my wish is
that you have angels as advisers, and not ordinary people; These
they are usually dominated by the ego and what is worse, they know you very well.
little bit. An Angel, on the other hand, knows every fiber of our being and is not
limited. The great King Solomon said: "Beware of the counselor; first find out what
needs, because he thinks about his own interests and how to profit from the matter.
Do not ask your enemies for advice, nor tell your plans to those who envy you. "We are
living in a time when you have to make wise decisions. Being wrong can be very
harmful. That is why Mar de Oro has come, because it knows we need it. She doesn't show up
coincidence, it is a gift from the Goddess Athena. Athena revealed me in her Etheric Retreat, the
urgency to be in contact with Mar de Oro. So before making any decision,
Let's invoke this Beautiful Angel of the Pleiades. Let us be guided by her wisdom here
and now. Mar de Oro or Mar Dorado, is not only your advisor, it is also your Magnet for the
Abundance. Collaborate with Ella, and ask her to help you cancel the false beliefs that
you have about money. Perhaps you think on an unconscious level, "wealth is not for me" or
"I will never be able to get the house of my dreams" or "rich people are bad people".
-‐Avalokiteshvara: 696. He is the bodhisattva of compassion. He disappears diseases and
sufferings: Mantra: Mantra of Avalokiteshvara: Diseases and Sufferings. East
beautiful Mantra of Avalokiteshvara can prevent and cure all kinds of diseases,
circumstances and sufferings as it frees from any karma since beginningless time.
It is advised to recite it with faith and sincerity 5 (five) times every night before going to bed.
This is the lyrics in case you want to recite it.
Namo Ratna Trayaya, Namo Arya Jnana Sagara, Vairochana, Byuhara Jara Tathagataya,
Arahate, Samyaksam Buddhaya, Namo Sarwa Tathagate Bhyay, Arhata Bhyah, Samyaksam
Buddhe Bhyah, Namo Arya Avalokite shoraya Bodhisattvaya, Maha Sattvaya, Maha
Karunikaya, Tadyata, Om Dara Dara, Diri Diri, Duru Duru Itte We, Itte Chale Chale, Purachale
Purachale, Kusume Kusuma Wa Re, Ili Milli, Chiti Jvalam, Apanaye Shoha.
General Translation:
1. Adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva, the great compassionate.
2. Having paid worship to Him who dispels all fear, O noble
Avalokitesvara, We adore You, O Nilakantha.
3. I am going to enunciate the "heart" dharani that guarantees to all effects, is pure and invincible
for all beings, and that purifies the path of existence.
4. Therefore: The Lord of effulgence, the One World-Transcender. Come on, come on, big
bodhisattva, descend, descend. Keep in mind my dharani heart. don't do the
worked. Hold on tight, oh Victor, oh Great Victor. Wait, wait, oh Lord of Dharani.
Move, move oh my impeccable image, come, come. Destroy all poisons. Fast,
keep in mind, fast, fast, go down, descend. Being enlightened, being enlightened, I
enlighten me, enlighten me Oh merciful Nilakantha seem to me. so that we can see
hail. For the great Siddha hail. For the great Siddha Yoga in hail. for hail
Nilakantha. Boar-‐feaced for hail.
5. Adoration of the Triple Jewel. Adoration to the noble bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the hail.
-‐ Phoenix Bird….Sacred Code 380.You will experience a profound and rapid transformation.
-‐Babaji additional Code….Sacred Code 19. The thieves of the Energy that you
called energy vampires. I invite you to say Babaji's Name frequently, but
adding the Number 19. That is, they will say: Babaji 19, Babaji 19…. The scope of this
Number are extraordinary. The 19th attracts the Heavenly Father, the Elohim, like a magnet.
Tranquility and Peace, to Master Merlin, to San Expedito, to his Beloved Dear Ones
disembodied, and it is the Key Number to invoke when they go through difficult situations and
-‐Babaji….Sacred Code 225 / 997/ 125 (these Codes can be alternated to extend
Divine Mercy) I am Babaji your eternal protector I am a source of power and light who
come to me I will not reject you:
-‐Blana….Sacred Code 337755, through this Code your bitterness will be healed, your
victory is assured and your tears will be wiped away. I am the aspect of the great Mother
Cosmic Divine. As a shield use the great quadruple light (white light, orange, violet and
green) that together the word "blanavive" emerges.
-‐Bodhisattvas (To attract the mercy of the Bodhisattvas) ….Sacred Code 811. To
attract his mercy.
-‐Violet Eraser….Sacred Code 443. You can apply it to “erase” memories
painful that are bothering them. Choose a particular memory, and apply the
eraser; You will see the results of this Magic Number. They can also apply to
people and situations.
-‐Buddha (a luminous presence that deeply loves humanity)………Code
sacred 110
-‐ Gautama Buddha….Sacred Code 110. Cosmic Master of the seventh ray.
-‐Buddha of Divine Justice….Sacred Code 194. In a secret place of the Heart, dwells,
look for it in the silence and you will find it. He will return your rightful inheritance to you, and he will answer
your prayers in this life. It will give you all the help you need along the way: A good
company, enough money, work, release of the ego, and reconnection with your Double. the buddha
of Divine Justice will make you strong, and will immunize you against everything that pretends
take away your energy You will stop being a slave to fear and the opinions of others.
-‐Buddha Kalachacra ………Sacred Code 742
-‐Letter To Christmas ………Sacred Code 77521
-‐Chico Xavier (Medium) ………Sacred Code 167
-‐Infinite Clarity…Sacred Code 480 and 911. The Divine Complement of the Angel Roel Haipar
-‐Personal Agesta Code…Sacred Code 781950
-‐Solar Codes ………Sacred Code 033 / 88 / 559 /22,000 / 567. Destined to influence
favorably in the lives and needs of those who invoke them, the Codes are
individual, apply one by one)
-‐Collective of Voices of the Galaxy….Sacred Code 2680
-‐Connecting with the Sun….Sacred Code 444. It will allow you to receive beneficial energies from the
King Star. They have tried to make you believe that the sun is dangerous. The sun is actually who
warms them and loves them. Fear him not. He is a great friend.
-‐Etheric Fellowship………Sacred Code144. Contributed by Sarah
-‐Collective Winged Consciousness of the Nine )….Sacred Code 33377. Those of us who await
lovingly your requests for help
-‐Heart of Planet Oasibeth….Sacred Code 71292538 (Mother Mary: After the month
December of this year, the flow of energies will no longer be as intense and there will not be as many
privileges. They have 5 months left and I hope they make the most of them. Desire
ardently that they be part of the 20% that will reach the Fifth Dimension. don't strip
never from the protection of prayer. I long for her prayer to be incessant, continuous
this, when you are not using the Sacred Code that we have been offering you, repeat
my name like a lullaby. This simple act will keep you in the Fifth
dimension at all times. When they do not use The Numbers, nor pronounce my name,
they are left vulnerable to the lower dimensions. Have my name on your lips, mind,
and heart. This connection that I propose has been applied by the great enlightened ones of all
the times. Ask your Souls that while they sleep they are led to the Etheric Retreat of
a Galactic Healer of the White Brotherhood, known as Doctor Lorphan. he them
will extract the darts, arrows, bullets, and Etheric hooks that their enemies have thrown at them and
who have injured their physical bodies. Oasibeth is the planet of Divine Mercy, this
Code comes from the heart of the planet Oasibeth, with it they will reach their objectives, there
The angels of the day and the golden angels inhabit and the beloved Master Jesus renders his service
in its invocation of the "Divine Mercy" with its Etheric retreat. It is a random field
where God is autonomous and the laws of the Universe do not apply)
-‐Sacred Heart (To activate)…. Holy Code 123
-‐Christina…. Sacred Code 568. The one that indicates the mystical path of Shambala to open
the doors of Shambala and connect them with the Buddhas of light.
-‐Crystal Cross Of Andromeda….Sacred Code 884
is Diana. They work with the beloved master Saint Germain and also since the retirement of
-‐God Osiris….Sacred Code 2120. father of Horus and husband of Isis. Osiris is the Egyptian god
of the resurrection, symbol of the fertility and regeneration of the Nile. He is the god of
vegetation and agriculture. He also presides over the tribunal of the trial of the deceased in the
Greek mythology.
-‐God Ra….Sacred Code 16. “I am your Ra, the one you have known by many names in
a lot of cultures. I am your messenger from the Creator; I AM Love, I AM Light, and I AM
-‐God Shiva….Sacred Code 351. I am in charge of enforcing creation. I am the
God of the marginalized and my compassion is extraordinary. I am the one who reveals the truths
most hidden, the one who has power over nature and the elements.
-‐God Sobek….Sacred Code 888. He is the Crocodile God.
-‐God Thoth….Sacred Code 711. In Egypt he was patron of wisdom, accountant of
stars, measurer and enumerator of the earth, lord of the laws and of the sacred texts and
scribe of the gods.
-‐God Thor….Sacred Code 2751. Son of Odin and lord (the earth). The strongest of the
gods. Protect youth, lightning, fire and architecture.
-‐Goddess Alexa….Sacred Code 344. The goddess of freedom and member of the karmic board.
He sends us his violet torch wherever we want. Alexa is an aspect of the Divine Mother
-‐Goddess Astrea….Sacred Code 323. Astrea, the goddess of Justice, daughter of Prudence and
Modesty, governed men in the Golden Age. His task was easy since those who
who came to her really wanted peace and were sure that their sentences would not
They aroused no grudge.
-‐Goddess Athena….Sacred Code 515. Goddess Pallas Athena, Member of the karmic board the
that shines with the lights of truth and justice. Turn to me for protection,
especially against dark entities. Ask me for wisdom and intuition, this will allow you
solve problems without the use of violence or disputes. I have a high sense of
justice, and I accompany people who like to write.
-‐Goddess Bastet….Sacred Code 521. Represented with the head of a cat and had a
own city, Bubastis, located in the Nile delta. Among the attributes of the cat goddess
was to be guardian of homes, defender of children and representative of sweetness
maternal and abundance.
-‐Goddess of the Violet Flame….Sacred Code 771
-‐Goddess Hathor….Sacred Code 28200. Daughter of Ra and wife of Horus. She was known as the
mother of mothers, the lover of life, the ruler of the stars.
-‐Goddess Higía….Sacred Code 904. Daughter of the God Asclepio, sister of Yaso and Panacea Goddess
of healing, cleansing and healing. (later also of the moon), while
his father was related to medicine. From his name derives the word “hygiene”. Their
equivalent in Roman mythology is Health.
helps to have confidence, to listen to the inner voice, to keep a safe distance from
people with bad vibrations, to have solidarity with our fellow men, to eliminate the
pessimism and ideas of poverty. I could tell you many things about him. Not to
To extend myself too much, I leave you one of its principles or rules. 7th. Never fear the
men nor inspire you to be startled tomorrow. Have your soul strong and clean and everything
It will come out well. Never believe yourself alone or weak, because there are powerful armies behind you,
you do not conceive even in dreams. If you raise your spirit there will be no evil that can touch you. The only
The enemy you should fear is yourself. Fear and distrust in the future are
disastrous mothers of all failures, they attract bad influences and with them disaster.
For the moment in which we live, I consider him very useful as a Mentor. He is a great being.
-‐Dwal Khul….Sacred Code 5701 and 3720. He is a master who comes from Tibet and deals with
specifically from the science of healing art. Acts in conjunction with Kuthumi and El Morya
in the name of the Great White Brotherhood as the "universal teacher" of the world.
-‐Eby, Lany and Hassy….Sacred Code 330,908 and 404 respectively. All three are teachers.
in the Art of Telepathy and Clairvoyance. They take negative entities out of people
adhered to the body, producing great relief in people who carry them on their backs.
-‐Lunar Army (Commander Gabriel Archangel) Reception of Special Graces: 1615 and
-‐ Army of Light of the Dimensions. Delivered by the invocation or aspect of the Mother
Maria called “Joy of the afflicted”.
Each dimension has some Armies of Light that will act when we recite the Code
Sacred that I transcribe below. Also each dimension has its
particularities and special facets, gifts that are also received using the numbers
-‐Fourth dimension….Sacred Code 26700
-‐Fifth Dimension….Sacred Code 45800.
-‐Sixth Dimension….Sacred Code 1821.
-‐Seventh Dimension….Sacred Code 3620.
-‐Eighth Dimension….Sacred Code 67080.
-‐Ninth Dimension….Sacred Code 2123.
-‐Tenth Dimension….Sacred Code 1820.
-‐Eleventh Dimension….Sacred Code 7755.
-‐Twelfth Dimension….Sacred Code 1212.
-‐Thirteenth Dimension….Sacred Code 15020.
-‐Celestial Army of the Lunar Sphere….Sacred Code 986. You will receive abundant graces,
among them the liberation of ties and karmic oppressions. Also, I will saturate them with my
joyful and hopeful energy, so that they advance towards their goals. They are Gabriel
Anixiel, Atheniel, Amnediel,
Amnixiel, Azariel, Abrinael, Ardifiel, Abdizuel, Atliel, Amutiel, ADriel, Azeruel, Barbiel,
Dirachiel, Enediel, Ergeldiel, Egibiel, Geniel, Geliel, Jazeriel, Kyriel, Neciel, Requiel, Sxheliel,
Tagriel, Ebvap, Ebvep, Enchede, Emtircheyud, Emrudue, Emkebpe, Ezhesekis, Eneye,
Emzhebyb, Embative, Amzhere, Emnymar, Ezhobar, Emcheva, Emnepe, Echotasa,
Etamrezh, Emhom, Emzhit, Liteviche, Emzhabe, Emzher, Ezheme, Zhevekiyev, Etsacheye, and
-‐El Morya….Sacred Code 522 (Ascended Master and Chohan of the first Ray, of the
Will or Might, He is a great defender in case of psychic attacks. The great decree of his is
-‐Elías (prophet)….Sacred Code 52071. "I have come to announce great changes. There will be
heard that I would come at the end of time with great power. The time has finally come. Come
with Eliseo to despoil the thief who snatched their goods. Unite with my strength and
get up My light is shining within you and I will instill in you my confidence so that
move forward with determination and materialize your dreams. God is just and he will reap the harvest with
your. My voice can only be heard by the chosen ones, those who went through what
you have called the great tribulation. Only those will hear me")
-‐Ellionen ...Sacred Numerical Code 1613. Pleiadian Master, transmits knowledge.
The one that helps them trust their feelings as much as possible, and offers them a clear path to
their personal fulfillment." Offers help to sensitive people
-‐Dwarf Athor From Planet Ageon….Sacred Code 55611. Whoever uses my Code will bring the
prosperity and economic well-being. Besides, I'll take care of her myself.
Heritage, ensuring that nothing is missing. I want them to live well and comfortably.
We dwarfs are Magical Beings and we have a close contact with Wealth.
-‐Sirius Diamond Energy….Sacred Code 48815. Make this vibration conscious
decreeing: I am the
-‐Energy Coming From Sirius
theDiamond Energy, manifesting Code
Seventh Dimension….Sacred now in168.
my Itlife
is and affairs
useful, when
feel tired or perceive that they are being robbed of their joy. I will supply them there
again so that they can continue with their activities.
-‐Erimihala….Sacred Code 41 (I am the healer of your subconscious mind. Say my
name as a theme chant throughout the day, this will allow you to feel my presence as
clearly, that their confidence will be reborn and they will begin to make wise choices)
-‐Cosmic Holy Spirit….Sacred Code 468
-‐Sacred Stay In Your Heart….Sacred Code 424. I wait for you there, whenever you want
meet with me and receive the gift of your healing
-‐Esther (Star)….Sacred Code 430/7733. Old Testament (You can ask
protection against the Entities that Master Jesus called "evil spirits.
Finally, precious souls, be receptive, very receptive, for I want to reach your
hearts on this day. I am María La Estrella de la Mañana, a safe and loving haven
for their souls").
-‐Secret star of love: 51826 . Through Alsemiyat and the use of this Code, you will receive
the Rays of this star. This will be of great benefit to you, for you will be guided by
Your Inner Christ and they will make your wishes come true.
-‐Faustina Kowalska….Sacred Code 421
-‐Platinum Flame of Master Saint Germain….Sacred Code 464.
-‐Solar Violet Flame (5th Dimension….Sacred Code)….Sacred Code 708
-‐Forceti….Sacred Code 1579. (He is a Celestial lawyer who can be called in matters
legal and conflict resolution. As Green Tara, and the Planetary Genie Betor, answer
-‐Ganesha….Sacred Code 46429. The destroyer of obstacles, the one who opens paths. (a
aspect of Divinity that OPENS DOORS. He enjoys a great appreciation in India above all,
for the favors it grants).
-‐Governors of Oasibeth ……Holy Code 25600
-‐Great Divine Direct...Sacred Code 51679. I guide Jesus, Saint Germain, and he will guide you
to you. If something is not flowing in your life as it should be, he will give you the orientation that
you need. Perhaps you have blockages in your spiritual or economic area due to other reasons.
lives. Tell him to show you any past lives that are negatively affecting you in the future.
present moment and he will. Ask him to teach you how to handle the Violet Flame. Talk to
him about your Ascension. Tell him that you want to achieve your liberation in this life. he is yours too
Guru if you want.
-‐Guardian of the Oasibeth portal...Sacred Code 442. Whoever wants to be a guardian of the
Oasibeth portal, Make frequent use of this Code. This Code and 147-‐62 that was
revealed by Merlin, you will attract divine favors to you like a magnet. be a guardian
This portal is an honor, for Oasibeth will save many from ruin. big thanks
will be granted to those who spread the existence of this golden planet invisible to the eyes
of third density. Oasibeth is located very close to the Sirius star system, and is
known in the sidereal worlds as the planet of mercy.
-‐Airsut medical warriors…… Sacred Code 525. These Beings are at the service of Cristina
of Andromeda. The Airsut defend the Lightworkers from aggressions from the world
invisible and have Etheric Retreats to heal those who have been the object of these attacks.
They are supervised by the Archangel Raphael).
-‐Warriors of the Phoenix Bird Nebula ...Sacred Code 444 / 97 / 114 (Beings that give
many signs that the one who is awake will see without difficulty)
-‐Hilarion...Sacred Code 2631 (Chohan of the fifth Ray of Concrete Intelligence or Ray
of Science, Emerald Green Ray, with you always in service. whoever calls me
will find. Healing green ray in all aspects of being).
