Diagnostic Tests of English Vocabulary Learning Proficiency: Guessing From Context and Knowledge of Word Parts

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Yosuke Sasao

A thesis

submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington

in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

in Applied Linguistics

Victoria University of Wellington


This thesis looked at the creation and validation of two tests that measure how

efficiently English words are learned. Previous studies have created and validated a

number of tests that measure the size (how many words are known) and the depth (how

well a word is known) of vocabulary knowledge; however, existing vocabulary tests do

not indicate how learners can become proficient in vocabulary learning. This research

was one of the first attempts to create such tests. A guessing-from-context test (GCT)

and a word part test (WPT) were created, because the skill of guessing from context and

word part knowledge are teachable and are the most frequently used strategies for

dealing with unknown words.

The GCT consisted of the following three sections: identifying the part of speech

of an unknown word, finding the contextual clue that helps guess its meaning, and

deriving the unknown word’s meaning. Each of these three sections was designed to

measure each of the important steps in guessing from context that was identified by

previous studies. The test was validated using Rasch analysis through data from 428

Japanese learners of English. The results indicated that the GCT is a highly valid and

reliable measure of the skill of guessing from context in terms of eight aspects of

construct validity (content, substantial, structural, generalizability, external,

consequential, responsiveness, and interpretability). Based on the results, two new

equivalent forms were created in order to allow a pre- and post-test design where

researchers and teachers can investigate learners’ development of the skill of guessing

from context.

The WPT measured 118 word parts that were selected based on frequency data in

the British National Corpus. It consisted of the following three sections: form

(recognition of written word parts), meaning (knowledge of their meanings), and use

(knowledge of their syntactic properties). These three sections were designed to

measure the important aspects of word part knowledge that were identified by previous

studies. The WPT was validated using Rasch analysis through data from 440 Japanese

learners of English and 1,348 people with various native languages. The results

indicated that the WPT is a highly valid and reliable measure of word part knowledge in

terms of the eight aspects of construct validity mentioned above. As with the GCT, two

new equivalent forms were created in order to allow a pre- and post-test design. For

more practical use of the test, the Word Part Levels Test (WPLT) was created by

classifying the 118 word parts into three different levels of difficulty. This may allow

teachers to quickly examine whether their students need to work on easy or difficult

word parts and which aspects of word part knowledge need to be learned. Taken as a

whole, the GCT and the WPT are useful measures both for research and practical



I would like to express my deep gratitude to my primary supervisor, Stuart Webb, for his
keen insight and constructive criticism throughout my research. Without his generous
support and direction, my research would not have progressed this far. I am also grateful
to my secondary supervisor, Paul Nation, for his encouragement and insightful
comments. I was extremely honoured to have Anna Siyanova, John Read, and Tom
Cobb as thesis examiners.
I would like to thank Dalice Sim and Yuichi Hirose for their expert advice on
statistical analyses. My thanks are also due to Laurie Bauer for his invaluable comments
on the word part test. I gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with graduate
students at Victoria University of Wellington and Kyoto University. I have especially
benefited from discussions with Mike Rodgers and Tatsuya Nakata. I am also deeply
grateful to Myq Larson for making a web-based word part test available for my study.
My special thanks go to Akira Tajino who inspired me to do research into
vocabulary acquisition. He taught me important skills for completing a doctoral thesis. I
am also indebted to David Dalsky, Kazuyo Murata, Kenji Tani, Mariko Abe, Noriko
Kurihara, and Sayako Maswana, for allowing me into their classes and helping me to
collect data.
I gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Victoria University of
Wellington in the form of a Victoria PhD Scholarship and a Faculty Research Grant.
I wish to express my gratitude to my family, Takeshi, Eiko, Yoshiko, Kanji, Hisami,
and Keita, for their warm-hearted support during my research. I also wish to say “thank
you” to my children, Kotaro, Kenjiro, and Konoka, whose smiles have been a great
support to me. Finally, my deepest appreciation goes to my wife, Etsuko, whose patient
love enabled me to complete this research.


Table of Contents…………………………………………………………….……….ⅴ
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………ⅷ
List of Figures………………………………………………………………………...ⅺ

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………..1
1.1 What Is Vocabulary Learning Proficiency?....................................................2
1.2 Why Is It Important to Measure VLP?.........................................................11
1.3 Purpose and Scope of the Present Research……………………………….13

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………….15

2.1 Vocabulary Knowledge…………………………………………………….15
2.2 What Is Involved in VLP?............................................................................20
2.2.1 Knowledge of a Sound System…………………………………..22
2.2.2 Knowledge of Sound-Spelling Relationships……………………23
2.2.3 Knowledge of Word Parts……………………………………..…24
2.2.4 Guessing from Context…………………………………………..26
2.2.5 Dictionary Use…………………………………………………...26
2.2.6 Word-Pair Learning……………………………………………...28
2.3 Importance of Guessing from Context and Knowledge of Word Parts…....29
2.4 Summary…………………………………………………………………...33


3.1 Scope of the Research……………………………………………………..35
3.2 Clues for Guessing from Context………………………………………….36
3.3 Clues in Context…………………………………………………………...44
3.3.1 Grammar…………………………………………………………44
3.3.2 Discourse………………………………………………………...45
3.4 Previous Tests Measuring Guessing from Context………………………...53
3.5 Creation of Contexts……………………………………………………….56
3.5.1 Selection of Test Words………………………………………….56
3.5.2 Reading Passages………………………………………………..58
3.6 Test Format………………………………………………………………...62
3.6.1 General Format…………………………………………………..62
3.6.2 Part of Speech……………………………………………………64
3.6.3 Contextual Clue………………………………………………….65
3.6.4 Meaning………………………………………………………….66
3.7 Pilot Studies………………………………………………………………..68
3.8 Summary…………………………………………………………………...70


4.1 Participants………………………………………………………………...72
4.2 Materials…………………………………………………………………...73

4.3 Procedure for Item Analysis……………………………………………….77
4.4 Lucky Guessing……………………………………………………………80
4.4.1 Part of Speech……………………………………………………80
4.4.2 Contextual Clue.…………………………………………………84
4.4.3 Meaning………………………………………………………….86
4.5 Identifying Poor Items……………………………………………………..87
4.5.1 Part of Speech……………………………………………………88
4.5.2 Contextual Clue.…………………………………………………89
4.5.3 Meaning………………………………………………………….93
4.6 Validity……………………………………………………………………..98
4.6.1 Content Aspect……………………………………………………99
4.6.2 Substantive Aspect……………………………………………...108
4.6.3 Structural Aspect………………………………………………..116
4.6.4 Generalizability Aspect…………………………………………120
4.6.5 External Aspect…………………………………………………129
4.6.6 Consequential Aspect………………………………………..…134
4.6.7 Responsiveness Aspect…………………………………………135
4.6.8 Interpretability Aspect……………………………………….…137
4.7 Creating New Forms……………………………………………………..141
4.7.1 Equivalent Forms……………………………………………….141
4.7.2 Score Interpretation…………………………………………….146
4.7.3 Score Reporting to Learners……………………………………148
4.8 Discussion………………………………………………………………..150
4.9 Summary……………………………………………………………….152


5.1 Purpose………………………………………………………………...…155
5.2 Selection of Word Parts…………………………………………………..156
5.3 Quality of the Selected Word Parts……………………………………….158
5.4 Aspects of Affix Knowledge……………………………………………...164
5.5 Test Format……………………………………………………………….168
5.5.1 General Format…………………………………………………169
5.5.2 Form……………………………………………………………170 Previous Tests Measuring Affix Form………………..170 Format for Form…………………………………...…173 Target Affixes…………………………………………176
5.5.3 Meaning………………………………………………………...176 Previous Tests Measuring Affix Meaning……………176 Format for Meaning…………………………………..178 Target Affixes…………………………………………183
5.5.4 Use……………………………………………………………...183 Previous Tests Measuring Affix Use…………………184 Format for Use………………………………………..189 Target Affixes…………………………………………194
5.6 Summary………………………………………………………………….195

6.1 Study 1……………………………………………………………………197
6.1.1 Participants……………………………………………………..197
6.1.2 Materials………………………………………………………..199
6.1.3 Procedure for Item Analysis……………………………………203
6.1.4 Lucky Guessing………………………………………………...204
6.1.5 Identifying and Rewriting Poor Items………………………….209 Form Section………………………………………….210 Meaning Section……………………………………...219 Use Section…………………………………………...226
6.2 Study 2……………………………………………………………………234
6.2.1 Participants……………………………………………………..235
6.2.2 Materials………………………………………………………..236
6.2.3 Procedure for Item Analysis……………………………………244
6.2.4 Validity………………………………………………………….250 Content Aspect………………………………………..250 Substantive Aspect……………………………………271 Structural Aspect……………………………………...278 Generalizability Aspect……………………………….283 External Aspect……………………………………….289 Consequential Aspect………………………………...291 Responsiveness Aspect……………………………….292 Interpretability Aspect………………………………..293
6.2.5 Creating New Forms……………………………………………295 Equivalent Forms……………………………………..295 Forms with Different Difficulty Level………………..301
6.3 Discussion………………………………………………………………...308
6.4 Summary………………………………………………………………….311


7.1 Review of the Research…………………………………………………..315
7.2 Limitations………………………………………………………………..319
7.3 Suggestions for Future Research…………………………………………321
7.4 Implications for Learning and Teaching………………………………….324
7.5 Concluding Remarks……………………………………………………..326


Appendix A. Test words, nonsense words, part of speech, context clues and place….343
Appendix B. List of affixes…………………………………………………………...345
Appendix C. Affixes not included in the WPT………………………………………..346
Appendix D. All items of the GCT…….……………………………………….CD-ROM
Appendix E. Six forms of the GCT….………………………………………..CD-ROM
Appendix F. New GCT……………………………...………………..………. CD-ROM
Appendix G. Six forms of the WPT………………………………………….…CD-ROM
Appendix H. All items of the WPT…………………………………………….CD-ROM
Appendix I. New WPT……………………………………………………….. CD-ROM
Appendix J. New WPLT………………………………………………….……CD-ROM


Table 1. Summary of what is involved in knowing a word…………………………….15

Table 2. Taxonomy of cue types by Haastrup (1985, 1987, 1991)…………………..…37
Table 3. Taxonomy of knowledge sources by de Bot, et al. (1997)…………………….38
Table 4. Taxonomy of knowledge sources by Nassaji (2003)………………………….39
Table 5. Summary of clue types………………………………………………………..40
Table 6. Summary of discourse clues…………………………………………………..47
Table 7. Description of participant groups……………………………………………..73
Table 8. Test design (GCT)……………………………………………………………..74
Table 9. Overfit items in the clue section………………………………………………93
Table 10. Overfit items in the meaning section………………………………………..98
Table 11. Item strata for the three sections of the GCT……………………………….102
Table 12. Difference between items of suffixed and non-suffixed words…………….110
Table 13. Difference between clue-inside and clue-outside items………………….…110
Table 14. Difficulty order of guessing the meaning of unknown words according to part
of speech………………………………………………………………………...112
Table 15. Difference between clue-inside and clue-outside items…………………….113
Table 16. Number of misfit persons…………………………………………………...116
Table 17. DIF analysis for gender……………………………………………………..121
Table 18. Rasch person separation and reliability for the part of speech section……..124
Table 19. Rasch person separation and reliability for the contextual clue section……124
Table 20. Rasch person separation and reliability for the meaning section………..…125
Table 21. Rasch item separation and reliability for the part of speech section……….126
Table 22. Rasch item separation and reliability for the contextual clue section………126
Table 23. Rasch item separation and reliability for the meaning section……………..126
Table 24. Rasch person measures, t-statistics, and effect size between the short and long
versions for the three sections…………………………………………………..128
Table 25. Correlation coefficients between the scores from the productive and the
receptive versions ………………………………………………………….…...131
Table 26. Rasch person measures, t-statistics, and effect size between the reporters and
non-reporters for the three sections……………………………….…………….132
Table 27. Correlation coefficients between GCT and TOEIC scores…………………133
Table 28. Difference between the within-GCT and the GCT-TOEIC correlations…..133
Table 29. Person strata for the three sections…………………………………………136
Table 30. Correlation coefficients between the raw score and the Rasch person ability
estimate for the three sections…………………………......................................139
Table 31. Conversion table of raw scores and Rasch ability estimates……………….140
Table 32. Estimated number of items needed for arriving at person strata of 2………142
Table 33. Comparison of the item difficulty between the two equivalent forms……..146
Table 34. Levels for criterion-referenced interpretations……………………………..147
Table 35. Summary of evidence provided for the GCT………………………………154
Table 36. Summary of items that need inspecting for future use of the GCT………...154
Table 37. The seven levels of affixes in Bauer and Nation (1993)……………………160
Table 38. The eight criteria for affix classification in Bauer and Nation (1993)……..160
Table 39. Five stages in Nation’s (2001) sequenced list of affixes…………………...161

Table 40. Summary of coverage by the WPT…………………………………………165
Table 41. Types of affix knowledge…………………………………………………..168
Table 42. Degrees of semantic relatedness………………………………………...….182
Table 43. Test format for the word part test (an example for -less)…………………..196
Table 44. Description of participant groups…………………………………………..198
Table 45. Number of items for each form…………………………………………….202
Table 46. Overfit items in the form section…………………………………………..219
Table 47. Overfit items in the meaning section………………………………………226
Table 48. Overfit items in the use section…………………………………………….233
Table 49. Summary of misfit items in the WPT………………………………………234
Table 50. Participants’ L1s……………………………………………………………236
Table 51. Locations of the participants (more than 5 participants)…………………..237
Table 52. Estimated number of items (reliability = .9)……………………………….238
Table 53. Number of items for each form of the revised WPT……………………….241
Table 54. Item strata for the three sections of the revised WPT………………………252
Table 55. Misfit items in the form section (Studies 1 & 2)…………………………...258
Table 56. Misfit items in the form section (Study 2 only)…………………………….260
Table 57. Misfit items in the meaning section (Studies 1 & 2)……………………….263
Table 58. Misfit items in the meaning section (Study 2 only)………………………..264
Table 59. Misfit items in the use section (Studies 1 & 2)…………………………….267
Table 60. Misfit items in the use section (Study 2 only)……………………………..269
Table 61. Unacceptable items and their remedy………………………………………271
Table 62. Correlation coefficients between the item difficulty estimates and the affix
frequency for the three sections……………………………………….………..273
Table 63. Means, standard deviations, t-statistics, and effect sizes of the item difficulty
and the frequency between prefixes and suffixes for the form section…………273
Table 64. Relatively easy affixes with low frequency for the meaning section………274
Table 65. Number of misfit persons…………………………………………………..278
Table 66. Top 10 items with the largest positive and negative loadings (form section)
Table 67. Top 10 items with the largest positive and negative loadings (meaning section)
Table 68. DIF analysis for gender…………………………………………………….284
Table 69. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the item difficulty estimates from
the overall participants and those from each of the 15 L1 groups……….……..285
Table 70. DIF analysis for section order……………………………………………..286
Table 71. DPF analysis for prefixes vs. suffixes……………………………………..287
Table 72. Reliability estimates for the three sections………………………………...288
Table 73. Correlation coefficients between item difficulty estimates from the paper-
based and the web-based versions………………………………………………288
Table 74. Correlation coefficients between the WPT, VST, and TOEIC scores……..290
Table 75. Difference between the within-WPT and the WPT-VST correlations……..291
Table 76. Difference between the within-WPT and the WPT-TOEFL correlations…..291
Table 77. Person strata for the three sections of the WPT…………………………….293
Table 78. Correlation coefficients between the raw score and the Rasch person ability
estimate for the three sections…………………………………………………..294
Table 79. Conversion table of raw scores and Rasch ability estimates……………….295
Table 80. Number of items in the three sections for each form……………………….296

Table 81. Comparison of the item difficulty between the two equivalent forms……..297
Table 82. Estimated reliability and person strata of the new forms…………………..301
Table 83. Number of word parts and items in the three forms………………………..302
Table 84. Average item difficulty for the three forms…………………………………302
Table 85. Average word part frequency for each level………………………………..306
Table 86. Correlation coefficients between the WPT scores………………………….309
Table 87. Summary of evidence provided for the WPT………………………………313
Table 88. Misfit items in Study 2……………………………………………………..314


Figure 1. Proficiency range (TOEIC scores)……………………………………….......73

Figure 2. Item difficulty and outfit t for the part of speech section…………………….81
Figure 3. Person ability and outfit t for the part of speech section……………………..81
Figure 4. Success probability for the part of speech section…………………………...82
Figure 5. Item difficulty and outfit t for the clue section……………………………….84
Figure 6. Person ability and outfit t for the clue section………………………………..84
Figure 7. Success probability for the clue section……………………………………...85
Figure 8. Item difficulty and outfit t for the meaning section………………………….86
Figure 9. Person ability and outfit t for the meaning section…………………………..86
Figure 10. Success probability for meaning section……………………………………87
Figure 11. Person-item map for the part of speech question………………………….103
Figure 12. Person-item map for the clue section...……………………………………106
Figure 13. Person-item map for the meaning section...……………………………….107
Figure 14. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of the part of speech question
according to part of speech……………………………………………………….109
Figure 15. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of the contextual clue
question according to the type of contextual clue………………………………..111
Figure 16. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of the meaning section
according to part of speech……………………………………………………….113
Figure 17. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of the meaning question
according to the type of contextual clue………………………………………….114
Figure 18. Relationships of the part of speech and the contextual clue sections to the
meaning section…………………………………………………………………..115
Figure 19. Scree plot for the part of speech section…………………………………..119
Figure 20. Scree plot for the contextual clue section…………………………………119
Figure 21. Scree plot for the meaning section………………………………………...119
Figure 22. Person-item map of the equivalent forms for the part of speech section….144
Figure 23. Person-item map of the equivalent forms for the contextual clue section...144
Figure 24. Person-item map of the equivalent forms for the meaning section………..145
Figure 25. Score report (Learner A)…………………………………………………..148
Figure 26. Score report (Learner B)…………………………………………………..149
Figure 27. Relationships of the part of speech and the contextual clue sections to the
meaning section…………………………………………………………………..151
Figure 28. Proficiency range (TOEIC scores)………………………………………..199
Figure 29. Vocabulary size range……………………………………………………..199
Figure 30. Item difficulty and outfit t for the form section…………………………..204
Figure 31. Person ability and outfit t for the form section……………………………204
Figure 32. Success probability for the form section………………………………….205
Figure 33. Item difficulty and outfit t for the meaning section………………………207
Figure 34. Person ability and outfit t for the meaning section……………………….207
Figure 35. Success probability for the meaning section……………………………..207
Figure 36. Item difficulty and outfit t for the use section……………………………208
Figure 37. Person ability and outfit t for the use section……………………………..208
Figure 38. Success probability for the use section……………………………………208

Figure 39. Examples of the web-based form section…………………………………243
Figure 40. Examples of the web-based meaning section……………………………..243
Figure 41. Examples of the web-based use section…………………………………..243
Figure 42. Item difficulty and outfit t for the form section…………………………...245
Figure 43. Person ability and outfit t for the form section……………………………245
Figure 44. Success probability for the form section………………………………….245
Figure 45. Item difficulty and outfit t for the meaning section………………………247
Figure 46. Person ability and outfit t for the meaning section……………………….247
Figure 47. Success probability for the meaning section……………………………...247
Figure 48. Item difficulty and outfit t for the use section…………………………….249
Figure 49. Person ability and outfit t for the use section……………………………..249
Figure 50. Success probability for the use section……………………………………249
Figure 51. Person-item map for the form section……………………………………..254
Figure 52. Person-item map for the meaning section…………………………………255
Figure 53. Person-item map for the use section………………………………………256
Figure 54. Mean item difficulty and 95% confidence interval according to Bauer and
Nation’s affix level for the form section………………………………………….276
Figure 55. Mean item difficulty and 95% confidence interval according to Bauer and
Nation’s affix level for the meaning section……………………………………...276
Figure 56. Mean item difficulty and 95% confidence interval according to Bauer and
Nation’s affix level for the use section…………………………………………...276
Figure 57. Scree plot for the form section…………………………………………….280
Figure 58. Scree plot for the meaning section………………………………………...280
Figure 59. Scree plot for the use section……………………………………………...280
Figure 60. Person-item map for the form section (Forms A and B)…………………..298
Figure 61. Person-item map for the meaning section (Forms A and B)………………299
Figure 62. Person-item map for the use section (Forms A and B)……………………300
Figure 63. Person-item map for the form section (Forms A, B, and C)………………303
Figure 64. Person-item map for the meaning section (Forms A, B, and C)…………..304
Figure 65. Person-item map for the use section (Forms A, B, and C)………………...305
Figure 66. Bauer and Nation’s affix levels and three new forms……………………..307
Figure 67. Score report (Learner A)…………………………………………………..308
Figure 68. Relationships between the three aspects of word part knowledge and
vocabulary size…………………………………………………………………...311



Over the last few decades, vocabulary has received increased attention as a key aspect

of second language (L2) learning. Vocabulary knowledge is critical simply because no

verbal communication is possible without words. As Read (2000, p. 1) puts it, “words

are the basic building blocks, the unit of meaning from which larger structures such as

sentences, paragraphs and whole texts are formed.” The recognition of the present

centrality of vocabulary in the field of L2 acquisition has aroused researchers’ and

teachers’ interest in assessing vocabulary knowledge so that they can track the

development of their learners’ vocabulary knowledge.

Although vocabulary knowledge has been defined differently by different

researchers (see, for example, Aitchison, 1994; Laufer, 1997; McCarthy, 1990; Miller,

1999; Nation, 1990, 2001; Richards, 1976), it is agreed that knowing a word involves

more than knowing the relationship between its form and meaning. In order to measure

vocabulary knowledge, a number of vocabulary tests have been created and validated

(Beglar, 2010; Beglar & Hunt, 1999; Ishii & Schmitt, 2009; Laufer & Nation, 1999;

Meara & Buxton, 1987; Nation, 1983, 1990; Nation & Beglar, 2007; Read, 1993, 1998;

Schmitt, Ng, & Garras, 2011; Schmitt, Schmitt, & Clapham, 2001). These tests are of

theoretical value in investigating how different aspects of vocabulary knowledge are

interrelated and how vocabulary knowledge is related to other language skills such as

reading and listening. They are also of practical value in providing learners with useful

information on their current level of vocabulary knowledge and clearly indicating how

many words are needed for achieving a particular goal. However, existing vocabulary

tests do not aim at indicating how learners can become proficient in vocabulary learning.

This thesis is one of the first attempts to create such tests; that is, it aims to investigate

the important prerequisites for vocabulary learning proficiency (VLP), and to develop

and validate tests measuring VLP for learners of English as an L2.

1.1 What is Vocabulary Learning Proficiency?

Vocabulary learning proficiency (VLP) refers to the ability necessary to facilitate L2

vocabulary learning. It determines how efficiently words are learned and predicts

learners’ rate of vocabulary development. For example, as will be discussed later, affix

knowledge is considered to be part of VLP, because knowing many affixes may

facilitate vocabulary learning. The meanings of affixed words may easily be inferred

and remembered if learners know the affix and its base. For example, if learners know

the affix un- and the base happy, it should be easier for them to learn the word unhappy

than those who do not know the affix un-.

The notion of VLP may be related to the broader notion of language aptitude which

refers to “basic abilities that are essential to facilitate foreign language learning”

(Carroll & Sapon, 1959, p. 14). The importance of language aptitude is supported by

Ehrman and Oxford (1995) who showed that language aptitude as measured by the

Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT; Carroll & Sapon, 1959) was correlated most

strongly to L2 proficiency of all the individual-difference variables examined, including

learning strategies, leaning styles, personality, motivation, and anxiety. Similar to the

notion of language aptitude, VLP may be taken as the ability necessary to facilitate L2

vocabulary learning. It should be noted that VLP is different from language aptitude in

that it specifically deals with vocabulary learning rather than general language

proficiency. This makes it possible to provide learners with diagnostic feedback on their

weaknesses in vocabulary learning in particular.

VLP can be taken as one of many factors that affect the difficulty of vocabulary

learning. A large number of attempts have been made to investigate factors affecting

vocabulary learning in order to determine the most effective ways of learning

vocabulary. These factors may be classified into four categories: textual (nature of the

text in which the word is used), word (features of the word), learner (individual learner

differences in knowledge, effort, strategies, etc.), and situational factors (mental tasks

learners do with the word) (Paribakht & Wesche, 1999). Here are several examples of

the four types of factors affecting vocabulary learning.

1. Textual factors.

 Repetition. The more often a word is met, the more likely it is to be learned

(Horst, Cobb, & Meara, 1998; Jenkins, Matlock, & Slocum, 1989; Rott, 1999;

Saragi, Nation, & Meister, 1978; Waring & Takaki, 2003; Webb, 2007a).

Although the results are inconclusive as to how many encounters are needed for

acquisition to occur, researchers agree that meeting a word repeatedly

contributes to learning.

 Coverage. As learners increase their vocabulary, they have greater vocabulary

coverage of unsimplified text. The lower density of unknown words makes these

words more noticeable because there are only a few unknown words among a

large number of known words. Greater coverage also provides learners with

richer contexts to draw on when they guess the meanings of unknown words. A

minimum of 95% of the words in a text may need to be known for successful

guessing to occur (Laufer, 1989; Liu & Nation, 1985), and 98% coverage may

be ideal for more successful guessing (Hirsh & Nation, 1992; Hu & Nation,

2000; Laufer & Ravenhorst-Kalovski, 2010; Nation, 2006).

 Usefulness. Words that are useful to understanding a text may be more likely to

be learned than those that are not (Brown, 1993). This may be the reason why

content words (e.g., nouns, verbs, and adjectives) tend to be learned more easily

than function words (e.g., articles and prepositions) (Brown, 1993; Paribakht &

Wesche, 1997).

 Quality of context: In order for learners to be able to correctly guess the

meanings of unknown words, sufficient contextual clues need to be present in

the text (e.g., Dubin & Olshtain, 1993; Haastrup, 1985; Haynes, 1993; Hulstijn,

1992; Sternberg, 1987). Without such clues, it may be difficult for successful

guessing to occur, and thus the unknown words are unlikely to be learned


 Quantity of input: The more input learners get, the more they meet the

vocabulary. A large amount of input is necessary because vocabulary learning

from meaning-focused input is a gradual process where one meeting with a word

adds to the small amounts of vocabulary knowledge gained from previous

meetings (Day, Omura, & Hiramatsu, 1991; Nagy, Herman, & Anderson, 1985;

Pitts, White, & Krashen, 1989; Saragi, et al., 1978). This could be differentiated

from repetition because a large quantity of input does not necessarily mean a

large number of repetitions of lower-frequency words.

2. Word factors.

 Sound-letter correspondence. Word forms with clear relationships between

sounds and letters may be easy to learn. Research (Abbott, 2000) indicates that

the rules of English sound-letter relationships may be acceptably reliable (the

rules apply to more than 75% of the words investigated), but there are a number

of words that do not follow the rules. For example, for the majority of one-

syllable words with the spelling of vowel-consonant-e, the final e is silent and

the vowel says its name (e.g., cake and joke), but there are some exceptions (e.g.,

have and come).

 Similarity of word forms. Words that share similar sounds or spellings (e.g.,

adapt/adopt and industrial/industrious) may be confusing and difficult to

differentiate between. Similarity of word forms, or synformy, is a difficulty-

inducing factor for learners of English regardless of their first language (L1)

(Laufer, 1988, 1991).

 Morphological transparency. A word that consists of semantically transparent

word parts may be easy to learn if learners know each of the word parts (Bauer

& Nation, 1993; Nagy & Anderson, 1984). For example, the word unhappy may

be easy to learn because it consists of semantically transparent parts (un- and

happy). The word prefix, on the other hand, may not be as easy to learn as

unhappy because its meaning is difficult to infer from pre- and fix. Research

(Bensoussan & Laufer, 1984; Laufer & Bensoussan, 1982) indicates that L2

learners tend to misunderstand the meanings of deceptively transparent words

which look as if they were composed of meaningful word parts (e.g., outline for

‘out of line’ and discourse for ‘without direction’).

 Multiple meanings. It may be difficult to learn all the meanings of a word with

multiple meanings, because learners may not pay attention to other meanings of

the word if they already know one of its meanings. Research (Bensoussan &

Laufer, 1984) showed that when guessing the meaning of an unknown word in

context learners who already knew one of the meanings of a polyseme did not

think of another meaning even if this meaning was not consistent with the


3. Learner factors.

 Cumulative gains in vocabulary knowledge. Vocabulary knowledge accumulates

for each aspect of knowledge as vocabulary size increases. Cumulative gains in

knowledge reduce the amount of learning required to learn unknown words. For

example, as vocabulary size increases, learners are more likely to have known

synonyms of unfamiliar words. Knowledge of those synonyms may facilitate the

learning of unfamiliar ones for some aspects of vocabulary knowledge such as

grammatical functions and syntagmatic associations (Webb, 2007b). Knowledge

of word parts may also increase as vocabulary knowledge develops. In the initial

stages of vocabulary development, learners have no knowledge of word parts.

Gradually as knowledge of word parts accumulates it becomes easier to learn

words which are made up of word parts.

 Strategies. Previous studies have identified a number of vocabulary learning

strategies such as guessing from context, dictionary use, and word-pair learning

(Gu & Johnson, 1996; Oxford & Crookall, 1990; Schmitt, 1997; Williams, 1985).

Research generally indicates that more successful vocabulary learners tend to

rely on a wider variety of strategies (Ahmed, 1989; Gu & Johnson, 1996;

Lawson & Hogben, 1996; Moir & Nation, 2002).

 L1 knowledge. Establishing the form-meaning relationship of an L2 word may

be easier if a learner’s L1 has roughly the same word form with roughly the

same meaning as the L2 word. Some languages have a number of loan words

and cognates shared with English. In Japanese, for example, English loan words

account for 45.5% of the 3,000 most frequent words of Nation’s (2004) BNC

word lists, which may facilitate Japanese students’ learning of English high-

frequency words (Daulton, 2004).

 Motivation. Words may be learned more effectively when learners have stronger

motivation to learn them. Research (Crookes & Schmidt, 1991; Gardner &

MacIntyre, 1991) showed that a significantly greater number of words were

learned when monetary rewards were given to those who scored higher than the

pre-determined level. Laufer and Hulstijn (2001) subsume need under

motivation for the purpose of operationalising the effectiveness of vocabulary

learning tasks. Learners are more likely to learn words which they feel a need to

learn. For example, beginners may not feel a need to learn synonyms. However,

advanced learners may feel it is necessary to learn synonyms because they may

need to express the same word in different ways.

4. Situational factors.

 Noticing. Learners need to notice that words are unknown. Factors that may

affect noticing include the importance of the word in the context, the importance

of the word to the learner (need), repetition, and L2 proficiency (Ellis, 1990;

Nation, 2001; Schmidt & Frota, 1986).

 Strength of effort. A stronger effort to understand a text may lead to a greater

depth of processing which may lead to better retention of vocabulary (Hulstijn,

1992; Joe, 1995; Laufer & Hulstijn, 2001). This is because a learner with a

strong effort tends to use multiple sources of information (e.g., context,

sentence-level grammar, and background knowledge) when guessing the

meanings of unknown words and checking the guesses for accuracy (de Bot,

Paribakht, & Wesche, 1997; Haastrup, 1985; Nassaji, 2003).

 Depth of processing. The more deeply a piece of new information is processed,

the more likely it is to be learned. It is argued that the depth with which the

information is processed is more important to long-term memory than the length

of time that the information is held in short-term memory (Craik & Lockhart,

1972; Craik & Tulving, 1975). In an attempt to operationalise the notion of depth

of processing, Laufer and Hulstijn (Laufer & Hulstijn, 2001) proposed an

Involvement Load Hypothesis which examines the effectiveness of vocabulary

learning tasks. Subsequent studies (Hulstijn & Laufer, 2001; Kim, 2011)

generally support this hypothesis.

VLP is related to learner factors because different learners are assumed to have

different levels of VLP. Among several factors relating to learners, the present research

focuses on cumulative gains in vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning

strategies because they are teachable. Learners’ existing knowledge and strategies are

different from other learner factors such as L1 knowledge and motivation which affect

vocabulary learning but cannot be taught. They are also different from textual, word,

and situational factors in this respect. Since VLP is teachable, the results of the present

research will be easily applicable to teaching in normal classroom settings. An in-depth

discussion of what is involved in learners’ existing knowledge and strategies will be

discussed in the subsequent chapter.

VLP may be well explained in relation to Laufer and Husltijn’s (2001) Involvement

Load Hypothesis, one of the most influential theories on L2 vocabulary learning. This

hypothesis predicts the relative efficacy of vocabulary learning tasks on the assumption

that retention of words is conditional upon the degree of involvement in processing the

words. Involvement load is quantified by totalling the ratings of the three components:

need (motivation to learn words), search (attempt to find the meaning or form of a

word), and evaluation (attempt to choose an appropriate form or meaning of a word by

comparison with other words or other meanings of the word). Each of the three

components is rated as 0 (absence of the component), 1 (presence of the component in

its moderate version), or 2 (presence of the component in its strong version). It is

assumed that a task with a higher involvement load (the total of the ratings from the

three components) will be more effective for retention of words than that with a lower

involvement load. Laufer and Hulstijn report that the Involvement Load Hypothesis is

generally consistent with previous studies that examined the effects of different tasks on

vocabulary learning. Supportive evidence for this hypothesis is provided by subsequent

research (Hulstijn & Laufer, 2001; Kim, 2011). While involvement load is an important

factor in vocabulary learning, the level of involvement required for acquisition might

also be determined by learners’ proficiency level of vocabulary learning. In other words,

learners with a higher VLP may require lower involvement for retention of words. For

example, a learner with knowledge of the affix fore- and the word warn may require

lower involvement for learning the word forewarn than a learner without this

knowledge, because this knowledge decreases the amount of knowledge required to

learn forewarn (the pronunciation, the spelling, and the meaning of fore- and warn). In

this sense, involvement load and VLP may be taken to be complementary to each other.

Thus, more effective vocabulary learning may result from both a task with a higher

involvement load and a learner with a higher VLP.

The notion of VLP is also related to learning burden which was first introduced by

Nation (1990, 2001). Learning burden is the amount of effort needed to learn and

remember a word. If a word follows the patterns that learners are already familiar with,

then the learning of the word becomes easy and the learning burden of it is light. For

example, if a learner knows words such as make and take, then the learning burden of

the word lake is light because these words share a similar pattern of pronunciation. VLP

and learning burden are similar in assuming that learners’ existing knowledge makes

vocabulary learning easier, but are different in that focus is put on learners for VLP

(how efficiently the learner can remember words) and on words for learning burden

(how much effort is needed to learn the word).

This section has explained the notion of VLP by comparing it with relevant notions

such as language aptitude, involvement load, and learning burden. VLP refers to the

ability necessary to facilitate vocabulary learning. VLP and language aptitude are

similar in this respect, but are different in that VLP focuses on vocabulary learning in

particular instead of general language proficiency. Among several factors relating to

learners, the present research focuses on learners’ existing knowledge and strategies

which are different from factors in other categories (textual, word, and situational

factors) and other learner factors such as L1 knowledge and motivation which do affect

vocabulary learning but cannot be taught. VLP is also related to the Involvement Load

Hypothesis in that a learner with a higher VLP may require lower involvement for

retention of words. Finally, VLP is related to learning burden in assuming that learners’

existing knowledge makes vocabulary learning easier, but the difference between VLP

and learning burden lies in whether focus is placed on learners (VLP) or words (learning


1.2 Why Is It Important to Measure VLP?

The development and validation of VLP tests is of great value, because, to my

knowledge, there are no tests that aim to measure how efficiently words can be learned.

Existing vocabulary tests aim to measure learners’ knowledge of vocabulary, with focus

being placed either on how many words are known (e.g., the Vocabulary Levels Test;

Nation, 1983, 1990) or how well a word is known (e.g., the Word Associates Test; Read,

1993, 1998). These tests, however, do not tell us how learners can improve their ability

to learn vocabulary. Language aptitude tests such as the MLAT include items that relate

to vocabulary, but their purpose is to measure learners’ aptitude for general language

learning and not for vocabulary learning. This makes it difficult to provide learners with

diagnostic information on what is needed to become efficient in vocabulary learning. A

dearth of tests measuring VLP indicates a need for new approaches to vocabulary

assessment. These tests may provide learners with diagnostic information on how to

improve their VLP.

VLP tests will benefit teachers because they may diagnose their learners’

vocabulary learning weaknesses. The diagnosis will provide learners with information

on which types of knowledge and strategies specifically need to be learned in order to

become more proficient in vocabulary learning. For example, if a VLP test indicates that

a learner needs to know more about word parts, he could then direct his effort to gaining

knowledge of word parts. Since teachers have little time to teach low-frequency words

in class, it is important to help learners become proficient in vocabulary learning

strategies so that they can effectively continue with vocabulary learning on their own.

VLP tests may also help to determine a critical threshold after which vocabulary

learning becomes significantly easier. An investigation into the relationship between

learners’ performance on VLP tests and their vocabulary size may indicate a general

tendency that a learner with a particular vocabulary size has a particular level of VLP.

For example, a learner who knows 3,000 words or more might know the affix fore-

because it is found in forecast and foresee which are within the 3,000-word level in the

British National Corpus (BNC) word lists (Nation, 2004). Knowledge of fore- might in

turn facilitate the learning of less frequent words such as forewarn and forego. If the

goal of vocabulary learning were set at developing a vocabulary size of 8,000 words,

which might be necessary to achieve the 98% coverage of written text (Laufer &

Ravenhorst-Kalovski, 2010; Nation, 2006), then the VLP level of learners with a

vocabulary size of 8,000 words might be taken as the threshold levels for efficient

vocabulary learning.

VLP tests may contribute to a better understanding of L2 vocabulary learning.

Previous studies have investigated the relationships between learners’ existing

knowledge/strategies and vocabulary learning; for example, existing phonological

knowledge relates to vocabulary learning (e.g., Hulme, Maughan, & Brown, 1991) and

existing word part knowledge does too (e.g., Schmitt & Meara, 1997). However, few

attempts have been made to collectively approach the notion of VLP; that is, previous

research has focused on only specific areas of learning proficiency and remains to be

synthesized from a theoretical and practical perspective. This thesis attempts to

contribute to the theory of L2 vocabulary acquisition by providing validated measures

of VLP and allowing empirical research into VLP.

1.3 Purpose and Scope of the Present Research

This thesis aims to develop diagnostic tests of VLP. More specifically, it creates and

validates two tests of VLP: guessing from context and word part knowledge. (What

components are included in VLP and why these two are chosen are discussed in Chapter

2.) In this thesis, this issue is investigated by tackling the following research questions:

1. How is the skill of guessing from context measured?

2. Does the test of guessing from context produce valid and reliable results?

3. How is knowledge of word parts measured?

4. Does the test of word part knowledge produce valida and reliable results?

In order to effectively approach these questions, this thesis consists of seven chapters.

This introductory chapter is followed by a literature review (Chapter 2) which provides

an in-depth discussion about what is involved in VLP. Chapter 3 explains the rationale

and the procedure for creating a guessing-from-context test, one of two components of

VLP tests. Chapter 4 describes ways in which poorly written items are identified and

dealt with, and presents evidence for the validity of the guessing-from-context test. It

also proposes new forms of the test that would be useful for both research and practical

purposes. Chapter 5 provides the rationale and the procedure for creating a word part

test, the second component of VLP tests. Chapter 6 describes two studies one of which

was conducted to identify and rewrite poorly written items on the word part test. The

other study was carried out to examine whether the written items work well for learners

with a wide variety of L1 backgrounds. This chapter also proposes new forms of the

word part test that would be useful to researchers and teachers. Chapter 7 provides

concluding remarks including a general discussion of the research, limitations and

suggestions for future research.

The value of the present research lies in the introduction of the notion of VLP and

the creation of two validated tests of VLP (guessing from context and word part

knowledge). Since the present research is one of the first attempts to create measures of

VLP, it focuses on the two most important components of VLP (The reasons for the

choice of the two components are discussed in Chapter 2). A complete set of VLP tests

will include many other components such as phonological knowledge and dictionary

use, but the development of the tests of these components is beyond the scope of this

research and is left for future studies.

This chapter has discussed the purpose and the importance of the present research.

The subsequent chapter takes a closer look at what kinds of knowledge and strategies

are involved in VLP.



This chapter first reviews the L2 literature on what is involved in knowing a word in

order to clarify which aspects of vocabulary knowledge become easier to learn with a

higher VLP. It then discusses what is involved in VLP and why this thesis focuses on

the skill of guessing from context and knowledge of word parts.

2.1. Vocabulary Knowledge

This section summarises aspects of vocabulary knowledge that are proposed by

previous research in the field of L2 vocabulary acquisition, and discusses which aspect

of vocabulary knowledge is focused on in this thesis. Table 1 presents previous studies

on what is involved in knowing a word.

Table 1. Summary of what is involved in knowing a word

Richards (1976) Nation (1990) Laufer (1997) Nation (2001)
Spoken form Form (spoken) Spoken form
Form and its
Written form Form (written) Written form
Word structure Word parts
Semantic value Concept Meaning Form and
Multiple Concept and
meanings referents
Associations Associations Lexical Associations
Syntactic Grammatical Syntactic Grammatical
behaviour patterns pattern functions
Collocations Common Collocations
Frequency Appropriateness Constraints on
Limitations on Frequency use

As shown in Table 1, all of these studies have pointed out that knowing a word involves

multiple aspects of word knowledge. Important prerequisites for VLP might be different

according to which aspect of vocabulary knowledge is being learned. For example,

phonological knowledge might facilitate the learning of the pronunciation of a word, but

it might hardly contribute to the learning of the grammatical function of a word.

Among various aspects of vocabulary knowledge, the present research focuses on

the form-meaning relationship because this aspect is arguably the most important. First,

the importance of the form-meaning relationship may be seen in the fact that this aspect

of vocabulary knowledge is included in all previous studies with different labels. It is

termed as “semantic value” by Richards (1976), “concept” by Nation (1990), “meaning”

by Laufer (1997), and “form and meaning” by Nation (2001). All of these terms refer to

the relationship between word form and its meaning.

Second, words are primarily units of meaning and knowledge of form-meaning

relationships may be more important than other aspects of vocabulary knowledge such

as grammatical function and associations because semantic knowledge is required for

comprehension. Laufer, et al. (2004) argue for the centrality of the form-meaning

relationship as follows:

[A] student who knows what ‘evidence’ means, but does not know that it is
used as a singular noun and says *‘The judge listened to many evidences’
will be understood, in spite of the grammatical error. On the other hand, a
student who knows that ‘evidence’ is used in the singular but confuses its
meaning with ‘avoidance’ will experience a breakdown in communication.

In terms of communication where meaning is conveyed between the speaker and the

listener, a grammatically incorrect sentence consisting of words with correct meanings

may be more acceptable than a grammatically correct sentence consisting of words with

incorrect meanings; hence, knowledge of form-meaning relationships is of particular


Third, the majority of learning materials, activities, and vocabulary tests have

focused on knowledge of form-meaning relationships, perhaps because the first step in

vocabulary learning is seen as establishing initial form-meaning relationships (Schmitt,

2008). For example, researchers have created and validated tests of vocabulary size

(how many words are known) which are designed to measure the amount of knowledge

of form-meaning relationships. The Vocabulary Levels Test (Beglar & Hunt, 1999;

Nation, 1983, 1990; Schmitt, et al., 2001) requires learners to match a word meaning to

its form. Here is an example.

1. business
2. clock part of a house
3. horse animal with four legs
4. pencil something used for writing
5. shoe
6. wall

On this test, learners choose the correct word form that goes with each of the three

meanings from a set of six options. This format directly measures the form-meaning

relationship. Another test of vocabulary size is the Vocabulary Size Test (Beglar, 2010;

Nation & Beglar, 2007) which requires learners to match a word form to its meaning.

Here is an example.

miniature: It is a miniature.
a) a very small thing of its kind
b) an instrument for looking at very small objects
c) a very small living creature
d) a small line to join letters in handwriting

On this test, learners choose the correct meaning of the target word (miniature) from a

set of four options. This format also directly measures knowledge of form-meaning

relationships. Meara and Buxton (1987) proposed a yes/no format instead of a multiple-

choice format for measuring vocabulary size. They presented learners with a list of real

and nonsense words and asked them to tick the words that they knew the meaning of. If

they ticked nonsense words, their scores were downgraded. The yes/no format may also

measure knowledge of form-meaning relationships because learners are asked to

examine whether they know the meanings of the words and the results showed that this

format was significantly correlated to a multiple-choice format (r=.703, p<.001) where

learners matched a word form to its meaning .

It could be argued that other existing vocabulary tests such as the Productive

Vocabulary Levels Test and the Word Associates Test also measure knowledge of form-

meaning relationships. The Productive Vocabulary Levels Test (Laufer & Nation, 1999)

is a test in which learners have to write a word starting with a few pre-determined letters

in a sentence. Here is an example.

The garden was full of fra flowers.

In this example, learners write the word that starts with fra and best fits the context.

This test may be related to knowledge of form-meaning relationships because learners

first determine the meaning of the blank from the context and then recall the form

linked to the meaning. Another existing vocabulary test is the Vocabulary Knowledge

Scale (Wesche & Paribakht 1996) which asks learners to evaluate a list of words by

choosing their level of knowledge from the following five options: (1) “I don’t

remember having seen this word before,” (2) “I have seen this word before, but I don’t

know what it means,” (3) “I have seen this word before, and I think it means (synonym

or translation),” (4) “I know this word. It means (synonym or translation),” and (5) “I

can use this word in a sentence (write a sentence).” This scale is also related to the

form-meaning relationship because it measures how well learners know the meanings of

the words. The Word Associates Test (Read, 1993, 1995; Schmitt, et al., 2011) is a test

of knowledge of word associations. Here is an example of this test.


neutral core perfect root marriage objective agreement news

In this example, the target word is fundamental and learners choose two associates from

each of the two boxes (the left box contains paradigmatic associations and the right box

contains syntagmatic associations). This test is designed as a measure of depth of

vocabulary knowledge, but may also be related to knowledge of form-meaning

relationships, because learners are less likely to be able to choose correct answers

without knowledge of the meaning of fundamental. To sum up, existing vocabulary tests,

either explicitly or implicitly, measure knowledge of form-meaning relationships,

perhaps because the form-meaning relationship is central to vocabulary knowledge.

Finally, vocabulary size, or the number of words whose meanings are known, plays

a critical role in language skills such as reading and listening. Research (Nation, 2006)

indicates that a vocabulary size of 8,000-9,000 words may be necessary for

understanding written texts, and a vocabulary size of 5,000-6,000 words are needed for

aural comprehension. Learners with a vocabulary size below these levels might have

trouble understanding written or spoken texts. Research shows that vocabulary size has

a strong relationship with reading comprehension. Laufer (1992) reported that positive

correlations were found between reading comprehension as measured by two

standardised reading tests (the reading component of Examen Hoger Algemeen

Vortgezet Onderwijs consisting of two texts and 20 multiple-choice comprehension

questions, and the English subtest of the Israeli university psychometric entrance test

consisting of texts with 40 multiple-choice comprehension questions) and vocabulary

size as measured by the Vocabulary Levels Test (Nation, 1983) (r=.50, p<.01) and as

measured by the Eurocentres Vocabulary Test (Meara & Jones, 1990) (r=.75, p<.01).

Qian (1999) examined the relationships among reading comprehension, vocabulary size,

association knowledge, and morphological knowledge, showing that reading

comprehension as measured by a reading section of TOEFL (Educational Testing

Service, 1987, pp. 93-100) positively correlated to vocabulary size as measured by the

Vocabulary Levels Test (Nation, 1983, 1990) (r=.78, p<.05). He also found that the

correlation between reading comprehension and vocabulary size was roughly as high as

that between reading comprehension and association knowledge as measured by the

Word Associates Format (Read, 1993, 1995) (r=.82, p<.05) and was higher than that

between reading comprehension and morphological knowledge as measured by a self-

made test where learners were asked to define ten words with particular affixes and then

to write the part of speech of these ten words (r=.64, p<.05). These studies indicate the

relative importance of knowledge of form-meaning relationships in language skills such

as reading and listening.

For the above-mentioned reasons, the form-meaning relationship is arguably the

most important aspect of vocabulary knowledge. The present research, thus, focuses on

the learning of form-meaning relationships when referring to VLP. The subsequent

section discusses what is involved in VLP; that is, what kinds of knowledge and

strategies contribute to the efficient learning of form-meaning relationships.

2.2 What Is Involved in VLP?

In order to establish the form-meaning relationship of a word, learners need to gain

knowledge of the word form and its meaning. The learning of unknown word forms

would be facilitated if learners already knew rules for spoken and written forms. For

example, absolute beginners without any knowledge of English may have difficulty

learning the pronunciation of the word date, but learners with knowledge of words such

as take, make, and name may be able to learn the pronunciation of date easily.

The learning of word meaning may be easier if learners are more successful in

deriving the appropriate meaning when they come across unknown words while reading

or listening. The strategies for deriving word meaning include word part analysis,

guessing from context, and consulting a dictionary (de Bot, et al., 1997; Fraser, 1999;

Mori & Nagy, 1999; Paribakht & Wesche, 1999). The ability of intentional learning

through L2-L1 word pairs may also be of great importance, because adult learners

already possess a well-established L1 conceptual and lexical system, and L1 use may

reduce the learning burden of L2 meaning at the initial stage of vocabulary development

(e.g., Jiang, 2004).

Taken together, VLP involves the following six aspects:

(1) knowledge of a sound system,

(2) knowledge of sound-spelling relationships,

(3) knowledge of word parts,

(4) guessing from context,

(5) dictionary use, and

(6) word-pair learning.

The following subsections review the literature on the effects of each of the six aspects

of VLP on vocabulary learning and on the effectiveness of teaching each aspect.

2.2.1. Knowledge of a Sound System

The importance of phonological knowledge in vocabulary learning is strongly supported

by research on the relationship between phonological short- and long-term memory. It

has been pointed out that short-term memory as measured by non-word repetition

(accuracy of repeating unfamiliar spoken words) and articulatory suppression

(interruption by repetition of a nonsense word during learning) affects the learning of

novel foreign words and nonsense words (Ellis & Sinclair, 1996; Gathercole &

Baddeley, 1989; Masoura & Gathercole, 1999; Papagno, Valentine, & Baddeley, 1991;

Service, 1992). As learners’ vocabulary grows, phonological long-tem knowledge

becomes more important in vocabulary learning than short-term memory. Gathercole

(1995) observed that for any given length of nonsense word, English-like words

(e.g., defermication) were easier for L1 English children than non-English-like words

(e.g., perplisteronk). Further analysis showed that short-term memory (as measured by

tests of digit span and one- and three-syllable span) was more closely related to non-

word repetition accuracy for the non-English-like than for the English-like words. These

findings indicate that while totally unfamiliar words are largely dependent on

phonological short-term memory, the learning of English-like items is likely to be

facilitated by long-term lexical knowledge. Cheung (1996), in a study with Hong Kong

7th graders learning English, found that phonological short-term memory as measured

by non-word repetition was related to vocabulary acquisition only for those with a small

English vocabulary size. Masoura and Gathercole (2005) found that Greek children’s

speed of learning English words in a paired-associate learning task was strongly

affected by their current English vocabulary knowledge, arguing that learners with

considerable familiarity with the L2 benefit from the use of existing knowledge

representations. Gathercole, Service, Hitch, Adams, and Martin (1999) argue that long-

term memory has an impact on short-term memory in the way that it helps to

reconstruct words from incomplete phonological memory traces at the point of retrieval

by constraining possible sequences of sounds with reference to phonotactic regularity.

Phonological knowledge as a facilitating factor seems to be segmentalised.

Research (Fowler, 1991; Metsala & Walley, 1998; Walley, 1993) indicates that as

vocabulary grows, children’s phonological representations become increasingly

segmentalised and eventually phoneme-level representations arise. The segmental

nature of existing phonological representations would in turn facilitate the learning of

phonological form (Bowey, 1996, 2001; de Jong, Seveke, & van Veen, 2000; Snowling,

Goulandris, Bowlby, & Howell, 1986). Ellis (2001) argues that “phonology [...]

develop[s] hierarchically by repeated cycles of differentiation and integration of chunks

of sequences” (p.41).

The ability to segment speech sounds is called phonological sensitivity (or

phonological awareness), and research shows that phonological sensitivity is improved

by training. Lundberg, Frost and Petersen (1988) showed that Danish preschool children

improved their phonological awareness after metalinguistic games and exercises that

stimulated them to discover and attend to phonological structures. The positive effect of

training on the improvement of phonological awareness is also confirmed by Byrne and

Fielding- Barnsley (1995) and de Jong et al. (2000).

2.2.2. Knowledge of Sound-Spelling Relationships

In English, spelling and pronunciation are closely related to each other, and it would be

of value to deal with them together. The English language uses phonograms, and

spelling ability has found to be most strongly affected by learners’ phonological

representation (e.g., Bradley & Huxford, 1994). On the other hand, it has been shown

that spelling knowledge improves learners’ memory for pronunciation (e.g., Rosenthal

& Ehri, 2008).

Although English seems to have complex relationships between the sounds and the

spellings that they represent, there are rules for the sound-spelling relationships in

English. Abbott (2000) showed that the rules of English sound-letter relationships were

reliable (the reliability was 75% or more), indicating the effectiveness of phonic

knowledge in vocabulary learning.

The effectiveness of teaching phonics has been confirmed by studies with children.

Bruck, Treiman, Caravolas, Genesee, and Cassar (1998) found that children with

phonics instruction produced more accurate word spellings than children without

phonics instruction when asked to learn and spell a list of words; in addition, the

phonics children produced more conventional and phonologically acceptable patterns

for the spellings of nonsense words. Similar results were obtained by Roberts and

Meiring (2006). Nation (2009) argues that while most learning of L2 sound-spelling

relationships occurs incidentally, deliberate teaching would help speed up the learning.

2.2.3. Knowledge of Word Parts

The usefulness of word parts has been underlined by corpus-based research. Nagy and

Anderson (1984) analysed a 7,260-word sample from the Word Frequency Book

(Carroll, Davies, & Richman, 1971), and found that each base form has on average

between 1.57 and 3.22 derived forms (excluding inflected forms) depending on the way

in which a word is counted as a family. Of course, word parts are not necessarily equal

in value. Research into the frequency of affixes has shown that only a small number of

affixes appear frequently (e.g., Thorndike, 1941).

The importance of morphological knowledge is also supported by research from a

psychological perspective; that is, the relationship between word stems and their

morphologically related forms is psychologically real. Nagy, Anderson, Schommer,

Scott, and Stallman (1989) conducted a lexical decision task with 95 L1 English

speakers in the United States and showed that the speed with which a word was

recognised was conditional upon the total frequency of its morphologically related

forms rather than the frequency of the word itself. This indicates that morphologically

related words are linked to one another in the mental lexicon and that every word does

not have a completely separate entry.

Empirical studies with L2 learners of English have shown that knowledge of word

parts positively correlates with vocabulary size. Schmitt and Meara (1997), in a study

with 95 Japanese university students learning English, reported a moderate correlation

between affix knowledge and vocabulary size (r = .27-.41). Higher correlations are

reported in subsequent studies such as Qian (1999) (r = .69), Mochizuki and Aizawa

(2000) (r = .54-.65), and Ishii and Schmitt (2009) (r = .73).

The importance of explicit instruction of word parts has been pointed out by Bauer

and Nation (1993) and Nation (1990, 2001). This is empirically supported by Schmitt

and Zimmerman (2002) who indicated that learners might not acquire word part

knowledge automatically through exposure. They argue that word parts need to be

learned explicitly, especially for productive use.

2.2.4. Guessing from Context

The skill of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context plays an important

part in learning vocabulary through reading and listening. Research in foreign language

acquisition (Brown, Waring, & Donkaewbua, 2008; Day, et al., 1991; Dupuy & Krashen,

1993; Horst, et al., 1998; Hulstijn, 1992; Pitts, et al., 1989; Waring & Takaki, 2003)

indicates that words may be successfully inferred from context, but only a small

proportion of words may be retained. Guessing from context has the advantage of

providing learners with the meaning of a word in particular use. Given that many words

are polysemous and the meaning of a word is largely determined by the context in

which it occurs (Miller, 1999), guessing from context may be an effective way of

gaining knowledge of meaning (Anderson & Nagy, 1991).

Research (Fukkink & de Glopper, 1998; Kuhn & Stahl, 1998; Walters, 2004)

indicates that instruction has a positive effect on the guessing strategy, and that the

effectiveness of instruction may vary according to proficiency level. Walters (2006)

found that less proficient learners benefited most from general strategy instruction

(presenting a general rule for guessing followed by practice), while more advanced

learners benefited most from context instruction (making learners aware of specific

types of context clues).

2.2.5 Dictionary Use

Research (Chun & Plass, 1996; Hill & Laufer, 2003; Hulstijn, Hollander, & Greidanus,

1996; Knight, 1994; Laufer & Hill, 2000; Luppescu & Day, 1993; Peters, 2007) has

indicated that the use of dictionaries contributes to gains in vocabulary knowledge.

Luppescu and Day (1993), for example, examined the effects of using bilingual

dictionaries while reading on vocabulary learning with 293 Japanese university students

learning English as a foreign language. The results showed that those who used a

dictionary scored significantly higher on a subsequent vocabulary test than those who

did not. The results also indicated that some learners were unable to locate the

appropriate meaning of a word that was looked up in a dictionary. Knight (1994)

investigated the effects of dictionary use on vocabulary learning with 112 intermediate

Spanish learners of English, showing that those who used a dictionary scored higher on

both an immediate and delayed (two weeks later) vocabulary tests than those who did

not. Similar results were obtained by Hulstijn et al. (1996) with 78 Dutch advanced

students of French, although those who were given marginal glosses (L1 translations of

unknown words) scored higher on a subsequent vocabulary test than those who were

allowed to use a bilingual dictionary.