-‐Llama (Extraterrestrial woman found on the Moon)...Sacred Code 546
-‐Llama Yamashi...Sacred Code 28 (I am the Commander of Squad 28 of the
Consciousnesses of Light that you call "Orbs". We can favorably alter the
vibrations of the places For your own convenience. Every time they have a meeting
important or carry out any activity that produces tension, call me, and I will be there
in fractions of a second to put the circumstances in your favor. "Serve" is a
slogan in the Higher Dimensions, and "give" is a constant. Dear Souls: WHERE
THE FAITH IS ABSENT, THERE IS NO MAGIC. I can help you believe, and I will pass with my
Squad cleaning the spaces that you indicate to me. Who says that the
"Consciousness of Light" do not exist, sleep a deep sleep. We are raising the
vibration of the Earth with the help of you "The Awakened Ones.”)
-‐Iramu...Sacred Code 584 (female Pygmy at the service of the Planetary Genius Aratron,
entrust me with jobs, think of some errand you have to do or something you
they would like to get. When, after requesting my services, they see the footprints of some
little feet in your houses, it is I who have left you a sign. I am very affectionate and
helpful, I can inspire you in your meditations or relaxations, my presence is very easy to
-‐Isama Kamura (Ageon) ...Sacred Code 61263. She offers valuable help to those who
They practice dowsing.
-‐Ishao Kamata of Ageon...Sacred Code 688 and 604. Beloved Invisible Being, a Woman
beautiful woman from Planet Ageon, a wonderful confidant and guide, ready to help
who needs it. I wish to help in a very special way the Souls who have difficulty
create mental images As I "think more in words than in images" I can be
the right teacher. For many people the visualization process that actually
involves all 5 physical senses, it can be somewhat complex. Most of you have
dedicated years to this imaginative task without success, which has contributed to discourage them a
little bit. Don't worry, many people find it difficult to visualize. The good news is that
this circumstance is not an obstacle to success. I come to simplify things.
When they have tried to create scenarios that include sight, hearing, taste, touch,
movement, feelings and smells, the task has been somewhat complicated. That's why
that I am going to teach you can be done even with poor visualization power.
You can see numbers, words, and colors in your mind. I will refer to the latter in a few
moments. If you find it difficult to visualize the figure of the Archangel Raphael, for example,
contemplate the number 29, or evoke a green glow. Your mind
subconscious will understand what they are doing and will also materialize it. Imagine that
inside your mind you have a white screen. That little screen is the subconscious. write
in it the word you wish to express: Health, Love, Money. In the same way, they can
repeat the words mentally or loudly or quietly. Let's talk about colors. Are
vibrations that radiate an energy:
• Violet: Promotes calm, awakens intuition, is protective, tones the nerves.
SC: 27
• Blue: GIVES strength, security, peace. Green: Connects with nature, gives health, calms the
anxiety. SC: 18
• Green: Heal CS: 91
• Yellow: Gives confidence, it is the color of knowledge. SC: 11
• Gold: It is a healing color, it evokes gold and mercy. GIVES protection. CS:
• Red: It is antidepressant and gives vitality. SC: 29
• Orange: Improves moods, is useful for nervous people, and favors
Respiratory system. SC: 15
• Pink: Awakens tenderness, softens tense environments. CS: 8
• White: It is the color of the pure, its light defends against aggressions of all kinds. CS:
• Black: Tunes in with inner wisdom, improves and calms vision. SC: 2
I invite you to experiment with the vibration of colors. The energy of each color can
be invoked, just as they have invoked the Numbers.)
-‐Ishao Kamata (Receiving Gifts) ….Sacred Code 1615. She is a Being of extraordinary
beauty and a wonderful confidante.
-‐Ixapasemil….Sacred Code 2113. One of the Guardians of the Eight Moons, the one who perches
over the churning sea of the mind until serene and calm.
-‐Jaixima from Sirius ………Sacred Code 453. I belong to the Galactic Healers Team and
I work under Dr. Lorphan. Through this message, I invite you to follow
trusting against all odds, and hoping against all hope. You can summon me and
I will manifest you in dreams. My presence will console your soul and you will be able to continue on your way
with renewed vigor. You are likely to meet people who tell you that karma
does not exist. Whoever denies karma denies the Law of Cause and Effect, and whoever denies the Law of Cause
and Effect, denies the Law of Divine Justice that is manifested in the Law of Reincarnation.
It is essential that you set aside time daily for yourself. In this sacred space
and during sleep you will find me.
-‐José (Husband Of Mother Mary) ….Sacred Code 389, 418, 927, 106 and 167. I am a
powerful Energy that assists you from the Great Silence. He was commissioned by God to
instruct him on the knowledge of religion and prepare him to face the
events to come, to teach him about the transmutation of karma, he calls it
violet and
-‐José mercy
De San towards others.
Martín….Sacred Code
703. Note: Our liberators in the world
external, they are also our liberators in the internal world. how is it inside
outside. Resorting to these Souls is positive because they are Beings of high vibration that continue their
liberation work beyond this plane.
-‐Juan The Egyptian….Sacred Code 836
-‐John the Baptist….Sacred Code 538
-‐Joan of Arc….Sacred Code 2021. It is celebrated in May and was an incarnation of the
Ascended Master Lotus)
-‐Karmic Board….Sacred Code 3157. Ask for assistance.
-‐Karmic Board….Sacred Code 481 and 262. Members: Kwan Yin, Lady Portia, Alexa, Palas
Athena, lady nothing Sacred Code 771, Mother Mary, Elohim Vista ° the all-seeing eye ° of
God, Shiri lean, Lord Sainthrhu
-‐Khutumi….. Sacred Code 521, 571 (Ascended Master and Chohan of the second Ray of
Wisdom Love, a comforting and consoling energy that has its eyes set on
you "I come to raise up the fallen, and those who have lost all hope. To you who read
this message, listen to me: There is a part of you that can never be defeated, and it is your Self
innermost. You can imagine him as your physical figure, he is another you. Only that your intimate Self does not
it has defects, it is your Divine Part. Embrace that perfect Self with love, and ask for guidance and
quiet; He will give them to you. Imagine him walking alongside you, giving you his energy. He is the same as
you see in the mirror, but stripped of the ego. Your intimate self is speaking to you at every moment,
you just haven't heard it. Tune in with Him, and you will see a new power being born in you, a
strength you didn't have. If you do what I tell you, you will enter a high frequency, and you will begin to
perceive yourself as God perceives you. I have my Etheric Temple in the Hills of Kashmir (India).
I am Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, the one you know as Brother Francis. my mission
it is to serve you who are overwhelmed and without hope. Get up and walk, I'm with you
-‐Kuan Kung (one of the most important Deities in China) ….Sacred Code 708. This
warrior, bearer of the greatest attributes, he is a great protector and attracts
prosperity. He can grant many favors to whoever calls him or has his image in the house,
office, farm or business.
-‐Kwan Yin……. Sacred Code 286. Mother of mercy, forgiveness and compassion:
Goddess or Mother of Mercy, forgiveness and compassion.
-‐ The Energy Of Compassion…… Sacred Code: 444, 333, 777, 999, 1111.
-‐The Divine Justice….Sacred Code 898, 1645, 729 and 11. I am, the one who reveals things to you
wonderful, and shows you the greatness of the Divine Plan.
-‐The Shiva Stone (Shiva Lingam) ….Sacred Code 715
-‐Lady Althea…..Sacred Code 820. She comes from the Planet Venus. She helps us clean
our auras here on Earth.
-‐Lady Meta (Master) …….Sacred Code 26.
-‐Lady Nada (MARÍA Magdalena) …..Sacred Code 771. Member of the Karmic Board.
Goddess of transfiguration. I come to teach women to recover their true being,
to put an end to what you call "the war of the sexes", because man and woman are one
sacred unity, and must work as a divine team.
-‐Lady Rowena (Ascended Master) ….Sacred Code 82137. Chohan of the pink ray,
grant pure love, intelligence and truth. It also stimulates talents.
-‐Lady Venus…… Sacred Code 715 (the one that teaches true love, respect and
-‐Violet Lake (enter the healing waters)…. Sacred Code 711. Where I want
leave you gleaming every time you dive into it.
-‐Lahiri Mahasaya….Sacred Code 244. He was chosen by Babaji too, to spread the
Kriya Yoga. He was a family man, married with children. With this Babaji demonstrated that the
enlightenment and realization, can also be achieved in the daily activity of the world, without
having to go to a lonely mountain or give up life. One of the keys to Kriya Yoga
it is the frequent repetition of the Name of GOD. Divinity has many Names,
We can choose the one we like best.
-‐ Lanto….Sacred Code 111
-‐Legrashogua….Sacred Code 1596. (He is one of the teachers of Jesus the Christ, who
began in the wisdom of the arcana. Turn to him and ask him to pass on his
knowledge. It is an entity in the Phoenix Bird Nebula. Helps eliminate “symptoms” that
negative entities cause, such as diseases, illnesses and situations
exasperating, respiratory problems, intense cold, pain, fear, guilt,
psychic aggressions, sexual dysfunctions, hostility of others towards you)
-‐Llama Trina….Sacred Code 4972
-‐Violet Flame (Be More Conscious Of Her)….Sacred Code 124. If you use it, you will see how
this Flame will shine in you with more intensity than ever, and you will no longer want to be separated from
-‐Violet Flame of Liberation….Sacred Code 522. Granted by the Elohim Arcthuros.
-‐Violet Flame of the Thousand Suns….Sacred Code 860907. The Violet flame pulses through
of our Heart Flames and shines in, through and around all actions
inharmonious, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions of the Light that
any person, place, condition, or has placed it in the way of the perfection of Life. To the
instant, the Violet Flame Transmutes this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record
and memory back to its original perfection.
-‐Violet Flame Of The Holy Spirit….Sacred Code 571. I especially recommend this
aspect of the Violet Flame, it is indeed fast. Apply it to everything: diseases,
inner child, recover parts of yourself that others have taken, etc.
-‐Violet Flame of the Great Silence….Sacred Code 347
-‐Violet Flame of the Great Central Sun….Sacred Code 1500
-‐Silver Violet Flame (For All) ….Sacred Code 524
-‐Violet Flame….Sacred Code 801. RECOMMENDED BY THE Ascended Master Eagle
-‐Lord Alpha….Sacred Code 1488. THE ONE Who reveals the love of the eternal father and leads them to
rest in the arms of the Divine Mother.
-‐Lord (Lord) Dattatreya….Sacred Code 591. I am the incarnation of the Holy Trinity
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, he who promptly answers the prayers of the poor and
afflicted. Who is not satisfied with his current situation, turn to me. who lacks
prosperity, you will receive it from me. Whoever believes that he is the object of curses, I will free him. Who
do not have health, through me you will obtain it. Whoever is afraid, come to me. who in
your field needs rain, I will send it to you. Who wants to be free from the wheel of
incarnations, you will get this grace from me ("
I am DATTATREYA, the Eternal Spiritual Guide of humanity.)
-‐Lord Maitreya….Sacred Code 5110. The new Messiah.
-‐Lord Muruga ……Sacred Code 52574. I am Ganesha's brother and I can help you in
legal matters, business. To improve your health. I protect them from ill-intentioned people,
enemies and negative entities. You can also summon me when you do some business
(purchase, sale, exchange).
-‐Lord Kubera ……..Sacred Code 86.
-‐The 3 Kings….Sacred Code 554. This Code gives the last impulse to those who
with the quantum leap they reached the fifth dimension, but it is also very useful to those who
they are in fourth and third dimension, and wish to ascend. It is a liberating Code, which
connect with the profound wisdom of the ascended masters El Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal
Kul, who embodied as Melchor, Baltasar, and Gaspar, the kings we know. They
they become guardian spirits of those who want to ascend. Through this Code,
will notably facilitate the reception of the energy that is being delivered from Andromeda
Ruth and Cristina, since January 6.
-‐The 7 Rays….Sacred Code 2620 and 929
-‐The Airsut….Sacred Code 525. These Beings reveal hidden truths, they are healers and
-‐The Warriors of the Sun….Sacred Code 525. They will increase your faith in such a way that
They will magnetize your dreams in a way you never imagined.
-‐The Hathor….Sacred Code 802 and 28200. Intergalactic civilization from another universe. Are
our older brothers.
-‐The Healers of the Sun….Sacred Code 12543. We are the Healers of the Sun, those who
We always hear your prayers. Group of healing angels, at the service of the Archangel
Rafael, We have come to tell you that God is in charge of your lives and your health. God
he wants healthy, not sick. We invite you to believe in yourself and your powers.
We want to free them from shame and humiliation, and assist them psychologically.
Believe in Us and ignore HUMAN CONCEPTS. Your self-esteem has
depended on the opinions of others, issued by cruel and ignorant people. You are not
poor sinners or insignificant souls. YOU ARE DIVINE IDEAS, and as Ideas
Divine can not be sick. If God lives in you, how can you be sick? The
Master Jesus always healed those who requested it. He told no one to give up and
that he suffered Don't let the healing be snatched away and fight for it. Come to us.)
-‐Lunara….Sacred Code 626. She is a Dryad or nymph, the first daughter of Cenarius, located
in the grove
-‐White Lightof
ofdreams in val sharah.
the Akasha….Sacred
-‐Mother Akasha….Sacred Code 527 and 933. I am the Flame of the love of the Father's Heart
Heavenly and I come to offer you shelter. Given by Babaji.
-‐Divine Mother (SHIP MESIME) …..Sacred Code 717
-‐Divine Mother…..Sacred Code 26, 18 and 5
-‐Mother Mary…..Sacred Code 333. Mother of Jesus, cosmic mother, patron of the
healing, member of the karmic board. Power of the ascended masters. The mother has
a Sacred Code that brings down to earth all the power of the ascended masters.
Fortunate is he who remembers to recite this Code in his day to day life. who wants
enter the heart of Mother Mary, your future will be assured and you will receive benefits that
the world of the third dimension cannot offer you.
-‐Mother Sekhmet….Sacred Code 11129. (Ask me for those things that you call “difficult”, to
They are challenges to me and I like them. I wish to accompany you to carry out those errands that you consider
tedious or scary. Every time you go to face those situations that you call
"nasty", call me, and I'll be there to enlighten you. The protector, print my image
and keep her close, I can endow her with power).
-‐Ascended Master Lady Soo Shee….Sacred Code 26600. I am the one who leads you to
live in the serene regions of harmonic thought, and offers them the treasure of
-‐Master Messengers of Soo Shee: Akkao Tami….Sacred Code 2870 and Amira
Sasaki….Sacred Code 2871 Their specialty is Telepsychia or Influence to
Distance.. They will teach you a safe method to be free and close your
pass through the earth. She is a skilled telepathic therapist who will reveal great secrets to them.
-‐Ascended Master Jesus ……Sacred Code 41933. Jesus Christ claimed to be the “I AM”. He's
the personal name of GOD.
-‐Master Afra….Sacred Code 1613. African master who teaches how to travel through the
different dimensions.
-‐Master Anterius….Holy Code 250
-‐ Merlin…………. Sacred Code 00991. Offers for today especially the one who uses this
Number with faith and be relaxed and attentive, you will receive specific information from
Merlin, which can be very revealing for your individual process.
-‐Merlin ………Holy Code 777. To have contact with him. This code will increase
notably his capacity for CLAIR AUDIENCE. Say it in sets of three, each time.
-‐Mornah Simeona….Sacred Code 1570. She was the creator of the Self Identity through the
Ho oponopono. She founded Pacidica Seminars in the 1970s. She was recognized as a
Kahuna lapa au (healer) in Hawaii and distinguished as a Living Treasure by the State of
Hawaii in 1983.
-‐White Buffalo Woman….Sacred Code 3. I, The White Buffalo Woman, am a ray of the
Incoming Feminine Energy. I am a gift for the one who receives me. Who welcomes me will get
from me, love, faith, abundance, peace and hope. I am Love manifested in the World of
the forms, the one you have known as The White Buffalo Woman.
-‐Muruga ….Sacred Code 52574 (I can help you in legal matters, business, to manage
your health. I protect them from ill-intentioned people, enemies and negative entities.
You can also invoke me when doing business) Muruga is the Son of Shiva and
Parvati, brother of Ganesha. He is the most worshiped Deity especially in South India.
He is a Warrior par excellence and in this Culture he is considered as the director of the
Heavenly Hosts. Babaji, the Great Being of Light and Immortal Yogi, recommends requesting the
help of this Warrior, as it is very effective against negative entities, legal matters,
business, among others. Whoever wants to receive help from Muruga can use a
simple and effective formula, which you can use at home, farm or business. take a container
to your liking and fill it with water. Then, with all the power of your intention, affirm:
I request that all the Power of Muruga descend into this water, to free all who use it
of all kinds of visible or invisible negative entities. I give thanks because the energy of
Muruga now lives in this water by Divine Order. Then you can apply a few drops of the water
spraying it in your house, farm or business, with the certainty that Muruga will act through the
Water. This simple action together with your Numerical Sacred Code 52574 will be effective without a doubt,
for it is the Light, defeating the darkness in this dual world. Blessings for all
-‐Nave of Light Supreme Magic….Sacred Code 19 and 447. This is the birth of Catalina and San
-‐Ship of Light Sacred Freedom….Sacred Code 525. They will attract the effluvia of flames
Violets that come from it. This ship is in charge of Master Saint Germain.
-‐Nave Luna De Oro….Sacred Code 754. In charge of San Judas Tadeo. After the visit
we can receive visible help, in the form of earthly angels, or financial.
-‐Purple Ship of the Sea….Sacred Code 10028 (Ascended Master Kwan Yin's Ship,
if you use it she will take you inside her ship where she will radiate for you Violet Light of the most
high frequency)
-‐Neida and Awara….Sacred Code 363 and 560. Entities of Light in charge of sending
-‐Star Child….Sacred Code 720
-‐Nirmala SunDri….Sacred Code 504. Known in India as the most perfect flower.
-‐Nichiren Daishonin….Sacred Code 113. Buddhist monk of the XIII century in Japan.
-‐Cosmic Name….Sacred Code 76129 (The Cosmic Name is what identifies them in
the universe). This Name can be revealed just as our Agesta Channel does. Being
who you know as José Gabriel here on earth, is identified as Agesta in
other dimensions. Now, the Secret Name is something else. It's a sound that your being
innermost will reveal to you and that, in turn, you will not reveal to anyone, that is why it is called
-‐Ossok….Sacred Code 808. Those who want to work in the liberation of the eighth Ray
you can call this being.
-‐Pablo The Venetian….Sacred Code 232
-‐Pablo De Tarso….Sacred Code 2631. One of the incarnations of Master Hilarión.
-‐Padmasambhava….Sacred Code 2690. Founder of the Tibetan school of Buddhism
Nyingma and the inner tantras in the eighth century.
-‐Paramahansa Yogananda….Sacred Code 272829. Babaji told him that he was the chosen one for
spread the message of kriya yoga in the west. One of the keys to Kriya Yoga is
Frequent repetition of the name of God.
-‐Padre Pio of Pietrelcina….Sacred Code 4447
-‐To Attract The Mercy Of The Bodhisattvas…Sacred Code 811
-‐To Attract Blessings From The Magi……Sacred Code 554
-‐So That A Special Aid Arrives From The Karmic Board….Sacred Code 1654, 1756 and
1812. This Grace is permanent.
-‐To Seal their auras...Sacred Code 19-‐9-‐1913. Coming from the divine Light of the Planet
AGEON, and that seals their auras against the work that the Asintriones (Beings of the
Darkness) in you, your loved ones, and your benefactors. In this Code, in addition to
me, Mother Mary and Master Saint Germain participate.
-‐Pelleur….Sacred Code 315. Director of the earth element.
-‐Pyramid of Power (5th Dimension), Archangel Michael….Sacred Code 1515
-‐Portal of Ageon, Opening of the Portal….Sacred Code 1929216. this beautiful planet
it is located near Andromeda, and is the cradle of great Beings of Light. who uses this
Code with respect and honesty, you will enter La Escuela de Merlín located in the beautiful
Planet of Brown Light. Merlin himself with your consent will take you on the
nights to Ageon, to teach them Divine magic. And, as if that were not enough, those who have the honor
to be students of Merlin, they will dwell in the heart of Babaji, the great Immortal Yogi, who
he is an Incarnation of the Heavenly Father.
-‐Portal In Andromeda….Sacred Code 615
-‐Portal In The Pleiades….Sacred Code 219
-‐Oasibeth Portal….Sacred Code 147-‐62 (Opens the Oasibeth Portal, to receive the
help of all the Beings of Light existing in all the Universes):
-‐Portal of the Golden Feather….Sacred Code 1216. There is a Portal in the Pleiades,
called the Golden Feather Portal. We can open it by means of the Numerical Sacred Code
1216. When opening it, THE ACCELERATING ANGELS will come into action and in favor of us,
Sacred Code 2080. These Beings of Light, as the word says, will accelerate, speed up the
things so that we can achieve our goals in the shortest time possible. There are thousands of
people on the Planet who need the action of these Angels, because for various reasons
have been stuck and have not been able to achieve their dreams. The Soul has a plan, and if it doesn't
it can harm its evolutionary process. These Angels deliver the Soul from ruin, and
they remove karmic, personal and Cosmic obstacles.
-‐Plumita Gris (Daughter of the Ascended Master Águila Blanca and Melina. If you want to see miracles
call this family of light)….Sacred Code 68025
-‐Beneficial Luminous Presence….Sacred Code 310. We can ask the teacher Alexa
send us one of them to help us with everything. When you use this Number you will see
and you will feel the luminous presence next to you.
-‐Prophet Moses….Sacred Code 85012. Moses is the man entrusted by God to
free the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt and lead the Exodus to the Land
-‐Prophet Elijah….Sacred Code 52071. The same one you knew as John the
Baptist. He will knock on the doors of our hearts and those who open to him will obtain great
Benefits. Elijah arrives to help us make great changes (words from the Source). They
They are here ready to help you. It will be of great benefit to you to call them, through
of their codes.
-‐Prophet Eliseo….Sacred Code 844. He will do for you what you have not been able to do for yourself
-‐Ramtha (Ascended Master, the lord of the wind, his confidant)….Sacred Code 659. THE
Lord of the wind, his confidant. I AM Ramtha, "The Ram." In the ancient language of my
times means "the God." I am the Ram of the Hindu people, since I was the first man
born from the womb of the woman and from the genitals of the man who ascended from this plane.
-‐Opalescent Ray….Sacred Code 1919.
-‐Receive Energy From Mount Shasta….Sacred Code 523
-‐Receiving Gifts From John the Elder….Sacred Code 181. He is very close to the Mother
Mary and is possessor of great wisdom.
-‐King Solomon (This is a very high level Soul, you can ask him for wisdom and help in cases
that seem impossible)….Sacred Code 344
-‐Rosa Mystica….Sacred Code 6843. Our heavenly nurse.
-‐Ruth of Andromeda (receiving gifts from Ruth)….Sacred Code 2579
-‐Ruth from Andromeda tune in with her energy….Sacred Code 5600 (I will rinse the
tears from their eyes and comfort their souls. I am a faithful messenger of Mother Mary
for this hour) Cristina de Andrómeda and Ruth de Andrómeda: they are Messengers of The
Mother Mary, and since January 6, 2015 you are sending a powerful Energy to the
Planet. Visualize a golden cord coming out of your heart and connecting with the
hearts of Cristina and Ruth)….Sacred Code 49816
-‐Sai Baba (Ascended Master)….Sacred Code 8888 / 7194, 559 and 150.. I have come to
light the lamp
renewed shine.ofI have
love in their
not comehearts, toname
in the makeofeach
anyday shineI with
religion. have not come in any
publicity mission for any sect, creed or cause; I have not come to recruit followers
for no doctrine. I have no plans to attract disciples or devotees to my cause or to
no cause. I have come to speak to you about this unitary faith, about this spiritual principle, about
this way of love, of this virtue of love, of this duty of love, of this obligation of
to love. These Codes can be alternated to further extend Divine Mercy. The
who knows your needs, even before you ask me for them. The 559 is
an ascension accelerator, and the 150 is to help those who wish to contact
with nature.
-‐Saint Germain …….Sacred Code 523 (Ascended Master, also known as
Prince RAKOCZI, Chohan of the seventh Ray of Occult Ceremonial and Organized Magic that
creatively unifies spiritual purpose with the expressive forms of Nature.
Whoever takes refuge in his merciful heart will have nothing to fear. He is the father of
you here on Earth. It can be called in case of psychic aggression and advises
those who want to know what their mission is):
-‐Saint Germain …….Sacred Code 4444444 to receive special protection from the Master
Saint Germain): (For convenience it can be said: "Code seven fours").
-‐Salima……… Sacred Code 3946 It will be very useful for you to call SALIMA, the daughter of LEEN
of Ageon, I promise you will feel a great relief.
-‐Sanat Kumara……… Sacred Code 449. King of wisdom and learning, god of
war and chief commander of the gods. Master ascended elegance in the acts of him, to be of
generous heart. its function is to lead you.
-‐Salima de Ageón…….. Sacred Code 3946.
-‐Sara Daughter of Jesus…….. Sacred Code 61124. The one who gives them visible signs, and offers them
immediate help. I have come for you, especially those who do not know
feel loved, perceive love at all levels.
-‐Mr Ling ……..Holy Code 85012. God of Happiness. Even if chaos reigns, trust that
Divine Justice will act in your favor. I am Ling, the one who connects you with the happiness of the
Invisible Worlds.
-‐Lady Dawn, Divine Complement of Mr Ling ……..Holy Code 343.
-‐Lady Nada (Maria Magdalena)...Sacred Code 771. Goddess of transfiguration.
-‐Mr. Fun Wey, Mr. Ling's Assistant ……..Holy Code 418.
--Mr. Surya……… Sacred Code 64. Lord of Supreme Peace. Withdrawal: Island of Java-‐Polynesia.
-‐Lords of Time……… Sacred Code 55555/ 365365 (We have freed you from great
wrongs and we continue to do so. When reliable channels have announced situations
serious and these do not happen, it is because we intervene):
-‐Lord ormi-‐tas……… Sacred Code 679. Governor of the Violet Planet. grants great
benefits to those who work with The Violet Flame.
-‐Serapis Bey (Ascended Master)……… Sacred Code 68120. He came from Venus with the
Ancient of Days –Sanat Kumara– to rekindle the Sacred fire in the heart
of a rebellious humanity, to recover it and raise it like a flame of will,
determination and iron discipline.
-‐Simón……… Sacred Code 68116. I am Simón, a tutelary spirit, a lamp that
light up your steps
-‐Simón Bolívar……… Sacred Code 155. This being of light has a very high vibration
-‐Shiddarta connection….Sacred Code 52637 (I come to help you activate the gift of
clairvoyance, to those who frequently repeat the mantra "Namas Saddharma Pundarika
Sutra”, which translates as “Consecration to the White Lotus Flower”, I will send the twelve
wise men who work at my service. Each sage can make a wish daily. Me
I am Shiddhartha, the little Bodhisattva, a gift from the Buddha to the world)
-‐Shri Magra….Sacred Code 2626. He served as lord of the world, member of
the karmic board.
-‐Sri Yukteswar…..Sacred Code 804. Among the best disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya was
meets Shri Yukteswar who was also a married man. He was later widowed and
became a monk being known as Swami Yukteswar Giri. Shri Yukteswar was also a
eminent astrologer and created an astrological system called Cosmic Astrology. This system
establishes the relationship between the planets, the stars, stationaries, the signs of the zodiac and
the energy centers (chakras) located in the human body. This astrology is
both in direct relation to the practice of Kriya Yoga. Shri Yukteswar had numerous
brilliant disciples, including Swami Narayana Giri and Paramahansa
Yogananda. Read about Shri Yukteswar's meeting with Babaji at the Kumbha Mela at
Allahabad in January 1894.
-‐Syrian Sun (Blue ray). ….Sacred Code 021. It is the Solar Logos of the Star Sirius, it is the Lord
of Will and Cosmic Principle within the heart center of our Spiritual Sun
Central. Having this being among us represents a privilege, whose purpose is to accelerate the
evolution of the planet Earth that is backward and has to accelerate its process of
ascension, because it must straighten its axis and move to the orbit currently occupied by the planet
Venus. The Sirius Lord agreed to give his influence to Earth, at the request of our beloved
Planetary Logos and of the Beloved Alpha and Omega Sun Gods. Master El Morya accepted
to share with such a glorious being this influence in the Direction of this Ray. The thought
form of the beloved Sirius Lord is a gigantic crystal diamond with blue radiance, and his Key
Tonal is found within "Cosmos", by contemporary composer V Ángelis.
-‐Soo Shee….Sacred Code 26600. Destroyer of the ignorance that causes suffering.
I Am, the one who leads you to live in the serene regions of harmonic thought, and offers you
the treasure of compassion.
--Mr. Surya…… Sacred Code 64
-‐Three Wise Men….Sacred Code 554 (To attract blessings from The Wise Men)
(This number is very important and belongs to the 3 wise men. Those who have worked
in your Planetary Ascension to consciousness, it is very likely that you will not have to return here,
which is to say that this is his last life on earth. Luckily they will disincarnate
and they will return to their planets of origin to plan new adventures in other worlds,
but not on earth. These souls to which I allude are already from the Fifth Dimension, even though they are
currently on the planet like any other person. Code 554, gives you the latest
impulse to those who with the Quantum jump reached the Fifth Dimension. But it's also
very useful to those who are in the Fourth and Third Dimension, and wish to ascend. It's a code
liberator, a Code that connects with the profound Wisdom of the Ascended Masters The
Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal Kul, who incarnated as Melchor, Baltasar, and Gaspar
Kings we know. These Ascended Masters, by means of this Sacred Code,
They become guardian spirits of those who want to ascend. Through this Code,
the reception of the Energy that from Andromeda are
delivering Ruth and Cristina, since January 6.):
-‐Amira Sasak….Holy Code 2871. Lady Soo Shee's messenger. Her specialty is
remote influence. They will teach you a safe method to be free and close with a clasp
of gold his passage through the earth. She is a skilled telepathic therapist who will reveal great secrets to them.
-‐Gautama Buddha….Sacred Code 110. Cosmic Master of the seventh ray.
-‐Isama Kamura….Sacred Code 61263. She offers valuable help to those who practice
-‐Lord Muruga….Sacred Code 52574. I am Ganesha's brother and I can help you in
legal matters, business. To improve your health. I protect them from ill-intentioned people,
enemies and negative entities. You can also summon me when you do some business
(purchase, sale, exchange).
-‐Esther (Star) ….Sacred Code 430. She can be asked for protection against entities
that the master Jesus called “evil spirits”.
-‐Lord Maitreya….Sacred Code 5110. The new Messiah.
-‐Lord Kubera….Sacred Code 86. Called the lord of wealth.
-‐Lord Alpha….Sacred Code 1488. THE ONE Who reveals the love of the eternal father and leads them to
rest in the arms of the Divine Mother.
-‐Ascended Master Mataji….Sacred Code 799 / 294. Babaji's Divine Complement.
-‐Marta de Betania….Sacred Code 527. The friend of Jesus, sister of Lazarus. summon the
Marta's energy is to attract faith towards us. Gives the gift of faith, the ability to
to dare, to take risks. Whoever invokes her will feel her friendship and her sweetness.
-‐Marta Ruth….Sacred Code 68115. Sister of Jesus the Christ, the one who comes to comfort
their souls and to reveal to them their true and eternal truth.
-‐Ascended Master Kwan Yin….Sacred Code 286. Goddess or Mother of Mercy,
forgiveness and compassion.
-‐Lady Nada (Maria Magdalena) ….Sacred Code 771. Goddess of transfiguration. Me
I come to teach women to recover their true selves, to put an end to what you
they call "the war of the sexes", because man and woman are a sacred unit and must
work as a divine team. Member of the karmic board.
-‐Lady Rowena….Sacred Code 82137.
Chohan of the pink ray grants pure love, intelligence and truth. It also stimulates
-‐Lady Venus….Sacred Code 715. The one who teaches you true love, respect, and
-‐Lady Meta….Sacred Code 26.
-‐Lady Myriam….Sacred Code 521.
-‐Lady Althea….Sacred Code 820. She comes from the Planet Venus. She helps us clean
our aura here on Earth.
-‐Mother Sekhmet….Sacred Code 11129. "ASK ME for those things that you call difficult, to
me they are challenges and I like them"
Mother Sekhmet. The protector. Print my image and keep it close to her, I can endow her with
-‐Sara Daughter of Jesus….Sacred Code 61124. The one who gives them visible signs, and offers them a
immediate help. I have come for you, especially those who do not feel
Beloved ones, perceive love on all levels.
-‐Soo Shee….Sacred Code 26600. Destroyer of the ignorance that causes suffering.
offers you the treasure of compassion.
-‐Ascended Master Jesus….Sacred Code 41933. Jesus Christ claimed to be the “I AM”. He is he
God's personal name.
*Codes of the 12 companions on the way of Master Jesus
-‐Judas Tadeo….Sacred Code 16700 / 45600. He can be called to
abuse/despair/consolation/successful negotiations/real knowledge of Jesus.
-‐John the Beloved (or Elder) ….Sacred Code 334 / 425. May be called for: health and
prosperity/attacks on physical integrity/help to those who channel/release of
dangers/knowledge of Mother Mary.
-‐Santiago el Mayor….Sacred Code 16699. It can be called for: protection of the 5
physical senses/development of the power of the spoken word/aids to those who work in the
field of radiesthesia / accompanies on trips.
-‐James the Less….Sacred Code 16701. Grants peace around/gets good
friendships/helps do justice/attains success and skill in prayers.
-‐Felipe….Sacred Code 826. Helps to find a life partner/improves
human relationships/attracts healers and healing methods.
-‐Bartholomew….Sacred Code 576. Helps to shed old energy/releases false
beliefs/help to find healthy places with good vibrations.
-‐Pedro….Sacred Code 591. Can be called for: grants protection / increases faith.
Simon: 661. Get good relations with neighbors / grant a peaceful sleep and
repairer / helps people with skin problems.
-‐Tomás….Sacred Code 15573. It can be called to get rid of tricks and traps /
attracts Divine Mercy.
-‐Andrés….Sacred Code 8914. Helps improve family relationships / improves health
mental teaching people to have fun.
-‐Mateo….Sacred Code 212. Get Mentors in finances / teach the correct management
money / help with everything computer related.
-‐Matías….Sacred Code 21513. Grants hope / provides calm to whoever requests it.
-‐Legrashogua….Sacred Code 1596. He is one of the teachers of Jesus the Christ, who initiated it
in the wisdom of the arcana. Turn to him, and ask him to pass on the knowledge of him.
It is an entity in the Phoenix Nebula. Helps eliminate “symptoms” that entities
negative causes, such as diseases, illnesses, and desperate situations,
respiratory problems, intense cold, pain, fear, guilt, psychological aggression,
sexual dysfunctions, hostility of others towards you.
-‐Yogi Ramacharaca….Sacred Code 22233. The one that fills us with sublime vibrations and
invites us to know the mysteries of silence.
-‐Pablo The Venetian….Sacred Code 232. Chohan of the third ray, exponent of love
divine, beauty, dignity perfection of the ascended masters through all
expressions of life.
-‐Lanto….Sacred Code 111. He is a Chohan of the Second Ray. Master of sages and
philosophers, represents the divine qualities of illumination, discernment and understanding.
He firmly fixed the Threefold Flame in Him to teach us to achieve freedom through
-‐King Solomon….Sacred Code 344. Soul of the highest level, free from fear and ignorance.
Teaches how to solve difficult situations. They can ask for wisdom and help in cases that
seem impossible.
-‐Afra….Sacred Code 1613. African teacher who teaches how to travel through the different
-‐Djwhal Khul….Sacred Code 3720 / 5701. Djwal Khul is a master who comes from the
Tibet and deals specifically with the science of healing art. He works together with
Kuthumi and El Morya on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood as "universal teacher"
of the world.