Although dictionary use may have a positive effect on vocabulary learning,

learners may not be efficient at it. Tono (1988) examined the skill of dictionary use by

Japanese university students with a low to intermediate level of proficiency by

measuring multiple aspects of dictionary use including pronunciation, spelling, part of

speech, meaning, reference speed, derivatives, synonyms, usage, and social background.

The results showed that the participants were successful in deriving the appropriate

meaning of 67-71% of the words that were looked up in a dictionary. The results also

showed that the participants performed better for some aspects of dictionary use

(e.g., success rate of finding inflected forms = 78%) than others (e.g., success rate of

finding derivatives = 46%). Fraser (1999) examined eight Francophone university

students’ strategies for dealing with unknown words while reading, and found that the

participants were successful in deriving the appropriate meaning of 78% of the words

that were looked up in a dictionary. These studies indicate that there is still room for

improving learners’ skill of dictionary use.

The skill of dictionary use may be improved by instruction. Fraser (1999) reported

that the participants became slightly more successful in deriving the appropriate

meanings of unknown words in a dictionary after metacognitive strategy training

(raising awareness of the use of lexical processing strategies such as consulting a

dictionary, guessing from context, and ignoring). More systematic strategy training may

focus on each aspect of what is involved in dictionary use such as Schofield’s (1982)

seven steps in using a dictionary for comprehension.

2.2.6. Word-Pair Learning

Although deliberate, decontextualised word-pair learning has often been considered to

be a less useful activity than contextualised learning (e.g., Oxford & Crookall, 1990), it

is of great importance because it enables learners to focus on particular words that meet

their needs and to control how often the words are encountered so that they may be

effectively stored in memory (Nation, 2001). L2 empirical research shows that

deliberate learning leads to greater and faster gains of form-meaning relationships than

incidental learning does. Prince (1996) found that learning with L1 translations was

more effective than contextualised learning in the number of newly learned words

recalled. Laufer and Shmueli (1997) showed that words presented in a list were learned

better than words presented in context. These studies indicate that deliberate learning

should be seen as complementary to incidental learning, rather than as an inferior

method of learning.

The value of deliberate learning is also supported by a recent study (Elgort, 2007)

which showed that implicit knowledge as measured by primed lexical decision tasks

resulted from intentional decontextualised learning. This indicates that deliberate

learning of vocabulary may lead to the kind of knowledge required for normal language


Word-pair learning ability is likely to be improved through instruction. Reviewing

the literature, Nation (2001) proposes some teachable guidelines for effective deliberate

learning. For example, the guideline use recall is based on research findings

(e.g., Baddeley, 1990) indicating that retrieving the meaning of an unknown word is

more effective than seeing the word and its meaning at the same time.

Sections 2.2.1-2.2.6 have looked at each of the six aspects of VLP: knowledge of a

sound system, knowledge of sound-spelling relationships, knowledge of word parts,

guessing from context, dictionary use, and word-pair learning. Previous studies have

generally indicated that these six types of knowledge and strategies have a positive

effect on vocabulary learning, and are improved by teaching. Taken together, these six

aspects of VLP may be taken as important prerequisites for efficient vocabulary learning.

Among the six aspects of VLP, the present research focuses on guessing from context

and knowledge of word parts. The subsequent section discusses the reasons for that.

2.3 Importance of Guessing from Context and Knowledge of Word Parts

Since it is impossible to deal with the creation and validation of the tests of all six

aspects of VLP in a single PhD, this thesis focuses on two of them: guessing from

context and knowledge of word parts. This section discusses the reasons why it might

be more important to measure the skill of guessing from context and knowledge of word

parts than other aspects of VLP.

The first reason for the creation of the two tests is that there have been no validated

tests that measure the skill of guessing from context and knowledge of word parts.

Existing tests of guessing from context may not be useful for detecting learners’

weaknesses, because the tests are not easy to complete and grade (e.g., Haastrup, 1991)

or the tests do not measure multiple aspects of guessing (e.g., Schatz & Baldwin, 1986)

(see Section 3.4 for a review of the existing tests of guessing from context). Existing

tests of word part knowledge may also have limitations, because the tests do not

measure multiple aspects of word part knowledge (e.g., Wysocki & Jenkins, 1987) or a

limited number of word parts are measured (e.g., Schmitt & Meara, 1997) (see Sections,, and for a review of the existing tests of word part knowledge).

The skill of guessing from context plays a key role in vocabulary learning, because

it is the most frequent and preferred strategy when learners deal with unknown words in

context. Paribakht and Wesche (1999) conducted an introspective study with ten

intermediate ESL learners with various L1 backgrounds, and found that the participants

used guessing from context for 80% of the unknown words whose meanings they

actively tried to identify. Fraser (1999) also conducted an introspective study with eight

Francophone university students, and found that guessing was the most frequent

strategy (44%) of all the strategies employed (consult = 29%; ignore = 24%; other =

3%). Cooper (1999) examined strategy use for dealing with unknown idioms with 18

ESL learners with a variety of L1 backgrounds, and found that guessing was the most

frequent strategy (28%) of all the strategies employed.

Although guessing is the most frequent strategy for dealing with unknown words

in context, learners’ guesses often result in failure. Nassaji (2003), in a study with 21

ESL learners with various L1 backgrounds, found that they made correct guesses for

25.6% of all unknown words and 44.2% of these items if partially correct guesses were

included. Similar results were obtained in a study by Parry (1991), in which the four

participants’ ratios of correct guesses to the total number of guesses ranged from 12% to

33%. These low success rates suggest that there is much room for improvement in the

guessing strategy. Creating a guessing-from-context test may diagnose learners’

weaknesses in guessing and contribute to the improvement of the guessing strategy.

Guessing from context may be a major source of vocabulary learning where

vocabulary learning occurs while reading and listening. The importance of vocabulary

learning through reading and listening can be seen in a number of previous studies that

provide positive but modest evidence for gains in vocabulary knowledge for both L1

acquisition (Jenkins, Stein, & Wysocki, 1984; Nagy, Anderson, & Herman, 1987; Nagy,

et al., 1985; Shu, Anderson, & Zhang, 1995) and L2 acquisition (Brown, et al., 2008;

Day, et al., 1991; Dupuy & Krashen, 1993; Horst, et al., 1998; Hulstijn, 1992; Pitts, et

al., 1989; Waring & Takaki, 2003). It is argued that the vast majority of words are

learned while reading and listening especially for L1 acquisition (Nagy & Anderson,

1984). For L2 acquisition, vocabulary learning through reading and listening may

become important especially when learners have gained knowledge of high-frequency

words that appear in a wide variety of texts. This is because teachers may have little

time to deal with a daunting number of low-frequency words in class and learners may

need to increase their vocabulary knowledge on their own while reading or listening to

the texts that are of interest to them. Taken together, the improved skill of guessing has

the potential to facilitate vocabulary learning through reading or listening, because

learners rely on the guessing strategy most frequently when dealing with unknown

words in context and good guessers are likely to have a greater opportunity to derive the

appropriate meaning of an unknown word and learn it.

The second aspect of VLP examined in this thesis is knowledge of word parts. For

English learners, this knowledge is of great value because about half of English words

are morphologically complex (Anglin, 1993; Goulden, Nation, & Read, 1990; Nagy &

Anderson, 1984). In addition, a corpus-based study by Nagy and Anderson (1984)

indicated that an increasingly greater proportion of semantically transparent words

appear as the word frequency goes down. This suggests that knowledge of word parts is

useful especially for the learning of low-frequency words which may not be taught in

class and thus need to be learned independently.

Another advantage of word part knowledge is that it may help learners check

whether an unknown word has been successfully guessed from context (Mori, 2002;

Mori & Nagy, 1999; Nagy & Anderson, 1984; Nation, 2001). In other words, integration

of information from context and word parts may make guessing more successful and

contribute to effective vocabulary learning. Being aware of the two sources of

information is of great importance because word meanings may not easily be

determined by a single source of information. Research (Beck, McKeown, & McCaslin,

1983; Schatz & Baldwin, 1986) indicates that contextual clues are not always sufficient

for deriving the meanings of unknown words. Research (Bensoussan & Laufer, 1984)

also indicates that learners may be misled by some deceptive word parts (e.g., bother is

not both + -er).

Finally, knowledge of word parts and the skill of guessing from context may be the

most useful strategies for learners because these strategies may be used in any situation

for any words. Both strategies do not require supplementary materials such as word

cards and flash card software. The skill of guessing is available when learners read or

listen to virtually any material (e.g., novels, newspapers, and movies) and thus learning

occurs both inside and outside the classroom. It may also make learning pleasurable

because learners can read or listen to any material that is interesting to them.

Knowledge of word parts is also useful because it is widely available for learning word

families (morphologically and semantically related words). Research (Nagy &

Anderson, 1984) shows that every word has more than one derivative on average (1.57

– 3.22 derivatives excluding inflections depending on the difference in the definition of

semantic relatedness), indicating that knowledge of affixes may help expand vocabulary


For the above-mentioned reasons, this thesis created and validated tests of guessing

from context and knowledge of word parts. An in-depth review of the literature on how

these two aspects of VLP have been measured will be provided separately in Chapter 3

for guessing from context and Chapter 5 for knowledge of word parts so that it may be

easier to recognise the difference between the formats used in previous studies and the

format used in this thesis.

2.4 Summary

This chapter has made the purpose and the scope of this thesis clearer by justifying the

need to measure two aspects of VLP: the skill of guessing from context and knowledge

of word parts. It first argued that the form-meaning relationship should be examined

among the various aspects of vocabulary knowledge because this aspect is arguably the

most important. Narrowing an argument down to one aspect of vocabulary knowledge

was necessary because important prerequisites for VLP may be different according to

the aspect of vocabulary knowledge being learned. A review of the literature indicates

that the VLP for form-meaning relationships involves the following six types:

knowledge of a sound system, knowledge of sound-spelling relationships, knowledge of

word parts, guessing from context, dictionary use, and word-pair learning. All these six

types of VLP facilitate vocabulary learning and are improved by teaching. Among the

six types of VLP, this thesis focuses on guessing from context and knowledge of word

parts. The reasons for the choice of measuring the skill of guessing from context are (1)

that there have been no established tests of guessing from context; (2) that guessing is

the most frequent strategy when learners come across unknown words in context; (3)

that L2 learners often fail to derive the appropriate meaning of an unknown word from

context; (4) that guessing may be the main source of independent vocabulary learning;

and (5) that guessing is one of the most useful strategies for learners. The reasons for

the choice of measuring knowledge of word parts are (1) that there have been no

established tests of word part knowledge; (2) that knowledge of word parts may

facilitate the learning of affixed words which account for about half of the words in

English; (3) that combining information from word parts and context may make

guessing more accurate; and (4) that word part knowledge is one of the most useful

strategies for learnes. The subsequent chapter reviews the literature on how guessing

from context has been measured and looks at the procedure for creating a guessing-

from-context test.



This chapter aims to describe the procedure for developing a guessing-from-context test.

After discussing the scope of the test, it focuses on particular types of clues that can be

used in guessing from context. It then provides an in-depth discussion on the process for

determining the format of the test.

3.1 Scope of the Research

The present guessing-from-context test (GCT) aims to measure how well L2 learners

can guess the meaning of unknown words in written text. Some studies (e.g., Carton,

1971; Nassaji, 2003) prefer the term inferencing to guessing, because the term guessing

may be taken to imply random guesswork based on arbitrary intuition. In the present

research, the term guessing refers to informed guessing which does not include the

notion of such random guesswork. The term inferencing is avoided to differentiate

between the act of deriving meaning from context which often results in failure and the

act of drawing a conclusion from formal reasoning based on available data which is

often used as a technical word in the field of science and logic (e.g., statistical inference

in science and valid inference in logic).

It is important to distinguish between deriving the meaning of an unknown word

from context and learning it because successful guessing does not always lead to

learning (e.g., Fraser, 1999). The present research focuses on guessing from context

instead of learning. Guessing from context plays a critical role in vocabulary learning

because it is an important prerequisite for vocabulary learning while reading and is the

main strategy used when learners meet unknown words in context (de Bot, et al., 1997;

Fraser, 1999; Hulstijn, 1992; Paribakht & Wesche, 1999). It should be reasonable to

assume that more efficient learners in guessing from context have a greater chance to

learn words while reading.

The GCT aims to provide learners with diagnostic information on their weaknesses

in guessing from context. In so doing, it measures whether they can find and use clues

in context. Among various types of clues, it deals with grammar (part of speech of the

unknown word) and discourse (relationships with other words or phrases in the context)

clues. The subsequent section reviews what types of clues are available to L2 learners

and discusses the reasons for focusing on grammar and discourse clues.

3.2 Clues for Guessing from Context

This section reviews what types of clues have been found to be available to L2 learners

when they guess the meaning of unknown words from context. It also discusses why the

GCT measures knowledge of grammar and discourse.

Carton (1971) logically proposed three categories for cues 1 that can be used in

guessing from context: intra-lingual, inter-lingual, and extra-lingual. Intra-lingual cues

come from knowledge of the target language, including morphological, syntactic, and

phonological knowledge. Inter-lingual cues are based on knowledge of languages other

than L2 (L1 and others) including loan words and cognates. Finally, extra-lingual (or

contextual) cues include knowledge of the world.

Borrowing the tripartite taxonomy of cue types from Carton (1971), Haastrup

Carton preferred the term cue to clue. The two terms are used interchangeably in this thesis.

(1985, 1987, 1991) empirically investigated how L2 learners guessed from context

based on introspective and retrospective data from Danish learners of English. The

results indicated that each of the three cue types could be subdivided into two as shown

in Table 2. The taxonomy is not mutually exclusive.

Table 2. Taxonomy of cue types by Haastrup (1985, 1987, 1991)

Cue type Sub-category Description
Contextual 1. The co-text One or two words from the immediate co-text; the
immediate co-text; a specific part of the co-text
beyond the sentence of the test word; unspecified
use of the co-text.

2. Knowledge of Factual knowledge; attitudes; beliefs; prejudices.

the world

Intralingual 1. The test word Phonology/orthography; morphology; lexis; word

class; collocations; semantics.

2. The syntax of Structure of the sentence in which the test word

the sentence occurs.

Interlingual 1. The L1 Phonology; orthography; morphology;

(Danish) collocations; semantics.

2. Ln (other than General reflections; morphology; lexis; semantics.

L1 and L2)

Using the think-aloud method with 10 ESL university students, de Bot, et al.

(1997) identified eight knowledge sources used in guessing which varied widely in

frequency of use. Table 3 presents the eight types of knowledge in descending order of

frequency (how often each knowledge source was used).

Table 3. Taxonomy of knowledge sources by de Bot, et al. (1997)
Knowledge source Description Frequency
Sentence-level grammatical Parts of speech in a sentence. 34.6

Word morphology English derivations and inflections. 15.0

Punctuation Punctuation and capitalisation rules. 11.2

World knowledge Knowledge of the theme and topic. 9.3

Discourse and text Information from other parts of the 3.7


Homonymy Phonetic similarities between the 3.7

target word and another word
(e.g., melt and smell).

Word associations Words associated with the target word 2.8

(e.g., accommodation and hotel

Cognates Word cognates, mainly between 1.9

English and French in their study.

Unknown - 17.8

As shown in Table 3, some knowledge sources were used more frequently than others.

The most popular two sources were sentence-level grammar and morphology,

accounting for half of the sources used for guessing.

Based on introspective and retrospective data from 21 intermediate ESL learners,

Nassaji (2003) identified five knowledge sources. Table 4 presents these knowledge

sources in descending order of frequency (how often each knowledge source was used).

It also provides the percentage of successful guesses including partial success for each

knowledge source.

Table 4. Taxonomy of knowledge sources by Nassaji (2003)
Knowledge Description Frequency Success
source (%) (%)*
World Knowledge of the content or the topic 46.2 54.2
that goes beyond what is in the text.

Morphological Knowledge of word formation and word 26.9 57.1

structure, including word derivations,
inflections, word stems, suffixes, and

Grammatical Knowledge of grammatical functions or 11.5 41.7

syntactic categories such as verbs,
adjectives, or adverbs.

Discourse Knowledge about the relation between or 8.7 55.6

within sentences and the devices that
make connections between the different
parts of the text.

L1 Knowledge of similar words in the L1. 6.7 42.9

*Percentage of successful guesses

As shown in Table 4, some knowledge sources were used more frequently than others,

which supports the findings of de Bot, et al. (1997). It should be noted that the

frequency of world knowledge was widely different: While de Bot, et al. found that

their participants relied heavily on grammatical (34.6%) and morphological knowledge

(15.0%) followed by world knowledge (9.3%), Nassaji’s participants used world

knowledge most frequently (46.2%) followed by morphological (26.9%) and

grammatical knowledge (11.5%). This may have been due to the nature of context,

supporting Nation’s (2001, p.257) argument that background clues are not always

present. Table 4 also shows that the percentages of success ranged between 41.7% and

57.1%, suggesting that the probability of success in guessing might vary according to

the knowledge source used.

Previous studies (de Bot, et al., 1997; Haastrup, 1985, 1987, 1991; Nassaji, 2003)

largely agree on the types of clues that L2 learners use in guessing. Table 5 summarises

the clues identified by these studies with the aim of showing the overlap among them.

The overlapping categories are listed in the same row; for example, “The co-text” used

by Haastrup, “Discourse and text” and “Punctuation” used by de Bot, et al., and

“Discourse knowledge” used by Nassaji refer to similar notions.

Table 5. Summary of clue types

de Bot, et al. (1997) Nassaji (2003)
(1985, 1987, 1991)
Type 1 The co-text Discourse and text Discourse knowledge

Type 2 Knowledge of the World knowledge World knowledge


Type 3 The test word Word morphology Morphological

Word associations knowledge

Type 4 The syntax of the Sentence-level Grammatical

sentence grammatical knowledge

Type 5 The L1 (Danish) Cognates L1 knowledge

Type 6 L3, L4, etc.

As shown in Table 5, clues for guessing may be categorised into six types. Among

those clue types, discourse (Type 1) and grammar (Type 4) clues were selected for the

GCT based on the following two criteria:

1. The clue can be taught; and

2. The clue can be used in every context.

The first criterion was set up so that teachers could help learners improve their skill of

guessing from context based on the GCT. L1 knowledge (Type 5) and knowledge of

another language (Type 6) did not meet this criterion because language teachers are not

always familiar with their students’ L1s and third languages (L3s).

The second criterion presupposes that clues that are always present in context are

more useful than those that are not. World knowledge (Type 2) did not meet this

criterion, because world knowledge is not always available especially when learners

read about unfamiliar topics. It may also be outside the scope of language teachers

because they cannot be familiar with every topic that their students may encounter or

know the extent of their students’ world knowledge. Another type of knowledge that did

not meet the second criterion was knowledge of the test words. The use of word clues is

not always available or helpful. Morphological knowledge cannot be used effectively

when an unknown word does not consist of analysable word parts. It has also been

pointed out that wrong guesses are typically caused by the misunderstanding of the

word forms (Bensoussan & Laufer, 1984; Laufer & Sim, 1985; Nassaji, 2003). For

example, Bensoussan and Laufer (1984) reported that some L2 learners wrongly

guessed the meaning of outline as ‘out of line’ by breaking it into parts. As Nation (2001,

p. 259) suggests, it may be more effective to use word form clues as a supportive aid for

checking a guess rather than as a main strategy for guessing.

The GCT focuses on discourse (Type 1) and grammar (Type 4) clues. A discourse

clue is a clue found in other parts of the context. A grammar clue refers to the part of

speech of the unknown word which makes it possible to analyse the structure of the

sentence in which the unknown word is used. There are three reasons for measuring

knowledge of these two types of clues on the GCT. First, research has shown that the

skills of using discourse clues (e.g., Fukkink & de Glopper, 1998; Kuhn & Stahl, 1998;

Walters, 2006) and analysing the grammatical structure in a sentence (e.g., Carpay,

1974; van Parreren, 1975) can be improved by teaching. These two types of knowledge

are different from other types of knowledge such as L1 and L3 which are difficult to


Second, although grammar and discourse clues may not always be helpful (Beck,

et al., 1983; Schatz & Baldwin, 1986), they are present in every context: An unknown

word always has a grammatical function in a sentence and is used in discourse. These

clues are different from other clues such as morphological and world knowledge which

are not always present.

Finally, the studies on procedures for guessing from context essentially underscore

the importance of grammar and discourse. For example, Clarke and Nation (1980)

proposed a five-step procedure for guessing from context which was later expanded by

Nation and Coady (1988) and Nation (1990, 2001). Here are the five steps.

Step 1: Decide on the part of speech of the unknown word.

Step 2: Look at the immediate context (the sentence in which the word is used).
Step 3: Look at the wider context (the relationship with other sentences).
Step 4: Guess.
Step 5: Check the guess.

In Clarke and Nation’s procedure, Step 1 focuses on grammar clues and Steps 2 and 3

involve discourse clues. The use of background knowledge is not included in their

procedure because it is not always available and is less likely to lead to vocabulary

learning. The use of word part knowledge is included in Step 5 for checking the guess

because word part analysis is sometimes misleading.

A similar procedure was proposed by Williams (1985) who classified the guessing

strategy into the following four categories:

1. Work out the unfamiliar word’s part of speech.

2. Search the context for other words that will help you to puzzle out the meaning
of the new word.
3. Let those other words throw light on the meaning of the new word.
4. Try your inference, to check that it makes sense.

In Williams’ procedure, the first strategy focuses on indentifying the part of speech of

unknown words. The second strategy deals with discourse clues. Similar to Clarke and

Nation’s (1980) procedure, guessing and checking the meaning come last.

For the purpose of guiding teachers to help students guess the meaning of unknown

words in classroom activities, Bruton and Samuda (1981) proposed six stages for

guessing the meaning of unknown words.

Stage 1: Focusing on the word to guess.

Stage 2: Getting students to guess the meaning of the word.
Stage 3: Asking about clues available in the passage.
Stage 4: Justifying the acceptable guesses made by students.
Stage 5: Providing the precise meaning of the word.
Stage 6: Providing back-up exercises.

Bruton and Samuda’s guessing strategy is different from other strategies proposed by

Clarke and Nation (1980) and Williams (1985) in that guessing comes earlier than

finding information for guessing. Despite this difference, Bruton and Samuda suggested

that in Stage 3 teachers should make their students find grammar and discourse clues in

the passage. For example, in order to guess the meaning of the unknown word neglected

in the sentence In the morning, Carter found a letter in the most obvious place of all,

which he had somehow neglected, learners need to recognise the relative pronoun

(which refers to place) and the tense (neglected occurred before found).

This section has reviewed the empirical studies that provided a taxonomy of clues

that L2 learners use in guessing from context. Despite different labels for clue types,

previouse studies generally agreed on the categorisation of clues. The GCT focused on

grammar and discourse clues because they are teachable and usable in every context.

These two types of clues are also included in previous studies that proposed a procedure

for guessing from context. The subsequent section addressees what is involved in

grammar and discourse clues.

3.3 Clues in Context

This section provides an in-depth discussion of what is involved in grammar and

discourse clues and how these clues contribute to deriving the meanings of unknown


3.3.1 Grammar

Knowledge of grammar helps learners identify the part of speech of an unknown word.

Clarke and Nation (1980, p. 212) argue that knowing the part of speech is important

because it allows the “Who does what to whom?” analysis. For example, in the sentence

Typhoon Vera killed or injured 218 people and crippled the seaport city of Keelung

(crippled is the target word to be guessed), the unknown word crippled is a verb. Based

on the grammatical analysis of the sentence, learners may recognise that Typhoon Vera

did something (=crippled) to Keelung. What a typhoon does is likely to have a negative

influence on a city. This analysis may not be sufficient to arrive at the precise meaning

of cripple, but together with the phrase killed or injured 218 people which is connected

with the coordinate conjunction and, learners may be able to guess its meaning as

‘damage’ or ‘destroy’. Clarke and Nation also emphasise the importance of grammar by

arguing that failures in guessing seem to be frequently caused by misunderstanding the

part of speech of the unknown word. For example, although laterally is an adverb, a

learner may guess its meaning as ‘coming after or later’ which is an adjective rather

than an adverb. Recognising the part of speech of laterally may help learners avoid this


The GCT controlled for the parts of speech of the test words (words to be guessed)

because part of speech might affect the chance of success in guessing from context.

Aborn, Rubenstein, and Sterling (1959) showed that the percentage of words guessed

successfully varied according to part of speech, and suggested the difficulty order as

follows: adjectives, nouns, adverbs, and verbs with adjectives being the most difficult.

Dulin (1969) reported on a difficulty hierarchy in the order of verbs, adjectives, adverbs,

and nouns with verbs being the most difficult. Liu and Nation (1985) found a different

difficulty order: adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs with adjectives being the most

difficult. These studies do not agree as to the difficulty order of parts of speech perhaps

because many factors other than part of speech were involved such as the density of

unknown words and the types of clues available in context. However, their findings

indicate that success in guessing may be affected by the part of speech of the test word.

The GCT focuses on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, because these four

parts of speech account for the vast majority of word types in English. The four classes

of words contrast with function words such as prepositions and auxiliary verbs which

are small in number, have little lexical meaning, and indicate the mood of the speaker or

the grammatical relationship with other words.

The number of test words for each part of speech was based on frequency data in

the BNC so that the proportion would reflect authentic language. The frequency ratio of

(noun): (verb): (adjective): (adverb) was 9:6:3:2 in the BNC (Leech, Rayson, & Wilson,

2001). This ratio was used for selecting test words for the GCT.

3.3.2 Discourse

The importance of discourse clues has been underscored in studies on L2 learners’

guessing process (de Bot, et al., 1997; Haastrup, 1985, 1987, 1991; Nassaji, 2003) and

practical models for guessing from context (Bruton & Samuda, 1981; Clarke & Nation,

1980). Despite the importance of using discourse clues for successful guessing, research

has revealed that even L1 high-school, undergraduate and graduate students are not

aware of a variety of discourse clues (McCullough, 1943; Strang, 1944). Research has

also indicated that success in the use of discourse clues may depend on age and the type

of clues (e.g., explicitness and closeness) (Ames, 1970; Carnine, Kameenui, & Coyle,

1984; Dulin, 1969; Quealy, 1969; Rankin & Overholser, 1969).

A number of attempts have been made to classify discourse clues by analysing

a) various texts (Artley, 1943; Deighton, 1959; Dulin, 1970; Johnson & Pearson, 1984;

Spache & Berg, 1955; Walters, 2006), b) data from learners who guessed the meanings

of real words that they reported as unknown (McCullough, 1943, 1945, 1958), and

c) data from learners who guessed the meanings of nonsense words or blanks (Ames,

1966; Seibert, 1945). The taxonomies of discourse clues proposed by the previous

studies vary widely. Some clues (e.g., direct description) are included in all the studies,

while others (e.g., example) are not. Some clues with different labels refer to largely the

same notion (e.g., direct explanation and definition).

In order to measure L2 learners’ overall guessing ability, the GCT included a wide

variety of discourse clues. This was because some discourse clues might be easier to use

than others. For example, Carnine, et al. (1984) found that more explicit clues

(e.g., synonyms) were easier to use than less explicit clues (e.g., indirect descriptions).

Table 6 summarises the discourse clues identified by nine studies (Ames, 1966; Artley,

1943; Deighton, 1959; Dulin, 1970; Johnson & Pearson, 1984; McCullough, 1945;

Seibert, 1945; Spache & Berg, 1955; Walters, 2006) in descending order of frequency

(how many studies mentioned the clue). Similar categories are listed in the same row.

As shown in Table 6, discourse clues may largely be classified into twelve types.2 The

clues are not mutually exclusive.

Table 6. Summary of discourse clues

McCullough Spache & Berg Deighton
Artley (1943) Seibert (1945)
(1945) (1955) (1959)
direct direct definition definition or direct definition
description explanation description explanation
indirect inference mood or clues found in inference inference
description subjective situation the general tone or mood
clues meaning of figures of
figures of the paragraph speech
contrast/ antonym comparison antonym structural
comparison and contrast opposite ideas

synonym synonym synonym synonym

idea repeated
in two forms

appositive appositive structural

modification non-restrictive structural modifiers
restatement sentence which restatement
cause/effect summary

words in series
series a chain of
association frequently
example example

Another type of taxonomy was proposed by Sternberg and Powell (1983) who classified context
clues based on the type of information that the context conveys, rather than the type of devices used
to convey the information. Their taxonomy involved the following cues: temporal (duration,
frequency or time), spatial (location), value (worth or desirability), stative descriptive (physical
property such as size, shape, colour, odour, feel, etc.), functional descriptive (purpose, action or use),
causal/enablement (cause or enabling conditions), class membership, and equivalence (synonymy or
antonymy) cues.

Table 6. (cont’d)
Johnson &
Ames (1966) Dulin (1970) Walters (2006)
Pearson (1978)
direct definition and direct description direct definitions description
description description or explanations
answer pattern
indirect tone, setting or tone or mood inferences inference
description mood subjective clues
main idea and figures of speech
supporting details
contrast/ comparison and contrast comparisons or contrast
comparison contrast contrasts

synonym synonym linked synonyms substitute words

and appositives

appositive non-restrictive and linked synonyms punctuation

appositive and appositives

modification modification adjective (phrase,

restatement restatement restatement in
another clause
restatement in the
same clause
cause/effect cause and effect cause-effect summary
words in words connected grouping
series in series
reference reference reference
association association
example examples and

Table 6 focuses on discourse clues (clues found in other parts of the context), and thus

excludes other types of clues such as morphology (Seibert, 1945), world knowledge

(Ames, 1966; Artley, 1943; Johnson & Pearson, 1984; McCullough, 1945; Seibert,

1945), familiar expressions (Ames, 1966; Artley, 1943; Johnson & Pearson, 1984;

McCullough, 1945), and typography (e.g., italics and quotation marks) (Artley, 1943).

Here are some brief explanations about each discourse clue (Underlined words are

the test words to be guessed. Some studies used real words, while others used blanks or

nonsense words for the test words.).

1. Direct description. All nine studies mentioned this type of clue using a variety of

labels such as (direct) description, explanation, and definition. In direct description,

the unknown word is explicitly defined by words such as mean and is. Here are

some examples.

a) Many objects are buoyant which simply means that they will float on the
surface of the water. (Artley, 1943, p. 71)
b) Material or physical things are of course things that we can touch, see,
taste or feel. (Deighton, 1959, p. 6)

2. Indirect description. This type of clue does not provide any explicit signal words

for guessing. Learners need to guess based on the information around it. Here are

some examples.

a) Tom was a foot taller and thirty pounds heavier than Kirk. He
overwhelmed him in the match. (Johnson & Pearson, 1984, p. 117)
b) A little later, as he sped northward along a California cliotol, Kendricks
was stopped by a highway patrol officer. (Ames, 1966, p. 78)

This category also includes figures of speech and subjective clues such as mood,

tone or setting. Figure of speech includes using a word or words with a different

meaning from the usual meaning, being divided into simile which always includes

the words like or as and metaphor which does not. The subjective clues are based

on tone or mood in the context. For example, the author may want to express a

character in a context as happy, angry or sad. Below are the examples of simile (c),

metaphor (d), and subjective clues (e).

c) The old car lurched forward like an anxious dog released by its master.
(Artley, 1943, p. 70)
d) The trail snaked its way through the hills, winding sinuously from one
pass to another. (Spache & Berg, 1955, p. 111)
e) I was alone. The day was dull with black clouds overhead. The dreary
landscape cast a spell of melancholy over me. (Johnson & Pearson, 1984,
p. 117)

3. Contrast/comparison. The meaning of the unknown word is typically the opposite

of that of a familiar word, phrase, or idea that is contrasted or compared with it.

Antonyms are included in this category because the meaning of the unknown word

is the opposite of the antonym. This type of clue is often marked with words or

phrases such as in contrast, rather than, instead of, unlike, but and or. Here are

some examples.

a) Rather than his usual mood of cheerful good humor, today his manner
appeared quite dour. (Dulin, 1970, p. 442)
b) The argument became more than just a simple disagreement but
progressed rapidly into a distasteful affray. (Spache & Berg, 1955, p.

4. Synonym. This type of clue is a known synonym for the unknown word. The

synonym clues are often marked with words such as too and also. In other cases,

synonyms are used in similar sentence structures.

a) Could it be parl to baccarat, too?3 (Ames, 1966, p. 72)

b) When Jim heard that his bicycle would be ready that evening, he was .
He was glad that he would have it in time for the trip with Tom the next
day. (McCullough, 1945, p. 3)

5. Appositive. The unknown word is explained in the word or phrase following it.

Appositive is typically marked with commas, colons, semicolons, and dashes. Here

are some examples.

a) The fertilizer should supply plenty of vegetable matter, which by

decaying furnishes humus, the food for plant life. (Artley, 1943, p. 69)
b) The invading armies proceeded to ravage ‒ completely ruin and destroy ‒
the local churches, schools, and public buildings. (Dulin, 1970, p. 442)

6. Modification. The unknown word is modified by a word, phrase or clause, typically

by an adjective clause which is marked with relatives such as which, who, and that.

Here is an example of a successful guesser’s response to show the context of this sentence. “It is
the idea of the end so perhaps by-by would be right. He has used this phrasing above in referring to
the end of blackjack and the word ‘too’ gives me the idea of his repeating this phrasing” (Ames,
1966, p.72).

Here are some examples.

a) The decaying vegetable matter of the fertilizer will furnish humus, which
is food upon which plant life depends. (Artley, 1943, p. 69)
b) One clue is given by metabolism tests which measure the rate at which
the chemical and physical processes in the body are carried on and at
which energy is produced and utilized. (Deighton, 1959, p. 7)

7. Restatement. The unknown word is restated in the preceding or following word,

phrase or sentence. Restatement is often signalled with words or phrases such as or,

that is, and in other words. In many other cases, no explicit signals are given. Here

are some examples.

a) The cockroach is an insect that has two antennae, or feelers, on its head.
(Johnson & Pearson, 1984, p. 117)
b) And his consecutive games record went on and on. Sick or well, he never
missed a game. (Deighton, 1959, p. 15)

The restatement clue overlaps with the synonym clue to a large extent. In the

present research, restatement is taken as the clue that is restated in another sentence

such as the example b). Restated words or phrases such as the example a) are taken

as part of the synonym clue.

8. Cause/effect. The unknown word in the cause may be logically guessed from the

effect, or vice versa. The cause/effect relationships are marked with words such as

because, since, as, thus and therefore. Here are some examples.

a) Since he was determined that he would finish the task no matter how
long it took, he worked doggedly on. (Dulin, 1970, p. 443)
b) He reads not for fun but to improve his mind and render his conversation
less caxall. (Ames, 1966, p. 80)

Summary clues labelled by McCullough (1945) and Johnson and Pearson (1984)

were included in the cause/effect clues, because their examples could be taken as

cause/effect relationships.

c) His knees shook and his eyes seemed to pop as he looked all around, for
he was very much . (McCullough, 1945, p. 3)
d) Being an itinerant preacher, my grandfather travelled through all parts of
the state. (Johnson & Pearson, 1984, p. 117)

9. Words in series. The unknown word is part of a series of words, phrases, or ideas,

typically connected with the word and. Here are some examples.

a) Under questioning, Kendricks broke down and mespolded the

policeman’s murder. (Ames, 1966, p. 70)
b) Shrimp, clams, oysters and are all at risk during certain months of the
year from a certain bacteria in the water called ‘the Red Tide’. (Walters,
2006, p. 182)

10. Reference. The meaning of the unknown word may be derived by unlocking referral

words such as this, that and it. Here are some examples.

a) Look at the figures for deaths that occur at birth, or during the first year
of life, for every 1000 infants in these countries.
Sweden 15.3
U.S. 25.3
These whafarbins carry an unpleasant message. (Ames, 1966, p. 75)
b) In 1962, in the Rocky Mountains, near Denver, Colorado, water was
forced through pipes into a layer of rocks 4000 meters below the surface
of the ground. Shortly after this of water, there was a small number of
earthquakes. (Walters, 2006, p. 182)

11. Association. The meaning of the unknown word may be derived by association with

a word around it. The most frequent association clues are links between a noun and

a verb and between an adjective and a noun. Here are some examples.

a) He heard the crack of the whip. (Seibert, 1945, p. 306)

b) “In our reader,” my oldest child once snorted, “all the little boys wear
short nerns and their names all end in ‘y’ and they’re cute.” (Ames, 1966,
p. 76)

12. Example. The unknown word is explained with an example or included in an

example explaining a familiar idea. The example clue is typically marked with

words or phrases such as like, for example, and such as. Here is an example

(Walters (2006) mentions an example clue, but no example is given).

Girls on the average consistently do better in the test items involving
esthetic response such as matching colors and shapes and discriminating
in pictures. (Deighton, 1959, p. 6)

In an attempt to include a wide variety of discourse clues, the GCT deals with all twelve

types of clues.

In summary, the GCT focuses on the four parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective,

and adverb) and the twelve types of discourse clues (direct description, indirect

description, contrast/comparison, synonym, appositive, modification, restatement,

cause/effect, words in series, reference, association, and example). Before discussing

how these aspects of guessing from context are measured in the GCT, the subsequent

section looks at how the guessing skill has been measured in previous studies.

3.4 Previous Tests Measuring Guessing from Context

This section reviews how the skill of guessing from context has been measured. A

number of studies have employed think-aloud protocols which require learners to

verbalise what they think while guessing the meanings of unknown words from context.

For the purpose of identifying types of contextual clues, Ames (1966) replaced every

50th words with nonsense words and asked the participants to guess the meanings of the

nonsense words aloud. Here is an example.

I wonder how much the security of the country is being safeguarded by the
paunchy reservist who spends one evening a week at the Reserve center thacing
the fat with the boys, thereby escaping from the dishes at home.

In this example, the italicised word thacing is the test word to be guessed. Each

participant was asked to respond with a synonym or a definition of the target word, and

then to explain what part of the text helped him or her guess its meaning. This technique

was also used by Quealy (1969), Rankin and Overholser (1969), and Haynes (1993).

Other researchers (Arden-Close, 1993; Fukkink, Blok, & de Glopper, 2001; Haastrup,

1987, 1991; Huckin & Bloch, 1993; Laufer & Sim, 1985; Morrison, 1996; Nassaji,

2003; Parry, 1991) also used think-aloud protocols but used real words instead of

nonsense words. One of the advantages of this format is that it is sensitive to partial

gains in vocabulary knowledge. For example, Nassaji (2003) classified the participants’

answers into three categories: successful, partially successful, and unsuccessful.

Another advantage is that it may provide learners with diagnostic information about

their weaknesses in guessing. For example, teachers may recognise that some learners

do not make use of a wide variety of contextual clues which may help derive the

meaning of unknown words. However, it takes too much time to administer the test

because think-aloud techniques typically require researchers to observe each learner’s

responses individually. It is also difficult to grade the test objectively because a variety

of answers may be possible (e.g., synonyms and definitions). This indicates a need for a

test that is easy to administer and grade.

Another way of measuring the skill of guessing from context is to use a multiple-

choice format which requires learners to choose the meaning of the target words from a

set of options. Here is an example used by Schatz and Baldwin (1986). The italicised

word ruefully is the target word to be guessed.

He takes out an envelope from a drawer, and takes paper money from it. He
looks at it ruefully, and then with decision puts it into his pocket, with
decision takes down his hat. Then dressed, with indecision looks out of the
window to the house of Mrs. Lithebe, and shakes his head.

(A) sorrowfully
(B) thankfully
(C) fearfully
(D) casually
(E) longingly

In this example, learners must choose the meaning of ruefully from five options.

Carnine, et al. (1984) also used a multiple-choice format where learners must choose the

meaning of the target word from four options. Recognising the incremental nature of

vocabulary learning, other researchers (Nagy, et al., 1987; Nagy, et al., 1985) created

three levels of multiple-choice items for each target word. The level of difficulty was

determined based on the similarity in meaning between the target word and the

distractors. The items at the most difficult level require a clear understanding of the

meaning of the target words, while those at the easiest level require a vague

understanding of it because the distractors were created so that they would be as

dissimilar as possible even in terms of part of speech. These studies indicate that a

multiple-choice format is easier to administer and grade than a think-aloud technique

because the studies with the former format tended to have a greater number of

participants than those with the latter technique. However, the multiple-choice formats

used in the previous studies do not provide any information about how learners may

improve their guessing skill because it measures only one aspect of guessing; that is,

deriving the meaning of unknown words. It is unclear from this format why a learner

was not successful in deriving the meaning of unknown words. In order for the GCT to

be a useful tool for improving learners’ VLP, this problem needs to be resolved.

In summary, the problems with previous tests of guessing from context include

1) inability to identify learners’ weaknesses and 2) administrative difficulty. In the

present research, the test format was determined so that the above-mentioned problems

may be resolved. The format of the GCT meets the following criteria:

1. The test identifies learners’ weaknesses in guessing; and

2. The test is easy to complete and grade.

In order to meet the first criterion, the GCT measures three aspects of the skill of

guessing from context: knowledge of part of speech, contextual clues, and meaning.

Measuring these aspects is of practical value because the GCT may provide learners

with diagnostic information about their weaknesses in guessing. In order to meet the

second criterion, the GCT is written in a multiple-choice format. This allows easy

administration and objective and quick grading. The subsequent sections provide an in-

depth discussion on the procedure for selecting test words, creating passages, and

writing items for each of the three sections.

3.5 Creation of Contexts

This section discusses how contexts were created for the GCT. More specifically, it

describes the procedure for selecting test words and creating reading passages.

3.5.1 Selection of Test Words

The test words to be guessed from context were randomly selected from low-frequency

words which were listed between the 11th and 14th 1,000 word families in the BNC

word lists developed by Nation (2006). Low-frequency words were used to minimise

the likelihood that test-takers would know the words. Known words replaced by blanks

or nonsense words were not considered appropriate, because knowledge of idioms and

collocations might affect guessing. For example, learners may find it easy to guess the

blank in the sentence She burst into ( ) when she heard the sad news, if they know

the frequently used expression burst into tears. This may measure knowledge of idioms

or collocations instead of the ability to guess from context.

Among various word types in a word family,4 the most frequent word type in the

A word family includes Levels 1 to 6 of Bauer and Nation’s (1993) affix levels.

BNC was chosen as the test word. For example, the past tense form absconded was

chosen from its family which was made up of the following members: abscond,

absconded, absconding, absconds, absconder, and absconders. This is because

absconded was the most frequent of all the word types in its family. This was to

maximise the likelihood that the items would represent typically encountered unknown

words from their frequency levels.

The test words were nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. As discussed earlier, the

number of test words for each part of speech was based on the following ratio: (noun):

(verb): (adjective): (adverb) = 9:6:3:2.

The selected low-frequency words were replaced by nonsense words to make sure

that test-takers had no prior knowledge of the word forms. Each nonsense word was

created by changing the consonants of a low-frequency word and had roughly the same

number of letters and the same inflectional and derivational suffixes as the original

word. For example, absconded was changed into turmilted which was created by

changing the consonants of burnished which was listed in the 14th 1,000 word families

in the BNC word lists. Burnished had the same number of letters and the same

inflectional suffix -ed as absconded. The nonsense words had roughly the same number

of letters as the original words in order to reflect the word length of the original words

which might affect success in guessing (Laufer, 1997). The nonsense words also had the

same inflectional (e.g., -ed and -s) and derivational suffixes (e.g., -ly and -ness) as the

original words in order to indicate their syntactic properties. Without suffixes it may be

difficult to identify the part of speech of the unknown word in a sentence. For example,

it may be easy to recognise that the nonsense word ronditly is an adverb in the sentence

He found the book ronditly while walking, because it ends with -ly and appears in the

place where an adverb can occur. Without the suffix -ly, it may be difficult to determine

the part of speech of rondit in the sentence He found the book rondit while walking.

Rondit may also be taken as a noun which means shop or sale. The suffixes were the

ones listed in Levels 2 to 6 of Bauer and Nation’s (1993) affix levels.

3.5.2 Reading Passages

In research on guessing from context, there are typically two ways of presenting test

words in passages. One is to present multiple test words in a reading passage which

contains several paragraphs, and the other is to present one test word in a reading

passage which consists of one or more sentences. Most previous studies (e.g., Ames,

1966; Haastrup, 1991; Nassaji, 2003; Quealy, 1969) used the former way which may

reflect actual reading situations where learners encounter several unknown words in

reading. However, this method is not appropriate for the GCT for three reasons. First, it

is difficult to select semantically unrelated test words. As the test words are chosen from

the passage written about a particular topic, the test words would essentially be related

to each other in meaning. If the topic deals with a conceptually difficult notion, the test

words might also be conceptually difficult words which in many cases are difficult to

guess (Graves, 1984; Jenkins & Dixon, 1983; Nagy, et al., 1987). In addition, the

measurement of learners’ ability of guessing from context might be affected by their

familiarity with the topic which is not the focus of the GCT. With other things being

equal, those who know the topic better may get higher scores than those who do not.

Second, it is difficult to include various types of discourse clues in a small number

of longer passages. With limited types of discourse clues, it is difficult to measure

learners’ overall ability of guessing from context. One solution to this problem may be

to use a fixed-word cloze where every fixed number of words is deleted. For example,

Ames (1966) replaced every 50th word (if it was a content word) by a nonsense word.

This method ensures that the words are selected without any arbitrary intuitions and

discourse clues to the nonsense words are not biased towards particular clues. However,

in many cases, the test words were known words replaced by nonsense words whose

meanings may be easy to guess based on knowledge of idioms or collocations.

Finally, local independence of items may be violated. Local independence, which

is necessary for latent variable models such as the Rasch model, requires that “the

success or failure on any item should not depend on the success or failure on any other

item” (Bond & Fox, 2007, p. 172). Suppose test-takers must guess two unknown words

in a passage. Those who guess one unknown word correctly may be more likely to be

successful in guessing the other, if the contexts surrounding the two unknown words are

related to each other.

For the reasons above, the GCT includes one unknown word per reading passage.

This format makes it possible to include various types of words from various topics so

that the effect of background knowledge may be minimised. Moreover, contexts that

contain a wide variety of discourse clues are more effectively included. This format also

guarantees local independence of items because each test word is embedded in a

different passage. A potential weakness of this format is that each passage needs to be

relatively short in order to include a sufficient number of items for obtaining reliable

results. Short passages fail to measure whether learners can utilise global clues which

are found in a remote place such as a different paragraph. However, immediate clues

may be much more important than global ones, because previous research indicates that

in many cases learners arrive at successful guessing based on immediate rather than

global clues and poor guessers may not be able to use information in immediate

contexts to guess unknown words (Haynes, 1993; Morrison, 1996).

In the GCT, each passage consisted of 50-60 running words in order to provide

sufficient words for guessing the unknown words. Research (Hu & Nation, 2000; Laufer

& Ravenhorst-Kalovski, 2010; Nation, 2006) has indicated that knowledge of 98% or

more words surrounding an unknown word is desirable for successful guessing to occur.

Each passage had 50 or more words in order to arrive at the 98% coverage. At the same

time, it had 60 or less words in order to minimise the test time per item.

Each passage was selected from a paragraph containing the test word in the BNC.

It was carefully chosen to exclude passages that require special topic knowledge

(e.g., specialist periodicals and journals) because the GCT does not aim to measure

knowledge of topics. The passages were selected so that the twelve discourse clues

mentioned earlier would be evenly distributed. The place of the discourse clues was

carefully controlled because the proximity of clues to the unknown words might affect

the success in guessing (Carnine, et al., 1984). In so doing, half of the discourse clues

appeared in the same sentences as the test words, and the others appeared outside the

sentences containing the test words.

In order to maximise the likelihood that the passages would be comprehensible to

test-takers, the vocabulary used in the GCT was controlled. The passages were

simplified so that they consisted of words from the most frequent 1,000 word families in

the BNC word lists.5 Simplification was made to get rid of low-frequency words, and

not to change the content or discourse clues.

In summary, each passage 1) had one test word, 2) was selected from the BNC, 3)
Some passages contained words that were not included in the most frequent 1,000 word families
(e.g., smell and wine) due to the difficulty of paraphrasing these words. A pilot study was conducted
to see whether learners had trouble in understanding the passage due to these words (see Section 3.7).

consisted of 50-60 words, 4) had one discourse clue either within or outside the

sentence containing the test word, and 5) was simplified so that all the running words

were from the most frequent 1,000 word families. Here is an example of how a reading

passage was created. The test word is connoisseur which is in the 11th 1,000 word

families in the BNC word lists. Below is the original passage taken from the BNC (The

test word connoisseur is underlined).

However, the most powerful response of all to the food is to its smell,
or fragrance. This is the really important information cats are receiving
when they approach a meal. It is why many will sniff it and then walk
away without even attempting to taste it. Like a wine connoisseur who
only has to sniff the vintage to know how good it is, a cat can learn all it
wants to know without actually trying the food. (Source: “Catlore”.
Morris, Desmond. London: Cape, 1989)

This passage includes a modification clue: the test word is modified by the relative

clause that follows it. This original passage was changed by 1) replacing the test word

connoisseur with the nonsense word candintock, 2) replacing lower-frequency words

with higher-frequency words (preferably the most frequent 1,000 word families), and

3) limiting the passage to 50-60 running words. Here is the modified passage.

Cats have a good nose for food. Many cats smell food and then walk
away without even trying it. Like a wine candintock who only has to
smell the wine to know how good it is, a cat can learn all it wants to
know without actually eating the food.

The first two sentences in the original passage However, the most [...] approach a meal

were simplified into the first sentence in the modified passage Cats have a good nose

for food, in order to limit the context to 60 words. In the following sentence, sniff was

changed to smell, and attempting to taste to trying. In the last sentence, sniff the vintage

was changed to smell the wine.6

All the words in the passage are listed in the most frequent 1,000 word families in the BNC word
lists except for two words (smell and wine) which are listed in the second most frequent 1,000 word

This section looked at how contexts were created for the GCT. The subsequent

section discusses the test format used for the GCT.

3.6 Test Format

This section addresses the test format common to all the question types and then

discusses the format specific to each question type.

3.6.1 General Format

The aim of the GCT is to measure the skills of deriving the meanings of unknown words

and using grammar and discourse clues for guessing. To meet this purpose, each passage

was followed by the following three questions: part of speech (identifying the part of

speech of an unknown word), contextual clue (finding the contextual clue that helps

guess its meaning), and meaning (deriving the unknown word’s meaning).

The test items were written using a multiple-choice format (choosing an answer

from a set of options) instead of a recall format (writing an answer), because 1) it is

easily completed and graded; 2) it is sensitive to partial knowledge (recognition tends to

be easier than recall) (Laufer, et al., 2004; Laufer & Goldstein, 2004); 3) it is familiar to

learners with various L1 backgrounds; and 4) poorly written items can be identified

based on item analysis.

No Don’t know options were provided because their use might depend on test-

takers’ personality. Some people may prefer to choose answers even for difficult items

by elimination or random guessing, whereas others may prefer to stop thinking about

difficult ones and choose Don’t know. The scoring of Don’t know responses is also

difficult. If Don’t know is regarded as a wrong answer, risk-takers gain more benefit

than non-risk-takers. It is also not appropriate to regard Don’t know responses as

missing data because the responses are not missing but reveal something about test-

takers’ knowledge.

All of the part of speech questions had a fixed set of four options (noun, verb,

adjective, and adverb), because the part of speech of each test word was one of these

four options. The clue and the meaning questions, on the other hand, had three options.

Rodriguez (2005) argues that three options are optimal for the multiple-choice format

based on his meta-analysis of 80 years of research. The main reason for the preference

of three options is that a greater number of three-option items can be administered per

unit of time than four-option items, leading to improvement on test validity. Reducing

the number of options from four to three has little effect on item difficulty and test

reliability. Although test-takers have a 33% chance of getting a correct answer by

random guessing, previous studies (Costin, 1970, 1972; Kolstad, Briggs, & Kolstad,

1985) indicate that such random guessing rarely occurs and the quality of the distractors

rather than the number of distractors plays a crucial role in the effective suppression of

random guessing.

The order of the three questions was arranged as follows: part of speech, contextual

clue, and meaning. This was based on Clarke and Nation’s (1980) procedure for

guessing: determine the part of speech of the unknown word, look for clues in context,

and guess. Guessing came last in order to minimise a learning effect from earlier to

subsequent questions. For example, suppose the meaning question came first. If the

options of a meaning question were all verb meanings such as ‘to do something’, test-

takers might find it easy to choose verb for the part of speech question without

examining the sentence structure. If the options of a meaning question were related to a

particular phrase or sentence in the passage, they might easily choose that phrase or

sentence for the clue question.

3.6.2 Part of Speech

The part of speech question aims to measure whether test-takers can recognise the part

of speech of the test word. Every item had the following four options: noun, verb,

adjective, and adverb. In the example below, test-takers are asked to choose the part of

speech of the test word candintock (original word: connoisseur) from four options. The

test word is written in bold and underlined so that the test-takers can recognise it with


Cats have a good nose for food. Many cats smell food and then walk
away without even trying it. Like a wine candintock who only has to
smell the wine to know how good it is, a cat can learn all it wants to
know without actually eating the food.

(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

The correct answer is Option 1 where the test word is the complement of the preposition


Here is another example. The test word is decontanically (original word:

orthographically). This nonsense word has the typical adverbial suffix -ly in order to

help identify the part of speech.

When we try to look at the process of reading carefully, we will meet a

further problem. Some words sound like other words, even though they
are decontanically different. An example would be the words “see” and
“sea.” These two words sound exactly the same, but they include
different letters.

(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

The correct answer is Option 4 because the test word has the -ly ending and occurs

between the verb are and the adjective different.

3.6.3 Contextual Clue

The contextual clue question aimed to measure whether test-takers can find a discourse

clue which helps them to guess the meaning of the unknown word. Each item had three

options: one correct answer and two distractors. The correct answer was the phrase or

sentence that included one of the twelve discourse clues selected for the GCT. The

distractors were taken from the phrases or sentences that were not helpful in guessing

the meaning of the test word. In order to control the effect of proximity to the test word

(Carnine, et al., 1984), one distractor was chosen from the sentence containing the test

word, and the other was chosen from outside the sentence. If the sentence containing the

test word was too short to create a distractor, the two distractors were chosen from

outside the sentence. The distractors were also created so that the length of the

distractors was roughly the same as that of the correct answer in order to make sure that

the length would not indicate a correct answer. Here is an example of a clue question.

Test-takers are asked to choose the word or phrase that can help them to work out the

meaning of the test word from the three options underlined in the passage.

Cats have a good nose for food. Many cats smell food and then (1)walk
away without even trying it. Like a wine candintock (2)who only has to
smell the wine to know how good it is, (3)a cat can learn all it wants to
know without actually eating the food.

(1) walk away without even trying it

(2) who only has to smell the wine to know how good it is
(3) a cat can learn all it wants to know without actually eating the food

The correct answer is Option 2 where the relative clause modifies the test word. The

two distractors (Options 1 and 3) are roughly the same in length as the correct answer.

One distractor (Option 3) is included in the same sentence as the test word, whereas the

other (Option 1) is outside the sentence containing the test word. Here is another


When we try to look at the (1)process of reading carefully, we will meet
a further problem. (2)Some words sound like other words, even though
they are decontanically different. An example would be the words
(3)“see” and “sea.” These two words sound exactly the same, but they
include different letters.

(1) process of reading

(2) Some words sound like other words
(3) “see” and “sea”

The correct answer is Option 3 where an example of the test word is provided. The

distractors are roughly the same in length as the correct answer. One distractor (Option

2) is taken from the same sentence as the test word, and the other (Option 1) is taken

from the outside of the sentence.

3.6.4 Meaning

The meaning question aimed to measure whether test-takers can guess the meaning of

the test word. In the meaning format, three options were provided for each item. The

options were written using the minimum number of words and the most frequent 1,000

word families in the BNC word lists so that test-takers would have no difficulty

understanding the options. All three options had the same part of speech because an

option with a different part of speech from the others would be easy to eliminate. The

correct answer was the option that best fitted to the context and the meaning of the

original word. The two distractors were written so that one of them would be closer in

meaning to the correct answer than the other, in that it shared some common meaning

with the correct answer but contained irrelevant or lacked important meanings. Here is

an example of the meaning question.

Cats have a good nose for food. Many cats smell food and then walk
away without even trying it. Like a wine candintock who only has to
smell the wine to know how good it is, a cat can learn all it wants to
know without actually eating the food.

(1) consumer
(2) specialist
(3) seller

The correct answer is Option 2 specialist which best fits to the context and is most

similar in meaning to connoisseur. Option 1 consumer is incorrect because it does not

fit to the context (a consumer is not necessarily able to tell good wine from bad by

smelling it). Option 3 seller is closer in meaning to the correct answer (a seller may be

more likely to be able to tell good wine from bad by smelling it than a consumer, but not

necessarily), but it is not the best answer here. Here is another example.

When we try to look at the process of reading carefully, we will meet a

further problem. Some words sound like other words, even though they
are decontanically different. An example would be the words “see” and
“sea.” These two words sound exactly the same, but they include
different letters.

(1) relating to quality

(2) relating to spelling
(3) relating to ability

The correct answer is Option 2 relating to spelling which best fits to the context and is

most similar in meaning to orthographically. Option 3 relating to ability is incorrect

because the sentence containing the test word argues about words, and not a person’s

ability. Option 1 relating to quality is closer in meaning to the correct answer, because

orthography might be taken as one component of a word and be related to the quality of

a word; however, the meaning is less precise than the correct answer.

3.7 Pilot Studies

A series of pilot studies was conducted to examine the following issues: 1) naturalness

of the simplified passages, 2) comprehensibility of the passages, 3) guessability of the

test words, 4) helpfulness of the discourse clues, 5) floor or ceiling effects, and 6) time.

First, the passages had to be as natural as possible, because simplified texts have been

criticised for reducing authenticity (Honeyfield, 1977; Yano, Long, & Ross, 1994).