-‐Master Phoenix Bird….Sacred Code 380. You will experience a profound and rapid
-‐White Eagle….Sacred Code 610. I suggest you visit the master's etheric retreat
ascended white eagle, those who do get ready for nice surprises. Perhaps
a beautiful little feather mysteriously appears, he loves doing this kind of
-‐Melina….Sacred Code 914. Divine complement of white eagle. call her so that
they can communicate promptly and easily with the Mother and Archangel Mary. Facilitates
communication with beings of light.
-‐Gray Feather….Sacred Code 68025. Daughter of a white eagle and Melina. if you want to see
miracles call this family of light.
-‐White Buffalo Woman….Sacred Code 3. I am a ray of incoming feminine energy, I
I am a gift for those who receive me, they will obtain through my love, faith, abundance, peace and
-‐Ascended Master Saint Gema Galgani….Sacred Code 665. Simulate that you have a
great faith, and act as if it were so.
-‐Babaji….Sacred Code 225 / 997 / 125. These Codes can be alternated to extend
even more Divine Mercy. I am Babaji your eternal protector I am a source of power and
light whoever comes to me I will not reject him I am the father who comes down to his children to give them
support and rewards.
-‐Ascended Master Dr. Gregorio Hernández….Sacred Code 694. Master of lightning
healing green, born in Venezuela. He commands a group of green lightning angels.
-‐Ascended Master José: ….Sacred Code 389 / 418 / 927 / 167 /106. He was in charge
by God to instruct him in the knowledge of religion and to prepare him to face
events to come, to teach him about the transmutation of karma, the
violet flame and mercy towards others.
-‐El Morya….Sacred Code 522. He is a great defender in case of psychic attacks. its great
decree is the light of God never fails.
-‐Guru Padmasambhava….Sacred Code 2690. Founder of the Tibetan school of
Nyingma Buddhism and the inner tantras.
-‐Ganesha….Sacred Code 46429. The destroyer of obstacles, the one who opens paths.
-‐Hilarión….Sacred Code 2631. Emerald green lightning with you, always in service,
whoever calls me will find me. Green healing ray in all aspects of being.
-‐Kuthumi….Sacred Code 521 / 571. It is in charge of cleaning our subconscious of
unnecessary burdens that make life more difficult and heavy. When we invoke this
teacher we feel renewed.
-‐Melchizedek….Sacred Code 11614. The one that helps them feel safe. This being can
be called in case of psychic attacks. Put in their hands some situation that
dislike, and he will help you.
-‐Merlin….Sacred Code 477965. To connect with me and attract your desires.
To tune into my energy. By means of this Code the magician who lives in
each one of you.
-‐Paramahansa Yogananda….Sacred Code 272829. Babaji told him that he was the chosen one for
spread the message of kriya yoga in the west. One of the keys to Kriya Yoga is
Frequent repetition of the name of God.
-‐Maharishi M.Yogi….Sacred Code 425. Made available in today's world The
Knowledge of Transcendental Meditation.
-‐Lao-‐Tsé….Sacred Code 62115. An old friend who speaks to you in silence. he will
considered one of the most relevant philosophers of Chinese civilization. He is credited with having
written the Tao Te Ching, essential work of Taoism.
-‐Lahiri Mahasaya….Holy Code 244. Same as ascended master Paramahansa
Yogananda, Babaji told him that he was the one chosen to spread the message of kriya yoga in
West. One of the keys to Kriya yoga is the frequent repetition of God's name.
-‐Ramtha….Sacred Code 659. The Lord of the wind, his confidant. I AM Ramtha, "The
RAM". In the ancient language of my time it means "the God." I am the Ram of the people
Hindu, since I was the first man born from the womb of the woman and from the genitals of the
man who ascended from this plane.
-‐Sai Baba….Sacred Code 8888 / 7194. I have come to light the lamp of love in
your hearts, to make each day shine with renewed brilliance. I have not come in
name of any religion. I have not come on any publicity mission for any
sect, creed or cause; nor have I come to recruit followers for any doctrine. I have not
plans to attract disciples or devotees to my cause or to any cause. I have come to talk to you
of this unitary faith, of this spiritual principle, of this path of love, of this virtue of
love, of this duty of love, of this obligation to love.
-‐Serapis Bey….Sacred Code 68120. He came from Venus with the Ancient of Days –Sanat
Kumara – to rekindle the Sacred fire in the heart of a rebellious humanity,
to recover it and raise it like a flame of will, determination and iron discipline.
-‐Confucius….Sacred Code 2615. Whoever turns to me will obtain wisdom. my greatest pleasure
it is service, and this translates into a simple but profound word: giving.
-‐Saint Germain….Sacred Code 523. Whoever takes refuge in his merciful heart, will not
will have nothing to fear. He is your father here on earth. He can be called on
case of psychic aggression, and advises those who wish to know what their mission is.
-‐Sanat Kumara….Holy Code 449. King of wisdom and learning, god of war
and chief commander of the gods. Ascended master elegance in his acts, being of generous
heart. its function is to lead you.
-‐ Summon The Seven Kumaras: 4497.
-‐Amado Nervo….Sacred Code 621. Mexican poet.
-‐Blana….Sacred Code 337755. I am the aspect of the great cosmic Civina Mother, as
shield use the great quadruple light (white, orange, violet and green light) that together arises the
word "blanivive". With this Sacred Code your bitterness will be healed, your victory
insured and her tears wiped away.
-‐Bruce Lee….Sacred Code 487. If the ingredient of faith is absent, no dream will
complies, nothing is casual in the fabric of existence, and infinity smiles at those who believe in
the impossible.
-‐Chico Xavier(Medium)….Sacred Code 167.
-‐Jaime, brother of Jesus and Martha Ruth….Sacred Code 68114. Like the Mother
Maria has a general Code, but uses other Codes in her dedications or aspects.
-‐Divine Mercy….Sacred Code 7/2033. Advocation of the beloved master Jesus. Their
etheric retreat is on the planet Oasibeth where God is autonomous and the laws of the
-‐Mozart….Sacred Code 86. Composer and pianist. Regarded as one of the musicians
most influential and prominent in history.
-‐Dattatreya….Sacred Code 591. “I am Dattatreya, the incarnation of the Holy Trinity
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, he who promptly answers the prayers of the poor and
-‐Forceti….Sacred Code 1579. He is a heavenly lawyer who can be called in matters
legal and conflict resolution. As Green Tara, and the planetary genius Bethor, answer
-‐Lahiri Mahasaya….Sacred Code 244. Chosen by Babaji to spread kriya yoga.
-‐Juan El Egipcio….Sacred Code 836. I belonged to the Egyptian priestly lineage and received from
the Atlanteans, a ring that you know as "the Atlantean ring." That was the gift
I left humanity. I am heir to Atlantean wisdom, a revealer of mysteries
-‐The 3 Kings….Sacred Code 554. This Code gives the last impulse to those who
with the quantum leap they reached the fifth dimension, but it is also very useful to those who
they are in fourth and third dimension, and wish to ascend. It is a liberating Code, which
connect with the profound wisdom of the ascended masters el Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal
Kul, who incarnated as Melchor, Baltasar, and Gaspar, the kings we know. They
they become guardian spirits of those who want to ascend. Through this Code,
will notably facilitate the reception of the energy that is being delivered from Andromeda
Ruth and Cristina, since January 6.
-‐Pablo De Tarso….Sacred Code 2631. One of the incarnations of Master Hilarión.
-‐Padre Pio….Sacred Code 4447. He was the first priest to have printed on his
body the signs of the crucifixion. He exerted himself with all his might for the salvation of the
souls. His providential intercessions with God were for many men cause
of healing in the body and reason for rebirth in the Spirit.
Prophet Moses: 85012. (Lord Ling as he is known, is an Ascended Being (Master) whose
particular Divine Virtue is Happiness. Her Flame color is bright gold.) Moses is the
man entrusted by God to liberate the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt and
lead the Exodus to the Promised Land.
-‐Lady Dawn (sr ling's divine complement): ….Sacred Code 343.
-‐ Sr Fun Wey (sr ling's assistant) ….Sacred Code 418.
-‐Prophet Elijah….Sacred Code 52071. The same one that you knew as John the
Baptist. He will knock on the doors of our hearts and those who open to him will obtain great
Benefits. Elijah arrives to help us make great changes (words from the Source).
-‐Prophet Eliseo….Sacred Code 844. He will do for you what you have not been able to do for yourself
-‐Parvati….Sacred Code 499. The mother of Muruga and Ganesha. She is Shakti reincarnated.
-‐Pelleur….Sacred Code 315. Director of the earth element.
-‐Siddharta….Sacred Code 52637. I come to help you activate the gift of
clairvoyance. To those who frequently repeat the mantra "namas saddharma pundarika
sutra", which translates "consecration to the white lotus flower", I will send the twelve sages
who work for me. Each sage can make a wish daily. I am
siddhartha, the little bodhisattva, a gift from the buddha to the world.
-‐Simon….Sacred Code 68116. A tutelary spirit, a lamp that illuminates his steps.
-‐The Bodhisattvas….Sacred Code 811. To attract their mercy.
-‐Avalokiteshvara….Sacred Code 696. He is the bodhisattva of compassion.
-‐Marcoam….Sacred Code 516. Open the doors of the psychological prisons of those who
They suffered sexual abuse in their childhood.
-‐Ceferino Namuncur….Sacred Code 1615. Young Argentine Salesian Blessed
Mapuche and Chilean.
-‐Cristina….Sacred Code 568. The one that indicates the mystical path of Shambala to open
the doors of Shambala and connect them with the Buddhas of light.
-‐Nichiren daishonin….Sacred Code 113. Buddhist monk of the XIII century in Japan.
-‐Nirmala Sundari….Sacred Code 504. Known in India as the most perfect flower.
-‐Lord Surya….Sacred Code 64. Lord of Supreme Peace. Withdrawal: Island of Java-‐Polynesia.
-‐Lord Maha Chohan….Sacred Code 504.
-‐Shri Magra….Sacred Code 2626. He served as lord of the world, member of
the karmic board.
-‐Shri Yukteswar….Sacred Code 804. Revered and Wise Yogi and Swami of India, whose
mission was to transmit to the West the ancient science of Kriya Yoga.
ABSENT, NO DREAM IS FULFILLED, nothing is accidental in the fabric of existence, and the
infinity smiles at those who believe in the impossible. And what is more unfortunate, it goes through
life in a mediocre way and without using the talents of the soul. There will be some who will read
this message, and it will seem impossible to believe. This light that I offer will reach the
BELIEVE IN MAGIC AND IN THE LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE. Nothing is accidental in the plot of the
-‐Carlos Jung….Sacred Code 91. "Your vision will be clear, only when you look inside
your own heart."
-‐Ceferino Namuncura….Sacred Code 1615. THE BLESSED Ceferino Namuncurá was a young
Argentine Salesian aspiring to the priesthood, of Mapuche and Chilean origins.
-‐ Chico Xavier (Medium)….Sacred Code 167
-‐Commander Juliano De Arcturus….Sacred Code 15415
-‐Conny Mendes….Sacred Code 1229. Writer, actress, painter but, above all, teacher
metaphysics, Conny Méndez was well known for her work disseminating philosophy
transcendental throughout the world, being the founder of the Saint Germain Brotherhood.
--Confucius…. Sacred Code 2615. Whoever turns to me will obtain wisdom. my greatest pleasure
is the Service, and this translates into a simple but profound word: GIVE.
-‐David Hawkins ….Sacred Code 868. Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy 1927-‐2012, was
director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, and Founder of the Path of Devotion
to Non-Duality.
He is a renowned pioneering researcher in the field of consciousness, as well as a prolific
author, lecturer, psychiatrist and scientist. I serve as an advisor to parishioners
Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries.
-‐Dr. Alexis Carrel….Sacred Code 929. Physician and writer, author of the phrase "The dowsing
can save the world." If one wants to make accurate readings with the pendulum, and succeed
in this field, he is the best Mentor you can have.
-‐Dr. Alfred Adler….Sacred Code 38127. Helps to develop the value of solidarity,
It manifests in dreams and helps in overcoming all kinds of complexes.
-‐Dr. David Stone….Sacred Code 711. He was one of the most influential teachers
spiritual leaders and forerunners of our time. He had a Ph.D. in Psychology-‐
Transpersonal. He presented inspired ideas, such as the fight for "full spectrum consciousness
integrated prism.
-‐Dr. Eduardo Bach (Flower essences)….Sacred Code 21700. Scholar in essences
flowers for healing the body and mind.
-‐Dr. Henry Agrippa (1486-‐1535.) ….Sacred Code 891. German Physician and Diplomat, a
true Wizard of Light. A scholar, a relevant figure and an extraordinary writer.
Expert in Numerology and Philosophy. Thanks to him we have the knowledge of the Geniuses
Planetaries. Despite being a man linked to important figures of his time,
he was accused of magic by the bold ignorance of that time. He is one of the Mentors
I recommend the most together with Dr. Paul Jagot, because for Agrippa the goal of the magician is the
encounter with God. A self-respecting magician admires Agrippa and works with him.
-‐Dr. Erick Fromm….Sacred Code 72515 (While he was incarnated as well as a writer
Remarkably, he was an expert in the field of psychoanalysis. if any of you want to learn
to know himself and to have the help of a great therapist, Erick Fromm will advise him
in dreams and help you solve your own problems. It will also put you in touch
with therapies and therapists
-‐Dr. Francisco Antonio Mesmer….Sacred Code 58179. He was born in 1733 in Itznang on the shores
of Lake Constance. He is considered the forerunner of Hypnotism. His graduate thesis on
medicine was entitled, The Planetary Influence on the Human Body. He held that the stars,
the sun and the moon exert an influence on the human organism by means of an energy
which he called Animal Magnetism. It can be said that Mesmer was the first of the
Modern Psychologists and the first Therapist. His healings were extraordinary. in 1815
dies in a German Duchy of Swabia. May 23 marks the date of his
-‐Dr. Frederick Bailes….Sacred Code 1214 (1889 -‐ 1970) He was a distinguished physician, author
of excellent works, among which stands out: Hidden Power for Human Problems. In
This work narrates the miraculous way in which he himself was cured of an "incurable" illness. Together
with Joseph Murphy, William Parker, and Gregg Braden, have pioneered the Methods
Healing through Scientific Prayer. His famous phrase. WHAT COUNTS IS WHAT
WHAT YOU DO, NOT HOW YOU FEEL, has made you a respectable and deeply
-‐Dr. Joseph Murphy….Sacred Code 55533 (he was an authority in the field of the mind and
wrote more than 30 books. He was a scholar. Whoever wants to develop his potential to the fullest and
live a successful life, you will achieve it with the help of this great counselor. "If the legs are cut off
a crab grows new legs. If a man believed that he could grow a
leg, an arm or a finger, you could experience your conviction, because everything is possible with
-‐Dr. José Gregorio Hernández….Sacred Code 694. Ascended Master of the Green Ray of
healing, born in Venezuela. He commands a Group of Green Lightning Angels.
-‐Dr. Maxwell Maltz….Sacred Code 22174 (plastic surgeon, through this number
will receive your help and will be able to make changes in their "self-image", which will result in the
improvement of self-esteem and well-being):
-‐Dr. Mikao Usui… .Holy Code 1515. He was the founder of a supposed system of
natural harmonization called Reiki
-‐Dr. Paracelsus …… Sacred Code 688. It said: "Whatever the object of your FAITH, you
you will always get the same results." Swiss doctor of great wisdom and with high
knowledge of Magic. It helps to have confidence, to listen to the inner voice, to stay
at a safe distance from people with bad vibrations, to have solidarity with our
fellow men, to eliminate pessimism and ideas of poverty.
-‐Dr. Paul Clement Jagot (1889-‐1962 was born and lived in Paris.)….Sacred Code 73 His work
literature has had influence throughout the world. The wonderful books of his have Code
Sacred healed and helped thousands of souls. He was an expert in the fields of hypnosis,
psychology, astrology, magnetism, suggestion, the occult sciences, magic and all
the areas related to self-control and self-improvement. if any of you
works with hypnosis, Paul Jagot will be a wonderful mentor. He can teach you how to apply
hypnosis successfully and honestly, as he did while on earth. Can be
undoubtedly the best of teachers and will receive signs and illumination from this man. who know
puts under his protection always has courage, audacity, and confidence.
-‐Dr. Williams James… .Sacred Code 411. He was one of the most notable Psychologists of the Century
Twenty. Writer, Professor, and researcher in the fields of Medicine, Philosophy, and
Psychology. “If you want to change your life: Do it immediately. Do it radically. Without
exceptions, no excuses.”
-‐Dr. William Parker….Sacred Code 380.This Code will free whoever uses it from fear,
guilt, feelings of inferiority and hatred. Who wants to know in depth the work
of Dr. Parker, a book written by him is recommended, called "The Prayer in the
Psychotherapy." This great researcher and teacher says that when we pay too much
attention to some symptom, it tends to perpetuate itself.
-‐ Dr. Víctor Frankl….Sacred Code 51527. (Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist. Through
this number, they will find meaning in their lives, their hopes will be reborn and they will solve
many psychological problems). Fear and distrust in the future are disastrous mothers
of all failures, they attract bad influences and with them disaster. For the moment
in which we live I consider him very useful as a mentor, he is a great being.
-‐Eileen Caddy ….Sacred Code 980. She was a spiritual teacher and author of the new age
He wrote the book-‐the inner voice-‐ among others.
-‐Guru Gobinda….Sacred Code 11577. Guru Gobinda (1666-‐ 1708). He was a warrior of
sublime compassion, abolished slavery in India. He was a heroic leader who overcame many
obstacles. This mentor helps by giving strength, favors those who like to write,
he was a scholar. His Mantras are excellent and whoever asks for his help will remove negativity.
by means of his Cosmic Sword. He gives signs to whoever calls him. Never believe yourself alone
weak, because there are powerful armies behind you, which you cannot even dream of.
-‐Guru Padmashambava….Sacred Code 2690
-‐Harry Houdini…….. Sacred Code 3314. When the famous magician Houdini was about to
of "dying", his wife asked him: Can you reveal to me what is the secret of your magic? The magician
He replied: THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE. He started his career in the year 1882
as trapeze artist. Later he would become famous for his magic shows. With a
uncanny ability to free himself from handcuffs, padlocked trunks, and chains of any kind.
Type. He left his library of magic, one of the most valuable in the world, to the Library of the
Congress. His works include The Unmasking of Robert-‐Houdin.
Unmasking of Robert-‐Houdin, 1908), The Miracle Workers and Their Methods (1920) and A
magician among the spirits (1924). In 1954 a selection of Houdini's writings was published.
on Magic (Houdini talks about magic).
-‐Helen Keller….Sacred Code 322. She turned with a tremendous force of will into
a world famous speaker and author. She set up the fight for the sensorially
the world's disabled as his life's goal. In 1915, he founded Helen Keller
International (Helen Keller International), a non-profit organization for the
prevention and treatment of blindness. "Do not let yourself be dejected or intimidated, although
experience loneliness, helplessness, fear, sadness, boredom... Convince yourself:
your life is in the best hands, those of God.”
Finally, I leave you with a sentence from him: “I know that my time is short – I finished the work that
I came to do and now I'm ready to go. I know I will not return to this three dimensional world
again, but I have kept my promise. As to where I'm going, I'll meet them
there just as I have known them here, because we are all brothers in infinite love
-‐Nichiren Daishonin….Sacred Code 113. Mentor of happiness. He taught us a lesson
deep life. She first invoked NAM-‐MYOHO-‐RENKE-‐KYO and inscribed her
enlightenment in GOHONZON, it enables us to reveal our Buddha nature
-‐Nikola Tesla….Sacred Code 108. He is one of the most influential figures in the history of
Science and technology. Tesla's dream was to get free energy for everyone,
and also sent wirelessly. This clashed head-on with the aspirations
economic power and energy monopolies, which saw their business in danger.
-‐ Father Mario Pantaleo …….. Sacred Code 94.
-‐Padre Pio….Sacred Code 4447. He was the first priest to have printed on his
body the signs of the crucifixion. He exerted himself with all his might for the salvation of the
souls. His providential intercessions with God were for many men cause
of healing in the body and reason for rebirth in the Spirit.
-‐Pythagoras….Sacred Code 1354 and 72515. I am Pythagoras, the one who invites you to surrender
to their Divine missions without question, and right now. Greek philosopher and mathematician. Although his
name is linked to the Pythagorean theorem and the school he founded gave a
important impetus to the development of mathematics in ancient Greece, the relevance of
Pythagoras also reaches the field of the history of ideas. (I'm knocking on the door of
their hearts, to give them the possibility of understanding something that is hidden. No one
can escape the Numbers, they are Law in the Universe. With these Sacred Code you
they access vibrations that they could not otherwise capture. That's why we are
transmitting. I come to you by The Law of Attraction, not by chance. about me there is
many untruths have been written, so be careful when you study biographies
about me. Some weak minds have tried to discredit me. I want to be him
Teacher of whoever called me. I was and am a servant of humanity. the work i started
on earth, I have continued it where I am. As above, so below, Hermes told them. Down
there are schools, upstairs too. Downstairs they study, upstairs too. I am a very
Spiritual, and I am honored to be a part of the Spiritual Mentoring Program. In Myself
time, he made a lot of emphasis on "don't talk about what you don't know". Translated to your current time
It is related to the saying "ignorance is daring". By Law of Attraction and Hermetic Law,
receive a mentor very similar to you from the psychological point of view, which
It will make things much easier, creating harmony in the bond. This is the law of affinity, always
We are looking for people similar to us, with the same tastes and interests. I am
Pythagoras, the one who invites you to surrender to your Divine missions without hesitation, and right now.)
There are people who do not know the functioning of the Universe, or Mathematics, or
Geometry, and yet they talk about all this superficially and quite
unfortunate and disrespectful. I love to teach, and I love numbers, so I get
lovingly to those who want to be my honest students, from whom you can learn
very useful stuff. In honor of brevity, I will not expand on the explanation, so that
who wants to know more, investigate on your own)
-‐Ramacharaca….Sacred Code 22233. He was a messenger of Light born in India to the
apparently in 1799. He devoted his entire life to seeking wisdom. With the passing of the years,
He passed on his profound knowledge to his Disciple Baba Bharata. shortly before
disembodied in Ramacharaca, asked Baba to take the acquired knowledge to
-‐Rudolf Steiner ….Sacred Code 2570. Steiner sought to discover a method that
allow us to grasp the hidden and superior realities, and fixed its terms in a work of
1909, How knowledge of the superior worlds is achieved. According to said
theory, "Hellsehen" (clear vision) can be reached through meditation exercises that
give place in man to "lotus flowers" and make possible the knowledge of the past of the
world. Austrian philosopher, literary scholar, educator, artist, playwright, social thinker
and eye doctor.
-‐ Simón Bolívar….Sacred Code 155. This being has a very high vibration.
-‐Swami Panchadasi….Sacred Code 1594. These 3 Masters serve to protect us from
embodied and disembodied karmic enemies, they are protectors against revenge
karmic. They are also an effective aid against energy vampires. They help us to
heal the Aura and strengthen it. They are Masters in the Art of psychic influence, Telepathy,
Clairvoyance and many other Psychic phenomena. This Mentor, very close to the Yogi
Ramacharaca, will be able to teach us all the art of visualization, concentration, Yoga,
and the knowledge of our Inner Faculties. Finally I want you to notice something:
Baba Bharata: 1+0+9+9= 19. Swami Panchadasi: 1+5+9+4= 19. In the note I published on
on December 21 a few hours ago, observe the Codes of Merlin and The Source. Marline:
0+0+9+9+1= 19. The Source: 8+8+3= 19. The action of The Beloved Energy is clearly noticeable
of Number 19 acting in our favor in these days of grace. nothing happens for
-‐William James….Sacred Code 411 If you raise your spirit there will be no evil that can touch you,
The only enemy you need to fear is yourself
The Elohim
The Elohim are powerful Beings of Love and Light who responded to the invitation of the Sun of
this System and offered to help manifest the Divine Idea for the System,
creating in the minds and hearts of our Beloved Helios and Vesta, God and Goddess of
our physical Sun.
Through the ages, they learned to successfully use the creative powers of
thought, feeling, spoken word, and action, as God intended them to be
used from the beginning. The Elohim drew forth our entire System in
perfect manifestation, of which the Earth is just one of the smallest planets.
-‐Elohim Acthrurus….Sacred Code 522. They are the Elohim of the seventh ray (the violet ray)
freedom, ritual, invocation, transmutation, transcendence, mercy, and
of the desire to renew all things by applying the laws of alchemy. ME
I AM the Elohim of invocation and rhythm, who brings you and all life, through the
Use of Violet Fire.
Infinite release when you want it bad enough! I AM He Who answers the
call of the heartbeat of any individual when that heart, deep and
sincerely, from within himself, he wants to release the life that has become a
bondage giving him the liberation of the disease, of the lack, of the fear and the limitation of
all kinds and description.
-‐Elohim Orion….Sacred Code 25600. They are the Elohim of the third ray (the pink ray) of love
divine, omnipresence, compassion, charity, and the desire to be God in action
through the love of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.
-‐Elohim Cassiopeia….Sacred Code 318 . They are the Elohim of the second ray (yellow color-‐
gold) of wisdom, omniscience, understanding, enlightenment, and
desire to know God through the mind of the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity.
-‐Elohim Clarity (white ray) ….Sacred Code 724 They are the Elohim of the fourth ray (the
white ray) of purity, perfection, hope, and integrity. is the flame
of the Mother and the ascension flame, the desire to know and be God through purity
of body, mind and soul by the consciousness of the Divine Mother that encompasses the laws
that govern all manifestation on the earthly plane.
-‐Elohim Hercules….Sacred Code 521. They are the Elohim of the first ray (the blue ray) of the
power, of perfection, of the will of God, of faith, and of divine direction. the desire of
devotees of this ray is to fulfill the will of God through the power of the father, the
first person of the trinity. When the fiat "Let there be light: and there was light" was proclaimed,
and God ordered the creation of Matter from the Spirit, it was Hercules who summoned
the mighty Elohim and the builders of form to precipitate the divine plan of the
sun logo.
Tranquility….Sacred Code 0129. They are the Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple ray
and gold) of peace, of brotherhood, of the true ministry of the Christ, and of the desire to
serve God and man through the mastery of the Christ consciousness. (This great Being
grants that inner peace so necessary today)
-‐Elohim Vista….Sacred Code 52911 / 280 (the watchful eye of God). They are the Elohim of the fifth
ray (the green ray) of truth, healing, constancy, and the desire to precipitate
God's abundance through the immaculate concept of the Holy Virgin. these flames
twins maintain the focus of the all-seeing eye of God and the purity of the
precipitation, and help humanity and elemental life forms to precipitate
abundance of the Spirit of God towards its manifestation in form. He is the one who rules all
the activities of the vision, is the All-Seeing-Eye-of-God for this system. Your activity
primordial is Concentration, Consecration and action, but it also has the quality
Healing, just like Crystal.
Divine Complements of the Elohim
-‐ Angelica (Divine Complement of the Elohim Orion) ….Sacred Code 12500.
-‐Amazonia (Divine Complement of the Elohim Hercules) ….Sacred Code 632
-‐Astrea (Divine complement Elohim Clarity (purity)….Sacred Code 323.
-‐ Diana (Divine complement Elohim Arcturus) ….Sacred Code 529
Genie Codes
The Planetary Geniuses are Beings of Light that helped Aladdin in his time. Of them I have
received invaluable help and beautiful signs. I sincerely hope that you
also receive many blessings from them. They are for me the Mercy of God in
Action. There is a Genie for each day of the week.
-‐Monday (Genius Phul) ….Sacred Code 1004. Governs the affairs of the Moon, heals the
Dropsy and grants Undines (fairies of fresh water) that help us in a visible way). Angel
of purity. It is invoked for Learning, Mentalization, the Feminine, and Prophecy. Color
-‐Tuesday (Phaleg Genius) ….Sacred Code 62987. Governs the affairs of Mars, bestows
peace and helps manage and control the ego). Angel of simplicity. Summoned for Victories.
Red color.
-‐Wednesday (Genius Ophiel) ….Sacred Code 1008. Governs the affairs of Mercury,
Teaches all arts and bestows familiar spirits. Angel of Activity. is invoked for
Oratory and loquacity. Color blue.
-‐Thursday (Genius Bethor) ….Sacred Code 1010. Governs the affairs of Jupiter, bestows
Sylphs of Light that give us correct answers. Provides miracle drugs. I know
you can request familiar spirits for the needs we have. angel of the
moderation. It is invoked as an intercessor for speakers and conductors of large masses. Color
-‐Friday (Genius Hagith)….Sacred Code 1012. Governs the affairs of Venus, bestows the
beauty and good things, also gives familiar spirits to commend
specific missions. Angel of Nobility. It is invoked for Love in all its facets. Color
-‐Saturday (Genius Aratron) ….Sacred Code 1014. Governs the affairs of Saturn, teaches
magic, physics and alchemy. Grants familiar spirits for specific matters and
also grants us the friendship of the Pygmies of Light, this is one of the Geniuses that
They helped Aladdin. Aladdin's story is real.
-‐Army of Aratron….Sacred Code 388
-‐Sunday (Genius Och): 1016. Governs the affairs of the Sun, teaches medicine, wisdom
and give money. He has at his service 36,536 spirits and sends them according to the needs
each. Angel of Serenity. It is invoked for Abundance and Honor. Color Yellow or
Fairy Kingdom
-‐The Fairy Kingdom We are protecting the environment and all resources
natural we want to meet you in the parks, the meadows, and the trees.
We are very healing and happy we can take away the fear of your souls come out to meet us
without delay and we will manifest our magic to them. We want to heal Mother Earth. CREATE,
Although they cannot see us at first, if they believe in us, they give us strength and we will reveal to them
their talents. We know the hearts of men and we can make them happier.
we will help produce miracles and heal and improve their lives. Then find the areas
natural and start conversations with us if they ask for help will never be denied and
They will have the life they always dreamed of.
-‐Contact with the Fairies……… Sacred Code 5510
-‐Fairy Slime……. Sacred Code 515. They help us in everything.
-‐Fairy Julia ……Sacred Code 2515. They help us in everything.
-‐Paradise Fairy……. Sacred Code 580. She is the one who keeps your dreams standing. she infuses you
encouragement, courage and hope and leave signs on your paths.
-‐Fire fairies……. Sacred Code 2715.
-‐Fairies of Oasibeth……. Sacred Code 33399. We want to be friends with men and with
women who have dropped out are fun and we are present in nature and
in the countryside.
-‐Sybila A Fairy Of The Divine Source……. Holy Code 3330. I oversee a legion of
consciousnesses of light, which you call "orbs". I am a fairy of the Divine Source,
who knows many secrets.
Dolphin Kingdom
-‐Angel Andel……. Sacred Code 447. Divine messenger of the kingdom of the dolphins.
-‐Ángel Nahumiel (of the white dolphins)……. Sacred Code 904. It helps us to have faith in
the divine plan and announces favorable winds.
Fantastic Beings
-‐Pegasus……. Sacred Code 00315 A swift and faithful protector. I can be of help to
you, enlightening you so that you can detect evil in a specific case. one of my attributes
is promptness. I am an accelerator of situations. If you like to write, I can be one
valuable intuitive light.
-‐Kingdom of the Unicorns… …. Holy Code 14147
-‐Unicorns……Sacred Code 7
-‐Ule the Unicorn…..Sacred Code 216. Ule the unicorn defends against attacks
psychics A messenger from the seventh dimension. Each Soul is assigned a Unicorn.
Etheric Retreats
What are they and how to travel to the Etheric Retreats?
How to Prepare for Soul Travel.
You can travel to etheric retreats while your body sleeps at night. It's a good one
idea to avoid heavy food in the hours before sleep so that the functions of the body
may be at rest and the soul may more easily ascend to higher octaves.
It's also best to avoid movies or TV shows that are violent and negative.
in the hours before sleep.
These can take the soul to lower levels of consciousness instead of higher levels.
elevated from the etheric plane. The place where we meet before sleeping many times
determines where we go.
A Prayer to go to the Retreats And the most important thing is to “make the call”, simply
ask to be taken by Archangel Michael to the retreat closest to you or to any retreat that
Make this call every night, and watch as the angels will carry you quickly,
dressed in your subtle bodies, to the classrooms of the ascended masters, to learn
important lessons for the soul.
Father, in your hands I entrust my spirit. Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Being
Christic, I invoke Archangel Michael and his legions of blue lightning angels to
protect and transport my soul clothed in your subtle bodies to the master's retreat
promoted _____________________on ____________________tonight.
Escort me, instruct me, guide me and protect me as I work to free the entire
life on earth. I ask that this be fulfilled according to the holy will of God.
Which Retreat and When?
The Royal Teton Retreat is the premier retreat for newcomers and a good place
to begin your conscious experiments with the journey to retreats.
Some people have asked what happens if they live in different time zones and are
awake while others sleep and visit the retreats. Will classes be missed? The
answer is no. Withdrawals operate twenty-four hours a day in another dimension of time
and space.
You may want to keep a notebook by your bed and write down impressions or ideas.
that come to you when you wake up. Do not complicate the visit to the Etheric Retreats. The only one that
What they have to do is tell their soul moments before going to sleep: Take me to the Etheric Retreat
The day after the visit, they call their Soul (Sacred Code 4500000) and the Being of Light that
have visited, If you stay tuned, you will receive very valuable information.
How to visit an Etheric Retreat?
The only thing they have to do is tell their Soul moments before going to sleep: Take me to the
Etheric Retreat of... (Being of Light)
The day after the visit, they call their Soul (Sacred Code 4500000) and the Being of Light that
have visited. If you remain attentive, you will receive very valuable information.
How does the information arrive? Usually through thoughts, feelings,
impulses, intuitions, hunches, dreams and signals.
Greetings Friends,
I think that the easiest way to go to the etheric retreats of the Beings of Light is by reciting the
Code 4500000 is the Soul Code. With this Code we draw the attention of our
soul. And we ask our Soul to take us to such an Etheric Retreat... or to take us to the
Etheric Retreat that best suits us that night… And it will.
Then in the morning upon awakening, let us recite the Code of the Being of Light or Etheric Retreat to which
we went, this will allow us to remember something of the blessing we received while part of
we were there.
Sleep with a notebook and pencil, it is necessary.
Because our "dream time" memories tend to fade as we age.
we incorporate the state of "awake physical body" and when writing and intending-‐remember
our "sleep time" we are doing an exercise that will lead us to remember each
more and more of that our "sleep time". In the spiritual field much or everything is done
with the intention "
By Agesta.
for years. Whoever feels unwanted or rejected will find in Chamuel the best
friend and confidant: 725
Archangel Uriel Etheric Retreat
Sacred Code 4 and 411. The key to the material world is held by Uriel. We must turn to him
all matters related to our body.
This Archangel is the master of manifestation. He is the one to help us do
our wishes come true.
He is very close to us, and can be our partner in the work that each one of us has.
We must ask him for the ability to put into practice all the channels and notes
that I have shared with you.
Uriel opens paths and shows us countless ways to achieve our goals.
Whoever has problems with the physical body will find Uriel a great help. There are people
who do not like their physical shape or appearance, others feel exhausted, stiff, or
paralyzed, and others are disconnected from the material world. Here in these cases appears
Uriel's magic, like a balm for these sorrowful Souls.
Uriel teaches you to retrain the will on the physical plane. If you could hear him, he would tell you: "Think
strong in what you do.” This means committing to a more sensory life:
Colors, objects, lights, sounds, visual, auditory, and tactile sensations.
Uriel wants you to enjoy the bodily experience.
This Archangel is our best company in the material world. So they can ask
health, money, friendships, and success. Uriel's signs are miraculous and unforgettable.
He is in charge of matters related to sexuality and takes care of the body
physical. His presence is intensely felt. His Divine Complement is the Archangel
Upon returning from the Etheric Retreat of this wise Being, you will feel in your soul the sweetness and well-being
of the Archangel Grace her Divine Complement. Grace is beautiful and loving, you can
call her with the Sacred Code 996.
The Gem that connects you with the energy of Uriel and Grace is the White Opal. It's a stone
magic that radiates freedom.