Second, it was desirable for test-takers to know all the running words used in the

passages so that the test words were guessable. Third, the test words needed to be

guessable at least by proficient speakers of English. Fourth, piloting was done to see

whether proficient speakers of English agreed upon the word or phrase that was helpful

for guessing. Fifth, the test must avoid floor or ceiling effects to be able to differentiate

between good and poor guessers. Finally, it was necessary to estimate how long it

would take low-proficiency learners to complete the test in order to determine the length

of the test time for the main study. For the purpose of investigating the six issues, three

pilot studies were conducted.

 Pilot study 1. A total of four native English-speaking MA and PhD students in

applied linguistics individually read all of the passages in order to examine

1) the naturalness of the simplified passages, 2) the comprehensibility of the

passages, 3) the guessablity of the test words, and 4) the helpfulness of the

discourse clues. More specifically, they were individually asked to 1) read the

passages and examine whether the passages sounded natural as well as made

sense to them, 2) guess and write the meaning of each test word without being

presented with any options, and 3) underline the word or phrase that was most

helpful for guessing the meaning. Based on their feedback, the following

passages were rewritten or excluded: 1) poorly simplified passages, 2) passages

containing the test words that were not guessable by more than one participant,

and 3) passages in which more than one participant did not agree on the

discourse clue.

 Pilot study 2. Five native and five non-native English speakers (English

instructors and PhD students in applied linguistics) took the GCT in order to

examine 1) whether the simplified passages were natural and comprehensible,

and 2) whether they could answer correctly. More specifically, they were

individually asked to read the passages and answer the multiple-choice questions.

Based on their feedback, poorly simplified passages were rewritten or excluded.

Poorly written questions which more than two participants got wrong were


 Pilot study 3. Ten Japanese learners of English with a wide range of proficiency

levels took the GCT in order to examine 1) whether they could understand the

instructions, passages and options, 2) whether the test was too easy or too

difficult for them, 3) how long it took them to complete one passage. Based on

the results, difficult words in the instructions, passages and options were

paraphrased. The passages whose questions were answered correctly or

incorrectly by all the ten participants were excluded. The results indicated that

test-takers would need 1.5 minutes per passage.

After the pilot studies, a total of 60 passages were found to be acceptable. Each of the

twelve discourse clues was included in five passages. Out of the five passages, three

passages included the discourse clue in the same sentence as the test word, and the other

two included the clue outside of the sentence. By definition, four clues (appositive,

association, modification, and words in series) must appear within the sentence

containing the test word, and one clue (restatement) must appear outside of the sentence.

Thus, a total of 41 clues appeared in the same sentence as the test word, and 19 clues

appeared outside of the sentence (see Appendix A for a list of test words and Appendix

D for all items of the GCT).

3.8 Summary

This chapter has looked at the procedure for developing the GCT. Among various types

of clues available in guessing from context, the GCT focused on grammar and discourse

clues because these clues are teachable and available in any context. Grammar clues

involve identifying the part of speech of unknown words. This makes it possible to do

the ‘Who does what?’ analysis. The GCT measured knowledge of nouns, verbs,

adjectives, and adverbs which account for the great majority of English words.

Discourse clues involve using clues found in other parts of the context. A review of the

previous studies indicated that discourse clues could be categorised into twelve types:

direct description, indirect description, contrast/comparison, synonym, appositive,

modification, restatement, cause/effect, words in series, reference, association, and


In the GCT, one test word is embedded in one passage. The test words were

1) chosen from low-frequency words (words included in the 11th to 14th 1,000 word

families in the BNC word lists), 2) the most frequent word type in each word family in

the BNC word lists, and 3) replaced by nonsense words in order to make sure that the

word forms were unknown to the test-takers. Nonsense words were used instead of

blanks so that the inflectional and derivational suffixes that were present in the original

words were also present in the nonsense words. The ratio of the four parts of speech for

the test words was (noun): (verb): (adjective): (adverb) = 9:6:3:2. For each test word, a

passage was chosen from the BNC. The passage included one of the twelve discourse

clues, and was simplified using the first 1,000 word families in the BNC word lists and

shortened to fall between 50 and 60 running words.

Each passage had three questions: part of speech, clue, and meaning. The order of

the questions was determined based on Clarke and Nation’s (1980) procedure for

guessing: determine the part of speech of the unknown word, look for clues in context,

and guess. This order may also reduce the potential of a learning effect from one

question to the next. A series of pilot studies indicated that a total of 60 passages (5

passages × 12 discourse clues) were acceptable. The subsequent chapter discusses the

validity of the GCT.



This chapter describes the validation of the GCT. Poorly written items were identified

based on Rasch analysis. After the deletion of these items, an attempt was made to

provide evidence for validity. This chapter also discusses theoretical values of the GCT

and provides a proposal for score interpretation and reporting results to learners.

4.1 Participants

A total of 428 Japanese high-school and university students (277 males and 151

females) learning English as a foreign language participated in the research.7 The GCT

was administered to 221 high-school students from six intact English classes at one high

school and 207 university students from nine intact English classes at three different

universities (see Table 7). The participants’ ages ranged between 16 and 21 with the

average being 17.7 (SD=3.2). The high-school students had at least three years of prior

English instruction, and the university students had been learning English for at least six

years. Their majors included economics, engineering, law, literature, and pharmacology.

The participants’ English proficiency levels varied widely. Self-reported TOEIC®8

scores from 134 students were summarised as follows: Mean=425.2, SD=182.2,

Although a total of 438 participants took the test, the data from 428 participants were analysed. The
ten participants excluded from the analysis gave up completing the test, leaving latter items
unanswered or marking responses without any thought to answering questions (e.g., marking
Option 2 for every item).
TOEIC is the Test of English for International Communication developed by the Educational
Testing Service, the world’s largest private non-profit educational testing and assessment
organization. It measures non-native speakers’ English proficiency for business, consisting of
reading and listening sections in a multiple-choice format. The scores range between 10 and 990.

Max=910, Min=200.9 The distribution is illustrated in Figure 1, indicating a wide range

of proficiency levels for the participants.

Table 7. Description of participant groups

No. of
School N Purpose of English
High school 6 221 EGP/preparing for Japanese entrance
examinations which typically measure the
ability of reading and grammar
University A 3 65 English for Academic Purposes
University B 2 63 English for Business Purposes
University C 4 79 English for Business Purposes

Figure 1. Proficiency range (TOEIC scores)

4.2 Materials

The test length was determined so that the participants could complete the test within a

certain period of time. As the test was administered to high school and university

students during their normal class hours as part of their class activities, it needed to be

completed within 50 minutes which corresponded to one class period at high school. As
The TOEIC scores available may not be fully representative of the participants, because some
classes required students to take TOEIC, whereas others did not. However, the purpose here is to
show that the participants’ proficiency levels varied widely.

it took 20 minutes to distribute the test, explain about the consent form, provide the

instructions, and collect the answer sheet, the test time was set at 30 minutes. Pilot

study 3 in the previous chapter indicated that the participants would be able to complete

20 items in 30 minutes (1.5 minutes per item); thus, each participant worked on 20 out

of the 60 items in the GCT.

Six different test forms were created in order to evaluate all 60 items in the GCT

using Rasch analysis. As shown in Table 8, the 60 items in the GCT were randomly

classified into six groups (Item groups 1 - 6) each of which consisted of ten items. Six

forms (Forms A - F) were created by systematically combining the items in two of the

six item groups. Each form consisted of a total of 20 items, ten of which overlapped

with another form and the other ten of which overlapped with another different form.

For example, Form A shared the ten items in Item group 1 with Form F and the ten

items in Item group 2 with Form B. This systematic link between any two forms was

designed for linking the six forms in order “to put all the items together into one item

hierarchy, and to produce one set of measures encompassing all the persons” (Linacre,

2010a, p. 449). The items that were not included in a form (e.g., the 40 items in Item

groups 3 - 6 for Form A) were treated as missing data. Although this design allowed a

large number of missing data, researchers (Bond & Fox, 2007; Linacre, 2010a) have

argued that Rasch analysis is robust with missing data which can be used intentionally

by design.

Table 8. Test design (GCT)

Item group Form A Form B Form C Form D Form E Form F
1 (10 items)  
2 (10 items)  
3 (10 items)  
4 (10 items)  
5 (10 items)  
6 (10 items)  

The test was written in a paper-based format so that the test could be administered

effectively in classroom settings. As discussed in the previous chapter, the three

questions were ordered as follows: part of speech, contextual clue, and meaning. In

order to avoid a learning effect from one question to another for each passage, each

question was measured separately in different sections. The first section was about part

of speech. In order to minimise a fatigue effect, only the sentence that contained the test

word was presented for each item, because the other sentences presented in the other

two sections are of little use for determining the part of speech of the test word. The

instructions asked the participants to mark 1 for noun, 2 for verb, 3 for adjective, and 4

for adverb on the answer sheet. The test words were written in bold and underlined for

easy recognition. Here are two examples from the part of speech section.

1. Like a wine candintock who only has to smell the wine to know how
good it is, a cat can learn all it wants to know without actually eating
the food.
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

2. Some words sound like other words, even though they are
decontanically different.
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

The second section was about the contextual clue. The participants were asked to

choose from the three underlined options the phrase or sentence that was most helpful in

guessing the meaning of the test word. Here are two examples.

1. Cats have a good nose for food. Many cats smell food and then (1)walk
away without even trying it. Like a wine candintock (2)who only has to
smell the wine to know how good it is, (3)a cat can learn all it wants to
know without actually eating the food.
(1) walk away without even trying it
(2) who only has to smell the wine to know how good it is
(3) a cat can learn all it wants to know without actually eating the food

2. When we try to look at the (1)process of reading carefully, we will meet a
further problem. (2)Some words sound like other words, even though they
are decontanically different. An example would be the words (3)“see”
and “sea.” These two words sound exactly the same, but they include
different letters.
(1) process of reading
(2) Some words sound like other words
(3) “see” and “sea.”

The last section was about the meaning of the test word. The participants were asked to

choose the meaning of the test word from the three options. Here are two examples.

1. Cats have a good nose for food. Many cats smell food and then walk
away without even trying it. Like a wine candintock who only has to
smell the wine to know how good it is, a cat can learn all it wants to
know without actually eating the food.
(1) consumer
(2) specialist
(3) seller

2. When we try to look at the process of reading carefully, we will meet a

further problem. Some words sound like other words, even though they
are decontanically different. An example would be the words “see” and
“sea.” These two words sound exactly the same, but they include
different letters.
(1) relating to quality
(2) relating to spelling
(3) relating to ability

For each section the order of the items was randomised so that an order effect might be

minimised. In order to make sure that the participants did not go back to the previous

questions, the participants were asked to put the question sheets for each section under

the desk every time they finished one section.

For efficient data input, the answer sheet was made in optical mark recognition

(OMR) format where the participants mark their answers by darkening pre-printed

circles. This format was familiar to the participants because most of them had worked

on this format for university entrance examinations such as the National Center Test for

University Admissions.

The information sheet, the consent form, and the instructions were translated into

Japanese, the participants’ L1. This ensured that even low-proficiency students were

able to fully understand the necessary information involved in the test. (See Appendix E

for the six forms of the GCT used in this study.)

4.3 Procedure for Item Analysis

Data were collected in October and November 2010. The six test forms were randomly

distributed to the participants. The data were entered into one Microsoft Office Excel

2007 (12.0.6545) spreadsheet, exported to WINSTEPS 3.71.0 (Linacre, 2010b) for

Rasch analysis.

Rasch analysis was used because the purpose of the research was “to develop

fundamental measures that can be used across similar appropriate measurement

situations, not merely to describe the data produced by administering Test a to Sample b

on Day c” (Bond & Fox, 2007, p. 143). Rasch analysis, which examines the fit of the

data to the requirements for objective measurement, contrasts with Item Response

Theory which primarily focuses on maximising the fit of the model to the data by

adding parameters such as item discrimination and guessing (Embretson & Hershberger,

1999). The key principle of the Rasch model is straightforward:

a person having a greater ability than another person should have the greater
probability of solving any item of the type in question, and similarly, one item
being more difficult than another means that for any person the probability of
solving the second item is the greater one (Rasch, 1960, p. 117).

The model is mathematically represented by the following formula:

where Pni = the probability of a person n succeeding on item i, Bn = the ability of

person n in logits (log odds of success), and Di = the difficulty of item i in logits. Rasch

analysis examines how well the empirical data fit to the model, and not vice versa.

Rasch analysis was performed to identify poorly written items, or items that do not

fit to the Rasch model. First, the point-measure correlation (correlation between the

observations on an item and the corresponding person ability estimates) was examined

to see whether the items are aligned in the same direction on the latent variable. The

point-measure correlation measures the degree to which more able persons scored

higher (or less difficult items were scored higher). The values range between -1 and 1,

and the items with negative and low positive values (less than .10) need to be inspected.

The point-measure correlation, rather than biserial-measure correlation, was used

because the former is more robust with missing data than the latter (Linacre, 2010a).

Next, the degree of fit to the model was investigated. There are two fit statistics for

examining the match between the model and the data: outfit (outlier-sensitive fit) and

infit (inlier-sensitive or information-weighted fit). Outfit is an unweighted estimate

sensitive to unexpected responses by low-ability persons on difficult items or high-

ability persons on easy items; infit, on the other hand, is a weighted estimate sensitive to

unexpected responses to items targeted on the person (Linacre, 2002). Both outfit and

infit statistics are expressed in two forms: unstandardised mean square and standardised

t. The mean square is a chi-square statistic divided by its degree of freedom with the

expected value being 1.0. Reasonable mean-square values should range between 0.5 and

1.5 for productive measurement (Linacre, 2002) or between 0.7 and 1.3 for run-of-the-

mill multiple-choice tests (Bond & Fox, 2007). It has been pointed out that mean-square

statistics have the weaknesses of failing to detect a significant number of misfit items

and having varying Type I error rates according to sample size (Smith, 2000; Smith,

Schumacker, & Bush, 1998; Smith & Suh, 2003). The t statistics are derived by

converting mean squares to the normally distributed z-standardised statistics using the

Wilson-Hilferty cube root transformation with the expected value being 0 (Linacre,

2002). Reasonable t values should range between -2.0 and 2.0 (Bond & Fox, 2007;

Linacre, 2002). It has been demonstrated that standardised fit statistics are highly

susceptible to sample size: with a large sample a small mean square can be identified as

misfitting (Karabatsos, 2000; Linacre, 2003; Smith, Rush, Fallowfield, Velikova, &

Sharpe, 2008). For example, Linacre (2003) calculates that an item with a mean square

of 1.2 is detected as misfitting if observed in a sample of more than 200 persons. The

present research used outfit and infit t statistics as the primary criterion for detecting

misfit items, because the t statistics may identify a greater number of misfit items than

mean-square statistics. However, each misfit item was carefully inspected to see

whether it was really a bad item, because the t statistics might potentially identify good

items as misfit with a large sample of more than 400 persons.

Misfit items are classified into the following two types which have different

implications for measurement: underfit and overfit. Underfit (or noisy) items indicate

that the quality of the items is degraded by many unexpected responses that do not

conform to the Rasch model. Underfit is usually taken as mean squares greater than a

particular value (e.g., 1.3 or 1.5) or t values greater than 2.0. Overfit (or muted) items do

not indicate the same threat to the measurement quality as underfit items. Overfit

indicates that the data seem to show a Guttman pattern due to less variability than the

model expectation and thus reliability might be overestimated. Overfit is usually taken

as mean squares less than a particular value (e.g., 0.7 or 0.5) or t values less than -2.0.

Care needs to be taken about the treatment of overfit items, because “omitting the

overfitting items […] could rob the test of its best items” (Bond & Fox, 2007, p. 241).

A major criticism against the use of the Rasch model for analysis of the multiple-

choice format is that there is no parameter accounting for lucky guessing (unexpected

success by low ability respondents) (Weitzman, 1996). However, Rasch analysis can

detect lucky guessing by item and person outfit statistics, and a simple strategy is to

remove the lucky guesses from the data set (Wright, 1992, 1995). The subsequent

section looks at whether lucky guessing was detected and how it was treated if it


4.4 Lucky Guessing

This section investigates whether the participants got a significant number of items

correct by random guessing. Such lucky guessing occurs especially when low ability

people unexpectedly get difficult items correct. For each section, the effect of lucky

guessing was examined by item and person outfit statistics. If difficult items and low

ability persons tend to be identified as misfitting, that may indicate lucky guessing. The

probability of low ability persons succeeding on difficult items was also examined. If

lucky guessing occurs, this success probability approaches 1/m, where m = number of

multiple-choice options.

4.4.1 Part of Speech

This subsection examines the effect of lucky guessing on the part of speech section.

Figure 2 illustrates the scatter plot of item difficulty and outfit t for this section. The

horizontal axis shows item difficulty in logits, where larger numbers indicate more

difficult items. The vertical axis shows outfit t whose values larger than 2.0 are taken as

misfitting to the Rasch model. This figure shows that eight items had values of

outfit t > 2.0 and these items tended to be difficult. Figure 3 presents the scatter plot of

person ability and outfit t. The horizontal axis shows person ability in logits, where

larger numbers indicate more able persons. The vertical axis shows outfit t whose values

larger than 2.0 are taken as misfitting to the Rasch model. This figure shows that low

ability persons tend to be identified as misfitting.

Figure 4 illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability Bn met

an item with the difficulty Di. The horizontal axis shows the difference between person

ability (Bn) and item difficulty (Di) for each response. A larger number in Bn-Di

indicates a response resulting from a person with higher ability meeting an easier item.

A smaller number in Bn-Di, on the other hand, indicates a response resulting from a

person with lower ability meeting a more difficult item. The vertical axis shows the

probability of a person with ability Bn succeeding on an item with difficulty Di. The

smooth line represents the theoretical model. The model predicts that the larger the

Bn-Di value is, the more likely it is that the person succeeds on the item, and vice versa.

The dotted line, which represents the empirical data obtained from the participants,

deviates increasingly from the expected model with smaller values of Bn-Di. In other

Figure 2. Item difficulty and outfit t for Figure 3. Person ability and outfit t for
the part of speech section the part of speech section

Figure 4. Success probability for the part of speech section

words, when people with low ability met difficult items, their success probabilities

approached 25% (the expected percentage of correct responses by random guessing),

which was higher than the model expectation.

Figures 2-4 may be taken to indicate that lucky guessing occurred when people

with low ability met difficult items in the part of speech section. A close look at the

response patterns by 13 participants with large outfit statistics (t > 2.0) also indicates the

existence of lucky guessing. For example, Participant A (outfit t = 3.4) got the following

difficult items correct despite a low person ability estimate (-1.26 logits):

a) She made the kind of excuse that people made at a big party when they
wanted to densodate themselves from a conversation and move on to
talk with another person. (difficulty = -0.2 logits)

b) From the 10th to 25th of October the show is held about various ways of
having duterages such as tea and coffee. (difficulty = 1.62 logits)
c) The view was really beautiful as the light began to appear over the hills,
and on the wide range of the sea; ahead, ascrice, and on either side of us.
(difficulty = 2.65 logits)

On the other hand, this participant got the following easy items wrong:

d) When I was sitting on the bridge this afternoon, a big ship was passing,
and I chonked my eyes from the sight of it. (difficulty = -2.2 logits)
e) He watched her now as she famped the chicken over the fire. (difficulty
= -1.3 logits)
f) She had bought a new rotice for him. (difficulty = -1.1 logits)

The example a) was more difficult than the examples d) and e), perhaps because the test

word followed to which might be mistaken as a preposition. The examples d) and e)

were easy, perhaps because these items may represent the typical usage of transitive

verbs: the test words followed the pronouns indicating a subjective case (I and she) and

were followed by their objects (my eyes and the chicken). The example b) was more

difficult than the example f), perhaps because the test word was used as an object of the

gerund having. The example f) was easy, perhaps because the test word appeared in a

short sentence, was marked with the article a, and was used in the familiar expression

‘buy something for someone’. The example c) was the most difficult item: the test word

appeared in a long sentence and was an adverb without the typical -ly ending. Taken

together, this participant may have relied on random guessing for getting difficult items

such as examples a) - c) correct. The research design may allow such random guessing

to occur, because a) no ‘Don’t know’ options were provided, b) the participants were

asked to choose one option even if they had no idea about the item, and c) for validation

purposes all the participants needed to work on items with varying levels of difficulty.

Lucky guessing was corrected by deleting response records which have difficulty

greater than b + ln(m-1), where b is the person’s initial estimated ability and m is the

number of choices (Wright & Stone, 1979). As each item had four choices, responses

with item difficulty greater than b + 1.1 were deleted. This presupposes “that when

items are so difficult that a person can do better by guessing than by trying, then such

items should not be used to estimate the person’s ability” (Wright & Stone, 1979, p.

188). As the result of this treatment, a total of 567 out of 8,547 (6.6%) responses were

deleted and the number of items with outfit t > 2.0 decreased from eight to two (These

two items will be inspected in Section 4.5.1).

4.4.2 Contextual Clue

Similar to the part of speech section, outfit statistics and success probabilities were

examined for the clue section. Figure 5 illustrates the scatter plot of item difficulty and

outfit t for this section. The horizontal axis shows item difficulty in logits, and the

vertical axis shows outfit t. This figure indicates that five items were identified as

misfitting (outfit t > 2.0), but these items are not necessarily difficult. Figure 6 presents

the scatter plot of person ability and outfit t. The horizontal axis shows person ability in

logits, and the vertical axis shows outfit t. This figure indicates that misfit persons

(outfit t > 2.0) centred around 0 logits and were not biased towards low ability.

Figure 7 illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability Bn met

an item with the difficulty Di. The horizontal axis shows the difference between person

ability (Bn) and item difficulty (Di) for each response. The vertical axis shows the

Figure 5. Item difficulty and outfit t for Figure 6. Person ability and outfit t for
the clue section the clue section

Figure 7. Success probability for the clue section

probability of a person with ability Bn succeeding on an item with difficulty Di.

Although the empirical data did not perfectly fit to the expected model with smaller

values of Bn-Di, their success probabilities fell below 33% (the expected percentage of

correct responses by random guessing).

Taken together, random guessing by low ability persons may be negligible for the

clue section. Unlike the part of speech section, the clue section may have prevented

random guessing, because the simplified passages were comprehensible to the

participants and even the lowest ability persons had at least partial information about the

items. This may have enhanced informed guessing such as eliminating implausible

options rather than random guessing.

4.4.3 Meaning

Similar to the previous two sections, outfit statistics and success probabilities were

examined for the meaning section. Figure 8 illustrates the scatter plot of item difficulty

and outfit t for this section. The horizontal axis shows item difficulty in logits, and the

vertical axis shows outfit t. This figure indicates that six items were identified as

misfitting (outfit t > 2.0), but these items are not necessarily difficult. Figure 9 presents

the scatter plot of person ability and outfit t. The horizontal axis shows person ability in

logits, and the vertical axis shows outfit t. This figure indicates that misfit persons

(outfit t > 2.0) centred around 0 logits and were not biased towards low ability.

Figure 10 illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability Bn

met an item with the difficulty Di. The horizontal axis shows the difference between

person ability (Bn) and item difficulty (Di) for each response. The vertical axis shows

the probability of a person with ability Bn succeeding on an item with difficulty Di.

Although the empirical data did not perfectly fit to the expected model with smaller

values of Bn-Di, their success probabilities fell below 33% (the expected percentage of

correct responses by random guessing).

Figure 8. Item difficulty and outfit t forFigure 9. Person ability and outfit t for
the meaning section the meaning section

Figure 10. Success probability for meaning section

Taken together, random guessing by low ability persons may be negligible for the

meaning section. Similar to the clue section, the meaning section may have prevented

random guessing, because the simplified passages were most likely comprehensible to

the participants and even the lowest ability persons had at least partial information about

the items.

In summary, lucky guessing was corrected for the part of speech section by

deleting response records which have difficulty greater than b + ln(m-1) (Wright &

Stone, 1979). For the clue and meaning sections, no correction was made on lucky

guessing because the effect of lucky guessing was considered to be negligible. The

subsequent section identifies poorly written items.

4.5 Identifying Poor Items

This section aims to identify items that do not fit the Rasch model so that these items

may be excluded from the GCT. More specifically, the point-measure correlations and

the fit statistics (outfit and infit) were investigated for each section. If an item was

excluded from one section, it was also excluded from the other two sections.

4.5.1 Part of Speech

All the items in the part of speech section had the point-measure correlations greater

than .10, which means that the items were aligned in the same direction. A fit analysis

detected two items as underfit (outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0). No items were identified as

overfit (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0). Here are the details of these misfit items and the

possible reasons for misfit. The bold, underlined word in each passage is the test word

to be guessed.

Item 54 (Test word: wincled; Original word: encased).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.44 0.22 3.6 1.85 3.2 1.38
Note: S.E.=standard error; MNSQ=mean square.

[Passage] The lower two-thirds of his body was wincled in a sleeping bag.

Distractor 1 Correct Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option noun verb adjective adverb
% chosen 0.7 74.3 18.4 6.6
Ave. ability (logits) 1.15 2.08 1.58 0.19

The answer was verb in past participle form indicating a passive voice. However,

adjective was chosen by a number of people (18.4%) with relatively high ability (1.58).

This may be because some past participles may be adjectives rather than inflective

forms of verbs. For example, the word excited in sentences such as I don’t know the

excited person or The person is excited about it may be an adjective, while excited in

sentences such as It has excited the person may be a verb. This item was excluded from

the GCT.

Item 49 (Test word: dacular; Original word: jocular).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
2.23 0.21 2.6 1.26 2.2 1.18

He didn’t want to say what he was thinking, so he tried to sound dacular and
make them laugh.

Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Correct Distractor 3
Option noun verb adjective adverb
% chosen 16.0 9.6 43.6 30.8
Ave. ability (logits) 1.21 1.12 2.13 1.29

The answer was adjective, but adverb was chosen by many people (30.8%) with

relatively high ability (1.29). The word that follows the verb sound could be an adverb

in sentences such as The alarm sounded again. This item was excluded from the GCT to

avoid this ambiguity.

4.5.2 Contextual Clue

All the items in the clue section had the point-measure correlations greater than .10. A

fit analysis detected five items as underfit (outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0). Here are the

details of these misfit items and the possible reasons for misfit. The three options in

each item are the underlined phrases or clauses.

Item 43 (Test word: fentile; Original word: facile).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.03 0.17 4.2 1.35 3.9 1.24

George appeared with a white face, and soon left without saying anything. “So
what did George have to say?” she said. “Nothing. He was just tired, I think,”
Maxim said (1)without thinking carefully. “It’s too fentile an (2)explanation.
(3)He’s never been like that. He is always full of energy,” she said.

Correct Distractor1 Distractor 2
Option (1) (2) (3)
% chosen 55.2 22.7 22.1
Ave. ability (logits) 0.31 -0.05 0.31

The correct answer is related to the reference it in It’s too fentile. However, Option 3

was chosen by many people (22.1%) with the same average ability as those who chose

the correct answer (0.31). This may have been because Option 3 also includes that

which may have been mistaken to refer to the test word. This item was excluded from

the GCT.

Item 21 (Test word: blurged; Original word: gabbled).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.04 0.21 3.4 1.45 2.4 1.21

“Everyone knows where David is.” (1)“But he’s not,” Jenny blurged it, trying
to get it in (2)before she was cut off. “He’s not in your house. He’s in my village.
I’ve seen him. He’s got black hair and…” “Listen!” Harriet broke in. (3)She
seemed very angry. “You’re the fourteenth person who has told stupid stories
about David.”

Distractor 1 Correct Distractor 2
Option (1) (2) (3)
% chosen 18.2 35.5 46.3
Ave. ability (logits) 0.10 0.53 0.29

The correct answer provides indirect information about the test word. When someone

wants to talk before being interrupted by someone else, he or she will talk fast. Option 3

was more popular than the correct answer, although the average person ability was

lower than that of the correct answer. This may have been because She in Option 3 was

mistaken to refer to Jenny. This item was excluded from the GCT.

Item 41 (Test word: nadge; Original word: scion).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.13 0.17 3.2 1.25 3.9 1.24

A smile spread over her face, and to (1)hide her true feelings she turned the
smile on Mr Crump. She asked him about the trade on which much of (2)his
father’s great fortune had been based. She knew that this might upset him, but
she was glad that this nadge of England seemed to be (3)kind about the matter.

Distractor 1 Correct Distractor 2
Option (1) (2) (3)
% chosen 27.5 51.0 21.6
Ave. ability (logits) -0.03 0.34 0.25

The correct answer describes Mr Crump to whom this nadge of England refers.

However, Option 3 was chosen by relatively high ability persons (0.25), perhaps

because this option also describes the test word. This item was excluded from the GCT.

Item 4 (Test word: fedensable; Original word: dispensable).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.04 0.20 2.6 1.36 2.6 1.25

I think that language, as something (1)very important to us, is different from art.
As opposed to language, (2)art is fedensable. In saying this I do not mean to
make little of art. Of course our (3)greatest pleasures may be found there, but
when we think of its value, language comes first.

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2
Option (1) (2) (3)
% chosen 33.8 28.2 38.0
Ave. ability (logits) 0.44 0.01 0.01

The correct answer contrasts with the test word as explicitly indicated by the phrase as

opposed to. Roughly speaking, this item obtained evenly distributed responses among

the three options (33.8%, 28.2%, and 38.0%). Moreover, although the correct answer

was chosen by slightly higher ability persons than the distractors, the average person

abilities were the same for the two distractors. This might indicate that the participants

tended to rely on random guessing for this item, perhaps because the passage was

relatively abstract and conceptually difficult for the participants. This item was excluded

from the GCT.

Item 52 (Test word: roocle; Original word: seabed).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.16 0.18 2.3 1.22 2.4 1.17

The (1)system will allow the ship, designed for up to 20 years of service, to stay
anywhere on the sea. More than 30 tonnes of chain with heavy metals will be
(2)dropped on the roocle to keep the ship in position during even the strongest
(3)winds and rain that hit the North Sea.

Distractor 1 Correct Distractor 2
Option (1) (2) (3)
% chosen 17.0 52.4 30.6
Ave. ability (logits) -0.06 0.45 0.02

The correct answer was Option 2 where the test word was associated with the

word/phrase next to it. However, in order to arrive at the correct answer, test-takers need

to rely on other information and know that a heavy chain was dropped from a ship, in

addition to the information in Option 2. Many people may have chosen Option 3

because the connection with the test word roocle would protect a ship against strong

winds and rain. This item was excluded from the GCT.

The six items in Table 9 were identified as overfit based on the standardised fit

statistics (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0). However, the unstandardised statistics

indicated that only one item (Item 26) had the mean-square value less than .70. Given

that standardised fit statistics are highly susceptible to sample size (Karabatsos, 2000;

Linacre, 2003; Smith, et al., 2008) and having less than 5% of the overfitting items does

not affect item and person estimates substantially (Smith Jr., 2005), it should be

reasonable to conclude that these items do not cause serious problems. These six items

were not excluded from the GCT.

Table 9. Overfit items in the clue section

Item Difficulty Model Outfit Infit
Outfit t Infit t
No. (logits) S.E. MNSQ MNSQ
7 0.10 0.18 -2.3 0.80 -2.4 0.85
58 -0.19 0.18 -2.2 0.79 -2.5 0.83
26 -0.83 0.22 -2.1 0.68 -2.1 0.79
49 0.06 0.17 -2.1 0.85 -2.5 0.86
6 -0.03 0.19 -1.9 0.83 -2.2 0.86
56 -0.25 0.18 -1.8 0.82 -2.1 0.86

4.5.3 Meaning

One item (Item 47) in the meaning section had the point-measure correlation of .09 (less

than .10), which indicates a need for inspecting this item. A fit analysis detected six

items as underfit (outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0). Here are the details of the six misfit

items and the possible reasons for misfit. The bold, underlined word in each passage is

the test word to be guessed.

Item 47 (Test word: ascrice: Original word: astern).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.48 0.17 3.2 1.26 3.2 1.19

I got on the ship and had a view of the hills around the city. The view was
really beautiful as the light began to appear over the hills, and on the wide
range of the sea; ahead, ascrice, and on either side of us. As we went away
from the land, we saw the view growing unclear.

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2
Option behind above together
% chosen 57.4 28.4 14.2
Ave. ability (logits) -0.08 -0.04 -0.60

The test word is part of a series of words connected by and. Distractor 1 was chosen by

people whose average ability was slightly higher than those who chose the correct

answer. Some of them may have been misled by the phrase over the hills. This item was

excluded from the GCT.

Item 60 (Test word: mericated; Original word: venerated).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.21 0.18 3.6 1.34 2.7 1.18

Miguel de Unamuno was a fine scientist, but he was caught by the police
because of his liberal views while he was the Head of the University. However,
he was still mericated by many of the university staff. For example, Doctor
Ruiperez spoke to me quite openly of his respect for the man.

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2
Option show high believe that make someone
regard for someone has work
someone done nothing
% chosen 41.4 37.5 21.1
Ave. ability (logits) -0.02 -0.11 -0.62

The test word is explained in the sentence that follows it by providing an example

which is marked with the phrase For example. Distractor 1 was chosen by a number of

people (37.5%) with relatively high ability. This may have been because many

participants did not realise that the word regard in the correct answer was similar in

meaning to respect in the final sentence, although regard was included in the first 1,000

word families in the BNC word lists. This item was excluded from the GCT.

Item 3 (Test word: drunge; Original word: abseil)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.07 0.18 3.0 1.30 3.5 1.26

You can apply to climb this huge rock at the High Rocks Hotel. It is hoped that
both local and visiting climbers will read this notice carefully. You should not
climb or drunge without wearing rock-climbing boots. This is because the rock
is sometimes wet and you might slip down.

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2
Option go down walk around jump over
% chosen 43.5 36.1 20.4
Ave. ability (logits) -0.04 -0.16 -0.63

The correct answer contrasts with climb as indicated by or. Distractor 1 was chosen by

many people (36.1%) with relatively high ability (-0.16). This may have been because

for some participants climb is more strongly associated with walk around (for views)

than go down. This item was excluded from the GCT.

Item 5 (Test word: hurblige; Original word: homicide).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.04 0.18 2.6 1.25 2.8 1.20

In 1987, about 18,000 people died by chance: 7,000 died in the home, 6,000 at
work, and 5,000 on the roads. By comparison, the number of deaths recorded
as hurblige was 600. This figure seems to be very small when compared with
many American cities, but still is not good.

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2
murder sickness unknown
% chosen 44.2 23.1 32.7
Ave. ability (logits) 0.01 -0.47 -0.32

The test word contrasts with died by chance as indicated by By comparison. No problem

was found in this item. The correct answer was chosen by the largest proportion of

people (44.2%) with the highest average person ability (0.01). Although standardised fit

statistics indicate that this item was misfitting (outfit t = 2.6, infit t = 2.8),

unstandardised fit statistics did not (mean-square values less than 1.3: outfit MNSQ =

1.25, infit MNSQ = 1.20). Taken together with the fact that standardised statistics are

highly susceptible to sample size, this item was not excluded from the GCT and bears

watching for future use.

Item 16 (Test word: botile; Original word: enigma).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.36 0.2 2.6 1.32 1.9 1.13

Many students cannot explain a botile that birds’ knees seem to move
differently to ours; although our knees move forward, their knees appear to
move backwards. This can be solved by thinking that the bird’s “knee” is not a
knee but more like another part of the leg. The actual knee is very close to the

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2
a difficult thing a good thing to an easy thing
to understand do for others
% chosen 54.7 20.3 25.0
Ave. ability (logits) 0.20 -0.94 0.03

The correct answer may be derived from the that-clause that follows the test word.

Although infit statistics are acceptable, outfit statistics are not. This may have been

because Distractor 2 was too close in meaning to the correct answer: to put it the other

way around, ‘an easy thing for others’ means ‘a difficult thing for someone else’. This

item was excluded from the GCT.

Item 57 (Test word: duterages; Original word: beverages).

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.62 0.18 2.1 1.21 1.6 1.10

Probably the world’s finest collection of 2,000-year-old cups will be shown at
the museum. From the 10th to 25th of October the show is held about various
ways of having duterages such as tea and coffee. Some of the cups on show
are taken from the collection of an English man who gave them to the museum
in 1979.

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2
Option drink food cup
% chosen 59.2 11.8 28.9
Ave. ability (logits) -0.01 -0.84 -0.25

Two examples of the test word are given following the phrase such as. No problem with

the context and distractors was found in this item. The correct answer was chosen by the

largest proportion of people (59.2%) with the highest average ability (-0.01). Outfit and

infit mean squares and infit t indicate that this item is acceptable. Outfit t is slightly

greater than 2.0; however, taken together with the sample size for the present research,

this item was not excluded from the GCT and bears watching for future use.

The five items in Table 10 were identified as overfit based on the standardised fit

statistics (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0). However, the unstandardised statistics

indicated that all the items had the mean-square value greater than .70. Given that

standardised fit statistics are highly susceptible to sample size (Karabatsos, 2000;

Linacre, 2003; Smith, et al., 2008) and having less than 5% of the overfitting items does

not affect item and person estimates substantially (Smith Jr., 2005), it should be

reasonable to conclude that these items do not cause serious problems. These five items

were not excluded from the GCT.

Table 10. Overfit items in the meaning section

Item Difficulty Model Outfit Infit
Outfit t Infit t
No. (logits) S.E. MNSQ MNSQ
10 -0.12 0.18 -2.8 0.77 -3.4 0.79
9 -0.40 0.18 -2.3 0.80 -2.4 0.86
36 -0.57 0.18 -2.2 0.82 -1.9 0.89
59 -0.78 0.18 -2.2 0.78 -2.7 0.84
8 -0.02 0.18 -1.9 0.83 -2.3 0.85

In summary, a total of eleven items were considered to be problematic and thus

excluded from the GCT for future use of this test. This left a total of 49 acceptable items.

The 49 acceptable items are broken down into 24 nouns, 13 verbs, 7 adjectives, and 5

adverbs with the approximate ratio of (noun): (verb): (adjective): (adverb) = 9:6:3:2. For

each contextual clue, three or more items were acceptable. The subsequent section

discusses the validity of the GCT.

4.6 Validity

This section aims to explain the validity of the GCT. Validity is generally viewed as a

unitary concept that subsumes all validity under construct validity (APA, AERA, &

NCME, 1999; Bachman, 1990; Chapelle, 1999; Messick, 1989, 1995). Messick (1989)


Validity is an overall evaluative judgment of the degree to which empirical

evidence and theoretical rationales support the adequacy and appropriateness
of interpretations and actions based on test scores or other modes of
assessment. (p.13)

Strictly speaking, it is not a test per se but rather the meaning of the test scores that is

validated. As Bachman (1990, p. 238) states, “in test validation we are not examining

the validity of the test content or of even the test scores themselves, but rather the

validity of the way we interpret or use the information gathered through the testing

procedure.” In the present research, however, the phrase validating a test or validity of a

test will be used instead of validating the interpretation of test scores or validity of the

interpretation of test scores for convenience.

Construct validity as a unified concept may be addressed by means of providing

evidence from various distinct aspects (e.g., Messick, 1989). In the present research, the

GCT was validated based on Messick’s (1989, 1995) six aspects (content, substantive,

structural, generalizability, external, and consequential) because his framework is

increasingly being accepted as a useful basis for validation by researchers in language

testing (Bachman, 1990, 2000; Bachman & Palmer, 1996; Chapelle, 1999; McNamara,

2006; Read & Chapelle, 2001) as well as in psychology and education (e.g., APA,

AERA, & NCME, 1999). The two non-overlapping aspects (responsiveness and

interpretability) proposed by the Medical Outcomes Trust Scientific Advisory

Committee (1995) were also examined so that the issue of validity may be addressed in

a more comprehensive way. Each of these eight aspects may in part be investigated

effectively through Rasch measurement (Fisher Jr., 1994; Smith Jr., 2004b; Wolfe &

Smith Jr., 2007). The subsequent sections attempt to provide evidence of the construct

validity of the GCT from the eight aspects largely on the basis of Rasch measurement.

4.6.1 Content Aspect

The content aspect of construct validity aims to clarify “the boundaries of the construct

domain to be assessed” (Messick, 1995, p. 745). This aspect addresses the relevance,

representativeness and technical quality of the items (Messick, 1989, 1995). Technical

quality may be examined by Rasch item fit statistics (Smith Jr., 2004b). This was

discussed in Section 4.5: the item fit analysis identified eleven misfit items which were

excluded from the GCT. Thus, the remaining 49 items were considered to be acceptable

in terms of item fit, which indicates a high degree of technical quality of the 49

acceptable items. Additional evidence may be provided by expert judgments (Wolfe &

Smith Jr., 2007). This was examined by a series of pilot studies with a number of

English teachers and PhD students in applied linguistics (see Section 3.7). The results in

the pilot studies indicate that the items used in the GCT were the ones that most of the

experts considered to be acceptable for a measure of the skill of guessing from context.

The subsequent subsections discuss content relevance and representativeness.


An in-depth discussion of the construct definition of guessing from context and the

tasks for measuring the construct was given in the previous chapter. Here are the key


 The construct definition is based on strategies for guessing from context

(Bruton & Samuda, 1981; Clarke & Nation, 1980; Williams, 1985):
identifying the part of speech of the unknown word, looking for contextual
clues, and deriving meaning.

 The three components (part of speech, contextual clue, and meaning) are
teachable and available in every context.

 The GCT has three sections in order to measure each of the three components.

 The test words to be guessed were randomly selected from low-frequency

words (words listed between the 11th and 14th 1,000 word families in the
BNC word lists).

 The GCT focuses on four parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs) because they account for the vast majority of English words.

 The ratio of the four parts of speech for the test words was (noun): (verb):
(adjective): (adverb) = 9:6:3:2, in order to reflect actual language use.

 Contextual clues identified by previous studies may be categorised into

twelve types. All of these clues were evenly included in the GCT.

 About half of the contextual clues appeared in the same sentence as the test
word and the rest appeared outside of the sentence containing the test word.

It should be reasonable to conclude that the test content is highly relevant to the skill of

guessing from context because the tasks were created so that guessing from context may

be comprehensively measured.


Content-relevant tasks are not sufficient for valid measurement: the tasks need to be

representative of the construct domain (Messick, 1995). The GCT is considered to be

representative of the construct domain, because 1) the test words to be guessed were

randomly selected from low-frequency words which were unlikely to be familiar to test-

takers, 2) each test word was measured in a different passage so that a wide variety of

words may be included (if test words were measured in a long passage, they would be

semantically related under the same topic), 3) the ratio of the four parts of speech

reflected actual language use, and 4) a wide variety of contextual clues were included.

Representativeness may be empirically evaluated by examining the Rasch item

difficulty hierarchy (Smith Jr., 2004b). First, the spread of item calibrations was

examined by item strata. An item strata index indicates the number of statistically

different levels of item difficulty, and is derived by the following formula:

Item strata = (4 Gitem+1)/3,

where Gitem is Rasch item separation. Item strata statistics need to be greater than 2.0

for useful tests, because “[i]f a sufficient (at least 2) number of item difficulty levels are

unable to be identified, then one may have difficulty in interpreting the variable defined

by the items” (Smith Jr., 2004b, p. 106). The item strata statistics for the three sections

are presented in Table 11. This table shows that each section has more than two

statistically distinct difficulty levels, which can be taken as supportive evidence for the

representativeness of the tasks.

Table 11. Item strata for the three sections of the GCT
Section Item strata
Part of speech 6.07
Contextual clue 3.57
Meaning 4.85

Another way of examining representativeness may be to see whether there are gaps

in the item difficulty hierarchy. This may be addressed by looking at a person-item map

(often called a Wright map in honour of a leading researcher in Rasch measurement,

Ben Wright), which displays both persons (in terms of ability) and items (in terms of

difficulty) on a Rasch interval scale.

Figure 11 is a person-item map for the part of speech section. The far left of this

figure shows a Rasch logit (log odds of success) scale with the mean item difficulty

being 0. This figure has two distributions on the logit scale: persons on the left and

items on the right. More able persons and more difficult items are located towards the

top and less able persons and less difficult items are located towards the bottom. For the

person distribution, each # represents three persons and each * represents one or two

persons. For the item distribution, each number indicates the unique item number for

easy reference and the subsequent letter(s) indicates its part of speech (N=noun, V=verb,

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
4 ############ T +
#### |
*## |
*#### |
## |
3 *######### + 13-V
*## S |
* | T
*###### |
*######## |
*## | 20-N
2 *### + 57-N
*##### | 5-N 19-Adj
######## | 15-Adj 33-Adj
######## | 11-N
*## M | 32-N
*###### | S
*### |
1 *##### + 1-Adv
*######## | 24-N 58-N 59-Adv
###### | 45-Adj
*# | 36-N
*#### | 18-Adv
* | 17-Adj 28-N 48-Adv 51-N
*### S | 29-Adv
0 ### + M 40-N
*### | 27-V
*# | 26-N 30-Adj 39-N 46-V 50-V 56-N
*# | 2-Adj 35-N
# | 31-V
# | 6-V 25-V
* | 8-V 38-N 42-V
-1 * + 14-Adj 23-N
* | 7-N 37-N 44-N
*# T | S 55-V
# | 9-N
* | 10-V
# | 22-N
# | 12-N
-2 * +
* | 53-V
* | 34-V
* |
* | T
-3 * +
<Less able persons> <Less difficult items>
Note: N = noun, V = verb, Adj = adjective, Adv = adverb

Figure 11. Person-item map for the part of speech question

Adj=adjective, and Adv=adverb). For example, 13-V means that the unique item

number is 13 and its part of speech is a verb. The two distributions are interrelated in

that a person has a 50% probability of succeeding on an item located at the same point

on the logit scale. This person’s success probability increases for items located lower

than that point, and vice versa. For example, a person with 0 logits has a 50%

probability of succeeding on the item 40-N. This person has a greater success

probability for items such as 27-V and 26-N which are located lower than 40-N. The M,

S, and T in the middle represent the mean of the person or item estimates (M), one

standard deviation from the mean (S), and two standard deviations from the mean (T).

Figure 11 shows that there are few gaps in the item difficulty hierarchy lower than 2

logits, indicating a high degree of representativeness in terms of item difficulty for the

range below 2 logits. The items do not adequately cover person abilities higher than 2

logits. This indicates a need for including more difficult items that are targeted to

persons with high ability (more than 2 logits). However, the test was created so that

difficult items would also be included. Here are the three most difficult items for the

part of speech section.

Item 13 (Test word: vanink; Original word: abound).

The fact that birds vanink means that the woods are a good place to discover
various kinds of birds.
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

Item 20 (Test word: tarrand; Original word: amnesia).

“Too much work will make you very tired, and suddenly cause tarrand: you
won’t remember anything and you even forget who you are.
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

Item 57 (Test word: duterages; Original word: beverages).

From the 10th to 25th of October the show is held about various ways of having
duterages such as tea and coffee.
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

These items may be difficult because of their grammatical complexity. For Item 13, the

test word is embedded in a subordinate clause. For Item 20, the test word is the object of

the verb cause whose subject is located eight words away from it. For Item 57, the test

word is the object of the gerund having which might be mistaken as an indication of a

perfect tense. This indicates that difficult items are included in the test, and if a person

gets these difficult items correct, then he or she may be regarded as having sufficient

knowledge for identifying the part of speech of a word in a sentence. Together with the

large item strata (6.07), the part of speech section may be acceptably representative of

the construct being mesured.

Figure 12 is a person-item map for the contextual clue section. This figure shows

that there are few gaps in the item difficulty hierarchy and the items largely cover the

range of person abilities. Although the spread of item difficulties is not as wide as that

of the part of speech section, this may not cause a problem because of the acceptable

item strata (3.57). This may be taken as supportive evidence for the representativeness

of the items in the contextual clue section.

Figure 13 is a person-item map for the meaning section. As with the contextual

question, this figure shows that there are few gaps in the item difficulty hierarchy for the

meaning section and the items largely cover the range of person abilities. This may be

taken as supportive evidence for the representativeness of the items in the meaning


This subsection has looked at the content aspect of construct validity. Logical and

empirical evidence indicates that the GCT is relevant to and representative of the

construct of the skill of guessing from context.

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
3 * +
* |
# |
*# |
2 *# T +
## |
* |
# | 5-CC-O
*# |
*#### | 30-CE-O
## S | T 24-ID-O 28-CE-I
1 *###### +
*# | 29-CE-O
*####### | 14-DD-O
# |
*####### | S 34-RE-O
*#### | 2-CC-I
######## M | 1-CC-I 22-ID-I 39-MO-I 45-RF-O
#### | 7-SY-I 11-DD-I 33-RE-O 46-WS-I 51-AS-I
0 *##### + M 6-SY-I 18-AP-I 35-RE-O 37-MO-I 40-MO-I
| 8-SY-I 10-SY-O 13-DD-I 15-DD-O
| 17-AP-I 20-AP-I 50-WS-I 59-EX-O
*## | 23-ID-I 32-RE-O 38-MO-I 42-RF-I 56-EX-I 58-EX-I
########### | 55-AS-I
*# | S 9-SY-O 12-DD-I 25-ID-O 31-RE-O 53-AS-I
*###### S | 19-AP-I
*# | 27-CE-I
*## | 26-CE-I 36-MO-I
-1 *## + 44-RF-O 48-WS-I
*## | T 57-EX-I
*# |
* |
* |
# T |
# |
-2 +
* |
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>

Note: AP = Appositive, AS = Association, CC = Contrast/comparison, CE =

Cause/effect, DD = Direct description, EX = Example, ID = Indirect description, MO =
Modification, RE = Restatement, RF = Reference, SY = Synonym, WS = Words in
series, I = Inside (the contextual clue appeared in the same sentence as the test word), O
= Outside (the contextual clue appeared outside of the sentence containing the test

Figure 12. Person-item map for the clue section

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
* |
3 +
* |
* |
* |
2 # +
# |
*# T | 40-N-MO-I
* |
# | T 34-V-RE-O
*## | 14-Adj-DD-O
*# | 28-N-CE-I 30-Adj-CE-O
1 *### + 7-N-SY-I 39-N-MO-I 42-V-RF-I
*# |
##### S | 13-V-DD-I
*# | S
*###### | 24-N-ID-O
*# | 1-Adv-CC-I 11-N-DD-I 26-N-CE-I 32-N-RE-O
*######## | 2-N-CC-I 15-Adj-DD-O 33-Adj-RE-O 38-N-MO-I
*###### | 17-Adj-AP-I 53-V-AS-I
0 #### + M 5-N-CC-O 8-V-SY-I 58-N-EX-I
| 10-V-SY-O 22-N-ID-I 23-N-ID-I
########## M
| 25-V-ID-O 50-V-WS-I 56-N-EX-I
## | 18-Adv-AP-I 31-V-RE-O 35-N-RE-O 37-N-MO-I
*########## | 6-V-SY-I 9-N-SY-O 29-Adv-CE-O
*#### | 19-Adj-AP-I 46-V-WS-I 51-N-AS-I
*##### | S 20-N-AP-I 36-N-MO-I 45-Adj-RF-O 57-N-EX-I
###### | 55-V-AS-I 59-Adv-EX-O
*### | 27-V-CE-I
-1 *### S + 12-N-DD-I 48-Adv-WS-I
*#### |
*## | 44-N-RF-O
*# | T
# |
*# |
# T |
-2 * +
* |
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Note: N = noun, V = verb, Adj = adjective, Adv = adverb, AP = Appositive, AS =
Association, CC = Contrast/comparison, CE = Cause/effect, DD = Direct description,
EX = Example, ID = Indirect description, MO = Modification, RE = Restatement, RF
= Reference, SY = Synonym, WS = Words in series, I = Inside (the contextual clue
appeared in the same sentence as the test word), O = Outside (the contextual clue
appeared outside of the sentence containing the test word)

Figure 13. Person-item map for the meaning section

4.6.2 Substantive Aspect

The substantive aspect of construct validity refers to “theoretical rationales for the

observed consistencies in test responses [...] along with empirical evidence that the

theoretical processes are actually engaged by respondents in the assessment tasks”

(Messick, 1995, p. 745). This aspect may be evaluated by examining whether the

empirical item hierarchy is presented as predicted by theoretical argument and whether

each person’s response pattern is consistent with that item hierarchy (Smith Jr., 2004b).

To begin with, the relationship between theoretical and empirical item hierarchy was

examined for each of the three sections.

For the part of speech section, it was hypothesised that adjectives and adverbs

would be more difficult to identify than nouns and verbs. Liu and Nation (1985) argue

that nouns and verbs may be easier to guess than adjectives and adverbs, because nouns

and verbs have wider ranging relationships with other parts of the context than

adjectives and adverbs. Aborn, Rubenstein, and Sterling (1959) found that their

participants guessed the meanings of unknown words with wrong parts of speech more

frequently in the case of adjectives and adverbs than nouns and verbs. The hypothesis

about the difficulty order of the four parts of speech was tested by comparing the mean

Rasch item difficulty estimates for the four parts of speech. Figure 14 shows the mean

item difficulty with 95% confidence intervals for the four parts of speech. Larger

numbers in logits on the vertical axis indicate more difficult items, and vice versa. This

figure shows that the mean item difficulties were higher for adjectives and adverbs than

nouns and verbs; however, a one-way ANOVA did not detect a statistically significant

difference between the mean item difficulties of the four parts of speech (F(3,44) =

2.514, p = .070). This may be because other factors such as grammatical complexity of

Figure 14. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of
the part of speech question according to part of speech

a sentence are involved in identifying the part of speech of a word.

Another factor that may affect the item difficulty is the presence or the absence of

derivational and inflectional suffixes. Research (de Bot, et al., 1997; Paribakht &

Wesche, 1999) has indicated that learners typically integrate information from the word

parts and the context in guessing the meaning of an unknown word. The GCT used

nonsense words with real suffixes for the test words in order to avoid ambiguity of

correct answers and to increase ecological validity (see Section 3.5.1). Thus, it was

hypothesised that the part of speech of suffixed words would be answered more

correctly than that of non-suffixed words. A t-test (2-tailed) was performed to test the

hypothesis (Table 12). The results showed that suffixed-word items were easier (-0.29

logits) than non-suffixed-word items (0.16 logits), but no significant difference was

found between them. Taken together, the two hypotheses about the difficulty order of

items in the part of speech section were not rejected by the empirical evidence, but were

not supported statistically.

Table 12. Difference between items of suffixed and non-suffixed words
N Mean S.D. t d.f. p
Suffixed 20 -0.29 1.13
-1.24 47 .222
Non-suffixed 29 0.16 1.31

For the contextual clue section, it was hypothesised that contextual clues appearing

in the same sentence as the test word would be easier to find than those appearing

outside of the sentence containing the test word. Carnine, Kameenui, and Coyle (1984)

demonstrated that the closer a contextual clue was to the unknown word, the more likely

it was that learners were successful in guessing. A t-test (2-tailed) was performed to test

the hypothesis (Table 13). The results showed that the clue-inside (clues in the same

sentence as the test word) items were significantly easier to find than the clue-outside

(clues outside of the sentence containing the test word) items (α = .05). This may be

taken as supportive evidence for the substantive aspect of construct validity of the

contextual clue section.

Table 13. Difference between clue-inside and clue-outside items

N Mean S.D. t d.f. p
Clue-inside 32 -0.17 0.42
-2.19 47 .033
Clue-outside 17 0.19 0.71

Another factor that may affect the success of the tasks in the contextual clue

section is the explicitness of the contextual clue: more explicit clues may be less

difficult, and vice versa. Carnine, Kameenui, and Coyle (1984) compared the number of

successful guesses based on explicit clues (synonym and contrast clues) and implicit

clues (inference clues). They found that unknown words with synonym clues (clues

derived from a word or phrase that has essentially the same meaning as the unknown

word) were significantly easier to guess than unknown words with inference clues

(clues derived by deduction from information in the context). However, they did not

find a significant difference between contrast clues (clues derived from a word or phrase

that has essentially the opposite meaning to the unknown word) and the other two clues.

Their findings indicate that the explicitness of the contextual clue may not be highly

predictive of the difficulty order of the items in the contextual clue section. Thus, it was

hypothesised that there would be no clear tendency that more explicit contextual clues

would be easier to find than less explicit ones. Figure 15 shows the mean item difficulty

estimates for the twelve contextual clues with 95% confidence intervals. The ID

(indirect description) and the RE (restatement) clues are considered to be less explicit

than the others, because these two clues have no explicit signals that indicate the

relationships with other parts of the context. This figure shows that there was little

difference in difficulty between the less explicit clues (ID and RE) and the others. A

one-way ANOVA did not detect a statistically significant difference between any two

mean item difficulties of the twelve contextual clues (F(11,37) = 1.200, p = .321). This

Note: AP = Appositive, AS = Association, CC = Contrast/comparison, CE =

Cause/effect, DD = Direct description, EX = Example, ID = Indirect description, MO
= Modification, RE = Restatement, RF = Reference, SY = Synonym, WS = Words in

Figure 15. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of the contextual clue
question according to the type of contextual clue

may be taken as supportive evidence for the hypothesis.

For the meaning section, it was difficult to predict item difficulty because guessing

the meaning of unknown words is affected by various factors such as grammatical

knowledge and discourse knowledge (de Bot, et al., 1997; Haastrup, 1987, 1991;

Nassaji, 2003). It was hypothesised that no single factor would be sufficient for

determining the difficulty order of the items in the meaning section. One important

factor is grammatical knowledge, or knowledge of part of speech. The part of speech of

the unknown word may affect guessing, but as shown in Table 14 previous studies are

not consistent as to the difficulty order according to part of speech. Based on the

previous studies, however, it was predicted that the meaning of adjectives would be

more difficult to guess than that of adverbs, because all the previous studies indicate

that adjectives are more difficult than adverbs. Figure 16 shows the mean item difficulty

in logits with 95% confidence intervals accrording to part of speech. This figure shows

that the meaning of adjectives was more difficult to guess than that of adverbs, but a

one-way ANOVA did not detect a significant difference between them (F(3) = 0.992,

p = .405). This may partly support the hypothesis that the part of speech alone cannot

determine the difficulty order of the items in the meaning section.