The key to the material world is held by Uriel. We must turn to him in all matters
related to our body. This Archangel is the master of manifestation. He is he
indicated to help us make our wishes come true. It is very close to us, and
can be our partner in the work that each one has. We must ask him
ability to put into practice all the channelings and notes that I have shared with you.
Frequent writing has a great impact on the subconscious. think about the person
What has helped you the most in your life? Then, write him a message telling him a
success story with a happy ending. It can be something like this:
Dear (or darling)... I am writing to make you part of wonderful news: my
greatest wishes have finally materialized, my prayers were answered.
I found the love of my life, we live in a beautiful house and we have a great job.
We are making the most of life. You are the first (or the first) to know this, because
I have no way to repay you for everything you have done for me and you will always be present in me
heart. Thank you Beings of Light for this miracle.
Final precision: Write the message that I have shared with you, with beautiful handwriting and FEELING A
SUBCONSCIOUS and when you least expect it this story WILL BE A TRUE. when this
Even if the storm rages outside, never lose hope.
Etheric Retreat of the Feminine Angel Kinaya Sakwa.
She is from the Planet Ageon and belongs to the Group of the Power Angels. I have many
Testimonials about your charitable action.
Kinaya, in the company of other great Beings of Light, is in charge of promoting the Plan of the
Divine Mercy. Many of the petitions that were made on Sunday, April 3,
they will begin their materialization process on the 19th.
At this moment "behind the scenes" there is an intense intervention of: Kwan Yin, The Mother
Maria, Ruth of Andromeda, Babaji, Roel Haipar, Mataji, Kinaya Sakwa, Alsemiyat, Los
Archangels Uriel and Gabriel, The Angel Katsachiel, The Supernaph Earax, The Angel Kiliosa, Saint Jude
Tadeo, Catalina and San Expedito.
That is why I have told you that this is probably the most important month of the year. search for
the aforementioned Beings of Light is an intelligent decision that will bring many benefits in the short term.
Erimihala Etheric Retreat
Sacred Code 41 . I will serve you with the most brotherly affection. Ask your Soul to take you to
my Etheric Retreat, where you will feel my love without shores. I am Erimihala, the one who reveals to you the
Secrets of the Invisible World.5.
Etheric Retreat of San Expedito
On the 19th, San Expedito is commemorated. Whoever wants can ask his Soul to take him to the
Etheric Retreat of this great Being of Light TONIGHT. The intention of the visit is that
San Expedito personally imposes the Etheric Ring of Power on him, a gift that he grants
who requests their services. The Ring as well as the Violet Flame, the 5 Pointed Star,
and the Flower of Life, is an intelligent Entity that has its Sacred Numerical Code: 44422.
Extraordinary graces will be granted to whoever activates the ring with the mentioned Code.
Each one can request the action of the Etheric ring according to their particular needs.
intentions and wishes.
2. 3. 4
Catherine and Saint Expeditus are incarnated, as are many angels and Masters
Ascended. All are present collaborating in the Earth's Ascension Process. The
Question is:
How many humans are heeding the call?
Catalina….Sacred Code 444444.
San Expedito….Sacred Code 454545
SEI HEI KI: Sacred Code 465. It is a Symbol of Healing at all levels. as the heart is
the Source of the New Energy, you can put the Symbol there, and from this Sacred Space
affectionately order him to attract the action of the Archangel Raphael, Dr. José Gregorio
Hernandez, or Dr. Lorphan.
The Sei Hei Ki, is an ally to work the Subconscious, and heal the damage of the Aura.
HON SHA ZE SHO NEN: Sacred Code 464. This Symbol is useful to heal the past
(childhood trauma). With this Symbol you can change the future and access the
Akashic Records.
DAI KO MYO. Sacred Code 462. With this Symbol you access the Rooms of the Heart
and you can ask for self-love and the healing of the Soul.
RAKU: Sacred Code 463. This Symbol leads to inner peace and the dissolution of the ego.
Finally I share with you this phrase that Dr. Mikao Usui revealed to me in his Etheric Retreat: "
If you want to succeed, don't leave your mind empty for a long time, it must always be full of something.
This is a big secret."
Etheric Retreat of the Great Divine Director
The Great Divine Director guided Jesus, Saint Germain, and will guide you as well. ask your
Soul to take you to the Cave of Light in the Himalayas to converse with this Great Being.
What topics can you discuss with Him? If something is not flowing in your life as it should be, He will
will give you the guidance you need. Maybe you have blockages in your spiritual or economic area
for reasons of other lives. Tell him to show you any past life that is affecting you
negatively in the present moment and he will. Ask him to teach you how to handle the
Violet flame. Talk to him about your Ascension. Tell him that you want to achieve your liberation in
this life.
He is also your Guru if you want. His Holy Code is 51679. If you collaborate with him, the
It will assume part of your karma, making your path easier.
The Grotto of Light is witness to numerous miracles performed by the Divine Director, since
his power is extraordinary.
Finally, and changing the subject a bit, King Solomon and the Ascended Master Eagle
Blanca, they say that whoever has the Six Pointed Star will attract the angels like a magnet
of light. This is true and worth experiencing.
If you approach Isama Kamura with an open heart, she will fight hard for you. She is
something I assure you.
It will also teach you the art of Creative Writing, one of the most effective ways to
make contact with the Beings of Light.
If you need inner peace and confidence, this Master will give it to you.
Isama Kamura is a Being of indescribable sweetness. She recommend it to those who work
in the field of Dowsing. Ask him for advice. She will make her pendulum readings be
successful and will develop their intuition in an incredible way.
San Roque Etheric Retreat
Sacred Code 556. Whoever entrusts himself to Him is entitled to continuous prayers that
free from dangers and contagious diseases.
From San Roque detachment is obtained and he responds immediately to whoever calls him. Can
be invoked also in case of economic and affective deficiencies.
Her Divine Complement is Paula, Sacred Code 80427.
all household things, and provides us with moments of relaxation and rest.
It also offers us "shortcuts" to overcome difficulties, and get away from uncomfortable relationships.
The easiest way to visit the Retreats is to ask our Soul to take us there
while we sleep However, whoever is skilled in lucid extracorporeal output can
go directly to the Retreat.
Hello everyone: Take advantage of this day and listen to your heart. I will make a summary of
that have been revealed to me and I wish those who vibrate in this frequency, to follow these
recommendations as soon as possible:
1. Starting today THE ARCHANGELS OF DIVINE JUSTICE come into action. They are
999 Beings of Light and are invoked with the Sacred Code 999.
The function of these Archangels is to execute God's plan in the lives of those who accept
to them. His symbol is A GOLDEN SCALE.
2. As of today the following Solar Codes are activated: 033, 88, 559, 22,000, and 567.
These Codes are intended to favorably influence the lives and needs of
those who invoke them.
3. From today wonderful Entities of LA NEBULOSA AVE are present
FENIX, including LEGRASHOGUA, one of the teachers of Jesus the Christ.
The Sacred Code of the Nebula mentioned are three: 444, 97, 114. Each Code is individual
the same as the previously mentioned Solar Codes. These Nebula Beings are
effective and powerful, you will see for yourselves.
4. Starting today, the Angels of the Sacred Code 996 chakras must be invoked,
because quantities of pathologies are due to the malfunction of these centers
Final note: Numerical Codes will keep you anchored in the 5th Dimension
pretty much all the time, even though they're still running tasks on third density. Each
Code as I said, must be repeated mentally or using the voice in any tone, 45
times. It helps a lot to make a necklace with 45 balls to the taste of each one. pass the
accounts produces A HYPNOTIC EFFECT, allowing the Code to permeate the
totality of being. I can assure you that these Codes work. They can write them down in a
small cards of card that you will carry with you, and repeat them when your heart
push them to it.
I have already received testimonies of Marta's action.
One of them comes from a person under great pressure, who disappeared a
once made the Holy Codes that she recommended. Sometimes there is the case of people who can
send you negative energy without you being aware of it.
If you call Marta she will tell you where such energy comes from and who sends it. so they can
put the corrective of the case.
Source and Kwan Yin Etheric Retreats
Anyone who wants to receive signals and clear answers to their questions can ask their
Soul that at night leads him to the Etheric Retreats of THE SOURCE AND KWAN YIN.
The Source can speed up our Process, especially by smoothing out uncomfortable events.
and giving us confidence, strength, and hope.
Kwan Yin is The Master of Signs, She brings light through incredible gifts and
surprises. His intelligence is extraordinary, as is his love and wisdom.
The next day, it is convenient to recite the Codes corresponding to Them, to receive and
remember the information provided during the visit.
Never let a day go by without visiting a Being of Light. No need to know where
Retreat remains, for the Soul knows the Path.
April 06 birthday of Master Kwan Yin, beautiful member of the Karmic Court. It is
convenient to use Holy Code 1212 in preparation for your day.
It is excellent to visit your Etheric Retreat tonight and from today ask you for a gift and thank you
your assistance. The Beings of Light are very generous on their birthdays. Seal the order
with his Sacred Code 286.
On the other hand, it is worth remembering that the Beings of Light like very much to speak in the singular
during your pipelines. They do this to make the message more personalized.
Finally, I recommend again, always carry a gem with you. The ideal is to have
many to choose a different one each day. The Stones are effective helpers, a
silent energy that benefits us.
The synthesis of this story that I share with you is that we are attentive to the signs, to
to know what gifts we obtained in the visits to the Etheric Retreats. Sometimes the signs are not
so obvious and you have to work to discover them.
To vibrate in the frequency of the Sacred Code is to enter "another reality" that is really
the one that God the Father Mother wants for all of us.
Pray in the company of your Inner Child. The Child is a believer by nature and he knows that God
will create a miracle solution.
The Child Jesus can help us believe in Angels. Nothing and no one can separate you from
Angels. You deserve to be helped and you can claim that help right now.
Etheric Retreat of the Angel Katzachiel
Sacred Code 824. This wonderful Angel loves silence, and is at the service of the Archangel
The Sacred flees noise, that is why we must ask this Angel to provide us with
spaces of silence, to rest and listen to our Heart.
Katzachiel puts us in touch with Merlin the great Ascended Master. go through this life
without having met Merlin, it is something that leaves a great void in the Soul.
Merlin is the one who teaches us Divine Magic and reveals to us the treasures of the Heart.
We have incarnated to discover our Divinity and receive in life the gift of The MOTHER
DIVINE. Existence is something more than work and die.
Do not complicate the visit to the Etheric Retreats. All they have to do is tell their
Soul moments before sleeping: Take me to the Etheric Retreat of.... (In this case Katzachiel).
The day after the visit, they call their Soul (Sacred Code 4500000) and the Being of Light that
have visited, on this occasion, Katzachiel. If you remain vigilant, you will receive
very valuable information.
How does the information arrive? Usually through thoughts, feelings,
impulses, intuitions, hunches, dreams and signals.
I have seen in the Groups that help me by spreading these gifts from Heaven, a great spirit
of service. This is excellent, because in the Higher Dimensions of Light, service is
one of the predominant qualities. Thank you very much.
Ask Gabriel to help you discover what your talent is. Once you identify it, He will give you
great and unique ideas. When the spirits of ruin and misery are frozen in a
person, Gabriel melts them and finally grants the long-awaited prosperity.
Gabriel is attentive to change our negative affirmations and turn them into
positive. When you say: "there is no way out, I am desperate", the Archangel screams within
and tells you: I AM THE WAY OUT, I AM YOUR HOPE. When you say: "what will become of
I don't have money", he says: I WILL MAKE THE MONEY COME, LEARN TO GIVE THINGS
Who walks close to this Archangel, attracts the benefits of The Goddess Athena. This beautiful
Goddess is fair, wise, protective, and offers us the gift of intuition. Gabriel is finally
the one who is aware of our economic needs. Whoever trusts him will see appear
miraculously all the money you need. In major emergencies, he arrives with the
economic provision.
Gabriel is always by Esperanza's side, his radiant Divine Complement whom
we can call with the Sacred Code 584.
When this great Messenger appears in your life, he empowers you in the process of
make changes. It is also present when you intend to improve your
communication at all levels.
Gabriel facilitates the connection with Mother Mary and the Moon. It is the best remedy against
negative thoughts and their presence fills your Inner Child with joy.
Archangel Raziel Etheric Retreat
Sacred Code 679. Anyone who wants to develop their psychic abilities can resort to
this Archangel.
The aspect that I am most interested in highlighting about him is his ability to help those who
have breathing problems. As I have already told you, the negative entities are the
generating these problems in most cases. These beings of the dark
They close people's bronchial tubes, leading to physical discomfort and suffocation. By
what do they do? To produce despair in Souls.
2. Also ask your Soul to take you to the Etheric Retreat of the Ascended Master Saint
Germain, that you may receive visible blessings in commemoration of your Ascension,
tomorrow May 1.
3. Practice the Sacred Code 4573. This Number is a gift from Beloved Leen of
Ageon and serves to cleanse us of the harmful energies of the places we have visited in
this incarnation. The more you use it, the better.
4. Meditate on the Values of the Fifth Dimension: Love, Justice, Service, Gratitude,
Solidarity, Freedom, Respect, Certainty, Faith, Hope, Perfect Health, Abundance, Peace,
Enthusiasm, Praise, Transparency, Equality, Unity and honesty among others. there you will
Value yourself for what you are, a Thought from The Divine and Eternal Source. A being
Many thanks to everyone who shares these notes and to those who make us happy with their
edifying testimonials and comments.
middle of the night, we ask this Being of Light to flood us with the Christic Energy to
receive solutions to all the concerns we have.
The next day in the psychic practice that each one uses (Relaxation, Meditation, Self
hypnosis, or any other) we recite the Sacred Code 426, and we are attentive to the lights
they come to us while exercising or during the day.
The Spirit of Truth is our Divine consolation and leaves no one empty-handed. It's
yes, we must be attentive to our thoughts, feelings, hunches, impulses,
intuitions, or any sensation we have.
Tonight or tomorrow we can receive very special gifts, doors can open that
were closed to us, or to receive unknown information useful to our Soul.
We can ask the Holy Spirit to favor our disembodied Loved Ones
with The Golden Christic Energy, so we thank you for everything you do for us from
other plans. Beautiful souls that always accompany us.
we will receive and that will greatly enrich us. That yes it is necessary to be very awake, very
attentive, to know how to identify the signals or the language in which they will speak to us.
The Sacred Code of the Soul is 4500000. We must be in contact with our Soul, because
she can help us immensely.
This magic is more common than you think. The most suitable gem to tune
with Aratron is the Porthole. The Sacred Code of this great Genius is 1014.
Get used to repeating this powerful affirmation: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you,
and you will see miracles.
Make a list of your most intimate desires, and read it in the presence of the Heart of Jesus. The most
It is likely that he will tell you: That is what I dream for you.
Despair and restlessness do not come from God.
Do not underestimate the Golden Angel if you have adopted him. Do not consider him as an Angel more.
This Messenger will speak to you in your dreams revealing Words of Power. He will rescue your soul
Twin if you haven't found her, and she'll give you comfort.
Etheric Retreat Athena and Sea of Gold
We are living in a time when wise decisions must be made. be wrong can
be very harmful. That is why Mar de Oro has come, because it knows we need it. She does not
appears by chance, it is a gift from the Goddess Athena.
Athena revealed to me in her Etheric Retreat the urgency of being in contact with Mar de Oro.
So before making any decision, let us invoke this beautiful angel of the
Pleiades. Let us be guided by his wisdom here and now.
Sea of Gold or Golden Sea, she is not only your advisor, she is also your Magnet for Abundance.
Collaborate with Ella and ask her to help you cancel the false beliefs you have about the
money. You may be thinking on an unconscious level, "wealth is not for me" or "I will never be able to
get the house of my dreams" or "the rich are bad people.
The Mothers are the Stars of the Cosmic Divine Mother.
The bond with them is indissoluble. Incarnation after incarnation we represent with them
various roles. Having her alive is the greatest of blessings. If she has disembodied,
we can have daily conversations with her and get her gifts. Blessed be.
Etheric Retreats of San Expedito... Sacred Code 454545 and the Angel
Somi... Holy Code 88827
"Face life decisively, and she will bow down to you. There is nothing worse than an attitude
hesitant". Saint Expeditus through Agesta.
"The most effective method to achieve everything is gratitude. THANK YOU, it opens all doors for you."
Angel Somi through Agesta.
Do not get "hooked" on the Dramas of the third dimension. With that I do not tell you that you are
indifferent to what happens around you. What I ask is that you don't get too involved,
so that the faith that you are cultivating with so much care is not extinguished.
Visit my Etheric Retreat to make it easier for you to experience the peace and security that
I offer. Use my Sacred Code 817 often.
The path you have chosen will allow you to live in tune with your Soul here on earth,
but with your eyes on the Fifth Dimension.
I am the one you know as Cayetano, a faithful servant who helps you keep your mind
quiet and declares himself as your permanent supplier."
San Roque Etheric Retreat
Whose memory we celebrate on August 16.
Many things can be asked of this Being of Light, and he responds immediately. It's a
faithful servant who takes too seriously any request made of him
to be honest.
Check out what I've posted about him. His energy is similar to that of Therese of Lisieux and the
Mentor Paul Jagot.
Whoever entrusts himself to him becomes a creditor to continuous prayers that free him from dangers and
contagious diseases.
From San Roque detachment is obtained and he responds immediately to whoever calls him. Can
be invoked also in case of economic and affective deficiencies.
Her Divine Complement is Paula, Sacred Code 80427.
Final reflection: Let us be grateful to the Beings of Light, because they lower their frequency to
accommodate to the dense This implies work and sacrifice. That is why it is urgent to raise the
vibration to the maximum to collaborate with them.
Etheric Retreats of San Expedito and the Angel Carona
The latter is a special protector against storms and lightning. Its action is immediate. Their
Sacred Code is 52137. From San Expedito (454545; 92)
and Catalina (444444; 37; 169) I have already spoken to them and they have given us messages. the energy of
San Expedito feels the 19th of each month in a special way.
Etheric Retreats Isama Kamura of Ageon together with the Masters of the
Parallel World Eby, Hassy and Lany
Next Saturday, September 9, you will have access to a special Energy. If you want you can
prepare yourself with the Sacred Code 1212 and summon Isama Kamura of Ageon CS 61263, 688
And 604. along with Parallel World Masters Eby, Hassy and Lany. Holy Code
330,908 and 404 respectively.
When special Energies manifest, it is as if Heaven came down to Earth to
make things easy for you.
While this day arrives, you can visit the Etheric Retreats of the Beings that I mentioned to you at
beginning of the note, in order to align yourself with Them.
The task for today is to make a list with the desires of your heart and put it in the hands of
Isama Kamura and the Queens of the Parallel World.
Negative programming in your subconscious, especially feelings of
separation and undeserving, prevent you from receiving 100% of the gifts that God has
for you. The good news is that if you join these Beings of Light on September 9, you will receive
specific blessings, especially those related to the manifestation of your dreams and the
cancellation of the painful memories you share with other Souls through
karmic contracts.
May the words ROSES OF SEPTEMBER resonate in your consciousness on the 9th, so that your
Disembodied Loved Ones help you to identify the blessings that with all
security you will receive.
Archangel Cassiel Etheric Retreat
This Archangel creates a good atmosphere in the field of business. we can summon it
in purchases or sales and He will make the accounts clear and the atmosphere pleasant and
Cassiel multiplies the forces of those who are weak, and is an important ally in the practice of
psychic activities.
Whoever is downcast, confused, or feels abandoned by God, will find in this
Archangel full support.
Cassiel is a defense against "bad neighbors." I have testimonials to this effect.
I have already published notes about this Being of Light, keep him in mind and invoke him
It is one of the best aids in times of anguish, doubt or disappointment.
I recommend this Archangel to all people who have monetary debts. It is
amazing how quickly he makes the money appear to pay them.
Cassiel is the Prince of the Power angels, and bestows great protection.
Cassiel equals speed. His Holy Code is 781.
Etheric Retreat of Master Kuthumi
This Master grants self-confidence, gives very clear answers through the
dreams and with the Archangel Uriel helps us discover hidden talents. In one of his
incarnations was Francis of Assisi, a being of great wisdom and kindness. Holy Code
Etheric Retreats of the Holy Child Jesus of Atocha and Gurú Gobinda
El Niño de Atocha is honored in many parts of the world, especially in Mexico.
where it has its Sanctuary in Plateros.
When we invoke this Child with his Sacred Code 701, we realize things
important things that went unnoticed. Also, we can be free from many
ills. Their responses are immediate. Honoring the childhood of Jesus is a Source of
constant blessings.
Guru Gobinda (Sacred Code 11577) is a Being of Light who had to face many
obstacles here on earth, but he successfully overcame them. Today December 26 is his day. Read
channelings that I have published about this great Warrior and receive your help.
THANK YOU for the Christmas messages you have sent me, I wish you the best and I am happy
share this space with you.
Visit the Etheric Retreats of Mother Mary in her Advocations of Our Lady of
Lourdes and Our Lady of Consolation. Sacred Code 1201 and 12573
Tomorrow, February 11, is the day of Our Lady of Lourdes. This Aspect of the Mother is
Synonym of speed. She wants to reveal short paths. The Spiritual Mentor Dr. Alexis
Carrel is witness to what I say. The Mother acts immediately, without delay.
Our Lady of Consolation is the Lady of revelations. She gives clear proof of
its protection to those who invoke it and reveals very valuable information. who gets used to
seek the help of Mother Mary in this Aspect of yours, you will receive much relief and feel a
increase in your faith.
Remember these words of Mother Mary, I shared them with you in days gone by: "Call the
Prophet ELISEO with the Sacred Code 844. He will do for you what you have not been able to do for
Etheric Retreat of Queen Esther
June 17, 2018
Visit the Etheric Retreat of Queen Esther, Sacred Code 430.
You can get many blessings from her, namely: positive attitude, courage, a life with
purpose, signs and total trust in the Divine Plan.
Esther means star, and it can also grant you wisdom, relief and freedom.
Etheric Retreat of Santa Catalina Labouré
August 12, 2018
Catalina can grant you many blessings: confidence, clairvoyance,
clairaudience, signs and silence. Sacred Code 53716.
If you have not received love in your life for whatever reason, through Her you will receive it. Yes
You keep it in mind, great graces will come to you.
-‐Mysterious World :280
-‐Cosmic Name: 76129. It is the one that identifies them in the universe. This name can be
revealed just as our Agesta Channel does. The being you know as José
Gabriel here on earth is identified as Agesta in other Dimensions.
-‐Secret Name. It is a sound that your most intimate being will reveal to you and that, in turn, you
they won't reveal to anyone, that's why it's called a secret. To gain access to these treasures, you can
call us. Before using it you can say something like this: powers of the kingdom
angelic of the thirteenth dimension, lighten our ascension process and allow us
experience here and now, his guidance and his protection.
-‐Earthly Name. The one you chose when you incarnated. Their names have a vibe
that will cleanse your inner channels, so that your soul can speak to you. To the
repeating the name daily (always all 45 times, like the Codes) will be connected to the
mother earth and you will attract the life you deserve.
minds will continue to be blocked, fighting against implants and karmic situations that do not
They allow you to experience abundance. So my Dear Ones, if you use the Code
194, I AM THE ONE WHO THINKS THROUGH YOU. His quota of work consists of repeating
the Sacred Code and focus on IMAGES OF ABUNDANCE that I myself will inspire you.
If you work with the aforementioned Code, you will see very rapid changes. Views no longer
they will be so tedious or difficult, because I will be there stimulating their minds and encouraging them
constantly. For a moment, imagine dropping a bag full of
of coins, listen to the sound of them, concentrate and know that I am there with
my energy making things easy for them.
Exercise of Saint Martin de Porres
Take a Pendulum, by the way, this is one of the most effective systems out there
to hear what The Heart says.
Hold the pendulum preferably with the index finger and thumb on the Figure that
you know as Tetragrammaton. On top of the figure, place a small piece of paper
where they will write their request, that is, what they want to see resolved.
Suppose one of you daily receives unfavorable energy from a
person who lives or works with you. This negative psychic emanation influences
harmful to those who suffer from it. The affected then, will write on the small paper the wish of him:
"I want to be immune to the negative energy of..........(write the name)".
will place the aforementioned piece of paper on the Tetragrammaton and will rotate the Pendulum 45 times
around the star in a clockwise direction. The movement of the pendulum
It should be natural and soft, not forced or violent. If you exercise in this practice, very soon
that person will cease to affect them or they will be indifferent to them.
Saint Expeditus Exercise
On the 19th of commemorates San Expedito. Whoever wants can ask his Soul to take him to the
Etheric Retreat of this great Being of Light TONIGHT. The intention of the visit is that
San Expedito personally imposes the Etheric Ring of Power on him, a gift that he grants
who requests their services. The Ring, like the Violet Flame, The 5 Pointed Star
and the Flower of Life, is an intelligent Entity that has its Sacred Numerical Code 44422.
Extraordinary graces will be granted to whoever activates the ring with the mentioned Code.
Each one can request the action of the Etheric Ring according to their particular needs.
intentions and wishes.
Exercise of Saint Expedite
We all need financial support to be able to act independently and freely.
Abundance Through San Expedito. They are all recited separately. Example, 8829, 8829…
(45 times). Then the next one, 375, 375... (45 times), and so on until the last one.
Exercises of Mother Mary
1. Affirm with conviction: With all the power of my intention and activating THE CODE
SACRED 1446, I now call into action the Light of deepening coming from the Planet
SIRIUS, to address to........(You may send her to a painful memory, a block, a
situation that is disturbing them, or to a particular person to whom they want to send
2. Continue affirming: With the power of Mataji (Babaji's Divine Complement) and the
Ascended Master Saint Germain, I do operants through the SACRED CODE, 10-24-
75, all those areas of my brain that have been inactive for a long time
weather. By Divine Order, you now go into action for the Glory of the Divine spirit.
3. Go to my Divine Complement THE ARCHANGEL RAFAEL, saying: With the power of
Physician of God Rafael Archangel and his Servants Auretiel, Hagonel, and Rafael, I......
I bless this water
to be an immediate help in the life of......(you can drink the water yourself, or give it to
to a loved one). They can also spray the water in their offices, clinics, or in their
houses. A few drops are enough to create a favorable atmosphere free of bad influences.
Muruga exercise
Whoever wants to receive help from Muruga can use a simple and effective formula,
that you can use in your home, farm or business. Take a container of your choice and fill it with
Water. Then, with all the power of your intention, affirm:
I request that all the Power of Muruga descend into this water, to free all who use it
of all kinds of visible or invisible negative entities. I give thanks because the energy of
Muruga now lives in this water by Divine Order.
Then they can apply a few drops of the water by spraying it on their home, farm or business, with the
certainty that Muruga will act through water. This simple action together with your Code
Sacred Numerical 52574 will be effective without a doubt, since it is the Light, defeating the darkness in
this dual world.
Prayer for urgent cases given by the Beings of Light
WITH ALL THE POWER OF MY INTENTION, I ENTER ………… (Name and Surname. If not
Ritual to work with the energy of beings of light
On a small cardboard card similar to personal business cards,
draw a sphere 4 centimeters wide. Then cut out with scissors the wheel that
have drawn. The color of the cardboard is the one you prefer. Once they have the wheel on
your hands, activate it with the Numerical Sacred Code 62079. This wheel is like the
platform from which they will act, it is the object on which the energy of the
Being of Light with whom they are going to work. The aforementioned sphere must always be with you.
Suppose you are in a meeting and suddenly an unpleasant argument breaks out.
between two of those present. You mentally draw a triangle on the sphere and
write inside the triangle the name of the archangel Chamuel. By doing this you
they recharge the object with the energy of the being of Light they have called. Then transfer the energy
that rests on the wheel in the center of the room. This is achieved by tracing in the air
mentally the triangle and writing the name of the Archangel. It is very likely that
calm the environment. Another example: they arrive at a site or room with bad energy. will proceed
in the same way: they mentally trace the triangle on the wheel and write the name
of San Roque. Once the object is charged with the energy of the Being of Light, it is transferred to the site
tracing the triangle in the air and writing the name of San Roque inside the triangle.
This procedure is very fast and is used when they cannot or do not have time to do
a code.
In short, the object (cardboard wheel) is charged with the energy of the Being of Light that you
call, drawing a triangle inside the sphere and writing inside it the name of the
Be of light. They then translate the energy, drawing the triangle in the air and writing the
name of the Being of Light within the Triangle.
This energy can be used on objects or on a person's aura, or to bless
A food. Or in our own aura. As you can see, you have the energy available in seconds
of any Being of Light. They ask you, for example, your concept on some topic, and before
to answer, you use the energy of the Being of Light that you want and answer. sometimes it's up to us
respond very quickly to situations and we don't have time to make a Code. Then
we use this gift.
From time to time you recharge your talisman with the Code 62079 and carry it in your wallet or wherever
you prefer. Just use your intuition and act, be creative. This has many uses. The
card stock is extremely thin and the wheel is small so it can be carried around
easily in the wallet without problem. The whole procedure is done mentally in
seconds and we appropriate the energy of the Light Being invoked. you can do the practice
when you are worried or assailed by some negative or obsessive thought. The uses
as I said they are multiple.
This tool is a gift from The Star of Love, The Angel Aurora who I already told you about.
in another message.
Mother Mary Exercise
Today I give you the GOLDEN CROSS OF OASIBETH. Take it with you all
parts, mentally draw it on your person, loved ones, house, offices, objects,
food, animals, vehicles, other people and everything that comes to mind. If they do what
I tell you, your reality and that of many will change rapidly. This CROSS OF OASIBETH,
it modifies everything that comes into contact with it. Angels will see and FEEL
Receive the benefits of the Golden Cross of Oasibeth...Sacred Code 7733
Babaji Exercise
The exercise that I am going to propose will bring you faith, consolation, and visible benefits.
Get a drink that is to your liking. Every Wednesday, at a time that is easy for them,
They will write on a piece of paper everything that worries or worries them, what they want and the
questions they would like to see answered. Don't go into too much detail, be
brief. Once they finish writing, they put the paper in the cup they chose and
They will leave until the following Wednesday. When this day arrives, they get rid of the page and write
new. The writing is likely to be different or have variations.
The cup represents the Portal of Oasibeth, it is as if you have an energetic replica
of this field in their homes. When you are ready to do the practice
suggested, I will send each of you a Golden Angel to assist, inspire and accompany you.
Do you remember the Golden Angels? are those who solve extreme situations,
cases where all hope has been lost. They also dissolve oppressions, heal wounds
of prosperity and undo works of Black Magic. As surprising as it may seem
this magic exists and can be very harmful to your souls.
Oasibeth is the Planet of Divine Mercy, where the Angels of the Day and the
Golden Angels and the Beloved Master Jesus renders his service in his invocation of "The Divine
Mercy” with his Etheric Retreat.
Oasibeth, as you have already been told, is a random field where God is autonomous and they do not rule.
the laws of the Universe. Made this brief parenthesis, I continue. Be very aware of
Golden Angel as they write on their sheet. The constant realization of this simple
practice, it will set in motion Invisible Forces that will benefit you. All that I know
revealed here is simple and brief, do not underestimate it.
Agesta Exercise
One of God's favorite activities is to do those things that we call
"impossible". The Numerical Sacred Codes create the mental state so that God can
do those "impossible" things in us. It also helps a lot to create an atmosphere
favorably on our part, acting "as if" we had already received what we
we ask. I give you several examples that you can repeat throughout the day. They will see the
effects of this.
1. Please, God, give me SAFETY, which I want right now, I thank you
because I HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED IT, it is mine, I have it now.
2. Please, God, give me HEALTH, which I want at this moment, I thank you because
I HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED IT, it is mine, I have it now.
3. Please, God give me THE MONEY, which I want at this moment, I thank you because
I ALREADY RECEIVED IT, it's mine, I have it now.
4. Please, God, give me FAITH, which I want at this moment, I thank you because I already
I have received it, it is mine, I have it now.
5. Please, God give me THE RELATED SOUL, which I want at this moment, I thank you
because I have already received it, it is mine, I have it now.
Green Tara and San Expeditus Exercise
The method consists of 15 words with a specific vibration. Each word is repeated 3
times, which gives a total of 45 which is the manifesting number.
This work of Light can be done in person or remotely, using the bead necklace
that I recommended and using the tone of voice you prefer or mentally.
This method produces profound changes at all levels and in the short term. The realization
a round with the collar takes 35 seconds.
I list the 15 words:
This method, like the Sacred Code, is a free gift and without contraindications,
that produces splendid results in humble and open minds. As you see, the Beings
de Luz go out of their way to help us.
Kinaya Sakwa Angel Power Exercise
One of the most effective resources they have is THE 5-POINTED STAR. get one
that you like, preferably small, and do the following: take the chosen star with
the hand you usually use (focused tip up) and draw 33 circles in the air
in a clockwise direction. This simple action that I suggest to you is fatal for
entities of darkness.
Sacred Numerical Code 3396815
Chinese Physician Zhi Gang Sha "The Agesta of China."
And Your Code: Magic Number
"Number 3396815 is a divine treasure of healing and happiness. Whoever accesses it
will check its healing and benefactor force. This number is used for all kinds of
disturbances and annoyances."
The number has an effect in any language, but in addition to contemplating it, writing it
many times, chanting it, painting it on the body, reciting it like a mantra, one can
Say it in Mandarin San, San, Jui, Lui, Ba Yao, Wu.
Recommend repeating it many times so that through our organs and system
body, the flow of energy enters a frequency that orders and balances all our
You can also say:
Dear soul, dear Mind, dear body of 3396815 (San, San, Jui, Lui, Ba Yao, Wu)
I love you, I respect you and I appreciate you.
Please help me to heal from this.... Please bless my life with.......... I am very
grateful, thank you.
And repeat for at least 5 minutes and if it is longer, the better.
San, San, Jui, Lui, Ba Yao, Wu
You can also print the graphic and put inside the name of the person and what you want
heal and leave it for 7 days, always THANKING as if it was already done.
I greet you, I love you, and I thank you. Teach me to live in the present moment and not
contact me with catastrophic expectations.
Free me from fear of other people and give me assertiveness. those people who inspire me
fear are ghosts from the past that have taken away my peace in other incarnations.
Allow it to vibrate on the same frequency as the Ascended Master White Eagle, your
Divine Complement
Thank Melina
you for helping andthe
me feel herenergy
Daughter Graynumber
of each Feather.
hear its message.
Thank you for your response, I know it will not be long in coming.
Andel exercise
Each time you write the sentences that I will transmit to you below, you will raise your
vibration and you will be closer to your goals. If you add to this action the repetition
of My Sacred Code 447, my energy will reach you in an unmistakable and visible way. The
writing overcomes anguish and graphics positively impresses their minds
subconscious. The more carefully and slowly you write, the more impact it will have. These
These are the 7 sentences that I propose:
1. I am very grateful for the wonderful day today.
"I preserve in the presence of anything, a perfect tranquility. I DENY ANY
Is the procedure clear?
You will use autosuggestion all day constantly. Your daily actions
they will be FULLY AWARE and will no longer be easy prey for automatism
psychological and the madness of the false ego.
What I propose to you is effective and healthy for your bodies and your souls.
Merlin Exercise
Think of an uncomfortable, disturbing relationship that you want to get rid of or cancel.
You have all the freedom to liquidate these contracts if you wish. write in
tiny pieces of paper the names of the chosen people.
A piece of paper for each one. Then light a match or a candle and burn
the pieces of paper one by one. In a while you will see how the ties with these people are
they break until they disappear from their existence.
I clarify that two things can happen:
The first: the link disappears and contact with the person in question is cancelled.
they can improve things to your surprise.
Everything that I have been revealing to you in these messages will introduce you to the path of
Magic and every day they will be more aware of our presence and our love.