Table 14. Difficulty order of guessing the meaning of unknown words according
to part of speech
Aborn, Rubenstein, Dulin (1969) Liu & Nation
& Sterling (1959) (1985)
Hardest Adjective Verb Adjective
Noun Adjective Adverb
Adverb Adverb Noun
Easiest Verb Noun Verb

Figure 16. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of the
meaning section according to part of speech

The difficulty order of the items in the meaning section may also be affected by the

place of a contextual clue; that is, the meaning of an unknown word may be easier to

guess when the contextual clue appears closer to the unknown word (Carnine, et al.,

1984). It was predicted that there would be a tendency that the meaning of an unknown

word is easier to guess when the contextual clue is closer to the unknown word. A t-test

(2-tailed) was performed to test the hypothesis (Table 15). The results showed that the

clue-inside (clues in the same sentence as the test word) items (0.00 logits) were slightly

easier to guess than the clue-outside (clues outside of the sentence containing the test

word) items (0.05 logits), but no significant difference was found between them. The

prediction may not be fully supported by the empirical evidence, but this may support

the hypothesis that no single factor would be able to determine the difficulty order of

the items in the meaning section.

Table 15. Difference between clue-inside and clue-outside items

N Mean S.D. t d.f p
Clue-inside 32 0.00 0.66
-0.243 47 .809
Clue-outside 17 0.05 0.71

Finally, the difficulty order of the items in the meaning section was examined to

see if it was affected by the explicitness of a contextual clue (Carnine, et al., 1984). It

was predicted that less explicit clues would make guessing more difficult but the

tendency would be weak. Figure 17 shows that the mean difficulty estimates of the

items with less explicit clues (RE and ID) were slightly higher than 0 logits (the average

difficulty of all items), but these items were not typically difficult. Taken together, the

empirical evidence may be taken as supporting the hypothesis that no single factor is

sufficient for determining the difficulty order of the items in the meaning section.

Another way of evaluating the substantive aspect of construct validity of the items

in the meaning section is to examine the degree to which grammatical and discourse

knowledge contributes to performance on the items. It was hypothesised that the

performance on the meaning items would have a closer relationship with the

performance on the contextual clue items than the performance on the part of speech

Note: AP = Appositive, AS = Association, CC = Contrast/comparison, CE =

Cause/effect, DD = Direct description, EX = Example, ID = Indirect description,
MO = Modification, RE = Restatement, RF = Reference, SY = Synonym, WS =
Words in series.

Figure 17. Mean difficulties and 95% confidence intervals of the meaning
question according to the type of contextual clue

items. Being able to identify the part of speech of the unknown word allows a ‘Who

does what to whom’ analysis, but this may only be helpful for deriving a partial

meaning such as positive/negative or person/thing, rather than a precise meaning

(Clarke & Nation, 1980). In many cases, contextual clues are necessary for deriving a

precise meaning. This hypothesis was examined using a multiple regression analysis,

where the dependent variable was the person ability estimates from the meaning section

and the independent variables were the person ability estimates from the part of speech

section and from the contextual clue section. Figure 18 presents a path diagram of the

multiple regression analysis (without correction for attenuation due to measurement

error).10 This figure shows that the β coefficient for the contextual clue section (.44) was

higher than that for the part of speech section (.32), which may be taken as supportive

evidence for the hypothesis.

The substantive aspect of construct validity was also evaluated by examining the

consistency of each person’s response pattern with the item hierarchy. More specifically,

Part of speech R2=.45*
.55* Meaning
Contextual clue


Figure 18. Relationships of the part of speech and the contextual

clue sections to the meaning section

No serious sign of multi-collinearity was detected. The variance inflation factor (VIF) was 1.45
for both the part of speech and the contextual clue sections, which is well below 10 which is
generally taken as the threshold for multi-collinearity.

Rasch person fit statistics were calculated for each section. Person fit examines the

degree of match between the observed responses and the theoretical model that requires

a person of a given ability to have a greater probability of a higher rating on easier items

than on more difficult items (Smith Jr., 2004b). As with item fit, a misfit person was

defined as outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0 (underfit), or outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0

(overfit). Table 16 presents the number of misfit persons for each section. Each section

had the misfit rate of less than 5% which was expected to occur by chance given the

nature of the z distribution. This indicates that the test-takers’ response pattern

corresponded to the modelled difficulty order, which may be taken as supportive

evidence for substantive aspect of construct validity.11

Table 16. Number of misfit persons

Number of Number of
Section Total %
underfit persons overfit persons
Part of speech 13 2 15 3.5
Contextual clue 5 3 8 1.9
Meaning 11 4 15 3.5

4.6.3 Structural Aspect

The structural aspect of construct validity “appraises the fidelity of the scoring structure

to the structure of the construct domain at issue” (Messick, 1995, p. 745). The

evaluation of this aspect may be addressed by examining the unidimensionality (the

degree to which a test measures one attribute at a time) of the intended structure,

because a unidimensional measure allows a straightforward scoring method; that is, the

Future research could be carried out to collect further evidence for the substantive aspect by
conducting qualitative research including think-aloud protocols which investigates the degree to
which the theoretical processes reflect respondents’ actual processes.

cumulative total raw scores obtained simply by counting the observed responses are

sufficient for estimating item difficulty and person ability (Smith Jr., 2004b; Wolfe &

Smith Jr., 2007). Several studies (Slinde & Linn, 1979; Smith Jr., 2004a; Smith & Miao,

1994) have argued that Rasch analysis is superior to factor analytic methods in

assessing dimensionality, because unlike factor analytic methods, Rasch models do not

assume a normal distribution of the data or multiple parameters (e.g., item

discrimination and guessing). For this reason, dimensionality was assessed based on

Rasch analysis.

As there is no agreed-upon method for assessing dimensionality, dimensionality

was examined from a number of perspectives. Linacre (1995) suggested that

dimensionality may be addressed by 1) item correlations, 2) fit statistics, and

3) principal components analysis (PCA) of standardised residuals without rotation. An

item correlation examines the degree to which the items are aligned in the same

direction on the latent variable. This was investigated by computing the point-measure

correlation (correlation between the observations on an item and the corresponding

person ability estimates). No items showed unacceptably low point-measure

correlations (<.10). 12 This indicates that unidimensionality holds in terms of item


A second way of investigating dimensionality is to identify misfit items based on

fit statistics. As mentioned in Section 4.5, items with outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0 were

identified as misfitting to the Rasch model and were excluded from the GCT. Thus, the

remaining items may conform to the model which requires that measures be

unidimensional. Item fit analysis may be the most reliable of the three approaches to

One item in the meaning section had a point-measure correlation of .09 but this item was excluded
from the GCT (see Section 4.5.3).

detecting dimensionality. Research based on simulated data (Smith, 1996; Smith &

Miao, 1994) has shown that the Rasch item fit approach detects dimensionality more

accurately than other approaches including the PCA when the intention is to create a

unidimensional variable where few items are expected to contribute to the second

component and the correlation between the components are expected to be high. This

may be taken as strong evidence for unidimensionality.

Finally, the PCA of standardised residuals was performed for each section in order

to examine whether there was only a small amount of variance in the residuals

accounted for by other components (dimensions) than the Rasch model which extracts

the first major component in the observations. 13 An acceptable first contrast (largest

secondary component) should have an eigenvalue (standardised residual variance) of

less than 3 which means that less than three items are loading onto another dimension

(Linacre, 2010a, p. 444; Linacre & Tennant, 2009). A simulation study (Raîche, 2005)

demonstrates that an eigenvalue of 2 is possible at the random level. The eigenvalue of

the first contrast was 2.0 for the part of speech section, 2.0 for the contextual clue

section, and 1.9 for the meaning section, indicating that the scores generated by the

three sections are acceptably unidimensional. In addition, dimensionality may be

assessed by examining whether the eigenvalues of other contrasts reach an asymptote at

the first contrast (Stevens, 2002; Wolfe & Smith Jr., 2007). Figures 19-21 show the

scree plot for each section. All three figures indicate that when the first largest

component (the Rasch component) was extracted, the eigenvalues of the other

components (the 1st to the 5th contrasts) reached an asymptote at the first contrast.

Taken together, the scores generated by the GCT indicate a high degree of
Unidimensionality depends on the size of the second component, and not on the magnitude of the
variance explained by the first (Rasch) component, because unidimensionality is not degraded by the
unexplained variance if most of it is random noise (Linacre, 2010a, p.440).

Figure 19. Scree plot for the part of speech section

Figure 20. Scree plot for the contextual clue section

Figure 21. Scree plot for the meaning section

unidimensionality. This may serve as positive evidence for the structural aspect of

construct validity of the GCT.

4.6.4 Generalizability Aspect

The generalizability aspect of construct validity deals with “the extent to which score

properties and interpretations generalize to and across population groups, settings, and

tasks” (Messick, 1995, p. 745). In Rasch measurement, this aspect may be approached

by examining the extent to which item difficulty and person ability estimates are

invariant within the measurement error across measurement contexts such as different

groups of examinees, time, or tasks (Andrich, 1988; Smith Jr., 2004b; Wolfe & Smith Jr.,

2007; Wright & Stone, 1979). Wolfe and Smith Jr. (2007) divided this aspect into four

subcategories: item calibration invariance (stability of item difficulty estimates), person

measure invariance (stability of person ability estimates), reliability, and invariance

across administrative contexts. Each of these subcategories will be examined in the

following subsections.

Item Calibration Invariance

The invariance of item calibrations refers to “the degree to which item calibrations

maintain their meaning and interpretability [...] across groups of respondents and across

time” (Wolfe & Smith Jr., 2007, p. 215). This was investigated by analysing uniform

differential item functioning (DIF), an indication of unexpected behaviour by items

showing that item calibrations vary across samples by more than the modelled error

(Bond & Fox, 2007; Linacre, 2010a; Wolfe & Smith Jr., 2007). The DIF analysis was

performed through a t-test approach instead of a Mantel-Haenszel approach (Mantel,

1963; Mantel & Haenszel, 1959), because the data were not complete in that the design

allowed systematic missing data (Linacre, 2010a, p. 490).

First, the DIF analysis was performed in order to examine whether the item

calibrations from male (N = 277) and female (N = 151) test-takers varied widely for

each of the three sections. Welch’s t-test revealed that statistically significant DIF was

detected for one item in each section. Table 17 presents the Rasch difficulty estimates

and the Welch’s t statistics for the three items with significant DIF (α = .05).

Table 17. DIF analysis for gender

Difficulty Difficulty
Section Item No. estimates for estimates for t d.f. p
males (logits) females (logits)
Part of speech 24 0.34 1.46 -2.36 105 .020
Contextual clue 58 -0.44 0.46 -2.09 76 .040
Meaning 30 0.81 1.70 -2.00 115 .048

Here are the three items that displayed significant DIF.

Item 24 (Test word: vansel; Original word: tremor).

She smelled something awful from his body, and a vansel ran through her.
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

Item 58 (Test word: delincert; Original word: anaesthesia).

About 30 years ago, people were patient about everything and did not
(1)complain about anything. When my mother was a (2)child in the 1930’s,
doctors did not like to use delincert; for example, the doctor took out her first
set of teeth without using it even if it was very (3)painful.
(1) complain
(2) child
(3) painful

Item 30 (Test word: strocastic; Original word: ophthalmic).
Teachers may want to give as much help as possible to students who have
difficulty seeing things, but there has been little information about the
problems these students can face. For this reason, some basic strocastic
information is given that will help teachers to offer effective learning
materials for them.
(1) relating to education
(2) relating to eyes
(3) relating to computers

For all three items, males achieved significantly higher success probabilities (lower

difficulty estimates) than females. There seems to be no clear reason for this item bias.

It should be noted that the overall number of DIF items is not statistically problematic,

because each section has only one DIF item out of the 49 acceptable items (2.0%),

which is less than 5% which may occur by chance given the nature of Type I error.

DIF was also investigated in terms of test-takers’ native language; that is, whether

the item calibrations from Japanese learners and learners with different L1 background

varied widely for each of the three sections. A total of 30 participants with other native

languages than Japanese took one of the six 20-item forms. They were international

students at Japanese universities from other countries. Their native languages included

Chinese (23), Korean (4), French (2), and Spanish (1). No DIF was found for any items

in the three sections. This may be taken as supportive evidence for item calibration

invariance across groups of different native languages; however, the results need to be

interpreted carefully. The reference group (the group of participants with different

native languages from Japanese) was biased towards Chinese people and might not be

generalizable to other groups of people. In addition, the small size of the reference

group may have affected the DIF analysis. A simulation study indicates that DIF

analyses require more than 200 respondents per group for obtaining adequate (>80%

power) performance (Scott et al., 2009). In fact, eleven items had a difference in item

calibration between the two groups (Japanese vs. other) by more than 1.0 logit for the

part of speech section, five items for the contextual clue section, and three items for the

meaning section. No statistically significant difference was found for these items

perhaps due to large standard errors with a small number of people for the reference

group. Further evidence needs to be collected for this aspect.

Person Measure Invariance

The invariance of person ability estimates was examined by analysing differential

person functioning (DPF), an indication of unexpected behaviour by persons showing

that person measures vary across different situations by more than the modelled error

(Bond & Fox, 2007; Linacre, 2010a). Specifically, the items were divided into two

halves (the first half and the second half) in order to examine whether person ability

estimates were affected by the effects of practice or fatigue. As with DIF, the DPF

analysis was performed through a t-test approach instead of a Mantel-Haenszel

approach. The results showed that no statistically significant DPF was detected for any

persons for the three sections (α = .05). In other words, no practice or fatigue effect was

observed statistically. This may be taken as supportive evidence for person measure

invariance; however, the results need to be interpreted carefully. The person abilities

were estimated based on six to ten items for each group after the deletion of the misfit

items. This small number of items for person ability estimation may have caused large

standard errors, which might have been the reason for being unable to detect any

significant DPF.


A third way of investigating the generalizability aspect of construct validity is to

examine the degree of reliability; that is, “reproducibility of relative measure location”

(Linacre, 2010a, p. 511). Rasch person reliability, which is equivalent to traditional

reliability coefficients such as Cronbach’s alpha, KR-20, and the Generalizability

coefficient, was computed for each of the six forms in the three sections. Rasch person

separation was also calculated because it is linear and ranges from zero to infinite. The

conventional reliability estimates are non-linear and suffer from ceiling effects within

the range between zero and one (Smith Jr., 2004b). Tables 18-20 present the Rasch

person separation and reliability estimates for each of the six forms (Forms A to F) in

each of the three sections after the deletion of the misfit items.

Table 18. Rasch person separation and reliability for the part of speech section
No. of Person Person
No. of items
participants separation reliability
Form A 17 71 1.67 .74
Form B 19 68 1.47 .68
Form C 13 76 1.12 .56
Form D 15 76 1.87 .78
Form E 18 57 1.39 .66
Form F 16 80 1.23 .60

Table 19. Rasch person separation and reliability for the contextual clue section
No. of Person Person
No. of items
participants separation reliability
Form A 17 71 1.21 .59
Form B 19 68 1.47 .68
Form C 13 76 1.25 .61
Form D 15 76 1.58 .71
Form E 18 57 1.39 .66
Form F 16 80 1.47 .68

Table 20. Rasch person separation and reliability for the meaning section
No. of Person Person
No. of items
participants separation reliability
Form A 17 71 1.44 .67
Form B 19 68 1.24 .60
Form C 13 76 1.32 .63
Form D 15 76 1.41 .67
Form E 18 57 1.79 .76
Form F 16 80 1.39 .66

The results showed that the reliability estimates ranged between .56 and .78 with the

average being .66. This low reliability may have been caused by a small number of

items (Linacre, 2010a). Each form had 20 items from which misfit items were excluded

for reliability estimates, because pilot studies indicated that the results might be less

reliable due to fatigue effects with more than 20 items. For future use of the GCT, the

test length needs to be determined in order to achieve a certain degree of reliability (see

Section 4.7 for further discussion).

The average reliability of .66 may not be unacceptably low. Fukkink and de

Glopper (1998) conducted a meta-analysis of twelve previous studies on the effects of

teaching on guessing from context, and reported that the tests used in these studies had

the average reliability estimate of Cronbach’s alpha = .63 (Max=.85, Min=.13). The low

reliability estimates may be understandable, because the construct of guessing from

context involves a wide range of language ability including reading skills and

knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Bachman and Palmer (1996) argue:

“If the construct definition focuses on a relatively narrow range of

components of language ability, the test developer can reasonably expect to
achieve higher levels of reliability than if the construct is complex,
including a wide range of components of language ability, as well as topical
knowledge.” (p.135)

This would suggest that a reliability of .66 may be reasonable for the GCT. Taken

together, the reliability estimates may be acceptable given the nature of the test

(complex construct) and higher reliability may be expected by increasing the number of

items per test form for future use of the GCT.

Reliability was also examined for item calibrations. Rasch item reliability, which

has no traditional equivalent, addresses the degree to which item difficulties are

reproducible. High item reliability is caused by a large sample and a wide variety of

item difficulties (Linacre, 2010a). Tables 21-23 present the Rasch item separation and

reliability estimates for each of the six forms (Forms A to F) in each of the three

sections after the deletion of the misfit items.

Table 21. Rasch item separation and reliability for the part of speech section
No. of Item Item
No. of items
participants separation reliability
Form A 17 71 3.80 .94
Form B 19 68 2.71 .88
Form C 13 76 2.90 .89
Form D 15 76 3.65 .93
Form E 18 57 2.74 .88
Form F 16 80 2.78 .89

Table 22. Rasch item separation and reliability for the contextual clue section
No. of Item Item
No. of items
participants separation reliability
Form A 17 71 1.50 .69
Form B 19 68 2.17 .82
Form C 13 76 1.77 .76
Form D 15 76 2.19 .83
Form E 18 57 2.20 .83
Form F 16 80 2.71 .88

Table 23. Rasch item separation and reliability for the meaning section
No. of Item Item
No. of items
participants separation reliability
Form A 17 71 1.83 .77
Form B 19 68 2.37 .85
Form C 13 76 2.18 .83
Form D 15 76 1.80 .76
Form E 18 57 2.51 .86
Form F 16 80 3.14 .91

The results showed that the reliability estimates ranged between .69 and .94 with the

average being .84. This indicates that the item difficulty estimates are reproducible to a

high degree.

Invariance across Administrative Contexts

A final way of evaluating the generalizability aspect is to examine the stability of

performance across administrative contexts. This may be approached “by comparing

average measures observed between contextual situations or decision-making contexts

using hypothesis testing” (Wolfe & Smith Jr., 2007, p. 217). For future use of the GCT,

person ability may need to be estimated based on the performance on the items that a

learner actually took, without using intentional missing data as designed for the present

research. Thus, administrative invariance was evaluated by examining the degree to

which the person ability estimates from the short version (the items that the test-takers

actually took) were consistent with those from the long version (the overall 49

acceptable items based on the missing data design). A paired t-test was performed for

each section in order to investigate whether statistically significant difference was found

between the person ability estimates from these two versions. Table 24 presents the

mean Rasch person ability estimates in logits for the two versions, t-statistics, and the

point-biserial correlation coefficient r for an indication of effect size as calculated by the

following formula:

where t = t-statistic in the t-test and d.f. = degree of freedom.

Table 24. Rasch person measures, t-statistics, and effect size between the short and
long versions for the three sections
Short version Long version
t d.f. p r
M S.D. M S.D.
Part of speech 1.83 1.82 1.70 1.65 4.62 427 .000 .218
Contextual clue 0.36 1.15 0.28 1.01 4.77 427 .000 .225
Meaning -0.07 1.08 -0.07 0.91 0.00 427 .998 .001

Table 24 shows that the person ability was estimated significantly higher with the short

version than with the long version for the part of speech and the contextual clue sections.

This statistical significance may have been detected due to a large sample size (N=428).

The difference between the mean person abilities estimated from the two versions was

small: 0.13 logits for the part of speech section and 0.08 logits for the contextual clue

section. In addition, the effect sizes (.218 and .225) were found to be small (Cohen,

1988, 1992). This indicates that the difference between the short and the long versions

for the part of speech and the contextual clue sections may be acceptably small so that

the short versions would produce person ability estimates approximate to the long

version. For the meaning section, no significant difference was found between the short

and the long versions (α = .05), and person ability estimates from the short version was

much the same as those from the long version (r = .001). Taken together, the short

version of the GCT produced person ability estimates approximate to the long version

with the missing data design, although the short versions slightly overestimated person

abilities for the part of speech and contextual clue sections. This may be taken as

supportive evidence for invariance across administrative contexts.14

Evidence may also be collected by examining whether person ability estimates are stable between
paper- and computer-based formats (Wolfe & Smith Jr., 2007). In the present research, a paper-based
format was used because the test was administered in intact English classes where computer
facilities were not available in many classrooms. Future research may include data from a computer-
based format to add empirical evidence for construct validity for this aspect.

This subsection has looked at the generalizability aspect of construct validity.

Although further evidence may need to be collected for L1-related DIF and the effects

of practice or fatigue, the empirical evidence from this aspect largely supports the

validity of the GCT.

4.6.5 External Aspect

The external aspect refers to “the extent to which the test’s relationships with other tests

and nontest behaviors reflect the expected high, low, and interactive relations implied in

the theory of the construct being assessed” (Messick, 1989, p. 45). This may be

addressed by examining convergent and discriminant correlations with external

variables (Messick, 1995). Convergent evidence is derived by showing the

correspondence between different measures of the same construct. Discriminant

evidence, on the other hand, is derived by showing the lack of correspondence from

measures of distinct constructs.

First, in an attempt to provide convergent evidence, the correlation between the

receptive and the productive versions of the GCT was examined. The receptive version

refers to the original GCT in multiple-choice format. The productive version refers to

the modified GCT where all the options were omitted and test-takers had to write

answers instead of choosing answers. It was hypothesised that the scores from these two

versions would be highly correlated because they were expected to measure the same

construct in different formats. In testing this hypothesis, a total of 14 participants (1

native English-speaking PhD student in applied linguistics, 6 Japanese PhD and MA

students in applied linguistics, and 7 Japanese undergraduates studying law, literature,

medicine, or technology) individually took the productive version with 30 randomly

selected items and then the receptive version with the same 30 items. For the productive

version, they were asked to write answers in English or Japanese for the part of speech

and the meaning sections and to underline a word or phrase for the contextual clue

section. The responses in the productive version were scored by a native English teacher

with a high proficiency in Japanese and the researcher (a native Japanese speaker). The

part of speech items did not cause a problem with inter-rater reliability because it was

easy to determine whether the answer was correct or wrong. For the contextual clue

section, responses were regarded as correct if the word or phrase of the correct answer

was included in the word or phrase the participants underlined. For the items in these

two sections, correct answers were scored as correct (1) and wrong answers were scored

as wrong (0). For the meaning section, responses were classified into correct, partially

correct, and incorrect responses. Correct responses corresponded to the meaning and the

part of speech of the original word. Partially correct responses had an incorrect but not

totally wrong meaning (e.g., sea for the original word seabed). Correct responses were

scored as correct (1), partially correct responses were scored as half correct (0.5), and

wrong responses were scored as wrong (0). Inter-rater reliability as measured by

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients15 between the scores from the two raters was

high (1.00 for the part of speech section, .97 for the contextual clue section, and .96 for

the meaning section). For the productive version, average raw scores from the two raters

were used for analysis. The responses on the items in the receptive version were scored

either as 1 (correct) or 0 (wrong). Table 25 presents Spearman’s rank correlation

coefficients between the scores from these two versions.

Spearman’s ρ instead of Pearson’s r was used for investigating the inter-rater reliability because
the raw scores are ordinal.

Table 25. Correlation coefficients between the scores from the
productive and the receptive versions
Section Spearman’s ρ
Part of speech .91*
Contextual clue .77*
Meaning .81*
N=14; *p<.05.

The part of speech and the meaning sections had the correlation coefficients greater

than .80, indicating a strong tendency that a person with a higher score on the

productive version also got a higher score on the receptive version. A relatively low

correlation coefficient (.77) was found in the contextual clue section, because one

participant performed contrary to the other participants; that is, she got a higher score on

the productive version than on the receptive version because she left some of the items

unanswered in the receptive version. If this person was excluded from the analysis,

Spearman’s ρ increased to .89. This may serve as convergent evidence for the external

aspect of construct validity.

Second, the correlations between GCT scores and self-reported TOEIC scores were

examined. It was hypothesised that TOEIC and GCT scores would be positively

correlated, but the correlations between TOEIC and GCT scores would be lower than

the correlations between the scores from any two sections of the GCT (e.g., the scores

from the meaning section of the GCT would be more closely related to the scores from

the part of speech and the contextual clue sections of the GCT than those from TOEIC).

TOEIC is a test of English reading and listening skills for business which may involve

the skill of guessing from context as an important component. Some questions directly

measure the meaning of difficult words. In many cases where test-takers come across

unknown words, they may need to guess the meanings of the words in order to

understand the reading and listening passages. For this reason, the correlations between

GCT and TOEIC scores (GCT-TOEIC correlations) were expected to be positive;

however, these correlations were considered to be lower than the correlations between

the scores from any two sections of the GCT (within-GCT correlations), because the

GCT measures different aspects of the skill of guessing. This hypothesis was tested by

examining whether the within-GCT correlations were higher than the GCT-TOEIC

correlations. As this analysis was conducted based on 134 participants (31.3% of the

participants who were administered the GCT) who reported their TOEIC scores, it was

necessary to investigate the generalizability of the results from the 134 participants to

the overall 428 participants. In so doing, the difference in Rasch person ability estimates

between the 134 TOEIC score reporters and the others (294 non-reporters) was

examined through Welch’s t-test (2-tailed). As shown in Table 26, no statistically

significant difference (α = .05) was found between the two groups for the three sections.

The effect size (r) indices show small differences (r < .2) between the person ability

estimates from the two groups for the three sections. This indicates that the 134

reporters may be representative of the overall 428 participants.

Table 26. Rasch person measures, t-statistics, and effect size between the reporters
and non-reporters for the three sections

Reporters Non-reporters Welch’s

Section d.f. p r
M S.D. M S.D. t
Part of speech 1.80 1.79 1.66 1.58 0.82 231.4 .413 .054
Contextual clue 0.38 1.14 0.23 0.94 1.33 219.3 .186 .089
Meaning 0.06 1.09 -0.12 0.81 1.79 202.8 .076 .125

Given the representativeness of the 134 participants, a matrix of the Pearson’s product-

moment correlation coefficients between the GCT and TOEIC scores from the 134

participants is presented in Table 27.

Table 27. Correlation coefficients between GCT and TOEIC scores
Part of speech Contextual clue Meaning
Contextual clue .550*
Meaning .608* .658*
TOEIC .239* .295* .463*
N=134; *p<.05.

Table 27 shows that the GCT and TOEIC scores correlated positively

(r = .239, .295, .463), but the GCT-TOEIC correlations were lower than the within-GCT

correlations (r = .550, .608, .658). In order to determine whether there are statistically

significant differences between these two groups of correlation coefficients (GCT-

TOEIC vs. within-GCT correlations), a Z-test was performed for each of the three

sections by means of a Meng-Rosenthal-Rubin method specifically designed for

examining the difference between the overlapping correlation coefficients (correlation

coefficients having a variable in common) (Meng, Rosenthal, & Rubin, 1992). Table 28

shows that for all three sections, the within-GCT correlations were significantly higher

than the GCT-TOEIC correlations (α = .05). This shows that the above-mentioned

hypothesis (positive correlations for the GCT-TOEIC scores but lower than within-GCT

correlations) may be acceptable

Table 28. Difference between the within-GCT and the GCT-TOEIC correlations
within-GCT GCT-
Section correlations TOEIC Z p
Part of speech rPC=.550 rPT=.239 3.40 .001
rPM=.608 rPT=.239 4.70 .000
Contextual clue rCP=.550 rCT=.295 2.75 .006
rCM=.658 rCT=.295 4.84 .000
Meaning rMP=.608 rMT=.463 2.18 .029
rMC=.658 rMT=.463 2.51 .012
Note. N=134, P = part of speech section, C = contextual clue section, M =
meaning section, T = TOEIC (e.g., rPC = correlation coefficient between
the scores of the part of speech section and the contextual clue section).

4.6.6 Consequential Aspect

The consequential aspect of construct validity “appraises the value implications of score

interpretation as a basis for action as well as the actual and potential consequences of

test use” (Messick, 1995, p. 745). Providing evidence for this aspect is not an easy

task.16 Positive consequences such as improved language proficiency may be associated

with support for test validity, but the improvement is usually affected by a number of

other factors than the test quality such as the type of class activities, teaching methods,

learning materials, and curriculum. That is, it is difficult to attribute positive

consequences to the quality of the test alone. In terms of test validation, the primary

concern is to minimise sources of invalidity such as construct-irrelevant and construct

under-representation difficulty in order to avoid negative impact on the consequences

resulting from the score interpretation and use (Messick, 1996). That is, low scores

should not occur because the test is measuring something different from what it purports

to measure or because the test fails to include important construct-relevant items that, if

present, would allow the test-taker to achieve higher scores. As discussed in the content

aspect of construct validity, the content relevance and representativeness of the GCT

was supported by both theoretical argument and empirical evidence. This may be taken

as supportive evidence for the consequential aspect.

Negative impact on consequences may also be caused by unfairness in test use

(Messick, 1989, 1995, 1996). An unfair test gives a group of people an advantage over

another. One way of evaluating this through Rasch measurement is to investigate item

bias (Smith Jr., 2004b). Item bias refers to different item difficulties across groups of

test-takers (Smith, 1992). As discussed in the generalizability aspect (item calibration

The investigation of the use of the test by teachers in particular educational contexts would also be
useful in evaluating the consequential aspect.

invariance), DIF analyses showed that the items did not work in favour of one group of

test-takers against another in terms of gender and L1 17 , indicating that the GCT is

unlikely to cause negative consequences because of unfairness (item bias). Unfairness

may also occur in scoring when the responses are graded subjectively by judges. The

GCT does not cause this type of unfairness because it is written in a multiple-choice

format which is free from variations in judge severity. This may be taken as supportive

evidence for the consequential aspect of construct validity.

The consequential aspect may include washback, or the degree of behavioural and

attitudinal change in teachers and learners with the introduction of a test; however,

washback is only circumstantial to the validity argument, because even a poor test could

conceivably cause positive washback if, for example, learners worked hard to prepare

for the test regardless of its quality (Messick, 1996). In terms of validation, it is

important to minimise sources of invalidity such as construct-irrelevance and construct

under-representation difficulty so that negative washback may not occur (Alderson &

Wall, 1993). Such invalidity was not observed for the GCT as mentioned above. Taken

together, the GCT is unlikely to cause a negative impact on the score interpretation and

use, which may be taken as supportive evidence for the consequential aspect of

construct validity.

4.6.7 Responsiveness Aspect

Responsiveness, or sensitivity, refers to the degree to which an instrument is capable of

detecting changes in person measures following an intervention that is assumed to

impact the target construct (Medical Outcomes Trust Scientific Advisory Committee,

With limited data on learners with different L1s, it did not work in favour of one group but further
examination of this would be useful.

1995). This may be examined by examining a ceiling effect using a Rasch person-item

map. A ceiling effect decreases responsiveness because able persons cannot demonstrate

their gains from an experimental intervention such as teaching. As shown in the Rasch

person-item maps in Figures 12 and 13, no ceiling effects were observed for the

contextual clue and the meaning sections. This may be taken as supportive evidence for

responsiveness. The person-item map in Figure 11, on the other hand, showed that the

part of speech section may suffer from a ceiling effect. In fact, 35 (8.2%) participants

got all items correct. This indicates that the part of speech section may not be sensitive

enough to detect able persons’ gains from an experimental treatment.

Responsiveness may also be investigated through Rasch person strata. As with

item strata, a person strata index indicates the number of statistically different levels of

person ability, and is derived by the following formula:

Person strata = (4 Gperson+1)/3,

where Gperson is Rasch person separation. With regard to the acceptable number of

item strata, Wolfe and Smith Jr. (2007, p. 223) argue that “if the intended use of the

measures is to distinguish between experimental and control groups, the assessment

must be able to distinguish between at least two levels of trait (a person strata of 2).”

Person strata are presented for each test form in the three sections in Table 29.

Table 29. Person strata for the three sections

Part of speech 2.56 2.29 1.83 2.83 2.19 1.97 2.28
Contextual clue 1.95 2.29 2.00 2.44 2.19 2.29 2.19
Meaning 2.25 1.99 2.09 2.21 2.72 2.19 2.24

While the average person strata exceeded 2 for all three sections, four forms had the

person strata of slightly smaller than 2 (1.83, 1.95, 1.97, and 1.99). This indicates that

these four forms may be problematic in terms of responsiveness. As low person strata

indices are often caused by a small number of items (Linacre, 2010a), a successful

attempt was made to solve this problem by creating new forms that include an

increasing number of items so that each form would have person strata greater than 2

(See Section 4.7 for further discussion).

4.6.8 Interpretability Aspect

The interpretability aspect of construct validity refers to the degree to which qualitative

meaning can be assigned to quantitative measures (Medical Outcomes Trust Scientific

Advisory Committee, 1995). Rasch measurement provides a useful tool for interpreting

the scores: a person-item map. The Rasch person-item map, which was presented in

Section 4.6.2, expresses person ability and item difficulty estimates on a common

interval scale, and shows the probability of a person’s success on an item regardless of

whether or not the person actually answered the item (missing data). At any point on the

scale where a person and an item share the same location, the person has a 50%

probability of getting the item correct. The lower an item is located, the higher success

probability that person has on the item, and vice versa. This map facilitates the

interpretation of the scores for the two main forms of assessment: norm-referenced and

criterion-referenced. For norm-referenced interpretations, a person’s score is compared

to the scores of a group to see where the person’s performance lies. The person-item

map directly displays the location of a person with respect to the latent trait being

measured; that is, more able persons are located towards the top and less able persons

are located towards the bottom. Unlike the analysis based on raw scores which are

ordinal, the person ability on the person-item map is displayed on an interval scale. This

means that one unit on the scale represents the same magnitude of the latent trait being

measured across the whole range of the scale. For example, the difference between

person abilities of 0 and 0.5 logits is the same as the difference between person abilities

of 2.5 and 3.0 logits. For raw scores, on the other hand, the difference does not have any

meaning. For example, the difference between persons who answered 90% correctly

and who answered 100% correctly may not be the same as the difference between

persons who answered 40% correctly and who answered 50% correctly. This indicates

that norm-referenced interpretations are facilitated by the Rasch person-item map.

For criterion-referenced interpretations, cut scores are typically used to classify the

test-takers into groups according to the level of performance, and then labels are given

to these groups to provide meaning to the levels (e.g., advanced/intermediate/beginner).

The person-item map directly indicates whether a person passes on a particular cut score.

For example, if the cut score were set at an item difficulty of 1.5 logits, persons with an

ability estimate of 1.5 logits or above could be regarded as passing on the cut score.

This provides a clearly interpretable description of what a person can be expected to

accomplish: a person with an ability estimate of 1.5 logits or above has a more than

50% probability of succeeding on an item with a difficulty estimate of 1.5 logits. Taken

together, the use of a Rasch person-item map facilitates the interpretation of scores for

both norm- and criterion-referenced assessments.

A difficulty in interpreting the results using a Rasch person-item map may derive

from the unit of measurement (logit). Logit is a contraction of log-odds unit (of success).

Odds are defined as the probability of success divided by the probability of failure. The

natural logarithm of this odds ratio is called logit. For example, if the odds ratio of

success and failure is 2:1, then the natural log of 2 equals 0.69 logits. If the odds ratio of

success and failure is 1:2, then the natural log of 0.5 equals -0.69 logits. As with all

interval scales such as temperature, the origin of the scale is indeterminate; and thus the

origin is usually set to the average item difficulty for convenience. The scale ranges

from negative infinity to positive infinity.

Despite the usefulness of the Rasch person-item map, specialised computer

software such as WINSTEPS is currently needed for obtaining the map. The simplest

form of score reporting may be to use raw scores, because teachers and learners have

only to count the number of correct responses and do not need to use specialised

computer software. In order to investigate the adequacy of using raw scores for

interpretation, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between the raw scores and the

Rasch person ability estimates were examined.18 As shown in Table 30, the raw scores

were highly correlated to the Rasch person ability estimates (r > .9) regardless of the

use of a missing data design. This indicates that the total number of correct responses

may serve as a close approximation to the latent trait of guessing from context. It should

be noted here that the raw scores are only ordinal and are not on an interval scale. Thus,

the difference between the score of 5 and 10 is not identical to the difference between

the scores of 15 and 20.

Table 30. Correlation coefficients between the raw score and

the Rasch person ability estimate for the three sections
Section ρ
Part of Speech .983*
Contextual clue .990*
Meaning .966*

Table 31 presents the relationships between the raw scores and the Rasch ability

Spearman’s ρ was used because although the Rasch ability estimates were on an interval scale, raw
scores were only ordinal and not suitable for Pearson’s r.

estimates for the three sections. The raw scores were converted to the percentage of

correctly answered items that the participants had actually taken. 19 This table shows that,

for example, a person who got 80% of the items correct for the part of speech section

has a Rasch ability of approximately 1.76 logits, which indicates that this person has a

50% probability of succeeding on a part of speech item with a Rasch difficulty estimate

of 1.76 logits. This person has a greater probability of succeeding on any item with a

Rasch difficulty estimate of less than 1.76 logits, and vice versa. If a cut score is set at a

Rasch item difficulty of 1.5 logits, this person is taken as passing on the cut score.

Table 31. Conversion table of raw scores and Rasch ability estimates
Raw scores (%) Part of speech Contextual clue Meaning
100 4.89 4.26 4.55
90 2.80 2.27 2.29
80 1.76 1.38 1.49
70 0.78 0.90 0.90
60 -0.02 0.43 0.36
50 -0.89 0.01 -0.01
40 -1.26 -0.43 -0.44
30 -1.85 -0.94 -0.90
20 -2.47 -1.50 -1.55

Taken together, the use of a Rasch person-item map guarantees a high degree of

interpretability. Raw scores may also be used as a rough approximation of Rasch person

ability estimates for convenience, but the interpretation needs to be made cautiously

because the raw scores are only ordinal and the magnitude of difference between any

two scores has no meaning.

This section has investigated the validity of the GCT from eight aspects of

construct validity (content, substantive, structural, generalizability, external,

consequential, responsiveness, and interpretability). The evidence provided in this

The Rasch ability estimate for each raw score category was based on the persons whose scores
ranged between ±1% of the category. For example, the Rasch ability estimate for the raw score of
90% was calculated by averaging the person abilities of those who got 89-91% of the items correct.

section generally indicates that the GCT is a highly valid measure for assessing the skill

of guessing from context.

4.7 Creating New Forms

New test forms need be created for the GCT, because the six forms used for the present

validation are different in the degree of reliability and in the number of items after the

deletion of misfit items. This section explains how new forms were created and how the

scores from the forms may be interpreted and reported to learners.

4.7.1 Equivalent Forms

At least two equivalent forms of the GCT are needed to serve as a tool for future

research in this field. Equivalent forms have the same construct to be measured, the

same test length, and the same distribution of item difficulties. Having two equivalent

forms will allow a pre- and post-test design where the effects of teaching on the skill of

guessing from context may be investigated.

The first step for creating new forms was to determine the number of items

included in each form in order to achieve a certain level of reliability. The minimum

level of reliability was determined so that the Rasch person strata indices would exceed

2. A Rasch person strata index of 2 indicates two statistically distinct levels for person

abilities, which is the minimum level for acceptable responsiveness (detecting change

after an experimental treatment). The person strata index of 2 is equivalent to person

reliability of .610 given the formulae in Linacre (2010a).20 The number of items needed

for achieving the reliability of .610 was estimated based on the following Spearman-

Reliability = G2/(1+G2), and Strata = (4G+1)/3, where G = separation coefficient.

Brown prediction formula (Brown, 1910; Spearman, 1910):

where T = target number of items, C = current number of items, RT = target person

reliability, and RC = current person reliability. Table 32 shows the estimated number of

items that are required to arrive at the person reliability of .610 for each form of the

three sections.

Table 32. Estimated number of items needed for arriving at person strata of 2
Form A Form B Form C Form D Form E Form F
Part of speech 9.3 14.0 16.0 6.6 14.5 16.7
Contextual clue 18.5 19.0 13.0 9.6 16.5 11.8
Meaning 13.1 19.8 11.9 11.6 8.9 12.9

Form B in the meaning section indicates the largest number of items (19.8) for arriving

at the Rasch person reliability of .610 (= Rasch person strata of 2). This means that a

new test form should involve at least 20 items in order for any form to guarantee the

minimum requirement for a sensitive test (Rasch person strata of 2). As indicated by the

pilot studies (see Section 3.7), a 20-item test form may be completed in half an hour and

is unlikely to result in a fatigue effect that could affect reliability. Thus, new test forms

had 20 items which was the minimum number in terms of reliability and the maximum

number in terms of fatigue effect.

As there are 49 acceptable items, two equivalent 20-item test forms can be

constructed. The two equivalent forms were created based on the following criteria in

order to maintain the representativeness of the construct:

1. Each form had nine nouns, six verbs, three adjectives, and two adverbs in
order to reflect actual language use (noun: verb: adjective: adverb =


2. Each form included all twelve types of contextual clues (one or two items
per contextual clue) in order to ensure test representativeness.

3. The proximity of the clue to the test word was controlled so that each form
had the same number of clue-inside (clues that appear in the same sentence
as the test word) and clue-outside (clues that appear in a different sentence
from the sentence containing the test word) items; that is, 13 clue-inside
items and 7 clue-outside items for each form. This ratio (13:7) was an
approximate ratio of 41:19 for the 60 original items (see Section 3.7).

4. In order to make sure that each form has items with a wide spread of
difficulty, the 49 acceptable items were classified into four groups based
on the item difficulties in the meaning section21: 1) larger than 0.5 logits,
2) between 0 and 0.5 logits, 3) between -0.5 and 0 logits, and 4) smaller
than -0.5 logits. Each form had five items selected from each of the four

The distributions of the item difficulties for the two new forms for each section are

shown in Figures 22-24 using the Rasch person-item map (The person ability and the

item difficulty estimates larger than 2.0 and smaller than -2.0 are summarised into one

row for want of space). The items of Form A are presented on the left-side of the item

distribution, and the items of Form B are presented on the right-side of the item

distribution. For each item, the item number is followed by its Rasch item difficulty in

brackets. For example, 13(3.19) means that the item number is 13 and its item difficulty

is 3.19 logits.

The spread of item difficulties was determined based on the meaning section instead of the part of
speech and the contextual clue sections, because deriving the meaning is arguably the most
important aspect in the skill of guessing from context. As will be discussed later, however, no
significant difference was found in item difficulty between the two forms for the part of speech and
the contextual clue sections.
To be precise, Form A had four items with difficulty estimates larger than 0.5 logits and six items
with difficulty estimates between 0 and 0.5, because there were only a total of nine items with
difficulty estimates larger than 0.5 logits.

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
Form A Form B
###### S | 13(3.19) 20(2.20)
2 ######### + 57(1.93) 5(1.89)
################ | 32(1.53) 15(1.69) 33(1.66)
######### M | S
1 ######### + 59(0.93) 24(0.89) 1(0.93)
*############## | 45(0.77)
###### | 36(0.61) 18(0.40)
#### S | 17(0.28) 48(0.28) 28(0.28)
0 *###### + M 40(-0.04)
### | 27(-0.13) 26(-0.27) 56(-0.33) 46(-0.22) 50(-0.22) 39(-0.24)
## | 35(-0.37) 2(-0.38) 30(-0.27)
## | 6(-0.71) 42(-0.85) 25(-0.73) 8(-0.84)
-1 # | 38(-0.91) 23(-1.02) 14(-1.07)
## T | S 55(-1.35) 44(-1.15) 7(-1.17)
*## | 10(-1.59)
| 12(-1.82)
-2 *# +
##* | 34(-2.35) 53(-2.36)
<Less able persons> <Less difficult items>
Figure 22. Person-item map of the equivalent forms for the part of speech section

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>

Form A Form B
*##### |
2 *### T +
*# | 5(1.69)
*# |
*###### S | T 30(1.12)
1 ######## + 24(1.08) 28(1.08)
*######## | 14(0.69)
############ | S 34(0.50)
############ M | 2(0.33) 45(0.20) 1(0.26) 39(0.26) 46(0.15)
35(0.05) 6(-0.03) 40(-0.01) 33(0.12) 7(0.10) 18(-0.04)
0 ############ + M
59(-0.08) 13(-0.11) 20(-0.07) 50(-0.10) 8(-0.12)
*############# | 17(-0.16) 10(-0.19) 23(-0.21) 15(-0.18)
######## S | S 32(-0.23) 42(-0.23) 56(-0.25) 53(-0.45) 12(-0.47) 25(-0.50)
#### | 38(-0.28) 55(-0.42)
-1 ##### + 27(-0.69) 26(-0.83) 48(-0.91) 36(-0.89) 44(-0.91) 57(-0.94)
*## | T
## T |
-2 +
* |
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Figure 23. Person-item map of the equivalent forms for the contextual clue section

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
Form A Form B
*## |
2 ## +
*# T | 40(1.65)
*# | T 34(1.34)
### | 14(1.29) 30(1.16) 28(1.15)
1 ##### S + 42(0.94) 7(0.98) 39(0.96)
*###### | S 13(0.76)
######## | 24(0.48) 26(0.36) 1(0.38)
############### | 32(0.32) 2(0.31) 38(0.23) 15(0.22) 33(0.20)
0 ############## M + M 17(0.14) 10(-0.12) 56(-0.13) 53(0.11) 5(0.04) 8(-0.02)
*############ | 23(-0.16) 35(-0.26) 25(-0.18) 50(-0.18) 18(-0.25)
########## | 6(-0.32) 46(-0.47) 36(-0.57) 57(-0.62)
*######### | S 45(-0.68) 59(-0.78) 55(-0.81) 20(-0.63)
-1 **####### S + 27(-0.87) 48(-1.00) 12(-1.04)
#### | 44(-1.20)
# | T
*## T |
-2 * +
* |
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Figure 24. Person-item map of the equivalent forms for the meaning section

The person-item maps in Figures 22-24 indicate that the item difficulties are evenly

distributed between Forms A and B for the three sections. In order to statistically

examine the homogeneity of variance of item difficulty between the two forms,

Levene’s test was performed. The results showed that the null hypothesis of equal

variances was not rejected for the three sections (F = 2.18, p = .148 for the part of

speech section; F = 1.81, p = .187 for the contextual clue section; and F = 0.00, p = .957

for the meaning section), indicating that the spread of item difficulties may be

acceptably equal between the two forms. Subsequent t-tests (2-tailed) did not detect any

significant differences in the mean item difficulties between the two forms for any of

the three sections (Table 33). The effect sizes (r) were smaller than .20, which indicates

small differences between the two forms (Cohen, 1988, 1992).

Table 33. Comparison of the item difficulty between the two equivalent forms
Form A Form B
t d.f. p r
Part of speech -0.06 1.12 0.01 1.41 -0.17 38 .866 .027
Contextual clue -0.11 0.46 0.03 0.69 -0.78 38 .440 .119
Meaning 0.07 0.73 0.07 0.74 -0.01 38 .995 .001

Taken together, the two forms may be representative of the construct being measured,

and may be equivalent in the mean and the spread of item difficulties. (See Appendix F

for the two new forms of the GCT.)

4.7.2 Score Interpretation

The interpretation of the scores from the new test forms may be facilitated by Rasch

measurement output including Rasch person ability estimates and Rasch person-item

maps. For norm-referenced interpretations, a Rasch person-item map may help visually

understand a learner’s performance within a particular group of people, because more

able learners are located towards the top and less able learners are located towards the

bottom. More precise information on learners’ performance may be obtained from

Rasch person ability estimates. As Rasch ability estimates are linear, the mean and the

standard deviation have substantial meaning (raw scores are typically ordinal and it is

difficult to interpret the meaning of the mean and the standard deviation). The use of

Rasch ability estimates may also allow the comparison between multiple groups of

learners and the investigation of the development of the skill of guessing from context

through statistical tests such as a t-test and an ANOVA. When one is only interested in

knowing the location of a learner’s performance in a group, raw scores instead of Rasch

person ability estimates may be used for convenience.

For criterion-referenced interpretations, cut scores may be predetermined so that

test-takers may be classified into groups according to their level of performance. The

number of cut points may be determined based on item strata indices which indicate the

number of statistically distinct levels. Given the item strata indices shown in Table 11

(6.07 for the part of speech section, 3.57 for the contextual clue section, and 4.85 for the

meaning section), having three cut points (four levels) would be statistically justified for

the part of speech and the meaning sections. For the contextual clue section, the item

strata fell a little short of 4, but three cut points were also used, because the item strata

approached 4 (3.57) and different cut points for different sections may make the score

interpretation more complicated. The three cut points were set at 1, 0, and -1 logits to

create four difficulty levels, because each section had items with difficulty estimates

around 1, 0, and -1 logits (see Figures 22-24) and thus was considered to be useful in

differentiating between the levels. The four levels are summarised in Table 34. For

easier interpretation, the corresponding raw scores are also presented as a rough

approximation. It should be noted here that as can be seen from Figure 23, the

contextual clue section may be less sensitive to people at Level 1, because it does not

have easy items (less than -1.0 logits).

Table 34. Levels for criterion-referenced interpretations

Approximate raw score range
Level Range Label
4 Above 1 logits High 16-20 16-20 16-20
3 0 ~ 1 logits Relatively high 13-15 11-15 11-15
2 -1 ~ 0 logits Relatively low 10-12 6-10 6-10
1 Below -1 logits Low 0-9 0-5 0-5
Note: P=part of speech section, C=contextual clue section, M=meaning section.

This section has provided a proposal for interpreting the scores obtained from the
two new forms of the GCT. The subsequent section discusses how the scores may be
presented to learners.

4.7.3 Score Reporting to Learners

For practical use of the GCT, diagnostic feedback needs to be easy for learners and

teachers to understand so that learners’ weaknesses in guessing from context may be

clearly indicated. To meet this need, a bar graph may be useful because the information

is visually presented and intuitively interpretable. For example, Learner A’s estimated

ability (P = 1.97 logits (Level 4), C = -0.23 logits (Level 2), M = -0.61 logits (Level

2))23 is presented in a bar graph in Figure 25. The horizontal axis indicates the section of

the GCT (PoS = part of speech section, Clue = contextual clue section, and Meaning =

meaning section). The vertical axis indicates the level of the learner based on the criteria

shown in Table 34. The bar graph shows that this learner demonstrated very good

knowledge of part of speech (Level 4), but his performance on the contextual clue and

the meaning sections was relatively low (Level 2); thus, his weakness lies in finding

contextual clues (and deriving the meaning based on that information). The learner (or

teacher) may then be able to prioritize the learning of contextual clues to potentially

improve guessing (see Section 4.8 for further discussion).

Figure 25. Score report (Learner A)

The following abbreviations will be used in this section: P = Part of speech section, C =
Contextual clue section, and M = Meaning section.

Another typical example may be seen in Learner B’s estimated ability (P = -1.26

logits (Level 1), C = 0.35 logits (Level 3), M = -0.15 logits (Level 2)). This learner’s

performance is presented in Figure 26. This learner demonstrated relatively good

knowledge of contextual clues, but her performance on the part of speech and the

meaning sections was relatively low; thus, this learner’s weakness lies in identifying the

part of speech of unknown words (and deriving the meaning based on that information).

This indicates that this learner’s guessing skill may be improved with knowledge of part

of speech.

Figure 26. Score report (Learner B)

The bar graphs in Figures 25 and 26 were created based on the learners’ Rasch

person ability estimates (logit scores), but approximate results may be obtained

conveniently based on raw scores with reference to the conversion table (Tables 31 and

34). For example, if a learner got the raw scores of P=17, C=16, and M=15, then this

learner’s levels are P=4, C=4, and M=3. If a learner got the raw score of 7 for each

section, then this learner’s levels are P=1, C=2, and M=2.

This section has looked at a practical application of the GCT; that is, creating two

new equivalent forms for investigating the development of the skill of guessing from

context, interpreting the scores from the GCT, and reporting the scores to learners. The

subsequent section discusses the theoretical values of the present research.

4.8 Discussion

Previous studies (Bruton & Samuda, 1981; Clarke & Nation, 1980; Williams, 1985)

proposed guessing-from-context strategies from a pedagogical perspective, and these

strategies essentially included the three aspects measured by the GCT. However, no

attempts have been made to empirically examine whether identifying the part of speech

of the unknown word and finding a contextual clue really contribute to deriving its

meaning. As the present research measured the three aspects of guessing from context

using the GCT, this issue may be addressed by investigating the interrelationships

among the three aspects. In so doing, a multiple regression analysis was performed with

the dependent variable being the Rasch person ability estimates from the meaning

section and the independent variables being the Rasch person ability estimates from the

part of speech section and from the contextual clue section. A path diagram of the

results is presented in Figure 27 which is the same as the one presented in Figure 18.

This figure shows that both the ability to identify the part of speech of the unknown

word (β = .32) and the ability to find a contextual clue (β = .44) significantly contribute

to the ability to derive its meaning. A combination of the abilities of part of speech and

contextual clues accounted for about half of the variability of the ability to derive the

meaning (R2=.45). Given that guessing involves many other factors such as reading

ability and world knowledge, this coefficient of determination may be considered high.

Taken together, the results showed that both identifying the part of speech of the

unknown word and finding a contextual clue to help guess meaning play an important

role in deriving meaning, indicating the effectiveness of the guessing strategies

proposed by the previous studies.

One of the important features of the GCT is its comprehensiveness (measuring

multiple aspects of the skill of guessing). This is in line with recent L2 vocabulary

studies (Schmitt, 1998; Webb, 2005, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c) which have underscored the

importance of measuring multiple aspects of vocabulary knowledge because different

tasks may have varying effects on aspects of vocabulary knowledge. The GCT

presupposes that different tasks and teaching materials may result in the development of

different aspects of guessing skill and the ability of deriving meaning. For example, the

instruction of contextual clues may improve scores on the contextual clue section and

lead to the improvement of the ability of deriving meaning. Grammar instruction may

improve scores on the part of speech section and contribute to the improvement of the

ability of deriving meaning. The introduction of the guessing strategies may also raise

learners’ awareness of the importance of identifying the part of speech and looking for

contextual clues, which may lead to an improvement in guessing. The GCT may thus

contribute to effective and efficient teaching of the skill of guessing from context.

Part of speech R2=.45*
.55* Meaning
Contextual clue


Figure 27. Relationships of the part of speech and the contextual

clue sections to the meaning section

4.9 Summary

This chapter aimed to validate the GCT so that it would be widely available to

researchers, teachers, and learners. In so doing, 428 Japanese learners of English with a

wide range of proficiency levels participated in the present research. Six forms each

with 20 items were created in a paper-based format and were randomly distributed to

the participants. Rasch analysis showed that lucky guessing (unexpected success on

difficult items by persons with low ability) was observed in the part of speech section,

but not in the contextual clue and the meaning sections; and thus, the responses in the

part of speech section were corrected for lucky guessing. Rasch analysis also revealed

that 49 out of 60 items were acceptable. The validity of the GCT with the 49 acceptable

items was investigated from eight aspects of construct validity (content, substantive,

structural, generalizability, external, consequential, responsiveness, and interpretability)

in order to comprehensively provide logical argumentation and empirical evidence to

support its validity. Table 35 summarises the evidence provided for the validity

argument. On the whole, both the logical argumentation and the empirical evidence

indicated a high degree of validity. The validity argument also revealed the following

three points to note:

1. Further evidence may still be needed for item calibration invariance and
person measure invariance in the generalizability aspect because the small
sample size may have affected the results.

2. The part of speech section may not be responsive (or sensitive) enough to
detect able persons’ gains from an experimental intervention because of a
ceiling effect.

3. Five items with unacceptable Rasch measurement statistics need watching

for future use of the GCT. A close look at the passages and the options did
not find any problems with these items. Whether these items work well
needs to be examined further. Table 36 presents the five items that need

Two equivalent forms were created so that each form had 20 items with a wide spread

of difficulty. Each form had 20 items so that any form would have person strata of

greater than 2 which is the minimum requirement for a responsive test. These new

forms are useful for research involving a pre- and post-test design. The new forms are

also useful for teachers and learners because the results may provide learners with

diagnostic feedback on their weaknesses in guessing from context. The scores obtained

from the GCT are highly interpretable for both norm- and criterion-referenced purposes

in the context of Rasch measurement. For more convenient interpretations, conversion

tables (Tables 31 and 34) between raw scores and Rasch person ability estimates are

provided. The scores may be effectively reported to learners using a bar graph which

presents learners’ weaknesses visually. Taken together, it should be reasonable to

conclude that the GCT is a highly valid measure for assessing the skill of guessing from

context and useful for both research and practical purposes.

Table 35. Summary of evidence provided for the GCT
Aspects Sub-category Evidence provided
Content 1. Content relevance Test specifications
2. Representativeness Rasch item strata
Rasch person-item map
3. Technical quality Rasch item fit analysis
4. Expert judgments Reviews by English teachers and PhD
students in applied linguistics

Substantive Test of difficulty hypotheses

Rasch person fit analysis

Structural Dimensionality analysis

Generalizability 1. Item calibration DIF analysis for gender and L1

2. Person measure DPF analysis for item order
3. Reliability Rasch person separation and reliability
Rasch item separation and reliability
4. Invariance across Comparison between person ability
administrative estimates from a 20-item form and the
contexts missing data design

External Correlation with the productive version

of the GCT
Correlation with TOEIC scores

Consequential Analysis of sources of invalidity

Item bias

Responsiveness Person-item map (ceiling effects)

Person strata

Interpretability Person-item map

Conversion of raw scores and Rasch
person ability estimates

Table 36. Summary of items that need inspecting for future use of the GCT
Item No. Section Reason for future inspection
5 M Technical quality (underfit)
57 M Technical quality (underfit)
24 P DIF analysis (gender)
58 C DIF analysis (gender)
30 M DIF analysis (gender)
Note: M=meaning, P=part of speech, C=contextual clue



This chapter describes the procedure for developing a word part test. Beginning with the

purpose of the test, it presents the approach to selecting word parts for the test and

examines the quality of the selected word parts. It also discusses which test format is

most useful.

5.1 Purpose

The word part test (WPT) aims to measure L2 learners’ comprehensive written receptive

knowledge of English word parts. Receptive word part knowledge refers to being able

to recognise the form, the meaning, and the function of word parts. Productive word

part knowledge, on the other hand, refers to being able to spell and pronounce word

parts correctly and use them to express their meaning or function. The WPT focuses on

receptive knowledge instead of productive knowledge, because recognising word parts

within words (receptive knowledge) may be related to VLP more closely than using

correct word parts (productive knowledge). For example, recognising the word

part -ment in movement may make it easier to learn the word movement than knowing

that the verb move is nominalised with -ment and not -ness. In addition, receptive

knowledge is easier to complete and grade. Productive knowledge has been measured

typically by asking test-takers to write each part of speech for a word by adding

derivational suffixes (Ishii & Schmitt, 2009; Schmitt, 1999; Schmitt & Zimmerman,

2002). For example, learners are asked to change the target word assume into a noun, a

verb, an adjective, and an adverb. This type of test takes more time to complete and


5.2 Selection of Word Parts

In the present research, a word part refers to an affix, a bound morph which co-occurs

with bases which contain free morphs (Bauer, 1983). A free morph can stand on its own,

whereas a bound morph cannot. For example, un- which means ‘not’ is an affix, because

it must attach to free morphs such as happy and lucky to form the words unhappy and

unlucky. Se- which means ‘apart from’, on the other hand, is not an affix, because it

attaches to bound morphs such as clude and parate, forming the words seclude and


Affixes are roughly divided into two types: inflectional and derivational.

Inflectional affixes indicate grammatical information such as case, number, and tense,

rather than changing the meaning or the syntactic category of the bases. For example,

the verb walk is marked by the inflectional affix -s to indicate the third person singular

(walks), but -s does not change the meaning or the part of speech of walk. Derivational

affixes, on the other hand, change the meaning or the part of speech of the word bases.

For example, the addition of -ness to the adjective kind results in the noun kindness. The

present research focuses on derivational affixes instead of inflectional affixes. By

definition, an inflectional affix does not change the meaning or the syntactic property of

the word base, resulting in words with the same meaning or the same syntactic property

as the base. Inflectional affixes may not contribute to increasing knowledge of

vocabulary to the same extent as derivational affixes, and thus do not meet the purpose

of the WPT which regards affix knowledge as a facilitative factor for vocabulary

learning. The inflectional affixes involve plural, third person singular present tense, past

tense, past participle, -ing, comparative, superlative, and possessive, which correspond

to the affixes classified as Level 2 (inflectional suffixes) in Bauer and Nation’s (1993)

levels of affixes. 24

Affixes were chosen from the most frequent 10,000 word families in the British

National Corpus (BNC) word lists developed by Nation (2004) (available at

http://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/staff/paul-nation.aspx). In the BNC word lists where the

word family is used as the unit of word counting, words are ordered in terms of their

frequency in the BNC. The most frequent 10,000 word families could be taken as one of

the goals for vocabulary learning, because knowledge of the most frequent 8,000-9,000

words is needed for comprehension of authentic written text (Laufer & Ravenhorst-

Kalovski, 2010; Nation, 2006). It is likely that knowledge of these words makes it

possible to understand the majority of written texts. Given that affix knowledge

facilitates vocabulary learning, learning the affixes that appear in the most frequent

10,000 words should be a learning goal.

For the WPT, affixes that appear in more than one word family in the most

frequent 10,000 word families of the BNC word lists were selected. For example, un-

was chosen, because it appears in multiple word families such as unhappy and unlucky

from these lists. Ante-, on the other hand, was not included, because it does not appear

in these 10,000 word families. Words such as anteroom and antenatal are beyond the

It should be noted here that morphologists do not agree as to which affixes are categorised as
inflectional affixes. For example, Beard (1982) takes plural as derivational, whereas Carstairs-
McCarthy (2002) takes it as inflectional. Moreover, the -ing forms and past participles may not be
clearly inflectional. For example, walking is more likely to be inflectional in a sentence such as He is
walking now, whereas it is more likely to be derivational in a sentence such as Regular walking
keeps you healthy. Similarly, excited in the sentence The performance of the rock group has excited
the audience is more likely to be inflectional, whereas in the sentence The excited crowd burst into
the street it is more likely to be derivational.

10,000-word level. Affixes that appear only in one word family in the first 10,000 word

families were not included, because they may not facilitate the learning of these 10,000

word families. For example, di- appears only in the word dioxide in the 10,000 word

families. Even if learners find that dioxide can be broken into oxide and di- which

means ‘two’, they have no chance of utilising the knowledge of di- to learn other words

in the most frequent 10,000 word families.

Allomorphs (a morph which varies in spelling or sound but not in meaning) were

treated as different word parts. For example, im- in impossible is an allomorph of in- in

informal, both of which have the different spellings according to the subsequent sound

but have the same meaning ‘not’. These two affix forms were examined individually on

the test, because knowledge of one does not necessarily guarantee knowledge of the


In summary, the selected word parts meet the following three criteria: (1) They are

bound morphs which attach to free morphs; (2) They appear in more than one word

family in the most frequent 10,000 BNC word families; and (3) Allomorphs are treated

as different affixes. Using these criteria, a total of 118 affixes (42 prefixes and 76

suffixes) were identified (see Appendix B for a list of these affixes).

5.3 Quality of the Selected Affixes

This section aims to describe the quality of the 118 selected affixes by comparing them

with the affixes selected in previous studies. More specifically, it investigates to what

extent the 118 affixes cover the affixes included in other affix lists.

Several studies investigated the frequencies of affixes in The Teacher’s Word Book

of 20,000 Words (Thorndike, 1932) and The Teacher’s Word Book of 30,000 Words

(Thorndike & Lorge, 1944) to create useful affix lists for learners. Thorndike (1941)

investigated the usefulness of 90 suffixes by analysing the most frequent 20,000 words

(Thorndike, 1932) in terms of frequency, ease of recognition, and ease of inferring

meaning, and chose 24 suffixes that should be learned by children under grade 10. The

WPT includes all of these suffixes. Stauffer (1942) identified 61 prefixes that appeared

in the 20,000 words in Thorndike (1932) for the purpose of providing useful prefixes to

teach in elementary schools. The affixes in the WPT cover only 41.0% of the prefixes in

Stauffer’s list. The reason for the low coverage is that Stauffer included infrequent

prefixes such as ante- (antechamber) and prefixes that do not attach to free morphs such

as ad- (advert). Bock (1948) identified 97 Latin affixes (42 prefixes and 55 suffixes)

that appeared in the 20,000 words in Thorndike’s word book. Coverage of the affixes in

the WPT was 47.6% for the prefixes and 50.9% for the suffixes. The low coverage was

due to the same reasons as Stauffer’s list: the inclusion of infrequent affixes and affixes

with bound morphs. Harwood and Wright (1956) identified the most frequent 32

suffixes in the 30,000 words in Thorndike and Lorge’s (1944) word book. The WPT

includes all of these suffixes.

Some studies examined affixes from various other perspectives. Bauer and Nation

(1993) classified affixes into seven levels (Table 37) based on the eight criteria

described in Table 38. The WPT covered 80 out of 81 affixes (24 prefixes and 57

suffixes) in Levels 3-6.25 The only prefix excluded was ante- which did not appear in

the most frequent 10,000 word families in the BNC word lists.

Levels 1, 2, and 7 were excluded from the analysis, because Level 1 did not include any affixes,
Level 2 involved inflectional suffixes which were not dealt with in the present research, and for
Level 7 no comprehensive list of affixes was provided although some example affixes were

Table 37. The seven levels of affixes in Bauer and Nation (1993)
Level No. of No. of Description
prefixes suffixes
1 - - Each form is a different word
2 - 8 Inflectional suffixes
3 2 6 The most frequent and regular derivational affixes
4 1 10 Frequent, orthographically regular affixes
5 19 31 Regular but infrequent affixes
6 2 10 Frequent but irregular affixes
7 - - Classical roots and affixes

Table 38. The eight criteria for affix classification in Bauer and Nation (1993)
Criteria Description
Frequency The number of words in which an affix occurs.
Productivity The likelihood that the affix will be used to form new
Predictability The degree of predictability of the meaning of the affix.
Regularity of the written The predictability of change in the written form of the base
form of the base when the affix is added.
Regularity of the spoken The amount of change in the spoken form of the base when
form of the base the affix is added.
Regularity of the The predictability of written forms of the affix.
spelling of the affix
Regularity of the spoken The predictability of spoken forms of the affix.
form of the affix
Regularity of function The degree to which the affix attaches to a base of known
form-class and produces a word of known form-class.

More recently, Nation (2001) created a sequenced list of derivational affixes for

learners of English, which categorised 97 affixes (35 prefixes and 62 suffixes) into five

stages (Table 39). The WPT covers all the suffixes and 77.1% (27/35) of the prefixes in

Nation’s affix list. The eight excluded prefixes were infrequent (ante- (antenatal)) or did

not attach to free morphs (ad- (advert), com- (combine), ex- (exclude), in- (include), ob-

(obstruct), per- (percolate), pro- (proceed)).

Table 39. Five stages in Nation’s (2001) sequenced list of affixes

Stage No. of No. of Description Source
prefixes suffixes
1 2 6 The most frequent and Level 3 in Bauer and
regular derivational affixes Nation (1993)

2 1 10 Frequent, orthographically Level 4 in Bauer and

regular affixes Nation (1993)

3 19 31 Regular but infrequent Level 5 in Bauer and

affixes Nation (1993)

4 2 10 Frequent but irregular Level 6 in Bauer and

affixes Nation (1993)

5 11 5 Classical roots and affixes Stauffer (1942)

Bock (1948)
Harwood & Wright (1956)

A number of studies selected affixes for the purpose of measuring affix knowledge

based on different criteria. In examining the acquisition of English derivational

morphology by L1 children, Freyd and Baron (2000) selected 30 derived words by

taking one word from each thousand words up to 30,000 words in the American

Heritage Word Frequency Book (Carroll, et al., 1971). The 30 derived words had 20

different suffixes. The WPT covers 90% (18/20) of these suffixes. The two suffixes that

were not included were -ed (disordered) and -itude (servitude). This was because -ed

was an inflectional ending, and -itude did not attach to free morphs in the most frequent

10,000 word families in the BNC word lists.

In investigating the acquisition of morphology by L1 children, Tyler and Nagy

(1989) classified derivational suffixes into two types: neutral and nonneutral. Neutral

suffixes (e.g., -er and -ness) attach to independent words such as teach and kind,

forming the words teacher and kindness. They also cause no change in pronunciation of

the word to which they are attached. For example, the addition of -er does not change

the pronunciation of teach in teacher, and the same is true for kindness. Finally, neutral

suffixes usually produce semantically transparent words. For example, -er means

‘person’ in words such as teacher and sender, and -ness means ‘state/quality’ in words

such as kindness and darkness. Nonneutral suffixes (e.g., -ify and -ity), on the other

hand, often attach to bound morphemes such as qual, forming qualify and quality. They

tend to cause changes in pronunciation of the word to which they are attached. For

example, similar is different in stress from similarity. Finally, nonneutral suffixes often

produce words whose semantic relationships are not clear such as native and nativity.

For their experiment, Tyler and Nagy selected a total of 24 derivational suffixes, eight

suffixes each from nonneutral (-ate, -ation, -atory, -ian, -ic, -ity, -ive, and -ous), neutral

low-frequency (-age, -dom, -eer, -hood, -like, -ship, -some, and -wise), and neutral high-

frequency suffixes (-ful, -ish, -ist, -ize, -less, -ly, -ness, and -s). The WPT covers 22 out

of 24 suffixes selected by Tyler and Nagy. The two suffixes that were not included were

-like and -s. The reason for the exclusion of -like was that it was a free rather than a

bound morph. The word like is used on its own as a preposition and is essentially

similar in meaning to the suffix -like. For example, childlike means ‘like a child’ and

dream-like means ‘like a dream’. It seems that -like is similar in structure more to words

that can be used in compounds such as paper in newspaper and sandpaper, than to

suffixes such as -ness in kindness which do not stand on their own.26 Although some

morphologists (e.g., Beard 1982) argue that the plural -s is derivational rather than

inflectional, the present research regards it as inflectional because it does not affect the

meaning or the syntactic property of words. For example, book and books have the same
Theoretically, -like is often categorised as a semi-suffix which stands between a suffix and a
compounding element (e.g., Marchand, 1960). Other semi-suffixes include -free in smoke-free
and -worthy in trustworthy.

meaning and the same syntactic property but differ only in number.

In an attempt to investigate the development of L2 learners’ grammatical suffix

knowledge, Schmitt and Meara (1997) dealt with the most common 14 suffixes that

could attach to verbs (-able, -age, -al, -ance/ence, -ed, -ee, -er/or, -ing, -ion, -ive, -ly,

-ment, -s, and -ure). Among them, the three inflectional suffixes -ed, -ing, and -s were

not included in the WPT.

In examining Japanese learners’ English affix knowledge, Mochizuki (1998)

selected 26 prefixes and 56 suffixes that were supposed to be familiar to learners. The

WPT covers 69.2% (18/26) of the prefixes and 98.2% (55/56) of the suffixes. The seven

excluded prefixes included prefixes that did not attach to free morphs (ambi-

(ambidextrous), ana- (anachronism), com- (combine), and contra- (contradict)),

prefixes that occurred only once in the most frequent 10,000 word families in the BNC

word lists (extra- (extracurricular)), and prefixes that were not bound morphs (over-
(overwork) and under- (understatement)). The only suffix excluded was the

inflectional ending -ed.

In exploring the affix acquisition order for Japanese learners of English, Mochizuki

and Aizawa (2000) selected 13 prefixes and 16 suffixes that met the following two

criteria: (1) affixes in Levels 3-6 in Bauer and Nation’s (1993) list of affixes, and (2)

affixes used in more than two words in Nation’s (1996) vocabulary list. The WPT

covered 92.3% (12/13) of the prefixes and all of the suffixes. The only affix excluded

was ex- in words such as export and exclude which did not attach to free morphs in the

most frequent 10,000 word families in the BNC word lists.

Most of the affixes used in other studies with L1 children and L2 learners (e.g.,

Theoretically, over- and under- are often categorized as compounding elements rather than
prefixes (e.g., Bauer, 1983; Marchand, 1960).

Carroll, 1940; Nagy, Diakidoy, & Anderson, 1993; Wysocki & Jenkins, 1987) were

covered by the WPT. The affixes that were not included were inflectional suffixes

(e.g., -ing), infrequent affixes (e.g., ante-), and affixes attaching to bound morphs

(e.g., ad-). (See Appendix C for a full list of affixes that were included in previous

studies but not in the WPT).

In summary, affixes that were not included in the present affix list are categorised

into four types: (1) inflectional suffixes (e.g., -ed, and -s); (2) infrequent affixes that are

outside the most frequent 10,000 word families in the BNC word lists (e.g., ante- and

extra-); (3) affixes that do not attach to free morphs (e.g., ad- and com-); and (4) affixes

that can stand on their own (e.g., over- and -like). Coverage of the affixes in the

previous studies by the WPT is summarised in Table 40. Coverage of prefixes was not

high, mainly because many previous studies included prefixes that did not attach to free

morphs (e.g., ad- and com-). Coverage of suffixes was lowered mainly by the exclusion

of inflectional suffixes, but was high enough to approach 100%.

5.4 Aspects of Affix Knowledge

A number of researchers have proposed categories for what is involved in knowing affix

knowledge. In an attempt to grasp the overall picture of L1 children’s ability to

understand and interpret written novel suffixed words, Tyler and Nagy (1989) argued

that full knowledge of derivational suffixes involved the following three aspects:

relational, syntactic, and distributional knowledge. Relational knowledge is the ability

to recognise that two words are morphologically related, sharing a common meaning.

For example, this knowledge makes it possible to see the morphological relationship

between create and creator but not between me and meter. Syntactic knowledge

involves knowing the syntactic property of a derivational suffix. For example, this

Table 40. Summary of coverage by the WPT
Prefix Suffix
No. No. % No. No. %
selected* covered** covered selected* covered** covered
Bauer &
Nation 24 23 95.8% 57 57 100%
Bock (1948) 42 20 47.6% 55 28 50.9%
20 9 45.0% 10 8 80.0%
Freyd &
- - - 20 18 90.0%
Baron (1982)
Harwood &
Wright - - - 32 32 100%
26 19 73.1% 56 55 98.2%
Mochizuki &
Aizawa 13 12 92.3% 16 16 100%
Nagy, et al.
- - - 10 10 100%
35 27 77.1% 62 62 100%
Schmitt &
Meara - - - 14 11 78.6%
61 25 41.0% - - -
Tyler &
- - - 24 22 91.7%
Nagy (1989)
Wysocki &
Jenkins - - - 12 11 91.7%
Note * Number of affixes selected for each study; ** Number of affixes covered by
the present affix list.

knowledge refers to knowing that -ize in regularize has the function of making a verb.

Finally, distributional knowledge involves knowing the constraints on which suffixes

can attach to bases with a certain syntactic property. For example, this knowledge

involves knowing that -ness attaches to adjectives (quickness is appropriate because

quick is an adjective) but not to verbs (playness is not appropriate because play is a


For the purpose of providing suggestions for determining the level of affixation of

words in a word family, Bauer and Nation (1993) argued that four different types of

knowledge were involved in being able to recognise the relationships between words in

a word family. The first type is knowledge of word bases. For example, in order to be

aware of the relationship between kind and kindness, learners need to know the word

base kind. The second type involves being able to recognise known bases in words. For

example, learners need to recognise that kind and kindness are related to each other

because they share a common base kind. Thirdly, learners need to know the meanings or

the syntactic properties carried by the affixes. For example, it is important to know -less

means ‘without’ and makes an adjective. The last type involves being able to produce

allowable base-affix combinations. For example, -ness attaches to adjectives, so that

kindness is appropriate because kind is an adjective, but moveness is not appropriate

because move is not an adjective.

In a discussion of how to use word parts for learning, Nation (2001, pp.275-278)

argues that there are four aspects of knowledge required to use word parts. The first

aspect is being able to recognise word parts in words. For example, learners need to be

able to recognise that unhappiness consists of un, happi, and ness, each of which occurs

in words such as unpleasant, happily, and sadness. The second aspect is being able to

recognise the meaning or the syntactic property carried by an affix; for example,

knowing that -less means ‘without’ and has the function of making an adjective. The

third aspect is being aware of the changes of written and spoken form that occur when

an affix is added to a word. For example, learners need to be aware that when the suffix

-ion is attached to permit, t in permit changes into ss and permission results. The last

aspect involves knowing which classes of stems can take certain affixes. For

example, -ness attaches to adjectives, so that kindness is appropriate because kind is an

adjective, but moveness is not appropriate because move is not an adjective.

Regardless of different purposes for defining affix knowledge and different labels

for categories, it seems that there is overlap between the studies. Relational knowledge

in Tyler and Nagy’s (1989) terminology is equivalent to the second type of knowledge

discussed in Bauer and Nation (1993) (recognition of word bases). Relational

knowledge is also analogous to the first aspect of word part knowledge mentioned in

Nation (2001) (recognition of word parts), although the focus is different between the

studies (word bases for Tyler and Nagy and Bauer and Nation, and word parts for

Nation). Syntactic knowledge in Tyler and Nagy’s terminology is included in Bauer and

Nation’s third and Nation’s second aspects (knowledge of meaning and syntactic

property). Finally, the three studies propose that knowledge of constraints on use of

affixes plays a part in affix knowledge (Tyler and Nagy’s distributional knowledge,

Bauer and Nation’s fourth aspect, and Nation’s fourth aspect). The overlap of the

aspects of affix knowledge among the three studies is summarised in Table 41. The

overlapping categories are placed in the same line (e.g., “Relational knowledge” in

Tyler and Nagy, “Recognition of word bases” in Bauer and Nation, and “Recognition of

word parts” in Nation all share the same concept, and are thus categorised as Type 2.).

The present research focuses on Types 2 and 3, which relate to receptive knowledge of

affixes (recognition of affixes and their meanings and functions). Type 1 is knowledge

of bases, rather than affixes. Types 4 and 5 relate to productive use of affixes which are

not dealt with in the present research.

Table 41. Types of affix knowledge

Tyler & Nagy (1989) Bauer & Nation (1993) Nation (2001)
Type 1 - Knowledge of word -

Type 2 Relational knowledge Recognition of word Recognition of word

bases parts

Type 3 Syntactic knowledge Knowledge of meaning Knowledge of meaning

and syntactic property and syntactic property

Type 4 - - Knowledge of changes

in spelling and

Type 5 Distributional Ability to produce Knowing allowable

knowledge allowable base-affix affixes for stems

For receptive knowledge of affixes (Types 2 and 3 in Table 41), the three studies

essentially included three types of knowledge: recognition of affix forms, their

meanings, and their syntactic properties. It should be noted here that Tyler and Nagy did

not include knowledge of affix meanings in their definition of knowledge of

derivational morphology because their focus was on English derivational suffixes which

typically change the syntactic categories of the bases.

5.5 Test Format

This section outlines the organisation of the WPT and the general format common to all

items. It also determines the test format appropriate for measuring each aspect of the

receptive affix knowledge (recognition of affix forms, their meanings, and their

syntactic properties).

5.5.1 General Format

The WPT measures the three aspects of receptive affix knowledge individually: form,

meaning, and use. The form section measures the ability to recognise written affix forms.

The meaning section measures knowledge of affix meanings. The use section measures

knowledge of syntactic properties carried by affixes. The terminology of the three

sections (form, meaning, and use) is analogous to Nation’s (2001) definition of what is

involved in knowing a word. He argues that knowledge of words can be classified into

form, meaning, and use at the most general level, each being subdivided into three

(form involves spoken and written forms and word parts, meaning involves form-

meaning relationships, concepts and referents, and associations, and use involves

grammatical functions, collocations, and constraints on use). The form section focuses

on written forms of affixes, the meaning section focuses on the relationships between

affix forms and their meanings, and the use section focuses on grammatical functions of


To get an accurate assessment of receptive affix knowledge, all three aspects need

to be measured. It is not reasonable to assume that learners acquire all three aspects of

affix knowledge at the same time. A learner may be able to recognise -y in difficulty and

see the semantic relationship between difficult and difficulty, but not know the function

that -y makes. In a study with L1 children, Tyler and Nagy (1989) found that children

appeared to develop relational knowledge (ability to recognise the relationship between

a word and its derivative) before fourth grade, while knowledge of syntactic properties

appeared to increase through eighth grade.

The test items were written using a multiple-choice format and no Don’t know

options were provided for the same reasons as the GCT (see Section 3.6.1). The WPT

involved four- instead of three-option items. Rodriguez (2005) argues that three options

are optimal for the multiple-choice format, but the main reason for the preference of

three options is that more three-option items can be administered per unit of time than

four-option items, improving on content validity. Nevertheless, the WPT needed to have

four-option items. The use section required four options to include the four parts of

speech (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb). Having the same options of the four parts of

speech for each item would be easier to work on than having three random parts of

speech. The meaning section needed four options to decrease the effect of random

guessing. As no Don’t know options were provided, people who have no knowledge of

an affix at all cannot help relying on random guessing. The length of options ranged

between one and three words, which would not make a significant difference in time

between three and four options. Similar to the meaning section, the form section needed

four options to decrease the effect of random guessing. Each option had only one word,

which would not seriously affect testing time.

5.5.2 Form

The form section aims to measure whether learners can recognise the written forms of

affixes. After reviewing previous studies measuring knowledge of affix forms, this

subsection discusses which test format is most appropriate for the WPT. Previous Tests Measuring Affix Form

Very few attempts have been made to measure knowledge of affix forms. In an attempt

to investigate the effects of Latin study on English vocabulary learning, Carroll (1940)

developed a Morpheme Recognition Test, where learners must choose words that share

a common element of meaning from several words. Here is an example.

1. ready
2. read 1. writing
3. regression 2. back, again
4. region 3. true
5. repeat 4. very
6. return
7. rectangle

For the example item, they must choose all the words in the left-hand column that have

a common element of meaning. After that, they must choose the meaning of the word

element from the four options in the right-hand column. The strength of this format is

that it may decrease the effects of word knowledge. With a number of example words

provided, each item does not rely on only one or two words to measure knowledge.

However, this format requires knowledge of word meanings for finding a common

element with a similar meaning, which may lower the construct validity. Another

weakness may be that the format is complicated, because it may not be familiar to many


A similar notion to recognition of affix forms is relational knowledge termed by

Tyler and Nagy (1989). Relational knowledge has been measured in three ways. The

most frequently used task is the “comes from” task first developed by Derwing (1970)

(Berninger, Abbott, Nagy, & Carlisle, 2010; Costin, 1972; Kolstad, et al., 1985; Nagy,

Berninger, Abbott, Vaughan, & Vermeulen, 2003; Nagy, Berninger, & Abbott, 2006).

The task typically presents children with pairs of words, asking them to decide whether

the pairs are derivationally related. For example, they are presented with the words

quick and quickness, and asked to answer yes or no. An example of a “no” answer is the

pair moth and mother.

Another test involves segmenting derived words into parts. Casalis and Louis-

Alexandre (2000) created a test which required children to segment a French affixed

word into parts by pronouncing the parts separately. For example, they must pronounce

cassable (=breakable) with a brief pause between casse and able.

Finally, Tyler and Nagy (1989) created a multiple-choice test where children must

choose the meaning of an infrequent affixed word with a frequent base. Here is an

example with the target word being celebratory.

“I’m in a celebratory mood,” Mary announced.

Mary felt like:
(a) having a party (b) being alone (c) going to sleep (d) having a fight (e) don’t know

In this example, children need to recognise the relationship between celebratory and


None of the three types of tests measuring relational knowledge is appropriate for

the present research where the focus is on the recognition of affixes rather than word

bases. Both the “comes from” task and Tyler and Nagy’s (1989) task require knowledge

of word bases. For example, it would be impossible for children who do not know the

word moth to think of it as being unrelated to mother regardless of knowledge of the

affix -er. It would also be impossible for those who do not know the word celebrate to

demonstrate knowledge of the meaning of celebratory. Casalis and Louis-Alexandre’s

(2000) test may not require knowledge of affixes to get the items correct. For example,

it would be possible to segment breakable into break and -able without knowledge

of -able if the word break is known. There is a need to differentiate between knowledge

of bases and knowledge of affixes.

172 Format for Form

There are three options for how to measure receptive knowledge of affix forms:

(a) presenting nonsense words that include target affixes; (b) presenting real words that

contain affixes; and (c) presenting affixes on their own without a base form.

The first option is to use nonsense words that contain affixes. For each item, test-

takers are asked to recognize the affix that is found in the nonsense word. Here is an

example for this format.

(1) bo- (2) boto- (3) -less (4) -ss

In the example, test-takers must choose the affix in botodless from the four options. The

first two options deal with the first few letters, and the last two options deal with the last

few letters. The nonsense word was created from colorless by changing its consonants,

based on Mochizuki and Aizawa (2000). The advantage of this format is that it uses

nonsense words which ensure that the results are not affected by learners’ prior

knowledge of word bases. However, this format has a number of disadvantages that are

difficult to overcome. A major prolem is that affixes with no recognisable bases are

difficult to recognise. In the example above, botodless is supposed to be divided into

botod plus -less. However, it would also be possible to divide it into botodle plus -ess

which means ‘female’ such as actress and princess. Another problem is that materials

development is difficult because creating nonsense words with real affixes is extremely

difficult. It is almost impossible to invent phonologically, orthographically,

morphologically, and etymologically correct nonsense words because each affix has a

strong limitation to its base. For example, gronersion is not possible, because although

there are words such as gravitation, gr- is more often Germanic (sometimes French),

while -ersion is Latin. In addition, test-taking strategies may be used for this format,

which may lower the construct validity. A pilot study showed that in most cases test-

takers arrived at correct answers without looking at the target nonsense words. In the

example above, they only looked at the four options, thinking that among them -less

was most likely to be an affix so it should be an answer. This may indicate that nonsense

words are not necessary. For these reasons, this format is not used for the WPT.

The second option is to use real target words containing affixes and segment real

words into an affix and a base. Here is an example.

(1) en-dless (2) end-less (3) endl-ess (4) endle-ss

In the example, test-takers must choose the answer that correctly divides endless into its

base and its affix. The target word endless was the most frequent word with the

suffix -less in the BNC.28 This format resolves some problems with the format using

nonsense words as target words. First, the use of real words ensures that affixes are

recognisable because the bases are real and recognisable. Second, materials

development is not difficult because there is no need to create nonsense words.

However, it is not clear what is being measured in this format; that is, it measures

knowledge of base forms as well as affix forms. Knowledge of word bases may be

sufficient for choosing correct answers. For example, a pilot study revealed that some

low-proficiency learners got the example item correct by thinking like this: “I don’t

know endless or -less, but can see the familiar word end. I don’t know the words in the

other options. So end-less should be the answer.” For this reason, this format was

considered inappropriate for the WPT.

The last option is to avoid using example words and present affixes in isolation.

In the same way as the first format with nonsense target words, the four options could have
involved only affixes such as (1) en-, (2) end-, (3) -less, and (4) -ess. This format may be too
complicated, because each option could be an affix without the target word endless.

Here is an example.

(1) -ique (2) -less (3) -eeve (4) -itle

Test-takers must choose an affix from four options with the same number of letters. The

three distractors are a string of letters that appear in English but are not affixes. In the

example, -ique occurs in words such as technique, -eeve in sleeve, and -itle in subtitle;

however, they are not English suffixes. In this format, knowledge of English

orthography and phonology is not sufficient for eliminating distractors because all the

options are orthographically and phonologically real in English. This format has

advantages over the two formats discussed above. First, no use of target words ensures

that the results are not affected by their prior knowledge of word bases. Second,

materials development is not difficult because there is no need to create nonsense words.

The potential problem with this format is that it may underestimate knowledge of affix

forms because test-takers need to recall some example words beginning or ending with

particular letters unless they have explicit knowledge of affix forms. In order to examine

whether those who have knowledge of an affix form can demonstrate their knowledge, a

pilot study was conducted with two native speakers teaching university-level English

and five proficient non-native speakers doing their Ph.D. in applied linguistics. The

results showed that while they had no difficulty finding answers for prefixes, they found

it difficult to determine the answers for some suffixes, especially infrequent short

suffixes such as -i in Israeli and -et in owlet. This indicates that although this format

may underestimate knowledge of some suffix forms, it works well for prefixes and the

majority of suffixes. In conclusion, this format is considered to be most appropriate for

the form section.

175 Target Affixes

All the affixes are included in the form section, but affixes that have the same written

form are treated as one item. For example, there are two types of -al (making a noun

and making an adjective), but there is no differentiating between the two affixes on this

format; thus, these two affixes are presented as one item. This section has a total of 107


5.5.3 Meaning

The meaning section aims to measure whether learners can demonstrate knowledge of

written receptive affix meanings. After reviewing previous studies measuring

knowledge of affix meanings, this subsection discusses which test format is most

appropriate for the WPT. Previous Tests Measuring Affix Meaning

Very few attempts have been made to measure learners’ knowledge of affix meanings.

One study was done by Mochizuki (1998) who investigated Japanese learners’ English

affix knowledge. Each item on the test had three example words with the affix which

were supposed to be familiar to learners underlined. They were required to choose one

correct meaning from a set of four options written in Japanese. The options were created

based on a pilot study in which five university students were asked to productively

provide the meaning of each affix. Here is an example.

autograph autogenous autonomy

(1) 自らの (self) (2) 真の (real)
(3) 自動の (automatic) (4) 人工の (artificial)

There are three major problems in Mochizuki’s format. First, he focused on prefix

meanings and did not measure knowledge of suffix meanings. It seems that some affixes

such as -able and -less add clearer lexical meanings to their bases than others such

as -ive and -ness. For example, endless is an adjective that means ‘without end’,

where -less adds the meaning of ‘without’ to its base end as well as changes the part of

speech of end from a noun to an adjective. The meaning of -less is worth measuring,

because knowing that -less makes an adjective is not sufficient to understand the

meaning of endless. In fact, endless is not simply an adjective version of end which

means ‘relating to end’.

Second, clear criteria for selecting example words were not given. Although

Mochizuki admitted that the results might have been affected by the words presented as

examples, he did not give explicit description of the ways in which he selected the

example words. He chose supposedly familiar words to the learners, but it is unclear

how he determined familiarity. The three words in the example above are not frequent:

autograph and autonomy belong to the 9,000-word level and autogenous is beyond the

10,000-word level in the BNC word lists. While autonomy appears 1,814 times in the

BNC, autograph appears 174 times and autogenous appears only twice.

Finally, some options overlapped in meaning, which might have made the test

unreliable. Mochizuki reported that the learners may have confused Options 1 (self) and

3 (automatic), because the two options were semantically similar.

Another study by Mochizuki and Aizawa (2000) attempted to overcome

Mochizuki’s (1998) flaws by using pseudowords as target words. For each item, test-

takers were presented with three pseudowords created by changing the consonants of

real words. They were asked to choose one correct meaning from a set of four options

written in Japanese, their first language. Here is an example.

exlorp exckanze exnanx

(1) following (2) causing (3) out (4) including

The major problem with this format is that success may depend on which words test-

takers recall for each affix. For example, the correct answer to the example above

should be Option 3 (out). However, if they recall words such as ex-wife and ex-president,

they might choose Option 1 following which indicates a sequential order of time. If they

recall words such as exact and example, it is almost impossible to choose an answer,

because exact does not mean ‘out act’ and example does not mean ‘out ample’. Without

the word base, it is difficult to determine the meaning. Format for Meaning

There are three possible options for how to present the affixes: (a) presenting affixes in

isolation; (b) presenting affixes with nonsense words; and (c) presenting affixes with

real words.

The first option for target affixes is to present them in isolation. Here are two


(1) before (2) without (3) the furthest (4) person
(1) opposite (2) person/thing (3) together (4) small

In this format, test-takers must choose the meaning of the affix for each item.

Distractors are the meanings of other randomly chosen affixes. The advantage of this

format is that the results are not affected by prior knowledge of word bases because no

real words are presented. However, this format has two major problems. The first

problem is that this format may measure productive rather than receptive knowledge,

because test-takers need to produce example words with the affixes. For the

example -less above, they need to recall words with the -less ending such as endless and

useless unless they have explicit knowledge of -less. In order to examine whether

people with knowledge of an affix can demonstrate their knowledge of its meaning, a

pilot study was conducted with five native speakers studying applied linguistics for their

MA. It indicated that it was difficult to recall words with some affixes such as de-

because some participants confused de- and di-. With some example words provided,

they had no difficulty finding the correct answer. It should be reasonable to assume that

L2 learners may not be able to demonstrate their knowledge of affix meanings due to

inability to recall appropriate words. The other problem is that success depends on

words that are recalled. For the example de- above, if words such as define and detail

are recalled, it may be difficult to choose the meaning of de- (opposite), because define

does not mean ‘the opposite of fine’ and detail does not mean ‘the opposite of tail’. It

follows that wrong responses do not necessarily mean lack of knowledge of affix

meanings; that is, they may be due to (1) ignorance of the affix, (2) inability to recall

words containing the affix despite knowledge of it, or (3) recalling words containing the

affix that do not convey the target meaning. Thus, the construct being measured in this

format is unclear due to the ambiguity of the interpretation of wrong responses. For

these reasons, this format was not used for the present research.

The second option for target affixes is to present them in nonsense words. Here are

two examples.

(1) before (2) without (3) the furthest (4) person
(1) opposite (2) person/thing (3) together (4) small

In this format, each item has a nonsense word base with a real affix which is underlined

so that the affix in question may be easily recognised. Test-takers must choose the

meaning of the underlined affix. Distractors are the meanings of other randomly chosen

affixes. This format has the advantage of being independent of prior knowledge of word

bases because no real words are presented. However, it has the same problems as the

above-mentioned format (presenting affixes in isolation); that is, it may measure

productive knowledge because test-takers need to recall example words with the target

affixes, and success depends on which example words are recalled. Thus, this format

was considered inappropriate for the WPT.

The last option is to use real words that contain the affixes. Here are two examples.

-less (endless; useless)

(1) before (2) without (3) the furthest (4) person
de- (decompose; decode)
(1) opposite (2) person/thing (3) together (4) small

For each item, a target affix is followed by two example words with the affix underlined

for easy recognition. Test-takers must choose the meaning of the affix represented in the

two example words. The instructions state that the affix can attach to other words than

the two example words. Similar to the previous formats, distractors are the meanings of

other randomly chosen affixes. Two example words are provided in case one is

unknown. This is possible because each affix appears in at least two word families in

the top 10,000 word families in the BNC word lists. This format may be a solution to

the problems that the other two formats have. Test-takers do not need to recall example

words with the target affixes because two example words are presented for each affix.

However, the weakness of this format is that success may depend on knowledge of

example words given. In order to overcome this weakness, example words are selected

from words that meet the following three criteria: frequency, semantic transparency, and

regularity in connection. The first criterion is frequency. The example words are chosen

from highly frequent words in order to maximise the likelihood that test-takers will

know the example words. The word frequencies are calculated based on the BNC. For

example, endless and useless are chosen as the example words for the affix -less

because these words are the most frequent words with -less in the BNC.29 Second, the

example words are semantically transparent in order to maximise the likelihood that

test-takers will be able to demonstrate their receptive knowledge of affix meanings even

if they have no explicit knowledge of the affix meanings. Semantic transparency is

estimated based on Nagy and Anderson’s (1984) six levels of semantic relatedness. The

level refers to the degree to which a derivational word is inferable from its base. A brief

description of each level is given in Table 42, with the upper levels being more

semantically transparent and the lower levels being less semantically transparent.

To be precise, the top ten words with the -less ending are unless (10,838 times of occurrence),
nevertheless (7,045), endless (1,532), regardless (1,532), nonetheless (1,296) useless (1,261),
homeless (1,065), doubtless (844), helpless (792), and hopeless (712). Unless, nevertheless, and
nonetheless are not affixed words. In most cases (1,396 out of 1,532 times of occurrence), regardless
is used as part of the phrase regardless of which means ‘in spite of’ and is not semantically clear.
Thus, endless and useless are selected for the example words.

Table 42. Degrees of semantic relatedness
Level Description Example
0 The meaning of the derivative can be inferred from the meaning senselessly;
of its base senseless

1 The meaning of the derivative can be inferred from the meaning various;
of its base with minimal help from context vary

2 The meaning of the derivative can be inferred from the meaning theorist;
of its base with reasonable help from context theory

3 The meaning of the derivative includes semantic features that visualise;

are not inferable from the meaning of its base without visual
substantial help from context

4 The meaning of the derivative is related to the meaning of its saucer;

base, but only distantly sauce

5 There is no discernible semantic connection prefix; fix

The example words are selected from words at Level 0 or 1 in Nagy and Anderson’s

classification of semantic relatedness. Finally, each example word has the target affix

and its base that are regularly connected in order to maximise the likelihood that test-

takers will recognise both the target affix and its base without difficulty. Regularity in

connection refers to the degree of change in spelling when an affix is added to its base.

For example, discussion is regular in connection because it is made from discuss

and -ion without any unpredictable change in the base. Permission, on the other hand, is

not regular in connection, because it is made from permit and -ion with t in permit

changed into ss. Only example words that are regular in connection are used. In

summary, this format is weak in that success may depend on knowledge of the example

words given, but this weakness may be minimised by selecting example words that

meet the three criteria (frequency, semantic transparency, and regularity in connection).

In conclusion, this format was considered to be most appropriate for the meaning


182 Target Affixes

For the meaning section, affixes that have abstract meanings such as -ness (state,

condition, quality) in happiness and -ment (action, state, results) in movement were

excluded. A pilot study was conducted with ten native speakers doing their Ph.D. or MA

in linguistics or applied linguistics to see whether they could specify the meanings of

these affixes. For each affix, they were presented with two words that contained the

affix and were asked to write the meaning of the affix. A total of 73 affixes whose

meanings could be explicitly described by eight or more native speakers were selected

for this section.

The meaning of each affix was largely based on the Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary (7th edition). If an affix had multiple meanings, the most frequent meaning

was measured; for example, “in advance” (e.g., foresee and forewarn) was chosen for

the meaning of fore- instead of “in front of” (e.g., forehead and forearm) because the

affixes with the former meaning appeared more frequently than the latter in the first

10,000 word families in the BNC word lists. Meanings were briefly paraphrased with

high-frequency words (most frequent 1,000 words) so that even low-proficiency

learners may understand.

5.5.4 Use

Some affixes have the function of changing the part of speech of the word base. For

example, -ment attaches to verbs such as move and develop, changing their part of

speech to nouns (movement and development are nouns). The use section aims to

measure whether learners can demonstrate knowledge of the part of speech that an affix

makes. After reviewing previous studies measuring knowledge of affix functions, this

subsection discusses which test format is most appropriate for a standardised test of

affix function. Previous Tests Measuring Affix Use

There are a number of studies that investigated L1 children’s knowledge of the syntactic

properties of affixes. The tasks measuring it are broadly classified into three types:

definition, sentence completion, and judgement tasks.

A definition task measures knowledge of affix functions by getting children to

write the definition of the target word containing an affix (Wysocki & Jenkins, 1987).

For example, children are asked to write the meaning of the word existence which

contains the target suffix -ence. The answer living was credited as correct because both

the meaning and the syntax were correct, while the answer alive was scored as only

partially correct because the meaning was correct but the syntax was not correct. This

format is not appropriate for the WPT, because it requires the ability to write the

definition in English, which may be demanding for L2 learners with a low level of

proficiency. It also takes time to complete and grade.

A completion task asks children to choose a word with a correct derivational suffix

that fits into the blank in a sentence. This task was first developed by Tyler and Nagy

(1989) and subsequent studies used their format to measure knowledge of suffix

functions (Costin, 1970; Mahony, 1994; Nagy, et al., 2003; Nagy, et al., 2006). In an

attempt to investigate the acquisition of English derivational morphology by children in

the fourth, sixth, and eighth grades, Tyler and Nagy (1989) selected 16 derivational

suffixes, each of which was measured twice using a real target word and a nonsense

target word. For each item, the children must choose the correct derivative that fits into

the blank in a sentence. Here is an example of real-word items.

You can the effect by turning off the lights.

(1) intensify (2) intensification (3) intensity (4) intensive

This format is strong in authenticity because it avoids the need for metacognitive

knowledge about parts of speech, but the construct being measured may not be clear.

Knowledge of affix functions is not sufficient for arriving at the correct answers,

because the syntactic property of the blank needs to be identified from the context.

Here is an example using nonsense-word items. For each item, the children must

choose the nonsense word with the suffix that fits into the blank in a sentence.

I wish Dr. Who would just and get it over with.

(1) transumpation (2) transumpative (3) transumpate (4) transumpatic

In addition to the problem mentioned above, this format has another potential weakness.

The answer should be Option 3, because the blank should be a verb and -ate occurs in

verbs such as activate and originate. However, there are a number of nouns (e.g.,

candidate and certificate) and adjectives (e.g., fortunate and passionate) with the -ate

ending. The part of speech of words with -ate cannot be controlled for by nonsense

words. Option 2 might be a popular distractor, because there are verbs with the -ive

ending such as receive and arrive. The results showed that the nonsense-word format

was much more difficult than the real-word format.

Another type of the sentence completion task is to ask children to write the word

with an appropriate suffix that fit into the blank in a sentence (Berninger, et al., 2010;

Kolstad, Kolstad, & Wagner, 1986). For example, children are presented with the word

farm, and are asked to fit it into the blank in the sentence The is plowing his fields.

This format is not appropriate for the WPT because it requires the ability to comprehend

the context and knowledge of the base as well as the affix.

Finally, a judgement task typically asks children to choose one sentence in which a

word with a derivational suffix is correctly used. Tyler and Nagy (1990) asked children

to choose the most appropriate paraphrase of the top sentence from four options. Here is

an example.

Mary was afraid that a general indecision about the use of nuclear weapons
might be a threat to national security.

(a) Mary feared that if most people couldn’t make up their minds about using
atomic bombs, the country could be put in danger.
(b) Mary feared that a military officer who couldn’t make up his mind about
using atomic bombs might put the country in danger.
(c) Mary feared that a public discussion about using atomic bombs might put
the country in danger.
(d) Mary feared that a military officer who openly discussed using atomic
bombs might put the country in danger.

In this example, the target word was indecision and Option (a) was the correct answer.

In Option (b), the meaning of indecision was correct, but its syntax was wrong:

Indecision was mistaken as indecisive which modified the noun general. In Option (c),

the syntax of indecision was correctly interpreted as a noun, but its meaning was not

correct. Option (d) was wrong in both the meaning and the syntax of indecision. This

format is not appropriate for the WPT because it is demanding and time-consuming.

Test-takers need to read 98 running words for this item. They also need to recognise that

indecision is paraphrased in a variety of ways and is the key to finding the correct

answer. This format may measure the ability to comprehend the sentences as well as

knowledge of affix functions.

In an attempt to improve the shortcomings in Tyler and Nagy’s (1989)

measurement method, Nagy, Diakidoy, and Anderson (1993) selected 20 rarely

occurring suffixed words with frequent bases and asked fourth-grade, seventh-grade and

high-school students to choose sentences in which rarely suffixed words are used

correctly. (A similar format was also used by Nagy, et al. (2006).) Here is an example.

The students must choose a sentence in which powderize is correctly used.

(a) First they had to find a powderize rock.

(b) First they had to powderize find the rock.
(c) First they had to find a powderize for the rock.
(d) First they had to find a way to powderize the rock.

The strength of this format is that it can avoid the need for metacognitive knowledge of

part of speech. It is also similar to authentic situations where affix knowledge is used for

inferring the meaning of an unknown word with a familiar base. However, the use of

context requires the comprehension of the context as well as knowledge of affixes. In

the example, the students need to understand the syntactic property of powderize from a

given context in each option. Option (d) is correct, but to which is followed by

powderize has to be interpreted as an infinitive marker instead of a preposition. In

Option (b), powderize also follows to, but the students have to recognise that powderize

is used as an adverb. In addition, this format is time-consuming: the students need to

read 37 words in total for one item. The predominance of grammatically incorrect

sentences may also have a negative impact on learning..

In summary, L1 children’s knowledge of affix functions has been measured in

context to avoid metacognitive knowledge of parts of speech. The use of context

essentially involves comprehension of the context as well as knowledge of affix

functions in the construct being measured. It also takes time to work on the items and is

not appropriate for the WPT which needs to be easily completed and graded.

More explicit knowledge of affix functions has been measured for L2 learners. The

first empirical study with L2 learners was done by Schmitt and Meara (1997). In their

receptive format, learners must choose all the suffixes that can be attached to each target

verb from a set of 14 suffixes. Here is an example with the target verb use.

use -able -age -al -ance/ence -ed -ee -er/or -ing -ion -ive -ly -ment -s -ure

This format seems to measure distributional knowledge (knowledge of which classes of

stems can take certain affixes). The WPT does not aim to measure this type of


Mochizuki (1998) created a test that explicitly measured knowledge of affix

functions. Each item had three real words that were supposed to be unfamiliar to the

test-takers, followed by the four options: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Here is an

example with the target suffix -al.

dismissal reversal avowal

名(noun) 動(verb) 形(adjective) 副(adverb)

Although real words are presented, they are supposed to be unfamiliar to the test-takers

in order to avoid the use of knowledge of the example words instead of affix knowledge.

Mochizuki later noted that he was unable to control for familiarity and the words were

not always unfamiliar to the test-takers.

Mochizuki and Aizawa (2000) preferred to use nonsense words to real words to

make sure that the example words were unfamiliar to all the test-takers. Here is an

example with the target affix -al.

dutical ravional nolisical

(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

Three nonsense words are presented with the target affix underlined. In the example,

although -al could make a noun, Option (3) adjective was the only correct answer

because adjectival examples are more frequent than noun examples. The weakness of

this format is that it cannot deal with affixes with multiple functions.

In summary, a review of the literature that measured knowledge of affix functions

showed that none of the test formats would be appropriate for the WPT. Format for Use

This subsection first discusses whether context should be provided for the use section,

and then examines how to present affixes based on Bachman and Palmer’s (1996) test


A decision has to be made as to whether to use context to measure knowledge of

affix functions. Contextualised formats, which measure affix knowledge in context,

have been typically used to measure L1 children’s knowledge of affix function, because

it can avoid the need for metacognitive knowledge of part of speech (e.g., Nagy, et al.,

1993; Tyler & Nagy, 1989). However, as mentioned earlier, affix knowledge and

comprehension of context are confounded in this format. It also takes time to complete

because test-takers need to read a number of words in the context. On the other hand,

decontextualised formats, which measure explicit knowledge of affix function without

using context, have been used to measure L2 learners’ affix knowledge (Mochizuki,

1998; Mochizuki & Aizawa, 2000). This format is easy to complete because test-takers

have only to choose the part of speech that an affix makes from a set of options. The

construct definition is clear because this format measures whether test-takers know the

syntactic property that the affix has. The weakness is that it requires metacognitive

knowledge of part of speech and may underestimate knowledge of affixes. However, no

problems were reported in Mochizuki (1998) and Mochizuki and Aizawa (2000)

concerning the use of decontextualised formats, suggesting that L2 adult learners may

have explicit knowledge of part of speech. For the present research, decontextualised

formats are considered appropriate because the aim is to create a word part test that

measures adult L2 learners’ overall affix knowledge and can be easily completed and

graded. The weakness of the need for metacognitive knowledge of part of speech may

be minimised by providing an example sentence for each part of speech at the beginning

of the use section.

There are three possible options for how to present the target affixes: (a) presenting

affixes in isolation; (b) presenting affixes with nonsense words; and (c) presenting

affixes with real words.

The first option for target affixes is to present affixes in isolation. For each item,

the target affix is presented on its own, and test-takers must choose its syntactic property

from the following four options: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Here are two


(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

This format has the advantage of being independent of prior knowledge of word bases

because no real words are presented. However, it has two major problems. First, as with

the first option for the meaning format, it may measure productive knowledge rather

than receptive knowledge because test-takers may need to recall one or two example

words. The other problem is that the scoring of affixes with multiple functions is

difficult. For the example -al above, both Options 1 (noun) and 3 (adjective) are correct,

because -al has two functions (making a noun and an adjective). The solutions to this

problem are (1) giving credit only to the more (or the most) frequent part of speech,

(2) allowing multiple correct answers, and (3) omitting the other possible answers from

the options. The first solution, which was used by Mochizuki and Aizawa (2000),

regards an adjective as only the correct answer, because adjectives with the -al ending

appear more frequently than nouns with the -al ending. This scoring method cannot tell

whether people who chose a noun knew that -al had the function of making an adjective.

Second, a multiple-choice format with multiple correct answers is demanding because

test-takers need to examine each option carefully. For example, they need to recall

nouns containing -al such as approval and proposal to conclude that -al has the function

of making a noun. They also need to check whether words with the -al ending can be

verbs and may recall words such as reveal and signal which end with -al but do not

have the affix -al. Similar processes are needed for adjectives and adverbs. The final

solution is to have only one correct answer and three distractors. For -al, the options

could be (1) preposition, (2) verb, (3) adjective, and (4) adverb in order to allow only

one correct answer ((3) adjective). This format cannot measure whether learners know

that the affix -al makes a noun. In summary, none of the three solutions is effective for

measuring written receptive knowledge of affix function.

The second option is to present nonsense words containing real affixes. For each

item, test-takers must choose its syntactic property from the following four options:

noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Here are two examples.

(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

In this format, each item has a nonsense word base with a real affix which is underlined

so that test-takers can recognise the affix in question. This format has the advantage of

being independent of prior knowledge of word bases because no real words are

presented. However, it has the same problems as the above-mentioned format

(presenting affixes in isolation); that is, it may measure productive knowledge because

test-takers need to recall example words with the target affixes, and the scoring is

difficult because the answers for affixes with multiple functions cannot be controlled for.

Thus, this format was considered inappropriate for the WPT.

The last option is to present affixes in real words. Here are three examples.

-less (endless; useless)

(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb
-al (personal; traditional)
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb
-al (proposal; approval)
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

For each item, a target affix is followed by two example words with the affix underlined

so that test-takers can recognise it. The instructions state that the affix can attach to

other words than the two example words. Two example words are provided in case one

is unknown. The example words aim to help test-takers to recognise the function of the

affix and to control for the part of speech the affix makes. As with the meaning format,

the example words are chosen from words that meet the following three criteria:

frequency, semantic transparency, and regularity in connection. For affixes with

multiple functions, example words are carefully chosen so that both example words will

have the same function. For example, -al has the functions of making both adjectives

and nouns. As illustrated in the example above, -al in personal and traditional makes an

adjective (and not a noun), whereas -al in proposal and approval makes a noun (and not

an adjective). The following eight affixes have multiple functions: -al (adjective in

personal and noun in proposal), -ant (adjective in pleasant and noun in consultant), -ary

(adjective in revolutionary and noun in secretary), -ate (adjective in fortunate and verb

in activate), -en (adjective in wooden and verb in weaken), -ent (adjective in different

and noun in respondent), -ly (adjective in friendly and adverb in clearly), and -y

(adjective in lucky and noun in difficulty). This format may be a solution to the problems

that the other two formats have. Test-takers do not need to recall example words with

the target affixes because two example words are presented for each affix. In addition,

the correct answer can be controlled for by presenting two example words. However,

the weakness of this format is that success may depend on knowledge of example words

given. As with the meaning format, this weakness may be minimised by providing

example words that are most frequent, semantically transparent, and regular in

connection. Another potential weakness is that test-takers may find an answer based on

knowledge of the example words without attributing the grammatical function to the

affix. For example, they may easily find an answer for the item -less without any help

from the suffix if they know that endless is an adjective in the same way as knowing

that happy is an adjective. However, the WPT can examine whether or not test-takers

recognise -less as an analysable part in the form section. If they can recognise -less as

an analysable part and think of endless as an adjective, then it should be reasonable to

assume that they know -less has the function of forming an adjective either implicitly or

explicitly because the base end is not an adjective. In conclusion, this format was

considered most appropriate for the WPT.

193 Target Affixes

For this section, 59 class-changing affixes (four prefixes and 55 suffixes) were included.

The four prefixes were a- (aside), be- (belittle), em- (empower), and en- (enrich). Some

suffixes are class-maintaining (no change in the part of speech) and were not included.

For example, -ette attaches to nouns such as kitchen and cigar, resulting in nouns such

as kitchenette and cigarette. The 13 suffixes of this type were -dom (kingdom), -eer

(mountaineer), -ess (princess), -et (owlet), -ette (kitchenette), -ful (handful), -hood

(childhood), -ism (Darwinism), -ist (artist), -let (booklet), -ling (duckling), -ship

(friendship), and -ster (gangster).30 The score interpretation of these class-maintaining

suffixes is difficult because correct responses may be due to either knowledge of the

base or knowledge of the suffix. Suppose that a test-taker knows the word duck but does

not know the word duckling or the affix -ling. He or she may be able to get this item

correct by thinking that duckling must be related to duck which is a noun, so duckling is

most likely to be a noun. Other suffixes that were not included in the use section

were -an (American), -ese (Japanese), -fold (twofold), -i (Israeli), -ian (Egyptian), -ite

(Israelite), -most (topmost), and -th (fourth). These suffixes were excluded because they

have multiple functions that cannot be controlled for by presenting example words. For

example, -an in American and European has the functions of making both a noun and

an adjective.

In order to make sure that each item had only one correct answer, a pilot study was

conducted where ten PhD candidates (five native and five non-native speakers) studying

linguistics or applied linguistics individually answered the items of the use section. The

It should be noted that some of the suffixes change the part of speech of the bases. For
example, -dom attaches to adjectives such as free and wise, resulting in nouns such as freedom and
wisdom. However, many more words with the suffix -dom in the most frequent 10,000 word families
maintain the part of speech of the bases than those that change the part of speech of the bases (e.g.,
kingdom, stardom, Christendom, earldom, and dukedom).

results showed that nine or ten of the participants answered each item correctly,

indicating that the example words were appropriate for determining the part of speech

formed by the 59 target affixes including the ones with multiple functions (e.g., -al).

5.6 Summary

For the purpose of selecting useful affixes for vocabulary learning, the present research

has identified a total of 118 affixes (42 prefixes and 76 suffixes) based on the following

three criteria: (1) They are bound morphs which attach to free morphs; (2) They appear

in more than one word family in the most frequent 10,000 word families in the BNC

word lists; and (3) Allomorphs are treated as different affixes. The selected suffixes

covered the majority of the suffixes used in previous studies. The excluded suffixes

included inflectional suffixes (e.g., -ed and -s) and semi-suffixes (e.g., -like). The

coverage of the selected prefixes to those identified in earlier studies was not very high,

mainly because prefixes that do not attach to free morphs (e.g., ad- and com-) were

included in previous studies.

The literature (Bauer & Nation, 1993; Nation, 2001; Tyler & Nagy, 1989) indicated

that written receptive knowledge of affixes involved three aspects: form (recognising

written forms of affixes), meaning (recognising meanings of affixes), and use

(recognising syntactic properties that affixes have). These three aspects of affix

knowledge were measured in three different sections: form, meaning, and use sections.

A sample format for these sections is presented in Table 43.

Table 43. Test format for the word part test (an example for -less)
No. of
Section Format
Form 107 (1) -ique (2) -less (3) -eeve (4) -itle
Meaning 73 -less (endless; useless)
(1) before (2) without (3) the furthest (4) person
Use 59 -less (endless; useless)
(1) noun (2) verb (3) adjective (4) adverb

The form section asks test-takers to choose the affix form from four options. The three

distractors are real strings of letters in English but are not affixes which change the

meaning or the syntactic property of the bases. The meaning section requires test-takers

to choose the meaning of the target affix from four options. The three distractors were

randomly chosen from the meanings of other affixes. For the use section, test-takers

need to choose the part of speech that the affix makes from the following four options:

noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. For the meaning and the use sections, two example

words are presented for each item to help test-takers demonstrate their knowledge of

affix meanings and functions even if one is unknown. Providing two of them is possible

because the affixes appear in at least two words in the most frequent 10,000 word

families. The example words are the most frequent, semantically transparent, and

regularly connected words to maximise the likelihood that they would know the

example words.