Ascended Master Merlin
Remove barriers to failure. There is a type of "implant" that can only be removed by
of the Sacred Code that I will give you below. I mean a vibratory barrier that
I would call "of failure", to put it in some way and adjusting to the language of
Many of those who will read this channeling feel disappointed, sad, and
bewildered, because they are stuck and can't get rid of their visible oppressors
and invisible. Despite their valiant efforts, there is something that does not allow them to be free, although
feel the comfort and beneficial breeze of your Angels and Guides.
whole. They can add with their words something specific that comes to mind. They realize
How wonderful can this be? TO EVERY BEING OF LIGHT (Angel, Ascended Master,
Elemental) can ask you for THE TRANSMISSION OF YOUR VIBRATION, and benefit
Exercise of Saint Benedict Abad
This is where I come in to act and I make use of a material resource that is an old
medal bearing my name. I promise whoever uses it, to free him from many evils and from
visible and invisible enemies. If you immerse the medal in the water and drink it, you will be healed.
at all levels. This privilege also extends to their animals. They just have to enter
the medal in the water and recite my Sacred Code 26123.
Decree of the Angel Elyasim
Dear Elyasim, guardian of my heart. From my Inner Child and the Magical Field of
Oasibeth, with the help of Sai Baba and Charbel, we ask you to quickly heal our
Genealogical Tree, so that we can erase the memories of our ancestors that
They are negatively affecting us. Now I put The Golden Cross of Oasibeth over all
the negative patterns of my family tree, and I am free by Divine Order.
Decrees of the Archangels Michael and Raphael
The Archangels MIGUEL AND RAFAEL have revealed to me two formulas that can be very useful
for severe cases.
1. With all the power of my intention, I ask that all the power and strength of the Archangel
Miguel, descend into this water, to heal any disease and protect those who touch it.
use, from all kinds of evil spirits and negative entities. Whoever takes or uses this
water, you will immediately enjoy the help of the Archangel in all your life and actions. this water
it is now blessed by Divine Order.
2. With the power of the Physician of God Rafael Archangel and his Servant Auretiel, I
I now bless this water so that it may be of immediate help in the life of...... (Name and
Decree of the Angel Negani
"With all the power of my intention I authorize the angel Negani to now open the channels
of communication with my double, in order to establish with him an intimate and
permanent, aiming at the realization of my soul's plan in this incarnation. Give
thank you because the connection is now made by divine order”.
In their times of meditation they can invoke their double and request whatever they are
requiring. You will do the same at night before going to sleep. Your double is yourselves, for
Therefore, they should not distrust him, knowing that he will give them the best and most convenient.
If you have me present, I will be supervising all the work and guiding you in the best
possible way. Above all, I will be there to help you grasp the answers of your
double that will appear in daily life as signs, intuitions, "coincidences" and what
you call "miracles".
Do not forget to ask for everything FROM THE OASIBETH FIELD AND FROM YOUR INNER CHILD.
Marcoam's exercise
One of my missions is to dismantle hosts of negative entities that threaten your
well-being in the places they frequent and inhabit. To collaborate with me on this, I ask you
that they use those "laser" pens or flashlights that you handle in your conferences and that
They serve as markers.
Draw triangles with the laser in your office, your home, or wherever you go.
Logically, they will try to be discreet in places where there may be more people. The
triangle in Sacred Geometry is of inestimable value and baffles the forces of
Ruth and Cristina of Andromeda exercise
believe that thereThese numbersNot
is an injustice. are everything
applicable is
to karma,
situations where
there in consciousness
are cases
where other people do
misuse of your free will to harm others or affect their interests. The action of these
Codes is forceful, although in some cases they act gradually.
Exercise of the Archangel of divine justice Catalina
Get a Saint Benedict Medal of the largest (approximately a radius of 2
centimeters and a half). Put her on a flat surface, support her elbow and hold a
pendulum with a chain approximately 16 centimeters long. Set the pendulum
on the medal and let it rotate clockwise. with his gaze
on the rotating pendulum (without straining your eyes) repeat 45 times an affirmation of your choice.
This exercise is very powerful and your subconscious will accept it sooner than you think.
statement they are verbalizing.
On the other hand, The Soul has a language that it wants to express. If you allow it,
There will be a tremendous release in your life, which will speed up your healing on all levels.
Let that language flow, without any control on your part. Use the spoken word without
think about what they say, letting the words come out automatically. Over time
a very own and different language will emerge for each Soul. This practice is liberating and
You will feel a great relief.
Finally, I ask you to connect "heart to heart" with Cristina de Andrómeda,
by means of a golden cord. She is delivering a kind of energy capable of
materialize the most elusive and difficult dreams.
Mantras of Cristina de Andrómeda
It makes deep transformations in those who use them and obviously deliver many
blessings through them. The mantras are also repeated 45 times and there are two:
kwan yin mantra
I recommend a very effective Mantra. Repeat quietly but firmly: Kwan Yin, Kwan
Yin, Kwan Yin, as many times as you want.
I briefly list the effects of this Power Word:
a) It frees you from the spirits of ruin and misery, which brings as a consequence, the
b) You attract to you Divine Mercy and Wisdom.
c) You receive help and relief in difficult times.
d) You discover that you are under the care of a unique Master. I call her Master, because
being a Deity, she does not like to be called a Goddess. She has boundless love for
Almas and proves it not with words, but with deeds. I recommend you get one.
image of her and light a candle for her, hopefully daily. Don't forget that fire burns
the Karma.
If you combine the practice of the Mantra with the Sacred Code 286, rest assured that
you will get excellent results.
LIKE A MAGNET what we write inside it. Draw a six pointed star
big, as you know, are two overlapping equilateral triangles (one facing up and one
down). Finished the drawing WRITE IN THE CENTER of the star the wishes for
every day. As for the affirmations, the verbalization would be something like this (each one
suits your wishes). With all the power of my intention, I declare that today I will feel good and
I will act safely. With all the power of my intention I declare that I will keep my faith and
my hope at all times. With all the power of my intention I declare that from the
tomorrow night and the next day, everything will be fine by Divine Order. With all the power of
my intention I declare that I am in permanent communication with the Divine.
Final note: If you do this, YOU WILL CREATE YOUR DAY with intention, and you will not be at the mercy of
Beloved Number 1 Energy
I give you infinite thanks for healing my Aura and leading me towards Unity. I thank you for
help me accept Divine gifts and know my true worth.
Thank you for teaching me to set priorities and take back what belongs to me for
Divine right. Thank you for connecting me with the Source, with the Sun and with inner peace.
Thank you because you represent the I AM and you open a Path of infinite possibilities for me.
Thank you for choosing the Path of the Numerical Sacred Codes.
Thank you for manifesting yourself now with power in my life and affairs. That's how it is.
Beloved Number 2 Energy
I greet you, I love you and I thank you. Your beautiful vibration keeps me connected to the
Higher Dimensions of Light.
You allow me to experience the positive energy of the Moon so convenient and protective
in my daily life. You keep alive in me the Flame of gratitude, for having remembered in
this incarnation The Sacred Numbers.
Poor those who in their obstinacy rejected the embrace of the Mother Goddess, affirming
that the Sacred Codes do not come from the Light. By despising the Love contained in these
Blessed Energies, you will not be able to be joyful witnesses of The New Consciousness.
Beloved Number Two Energy: You are one of the fastest and safest Paths to
reach the eternal Mansions of the Fifth Dimension. You are a luminous beacon that
defeat the darkness.
You remind me that the Great Spirits who have passed through the Earth drank in the
Spiritual Source of the Sacred Numbers.
They knew these Codes, reached Wisdom and felt the Unity with the Mother
Thank you for understanding that Numbers are the Primary Substance of the Universe. Thanks for
teach us that the Numbers are living forces that help us to get out of the illusion, to
return to our planets of origin.
"A long time ago, you have been looking for a medicine for all your ills. I am that
You have come a long and painful way to find me. I am the door to enter
unit. I am your full realization, your enemies tremble when they hear my name. Who
he finds me, he has found himself. Everything you have done up to this moment, was
for us to meet. We are already One. Believe it, and live it.
My Name is the connection with the kingdom that Prophets and Masters have told you about. Me
name is your melody, the key to wisdom. My name is your secret. that my name
never be apart from you.
Today you start a new life, today you are born again. Today you return home where therefore
I have waited for you for a long time. You looked for me outside and I was inside you. my name is you
consolation, your healing, and your joy.
The third dimension encourages separation, the Fifth Dimension encourages Unity. The
true reality resides in the hidden part of your Subconscious Mind. Search there. The
conscious world, it is only equivalent to 10% of mental activity. Dive into that 90%
hidden, in that gigantic and unique universe.
The best time spent is the time you spend listening to yourself. You will find me there.
they are has loved
full of you like me,
deficiencies, andnobody knowsgive
they cannot youyou
me. Do
younot look
long for.for
No one can give you what they don't have.
I can be embodied or disembodied. If I am incarnated, move heaven, sea and earth, even
find me If I am disembodied, listen to me within you and if this is not enough, I
I will send you a Kindred Soul to keep you company. It will be a beautiful soul chosen by me,
for you.
Don't fall into the subtle trap of believing that you don't need anyone. This is a stiff position
that will bring you a lot of suffering.
Twin Souls yearn for a reunion, HERE IN THIS LIFE. Open your eyes and your ears,
I AM THE PASSPORT TO THE SUPERIOR DIMENSIONS, the return to Unity, the end of
duality." (So far the letter).
be done with the heart. Here it is not worth "thinking", the one who thinks "loses". The responses of
child should be allowed to flow like Automatic Writing.
When we allow the pain of the inner child to emerge through writing, it goes away.
healing. By healing him, the child reveals his best qualities: joy, optimism,
courage, freedom, spontaneity and unity. We connect with the earth and the
we enjoy, because the inner child is sensual.
The healed inner child reveals to us our mission and connects us with the Infinite. The boy
interior has faith, that's why the Mayans called him the "Magical Child".
reception of GREAT BLESSINGS. The vibration of the third dimension is low, and it attracts
what is similar to it.
Although communication in Ageon is telepathic, there is also a language reserved for
this time of planetary ascension. The words that I am going to share with you are to enhance
the vibration of the Names of some Beings of Light. In simple terms, I'll show you
how those Names would be translated in the Language of the Planet of Silence.
Divine Mother: URAMASARI. Mother Mary: AMASIMAR. Mother Kwan Yin: ALAMASIMA. Little boy
Jesus: ILASUTAMARI. Archangel Uriel: ILURIYAMA. Archangel Gabriel: ARAYALAMA. Archangel
Raphael: AIRAMAYAMA. Archangel Cassiel: URISABARA. Alsemiyat: AMARAYAMA. Saint
Expedited: AYAMASARU. Therese of Lisieux: OROYAMASI. Babaji: ILANMARAVI. Mataji:
Judas Tadeo: ARIMARY HARI.
To repeat these words is to ENTER ANOTHER DIMENSION AND TUNE INTO IT. Thank you
Dr. Hernández for his great service and his generosity.
Prayer for Therese of Lisieux
With all the power of my intention, I invoke the presence of the Archangels URIEL, GABRIEL, AND
RAFAEL, so that they identify the specific experiences of the past, which are
causing scarcity in the life of...
I ask these three Beings to root out the causes that are preventing the free flow of
abundance in...........
I invoke the immediate action of The Violet Flame, to dissolve the emotional charges
negatives of the aforementioned experiences in..........
I call to action the WHITE RAY of Ossok, so that it produces the liberation of all
latent positive energies within.............
In such a way that prosperity is a reality in the life and affairs of ........... I ask that
this decree be manifested physically, for the Glory of the Powerful Divine Spirit
Numerical Sequences of THE VIOLET FLAME
To be free from Psychic Domination in any of its forms: 396, 434, 825 and 634.
To be free from the Hordes of evil or sinister forces: 581, 927, 647 and 417. To be free
of poverty: 679 425 834 675 To be free from the Energy or psychic Vampires: 384,
299, 577 and 729.
In each bead of the necklace they must mention all the numbers of the sequence that are
using, from top to bottom. The sequences are very rhythmic, which makes it easy to repeat
Powerful Numerical Sequences of the Violet Flame
To be
from Psychic Domination in any of its forms:
To be free from the Hordes of evil or sinister forces:
To be free from Poverty:
To be free from Energy or Psychic Vampires:
In each bead of the necklace they must mention all the numbers of the sequence that are
using, from top to bottom. The sequences are very rhythmic, which makes it easy to repeat
harmonica Violet Flame Energy
Message from Saint Germain channeled by Veronica Heiland
“My beloved: I will give you a way to enhance your Decree of work with the Violet Flame:
Part 1 for anyone who wishes to connect with the Violet Flame:
I invoke you, Saint Germain, I invoke you Kwan Yin, I invoke you Lady Mercedes. I invoke your
purifying fire, in all its ranges from violet to white. (Visualize the Violet flame
wrap your body and aura). I invoke my Higher Self, my Mighty I Am Presence. And so,
Finding myself in the midst of this transmuting Fire, I decree: My Light is the Light of the Source
Divine. My Light carries the father/Mother/All that is. My Peace is the Peace of the Divine Source. Me
Peace carries the father/Mother/All that is. My Love is that of the Divine Source. my love carries
to the father/mother/all that is. My Light, my Peace and my Love transcend me and flood my
environment, transmuting with the Violet Flames the shadows into Full Light. (Keep the
vision of the Violet Flame spreading to the nearest and then to the world). Thank you
because that's. Thank you because it IS. Thank you that it was GRANTED.
2nd part for those who are healers, therapists, reiki practitioners, etc. And want to volunteer with
the Masters of the Violet Flame, it is said after the 1st part:
I decree my work only in the Light at the Service of the Divine Plan and I order that from now on
come to me those beings whose energy needs healing and elevation and are willing to
to give in exchange their commitment in the Light and their energetic retribution, according to my
needs and those of those beings are met in the Highest Light and at the Service of the Plan
Thank you because that's how it is. Thank you because it IS. Thank you that it was GRANTED.
I am Saint Germain, who protects and liberates you.”
Numerical Sequences of Mother Mary, In her Advocation
of Our Lady of Guadalupe
I am going to give you a Numerical Sequence to activate this language that your Souls already
they know. By frequently repeating the sequence, you will begin to speak in that
idiom. Don't try to force things: just repeat the sequence and then with the
heart (without thinking) let this tongue flow with the power of your intention. They will see how
The words will begin to emerge from your mouth little by little. With your practice and the use
of the Numerical Sequence, the Language will become familiar to you.
Every time you use the Language, you will become One with Me, we will be together in one
Higher Frequency and you will be able to access the Treasures of My heart. To each one in particular
I will reveal everything you need to know, you will begin to feel and listen to me like never before
They thought it was possible to do it. Some may even see me. The sequence to which
I mean it is a gift that I give to each one in the company of the Ascended Master Merlin.
He has asked me to reveal these Numbers to you. We have already explained that these sequences
they are one of the greatest manifestations of Divine Love. The necklaces that have
made are very beautiful, I like them, and I observe with pleasure the strength that you
they mobilize by putting these Celestial Energies into action. Each account must include all
sequence numbers. They pass the first account, and recite the Numbers from top to bottom,
pass the second count, and do the same, until they complete 45. This takes a few
Few minutes.
These are the Numbers:
Exercise with the Antahkarana symbol
I propose a powerful exercise to make changes in the short term.
Sit in a comfortable position holding the Antahkarana Symbol with one of your hands.
hands and at heart level. With your other hand take the Bead Necklace and start
recite the Sacred Code 4610179. As you go through each bead, meditate on the Symbol
as if wanting to penetrate him. Observing all the details of him and making a soft
walk through your figure.
You can repeat the exercise as many times as you want and with a specific intention each time. The
Symbol is an intelligent Entity and you can speak to it with the certainty of being heard. In
Sacred Geometry, in Cosmic Numerology and in The Universes, everything is alive. You may
make a list of the most important changes you want to make and you go through it
means of the proposed practice.
You can say: With all the power of my intention I invoke the Sacred Energy of the Symbol
Antahkarana and I ask......(Describe the change you want to make.) I thank you that my
request has already been granted.
Through this exercise there is a prompt release of negative energies that will
see coming out of you through the language of your Subconscious. You may see figures
disgusting or disgusting animals. The truth of the matter is that "something" comes out that was
Image of Antahkarana taken from the internet
The Cosmic Crystal Cup emanates from the Great Central Sun and dissolves all that is discordant
in the physical world. So that, if we invoke the Cup, we annul the action of the force
sinister and we modify our environment.
Each one can invoke this Light in specific fields and the Cosmic Beings that
govern will act accordingly.
IMPORTANT: Think what to write, write what you think, visualize your request and believe in
to get it. Have faith, perseverance and confidence in your possibilities, they are within you.
A spiritual decree is an order dictated by the Lord that when announced by his saints
must be executed promptly and accurately.
By executing a decree we are establishing the parameters of the Kingdom of Heaven to
our lives, families, finances, spiritual life, work, business... for everything.
To whom do I ask: the being that you have or think you have the most affinity with him. If it's with God, then
Well, if it's with the Universe, well, whoever you think is better. personally me
I have a special aura with Archangel Michael.
Who, What, How, Where and Why
Who requests it: the person who makes the decree.
What I request: what is in accordance with the Universal Laws must be requested.
How I request it: the way in which I have to request the wish, longing or dream.
My personal advice is to always ask for good.
Where do I request it: my favorite phrase is HERE AND NOW, but everyone can put what they want.
suits you best, a place, an address.
Why you request it: your fervent wish is that what you ask for is fulfilled because you really
you think you deserve it.
Anyone can create a decree
We can all create a decree, as long as we are in accordance with the laws of the
universe. If we achieve this, the decree we prepare has a special energy, yours.
A powerful light, yours, a special feeling, yours.
To prepare a decree you must be firmly sure of what you want to write, say
and emit.
I mean, our heart at the time of creating your decree must be healthy, clean of
negativity, full of good vibes because being like that, I personally think it's
super powerful precisely because of what I said at the beginning.
You can have a moment of inspiration and at that precise moment and without delay. Write
and capture on paper what you have in mind, sometimes it is the best method to create your
Another way can be when you talk to someone, be it about any subject, a
word, a phrase that catches your attention and see where the decree you need is
for your soul Take it as yours, which it is, take it for yourself and use it if it is in accordance
with the laws of the universe.
At the precise moment, notice how curious and in the simplest way, as I was going to close
this post came to mind to create some phrases that I thought were appropriate for now, with
which what I have done has been to capture them in the main image of this post. that expression