This chapter describes the validation of the word part test (WPT). Poorly written items

were identified and rewritten based on Rasch analysis (Study 1). The WPT was revised

based on the results in Study 1, and the validity of the revised WPT was discussed from

eight aspects of construct validity (Study 2). This chapter also discusses theoretical

values of the WPT and provides a proposal for score interpretation and reporting to


6.1 Study 1

The purpose of Study 1 was to identify and rewrite poorly written items based on Rasch

analysis. Poor items needed to be rewritten instead of being simply omitted so that all

the affixes that were selected for the present research would be included in the WPT.

6.1.1 Participants

A total of 417 Japanese university students (273 males, 136 females, and 8 unspecified)

learning English as a foreign language participated in the research. 31 The WPT was

administered to university students from 19 intact classes at six different universities

(see Table 44). The participants’ ages ranged between 18 and 23 with the average being

19.1 (SD=5.0). The participants had had at least six years of prior English instruction

Although a total of 440 participants took the test, the data from 417 participants were analysed.
The 23 participants who were excluded from the analysis included those who left latter items
unanswered, or gave answers without thinking seriously (e.g., choosing Option 2 for every item).

Table 44. Description of participant groups
No. of
University N Purpose of English Education
A 5 119 English for Academic Purposes
B 2 56 English for General Purposes
C 2 55 English for General Purposes
D 5 69 English for General Purposes
E 3 69 English for Business Purposes
F 2 49 English for Business Purposes
Total 19 417

(three years at junior-high and three years at senior-high school). Their majors included

agriculture, economics, engineering, law, literature, medicine, and pharmacology.

The participants varied widely in their English proficiency levels. The self-reported

TOEIC scores from 67 of the participants were summarised as follows: Mean=509.0,

SD=141.6, Max=880, Min=235.32 The distribution is illustrated in Figure 28, indicating

a wide range of proficiency levels of the participants.

The participants’ English vocabulary sizes were also estimated through a

bilingualised Japanese-English version of Nation and Beglar’s (2007) Vocabulary Size

Test (available at http://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/staff/paul-nation.aspx). The Vocabulary

Size Test was administered to 238 participants (57.1% of the participants who took the

WPT) and their estimated vocabulary sizes ranged between 4,000 and 10,100 word

families (Mean=7,290, SD=954). The distribution is illustrated in Figure 29.

The TOEIC scores available may not be fully representative of the participants, because students
in some classes were required to take TOEIC, whereas others were not. However, the purpose here is
to show that the test was administered to learners with a wide range of proficiency.

Figure 28. Proficiency range (TOEIC scores)

Figure 29. Vocabulary size range

6.1.2 Materials

As discussed in the previous chapter, the WPT had three sections: form, meaning, and

use. For the form section, test-takers must choose the real affix from four options with

three distractors. Here are two examples from this section.

1. (1) non- (2) kno- (3) spo- (4) orn-

2. (1) -rse (2) -ack (3) -ful (4) -uin

For the meaning section, test-takers must choose the closest meaning of the target affix.

For each item, two example words containing the target affix were provided. Here are

two examples from this section.

1. dis- (disbelieve; dissimilar) 2. -ist (specialist; artist)

(1) Not (1) against
(2) Person (2) person
(3) New (3) two
(4) Main (4) not

For the use section, test-takers must choose the part of speech that the target affix makes.

For each item, two example words containing the target affix were provided. Each item

had a fixed set of four options: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb which were translated

into Japanese (名詞, 動詞, 形容詞, and 副詞) because it was predicted that the majority

of low-proficiency learners would be unfamiliar with the four parts of speech in English.

Here are two examples of this section.

1. en- (endanger; enlarge) 2. -ful (careful; useful)

(1) 名詞 (1) 名詞
(2) 動詞 (2) 動詞
(3) 形容詞 (3) 形容詞
(4) 副詞 (4) 副詞

The test length for Study 1 was determined so that the test scores would be most

reliable. As a general principle, increasing the number of items leads to better reliability

(e.g., Bachman, 1990), but having too many items may decrease reliability due to a

fatigue effect. In order to examine the number of items that would maximise the

reliability of the WPT, a pilot study was conducted with six Japanese learners of English

at a beginner level. They individually took the WPT with three different lengths. The

first two participants took the whole test (107 items for the form section, 73 items for

the meaning section, and 59 items for the use section). The results showed that they got

tired of the test towards the end of it and gave up completing the test. Two of the other

participants took three quarters of the items (80 items for the form section, 55 items for

the meaning section, and 44 items for the use section). They could complete the test, but

a post-test interview revealed that they felt the test was too long. Thus, a slightly shorter

version of the WPT with two thirds of the items (75 items for the form section, 49 items

for the meaning section, and 40 items for the use section) was administered to the other

two participants. The results indicated that the test length with two thirds of the items

would minimise a fatigue effect and would maximise the test reliability at the same time.

The results also indicated that it would take low-proficiency learners half an hour to

complete the test with two thirds of the items. Thus, the length of the entire experiment

was set at 45 minutes including 15 minutes for distributing the test, explaining about the

consent form, providing the instructions, and collecting the answer sheet.

Three forms were prepared for investigating the quality of all the items in the WPT

using Rasch analysis. Table 45 presents the number of items for each form. Each affix

was randomly included in two forms. For example, the prefix re- was measured in

Forms A and B, while the prefix sub- was measured in Forms B and C. Form A shared

half of the items with Form B and the rest of the items with Form C. This systematic

link among the three forms was designed for linking the items in the three forms in

order to estimate item difficulties in one item hierarchy and one set of person abilities

including all the persons (Linacre, 2010a, p. 449).

Table 45. Number of items for each form
Section Form A Form B Form C
Form 75 75 75
Meaning 48 49 49
Use 39 39 40
Total 162 163 164

The order of the three sections was determined so that the previous sections would

not help answer the following sections. The form section was designed to come first,

because the other two sections might help answer the items in the form section correctly.

For example, if the meaning or the use of the suffix -able were measured earlier than its

form, it would be easy to recognise the correct form from the options -acle, -ague, -inth,

and -able in the form section. For the meaning and the use sections, there was no clear

reason for having one section earlier than the other. Thus, for each form, the three

sections were ordered in the following two ways: form-meaning-use and form-use-

meaning. This design was used in order to counterbalance the order effect of the

meaning and the use sections. As each of the three sections had two versions (form-

meaning-use order and form-use-meaning order), a total of six forms (3 forms

multiplied by 2 versions) were created. For each section, the items were randomised in

order to counterbalance the order effect, but prefixes always preceded suffixes because

the mixture of prefixes and suffixes might make the test confusing and affect content


The test was written in a paper-based format so that the test could be administered

effectively in classroom settings. For efficient data input, the answer sheet was made

using an optical mark recognition (OMR) format where the participants mark their

answers by darkening pre-printed circles. The information sheet, the consent form, and

the instructions were translated into Japanese, the participants’ L1. This ensured that

even low-proficiency learners were able to fully understand the information about the

test. (See Appendix G for the six forms of the WPT used in this study.)

6.1.3 Procedure for Item Analysis

Data were collected in October and November 2010. The six test forms were randomly

distributed to the participants. The data were entered into one Microsoft Office Excel

2007 (12.0.6545) spreadsheet, exported to WINSTEPS 3.71.0 (Linacre, 2010b) for

Rasch analysis. In order to arrange the data in one spreadsheet, items that were not

included in a form were treated as missing data. For example, the prefix re- was not

included in Form C and thus it was treated as missing data in that form. Although this

design allowed a number of missing data, researchers (Bond & Fox, 2007; Linacre,

2010a) have argued that Rasch analysis is robust with missing data which can be used

intentionally by design.

Rasch analysis was performed to identify poorly written items that are misfitting to

the Rasch model. As discussed in Section 4.3, items were regarded as misfit if 1) the

point-measure correlation was a negative and low positive value (less than .10) or 2) the

standardised fit statistics (outfit t and infit t) did not fall between -2.0 and 2.0.

A major criticism against the use of the Rasch model for analysis of the multiple-

choice format is that there is no parameter accounting for lucky guessing (unexpected

success by low ability respondents) (Weitzman, 1996). However, Rasch analysis can

detect lucky guessing by item and person outfit statistics, and a simple strategy is to

remove the lucky guesses from the data set (Wright, 1992, 1995). The subsequent

section looks at whether lucky guessing was detected and how it was treated if it


6.1.4 Lucky Guessing

This section investigates the effect of lucky guessing which occurs when low ability

persons unexpectedly get difficult items correct. For each section, the effect of lucky

guessing was examined by item and person outfit statistics. If difficult items or low

ability persons tend to be identified as misfitting, that means difficult items tend to be

unexpectedly answered correctly or low ability persons tend to unexpectedly answer

correctly, indicating lucky guessing. The probability of low ability persons succeeding

on difficult items was also examined. If lucky guessing occurs, this success probability

approaches 1/m, where m = number of multiple-choice options.

First, lucky guessing was investigated for the form section. Figure 30 illustrates the

scatter plot of item difficulty and outfit t for this section. The horizontal axis shows item

difficulty in logits, where larger numbers indicate more difficult items. The vertical axis

shows outfit t whose values larger than 2.0 are taken as misfitting to the Rasch model.

This figure indicates a tendency that difficult items are identified as misfit. Figure 31

presents the scatter plot of person ability and outfit t. The horizontal axis shows person

ability in logits, where larger numbers indicate more able persons. The vertical axis

shows outfit t whose values larger than 2.0 are taken as misfitting to the Rasch model.

Figure 30. Item difficulty and outfit t Figure 31. Person ability and outfit t for
for the form section the form section

This figure indicates a tendency that low ability persons are identified as misfit.

Figure 32 illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability Bn

met an item with the difficulty Di. The horizontal axis shows the difference between

person ability (Bn) and item difficulty (Di) for each response. A larger number in Bn-Di

indicates a response resulting from a person with higher ability meeting an easier item.

A smaller number in Bn-Di, on the other hand, indicates a response resulting from a

person with lower ability meeting a more difficult item. The vertical axis shows the

probability of a person with ability Bn succeeding on an item with difficulty Di. The

smooth line represents the theoretical model. The model predicts that the larger the

Bn-Di value is, the more likely the person is to succeed on the item, and vice versa. The

dotted line, which represents the empirical data obtained from the participants in

Study 1, deviates increasingly from the expected model with smaller values of Bn-Di. In

other words, when people with low ability met difficult items, their success probabilities

Figure 32. Success probability for the form section

approached 25% (the expected percentage of correct responses by random guessing),

which was higher than the model expectation.

Taken together, Figures 30-32 indicate that lucky guessing occurred when people

with low ability met difficult items in the form section. The design of the present

research may allow such random guessing to occur, because a) no Don’t know options

were provided, b) the participants were asked to choose one answer even if they had no

idea about the item, and c) for validation purposes all the participants worked on items

with varying levels of difficulty.

Lucky guessing was corrected by deleting response records which had difficulty

greater than b + ln(m-1), where b is the person’s initial estimated ability and m is the

number of choices (Wright & Stone, 1979). As each item had four choices, responses

with an item difficulty greater than b + 1.1 were deleted. This presupposes “that when

items are so difficult that a person can do better by guessing than by trying, then such

items should not be used to estimate the person’s ability” (Wright & Stone, 1979, p.

188). A total of 2,199 out of 31,255 (7.0%) responses were deleted as the result of this


Lucky guessing was also investigated for the meaning section in the same way as

the form section. Figure 33 illustrates the scatter plot of item difficulty and outfit t for

this section, indicating a tendency that difficult items are identified as misfit (t>2).

Figure 34 presents the scatter plot of person ability and outfit t, indicating a tendency

that low ability persons are identified as misfit (t>2). Figure 35 illustrates the

probability of success when a person with the ability Bn met an item with the difficulty

Di, showing that the empirical data deviates increasingly from the expected model with

smaller values of Bn-Di. Taken together, Figures 33-35 indicate that lucky guessing

Figure 33. Item difficulty and outfit t for Figure 34. Person ability and outfit t for
the meaning section the meaning section

Figure 35. Success probability for the meaning section

occurred when people with low ability met difficult items in the meaning section. As

with the form section, lucky guessing was corrected by deleting response records with

an item difficulty greater than b + 1.1. A total of 1,597 out of 20,272 (7.9%) responses

were deleted as the result of this treatment.

Finally, lucky guessing was investigated for the use section. Figure 36 illustrates

the scatter plot of item difficulty and outfit t for this section, indicating a tendency that

difficult items are identified as misfit (t>2). Figure 37 presents the scatter plot of person

ability and outfit t, indicating a tendency that low ability persons are identified as misfit

(t>2). Figure 38 illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability Bn

met an item with the difficulty Di, showing that the empirical data deviates increasingly

from the expected model with smaller values of Bn-Di.33 Taken together, Figures 36-38

Figure 36. Item difficulty and outfit t for Figure 37. Person ability and outfit t for
the use section the use section

Figure 38. Success probability for the use section

In Figure 38, the success probability was much higher (.5 at Bn-Di=-5.00) than the expectation
because there were only two responses (one correct and one wrong responses) at that value.

indicate that lucky guessing occurred when people with low ability met difficult items

in the use section. As with the previous two sections, lucky guessing was corrected by

deleting response records with an item difficulty greater than b + 1.1. A total of 2,721

out of 16,382 (16.6%) responses were deleted as the result of this treatment.34

In summary, lucky guessing was corrected for all three sections by deleting

response records that have an item difficulty greater than b + ln(m-1) (Wright & Stone,

1979). The subsequent section explains the procedure for detecting and rewriting poorly

written items.

6.1.5 Identifying and Rewriting Poor Items

This section aims to identify and rewrite poorly written items based on Rasch analysis.

More specifically, the point-measure correlations and the Rasch fit statistics were

investigated for each section. Items with negative or low positive point-measure

correlations (less than .10) or items with outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0 were inspected to

see if these items need to be rewritten.

Poorly written items were rewritten based on the following criteria:

1. Distractors that were chosen by many more people than the other distractors
were replaced;

2. Distractors that were frequently chosen by more able people instead of the
correct answer were replaced;

3. Distractors that had positive point-measure correlations were replaced; and

4. Distractors that were chosen by only a small proportion of people with low
person ability estimates were replaced.

A larger number of responses were deleted for the use section than the form and the meaning
sections, because the use section was the most difficult and had the largest variance in person ability
estimates (M=1.12, SD=1.10 for the form section, M=1.63, SD=1.49 for the meaning section, and
M=0.27, SD=1.62 for the use section).

The first three of these criteria suggest that distractors may have been too close to the

correct answer and prevented learners from demonstrating knowledge of affixes. A

point-measure correlation is a correlation between the Rasch person ability estimates

and the responses, and an option with a positive point-measure correlation indicates that

more able persons tend to choose that option (Linacre, 2010a, p. 192). The correct

answer should have a point-measure correlation of larger than .1, while distractors

should have negative point-measure correlations. The last of the four criteria indicate

that distractors may have been too easy to eliminate and not have been working well as

a distractor. Form Section

One item (Item 89: -ling) in the form section had a negative point-measure correlation

(-.03), which indicates a need for inspecting this item. A subsequent Rasch fit analysis

detected eleven items including Item 89 as underfit (outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0) and

four items as overfit (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0). Here are the details of the eleven

underfit items and the procedure for rewriting them.

 Item 90: -ling

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.99 0.13 5.6 1.38 6.2 1.29

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ling -wirl -igma -lain
% chosen 55.1 2.8 12.6 29.5
Ave. ability (logits) 1.07 -0.21 0.82 1.23
PT-measure corr.* -.03 -.17 -.09 .14
Frequency in 10k wds** 2 1 1 10
Replaced by -tute -reat -bute
Frequency in 10k wds 6 5 5
*point-measure correlation;
**frequency in the first 10,000 word families in the BNC word lists

Item 90 requires a major revision because the correct option had a negative point-

measure correlation (-.03). Distractor 3 may have been most problematic because it had

a positive point-measure correlation (.14) and able persons preferred this distractor

(average ability = 1.23) to the correct answer (average ability = 1.07). This may be

because there exists a real word lain (the past participle of lie). Another reason may be

because words with the -lain ending are greater in number (10 word families) than

words with the -ling ending (2 word families) in the first 10,000 word families in the

BNC word lists. Some words with the -lain ending are highly frequent (e.g., complain

and explain). Thus, this option was replaced by a less frequent word ending -bute.

Distractor 1 was chosen by a small number of people (2.8%) with low person ability

estimates (average ability = -0.21), which indicates that this option may have been too

easy to eliminate. This may be because there is only one word that ends with -wirl

(swirl) in the first 10,000 word families and many people may have thought that it was

least likely to be a suffix. This option was replaced by -tute which appears more

frequently than -wirl. Although the results indicated that Distractor 2 worked well, this

option was also rewritten so that it would have a similar frequency to the other two

distractors. As stigma (7th 1,000-word level) is the only word that ends with -igma in

the first 10,000 word families, this option might be too easy to eliminate for future use

of the test with the rewritten options. Thus, Distractor 2 was replaced by -reat which is

as frequent as the other distractors.

 Item 97: -ous

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.04 0.15 3.0 1.44 2.1 1.17

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ous -ail -ope -ime
% chosen 73.7 15.7 6.4 4.3
Ave.ability (logits) 1.25 0.97 0.48 0.93
PT-measure corr. .16 -.07 -.13 -.07
Frequency in 10k wds 205 28 10 25
Replaced by -ney
Frequency in 10k wds 10

Distractor 1 was chosen by many more people than the other two distractors. This may

be because 28 words end with -ail in the first 10,000 word families and some of them

are highly frequent (e.g., detail and mail). It could also be taken as a verb which means

‘to cause problems’. This distractor was replaced by -ney, which is less frequent than -

ail. Its frequency is similar to the successful distractors: Distractor 2 -ope has ten

examples (e.g., envelope), and Distractor 3 -ime has 25 examples (e.g., crime) out of

which 16 examples have the -time ending (e.g., daytime) in the first 10,000 word


 Item 93: -most

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.96 0.13 2.9 1.22 3.7 1.17

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -most -oard -ogue -laim
% chosen 55.9 15.3 12.5 16.4
Ave. ability (logits) 1.33 0.84 1.01 0.89
PT-measure corr. .15 -.02 -.09 -.09
Frequency in 10k wds 6 20 6 5

This item may not have any problems. The three distractors obtained evenly distributed

responses and the mean person ability estimate of those who chose the correct answer

was higher than the mean person ability estimates of those who chose the three

distractors. In addition, the correct answer showed a positive point-measure correlation,

while the three distractors showed negative correlations. This item may have been

identified as misfit because some of the participants suspected that -most was too

obvious to be a correct answer. This item was not rewritten but it needs watching for

future use of the test.

 Item 67: -ess

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.58 0.14 2.6 1.21 2.8 1.15

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ess -ift -ong -nge
% chosen 61.1 10.9 14.0 14.0
Ave. ability (logits) 1.22 0.97 0.69 0.73
PT-measure corr. .17 -.07 -.23 -.07
Frequency in 10k wds 8 12 14 25

This item may not have any problems. The three distractors obtained evenly distributed

responses and the mean person ability estimate of those who chose the correct answer

was higher than the mean person ability estimate of those who chose the three

distractors. In addition, the correct answer showed a positive point-measure correlation,

while the three distractors showed negative correlations. This item was not rewritten but

it needs watching for future use of the test.

 Item 61: -ency

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.63 0.14 2.5 1.19 2.3 1.12

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ency -eeze -eign -yone
% chosen 59.6 13.7 20.7 6.0
Ave. ability (logits) 1.25 0.93 0.68 0.57
PT-measure corr. .19 -.09 -.11 -.10
Frequency in 10k wds 13 5 3 2
Replaced by -hter
Frequency in 10k wds 10

Distractor 3 was chosen by a small number of less able people. It may have been easy

for more able people to eliminate because there are only two high-frequency words

anyone and everyone that end with -yone in the 10,000 BNC word families. This

distractor was replaced by -hter, which occurs in ten word families at varying frequency

levels in the 10,000 word families (e.g., daughter and laughter).

 Item 68: -et

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.55 0.14 2.5 1.20 2.8 1.16

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -et -mn -za -ht
% chosen 62.0 22.5 2.5 13.0
Ave. ability (logits) 1.21 1.13 -0.2 0.37
PT-measure corr. .17 .00 -.10 -.22
Frequency in 10k wds 12 6 3 74
Replaced by -io -ob
Frequency in 10k wds 12 15

This item may have been difficult, because there are 152 words that end with -et in the

first 10,000 word families in the BNC word lists (e.g., alphabet and forget) but few of

them can be divided into meaningful word parts. For this reason, some people with high

ability may have thought Distractor 1 -mn to be more likely to be a suffix (average

ability = 1.13, point-measure correlation = .00). There are six words that end with -mn

in the first 10,000 word families (autumn, column, condemn, damn, hymn, and solemn).

Some of them, for example, may have thought that autumn could be divided into aut(o)

and -mn, and solemn into sole and -mn. This option was replaced by -io (e.g., radio,

scenario, and studio) which may be less likely to be a real suffix. Distractor 2 was

chosen by a small number of people with low ability. There are three words that end

with -za in the 10,000 BNC word families (bonanza, influenza, and pizza), and from

these words it may have been clear to more able people that -za is not a suffix. This

option was replaced by -ob (e.g., job, knob, and rob) which is more frequent than -za.

 Item 50: -ary

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.82 0.11 2.1 1.13 2.4 1.10

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ary -ook -oup -ect
% chosen 57.2 7.8 4.3 30.6
Ave. ability (logits) 1.35 0.08 0.46 1.01
PT-measure corr. .24 -.24 -.05 -.11
Frequency in 10k wds 112 23 6 52
Replaced by -ech
Frequency in 10k wds 7

Distractor 3 was chosen by a number of able people (average ability = 1.01), perhaps

because -ect occurs in as many as 52 words in the 10,000 BNC word families (e.g.,

collect and select). The other two successful distractors have fewer examples (23 words

for -ook and six for -oup). Distractor 3 -ect was replaced by -ech, which occurs in seven

words in the 10,000 BNC word families (e.g., beech and speech).

 Item 62: -ent

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.81 0.11 2.1 1.13 3.2 1.13

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ent -ead -rol -gue
% chosen 58.3 5.2 13.3 23.2
Ave. ability (logits) 1.31 0.84 0.69 0.90
PT-measure corr. .21 -.07 -.09 -.14
Frequency in 10k wds 150 26 6 15

This item may not have any problems. Although the wrong answers were slightly biased

towards Distractor 3, the three distractors were similar in the average person ability. The

frequency of words with the -gue ending in the 10,000 BNC word families (15 words) is

between the frequencies of the other two distractors. In addition, the correct answer

showed a positive point-measure correlation, while the three distractors showed

negative correlations. Thus, this item was not rewritten but it needs watching for future

use of the test.

 Item 56: -dom

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.03 0.14 2.0 1.14 2.2 1.1

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -dom -uct -eem -ust
% chosen 54.0 2.9 22.7 20.5
Ave. ability (logits) 1.39 1.16 0.85 0.76
PT-measure corr. .23 .05 -.12 -.18
Frequency in 10k wds 16 11 4 24
Replaced by -ame
Frequency in 10k wds 21

Distractor 1 was chosen by people with high ability (average ability = 1.16) and showed

a positive point-measure correlation. Its frequency in the 10,000 BNC word families

may not be problematic because the frequency of words with the -uct ending is between

the frequencies of the other two distractors. The -uct ending occurs in words such as

construct, instruct, and product which typically consist of multiple syllables so it might

be mistaken for a real word part. This option was replaced by -ame, which is less likely

to be easily mistaken for a meaningful word part, because although -ame occurs in more

words than -uct, it typically attaches to monosyllabic words such as came, game, and


 Item 38: sur-

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.79 0.14 1.8 1.14 2.6 1.14

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option sur- att- sco- gue-
% chosen 59.4 25.9 8.6 6.1
Ave. ability (logits) 1.31 1.09 0.64 0.20
PT-measure corr. .22 -.07 -.13 -.20
Frequency in 10k wds 18 11 15 4
Replaced by sla- hal-
Frequency in 10k wds 15 11

Distractor 3 was chosen by a small number of people with low person ability. It may

have been easy to eliminate because there are only four words that start with gue- in the

10,000 BNC word families (guerrilla, guess, guesswork, and guest). This distractor was

replaced by hal- (e.g., hall and Halloween), which occurs in more words than gue-.

Distractor 1 was chosen by a large number of people with high ability. This distractor

may have been popular because it was mistaken for at-, an allomorph of ad- (e.g.,

attend and attract). It was replaced by sla-, which occurs in 15 words in the 10,000

BNC word families and should not be mistaken for a real word part.

 Item 105: -ways

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.27 0.13 1.8 1.10 2.4 1.10

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ways -zard -oice -ypse
% chosen 50.0 27.5 16.2 6.3
Ave. ability (logits) 1.22 1.05 0.67 0.66
PT-measure corr. .20 -.05 -.08 -.19
Frequency in 10k wds 4 4 4 1
Replaced by -ause -ript
Frequency in 10k wds 6 6

Distractor 3 was chosen by a relatively small number of people, perhaps because there

is only one word that ends with -ypse in the 10,000 BNC word families (apocalypse).

This distractor was replaced by -ript, which occurs in six words in the 10,000 word

families (e.g., script and manuscript). Distractor 1 was chosen by a large number of

people with relatively high ability (average ability = 1.05). The four words that end with

-zard in the 10,000 BNC word families are haphazard, hazard, lizard, and wizard. This

distractor may have been mistaken for -ard which makes a noun such as wizard and

drunkard. It was replaced by -ause, which has six examples in the 10,000 word families

and should not be mistaken for a real word part.

The four items in Table 46 were identified as overfit based on the standardised fit

statistics (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0). Given that having less than 5% of the overfit

items does not affect item and person estimates substantially (Smith Jr., 2005), it should

be reasonable to conclude that these four items (3.7% of the items in the form section)

do not cause serious problems; thus, these four items were not rewritten.

Table 46. Overfit items in the form section

Item Difficulty outfit infit M
affix S.E. outfit t infit t
No. (logits) MNSQ NSQ
28 multi- -0.45 0.16 -3.0 0.62 -2.3 0.80
27 mono- -0.90 0.18 -2.8 0.56 -1.8 0.80
99 -some 0.89 0.13 -2.3 0.84 -2.7 0.88
7 bi- 1.78 0.14 -2.0 0.90 -2.4 0.90 Meaning Section

No item in the meaning section had a negative or a low positive point-measure

correlation (less than .10). A subsequent Rasch fit analysis detected nine items as

underfit (outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0) and three items as overfit (outfit t < -2.0 or infit

t < -2.0). Here are the details of the nine underfit items and the procedure for rewriting


 Item 65: -ling

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.49 0.14 4.5 1.44 4.2 1.25

[Example words] earthling; underling (replaced by weakling and underling)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
one connected into another
Option direction opposite
with state/place
% chosen 55.1 10.9 24.2 9.8
Ave. ability (logits) 1.19 0.76 1.19 0.21
PT-measure corr. .16 -.11 .00 -.13
Replaced by too much

Distractor 2 was chosen by a large number of people whose average person ability

estimate is as high as that of those who chose the correct answer. These two options

may have been too close in meaning to each other. Distractor 2 was replaced by too

much which may be further away from the correct meaning. The correct answer one

connected with was shortened into connected with in order to avoid a distinctively long

option. With the example word earthling, Distractor 2 may be easy to eliminate because

‘too much earth’ does not make sense; thus, earthling was replaced by weakling.

 Item 5: arch-
Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
2.08 0.14 4.3 1.26 4.0 1.19

[Example words] archbishop; arch-rival

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option main a state of not
relating to
% chosen 48.8 17.1 22.1 12.1
Ave. ability (logits) 1.17 1.14 1.06 1.18
PT-measure corr. .12 -.01 -.18 .05
Replaced by two supporting earlier

Distractor 3 was chosen by people with higher ability than the correct answer and

showed a positive point-measure correlation. This distractor may have been too close in

meaning to the correct answer: an archbishop is not a normal bishop and an arch-rival is

not a normal rival. Distractor 4 was replaced by earlier which is further away from the

correct meaning. Distractors 1 and 2 were also chosen by people with relatively high

ability. They may have thought that an option carrying the broadest meaning would be

most likely to be the correct answer. Distractors 1 and 2 were replaced by two and

supporting, which are less vague than person/relating to and a state of.

 Item 54: -fold

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.55 0.16 3.6 1.59 3.4 1.29

[Example words] two-fold; three-fold

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option times under not self
% chosen 70.2 16.5 3.5 9.8
Ave. ability (logits) 1.16 0.83 -0.04 1.04
PT-measure corr. .20 -.10 -.14 -.11
Replaced by over

Distractor 2 was chosen by only a small number of people with low ability. As the

example words refer to the notion of number, it may have been easy to eliminate this

option. This distractor was replaced by over, which would be consistent with the

example words (over two and over three).

 Item 31: pro-

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.95 0.14 2.9 1.18 3.2 1.15

[Example words] pro-democracy; pro-life

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option supporting without a state of too much
% chosen 50.0 8.6 22.9 18.6
Ave. ability (logits) 1.20 1.28 1.07 1.01
PT-measure corr. .18 -.08 -.09 -.09
Replaced by against one

Distractor 1 was chosen by a relatively small number of people, but their average person

ability estimate was higher than that of those who chose the correct answer. They may

have recalled another meaning such as ‘substitute for’ (e.g., procathedral and pronoun).

This distractor was replaced by against, which is the opposite of the correct answer.

Distractor 2 was chosen by a large number of people with relatively high ability. This

may have been due to their use of the test-taking strategy to choose the broadest

meaning. This distractor was replaced by one, which is less vague than a state of.

 Item 52: -et

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
2.22 0.15 2.6 1.18 2.7 1.13

[Example words] packet; owlet

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option small new can be not
% chosen 43.0 7.4 46.8 2.8
Ave. ability (logits) 1.21 0.73 1.00 0.21
PT-measure corr. .21 -.08 -.18 -.03
Replaced by supporting

Distractor 2 was chosen by a large number of people. This may be because -et was

mistaken for -ed (e.g., packed rather than packet) and can be was taken as a passive

voice. This distractor was replaced by supporting, which should not be mistaken for

another word part.

 Item 33: semi-

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.6 0.20 2.4 1.74 3.1 1.46

[Example words] semi-final; semi-skilled

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option half person/thing direction can be
% chosen 83.8 2.9 8.6 4.7
Ave. ability (logits) 1.20 0.40 0.58 1.37
PT-measure corr. .27 -.28 -.17 -.02
Replaced by beyond

Distractor 3 was chosen by people with higher person ability estimates than those who

chose the correct answer. This may be because they thought that a semi-final is very

close to a final and can be taken as a final. This distractor was replaced by beyond,

which might be further away from the correct meaning than can be.

 Item 13: ex-
Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
3.2 0.17 2.3 1.18 2.4 1.16

[Example words] ex-wife; ex-member

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option earlier person without can be
% chosen 30.2 10.8 47.8 11.2
Ave. ability (logits) 1.26 0.46 1.22 1.04
PT-measure corr. .15 -.10 -.05 -.10
Replaced by bad

Distractor 2 was chosen by a large number of people with high ability. This may be

because they associated an ex-wife with a man without his wife. This distractor was

replaced by bad, which is further away from the correct meaning than without.

 Item 37: trans-

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.41 0.17 2.1 1.37 1.9 1.18

[Example words] transform; transplant

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
into another one connected
Option two a state of
state/place with
% chosen 73.7 4.0 19.1 3.2
Ave. ability (logits) 1.26 0.37 0.97 -0.01
PT-measure corr. .31 -.23 -.12 -.31
Replaced by main too much

Distractor 2 was chosen by a number of people with relatively high ability, perhaps

because the meaning was too close to the correct answer. This distractor was replaced

by main, which is further away from the correct meaning than one connected with.

Distractor 3 was chosen by a small number of people with low person ability. They may

have found it difficult to differentiate between a state of and into another state/person,

as both refer to the notion of state. This distractor was replaced by too much, which is

further away from the correct meaning than a state of.

 Item 73: -wise

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.95 0.14 1.4 1.10 2.1 1.10

[Example words] clockwise; stepwise

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option direction person against one
% chosen 52.0 13.0 21.7 13.3
Ave. ability (logits) 1.28 0.94 0.83 1.21
PT-measure corr. .27 -.01 -.21 -.17
Replaced by new

Distractor 2 was chosen by a number of people, perhaps because against could be taken

as a kind of direction. This option was replaced by new, which would be further away

from the correct meaning than against.

The three items in Table 47 were identified as overfit based on the standardised fit

statistics (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0). Given that having less than 5% of the overfit

items does not affect item and person estimates substantially (Smith Jr., 2005), it should

be reasonable to conclude that these four items (4.1% of the items in the meaning

section) do not cause serious problems; thus, these three items were not rewritten.

Table 47. Overfit items in the meaning section
Item Difficulty outfit infit M
affix S.E. outfit t infit t
No. (logits) MNSQ NSQ
26 multi- -0.01 0.17 -2.6 0.57 -2.6 0.76
45 -ee -0.93 0.21 -2.2 0.45 -1.1 0.85
7 bi- 0.49 0.16 -2.1 0.72 -2.2 0.83 Use Section

One item (Item 27: -ent (noun)) in the use section had a negative point-measure

correlation (-.27), which indicates a need for inspecting this item. A subsequent Rasch

fit analysis detected eleven items including Item 27 as underfit (outfit t > 2.0 or infit

t > 2.0) and ten items as overfit (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0). Unlike the previous two

sections, all the items have the same options in the use section (noun, verb, adjective,

and adverb). Thus, what could be done is to examine whether example words were

appropriate or not. Here are the details of the eleven underfit items and the procedure

for rewriting them.

 Item 28: -ent (noun)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.94 0.22 6.6 1.90 6.2 1.53

[Example words] referent; respondent (replaced by president and respondent)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option noun verb adjective adverb
% chosen 38.2 9.0 42.4 10.4
Ave. ability (logits) 1.17 0.76 1.21 0.33
PT-measure corr. -.23 -.13 .27 -.18

The correct answer was noun, but many more people with higher ability estimates chose

adjective instead of the correct answer. The suffix -ent frequently forms an adjective

(e.g., different), and in most cases nouns with the -ent ending can also be adjectives (e.g.,

resident). In the BNC, while all the 1,602 examples of respondent are nouns (no

adjective examples), 19 out of 268 (7.1%) examples of referent are used as adjectives.

Referent was selected as an example word because it belonged to the most frequent

word level (1st 1,000); however, it would be better to replace it with president, which

has no adjective examples and occurs more than 10,000 times in the BNC although it

belongs to the 4th 1,000-word level.

 Item 58: -y (adjective)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.55 0.15 4.5 1.50 5.4 1.38

[Example words] lucky; healthy

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 51.6 38.2 3.9 6.3
Ave. ability (logits) 1.17 1.08 -0.33 0.76
PT-measure corr. .18 .05 -.15 -.18

The correct answer was adjective, but a large number of people chose noun. The

positive point-measure correlation indicates a problem with this distractor. This may be

because the suffix -y can also make a noun (e.g., difficulty). However, the example

words can only be taken as adjectives: no noun examples of lucky and healthy are found

in the BNC. This item was not changed but needs watching for future use.

 Item 2: be-
Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.30 0.16 4.1 1.35 4.5 1.27

[Example words] belittle; befriend

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option verb noun adjective adverb
% chosen 40.0 14.0 35.8 10.2
Ave. ability (logits) 1.34 0.92 0.98 0.34
PT-measure corr. .10 -.06 -.03 -.10

The correct answer was verb, but many people chose adjective. This may be because

some words are typically used in past participle form (e.g., beloved and bemused).

However, the example words should be appropriate because they cannot be taken as

adjectives. This item was not changed but needs watching for future use.

 Item 12: -ant (noun)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.73 0.16 3.8 1.68 4.4 1.39

[Example words] consultant; servant

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option noun verb adjective adverb
% chosen 68.2 7.5 18.9 5.4
Ave. ability (logits) 1.26 0.59 1.17 0.56
PT-measure corr. .26 -.23 -.05 -.20

The correct answer was noun, but a large number of people with high ability chose

adjective. This may be because the suffix -ant can also make an adjective (e.g.,

expectant), but the example words can only be taken as nouns: no adjective examples of

consultant and servant are found in the BNC. This item was not changed but needs

watching for future use.

 Item 23: -en (adjective)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.05 0.16 3.6 1.48 4.1 1.35

[Example words] wooden; golden

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 57.9 12.6 21.6 7.9
Ave. ability (logits) 1.39 0.79 1.01 0.10
PT-measure corr. .30 -.31 .07 -.34

The answer was adjective, but a large number of people with high ability chose verb.

The positive point-measure correlation indicates a problem with this distractor. This

may be because the suffix -en can also make a verb (e.g., darken), but the example

words can only be taken as adjectives: no verb examples of wooden and golden are

found in the BNC. This item was not changed but needs watching for future use.

 Item 49: -ory

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.21 0.16 3.3 1.29 3.1 1.18

[Example words] sensory; contradictory

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 41.8 33.3 5.6 19.3
Ave. ability (logits) 1.19 1.08 0.19 0.92
PT-measure corr. .22 -.06 -.14 -.18

The correct answer was adjective, but a large number of people with high ability chose

noun. Some of them may have confused -ory with -ry which indicates a noun (e.g.,

jewelry and rivalry). Some words with the -ory ending can be used as a noun as well as

an adjective (e.g., auditory). However, the example words can only be taken as

adjectives: no noun examples of sensory and compensatory are found in the BNC. This

item was not changed but needs watching for future use.

 Item 6: -age
Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
-0.12 0.15 3.1 1.39 4.0 1.31

[Example words] shortage; coverage

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option noun verb adjective adverb
% chosen 59.4 14.6 18.9 7.1
Ave. ability (logits) 1.33 0.70 1.10 0.65
PT-measure corr. .29 -.17 -.07 -.24

The correct answer was noun, but people with relatively high ability chose adjective.

This item may not be problematic, because wrong answers were not extremely biased

towards one distractor, people who chose the correct answer had the highest average

person ability estimate, and all the distractors had negative point-measure correlations.

Thus, this item was not changed but needs watching for future use.

 Item 14: -ary (adjective)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.36 0.15 3.1 1.35 3.7 1.26

[Example words] revolutionary; parliamentary

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 52.3 16.5 4.6 26.7
Ave. ability (logits) 1.23 1.11 0.26 0.79
PT-measure corr. .27 .02 -.12 -.29

The correct answer was adjective, but people with relatively high ability chose noun.

The positive point-measure correlation indicates a problem with this distractor. This

may be because some words with the -ary ending are nouns (e.g., secretary). However,

the example words can only be taken as adjectives: no noun examples of revolutionary

and parliamentary are found in the BNC. Thus, this item was not changed but needs

watching for future use.

 Item 17: -ate (verb)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
0.57 0.16 2.9 1.29 3.2 1.23

[Example words] formulate; activate

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option verb noun adjective adverb
% chosen 51.4 12.9 24.8 10.8
Ave. ability (logits) 1.43 0.71 0.95 0.63
PT-measure corr. .27 -.16 -.06 -.26

The correct answer was verb, but a number of people chose adjective. This may be

because some words with the -ate ending are adjectives (e.g., passionate). However, the

example words can only be taken as adjectives: no noun examples of formulate and

activate are found in the BNC. This item was not changed but needs watching for future


 Item 44: -ly (adjective)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
2.62 0.19 2.8 1.43 0.8 1.08

[Example words] manly; friendly (replaced by lively and friendly)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 31.2 4.2 3.2 61.4
Ave. ability (logits) 0.94 0.19 0.64 1.18
PT-measure corr. .18 -.12 -.16 .00

The correct answer was adjective, but quite a few people with high ability chose adverb.

This may be because the majority of words with the -ly ending are adverbs (e.g., widely).

For an example word, manly was chosen because it is listed in the first 1,000 word

families in the BNC word lists, but manly itself (including its inflective forms manly,

manlier, and manliest) is not very frequent (123 occurrences in the BNC). It might have

been mistaken for much more frequent adverbs such as mainly. This example word was

replaced by lively, which is also listed in the first 1,000 word families and occurs 1,529

times (including its inflective forms lively, livelier, and liveliest) in the BNC.

 Item 16: -ate (adjective)

Difficulty Outfit Infit
S.E. Outfit t Infit t
(logits) MNSQ MNSQ
1.83 0.17 2.1 1.18 1.9 1.12

[Example words] passionate; determinate (replaced by passionate and fortunate)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 33.0 12.9 43.0 11.1
Ave. ability (logits) 1.24 1.00 1.22 0.77
PT-measure corr. .19 -.17 -.01 -.20

The correct answer was adjective, but a large number of people with high ability chose

verb. This may be because some words with the -ate ending are verbs (e.g., activate).

Another reason may be because one of the example words determinate was not familiar

with the test-takers (118 occurrences in the BNC). This example word was replaced by

fortunate, which is more frequent (1,263 occurrences) than determinate.

The ten items in Table 48 were identified as overfit based on the standardised fit

statistics (outfit t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0) which may potentially identify a number of

good items as misfit with a large sample size (Karabatsos, 2000; Linacre, 2003; Smith,

et al., 2008). However, the unstandardised statistics indicated that only two items (Items

34 and 24) had the outfit mean-square statistics smaller than 0.70 which may be taken

as unacceptable values (Bond & Fox, 2007; Linacre, 2002). No infit mean-square

Table 48. Overfit items in the use section

Item Difficulty Outfit Infit
Affix S.E. Outfit t Infit t
No. (logits) MNSQ MNSQ
4 en- 0.26 0.15 -3.3 0.71 -3.8 0.77
34 -ify -0.31 0.16 -3.2 0.62 -3.2 0.75
59 -y (n) 0.37 0.16 -3.2 0.70 -3.4 0.78
3 em- 0.53 0.16 -3.1 0.72 -3.3 0.81
10 -ancy -0.10 0.16 -2.6 0.70 -2.5 0.81
53 -ty 0.87 0.16 -2.4 0.82 -2.6 0.85
24 -ence -0.93 0.16 -2.3 0.65 -3.2 0.75
46 -ness -0.47 0.15 -2.2 0.74 -2.7 0.80
5 -able -0.85 0.17 -2.1 0.70 -3.0 0.75
39 -ity -0.46 0.16 -2.1 0.71 -2.0 0.83

statistics are smaller than 0.70. Given that standardised fit statistics are highly

susceptible to sample size and having less than 5% of the overfitting items does not

affect item and person estimates substantially (Smith Jr., 2005), it should be reasonable

to conclude that these two items (3.4% of the items in the use section) do not cause

serious problems; thus, the overfit items in Table 48 were not changed.

In summary, Rasch analysis detected eleven misfit items for the form section, nine

for the meaning section, and eleven for the use section. Table 49 summarises the misfit

items identified. The WPT was revised by rewriting these items. The subsequent section

explains the study that investigated the quality of the revised WPT.

Table 49. Summary of misfit items in the WPT

Affix Form Meaning Use Affix Form Meaning Use
arch-  -ency 
be-  -ent (n)  
ex-  -ess 
pro-  -et  
semi-  -fold 
sur-  -ling  
trans-  -ly (a) 
-age  -most 
-ant (n)  -ory 
-ary   -ous 
-ate (a)  -ways 
-ate (v)  -wise 
-dom  -y (a) 
-en (a) 

6.2 Study 2

The purpose of Study 2 was to empirically examine the quality of the revised WPT

based on data from participants with various L1 backgrounds.

6.2.1 Participants

The revised WPT was written in a web-based format in order to effectively collect data

from people with various L1 backgrounds all over the world. A total of 1,348 people

(470 males, 580 females, and 298 unspecified) participated in the research. 35 Their ages

ranged between 10 and 73, with the average being 29.4 (SD=11.9). The participants

were recruited in the following way: 22 participants took the test under the supervision

of a teacher as part of their English classroom activities, 76 participants took it because

their English teachers recommended the test to their students, and the other participants

knew the test through online social networking services where people recommended the

test to their friends (e.g., Facebook) and online advertisements where the advertisement

of the test was displayed on a web page along with search results when someone

searched using one of the pre-determined keywords (Google AdWords). The test was

taken by participants with a wide variety of L1s (Table 50) from more than 100

countries (Table 51). This may indicate that any advantages or disadvantages from

cognates and loan words for one native language over another are counterbalanced. The

participants also varied widely in their proficiency levels. Their vocabulary size as

measured by Nation and Beglar’s (2007) Vocabulary Size Test from 62 of the

participants ranged between 3,200 and 13,100 word families (Mean=8,958, SD=2,326).

This may indicate that the results from these participants are highly generalisable to

different groups of people.

Although a total of 1,439 people completed the test, the data from 1,348 people were used for
analysis. Data from 91 people were excluded from the analysis because the response record showed
that they completed the test too quickly (less than 1 second per item) or too slowly (more than 15
seconds per item). Test-takers who gave too quick answers typically got about 25% of the items
correct, indicating that they did the test without thinking carefully. Four people spent more than 15
seconds per item and their responses showed an irregular pattern in terms of Rasch fit statistics,
perhaps because they relied on external resources such as a dictionary for some difficult items.

Table 50. Participants’ L1s
No. of No. of
L1 % L1 %
participants participants
English 226 16.8 Malayalam 8 0.6
Arabic 102 7.6 Italian 7 0.5
Hindi 93 6.9 Ukrainian 7 0.5
Japanese 86 6.4 Telugu 6 0.4
Urdu 67 5.0 Malay 5 0.4
Russian 61 4.5 Marathi 5 0.4
Indonesian 60 4.5 Panjabi, Punjabi 5 0.4
Filipino 53 3.9 Burmese 4 0.3
Spanish 47 3.5 Korean 4 0.3
Vietnamese 47 3.5 Rajasthani 4 0.3
Chinese 46 3.4 Gujarati 3 0.2
Tamil 34 2.5 Finnish 2 0.1
Tagalog 28 2.1 Javanese 2 0.1
German 21 1.6 Kannada 2 0.1
French 19 1.4 Pashto, Pushto 2 0.1
Persian 14 1.0 Sindhi 2 0.1
Polish 14 1.0 Yoruba 2 0.1
Portuguese 14 1.0 Awadhi 1 0.1
Turkish 14 1.0 Bhojpuri 1 0.1
Bengali 11 0.8 Czech 1 0.1
Thai 11 0.8 Estonian 1 0.1
Romanian, Moldavian, 10 Uzbek 1 0.1
Dutch 8 0.6 Unspecified/other 187 13.9

6.2.2 Materials

The test was written in a web-based format so that the test could be taken effectively by

people all over the world. The web-based format has a number of advantages over a

paper-based one. First, the participants can take the test anywhere, anytime when they

have access to the Internet. Second, the response time can be recorded for each item so

that responses without careful thinking (too short response time) and responses using

external resources such as a dictionary (too long response time) may be excluded from

the analysis. Third, the web-based format makes sure that the test-takers cannot go back

Table 51. Locations of the participants (five or more participants)
Location No. of % Location No. of %
participants participants
India 148 11.0 Algeria 9 0.7
United States 120 8.9 Ethiopia 9 0.7
Philippines 92 6.8 France 9 0.7
New Zealand 72 5.3 Mexico 9 0.7
Japan 69 5.1 Nepal 9 0.7
Pakistan 69 5.1 Netherlands 9 0.7
Indonesia 57 4.2 Serbia 9 0.7
Egypt 46 3.4 Bulgaria 8 0.6
United Kingdom 36 2.7 Hong Kong 8 0.6
Vietnam 35 2.6 Kazakhstan 8 0.6
Russian Federation 30 2.2 United Arab 8 0.6
Canada 29 2.2 Argentina 7 0.5
Bangladesh 18 1.3 Australia 7 0.5
China 18 1.3 Iran 7 0.5
Poland 16 1.2 Lebanon 7 0.5
Thailand 16 1.2 Spain 7 0.5
Cambodia 13 1.0 Ukraine 7 0.5
Mongolia 13 1.0 Hungary 6 0.4
Georgia 12 0.9 Morocco 6 0.4
Iraq 12 0.9 Albania 5 0.4
Malaysia 12 0.9 Armenia 5 0.4
Singapore 12 0.9 Belgium 5 0.4
Turkey 12 0.9 Bosnia and 5 0.4
Germany 11 0.8 Italy 5 0.4
Saudi Arabia 11 0.8 Lithuania 5 0.4
Sri Lanka 11 0.8 Norway 5 0.4
Brazil 10 0.7 Romania 5 0.4
Honduras 10 0.7 Trinidad and 5 0.4
Taiwan 10 0.7 Other 134 9.9

to the previous questions nor skip any questions. Finally, an order effect is completely

counterbalanced because the order of the items and the options is automatically

randomised for each test-taker.

The test length was determined based on Study 1 so that the test would achieve an

estimated Rasch person reliability of .9 which indicates that the test discriminates the

sample into three or four levels (Linacre, 2010a, p. 512). The number of items required

to arrive at a reliability of .9 was estimated by the following Spearman-Brown

prediction formula (Brown, 1910; Spearman, 1910):

where T = target number of items, C = current number of items, RT = target person

reliability, and RC = current person reliability. For each form used in Study 1, the

number of items for arriving at the reliability of .9 was estimated after the deletion of

misfit items (Table 52).36

Table 52. Estimated number of items (reliability = .9)

Form section Meaning section Use section
Form A B C A B C A B C
Current No.
66 69 66 43 44 42 30 34 33
of items
Reliability .92 .91 .92 .88 .87 .89 .90 .90 .92
Target No.
51.7 61.4 51.7 52.8 59.2 46.7 30.0 34.0 25.8
of items
Ave. target
No. of 54.9 52.9 29.9

For the form section, the average target number of items was 54.9, indicating that at

least 55 items would be needed to arrive at the reliability of .9. In the same way, 53

Persons with extreme scores were included in the analysis (two persons got all items correct for
the meaning section) and model reliability instead of real reliability was used based on Linacre’s
(2010a) following suggestion: “in general, Cronbach Alpha overestimates reliability, Rasch
underestimates it. So, when it is likely that the Rasch reliability will be compared with conventional
KR-20 or Cronbach Alpha reliabilities, […] then include extreme persons and report the higher
Rasch reliability, the “Model” reliability, computed on the assumption that all unexpectedness in the
data is in accord with Rasch model predictions” (p.512).

items would be needed for the meaning section, and 30 items for the use section.37

The test was designed using a common item linking method where all test forms

shared particular items in common in order to make sure that each form contains items

with good fit statistics that would be useful for linking items in different forms (Bond &

Fox, 2007; Linacre, 2010a; Wright & Stone, 1979). For each section, ten or more items

with good fit statistics were chosen as common items because a common item linking

method requires at least five items that are spread out across the difficulty continuum

(Linacre, 2010a, p. 450). Here are the criteria for choosing the common items. The

information on the items (e.g., difficulty estimates and fit statistics) is based on the

results of Study 1.

1. Common items were selected from items with a wide range of difficulty

2. Common items were selected from items that showed good fit indices (outfit
mean-squares ranging between 0.8 and 1.2).

3. Common items were selected from items that showed invariance in difficulty
estimates between high-ability and low-ability groups.

4. Difficulty estimates for common items should not be affected by knowledge of

loan words in Japanese.

In order to meet the first criterion, stratified sampling was conducted; that is, items were

classified into difficulty levels each with a one-logit range (e.g., between 1 and 2 logits)

and were chosen from each level. Second, the outfit mean-square range of 0.8-1.2 may

be reasonable for common items because items within this range may be useful for

multiple-choice tests of high stakes (Bond & Fox, 2007, p. 243). Third, ideal common

items should be invariant in difficulty estimates across samples (Bond & Fox, 2007).

The sample was divided into equally-sized sub-samples with one being a high-ability

Missing data may decrease reliability (Linacre, 2010a), but very few people left items unanswered
and omitting people with missing data did not improve reliability.

group and the other being a low-ability group. The common items showed similar item

difficulty estimates (non-significant DIF) between the high- and low-ability groups. The

last criterion was set up because different samples with different L1 backgrounds might

show different item difficulty estimates for items that may be affected by knowledge of

loan words in Japanese. For example, in Japanese anchi- (anti-) is often used to create

words with the meaning of against such as anchi-kyojin (anti-Giants), which might lead

to the underestimation of the item difficulty of anti- with Japanese learners. In fact,

Mochizuki and Aizawa (2000) indicated that Japanese learners may be able to

demonstrate their knowledge of some infrequent affixes based on their knowledge of

frequent loan words in Japanese. In addition to the items with good fit statistics, each

form also included the misfit items identified in Study 1 in order to obtain as much

information as possible for examining the quality of the rewritten items. In sum, each

form was designed to include 1) items with good fit statistics for common item linking

and 2) the misfit items identified in Study 1.

For each test-taker, the test was programmed to have all the common items and to

randomly select items from the other items. Table 53 presents the number of items

included in each test form. The number of items was determined based on the following


1. In order to achieve an estimated reliability of .9, the form section had at least 55
items, the meaning section had at least 53 items, and the use section had at least
30 items;

2. Ten or more items with good fit statistics were included for common item

3. All misfit items were included in every form; and

4. The rest of the items (other than items for common item linking and misfit
items) had a 50% chance of being selected so that each item would be answered
by half of the participants. Given that at least 250 examinees are needed for
stable item calibrations with 99% confidence (Linacre, 1994), this design

required at least 500 participants, which was considered to be highly achievable.

Table 53. Number of items for each form of the revised WPT
Common items
Section Other items Total
Misfit items Good items
Form 11 10 44 65
Meaning 9 24 21 54
Use 11 10 19 40

Table 53 shows that each form has a total of 159 items, which indicates that the web-

based WPT was slightly shorter than the paper-based WPT used in Study 1 and thus the

test was expected to be completed within 30 minutes.

The order of the three sections (form, meaning, and use) was determined so that the

previous sections would not help answer the following sections. The form section

always came first because the other two sections might help answer the items in the

form section correctly. The order of the other two sections (meaning and use) was

randomised for each test-taker because there was no clear reason for having one section

earlier than the other. Thus, for each form, the three sections were randomly ordered in

the following two ways: form-meaning-use and form-use-meaning. For each test-taker,

the item order was randomised in order to counterbalance an order effect, but prefixes

were always followed by suffixes because the mixture of prefixes and suffixes might

make the test confusing. For the form and the meaning sections, the order of the options

was also randomised for each test-taker in order to counterbalance an order effect. The

option order in the use section was not randomised because all the items in this section

had the fixed four options (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) and randomised options

might increase construct-irrelevant difficulty.

Test-takers were presented with one item on a computer screen at a time, and when

they clicked on an answer they were presented with the next item. They were not

allowed to go back to the previous items to change the answers in order to make sure

that the responses were not affected by the subsequent items. They could read the

instructions at any time if they clicked on the Show Instructions button which was

presented at the upper left of every item. They were also presented with an indication of

their progress: the number of items they have completed and the total number of items

in the section. Figures 39-41 illustrate the examples of the web-based WPT for the three

sections. Each figure presents two examples: one for a prefix and the other for a suffix.

For the form section, test-takers must choose a real affix from four options (Figure 39).

For the meaning section, they must choose the closest meaning of the target affix

(Figure 40). For the use section, they must choose the part of speech that the target affix

forms (Figure 41). The response time was recorded for each item so that unreliable data

could be identified.

For the participants who completed the test, a report on their level of word part

knowledge was provided as soon as they finished the test. They were also presented

with a list of word parts that would help them to improve their knowledge of word parts.

Example 1 Example 2

Figure 39. Examples of the web-based form section

Example 1 Example 2

Figure 40. Examples of the web-based meaning section

Example 1 Example 2

Figure 41. Examples of the web-based use section

6.2.3 Procedure for Item Analysis

Data were collected through the Internet between July and October 2011. The data were

entered into one Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (12.0.6545) spreadsheet, exported to

WINSTEPS 3.71.0 (Linacre, 2010b) for Rasch analysis. As with Study 1, items that

were not taken by a test-taker were treated as missing data.

As with Study 1, the effect of lucky guessing was investigated in order to examine

whether lucky guessing should be corrected for item analysis. In so doing, Rasch item

and person outfit statistics were examined for each section. If difficult items or low

ability persons tend to be identified as misfit, that means difficult items tend to be

unexpectedly answered correctly or low ability persons tend to unexpectedly answer

correctly, indicating lucky guessing. The probability of low ability persons succeeding

on difficult items was also examined. If lucky guessing occurs, this success probability

approaches 1/m, where m = number of multiple-choice options.

First, the effect of lucky guessing was investigated for the form section. Figure 42

illustrates the scatter plot of item difficulty and outfit t for this section. The horizontal

axis shows item difficulty in logits, where larger numbers indicate more difficult items.

The vertical axis shows outfit t whose values larger than 2.0 are taken as misfitting to

the Rasch model. This figure indicates a tendency that difficult items are identified as

misfit. Figure 43 presents the scatter plot of person ability and outfit t. The horizontal

axis shows person ability in logits, where larger numbers indicate more able persons.

The vertical axis shows outfit t whose values larger than 2.0 are taken as misfitting to

the Rasch model. This figure indicates a tendency that low ability persons are identified

as misfit.

Figure 42. Item difficulty and outfit t Figure 43. Person ability and outfit t for
for the form section the form section

Figure 44 illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability Bn

met an item with the difficulty Di. The horizontal axis shows the difference between

person ability (Bn) and item difficulty (Di) for each response. A larger number in Bn-Di

indicates a response resulting from a person with higher ability meeting an easier item.

A smaller number in Bn-Di, on the other hand, indicates a response resulting from a

Figure 44. Success probability for the form section

person with lower ability meeting a more difficult item. The vertical axis shows the

probability of a person with ability Bn succeeding on an item with difficulty Di. The

smooth line represents the theoretical model. The dotted line, which represents the

empirical data obtained from the participants in Study 2, deviates from the expected

model with smaller values of Bn-Di. In other words, when people with low ability met

difficult items, their success probabilities approached 25% (the expected percentage of

correct responses by random guessing), which was higher than the model expectation.

Taken together, Figures 42-44 indicate that lucky guessing occurred when people

with low ability met difficult items in the form section. The design of the present

research may allow such random guessing to occur, because a) no Don’t know options

were provided, b) the participants had to choose one answer to go to the next item, and

c) for validation purposes all the participants worked on items with varying levels of

difficulty. Lucky guessing was corrected by deleting response records which have

difficulty greater than b + ln(m-1), where b is the person’s initial estimated ability and m

is the number of options (Wright & Stone, 1979). As each item had four options,

responses with an item difficulty greater than b + 1.1 were deleted. A total of 4,646 out

of 87,620 (5.3%) responses were deleted as the result of this treatment.

Second, similar to the form section, outfit statistics and success probabilities were

examined for the meaning section. Figure 45 illustrates the scatter plot of item difficulty

and outfit t for this section. This figure indicates a tendency that difficult items are

identified as misfitting. Figure 46 presents the scatter plot of person ability and outfit t.

This figure indicates a weak tendency that low ability persons are identified as

misfitting. Figure 47 illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability

Bn met an item with the difficulty Di. This figure shows that the dotted line (empirical

Figure 45. Item difficulty and outfit t for Figure 46. Person ability and outfit t for
the meaning section the meaning section

Figure 47. Success probability for the meaning section

data) deviates increasingly from the expected model with smaller values of Bn-Di. In

other words, when people with low ability met difficult items, their success probabilities

approached 25% (the expected percentage of correct responses by random guessing),

which was higher than the model expectation.38 Taken together, Figures 45-47 indicate

In Figure 47, the success probability was much higher (.5 at -5.0<Bn-Di<-4.5) than the expectation
because there were only six responses (three correct and three wrong responses).

that lucky guessing occurred when people with low ability met difficult items in the

meaning section. As with the form section, lucky guessing was corrected by deleting

response records with an item difficulty greater than b + 1.1. A total of 2,284 out of

72,792 (3.2%) responses were deleted as the result of this treatment.

Finally, outfit statistics and success probabilities were examined for the use section.

Figure 48 illustrates the scatter plot of item difficulty and outfit t for this section. This

figure indicates a tendency that difficult items are identified as misfitting. Figure 49

presents the scatter plot of person ability and outfit t. This figure does not clearly

indicate a tendency that low ability persons are identified as misfit, but 84% of the

misfit persons (48 out of 57) had person ability estimates below the average (1.11 logits).

This may be taken as supportive evidence for the effect of lucky guessing. Figure 50

illustrates the probability of success when a person with the ability Bn met an item with

the difficulty Di. This figure shows that the dotted line (empirical data) deviates

increasingly from the expected model with smaller values of Bn-Di. In other words,

when people with low ability met difficult items, their success probabilities approached

25% (the expected percentage of correct responses by random guessing), which was

higher than the model expectation. Taken together, Figures 48-50 may indicate lucky

guessing for responses with smaller Bn-Di. As with the previous two sections, lucky

guessing was corrected by deleting response records with an item difficulty greater than

b + 1.1. A total of 6,076 out of 53,920 (11.3%) responses were deleted as the result of

this treatment.

Figure 48. Item difficulty and outfit t for Figure 49. Person ability and outfit t for
the use section the use section

Figure 50. Success probability for the use section

In summary, lucky guessing was corrected for all three sections by deleting

response records that have an item difficulty greater than b + ln(m-1) (Wright & Stone,

1979). The subsequent section discusses the validity of the revised WPT after the

correction for lucky guessing.

6.2.4 Validity

This section aims to investigate the validity of the revised WPT. As with the validation

of the GCT, the WPT was validated based on Messick’s (1989, 1995) six aspects of

construct validity (content, substantive, structural, generalizability, external, and

consequential) and the two non-overlapping aspects (responsiveness and

interpretability) proposed by the Medical Outcomes Trust Scientific Advisory

Committee (1995) (see Section 4.6 for a detailed discussion). The subsequent sections

provide evidence of the construct validity of the WPT from the eight aspects largely on

the basis of Rasch measurement. Content Aspect

The content aspect of construct validity was evaluated in terms of relevance,

representativeness and technical quality (Messick, 1989, 1995). This section

investigates the content aspect from each of the three sub-aspects.


An in-depth discussion of the construct definition of word part knowledge and the tasks

for measuring the construct was given in the previous chapter. Here are the key points.

 The present research focuses on written receptive knowledge of word parts.

Word part knowledge involves 1) recognition of the form of the word part in
a word, 2) knowing its meaning, and 3) knowing its use (part of speech)
(Bauer & Nation, 1993; Nation, 2001; Tyler & Nagy, 1989):.

 The WPT had three sections (form, meaning, and use) in order to measure the
three aspects of receptive word part knowledge.

 A word part, or an affix, was defined as a bound morph which co-occurs with
bases which contain free morphs. The present research focused on
derivational affixes instead of inflectional ones.

 The 118 word parts that were selected for the present research appeared in
more than one word family in the first 10,000 word families in the BNC word
lists. Allomorphs (word parts which vary in spelling or sound but not in
meaning) were treated as different word parts.

 The quality of the 118 word parts was considered high, because these word
parts covered a large proportion of the word parts that were listed or used in
previous studies (Bauer & Nation, 1993; Bock, 1948; Carroll, 1940; Freyd &
Baron, 1982; Harwood & Wright, 1956; Mochizuki, 1998; Mochizuki &
Aizawa, 2000; Nagy, et al., 1993; Nation, 2001; Schmitt & Meara, 1997;
Stauffer, 1942; Thorndike, 1941; Tyler & Nagy, 1989; Wysocki & Jenkins,
1987): an average of 67.4% for prefixes and 90.0% for suffixes (The low
coverage for prefixes was mainly due to a different definition of affix).

 The test format for each section was determined by examining six aspects of
test usefulness: reliability, construct, authenticity, interactiveness, impact, and
practicality (Bachman & Palmer, 1996). The selected formats were
considered to be most useful from these perspectives.

 All the selected word parts were measured in the form section.

 A total of 73 word parts with substantial meaning were measured in the

meaning section. Word parts with highly abstract meaning such as -ness (state,
condition, quality) in happiness and -ment (action, state, results) in movement
were excluded.

 A total of 59 word parts that change the part of speech of the word base were
included in the use section.

It should be reasonable to conclude that the test content is highly relevant to knowledge

of English word parts because the tasks were created so that word part knowledge may

be comprehensively measured in three different sections.


The WPT is considered to be highly representative of the construct domain, because 1)

affixes were selected from the most frequent 10,000 word families which may be a

minimum requirement for unassisted comprehension of written text (Laufer &

Ravenhorst-Kalovski, 2010; Nation, 2006), 2) the selected affixes covered a large

proportion of affixes that were identified or used in previous studies, and 3) all the

selected word parts were measured in the WPT.

Representativeness was also evaluated through the Rasch item difficulty hierarchy

(Smith Jr., 2004b). The spread of item calibrations was examined by item strata. An

item strata index indicates the number of statistically different levels of item difficulty,

and is derived by the following formula:

Item strata = (4 Gitem+1)/3,

where Gitem is Rasch item separation. Item strata statistics need to be greater than 2.0

for useful tests (Smith Jr., 2004b, p. 106). The item strata statistics for the three sections

are presented in Table 54. This table shows that each section had an item strata index of

well above 2, which may be taken as supportive evidence for the representativeness of

the tasks.

Table 54. Item strata for the three sections of the revised WPT
Section Item strata
Form 13.91
Meaning 11.39
Use 13.25

Finally, representativeness was investigated by examining a Rasch person-item

map to see whether there were gaps in the item difficulty hierarchy. Figure 51 is a

person-item map for the form section. The far left of this figure shows a Rasch logit

scale with the mean item difficulty being 0. In this figure, the item distribution is

presented on the right. More difficult items are located towards the top and less difficult

items are located towards the bottom. Figure 51 shows that there are no gaps in the item

difficulty hierarchy between +2 and -2 logits, indicating a high degree of

representativeness in terms of item difficulty for that range. It also shows that the

affix -i is by far the most difficult to recognise. A fit analysis identified this item as

misfit (outfit t = 4.9, infit t = 5.1), perhaps because one of the distractors was chosen by

a large number of people with high ability. This will be discussed later in this section.

Figure 52 is a person-item map for the meaning section. This figure shows that

there are few gaps in the item difficulty hierarchy between +2.5 and -2.5 logits. Taken

together with the sufficient number of statistically distinct levels (item strata = 11.39),

the meaning section may be highly representative in terms of item difficulty.

Figure 53 is a person-item map for the use section. This figure shows that there are

few gaps in the item difficulty hierarchy between +2 and -2 logits. Taken together with

the sufficient number of statistically distinct levels (item strata = 13.25), the use section

may be highly representative in terms of item difficulty.

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
5 *### +
# T |
##### | -i
4 +
*#### |
*# |
*##### |
*### |
3 *#### S |
*#### |
*#### |
*####### | T
*####### | -ster
2 *########## + -let
*############ | -atory -esque -ette
*############ M | -ar -eer -ery
########### | -th
-en -or -ways -fold
*########## | S
-ite -ory -ure
1 *######### + -ance -ancy -dom
*######## | -atic -et -ible
-an -ary -cy -ee -ency
*####### |
-ese -ion -most arch-
*###### | -age -ant -ify -ic -ize -ling
-al -ence -hood -ent -ian -ity
*#### S |
0 *### | M -ess -ist -ship -ous neo-
-ism -some -ty -ise -ive
*# |
-ward -wise mal-
*# | -ate -ation -er circum-
*## | -ish be- il- bi- counter- sur-
*# | -ful ab- en- -ition -y em-
-1 * + -less -ness co- ir-
*# T | S -able -ment anti- fore- trans-
im- in- pre- mid- mono- post-
*# |
-ly dis- ex- auto- de- hyper-
*# |
non- semi-
* | multi- uni-
-2 * + inter- mis- sub- pro- re- un-
* |
* | T micro-
* |
* |
-3 * +
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 8 persons; * = 1 to 7 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates; S
= one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the mean.

Figure 51. Person-item map for the form section

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
4 ##### S +
*### |
*## |
*## |
## |
3 *##### +
*## | -ette
*### |
*### M |
*### | T a-(not) arch-
*### | in-
2 *### + -et -ling
*## | de-
*### |
*# | -ship counter- neo-
*### | mal-
*## | S -ite -let pro- sur- uni-
1 *# S + -fold ab- ex-
*## | inter-
* | -dom -ism super-
*# | circum-
* | -less sub-
* | co- hyper- mono- non-
-ful -hood -i a-(toward) bi-
0 * + M
-il im- post-
-ible -ster -wise dis- fore-
* |
ir- un-
* | -ward auto-
* | -ent -most
* T | anti-
* | -able -ant -ary micro- semi-
-1 * + -or multi- trans-
* | S -en mis- pre-
* | -er -ess re-
* | -ee -ways
* | -an
* | -eer mid-
-2 * + -ian -ist
* | -th
* | T -ese
* |
* |
* |
-3 * +
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 15 persons; * = 1 to 14 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates;
S = one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the

Figure 52. Person-item map for the meaning section

<More able persons> | <More difficulty items>
3 ##### +
*######## |
*###### S |
*####### |
*######## |
*####### | -ways(adv)
2 ###### + T -wise(adv)
*####### | -ly(adj)
*####### |
*######### | -atory(adj)
*######## |
*######## | -ory(adj) be-(v)
1 ######### M + S -ary(adj) -ward(adv) a-(adv)
######### | -y(n) em-(v)
*###### | -esque(adj) -ty(n)
######## | -en(v) -ency(n) en-(v)
-age(n) -ancy(n) -ify(v) -ise(v) -ity(n)
####### |
-ize(v) -th(n)
*######### | -al(n) -ant(adj) -ar(adj) -cy(n) -some(adj)
-able(adj) -ate(adj) -ence(n) -ery(n) -less(adj)
0 *####### + M
-ness(n) -ure(n)
*########## | -en(adj) -ible(adj) -ic(adj) -ion(n) -ition(n)
*######### | -ance(n) -atic(adj) -ation(n)
*######## | -al(adj) -ate(v) -ive(adj) -ly(adv) -y(adj)
*######### S | -ful(adj) -ment(n)
*######## | -ent(adj)
-1 *###### S S -ish(adj) -ous(adj)
*##### |
*## |
*### | -ary(n)
### | -ant(n)
*# |
-2 *# + T -ee(n) -ent(n)
*# | -er(n) -or(n)
*# |
* T |
* |
* |
-3 *# |+
<Less able persons> <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 5 persons; * = 1 to 4 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates; S
= one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the mean;
n = noun; v = verb; adj = adjective; adv = adverb.

Figure 53. Person-item map for the use section

Technical Quality

Technical quality was investigated by examining the degree to which the empirical data

fit the Rasch model (Smith Jr., 2004b). More specifically, point-measure correlations

and fit statistics were investigated for each section. The present research used outfit and

infit standardised t statistics as the primary criterion for detecting misfit items instead of

outfit and infit unstandardised mean-square statistics, because the t statistics may

identify a greater number of misfit items than mean-square statistics with a larger

sample. Mean-square statistics allow an increasing number of items to be acceptable

simply by increasing sample size (Smith, 2000; Smith, et al., 1998; Smith & Suh, 2003).

With a sample size of more than 1,300, mean-square statistics might fail to identify a

number of misfit items. It should be noted here that the t statistics might potentially

identify good items as misfit with a large sample size (Karabatsos, 2000; Linacre, 2003;

Smith, et al., 2008); thus, each misfit item (outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0) was carefully

inspected to see whether it was really a bad item. Misfit items that met all the following

four criteria (C1-C4) were regarded as being acceptable:

C1. Outfit and infit mean-square statistics were smaller than 1.5 which may
be an indication of “useful” fit (Linacre, 2002, 2003, 2010a);

C2. The correct answer was higher in the average person ability than any of
the three distractors;

C3. The correct answer showed a positive point-measure correlation, while

the three distractors showed negative point-measure correlations; and

C4. The three distractors were not greatly different in the distribution of
responses (the percentage of respondents who chose the distractor and
their average person ability estimate).

First, the quality of the items was investigated for the form section. No items in

this section showed negative or low positive point-measure correlations (less than .10),

which supports the technical quality of this section. A subsequent fit analysis identified

ten items as misfit. Four of the ten misfit items had been identified as misfit in Study 1

(Table 55).

Table 55. Misfit items in the form section (Studies 1 & 2)

Item Outfit Infit
Affix Difficulty S.E.
68 -et 0.83 0.07 7.4 1.56 8.5 1.26
90 -ling 0.83 0.07 6.8 1.50 9.9 1.30
93 -most 1.03 0.07 4.4 1.28 6.3 1.18
105 -ways 1.13 0.07 2.4 1.13 4.9 1.13

Here are the details of the four misfit items.

 Item 68: -et

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -et -io -ob -ht
% chosen 68.2 12.0 8.4 11.4
Ave. ability (logits) 2.04 1.98 1.06 1.27
PT-measure corr.* .20 .03 -.19 -.17
*point-measure correlation;

The analysis showed that Item 68 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 1.56) and C3

(point-measure correlation of Distractor 1 = .03). A close look at Distractor 1 showed

that it was chosen by a number of native English speakers with high ability; specifically,

it was chosen by 27 native speakers with person ability estimates of larger than 3.03

logits (90% probability of succeeding on Item 68), while only seven non-native

speakers with that range of ability estimates chose it. This may have been because they

recalled infrequent words with the -io ending such as cheerio and mustachio which

might be mistaken as cheer + -io and mustache + -io. The mean-square fit statistics got

acceptably improved (<1.5) if the 27 native speakers were removed from the analysis

(outfit mean-square = 1.24; infit mean-square = 1.20). The statistics of Distractor 1 also

became acceptable with this treatment (% chosen = 10.0%, average ability = 1.61;

point-measure correlation = -.05). Given that the WPT is designed primarily for English

learners, it should be reasonable to conclude that this item is acceptable.

 Item 90: -ling

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ling -reat -tute -bute
% chosen 68.2 7.6 12.4 11.8
Ave. ability (logits) 2.02 0.91 1.83 1.59
PT-measure corr. .18 -.21 -.01 -.08

Item 90 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4.

 Item 93: -most

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -most -oard -ogue -laim
% chosen 65.4 8.1 17.3 9.2
Ave. ability (logits) 2.16 1.04 1.75 1.15
PT-measure corr. .28 -.21 -.06 -.19

Item 93 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4. Distractor 2 was

chosen by a relatively large number of persons with high ability, but it was unlikely to

be mistaken for a real affix.

 Item 105: -ways

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ways -ause -ript -oice
% chosen 63.9 16.4 7.2 12.5
Ave. ability (logits) 2.22 1.47 1.41 1.27
PT-measure corr. .32 -.16 -.12 -.20

Item 105 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4.

Rasch analysis in Study 2 detected six misfit items that had been acceptable in

Study 1 (Table 56).

Table 56. Misfit items in the form section (Study 2 only)
Item Outfit Infit
Affix Difficulty S.E.
101 -th 1.33 0.09 7.2 1.58 8.1 1.31
73 -i 4.20 0.11 4.9 1.38 5.1 1.31
100 -ster 2.23 0.09 3.5 1.19 3.0 1.11
103 -ure 1.52 0.09 2.8 1.20 5.1 1.19
45 -an 0.57 0.10 2.6 1.29 3.8 1.17
89 -let 2.02 0.09 2.2 1.13 4.2 1.15

Here are the six misfit items.

 Item 101: -th

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -th -ak -wn -ul
% chosen 61.1 6.0 6.0 26.9
Ave. ability (logits) 2.10 1.26 1.49 1.87
PT-measure corr. .16 -.15 -.10 -.04
Frequency in 10k wds 95 25 41 128
Replaced by -ol
Frequency in 10k wds 29

The analysis showed that Item 101 violated C1 (outfit mean-square value = 1.58). A

close look at the distractors showed that Distractor 3 was chosen by a large number of

persons (26.9%) with relatively high ability (1.87). This distractor may have been

popular, because there are a large number of words with the -ul ending many of which

were part of the -ful ending (e.g., beautiful and careful). To avoid this confusion, this

distractor was replaced by -ol (e.g., alcohol and school) which is less frequent than -ul

and is less likely to be perceived to be a real suffix.

 Item 73: -i
Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -i -u -r -p
% chosen 30.7 3.7 62.4 3.2
Ave. ability (logits) 3.44 2.78 3.25 2.52
PT-measure corr. .12 -.10 -.02 -.15
Frequency in 10k wds 9 17 2,415 287
Replaced by -w
Frequency in 10k wds 133

The analysis showed that Item 73 violated C4 (Distractor 2 was chosen by a large

number of persons (62.4%) with relatively high ability (3.25)). Distractor 2 may have

been popular, because there are a large number of words with the -r ending many of

which were part of the -er/-or ending (e.g., teacher and actor). Some of the words might

have been mistakenly divided into a word base + -r (e.g., maker = make + -r, and baker

= bake + -r). To avoid this confusion, this distractor was replaced by -w (e.g., follow and

window) which is less frequent than -r and is less likely to be viewed as a real suffix.

 Item 100: -ster

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ster -ange -ulum -unch
% chosen 49.0 33.9 10.2 6.9
Ave. ability (logits) 2.58 1.94 2.18 1.52
PT-measure corr. .31 -.21 -.02 -.19

Item 100 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4. Distractor 1 was

chosen by a relatively large number of persons, but their average person ability was not

typically high.

 Item 103: -ure
Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -ure -mph -oke -nse
% chosen 58.1 9.1 8.1 24.7
Ave. ability (logits) 2.30 1.53 1.47 1.66
PT-measure corr. .29 -.12 -.13 -.17

Item 103 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4. Distractor 3 was

chosen by a relatively large number of persons, but their average person ability was not

extremely high compared to the other distractors.

 Item 45: -an

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -an -oo -ue -lc
% chosen 72.2 9.5 15.4 2.9
Ave. ability (logits) 2.09 1.49 1.18 0.93
PT-measure corr. .28 -.09 -.22 -.12

Item 45 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4.

 Item 89: -let

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option -let -que -nct -uid
% chosen 51.8 33.9 5.3 9.0
Ave. ability (logits) 2.53 1.90 1.73 1.54
PT-measure corr. .32 -.18 -.09 -.18

Item 89 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4. Distractor 1 was

chosen by a relatively large number of persons, but their average person ability was not

extremely high compared to the other distractors.

Second, the quality of the items in the meaning section was investigated. No items

in this section showed negative or low positive point-measure correlations (less

than .10), which supports the technical quality of this section. A subsequent fit analysis

identified nine items as misfit. Two of the nine misfit items had been identified as misfit

in Study 1 (Table 57).

Table 57. Misfit items in the meaning section (Studies 1 & 2)

Item Outfit Infit
Affix Difficulty S.E.
65 -ling 1.97 0.07 9.9 2.00 9.9 1.47
54 -fold 1.04 0.08 2.5 1.25 3.6 1.16

Here are the details of the two misfit items.

 Item 65: -ling (weakling; underling)

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option opposite too much direction
% chosen 70.9 5.4 14.0 9.7
Ave. ability (logits) 3.57 2.05 3.07 2.57
PT-measure corr. .24 -.19 -.06 -.15
Replaced by together

The analysis showed that Item 65 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 2.00). A close look

at the distractors revealed that Distractor 2 was chosen by a relatively large number of

persons (14.0%) with high ability (3.07). This may have been because this distractor

(too much) was too close to the correct meaning. The test-takers may have thought a

weakling to be too weak a person and an underling to be a person in too low a position.

This distractor was replaced by together which may be further away from the correct


 Item 54: -fold (twofold; threefold)

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option times under self over
% chosen 81.0 4.3 3.1 11.6
Ave. ability (logits) 3.50 1.76 1.63 2.02
PT-measure corr. .37 -.18 -.17 -.25

Item 54 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4.
Rasch analysis in Study 2 detected six misfit items that had been acceptable in
Study 1 (Table 58).

Table 58. Misfit items in the meaning section (Study 2 only)

Item Outfit Infit
Affix Difficulty S.E.
70 -th -2.09 0.26 4.6 4.43 -1.1 0.79
43 -ary -0.88 0.17 3.6 2.76 2.2 1.28
32 re- -1.35 0.20 3.1 2.55 1.2 1.19
55 -ful 0.00 0.14 2.4 1.59 1.9 1.18
66 -most -0.49 0.11 2.3 1.53 0.1 1.00
59 -ible -0.20 0.11 2.1 1.41 0.2 1.01

Here are the details of the six misfit items.

 Item 70: -th (fourth; sixth)

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option number person not small
% chosen 96.8 1.2 0.4 1.6
Ave. ability (logits) 3.16 0.66 -1.49 -1.95
PT-measure corr. .37 -.13 -.15 -.32

The analysis showed that Item 70 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 4.43), and

Distractor 1 was chosen by persons with relatively high ability (0.66). A close look at

this distractor revealed that it was chosen by two native speakers with high ability

estimates (4.8 logits = 99.9% probability of succeeding on this item). This may have

been due to careless mistakes which may have occurred because the test-takers were not

allowed to go back to the previous items to change the answers once they clicked on

one option. The fit statistics got acceptably improved if the two native speakers were

removed from the analysis (outfit mean-square = 1.21; infit mean-square = 0.74). The

statistics of Distractor 1 also became acceptable with this treatment (% chosen = 0.9%,

average ability = -0.72; point-measure correlation = -.18). Thus, this item was

considered acceptable.

 Item 43: -ary (secretary; commentary)

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option person/thing away from after many
% chosen 92.9 2.2 2.2 2.7
Ave. ability (logits) 3.14 0.49 1.94 0.79
PT-measure corr. .28 -.20 -.08 -.19

The analysis showed that Item 43 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 2.76), and

Distractor 2 was chosen by persons with relatively high ability (1.94). A close look at

this distractor revealed that it was chosen by six persons with high ability estimates

(larger than 3.72 logits = more than 99% probability of succeeding on this item). This

may have been due to careless mistakes. The fit statistics got acceptably improved if the

six persons were removed from the analysis (outfit mean-square = 1.41; infit mean-

square = 1.22). The statistics of Distractor 2 also became acceptable with this treatment

(% chosen = 1.4%, average ability = 0.65; point-measure correlation = -.15). Thus, this

item was considered acceptable.

 Item 32: re- (replay; rebuild)

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option again person before female
% chosen 95.1 0.7 3.4 0.8
Ave. ability (logits) 3.08 -0.53 1.45 -1.46
PT-measure corr. .28 -.16 -.15 -.22

The analysis showed that Item 32 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 2.55), and

Distractor 2 was chosen by a relatively large number of persons (3.4%) with relatively

high ability (1.45). A close look at this distractor revealed that it was chosen by four

persons with high ability estimates (larger than 3.25 logits = more than 99% probability

of succeeding on this item). This may have been due to careless mistakes. The fit

statistics got acceptably improved if the four persons were removed from the analysis

(outfit mean-square = 0.97; infit mean-square = 1.14). The statistics of Distractor 2 also

became acceptable with this treatment (% chosen = 2.8%, average ability = 0.91; point-

measure correlation = -.19). Thus, this item was considered acceptable.

 Item 55: -ful (handful; mouthful)

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option amount small not person
% chosen 88.7 3.1 1.4 6.8
Ave. ability (logits) 3.23 1.40 0.39 1.52
PT-measure corr. .33 -.16 -.18 -.23

The analysis showed that Item 55 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 1.59), and

Distractor 3 was chosen by a relatively large number of persons (6.8%) with relatively

high ability (1.52). A close look at this distractor revealed that it was chosen by two

persons with high ability estimates (larger than 4.60 logits = more than 99% probability

of succeeding on this item). This may have been due to careless mistakes. The fit

statistics got acceptably improved if the two persons were removed from the analysis

(outfit mean-square = 1.34; infit mean-square = 1.16). The statistics of Distractor 3 also

became acceptable with this treatment (% chosen = 6.5%, average ability = 1.40; point-

measure correlation = -.24). Thus, this item was considered acceptable.

 Item 66: -most (topmost; uppermost)

Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option the furthest person opposite half
% chosen 91.3 3.1 3.4 2.3
Ave. ability (logits) 3.25 0.45 0.34 0.95
PT-measure corr. .41 -.24 -.26 -.17

Item 66 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4.

 Item 59: -ible (accessible; convertible)
Correct Dstractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option can be person/place after times
% chosen 90.1 4.3 2.3 3.4
Ave. ability (logits) 3.29 1.41 0.38 0.59
PT-measure corr. .39 -.19 -.22 -.25

Item 59 may be acceptable because it meets the four criteria C1-C4.

Finally, the quality of the items in the use section was investigated. No items in this

section showed negative or low positive point-measure correlations (less than .10),

which supports the technical quality of this section. A subsequent fit analysis identified

eight items as misfit. Four of the eight misfit items had been identified as misfit in

Study 1 (Table 59).

Table 59. Misfit items in the use section (Studies 1 & 2)

Item Outfit Infit
Affix Difficulty S.E.
44 -ly(adj) 1.89 0.08 9.9 1.79 9.9 1.57
58 -y(adj) -0.58 0.08 3.3 1.40 4.7 1.18
14 -ary(adj) 1.00 0.07 2.5 1.15 3.4 1.11
16 -ate(adj) 0.02 0.07 2.1 1.18 5.7 1.21

The correct answer for all four items in Table 59 was adjective. Here are the details of

the four items.

 Item 44: -ly (adjective) (lively; friendly)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 51.0 0.4 1.2 47.4
Ave. ability (logits) 2.26 -0.38 0.96 1.79
PT-measure corr. .18 -.11 -.08 -.15

The analysis showed that Item 44 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 1.79, infit mean-

square =1.57) and C4 (Distractor 3 was chosen by a large number of persons with high

ability). This may be because the majority of words with the -ly ending are adverbs (e.g.,

widely). As discussed in Section, however, the two example words (lively and

friendly) are high-frequency words, and are used only as adjectives; thus, this item does

not need to be rewritten. No change was made to this item but it needs watching for

future use of the test.

 Item 58: -y (adjective) (lucky; healthy)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 75.3 7.5 3.9 13.3
Ave. ability (logits) 1.60 0.04 -1.25 0.08
PT-measure corr. .41 -.18 -.27 -.23

 Item 14:-ary (adjective) (revolutionary; parliamentary)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 62.0 24.0 1.4 12.6
Ave. ability (logits) 2.29 1.05 0.08 0.71
PT-measure corr. .44 -.26 -.13 -.26

 Item 16: -ate (adjective) (passionate; fortunate)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adjective noun verb adverb
% chosen 69.9 9.7 10.5 9.9
Ave. ability (logits) 1.82 0.34 0.51 -0.05
PT-measure corr. .42 -.19 -.17 -.27

Items 58, 14, and 16 may be acceptable because they meet the four criteria C1-C4.

Rasch analysis in Study 2 detected four misfit items that had been acceptable in Study

1 (Table 60).

Table 60. Misfit items in the use section (Study 2 only)
Item Outfit Infit
Affix Difficulty S.E.
1 a-(adv) 1.00 0.07 9.8 1.68 9.9 1.38
55 -ward(adv) 1.03 0.10 3.9 1.34 3.8 1.18
57 -wise(adv) 2.07 0.12 3.9 1.26 4.2 1.21
56 -ways(adv) 2.14 0.11 2.2 1.14 2.7 1.13

The correct answer for these four items in Table 60 was adverb. Here are the details of

the four items.

 Item 1: a- (adverb) (ahead; aside)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adverb noun verb adjective
% chosen 61.5 10.8 2.8 24.8
Ave. ability (logits) 2.09 0.82 0.35 1.45
PT-measure corr. .29 -.21 -.16 -.11

The analysis showed that Item 1 violated C1 (outfit mean-square = 1.68), and Distractor

3 (adjective) was chosen by many people (24.8%) with relatively high ability (1.45).

This may have been because some words with the prefix a- could also be used as an

adjective (e.g., asleep). However, the two example words were high-frequency words

(2nd 1,000 for ahead and 3rd 1,000 for aside in the BNC word lists) and had no

adjective usages in the BNC; thus, there were no better alternatives to rewrite. No

change was made to this item but it needs watching for future use of the test.

 Item 55: -ward (adverb) (upward; backward)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adverb noun verb adjective
% chosen 61.5 8.9 4.7 24.9
Ave. ability (logits) 2.22 0.83 0.48 1.23
PT-measure corr. .38 -.20 -.19 -.21

 Item 57: -wise (adverb) (clockwise; stepwise)
Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adverb noun verb adjective
% chosen 51.2 12.8 2.5 33.5
Ave. ability (logits) 2.66 1.15 1.16 1.98
PT-measure corr. .36 -.31 -.13 -.12

 Item 56: -ways (adverb) (sideways; lengthways)

Correct Distractor 1 Distractor 2 Distractor 3
Option adverb noun verb adjective
% chosen 49.6 19.6 1.0 29.8
Ave. ability (logits) 2.73 1.52 1.65 1.79
PT-measure corr. .41 -.32 -.04 -.14

The analyses showed that Items 55, 57, and 56 met C1-C3, but Distractor 3 (adjective)

was chosen by many people with relatively high ability. This may be because the

suffixes -ward, -wise, and -ways can also make an adjective (e.g., an upward trend, a

clockwise direction, and a sideways glance). Although these three items had been

acceptable both in a pilot study with ten highly proficient native and non-native English

speakers (see Section and in Study 1 with Japanese learners of English, they

were excluded from the use section, because they had two possible correct answers

(adverb and adjective) and these three suffixes were measured in the form and the

meaning sections.

This subsection has looked at the content aspect of construct validity. The item

analysis based on the Rasch model revealed that the vast majority of the items were

acceptable, which may be taken as empirical support for the content aspect of the

construct validity of the WPT. Table 61 summarises the eight unacceptable items and

how these items were treated. The top five items in the table (-th, and -i for the form

section, -ling for the meaning section, and -ly and a- for the use section) need to be

inspected for future use of the WPT.

Table 61. Unacceptable items and their remedy

Section Affix Remedy
Form -th Rewritten
-i Rewritten
Meaning -ling Rewritten
Use -ly (adjective) None
a- (adverb) None
-ward Omitted
-ways Omitted
-wise Omitted Substantive Aspect

The substantive aspect of construct validity was evaluated by examining whether the

empirical item hierarchy was presented as predicted by theoretical argument and

whether each person’s response pattern was consistent with that item hierarchy (Smith

Jr., 2004b). To begin with, the relationship between theoretical and empirical item

hierarchy was examined for each of the three sections.

It was hypothesised that the difficulty order of the WPT items would partly be

determined by the frequency of affixes, or the number of words in which an affix occurs,

because learners would have a greater chance of meeting and learning an affix that

occurs in a greater number of words in authentic context. Given that higher frequency

words tend to be better known than lower frequency words (Beglar, 2010; Schmitt, et al.,

2001), it would be reasonable to predict that an affix that occurs in a greater number of

words is more likely to be answered correctly. In fact, research with a lexical decision

task has indicated that the frequency of affixes and bases has an effect on the

recognition of affixed words (Bradley, 1979; Cole, Beauvillain, & Segui, 1989; Taft,

1979). This hypothesis was examined by investigating the correlation between the item

difficulty estimate and the frequency of the affix. The affix frequency was calculated in

two ways based on the two different units of counting a word: the number of lemmas

(counting inflected forms as one word; e.g., disagree, disagrees, disagreed, and

disagreeing are counted as one) and the number of tokens (the summed number of

occurrences of words containing the affix) in the BNC. Lemma was used as a unit of

counting a word, because the present research focuses on derivational affixes, and not

on inflectional affixes which typically result in the same meaning and the same

syntactic property as the word base (see Section 5.2 for details). Type (the number of

different word forms) was not used, because the frequency is affected by whether the

affixed words can be inflected or not. For example, the suffix -ize makes a verb and

typically produces four word types per word base by inflection (e.g., generalize,

generalizes, generalized, and generalizing for the base general), while words with the

suffix -some are adjectives and have no inflected forms (e.g., troublesome). Word family

(counting inflectional and some derivational forms as one word) was not used either,

because the present research aims to investigate learners’ overall knowledge of

derivational affixes without any presupposition that some affixes are so frequent and

transparent in meaning that words with those affixes may be considered as members of

a word family. Table 62 presents Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between the

Rasch item difficulty and the affix frequency as calculated by token and lemma for each

of the three sections. Negative correlations were expected because a higher-frequency

affix (larger number in frequency) would be less difficult (smaller number in item


Table 62. Correlation coefficients between the item difficulty estimates and the
affix frequency for the three sections.
Form section (n=107) Meaning section (n=73) Use section (n=56)
Lemma Token Lemma Token Lemma Token
-.487* .030 -.200 -.398* -.515* -.527*
Note: p<.05.

Given that affix knowledge may be affected by productivity, regularity, instruction, L1

knowledge, as well as frequency (Bauer & Nation, 1993; Mochizuki & Aizawa, 2000;

Tyler & Nagy, 1989), four of the significant correlation coefficients in Table 62 (ρ=-.487,

-.398, -.515, and -.527) may be considered acceptably high. For the form section, no

significant correlation was found between the token frequency and the item difficulty.

This may be because the prefix items tended to be easier than the suffix items although

suffixed words were much more frequent than prefixed words (Table 63).

Table 63. Means, standard deviations, t-statistics, and effect sizes of the item
difficulty and the frequency between prefixes and suffixes for the form section
Mean S.D. t d.f. p r
Difficulty Prefix -0.97 0.74
8.87 105 .000 .67
Suffix 0.60 0.97
Frequency Prefix 14,747 25,952
3.95 67.4* .000 .33
(token) Suffix 132,244 239,573
*The degree of freedom was corrected because Levene’s test revealed that the
null hypothesis of the homogeneity of variance was rejected (F=20.02, p=.000).

The recognition of suffixes was more difficult than the recognition of prefixes, perhaps

because the test-takers were presented with only suffixes without the beginning of any

word which may be the most salient part in word recognition (Cutler, Hawkins, &

Gilligan, 1985; Taft, 1985; Taft & Forster, 1976). Research (Cole, et al., 1989; Segui &

Zubizaretta, 1985) has also shown that word frequency has differential effects on the

recognition of prefixed and suffixed words, indicating differential lexical access

procedures for these two types of words. Based on these research findings, the

correlations between the item difficulty and the token frequency were analysed

separately for the prefix and the suffix items. The results showed that the correlations

were acceptably high both for the prefix items (ρ = -.331, p < .05) and the suffix items

(ρ = -.494, p < .05). This may be taken as supportive evidence for the substantive aspect

of construct validity of the WPT.

Table 62 also showed that no significant correlations were found between the lemma

frequency and the item difficulty for the meaning section (ρ = -.200). This may have

been because three of the affixes (-an, -ese, and -i) typically attach to a small number of

names of countries and places (smaller number in lemma) but these affixes were

relatively easy (smaller number in difficulty) (see Table 64). A significant correlation

coefficient of ρ = -.244 (p < .05) was derived with the exclusion of these three items.

Taken together, empirical evidence may support the hypothesis that the difficulty order

of the WPT items would be partly determined by the frequency of the affixes.

Table 64. Relatively easy affixes with low frequency for the meaning section
Affix Example words Lemma Difficulty
-an American, 15 -1.73
-ese Japanese 10 -2.28
-i Israeli 9 -0.08
Average of
153 0.00
overall items

Other factors that may affect the difficulty order of the WPT items are productivity

(the likelihood that the affix is used to make new words), predictability (the degree of

predictability of the meaning of the affix), and regularity (the degree of change in the

form of the word base when the affix is attached) (Bauer & Nation, 1993; Tyler & Nagy,

1989). However, it was hypothesised that these factors would have little influence on

the difficulty order of the WPT items, because 1) productivity may be related more

closely to productive affix knowledge which involves knowledge of allowable affixes

for bases than to receptive affix knowledge which is the focus of the present research

(see Section 5.1), 2) the meanings of the affixes may be predictable on the WPT because

it deals with the most frequent meaning of each affix (see Section, and 3) two

example words were selected for each affix from the most regularly affixed words (see

Section This hypothesis was examined using Bauer and Nation’s (1993) seven

levels of affixes which were determined based on the following criteria: frequency,

productivity, predictability, and regularity. Here is the description of Levels 3 to 7

(Levels 1 and 2 are omitted here because they deal with word types and inflectional

suffixes which are not the focus of the present research).

Level 3: The most frequent and regular derivational affixes,

Level 4: Frequent, orthographically regular affixes,
Level 5: Regular but infrequent affixes,
Level 6: Frequent but irregular affixes, and
Level 7: Classical roots and affixes.

The hypothesis predicted that the WPT items would show a difficulty order of affixes at

Levels 3, 4, 6, and 5 with Level 3 being the easiest, because productivity, predictability,

and regularity would not significantly affect the item difficulty while frequency would.

No prediction was possible for affixes at Level 7, because no information was provided

on frequency, productivity, predictability, or regularity. Figures 54-56 present the mean

item difficulty and the 95% confidence interval for the four levels of Bauer and Nation’s

affix list (Levels 3-6) for the three sections. These figures show that the mean item

Figure 54. Mean item difficulty and 95% confidence interval
according to Bauer and Nation’s affix level for the form section

Figure 55. Mean item difficulty and 95% confidence interval

according to Bauer and Nation’s affix level for the meaning section

Figure 56. Mean item difficulty and 95% confidence interval

according to Bauer and Nation’s affix level for the use section

difficulties were ordered as predicted except for Level 6 of the meaning section, 39

although one-way ANOVAs showed that no significant difference was found for the

meaning (F(3,49)=1.52, p=.221) and the use sections (F(3,41)=1.94, p=.138). A one-

way ANOVA detected a significant difference for the form section (F(3,74)=3.12,

p=.031). Tukey post-hoc comparisons of the four levels indicated that Level 3 affixes

(M=-0.94, 95%CI[-1.34, -0.55]) were significantly easier than Level 5 affixes (M=0.27,

95%CI[-0.11, 0.66]), p=.037, but comparisons between the other levels were not

statistically significant at p<.05. This indicates a weak tendency that the difficulties of

the WPT items were ordered as predicted: Levels 3, 4, 6, and 5 with Level 3 being the

least difficult. This may be taken as supportive evidence for the hypothesis that

productivity, predictability, and regularity would have little effect on the WPT item

difficulty, while frequency would.

The substantive aspect of construct validity was also evaluated by examining the

consistency of each person’s response pattern with the item hierarchy. More specifically,

Rasch person fit statistics were calculated for each section. A misfit person was defined

as having the person fit statistic of outfit t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0 (underfit), or outfit

t < -2.0 or infit t < -2.0 (overfit). Table 65 presents the number of misfit persons for each

section. Each section had the misfit rate of less than 5% which was expected to occur by

chance given the nature of the z distribution. This indicates that the test-takers’ response

pattern corresponded to the modelled difficulty order, which may be taken as supportive

evidence for the substantive aspect of construct validity.

There were only three affixes at Level 6 of the meaning section: pre- (preschool), re- (replay), and
-ee (employee). The other seven affixes at Level 6 were not measured in the meaning section but in
the form and the use sections. Two of those three affixes attach to a large number of different bases
(548 lemmas for pre- and 561 lemmas for re-) compared to the average of all the 118 affixes (153
lemmas), which may be the reason for the low average item difficulty estimate.

Table 65. Number of misfit persons
Number of Number of
Section Total %
underfit persons overfit persons
Form 59 3 62 4.6
Meaning 22 1 23 1.7
Use 51 3 54 4.0

This subsection provided evidence for the substantive aspect of construct validity.

Each of the three sections had the item difficulty order and the person ability order that

were hypothesised by theoretical argument. Structural Aspect

The structural aspect of construct validity was evaluated by examining the

unidimensionality of the test (see Section 4.6.3 for details). Unidimensionality was

examined by 1) item correlations, 2) fit statistics, and 3) principal components analysis

(PCA) of standardised residuals without rotation (Linacre, 1995). Item correlations were

investigated by computing the point-measure correlation. The results showed that no

items had an unacceptably low point-measure correlation of smaller than .10. This

indicates that unidimensionality holds in terms of item correlation.

A second way of investigating dimensionality was to identify misfit items (outfit

t > 2.0 or infit t > 2.0). A close look at the misfit items indicated that eight items (two

for the form section, one for the meaning section, and five for the use section) were

unacceptable. These unacceptable items might degrade unidimensionality, but six of

these items were rewritten or omitted from the analysis (see Table 61). This indicates

that the WPT items may largely conform to the model which requires that measures be

unidimensional. This may be taken as evidence for unidimensionality.

Finally, the PCA of standardised residuals was performed for each section in order

to examine whether there was only a small amount of variance in the residuals

accounted for by other components (dimensions) than the Rasch model which extracts

the first major component in the observations. The scores generated by the three

sections were regarded as unidimensional if the data met the following criteria: 1) the

first contrast (largest secondary component) had an eigenvalue (standardised residual

variance) of less than 3 (Linacre, 2010a, p. 444; Linacre & Tennant, 2009), and 2) the

eigenvalues of other contrasts reached an asymptote at the first contrast (Stevens, 2002;

Wolfe & Smith Jr., 2007). In order to investigate this, the scree plot for each section was

examined (Figures 57-59). Figure 57 presents the scree plot for the form section. This

figure shows that the first contrast had an acceptable eigenvalue (2.6) but had a larger

eigenvalue than the second (2.0) to the fifth contrast (1.6), indicating that the data might

have a secondary dimension. In order to further examine this, the contrast between

strongly positively loading items and strongly negatively loading items on the first

contrast was investigated to see whether they were substantively different enough to

deserve the construction of two separate subtests (Linacre, 2010a, p. 445). Table 66

presents the ten items with the largest positive and negative loadings on the secondary

dimension (first contrast). This table shows that prefix items had positive loadings on

the first contrast, while suffix items had negative loadings on it, indicating that the

prefix items and the suffix items might be measuring different constructs. However, it

may not be effective to split the items of the form section into two subtests (prefix form

section and suffix form section), because the person ability estimates produced by the

prefix items were highly consistent with those produced by the suffix items (Pearson’s r

= .719, and .908 with correction for attenuation due to measurement error

Figure 57. Scree plot for the form section

Figure 58. Scree plot for the meaning section

Figure 59. Scree plot for the use section

Table 66. Top 10 items with the largest positive and negative loadings
(form section)
Positive loadings Negative loadings
Item Loading Difficulty Item Loading Difficulty
mono- 0.36 -0.97 -ous -0.22 0.33
un- 0.36 -1.65 -ation -0.19 -0.49
in- 0.35 -1.37 -ling -0.18 0.83
dis- 0.31 -1.59 -ency -0.18 0.95
hyper- 0.31 -1.12 -et -0.17 0.83
semi- 0.31 -1.18 -able -0.17 -1.29
uni- 0.30 -1.46 -er -0.15 -0.34
pro- 0.29 -1.58 -ant -0.14 0.36
fore- 0.27 -0.78 -ess -0.14 0.02
sub- 0.26 -2.00 -ify -0.14 0.39

(Schumacker & Muchinsky, 1996; Spearman, 1904, 1910)). Together with the

acceptable eigenvalue of the secondary dimension (2.6), it may be reasonable to

conclude that the data from the form section is acceptably unidimensional.

Figure 58 presents the scree plot for the meaning section, showing that the first

contrast had an acceptable eigenvalue (2.0), and the eigenvalues of other contrasts (1.8-

1.5) reached an asymptote at the first contrast. This indicates that the data from the

meaning section may be acceptably unidimensional.

Figure 59 presents the scree plot for the use section. This figure shows that the first

contrast had an unacceptable eigenvalue (3.3), indicating that the data might have a

secondary dimension. As with the form section, the contrast between strongly positively

loading items and strongly negatively loading items on the first contrast was

investigated. Table 67 presents the ten items with the largest positive and negative

loadings on the secondary dimension (first contrast). This table shows that items with

noun-making affixes had positive loadings on the first contrast, while items with

adjective-making affixes had negative loadings on it, indicating that these two types of

items might be measuring different constructs. However, it is practically useless to

Table 67. Top 10 items with the largest positive and negative loadings
(use section)
Positive loadings Negative loadings
Item Loading Difficulty Item Loading Difficulty
-ency(n) 0.44 0.55 -ory(adj) -0.38 1.23
-age(n) 0.43 0.40 -some(adj) -0.36 0.13
-th(n) 0.43 0.38 -esque(adj) -0.35 0.71
-ness(n) 0.42 0.08 -ate(adj) -0.32 0.02
-ation(n) 0.42 -0.32 -ly(adj) -0.28 1.89
-cy(n) 0.40 0.24 -ary(adj) -0.28 1.00
-ence(n) 0.40 -0.03 -atory(adj) -0.26 1.51
-ion(n) 0.40 -0.18 -ar(adj) -0.26 0.12
-ition(n) 0.35 -0.20 -y(adj) -0.22 -0.58
-ure(n) 0.33 -0.08 -ent(adj) -0.21 -0.79
Note: n=noun, adj=adjective.

create two subtests with one measuring noun-making affixes and the other measuring

adjective-making affixes because the items would have the same answer on each subtest

(e.g., on the subtest of noun-making affixes, the correct answer of all items would be

noun). A close look at the ten strongly positively loading items showed that their infit

and outfit mean-squares were all less than 1.0 (ranging between 0.55 and 0.87),

indicating that they do not contradict the Rasch dimension but are rather predictive (e.g.,

-ation, -ion, and -ition may be redundant). On the other hand, nine of the ten strongly

negatively loading items had the infit and outfit mean-squares of larger than 1.0

(ranging between 0.93 and 1.79), indicating that the data include an irregular pattern

misfitting to the Rasch model. This may have increased the eigenvalue of the secondary

component. As mentioned in Section, the Rasch fit analysis identified four of the

ten items (-ary, -ate, -ly, and -y) as misfit, but the subsequent inspection indicated that

they might be acceptable. Taken together, the eigenvalue of 3.3 for the first contrast of

the use section may be negligibly larger than 3.0 which is considered to be an

acceptable threshold.

This section has investigated the structural aspect of construct validity by

providing empirical evidence for unidimensionality of the data produced by the WPT

items. Evidence from the three aspects (item correlations, fit analysis, and the PCA)

largely indicates that the scores from the WPT are acceptably unidimensional. Generalizability Aspect

The generalizability aspect of construct validity was investigated through item

calibration invariance, person measure invariance, reliability, and invariance across

administrative contexts (see Section 4.6.4 for details).

Item Calibration Invariance

The invariance of item calibrations was investigated by analysing uniform differential

item functioning (DIF), an indication of unexpected behaviour by items showing that

item calibrations vary across samples by more than the modelled error (Bond & Fox,

2007; Linacre, 2010a; Wolfe & Smith Jr., 2007). First, the DIF analysis was performed

in order to examine whether the item calibrations from male (N=470) and female

(N=580) test-takers 40 varied widely for each of the three sections. Welch’s t-test

revealed that statistically significant DIF was detected for eight items for the form

section, five items for the meaning section, and seven items for the use section. Table 68

presents the Rasch difficulty estimates and Welch’s t statistics for the items with

significant DIF (p<.05) for the three sections.

The data from 298 people who did not specify their gender were excluded from the analysis.

Table 68. DIF analysis for gender
Difficulty Difficulty
Section Item Difference t d.f. p
for males for females
Form -i 4.73 3.94 -0.79 -3.01 315 .003
arch- 0.64 1.27 0.63 2.81 443 .005
-ee 1.52 1.01 -0.52 -2.42 457 .016
-ways 0.93 1.30 0.37 2.37 902 .018
-ise 0.64 0.09 -0.56 -2.34 476 .020
-ity 0.37 0.90 0.53 2.22 429 .027
counter- -0.65 -0.08 0.58 2.12 496 .035
-ward -0.11 0.39 0.50 2.01 472 .045
Meaning counter- 1.14 1.70 0.56 2.94 719 .003
-ling 2.22 1.80 -0.42 -2.44 739 .015
-ster 0.45 -0.34 -0.79 -2.40 420 .017
sub- -0.22 0.54 0.76 2.31 401 .022
-ian -1.29 -2.50 -1.21 -2.04 466 .042
Use -ate(adj) 0.42 -0.10 -0.52 -3.06 869 .002
-ful(adj) -0.20 -1.00 -0.80 -3.01 448 .003
-y(adj) -0.17 -0.63 -0.46 -2.64 931 .008
-age(n) 0.24 0.68 0.44 2.50 786 .013
-ible(adj) 0.15 -0.27 -0.42 -2.44 894 .015
-able(adj) 0.42 -0.14 -0.55 -2.31 447 .021
-ate(v) -0.60 -0.20 0.40 2.28 906 .023
Note: adj=adjective, n=noun, v=verb.

The percentage of DIF items was above 5% (7.5% for the form section, 5.5% for the

meaning section, and 12.5% for the use section) which may occur by chance given the

nature of Type I error. This may have been due to a relatively large sample size (N=470

for males and N=580 for females), given that although 200 respondents per group may

be necessary for adequate (>80%) power, a larger sample size than this may potentially

identify a greater number of items as statistically significant DIF (Scott, et al., 2009;

Tristan, 2006). A close look at the DIF items in Table 68 shows that the difference

between the item difficulty estimates from males and females is around 0.5 logits and

there is no systematic bias towards males or females, indicating that the DIF items have

little effect on the accuracy of the measurement (Draba, 1977; Wright & Douglas, 1976).

DIF was also investigated for the participants’ L1s. Given that at least 16

respondents are needed to obtain a person ability estimate of an accuracy within ± 1

logit with 95% confidence (Linacre, 1994), the following 15 L1 groups with 16 or more

respondents were investigated: Arabic, Chinese, English, Filipino, French, German,

Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu, and Vietnamese.

Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients were calculated to examine the

relationship between the item difficulty estimates from all the 1,348 respondents and

those from each of the 15 L1 groups.41 Table 69 shows that the item difficulty estimates

from the respondents with 15 different L1s were significantly correlated to those from

the overall respondents (average r = .842, ranging between .688 and .935). When

corrected for attenuation, the average r was .954 (Min=.796, Max=1). This indicates

that the overall item difficulties are highly generalisable across different L1s.

Table 69. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the item difficulty estimates
from the overall participants and those from each of the 15 L1 groups
L1 group N Form Meaning Use
Arabic 102 .921 (>1) .916 (>1) .874 (.982)
Chinese 46 .888 (.992) .790 (.952) .738 (.838)
English 226 .923 (>1) .862 (>1) .868 (.992)
Filipino 53 .910 (.995) .852 (.979) .860 (.966)
French 19 .820 (.944) .814 (>1) .752 (.875)
German 21 .847 (.981) .865 (>1) .788 (.917)
Hindi 93 .935 (>1) .884 (>1) .802 (.911)
Indonesian 60 .911 (>1) .830 (.965) .842 (.951)
Japanese 86 .893 (.971) .794 (.883) .749 (.823)
Russian 61 .900 (>1) .847 (>1) .802 (.911)
Spanish 47 .893 (.987) .833 (>1) .876 (.984)
Tagalog 28 .790 (.863) .812 (>1) .688 (.796)
Tamil 34 .811 (.896) .886 (>1) .736 (.827)
Urdu 67 .930 (>1) .875 (.989) .869 (>1)
Vietnamese 47 .787 (.865) .837 (.990) .801 (.890)
Note: Disattenuated correlation coefficients are presented in brackets. All the
correlation coefficients are significant at p=.05.

A t-test approach was not appropriate here, because there are 15 L1 groups to investigate, resulting
in 105 (15C2) t-tests. Moreover, the majority of these L1 groups had far less than 200 respondents, a
minimum number of respondents per group for adequate power (Scott, et al., 2009).

Finally, item calibration invariance was investigated for the test order in order to

examine the effects of practice and fatigue. Although the form section always came first,

the order of the meaning and the use sections was randomised. For the meaning and the

use sections, the DIF analysis was performed to see whether significant differences

were found between the item difficulty estimates from the respondents who worked on

the meaning section prior to the use section (N=645) and those who worked on the two

sections in the opposite order (N=703). Welch’s t-test revealed that statistically

significant DIF was detected for three items (4.1% of all items) for the meaning section

and one item (1.8% of all items) for the use section. For both sections, DIF items

accounted for less than 5% which may occur by chance. Table 70 presents the Rasch

difficulty estimates and the Welch’s t statistics for the items with significant DIF (p

< .05) for the two sections, indicating that there is no systematic bias towards one group

of respondents. Taken together, the item difficulty estimates for the meaning and the use

sections are stable regardless of the test order, indicating that there is little effect of

practice or fatigue on the accuracy of the measurement.

Table 70. DIF analysis for section order

Difficulty for Difficulty
Section Item meaning-first for use-first Difference t d.f. p
respondents respondents
Meaning fore- 0.25 -0.82 1.07 3.37 574 .001
-ary -1.33 -0.54 -0.79 -2.20 603 .028
re- -0.98 -1.86 0.87 2.05 608 .041
Use -ant (adj) 0.45 -0.11 0.56 2.61 562 .010
Note: adj=adjective.

Person Measure Invariance

The invariance of person ability estimates was examined by analysing differential

person functioning (DPF), an indication of unexpected behaviour by persons showing

that person measures vary across different situations by more than the modelled error

(Bond & Fox, 2007; Linacre, 2010a). All items were divided into prefix and suffix items

in order to examine whether person ability estimates were stable regardless of the two

item groups (different ability estimates indicate that the two item groups are measuring

different constructs). DPF was examined through a t-test approach. Table 71 presents

the number of prefix and suffix items and the number of statistically significant DPF

persons for each section.

Table 71. DPF analysis for prefixes vs. suffixes

No. of No. of No. of DPF %
prefix items suffix items persons
Form 41 66 59 4.4
Meaning 39 34 46 3.4
Use 4 52 0 0.0
Note: % indicates the percentage of DPF persons in relation to the
overall 1,348 respondents

Table 71 shows that the percentage of DPF persons was below 5% which may occur by

chance. This indicates that person ability estimates are acceptably stable across affix

types (prefixes and suffixes).


A third way of investigating the generalizability aspect of construct validity was to

examine the degree of reliability. Reliability was estimated by Rasch person and item

reliabilities. Rasch person and item separations were also calculated because they are

linear and range from zero to infinite. As missing data always decreases Rasch person

reliability (Linacre, 2010a, p. 512), Cronbach’s alpha was also calculated for an

estimation of person reliability. Table 72 presents the reliability estimates for the three


Table 72. Reliability estimates for the three sections
Rasch Rasch Rasch Rasch
Section person person item item
reliability separation reliability separation
Form .91 3.22 .99 10.18 .91
Meaning .86 2.49 .99 8.29 .94
Use .89 2.91 .99 9.09 .92

Table 72 shows high reliabilities for the three sections of the WPT, indicating a high

degree of generalizability in terms of reproducibility of person ability and item

difficulty estimates.

Invariance across Administrative Contexts

A final way of evaluating the generalizability aspect was to examine the stability of

performance across administrative contexts. This was investigated by examining the

relationships between the item difficulty estimates from the paper-based format in

Study 1 (N=417) and those from the web-based format in Study 2 (N=1,348). Table 73

presents Pearson’s correlation coefficients between them for the three sections.

Table 73. Correlation coefficients between item difficulty

estimates from the paper-based and the web-based versions
Section r disattenuated r
Form .868* .954
Meaning .684* .782
Use .615* .680

Considering that the paper-based format included a number of misfit items which were

rewritten for Study 2, the correlation coefficients shown in Table 73 may be acceptably

high. The use section obtained the lowest correlation perhaps due to different options

between Studies 1 and 2: options were translated into Japanese in Study 1 (名詞, 動詞,

形容詞, and 副詞), whereas all options were written in English in Study 2 (noun, verb,

adjective, and adverb). Adjectives and adverbs may have been difficult to differentiate

for a number of participants in Study 2, because all the eight misfit items were either

adjectives or adverbs (see Section The participants in Study 1 may have been

less confused with the differentiation between adjectives and adverbs, because

1) adjectives and adverbs are orthographically distinct from each other in Japanese,

2) many of the participants would be familiar with the parts of speech in Japanese

instead of English, and 3) the eleven misfit items in the use section in Study 1 consisted

of six adjective items and five noun and verb items. Taken together, the item difficulty

estimates may be acceptably stable across administrative contexts.

This subsection has provided evidence for the generalizability aspect of construct

validity of the WPT from four sub-aspects (item calibration invariance, person measure

invariance, reliability, and invariance across administrative contexts). The empirical

evidence largely indicates that the results from the present research are stable across

different samples and situations. External Aspect

The external aspect was investigated through correlations with external variables. For

the evaluation of this aspect, the data from Study 1 were used, because 238 of the 417

participants who took the WPT also took the Japanese-bilingual version of the

Vocabulary Size Test (VST) (Nation & Beglar, 2007) and 67 of them reported their

TOEIC scores. It was hypothesised that the WPT scores would be positively correlated

to the VST and TOEIC scores, but their correlations would be lower than the

correlations between the scores from any two sections of the WPT. This is because the

three sections of the WPT measure different aspects of the same construct (receptive

word part knowledge), whereas the VST and TOEIC measure different constructs which

might partly be related to knowledge of word parts (see, for example, Mochizuki and

Aizawa (2000) for discussion of the relationships between word part knowledge and

vocabulary size, and Nagy, Berninger, and Abbott (2006) for discussion of the

relationships between word part knowledge and reading ability). Table 74 presents a

matrix of the Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients between the WPT

(N=417), VST (N=238), and TOEIC scores (N=67) without correction for attenuation

due to unavailability of the reliability of the TOEIC scores.

Table 74. Correlation coefficients between the WPT, VST, and TOEIC scores
Form Meaning Use
WPT Form - .697* .617*
Meaning .697* - .728*
Use .617* .728* -
VST .449* .467* .375*
TOEIC .426* .428* .327*

Table 74 shows that the WPT scores positively correlated to the VST

(r=.449, .467, .375) and the TOEIC scores (r=.426, .428, .327), but these correlations

were lower than the within-WPT correlations (correlations between any two sections of

the WPT (r=.697, .617, .728)). Z-tests were performed in order to determine whether the

WPT-VST correlations (correlations between the WPT scores and the VST scores) and

the WPT-TOEIC correlations (correlations between the WPT scores and the TOEIC

scores) were significantly different. Tables 75 and 76 show that for all three sections,

the within-WPT correlation coefficients were significantly higher than the WPT-VST

and the WPT-TOEIC correlation coefficients (p<.05). The results support the above-

mentioned hypothesis (positive correlations for the WPT-VST and the WPT-TOEIC

scores but lower correlations than the within-WPT correlations).

This subsection has looked at the relationships with external variables (VST and

TOEIC scores). The results were supportive of the hypotheses about the relationships

with these external variables.

Table 75. Difference between the within-WPT and the WPT-VST correlations
within-WPT WPT-VST
Section correlations correlations z p
(N=417) (N=238)
Form rFM=.697 rFV=.449 4.63 .000
rFU=.617 rFV=.449 2.90 .004
Meaning rMF=.697 rMV=.467 4.35 .000
rMU=.728 rMV=.467 5.12 .000
Use rUF=.617 rUV=.375 3.99 .000
rUM=.728 rUV=.375 6.49 .000
Note. F = form section, M = meaning section, U = use section, V = VST
(e.g., rFM = correlation coefficient between the scores of the form section
and the meaning section).

Table 76. Difference between the within-WPT and the WPT-TOEFL correlations
Section correlations correlations z p
(N=417) (N=67)
Form rFM=.697 rFT=.426 3.03 .002
rFU=.617 rFT=.426 1.97 .049
Meaning rMF=.697 rMT=.428 3.01 .003
rMU=.728 rMT=.428 3.48 .001
Use rUF=.617 rUT=.327 2.83 .005
rUM=.728 rUT=.327 4.36 .000
Note. F = form section, M = meaning section, U = use section, T = TOEIC. Consequential Aspect

The consequential aspect of construct validity was investigated by examining whether

the test results on which score interpretation and use are based might be affected by

invalidity of the WPT. Invalidity may be caused by construct-irrelevant (measuring

something different from what it purports to measure) and construct under-

representation difficulty (lacking in important construct-relevant items). The content

relevance and representativeness of the WPT was supported by both theoretical

argument and empirical evidence (see Section This may be taken as supportive

evidence for the consequential aspect because negative consequences are unlikely to be

caused by the invalidity of the WPT.

Negative impact on consequences may also be caused by unfairness in test use

(Messick, 1989, 1995, 1996). Unfairness was examined through item bias (different

item difficulties across groups of respondents) in Rasch measurement (Smith Jr., 2004b;

Smith, 1992). DIF analyses showed that the item difficulty estimates were stable

regardless of gender, L1, and the section order (see Section, indicating that the

WPT is unlikely to cause negative consequences due to unfairness (item bias).

Unfairness may also occur in scoring when the responses are graded subjectively by

judges; however, the WPT is written in a multiple-choice format which is free from

variations in judge severity. This may be taken as supportive evidence for the

consequential aspect of construct validity. Responsiveness Aspect

The responsiveness aspect of construct validity was investigated through Rasch person

strata. The person strata statistics for the three sections are presented in Table 77. This

table shows that each section had a person strata index of greater than 2, which may be

taken as supportive evidence for the responsive aspect of construct validity.

Table 77. Person strata for the three sections of the WPT
Section Person strata
Form 4.63
Meaning 3.65
Use 4.33

Responsiveness may be decreased by a ceiling effect because able persons cannot

demonstrate their gains from an experimental intervention such as teaching. As

illustrated in Figures 51-53, the Rasch person-item maps showed that a number of

participants obtained high person ability estimates, indicating a ceiling effect. The main

reason for this is that the WPT was taken by a number of highly proficient learners

including native English speakers. The ceiling effect was unlikely to be caused by

under-representation of the construct because all the affixes that were measured in the

WPT appeared in more than one word in the first 10,000 word families in the BNC

word lists. Thus, persons with very high ability should be regarded as having sufficient

knowledge of English word parts rather than showing evidence for invalidity due to a

ceiling effect. Interpretability Aspect

The interpretation of the scores may be facilitated by a Rasch person-item map for both

norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessment (see Section 4.6.8 for a detailed

discussion). The simplest way of score interpretation may be to use raw scores, because

teachers and learners have only to count the number of correct responses and do not

need specialised computer software such as WINSTEPS. In order to investigate the

adequacy of using raw scores for interpretation, Spearman’s rank correlation

coefficients between the raw scores and the Rasch person ability estimates were

examined (Table 78). 42 The raw scores were highly correlated to the Rasch person

ability estimates (ρ > .9) regardless of the use of a missing data design. This indicates

that the total number of correct responses may serve as a close approximation to the

latent trait of word part knowledge. It should be noted here that the raw scores are only

ordinal and are not on an interval scale. Thus, the difference between the score of 5 and

10 is not identical to the difference between the scores of 15 and 20.

Table 78. Correlation coefficients between the raw score and

the Rasch person ability estimate for the three sections
Section ρ
Form .998*
Meaning .997*
Use .996*

Table 79 presents the relationships between the raw scores and the Rasch ability

estimates for the three sections. The raw scores were converted to the percentage of

correctly answered items that the participants had actually taken.43 This table shows that,

for example, a person who got 80% of the items correct for the form section has a Rasch

ability of approximately 1.8 logits. This person has a greater probability of succeeding

on any item with a Rasch difficulty estimate of less than 1.8 logits, and vice versa. In

summary, a Rasch person-item map contributes to interpretability, and raw scores may

also be used as a rough approximation of Rasch person ability estimates for

convenience. This may be taken as supportive evidence for the interpretability aspect of

construct validity of the WPT.

Spearman’s ρ was used because although the Rasch ability estimates were on an interval scale, raw
scores were only ordinal.
The Rasch ability estimate for each raw score category was based on the persons whose scores
ranged between ±1% of the category. For example, the Rasch ability estimate for the raw score of
90% was calculated by averaging the person abilities of those who got 89-91% of the items correct.

Table 79. Conversion table of raw scores and Rasch ability estimates
Raw scores (%) Form Meaning Use
100 6.3 6.0 5.3
90 2.8 3.0 2.6
80 1.8 1.9 1.7
70 1.2 1.2 1.1
60 0.6 0.6 0.5
50 0.0 0.0 0.0
40 -0.7 -0.8 -0.7
30 -1.6 -1.5 -1.3
20 -2.7 -2.5 -2.5

This section has investigated the validity of the WPT from the eight aspects of

construct validity (content, substantive, structural, generalizability, external,

consequential, responsiveness, and interpretability). The evidence provided in this

section largely indicates that the WPT is a highly valid measure of receptive knowledge

of English word parts. The subsequent section describes the procedure for developing

new forms based on the item analysis in Study 2 and proposes a method for interpreting

and reporting the results obtained from the new forms.

6.2.5 Creating New Forms

Two types of new test forms were created so that the WPT would be more useful to

researchers, teachers, and learners. One involved two equivalent forms which had the

same construct to be measured, the same test length, and the same distribution of item

difficulties. The other involved three forms with different word parts at different

difficulty levels (see Appendix H for all items of the revised WPT). Equivalent Forms

The purpose of creating two equivalent forms is to measure learners’ overall proficiency

in word part knowledge with an interval of time. Having two equivalent forms may be

useful for research purposes because it allows a pre- and post-test design where the

effects of teaching or learning tasks on word part knowledge may be investigated. Two

equivalent forms were created by splitting the 118 word parts into halves so that the two

forms 1) would have the same number of items for each of the three sections, 2) would

not be statistically different in the mean and the variance of the item difficulties, and 3)

would evenly include allomorphs (e.g., -ation, -ion, and -ition) because these items may

be locally dependent (see Section Table 80 presents the number of items in the

three sections for the two forms. Although the two forms were different in number for

the form and the meaning sections, the total number of items was the same.

Table 80. Number of items in the three sections for each form
Section Form A Form B
Form 54 53
Meaning 36 37
Use 28 28
Total 118 118

In order to statistically examine the homogeneity of variance of item difficulty between

the two forms, Levene’s tests were performed. The results showed that the null

hypothesis of equal variances was not rejected for the three sections (F = 0.097,

p = .756 for the form section; F = 0.058, p = .810 for the meaning section; and

F = 0.243, p = .624 for the use section), indicating that the spread of item difficulties

may be acceptably equal between the two forms. Subsequent t-tests (2-tailed) did not

detect any significant differences in the mean item difficulties between the two forms

for any of the three sections (Table 81). The effect sizes (r) were well below .20,

indicating small differences between the two forms (Cohen, 1988, 1992). This may

indicate that the two forms are statistically equivalent.

Table 81. Comparison of the item difficulty between the two equivalent forms
Form A Form B
t d.f. p r
Form 0.47 1.23 -0.47 1.12 0.417 105 .677 .041
Meaning 0.00 1.24 0.00 1.20 0.006 71 .995 .000
Use -0.37 0.89 0.38 0.98 0.299 54 .766 .041

Another way of investigating the degree of equivalence of the two forms is to

examine the item difficulty hierarchy for each form. Figures 60-62 illustrate the Rasch

person-item maps of each form for the three sections. These figures show that the item

difficulties are largely evenly distributed between Forms A and B for all three sections.

Finally, the quality of the two forms was investigated by examining their reliability

estimates as calculated by the Spearman-Brown prediction formula (Brown, 1910;

Spearman, 1910). Reliability was estimated based on the Rasch person reliability

obtained in Study 2. Table 82 presents the estimated reliability and person strata of the

two forms for the three sections. This table shows that the reliability estimates are .75 or

above and the person strata estimates are larger than 2 which is the minimum

requirement for a responsive test. It should be noted here that the estimated reliabilities

are understated because of the missing data design in Study 2 (Linacre, 2010a). This

indicates that the new forms may produce higher reliabilities than are estimated because

they do not use a missing data design. Taken together, the two new forms may be taken

as equivalent and reliable measures that are useful for research in the field of L2

vocabulary learning. (See Appendix I for the new forms of the WPT.)

The interpretation of the scores from the new test forms may be facilitated by

Rasch measurement output including Rasch person ability estimates and Rasch person-

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
+ Form A Form B
>2 ############### | -i -ster
2 *############# + -let
*############ | -atory -ette -esque
*############ M | -ar -eer -ery
########### | -th -fold
*########## | S -en -or -ways -ite -ory -ure
1 *######### + -dom -ance -ancy
*######## | -atic -et -ible -ee -most -ese
*####### | -an -cy -ency arch- -ion -ary
*###### | -age -ant -ify a- -ian -ling
*#### S | -ence -ent -ize -al -hood -ity
-ess -ic neo- mal- -ise -ist
0 *### | M
-ous -ship
*# | -ism -ty -ward -ive -some -wise
*# | -ate -ation circum- -er
*## | counter- be- bi- il- -ish sur-
*# | en- -ition -y em-
-1 * + co- -ness ir- ab- -ful -less
*# T | S -ment fore- anti- -able
*# | super- mid- post- im- mono- trans-
*# | dis- non- in- hyper- -ly pre-
* | de- ex- semi- auto- multi- uni-
-2 * + inter- mis- un- pro- re- sub-
<-2 *# | micro-
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 8 persons; * = 1 to 7 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates; S =
one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the mean.

Figure 60. Person-item map for the form section (Forms A and B)

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
Form A Form B
>2 ############ | -ette in- a-(not) arch-
2 *### + -et -ling
*## | de-
*### |
*# | counter- neo- -ship
*### | mal- pro-
*## | S -ite sur- uni-
1 *# S + ex- -fold ab- -let
*## | inter-
* | -dom -ism super-
*# | circum-
* | -less sub-
* | co- non- hyper- mono-
bi- -i -ible a-(toward) -ful -hood
0 * + M
post- il- im-
* | dis- ir- un- fore- -ster -wise
* | -ward auto-
* | -ent -most
* T | anti-
* | -ant micro- semi- -able -ary
-1 * + -or multi- trans-
* | S -en mis- pre-
* | -ess -er re-
* | -ways -ee
* | -an
* | -eer mid-
-2 * + -ian -ist
<-2 *# | -th -ese
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 15 persons; * = 1 to 14 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates;
S = one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the

Figure 61. Person-item map for the meaning section (Forms A and B)

<More able persons> | <More difficulty items>
Form A Form B
>2 ############### |
2 ###### + T -ly(adj)
*####### | -atory(adj)
*####### |
*######### | be-(v) -ory(adj)
*######## |
*######## | a-(adv) -ary(adj)
1 ######### M + S -ty(n) em-(v)
######### | -ency(n) -esque(adj) -y(n)
*###### | -en(v) en-(v) -ise(v)
######## | -age(n) -th(n) -ancy(n)
####### | -ize(v) -ify(v) -al(n) -ity(n)
*######### | -ant(adj) -cy(n) -ery(n) -some(adj)
-ar(adj) -ate(adj) -able(adj) -ion(n)
0 *####### + M
-ence(n) -ness(n) -less(adj) -ure(n)
*########## | -ible(adj) -ic(adj) -ance(n) -ition(n)
*######### | -atic(adj) -en(adj) -al(adj) -ive(adj)
*######## | -ate(v) -ation(n) -ly(adv) -y(adj)
*######### S | -ment(n) -ful(adj)
*######## | -ent(adj)
-1 *###### | S -ous(adj) -ish(adj)
*##### |
*## |
*### | -ary(n)
### | -ant(n)
*# |
-2 *# + T -ent(n) -ee(n)
<-2 *##### | -or(n) -er(n)
<Less able persons> <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 5 persons; * = 1 to 4 persons; M = mean of the person or item
estimates; S = one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard
deviations from the mean; n = noun; v = verb; adj = adjective; adv =

Figure 62. Person-item map for the use section (Forms A and B)

Table 82. Estimated reliability and person strata of the new forms
Section Target No. Estimated Estimated
of items reliability person strata
Form 53 .83 3.32
Meaning 36 .75 2.65
Use 28 .80 3.02

item maps. The Rasch measurement has the advantage of having the scores on an

interval scale and thus allowing the comparison between multiple groups of learners and

the investigation of the development of word part knowledge through statistical tests

such as a t-test and an ANOVA. Raw scores, ordinal as they are, may be used for

convenience by referring to the conversion table presented earlier (Table 79).

The equivalent forms may be useful for research purposes, but have the

disadvantage of measuring learners’ knowledge of difficult items that are unlikely to be

known by many learners (e.g., -ette). The subsequent subsection describes the procedure

for creating another type of test form that may be more useful for teachers and learners. Forms with Different Difficulty Levels

This section describes the procedure for creating the Word Part Levels Test (WPLT)

which has three different forms with different difficulty levels. The primary purpose of

creating these forms is to offer a diagnostic word part test to determine the level of the

learners and raise awareness of word parts to learn.

The WPLT was created by classifying the 118 word parts into three difficulty

levels by averaging the item difficulty from each section.44 Level 1 consists of the 40

For example, the difficulty of the word part -able (-0.68) was obtained by averaging the
difficulties from the form (-1.29), the meaning (-0.83), and the use (0.08) sections. The difficulty of
anti- (-0.98) was derived by averaging the difficulties from the form (-1.29) and the meaning (-0.66)
sections because this item was not measured in the use section.

least difficult word parts, Level 3 consists of the 39 most difficult ones, and Level 2

consists of 39 word parts of middle difficulty. Table 83 presents a summary of the three


Table 83. Number of word parts and items in the three forms
No. of No. of items
Word part
Form word Form Meaning Use
level Total
parts section section section
A Easy 40 40 34 13 87
B Middle 39 37 21 21 79
C Hard 39 38 18 22 78

Each section of the three forms had a sufficient number of items to achieve estimated

person strata of greater than 2 (16 items for the form section, 18 for the meaning section,

and 10 for the use section) based on the Spearman-Brown prediction formula (Brown,

1910; Spearman, 1910). The WPLT had three levels instead of four or more levels in

order to make sure that the estimated person strata of every section in every form would

exceed 2 which means that the test may statistically distinguish at least two person

levels. Table 84 presents the average item difficulty for the three forms. This table

shows that Form A had easy items, Form C had difficult items, and Form B had items of

middle difficulty.

Table 84. Average item difficulty for the three forms

Form Meaning Use
section section section
A -0.77 -0.74 -1.15
B -0.12 0.03 0.13
C 0.96 1.37 0.55

Figures 63-65 illustrate the Rasch person-item maps of each form for the three

sections. These figures also show that an easier form tends to have easier items for all

three sections, and vice versa.

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
+ Form A Form B Form C
>2 ############### | -i -ster
2 *############# + -esque -let
*############ | -atory -ette
*############ M | -eer -ar -ery
-th -fold -ory
########### |
-th -ure
*########## | S -or -en -ways -en -ite
1 *######### + -ance -ancy
*######## | -ee -ese -ible -most arch- -dom
-an -ary -atic -ary -cy
*####### | -ency -et
-ian -ant -ant a- -age
*###### |
-ify -ling
-ent -al -ence -ity -ize
*#### S |
-ent -hood
-ess -ist -ous -ic -ise
0 *### | M mal- neo-
-ism -ive
*# | -some -ty
-ward -wise
-er -ate -ation counter-
*# |
-ish bi- il- be- sur-
*## |

-y em- en-
*# |
-ition -y
co- -ful ab- -ful
-1 * +
ir- -ness -less
-able anti-
*# T | S
fore- -ment
mid- mono- super-
*# |
post- trans-
dis- hyper- -ly in-
*# | im- -ly
non- pre-
auto- multi- de- ex-
* |
semi- uni-
inter- mis- pro-
-2 * + re- sub-
<-2 *# | micro-
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 8 persons; * = 1 to 7 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates; S =
one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the mean.

Figure 63. Person-item map for the form section (Forms A, B, and C)

<More able persons> | <More difficult items>
Form A Form B Form C
############ a-(not) arch-
>2 ############ | -ette in-
2 *### + -et -ling
*## | de-
*### |
counter- neo-
*# |
*### | pro- mal-
*## | S uni- -ite sur-
1 *# S + ab- ex- -fold -let
*## | inter-
* | -ism super- -dom
*# | circum-
* | sub- -less
co- hyper-
* |
mono- non-
im- post- bi- il- a-(toward) -i
0 * + M -ful -hood
dis- fore- wise -ster
* |
ir- un-
* | auto- -ward
* | -ent -most
* T | anti-
-able -ant -ary
* |
micro- semi-
multi- -or
-1 * +
* | S mis- pre- -en
-er -ess
* |
* | -ee -ways
* | -an
* | mid- -eer
-2 * + -ian -ist
<-2 *# | -ese -th
<Less able persons> | <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 15 persons; * = 1 to 14 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates;
S = one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the

Figure 64. Person-item map for the meaning section (Forms A, B, and C)

<More able persons> | <More difficulty items>
Form A Form B Form C
>2 ############### |
2 ###### + T -ly(adj)
*####### | -atory(adj)
*####### |
*######### | -ory(adj)
*######## | be-(v)
*######## |
1 ######### M + S
y(n) em- -esque(adj)
######### |
(v) -ency(n)
-ty(n) -en(v)
*###### |
en-(v) -ise(v)
######## | -age(n)
####### |

-ant(adj) -cy(n)
*######### |
-al(n) -ery(n)
-ness(n) -some(adj) -ar(adj)
-able(adj) -less(adj) -ure(n)
0 *####### + M
-ate(adj) -ion(n)
-ible(adj) -ic(adj)
*########## | -ition(n) -ance(n)

*######### |
*######## |
-ly(adv) -ent(adj)
*######### S |
*######## |
-1 *###### S S -ish(adj) -ous(adj)
*##### |
*## |
*### | -ary(n)
### | -ant(n)
*# |
-2 *# + T
*##### |
<-2 -or(n)
<Less able persons> <Less difficult items>
Note. # = 5 persons; * = 1 to 4 persons; M = mean of the person or item estimates;
S = one standard deviation from the mean; T = two standard deviations from the
mean; n = noun; v = verb; adj = adjective; adv = adverb.

Figure 65. Person-item map for the use section (Forms A, B, and C)

The usefulness of the word part classification (Easy, Middle, and Hard) was

investigated by examining whether less difficult word parts would be worth learning

earlier than more difficult ones. In so doing, the frequency of the word parts was

investigated, because more frequent word parts appear in a greater number of words and

thus may contribute to learning many words that include the word parts. Table 85

presents the average lemma and token frequency of the word parts at each level.

Table 85. Average word part frequency for each level

Ave. lemma Ave. token
frequency frequency
Easy 295 101,478
Middle 96 77,586
Hard 65 61,264

Table 85 shows that for both types of frequency counts, an easier level tends to have

more frequent word parts, indicating that learning word parts from easy to hard levels

may be effective.

The quality of the word parts at each level was also investigated by examining the

relationship with Bauer and Nation’s (1993) seven levels of affixes. It was hypothesised

that an easier form would contain a greater number of word parts at a lower level than a

harder form, and vice versa. Figure 66 presents the number of word parts in each form

according to Bauer and Nation’s affix level.45 This figure shows a weak tendency that an

easier form contains a greater number of word parts at lower levels of Bauer and

Nation’s affix levels, and vice versa. (See Appendix J for the WPLT.)

Levels 1 and 2 are omitted here because they deal with word types and inflectional suffixes which
are not the focus of the present research. Level 7 was also omitted because no information was
provided on frequency, productivity, predictability, or regularity.

Figure 66. Bauer and Nation’s affix levels and three new forms

The scores may be interpreted based on the percentage of correct answers instead

of Rasch measurement, because the purpose is to diagnose how many word parts at each

level a learner knows, and not to estimate his or her ability in word part knowledge. The

use of percentage will provide learners with diagnostic information about how many

word parts they need to know to move on to the next level.

For practical use of the WPLT, diagnostic feedback needs to be easy for learners

and teachers to understand so that learners’ weaknesses in word part knowledge may be

clearly indicated. To meet this need, a bar graph may be useful because the information

is visually presented and intuitively interpretable. Suppose Learner A took Form A and

got 90% of the items correct for the form and the meaning sections and 60% correct for

the use section. This learner’s scores may effectively be reported in the bar graph as

shown in Figure 67. The horizontal axis indicates the WPLT sections, and the vertical

axis indicates the percentage of correct answers. The bar graph shows that this learner

demonstrated good knowledge of word part forms and meanings but his or her use

knowledge is not sufficient. Thus, this learner may need to focus on the learning of

word part use to move on to the next level.

Figure 67. Score report (Learner A)

This section has discussed the procedure for creating new forms of the WPT and

the WPLT and ways in which the scores may be interpreted and reported to learners.

Two equivalent forms may be useful in investigating learners’ overall proficiency in

word part knowledge. Three forms with different difficulty levels may be effective in

finding out where learners are experiencing difficulty and provide them with diagnostic

feedback on how they can improve their knowledge of word parts.

6.3 Discussion

One of the important features of the WPT is its comprehensiveness (measuring multiple

aspects of word part knowledge). The WPT measured three aspects of receptive word

part knowledge which were included in previous studies that discussed what is involved

in affix knowledge (Bauer & Nation, 1993; Nation, 2001; Tyler & Nagy, 1989). This is

in line with recent L2 vocabulary studies which measured multiple aspects of

vocabulary knowledge for investigating 1) the relationships between the different

aspects of vocabulary knowledge (Schmitt, 1998, 1999; Schmitt & Meara, 1997), 2) the

relationships between vocabulary knowledge and other skills such as reading ability

(Qian, 1999), and 3) the effects of learning tasks (Webb, 2005, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c,

2009). The WPT may also be a useful tool to shed light on how these three issues relate

to knowledge of word parts.

For example, first, it is useful to examine the correlation coefficients among the

three aspects of word part knowledge. Table 86 presents a matrix of Pearson’s product-

moment correlation coefficients among the Rasch person ability estimates from Study 2.

Table 86. Correlation coefficients between the WPT scores

Form Meaning
Meaning .697* (.788) -
Use .617* (.686) .728* (.832)
Note: Adapted from Table 78. Disattenuated
correlation coefficients are in brackets.

Table 86 shows that the three aspects of word part knowledge are positively and

moderately correlated to each other. This indicates that these three aspects may develop

at a similar pace, perhaps because learners gain knowledge of affixes by relating the

word part form to its meaning and grammatical function. This result is in line with the

findings of Webb (2009) indicating that learners gain different aspects of vocabulary

knowledge including orthography, meaning, and grammatical function as a result of

word-pair leaning.

Second, the relationships between the three aspects of word part knowledge and

vocabulary size were investigated using the data from 238 participants in Study 1 who

took both the WPT and the Japanese bilingual version of the VST. Pearson’s product-

moment correlation coefficients between the Rasch person ability estimates from the

WPT and the VST were .449 for the form section, .467 for the meaning section,

and .375 for the use section (see Table 74). This supports the findings of Schmitt and

Meara (1997) and Mochizuki and Aizawa (2000) demonstrating that affix knowledge

correlated with vocabulary size (Pearson’s r ranged between .35 and .65). This positive

correlation may be due to the interaction between word part knowledge and vocabulary

size where larger vocabulary size provides learners with a greater chance of recognising

word parts which in turn facilitates the learning of new words that include the word

parts they already know.

In order to further examine the relationships between word part knowledge and

vocabulary size, a multiple regression analysis was performed with the dependent

variable being the Rasch person ability estimates from the VST and the independent

variables being the Rasch person ability estimates from the three sections of the WPT. A

path diagram of the results is presented in Figure 68 (without correction for

attenuation). 46 This figure shows that knowledge of word part forms (β = .26) and

meanings (β = .28) significantly contributes to vocabulary size, whereas use knowledge

does not. This may be because the VST measures the form-meaning relationships of

words and does not focus on grammatical function. A combination of the three aspects

of word part knowledge accounted for about a quarter of the variability of vocabulary

size (R2=.27). Given that vocabulary size is affected by many other factors such as the

skill of guessing from context and general language proficiency, this coefficient of
No serious sign of multi-collinearity was detected. The variance inflation factor (VIF) was 1.53
for the form section, 1.87 for the meaning section, and 1.71 for the use section, which are well below
10 which is generally taken as the threshold for multi-collinearity.

Form .26*
.56* R2=.27*
.50* Meaning Vocabulary size


*p<.05. n.s.=not significant

Figure 68. Relationships between the three aspects of word part

knowledge and vocabulary size

determination may be considered high. Another point to be made with Figure 68 is that

knowledge of affix forms had a significant contribution to vocabulary size. This

indicates the importance of measuring the form aspect which was not examined in

previous studies (Mochizuki & Aizawa, 2000; Schmitt & Meara, 1997). Taken together,

the results showed that word part knowledge was related to vocabulary size, but the

relationship varied according to different aspects of word part knowledge.

Finally, future research may investigate the effects of teaching and learning tasks

on different aspects of word part knowledge. For example, learning word parts with

repetition and context may be effective, but may have different effects on word part

knowledge, given that the quality of context has a greater effect on gaining knowledge

of meaning while the number of encounters has a greater effect on gaining knowledge

of form (Webb, 2007a, 2007c, 2008).

6.4 Summary

This chapter aimed to validate the WPT so that it would be widely available to

researchers, teachers, and learners. In so doing, two main studies were conducted.

Study 1 aimed to identify poorly written items of the WPT with 417 Japanese learners

of English with a wide range of proficiency levels. Six different forms were created in a

paper-based format and were randomly distributed to the participants. Rasch analysis

identified eleven misfit items for the form section, nine for the meaning section, and

eleven for the use section. These misfit items were inspected and rewritten where

necessary. Study 2 examined the validity of the revised WPT from the eight aspects of

construct validity (content, substantive, structural, generalizability, external,

consequential, responsiveness, and interpretability) with 1,348 participants with

different L1 backgrounds. Table 87 summarises the evidence provided for the validity

argument. On the whole, both the logical argumentation and the empirical evidence

from the eight aspects indicated a high degree of validity of the WPT. It should be noted

that five items in Table 88 were unacceptable in terms of Rasch fit analysis and need

watching for future use of the test.

For future use of the WPT, two equivalent forms were created by splitting the items

into halves so that each form had a total of 118 items with the same spread of difficulty.

These new forms are useful for researchers because the effects of teaching and learning

tasks may be effectively investigated by a pre- and post-test design. In order for the

WPT to be more useful to teachers and learners, the WPLT was created by classifying

the 118 word parts into three difficulty levels. The WPLT may determine whether the

learner has mastered word parts at a particular level.

The scores obtained from the WPT are highly interpretable in the context of Rasch

measurement. For more convenient interpretations, conversion tables (see Table 79)

between raw scores and Rasch person ability estimates are provided. The scores may be

effectively reported to learners using a bar graph which presents learners’ weaknesses

visually. Taken together, it should be reasonable to conclude that the WPT is a highly

valid measure for assessing word part knowledge and useful for both research and

practical purposes.

Table 87. Summary of evidence provided for the WPT

Aspects Sub-category Evidence provided
Content 1. Content relevance Test specifications
2. Representativeness Rasch item strata
Rasch person-item map
3. Technical quality Rasch item fit analysis

Substantive Test of difficulty hypotheses

Rasch person fit analysis

Structural Dimensionality analysis

Generalizability 1. Item calibration DIF analysis for gender, L1, and test
invariance order
2. Person measure DPF analysis for affix types (prefixes
invariance vs. suffixes)
3. Reliability Rasch person separation and reliability
Rasch item separation and reliability
4. Invariance across Comparison between person ability
administrative estimates from paper- and web-based
contexts format

External Correlation with vocabulary size (as

measured by the VST) and general
language proficiency (as measured by

Consequential Analysis of sources of invalidity

Item bias

Responsiveness Person-item map (ceiling effects)

Person strata

Interpretability Person-item map

Conversion of raw scores and Rasch
person ability estimates

Table 88. Misfit items in Study 2
Section Item
Form -th
Meaning -ling
Use -ly (adjective)
a- (adverb)



This chapter reviews the research presented in this thesis, and discusses pedagogical

implications and directions for future research.

7.1 Review of the Research

The purpose of the present thesis was to create diagnostic tests of English vocabulary

learning proficiency (tests measuring how proficiently words are learned). Among the

various types of knowledge and strategies that may facilitate vocabulary learning, this

thesis focused on the skill of guessing from context and knowledge of word parts

because they are teachable and are used most frequently when learners deal with

unknown words (Baumann et al., 2002; de Bot, et al., 1997; Mori, 2002; Mori & Nagy,

1999; Paribakht & Wesche, 1999). In this thesis, a successful attempt was made to

create and validate a guessing from context test (GCT) and a word part test (WPT). The

most important feature of these two tests was that each of the tests measured multiple

aspects of the construct in order to provide learners with diagnostic information on their

weaknesses in vocabulary learning. Another important feature was that the tests were

easy to complete and grade because they were written in a multiple-choice format. This

would allow learners to receive prompt feedback on their weaknesses.

The GCT was designed to measure knowledge of three aspects of guessing from

context (identifying the part of speech of the unknown word, identifying the contextual

clue, and deriving meaning) based on previous studies of the strategies for guessing

from context (Bruton & Samuda, 1981; Clarke & Nation, 1980; Williams, 1985). It

consisted of three sections (part of speech, contextual clue, and meaning) measuring

each of the three aspects. The test words to be guessed were randomly selected from

low-frequency words (words listed between the 11th and 14th 1,000 word families in

the BNC word lists) and were replaced by nonsense words. Each test word was

embedded in a context that consisted of between 50 and 60 high-frequency words

(words that were listed in the first 1,000 word families in the BNC word lists or words

that were likely to be known to learners at a beginner level based on a series of pilot

studies). The three aspects of guessing from context were measured separately in three

sections. The first section was to choose the correct part of speech of the test word from

a set of four options (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb). The second section was to

choose the word or phrase that was most helpful in determining the meaning of the test

word from three options. The last section was to choose the closest meaning of the test


A total of 60 items were created for the GCT and the quality of these items was

examined through data from 428 Japanese learners of English with a wide range of

proficiency levels. Rasch analysis revealed that eleven of the 60 items would be

unacceptable and these eleven items were excluded from the GCT. The validity of the

GCT with the 49 acceptable items was evaluated from eight aspects of construct validity

(content, substantial, structural, generalizability, external, consequential, responsiveness,

and interpretability) (Medical Outcomes Trust Scientific Advisory Committee, 1995;

Messick, 1989, 1995). The results indicated that (1) the items were relevant to and

representative of the construct being measured and showed good fit to the Rasch model;

(2) the item difficulties and person abilities were generally consistent with a priori

hypotheses; (3) the items showed a high degree of unidimensionality; (4) item difficulty

and person ability estimates were acceptably stable in terms of gender, L1, test order,

internal consistency, and test length; (5) the scores from the GCT significantly

correlated with those from a productive version of the GCT where the test-takers wrote

answers instead of choosing answers from a set of options (ρ=.77-.91) and self-reported

TOEIC scores (r=.24-.46); (6) item bias (different item difficulties across groups of test-

takers) was not observed; (7) the GCT was able to distinguish two statistically different

levels (the average Rasch person strata of larger than 2); and (8) the scores were highly

interpretable with Rasch person-item maps and conversion tables between raw scores

and Rasch person ability estimates. Taken as a whole, the GCT is a highly valid and

reliable measure of the skill of guessing from context. The results also indicated that 20

items would be needed for achieving the minimum person strata estimate of 2. Two new

equivalent forms each with 20 items were created in order to allow a pre- and post-test

design where researchers and teachers can investigate learners’ development of the skill

of guessing from context. The GCT is also of great practical use because it diagnoses

where learners find difficulty in guessing from context. Some may improve their

guessing skill by gaining knowledge of part of speech, while others may do so by

learning various types of contextual clues. Diagnostic feedback may be provided

effectively using a bar graph where learners can visually recognise their weaknesses.

The WPT was designed to measure knowledge of three aspects of word part

knowledge (recognising written forms of word parts, recognising meanings of word

parts, and recognising syntactic properties that word parts have) based on previous

studies of what is involved in knowing affixes (Bauer & Nation, 1993; Nation, 2001;

Tyler & Nagy, 1989). A word part was defined as a bound morph that attaches to a free

morph. The WPT measured 118 word parts that appeared in more than one word in the

first 10,000 word families in the BNC word lists. It consisted of three sections (form,

meaning, and use) measuring each of the three aspects of word part knowledge. For the

form section, test-takers must choose the correct word part form from four options with

three distractors which were real but meaningless sequences of letters in English

(e.g., -ique in technique). The meaning section required test-takers to choose the correct

meaning of the word parts from four options. For the use section, test-takers must

choose the part of speech that the word part makes from four options (noun, verb,

adjective, and adverb). The meaning and the use sections presented two example words

for each item in case one is unknown. The example words were the most frequent,

semantically transparent, and regularly connected words to maximise the likelihood that

they would be known to test-takers.

The quality of the WPT was examined in two studies. Study 1 was conducted with

417 Japanese learners of English with a wide range of proficiency levels in order to

identify poorly written items. Rasch analysis detected eleven misfit items for the form

section, nine for the meaning section, and eleven for the use section. These misfit items

were inspected and rewritten where necessary. Study 2 evaluated the validity of the

revised WPT from the eight aspects of construct validity (content, substantive, structural,

generalizability, external, consequential, responsiveness, and interpretability) with 1,348

participants with different L1 backgrounds. The results indicated that (1) the items were

relevant to and representative of the construct being measured and showed good fit to

the Rasch model; (2) the item difficulties and person abilities were generally consistent

with a priori hypotheses; (3) the items were acceptably unidimensional; (4) item

difficulty and person ability estimates were acceptably stable in terms of gender, L1, test

order, affix types (prefix vs. suffix), internal consistency, and test format (paper- vs.

web-based); (5) the scores from the WPT significantly correlated with those from the

VST (r=.38-.47) and self-reported TOEIC scores (r=.33-.43); (6) item bias was not

observed; (7) the WPT was able to distinguish two statistically different levels; and (8)

the scores were highly interpretable with Rasch person-item maps and conversion tables

between raw scores and Rasch person ability estimates. Taken as a whole, the WPT is a

highly valid and reliable measure of word part knowledge. Two new equivalent forms of

the WPT were created by splitting the 118 word parts into halves in order to allow a pre-

and post-test design. For more practical use of the test, the Word Part Levels Test

(WPLT) was created by classifying the 118 word parts into three different levels of

difficulty. This allows teachers to quickly examine whether their students need to work

on easy or difficult word parts and which aspects of word part knowledge need to be

learned. As with the GCT, diagnostic feedback may be provided effectively by using a

bar graph where learners can visually recognise their weaknesses.

7.2 Limitations

The GCT and the WPT are not perfect tools for measuring the skill of guessing from

context and knowledge of word parts. The GCT measures knowledge of three aspects of

guessing from context (grammatical knowledge, discourse knowledge, and deriving

meaning). However, as previous studies (de Bot, et al., 1997; Haastrup, 1985, 1991;

Nassaji, 2003) argue, other types of knowledge such as world knowledge and L1

knowledge may affect the success in guessing. These types of knowledge are not

measured in the GCT because they are not teachable and available in every context, but

measuring these types of knowledge may be necessary for a more comprehensive test of

guessing from context.

The WPT measures three aspects of word part knowledge (recognition of word part

forms, knowledge of word part meaning, and knowledge of word part use). However,

knowledge of word parts may involve other aspects such as knowing the changes of

word forms that occur when an affix is attached (e.g., attaching the affix -ness to the

word happy causes a change in spelling and the word happiness results) and knowing

which word classes certain affixes can take (e.g., repeatise is impossible because the

affix -ise cannot attach to a verb) (Bauer & Nation, 1993; Nation, 2001). These aspects

of word part knowledge are not measured in the WPT because the present research

focused on receptive rather than productive knowledge of word parts. However,

measuring productive knowledge may also be important because learners may have

limited ability to produce appropriate derivatives (Schmitt & Zimmerman, 2002).

This thesis has provided initial evidence for the validity of the GCT and the WPT.

Although the results generally indicate that these two tests are valid and reliable, further

research is still needed for investigating the validity of the tests. The GCT was validated

with Japanese learners of English and future research may evaluate its validity with

learners with other L1 backgrounds. It was also validated using a paper-based format

and future research may use a computer-based format which may effectively

counterbalance practice and fatigue effects by randomising the order of the items and

control learners’ test-taking strategies such as going back to previous sections to change

their answers.

The WPT was validated in two studies with learners with a wide variety of L1

backgrounds and with both paper- and computer-based formats. Based on Study 1 poor

items were rewritten, but Study 2 indicated that five items were unacceptable in terms

of Rasch fit analysis. Research is needed to further examine the quality of these items.

7.3 Suggestions for Future Research

The GCT and the WPT may make a number of future studies possible. First, the effects

of teaching may be investigated with the GCT and the WPT. Previous studies on

guessing from context (Fukkink & de Glopper, 1998; Kuhn & Stahl, 1998; Walters,

2006) generally indicate that teaching may result in improvement of the skill of

guessing, but are not consistent with the relative efficacy of teaching methods. One of

the reasons for this inconsistency may be that only one aspect of guessing (deriving the

meaning of an unknown word) was measured. The GCT measures three aspects of

guessing, and thus can examine what teaching methods contribute to improving each

aspect of guessing. Teaching a variety of contextual clues might be effective because

learners may increase discourse knowledge which contributes to improvement of

guessing skill. Teaching a general strategy (Bruton & Samuda, 1981; Clarke & Nation,

1980; Williams, 1985) might also be effective because learners may become aware that

integrating grammar information (part of speech of an unknown word) and discourse

information (contextual clues) is important. Cloze exercises might be effective because

they provide learners with the opportunity to do a lot of guessing, but might be effective

only when learners know the majority of words in the context so that the target words

may be guessable. Research might make it possible to identify where learners find

difficulty and choose the appropriate teaching method that is most effective to improve

their weaknesses.

The WPT will make it possible to investigate the effects of teaching on word part

knowledge. A number of studies have been conducted with L1 children (Baumann, et al.,

2002; Nagy, et al., 1993; Tyler & Nagy, 1989; White, Power, & White, 1989) indicating

that teaching has an effect on knowledge of word parts. However, few attempts have

been made to investigate the effects of teaching in the field of L2 acquisition. The WPT

may contribute to determining the relative efficacy of teaching methods. Knowledge of

word part form and meaning might effectively be gained by providing some example

words with a particular affix rather than simply providing the relationships between

affix form and meaning, because affixes do not exist on their own. Knowledge of word

part use might be effectively gained when learners encounter sentences that include a

word with a particular affix rather than encountering only an example word that

includes the affix, because providing a sentence does not require learners to use

metacognitive knowledge about part of speech.

Second, future research may also investigate the interrelationships among

vocabulary size, word part knowledge, and guessing from context. This thesis has

shown that knowledge of word parts is closely related to vocabulary size, but the

relationship between the skill of guessing from context and vocabulary size remains to

be investigated. Vocabulary size might be highly related to the guessing skill, because

larger vocabulary size would allow learners to better comprehend the context and derive

the meanings of unknown words more successfully which in turn provides learners with

a greater chance of learning the meanings of unknown words. The combined effect of

the guessing skill and word part knowledge on vocabulary size also remains to be

investigated. It has been argued that guessing from context and word part knowledge

play an important role in vocabulary learning, but little is known about the extent to

which each of them contributes to vocabulary size. This may be effectively investigated

using the WPT and the GCT.

Third, the relationship between reading comprehension and word part knowledge

may also be investigated. Positive evidence indicating a close relationship between

them is well documented in L1 studies (Berninger, et al., 2010; Carlisle, 2000; Kuo &

Anderson, 2006; Mahony, Singson, & Mann, 2000; Mahony, 1994; Nagy, et al., 2006;

Singson, Mahony, & Mann, 2000; Tyler & Nagy, 1989). These studies indicate that

word part knowledge contributes to the decoding of morphologically complex words

and thus contributes to the development of reading comprehension. Research also

indicates that word part knowledge is an increasingly important predictor of reading

comprehension as children grow older. However, very few attempts have been made to

investigate the relationship between reading comprehension and word part knowledge

in the field of L2 acquisition. Qian (1999) found a significant correlation between the

two (r=.64), but no significant contribution to reading comprehension was found in the

regression model with the independent variables being vocabulary size, word

association knowledge, and word part knowledge. As the WPT measures three aspects

of word part knowledge, it may allow a more comprehensive approach towards

examining the relationship between reading comprehension and word part knowledge.

Finally, creating standardised tests measuring other aspects of VLP such as the skill

of dictionary use and phonological knowledge may be useful both for research and

education. Future research might indicate that some aspects of VLP are more important

to a group of learners with a particular level than others. Having a variety of VLP tests

may be useful to teachers because they can diagnose their learners’ weaknesses and

indicate how they can become a more successful vocabulary learner.

7.4 Implications for Learning and Teaching

The GCT and the WPT may be of great practical use to teachers and learners because

they clearly indicate learners’ weaknesses in the skill of guessing from context and word

part knowledge. Chapters 4 and 6 individually discussed ways in which the scores from

the GCT and the WPT might be interpreted and reported to learners.

These two tests may also raise learners’ awareness of vocabulary learning

strategies. By taking the GCT, learners may become aware that guessing may be

facilitated with knowledge of part of speech and contextual clues. By taking the WPT,

learners may become aware that knowing a word part involves knowing its form,

meaning, and use. Word part forms are worth explicit attention because L2 learners

often have trouble with word forms especially when words share similar forms

(Bensoussan & Laufer, 1984; Laufer, 1988). Some word parts have similar written

forms such as be-/de- and -ess/-ness. Knowledge of word part meaning needs to be

gained given that the first step in vocabulary learning is to establish form-meaning

relationships (e.g., Nation, 2001; Schmitt, 2008). Knowledge of word part use is also

important because some word parts (e.g., -ness in kindness) have the function of

changing the part of speech of word stems but have hardly any substantial meaning in

which case establishing a form-use link may be more practical than a form-meaning link.

In order to derive more accurate meanings of unknown words in authentic

language use, it should be important to integrate the two sources of information

(information from context and word parts) instead of relying too heavily on either of

them. The use of the GCT and the WPT may raise learners’ awareness of the importance

of both types of information when dealing with unknown words. This is practically

important because previous studies (Mori, 2002; Paribakht & Wesche, 1999; Parry,

1997) indicate that learners use different strategies when approaching unknown words:

some learners may prefer to deal with unknown words analytically without relying on

the information in the context, while others may try to guess the meanings of unknown

words based on the information within the context rather than the information within the

word elements. Contextual clues alone are not reliable for deriving the accurate

meanings of unknown words because context does not always provide enough

information to guess meanings (Beck, et al., 1983; Schatz & Baldwin, 1986). An

analysis of word parts alone is not entirely reliable either because it is sometimes

misleading; for example, mother is not made from moth and -er. Taken together, the

GCT and the WPT are useful in raising learners’ awareness of effective strategies for

vocabulary learning as well as diagnosing their weaknesses in vocabulary learning.

The GCT and the WPT may also serve as achievement tests. As both tests have two

equivalent forms, one form may be used for identifying learners’ weaknesses prior to

the instruction. Based on the test results, teachers may help learners to improve their

learners’ weaknesses through particular teaching methods or learning activities. After

the instruction, the other form may be administered to their learners in order to see

whether they have improved the skill of guessing or knowledge of word parts. The

information from the second form is useful to teachers for making decisions regarding

whether or not they can move on to the next unit of instruction. It is also useful to

teachers for making decisions regarding appropriate modifications in their teaching

methods or learning activities.

Currently, the GCT and the WPT are available only in a paper-based format. This

will allow teachers to administer the tests without any special equipment in the

classroom such as computers and the Internet. The tests might be more useful if they

were written in a web-based format so that learners can take the tests at any time and

can receive prompt feedback on their scores. Such online tests might allow teachers to

add their own question items such as student ID and a class name so that teachers can

identify their learners’ scores. Another function might be that when the tests are

completed the scores are automatically calculated and are reported to learners using a

bar graph which would clearly indicate their weaknesses. Online tests might also have

the function of recording the response time for each item so that teachers could identify

learners who took the tests without thinking carefully (too short response time) or those

who relied on external resources such as a dictionary (too long response time).

7.5 Concluding Remarks

The purpose of this thesis has been to create and validate tests of VLP. Previous studies

have created and validated a number of vocabulary tests which typically focus on how

many words are known or how well a word is known (Beglar, 2010; Beglar & Hunt,

1999; Nation, 1983, 1990, 2006; Nation & Beglar, 2007; Read, 1993, 1998; Schmitt, et

al., 2001). These tests are of theoretical value in investigating how different aspects of

vocabulary knowledge are interrelated and how vocabulary knowledge is related to

other language skills such as reading and listening. They also provide learners with

useful information on their current level of vocabulary knowledge and clearly indicate

how many words are needed for achieving a particular goal. However, previous

vocabulary tests do not indicate how learners can become a good vocabulary learner.

This thesis has been one of the first attempts to create such tests. Since teachers have no

time to teach low-frequency words in class, it is important to help learners become

proficient in vocabulary learning strategies so that they can effectively continue with

vocabulary learning on their own. The GCT and the WPT are expected to be useful tools

for improving learners’ VLP.


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Appendix A. Test words, nonsense words, part of speech, context clues and place
Item Test word Nonsense word PoS Discouse clue Place
1 ostensibly secomantly Adv Contrast/comparison Inside
2 damsel tanave Noun Contrast/comparison Inside
3 abseil drunge Verb Contrast/comparison Inside
4 dispensable fedensable Adj Contrast/comparison Outside
5 homicide hurblige Noun Contrast/comparison Outside
6 preen climp Verb Synonym Inside
7 blemish widonce Noun Synonym Inside
8 annotate ceredate Verb Synonym Inside
9 thicket burtint Noun Synonym Outside
10 abscond(ed) turmilted Verb Synonym Outside
11 conjecture melabosure Noun Direct description Inside
12 hutch rotep Noun Direct description Inside
13 abound vanink Verb Direct description Inside
14 scant debin Adj Direct description Outside
15 disparate tengerate Adj Direct description Outside
16 enigma botile Noun Appositive Inside
17 mutable nogable Adj Appositive Inside
18 impassively monsitively Adv Appositive Inside
19 indolent serident Adj Appositive Inside
20 amnesia tarrand Noun Appositive Inside
21 gabble(d) blurged Verb Indirect description Inside
22 zenith liatom Noun Indirect description Inside
23 platter crannel Noun Indirect description Inside
24 tremor vansel Noun Indirect description Outside
25 rumple(d) ceacled Verb Indirect description Outside
26 twirl gorel Noun Cause/effect Inside
27 languish(ed) blonounded Verb Cause/effect Inside
28 preponderance mordontance Noun Cause/effect Inside
29 morosely ronditely Adv Cause/effect Outside
30 ophthalmic strocastic Adj Cause/effect Outside
31 loll(ed) bloyed Verb Restatement Outside
32 rundown sharrel Noun Restatement Outside
33 clandestine devertine Adj Restatement Outside
34 feign(ed) smanted Verb Restatement Outside
35 cacophony strantony Noun Restatement Outside
36 connoisseur candintock Noun Modification Inside
37 refectory bempurstory Noun Modification Inside
38 torpor tarint Noun Modification Inside
39 propulsion contression Noun Modification Inside
40 aperture gosposure Noun Modification Inside
41 scion nadge Noun Reference Inside
42 appease drumple Verb Reference Inside
43 facile fentile Adj Reference Inside
44 trilby rotice Noun Reference Outside
45 stagnant rubidant Adj Reference Outside
46 extricate densodate Verb Words in series Inside

Item Test word Nonsense word PoS Discouse clue Place
47 astern ascrice Adv Words in series Inside
48 ravenously ferduously Adv Words in series Inside
49 jocular dacular Adj Words in series Inside
50 disembark(ed) diffuntled Verb Words in series Inside
51 conundrum scanegeon Noun Association Inside
52 seabed roocle Noun Association Inside
53 avert(ed) chonked Verb Association Inside
54 encase(d) wincled Verb Association Inside
55 singe(d) famped Verb Association Inside
56 autopsy sparbon Noun Example Inside
57 beverage(s) duterages Noun Example Inside
58 anaesthesia delincert Noun Example Inside
59 orthographically decontanically Adv Example Outside
60 venerate(d) mericated Verb Example Outside

Appendix B. List of affixes
No. Affix M U No. Affix M U No. Affix M U
1 a- (toward) ✔ ✔ 41 un- ✔ 81 -i ✔
2 a- (not) ✔ 42 uni- ✔ 82 -ian ✔
3 ab- ✔ 43 -able ✔ ✔ 83 -ible ✔ ✔
4 anti- ✔ 44 -age ✔ 84 -ic ✔
5 arch- ✔ 45 -al (a) ✔ 85 -ify ✔
6 auto- ✔ 46 -al (n) ✔ 86 -ion ✔
7 be- ✔ 47 -an ✔ 87 -ise ✔
8 bi- ✔ 48 -ance ✔ 88 -ish ✔
9 circum- ✔ 49 -ancy ✔ 89 -ism ✔
10 co- ✔ 50 -ant (a) ✔ 90 -ist ✔
11 counter- ✔ 51 -ant (n) ✔ ✔ 91 -ite ✔
12 de- ✔ 52 -ar ✔ 92 -ition ✔
13 dis- ✔ 53 -ary (a) ✔ 93 -ity ✔
14 em- ✔ 54 -ary (n) ✔ ✔ 94 -ive ✔
15 en- ✔ 55 -ate (a) ✔ 95 -ize ✔
16 ex- ✔ 56 -ate (v) ✔ 96 -less ✔ ✔
17 fore- ✔ 57 -atic ✔ 97 -let ✔
18 hyper- ✔ 58 -ation ✔ 98 -ling ✔
19 il- ✔ 59 -atory ✔ 99 -ly (a) ✔
20 im- ✔ 60 -cy ✔ 100 -ly (adv) ✔
21 in- ✔ 61 -dom ✔ 101 -ment ✔
22 inter- ✔ 62 -ee ✔ ✔ 102 -most ✔
23 ir- ✔ 63 -eer ✔ 103 -ness ✔
24 mal- ✔ 64 -en (a) ✔ ✔ 104 -or ✔ ✔
25 micro- ✔ 65 -en (v) ✔ 105 -ory ✔
26 mid- ✔ 66 -ence ✔ 106 -ous ✔
27 mis- ✔ 67 -ency ✔ 107 -ship ✔
28 mono- ✔ 68 -ent (a) ✔ 108 -some ✔
29 multi- ✔ 69 -ent (n) ✔ ✔ 109 -ster ✔
30 neo- ✔ 70 -er ✔ ✔ 110 -th (n) ✔
31 non- ✔ 71 -ery ✔ 111 -th (ordinal) ✔
32 post- ✔ 72 -ese ✔ 112 -ty ✔
33 pre- ✔ 73 -esque ✔ 113 -ure ✔
34 pro- ✔ 74 -ess ✔ 114 -ward ✔ ✔
35 re- ✔ 75 -et ✔ 115 -ways ✔ ✔
36 semi- ✔ 76 -ette ✔ 116 -wise ✔ ✔
37 sub- ✔ 77 -fold ✔ 117 -y (a) ✔
38 super- ✔ 78 -ful (a) ✔ 118 -y (n) ✔
39 sur- ✔ 79 -ful (n) ✔
40 trans- ✔ 80 -hood ✔
Note: The form section measures all affixes. “M” = meaning section, “U” = use section.

Appendix C. Affixes not included in the WPT
Study Affixes
Bock (1948) Prefixes: ad- (adjoin), ambi- (ambiguous), ante- (antenatal), bene-
(benefaction), com- (combine), contra- (contradict), equi-
(equidistance), ex- (export), extra- (extraordinary), in- (include),
intra- (intramural), juxta- (juxtapose), ob- (obstruct), per-
(percolate), quadra- (quadrangle), retro- (retrospect), satis-
(satisfy), sine- (?), subter- (subterfuge), ultra- (ultraviolet), vari-
(variometer), vice- (vice-president).
Suffixes: -ade (lemonade), -ain (?), -arian (librarian), -arium
(aquarium), -e (?), -esy (?), -fic/-fice (specific), -fix (?), -ice/-ix
(justice), -icle (article), -ide (chloride),-ile (percentile), -ine
(heroine), -late (?), -mony (ceremony), -orium (auditorium), -tine
(?), -tude (magnitude), -ule (module), -uscle (?).
Bauer & Nation ante- (antenatal).
Carroll (1940) Prefixes: ad-, com-, con-, di-, dia-, ex-, e-, extra-, in- (into), im-, per-
Suffixes: -er (comparative), -tude.
Freyd & Baron -ed (disordered), -itude (servitude).
Mochizuki Prefixes: ambi- (ambidextrous), ana- (anachronism), com-
(1998) (combine), contra- (contradict), extra- (extracurricular), over-
(overwork), under- (understatement).
Suffixes: -ed (red-headed).
Mochizuki & ex- (export).
Aizawa (2000)
Nation (2001) ad- (advert), ante- (antenatal), com- (combine), ex- (exclude), in-
(include), ob- (obstruct), per- (percolate), pro- (proceed).
Schmitt & -ed (agreed), -ing (agreeing), -s (agrees).
Meara (1997)
Stauffer (1942) ad- (admit), ambi- (ambiguous), amphi- (amphibian), an- (anarch),
ana- (anatomy), ante- (antedote), apo- (apostasy), bene-
(benefactor), cata- (catalog), com- (commemorate), contra-
(contradict), di- (dilemma), dia- (diagnose), dys- (dysentery), ec-
(eccentric), enter- (enterprise), epi- (epigram), equi- (equidistant),
ex- (exaggerate), extra- (extraordinary), for- (forbid), hemi-
(hemisphere), hypo- (hypothenuse), in- (incarnate), meta-
(metamorphosis), ob- (obstacle), off- (offset), para- (paraphrase),
per- (percolate), peri- (periphery), poly- (polysyllable), pro-
(proceed), retro- (retrospect), se- (secede), syn- (syncopate), tri-
Tyler and Nagy -like (childlike), -s (books).
Wysocki & -ing.
Jenkins (1987)


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